#anyways hope you likey
starrysharks · 4 months
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comparison with the original from last year:
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michaels-reality · 11 months
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IT WAS SO IMPORTANT I FINISH THIS DAY AAAAAA!!! Mostly a Bea and Dip piece (the only ones that are decidedly caribbean 😵) but the other Job hunt cunts are there to share food with them :) I don't usually draw food so if I drew any of this weird I'M SORRY!!!! But yeah :) i wanted to share a bit of culture
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imgdreaming · 5 months
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"why so hyper ?" -the fixater
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FIRST OFF sorry for god awful quality i LOVE drawing small but besides that here are a couple notes uh really just on harvey beacuse im menatllly ill about him
originally the ribbon was bandages with blood to make parts look red but i realized
a. it doesnt look the best and b. bro would have to be on a RAMPAGE to keep the tie part of the bandage red like i wanted which uhm very obviously he would NOT do
and on that note yeah ribbon mimicks his tie round his neck this also applies to elliot with the pearls
tried to do a bit more with harvey like give him cloud patterns but was never satisfied and then i was like oh yeah maybe less is more and i was right lol
the green part on his back was originally like APART of him but i guess it could also be moss which is cute i really like the idea no matter what bro is WEARING a COAT + ofc the little slug mustache :3
also thanks tumblr user randomgods for the little tut on their scug shine it looks really nice and it gave me what i wanted w/ elliot sooo tahnk youuu go check his art NEOW !!!!!!!!!
i did this instead of homework EEEEERRREMMMM its also the first thingive like rendered in a bit i think erm
i loovveee rain world :CHEESING:
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bloody-arty-myths · 24 days
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Art Dump go brr
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HELLOOOO i finally finished the follow-up to my last fic! so here it is 🤭 something i very very much enjoyed writing, and i hope you enjoy reading!!
perfume (a sequel to this, featuring kink!i/nej & a very allergic k/az)
Inej watches the rise and fall of Kaz’s chest as he slumps back in his chair, winded. His hair falls over his face now, the dark strands gorgeously out of place, his eyes are half-lidded and glassy, and his nose is flushed a deep pink - but she’s not done with him just yet. She knows she can unravel him even further than she already has, and what excites her more is that all it will take is a spritz of perfume to practically destroy him. 
“You know what? I’ll be right back,” she says to him with a mischievous quirk of her lips. A note of confused panic seeps into Kaz’s watery gaze. “Don’t look so scared, Kaz,” she laughs, “It’s nothing you haven’t dealt with before.”
She winks and leaves for her room once again. Inej knows exactly what she’s looking for - a delicate glass bottle of a strongly floral-scented perfume - so dainty yet so, so powerful. She’s only witnessed its effects on Kaz once before: she’d tried some on one evening, despite perfumes not really being her thing, and even with her having never been in close proximity to him, Kaz had repeatedly dissolved into seemingly neverending fits of uncontrollably harsh sneezes. Torture for him, but quite the opposite for her. A burst of adrenaline rushes through Inej as her hand closes around the bottle, and she has to suppress a giddy peal of laughter as she thinks of Kaz crumbling by her hand. It’s not often you get to see the Bastard of the Barrel’s dignity fall away into smithereens before your very eyes. 
Inej returns to Kaz’s office, practically bouncing with every step, and holds up the perfume bottle. He’s knuckling harshly at his nose again, exactly as he’d done before, eyes pressed shut, brows knitted together, and the bridge of his nose wrinkled in a manner not dissimilar to that of a rabbit. She clears her throat softly to catch his attention, and the dark-haired man looks up blearily. His face falls when he sees the bottle Inej is holding. Inej’s excitement spikes - this is sure to be fun, she thinks.
Kaz sighs. “Haven’t you tortured me enough?”
“Not at all,” replies Inej, giving him a smirk. “But, of course, if it gets too much or if you get uncomfortable, or anything, just let me know and we’ll stop, okay?” she adds.
“I’m sure I’ll be alright,” he says, “There’s only so many times a person can sneeze.”
We’ll see about that, Inej thinks, smug. She approaches him and returns to her position seated atop his desk. Kaz drags a gloved finger underneath his nose, back and forth, for a moment, almost as though to brace himself for what’s coming. The way it moves beneath his touch is mesmerising to Inej; the crinkles that appear, the to and fro push of the soft appendage, the nearly imperceptible twitch of his pink nostrils. She almost can’t take her eyes away, however Kaz’s voice pulls her from her trance.
“...Inej?” he says, lifting an eyebrow. 
“Ah. Sorry.” She meets his eyes and takes this opportunity to uncap the perfume. Something between pride and power rises in her as Kaz’s expression changes quickly from sceptical to rather wary. This tells Inej that they are both well aware how this is going to end.
“Ready?” she asks once more. Kaz nods without a word. His shoulders are tense and his eyes follow the bottle of perfume as if he’s scared it’ll attack him - it’s almost laughable. Inej spritzes the perfume, once, twice, thrice, about Kaz and watches his gaze follow the mist of droplets as they descend slowly. She wonders how long it will be for him to–
Ah. Almost instantly, Kaz hitches sharply, the back of his hand raised up to his face. 
“So soon?” Inej teases. “I thought you’d last longer than that.” She’s sure that under any other circumstance he would have given her the infamous Dirtyhands murder-glare, but judging by his welled-up eyes and quickly reddening nose, he’s a little too preoccupied for that. His breath hitches again, a sharp inhale that flares his nostrils and tells Inej that he’s got no chance of holding back the sneezes that are on the brink of eruption. And, sure enough, Kaz’s eyes slide shut and he tilts his head back, drawing in an immense breath– 
–before pitching forward with a fit of rather explosive sneezes, muffled haphazardly into his hastily lifted tie. 
“-eh’sSZZHH’huh! heH’KXSHHhiew! ‘kzZSHHhuh! haAH’KSCHH-kKXSHhuh! Oh, fuck, fuck– I cah-cahhn’tstop–hhH’KZZSCHHhuuh! ehh’hehH’dtSCHHhiew! ah'haAHh-haahH'sZZHHh'ih! hh'hiht'sSHHUHh! Sai-hih-nts–"
Inej stares at him, transfixed, her deep brown eyes wide and mouth very slightly agape. A soft warmth rises in her cheeks as Kaz emerges from his tie and she notices the darker patch on the fabric. It's obvious he's nowhere near done, but also evident that he won't justify dissolving into another harsh fit quite yet, judging by the way his gloved fist is pressed firmly to the underside of his nose. His breathing is unsteady; it comes in heady gasps, each threatening more sneezes. Inej wonders just how much longer he'll fight it. Every time they meet like this, she feels like she gets more and more fascinated with Kaz's expert holdbacks - it's awe-inducing, the way he pushes a determined knuckle up against his nose, the way his breaths deepen and quicken and become desperate, vocal hitches, the way his eyes nearly roll back in his head as he tries everything within his power not to–
"haAH'ZZSSCHHhiew! Shi-hht!-KXZHHhuh! hh-heHt'zZSHHh'hue!"
The first of the fit erupts from him too fast to be covered, so it leaves a fine mist hanging upon the air in front of his face. Inej's cheeks grow warmer. He swears, or, tries to, between his desperate hitching breaths, before cupping his hands over his face to catch the next onslaught of vicious sneezes.
"hhahH'iihHKSHHhiew! 'ehHSZZHh’uh! hh’hehH’KISSHHhiew! heh’kKXZZHHh!” He lifts his head, features still twitching with need, from his hands with a grimace. Inej sees the palms of his gloves, shining slick with moisture. His ever-flaring red-rimmed nostrils and upper lip glisten slightly with the same slickness, too.
“Sai-saints, ihht’s all-all-hhaah–allovermyglovesSHHh! ‘dtSCHHh-sSHHhuh! Hehh’hhaAHh–! hahH’kKSZZHHhuuh! –hiihHTSCHHHh!” Kaz tries to get a sentence in before giving in to his nose, but his breathy words end up stumbling over one another until the final syllable rises into a desperate sneeze… and after that, he simply doesn’t have the strength to keep the following explosions at bay. The perfume really seems to be doing its job - in fact, Inej had no idea its effect on Kaz would be so immense - as she watches him sneeze relentlessly against the back of his wrist. It appears he is running out of ways to catch the unending fits, especially considering how wet they’re becoming. A part of her craves the idea of him simply sneezing over his lap, as he often did when wracked with one of his terrible hay-fever fits, snapping forward with each vicious outburst until every last drop of that perfume’s scent is out of his system – but she knows he won’t do anything too humiliating. However, Inej might have hit a stroke of luck. Kaz’s fit pauses, and he tilts his head back, the want, the need for release written all over his face. As he does so, the arm he was previously sneezing against drops weakly to his lap, and he’s left hitching in utter desperation with nothing to cover his face. His heavily lidded eyes glisten with tears that cling to his dark lashes and threaten to roll down his face, and his mouth falls slightly agape as his hitching breaths rise in intensity. Rather selfishly, Inej decides he’s taking much too long, and so decides to spray the perfume again, just once, in front of his face. She’s fascinated by the instantaneous rounding of his nostrils as the perfume’s potent aroma enters Kaz’s airways, so much so that a shudder of electric excitement courses up her spine. His chest expands greatly, and with a heaving gasp, he’s finally, finally pushed forward by a set of tearing sneezes, each one stronger than the last.
“hhaAH’SCHHH! 'hhSSHHHhiew! aAH'kKZZSCHHh! –khH'HIISSHHh'uh! hhxXSHHH'hue! 'HZZHHhiew! iihH'zZSHHhuuh! –hah'haAH-sSZZHHhuh! 'iHZZHhiew! F-fuhhck–"
Kaz can hardly get a breath in between violent sneezes, and with each comes a heavy mist of spray that hangs upon the air, almost perfectly mirroring the clouds of scented droplets from each spritz of perfume. Despite his eyes being pressed tightly shut as he's practically unable to force them open between sneezes, several irritated tears manage to sneak from them and slide down his pale cheeks. His nose stands out, a flushed, angry scarlet, from those pale cheeks, and evidently it's nowhere near finished sneezing.
"heh'ihKSSHHH! 'SSHHHhiew! haAH'SZZHHhuh! ahHkKSHHh'uhh! huh-hhuUh'hiihHSHHHhiew! 'kKZZHHh!"
Kaz manages to wrench open his eyes and shifts his watery gaze to Inej, fights back the next onslaught of sneezes to choke out, "S-saints, that's so- hheh–! st-strongGKSHHhiew! hh'haAHH'ISZZHH'hue!"
He pushes his fist firmly against his nose, not eager to continue this dreadfully uncontrollable fit, and hitches rapidly against the leather of his glove.
"Kaz, Ghezen, you're so," Inej says, her voice strained, breathless, "gorgeous." She wants nothing more than to reach out and cup his face with her hand, plant gentle kisses on his terribly sensitive nose, and watch in close-up as he explodes with fits of itchy sneezes - but she knows how vulnerable he's letting himself be, even with the distance between them. Maybe one day will he allow her to hold him as he's wracked with unrelenting bouts of allergies, but for now, she's perfectly happy watching him from afar. Him unravelling himself in this manner is more than enough.
Kaz's cheeks redden at Inej's breathless words, but he still manages to force out a snarky response between hitching breaths.
"N-not while I'm suhh-sneezihhng–!"
"Especially while you're sneezing," she corrects. "Now stop holding back. You needn't be embarrassed." 
He nods slowly, breath catching in desperate gasps, nostrils twitching and flaring in such a way that Inej could become addicted to the sight of it, and lifts one hand lazily in front of his face. Though, he seems wary about letting himself sneeze again, despite having done so countless times just moments prior.
"Go on," murmurs Inej encouragingly. It seems that's all the reassurance he needs, or possibly the tickle got too much for even him to contain, for he draws in a deep gasp and shuts his eyes, ducking forward once more.
"-ehh'szZHHhiew! h-huhh'kKTSHHhuh! hhxsSHHhue! Huuhh… hhH'KSHHhuh! 'sSHHUuh! Oh, I think it-it's– haH'isSHHhue! Huh.. think it's stopping… hhah– I hope- 'ihHtsHHhiew!"
His sneezes are beginning to slow down, and they start to sound rather exhausted. Inej takes this as an opportunity to dote on him a little.
"Poor nose getting tired, hmm?" she asks softly. He nods weakly. She internally decided against spraying the perfume again, feeling that he's been adequately tormented. "Do you have a handkerchief on you?"
"Yeah. In the dr–heh'shHhiuh! …sorry. The drawer."
Inej shifts across on the desk and slides open the drawer. Quickly she finds a neatly folded burgundy handkerchief and pulls it out. She gestures subtly toward Kaz's face.
"May I?" 
She watches as Kaz gently touches the side of his finger to the underside of his nose, and grimaces as what he sees when he pulls it away. "Saints," he says, repulsion tinting his voice, "Mm. Go ahead."
Inej begins to gently clean up the thin layer of slickness beneath Kaz's pink-hued nose and just above his upper lip with the handkerchief's soft fabric. She notices the almost imperceptible catch of his breath and pulls away just slightly.
"S-sorry, I haveto–tosneezeagainnhHSHHhiew! ah-haahh'szZHh'huh!" He leans back from Inej's outstretched hand to direct a pair of much softer, tired-sounding sneezes into the back of his wrist.
Inej smiles lovingly. "That's okay," she says softly. "Any more?"
He pauses for a second. "...no, yeah, I'm okay, you can- you can carry on."
She finishes up tending to his nose with the handkerchief and leans back with a deep sigh. Kaz looks up at her warily.
"Uh… how- how was that?" he asks rather awkwardly, absently rubbing at one side of his nose with a gloved knuckle.
"Oh, Kaz, love," breathes Inej, "you were spectacular. More than anything I ever could ask for."
Kaz's cheeks turn red. "Love," he mumbles, turning the endearment over in his mind. Evidently he tries to hide his fondness for the pet name, but the corners of his mouth still lift despite his best efforts to suppress it. 
"Love," Inej repeats with a smile. She holds Kaz's gaze for a moment or two, before sighing a little and picking the perfume bottle back up from the desk beside her. Brief panic flickers in his eyes, and she laughs softly.
"Don't worry, I'm just putting it away," she says. He nods, but halfway through his eyes haze over and the need to sneeze once more. "Another?" Inej teases, watching his features slowly slacken.
"Y-yes… last one, I hope– hheh-! heh'tSHhhiew! -oh, shit-hhdtsSHH'huh! Huuhh…"
"Bless you," she says, tilting her head lovingly to one side. "Bless you at least, what? Fifty times?"
Kaz pulls a face. "Definitely not that many."
"Well, forgive me for being a little too preoccupied to count them," she replies with a playful eye-roll. He responds with a sardonic shake of his head (and a series of soft sniffles).
"Right, I've got paperwork to be getting to," Kaz says shortly. His words are ever so slightly noted with a hint of congestion.
Inej lifts her eyebrows at him. "Straight back to business, after all that?"
"Well clearly you've got other… matters to attend to," he replies, looking Inej up and down. She feels her face heat up. 
"Right," she says quickly, "then I'll leave you to it."
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arminsumi · 1 year
we've had ex geto... but what about ex gojo?
↳ GOJO さとる + fem!reader
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Note : ooo... ex gojo 🤤 hope u likey
Warnings : 🔞 minors do not read/interact : contains smut/explicit content, kinda toxic themes, some angst, baby trapping, pregnancy, dirty talk, unprotected sex + creampies, possessiveness
Playme : streets
🍒 More from Jay : Gojo works / Gojo fave works / JJK works / oct. reqs open
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Ex!Gojo makes the break up everyone's business. And of course it's you breaking up with his obnoxious, overdramatic ass. Multiple times, too. You two have broken up so many times in fact that your friends just don't take it seriously anymore when you announce "We're breaking up". That just means "We're getting back together in two weeks (lol)."
Ex!Gojo pulls the "I can't find anyone like you" and the "Aw, don't be like that, baby" cards on you.
Ex!Gojo claims to be your favorite ex. Yeah you hate him... buuut he's still your favorite... right? Right? He'll nag you to admit it. It makes his heart flutter and ego swell bigger than his head.
Ex!Gojo is a menace, always deterring your potential new lovers and declining dates on your behalf. He gives you a stupid excuse with that cheeky smirk, "What? It's not like they could love you better than me, anyways. I'm the best. Don't waste your time. Just come back to me, yeah? You know my arms are still open to you."
Ex!Gojo doesn't act like an ex at all. He still kisses you. Still hugs you. Invites you for every party. Visits your apartment at 2 AM when he's drunk and rambles to you about all the crazy things he always rambled about at 2 AM. And you don't treat him like an ex because... his kisses put you in a trance. Then you realize oh, we're broken up, what the hell.
Ex!Gojo clings to your body and holds it with the same possessiveness that he always used to. He places his big hand on your hip and grips it tight, especially at parties. "Stay close to me."
Ex!Gojo taunts you during those late-night hatefucks, "You missed this fat cock fucking up your guts, huh? I know you did. Don't you fucking lie to me." while he's balls deep in you, skin slapping loudly against yours in the backseat of his car. He just kindly offered you a drive home, and then one thing led to another and you ended up on his lap having his big hands moving your hips up and down. "That's it, admit how much you missed me 'n bounce on this cock, baby. Admit it."
Ex!Gojo fucks you harder when he's your ex, making sure you're super full and stuffed with his cock. He loves molding your tiny hole to accommodate his shape, hitting your sweet spots with mean pounding thrusts until you scream those three little words for him. "I miss you!" he smiles when he hears this, presses his forehead to yours and coos while cumming inside, "Missed you too, baby. Missed this pussy. You know it's m-mine forever, don't you? No one can fuck you better than I can..." and it's true, no one knows the map of your sweet spots and erogenous zones better than he does. He's masterful at pleasuring you.
Ex!Gojo cums inside you more than he did while you two were dating. Who knows why. Seems like his animalistic, primal brain kicked in and he thought well if I put a baby in you... you'll have a piece of me forever. You'll have to come back to me. And his seed is potent. You bet you're getting pregnant. He has the wolfiest smile when you bitterly show him the pregnancy test. "Ooh, baby I'm so proud of that little pussy for getting pregnant. Let's have a celebratory fuck."
Ex!Gojo knows that no matter where you go, he'll always find you. His high school sweetheart. His five year girlfriend. The mother of his child. The only woman that's ever had such a strong hold on him. The only one he's ever been weakened by.
Ex!Gojo cries sometimes after creaming up inside your pussy, "Please come back... I miss you so bad..." and starts sobbing like a puppy into the crook of your neck when you run your fingers through his snowy hair.
Ex!Gojo feels his broken heart get pieced back together when you finally return to him. And just like that, he slots half his soul into yours. "Baby... you're the best thing this world ever gave me. Just let me marry you, please..."
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© arminsumi
Do not plagiarize / repost / translate / copy layouts / etc.
Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Slashers with y/n that just gets along with everything
Like slasher could litteraly kill somone near y/n and she would be like alr alr whats really important is that you are happy🤠😎. Im sorry that first 2character had super long headcanons while last ones have way less :( I had no ideas Request open!
Billy Lenz
He always expects some sort of negative response when he calls people and when he heard new voice on the Phone he got even more exited cuz new person new reaction! He totally didnt expect her to just go "yeah yeah sure buddy, anyways... how is your day man? Cuz im so so tired...*starts normal converstation*
He probably tries to stay in character but he is so caught of Guard he doesnt know how to react really (hehe the table has turn)
Now he kinda hopes that she will pick up cuz shes very intresting😈 billy likey
"Ew its this creep again! He is asking for you y/n? Of please dont tell me you befriended him??" "So what? He said hes favourite fruit is strawberry he cant be that bad!" *billy saying slurs on the phone*
You need to constantly tell him that, no Billy no harrasing women isnt sexy, you arent quirky, you are mentally ill
"Y/n i killed that bitch that was gossiping about you 🧍 " "👍good for you billy im glad you found healthy way to cope with that negative emotion😇" "on god"
His whole moral compass is created around the simple question 'does it hurt y/n?' .1:no it doesnt so feel free to do it .2 do not do it, she will ban Billy from sweets (bad ending)
The man from hush
This guy. This dude. This Little gremlin. He is upset that he gets no reaction! Like please oh please act all angy when he 'acidently' shot tire in her car! But oh no ofc no, she had to be like "oh its okay honey i have backup in garage🥰" hes like HHUH SINCE WHEN WE HAVE GARAGE
Like tbh thats how i imagine how they met: he saw her, he wanted to hunt her, she was so chill that she didnt even leave her household while the power was off and he went inside and just saw her having lil nap on couch. 🧍🤨erm exuse me gurl im trying to roleplay epic hunter here tf
He probably kidnaped her cuz she was too weird to just kill her but he didnt want to risk her calling police. He probably tied her up and yeeted her on backseats. And then she begun judging music on the radio"yo big guy can i get some good music taste?" "What? Whats wrong with Taylor Swift?"
He will overshare everything to kinda check where is her limit if it comes to being chill "yeah so i killed this old lady.." "im sure you had good reason🥰" "🤨... anyways... yeah so i was drinking some redbull when some guy said i look ugly so i shoot his head off and-" "HEY HEY hold up geez you CANT drink Energy drinks?? Bestie you know it is unhealthy?? Also you like hunt for sport it will ruin your condition!? How you gonna shoot people with shakey hands?? You crazy or something?" "Damn😔"
Micheal myers
I tried to put him here but i realised he will be as chill as her.
Like he can give her gifts covered in blood and she' just going to clean it and wear it like nothing happened or completley ignore it
He cares about this stuff as much as y/n so like not at all. I mean tbh theres is a bit of difrence: shes at least positive about it! Like "yeah micheal go for it, love🥰😇 i know its hard to cope with trauma take it all out alr?" Shes trying to be a good supporting gf not her fault she never had serial killer bf!
Brahms Heelshire
He lives for attention! What do you mean the war crime he commited this lunch break is okay!?!? Baby pleasee
But this negativity disapears the moment he realised he can get a lot of positive attention when he will do some nice stuff! "Oh honey I didnt kill any rats today" "oh that's amazing brahms I'm sure you and the rats inside walls will get along well soon🥰" (rats in walls bully brahms)
Please complement him or he will get a tantrum and destroy something
Brahms and rats have very hard past i might do seperate hc about that
"Look babe! My newest victim *shows photo*" "ugh baby...😰 you NEED to buy new camera or watch some youtube tutorials about how to take good photos" "aw man whats wrong with my pictures 😔"
Otherwise y/n supports his hobbies! People need to grow😇 (and he needs to grow up)
If theres 2ghostfaces(like in most movies) they will bet money on how long you gonna keep this 'do whatever as long as youre happy' act. Well they didnt know that this wasnt an act but her personality
Also they will probably try to use this chillnes aginst her like "oooh y/n something terrible happened! I crushed my car oh what will i do!" "Alr bestie i will drive you over there😇" "😈omg you are so nice i totally didnt expect that(heheh i dont need to pay for gas today (hes very evil))
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papercorgiworld · 7 months
When friends help you get the girl
A Remus Lupin love story
Remus struggles to ask you out and James tries to help. When Remus doesn't want to tell you he's a werewolf Sirius takes the blame. And Peter makes sure you spend some extra time together.
Not really a request, but I got two Remus related asks and I took that as a hint. First time writing for Remus, so I hope I did it right. Furthermore, atm I'm not working through my request chronological bc I was in the mood for a few short things, before I start on the bigger ones. Anyways, I hope you likey and per usual happy readings!
Warning: none, a bit flirty at the end
I. James intervenes
Remus was staring, no, he was ogling you as you walked in front of him and James snickers at his love struck friend. “Mate, you gotta stop staring and just talk to her.” Remus looks absolutely horrified at his friend’s advice. “Yeah, that might work for you, but I’m not doing that.” Remus argues and James chuckles. “So what’s your plan of action then? Stare at her… and hope for what?” Remus sighs. “I’m not staring… and nothing has to happen.” Remus drags his eyes away from you embarrassed at James' accusation. A mischievous smirk tugs on James’ lips as Remus’ eyes land back on you when you laugh at something Marlene says. Without Remus catching on James’ hand moves to his wand and he casts a little spell that causes a soft breeze to lift up your skirt, making you yelp and turn around. 
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You notice Remus, who’s just smiling at you like a fool, and James who’s pointing at Remus telling you he’s the culprit. You frown at Remus and only then Remus realises James is pointing at him. Remus’ face fills with panic and he takes a step towards you. “No, no, it wasn’t me.” James laughs and Remus gets even more flustered. You grab your wand and James realises it’s time for him to run, leaving you with Remus. “I know it wasn’t you. I know you.” You reassure Remus as he watches James run around a corner, but he quickly looks back at you. “You do?” Remus asks, surprised by your answer since the two of you haven’t talked a lot. You smile at Remus’ surprised look. “Yes. Some people you just know from the moment you meet them.” The beautiful and genuine smile on your lips makes Remus relax. 
Remus returns to the common room and spots a grinning James sitting next to Peter and Sirius. “So, when’s the date, mate?” Remus chuckles at his friend’s question. “No date. We just talked. She is still after you for what you did by the way.” Sirius and Peter aren’t impressed and James just looks annoyed with Remus. “I took a risk blowing her skirt like that, but I took that risk because I thought you would take your chance and ask her out.” Remus gets flustered, because now everyone’s staring at him. “Guys, I’m not asking her out.” Sirius huffs. “Lame.” Peter shakes his head in disappointment and James looks almost mad, but they decide to drop the subject.
II. Sirius takes the blame
You had your suspicions. The injuries and always after a full moon, and there was also the nickname Moony, but you were sure when you had overheard the four friends whisper about werewolves. However, when you asked subtle questions hoping Remus would tell you something he always changed the subject or denied it, lying to your face how nothing was going on.
You had been understanding up until now, but today you’d had enough. As soon as Lily told you that Remus was in the hospital wing again you marched over there. Not to say you looked angry, but people moved aside when they saw you approaching.
When you spot Remus laying in bed all bruised and cuts on his face you calm down a little, not wanting to yell at him since he’s hurt, so you decide to play it smart. Unaware of you approaching, Remus laughs at something Sirius is joking about. “Hi.” You announce yourself with a sweet voice and Remus looks up startled to see you were here again for him. You had visited him every time he had ended up there and every time he had to come up with a lame excuse. She must think I’m the clumsiest guy alive. Ugh, I’ve got to come up with a better excuse. Something tough and manly. Remus smiles. “Hi.” You take a seat on his bed and grab his hand. “Tripped and fell down the stairs again?” You ask with a concerned voice and Sirius struggles to hide a chuckle, making your eyes dart to him for a second, before focussing on Remus again. Remus swallows and scans the room searching for a good excuse, when his eyes land on Sirius. “I got in a fight with Sirius.” He suddenly blurs and Sirius looks absolutely horrified at the accusation. 
You tilt your head and raise an eyebrow. “You got in a fight… with Sirius?” Remus nods, thinking his answer has you thinking he’s a strong tough guy, but you're not impressed by his lying nor his lame excuse. “So Sirius beat you up? But now your friends again?” Your eyes move between both Gryffindors and both nod hesitantly. Your eyes widen at their act and amused you cross your arms. “Why?” Remus shakes his head at your question. “What do you mean why?” You narrow your eyes at Remus. “Why did you two idiots fight?” You clarify and Remus frowns as he tries to come up with an answer. Worst liar ever. You roll your eyes. “Sirius got drunk.” Remus suddenly yells, happy he found an explanation. You frown and look over at a shocked Sirius, who then turns to you staring for a few seconds before picking up on the act. “Yeah. Sooo drunk. And then I punched him hard. And threw him off the stairs.” A nervous chuckle leaves Sirius and you sigh.
“Remus! Stop lying!” You yell suddenly and Sirius takes a step back in surprise. Remus’ smile falls as he realises he was fooling himself thinking you would fall for the stupid lie. “Fine you figured it out.” Remus admits and you sigh relieved that he’s done lying. “I have been keeping a secret… I’m... an animagus.” Your eyes turn stern and sigh annoyed with him. “No Remus, you’re a werewolf.” You state and look to meet his eyes, but he avoids your gaze, feeling ashamed of what he is and also because he was caught in a lie. You shake your head with sad eyes. “Why would you keep something so big from me? You know me, I would never judge you for something like that.” Sirius slowly and quietly moves back, giving the two of you space.
Remus sighs defeated and he knows he has to admit everything, you deserve the truth. “I know we would still be friends, but I don’t want to be just your friend. I wanted to be the perfect guy… for you.” He still doesn't dare meet your eyes, but you continue to watch him. “Remus.” You whisper and smile, leaning a bit closer. “You are perfect. And not despite being a werewolf, but because you are one.” Your statement makes him meet your eyes, confused about what you’re trying to say. “Your compassion, your strength, your loyalty, your gentleness towards everyone and everything is because of who you are as a whole and what you live through. I think every scar makes you look even more pure and perfect.”
There’s a silence as Remus processes your words, but you mistake this silence for rejection. “I’m sorry if I made you feel like you weren’t enough, when you are more than I can wish for.” At those words Remus closes the last bit of space between you two and hesitantly he opens his mouth. “No, no. I was being a coward, you’ve been nothing but good to me and you make me so happy. Please. I should’ve been honest with you. I just- I-.” Feeling encouraged by his words, you reach for his shaky hands. “Kiss me, Remus.” You whisper and his heart stops beating for a few seconds, before he nods making you smile as he nervously moves so his nose gently brushes yours, before your lips meet for a tender kiss.
III. Peter has a plan
At the Hufflepuff party certain Gryffindors are up to no good. “Ingenious!” James whispers excited with Peter’s plan. “This will definitely work.” Sirius adds, making you and Remus frown as you approach the trio. “What are you up to?” You ask, making them jump and turn around with guilty faces. “Up to?” Sirius asks immediately followed by James saying “Nothing.” to which Remus narrows his eyes at Peter who smiles “Good.”. You roll your eyes and look at Remus. “Let’s get a drink.” The three guilty guys give the two of you an awkward thumbs up as you walk away chuckling. “Your friends are idiots.” You joke and Remus raises his brows. “Tell me about it.”
“Spin the bottle!” Someone yells and even though you hadn’t seen Peter, James or Sirius since you arrived they suddenly appeared out of nowhere and forced you both to participate in the silly game. “(y/n) begins.” Peter urges, pointing at the bottle in front of you. You’re hesitant because you really aren’t in the mood to kiss anyone that isn’t your boyfriend, but you give in to peer pressure anyway and spin the bottle. You’re overjoyed when it lands on Remus and you instantly shuffle a little closer to your flustered boyfriend. You loved how in public he would still get nervous around you and you bite your lip adoring his sweet smile as you go stand on your tiptoes.
However, your sweet moment is ruined when Peter and Sirius push you. “That way, both of you. No need to do that business when you’re in public.” You notice James holding a door open and signalling for you to get in the room. “I thought we were playing spin the bottle.” Remus argues confused as his friends guide the both of you to the room. “We’re playing the extended version.” Sirius explains. “Yes, 70 minutes in heaven.” Peter adds and you frown at the number. “It’s 7 minutes.” You correct and Peter snorts. “No, 70 is better, no need to rush things. It’s your first time, so take your time.” Your mouth drops, but you’re already in the room and with a grin James closes the door and locks it. Stunned, you turn on your heels to face your boyfriend who’s nervously biting his thumb. “I might’ve told them that we hadn’t gotten around to… uhm, things.”
You raise your brows and smile. “You told… Sirius, James and Peter that we haven’t had sex yet and you expected them to be normal about it.” Remus chuckles nervously. “Their stupid is affecting me.” You laugh at his innocent face and he takes a step towards you, cupping your cheek. “I’m so sorry you have to put up with them.” You meet his lips, kissing him tenderly. “You are worth all the trouble they cause.” Your forgivingness is met with a sweet kiss. “I love you.” Remus whispers and you happily wrap your arms around his neck. “I love you too.” His hands move to your hips pulling you closer, brushing his lips over yours again. “We are stuck here for 70 minutes…” You whisper, lips barely removed from his. “I’m sure we can break the spell.” Remus says, eyes moving towards the door, thinking of possible spells. “Yeah, the stupid is definitely rubbing off on you.” You roll your eyes and it takes Remus only a few seconds to catch on. 
“Did I just accidently reject my girlfriend?” He asks with a slight panic in his voice and you give him an obvious look. “You better make this up to me.” You tease and Remus grins. “Don’t mind if I do.” In an instant his lips are back on yours, hands exploring every curve of your body.
Wordcount: 1928
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sh1-n0bu · 2 years
Hello! Hope you are having a good day/evening.
I saw that your requests are open so i wanted to see if i could request, a headcanon(or one shot what ever you think would be better for the idea) + angst for scara, childe and diluc [add any character you have ideas pls :) ].
I was thinking of how would they react if reader just disapeard for a period of time, and they maybe though reader was dead. Until they came back (or they saw them somewhere like in other city after long time). [idk why reader decapered-] . I wanted to know if they would let reader in or ignore them for the rest of times.
(im sorry for making this so long- if you dont understand the idea or dont want to make it i complitly understand.)
✿ 𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 ✿
characters: scaramouche, childe and diluc x nb!reader
warnings: angst (me likey), reverse comfort, verbal fighting, takes place after scaramouche’s defeat, mentions of blood and injury (not too graphic), reader disappears for some time but dw nothing bad happens
notes: it’s alright hun, i understand dw too much abt anything! also you can def tell who’s my favorite lmao
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since his loss as the false god of sumeru, the irmunsul incident, his mentality was slowly getting better
slowly starting to heal from all his trauma, loss, betrayals and suffering in the hands of the second fatui harbinger
but that doesn’t mean some bad habits just won’t immediately disappear
you and wanderer’s relationship has been going well. silly little dates here and there, holding hands and he was even slowly starting to open up to you about his past as well!
however lately you’ve been going out meeting someone named “kaveh” a lot lately. not really having time to explain to your lover that kaveh was your work partner and that you two had a deadline coming soon of an expensive and famous museum
and that was all it took for wanderer to start doubting the relationship between you two
did you truly love him like all the time you said you do? was it a lie? who was this kaveh anyways? perhaps this was a bad idea. maybe he never should’ve took nahida’s suggestion and confessed to you. maybe it was all better if he were to just push you away like he always have with people before
after 2 weeks of hard work with barely no sleep, full meal or even being able to see your loving boyfriend again, the architecture of the museum was finally finished and you and your best friend can finally catch some well deserved break
stepping into your shared little cottage at 2 in the morning, you yawned walking into your shared bedroom with your lover, not entirely surprised to see him still wide awake, sitting on your bed seemingly mulling over something
hugging his smaller body and nuzzling into his neck, you sighed in content. finally happy to be able to spend some time with your darling
that was until he stood up suddenly harshly tearing of your hands that was wrapped around his middle
“darling? what’s wrong?”
“don’t you dare ask me what’s wrong when you KNOW what the answer is. what finally got tired of that kaveh guy you’ve been seeing? finally got tired of him so now you come crawling back to me?!”
“… honey i don’t understand what you mean. i think you got it all wrong”
“don’t you dare call me those names! i knew you were a liar and a manipulator. always going around wearing that sickeningly sweet smile as if nothing’s wrong! you’re no better than him. no in fact, you’re worse!”
the fight escalated from there. at first you tried to calm him down and explain to him about everything but you were just too tired, too exhausted, too lonely
soon enough wanderer and you were just shouting at each other. calling each other names, jabbing at traumas, stabbing old wounds
the breaking point for you was when he shouted one thing you wish you would never hear coming from someone so dear to you
deafening silence
no one moved, no one spoke, just silently staring into each other’s faces until you grimaced
he immediately regretted it. but he won’t show it because his pride is always too much. always too high. always above everyone. always destroying any human contact he sought after
quietly shaking your head, you picked up your coat again before stepping out of the once shared home with your lover, shutting the door gently. you were never one to slam doors after all
he wanted to get out and chase after you. hold your hand, cling to you, begging for forgiveness
but his pride won’t allow it
a few days have passed and he has yet to run into you. you’ve been gone without a single trace of where you went to or who you’re with
it’s as if his words came true…
it has been a week already. no signs of you and wanderer is going to lose his mind
he went to nahida to ask for her help, he asked about you from the traveler and paimon, he even went around asking about the person named kaveh
another day, another failure in finding you
sobbing in his bed, clinging tightly to your pillow he only wished for one thing. he just wanted you back
snapping out of his misery when the front door knob jingled, he nearly tripped over his own legs when jumping out of bed
and there you were, standing on the front door of your shared home, wearing the exact same clothes, facial expressions as the day you left
the short male didn’t care about how he looked, how messy his home was or even much of his pride. throwing himself into your chest, clinging to you like a lifeline, sobbing out apologies after apologies
forgiveness is a hard thing. especially to prideful people like wanderer but he will soon learn to apologize if he keeps practicing make sure to disappear more to teach him a lesson reader-chin👍
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it has been some time since the ginger menace has seen his lover. that’s because you have been away on a long time commission on dragonspine. something about multiple frostarm lawachurl going haywire. of course him being himself, immediately offered to go as well if it weren’t for you bonking him on the head with all his piled up harbinger paper work
he knows you’re strong - even though you lack a vision - and he has great faith and earnest trust in you! he truly does! however the gnawing of dark thoughts, worry filled mindless pacing and the creeping presence of nightmares just won’t let him go no matter how much the harbinger throws himself into his piles upon piles of work
it took one utterance of your name to slip past ekaterina’s mouth that snaps him back to life, away from the insecurities and terror looming over him
were you finally back? it took a whole 2 weeks! he can’t wait to see you, hold you in his arms, trail kisses on your scars, to just be in your presence again!
just the simple thought of your face is enough to have him kicking his feet, giggling with sheer and utter joy
but that giggles stopped abruptly when ekaterina showed him a piece of ripped cloth. your cloth. a ripped part of the coat you wear whenever you’re called to dragonspine…
with a bated breath and shaking hands, childe asked “… they’re not here, are they?”
when the fatui gave a hesitant nod, tartaglia bolted out of the northland bank, running straight towards the icy peak - which always stirred warmth within his heart, reminding him of his homeland - now filled with a painful, nerve wracking cold
when he had arrived at the place you mentioned before seeing off, there were blood stains everywhere on the snow
the sight always used to make his eyes widen with excitement but now, with an unshakable fear
“[name]? [name] are you here! honey-bun please answer me!”
digging through all the wreckage, running around all over the place, searching for you, yelling your name. he just needed one little sign. just one little sign, please
and his pleas were answered with a grunt. a pained groan
quickly dashing over to where the sound had come from, he found you under a small wreckage pile of carts and tattered cloths with a hastily wrapped bandage around your bleeding torso
“haha… is it a bad time to say hi, big boy?” shakily laughing and cocking your eyebrow, you shot him a teasing grin
if you weren’t injured he probably would’ve bonked you over the head nicely but for now a nice 24 hours of lecture and scolding sounded better to ajax
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it all started when your beloved significant other kept coming back home way past midnight, bruised and bleeding and leaving the next morning before the sun could even crack through the darkness of the night
at first you were worried, then you soon got used to it but patience can only run for so long until it breaks
“i’ve been doing this for years [name]. so stop being clingy and let it be! i’m strong enough to handle myself.”
meanwhile elzer and adelinde looked at each other in worry. furrowing rheir brows, biting their lips and anxiously messing with their hands
the manor has never been this loud, ever since the fight between their young master and his brother kaeya of course
the fight started with a simple curt sentences being thrown but now it was slowly losing it’s meanings, turning into a shouting contest. a fight to see who has more pride than the other
that was the final straw for you to leave the manor with a loud slam of the front door
diluc tried to chase after you, realizing his mistake, wanting to apologize sadly the whole shouting re-opened his wounds, causing the young master’s sleeping tunic to get dirtied with blood
since that nasty fight with your dear boyfriend, you’ve been staying at his brother’s place for the time being. kaeya was more than understanding. after all, he too was once cast out by his loved one from his home
it had already been 4 days since the uncrowned king of mondstadt had seen his beloved and things were not going smoothly. he keeps messing up the order’s at the bar, letting fatui or some enemies get out of sight only to be reminded of that with a new wound, spending sleepless hours just tightly clutching at your pillow in your once-shared bed
on the fifth night of your sudden disappearance, diluc has had enough. mentally broken and physically exhausted, he sobbed silently, holding onto your pillow tightly
the red head was too caught up in his mental breakdown, he didn’t even hear your voice calling out his name
jolting violently and swiftly turning back - ready to summon his claymore - only to fall silent once he realizes it’s your hand holding his shoulder, your voice calling him sweet, cheesy nicknames, you standing before him in the flesh
“… darling? is that you…?”
you hated how broken he sounded. how devastated yet relieved he looked. how his voice shook with so mich hesitation and fear
gently cradling his head to rest upon your heart, you shushed his cries and begs of forgiveness
cuddles? …that sounds nice
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gege · 10 months
Hiii, how are you? I hope you are doing ok! <3 sending love and hugs. I wanted to ask you... i think i remember something about tgcf having live action adaptation. Was that real or was just a dream i had or something? If it's real do you know if we will have it or what happened to the project? Idk if my mind made that up! sorry and thanks :)
Hiii Anon!
No, it's not some mad collective fever dream we all had, they really did film it (6 months of shooting between July 2021 and January 2022). Native title is 吉星高照 (Ji Xing Gao Zhao) English title is Eternal Faith.
If we ever get to see it is another matter, i probably don't need to say the main reason is because it's a danmei adaptation - it'll have a harder time passing the censors than the average cdrama. Since the popularity of other dangais it seems the censors have become stricter in any case. Job one is always going to be passing the censors.
While checking chinese websites and articles I did find several sources of a rumour that the site security punched a girl who was visiting the set. I can't vouch for the reliability of this but anything that can potentially attract criticism can delay a cdrama release further. Other criticisms include the casting of the male leads, how cheap the set design and costuming look, and a cancelled actress who may have to remain uncredited.
So it will need to satisfy the censors in order to be relased, as well as satisfy the general public and tgcf fans to be worth releasing and I'm not sure if it can do it all. If all goes well and it does ever pass censorship, we won't get a release date in advance. I don't know if you've ever experienced waiting for a cdrama release but you will not get much warning when it airs. It will likey drop with a couple days warning in form of internet rumours, or just completely out of the blue.
HAVING SAID THAT - another rumour is that a full costume bl drama like the untamed will be released internationally in Sept 2024, bypassing a Chinese release. It's just a rumour but it does make this webpage very interesting! But please remember everything above and not get too excited just yet 😂.
I'm gonna share some set photos just because 😍
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Zhai Xiaowen as Xie Lian
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Zhang Linghe as Hua Cheng/San Lang/Crimson Rain Sought Flower
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Chang Huasen as Shi Qingxuan/Wind Master & Tian Xuning as He Xuan/Ming Yi/Earth Master
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Vin Zheng as Nan Feng & Li Fancheng as Fu Yao (+ bonus Wind Master)
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Liu Lingzi as Xuan Ji
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Liu Jinyan as Ling Wen & Wang Yueyi as Female Wind Master
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Xiao Kaizhong as Feng Xin/Nan Yang & Cai Yao as Mu Qing/Xuan Zhen
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Bian Tianyang as Qi Rong/Prince Xiao Jing/Green Ghost
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Lu Yuxiao as Yushi Hung/Rain Master. She played Shangguan Qian in My Journey to You, but as she was fairly unknown at the time of filming jxgz so there are no photos to be found of her as Rain Master 😩.
Anyway, let's all quietly try to will this into existence with physic powers etc.
Thanks for sending me an ask, have a lovely day anon!
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honey-ros3ss · 1 year
Bloody and Grimy
Daryl x fem!reader
!fluff/angst season 4 prison era
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"What are your thoughts on this?" you asked, turning to face Daryl and showing him a purple top. "Hmm, don' like it" he grumbled. "Well, I think it's cute and I'll just wear it at home," you replied smiling, trying to lighten the mood. "Then why yea' ask?" he mocked, mimicking your tone. "Hmm, I don't know," you shrugged. As you walked around, your eyes landed on a zipped-up, long-sleeve green shirt.
"Oh, baby, look at this!" you exclaimed, holding it up for Daryl to see. "Wha'?" he asked curiously. "Year' boobs will be... out" he pointed out. "Really? It's a zip-up anyway," you defended.
"Oh," Daryl sighed.
Grinning and shaking your head, you decided to search the area to see if you could find anything else. As you reached out to turn the doorknob of a storage closet, Daryl called out your name. Startled, you quickly turned around. As you made your way towards Daryl, you heard growls. Swiftly, you spun around to face four walkers. "Shit," you muttered under your breath. "Daryl, there are walkers!" you exclaimed loudly, hoping he would hear you.
You swiftly draw your knife from its holster, easily stabbing one walker in the head and forcefully pushing it back, causing another walker to fall. You focus on the two limping walkers closing in on you, you raised the knife to slash into the head of the one on my right.
However, the knife becomes lodged and unable to be removed. As the other walker continues to approach, you stop the attempt to retrieve the knife and search for an object to defend yourself. Unfortunately, you're unable to find anything around you.
The walker finally reaches you and leans its weight on you making you stumble down, you immediately extend your hand to keep it away from your face. You scan the area and notice the walker fall down in a swift, recognizing the arrow you know its Daryl.
Daryl quickly runs towards you forcing his knife into the walkers skull. The body collapses on you as you felt relieved. He rips the walkers body off of you, concerned, he quickly checked if you had any bites. "Are yea' okay, hun? Did yea' get bit?" he asked with worry. "Yes, I'm okay, and no, I didn't,'" you replied with a slight smile. He kissed your head and hugged you. "What about you? Are you okay?'"you mumbled into his chest. "Yeah, I am." You let go of the hug to retrieve your knife from the walker's head.
As you were about to wipe the blood residue on your pants, you noticed how dirty and grimy your shirt had become. "Ugh, my shirt is ruined," you dramatically sighed. "Really tha's wha' yer' worried abou' ".
Ignoring his remark about the situation that just happpend you remembered about the clothes you found. "Daryl, where are the clothes I found?'"
He looked at you with a questioning look then pointed to where you had initially been. As you searched through the pile of items, you found the shirt you were looking for. With a smile, you replaced the bloody and grimy shirt with the nice green one. Turning to face Daryl, you noticed his cheeks turning red. "Soooo, you likey?"
'Its nice but-' he pointed to your breasts. "Babe it's nothing I can jus-" "tk" looking at your hand there's the zipper. Before Daryl could say anything you walked up to him and kissed him "Let's go".
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Not sure if I love this lol, hope you guys enjoyed!
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May I ask for Rise!Donnie x Cat mutant reader? Preferably one that was born an animal.
Personally I think this would be amusing as cats tend to shed a lot (or at least the ones i know do).
Thank you!
Have I written for a cat like reader before, because I feel like I have? Anyways hope you likey!
Rise Donnie x cat mutant Reader
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★ While he's a cat person, you're an actual cat person. Funny how these things turn out. But no, seriously, he really enjoys your company. Quiet moments and silently showing love are made for him.
★ He's better at judging your emotions than he is with regular people because he researched cat behavior before meeting you. Specifically after the Nubbins incident. You do not understand social norms. Which is fine because Donnie doesn't really understand them either.
★ Now Dee loves you, but for heaven's sake please bring a lint roller with you if you lay on his bed or spend the night with him. The sheer amount of fur you shed is insane.
★ We need to talk about our favorite rat dad not having a vendetta or any sort of hatred for cats. Seeing as he was born a human. In Splinter's eyes his son dating a cat is extremely amusing, Ironic even.
★ Letting you sleep in his lab while he works on a project is his form of quality time. That and gift giving. But if you show up to the lair with a dead bird for him he will not be impressed.
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reashot · 1 year
What do you mean you won't LEWD me?
Thank you all for helping with the reblog of my last fic and I love what some of you made that I'm making this as a sequel to it.
Ruby's House.
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Ruby: Jaune, thank you for your help in making breakfast 🍳☕🥓
Jaune: It's the least I can do Ruby for letting me stay the night. And thank you too Ruby for helping me with the cooking.
Ruby: Flatterer. But I don't think that heating up bacon and eggs can be considered cooking.
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While Jaune is busy preparing the table for everyone. Ruby silently walks up behind him and lovingly embrace him.
Jaune: Ruby?...
Ruby: I-I want to say that I'm sorry and I admit that I may.... Have gone a little bit overboard last night.
Jaune: I don't think attempted rape can be considered little.
Ruby: That's because you keep rejecting me. What do you have against me Jaune. Do you hate me or something? Because if you do then just say it. Don't string me along. Don't get my hopes up...
Ruby said to him as she cries into Jaune's back and Jaune then respond by slowly turning around and returns her embrace.
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Jaune: How could I hate you? You're the greatest girl I know.
Ruby: T-then why?
Jaune: I don't even know myself Ruby. I want to do it with you too, but it just doesn't feel right.
Ruby: What do you mean it's doesn't feel right?
Jaune: I mean we should wait until we're married at least.
Ruby: What?
Jaune: I haven't told you this before but I'm a firm believer of abstinence.
Ruby: Abstinence. What the fuck is that?
Jaune: It means I will not engage in lewding before marriage.
Ruby: Huh!!! What kind of messed up crap is that are you in a cult. Is that it Jaune, you won't bone me because you're in a cult?
Jaune: No! I'm not in a cult. I-I just don't want to ruin what we have by sullying you before marriage.
Ruby: You can sully me if you want! I don't mind and you know I want your baby so you know that I will marry you no matter what.
Jaune: Still Ruby, no means no. But thank you for thinking about marrying me. I know that you can do better.
But before Jaune can finish saying his piece. Ruby's mind starts to wander into a dark place. And in that place she finds her mother...
Ruby's subconscious.
Ruby: Mom! Mom! I need your help!
Summer: Say no more my dear. Please tell me what's wrong?
Ruby: Mom! The boy I like doesn't want to lewd me.
Summer: Oh I'm sorry to say Ruby but I think he's gay. Cause there's no way any straight boy would say no to LEWDing you. Maybe you should find another guy to be your new boyfriend...
Ruby: No. Hell No! I will not pick any other boy but him.
Summer: He must be such a great guy if you think so. But it still doesn't change the fact that he's pitching for the wrong team.
Ruby: B-but here's the thing he wants to do it with me but he wants to wait until marriage.
Summer: Is that boy is in a cult? Please tell me he's in a cult.
Ruby: That's what I said, but no. He said he believes in Abstinence.
Summer: Damn organized religion... Ruby this is why I raised both of you to be godless heathen. Anyway, let me check who this boy you want to pounce on.
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Ruby: Isn't he the cutest? 🥰
Summer: Oooh mama likey... Wait a minute; blonde hair, blue eyes and dressed like he's going to a Renaissance fair... He's the Arc Boy!!!
Ruby: Mom, you knew him?
Summer: Knew him. I actually promised his mom to marry him off to you.
Ruby: *gasp* I'm enganged to Jaune?! That's awesome!!! We're meant to be. I gotta tell Jaune about this!
Summer: Wait a moment Ruby. I know how you can make Jaune LEWD you.
Ruby: You do. How?
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Back to reality
Jaune: ... And another thing Ruby it's not okay for a girl of your age to say "lewd" all the time.
Ruby: *shakes head* oh yes of course keep talking hot stuff me likey when you do it...
Jaune: Ruby I'm being serious here.
Ruby: (I like it when he's trying to be all serious and shit. It just makes him look even cuter.) Oh look Jaune, you have a smudge there on your pants from cooking earlier. Here let me help you out. 😋
Jaune: It's okay Ruby you don't have to... W-wait what are you doing?!
Ruby: Well you have to take off your pants to clean it first right?
Jaune: N-no it's fine Ruby please stop it! I did not consent to this...
Ruby's subconscious
Ruby: Mom! What the F are you doing with my body!!!
I know it's my body but if I'm not the one doing the deed then there's no point.
No! I don't consent to this! What kind of monster would force themselves on others.
I gotta find a way to get out of here. Please someone help. I'm about to get NTR'd by my mom!
Back to reality
Ruby: Shhh.... Just let it happen. *lower pants*
Jaune: No please. I don't want to lose my virginity. There's still an Elder Scroll video I haven't watched yet... *struggling to keep his pants up*
Kitchen's entrance
Tai: What the hell is making all this racket... *gasp*
Mama Arc: Oh my... This early in the morning too. Looks like I'll be getting my grandchildren after all. Right honey?
Papa Arc: Uh yes. I guess... *sips coffee* (I'm way too hungover to be dealing with this.)
Yang: Oh, sis not in the kitchen. At least do it in your room.
Tai: Yang... Get me my shotgun.
Yang: Which one the 20 gauge or the 12 gauge?
Tai: The 12...
Yang: There's not gonna be much left of him if you use this you know? *hands over shotgun*
Tai: That's the idea. *load shotgun*
Mama Arc: Dear please do something. I think Tai is about to kill our Son!
Papa Arc: *sips coffee* (What do you want me to do I just woke up.)
Oh no! Tai is about to blow Jaune's head off. Will Jaune get to keep his head and will Ruby gets back into hers. Find out next time on Drag... I mean in the next post.
Dear viewer you get to choose what happens next.
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arminsumi · 11 months
no. 20 sfw with aki? just littering him with kisses before he steps out for work, not wanting to be separated <333
he has a whole house in my head, truly living rent free rn
💗 Aki アキ
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Note : my boy!! he is also on my mind lately and i itch to write for him but i always get distracted!! 😖 i hope u likey, i had this very specific atmosphere envisioned and i wonder if it came across lol
Playme : will i see you again?
🍒 More from Jay : LIBRARY / oct. reqs open
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A smooth morning rolls out. Aki makes you and him some good coffee, slowly and meticulously as he always does it.
He finds you're behaving especially dreamy this morning; it makes leaving for work so much harder for him.
Aki carries out his morning routine with purposeful slowness, adoring how you follow at his side through each step. It's the small things that make him fall more and more in love with you, like the hypocritical scolding you give him about smoking and then proceeding to take a puff on his cigarette on the balcony. Or helping him tie his tie even though he can certainly do it himself. He just enjoys the small act of bending his knees to compensate for the height gap between you and him, being the 6'2 gangling giant he is.
He's the most talkative in the mornings, despite the rasp disturbing his throat. He tells you about his weird fucking dreams and feels fluttery that you bother to listen. ("We were in a cruise ship, right, and we couldn't escape the hallway and I was holding your hand and looking for a way out, and oh there was this octopus or something that wanted me to play sudoku...? It was some Alice in Wonderland type shit. I fucking hate sudoku, I can't believe I had to do that! And— why are you laughing? Okay well anyways... oh fuck... that's the time already?")
You swarm him with affection and kisses from the bedroom to the door as he tries to leave for work. His natural nonchalant demeanor betrays his true inner feelings, he's really relishing your attention.
You overwhelm his face with kisses and he happily accepts, closing his eyes to fully lose himself in the sensation of your lips pressing to his skin.
"I really have to go..." he says but you cut him off with a kiss.
"... I'm gonna miss the train." he holds back a smile as you cut him off yet again.
He attempts to leave, the door is open and the roar of morning traffic carries in the entering breeze.
"Wait a moment!" you pout.
You grab his tie to pull him into a hard cheek kiss, and it makes his stomach flip, to feel the press of your lips connect with his jaw and slowly upwards, as if you're printing your love on his face one kiss at a time.
It always happens like this; you pull him by the tie just as he opens the door to really leave, then he stays right there, motionless from how love struck your kisses have him. Truly a dazed man. And it's always the final cheek kiss that sets him off, he bows his head to give you those hard and passionate kisses that are his thing... no one can kiss quite like how an Aki in love does.
Kissing him off to work in the genkan chews fifteen more minutes off the morning hour, but it's worth it... he now heads down the street in the sunlight with a dreamy look on his face like he's just been pampered by a goddess.
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yoitsjay · 3 months
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Pairings : Hunter x Gn!reader
Summary: your angelic voice brings you lots of credits, you and sid both have a mutual agreement on that. One day a new group of men, clones walks into cids parlor. And one takes an immediate fascination to you
Warnings: some teasing, your basically a god/goddess (not really u just sound like it), Hunter likey
Word count: 1,380
You had been working with Cid for years, during the clone wars from a teenager to now in the present time, you were singing while she had her meetings with the Jedi, and you made good money for her and yourself. At first her proposal wasn't very good, not for you anyway, but after a few shows and seeing just how many credits you wracked in for her you managed to convince her to make the cut even, 50:50. Business at Cids parlor boomed for years because of you, and it was a good time too, Cid fed you, and let you have your own room in the Parlor, all thanks to your voice, the one thing that could sway people not only to dance, but to hang onto every word you said and listen with such intent. You were a good strategist too, especially when it came to betting games like Dejarik or even sabaak, more things that earned you and Cid money.
Today was like any other day, however you had just bought a new outfit and were in the midst of putting it on for your next performance, humming to yourself only to get interupted by a knock on your bedroom door. “yeah Cid?” you called out, already familiar with the way she knocked. Cid opened the door and offered you a very slight smile, unnoticeable to anyone else, but you've known her for so long that you know what she tells, and when she's in a particularly good mood. “We have a full house tonight, especially since you announced some new songs, but there's a particular group that just walked in asking for me, go see what they want, and if you like their vibe bring em to my office.” She requested, and you nodded as she left.
You quickly finished your routine, putting your hair up before you walked out to the main room of the parlor, you scanned around, seeing people playing games, drinking and dancing to the pre show music, but you quickly noticed the new group, boy they stuck out like a sore thumb, not just because of their armor, but because of the child that they had with them.
You let out a soft huff before making your approach, getting stopped by some fans of yours with markers held out, and you quickly signed whatever you needed to sign before finally reaching the group, their attention already focused on you, one of them however seemed to be more curious about you than the rest, this must have been the reader. “I hear you're looking for Cid?” You questioned, having to speak up over this crowd just so this group could hear you. who you assumed was the leader stood up and turned to you fully, nodding his head. You noticed he had a tattoo that covered half of his face, the details resembling a skull, which you found interesting, and yet attractive all the same.
“yea, that you?” He asked, and you giggled, raising an eyebrow. “Maybe, what do you want with her?” You questioned them, the glint of the leader's vibroblade catching your eye. “You won't get nothing if you flash those weapons around, not in this full house.” You added, crossing your arms over your chest. The leader cleared his throat, and raised his hands just slightly, which put you at ease for now. He then spoke up, glancing back at his group. “We heard that Cid was an informant for the Jedi, and were hoping we could talk with her.” He explained, and you looked him up and down before studying the rest of the group. You sighed, but nodded and gestured with your hand for them to follow. And they did without a second thought as you led them to the back part of the parlor, opening Cid's office as you stepped to the side, gesturing for them to walk in. “Good luck, and after you're done, maybe stick around for my performance, I could always use some new ears.” You said before walking to the stage back in the main room.
Cheers then flooded Hunter's ears and he winced slightly at the sudden anterage of voices, but once the door shut behind him and his brothers- and Omega- he relaxed a bit, turning to look at the green Trandotian who had now spun to face them.
Meanwhile, you started up with a few of your most popular songs, credits already being thrown on stage, soon Hunter and the rest of his family walked out with Cid not far behind, all having already decided that they were hired, and really they didn't have a choice. But the minute his senses and thoughts calmed, your voice was the only one that flooded his ears, he looked over at you, seeing you on your knees on the stage with the microphone clasped in one hand, while the other was extended in front of you, with many patrons hands reaching out for you. Whatever you were singing hadn’t even registered in his head, only that your voice just calmed every feeling in his body, his eyes wide and his lips slightly gaped. Just then he felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned quickly, calming again when he noticed Echo standing by his side. “You okay Hunter? you kinda froze for a second.” He said, glancing up at the stage towards you.
Hunter cleared his throat and nodded but as his brothers and omega turned to grab a booth, however Hunter paused and he turned to look at you again, and this time you locked eyes while you sang a pretty inappropriate line from one of your songsm running your free hand down your body as you sent him a wink before turning away. After an hour or so you said your goodbyes and left the stage, disappearing in the back as you headed towards your bedroom, once in the peaceful atmosphere of your little space you undressed, and changed into something more casual and definitely more comfortable, sliding your own little viroblade into its holster secured on your thigh, just a precaution. You let your hair down and gave yourself a minute to decompress, sitting on your bed staring at the ceiling when you heard a knock on your door, and this one wasn't from Cid.
You slowly moved towards the door, opening it just a crack to see who was standing there, and low and behold it was the man from earlier, with the half skull tattoo. “hello” You greeted softly, opening the door fully as you smiled up at him. “I hear you're officially working for Cid, congrats.” You spoke playfully, noticing that his eyes flicked up and down a couple times, which made you smirk. “Yeah..” He muttered for a moment before his eyes snapped to yours, he was a lot taller than you were, basically a foot taller, but you always did love your men tall, you cleared your throat and it seemed to snap him from his little trans as he stood up a little straighter. “I wanted to introduce myself, Im Hunter.” He explained, sticking his hand out for you, you grinned, and took his arm in a firm handshake. “I know” You stated, Cid having already told you after your performance. “It's a good name, strong… hot.” You teased, letting your touch linger for a tad longer than it should have before letting his arm go.
You told him your name, watching something flash in his eyes before seeing his slight smile. “That's a beautiful name, suits you.” He stated, looking away for a moment as you giggled. Just then you stepped out of your room, placing a hand on his armored chest, pushing him back just ever so slightly so you could close your door. “Buy me a drink Hunter, and we’ll see where the night takes us, I always do like an adventure.” You teased, slipping past him as you walked towards the bar. Hunter shook his head, and followed not too far behind. You already had him in this transe, it was like he couldn't take his eyes off of you… he wasn't sure if he even wanted to.
He'd just have to see how this night went…
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ashrodisiac · 1 year
M. Tokito x Reader
M. Tokito x Reader
╰┈─➤ “Goodnight, Mui... Sweet dreams.”
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Muichiro laid his head on your shoulder, yawning softly, tears welling in the corners of his eyes from it. He wiped them away and snuggled closer to you. "'M sleepy." he said, tugging on your clothing. You chuckled, turning to him and entangling your fingers through his long locks. "Then sleep, Mui." you told him. "It's night, too, anyways." The stars in the black sky glinted, and the leaves from the tree above you two were rustling from the gentle wind lulling Muichiro to sleep. It was so quiet, so peaceful, all he could hear was your breathing, soft inhaling and exhaling puffs of air, the way your chest went up and down. He wrapped his arms around yours lazily. "Sleep with me." It wasn't a request, it was a demand. "I'm not sleepy yet." you said, brushing strands away from his face. He frowned at your response. "But I want you to rest with me." "Don't worry, Mui." you smiled, then leaned closer to him, the bark of the tree against your back. "I'll rest with you while you sleep. For now, I'll just watch the sky." He was puzzled, but nodded anyways, and fluttered his eyes asleep. You kissed his cheek as he was in a haze, making him mumble something gibberish and tuck his head just right next to yours. You hummed briefly in contempt, watching him doze off. "Goodnight, Mui..." you muttered. "Sweet dreams." 
but like yeah its 2 50 am here and im sleepyy so i decided to write this ahah. hope u likey likey :3 goodnight my prince and princesses, loves and darlings reading out there!
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