#aphrodite anon
demonic0angel · 10 days
So far ever since the new epic musical album came up I've been seeing a lot more people come up with the idea of the god games but Danny Phantom
And I was just imagining how funny if in that song Dan was Aphrodite and Danielle was Aries
I'm about to get more as Danielle being a goddess of trickery and chaos of all types and can being considered to be three-faced like having like a three-faced mask that she wears around a lot and using her ability to melt as a way to appear behind people vastly without them noticing and she's really protective over Dan since she considers herself to be his older sibling because in her opinion he came in the family last
Dan being the ancient of love being so terrifying because love can also be considered to be a scary thing with his symbol being eagles and stuff and he is much more terrifying and violated the most people expect from the god of love but also when he needs to be complete and loving
I imagine Tucker taking up the sense of being Apollo with him being The reincarnation of an old pharaoh they're kind of being like a lots of Egyptian things around him but also like a theme of more technologically advanced with him working on a PDA all kind of having modern clothes on with hints of Egyptian pharaoh
oh and Sam acting like Hephaestus would be more interested in the plant she has in her garden then the heroes her clothes are kind of nature-like invite but also give all of a sense of golfness with like her plant giving off the shape of a large Palace that looks terrifying on the outside but the inside is filled with plants of all types
I imagine Jazz has like a therapist like setting office but like it's a open Greek palace like things of gold and bright blues and just being laid around it looks like an conference room but also like an open Palace I feel like her simple animal being Wolf's and bears would be so funny also be a hint to the little bear plush that she owns
I kind of feel like Danny's level would be a mix of Jazz's and Sam's with Danny's being like an open Palace room that kind of has like the hints of someone young is there with random bean bags being scattered around or miniature handcraft spaceships but also stars all around I feel like it'd be cute if his symbol animal was jellyfish which like jellyfish Stars kind of like float around
But I've just been imagining that song with Danny Phantom x DC I can probably start off with the Justice League like always getting into something this year now than having to deal with the consequence of it and the consequences is six teenagers taking a vote or not to kill them
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Gods, I can’t wait for the Vengeance Saga
I am in love with the idea of Dan being Aphrodite and Dani being Ares, especially bc they’re both gods of war. And in EPIC, Aphrodite’s argument is about a mother’s love!! I hope you like the quick sketch of them :3
I don’t agree with a few of your ideas, but they all seem really fun. The idea of the Justice League having to argue against 6 teenagers is funny, bc imagine that they think they can argue against Dani and she just stabs them. Meanwhile, Jazz is like: so how did you feel when you got stabbed? when they come to her later to argue against her.
Actually, I also had thoughts about DP x EPIC, except Sam and Tucker were Odysseus (they shared the role idk) and Danny was Penelope. Jazz was Athena, Dani was Aeolus, and Dan was Scylla 😩
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genericpuff · 4 days
also love how you described aphrodite as a war goddess in your family tree chart!!!
ahh thank you! I know it's very divisive as to whether or not Aphrodite is a war goddess, much of the sources on Aphrodite Areia seem to be predominantly linked to the Spartans, whereas Hellenism worshipped her primarily for love, sex, and fertility, which is what she's widely attributed to today while her connections to war have fallen to the wayside.
But I personally love the duality of her being a goddess of both love and war, as both come from places of deep desire that are often intersectional - many men have gone to war and died in the name of love, and many more still have experienced the pain that love can bring. In that way, though you could argue that she may not have been specifically worshipped as a war goddess such as Athena or Ares, you can't really separate war from what Aphrodite truly represents - desire.
I know by default many people will say that Aphrodite is the "greatest goddess" simply because of the superstition that comes from worshipping anyone else more than her, but what makes her so powerful and respected is love itself, an emotion and state of being so pure, so twisted, so painfully human, so universal regardless of the context in which it's being experienced that it can be used as any amount of justification for both the greatest heroics and the cruelest betrayals. Love is a paradox, simultaneously worth living for and worth dying for, an overwhelming joy for another being that can be felt instantly but just as quickly turn foul. Paris was gifted the love of Helen, which initiated a ten year long war on Troy; Odysseus persevered for 20 years in the name of love, sacrificed six of his own men for love; Orpheus defied death for love, and brought about his own downfall in love; Hades abducted his bride out of love, inevitably dooming the Earth to death and decay for half the year at the hands of a loving mother grieving for her lost daughter.
Even when Aphrodite isn't physically present in a story, she is there in the actions of a story's characters made out of love and desire, and she is as inevitable as the Fates and the passage of time. Aphrodite is a goddess of love and war because love is war, and so to try and separate her from war feels like a severe underestimation of the power she possesses over mankind more so than any other god or goddess. Though you could argue her domain over human emotion and their consequential actions limits her in her influences unlike that of the primordials or Titans, without man to worship them or perceive them or tell stories of them, then what is left of gods? Unrequited love and desire.
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amazingmsme · 5 days
Do you have head canons for how the different gods laugh?
(Besides Hermes lmao, his bird laugh is as iconic as it is well known💀)
Love your blog!
ABSOLUTELY! Decided to throw in everyone from god games as well as Hades, so this got a lil longer than expected lol. I always love doing these, & the gods are such fun characters that I’m dying to see more of! & of course I bully my faves
& Hermes is so iconic, I love his shrill cackle, that man loves a good laugh & never really holds back!
We also kinda got a canon laugh from Calypso when she giggles right after saying goddesses can’t die. I think she has a very light & airy laugh, almost like the twinkling of a bell. Very cute & feminine
Likewise, we heard a bit of what Aeolus sounds like, but that’s more of a snide, condescending laugh that she likes to use when toying with someone. Her more genuine laugh is higher pitched & more of a giggle
For everyone else, I’m going off of pure vibes
I think Athena tries not to laugh because she has a badass image to maintain, & tbh most of the other gods aren’t that funny, or at least they don’t appeal to her sense of humor. She likes more clever & dry witty comedy, which is probably why Ody’s jokes work well on her. He likes to use a lot of fun word play & his timing & physical comedy is just perfect, & catches her off guard enough to draw out a real laugh. She laughs with her full chest, it’s loud & is honestly such a bright, happy sound, probably because it’s so rare to hear. Much to her chagrin, she snorts when she laughs hard enough. When she’s trying to mask her laugh it gets quicker & higher pitched, & she usually tries to muffle it behind her hand
Apollo’s laugh is pretty similar to Hermes, but it’s a bit deeper & not as erratic & sounds like he has more control over his voice. Idk it probably sounds so pretty & smooth, almost like his laugh alone is a song & more than a few gods accuse him of faking it because it just sounds a lil too “perfect.” If you really get him going tho it does tend to take on a more unhinged & frantic pitch, & it gets real hard to tell the difference between the 2
I just know Hephaestus has a really deep & rich laugh, but he doesn’t laugh often. He’s pretty serious & he doesn’t always get every joke tossed his way, but when he does, it’s this really deep, amused chuckle that slowly gets louder the longer he laughs
Aphrodite has the prettiest laugh, it’s not as high pitched as you’d expect from her & almost has a purr to it, but that could just be her infectious, bubbly giggles
So uh, I love Ares way more than I was expecting to from his part in gg & I’m gonna simp for a sec cause I can. But Ares actually loves to have a good time & let loose! His version of that may look a lil more bloody, but he still enjoys a good time! He can still laugh & tell jokes! So I think he wouldn’t bother holding back & just belts out this deep belly laugh that can make you jump if you’re not expecting it. Funnily enough, I think he also would snort a lot when laughing, so maybe it’s a war god thing lmaoooo. He’s also prone to laugh when he’s sparring or in the middle of a fight, & that’s more of a different sound. He gets this crazed look in his eye & his laugh raises an octave & gets a lil faster until it’s this really menacing, crazed cackling that is just as scary as it is endearing
Hera doesn’t laugh as much as she used to, but when she does, it’s this sly sounding, amused chuckle. Even when she’s being sincere, it lowkey sounds like she’s making fun of you. If something actually gets her going, she’ll throw her head back & her laugh actually sounds authentic, but it still has a more smooth, controlled tone much like Apollo
Now for the big 3
Hades doesn’t laugh much, obvi, but when he does, it’s this really low rumbling from deep within his chest, & you don’t really think he’s laughing until you see his shoulders shaking & notice the smile beneath his beard. But it something’s legit funny, he’ll let out this hearty laugh & lean back & will either hug his stomach or slap a knee
Oh Poseidon, you’re gonna fucking hate me for this. But he usually has this calm, really snide snicker/chuckle he does when he’s mocking someone which is like all the time. It’s such a smug sound you just want to slap the shit outta him because it’s so obvious he’s laughing at YOU! But his real laugh has a rich tenor to it, & is way louder than he’d like. & if something really gets him laughing, it starts to get higher pitched before it starts to morph into more of a bubbly, gurgling sound until it sounds like he’s laughing underwater
It’s no surprise that the thunder bringer himself has a downright booming laugh that can shake the heavens themselves if he really lets himself go, but much like his bitch of a brother, he only really does that if he’s laughing at someone. Otherwise, it’s still really deep & loud, it just doesn’t have as much bass to it. If you listen for it, you can hear claps of thunder when he lets out unbridled belly laughs, & when he’s just chuckling you can hear a buzzing static sound like lightning
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healer-pop · 4 months
U know what I been thinking abt.....an aphrodisiac fic. I've got it all written out in my head, reader and Sloane are out camping. They are having a good day, set up camp and while gathering wood reader gets poofed in the face by a flower (sporess ooo). Sloane laughs their ass off, and reader is a little peeved getting spores all over themself.
Fast forward, dinner is being cooked and reader starts to feel weird. Hot, high, and really bothered!! They go into the tent to hide, and Sloane knocks on it saying dinners ready. Reader never comes out tho and Sloane goes in to see them sweating, hot and almost sick looking. Sloane tries to tend to them, a wet rag and asking what's wrong are they sick?? The second Sloane touches reader tho...they mewl. Almost a whine that creeps out of the back of their throat. Super sexy sounding. Sloane chooses to ignore it because they think reader is sick... it's just them being sick.. yes obviously.
Maybe Sloane helps them sit up to drink some water and the touch has reader grasping onto their leg HARD. Readers panting like a dog and got them bedroom eyes...
Was toying with the idea of Sloane and reader being best friends everrr with some huge unresolved romantic feelings. This is just the dam that breaks it all open. Obv all consent is given and gotten, and I think it was actually well talked out. Reader reassures Sloane they've wanted this for so long, but if they said no that they could forget it ever happened. I'm crazy insane I'm shaking the bars of my cage.
Googling, “can I sue the anon that wrote the hottest, absolutely most well thought out, mentally damaging fic in my inbox for emotional reparation?”
LIKE HOW DO U DROP THIS AND NOT EXPECT ME TO FROTH AT THE MOUTH???? Anon, I don’t know how you knew that sex pollen fics have always been my favorite but I do blame you for the fact that this kept me up last night!!!! mainly because this is so spot on and also why I don’t really get together fix with Venture, especially with my flowery writing, lengthy ass. That shit would be like 20K before you guys even touched. To me, Sloane is not the one to make a first move. And if you aren’t either, it’s just never gonna happen. Once you’ve actually gotten established, they’re super touchy and able to respect your boundaries, but before? They are wayyyyy too nervous, their biggest one being that they’re just overthinking your interactions with them and they don’t want to mess anything up. Unless you directly say, “I like you and want to date you,” it’s gonna go over their head.
And that would work perfectly for this fic, it would be such a desperate, hot sloppy mess for the both of you: With Sloane, trying to preserve your friendship and not mess this up despite their desire for you, how much this is actually you and how much of this is just the pollen and desperation. And you pleading with them, trying to get across that no, you have wanted this for so damn long and it sucks that it took some stupid horny flower to make you say it, but please, for the love of AURORA, Sloane, TOUCH ME. God I could imagine how red their face would be. They would keep checking in with you to make sure they’re doing it right for you, whether they’re sliding their fingers in your cunt or sucking on your tits!!! You’re almost tempted to go and grab that damn flower and shove it in their face so they can loosen up, but… the way they take care of you, trying every single position to quell your burning arousal…. so loving and tender… it’s honestly what you crave more. They have you on your knees, thrusting back onto their fingers as they encourage you, their beaded bracelets click with every motion, their hand on the small of your back, kneading your ass. On their sleeping bag, legs wrapped around their shoulders, eating you out like you’re as yummy as those s’mores they had earlier, telling you to wet their sleeping bag, they’ll just cuddle naked with you in yours while you put that one out to dry. And yes…. you CAN fall asleep with their strap in you, if it feels good. You can wake up at any time and fuck yourself on it. Sloane will be awake in an instant, helping you roll your hips back, digging into them because god, this has only been a dream. Feeling your flesh in their hands, being able to touch and hold and clench. Might keep a mental track of how many times you’ve cum. You know. For posterity.
And after you’ve been fucked through it? When you wake up with the worst bed head you’ve ever had, covered in sweat and bruises, naked and pressed against Sloane in your sleeping bag? Sloane will kiss your lips shut, guide you back down, and show you the most loving, intimate sex, you’ve ever had. You’ll feel like you have never connected with a partner more than you have right now. Whispers of love from Sloane, complementing how pretty you are, how perfect, how you were made for them, how good you are to them, how they want to see you every day of their life. Completely overwhelming, yet so needed, especially how you were held so helpless to your own lust. They make sure you know that they aren’t leaving. They’ll be here by your side through anything.
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khaire-traveler · 3 months
whenever i see Aphrodite in visions she is associated with fire. i don’t remember her having any specific association with it, but she always appears to me with some form of fire: (Magma, Flames, Warm glowing light.) this isn’t a very pressing or serious ask, just something i’m curious if you have thoughts on or not
Khaire, Nonny!
It's certainly not unusual for deities to present themselves atypically. I've heard of Apollo presenting himself to others with aspects of darkness, Dionysus presenting himself as extremely serious and stern, and Aphrodite presenting herself using a different appearance each time. Know that it's entirely normal for deities to change things up between worshippers; it's very common. c:
Regarding the fire association specifically, I also can't recall a specific historical connection, but I will say it strongly reminds me of Aphrodite's war aspect, as well as her connection to passion. Maybe these are aspects of hers that she'd like you to explore. There could be some kind of lesson she wants to teach you regarding passion (for life, for a career, for a significant other, etc.), assertiveness, inner strength, or ambition. It makes me think of the message "Fight for it because you deserve it," as in don't give up on something you're passionate about because you're worth the end result - your happiness is worth the end result. I obviously have no idea if this is what she's actually trying to convey; it's just the first thing I thought of. XD
I can definitely see making connections to her and fire, though, be it of your own accord or through visions she's given you. Although her origins tend to involve the ocean, I feel that love - in all its forms - has an element of fire to it. The secure warmth of hug shared, the roaring flames of a passionate kiss, the toasty comfort of good self-care - all of these things and more are all expressions of love. This is a perspective of Aphrodite that I'm honestly surprised isn't talked about more; I'm very glad you brought it up from your own experience, and it's extremely awesome that she brought it to your attention.
I wonder why she specifically chose to present herself in such a way. 🤔 I'd say it's uncommon enough for it to stick out. I actually don't think I've ever heard of someone describing an experience with Aphrodite relating to fire, but I'm sure it's happened before. I'd be shocked if no one else has either made their own connections like this or seen her present similarly. Maybe someone reading this can chime in with their own experiences! Regardless, I encourage you to look more into this. You could try divination, or whatever communication methods you use, to ask her if there's a specific reason that she presents herself this way. I'd be curious to know her answer if you're ever comfortable sharing it!
I will say that sometimes when a deity presents themselves in a form that is remarkably different than usual, it's because they have come with a specific purpose relating to the change. I had a friend (remaining anonymous) who is trans and struggled with comparing himself to "manlier" men. Apollo purposely presented to him with a more feminine appearance, usually looking extremely AFAB, to help him slowly move past his limiting expectations of himself. Essentially, "I'm still a man, right? So why wouldn't you be?" A very touching and beautiful story that makes a great example of how deities will sometimes use atypical presentations for a specific purpose. If she has a purpose for this, I hope you're able to figure it out soon!
Thank you for sharing your interesting vision! I definitely think this is a really cool and special experience to have with Aphrodite. I hope she brings plenty of warmth and comfort in your life. Take care. c: 🩷
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aphroditedevotion · 1 month
I really need to get this off my chest, because lately I have been feeling miserable. I worship Lady Aphrodite for the past years and we always had a very sweet, comforting relationship. She always says sweet things about me when I get a reading. And I truly do love her with my entire being.
Most of the time, she answers my prayers and I see signs from her on a daily basis. There is this one thing, the only thing I have ever asked from her since I started worshipping her, and she would always lead me into other directions, and sometimes I even felt like she was distracting me from what I've been wanting. By far, I have manifested everything I wanted overnight, never really had an issue. But with this thing I've been wanting, it seems so much harder.
Now, after years, I'm feeling frusturated. I feel miserable and I can't help but feeling angry. And knowing that my anger and disappointment is directed towards Lady Aphrodite, it makes me feel guilty. I don't know what to do. I'd let it go long time ago if the thing I've been wanting wasn't this important to me. I don't know if she just wants me to wait, or if she's deceiving me anymore.
Hello, Anon.
Thank you so much for reaching out.
This is a complicated situation, I want to make one thing very clear. Your feelings are valid. It's normal to feel frustrated when something you desire isn't given to you, especially with how important this clearly is to you.
It seems like you and Lady Aphrodite have a very lovely connection, now, is there a reason you believe she is distracting you or pushing you in other directions? Has she made this clear to you? Is there something Lady Aphrodite meant to tell you, by pushing you in those directions? Is what you desire a long time goal?
I personally believe the gods do not do things without intent, it's clear Lady Aphrodite cares for you. I'm sure she understands your feelings, she is a goddess of feeling, after all. I think your best course of action is to ask her directly, you have a close bond with her, from what you've said, I don't think she would 'deceive' you.
Once again, thank you for reaching out. I hope that you will get what you desire soon, anon. <3
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pcktknife · 5 months
aside from the travesty of our silly little guy being de-curled (rip Hypnos Hades 1 you will be missed 😔😭😭) , do you have any thoughts on the other redesigns, such as Aphrodite?
shes cute 👍🏾
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0lympian-c0uncil · 11 months
Artemis & Athena= Responsible older sister energy
Apollo, Ares, Hermes & Dionysus= Chaotic younger brother energy
(I know their birth order is wrong)
Hephaestus= just wants them to stop screaming at each other
Literally them my guy
Persephone & Aphrodite = Chaotic older sister energy
Eris = We already know
Hebe = Tired younger siblings
Enyo = Neutral
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can you talk more about deity worship? esp with aphrodite !!!
My experience with Aphrodite as my matron 🌷
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As I previously mentioned before in this post, I first began doing witchcraft when I was 17 years old. I had a reading done about which deity wished to work with me and Aphrodite wanted me. I was hesitant because I was a tomboy + alternative in high school so I didn't feel like the Goddess of beauty and love was for me. I questioned her choice in choosing me even though I was seeing signs from her (white doves landed on my windowsill for a year straight). What I didn't realize was that Aphrodite was known more for her beauty and grace, she was also the goddess of war. Over the years Aphrodite has been nurturing, loving, and caring towards me. She has given me the strength and guidance when I needed it the most. Very much so like having a relationship with a mother.
My character development
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Working with Aphrodite has given me a "inner glow up". Meaning - I reconstructed my view on what being feminine is, what kind of feminist I am, and acknowledging when I was misogynistic in the past. As well as helping me heal my mother wound and allowing me to be able to see things from her perspective when I was angry with her for her constant mistreatment towards me. I can for sure say thanks to Aphrodite, I am more patient, I am more wise, and I am learning to be soft. In a patriarchal society, being soft, sensitive, or gentle is looked down upon. Living in a society where you have to always be tough or "realistic" is so depressing. It's as if you're not allowed to have dreams, hopes, or desires. Independence is a wonderful thing, but you have to be able to depend on your loved ones at some point, because then you'd be just wearing yourself thin. Since beauty is a popular topic when it comes to Aphrodite, I also noticed a lot of physical changes in my appearance (clear skin, longer hair, fuller lashes, etc) 😳
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As for doing spells with Aphrodite, the process is quite simple, I just ask for help and I feel the job gets done. I also give her offerings (she loves apples!!!) when I can and pray to her. From my personal experience, Aphrodite enjoys doing spells that involves quality time. For example, I often include Aphrodite when I do glamour magick or recite my affirmations. For example:
"Thank you, Aphrodite, for blessing me with the most beautiful, glowing clear skin."
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I hope that answers your question 🌸🌊💖!
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take-my-soul-if · 5 months
I like the legend i read somewhere about Aphrodite that her looks are whatever the looker thinks is beautiful. That her looks aren't the same for everyone and that she can be even whatever gender the looker is attracted to. "Because beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
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percabeth4life · 6 months
I’m sorry if this is a repeat, I have no clue if I sent this in before or not, but what is Aphrodite and Hephaestus’s relationship like, according to the myths and such?
It varies honestly. Like- from a lot of fragments we know he won Aphrodite as a wife by freeing Hera from the trap he made for her (and Aphrodite did agree to wed the one who did so, but supposedly she believed it would be Ares who succeeded).
There's some myths that show them as enjoying time together quite a bit
Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica 1. 850 ff : "Kypris [Aphrodite], the goddess of desire, had done her sweet work in their hearts [and mated the visiting Argonauts with the widowed women of Lemnos]. She wished to please Hephaistos, the great Artificer, and save his isle of Lemnos from ever lacking men again . . . The whole city [of Lemnos] was alive with dance and banquet. The scent of burnt-offerings filled the air; and of all the immortals, it was Hera's glorious son Hephaistos and Kypris [Aphrodite] herself whom their songs and sacrifices were designed to please."
But in contrast she was definitely with Ares
Homer, Odyssey 8. 267 ff (trans. Shewring) (Greek epic C8th B.C.) : "Demodokos [the Phaiakian bard] struck his lyre and began a beguiling song about the loves of Ares and Aphrodite, how first the lay together secretly in the dwelling of Hephaistos. Ares had offered many gifts to the garlanded divinity and covered with shame the marriage bed of Lord Hephaistos. But Helios (the sun-god) had seen them in their dalliance and hastened away to tell Hephaistos; to him the news was bitter as gall, and he made his way towards his smithy, brooding revenge.
And they were shamed for it as "ill deeds never prosper"
I do find it interesting, as a side note, that Poseidon actually advocated strongly to Hephaistos to free Ares, and even offered to pay Ares' debt to Heaphaistos.
Continuing, though there are stories a plenty of their time, an awful lot of what we have actually comes from the Roman era. While these stories are undoubtedly at least partially based in older tellings, we seem to be missing a fair few...
However, in the Odyssey, they actually get divorced.
Homer, Odyssey 8. 267 ff (trans. Shewring) (Greek epic C8th B.C.) : Come, Father Zeus; come, all you blessed immortals with him; see what has happened here . . . You will see the pair of lovers now as they lie embracing in my bed; the sight of them makes me sick at heart. Yet I doubt their desire to rest there longer, fond as they are. They will soon unwish their posture there; but my cunning chains shall hold them both fast till her father Zeus has given me back all the betrothal gifts I bestowed on him for his wanton daughter; beauty she has, but no sense of shame.’"
This line is basically: give me back the betrothal gifts (so we're no longer together).
Notably, in the Iliad Hephaistos is married to Aglaia, rather than Aphrodite.
Pseudo-Apollodorus and Nonnus, Dionysiaca also mention that they divorced. They don't use the words divorce, but they are clearly separated and no longer considered together.
So, they had at least a period of time together, but as Aphrodite loved Ares (whom she'd wanted to marry) they had an affair which ended the marriage with Hephaistos.
Some mythos also mentions that he cursed Harmonia, daughter born of the Aphrodite and Ares affair, but I need to do more research on the origins of this mythos as the sources I've found are both Roman era.
Hope this answers your question!
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genericpuff · 7 months
I wonder why christian misrepresentation are rarely talked about if compared to other religion misrepresentation. Like, I've seen people really vocal about Greek myths misrepresentation in LO and such (and it's valid because it's a culture and religion) but I rarely saw the same thing with christian even though there are many media who use christian religion innacurately, to the point where it comes off as using it as an aesthetic and not a proper religion.
Is it because of rampant religious trauma especially in western world? No ulterior motives on this question. I'm not a christian and yet I'm curious about this. I apologize if this sounds harsh.
I obviously don't have The Answer(tm) to this but personally speaking (and I'm about to get VERY personal here so take this with MOUNTAINS OF SALT), I think it's just the obvious - Christian mythology is one of the most well-documented and strongly protected out of virtually any other religion on the planet. Especially here in the West, it's commonplace for kids to go to Sunday school, for couples to have Christian weddings even if they're not practising Christians themselves, even the American anthem references the Christian God. It's simply not as easy to 'misrepresent' it because the representation is written into our very fabric of society. Even Greece itself is primarily made up of Orthodox Christians.
So anyone that does 'misrepresent' it are either completely mislead hardcore Christians, or people who are doing it intentionally, such as with the intent to make a parody of it or to deconstruct it through a different context or whatever have you. And of course, people will still get mad at those things, if you're implying that people aren't vocal about Christian misrepresentation then frankly IDK what to tell you there LOL If you want a contextual example in the realm of webtoons, Religiously Gay was dragged to hell and back during its launch for having a very crude and insulting depiction of St. Michael, and frankly, yeah I don't disagree because what the fuck is this-
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(like at best it's just terrible character design lmao that said, there's also plenty else to criticize Religiously Gay for, including its fetishy representation of gay relationships and the fact that it's still just the "naive person who looks and acts like a child hooks up with mean person in a position of power" trope, blech, but the character design is definitely the first thing you notice)
There are even plenty of hardcore Christians who will deadass claim "misrepresentation" over things that ARE factually correct but they just haven't read the actual Bible and simply cherry pick what works for their own agenda. And of course those people are routinely called out by people like myself who know for a fact that Jesus wouldn't have promoted the war crimes that many modern day Christians are committing and justifying today. So it really depends on the definition of "misrepresentation" here.
The issue specifically with LO and Rachel that I personally call her out for (and many others) is that she's called herself a "folklorist" and claimed she's so much more knowledgeable on Greek myth than anyone else, while making a complete mockery of the original mythologies while not being honest about her intent as to whether LO is actually supposed to be a legitimate retelling OR a parody (because it sure acts like the latter more than the former, but she still seems to expect us to take it seriously and consider her knowledge of Greek myth superior?) Which leads to a lot of her teenage audience claiming shit like "Persephone went down to the underworld willingly" and "Apollo did assault Persephone in the original myths actually" and the classic "why would Lore Olympus lie or make up fake myths?"
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You just can't pull off this extent of erasure with Christian mythology because we have a whole ass book of it that's been preserved, sold on shelves, and systematically integrated into society for thousands of years. Of course, there are people who will still try their damned best to twist the Bible to match their own bigotry with the whole "Jesus hates gays" bullshit (he would never), but it's met with equal amounts of 'misrepresentation' that are actually fully well-read and are intentionally subverting and changing things to either critique, parody, or restore the original intent of a lot of stories in the Bible without all the manufactured right-wing crap.
Greek myth, on the other hand, has some stories that are well preserved, and others, not so much. And in the modern day outside of the poems and hymns, you'll also rarely, if ever, see anyone use stories from Greek myth to ostracize, torture, and murder other people. "Misrepresenting Christianity" is more often done by actual Christians who are using the Bible to commit hate crimes than the people who have actually read the Bible and are just taking creative liberties with it for the sake of deconstructing / parodying / analyzing / subverting it. Veggie Tales "misrepresents" Christian stories because obviously Moses wasn't a fucking cucumber lmao but it still accomplishes its goal by retelling Christian stories in a way that's fun and educational for children.
By comparison (on the whole, I'm not comparing LO to Veggie Tales LMAO) LO just isn't clear in its intentions beyond Rachel's initial statements that she was trying to "deconstruct" the myths, while labelling herself as a folklorist. Therefore, I'm going to criticize how she does it because the way she's done it up until now has been very mishandled and has resulted in a lot of misinterpretations of the myths simply for the sake of fandom. And yes, these people exist in Christian media as well - they're called TV evangelists.
And that's my (very heavy) two cents.
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theholydivines · 4 months
hi lovelies,
so, i've been worshipping Aphrodite, Persephone and Hades for about a year and a half now, but recently i've noticed that i get this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach (sort of like anxiety mixed with hunger pains) whenever i pray? it's only been around the last two weeks and it's really throwing me off because They are usually such a source of comfort. any ideas what's causing this/how to help fix it?
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demonstars · 2 months
thinking about george walking in the room quietly and dream saying he distracted him and that’s why he lost the game he was playing
to be fair to dream he thinks everything george does is beautiful and requires his undivided attention like :///
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healer-pop · 4 months
heyy… can i get a continuation of the aphrodisiac fic but venture being infected instead?? bonus points if they deny it for a good while and are trying to stay calm 🤭
THAT IS SUCH A GOOD SUGGESTION BC HONESTLY, would play out so differently.
Venture reads like a person who's been such a high-achiever, all their life. Being so young when accepted into the Wayfinders, they feel like they have something to prove. Nothing is enough. They need to succeed. They need to be a model. They need to lead. It's half of what plays into their role as a Dom, too. They're well aware of how they seem to outsiders, which is partly the reason they have such a conflict with Mauga, who tries to take advantage of that and corner them into a more favorable and submissive position.
Venture doesn't take sick days. Especially not ones that seem unnecessary to them or would throw anything off-kilter. So when the pollen kicks in... they're absolutely trying to tuck it under the collar. They're more concerned about you, your worried looks, trying to quell your anxious pleas for them to sit down, stop moving around so much, you don't look so good, your troubled touches seeming far too good right now, "Please stop touching me! Please... I'm sorry. I just... I can't handle it right now." They'd get flighty and on edge, backed into a corner, with the urge to fight their way out right there. It seeps into their words, becoming more and more pushy and hostile, even though they desperately don't want that. They feel trapped and hot, too hot, way too hot, even the sands of Egypt didn't feel this bad. It's a whirlwind of a bad mixture, with you trying to calm them down and them torn between getting out and getting in, getting into you. The pain, they can muscle through. They can ignore... The desire. Not so much.
It's imperative you don't leave them, not that you would, not with them in this state, because they need you right now, and that's not the pollen talking. They're getting far too worked up, tugging off their coat, and their overshirt, fanning their tanktop against their chest as they pace around the camp with you following in tow. It comes down to whoever makes the first move, whoever touches who first. If it's you, reaching out, grabbing their wrist to try and calm them down, they're tugging you close, by your waist, into their chest without even thinking of it. And by the Gods, you're so fucking pretty. You're so fucking sexy looking up like that, you're so caring and perfect, God, everything about you sets them at ease. They're panting now, with you pressed against their chest to feel every rise and fall, your arms coming up, around them, to hold them tight. "It's gonna be alright, Venture... We'll... we'll get through this. Whatever it is. Together." And like that, their mouth is on you, their brain is screaming at them, telling them they are fucking everything up, but oh... oh. You're... you're kissing back. You... you're kissing them back. Suddenly, they're hoisting you up, onto some crate, sliding between your legs, legs that feel like lava against their waist, tugging on the bottom of your shirt, needing it off, needing to feel your skin against theirs...
There's more to this, but I'll stop here. Just know. This part ends with Venture being extremely avoidant, mainly because they've not gotten a clear resolution to their internal feelings. We can fix that later :) enjoy the potential angst thoughts!!
But if it's them... oh, boy. Venture snaps. They turn around, grabbing at your wrist, holding it above you before you can even stop, it's shattering, bruising grip that has you wincing, and Venture's eyes widen, immediately pulling away like they've burned you. "I- I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry! I- I didn't mean..." You're holding your wrist, but shaking your head.
"Venture... I don't care. I'm just so worried about you. What's wrong? What's going on?" "I- I can't.... I can't tell you. I don't know. I don't know..." They're starting to falter, starting to fall into the void of insecurity and doubt, feelings so foreign that the intensity of them rocks Venture, and they're sobbing. "I don't know... I can't- can't tell you. It would ruin- ruin everything!"
You've never seen Venture cry. You're standing there, shell-shocked at the sight, your own wrist dropping in confusion and concern, "No... no, Venture. It'll be ok. It'll be alright. I promise. I pinky promise. No matter what. We'll be ok." "You pinky promise?" "God, yes." "I love you." Aaaand we end here, because the smut comes later ;D
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khaire-traveler · 3 months
any of the gods specialize in lovers (A & B) separated for the sake of B's (pre-established) friendship with the sibling of A (a heavy one i realize, but i'm on a writing kick atm & the Muse demands i seek someone to ask)
Hey, Nonny,
I would say probably Aphrodite, Eros, Pothos, or Anteros.
Aphrodite: Goddess of love, pleasure, and procreation. She is quite literally known as The Goddess of Love™ of the Greek pantheon. Her domain over love is very broad and all-encompassing.
Eros: God of love. He is most famous for having a bow and arrow that he'd shoot at others to either make them fall in or out of love (Apollo and Daphne, for example). There are two main origins/versions of him: one that is a primordial god born at the creation of the universe, and another that is the child of Aphrodite (usually Aphrodite and Ares, but there are other known origins).
Pothos: God of passionate longing, yearning, and desire. Although his role typically seems to be a bit more rated R, you could also consider him a god of passion generally. You don't need to present him in an explicitly sexual role. He was depicted as sprinkling a powder from a bowl onto people to make them feel a passionate longing for someone else.
Himeros: God of sexual desire. His role is pretty self-explanatory. Although he is also typically associated with some R rated things, you could consider him a god of desire generally, especially since he is mentioned as the personification of "longing love". I'd say he definitely doesn't have to be explicitly sexual.
Anteros: God of requited love and the avenger of the unrequited. Interestingly, he is depicted as being the opposite of Eros in some art of the two. He is the personification of "love that is returned" - reciprocated love. He's also been depicted as the punisher of those who scorn love and the avenger of unrequited love, which I feel could work very well in the story you're telling.
I hope these were helpful to you! Can't wait to hear about your story, if you're willing to share it. Take care! 🧡
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