#associator synesthesia
cluepoke-archive · 9 months
Actually just curious :]
SYNESTHESIA is characterized as a 'cross wiring' of senses in your brain
for example
tasting words
Numbers and letters having personalities
and having a consistent link between colors and numbers/letters etc. This can be fully visual (seeing aura simmialr to migrains when hearing noises) or internal (imagining bright colors or shape/ number associations to things in your 'minds eye')
Diffrent days of the week having a strong color connection
Alternatively days of the week and calender months having a specific mental layout or 'shape' and days of the week and month having a specific place om this mental map that shifts depending on where you are in time, simmilar to a clock or time table
I'm also curious on how this effects you so you can leave that in the reblogs if your comfortable!
For me personally my synesthesia effects my writing because I'll often mix up letters and numbers ( I write down 4 alot instead of G and vice versa, I also mix up 4 and 7 because they 'look' the same, I'm wondering if this is some sort of dyscalculia though, the same thing happens with A and 8)
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snailsdraw · 1 year
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[Start ID:
3 pages of HLVRAI narrative doodles exploring a Benrey synesthesia headcanon:
Benrey watches Gordon having a breakdown and wailing incoherently, but his wails correlate with the pitch the colour orange has in Benrey's mind, which is also the colour he associates with laughter, and so he believes Gordon is laughing. That prompts him to go "yo, funny joke. what?", to which Tommy replies with a worried look, "I don't, this- I don't think Mr Freeman is laughing, Benrey-", which is overlapped by Dr Coomer similarly saying "I don't think he is laughing, Berry.". The orange sweet voice that Benrey had let slip while speaking pop in the moment of realisation.
Benrey telling Dr Coomer and Tommy, "bro, you gotta switch names. username update. colour's not right.". Above Dr Coomer and Tommy's heads are their name acronyms in the colours Benrey associates them with -- Dr Coomer's being yellow and orange, and Tommy's green, orange, yellow, and light blue. He then tells Gordon, "Feetman can keep his name though, 's green," which prompts Gordon to ask, "What's that supposed to mean?". Gordon's name is associated with the colours green and orange, like his HEV suit and glasses. Lastly, Benrey says to Bubby, "Bubby's cool too, i guess.". Bubby's name is associated with the colour periwinkle, which isn't too far from the blue he wears. Bubby responds with a satisfied, "Hell yes."
Gordon asks Tommy, "Wait, Tommy- Tommy," to which Tommy replies, "Yeah?", to which Gordon continues asking, "You can read sweet voice. So you can do that too? Hear colour and...names and...y'know what, I dunno. I'm not a psychiatrist or... whatever it is they-". Tommy cuts him off to confirm that yes, he can read sweet voice, but no he can't do the latter. He says, "No, I had to- to learn to read it from the- from scratch, Mr Freeman. But it wouldn't have been easier if I could. It would have been conf- it would have been worse." He continues to explain, "It's like- it's like if I- if we both imagined, uh, apples and mine were green but yours were red." Gordon tells him a regretful: "...you lost me, bud,", to which Dr Coomer responds, "Come now, Gordon! You must know what apples are. Everyone does!" and Bubby says, "Gordon, do you need to go back to kindergarten?"
End ID.]
Starting from my first few HLVRAI doodles and working my way down, so the first few I post are gonna look kinda wonky. Anyways, have my funny little Benrey chromesthesia comic-thing.
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earlycuntsets · 1 month
synesthesia bullets edition
romance - pumpkin orange or ray toro orange (hair)
honey - dark green
vampires - jet black
drowning lessons - red and blue I squeezed
sorrows - dried blood brown
headfirst - fragments of my skull ivory
skylines - bullets teal
early sunsets - vintage off yellow
this is the best day ever - old web green and whatever color veins are
cubicles - red velvet pinpricks
demolition lovers - grey icy blues and dark red
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clay-pidgeon · 11 days
guy with synesthesia voice in my mind 7 and 9 are toxic yuri
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sinister-synesthete · 11 months
i wanna redesign the youtube homepage
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schrodingers-tits · 8 months
give me your name/online alias, and i’ll give you images/words that are associated with it, to my autistic brain. this isn’t fae propaganda i just have synesthesia i swear
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 6 months
Pyro has Chromesthesia, btw.
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Whiteout has associative synesthesia!
This is: canon!
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Whiteout has a plethora of associative synesthesia traits, such as:
•Ability to describe their unusual perceptions to other people
•Comparing certain things with completely irrelevant things 
•Thinking in colors and patterns
In the context of the story:
According to Whiteout’s brother, Whiteout had always thought differently, even before she hatched. Him being a mind reader, he’s constantly surprised by how she manages to surprise him and catch him off guard. Because of her strange way of thinking, kids at school tend to avoid her and she’s even kept in a class with younger kids because they ‘don’t know what to do with her.’ She often thinks in association with the color blue, blue seeming to represent peace, calmness, and harmony. We see this in her paintings from her ‘hopeful wishing series’ where she paints her family happy together using only different shades of blue. 
>>(Synesthesia is quite common with autistic individuals, and Whiteout shows many traits, though it is not official)<<
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hyah-lian · 7 months
I just had a thought. I think like Hyrule had fae or magic sight or smth that's kind of been a headcanon of mine for a while.
And magic has associated colours in the games and stuff
But I was thinking. What if one of the Links has Synesthesia, another is Colour Blind, and a third can See Magic
For this the colour blind link can also see magic
But just. The three of them arguing over what color a certain magic is. Because fire magic in its own element is a vibrant orange-red, but to the colourblink link it is a much more muted yelloe-brown, and further still to the Synesthesiac link they see fire magic as dandelion yellow and poppy red streaks that taste like grapefruit.
Or maybe the Synethesiac Link learned to sense or see magic through their adventures and now has wildly conflicting senses of the colour of magic (my brain is like lol Legend or Four)
And they all get into a bit of an argument over it and the others are just there like
"wat?" "Magic has colours?" "Magic has a taste??"
(bonus points at least one of them puts on the Lil Shit(tm) hat and goes "wait magic EXISTS?" and it's one of them who h e a v I l y uses magic or magic items)
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spicyicymeloncat · 8 months
Yknow I wish my letter-colour synesthesia worked with made up alphabets, I would be so fluent in them by now.
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Hey!! A quick question for fellow systems with synesthesia,
Does it effect each of you in a different way? Like, do you all get something different from it, and do some experience it in a lessened degree or higher degree than others??
We have synesthesia, but we've never thought about this, and I obviously can't remember or know what the others in our system experience. We were going to try and document it within our own system, and probably still will, but I'm curious about others as well!! Reblog or comment your responses please, preferably a reblog for further reach! 🩵
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do smells have textures ???
Yes. Mint is spikey, vanilla is creamy, alcohol feels like warm aggressive waves but each type varies, limes and pine have the same odd crisp pokey feeling like printer paper and confetti but in a good way
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I gotta an ask game for ya!
Send me 🎨+ a word and I'll tell you a color, taste, scent, etc I associate with that word!
(If you cant see the emoji just send "Palette"!)
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id think card game rage would be either 'spicy' or 'salty' or possibly both, like spicy chips (the crunchy kind) or some kind of chili bacon thing
Hot dorito flavoured......
Actually fun fact i made a chart a few years back for which emotions taste like what (for the oc i mentioned in the tags of the last ask) and according to this, rage tastes rich, velvety, and tangy-- like a really nice lemon curd and cheesecake mix
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some-pers0n · 8 months
What do you think about Whiteout x Clearsight? It’s a rarepair ship within the fandom that I find pretty neat and underrated.
It's neat! I've written about it once or twice. I like thinking about them both being autistic and being misfits who really, really do get and understand each other a lot. They make me SICK!! I love them dearly.
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betatrolls · 3 months
Can I be synethesised :3?
a pleasant light pink, cat fur, and a sleek colorful cat cafe on a sunny day :3
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