silverity · 2 months
i'm gonna make my painful contribution to The Discourse and say i do not see the harm in women reclaiming female centric spirituality.
i am not a religious person nor do i want to become one but spirituality is also about culture, community and celebration. i would much rather women celebrate nature, the female form, and "divine femininity" than patriarchal phallocentric religions. that "divine femininity" is used pejoratively has always tickled me considering we live in a world hooked on divine masculinity. the old matricentric religions are really the only form of female culture devoid of male-centric worship we can grasp at, since men have dominated our belief systems for thousands of years. and women learning about the old religions is the best way to unravel the myth of the male creator, and realise it is really women who are the closest thing to a "god" on Earth.
there's also an element here, which i think is deeply capitalist, patriarchal, and a little racist, of people considering the connection to & celebration of nature as somehow primitive. i think that the lifestyles most of us live now, with none of us knowing anything about the land around us is actually very infantile and regressive for humanity as a whole. the ways of life we consider "primitive" (primitive communism, matrilineal societies) are really what we need to find ways to return to post-capitalism. they were in tune to nature, sustainable, and much more communal & equal. how can nature be primitive or ascientific when science *is* in nature, and the practices of these old societies were early scientific discoveries & practices. as a Black person, my community is often trying to reclaim our lost practices. it makes sense to me that women would try to do so too.
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this is just plain wrong. this post is like a microcosm of bourgeois idealism.
lets get started on the critique.
how, exactly does individual mental health improvement cause, for example, the degradation of the clan system and the development of slavery? reducing any history to morals is always ascientific, and demonstrates your ignorance.
For example: Slavery didnt begin because of the fucking cycle of violence, or morals, or evil, it developed because of the development of the means of production and private peoperty, and both a cause of and because the degradation of clan society. How, exactly, would the development of morals and Mental Health cause the destruction of slave society? in fact, slave owners were some of the most mentally sound people in history, because of the luxury afforded to them by the exploitation of their slaves! if mental health developments in the oppressors cause social change, then the slave-owner class would have disintegrated as it rose!
also, state violence like public execution comes from, well, the state. as we know, the state is an instrument of domination of oppressed classes which keeps class struggle on the side of those classes in check. the people being executed would be enemies of the state, revolutionaries, thieves, etc.
they heard the phrase “hurt people hurt people” and not only applied it ro all of history, but also used it to justify their absolutist bourgeois view of history, that of “barbarism” contrasted with modern day “enlightened” civilization, and the way history progressed between those two Very Real stages of history is attributed to individual enlightenment. see the similarities?
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The Station Attendant:
So, looks like I’m going to do this myself…
Has anyone here heard of a certain white-haired Station Attendant? Goes by Hibiki, forgets things, lives on a train with a Hisuian Zorua named Insight?
Hosts an internet show from the Kisaragi ghost station? A station, we must point out, does not exist on the current Nimbasa Subway map…
…Or any other map after the post-planning phase of the Nimbasa City Subterranean Rail Company/Nimbasa City Transportation Authority-led Subway Project.
You’ve heard me correctly. Kisaragi Station doesn’t exist. The digging crews didn’t so much as break ground on the Kisaragi site before work on it was abandoned due to unknown reasons.
And yet, even after its stillbirth, it lives on.
It lives on as an urban myth.
Per the testimony of one teenager I had battled with:
“Ya ever heard of Kisaragi Station?”
“Well, if ya go down the Pink Line, and get to the fourth stop down from here [(Gear Station)] at midnight, you’ll end up in there. So they say.” [“Really?”]
“Yeah. They say it’s dark, empty, and your train’ll leave as soon as you get off.”
“It’s true, it’s true! There’s no way out of there… at least, that you or me could ever get through. The doors are locked, the turnstiles are shuttered off… and yet people leave. A train comes. It’s empty. ‘Cept for two people, o’ course. The rider from who-knows-where, and the Conductor.”
[“The Conductor?”]
“Yeah. One eye, blood-red. Wrapped in bandages. Voice like the whispers in Celestial Tower. White as a shroud. A lost kid’s ghost. Or sometimes, the ghost of a conductor who died beneath his own train. So they say.”
[“So they say. Hmmmh. This feels… familiar?”]
Transcription ends.
The reason midnight is so important in the urban legend is likely due to the Dark Hour-like phenomenon affecting Hibiki; A 13th hour in a 12-hour clock. Time acts strangely in Kisaragi Station, likely due to its nature. A stillborn possibility, living on by some arcane means. And a train, because every station has a train waiting, doesn’t it?
Who are its passengers, you ask?
The train made a stop at Kalos… roughly half-a-day ago of this writing, when Brightness Maya of @/suddenlyauntiemaya Fell onto a Pokecenter couch in Ella’s Lumioise City.
The train had made a stop before then… which coincided with Bee’s arrival to a Hisui at the behest of Millie. @/ghostlycombee and @/new-judgement, respectively.
From these datapoints, I believe I have an answer.
Us. Us Fallers. Many, if not all, of us Fallers.
We who have Fallen into a world not our own.
Those who were brought by Divine Intent, and we who did not.
We Fallers who did not come here by the will of a Divinity, and by chance.
We who had no visions of grasping hands and rainbows, or golden light beseeching us to seek out every Pokemon, but came by other means from our own worlds.
Many of us have to have held onto the bar on Hibiki’s train as we were carried to our stop.
I might have held onto the bar, Snowflake riding on my back, as I found myself here. There’s a familiarity…
I must explain that I do not ascribe absolute intent over every Fall. That is entirely against my Veristitalian methodology, and in more succinct terms could be called ascientific. While many Falls happen due to Divine Intent and action, not every Fall does.
I do not even ascribe intent to Hibiki’s own Conductorship of the Faller’s Car. The Conductor drives the train, yes, but they have to go by the Stationmaster’s timetable. We here do not know if the Stationmaster even exists.
So: There’s a ghost of a stillborn station, a train because it’s expected to have one, and a Conductor.
An eerily ghostly Conductor, I must add.
Ultimately, all we know for certain is there’s a train we forget about and a mysterious Conductor who brings us to our stop at Kisaragi Station where time runs strangely, and wherever and whenever our destination may ultimately be.
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bitegore · 1 year
God grant me the strength to not be openly and blatantly dismissive of completely ascientific crunchy bullcrap
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sunsoakedsand · 2 years
the whole fetal heartbeat thing drives me insaneeee because it’s so ascientific like cardiac muscle cells will contract just growing in a petri dish…doesn’t mean they’re a person
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ablednt · 2 years
Ok ok I know we've all established that anti-choice people are not at all pro life and there's 2 million existing examples and "gotchas" on why but if I may add to the list
It's so wild to me hearing people say stuff like, "if there's even a chance that a fetus is already alive even if science doesn't support it, we have to protect that life even at cost to the mother's emotional and financial / physical well being"
And yet I'm sure all of these people would be fine with forced integration for systems targeted by psychiatry. I'm sure none of them would listen to someone who is plural insisting and demanding and begging to be heard that they're Alive and need to be treated as such.
Like okay so you'll advocate for a nonsentient cluster of cells that hasn't even come close to gaining a life yet but you're fine to stamp out the potential of life in systems on the basis of "it doesn't make sense it's ascientific" like seems kind of hypocritical to me
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despondent-beauty · 13 days
Ten words I like:
1. Prevaricate [pruh-VAR-ih-kate] (verb)
To lie, especially with the purpose of making others act in a certain way.
2. Promulgate [PRO-mul-gate] (verb)
For an official to distribute information they declare is true. Very associated with governments.
3. Leivbunning [LEAVE-bunning] (noun)
A neologism for the specific purpose of communicating a complex idea in a single word.
4. Apertate [a-PER-tait] (adjective)
Weird in an unsettling or evil way.
5. Lionize [LION-eyes] (verb)
To laude, idolize, and idealize. Usually applied to a person.
6. Holonym [HOLE-oh-nim] (noun)
A word labelling the physical object that other words belong to. 'Car' is a holonym of 'tire' because cars have tires.
7. Hypernym [HYPE-er-nim] (noun)
The conceptual supergroup of a specific word. 'Animal' is a hypernym of 'dog,' but so are 'mammal' and, if you want to be cute, 'friend.'
8. Ubiquitous [you-BIK-wit-us] (adjective)
Appearing everywhere.
9. Ascientific [ay-sigh-un-TIF-ik] (adjective)
Can't be proven or disproven. 'Science does not apply.'
10. Insouciance [in-SOO-see-ince] (noun)
Irreverent casualness. Lackadaisical attitude.
Extremists and radicals often prevaricate to paint themselves as more acceptable.
The president promulgated his new tax plan by way of national television and flyers.
The word 'nokoombian,' which refers to someone who is poor and blames it on not being an alpha male plus also holds incel ideology, is a leivbunning.
In the original 101 Dalmatians, Cruella de Vil is presented as a wicked woman with apertate fashion tastes and a casual indifference for life and law.
Taylor Swift is lionized by her fans, many of which claiming she can do no wrong.
I have a battery, a case, a motherboard, and a touchscreen. A holonym for all of these words is 'smartphone.'
Dogs, otters, birds, tree, worms, man, at the end of the day, one hypernym rules us all: Life.
Television became ubiquitous in American households sometime in the 1960s, though the racist programming common at the time served to divide the US even further between Caucasians and minorities.
The existence of God is ascientific, and that's fine; it's a personal choice to have (or refuse) faith in that which science can neither prove nor disprove.
The child giggled, dancing on the edge of the cliff with an insouciance that sent her mother into a full-on screaming sprint... only to discover that the 'cliff' was only two feet deep and that the seeming sheer drop was a trick of her distance and perspective.
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cometchasr · 6 months
my sole ascientific belief (i will go to some magic illogical place where i can be with rax and azhar/all of them(tm)) flies entirely in the face of logic and i do not give a shit
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onewomancitadel · 1 year
I think I'm going to go insane if I have to read AI-adjacent commentators and STEMlords speak beyond their ken on topics they severely underestimate the complexity of e.g. philosophy, pedagogy, the humanities, etc., they just sound so fucking hubristic. This is past a failure of communication.
Like if you think AI - and really it's a misnomer to call it that, it's like... algorithmic raw food smoothie meal replacement - can replace teachers then we're well past a question of pedagogy, we're into fucking delusional territory. Because schooling isn't even about just abstract learning, it is also fundamentally social (and there are fundamental issues with present concepts of schooling rooted in ascientific early 20th century models).
There is always a sense of humility in where the humanities crosses over with STEM - like bioarchaeology, for instance - that we can learn from each other and it simply doesn't feel fucking culturally reciprocated. Absurd!
Now, if you think the 'AI' topic is tiresome and worn already, I agree, it really is, and I think it's making it more apparent than ever how out of touch they are. When it comes to specific things I like talking about on my blog, this is why it's so important to push back against narrative cynicism, the idea that storytelling is a series of inputs-outputs in both creation and response, and that ultimately storytelling is only about discrete entertainment. Because it is all connected. (This is again why I think the 'let people enjoy themselves' crowd only offers such a criticism as a temporary diversion).
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rametarin · 1 year
It used to drive me nuts
Throughout the late 90s and 00s, I forgot many of the conversations I had when I was way too young, with peers that also were way too young, that had had their heads filled with TERF radfem trash propaganda. The rude behavior they had towards me after being told men were oppressors and thus however cold and indifferent they were towards me was justified and reasonable.
But what drove me most nuts was how self-assured they were in their propaganda. Not unlike when you try and engage any religious fanatic that has adopted the dogma of a religion with zeal and cannot be swayed from it, because it has become how they interpret the world. And they try to make YOU live according to their interpretation of the relationship between their beliefs, their reality, and how you fit into that via the transitive property of existing in their perceptions.
It just so happened that Babby Radfems were taught 1.) The Female Human is oppressed 2.) Oppression comes from two different classes vying for dominance, and those oppressed as a group therefore have oppressors. 3.) Men were inherently their oppressors, owing to the reality that we don’t live in a proactively and unapologetic matriarchal society.
Thus through the transitive property of feminism, it didn’t matter if you were a wife beating misogynist or just a dude named Jeff that lived a block a way and had never so much as looked cross at a female human in your life. Because radical feminism doesn’t go based on social trends, actual accounts of abuse or even ask what men think or why. It shortcuts and interprets psychology and actions by creating monolithic strawmen called, “classes,” and then assigns behavior based off class struggle theory to them. They can be as ahistorical or ascientific as you please, because according to this logic, the oppressor class oppresses, the oppressed are victims, and the oppressor cannot be oppressed.
No matter what I did or said, the girls that had been fed these beliefs like baby birds would insist that just being male meant I was partially culpable for “the suffering and abuses that women endure,” and thus they were right to treat me like garbage, all while going off on tangents about how wonderful and nurturing women are, how anti-racist they are, how sharing and caring and empathic women are, how fair and equal women naturally are compared to violent, imperialistic men. This was the disgusting logic fueling the paradox of them being enormously sexist but insisting sexism was not the discrimination against people on the basis of their sex if also applied to men, but specifically and explicitly about the discriminations women received at the hands of men.
To make matters worse, you don’t learn immediately that there was disagreements between basic liberals and more radical marxists, not unlike two parents with radically different policies. They try to teach them both simultaneously and code-switch when circumstances permit, pretending that the other doesn’t exist and it’s all the same lesson.
The basic liberal would say, “sexism is discrimination against people on the basis of their sex and the cause of inequality of the genders.” The Marxist would say, “sexism is discrimination against women on the basis of their sex, creating inequality for women.” And explicitly not care what their overcorrective policies, like the Deluth Model of domestic abuse determining the man is guilty of it and should be removed from the home at all times and all circumstances, because, “fuck those oppressor classes.”
So as you grow up you’re forced to learn that not only does the radical exist like a hidden second head jutting out from behind the liberal, but the liberal will cover up for them, pretend that they don’t exist, and accuse you of just being a conspiratorial reactionary seeing the absolute most worst and absurd logical leaping outcomes. Then accuse you of just being paranoid and insecure, maybe mock you in a tone and use language from whatever stupid bullshit the Christian far-right is mewling about (”Oh must be that GAY AGENDA, am i rite? :^) Oh noo we want gays to not be tied to trees and burned, how horrible. Tch.”)
So I learned quite early that there was something really rotten in left-wing politics. This is not to say the right is clean- that is an entirely separate conversation, and do not confuse pointing a finger at the problems in one group means the other is spotless or free of hypocrisy, or that the corruption in one makes corruption in the other fair.
No matter what I did, I could not convince my peers against this hateful, overcompensating, exploitational logic that used cult practices to circumvent social rules against indoctrinating children and then used them like little grenades to, “start convuhsayshuns” that no child was prepared for ahead of time unless their parents were ideologically partisan cranks anyway.
Being told that by the transitive property of “class,” that you’re a monster and the cause of suffering and that someone is entirely justified in alienating you to “protect themself,” from the same mouth as someone claiming they’re soooOoOO against “sexism” and “racism,” was jarring and deeply painful. And further, being told that it’s entirely moral and ethical to use social services and society to punish you with extra taxation or labor for the “crimes” of your class, was absolutely infuriating. They had just reinvented sexism, racism and ablism again and decides who would be the forced labor by their demographics, under a false idea of justice. A false idea of justice that was sold to groups of people whom had a romantic view based on their own tribalism and self interest to be invested in it, swallow it and incorporate it into their belief system.
A belief system that told them, “SOCIETY should be what interacts with me and is a step between me and the unwashed masses I don’t want to associate with, but want to extract resources, security, safety and labor from. It’s an INJUSTICE that a force doesn’t exist to forcefully redistribute these things to me, one whom needs them, for no cost to me.”
This idea that society should be a layer that makes it so you don’t have to marry some nerd to have all the benefits of a house to live in and all the money you want to spend on wine and bonbons was attractive, to a lot of people, and married the idea that SOMEONE had to go out and clean the chicken coops, and this new system promised them they wouldn’t have to be the ones to do that; the muscle and contract would come from putting belief in this iterative definition of “society.” The state. And their justification for virtually enslaving people by sex to contribute and others given carte blanche from participation in the full brunt of it, was “social justice.”
I’d realized all this before I even hit age 9. The thoughts were complex, and naked of the language to really succinctly describe them, but the processes were all there. And another infuriating element of it was it was absolutely impossible to even discuss this to many of the useless adults around me that were prepared to dumb down some carebear level morality lesson on sharing or not being selfish with your toys; they were not equipped to give any useful feedback whatsoever when it came to these college level sociological logic traps and fallacies thrown like bombs into a daycare. You couldn’t even BEGIN to have any productive discussion without hours of babbling with less informed adults on these things, and they had neither the patience to listen nor, when they would, did they have anything of value to really say. “I am adult, you are child, just go play outside and stop caring that all your peers are on some crazy shit and be friends with people that tell you they hate you because you’re a boy. That’s final.”
So I kinda sat shellshocked and frustrated and trying to find the words to really communicate this distress, but no one could understand, or no one wanted to listen. You try to tell someone, an authority figure, this shit, and tell them about the crazy world, they get alarmed and uncomfortable and act like you must be crazy for thinking such a thing exists. And then you become the problem. I learned that until I grew a bit older, there was nothing I could do to help my female friends resolve this shit. Most people seemed completely oblivious to the conversations anyway, and no one that could help me understand what I was dealing with, would point me towards any books or resources that could help me.
So when the Baby Radfems would bring out those college sourced, cherrypicked potemkin data analysis books and glowingly recite the results before singing praises about “SCIENCE! and FACTS!”, there was nothing I could offer in response. They all reinforced this vile notion that all rapists were men and all men were probable rapists, no woman was a rapist, all men were predestined abusers of women by the nature of what they were unless “enlightened” and actively taught not to be themselves, and all women were by nature good and peaceful unless “male culture” perverted them via patriarchy. “It’s FACTS! You know, those things not related to feelings and ego? :^) Not like you’d know. You’re not a researcher or scientist.” No car to transport myself to a library, no freedom of time to go find my own data to dispute them, not even a high enough reading level to even easily digest or use the vocabulary that was being used. Any attempt to mobilize a counter argument was met with a pat on the head and a telling to go play outside.
TERFs are not bad solely because they oppose transgendered rights. Radical Feminism is bad because the logic TERFs use to support and back their views is like this. Not just against trans rights, but everything. And that is, unfortunately, the only element or characteristic that people against TERFs seem to care about. Their anti-transness. And they do the same shit I see them doing from the late 80s/early 90s. Omission of the real sins in favor of emphasizing the parts of the sandwich they want to keep. Radical feminism is bad, whether it’s TERF flavored, or intersectional. And I will never forget the guerilla warfare tactics that were used to argue I was a horrible human being because I was born a man, or the slow walk and theater tactics used to try and “have a discussion” about that and elict an emotional response based on these things being true.
This should be concerning to you. Because it’s like saying a mafia organization is only bad because, among all the other victims they kill, they have the audacity to also kill [special group here]. Like, how dare they also kill or exploit or inconvenience [special group here] in particular. AKA, fuck the rest of the non-special group, they have it coming for not being part of that special group.
All radical feminism is like this, because it’s applied marxism through a lens that treats woman as a class. The changing of the lens to interpret “woman” as a choice and not a static characteristic of biology only expands the umbrella of whom can be protected. It doesn’t change the absolutely fucked and skewed way it sees the dynamics, it just imagines men are oppressors to more disparate groups than woman. A view that incriminates and treats being cisgendered like a choice or a religion or a culture. Which is as disgusting as treating sexuality like a choice- and that you can make the wrong one.
I saw the cold blooded and malicious way these people argue, way too young. And I will never forget it.
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profbri · 5 years
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@roguenasa #nasa #roguenasa #flatearth #ignorance @flatearthtruthseeker @flat_earth_awakening @flatearth2019 #ascientific #lordhavemercyontheirignorantsouls #scientificmethod #criticalthinkingskilless #womensempowerment #feminism #Scientist #scienceissexy #STOPYELLINGATME #freethenipple #420 #socialjustice #cali #venice #LosAngeles #resist #zombies #shopping #clothes #fitness (at NASA Astronauts) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuluSBFFSlt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bz98nce1bl50
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crowscawing · 2 years
i think we should skinny shame more actually
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i have this problem where i genuinely think discussing ‘real’ cases is a good way to explore and better understand our world, but also, the culture around True Crime is so fucking gross I can’t stand most of the content it creates
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msawesomegeek · 4 years
Okay, this might sound cynical but this is purely scientific curiousity!
So, I have tried googling it, but has anyone researched how the covid-19 virus deathtoll would contribute to the worlds problem with overpopulation? Like is this pandemic enough to have an impact on overpopulation in for example food shortages or enviromentally? And if not, how much of the worlds population would have to die in this pandemic to have an impact?
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ai-dont-care · 4 years
you'd think the long boring passages of moby dick would be long boring and beautiful and sometimes they are but often they are just Long And Boring
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cithaerons · 2 years
my mom is weirdly ascientific sometimes for someone who is very scientific
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