#anyways mrrp!
h-doodles · 1 year
......... im 1catinatrenchcoat (🌸✨️Lee✨️🌸) on discord & AlexVolturi (Alexa V.) on wattpad btw
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heleneplays · 2 years
Girl, I kid you not. I actually wanted to send you that fandom test because I saw the "Smol bean" result and thought of you:
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I mean, do you remember those flower crowns drawings you did ages ago? I know the result says about people drawing you, but still.
BESTIE IN CRIME THOSE WERE THE DAYS and also i kid you not i was staring at them drawings a few hours ago myself!
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s0ull3ss-p3rs0n · 4 months
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The baby gets headpats :3
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cat-ification beam!
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Every time i look at this it makes me grin ear to ear and i love it so much thank you for sending me this ohmygod
ough i love them- this is...i am mentally saving this to all of my brains happy places
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sunhop · 8 months
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It's been two weeks, hi guys!
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drbtinglecannon · 2 years
When you're trying so hard to focus on what someone's saying that you end up not retaining a single word of it
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2mimikyute4u · 5 months
I LOVE having cats but sometimes it's dead silent in your apartment and you have a headache and suddenly your cat takes the LOUDEST piss you've EVER heard before digging as if she is burying DECADES worth of enemies
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cocklessboy · 5 months
My cat has always had the worst timing. He'll jump up on my desk to cuddle at the very moment I'm about to get up to urgently go to the bathroom. He'll try to curl up with me in bed the very instant I need to get up and refill my glass of water and put some vaseline on my dry, sore lips. He'll ask me to play just at the second I need to end my break and get back to work.
The poor guy, right? From his perspective, he approaches me for love and I immediately get up and leave. I feel awful about it. I try to reassure him first that I love him and he just has bad timing, but I know it can't feel nice, and also he's too big of a dumbass to understand that me getting up and walking away isn't triggered by him coming to say hi.
Except today I realized something: Yes. It is.
I was sitting at my desk watching a video and up jumps the boy with a mrrp, head positioned for pets, when I realized I urgently had to get up and go to the bathroom. As I opened my mouth to say "bad timing again, buddy," it finally occurred to me that... I definitely already had to go. I for sure did not "suddenly" have an urgent need for the toilet out of fucking nowhere.
I didn't realize I needed to go because my brain is piloted by angry gremlins and they were more interested in watching the video than letting me know about an important bodily function.
My cat coming to say hi is a regular trigger that pulls me back into my body from whatever bullshit I'm hyperfocusing on. And that's when I realize all the warning lights are flashing on the dash. Need water. Need food. Need toilet. In pain: need to change position. Holy shit look at the time, need to get back to work!
I now wonder how much worse I'd function if I didn't have a furry little guy in my apartment to regularly remind me that I exist in a physical form which requires maintenance and also that time passes.
I do still feel bad for walking away from him every time, but I have started just inviting him to come with me. Hey bud, sorry, I have to stand up right now, but come follow me while I get a glass of water. You coming? Come on! And rewarding him with pats for following. It's better than just walking away, I think.
Anyway cats (or other pet of your choice that requires frequent attention)? 10/10, strongly encourage having a little guy to bother you now and then, especially if you have ADHD and live alone.
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enniewritesathing · 2 years
little spaghetti lore, but she was the runt of her litter and the last to be adopted (by Brian of all people). As John puts it, she kept missing her fight weight and had to reschedule.
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tuuvie · 2 years
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Anyway mrrp
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h-doodles · 1 year
anyways im all drawn out this tender 3 am but mrrp! wip snip on unfinished art for not going anywhere (pt.1) by @sarahpaulsonsoftie <3
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You wandered into Marilyn’s Conservatory seeing her sitting with Larissa on her desk, mugs in both of their hands, and a third mug sitting beside you. Marilyn grinned, picking up the mug and handing it to you.
You smiled gratefully at her, accepting the mug. “Thank you.” You murmured, taking a sip of the coffee, (...)
- excerpt from the fic :)
if u cant tell this was actually my fave line and i wish i was a writer that i could expand THIS scene bc i always imagine Larissa & Marilyn tenderly looking @ reader who's just. peacefully enjoying their time together like!!!!!!!!! girl they're literally so domestic it's cavity inducing!!!!!!
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heleneplays · 2 years
speaking of the final epilogue i am holding off posting my shits until the actual relic 3 game releases because its A WHOLE lot and im. *clenches fist* out here
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theblueseassoul · 8 months
Rafayel x reader
No warnings
No use of y/n. Gender neutral reader. Read in the second person. Established relationship. Reader has a a ginger one eyed Maine-coone named Mao (m-ow).
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Rafayel lounged in your living room, legs thrown over the arms of the chair and his neck resting on the other. He had his phone held over him, waiting for you to come home. You’d been out getting groceries, and though you’d only been gone for a little while he was already missing you. Mao was laying on a pillow on the other couch where you typically sat, staring at the artist. He glanced over and sighed softly, shaking his head “Cats..” he murmured and switched to messages on his phone, pointing the camera at Mao and sending it to you, and then typing
‘Babe… your cat looks like it wants to eat me for dinner.. hurry home!’
You were getting out of your car, picking up a bag as you felt your phone buzz in your back pocket. You furrowed your brows and took it out, clicking on the notification that read ‘From: Fish-Husband.’ It had been a joke at first with how often he acted like a fish, but now it was just a “cute” nickname. For you anyways. You raised a brow at the message and smiled softly when you clicked onto the picture of your beloved cat. You shook your head, replying.
‘I’m almost home. Will you survive?’
You could almost imagine his dramatic sigh as the message displayed that he’d left you on read. You gathered the rest of your groceries and bumped your car door closed with your hip, turning your heel and jogging up the driveway to save your boyfriend from the oh so ferocious cat of yours.
When you opened the door, you were greeted with both a delighted meow and “There they are.” You chuckled as you settled your gaze on the pair of attention seekers in your living room. Mao pranced over to you, tail swaying slowly. He brushed up against your legs as Rafayel approached, and you put down your bags, picking up your large ginger cat and pressing a firm kiss on its forehead resulting in a happy ‘mrrp’ from it. “Hello gorgeous.” You coo’d, hugging your cat to your chest as he curled closer into your body, a paw firmly resting against your shoulder. Rafayel cleared his throat, and when you looked at him he sighed dramatically “The cat gets the first kiss? I see where I stand..” you rolled your eyes with a smile and murmured to Mao “What a drama king.” Who purred in agreement.
You put Mao down and took Rafayels face into your hands, pressing a firm kiss against his forehead as well “Hello, Rafayel.” He slotted his arms around your waist and shook his head “No sweet Nick names either…” he pouted. You had such a dramatic boyfriend, you wondered how long he could keep the act up but you realized the answer was something far too large for you to want to consider. You just squeezed his cheeks “does needy work? How about…” you trailed off in feign consideration as he rolled his eyes. You laughed and he pressed a brief kiss to your lips as he murmured “I can’t stand you.” You shook your head and gently pat his forearms “then go sit back down.” And with that you broke from his grasp and returned to the task at hand. Groceries. With some complaints, Rafayel eventually followed suit and helped you put everything away. And of course, your trusty cat companion was running circles around and between your legs whenever possible.
Later, you had curled up on the bed with your comfortable clothes. You had the tv playing a show you were really into with one of the claw machine stuffed animals resting against your stomach. Mao hopped onto the bed and meowed at you, demandingly. “What?” You furrowed your brows. You talked back to him often, as both of you were very talkative. He meowed again. “So much sass for such a tiny creature. Come here.” You put the stuffed animal to the side and pulled the cat onto your lap, who happily curled up on your legs and pressed its face into your stomach. Not too long after, Rafayel came in carrying a cup of water for you. He paused and sighed, hand on his hip as he stared at Mao. And of course another one of his bright ideas struck.
“Baby…” he groaned, putting the glass down and sitting on the edge of the bed. You glanced over and raised a brow, “what’s the matter?” He sighed and hung his head, looking away “I don’t feel well..” your worry increased with his almost sad tone. You knew he was silly, and acted over the top sometimes, but you would still worry. You moved, which resulted in an angry grumble from your very fluffy cat. Rafayel clicked his tongue as you gently bickered with mao before pushing your cat to the side and pressed your hand against Rafayel’s forehead. “You don’t feel too warm.” You commented.
Rafayel took you by your wrist and held your hand against his cheek, “my love..” he sniffed. You smiled fondly and shifted, patting your lap “lay down.” To which he immediately did. His head plopped into your lap, and your fingers combed through his dark hair. Mao bat at his head gently but you shooed the paw away “be nice.” Rafayel hummed and nodded “I was here first, I don’t think he gets that.” It was true. You’d only gotten Mao slightly after you met Rafayel but you two bonded quickly. You just had an affinity for animals. Especially fishes. You thought to yourself as you looked down at your boyfriend, looking up at you with sparkling eyes.
“What’s that look for?” You asked, brushing some of his bangs out of his face. He reached up, gently running his index finger over your jaw before resting it back against your leg, next to his head. “I love you.” He suddenly said. You nodded and closed your eyes, “I love you.” You hated ‘I love you too.’ You don’t say it just because he did and that makes it an ‘obligation’, you did just love him. He thought it was strange however enjoyed it nonetheless, you could tell by the glimmer in his eyes and the small curl of his lips. “I feel like you love that fish-eater more.” He commented almost pouting. You shook your head and rested your hand in his hair, “no…”
“I couldn’t love anything more than you. You may be over dramatic, sassy..” you started. “Babe.” He sighed. You rolled your eyes and smiled tenderly “but you are also the most amazing man I’ve ever met. Talented, too. And handsome.” You complimented him, resulting in a charming grin from the male laying in your lap. You twirled a piece of his hair around your finger “nothing could ever add up to you. I love Mao. I love you. Mao is like.. my son.” You said. “And you of course are like my husband.” You then added “my very fishy husband.” He groaned, swatting your hand away as you poked his nose. However he was smiling. “Nothing could replace you.”
He nodded and sat up slightly, just enough for his lips to meet yours. You couldn’t help but smile into it, and he left another kiss at the corners of your mouth, and then a final one at your cheek. “Good. Remember those words.” You hummed and carefully laid him back down into your lap “I have a very good memory. You underestimated me.”
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ghcstao3 · 11 months
We need more cat!ghoap😭
for the short time that soap ends up stuck as a cat, after he’s gathered his bearings with ghost’s help, they start acting like a bonded pair (though granted—they already kind of do, anyway).
one will never be seen without the other, naps are taken intertwined, and if anyone ever tries to pick up soap they get a warning hiss—if they go anywhere with him, then the claws come out. price and gaz find it hilarious, knowing what they know, and it honestly kind of works out in ghost’s favour because now people will finally, finally give him a wide berth.
and when soap is eventually “cured” ghost sort of disappears for a few days. he’ll be around in human form for necessary duties, but is otherwise impossible to find, avoiding any sort of confrontation for the way he’d been behaving with cat soap.
but soap needs to find him. because now having been in a cat’s body himself, he understands ghost’s courtship methods. finally gets that ghost was asking him out in so few (aka no) words. but ghost is taking his namesake a little too seriously in spite of everything.
then, one day, soap returns to his room to find cat ghost sleeping on his bed like he always used to. soap does his best not to wake the shifter, but with the click of the door and a soft mrrp coming from the cluster of sheets, ghost is wide awake. soap goes to sit with him, spills his heart out, and ghost is suddenly in front of him, grabbing his face and kissing soap. and now they can finally stop dancing around their feelings :)
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chapel-of-rizztual · 2 years
Random ghoul Headcanons
Dewdrop and aether almost always sleep in the same bed. They’re inseparable at the best of times but at night it seems to get worse.
Mountain is the chef of the ghouls. Boy can rustle up a 5 course meal for everyone out of nothing.
Dew is actually very scared of the dark. He has a little nightlight in his room for the rare occasion he’s alone. He’d rather die then let any of the other find out. They all know anyway.
Rain goes mute from time to time. Nobody really knows why, not even rain, but sometimes he just can’t seem to find words. When he’s not mute though he’s very talkative and definitely not as a shy as people seem to think.
Mountain has read most of the books in the library. He loves reading its one of his favourite hobbies. He’s not sure when or how it started but he started reading out loud to dew at one point so much so that the other ghoul started bringing him specific books he wanted mountain to read to him.
Aether can sense emotions. It’s part of his quintessence in a way. He can also ease emotions as well which is why he’s around copia a lot. He likes to ease his anxiety.
Swiss like to throw himself down the stairs. Like a bowling ball. He says it’s faster then walking down them. Everyone hates it. Except sunshine and dew. They have a bet on how many ribs he’ll eventually break.
Cirrus and cumulus can ice skate. They go on ice skating dates all the time. They’re trying to teach sunshine so she can go with them.
Ghouls head bonk to show affection. They also rub heads together. Aggressively. If you didn’t know it was sign of affection you’d think it was was a weird standoff.
Licking is also a sign of affection. Especially on the neck where the sent glands are. It’s also the best way to spread their sent on other ghouls. Swiss especially liked to nuzzle into the others ghouls necks.
Their horns are very sensitive. They only trust other ghouls to touch them.
Rain, dew and Swiss taught all the other ghouls how to swim. All three ghouls having some kind of water element meant they could swim natural. The others…not so much. But it didn’t take long for the others to learn and now in the summer they spend hours at the abbey lake.
Dew eats coal. He’s often seen with black smudges around his mouth and hands. And he likes to sit in the fire place. The others have to keep him out of the fire places because it freaks the sibling out.
Aether snores like crazy. It drives the others insane but they learnt if you shove a Pillow under his back it’s not as bad.
Mountain sleep walks. It’s terrifying.
Sunshine talks in her sleep. It’s mostly nonsense but one time she went on a sleep rant about soup. Dew and cumulus laughed so much they woke rain up.
No surprise to anyone but Swiss can dance. Like really well.
They loop their tails around various body parts of other ghouls. Mostly arms and legs but they also tangle their tails together. They chew on the spade of their tails to self sooth.
The ghouls are banned from copias room because dew once broke in and drank the liquid from the lava lamps. Nobody knows how he didn’t get sick.
The ghouls also aren’t allowed glow sticks because Swiss ate one once ( it was more then once and more then one) He denied it of course but the way his teeth glowed for days gave him away.
wake up a sleeping ghoul they make the mrrp? Sound.
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sunhop · 10 months
happy thursday lol
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