#as someone who like. also has a weird relationship w the closet and coming out and whatever
wellnoe · 1 year
thinking about butch lesbian cyclops x men again excuse me. but. if cyclops is out about this during the silver age that kind of dominos into at least both bobby and jean during that time yeah.
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Hii not sure if your requests are open or not- so ignore this if they’re closed! <3
Can I request some Obey Me! Headcanons?
So reader is the 8th sister of the brothers. So she’s the youngest.
Just some general headcanons of her relationships w the brothers
( And some of the side characters if it’s not too much trouble :>)
Thanks <33
I've already done something like that but I love the concept so I'm just going to build that 🖤🖤🖤🖤
Youngest Sibling Reader Headcannons | Yandere Obey Me
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Before I said he was the worst one and I mean it
He’s an amalgamation of someone who understands you but undermines you at every moment
Because he understands, he does listen
He just doesn’t hold your opinions on the same level as his own
But worse 
Of course his brother’s constant chatter about aimless things isn’t on his level
But every now and then he’ll enjoy hanging out with them 
But not you
Never you 
“Ah so you do pay attention to the political atmosphere. Good job.”
“I don’t expect you to know but I’ll tell you anyways.”
It’s degrading
It’s disrespectful
And he does not care
You can cry and yell all you like 
it’ll just sound like a tantrum to him 
So he’ll treat like one
“If you can’t behave, I’ll have to send you to the attic.”
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As previously stated is apart of the group that just misinterprets everything you say
It’s hard to say if it’s delusion or denial 
Because sometimes he’ll slip up 
You’ll catch him crying or a single mumble in his late night rambles 
“Aw my baby is so grown up…I just can’t believe it anymore.”
If you try to address it he’ll pat your head and ruffle your hair (if you have any)
Before telling you it’s nothing for the baby to worry about anyway
It’s incredibly annoying 
When he writes off your achievements in gaming as button mashing 
Or saying your just a genius so you’d get on his level eventually
Any protests or ‘grown-up’ conversations are often just outright ignore
Now doing things outside of the ‘baby’ image he has of you mostly has him ignoring that too
Unless you come back hurt or specifically crying for his help 
He will actually start flooding places and going into an absolute rampage
He won’t listen to you about calming down
Its going to take all the brothers to de-aggro their brother to save everyone from drowning
“Sorry guys I just want to make sure our baby sib is doing okay!”
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Also a part of that ‘doesn’t listen to you’ crew
Accept while he might actually here you his brain literally just never let’s him hear your real voice
“Can you please stop trying to rearrange my closet?! It’s weird to find you digging through my stuff–”
“Okay okay no need to cry what’s the problem baby sib? C’mon you can use your words! Tell big bro Asmo what’s the matter?”
It’s almost a concern when he does it in front of your other brothers 
Especially the ones you can hold an actual conversation
“Hey (Y/n) can you pass the salt and the salad.”
“Sure, man.”
“Hey Hey! Why are you bothering (Y/n), they’re trying to focus on eating? Not to mention your being such a meanie, trying to make them reach with their tiny arms!”
“(Y/n) is sitting closer to me than you…”
“So? How do you expect them to know good manners if you don’t show them! Here I’ll show you how! Watch me baby (Y/n)!”
He honestly doesn’t compute when you’re getting older
He’ll celebrate birthdays, milestones, awards
But he doesn’t believe you are growing and can’t see it either
Reprimanding you when you went out with your own car
“I’m all for playing with your toys, but you have to have a chaperone. Okay?”
That being said any advances from others are met with extreme animosity
“Not my little (Y/n)! Try that with someone else’s little baby!”
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seattlesellie · 1 year
this is super random (also this is my first msg to u hi <3) and i’m honestly asking this generally to anyone else who also happens to read this, but recently i’ve realized my sexual orientation and come to the conclusion that i’m like REALLY attracted to women (as a woman myself ofc). so obv this made me also think abt how someday i’m gonna have to tell ppl close to me abt this but i’m literally losing my mind cause i’m NAWT vulnerable especially w/ my parents 😭 and also i just now was watching a tiktok live that was full of homophobic ppl and whenever i see that on the internet, it makes me wanna go deeper in the shell (or closet lmao) that i already am in. like it makes me realize how many horrible ppl there are that won’t accept smth so simple (i’m also very emotional as u can see 😍) so like tbh i’m not sure what i’m seeking here but ig i’m just curious if u or anyone else has felt like this/what helped u come out? like it’s so hard for me to be open and as someone who recently graduated and is going to uni, in a completely diff country alone, i’m gonna have more freedom and if i were to date another girl, it’d feel unfair to my parents if i didnt say anything prior abt my identity. ik they’re also very supportive, which i’m thankful for, but i just HATEEE vulnerability. idk man :( it’s also very weird finally realizing more abt myself. it makes me SO happy yet so so so scared? aarrghh idk sorry abt this long message, u seem like the nicest person and this place feels safe, so i just felt like i could ask/find some kind of relatability. 💗 sorry again for this long ass rant LOLS 🌟
okokok im gonna tell u my coming out story because i can awfully relate to this ?? n adding a read more cos this is so long sorry <333 🤧
literally knew i liked girls my entire life and like suppressed the shit out of it. would try and date guys all throughout highschool and would feel so terrible afterwards… but like you, i was super uncomfortable with that type of vulnerability and also barely had any gay friends, let alone any gay female friends. so i spent my life just thinking im gonna be in the closet forever !! until i met my now ex gf, she would constantly be sleeping over— but i did the classic thing of telling my parents she was just my new best friend, until one day my dad was like… be so fr rn are you two dating. like you said, my parents are also very liberal and supportive (especially my dad), but still— it made me panic and drop a mug and deny deny deny !! then, after being together for like 6 months it was incredibly hard to hide it, and obvs she felt super uncomfortable bc i was super closeted and she was super out. so i kind of had to come out to my parents (i hid under a blanket and told them i have an important thing to say n then they already somehow knew). my parents and i literally never talked about these things like my mom didn’t even know about my first kiss or literally NOTHING about me, we didn’t have that type or relationship at all so i can relate to u so hard !!but like here’s the thing— i don’t think it would be unfair to your parents, this is your story to tell and you should do it when you feel comfortable enough, and if it takes you dating a girl for that then so be it. you shouldn’t worry about other peoples feelings about this, as this is yours to tell and not theirs! as long as you’re in a safe environment, coming out can truly be such a big fucking relief !! like that absolute weight that drops out of your chest is so so freeing. if the people who are close to you love you— they will accept you. if they won’t? truthfully, they don’t deserve u and never have. about the homophobia, its always going to be here, unfortunately for us hateful and bigoted people will always exist, and that can be extremely stressful and painful, which is why surrounding yourself with people from your own community is so so important and necessary. uni is such a good place to do that !! so many new people to meet and especially queer people to surround yourself with !! i super understand your fears but the good things that happen after you come out— that feeling of no longer needing to hide yourself is so so worth it 💗💗💗💗
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emphasisonthehomo · 1 year
#i could write essays about the things he's got a weird boner for
please do
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About this post.
So here's the thing about Steve. He's kind of a mess.
Growing up, he didn't have the most demonstrative parents. John and Doris were not the "I love you, son" type of people. Steve had a complicated and kinda bad relationship with his father, and that was never really resolved before John was murdered. In the current context of Where Waters Do Not Curve, he believes Doris to be dead. His mom's been dead for years, he's fucked up about it. (And then in canon when she pulls the SUPRISE! I'M ALIVE! card, she's kind of a bitch about it.)
And then Steve goes off and joins the navy, which is a whole other level of weird toxic masculinity and repressed bullshit.
So you have an emotionally constipated (closeted) guy, who isn't comfortable with vulnerability. Words are difficult for him, especially when it comes to things like emotional intimacy. It's basically the perfect algebra for "actions/acts of service as a love language." Steve's not good at saying things, so he tries to show them instead.
This, combined with the fact that Steve's definitely some form of touch starved, and has never really had any sort of positive long term emotional stability in his life, mean he CLINGS to little signs of domesticity.
And then when he and Danny get together, he's suddenly presented with all of these small opportunities to be casually intimate. And Danny's not a PDA kind of guy, in many ways Steve isn't either, but now that he can he really wants to. Now, some of these are yes literal boners, but some of them are also like the - metaphorical boner. Heart boner. He yearns for it.
Steve wants to kiss Danny hello, he wants to hold hands, he wants be able to sling his arm around Danny's shoulders and tuck him close and press a kiss to his temple. He likes knowing inconsequential things about Danny, and gets fuzzy feelings about the fact that Danny knows inconsequential things about him.
Just the ooiest and gooiest of behavior. Steve's never really openly dated someone before, he's never had the opportunity to be gross about it. In the past he'd been a friends w/ bennies kind of guy.
Now? Now he can put his hand on Danny's thigh while they drive, and Danny will reach down and cover Steve's hand with his own, maybe stroke his thumb across Steve's knuckles a little bit. And it's casual, it's not meant to start anything. But something about it still kinda gets Steve chubbed up in his pants. Because Danny's touching him like this, Danny wants to touch him like this, and wants to be touched in return.
And then Danny will smile at him and call him a "dumb shit jarhead" for running into traffic after a suspect or something, and Steve will reply "that's the marines" and Danny will scoff and say "WHATEVER" and they'll bicker about something stupid and it's comfortable and calm and Steve genuinely can't think of anywhere else he'd rather be.
SO ANYWAYS here's a (non exhaustive) list of things Steve's got a weird boner about:
Danny's grumpy "it's too early to be up what is wrong with you?" face.
This is closely related to the boner about fact they both know what each other's bed head looks like.
Danny absolutely Will Not get up and go swimming in the morning, but he'll still be up and out of bed when Steve returns most days, puttering around the kitchen and making coffee.
The little texts Danny sends him, especially when its a day Danny doesn't stay the night. Steve gets a "good morning :)" text and swoons a little bit.
Steve doesn't even spend the night at Danny's apartment very often, because it sucks and the bed is crazy uncomfortable, but Danny still bought him an extra tooth brush. Just whatever little sign that Danny's making room in his life for Steve.
The way Danny is the perfect height for Steve to get an arm around his shoulders and tug him close. And then Danny lets Steve do exactly that.
A chaste kiss hello or goodbye. The more casual the better. Danny drops a kiss to the side of Steve's mouth with a 'hay' like it's a habit he's done 1,000 times and intends to do 10,000 more.
When Danny talks about his weekends with Grace like it's a foregone conclusion that Steve will be present for it. Of course Steve will be there. Where else would he be?
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frigid666 · 1 year
not my straight female coworker saying she likes going on grindr to hunt for closeted bi men cuz thats her preference (and she likes watching them hook up w other men) 🥴 she said she's "open-minded" like ma'am that is chaser behavior !!
straight women's biphobia against bi men is not talked about enough imo. i forgot who said this, but i read someone describe the way bi ppl exist in "open-minded" straight ppls heads as "gay ppl that they can date" and that's soo real. my theory is that the majority of male dv abuse victims are bisexual. it's hard to come across specific studies that discuss bi men's abuse in straight relationships (most the studies ive seen have been about bi men in same-sex relationships, and on top of that, many studies don't even bother to separate bi men and gay men either) but it makes sense to me that they would make up at least a good chunk of that demographic. their general abuse rates are insanely high, j like bi women's. if anyone knows any studies abt this pls send them my way !!
bi ppl in straight relationships are the perfect targets for disparaging/degrading comments and emotional abuse due to the inherent intimacy of relationships; any pent-up negative emotions about lgbt ppl that straights have and know they would never get away with saying publicly can be dished out onto their partner in the privacy of their own home, and no one is the wiser.
like... when a man says to a woman that her past of sleeping with men "taints" her or that her sexual history makes her "less of a woman," that is recognized (by reasonable ppl) as unacceptable and misogynistic comments to make. but a straight woman saying these exact things to a bi male (which happens often) is seen as j a woman stating her preferences and not damaging or perpetuating biphobia at all - and im not arguing against a woman's right to not dating whoever she wants, just that the hypocritical nasty comments are not necessary when turning someone down.
also the fact that my coworker specifically seeks out closeted bi men is j... kinda weird to me. in my cursory glance for studies of bisexual male victimization, i came across this excerpt from a study of violence in male/male relationships, which i think is relevant here as well:
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ive read many testimonials from bi women who said their partners (usually male but not exclusively) would use their closeted status as a control mechanism, threatening to out them to different people in order to manipulate them. not farfetched at all to think that the reverse also happens to bi men. most women can't physically intimate their male partners the way men can their female partners, so abusive women often leverage other things instead. im not saying my coworker is an abuser or anything, but i can definitely see how these dynamics (straight woman/closeted bi man) can become abusive or toxic if the woman has pre-existing issues against bi/gay men.
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First of all if I added lezbonic themes to Insecure I'd have to go back through the show and strategically pepper it in. But ok imagine I've done that and like maybe Issa dates a woman instead of that annoying fake deep guy who ghosted her. Anyway fast forward to the last two (canon) seasons
Someone is like coming after Issa and Molly fucking ran them over w her sports car. LMAOOOOO. And then Molly is in some weird legal fiasco trouble at the firm and idk insert some convoluted nonsensical plot reason for why Issa despite being in a completely different field would realistically be able to be like "you can blame me. I don't care. I'll go to jail for you" . But she does say it and Molly says "no wtf" and then Issa does it anyway. And she gets interrogated in court and can't speak to Molly bc of the conflict of interest. And months go by as the legal dilemmas progress and Molly is like ruining all of her romantic relationships and Issa is making increasingly insane career decisions . Molly is stubbornly not speaking to Issa and Issa is like pursuing some kind of Noble Quest to Protect Molly From Herself 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 this is a very self indulgent rewrite of the canon reasons for them fighting lol but I actually feel like I'd keep so much of it the same
Ok this is making me sad but look they are eventually reunited (platonically). Insert more lez pining. Taurean still proposes but remember I've made him more annoying and anyway Molly says yes bc she's like "ok. Issas okay and the legal stuff is over so I'm ready to move forward w my life w my man and my best friend". Cut to sexy tortured maid of honor plotline (yes Ms. Rae I'm rewriting the canon series finale. Sorry to you and your talent and skills and awards!!!!) and insane bachelorette party. That's when everything changes forever. Issas like half heartedly rapping in the mirror about having to suck it up like "I'm going to force myself to be fine rofl! Isn't that so hashtag funny" And Molly overhears and gets SO upset. "What the fuck do you mean you're going to Make yourself be okay with my wedding??? Do you have a problem with me getting married?? Why isn't anything I do enough for you? You're always telling me that my job makes me unhappy and that my parents drive me crazy and my boyfriends suck ass and then you go and do the one thing that I asked you not to do and my life became a fucking wreck and now everything is okay and I'm trying to like make myself fine and I'm getting married finally even though you always say I have commitment issues so what is your DEAL??? what am I supposed to do, TELL me what you need me to do so that the great Issa Rae can stop fucking attack me and my life decisions!!! "
Insert Issa acting like Molly is crazy
insert Molly going "um don't think i haven't noticed. You didn't even want to come to the fucking dress fitting. That's like MAID OF HONOR 101." And pointing out weird things from the past few seasons and then she slowly stops talking bc she sees Issa's face and is also putting things together herself
Insert choked out love confession. The room is spinning
Molly bolts
wide eyed Issa stock still and petrified. She goes home. Ears ringing. Shes dizzy . Hours go by. She's rearranging her furniture. She yanks her maid of honor dress out of the closet and has a panic attack. She's trying to figure out how to fix things
knock on the front door. Knob turns door opens Issa is staring slack jawed
"I fucking hate you."
"And I love you too."
INTENSE passionate kiss
SEASON ENDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then one last season ft them as a couple and the thematic plot conclusion to the show which is Issa's quest to build something real for herself and her community 💓
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enneamage · 2 years
Non-exhaustive and loose Ranboo lore-life post-- This one is a bit disjointed, I’ve got sleepybrain.
Being dropped in the middle of the Dream SMP actually sounds like a nightmare. It’s not exactly a polite server and seemed to run on trample or be trampled rules when lore was popping off. Ranboo spent a lot of time as a voyeuristic outsider because… he was a voyeuristic outsider, the joke is that he was a y/n for a while because his comeup was so fast and he got to be around the people he was watching in a remarkably short time. He found his way into the story by finding the people who needed him most, particularly Tubbo and Dream.
“People not sides” is definitely something that Ranboo actually believes. I’ve seen a lot of Twos be more attentive to the immediate individuals involved in a situation over what they’re ideologically attached to since they put an emphasis on one-on-one connection. He still has a moral code, but he’s much more likely to see and respond to people as unique individuals in a situation, especially as they relate to him.
Ranboo’s habit of overextending himself for others is real, and it comes from an interesting blend of humbleness and pride. He feels like he should be able to handle any task from a sense of duty, but also an over-inflated sense of competence and what ought to be done. This actually brings to light a bit of pride that’s hard to explain with Twos, “You need me, but I don’t need you.” There’s a feeling of responsibility to be hyper-competent, and an assumption that they ought to be able to be so.
Ranboo has talked before about how he was Therapist Friend in highschool and had to learn to step away from peoples problems because he couldn’t be reasonably expected to help them out beyond a certain point. Ranboo starts his character off with this in mind, but he still begins with a metric ton of people pleaser in him, and the very practical concern of trying to ingratiate himself with all these e-celebs. Don’t piss anyone off too badly. Over the course of his arc, Ranboo learns that trying to be everyone’s friend can be strangely destructive, and inauthenticity (even with yourself) will drive you crazy. C!Ranboo had a repressed traitor complex, playing every side and being deeply anxious that if something Otherwise Inconvenient leaked out about him he would face the consequences.
It's not a secret that early Ranboo was a fairly guilty guy, and he’ll talk about how the flashier (and slightly edgier) person that he is now was always just under the surface, just buried. While it might be easy to chalk it up to his upbringing and then-closeted sexuality, there was a lot more in his personality that came out once he resolved to come into his own.
Ranboo’s love of ARGs and detail-noticing was very baked into his solo lore, making it more engaged and involved from a viewers perspective. He made the most out of being as alone as he was on the SMP, which was a solid strategy imo. C!Ranboo is very affected by Ranboos sense of aesthetics (in the expansive ‘what is beauty’ sense—in this case beauty is terror) as well as his personality. He loves a bit of creepy and a bit of drama, and I wouldn’t begrudge him either.
There’s a strangely specific pattern that I’ve witnessed among Twos who get frustrated while roleplaying as meek. It’s one of those “not that many but it’s weird that it’s happened x many times” things. They get tired of their own character and nope out to come back as someone more assertive because they hit their breaking point, usually abruptly. Ghostboo is that incarnate—he was born out of a decision to shake up his roleplay relationship with Tubbo (and come off as a loving martyr while doing it) as well as step into a new shtick and a more assertive self. The death at the prison was a last-minute addition and actively made it so that Hitting on 16 would be a paradox—this was not how Ranboo was supposed to die, even if his death was planned. There’s some clips floating out there that show Wilbur being annoyed at Ranboo for this decision, but it’s a fleeting thing.
So Ghostboo is a whole new guy who is putting on a brave face and not feeling his feelings at all if he can help it. He’s basically inverted—he’s very openly confident now but secretly carrying around an emotional burden. I know he’s following some part so the Ghostbur template but it also feels very relevant to Ranboo’s transformation in real life, he was antsy to be able to become this.
We’re on the doorstep to c!Ranboo’s volume one resolution soon, and like all the others I’m curious what his end note is going to be. Both of his selves (dead and alive) seem to have access to his entire memory, so he’s going to approach the story as his integrated self in the end, all his facets present and accounted for.
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transboykirito · 1 year
(Im so sorry for all my asks spamming ur inbox esp the long ones btw)
I don’t remember if I shared these but I just wanted to share my hcs as a celebration 🫶
kirito: bisexual, poly, trans demiboy, but like, any gender he dates it’s just inherently a queer relationship even if it’s w a girl and the girl is straight it’s never fully straight it’s just. Queer.
asuna: bisexual, poly, she could be cis or trans tbh I love it either way, same queerness as kiritos thing though either way
suguha: bisexual (do not worry, it has nothing to do w her weird arc I completely rewrote it inside my head and in a google docs and I pretend it does not exist and the feelings were just jealousy bc replacement and abandonment issues 🫂) but it’s just the vibes ok she- maybe I’m projecting and biased, I know your hc her as lesbian and that’s so cool too honestly I love queer sugu <3
Liz: lesbian
Sinon: non binary, bisexual ¿
silica: is my favorite lesbian I love her so much and I like to think her and liz talk abt stuff a lot and liz helps her w identity stuff alot I love their friendship AND HERS AND SUGUS TOO I lvoe them all
Alice: bisexual but closeted and in denial and thinks she hates asuna but in reality she is inlove w her
eugeo: bisexual, poly, either cis or non binary with a masc leaning identity
agil: straight and this makes me mildly sad
Klein: KLEIN IS LIKE. HES STRAIGHT BUT HES LIKE. DANGEROUSLY CLOSE TO NOT BEING STRAIGHT BUT HE WONT ADMIT IT. similar to my friends sexuality where he’s like mostly “straight” but there’s a specific type of boys who they’re like. yes. and they’re typically more feminine ones. so i guess heteroflexible? Is that the word?
I feel like I’m missing someone from the main gang but djejfj
also,, I feel like quite a few of them have some issues w their sexuality and religion¿ which might full well be me projecting, especially asuna because her family seems the type to be religious and blah blah blah sexuality and religion tend to not go well but ofc not everything/everyone would be like that
kiritos family is 10000000000% accepting tho, maybe his grandparents are a lil like
“don’t understand but like i love u but I don’t support this but I love u a lot” and it’s complicated (projecting projecting projecting projecting pro——)
agil is straight but he's trans!!!!!!!! and trish is bi!!!!!!!! its andrew coming in with the bi wife energy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
same hat kirito same hat <3
i feel like midori's parents are definitely "i have no clue what that means but i support you" like kazuto comes out as trans and theyre like "oh so she wants to be a boy?? thats okay youll always be our granddaughter baby :)" but they mean well and he corrects them and they get there in the end
also yui is nonbinary i dont care she just is
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 1 year
Ship Asks 19, 23, and 49 (and 50 to if you really want too lol)
19. Do they wear each other’s clothes/jewelry?
yes ofc lol. bryce is getting into jensens closet All the time. once they "live" together (i say that in quotes bc by the time jensen moved out of the his place w rhe roomies most of his shit was at bryces anyway asdfghjk). bryce usually has on something of jensens on any given day, and he occasionally steals earrings from him too. jensen is in bryces closet less, but if he needs a very specific piece (like a button up or hoodie) then he'll steal something. by the time they spend a few months in their place together it's less of a "my side and your side of the closet" deal and more of an "Our side of the closet" deal lol
23. What are the defining characteristics of their relationship?
hmmm,, i think id have to say their approaches to the relationship? collectively, that is. the two of them are private but not overly so, they just like to keep physical affection to a more secluded space, and the same goes for verbal affection. to some it can look like they're not even together, but at the same time those who Do know they're together know they're never leaving each other yk? ig the romantic/intimate aspect of their relationship is only part of what makes them work so well together. it is not always their main priority with each other, which can make their relationship come off as "weird" to others (see my answer to number 7 a few asks ago), but realistically it makes them a stronger couple
49. Do they keep secrets from each other?
not big things ofc, and not intentionally ig (unless we're talking jensens issues about opening up, but he gets Much better w that thanks to bryce asdfghjk). neither of them are oversharers (though bryce obviously tends to share more about himself lol), so they never share Every insignificant detail, but anything that may be of interest or importance to the other gets shared. though, both of them are very relaxed about the relationship, and it's not like they worry or jealous or anything, so what is deemed as urgent isn't actually a lot. also, they're both pretty independent so they def do things without informing the other first, but at the same time they know each other's routines and schedules pretty well, so they usually have a guess (and if not they'll obvisouly just ask)
50. Would they ever break up? If so, why? Who would handle the breakup better?
honestly (and coming from someone who only has a very critical view on relationships asdfghjk) i could never see them breaking up. they mesh very well together, and issues are most often resolved before they can turn into an argument. if one of them is upset about something they'll say it yk. communication isn't a difficult thing for them bc at this point they know some of the worst moments, most embarrassing moments, most painful moments of each other's lives, so there's really nothing to hide or be uncomfortable with (and add the fact that they're doctors and see uncomfortable shit every day asdfghjk)
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onecanonlife · 3 years
the wind that remakes
It’s been ten years since the princes of the Antarctic Empire vanished. But the king’s still offering a hefty reward for their return, and Tommy thinks it’s about time he and Tubbo tried for it. No matter what they have to do.
It’s time to pull off the con of the century.
(fic masterlist w/ ao3 links)
(first chapter) (previous chapter) (next chapter)
(chapter warnings: mentioned alcoholism, implied past child abuse, mentioned past abusive relationship, vaguely implied illness)
(chapter word count: 7,444)
Chapter Four: try to know who your friends are
Quackity’s got fiances now. It’s weird.
Quackity invites them all to have dinner with him, so Tubbo gets a good look at both of them. Karl and Sapnap, their names are. They both seem nice; Karl cracks jokes and seems a bit absentminded, while Sapnap seems to be more hotheaded. He’s not sure what to make of them, really. Not sure that he needs to make something of them. Not sure that he has the right.
It’s been more than six years, after all. And if the way that Quackity’s gaze keeps sliding over him is any indication, he’s long forgotten about him, about the kid that used to trail on his then-husband’s coattails, willingly or not.
He’s not sure how to feel about that.
He supposes he��s glad that Quackity’s made a new life for himself. In a way, it’s exactly what he’s done. He’s got Tommy, and now Will and the Blade. And Quackity has fiances. So really, they’re similar in that regard, choosing a new family for themselves after the old one didn’t quite work out. Though the ways in which it didn’t work out were quite different, in the end. He can still recall vividly the night that Quackity stormed out. He never got that choice for himself.
But that was a long time ago now.
He manages to get through dinner. It isn’t too difficult, even if he feels like sinking into the too-plush seat and disappearing whenever Quackity happens to look his way. But Will has apparently determined that he wants to charm everyone’s socks off, and between him and Tommy, and even the Blade’s sheer oddness, their hosts are too occupied to look too hard at the shorter, quieter kid who hasn’t taken off his hat, even indoors.
So he manages to get through dinner. It’s easy. A piece of cake. But then, there’s the rest of the night to deal with. Quackity offers them all rooms in his gigantic mansion—which, he’s not surprised that the man’s done well for himself, but a whole mansion is a lot to take in—and after a moment of discussion, they decide to double up. There’s enough space for them all to have their own, but apparently, they all share the sentiment that they’re not quite comfortable splitting the party. So they compromise; Will and the Blade will share a room, and he’ll share with Tommy.
Which means that the moment the door is shut, before he even gets a chance to take in what the room looks like, Tommy is turning to him, with that serious expression that says he means business.
“Alright, Tubbo,” he says. “What’s going on? And do I need to clart someone for you? I can do that, they won’t even see me coming.”
He sighs, glancing around. It’s a very nice room, lots of well-made furniture, like several dressers, tables, chairs, desks, even some bookshelves. Two beds, both of them larger than any individual bed he’s seen in his life. There’s also a door that presumably leads to a closet; he walks over to check, just in case, and verifies that it is exactly what it looks like. Probably no hidden entrance in there—he knocks just to see, and the thud is dull, no echo to indicate a hollow space—which means that the only exits are the main door and the window, which is large and covered by drapes.
“No, no clarting needed,” he says, crossing the floor again and pulling the drapes to the side. It’s a second-floor bedroom, and there’s no trees by the window, so no one’s getting in this way, probably. They could get out, though; he looks for a latch to the window and finds one easily, so it opens, and the drop isn’t so great that they would die from it. If they rolled right, they probably wouldn’t so much as break a bone.
“The view’s nice, innit?” Tommy says softly, and he blinks.
The view is pretty nice, now that he’s looking at it. The mansion is situated on a hill—high ground, good—and the city seems to be spread out before them, flickering with lamp light, a gentle snow falling, swirling around in the breeze, the flakes thick and white. It’s very picturesque; in the distance, the castle is a dark shadow.
“Yeah,” he says, and pulls the curtains back over the glass, turning back to Tommy. “Um, do you want to sit down, maybe? It’s kind of a long story. Or, well, maybe not really, but—”
Wordlessly, Tommy sits on the edge of one of the beds, staring expectantly. He resists another sigh, and goes to sit on the other one, facing him. The mattress is soft, too soft, and he’s not expecting the way he sinks into it, but he adjusts himself after a moment, and Tommy’s still looking at him.
Right, then.
“I’ve told you a bit about who I used to live with before I met you, yeah?” he starts.
Tommy nods. “Yeah, you have. He went to prison, right? And that’s why you were in the orphanage?”
“Yep. For tax fraud.” He can’t hold back his reflexive shudder. All of the shady dealings that could’ve gotten Schlatt locked up, and it was the tax fraud. To this day, he doesn’t understand quite what that means, but if it was the tax fraud that finally put him away, it must be something diabolical. “I never really minded. I mean, I kind of missed him for a little while, since he was kind of the only vaguely parental figure I had, but it’s not like the guy was all that great, y’know?”
Tommy nods again. There’s no pity on his face. That’s what he likes about Tommy. Tommy might sympathize, will listen with an open ear, but he won’t pity him.
“He just never cared much about me, I think,” he continues. “Not like a responsible adult’s supposed to care about a child. He cared when he could use me in his latest con, I guess, but I’ve never really known why he kept me around in the first place. Not like he had to. Maybe it’s because we were a similar type of hybrid, I dunno.” He hesitates. He knows what needs to come next. What Tommy actually wants to know. “He married Quackity when I was eight.”
Tommy’s jaw drops. He sputters for a few seconds before coming up with any actual words.
“What the fuck?” he asks, and Tubbo shakes his head.
“Yeah, I know,” he says. “Kind of wild. But that’s the big story. Quackity was my—I mean, not my step-dad. Schlatt wasn’t my dad or anything. But I guess he was sort of the closest thing to it. That lasted for about two years. They got divorced when I was ten. Or at least, I assume they did.”
“You assume?”
He shrugs. “I mean, I didn’t really know what was going on at the time. They fought a lot. I was a kid, and they didn’t exactly keep me in the loop as far as their personal life was concerned, but I still knew enough to know it wasn’t really a happy marriage. And then there was one night where the fighting was worse than usual, and then Quackity flung his ring at Schlatt’s face, and he—” He stops, remembering. Quackity turned to him, then, ruffled his hair one last time, told him he was sorry. At the time, he didn’t understand what for. He thinks he does now. “He left. Never saw him again. I have to say, I missed the guy. He was always nicer to me. Nicer than Schlatt was, most of the time.”
He remembers it well, remembers that while he was always sure that Schlatt only kept him around because he was useful, only snatched him off the streets in the first place because he thought having a little kid might come in handy for certain cons, Quackity always seemed to care a bit more than that. Even rose to his defense a few times, when Schlatt was being particularly dickish to him. Bought him toys, sometimes, and even distracted Schlatt so he could go and do a kid thing every now and then, like sneak out to a fair.
But it all ended, of course, and after that, there was no use in dwelling. It was a good few years, having him around, but he learned very early on that there’s no point in clinging to the past. Not when all it can do is hurt you.
“Wow,” Tommy says. “So, what, does he just not recognize you?”
He doesn’t wince. Because it doesn’t sting. Why should Quackity recognize him? It’s been a full six years, and even if it hadn’t been, there’d be no reason to care about the kid who hung around his asshole of an ex. No reason to care about the child he once protected, when he could.
“I suppose not,” he says. “I don’t really think I want him to. It’s a part of my life I put behind me, you know? So that’s why I didn’t want him to know my name. Maybe it’d spark a memory or something, or maybe it wouldn’t, but I didn’t want to take the risk. If I can fly under the radar, I think that’d be best for all parties.”
“You sure?” Tommy checks, and he really does look concerned. Warmth blooms in his chest.
“I’m sure,” he says. “I’ve got you guys anyway. What do I need Quackity for?”
Tommy grins, then, and he knows he said the exact right thing. “Damn straight,” he says. “We don’t need nobody.”
“We don’t need nobody,” he agrees, and pauses. “Except for each other, maybe.”
Tommy scoffs. “You wish,” he says, and glances away, because that’s a big damn lie and they both know it. They know it all too well. And Tubbo feels reassured, though he hadn’t admitted to himself that he was looking for reassurance in the first place. Nothing has changed between them, and nothing needs to. He and Tommy have been brothers since they met in that orphanage at twelve years old. The rest is history.
And history stays history. Quackity is part of his history. It’s just fine if he stays that way.
They’ll do this job, get their money, and then there’s no more looking back.
He can’t sleep.
The bed is too soft, though that’s not the only problem. Tommy, at least, seems to have no issue with it; he’s snoring away in a starfish position, taking up as much room as possible. He takes a moment to regard him, an inexplicable wave of fondness washing over him. He’s always felt that Tommy was meant for nice things, comfy beds and rich clothes. Luxury suits him, oddly enough.
He can’t say the same for himself. But his sleeplessness isn’t just because of the bed, or even because of Tommy’s snoring; that, he’s more than used to, after their years of traveling together.
He can’t get it out of his head that this is Quackity’s house.
And the thing is, he knows the guy. Or he did, at any rate, but judging from everything he’s seen of him so far, he hasn’t changed that much. He’s happier, maybe. But he’s still a smooth-talker, still determined to be as successful as possible, and from the looks of things, he’s done well for himself. So he’s not so different, really, from the man who married Schlatt.
And Schlatt was a criminal. So was Quackity.
Tubbo’s a criminal too, of course. He’s not so far up his own arse that he doesn’t know that. He and Tommy and Will, they’re all criminals, he and Tommy most of all. It’s all he knows how to be, really. But at least he and Tommy direct their scams and plots at people who deserve it, people who can definitely afford to lose some of their probably-not-hard-earned money. Schlatt didn’t care who he targeted, didn’t care if the people he was taking advantage of would be completely ruined by his schemes.
Quackity was kinder than Schlatt. But Tubbo knows very well that kinder doesn’t always mean better.
So he’s in Quackity’s house, and he can’t stop thinking about it. Can’t stop thinking about the fact that Quackity could be running any number of shady deals right now. And he would sort of like to know what those are. Not even to try to stop them or anything like that, but he’s just—curious. He wants to know what Quackity’s been up to these past few years, maybe. Wants to fill in the gaps.
And perhaps there’s a bit of sentimentality involved. He remembers the way that Quackity would ruffle his hair, slap him on the shoulder, call him clever with pride in his voice, and Schlatt did those things sometimes, too, but only when he wanted something from him. Quackity always felt more genuine. Like he actually did care, at least a little.
Quackity hugged him every now and then, too. Schlatt never did that. Not that he ever particularly wanted Schlatt to do that, but still. It was nice when Quackity did it. It never even felt particularly parental, or even familial—just comfortable. Like having an ally, or even a friend. Like maybe Quackity had his back sometimes.
He’s getting out of bed before he even realizes he’s made the decision. He hesitates for a moment, looking at Tommy’s sleeping form, but—no, this makes sense, and for more than personal reasons. They’re banking a lot on Quackity being able to get them an audience with the king, so it can only be a good idea to gather more information on what exactly his connections are, what power he truly holds. This will benefit everybody, not just him.
So he creeps out into the dark, silent hallways, sticking close to the walls so that there’s less chance of creaking floorboards. The mansion is big, very big, but he’s got a good head for directions, and even if he doesn’t know where Quackity’s office will be, he does know where it isn’t, based on where in the mansion he has been. He knows where all the personal quarters are, and he knows where the sitting room is, and he knows about the dining room and the kitchen, and from there, there’s only so many other locations for an office.
It doesn’t take him too long to find it. The door isn’t even locked. He pushes it open, and the room is full of bookshelves and papers, all centered around a large wooden desk in front of a window. For the first time, he feels an ounce of misgiving; this is an invasion of privacy, obviously, and apparently Quackity trusted them enough to believe that they wouldn’t go through his private things.
Under any other circumstance, he’d be right. But Tubbo wants to know.
There are too many papers to go through, of course; he should probably only stay here for an hour or so at most. If he’s caught, he’ll have ruined everything that they’ve worked for thus far. But he can rifle through the ones at his desk, at least. He’s not the greatest at reading, but he knows what to look for, knows the buzzwords that indicate something fishy going on behind the scenes. He’ll have a glance, and then he’ll go back to bed, his curiosity satisfied, knowledge of Quackity’s underhanded dealings securely tucked away.
Forty-five minutes later, and he’s found nothing.
There’s some stuff involving casinos, which he’s sure is shady, but all casinos are. That’s nothing to write home about, and other than that, he can’t find anything to indicate that Quackity is any less than a law-abiding citizen. Which is not at all what he was expecting, and frankly, he can’t help but feel a little bit disappointed.
He hasn’t gone through the desk’s drawers yet, though, and it stands to reason that if there was any super illegal stuff going on, he wouldn’t leave the papers out in the open. He ignores the voice that tells him that if there was any super illegal stuff, he wouldn’t keep it in an unlocked office at all, and decides that if there’s nothing here, he’ll call it a night, take the loss.
But the papers in the drawers don’t seem to be much of anything, either. He goes through them, reading as fast as his brain will allow him, and while that often means mixing up some letters and words here and there, he can still get the gist. And the gist is about exactly nothing, diddly-squat. Mostly just more of the same as the papers on top—boring, nothing, there’s some more about the casino, boring, useless—
He blinks, squinting at the paper he’s just picked up, his eyes tracing the words more carefully to make sure he’s actually reading it right.
Why the hell is Quackity looking into orphanages?
Because that’s what this appears to be. A long, long list of orphanages, along with their locations, and that’s the second odd thing, aside from the fact that it’s a list of orphanages in the first place. Because if the orphanages were all in one location, he might be able to figure out what sort of business Quackity has with them, but they’re not. They’re spread out all across the Empire’s territory, in a whole bunch of different cities, miles and miles separating most of them.
And, more than that, some of the orphanages are crossed out. Like he’s going through them and checking them off or something. A few have notes beside them, in handwriting that’s far more cramped and scribbly, handwriting that would take him a lot longer to decipher than his self-imposed time limit would allow.
He doesn’t know what this means. Doesn’t know what Quackity is doing. This might be what he’s looking for, but then again, there’s not enough here to tell, and really, he’s just feeling confused now. He can’t imagine what Quackity would want with upwards of thirty orphanages. Quackity’s a business man—and orphanages are hardly money-makers.
Unless he wants them for something far more nefarious, but he cringes away from that thought. He can’t picture Quackity using children for anything terrible. Not like Schlatt.
Perhaps he shouldn’t have done this. He’s got more questions than he started with.
And then, the door slides open. He freezes as a dim light slants in from the hallway, flickering, dancing. And he’s just standing there, in plain sight, muscles locked, as if holding himself still enough will allow him to go unseen. And the light is very dim, and it doesn’t penetrate far into the room, so perhaps—
“Uh, hello,” someone says. It’s not Quackity. It’s one of his fiancés. Karl. “Can I help you with something?”
Well, there’s that idea out the window. But he doesn’t sound angry, not yet; he knows very well how to read when people are angry. Bewildered, maybe.
“I was looking for the toilet,” he says.
“Oh,” Karl says. “Well, there’s not one in here.” He steps further into the room, holding his candle out. Tubbo watches as one of his eyebrows lifts, and—yeah, there’s no way he’s buying this. Time for damage control. Or if worse comes to worst, he’ll throw himself under the bus; he won’t jeopardize the others for the sake of his stupid, personal fact-finding mission.
“Yeah, I just figured that out,” he says. “Sorry, I’ll be going.” Slowly, he sets the sheet of paper back into the drawer where he found it and nudges it closed. It makes a very audible clunking sound, and he winces. If Karl didn’t figure he was snooping before, he definitely knows now.
But Karl doesn’t do anything. Doesn’t get mad, or demand to know what the hell he thinks he’s doing. Just stands there, and then nods, once, decisively.
“He’s looking for someone,” he says, and—what?
“Huh?” Tubbo asks. He should really move. Should try to sidle past him. But he feels frozen to the spot, right by the desk, caught in the act.
“You were looking at his list, right?” Karl says, and how is he being so calm about this? “It probably doesn’t give a great impression, but he’s just looking for someone.”
It takes a second for him to find his voice. “Who’s he looking for?” he asks.
“He was married once, before he met us,” Karl says. He steps forward again, and Tubbo tenses further, even though Karl doesn’t come off as being too threatening. He can’t risk lowering his guard. “About—six years ago, I think? It didn’t go great, but there was a kid involved. Quackity got really fond of him.” He shakes his head, smiling a little. Tubbo barely dares to breathe. “I know you don’t know him, but dang, if you were to hear him talk about this kid—” He shakes his head again. “But anyway, he learned a couple of years ago that his ex went to jail. Tax fraud. And the kid got put in an orphanage. He’s been looking for him ever since he found out.”
That can’t be right. That cannot possibly be right. Because—because he was only in Quackity’s life for two years, and who the hell would care about the snot-nosed kid that his shitty ex-husband used for cons? Who would care enough to look for him? For years?
That can’t be right. But Tubbo scrambles to look for a tell, for shifting eyes or feet, for any hint of hesitation or stumbling, and can’t find a single thing.
“Why does he care?” he demands, far sharper than he ought to, if he doesn’t want to raise suspicion. Which he doesn’t, because he’s got no fucking idea what he’s supposed to do with this new information.
Karl shrugs. “He’s a good guy,” he says. “I don’t know what else to tell you. I know he might seem a little rough around the edges, but he’s a good guy, really. And he likes this kid, and he wants to find him. Make sure he’s living a good life. Preferably here, I think, if he gets his way, but the good life part is what really matters. That’s all there is to it.”
“Oh,” Tubbo says. “Right. Sure.”
He doesn’t know what to do. He doesn’t know what to do.
“Is there anything else you wanted to know?” Karl asks, and—
“Are you serious?” he erupts. It’s not really an eruption, isn’t very loud, or angry. But it feels like one, especially because he knows he shouldn’t be pressing his luck. “You just caught me going through your fiance's papers and you’re not going to do anything about it?”
“Do you want me to do anything about it?” Karl asks, as if that’s a reasonable response.
“I mean, not really, no, I’d rather you didn’t,” he says.
“Then I don’t see what the issue is,” Karl says. “I figured I’d explain a few things to you, if you wanted.”
He shakes his head. Softly at first, and then harder. Finally, he persuades his feet to carry him out from behind the desk, unsteady steps taking him toward the door, toward Karl, who stands between them. “I just need to use the toilet,” he says weakly, and Karl steps to the side, out of his way.
“Sure thing, man,” he says. “Nearest one’s down the hall, second door from the end, on your right.”
“Thanks,” he says, “sorry to bother.”
“No problem.”
And just like that, he’s apparently home free. Home free, and knowing that Quackity is looking for him. Wants to find him, and he’s no closer to figuring out how he feels about that than he was ten seconds ago, but that probably shouldn’t come as a surprise. He pushes the door further open, walks out into the hall, and then stops, two paces out the doorway. Karl hasn’t said anything else.
“None of the others asked me to do this,” he says, because he has to be sure, has to be sure that if Karl says something about this to Quackity, the blame falls solely on him. “I came down here by myself.”
“Alright,” Karl says mildly, and he feels his desperation levels shoot up.
“I’m serious,” he says. “I just—I just wanted to be sure we could trust this guy, is all. He has some weird vibes. No offense.” It’s even mostly the truth, and hopefully, that will be enough to save him and the others.
But Karl just laughs. Not a mean laugh. Just a little chuckle.
“I get it,” he says. “Tom, wasn’t it? Look, I don’t feel the need to say anything about this if you don’t. Pinky swear.”
At that, he turns. The light is still dim, but he can make out Karl, still in the room, holding out his pinky. Not too expectantly, like he doesn’t really think that Tubbo will come over and link fingers with him. Which is a good call, since Tubbo has no plans to do that. But it’s earnest. Like he really means it, really means that he’s not going to tell Quackity that he caught one of the maybe-scammers rooting through his personal papers. Like he’s not even considering it.
“Great,” he says. “Um. Thanks. I’ll just—goodnight, then.”
“Goodnight,” Karl says, and Tubbo decides that enough is enough. This entire venture was ill-advised from the start, and the longer he stays here talking, the deeper he digs his own grave. Even if Karl is somehow genuine.
Even if Quackity is somehow looking for him.
He goes to the bathroom, just in case Karl is listening for it. And then, he totters back upstairs, back to his shared room, and finds Tommy in the exact same position that he left him in. He collapses onto the bed, and tries to calm his racing mind, his pounding heart.
No matter which way he thinks about it, it doesn’t make any sense. Quackity walked out of his life six years ago. Any lingering affection should have dissipated in the meantime, and even if it didn’t, Quackity was fond of a relatively innocent, naive ten-year-old boy. Not a street-smart, con artist of a sixteen-year-old, with horns just beginning to poke through his hair, horns that would surely only remind Quackity of bad memories. Horns that aren’t quite like Schlatt’s, but would surely be close enough.
That thought alone is enough to persuade him to stay his course. Quackity may think he wants to find him. But there’s no way he’s prepared for the reality. Better to let it go. Let Quackity go on searching, never to succeed. And he tells the little voice in the back of his head, the little voice that feels overjoyed that Quackity remembers him, let alone wants him, to shut the hell up.
It’s not meant to be. And that’s that.
Sleep, when it comes, is full of raised voices and the sour scent of alcohol.
“Say, Blade,” he says, “what would you do if, completely hypothetically, you ran into someone you knew, someone who was looking for you, but they didn’t recognize you at all?”
“Uh,” the Blade says, “that is a highly specific hypothetical scenario, there.”
They’ve taken to the streets, today, he and the Blade. The Blade says it’s to scout out the area, while Tubbo just wants to see some of the sights. Will has a headache, and Tommy opted to stay with him to make sure he’s not dying, so it’s just the two of them. The two of them out on the busy thoroughfares, casing the joint, so to speak, if the joint were pretty much the entire district near Quackity’s mansion.
Quackity himself is supposed to be talking to the king this morning. Supposed to be getting them an audience. They won’t know until he returns whether he was successful or not.
“Humor me?” he asks. What little sleep he managed to catch has gotten him no closer to a solution.
“Um,” the Blade says again, and rubs the back of his neck. He seems weirdly tense all of a sudden. “Well, I guess that would depend. Can I—can I ask why you’re askin’ me, Tubbo?”
He sighs. There’s no harm in telling him, really. It’s just hard to voice aloud, after so long not telling anyone at all.
“It’s kind of a long story, but basically, I lived with this guy when I was younger, and this guy had me committing crimes with him. And for a little bit, Quackity was married to this guy, so we sort of hung out a lot for a couple of years,” he says. “I thought he’d forgotten me, since he didn’t recognize me, but it turns out that he’s actually been looking for me for a little while now. I’m not sure what to do about that.”
“Oh,” the Blade says. Someone jostles into him, and he cringes away from them—that’s a funny thing about the Blade, how unenthusiastic he is about confrontation outside of a combat scenario. “So this hypothetical scenario was about you.”
“Yeah? Who else would it have been about?”
The Blade is strangely silent for a second. “Movin’ on,” he says. “Uh, I’d say it all comes down to what you want from him. If you think you’d like to have some sort of relationship, then sure, tell him.”
“But that’s the thing,” he says. “I don’t know if I do. I spend a lot of time actively not thinking about my past. Which he’s a part of. So, I mean, I always liked him and all, and maybe I would like to know him again. But if I did, that’d mean thinking about a lot of other past stuff that I don’t really want to have to get into.”
“Alright, well, I’m out of my depth here,” the Blade says. “Sounds to me like this is a choice you’re gonna have to make for yourself. But uh, whatever happens, uh. We’ll be here to support you, or whatever.” He pauses. “And if his head ever needs removin’ from his shoulders, you know where to find me.”
“Aw,” he says, touched, “you really do care.”
“No I don’t,” the Blade says. “That’s a lie. Stop it, think of my reputation.”
“I think your reputation’s gonna be just fine,” he says. “Especially if you take someone’s head off. Oh, look, we’re back at the bakery.”
Their wanderings have led them straight back to the only other part of the city that they’re at least somewhat familiar with. Niki’s bakery lies directly in front of them, the same as it was yesterday, though it looks a little busier. In fact, the whole city seems a bit busier, though it’s difficult to tell. He’s not sure if yesterday was a good baseline or not. He’s spent most of his life in various big cities, but none so big as this one.
“So we are,” the Blade says. He glances down at him. “We’re not goin’ in, are we? Pretty sure we’d actually have to pay this time, and I’m not gonna lie, I am very poor. It’s actually depressin’.”
“Nah, we don’t have to go in,” he says, even though yesterday’s cake was probably one of the best things he’s eaten in his life. Hopefully, this will all work out, and he’ll have enough money to buy sweets whenever he wants. Maybe from this very establishment, though he doubts it. Even he knows that going for the long con isn’t going to work; Will’s sure to be discovered for a fake sooner or later, no matter how convincing he is, which means it’s just a matter of making sure they get their money before that happens. And then, they’re all going to need to skip town very, very quickly. So he’s not likely to get to patronize this bakery. It’s a shame, really.
And then, someone catches his eye a little bit across the way.
“Hey,” he says, “isn’t that the guy from yesterday? Ranboo?”
It’s a rhetorical question; it’s pretty easy to see that it is, indeed, the guy from yesterday, standing off to one side and looking indecisive, and so he doesn’t wait for the Blade’s reply before pushing his way through the throngs of people. Ranboo doesn’t notice his approach. He seems preoccupied, and his eyes keep scanning the crowd, like he’s waiting for someone. Someone who’s probably not Tubbo, but Tubbo is who he’s going to get.
“Hey there!” he says, and Ranboo jerks, looking at him. Standing close, he realizes what he didn’t the other day: the guy is unfairly tall. Typical of an ender hybrid, he supposes, but it’s still not on. “Do you remember me?”
“Uh, yeah, I do,” Ranboo says. “It was Tubbo, right? Or—Tom?”
“Tubbo,” he says. “Tom’s a nickname I give out sometimes, just to spice it up. Or as a prank, you know how it is.”
“Right,” Ranboo says, nodding and sounding like he very much does not know how it is. “And you’re the Blade?”
Tubbo feels a presence looming behind him. The Blade’s followed him through the crowds, then. He probably should have  had the Blade go first to clear the way for him, but then again, the Blade isn’t one to do things like that. He has enough bulk and intimidation factor to get people to scatter like rabbits, but most of the time, he just stands there awkwardly, as if he’d rather be anywhere else. A dislike of crowds, maybe. And that’s fine, of course; they initially brought the Blade along for his swordsmanship, not his people skills. Anything else would be a bonus.
“That’s right,” the Blade says. “And you’re Ranboo.”
“Yup, that’s me,” Ranboo says.  He sounds slightly more at ease than he was yesterday. Perhaps because Tommy’s not here to be all in his face. Tubbo can’t blame him for that. “Um, how are you guys? You said you were new to the city, did you find a place to stay and everything?”
“We did,” he says. “We still haven’t explored all that much, though. You want to give us a tour, boss man?”
He can feel the weight of the Blade’s stare at that. He’s probably not happy about it. And to be frank, Tubbo’s not sure why he’s asking himself. He doesn’t know this guy, after all; one conversation doesn’t mean they’re friends, and if he really wanted a tour, he could just as easily go pull someone off the road. A street kid, maybe, who’d do anything for a bit of coin. Or they could go back to Quackity’s place and ask someone from there. One of his fiances, if they’re not busy—preferably Sapnap, not Karl, as he’s not too eager for another encounter there—or one of the servants Tubbo’s seen. Because that’s a thing that Quackity has now, since he has a mansion and all. Since he’s rich.
It’s still a lot to take in. And it makes everything even more bewildering; if Quackity has all the money he needs, what does he want with Tubbo? There’s not even the excuse of an actual familial connection—as much as Schlatt was pretty much his only guardian when he was younger, he wasn’t his parent. That was made very, very clear on multiple occasions. So really, Quackity has no obligation toward him at all.
So he can’t be so naive as to believe Quackity cares. Like, actually cares. He just can’t.
“A tour?” Ranboo asks. “You want me to give you a tour?”
He shrugs. “You don’t have to,” he says. “I just thought that you might, if you weren’t busy, since we’d already met yesterday.”
“I mean, I’m not busy,” Ranboo says. “I don’t know if I’m the best person to give tours, but sure, I guess. I don’t really have anything else to do. As long as you guys aren’t going to kidnap me or anything.”
“Nah, you’re too tall.”
“Oh. Wow, that’s really reassuring, thank you.”
“No problem.” He gestures widely. “You can lead the way. We know absolute shit about this area.”
“Okay, sure,” Ranboo says. “Um, follow me, I guess?”
He starts walking, a little hesitantly, but it seems he’s secured them a tour guide. He shoots a grin at the Blade, who does not reciprocate the expression, but it’s fine. He’s not sure why the Blade’s so against Ranboo, because it can’t be that he thinks he’s a threat; Ranboo’s a beanpole, is what he is. But that means he can deal with it. It’ll be fine.
And it is.
Ranboo’s not a brilliant tour guide. He stumbles over his words, seems less than confident in knowing where things are in his own city, and he has a tendency to say ‘um’ a lot. But he gets the job done, and after a few hours, Tubbo feels a lot more secure in his knowledge of the area.
And more than that, Ranboo’s actually kind of funny, the few times when he gets over his anxiety enough to shoot a snarky comment back at him, or even at the Blade. Tubbo makes a game of it, sort of, trying to draw Ranboo out of his shell, and it doesn’t take him long to realize that actually, he likes this guy. It’s a shame that they’ll probably never see each other again after this, because this is the sort of person he can see himself being friends with. And that’s saying something; he doesn’t feel that way about many people, especially not so soon. He felt that way about Will, to an extent, and the Blade. Definitely Tommy, though, for sure.
He’s not sure if Tommy would like Ranboo. It would be interesting to see.
But eventually, they end up right back where they started, in front of Niki’s bakery. The sun is high in the sky, denoting early afternoon. And Ranboo, who seems far more relaxed than he did when they first started, turns to look at them. Not in the eyes, of course.
“That’s pretty much all I can think of,” he says. “Everything that’s pretty close, anyway.” He pauses for a moment, and Tubbo’s about to thank him and head off, when he speaks up again. “Actually, um, could I ask you a question? It’ll probably sound weird, and I actually have memory problems, so I might be totally off base, but you” —His eyes flicker to the Blade— “kinda remind me of—”
Someone’s voice rises high above those of the crowd, deep and commanding. Ranboo’s shoulders fly up to his ears.
“Oh,” he says. “Um, I think I’ve gotta go, actually. It was nice talking to you, bye!” The last sentence falls out in a rush, and before he can get a word in, Ranboo’s slinking off through the crowd, who seem to part a bit before him. Tubbo cranes his neck to try to see who called for him; it’s someone tall, well-dressed, wearing dark glasses. Their expression looks vaguely chiding, but that’s all he has a chance to see before they’re walking off.
“Huh,” he says. “Well, alright then. Did we learn anything?”
“This city has too many people in it,” the Blade grunts.
“Well, alright. Besides that.” He starts walking. No point in sticking around here much longer. Might as well get back, see if Quackity’s returned yet.
“Well, I saw this,” the Blade says, and then, he shoves a faded flyer under Tubbo’s nose. He takes it, reading it over. It advertises arena fights in the city, a competition of some kind. In honor of—something. He can’t make out what that bit says; the font is too curly. But the words at the bottom of the page catch his eye.
“Winner can ask a boon of the king?” he asks, handing the flyer back. The Blade takes it and shoves it in his pocket.
“Somethin’ to consider,” he says.
Quackity’s standing in the foyer when they get back. Tommy is standing in front of him, scowling, and Will is hanging back. He looks a bit shit; his face is pale and a little sweaty, and he’s leaning against the wall. The headache, maybe, though it looks to be a bit worse than that.
But Tubbo can tell immediately that regardless, the news isn’t good.
“Ah, Tom, Blade,” Quackity says, turning to him. He’s frowning, somewhat apologetically, which is never a good sign. “I was just telling Tommy and Wilbur. I’ve been to see the king, and—I’m sorry, but he’s not interested in meeting you. I stated your case as best I could, but—honestly, I think he’s just tired of being given false hope.”
He does sound sorry, is the thing. But it does nothing to help Tubbo’s fading hope.
“And that’s just it?” Tommy demands. “There’s nothing you can do? We just have to, have to give up? Wilbur doesn’t get to go home?”
“I tried my best!” Quackity says. “I don’t know what else you want me to do here, man. At the end of the day, it’s Philza’s decision. I’m not going to, to what, sneak you guys in? I’m not gonna do that, and I can’t force him to see you. Do you know how disrespectful that would be? And I’m still not completely convinced that you’re the real deal!”
Shit, shit, shit. He meets Tommy’s eyes.
What the hell are they supposed to do now?
He could—he could reveal himself right now. Could step forward, pull off his beanie, reveal his growing horns and share his real name. Hope that whatever lingering affection Quackity still has for him, it’ll be enough to convince him to try again. Or maybe that wouldn’t even be necessary. Maybe he could leverage their connection enough to get him to take everyone in. Maybe they can be rich in a different way, mooching off of a different person.
But that’s banking on a lot. And the idea makes him feel gross. Icky.
It’s too much like something Schlatt would do.
Tommy shakes his head at him, as if he knows exactly what’s going through his mind. He probably does. They know how to read each other all too well.
But then, the Blade steps forward.
“That’s not necessary,” he says, and pulls the flyer out, pushing it toward Quackity. Quackity takes it, furrowing his brow. “Get me into this, and I’ll handle the rest.”
Quackity scans the paper, and his eyes widen.
“You want to compete in the tournament?” he asks. “In honor of the day the eldest princes were adopted?”
Oh. So that’s what it’s for. Seems a bit tactless, then, doing that. But trying to have tact has never stopped them. Con artists can’t be concerned with small matters like that.
“It’s still celebrated every year,” Quackity continues. “Festivals, tournaments. Even now that they’re… gone.” His eyes flicker to Will. “It’s pretty easy for the average citizen to forget what it’s for, but those of us who know the king remember.”
“Seems fitting, then,” Will croaks. He sounds ill. But that hasn’t stopped him from committing to the role, so props for that. Will’s that type of guy, though. He tends to go the extra mile.
“They’re not even accepting new participants,” Quackity says. “Registration was weeks ago.”
“You’ve got strings,” the Blade says, calm as anything. “Pull ‘em. Get me in, I’ll win, and I’ll get them in front of the king.”
He sounds completely sure of himself. Completely sure that he will win this competition, this tournament in which some of the Empire’s best warriors are sure to be competing. A tournament that might very well put them in front of the king himself. There is no doubt at all in the Blade’s voice, no doubt at all that he’ll come out on top. Tubbo feels himself gaping, a bit, and feels better when he notices that Quackity is shocked, too. Even Tommy seems surprised.
Will, meanwhile, just seems sick. He hopes it’s just a bug.
“Okay,” Quackity says. “Okay, you know what? Fine, I’ll try my best. But no promises.”
And just like that, they’re still on. He locks eyes with Tommy again, and Tommy nods. A reassurance. A we’ve still got this.
Tubbo hopes that they do. He really, really hopes. And hoping has never gotten him very far in life, but maybe that’s about to change.
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bythebonefire · 2 years
knowing your partner well can potentially make writing together a lot easier. repost, do not reblog!
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name: Spacy
pronouns: she/her
preference of communication: Discord once we get into a flow of plotting, but IMs are fine too
name of muse(s): lol a bunch of ‘em now. W. D. Gaster (both Undertale verse and Mafiafell verse), Grillby, Ferno (Underfell Grillby), Flambeau (Underswap Grillby), Luciano (Mobtale Grillby), Orion (Outertale Grillby), and Papyrus specifically from Mafiafell.
rp experience / how long (months / years?): I first started RPing Sailor Moon OCs based on my gal pals when I was in 5th grade so uhhh coming up on 25 years?
platforms you’ve used: AIM, Livejournal, Discord, and eventually Tumblr
best experience: Meeting two of my best friends, @abracaxfuckxyou​ and @puzzlebones​, after joining the UT fandom, and doing a two-week road trip with them along Route 66 last summer. We got lost on spooky backroads! And stayed at kitschy motels! We visited the World’s Largest Ketchup Bottle! It was a highlight of my life frankly lmao
rp pet peeves / dealbreakers:  People not having any indication of their age anywhere on their blog. I don’t need to know your exact age, but at least whether you’re 18+. Other than that, let’s see... this doesn’t happen too often, but does happen occasionally writing a character like Ferno--I’ve written with some folks in the past who even before we directly interact, seem to go into it with the expectation of a ship because he is very flirtatious. I do love ships! I love Ferno ships! But just because a character is very charismatic and charming doesn’t mean a ship between my muse and someone else’s is going to work out. 
fluff, angst or smut: I enjoy a healthy, balanced diet of all three. 😌
plots or memes: I enjoy both! I’d love to do more extended plotlines, but I think memes are a great way to build dynamics that can be fleshed out in plots. Sort of like how good filler episodes in a series develop the relationships between the characters that enriches the story around it. 
long or short replies: Both are good! I tend towards medium to longer. 
best time to write: It really varies lol, my day-to-day schedule is a joke for a lot of reasons. But I would say usually right after waking up in the morning--during my recording days I’ll usually try and bang out a post or two while I’m hydrating and warming my voice up--and late at night. 
are you like your muse(s): In some ways. I’m not as neat and tidy as Grillby for sure, though I relate a lot to the anxious tendencies he’s developed over my time writing him. I also tend to bottle things up until I am a powder keg of stress, and it is definitely not good for either of us, lol.  What’s kind of interesting to me is the feedback loop that’s come out of writing my muses? Grillby’s love of music that gradually became a part of his character wasn’t like necessarily autobiographical--music is still really important to me, but I play it up with Grillbz past the point I’d take it partly because sometimes it’s really funny to see someone so put together be just really weird and excited about something? But also because I think it emphasizes one thing I love about my version of Grillby, which is that he gives the impression of a stoic, silent gentleman, but deep down inside is an overly passionate nerd who can get so swept up in something he adores that he struggles to keep that composed image. It shows his hand as a bit of a closet romantic and a dreamer, and it’s something that endears him to me. But also (to get to the original point of this tangent), I think writing that out through Grillby has given me a greater appreciation for music, and enhanced my own love of it as a medium of art and communication.  So I guess I do see a lot of myself in my muses sometimes, but I feel like writing my muses in some ways has altered the way I see the world and appreciate things too, and that’s just kinda neat. 
tagged by: Stole from @megalobonia​ 
tagging: Take it, nerd
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dreamties · 4 years
Slashers W/ a Soft Pastel S/O
A/n - So this one actually wasn’t requested, I just thought it would be super cute. And what I mean by “Soft Pastel”, I mean being into soft/pastel/kawaii fashion, I just didn’t know how to phrase it. Since there’s so many subcultures.
Trigger Warning: Slight Cursing (I say f*ck)
Also- these are gender neutral, but a few describe you in skirts/dresses, so if you’re not comfy with that, just skip that part or the whole thing?? :/
I might do more like this for other types of alternative fashion- like punk or something? Or a S/O who has a lot of body mods, I think it would be fun.
Characters: Billy/Stu, The Lost Boys, Helen Lyle, Daniel Robitaille/Candyman, Brahms Heelshire, and Amanda Young.
I didn’t add Michael Myers, but can do so if y’all want it. I just think he’d be very indifferent about it...didn’t think that would be very fun to read.
Billy Loomis + Stu Macher
Stu would be the most like into your outfits
Billy? Not so much. he just thinks you look cute in everything.
but if you did more guro-kawaii looks? they would both be all over that shit. 
it combines more of the grotesque in with the cute- which is just perfect for the boys. they get to see you dawned in all sorts of blood, guts/gore, bandage patterns/aesthetics.
and maybe even tying in different monster-ish elements. 
like wearing funky white or other unnatural colored contacts, really intense makeup(especially around the eyes), and fuck it, maybe you’re wearing faux demon horns.
I think they’d find it kinda hot. if we’re being perfectly honest here.
Now- would you able to get them into it as well?
Stu will ask you, with excitement reverberating throughout out his body and his voice. of course he want’s to at least try it!
so many clips in Stu’s hair. you haven’t even had that many in your hair before!
he may also wear rings sometimes. he thinks all the colors and designs are just so fun!
and on the other hand...
Billy, the guy that basically wore the same outfit for an entire movie? who’s closet only contains jeans and white t-shirts? trying out your style? i don’t think so lol
if you do- somehow- get him to try...
then you might have pressured him into it a bit? very jokingly, of course. 
“C’mon, humor me, babe. Stu’s already dressed and everything!” You try giving him puppy eyes to seal the deal.
“Fine!” Billy says, grabbing the garment and a few clips from your hands. He shuts the door too harshly behind him.
A short silence is shared, before you and Stu burst out laughing. “Do you think he’s mad at us?” You’re hardly able to get it out. Of course he was, but in his own odd way appreciated this adventure.
He comes back a moment later, his white t-shirt replaced with a pastel red one, an especially gory character printed on the front. and a red clip barely hanging on to one of the side pieces of hair in front of his face. You try to suppress a giggle at Billy’s messily put together look.
for the love of gosh- don’t actually laugh when he appears. he is very outside of his comfort zone, and he’s only doing this because he loves you and Stu, and just,, don’t add this to his list of reasons not to try new things.
whatever your reaction ends up being, you’re absolutely obligated to tell them how attractive they look in it(even Billy who looks hella dorky).
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(my art)
The Lost Boys
the comparison between their dark, punk-ish style and then the sweet baby pinks and blues, and soft lavenders that adorned your form?? 
it’s just too sweet.
they are completely enamored by your style- even if certain vampires (and I’m not naming any names, but I definitely mean David) may not show his love for your look as openly
Marko- he’d get one cutesy patch for his jacket, so he has like a little piece of you everywhere he goes. also...he genuinely ended up really digging your style? but not enough to abandon his punk look completely. he is still totally dedicated to that.
the other boys will absolutely mess with him about the patch though
all in good fun!
David’s not letting you near his hair with any extra clips or accessories. 
Dwayne enjoys the quiet intimacy shared between the two of you. just sitting together, you might be styling his hair( super loose ponytail or braid- admit it, it would be so cute! and helpful so his hair isn’t always in his face!)...anyways, you’d use a colorful hair tie, and a few clips to help pin back his hair. 
he probably won’t go out with the clips in, but if it’s just the five of you at the cave? he’ll keep it in until it’s time to sleep. 
he loves seeing how happy and accomplished you look after finishing with his hair tho.
Paul is hands down the most likely to get into the whole look and go out in public with it on. 
makeup? hell yeah. it won’t be as intense as yours, and he probably only does the eyes and maybe some shine. sparkly vampire time
hair accessories? all of them
would try combining his look with yours, to have a perfect mess of it.
a light, light  blue mesh top, slightly darker blue jacket(with slight accents in pink, purple, white or black), and his usual sort of white jeans(?) would still look great with it. he’s absolutely rocking that look.
you are ecstatic to finally have someone else to share your passion with! (much harder to find similar folks when you’re a vampire,,)
Helen Lyle
she’s so used to the plain life around her, and she’d been living before you- you were such a breath of fresh air.
of course, you’re darling personality also drew her into you- but your fashion sense? it fascinated her.
she’s not trying it herself anytime soon, but she appreciates the fact that you enjoy it. 
the most she would ever try is a very natural makeup look. and a coat or two of a pastel color of her choice.
she would love watching you get ready. not so much help out though- she just likes seeing the way you approach things. how you choose to pair certain pieces with one another.
she’ll ask questions to better understand your interests! not that it’s weird or wrong that you’re into it, she’s just a very inquisitive person.
you’d wear a lot of blue though- because you know Helen likes that color.
imagine wearing coordinated looks for different events and such. so, when you go with Helen to help out with her Candyman thesis, you might wear candy-themed attire. (of course in this universe,, she wouldn’t die! so no worries of that! you get to keep you’re gf).
if you do gift her something, she keeps it on her bedside table(or dresser). so she can still admire it, and still serves a purpose. fun décor!
all around though- Helen would be very chill, but captivated, about you’re interests.
Daniel Robitaille - Candyman
 his life is so dark and gruesome, and he loves seeing you all dressed up. 
and while he’s dead- long dead- and isn’t really apart of the world in the same sense that you are- it gives him this happy sense of hope for the world.
because there’s this very small thing, that you hold close to your heart, that makes you smile.
even if they’re apart of a super awful, traumatic, part of his past- the bees are just a part of the family now.  
so cute yellow/spring/bee themed outfits?? yes. ohh definitely, yes.
As for him dressing up? He’d feel hesitant.
he’s filled with immense joy around you, but is almost scared with someone altering part of his attire or self in any way(rooted back to, again, past stuff).
but part of loving is to take the person as a whole, bad parts, good parts- insecurities- the entire package. and trusting one another.
he has his whole faith in you not to do anything bad.
and so, it becomes a habit for the two of you to spend mornings together, chatting and getting ready. well, you’re getting ready, it’s more for the quality time together for him.
things are little different for Daniel. for many reasons. 
one, he has very short hair. so the clips don’t really work there..
two- he only has one hand, and he’s “working” a lot with the appendages he does have. rings won’t work out because they might fall off- and he’d hate to lose something of yours.
three- he’s not a big makeup fan. he’s happy enough watching you put it on.
and then for his actual attire- he needs the coat to cover his insides. it’s also, in a way, his uniform.
you’ve settled on two things.
making homemade necklaces that can easily hide under his big coat (either sweets or honey/bee themed).
and sewing little patterns on the inside of his coat. other’s wouldn’t be able to see it, but he would know it’s there.
Brahms Heelshire
imagine being super into sorta ‘sweet lolita’, pastel/soft colors, bows, the big skirts, all the sorta ruffles(?)
 and then especially if your shorter than Brahms(which is really,, not hard to do unless you’re insanely tall cause he’s,, 6 foot 3.)- and he thinks you look like such a doll? 
but like,, in a nice way. 
I think he’d get pretty excited if he got to help you set up your outfits!
especially if you praised him for picking out a good combo, or organizing correctly.
and some of Brahms movements are a bit awkward, he’s spent most of his life in the walls and the attic...but imagine turning on his music, and just dancing with him. having him twirl you in his arms a few times.
Brahms loves having your hands through his hair. and if hair accessories means he gets more of that love and attention? then yes,, yes he will wear them.
he just likes feeling taken care of, and along with your usual duties, you help him figure out the soft fashion styles, and how to make it more appealing and suitable for his own tastes.
because- as you insist- you want it to be something he enjoys just because he does, and not just for the closeness. though you can’t deny you love that aspect, too.
i can tell you one thing right here, though. you’re never getting makeup on him. he does not like taking off his mask, even if you’ve been in a relationship with him for a while, he still hides his face a lot.
you’d offered to do his makeup once, since he was staring so intently as you did yours. you’d made the mistake of reaching for his mask. you’d usually ask before doing so, but sometimes you’d slip up.
You apologize profusely, offering your arms out to him for a hug. “There, there, Brahms.” You smile, giving him a slight squeeze of affection. 
he does take your stuff sometimes. 
it’s a little annoying when you think you’ve lost your favorite accessory or dress or etc and then you just realize,, oh, it’s my favorite wall boy again. thank gosh you love him, so you’re not really upset or anything.
he just likes having little reminders of you, it gives him reassurance. upon other warm and fuzzy feelings.
if you’re able to find time in your day though, you’ll make cute little trinkets or bracelets for him. you’ll gift them or purposely leave them out for him-  so you’ll still have some of your stuff when it comes to getting ready the next day.
in short- he’d much rather look at you than partake on his own. 
Amanda Young
she’s never seen anything like this! :0
everyone she knows, herself included, tend to wear more dulled, plain clothes.
she’s immediately very intrigued by your attire...sort of want’s to try it, but is a bit self conscious and embarrassed to ask.
So!! you start out with small things, and fairly early on you both realize that she loves when you decorate her hair with accessories. 
gifting Amanda a pair of little pig clips!!
or little stud earrings- those would be fricking adorable on her!
and she’s just so happy,, wtf
you dress mostly for yourself, but the more you’re in a relationship with your gf- the more you want to dress for her as well. 
you can see this little sparkle in her eye when she sees you, and you want to keep seeing that look for as long as you can.
you slowly get her into it. your relationship and Amanda’s interest in your style just gives her so much light in an otherwise dim world.
if she did get into it, I think she’d do more creepy/cute. as a way to sort of cope with past trauma. that this sort of “bad” thing (the creepy) can still coexist with the good (the cute). she admires that quality.
just very sweet partners, who happen to love similar types of fashion 
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ethereal-blossom · 3 years
OOOOOOO 500 MILESTONE CONGRATS!! i hope this isn't too much for you, considering you already have a butt load of stuff to work on, so take your time yeah? luv u💕✨
character: dazai my beloved akdjcncjlskak
super laidback, pretty patient and empathetic i think, i try to put myself in other people's shoes so yeah, i am just. i am just here. i am chilling. but school threatens to ruin my vibe, i mean like yeah i do kinda count to as a prodigy and schoolwork is p easy for me but hey!! i'm a lazy ass kid i don't wanna do school
i generally am not the analyzing kinda person, but if it's about smth i like dazai or i am required too then i'd say i'm pretty great at that
i am pretty affectionate w friends and ia m the ceo of putting hearts at the end of every sentence when thanking my friends or compementing ppl i adore
i will aggresively kick and scream you into self-love. double the hearts, and i have an arsenal of wholesome memes. beware
generallly i dislike arguments. as much as possible i wanna solve problems without the heated screaming and clawwing at each other thanks, if i do get into a fight i'll most likely apologize first ater i cool down
apperance traits i love: i have kinda side swept-ish wavy hair that goes from black to brown so that's rlly cool !! also chubby cheeks gang yeah 😎😎😎
hobbies/passion: i love to draw i'm literally an artist i draw a lot. i. i just love to fuckign draw. mwah. i also love everything pink. pink is wonderful color, the only color ever actually. and i love putting characters dazai in pink even more
relationship: uh like rlly strong platonic/familial kinda!! like yeah we were there for each other even in mafia times! big bro + lil sis combo let's go!!
hobbies/passion: i love?!?? to collect!?!? keychains and plushiesand anything that looks cute!!? i don't have alot since my mom doens't let me buy a lot (even if they're rlly cheap, as compared to the closet of bags she has that hypocrite😒😒😒) but at least i've developed a sense of money saving
personality: would drag a hoe for my friends or family
relationships: also in the familial they're not related but theykre still fam jskdhdnkaa
again i'm so sorry if this is too much or if i've scattered the info all over the place ;-; ty for writing for us and blessing us w ur creations, luv u!!💕✨
a/n: thank you so much! oof, and if i took my time- but i’m finally back🙈 also, you sound so cute and amazing!💕
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dazai was known to be a womanizer back in the port mafia. your first encounter with dazai was when he tried to flirt with you. you had to give it to him: dazai was smooth. however, you knew better. you usually didn’t observe people’s behavior unless they caught your attention, and those empty looking eyes did exactly that. 
no, it wasn’t attraction at first sight. at least, not in the way people would expect. you, who always kicked self-love into your friends and who found it easy to emphasize with people, saw a man in need of a warm hug. 
dazai liked the challenge of making you attracted to him. rather did dazai know it was the start of a friendship so tight that it made you feel like family. 
the port mafia is a cold and cruel world, yet you felt warm and soft to dazai. he didn’t know at first how to handle your sweet gestures and the hearts you put behind every sentence. it made him hide behind his humor. after awhile though, dazai noticed he would look forward to those messages filled with hearts. it had a comforting and innocent charm. he even loved the wholesome memes.
you supported dazai in the best way you could. even when dazai left the port mafia, he made sure to be in touch with you. was it dangerous? yes, but he feared what you would do if he didn’t. 
the members of the armed detective agency were quite surprised once they found out about you. they first thought you were dazai’s sister since they saw how close you were. maybe it was the way dazai pinched your cheeks, introduced you like his little sister and playfully tucked your beautiful hair. 
even though arguments were rare, they still happened sometimes. the arguments would mostly be about dazai’s suicidal behavior when he would take it too far. you would try to help him and talk about it, but dazai has a habit of closing himself off at those moments. you would both let each other be and do something to calm down. you were usually the one to come back first and apologize.  
sometimes, dazai would show a mature side of him and take the fault upon him. and sometimes, dazai didn’t have the strength to. then he would feel a certain emotion realizing he had made you worried, sad and guilty. at those moments, dazai would wear a completely pink outfit that you once bought for him the next day. dazai wanted to see that beautiful and warm smile on your face. 
talking about presents- dazai knew how much you loved anything that looks cute. if dazai made the conclusion that you had a bad day, he would ditch work and shop for keychains or plushies and surprise you. 
dazai would always ask a drawing of him in return as joke. he loved seeing you draw and he often observed your hand movements. seeing you draw, calmed his mind. dazai would also ask you to draw weird but specific drawings so he could mess with his partner. 
all by all, i can see dazai being in need of a friend like you. someone who can fill his life with the warmth and love of a friendship so close that people mistake them for brothers and sisters. 
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taliaquinn · 4 years
Why Me!? Chapter 16
A/N: Hey peeps, I hope you guys enjoy today's update. I hope you guys like the fact that I uploaded so soon. Also I have a lot of oneshot ideas however the tricky part is actually WRITING. Who knew am I right? 
“Kaalki quick open a portal to that old alley, It’s better to transform there, Tikki you can finish Game of Thrones later” Marinette ordered a previously napping Kaalki, while pulling out a miffed Tikki from her mini-room in the closet. Tikki was almost done with the first season of Game Of Throne. The only reason it was taking so long was mostly that she had to watch it whenever Marinette wasn’t around due to uh reasons.
“Priorities much?” Marinette teased, quickly making a fake sleeping Marinette on her bed in case someone checked on her.
She quickly leaped through the portal, after appearing in some Paris alley she quickly ducked behind the dumpster and transformed into Ladybug, and made her way to the Attack.
To no one's surprise she was facing off with Lady Wifi again. Except for this time she was busy tracking down her ex-boyfriend Nino who had broken up with her over text. Ouch. Good for him regardless. The darker part of Marinette was pleased. He came to his senses. Finally. 
Unfortunately for her Lady Wifi was pissed, which made taking her down harder. She had to leave to recharge, Chat showed up during the last few moments but still proved himself useless by getting frozen by Lady-wifi somehow. Luckily Ladybug was sadly used to this and left him frozen. 
Quickly ducking to the side she delivered a blow to Alyas' side. Throwing her yo-yo she managed to tangle Lady Wifis legs, causing her to drop her phone. Ladybug quickly scooped it up to destroy. Seriously, what was it with this girl and her obsession with phones? 
Purifying the Akuma, she used the Miraculous Ladybug to instantly repair all the damage. Releasing a heavy sigh she turned to face her ex-best friend. To her disgust she was facing a pouting Alya and a smiling Chat. 
The instant that Alya saw Ladybug she immediately stood up and ran towards her, 
“Oh my gosh Ladybug thank you for saving me, I don't know what Nino was thinking breaking up with me like that, he KNOWS how mad I get” she said huffing out a laugh. 
Oh. my. god. She was trying to make it seem like Nino was at fault! Marinette was furious. She was acting just like Chat!!! Marinette is going to need so much therapy after all of this is done.
“Alya, you need to apologize to Nino,” she finally told her. “and afterward leave him alone, you have to respect his decision and space.” She added. They might not be friends anymore but that didn’t mean that Marinette didn't care about Nino. 
“L-L-Ladybug, you don’t get it, he broke up with me for no good reas-”
“It was a good enough reason that he felt the need to do it through a text” gesturing towards Nino's home she added “and as it turns out he was right to do so”
Alya huffed, “You just don't understand Ladybug”. She moved away from her and took out her phone to begin live streaming. 
She made her way towards Chat noir who was standing on the side watching the whole exchange a bit nervous. “Chat Noir, Are you aware of a certain girl named Marinette who got caught on camera criticizing you, when she had no right to mind you, about your most recent actions?. Do you have anything to say in response to it?” She asked pointing her phone camera in his direction. 
Chat Noir immediately leaped at the chance to defend himself.
“W-well like you said she had no right, what could she know about the struggles of being a superhero, heck I even had to save her a couple of times and that’s how she thanks me?’ He mentioned facing Alyas' camera. “Honestly I think she’s just jealous and mine and m’lady's partnership, but what can you do am I right?” he teased.
“What partnership chat?” Ladybug cut in. No way was she letting rumors spread when she was standing right there. 
“M'lady's just jealous as well,” Chat said with a wink
“Oh for Pete's sake” Ladybug pulled Chat away from Alyas prying eyes (and cellphone) and yo-yo away without a goodbye to the blogger.
A few rooftops away she finally plopped down and released Chat none too gracefully. The look on Chat noirs face wasn’t the charming one he was displaying for Alya and her Camera, he had the nerve to look annoyed.
“What was that?” He spit out
“What was what hmmm?” Oh she was annoyed now too.
“Al-that Cesaire girl has been your biggest supporter since Day One. You just don’t know what's going on with that Cesaire girl”
“I do, her boyfriend broke up with her because he was involved in an extremely toxic relationship” She stated, “I have to make sure she understands that, she’s trying to shift the blame!!!” 
“And what was that about our partnership, you sounded like you agreed with that Dupain-Cheng girl” He complained annoyed “That's cause I do”
“You said it yourself Marinette could never understand the pressure cause she’s not a superhero, I on the other hand AM,” Not to mention they were one and the same but he didn't have to know that, “frankly you’ve been lacking in the superhero department if I can show up for every Akuma battle why can't you?” 
“Because I have a life unlike you” 
“Pfftt I am an independent business owner who still manages to be a stellar student AND I manage to handle Akuma attacks alone more often than not, what about you?”
“What does that matter? Marinette's gotten to you hasn’t she? You know she's been sent away for assaulting a classmate?”
“That's weird from what she told me she quit” she shouted “really chat you should leave the manipulating to Rossi and Cesaire”
“YOU TAKE THAT BACK, I DONT MANIPULATE” He screamed at her. Why was it that everyone was turning against him lately?
“You’re right, you only do that after you try everything else to make yourself seem good” Ladybug finished staring back at Chat noirs infuriated green eyes, His eyebrows were furrowed and he looked the angriest he ever had. 
Staring at him Marinette came to a realization, she took a few step backs “We’ll talk later” She jumped off the roof and started making her way to a specific location.
Batcave                                                                                                      Wayne Manor, USA                                                                                      12:30 pm
“Master Dick I must ask you to please refrain from breaking your ribs in the future” Alfred sighed, Luckily Batman was able to arrive in time to stop Nightwing from getting kidnapped or worse. Red Hood quickly arrived and hauled an unconscious Nightwing to the Cave.
Batman, Red Robin, and Robin were currently spread around Gotham and Bludhaven trying to track down any stragglers. 
“Sorry Alfie, I’m way too cute for the criminals to stay away” Dick mumbled sleepily
 “-humph- Regardless No patrolling for 6 weeks,”
“You hurt me, I hope you know that Alf” He joked. Eh, they were all fast healers, he’ll probably be back on patrol in 4 weeks. 
“Heya Alfred, Now that Dick is alright I am going to head back out” Jason said adjusting his gloves and strapping his knives in place.
“Before you leave Master Jason please pickup the Tupperware filled with food I have left for you in the kitchen, And please escort Master Dick to his room for rest” Alfred knew good and well that his charges love not listening to doctors, er butlers, orders.
“Thanks, Alf, Comere Dickwad” Helping Dick up from the cot “but I don’t want to,” Dick whined. “Tough luck”
Making there way throughout the manor, Dick suddenly stopped “Marinette's room is right there, lemme check on her” 
Jesus sometimes Dick can be more of a mother hen than Bruce “Come on Dickface, It's almost 1 am any sane person will be asleep by now” he said tiredly but a part of him wanted to check up on her too. Curse these big brother instincts. “Fine only a peek”
Once they stumbled to the front of Marinette's room, Jason gently cracked open the door seeing Marinette sleeping he moved aside to allow Dick to take a peak. To Jason's shock Dick unwrapped his arm from His shoulder and pushed open the door, stumbling to Marinette's Bed. Quickly pulling off the sheets he revealed a bundle of pillows under the blanket. 
Marinette wasn’t in her bed.
I just Love cliffhangers, don’t you guys love them as well? I am asking that you guys please message me any prompts you would like for me to write for my one-shot series. Else I’m just going to keep making sad angsty one-shots. Stay Safe and Healthy guys <3. 
Feel free to reblog,like and comment :)
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anna-pixie · 4 years
hi love! if you’re up for another request, what about Poe where he and the reader are always at each other’s throats and Rey and Finn set them up on a blind date with each other to make them recognize the tension between them??
i haven’t proofread so i’m sorry if there are any mistakes
- i’d love to do a second part to this exploring the relationship more so let me know if that’s something you’d want!
request: poe and reader being set up on a blind date by finn and rey to recognise the tension between them
pairings: poe dameron x reader
warnings: swearing, very slight nsfw
You don’t hate Poe Dameron. No, no. You just despise his existence. Yep, that’s about right. From the moment you laid eyes on him, you knew that the two of you would not get along. Your first day on the resistance base, almost a year ago now, was hectic. Your planet had been infiltrated by the First Order and you and only a few others had the opportunity to escape.
The first person you met was General Organa, and she took you under her wing quickly. She introduced you to Rey and you soon realised that she saw the two of you as family. You had never had a best friend before you met Rey, and eventually Finn too. They just understood you like no one had before. Being their friend had its perks, you got to help Rey with her Jedi training, you had sleepovers, you had people to confide in. But it also has its disadvantages, most notably Finn’s best friend who always has to tag along.
Poe freaking Dameron.
He was the cockiest, most overconfident and annoying person you had ever met. It seemed as though he went out of his way to actively poke fun of you every chance he could get. He would constantly undermine you to General Organa. You were a very competent pilot, you had grown up flying with your father. Yet every time you were supposed to go on a mission, he would come up with a reason as to why you should stay behind and work in the comms room instead. Maker, he is the worst.
On this particular night, you find yourself cuddled between Rey and Finn under a mass of fluffy blankets, glaring intensely across the room as Poe sets up the movie projector. He trips slightly, accidentally unplugging the system and you snort, whispering ‘idiot’ under your breath. However, from the way he turns around to glare at you, you assume he heard you.
Rey elbows you, telling you to be nice so she can enjoy the movie. You sigh, rolling your eyes as you listen to her. You know how excited she has been to watch this film, so you don’t want to ruin this night for her. You cuddle further into her side and she smiles, clasping your hands together under the blanket.
“Awww, is Y/N finally coming out of the closet?” Poe comments when he spies your conjoined hands, taking a seat next to Finn as he plugs BB8 into the wall next to him.
“Jealousy isn’t a good colour on you, Dameron.” You tease, your voice monotonous as if you can barely be bothered responding to him.
“Oh, puh-lease. I wouldn’t touch you with a barge pole.”
Rolling your eyes, you bat back, “You would fuck anything that breathes.”
“Says a lot that I wouldn’t fuck you, then, doesn’t it?” He chuckles lightly, wincing when Finn elbows him the same way Rey elbowed you. You grit your teeth, frowning as you realise he has won this argument. You try to ignore the pang of hurt you feel at Poe’s admission of not being attracted to you. You don’t care about that, why would you?
“What is this movie even about, Rey?”
“I’m glad you asked. It is set before the the Empire took charge way back when, and it kind of looks at wh-”
“How about we just watch it, hm? Don’t wanna ruin everything.” Finn comments, causing Rey to smile sheepishly and look down, stuffing her mouth full of popcorn.
You let out a deep breath, your nerves getting the better of you as you sit in the darkness in the small room.
Rey and Finn have decided to set you up with someone, giving you the chance to dress up and get out there on a blind date. It was unconventional, to say the least. You were in a small private room attached to the base bar, and you were literally wearing a blindfold. Rey instructed you only to take it off when you hear two claps.
You perk up as you hear shuffling, hushed voices and maybe a giggle. You hear the chair accross from you scratch against the floor twice, realising that your date must be sat across from you. About a minute passes before you hear the claps, and you slowly remove your blindfold, groaning as you see who is sitting across from you, removing his own blindfold.
“If you don’t mind, I’m expecting company.” You snap, not wanting Poe to ruin your date. You’re finally putting yourself out there and you don’t want anything to go wrong. You ruffle your hair slightly before groaning. Why is Poe still sitting there?
“Um.” He starts, his eyes darting around the room before he looks back at you, an unfamiliar sheepish look in his eyes, “I think we might’ve been set up.”
Your eyes widen as you try to take in what he said, looking to the window only to be met with a giggling Finn and Rey. You groan, placing your head into your hands as sheer embarrassment takes over your body.
Poe chuckles, trying to ease the awkward tension before his laughs trail off when he realises you’re not snapping at him like you usually would. It takes a few seconds of observation before he realises you’re crying, his face falling as he gazes at you helplessly.
You sniffle lightly, cursing yourself for crying in front of Poe of all people. You had been so looking forward to tonight, your self esteem had taken a hit lately and this was your night to doll yourself up and put yourself out there and it turns out to be a giant prank.
You finally look up, praying that your eye makeup hasn’t smudged as you glare at Poe, “Were you in on this?”
“W-what?” You’ve never seen Poe look so shocked, his eyebrows practically shooting off his forehead with how high he raises them.
“C’mon. You wouldn’t pass up a chance to humiliate me, right? I bet Rey told you how crappy I’ve been feeling lately and you couldn’t pass up the chance to mess with me…. R… right.” You can barely get your words out, your tears building up to the breaking point. You grab your small bag and attempt to walk away quickly, but Poe grabs your arm.
“Y/N. Sit down.” Usually you wouldn’t listen to him, but his stern tone doubled with the fact that the room is literally locked makes you change your mind. You huff, throwing your bag onto the floor as you return to your previous seat.
“This is fucking stupid.” You mutter darkly, glancing to the side as you try to prevent your eyes from watering once more, “I get that it was a joke but fuck, it’s not funny.”
“I… I don’t think it’s a joke.”
“I’m confused..”
“Fuck.” Poe curses, smiling sardonically as he leans back in his chair, “Listen, Y/N, this isn’t how I wanted you to find out.”
“Find out about what? Poe, what is going on?”
Poe gazes at you with a look you’ve never seen, that you can’t quite decipher. His eyes are dark and he seems hesitant to speak, his lips moving like he is about to say something before his brain stops him. He places a large hand over his mouth and mumbles something quietly, his eyes darting down the room as if he is ignoring your gaze.
Is… is Poe embarrassed? Your eyes widen, you’ve never seen him like this before.
“I can’t hear you.” You furrow your brows as he repeats the same mumble from behind his hand, “Listen, are you going to tell me or not? If not I’m finding a way out of he-”
“I had a sex dream about you.” You stop mid sentence, Poe’s statement cutting through the air similar to the way his X-wing cuts through the galaxy. You can’t tear your eyes away from his face and you just stare, mouth slightly ajar as you watch his face slowly turn red.
“You… had a sex dream… about me?” You heard him loud and clear but you needed to confirm that your mind wasn’t playing tricks on you.
“Yes, and, fuck.” He can’t get out a sentence and even though you usually take any chance to make fun of him, you give him the benefit of the doubt.
“Poe, I’ve just cried in front of you so nothing is embarrassing now. Just tell me, please?”
He takes a deep breath, finally meeting my eyes properly, “I stayed in Finn’s room the other night, I lost the pass to mine. Um, long story short, I had a sex dream and shouted your name. Finn heard it all and now he’s convinced that I have a thing for you…”
You can’t help the snort that leaves your mouth as Poe finishes explaining his story, giggling quietly to yourself as Poe watches bashfully. You’ve never seen him look at you in any other way than in anger, it’s quite refreshing. Albeit weird, considering the subject matter.
“I thought Finn was smarter than that? You freaking hate me, there’s no way you have a thing for me.” You continue giggling, trying to mask the slight pang of hurt you feel. Look, you still hate Poe. But, you always thought maybe… just maybe… there could be something there. Oh well.
“Yeah. We hate each other.” Poe states, the atmosphere taking a sudden nosedive into very awkward territory.
“I can’t believe they tried to set us up.” You want him to say something, anything to keep the date going. Just to see how it goes. But he doesn’t, of course he doesn’t. He hates you, after all.
“Well, let’s break outta this joint.” Poe leaps up with newfound determination, and you squeal in shock as he makes a beeline straight for the door, not even thinking twice before he shoulder barges it at full force, thankfully allowing it to slide open. He leans against the slightly open door and you realise he’s allowing you to leave first, since when he moves the door will slide shut again. You grab your bag and quickly walk towards him, blushing as your back brushes against his front while you slide past him.
You hurry down the white hall, cringing at the artificial light, stopping only when Poe calls after you, “I’m sorry that your date got ruined.”
You turn ever so slightly, meeting his eyes over your shoulder and sigh when you realise he looks serious, “It’s okay. You can’t control your dreams, I know I’m irresistible.” You tease, trying to lighten the mood. Poe chuckles, muttering something under his breath. He turns in the opposite direction to you, walking away slowly as the door closes behind him.
You’re going to fucking kill Rey.
“How many drinks do I have to buy you for you to accept my apology?” Rey groans, rolling her eyes at Finn as you giggle drunkenly to yourself.
“One more.” You give her a smile and your cutest eyes, knowing she can’t resist. She shakes her head at your obvious manipulation.
“You said that three drinks ago, Y/N. This is the last one, I swear.” She says, as she shouts an order to the poor sod working behind the busy bar. You don’t have a lot of breaks, so when you do, you go hard.
“And you said that three drinks ago.” You cackle, gulping your new drinking down like it’s water and you’ve just finished a marathon. Rey shakes her head with a smile as Finn laughs along with you.
“Have you guys seen Poe tonight? I can’t find him anywhere.” Finn ponders, your eyes rolling automatically at the mention of your least favourite person. Yep. He is still definitely your least favourite person. Though, with the alcohol running through your veins, you can’t ignore the way your heart swells as you think of the arrogant pilot. Fuck.
“I’m pretty sure he went to… you know what… with that new pilot. What was her name? The blonde?” Rey questions, your heart dropping as you think of Poe hooking up with another woman as you speak. Of course he’s hooking up with someone else, why would he ever think of hooking up with you? He hates you.
You hadn’t spoken to each other a lot since the failed blind date last week, save for the several insults shouted at each other when you disagreed on something in the comms room, and the awkward glances when you passed each other around base.
No! You don’t want to spend your fun night thinking about Poe.
Oh, speak of the devil and he shall appear. Poe comes stumbling out of the dark forest, his hair messy and his face pulled into a stupid smirk. The blonde pilot Rey mentioned follows close behind, buttoning up her shirt and swiping her thumb over the edge of her mouth. Wow.
Before your brain has a chance to catch up with your body, you’re walking (more like stumbling) over to Poe, who is now stood talking to Snap, a shit eating grin plastered over his smug little face. All your drunk brain can focus on is the horrible feeling of jealousy flowing through your veins. Rey and Finn watch with wide eyes as you stop in front of Poe, looking up at him with a pout as he wonders what the hell you want.
“Can I help you, short stuff?”
“Don’t call me that, asshole. And yes, I need to talk to you.” You cross your arms and tap your foot lightly, trying to present a facade of casualness, “Now?” You press when he doesn’t say anything, just stares at you with a shocked expression.
He coughs slightly and excuses himself to Snap, who raises his eyebrow with a wry smile. He places a large hand on your back, you can feel the warmth of his skin deliciously through your thin dress. He leads you to a quiet area where there aren’t many people but you shake your head, silently taking his hand and leading him further into the forest.
You stop when you reach a large tree stump, sitting atop it as you try to regain your confidence to talk to him. He stands in front of you, his arms behind his back as he waits for you to speak.
“Um, so. I need to tell you something.” You let out a nervous giggle, swinging your legs back and forth.
“Wh-” Poe starts, but you cut him off quickly.
“No. If you talk I’m not gonna say it and I really need to say it.”
“Sorry, okay, go on.” He isn’t used to you acting like this, and he wonders for a second if you may be pranking him. Those thoughts leave his mind when he sees the tear travelling down your cheek.
“I don’t hate you, Poe.” You finally admit, a weight lifting off your shoulders as another tear falls. Your voice is thick, heavy with emotion as you continue to ramble, “I don’t think I ever hated you. I think I was intimidated by how much I liked you, and then it turned out you really did hate me. So I just told myself that I hated you. I thought it wouldn’t hurt then, when I saw you with other girls, but it does. I was excited the other day, you know. I thought maybe that stupid date could be our chance but… then I remembered that you hate me. I mean, you should, I’m a comple-”
You let out a slight whimper as Poe slams his lips onto yours, stepping forward quickly and slotting himself between your legs. He doesn’t give you any time to breathe as he pushes his tongue into your mouth, meeting your own and giving you the most intense kiss you’ve ever had.
He pulls back briefly, shutting his eyes as he rests his forehead against your own, “I’ve wanted to do that since the first fucking time I saw you, Y/N.” He kisses you again, long and hard as you crumble beneath his strong arms.
“Then why didn’t you?” You’re out of breath as you try to respond, wrapping your arms around Poe’s neck and threading your fingers into his dark hair. He attacks your mouth once more, speaking a broken sentence in between kisses.
“I,” Kiss, “thought,” Kiss, “you,” kiss, “hated,” kiss, “me.” He pulls back then, a goofy grin on his face as he gazes down at you. You bite your lip slightly, trying to hide your smile as you meet his eyes.
“So Finn was right after all?”
“I guess so.” He doesn’t let the conversation carry on, kissing you once more before he grips your thighs, pulling you flush against him so you can feel his hardness against you. You gasp and he pulls you closer, putting even more pressure on your most sensitive area. His large hand caresses your inner thigh as his lips begin to mark your neck, and you shiver in anticipation as he gets closer to the place you need him the most.
“You know what would be really sad?”
“If this was just another dream.”
“Well, if it is, you’d better make it a good one.” You smile innocently at him as he grumbles, his eyes dark as he finally reaches your sweet spot, gaging your reaction as he goes.
“Oh, I will baby.”
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lispunk · 4 years
Thoughts about Misha's video, 15x18 (the non reciprocal love confession and subsequent latam correction) and How the C*W* ended Supernatural
This my opinion after watching Misha's video. It's a bit long so bare with me, please.
So what if it was just a rogue translation? There's so many people who only know that version of the story and for them it will be the only one there is. I stopped watching spn in wb (I'm from Argentina) because I didn't like the translation (which is really funny now), but I think that saying this is my canon now is very valid. I was lucky enough to get to watch the show online when it aired but the truth is that am going to stick with the spanish Latin America version even if it was a lucky mistake.
(Also y'all really don't know how big it is that they made the decision to put "Te amo" instead of the platonical "Te quiero" and Dean saying "Y yo a ti, Cas". Spanish dubb in -Latin America at least I don't know about Spain- is usually very homophobic like as a rule, it's still very common to see translations turned platonic or less romantic just so it's not very gay. So the fact that they made the choice to say that is incredibly huge).
(TW: canon characters deaths; talk about suicidal tendencies -in character and the op; homophobia from network).
And the thing is that for Cas it's still a bury your gays ending whether Dean is canonically bisexual (which he is to me) or not. And we don't even need to talk about Destiel. It's also about Rowena (cutting a scene which confirmed her as bi) and Charlie (being the representation of the fandom at some extent and dying violently) and how they characters were treated. And how every female or poc characters was treated. The C*W* needs to be hold accountable for this things. They think they aren't homophobic because they have a white twenty something gay guy, and don't get me wrong they deserve representation too but it's the easiest way they can give it. They're mostly filling a quota, they don't care about them. And that's fucked up doesn't matter how you look at it.
Maybe we were wrong about an original alternative version of the love confession scene were Dean reciprocates, but we are not wrong about everything else. And I'm sure we are not wrong about the network queerbaiting us into watching the last two episodes after we got the confession in 15x18. They knew what it would mean to us and they chose to be ambiguous about Cas coming back just to keep us watching.
I understand if Misha thinks Cas ending meant so much (and I agree to some extent) but I won't be silent about how much I hate what they did to him. Cas declaration was really important and it did save the world, but I can't say that it was okay that they killed him afterwards and then we only got three mentions of his name and nothing else in the last two episodes. I would die saying that Castiel as the third lead in Supernatural deserved better than that and he deserved to be in the finale (don't even bring covid as an excuse because it's not).
Supernatural's ending sucked. If you liked it then good for you, you're very lucky but I still will boycott the shit out of it. I love Misha, Jensen and Jared and I respect them and their work (also the whole crew and cast) but that doesn't stop me from thinking the finale was disrespectful towards them but especially towards us. I don't even have to bring Destiel into this, the way Dean died it's just awful. He fought for the whole world and he didn't deserve that. Y'all really don't understand how much it affected me the fact that Dean, a character who has shown suicidal tendencies got killed the moment he was starting to enjoy life. I deal with my mental illness and my own awful thoughts and seen that just made me feel real hopelessness. That's not the way you want to portrait a mentally ill (and possibly queer) character unless you're a truly shitty network/writer and you don't really care about the characters and/or your audience.
I know I talk a lot about Dean and Cas but Sam's ending wasn't great either. Yeah, he got the withe fence ending with a wife (DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE FACELESS BACKGROUND WOMAN) and a kid, but he never got over his brother death and that's really just sad. Also one chapter he was desperate to have Eileen (his love interest through the whole season) back (15x18) and then we never hear from her again, no one even mentions her name.
They build the whole show around the idea that "Family doesn't end in blood", they have all this character growth from their leads and then it's just thrown away for supossedly shocking value and some weird idea that they should end it like they started it or how it originally was supposed to be (which literally just takes away the whole point of making the show). And they don't even mention family (besides the abusive father being in heaven, mary whom I don't particularly think is a good mother, jack and cas being mentioned once each, and bobby appearing for two minutes after like five seasons). So it just ends up being about Sam and Dean, or just Sam, and eventually his son Dean I guess. And then Sam and Dean again but now they're both dead and happy (because is great being dead apparently).
I'm going into heller mode now so if that's not your cup of tea then leave that's it for you, it's your lose.
As a queer closeted girl I've always found comfort in Cas and Dean's relationship and I tought that someday it would be their moment and it'd be okay for them to come out and then it would be okay for me too. Getting the semi canon when 15x18 aired meant so much but the truth is I still wanted more, I wanted Dean to be able to say it back because I love them both and they deserve so much love and Dean especially has always been a role model to me so I really wanted for him to get an actual happy ending and then... we didn't. But now there's this new version and truly I couldn't care lees if it's not in the original script because I got to hear it. I think it's sad how fucking desperate I am for representation from characters I relate to that I will take any crumbs i can get. Dean and Cas deserved so much better than what spn end gave them. And the truth is that I and we did too.
In conclusion: Dean is bi(sexual and lingual), he loves Castiel and his love is reciprocated. Also the ending is an ao3 fix-it fic, so yeah. That's it. I'm sorry for this ranting but I really need it to let all out. If someone is as frustrated as I am feel free to drop a message.
P.S. I really love the cast and the show, I literally wouldn't care that much about this if I didn't so i don't mean to sound hateful towards them. Just really hated the ending and the fact that I got queerbaited and robbed of so many (mostly gay) things.
P.S.2. Sorry for any grammar or spelling errors it's past 3 am and I'm not a native english speaker (self taught actually so there's probably a lot of those). Again really sorry about that, I hope I made myself understandable enough.
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