#ass built like a brick wall
meownotgood · 1 year
we need a detailed description on akis butt
it's impossible to describe this man's ass in detail because he simply doesn't have one. his butt is so flat if you slapped it you would feel nothing but bone. your fingers would probably snap. you wouldn't be able to feel your palm for days. if you try to grab his booty your hand just can't get a grip on anything because there's literally nothing there. aki has negative ass.
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moongothic · 6 months
It is objectively at least a little funny to me when people draw Crocodile super muscular 'cause like, sure, his torso may be as wide as a brick wall, but y'all seen his arms and legs?
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They're skinny as shit, this man has never lifted a thing in his entire life, he probably doesn't even know how to run. Like Oda can draw people with muscular limbs, this shit's intentional
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borealalice · 11 months
Yuki honestly has the gravitational pull of a small moon, he's made of something that had even soul-sucking mummy Helmut Marko™ putting his faith in him despite a pretty disastrous first season. That's how powerful my little stocky dude is.
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Azriel x Reader(N)
Summary: Azriel's reluctant night out with his family turns out to be more interesting than he expected.
A/N: This is an experimental piece of work. I'm testing a writing style, so feedback is welcome. I have newfound respect for writers who have mastered group dynamics in their writing.
Word count: ~5.6k
Warning: None [minimal editing/proofreading/formatting]
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‘Two weeks,’ Mor whispered, trudging forward with her eyes set ahead in a daze. Her heels hit the cobbled path with soft clicks. ‘They’re closed for two weeks. What am I going to do?’
Feyre looped her arm through hers and guided her away from the closed doors of Rita’s. No one took the disappointment as hard as Mor did. Still, they each expressed varying degrees of frustration with their grunts and groans. Cassian cursed aloud for it was his idea to enjoy a night like good old times. And he enjoyed a night like good old times every two months. However, that night, the rest of the Inner Circle agreed to celebrate the few peaceful months they'd had in a while.
Except for one.
Azriel was grateful for his family’s reunion and their safety. Only he wanted to celebrate it in the quiet of their home. His family didn’t spare him the courtesy of protesting. Knowing him well, they sent the middle Archeron sister to plead their case. One look at her hesitant eyes and he couldn’t deny the soft-hearted woman. He had one regret for the night—to have not flown off when he sensed Elaine’s presence on the other side of his door. 
When Rita disclosed their misfortune, Nesta pinned him with an accusatory glare as if his ill will had manifested into the burning down of their beloved retreat. She would have calmed if Azriel had stood there with his usual blank stare. Instead, he lifted a brow as a smirk tugged at his lips.
Cass grumbled, ‘At least pretend not to enjoy this so much, you ass,’ without even looking at his brother. 
‘Two weeks!’ Mor shrieked, throwing her arms in the air as she reeled out of the initial shock. ‘How could she do this to me?’ Her blonde hair swayed behind her with every shake of her head.
Rhys walked on her other side. Besides Azriel, he was the only one unbothered by the ruin of their plans. ‘I’m sure the fire in her kitchen had barely anything to do with punishing you.’ His taunting tone was the only sign of his apathy for his cousin’s plight.
Elaine’s voice perked up as Mor opened her mouth. ‘We could go somewhere else,’ she inched away with each word as if she expected another outburst. ‘It’s not that late.’
And that’s how Azriel came to hate the woman for the night. 
He wasn’t cruel. He loved his family, and he agreed they deserved a break, but it wasn’t something he would sacrifice his peace for. He was ready with his own proposition—go back home, get drunk on faerie wine, and maybe some mirthroot if they resisted too much. His family would've had their merriment, and he’d have had his serenity.
As they stumbled and meandered through the streets, stopping at one place and the next, vetting out each other’s suggestions, Azriel found himself enjoying the moment—listening to his family’s usual banter, the comfort of familiarity built over centuries, and fussing over triviality instead of wars and courts. If his family chose to spend the entire night on the streets, he would gladly trade his peace for that.
Before he even finished the thought, his family arrived at their destination. The last on their list. Another bar. Or at least what it said on the polished plaque that hung above the rusty door frame.
Cass spoke first, ‘This is it?’ His words echoed the thought they all had in their minds.
Beyond the worn-out door held in place by a brick wedged between it and the doorframe was a harshly lit long room. Even the open door and cool breeze of the summer night couldn’t mask the stench of stuffiness from the dingy hole in the wall. Light flickered warning anyone dared contemplate entering the horrid place. Too narrow to hold any table or chair, there stood a single desk opposite the entrance. Two shelves nailed behind it sloped, the bottles stacked atop them slowly making their way to the edge. A place like that at the centre of Velaris was a swamp surrounded by beauty and life.
A woman rotten with age sat behind the table. Her hands jittered with each click of the needles held between her sharp, black claws. Her crooked nose curving past her thin lips and her non-existent ears were the only indications of her faerie blood other than her savage nails. Azriel couldn’t remember the last time he saw a creature that looked so old and fragile, yet with malice in her being, a kind of cruelty that lurked in her bones. 
Despite what he witnessed, none of it deterred him that night. His body shook with silent laughter. All that wasted trip, endless stops to pick at the tiniest flaws only for his family to end up there. 
Mother loved him. The complete disbelief on their faces was worth everything Azriel suffered since he opened his door to Elaine that night. Even his shadows seemed to enjoy the irony of their situation, skittering around his shoulders.
Mor turned to him sharply, her eyes alight with fire. ‘As long as there’s wine, this will do,’ she gritted her teeth. 
Pushing his friend, whose only purpose in life was proving a point, was the last thing Azriel wanted to do. Yet it was an opportunity he couldn’t pass. How far would his family go? What would it take to break them? Would they give in and chuck down whatever wretched brew the suspicious creature offered? He merely bowed his head and waved at the door.
Mor swallowed her squeak of disgust as she crossed the threshold. Her eyes ran over the assortment of bottles on the shelves—three filled to the brim with pale green liquid, two half-filled with something that looked awfully like rotten blood, of what Azriel didn’t care to find out. 
‘Do you suppose,’ she brought her eyes back to the woman, ‘you have any wine?’
The needles went silent for a beat, ‘Take your pick,’ and resumed. Not once did the creature glance at them as she jerked her chin to the shelf above her head.
With the seven of them now inside, the air turned hot and suffocating. Nesta pushed past to the front, standing next to Mor. ‘This is Pharus, isn’t it? The bar?’
Finally, the faerie looked up. Her eyes roved over their faces, their bodies, the detailing of threads on their clothes finer than the ones she held in her hands. ‘Of course,’ she snarled, ‘why else would you be here?’ Her lazy eyes rolled creepily in their sockets to stop at the door beside the shelf. ‘Over there,’ she said and went back to her hideous patchwork of browns and blues and pinks.
In the silence, a steady thrum of beats crept along the floor. A soft murmur lured them to trust the creature’s words and enter the unknown that awaited them behind the burnished wood, a portal out of the creature’s lair.
Mor stepped up to the door, her eyes on the glass doorknob—hypnotised, curious, so bright. As her fingers brushed against it, the faerie cleared her throat. ‘There’s a price for it,’ she added with a sly smile on her lips, a little thing that didn’t belong in her sagging face.
Azriel fished into his pockets while his family stared between the door and its guardian. His curiosity ebbed and grew to a point of no return. He had to find whatever called to him, whatever called to them. He dropped a gold on the table. It clattered on the wood, its ring echoing for a breath too long. 
The faerie stared at it and then at him, and then his family, studying each of their faces. Her claws left scratches on the wood as she grasped the coin in her palm. She sniffed it, her eyes widening.
The door didn’t make a sound under Mor’s hand. One by one, they entered, and Azriel let the door close behind him. Their heels clicked on the polished wooden floor.
Every plush leather chair, strategically arranged table, and carefully curated decorations contributed to the elegance of the room. Soothing warmth enveloped them even on the summer night in a comforting embrace. The fragrance of spices cut through the musk of the wooden furniture. Golden orbs hung from the ceiling, casting a soft glow across the space enough to enable their fae sight, but none too harsh like Rita’s.
A band sat on a raised podium at the far end, playing music that complimented their ambience. In the middle stood the majestic bar, a stretch of counter that ran along almost the entire length of the room. Bottles filled with various shades of liquor sat on the shelves behind—each of them, artistically planned and placed. Lights reflected off decanters and glasses set on trays, adding a bit of colour to the brown and gold theme of the room.  
Faerie—high and lesser—took the seats without sparing each other a glance of discrimination. There was no stench of tension in the air, only a fragile calmness. Two servers shifted around the room speaking softly with polite smiles on their lips. A female tended to the bar, her hands worked with mesmerising precision. Despite the overflowing liquor, there wasn’t any loud cry, laughter, or chatter. 
Luxury and safety were the words that came to Azriel’s mind. His shadows shaded his shoulders, falling quiet as they studied their new territory. 
One of the servers led them to the only table large enough to fit them—close to the band, a bench along the wall on one side, and chairs on the other.
Once they settled, he spoke with a rehearsed tone, ‘I’m guessing you’re new here.’ The hitch in his breath told them he knew exactly who they were, and yet his smile remained. ‘We have two rules. One, we ensure the night’s peaceful here as much as possible. So, we don’t appreciate harassment of any kind, and I’d advise you to stay out of trouble. Two, if our barkeep cuts you off for whatever reason, you leave.’ His shoulders relaxed as if it were the most hated part of his job, and his smile turned more genuine. ‘Other than that, you do whatever you want. What would you like to drink?’
‘I’ll have faerie wine,’ Mor waited for no one, ‘Any wine. Don’t care how many.’ Her thigh pushed against Azriel’s as she shifted to a comfortable position on the bench, her warmth seeping past his leathers. A swift nod from everyone else had the server scrambling back to the bar.
Nesta inspected the surrounding faces. ‘What kind of moron expects drunks to follow rules?’
‘The one who doesn’t want to be held responsible for whatever happens when they are broken.’ Nesta’s eyes snapped to Azriel’s, and he shrugged. 
Elaine looked between their faces, expecting the inevitable. But the Inner Circle indulged in spying on their night’s getaway. ‘Are we really ignoring what we saw outside?’
‘Oh,’ the server peered down at them as he set a tray with two wine bottles and glasses with a grace unexpected of his thick, manly fingers. ‘That hag is harmless. She just wastes her day knitting. If she bothered you, it’s because you’re new. Easy prey, you know? The regulars are used to her by now.’
Feyre reached for the glass offered to her. ‘Who is she?’
The server didn’t care to meet their eyes, but his words were eager. ‘She came with the building. This used to be her home. The old owner, her son, wanted to sell this bar. He found a better place for his family. But she didn’t want to move. Night and day they fought so much that people were afraid to even walk the street. Anyway, the son couldn’t resist our offer and sold it, and she—,’ he clicked his tongue, ‘she refused to leave with him. And N didn’t want to leave her homeless.’
Azriel didn’t particularly enjoy the conversation as much as his family did. It mattered very little to the server, whose words tumbled out in a single breath. Clearly, it wasn’t the first time he was telling the story to his customers. He would make a terrible spy, Azriel thought. Maybe a decent source.
'She owns the place now. She gave the hag that hall. That’s where she and her husband lived before her son built a bar here.’ He sighed. His eyes swept over the rest of the room once he placed a filled glass in front of each of them. ‘It’s not good for business with a front like that. She scares everyone away. But N insisted, and we renovated around it. Most customers don’t even set foot inside after the first time. Some take pity and give her a few coppers. Not that she needs them though. N takes care of all her needs.’
He turned to them with a wide smile, with a server’s politeness. ‘Anyway, enjoy!’ He turned to leave and paused. ‘You didn’t give her anything, did you?’
Every pair of eyes at the table fixated on Azriel. He blinked, ‘A gold.’
‘You better stay away from her the next time.’ The server walked away laughing.
In his long life, and also as a spy, Azriel had met enough faeries ranging from the vilest to the kindest. Nothing fazed him anymore. Though it would have made quite a story on any other day, his focus remained on his family. He would rather figure out a way to coax his friends to leave early than uncover more about a hag and her benefactor. After a long night of searching for a bar which offered wine sweeter than Rita’s, he knew it would be almost impossible.
At her sister’s request, Feyre led Elaine closer to the band, both nursing their drinks in their hands. Loose chairs littered the open space in front of the dais, where they took a seat among other patrons. The musicians nodded at them with a smile. 
Cass slammed his glass on the table. ‘I don’t like this place,’ he grumbled, looking at the well-behaved mob, ‘Where’s the fun here? This is not how a bar is supposed to be.’
‘Why? Is this place too classy for a brute like you?’ Nesta smirked, sipping her drink as she surveyed the place. She fitted right in.
Years of sneaking and spying had ingrained the instincts in Azriel’s very bones, impossible to separate who he was and what he did for his family, for his court. His hazel eyes didn’t miss a thing. His shadows stayed close and whispered in his ears. Careful, calculating.
Between the bar and the band stood two doors—one the servers often drifted in and out of with trays in their hands, a kitchen; and the other too pristine to be a back door or entrance to a storage room. An office, maybe. No one entered or exited it since his family took their seats across it. 
His brother was wrong. The patrons enjoyed their time, but not the way people did in Rita’s. Like his family, they bundled together and shared a drink and a laugh with their loved ones. Their glazed eyes and flushed faces proved they indulged in the drinks as much as Cass did. A few cleared the space in front of the band, shifting the chairs around and waltzing to the music. A sense of belonging lingered in the air, unlike the mindless chaos that stained Rita’s.
As warned, the bartender declined drinks to a few. Even the ones who posed the most threat to start a fight walked away without resistance. Not one sound of protest or trouble followed.
Elaine and Feyre returned when the band paused to start their next song. As Elaine settled into the seat across from him, she gave the widest smile to Azriel. He smiled back. Rhys filled Feyre’s glass and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek. Cass and Mor still disagreed with Nesta on the essence of the true bar experience. Rhys took Nesta’s side only to watch his brother seethe with anger. With the remaining sisters returned to the table, it became clear Cass and Mor were losing the battle.
To add salt to their burn, Azriel trailed a finger along the rim of his glass and smirked. ‘I like this place too.’
‘You weren’t on board all night and now you have an opinion?’ Cass waved a hand of dismissal but his eyes burned with betrayal, ‘Go back to your brooding.’ Azriel grinned.
Laughing and stumbling, Mor headed to the bar. The bartender blushed so red that it wasn’t a mystery what she was up to. Minutes later, she returned with a bottle of amber liquor and a glass of a blue-green drink.
Bottles were emptied, banter was shared, and laughs grew contagious. Even though it was harmless, raucous laughter, they attracted the wary eyes of the server. Azriel knew where they were headed. 
He slid Rhys’s glass of whiskey out of his grasp, who turned to him with an arched brow. He mumbled with a sigh, ‘We’d need more than one ride tonight.’ 
Rhys didn’t argue. He limited his drinks as much as Azriel that night for the sake of his mate. Ever since Feyre, his brother’s usual recklessness waned. He became more attentive and considerate in ways he had never shown before. 
Both his brothers were equally troublesome. Cass with his wildness and brutality, and Rhys with his cunning and sly. And yet, after finding their mates, they were still all that and a bit more, someone better in every sense. 
Azriel looked at Mor pressed to his side, drunk and smiling. The woman he once loved. And then, Elaine, the woman he wondered to be his mate. 
Even with the passage of time and endless disappointments, his heart refused to let go of hope—such a fickle thing for an immortal life. An everlasting pain that turned the kindest of souls into a force of cruelty—worse than love, worse than torture, worse than death.
To have heard of and believed in a spiritual bond with another was one thing, but to see it with his own eyes and not long for it was not something even a damned soul like him could resist. 
Who wouldn’t want something so precious divined by Mother herself, to be blessed by her, to be born fortunate to have a mate in their lifetime and find them? 
Azriel knew love, he’d felt it. But how was it any different from a mating bond? Would a love be enough to save his wretched heart from himself? Could a love be as profound and sacred as a mating?
He looked at the happy faces of his family. Four of the seven—mated and in love. One with her supposed mate. 
Rare of the rarest.
And there he was. An ordinary rock amongst gems. One Mother didn’t deem worthy enough. Maybe she was right. What was he, after all, but an unlucky bastard? What would it take for Azriel to be one of them? Shadowsinger. Warrior. Servant. Brother. Friend. Survivor. Tortured. Abused. Broken. What more did he need to be to appease the Mother to bless him with one miracle? 
What would make him one of the deserving?
He took the glass he snatched from his brother and downed the drink in one gulp. The liquor burned his throat, a good burn, almost as good as the one his hands endured a long, long time ago.
Rhys turned to him with a blank stare. Azriel checked his mental wards and averted his eyes. It was pathetic enough to long for something that he couldn’t have. He refused to warrant pity from his brothers as well. 
His family was together and happy. He breathed in the sweet aroma of the blue-green liquor Mor swirled in her glass. 
It was a good night. 
As he drank a little more, his shadows ventured out weaving through tables and shuffling feet. Azriel allowed it for a while before he reined them back. But they never answered when they returned, only dancing around his shoulders.
Moments later, they tried again, crawling down his back. The tug and pull of control slipped out of his hands as if an invisible force stripped them off him. A gentle caress over his shoulders, coaxing him, easing him to let go. And his shadows were willing to follow this force, betraying their loyalty to him. Azriel didn’t touch his drink after that. 
As expected, the server approached their table and looked at him, the only one sober enough to be reasonable. ‘We won’t cause any trouble,’ said Azriel before he could speak.
His shadows swayed around the back of his neck and leaned to peer beyond the male in their path. They stood still, unmoving, watching, and then crashed into his shoulder, turning into a dark mist.
The server watched them wide-eyed. He shook his head and glanced behind him at the once-closed door, now open. ‘Maybe they could get something mild. Don't let N see them like this.’ With those words, he stalked back to the bar.
The room in front of him lacked the soft ambience of the bar with its golden lights and cosy furniture. A desk with a chair occupied the small space, giving a partial view of the bar outside. A woman bounded down the stairs that ran up from behind the door. She headed to the bar, exchanged a few words with the bartender, and went back inside the room. The servers paused by the door to greet her before they moved on.
To own a bar for high fae and lesser faeries alike, to have her workers and customers fear her, N was laughably docile. Azriel had spent long enough around women of strength and courage to never judge one by looks, but he couldn’t help it. 
In her simple dark pants that flared at the hem and grey-white shirt, N was underdressed than her workers. She was as tall as Feyre, maybe a few inches taller. Her face held a hint of innocence, not close to Elaine’s, but something about her convinced she was harmless. Unless she had a sharp tongue like Nesta or had someone like Mor or Amren to do her bidding, it was unlikely she managed to keep her patrons in line by herself.
‘Azriel,’ called Mor from beside him. Her eyes were unexpectedly fierce after all the wine she had. ‘You’re drinking, right?’ She waved the empty glass in her hand.
He knew he should’ve said no. He glanced at the server across the room, but Nesta and Mor had already left for the bar. His attention drifted to the three drunk males who stood too close to a young fae trying to get away from them. She inched closer and closer to Mor who whispered into Nesta’s ear making her laugh. The shadows on his shoulders grew restless, creeping up and down his arms. He should have offered to get the drinks himself.
Cass was in the middle of narrating an elaborate plot of his fights in Illyrian war camps from their childhood days to Elaine as she leaned over the table with enthralled horror in her eyes. Rhys smiled smugly at his exaggerations while Feyre looked over at the bar, thinking the same as Azriel.
The crude comments of the three males circling the fae made the bartender stare between them with nervous eyes. The air silenced around them, nothing but their obnoxious laughter echoed. The smile on Nesta’s lips vanished, and Mor noticed. His friends at the table paused their conversation. 
‘Come now,’ one of the male carried on, ‘don’t be like that.’ 
N looked up from the paper in her hand. She stared ahead at the wall where the male would have stood if it hadn’t been in her way. Dropping the papers onto the table, she reached inside a drawer. She stepped out of the room, cradling a leather bracelet to her right wrist, pulling its straps taut against her skin. 
The bartender breathed in relief as N eased next to her and took a step back. N gathered her hair, securing it at the nape of her neck as the bartender whispered in her ear. Chunks of hair slipped free and framed her face. Her eyes swept across the bar, took in the faces seated before her, deliberately shifting over the three males. She stood in front of them, mixing drinks with precision and expertise on par with the bartender. She didn't lift her eyes up again.
The male moved close to the fae who immediately backed away. ‘Come on, love. It’s free drink. You should be grateful.’ He spoke into her ear but loud enough to be heard across the room.
A minute longer, and Nesta would have ripped that fool’s tongue with a shard of her broken glass. Azriel had seen enough bar fights—started a few and ended too many—to know when one loomed around the corner.
N’s eyes darted to the man’s hand reaching for the fae and then his face for a second while her body gave no sign of her attention on anything but the tumbler in her hand. A smirk tugged at Azriel's lips.
Maybe it was a bad idea to let Mor and Nesta murder a few males in a bar they had never visited before. Maybe it was a bad idea not to interfere with their authority which usually saved time with vermin like the male. Or maybe it was a bad idea to let the situation escalate, putting the fae in danger only to see N’s reaction.
But Azriel was not above making bad decisions to quell his curiosity. He leaned back and brought his glass to his lips.
‘She’s not interested,’ said N in a voice so soft and smooth. With her eyes on the pink liquor she poured into a tall glass, she added, ‘And she has a drink.’ Her eyes met the fae's, gentle yet firm. She pushed the glass with her index finger. The fae heaved a sigh of relief and reached for it.
The male turned his attention to N with a wicked smile. ‘The coins are to shut your mouth, pretty.’ He ran his vile eyes over her and winked. ‘I’ll come back for you later.’ With a bone-grating chuckle, he returned to the fae who backed towards the tables. He blocked her path with his hand, ‘So, what do you say?’
Oh, how Azriel wanted to tear every tooth from his jaws. 
N finally looked at him. Her eyes were calm and intense, a reassured stillness in them. She straightened and placed her hands on the counter. And it was enough to shift the air around them. The woman who commanded respect from her patrons was in the room instead of the quiet, lingering spirit that drifted in and out moments earlier. The band slowed their music, and the ones who refused to look at the ruckus dared to glance their way.
‘I’m going to ask you to leave.’
The male let out a grunt, mean and vulgar. ‘Shut up, you bitch.’ A grimace of impatience replaced his smile. He hissed at the fae, ‘You’re starting to make me angry.’
His eyes widened as a hand grabbed the back of his hand and shoved it face-first onto the wood of the counter. His arms flailed miserably to stop the impact, only to fail. The following crunch made the fae flinch away.
N let go and walked around the bar, her steps calculated and leisured. Her dainty fingers slipped through two gold rings attached to the inside of the bracelet. ‘You okay?’ she asked the fae softly as she pulled the fingers away, two cords of metal unwinding between the rings and the leather. Once she got a frantic nod from the fae, she diverted her focus to the crying male who swiped at his face and stared at his bloodied hands.
Cass snorted. His drink sprayed through his nose, drenching himself and poor Elaine. Rhys’s eyes gleamed with amusement. Feyre looked between N, Nesta and Mor.
The male screeched to no one in particular, ‘That bitch hit me.’ His nose flared and spurts of blood leaked soaking his shirt. ‘You’ll pay for this,’ he lunged forward.
N sauntered ahead with lazy steps and swerved when his fist came close. Her left hand went around his head once. The male stumbled forward by the wasted force of his body and his neck caught in the cords.
N pulled her hands back to her sides, the cords went taut, and the male fell to his knees. His bloodied fingers pried at the noose around his neck. His breaths grew shallow and raspy. Blood sprinkled from his nose with each strain of his chest. His pained cries echoed in the quiet. Not even his friends attempted to help him.
‘Whining on the floor,’ N curved her wrist around his head again, watching his eyes grow wider, ‘Leash on your neck. You sure you aren’t the bitch?’ She looked down at him with void eyes as her fingers clawed his jaw open.
Her other hand reached for a bottle on the counter, her eyes never leaving his. She tipped the bottle close to his mouth and his breath left his chest in a painful heave. ‘It’s free drink, love.’ Her voice was a lover’s purr, low and soft. As the liquor filled his mouth and streamed down his shirt mixed with the red of his blood, she gritted her teeth, ‘Be grateful.’ The first emotion she showed.
It was inappropriate. 
Utterly inappropriate. 
A deep chuckle ripped from Azriel’s throat, loud enough to warrant the glances from his family and the ones beside their table.
When the male choked and his eyes blurred, N stopped. Her fingers released him and slipped out of the rings with a simple flick. The rings whipped spraying drops of amber-red in the air before it latched onto the bracelet again, the cords disappearing between the black of the leather. She turned to his friends, ‘Don’t come back.’
They nodded, their eyes wide, and began to back away. The cries of their friend brought them out of their stupor and they carried him out with his blood staining the once perfect floor. 
N blinked. 
Once they were out the door, she went back behind the counter, and time resumed. The band began their music again. Servers shuffled to clean the floors and check on the fae. The bartender wiped at the splotches of blood on the counter with a rag.
N cleaned her hands and continued with her other orders. As she offered drinks to the ones still waiting at the bar, she smiled. Azriel set his glass down.
When she reached Mor and Nesta, she studied their faces and uttered a few words. Mor pointed at their table with a grin, her eyes sparkling under the light swaying over her head. 
N spared each of them a glance. Her eyes paused at Cass and his wings, Azriel and his wings, and finally Rhys and behind him where his wings should have been. The shadows didn’t appreciate the scrutiny. They went erratic around his shoulders and for a moment her eyes returned to the shadowsinger again.
‘She’s judging us,’ Rhys muttered through his grin. The amusement in his eyes flickered and N held his gaze. ‘Rather harshly,’ he chuckled. 
Feyre frowned at him. ‘Stop it!’
Rhys’s smile fell from his lips. He hummed, staring at N for a beat too long before he turned to his mate. ‘It’s not my fault. Her mind called to me,’ he kissed her cheek.
Azriel wanted to ask what his brother meant, but knew better. His shadows quietened around him, still as midnight air, draping over his shoulders with their ghostly weight. They didn’t sing to him much that night.
Mor and Nesta returned with a tray of drinks. N wrapped an arm around the bartender and whispered in her ear. Her eyes were soft and her lips still held a smile. The bartender relaxed and sighed. Azriel wondered if there was more between the two. N rushed out of her room at the first sign of trouble and took charge of every responsibility while the bartender stayed safe and recovered.
‘I like this place!’ Mor exclaimed as she slumped next to him and handed him a glass after taking one for herself.
Cass only cursed under his breath. ‘Because she gave you free booze?’ He stole a drink for himself, ‘But that show was fun.’
‘So was yours,’ Nesta laughed and pointed at his soaked front.
N accepted a sealed plate from the server with a smile and headed to her office. Her fingers paused at the doorknob. She looked down at her shirt. Crimson spotted along her torso below her ribs. She ran her fingers over them once, slowly. She blinked and wiped again at the dried stain. And again. Then she closed the door.
Once the glasses were emptied, Mor hated the place again. The drinks N offered sobered them completely. Grumbling and muttering their disapproval at the trickery and betrayal, Mor and Cass walked out of the bar with the others trailing behind them. 
Azriel sneaked a glance at the locked door smiling before he joined his family. It was indeed a good night.
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Next chapter: Sanctuary
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mrsparrasblog · 2 months
Birthday Girl
Plus size Reader x tf141
Is it my Birthday? Yes , did I Imagine four men making me a Special surprise? Yes.
Will the Reader love the surprise? Yes!
The same procedure as every year, you thought, spending your birthday crying. You weren’t sure what it would be this time. Last year, your boyfriend cheated on you; the year before that, everyone forgot your birthday; and the time before that, a family member died. It's like a curse.
This time, you had your vacation planned for the week of your birthday, visiting your family as always. Visiting your family has been harder these days since you accepted a military contract, working as a nurse on base.
Your parents told you all over again how this would be a bad idea; the military wasn’t a place for women like you: soft, sweet, and innocent. But they were wrong. You never felt better than after joining the military. The nurses on base were so nice to you. You had many girls' nights with them, spending the whole day laughing and chatting. And then there were the soldiers. Four specific soldiers.
Kyle: Kyle was the most handsome man you’d ever seen in your life. His face was literally perfection as if the gods themselves sculpted it just for you to admire. He was nice and polite, never screaming at you, even when you stitched him up. He just sat there and smiled. He was your favorite patient, especially since he always brought you something small back from his deployment, mostly sand. So you had a collection of different sands from a variety of countries you'll never visit in your life. He was the first you crushed on. It was easy to fall for him, but hard to have these feelings. Guys like him weren’t made for you; at least you thought so.
Price: The captain was hardly in the infirmary, even when you could see he needed it the most. His knees and back were completely wasted, and he needed them fixed, but he had so much to do, never taking the time to care for himself. You knew from the gossip among the nurses that the captain had a thing for curvier women, admiring the softness in them. You knew how his eyes lingered on your soft, wide hips or your ass. His fingers always twitched, trying to touch you, but both of you couldn’t. "I'm a captain, lovely. If I weren’t, I would have already put a ring on you," he said one day after drinking a bit too much of his whiskey. But you couldn’t have him anyway. How would you explain that your heart ached for four different men?
Soap: He spent every moment he wasn’t on a mission in the gym or eating at the infirmary, coming to you even with the slightest scratch. You fixed him all the time, gushing over his exposed form. He had the most muscles out of everyone. His biceps could crush you in a second, and god, how you loved it. He was a flirt, always calling you Bonnie or Hen in front of everyone. He probably did this with every female on base. Attractive young guy, why should he be interested in you and not some skinny, pretty girl?
Ghost: Falling in love with Ghost wasn’t something you would have thought of ever happening. When you started, he scared the shit out of you with the mask, his looming glance, and the fact that he was built like a brick house. He never came to the infirmary. Well, he wasn’t hurt like the others, but still. At first, he always side-eyed you for your bubbly personality, but it changed quickly. You knew exactly when you fell in love with him. It was the day a rookie pushed you against a wall, trying to have his way with you. It wasn’t like you were a damsel in distress; you were strong and capable; he was just stronger. Ghost saved you that day and many more. He gave you his number, so you’d call him if anything was wrong.
So why were you hesitating to call him right now? You finally dialed the number you knew by heart.
"What's wrong, love?"
"Just a bad day. Can you maybe pick me up? I’ll pay you the gas money," you sobbed.
"20 minutes, no gas money."
He was there at 15, arriving with his bike. You didn’t know he had a bike, but god, it looked good on him with the helmet. It only added to his bad-boy image, which you desperately loved.
He walked towards you, his arms pulling you into a bear hug, and you started to cry, something unusual for him. He wasn’t someone who comforted people in such weakness, but it was okay with you.
"What's wrong, birthday girl?" He knew he remembered your birthday.
"You remember my birthday," you said, removing your hand from his chest, leaving wet stains on his shirt, and looking up at him with your red and puffy eyes.
"Of course, love. Now, tell me what's wrong."
"It's childish."
"Don't care."
"Mom commented the whole day on my weight, telling me to finally lose it or else I'd never find a boyfriend and die as a spinster with seven cats. Dad didn’t even bother to congratulate me, and when my ex-boyfriend appeared with my sister, I lost it."
"Your mom talks bullshit. Some men like their women with a bit more meat on their bones. I do," he admitted while wiping your tears away with his thumb.
"You do?" You asked curiously. You knew Price did, but Ghost too?
"Mhm. Every big boy needs his big girl," he said, making you blush and squirm.
"Can you drive me back to the base?"
"Of course, love. Me and the boys have a surprise for you anyway."
He pulled you onto his bike, placing the helmet on top of your head, destroying your neatly made hair. And so, this was your first bike ride, holding onto him for dear life. Your breasts pressed against his back while you hugged him so you wouldn’t fall. His broad back and shoulders made you feel things. He was indeed a big boy in need of his big girl—in need of you.
After a bumpy ride, he carried you off the motorcycle with ease. He acted like you weighed nothing, and he could carry you for hours.
"So, what's the surprise?"
"Patience, love."
He led you into his and Soap's barracks. You were shaking, desperate to know what would happen. Inside were all four men you desperately wanted for weeks. In front of them was a birthday cake, which was, to be honest, kind of ugly but homemade. They made a cake for you. You couldn’t believe it.
"Aye, Lt. brought you back safely to us. Happy Birthday, Hen."
"Happy Birthday, babe," Kyle said, his beautiful eyes glistering at you. God, he was too pretty for his own good.
"Happy Birthday, Dove," the captain said, removing his fisherman hat and smiling at you.
"You all remembered?" You asked in disbelief.
"Of course, dove. Now we know that you took a liking to all of us, didn’t you?"
You nodded shyly, getting red. How could you be so stupid and fall for four guys at the same time?
"All these weeks we fought about you, and you wanted all of us?" Kyle laughed.
"You fought over me?"
"Don’t act surprised, love. You know that we all wanted you."
You shook your head, and the guys started to laugh. „Hen, do you think I'll go to that bloody hospital for a scar?“.
You could have imagined Price and Ghost like you, but Kyle and Soap too? You slowly sat down on the bed, looking up at the four tall men.
„Mhm, do you want your present now?“ The captain asked you while tucking a strain of your hair behind your ear.
„Depends on whether I like the present.“
„You will love it.“ So you agreed, curious, when Kyle walked towards you just a few inches away from your face, finally kissing you, making you moan desperately while the other boys watched you with a smug smile on their incredibly handsome faces. You noticed the bulges in their pants, and your mind slowly had an idea of what they wanted from you.
„Are you hard?“ You asked as if you weren’t a medical professional.
All four men chuckled at your dumb question: „Now, no need to be shy with us." Soap said, taking a step closer to you and Kyle. His erection was thick and big, not very well hidden beneath the fabric of his washed-out jeans.
They slowly started to remove their pants one by one, leaving them only with their boxers, and God were they hot. You glanced at four six-packs; each body was still different; Soap was bulky and muscular; and Ghost's body was full of scars, making him look even hotter than you thought was possible. Gaz looked like a Calvin Klein model; everything about him was pure perfection, and Price looked like a ducking bear, hairy, strong, and able to scoop you up without a doubt.
Gaz reached over and began to undo the buttons on your shirt, revealing more of your body beneath. His eyes roamed hungrily over your curves as he whispered softly in your ear. "There's no need to be insecure with us. We fucking love your curves.“
„So soft for us, dove." Price said you looked so different than them, soft and innocent, while they were painted for the war crimes they committed.
The men let out a soft murmur of appreciation as they took in your beautifully curvy body. Price stepped forward, his hands skimming over your smooth skin and tracing intricate patterns on your back and legs. "You really are exquisite, aren't you?
„You think so?“
The men exchanged glances, their eyes sparkling with desire.
"Absolutely," Soap assured you, his powerful arms wrapping around your waist. His erection was now fully exposed, pressing against your leg.
"You're breathtaking.“
„God, you’re big,“ and his cock was thick and deliciously veiny.
Ghost smirked at your words as he moved closer to you. His massive cock, way bigger than Soap's or any you've ever seen in your life, brushed against your stomach. "You like big boys, don't you?" he asked teasingly. Which horse was that? You knew it would be big by the way he walked; he just walked like it was big, but that's massive.
"Every Big girl needs her Big Boys"
The men burst out laughing at your words. Price pulled you closer to him, running his hand through your long hair. "You're one hell of a woman," he said admiringly. "You've got the body of a goddess and the mouth of a devil.“
The four men shared another glance before stepping back into sync. They formed a circle around you, creating an intimidating presence. "Now then," Price said slowly, his voice dropping to a low growl that vibrated through your body. "Are you ready for your gift, birthday girl?“
You only nodded in agreement.
With one accord, the four men moved in towards you, their massive erections bobbing and weaving as they approached. "Tonight," Price began, his voice thick with desire, "we're going to give you the best birthday present you've ever had.“
"I don't know if it beats the doll I got when I was six,“ you attempted to pull a joke.
Gaz, Soap, and Ghost all began to touch you in various ways, their hands roaming over your body as Price started to tease your hardened nipple through your bra. "Oh, trust us," Ghost whispered huskily in your ear. "This is going to be an unforgettable birthday.“
Price unclasped your bra and pulled it off, revealing your big breasts. He leaned down and took one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking hard while his hand groped your other breast, making you already a moaning mess.
Gaz, Soap, and Ghost continued to touch you, their hands moving down to your hips as they pushed your panties aside. "Spread your legs for us," Ghost commanded. And so you did; you were a good nurse, always listening to her lieutenant.
The man's eyes widened at the sight of your soaking wet pussy. They wasted no time in moving in closer, their cocks throbbing with need. "You're dripping for us," Price commented, his voice laced with lust.
„No, I don't.“
Gaz ran his tongue along the inside of your thigh, making his way towards your soaked pussy. "I think you are," he murmured as he began to lap at your folds. "Mhm, so delicious, Captain. Want a taste?“
And Price nodded, letting his thick tongue glide into Kyle's pretty mouth, both sharing the delicious taste of your juices. He pushed Kyle into the soft cushions with his strength, and by the way, Kyle reacted, you knew this wasn’t the first time both of them got intimate with each other.
Price lifted you up effortlessly, positioning your pussy over Gaz's mouth. "Take her, pretty boy," he said with a smirk.
You tried not to put your full weight on his pretty face, much to the annoyance of the boys. „When we say sit on his face, we mean it; suffocate him with your cunt; he doesn’t mind,“ Ghost said, and Kyle only nodded.
„Garrick would be delighted to die between your thick thighs, hen." Soap laughed darkly while slowly stroking his massive, veiny cock.
Kyle reached up to hold onto your hips, keeping you steady as he took more of your weight. His tongue dove deeper into your wet pussy, exploring every inch of your folds. Meanwhile, Price watched intently, his cock twitching with anticipation. The combination of Gaz's skilled tongue and Price and Soap's attentive nipple-sucking sent shockwaves of pleasure through your body. You couldn't help but grind down on Gaz's face, feeling the heat from his tongue against your sensitive skin.
Gaz knew exactly what you needed and continued his assault on your sensitive folds. As he lapped up your juices, he began to increase the speed and intensity of his tongue movements. His hands roamed up your thighs, seeking out more of your wetness to consume.
With a devilish grin, Ghost moved towards you, his monster cock already leaking pre-cum. He stroked it slowly, watching your reactions as he brought it closer to your mouth. You opened wide, eagerly accepting the thick, throbbing shaft into your warm mouth, moaning as you tasted his salty precum. „Such a good cocksucker for us.“
As Ghost fucked your mouth with his cock, Gaz continued to feast on your pussy, relentlessly licking and sucking at every inch of your sensitive flesh. Meanwhile, Soap gently massaged your ass cheeks, teasing you with his touch. “You recruited such a pretty soft girl for us, Cap.“
The men could sense your impending climax and redoubled their efforts. Ghost thrust deeper into your mouth, his hips slamming against your face as he filled it with his thick cock. His pubic blonde hair tickled against your nose, making you roll your eyes in pleasure.
Gaz sucked harder on your clit, determined to make you cum all over him.
„Oh god, Kyle“
„Making such pretty nice sounds for us, dove“
As your orgasm washed over you, Gaz didn't pull back; instead, he drank in every drop of your juices. He lapped at your pussy eagerly, making sure not a single drop went to waste.
With a smile, Gaz pulled back, his face glistening with your sticky love. He placed you against the bed again, still shaking from what happened.
Soap quickly kneeled next to you, his hard cock pressing against your wet pussy. He leaned in close to your ear and whispered, "Your turn to ride, darling.
"Mhm, too heavy to ride your soap.“
„You're not even half my warm-up weight, hen." Soap scoffed, being mad that you thought he was such a weakling as if he couldn’t carry you through the whole world without breaking a sweat.
„Make her ready for me, Johnny.“ Ghost eyes darkened.
„Aye, Lt, going to stretch her out for you.“
Soap moaned loudly as you rode him hard, your fat ass bouncing against his balls. He grabbed onto your hips, guiding you up and down his thick cock. Price and Ghost watched in awe, their own arousal growing with each of your movements.
„Change position, Sergeant; I want her to take care of all of us." Price commanded, and of course, like the good boy Johnny, he listened.
Soap picked you up effortlessly, your body wrapping around his cock as he laid you down on the ground. He continued to pound into you, his hips slamming against yours as you stroked Price and Ghost's hard cocks in unison.
"Fuck me harder," you moaned as he pounded into you, his hands gripping your hips tightly.
Soap smiled devilishly as he obeyed your command, thrusting deeper and faster into your wet pussy."Cum for me, baby," Soap panted between thrusts as he felt your walls clenching around him. He couldn't wait to empty his balls inside of you while watching Price and Ghost cum all over your beautiful face.
„Hen, you’re killing me with that thighs little cunt." Soap growled as he finally let go, unleashing his hot cum deep inside of you. You could feel his muscles tense and release as he shot rope after rope of semen into your wet pussy, filling you up completely. You were now lying on the bed like a painting, and the boys were the artists drawing their semen on your face and your gummy walls.
Gaz immediately took his place, positioning himself at your entrance. "Come on, babe, you can take me," he said as he lined up his incredibly long cock with your dripping pussy.
He thrust into you slowly at first, savoring the feeling of being engulfed by your needy hole.
„Need her again, Lt.“ Soap whined, missing your wet heaven again.
„Such a needy, but get on your knees and spread your ass for me, Johnny." Ghost barked at Soap
Price smirked as he watched Soap's ass cheeks spread for Ghost, anticipation building within him. He took one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking hard on it as he continued to lick and tease the other one. Making you lose up the tension from Kyle's dick hitting places in your pussy you didn’t even know you had. Ge laughed at the bulge forming in your belly; he was just too damn long.
With a devilish grin, Price reached down and rubbed your clit, adding to the chaotic mix of sensations overwhelming you. „She's handling us quite well, isn’t she?“ he teased.
„Yes, Captain,“ the boys said in unison.
Gaz moaned loudly as he thrust into you, his hips slamming against yours in a relentless rhythm. He reached down to play with your other nipple, pinching and pulling it roughly while Price continued to rub your clit."Cum for us, babe," Gaz grunted as he felt your walls clenching around him.
He increased his pace, driving deeper and harder into you as Price's fingers worked their magic on your sensitive nub.
Your body shook with the force of your orgasm as you cried out in pleasure. Gaz held you tightly, his cock throbbing inside you as he felt you milking him dry. "Fuck, babe, I love you; you’re addicting.“
He erupted his hot stick seed in your willing womb, painting you once again white from the inside and marking you as theirs.
„That's it, dove," Price praised, his tone low and rough with satisfaction. Ghost leaned down to kiss you gently on the lips, still tasting himself in your mouth. "You were incredible. Best lay we ever had," Gaz groaned out in agreement, still buried deep inside you.
"Mhm, good birthday gift.“
Price laughed softly as he rested his chin on your shoulder. "It will be hard to top this next year," he teased.
Gaz withdrew from you, his soft but still long cock slipping out of your pussy with a gentle pop.
"I feel empty,“ you complained to them, not wanting this to stop.
„Let’s get you cleaned up," Ghost suggested, reaching for some tissues on the nightstand. He wiped away the excess cum from your breasts and belly, leaving you feeling satisfied yet wanting more.
„You know we love you, dove,“ Price whispered as he snuggled against you, pulling you in one of his big bear hugs.
„All of you?“
„Yes,“ Ghost commented to your surprise.
„I love you too, all of you.“
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angelbarelywrites · 3 months
♡ slashers scenarios | kisses!
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♡ fandoms; The Boy, Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original + 2006), Black Christmas, Dead by Daylight, slashers (general)
♡ characters; Brahms Heelshire, Micheal Myers, Thomas Hewitt, Bubba Sawyer, Billy Lenz
♡ reader; gender neutral
♡ cw; very suggestive content
♡ note; i hope to do a first meeting and kisses post for all ton of slashers, so let me know who else you wanna see! there’s already some i swapped out between the two posts just because of ideas i already had
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
Brahms Heelshire
> this brat is always begging for kisses
> he’s not really one to physically initiate
> and it’s secretly because he loves when you follow his orders
> but he loves all kinds of kisses, and he’s usually content with more chaste ones
> when you do make out though, he is sloppy
> he’s still so touch starved and sensitive
> so it can go from just a long peck to him panting and huffing surprisingly quickly
> and he likes when you praise him for it
> he loves when you pin his hands while you kiss him, laying beneath you as you straddle his chest
> but he loves pawing at you almost as much- in the same position of course
> loves receiving marks
> especially hickies on his neck, like a dumb horny teen
Micheal Myers
> he’s not huge on kissing, or other non-sexual contact
> he’ll make you ask for it
> sometimes even beg
> and then he’ll roll up his mask and kiss you, rough and breathless
> he’s a biter, on your lips, neck, anywhere
> and the more you whine the more he marks you
> all that being said
> he loves when you kiss the mask
> you can swear you’ve heard him groan a bit from it before
> he’ll feel you up as you do too, making it hot and heavy despite how one sided the contact is
> he loves grabbing your throat, pushing you against the wall and kissing you so hard it stuns you
> sometimes to get what he wants, because he’s a malewife manipulator
> but sometimes because he loves the hazy eyed face you make as he pulls away
Thomas Hewitt
> oh my god loves when you kiss him
> forehead kisses, cheek kisses, kisses through the mask, kisses pressed to his jaw, etc etc
> hell you lean over and kiss his arm and he’s giddy- in his silent and almost unnoticeable way
> he loves kissing your neck in particular
> partially because he can hide- the insecurity is hard to shake
> but also because he loves coaxing pretty noises out of you
> freaks out when he leaves marks- but also loves the way you bruise after you reassure him it’s okay
> he loves when you lie on top of him, lazily kissing him between giggles
> it makes you seem so small (because gd, he’s 6’9 and built like a brick house), and he can grab your ass all he wants
Bubba Sawyer
> might be the Biggest Kiss Enjoyer out there
> he loves giving kisses all over!!!
> but especially loves peppering your face with kisses until you’re giggling too hard to let him continue
> he also loves getting kisses, because ofc
> he likes when you kiss his tummy, on top of everything else he can be insecure about his build
> and his hands- chances are y’all also have a huge size difference, and he’s always in awe of how little your cheek is in his hand. so he loves when you lean and kiss his palm
> his favorite kisses are when he picks you up and twirls you around
> and then he settles you in his arms and kisses you sweetly
> not too sexual but intimate
Billy Lenz
> this guy 🙄 in a word, frantic
> there is no peck on the lips with Billy Lenz
> whatever your intention, if you don’t pull away literally immediately, it’s getting dirty fast
> he’s all tongue and teeth and giggles
> like Brahms he’s incredibly pent up
> but baby boy is unintentionally (and sometimes intentionally) aggressive
> marks you up like it’s his job- hickies and bites and even sometimes bruises from holding your hips too hard because he’s stronger than he looks
> grabs your hair and tugs your head back to look at you and tell you how pretty you look and babble weird incoherent shit
> he loves you in his lap, facing him and practically grinding up on you as he lick lick licks your neck and any other skin he can between kisses
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bougiebutchbinch · 5 months
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Thank u Steddyhands server for the concept of 'Stede gets way too overconfident and tries to pick Izzy up and bang him against the wall, but his pint-size ass is actually built like a brick and Stede herniates a disc' (this originally starred Ed but I haven't drawn proper Stizzy in a while)
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partycatty · 3 months
older!johnny cage > overheard
you're caught in the act of swooning over your boss
notes: i'm not even fuckin playing i just woke up from my nap in a cold sweat with this idea haunting my mind so here i am. i truly honestly genuinely cannot stop thinking about dilf johnny and his thick fucking arms and how much i want him to [REDACTED]
[ masterlist ]
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• during your break from training, you managed to squeeze in a meal break with one of your closest friends. it was just the two of you, laughing and for once breaking the stoicism implanted into your demeanors from training ruthlessly.
• "jesus, commander cage really kicked our asses today," your friend whined, rolling her shoulder. "i get we're fighting against demons and elementals, but did we really need to run twenty miles?"
• "it wasn't all bad," you shrug, poking at your food. "we've done worse, i feel."
• "oh hush, you had the time of your life," your friend groaned, lightly pushing into your shoulder with a smirk. "you and johnny cage got to run beside each other in formation." your friend was sure to say his name in an announcer voice, wiggling her fingers as she pretended to read a large sign.
• you huff, planting a fist on the table as you try to conceal your embarrassment with faux anger. "oh my god shut up..."
• your mind wanders to earlier in the day. johnny decided to wear only a tank top instead of a long sleeve with a vest, giving you a delicious view of his arms as they pumped during the run. while you two didn't talk, he shared panting encouragements by your side, telling you you were doing so good and how much further you had left. it made running feel almost impossible as each word and grunt knocked the wind from you.
• "jesus, look at you," your friend laughs at your dreamy expression as you replay the memory. "you're down bad, girl, anyone and their mother could tell."
• "is it that obvious?" you murmur, burying your face with your hands. "i'm doomed."
• "nah, you might have a shot," she insists, pulling your hands from your face. "he might be into younger women, most celebrities are."
• "but he's not just a celebrity, he's our superior," you whine, rolling your head back. "i just watch his movies and pretend i'm the love interest."
• "oh, it's bad bad," she laughs, looking past you for a moment. her smile falters.
• "can you blame me? ugh," you rake a hand through your hair. "he's all muscle, he could just pick me up and snap me like a twig! normally i'd settle for height alone but holy fuck he's built like a brick fucking wall!"
• your friend falls silent.
• "and don't even get me started on his age," you point an accusatory finger. "he is 50 something and so fucking fine i can't even bring myself to focus on literally anything ever. i watched some of his old movies, and he literally aged like the finest fucking wine any vineyard has ever even dreamed of making! thank god his daughter is the commander because if he stood around and told me what to do i'd behave so much like a dog it would embarrass me. he is the god damn devil in disguise and i sure a shit don't have a single chance of him even looking in my direction with any more than a smile because at the end of the day i'm just a sad little recruit crushing on a guy who probably has a massive di—"
• "i'm fifty-nine," you hear a low, horrifyingly familiar voice in your ear. you can't even bring yourself to turn around, smile dropping and eyes widening. the only thing you can bring yourself to do is stare across the table at your friend, who's as equally still. maybe if you were still enough, he wouldn't see you. like a dinosaur.
• "lieutenant," you breathe out after a long silence, drunk on the smell of his cologne. "we were just... t-talking about you."
• "oh yeah?" his voice is rumbly, a teasing inflection making you want to burst out in tears. you had a faint suspicion he was behind you the entire time, something he confirmed before you could muster the strength to speak. "sounded more like it was just you."
• "well," you wonder if you can outrun him, stammering as you try to talk yourself out of this. "you know..."
• you finally get the courage to spin in your chair, turning around to face him. he's towering over your sitting form, a shit-eating smirk on his lips.
• "i'm sorry, sir, i'll... i'll do extra push-ups, i'll go overtime on training, scrub the toilets, anything to—"
• he holds a hand up, waving it away as he shakes his head slowly.
• "don't stress it," he stands up straight, crossing his arms. oh my god his arms. "but, uh... just a word, in my office, when you have the chance." you almost miss the wink he sends at you, but you caught it just as he spun on his heel and walked out, a cocky sway to his hips.
• you spin back around, slack jawed at your friend, who's red from holding in her scream of excitement.
• "he's totally gonna bang you on his desk," she finally spits out, covering her mouth immediately after. you just lower your head, hitting it against the table in defeat.
• who knows what he's gonna do to you in his office?
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This looks like a gorgeous home. It was built in 1997 in Oregon City, OR. 4bds, 3ba, $1.875.
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A babbling brook at the front door. Ah, but the owner had a vision. Check out the inside.
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The entrance has a floating staircase and 144,000 lbs. of basalt columns.
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So, this looks like a water feature under the stairs, but I can't make out what's in that strip under the stairs. Looks like they decoupaged some magazine pages.
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According to the description, the rocks were meticulously placed.
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Mini cave to the dining area.
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This doesn't appeal to my senses. A cool rock cave that leads to a bland, gray, dated dining room. Bleh.
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The openings to the rooms kind of remind me of mines. In the living room there's a large stone fireplace and bring your trains, b/c there are elevated tracks hanging from the ceilings.
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There's a mural in the dinette and a high open window to the kitchen, for some reason.
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There are too many unnecessary stairs in this house. With all the natural elements, I don't know why they painted the family room rose.
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The kitchen's nice. I like the counters. It's kind of angular, but I like the simulated brick oven.
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You will notice that, for some reason, this home has lots of windows in the walls.
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Here comes the train over the pool room. Reminds me of Mr. Rogers creepy ass trolley.
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Is that real moss on the rocks?
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This is weird. These stair railings are mission style. Look at the built-in drawer on the left and the little door. Some cool, but odd, features.
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What is up with all the windows? This one in the primary bedroom has shutters. There's a lot of built-in furniture, too.
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The en-suite has a glass block shower.
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The basement isn't finished, but has a nice twig display.
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Looks like there's a wood shop.
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Large back yard with a patio, decks, and hot tub.
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22.75 acres of land. This private road leads to an outbuilding.
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This is beautiful. You could actually crawl inside that tree stump like some kind of hobbit.
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Someone carved this tree.
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This building has great potential to be a 2nd residence.
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Gorgeous Oregon views.
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The 22.75 acre property is gorgeous. Lots of possibilities.
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madelynraemunson · 2 months
CASUAL part 2
see part one here.
modern!incel!asshole! eddie x fem!reader
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It’s 7 in the morning. Eddie is seen doom-pacing in the halls of Hawkins High.
a/n: i promised y’all part 2 so here ya go. let’s make him pay. 💋 also shout out to @love-anonymous-writer for bringing this universe to life. a little angst here and there is good for the soul <3
who got the last laugh?
[WC: 1.1k words]
“Please respond…please respond…please respond…”
The soles of Eddie’s shoes slam against the tiles of Hawkins High as he rushes to your locker. Meanwhile his entire soul has left his body.
You didn’t answer any of his phone calls. All the texts he sent you were left on read. Having been so accustomed to your instant replies, Eddie essentially catapulted himself into a full-blown panic last night when he saw the ominous text you sent him...and the nothingness from you that followed soon after.
The crickets of Forrest Hills that taunted his eardrums later that night served as a vengeful metaphor of the brick wall you built between you and him. The girl who once gave him everything has now started giving him nothing. You’re nowhere, but everywhere. It’s like you’ve become a ghost.
When he sees you, color drains from Eddie’s guilty face. You look so beautiful today, hair curled down to the small of your back, a nice simple dress and some slippers, with makeup ever so gracefully applied. A class act, even when plagued with the utmost disrespect.
“Hi," he says to you as he approaches.
As far as Munson knows, he no longer exists to you. He's a shadow now, a carapace of a boy you used to love 'cuz now — after hearing what you heard in his trailer — you know he's not the same boy that made you feel all the butterflies. That boy is long gone. You even start to wonder if that version of Eddie even existed.
“C-can we talk, please?” he requests.
“What’s to talk about?” you challenge him, stoically. “Don’t wanna annoy you with my rambling.”
“You never annoy me…” he attempts as you mindlessly comb through your locker for your homeroom notebook.
You were casual about it. Too casual about it.
“You… uh…” he clears his throat. “You made me cookies yesterday?”
“Yeah,” you shrug. “I was at your door for quite a while so you must’ve been busy. Cookies were taken care of though.”
“I see…” Eddie mutters as the pieces all start coming together.
He thinks about how he always leaves his windows cracked open. His uncle would whoop his ass if he hot-boxed the trailer again, so it became a habit. But the trailer park is small, and on certain afternoon, if someone from a nearby unit had dropped a pin, Eddie would hear it. Suddenly, fear arises in him.
Surely, you didn't hear everything he and The Boys™️ said. He had his headphones on and he couldn't have possibly been that loud, could he? Unless technology failed him again.
The warning bell sounds throughout the halls and you excuse yourself from the narrative. Eddie tags after you like a lost puppy, nearly tripping on his shoelaces along the way.
The first class of the morning is homeroom. A class you unfortunately shared with Eddie, Grant, and Harmony.
You didn't want to see any of their faces. Eddie's face would serve as a reminder of how fake and construed the fucker is. Grant's would remind you of how insignificant you were to the guys (despite how welcomed they made you feel at the start). And Harmony. Harmony's beautiful face — with a body far too developed for a girl in her grade to match — would only remind you of the fact that the girl didn't inherently do anything to you... other than be beautiful and get caught in the crossfire of horny, greasy teenage boys.
It’s a fucking mess.
You swallow hard and keep your chin up regardless. Because what other choice do you have? You either feign your confidence or let irrelevant boys crush it.
You continue strutting over to your seat as Eddie trails behind at a measurable distance. Along the way, you inevitably run into the Junior Queen of Hawkins High herself, Harmony Heathers.
Harmony issues you a sweet smile. You smile back at her in return. And you didn't even need to turn your back to know that Eddie most likely did a double-take when sliding past her.
The late bell rings, indicating the start of class.
“Okay,” your homeroom teacher Mrs. Helleck exhales as she clasps her hands together. “Good morning everybody. For Red Ribbon Week this week, we’re gonna be doing a group project. Worth 20-percent of your grade.”
The class erupts in agonistic groans while Mrs. Helleck attempts to calm them down. You feel Eddie’s gaze burn into you, indicative to the fact that he was looking forward to using you again like he always seems to do. This time around it would be for a grade instead of a two-pump fuck. But you had something else in mind.
“You will be doing a presentation,” Helleck continues. “With a partner of your choice. Your job is to create a slogan along with a list of reasons why you should stay away from drugs.”
“Drugs Instead of Hugs,” Grant mutters to Eddie.
The general vicinity collectively praises his lukewarm wannabe 4-Chan edged joke.
You roll your eyes while your poor homeroom teacher tries to proceed with her instructions, despite the immature snickers.
“You will be presenting with your partner on Friday. Do not wait until last minute to do this assignment please. Deadlines catch up to you fast.”
Mrs. Helleck makes her way over to you.
Like Dungeons and Dragons, everyone in the class is assigned a “classroom role”. You’re the leader of the pack, the ‘foreman’, to which you never understood because up until today you never had the confidence to call the shots. The alphabet has never been on your side anyways.
“Now dear,” your teacher smiles down at you. “Since your last name starts with an A, you get first choice. Who would you like to work with?”
Eddie’s gaze is extra fixated on you now. It gives you a greater deal of satisfaction than tossing those cookies ever did. It was you who had the reigns now, instead of those woman-patronizing incels.
You start to smile connivingly, to which the guys start to gulp over. You can tell they’re putting two and two together, their two brain cells collectively working over time to discover that you had a delicious upper-cut up your sleeve.
It’s the very least they can do. If they wanted to taint your name to smithereens in your absence, you’re sure as hell going to give them something else to lose their minds about in Math 3.
And when all eyes are fixated on you, you tilt your chin up to project your voice. You want to make sure everyone, especially Grant and Eddie, hear you loud and clear when you sinisterly announce,
“I pick Harmony.”
tag list: @damp4eddie @eddiesguitarskills @babygirl229 @love-anonymous-writer @ziggeddie @socially-awkward-eliza @shesahellfirebabe @ali-r3n @yourdailymemedelivery @mincloud @jupitersnights @ineedtosusoutmyreadinglist @whisperingtales @fearlessreid @emma-munson
divider by: @benkeibear
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zombholic · 8 months
I needddd more modern Abby relationship au
[your wish is my command, kinda like twisted it up so like … 😔🙌🏽]
MODERN AU — abby anderson
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• she would definitely really be into gaming when she has free time, a couple of posters and figurines of her favorite video game characters.
• abby met you in high school but yall never spoke because of two completely different social status’, abby was the captain on her ice hockey team and you only hung out with 3 people, you were social but just never liked anyone.
• you would definitely visit the ice skating rink while there was practice whenever it was scorching hot day, it was always cool there.
• abby would notice you from time to time but mind you she was straight in high school, she thought it was normal to imagine making out with girls.
• abby thought it was completely normal staring at you in your tight shorts that were so close to being dress coded was normal, nothing else … right?
• college rolled around and you both attended the same university, she was focused on getting her degree in civil engineering ( @atomicami ) while you were there more for the college experience always switching majors because you’re very indecisive.
• you would constantly see that girl at every party you went to, she was definitely very popular while you stayed keeping to yourself and your 3 friends.
• at one party you got a little too rowdy since it was a halloween party and the music was just feeling too good not to feel cocky for once (escapism was def playing.)
• you had your drink in one hand dancing around, finally feeling yourself for once until your turned around too quickly causing you to crash into that blonde who was built like a fucking brick wall you drink falling on the both of you.
“What the fuck!” She shouted through the loud music booming throughout the house “I’m so sorry! let me help you!” You grabbed her hand and lead her to the bathroom where the music faded in the background when the door shut.
You grabbed the hand towel that was hanging by the mirror and quickly started pat her dry “I’m so sorry dude, i’ll buy you a new costume.” She couldn’t keep her eyes off of you for some reason.
“No, it’s fine. Hey didn’t we go to high school together?” She sparked up a conversation, you nodded to her response “Yeah, it’s like I saw you all the time but we never talked.” You giggled while she had a small smile creeping on her face.
• after that day she asked for you number and you guys talked to each other 24/7 she basically became your best friend.
• you two would hangout at her apartment all the time playing Minecraft together, you would give her Minecraft flowers while she was there tryna survive.
• the relationship between you two was always so flirty and touchy, you hated when anyone would touch you or even show you affection but when it was Abby you swore you melted every time.
• whenever you two went anywhere together that had a lot of people she kept her arm wrapped around your waist securely, didn’t want your little ass running off.
• one day at her apartment it was in the middle of the night and you guys had the zoomies, running around the apartment and play fighting.
“Your punches feel like pebbles being thrown at me.” Abby teased before grabbing your wrists with one hand and twisting them behind your back.
“Abby that fucking hurts you slut!” You and Abby always have been rough with each other ever since you became friends, don’t know why though?
“Slut? Did you call me a slut you weirdo.” She hollered as she threw you over her shoulder and slapped your ass so hard you almost cried but the wetness in your panties said something else. “You slap too fucking hard can you don’t you fucking buffalo built bitch.” You returned the favor and slapped her ass back.
Abby sat you down on the kitchen counter as she stood between your legs “You’re so annoying.” She teased with a stupid cocky grin that you wanted to kiss slap off her face, you rolled your eyes at her.
“What’re you doing for Valentine’s day?” You tilted your head looking up at her through your lashes, god every time you looked at her like that her stomach twisted in so many ways. “Why? tryna ask me out?” You pushed her shoulder playfully you tried to hide the little smile that was forming on your face.
“You’re gross no, I wanted to know so we can make each other baskets.” You and Abby had started this cute tradition with each other whenever a special holiday came around rather it be halloween, birthday or valentines day or even if one of you guys were feeling yall would make comfort baskets for each other.
“I wish we could hang that day but I gotta date.” You felt your whole body tense up, sitting up straight you swallowed thickly “With who? you’re like supposed to tell me everything.” You farrowed your brows, crossing your arms over your chest.
• she went on a fucking date with nora, your felt your heart ache so painfully when you saw her insta story with her and nora kissing with the caption “prettiest first date 💟”
• lets say you started avoiding her like the plague, you basically went no contact with her, didn’t block her you just muted her on everything.
• abby was genuinely so heartbroken that her best friend was avoiding her, every since valentines day she just couldn’t seem to ever see you again. even on days where she would usually see you in your spot you weren’t there, like you vanished off the face of the earth.
• god she blowed up your phone like crazy it physically pained you to avoid her but you refused to be the best friend who has feelings while shes in a relationship, you couldn’t do that to her.
— 🎧   ◦ ✺   📽  ⟢ —
authors note — god forbid i make a happy fucking story 😔🙌🏽
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spectres-n-soap · 5 months
Soap x reader x Ghost Let's Walk in The Grass
Content Warnings - Angst, grief, unplanned pregnancy, mentions of a pregnant afab body, slow burn, MW3 is canon
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"Alright." Price responds. "Light duty until maternity leave." You nod and exit the office once he dismisses you. Closing the door behind you, you gulp down the salvia that had built in your throat. You rest your head against the cool brick for just a moment and steady your shaking hands before you began to walk to your own office. You open the door, your mind too muddled to recognize that it was unlocked.
You turn on the light and jump back when you see Ghost sitting in your chair. The sight might had made you laugh in a different time. A time when Soap was alive to laugh with you at the sight of Ghost dwarfing the desk chair. You clutch at your heart or the part of your shirt that it was under. "You scared me Lieutenant." You mutter and lean against the door after closing it. "Can I help you?"
Ghost pulls a plastic, clear baggie from his pocket that held the three at home pregnancy tests that you had taken in the girls bathroom. He places the baggie onto your desk. You look between him and the tests, disgust washing through you when you realize he had to dig through a trash can to find these. Then horror settles into your gut when you meet his hazel eyes, something angry stirring behind a thin layer of indifference.
"How long?" He asks, voice gruff and grating. Maybe it was his natural voice or from years of smoking and yelling.
"None of your business." You reply sharply, matching his own narrowing eyes with your own. "If thats all." You step aside and motion towards the door.
" 'M not goin' anywhere."
"This is my office." 
"And I'm your superior officer."
You clench your jaw. You know that Ghost was a hard-ass. You had worked with him for easily two years, more if you counted the times before the task force. "Five weeks." You finally concede, "Satisfied?"
You throw up your hands in exasperation with a huff, "I gave you the answer. What else could you want?"
"The full story." Ghost leans ack in the chair. Your chair.
You can't help the laugh that comes from you; harsh and bitter. "With no respect sir, that's none of your business." It was hard to deny the chemistry that Ghost and Soap had. The banter and subtle shows of affection. Ghost, the bastard, was a smart as much as he was a hard-ass. Had he figured it out? Or had Soap blabbed about that night? You purse your lips at the thought and the silence that filled the office.
That night hadn't happened on base, you had sworn Soap to secrecy. He might had loved to talk but you trusted that he had taken that secret to his grave among many others. Eventually Ghost stands from the chair and leaves. You don't waste a second before locking the door behind him.
You sit at your desk and touch nothing. You stare at the small pile of paperwork, listen to the tick-tock of the clock and close your eyes. You could almost hear the laughter that used to bounce off the walls of this office and flow through the halls.
"Don't say it." You warned, narrowed eyes met Soaps gleaming ones. "One more joke and you're banned from my office."
"As come off it lassie." His scottish accent warmed the room, "Just one more."
"MacTavish." You grumbled and his smile only grew.
"What do ya call a solider who survived mustard gas and pepper spray?" He asked and chuckled when you groaned. "A seasoned veteran."
"I hate you."
"Ye wound me," A devilish smile grew on his face, he had another joke to tell.
You wipe at the tears that run down your face with a shaky breath. You felt like a fool, a fool for not holding onto every moment Soap gave you. You had suspected Soap had gotten those jokes from Ghost but you never asked, simply because you didn't care. Soap was spent time with you, told stupid jokes and you loved him. You glance at the wall to your right. His office had already been cleaned out but the spot he would sit on your desk was still empty.Patiently awaiting something that would never happen again. You still love him.
You couldn't help but think about how Soap would've reacted if he was here now. Once, while the both of you were a couple drinks in, he had told you that he wanted a family. The memory was fuzzy on the details, how the topic had come up wasn't something you remembered. Still, you wondered if he would have jumped for joy at the news.
It must have been a funny sight to see, a member of the task force waddling around base. Thats what you thought to keep your sanity at least. You had to waddle, you lost the ability to see your feet a month ago. Price of course did approve the leave request you had put in. Gaz held you steady as you walked up the steps towards the offices. You couldn't believe today was the last day and then you were off for 52 weeks.
Unprompted, Gaz had stuck by your side since the second trimester. Of course he didn't push your boundaries but he helped you climb stairs and keep the rookies you were training from causing too much trouble. "I'm fucking massive." You mutter, huffing and puffing when you finally arrive at your office door. Gaz gives you a empathic smile because you both knew who waited inside your office. Fucking Ghost. 
Ghost hadn't given up and at this point you knew he knew the truth. That the baby was Soap's, you suspected Ghost just wanted to hear you admit it. You push the door open and stare right into Ghost's hazel eyes. Gaz, smartly, walks away after closing the door. "What?" You snap, too tired and pregnant to deal with Ghost.
"Just say it." His voice overflows with raw grief, the voice of a man who was at the end of his rope. He was begging you. "Please."
"Why do you care so much?" You ask, tone cold as you tilt your chin up. 
"Because its all we have left of him." At least he was right about you only having this piece of Soap. When his office and bunk had been cleaned out, it seemed everyone had gotten something of his. Everyone but you. This baby, this piece of John MacTavish was all you had now. "He drew you." Ghost whispers, pulling you from your building rage. "Pages and pages of sketches of you."
"Let me hear it. I'll step in because he can't."
"I don't understand." You mutter and wipe away the tears that had begun to build on your waterline. "You don't need to anything for me."
Ghost shook his head, "This is all we have left of him. I loved him." HIs voice cracks under the weight of his pain, "I want to do right by him. I've had 38 weeks to think about this. 38 weeks of watching this piece of Johnny grow with the knowledge he never knew. And the knowledge that he wouldn't have wanted you and the baby to be alone." Ghost stands up from the chair only to walk over and kneel down, he doesn't touch your belly. He seems to hesitate before grabbing your hand, "Please let me do right by him."
Ghost- Simon, whatever he wanted you call him, looks at you with disbelief when he sees your flat building. It was old, not in the best neighborhood but it wasn't like you spend a ton of time at your flat. "No." He states, like it would change reality.
"Yes." You grumble and twist the keys in the ignition of his truck off before getting out, ignoring his protests and cursing. "You said you wanted to help, so you're gonna help but on my own terms." You say as you move just about as fast as your body would let you. You had 11 weeks to set up the spare room in your flat for the baby.
Ghost pulls your duffel bag from the bed of his truck and follows you into the apartment, noting how there was no doorman or security. He also noticed the dirty carpet in the halls, the peeling paint and the water damage. He bit his tongue to keep from saying anything.
You waddle up the stairs to your flat, stopping at the top for a second to catch your breath. You swat away Ghost's hand before walking to your apartment door. You begin with the top deadbolt and work your way down to the doorknob lock. Finally, you open the door to your reasonably sized flat. Despite the state of the outside hallway, the flat was rather nice looking. Which didn't say much. Its paint wasn't peeling at least. Ghost sets the duffel bag onto your table and walks around the flat. Two bedrooms, the couch was clearly not new, perhaps a hand-me-down. Kitchen only had non-perishables inside but was stocked with pots, pans and the other needs for a human.
For an adult human. Not a baby. There was a lot of work to do in these last 11 weeks.
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cry4mina · 3 months
Take Me Back to Eden - Ascensionism (Part 4)
(Nayeon x Fem!reader)
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Take Me Back to Eden - Choke Hold - Part 1
Take Me Back To Eden - Granite - Part 2
Take Me Back To Eden - Aqua Regia - Part 3
Word Count: 8.5k Angst/Angst/Smut Summary: Reader finds out the truth behind what Jihyo and Nayeon has been up to, she takes the steps to become more independent and heal her grief, only to fall back into old habits. TW: Betrayal, suggestive themes, lying, break ups, cheating, manipulative behavior, anxiety, top!reader x Bottom!nayeon, choking, degradation, truthfully its rough sex but anyways, let me know if I missed anything! A/N: After a reasonable amount of requests I decided to continue the series. I also decided to write smut for the first time. Thank you to @saiiidahyunee @neoplatinum and @miinatozakiii for the help/advice for this part! <3 (srsly, this wouldn't have happened without them)
“Did she believe you or do we actually need to stop seeing each other?” 
Pulse radiating in every cell of your body, waiting to see if there’s another text from Jihyo. Absolutely baffled as the lie shatters your consciousness, returning you to the jagged spiral you were still reeling from.
It was true. She did this to you. 3 years of deception and it was all happening right under your nose. 
Knees buckling underneath you as you think back to the conversation you had in the kitchen the night prior. 
The tears she shed, the way she spoke…the way she studied your face… She was acting through the whole thing and you believed her. 
“Nothing has happened since, and nothing like this would ever happen again. I wanted to tell you but the person I was then and the person I am now are two completely different people. Even that version of myself would never dream of hurting you in such a way.”
 Stomach churning at the words previously said, fighting back the hatred growing in you. 
‘Please understand that I would do anything to remove this from my past…our past.” 
Nauseously fighting the tears threatening to spill from your eyes, remembering how your skin felt against hers as you slept next to her the night prior and you cringe knowing it was all fake and you had fallen for it. 
Nayeon’s phone vibrates in your hand again, revealing another text from the other responsible party. 
“We can lay low for a little while and let it all simmer down, if that’s easier. But I don’t want to stop being with you.”
As you stare at the screen, truth reflects back onto your face, flashing through your memories with her. Decorating the house on the holidays, her meeting your parents, anniversaries, going out to dinner; Even the small touches to show affection that intertwined themselves into everyday life hardened your exterior as you built your walls back up brick by brick wondering how long they’ll hold up with the digital reinforcement you’ve stumbled upon.   
The need for the truth pokes at your chest while opening the text thread between her and Jihyo. 
———————————Yesterday 11:34 pm——————————
Jihyo: Y/n didn’t seem to believe me when we spoke, I hope she listens to you or we might have a problem. 11:34pm
Nayeon: We might have a problem then 11:35pm
Nayeon: I don’t know if her and I will make it thru this 11:35pm
Jihyo: Do what u can. We will just have to cover our asses if the company finds out we are sleeping together. 11:37pm
Nayeon: It seems like she can’t really make a decision. I put her to bed a little while ago because she was exhausted. 11:38pm
Nayeon: She did bring me dinner last night… 11:38pm
Nayeon: She actually just came to the living room and def only in underwear…I’ll update u in the morning. 11:40pm
Jihyo: Just because she’s the piece that’s keeping the public and our company from finding out doesn’t mean I want to hear stuff like that, Nayeon. 11:42pm
———————————Today 8:12 am——————————
Jihyo: Did she believe you or do we actually need to stop seeing each other? 8:12am
Jihyo: We can lay low for a little while and let it all simmer down, if that’s easier. But I don’t want to stop being with you. 8:14am
Forgetting to blink as you’re reading the thread, in disbelief that you almost gave them the forgiveness they asked for. Caught between the smoke and mirrors, an illusion painted for the public eye to cover the secret that only they knew. 
Screenshot clicks lightly as you send yourself the evidence and delete the pictures from the text thread as well as Nayeon’s phone. You wanted to be able to look back on this and remind yourself that she was responsible, and that you'd never give her another chance. 
Sliding her phone into your pocket, you walk into the bedroom. 
Nayeon is distracted in the bathroom preparing for your morning shower together. Hearing the door of the shower sliding open and the sound of the head sputtering to start. The clashing of the water hitting the tile mimics the storm you felt brewing up inside of you.  
As your rage builds you quickly grab a backpack out of the closet, unintentionally knocking a tote bag down as you pull the straps. Trinkets of all kinds scatter across the floor, you flinch at the sound and look down at the mess before immediately unzipping the bag.
“Is everything okay, baby?” Nayeon yells from the bathroom, it's muffled by the foam of her toothpaste as you hear her spit into the sink.
Body tensing at the pet name, knowing the illusion of the past 3 years was uncomfortable and devastating. 
“Yes. Just dropped something.” You shout back trying to hide the towering rage that is rocking against the winds of change your digital confirmation created. 
 “Okay, my love, I’ll be waiting for you in the shower.” She sings back trying to play cute with you. 
You roll your eyes while shoving the bag full of everything you’d need for the next few days as quickly as possible. Clothes, charger, wallet, important documents, and your laptop. 
Putting on the first pair of pants you see and not even bothering to change out of the oversized sweater you threw on to cover up while you had your morning coffee. 
Quietly running to the dresser to grab some socks, your foot kicks some of the mess left on the floor. Sighing at the annoyance of it being in your way but it slows down enough to see what the contents were. Jewelry you’d never seen, love notes opened with a wax seal, and countless pictures of Jihyo and Nayeon together. 
Frozen in fury as you take in what you’re unintentionally uncovering, a singular tear drenched in anguish falls - the tap on the photo echoing in your ears. Reaching your limit and the overflow of emotions are about to spill out of you in a slurry of misery and hatred.
Grabbing the specific Polaroid of them kissing, tucking it into your pocket with her phone and leaving everything else where it landed. Preparing for the confrontation, knowing she’ll probably try to cover it again. No more running from it and no more hiding from it, you had her cornered with the proof that she was a liar. 
Hopping onto the counter in the bathroom, you waited for Nayeon to realize you’re there. The shower door is slightly open, she left it for your entrance. Opening her eyes momentarily to see you staring back at her, much like most mornings. 
This morning was different though, after the fight you got into that spread out over a week and the information you got this morning; there was a thickness in the air that wasn’t just steam. Almost visible in how it intimately caressed your heart into a conflicted mess of emotions, waging wars inside your chest.  
 “Aren't you gonna join me? I’ve got a blank canvas for you if you’d like to make more art out of me.” She coyly says, winking at you.
 Your cringe is covered by the steam coated glass, repulsed by the thought of this stranger touching you the way she used to. The trust was no longer there. Being past anger, past sadness, and clinging to the numbness so you could get through this conversation. 
Trying to keep your brain on track when Nayeon steps out of the shower and walks towards you, seductively. A thin layer of sweat is starting to appear on your skin as she gets closer to you, you’re trying to talk yourself out of the thoughts of what would happen if you just showered with her and forgot what you found. 
You can’t do that to yourself, you know that. You would never knowingly accept less than you deserve but your heart was fighting you with every step she took towards you.
She puts her wet hands on your thighs, allowing the material to cling to your skin, “why are you wearing these? Just so I can take them off?” Her pupils are wide as she fixates on your face watching you half glare back at her.
 Swallowing as you try to keep yourself from shaking as the numbness wears off and turns to despair and then shifting erratically to pure anger and then back to despair again. The pattern is familiar, you’ve lived it before a few times. Trying your best to conceal the rapidly changing mood and keep a straight face.
 It seems to go unnoticed as she parts your jean clad legs and slides her waist between them wrapping her arms around your neck. Shivering at the warmth of her skin against yours as her fingers lace through the hair on the back of your head, trying to get you to cave into her wants. 
Your body is definitely reacting to her being this close to you the way it always did. The ache in your core screaming at the familiarity but your mind is repulsed. How many times had she done this with Jihyo? 
Not pulling away, allowing her to set herself up, the same way she let you. Leaning into your ear, lips brushing against its shell as she whispers “I’d love to take this off, if you’ll let me.”
“Do you really think you deserve it after what you’ve done?” sternly leaves your mouth. 
Clench her thighs as you speak, she loves when you talk to her that way. Not realizing that your voice is heavy with a different type of malice, not the usual light hearted mask you wear for her when she wants some roughness. 
 Hands come off your neck and slide under the sweater. She’s relieved you don’t have a bra on as she scratches harshly down your back, like she always did during sexually driven moments much like this one, in an attempt to rile you up more. 
It works for a moment, you groan and chase after her lips as she teasingly pulls away from you. Challenging your power and being a brat, refusing what you were asking for to intentionally make things more heated. Two can play that game.
“Close your eyes and hold your hands out.” Softly spoken while only an inch away from her face. Her half lidded eyes looking up at you for a moment. The sparkle for you is still encapsulated in her big brown eyes. 
Immediately listening, placing full trust in you. Removing her from between your legs, you guide her back and against the glass shower door. It rattles on impact as she leans against it, inciting a gasp from her. 
Her hands are up and out, waiting for whatever you had in store for her.  She’s smiling up at you, eyes closed, intrigued about what you’d place in her digits. 
Reaching into your pocket and pulling out her phone and the picture. Looking at them one more time before placing them directly into her hands, almost as an offering, like it’s your ticket out of this mess you unknowingly found yourself in. 
“You can open them now.” Tone leaving little to mystery as it sneers out of you. 
Her brows furrow as she realizes something isn’t right. Nayeon opens her eyes and looks down at what you’ve placed in her hands. Confusion waves across her face until she sees the image of her and Jihyo kissing, staring back at her. Hearing the gasp leave her lips, a deep gust of air is still not enough for Nayeon as she almost starts to panic.
You’re out of the room in seconds, her quickly following behind you, she grabs onto the sweater leaving a wet handprint that matches the ones on your thighs. 
 “Please, let me explain!” she begs frantically and tugs on the sweater harder to try and get your attention while you’re gathering more necessities for your daily routines. 
“Drop the act, Nayeon. I don’t want to hear anymore from you.” Your tone is growing more callous as time goes on. It roughens up the few soft spots she had even if it was entirely her fault you were going through this life changing event.
 Her face shifts from worried to annoyed as you sprint around the room, not bothering to organize anything being placed into the backpack.
“And where are you going to go, huh?” she asks, tilting her head and dropping her arms to her side heavily, allowing her frustration to show for a split second before she remembers she’s still completely naked and dripping wet from the shower on the rug in your bedroom.
Taking a step forward to get in her face, you startle her, not expecting you, soft gentle y/n, to approach her in such a way. Leaning back when you stepped forward but not breaking eye contact. You watch her leg start to bounce as she gets more anxious realizing you were angry in a way she had never seen, fire behind your eyes noticeable as you adjust your stance to show her you weren’t backing down and you were no longer scared to lose her. 
Movement feeling foreign to her as she’s unable to keep calm like the Nayeon you knew of. Backed into a corner and baring her teeth as you confront her about her wrong doings, is an attempt to control the situation and she was about to try an old tactic that had worked previous to this. 
Playing with the belt loops on your jeans, she brings her voice back to the sweet one you used to know,  “Are you just going to keep running away from me? Or can we talk this out? I thought we were okay. I thought we could get past this together” Retorting in a semi-cooled tone. Eyes watering again and the block of ice in your chest is trying to thaw in you as she leans in to put her satin lips on yours for a small second of contact before you avoid the affection, knowing you’d crumble at the act. Not allowing yourself to fall into her grasp again, knowing she was willing to hurt you in an incomprehensible way, and feel no guilt.  
“That was before I saw those texts and before I found the bag of secret Jihyo shit in the closet, Nayeon!” 
Looking down at the phone you handed her to read the message. The realization of what’s happening washes over her face, it couldn’t be played off as a misunderstanding anymore. She had been caught red handed and had to deal with the consequences. 
Nayeon leaned in harder to her act of fake innocence, insinuating that you were in fact the big bad for violating her trust like she wasn’t the one who burnt yours to crisps and used the ashes as eyeshadow.
“Why did you go through my phone?” She crosses her arms, pushing her breasts together. She’s trying to distract you with multiple tactics but it wasn’t working, her act faltering when scrutinized. . 
Extremely angry, your brain couldn’t see her as anything other than an enemy. “Is that really what you’re worried about right now? Our entire relationship was a false front for you and Jihyo and all you can do is try to flip it on me?! …Who made you like this?” harshly asking just trying to understand what she had to gain from hurting you in such a way. 
“You don’t trust me?” Nayeon says sweetly, touching your torso again. Pulling away roughly, unable to  believe it’s even a question she thought would be a good to say out loud, when you both knew what the answer was. 
 “You have been cheating on me for the entirety of our relationship and you have the audacity to ask if I trust you? Fuck you.I gave you the opportunity to be honest with me and you threw it right back in my fucking face, Nayeon!” laying into her, letting out every drop of anger she caused you through your teeth.
“3 years of what?! You completely ruined everything, our entire relationship was fake so you could fuck Jihyo without suspension! So absolutely not, I don’t trust you in any sense of the word.” voice starting to crack as you tear up, “and to think I was actually going to propose to you” letting the sadness of the future lost memories drain out of you onto the person who caused it all. 
Speechless and not believing that the docile person who was head over heels for her could have such venom to spit. A new light is shining down on you as you display your livid behavior. Oddly, even more attracted to you than she already was, she was in a trance as she realized what you said. 
“You were going to…propose?” Quietly said back to you. Her eyes are saddened as she starts to understand the weight of her choices and all the things that will never happen again between the two of you. The guilt cuts deep, creating a sharp sting in her chest as a heart string popped.  
Rolling your eyes and open the drawer in the kitchen that normally is reserved for “junk” to pull out a little black box, slamming it on the counter. “I really wanted to…” allowing yourself to be vulnerable for a moment as she reaches out to open the jewelry box and sees the perfect ring. 
The pear shaped diamond in the middle was huge, with little diamonds laid into a rose gold band. This is how she described her dream wedding ring to you on your 3rd date. You wrote it down in the notes of your phone for the moment you would need it, thinking she was the one. 
Eyes matching the diamonds, sparking with light as they fill with tears. She never thought about how much you paid attention or how well you knew her. Too wrapped up in playing her role with both you and Jihyo to even think that you were set on her being the one you wanted to spend your life with.  
“I need you to tell me how it started. I need to know why.” speaking cold heartedly, keeping the distance between the two of you. 
“...It did start with a drunken night. That was true. I never tho-” She started as she lowered her eyes. 
“Look at me when you’re talking.” deliberately call her out, rattling her a little bit, her face turns red, eye wide as she goes to speak again.
“I never thought that it would go this far with her. I really was genuinely upset when Jihyo told me what happened the first time. I didn’t remember anything at all and then she convinced me not to say anything and then we hung out a few days later and…it happened again but sober this time and it just never stopped. There was no emotion behind it for me, I swear. I love you, not her.” 
A freight train crashes through you as you reel at the information hitting your ears. 
“You don’t get to say that. You don’t get to claim you love me when you’ve been living in a black light paradise with someone else this entire time.” hissing dispassionately to assert your words.
“But two things can be true at once, like you always say…” throwing back at you with a smirk knowing how much your own rhetoric being used on you makes you angry. 
Aggressively grabbing your backpack again and heading towards the door again, once intimidating, now a way to safety as you jerk it open, feening for escape from the heavy atmosphere. Your steps are quick and precise as you make your exit. 
 “I made a mistake, y/n. She’s not you. She will never be you.” Almost shouted at you as one foot stepped over the threshold. 
 “You were the mistake and I hope your guilt drowns you.” 
An anchor pulls your heart to the bottom of the ocean. You told Nayeon to drown but it was you who couldn’t swim. Pulling harshly at your arteries as you sludge towards your car, feeling as if you’re moving in slow motion just trying to escape the shark infested waters.
Remembering this same feeling from before, but this one was much more certain. With the evidence in front of you, the admission from both parties, and the way Nayeon spoke to you- there was no more safety in who she portrayed herself to be. The illusion has smashed into shards of false love, leaving you to pick up the pieces. 
You drive to Momo’s house, not bothering to call before showing up, you don’t think you could speak anymore, your jaw is tense the entire way there to hold everything in. 
Walking up to the door and hitting the door bell, the dogs bark to alert their owners. The locks click open and the door cracks open to reveal a surprised Momo. 
“Y/n, what are you do-“ cutting her off as you collapse into her arms. You kept it together long enough to get to your best friend, but now the dam was broken and unable to contain the pure pain that was born from the cruelness Nayeon showed you.
Momo drags you into the house and sits you on the same couch you slept on days before, sitting next to you and trying to comfort you as you shake and sob, wrapping your arms around yourself trying to create a sense of safety for yourself that couldn’t be torn from you.
“Y/N, what happened?” Momo is so concerned with your inability to calm down, it’s starting to make her upset. 
Dahyun walks into the room, hearing the commotion. The loudness of your sobs ringing in her ears with her heart sinking into her stomach as she sits on the other side of you, joining Momo’s effort to comfort you. 
Shakily breathing as you try to regulate yourself yet again, this time it feels harder than the last because at least last time there was hope. You are only experiencing extreme sadness and betrayal, with a lot of anger mixed in it but there was no hope present.   
Unaware of how long you’ve been crying as Dahyun gets up “I’ll go make up the guest bedroom.” Rubbing your back as she walks past you. 
“Thank you,” you squeak out through your teeth, struggling to calm down. 
Momo has a look on her face that could cut diamonds. Anger radiating off her cheeks as she grabs her phone, taps it a few times and brings it to her ear quickly, she stands and taps her foot waiting for the other person to answer.  
Nayeon is heard on the other side, “is she with you?” 
Momo’s face is repulsed by this considering the state of you in front of her but she answers the question anyway,
 “Yes, what happened? She’s obviously not okay. Tell me what happened.” Momo’s arms are crossed, standing up she shifts her weight from one leg to the other. 
“I don’t know, she just got upset and left”
“Nayeon, I have known you for years.You’re lying. Y/N wouldn’t just show up sobbing uncontrollably for no reason, so tell me what happened or I'm hanging up.” talking with her hands, raising them in a frustrated manner as the lies keep coming.
“Well if she didn’t want to hurt herself she should have gone through my phone.” annoyance present in Nayeon’s tone.
Momo looks over at you, devastated for the second time on her couch pulling your phone out in silence and showing her the text thread screenshots you had taken earlier.
“It’s not as big of a deal as it’s being made out to be.”
“Are you serious right now?” Momo harshly questions as Nayeon continues. 
“Are you going to question Jihyo like you questioned me? Or are we just gonna pretend like she’s not part of this too?” 
The sharpness in her tone was something you had witnessed before but the taste of her name coming out of Nayeon’s mouth was unbearable.
Momo gasps at the new knowledge that has now been thrown at her. Completely statuesque, as she tries to wrap her mind around what Nayeon just said.
 Momo’s eyes look up on your screen to reveal the name at the top of the text thread: Jihyo  
The rush of emotions she was experiencing was overwhelming to her senses, momo’s voice choked with tears as she spoke to Nayeon.
“Wait…what did you just say? J is Jihyo?!” Momo says in complete disbelief, shocked at not only what she’s reading on the screen but by what she was hearing from one of the parties involved.
“Yes. So please call and interrogate her. Can I speak with my girlfriend now?”
“No, you can’t. I am not friends with people who do this type of thing, Nayeon. How could you do this to y/n?” she shouts through the phone, hunched over with a hand on her knee, trying to understand all the pieces of this complicated puzzle.    
Momo, trying to keep the anger she felt under wraps, started pacing in the room taking laps around the couch as she spoke. 
“Nayeon…are you kidding me? How long has this been going on?” Confused was an understatement, Momo was completely overstimulated with the information she was being given. 
 Never noticing the connection between how close Jihyo and Nayeon were, always sharing hotel rooms on tour, finishing each other’s sentences, the looks across the room, Nayeon staying at Jihyo’s house frequently…it was all starting to add up and Momo is seeing red over the pain of her best friend being hurt beyond belief, and by someone who was supposed to be her family. She was just as angry as you were. 
“Momo, I don’t want to do this right now, Can I please speak to Y/n? I’m trying to save my relationship and not be put under a microscope by you.” 
“I can’t believe you would do this. You spoke of Y/n like she moved mountains for you and this is what you’ve been doing behind her back? I’m disgusted with you and your actions…and I’m pretty sure she’s your ex-girlfriend now but you knew that already, didn’t you?” 
Momo hung up quickly, not caring about what Nayeon had to say back to her. More worried about you and your emotional state than anything Nayeon had to say.
 “Did she tell you why or was it her avoiding the question?” inquiring as she took a seat next to you, giving an apologetic look and a bear hug to try to make you feel better. 
“She told me enough for me to want to leave my home, technically she didn’t even tell me, I found a secret bag of Jihyo stuff in our closet with a bunch of pictures of them together, and one shot of them kissing, wax sealed love letters and jewelry.” Voice cracking and shaking as you bite back more emotion. 
Momo gasps as the story unfolds before her, she can’t believe what she’s hearing. It is so polar opposite of what she expected of her members. She always thought they were kind and loving. She imagines what y/n might be feeling in all of this. 
“I am so sorry. Please let me know how I can help you get through this.” reaching for you to pull you into a warm embrace. 
“Well, I’m definitely going to need to find a new apartment so if you want to help me with that I’d be grateful.” half chuckling through some tears, trying to add a little light into the situation. You hated the idea of someone else being upset because of this situation.
“Consider it done” Dahyun walked back in with swollen eyes, sniffling. She probably overheard the argument Momo just had and was reflecting the same amount of empathy as Momo was. 
“We can start tomorrow!”
About 3 weeks went by and you were slowly showing signs of your old self. You were going out with friends again, hanging out with Momo a lot, and starting to become present again, no longer constantly seeing the rewind of Nayeon’s innocence faltering behind your eyes. Still receiving texts from Nayeon at least 2 times a day. They served as a reminder of what once was. 
Momo and Dahyun were patient with you, letting you speak with them about the effects this trauma was having on your mental health. It’s always hard to watch your loved ones go through something this difficult but it was obvious that they were proud of how you were handling it, even if it was hard. They were always there to remind you that you could do hard things. 
Finding a 1 bedroom 1 bathroom that was close to Momo and Dahyun’s, signing the lease immediately. It was a slight upgrade to the studio that you and Nayeon occupied previously. The kitchen was bigger, the natural light was brighter, and the bathroom had a large bathtub that you could fully lay down in, which you were looking forward to. 
Spending a week finding the perfect furniture for it, designing the interior however you wanted and making it your own space without someone else’s opinion in the back of your mind was fun. You enjoyed doing this for yourself, fixating on something that had to do with you alone. You felt the ashes from previous ruin sprouting stems as you tried to move on.
You had really been focusing on yourself, trying to resurrect yourself after total devastation. Pulling out the roots, and planting good ones so later on you could reap the benefits. Changing the perspective of your brain was hard, but well worth it.
Being in a better place mentally and emotionally as your sense of stability was so close to being present again, you thought it was time that you continue with the last step of separating from Nayeon.
There was still some stuff you wanted to get back at your old apartment but you didn’t want to run the risk of Nayeon being there. You had no desire to face her, especially while you were still mending. You decided to reach out to her to let her know you’d be coming by to get the rest of your things. 
“Hey, I’m going to stop by today to get my stuff. I’d really like it if you weren’t there.“ You hesitate to hit send, not wanting to come off in a rude way. Quickly realizing how absurd that was and hit send. 
 “So now you reply? I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for weeks… are you doing okay?” almost immediately after the message was delivered, like she has been staring at the thread waiting for you to say something. 
“That’s not your concern anymore. What is your schedule like this week? I won’t be long. I’d just like my things, thank you.” you replied with haste, just wanting this to be over. 
“I’ve got something scheduled at 5 today. You can come then if you really don’t want to see me.” 
You can hear the pout over the text message without any hint of it present in the text. This instinctually sparks sadness in you. Biting the inside of your lip and type out a few replies before deciding to just drop it. A wave of the past just flashed in front of you, causing you to fall into loneliness, something you’d fought to keep at bay. 
Checking the clock and it’s already 3pm, you finish up what you’re doing in the living room and take a cold shower before setting out to the apartment one last time.
Stepping into the once familiar place, you are hit with the smell of vanilla and sandalwood. “That’s odd” thinking to yourself, wondering if she’s left a candle burning as you walk in, sliding your shoes off by the door. She always forgot to blow them out after lighting them or would fall asleep on the couch with one lit. 
You were right, but with an added twist, the candle was burning in the center of the coffee table flickering against the shadows in the room around you. The flame was blocked out by the shadow of someone on the couch in the dimly lit space. 
“I thought you had schedules.” sighing, irritate at being met with another moment of dishonesty.
“I just needed to talk to you…” she whispers, she had been crying. Hearing it in her voice and seeing it on her face as she turned her back to the candle, taking in your features like it was the first time she’d ever seen you. A  tinge of hope runs through her, your face must be showing sympathy.               
“I needed you to be faithful and that was too much for you so I don’t really want to do any conversing with you.” asserting that you’re completely vexed by her as you walk into the bedroom to gather the rest of the stuff you were taking with you. 
Following you closely, a habit you used to think was cute as she watches you pick up small knick knacks from your childhood, clothes, and some other important tokens left behind. Sorting through every drawer to make sure you got everything, wanting this to be the last time you’re in the once shared life.    
Almosting touching you with how close her proximity was, she wondered if you’d give her some of your time so she could plead for you to stay when you finally spoke up. 
“Can you stop hovering so I can do what I need to and leave?” 
“Can you just talk to me for a second?” Nayeon replied equally annoyed and choked up as she watched you tuck all she had left of you away. 
Turning around to face her, “Fine! What do you want?” 
You’ve never shown her such apathy, the emptiness that rings in your voice hollows her chest out as she takes a few steps forward, you are surprised by the sudden closeness when she leans in and kisses you roughly. 
You gasp which leaves an opening for her to slide her tongue into your mouth, the neediness pouring out of her drenches you with adrenaline and you slowly succumb to her as she bites your lower lip and tugs gently. The world stops.
Every ounce of love you ever felt for this person came slithering back into your mind for a split second, followed by anger as you remind yourself of the betrayal. 
You can’t believe she’s just throwing herself at you. Body reacting exactly how you would expect when your recent ex partner kisses you like this, the familiarity of her hands on your body sends jolts of comfort and excitement through you and you aren't strong enough to fight the primal urge. 
Trailing her hand up your back under your sweater while keeping you distracted with her mouth and sinking her nails into your shoulders, dragging them slowly down your back, causing you to lean into the kiss even more, moaning into her mouth as she smiles. 
Falling into the trap she was setting and you knew it. 
Hands slowly find their place on her waist, she kisses your jaw whispering sweet nothings into your skin. 
“Baby, please stay” she lays another kiss farther down your jaw
“I know you missed this” laying another kiss
“You are always so hungry for me…show me”
She ghosts her lips up and returns to yours as she kisses you passionately, revealing pure lust as she grips onto you. Bringing your hands up to cup her face, allowing yourself to get lost in the breathy haze, heart pounding as you feel your body temperature rise, effects of the love that once was and the lust that now is. 
Spiraling in the dizzying moment,you and Nayeon sink into each other, closeness returning as you’re swept away by the intense feelings you’re both harboring. Hands are exploring as you fumble around, not allowing space between you as you both collapse onto the bed, hungirly taking each other in as you gain control, Nayeon is lost in the essence of you and it was your turn to hold the power.  
In addition to getting on top of her, you place your knee between her legs- just enough out of reach so that she couldn’t get a good position on it. You were going to give her this moment to remember and you were going to make her earn it.
The heat emanates off her as you rip off your sweater tossing it aside. She’s looking up at you like you put the moon in the sky as you reach your arm around and unhook your bra, letting the straps slide down your arms slowly, her eyes wide with anticipation as you remove it, throwing it on top of the sweater. 
Nayeon’s hands reach up, eyes darkened as she tries to touch you when you slam her hands back down into the softness of the sheets, pinning her to the mattress forcefully above her head, glaring into her with white hot anger.  
“No,” as you hold her in place, your body pressed against hers, faces close enough to feel each other's quickened breath. Nayeon sees the flash of spite in your eyes as you press your mouth on hers, it makes her ache while she is refracting desperation, subtly grinding on your thigh as she lets your tongue dance with hers.
Pulling back from the kiss to admire the sight before you; Nayeon is anchored to the bed by your hands, whimpering and grinding on your leg practically begging for you to fuck her. 
Faces return close enough for your lips to lightly graze, teasing her as you remind her where you stand, “Tell me… does Jihyo excite you like this or is this only for me?” with a sultry nuance. She squirms underneath you as you taunt her, her eyes flickering down to your thigh as she tries to grind into you to get some friction to satiate the ache you���re creating within her, only for you to pull your knee back just enough so she can’t reach it. 
 She whines “y/n…please, it’s only yo-” getting up before getting the full answer and dragging her legs to the edge of the bed letting them bend over the edge, pulling her shirt off frantically, exposing her tits. 
 The knot in her stomach tightens as she watches you become completely carnal, continuing toying with her. Lightly tracing her chest with your finger before you kissed her again, this time more aggressively as if you are claiming what had been yours. She groaned into it, always loving when you got like this, you’re ghosting your finger along the waistband of her sweats as you pull back from the kiss again and attacking her neck leaving a trail of dark marks down to her chest. 
“She’ll have to admire my artwork for the next week and I hope she enjoys it” leaving bite marks and bruises as you descend down slowly.
You take one of her nipples into your mouth and swirl your tongue around it, you can hear her breathing hitch as you roughly pinch the other one. Without letting go of her bud between your fingers you detach your mouth and slide your other hand up to Nayeon’s throat, lightly squeeze and ask “Does Jihyo fuck you like the slut you are? Or does she leave you for me to ruin?” 
Nayeon let out a wail as the words cascaded off your tongue, completely bewildered at what is happening right now as she feels the intoxication of your agitated demeanor wash over her while she grows impatient. Pushing back and trying to take the power from you when you mimic your prior movements and slam her down on the bed, letting her know that wasn’t going to happen.
“Don't. Move.” Stoically said while standing up, sliding her pants and underwear off to reveal a string of arousal clinging to the fabric and the soaked mess that she was. She was already clenching around nothing. 
“Pathetic.” You smirk. 
“Does she ever make you this wet?” as you part her lips with one hand, gathering her arousal at her entrance with your finger, and slowly bring it up to your mouth, sucking it clean. She rolls her hips up at the sensation, body screaming for more. 
“I told you not to move.”
Nayeon whines loudly, “Please, Y/n…touch me” begging for some continuous form of contact and being sure not to move while your stand above her watching as tears well up in her eyes. 
“...so needy… does she make you beg for it like this?” the words daunting as they snake out. 
“You’re so good at lying, I’m sure she thinks you belong to her.” 
“What was it that you said earlier?” following up slyly while lowering yourself between her legs, knees on the floor and arms are wrapped around her thighs, with hands planted on her hips keeping them in place. 
“You’re always so hungry for me…” breathing out as you traces patterns on her lower stomach and bring your face closer to her pussy, 
“…show me” she sighs out as you dive down into her folds, moaning intensely as you tangle yourself between her legs. She feels you devouring her sloppily, not leaving a single place unexplored as she tries to buck her hips into your mouth.
Nayeon is seeing stars as past experiences flood back into memory, senses heightened as you consume her more possessively than usual. She loves this version of you. 
Hands holding onto her so tightly as you start sucking on her clit, she squirms under your grip, squealing at the erratic pattern traced with the tip of your tongue before giving her the rhythm she craved so desperately. 
Nayeon’s breathing gets heavier as you stick to the pace you know she likes, building her up to where you wanted her. The moaning gets louder as you continue lapping at her, hands go up to your hair, locking you in place as you bring her as close to the edge as possible. 
Hearing her high pitched whines and feeling her pussy clench around nothing, completely stopping everything that you are doing.  
“Wha?!-..” she let out a groan that could’ve shattered windows as you stood before her, watching her react to the orgasm being ruined. 
“Why would you do that?!” she groaned out, squeezing her legs together again. You lightly smack her thigh, telling her without words not to. The slap radiates through the room and leaves a small red hand print displayed. 
Enjoying the blissful anguish on her face as you licked the evidence right off your mouth while removing your pants and underwear. Getting on the bed, straddling her, wetness visible as it drips off of you, she looked up at you with wanting eyes, hips still rutting, and knowing exactly where this was going.
“Did you really think I’d give you what you wanted so easily?” you start scooting up so that your knees are on either side of her head, a mere inch from her face.
“You’ll have to earn it.” Leaning forward and head between your legs, tongue out already anticipating the taste of you. 
A gasp echoes in your chest as she licks the inside of your thighs, making sure not to waste a drop of you before taking one big slow lick up your slit, doing that several times, causing you to thrust into her more before attaching her lips to your clit and finding the rhythm she knew you wanted. 
Drowning in her all over again as you feel the knot in your stomach stir, you need more from her but she wasn’t going to give you that right away.
“Naye- ..fuck, just like that -on” you whine her name, slowly start to fuck her face. 
“More.”  Demanding breathlessly, feeling your release building throughout your body, muscles tightening as she shakes her head no, trying not to remove her mouth from you.
“Nay-“  a guttural moan stops you mid sentence, knowing what she wanted from you. 
“Baby…please, I need you” pleasure all consuming, you’re aching for her inside of you.
Before you can ask again, a long finger slides into your core and starts pumping forward to hit your g-spot a few times before adding another finger. 
Another loud moan, as you steadily rock your hips against her mouth, building on the list you were already feeling. Close to breaking, you feel one of her hands slide up to your chest and start tugging on your nipple, that’s what sends you over the edge. 
Throwing your head back as your breath quickens, grinding against her face, with a death grip on her hair. Shaking on top of her as your orgasm rips through you, she keeps going, letting you ride it out. 
“Good girl,” you say breathly as you scoot back to straddle her hips again, body feeling like static as you come down. 
Catching your breath while looking at her cum covered face, you know you aren’t finished with her just yet. Leaning up to you, wrapping her arms around you and kissing you. Tasting yourself on her as you pull her arms off of you.
“I missed the way you taste.” she cooed as you stood up again, half wobbling as you were still recovering. 
“Didn’t I say not to move?” sternly rolls off your tongue, her eyes widen as you push her back down roughly and spit directly onto her pussy. Not that you needed the extra lube, you spread it around her entrance before slamming 2 fingers into her.
“Fuck, Y/n…” she moans as you pump your fingers quickly into her, feeling how wet she is from the orgasm you stole. She thrusts harshly, forcing your digits deeper into her.
“You don’t cum until I say you can.” growled at her from between her legs - peering up to see her face, eyes clamped shut as she leaked out onto the sheets - impatiently waiting for you to stimulate her in some way. 
You can’t help but torture her a little. 
“Does Jihyo make you wet like this? Or is she a shit replacement fuck when I’m not around”
She doesn’t even hear what you’re saying while she’s writhing underneath you, completely fucked out and trying to focus on not cumming while you’re toying with her. Your mouth finds its way to her clit causing a frantic moan to rip through her chest, hands pulling at the sheets as she holds everything back.
“Ca- can I cum please?” She screeches between moans, nodding your head back to her while keeping the same circular motions going with your tongue on her clit, picking up the pace of the fingers inside her as she screams out - back arching, body tense, and clenching down on your fingers as she cums, gushing all over your hand. 
Trying to take a breath, she squeals because you never stop fucking her at a relentless pace; she’s immediately back to moaning your name. 
“Baby, What are yo-” words cut off as she loudly moans, giving her a second to try and finish the sentence. 
“Use your words” as you pick up the pace even more, holding her down onto the mattress with your left hand on her hip, pounding your fingers into her. 
Unable to speak coherently, almost screaming as she tries to formulate sentences. 
“You wanted to cum so bad, so give me another one.” Answering the question she couldn’t ask while snapping into her g-spot, bending down to put your lips on hers again, giving her a taste of herself as she moans into your mouth, unable to hold back from the feeling of being over-stimulated. 
She feels the tension inside her forming again, threatening to burst at any moment when you lean over to ghost your lips over her ear. 
“I bet Jihyo doesn’t make you cum like this.” Violent combustion dispels from her body as she tenses underneath you, screaming into your mouth and sinking her claws into your back while riding out her orgasm.
Both of you lay on the bed, attempting to catch your breath. She rolls over to you, and tries to curl up in your arms but you get up before she can get too comfortable.
“Baby, where are you going? Sleepily stated while staying on the bed.  
Silence as you put your underwear back on.
Silence as you slide your pants on 
“…are you leaving?” She says in a sad tone, leaning up on her elbows, watching you put your shirt on and gather all the stuff you came to get. 
She is in complete disbelief as you walk out of the bedroom door, hearing you put your shoes on in the kitchen and then hearing the door open. 
“What the fuck are you doing here?…what is that on your neck?” heard from the kitchen. Nayeon’s eyes widen as she realizes the time and the plans she made…with Jihyo. 
“I don’t really think she will be much use to you tonight but you’re more than welcome to try.” You say condescendingly to Jihyo as she stares at you about to walk out. 
“Oh, by the way” , turning your head to her as you open the door.
“I hope you like the way I taste. Enjoy.” smiling at her as you walk right out of the apartment. She stares at the front door in disbelief as she’s figuring out her next move, now in a similar position to where you were.
“Nayeon!” screamed loud enough for you to hear while you’re walking toward the elevator. Not even being able to help the smirk across your face knowing she’s about to get an earful. Laughing to yourself as you call the elevator.
Starting the ride home, you think about exactly what just happened. Unable to believe you allowed yourself to fuck Nayeon and act like that towards Jihyo. Thinking about it not with regret, but with a blend of malice and sadness. They were both important to you, previously but that’s reality anymore.
Looking into the rearview mirror at the complex behind you, almost a far-well glance for you as your phone vibrates in your pocket. 
Pulling it out to see Jihyo’s name across the top and hit the end button, sending her straight to voicemail. She calls again, same response. The third time your phone vibrates, you answer it 
“Can you stop calling me? I obviously don't want to talk to you.” sounding heavily annoyed. 
“…Y/n?” A familiar softness rings on the other line as you look at the phone number that isn’t saved.
“Oh…uhm, sorry…I thought this was Jihyo. I don’t have this number saved in my phone…”
“That’s alright” a small chuckle follows, “It’s Mina.”
Take me Back to Eden - The Summoning - Part 5
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behoright · 1 year
ultraviolet disguise l s. crosby
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don’t be so naive / you know that you are all I see
summary: Sid makes you apologize after you give him attitude all night.
wordcount: i literally don’t know how to word count on my iPad please someone tell me I swear it’s not too long maybe 4k
song: tonight you are mine - the technicolors
warnings: minors dni! Contains a whole lot of cursing and smut. Quite degrading and rough as well, so please read at your own discretion.
a/n: plotless, plotless smut. poor proofreading lol. When I say I would let this man do anything to me, I mean it. Feel free to fill my inbox with your thots. Love you always.
(>。☆) ✒️ ˚‧ ⌗ ⌗ ⌗ ⺌
“Where is she?”
“Can someone go find her?”
Your group of friends was currently shivering on the sidewalk, in the Nova Scotia winter, as they drunkenly waited for their rides to take them home. All necessary interactions exchanged, and many waiting to happen behind closed doors, only a couple of people were sober enough to round up everyone and finally call it a night.
Sidney being one of them, noticed instantly they had left you behind.
In all honesty, he was cranky and tired, the frustration having built up from babysitting a bunch of wasted people.
“Isn’t she a grown ass woman or whatever. She can figure it out on her own.” someone slurred.
“Alright, I’m not missing our Uber because of this.” Sidney said, making his way back inside the bar with a huff. No one was coherent enough to go back in there anyways.
The place was packed, people happily mingling at every corner; thankfully, Sid had a great height advantage to almost everyone, so was able to spot you effortlessly through the chattering crowd.
As he walked over to you, thoughts and memories of the messiness that constituted your friendship plagued him, his heart quickening pace inside him.
“Are you done or what?” he spoke loudly above the music and chaos.
“Almost.” you said as you barely turned around to acknowledge him.
“Everyone’s waiting for you, let’s go.” He replied impatiently.
“I’m waiting for this guy to gi-”
“I really don’t care. We’re leaving.” he said, strictly, inching his body towards you and the exit.
Sidney used his physical edge to push you through the crowd, hurrying you with his haste steps right behind you.
“I don’t need you to do this, you know? I’m an adult.” you hissed as you kept walking.
“Well, then maybe start acting like one.”
“Dude, what the hell is your problem?” you exclaimed, turning around and bumping into his chest. Despite your size difference, Sidney felt like he ran into a brick wall.
He sighed, grabbing your arm harshly and pulling you into the nearby bathroom.
“What is your problem?” he said, raising his voice while locking the door behind him.
No one was going to use the bathroom until he figured out where your attitude was coming from.
“I haven’t done anything to you, Sidney.” you muttered.
“Oh yeah? You’ve been acting like a bitch the whole night.”
“Woah. What would the press say about hometown superstar Sidney Crosby using this kinda language?” you snickered, crossing your arms.
“Why are you being so… mean?” Sidney’s eyes narrowed at you.
“What are you talking about?”
“Just, fucking, pushing me away all night, like I don’t even exist.”
“Well, I’m sorry I don’t kiss your ass like everyone around here does.” you said, rolling your eyes.
“That’s NOT what it is and you know it.” he yapped.
“I thought you said I needed to stay away from you. I’m too young or whatever.”
Sidney hadn’t rejected you per se, but at that moment, you both recalled the conversation from a while ago.
The conversation that was supposed to put all flirting to a half.
From both of you.
Supposed to.
“It’s not only that, Y/N. You’re Mike’s niece, it’s not right.” he replied, running his hands through his dark hair.
“Fine! Then why are you so mad when I ignore you?” you prompted, throwing your hands up.
“Not only did you mostly ignore me, you, were fucking rude the rest of the time, and I mean, you’re obviously so fucking desperate too.” Sidney almost word vomited, clearly ignoring most of what you said.
“How, Sidney? Literally, how?”
“I mean, look at what you’re wearing!”
“I meant how was I rude.” you said, making him blush at the miscommunication, too embarrassed to even respond. “Why are you worried about my dress so much?” you teased.
“Oh my god, you’re so fucking annoying.”
You knew what this was.
Like a child, throwing a tantrum to get their mother’s attention, basically.
It was obvious to you that bowing down to his ridiculous comments wasn’t an option.
Not yet.
“You like it?” you said, running your hands down the cheap fabric that sat tightly against your body.
“No, I did not say that. I don’t like it.” he muttered, slightly looking away from you.
There was something quite entertaining about rendering a huge, masculine man down to this blubbering of a mess.
“Why not? Is it too slutty for you?” you laughed.
Sidney’s eyes were burning into you, now quite differently than before, as he turned his attention back to you fully.
Nevertheless, he remained silent.
“You holding back, Sid? Why? You don’t want to call me a slut to my face?”
“I would never do that.” he hit back, his low voice echoing in the tiled bathroom.
Looking out of the small window for a second, you sighed. It was too late, and everyone was waiting anyways.
Perhaps tonight you’d throw in the towel. He obviously already had.
“Whatever. We need to go anyways.” you said, walking towards the door.
“No, we’re not leaving until I get an apology from you.” he hit back, positioning himself between you and the exit.
Or… maybe he hadn’t, you thought, seeing that spark still in his voice.
“Good fucking luck with that.” you laughed.
“Just say you’re sorry.”
“I should be asking for the same thing, I mean, you’ve been pretty rude.”
“Because you were rude first!” he exclaimed, throwing his arms up.
“Do you hear yourself? I thought you were the “real” adult here.” you snickered.
He took a step closer just to have you take a step back.
There was no conceding tonight, actually.
He wasn’t getting any apology out of you anytime soon, and the more you stood your ground, the heavier his chest began to heave.
Unbeknownst to him, you knew Sidney perhaps too well.
He was simply too easy to read, always hiding under the hockey personality facade.
It might have fooled anyone else, especially, any other girl, but not you.
Throughout the months you had spent together, it had been incredibly simple to get to know him.
It was only after he distanced himself away from you that you decided to press his buttons.
He fell for it each time, his impulsiveness and real, undercover feelings exposing him and failing your tests constantly.
“You’re really, really pushing it tonight, Y/N.” he muttered.
“Fuck if I care.” you said, raising your shoulders.
Poor Sid, you thought, such masochistic tendencies he had.
If he could only burst his media trained bubble for a second, you could’ve had fun with that together.
“Fucking say sorry.” he repeated, once again.
He was slowly beginning to unravel, his feelings showing clearly through the tense muscles of his body language.
“Or what, Sidney?”
“God, you’re such a fucking brat.” he said, raising his voice, louder than ever before.
“Oh, there he is. Finally, you’re saying what you really think.” you smiled sweetly at him.
“You’re so fucking spoiled, it’s driving me insane.” he said, keeping the slow walk going towards you.
“Keep going, Sid, you’re just making this more enjoyable for me.”
“Yeah, of course this kinda of shit turns you on.”
“You’re one to talk.” you say, flicking your eyes down at the noticeable bulge in Sidney’s pants.
“We’re at a club, Y/N. Not everything is about you.” he said, rolling his eyes and yet attempting to close the space between you two.
“Then why are you here with me?”
“Because you won’t listen to me!” he exclaimed, his legs still moving towards you. “Is this what i have to do to get you to listen?”
“…Yes.” you whispered, and Sidney felt like he finally was starting to break you down.
“Drop the act, Y/N. Tell me what’s going on.” he sighed.
By now, Sidney had covered all the space in the bathroom, and found himself face to face with you against the wall, your fiery eyes looking up at him.
You had walked around in circles enough with him, literally and figuratively.
“If I could spit in your face I fucking would.” you said roughly, your eyes stuck inside his chocolate eyes.
“Do it, then.” he said, his face tilted down towards yours.
“Enough, Sidney.”
The smirk that you had so proudly sported all this time was long gone, Sid building up enough courage to now talk back to you.
“I thought you wanted to? Do it, then. Spit in my face.” he encouraged, smugly.
“You fucking wish.” you said, pushing against him with your chest.
“Woah, woah, calm down, now.” he chuckled, his fingers wrapping around your arms to keep you against the cold tiles of the bathroom.
You couldn’t hide the way his touch made you feel - you had dreamed to be in his hands for a while, and feeling him now just made you wetter.
Unfortunately for you, he noticed right away, his expression morphing into puzzlement as he took you in.
“Look at you. You like this, don’t you?” he asked, incredulous.
“Never in a million years.”
“Then what is this?”
Sidney’s eyes flickered down to your breasts, the hard nipples poking through your dress instantly giving you away.
“It’s cold, Sid.”
“I don’t know, your skin feels pretty warm under my hands.” he raised him eyebrows, moving his hands slightly up and down.
Plan foiled.
“Is this what this is all about?” he questioned, but you kept your lips zipped in frustration.
Sidney took an impossible step forward, your chests coming in contact.
“If I touch you down here, Y/N, what will I find?” he asked, trailing his fingers down your left arm gently.
“I don’t know, maybe if you ever fucked a girl before you’d know.”
“That’s a good one, baby.” he laughed. He couldn’t help it, seeing you so feisty just… for him.
That was all you wanted, apparently.
He kept his eyes locked onto yours, looking for approval as he lingered his fingers in front of your sex. As he got what he needed, he wasted no time in moving your underwear to the side.
“That’s what it is. You’re just dying to get fucked right.”
Sidney whispered a heavenly oh my god as his calloused, thick fingers rubbed your folds.
“Did raising my voice make you feel all hot inside?” he asked.
“You’re fucking soaking my fingers, Y/N. Quit lying.”
He knew he could stretch you out immensely just by using a couple of his digits; but he decided not to, taking his touch just to your entrance and circling your clit, with no added pressure, making your head painfully fall back.
“I’m barely touching you and you’re already moaning. You’re so desperate, aren’t you?” he coaxed.
No witty come back spewed out of your mouth, the slight relief and building anticipation of indulgence growing deeper within you.
“You really want to be put in your place, huh? That’s all you want?”
His touch had you at a loss for words; you could barely nod in between needy whines.
“Stroke my cock, c’mon.” he said, his voice husky as ever, as he placed your hand on top of the swollen erection that was poking through his dress pants.
It was becoming hard to focus, hard to touch him right, Sidney refusing to dip his fingers at any point inside you, instead just painfully teasing you.
“Oh, you just think I’m going to fuck you like that?” he asked, dropping his hands away from you.
“Fuck no. Work for it.” he said aggressively. “Get on your knees.”
Your knees found the floor promptly, betraying your will but getting a satisfied smirk out of him.
“Look how obedient you’re being now, huh?” Sidney said, his fingers fastly undoing his pants in front of you. “Open up, baby. Let me see your tongue.”
Sidney slapped his cock on your tongue a couple of times before thrusting inside your mouth, not giving you a chance at any action but to wrap your lips around his girthy cock instantaneously, moaning in satisfaction.
“Holy fuck.” he moaned, letting his head lull forward with his bottom lip secured under his teeth. “This is what I have to do, isn’t it? I have to treat you like this, for you to-, to-, fuck, oh my god.”
You pulled Sidney’s length into your throat, your muscles tightening in a gag around his thick head, mostly in order to break him further and to stop his gloating.
“God, where did you learn how to do that, fuck.” he groaned deeply, lacing his fingers in your hair, instinctively massaging your scalp sweetly.
“You’re so much nicer when you’re choking on my dick like this.” he continued, his thighs tightening and clenching under your hands as you bobbed your head on him, thick saliva building at the back of your throat as you somehow devoured him more and more.
If he was holding back any moaning, it was hard to tell, his abs visibly clenching whenever you took him deeper and he, consequently, moaned louder.
“This is a good, good way to say sorry, baby.” he growled, his head thrown back, but stopping your motions right away.
“I’m not saying sorry, Sidney.” you said, pulling away from his cock so quickly that you were left with a trail of spit connecting you back to his glistening head.
He felt his chest fill with anger and lust, desire.
All he wanted to do was take you home and fuck you until you couldn’t talk back to him any longer. He instinctively wrapped his fist tightly around your hair, pulling you up by your locks.
“Look how messy you are.” he muttered as you came to your feet, his big eyes trailing over your shimmering chin, dripping in spit and precum. “Come here.”
Sidney shoved his tongue inside you, placing his other hand around your throat gently. He loved to keep your head steady as he overwhelmed your mouth, running his tongue over yours with no rhythm or caution, simply taking whatever he wanted.
“I guess I just have to fuck this attitude out of you.” he said against your lips as he pulled away breathless. “Face the fucking wall.”
As he turned you around, you did your best to hide the huge smirk on your face. He was finally going to give you what you both so desperately wanted; despite what he said, Sidney’s actions had always proved different than his words.
He hated that he had such a hard time resisting you, that he spent his night thinking about you with his cock throbbing in his hand, but he couldn’t wait anymore.
The rubber band had finally snapped.
Sidney squeezed your ass, your silky flesh crinkling in exquisite pain through your thin dress. He kept marking you with his fingertips as his other hand roughly pulled down your minuscule underwear, letting it trickle down your legs as he directed your ass towards him.
He tried to keep his composure as he pulled your dress up, the traces of his fingernails on your skin illuminated by the small ray of the street lamp that came through the high bathroom window.
It was hitting you perfectly, actually, so much so that he could see the glob of your wetness leaking out of your entrance, your pussy angled perfectly towards him.
“I would tell you how pretty you look like this but you don’t deserve it.” he spit out, beginning to stroke his member up and down your slit.
“You’re so fucking needy for me. I can’t believe how wet you are, God.”
Without warning, Sidney filled you up completely, ripping a gasp out of you as he gave you no time to adjust. His size made it hard to breathe or even keep your legs from wobbling already.
“Yeah, you’re not used to taking big cocks like this, aren’t you.” he questioned, readjusting the grip in your hair once again. “Well, you’re going to tonight.”
He began to fuck you, almost savagely, every mouthwatering plunge hitting your cervix and stretching you to your max. Sidney grunted deeply every time he moved. He knew that as much as he tried to keep it together, you could see the cracks within him, giving into you. But he knew he couldn’t back down without teaching you a lesson.
“Say sorry.” he groaned in your ear, but all he got in response were sweet moans.
Frustrated, Sidney picked up the pace, slamming himself harder against you and inside you. Your body rebounded against the wall harder every time, an aching starting to cover every inch of your skin, seeping within you and mixing with the unrelenting desire that he was sending through your being.
Whenever he wanted, Sid would move his right hand, squeezing and grabbing any bit of you that pleased him.
He was big enough to have access to your every part.
The back of your thigh, or the side of your tummy were covered in his fingertips, flecks of his rough handling beginning to dot all over you.
Your nipples oversensitized, having been rubbed against the freezing tiles through the fabric of your dress were the only sensation cooling you down as he kept increasing his rhythm, his heart pounding heavily against your back.
“Yeah, I bet that feels good, doesn’t it?” he said, tilting your head so he could see you. “Look at those pretty eyes rolling back. Fuck.”
The sounds that filled up the room were filthy, he thought.
Sidney felt primal, taking you in the bathroom of a sleazy bar, not because he had let himself go, but because it pleased him to put you in your place.
The buckle of his bell dinging against his pants as he sped up.
His heavy breathing fusing with your candied moans, reverberating against the empty stalls.
The squelching of your bodies united, drops of want and longing and frustration running down both of your legs, splattering against the ground or soaking his pubic hair - it was so dirty and out of character for him.
Only you drove him to this.
Knowing that he was the only one that could hear this, all of it being covered by the muffled sounds of the raging bar outside, made him grip your hair a little tighter each time he focused on it.
This was the closest he had ever been to your face. Underneath the light sheen of makeup, he could see your skin turning a deeper shade of red; those big and thick lashes he loved so much batting irregularly. He noticed you wanted to regulate your response to him, attempting stupidly to keep your pupils focused on him instead of oscillating to the back of your head once again.
But he could see right through you.
He could see you struggle, with your telling high pitched moans, trembling underneath his touch.
It exasperated him. Delightfully.
“You want to cum so badly, don’t you? Yeah?” he asked, almost mockingly.
You nodded, the pull from his hand making the roots of your hair sting more and more, pulling your face in such a pathetic way that kept Sid’s cock covered in wetness.
“Too fucking bad. You don’t get to until you apologize.” he barked, pressing your heating cheek against the wall.
Your defiance was obvious; you decided to keep this little game going a while longer, considering it made him so mad and delirious, pushing his pelvis so forcibly against you that your ass bounced audibly on him.
“Apologize. Be good, c’mon.” he uttered in your ear, doing his best at holding back his groans as he slowed his thrusts down.
Playing was for two people, after all, and he knew the change of pace would be what you despised the most. It was immediately evident, groans of desperation pouring out of you.
Still, you could see stars of pleasure as you squeezed your eyes tightly in anguish.
“Now, Y/N.” he demanded, a hand coming down to spank you harshly.
If it was up to him, he would have kept this going forever.
He had thought about a million ways to punish you throughout the whole night.
You were lucky he only had a public bathroom available at the moment.
He could feel you on the verge of breaking, both in the cracks of your voice, the fact that you were pushing back at him slightly, your body looking for more, and of course, your cunt clamping firmly on his cock through the wetness. He made the decision to keep the thought to himself as an attempt to keep you as tamed as he had you at the moment.
All he needed was to slow down even more.
As adorable as your squeals were, and as much as they made his dick twitch noticeably inside you, he wasn’t going to let up.
“I’m sorry, Sid.”
For once, Sidney had the upper hand. He made you putty in his hands and you equally knew it.
“Good job.” he said, fucking you roughly again.
He went back up to max, tightening his jaw as your pussy sent waves of toe curling pleasure down his cock. He was leaking inside you, precum spilling all over and painting your insides.
“I’m so sorry, Sidney, I’m sorry.” you repeated, his eyes on your face.
“That’s okay, baby. Just once was good, love. You’re so good. So good.” he said placing his lips against your cheek.
The act of tenderness made you quiver.
If you had let up once, you could finally fully let go.
You could feel his pupils dilating in lust as your mouth was stuck open, blaring your sobs and cries as your orgasm hit you like a ton of bricks.
Ceaseless in his fucking, he seemed to thrust harder as he got closer too.
Sidney refrained from rubbing your clit. He wanted to, yet this was still a punishment.
“Atta girl.” he coaxed. “Keep coming for me, baby. Can you do that?”
You nodded dumbstruck, your eyes crossing deplorably as you kept shaking in bliss.
Sidney was focused on you; he noticed a silver thread of spit leave your bottom lip, your face still roughly pushed against the wall with his force, and he lost it.
“I need to cum, baby, I’m going to cum inside you, fuck.” he hastily groaned.
He growled deeply, thrusting all the way inside you and grinding into his orgasm as his cock let out hot cum within you.
“Fuck, baby, fuck.” his growls were deafening, numbing you and traveling throughout the stuffy air.
As you came down, you could feel him spasming yet inside you, his face still furrowed in a heated sweat - he had bottomed out inside ou, his strong pelvis lifting you a couple of inches off the ground, levitating under his gratification.
Soreness began to overtake you as the pleasure let down, all of Sidney’s muscles relaxing into you with a sigh; your heels clicked as he let you back off the wall slightly, pulling his cock out of you as he was still huffing.
The pain hurt so good for you both, breathing against each other as you tried to catch your breath at the same time.
“Look at me.” he said, turning you around so quickly you could have lost your balance, especially after he fucked you like that. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
Seeing his usual sweetness come back made your heart swell, a smile growing on your face.
“I’m okay, Sid.” you said, biting your lip shyly.
“Now, what we’re going to do is…” he began after kissing your forehead, bending down to pull your underwear up, “put these on, keep my cum inside you, okay? Like a good girl, yeah, while we go out and grab a ride to my place. Yeah?”
You nodded, aroused that he wanted to keep this going.
“Good job.” Sidney placed his hand on your lower back, walking you to the door. “I’m not done with you yet.”
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themetalhiro · 1 year
Your art is so SHAPED!!!!
I love it <3
Any tips on how you got it so shaped?
Thank you so much!!! Haha ive been getting this comment alot and i THINK i have a grasp on what it means! Ill try my best to explain- using some one piece sketches since thats what Ive got on hand.
My first piece of advice is, dont be afraid to go ugly first! When sketching, youre sketching, and every sketch doesnt need to be finished eventually. This is kinda hard sometimes but i believe if you over work a sketch trying to get the first one perfect, things can come out really stiff!
these are the sketches I was playing with when learning to draw sanji. The 3 in bold I used, but the other ones got tossed - either too stiff or too exaggerated or just didnt match his vibe!
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Thats the first step. But when it comes to the literal *shapes* picking the right shape has to do with not only their personality, but how they move as a character. And I think this should be applied *after* getting flow down first. I feel sometimes when an artist tries to stick hard to drawing nothing but x character in x shape things come out sort of stiff. (NOT pleased with the way i drew Zoro in the bottom right.)
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But the actual shapes… thats up to what you think works on a character! I went with triangles with rounded corners on Sanji. I felt it would flatter his hair nicely, as well as his slim build and pointy ass shoes. Usopp felt more round and oblong to better suit his nose and the curves in his outfit- and zoro is all squares baby! Sturdy and built like a brick shithouse. But these are just my interpretations!
Anywayssss,,,,,,, hope this was somewhat helpful and not just a huge wall of text, lol! Thanks for your support! :]
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azulock · 8 months
Could we get nsfw headcanons for Chris Prince and Lavinho, please?
Ugh I miss those two already, good times when one match didn't last six months. Also when the coaches were hot, sorry Snuffy girlies, he ugly. Anyway here you go anon!
Chris Prince NSFW Headcanons
⟳ the himbo coach, this man is mostly muscle and he is big too, so hope you have a size kink and like being manhandled cause that's what you getting.
⟳ since he is so tall and built like a brick house he is pretty much guaranteed to be bigger than most anyone around. can probably hold both of your wrists in one hand easy, and he for sure will make use of that.
⟳ big on praise and body worship, both giving and recieving. will have those massive hands all over your body while he says the most filthy praise in your ear.
⟳ hope you like bruises cause he is gonna be groping, and holding and pulling on you so hard you gonna be left with finger shaped purple marks all over
⟳ also hope you have a hand kink cause he likes how big they look on you, and in you. he's gonna be shoving his fingers anywhere he can reach, but especially loves shoving them in your mouth and watching as he presses your tongue
⟳ favorite position is gonna be up against a wall, a counter, a table, anywhere he can either hold you up or push you against something. you gonna end up with bruises from the edge of the table or whatever but again, what's one more bruise, right?
⟳ that dick is big, not the longest but still longer than average, tho the real kicker is the girth, extra thick, get ready for a stretch. it's thicker in the middle and pretty veiny too.
Lavinho NSFW Headcanons
⟳ I'm biased towards this man cause he is clearly a citizen of my country, Rio de Janeiro. that said, smooth motherfucker, fun, great dancer, fantastic fuck. you'll have a great time on that date, please never try to see him again, it's for the best, let it be a one time thing.
⟳ he is touchy, it's a cultural thing, he likes physical displays of affection - both platonic and sexual by the way. hope you like pda, cause we are far for lenient with how we define pda.
⟳ not the most serious guy in bed, he is here to have fun and getting goofy ain't out of the menu. so if you want the dark, brooding and menacing treatment, look elsewhere
⟳ kinky guy, the "will try anything once" kind. his is a kinky slut looking for kinky slut type deal, he doesn't find innocence that sexy and ain't in the market to teach anyone shit. his type would be someone on the same wavelength as him so they can keep up.
⟳ is a switch. as a dom he's into teasing, edging, orgasm denial and overstimulation. will edge you for centuries while teasing about it, then when he finally gives you release, will go straight to overstim, and tease you about that too. as a sub he is a fucking brat.
⟳ ass man. loves a nice juicy ass, big supporter or booty shorts, tight pants and tiny skirts. will have a hand on your ass whenever possible, like a stress ball for him.
⟳ talk about booty shorts, he likes to show you off. let the others look and envy him. also like I said, man's clearly from Rio, we ain't afraid of showing a little skin, we don't call it shorts unless you got 2/3 of your thighs out, so if you like showing skin, that's your man.
⟳ now, statistically speaking, this is the man with the biggest dick in the cast of the manga. don't believe me? google average dick size per country, look at where brazil at. this man is huge, real big and with a proeminent curve upwards. not the thickest, but thick enough to look good with the length. also veiny, but not extremely so.
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