#as you can see i really like homm
thebaronfelidae · 5 months
Wooooo! finally finished with that project! back to scheduled fanart and smut fics.
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wisteriagoesvroom · 1 month
is this anything??? (you tell me bruh)
snippet from AU where lando and oscar are both spiderman
“He keeps keying the same sequence, but changing the last two letters.” Oscar says.
“Woah. How’d you know that. You psychedelic or something.”
“Psychic. And no. I’m not. I can just see it, there.” Oscar points at an opposite wall, with a mirror panel where Crimson’s number sequence is reflected.
“Clearly you stayed in school in your world, showoff.”
“I'm just observant. Plus, I got bitten later than you.” Oscar says, still watching Crimson. Calculating in his head the number of swings it might get over there to incapacitate him, if Lando could maybe cause a distraction or something. 
“Hey, have you ever seen those Jamie Bond movies?” Lando says, leaning further forward on his perch with interest.
“Don’t you mean James Bond?”
“Ugh, no. Jamie. She goes on these missions, they’re really fun, and she always ends up in a situation with this homme fatale gambit thingy–” 
“Homme fatale?”
“Duh. And who the hell is James Bond?” Lando says, as if Oscar has just told him the sky is green, not blue. 
Above them, Crimson’s typing gets more frantic. The collider is bursting with colours now, threads and threads winding around the huge space, though they seem to sense that Oscar and Lando are not of their worlds, so the time-ribbons fly all around them, tendrils streaming steadily in the air. 
“You’ve got to explain this to me like I’m dumb.” Oscar says. “Because maybe I’m–”
Lando looks up, face bisected by a rainbow of different colours. 
“No time. Just watch.” Lando says, before shooting a web up, swinging towards the platform where Crimson is.
“Lando–” Oscar hisses. The name has barely left his mouth before Lando’s landed on the Collider’s platform.
Crimson turns, eyes of his suit ink black. The kind of horrible galactic jet black Oscar associates with scary water pools at the start of alien attack sequences, or pitch dark space that sucks up spaceships.
Oscar yanks his cloth mask back on before he crawls along the side of the wall, finding footholds and microscopic edges, trying to keep as inconspicuous as possible.
“Heya, Red.” Lando says. 
“Of course you are here.” Crimson says, masked face in profile. “And you brought a friend.”
Oscar sucks in a breath.
Well. So much for stealth mode.
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justjams2003 · 6 months
Fast Pace- 12
Before we start, I'd just like to wish you all a very happy New Year! Know that there is plenty more to come from me in the coming year. And also thank you all for 420 followers (haha nice), I'm still in shock that people keep coming back and wants more. Believe it or not, this is the most active community and website I have ever written for and I'm so glad to have found Tumblr. Anyways enjoy xoxo
Summary: You're a hard-working Chef in Paris and after a freak accident run-in with Carlos Sainz, your life makes a 180. Let's just say with a certain agreement, you get your bills paid and in return stand in as Carlos' girlfriend for the press. But will you be able to handle the pressure and ensure the lines don't blur?
Pairing: Sugar Daddy!Carlos Sainz x Sugar Baby!Reader
Warnings: I've aged up Carlos, he is 33 in this fic. Smoking, smut, sexual themes, age difference, manipulation, control, slight obsession, the word 'daddy', nudity, a garbage family, family trauma, disowning, tell me if I missed any
Taglist: @httpjeonlicious, @f1lov3r, @messersandmesses, @hollie911, @oriconde08 @thehufflepuffavenger1 @fanboyluvr @thatgirlmj @whyamireadingthis @oriconde08 @depressedriches @roseseraj @skepvids @sain55wifey @distinguishedvoidlady @amatswimming @sachaa-ff @lightdragonrayne @lazybot @formula1mount @fangirl-dot-com @saintslewis @carlossainzwho @lordpercevalcharles @topguncultleader @kitixie @serp3ns0rtiae @hangmandruigandmav @therealone4r @keii134 @dark-night-sky-99 @jax-the-oregonian @hachrinnen
Word count: 3,1k
Part 11~Part 13 (coming soon)
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“Echanté de voi rencontre, Monsur.” Carlos is trying his best, but at the moment he is butchering your home-tongue. You can’t but be nervous, he however seems as calm as a cucumber about meeting your parents. He’s got the sunglasses on that you gave him. You can see from where your sitting, your initials carved into the side. “No, no, mon cher. Good try, but it’s Enchanté de vous rencontrer, Monsieur.”  
He sighs, rubbing his face in his hands. He looks so much more relaxed already. He’s got short khaki’s on and a casual button up shirt. You’ve hired a more practical car for the week, one with a big trunk. You got your family lots of presents and might have overpacked a bit. Still not used to having such a big amount of money. But even still, you have the sunroof open, enjoying the county side air.  
“I’m sorry, mi querida,” he shakes his head and rakes his fingers through his hair. You can’t help yourself, tucking the stray hairs that fray in the wind behind his ears. “I should’ve gotten a haircut before we came.” He sighs, but you can see that he enjoys your touch. “No, it is the perfect length, don’t change a thing about it.” He gives a side-eye but you can only laugh. “No, it’s in the way.” 
You pout, “No, your hair is just long enough to...grab...” you mutter, taking a handful of hair and pulling on it ever so slightly. Surprisingly, a growl escapes his throat. The noise causes a warmth to spread through your body.
The sunlight hits his skin just beautifully, he looks like hot caramel. Something you want to drizzle into your mouth. You’re sure you could cook a steak on his sizzling skin.  
“This is your home then?” He asks, while caring the bags. He refuses to let you carry a single one. You nod and then knock on the door. “It is a small house for 7 people, no?” He’s not wrong. “Oui, us three girls had to share a room and the boys shared a room.” He grimaces at your words, “Then one day we will have a big house.” You blush at his words and wrap your arms around his, all while subtly taking a photo.  
The door opens, you only now realise how short your mom has gotten. Or maybe it really has been so long. “Ah, ma fille, tu viens enfin rendre visite à ta vieille mère. Cela fait si longtemps et enfin tu ramènes un homme à la maison!” She instantly starts rambling and then opens up her arms and gives Carlos a big hug. “N'es-tu pas si beau? Quel est votre nom et pourquoi êtes-vous avec ma fille?”  
Carlos looks like a fish out of water. His face is entirly blank and he just seems to be nodding along. “Enchanté de vous rencontrer, Mademoiselle,” he stutters through the French, his Spanish accent still blatantly obvious. Your mother just frowns at his bad French. “He doesn’t speak French.” Her wide smile turns sour, “Pourquoi faire venir un homme inutile qui ne parle pas français?”  
You sigh and then nudge him, “the presents,” you whisper. “Il s'appelle Carlos et il a apporté des cadeaux.” Now she really does smile as he holds up the presents. “Oui, come in, come in.” Like always, he allows you to walk in first.
“What did she say?” He asks to you in a whisper. You sigh and shake your head. “Nothing that you need to worry yourself about.” You give him a kiss on the cheek, trying to soothe his usually worry.  
“Apportez-lui quelque chose à boire, je suis sûr qu'il est fatigué après son très long voyage.” You sigh, of course she asks that of you. As if you and him didn’t have the same trip. You turn to Carlos after he sat down along with your mother to open her present, that you picked out. 
 “Carlos, what would you like to drink?” He frowns and then stands up. He takes your arm and then leads you to the couch. “You must be tired, mi querido, it was a four-hour trip, I’m sure you are tired.” He leads you to sit down next to him, he pulls you into his side. Everything in you wants to cuddle into his side, but you can feel your mother’s judgemental eyes on you.  
Instead, you shake your head, “My mother insists that I get you something to drink. You did drive after all.” You can see the tick in his jaw, clearly not happy with this. He smiles, forced clearly, “Please tell your mother I don’t need anything to drink.” You sigh and do just so and she replies with some comment insisting you do just that. Yes, you are exhausted but even still you stand and pour him a drink.  
“Je vais lui montrer la chambre.” You grab him by the arm and pull him up towards your old bedroom. Quite ungracefully you fall on your childhood bed. He smirks, but his smile is quick to fall. “Mi dulce niña, does she always make you feel like this?” Carlos asks you give and exhausted laugh. “You don’t even know what she said,” you peak at him, and he pulls you into his lap.  
He kisses your forehead, “Tell me," You sigh and rest you head on his shoulder. “When she met you, she went, ‘you’re so handsome why are you dating my daughter?’ And then she went, ‘you’re so stupid bringing a man that doesn’t even speak French.’ Then after that it was, ‘poor thing he’s so tired bring him something to drink.’ As if I wasn’t on the exact same trip as you!”  
His jaw locks and his arms wrap tighter around you, “Does she always speak to you like that,” you sigh and sink deeper into his arms. “Why do you think I brought you with. Call you my armour,” you laugh, actually hiding behind his arms. He laughs, but it’s the same type of awkward type, “Where is your dad, is he any better?”  
You hum and then walk down the stairs again after taking your breather and then ask your Maman where your father is. “He is outside with your brother, working hard as always,” she says, still in French.
“Really, which one?” You ask, opening the back door, only to see your oldest brother chopping wood while your father carves the same wood right next to him. “Bér!” You call out and once he sees you, he smiles.  
You walk into the back fields, Carlos trailing behind you and when you do finally meet your brother, he gives you a warm hug. “Finally, back in your own country,” he comments, and you can’t help but furrow your brows. “What do you mean?” You ask, you haven’t told anyone about anything. “You think I haven’t noticed? I am not like Mama and Papa who do not own a phone and use the library’s computer to email you.”  
You frown and watch his eyes. They’re train on Carlos who seems to be struggling with the mud and his very expensive shoes. “Traveling the world with mister Armani,” he teases you like always, and you can’t help but step on his shoes. “Enchanté, Monsieur.” Carlos holds out his hand and it makes you and your brother laugh out loud. “Don’t worry, race-man... I am not her father.” You jab your brother in the stomach.  
“But he’s even worse.” He groans and then begins complaining in French but you’re quick to stop him. “Connard, you know Carlos doesn’t speak French, clearly, you’ve been stalking him. So don’t be an ass,” Bérenger sighs at your words and then translates for Carlos.
“I was just saying that I you see in your fancy Ferrari and your expensive shoes, no one in the family can understand someone like you being with a dull girl like her.” He shrugs and you both laugh, it’s the way you talk as siblings.  
Even so, Carlos’ expression turns sour. “He much more than that Bérenger, now, play nice.” Before you turn to leave to say hello to your father, you ask your brother one last thing. This time in French, because you’d rather not have Carlos know just yet. “How is Papa today?” You brother hesitates, knowing exactly what you’re talking about. “He’s there, like before, no confusion yet today.”  
You nod and make your way over. “Bonjour Papa, I’ve come to visit.” Your father looks up to you, his eyes clear. Not that his personality has changed much, he replies in a gruff tone. “Who’s the boy?” His eyes are like daggers on Carlos.
“He’s my boyfriend,” your dad rolls his eyes. “Yeah, sure. And for how long is he going to put up with you?” You laugh, like always keeping the peace. “I’m not some terrible burden. At least, not in his eyes.”  
Like always he just replies with a scoff.  
Before long, you’re washing dishes after dinner. “Mi paloma, please tell your mother the dinner was delicious.” You can feel his big strong arms wrap around your waist. You’re sure he's feeling a bit alone. It’s only been you and your brother here who can even speak English.
You smile, “Thank you, Carlos, but she didn’t make it.” It’s the truth, the whole evening Bérenger and Carlos chopped wood, all while you have to take care of your mother’s ever whim, like always.  
It doesn’t bother you; it’s always been like this. But you can tell it’s getting to Carlos. “No wonder I liked it so much, it’s your cooking. But, mi dulce niña, you barely ate, aren’t you hungry?” He caresses yours even as you continue washing. “Thank you, Carlos, it’s nice hearing some positive words after that dinner.” He sighs, burrowing his face on the crook of your neck.  
“You’re avoiding my question.” He places small kisses here and there. “It’s not in the diet plan,” it’s an excuse, your mother had been commenting on your weight all evening. Yes, it’s true you’d gained weight, but you’d been working out and most of it is muscle. But her words are sharp, and the thoughts are springing up. If it makes her happy, better so. He does his usual noise when he’s unhappy when something.  
“Tomorrow I’ll cook dinner,” you gasp, turning to him, his words have caused delight in you. “I’d like to see that,” his brows furrow but a smug look is on his face. “What? You don’t think I can?” In your mind, yes, he has a difficult life, but that’s just stress. He has personal chefs and personal trainers and likely his father had too. Not way did he ever learn to cook. “No, not at all.” 
You cross your arms, and he just laughs. “Fine then, I'll show you. You can even post it on your Instagram.” This sparks joy, you love seeing people’s reactions to you and him.
So far, they’ve been nothing but positive. In these short three weeks you’ve gotten 50k new followers. If they’re there for you or Carlos, doesn’t matter to you. You’ll give them what they want either way.  
“You mean it?” Your hands reach up and take hold of his shirt. “Only if you eat,” and with that you bite your lip and nod. “Okay, you’ve got yourself a deal.” He sighs, takes a drying rag and begins helping you by putting away the dishes. “Oh Carlos! Ne perdez pas votre temps avec la vaisselle, Y/N la fera. Laisse-moi te montrer ses photos de bébé.”  
You sigh, leaning your head against his chest. “Oh no,” his brows furrow pulling you away to see what the matter is. “She wants to show you my baby pictures.” A deep laugh escapes his chest. “Mi querida, I’d love to help you finish this, but I can’t miss that.” You laugh but do allow him to see little you.  
“What colour are you choosing?” You ask your mother, watching as she scans through the different nail polishes. Like expect she chooses a toned-down pink, she rarely does her nails but when she does, it’s always that same colour. “Why don’t you choose something different? Look I’m going with this black with gold shimmer. We’re somewhere nice, don’t you want to use the opportunity?”  
Your mother just looks at you over her glasses. “And why is that?” It’s already Thursday, the week had been going by slower than you expected it would and only made you realise why you visit so little.
The only good thing so far has been your father’s awareness, he’s had a few moments of unclarity these past few months. Even so, just like growing up, he doesn’t exactly stand up for you against your mother’s badgering.  
Like always, it's just the usual gruff short replies and relative quietness. Carlos, however, has been nothing but kind. The dinner he cooked was amazing, the fans swooned in your comments. At night he’d hold you tight and whisper sweet nothings. All about how beautiful you are and how you’re perfect as is. It helps, yes, but nothing compares to motherly love. You do everything you can, but still don’t feel like enough.  
“Ah, Mama, don’t be like that.” After that, she continues about the gossip of the town and the lives of your siblings. That is of course until you’re sitting at the dinner table again. Enjoying the food Carlos has crafted to fit both of your diets, showing him your nails. He loves them and makes sure to kiss your knuckles.  
That is, until your mother interrupts your bliss. “Y/N, what did you say Carlos does?” You bite the inside of your cheek. “He is a Formula one driver.” You mutter, trying to hide yourself behind her sharp glare. “And are you still a chef?” You swallow your food; you’ve been avoiding this question for as long as possible. You shake your head, “No, Mama,” her bitter stare grows stronger.  
“So, what is it that you do?” She raises her voice, now your father seems interested. “I am working on my modelling career.” Both your parents groan and gasp in raised tones. “This again,” your brother mutters, he too has been harsh with you. “Why do you keep going on and on about this modelling. Ever since you were small. My daughter, you know I love you, but you aren’t like those pretty girls.”  
Her words are like knifes; knifes reopening wounds you’d been working so hard to heal. Carlos takes your hand under the table. This whole time he’d been encouraging you to stand up for yourself. Convincing you that what they’re saying aren’t normal and that you shouldn’t tolerate it. You’ve tried persuading him or more yourself that she’s your mother and she does it out of love.  
But she’s been ungrateful all week. As if she hasn’t been begging you to come home and talk to her. She comments on everything, your weight, your hair even your laugh. Saying you squeal like a pig, you tried to laugh less after that one. She hates her nails and all the presents you brought home. More than all, you’ve been dreading this happening. Hoping that it never would.  
“No, Mama, I do not know that you love me,” she gasps and begins screaming even more. “How could you not know? I raised you. I fed you, clothed you, gave you the deposit to get your degree. Which you don’t even use now!” The anger over comes you and you rise from your chair. “Carlos will gladly pay back all that money if I was such a burden on you!”  
The whole table goes eerily quiet. Soon it is interrupted by a scoff from your brother. “So what? He’s like your Sugar Daddy, right?” You take a moment to calm down, trying to decide if you’re going to say the truth. But they're your family. You should never lie to your family, right? “Yes,” you take his hand back into yours. You can see that he’s picked up his name and knows he’s being discussed.  
“What is that, Bérenger?” Your mother asks, switching between you and your brother. “She fucks him for money. A glorified prostitute!” His words are harsh and spit flies as he screams. You know for a fact that if Carlos understood French, he’d be raging.
“Unbelievable!” Your mother gasps out and another raging fire starts in you. “What? Is it so unbelievable that someone could actually love me so much that they’d pay to see me?”  
Years and years or anger and trauma, built up due to constant belittlement finally breaks through. “Why does it shock you all so much that he thinks I’m beautiful. That he thinks I’m more worth than all the riches in the world. You hate it that someone actually respects me, because you can’t knock me down anymore.”
Again, the table goes quiet before your brother speaks again. This time in English, clearly wanting Carlos to understand what he’s saying.  
“He doesn’t respect you. He doesn’t care for you. And he most certainly doesn’t love you. He just wants to fuck you. And once he’s bored of you, he’ll take what he’s given and leave you with nothing.” Before you can curse out your brother, a sharp crack is heard. Your brother is on the floor, nursing a bloody nose. “Don’t you ever, ever talk to her like that ever again.”  
You can hear your mother rambling on about her poor son and can only scoff at her reaction. “I’m not some city boy who doesn’t know how to throw a punch. You won’t believe how strong 6G’s of force make you.” Through all the commotion, there is a muttering that can be heard. Listening carefully, it is your father. “Get out, get out,” he repeats over and over.  
You bow your head down low, right by his ear but just shake off his words. This irritates him and he too raises his voice. “Get out, you’re no daughter of mine.” You laugh at his words, “Don’t be silly, Papa, you must be having one of your episodes.” You go to rub his back, in your mind to soothe him but he grabs your wrist before he can.  
“Hear me when I say this girl, because I am clear of mind when I do. While you are still whoring yourself out to this man, you are no daughter of mine.” The realisation hits you like a truck. So much so, that you stagger back, Carlos catching you as your head becomes dizzy. “Mi pequeña, what is the matter?” All you can do is shake your head.  
“Come, Carlos, it seems that we are not welcome here.”   
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Just so p.s. me not translating the French and Spanish is for a reason. I'm not just being spiteful, it is part of the storytelling. If you want to get a good grade in fanfic reading (which is totally possible and a very normal thing to want) feel welcome to translate it 😉
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lady-of-endless · 4 months
One Piece fragrance/scent headcanons
Including: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usop, Law, Kid, Killer, Ace, Smoker, Doflamingo, Corazon, Shanks, Mihawk, Sir Crocodile, Buggy, Katakuri, Bartolomeo.
Author's Note: taking a small break from matchups to post those headcanons. I'm a perfume enthusiast and this post is very dear to me. In case you need to get a better idea of the examples, I recommend using the site fragrantica to see all the notes of each perfume. WARNING: Long post.
Monkey D Luffy
He doesn't really bother with perfume but he notices Sanji's and he likes the idea. However, Luffy would go for something that resembles some food, of course, something sweet. Gourmand perfumes work the best for him and for how affectionate he is towards everyone.
- Milk by Commodity - The name says it all. It smells like sweet milk with an aromatic and ambery base to make it a bit more than just straight-up milk.
Roronoa Zoro
He doesn't really like the feeling of perfume on his skin when he's training or fighting. However, if he has to choose ( because Sanji told him he stinks), he'll go for something fresh, or something that grounds him that anchors him in a memory that motivates him.
-Bleu de chanel - Fresh and woody, simple as that, great for training and slicing up some bad guys.
-Matcha Meditation by Maison Margiela OR Blue Tea by The Merchant of Venice - Those smell like a fresh blend of green tea, something that brings him a memory of his past training.
Vinsmoke Sanji
Of course, he wants to smell good, he says that perfume is a part of an outfit. Goes for attention-grabbing perfumes. However, he only puts on perfume after cooking! He needs to smell the food without any other olfactive distractions. He takes a little pride in how good he smells and he should. Also, he's the one to really pronounce the names with the right accent (If the perfumes are French).
- Le Male by Jean Paul Gaultier - This one is popular for a reason. It's both sweet, warm and also aromatic and fresh. Plus that lavender note makes you even more drawn to the comfort of his embrace.
- Sauvage by Dior (I know everyone is tired of this one but you have to admit it smells good) - A bit more mature and serious than the first one. It's elegant with bergamot, pepper, wood, and of course, that lavender again so you won't forget his embrace.
He wants to smell all cool and great. Can you blame him? Absolutely not. He's going to ask Nami for a recommendation.
- Gucci Guilty pour homme - This one is edgy and unique. It's both soft from rose, orange blossom and daring from red chili pepper, salt, and cedar. He gets creative when wearing this one.
- Invictus by Paco Rabane - The name and the bottle won him. Luckily, he likes how it smells. It's much simpler than the other one. It smells fresh, marine, woody, salty.
Trafalgar D Water Law
Not a big fan of fragrances on him, much like Zoro. He thinks it's distracting because of how some smells can evoke memories and feelings. So he'll only wear a basic, masculine scent with nothing striking as unique. He just smells clean, fresh, aquatic.
- Kenzo Pour Homme by Kenzo - Sea Water, some white florals, and then musk and vetiver. It is both clean and comforting.
- When The Rain Stops by Maison Margiela - Pretty self-explanatory, it smells like morning rain in a foggy forest. It has pink pepper in the beginning to give some spice to that, it can't be just a perfume that simple though.
Eustass Kid
Here's an interesting scent. Kid's scent usually consists of metal from his prosthetic and from fixing things in his workshop plus something fresh and spicy.
- Luna Rossa Carbon by Prada - It's fresh enough to keep him going, metallic, and somehow spicy from the pepper. An edgy perfume. He doesn't care if others like it or not.
- La Vierge De Fer by Serge Lutens - This one is also metallic but slightly more softer because of some white florals. He might wear this when he feels a little more at ease.
He doesn't go for a bold perfume but he truly wants something unique. He's a man of action so he'll want something that will persist and will be close to his skin.
- Phantom by Paco Rabbane - A unique creamy lavender with energizing lemon and hot woody vanilla. Simple notes that become more complex in this combination.
- Most Wanted by Azzaro - Kid got this one only because he liked how the bottle looked but he thought it was too sweet for him. He ended up passing it to Killer who liked it more.
Portgas D Ace
You already know this man smells like fire, spice, and sweetness. Besides, his skin often smells like the sun during summer, like a sunny day on the beach, I don't know how to explain it. However, someone has to teach this man how not all perfumes are all season.
- By the fireplace by Maison Margiela - sweet and smokey. It smells like cuddling with someone right next to the fireplace, and that's how it feels when you hug him.
- Under the stars by Maison Margiela - less sweet. Leather, fresh spicy, ambery.
He thinks he should smell like something else besides smoke from time to time. Smoker likes to have his coat smell good and he likes to put on perfume right after a shower. He goes for clean masculine fragrances but with a twist.
- Blue Moon by Killian (God damn this one is so hot I can't) - fresh citrus, spicy ginger with vodka and musk for a clean dry down.
- Cool Water by Davidoff - It smells like sea water, fresh mint, tobacco of course, and musk again.
Doflamingo Donquixote
Of course, this devil of a man wants to smell expensive and most of all seductive. He's picky with his fragrance. Doesn't get the notion of perfume for different seasons, he'll straight up wear a heavy, sweet, scent even during summer. He doesn't care. He might have a preference for catchy names.
- Fucking Fabulous by Tom Ford - This one is sharply aromatic at first and then gets to a seductive vanilla with leather and bitter almonds. Might be smooth and pleasing to some while headache-inducing to others.
- One Milion by Tom Ford - This one fills the room, exactly how he wants. It's a bit aggressive because of the white flowers, salt, leather, and pine. Sweet but sharp.
Rosiante Donquixote (Corazon)
He tends to go for sweeter perfumes as he wants to balance out the cigarette smell that clings to him that might be repulsive to some (not me honey). However, he wants that perfume to be a subtle one that almost gets noticed, he's in disguise after all.
-Tobacco Vanille by Tom Ford - he had to go for the same designer as his brother so as not to seem suspicious. It's simply a warm vanilla smell with notes of tobacco.
- Smoking Hot by Killian - Another smokey and sweet perfume but more complex. Its sweetness comes from fruits this time and it's accompanied by spicy cinnamon.
(also, the name is way too fitting)
Everyone who knows Shanks will say that this man smells so damn inviting and warm. He wears something slightly sweet, just slightly, because he feels the most comfortable. Plus, of course, something boozy.
- Angel's Share by Killian - It smells like his cognac, cinnamon, and oak, plus mouth-watering praline and vanilla. No one can resist this one
- Stronger with you by Giorgio Armani - It's like a warm hug that might turn into something more. It's warm, spicy, and sweet.
Dracule Mihawk
An elegant man with a unique taste in clothes, drinks, books, and weapons surely has a unique preference for perfumes as well. He uses something that would go along with his whole aesthetic. He leans more to floral and slightly boozy (wine) notes.
-Bloody Wood by Liquides Imaginere - Another self-explanatory one. This is how a vampire would smell, mysterious and romantic. It has red wine, rose and violets, and sandalwood. It's so incredibly enigmatic.
- Side Effect by Initio - This one is heavy. Masculine spicy vanilla with saffron, rum, and jasmine for elegance.
Sir Crocodile
Another fine man with fine taste. Be sure that he's educated in perfumery as well. He has perfumes for different occasions. He might be the one out of all that smells the best. He likes intoxicating perfumes that aren't nauseating but plain seductive.
- Herod by Parfums de Marly - This one smells like old money. Warm spicy cinnamon, tobacco, incense, and vanilla. Pretty heavy but so good.
- Black Orchid by Tom Ford - A truly alluring and mysterious smell. It's still warm and also earthy and woody.
He likes to smell risky, let's say. Both are risky and alluring. He likes a tricky perfume that is sharp in the beginning and more alluring in time.
- Ultraviolet by Paco Rabane, for men - It's an unusual mix of scents. It starts somehow fresh and aromatic from mint and then it gets spicy from pepper and in the end, you get seductive vanilla with moss. This one is clearly not for everyone but anyone can agree that it smells unique.
- Toy Boy by Moschino - This one is also a confusing scent because it starts musky and floral and then it goes into spicy wood and citrus. Definitely not everyone's cup of tea.
Charlotte Katakuri
To put it simple, all of his scent is concentrated on his scarf. It smells like clean musk because he often cleans it and the sugary sweetness from all those donuts he eats. It's a nice smell but a bit nauseating.
- Vanille Fatale by Tom Ford - Sweetness with some wood in there to balance it out in case you get too close for comfort.
- Vanilla Sex by Tom Ford - Straight up smelling like a sweet spicy snack that you can't get enough of.
(its name though and Katakuri...ok I'm done talking)
He'll try to find out what each Strawhat perfume is wearing or at least copy that scent. But he only picks up those he likes. Jokes aside, he kind of likes smelling overpowering when he gets ready for a fight and warm, and sweet when being around dear ones he admires.
- Allure Homme Sport by Chanel - for when he feels bold and ready to fight. Mandarin, mint, pepper, and in the end victorious sandalwood, cedar, musk.
- Black Phantom by Killian - For when he meets his dear ones, to be perceived as pleasant, and friendly. It's sweet but dark chocolate sweet with a bit of rum and coffee, almonds, and vetiver to balance everything.
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delusionalwriter02 · 4 months
Hellloo!! Absolutely love your Instagram series so I thought maybeee I could request one for Ango? Take ur time!
Insta as Ango's GF
a/n : Hello dear! The Ango Insta is finally here, I hope you like it! Thank you so much for your request <3
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<3 liked by Odd_a, Daze_i and 824 others.
Angst_o : From last night
Yn_theoneandonly : honey, you'll forever make me laugh with your juice
↳ Angst_o : I'm not an alcoholic
↳ Daze_i : because I am ???
↳ Odd_a : Yes.
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : I'm sorry to say it Dazai but yes, you're alcoholic
↳ Daze_i : Drinking from time to time isn't being alcoholic
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : denial is a river in egypt
↳ Daze_i : really ??? I didn't know
↳ Angst_o : You're a lost case
↳ Daze_i : I've never lost a case
↳ Odd_a : Didn't know you were THAT first degree
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<3 liked by Daze_i, Angst_o and 385 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : even when we're together he's WORKING
Daze_i : working on looking good
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : never catch a break
↳ Daze_i : always with his books
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : can't see without the glasses
↳ Daze_i : and got a lot of money
↳ Angst_o : You're done ?
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : we just made a great song
↳ Angst_o : A *lame song
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : go back to your books, they seems sooo much more interesting than me
↳ Angst_o : Don't start a fight dear
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : take me on a date
↳ Angst_o : Then tell me a place and we'll be there
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : do it yourself
↳ Daze_i : you're in SO MUCH shit man
↳ Angst_o : Shut it
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<3 liked by Odd_a, Sig_ma and 295 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : well this is a post dedicated to my amazing boyfriend who took us on an island because he CAN
Angst_o : Now, are you still angry ?
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : I'M SORRY but you needed those vacations too, you work too much
↳ Angst_o : You're probably right
↳ Daze_i : If I have to take a girl on a island everytime she's angry, I won't have any money left
↳ Odd_a : You're already broke
↳ Daze_i : I'M NOT, my wallet is always missing that's it
↳ Odd_a : Just stop losing it ?
↳ Daze_i : but it got his own mind
↳ Odd_a : It's an OBJECT
↳ Daze_i : and that "object" got feelings too
↳ Odd_a : No ?
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : go fight somewhere else
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<3 liked by Angst_o, Odd_a and 758 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : homme capable
Daze_i : I don't speak that language c'mon
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : it's french, learn it
↳ Odd_a : "capable man" that's what she wrote
↳ Daze_i : Oda you're a real bro
↳ Daze_i : Yn you can speak french ?
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : a little, Ango is better than me
↳ Daze_i : HE CAN SPEAK FRENCH TOO ???????
↳ Angst_o : Why are you so surprised ?
↳ Angst_o : Tu es extrêmement fatiguant et bête
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : LOVE YOU'RE MEAN
↳ Daze_i : ........ google trad told me really mean things
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : yeah, google
↳ Daze_i : how do you say "i'm not what you say I am, i'm a very funny person"
↳ Angst_o : "Je ne suis pas ça, je suis quelqu'un de très drôle" and no, you're not funny
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : you're such a child
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<3 liked by Angst_o, Odd_a and 638 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : a real gentleman
Angst_o : Anything for you, my dear
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : I love you
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Hey! I hope you liked it ? I've had a lot of fun writing this, the next one will be Poe !
See you <3
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dairy-farmer · 2 months
Okay but... I just made myself giggle, so I have to share this.
You know what's REALLY reasonable to assume? That if you get yeeted into the Literally Endless Mutiverse, land in an alternate Reality, and are working to find a way home... once you FIND a way home?
You will LITERALLY never seen ANYONE from this dimension, ever again.
You can kinda assume that, right?
Your Revolutionary 5th century French Alt-Self isn't gonna show up at the local coffee shop and strike up awkward conversation. That Beastman you punched, isn't gonna run into you at the corner store. You go home. Never see them again.
Sad to lose new friends? Yeah, always.
But! *cough* :Y if..... say....
You were to Action Movie Slut It Up, while "abroad"? Maybe fuck a steam punk captain in his office. Do unspeakable things to that Sci-Fi Detective as the city burns around you? Etc etc? Because your young, your mentor is a hard-ass, your brother will MURDER anyone who tries to sleep with you, and maybe you are just? Unbearably horny?
......t-there's no way that could come back to bite you right?
You have been ROCKING these poor bastards WORLDS. Are THE, Singular, "One Who Got Away(tm)". Because you did NOT hold back and ABSOLUTELY let your freak flag fly. They THOUGHT they knew Passion, but after you? They realized they were FOOLS.
Then you just... pulled your pants on, left them changed men, ruined for anyone else, and FUCKED OFF to another universe.
God damn power move. (You magnificent bastard.)
But do they REMEMBER you? Yeah. Yeah, they fuckin have a SHRINE to you. They remember.
All this to say? The Bats, JLA, and Tim's teammates LEARN some shit about what he gets up to when sucked into other realities. Because like HALF the grizzled BAMFs that appear, when some asshole BREAKS THE MULTIVERSE and they have to work together to fix it? Take ONE(1!) look at Red Robin and go varies versions of:
"Babe~♡! Darling! My fuckable little delight! How are you~♡? :D "
And just? Oh. Oh no. Tim can FEEL the other Bats slooooowly turning to look at him, the Demand For Answers BURNING in their eyes. But what's WORSE? Is the BAMFs HEARD each other. And immediately turned on each other.
Because OBVIOUSLY, one of THESE fuckers must have been the bastard who SEDUCED Robin away from them. (Incorrect. He was using them for passing companionship and mostly their bodies. Also their tech. Space ship. Strategic castle location. Again, mostly their bodies.)
Just? Tim Drake, Secret Slutty Homme Fatale of the Multiverse. Bruce and Dick are gonna chain him up in bubble wrap in a BUNKER after this, if those idiots keep talking about his "passionate embrace". But he can't STOP them because Kon has a hand on his shoulder about as easy to move as your average mountain range.
Kon has QUESTIONS. :) Buddy, Bro, dear friend of his.
Bart stop laughing at him and help.
He's gonna die. Fuckless. Don't do this to him, bro. Bart, please.
all i can think about is tim as this sonic meme 😂
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manwrre · 8 months
i am absolutely ravenous for a jennifer’s body themed harringrove fic. and if i write it, it’ll be purely self indulgent so please don’t make me (make me make me make me).
like, i kid you not, when i say that billy’s the perfect character/candidate for any kind of possession trope. he’s pretty and popular— with his half-wild grin, fervent eyes and untamable hair. he’s smart and charismatic like no one’s business and anyone would be drawn in by him; he’s a perfect homme fatale.
he’s also strong and young. he’s healthy and quick and in his prime, so if a demon really wanted to make an apex predator out of someone, he’d be ideal. because no matter how great of a hunter anyone or anything is, isn’t it all the more rewarding when the prey comes to you?
so i can imagine steve and billy becoming such good freaking friends after the night at the byers’. once he’s sobered up and off the adrenaline high, i know for a fact that the sight of steve’s bruised face would probably make billy sick to his stomach. so he’d apologize, right? and they’d get on like a house on fire because they have sm in common.
it doesn’t take long for them to start crushing on each other (unbeknownst to either party because we love pining). so one night, billy takes steve to this underground metal-grunge club and in steve’s head, it’s a freaking date (and billy’s too). they spend most of the show just wrapped up in each other at the bar and messing around in their familiar, little way that makes steve’s heart race.
until yk, he goes to the bathroom and comes back to find billy’s seat empty. the bartender’s no help, really. he mentions something about billy walking off with a guy and steve’s stumped. he’s hurt because surely, he understood this right, so why would billy leave with someone else? so he waits and waits and waits before heading home, livid.
but imagine his surprise, hours later, when he wakes up to a commotion in his backyard and it’s billy.
billy, whose usually perfect curls are a mess and who looks like he can barely stand on his own two, god-given feet. billy, who snaps his head in steve’s direction at the sound of the door sliding open and stares at him with wide, frantic eyes.
“steve,” his voice cracks and his shoulders slump in what might be relief.
“jesus christ— billy, where the fuck have you been?” steve hisses, dropping the bat and rubbing at his burning eyes because he’s exhausted.
because at the core of it, he’s still pissed that he’d been ditched, of course and so sad and he would hate for billy to see him cry.
that is, until the blonde practically falls into his arms and all steve can do is cradle him against his chest while billy shakes.
he’s cold, like he’s been out here forever in the midwestern fall but he doesn’t seem bothered as he blindly clutches at whichever parts of steve are closest— his shoulders, his arms, his back and presses his face into his neck.
all the while, he’s murmuring something low enough that steve can only pick up bits and pieces; his own name and a mantra of pleasepleasepleasepleaseohgod.
it’s only then that he notices the dark sludge staining the blonde’s clothes and the front of his bare chest; half-dried and pungent and he freezes.
“billy… billy, what’s this? are you hurt?”
and he’s looking him over for a sizable wound because the amount of blood spells nothing less than extensive damage and gore. so it’s safe to say that he’s confused when he finds nothing but a few scratches. nothing that warrants this amount of blood, which means that it’s not his. but,
it’s someone’s.
he doesn’t notice that billy’s stopped moving until he looks up to find the blonde already staring at him, though.
his eyes are damp with unshed tears and he’s got his lower lip caught between his teeth; worrying the skin there. and he looks so far away. closer to the outskirts of hawkins, than here in steve’s backyard.
“steve– i, listen…i just,” he whispers, his brows furrowing and face contorting into something ugly for all of a second; something pained.
when he speaks again, it sounds wet. it sounds wet and he’s so scared. steve’s never seen him this scared.
it makes his own heart race in response; filling the spaces where billy’s must be skipping a beat.
“i think there’s something wrong with me. like really, really, really wrong with me— i dunno what i did, i dunno what to do, god, it was just…i think….”
“steve, i think there’s something inside of me.”
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An audience with... John Paul Jones
(from Uncut, April 2010 - link)
You’re stuck on a deserted island, you have one instrument you can bring. It is: a) piano, b) bass or c) mandolin? (Gary Attersley, Ontario, Canada)
Oh… that’s horrible! I’ll probably get Hugh Manson – the guy who builds all my bass guitars – to build me some monstrous instrument that encapsulated all three! Hugh and his brother Andy Manson once actually designed me a triple-necked guitar with 12-string guitar, six-string guitar and mandolin on it! Andy also designed a triple-necked mandolin. But I guess if it really came down to it on a desert island, it would have to be the piano, because you can do so much on it. You’re a whole band. The bass is not much fun on your own.
John, it’s so good to see you so engaged with today. Any advice for old farts who can’t move on? (Andrew Loog Oldham)
Who are you calling an old fart? I dunno, Andy, you tell me! Ha ha. He’s done a good job of staying up to date. Andrew, of course, gave me the name John Paul Jones. I was John Baldwin, until Andrew saw a poster for the French film version of John Paul Jones. I thought it ’d look great in CinemaScope, as I wanted to do music for films. I imagined it saying “Music By John Paul Jones”, over the whole screen. I never realised then that he was the Horatio Nelson of America!
I know that you’ve been getting heavily into bluegrass lately – who are some of your favourite bluegrass artists of all time? (Ryan Godek, Wilmington, Delaware)
Apart from Bill Monroe, you mean? Oh, there’s loads. I’m friends with the Del McCoury band, I love that style of classic bluegrass. I love Sam Bush’s Newgrass stuff. And of course there’s Nickel Creek, Chris Feely, Mike Marshall. I love it all, really. One thing I like about bluegrass is that you don’t require amplifiers, drums and trucks. You can pull an instrument out of a box and get on with some instant music making. I carry a mandolin around wherever I go. I also like the fact bluegrass musicians play more than one instrument. There’s a tradition of them swapping instruments. In bluegrass bands I swap between double bass, fiddle and banjo.
One Butthole Surfers anecdote, please? (Dave Grohl)
Ha! I was brought in to produce the Butthole Surfers’ 1993 album, Independent Worm Saloon. I guess it was to give it a heavy rock vibe, but it didn’t work like that. They were actually incredibly hard-working in the studio, but I do recall running up a phenomenal bar-bill at the San Rafael studio. And then there was Gibby [Haynes, Butthole Surfers’ frontman] and his… eccentric studio behaviour. Gibby did one vocal take shouting into his guitar. He held it out in front of his face and screamed at it. Ha! He was trying to find out if it picked up through the pick-ups, which it kind of did. And that was pretty good.
How’s the violin coming along? (Sean, Berkshire)
I started about three years ago. With the guitar, or the piano, you can sound OK quite quickly. With the violin, it takes much longer. Once you get past the first six months of scraping, of muttering to yourself, “What is this fucking horrible noise on my shoulder?” you get the odd musical bit, and you think, ‘Oh, this is starting to get good.’ And you continue with it for a while. I’m getting into country fiddle playing, Celtic folk songs, a bit of swing. Basic stuff, but very satisfying.
Why not record a second ‘Automatic For The People’ with REM? (Franz Greul, Austria)
They haven’t asked me! But doing the string arrangements for that album was a great experience, actually. They sent me the demos of their songs, and we went into a studio in Atlanta, with members of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra. They were great songs, something you can really get your teeth into as an arranger. And I’ve been good friends with them ever since.
How did you first meet Josh Homme? And is he still a notorious party monster? (Rob Hirst, Kippax, Leeds)
Well, I think we’ve all calmed down rather a lot. Dave introduced me to Josh at his 40th birthday party. It was a ridiculous themed place where they have jousting with knights. As Dave said, it was like somewhere you’d have your 14th birthday party. Or maybe even your 4th. Anyway, Dave sat Josh and I together for a blind date. Which was reasonably embarrassing for both of us, surrounded by people going “prithee this” and challenging each other to duels. But we survived the trauma and went into the studio the next day, and just started jamming. And I knew immediately it was going to be something special.
If Them Crooked Vultures had Spice Girls-like nicknames what would they be? (Paul Jones, Liverpool)
Dave would be Smiley Vulture. He can’t stop grinning. Josh would be Slinky Vulture. He’s a slinky kinda guy. And I’d be Speedy, I guess. Or Jumpy. So there you go. Smiley, Slinky and Speedy. Or does that sound more like the dwarfs?
I remember you being a pretty funky bass genius back in the day! What memories do you have of those sessions? (Donovan)
The sessions with Don and Mickie Most were great, because we were given a free hand. I usually got leeway, because I was the sort of Motown/Stax specialist, so producers in the mid ’60s would get me in for cover versions of American records, and none of them could write bass parts convincingly enough, so I was London’s answer to James Jamerson, I guess! And I was certainly encouraged to get kinda… funky when I worked with Donovan.
How did it feel to see Jimmy Page and Robert Plant venture off in their own project in the ‘90s without mentioning a word of it to you? (Danny Luscombe, Hull)
Oh yeah, I was pissed off about it. The surprise was in not being told. It’s ancient history now, but it was a bit annoying to find out about it while reading the papers. It came just after Robert and I had been discussing the idea of doing an Unplugged project. Then I’m on tour in Germany with Diamanda Galás, I turn on the TV and see Robert and Jimmy doing it, with someone else playing all my parts! I was pissed off at the time. You would be, woudn’t you? But… it’s all in the past, isn’t it?
Did you listen to much work by Josh Homme or Dave Grohl before you were contacted in relation to joining Them Crooked Vultures, and if so, how did you honestly rate it? (Ralph Ryan, Lisronagh, County Tipperary)
I did like the Foo Fighters and Queens Of The Stone Age, before I’d met either of them. There’s a tendency for people – especially musicians from my generation – to say that there has been this terrible decline in musicianship, that today’s bands haven’t got the chops, blah blah blah. But that’s not true at all. There’s always some people for whom technique on an instrument isn’t necessary. They can get their ideas across without being able to have the chops. But Josh really does have the chops, he just doesn’t feel the need to flash them about all the time. In fact, there were a few riffs he gave me that I had to simplify, because they were bloody difficult to play. I really had to work at it, where he could just flick it off. He is an astonishing musician.
Were you serious when you told Peter Grant that you wanted to jack it in to become choirmaster at Winchester Cathedral? (Brian Fisher, Manchester)
Ha! That was a tongue-in-cheek joke, although I was serious about leaving Led Zeppelin in 1973 unless things changed. But Peter did sort things out pretty quickly. What kind of choirmaster would I have made? A bloody good one! Listen, any way that they’ll pay you for making music is just the best situation in the world. I’d do it for nothing. I don’t care what music it is. I just love it all. The rubbing of notes together. I love it all. I would be very passionate about whatever I decided to do.
What was the worst session you ever did as a jobbing session player? (Adam Burns, Castleford, West Yorkshire)
I generally have fun memories of that time. I’d criss-cross London playing two or three sessions a day, going between Trident and Olympic and Abbey Road and Philips in Marble Arch, you know. You’d be backing Shirley Bassey, Cat Stevens, Lulu, whoever was paying you. The worst experience was a Muzak session. With Muzak sessions, the music was deliberately boring. I distinctly remember one session where I embellished the bass part a little bit, just so that it wasn’t so boring for me to play. They said, “No, you can’t do that. Any interest in the music will distract people’s attention from when they’re meant to be eating.” Or standing in a fucking lift. For fuck’s sake! So I was like, “OK, thanks, bye!”
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charleslebatman · 7 months
I'm so glad those pictures of Susie's husband and Max's sperm donor came out. Toto Wolff spent years trying to cover up the fact that he and Jos were friends after Max "betrayed his family for redbull"
I'll never forget an old interview where Toto straight up said "Jos's methods of teaching are harsh but I agree with what he's doing and clearly it worked" Max was 16 at the time when Toto openly agreed with Jos's abusive methods. If I can find it I'll send the link, it's not english so it's gonna take time to even try to find it.
You can find old tweets of Max's where he's joking about with the Mercedes social media accounts because of how close he was to the team before joining f1 because his dad and Toto were friends and it's lowkey sad to see because Max (and Christian) was blamed for that falling out.
Also when Max would get into fights with Mercedes on track Toto instead of being a grown adult and talking things out called Jos about Max to borderline manipulate Max into not fighting Mercedes. Imagine being so mad at an f1 doing his job that you call his abusive dad to come sort him out.
It was so bad that Horner and Helmut Marko had to step in multiple times to defend Max from this grown man having a fit over a child crashing into his drivers. One of Max's self declared best weekends before he got a great car was because Christian gently had Max away from his dad and other forms of stress the whole race week as a test just to see if Max worked better with nobody telling him what to do.
Also lets not forget Toto Wolff slandering everyone for months over Abu Dhabi 2021 but deciding to go out partying after his driver lost the wdc because of some clownery rules. His defense was "I wanted to celebrate the 8th constructors and I could focus on Lewis's 8th later"
Horner has his issues but he would have stormed FIA if that situation happened to him and his team. Also props to horner for never blaming the team for shit cars over the years, Toto has blamed the car and engineers so much this season it's like he's filling a quota. not to mention the foul little apology letter they did at the beginning of the year.
I'll never forget an old interview where Toto straight up said "Jos's methods of teaching are harsh but I agree with what he's doing and clearly it worked" Max was 16 at the time when Toto openly agreed with Jos's abusive methods. If I can find it I'll send the link, it's not english so it's gonna take time to even try to find it.
He said what? 💀
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I told you, l’habit ne fait pas le moine. Très déçue de cet homme, je l’appréciais beaucoup. Un peu trop mon esprit ce matin, je vais faire une pause là des asks sur tous ces petits tocards. Sinon on est reparti avec une mad admin et ça va être très moche. 💀
I told you clothes don't make the man (or woman, don’t know why in english you said man in french literally it’s a monk 😂). Very disappointed in this man, I really liked him. A little too much my mind this morning, I'll take a break there asks about all these little tocards. Otherwise we're back with a mad admin and it's going to be very ugly. 💀
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 1 year
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“You look good.”
You slide your arms around Reo’s neck, leaning against his body. When you scrunch your face up and bury your head into the crook of his neck, the smell of his expensive cologne envelops and welcomes you into his presence. “Are you dressing up for something special?”
“Hmmm?” Reo glances up from where he’s adjusting his hair in the mirror. Even in candid moments like these, Reo embodies the wealth he came from. Sure, you know he’s more than the company he’s bound to inherit one day, yet seeing him dressed in a new, crisp suit, designer glasses perched on his head, decked out in the finest that the fashion world has to offer, you can’t help but be a little awestruck.
Reo gingerly reaches up, and the veins in his arms flex slightly as he cups your face. You move your face so he can kiss you gently—once, twice. He smiles against your lips, and his thumb brushes over your soft cheek.
“Nothing special,” he finally answers you. His Adam’s apple bobs against his sleek black neckline. “My parents wanted me to drop in really quickly. Tonight was the only time I’d have before I go overseas for the new season.”
You hum against his ear, burying your nose into your boyfriend’s neck again. Reo laughs and mumbles something about his clothes creasing, but he doesn’t chase you off. You let your eyes flutter shut, inhaling and exhaling the lingering scents of his pricey eau pour homme and committing his warmth to memory.
You slip your fingers into his hand. “Don’t take too long. I’ll get lonely waiting for you at home.”
“I won’t, angel,” he promises. His gelled hair looks absolutely royal under the light, the streaks of deep violet the same hue that imperial rulers had favored so much. You’re convinced that if you were to go back in time, your beloved Reo would make himself right at home as a prince in some prestigious palace.
“You promise?” You link your pinky with his.
Reo nods, craning his neck to steal another kiss. His locked pinky rests firmly against yours, as if he’s physically proving to you his loyalty. “Of course. My place is right by your side. Wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. I’m all yours, sweetheart.”
Ah, you muse to yourself, you must be the luckiest person in the world.
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wh0re4gambit · 1 year
🂡 ʀᴇᴍʏ ʟᴇʙᴇᴀᴜ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ʸᵒᵘ
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ʀᴇᴍʏ ʟᴇʙᴇᴀᴜ x ꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
Go to the Gala, break into the security-room, locate where all the files with the needed information are, get there, get the information on the USB and act like nothing ever happened.
That was the plan the X-Men created the last few hours to get the locations of a new possible threat. The decision on who is going to do the breaking in, without getting caught, was made really quick.
No one else is as skilled and experienced in the matter of theft and breaking into things, unnoticed, as Remy LeBeau.
All of his teammates are there not because they are scared he couldn't make it, no.
Charles Xavier decided it would be well deserved for the X-Men to enjoy themselves after the mission.
»You don't get the chance to be at an gala every day« were his words.
Everyone was dressed real nice and they all made an expensive impression in their expensive clothes and stunning jewelry, when they arrived.
After getting themselves seen from other guests and having a quick chat with the ones they were familiar with, there was nothing in Gambits way to make his way towards the Security-Room.
Picking the lock was no match for him. But when he opened the door, was when he got suspicious.
'comment est-ce possible?' he thought.
He was expecting to knock out a security-man, but looks like someone else has already been here.
Because the the security was sitting knocked out in the chair, you could think he was sleeping, if it weren't for the head face-palming the table and the arms hanging down in such an uncomfortable way.
'Jus' ta' make sure' Remy thought to himself, while trying to find the pulse of the hopefully just unconscious man.
'Bien, pulse 's still der-'
»Are there any complications, Gambit?« he heard Jeans voice emerging in his head.
»Got in, but ders already an unconscious 'homme'«
»Well, we can't afford to lose much time, if there are not any threats; focus on the mission.« And with that the weird feeling of someone being in his head, vanished.
The X-Man does as he had been told and the rest of the plan just goes perfect.
»The information has been sent successfully to the school, thank you. Now, my X-Men, go enjoy the rest of the night! « The voice of the professor announced.
»Sooo...« Jubilee stretched the 'o' real long to get Gambits attention. »You done stealing stuff, for tonight? « » Well, if I don' see anyting worth stealin' , maybe.« Which Jubilee responded with a hum.
»Does this include hearts?« Ororo asked jokingly, joining the conversation.
Remy looked the ground smiling.
»Not plannin' on any time soon, for now.« he turned his head towards the weather controlling mutant who was now focusing on something behind him.
»Hold up, waddya mean be tha-« Jubilee got interrupted by the now confused man, before she could end the sentence.
»What? What are you lookin' at?« he turned around and immediately saw her.
»I guess, I found the reason for the unconscious man.« Storm stated.
Her, was no one else than Y/N Howlett, standing on the other side of the big room, being distracted with having a conversation with some politicians.
Her, also refuses to be an X-Man, but is more than willing to help them.
Why? Because she's a thief and she doesn't want to ruin neither her reputation as probably one of the best thieves there is, nor the X-Men's as heros.
There are a lot of things the X-Men dont know about her, most of them don't even know that she's the daughter of 'The Wolverine' , but what nobody knows for sure, is the romantic relationship she shares with the Cajun thief.
Both of them chose to keep it secret for the beginning. It's been about a month since they started dating.
»I still am absolutely, 100, no 200% convinced, you two would make the best couple.« Jubilee broke the silence.
»I mean, I can understand, the thought of Logan over there, being your father in-law, can be terrifying, bu'ut he'll get over it.« »Get over what?« »Ya'know, someone dating his precious daughter.«
Remy just hummed, because his main focus was on the woman, who made her way, outside, to the balcony.
»OMG« Jubilee exclaimed »A chocolate-fountain! Come on, Storm« she grabbed Storm's hand and dragged her through the crowd.
Now that Remy was alone, he could go out on the balcony, unnoticed aswell. And so he did.
»Whats a pretty lady, like you, doing here, all alone.« Remy made his presence known to the lady looking into the distance, while resting her arms on the railing.
When Y/N heard the voice of her boyfriend, she started smiling and turned around to face him.
He walked up to her and placed both his hand on each side of her hip.
»Waiting for a gentleman, like you, to show up.«
He lowered his head, pulled her closer to him and they both shared a short kiss.
After a few seconds, they broke apart.
»Missed you, cheré.«
»Missed you too, cajun.«
There was a almost uncomfortable silence.
»What is it?« Y/N asked.
»Y/N, I really don' know how long I can keep dis up. I want ta' hold your hand in public, want ta' kiss you without hiding behind corners, want ta' tell everybody that you are my petite amie. «
Before Y/N could answer, Remy went on.
»Maybe its too early or maybe ta' late, but cheré, I love you.«
No answer, just a little smile starting to form on Y/N's lips.
»Too early?« Remy questioned in a jokingly way to cover up his anxiousness.
But instead of an answer, Y/N's hand grabbed the collar of his shirt to lower his head for a kiss, which grew passionate.
Y/N's lowered her hand on Remy's chest and the other hand reached up to his hair.
Remy's hands elsewhere (places Logan would probably unalive him, if he'd see it).
They broke apart to breath in some air.
Y/N looked Remy into his beautiful black and red eyes and said the words, Remy was hoping so long to hear.
»I love you too «
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angelfirewalker · 30 days
OK... Tell me, David Tennant aka A.J. Crowley is NOT channelling David Bowie.
Part 3.
David Bowie in custom Dior Homme by Hedi Slimane, Heathen Tour 2003. DB was 56.
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David Tennant in Joshua Kane 2023, at Baftas.
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DT with CT.
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DB also had a black version with blue hints basically the same look also by Dior.
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Personally, I love it... After all, David Bowie was always a head of his time and am happy David T has got braver in his fashion choices since playing Crowley... I want him to get even braver. I really do! I want less subtle influences, but full on Outrageous.
Doesn't the chains on Bowie's outfits look like Crowley's neck chain in season 1.
Part 2.
Part 1.
Not sure who made this gif ...but thank you.
No good laughing, Mr Tennant, we know you know.... we can see what you are up too even if you don't!
Crowley does! He knows you know!
More to come.... how many more? Who knows? I might get bored...lol.... then again I may not!
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The idea of figuring out what the Only Friends characters smell like came up in a discussion I was having and it made me want to assign everyone a fragrance--like, the perfume/cologne kind, not just some kind of smell. What follows is not based on any close reading of the show and is full of stuff I made up but it's made-up stuff that is consistent with how I'm currently thinking about the characters (without having had the repeated viewings or having engaged in the detailed analysis some have with this show). So, you know, nothing serious. But I enjoyed writing it.
Top: Cuir Oud Padishah (Auphorie)
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Top prides himself on knowing about niche things that are considered high-quality by discriminating people so of course he likes Auphorie. The fact that the label is from Southeast Asia (Malaysia, specifically) appeals to him as well. This fragrance is heavy on animalic, musky notes which I think Top would think makes him some kind of sexy badass (it doesn't), and it has a prominent oud note, and the rare and fancy aspect of oud is something that would appeal to his snobby side. Whenever someone compliments Top on this fragrance he launches into a whole spiel about Auphorie and small-batch natural perfumery that comes off as pedantic to anyone who isn't already convinced he's the second coming.
Mew: En Passant (Frederic Malle)
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Mew likes that this is from a fancy, niche label that isn't that well-known, and he likes that it's a unisex scent because he likes being a little hard to pin down in that department, but his favorite thing about this fragrance is that the combination of lilac, cucumber, and springy green notes reads as really innocent while actually being low-key alluring. The sweet drydown is another aspect that is like the version of himself that Mew presents to the world. Someone on Fragrantica pointed out that "en passant" is, among other things, the name of a chess move in which a player captures an opponent's pawn while passing by them during an opening move and I think that is just so Mew.
Sand: L'Eau d'Issey Pour Homme (Issey Miyake)
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This is a pretty affordable fragrance but definitely an interesting enough composition to interest a guy like Sand who is a little particular when it comes to his aesthetic preferences. It's also from the 90s, like some other things Sand likes, and I can totally see him checking ebay to get a vintage bottle. In theory it hasn't been reformulated but he'd be convinced that older was better. This would also be a likely crowd pleaser across genders which is something Sand would be into. L'Eau d'Issey (the fragrance for women, which came first) was kind of an un-perfume perfume, fresh and translucent but practically nonexistent. The Pour Homme variant is more balanced thanks to some low end from woody, aromatic, and spicy notes. It's still on the subtler side, though, so he wouldn't have to worry about seeming like he's trying too hard even if he oversprayed, and you know Sand has a horror of seeming like he's trying too hard. My choice of this fragrance for Sand may be influenced by a certain singer/guitar player/songwriter person I dated in the early 2000s who was very popular with his gender of choice, had a whole collection of different-colored Converse low-tops with contrasting shoelaces, and used to spray a puff of L'Eau d'Issey Pour Homme into the air in front of him then step into the cloud because a girl taught him to do that once.
Ray: Philosykos (Diptyque)
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This was Ray's mom's signature perfume. It's distinctive and sophisticated but easy to like, exactly how she wanted people to see her. She's kind of like Ray in that way--like him, she was high-maintenance but always wanted to seem just the opposite. The shift from mother to son worked out well because it's a very gender-neutral fragrance. At first Ray wore it in remembrance of his mom and then he just stopped thinking about it and just kept wearing it out of habit. He can hardly perceive it anymore after all these years but every so often he gets complimented by a stranger and it makes him get a little bit full of himself. Philosykos often gets described as the photorealistic scent of a fig tree--not the fruit, but the whole tree--and Ray likes to imagine that it's the smell of a particular tree someone would remember fondly from their family home even though he has never felt that rooted in any place ever.
Boston: Sauvage (Dior)
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Boston's taste in fragrances is basic as fuck but that works really well for him, because what he needs is something that appeals to the lowest common denominator of dudes. He secretly wishes this was more overpriced because while he doesn't like to admit he's a rich kid, he has a secret love of pointlessly exclusive things. But he gets more attention with this one than he did when he wore Gucci Guilty so he keeps wearing it. He originally tried it because he saw a review by some straight guy complaining that he didn't get compliments from women on this scent, only other dudes, and he's had the same experience, but doesn't see it as a problem for obvious reasons. Boston has become inured to the smell of this stuff and barely notices it anymore, but then he barely noticed it in the first place. It was and is only a means to an end for him.
Nick: Bleu de Chanel (Chanel)
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Nick's last job was at a kiosk in a mall and he used to visit the perfume section of this one department store on breaks because a hot guy worked there. The hot guy recommended this stuff, and when Nick smelled it he thought it smelled like something an extremely cool and attractive person would wear. After that he was determined to get it somehow despite its ridiculous price tag. He never got the hot guy's number but he did convince him to sell him a half-empty tester of this under the table for (relatively) cheap. He uses it sparingly to try to make it last but sometimes he sprays it on his sheets and pretends the hot guy from the perfume counter stayed over.
If you like this, you might be interested in my post on osmanthus fragrans, a.k.a. tea olive, and its significance to Utsukushii Kare.
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ethanhuntfemmefatale · 11 months
Given your username I kinda want ur thoughts on Ethan Hunt And Gender. Bc I'm always thinking about Ethan and Gender.
OUGH arc thank you for asking this I am literally constantly thinking about Ethan hunt and gender. Ethan’s relationship with masculinity is insane (as you’ve spoken to eloquently before, he uses it as a persona! It’s not even one of his favorite ones!) His gender is sooo personal to me because it feels crazy close to my own feelings about gender and the way I experience it.
Thoughts on the eternally developing thesis of Ethan Hunt and gender:
In my mind (I can say this to you arc cause you know RGU) Ethan hunt experiences gender in the same way that Utena does. His gender is more “prince” than “man” or “woman”—he identifies as a protector. Which is traditionally stereotyped as a masculine thing, but he approaches it in a way that doesn’t feel clearly gendered. I don’t think that gender is something he thinks about in relation to his own private self. Gender is something he uses, to play into expectations, to influence people’s opinions of him, etc. Ethan generally doesn’t think much about his identity outside of spywork (in later movies) and as a result by 4,5,6,7 he settles into a natural state that feels very ungendered to me, although he takes on gender when he has to, with varying degrees of comfort. (The John Lark performance clearly doesn’t sit well, despite Lark being—in behavior if not in backstory—fairly spot on the action hero stereotype.) Ethan seems most insecure in his gender during the movies where he’s searching for an identity that isn’t “agent of the IMF” (read: prince). He tries on “doting husband” in MI3, and “homme fatale” in MI2, and neither of them totally…feel secure. He’s trying to do something, and he’s very good at becoming different people, so he pulls it off, but it means he’s subtly Performing all the time. In MI2 and MI3 I feel like that subtle performance of gender adds to this sense of anxiety, this sense that Ethan is trying really hard in all the scenes he’s in, and it creates an extra element of stress that wears on me through the films. In Ghost Protocol, he grows his hair out, and he seems at ease in his body. Ever time I see the opening of that movie I just feel this overwhelming sense of relief. He’s not trying to be a certain kind of guy anymore. Arguably, he’s not trying to be a guy at all.
This goes well with Ethan’s whole “priest in the shadows” thing. He doesn’t have a societal role to play outside of “wandering protector”. And that’s comfortable for him! He likes that! Whenever he has to fit into the world things get weird, and he puts on masculinity like a suit to help him out with that. But on his own he’s something different.
I have endless thoughts on this but I’ll stop here for tonight cause I have to go to bed. Tomorrow I might post an addition about MI1 ethan and gender because that’s a whole other can of worms (highly influenced by his relationship with jim and Claire imo.) Thank you so much for this ask<333
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Do you have a headcanon list for the rest of the team's lynx flavors! Leather and Cookies can't be to the taste of all of them!
Let’s be real, nonny – of course I don’t. I mean, who has that? Really, who?
Well, yeah, okay, I do, but only because you asked and because I very randomly happen to be in Dublin* for the week and had the opportunity to stop by Boots and sniff all the Lynx stuff they had (which did not include Java or – to my great disappointment – Leather & Cookies) and take notes, which didn’t earn me any weird looks whatsoever.
The things I do for love.
Anyway. We know Jamie is a jack of all Lynx trade and that Colin favours Leather & Cookies. As for (an non exhaustive list of) the rest…
Isaac – our captain of righteous rage and impeccable taste could never choose anything but Africa, advertised (however misguidedly) as the G.O.A.T of scents. There’s sweetness and spice and fresheness reminiscent of good gin hovering over a woody base – it’s not outrageous by any means, but it’s not boring either: nuanced and reasonably mature, it’s a scent worthy of the footballer with the most fashion sense of the entire team. Has enough gravitas for a captain, too, but without weighting him down.
Sam – leans into the quietly playful notes of Excite; it’s a fairly standard pour homme scent but the hints of coconut (almost edging into sweet liquorice) gives it a little twist, turning it warmer and softer than your average man deo. Perhaps it wasn’t his own choice, originally – I can see Simi gifting it to him, and Sam going no, okay, this works.
Dani – would pull off all the muskier and spicer scents so beautifully but is ultimately (and perhaps unfortunately) attracted to the bright fruit of Epic Fresh. It’s vivacious and sweet and unapologetic about being happy and unrefined; carefree, like Dani when jogging onto the pitch.
Jan – has decent taste but does not care to spend too much time thinking about his deodorant; he selects the simple but not basic fruit and wood combination of Black, and sticks with it. It’s a good enough choice; it’ll do and offend no one (and if it does, Jan Maas will not give a fuck because he has more important things to worry about).
Bumbercatch – goes for the sickly sweet, bright pink and unpleasantly chemical Recharge only to confuse his enemies. “What enemies,” you might ask, but our man Bumber simply gives you A Look and does not answer.
Zorro – just likes chocolate, okay? He’s in tune with his emotions and desires and wearing Dark Temptation makes him feel good. We should none of us begrudge him that.
Richard – spits at your Lynx and your hamster of a mother and elderberry-smelling father. His deodorant is expensive and French and rather discreet because he doesn’t want chemical smells to overpower the sublime taste of wine and also there’s something primally attractive about the natural human musk and why would you ever want to drown that out?
Jeff Goodman – selects Icy Chill because he believes the cool menthol notes makes him seem like a tought guy. They do not.
Cockburn – is a man of few words and a gentle heart. He prefers Gold, both for the warm spiciness of its deep wood and vanilla tones, and for gold of it all. It makes him feel a little special, in a quiet sort of way. Cockburn doesn’t really need more than that (at least not from a deodorant); he knows what he’s about and what he’s worth, and if you do not? Not his problem, baby. It’s a solid, simple choice for a solid, simple man.
If I were to assign Java (unsmelled) to anyone, it'd be to Sasha Kukoč because he's my very special secret darling and is (supposedly) young enough to find 90s retro hot.
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daenystheedreamer · 1 month
I can get behind jacecregan wayyyyyy more than l*cemond, but it's mainly because I personally see it as Jace securing the Starks for his mother's cause through devious seduction, and cregan being a bit of creep for a young twinky homme fatal. Sadly the show is so starkpilled (whilst somehow never actually addressing their most interesting themes) that my vision shall never come true. Sigh.
jacecregan is just so funny to me idk. i want it to happen for real purely cos like can you imagine the collective Huh. of everyone... i suspect itll be very Brothers in arms what with deadluke(press f to pay respects) i REALLY hope they dont make cregan ned2.0 cos on the surface he comes across as the level-headed honourable sensible lord unlike the team green/black mass hysteria, the power-hungry older lords or glory-hungry younger ones. but he's also a massive cunt is the thing and again. the succession crisis. basically i need cregan to either be a bit gay or full blown honour-to-its-absurd-extreme to make him more interesting than the probable ned2.0
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