#at least until you notice that his behaviour doesn't change.
wizardlyghost · 1 year
always good to find out which of your coworkers, upon you saying that you are getting sick of your manager's bullshit, will immediately report to your manager that you said you were getting sick of his bullshit. henceforth you are lower than a customer to me. motherfucker.
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konigsblog · 25 days
How would older bf Simon react to a reader that felt so bad that they couldn’t buy him anything expensive
older-boyfriend simon is your sugar daddy, the one that offers you expensive presents every time he meets up with you. he buys everything for you, from the meals you eat at expensive restaurants, to the pricey lingerie he surprises you with.
valentine's day is just around the corner and you're anxious as it inches closer and closer each day. you don't make that much money, or at least not in comparison to your older boyfriend, a retired lieutenant. he doesn't spend his money often, unless it's on you, of course. you know that simon will buy you something expensive, whether that's a brand-new diamond necklace from a designer brand, or a new pair of high heels you've been eyeing up.
you don't want to come across as spoiled or selfish, deep down, you wish you could buy him something, like an expensive watch, but you don't have the money for that, especially since quitting your job like simon had asked you to do.
simon notices your sudden change in behaviour, how you've been distancing yourself from him, and pressures you to explain yourself until you crack, unable to keep it together as you anxiously explain why you've been so distant. simon thinks it's a joke at first, but you're not laughing, your eyes glistening while you fiddle with your fingers nervously.
you're his pretty little doll, all simon wants is for you to sit pretty for him, for you to present yourself to him, to allow him to have his way with your gorgeous, slick cunt.
“don’t want nothin’ from you, except that pretty little pussy, dollface.”
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rhenuvee · 5 months
Made With Love [Neuvillette x reader]
Summary: Neuvillette has feelings for you, but doesn't know how to act on them. The Melusines try to help, but ultimately he wants to start and act on his own emotions.
A/N: Neuvilette in the last act of the archon quest made me sad :( // I need someone to say "Was that your first kiss in 500 years?" to Neuvi like Natasha to Steve.
Warnings: dialogue heavy, reader is shorter than Neuvi, reader is a baker
"Wait- Monsieur Neuvillette!"
A small voice called out. The Iudex was just about to go out for his weekly walk around the city, until a little Melusine stopped him. They were the ones who suggested he go out for some fresh air, since they sensed that he was still stirred from Fontaine's recent crisis along with handling his duties.
"Hm? What is it Sedene?" He asks, stopping in his steps so that she could catch up to him.
"Are you going to see (y/n)?" Sedene asks, putting her hand curiously to her lips. Straight to the point, the Iudex thinks. His breath gets caught in his throat for a split second, surprised at her words.
Despite being familiar with Melusines and their unique sixth sense, he feels like a deer caught in headlights when they suddenly mention you. Because they know about you- yet they never say the obvious thing directly.
The Melusines have noticed a change in his behaviour, and it started happening when he went out for his walks. One day the Chief Justice came back with a box of macarons, which was quite curious since he usually didn't eat sweets, and so he gave one to each Melusine he passed by. As time went on, more Melusines started noticing Neuvilette smiling... for seemingly no reason at all.
No reason except one that the Melusines instantly picked up on. In fact, you didn't exactly have to be a Melusine to recognize you and the Chief Justice's behaviour, both skirting around your feelings for each other. It didn't take them long to find out about you, and find your bakery from the thank you card in the box of macarons he bought. Monsieur Neuvillette in love... how exciting, they think.
However, with developing emotions comes confusion for the Iudex.
"Yes..." Neuvillette answers directly, yet a bit shyly, a bit surprised at his own forwardness with admitting it. Sedene gestures for him to bend down, to which he complies. She reaches up, and uses her hands to smooth out the top of his head.
"There we go, perfect!" she says cheerfully. Neuvillette realized what she was trying to do, and can't help but smile, though a little embarrassed. The Melusines have been trying to encourage him to act on his feelings, or at least make you realize that he is interested in you. Right now, Sedene was preening his hair, as if to get him ready for a date. He could only imagine the thought of that happening.
"Thank you Sedene, it is much appreciated. I'll be off now."
"You're welcome! Have a nice walk, Monsieur Neuvillette!" she calls out, waving cutely.
He should not be nervous since he was just walking to a bakery, is what he tells himself. However, the Iudex finds himself smoothing out his robes, suddenly thankful of Sedene's gesture with his hair. He takes a step inside the cute little shop as the bells dings.
"Welcome- oh! Good afternoon Monsieur Neuvillette!" Your cheery voice greets him warmly. He seemed a little spaced out to you, but you wait patiently for his response. You take the time to admire his features- You can't help but feel that he felt ethereal in a way. You had to admit he was quite handsome, with how beautiful his eyes were, and how tidy he kept his look.
"Good afternoon." You brush your hands on your apron and quickly walk towards him to have your weekly chats. "How was your week?"
"Busy." You say with a long sigh. "We've gotten so many orders lately, it's hard for me to keep up... Actually something interesting happened- I felt like my boss was about to fire me."
"What?" Neuvillette says in a surprised tone.
"No no! I was kidding! Well... kind of. I'm not sure." The truth about the bakery's rising sales was because of Neuvillette's constant visits. People are naturally shocked to see the Iudex doing things like this, which quickly lead to the Steambird catching this on the paper. You guessed the message was that if Neuvillette kept coming in, that meant the pastries were good.
However, your boss was suspicious thinking it was too good to be true. She noticed that Neuvillette would mostly direct his attention to you, which created the comical hypothesis that you were a criminal and the Iudex was onto you.
"She thinks I'm... going to try you?"
"Yes, it's kind of funny actually." You fish out a newspaper from last week, pointing to his picture photographed with headlines about him visiting the bakery. Neuvillette found it odd how he never seen this before. That, and how his hair looks from the back.
"My apologies, I didn't mean to-"
"Don't apologize! Like I said, I find it quite humorous. Besides, I'm happy that more people have enjoyed our baked goods." You quickly reply. He smiles, giving you the relief that he doesn't need to feel sorry. "How have you been, Monsieur Neuvillette?"
"I've been feeling a little troubled as of late..." Usually when you ask him how things are, he provides a neutral answer. But today he decides to let his feelings out a little. You want to ask him, but you're afraid of crossing that boundary, that it might be personal. You feel bad, after seeing his furrowed eyebrows and downcast eyes, seeing how he might be dealing with something difficult.
"I hope things turn out better, Monsieur Neuvillette. If you want, I'm always here to listen." He smiled, which you now realize is quite a rare but beautiful sight. Neuvillette always admired your kindness, and it compelled him to get closer to you. He was aware he is no good at small talk, or even regular casual conversations, but he is willing to get better at it.
"Thank you, (y/n). I'm afraid this is something I have to deal with on my own." You nod, as a way to affirm his statement, then go around your counter to decide to grab something.
"Did Aeval like the raspberry flavoured macaroons I tried making? I wish I could've seen her reaction in person, but I haven't taken the Aquabus lately."
"I'll be sure to ask her for you, though I'm sure she does. Many of the Melusines are fond of your pastries, ever since I brought them some." He remembers that day. Your smile was just as bright as it is today.
"I'm grateful." You say happily... though there's something else you want to mention. "Speaking of the Melusines, is that a gift from them?"
You point to the top of his head.
"Oh, my hair ribbon?" He says fiddling his hand through the back of his hair. However, you shake your head.
"The tiara."
"The tiara-..." Neuvillette moves his hand to the top of his head, where he feels the tiniest tiara. He could not see it, but from the textures he felt some small shells and rocks. The Iudex realizes this was probably what Sedene was doing with his hair. You giggle, catching on that even he is just discovering it. "I suppose it is. Sedene must have put it in my hair just before this."
Neuvillette deducts that the tiara must be something from Melusine tradition that they wear for special occasions or gatherings. You watch as Neuvillette gives a chuckle, probably at how cute the Melusines actions were. And you couldn't disagree.
"You know, the Melusines have been saying a lot of good things about you." You say, trying to lighten the mood.
"Is that so?"
"Yes, they keep telling me how kind and intelligent the Iudex is." Neuvillette nods. The Melusines are very kind to him, so-
"And how tall he is."
"And handsome."
Neuvillette politely covers the lower half of his face with his hand to hide his expression. He gets flustered at the thought of the little Melusines flattering him to you, while knowing their intentions.
"I apologize, I think the Melusines-"
"It's alright! I know they mean well. Besides, it's not really a surprise to me..." You say the last part shyly, but it doesn't go unnoticed by him. In fact it's the part that is highlighted the most, and almost prompted him to blush furiously before you quickly said something else. "I like it, it suits you." you smile, gazing up at him.
"Thank you, (Y/n)." Is all Neuvillette is able to utter, after seeing your beaming smile.
"You're welcome! Take these, they're on the house! I hope it'll make your day better." You present him a small box of some assorted sweets. all different flavours and decorated with different fruits.
"You're too kind, but I couldn't possibly take these without paying you."
"Oh please I insist! They're made with love." you coo the last part as a way to try and convince him, to which Neuvillette finds himself getting flustered at. It's a common phrase, and yet he interprets a slightly different meaning from it.
In his eyes, he finds you attractive, yes- cute when you wipe your nose when he tells you that you have flour on it, radiant when you smile while giving macaroons to the Melusines. He's come to know more about you the more he talked to you, and how kind you were. And though his weekly walks in the city were to ease his mind, he couldn't imagine not seeing you as a part of his routine. You are the reason why he has this foreign feeling inside him- one that makes his heart beat faster when you accidentally brush fingertips with him, or give him a compliment.
"Made with love..." He whispers, mostly to himself. You get flustered when you hear him say those words, thinking he might have caught onto your feelings. You hold your breath to prepare yourself for what he might say. "I quite like that."
To your surprise, the Iudex reveals to you one of his rare subtle smiles as you bring the box to him. You can't help but agree with his statement, except you meant it for how handsome he looks when he does that along with how soft his eyes get. You hope to see it more.
"I keep baking things for the Melusines, though you never told me what kinds of things you like. What do you like, Monsieur Neuvillette?"
For a moment, Neuvillette stares at your lips, then back at your eyes that are looking so sweetly at him. He feels his heart beating faster...
He almost says that word- that dangerous one word.
"Neuvillette..." you say so softly that it's almost a whisper. Oh, he's starting to adore how you say his name without formalities. He reaches his hand out briefly, then retracts it and clears his throat. He wants to ask you.
"I apologize." He realizes he doesn't know what he's apologizing for. "I... am not really sure what kinds of things I like."
"Oh." you say a little confused. The Iudex feels a little embarrassed, but you always know exactly what to say. Your smile doesn't falter when he gives his strange answer. "Well, when you do know, tell me!"
"I will." He says, in a little more firm tone- more like a promise.
A few hours passed, and it was evening now. It started raining shortly after his recent interaction with you. As the hydro dragon himself says, he does not weep, he is just stirred. He went back to his office, but wasn't able to concentrate on his work. He mulled over the interaction he just had with you. He feels like his emotions are about to leap out of his chest, and they almost did in that moment. Neuvillette is still in the process of getting used to expressing himself. He didn't know what to do next.
He wanted to ask you to dinner or something else you may enjoy, but found himself being held back. He was afraid of making you uncomfortable, the fact that he was essential now responsible for all of Fontaine, and furthermore his true identity which you do not know of. The Iudex even considered writing a letter to the traveller and Paimon to ask them for help, but didn't want to trouble them.
"Neuvillette!" he hears a faint voice call out for him. "Monsieur Neuvillette!"
He turns back, recognizing that the voice was you. But he couldn't see you in the city that was slowly getting more grey... except an umbrella with legs.
"Monsieur Neuvillette- you don't have an umbrella, you're going to get soaked!" you say in concern for him.
He realizes he can't really see your face since the umbrella was covering you... it's quite adorable. It makes him smile for a brief moment. He reaches for the handle and raises it up so that it now covers the both of you. The Iudex's breath gets caught when his throat tightens, when you are revealed to him.
Through his eyes, he can see you telling him something- however, he is not focused on that. He can't help but admire how your eyes glimmer even in these grey skies. How even when he was drenched you are happy to see him.
His overflowing heart cannot stop him anymore, for his free hand reaches to softly cup your cheek, his body bending down to your height. You let out a small gasp and immediately stop talking. Your heart is beating furiously as well.
"May I?" Neuvillette asks you with the most delicate of whispers.
"Yes," you say, unable to contain your smile. "Of course, Neuvillette." Yours and Neuvillette's eyes close as you bring your hands under his damp jaw. He is the one who closes the gap between you two, and kisses you with fervour, while not forgetting to be gentle. His lips are soft, melding with yours perfectly. His hand still holds your cheek throughout with a featherlight touch.
You and Neuvillette are all butterflies when you look into each other's eyes, relishing in what just happened.
"I believe I know the answer to your question earlier." The Iudex says breathlessly. "You have captured my heart, (Y/n)."
"And you have captured mine." You reply lovingly. Though, after saying it out loud, it seems you both knew this is how you felt for a while now.
"If I may ask, would you like to accompany me to have dinner and see a play at the Opera Epiclese after?" Neuvillette finally gets the confidence to express what he wanted to ask you. And he's even happier when he already feels he knows your answer from how you're smiling.
"I'd love to." You say, wrapping your arms around him. He returns the gesture with his one free arm, with both of you basking in the moment for a while before you head to your destination.
"The rain seems to be stopping." You say, gazing up at the sky seeing less droplets fall. Your eyes curiously watch how the rain magically decided to stop.
"So it is..." He does the same, except his eyes quickly fall back to you with a sigh of relief.
Thank you for being patient! I hope you all enjoyed. Likes, reblogs, and/or comments are appreciated. Stay tuned for a milestone event and more of my drafts being released!
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shinjisdone · 1 year
When You Have An Secret Admirer - And It's Not Them (Diasomnia; 7)
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A love letter was left at your door and now you are searching for that ‘secret admirer’ - everyone wants to help you out…but have their own reason for it.
'I can't give you the faboulus experience of an Fae nor can I give you the treasures of royalty...I'm sorry about that. But know that I can give you my entire heart.'
form of headcanons + scenario-ish
[note: reader is gender-neutral but mostly mentioned in 2. pov; a series of everyone you meet following you. headcanon will follow each char. own thoughts on the situation. mostly nervousness, slight jealousy & stubbornness]
Part 1: Heartslabyul
Part 2: Savanaclaw
Part 3: Octavinelle
Part 4: Scarabia
Part 5: Pomefiore
Part 6: Ignihyde
Weirdly enough nighttime was your comfort time.
An odd thing to name it, Malleus noted. You could only half-heartedly laugh as your eyes drifted to the ground. You could barely listen to his ramblings of gargoyles.
In fact, you were somewhat...relieved. Malleus and in this case all of Diasomnia haven't...done anything. No cheating. No corruption. No overblot.
Not yet at least.
There wasn't a single thing to dislike about them, aside from their little ego boost they get when they show off their power. It's true most students of that dorm are highly talented nobles and nobility tends to get arrogant. Surely they couldnt be such an eyesore, right?
Could your secret admirer do anything to them?
Lillia Vanrouge
That'd be a foolish decision.
Lillia is surprisingly one of the last people to get wind of these things. Both Kalim and Cater weren't so talkative of what happened in their dorms when he meets with them in their club. In Cater's case, Riddle insists on not talking about the 'criminal' so rumors wouldn't spread and Kalim was surprisingly dejected at the mention of the secret admirer.
A secret admirer, eh?
Oh, how exciting that sounds. Lillia didn't know young people were still into that old courtship tradition.
Though he has heard they aren't really your typical, run-of-the-mill admirer...
Even for Fae standards that is...woof.
And they have their eye, heart, admiration and affection all for you? Little Prefect of Ramshakle dorm and Malleus' friend?
Well, that makes perfect sense. Lillia couldn't imagine anyone else being the target object of affections, especially when someone is this determined to show their love.
On one hand he is happy for you. You deserve all this attention for you are such a cutie human. But on the other hand...eeeehh, perhaps such a person would not really suit you, no?
I mean, even Lillia finds them a tad bit odd and maybe extreme.
The father-like blood in him causes him to worry. He is of course worried about you but especially about Silver and Malleus. The latter won't like that his favorite human is...well, getting attention in such a way.
And Silver? Poor boy probaby doesn't know what to do with himself.
Oh, my. Perhaps he should offer a helping hand.
Sebek Zigvolt
What is the meaning of THIIIIIISSS
The last one of the first years to catch up.
Literally did not notice a single thing until the squad straight up told him + he needed the extra confirmation from Lillia. What do you mean you had a secret admirer from the very start?
Your strange behaviour? Sebek shurgged it off, probably just the change of the weather.
Things going haywire in the other dorms? Well, obviously. They aren't as great and organized as Diasmonia and have no great WAKA-SAMAAA in their circle.
Admirer shenanigans? Pah, nothin' but rumors.
BUt the MOMENT Lillia or Malleus tell him of these things he just IMMEDIATELY believes them.
WH-wh-wh-WHaAT??? :O Waka-sama you are so smart for noticing these things! OH, you are like a royal detective, the Sherlock Holmes of faes to-
Wait, everybody already knows?
A bit...stumped and confused. You...got a secret admirer? And judging from all the things he has heard and all the lasting consequences he has seen in the dorms...it's quite serious too, isn't it?
WelL; whAt does the matters of a hUmAN concern him ANYWAY??? YOU Aren't Waka-sama nor Lilia-sama so...who cares??? Sebek doesn't. Nope. Not one bit.
The others try as they may but Sebek gives the entire thing the cold shoulder. He doesn't care, that is your problem. If anything, aren't humans usually super happy when they have a secret admirer? You should concider yourself grateful.
The squad tells him, no, this isn't something to be thankful for nor something to ignore. This is serious and complicated and none of them can just leave you alone in this.
Sebek supposes that makes sense...
But well, he...he can't show he cares...because he doesn't. No.
Also kind of the last one to catch up. Mostly because he literally slept on it.
Well, techincally it is not of his concern. It doesn't interfere with his classes, his training or when it comes to protecting Malleus, though the latter seems to be concerned.
He can't deny his worries...and understands them, too. You are a great friend to Malleus and to Silver as well.
Of course. It makes sense that you have a secret admirer. You are to be admired for all that you are. All that you have gone through as a magicless student. Though is this attention truly...loving?
Does not have a single concern in his mind if Diasomnia will be humiliated next. His old man is nto concerned and therefore, he won't be either.
Silver is more worried about Malleus.
Additionally, you have to face these 'affections' all on your own...will you be alright? Perhaps you need protection?
Silver would gladly provide it...but he is unsure if he can just barge in and be part of this whole shenanigan.
Malleus Draconia
Funnily enough, Malleus is one of the first people to know about your admirer.
It was the night after the 'crime' was comitted at Heartslabyul. Lost in your thoughts you almost forgot that you promised Malleus to accompany him on your many night walks.
The prince noticed your stillness.
"I'm sorry, Tsunotarou," You gave him a nervous smile, "Something came up today and I think I need to...think it all through."
You cut the stroll short and excused yourself. Malleus had no problem and let you be, a bit surprised you'd ever find yourself in a pickle. "Certainly. Just know that you can always talk to me about your worries, Child of Man...or not if you don't prefer."
And so you were gone. And your strolls became shorter and shorter.
Out of worry, the fae went to Lillia and told him of his woes. His friend is...not as chipper as usual.
Lillia promises to keep an eye out...and lo and behold, as the news of the admirer became bigger and bigger and the things they caused out of love more vivid and vivid, Lillia told Malleus of what was really going on.
A...secret admirer?
He felt a bit uneasy at the thought...
He may not be present at everything nor up to date (it feels like not getting invited) but Malleus can tell that this way of courtship is...peculiar.
Was first surprised that traditional wooing was also executed by humans (your admirer IS human, right?) but oh my, not even faes are that...hm, let's say, determined and petty.
Thinks it's endearing but also pathetic. Winning your love does not need to revolve around the doom of other dorms, does it? Even when they have wronged you.
After all, you all made up. You wanted to and were the reason why everything was good between you and the dorms now, even though you are magicless.
Seems like this admirer does not know you well...not as well as Malleus does.
The prince has been quietly pondering ever since, cradling his chin in thought. Lillia watches in anticipation.
My, this is strange.
Lillia has been watching from the sidelines for quite a bit...but he got the feeling that today was especially peculiar.
Making his way to the entrance of the dorm he absent-mindedly told Silver of his mild woes to which the lad immediately insistend on accompanying his father. Usually the fae would decline and say it isn't a big deal...but maybe Silver should witness it, too.
The student followed worriedly as Lillia seemed to...go up and down and all around the entire dormitory. He knew he was old but old enough to know the entire building like the back of his hand? Where are they going anyway, it feels like entering a labyrinth.
The wind blew high and dark clouds swirled around. Just as Silver wanted to ask what they are doing on the roof, Lilia seemed to have caught something right before it went down the chimney. The fae barely waited to be back in his room and opened up the letter right then and there.
'Nighly walks can make one sick, Draconia.'
What a way to start off a greeting.
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Oh my, my, my, MY!
Alright, his gut was right then.
Lilia wasn't planning on interfering, really...but this won't do.
Passive-aggressive jealousy towards Malleus and therefore the entirety of Diasomnia cannot be ignored.
It's kind of a shame really. This secret admirer seemed so passionate but it also looks like their negative traits are passionately expressed as well.
They just had to succumb to their weakness...love really makes people complicated. Or commit awful things unnecessarily.
Silver already knows and he trusts him. However, it's best if you and Sebek don't get the news...you are heavily involved as the admired and Sebek can get uuhhhh...maybe even more passionate than the admirer themselves.
Unsure how to approach Malleus though. The lad also feels quickly challenged...
An emergency!
Silver is ready to draw his sword. It must be one of these messaged threats to royals he has heard about! In fact, it reminds him of the tale of the Thorn Fairy...
Nevertheless he keeps his cool, following Lilia. However, he can't help but stick close to Malleus in general...glimpsing at him in worry.
As a matter of fact, his thoughts then flow over to you. While the message was meant for Malleus and is certainly no love letter, he still worries about you. If Malleus has to deal with something akin to jealousy and well, a threat (thats what he sees it as for sure, Lilia is a bit more amused even in his concerns) what must you be feeling being the object of affection?
How long will you play that role? Are you comfortable? Unsure? Unsafe? It is such a complicated issue, one that does not need to go over such lengths...
If only your admirer were normal...
Hm, no...maybe no. Maybe that still wouldn't calm Silver entirely.
As a knight he does not have a good feeling about this. He decided he will protect Malleus and you. The crown prince is being threatened and you seem more like a damsel in distress rather than a blushing maiden to him anyway...
Just how is Silver going to approach this? Just start hanging around you like a guard?
He got the feeling he might start having bad dreams about this...
As much as Lillia tried to keep this a secret, Sebek of course butts heads and shoves his nose wherever needed when it comes to the well-being of Malleus.
Is quick to panic and will drop everything to find the 'enemy'. No one will get past him to WAKA-SAMA!!!!
Unlike Silver, Sebek is unfortunately too emotional to control himself and will quickly blame you for having this 'secret admireeeer' of yours who only causes trouble! Don't you know?! They want Waka-sama's head! (An exaggeration)
This of course leads to the word being spreak quite quickly. Huh? The dormleader of Diasomnia got a letter? Bullying? No, threats? THE crown prince? What's going on?
Great job, Sebek, now everyone knows.
The student quickly clams up and starts feeling guilty for pointing his finger at you and barking up the wrong tree. Silver and Lilia are quick to tell him that this isn't your fault and that just adds to his guilt.
Yet...it is your secret admirer's fault. They are the one causing trouble, they are the one envying Waka-sama, they are the one trying to win your heart.
He's all over the place and so are his feelings. Sebek is trying to do the right thing but it isn't going as swell as he hoped he would.
If only that admirer never had the courage to show you their love and none of this would be happening. If only things could have stayed the way they have.
Thanks to tattletale Sebek, Malleus swiftly heard of this 'bullying' as some students have asked him about and demanded Lillia to show him this so-called 'threat'.
Re-reading the one sentence over and over again, Malleus couldn't help but laugh. He first chuckled, then chortled before straight up letting out a guffaw.
"Nightly walks makes one sick, eh?" He mockingly repeats. There's something about this letter that hinders him from crumbling or throwing it away. Looking at it a second longer, Malleus insisted on keeping it.
Wouldn't matter if it did go missing. The prince can easily recall the threat as if it were a spell.
The fae can't deny it. The thought of you having a secret admirer irked him. It made absolute sense that someone else notices your quaint self and so he held himself back. As long as you were happy.
But now this petty student thinks they can just challenge him? Tell him to stop spending time with you?
All the while spitting out the name 'Draconia'. He could read the venom out of it.
How funny. They think Malleus will listen? Set aside his own feelings and just - stop being your friend? Sever your bond and accept defeat as if he had no chance whatsoever?
Pathetic little worm.
[welp, this is the last one. i saw many wondering who the admirer might be and...its not what you think. not malleus. think of anyone and you are wrong. its no one from rsa either. sooo...will be taking a break now and instead take requests. after that another project with the secret admirer will be started before they finally and officially confess to you...]
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ellieslittleburrow · 3 months
Coming home late..doesn't keep Dean okay.
Summery : You've been acting out, lately. Or at least that's what Sam and Dean called it. For you it was just having fun, living. That is until Dean couldn't take it anymore...
Warnings : a bit of a violent behaviour, stern brother
Pairings : Dean winchester x sister reader
A/n : AHA WHATS THAT TITLE. Also i'm sorry if this brings bad memories to any of you guys ❤️ Comments are much appreciated peeps 🌸
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"Lookie here"
A voice you have so carelessly gotten used to, tinted with a hint of disappointment and of passive aggressiveness. "Miss wild life has just come back from her adventures."
You sighed as your boots tiredly thump the metallic steps of the bunker and Dean emerged through the metallic columns.
"What?" You threw your arms out. "Am i not allowed to go out now? Should i ask for your permission for everything?" You spat out. Fucker really had to do this as soon as you came back home?
"No!" Dean rose from the chair and dangerously made his way to you. "You could've answered the phone one of the 10 times i called, though!" He sounded enthusiastic for a second. "Or maybe just gotten home on time." And then that enthusiasm shifted to disappointment. And after a few seconds of silence, he spoke again, his voice fatigued. "What are you doing, kid?"
It was a simple 4 worded question. But the answer to it requiered a few shrinks and lots of writing. You didn't know why you were acting this way, really. To you it was no big deal. Why do they want to force everything on you? Get home at this hour, wear this and not that, eat, don't talk to that person, don't haunt this and that...You were just done with all this attention to the little details that meant nothing to you...You just..wanted them to notice you, what you liked, your qualities, the fact that you knew well enough how to haunt. There was also the fact that...handling things on your own was no longer a possibility..The pain, the nightmares, the memories.
"I'm not doing anything, Dean. I just got home like-" You stop to look at your watch. "A fucking hour late. Boohoo, what a big fucking dea-"
You stop! Faltering for a tiny moment before quickly recovering, adrenaline pumping through your body.
"Don't raise your voic-"
You'd spoke but Dean interrupted you, closing the gap between you, sending you staggering backwards. But you still hold your head up high, chest puffed up and ready to fight...cleching your fists as your hands trembled.
"i don't think you understand, lily." Your brother wrapped his hand around your arm, looming over your -what felt like- tiny body. You held your gaze down. Are you still going to fight? Or are you going to apologize and move on?
"It's not because i let you loose that it's actually acceptable for you to behave this way. I understand that you're angry and that you're taking it out on me-"
"that's fucking stupi-"
Fight it is..
"it's not stupid, you're acting out like you're five."
"i swear to god and i promise you, if you ever do this again, lily, you're done. And not done the way you usually are. I promise you that if you do this ever again, i will make sure you never forget that day. "
You scoff and shrug, the perfect cocktail for Dean's eyes to go lower, darker. Angrier. But all that bitterness washed away... and he nodded, slowly.
"Okay then" He let go of your arm and you internally wished he didn't. It felt now like you'd rather he grounds you and yells, because that smile meant that whatever was coming, was going to be much worse.
"Since you're all grown up and ready to take care of yourelf, let me change it up for you."
Much worse indeed..
He stood up straight and you shrunk again. You didn't want this!!! This is not what you had in m-
"We've already got enough problems on our plate, you acting out, with your temper tantrums and your shit-" He shakes his hands. " i'm not having it."
You'd speak up...apologize..But you're too angry and terrified to even think. Let alone talk.
"You do this shit again, you're out. Capiche?"
You opened your mouth to speak but!- you're stunned. And a lump grew heavy in your throat as regret set in....
"And you watch your language, or else i promise you i'll smack your face so bad your jaw will hurt."
Your eyebrows stood up in surprise..Never has Dean EVER been this violent. And by the looks of it, he meant it. He meant all of it. Every single word. And you...you-
You burst into tears, choking as saliva pooled in your mouth. You've never felt such things and-and you don't get why he'd eve-
"I asked you a question, lily." He thundered but you were in no state that would get you to stop crying, anytime soon. Only an unintentional whimper escaped your lips. "Lily, i asked you a question." He demanded again, groaning higher.
You nod, hoping it would get him off you but...that only infuriorates him more. "ANSWER ME."
his tone turned more violent, piercing your ears and you nodded again. "Yeah. Yes-I I understand." Your lips trembling as your upper body leaned away from him.
Just then does he let go of your arm. "'Out of my face now, kid."
Without hesitation, you stepped aside, heading for your room.
You placed the back of your hand on your mouth, covering it before another wave of tears comes in.
You might've fucked up, badly this time, as Dean has never been this mean to you. And it just felt like....John and Sam all over again.
You had to do something about. But it could wait. Until Sam came back.
Ola, yall! I love writing angst 😭😭😭 What do we think???? ❤️❤️❤️🥀🥀🥀
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mncxbe · 11 months
Hello! I was wondering if I could request the Hunting Dog Bois (Jōno, Tecchou, and Tachihara) reacting to their SO saying that they want a baby?
Thank you for your time! :)
Omg yes absolutely this was so nice to write. I hope you like it and thanks for requesting♡ I got a bit silly at Tecchou's part hehe
𝑱ō𝒏𝒐, 𝑻𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂, 𝑻𝒆𝒄𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒖 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: fluff♡/ implied smut?/ comfort
○☆° // 𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: season 4 spoilers
he teases you so much at first but when he realizes you're serious he's a bit reluctant
it's not like he doesn't want to have a kid with you, but he doesn't get to spend much time with you as it is. the kid would only make things more complicated // also doesn't think he's ready for such a responsibility
if he agrees I feel like he'd be more excited about the process of making the baby than the baby itself
Your partner didn't have many free days, but when he finally got one he always spent it with you. Fancy dinners, coffee shop dates, simple hangouts at home you name it; Jōno didn't care what you did as long as you were together. He adored your high spirits and was so smitten with you that only hearing the fast thumping of your heart when he hugged you made him forget all his worries.
But recently he started noticing a strange change in your behaviour: whenever you passed by a crying baby your breath would hitch. Jono didn't pay much attention to this since he assumed that you were simply annoyed by those little creatures. Well, that was until you popped the question.
"Hey Sai, I want to have a baby" you said one day. You were both laying on the cushioned couch in your shared apartment, your head nestled against his chest.
"What's that?" he asked, raising a brow in confusion.
"I said I want to have a baby"
"What like buy one? Why not get a kitten instead?" he teased. Jono's grin slowly began to fade when he saw the serious look on your face.
"I'm not joking, Sai. We've been together for such a long time and I'd like us to have a kid. What do you say?"
Your partner shrugged, gently peeling you off of him. "I mean, if you really want to... To me it sounds like a bother."
"What do you mean by that?" you cried out in dismay, clearly not expecting this reaction from him.
The knot in Jono's chest tightened at the sound of your shaky voice. The last thing he wanted was to upset you. It's not like he didn't want to start a family with you, he just wished he could have you all to himself on his free days.
"Well" he began in the most soothing voice possible "I guess I don't want us to lose what we have now. I enjoy how peaceful our home is and having a baby will just stir things up and to be frank, work is already chaotic enough. I don't think I could handle being a dad too."
His confession made your heart melt, all the tension built between the two of you dissipating in a matter of seconds.
"Oh Sai." you sighed, one of your hands sliding up to cup his cheek "I know that a kid will change things, but no matter what we'll still love eachother. As long as we're together I promise, we got this. And of course we can wait a few more years if you're not ready. I just want you to be happy, my love"
Now it was Jono's turn to be emotional. He gently removed your hands from his face and gave them a little squeez.
"Thanks dear. I know it'll be alright, but I'd like to wait a few more months at least, ok?"
"Sure" you smiled reassuringly "But who knew that the strongest Hunting Dog would be scared of fatherhood." You laughed at your own remark, gaining a mischevious grin from your partner.
"Quit teasing, darling. Or we may end up having that kid sooner than planned" he said, giving you a wink.
he's surprised to say the least but also thrilled
you're the one for him and he definitely wants to have a baby with you, but he can't help but worry
the loss of his brother still affects him and he cannot help but wonder if he'll be able to protect the two of you; after all, if the Mafia finds out he's just a spy, who knows what they'll do...
long story short he worries a lot but after you talk things out and reassure him, he'll agree
he'd literally be the most caring dad ever, always taking your kid to the zoo or to ride the ferris wheel♡
"Honey, I'm home" said your boyfriend as he entered your condo.
When you heard his voice you immediately abandoned the book you were reading and rushed to the hallway; and there he was, standing in front of the door with a bouchet of light pink hyacinths in his hands. Not caring about the flowers you jumped in his arms, embracing him tightly and he eagerly returned a hug.
"I missed you so much Michi" you cooed, showering him with saccherine kisses.
"Hey, enough love" he chuckled as he gently pulled you away "How have you been? I hope my pretty girl had a great day."
"Yes I did, work was great but honestly I was so excited that you'd come home tonight."
"Me too, princess" he said as he untied his shoes and took off his crimson cape. Your boyfriend hasn't been around that much since he infiltrated the Port Mafia. He knew the job was risky and in the event he got caught, it would be best if the mafiosi didn't know about your existence; they would surely hurt you as a way of punishing him. So Tachihara had bought a second apartment where he lived during these interventions. He only came home when he was working with the Hunting Dogs.
"Sooo honey I was wondering if we could talk about something tonight." you inquired, toying with a stray strand hair.
"Of course we can. Did something happen?"
"Oh no nothing. I just had a question for you."
Your boyfriend took a step forward and seized your hips, pulling you closer to him. "Alright then tell me. What is this all about?"
"Ok so" you began, trying your best to hide the slight blush that was spreading on your cheeks "I wanted to ask you if you'd like to have a baby with me."
Tachihara's face dropped when he heard your proposal. For a second you thought he was upset about your idea, but before you could apologize the lovesick smile returned to his lips "I uh well I don't know what to say about that" he stuttered, trying to avoid meeting your gaze.
"I mean it would be amazing. I'd love to start a family with you" he continued as he scratched the back of his head. "But don't you think we're a bit too young for that?"
"Oh not now Michi. We can wait a few more years but we should start saving up for a crib and all that, you know? Baby stuff are quite expensive"
"Yea, I guess you're right" he said before going silent, a shadow of doubt clouding his eyes.
"What is it, love?" you eventually asked him.
"It may sound a bit silly but do you think I'm fit for being a dad?"
You quickly took a step back "What do you mean by that? Of course you'd be a great dad". But your words didn't reassure him too much. You could tell there were things still left unsaid so you asked him to take a seat on the couch while you made some tea for the two of you.
A few minuted later you joined your partner on your sofa, two cups of steaming orange tea in your hands.
"Ok now tell me, Michi. What's bothering you?"
He took your hands in his, his amber eyes fixated on the bamboo floor and after taking a deep breath he started talking:
"I've always regretted not being able to save my brother. If only I had been a few years older I could've joined him in the army and maybe things would've been different. I guess I'm just worried about having a kid. What if something happens and I'm not there to protect you two?"
It hurt to hear him say such things; he sounded so defeated. You gently placed your index finger under his chin, forcing him to meet your gaze. "Don't worry about that dear." you said in your softest voice "It's all going to be fine. We can have the kid after you finish your undercover mission. Plus, not only will our kid have an awesome dad, bur also a badass mom. I can kick ass too, never forget that."
Tachihara chuckled at your words "I know love, you're truly amazing. Thanks for listening to me, it means a lot."
"No problem, love"
He swiftly wrapped his arms around you, resting his head on your chest as you playfully ruffled his hair. Now that things were sorted out he could finally relax in the comfort of your embrace; his eyelids were getting heavier and he felt as if he was under a spell.
"I love you, Michi" you chanted, your voice lulling him to sleep.
He only mumbled in response, placing a tender kiss on your neck. "Love you too, sugar"
the moment he hears your proposal he drops to his knees and starts giving one of his speeches
he promises he'll be a good father and a faithful husband and will do anything for you; he'll fight to ensure a safe future for your baby and all that
so yea he doesn't oppose to the idea, he's actually quite excited about it. He already he's going to spend the rest of his life with you so why not start a family?
you make him swear that he won't try to feed the kid his strange food combinations
You would often joke with your boyfriend about how you wanted him to give you his babies. And how could you not? He looked so attractive doing literally anything that you couldn't help yourself. You loved how caring and innocent he was, how he'd always make you dinner on weekends (actually refraining from trying any strange combinations) and plan the nicest dates; he was always there when you needed a shoulder to cry on and was eternally devoted to you. His looks were just a bonus.
But when you saw him buying an ice cream for the neighbour's kid one summer morning, you realized that you may actually want to have a kid with him.
"Say, darling, can I ask you something?" you inquired as he stepped foot in your apartment. He had just finished running and glistening beads of sweat were sticking to the tips of his hair.
"Yes, my love. What is it?"
"You know how I always ask you to give me your babies?"
"Ah yes" he chuckled, taking a sip of water from his hydro flask "You say that quite a lot"
"Yea well I think I'd actually like to start a family with you" you said coyly, flashing him your most alluring smile.
Your boyfriend, who was getting ready to drink some more water, stopped dead in his tracks. He suddenly placed the steel container on the countertop and made his way to you, holding your hands as your eyes met.
"My love, I would be honoured to be the father of your child and start a family with you. I swear on my sword that I will be a devoted husband and I will protect our child with my life."
He had such a serious expression that you couldn't contain your laughter.
"Oh Hiro you're something else, did you know that?" you teased, hoping to get a reaction out of him. But you boyfriend simply stood there holding your hands, his lips pressed in a tight line.
"I'm serious, Y/N. I know you're the only woman I'll ever love, my heart is yours. I do want to have a baby with you."
His gaze was so intense you felt your knees wobble. You opened your mouth, fumbling for words when he quickly captured your lips in a tender kiss. It felt so much more intimate than any other kiss you'd shared before.
"Did you really mean what you said?" you asked once he pulled away, his face still inches from yours.
Tecchou nodded, his eyes glimmering with adoration. "Of course."
"Well then it's settled, we'll have a kid. Let's get to it" you announced triumphantly as you began dragging him towards the bedroom. Your boyfriend tried to protest but the grip you had on his arm was unshakeable.
"But I want to marry you first." he whined, making you cease your motion. "Y/N will you be my wife?"
He spoke the words so tenderly, almost as if they were made of gold leaf. Needless to say you said yes; you've been a couple for more than four years now and you were ready to start this new chapter of your life together.
Then pulled him into a passionate kiss and he took the hint; swiftly picking you up he made his way to your bedroom, closing the door behind.
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maochira · 1 year
All your wounds are mine. (Ryusei Shidou x reader)
Synopsis: Shidou loves the process of comforting you - but that requires making you cry first.
Tags: gn!reader x Shidou, (kinda) problematic behaviour from Shidou, hurt/comfort I think?
Shidou isn't that good at being romantic. He's great at flirting and knows just right how to get you flustered. But when he's supposed to be more serious with romance, he struggles. He simply doesn't know what to do most of the time.
But regardless, there's no person who knows you as well as your boyfriend does. He knows the things that make you happy, things you're insecure about, he knows what makes you laugh and what makes you cry. But maybe the last part is more of a disadvantage.
Today just isn't your day. Minor inconveniences have stacked on top of each other that ended up making you feel miserable. Usually, those inconveniences wouldn't have bothered you at all, just more and more of them kept happening until you just felt tired of everything and wanted the day to be over already. But at least you could look forward to Shidou visiting in the evening. You just had to pass the time until then.
Usually, your boyfriend's presence makes you feel better quickly, just today it doesn't seem to work. Even when you're sitting next to each other on your bed, you feel as down as before Shidou arrived at your place. And of course, he notices there's something off about you, so he encourages you to tell him what's wrong just like he always does. He's comforted you a couple times in the past, especially when you were crying and breaking down, so of course he's there for you now as well.
Just today, he's acting so differently. In the middle of your vent, Shidou interrupts you seemingly without care and says "Sounds like nothing more than a few inconveniences to me," With a blank expression.
"I know, but just so many things went wrong and now I just feel like-" You get interrupted a second time.
"And what about it? Just a few things went wrong. You can fix them easily."
You don't even answer anything. You're just wondering: What's wrong with Shidou today? Why isn't he listening to you properly and why doesn't he take your problems seriously? Sure, he always prefers to be less serious and more lighthearted on most things. But usually, when it comes to seeing you in pain, he gets very protective and serious. Why not today? Because you were the cause of your own problems and it wasn't another person who hurt you? Thinking back, so far he only got the chance to comfort you when you were hurt by someone else. Or by him.
After you don't answer for a few moments, Shidou continues talking. "Maybe don't be such a crybaby over a few inconveniences," Shidou says in a slightly mocking tone, almost with a hint of laughter in his voice.
And that's exactly what makes the tears that you've been holding back run down your face. In the same moment, something about Shidou changes. Suddenly, he seems concerned about you.
He knows exactly what he's doing. Something in his head just clicked when he saw you were feeling bad, but not crying. To Shidou, that wasn't enough to comfort you. He needs you to cry. So he made you cry. And actually, he expected it to take longer until you'd break out in tears, but you were closer to the edge than he expected. But at least that means he won't say any more hurtful things.
"Don't hold those tears in," Shidou quickly wraps his arms around you and pulls you closer to his body. One of his hands gently pushes your head down so you can rest against his chest.
And now while you're crying against your boyfriend's chest, all that runs through his head is how absolutely adorable you look. Both of his arms are wrapped tightly around your body and you just look so... vulnerable. Because you are - and Shidou used that to his advantage.
This is the first time he's acting like this - and it won't be the last time either.
He knows how wrong it is to make you cry. It's not your pain that he enjoys, he just can't help but love the process of comforting you. To Shidou, it's one of the few times he genuinely knows how to express his love to you, even though he has to hurt you first. He'd really prefer if he was able to express his feelings without having to hurt you beforehand, but this is the only way he knows.
But at least he knows a part of your pain is his fault. He's doing it intentionally, after all. But hey, he's making it up to you again.
"I'm sorry for what I said," He apologizes while gently stroking your hair, "Don't cry too much, okay? I don't want you to get a headache."
You're confused about the sudden change in his behaviour, but it's nothing you currently want to complain about. Your boyfriend is back to his usual behaviour, maybe even softer than he usually is while comforting you.
Shidou carefully pushes your body a little away from himself so he can look into your eyes. "Let me give you a kiss where I hurt you, okay?" he whispers in a comforting tone before he leans his head down to your chest and kisses the area where your heart is. "After all..." he puts his hand on your chest to feel your heartbeat, "All your wounds are mine."
Based on these headcanons I wrote three months ago!
Taglist: @luvistarzx, @kaineedstherapy12, @zyuuuu, @luvcalico, @truegoist, @vanitasbrainrot - sign up for my taglist right here!
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gabessquishytum · 6 months
Hob sees Dream in an airport. They are not going to the same place. Is it weird that he's trying to (not creepily,,,, TOTALLY creepily) figure out were the pretty boy is going and change his ticket.
Hob has a conference he's supposed to be presenting at; it's 6 months of work, he was excited to present this paper,,, it's probably one of the last things to put him over the top to get tenure. He really wants tenure.....He might want the Hot Goth more.
The ticket agent doesn’t seem entirely convinced by Hob's romanticism. But Hob is getting on that flight to [*]. (And at least Hob didn’t check a bag and has his passport!)
HA! Doubters -- Hob walks right passed his pretty boy (and his fancy first class seat) on the way to his seat in the back.
Score! This is a plane with seat-to-seat messaging. Hob just has to figure out a good opening to get his precious (*cough*)/soulmate (**cough**)/new best friend (👍🏽👍🏽) to message him back.
As if Dream hasn't noticed the cute man with the puppy dog eyes who's been following him around the airport! Dream himself happens to be on the way to a conference, and he's been bored enough to notice all the little things in the airport. Like the cute guy, for example. He almost smiles when he sees Hob heading into economy. But Dream doesn't smile at anyone, even cute guys, so he schools his face into a scowl.
He gets a message on the in-flight messaging thingy: "I hope you don't mind the turbulence, because you've got my heart racing."
And it's so terrible of course he has to reply: "the flight has been remarkably smooth so far, thank you. is it bumpy back there in economy?"
They flirt back and forth the whole time. But because the different classes disembark separately, they lose each other. They're both quite miserable as they make their way to the conference centre...
...until they're both checking into the hotel, and Hob notices a familiar head of raven black hair. HOT GOTH!!!!!!! THEYRE AT THE SAME CONFERENCE!!!!!!!!
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go6jo · 9 months
Okay so you don't have to but I'm a pre-med student and the pressure is kicking my ass and I need some geto comfort content😍
So could you please write something in which the reader has been feeling super overwhelmed because of people's expectations of them but has been trying to suppress it to not breakdown and one day is triggered by something and when geto asks how they are, they breakdown completely and geto comforts them?
i don't think you'd ever reach the point of a full blown meltdown with suguru. he's so in tune with you and your emotions, he knows you so well he can almost read through you like an open book, he notices the small changes in your behaviour, knows every telltale sign of your frustration, takes note of the plate of fresh fruit he cut for you left untouched besides you on the desk, notices how even though you barely even finish your food nowadays, whenever you slip into bed next to him, you always ask him to rub your tummy to sleep, complaining about a stomach ache that just doesn’t seem to go away - knows you're teetering on the edge of breaking down and is so cautious, so careful with you as not to push you over it. he never strays too far from you, in case you might need him, maybe you'd be sitting on the dining table studying for an upcoming exam and he'd notice your fingers tangled in your hair, unconsciously tugging on the hairs of your scalp and he'd sit down next to you, quietly because he doesn't wish to disrupt you from your profound state of concentration, and slide his hand into yours, to hold it, rubbing circles with his thumb on the back of your hand - he doesn't make a big deal out of it, rarely ever calls you out on your harmful habits, not out loud at least, he does his best to always intervene, though discreetly, and is very sly about it because he is afraid that if he acknowledges them, if he scolds you on it, upon your fragile state, he might be doing more harm than good, so he makes it his mission to soothe any stress you might have, to silently ease you into relaxing even if just a little, to comfort you and to be there for you. so suguru treats you so very delicately, like fine china, if he notices you trying to read through a whole textbook in one sitting, without taking breaks he will walk over to where you're seated, no words spoken, he will start massaging the tension that has started building up on your shoulders away, he does it slow and it's somewhat sensual and so so good, he's pulling small sighs of pleasure out of you and his touch is so soothing - he always knows just the right strings to pull - he's never invasive, you won't notice how he's slowly but surely coaxing you into leaving work aside, the book you'd been reading left abandoned opened on the table, long forgotten. you won't notice how easily you to turn to putty in his hands, he makes you submit so willingly that it seems like this was all your decision to begin with. and once he feels you start to relax into his touch, once he thinks you're pliant enough, once he has got you just where he wants, his hand inches closer and closer to your neck until it wraps itself around the front, and its gentle - his grip - yet a domineering gesture, pointer finger stretching to push against your jaw and force you to look up at him.
"have you eaten?" you don't answer. your head is leaning against his stomach, his fingers are kneading at your jaw and you think you might fall asleep. "baby." hes more assertive this time around, capturing your attention and forcing your eyes open.
"i'm studying, suguru." your voice melts away with every syllable, eyes growing heavy and body going limp against him - he has got you, hook, line and sinker.
"and i haven't seen you take a break today." suguru is your boyfriend, if you won't take care of yourself, he will. "you'll make yourself sick, pretty" so he pulls back the chair you're sitting on and he bends down to your level, stretching his arms open to beckon you into holding onto him, hoisting you up when you do.
he carries you to bed and sits you down on his lap, your legs circling his waist, the heel of your feet digging into his lower back and holding him flush against you. the palms of his hands start creeping up the skin of your thighs, then higher to your waist, gently stroking up and down your sides, up and down, then just the tip of his fingers, a touch so light, barely even there, brushing up and down, up and down. he stops only to reach for the back of his shirt and take it off, knows you like it better that way, when there is nothing in between the two of you, when you can press your cheek directly to his naked chest. then his hands are back on your body, feeling you up, massaging the muscles on your back, dutifully switching between a gentle touch and a firmer one, just languidly rubbing up and down your back until he feels your breath hitch when his fingers press against a particular sore spot on your body, which lets him know of a painful knot that might require his attention. and he always knows just the right spots to touch, the right pressure to apply because once he starts relieving the tension, that over the past few weeks has settled deep inside you, its not long until he begins to feel your tears on his skin, he never has to do much - just has to do it right - for you to let it all out, to open up to him.
"im so tired, 'ru."
you offer yourself to him so readily. he never has to beg you to let him in, it may take a little effort on his end but you always end up handing him the key to your heart on a silver platter.
"i know, baby"
"i don't think i can do this anymore." your voice is weak, it quivers as you sob quietly into the crook of his neck.
"yes, you can. you always do." he tries to hush you with a quick peck to your temple, soft fingers threading through your hair, unruly for, these days, you barely even took the time to brush it thoroughly "just lay here with me for a while and i'll make you feel better, yeah?"
and hes such a nerd, he would let himself fall backwards into the matress with you lying on top of him and hed tell you all about an article he recently read on how people store a lot of negative emotions on their hips and he'd just very soothingly knead on them for you, to try to gather if it's true, what he read, and maybe you'd cry a little bit more in his arms and he'd just press the most tender, lingering kisses to your temple and swallow the whines you let out in pain when his fingers dig a tad too deep into your flesh, or press down into a more sensitive spot. he's the best stress reliever.
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dazaisms · 3 months
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synopsis. how the ada would react to dazai's death.
characters. atsushi, kunikida, ranpo, kyouka, yosano, kenji, tanizaki & fukuzawa.
cw. main character death, angst, making the sillies suffer again.
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atsushi nakajima
Atsushi would lock himself away in his room at the news of Dazai's death. He wouldn't leave his room. Not for food, not for anything. He's always looked up to Dazai, admittedly, he shouldn't because he isn't the best mentor. But Dazai was the one to save him from starvation at that river, him and Kunikida. They saved his life. He'd feel really fucking guilty that he couldn't return the favour and save Dazai's life, too.
It would take months until he finally emerges from his room, pale as the moonlight and evident signs of hunger. But he didn't eat for weeks before, so he could do it again. Which is exactly what he did. Because the guilt and the sadness were constantly eating away at him.
After he left his room, he took on cases and such all the time to distract his mind. He always took them on with someone else, because if it was just him, he would be dead by now. He even ran into Akutagawa and Chuuya once, and he could tell the impact that Dazai's death had on them, too.
kunikida doppo
Unlike Atsushi, he would not lock himself away. He'd find ways to keep himself busy. Especially because the death would mean such a big change in his life. He wouldn't have Dazai's constant wittering and whining in his ear, he wouldn't be scolding him 24/7 or chastising him because he wasn't working. Honestly, he was going to miss it.
It had managed to embed itself into his routine, he doesn't know what he's going to do to make up for the loss of it.
But he distracted himself constantly, working until late hours of the night and taking on cases everyday just to distract his mind from the thought of it all.
edogawa ranpo
Personally, I think Ranpo would feel rather guilty. Even though none of them should be feeling this way, he just would. How is he the greatest detective, but he couldn't even tell that Dazai was going to die? And he couldn't do anything to stop it?
I think there would be a noticeable change in his behaviour, and he's now using the sweets and snacks as a way to try and find a least an ounce of comfort. Because everything had changed with the news of his death.
He couldn't even say nor do anything to cheer people up, because everyone was quiet. It had impacted the ADA that much, that they all worked in dead silence.
kyouka izumi
Kyouka didn't know Dazai on the level that the rest of the agency did, but she knew he meant a lot to everyone, especially Atsushi. Obviously, she would still be hurt by it, because they've lost a friend. Kyouka rarely wore a smile, anyways, but if you looked close enough, you could see the slight downturn of her lips that she couldn't fight to hide.
But what would hurt her the most is the state Atsushi is in, especially because he locked himself away, she'd be worried that he might be the next one they lose.
So, she probably forced herself into his room just to make sure he's eating, drinking, sleeping and just taking care of himself overall. Because she cannot lose him next.
yosano akiko
Much like Ranpo, she would be overwhelmed with guilt. And she feels like it's eating away at her.
There was a desperate attempt from her using her ability to at least try and bring him back. Even though she knew she couldn't, it was worth a try, right? So, when she couldn't do it, the guilt broke her and started eating away at every little part of her.
Why? Why wasn't her ability good enough to bring him back? So, she made sure she was helping the rest of the agency everytime they were injured, even if it was just a small paper cut, or some small injury, she couldn't afford to lose another one.
kenji miyazawa
The smile is gone. It occasionally returns when he's thinking about the good times in the ADA that they all had with Dazai. But it's gone just as quick as it came when he remembers that Dazai is actually gone and they can't get him back now.
He's probably out all the time, saving animals and such. Because if he can't save Dazai, he can at least save the animals, right?
He'd keep a smile on his face when doing so to make sure others around him still have hope and such, because he would hate for them to lose hope because he's not smiling.
junichiro tanizaki
I believe he's a rather quiet person anyways, but after Dazai's death, the amount he speaks reduces even more. Surprisingly, Naomi isn't all over him and he appreciates it.
Because they've just lost a friend, and he couldn't cope with her being all over him for awhile. I can't say much for tanizaki because I don't know enough about his character, but he is obviously impacted by it.
fukuzawa yukichi
Another one that would feel guilty. Especially because he is supposed to be the one taking care of the agency and ensuring their safety. Their safety was supposed to be his top priority, and he let Dazai die just like that?
After Dazai's death, he'd be a lot more careful with the other members of the agency. Especially people like Atsushi, who seemed to spiral into a depression after Dazai's death.
But he had to make sure everyone else was safe. Even before his own safety. He could not lose another agency member.
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toby's notes ;
@rheeeeeeeesiees <- your tag, pookie :3
this is a rather long one, sorry about that.
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sadtonight · 2 years
"I like it loose, thanks"
Summary: your boyfriend notices your special way of dressing. Specifically, he realises that your wardrobe consisting solely of oversized things.
Characters: Pomefiore;
Warnings: none (I mean should Vil qualify as a separate warning?), mild spoilers in Rook's section, reader is gender neutral, established romantic relationships;
Side notes: to everyone who dresses like that because I usually don't. Why am I writing this then? Felt like it and it's pretty cute imho~ I personally enjoy wearing both tight fitting and loose clothes, I highly recommend you to experiment with outfits and not be afraid of trying new things.
— that's the first thing he notices upon meeting you for the first time and even though Vil haven't said it outright it showed in his body language: he kept his arm crossed throughout the conversation, his face relatively high and steely eyes that would run up and down your whole being evaluating every detail;
— professional model was judgemental, it's not something that he would tone down for his friends or especially his partner since he always was seeking to improve himself and what surrounded him daily, including people;
— Vil is not a fan of clothes that do not fit well to put it mildly, whether it be too tight or too loose, so your boyfriend would not lay off until he changes your habits about choosing oversized items over proper fit, or at least not after you propose reasonable arguments as to why he should let you be;
— if you tell him you wear bigger clothes because you are self-conscious about your body or some parts of it...well good luck getting rid of your boyfriend now;
— beautiful male will drag you to every store, shopping mall and boutique in search of perfect clothing that would follow almost all of your demands;
— most of Pomefiore residents would melt if they experienced the same care and conscientiousness that you received from their fair dorm leader. He would ask your opinion on each and every wrinkle in the sketches of the outfit and looks he put together specifically for you and would get moody if you refuse to cooperate;
— if you tell Vil that you just feel comfortable wearing such type of clothes he would be pissed off yet he ultimately would leave you be;
— if anything your boyfriend is now set on making the most with the style you choose and might even drabble in oversize fit to match you. Not if the only things you wear are hoodies and jeans, then he would be wondering if you were truly a blessing or a curse;
— stealing Vil's clothes is strictly forbidden unless you inform him beforehand, however you can only wear them as long as they don't drag against the floor and don't get in the way of your movements. Provided clothes actually not look half bad on you, Vil may buy you your own piece yet it would be not as big as the original, sadly;
— one word: beautiful! The hunter had pieced together your ways of dressing a bit later than his dorm leader and yet this detail was another reason to fawn over you!
— Rook was acutely interested in why did you wear oversized clothes. Could it be that you are concealing items underneath your clothing? Maybe weapons? How cleaver! He would peak from all possible angles and try to poke and nudge into you, trying to find hidden daggers;
— if you don't mind blond male touching you, once you two are together this way of behaviour will form into the habit where he would often greet you by snaking his gloved hands under your clothes to feel your warmth and maybe get lucky and prompt you to show him some sort of reaction;
— Rook Hunt adores you from top to bottom so whatever reasoning for you style is, he is ready to spectate or aid. That doesn't stop him from recommending you one piece of clothing or another however. Don't take it close to heart, your boyfriend is just a curious person who wants to see his beloved in a variety of attires. Indulge him a few times and for a good while you won't stop hearing love poems he came up with, regarding your looks and emotions they sparked in him;
— if you go out together outside, do not lend him any of your big clothes under any circumstances. Even though the hunter is always ready for any potential prey to come into sight, he can't carry all hunting equipment with himself, especially if it's a formal date. The moment Rook receives your oversized sweater he pounces into the bushes, emerging with a trashing yarn ball and boasting about catching a massive fulvous hare;
— the male bought you several pricey sweaters of your choice in compensation to that ruined one, but you still give him a side eye and reluctantly share your long warm scarf with him ever since that day;
— asking for Rook's clothes can be tricky, because if you were to do so when he was still in Savanaclaw dorm you would only find dirty tatted things instead of shirts and pants. Some things were straight up ripped to shreds which made you feel concerned about your boyfriend well-being;
— there are not many interesting choices in Pomefiore Rook's closet, save for a few hats adorn by feathers and his dorm uniform itself which he gladly gives to you to wear. On a condition that he gets to take an abundant amount of photos with you! Your boisterous boyfriend can't just get enough of you can he?
—the calmest of the three. Country boy haven't even noticed you wearing oversized things for an extremely long while. It's pretty common to wear whatever you want in his village, Epel himself has worn his father's overalls, shirts and denim jackets, which were bigger than what he was accustomed to. Honestly, he didn't even know what "oversized" meant prior to joining Pomefiore;
— the male was quite envious of the fact that you could dress however you preferred. If he were to wear a hoodie, especially if it was even one size bigger, he would be forced to get an earful from Vil... Speaking of his dorm leader, Epel stopped inviting you over to his dorm precisely because he didn't want you to be scolded;
— once petite male became your boyfriend and got comfortable enough with your presence, he started feeling content in your room, going as far as to call it his second home. One day, Epel had gone bored waiting for you to come back so he scanned the room in search of something engaging when his gaze fallen on your chair;
— there was one of your oversized hoodies, resting on the furniture. Curiously got better of him and the lavender haired boy got up from your bed and pulled the clothing on himself. Epel thought that it would make him seem bigger yet it has done the opposite!! His frame looked even smaller in your hoodie, it resembling more of a dress with how it was reaching past his knees;
— if the first word you say upon seeing him is "cute" your boyfriend will most likely shriek and try to undress himself with all of his might. He doesn't want you to remember him as frail and small damnit! He was supposed to be strong and reliable looking guy!
— shortly speaking, it's Epel who will steal your clothes while you two are alone, occasionally though. Unless you happen to be even smaller than him: expect to be given his clothes frequently, he loves seeing his partner look tiny in his already small attire. It gives him this strange feeling of smugness;
— country boy requested his grandma to make an apple themed sweater for you in hopes of the two of you visiting his home on winter breaks. Epel even considered knitting you a huge woollen scarf with yarn he got from his relatives, almost giving up on the idea at one point;
— knitting is not masculine, he doesn't want anyone and especially you see him doing something girlish...Thanks to his observant vice dorm leader who encouraged the male and unwittingly hinted to inform Vil of Epel's views on knitting, you were presented a cute but a bit crudely knitted scarf from your flustered but relieved with your positive reception boyfriend.
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oshiawaseni · 1 year
How I got the ChatGPT A.I. to admit Katsuki is in love with Izuku
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Uhh... My friend has got me onto AI chat recently, and yesterday I was messing around with it, because I wanted to see if I can get A.I chat to come to the conclusion of bkdk canon, if I tell it additional context it doesn't know because it's cut off point is September 2021 and things between bkdk hadn't progressed too far at that point.
One thing to note: it constantly reminds me that it doesn't "have an opinion" it just forms objective analysis on the characters and the events. So I try to evolve this objective analysis as I went along the list of events that lead to Katsuki's death to see if a single detail of it might change it's 'objective analysis' on whether they will become canon.
The AI has a limited ability to use new information you tell it to string together an updated verdict. So that's what I did. And I used more and more details of Katsuki's death to Shigaraki as the context for the question. Because that's what convinced ME BkDk would become canon. As I was telling it details, I felt like I was pretty much only getting knockbacks. Until I finally had a single success. I also asked it the "kiss" question for those invested in a bkdk kiss. :)
However, at the end I did manage to find out why I got that one success, and the response it gave me is CHEFS KISS. So I will try to explain our conversation as best I can with some screenshots. This is long but, hopefully it's an interesting tale to read! This experiment also made me realise A.I. chat is crazy intelligent at communication.
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So I got a negatory right off the bat and think: Since it only knows events up until a certain date, maybe I can tell it about some events that happen and see how it views Katsuki's and Izuku's behaviour?
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I asked it what chapter it has access to and it said chapter 326. So it at least knows about the bkdk apology. (But it never factors this moment into it's analysis)
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It also repeats this line a lot "It's ultimately up to Kohei Horikoshi." Which is true, I should probably try to re-do our conversation at some point and tell it it doesn't need to repeat this point, because it does become repetitive. Depending on your question it'll end it's answer with a "it's up to the reader interpretation." or "it's up to the creator."
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I corrected it that it was chapter 322, but it only remembers details you tell it in your current chat. It, as an AI , can't learn from you for it's interactions with others. Oh well. Probably for the best...
"Midoriya forgives him and the two share a hug." This take is interesting. I never really thought about that. For Izuku they very much have a "there's nothing to forgive" dynamic, but in Katsuki exposing himself and letting down his walls, Izuku definitely felt safe enough to let his own walls down too and responded to Katsuki by apologising for his own behaviour, wanting to be close to Kacchan - stumbling towards him as he was passing out.
The anime clearly shows Izuku wanting, or needing a moment of intimacy with Kacchan that he's never had before, and Katsuki feeling the same way, catches him. So maybe there's forgiveness in that, in Izuku realising Katsuki was finally telling him it was okay for Izuku to be by his side, and that he wants him there.
Another way you can make sense of the AI's answer is that Kacchan needed to have Izuku's forgiveness, despite there being nothing to forgive for Izuku. And Izuku senses this, so he steps towards him to hug him or be closer to him and tell him it's all okay, but his fatigue cuts his desires short and Kacchan, noticing those desires, as he notices everything about Izuku *swoon*, holds him up. Yeah. I like that one too! Talking to AI about bkdk is a fun brain exercise, I'm not gonna lie.
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I ask the AI if I can tell it more details of bkdk relevant to "will it become canon" and it replies that it will do it's best to provide it's objective analysis as it learns these new details.
It misunderstands some things such as when events happen but I find that kinda irrelevant to what I was doing, so don't mind these mistakes.
Btw, if I cut off the ss early, it's only because it's saying bkdk being canon is still vague/unknown, and the decision is for Horikoshi Kohei. This can be repetitive to read, so I cut it out. Like I said I'll probably re-do this conversation where I fix some of it's errors/clarify my context better.
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It's not biting yet, so I tell it to give me an objective analysis considering the new things I say, and it understood this.
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Then I test it:
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Good, it can recall previous things I've said in the chat.
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remain platonic." (Then it goes into another spiel about Hori being the decision maker.)
At least it said it was possible their relationship "could develop into a romantic one." So I gave it a little positive feedback :P
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It's answer remains unaffected... so I go further into what happens.
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It doesn't bite again. But I like how it says that he feels a sense of responsibility towards Izuku. That pulled on my heart a little bit...
But with my next context everything changes.
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Turns out Katsuki getting up to "impress" Izuku was this AI's tipping point. It's got the wrong idea about "protecting Izuku" but it's also not wrong (which I clarify now and again later) Anyway, Katsuki wanting to be strong to impress the Izuku who loves him for never giving up, tipped this AI's scales towards romance, it would seem lol.
I dramatically clarify that Izuku is not at the battlefield, and ask if this changes it's mind about it's previous analysis. Spoiler alert. It doesn't.
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I tell it more context about how Izuku isn't in time to save Katsuki and what happens to Katsuki: How his quirk evolution scares AFO inside Shigaraki, and ultimately is the cause of his heart exploding when he takes a blow to his chest. The vision in the white realm. His regret of not getting All Might to sign the card, and his memories of Izuku when he first got it. And the way he died, but I also told the AI that it is assumed he will be brought back to life.
I also mentioned (image count maxed out sorry, so I gotta type this):
"Meanwhile, we have some panels of Katsuki thinking about how much his body hurts, and reminiscing about that being the path Izuku walked down. He reaches out to the reader on the page, thinking the words. "Hey... Izuku... Can I still catch up to you?"
It ignores most of the details I told it here, but just adds in that Katsuki's strong emotional connection gave him determination to keep fighting and his quirk awakening. I really liked that. Because that's how I see it too.
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Like when I got to the end of chapter 360, I was reminded of this scene in Sailor Moon S where Usagi is completely beaten but doesn't stop trying to transform into Super Sailor Moon, even though she doesn't have the chalice anymore. That was the first time I realised, this fight between sAFO and Katsuki had a vibe of Sailor Moon. And then that feeling hit me again when Izuku arrived and I made my 367 comparison to Sailor Moon Stars. Since then other bkdks have posted/talked about their own comparisons between BkDk and Sailor Moon/shoujo tropes. It felt very vindicating that others could see this about them too. ^_^
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So it doesn't know what direction the series will head in, but it at least acknowledges that these events can be viewed as romantic. That's far better than your average mha fan, if you ask me... LOL
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I wonder if I had worded this better and said "exploded heart" It would have gave me a different answer.
Bonus: So for fun just now, after rewording my question (a few times) for clarity, I finally got a pretty relevant response.
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Anyway, going back to where we left off, I had just told it about the volume cover... and then I went into the topic of Gentle and La Brava showing up in the manga not long after Katsuki died. I misquoted Gentle (oops!)
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So Gentle and La Brava are basically what is known in Japan as a "baka couple" that dotes on each other and describes their love for each other in great amount of detail - what I like about this answer is it's saying that by juxtaposing the baka couple with BkDk, who stay vague and barely define their feelings for each other ever, it highlights the tension and ambiguity going on between bkdk even more. I can also get behind this reasoning for it and add it in my La/Gentle meta. Wow, bot you're helpful!
Bonus: Just now, I tried to fix my mistake and rewote the question again and had to generate it's answer twice for this one. Good Bot! This, I can accept.
This is the only time I've regenerated any answers! I only took it's first answer this whole convo. But out of interest I'll probably regenerate more answers in future to see what other opinions it can formulate about a subject. It probably can come up with a wide range of perspectives, but only focuses on a very limited one for it's answer ^^
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I like that it can identify that BkDk are having these same romantic tropes that Gentle/La Brava are talking about. AI Chat is amazing. Moving along...
At this point I'm feeling pretty content with our conversation so far, and I decide to ask it one more controversial question bkdks are quite passionate about:
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A decent answer. I interpret this as "It's possible for a kiss, if Hori knows how to pull it off right." So maybe this is good news for BkDk Kiss enthusiasts! I'll be happy with a loving hug or a kiss, I don't mind at all, as long as they're canon at the end! lol :)
And now we come to the very last thing I say to it. I was happy to engage with an AI about bkdk, but something was bothering me.
Over the course of our conversation, the AI has told me "It's up to author." multiple times about whether bkdk will become canon... However, there was one time it said something different, and that my context "further supports the idea that Katsuki has romantic feelings for Izuku."
So I ask it to clarify one more time what it meant by that, and it slowly writes out this response:
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WOW. What an answer. It blew my mind. "wants to be the best version of himself for him." This is some impressive stuff! ALSO THE BOT WAS NOW CALLING KATSUKI'S BEHAVIOUR FLIRTATIOUS?
But now I wasn't sure, I've never seen the bot say stuff like this. I wanted to clarify what behaviour it meant. Like whether it had misunderstood something I said about the way Katsuki died. But I had a feeling it was talking about Katsuki's tsundere behaviour! And so I asked it what it meant, and the most amazing thing happened...
The answer was written very slowly compared to before, as if the bot had to scrape a lot of information to form a well written response, and this is what it said!:
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HOW DO YOU *KNOW* ABOUT ALL THIS, AI-SAMA?!!! I SCREAMED READING ALL THIS. Even most bkdks don't really talk about Katsuki being jealous of others getting close to Izuku??? Wow. I was VERY impressed.
This answer was so different to everything it's told me before. The AI actually understands Katsuki as a character, and combined this understanding with my new information about him getting up to win for Izuku.
On a very surface level, it understood that Katsuki wanting to impress him in this case, is a core feature that's apart of Katsuki's overall behaviour towards Izuku and associated them together. Which meant that for it's answer, it could draw on Katsuki's other behaviours in it's knowledge bank, viewing them in whole. And it recognised that despite everything having gone wrong for him and knowing it was futile, Katsuki still had the determination to stand up and win for Izuku and impress him anyway, which especially made this an action of Katsuki's love towards Izuku that the AI can acknowledge as being about more than just mere friendship.
(Wew, that was a mouthful! Hopefully it kinda makes sense? I hope?)
And that is how I got an AI Chat to agree with us. A.I Chat is a bkdk, confirmed. Neeee, AI-sama?
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icyrambles · 2 months
i typically have two forms of analysis when i talk about certain characters. i call them meta analysis and canon analysis.
meta analysis is when i take into account author, fan, and personal interpretation and intention when writing a character. this can be things like biases on the author's part (intentional or not), fandom headcanons and general opinions that are widespread, and finally my own personal opinions and beliefs on the character or media
canon analysis is when i ignore everything above. it's when i take things that are said exclusively through the text and conveyed to me as a reader. these are analysis formed exclusively (or at least as much as i try) through what is told to me via the text
like take pharma as an example. i personally hate how his character is treated both in canon and in fandom. within canon he's reduced to the crazy doctor who harvested his patients organs and in fandom i've noticed he either gets babied to all hell (typically by shifting the blame of his actions onto tarn) or just demonising him. i dislike this from all angles because pharma for me is a multifaceted character who, while causing a lot of harm, was forced into a situation where he really did not have a choice if he wanted to keep his staff and himself alive.
like yeah, i think pharma should punished in some way for the deaths he caused, but i also think that he should be viewed through the lens of someone who was essentially being blackmailed into killing his patients less himself and his staff (one of whom was a defected decepticon) be serious harmed or just outright killed. and that these actions caused massive damage to his mental wellbeing which caused him to spiral into madness.
or like take ratchet. he's got this thing in fandom where he'll throw wrenches at people and he's a fucking rebel who hates the government. but he doesn't do either of those things ever, in any of the continuities i've read/watched. like he's not even remotely violent unless he's actively being threatened? and even then he's more liable to go for verbal assaults rather than physical ones. where are you people getting these interpretations from?
he's a snarky ass who enjoys arguing with people sure, but ratchet would not fucking destroy the government. he fucking threatens to dismantle megatron on several occasions throughout the comics. there was a tweet from alex milne a while back that basically called ratchet an abusive partner and like, listen, fandom interpretations are always going to be a little off, but i'm sorry mr. milne, but ratchet is not an abuser in any sense of the word. there is nowhere, and i mean nowhere in the comics that proves that he would do that.
idw starscream is also a character who i have complex feelings about when i try to write about him.
because on the one hand i despise the way that idw starscream is treated by the fanbase. he's not a good person, that is the whole point of him. he's a terrible person, who has done terrible things, and i think he should be treated as just as bad as megatron. and i think the fandom constantly babying him because of what megatron did to him is stupid.
he's a genuinely cunning, manipulative, and overall shitty asshole who is more than willing to doublecross and backstab to get what he wants.
but he's also a victim. megatron's treatment of him throughout the war is inexcusable. under no circumstances do i think that starscream deserved to be kept around as a punching bag to keep the other decepticons in line and i also am of the belief that megatron should've gotten more flack for what he did to starscream.
like pharma, starscream is a character who has a lot of different layers. he fucks up and relapses into more toxic behaviour because it's quite literally the only thing he can rely on. he's expected by the people around him to be a backstabber and a liar, so why on earth would he act any differently?
it's not until bumblebee appears that he actually starts to change. and i think it's very important when discussing bee and starscream's relationship that people remember that starscream does not think of bumblebee as a ghost. he views bee as a literal manifestation of his guilt and consciousness. he did genuinely seem to view bumblebee as a good leader and a good person before his death in dark cybertron, so when bee shows up as a ghost and starts encouraging starscream to do better for his people and his planet, starscream listens because he did trust bee.
the point of starscream's character, is that people can only change if they truly want to. bumblebee wants starscream to change for the better but starscream only starts to change when he actually believes he can. and even then he often relapses into more negative behaviours because he's not perfect. the fact that he does this honestly makes him even more believable to me.
if you were treated as nothing more than a liar, coward, and manipulative asshole for 4 million years you'd probably fuck up on the road to recovery too.
it's why megatron's redemption at least works for me within a canon lens. he only starts to change his behaviour when he actually begins to understand that his actions and ideology were wrong. that's why it works. the lost light as a ship is about new beginnings and fresh starts for everyone, so having megatron, literally the most hated guy every join the crew works to further that theme of rebirth.
out of canon analysis though, starscream and megatron in my opinion were done very poorly in terms of writing. they were very clearly meant to be cartoonishly evil characters with no redeemable qualities during phase 1 of the comics. so when phases 2 + 3 roll around and try to develop these characters as more than just evil assholes, it falls flat because you have to sweep all of the terrible shit they've done under the rug.
and it doesn't work well from a narrative perspective to have murder mcgee megatron and his former second in command be the leaders of not only the planet they fucking destroyed and the ship that legally doesn't belong to them. and this is coming from someone who loves idw's portrayals of megatron and starscream. i think they're some of the best versions out there beyond maybe the originals.
i also think that fandom falls into a weird zone when it comes to these characters. i call it fandom flanderization; where fandom will take a certain character trait (like starscream being a liar) and conflate that trait to be their whole character. like is starscream a liar? yeah he absolutely is. but he's also a genuinely caring individual when he actually trusts someone.
it's a shame because i think that idw, despite having relatively weak writing in terms of overall storytelling, actually has some really interesting interpretations of the characters.
[ if you liked my work, please feel free to give it a reblog and leave your thoughts in the tags, reblog box itself, or replies. i adore seeing what other people have to say about my thoughts ]
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yandereseijuun · 1 year
Little sunshine
Yan!Dadam(Adam)xYui.K! Reader x Eve
Warning : It might contain some spoiler from DL , but it is not the same as the DL , here Yui! Reader tried to escape from The Sakamaki and Mukami siblings and live with the Tsukinami
For @kiannas-stuff srry if im extremely late
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Dadam has found you , laying down in the forest covered in bite and many injuries . And he brought you to his home , patching u up before letting you go
Well....at least thats what we thought
During your stay at their home , Mama Eve and Dadam grew attached to you , even Cain and Abel !
Mama Eve isn't the one who can kill anybody if they hurt u , thats Dadam you should be careful about
They won"t let you go! Having a peaceful walk in the forest ? Darling , Adam will go with you , if thats not Adam , Cain or Abel will be with you
If you dare to escape...well you cannot hide anywhere in the world because you have three vampire familt who"s chasing you and a new family who won't let you go
During your escape , Eve is the first one who always caught you so she tries to guilttrap you so you can"t escape.
When its Cain , he'll get a lil bit agressive , tries to take you and bring you to Adam by force or by pity
When its Abel , same as his mother , but he grew attached to you so much that he cannot let you go to his parents
And when its Adam , he will ask you gently three times , if you accept everything will be alright if you decline , get ready to be chained and get hit til you're all bloody
Eve and Abel hate it when you're getting punished but the rules are the rules
One time you were praying in a old chapel , Laito came to you , biting you which Adam wasn't so much happier when he saw this . He got mad pretty mad first of all
Why are you praying God? He's the one who throwed Adam and his family away and you except him to help u ? Adam will make you forget the All Mighty God as you may call
He and Eve doesnt want to corrupt your little mind , your innoncence , they want to preserve it as they were protecting a diamond
Cain and Abel are big brothers to you , even tho Cain is a lil bit Tsundere sometimes
One shot time!
Running , running fast as you can , many bruises on your legs , shoulders . Even that you still kept running for your life .
What in the world was happening .
You were running from Shin (Tsukinami) and his wolves , well Shin was misbehaving again and you told him to stop to which he doesn't . Telling Carla (thats a man fr those who dont know) he answered that wasn't his buisness and shoo Shin and you outside so you two could deal with this problem.
Then you two went outside still arguing and Shin looked at you devilishly proposing a thing that was unpredictable
"Sooo human , we're playing hide and seek , if you won , i'll forgive you in other case i won you'll be my prey fr a moment"
Scared thats why you ran for your life , hearing wolves noises behind you , you kept running in the unknown , hopelessly finding someone who might help you.
Suddenly you felt and knocked yourself out , you probably hurted yourself against a rock.
You opened your eyes , and you heard a woman voice "Darling she would wake up?" A feminine voice asked "Yea she will ,we need to take care of her until shes fully healed" a man voice spoke .
After you woke up , you met Eve , she was the one who took care of you. Then you met their sons Cain and Abel
Everything was alright until you noticed their behaviour suddenly changing , when u walk near a lake alone you always felt someone was following you which it was Adam , Eve was always at this to burst in tears , begging you to stay at home and their sons Cain and Abel mostly Cain will not hesit to kill the persons who dare to speak or see you (He let his family live tho)
The thing you love now , Karlheinz hasn't sent his sons nor the Mukami to brought you back , some rumors are spreading that the Sakamaki and Mukami has found a new "Toy" human to play with , Shin still mad and also worried because he couldn't find you and who's gonna give him some peanuts ? Or let him drink some blood?
But now theres a new problem
The family has found a new little sunshine to brighten their lives and you cannot escape them
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cerealboxlore · 1 year
hey so ya know the prompts or whatever where cap changes to his billy form and the league think he’s deaged and he just goes with it?
what if that happened but instead of billy pretending he reverted in mind completely as well that he still has his memories as captain marvel?
so like he can’t use any cap abilities but he can use some magic since is still the champion
what if he pretended that while he does have his memories his feelings and behaviours are more like when he was this age?
just imagine the league thinking that the cheerful, childish captain would be even more like that as a child but just seeing him extremely bitter and never smiling
what if they finally make him smile like once around them and notice how different that smile is to caps?
I totally and completely love and worship the prompt/idea of the Justice League believing that Captain Marvel got de-aged when they see his Billy form. It makes me go feral!!
I've really been wanting to see a scenario like the one you described, where Billy doesn't pretend to have amnesia and finally gets a chance to be just Billy around the League and just breathe. That kid needs a break every now and then. He gets to have a little excuse to just sit in the watchtower to eat his fruit snacks and apple juice, and not feel bad about neglecting his duties. I mean, all the League sees is that one of their teammates and heaviest hitters just got turned into a child! Ah well, at least he still has his memories and some magic abilities left, he should rest after pulling so many night shifts and fighting so much lately.
However, despite expecting the Captain to remain cheerful and happy, what they see instead is this tired, malnourished, and bitter, young child. Was...was this what the Captain was like as a child? What kind of childhood did he have growing up??
The Justice League would be very concerned and try to talk to the little Captain Marvel, but every chance they get to get close to him, he flinches. He turns away. He runs away. Little kid marvel isn't as happy and bright as the "adult" version of him.
From the episode of Justice League Unlimited, "Kid Stuff", the League members retained their memories but acted more like their child selves in a way. They conclude this is something similar and begin to try and cheer the little marvel up. None of them know anything about him after all, they don't know what kind of trauma he's been through. Billy on the other hand, just wants to use the zeta beam and get out of there ASAP! He messed up when transforming and got into this sticky situation. When he finally gives in a little and let's them talk to him, no one can even see a glimpse of their Co-worker's smile on Billy's face. None of that glowing shine and warmth that it usually brought, just a small, tragic one that felt given out of pity to them.
Billy doesn't know it, but from that moment, he isn't allowed to leave the watch tower at all unless supervised until they find a way to turn him back.
Wrote my own little thing there for a moment, sorry, but I just adore this idea. So much can happen with the League interacting with who they think is a de aged Captain Marvel! It could also lead to Batman and others trying to corner little captain marvel into getting his secret identity from him, thinking that a kid version of him could slip his real name on accident. Billy doesn't play around though. Billy bites.
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chronosh0t · 4 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ 💌꒱.*ೃ 𝐀𝐌 𝐈 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐎𝐍𝐄....
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: male x Lee, although it's first pov so it's also gender neutral, canon-divergence, Lee is out of character, weird ㅤㅤㅤ〔 NO BETA 〕
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: based off one of Palefire's voicelines. Might write a part two when he is a bit more fucked up because MC keep feeding his possessive behaviour.
Ever since he came back from whatever happened inside that tower, Lee has been a bit… weird, to say the least. Because, as someone who has been with him for enough years, you started to pinpoint his behaviour and changes of mood, his humour (or the lack of it), what he likes or dislikes, and you certainly got good at knowing when he's bothered by someone or something.
Today is one of those days. He is bothered, or you could even say he is actually angry. But for some reason it has been a little bit complicated to figure out what exactly annoyed him because he has been avoiding you. Working alone? Forget it, someone is always in the lounge and you can tell it was on purpose noticing how awkward the third party felt during those days. Practice? That's also a no, saying he already taught you everything you needed to know and mentioned how Wanshi is suddenly better at it.
You're losing your patience. In addition to that, he has been spending a lot of time with Asimov, apparently, just for a routine check-up to his new frame and to collect information and whatever else he comes up with as an excuse. He is bothered, and so are you.
Standing up from your seat, you decided to go straight to Asimov and ask for information. He would give in if you go with a good cup of coffee, so on the way to his lab, you bought two. Knowing knocking the door wouldn't work out, you opted to just barge inside. The scientist flinched at the sudden loud noise, looking at your way as confused and tired as ever. He knows you're angry and he can't escape from you.
ㅤㅤㅤ“If it's about Lee, I know nothing.”
ㅤㅤㅤ“I knew it!” you exclaimed, stopping a few centimetres from his face, “something IS going on with him and you're gonna tell me.” you finished while showing him the two cups of recently brewed coffee. The smell was too good to ignore it.
There was an awkward silence until he sighed heavily, rolled his eyes and was ready to spill the beans when a firm and strong metallic hand grabs your arm and pulls you far away from Asimov. You lost your balance and bumped against his sturdy body. You didn't need to look, you already know it's Lee. There's also something else you're hundreds percent sure and it's that… he is angry.
ㅤㅤㅤ“What were you two doing right now?” His voice never sounded so ridiculously sharp. Lee's hand is still firmly holding you close to him.
ㅤㅤㅤ“Blackmail” said Asimov
ㅤㅤㅤ“Nothing” you answered right at the same time.
Fine. Asimov is not entirely wrong, but wasn't he being a bit too petty? Either way, you keep thinking you have all the right to get information about your teammates by any possible means. You give a side eye to Lee, just to check how fucked up you are. And boy, it's really bad. At this moment is when you are a bit sure his eyes can change colour when he's having strong emotions, from those light blue eyes to a slightly darker hue.
He doesn't say anything, instead, he drags you back to the lounge while Asimov runs behind you to get those two cups of coffee off you before locking himself back inside the lab. That bastard, when I catch you Asimov, when I catch you…
Once you're both, finally, alone you feel extremely awkward. You're fidgeting, not knowing what to do with your hands or how to stand, the air feels a bit heavy and it's impossible to not notice how intense his eyes are.
ㅤㅤㅤ“What were you doing with him? And don't lie to me.” Lee broke the silence first, his tone still sharp. He was scolding you. How laughable.
ㅤㅤㅤ“But it's true that we weren't doing anything in particular. I just wanted to talk, that's all.” And you are not lying, and you didn't before, but weirdly enough, you feel guilty.
ㅤㅤㅤ“And you needed to be that close to him to talk?” Lee replied back, his posture changed, arms crossed, with that kind of attitude people have when they caught their partner cheat… wait.
Now that you think about it in more detail, Lee has been having that specific attitude whenever you're talking to someone else, whenever you are too close to anyone else but him. It happened before when you were explaining something to Kamui, you could say you were pretty close, and Lee grabbed you the same way he did just before. And back to Wanshi, that sleepyhead has been teaching you about snipers for a while and Lee didn't seem to mind until…
What the hell is going on here? Am I delusional or is this man… jealous? Well, you just need to ask. So you do.
You walk to him, shortening the distance, and you can see he's getting a bit self-aware of his own feelings right now. His eyes are looking everywhere to find the perfect excuse to escape. You stop, only a breath away before your lips can touch…
ㅤㅤㅤ“Are you jealous?” your voice is soft, barely a whisper but it reaches his ears perfectly fine and he's blushing, and fuck if he does look cute all flustered.
He is really trying his best to maintain his cool, but you know you just need to push a little bit more and he will give in.
ㅤㅤㅤ“What's so wrong if I'm too close to Wanshi when he's teaching me stuffs? It's not like he's gonna eat me or something” You smirked, your body is more relaxed and maybe that was a mistake.
Lee grabs you by the collar of your uniform and pushes you against the wall. His eyes are back to that dark blue, which means he is angry again. You're holding a smile, you don't want to keep teasing your good luck.
ㅤㅤㅤ“I need to be the only one that's close to you, understood? No one else but me.” he said through gritted teeth.
If there was someone who would've told you in the past that the soft, caring Lee also had a possessive side you would have laughed in disbelief, but here you are now. And if you're being completely honest, you don't hate it at all. It's even… hot. You think that, maybe from now on, things might get more interesting with him.
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〔 🎐 〕 mentally ill about Lee being fucked up in the head, my bad.
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