#at least rex tried to stop it
rexcaliburechoes · 2 months
ask game - KISS
spins a comically large wheel that just consists of the name "istorros"
god. okay. i've been looking for an excuse to talk about istorros. so i'm gonna take this as my sign to talk a little about him.
the real answer is sort of funny, because in my current file, he's romancing gale, so the last person he's technically kissed is gale. but story-wise, astarion, because of a bunch of funny shenanigans that happened behind the scenes.
here he is casting speak to dead for context (the only other reference i have of him is an Actual mugshot. lmao.)
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#ask meme#istorros duskrorr#rex rambles#that behind the scenes shenaniganry is my first file i critically fumbled and romanced shart instead of gale (i had a planned routesplit)#(but that didn't happen obviously. big game. too big to justify long routesplits like that. LMAO.)#so when i created istorros i was deadset on romancing gale bc he's my pathetic wizard!! i like my pathetic wizard#whom of which uh. well. istorros sprouted a whole ass personality OUTSIDE OF MY CONTROL.#motherfucker hit the ground running when he popped into existence#he's the drow cleric i've been vaguing about in tags every so often#anyways back to the shenanigans: i was deadset on romancing gale with him but due to how his trauma ended up shaking out#he ended up bonding the most with astarion and we slowburned our way through faerun in oc lore locked away in dms#my friend described his relationship with astarion thus:#astarion: tries to seduce for protection#istorros: no. bye.#astarion: I DESIRE HIM CARNALLY#but yeah that's a little sliver of istorros. he's funny and also Very Tired.#man needs a nap and for his companions to stop trying to kill themselves literally or metaphorically#as one of two clerics in the group he's pretty sure he has some authority on this actually. please and thanks.#(man also legit looked at gale shart and lae'zel's gods and went. 'i think. those gods are being a bit extra. just a little.')#('at least tempus only wants me to assist in warfaring/warring in general and wants to treat me with some modicum of dignity.')
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tarjapearce · 4 months
Old Friend
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Summary: You meet an old friend in your shopping trip with the family.
Nothing but a slice of life, fluff, bit of angst and a jealous Miguel ~
Whenever it was restock day, Costco or Walmart would be the main places to go.
You'd get the list, Miguel would secure Rosie to his chest, as Benjamin would get inside your cart. Gabi would walk alongside you or her beloved Papa, pushing his cart.
Each would take separate ways, you'd get the meats and veggies, as Miguel would get the rest, powder detergent, cleansing products, and snacks.
"Mama, can I have these?" Benjamin swayed his feet pointing at the  colorful packaging of dinosaur shaped nuggets.
"Course you can, mi niño. Which one you want?"
"I tried the red one last time, I'll get the purple"
Benji's boyish voice echoed around you as you stopped on the frozen meals section.
"Alright, purple it is."
You picked the purple package, a triceratops and a T-Rex on the cover. Then, filled the cart with different sort of meats, Miguel's favorite cuts, hams and of course, lots of canned jalapeños. Orange, pineapple, and cranberry juice, a couple of sodas and finally you got to go to the cereal and coffee aisle.
Miguel was running out of coffee in his office, and back at home you only had a couple of packages. It reminded you the time Miguel nearly had an anxiety attack when he found out he had ran out of the black liquid gold, even in his secret stash.
For some reason the brand he always bought was put on the top shelves. With a huff you looked around to see if there was any ladder, but upon finding none, You stepped on the bottom shelf, trying to get the six pack in the edge, but obviously, you couldn't reach it.
Benjamin giggled when you missed, as revenge you smothered his face in kisses, earning you a loud and bubbling squeal.
"Here, let me." A deep voice rumbled behind you. Your eyes widened at the all too familiar face before you. Reaching effortlessly for the coffee packaging.
"Richard" you mumbled while taking the package, to then put it on the cart.
"Hey" His hand waved softly. Clad in a hoodie, bermudas and sneakers. A little gold band hugging his ring finger. Dull, as his overall aura.
Despite the years coming through, he hadn't lost his kind green eyes. Some wrinkles adorned his matured face. Ricky was only two years older than you, and still had some white hairs poking out here and there.
He sported a short and well trimmed beard, hair parted and neatly arranged to a side. His eyes darted to the boy that undoubtedly resembled alot like you, except for his curious big and round red-ish eyes.
"Whose this little champ?" The smile on his face was coy, but genuine.
"It's my boy, Benjamin."
A proud beam stretched on your face as your hand caressed Benjamin's head, some of his curls trapping your fingers.
"Nice to meet you, champ." Ricky stretched his hands towards him and Benjamin shook it, a tad nervous.
"He definitely has your curls."
You smiled, eyes diverting behind him, ready to meet his partner but, there was none, just his half cart full of car appliances, some diary products and snacks.
"My goodness, you have a beard now."
Ricky chuckled and scratched it. He was a handsome man, undoubtedly. Good and well worked physique. Lean muscles, athletic and healthy looking. Green eyes a shade darker than green apples, pretty lips you liked biting and a healthy tan on his skin, despite him being a pale guy. A couple of freckles adorned his nose.
"And you've got a kid now." there was a bit of disbelief in his tone.
"Three actually. Funny how we ended up doing the things we always said we wouldn't do right away."
Richard gave a soft laugh.
"At least we look good. And I'm sure you're a great mom. How long has it been?"
"I don't know, I suck at math. But I do know it's more than ten years." You pushed the cart to get the cereals and naturally he helped you to get them. Eyes looking for Miguel in every chance you had.
"How have you been?" He tensed a bit at the question, not expecting your openness to talking so casually, specially when your finger shone with a golden band. He graduated college and never saw you again, until now. Gentle and caring as always. You hadn't changed, and he was glad.
"As usual. Existing, trying to keep myself afloat after, uh... my divorce." His mouth pressed in a tight line, green eyes looked away for a second, unable to meet your stare. Ashamed.
Your eyes blinked at his reply. Clearly surprised by such thing. Face falling with worry. "I'm sorry to hear that."
Richard shook his head, and gave a nonchalant shrug.
"Things happen. It's one of those situations that get your eyes open for good." Ricky rubbed his neck awkwardly and you offered a little reassure with a hand on his shoulder, patting it softly.
"Hey, you've got this. I know it's been a while, but I'm sure your problem solving skills are still top notch."
Hw chuckled, almost sympathetic at himself, "I don't even know anymore, if I'm honest. But if you say so."
The voices in the aisles kept indistinct, each in their own world, mingling with the upbeat background music.
"Also... I'm sorry." His eyes remained on yours. Something he'd always do when speaking truthfully.
Your brow quirked, "Whatever for?"
Ricky's hands squeezed the insides of his pockets as he spoke.
"For breaking up with you. Specially like that. It was a d-" He caught his tongue before continuing with the french before Benjamin, "It was wrong of me."
You could only stare at him, and he recoiled further in his spot, shoulders hunched, eyes on the floor.
"If something's worth saying, I... divorced cause my mom also ruined it for me."
You frowned, confused and he shook his head.
"So I cut ties, went to therapy and yeah." He reached out for a three pack of granola for himself, and another for you after you pointed at the brand.
"I'm sorry, I'm kind of confused as to why would you think I'd be happy to know something awful happened to you, Richard?"
Richard's brow puckered. You really hadn't changed at all. Even after he dumped you a few days before Christmas eve.
"I... don't know? Thought you'd hold a grudge for what I did."
"A grudge?" You tittered and this threw him off guard, "Not to sound mean or anything, but I didn't even remember what had happened until now. You know I'm forgetful."
You both chuckled as he nodded.
"Yeah, kinda wondered if you'd lose your head too if it wasn't attached to your body."
You gasped while mocking offense, "That was rude."
You grabbed a couple of cereal boxes Benjamin pointed at.
"But true. In all seriousness, I'm glad that at least something great came after me. Is he a good man?, wait..." He shook his head softly, "Stupid question Of course he is, you married him."
You beamed and this made his chest swell in a mix of happiness and pride. You deserved it after all he also put you through.
"You'll find someone, I know so." It always made him wondered why he was stupid like that to allow his mother come in between.
"I'll give myself a couple of years to heal first. Wanna make sure I don't repeat things over."
It was your turn to get that pride sensation in your chest. Knowing he was making a good progress out of his mother's shadow also made you happy. You out of everyone knew how hard it was like.
"Hope they're ready to listen country music nonstop in your car." He rolled his eyes.
"I know you hated the genre, that's why I always played them"
Your lips pursed with faked anger as he tittered, however, Ricky cleared his throat off the laughing upon watching a behemoth of a man, approaching from behind. Red eyes set on him. A shudder crawled on his skin as he gulped. The baby on his chest did little to appease the intimidating aura around him.
"Mama!" Gabi came to you with an excited face as she showed you her new acquisition. A purple and glittery cover for her phone.
"Qué lindo! Do they have it in blue too?" (How cute!)
"Nah, it was the last one, Papa said this would match with my room too."
Said Papa hugged you from behind, and kissed your temple, red eyes never left him. Ricky gave Miguel a polite smile as he backed away a few steps. Miguel's strong features only turned sharper. It would be a lie to say if Ricky wasn't surprised and intimidated.
Surprised cause you hugged Miguel's narrow waist, a pleased and proud purr emanated from his chest. Loud enough for only you to hear it.
The man before him screamed danger a mile ago. But also, explained lots of things. Like Benjamin's eyes.
"Richard, this is my husband. Miguel O'Hara."
Ricky hesitated for a second, but stretched his hands towards him, big tan hands easily enveloped his in a firm shake.
"Nice to meet you." His nervous smile was like fuel to your husband's ego.
Miguel acknowledged him with a brief nod, eyes not tearing away from him. A quiet She's mine in his eyes.
"Richard and I used to go at the same college. Oh! This is my eldest daughter, Gabriella. And my youngest baby, Rosie."
Gabi smiled politely while holding onto Miguel's hips.
"You have a beautiful family." His green eyes stared at an ever curious Rosie that gazed back at him. Miguel's shoulder's tensed when Rosie gave Ricky a smile.
"Thanks, You'll be fine though. Things take time, but, It all comes together somehow. Just be patient. I'm glad you're doing good on your own." Again, you patted his shoulder, he just gave you a small but genuine smile. Miguel's guts churned as his jaw clenched.
Ricky left after saying his goodbyes, not wanting to impose his presence any further.
"Gabibi, mi amor, can you get the food cart to the line, please?"
"Okay. Don't take too long, please?"
Gabriella took the cart as Benjamin showed her his nuggets, leaving you and Miguel with Rosie alone.
"Alright, interrogation can start now." You chuckled and Miguel pulled you by your waist towards him, ebbing you to walk a few steps before giving a firm slap on your rear.
"Miguel!" you hushed, flustered while looking around to see of there were people and he smirked.
"Wanted to do that before that guy, but that wouldn't be too polite of me, wouldn't it?"
You kissed his cheek, but he quickly corrected the place and pecked your lips.
"That's better. Who was he anyway?"
"My ex from college."
He just hummed and it was your turn to return the squeeze, he chuckled, "Relax. He just got divorced and obviously not having a good time."
"Too bad." He shrugged, a bit nonchalant and you deadpanned.
"Don't be mean. You were scaring him on purpose."
"Obvio. Still, forgot to thank him." (Obviously)
You chuckled as you approached to the line, Gabi waved at you both.
"Thank him?"
"Well, he let you go, and I wouldn't have met you in the first place. So thanks to that."
"Well, he's there on the other line, go tell him."
You teased, but to your surprise Miguel stepped away from the beeline and was walking towards Richard.
"W-Wait! Miguel!" You had skip a few steps to catch him and pull him back to spot, he smirked while pulling you tighter towards him.
"Don't tempt me, mi reina."
"God, I swear. You're-"
"Your husband, mi amor." He smirked, satisfied at his own title in your life.
"A jealous one."
He leaned to your ear and whispered, "Espérate que lleguemos a casa. No te la vas a acabar conmigo, mi reina." (Wait till we get home. You'll see what's up.)
Gabriella rolled her eyes at the flirty atmosphere around you and covered Benjamin's eyes.
"You're too young to see that."
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dragon-ascent · 3 months
Pre-Liyue Rex Lapis sees that you're stressed out, so he tries to help.
Lately, the dragon deity has been worried about you. Every time he sees you, your lip is curled anxiously or your brows furrowed, a far cry from your usual squishy and silly self (you would protest against being called squishy or silly with a heavy blush on your face, but Rex Lapis doubts you'd currently react at all).
Through his keen observations of his people, he finds that humans feel better after partaking in physical activity to relieve the mind. So, whiskers twitching eagerly, Rex Lapis sets out to find you.
You're strolling through the woods, dejection heavy upon your shoulders. For all you do, it feels like you're not holding up your end of the divine contract with Rex Lapis - to work hard with your fellow human companions and ensure the village is the best it can be. Your broken tiller drags miserably against the ground, leaving sad little tracks in the dirt.
Rex Lapis would certainly be displeased with you.
A loud fwoosh sounds behind you, the trees' leaves rustling ominously as they seem to bend and cower to make way for the dragon-god himself. He lands with a graceful thump, glowing eyes fixed on your small form.
You scream - evidently he's here to exact his divine punishment; without a moment to spare, your tiller lays discarded as you dash through the woods, heart in your throat.
Rex Lapis' tail wags elatedly, pleased that you're already going for a run! He doesn't need to take time to explain why you need physical activity! He follows after you, eyes shining in delight.
Your eyes are shining too, but with terror as you hear the god in hot pursuit of you. Oh no, you fleeing is probably angering him even more, isn't it..? But it's too late to stop! As fast as your legs can handle, you run and run, weaving through the trees...
For show, the dragon also weaves his long body through the trees at a languid pace - which is admittedly still very fast. He's gaining on you, and your legs are screaming in pain...
"Please! I'm sorry for what I've done!" you cry out, barely able to understand yourself over the sound of your own panting and the wind in your ears. Your pursuer tilts his head in confusion, still chasing after you.
With a squeal, you're scooped up by his claw and he comes to a halt, purring happily. "That's quite enough, isn't it?" he asks, sniffing you calmly while you're here panting for air. "You have done well, little one." One congratulatory lick.
"Wh-what?" you gasp, devoid of the strength to even try and struggle.
Another purr. "Staying physically active and stimulated will relieve some of your tensions. I expect you here again to-morrow, same hour. After a week of running, perhaps we shall see results, hm?"
You stare at him, exasperated, at least reassured he is not here to eat you or punish you. "...What?"
And just like that, the earliest form of therapy in human history is recorded.
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iloveoldermen-posts · 30 days
Warnings: only the hapter to start things going and to set the vibe, part one of at least 10, i have not proof read ୨୧
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Chapter 1 – Greetings.
He was forced into it, no way in hell would he ever do it on his own. But his also forced councillor thought it would help him to have connections to the outside world and ensured him that if it didn’t work out within two months, he could stop trying and never do it again. But he couldn’t tell her that or it would be ‘cheating.’
Which would probably deter people but as a chronic people-pleaser, I just couldn’t let that run. So, I tried my absolute hardest to fill my letters with copious amounts of joy so that there’s no way he couldn’t write back.
January 13th
Dear ‘Ghost’,
I was only told your call-sign to ensure maximum confidentiality – rules right. They told me that you were the only one who could tell me your real name so if you ever feel comfortable enough, I will happily learn all about you!
Here is some information about me; my name is Y/N, I am always helping people out for work (quite interesting if I do say so myself), I love to bake in my free time and my favourite time of the year is autumn (I just LOVE the mix of weather).
I always add some questions to these letters.
Why is your call-sign Ghost?
What’s your favourite thing to do when you aren’t deployed?
And finally, a simple one – what’s your favourite colour?
P.S I was told you would probably take around a week – two to respond so don’t feel rushed to write back, I know how taxing your job tends to be :)
January 29th
Dear Ghost,     
I hope you are doing well, I’m not sure if you received the letter I sent as you haven’t replied so I’m trying again just to make sure. My name is Y/N and I have a black Labrador that I love so much. 
I have a hectic work schedule and I am always flying all over the world to help people. So I won’t always be able to write to you consistently. I hope that’s okay!
Instead of questions, I thought I would tell a little joke;
What do you call a shipment full of military-issued T-Rexes?  SMALL ARMS. 
:) hope you enjoyed that one because there are way more to come.
February 13th
Dear ‘Ghost’,
This will be the last letter I am writing to you as I believe someone could get through to you, it just won’t be me. So, I have requested to be swapped buddies. 
I think it might be someone who’s in your unit, I think his name is John or Johnny – something like that. And I’m told I will be a better suit to them and their personalities.
So I hope you stay safe and are able to speak with someone who you can let your guard down too; even though they will never be as funny as me. Teehee :)
I’m quite sad that it didn’t work out as I thought we could have both benefited from it, but you know what they say – it is what it is. And at the end of the day, he needs someone he can truly feel comfortable talking to and I never did get to know him so it doesn’t affect me much in those terms. Even if a month was wasted by waiting for a never-to-arrive letter. Well the true term would be never-to-be-write-or-sent but we digress.
The birds hum a beautiful harmony as I post the final letter through the poorly painted post-box on the end of my road. As I turn to leave, the clouds above me start weeping uncontrollably at my departure.
I’ve never been one for signs but that can’t have been a coincidence.
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My asks are currently open so get the requests in, and check out my masterlist.
They first two chapters will be mostly letters and then will move to texts and irl interactions - at least I plan...
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corrieguards · 3 months
Warm Me Through
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Captain Rex x reader
Summary: If this cold and miserable planet has taught Rex anything, it's that he's most definitely more warm blooded. The fact that you seem to have taken a liking to his new armour makes the cold slightly easier to endure though.
Word Count: 1k
C/W: absolutely none
A/N: Guess who's back from the fucking dead lmao. This one's short and sweet, just some good old tooth rotting fluff with our favourite boi🩵
my masterlist
Kamino wasn't always sunshine and rainbows - actually it never was. But Rex would still take the constant wind and rain of Tipoca City over this bitting cold any day.
White snow spread as far as the eye could see, all the trees and bushes coverd in thick sprinkling layers of it. The cold wind licking up the sides of his armour, somehow managing to seep through all his thermal layers and freezing him from the inside out.
Yes, this planet was officially his least favourite so far.
Annoyingly, you didn't seem to be suffering half as much. Despite the numbing cold you’d been in an unusually good mood today, all smiles and giggles.
And Rex couldn’t for the life of him figure out what there was to be so happy about. In fact is was starting to get on his nerves. Every time you talked, looked, or so much as mearly glanced over at him, you broke your usual ‘jedi general’ front and started giggling and grinning like a cadet.
The first couple of times he’d brushed it off, thinking it must've just been a coincidence. But after you do it one time too many, he’s starting to get suspicious.
He trudges through the snow up to you, datapad in hand and ready to brief you on the status of the recon team that had just touched base . As soon as he calls yor name, you turn to look at him, cheeky smile instantly spreading on your face.
Of course.
He tries to ignore it, finially coming to a stop in front of you and clearing his throat ready to debrief you when he glances up at you, cutting himself off and doing a doble take when you notices your pathetic attempt at concielling a smile.
He glances around quickly to make sure nobody is within earshot before he's leaning closer to you and whispering exasperatedly
“Why do you keep kriffing looking at me like that??”
You try to further straigthen the smile on your face, failing miserably when you eyes betray your amusment
“What do you mean? Looking at you like what?”
“Oh you know exacty how. Every time you look my way you keep smiling and giggling like an idiot”
The same smile breaks onto your face again, hand coming up to hide it as you speak through giggles “What? No I don't"
“You're doing it right now!! What is it? Do I have something on my helmet?” he lifts his hand to check his helmet self conciously and you shake your head through the giggles, grabbing his gloved hand in your own and tugging it down gently.
“No it’s not that, you’re fine Rex. Handsome as ever.”
He feels heat rissing to his cheeks at your words, but quickly tries to squash it down. You’re not getting away that easy, he’s going to find out what’s going on with you today if it’s the last thing he does.
“Okay fine, then what is it? What’s so funny?”
“It's just- Well ” - you lean closer, whipering through your smile- “ you look really cute in this armour”
His back straigthers in surprise. That’s… definitely not what he was expecting.
You chuckle, nodding “Yeah, really really fucking cute”
“Cute," he huffs, shaking his head in disbelief, "Only you would think a soldier of the Grand Army of the Republic is ‘cute’ "
You grin, taking a step closer and blinking up at his visor teasingly “Yknow, it’s only because I know just how much of a softie is hidden under there” you tease, poking at his chest plate.
His scoff crackles through the modulator.
“I am not soft” he grumbles and you laugh. You can imagine exactly how he’s rolling his eyes under that helmet, a hint of a smile gracing his face
“Sure… You keep telling yourself that Captain”
He take a minute to glance around again quickly, double checking that nobody is watching the two of you before he’s turning back, lifting his helmet off with a soft hiss.
Sure enough, just as you predicted he’s got that gorgeous smile you’ve come to love so much, all love and softness as he looks down at you. You gasp dramatically, putting a hand to your chest in faux shock.
“Stars! He’s even cuter underneath the helmet!”
He rolls his eyes at you, but the grin splitting his face betrays how much he secretly appreciated the comment. Before you can point it out to him, you feel a hand slip around your waist, tugging hard until you fall forward into is chest. A small shower of snow falls of your gloves as your hands shoot forward to catch yourself on his chest plate.
“Y’know I can think of something much cuter right now” he purrs, warm breath fogging up againt you face.
And suddenly just like that, with you in his arms, the air doesn't feel quite so cold, the chill of the snow not quite as unbareable.
His eyes flick down to your lips, watching as you bite the tip of one of your gloves fingers. You slide it off, bringing your now bare hand up to tenderly cup his jaw.
He grumbles slightly about how cold your hand is, but doesn't try to pull away. Instead he's smiling that same gentle smile as he tils his head just so to press a light kiss to the palm of your hand, his lips feeling as warm and soft as rays of sun on a cold winter morning.
Your heart melts at the small display of affection, smile widening impossibly further.
“What was that earlier about not being a softie?” you tease and he rolls his eyes fondly.
“Shut up”
“Oh? How about you make me Captain”
He raises a brow at you, challenging as he leans closer, enough that his lips brush yours as he whisperes his next words
“Oh don’t tempt me meshla”
taglist: @techs-feral-wife @nekotaetae @dalu-grantkylo @sleepingsun501 @commander-sunshine @idoubleswearimawriter @lucyysthings @plotlessvoid @clonesimp @dangraccoon @sinfulsalutations @obixwan @inneedoffanfics @hellhound5925 @nayy-a @justanothersadperson93 @andrakass2 @littlemissmanga @ichigojamjam @trixie2023 @green-almond @the-rain-on-kamino
(I’ve been gone too long and some of y’all have changed your names so very sorry if you’re supposed to be on the list and I’ve missed you out🥲Just gimmie a shout if you wanna be added!!)
join my taglist
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hismourningflower · 3 months
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「 last kiss | genshin impact fanfiction 」 zhongli & neuvillette x gn!reader | angst, amnesia | requested work. ↳ additional tags. angst with no comfort, established relationships, reader kinda likes adrenaline (at least hinted - zhongli)
↳ ehehe... the first request i've taken !! this is the second time i've ever written for neuvillette omg.. this was requested by @crackheadclownery !!
Hi hi, dropping by to say i absolutely LOVED the Forget You fic aaaaaaaa🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 i love me some angst, this is just what I needed!!! I couldn't find if your requests are open, but if they are, would you please consider writing the same trope for zhongli and neuvillette? Feel free to ignore this if the requests are closed!!! Take care and have a nice day/night!!!!
data has been uploaded! - send an ask to join the taglist; specify genshin, honkai or both! @lovingluxury, @dumbificat, @starryshinyskies, @ryuryuryuyurboat, @ainescribe, @soleillunne
the jade's guidelines | genshin m.list | previous work
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ZHONGLI didn't think it'd come down to this when he had eternally devoted himself to a partner - one that was mortal, nonetheless. he expected the sand timer of life, the ticking seconds and moments passed that he'd never get back with them; not this, no. not this. you were persistent and zhongli unfortunately had little ability to tell you the word no, especially when you flutter pretty eyelashes up at him and pout that lower lip.
that's how you ended up in this situation. had he been a little more stern, he could have prevented this. the geo archon had done many things in his lifetime that he harboured regrets for but this one possibly took the crown for it. how could he have been so reckless knowing the limited time he had with you at his side? zhongli scolds himself for not being more strict, if only to protect you for another day.
you'd bonded well to the adepti under zhongli's - former - command, knowing that your parter was the very well worshipped archon of liyue. in fact, you bonded so well to them that you were inseparable from the likes of xiao and shenhe when it came down to them working. you were determined for the thrill and zhongli wishes that maybe, time would have mulled down the adrenaline rush you got from it.
xiao's expression explained to zhongli more than words did regarding the severity of the situation, after all you were zhongli's partner - rex lapis, morax, the god of contracts, the lord of rock, the one who very well saved xiao in the darkest crevices of time and set him on a better path. amber eyes that shrink when they land on the taller male, gloved hands shaking as he tries to get his words out. they come out finally in a sharp gasp; you'd been fatally injured.
every soul in liyue trusted baizhu with their lives, maybe not hu tao but zhongli recognised the director had a different flavour of life she preferred. yet he could feel the anxiety growing in his chest, gnawing at his ribs like a rabid animal and it only worsened as xiao explained the damage you took to your head from the fall, trying to escape a lawachurl that xiao hadn't got to in time. ah, so his last surviving yaksha was also rotting to a guilt that wouldn't wither away?
zhongli has spent decades learning how to read emotions, facial expressions and gestures that the mortal realm commit to when words simply don't work. everything has been etched into his mind to the point where he could read everyone like an open book, something that sometimes works in his favour. there's a sorry look on baizhu's face, a grimace whenever he looks at zhongli right up to the moment where he utters that you've got amnesia.
time stops and there's nothing that could make the hands of the clock keep ticking at this revelation. he was prepared for the sand timer, the ticking seconds and moments passed he'd never get back with you. he was expecting the days to be counted, the wrinkles that would grace your face and tell tales of your youth. but if you forgot him, he had no more of that, did he?
for better or for worse, the famed geo archon made the decision not to see you for himself. not cradled up in a bed at the bubu pharmacy, battered and bruised and confused by your surroundings, the people around you. he wanted you to shine in his memories, like gold and for that, he wanted to remember how he last saw you before you'd left that day.
a bright grin on your face, eyes twinkling with excitement as he leaned to press a kiss to your lips, softly muttering his precautions and worries as his warm breath fans over your face. you brushed him off, returning the kiss before turning to leave your shared house and now he wishes he'd done anything, if only he'd grabbed your wrist and pulled you back into his firm chest. now, he must return home and see you everywhere but never you, yourself, your body and soul.
partners in crime, that's what people would usually say to describe your relationship with NEUVILLETTE. after all, the iudex of fontaine entangled in a relationship so cherished and sweet with a member of the marechaussee phantom under his own command? the laws and legalities of fontaine sure had its own way of bringing people together.
you were a reputable member of the special detective force, determined and a valuable asset to their taskforce. neuvillette valued you both as a member of the marechaussee phantom and his very own partner, the one that toughened up his workaholic shell and slithered into his heart. he was in love, completely and utterly in love. it didn't take a genius to see that the iudex was just as devoted to you as he was his work, in fact he'd started to make space in his day just for you.
your job was much more dangerous than neuvillette's and he recognised that every time he would press a kiss to your head every morning before you parted ways at the aquabus station. he would be tucked safely away in the palais mermonia whereas you had criminals to deal with, scoundrels who dared defy the laws your very partner put in place.
neuvillette also recognised that you were a mortal. he'd kept his own personal life secret from you so in your naivety, you also thought he was a mortal - just an astounding and extraordinary one that you would never fail to smother in love. he wishes he'd told you, uttered his secrets and pressed his lips to your soft skin one more time when he realised the consequences of your job.
it was a day like no other, you were tasked with apprehending another dangerous criminal bold enough to resist arrest and by the archons, of course you was determined to chase them down. even if it meant a brawl breaking out in the midst of fontaine's serene countryside, the only sounds being the quiet chirp of distant birds and heavy pants of your struggles.
you succeeded in bringing him down just as reinforcements arrived to help detain the criminal and yet, the criminal could not let you have the last laugh, tripping you as you stood to walk away. your head met a rock, concussing you.
neuvillette waits for you every day at the aquabus station, ready to journey home with you after a tiring day sat filing through documents and being present for meetings. every evening, he considered what state you'd come home in this time - or if you'd even come home but he recognises that the marechaussee phantom would let him know if that fate ever disturbed the flow of your relationship.
with the fontainian sunset painting the most gorgeous backdrop - nothing that could compare to your beauty in neuvillette's eyes, - you finally approached in one piece and yet not an inch of a warm smile on your face as your eyes meet him. silently, you turn to wait for the aquabus. had he said something wrong? was you mad at him? neuvillette frowns, uttering your name quietly into the tense air but it comes out as a question.
"i'm sorry..." you mumble, furrowing your brows as you look up at the taller male. you couldn't deny he was handsome and you wondered if his partner knew that, "do i know you?"
that's when neuvillette notices chevreuse approaching but her footsteps stop the moment she notices that the man had already engaged in conversation with you. a defeated look accompanies the sorry smile that she gives neuvillette from behind you and he realises exactly what happened. his lips part but his mouth is dry, not even the richest waters of teyvat could quench the parch of his mouth at this moment as his heart breaks in his chest.
you'd lost your memory at work? the work that you did under his command? neuvillette grimaces when he realises you were still awaiting his response, his saddened eyes softening as they lower to you once again.
"my apologies, i mistook you for someone else." he sighs, turning forward to face the oncoming aquabus' arrival. yes, he mistook you for his dearly beloved, the one who held the key to his heart. he takes his step onto the aquabus, following behind you as he remembers that last kiss you shared at the station earlier that day. oh, if only he hadn't taken those kisses for granted.
© thexianzhoujade 2024. | do not re-upload, copy, translate, etc. my works on any form of media.
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spiralingemptyness · 9 months
Clone wars hc
Been lurking on tumblr for a bit (while) and decided to throw my own clone wars hc cause the hyperfixation be hyper fixated (sorry for any spelling errors).
Kit Fisto and Obi-Wan are bffs - They both lose their robes and seem to flirt with anything that walks. meaning they have get togethers and give each other flirting advice.
Jocasta Nu and Admrial Yularen are BAMF, and are severly underrated. you don't get away with hurting someone they care about unpunished.
Rex's first thought of ashoka was "that's a child" followed by "that's a child on a battle field" and then "that's a child on a battle field with no clothes, what the kark".
One of the shinies from Monnk's battalion definitely asked Fisto (while high on pain meds) if he lactates and monnk and fisto lost their shit and couldn't stop laughing for 5 min straight.
Kix (and other medics by default) have tranq/hypo guns for any vode or jedi that try to leave med bay when on bed rest.
Fox and Amidala gossip and constantly talks shit about Palpatine
Kit Fisto Smile Supremacy, this man win's best smile, it never fails to cheer someone up.
Rex definitely twirls his guns before putting them in his holsters when he's done using them
Bly is obviously in love with Aayla, and he tries to hide it (and fails miserably) but he's so respectful about loving her and swooning, that Quinlan couldn't even give him a shovel talk.
the clones were absolutely baffled when they met the jedi's
Wolffe and Fox are twins, they might be at each others throats 90% of the time, but if you talk shit about the one of them, the other won't hesitate to beat your ass.
Monnk says the most off handed shit in a dead pan tone (ex. Monnk: well I'm not gonna live, laugh, love this. Fisto, laughing his ass off: I-I'm Sorry? Monnk: I'm just saying this is gonna be a bitch)
Plo Koon is Plo Buir, He's at least adopted the Wolf Pack and Ashoka
the 501st and Ashoka are siblings
Grey adopted Caleb Dume
The Iron Battalion/13th battalion took one look at Cal and immediately adopted him
Ponds isn't dead (cause fuck canon), he found Boba before his schemes could go off and made him a deal, He helps Boba plan the assassination attempts on Windu (he trust his general won't die, but he gave him more headaches) so there's no casualties, but slowly the attempts stop and now Boba just lives in the 91st venator's vents.
The first time Cody picked up Obi-Wan's lightsaber he thought it was so cool, and now he just wants to glue the damn thing into his hand
Hound spoils Grizzer, he absolutely adores the massif
Jesse make sure Kix is actually taking care of himself, and make sure he's not over working (and when necessary, he uses a hypo to make sure Kix sleeps, cause Kix will hold that over his head and pay him back for it)
Fox and Thorn are opposites but they are really close
The corrie guard has a list of all the good and bad senators
The most forms that Monnk and Cody (and occasionally Ponds) fill out are forms for more robes
Cody's name is Kote (but goes by Cody cause so many nat borns mispronounce it) and Obi-Wan randomly asked if that was his name, and Cody was just utterly shocked
After Umbara, Fox say a very traumatized trooper (it's Dogma) who is facing shitty consequences for doing the right thing and adopts him into the guard
After Kix woke up from his stasis and found artoo's (again, fuck canon) he would stay up on nights he couldn't sleep and watch videos of him and his vode from artoo's memory bank
Clones using their Jedi's lightsaber - Cody using Kenobi's lightsaber after he loses it for the millionth time, Rex using it to back ventress away from ashoka, Fox finding quinlan's in a dumpster (with quinlan in said dumpster)
Hound let's grizzer purposely tackle people when he can easily apprehend them because it's funny or because whoever he's chasing pissed him off and he's petty
Yoda is the ultimate menace (like srs palpitine hates his ass, but yoda -and everyone else- hates him even more)
Yoda still keeps in touch with Rys, Jek, and Thire (mainly Thire) after the treaty or smth
The Corrie found Quinlan Vos in a dumpster and now he won't stop bugging them (expecially Fox)
Fox is a walking encyclopedia of every republic laws, you do one minor thing wrong and he can quote every law you broke, word to word
A trooper (let's call him Sharks) from Fisto and Monnk's battalion can just get a group of sharks to gather around, at every planet, every time, without fail
Plo's disappointed dad sigh can make a separatist army fold into defeat
Kenobi absolutely loathes caf, he hates it with a passion
Each high ranking clone officer has to deal with something of their jedi - Cody has to deal with Kenobi flirting with seperatist and losing his lightsaber, Rex has to deal with his general constantly crashing ships, his batshit crazy plans and his general continuously using the force to throw him, Monnk has to deal with his general randomly "shedding" clothes, and all the clones have to deal with their generals and commanders not wearing armor (Except for Jaro Tapal, HE'S THE ONLY ONE WHO WEARS ARMOR)
Corrie Guard can sleep standing up, very useful when guarding in the pods during senate meetings
The nice Senators (mainly Chuichi, Amidala, and Organa) and Vos very often get things for the Coruscant Guards, and whenever the guard see's the gifts they are baffled and bamboozled
Rex called dibs on Domino squad after the moon mission
Echo and Fives without hesitation took Tup and Dogma under their wing
Fives, Hardcase and Jesse started a prank war in the 501st that accidently evolved into a GAR wide prank war (with Coruscant being neutral ground, cause the guard doesn't need to deal with that shit, doesn't mean they don't help out)
Fox holds ALL the blackmail, and has multiple informants in every battalion, plus he has the power to withhold caf shipments
Fox also regularly reads his batchmates mission reports to mae sure their ok
The Corrie guard accidently adopted a stray tooka and a loth cat, now they're the guards emotional support animals
Rex keeps complaining about his brothers flirting with their jedi's that he didn't even realized that he third wheeled between Anakin and Padme that he joined their relationship
every mothers or fathers day without fail, shaak ti and plo koon always gets presents and gifts from their children (troopers and cadets.... and ashoka)
Coric is Kix's Ori'vod, he didn't admit it at first but Kix grew on him and well medics stay togeth
Coric purposely avoided being CMO of the 501st because they are hellions, Kix wanted to strangle him after he realized what being CMO of the 501st meant
Rex was on the 212th with Cody when Anakin was still a padawan
Rex hates evals, natural blonde plus Kamino is a recipe for hell. Also he was shocked at Skywalker being nonchalant about his hair, Anakin just though it made him cooler
That's all I have for now, if you see any you've seen before my bad, I honestly just typed the first that came to mind and kinda spiraled from there. I'm just now starting to interact with tumblr, so I might upload more and maybe even some art if I can stay focused long enough.
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ghostofskywalker · 6 months
To Keep The Shivers At Bay
Captain Rex/Fem!Reader
Words: 1,754
Summary: On a special assignment, Rex ends up getting cozy with his battalion's civilian administrator. But it's only to make sure you stay warm (or at least, that's what he tries to tell himself)
Prompt: "come lay with me" (slightly adapted, but the vibes are there)
Note: this fic is part of the clone xreader life day exchange, which i ran! i was thrilled to receive @wizardofrozz as my giftee, and i had so much fun writing this - i hope you like it :)
for the rest of the fics in the exchange, check out @cloneficgiftexchange!
Clone Troopers Masterlist
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Cold seeped into the small cabin from the non-insulated transparisteel of the window, and you watched as snow swirled around in the night air. The storm was growing more powerful by the second, and the fact that this place wasn’t exactly the height of luxury meant that the power had barely been enough to keep the lights on, let alone be able to provide a consistent source of heat. You groaned as you pulled every blanket you could find from the closet, and the fact that you only found two was certainly concerning.
Rex stepped into the cabin, a flurry of snow blowing in behind him as he swung the door closed. Even though he had been barely gone for ten minutes, and the helmet on his head meant that you couldn’t tell what his face looked like at the moment, you could tell that he was cold. Usually clones had higher body temperatures than humans did, so the fact that he was feeling the temperatures meant that it would be much worse for you. Part of you wondered if you were even going to make it through the night, but you preferred not to think about that.
The most insulting part of everything here was the fact that a Republic Gunship was currently stationed right outside this planet’s atmosphere, but the intense storms above where you were made it so that the rest of the 501st was unable to get through without severely risking life and limb, so you and the captain were stuck here until the storm stopped. At least the assignment you had been sent here to fulfill had gone to plan, you thought, because if it hadn’t, you have to have the worst luck out of everyone in the GAR. But with no droids or Sith on your tails, all you had to worry about was the cold.
You had thankfully packed a few hand-warmers before you left, but they were doing little to stave off the chill that threatened to freeze you solid. You handed one of the threadbare blankets off to Rex, who shook his head as he removed his helmet. “No, you need it more than I do.”
“I can tell you’re freezing too,” was your no-nonsense response. “I would never forgive myself if I was the one who got my commanding officer killed.”
Technically he wasn’t your commanding officer, but you trusted him with your life, and he knew a hell of a lot more about all this stuff than you did. Rex’s face changed, and you watched him wrestle with his emotions before finally sighing and taking the blanket from your hands.
The sooner that morning came, the sooner this experience would all be over, and the two of you shuffled off to opposite sides of the large couch before attempting to settle in for the night. Even with all the layers you were wearing and the blanket draped over yourself, you couldn’t help but shiver as you tried to relax.
The first hour was brutal.
Simply put, attempting to sleep like this was incredibly uncomfortable. Ignoring the fact that this old shelter had a bed frame but no mattress, the weather conditions were the the biggest reason for the fact that you had been unable to fall asleep. Wondering if Rex had managed to succeed where you couldn’t, you turned your head and looked over at him, right as he happened to look over at you.
“Too cold to sleep?” he asked, his voice soft.
Your response was accompanied by a shiver running through your body. “Yeah.”
“Me too,” he said, and you could feel the misery you both shared reverberate through the space as silence settled once more over you. In a shocking turn of events, Rex spoke again. “Why don’t you come over here and lay with me?” he said. “It’s no use for both of us to freeze on opposite sides of the couch.”
There was no arguing with him, it was the very thing you’d wanted to do since you handed over one of the blankets, but you would have never asked for yourself. Besides the fact that you considered him a direct superior, you would be lying to yourself if you didn’t say that Rex was incredibly attractive, and you did not want to feed into that silly crush by convincing yourself he felt the same way. Cuddling up together for the night was a survival tactic, nothing more.
You could feel one of his arms wrap around you as you layered your blanket on top of his, and you laid against him as best you could on the couch. You were certainly warmer (and more comfortable) than you had been before (Rex had thankfully taken his armor off), but you could still feel some of the biting chill of the air on your face.
“This should all be over in the morning,” you heard him say, and you weren’t sure if it was to convince himself or you, but either way, it did begin to work. Taking deep breaths and attempting to somehow pull your body heat together via telekinesis, you could feel your eyelids start to droop, and your last thought before drifting away was that you hoped Rex had found sleep too.
A beeping noise from your datapad was the thing that woke you up the next morning, and you shivered as you opened your eyes and realized that this damn cabin was still just as cold (if not colder) than it had been when you went to sleep.
Being close to Rex helped, clearly. As much as it was chilly and you could see your breath, you didn’t feel as though the cold had significantly affected your health, and you knew that it was because you had been able to conserve some of your body heat when you laid next to him. As you moved your arm towards where you had left your datapad (to stop its incessant beeping), you found it more difficult than expected.
Because as you soon found out, Rex had his arm around you.
It wasn’t difficult to escape his grip, since it was more like he was resting his arm on your back than truly holding you against, but you really didn’t want to pull away, even though you did. The feeling of the cabin’s cold air on your back was punishment enough for your treachery movement, but of course the captain had to yawn and shift at that very moment, with a look in his eyes that was adorably bleary as he woke up, even if it was just for a second.
“How are you feeling?” he asked, and you were certainly not prepared for the slightly gravelly edge that sleep had granted his voice.
Maker, did you want to kiss him right now, was what ran through your head in response. Not particularly helpful, but you couldn’t deny it.
“Still cold, but not terribly,” you said. “As long as we get out of here I think we’ll be okay.”
He nodded. “Do we know when the transport ship is coming?”
You paused for a moment as you checked your datapad for answers, but shook your head. “I sent Jesse the coordinates for our location last night, but there hasn’t been any word since.”
“We’re all packed though, so it shouldn’t be an issue,” he said. “And that means we don’t have to get up until we know we’re leaving.” You knew that his words were meant in that way because it was very cold in this room and your shared body heat was helping to keep both of you warm, but for a moment you allowed yourself to believe that maybe he said that because he wanted to keep cuddling with you.
A comfortable silence settled over the space as you waited for any kind of word from the rest of the 501st about when they were coming to get you. But of course, you did want to say one thing before the moment passed.
“Thank you,” you said, and a look of confusion began to dawn on his face, so you continued. “For sharing your body heat with me.”
“Of course,” was his response, along with a smile you’d never seen before (but you’d pay an endless amount of credits to see forever).
Once more the conversation fizzled, and then after a period of time it was his turn to break the silence. “And if you’re still cold, I think I know of another way to help keep warm.”
“Really?” you asked, moving your body so that the two of you were facing each other. “What is it?”
“This,” Rex said gently before leaning in. However, he stopped right before your lips would have connected with his. “Is this okay?”
“Of course,” you breathed. The tiny gap between you was closed, and you suddenly forgot about the fact that you were in a chilly cabin with barely any power.
The feeling of Rex’s kiss was electric, and a soothing warmth spread through your entire body. You kissed back, and soon his hands had found their way to your waist as the two of you sat on the couch. Yes, both of you were wearing gloves, but you could still feel the spark that would have electrified your entire body had it been against your bare skin.
But of course, all good things have to come to an end, and this one ended with the sound of your datapad beeping, accompanied with the sound of Jesse’s slightly mechanized voice from the comm function. “We’re outside you two,” he said, and you reluctantly pulled yourself away from Rex’s lips.
“We’ll be out in a minute!” you said, and once you were sure no one could hear you through the device, you spoke again. “I don’t know exactly what this means, but I’d really like it to continue.” Those words could be dangerous, since clones (along with anyone who worked for the GAR) were technically allowed to form romantic relationships on the job.
Rex nodded. “I’d really like it to continue too,” he said, leaning in to place a soft kiss on your cheek.
So much was left unspoken, but you were pretty sure you’d get a chance to figure things out, even if it meant enduring inevitable teasing from Rex’s men once they figured out what was different about your relationship with their captain.
And of course, just being with Rex made all of that worth it. 
- the end -
i no longer have a taglist! if you're interested in being notified when i post, you can follow my library blog @ghostofskywalker-library and turn on notifications!
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the-bi-space-ace · 6 months
I have a migraine coming on so I present to you:
How the clones react when they have a headache:
Rex: takes so many pain pills. Refuses to let this stop him. Drinks water constantly. And yet. This man refuses to try a snack to fix his headache. Cody has had Fives and Echo hold him down so he can make Rex eat a granola bar. (The granola bar helps Rex refuses to admit it.)
Cody: refuses to admit anything is wrong. Total hypocrite. Will bully everyone else into pain relievers, snacks, and water but will never take his own advice. Quite like his above mentioned brother he will never admit to something working and has to be tricked into doing something to relieve the pain.
Fox: chews on espresso beans to make his headache a caffeinated headache. Also is just in a constant state of discomfort from not sleeping enough. His headache would go away should he drink water or nap but the man would rather down another energy drink and move on.
Wolffe: will be grumpy about it until he can nap. Is really good about finding some sort of relief and is quiet about his pain. (Likes when someone will rub his head though that helps he won’t ask for it though.)
Fives: biiiiiiig mad. Super baby about it. Immediately wants an aleve and a snack but somehow thinks drinking something with sugar will help??? Instead of water??? And he’s somehow correct every time??? Lays his head in Echo’s lap and requests a head massage and promptly falls asleep.
Echo: I think he’s good about managing pain because he doesn’t want it to impact his ability to do things. He carries snacks and water and will take a reliever if pushed (although he says he doesn’t want to take it because he doesn’t want to ‘waste’ supplies on himself. Take the damn pill Echo you’ll feel better.) Refuses to be alone when he’s in pain and would always prefer someone to just sit nearby if he’s going to nap. As long as it’s dark and calm he’s pretty quiet about it. Tries to hide it 9 times out of 10 but he’s got nosey friends and they somehow always know and bully him into taking care of himself.
Hunter: oof. Poor guy gets migraines. Can never hide it. His eyes hurt so bad. His brain feels like it’s banging against his skull. Has to take some sort of medication immediately otherwise he gets sick. He’d prefer some solitude to be in pain alone but sometimes someone will take his bandana off and play with his hair to help.
Wrecker: Hates headaches but gets them concentrated right behind his eyes. Is not quiet about the pain and will request literally anything to make it go away. Tech is excellent at playing doctor here and knows exactly the combination of things to make it go away and keep Wrecker comfortable.
Tech: if it’s bad enough he will take a sedative and pass out for twelve hours and wake up fine. Does not fuck around and will not remain uncomfortable. He gets the slightest inclination of a headache and he’s eating a mini candy bar and a piece of cheese and also drinking eight ounces of water in five minutes before trying a pill that he knows will target the root cause of the problem. Scary efficient and competent.
Crosshair: oh boy. Will make it everyone else’s problem. He hates headaches. He’ll curl into a ball in whatever dark corner he can find and snap at anyone who tries to talk to him. Best bet is to silently bring offerings of food and water and leave him be until he feels more comfortable. He will never admit it but sometimes really quiet talking or even singing can help him at least feel better.
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phoenixyfriend · 2 months
Will you share what makes you ship Anakin/Cody? It's a pairing I'd never have considered, so I'm really curious what makes you interested in it!
This is an interesting question for a few reasons, but I think I should link this post first.
One of the ship dynamics I gravitate towards, especially for Anakin, is 'incredibly powerful/skilled person who is desperate to please, and the person who is largely unimpressed with their baseline level of skill and power, but will genuinely and meaningfully praise/acknowledge the thing they put a real effort into.'
I think Cody is really, really unimpressed with Anakin's shenanigans, and he shows it. He's a walking raised eyebrow with "and?" hanging in the air. He knows Anakin is powerful and great with droids, but can he hold his temper? Can he remember and implement the battle plan that Rex drew up? Can he [redacted horny challenge]?
Anakin wants to impress Cody, and Cody wants Anakin to behave, but also Cody wants to see what makes Anakin tick. He's a very strange and emotional man, and that's a bit of a challenge to figure out and settle, and Cody imo likes a challenge.
In my mind, they didn't love or hate each other on first sight, they were just... wary. Cody had just spent a few weeks getting to know his new boss, and said new boss had mentioned his brother-son at least twice an hour. Cody goes in knowing that Anakin is reckless, but a genius, and lacking in common sense. He's emotional and forgets to sleep when he dedicates himself to a task, and is still getting used to his new arm because he tried to fight a Sith Lord 1v1.
Anakin comes into this situation knowing that Cody is competent, and that Obi-Wan describes him as a good man, and that the two seem to get along pretty well. Being Anakin, he's a little worried about getting replaced, but this is someone Obi-Wan has to work with, and it seems to be on the up and up, but they've had a few weeks to get to know each other without him there, so he's anxious, because in Anakin's mind he is the only person that should ever be Obi-Wan's SiC, but also, Obi-Wan likes this guy alright and the guy in question has managed to keep Obi-Wan and a bunch of soldiers alive so far, so he can't be that bad, so Anakin should try to get along with him, or Obi-Wan will be disappointed, or even upset, and Anakin can't deal with that right now.
So they meet and it's awkward and they try to settle into a working relationship of some kind, and it mostly is... okay. Anakin snaps and gets aggressive sometimes, but Cody is just a wall to it. This isn't great for Anakin, personally, who's used to 'not taking this shit, will wait silently for you to stop being a dick with obvious judgement' from people like Windu, but it works. Cody doesn't enjoy Anakin's behavior, nobody does, but he can deal with it and he's seen a couple brothers come through injury-and-prosthesis with a short temper, so like. Sure. Whatever.
But then Anakin starts coming to Cody for help with tactics and strategy, because Obi-Wan is busy, but Cody is basically Anakin's peer, right? And Cody was super trained in this? And that determination from Anakin to get good at war--whether it's for the sake of Anakin's own ego and need to excel at everything, or for the sake of keeping Cody's own brothers alive--sparks some interest from Cody. Anakin is trying. He's not good at it, not yet, but he's sharp and he asks good questions, and he doesn't doubt Cody's expertise... at least, not too often.
But Anakin does that to Obi-Wan, too, so Cody doesn't take it personally. This is just Anakin's personality. It's a flaw.
It helps that Anakin is pretty. Cody knows everyone can tell. He's not the only one that's noticed.
Then Anakin gets promoted, they split for a few months of Anakin leading his own legion across the galaxy, and the legions come back together for Christophsis or something, and Cody gets to see that Anakin is more confident now, rather than just bluster and arrogance, that it's in his walk, in how comfortable he is with the arm, in the fact that he grasps Rex's battle plans with an ease that takes even some brothers a while to learn.
And Anakin still, the second they are in proximity, wants approval. Some of it from Obi-Wan, obviously, but some of it from Cody, too.
Cody likes that. He likes that this incredibly powerful, widely respected Jedi (who happens to be very pretty and basically the same age as Cody himself) wants his approval. Wants his attention. Wants to know that he's doing a good job.
Wants a firm hand to tell him when he's wrong, and to praise him when he's right, and to force him to still and settle when he's about to jitter out of his skin.
I think Cody finds Anakin fascinating before he finds him charming or forms an emotional bond with him, but it's a solid place to start from.
(And Anakin just... latched onto a person that was Good At Thing that paid him attention and then gave him positive feedback.)
(That's like half my Anakin ships, though. It is very easy to make this boy fall in love. The real challenge is figuring out how the other person reacts to Anakin being... Intense.)
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varpusvaras · 28 days
Rex watched from the corner of his eye as Padmé ran around the house.
"The folder is on the counter", he called, as she was pulling her boots on.
Her head snapped up, and she first grimaced, and then quickly morphed the expression into a smile.
"Oh, thank you", she said, and hurried over to said counter, her boots still unfastened. She didn't stumble at all, which Rex was quite impressed about. Then again, he had seen all the dresses and other costumes Padmé had been wearing for the majority of her life. She had practise.
She stood there by the counter for a moment longer, going through her bag, making sure she now had everything.
"Will you tell Anakin that Senator Milee has invited him at the dinner as well?" She asked. "They only now realised that they need to invite him separately."
"I will", Rex promised. "Your ship leaves in fifteen minutes."
Padmé grimaced again, and snapped her bag shut.
"I swear I didn't use to be this scatterbrained before", she said.
"I'm sure having two small children does that to you", Rex said. Padmé gave him a look.
"Hasn't done it to you", she pointed out. "Just as diligent as ever."
She finally fastened up her boots, and touched her hair quickly.
"Hopefully I will be done by the weekend", she said. "I would have the time to come visit then, when Anakin is here as well. We could all go out."
Rex tried not to feel dread about the idea. Things were better now. He needed to remember that.
"Could be fun", he said. "You're getting a call."
Padmé snatched her commlink, and glanced back at Rex.
"Give the twins kisses from me too", she said. She stepped closer to him, leaned over and gave him a very quick and light peck on the cheek, and was then out of the door, the call open as she hurried down the front steps of the house.
Rex blinked. He rubbed his cheek, that felt like it was tingling slightly, and got a smudge of lipstick on the back of his hand. He sighed.
"Will do", he said to the now empty house. Well, not empty, as the twins were upstairs, having their first nap of the day, but still. The sentiment was there.
He turned back towards the stove, and the mixed the vegetables simmering in the pan. The twins needed to be introduced to new flavours. Hopefully they would like brekka beets. Rex didn't need a repetition of what had happened last week with rootleafs.
The house was quiet. The sun was shining through the windows. There was a gentle wind outside. The water bubbled softly in the pan.
Rex leaned against the counter and closed his eyes.
There was a noise coming from the baby monitor on the kitchen table. Rex tensed and listened. A sniff, a grunt...silence.
He had just relaxed again when the noises happened again, and following them came a demanding cry. First from one baby, then from another, and then from both of them.
Rex opened his eyes, turned the stove off, and made his way upstairs.
At least Anakin would be coming over in the evening. Rex was going to make him watch the twins while he cleaned and took a nap. An uninterrupted one.
"You're invited to the dinner by Senator Milee", Rex said.
Anakin turned to look up at him from where he was sitting on the floor.
"Okay?" He raised his brow.
"Padmé told me to tell you", Rex said. "It's next week, on Primeday. Do you have something then?"
"I don't think so", Anakin said, and then went back to opening up the toy. It had stopped working in the morning, which Luke had not taken well, and after Rex had deduced that it wasn't because the battery had ran out, he had decided to make Anakin take a look at it once he came over. "I just don't understand why I'm invited."
"Because you're both working on the same campaing", Rex said. Because they thought that you two were still married since you have children together and officially live in the same house, he did not say.
"Right." Anakin popped the back of the toy open, and started to fiddle with something inside of it. He didn't ask why Padmé had not told him herself, which Rex was happy about. Maybe he just hadn't realised, or maybe he knew exactly why.
Rex needed to bite the bullet, in case it was the latter option.
"She'll try to come over during the weekend", he said. "She wants us all to go out."
Anakin stopped the fiddling for a moment.
"Okay", he said, and then went right back to it. "Could be fun. More eyes on the twins."
Rex looked down at the oven door. Why was this the second time today that he was standing in the kitchen, and having slightly uncomfortable conversations with the people who lived in the house on paper, but in real life slept their nights elsewhere?
He heard Anakin get up behind him, and he heard him walk closer to him, until he entered his field of view on his right.
Anakin leaned his elbow to the kitchen counter, and looked at Rex, then at the floor, and then back at Rex.
"I can watch the food", he said. "If you want to...sit down for a moment or something?"
He sounded unsure when speaking. That was one of the things Rex had not quite gotten used to yet. While Anakin had been his General, Rex had never heard him sound unsure about anything.
Well, anyway, Rex could take a moment to sit down.
"Sure", he said. Anakin nodded, and then reached his hand towards Rex. His thumb landed on the side of Rex's jaw just as Rex turned his head to see what he was doing.
He looked at Anakin, who was staring back.
"What?" Rex asked.
"You have something on your face", Anakin answered. "Something blue."
"Oh, yeah, we were doing crafts earlier", Rex said. "The twins got little excited about their new markers."
A small smile spread on Anakin's face as Rex said that. It was nice to see. Anakin smiled a lot less these days than what Rex was used to.
"Good to know you were having a fun time", he said, and wiped his thumb up along Rex's skin. "Go sit down."
He dropped his hand away from Rex's face, and Rex walked out of the kitchen, trying not to feel like there was a warm line itching at his jaw.
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l1tw1ck · 1 year
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From Innocence
bottom!ftm xiao x top!masc!traveler reader
☆ W.C: 2,128 ☆
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↳ [PART TWO] | ☆ AFAB Language Used ☆
CW: Slight Obsession, Groping, Nipple Play, Squirting, Public Sex, Oral Sex, Cum Swallowing, Virginity Loss, Overstimulation, Dacryphilia, Creampie, Corruption
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Xiao doesn't know how a romantic relationship works. He's an adeptus, why would he? All he knows is that it involves two people who like each other, that's it. He doesn't know what to do, what to say, or anything else that a relationship entails. And yet, he wanted to be in one with you. He met you in Liyue, thanks to a plate of Almond Tofu. He quickly fell for you and your strength, your kindness and your eagerness to help people. He sees you as higher than Rex Lapis himself, someone far more divine than any Archon. Which is impressive, considering his adoration for his Archon.
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You settled down in Liyue to help out the community, something he absolutely adores. Settling in Liyue means you won't ever be far away from him, meaning he can be with you always.
He wanted you to love him and teach him how to be in a relationship.
So he confessed.
“I love you.” He said, head lowered and staring at his shoes. You didn't know how to respond. Did you love him at the time? Maybe, you weren't sure. You liked him at the very least so you agreed to date him.
It started with hand holding. He’d come to your house in the morning and walk you to Liyue Harbor hand in hand. He loves how warm your hands are, and how much bigger they are than his.
Then it escalated to kissing. You gave him a peck on the lips, and it was going to stop with that, but the face he made was too cute. You went in for more, slipping your tongue through his open mouth and taking over as he cutely struggled to keep up.
Since then, he started asking for more kisses. He loved the way your hands would grip his waist or the way your hand would go into his hair as you made out with him. Or the way you'd grope his soft body..
You brought your hands up underneath his shirt and ghosted your thumbs over his nipples, the feeling making him stop and shiver. You pulled away from the kiss to ask him a question. “Can I touch you here?” Your voice was low and attractive, just hearing you speak made him automatically agree. He let out a soft gasp as you groped his chest and rubbed your thumbs against his sensitive nipples.
Your touches would always make him aroused but he never understood what it meant or what to do about it. In all his years, he's never found someone that's made him feel like this.
It got to a point where he had no choice but to tell you about it, he couldn't handle how good he felt when you played with and sucked on his nipples. He almost came from it but stopped you out of fear. He confessed about the feeling he'd been getting in between his legs and you offered to help him.
That's when it escalated to 2nd base.
Xiao was lying down on your bed, while you were lying on your side right next to him. You had his legs spread apart, his wet cunt exposed to you, and your hand was ghosting over his clit. You rubbed circles around it, basking in the way Xiao reacts to it. He’s so cute and sensitive. He could feel himself reaching his orgasm again and he tried his best not to stop you, wanting to know how it feels, but he failed.
“St- stop~!” He exclaimed, pushing your hand away. You chuckled, thinking it was so cute that he couldn't let himself come. You opted to finger him instead and oh Archons was he wet, he was so embarrassed by the obscene sounds that were coming from his pussy and out of his mouth. You made sure to stop every now and then, stopping him from coming.
He eventually gained the courage a few days later and asked you to do it for him again. You were rubbing his clit again with tears falling down his cheeks, the pleasure was too much to bear but he did his best. Your praise and encouragement definitely helped him out. After just a few minutes, Xiao arched his back and squirted.
After that, he'd constantly ask you to help him. He got addicted to the feeling of it and couldn't stop chasing it. He never does it alone either, your hands make him feel so much better. It got so bad that he started getting needy in public.
“Can we go home?” He asked quietly, leaning over the table to talk to you. You asked him why and he turned red, the answer clear to you. You told him you couldn't go home yet because there are errands you still need to run. To compromise, you brought him to a secluded area and helped him out. The two of you left the area with some wet spots on the ground and a drunken looking Xiao.
It became a thing, he’d get horny in public and you’d make him squirt in some alleyway or far from the Harbor.
You wanted to take it further, so you asked Xiao if you could try something. Xiao wants whatever you want so he agreed.
You spread his legs apart and slotted yourself in between, your head face to face with his pretty cunt. You dragged your tongue up his wetness, licking his clit, making him squirm and moan. He sounded so adorable while you ate out his sweet tasting pussy. It's so easy to make Xiao come, it once again only took a few minutes to make him squirt in your mouth.
Xiao realized that he’s the only one getting pleased, while you get nothing in return. So he voiced his concern and you asked to fuck his thighs.
His thighs were squishing your hard cock, acting as a hole for you to fuck. Xiao looked up at you with the most adorable expression as you started to thrust, rubbing against his clit and wet cunt. It felt so good for him, he couldn't help but come. He loved the sounds you made and the way your face looked as you fucked his thighs, especially when you started to get close to your release. And especially when you came, he thought you looked so attractive as you spurted cum all over his torso.
Out of curiosity, he had scooped up your spend and tasted it, quickly falling in love with it. He wanted more, so you gave him more.
He took out your hard cock, the thick rod slapping him in the face. He looked at it in awe. It’s big and thick, he marveled. He needed it in his mouth. He licked your cock, as per your instructions, and basked in the taste and the musky scent. He quickly fell in love with your cock and asked for more. He opened his mouth wide and slowly enveloped your cock, although at some point it hit the back of his throat and he couldn't go any further. You told him to use his (tiny) hand to jerk off the rest, showing him an example of you doing it.
“That's a good boy..” You muttered, complimenting him as he started to suck you off properly. He was a fast learner. Tears threatened to fall down Xiao’s burning red cheeks as he bobbed his head up and down, mouth straining to fit your cock.
He did so well despite doing it for the first time, and was rewarded with your load down his throat. Xiao happily swallowed, hearts in his eyes. “You taste good.” He said, wanting more.
He could suck your cock for hours if he was allowed to.
Today, you asked him if he’s ready for more. Of course he is, if you’re ready, he’s ready. You went over everything important, most of it made Xiao blush.
And so, today marks the day he loses his virginity. And all of his remaining innocence.
You slowly push your cock inside him, eyes trained on his expression and searching for signs of pain. You groan at the feeling of being inside his sopping wet pussy. “Your pussy feels so fucking good, Xiao..” You just ate him out but you couldn't even imagine how he’d feel around your cock.
Xiao turns red.
He grimaces as you get further in. “Don't stop..” He says softly. You listen to him and don't stop, continuing your entrance. You hold his hands tightly as you do so. The both of you stare at his stomach as it bulges from your size.
You decide to stop a little more than half way through, not wanting to put your entire length inside him and cause more pain.
Xiao looks down and frowns. “Want it all inside..”
“It's gonna hurt you, baby.”
“Please..” He whines.
He’s too cute.
You mindlessly shove your entire length inside him, causing him to let out a loud moan and come. Gods, he feels amazing squeezing your length. Xiao presses his small hand over the bulge in his stomach and moans softly, he feels so full.
You bring Xiao into a heated kiss, kissing him like he’ll disappear. You slowly thrust in and out of him, reveling in the way it feels to fuck him. How anyone could feel this good is a mystery to you.
You pull away from the kiss, the both of you out of breath. Xiao looks up at you, teary eyed. “Faster…” He whimpers.
You hold, no, grip his waist and start moving faster, ramming into him aggressively. Xiao throws his head back and moans wantonly, crying out in pleasure as you rearrange his guts.
He feels so good. He exclaims your name, tightening around your length. You hiss in pleasure and tell him to relax, doing your best to fuck him despite how tight he feels now. Xiao tries his best but how is he supposed to relax when he's so close to an orgasm?
“Mo- more~! Ple- please ‘m gonna–” He gasps as your thumb rubs his clit furiously, his back arching. He moans your name like you’re his Archon.
You love how sensitive he is, how easy it is to make him orgasm. Xiao comes with a loud whine, moaning your name. You keep circling your thumb around his clit, overstimulating him. Xiao rolls his eyes back, whoreish moans leaving his agape mouth as you give him no mercy. Despite that, he doesn't complain at all. You praise him and call him a good boy, earning a sweet whimper from him.
Xiao starts to cry from the stimulation, his thoughts fuzzing out as you overwhelm him with pleasure. He can just barely moan out your name. You lean over to his chest, mouth wrapping around his soft breast. You suck on his nipple to further stimulate your sensitive boyfriend. Xiao feels like he still hasn't stopped coming while feeling another, stronger orgasm approaching.
He rolls his head back, incomprehensible babbles leaving his lips as he comes hard on your cock.
Your thrusts become sloppy as you reach your release, your hand moving away from his clit and your mouth away from his chest. You warn Xiao you’re about to come before burying your cock deep inside him and filling him with your seed. Xiao moans softly at the feeling, finally catching a break as you recover.
You turn him onto his side, his leg slung over your shoulder, and start fucking him again. Xiao drools into the mattress, still brainless from the first time. You grope his tits, the feeling of your hands on them never gets old.
You drown him in praises, telling him how good he is and how pretty he looks. His cheeks are burning red as he sobs in pleasure, you can't help but love the way he looks when he's crying. You hammer into his tight cunt without remorse, determined to fill him up with your cum.
Xiao can hardly think, the only things he can process at the moment are you and himself. He feels so good it's hard to do anything but moan. You slam into his g-spot repeatedly, loud gasps coming out of Xiao’s mouth as you force him into another orgasm. His eyes roll to the back of his head as he comes again, his drool and tears drenching the bed sheets.
“Good boy.” You thrust into him one last time, spilling your spend inside him.
“M..mmh..” Xiao struggles to speak.
“More?” You help him out. Xiao nods, a smirk growing on your face.
You gave him more all right.
The night ended with you in the bathtub with him, washing out the copious amounts of cum you pumped into him.
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nukaberries · 2 months
How do you think your top three New Vegas companions (or all if you want to) react to a courier admitting that they have chronic migraines from their head injury that chems can’t dull? (Arcade ready with a whole lecture on chem addiction and courier’s like ‘I just want my brain to stop screaming at me… Both kinds of literally :( )
I FEEL LIKE MY TOP 3 ARE SO BORING but they're also safe choices i think?? rex is definitely top 3 but i don't think he'd be a particularly interesting option, so i hope you don't mind arcade, boone and cass <3
New Vegas Companions React to a Courier with Chronic Migraines (Contains: Arcade Gannon, Boone and Cass)
Arcade Gannon We already know he's gonna be giving the courier a lecture on the effects of chem addiction, that goes without saying. He's been in Freeside long enough to see how addiction has affected others around him and he's actually grown to like the courier, so there's no way he's going to watch the same thing happen to them. He knows he can't stop the migraines altogether, but he's willing to be patient with the courier when they do come around and make sure his friend gets the best care possible. He'll likely suggest that the courier lets the Followers try and treat them, since that's probably the best medical care they could get, but if they don't want to go with that option, he won't push.
Craig Boone While his own issues with head pain are nothing compared to the courier's, Boone's suffered from his fair share of stress migraines, with everything that's happened in the past few years. He can sympathise better than the courier may expect and surprisingly enough, he's actually very understanding if Six needs more time to rest up or can't do something on a day where their migraines are worse than usual. He knows the pain and the idea of having to deal with that consistently is a terrifying thought to him, so he can't begin to imagine how the courier managed to keep it together for so long. Boon knows his presence alone can't stop the migraines, but he hopes that it's at least a comfort for the courier.
Cass Any headaches she's suffered from have always been cured by a bottle of whiskey to knock her out for the night, which is the first thing she suggests to Six. Although, when they explain that it's not just your average headache and not even chems are helping anymore, she realises it might take more than alcohol to ease the courier's pain. She finds it quit frustrating at first, when she wants to get back on the road and the courier can hardly lift their head off the ground, but she'd never voice her irritation - it's not like Six can help it. Over time, she becomes more understanding and used to the idea that some days, it's easier on the courier to take a break and try to rest up, she doesn't have the best bedside manner, but she tries to do what she can and it's the thought that counts.
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Clone wars headcanons that took me forever to edit
I feel like my last couple of headcanons have been mushy so I’ve decided to write some shit Ahsoka and Anakin do that piss each other off 
Ahsoka bites the skin around her nails all the time and most of the time she won't stop till they’re bleeding 
Anakin’s tried literally everything in the book to get her to stop 
He tried putting spices on her hands forgetting that she likes spicy food, he’s tried painting her nails (like that’ll do anything) but she keeps picking the paint off, now he just uses the force to remove them from her mouth 
That’s gotten a few growls from her but at least it makes her aware she’s doing it but it doesn’t stop her from bitting them a couple of seconds later
Honestly he’s given up and just sits in silence while she complains about the pain
Anakin paces whenever he’s even slightly nervous and she can tell how nervous he is depending on how fast he moves 
If he’s just kinda anxious he moves pretty slow but if he’s like one shirt caught on a door handle away from a panic attack he’s teleporting 
When Padme told him he was gonna be a dad he was ecstatic for about 24 hours but after that some invisible timer went off in his head he booked it to Ahsoka’s house (she lives down the street cause of course she does)
Walked into her room and woke her poor sleepy butt up with all his pacing 
Girl swears to this day he broke the damn sound barrier with how fast he was moving 
She just wordlessly sat up and patted her bed cause she knew she wasn’t gonna get any sleep until he did 
She sat by him and listened as he rattled off all his worries and only really stepped in when the darker thoughts surfaced when it was all said and done she turned to him and said “Now let me kriffing sleep” 
Should he have probably left the room yeah but he got a total of 30 minutes of “sleep” that night so it’s not surprising that he knocked the fuck out of
Padme was a little bit alarmed to wake up without Anakin but was quickly soothed when she read Ahsoka’s message “Your nerf herders with me” 
She knew the pregnancy would dredge up some unhappy feelings and she also knew Anakin can’t think clearly if he doesn’t have Ahsoka to sort through the bullshit in his head 
She just got ready for brunch with her two favorite people and smiled cause she knew Obi-Wan and Rex would join them for dinner with or without an invitation 
When Anakin and Ahsoka were living together they would kick each other out of their own bathrooms 
Why? Well Ahsoka said Anakin’s had better lighting and water pressure and Anakin would do it to spite Ahsoka because he knew it would piss her off  
Slowly but surely their stuff gets moved into each other's bathrooms and it’s a weird amalgamation of crap 
Also when they were living together Anakin would ask Ahsoka if she was hungry before cooking and she’d often say no because she didn’t want to impose but his cooking always looked and smelled good 
So half the time girl would just end up eating some of his food when she thought he wasn’t looking 
At first he was like “Snips you said you weren’t hungry” to which she would respond “Yeah I wasn’t hungry then but I am now” after that he starts making more food on instinct cause damn that girl can eat 
Anakin gets back at her pretty easily tho by taking the first bite of her food whenever they go out to eat his excuse is that he’s “making sure it’s not poisoned” he never does this to Padme cause he respects her too damn much 
And he can’t use that trick on Obi-Wan and Rex cause the former taught him the trick and the latter has a bullshit detecter built-in 
Both Anakin and Ahsoka pull that trick on the twins tho (which gets them a quick scolding from Padme) 
Speaking of the twins it’s not surprising that as they grow up they realize that their auntie isn’t human so of course like any normal child they have questions and Anakin being the little shit that he is spots an opportunity for some laughs 
So he turns to the twins all serious-like and goes “Well my loves we actually found your auntie in a dumpster we have no idea where she came from” the twins are distraught and go to the nearest adult who just so happens to be their uncle Rex 
And Rex also being a little shit backs up Anakin’s story with so much sincerity that even Anakin believed it a little bit 
The twins being the angels they are apologize to their auntie for her terrible origin story with tears in their eyes and her reaction more than made up for the swift ass-kicking the boys got  
When Anakin was taller than Ahsoka he made her life hell by making fun of her every time something was even slightly out of her reach
He would make a big deal about grabbing it for her while commenting about how the temple’s architecture wasn’t made with the “young ones” in mind 
Obi-Wan has turned multiple blind eyes when Ahsoka socked the shit out of his arms when he tells one too many jokes some days
When she finally grows taller than him she makes the biggest deal about it and no one can blame her 
While Anakin is the pilot Ahsoka is easily the navigator she often jokes that Anakin wouldn’t find his way out of bed without help 
Which is funny cause he often acts like a herding dog with her putting his hand on her back or holding her arm to guide her 
But he’s wrong 9/10 times so it’s not uncommon to see Anakin guiding her in one direction and then see him get dragged in the opposite direction a couple of minutes later  
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antianakin · 5 months
There is exactly one criticism that I agree with my, very anti-Jedi, cousin on and that's the Jedi were TERRIBLE Generals. Generals may TRY to make sure their men mostly come back. But useless sacrifices are not only acceptable, but expected, the men are mostly expandable in war. The Jedi did not consider sacrifices like that acceptable or expected. Sure it did happen. It was WAR. But they tried their best to make sure it DIDN'T. The Jedi were terrible Generals. But they were the teachers and Leaders the CLONES NEEDED.
I'm not sure I'd ENTIRELY agree with that. I think I'd be willing to agree that the Jedi were perhaps less CONVENTIONAL Generals, and they definitely do seem to at least TRY to place the lives of their men above just tossing them away for an easy victory, but you can just as easily claim that keeping the men alive to keep fighting is a good strategy in and of itself.
The biggest piece of evidence I'd point to that the Jedi were actually perfectly good Generals is the Citadel arc and Tarkin's criticisms. The one real criticism he makes of the Jedi as military leaders is that they're occasionally too soft and will abandon a mission if it looks impossible to win without near total casualties (on either side). But he's generally fairly positive about the Jedi and if they were truly awful at their jobs, I don't think TARKIN of all people would hold back on saying so, even to the Jedi's faces.
And we DO see the Jedi willing to make sacrifices and accepting that this is a necessary part of war. The Citadel arc is, again, a perfectly good example of this. Obi-Wan and Anakin go in with like 3-4 men each I think and they come back with a grand total of 3 (Rex, Cody, and Fives). A LOT of clones die on this mission that they all KNEW was basically a suicide mission because the Jedi themselves decided that getting the information about the hyperspace lanes was vital enough to the war that it was worth losing multiple lives over (including their own).
So it's not that the Jedi don't understand that sacrifices are necessary in war or even that they avoid it entirely, they just avoid what they see as UNNECESSARY sacrifice for what might amount to a fairly minor victory. Keeping more of their men alive might, in the long run, be a better strategic choice than losing all of them on one campaign, especially if it's over like one uninhabited moon or something like that. There's nothing to say that the losses the Jedi deem acceptable are things that would've changed the entire tide of the war had they chosen to push forward instead.
The other good evidence that the Jedi acting this way would've been the WORSE choice is the Umbara arc. We are told and then see that Krell IS the kind of General who is willing to lose a lot of clones in order to gain victories in battle, and the clones do recognize that he has a lot of victories under his belt. But never once do they discuss whether those victories really MEANT anything or had a large impact on the war effort. It certainly never seems that the Republic is majorly pushing back the Separatists because of Krell's victories, nobody ever mentions that Krell gained them a major advantage with those victories or took out anyone of any consequence on the Separatist side with his strategies. And by the time he gets to Umbara, he's explicitly using this strategy to WEAKEN the Republic side and cause a loss. Several of his strategies WOULD'VE meant the Republic lost on Umbara and it's only the clones utilizing different strategies that put fewer of them at risk that they actually end up continuing to HAVE victories at all.
I'll also point out that the Jedi continuously getting their men killed en masse would've bankrupted the Republic a LOT earlier because they'd have to be paying for more clones a LOT more often than they did in canon and I can't imagine anyone would've considered that a particularly sound strategy and at some point I'm sure the Senate would've felt obligated to put a stop to it anyway and insisted on strategies that kept more clones alive for longer. So I'm not sure it's fair to claim the Jedi were utilizing BAD strategy by not just exclusively using tactics that meant most of their men were killed for every single victory.
So the ONLY criticism we EVER see of the Jedi's ability as military leaders is Tarkin claiming they're "too soft" and Tarkin is the kind of person who would likely say that until the Jedi started carpet bombing entire Separatist planets. Would it give them a victory? Yeah, sure, maybe, but that's the exact same strategy the Separatists are using and look how well that works out for THEM. Everything else we ever see seems to showcase that the Jedi are in fact perfectly good Generals, not just in that they're kind to the clones and are unwilling to carpet bomb Separatist planets, but also because they're just... good at this. They CAN be strategic, they CAN run wars if they want to. And I think that's the whole point of the Jedi in some ways is that yes, they CAN make war when they need to, they just actively choose NOT TO every time they can. THIS is why Qui-Gon tells Padme that he and Obi-Wan are there to protect her but that they can't win this war for her and they end up going off to fight off a Sith while Padme has to actually win the war with her own people and the Gungans instead. The Jedi don't WANT to be in the position of doing nothing but fighting, but they're absolutely capable of this kind of work.
That's the tragedy of the war in some ways, the Jedi ARE good at this no matter how much they wish they weren't sometimes. But being good at it means they can actually protect the Republic, their own men, and even the Separatist civilians better, so they're not going to just sit there and do things that will screw over a bunch of people. Yes, they're going to fight the war in such a way that they reduce casualties as much as possible, but reducing casualties also requires doing enough to not LOSE the damn war, too. It's a delicate balance they're trying to hold on to and I'd argue they manage it better than anybody else would've ever done in their position.
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xxspringmelodyxx · 10 months
Morax(Zhongli) x Adeptus!Reader Ch. II
Hello my lovely readers! I’m going to keep it short because I don’t really have anything else to say other than I hope you enjoy! The chapter starts with Guizhong instead of you, so we are going to see from her POV to see her reaction to you and Morax having a baby. It then will switch back to you, but to start off, we are seeing Guizhongs POV. :) 
Here is the second part of the request:
“It was at one of the Adepti gatherings that Rex Lapis proudly announced that Reader is pregnant. The other Adepti rejoiced; their Lord finally had an heir. Meanwhile, Guizhong seethed inwardly and she started to plot; to make Reader not only lose her child and also her life. Guizhong knew Reader would be most vulnerable during the late stages of her pregnancy and right after childbirth. On the percept of celebrating Reader's upcoming child, Guizhong sent her presents, laced with a slow-acting poison.”
Again, thank you to @sailorstar9 for this amazing request and I hope you like it! And without further ado, here is chapter two to “Deception”, enjoy~ (Ch. I is here) <333
| Word Count: 3.1K | Warnings: None (I don't think at least) |
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I slammed my fist on the table, yelling out of frustration. Why did she have to come into our lives?! Why did SHE have to be the one he falls in love with?! What does she have that I don’t?
Thoughts spiraled in my mind as the image of Y/n and Morax with a small family kept showing up. Tears were starting to form in my eyes at the horrendous image. That should be me (holding your hand). I was supposed to be the one with him, not her!
“She screwed everything up for me! She ruined my life!” I yelled, throwing the bell I was working on. It made a loud shattering noise as it broke into multiple pieces. It was going to be a gift for Morax…a gift that I had been working on for quite some time. Not that it mattered anymore...
I felt my chest tighten as I realized it was over between Morax and me. All those years of our friendship…all those years of trying to get him to fall in love with me as I did with him, tossed down the drain like it was nothing.
I almost had him as well! It was only until that rat, Y/n, came into our lives to help those damn Yaksha’s from succumbing to their Karmic debts.
I remember it still to this day, almost as if it happened yesterday. Morax and I were trying to help the Yaksha’s from their demise. I tried making potions and gadgets that would help strengthen their mind to stop them from falling to their doom, but that could only work for so long. Eventually, their karmic debts would grow stronger and stronger each passing day, making it harder for me to make anything that would fight against it. Morax and I worked hard together for many months before coming to a realization that it was only a matter of time before the Yaksha’s finally met their fate. It was inevitable. That was until a certain someone came back. 
Just as we were about to give up, a woman known for her abilities of healing and purification came into the picture. Everyone was shocked to see her, though, as they thought she had died many years ago. According to the stories I was told when I was younger, this woman went on a mission to help another tribe that was dealing with a horrible disease that was rapidly spreading. Apparently, it killed over half of their population and so the woman left to go help them. When she hadn’t returned on the day she said she would, people began to grow worried. Many archons were out almost every night, desperately searching the adeptus. After a year had passed, everyone had declared that she had died on the mission and so, her image slowly but surely began to fade away.
Now that she had returned, everyone was ecstatic. She had heard of the Yaksha’s issues as there were many rumors spiralling about them. Eventually, those rumors spread outside of our area and made it to her. 
That’s when Morax and I met her. She told us about herself and how she can help us stop the Yaksha’s. I was hesitant, but Morax was so desperate to find a cure for them that he was willing to try anything. 
She walked up to the troubled Yaksha’s and placed her hand on their heads one by one. She spoke an ancient language that I did not recognize. As she did, her entire body started to glow, and cracks began forming all over her body. The cracks began to shine a bright white color, and a golden liquid began to seep out of the cracks. The liquid ran up her arm in a spiral motion, and once it reached her hand, the golden liquid shot up into the Yaksha’s head, spreading all over their bodies. 
Within minutes, the golden liquid that was inside of their bodies began to turn black as it did its work. Soon after, the black liquid shot out of their chests and back into the woman. The woman took the black liquid and spoke to it, again with that ancient tongue. The liquid shook violently and a few seconds later, a large and dark shadowy figure came out of it. It flew away, disappearing for good, allowing the Yaksha’s to be permanently healed and purified. 
Weeks had passed, and the woman who we came to know as Y/n, said it was time for her to leave. However, Morax insisted that she stayed because he felt that he needed to pay her back for helping him. I stupidly agreed with him and insisted that she stay. Oh how I regret agreeing with him. If I didn’t do that, Morax most likely would have ended up marrying me…having kids with me…we would have been such a happy family.
When Y/n agreed to stay for a while longer, Morax and her began to fall in love with each other. They would constantly go out during the night to take long walks or watch the sky. After almost a year of knowing her, Morax finally confessed to her his feelings, telling her how much he loved her, how much he craved for her. Unfortunately, Y/n had grown the same feelings as well, and accepted his confession. Not too long after, they were engaged and soon enough, they finally got married. 
I was heart broken when all of this happened. I still am to this day. I HATE Y/n…I hate, hate, hate her! 
Memories of them together, holding each other in their arms, enjoying each other's presence. Oh how I wish that was me in her position. Holding him in my arms, feeling his strong arms secure me, feeling his soft and gentle kisses on my lips, and hearing and seeing him the first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. Y/n didn’t deserve him! She will never fully and truly appreciate his love like I would. He’s too great for her…she is nothing compared to him!
Tears slipped from my eyes as I fell to the ground, holding my chest where my heart was. It hurt so bad. The love of my life was in love with another. I don’t have a chance now as long as she is alive and well…if only she could just disappear out of his life already like she did long ago…I would finally have another chance with him.
That’s when my sobbing came to an abrupt stop as an idea popped up in my mind.
I quickly jumped up to my feet, running to my cabinet of ingredients that I used to use to make elixirs and medicine. I swung the doors open and frantically searched for three specific ingredients. White Chicory, Blood Petals, and River Mallow. These three ingredients alone were powerful in their own way. White Chicory when mixed with a bit of water and honey allowed the drinker to heal within a couple minutes. The Blood Petals when eaten alone will cause the person to die instantly. And the River Mallow allows anything to taste absolutely delicious. The White Chicory and Blood petals taste absolutely disgusting, but once mixed with the River Mallow, they should have a delicious savory taste. 
If I mix these together, it will make a poison that slowly kills the person who takes it. 
I could mix these in some food and give it to her to ‘help’ her with her pregnancy. That way, she will slowly die and no one would ever think I was the culprit. 
I looked at the Blood Petals, thinking about just giving her those, but I quickly decided against it. If I were to give her the blood petals with the River Mallow, she would die instantly and then Morax and everyone else would know it was I who killed her. I can’t allow that to happen. I need to make it look like it was just an accident. 
I quickly grabbed the ingredients from the back, holding them in my arms as I grabbed my mortar and pestle. I placed everything down and began to work my magic.
–a few months later–
“Y/n, can I please be the godparent of your baby? Please!!” Indarius begged, holding her hands together.
“No way! I wanna be the godparent!” Bosa said, pushing Indarius out of the way.
“You!? You can’t even care for your own self, let alone a baby! Let me be the godparent, Y/n! Compared to these two, I am the best choice.” Bonanus said with confidence.
“You three are bothersome. I mean look at yourselves. The way you three fight with each other, you just aren’t prepared to be in such a position. Being a godparent takes responsibility. Therefore, I think I would make the better godparent for your child, Y/n.” Menogias said, stepping in front of the three others.
“Hey, that's not fair!” Bosa complained, pushing Menogias out of the way.
“Yeah, just because you are more reserved doesn’t mean anything. You would probably bore the hell out of the kid if you were their godparent!” Bona said, siding with Bosa
“What are you talking about? I can be fun.” Menogias said, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Who are you kidding? Your type of fun is going to a hill and watching clouds move.” Indarius said
“That sounds relaxing actually.” I budded in, making the four stop and turn to me.
“O-oh uh, yes of course it is, Lady Y/n…we just meant-” I giggled at them, standing up to walk to them.
“Look, I know you all want to be the godparent for our child, but Morax and I have already decided who its going to be.” I said, seeing my husband stand up from his throne, walking towards me.
He placed one of his arms around my waist, pulling me into him. He placed his other hand on my tummy, feeling the small baby bump that was forming.
“Yes, we have.” He said, smiling down at me.
“It’s me, right? Go on, tell these three that its me.” Bosa said, crossing his arms together with a smug look
“Actually, no, it’s not going to be you, Bosa.” Morax said, making Bosa deflate while looking up at us with betrayal.
“It’s not?”
“I figured as much. It’s most likely me. I am the most responsible out of all of you.” Menogias said with pride
“Sorry, Menogias…” I said, giving him an apologetic look.
“In fact, it is neither one of you.” Morax said, making all of them slightly gasp.
“It is going to be…Xiao.” Morax finished, making all of their eyes widen.
“Xiao!?” They all repeated
“But…But why him? I wanted to be the godparent in the first place-” Bona started, but Morax placed his hand up to stop her from finishing.
“Our choice is final. Xiao will be the godfather of our child.” Morax said, making them all pout.
“Oh, don’t be sad, you guys.”
“Yeah, I don’t understand why you are all throwing a fit. You will all be godparents soon enough.
“Yeah-wait, what?” I said, turning to him with surprise.
He looked down at me with love, but had a devious smirk on his face.
“Yes, my love. After this child is born, we will have many more on the way to make a big family. That way, each of our precious Yaksha’s can each be a godparent.” He said, moving his hand lower on my back. 
A small squeak came out of my mouth as heat rose to my face. A big family, huh?
A small smile snuck its way onto my face as the image popped up in my head.
“Yay! I am gonna be a godfather soon!” Bosa said.
“In your dreams! I’m gonna be the next godfather soon. You will probably be the last of us to be a godparent.” Menogias said
“It’s not going to be either of you, because I am going to make sure it's me next.” Bona said
“And how do you propose to do that? Huh?” Bosa asked
“By doing the most for our precious Y/n! I’ll clean up hers and Morax’s room, I'll cook her food, I’ll even change the baby's diapers when they’re born! All I know is that I am going to do far more than you three to make sure I am the next godmother!” Bona finished.
“No way, I am going to do the most for her and Morax!” Indarius said.
“Nuh uh! I am!” Bosa said.
Morax and I looked at each other with smiles on our faces, chuckling at the Yaksha’s arguing.
Suddenly, my stomach started to grumble, making me realize how hungry I am.
“Oh wow…I am having a sudden craving for food…but I don’t know what I want to eat.” I said, placing my hand on my stomach.
“Oh! I’ll fix something up for you, Y/n!” Bosa said, running to the kitchen.
“No! I wanna make her something!” Bona yelled, running after Bosa.
“Get back here you two! I am going to do it, you both suck at cooking anyways!” Indarius said.
“I am the best chef here! You three don’t even know how to properly cook an egg!” Menogias said, chasing after all three of them.
Morax rolled his eyes at them, shaking his head at their childishness.
“This is why we chose Xiao to be the first godparent.” he said, kissing my neck
I giggled from his comment, placing my hand on his head, stroking his hair.
Again, my stomach rumbled, only louder this time.
“Wow, I didn’t know being pregnant would make me this hungry all the time.” I complained, sitting back down.
“How about I go make you something? You know, something you can actually eat. I know damn well that those four are going to burn everything they cook.” Morax said, chuckling at the thought.
“That would be nice. Your cooking always makes me happy-”
“Hello, friends.” A voice said, making Morax and I turn our heads to see none other than Guizhong.
“Ah, hello Guizhong! What brings you here?” Morax asked
“Well, I did some reading on pregnancies and I read about how women tend to get hungrier after a few months have passed. So I have been doing research on foods that help pregnant women be happier and more fulfilled. Once I found the perfect recipe, I realized I actually needed to learn how to cook it. So it took me a while to learn, but eventually, I came around and perfected it!” She said, making me smile
“Oh Guizhong, that’s too nice of you. You didn’t have to go through all of that.” I said, seeing her shake her head
“No, no, no. You two are my closest friends and I want to make sure you both are happy and well. Soooo…I made this for you, Y/n!” She said, holding up a plate of what looked to be creamy herb chicken. It looked absolutely delicious.
“Oh my…that looks…amazing.” I said, my mouth watering from the smell.
“Well go on, eat it then. You don’t wanna be hungry forever now do you?” She said, handing me the dish.
I grabbed the fork and grabbed some of the chicken dipped in the cream and brought it to my lips, inhaling the savory aroma. I quickly put it in my mouth and tasted the delicious flavor. It was so juicy and tender!
“Oh my, Guizhong…I think you outdid yourself on this. It’s so rich in flavor! What did you put in this to make it so good?” I asked, making Guizhong smirk a bit.
“Oh, just some new seasonings I got. There is one called River Mallow that I recently received from a good friend of mine. It’s from a flower that goes well with any type of meat. So I put it on the chicken and let it marinate for about three hours and boom! A juicy and flavorful dish! I’m assuming you like it?” She asked
“Like it? I love it! Oh, please tell me you have more! This is absolutely to die for” I said, taking another bite.
Guizhong smirked a bit, only this time it seemed to be more…sinister.
“Not yet…but I have many other recipes that I’d like to try and give you. They should all be just as tasty as this dish.”
“Mmmm, I’m okay with that. If those other dishes taste this good, I’m okay with anything you cook. Thank you again.” I said.
“Of course! Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go back home. I have many other events to attend to. I just wanted to stop by and let you try my new dish. Goodbye now!” She said, leaving.
“Goodbye, Guizhong! Feel free to come back anytime with more food!” I said, joking a bit. Guizhong chuckled and turned around waving goodbye at us.
“This is delicious, dear! Here, have some!” I said, but Morax shook his head, pushing my hand back
“No, my dear. It is yours to eat. Plus, you need it since you are eating for two. I can make my own food. As for you, I want you to enjoy that meal.” he said, kissing your temple while holding your upper arm.
“You’re too kind, my love. How was I so lucky to have met you?” I said
“No, it is I that is lucky to have met you, my dear. I’m so happy to have you in my life…and to have you as my wife.” He said, placing another kiss on my face.
“I love you, Morax.” I spoke, looking into his eyes with love.
“And I love you, my sweet Y/n~” He replied, rubbing his hand softly against my arm.
I smiled with dark intent as I realized what I had just done. They had no idea what was really going on! How stupid! 
I looked back towards the palace where Y/n and Morax were, feeling happy. There was no going back now. Soon enough, Y/n will be no more…and I can finally have my beloved Morax back. 
We will, once and for all, be together…
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