#anyways she's the one of the wolves incident
layraket · 1 year
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pfp for my friend @amyred
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w2beastars · 16 days
Waezi2′s thoughts on “Beast Complex” chapter 25
So, I know we were all disgusted by the freak South who dated a lizard who was the same species as him(ewww). So I am happy to tell you all that we are going back to some good ol' freaky furry romance.
Better yet, this chapter is about Haru and Legosi!
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The main couple of Beastars now practically live together since their universities are pretty close to each other. Haru is doing her third year in college and Legosi, now with a clean criminal record, is doing his first year in college, studying entomology.
Good for you, Legosi :) It is never too late to get back to school!
So, the wolf and the rabbit has been together for three years now and (for the most part) live together. You know what that means...
Oh yeah! They sleep together!
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... In separate beds! There is no sex whatsoever!
Haru asks the same question as the rest of us: HOW?!?!?
Well, the first night Haru spent at Legosi's place, the ussual happened:
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Like most wolves, Legosi makes small bites when he gets overly exited. Haru didn't get hurt, she got a scratch behind her ear, it's not the end of the world.
But afterwards, their relationship has been... well, casual.
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There is no sexy atmosphere between them since the biting incident. They still spend their free time together, but it is almost like they are a middle-aged married couple where they brush their teeth together and everyday stuff like that. It bothers Haru a great deal since she is a college girl and it makes her feel old, makes the two of them feel old. She would like to get wild while she is still young... But to be fair, don't you think you had plenty of fun already, Haru?
I'm not slut-shaming or anything, just saying.
Anyways, Haru contacts Juno. Yep, everyone's favorite queen wolf is back!
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Two things I noticed is that Haru now calls her "chan", implying a bit more friendly relationship between the two of them. Second is that even though Juno is here to give Haru input and advise about wolves, we don't get to learn anything about what her life is like right now.
As I was saying, Haru wants Juno to give her advice to kick Legosi's wolf instincts into high gear. Juno is unsure if that's such a great idea(no duh!) but share what would normally make a male wolf... excited.
There is just one problem... Legosi is... well, Legosi.
He is a terrible mix of extremely polite, concerned and dense.
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Nothing Haru does triggers Legosi, he misreads the signals completely and Haru starts to wonder if they have simply lost their spark.
Then, one night as Haru goes to bed disappointed that she haven't unleashed the beast so to say, she sees that Legosi is awake.
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It's full moon, and Legosi can't help it but to stay up and watch it. Even if it is bogus that the moon should somehow affect wolves, Legosi and his fellow canines are still emotionally attached to it. Haru says she can relate to this to some degree, probably because rabbits have a religious connection to the moon.
This is possibly the first thing their species have in common. So the two of them goes for a late night/early morning stroll, enjoying the beautiful moon.
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The two of them just enjoy each other's company, it's nice and quiet. They are not tired from class or trying to study or doing everyday tasks, meaning they can actually connect on a emotional level.
And then we get the twist:
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As stated earlier, Legosi accidentally scratched Haru's ear when he got "excited" and Haru assumed it killed the vibe between them. But this seems to imply that he was waiting for the wound to heal completely.
Or maybe it is because they are both relaxed that Legosi feels less anxious.
Either way, they don't spend this night in separate beds.
I'm gonna be honest, it was not the best Haru x Legosi story I read, I would have liked a bit more of the classic Paru insanity. But I very much enjoyed it, and this specific story shouldn't have that much crazy because it is about the lack of insanity in the wolf and rabbit's life. We get to see that Legosi can finally get a real career and even achieve his dream of working with insects and how much they have evolved as an actual couple, not just furry angst and tension between the rabbit and wolf. It also feels like Paru is ending Beast Complex for real this time to focus more on her other projects, and if that's the case then this was a nice way to end it.
I'm Waezi2, and thanks for wasting time with me.
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todayispeia · 2 years
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xavier thorpe x fem!reader
words: 3k
genre: smut, slowburn romance (kinda), flirting, teasing, fingering
a/n: im not great at creating a fanfic, so expect grammatical errors and typo’s ahead !! i hope you enjoy this ♡
you were the new student at nevermore. you were assigned to be roommate with the girl named enid. she was practically a werefolf and a all-rounder gossip girl at the school. she tour you to the hallway where all the students gather there, there was a werewolves, sirens, and many more. “oh, and that girl bianca, he dated our tortured artist, xavier thorpe” she said, pointing the guy who was painting at the wall. he looked at you and not a minute he continues to focus at his drawing.
after the tour, you relaxed a while at your dorm. it was raining outside, “enid, i’m just gonna go downstairs, just catching some raindrops” you said. enid just nodded and continue to dance all by herself. while walking outside, you saw the statue falling above you, but someone pushes you away from it. causing yourself to be unconscious.
after the incident where the statue almost hit you on the head, luckily a student saved your life.
you wake up at the room, seeing a guy beside you, he was already standing, perhaps waiting for you to open your eyes. you immediately get up causing him to sit quickly. “nurse said you dont have a concussion, anyway, im glad you’re awake” he muttered. ”its because im not, and will never be. and the last thing i remember is i was walking alone 'til i saw a statue falling to me.” you said while looking at him. “and, how did you even get there that fast? i believe there was no one when i walked there, i was alone” you added, it was a mixture of confusion and embarrassment. he clicks his tongue before replying to your statement, “call it instinct” he said. “instinct, huh? well, dont expect me to gave you a gratitude or something. its quite unreal to myself giving someone like that” you said while fixing your posture to face him. “mm-hmm. you know, most people just say thank you” he said, looking at you. “i didn't even requested to be rescued that time” — “and you thought i should have just let that thing smash you to mush?” he replied. “i mean, i could have just save myself” you said while crossing your arms. “too much independent would cause you trouble” he scoffs, you couldn't help but to laugh at what he just said. “id rather have a lots of independent, if i will be honest.” you said, “i know you aren't asking my name, but, im xavier thorpe. you’re the new student here, right? the last time we met, i was about two feet shorter, and 40 pounds heavier” he said, “ah, yes. i do remember you, the guy who was painting earlier on the walls. im y/n ” you muttered. “y/n, sounds good” he said. “i believe i can go now, yes? well, see you around, xavier.” you said, getting up to exit the room. “yeah, see you too” he said looking at you.
a few werewolves were howling at the night. you and enid went to the window to check out. “if you really are a werewolf, why aren't you howling like them?” you asked, its quite different to encounter a werewolf not howling when its full moon. “i cant. my mom says some wolves are late bloomers, but i have been to the best lycanologist” she muttered, she only had a claw, which is awesome because of how she painted it with vivid colors. “i had to fly to milwaukee, would you believe it?” she said, toning disgusted at herself. “what happened next?” you asked, you were interested at it because of how different she was than other wolves here in nevermore. “i would be a lone wolf” she muttered, looking down. “thats quite sorrowful to know about you, what would happen if ever you didn’t wolf out yet?” you said, while you continue to asked her about her condition. “i uh... i’d be kicked out of my family pack with no prospect of finding a mate” she said, the tone was a bit aching to feel. its like a mixture of disappointed and rage of anger. “you’ll wolf out, someday. i can feel it” you said, cheering her up. “thanks, y/n. i do hope so”
the school announce that nevermore will be attending to a harvest festival this night. “hey, are you excited for this event?” enid asked, smiling at you. “yeah, well i guess. i’ll just play some games there basically” you said, smiling a little. “thats great, well, this event me and ajax will meet there too. im so excited!” she said. after arriving at the event, enid and you decided to split up there since she said she was gonna meet ajax, her crush basically. you walked around and play darts, it was a basic one, obviously. while playing, xavier went to you, “jeez, didnt know you get any better at this, i bet you can catch the big one toy here” he said already looking to you. “im good at any games, i have played this since i was seven” you muttered, the balloons went popping and popping 'til you win. “quite a good shot” he compliment, “why dont you go search for your hobbies rather than talking to me” you muttered, looking at him to see that he was smiling. “all right, well then, i’ll play these darts too” he said while keeping his smile there. he was quite great at shooting the darts in the balloon too, there was an emotion that pops up to you out of nowhere. it was a feeling that you had a long time ago, but you couldn't understand what that is, so you shrugged it away. “hey, is your mind full of thoughts?” xavier said, tapping your shoulders. you look at him with a wide eyes, you were spaced out because of the thoughts. you look at him holding a cute bear beside him, seem’s that he win the game too.
“everyone, the principal said we should go watch the fireworks!” a student shouted at the crowds. “we should get going now, y/n” xavier said, pulling you out of the crowds to watch the fireworks. you didn't respond but just nodded at him. the fireworks were amazing, different colors, both of you were smiling each other. “seems that you had a great smile hiding there” he said, smiling at you. you couldn't help but giggled at what he said. it feel like a spark was creating that day, you thought to yourself. “hey y/n? i have something to ask” he muttered, turning around to face you. “spit it out” you said, looking at him. “are you going to the poe cup competition?” he asked, smiling. it looks like he was expecting you to see there. “oh, well, i think i would join too. and i’ll go at enid��s team, if ever she would join too” you said.
and so, the poe cup competition begins. you saw enid and the other students designing the boat. it was black and the design was like a cat figure. you went to look it more closer, enid notice you and wave. “so, you’re going to the poe cup competition?” she asked, smiling as always. “yeah, and i decided that i wanted to be part of your team, if thats what it calls” you muttered. “great! because our team will be having a cute black cat outfit this upcoming event! im sure you’ll love it” she said. “hm, maybe i will. i would check it out if there’s a costume published now” you replied. while enid was helping the others with the boat, you walked away silently and moved somewhere. while looking at the areas, you saw xavier at the archery. he was quite bad at it. you moved closer to have conversations with him, even in a small amount of time. “bad shot, i think you need a mentor for that” you said, crossing your arms. he looked at you with disbelief, “didnt see you coming, are you interested in archery or you’re here to entertain me instead?” he said, smirking while he tried for the second time. “actually, i was just lurking around here, until i saw you” you replied. you started to pick up the bow and a arrow to tried it out. “have you ever tried to handle a bow and shoot an arrow?” he asked. “we’ll see what i can do” you said, you prepared your bow and arrow to shoot it in the red spot. the luck was on your side, the sharp of the arrow went thru to the red spot. while xavier, he was quite impressed at what you did. “impressive, i already think to your statement earlier that you should be my mentor instead” he said, smirking at you. “dont gave me that look, it’s intriguing” you said. “well, see you in the competition, i bet you’ll look nice” you said and swiftly walked away. “is that a flirt or a compliment?” he shoutedly asked to you.
it is now class time and you walked over to the following schedule. you saw bianca and the other sirens looking at you. “there’s an open spot next to me” xavier spoked, you walked beside him and sit. looks like he was sketching something, more like a spider. he moves his hand only to make the sketch of his to move in reality. you can say that it was quite impressive that a sketchy spider can be alive in just by his hands. “admit it, you’re a little impressed” he muttered, looking at you with a smile. “hate to admit that you’re right, i was impressed in that magical hands of yours” — “wanna know what this magical hands can do?” xavier said, you looked at him with a disgust, but your insides says otherwise.
it is now the competition for the poe cup, enid’s team was labeled as black cats, its quite attractive. “hey, y/n! your costume is at the tent! you can wear it now” she said, smiling at you. “oh, thats great news. i’ll go wear it now.” you muttered, the outfit was fitted, and the ears fitted well to you. “OMG, you look purr-fect!” enid said, she walked back to help the others with the whiskers. while xavier walked towards you, “didnt know you’ll look good in black, y/n” he said, looking up and down at you. “you look like a serial killer clown at that costume of yours, thats more than a word attractive to me” you replied, smirking at him. “i considered that as a flirt, i’ll get back that” he said while smiling, he went on to his team and sat on the boat. it was now all settled, everyone was on the boat now. while you were focusing, you notice xavier was looking at you, you went to look at him but he looked to another direction. “i want to wrlcome you all to the edgar allan poe cup!” — “this is one of nevermore’s proudest annual traditions, dating back 125 years. each team must row across to raven island, pull a flag from crackstone’s crypt, and hustle back without sinking or being sunk. first team to cross the finish line with their flag wins the cup and bragging rights for a year, as well ss some special privileges. ”
“let the poe cup begin!” a sound of shotgun bang to the air and all teams swiftly sweep in the lake. one of the teams were suddenly drag on the side of the lake, causing them to bump into the giant figure and sunk. you immediately figured out that someone was trying to ruin the teams, so you immediately made up a plan. you remembered before the competition that you requested enid to put some traps or any thing that can capture in the lake. and this was the great time, you click the button and immediately figured it out that there was a mermaid nearby your boat that was about to sabotage. luckily it was now wrapped by a fishnet and no longer can bother your team. as your boat hit the next task, “stay here and make sure the other teams can't sabotage our boat. im gonna get the flag and perhaps, distract some jokers” you said to enid, you quickly run to the woods to find the crackstone’s crypt, you saw xavier there so you quickly hide from a tree to sabotage him. when you saw xavier is now nearby to you, you rush to pull him somewhere. “hey! we still have a competition, what were you thinking?” he asked, you quickly covered his mouth as you both made your way to the crackstone’s crypt where your flag was. “shush your mouth or my mouth will do it for you” you said while you picked up your team’s flag. “as if your mouth can make me shut up, prove it then” he said pulling you closer to him, you were furious because of what he said, the tone was underestimating you. you pull him closer to gave him a peck of kiss, and run away from him. he was about to gave it all but all he gotten was frustration from you for teasing, as you now go back to your teams, xavier also came back as well. while your team is at the lake coming back for the finish line, the mermaid was back again at the lake, trying to destroy your team’s boat, but you didn’t want to disappoint your friend neither anyone. so, you decide to swim over down to pull the mermaid back on what he needs to be. you pull his tail down to the lake and luckily, he swim away. you went back to the boat because of the water suffocating your lungs. your team fastly sweep the lake back to the nevermore, you and the team also sabotage the bees boat to slow them down. luckily, your team won after the competition. a lots of students was shocked after the competition, because all they knew is that bianca, herself, will always win. not until you were now part of the nevermore.
not until xavier pulled you to his dorm. you knew you’re fucked up.
“oh, so you’re into teasing, isn’t? teasing me in the middle of competition, you planned this, didn’t you y/n?” he asked, he was now pinning you against the wall, letting out his anger and frustrations at you. “would you be done if i said yes? or what? you’re gonna do something to me, you little fratboy” you muttered, you moved away yet his hands grab you and push you to bed. “oh yeah? actually, i have something to confess before i start something fun” he said while looking up and down to you with a smirk. “spit it out xavier, i dont wanna wait” you stated, “you know, ever since the harvest festival, i already have feelings for you. and i cant get you off my mind, and in the meantime, i’ve always wanted to have intimate with you, hopelessly devoted to get you” he said, you were shocked after what he just said. you didn’t know what to feel, the heat was getting higher and higher, it was so intense. all this time trying to shrug your feelings towards him, he finally cleared it out. you couldn’t express it properly so you pulled him to a kiss, he kissed back to you that is no eager, so needy. it looks like he have been waiting patiently for this to happened. his tongue swiftly made his way to your mouth, causing you to moan in the kiss, his hands went thru your boobs to massage it softly, your back arch because of it. both of you cut the kiss to breath first. “your outfit looks good, but you’ll look good without them, love” he said, pulling off your costume. “i didnt know jokers were into rough sex, quite fascinating to discover” you muttered, taking off his hat and running your fingers to her hair. “oh dont worry, my magical hands can do so much in you, also my mouth. just watch” he muttered, after he successfully took off your costume, you also pulled his clothes off and throw it somewhere in the room.
“lay down” he demanded, you did what he told to avoid more argues. “well look at that, such a beautiful sight for my eyes. its more than what i sketch about this” he muttered, he leans closer to your core and gives it a lick. you muffled at his action, “dont f-fucking tease xavier, please” you begged, he looked at you with a smirk in his face. “that’s a revenge for making me hard on the competition, beg more, love, maybe i can give what we both needed” he suggested, rubbing circles in your pussy. “p-please, xavier... i-i didn’t really meant to tease you that time, i j-just really want to feel your lips. please, xavier” you explained, arching your back to give signals to him to continue. “i’ll believe for now” he said, as he positioned himself at your core to have a taste. he leans closer and licks it. you moaned his name causing him to continue to eat you out. he puts kisses and licks at your pussy, even biting it, causing you to moaned loudly and continuously arch your back several times. but xavier wasn’t satisfied with, he push a finger inside of you while he continues to eat you out. you pulled his hair while continuously moaning his name. “fuck, your mouth is really good, p-please continue, im close” you said while rolling your eyes because of the pleasure. xavier nodded and pushes one more finger inside you and started to push in and out with a more pace of speed. while his mouth is busy tasting you more and more. “a-ah! im coming!” you shouted, “come on me love” in the exact time he said that, you come in his mouth. he took off his fingers and licks it, tasting you. “you taste delicious than my daily meal” he muttered, leaning you for a kiss, the kiss was passionate. you kissed back and wrapped your arms around his neck. “i’ll help you clean up, and overall, what happened between us is amazing. and i want to ask you out for a date after?” he said, “of course, and, we’re gonna be lovers after all” you replied.
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sugarbag · 1 year
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✰﹣𝘄𝗶𝘀𝗵 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝘀𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿
hockeyplayer!abby anderson x black!reader
𝘀𝘆𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝘀. you didn't even want to go to this stupid party. but abby would be there, so its a good enough reason to change your mind right?
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀. underage drinking, bad writing, swearing, owen ( yes i am putting him in this category ) LOTS of clichés, like, an insane amount
set in a 𝗺𝗼𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗻!𝗮𝘂 and 𝗮𝘁𝗵𝗹𝗲𝘁𝗲!𝗮𝗯𝗯𝘆 because i said so
lowercase intended, also reader as braids in this, i kinda imagined this kind
proofread : meh
𝗮𝗻. hi!! this is my first time writing/posting ever so yea, there will be mistakes and stuff but my obsession with abby took over:) i started this during lesbian visibility week, i HAD to finish it for pride month!!! i'll make two parts for this :)
this is LARGELY inspired by wish you were sober by conan gray and english is not my first language so sorry for the mistakes i'll make, anyways, hope you'll enjoy and if you do let me know<3
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it was still pretty early when you decided you had to leave owen's house. she's not even here, you thought, even after being there for an hour and a half, though it felt like an eternity.
the wolves of seattle, or your highschool's hockey team, had won the biggest game of the season, and owen, a blond football player with an ego the size of the moon, had invited pretty much everyone to his house to celebrate. now normally, you'd decline politely, not being really fond of parties or owen or getting drunk or owen but your friend dina insisted.
oh c'mon, free booze, free food- do i really need to extand the list of reasons we should go?
ok, you said two things, that's not a list dee, you replied.
well, a little birdie told me that abby would be there, you know, considering she's the captain of the team and all. not that you would care, obviously...
needless to say, you never ran so fast to your closet. you had had the biggest crush on abby anderson for what felt like forever but you only found out about her existence two years ago, in tenth grade. she was already popular due to the fact that she played hockey, but that only increased with time. now, at the end of highschool, your crush grew as you and abby did, and even though you thought that you would have enough time to confess, in a few months, you'd be off to college, lips sealed and secret unrevealed.
as you got ready, the only thing that was on your mind was abby's blonde hair, her freckled skin and her large shoulders, which you'd only admire from your seat behind her in english class. the only way you'd ever indulge in your crush was from afar, scared of rejection.
and now, 2 hours later, your green top felt rough against your skin, you had to take you jacket off because it was so hot in there and your braids seemed to pull on your scalp in a much tighter way due to your annoyance. you were in the corner of owen's living room, next to the couch on which dina was seated. she's been drinking, whining about another one of your friend not being here, ellie. dina tried to convince the young girl to come to the party but ellie and abby weren't exactly on good terms after a golfing incident that ellie didn't talk about much. just as you were wondering about the feud between the two, you recognised a blonde braid flowing a few feet away. you had spent enough time analysing every inch of her to feel tingles on every bit of your body when she turned around to look right at you.
her piercing glance met your own eyes and you couldn't help but scurry away from her blue gaze by crouching directly behind the couch.
"what.. the fuck" dina sighs. she sounded dazed, undoubtedly from the shots she's been downing. jesse didn't even bother to look your way, doing heart eyes to a random girl, his infatuation for the night. however, dina had her eyes trained on you and as she quickly scanned the room, you swiftly let out :
"abby's here! oh my god, sh's actually here! dina she looked right at me!"
"well, that's why we're here right? so that you can confess your undying love for her and become her housewife"
you let out an annoyed huff, but the idea made its way into your brain and you imagined living with abby, being able to kiss her every morning and see her with her hair undone from that eternal braid of hers. you'd run your fingers through her blonde locks, untagling the occasional knots and god, you were being delusional.
"ya know, if you don't tell her, you'll never have her babies"
"you're so drunk, shut up!" you manifested your annoyance by slapping the back of her head slightly, raising your hand from your hiding spot.
"seems like i'm not the only one, look at lovergirl over there," dina slurred.
you got up and slowly, sat down next to the black-haired girl and immediately fixed your eyes on abby. she did look a bit off, you thought. some strands from her braid were framing her flushed face and her loud laugh could be heard throughout the entire living room. the room was pretty large, you and dina being on one of the many little couches that were littered accross the room. you were practically in the very back, and on the other end of the room, was standing abby in all of her glory, surrounded by her friends and being cheered on by several people in the crowd around them.
it felt like a bad movie. admiring your highschool crush from afar at a party you didn't even want to be at in someone else's house. but still, you allowed yourself to take the blonde girl in as you sighed. oh, how beautiful she was. her strong jaw was on display, allowing you to take a good look at her sharp profile and the way her broad shoulders stretched her tight shirt. you admired the way her muscles flexed with every one of her moves and how she exuded confidence and calm. you wanted to be hers so bad.
"stop drooling, go over there!"
"yeah right, i'm just gonna go over there and ask her to be my girlfriend, even tough she doesn't even know me, in front of all her friends; i'm sure that'll go well!" you sarcastically said.
"yeah i know right? that's why i suggested it silly!" dina yelped in a high pitched voice.
she looked around a bit and started tugging at your hair a little. she was intoxicated, it was obvious so you gently got up to get her water. you took the bottle of alcohol away from the table in front of the three of you, eliciting a little whine from dina. you turned towards your friend.
"i'm gonna get you some water ok? you do not move, i'll be back right away. jesse will keep an eye on you, right jess?"
"what? noooo, last time she bit me!" the boy complained loudly.
"don't get your dirty fingers close to my mouth, imbecile."
you could still hear the two of them arguing as you hurried towards the kitchen you saw on your way in. you pushed through the crowd to get to the sink, set the bottle down and it's only then that you realized that you didn't have a glass. you looked around a bit and started opening different cupboards in vain. just as you were about to give up, you felt a heavy hand graze your shoulder, followed by a voice you knew all too well, despite never talking directly to the speaker.
"are you looking for this?"
you froze.
abby anderson was standing right behind you, beer and glass in the same hand, you knew that because in addition to her voice and other hand, that was now fully on you shoulder, you could suddenly feel her warmth in your back. realising that the amount of time you spent with your back turned was becoming awkward, you suddenly spun around to face abby, and you almost stopped breathing.
from across the room, you couldn't observe her all that well but up close, you could have counted the freckles displayed on her slightly crooked nose. you could have pushed the strand of hair that was getting close to her eyelashes but the sight of her blue eyes made you feel like any movement would cause you to break. the dimly lit kitchen created a golden haze that surrounded abby, made her skin glow and brought out her freckles and in that very moment, you swore you got into heaven. she adorned a band tee that was just a little tight on her but the short sleeves allowed you to see her arm muscles flex as she moved.
she looked at you groggily, with a dazed look and a glass in her hand. she almost nudged it into you chest, which made you want to scream, but you happily took the glass.
"um, th-thank you!" you managed to mumble two words and regretted it instantly.
"you're welcome, pretty!" abby replied.
and you froze again. you were about to fill the glass with water but as those words left abby's mouth, you felt all your limbs transforming into jello.
"what did you say?" you asked in disbelief.
abby's eyes were still boring into yours, her mouth slightly agaped and you swore you could cry as she retorted :
"i called you pretty! because you are"
your eyes must have opened wide because abby suddenly looked a bit panicked.
"i'm sorry, does it bother you? i won't do it again, sorry" she scratched the back of her head.
"no!" you practically shouted. "it's ..um i mean it's completely fine"
you paused a little before adding :
"you.. well, i- i think you're really pretty too!"
you could have sighed at your fumbling but the girl's grin got bigger at your words.
"thank you! i'm abby by the way! nice to meet you __" when she said your name, you could've fainted. so many thoughts came to mind but you only managed to blink until your vision got blurry.
"i know who you are, how do you know my name?"
you didn't mean to sound rude, that probably came out the wrong way, but what the actual fuck?
"oh well, we have a few classes together. english, physics, french and-"
"maths, i know. you're two seats away from me"
oops. hope she didn't catch that.
she didn't seem to, or maybe she didn't care enough because her smile grew even more, if that was even possible. a small grin started forming on your lips but it was interrupted by a man's shadow on the two of you. owen had inserted himself close to abby, closer than you were, so much so that you felt like you could vomit just from the sight. his arm was around her shoulders and you saw her form slightly crisp for a second then slowly relax.
"hey, we missed you for a second back there! whatcha' doing here?" his loud voice made you cringe, and when he looked at you, you couldn't help but furrow your brows. you lived a few houses down, so owen was sort of your neighbor, which was appreciated when abby came over to his house and you saw her on her way. dina called it creepy stalking. she wasn't totally wrong.
"yo, __, right? having fun?"
the sound of your name in his mouth sent a new wave of nausea through your body but you decided to behave. after all, it was his house, his party, his friend.
"uh yeah sure, it's a great party owen. i came with a few friends and- oh shit!" you exclaimed.
dina was still waiting for her much needed glass of water, all alone, with drunk jesse as her only companion. fuck.
you quickly turned around to fill the long forgotten glass of water and excused yourself to the pair.
"i'm sorry, i have to give this to my friend, was nice though, bye abby!"
"bye pretty!" the girl replied as she waved her hand at you.
the nickname made you weak on your knees, which was not ideal when you had to push through a crowd of drunk people. you looked back at the kitchen, seeing abby get owen's arm away from her shoulders. you grinned before continuing your trip over to dina. you were relieved once you heard the bickering of your two friends again, assuming they probably argued the whole time you were with abby. oh god, you actually talked to abby.
"that was definitely not right back by the way, i think i had time to sober up completely" dina sluggishly stated. just as she said this, she knocked over a couple plastic cups on the table. she slowly looked up at you, accepted the glass of water you inched towards her and drank it as she looked away.
"i called an uber, its a few minutes away" jesse, who was still sat next to dina, handed you his phone for you to note the car's travel.
"great, awesome let's um, let's get out of here"
dina quickly finished her cup, and got up, you immediately went to slip your shoulder under her own, carrying a part of her body weight to keep her from stumbling all over the sticky floor. jesse gathered everyone's belongings and followed after the two of you and being less intoxicated than dina, his step was much firmer.
"you're such a lightweight dee," the boy snorted.
the black haired girl flipped him off as she looked his way, and chuckled before standing straighter, pushing through the crowd with more confidence.
"i'm not even drunk, you di- oh shit, sorry!"
"no, no don't worry that's my bad"
it's like you summoned her. technically, dina was the one who bumped into abby but still, the blonde girl was looking at you, right now. she waved again, despite the fact that you were a few feet away from her. you waved back and as you did so, you could feel dina's confused look going between the two of you, before locking her squinted eyes on you.
"oh you two already know each other?" she asked, in disbelief. you opened wide eyes in her direction at the question but rapidly looked back at abby.
"yeah, um, i mean we talked a little in the kitchen like 5 minutes ago"
"mhm and she called me pretty" abby added in a high pitched voice.
sudenly both dina and jesse were looking at you with wide eyes and sligthly open mouths. dina was the first one to tease.
"is that so?" she emphasised every word with a big smile plastered on her face. she was proud of you, truly but the fact that she was drunk altered her reactions.
"ooh so that is what took you so long. you were getting to know each other" jesse agitated finger guns in your side as you tried to keep eye contact with abby. as difficult as it already was, her dopey smile made you feel dizzy in the best way possible and you knew you'd get teased afterwards when abby talked again
"yeah i'd really like to do that. get to know you, i mean"
she said that so casually you almost had topinch yourself to believe it wasn't a dream. once again your eyes got a little wider, which didn't go unnoticed by dine, who snorted quietly. it felt so sweet that you almost forgot you were at a crowed party, close to the door and the stairs in one of the most packed areas of the house, and your carelessness was rewarded by having a drink spilt all over your shirt as some guy bumped into you. the green top you adorned turned dark and the strong smell of alcohol made you scrunch your nose in disgust.
"hey, watch where you're going man!" dina's brows furrowed as she got in between the two of you. the drunk guy mumbled an apology but he rapidly faded in the crowd and disappeared as quickly as he entered the frame. the humid feeling on your chest, however, was still very present and you peeled your wet top off your body with a worried expression.
"fuck" the smell of alcohol clung to your skin and made it's way to your nostrils, causing you to scrunch your face in disgust. abby let out a light chuckle at the sight of your grimace and when you heard her, you didn't care about your wet shirt or the music that was blasting in your ears or the fact that a few minutes ago, you felt as if you were about to burst because of overstimulation.
abby's laugh fixed it.
you were down monstrously bad.
"i um, i have a shirt in my car if you want. wet fabric is the worst feeling ever."
"uhh i don't know, i should go with dina, she's a bit drunk and-" you were interrupted by your friend.
"nahh me? i'm as sober as a judge" loudly declared the black haired girl. as she did so, she let go of jesse's arm and managed to walk a few meters in an approximatively straight line before turning back to your group with a large smile on her face and her arms in the hair, demonstrating her exploit.
"take the shirt, get some time to chat amongst yourselves and jesse and i, we'll be on our merry way" she gripped the boy by the arm she was previously holding onto, and walked to the door with her back turned to it, facing you and abby.
you hurried to her side to whisper scream in her ear "what are you doing? are you really gonna leave me alone? with abby?!"
"hey calm down yeah? just take the shirt and her number, emphasis on number. because stalking her instagram without even following her is not gonna get you anywhere."
"yea i know but-"
"no buts. you go get that shirt and her number. if you don't, i'll be under your bed tonight"
"how old are you?"
"stop being a coward. text me when you get home okay? i want details."
dina kissed your cheek and gave you aa encouraging look before glancing over at jesse, who had a dopey smile plastered on his face. she let out a little sigh before moving her head towards the entrance. he followed her after giving you a little hug and soon enough, they were walking out the door after giving you a little wave.
you caught a glimpse of them bickering in the uber and as the car drove away, you realized abby was still standing a few meters away from you. you turned around to find her in the same spot, right behind you with a light smile and rosy cheeks. she rummaged trough the pocket of her black jeans to get her car keys out of it.
"if you still want that shirt.."
"sure! is your car close?"
"yeah, it's just in front"
the two of you walked to the door, pushing people away a few times, and as soon as you got out of the house, the cold wind hit your face with force. the refreshing feeling made you inhale and fill your lungs with oxygen, savoring the new sensation. you closed your eyes and for a second, the only other existing being was abby. she stood right next to you and if you weren't so engulfed by the fresh air on your face, maybe you could've noticed the way she looked at you.
maybe you'd have noticed how she always blushed when you looked her way or how she was shaking before every single french class because that's when you're the closest to her, just one seat away. and technically, abby could move closer to you but she didn't want to risk passing off as a creep. so she just kept her eyes trained on your silouhette, your hair, your hands whe she'd get glimpses of them from behind you. abby was beginning to get lost in her thoughts of you, so much so that she almost forgot why the two of you were outside, together. as if you could hear her thoughts, you reminded her.
"which one's your car?"
you obviously knew what car abby drove, it was the same one you'd look for every morning in the parking lot and when you saw the grey range rover, your heart lept out of your chest for a second. but abby couldn't know that. she led you to her car and you were perplexe when she followed you to the passenger side, only for her to open the car door for you. you blinked a few times before processing what she did, and the whole time she just stared at you, giving you a little nod to encourage you to get in.
you sat in the passenger seat, abby closed the door and went to the trunk of her car. she retrieved a black muscle tee from it, got in the car and froze. you were in her car. so close she could smell your perfume. you smelled like jasmin and, was that vanilla? abby could never tell. not even after she looked down at the shirt in her hands and turned her head to you, handing you the item. this time, you noticed the slight shaking of her hands and as you took the shirt, your hads brushed. the contact felt like touching an exposed wire, fire pouring into your veins and at this very moment,
you were so glad you went to this party.
an. okkk so this might be a bit short but i really wanted to at least share one part!!
LOTS of incoherence and clichés but i mean.. anything for abby am i right?? i don't know if i hate it or love it but its still my first child
tell me if you like it <3
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holdmytesseract · 2 years
Daryl Dixon x fem!Reader
Summary: Daryl isn't the same since the incident at the bridge. He rather searches in the woods for his brother, than staying in Alexandria. He needs space - and you respect that. But when you visit him, all your dreams and hopes come crashing down at what you stumble upon...
Warnings: usual TWD stuff, some swear words, mentions of cheating? angst, kinda sad
Set in Season 10!
Word Count: 2,6k
a/n: Finally I made it to write another Daryl oneshot! Yay! 😁 I watched episode 18 of season 10 and well... Got this idea - and it turned out to be kinda sad, honestly... 🙈 I hope you enjoy it! Also, sorry to all the Leah fans out there! 🙈
Tagging: @in-this-minute @thefemininemystiquee @hotgirlsshareaccounts @azanoni @lokisgoodgirl
If you want to be added to my Daryl taglist, please let me know!
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The sun was about to set, when you saw the walls of the Kingdom appear in the distance. You stopped the beautiful brown horse you sat upon, just for a moment to watch the orange-reddish sun go down and get replaced by the moon. You'd never get tired of watching sunsets... Never. Not even in a world like this. Unfortunately got your moment of peace and silence interrupted by an all too familiar groan and snarl, followed by the sound of heavy steps through the high grass. You sighed and looked to your left, seeing a single walker making its way over to you. He was not quite fast, due to the fact that his right leg was almost completely sliced up. Anyways, it was time to go. "Come on, buddy." You gently nudged the horse's side with your legs, causing the strong animal to start walking again. Leaving the lonely walker easily behind yourself, you made your way to the gates of the Kingdom, which got immediately opened for you to ride in. "Hey, Y/N." Dianne greeted you with a small smile. "Dianne." You nodded at her, smiling as well. "Carol is already waiting for you in the cinema." The archer said, as you descended from your horse. "Thought so." "Go, meet her. I'll take care of this one." Dianne said, patting the animal's neck with one hand and taking the rein in her other hand. You gave her another nod. "Thanks." You expected to be already awaited by Carol, since you promised her to be here by noon. Well... Nightfall wasn't exactly noon. Unfortunately, there were a few things who got in the way and - let's say you got a bit... distracted as well.
"Carol, hey." You greeted her, walking down the aisle between the rows of seats, direction stage. "Y/N! Finally!" She stormed towards you immediately, "I already was afraid that something might've happened to you!" and hugged you tightly. "'M sorry, Carol. There were a few walker incidents and... other things I came across."
You had made the journey from Alexandria to the Kingdom, because you promised your friends to help them with their problems. The Kingdom was more than less falling apart so slowly. Especially the old, rusty and brittle pipe system worried the people. As chance would have it, your dad had been a plumber and you learned how to forge in Hilltop from Earl almost a year ago, so...
"Other things you came across?" Your friend, which whom you've known for years now asked with a raised eyebrow, crossing her arms over her chest. "What is that supposed to mean?" "Well, um-" "No, no, wait a second... I know that face." She said, starting to smirk, "Is this 'other thing you came across' coincidentally named Daryl?" and wiggling her eyebrows.
Carol knew, of course, just like your other closest friends, that you and Daryl basically were a thing. You were already living in Alexandria, when Rick and his group joined the community. The strong and tough, yet shy and loyal archer caught your sight immediately; harbouring a schoolgirl crush on him since then. It only got worse when he taught you how to fight, after the Wolves attacked and the big herd of walkers, flooding through the gates of Alexandria. Someway, somehow you managed to get closer to him, tearing down these walls he had built around him. You took it slow, gave him all the time he needed; taking step after step - and well... At some point you kind of just... got together. He was the man you never knew you needed in your life – and suddenly there he was. The man you never thought you were going to find, and due to the end of the world, did.
A sad sigh left your lips, as you hung your head and shook it. "No... I wish it would've been like this... I haven't seen him in weeks - months..." "I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't know, I..." You shook your head once again and looked up to meet Carol's eyes. "No, don't worry. It's alright." She saw of course the tears, which had started to gather in your eyes and placed immediately a hand on your shoulder. "It clearly isn't. Come." Carol nodded towards the seats and guided you over, where you two sat down in the first row. "Spill it. What happened?" You took a deep breath and rested your head in your hands. "Nothing particularly, I... I don't know. It's just... I'm afraid I might lose him. Since Rick's death, he distanced himself. You know what I'm talking about..." Carol's face held a compassionate, yet sad gaze as she nodded. "I understand that. Gods, I never could not understand it. He lost his brother that day. A part of his family - of his history. I know that he had to do this... Go out there, live in the woods and search for Rick, but... That was almost two years ago." You said with a sigh. "I miss him, Carol. I miss spending time with him. I miss going out to hunt with him. I miss driving around with him on his bike. I miss him, sleeping next me. I feel so cold at night. So lonely. I miss his presence, his attention, his warm embraces... I miss how he used to kiss me; how he used to hold me after we..." You trailed off, as you realised what you were going to say. Not that you didn't trust your friend, but you didn't want to spill the secrets of your more intimate interactions with Daryl. "You know..." You just said instead, lowering your head again, fumbling with your fingers.
Once more you felt the gentle touch of the woman's hand on your shoulder. "I know, Y/N... I know what you mean. I noticed it as well. He shuts himself more and more off." She stated with a sad tone in her voice. If someone knew, then it was Carol. After all, she and Daryl were the definition of best friends. "I would just join him, you know... Living with him in the woods, probably search for a sweet, little hut to live there, but I know that he wouldn't want this. I know that he needs space and time to heal the gaping wound Rick left behind. He needs - wants to do this alone. And besides, he wouldn't want me to risk my life. He feels better when I'm behind the safe walls of Alexandria, so..." You paused for a short moment. "I let him be. I have no other choice. It just scares the shit outta me, you know. I often find myself laying awake at night, thinking that something could happen to him out there. What if he gets himself hurt or attacked by a herd of walkers? Or God forbid, what if he comes across bad people and gets killed? What if he dies? I am afraid I might lose him - no..." You felt a tear running down your cheek. "I'm afraid I already lost him..." Carol had been quiet until now, listened closely and patiently what you clearly had to get off your chest. "Y/N... I understand your fears and worries, but we both know that Daryl is a survivor. If someone can survive out there alone, it's him." Then she reached for your hand, took it in hers and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "And I can assure you that you didn't lose him. Every time I visit him, all he does is asking about you. Asks how you are and what you've been up to lately. He wants to make sure that you are safe and healthy. And every time I tell him about you, I can see how his face lights up and how that soft, rare smile appears on his face. I can see the love in his eyes, Y/N. He's never lost it. Never." You sobbed at her words, wiping away the tears and feeling your heart ache for the man you learned to love so much. "R-Really?" She gave you a small smile, nodding. "Really." You couldn't help but to break out into a smile as well. Daryl was still here - and he still loved you and cared about you. "Do you... Do you know where he is? Last time I wanted to visit him at his old place, he was gone... I-I gotta see him." Your friend nodded. "I just saw him last week. I know where he is." Carol showed you on a map, where the river was located, at which Daryl was currently staying at. "Thank you, Carol." She smiled at you. "Of course, Y/N. Can't let my favourite couple just split apart, can I? But don't tell him I was the one who told you. You know that he just wants you to be safe." A soft giggle left your lips, "Promise." before you both made your way towards the Kingdom's pipe problem, taking a look at the damage.
On the next morning, you were beginning to work on fixing the problem, together with a few other members of the Kingdom. Thoughts were running wildly through your head; heart thudding against your ribcage, as you worked on the old, unstable pipe system to somehow get it fixed - but you just couldn't concentrate. The fact that you were now able to see him again sent your body and feelings into overdrive. You couldn't wait to feel his callous, but gentle hands enveloping yours. You couldn't wait to wrap your arms around his strong, broad body. You couldn't wait to taste his lips with yours again and hopefully just dive into the depths of the love you shared with him. All you could think about was him - which you got punished for. "Ouch!" You yelped, as the hammer didn't come down on the metal, but on your thumb. You hissed and let go of the piece of metal and took a look at the damage. "Y/N?! Everything alright?!" Carol's voice urged to your ears, from around the corner. "Yeah, fine!" You called out, reassuring her. "Just accidentally hit my thumb." "You sure?" "Yeah!"
Unfortunately, this wasn't the only 'incident' that happened to you that day. You just weren't able to focus on the task ahead... "Y/N, I think you should stop working for today."  Carol stated, approaching you with her arms crossed over her chest. "But I-" "No." She shook her head interrupting you and shaking her head. "You are absent-minded. So slowly I'm afraid you are really going to hurt yourself badly - or damage the already damaged pipes even more, so..." You looked at her, eyes fill with sorrow. You already wanted to apologise and tell her, that you'd try to focus now, but Carol was faster. "Go to him." She said, a smile spread over her face. You blinked. "B-But... I promised to help you..." "Yes, but not in the moment. I know you want to see Daryl, so go, have a wonderful night with him and come back to help us. Deal?" You breathed out a soft laugh, nodding. "Deal." You grabbed your things and Carol's map; and immediately went to the stables to get your horse. Securing your knives to your belt and slinging your bow and arrows over your shoulder, you sat up on the brown stallion. "Let's go, find him." The guards on the gates let you out, closing the steel 'door' behind you.
As fast as possible you rode towards the river, navigating through the woods. It was another thing you learned from Daryl. Using maps correctly - and in that moment, you were more than just grateful that he taught you that.
When you saw a tent appearing in distance and something that looked like a mini camp, you descended from the horse and decided to walk the last distance. You could clearly tell that it was Daryl's camp, what caused your lips to curl into a bright smile. You quickened your steps, impatient on seeing him finally again. You could already hear that deep, gruff southern voice of his, making your heart beat faster. You didn't waste a thought on who he was talking to. Why would you? Your brain was clouded with sheer happiness and utter joy to see your man again. But then you reached the mini camp - and suddenly that thought you discarded mere seconds ago came back to you and hit you harder than a bullet ever could. Daryl sat by the river, surrounded by colourful leaves, which had fallen from the trees. His angel-winged vest seemed like to shimmer in the warm autumn sun. He had his arms wrapped around his legs; gaze directed on the quiet and peaceful river - but he wasn't alone. A woman with light brown hair was sitting next to him. She was laughing and smiling and to you, they seemed to be pretty close. Like in a trance, you took a few cautious steps forward, like you hadn't seen enough already. Like your heart wasn't about to break any second.
You witnessed with tears in your eyes, how the woman placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned closer to peck his cheek. In that moment, you felt how your heart clattered to the ground, shattering into a million pieces. You couldn't believe this. You never thought Daryl was the type to cheat, but well... Apparently you were wrong about this - about him.
Sure, you could've just left without a single word, but the disappointment and anger you felt inside you wouldn't have it. "So that's what you've been doing all those months, distancing yourself from me. I see..." You spoke up, desperately trying to sound cold and hiding the quiver in your voice. Your words caught immediately both their attention, of course, causing them to spin around to face you. While you could clearly see all the colour draining from Daryl's face in shock, was the woman looking at you confused. "Y/N..." Your name on his lips sounded suddenly so utterly wrong... Before you knew it, the man literally jumped to his feet, already making his way over to you, his heavy boots hitting the wooden ground. "Y/N, 'm sorry, this... This isn't how it looks, gods, I swear, I..." He tried to desperately explain himself, but the damage was done. For you, it was more than clear. You had connected the dots. Daryl reached for you, placed his hands gently on your arms, but you flinched away from his touch, "D-Don't..." and took a few steps backwards. Panic flashed in his blue eyes. "I-I have seen enough a-and now I really know why you s-shut yourself off." With those words you turned around to leave. You hadn't the strength to look at him - or her for even a minute longer. Daryl came of course after you, once again tried to explain everything and apologise, but the lot of his words never reached you. You felt like numbed; only acting on instinct. "Y/N, please..." You ignored him and sat on your horse. "I-I love ya!" Daryl said, clearly desperate. The words stung in your heart. "Really? Doesn't seem like it." You answered, tears blurring your vision, before you gently nudged the sides of the stallion. "Y/N!" He called your name once again, but without looking back, you rode away.
You didn't hear the heart-breaking scream, which left Daryl's lips. "Goddamit!" Why was he such a damn idiot? The archer asked himself, on the verge of breaking down. Once again, he fucked everything up. Once again, he made a mistake, which caused him to lose the only good thing in his life. The woman he loved so much.
a/n: Perhaps there is going to be a part 2? 👀
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hiseyebrowsaregone · 11 months
do you have a list of sterek fic you recommend most?
First I have no idea how long this has been here and I'm sorry that it has took me however long to answer, I never saw the ask before now!
Anyway your (long?) Awaited list!
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Will to follow through by owlpostagain
| 2/2 | 42,411 | Teen and Up | Sterek |
“It depends entirely on how you look at it, I guess,” Stiles shrugs. “On the one hand, instant healing and the apparently inherited ability to pull off leather at all times. On the other, serious attitude problems and a suspicious disappearance of eyebrows.”
“Even Derek’s?” Danny snorts, “that’s a lot of eyebrow to lose.”
“I know,” Stiles agrees. “You should see, it’s so weird. Every time I want to ask him where they go, except he’d totally eat my face off.”
“There are worse ways to die.”
Here is the deepest secret nobody knows by owlpostagain
| 1/1 | 22,322 | Teen and Up | Sterek |
“Derek,” Stiles groans. “You have me. You’ve always had me, you absolute moron, how many physically impossible feats of life-saving heroics do I have to perform before you get it?”
The gift of death by Lalaith_Quetzalli
| 1/1 | 10,913 | Teen and Up | Sterek |
Stiles realizes he cannot trust Scott, he��s never trusted the Argents, and Derek tries but he cannot do it all alone. Which means that if he wants to stop the kanima before more people die, he’s going to have to step forward himself. It’s time everyone learns who Mieczyslaw ‘Stiles’ Stilinski truly is…
On jest słońcem (He Is The Sun) by haaaveyoumetted
| 3/3 | 6,166 | No rating | Sterek |
"AU where Stiles speaks in Polish to his dad
And maybe he talks to himself in Polish too
And maybe he talks about Derek a lot. Derek’s eyes. Derek’s shoulders. Derek’s adorable teeth. Derek’s arms. Derek Derek Derek
And maybe he has a nickname he calls Derek when he talks about him, because he could pick his own name out of a sentence and that would be embarrassing, right?
And maybe Derek understands every damn word, because you speak many languages Derek Hale
And maybe it kills Derek a little bit that Stiles hasn’t told him about this guy he talks about like he hung the moon. Maybe it kills Derek a little that it’s not him."
There Are No Wolves in California (Werewolves on the Other Hand...) By isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella) & KioFox
| 4/4 | 49,010 | mature | Sterek |
“I’m not calming down until you call animal control! I fucking saw it! There were fucking wolves!”
“There are no wolves in California, Mr. Daehler,” the principal said, sounding exasperated, like this was the third time she’d said it to him.
“Well clearly there are!” he shouted back, showing such a lack of respect for the woman, Stiles had to applaud her for her fortitude not to smack him in the face.
“Perhaps you were mistaken,” she said calmly.
“No I wasn’t fucking mistaken,” Matt insisted, sounding incensed. “No way these were dogs, they were massive!”
For a second, Stiles felt like the world had slowed considerably as those words wormed their way into his brain. Because—he knew a dog that was massive. Honestly, he’d also brushed away the idea of the dog being a wolf because there were no wolves in California.
But... what if there were?
Holy shit, had Stiles literally spent his lunch break with a fucking wolf cuddled into his side while he pet it?! Good God, he was lucky to still have all his limbs!
Go Away, Scott by HelloWhyTheFuckAmIHere
| 45/45 | 66,227 | No rating | Sterek |
After the incident at the warehouse, Stiles is fed up with Scott. He finds himself drawn into Derek’s pack and in the process, drawn to Derek himself.
With the Alpha Pack closing in, Derek needs to learn how to trust his pack and those around him. And who better to help him than Stiles?
I wanna hear (how your heart speaks) by LadySlytherin
| 25/25 | 97,791 | Explicit | Sterek |
When an attack on Derek leaves Stiles as collateral damage and causes him to lose his hearing, the Pack is at a loss. With the Alpha Pack to contend with and his wayward betas barely come to heel, Derek’s already got his hands full. He doesn't have time for an injured human teenager or his sheriff father. But Stiles is pack - something Derek has known for a while - with the potential to be even more. And Derek soon finds that Stiles is more of an asset than anyone realized, even with his new limitations.
As for Stiles, he's about to find out that sometimes when you lose one thing, you gain so much more.
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
Suddenly, away on our left, I saw a faint flickering blue flame. The driver saw it at the same moment; he at once checked the horses, and, jumping to the ground, disappeared into the darkness. I did not know what to do, the less as the howling of the wolves grew closer; but while I wondered the driver suddenly appeared again, and without a word took his seat, and we resumed our journey. I think I must have fallen asleep and kept dreaming of the incident, for it seemed to be repeated endlessly, and now looking back, it is like a sort of awful nightmare. [...] Suddenly, I became conscious of the fact that the driver was in the act of pulling up the horses in the courtyard of a vast ruined castle, from whose tall black windows came no ray of light, and whose broken battlements showed a jagged line against the moonlit sky. I must have been asleep, for certainly if I had been fully awake I must have noticed the approach of such a remarkable place.
5 May, Jonathan
I tried to keep awake, and succeeded for a while; but when the clock struck twelve it waked me from a doze, so I must have been falling asleep. There was a sort of scratching or flapping at the window, but I did not mind it, and as I remember no more, I suppose I must then have fallen asleep. More bad dreams. I wish I could remember them.
25 August, Lucy
As he approaches the castle after midnight, Jonathan is nervous about seeming to drive around in circles, and afraid of the wolves. He doesn't outright say he's trying to stay awake but I think context is clear that he'd rather not be sleeping right now especially when the wolves are a danger. He's trying to notice landmarks and keep alert, but feels as though he slipped into sleep anyway and compares the experience to a terrible dream. He doesn't seem certain that he was asleep but moreso extrapolates from available information (he would have noticed the castle's approach had he been awake). This also seems to have happened unsteadily, multiple times slipping in and out of awareness.
Lucy tries to stay awake shortly before midnight, because she is afraid of what might happen to her in her sleep. She doesn't notice herself falling asleep and has to reason that she must have done so based on information (she was startled by the clock, she would have noticed the noises from the window had she been awake) but was unable to wake up fully despite that momentary awareness. Instead she succumbs to sleep once again, where she is trapped in nightmares. Her memory of the night is uncertain, just like Jonathan's was at times but more completely.
There are all the other vampiric hypnotism moments that compare extremely well too - Lucy's unsteady half-awareness of Dracula in her memory of being fed on for the first time. Jonathan's uncertainty about falling asleep repeating again when he first meets the vampire ladies and is placed in their trance ("I suppose I must have fallen asleep; I hope so, but I fear, for all that followed was startlingly real") and the way they seem to appear suddenly in the room, once again indicating him possibly losing some time as they approach. Jonathan's understanding that he was being hypnotized the next time he sees them, and his active struggle to break free from his dreamlike state almost like Lucy's failed effort to stay awake here. Even the last night, when Jonathan ends one entry praying on his knees then wakes in the morning to pray on his knees again without noticing or explaining why he stopped to sleep in between, much like Lucy's inability to remember her dreams. - but I don't think any are quite as one-to-one as here.
Especially because Lucy, just like Jonathan in the 5 May entry, has just unknowingly placed herself in Dracula's territory (well, a day ago, but it's close enough to make the point). Whitby was a stop on the way for him, but he intends to stay in Carfax, to make it his new Castle Dracula in many ways. And Lucy's return home has brought her into his sphere of influence as surely as Jonathan's journey to the castle did. The greater distance between them, and even her own house which he cannot enter without a freely-given invitation... those protections are of no use when no one knows to use them. And right now, no one does. No more than (in fact less than) Jonathan knew the value of the crucifix he'd been gifted.
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Bella Swan AU: Canon Divergence Master Post
What if Bella Found Out Edward Thought She Was Unremarkable and Plain in the Beginning of Twilight? (She Knows, He Told Her Himself, Bella Agreed With Him)
What If Edward Couldn’t Suck the Poison Out?
What if Bella Got Pregnant in Twilight? (Or Sex Pollen A-Hoy!)
What if Bella Passed by the Cullen Table on Her First Day?
What if Bella Had Returned to Phoenix Before Edward Got Back from Alaska?
What if Jacob Never Told Bella His Old Legends?
What if Bella Was Struck by Lightning During the Baseball Game?
What if Someone in the Phoenix Airport Thought Bella Was Being Trafficked?
What if Bella Had Confronted Edward in that First Biology Class? (He Eats Her)
What if Renee Came to Help Bella Move to Forks?
What if Bella Woke Up with No Memory After the Van?
What if Bella Had Realized Her Mother’s Voice on the Call with James Was a Recording?
What if the Van Incident Never Happened?
What if Edward Tore off Bella's Arms When Trying to Suck the Venom Out? (Yes, Someone Asked This)
What if Bella Was Sick the Day of the Van Incident?
What if Bella Had Moved to Forks Because Renee and Phil Had Died?
What if Bella Was Super Head Over Heels for Rosalie Instantly?
What if There Was No Parking Lot?
What if Bella Ended Up in a Coma After the James Altercation?
What if James Killed Charlie and Renee in Twilight?
New Moon
What if After New Moon the Cullens Actually Stay Away Then Come Back Later?
What if Bella and Edward had Sex Early New Moon and Bella Became Pregnant? and What if She Didn’t Make it To Volterra?
What if Bella’s Birthday Never Happened?
What if Bella’s Birthday Never Happened II: The Break Uppening
What if Bella Went to the Volturi For Help With Victoria in New Moon?
What if Bella Was Bitten in New Moon When the Cullens Are Gone?
What if Edward Did Stay Away in New Moon and Came Back When Bella Was in College?
What if Bella Didn’t Stop Edward’s Suicide?
What if the Venom in Bella’s System From James Slowly Turned Her Into a Vampire (Presuming the Cullens Remained Absent After New Moon)? Horror Film A-Hoy!
What if Bella Was Turned By Victoria in New Moon, Not Killed by the Wolves, Then Alice Shows Up?
What if Bella Was Bitten By Laurent and the Wolves Found Her?
What if Demetri Decided to Visit During Bella’s Birthday Bash?
What if Jasper Did Bite Bella at the Party?
What if Bella Rejected Edward After New Moon?
What if Carlisle Had to Turn Bella at the Birthday Party?
What if Victoria Had Turned One of Bella’s Friends?
What if Bella Never Went to Italy to Save Edward but Ran into the Volturi Years Later?
What if the Cullens Never Returned and Bella Went to Cornell?
What if Bella Broke a Bone When She Jumped Off the Cliff?
What if Bella Murdered Someone in New Moon to Feed Hallucination Edward?
What if Victoria Had Been in the Meadow Instead?
What if Bella Never Hallucinated Edward?
That Time Bella Had a BDSM Relationship with Jacob Based Only on the Desire to See Hallucination Edward Again
What if Charlie Threw Bella Out After Her Trip to Italy?
What if After Months of Depression and Not Eating Right Bella's Blood Smelled Bad to Edward?
What if Bella Had Been Severely Injured from Jumping off the Cliff?
What if Edward Hadn't Chosen the Worst Way Possible to Break Up with Bella?
What if Bella Hit Her Head in the Woods and Forgot Everything that Had Happened in Canon?
What if Bella Wasn't Depressed Magically in New Moon?
What if Bella Was at Jacob's House After Nearly Drowning/Why Did Edward Kill Himself Anyway?
What if Bella and Carlisle Were the Only Cullen Survivors in Eclipse?
What if Bella Had Stabbed Herself in Eclipse?
What if Bella Had Started Dating Mike Newton in New Moon? (Mike Newton Would Have an Accident When Edward Returned)
What if Bella Suggested a Polycule Between Her, Jacob, and Edward?
What if Bella Narked to Carlisle About the Time Edward Stole Her Car Engine? (Or, Why Bella Doesn't Nark to Carlisle)
Breaking Dawn
What if Bella Fled With Renesmee After Breaking Dawn?
What if Bella Died in Childbirth?
What if Edward and Jacob Had Forcibly Aborted Bella?
What if Bella Lost Control When She Met Charlie in Breaking Dawn? and Would This Make Her a Better Mother and Would Emmett Make Poorly Timed Jokes?
What if Bella Had Eaten Charlie? (Again)
What if Bella Became Pregnant Before the Honeymoon?
What if Bella Miscarried? and What Did Carlisle Think?
What if Bella Somehow Survived Breaking Dawn Human?
What if Bella Woke Up as a Vampire with No Memory?
What if the Vampire Pregnancy Made Bella a Hybrid Instead?
What if Edward and Bella Crash Landed in Antarctica for The Thing in Their Honeymoon?
What if Bella Didn’t Decide Imprinting on Renesmee Was Cool?
What if Edward Broke Bella’s Pelvis in Intercourse?
What if Sex with Edward Made Bella a Vampire?
What if Bella Had Still Been Eating Human Food While Pregnant?
What if Bella Had Gone to Volterra After Turning?
What if Bella Didn't Let Alice Plan the Wedding?
What if Bella Hadn't Gotten Pregnant but Had Gotten a Tropical Disease?
What if Bella Had Insisted on an Abortion? (May Not Have Been an Option, Actually)
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glittergoblinzz · 6 months
Finally finished it!
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It's not the best ref sheet in the world but it'll do for now. I've got a lot of her info all planned out below if anyone is interested in learning about her ☺️
• Name - Evelyn Williams (call sign "Kiwi")
• Age - 25
• Evelyn absolutely loves animals, especially birds, wolves and bears. She's also got a thing for dark humor and uses it to cope with some of her trauma
• Ethnicity - Half Russian, Half German. Her mother was German and her father was Russian.
• Born in Moscow, her mother took her and moved out of Russia after her father had died when she was eight. They moved in with her Mother's sister, who was living in Wales in the time. Eventually her mother got back on her feet but her mom liked living in the UK more than Russia so she decided to stay
• Evelyn signed up for the military as soon as she was able to. She's always been a wild thing and had a strange fascination with bombs/explosions....so what better way to chase that interest by joining the military?
• Despite the yearning to "legally" blow stuff up, she was better at sniping....which eventually earned her a spot on TF141
• She got the call sign "Kiwi" because she's the shortest on Task Force 141 by FAR plus she has a love for birds, so it was only natural Soap of all people would start calling her a little "Kiwi" for shits and giggles but the name ended up sticking
•Most of her scars came from incidents involving explosives she was sent in to disarm or set....Most of them, anyways....
• Quite a few of her scars on her torso and back, including the one on her neck, came from a mission that went wrong and she was mistaken as KIA and left behind by the team when they needed to evac ASAP.....
I'm not spoiling too much on her story yet 🤫 The rest will be posted about later on.....
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earthstellar · 2 years
before I forget, had a dream last night which was actually a pretty good MTMTE/Lost Light AU lmao
essentially, Drift and Rodimus went on an away mission that was just the two of them to scout out whether or not a planet they found on their navigational star chart might have energon/fuel deposits
they were the ones chosen because their alt-modes are fast enough to traverse the weird terrain and in the event of anything like an undetectably toxic atmosphere etc they are most likely to be able to get back on board the ship before it can kill them etc
Perceptor gave a heads up that the planet is massively overgrown and has funky chemical compositions lingering around, but he and Brainstorm aren't able to provide any more details as their limited core samples aren't enough to figure out anything else
so they go out and tl;dr they do maintain communications for a while until something on the planet very much does start to mess with them
(later on the theory is that when they were driving around on the planet's surface to do more surveying for energon, they must have kicked up something in the soil-like ground material)
anyway eventually their Comms start getting weird and drop altogether, Ratchet already had medical on standby but Magnus starts preparing an emergency recovery away team to see if they can find out what the fuck happened
and just before they get ready to go out, there is a lot of panic as two large cyber-wolves have broken into the cargo bay of the ship
shit gets wild, Megatron orders a lockdown and return to cabins for the safety of the rest of the crew while Magnus, Ratchet/the medical team, Perceptor, and a handful of others start trying to figure out what's up with these giant doggos who are clearly Cybertronian in origin, like why the fuck are they on this planet
it takes entirely too long for them to realise the cyber-wolves are reformatted Drift and Rodimus
they're more or less feral in this state but they narrowly avoid getting sedated once Drift recognises Ratchet and calms down a little, Rodimus takes the hint from Drift and also mellows out a little
(Velocity is a little Stressed Out because she's never seen cyber-wolves before, like this shit doesn't happen on Caminus lmao but she is in fact sending a ton of pics to Nautica once the situation chills out because hell yeah doggos)
after a near-incident where Drift almost bites First Aid when he got a little too close to Ratchet when trying to hand over a data pad (thus setting off Rodimus who nearly bit Magnus in turn), they decided OK we have to actually figure this out like as fast as possible because they're clearly more beast than bot right now
so they go to Perceptor's lab (very carefully lmao and no, Brainstorm is not allowed in just yet) and so begins 1) trying to figure out what the fuck and 2) attempts at mildly training Drift and Rodimus
Magnus is very good at this!!! Ratchet tries to be firm but is actually a little bit of a pushover lmao
eventually some of the testing riles up both cyber-wolves and it shocks them into returning to root mode, but their root modes have also been altered
not quite Beastformers, not quite werewolf-style situation either-- roughly in the middle
but they're still somewhat feral even with some of their upper cognitive functions back while they're in root mode
this leads to somewhat weird feral behaviour and both Drift and Rodimus struggle a bit with new instincts and sensory firmware that they didn't have before etc. so there's a learning curve
Perceptor and Brainstorm are working on figuring it out, along with First Aid who's on loan to the lab lmao, but it's taking a while
Ratchet and Magnus have their hands full with trying to keep feral speedster wolves from being Slightly Too Feral
although Drift and Rodimus sleep in a heap together in wolf alt-mode because apparently recharging otherwise is difficult and it's very cute (their nest is in Ratchet's room because Drift doesn't sleep well anywhere else and Rodimus won't sleep without Drift)
so mostly it was just a fun dream with feral wolf idiots and it was nice
also massively overprotective Drift lol
anyway my work break is over now but just wanted to type this all out before I forgot it because I do not remember my dreams very well lol
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maxbegone · 1 year
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happy wednesday! this was fueled by matcha and two prickly pear sodas my friend made me at work! and thank you for the tag @iboatedhere ♥️
June shoves Alex as she climbs into bed that night. Nora climbs in after her, going up the middle and laying between them both. Gentle thunder rolls in the distance, and a flash of lightning brightens the room for a moment.
“Ow, ow, ow!” Alex swats at her. “Those are my ribs, Nora!”
She gives his hair a solid tug, and he swats her again, nearly making contact with her face this time. “Relax, Alejandro. You’ll live.”
“Why couldn’t you two sleep on the floor?” June groans from her pillow.
“Because you’d never subject us to that.”
“That’s not true. I would never subject you to that,” she says to Nora. “Alex, on the other hand…”
“Hey! I’m your brother.”
She lifts her head up to look at him. “So?”
“You’d feed me to the wolves,” he deadpans, “wouldn’t you?”
“Oh, in a goddamn heartbeat.”
“You guys are entertaining,” Nora laughs. There’s a pause before she continues. “So, what do you think of our visitors?”
“I’ll tell you what I don’t think,” June starts. “That they’ll kill us in our sleep.”
“Morbid, bug.”
“What? You think they will?”
“No,” Alex says. “They didn’t have anything when we searched them.”
“It’s not like they can’t choke us out or or rob us blind or smuggle us with a pillow or something,” Nora suggests rather casually. “Or set the house on fire.”
“Now who’s morbid?”
“They’re fine,”Alex tells them both. When Nora hums a sly little tune, Alex gives her a look. “What?”
“They are definitely fine.”
“Oh my god.”
“You’re telling me they’re not?”
“I—” Alex cuts himself off. “That is not up to me to decide.”
June snorts. “Says who?”
And, well. Alex really doesn’t know how to answer that. So he doesn’t.
“But,” June continues. “That Pez really is somethin’.”
“Mm, yes he is,” Nora agrees. “Maybe he passed out so you’d take care of him.”
June laughs. “That would be quite the move, but I am not opposed to it.”
“Wait, you’re calling him Pez?” Alex asks.
“Yeah, he told me to.” June rolls onto her side and smiles conspiratoraly at Nora, Alex suddenly being shoved from the conversation. “Do you think he’s single?”
“I mean, literally everybody’s single in the apocalypse.”
“But do you think he and Henry are a thing?”
Alex can’t see her face, but he imagines that Nora scrunches up her nose. “Maybe? Maybe not?”
“They’re not,” Alex finds himself butting in. He immediately freezes when the girls look at him, and he does his best to play it off as nonchalant. “They’re…friends. Family.”
Nora rolls over, a mischevious glint in her eye. “Is that something Henry told you?”
“More or less.”
“He said Percy’s his only family,” Alex tells them, feeling a little too much like he’s oversharing. “They were in Brooklyn when everything went down.”
Nora whistles. “Shit.”
“Weird how we could have run into them before all of this,” June mutters. “Makes me think we should’ve gone to Black Flamingo more often.”
“Mm, no. Not after the bouncer incident.” Alex looks pointedly at Nora. “Right?”
“Shut up.”
“Oh my God!” June laughs. “I forgot about that!”
“How could you possibly forget?” Alex asks as he props himself up on his elbow. “Nora literally knocked the guy out cold for—”
In one swift motion, Nora takes the pillow from under her head and smacks him in the face with enough force that he nearly rolls off the bed. “Hey, the dude had it coming!”
“What the hell? I wasn’t saying he didn’t!”
She takes her pillow back before Alex can even swing it at her and huffs. “I was drunk and on a mission.”
“Yes, we’re all well aware of you becoming a vigilnate when you’re drunk,” June chimes.
“And now she carries a machete on her hip at all times.”
“Hey.” She points scoldingly at Alex. “Don’t make fun of Gertrude.”
He rolls his eyes. “And where is Gertrude, anyway?”
“She’s not in the room with the guy who passed out on the way to the house this afternoon, don’t worry. She’s under the bed.”
Alex looks at June over Nora. “Did either of us have this version of Nora on the bingo card three years ago?”
“Alex, nothing we had on that bingo card was even close to our machete-wielding supercomputer.”
Nora blows a raspberry. “Computers are outdated.”
“Whatever.” June hits her pillow a few times to fluff it, then settles in and closes her eyes. “I’m going to sleep now. Please stop talking.”
Alex spends the night with Nora’s knee in his back and periodically waking up from the storm.
He spends half the time he’s awake thinking about the two strangers taking up his room and Nora’s. Percy — or Pez, he supposes — comes across his mind every so often, but Alex mostly finds himself thinking about Henry; the fear in his eyes, the shakiness in his voice, how badly Alex wished he could have comforted him more.
It’s a wild thought, he knows that. But he supposes this is what several years into an apocalypse will do.
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peachdues · 9 months
Hi peachyyy!!
I do have a bit of questions about netherwood and I was wondewondering if u could take the time to answer!
1-I know that the reader is currently going through it after being attacked by Sanemi,but I found it really hard to read in the part where u described what had happened and how she got injured (mostly bc I’m kind of dyslexic)but could u explain what exactly happened to her?Did he like make a hole in her face?
2-I know u mentioned mitsuri as being not a wolf but something else,I forgot the name lol but can u tell me about if she may play a role in maybe healing the reader a bit?Shinobu is a medic I believe and since that is her mate,will she have any contribution to getting to meet the reader in general?
3-GYOMEIII MY LOVE!!!! anyways..u said that he..raised the boys?Or well atleast some of the pack members,is he one of the older wolves,or is he just like a shapeshifter,I’m not sure if I read a part where u mentioned if he was related to the boys at all,or he just raised them.
Hi my love! Sure, no problem!
1. Sanemi clawed reader right down the left side of her face when he burst into werewolf form. He was not aware she was there or what was going on. Genya warned her about getting too close (and it was also hinted at back in part 1), but when she tried to stop Sanemi from shifting and he reflexively shoved her away, it wasn’t back far enough. He shifted and his claw caught her. As a result, she lost an eye. She has four, deep claw marks extending down the left side of her face — so it’s currently half ripped open. This is in addition to the other injuries she sustained from Douma, as well as her two broken hands.
2. Shinobu says Mitsuri is a Naiad — a river nymph, and that’s she’s royalty. That’s all I’m revealing for now! Mitsuri will have a larger role in Part IV.
3. When Sanemi explains what happened to him and Genya when they were cursed, he says Gyomei is the one who found them after their family had been slaughtered. He then took them to the mysterious Master (Mage), who helped seal their curses. Gyomei then raised the boys at least until Sanemi was old enough to take care of himself and Genya on his own.
Only, once Genya hit puberty, he became a bit of a hot head like many teen boys, and Sanemi thought it would be better for Genya to spend more time with Gyomei/live with him until he mellowed out a bit 😂 genya agreed after the shifting-in-the-den incident when he tried to bite Sanemi 😂
Shinobu in Part III refers to both herself and Gyomei as Shifters.
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torpublishinggroup · 1 year
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5 Literary Encounters with Legendary Beings
by a cat
Many mortal constructs began as stories, we say, confident in spite of our unwillingness to invest the research hours necessary to prove such a thesis. Why else would we tell time? 
Anyway, having thus established the relevance of myth within our lives, let’s talk about something more fun than the ticking of the clock. Let’s talk about vampires, werewolves, and other myth-folk* by running down some awesome books within whose pages they reside. 
Check it out!
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Wolfsong by TJ Klune
Werewolves are for kissing. Don’t believe us? Let the gay lycans of TJ Klune’s Green Creek series melt your heart, and then achingly break it. These books are about a pack of werewolves, yes, but it’s important to remember that many mythical beings are people too: Given to all the messy yearning, loving, and hurting that comes with being alive. 
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Masters of Death by Olivie Blake
Vampires kind of have an image problem, unhelped by numerous depictions of bloody splatterfests and exploitative aristocratic legacies. Now who better to act on an image problem than a real estate agent? Viola Marek might be a vamp but she’s also got houses to sell. Unfortunately, one of them is very inconveniently haunted, and this is the inciting incident in Masters of Death by Olivie Blake—a story about (among other things) how immortality doesn’t actually spare the indignities, gifts, and difficulties of life. It just gives you more time to experience them. 
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Ebony Gate by Julia Vee & Ken Bebelle
And the next entry in our rundown of legendary entities is an urban fantasy full of assassins and dragon magic in San Francisco. Here’s a partial list of the mythical beings encountered within this thrilling debut: 
a guardian foo lion
a shinigami in a business suit
a cat yokai
a LOT of ghosts
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Spring’s Arcana by Lilith Saintcrow
The mythical and magical entities that populate our stories often embody aspects of our mortal lives. From this oblique angle, we as narrative-enthusiasts can sneak up on emotional and abstract truths otherwise inaccessible. But our lives change, and so do our stories, and Spring’s Arcana by Lilith Saintcrow is an excellent candidate to demonstrate this phenomenon. Nat Drozdova’s mother is sick, and she must cross an America full of modern divinities (the God of Money, Law and Order, the King of Thieves, etc.) in order to procure a stolen relic for a winter goddess in a skyscraper office who has the power to save her ailing mother. 
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Thornhedge by T. Kingfisher
“Toadling was, more or less, lucky. She was not harvested by the flesh-smiths nor devoured by redcaps, nor raised in the retinue of a great lord of Faerie. Instead she was thrown to the greenteeth, the slimy swamp-dwelling spirits who devour unwary swimmers. Boy-children they eat, always. Girl-children they eat, mostly. But occasionally their numbers will fall, or one of them will be seized with some murky maternal instinct, and they will raise a child instead.”
This snippet comes from the beginning of T. Kingfisher’s twisted fable, and already we are blessed with a dearth of fae folk. If you like mythical beings in fiction, pick this one up as soon as you can!
━━ ˖°˖ ☾☆☽ ˖°˖ ━━━━━━━
*Tor Blog-cat’s Note: Diligent readers may note that the introduction to this book roundup seems to imply the veracity of werewolves, vampires, and other beings of legend. While this question certainly lays beyond the scope of the Tor Publishing Group to answer, we do heartily encourage all readers to show kindness to any vamps, wolves, etc. that might or might not exist <3
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What can Bianca tell us about her Wolf and Sheep girl?
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I could be mistaken but I think she can
Mic to the artist :
"Thanks for asking !!! These two are of my first personal characters. I made them when I was around 8 ! I came up with a lot of stuff about them ever since."
"Their names are Pepper and Cream ! Pepper is an optimistic, jolly and fierce little wolf, great at hunting, who lives in the woods with her pack. Cream is a introverted, weary, sweet young sheep who's school smart and a top student, who lives in the plain, with the rest of her flock, in a civilization ! The wolves are treated like outcasts and criminals because they're predators, and sheep and farm animals only trust each other, and gang up against predators when suspicion arises."
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"Pepper gets a crush on Cream from observing her at her school from the forest's cover, and she skips hunts to go spy on her at recess. Pepper's family is not happy with her but don't know about her crush ! Cream hears stories about the wolves, of course, so is afraid of them. Pepper gets bolder and gets closer to the school, and often Cream notices the wolf staring at her from a top hill, and running away when people get alerted. She gets scared that this wolf might be stalking her to eat her and tells the school community about it, there's some relationship details about this... Anyway, meanwhile, Pepper's mom catch on her interest and gives her a frightful lesson about what will happen to her if she's caught by either side, how it's not worth it and her love is scared of her anyways. (She's only against her daughter's crush because it might be a source of danger). Pepper is upset about it but decides to make sure of it herself, and go talk with Cream once and for all. So one night after Cream stayed at school overtime, she goes to go home and notices the wolf closer than ever. So she gets afraid and her teacher offers to take her home. She accepts and gets in his car. Pepper is upset to see that Cream is indeed scared of her, but as she's about to leave, she gets a bad gut feeling that tells her to track the car. The teacher was not taking Cream home. But at his own. He makes up an excuse to get her inside the basement "my gun is down here, let's trick that wolf, etc" and the plot twist is that he's actually a cannibal (that is shown by his victim's hides and skulls and cleavers, maybe blood), and Cream gets cornered. Her screams trigger Pepper to break in, and she then devours the teacher. Cream and Pepper then start their bond over that incident (it is also revealed that only 3 out of 10 sheep disappearances were the wolves' doing, the rest was actually on the teacher.)"
"Well I pretty much spoiled the whole pilot here lol... But there is so much more stuff. As you can see, it's also a horror cartoon, it's got creepy stuff. I like the whole horror in classic rubberhose cartoons, and I want to reintroduce it in my creations. You'll see, Cream & Pepper will then go on many more adventures. And strengthen their bond through all of it. (Here's a basis of the way they aboard their feelings right below)"
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"It's a little hard for me to build that up because I don't have a lot of social experience, but these two are both really important to me, and helped me go through a lot, so I really want to make their pitch, and partnership, come true."
"...I want them to set the tone, of how exactly I like my cartoons."
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spec7rejay · 1 year
Just a chance (may be all you need)
tw: injury, specifically Mu gets beat up, plus some bad self-talk from Mu, violence and mentions of death
Also, as a heads up: this includes my AU’s version of Mu in terms of species, bodily features, and life experiences. If you don’t like that, you don’t have to read.
“Gyyoww!!” Why was life so hard for her?
“Nr-ouch!!” Whatever happened to her home?
“Nyaaagghh!!” When did she start having to resort to the lowest of tactics?
“Hyouugh!!” Was the burden of the whole world’s hatred not enough?
But then again, didn’t she deserve it all?
Each of these questions ran through Mu’s head as she was thrown around like a rag doll by a few Mafia goons as punishment for trying to steal some fish (which they didn’t even need anyways! Had they not the brains to realize that Mu only needed what they didn’t?? No, no that was bad guy thoughts, get it together, be better!). Following the… incident (was she so pathetic that she couldn’t even think about it?), food had become even scarcer than before, causing her to have to become more brazen in her bad guy thefts and not-quite-as bad scavenging. Which is what led her to her current situation: getting caught red-handed and consequently receiving a beating.
The blue suited men advanced on her vulnerable form like wolves on a wounded kitten. Mu was sure that this was either going to be the end of her life or the start of a life of a torture-filled captivity.
That is, until the familiar yet… so blurry? silhouette of someone who she’d assumed would never want anything to do with her again appeared and steadied her umbrella to strike. The resulting fight was rather one-sided and very quick. Mu couldn’t believe what happened. What was Hat Kid doing here? Why was her vision so blurry?
Imagine her surprise when she goes from that grungy alleyway to waking up in the most plush thing she’s felt since her late mother’s warm embrace. Imagine her surprise when she finds herself bandaged up with her hood and cape removed.
Leaving her less-than-human ears exposed to be seen by anyone. Leaving her status as a hybrid blatantly obvious. Leaving the torn-off tip of her feline right ear out to remind her of that night.
With these latest realizations, Mu started to panic. Her heart pounded and her hidden twin tails lashed. Her instinct screamed in her head. She couldn’t be seen like this! Where’s her cloak? She had to hide, hide her ears, hide from sight, hide from the Mafia, hide from the world, hide from-
A sound to her right drew her frightened attention. Her throat closed and she eyes watered as she saw Hat Kid come in. No, Hat Kid couldn’t see her like this, like a hybrid, like anything but a purebreed, oh no what is that look for-?
Mu was snapped out of her spiral by a single frantic word: “Breathe!” The shock of hearing the sound was enough to make her comply. Then she noticed who the speaker was again, and began to silently shed tears, cat ears folding down and back and shoulders sagging as everything came crashing down.
“Ha-at Ki-ii-i-iiid. Y-you… why? Why-y did you he-e-elp me-e? Afterrr e-ever… a-afte’ e’rythi-i-innnn? I-I’m ju-ust a bad gu-uy, aren-n’t I?”
Hat Kid looked at Mu with an expression that she couldn’t understand (she couldn’t understand any expressions beyond the most basic and obvious ones why was she so bad at good things-) and, in the most unexpected turn of events, took Mu’s hands and rubbed them in deliberate motions, breathing in a specific way with giving Mu a significant look. But what’s she trying to say?
Oh wait.
She probably wanted Mu to copy her breathing. Yeah, that made sense (why did that take so long to understand, that wasn’t hard, what was WRONG with her?). Mu began to try to breathe in the same way as Hat Kid, which actually helped her calm down. Once Hat Kid was sure Mu was breathing fine, the alien child passed her a note.
“I saw how you were acting during the fight. I promise I’m not mad at you. I also saw what happened with you and those Mafia goons. I patched you up and put your cloak in the washing machine to clean it. Since you don’t really seem to have much and I really want to try again with you, you can stay in my spaceship for as long as you want! I noticed that you aren’t quite the same as others on Earth, so just let me know if you need anything specific, ok?
Mu was speechless. She was shocked. She was shaking, she was scared, she was so so confused. But what did she have to lose anyway? And it didn’t seem like Hat Kid minded that she was a hybrid, anyway. She tried to voice her agreement to the other girl, but her throat wouldn’t cooperate. Luckily, Hat Kid seemed to understand well enough.
Mu just hoped that she could make it through the stay without feline traits making themselves known and causing problems.
Prompt: Hurt
Yeah I made Mu part cat (one fourth to be specific), what are you going to do about it?
Edit: just a little bit
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 2 years
Mark stared into the night sky, looking at the stars that almost always helped calm him. Though, it was one of those rare nights that the stars offered no help.
An incident kept looping in his mind, he wanted it to stop but nothing seemed to take it out of his thoughts. It frustrated him greatly, especially since he came so close to getting revenge. The agony he felt made it all so much worse.
"Sarah?" Mark asked, murmurs of voices surrounding his words.
The woman only stared back at him tensely. Her green eyes and long, fluffy brown hair were familiar but the lack of reply made her seem like she was someone else.
"Sarah, it's me, Mark…!"
She still didn't respond to him. He sighed, shaking his head slightly. "Guess you're not her… whatever. You're not who I'm here for anyway." He turned, glaring at a black-haired man who was frozen in terror.
"Torres." He growled, voices snarling the name like a pack of wolves with him. He began floating towards the poor man but was stopped almost immediately.
A man who Mark had not noticed before shot him square in the chest, shattering the majority of his body. He screeched and it seemed like thousands of people were doing the same.
He fled.
He was infuriated. He needed to heal before he could do anything. At least he had time to think about how he'd handle it next time.
Oh, this is cool.
Be a jerk, get shot.
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