#asthmatic hot girl
angelbambisworld · 4 months
I'm sure everyone with chronic illness has already expressed this feeling before but I really do feel like a prisoner in my own body.
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fru-89 · 5 months
I'd love to hear your HCs about Micah or other RDR characters!!!
Here are some of my general headcanons about Micah!
he has a sweet tooth for fruit and berries. one of those people who eat a whole watermelon in one sitting with a spoon
secretly is very affectionate with Baylock. baby-talks to him when no one around to hear
always is hot and sweaty. was the only person comfortable in Colter
this one is adopted but i like an idea he is asthmatic. man be panting and wheezing for no reason a lot (and all that smoking is not helping either)🤕
his hair is curly under all that oil and grime (please try curly girl method Micah!)
likes strong flavours and defined textures in food (like really spicy or really sour) but has sensitive stomach. given the choice would drink carbonated drinks only (this one is a bit self-indulgent okay...)
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morbidology · 5 months
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16-year-old Sylvia Likens was the daughter of two carnival workers, but when her parents' separated and her mother was jailed for shoplifting, somebody needed to care for her. Ultimately, Sylvia and her sister, Jenny, were sent to live with Gertrude Baniszwewski and her family, paying them $20 to take care of the two girls.
When the payments were late, Baniszwewski would turn on the girls, particularly Sylvia. She would hit the girls with paddles, and whip them. Being fragile and asthmatic herself, Baniszwewski recruited her children and neighbourhood children to subject Sylvia to horrendous abuse over the period of three months.
This abuse included putting cigarettes out on her skin, burning her with scalding water, beating her, rubbing salt in her wounds, forcing her to eat things which would cause her to vomit and on at least two occasions, she was sexually assaulted with a Coca-Cola bottle. On another occasion, a neighbourhood boy, Coy Hubbard, used her to practice his judo, which as a result, caused her to become incontinent. Baniszwewski responded to this by forcing her to eat her own faeces as well as her one-year-old sons.
Jenny, Sylvia’s sister attempted to get help and contacted their older sister, Diana, who came to the house yet did nothing to help. Shortly before her death, Baniszewski took a hot needle and carved “I’m a prostitute and proud of it!” on Sylvia’s stomach. A neighbourhood boy, Richard Hobbs, helped. He also helped 10-year-old Shirley Baniszewski burn the number “3” into her chest with an iron poker. The night before Sylvia died, she attempted to escape the house of horrors. She was caught by Baniszewski who threw her down the stairs into the cellar which had become her home.
The next day, on October 26, 1965, Sylvia’s body gave up after the countless beatings, burnings, sexual assaults, and lack of food and water. She died of a brain haemorrhage, shock, and malnutrition. She had suffered unimaginable torment. Her body was covered in wounds, bruises, and burns. In her final moments, she had almost completely severed her lips with her teeth from the beatings.
Gertrude received a life sentence while the younger assailants received petty sentences and were all released and went on to lead normal lives, something Sylvia could never do. Disgustingly enough, Gertrude was released for good behaviour after just a measly fourteen years in prison.
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lessyyyjones · 3 months
I was remembering here a time that I started to HATE Oscar Isaac because of the character Jonathan Levy he played in "Scenes from a Marriage". Bro...I swear. There was nothing wrong with him in the beginning, but in the last episode when he was cheating on his current "girlfriend" with Mira (a crazy woman who cheated on him, it was annoying as hell because he always said "It's too late blah blah blah" and still hit him). He even said "I want to do whatever I want to do", GIRL????? From the moment you are in a relationship you no longer think only about yourself, you think about your partner too.
I swear. I was so disgusted with the character that I was disgusted with Oscar...I thought that would never happen lol. Then I marathoned Moon Knight and fell in love with Steven Grant for the 92938383 time.
To this day, I'm deeply disgusted by this Oscar character... a lot of people think he's hot or whatever, but I SIMPLY CAN'T SWALLOW IT. I had the same feeling with the actress who plays Mira, but as I'm an obsessed Interstellar fan, the effect wasn't as strong. The series talks so much about this maturation on both sides, but they are both stupid, assholes, very mentally ill and insane (asthmatic too). 🫶🏻
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dreamersbcll · 1 year
Prompt: Toddler tara going for the first to the hospital and not wanting to be touched by anybody but sam, and this upset their parents even more and they just make the all situation worse
It was an accident. Really.
Sam didn’t mean to leave the stove on after making dinner. She thought that after she had made the macaroni and cheese, she had turned the dial off. Tara usually didn’t follow Sam into the kitchen. She knew better.
Until she didn’t.
Being only nine years old, Sam didn’t know what to do once she heard Tara screaming. It wasn’t the typical hungry or bored screaming that happened; it was the scream of pain.
She knew that sound well. Her baby sister wasn’t born a healthy little girl; she had been plagued with illnesses before she could walk. First, the hole in her lungs that required two months in the PICU, and then the bout of pneumonia that nearly killed her after. Now this, the colicky, asthmatic little girl she was. Pain was woven within Tara’s lifeline, always following her wherever she went.
Sam did her best to care for Tara and ensure she was tended to. It wasn’t their parent's fault- daddy worked nights, and mommy was always gone. It was her job as the big sister to take care of Tara.
So when Tara sticks her hand on the hot burner, Sam doesn’t know what to do. The smell of burning flesh made her stomach turn, and Tara’s screaming overwhelmed her. She did what she could, picking Tara up and dragging her to their parent's bedroom.
It was five p.m. on a Thursday, and neither of their parents could be seen. Between Tara's screaming and Sam’s panicked yelling, the parents must try incredibly hard to ignore them.
Holding and shushing her bloody and screaming little sister, Sam did the next best thing: bring Tara to the hospital. She’d made that walk before when she had broken her arm trying to climb into Tara's crib. It was maybe seven blocks and two right turns.
Carrying Tara with both arms, Sam half-ran and half-walked down the street. She doesn’t remember how long it took. Maybe an hour. Maybe seven. Tara screamed the whole way, her face red. Eventually, she stopped making noise, her voice giving out, her mouth gaping open, and tears streaming down her face.
Finally, Sam made it to Woodsboro Memorial. She half-dragged Tara to the front desk, trying to flag down anyone to see them.
“Help! Please help me! My sister is hurt! Help!” she wailed, hoping that anyone, just someone, would stop and help them.
Luckily for Sam, the hospital was full of adults who would notice and tend to them. In a minute, Tara was scooped up onto a bed, and Sam was dragged along with the nurses.
Sam was sleeping peacefully on the chair beside Tara's bed, her head resting against the bed rail. Tara had her good hand in her hair, her other one bandaged and in a sling. Both sisters were sleeping peacefully until their parents entered the room.
“Tara. No seas malo. Dame la mano. Mírame. ¡Tara, mírame!” snapped Christina, shaking Tara a bit.
(Tara. Don’t be bad. Give me your hand. Look at me. Tara, look at me!)
Sam snapped awake, rubbing her eyes. Her father was standing in the corner of the room, glaring at Sam, while her mother shook Tara awake. Her little sister’s eyes were swollen, and the oxygen cannulas in her nose were loose. Tara tried to pull away, squirming and whimpering while their mother tried to grab Tara's injured hand.
“Mami, no! El médico dijo que no. Tara tiene que descansar. ¡Su mano está quemada!” Sam said, trying to push her mom off of Tara.
(The doctor said no. Tara has to rest. Her hand is burned!)
Christina Carpenter pulled away, her eyes dark. “¿Y de quién es la culpa? Se supone que debes vigilarla. ¡Y ahora está herida! Estoy decepcionado contigo Samantha. ¡Es mi bebé, y la lastimaste!”
(And who’s fault is that? You’re supposed to watch her. And now she’s hurt! I’m disappointed in you, Samantha. That’s my baby, and you hurt her!)
Sam pulled her hands back, recoiling as if she had been slapped. She had done her best. She didn’t mean to let Tara get hurt. It was a busy night from school and picking up Tara from daycare- it slipped her mind. She was only nine. She did her best.
While she reeled with her mother’s words, Christina tried to pick up Tara again, her little sister not having any of it. Tara kept squirming and crying out, pushing her mother away with her good hand.
“No, mami, no! Quiero a Sammy. ¡Dame a Sammy! ¡Sammy!” wailed Tara, pushing against her mother’s grip.
(I want Sammy. Give me Sammy. Sammy!)
Christina immediately dropped Tara back onto the bed, not even blinking at how Tara gasped in pain. She turned to Sam, her eyes dark, her lips pulled back in a snarl. Sam shrunk at the look, knowing that she was about to be hurt. She closed her eyes, hoping it hurt less if she didn’t see it coming.
After a beat of silence, Sam opened her eyes, realizing her mother hadn’t hurt her yet. Instead, her parents were leaving, her mother halfway through the door.
Before she could push through, she turned back to Sam, glaring hard. “Tú la trajiste aquí. Llévala a casa. Esto es culpa tuya, Samantha. Nunca lo olvides.”
(You brought her here. You take her home. This is your fault, Samantha. Never forget that)
And with that, her mother left, her father already out the door. Sam took a shuddering breath in, tears forming in her eyes. She didn’t mean to hurt Tara. She loved Tara. This was her fault. She was a bad big sister. A very bad big sister.
Sniffling, she turned back to her baby sister, who looked at her with such sad eyes. Reaching out with her good hand, Tara tried to grab Sam.
“Sammy,” breathed her baby sister, trying to pull her in.
Smiling a little, Sam pulled her little sister to her chest, soothing her. Tara snuggled into her shoulder, sighing in relief. Rubbing Tara’s back, she held onto her, kissing her little head and whispering good things into her ear.
Sam may have hurt Tara today, but her little girl still loved her no matter what. That had to matter more.
At least, she hoped.
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makeitp1nk · 28 days
On idolish7 - yes I know im SO LATE
First, the ships:
Iori & riku
Mezzo (the part when tamaki got to the station after sogo’s solo broadcast was so gay in the best possible way)
Mitsuki & Yamato (that slap in the face - so good)
Re: vale
Iori and Yuki are so autistic I ADORE them
I really wish Riku would have been open about having asthma. As an asthmatic myself, it would have been beautiful
As a marketer, Zool’s debut was chef’s kiss
I want to ship Tsumugi and Gaku SO BAD, because I love Gaku and want him to live happily ever after. BUT Tsumugi is such an aro ace queen that I just can’t. I adore her
I also want to ship Kaoru and Nagi bc Kaoru is such a fangirl for Nagi, but Nagi is such an emotional hot mess and a flirt… my girl Kaoru deserves a PRINCE in *every* way
When Takanase Kujo talks about Zero, he looks so wacky I feel like I’m watching a shonen anime
Imho whoever voices Mitsuki has the *perfect* Japanese twink voice. 2nd only to Momo
I’m bummed we didn’t get to see the other side groups - the Pythagoras trio specifically. Their song is FIRE
Of the units, I think Zool has the most real world idol music, with Trigger coming in second. I7 is straight up anime music (but I love it)
Every other day I have a new song stuck in my head. Two days ago it was Natsu. Today it’s Pythagoras fighter. Not ashamed to say the music kind of slaps
That’s it for now but I’m like 6 eps away from finishing the whole series so I’ll be back
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eahsayswhat · 1 year
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Guess who learned how to use the lens flare today? That’s right, this girl! >:D
When I saw this quote, I immediately thought of Briar (heavily floral-themed), Charlie (asthmatic), and Crystal (according to her original fairytale the queen of a race of snowflakes shaped like bees, and thus not a very heat-tolerant being), although it’s ironically gotten somewhat cold where I live. But hey, spring is spring and the trees are pink, so the time for this comic was right.
This is based on the original quote, which has apparently been misquoted by other incorrect quotes blogs. Also, how come I’m the only one who’s noticed the inadvertent hot pink pun in the original quote, thus necessitating a Tiny Corner Maddie to point it out?
And how fitting is it that the twenty-eighth comic on this blog was made & posted on the 28th of April?
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happyk44 · 2 years
Nico waking up and he doesn't know who he is. He asks Hazel where he is - where's his kid, where's his wife. Hazel sits with him and assures him he's fine while everyone watches confused. He was sick for a bit, she tells him, and now he's just recovering. He'll get to go home soon.
She is comforting and warm and he relaxes a bit. Minutes pass by, turn into hours, and his memories come back. The knowledge that he is him. He is not the dead man who left behind a wife and child after being robbed at knifepoint. He is not the little girl choking to death with asthmatic weak lungs that won't inhale and a mother who doesn't care. He is not the old woman wondering where her husband is.
He is Nico. Son of Hades and Maria di Angelo. He is not dead, not yet. He is not survived by anyone, not yet.
Hazel holds his hand the whole time and he comes back to her weary smile and sighs shallowly as the edges of her face bloom back into his memory. Hazel, his sister. There are other people on the periphery but he focuses on her. Her brown skin. Her brown eyes. Her thick curly black hair. Her warm hands. The bracelet on her wrist.
Her voice beckoning him back.
"His wife looked like you," Nico says. "A little taller though. Older."
He was twenty-six. She'd been in his life since they were five, playing in the sandbox. She'd screamed at another kid for taking her shovel and he'd fallen in love immediately. Nico's heart holds onto that love, twenty-one years, even as the man's world fades. Slowly the love seeps away too, and he's just left with a strange longing for a life that wasn't his.
A life that doesn't exist anymore.
"Is he okay?" Hazel asks.
He closes his eyes and exhales shaky. There's a vicious pain in his abdomen. Another lingering ache in his throat. Screams still echo even as the world fades into wispy colours and a strange man telling him it's time to go.
"He's okay," Nico says, because there isn't any other answer he can give.
The man is dead. The man who lived twenty-six years and had a wife he loved from childhood and a daughter whose young hands never left his own as he laid bleeding on hot tarmac. The man who heard crying and pleads to stay just a little longer, to just hang in there, and couldn't. Try as he might, as hard he wanted to, he couldn't stay.
It was time to go.
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firespirited · 10 months
I got boosted six hours ago. At last. So relieved, of course I might feel horrid in six hours time, but woof.
Last night, I walked the dog, chatted with a couple of people who's faces I know about the hot weather and a little girl wanted to touch the doggy but that's outside and at a slight distance so no mask
but I got cornered downstairs by a neighbour, not one of the grannies, she's got a teen and an adult daughter and let's call her chatty because she always takes at least half hour even if you try to signal you have to go. In the middle of a lovely convo about pets and how home is where ever you are, I say I'm taking tomorrow off as I get vaxxed and she tells me proudly she's never been vaccinated and never caught it knock on wood (she works in a school and has two asthmatic daughters). 💀👀
I tell her she really should, it's an awful disease, I try to insist again then I blank.
I'm having to battle my thoughts between blurting out that she lives in a building filled with the elderly and 3 immunocompromised folks she claims to care about. And infodumping about SARS coronovirus1 the og, how incredible it is that we have a vaccine for something so violent and complex, the scientific developments involved are mind blowing. To have a vaccine, to have developed somewhat effective treatments, it's the work of millions, we haven't seen a medical 'miracle' like this since HIV treatment which took over twenty years.
The fear didn’t hit until about an hour later. At the time I was too busy trying to stay upright and keep the sweat out of my eyes (hot evening and POTS and this woman is very chatty). I was trying to make something quick to eat while covid diabetic : it's been almost 3 years and my pancreas didn't bounce back. So even fruit and white starches need to be carefully measured. There's baguette in the freezer but I can only have it if the other meal was relatively low carb.
Anyway I'm grateful for the vaccine. Knowing the science and history behind them makes it even more 'magical', I hold on to this despite vaccine injury from a cheaply made low effort hep B jab that gave about 1% of us all auto immune disorders.
Next time I see chatty neighbour, I'll try and get a word in to ask that she consider getting protected for the grannies and us.
I'm also very grateful to all the folks in my orbit on tumblr who've been wearing their masks in public places and got their vaccines. It really is saving lives and if no one else has thanked you yet, allow me ❤️❤️❤️
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aliypop · 8 months
Stranger In The Crowd: Chapter 2
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Word Count: 2,132
Writers Note: An AU Series that I thought of when I was visiting Tupelo
Warning: Historic language
Pairing: POC OC x Elvis
Plot: The summer of 1946 in Tupelo Mississippi, where barely much happens for anyone including the Presleys but that all changes on a stormy summer night when the infamous Valmos duo Denise and Alfonso and their daughter Cecelia need a place to stay, will they be brought back to the reality that fame and fortune ain't always what it's cracked up to be, and will Elvis and Cecelia discover a thing called puppy love?
Tupelo, Mississippi, June 1946
MAMA!!!!" Cecelia shouted, "SOMETHINGS WRONG!" Cecelia's body was perched next to Elvis as she held him up. She was worried, scared even to lose the one kid who was kind to her. Gladys and Denise had run out of the house and towards the kids as Elvis lay there having an asthmatic flare-up. They were becoming rare, but still worrying to Gladys especially. Gladys scooped up her son as Denise followed suit. "Some steam should work, and Vicks chest rub. I have some in my bag." Denise said, looking at the little boy. Her heart did go out to him, even though she was worried, hoping that the poor little thing would be okay, "I'll get a hot rag." Gladys said as she placed him under the covers. Cecelia stayed by his side. She didn't like it when she was left alone sick, so she knew he probably didn't like it either. Cecelia began to hum and swing her feet. Gladys took a glance over at Cecelia as she smiled at her. She knew something about her was different. Cecelia had an aurora about her that most little girls didn't have. "Is he going to be okay, Mrs. Elvis's mamma?" Cecelia asked as her mother smeared the hot, smelly stuff on his chest, "He'll be fine." Gladys smiled, "He gets sick sometimes." She sighed,
"Do you know why?"
"Not really, but say you go see if the men need help and let Elvis rest, okay?" Cecelia nodded."She's a sweet girl, Denise." Gladys smiled,
"She's got a big heart, and gives anything to anyone." Denise laughed, "Somewhere, a little girl is wearing her winter coat." dabbing the sweat on his forehead as Gladys laughed, 
"She's a blessed child." 
"So is your son."
"Ah hell," Vernon groaned, the two still looking at the car. Alfonso was devistated. If it wasn't one thing, it was another, "It's gone to shit Pres." Alfonso said, rubbing his temples as he heard from the steps, "Oooh, you said a bad word, Daddy." Alfonso turned to see his daughter as he laughed, "Don't tell your ma." his pinkie up as she wrapped hers around his, "I promise," she grinned. Vernon smiled at the two. It reminded him about how Elvis was close to his wife in the same manner, 
"What can we do you for little lamb?"
"I-I got told to come outside and help you!" Her hands on her hips as she looked at her dad and then at Vernon,
"What's a little lady like you know about cars." Vernon teased as Cecelia had a face of amusement that only he thought he'd seen his son have. 
"Well, I know that ...The bolts are completely bald on the car, and you'll need a car crank to get the tire off!" she said proudly as Vernon and Alfonso tried their hardest not to laugh at how cute she looked,
"The what?!"
"The car crank!" Cecelia said again, her cheeks puffed out,
"Sweetie, you mean the jack," Alfonso said. He saw the frustration in her eyes as he tried to hug her, "That's why there's a nail in the tire and- and!" she kicked a rock as she fell, getting more disappointed in herself as she stormed off, 
"A bit grumpy?"
"She's going through young womanly things, I think?" Alfonso questioned. Cecelia stormed back into the house as she plopped down and strummed Elvis's guitar, "I'll make a song called Boys are Big Dummies!" she huffed out of frustration as she strummed, Gladys and Denise were both in the kitchen trying not to laugh. Cecelia cleared her throat as she sang, "Boys are big dummies. They don't ever use their brains! Boys are big dummies. And they laugh and call you sweet names!"
"Sugar, what made you mad?"Gladys asked as Denise kept laughing a little, 
"My daddy got mad 'cause I called a car jack a car crank, and then he laughed, and UGH!" 
"Doesn't it..." 
"Yes, Gladys, it does," Denise said as she shook her head.
"I mean, I ain't wrong. It cranks, and the car goes 'round up in the air," Cecelia said, talking faster, her accent getting deeper, 
"C breathe." Denise sighed,
"It's okay. Elvis gets like that when he's worked up, too."
"Like a clock tickin', he calls."  
Denise beckoned her daughter to stand near her and help cook lunch with the leftovers they had. Denise could remember the days when she and Alfonso were struggling artists living similarly back in 1935. Denise missed those days when he'd come home with a gleam in his eyes and look at his baby girl like Cecelia was the world. And kiss her baby cheeks as if he'd then kiss Denise on her cheeks, but all that changed when she was six. They vowed to stay legally married on paper for business but go their separate ways unless further stated. 
"Meatloaf... gross..." Cecelia pretended to gag, helping her mother cook. Cecelia hated meatloaf mostly cause it tasted like wet, soggy things, and she didn't like wet, soggy things. Really, no eleven-year-old did. Denise sighed as she gave her daughter a knife and a union signally for her to chop them up. "You are going to eat this meatloaf regardless if you like it or not!" Cecelia nodded, "Do you hear me!" Denise then looked down as her daughter had tears welling in her eyes. She didn't mean to make her cry. There was a lot of stress placed on her currently, 
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you." Cecelia sniffled,
"Cecelia, would you like to check in on Elvis?" Gladys asked as the little girl nodded and ran off. Gladys looked at Denise as she felt small. Denise didn't mean to yell at her daughter, but now. She was livid at the memories. And Alfonso for mocking their baby, who was trying to help, and it was getting too much. She was in a nowhere town with people, that luckily meant no harm. Denise felt small. 
"Do you ever feel lost, Mrs. Presley..." 
"Define lost." Gladys sat down,
"Like no matter what you do, it doesn't feel enough..." Denise sighed, "I'm providing a life for my daughter, singing and making hits after hits and keeping her safe and well-rounded." Denise laughed, "But it doesn't feel like enough," Gladys laughed when she said it didn't feel like enough. The Presleys knew what never enough felt like it was how they lived, 
"Maybe you have too much?" Gladys added, 
"What do you mean?" 
"Honey, you're in deep in wealth. You feel empty 'cause money can't buy love, and it sure can't buy peace." She smiled, "Only God can provide those things. You pray every night for that beautiful baby of yours and whatever else is on your heart worryin' you, and I promise you'll never feel lost again."Gladys pulled her in and hugged her, "There's a fighter in you. Don't ever let her lose, and you won't get lost. Remember that." 
"Hey, El... You up..." Cecelia asked as she poked the young boy on the cheek, "Elvis..." She said again, still poking him. Then she had gotten a genius idea, a huff leaving her lips, "If you're really asleep, then I guess you don't want to play my daddy's guitar." Elvis jolted up like Frankenstein's monster, "I'm up!" bumping his head into Cecelia's, "Are you okay!" the two laughing like maniacs. Cecelia gave him a nod as she snorted. The things that kids found funny. Never ceased to amaze their parents. Cecelia then took him by the hand, and he had that crooked smile that would break hearts someday.
 "You don't have to hold my hand, you know." 
"I know, but I like to." Cecelia smiled
"Why?" Elvis asked, "Haven't you got someone you'll marry one day or whatever girls do!" He was trying to find a way to push her away. He didn't like the feeling he was picking up around her, or maybe Elvis did. He'd get all nervous around Cecelia. And his face would turn red, and Elvis felt weird and giddy when she held his hand. He definitely didn't like it. 
"I think one day I'll marry Frank Sinatra." She giggled. Elvis's face frowned when she said that. Was he jealous? No, he couldn't be, maybe a little, 
"You don't want him. What's he got that some men don't!"
"Beautiful blue eyes, dark hair, and he sings, girls like boys who sing." 
"I got blue eyes an sing sometimes." He mumbled, his cheeks puffed out, 
"I could s-s-sing somethin now for ya!"
"You would!" Cecelia gasped as Elvis took her by the hand, storming outside, still holding her hand. He took his guitar and sat on the porch swing, patting a seat next to her as she giggled and sat down. Vernon and Alfonso looked at the pair and sighed, 
"Guess yer payin' for the wedding when the time comes." Vernon laughed as Alfonso shook his head,
 "If you think so, but I doubt that girl of mine is gonna marry yer boy one-"
Elvis had started to sing, and Cecelia had a look in her eye that girls who notice boys or Sinatra had. It was an innocent twinkle of puppy love, and she had a bad case. 
"What was that Fons."
"Nothing at all, Pres... Guess I'll be payin' for a weddin one day." 
"That was amazing..." Cecelia blushed, 
"You think so. I mean. I came in 6th place in a talent show once. And I sing at Church, but you think I'm good at this?"Cecelia nodded, "I think if you keep singin, you'll be a really big star someday," She nudged him, 
"But your cords are a bit wonky, and your guitar playin' is sloppy." Cecelia sighed, "Can't have that." Marching to her daddy's car, she reached into the trunk and got his White Gretsch guitar. "You..." He sighed, hearing everything she had just said. Taking the guitar out of the case, she sat next to him. The guitar was about as big as her. But she didn't care as she began to strum, "These are blues chords. Follow my lead." she commanded as Elvis gulped, but he followed as his hands cupped the frets, "Now strum." She smiled. Elvis did. He wasn't very good at it on the first try, and Cecelia wasn't very patient, but she was trying. 
"Pushy, ain't she?"
"only when she really cares about betterin someone." Alfonso smiled, 
"She sees somethin in a boy?" Vernon smiled,
"I'm afraid so," Alfonso chuckled, "What I don't know." The two men shrugged, 
"Okay, let me help you 'cause you're not doing it right!" Cecelia said, a bit frustrated, 
"I am doin it right!" 
"Are not!"
"Are too!"
"Are not!" Cecelia stuck her tongue out. Elvis stuck his tongue back at her, "Maybe girls really are trouble." he rolled his eyes. Cecelia gasped, "You're being mean!" she shouted, and it stung like Vernon,
 "And you're pushy..." 
"Cece, wait!"
"Welcome to girls, son," Vernon said with laughter,
"Pa, how do I fix it,"
"Here take this money, go to the candy store," Alfonso said, 
"Okay... Then what do I do?" 
"Get her cracker jacks and let her have the prize in the box," Alfonso mentioned as Elvis nodded, 
"Will it work?" Elvis asked.
"I think it should. After all, girls like candy, and you're too young to get her roses." Vernon smiled. Watching his son run off into town, 
"Little pumpkin. You don't have to be right all the time..." Denise said as Gladys chuckled, "But he wasn't playing correctly!" Cecelia pouted, "And he needed to know it was wrong," she huffed, "And besides,"
"You weren't that good either when you first started," Denise mentioned as Cecelia got quiet,
"When it comes to boys, you have to make them think they're right," Gladys added,
"Even when they're wrong? That's lying." Cecelia pouted, "Which is bad!"
"In most cases, it is, but they have these things called egos." Denise smiled, "When he comes back in, you apologize and say you want to be friends again." Denise laughed, 
"But he said I was pushy!"
"Well he's not wrong." Denise laughed,
"Cece! I got you Cracker Jacks and Roses from a nice lady and!" He was out of breath from running. He had to make things right, "Please forgive me! I want us to be friends again!" Gladys and Denise tried not awe, at the sight before them. 
"I don't know, you called me pushy..."
"I'll let you have the whistle in the box!" Elvis shouted,
"Hmpf, what color are the flowers."
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angelbambisworld · 5 months
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Seasonal asthma whooping my ass again
Where's my sexy old man to come and fuck me till I'm cross eyed
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Season 1 Episode 1
My thoughts throughout
Mmm cars
Oh Scott hello
Lmao nerd boy
Lol body of water
Ah as any normal teen does. Let's go look at half of a dead body totally not nightmare inducing
Lmao stiles so snarky I love him
And Scott is so golden retriever coded I can't
"Everyone should have a dream. Even a pathetically unrealistic one."
Scott is giving the same energy back with dissing stiles planning good.
This is accurate friendship.
Oh right he has asthma
But only wheez when you say that and don't even use your pump.
Good job.
Oh never mind he did.
Lmao get caught
Ah the sheriff. He's great.
Dude really should have just gotten into trouble
Like you're asthmatic and just lost your ride home.
Spooky forest.
bye bye asthma pump
Oh God your phone light would do nothing to find things
Lmao fall. Get a concussion.
where's your asthma now???
Oh wait you got bit. Did it infect you immediately?
Hello title screen.
American high school.
Something I know nothing about
Thank God.
Jackson's side eye lolol
Ah Lydia Martin
And stiles being a simp
I have to say I can't see stiles having a crush on her
Stiles that wink and snicker was so queer
Idc that it was about a bead body.
That was just so queer of you
I love stiles' facial expressions
Just amazing
Oh God sensory overload
How is he not having a break down??
Scott being a creep
Allison is so pretty omg
I'm so gay
Women <33
That smile-
E w
Let her ask for a pen
She looks so creeped out
Ugh hallway
and yes stiles you are right.
That's so creepy Scott.
Also I want to know what stiles and sassy girl are talking about
They're so animated about it.
I need to know.
Coach you're great
Also stiles immediately going "yeah!"
He's so excited for him!!
Why is this so intense??
Lmao yeah Liydia you Sass him
Your joke of lycanthropy isn't that far fetched my friend
Stiles would do well in drama
He gives drama nerd vibes
I wanna kiss him
Ah yes the cost for things that are a necessity
So annoying
Don't just stand there
Like a creep
The eyebrow speak.
Stiles reaction to him
Like just shock.
Also that lore drop felt so odd.
:0 HEALED???
Angry kitties.
Angry pup.
Glowy eyes.
Good doggo tell him off.
the dog should sue you for that joke.
The dog is sleeping huh?
That eyelash thing was so awkward
Why'd she agree??? TF???
Can he put a shirt on.
I can't get over how the thing looks.
How tf did Scott end up in a pool?????
"Oh you mean steroids! Are you on steroids??"
He should have sworn then
Also just trauma dump on your bully yep checks out.
also what is up with people calling eachother by their last name?
I've never seen that happen.
That felt pretty gay.
Oh lacrosse tryouts.
Stiles is so confused.
Research those werewolves
The werewolf joke is not a joke guys!!
He's figured it out!!
Scott straight up not believing him.
And I mean fair.
Think about it.
Dude. I-
Don't hit my boy.
Also sorry does like.
Car talk not the safe sex talk. SCOTT.
Eugh. Party.
Don't stand ominously at a teen party.
Jumpy wolf?
Don't kiss. Please.
What are you doing looking at Lydia for.
Oh poor girl.
Derek that's creepy.
The fingernails are so gross.
Scott's way too invested in a girl he just met.
Why is stiles in a suit.
Like he's hot but damn.
Derek you are so confusing.
"I don't want it"
Derek. That's the worst thing to say in a time like this.
"You say Allison, I'm gonna punch you in the head."
Dude should not be thinking about a girl he just met when he is now a werewolf!!
"Am I going to regret this?"
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lesbianlotties · 1 year
which yellowjackets ship as taramber ?
okay so this is more difficult than i expected!!!! i don't want to picture any of them purposefully planning on killing their girlfriends 😭and then getting killed by the girlfriend instead 😭
i think that with some adjustments almost every ship could work. i wouldn't mind shauna as amber, van has her love for movies going on for her, lottie would be a really hot ghostface... i know in canon they're both dead but in another world jackie and laura lee could be asthmatic final girls
but you know what. plot twist. you know which one came to mind? mistyjessica gksjfdhgjkfh
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bookgeekgrrl · 1 year
My media this week (9-15 Apr 2023)
Tumblr media
ᵍᵘᵉˢˢ ʷʰᵃᵗ ᶦ ᵇᶦⁿᵍᵉᵈ ʸᵉˢᵗᵉʳᵈᵃʸ
🥰Love Exactly (darter_blue) - 64K, zimbits AU - fluffy AU with a chance meeting in a bar and instalove - fun read, like wrapping a warm blanket around yourself
😊👂‍Death Beside the Seaside (Lady Hardcastle Mysteries #6) (T.E. Kinsey, author; Elizabeth Knowelden, narrator) - Emily & Flo try to take a holiday at the seaside but there's no sea and a surprising number of internal spies. -
😍Wish Granted (ambut) - 40K, stucky no powers AU - reread of this fave D/s getting together fic
😊👂‍A Botanist's Guide to Parties and Poisons (Saffron Everleigh Mystery #1) (Kate Khavari, author; Jodie Harris, narrator) - entertaining enough cozy mystery set in 1920s British academia with the standard 'plucky & smart-but-also-foolish' amateur detective (newly minted botanist) trying to exonerate her mentor from murder charges. I enjoyed it enough that I might read another but I'm not feral for it
🥰Winter's Children (Neery) - 66K, stucky - "When their attempts to recreate the super soldier serum failed, Hydra started trying to breed Captain America clones from his genetic samples. Unfortunately, the serum's effects aren't passed down genetically, so instead of an army of tiny Captain Americas, they get a bunch of tow-headed, asthmatic, allergic, immuno-compromised little Steves. And then the Winter Soldier stumbles across Hydra's failed experiment…" - just a great fucking fic. I stayed up until 1AM to read and I am too fucking old to be doing nonsense like that, but it was totally worth it.
😍Fourth Floor (dirtybinary) - 41K, stucky modern magic AU - "The one where Steve is an angry millennial wizard, Sam is a Disney prince, Natasha is a shapeshifter, and Bucky is a spoiler."
🥰👂‍Rattling Bone (OutFoxing the Paranormal #2) (Jordan L Hawk, author; Tristan James, narrator) - another enjoyable & spooky ghost hunting adventure with the OutFoxing The Paranormal found family, this time dealing with Oscar's actual family history/trauma.
🥰You're the One That I Want (PR Zed (przed)) - 53K, stucky modern no powers AU - reread, angsty arranged-marriage-for-insurance that is so satisfying
💖💖 +203K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
toasty warm heart (wearing_tearing) - Stranger Things: steddie, 9K - TOO FUCKING CUTE AND WARM AND FLUFFY
as sunshine falls on the wretched (KivrinEngle) - The Hobbit: gen, 18K - a very sweet canon-divergent AU where bilbo adopts a lost little dwarf baby
Handy (softestpunk) - The Sandman: dreamling, 3K - ceramicist Dream lusts after handyman Hob, doesn't make his move, is sad but is saved when he meets the hot professor he's giving a guest lecture for - short and sweet!
the game is on again (ReinventAndBelieve) - The Witcher: Geralt/Jaskier/Eskel, 7K - hot and tender af!
Dirty Laundry - s2, e5-7
Ted Lasso - s3, e5 [x2]
The Brokenwood Mysteries - s9, e1
Uncommon Comfort Reads with Malka Older, Martha Wells, KJ Charles, and T Kingfisher - super fun panel
Schmigadoon! - s1, e1-6
Schmigadoon! (Schmicago!) - s2, e1
99% Invisible #316 - The Shipping Forecast
The Sporkful - Bill Nye, The FOOD Science Guy!
Big Gay Fiction Podcast - A Trip to the Ballpark with KD Casey
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Places Our Families Took Us
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Ashley House
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Fairy Circles
Vibe Check - A Satisfied Geriatric Millennial
99% Invisible #532 - For a Dollar and a Dream
⭐The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Fun and Funny Science with Mary Roach
Off Menu - Ep 187: Lily Allen
Into It - Are We Into Taylor Swift's Breakup, Lofi Girl, and a Baby Shark Podcast? {worth a listen to hear whatshisname Alwyn described as 'sentient mayo'}
You're Dead To Me - Al Andalus
ICYMI Plus - Meet the Internet’s Princess
Welcome to Night Vale #226 - Creditors
⭐Hit Parade Plus - The British Are Charting Edition
CREDITS: Burt Bacharach
AM In The A.M.: '70s Pop Morning
Classic Sunny Afternoon
Best Of '81 To '85 [Ratt]
Essential Glam Rock
Ratt radio
"Summertime Girls" [Y&T] radio
The Fixx radio
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yamsandpotatoes · 2 years
Super human
It isn't until you are forced to be strong that you realize what you are capable of. At 1am my almost two-year-old toddler boy started wheezing, that's not abnormal for my asthmatic cutey. However, it was at 2am that I heard the sounds that will traumatize me for the rest of my life. The struggles of my son attempting to catch his breath, although he was sound asleep in his Lightning McQueen bed, he sounded as if he was underwater. I had just started to close my eyes and snuggle into my five-month-old baby girl when this took place. I jumped up quickly, got her dressed, and in her car seat with a quickness I didn't know I was capable of. Afraid to wake up my son, I gently slipped him back into the onesie pajamas that I had previously stripped him out of because he is, what I call, a hot box. After getting myself dressed and ready, I put his coat on him and lifted his 40+ pound self along with his sister, the two diaper bags, and my purse. I never once thought to get on the elevator, it wasn't quick enough compared to the urgency brought on by the strangled breaths. So I took the stairs, running like a mad woman. I loaded the car as if I was escaping a zombie invasion. The gps to the hospital read an ETA of 25 minutes, but with the soft moans of "Mama," I made it in 10. Scared for my son's life, nervous that I was doing all this alone with no one to call to calm my nerves or be my shoulder, I sped like my ass was on fire. After 3 hours, some steroids, a paw patrol movie, and a popsicle, my son was finally out of danger. But I am still holding the breath that I never let go of the minute I heard him struggle to breathe.
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eleanorlouisamarie · 2 years
On Staying with Poetry
Something Like a Sonnet for Phillis Miracle Wheatley
Girl from the realm of birds florid and fleet Flying full feather in far or near weather Who fell to a dollar lust coffled like meat Captured by avarice and hate spit together Trembling asthmatic alone on the slave block Built by a savagery travelling by carriage Viewed like a species of flaw in the livestock A child without safety of mother or marriage Chosen by whimsy but born to surprise They taught you to read but you learned how to write Begging the universe into your eyes: They dressed you in light but you dreamed with the night. From Africa singing of justice and grace, Your early verse sweetens the fame of our Race.
June Jordan, 2002
Elegy for the Native Guards
Now that the salt of their blood Stiffens the saltier oblivion of the sea . . . —Allen Tate
We leave Gulfport at noon; gulls overhead trailing the boat—streamers, noisy fanfare— all the way to Ship Island. What we see first is the fort, its roof of grass a lee— half reminder of the men who served there— a weathered monument to some of the dead.
Inside we follow the ranger, hurried though we are to get to the beach. He tells of graves lost in the Gulf, the island split in half when Hurricane Camille hit, shows us casemates, cannons, the store that sells souvenirs, tokens of history long buried.
The Daughters of the Confederacy has placed a plaque here, at the fort's entrance— each Confederate soldier's name raised hard in bronze; no names carved for the Native Guards— 2nd regiment, Union men, black phalanx. What is monument to their legacy?
All the grave markers, all the crude headstones— water—lost. Now fish dart among their bones, and we listen for what the waves intone. Only the fort remains, near forty feet high round, unfinished, half-open to the sky, the elements—wind, rain—God's deliberate eye.
Natasha Trethewey 2005
Sonnet Sequence from The Native Guard
February 1863
We know it is our duty now to keep white men as prisoners—rebel soldiers; would-be masters. We’re all bondsmen here, each to the other. Freedom has gotten them captivity. For us, a conscription we have chosen –jailors to those who still would have us slaves. They are cautious, dreading the sight of us. Some neither read nor write, are laid too low and have a few words to send but those I give them. Still, they are weary of a negro writing, taking down letters. X binds them to the page—a mute symbol like the cross on a grave. I suspect they fear I’ll listen, put something else down in ink.
March 1863
I listen, put down in ink what I know they labor to say between silences too big for words: worry for beloveds— My Dearest, how are you getting along— what has become of their small plots of land— did you harvest enough food to put by? They long for the comfort of former lives— I see you as you were, waving goodbye. Some send photographs—a likeness in case the body can’t return. Others dictate harsh facts of this war: The hot air carries the stench of limbs, rotten in the bone pit. Flies swarm—a black cloud. We hunger, grow weak. When men die, we eat their share of hardtack.
Natasha Trethewey 2006
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