#anyways surprise! art out of nowhere lmao
tmos-time · 1 year
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something something mr. radioactive strikes again <3
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
I was playing Genius Invocation yesterday, but out of nowhere this idea came to me like tge whispers of an old god.
How would the characters react to knowing they are the creator's favorite card? (Mine are Beidou and Ningguang, but if you are confortable, I would like to know yours as well)
Thank you for your patience!! Sorry this is SO FUCKING late :0 and if it’s bad! i havent rlly liked my writing the past couple pieces, so i stuck with some fun headcanons i thought of while kicking me feet and twirling my hair over this question hehehe
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Sun: Gender Neutral Reader (they/them only)
Planet: General SAGAU/Isekai Stuff :)
Orbit: Headcanons
Stars: Beidou, Ningguang, Kaeya, Cyno
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: Cussing & Trigger Warnings: None Known.
Every fucking port knows she’s a favored one, every goddamn pirate knows it atp, hell maybe even some abyss monsters at sea too-
(Kazuha’s happy for her, but also lowkey jealous)
literally got one of her cards framed and hung in her captain’s quarters, and insisted you sign it omfg-
Ningguang isnt surprised tbh, (she knows u like strong women lol)
…she gives one of the most smug smirks of her entire fucking life.
All of Liyue is gushing for her, not that she isn’t also excited on the inside, she’s just more proud than anything on the outside/for appearances
Literally set up a whole date meeting that felt like it was about to turn into a goddamn wedding proposal
I’m talking giving handcarved furniture, household necessities but they’re in pretty colors that all match (like a gold tea kettle, gold throw blanket, etc.)
Full nine-yards different kinds of teas, cakes, and all accustomed to your taste
so if u dislike super sweet stuff there are more savory items, the teas can be more bitter, or if u love sweets, this woman is giving you a bakery basically every day for nearly 2 weeks, u dont have enough space in the cabinet for all these teas- help-
so fucking smug on the outside, def brags about it in Angel’s Share and he’ll only just be tipsy he’s so fucking excited to talk abt it
whenever conversations end or get a lull, he just, “So anyway, our All-Powerful Guide, really likes my TCG card, maybe even above yours, Diluc…”
pls stop him he’s annoying Diluc, and slowly other patrons 😭 (there are bar rules posted on the wall, and Diluc adds one, not for the first time, specifically for Kaeya to stop talking about TCG while in the bar LMAO)
Now all Kaeya has to do is just pull out his card (cough he’s constantly got it in his pocket, the one he asked u to sign cough)
Rosaria just looks the other way like if she can’t see it it’s not real, Diluc will literally be in the middle of making a drink for one of them and just leave it halfdone and attend to somebody else, Venti’s eye twitches-
and the entire bar just groans too LMAOOO
(have a meme I made just for you <3 )
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oh no.
Look what you’ve done, you’ve seduced the General Mahamatra!!
Take responsibility, play TCG with him every time you see him now lmao, the only reason all of Sumeru knows you like his card (which makes it all that more desirable to ppl who do play, and collectors)
is bc he talked to Tighnari about it for hourssss, and then it made it’s way down the grapevine, and if they didn’t find out that way, the other was just seeing the usually stern and formidable General Mahamatra nearly vibrate out of his headpiece when you come near him every time you visit
Cyno weirdly gains like, 20x the luck when ur either playing against him, or sitting watching him play someone else, he’s struggling to find partners tbh bc “you’re my lucky charm? Of course I’m winning more.”
When you initially told him about him being one of ur fav cards, he literally looked like there was a loading sign over his head… Then proceeded to nearly break your ribs hugging you so hard, and nearly take ur eye out with the ears on his headpiece lol
Sorry if all my writings shit for these past 2 posts! Idk im just thinking its not so good rn and idk how to fix it-
anyway I’ve started playing Breath of the Wild over the past like 2-3 months I think, and it’s amazingggg
I may or may not be both getting gender envy and also a huge crush on Link help-
Safe Travels Wandering Lantern,
♡the beloveds♡
An iced coffee? For me??
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche
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tls123 · 1 year
never been this embarrassed in my lifeeeee
my parents just came back from a thing and they were able to meet up with my aunts/uncles these past few days and apparently my aunt wanted to get me something for my bday and they somehow went from sending me links for rings and necklaces to buying books. which, great, i love books! i struggle to think of stuff to add to my wishlist that isn't books but i open up this gift and it has a tied up guy???? on the cover????? some half dressed dude on the back cover???
and i'm like, oh, interesting, mh and my mom is on the side like "if you don't like it we can change it the young lady at the store heard of that other manga we got you** and she said you might like this, she said she LOVED it, she said it's a love story" and i'm still just holding this huge ass book in my hands, absolutely baffled but hey, surely this 'young lady at the store' didn't suggest an 18+ book as a gift to my mother and my aunt, surely. and as i start flipping pages casually my mom's still going, "we only noticed it's a little out there when we got back home but the young lady really recommended it and you're 26 so.." and she just keeps going and at this point there's no denying what i am holding but mom clearly needs something from me so i try to give her anything lmao
(**the ONLY manga i have btw, that is about shit like, revenge and samurai and family and shit so i'm baffled)
"oh, this is...." i say, but there's no defining the emotion i'm feeling so i skip it, "of course i'll read it, i'm just a little surprised you think this might be something i'll read. but i will! read it!"
and she keeps reassuring me we can change it it's fine and so i look it up and storygraph doesn't even have it listed so i go back to flipping pages and yeah, yeah that sure is sex. which is fine we're not prudes but again. my mother. and my aunt. but also. ALSO that's not just sex that's obviously something fucked up, and not nice and nasty fucked up this is more, pretty sure that's sexual assault fucked up so i have to bite the bullet. i google the thing and yeah, yeah this is apparently a story full to the brim with rape! mhh and oh, the tied up guy on the cover is 16/17 because of course. and what's that? the other guy is in his mid-twenties? sure. of course!!!!
don't know if i mentioned this but,
my MOTHER and my AUNT.
anyway i put my phone down i say, "i'm sorry i don't think i actually do want to read this" (because i was trying to be nice and i kept saying "i haven't heard of it but i'll read it and see what's up, i was just surprised") and mom is like, that's fine don't worry you don't have to be sorry
but i do feel a little guilty because again this thing is huge and the paper and the art are objectively very nice so it must have cost quite a lot so i keep going "it's just I don't think i want this kind of thing on my bookshelves.... the art looked really pretty! though! and, and of course it's not the sex stuff (i am now reassuring my mother that i am Cool with my relatives buying me 18+ stuff, apparently) it's just the subject matter is putting me off, not the sex! just, the category..... of sex...."
and she's very nice and reassures me that i dont have to apologize and we can go change it and in the meantime there's this huge book on the table between us with a tied up half dressed 16yo on the cover and
that lady got told one (1) manga title and thought i would want my AUNT to get me a manga with explicitly drawn rape scenes as a gift. for my birthday.
on god where is rod sterling......
i just
my sister got a lego set. it's nowhere near her birthday.
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sandervansunshine · 1 year
10 First Lines tagging game
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway
Ok ok @felixantares ty for the tag and sorry I'm late! Here are ten openers!
His eyes open slowly—some might say reluctantly, even, his usual manner of waking to the unwelcome knowledge that it’s Monday morning. Bloody Mondays.  He sits up and stretches his arms out with a long yawn before rubbing his eyes to clear out the morning crud—what even is that crusty shit, anyway?—and finally, he blinks the world into focus. What the fuck. What the fuck? What in the ever-loving-the-world-is-massive-the-bloody-dog-is-the-size-of-a-tree fuck? -Honey I Shrunk the Draco
Harry pushes through thick leaves eagerly, muscle memory carrying him through the brush as his mind wanders— no, not wanders. It skips, then cartwheels, and finally swims away through a purple sea, beige fish passing him by. -My Favourite Colour
Don’t look. -On the Nights He Can Look (Based on and featuring gorgeous art work by @felixantares)
When he’s eleven, Dean Thomas receives a pair of fuzzy snake slippers in the annual Gryffindor secret gift exchange. -Something Warm and Fuzzy
“Can you hear me?” -The Bridge That Never Ends, and the Gate to Nowhere
Maybe she’s stalling. -We're gonna finally be fine
“You look like shit.” -a family corrupt
King Harry supposes he ought to know better by now than to be caught by surprise. -A spasm of love and hate
May 14th, 1687 I think something might be wrong with me. No, that is a lie.  The real question is not a matter of “if” there is something wrong with me, but of when it began. An argument could probably be made for November of 1667, I suppose, but that would imply that something has been wrong with me since birth, which I honestly find to be a bit depressing. -A Fire Burns Today
Theo hasn’t a clue how to choose the “correct” flowers. Is he supposed to pick her favourites? Or ones with the proper meaning? -Flowers cry on the corpse of love
Some of those are so silly lmao
Ok ok imma tag @nanneramma and @girl-with-goats and @gloivy and @bluestringpudding and @lilithphantasterei and if any of you were already tagged/already did it I'm so sorry lmao ignore me
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peaterookie · 2 years
Lupin III Chapter 42 Review
today's chapter will somewhat continue off of the last one, technically the story ended with that one but goemon and lupin's scuffle continues
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i lowkey love this cover his face looks so stupid and everything generally looks hella bizzare
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in this chapter lupin continues his quest to steal more scrolls for whatever reason he finds goemon meditating on a waterfall but then gets attacked by two other people who were probably following him but man this panel goes so RAW
one of the person pins him down with a bunch of spears but lupin outsmarts him anyway the woman is just kinda there to be smart lmao
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shes essentially saying here in this panel how lupin used one of the spears to point at him instead so they leave him alone since you dont wanna mess with lupin smart move tbh
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then shortly after lupin and these four other men enter this competition to get a scroll sorta the panels dont illustrate it pretty well so ill just explain it
the guys have to enter one at a time and try to beat the challenge to get it the woman from earlier is the one hosting it but it ends up being a trap to lure out the dudes who were just working for lupin to steal the scroll
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you enter in and try to survive with these dudes trying to sneak attack you and then when you succeed the lady hands you a contract and while youre reading it- SURPRISE!! Goemon kills you!!!!!
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yes goemon is involved in this im assuming he knew what lupin's plan was and he was the one behind all this anyways he looks so funny he just pops out of nowhere and beats up the guy with his sword there is no honor in this man and i love it
all the men end up failing the challenge and lastly its lupin's turn and i just man
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bro is so fucking horny for so reason he also looks like he just woke up from a 15 hour sleep
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THIS MOTHERFUCKER!!! i hate it but love it how he just bullshits everything also i was wondering if the person attacking him is goemon or not, the silhouette and clothes look similar but goemon hasn't been the one to be sneak attacking first so ill just assume its a random guy
then the lady hands him the contract like how she did with all the other guys
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Panel 1: "Read." "I hereby commence stealing all martial arts scrolls on the premises." Panel 2: "In the event of your deaths..." "...I will send flowers to your mothers." "Yours truly, Lupin III. P.S. Did you think I'd fall for such a stupid trick?" (if you were confused why the scroll was from himself, i think lupin just faked reading it to troll the girl)
lupin, whilst expecting the attack… was unable to block his sword and gets beaten.
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"a slight miscalculation" he says. my dude you just flunked your entire plan because of a funny samurai
the dudes working with lupin earlier now decides to just infiltrate the place the scroll is at and steal it they invite lupin into the plan but lupin surprisingly refused…
they draw straws to see whos going to sneak in and one of them wins. I wonder what will happen next
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well, well, well.. the guy ends up being fucked up by a bunch of spikes set up by goemon in the house
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ouch... it turns out he also knocked the guy out, stripped him naked and left him in the lake overnight LMAO WAIT IT WAS LUPIN WHO DID THAT OH MY FUCKING GOD
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"Don't worry, I'll get those scrolls somehow..." - L3
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milkyybuns · 2 years
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Better Late
(Uzui Tengen x Reader)
Characters: Uzui Tengen, gn!Reader
Contains: fluff, crack, some angst, pining, misunderstandings, friends/classmates to lovers lmao, modern AU, highschool AU, art student!Tengen, Tengen is an oblivious dumbass
Synopsis: It’s White Day, and you were wishfully praying your crush would give you chocolates, but where was he? Perhaps you were being overly optimistic, or maybe a certain white-haired idiot is hopeless with a piping bag...
Word Count: 1.3k
a/n: In Japan, traditionally girls give their crushes chocolate on Valentine’s Day, and one month later on White Day is when boys return the favour. Thought this would be a cute lil thing to write some fluff for, a lil bit of pining angst but there’s a happy ending ♡.
Tagging: @novaresque @awaruna2 @lighturqoi @bigtiddyvampirelover
Join my Tengen Taglist!
It was almost noon, but you still haven’t caught sight of him. You stared at the empty seat where your crush usually sat, before snapping out of it to concentrate on your textbook. It wasn’t exactly unusual for Tengen to skip class, so you pushed aside your curiosity and tried to focus on the lesson.
Idiot’s probably ditching class again, I’ll go find him at lunchtime. 
Where is he? 
You pouted as you inspected the empty art room, even checking the old musty cupboards in case he’d fallen asleep in there, it wouldn’t be the first time.
You weren’t sure why you were looking for him anyway, or what you were going to do once you found him. Perhaps somewhere deep down you were hoping he’d have a gift for you, since it was White Day after all. You scoffed at your own wishful thinking, there was no way he would think of you like that after how your Valentines confession went down...
One month ago, Valentine’s Day
You’d spent all night making the most beautiful little chocolate bon-bons, filled with popping candy and caramel. With a nervous sigh, you stuck a your handwritten letter to the box. You’d poured your heart out onto the page, expressing all the things you couldn't say to Tengen in person.
When you entered the classroom, your gaze darted to your crush’s desk. What you saw made your heart sink.
You could barely see the desk, obscured by a huge pile of gift boxes: all different sizes and each one beautifully wrapped. It was as if an explosion had taken place, but instead of shrapnel, little hearts and teddy bears covered the small mountain. Tengen himself was nowhere to be found, to the obvious disappointment of the girls sneaking glances at the empty desk. You bit your bottom lip harshly to stop it from wobbling. You shouldn't be surprised really, this happened almost every year since you've known Tengen, but it didn't hurt any less now that you had your own present to give him.
You walked down the end of the hall, past the shiny club rooms until you arrived at a rickety old door. The chipped paint was a dull shade of muddy teal, and the sliding mechanic no longer worked. You took it off the rail and gently replaced it after you entered. You didn't bat an eyelid at the sharp scent of paint fumes, even if they would've made anyone else cringe.
Just as you thought, a hooded figure was hunched over the large canvas on the floor. A mess of tarp and empty paint tubes dotted across the dusty concrete floor like landmines.
Tengen didn’t seem to hear you come in, if he did he didn’t act like it.
“y/n, just in time, we’re out of red paint again, and black too. Let's go shopping this weekend~” Tengen's brows knotted in concentration as he painted another stroke.
“Well if it weren’t for your stupid-big paintings we wouldn’t run out so quickly.” You complained. 
“How many times do I gotta tell ya y/n, small isn’t flashy, bigger is always better!” 
This is the idiot I'm confessing to?
You rubbed your temples with a sigh and began picking up the paint brushes strewn across the floor. There was really little point, considering the room looked positively apocalyptic, but you liked to make it look at least a little bit like a club room. 
“Tengen, you know what day it is today?” You began. 
“Hah?...I dunno like Tuesday? No wait, think it’s a Wednesday.” 
“No, I mean yes it’s a Wednesday." You paused before stuttering out. "I-it’s Valentine’s.” 
The pink sphere of Tengen’s bubblegum broke and he continued to paint.
"So what?" His voice was non-chalant.
“You should go to class.” You continued. “There’s a big pile of chocolates on your table you know...” 
“Again? The hell am I gonna do with all that chocolate?” Tengen grumbled. “God why can’t they get me some paint instead, or some primer! Ooh I’d love a big bucket of primer... ‘least it’d be something I’d actually use.” 
Hearing this you began to tear up, you were already in your head about giving him your homemade chocolate but hearing him dissolved any courage you'd drummed up.
“Y-you’re so stupid Uzui Tengen!” You yelled, vision blurred by tears. You dropped the box of chocolates into the pile of empty paint tubes before stomping away, making a loud racket when you threw aside the door.
“What’s her problem?” Tengen looked up. “At least close the door properly on your way out...” 
Back to the present, March 14th
You sighed, that memory was one you didn’t like recalling, yet it played in your head on repeat. To make matters worse, for the following week you avoided him at all costs, embarrassed about your outburst. 
Until you were forced to grab your artwork from the club room, where you ran into him. To both your relief and your disappointment, he talked to you as if nothing happened. 
You felt stupid to even expect Tengen to like you back, and even more stupid to think he’d give you chocolate. You drew loopy circles on your notebook as you tried to ignore the lovey-dovey couples giggling around you.
"Fuck me this looks like shit."
Tengen threw another batch of disfigured brown lumps into the growing pile. He clutched his face in his hands, glaring at the mountain of failed attempts staring back at him from the corner of the kitchen.
He'd been at this for hours.
The sun had begun to set, and it was becoming more evident he'd severely overestimated his baking skills.
Art came to him naturally, but cooking? His fingers, the same ones that were so nimble with a paint brush, somehow became fat sausages when met with a piping bag.
"Alright. One more time." He sighed to himself before grabbing another clean bowl.
You were on your way home from school, music blasting in your earbuds when you felt a hand grab your shoulder. You jolted and spun around, only to be met by a sweat-drenched Tengen.
"Jesus Uzui you scared the hell out of me!" You scolded.
"I was yelling your name but you didn't hear me. God how loud is your music?" He panted.
"What did you want?" You said as you put away your earbuds.
"This is for you." He handed you a small box, refusing to meet your eyes.
It was then you noticed the chocolate smudged on his cheek, and the cocoa powder on his hoodie. Your heart pounded in your chest as you shakily opened the small unadorned box.
Inside, six pieces of what you assumed to be chocolate. Pink drizzles messily coated the suspicious lumps, each with a healthy heaping of glitter.
“You made these? For me?” You asked.
"What uh…what exactly is it?" You tried to stifle your giggles and failed.
"H-hey don't laugh! I know they look a bit rustic...but they taste ok, I promise." His already reddened face flushed redder. "I really tried but the chocolate just hates me."
"Thank you Tengen." You smiled.
"And this is also for last time, yknow..." He murmured, looking away. "What I said."
Your eyes widened, surprised he still remembered something from a month ago.
"Is this an apology Tengen?" You smiled at how stubborn he was.
"If I knew you were gonna give me chocolates I'd have shut up y'know." He laughed awkwardly. "Even if you did call me stupid."
"Y-you got my chocolates?" You stuttered, embarrassed.
"Yeah and they were a hell of a lot better than mine." Tengen chuckled. "I got the letter too." He said, suddenly serious.
"A-and?" Your heart was going at a hundred miles a minute, as you braced yourself for rejection.
"Well I realised you're right, I've been a bit of an idiot." He smiled sheepishly. "So let me make it up to you, okay?"
He ruffled your hair affectionately, before dipping his head down to place a quick kiss on your forehead.
"See you tomorrow y/n." He smiled and walked away, leaving you standing under the pink cotton candy clouds, dazed.
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chasingpj · 3 years
𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐨 𝐝𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫
pairing: leo valdez x child of iris!reader
requested?: yes!
translation: full of color
warnings: uhh, mentions of mental health and ?? maybe some typos lmao
category: headcanons, fluff, best friends to lovers
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though, leo saw you around camp often, you caught interest in him before he caught interest in you
i mean, he literally couldn't miss you because your outfits were always bright, whether it was a combination of colors or monochromatic
you and your siblings actually look like a rainbow threw up on you guys, and it's honestly iconic
no one at camp can not notice the children of iris, especially when they're in a herd
one day, you were sitting alone at a picnic table near the lake, and you found yourself drawing him in your sketchbook
you sketched a portrait of him while he spoke to piper at a table nearby
you've always found the floppy curls and how his brightest smiles always look a little manic to be adorable
when you sketched his portrait in your notebook, you didn’t intend for him ever to see it
until a couple of weeks later in the arts and crafts center, leo passed by and caught sight of a new project you were working on
he stopped in his tracks to compliment your drawing
since you were nowhere near done with it, you couldn’t admire the piece as much as he was
but his enthusiasm was so endearing
he politely asked if he could see more, and you didn’t hesitate to slide over your sketchbook
he noticed a lot of your drawings were scenery and people at camp; especially your siblings
he stumbled across a detailed sketch of a woman and her child sitting in a bus
“wow… who’s this?”
“oh, I don’t know. It was just a little girl I saw on the train with her mother.”
“so you just drew her?”
you never realized how weird your habit of drawing random people was until he had asked
you giggled nervously, quick to explain yourself, “I tend to draw people or things that I find beautiful. I wanted to capture how calm and happy she was with her child ‘cause at the time, I was stressed and angry. Watching and drawing her made me calm.”
leo nodded, a faint smile on his lips before looking back down at the drawing. “that’s really cool,” he complimented, and you shifted in your seat, suddenly shy.
And then it hit you
you were so willing to show leo all your works that you had completely forgotten that his portrait was in that book
your pulse thumped loud in your ears, mind racing to figure out a way to take away your sketchbook before he could see it
you ended up spending so long thinking of what to do that he arrived on the page in no time
right before he could see the drawing in its entirety, you slammed the book closed and snatched it
leo’s startled expression turned into a mischievous smirk
“was that me?”
you froze in your place; a squeaky sound escaped your throat in your embarrassment
leo’s brown eyes sparkled as he leaned into you, your gaze fixed on his, “y/n, you think I’m beautiful?”
^^ that was you in your head btw
leo laughed, amused at your attempt to deny it
“then why did you snatch it away?” he raises an eyebrow before reaching over quickly to grab the sketchbook back
you didn't pull it out of his reach fast enough, leo getting a grip on one side
the two of you pull it back and forth, leo laughing at you as you continued to deny what he saw
though you were incredibly embarrassed, you couldn't contain the laughter bubbling in your chest
gods, of course, this would happen to me, you thought
he got it out of your grip, and you sighed in defeat, watching him flip to the page of him and piper
he was quiet, studying the picture for a second before giving you that playful smirk
“you think I’m beautiful?” he asked again
you playfully rolled your eyes, “it was more piper than you.”
your tone was sarcastic, only fueling leo’s banter with you
“oh really?” he chuckled to himself, “but i’m the only one colored in.”
you were silent at his observation before scoffing, “whatever.”
leo only laughed as you take the book away from him
“don’t you have somewhere to be, fire boy?” you asked and nudged his shoulder
the glint in your eyes made him smile, and he shrugged, “i guess i do. i'll see you around."
you nodded, too shy to do anything else, and he walked off
after that, leo took it upon himself to talk to you every day
leo teased you about the drawing all the time, and he found the way you would play along to be funny
before you both fell in love, you were close friends
you had such an optimistic point of view about life, and it was pretty contagious
somehow when leo was in the dumps about something, you always knew what to say
you were just so easy to talk to, and because of this, your friendship just grew naturally
your first kiss was towards the end of summer
leo invited you to hang out with him in bunker nine at, specifically, 6 pm
you teasingly asked if it was a date, and you remember the way he tensed up a bit
with a mumble, he asked, "what if it is?"
from the tone in his voice, you knew he wasn’t joking
in fact, his tone was hesitant, a part of him was expecting you to reject him
then the heavy pit in his stomach turned light when you smiled and said, "then I'm down."
the grin leo gave you made your heart flutter like crazy
your first date consisted of eating snacks and watching a movie on one of those portable DVD players
You picked up on the tension between you and him, and noticed the opportunities for a kiss kept passing
it was until Leo walked you to your cabin that night did you have a moment of boldness and asked, "so are you going to kiss me or?"
leo's eyes widen in surprise before his face broke out in the familiar smirk he gives when he flirts with you
you rolled your eyes playfully and grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling him into you
your first kiss was sweet and soft; a little awkward
his hands hovered over your sides for a second, not sure what to do with them until he decided to rest them on your waist
it was the perfect way to mark the beginning of your relationship
since you guys are both broke teenagers, you got creative with date nights
you came up with the idea of paint splattering with him
you guys got canvases, covered the walls and floors with plastic to make sure you didn't dirty them
then you filled water balloons with paint and just threw them
despite you guys singing and dancing around in the midst of it, the canvases came out so good
and to commemorate the beginning of your relationship, you hung them up side by side in bunker nine, and when you guys get a place together, you hang them up in the hallway of your apartment
leo is a huge gift giver; as i’ve said before in my “how he shows he loves you” headcanons
he’s made you a lot of things; canvases, jewelry, little trinkets with scrap metal
one of your favorite gifts from him is a suncatcher with rainbow quartz
you fell in love with it and when you move in together, you make sure to hang it up in the kitchen with the bunch of other suncatchers that he’s made you
i love the idea that you would attempt to bring more color in his wardrobe
a lot of his clothes are muted in color; you don’t mind it but you were interested to see what he’d look like in a colorful outfit like yours
To say the least, he was not that enthusiastic and maybe, you shouldn’t have put him in a monochromatic orange outfit but… you still thought he looked cute
leo thought he looked like a traffic cone though so it didn’t stick
it’s okay because you like him the way he is anyways
another thing is that you guys are super supportive of each other and leo loves just how you manage to lift his mood
once leo was having a bad mental health week
you guys were sitting under a tree, looking out at the water
his head laid on your shoulder and small sniffles came from the other
it hurt to see him like this and you wished you could do more to make him feel better
then you had the greatest idea to make a rainbow for him
so you did
leo was so stunned when he saw the rainbow form over the lake
he looked at you surprised and when you admitted to making the rainbow for him, the emotion on his face was indescribable
and then you laughed and held him when he started crying because he said it was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for him
another time, you insisted that meditation would be good for him
he literally sat down for like 3 minutes with his eyes closed before he was itching to get up and do something
even when he was sitting down, he was still bouncing his legs and fidgeting
so that fell through too but you still helped him in other ways and he’s so grateful for your optimism and bubbly personality
leo always says that you bring color to everything; literally and figuratively
one of the things you bring color to is his life
and he’s constantly reminding you of this; that his world just feels brighter now that you’re around
and it’s literal too
since you painted the walls of bunker nine a bright orange
he asked you why orange, and you told him because orange encourages productivity, creativity, and most importantly, optimism
it may have also reminded you of the orange outfit you put him into
anyways, you told him that it hurt you to see him get down in the dumps, and you insisted there was no way he could be sad in a bright orange room
needless to say, you were kinda right
masterlists taglist: @nct127bee @minamisulemisa @yanfeisluvr @cartocns @slytherclaw-kitten @idk-bye-no @percysbluehairbrush @Hermioneswifeee @quteez @drayshadow @ashookykooky @anything-forourmoony @loverstyless @yelenabel0vaswife @ohmydamgods @jordannfields @amy-writes-blog @muted-mayham @dreamerball @earthtokace @thehighladyofday @lala-llama123 @tootsdoll @slytherindaughterofposeidon0 @black-rose-29 @somekidnamedkai @possiblylostchasecousin @hamdehlesmis @cami05sworld @does-anyone-hear-me @sol-the-salmon
if your username is bolded that means i can’t tag you ! you probably have your visibility settings on!
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basaltbutch · 3 years
thanks for tagging me @sunshineinbetween! :D
1. Why did you choose your url?
Mostly just wanted a change of pace from my old one! (Also my biological & abusive father was stalking my old url so.) But basically uhhhh i love wandering around in the middle of nowhere like a lost child and also corvids <3
2. Any side blogs?
Quite a bit actually! None of them are super active anymore because I stopped caring about social media. Only one that's still kinda used is @softsayings which is a joint blog between rickshaww and I.
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
...I wanna say 2017??? Is when I made my first account? I abandoned it after a couple of months and never picked it up again (it was a kin blog, surprising probably no one) and I made this one in,,, March 2018 according to the archive. So when I was about 16.
4. Do you have a queue tag?
I do not and the only thing I put in my queue is the anthropocene sea foam post whenever someone reminds me about it <3
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
This blog originally was a witchcraft blog. I. don't think that's the case anymore lmao.
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
@rickshaww my beloved drew us for my birthday present and I wanted to show it off :3
7. Why did you choose your header?
Cool and sexy abandoned building we found during a roadtrip and one wall looked like album art!! (Also think it's especially cool how that building had the lyrics from the Garages' Deicide written on the wall and how I'd absolutely never even think about doing something like that.)
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
On this blog, it is, and I quote, "AAAAAAAA DISCIPLINE FUCKS HARDCORE" which 30 whole people seemed to like and I pray my blog never gets any bigger because if it gets like my old aesthetic blog I will just nuke this one and start over.
9. How many mutuals do you have?
No clue! I think I'm mutuals with most of the ppl I follow/that I regularly see on my dash though.
10. How many followers do you have?
109!! And I never want to get above 200.
11. How many people do you follow?
201! Also want to stay pretty low,,, too many and it gets overwhelming.
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
uhhhhhh I cannot recall. Probably? Do the anthropocene spam posts count??
13. How often do you use tumblr each day?
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
Uhhhh,,,, no...??? I don't think so, at least not a real one.
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
You put too many of those on my dashboard and it's an instant unfollow babey!! I do not wish to see it <3 if I think it's important and I have enough energy to care I would reblog it anyway, you guilt-tripping me automatically makes me stop listening <3
16. Do you like tag games?
I do!!! Would love to remember to do them😔. They make me feel like we are all sitting around a campfire asking each other weird questions.
17. Do you like ask games?
Sometimes!! I think it's funnier when I get just. random asks out of nowhere though. (my inbox is literally always open btw, go ahead and send me stupid shit if you're bored)
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
A really popular mystic messenger fan artist at the time. became mutuals with me and then immediately dipped for twitter?? Otherwise most of my mutuals r just chilling in our little corners. Doing our little gay activities.
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
Uh,,, I don't think so? 100% aro here, no crushes to be found. Y'all do make me really happy tho :3
Uhhhh no pressure tags; @rickshaww @heathenhouse @redminibike1
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commander-shad · 2 years
The Talanah and Amadis situation from the perspective of someone not wearing shipper goggles. (I'm going to regret this phrasing, aren't I)
Minor spoilers for The Burning Blooms and Need To Know.
Kinda long post ahead (sorry if I come off looking mean with this, I swear, I hate being mean, it's simply my tone coming off as such)
I touched a bit on this on my post about my thoughts on the game but I fully expand here just because.
Hot take: Amadis doesn't deserve the hate.
Before I go into anything, I'll say this first: I ship neither TalanahxAmadis, neither TalanahxAloy. I'm a stickler for canon ships when it comes to this franchise lol (now you"ll say isn't TalanahxAmadis canon now? Not really, it never got confirmed, you could say that what got confirmed was that they might as well not get together if anything.)
So what I actually wanted to write about... Whatever did he do to you? lmao
Like if he was a bigot or something like Ahsis, I'd get it, but he's not? In fact he seems to be against all those things, if him not giving away Nessa to the Carja for what she did (secretly join the army when it was forbidden) is anything to go by.
If he was an a**hole or something, I'd get it, but the most a**hole move he pulled was not writing to Talanah like he promised. (In fact that kinda made me wonder though, how does letter delivery work here- is post service a thing? Where do you go to get letters delivered? If there's something like that, with all the dangerous machines going around, I wouldn't be surprised if many letters never got to their recipients actually). And you can't really say he led Talanah on for that to be considered an a**hole move. All that he wanted was to find out what happened to Nessa so that he can move on from her in peace (that didn't happen because yeah, she's apparently alive and doesn't really seem to give a sh*t about him anymore, how is it easy to move on in peace from that lmao).
If it's about the shipping aspect of the whole thing, then, I'm very sorry if I come off as an a**hole with the way I phrase this, but 1. How can you read the Sunhawk comics and not see the very obvious romance setup between Talanah and Amadis there? I saw where they were going with this from miles away. And 2. This is my reading of the whole situation, but even if Talanah was confirmed to be not straight, I think there's still a chance that she'd go after Amadis anyway, because since when do you need to be smitten with someone to go after them and make sure they are ok?
Now about Talanah.
I don't see what's so out of character? In the first game she was against people like Ahsis who were bigoted, misogynistic and all that. She wanted to make the Hunter's Lodge more than a trophy hall.
I didn't see anything in HFW that went against that. Her journey to the west (sorry lmao, iykyk) might as well have been a vacation leave from the Lodge or smth, you never know. As for why she uses her time away like this, as I said in my last paragraph on Amadis, you don't necessarily have to be in love with someone to go look for them. In this case it just happened that she was.
As for why she didn't stay to help Aloy, I have some reasons for that.
One, it simply wouldn't make sense for a side quest character suddenly become main. It doesn't matter if they are popular or not, not everyone is going to find out about them, because not everyone is going to invest time in all the side quests unless they want the trophy for all allies. (Some people say Talanah was majorly advertised. Oh yes, major advertisement is definitely *checks notes*... only appearing in one promo art piece and nowhere else, not even a glimpse in a trailer or something. Yeah. I'm pretty sure that the only reason Talanah even appeared in promo art was to just show that they didn't forget her and to appease the fans who were curious about her, not to imply that she'd become a major character.) Not everyone cares about side characters.
Second, Talanah still has a place in the Lodge. Who knows, maybe she was only allowed to leave for a short time. Knowing her status as the first female Sunhawk and how not everyone would welcome this change, probably there'd be several people eager to try and claim the position the longer she was absent and knowing how hard Talanah worked to gain this position, to give up on it now would be dumb. The only way I see her being available to help Aloy on her quest was for her to give up leadership of the Lodge and yeah, I doubt she'd do that.
Third, you'll say, Talanah joined the fight against HADES, wouldn't she join in a fight which now has even bigger stakes? Reminder that even lesser characters appeared in the battle, pretty missable ones too. (I personally didn't even know about Aluki at first, because I didn't know you could talk to more than one Banuk in the encampment, so I was wondering who tf are you lmao.) So Talanah showing up didn't mean that much if you ask me. Another thing is that I didn't really see her be that interested in Aloy's cause in the first place. Aloy very much cared about Talanah's cause about what she wanted to do in the Lodge. I didn't see Talanah even attempting to ask Aloy about what she was doing. Unless that was just an attempt of keeping things professional and all that between Hawk and Thrush, then I don't know if Talanah was even interested to know. I'm not saying that Talanah didn't care about Aloy at all, in fact I believe that she does care, more than she shows, but what I'm saying that she could have at least tried reciprocating that interest and care Aloy showed towards her.
That's just my opinion on the whole thing, and opinions are subjective, so we all are entitled to our own. I'm up for a civil talk tho :)
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leejeongz · 3 years
treasure as dads
Tumblr media
requested: yes, by anon
🔅i’m only gonna do the legal line for this bc aging up doesn’t really sit right with me anyway nvm when they’re currently minors, i hope you understand!🔅
he wants as many kids as possible and he is gonna love them all equally 🥺 but you settle for 2, 2 boys. honestly, they idolise him, but he doesn’t realise it/he doesn’t want to acknowledge it. he plays with them and teaches them lots of things and helps them with their homework when he can. he feels really upset when he has to leave for another country for work but makes sure that he calls every night to talk to you and them. he likes to treat you and the boys to fancy holidays and expensive clothes when he can.
any time he can spend with the boys he cherishes, but he also appreciates just standing back and watching you show off your natural parenting skills too. it really makes him happy to see his little family with all the love in the world being thrown around without even realising. you best believe he’s taking lots of pictures, constantly, of him and the boys or you or anything that he can look back on and remember how amazing that time was.
he’s the parent that your daughter is scared of the most and the one that she will do anything for because of that. he’s super protective over the two of you and hates when fans get a little too invested in your lives. he also hates when your daughter starts dating but you make sure that he doesn’t do anything too drastic. he’s the “leader of the pack” and is definitely in charge at home, whatever he says goes (most of the time lmao he knows his place and he knows you’re always right). it’s all out of love though of course, he just wants the best for her and for you.
he HIGHKEY enjoys parents' evenings and getting to roast your daughter's teacher, even though she always thinks it’s embarrassing and he really is super proud of her development and her learning. he genuinely is interested in everything they say but it always comes to the argument that school and grades aren’t everything and he always tells her that it’s okay if she fails because she tried her best.
you have one daughter who looks up to her dad a lot. she enjoys spending time with him because yoshi likes to teach her things and likes to share lots of memories with her. yoshi really wants to give her the best childhood, with the most supportive family and set of family friends behind her. he would constantly talk to her and ensure everything was okay, they would be super close and their bond would be inseparable. he genuinely wants the best for her and it shows through everything he does for/with her. he wants to create the perfect family with you, and that’s exactly what he’s done.
he cannot WAIT to introduce your daughter to art and fashion and everything of that nature. he likes to sit painting with them, even if the end result is a brown piece of soggy paper and a headache, it’s still quality time that he and your daughter have spent together. he’s the type of parent to be happy whatever his child does, knowing that their happy is much more important than knowing she’s making money. he hopes that she knows that too, and that she shouldn’t feel pressured to do things just to make him happy, because he’ll always be happy with whatever she’s doing.
it’s twins! 1 boy, 1 girl and junkyu could not be happier. he loves to play around with them and make your life HELL, making a mess everywhere, pulling pranks, even encouraging sassy but sweet behaviour. everything his children do receives a massive “awww” from junkyu, even when they’re doing something really mischievous. he tries his best to be stern with them at times when it’s necessary, but he really struggles with it when they start acting super cute, he’s very forgiving at that moment.
games nights are the nights that he looks forward to the most and asks almost every night do they want to play (of course they’re gonna say yes). even when they grow up a bit, although their love for games may have dwindled, his definitely hasn’t. he thinks they’re so fun to play with and to watch everyone getting along 🥺 he wishes the moment would never end. may also start adding “loser has to…” punishments when they get older and lose purposely just so that they laugh at him.
he’s the type of dad that you also have to treat as your own child. of course there’s boundaries but he’s basically your 5th kid. you have 2 daughters and a son and a pet who you both cherish. he loves watching them grow up with the love of his life and he tells you every day that you’ve made all of his dreams come true. he plays with the children a lot and enjoys being in their company a lot so he really would do anything for them, even if it made him look silly. he cannot hold back his cute outbursts when they hold his hand, it’s his only “flaw”.
as much as he HATES all the spookiness around this time of year, he loves taking the kids trick or treating. he dresses up with them and dresses the dog up too and goes around the neighbourhood with the kids. he also likes to decorate your own house with spooky decorations because he secretly enjoys when they pull their silly pranks on him with the fake spiders and candy eyeballs.
from the moment your son is born, jaehyuk becomes the father figure he’s always dreamed of being. he is careful not to let anything come before his family, not work, not friendship, it’s just you, him and your boy 🥺. he can be the stern parent and he can be the nice friendly parent, but he will always be the cool parent who takes him to school in some flashy car. he loves surprising your son with cute little stuffed toys or new clothes and likes to stand and watch over him with you while your son opens them. he’s really proud of who/what you two have created and brought up, it makes him super teary to think about.
he LOVES taking you and your son to the zoo. he really wants him to be animal lover and he wants him to get to see them all. he loves holding his hand while you walk around the grounds and lifting him up to get a better view. he even pays more to let him feed the animals 😭. it’s an educational trip that’s still fun so he thinks it’s the perfect place to take him to.
he is an embarrassing dad for sure. you have one daughter and one son together and he makes them both never want to leave the house with him. he will drag them to sing at karaoke, even when they’re young and he will dress up in silly outfits and be like “time to go to the park” while he’s dressed like that. he just wants to make them smile and he knows they secretly find it really funny, he would never actually do anything they felt uncomfortable with. he was pretty worried about becoming a dad but because you were there with him, he could act naturally and without fear.
he really likes whenever he gets the chance to tuck your little ones into bed. since he’s working a lot, it’s a rare opportunity and so he really makes the most of it. he’ll read them a story and when they beg for another, he can never say no. and then he gives them a sweet, gentle kiss on their foreheads before heading out and turning off the light. he thinks about how much fun he’s had with them all day and how cute they look finally getting the rest they need for tomorrow.
another embarrassing dad! you are blessed with two children, one boy and one girl, both of which are definitely very embarrassed by their dad. he likes to joke around with them a lot and keeps them both on their toes. but in reality, it’s just a facade to make sure they’re having fun and growing up without sadness. he couldn’t bare to see them down in the dumps, bad days were something that were rare in your household. your kids are both in awe of what their parents have achieved and are both very eager to tell their friends of their successes. you both are their heroes.
his favourite moments with his kids are when he gets to take them (and you) out to look at the stars. he takes you all out in the car in the evening and drives for miles into the middle of nowhere just to let you watch the stars. not only does this give him a chance to appear as the same romantic boyfriend he was before the kids, but also gives him chance to watch your kids appreciating the small but most beautiful, natural things.
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whatifxwereyou · 3 years
Ashes Chapter 15: Same Old Story
Fandom: Mortal Kombat 2021
Pairing: Liu Kang x Reader
Summary: Some history for Y/N and some brotherly love from Cole.
A/N: when you so busy writing smut that you forget to update the story so you can get to the smut lmao. enjoy, fellow nerds.
First Chapter << Previous Chapter Next Chapter >> Chapter Index
You were uncomfortable talking about personal things, particularly your history, but Cole deserved answers and he was a patient listener. Being a father, you weren’t really surprised by that. “When I was a kid, like… nine I want to say? Honestly my childhood is pretty blurry. Feels like another life.” You cleared your throat. “Anyway, yeah, around then I fell ill. I had these… fits, for lack of a better word. I didn’t understand what they meant at the time because I was well, nine. No one else understood them either. As an adult I know that I was experiencing prophetic visions. Honestly, they weren’t really prophetic then, I guess. That’s a word Raiden uses a lot for them. Back then they were rarely of future events. It was more like gaining deep insight into the lives of others. I could touch someone or something that someone else had touched and I would disappear. I’d see a glimpse of their history or their present. I was too young to interpret it.”
“Like touch telepathy? I’ve seen television shows about that concept. This stuff is hard for me to wrap my mind around. Too much like fiction.”
“I suppose that’s a good thing to call it. When I saw things, I would also black out. And have a fit. Like a seizure, I suppose. And when that was happening, I would often say things about what I was seeing or hurt myself. It frightened people. My parents took me out of town and I stayed with my grandmother. I was homeschooled after that. My parents saw it as an embarrassment if I recall.” You laughed at the idea of that now. That life was so far behind you that it didn’t matter how stressful it had been. Back then it had felt like the end of the world but as an adult, it was a distant memory. Those experiences had made you different and strange but they had also made you unique and special. You had embraced the things that had separated you from normality since then.
“Well, that’s awful.”
“Oh, no, no pity. It’s fine, really. That was world’s ago.” You waved off his disapproval of a parent being embarrassed by their child for things they couldn’t control. Cole really was a good guy. “I stopped having the visions at around twelve and while I was weak from being so sick, I fought to be normal afterward. My dad ran a dojo and so I grew strong again. I focused on martial arts. It was something that helped me find strength and determination back then.” You smiled at the memory. You’d always had a fondness for it in your heart. That was one of the first things you and Kung Lao had bonded over. Your father had taught Wing Chun and that was what Kung Lao specialized in. “With time my father could no longer teach at the dojo so he moved in with my older sister. I took over the dojo and then opened a shop in the old storage space to make extra money. I had every intention of moving away. I would never be more than a weirdo or a witch there. It was too small a town.”
“Did you ever get to?”
“I mean, I’m here now. That’s a long story though. I’m trying to keep this brief.” You chuckled. “We can talk about that stuff another day.” That was a more casual and personal conversation. This was personal but definitely not casual. If you didn’t have to share these parts of your life then you never would have. Much of it was still too raw. But Cole Young was curious about your past and you were curious about his. It was nice having another friend who wasn’t Liu Kang. You really did get along with him and his family.
“Fair enough.”
“About five years ago I was still doing the same. There had been a robbery across the street and the thugs came into my shop afterward. And, well, I’m not the type to roll over and be robbed.”
“I’d say not.”
“It escalated. There was a man who came in to pick up herbs I had imported for him every month who came in after. He ended up helping me out. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, I killed one of those would-be robbers. He’d been trying to kill me so… I have come to terms with that. That’s how I got the dragon mark.” You pointed to your back. Yours was on your lower back on your left side. “The man who helped me was Liu Kang. I knew him then and he was kind enough to help me deal with the fallout at the time. It took ages for him to convince me to that there was any truth to any of this… Mortal Kombat and arcana nonsense. It’s kind of embarrassing looking back at it.” And the story was far more complicated too. You’d been attracted to Liu Kang from very early on. “I guess that’s why I’m so patient with Johnny. It’s easy for us to know what’s the truth but when you spend your whole life believing that fairytales are made with computers and science? It’s difficult to believe anything else.”
“Yeah, I get that. Not everyone had Sub Zero rushing them into the truth.” He joked. That was true enough. But Johnny Cage had had his come-to-jesus moment that afternoon you were pretty sure. You hadn’t had a moment like that in the beginning. Just Liu Kang’s word and his arcana.
“Liu showed me his arcana but I thought it was a trick. He was very persistent at the time. Tried to talk me into leaving everything I had ever known for what I thought was a trick. I was scared, I’m not too proud to admit that. The part of me that wanted to leave home and never look back had grown smaller over the years. I’d become complacent. I’d grown comfortable being known as a witch and honestly, the next generation of people in town hadn’t treated me so terribly. The kids even thought it was funny that everyone thought I was a witch. But then… I found my arcana.”
“The ink?”
“Yeah, it’s pretty and under control now but in the beginning, it was a nightmare. The first time I used it had been on accident. I nearly destroyed my store. Then I fell and had a fit and I was suddenly seeing things again. Those things I saw didn’t make any sense. None of it. I saw flashes of people and places I didn’t recognize. The best way that I can describe it is… nonsense. It didn’t mean anything.” You sighed heavily. Those moments had been terrifying. “The second time had been even worse. If Liu hadn’t been basically stalking me then someone would have gotten seriously hurt. I’d hurt him but he’d been tough enough to handle it. I felt terrible about it. By then I’d more than grown fond of him.” You didn’t want to get into the details but it hadn’t exactly been difficult to fall into Liu Kang’s arms and it hadn’t taken very long either.
“There’s a lot of history there, huh?”
“Yes. Focus.” You wanted to get this story over as quickly as you could. “After that I decided to go with him. It wasn’t worth the risk of hurting people in town with something I didn’t understand. I didn’t want to leave but I was glad that I did afterward. Raiden’s Temple was where I had needed to be for what came next. It was awful at first. The ink and the visions made me sick. I had little to no control over any of it. Raiden helped me. He could unravel what I saw even if it was just spaghetti to me. My visions helped him. At least he said that they did. Liu helped me get control over my arcana. There I met Kung Lao and I was happy. About a year later the visions stopped altogether and I was stronger than I’d ever been.”
“And now you’re having them again? Out of nowhere?” Cole didn’t sound terribly concerned. He had handled all of this very well. It was nice not to be taken too seriously or looked at like you were about to fracture. You didn’t think the visions were out of nowhere. In fact, you thought that the visions were likely triggered by Kung Lao’s death. Trauma did funny things to people. The things that happened to you were a little funnier than most.
“I confess that I didn’t realize I was having them at first.” You shrugged. It was difficult to explain but it seemed as though, at some point, Cole had abandoned his disbelief and had embraced chaos. “They were more like nightmares. It was difficult to decipher what was guilt and grief and what wasn’t. It wasn’t until the other night on the roof that I even considered they were visions. Well, that and I feel terrible. I haven’t felt this terrible since the last time I had them.” You were a little embarrassed to admit that. If you’d been honest about what you were feeling from the beginning then maybe you could have done things differently. You just hated being weak. It was a hot button for you.
“And that was when you saw what happened this afternoon?”
“Kind of? I saw the beach and a wave of corpses coming for us. Does that count?” You tried to joke. Cole tilted his head as if to consider if it counted or not.
“It does at least explain why you were extra creepy this morning.”
“Implying that I’m always a little creepy.”
“The ink is a little creepy, I decided.”
“I guess that’s fair.”
“But you’re okay? This morning was wild.”
Did you not seem okay? You supposed that you were feeling out of it after seeing Kung Lao’s death. You definitely weren’t feeling yourself but you thought that you’d hidden it pretty well. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
“You sound a little morose.” Cole looked to the door like he had somewhere else to be. He probably did. He had a family and all that. “I can’t say we know each other very well but whatever happened back there must have hit hard… and I mean… you were so different at the end of it.”
“I’m fine, Cole.” You reassured him with a forced smile. You were a little morose. That was a good word for what you were feeling. You wanted to sleep for the rest of the week until you had to go back to China.
“Ally, Emily, and I are going to go grab dinner. You’re welcome to join us. You could probably use some food.”
“No, no. Thank you but I think that I have encroached upon your family time enough this week.”
“We really don’t mind. You’re good company. Allison asked if you were joining us, even.”
“Really, Cole. I appreciate the offer but I’m not up to it. My social battery is completely drained.” You offered a weary smile. It was nice to be wanted. “I’m going to rest.”
“You’re just… so off. I feel bad leaving you alone.” Cole pulled his phone from his coat pocket. “I’m considering asking if Ally wants to grab food and then bring Emily here to watch a movie with you.”
“It’s okay, Cole. I need the time alone, I think. Besides, I’m allowed to be a little under the weather after that.” You smiled even so. You didn’t want him to pity you. You didn’t need that. You really would be okay. That morning had been difficult but you weren’t prepared to say the real reasons why. You were a mixture of angry and hurt but you’d trudge through it.
“Hey, look, you don’t need to feel responsible for me just because of what happened with Kung Lao.” You would happily absolve him of any guilt he felt in that regards. He was guilty of nothing but being a good man.
“What?” Cole was genuinely surprised and you internally winced at how you’d miscalculated. You’d read the whole situation wrong and instantly regretted your words.
“I thought you might be feeling some misplaced guilt about it. I don’t want that for you.”
“Oh. Maybe that was why I approached you on the street that day but I think we’re past that. We’re friends now. Am I wrong about that?”
“Not at all. It’s been lovely getting to know you and your family. I really mean that, I’m not just saying it. You’ve managed to get me a little out of my head which is nice. And you like my jokes which I appreciate. I’m sorry about the way that came off. I wasn’t trying to diminish our friendship. I just didn’t want you to carry around that guilt, either.”
“That goes for you too.”
“It’s been a hard day. I’m not coming across the way that I mean to. Let’s say lost in translation.”
“It’s okay, Y/N. Your English is pretty good so I’m not sure that excuse works, but I’ll let it slide.”
“I know, I know… I’m being cold without meaning to. Like you said, I’m a little morose right now. I do this thing when my feelings are difficult to process where I kind of shut off and… I can come off as cruel without meaning to. Honestly, even in Chinese it doesn’t sound much better.” You couldn’t help but laugh at yourself. “I’m sorry.”
“No need. Today was a reality check. It scared me too. And you’re clearly going through something. I wanted to help, is all. Sometimes when I get too far into my head things snowball and become an avalanche.”
“I appreciate that.” You kicked your shoes off next to the bed and laughed. You had no plans of going anywhere else for the rest of the day. “I used to have Kung Lao to keep that from happening. I appreciate you trying to help but you can go get food with your family and enjoy your afternoon. I’m exhausted. I’ll probably nap or meditate on what happened today.” What you really meant was that you would do whatever it took to get it out of your head. You were going to try and forget the awful things you’d seen today. You weren’t sure you could forget it. His death was burned into your mind’s eye. It would haunt you for the rest of your life.
“I will but before I go, I wanted to talk to you quickly about Liu.”
“I would very much prefer if you didn’t.” You scrunched up your face in distaste.
“I know that I’ve been teasing you about it.” He laughed and you rolled your eyes. “But is everything okay with that? I know, I know… it’s not my business, you’ve said it a dozen times now. It’s clearly complicated. You don’t owe me any details but if you need help with it then say the word. I’m happy to help.” Was Cole Young offering to be your wingman? Or was he offering to beat up Liu Kang? Either scenario was kind of hilarious.
“I’m obviously defensive about it. I’m sure that it’s hilarious from the outside looking in but Liu and I have more history than I care to explain. I’m not ready to get into it with anyone. Not you and definitely not with Liu, either.”
“But that’s okay?”
“Yeah, it will be. I’m a pretty tough lady.”
“On a scale of one to ten just how supportive do you need me to be?”
“No scale. Just be yourself, Cole. You’re doing fine.”
“Even teasing you?”
“I’ve had worse teasing, trust me. I dated Kung Lao for years. Besides, it kind of lessens the frustration of it. Sometimes I get too serious and scary in my head. The joking grounds me a little.”
“Good to know.” Cole patted you on the back. It was nice having a friend to talk to. A friend that wasn’t Liu Kang. Not that you didn’t enjoy Liu Kang, things were just too complex between you right now. There was so much hurt and grief that you weren’t sure how things would pan out or if they would ever be fixable. And Cole was a good man. You enjoyed talking to Allison too and Emily had taken a shine to you. You hadn’t had the opportunity to be around kids in years and you were good with them at most ages. That was part of why you’d enjoyed running the dojo.
There was a knock at your door. You made to get up to answer it.
“I’ll get it. I’m on my way out anyway.” Cole stood and so you sat back down. You wouldn’t argue with him. Cole opened the door and there was Liu Kang, which was no surprise to you. You’d been expecting him to show up at some point. Who else would it have been, anyway? You were pretty sure that you’d rubbed Sonya and Jax the wrong way with all your talk of kidnapping. Cole stared Liu Kang down instead of greeting him and you tried not to laugh.
“Hello Cole.” Liu bowed his head politely in greeting. “I was hoping that I could speak with Y/N for a few minutes. Is she here? Did I come to the wrong room?” Liu peered around him and made eye contact with you. You offered him a curt wave.
“That’s up to her.”
You tried very hard not to laugh at the look of confusion on Liu’s face. He was bewildered.
“Of course it is.”
“You can come in, Liu.” You stopped that conversation before it got any weirder. Cole meant well, but wow.
“I was just leaving.” Cole clasped Liu on the shoulder as if to wish him good luck and then left, closing the door behind him after Liu had stepped past him. Liu watched the door close and then turned back to you. His expression was priceless. You’d have to thank Cole for that later.
Next Chapter >>
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jean-kayak · 3 years
Chapter 14
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Summary: A relaxing summer at home after your second year of college sounds nice, until someone comes back and makes it anything but
Pairing: Eren Jaeger x black!fem!reader
Warnings: really this chapter is just fluff, underage drinking (reader is 20), Eren being a huge SIMP and SAP, reader gets a little tipsy, suggestive like once bc its Eren
Word Count: 3408
A/N: This one is not even close to being as long as the next chapter, but yeah, I really went in on the fluff and cuteness on this lmao enjoy
Tags: @iwascrybaby​, @germinvasion​, @styxtm​, @prxttyguardian​, @bigdaddyzawa​, @erensblackgirlfriend​, @kbbvbz​, @tomsadversary​, @pettyluxury​, @protectpancakes​
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Chapter Summary: A mini vacation makes Eren come to a stark realization
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Playlist for this Chapter:
1. While We're Young- Jhené Aiko
2. Morning Glory- Kehlani
3. Normal Girl-SZA
4. Off The Grid- Alina Baraz ft. Khalid
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You raise your eyebrows when he tells you that you need a pack a bag, and you frown at him in suspicion, but he doesn't even blink at you as he goes back to whatever he was doing.
Your parents weren't home at the time you were leaving, so you just told them that you were hanging with Ymir for a couple of days, Jean wasn't going to be home, and you were going to be back before him, so you figured you didn't need to tell him anything.
So Eren decides to leave late at night on Friday, and ten minutes later he texts you that he's outside, and then he's driving down the street and to who knows where. You yawn widely, tears forming in your eyes, and you wipe them away as you notice that you've been driving for more than thirty minutes.
"You taking me somewhere in the country or something?" you ask, seeing that you don't recognize your surroundings anymore.
He chuckles as he reaches over to grab your hand, lacing his fingers with yours. "I told you. It's a surprise, it's about a couple hours away."
You roll your eyes when he tells you it's a surprise but nod anyway even though that still doesn't tell you exactly where you're going, and he huffs when you say you're going to go to sleep for the rest of the ride, and as you doze off, you feel his lips on your hand.
You feel something shaking your shoulder, and you breathe in deeply as you peel your eyes open, looking around to see you're in a parking lot. "Where are we?" you ask with a yawn, looking ahead of you to see a big building about two stories tall.
"Furniture store." You frown, turning your head to look at him.
"A furniture store? Why?"
"Wanted to change up my apartment," he answers, getting out the car and you follow.
"And why did I have to come?" you ask, meeting him on his side of the truck as he locks it.
"To get you some practice, since you wanna do interior design. You can use my apartment as a project or something." You feel your face heating at the thought, and you mask it with a scrunch of your nose.
"You're a dork." He smirks softly as he wraps his arm around you, walking you towards the building.
"Only for you."
The automatic doors slide open, and the place is pretty huge, but not big enough where you feel like you might be lost, and you let him lead you whichever way. "Okay, so what do you start with?" he asks you, stopping at the living room section, and you shrug.
"Colors, I guess," you admit, looking at the different couches. "What's your favorite color?" you ask, absentmindedly running your hand over the back of an armchair.
"Any color that you look good in." You roll your eyes as you scoff, turning to look at him.
"Which is?"
"Everything." You chuckle as you push at his chest lightly, almost thinking it's a lost cause until he speaks up again. "I don't know. Dark green, maybe?"
You nod as you look at the different furniture. "Okay, that's a start. And sometimes, I look at how big you want something to be depending on what you want to use it for. So, for example, how big would you want your couch to be?"
"Big enough for us to have sex on." You drop your head as you scoff, having trouble fighting the smile off your face.
"You're insufferable." You're pretty sure Eren makes you walk through the entire store, looking at stuff that you know he doesn't even own, and you notice that he keeps asking you if you like certain things or not.
"Why does it matter if I like it or not? It's your apartment," you add, and he busies himself with pulling the drawers open on a desk while he keeps his other arm wrapped around your waist. He mumbles something that you don't catch, but you don't get to ask because he's pulling you somewhere else.
You're almost out of the place when your eyes land on the prettiest coffee table you've ever seen. You gasp in surprise, stopping in your tracks and walking towards it, pulling Eren with you.
It's a deep mahogany, glass on top, and there's storage for smaller things like magazines or coasters, and it's just right height, you never understood the appeal of coffee tables that are nearly touching the ground. "You like it?" Eren asks you, jumping you out of your trance.
"I love it," you breathe, running your hand over it softly. "But there's literally nowhere for me to put it," you joke, giving it one last look before you start to walk away, and you stop when you realize Eren's not following. "Are we leaving?" you ask, pointing towards the door, thinking that maybe he wanted to look at something else.
But then he's waving you off, walking towards you. "Yeah, let's go."
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"You know we just passed the college Jean goes to, right?" you say, your eyebrows raised, and Eren just shrugs as he keeps his attention on the road.
"Yeah, so?"
"So? What if he sees us? He said he had something to do for school," you stress, starting to feel yourself panic a little.
"Don't worry. Seriously, he's not going to find out." He sounds confident, so it calms you a little bit, but that panic is still underlying. He grabs your hand, giving it a soft squeeze. "I'm being serious. I already checked beforehand, we're fine."
You nod this time, his words reassuring you as you start to notice the light poles on the street you're driving down are covered in decorations. The further he drives down the road, the more decorations seem to be lining the buildings. "Is there some kind of festival?" you ask, looking around.
Eren shrugs as he pulls the truck into a parking spot on the street. "Let's find out," he says, and you're once again following him out, and when you get out, you can hear music playing. You follow the sound of the music, and you reach what must be the main area because there's suddenly food trucks lining the streets, a bunch of activities to do, and a crowd of people dancing.
They've cut off the whole street for the occasion, and you smile widely as you look around. "I think this is some festival for the town or something," Eren says, remembering hearing something about it before he went back home, and you bounce on your feet excitedly.
"Well, we can't just stand here!" You grab his hand, almost pulling him off his feet as you run towards the thicker part of the crowd. He laces his fingers with yours as you both walk through to look at the different venues and the different food they have.
He nearly buys everything that your eyes linger on for too long, and you firmly tell him to not buy you anything else, to which he just responds with a roll of his eyes, both of you knowing that he's still going to do it.
He watches you fondly when you get excited about the face painted, but he denies it when you say that he should get one. "Oh, come on, you have to get one," you urge, feeling the paint on your face starting to harden.
The person who did yours tells you that you could paint on Eren's face and that only makes you more excited. You force him to sit down on the bench as you look through the options, grabbing his wrist when he tries to sneak away.
"Just pick one, please?" you say, and he gives you a warm look as he smiles softly.
"Fine." He gives in, and you grab the brush excitedly. "Anything yellow," he responds when you ask him what he wants.
"Why yellow? Because I look good in it?" you tease, picking out something that's easy for you to draw.
"It's the color you picked on the fortune teller." You freeze, looking up at him, before smiling softly as you dip the paintbrush in the paint.
"You remember that?" you ask shyly, and he would nod, but you're already starting to paint on his face.
"Of course I do. It's the first time I talked to you." He huffs softly when he sees you shy away again before you focus on the flower you're drawing. He chuckles softly as he watches you stick your tongue out in concentration, and you pull away with a frown.
"Why are you laughing at me?" you ask, grabbing his chin to angle his cheek closer towards you.
He moves before you can turn his face, pecking a kiss on your nose. "Because you look cute." You shake your head, feeling your face flush warm before grabbing his chin again and moving his head where you want it.
"Okay," you sigh when you finish, putting the brush down, and you hold the mirror up for him to see what it looks like, and you put your head on the side of it. "Do you like it?" you ask impatiently, and he nods as he stands, pulling you up with him.
"Yeah, it looks good for someone with no art skills," he jokes, making you roll your eyes but you laugh anyway, and you both walk away as he takes out his phone.
You peek over his shoulder, not realizing he opened the camera app, and he plants his lips on your cheek that doesn't have paint on it, snapping the picture, and he locks his phone before you can see it. You're trying to convince him to let you see it, both of you walking closer to the music, and suddenly you're being pulled into the dancing crowd.
Both of your eyes widen in surprise, but then you notice a kid grabbing your hands, and you laugh instantly as you start dancing, blending into the crowd, but to Eren, you're the only one he sees.
And huh.
Is that what this feels like? He's always seen it in movies, read it in books, but he's never experienced it like this, the feeling so strong. He unlocks his phone, his heart skipping a beat when he looks over the picture, the biggest grin on his face before he looks back up at you.
You look like you're having the time of your life, and he realizes that he's fallen so far, so fast in so little time. He feels like he's living in some kind of movie, and he always thought it was unrealistic to feel this way about you in a short amount of time, but the longer he looks at you, the more he believes that it's more than possible.
And he looks back down at his phone, making the picture his lock screen.
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"Let me have some more," you whisper, and Eren rolls his eyes as he scoffs, checking to make sure the coast is clear before handing you his glass.
"Woah, woah," he says when you take a huge sip of wine, taking the glass out of your hand. "Ease up will you," he chastises, setting the glass on the stool next to the both of you.
"I have to get as much as I can before they see me," you respond, having trouble hiding your giggles as the alcohol fills your system.
The festival had started to die down, and he saw a sign for wine and art. He knew they weren't going to let you have any, but he was having a hard time denying you, and now he scoffs at your tipsy state. "We're supposed to be painting," he responds, grabbing the paintbrush.
"Well, what are we drawing?" you say, your words slurring just a bit, and he shrugs as he wraps his arm tighter around you.
"Whatever you want," he says, adjusting the both of you on the stool you're sitting on. He was surprised the both of you could fit on it, but he only took that as an excuse to hold you. "How about four flowers?"
Your eyebrows crease before you turn to look at you. "Why four?" He smiles at you, and you feel like you should know the answer, but you can't think of it. "The fortune teller?" you try, and he nods, making you roll your eyes.
"Why are you such a sap?" you reply playfully, and he laughs softly before putting the brush in your hand, then putting his hand on top of yours. He guides your hand over the canvas as you start painting. "How'd you know that these are my favorite?"
"Lucky guess." It's the flowers you had in your hair at the wedding.
You frown at him again, but go back to painting anyway, the strokes not as clean due to a variety of reasons, but the outline comes out good, and he helps you color them in.
He lets you have one last sip before he tells you that you're not getting anymore, and you frown but listen anyway. "Why aren't you drinking?"
"Because I'm driving," he replies lamely, and you nod softly as your mouth falls open.
"Oh. You're so responsible."
He rolls his eyes. "Thanks," he says dryly.
You both finish your painting around the same time everyone else does, or rather people are starting to get less incoherent, so they can't focus on painting, and Eren takes the canvas, leading you out of the gallery with an arm around your waist.
"I'm so full and tired," you whine, your steps a little wobbly, and he chuckles as he carefully puts the canvas in the backseat before helping you in.
He starts driving away and about ten minutes in, he realizes you're really quiet, so he assumes you've fallen asleep, but then you gasp, making him jump out of his skin and almost swerve off the road.
"What the fuck--"
"A drive-in movie, we have to go!" you yell, probably a little bit more loudly than you needed, pointing out the window, and he looks to see an empty lot with cars and a giant movie screen.
He finds himself already slowing down and turning into the lot without even thinking about it, backing in so that you can watch the movie from the bed of the truck. He gets out first, letting the tail down so that he can set up some of the blankets he still has in his truck before helping you up, your steps shaky as you get in.
He lays down first, and you follow, and he chuckles as you instantly grab a blanket, wrapping yourself up before you lay on him. "Don't fall asleep, this was your idea," he speaks up when he hears you go quiet again, and you shift slightly.
"M not sleep. I'm just tired," you mumble, making him huff fondly.
The movie that's playing is something he's never seen before, and he's actually pretty focused on it when he feels you moving, and he just assumes that you're trying to get comfortable.
"Eren," he hears you whisper, and he hums to show that he heard you, keeping his focus on the movie.
"What, baby?" he says when you say his name again, and he tears his eyes from the screen to look down at you.
"I want a kiss," you say softly, and he half rolls his eyes before leaning down anyway. "One more." He sighs fondly before leaning down again, cupping your face in his hand, and he pulls away when you try and deepen the kiss.
"You're drunk, baby," he tells you, and you frown as you shake your head.
"No, I'm not," you argue, and he raises his eyebrows at you.
"Intoxicated," he tries, and you purse your lips as you think.
"Maybe." He huffs again before kissing you on the forehead.
"I'll kiss you again when you're sober." You groan softly in protest, but you don't say anything else as you turn your attention back to the movie.
Eren rolls his eyes when he hears you complain about being tired for the millionth time that night as he guides you into the dark apartment. He leads you to his room, catching you every time you almost fall, and the moment your eyes land on the bed, you're flopping on it face down.
"Hey, you gotta change first," he tells you, dropping your bag on the floor softly, but you groan softly, turning your head so that you can breathe.
"M fine," you argue, and he scoffs as he walks over to you.
"Trust me, you'll want to get changed." You groan as you roll over, unbuttoning your shorts, sliding them down your legs before letting them fall to the floor. You roll back onto your stomach, reaching under your shirt to unhook your bra, maneuvering it out from under you before it joins your shorts on the floor.
"Are you happy now?" you groan, and he rolls his eyes again as he moves back to your bag. You feel the bed dip next to you as he climbs in, but you don't move.
"Can you sit up for me?" he asks, and you sigh, turning your head to look at him. "It'll only take a second."
You sit up slowly as you start to feel a headache coming on, blinking slowly, and you notice that he's putting your bonnet on, and he catches you when you try and lay back down, not letting you go until all of your hair is in it.
"Now you can lay down." He barely gets the words out as your body hits the mattress again, and you get comfortable as you snuggle your face into the pillow, and he notices that you're blinking gets heavier, but you're looking at him.
"What?" he questions softly, running the back of his fingers over your face gently, and you give him a sleepy smile.
"You're really pretty," you mumble, and he huffs in surprise as he feels his face heating up.
"You think I'm pretty?"
You nod as fast as your body can let you, sighing heavily. "You're like...like," you nod again. "Yeah, you're like really pretty." And then you're out like a light.
Your soft snores fill the room, and he finds himself smiling fondly as he watches you sleep, and before he can think, he's slowly getting out of the bed and grabbing his sketchbook. He slides back in the bed, and all of the images from earlier today come flooding into his head and onto the pages.
He doesn't know how long he sits there, filling every last inch of the paper in you, but he can't stop until he's drawn everything. He draws your face when you were concentrating on painting on his face, he draws you attempting to concentrate on the painting even though the wine was making you even more incoherent, and he finds himself smiling for long enough that his face hurts.
When he gets all of those images out of his head, he looks back over at you before starting on the next drawing, chuckling softly at how your face is smushed by the pillow.
And he wonders if it could work between the both of you, but he doesn't know how you feel, and he doesn't want to do anything that will cause you to stop talking to him like you did back then even though he still doesn't know what he did.
But he's scared to ask, and part of him thinks it's the reason for that conflicted look you have in your eyes sometimes, and he wants to ask you what he did so that he can fix it because he doesn't want to hurt you. Not when you mean so much to him.
When he thinks that he's gotten most of the images drawn, and when he's about to run out of room is where he should call it a night, putting the book somewhere you won't be able to find it easily before laying down next to you.
You breathe in deeply, shifting closer to him in your sleep, and he carefully lays you on his chest, and the familiar weight of you puts him to sleep.
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|Chapter 13|Masterlist|Chapter 15|
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restinpeacesensei · 7 years
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aaaaa @vashtijoy thank you so much for making him a beautiful butterfly bath omg!!! ;;//////;;
#boueibu#akoya gero#gero akoya#my art#my comic#you know i weirdly remembered these tags as saying 'shook' instead of 'shaken'#as in the meme 'im shook' lmao#but when i looked at how i had written them down and at the screencap it was this way and im like did i imagine it omg#i guess ive been on tumblr so long my brain just inserts memes instead#but yes thank you for sympathizing with why kittykoya would be so surprised and shaken!! ;___;#tbh i was actually thinking while i was drawing it 'uh kinchan just kind of appears out of nowhere' lmao#but having him in the first panel too would have taken away from feeling kittykoya's surprise and not seeing it coming#right before finishing this i was like ??? i should have made this a prettier bathtub??? but i had invested too much in the wood texture#i feel like i draw kittykoya taking a lot of baths but well that's in keeping with the spirit of the show i-isn't it ;;;;#anyway thank you so much for these tags i have thought about them over and over;; ;____;#and nardaviel omg..... so many tags oh my god..... im blessed?!!!!! thank you?!!! i appreciate it so much!!!! ;____;#star-max im very glad and slightly concerned you find the ikea comic relatable but i should talk i was there just recently#and i should know its very relatable#queenofthefaces waaaa!!! thank you for rushing in to call akoya kind and soft names and reassure him it's okay!!! thank you so much!! ;----;#thank you so much for letting him know no one blames him and he has his friends here for him waaa you're always so kind thank you!!! ;////;#mercysorrows waaaa you're so sweet i love your tags so much!!!! >////< thank you for telling poor bby not to cry aaaa omg;; ;/////;#he did get scared ;__; thank you for noticing and rushing in to comfort him!! >////<#you are so sweet and caring to give them both a hug thank you so much >////< they would like to give you fluffy hugs back ;////;#ironpaladont aaaaa thank you so much for your tags i love them!! ;////; he was very close thank you for recognizing his efforts!!! >////<#thank you for reassuring him i love that you said he is a very good boy aaaa he feels loved;; >////<#where is that comic of someone calling a dog a good boy or telling someone they did a good job#and their brain is like good boy!! good boy!! good boy!! good job!! good job!! for hours afterwards ....its like that#mostlikelytofangirl waaa thank you for running in to reassure kittykoya too!! ;////; he feels better it was an accident and not his fault;;#ofc kin didn't and wants him to feel better!! ;---; thank you so much for helping to make his bath waaa >////< he is warm and safe again now#bathed in such warm water and kind words omg thank you for always calling and making him feel so precious!!! ;////;
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taco-blook · 3 years
A theory I have about Ruthie
Sup guys it's me again lmao
So like today I decided to share a theory I have towards Ruthie
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So first of all, this is Ruthie. She appears in the last page of the influencers part 3, and if you're wondering why I consider her important is due to the stuff we'd learn in the commentary of that same update
I'm not sure if we can show this stuff now that hs2 has gone under a terapause, but oh well. So in that commentary we find out that Ruthie happens to have an entire reference sheet just like the other influencers had, but not only that we also see this little drawing
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A nice doodle of Ruthie hanging out with the influencers (Also Silas being left behind for a curious reason) which is very funny, and then finally, at the very end of the commentary it is written something:
"There she is!! Miss Ruthie. I'm excited for you all to meet her!"
(Sadly this didn't age well)
Anyway, this clearly hints something towards how important she is, which is why I think she might be the 4th member of the influencers (and that she was a surprise reveal kinda like how Yiffy was)
Now, about my actual theory
So first of all I will expose some facts and hints I've seen that concerns (or seem to concern) Ruthie
First one being her last name, in the upd8 and the commentary her last name was never mentionned, but she has one
How do I know? Simply because I found it out thanks to the one who designed Ruthie themself
I'm talking about vintage-foods, he is the one that designed all of the influencers (which I am very thankful for) and so, they also drew these kids sometimes and you know how on tumblr you can tag stuff, well I noticed that on one of these arts she was called "Ruthie Gold"
And so when asking confirmation as to if it was her last name, he confirmed that it was!
Which raises a lot of questions too, why is her last name not 6 letters? Why as a rustblood she has the name of another bloodcaste? (That is part of my theory but wait a bit)
Second one is what she *can* do, as you know, pretty much all the type of trolls can sometimes have a special ability related to their bloodcolor (telekinesis for rusts, psionics for golds etc)
So then what about Ruthie? Well she seems to be a very special case
Someday out of nowhere, I read a tweet from someone (who works in the hs2 team) that looked very interesting
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(Pardon my french, I don't do it on purpose)
I have hidden their @ simply because the tweet was deleted shortly after
It is very interesting because they talk about a burgundy blood in the bonus upd8s, and Ruthie is the only one to fit that description!
But what's even more weird is what they said after, pyrokinetics? What's that? So long story short (and according to google) it's the ability of manipulate fire
Which is quite a surprise! A rustblood that doesn't have telekinesis but can control fire? It never happened before. And I think this is why the tweet was deleted, due to being "leaked information"
So many questions for a troll that talked in only one page
Now, let's finally go into my theory
Think about it, her last name is Gold, she is a rustblood that might have the power to manipulate fire, can you see where I'm going?
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Here is something I took from the candy epilogue when Vrissy was found by Rose and Kanaya, it says how the genetics of the beta trolls were used for the mother grub.
So what if, Ruthie Gold is the mix of Aradia and Sollux?
The facts I brought up earlier could be good arguments, and think about how Vriska wasn't originally in the candy timeline until she is sucked into the black and then meets Vrissy. Aradia and Sollux too weren't there much, only hanging out when the dead Jade/Alt Calliope appeared until Aradia left with her and Davebot, leaving Sollux in the candy timeline.
Now I'm not saying I'm right, but I think there is a weird coincidence going on, and that the answer will not be brought to us until a long time (or until someone from the team dms me to take this post down lmao that's okay I'd understand)
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levis-wings · 3 years
needed a little break in between reading summer rain and silent storms by @astridthevalkyrie to process the first book's ending. i thought going straight into silent storms would literally break me (like actually murder me lol)
yet, i was rendered pleasantly surprised.
i began reading silent storms during my commute to work. and lemme tell you, i haven't been wanting to go to work for a while now because it's been HECTIC (new ehr system is driving us all NUTS). i was also expecting to hold my tears in public (in fear of the angst of the ending of summer rain to bleed into silent storms' beginning). however, i spent like thirty minutes trying not to squeal with happiness and adoration, instead. it also just so happened that when i reached the first smut scene, i was still on my commute (fairly easy to hide my blush behind a mask though, thank god LOL). and by the time my commute to work finished, i was so energized by what i'd read, that i felt excited?? to walk into work??? like levi and oc's romance??? literally rejuvenated me LOL
the overall feel of silent storms, for me at least, was much lighter, fluffier than what summer rain was. don't get me wrong. it was a still massive fucking idiots to lovers, but the idiocy was adorable and tolerable. (mainly because i got to see what was going on in levi's head, which was an AMAZING touch.) i didn't wanna rip out my heart and cry at any point of the story; instead, i wanted to scream and dance with joy 99.9% of the time. i cannot emphasize HOW WELL the emotions, the feelings, the butterflies are written. i feel like i'm feeling love for the first time reading what the characters are going through and not many pieces of media can actually make me feel something
it's the way in which the thoughts are written so... realistically. you hear the characters' doubts, their wishes, their fears. you see what they hide from the other, what they pick and choose to share. you see what they secretly struggle with and what the other assumes of them. and every single one of their reactions/thoughts feels organic to me. also very true to character
i think this was in chapter one. but this fucking quote:
"The tea is just as bad as last time, if not worse, but he dutifully drinks it all, as she makes herself at home in his office and starts talking his ear off about the many unhealthy effects of insomnia and why does she care why is she looking at him like that what's the matter with her why doesn't she just shut the fuck up for once why is she so pretty—"
the moment i read the latter part, my heart flew out of my chest. it's fucking adorable the way he can barely have a linear thought because he's so whipped for her. i can't even explain with words how HAPPY i was to see how he had felt through all of this
let's also talk about the fucking character development. oc out there pulling uno reverse cards. i think she's the kind of person who grows and learns from others. she takes each person's word to account AND she is aware of this (also the reason she tries to avoid telling levi about important life choices she knows he'll try to talk her out of). sometimes, her inner demons get the best of her. she's complex. (i had an inkling of this is summer rain but more of her childhood was explained in silent storms and the puzzle pieces just fit.) she likes to think that she lives for herself. degrades herself into thinking she's selfish (though honestly, there's nothing wrong with looking out for yourself). but i think it's natural for her to also look out for the people she cares for. her way of caring is listening. and taking in the information they tell her. it's just the cherry on top of her already lovable character. anyways, after understanding her character better, for a while, i suspected she'd somehow(?) try to join the scouts. i was very surprised (and supportive) of her decision to do so as well!
in summer rain, i thought she wasn't ready to be a scout yet. but clearly, she's had quite a few epiphanies and they'd led her to believe in herself. she's totally ready now
i still can't believe i went in thinking i'd fall for levi more and came out falling for the female lead help??
levi's sweet moments sprinkled throughout?? the fic?? killed me.
" 'I'm glad,' he confesses to her, 'I'm happy you didn't join the Scouts. I ... want you to be safe.' "
there are moments like this where he speaks his truth... but it's so tender, so sweet that it's just almost out of pocket. but at this point, he should just fucking say the opposite of what he wants for oc because she'll do the thing he doesn't want her to do, anyways
and listen when he said:
" 'Your mother didn't do her best,' he says honestly, 'you did.' "
i very much did cry inside. and the fact that this left oc speechless. like same, babe, same. it's these rare moments of sweetness that leave me feeling giddy. i don't expect it at all, so when it just comes out, i get so caught off guard LOL
my favorites scenes HAD to be when they had a full-on verbal fight in front of oc's date LMAO, when levi initiated their second kiss, when petra convinced oc to join the special operations squad, when levi and oc finally fucking decided to make something fucking official and then he proceeds to pull out a list of rules from nowhere. hilarious
their constant bickering and dialogue is just *chef's kiss.* never exactly read a couple with better chemistry. i'm also the type of person to like the chase but loathe the aftermath of a couple finally getting together. but fucking goddammit, with these two, i know it'll never get boring. it's also because they tend to banter a lot and i'm that bitch who ships dramione and zutara so you know i like the drama
ALSO?? ERWIN?? when i was watching aot, my friend told me she thought erwin was a 'bad' character. i asked her why she felt that way. she told me because he had no depth to his character—that he was plain. i disagreed. i think erwin (along with levi and eren) is arguably one of the most complex characters in aot, and this fic just brings it out sooooo well! there's just?? something in me?? that makes me believe erwin is SUS of levi and oc. also the fact that he remains a mystery to oc too. she's always questioning the relationship erwin has with levi and even that in it itself makes the man 10 times more enigmatic. i absolutely love it
and the smut. goodbye. i only expected one scene. i was given like... i can't even count because i can't do math when i'm excited lol. but it was much more than what i expected and i was LIVING for it. something about levi letting go of control????????? please. didn't think subby levi would be my cup of tea but i guess i was proven wrong. i'm not even mad
i forgot to say in my last review. but listen. oc liking milk makes me feel so validated. like i literally do not know a single fucking real-life person who likes drinking plain milk like me. and yes, people have poked fun at my habit. BUT SEEING OC DRINKING HER PLAIN MILK SO UNAPOLOGETICALLY. GODDAMN. plain milk drinkers rise 😩😩
but i also need levi to teach oc how to make good tea tho. like girly, you add hot water and a good amount of tea leaves 🤨 what are you getting wrong?
anyways, i've said way too much again. but i can't help but get excited when i come across such a great work of art. though i admit i'm terrified going into warmth. i don't think i'm ready to see the show's events unfolding... because when petra dies i will fucking cry. it's funny because when i first watched aot, i didn't even know who petra fucking was until AFTER she got squashed... yikes. but the more i learn about her character (in aot and in this particular setting), the more i like her
i always end up having some sort of stupid side character syndrome. in aot, i focused on levi/hange/erwin and sasha/connie/jean. and now even in a whole ass fanfiction ABOUT levi, i'm fantasizing about petra and erwin??? huh???
i hope things go well for levi and oc in the future. i'm not ready to see the shit go down in warmth though 😭
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3centsofbutter · 4 years
Things I’ve missed about the sun - Bakugo Katsuki
Bakugo katsuki x reader
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You used to be my sun, that’s what I always saw you as. 
A bright blistering star that blinded me if I ever dared to look upon you. You were dangerous to the touch but I basked in your warmth nonetheless. I missed that about you, how you were always there for me even if it wasn’t intentional.
“Oi Baka, you gonna keep starin’ at the window or are we gonna have a conversation like regular people do?”
Hatsume waved her hand in front of your face in an attempt to pull you from your thoughts. It was a humid Sunday afternoon and you had joined your friend for tea at the mall. College exams were finally over and done with so you both decided to celebrate before you were thrown back into the busy rhythm of life. 
“Since when did they have Bakugo collectables at Toyco?”
An all too familiar face stared back at you aggressively on a giant poster advertising the new line of hero collectables plastered outside the Toyco opposite the cafe. It seemed like his presence always found its way into your life no matter how far away he was. 
“Hm, Ground Zero merch, never thought it would be this quick before that bastard had his branding stuck all over the shirt’s of kids.” She lifted the straw out of her iced tea and pointed it at your face. “You’re not still hung up over that sack of trash, right?”
You sheepishly smiled and rubbed the back of your neck, a light blush dancing on the apples of your cheeks. It had been a while since you had talked to the hot-headed blonde but your high school crush on him had persisted. You were in the support class F and frequently interacted with hero studies class A for support items and general classes which coincidentally made you form an odd friendship with Bakugo. You were both really close at one point but fell off once the school year had ended. You really missed him even though he was just a phone call away, you could never bring yourself to make an excuse to call. 
“Well, it’s really hard when his face is every third news story on TV!”
Hatsume threw her head back and laughed. 
Bakugo was strange, obviously, and was infamous amongst the school for having the worst temper and the many incidents Class A somehow found themselves in, and by default, you found yourself in the midst of the chaos. 
“Bakugo! You know my workbench is not a bed, right?”
It was after Bakugo’s kidnapping fiasco that you found him lying on your workbench in the shared support facility. It was 5:30 in the morning and he knew that only you’d be there. 
“I want you to upgrade my gear, all of it.”
His voice was soft, almost a whisper, a rarity you had never heard from him before. You decided to entertain him. 
“Gotta be more specific, Sir.” You picked up his gauntlets and ran your fingers over the minor scuffs and scratches on its surface. “You can’t level up your gear like you evolve pokemon, tell me what you want done.”
His voice was still quiet. “I just want it to be better, got anything for that?”
You placed the gauntlet down on the table next to him and pulled out a wheely chair from underneath the table. 
“Is everything alright Blasty? Things have been rough for you recently but it’s not your fault, y’know?”
He sighed and raised his arms towards the overhead lamp and stared at the scars and burns that decorated his forearms. You had never paid much attention to them before but now in the light, it almost seemed like a work of art, you remembered that Hatsume once said that each uneven patch of skin and scar that marked a hero’s body was like a war trophy, a symbol of their resilience and hardships that they faced to get where they were today. 
“I hate these scars,” He said, as he dropped his arms back onto the table. “Those bastard villains gave me 6 more to hate.”
You carefully took one of his arms and held it in your hands. His silence was enough for you to know that he didn’t mind the invasion of personal space. You lightly traced the scars with your fingertips in silence, some had faded but some were more prominent than others. 
“Your hands are rough, you know that?”
You chuckled and lifted one hand into the light, fully showing the callouses that marked them. 
“You gotta have this many when you’re working with metal all the time.”
He grunted in agreement, not saying a thing more. 
“I like your scars y’know.” You placed his arm back on the table. “They show how hard you worked to get here.”
Your eyes met for a second in which it felt like an eternity. He was the one to break it. 
You both sat in silence as you watched the sunrise from the UA windows, relishing in each other’s company. It was such a simple interaction that was forever ingrained into your memory and probably the first time you ever fully realised your feelings for the boy. 
“Maa how long has it been, 5 years you’ve liked him?” Hatsume teased as she stole a forceful of your cake. “Maybe you should call him, would be a lot better than daydreaming about him all the time.” 
You furiously shook your head. “He’s probably busy doing hero stuff y’know, he doesn’t have time for a lowlife like me.”
You pointed to the poster that almost felt as if it was constantly eavesdropping on your conversation. “He’s got bigger things to worry about, Hatsume.”
She sighed and propped her chin on her hand. 
“Mmm, maybe if you didn’t leave so early at the reunion night last month then maybe you wouldn’t be in this position.”
“You know how I am with parties! If it’s past 10 I gotta go home, not all of us are night owls like you!”
It was honestly a terrible night. There were over 30 people crammed into Yaoyorozu’s penthouse apartment and there was too much going on to have any meaningful interactions with anyone. Sure it was nice to see everyone again but it was more like small clusters of people in their own conversations and you didn’t really seem to fit in anywhere. You had talked to Bakugo that night, but only briefly before he was dragged off by Kirishima to greet some other people. You had learnt that he was currently stationed in Kyoto in a partner agency with Kirishima. 
You sighed and stared at the empty plate in front of you. Hatsume had taken the liberty to finish off the rest of your blueberry yoghurt slice while you were lost in your thoughts. 
“Why don’t you make some support gear for him?” She asked. “He always liked the stuff you made anyways.”
You drummed your fingers on the table, you guessed that was true. 
“He probably has some big shot designers working for him right now, he wouldn’t want anything a college student is making.”
“Maa, you’re so annoying you know that?”
You simply laughed at her, even you could acknowledge you were a piece of work. 
“Mum, Mum! Look it’s the real Ground Zero!”
You looked outside the window once again to see a child pointing excitedly at that stupid poster. Every time you looked at it, it seemed to infuriate you even more. 
“Can you please sign my lunchbox, Mr Hero? Pretty please!”
You did a double-take at the Toyco and noticed a very familiar blonde headed boy, albeit his hair a little shorter since the last time you saw him. He was dressed casually in a pair of shorts and a graphic tee, different from how you usually saw him on the news. You watched him as he bent down and signed the kid’s red lunchbox and ruffled his hair with an encouraging smile. It looked like the public relations training worked wonders on him. 
He noticed your staring from the across the mall and you quickly turned away. Hatsume was nowhere in sight and a napkin with the words ‘GOOD LUCK!’ messily scrawled onto it was there in her place. You began to panic as you felt the heat rising to your face. 
The bell on the cafe door tinkled. 
“Is that you?”
You sheepishly looked up at him. 
“I thought you were in Kyoto, Bakugo. What brings you here?”
He rubbed the back of his neck, “I missed home so I thought about setting up an agency around here. I guess I’ll be around a whole lot more now.”
His face was a slight tinge pink and the awkwardness hung in the air like a thick blanket. 
Hatsume hadn’t bullied you about this for all those years for you to let him slip away from you again. Maybe it was time for you to pull up your bootstraps and act upon your feelings for once. 
“Are you free tonight?”
That caught him by surprise. “I guess I am.”
“Wanna grab a bite to eat?”
The widest smile stretched across his face. 
“Is this a date?”
Your face was heating up to an unreasonable degree. “It is if you want it to be.”
He laughed. 
“I’d be honoured.”
Your sun was back to stay. 
Master list of all my stuff
A/N Getting a bit inspirational by posting 2 in a day after leaving the site for like what, a month or so? lmao.
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