#ash's doodlings
ashoss · 5 months
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some things dont change
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peachie-wren13 · 2 months
I am @ashoss biggest fan. I check their blog for new art constantly and get a burst of joy whenever there's more to consume (and to see if they've done any of my seemingly endless drawing requests bc I have Ideas™ but an inability to draw human proportions with any kind of accuracy)
Thank you, Ash for being the biggest contributor to my batfam (but especially Jay and Steph) brainrot.
I hope my constant spam in your notifs isn't too annoying lmao
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ghostdoodlen · 2 months
We've all seen baby man Danny doing crazy stuff like take over the world and become president, mayor, defeat cults, or become a pet.
So imagine the typical baby man Danny being adopted by the Batfam
But one of the bat kids having the bright idea of giving him dog buttons
Made a real quick animation
EDIT: There's no audio. Your device isn't trying to mess with you. You're supposed to decide what he's spamming.
Sorry if you went a little mad wondering what's wrong
There's just no audio to begin with
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dilfosaur · 6 months
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intrusive thoughts
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tigerjpg · 17 days
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warden mahariel ⚔️
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frostedpuffs · 10 months
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i love these emo bitches
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aashiyancha · 3 months
Step 1
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Step 3
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It's been some beautiful spring days that made me think of the summer to come. So, I decided to give this game another whirl
Also peak summer moment. I wanted Jeremy to come back just so I could pour another cup on him.
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fairrytype · 2 months
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from my videos !!
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oddthesungod · 9 months
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Reborn of earth and fire 🔥
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amimuu · 3 days
It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these—
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Descends from the sky with kazoo music in the background
Greetings, yall.
crowd stays silent
Yall are too boring. Well, what do we got here?
Some characters design, outfit discussion, tiny lamb lore dump?! and A RELATIONSHIP CHART?!! Yessirrr!!!! I needed something to get their interactions consistent so boombayah, here it is ;p
Oh boy I had to do mental gymnastics to finally gather a bunch of au doodles to share because my brain has been a mess as of lately as I’m still struggling with the lore of the au. Sigh. Anddd im in French hell so there’s that too HEHSHSHJDJDJFJDH
Btw, Narinder’s outfit thing was originally all white and pretty fancy. It got damaged and got the red strip during his confrontation with his siblings. I’ll leave it up to you to decide what happened Isjsjdjjdjdjd
What? Who’s that fellow at the end of the doodles? Don’t worry much about them, they’re probs not important.
And yesss, Narinder’s tale was told across the land’s of the old faith. Always painting the guy as this ruthless irredeemable monster and the bishops as the sacred heroes who brought him down. Kids used to scare each other with tales of the “big black cat”. Parents used it. Old people told tales. No one dared pray to him.
The bishops used this to their advantage a lot. But more on that on another occasion. UNTIL THEN—!
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otasuneyaoi · 2 months
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Holy what a beak😭💀
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ashoss · 5 months
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patrol is fun :DD
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beetlerings · 1 month
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Various pd doodles that aren’t worthy of their own post
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ghostdoodlen · 7 months
Old art from October
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I've just realized I really like Tired but capable Sunshine x Dangerous Rich Kid With Terrible Social Skills
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ashwii · 8 months
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Also now that I remember, here's some more Night drawings I don't think I ever posted >:DD
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miapcain · 6 months
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2024, year of the ledge jump
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