#astronomy is amazing and he enjoys it but come on now.
arsprince · 7 months
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stolas is absolutely sitting in his estate, with his legions at his command, sipping wine and waiting for the opportunity to go to war or literally do anything. hell's really gone downhill, huh?
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thecrystalquill · 1 year
Can you make oliver wood x slytherin reader
My requests aren’t open but you’re lucky you caught me needing to get out of a creative slump and this request was vague enough to spark something.
Enjoy my first Oliver Wood one-shot my wee fellow snakes
Check out my Masterlist for more
Sweet Surprises
He’d wanted to hate her. Truly he did. He’d wanted to hate everything from the way she walked to the curve of her smile; the way she talked to people, the kindness in her eyes, the laugh that made his heart flutter; he’d wanted especially to hate the green robes she dawned as she flew about the pitch, but they suited her too well.
So he didn’t hate her. Not even in the slightest. Not even when she looked him straight in the eyes after every goal she launched past him, smiling that smile that had him weak in the knees, resisting the urge to apologise for ever being in her way.
There were probably dozens of reasons why the rivalry between Gryffindor and Slytherin was so strong, but Quidditch must have accounted for a good chunk of it. It was no secret that Slytherin’s team often played dirty, but other than the odd sneaky trick, Oliver knew he didn’t have to worry about that with (Y/N). And the argument she put up with her Captain over foul play was impressive; the power and authority in her voice never ceased to amaze him - if the system wasn’t rigged in favour of the rich and pure, he had no doubt that she would be their Captain, and Merlin would she do it well.
People thought they were so opposite, and on the outside it did seem like it. But their differences put aside, they were so similar, so alike, that something like an age old house rivalry seemed so unimportant the second they became friends.
Were they friends? Neither of them had ever said it but he liked to think so. When they first met, Oliver had thought it impossible. But when she’d come over after their first match in third year, her first time playing against Gryffindor, she proved otherwise. He remembers expecting her to be a sore loser, like many were, to say something insulting and standoffish. She surprised him. Congratulating his win, asking about his skill, making conversation. She continues to surprise him.
Now they were getting close to the end of their last year at Hogwarts, homework and studying took over most of their time, and Quidditch took the rest. But they found time for each other. He would help her with Transfiguration, she would help with his Herbology work, study sessions that lasted hours because they couldn’t focus on the work before them, and not to mention how she was the only reason he was passing his potions practicals.
“Are you listening?”
Blinking, Oliver turned his head to her. Her. Sat beside him in the muggle clothes her father sent, Astronomy book sat on her jean-clad lap, thigh just barely brushing his, and the bright red and white shoes she said were ‘knock-off converse’ (whatever that meant); he liked that she wasn’t unwilling to wear red, maybe she liked the rebellion and the look her peers gave her, he liked to think it was because it was his colour.
Clearing his throat, Oliver shifted his weight on the grass. “Sorry,” he began, trying not to think too hard on how beautiful she looked in the noon sunlight, “lost in thought.”
(Y/N) smiled at him, and he was glad to already be sitting down. “What about?”
Of course, he wasn’t just going to say ‘I was just thinking about how we met and how lovely you are and how you look sitting here with me in the sun looking like a literal angel and you’re my favourite person and I’m completely in love with you’. That might have saved far too much trouble. So instead he rubbed his neck and said the next thing that had been on his mind. “I don’t want this to end.” The furrow of her brow had his heart leap into his throat. Rewind. Backup. “I-I mean -er… things’re just good now, y’know? But we’re graduating soon and then what? I’ve been scouted by Puddlemere United, you got a letter about trying for Montrose Magpies which I know are your favourite and you’re gonna do amazing. Everything’s gonna change and I don’t know if I’m ready for it.” It was a topic that had been weighing on him for months, if not all year.
Uncrossing her legs, (Y/N) closed her book and turned on her side, propping herself up with one arm and sitting up to face him properly. “You’re right.” She said, and Oliver wanted to point out how those words had literally never passed her lips before, until she sent him a look as if she could read his mind. “Things are gonna change, but they’re gonna change for the better.”
“How do you know?” He asked, looking into her eyes like he was studying every shade and colour in her irises.
The corner of her lips quirked upward, trying not to smile at the remarkable comparison of his expression to that of a sad puppy. “I just do. When am I ever wrong?” He raised a brow and she immediately shook her head at him and waved a hand. “Y’know what, no, don’t answer that.” She laughed and rolled her eyes at the snicker she drew from him. Placing her hand on his, she gave him the most reassuring look she had. “But I know I’m right about this. Things are gonna change but they’re gonna get so good, Ol.”
In a moment of boldness, Oliver turned his palm up to hold her hand in his, savouring how they fit perfectly together, the softness of her fingers wrapped around his. “But what if…” he hesitated, rubbing his thumb on her hand to calm his nerves, the mere thought of what he wanted to say setting heavy on his heart, “what if we don’t see each other… what if we grow apart?”
But, as mentioned before, she never ceased to surprise him. Instead of the comforting words he’d expected, he felt a soft whack on the back of his head. “What’re you doing putting thoughts like that out into the universe? Are you mad?” She said, scolding him in that playfully serious tone she used to torment the younger teammates. Changing her position, (Y/N) faced him fully and took both of his hands in hers, squeezing them tight to make sure he was paying attention. “You and I, we’re our own team, okay? If anything we’re gonna grow closer. We’ll see each other all the time, we’ll make sure. Who else is gonna put up with me?”
Not that he ever had to simply ‘put up’ with her. Godric, he’d listen to every rant and every digression if it meant he could spend all his time with her. “And if we get too busy? You in Montrose and me in Pudlemere, we wouldn’t exactly run into each other.”
(Y/N) sat back on her knees, thinking for a minute, and he felt like he was waiting for the blade to drop. Then she smiled again, and her eyes lit up like she’d won the Quidditch Cup. “Then we move in together.”
She said it so matter-of-factly, like it were just a simple solution and not a sentence that made his entire head swim. Surely she didn’t just say that. Surely he’d just misheard. “What?”
“Well think about it.” She said, grinning in excitement. “With two incomes we can get a nice apartment and not have to worry too much about spending, we can Floo to work, we’ll see each other everyday - not to mention I’d feel better if I wasn’t living alone. It’s perfect!”
That’s it - he was sure he was going to pass out. “I- y- r-really?” Oliver stuttered out, feeling his face starting to flush and trying to fight it. She waited for him to get his head around it, sat as close to him as she could in this position, still holding his hands tight in hers, smiling that smile that took his breath away. What other answer was there? “Okay.”
As soon as the word passed his lips, (Y/N) threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck in an excited embrace. She was ranting on in elation, spewing words over his shoulder on the new topic, but Oliver was no longer listening, feeling like time moved slower; closing his eyes, he held her right to him and savoured her warmth, the feeling of her body wrapped around his, his arms around her waist. Whatever she was saying, it didn’t matter - she could be talking about painting the whole apartment bright pink and turquoise and he’d be okay with it - as long as she was there, hugging him like this. His mind started to calculate ways to get her to hug him like this all the time: bringing home flowers to surprise her, baking a cake when she gets her job, buying her the perfect gift for her birthday - as long as she hugged him like this. Maybe eventually it might become a habit. An embrace that conveyed every comfort; and then he knew she was right - with her, everything would be fine.
What do you think?? Leave a comment:D
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half-deadmagicperson · 5 months
Phight '24 Phic 3
For @phicphight (I keep forgetting to tag them lol)
Title: Casper High Class of '08
Words: 1282
Warnings: None
Rating: G
Prompt by @coyotecrackers : Ten years since Danny graduated high school, and fourteen years since his accident. The former A-listers are organizing a high school reunion, and somehow both Danny AND Phantom got an invite… Seriously, how are these things still happening to him?
“You could always decline as Phantom,” Sam mentioned. Danny was currently on the phone with her and Tucker staring down at his recent piece of mail.
“I know, but they’ll be disappointed.”
“Well, Phantom never was officially a Casper High student, and he’s probably too busy with his position as ambassador,” Tucker chimed in.
“You’re right. They’d probably understand if Phantom couldn’t show up. Besides, I’d like to enjoy or at least stand in boredom without being gawked at. I’ll call Paulina, as Phantom, and let her know.”
Paulina was understanding, if a little guilt-tripping, and told Danny if he ended up being free he was still welcome to come. Danny agreed before letting her go. He contacted his job to let him know he’ll need that night off before heading off to work.
Ever since he was a child, Danny has always had his eyes set on NASA. After the accident, he was a bit concerned over whether or not his dreams would be attainable. After the ghost problems started to settle down, Danny pulled his grades back up and went to college for engineering and astronomy.
He knew that with his ‘medical condition’ being an astronaut was out of the question. However, he still got to work with spacecraft and educate children on the different planets.
Sam and Tucker went on to become an environmentalist and a computer scientist respectively. The trio decided after highschool to room together and save money. They still live together, but with their conflicting work schedules, they often don’t see each other until night.
Cujo, the ghost of a guard dog from the old Axion Labs, decided to take up residence in their tiny apartment as well. Although, he tends to come and go as he pleases.
Overall, Danny’s life has been pretty good now that things have settled down. He did tell his parents about his alter ego, and they took it well! Jazz was doing amazing things as a psychiatrist. Even Vlad has started to patch things up with Danny’s parents.
Now if only that reunion would have run as smoothly.
The night of the reunion approached, and the trio found themselves getting ready. Danny decided to ditch the tie after several failed attempts at tying it. Sam donned on a professional looking outfit that still had touches of her gothic aesthetic. Tucker had rented a tux and switched to his ‘special occasion’ beret, which was just the exact same hat except cleaner.
The three of them piled into Sam’s Nissan LEAF (not sponsored lmao) and drove towards their old high school. After about 30 minutes, the familiar sight of Casper High greeted them. Sam parked her car, and the three headed inside.
“Hey guys! Glad you could make it,” Star, one of the former A-Listers, sat at a check-in table with name tags. The trio walked over to grab their tags. While picking up his ‘Danny Fenton’ label, Danny noticed one of the stickers labeled ‘Phantom’. Star must’ve noticed his brow quirk because she spoke.
“He said he was busy with his ambassadorial gig, but we decided to make a tag for him just in case.”
Danny smiled and nodded, ignoring the pit in his stomach. The trio made their way into the gym.
“Holy shit! Fenton is that you?!” Danny turned around to see a shocked Dash Baxter, who was noticeably shorter than him. Danny grinned.
“Sure is! How’s it going, Baxter? I hear you landed a spot on the Packers.”
After freshman year, Dash started to mellow out. He decided that his school work and friendships were more important than bullying some nerd. Danny also suspects that he got some counseling, but that is not really his business.
“Sure did! In fact, Preseasons are starting up in a couple months. If you want to come I’m sure I could score you some tickets.” Danny chuckled.
“I might have to take you up on that.”
After their conversation, Dash spotted one of the other football players and bolted. Danny was pulling a can of pop out of the cooler when he noticed someone approaching.
“Hey, Val! Long time no see!” Valerie Gray rolled her eyes.
“We literally saw each other yesterday,” she stated.
“Well, yeah, but that was different because it was for business.”
“You were playing that new Zelda game for half of patrol.”
“Listen, Breath of the Wild is really fun, okay?” Danny retorted with mock hurt. Valerie giggled.
“Whatever you say, Fenton.”
The night continued forward. Danny caught up with several classmates he hadn’t seen in a while. The DJ was playing absolute bangers. It was fun to relax and socialize for a little bit. Danny was dishing out round two of Puppy Chow when he felt the familiar cold sensation in the back of his throat.
The blue mist of his ghost sense escaped Danny’s mouth. The man started glancing around the gym, trying to figure out its source.
A distinct cracking noise came from the ceiling. Fractures spread their way down to the walls. They needed to get out of there. Guests started running towards the exits until they were blocked by falling debris. Danny stared up at the fissures. The roof was going to collapse, and there was still no sign of a ghost!
Without thinking, Danny started pulling chunks of debris away from the doors. Dash, Val, and several other people joined in. Danny felt his ghost sense go off again and whipped his head around towards the gym. A large piece of the roof started falling with one final break.
The people in the middle of the gym braced for the impact or tried to run, but the impact never came. Floating above the crowd, one Daniel James Fenton held the massive piece of debris and gently set it down in an empty corner of the gym.
“Is everyone okay?” he asked and was met with quick nods. Looking through the new skylight in the gym, Danny spotted a very guilty looking ghost. The man floated up to meet their gaze.
“One night! I asked for one night off, and you decided to come and break regulations!”
“I’m sorry Mr. Phantom, sir, I didn’t realize you’d be here!” the ghost’s voice came out rather meekly.
“Whether or not I was here shouldn’t matter! We have rules for a reason,” Danny sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, “Look, can I ask why you thought attacking a highschool reunion was a good idea?”
“I just wanted to test out my new earthquake powers!” the ghost responded. They must be pretty young if their core is still developing.
“Well how about this, you apologize to the people down there, and tomorrow we can find out a way to train your powers safely with less property damage.”
The ghost nodded and accompanied Danny down to the ruined gym. They made their apology before flying out the roof. The people watched the ghost fade from view before turning their attention to Danny. The man rubbed the back of his neck.
“Ah, yeah, I guess I’ve got some explaining to do,” and so the rest of the night was spent sharing the stories and adventures of Team Phantom, as well as other ghost related shenanigans.
After the night was over, Paulina caught Danny on his way out.
“Well, it looks like my invite worked out well after all,” she said before picking up the last name tag left on the table, “Here. We hope to see you and Phantom at our next reunion.” Danny smiled.
“I’m sure Phantom would love to make an appearance.”
Danny turned and rejoined his group. This was certainly a night to remember.
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mins-fins · 1 year
❛ nap of a star ❜ — seok matthew
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| synopsis . . . he misses watching the stars, but most importantly, he misses watching the stars with matthew.
| tags . . . seok matthew x m!reader , technically angsty but the fluff overshadows it , childhood lovers (kinda) , they get separated but not reunited , god i hate them , mentions of constellations because constellations are cool , fueling my astronomy interests
| warnings . . . none!
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stars, they interest y/n.
his interest in astronomy has always existed, he has fond memories of getting his first telescope, gasping aloud when his mom actually got one for him after he'd been begging for months and months.
he would spend hours studying constellations, mesmerizing their names so that when he sees them in the sky he can recognize them. along with the northern lights, they were his favorite things to see when he looks up in the sky.
another thing that made his astronomy interest even better was his best friend. (do note that he hasn't seen said best friend in years though)
now, matthew was definitely slower when it came to astronomy. the only thing he really liked was the stars, just staring up at them and making random sounds of amazement.
he enjoyed listening to y/n talk about different stars and constellations for hours, then he'd learn something new and get excited because he finally had some context on what he was going on about.
somehow, y/n could almost always find a way to sneak matthew out of his room in the middle of night, and they'd sit down to watch the stars together.
y/n is sure he's almost broke his head from how many times he fell on his head trying to climb through matthew's window.
that night was no different, matthew was sound asleep in his bed, the small thumping at his window barely distracting him, he's too much of a heavy sleeper.
y/n pushes the window open, frowning at the sight of matthew still being asleep. he hauls himself up, trying his best with how careful he had to be.
surprisingly, he tips forward and falls face first on matthew's bedroom floor, a little "ow" escaping his lips as the pain began settling in to his body.
fortunately, he caught the attention of the boy he'd been calling for just moments prior.
"uh.. y/n?" matthew mumbles, and said boy raises his head as he blinks innocently at his best friend. "what are you doing he.."
"we have to see the stars, matthew!" y/n 'yells', though he has to yell quietly because the rest of the seok family are soundly asleep in the other rooms.
"right now?" he asks, though he doesn't sound like he wants to disagree, as he slowly makes his way out of his bed. "i mean— not like i don't want to go or anything!"
though he was unconvinced, eight-year-old y/n wasn't about to walk through the dark streets of vancouver by himself once again. "come on, hurry up!"
holding in his sigh, the young matthew stumbles into his shoes and helps (shoves) y/n out of his window to follow after him. he almost misses a step, and y/n quickly throws his arms around him to stabilize him so he doesn't fall. "okay?" he asks in his usually excited voice, matthew's ears go red as he gives a small nod as confirmation.
so here they were, two eight-year-old kids walking through the dark streets of vancouver, matthew squeezing his hands as he didn't want to get lost. their only focus was on the sky, trying to see if they could catch sight of any stars.
"ugh, we can't see anything" y/n whines, holding onto matthew's hand. "the street lamps make it pretty much impossible".
"we didn't miss it, did we?" matthew whispers, momentarily looking back to make sure there was no one following them. y/n shoots him a look, then looks back to the sky. "no, i don't think so, we have to go higher".
"higher?" matthew's eyes go wide at the words, y/n turns back to him and nods. "like up the hill?" he asks.
"it's the only way we'll be able to see the stars".
y/n begins up the hill, making sure matthew was following him as he makes his way up. the much smaller boy tries his best to keep with y/n's fast walking pace, stumbling towards him and taking his hand to make sure he didn't lose him.
"hurry up slowpoke!"
"i'm trying! you walk too fast!"
"if we miss it, i'm beating you up in front of the whole school" y/n threatens, it was an empty threat, he'd never hurt matthew in his life.
matthew gasps dramatically, not even realizing that they've made it to the top already. "you wouldn't" he replies, pouting.
"yes i woul.."
y/n is left speechless, and matthew looks up to see why, only to also be left speechless by the sight of the stars. he tilts his head, blinking at how beautiful the stars are, shining in the dark night sky.
"ursa minor" y/n whispers, jaw basically dropping at the sight of the stars creating a shape in the sky.
"ooh, it's so pretty!" matthew exclaims, letting go of y/n's hand to give a small applause. "is that the big dipper?"
y/n only gives a hum at matthew's question, he is way too focused on the stars to look at his best friend directly. his eyes seem to shine as he stares up at the pretty shapes forming in the sky, a clear interest in them.
matthew smiles as he stares at his best friend. he doesn't know how many times he's seen an eight year old have a look of such.. passion, in his eyes? it honestly made him feel happy.
y/n doesn't remember snapping out of his daze until he feels matthew take his hand once again.
"y/n?" he calls out, making him finally look over to stare at his best friend. "can you promise we'll see the stars together again?"
y/n tightens his hold around his hand, giving a small smile accompanied by a giggle.
"i promise".
if only he could change the past.
he would've taken that back.
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artistic-intrxvert · 1 year
okay i don't have a full request idea but i had a thought
hanako/amane would 100000% tell a bunch of random astronomy facts to his s/o right??
what if his s/o fired back with more fun facts that are only known now bc he died early so he gets so much more info from his s/o-
I may or may not have this as a part one part two kinda thing, just to not make it too much reading in one sitting for y’all :) (let me know if this is something you guys are interested in)
Sorry that i keep making my requests into really angsty, stuff- i can't help it when it comes to Hanako's past and his overall character ;v;
Anyways, here you go fren :> sorry this was late btw lol hope you have a good day/night!
Prompt:Amane telling his S/O astronomy facts only for S/O to tell him more facts he didn't know
Warnings: fluff to angst (IM SORRY IN ADVANCE-)
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Amane was always your go-to guy when it came to the stars. You would walk into class and he would be up and ready for a new fact to tell you. It was amazing, really; how he was able to come in with a different fact each day, never repeating himself. He never failed to put a smile on your face with his facts. Some might find it annoying, but not you. Oh, you could never.
You had an interest in the stars yourself! You knew some if not most of the facts he told you, but you’d ask questions and talk further more on the topic so that he could enjoy the conversation. It made your heart swell whenever his eyes lit up at a question, ready to answer it with full detail. For someone who got bullied a lot and had issues, he seemed to always have the brightest face in the room when talking to you.
One day, you found out something about space that Amane hadn’t yet told you about. It made you smile widely at the thought of his expression when you tell him something about his favorite topic that he didn’t know about. How his eyes would widen and he would have his full attention you, wanting…no…needing answers for it.
The thought had you up all night. You lay in bed, smiling to yourself. You even had a dream about it, that’s how excited you were!
The next day, you got dressed as fast you you could without forgetting anything important, ie. your textbooks, homework, pencil pouch, lunch bag. You put everything you needed for the day in your backpack and left for school.
Amane was at his desk, fidgeting with his pencil with a blank look on his face. He had more bandages on his arms than he did yesterday…
“Ohaiyō!” You cheerfully greeted Amane, startling him from his trance. He looked up in shock but also relief that you were here. He smiled and said, “Ohaiyō~ How’s my (Name) doing today, hm~?” He said in a teasing tone.
You smile brightly and say, “Great, actually! Hey, guess what?” He opened his mouth to say ‘what’ but you quickly cut him off. “I have a fact for you! About the stars!” This caused Amane’s eyes to light up and he immediately turned to face you.
“Did you know that sunsets in Mars are blue?”
He looked complete shocked. “Really? That so cool! I’m assuming it’s the atmosphere, right? The atmosphere that makes it blue?” You nod your head with a smile and continue to tell him facts, either that he knew or he didn’t. Either way, he was surprised but absolutely amazed that you knew all about his favorite subject.
He probably knew this but I didn’t so I’m using it stfu-
You basically spent the whole day talking to each other, engaging in each other’s conversation and asking questions whenever there anything either of you were curious about. You had so much fun that day, you even forgot about how his bandages got more loose at the day went on. But it was a good day…right?
That’s when you remembered something…Not all god things last..and before you knew it, you were the only one gazing at the stars..
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expecto-kedavra · 1 year
The Healer, pt. 2
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Heyo! Here's part two. My brain went down some rabbit holes while I was drafting, so it may steer away from the original idea, especially in future parts. Hope you still enjoy!
Pt. 1
Pt. 3
Pt. 4
Sebastian spent most of his time in the Undercroft. When he walked in, my heart sank. He looked even worse than when I last saw him, thinner, ragged. His cheeks were sunken and his eyes were bloodshot. I hoped to all things magical that this would help. "Hello, Sebastian." Ominis said nonchalantly. "Nice to see you here." I stifled a giggle. Sebastian glanced at Ominis, and made a small grunt in response. "You know, I never noticed before, but that shade of green really brings out your eyes. It compliments your skin tone quite nicely." Sebastian turned, and looked at Ominis. "Very funny. Now leave me be." It was at that moment that the sun shone in just well enough to brighten the dark room. Sebastian looked into Ominis' eyes. And Ominis looked back, grinning from ear to ear. Sebastian shot up. "Ominis. Can you see me?" he asked, peering into Ominis' eyes from different angles. "That I can. But with the state of your hair, I wish I couldn't." Sebastian let out a joyful cry and grabbed Ominis, dancing him around the Undercroft. I laughed, and joined in. "How? Why? Huh?" Sebastian rattled. "Miracle Tears." I said proudly. Proud of the potion, not the name. "Hmm. Name needs some work." Sebastian laughed, and my heart soared. It was amazing. It seemed that a glint of our old friend had returned. "Come, Ominis. We must show you the world!" He said, and looped his arms through ours. "Sebastian, wait. I believe this could heal Anne." I said. He froze. "After all that has happened." He said softly. "I would always give anything to have her healed. Even though she's left me." He straightened. "The time for that will come. Now, we need to show Ominis how unbearably ugly Duncan Hobbhouse is."
The day was filled with laughter and fun. Everyone we passed stared at us, confused. They had never seen Ominis so cheerful. Poppy and Natty stopped us in Hogsmeade. "Woah." Ominis blurted when Poppy ran up to us. "What?" She said defensively. "MERLIN OMINIS YOU'RE LOOKING AT ME!" She shouted, realizing that Ominis was looking at her and not above her. She got up on her tiptoes to stare into his eyes. Natty, Sebastian and I laughed at her behavior. "Yes, I am. I didn't quite expect you to be so...well, small." She placed her hands on her hips and glared up at him. "Just cause I am so happy for you, I will let it slide. This time" She said through gritted teeth. We all laughed and headed into the Three Broomsticks. Sirona was delighted to hear the news, and treated us to complimentary Butterbeer. "May you view the world with wonder and awe." she toasted, and we followed suit. It was wonderful to see Ominis so happy, but even better to see Sebastian's smile again. It had been so long, I had forgotten the sound of my old friends laugh, and it put me at ease knowing he was improving. I knew he was avoiding the Anne topic, but for now he deserved to be happy. He was able to show his best friend things he could only describe before, and I knew it was just as amazing for him as it was for Ominis.
We informed Professor Weasley of our wonderful news. She too was delighted to see my two best friends both happy. We returned to the Undercroft, and sat down by the triptych. Unfortunately, not all the professor's viewed our remarkable breakthrough with enough awe to give us less homework. As I opened my Astronomy notebook, my brain drifted to other topics. I knew that the Anne conversation had to come sooner or later. I hadn't spoken with her since Ominis and I visited her in Romania. Learning about dragons, she was. The truth was that she missed us all dearly, Sebastian most of all. But she knew what he had done, and was desperately trying to stick to her guns. She had taken to travelling the world in an attempt to learn more about it, saying it distracted her from the missing piece inside of her. The piece that was her brother. That was several months ago. This had to work. I didn't know if it would convince her to come back, to return to Hogwarts. I hoped it would, but I was unsure if it would heal the rift between her and Sebastian. "Can I meet the Unicorns?" Ominis' voice snapped me back to reality. "Well, technically you already have." Sebastian said sarcastically. Ominis glared back. "You know what I mean." I laughed. 'Of course! You'll need to thank Diana for her contribution." The three of us spent the next several hours in the Vivariums with Poppy. She'd never pass up a creature related adventure. She pointed out all the different and incredible features on each of the beasts, and Ominis was loving it.
Later that night, in the common room, Sebastian had an idea. "What if we healed Sharp's leg?" Ominis choked on the apple he was eating. "You despise Sharp!" He said, spitting out the chunk of fruit. "Well, yes, but maybe this would help him be a bit nicer!" It was a good idea. "I'll brew some more, if Helios and Diana are willing to share. For now though, let's get some rest." We all needed it. Ominis had been dragging us all across the Highlands, demanding to know what everything was. "Good idea." Sebastian agreed. As we climbed into our beds, Sebastian and I lay awake for a moment. "You know, I truly am sorry. You had every right to turn me in. I killed an innocent man." I could tell he truly felt the guilt. "Ha. You can make it up to taking Ominis to the Mooncalf Den in the Forest tomorrow. It's a full moon and he'd love to see them dance." I knew that he knew that wasn't enough. It would be for now. He agreed with a laugh, and said good night. I sat there, thinking about his words. Killed an innocent man. Innocent. Something felt off with that. I shoved the thought to the back of my head and drifted off into sleep.
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elilelibeli · 8 months
In the Noble House of Black everything is new and pristine, nothing can look used, nothing looks loved or enjoyed or lived in.
Both Sirius and Regulus are used to this and it’s strange for them how some of the books Remus has are falling apart, how many scuff marks his boots have, how James’s journal has billion stickers and loose papers sticking from it. They are wearing identical uniforms, yet even if they are in pile, mashed together you can tell which is Pete’s robe cause it has little chess piece King pin on it.
Regulus has rings but they are shiny and they are just rings, unlike Barty’s whose rings are old and the stones in them are scratched and some even missing. How Evan and Pandora have matching bracelets that never come off their wrists and are so distroyed it’s beyond regulus how they haven’t fallen apart already.
All of Sirius’s and Regulus’s things are clean, new, shiny, expensive but they don’t have life, they are not Regulus’s or Sirius’s, they are just things and it’s terrible.
The first time they have truly their own things is because of each other. They have strained relationship and it’s hard to talk and even harder to listen but convinced by their friends Christmas is time for families so they give each other gifts.
The boxes are wrapped perfectly and they are neat and colorcoded and don’t have anything personal on them to be distinguished. Regulus gets annoyed because the box has no name so he has no idea who is it from. Sirius gets annoyed because he knows it’s from Regulus by the way the box looks and it’s annoying cause he assumes it’s one of those “I am getting a present because it’s a polite thing to do” type of gift. Until Sirius tears his box and sees a bracelet with cool metal spikes on it, each spike can be opened and there are phases of the moon under each spike. Sirius loves it, he wears it and it never comes of his wrist.
Unlike Sirius, Regulus neatly opens his box, it is a ring with a tiny telescope on it. There is a small scribble under the box saying “Rotate the Telescope” and when he does the tiny telescope becomes a fully functional one. Regulus loves it, he wears the ring and it only comes of when Regulus wants to observe the stars.
These things become truly theirs. Sirius’s bracelet soon has scratches, each of them telling a story of pranks, detentions, parties. The bracelet was chosen for Sirius, because Regulus learned that gifts will be perfect if they make other person happy and Regulus remembers how much Sirius always talks about the moon and how it means so much to him and now Sirius gets to carry it everyday with him. The ring was chosen for Regulus, because Sirius learned that sometimes making something with your hands can be greatest gift of all and Sirius remembers how much Reggie loves stars and astronomy tower and now Regulus can observe what he loves whenever he wants.
They were theirs from the beginning and they became more theirs with passing time, with every scratch, dent, discoloration and imperfection those things were truly theirs and it was amazing.
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Not My Job: Queen's Brian May Gets Quizzed About Dairy Queen
9-Minute Listen <- (as of 11/21/23, the audio link still works)
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Michael Loccisano/Getty Images
Brian May left a promising career in science to try his hand at rock 'n' roll, and did OK enough, we guess, becoming a co-founder of the band Queen. (That makes him the only Ph.D. astrophysicist in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.) What's more, he's also deeply into 3D stereoscopic photography, and has just published a new book of pictures of his band.
Given his success with Queen, we made him answer three trivia questions about Dairy Queen, the ice cream and fast food franchise.
Queen's Brian May Rocks Out To Physics, Photography Secret Stereographs: Brian May Of Queen Reveals A Pastime
And now the game where we reward a lifetime of achievement with a few moments of trivia. It's called Not My Job. Brian May left a promising career in science to try his hand at rock 'n' roll. And he did OK. He founded the band Queen with Freddie Mercury, John Deacon and Roger Taylor, making him, as far as we know, the only Ph.D. astrophysicist in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. But he had another enthusiasm, 3-D stereoscopic photography. He's published a new book of pictures of his band so realistic you can practically smell the groupies.
SAGAL: Brian May, welcome to WAIT WAIT... DON'T TELL ME.
BRIAN MAY: Thank you very much.
SAGAL: I spent a good part of yesterday evening with your book of these amazing stereoscopic photos and the great little viewer that comes with them...
MAY: Right.
SAGAL: ...Enjoying these 3-D pictures of your band and its history and Freddie Mercury and your other friends and musicians. And I have one thing to ask you. How is it that in all the years that you've been in the public eye, your hair has never changed?
SAGAL: Did any - nobody ever came to you and said, Brian, you know, now it's the 1990s. We need to cut your hair? Has any...
MAY: Yeah, they do it all the time.
MAY: I have a good answer for that. But it's probably not repeatable on your program.
SAGAL: So there are so many things that are interesting about you. You were, as I said - you were pursuing your doctorate in science when the band started, right?
MAY: I was, yeah. In astronomy. In what they now call astrophysics, yeah. And I gave it up. And I thought I was actually doing astrophysics a favor by choosing the other option.
SAGAL: Really?
MAY: Yeah. And I also thought, you know, there's a window opening here. And if I don't kind of walk through - or a door opening, I should say. And I thought, if I don't walk through right now, that door will never open again. So I went off and, against all the odds, became a rock star for some reason.
SAGAL: Yeah. That seemed to have worked out pretty well for you.
MAY: It's OK. It's been OK so far. Yeah.
SAGAL: It really has. But...
PAULA POUNDSTONE: So wait, you're suggesting that you were not a good astrophysicist?
MAY: You know, I didn't think I was.
POUNDSTONE: What would make a bad astrophysicist?
MAY: Well...
POUNDSTONE: Like, you weren't looking in the right...
MAY: Well, what would make a bad astrophysicist would be, like, not being able to complete your Ph.D., which is what happened.
MAY: And I couldn't please my supervisor. So 30 years later, I found myself with another supervisor. And he liked what I did. So I kind of updated my vision of myself. But I got it after 30 years.
SAGAL: Wait a minute. What I love is that you going in to get your Ph.D. not as young Brian May but as Brian May the guitarist of Queen.
MAY: Yeah.
SAGAL: I mean, did you - like, your oral exams - did you come in and say, I could answer your questions, or I could just do the riff from "We Will Rock You."
MAY: Well, you know, they were tough on me. I think they had to be because they couldn't be seen to kind of make it easy for me, you know? And, you know, I got a whole sheaf of stuff that I had to do in order to finish it off.
SAGAL: I bet that...
LUKE BURBANK: Did they try to work in any Queen stuff during the defense of your dissertation? Like, you may think you're the champion, Mr. May...
BURBANK: ...But this panel thinks otherwise. Do they do anything corny like that?
SAGAL: Now, this is the amazing thing about this book because in addition to your interest in astrophysics and obviously shredding on the guitar, you are a huge photography nerd. And you were...
MAY: Totally.
SAGAL: You were always into 3-D photography.
MAY: Yeah.
SAGAL: I'm just trying to imagine though that - it must have been like the mid-70s in the absolute apogee of, like, the rock 'n' roll lifestyle. And there's the cocaine. And there are the groupies. And there's the liquor. And you're, like, trying to get everybody to hold still so you can take a 3-D photograph.
SAGAL: Guys, guys. Come on.
MAY: I'm not going to contradict you there.
MAY: Should we just move on?
SAGAL: All right. I will.
POUNDSTONE: Every high school student has the same story, I imagine, on the way to sports events.
SAGAL: Yeah.
POUNDSTONE: Like, when I played lacrosse in high school, we would bang our sticks on the roof of the bus.
MAY: Oh.
POUNDSTONE: How this driver tolerated it I'll never know. And we would scream at the top of our lungs the lyrics to, you know, "We Are The Champions."
MAY: Great.
POUNDSTONE: And it was so much fun.
SAGAL: Oh, yeah.
BURBANK: Did you guys ever win a match?
MAY: It did you no good whatsoever.
BURBANK: What would you sing on the drive back, "Another One Bites The Dust?"
BURBANK: Can I just ask what - like, in the creation of an amazing, iconic song like "Bohemian Rhapsody," did Freddie Mercury write those lyrics?
MAY: Absolutely.
BURBANK: And, like, what was it like when he says, OK, these are going to be the words to this song?
MAY: We had a kind of unwritten law. You know, generally, this song was kind of the province of the writer. And the writer would have the final say. So yeah, we didn't really discuss it. We didn't say, you know, why are you saying that, Freddie? It was just...
BURBANK: So no one looked at him when he started singing scaramouche?
MAY: You know, we were enjoying ourselves.
SAGAL: Can you do the fandango?
MAY: I mean, this stuff is really fun to do in the studio.
MAY: And nobody had ever done it before, you know?
SAGAL: Oh, absolutely. I'd never heard anything like that in my life when that song came out.
MAY: Well, and you won't again.
SAGAL: I know. I know.
POUNDSTONE: So you guys just, you know, scaramouche, scarmouche, not even looking at one another?
SAGAL: I can imagine.
POUNDSTONE: It does sound like fun.
SAGAL: Last question - as an astrophysicist, because this is interesting how you both - do both - can you scientific explain how it is that fat bottomed girls make the world go round?
MAY: Yeah. I think that's still true. I was just lucky to find out early, you know?
SAGAL: Well, Brian May, we can talk to you all day. But we have business to do. We've asked you here to play a game we're calling...
BILL KURTIS: Have a peanut buster parfait.
SAGAL: You, of course, as we have been discussing, are one of the founders of Queen, one of the iconic rock bands of all time. So we thought we'd ask you three questions about Dairy Queen.
MAY: About what?
SAGAL: Dairy Queen. You might have come across it in your travels across America. It's a popular ice cream and fast food franchise.
MAY: This is the bit I've been looking forward to so much.
SAGAL: Oh, you are.
SAGAL: Answer two questions about - by the way, I should say that absolute ignorance is always an advantage in this particular game.
MAY: Well, you've got it in this case.
ADAM BURKE: I'm just picturing the Queen tour bus pull up to a Dairy Queen.
SAGAL: It'd be the greatest day of those people's lives.
BURKE: Freddie just marching in. Blizzards for the lot of us.
SAGAL: All right (laughter).
MAY: Can I go home now?
SAGAL: This is already going very well.
SAGAL: So the question, though, for Bill is who is legendary guitarist and astrophysicist Brian May playing for?
KURTIS: Ella Jones of Baltimore, Md.
SAGAL: All right.
POUNDSTONE: Here we go.
SAGAL: Just two right, and we win it all. None right - who cares? Here we go. Dairy Queen has given us so much by way of frozen treats, the Blizzard, the Dilly Bar, the Oreo Brownie Earthquake. But it's also responsible for what other wonderful thing? A, the defibrillator device; B - the band No Doubt, or C avocado toast?
MAY: I would say none of the above. But I have no idea. The defibrillator. I'm going for the defibrillator.
SAGAL: You could use a defibrillator at any Dairy Queen. But the answer is the band No Doubt...
MAY: You're kidding me.
SAGAL: ...Because it turns out that Gwen Stefani and two of her band mates met and formed their band at a Dairy Queen in Anaheim, Calif., when they both - all worked there.
MAY: I'm on the edge of my seat.
SAGAL: But we have other things. There's this Dairy Queen - one of them - in Morehead, Minn. And it's legendary because it still uses all the old recipes. And it was the place where their famous dilly bar treat was invented. Now, the owner there invented a number of other things that corporate never liked - so they didn't catch on nationally - including which of these? Which of these failed Dairy Queen treats? A, the flaming sundae; B, the meat shake...
SAGAL: ...Or C, the heck-of-a-job brownie?
MAY: I'm going to go for number one.
SAGAL: The flaming sundae. You're right.
SAGAL: He invented a flaming sundae, a sugar cube doused with liquor - set it on fire. Very attractive. So your last question. If you get this right you win, which I'm sure will go well with your CBE.
SAGAL: Last question. Dairy Queen has a deep, dark secret - something they would rather that you - none of us - would know. What is it? A, their original name was Dairy Fairy; B, their ice cream isn't actually ice cream or C, the chain is wholly owned by the government of Iran?
BURBANK: He's operating at a slight disadvantage having never been to a Dairy Queen.
SAGAL: That's true.
MAY: I think B.
SAGAL: Yes. You're right.
SAGAL: It's true that their product - their frozen soft serve cannot be legally called ice cream because it doesn't have enough real cream in it.
SAGAL: Bill, how did Brian May do on our quiz?
KURTIS: He is a champion.
POUNDSTONE: There we go.
KURTIS: Two out of three.
SAGAL: My friend, Brian May is an astrophysicist, guitar legend and one of the founders of the great rock bands of all time - that would be Queen. His new book, which is completely worth the hours you will spend staring at it - it's of stereoscopic photos he took. It's called "Queen In 3-D." It is out now. Brian May, what a joy to talk to you. Thank you so much for...
MAY: Thank you all.
SAGAL: Brian May.
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autumnswitchyinn · 2 months
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About Me
Hi I’m Autumn my pronouns are they/she/he, and I’m a minor, and this is my witchcraft blog!!
Some things about me are that I enjoy reading, dnd, writing, psychology, science, history, philosophy, Victorian flower language, video games, nature, medicine (as a study), astronomy, art, and cheesy foods.
My favourite colours are orange, purple, green, red, and black. My favourite animals are crows, jellyfish (moon jellies in particular), peregrine falcons, cats, dogs, wolves, frogs, sharks (whale sharks in particular), and sting rays. My favourite season is autumn (lol). My favourite drink is a London fog. My favourite flower is lilac. Finally my favourite food is Mac n cheese.
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About my practice
I’ve researched witchcraft on and off for a long time (~4+ years) and have been practicing for over a year now, however I still like to consider myself as a beginner witch.
If I had to label what type of witch am I, I’d be an eclectic one. I don’t have one set path, I dabble in many. However a lot of my craft is based in deity/entity work, kitchen witchery, green witchery, chaos magic, art magic, protection magic, glamour magic, energy work, celestial magic, and elemental magic.
I mainly work with the Hellenic pantheon such as: Nemesis, Hades, Ares, Persephone, and Daphne. Though I also work with some other entities like Archangel Gabriel, Veles, and The Morrigan.
I personally avoid and don’t work with the fair folk or the infernal divine (nothing wrong with those who do, just not at that point in my practice).
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What to expect from the blog
My blog for the most part is just going to be educational/informative like info on herbs, the elements, the basics, deep dives on entities, etc. I might share time to time stuff from my personal practice, but for the most part just information.
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I welcome pretty much anyone as long as they are open minded, respectful, and not creepy. However if you fall into one of these categories I’d like for you to avoid and not interact with my page or leave comments to do with such things:
- Anti Maskers
- Anti Semitics
- Ableists
- Cultural Appropriators
- Conspiracy Theorists (flat earthers included)
- Fear Mongers
- Homophobes (this includes acephobes, arophobes, and biphobes)
- Islamophobes
- Misogynists
- N4zis
- P3dos
- People wishing to push a specific political belief or agenda
- People who are toxic with or try to force their religion/religious views on others
- People who body shame
- People who demonize or stigmatize mental health
- People who encourage toxic, unhealthy, and destructive behaviours
- People who fetishize lgbtq pairings/relationships, people underage (including characters), and other minorities
- People who support dub/non-con, abusers, r4pists, and s3x offenders
- People who support the oppression, mistreatment, harassment, and harm towards people of minorities
- People who try to gatekeep open communities (fandoms, cosplay, fashion, music, games etc)
- People who try to use activism or eco justice as an excuse to cause harm or to push another unrelated or corporate agenda
- People who want to try and profit off of peoples mental health, disabilities, and vulnerabilities
- Racists
- Reality Shifters despite knowing the risks and dangers
- Transphobes (this includes not supporting nonbinary people under the trans umbrella)
- Trolls or people who are trying to cause trouble for no reason
- Or any other kind of bigotry or online stupidity that I somehow managed to have left out
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If you’ve made this far with reading this post I hope you’ve enjoyed getting to know the author behind this blog and you’ll consider sticking around and seeing what is to come. Wishing you guys an amazing timezone, and hope everyone is taking care of themselves (little reminder to go get some water or food or take a lil break from the internet if you’ve been doomscrolling or you should be getting sleep). Take care, stay safe, bye!!
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bugsinshoes · 5 months
ok, i just came up with a couple of questions
does laurie keep in touch with sam and rudy after graduation or they also go to backupsmore? where did laurie and jocelyn end up after graduating university?
About rudy and sam:
(for context about these goofs, sam LOVES space and astrophysics and all that jazz, while rudy is a MASSIVE comic nerd)
they don't go to backupsmore, but they get accepted into THEIR dream schools! I'm actually thinking MAYBE sam gets accepted into west coast tech? cause like its all science-y and probably has an AMAZING astronomy/astrophysics course? and from there shed become a pretty well known astronomer/astrophysicist (she wrote a few books!!!)
and as for rudy, MAYBE he gets sent to some random college in idaho cause I'm THINKING MAYYBEE his parents are all like "drawing isnt a job! youll get no where in life!!" or something like that, but he SELF-PUBLISHES some comics and someone finds his work, hired him, and gets a job doing something he really enjoys :D
as for if they keep in touch... they tried. rudy and sam kept tabs on eachother during their college years but the three of them kinda just drifted apart, yk? maybe laurie and jocelyn visited idaho during the holidays or smth and they get together with sam and rudy, but probably after that initial year of being apart they just fell out... friendships are like that, sometimes. (laurie, sam, and rudy are all still bffs tho, like theres no hatred between them. They left on good terms, its just their circumstances that were put between them. laurie is super proud of them and how far theyve come, though. maybe laurie sees one of sams books for sale and shes like "wow... im so proud of her" YK???)
this is like... 1974? (if i have the timeline right) so theyre kinda like "well, what do we do now?" so i like to imagine they travel around a bit. go to different states, sightsee, stuff like that. they spent a few years in canada, probably something like 8 years? (timelines still fucky, plus im still not 100% sure on lore. its all a wip) but then around mid/late 1985, theyre on their way back from somewhere (canada makes the most sense atm) and they get LOST.
but where do they end up?
gravity falls.
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purplegirl20 · 2 years
Birthday Girl
Pairing: Damian Priest x Self-Insert (Me), with mention of the Judgement Day
Summary: Damian decided to something special for my Birthday
Warning: None
Tagging:@ghoulsister1 @omg-im-such-a-masochist @babiidee28 @sparkleva25 @alicejoaquin1990 @vintage-pvssy @ashkrystal @theworldofotps @nyc-kyra-93 @ziasaph @priestparty @queenzay @sultryfandoms @auburnwrites @windhamsrotunda@rheaanddamianfan@theclawdeen1442@tmt-77@blueberryomega@ironshamelessyouth@lisashield @blaxkbunnie
Note: Today is my birthday. I hope I get birthday wishes from all of my readers. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
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December 3rd: My Birthday
It was a quiet morning. I sleeping in my bed until I heard my phone alarm.
Shaynell:(yawns) Morning already?
I grabs my phone and turns off my alarm.
Shaynell:(yawns) Bunuelos? Today's my birthday day. Will you give me a birthday kiss?
I rolls over to find an empty spot on the bed, with a envelope on the bed.
Shaynell: Huh. What's this?
I open the envelope, include a letter.
Shaynell:(reads) To my dearest Boston cream. Happy Birthday, sorry that I left early. I had to go to some important stuff with the Judgement Day. Please don't let my absence ruins your birthday. To make it up to you, I got you tickets to a planetarium and later today, I'll have a surprise for you at lunch. See you then. Your bunuelos.
Shaynell: Aw.
(phone vibrating)
I quickly grabs my phone and saw a text message from Edge.
Edge:(text) Good morning birthday. Today's your special day. I hope you enjoy this joyous occasion.
Shaynell:(text) Aw, thank you sprinkles.
I smile and put my phone back. I quickly get myself ready by hopping in the shower.
After 30 minutes of getting myself ready, I grabs my phone, wallet, tickets, and my purse to enjoy my day at the planetarium.
I called an Uber to take me to the planetarium. I look into my tickets and saw that he booked 2 shows at the planetarium.
Shaynell: Huh. He booked me a laser light show as well? Interesting.
I smile and get into the Uber car to take me my destination.
After dealing with traffic, I finally arrived to my destination.
Shaynell: Thank you. Have a nice safe.
I stepped out of the car, and went inside the planetarium.
2 hours later....
Shaynell: That was amazing. I took amazing pictures of them. I just wish Damian was here to enjoy it with me.
I sighs and scroll through my phone to see pictures of the light show and planetarium.
Shaynell:(thinking) Damian.
I look up and noticed a gift shop across the room and smirk.
Shaynell:(thinking) Since it my birthday, I should buy some goodies.
I smile and went inside of the gift shop.
(phone vibrating)
Shaynell: Hello?
Damian: Hey, my little chocolate cake. Happy Birthday.
Shaynell: Damian! Thank you! I miss you.
Damian: I miss you too. Do you have a good time at the planetarium?
Shaynell: I did. I wish you were there with to enjoy it.
Damian: I know. What are doing now?
Shaynell: I'm at the gift shop right, buying some souvenirs.
Damian: Ok. I just want to tell you that I'm going to pick you up in like 5 minutes.
Shaynell: Ok. I'll you see you then.
I quickly bought some astronomy books and a coffee mug.
(Thunder rumbling)
Shaynell: Uh-oh. I get buy an umbrella.
I quickly grabs an umbrella and went the cash register to purchase my haul.
Shaynell:(thinking) Damian. I hope you come quickly.
I then heard my phone vibrating and saw a notification from him.
Damian:(text) I'm here.
I smile and quickly grabs my bags after I purchase my items.
Shaynell:(smiles) Thank you.
I smile and grabs my recently purchased umbrella to protect myself from the cold rain.
I saw Damian's rental car pulled up and honk at me.
Damian: Mija!
Shaynell: Bunuelos!
I smile and went inside the car. Damian smile and kiss me on the lips, making me giggle.
Shaynell: Bunuelos. Thank god it going to arrive. It going to pour like crazy.
Damian: I'm not to like my precious boston cream to get wet on her special day.
Shaynell: Aw.
Damian: I got something for you.
I smile and pulled something from the backseat of the car. I saw a huge bouquet of purple roses.
Shaynell:(gasp) Oh my god!
Damian: Feliz cumpleaños, Mija!
Shaynell: They're so beautiful. Thank you.
I smile and kiss him on the cheeks, making him smile.
Damian: I'm going to take you lunch on your birthday.
Shaynell: Ok.
He smile as he drive off to our destination.
Shaynell: Where are we going?
Damian: There's a tavern that served the best wings.
Shaynell:(smiles) I would like that.
After dealing with traffic, we finally arrived at our destination.
Shaynell: Finally, we arrived. I'm really hungry.
Damian: Me too.
I smile and get my umbrella to protect from the rain. Damian quickly get out of the car, and follow me.
Shaynell: Damian. You look so cute when you're wet.
Damian chuckled in amusement and take me inside of the tavern.
Shaynell: Wow. It's really pouring outside.
Damian: It is. Why don't you grabs yourself a seat. I had to go to the bathroom.
Shaynell: Ok.
I smile and find myself a booth. I order myself some sprite and starts munching on tortilla chips.
Shaynell:(thinking) What's taking him so long? Is his bladder a size of a peanut? For a tall man, I thought his bladder would hold a lot.
As I mindlessly eating my chips and scrolling through Youtube, I heard a booming voice.
I look up and saw Damian and the rest of Judgement Day, holding a bouquet of purple balloons and a birthday cake.
Shaynell: Oh my god!
Judgement Day: Happy Birthday!
I starts blushing and giggling.
Shaynell:(giggling) Oh my god! This is so surprising. You plan this, Damian.
I smile and nods his head.
Damian: Actually I had a lot of help.
Shaynell: Aw.
They smile and sat with me at the booth.
Finn: Happy Birthday, birthday girl! Today's your day.
Shaynell: Aw. Thank you.
Rhea: Happy Birthday princess! Dom! Don't be rude! Say Happy Birthday to her!
Dom: Happy Birthday!
He smile and gave me a purple gift bag.
Shaynell: Aw. Thank you!
I smile and spend the rest of the afternoon, eating and socializing.
Shaynell: Bye Guys! Thank you for the lunch!
Judgement Day: Bye!
Finn: Have a great birthday!
Damian:(smiles) You had a good birthday, my little chocolate cake.
Shaynell: I did. Actually. I was very surprised.
Damian smiles and wraps his arm around me, making me warm and fuzzy. He leans towards me and kiss me on the lips, making me giggle.
Shaynell:(giggling) Mi Amor.
Damian: You're so beautiful.
Shaynell: You're so sweet, Bunuelos.
Damian: The day's not over yet. When I come back from the live show, I'm going to make your night, more memorable.
He smirks and continue kissing me, making me giggle.
Damian: Go back to the hotel and relax.
Shaynell: Ok. What about the tab?
Damian: I'll pay mija. Don't worry about it. Let's Papi take care of it.
Shaynell:(blushing) Ok.
Damian: I'll see you back at the hotel.
Shaynell: Ok. I love you, bunuelos.
Damian: I love you too, my little chocolate cake.
I smile and grabs my to go bags, along with the rest of my birthday cake and catch an Uber to go back to the hotel to relax.
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your-enby-antihero · 1 year
Caleb and the two very hot purple people that are sitting at the next table over
Based on a  tumblr post
Caleb works as a teacher at the Soltryce Academy. His life is fairly normal, not very notable at all, but when he meets two people at a bar he becomes an utter mess.
also available on ao3
Chapter 9: Caduceus Clay Enters at the Most Inopportune Time Ever
Summary: Caduceus Clay is a normal good man, though his friends are a bit strange he enjoys his life in Rexxuntrum. He goes about his normal day before walking into something he did not expect.
Caduceus Clay was a simple creature, he liked plants and making good tea. He liked breezy mornings with comfortable cardigans. He liked seeing the good morning texts from his friends wishing him a pleasant day. Caduceus liked living in Rexxuntrum, the hustle and bustle of academy and university students filled his cafe for all the hours of his day and the locals around the area were nice as well. He was glad that Molly and Essek had decided to move here as well, it would have been disappointing if they all had been separated. Yasha was very sweet, Caduceus enjoyed her company a lot. She would swing by the cafe in the mornings and they would chat about gardening and weird bugs and life. Overall he was happy, life was easy and the people were good. No massive problems to be dealt with or friends in grave distress. 
Jester was a welcome new addition to his life and Fjord was a nice friendly face at the temple every now and then. Molly had introduced the couple to Caduceus a few weeks after they had all made the move from Rosohna. Fjord had been a bit lost in his early studies and a loss of one of his family members brought him to the temple of Melora. Fjord had introduced Caduceus to the community of Melora followers here in Rexxuntrum and he was grateful. As for Jester, her sweet and vibrant personality added such colour to his day, he actually had one of Jester’s forays into pottery proudly displayed on his cafe bar. He enjoyed experimenting with her in the kitchen of the cafe, making small batches of cakes and getting her expert opinion on the optimum level of cinnamon to add to his bear claws. Veth had been a recent addition to Caduceus’ life as well, even though meeting her was relatively recent. She was kind and funny and incredibly intelligent, and her family was lovely, Luc especially. Caduceus had babysat for the Brenattos on a few occasions recently, Veth worked as an event coordinator for a nonprofit that helped kids who were from financially struggling families gain practical life and career skills, she also ran the summer camp that the nonprofit put on every year. Considering that the kids who attended the programming throughout the year didn’t pay to be there, Caduceus was amazed at how nice the facilities were. When he had asked, Veth had just laughed and said that Jester’s father had been kind enough to make ‘generous donations’ a few times every couple of months that helped Veth and her staff provide such a great experience to these kids. 
Caduceus reminisced whilst he cleaned, the cafe was pretty empty by this time only a few people were finishing cups of tea or coffee, some getting the last few words of an essay done. As he smiled at a lavender-haired woman, Imogen, a college exchange student from Jrusar who was attending the local university to research astronomy. She had come in and had her usual, a warm cup of non-caffeinated lavender vanilla tea. Caduceus wished Imogen luck on her essay as she walked into the evening. She gave him a wave back before running to a rusted black and red car that blasted a mix of jazz and punk rock as she hopped into the packed seats. 
He also gave a wave to a cute older couple, with a few young kids in tow attached on the hip or at the side, that had recently been coming by. Supposedly they were in town for some business. They had first come in about a week or two ago but quickly became regulars. Caduceus appreciated the fact that these tourists, who seemed fairly nice, stopped by so often. The white-haired gentleman had also helped Caduceus with the till, one of the springs on the cash box had come loose and Caduceus hadn’t been able to properly close or open it. The day the couple, along with their children, walked into the cafe Caduceus had been on the phone with a repair worker but no one was available to come at that hour. The white-haired man had offered to fix it whilst the dark-haired woman that accompanied him sat with Caduceus and chatted. The couple, Percy and Vex, along with their two children, Vax’ildan and Gwendolyn, were now regulars, the family happily chatting during the mornings before declarations of business to be done sounded Caduceus’ direction.
Caduceus said his goodbyes to the other few patrons before turning his wooden sign, that Jester had made him, to closed. He gathered up his things, including the cake that he had made that day. It was a sponge cake lightly flavoured with lemon and was topped with a light glaze. It was something he was planning on adding to his menu of sweets but wanted his friends' opinions on whether the recipe was just right. As he took off his apron and locked his door. He wandered over towards where he was meeting up with Beau, Yasha, Essek, and Molly for a quick meal.
As the door pushed open Caduceus heard the lovely sound of chimes and also heard a tirade of shouting. 
“Lucien, you- you sick motherfucker. You don’t- you don’t just say that to someone! You barely even know him! I should take this to the press!”
“Molly you prude, if you aren’t going to make a move I will,” Lucien balked back.
He took a few steps in, observing the site before him. He saw the plethora of bodies moving and Caleb’s unmoving. His eyes moved towards the worried shouts and the sight of two drow in a booth.
“Oh sweet Luxon, Essek? Essek are you alright,” Verin wasn’t paying attention to the mess that was Molly and Lucien but more on his brother, who was very much mumbling himself into a panic.
Beau and Yasha chuckled (well one would probably say Beau’s chuckle was more of a gut-heaving laugh but…) together at the vision before them. Molly’s other brother, Kingsley, was barking out his own laughs, shouting for Molly to quote ‘get ‘im’. The aforementioned Caleb was face down on the bar top. Yasha turned in the direction of the new noise and locked eyes with Caduceus. 
“Oh my, well I’m sorry to interrupt-” Caduceus started before the rest of the eyes turned to him, “but Caleb isn’t awake. I going to check on him, that looks like a pretty nasty face plant. Yasha where do you keep your first-aid kit Molly and Lucien might need a bandage or two. I can check on Essek in a moment but Verin looks like he’s got it. Oh, and I brought cake?”
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Who's your favorite (non-Napoleonic) historical bastard?
oh I am always chuffed to talk about non-Napoleonic historical stuff.
There are quite a few that I like, but at the moment I’ve going to have to go with Girolamo Cardano—physician, astrologer, inventor, and mathematician in 16th century Italy (that classic early modern polymath).
Born in Pavia in 1501 Cardano was raised primarily in Milan and went back and forth teaching whereever he could before settling in Saccolongo with his wife. Since he was an illegitimate son he couldn’t gain entrance to the college of physicians in Milan, which was his dream, and so sufficed with giving lectures privately and practicing medicine, initially locally, then he managed to snag a good patron and his life took a major upturn at that point.
He made great contributions to the field of algebra and astronomy. He was incredibly prolific and wrote a huge swath of books on every topic imaginable. One of his books, On Subtlety, also prompted the longest, most vitriolic book reviews in history wherein a rival (Julius Caesar Scaliger) wrote 900 page takedown of Cardano’s thesis. Line by fucking line.
I’m not sure Scaliger caught the irony in this.
Cardano was very in-your-face, didn’t brook fools, and tended to say the quiet part loud which makes him amazing to read about but not so pleasant in-person. This earned him quite a few enemies (they’d shark students from him, ruin his lectures, spread rumours etc.) and they really did do a doozey to his prospects from time to time.
He wrote this great memoir called The Book of My Life which presents a very gloves off look at his life (though it does have its classic embellishments and so on that were common for the time).
From the intro of the version I have:
Cardano's multiple self-portraits fascinated and alarmed the readers who scrutinized them, from the censors in the Holy Office to magicians in Germany and England. In this age of religious war and intellectual intolerance, courtly service providers like Cardano endured constant scrutiny, much of it hostile, from patrons and rivals alike. Safety lay in absolute reticence.
Yet, Cardano astonished—and horrified—readers by his frankness. He confessed in public that he had enjoyed the advice and visits of a familiar spirit—and that he had suffered years of sexual impotence despite his best efforts, that he lurched like an archetypical silly professor when he walked, and even that his servants took advantage of him.
No wonder many readers—including Cardano’s first editor, Naude, and the great criminologist Cesare Lombroso—have been convinced that Cardano was mad, while others wondered if a devil had possessed him. The Book of My Life challenges, provokes, and amazes, even now.
A ocuple excerpts from the memoir itself:
Timid of spirit, I am cold of heart, warm of brain, and given to never-ending meditation; I ponder over ideas, many and weighty, and even over things which can never come to pass. I am able to admit two distinct trains of thought to my mind at the same time.
Truly the cause of a great part of my misery was the stupidity of my sons, connected as it was with actual shame, the folly of my kinsfolk, and the jealousy existing among them, which was a vice peculiar to our family.
One of his sons (Giovanni) poisoned his own wife after discovering all three of their children weren’t his. The second son, Aldo, was disinherited by Girolamo after Aldo stole from him to feed his clearly intense gambling addiction.
Among the things which please me greatly are stilettos, or stili for writing, for them I have spent more than twenty gold crowns, and much money besides for other sorts of pens. […] Besides these, I take great pleasure in gems, in metal bowls, in vessels of copper or silver, in painted glass globes and in rare books.
I enjoy swimming a little and fishing very much. I was devoted to the art of angling as long as I remained at Pavia and I am sorry I ever changed.
The reading of history gives me extraordinary satisfaction, as well as readings in philosophy, in Aristotle and Plotinus, and the study of treatises on the revelations of mysteries, and especially treatises on medical questions.
In the Italian poets, Petrarch and Luigi Pulci, I find great delight. I prefer solitude to companions, since there are so few men who are trustworthy, and almost none truly learned. I do not say this because I demand scholarship in all men—although the sum total of men’s learning is small enough; but I question whether we should allow anyone to waste our time. The wasting of time is an abomination.
Anyway—there you go! Girolamo Cardano in a nutshell. He’s an interesting figure and I didn’t even scratch the surface, definitely well worth checking out if the early modern period is of interest.
Thank you so much for the ask!
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evelynndecipio-blog · 2 months
June 29th, 2020.
Dear Nightingale, 
I’m sorry for taking so long to reply. For the entirety of June, I’ve been keeping my head in the books. I’m not exactly a good student – not currently, at least – but I really wanted to do well in the final exams. Call it an epiphany or whatever. While I was fine failing homework and such, I just couldn’t bring myself to flunk the finals. Ever since our exams have ended, I’ve been busy freaking out about the fact that I could possibly fail. I think I’m over it now, though. Maybe. I just have to do better next year. If there is a next year. Can we be held back at Hogwarts? I’m thinking that might be a possibility for me.
I love it all. The coast, the mountains, the city. I’m not overly picky about where I stay. But you’re right. There’s really something about the coast that’s just special. I don’t know if it’s because I’m biased or not, but there’s no way I could choose anywhere over the sight of the ocean. Your old home sounds like a quiet place, but I think you’d enjoy Brighton. During the off-season, the beaches are calmer than usual, and you’d definitely get your fix of salty air. I’d also recommend Southwold or Shanklin if you’re itching for a road trip. It’s nothing compared to Brighton, I’ve heard, but the vibe is the same.
Cassiopeia is a pretty name. I think I heard it mentioned in Astronomy, but I’m not sure. Even after I decided to study up, I struggled with that subject. Gosh, it would be amazing to ride across this landscape, wouldn’t it? I’m usually looking at it from the Astronomy Tower windows, but I can imagine how amazing it would be to take your horse out for a spin. You could head to Hogsmeade on your own, ahah! I thought it would feel like freedom to come here, but it’s not like that at all. I guess it makes sense. We’re only kids, after all. But the feeling of just trekking across the highlands – unbeatable.
I wish I could bring a dog. It would be just like having a best friend. A cat would do nicely, but I think I wouldn’t like their reserved nature. Too much like me. I get the owl struggle, even though I don’t really send letters home. But if I did, relying on the school owls wouldn’t make me feel good. I bet they’re pretty overworked. Owls are pretty, though. I think it would suit you well.
Your mother sent you to boarding school for the summer? Or was this before Hogwarts? I’m sorry that your relationship is strained. I think we’re in pretty similar positions, though. When my family and I found out that I was a witch, it unearthed some long-kept secrets of my mother’s past. Now I think my family’s bond is beyond repair. I haven’t heard from my father in months and while I’ll probably see my mother everyday over the summer, I doubt I’ll pluck up the courage to speak with her. I don’t want to speak with her. I can’t help but think that she ruined everything. But I think its good that both our mothers can still take care of us at the end of the day. A lot of people aren’t that lucky.
My mother was never my confident. She was amazing and I loved watching movies with her, but I could always talk to my father. It sounds like your mother and my father are pretty similar. He’s big into fantasy too and yes, D&D is our favourite game. We used to make up our own Star Trek games before they released an official one. But once my father found out about me, he bolted. I blame him, but I don’t. It’s confusing. I think he would have liked all this magic stuff if he stuck around, but I guess I’ll never know. If this question is too personal, please ignore it. Have you ever felt like your life was better or worse growing up without a father? I don’t think I’ll ever see mine again. He was a big part of my life and now he’s just gone. I don’t know how to deal with it.
I wish I could have stayed and fought at the ball, though. Maybe it’s the fantasy nerd in me speaking, but to leave so quickly felt cowardly. I felt like I was being my dad and I don’t like that one bit. Still, I know it’s better for me to have escaped. It’s probably insensitive to those who were injured to want to fight. I bet there are others who don’t feel like they belong here, but they’re just hiding under their happy guises. I don’t blame them for keeping it hidden, but I do wish I didn’t feel so alone in my thinking and it’s nice to know that I’m not actually alone.
I get what you’re saying about the overlapping planes of existence. It’s crazy to see people suffering from the ball go straight into exam mode. It’s sad to admit that I’m one of those people. I guess it might be a coping mechanism to them, but during finals week it felt like the ball had never happened. If this is what the magical world supposed to be like, maybe I get your mother’s apprehension, just a little bit.
I’m not sure if “acting fake” is the best way to go about making friends, but it’s definitely better than moping around like I do. You’re trying and I really admire that. And hey, you’re bound to meet those few people you can just be yourself with. They’ll come along sooner or later. In fact, I really enjoy writing to you. It feels like I’m letting out all my frustrations into the void, but I know there’s another living, breathing person at the other end which makes me feel a lot less alone. It’s okay that you don’t want to meet, and I get that you have a lot to lose. I’m not sure I’m ready for that either because you’re the first person I’ve told any of these things to. Not even my family knows how I feel. I’m just glad to be able to talk to you in some capacity.
You’re not assuming too much. Write to me any time you want over the summer. Whether things get worse with your mum or better, I’ll be here to listen.
Set phasers to send us home, Captain Kirk.
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blackthunder137 · 2 years
Kiss her you fool (Mattheo Riddle x reader)
Pairings- Mattheo Riddle x fem!reader 
Summary- Mattheo has something on his mind and he desperately tries to tell you but the voices inside his head prevent him from doing so. What will he do?
Warnings- Cursing; making-out; hooking up (idk if that's a warning 💀)
Writer’s Note- First time writing for Mattheo, so please be easy on me. Again, this is not well written so just be sure of that. This fic is loosely based on the song ‘Kiss Her You Fool’ by Kids That Fly. Enjoy!
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Mattheo had never expected to be apprehensive in the presence of others, let alone girls. However, the instant he was around you, he was nervous and had an uneasy feeling.
He was renowned for being arrogant and obnoxious, yet when you were around him, he felt things he never expected to feel. He tried to brush it off, but he couldn't help but feel vulnerable whenever he saw you.
He has only one chance. He had to make the first move. But what if she isn't looking at him the same way he is? Something more than just a friend. His stomach turns just thinking about it. He decided to call you and ask you to meet him at the Room of Requirements.
How in the hell was he going to do that?
He mustered all the courage to pull out his phone and dial your number. Oh, the number of times he'd cut the call after the first ring, just for you to pick it up after a few failed attempts. He was baffled and stuttered over his words.
Somehow, he managed to ask you to come to the room of requirements. His thoughts were revolting against him. 
"What if she doesn’t like me back?"
"What would I do then?"
That night, he couldn't sleep. He decided to stroll up to the Astronomy Tower to smoke after moving from one side to the other side of the bed. He sighed and made his way up the Astronomy Tower.
He stood there gazing at the skies. It appeared to be lovely. He lit his cigarette and inhaled the smoke as he thought about you. He still remembers how the two of you sneaked in here and watched the stars with snacks, just the two of you. Something you two did all the time.
His mind wandered to what he would say if the two of you met in the Room of Requirements.
He had never experienced anything like this before. He used to attract women just because he was handsome and appealing. He never had to work to attract girls, and his relationship with them was limited to sleeping with them.
He vividly remembers the first time he saw you. even though he was initially uninterested in you. He discovered how great and awesome you are when you two started talking to each other.
You were the only one who drew his attention. You were different. Every time he saw you, he would think to himself, "Perfect for me."
You have both been friends for a long time. He was falling more and more in love with you every day. He never imagined a guy like him falling in love with you.
Blaise would constantly say that Mattheo loved her because of the way he looked at her. It was easy to figure out that he had feelings for you because it was so evident. He was always attentive when you needed to say something, and he was always willing to help you, which most people found amusing.
But here he was, desperately in love with you and want to express his feelings for you.
The next day went by pretty fast, and in no time you had to meet him in the Room of Requirements. He arrived at the Room of Requirements pretty early. He was now thinking of what he would say to you. 
He was pacing around the room, his palms sweaty and his heart racing. He ruffled his hair with his hands. He was now debating whether or not he should inform you, or if he should just flee. This was far more difficult than he had imagined.
Someone had made a disturbance at the entrance, and Mattheo turned around to investigate. You were there, as gorgeous as ever. He was stunned. You smiled as you approached him, amazed that he had been invited to such a place. If you ever met, it used to be in places like The Black Lake or Astronomy, rather than an improbable setting like The Room of Requirements.
You remarked, "Hey," as you approached him. "Why did you call me?" you said, your tone tinged with inquisitiveness.
"Hey, I think you're incredibly cool," he blurted out, realising what he had just said. He would have taken the opportunity to disappear if it had been offered to him.
"What?" you inquired, amused by what he had just stated. "I called because you have one of my books and I'd like it back."
"What the heck am I even saying?" he wondered aloud.
"Uh... okay, I'll return it to you." You responded, fully oblivious to the situation.
After what seemed like an eternity of silence, you questioned, "Is that what you called me for?"
"Yeah... wait-no!" he responded.
"You're acting strange." "Are you all right, Theo?" You inquired, perplexed as to what was going on.
Mattheo was deep in thought at this point. They seemed to have gained control of him. "What if she merely breaks their friendship after his confession?" said a chorus of voices within his head.
"I hope she feels the same way I do," the other voice said.
He jolted back to reality to find you staring at him blankly. "I am. Yes, I'm alright," he answered, shifting his gaze back and forth between you and your lips.
He had this sudden desire to kiss you. Isn't that the best solution? I mean, if he couldn't say anything, he could just kiss her. After all, his lips would tell her how much he craves and loves her. Maybe then everything will turn out fine.
"I'm getting ready to leave." You said, "I have some work to do." You were going to leave when your wrist was grabbed.
He exclaimed, "Wait!"
When you turned around, you saw him lost in meditation.
He just had one more chance to make things right. Something had to be done. His thoughts were revolting, and he had a lot going on in his head.
"Kiss her!" says the narrator. Just go for it! "
"You idiot, kiss her." This is the moment you've been waiting for your whole life.
"Kiss her!" said the voices inside his head.
He muttered under his breath, "Fuck it," and then quickly joined his lips to yours, luring you into a deep, passionate kiss.
That was something you didn't expect. Today is not one of those days. Even though the kiss had taken you by surprise, you reciprocated the kiss. His hair was gripped by his hands. You drew yourself closer to Mattheo, his hands slowly making their way to your waist, pulling you in deeper, your bodies almost colliding.
His tongue explored your mouth as it made its way towards it. Your tongue is entangled in each other. His grunts and your moans filled the room. "You two pulled away for air."
You always liked Mattheo, and the fact that he too had the same feelings made you have butterflies in your stomach.
"You have no idea how much I wanted to do that," he said, looking at you. You nodded in response and chuckled, and the both of you indulged in yet another passionate and steamy kiss.
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TAGS- @thehalfbloodedwitch @nottluvr @miss-celestial-being @n0agranger @thespiritoflife @siriusblackstwin @lazydreamer19 @pottahishotasf @imabee-oralizard
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thehalfbloodedwitch · 3 years
(Blurb) Ignore (D.m. x reader)
Pairing- Draco x Femreader
Summary- Draco forgot a date he planned for you and now you are ignoring him.| Fluff
A/n- Heyy guys! This is a small blurb idea I got and Crystal Clear Vol. 2 is still being written by me, so it will come very soon! Till then, enjoy this blurb!
House- Any
Warnings- Drinking but of age
Meanings- y/n/n- your nickname
Words- 830 words
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You were in an extravagant dress which your lovely boyfriend bought for you. You were very excited about this date, in fact, you are always excited about any date with Draco, even though you both have been dating for almost 6 or 7 months you always get butterflies when you kiss, get shy, and look away when he glances at you in breakfast. Ultimately you were ready and excited for this beautiful date.
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You started making your way to the astronomy tower for your date and as you stepped on the last step you were shocked to see beautiful lights surrounding the astronomy tower with comfy pillows and blankets placed ready, but no sign of Draco, you thought he would come a bit late so you went and sat on this beautiful setup and waited.
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While you were waiting, Draco was chilling with his friends in his dorm thinking it was not time yet, he was drinking too so he technically wasn’t in any state of reaching the date he planned for the both of you.
10: 30...11:30….12:30… it was now about to be 1 and he still didn’t show up to the date, you were devastated, he made such an amazing setup and stood you up? You were determined to find out where he was and why he didn’t show up to the date. You made your way towards his dorm and you just straight away opened the door to find him drinking and his friends long gone.
“Draco Lucius Malfoy!” you shouted at him to get his attention. “Yes...darling?” he asked innocently as if he forgot he had a date planned for you. “Draco are you serious? We had a date!!” you said “Oh… wait I am sorry darling I-” he was cut by you “Save it!” and then you shut the door behind. You went and slipped into comfy clothes and slept.
In the morning you were greeted by Draco waiting for you to wake up. You were very hurt that he forgot the date he planned for you guys so you decided to do one thing Draco absolutely hates, ignoring. You woke up and acted as if no one was standing in front of your bed. “Darling. I am sorry.. you see my friends came in and I lost track of time..” you stood up and walked to your bathroom and got ready and went to the great hall for breakfast. “Literally, now you are going to ignore me y/n/n?” he asked and you turned your head and sat with Draco’s friends,
“Whoa! y/n/n what happened?” Pansy asked as you sat beside her, “Draco, or rather, Malfoy forgot a date he planned for us.” you stated as you took a toast and placed it on your plate. “Mate, you messed up,” Blaise said as he took a sip of his pumpkin juice. “I know,” Draco said as he sat beside Blaise.
You hadn’t talked to him, not even once in the whole day, even in potions, he was your partner and you had to suppress the urge to hug him as he gave you a paper note which said sorry.
Draco knew he messed up so he decided to do one thing he had learned from one of the muggle TikToks he saw with you once. He waited for you to come to your dorm and then, he waited patiently.
“Darling, you can’t ignore me forever,” Draco said as you entered your dorm and again you just ignored him. “Y/n Y/l/n, please I am sorry, I truly am!” he said as you just kept your things on your desk and you took a sip of water from the glass that was kept. “Y/n/n” he whined and you simply looked at him and decided to finish your homework, as you sat on your bed and took out your book to start doing your homework, Draco said “Y/n Malfoy!” your head shot up in a snap, and you just looked at him and........just smiled, you couldn’t contain it any longer, “You know I want to marry you, so how will we ever marry if you will ignore me huh?” he asked and came to you and hugged you as he said “I am so sorry darling, I promise you, I will make it up to you” “Promise?” you asked him and he nodded.
You then leaned in and kissed him sweetly as you pictured yourself marrying Draco in the future and smiled within the kiss. Maybe in the future, you will marry him but for now, you both slipped in your bed and cuddled and made up for the time you ignored him.
A/n- Got this idea while seeing a TikTok (Youtube shorts) hehe hope you liked it, something new. And once again THANK YOU, you guys have no idea how much each and every one of you means to me! And Crystal Clear Vol. 2 will come, I have my exams coming up so it might take some time to come, anyway, love you all! Have a nice day and bye!
Taglist- @i-have-my-issues @itchywitch33 @blackthunder137 @pottahishotasf @lilmissquackson @nicofiliac @roguecheneyswife @dracoslittlesunflower @cait2212 @crisppudge @littlemissnoname13 @nevilleismywhore @loopy-lupinn @e-m-christina @babydraco04 @elysian-i @panda-noosh @ravenclawwolf13 @slythermuf
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