#asexual snufkin
floralstorms · 1 year
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Happy (late by a day or so) International Asexuality Day :)
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mangifera · 11 months
ace snufkin?
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guys it’s actually canon
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3dfeels · 2 years
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HAPPY PRIDE! heres a reminder i have pride stickers and charms in my shop!
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crazy-queen-winx · 1 year
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Round 3, Match 6
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Lapis Lazuli and Peridot (Lapidot) from Steven Universe vs. Moomintroll and Snufkin (Snufmin) from Moominvalley!
Propaganda for Lapidot:
They are roommates that are v close, Peridot is canon aroace and they do break up at one point but they're fine now
They own a pumpkin dog together in a barn in the middle of nowhere. :)
Peridot was confirmed to be AroAce, and I personally view Lapis as AroAce as well (specifically Greyromantic and Asexual). A lot of the fandom ships them romantically because they're quite close in the show, literally living together and showing deep care for each other. Peridot even becomes depressed at one point when Lapis ran away out of fear of the diamonds returning. But they're never actually shown to be romantic. And (as I mentioned), Peridot was confirmed to be AroAce. Aromantic people can 100% be in a romantic relationship if they want to, but Peridot doesn't seem like someone interested in actually being in a romantic relationship, she's more interested in observing romantic relationships (one of her special interests is a tv show called Camp Pining Hearts, and she is very into shipping characters in that show). Their relationship just seems much more like a qpr to me!
Propaganda for Snufmin:
BASICALLY. The author of the original books was a queer woman and Moomintroll kinda was her self insert. At some point she had a relationship with a man who was always traveling so they had to break up. So she made Snufkin's character, who was inspired by this man, and Snufkin and Moomintroll's relationship was inspired by both of them. But at this point of time you couldn't make queer rep in a book, so it was never canon, only ambiguous. However, the creators of the most recent cartoon, Moominvalley, are clearly aware of this backstory and made them even more ambiguous. Kind of "ambiguous best friends"... And ambiguous best friends is like, the perfect trope for queerplatonic headcanons.
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hakasuper · 3 months
I'm Haka, a queer teenager who likes to draw and write. (Write as in, create lore and characters and worldbuilding in hopes of making comics or video games, never actually writing anything that's meant to be read by itself)
I'll mostly post my art, but my interests which I'll reblog include:
Ramshackle (an indie project by Zeddyzi, not long ago there was an animated pilot)
Gravity Falls and The Owl House stuff
Queer, specifically aromantic and asexual, stuff
Any and all art that I find nice
Also moomin fanart, even though I don't watch any of the shows, I just love the aesthetics of the art (and also Snufkin)
use the "my art" tag to filter out reblogs and non-art posts (you can click or tap it under this post)
DNI if you're racist, queerphobic, pedo, zoophile, proshipper or anything like that; you know, the general stuff. ALSO keep in mind that I am a minor so dni if you post nsfw stuff please
Everything I post is going to be pretty much kid-friendly but it might get a little heavy and sad (I am talking about my writing - characters are going to deal with issues such as depression, isolation and grief) and I don't recommend people under 13 to read my future comics and stuff. (I won't actively check people's ages but you've been warned)
I also want this blog to be a safe space for queer people (including people who use neopronouns and xenoidentities/xenogenders) and just want people on my posts to be nice to others.
I still don't really know what aesthetic I want this blog (and myself) to have, so it may fluctuate a lot and so may my art style
feel free to @ me in anything you want me to see
(last updated on May 2nd 2024)
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snuister · 2 years
snufkin asexual
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silverior968 · 1 year
In honor of reaching 200 followers on instagram (and desperately needing to update my old meet the artist), here’s a brand new version straight off the grill (click on image for better resolution)
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[Image ID: A Meet the artist -drawing with a light green background. The upper right corner has the text “meet the artist” in big, dark green letters, with a branch on the left side and a lily-of-the-valley on the right side. Below them is the text “Silverior968 18 any pronouns”. On the right side of the drawing are paint smears in the colors of the asexual, demiromantic, and genderfluid flags. The light green text boxes with darker green borders and text in the middle of the drawing have the following contents: “Fave artists: Radical Face, First Aid Kit, Of Monsters And Men, Fleet Foxes, Manchester Orchestra, Sleeping At Last, Kiltro, Saint Motel, Madeon, Porter Robinson”. This text box has the finnish and danish flags sticking out from under it. “Interests: Marine biology, botany, folklore, animals, genetics (especially cats), ghosts, the sea in general, languages and cultures” This text box has a few stars adorning it. “Hobbies: Draawing, animating, writing, kayaking, hiking, reading, researching obscure topics, philosophy, listening to tunes” this text box has flowers adorning it, and below it is the final text box “Fave pieces of media: Arcane, Skulduggery Pleasant, Children of the Whales, Moomins, Hilda”. Near the bottom of the drawing is the text “Fave characters” with four small simplistic portraits under it. The first is of Anton Shudder from Skulduggery Pleasant in front of a purple background, the second of Larrikin Fetter from Skulduggery Pleasant in front of a yellow background. The two portraits are set up so that the two are smiling at each other. The third portrait is of Viktor from Arcane in front of a blue background, and the fourth is of Snufkin from Adventures in Moomin Valley in front of a red background. On the left side of the drawing is a drawing resembling a photo of the back of the artist’s head, with a prominent scar on the back of their head and neck. The picture’s caption reads “ Brain surgery scar” The background of the picture is beige and the artist’s shirt is dark blue. Next to the picture, near the bottom is a rainbow infinity symbol with the text “autism + ADHD” under it. Near the top of the photo is the chiari malformation awareness ribbon, a purple ribbon with a zipper on it. To the left of it is a golden star-shaped pendant with a golden chain. The star’s middle is made of glass, with flowers inside of it. The text “fave accessory” is written next to the pendant with an arrow pointing towards it. Above them is a drawing of a death’s head hawkmoth with the label “fave moth”. In the middle of the drawing is a drawing of the artist, with the label “166cm, 5′5 ft”. The artist is a white teenager with light brown hair and moles/freckles on his chest and face. Their eyes are gray and they have gold-rimmed glasses. Her outfit consists of chunky white sneakers, blue cuffed jeans, a black top and a blue jacket with funky geometric patterns on it. They are smiling and looking at a camberwell beauty butterfly perched on their finger. The butterfly has the label “fave butterfly” above it. To the right of the artist is a drawing of a smiling chocolate tortoiseshell cat, with the label “me, but kitty” over it.  /End ID]
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spaceboxingpsycho · 2 years
List of People i have tagged as ‘icon’ over the long years on tumblypoosite:
memo reyri from la mas draga ♥
prince vegeta
yami from yugioh in his fetish leather fit
bimini bon boulash druk
farida kant doing her vampire runway on dr italia
asexual god saiki kusuo
tom haverford 
ville valo
nyango star
All valid all true
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pidginsadventures · 2 years
Wax Babies
//This is moominvalley lore for my oc's, but if you like my ideas feel free to use them! Tag me if you do <3//
Wax babies are an asexual way of reproduction in this universe. This is how Cannolii was made and also why they are genderless. If a wax baby doesn't have a set intention when they are created or if something is left up to the universe, it will be chosen for them arbitrarily. This means it is not entirely uncommon for wax babies to be intersex. This is also why some wax babies have candles on their heads and some don't.
Buxton Jaga is also on the older side of mymbles. While the concept of children was an afterthought for her, she did put time into creating Cannolii and loves her baby very dearly, along with the friends Cannolii has made as they've grown up.
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Wax babies also offer an opportunity for individuals of two incompatible species or sexes to have children. While Mumriks and Mymbles are similar enough to have children without magical intervention, species like Snorks and Fuzzies would have a harder time mingling with the former. This is assumed to be one of the many reasons Wax Baby magic is so common in the Moomin universe.
Below is an image of Mymble's Daughter, which would make her Mymble's Wax Baby. This could support in-universe why Snufkin is the only Mymble child with two parents canonically.
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More lore to come, feel free to leave an ask with questions if anything is unclear <3
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chestersinetony · 7 months
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he's had the strangest timeline... my most recent drawing of him isn't a very serious one with a lot of effort so i can't really flaunt his new design but i really do hope its way cooler than whatever i came up with in 2020.
in the first 2020 drawing of Isagani, his name is actually Farrimond. Actually, Isagani is a recent development, to be honest. He was more of a bug but not really. He's Irish/Japanese here. He's also probably like 11-13. He actually came about because I was trying to draw Snufkin but it didn't hit so I added Antennae and a cool jacket. I actually do not currently have the first-ever Isagani drawing (well technically a failed Snufkin gijinka) because that was made with marker and a paperclip on my old desk that I don't have anymore.
this one was in 2022. Not much different than 2020. This was when I did develop his ability to blend in with humans though which is why he doesn't have cat-like traits or horns.
I actually don't know if this one came before or after the fourth one but here he's probably 15? idk. I think this was when I was debating my past decisions because at first, the story was going to be set in different phases but mainly took action in their teen years, and at this point, I wondered if I should scrap that and instead make it about college students. So this would've been basically his look on a picture frame or something. Here I also decided to make him Irish/Filipino and maybe Ecuadorian idrk still.
This one would be his appearance in maybe his 40's or something. I thought this would more be of a look into their future at the time.
THE SEX MASTER HIMSELF! (He's actually Asexual but whtvr, i mean technically theoretically he could do it, but lol no he wouldn't, he'd be awful at it) I decided to make his magic species stuff features (hopefully) more prominent but he just manages to blend in because he passes it off like a wicked haircut. He hides his horns in his ugly hat. Now he also wears a suit. I always decided that He was going to be an amputee but initially thought it would happen later in the story or whatnot. I decided to change that and instead, his introduction shows him with this neat prosthetic that has cute flowers on it and instead of him having to amputate his leg during a gritty scene, he actually just had a bad infection this one time and he was like 13 and had no guidance but somehow accurate comics. he decided amputation was the best way to go about it. I'm also at a point where I think They (the characters) might be like in their late 20's or early 30's in their first introductions.
Yeah so that's basically his timeline in SHORT... this doesn't include stuff through traditional art, only digital. This is mainly only talking about things and changes that had to do with his design though. so yeah that's basically Isagani's timeline and stuff. hooray for him!
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littlemystolemypie · 2 years
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happy international asexuality day to all my ace peeps and everyone under the ace umbrella, all of you are valid and loved !! <33
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bo-bo-bean · 2 years
Represent! Finally got an asexual necklace, I'm so happy!! I never want to take it off!!
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momo-jpeg · 2 years
Happy International Asexuality Day!
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Here’s me and my partner with some kins of mine I like to headcannon on the asexual spectrum!
Note - this is just opinion! You’re welcome to think otherwise :] I just find comfort in finding these characters as ace!
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oooooal · 3 years
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Since I don’t have any other comfort character I’m making my Snufkin asexual and I love him already
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ivergroves · 3 years
From a young age Snufkin knew he wasn't a girl, knew that his body wasn't quite right if it made everyone think he was a girl, eventually he couldn't bear it anymore and came crying to Moominmamma. The big moomin held him in her arms, smoothing down his fluffy hair to sooth him and rocking in her chair.
"What is it, my dear? What has you so upset?"
The poor little mymrik's face was all wet from his tears and some of his hair was sticking to his face. He didn't typically show it when he was distressed, but this was super serious to him.
"Oh Moominmamma, I don't know what's wrong with me! I'm not a girl, but you all think that I am! I don't want you to think I'm a girl, I'm a boy Moominmamma! I'm a boy!" He wasn't angry, he was just incredibly upset with the situation. It wasn't a situation the moomin was familiar with, but it didn't seem too difficult to fix. She kissed his forehead and hummed thoughtfully.
"Well, it will definitely help now that you've told me, darling. Why have you never said anything about it?"
Snufkin wiped his eyes and sniffled "I thought maybe everyone would figure it out without me having to say anything. I didn't know I would have to say it."
Moominmamma helped him wipe his tears and took him to wash up his face with a warm wet rag. "Well now that you've told me, the issue will be resolved. I will make sure to tell Pappa, Sniff and Moomin unless you want to tell them yourself. Oh, and was there another name you'd like to be called? I don't think anyone else has the name Snufkin, so I don't think it would affect anybody's view of you."
He shook his head "There's nothing wrong with my name. I like my name." He said, giving Moominmamma a tired smile. She smiled back at him, scooping him up in her arms and going back out to her chair where they were soon joined by Moomin who she scooped up in her other arm.
"Oh hello Moomin, dear. What woke you?" Mamma asked, smiling as the two almost instantly curled up together.
"Snufkin being gone did, mamma. I heard crying and I saw that she was gone and- What's the matter, Snufkin?" The little moomin didn't know what he'd done, but Snufkin suddenly looked very upset again.
"Well, Moomin, he's just told me that he's a boy and we've had it wrong this whole time. I think you may have hurt his feelings just now, dear."
Moomintroll frowned and buried his snout in Snufkin's hair. "Oh Snufkin, I'm so sorry! Why didn't you tell me?" The gesture was reciprocated by Snufkin pressing his face into the moomin's fluffy neck.
"I thought maybe you would figure it out! Or maybe you wouldn't like me anymore if you found out, and I don't want you to not like me anymore."
Moomin pulled back from him, a shocked look on his face. "Why would that change me liking you? You're my favoritest person in the whole world! Nothing will ever ever change that. Especially not you being a boy." He laughed, rubbing his nose against Snufkin's.
As time went on, things got better, everyone was fairly good about things. Even Moominpappa, who was fairly stubborn and ignorant about everything, got used to it eventually. But then things got bad again as his body and voice started to change. Strangers would call him a girl even more often, and he couldn't stand it. In a fit of rage, he cut off his back length curly hair down to where it barely passed his ears. He thought he'd regret it later, but he actually had grown quite fond of it. He'd also started wearing baggier clothes, but he didn't know what to do beyond that.
On one of their adventures they met Snorkmaiden, who Snufkin was quite silently jealous of at first, as Moomin would often go out of his way to impress her, but one day the two of them ended up being the only ones awake so Snufkin settled for playing with her. She wasn't actually all that bad when Moomin wasn't around flirting with her. Suddenly she seemed upset and started anxiously fiddling with the end of her tail.
"Snufkin, do you think they've noticed that I'm not..that I don't have the right body?"
Snufkin was confused.
"What do you mean?"
She tilted her head at him "I'm like you! Well, except the other way. I'm a girl, but people don't understand that I'm a girl because I don't look enough like a girl snork, or sound enough like one. I've been seeing this nice lady that helps me with it, but sometimes I'm worried it won't be enough."
Snufkin hadn't even noticed anything off, but he also didn't know snork anatomy or assume anything about anyone. He felt comforted by her confiding in him with this information though. "Even if they have noticed, I don't think it matters to them. They like you no matter the body mix-up." He said, making her laugh and smile. She relaxed again and laid back in the flowers, turning her head to look at him.
"You know, I thought you didn't like me. You always seem upset when I'm around."
Snufkin blushed and looked away. Gods this was embarrassing.
"Well- It's- I- Okay. It's just..Moomintroll is always so..show offey in front of you. I don't know why it makes me so upset, but it's like I'm not his favorite person anymore! I guess that's fine if that's how he feels but.." He sighed, his ears drooping. The snorkmaiden gave him a sympathetic look, looking away for a moment before looking back at him.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't realize...I didn't realize that you were in love with him."
Snufkin turned to look at her so fast he nearly fell. His face was burning red. He hadn't realized it until this moment but she was absolutely right. He was in love with him. He let himself collapse against the wildflowers and clutch the chest of his shirt with his paw.
"Oh goodness I'm in love with him…"
Snorkmaiden looked very confused. "You mean you didn't know you were in love with him?"
Snufkin shook his head "I guess I never really thought about it that hard before...But um, it's okay if he loves you. It may be better even. I know how hard it is on him when I leave, it would only be worse if he loved me."
Years passed and feelings only grew, but he said nothing of them to Moomintroll. Not even when he came in so fast for an embrace he nearly knocked Snufkin over on his first day back that Spring. He was so excited to see them he'd almost forgotten to show them something very important. He waited for the perfect moment at dinner that night to reveal his fresh pair of scars right under his pectorals, and how smooth it was now compared to the lumps that had laid there before.
Everyone was very happy for him and that only made his heart more full, but he still didn't say anything about his feelings. Not even when he and Moomin laid together in his tent that night and the moomintroll traced his scars with his soft furry fingers. Not even when he could have sworn he saw Moomin think about leaning in for a kiss but look away before anything could happen. Not even when the furry beast held him as they went to sleep, or when he was reluctant to part with him in the morning.
He couldn't. It wasn't even just for Moomintroll's sake now, it was for his own too. He could never have the alone time he desired if he desired his dear friend so much more. He hoped one day it would just go away so that they could live on with their lives without the heartache.
Even more time passed, and today he was sure it was the day he had to let go, but his feelings were stronger than ever, making things a bit difficult. It didn't matter though. Moomin had gone and Snufkin didn't know where to, and he must not have cared if he hadn't left a note, so he supposed he was leaving Moominvalley for good this time. But as he finally started to go, Toffle called him over from the coastline about a boat approaching and the sprint he broke into was involuntary.
At first he didn't see what Toffle was talking about and was fairly disappointed, but sure enough, there it was. The Adventure in all her glory, with a singular Moomin aboard and Snufkin knew it was him. He dropped his bag and hat on the grass and ran out to meet him as soon as he was docked, tears forming in his eyes. He gasped and laughed as the moomintroll picked him up and spun him around a few times, causing them to nearly lose balance when he set him back down.
"I'm so sorry I didn't say anything, I didn't know where you were or if I'd see you again before you left, and I was so focused on trying to make Snorkmaiden happy that I totally forgot to write you a note and-" Moomin was cut off by Snufkin suddenly bursting into tears, which was definitely not something he did unless it was a super big deal. "Oh no don't cry-"
"I thought I was never going to see you again! I didn't even know where to look for you and- I thought I was never going to have a chance to tell you that I love you and I would travel alone for the rest of my days."
Moomin held his face in his paws and blushed "Oh I'm so so sorry! I promise I'll never make you feel so helpless again for as long as I'm alive. Oh Snufkin, I've loved you forever, how could you not know that?" He crooned, his tail sticking straight up when his friend kissed him, but it was almost instantly reciprocated. This was it. The moment their lives this far had been leading up to. From that day on there would be no more silent tension, they would finally get to fully enjoy each other's company without overthinking about how the other may not feel the same way, because they knew. From now on, things would be just perfect.
(Or would they? Because perfect doesn't exist and every relationship has conflict even if it's just friendly arguments over silky things, but they're happy. I need to write my whole au and actually develop the story more, but it will exist eventually. Also this took like a minute to write please appreciate it. Also mymrik is my word for the hybrid that he is and either Jox or Mymble named him idk but he had a note with him that was just his name. Not canon, just canon in my stories.)
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