#at least when they aren’t my favourites too lmao
thecoffeetragedy · 2 years
I should read the ronan/dreamer trilogy because I care a lot about adam parrish but tbh I probably won’t because I only care about adam parrish
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callme-holly · 7 months
HEY HI HELLO!! I was wondering if you havent already, do johnny or darry headcannons? BTW I LUV UR WRITING SM 🫶🏻
𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 - okay, I freaking love Darry so much but I struggled so hard writing this. omg I also want to apologise bc I didn't realise how many mistakes were on my last post like I audibly gasped when I looked. anyway, hope ya'll enjoy this lmao!! asks are still open for requests - I'm done with exams for a few weeks so I can finally start working on things more!!
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 - 644 words
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 - none
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He is such a gentleman, omg, I can't even
If you need something done, this man will do it for you with no hesitation. You’re important to him, and he wants to make sure you know that.
He’s probably not overly affectionate unless you two are completely alone. Once the gang had caught you both cuddling on the couch, and they had teased him for weeks afterwards.
In public, he’ll hold your hand and give you the occasional kiss, but nothing too extreme. He likes to keep your moments together private; they mean a lot to him, and he’s not just going to give the people around you the pleasure of seeing him so vulnerable.
At night, he’ll definitely hold you close while you two sleep.
He’s like a furnace, so who needs blankets when you’ve got Darry to keep you warm?
Arguments don’t happen often between the two of you, but when they do, they’re usually pretty bad. Give him a few hours to cool off, and then he’ll be holding you from behind and mumbling muffled apologies into your ear as he peppers your neck with small kisses.
Lots of massages and baths together. He works a lot, and his muscles are almost always tense, so having that time to relax and wind down with you is just what he needs.
He’s not the overly jealous type. Sure, if he thinks someone is getting a little too friendly with you, he’ll come up and try to take you away from them, but he isn’t going to stop you from interacting with someone completely just because he can’t control himself.
Date nights aren’t very common. In between work and taking care of his brothers, Darry doesn’t get much free time, but when he does, you best believe he is spending it with you, showing you how much he loves and appreciates you.
He’ll take you to dinner or for a drive in his truck just to get away from the house for a little while.
Sitting in his lap while he reads the paper!!
The gang, mainly Dallas and Two-Bit, refers to you as “mom and dad,” and it honestly drives you both insane.
“Look, I’m just sayin’, you’ve got that whole ‘nurturing, responsible, and slightly annoyed at my antics’ vibe going on.” “Well, if you keep up with those antics, you might find yourself sleeping outside for the night.” “Oh, come on, mom, you wouldn’t do that to your favourite child, would you?” “For the last time, Dallas, you are not my child. And if you were, you certainly wouldn’t be my favourite.”
Sodapop and Ponyboy love you. Like they love you. They will cling to you the second they meet you, and you’ll never be able to get rid of them.
I’m not even going to pretend he doesn’t have a picture of you in his wallet. He does, and he’s proud of it.
Constantly complimenting each other. Not a day will go by where he hasn’t complimented you at least ten times. He just needs you to know how perfect you are.
You stopped him from yelling at Ponyboy so much.
When you first brought it up, you definitely argued for a little while about the subject. He just wants what's best for his brother, and you telling him that he needs to lay off is probably going to spark something defensive within him.
He doesn't say ‘I love you’ very often, usually whispering it late into the night or early in the morning when you two are laying in bed and tangled with each other, but he always ensures that you know how much he cares and appreciates you.
Needless to say, Darry will not let you go away feeling unloved.
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𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬!!
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karasukarei · 18 days
Wind Breaker Drama CD vol. 2 - Oedo-style Fuurin Tale (Part 1)
(t/n: I originally translated this is "Oedo-style Fuurin Story", but I think "Tale" sounds more cool)
Translation masterpost here!
Do note that the audio track for this currently isn't publicly available online. This is also longer than the first drama CD, so I might need a bit more time to finish this (and probably a few more parts...)
Note: As with the beach story, I took some liberties with translations this time to make it read more smoothly. As always, if there’s any mistakes, feel free to let me know!
Special thanks to @orewing!
Shorthand because some names are really long:
Sakura – Sakura
Nirei – Nirei
Suo – Suo
Sugishita – Sugi
Kiryuu – Kiryuu
Tsugeura – Tsuge
Hiiragi – Hiiragi
Umemiya – Ume
Scene 0 – 0:06~0:27
Nirei the narrator: It is the Bakumatsu period. In a town in Edo. At the entrance to this town, there’s a noticeboard. It’s a noticeboard erected by the strong. This is the beginning of the story of the samurai who took on the role of protecting this town in Edo. (t/n: For reference, the Bakumatsu is the time period when the Shinsengumi were active. Edo was the old name for Tokyo during the Bakumatsu)
Scene 1 – 0:28~1:49
*insert sound of wind chimes prettily sounding as the wind blows*
Sakura: Is this the town that the Fuurin-gumi is said to be in…? It does seem peaceful. I guess oden will do… (t/n: couldn’t really catch this last phrase) *stomach rumbles sadly* I’m so hungry…
Sakura: *sniffs air like a dog* This smell… Is it from that dango shop?! *swallows hungrily* The yakidango looks really tasty… *counts coins* It’s not enough… *stomach growls sadly*
Umemiya 💙: Hey! You over there! (t/n: OMG IT’S UMEMIYAAAAAAA)
Sakura: *sighs very sadly*
Umemiya: Heeey! The guy with half white hair!
Sakura: Huh? Me? (t/n: he sounds like a lost kitten here lmao)
Umemiya: Yes you! Do you wanna eat dango together? (t/n: I’LL EAT WITH YOU)
Sakura: Huh?
Umemiya: You’re hungry aren’t you? Hehe, your stomach was rumbling so loudly I could hear it from here.
Sakura: *blushing very loudly* Hrnghk-!!! I-It’s none of your business!
Umemiya: What’s with that? It’ll be my treat!
Sakura: *blushing even more loudly* *chokes on his words* There’s no reason to give me a treat out of nowhere!
Umemiya: If you want a reason, there is one. Rather than eating dango alone, it’s much more delicious if you eat it with someone else!
Sakura: What’s with that reason? Just leave me alone-
Umemiya: Huuh? But then-
 *Sakura’s stomach demands not to be left alone*
Umemiya: Nah? (t/n: with the same energy as “gotcha”)
Sakura: Kuuu- *blushes so hard he’s about to catch on fire*
Scene 2 – 1:50~2:55
Sakura: Mmm delicious!!! 
Umemiya: Right?? The dango here is one of my favourites. And Sakura, is it? You said you came from out of town? What did you come to this town for?
Sakura: Since you’re from this town you should at least know their name right? The notorious samurai group Fuurin-gumi. The group is filled with ruffians, but I came here to become the top of the Fuurin-gumi. (t/n: you’re gonna regret saying this Sakura)
Umemiya: Ohhh… You sure do have confidence in your strength.
Sakura: Till now, I’ve been storming dojos across various towns to hone my fist. *eats hungrily* (t/n: He’s referring to dojoyaburi / dojo breaking, when you go pick a fight with another dojo to show who’s superior. The losing dojo often loses both prestige and standing, and its students often leave for the winning school.)
Umemiya: You…
Sakura: *with a mouth full of dango* At any rate, you too-
Umemiya: Isn’t that great?! The top!
Sakura: Eh?
Umemiya: I see, the top, haha! *smacks Sakura very happily on the back* Yes, I see!
Sakura: That hurts! And don’t hit me when I’m eating dango, that’s dangerous. (t/n: people literally die every year from choking on dango)
Umemiya: Hahahaha, my bad my bad. 
Sakura: What a weirdo…
Scene 3 – 2:56~5:16
*insert sound of wind chimes prettily sounding as the wind blows*
Sakura: Yosh. *getting ready to leave*
Umemiya: What. you’re already leaving?
Sakura: Yup, I’ve already eaten the dango. *takes a few steps and walks*
Umemiya: Hm? What is it?
Sakura: *blushing enough to be heard through the speaker* I don’t think we’ll meet again, but… thanks for the food.
Umemiya: Uoh! It was fun eating dango with you too! Tilil we meet again!
Sakura: *grumbling under his breath as he walks away* I already said we likely won’t meet again, why’d he still say “till we meet again”... And anyway, what kind of person buys dango for a person they don’t even know?! And why am I so mad about it?! (t/n: he sounds like a really grumpy old man here www) *sighs* Someone like him… is probably from a different kind of world from me…
*Sakura walks some more*
Sakura: I heard that the barracks for Fuurin-gumi is supposed to be around here… is it that?
Nirei: E-excuse me, is this the barracks for Fuurin-gumi…?
Sugi: *grunts*
Nirei: It is right, it’s obvious! It’s nicely written here right?
Sugi: *more grunting*
Nirei: U-um, could you perhaps be from Sugishita-san from Tamonshuu’s First Squad?
Sugi: *gasps of suspicion* You, could you be-!?
Nirei: Heeeeeee!!! I’m sorry I swear I’m not a suspicious figure!! I am Nirei, and I’d like to join-
Sugi: Coming to join Fuurin-gumi, you sure have some guts! *draws sword*
Nirei: A-ah, I’m being you please don’t cut me down!!
Sakura: Oi! Stop it!
Nirei: Eh?
Sugi: Huh?
Sakura: If you can draw your sword at a guy like him, then Fuurin-gumi really is as the rumours say- it’s where all the messed up people gather. Oi, you.
Nirei: Y-Yes!
Sakura: You stand down. I’ll be this guy’s opponent. *gets ready to draw sword*
Sugi: Are you this guy’s friend?
Nirei: You… Why are you saving me?
Sakura: Friend? Save? Don’t get me wrong. I’m just interested in strong people. *draws sword*
Nirei: Wh-what do I do?!
Tsuge: Oiii Sugishita-kun, it’s time to switch shifts! What’re you doing?
Nirei: Uwah! Fuurin-gumi member!
Tsuge: I don’t know what’s going on, but you guys look real macho. (t/n: unfortunately Tsuge speaks with some sort of dialect and I cannot figure out the last part of this sentence. If you know what he’s saying, do feel free to let me know!
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finniestoncrane · 8 months
Y’know, there’s one thing I don’t get about Arkham Rids. And it’s the whole bit about him being aro or ace or both. Lots of people say he’s aro/ace because ‘the base nature of (Catwoman’s attachment to Batman) disgusts’ him. And that’s fine. Honestly, I’m disgusted by it too sometimes. And so are some people who aren’t into BatCat in general. The thing that gets me is that people use this one line as evidence or something, and then leave no room for discussion, which I think is a bit stubborn. Yes, their overtly sexual relationship grossed me out too. Yes, I myself am arospec and aspec. But that’s the thing, it’s a spectrum. So while I understand that people get frustrated that he may very well be one of the few characters in media who is aro/ace, people have to understand that 1. It’s a spectrum. Attraction is a very complicated thing. 2. One line, does not a confirmed aro/ace make. And 3. I’m sure lots of allo peeps can be disgusted by a ‘base nature attachment’ as well. Lots of people, regardless of orientation don’t like hearing about what I can only assume Riddler interprets as an extremely sexual relationship that somehow breeded feelings. Which, to me at least, sound more like a demisexual sentiment that a flat out asexual one. It’s fine either way in my opinion. It’s just frustrating to me how some people aren’t open for discussion or nuance. Especially when I myself fall into said nuance.
hello lil beloved! i am not qualified in the slightest to discuss aro/ace spectrum stuff because i am a monogamous slut who loves romantic things
but as for the eddie, i think it's probably coming from two places:
wally wingert said in a cameo i saw once that he can't see the riddler flirting, he doesn't see him being romantic or anything like that. i think he might also have mentioned it in a behind the scenes interview or something? that plus i guess some people think that if he had a woman captive and didn't shoot his shot, then he's not into that? but that's a stretch and a little bit weird lmao
here's the thing though, there's so much eddie does say and doesn't say, and it's all down to how you interpret a character or their tone. some people go MAD for arkham!verse riddlecat, they see sexual tension between them and the way they talk. some people see eddie as canonically bisexual because he's depicted as such in other canon sources. some people see him being repulsed by catwoman or batman or sex in general. which brings me to the second point:
canon doesn't matter a tiny bit when people have their favourites. you can do what you want, you can think what you want. i headcanon arkham!eddie as bisexual, monogamous and autistic, because i can. and because the source material doesn't say that he isn't. and even if it did, it wouldn't stop me lmao which i think is where the big thing with eddie (and a lot of riddlers actually!) comes from. there's that little bit of a suggestion, a lil bit of hope and like you said, people cling to it, because the representation isn't anywhere else for them!
but ultimately people can do whatever they want for whatever reason forever and ever 💚 i know it's maybe annoying when some people won't hear you out about it, but also, they don't have to. which sucks for you, but they're entitled to be stubborn bub!
all that matters is that he's fictional and that people can do what they want with him u-u 💚
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anaalnathrakhs · 2 months
for song, Hook in Mouth by Megadeth (it's my favorite from them, have to throw out this song to anyone who'll listen lmao) or A Tout Le Monde by Megadeth, and for an album, Rising by Rainbow <3
ooooooh is this what's gonna make me listen to some megadeth finally
Hook in Mouth
couldn’t finish it | not my thing | it’s fine | I could get into this | ooo I like | oh hell yeah | fuck this is some good shit | there aren’t even words, this transcends words
I like the instrumental break around 2:40! I dunno it's just the kind of objectively good music that I can HEAR it's good but it lacks just a liiiiitle friction for my brain to really latch onto it. The lyrics are fun too I just looked them up. Silly spelling song my beloved.
A Tout Le Monde
couldn’t finish it | not my thing | it’s fine | I could get into this | ooo I like | oh hell yeah | fuck this is some good shit | there aren’t even words, this transcends words
holy shit when the pre-chorus hits??? hello??? i think i just don't like his voice IM SORRY but the instrumental is nice and his french accent is like, surprisingly good?
Opinion on cover design: ABSOLUTE BANGER are you kidding me old school metal albums covers FUCK and this is no exception. the details? the nice landscape? the castle? the silly rainbow and the huge realistic fist?
Favourite song: in a shocking twist, local werewolf fan has fallen in love with Run With The Wolf. i don't know it makes me want to run into the forest never to return yknow? i like that in a song.
Least favourite song: I think Stargazer? i'm just not a fan of long epic songs (to listen to. i think they're rad as hell it's just i have a wee goldfish for a brain and i don't enjoy stuff too complicated) and i like the sound of it a bit less than A Light In The Black
Underrated track: well dang i'm gonna have to repeat, cuz there's not lots of songs, and if i'm following youtube views Do You Close Your Eyes is less listened to, but meh. the second least popular is Run With The Wolf and i LOVE IT BAYBEEEEE
Overrated track: same again, i dunno, i respect the wizard fantasy but sixteen minutes epics are just too stretched out for my taste. play guitar faster. (jk jk)
Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
I just remembered i LOVE the Rainbow songs I've heard and I should really listen to waaaaay more of them ty ty i LOVE that album
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stillfrownyclownlol · 4 months
FROWNY. I know I commented some of my thoughts already (and already gave you an ask about it) but I have more and the comments have a word limit so I’m just gonna say them here:
ADAM. ADAM. I’m sorry but I think he’s my favourite character. Like THE RITUAL WITH HIM AND PERSEPHONE?? HER SAYING “They didn’t believe me”????? EXCSUE ME??? HELLO?? GIRL?? I cannot BELIEVE the amount of happenings I’ve just read. Like WHAT. He hasn’t woken up yet but like omg my baby my boy please come here and let me HUG YOU. He’s been going through it this whole book and he genuinely needs a hug I just wanna squeeze him and keep him safe UGHHHH.
ANYWAY. SO. Gansey and Blue??? CUTE AF?? Sad her and Adam aren’t together but honestly saw it coming — I was just in denial really. Like he’s literally her TRUE LOVE. There’s NO WAY she wouldn’t fall for him. I’m happy they considered Adam’s feelings though, but like OMG THE MOUNTAIN SCENE?? It was so cute and I could picture it so well in my mind like… (if you don’t remember what scene I’m referring to it’s the one after Adam’s scrying where Blue and Gansey drive off to clear their heads and then they stop at this beautiful scenery and then feelings get blown and they are REALLY cute)
UM. KAVINSKY?? HELLO?? I thought he was just some random jerk?? HE CAN DO SHIT WITH HIS DREAMS TOO?? And what’s with all the gay jokes?? My guy is so fruity, he calls Ronan “sweetheart” and “princess” this man is NOT STRAIGHT. like at all. Also Ronan??? RONAN??? KILL ME RIGHT NOW BECAUSE I CANT BELIVE HE DID THAT?? WITH THE CAMARO?? GENUINELY SCREAMED WHEN THAT HAPPENED??? And HIS EUPHORIC LAUGHTER?? HE SMILED?????? PLEASE CAN I HAVE MORE OF THAT????
Gray Man is ehh still, like he and Maura are cute I guess and he figured out Greywaren was a someones instead of a something but also okay?? I mean at least he isn’t gonna kidnap them or kill them? (At least, I hope not because I’m not done with the book)
Last thing I wanna talk about before I go read again: I officially love the Lynch brothers (like maybe not Declan YET but I’m only on book 2) and the Gansey’s aren’t all that bad. I also just want Adam to find someone who’d love him because he’s been so deprived of it his whole life like UGHHH ADAM??? I wanna cry he’s such a wreck 😭
Ok rant over !
Omg the mountain scene. THE MOUNTAIN SCENE. THE DRIVE- SLDHOSBDOD IT WAS SO- AUGGHHHH. anyways don't worry Adam will also get his happiness 🙂‍↕️
THE KAVINSKY PLOT TWIST WAS CRAZYYYYY LMAO. also yeah he's fruity af kshjdbfsi.
Grey Man is whatever I appreciate his help but like lowkey you shouldn't have been there in the same place-
The Lynch Brothers drive me insane in the best possible way ~
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satocidal · 10 months
rome hello my darling ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ how are you doing today? <3 i am stopping by to bring you some tea and sweets -> ☕ 🍰 and wishing you most wonderful time of day/night ૮꒰ྀི⊃´ ꒳ `⊂ྀི꒱ა
but also because i am a nosy nosy bunny, here are some self-ship questions for you :3 what are some non-verbal ways that suguru shows his affection to you? and how do you guys display affection in public vs. just with each other? <3
Hi angie my love <3333 just woke up actually so I was on my way for a coffee, and I love tea and sweets hehe—hope you’re having a lovely time too sweets
And please continue propping into my self ships I love this so much.
Adding the smallest bit of info here💀idk why, but it’s like, I only talk about Suguru and I on this blog but in my head there’s a poly with satoru, because sure the relationship works good with me and sugu but it’s just so perfectly balanced with Satoru in too heh—but yes lmao
How does Suguru show his affection to me?
Ok so, he’s veryyyy indulgent to my sleep schedule, like never ever ever says no to cuddling, it could be 12 in the afternoon and he’ll come lie next to me for sure. Suguru also loves cooking, so often when I’m tired or come home from a long day (mind you he’s somewhat a househusband heh, when he doesn’t have his missions ofc) so he makes my favourite dishes+remembers my drink preferences by heart. Knows exactly what amount of sugar and stuff I like. Suguru is also very very patient with me and when I tell you he’ll sit there listening to me for hours, he will—it could be gossip, it could be work, it could be a new hyperfixation, and he’s just. Aksjsjsj yes. Plus, often he also helps me with my writings and all heh
As for pda, we aren’t “huge” on it, like people would obviously know that we’re together — he’s quieter about it, not exactly like denies it ofc but it’s typically me who’ll make it more obvious or speak it out? Ofc that doesn’t mean that Suguru isn’t a silly little pookie to me so he will offer me his lap despite the many chairs there be in a room. Forehead kisses too if he’s leaving the room without me—At a party we do our thing for a while with our friends but Sugu is secretly jealous so an hour or so into it, he’ll come around with a hand on my hips. And even in public, we don’t call each other with our names? Like a shorter version of it—at least near friends and stuff, for sure. Also Suguru holds my purses in public, it’s his way of showing that he’s mine hehe—and Suguru holds sort a possessive look in his face too lmao, but he’s very caring as well. Carries extra hoodies for me because he knows I’ll end up needing them, if it’s raining he’s the one who holds the umbrella and just in general, such a gentleman
And for affection just to each other, we’re very very touchy—not so much in public, we do our own things there but the moment we’re inside, there are constant hugs and kisses. If I had to put a word on it, our love language is words of affirmation, because we’re both sort of insecure in different ways? So it’s helps us both. He loves annotating his books, so we do it together, like he’ll read a book and his his thoughts and then I do the same and then we re-read them, sort of together. All in all Suguru is just so full of love and loves showing it out, not the hes into all that ‘she’s my girl’ kind of thing but his heart flutters if I say it out to someone
Help this got sooo long 😭 but but, please what is your selfship like sweets? I mean, what’s the usual dynamic with you and satosugu? And Aksjsjs you guys just sound so cute I need to know
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bi-dykes · 7 months
How do you get into the perspective of your OC(s)? What were the first few things you did to get into their character and understand them better?
I absolutely love this question bc it led to me re reading my own work 😂
I somehow got to my my characters very well without ever putting my book in first person. It’s all third person, sub for one character who breaks the fourth wall and sometimes speaks without quotation marks.
I was inspired by Shannon Hale’s run of Ever After High (Ever After High has at least three different book series by three different authors, plus a Netflix tv series- it’s like a miniature MCU but with better characterization lmao) and I can arguably say that Shannon Hale has the best material on all of Ever After High.
Here is an example (the image is sourced from Etsy) of how a character breaks the containment of using proper formatting of quotation marks and speaks directly to the narrator
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I do this as well. Different font, and then I write it like a text message going back and forth, disregarding quotation marks or proper formatting. However this only happens a couple of times per book for my character, and a handful (4-5) times in Ever After High.
I know my characters far too well. The main eight are like children to me, I know their deepest desire and darkest fear and coping mechanism and guilty pleasure. I have been with them for over 5 years without finishing my novel. The time has been spent with making playlists and drawing pictures and creating Pinterest boards and writing things that I don’t intend to publish or include in the final manuscript (hehehe fanfiction by the author) because I simply like to explore them in different situations. My books are going to be in third person, but I ocassionally write in first person, even if I’m planning on just deleting it, because I just like to practice getting in my characters’ heads when I have writers block.
I follow the “worst” writing advice ever. I base many traits for my OCs off of myself, which could be seen as making them Mary Sues. I write them like real people, adding in stupid dialogue of them stuttering or accidentally interrupting one another and then saying “oh sorry, you go first”. I write smut about my favourite OC ships knowing that I’ll never include it in the final draft of my book, just because I want to write about what’s happening “off screen” and what my characters are doing when the reader isn’t looking (although there are indeed some sex scenes in my book, I do like to write additional ones that aren’t nearly as eloquent or have any plans to include it in the published novel). I started my second draft before my first draft was finished, solely because I understood my writing style had improved so abruptly and the characters had evolved so much, I needed to start fresh. I look in the mirror and act out my character’s conversations with one another or their fight scenes or how they wave their hands around like Elsa conjuring magic. I take breaks for months and when I finally sit down and write, I’ll either write 5 words, or 2205 words in one sitting, and not often anything in between.
I have horrible writing advice, and I suggest you take any of it that you’d like or that resonated with you, because it has brought me so much joy in my life and has helped me gradually get to know my characters like new friends who become family.
I’ve been told that my writing “flows like butter” which is so odd because I juggle 4 protagonists, 2 antagonists, and 2 deuteragonists. They don’t “all fit”, but they all have a role to play. Like the delicious fries on the side of the burger, the whole meal. Your characters don’t need to be stars. They just need to be memorable. And I know they will be. Your mind is more capable than you think.
Like honestly, just word vomit on the page and write silly stuff. It will be the most human, glorious, flawed, messy, endearing, and passionate writing you’ll see. Just go create chaos. And play with your characters like Barbie dolls. In a little while, you’ll know them like you know yourself.
At the end of the day, anything you write will be an achievement because you took nothing and turned it into something, transformed a blank page into a series of words and letters. That’s god behaviour right there. Even if it’s shitty writing, you created it from scratch.
But also, don’t worry about setting deadlines and timelines. I’ve been at this since grade 10 and now I’m in university and I’m still not done. Let your characters marinate and soak and rest in your mind. Let them grow. There is no rush. All is well 💜 and one day your characters will grow like little plants from seeds 🫂🫂🫂💕💕💕 just be patient with yourself, and have fun with getting to know your characters!
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ferallester · 9 months
hoo boy good morning everybody!
I saw the video title a few hours ago when I first woke up, and immediately went back to sleep bc I knew I wouldn’t be able to handle it at that hour LMAO
I just saw the thumbnail properly too
this is… this is gonna be an absolute trip huh
live reaction under the cut bc I’m Terrified!
second of all: ‘nostalgia cannon to the face’
correction: that is in fact a different shirt that Phil is wearing, but it is ridiculously similar, what the hell
‘quintessential emo’ ‘I was serving twink Karen’
‘it’s just… us’ ‘it’s just us being stupid’
‘you’re giving us full sphincter on YouTube’
‘ass and foot baiting’
‘quite restrained’ it’s 2012 of course you’re being restrained
I think I found their favourite part of pinof 4 (the cursed Justin Bieber and HMS QEII masks) (lmao imagine if they made actual masks of the boat)
wow those are some really ugly glasses phil
why DO you boys have bugspray in here
‘unless they pressed their noses TOGETHER’ *a sound that normal humans make*
why aren’t they reacting to the blooper videos you guys do know you have bloopers available right
official rating: mid
oh that is so incredibly unfortunate, why did they use that particular video as a photo reference LMAOOOOO
also who scanned this particular copy what the hell happened to that page
thank you Dan for a recreation
either they don’t want to talk about it or they forgot about 2012
ah. ah that explains a lot about why pinof 5 Looks Like That
the wrecking ball
Dan is fucking relentless with his past self
‘tit tackle’
oh that’s mildly horrifying how low they can go, I think I found an ick
I hate them
weirdly the vibes of pinof 5, at least with these idiots reacting to themselves, have gotten. so much worse
Dan able to predict what his past self would do next…
‘crack protected’
oh Phil
a gingerphobic goose…
‘I feel like you’ve recovered from that’ ‘:|’ ‘no?’ ‘A—’
I really hope someone makes a gif of them arguing over the old handshake from pinof 6 and this video
‘assigned mother’ y’know that makes sense actually
successful monkfish backwards!
Phil looks at the camera and Dan just looks at Phil at the end, STOP
they literally JUST used fireside.caf for the shoulder thing actually
the sexy end screen dance also like… horrifically iconic
I always forget about their weird noises they make at the end AND THE BOYS ARE AMUSED
Phil… Phil there’s 8 billion people… on earth… XD
this is the pinof that came out just before I got into them :0
Dan’s hair is. Awful
shoutout to the vyous tho
love that Phil actively remembers that Dan complained about the thickness of the whiskers
‘I AM BECOME YOU’ also cheese umbrella is still awful (affectionate) to this day
also hello lobster emoji I know exactly why you’re here
rip that peace lily
the anaconda scene…
the game does indeed still work
WHAT THE FUCK DID DAN SAY— also I think I found the most iconic moment of this video so far, they’re just DYING—
TATINOF reference
shut the FUCK UP boys we KNOW you’re touching
as someone who once ate a lemon near-whole bc fruit and who regularly eats lemon and lime slices, their flinching is a fail
existential crisis :(
boys isn’t the time for the merch outdated???? anyway moving on
my calendar and sweater are FINALLY shipping btw and I’m so excited!!!!
‘danisshowinghole’ ‘amazingtimmy’ thanks!
oh my god I can’t wait for part three actually
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sasster · 11 months
aelium ofc... 🍩☕️🙈🙉✏️☁️🌠💗
🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat?’
I think Aelium might just have a sweet tooth in general! If you catch him around the office he’s probably grazing on a handful of Starbursts here or some ginger snaps there.
I think since because the emoji that is used for this question is a donut I feel the need to tell you his favorite thing to get from a donut place and I am absolutely certain that it is a maple bar. He likes to have a maple bar.
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE - do they prefer hot or cold drinks? what is their favourite drink?
Again… I think as long as it’s sweet he really doesn’t care that much. With the caveat of… If he is having a maple bar I promise you that he is having it with black coffee.
He would insist to you that the black coffee brings out the sweetness of the maple bar and makes it even better!!
His favorite drink… Hmm… He likes creme based things perhaps. A cute little strawberry something.
Actually now that I’m thinking about it this man probably goes nuts for a good strawberry milkshake.
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
Hm. I think Aelium has an anger that is so well hidden that even Treader and Thuein haven’t seen it. His anger is really ugly, and as I’m typing this I’m imagining an Aelium angry enough to like punch a mirror but he’s only punching it because he hates how much his anger makes him look like
Well, you know who he looks like in that state. Or who he would be comparing himself to.
I think his anger has only ever boiled over like maybe three times in his life. There are drabbles in my head cooking about this. Oh dear.
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone?
“You’re just like him, aren’t you?”
But SPECIFICALLY it has to be from someone that was directly effected by the him in question.
It won’t work from just anyone.
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
Yeah. Too many actually.
“I wrote a poem in the palm of my hand, To eliminate the chance of me forgetting where I’m at If you cant read this, you’re awake We can get through another day”
[Made It Out Alive - Seb Adams]
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
Aelium… Half asleep. DEFINITELY goes MRRRPPP if you like tap on him or startle him. Little ear twitch. Looks at you all squinty…
🌠 SHOOTING STAR - if they could make any wish with no repercussions, what wish would they make?
I think he would wish for a greater capacity to help people. He just doesn’t want to see people suffer, which I imagine is an awful thing when you’re on Alternia.
💗 GROWING HEART - if they have a crush, is it noticable? what changes when they're in love?
Uhm. I mean I guess it depends on the quadrant but it also doesn’t really matter at all? At least as far as how he treats the person goes, because he likes to treat people with the same compassion and love pretty much consistently.
I imagine like
Matesprit - Uh… I’m gonna be honest with you. I don’t have an answer for this one. I think he just stumbles into this quad the same way I feel about ashen lmao
Moirail - He becomes a little bit more touchy. Touch his fingers to the tops of your hands, pats your shoulder as he passes by, any excuse to just.. Feel you.
Kismesis - This one is kind of funny because I’m pretty sure he would like… Start to pinpoint the things that annoy you a bit and then like.. Make it his business to bring them up in casual conversation but not in a way to piss you off like explicitly.. But like… Just to watch your reaction. I don’t mean like things that would like MAJORLY piss you off but like
Okay for example I used to know someone who HATED when people typed “yea” instead of “yeah”. It used to make him soooo mad. FOR NO REASON?
Aelium flirting with someone in pitch that feels so strongly about something like that would just add it into their text based conversations just to see…
Because he likes to see… People come alive? You know??
He would find the frustration cute… FUCK
(I am not leaving ashen out because I don’t recognize it as a quadrant, I just feel like it’s one you stumble into as opposed to actively look to fill so it’s pretty seamless)
Emoji Asks
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zalrb · 2 years
OTH 3x01 Rewatch Review
1.  I did not expect a rush of nostalgia to hit me hearing “Feeling A Moment” play in the opening scene but I’m grinning.
2. “I’ve been here alone all night!” way to be obvious, Deb.
3. the inferior ‘hi’
4. “Let’s get you home.” “Uh uh, I can’t be there alone. Will you stay with me?” Why did I see Peyton’s terrible art when she said the last part? Hahaha, I hate them so much.
6. Lucas didn’t meet Brooke at the airport with flowers, he met his mother instead, so obviously he never loved her.
7. Nothing screams 2000s like this fucking hair
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8. “It didn’t matter without you, none of it mattered without you” then why didn’t you ask him to come with you, Haley, my god.
9. At least he put her stuff in storage and didn’t throw it out or give it away.
10. “There wasn’t a moment when I was away that my heart wasn’t with you in Tree Hill”, he got into a car crash and you didn’t visit him at the hospital, Haley.
11. omg look their chemistry disappeared
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12. You match your wallpaper, Lucas
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14. “It’s always going to be there isn’t it? You and me.” This is what I’m talking about when I talk about how much I hate Peyton and Lucas, this is the STUPIDEST line, her and Nathan is always going to be there too, you and Nicki, that isn’t unique to you two. “They mean that their profound love is always going to be there” how profound could it be when this is the ridiculous dialogue they have.
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jfc i hate this show.
16. I like how all of OTH’s clothes look like they’re from Old Navy. NO BUDGET.
17. Peyton is so freaking exhausting.
18. Haley comes back to Tree Hill SO indignant and it’s laughable.
19. “There was never a day on that tour when I didn’t think you were the best part of my life”
.... are you sure? Because mans literally drove up to see you and you were like soooooooooo I think we made a mistake.
21. “There was never a night where I loved it more than I loved you” bro, you didn’t even call him regularly. I’m rewatching The Sopranos for the millionth time and Tony can call his mistress when he and his daughter make a pit stop at a gas station on her college tour but you can’t call your husband at least once a week? Girl.
22. Does Haley not know how rent works? Why would she think she could just have her apartment back when Nathan moved out?
23. I like how Brooke said she rented the apartment, YOU NEED A COSIGNER. Hell, even Nathan would’ve needed a cosigner emancipated or not, that boy has no credit, jesus christ.
24. OTH’s blatant Sunkist promotion makes me laugh every time. No one is going to drink it.
25. It is SO clear that there aren’t anything in these boxes.
26. “Hey, Mouth, nice work! Brooke gets a place of her own and you already got her in the bedroom.” Heehee slutshaming.
27. And, like, if it was one or two of these types of things then it would be like haha, in jest, but Peyton STAYS slutshaming Brooke.
28. “... a couple of those creepy ‘nobody understands me’ drawings that you do.” I love Brooke.
29.”My problem is with anybody who just vanishes and then waltzes back and expects to be instantly forgiven” and my problem is with people who say they’re someone’s best friend and then repeatedly breaks their heart by hooking up with their boyfriend.
30. Oh look, another shot of Peyton looking morose. Such a change of pace.
31. Haley begging Nathan while trying to physically connect with him and trying to get him to forgive her through sex
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is actually pretty quality angst and high key cringe at the same time, like I’m secondhand embarrassed but it’s actually one of my favourite Naley scenes because it’s realistic
32. Lmao Dan and his lack of nuance is always funny. “What you call kindness, I call weakness” OK.
33. “Six billion people--” I’m done.
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thisultraviolet · 1 year
🔥 + ST
I love that you still sent this to the Taylor blog lmao but HERE WE GO
(Also a lot of these will be hot takes within the Byler community but may be agreed among other fans idk I’m just in this corner of the fandom 90% of the time)
Steve actually IS that good a character? Like I understand it can be annoying when he clogs up every tag and ship but there’s a reason he’s that popular. He was basically DESIGNED to be the fandom’s favourite and it worked, I don’t think anything’s wrong with that. I adore this funky bi himbo and his kids and lesbian bestie and loser bf. And I *will* continue to project parental issues on him based on like 4 lines of dialogue bc frankly in this fandom that’s so far from the biggest leap we’ve made it’s not even funny. He’s my second favourite character and if he dies I will be genuinely inconsolable.
The only Byler proof I need is the s3 finale moving scenes. Finn’s acting choices in the El vs Will scenes, the parallels to the quarry scene, the shot of him looking back at the house? That’s all it took to solidify it for me. And the master doc is fun but I do think a solid 70% of the stuff on there is a huge stretch and is honestly harming more than helping our case lmao. If I want to convince people I just use that one scene and it works 90% of the time.
If you ship H*rringrove I think you’re genuinely a bad person. He’s a racist abuser and I’m glad he’s dead <3
STEDDIE IS SO CUTE MY FAV STEVE SHIP EASILY? It’s such a fun dynamic to work with, Eddie is CLEARLY queer coded much more than certain other characters we will get to, and the tropes that emerged in the fics post s4 were super fun and also SO interesting. Genuinely some Steddie fics I’ve read are just some of the best fics I’ve read period. (If anyone wants recs ESPECIALLY if you love a time loop fic hmu).
I wouldn’t hate them bringing back Eddie if they could pull it off in a way that made it seem genuinely planned and not just fan service. His death actually did piss me off (not just bc I was sobbing lmao) bc it seemed so rushed, and only getting to see Dustin’s reaction just felt like either terrible writing or a very purposeful lose thread. Also I’m still thinking about the profile picture colours bc I feel like we moved on WAY too fast.
Stonathan is fine. Good even but I just don’t see the appeal the way the rest of y’all do. Same with Ronance, I just genuinely prefer their dynamic as friends. I do love Stoncy in theory but post s3 I just don’t see it really working anymore, early Stoncy fics still hit though.
Lumax>Elumax>>>Elmax. The girls are adorable together ofc but I think Lumax is easily the best written relationship in the show rn and completely ditching it just seems odd to me? Obviously ship whatever you want I just can’t imagine not liking them together? I’m not blanket stating it’s for racist reasons but we all know Lucas is treated like dirt by the fandom in a way none of the other kids are
Dustin is my least favourite of the kids. I still love him, I just find him by far the least interesting. I obviously adore him and Steve but I feel like separating him from the party really has put him at a disadvantage these last few seasons. I’m really hoping the loss of Eddie will take him in an interesting direction though.
I will be genuinely upset if Jancy aren’t endgame but also I’m equally worried their issues won’t get addressed next season, idk they were my fav couple in s1/2 so I just hold them very close to my heart.
Flickergate is the superior Bylergate, especially if I had to pick one to actually happen in the show, it’s so romantic it makes me want to pass out.
I definitely have more but this is already way too long and I have 1989TV Clownery to get to so take this mess I guess
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v0id-echoes · 11 months
just finished the final boss of Mario Wonder, so naturally it’s time for my stupid ramblings that nobody cares about :3
spoiles obviously
first thing I have to say, this is the best 2D Mario game. Straight up just the best, not even a competition for me lmao
the levels were all really fun, the badges were a fun new gimmick and helped keep the gameplay from feeling too stale, I loved all the different wonder flower mechanics and I just really enjoyed seeing how much more expressive everything is, even down to just the little details like enemies reacting when they hit you or are about to get hit
genuinely can only think of one bad thing to say about the game, and it’s the bosses
the bosses were just kinda boring honestly
I know all the boss compilation youtubers like to count big enemies in certain wonder flower sections as bosses but, when you consider that they really aren’t, literally the only bosses until the final boss are like 3 fights with Bowser Jr and the robot thing at the end of each airship stage each
the Bowser Jr fights were all different enough to not feel like the exact same thing several times over, but similar enough to feel just a little stale towards the end. They were definitely good enough fights, just nothing really crazy. The fact it’s always Bowser Jr is really my only ick with it, we could’ve at least thrown in a Kamek fight or something
I’m gonna be honest though, the airship robots kinda suck lmao, it’s basically just the same routine with a different obstacle / gimmick every time and none of them are really that difficult or engaging
the final boss was pretty alright, nothing insane but it was a fun fight, definitely better than all the prior bosses
the bosses being kinda mediocre is genuinely my only ick with the game though, otherwise it’s absolutely one of my favourite games of the year, huge recommend
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degrees-of-fuck · 2 years
Thinking about my PCs and their traits that reflect/result from their creacher TFs ! (I know there is no sheep tf, but. I Like Lettie being a lamb girl. it’ just Works and. I like them..)
Craves That Mineral. She puts WAY too much salt on all savoury food because she doesn’t want anybody to see her using an actual salt lick. Her favourite dessert is salted caramel icecream lollies. Or popsicles if you’re american ig. Either way, she gets super lethargic if she doesn’t get enough salt.
Gets a lot of pain if her milk is too pent up, so she tends to milk herself and fill bottles with her booby milk. And then sell it at a wildly marked up price with a bunch of listed health benefits of... Dubious credibility.
Clara is... Iffy about being touched for the most part. At best. BUT, if she likes someone and is in a mood for it, petting her head or stroking her upper back tends to make her relax. Elsewhere is whatever.
clara has killed more people in a year than sharks /j
She does like a nice smell! Her favourite is Lavender. (Probably smells like it most of the time, if she gravitates toward it)
Freaked out by new objects. If you put a new thing in the orphanage common room, she’s just gonna deeply distrust that new thing. She won’t SAY it because that’s Weird but. She doesn’t like it.
She has at least once (read: almost definitely multiple times) licked Sydney’s neck while cuddling. Likely Robin’s too. Cow grooming behaviour, man.. embarrassing stuff. I think that being Sleepy makes it more likely to happen.
Likely to sort of lean her head against someone while she’s flirting with them.
I WANT HER TO HAVE EAR WARMERS IN WINTER. To avoid frostbite... : ( And also it would be really cute.
I read that cows aren’t super strong at breathing and are pretty vulnerable to things like pneumonia. So this is leading me to decide that Clara just so happens to be asthmatic.
Overall, I think she’s very Restrained about the whole thing?? She’ll do things on purpose to Endear herself to people if she especially wants to, but otherwise she tries not to show the signs of it much.
I’ve yet to do her later game design, so I’ve not posted what I’ve currently Got yet, but I Will say her feathers are based on those of an Azure Tit. So. That’s the kinda bird we’re keeping in mind here
lmao beautiful birdsong except she’s singing about how she wants to get Nailed, or summoning birds she’s friends with to maul you.
While she’s running around the woods on her way to go do some treasure hunting, she Will snack on bugs on the way. They aren’t Filling bc they’re small, but. Just a lil snacky snack. : ) To the horror of anyone that’s walking past.
Like most tits, she’s sort of chirping and calling near-continuously, whenever she isn’t talking. She only really stops if she’s in a situation where she Needs to be quiet. (Class doesn’t count.)
Based on how knowledge seems to spread from tit to tit (hehe) I think this version of Esmee is a lot more inclined to tell people things, where she’d usually just sort of... Hoard her information. She has a tendency to watch everyone around her anyway? While usually this is just to collect blackmail and stuff, she also finds it makes picking up their skills and things like that easier.
I think her and her twin’s room has a nest in it. Like they have their separate beds and in a corner there’s just this huge pile of soft things that they like to sleep in sometimes. Every winter she goes on a stealing spree, where she takes blankets and scarves and coats from peoples homes to add to the nest.
She’s not very close with the other orphans, but. Based on Tit Nesting Instincts, I can kind of imagine her shoving one of the younger ones she’s more fond of into the nest to keep warm when it’s about Egg Season. She just. Incubates the Children. Thanks, Esmee.
Wing fluttering, plumage flaunting and general showing off of her feathers are Common Flirtation Behaviour for Esmee. Also a Good Dancer!!
Lettie is a Lot better at recognizing faces than an average human - or rather, she can recall a way higher number of them than a human can.
Has kind of an innate knowledge of what herbs will ease what ailments. Which is very useful, being chronically ill and all. Herbivore Powers <3
Her hair grows much faster and thicker than it does in any other universe and has a Different Texture. Still like. Ringlet-able. I’m not giving up the cute ringlets. But it’s sturdier, softer and Heavier. It’s not exactly like sheeps wool, but it’s... Different.
Because it grows so much, she cuts it a lot and spins. Maybe not exactly wool, but some kinda fiber out of it. Bleaches it first so she can dye it different colours and sell lots of it lol. (Is Kylar her best customer? Probably...) Keeps some of it for her Crafts tho.
‘Lil dark, but another way she makes money off of the whole lamb thing is uh. Selling bottles of Lamb’s Blood. Mostly to the church for ritualistic purposes, but also just. To people into the occult. ... Again, Kylar might be her best customer here.
I don’t think Lettie does anything to hide her less human-like behaviour. (Neither does Esmee, really. Maybe Clara’s just like that because she once Was human) She probably uses it to constantly and carefully influence how people see her, ideally as Sweet, Small, Innocent and Malleable (which paired with Power makes her Useful, which gives her more access to people to use and. Yea.) But ya, she is just going around bleating and hopping and being the platonic ideal of lambness.
When stressed or scared, she will tend to hide behind someone else. She herself isn’t much one for crowds (kinda has a phobia of them-) but she tends to feel a lot safer in a Small group than she does alone. She’s pretty much hardwired to find isolation Very Fucking Stressful.
When new sheep mothers make baby, they apparently tend to make a rumbling noise to bond with their young - and also to soothe them when they’re anxious. So if she’s so Inclined to, that probably is something she tends to do when she wants to Soothe someone.
Like a sheep, Lettie is Silent when she’s in pain : ) ... Primarily because she doesn’t want to attract attention, but Also because her instinct is to attack peoples brains with psychic powers when she’s upset, rather than to cry. But yeah, she usually just goes Dead Silent.
If you tilt her chin up and have control over her Head, it tends to make her body Relax. Which. ... Doesn’t always work in her favour to be honest.
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cwarscars-a · 2 years
3. whose writing has impacted your writing style the most? (you can choose anyone! famous writer or not.) 5. is there a muse you really want to try? if yes: what’s stopping you?
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3. whose writing has impacted your writing style the most? (you can choose anyone! famous writer or not.)
aw man, i’m one of those people who writes more than they read (my fiancé RIPS me for it all of the time because he reads tonnes). i’m more inspired by films, in all honesty. like, when i write - i pull a lot from my favourite films.
in terms of writers on tumblr - the amazing @stingslikeabee will never not be a huge inspiration to me. mari’s writing has always been 10/10. it’s the sort of writing you read beside your own and go ‘oh shit-’ cause it’s SO good. she’s, like, helped me adapt heidegger so much and he’s grown so much because of our back and forths between my grumpy man and her lovely lady. 
also @shinrasfirst ; again, like, i’ve explored sides of heidegger that i never knew i’d get to look at & it’s another case of writing that just frequently blows me away. me and min are actually chatting about some of our plots and im just reminded of how perfect they are. absolute magic 
@svnsworn is always inspiring to me because of her love for her characters and how welcoming and open she is for character / fandom discussion and the like. i always feel like no matter where i pull a muse from, she’s got a counter for me to write with & i always enjoy the ships and lil things we write together. 
finally, a quick shout out to @wanderiingdays who will forever be the scar to my heid. also another case of writing so good it makes me a potato lmao 
in terms of heid, there are other writers from the ff community who aren’t around much anymore but they all have a v special place in my heart when it comes to this character and this fandom. 
there are other writers on tumblr but they’ve moved on from rp or are too busy to be around right now but one of them is somebody i had four threads with on another character of mine. together, each of our threads had at least 400 notes and were multipara. we wrote SO MUCH and explored so much together. i’m forever thankful to her for giving me that. she actually started editing them for ao3. i’d link em but i’d get cancelled in 0.2 miniseconds haha 
5. is there a muse you really want to try? if yes: what’s stopping you?
hmmm, i’d love to write krauser one day from resident evil (who knows, maybe after the re4 remake!). he’s always fit my aesthetic of worn and torn army man who is bordering between tragic and entirely reprehensible. i love it! i love the way he looks, too! 
otherwise, sometimes i’ll see characters in films and stuff and i’ll think that i’d love to try my hand at them. james bond would be one i’d love to try because i love the movies (but i’d go for the roger moore era because i think he was the most fun and would be the most fun to write). 
ALSO dyne; i’ll forever have a place for dyne in my heart & i reaaaaaaaally hope he’s in part 2 of remake. i did actually write him once but people didn’t really know his character so it was hard to get much interaction with him (plus maybe i wasn’t enthusiastic enough rip).
in terms of what’s stopping me - just time. with chris, heid & james, i’m probably taking on more than i should (hell, i have a dark souls multimuse that’s quiet atm too) i’m terrible haha. 
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waiting-on-a-dream · 2 years
My ocs as long palette names
Titles were taken from this banger of a post by @/fivepointpalettes. I'm waiting on your version of this post, Lina. /hj
Also, note that this is based on the titles of the palettes only and not the colours of the palettes. It's a nice bonus if the palette matches the oc(s) though.
Sorry I didn’t Realize People Like You Have Feelings - Violet, Mahira, Zoya, Duran (They've definitely said this to at least one person lmao)
Just Friends But We Kiss Sometimes - Chandani and Xue Mei (I'm only half-joking... They're giving me sapphic vibes, you know?)
Let Me Be Your Unreliable Narrator, Baby! - Aurora
Focus On Me (Ignore The Blood) - Emile
I Saw The End Of The World In Your Eyes - Xenon (Divination~)
What Are You Doing In My House / Now Now I Don’t Usually Make It A Habit To - Stop Yelling - Break Into People’s Homes But As You Can See Sometimes I Do - Silas as the first one, Aurora as the second 💀
Well First Of All I Am Positive What You Did Is A Criminal Offense / And Second Of All Why Didn’t You Invite Me - Iris, Mahira, Zoya
Hey Quick Question Are We Really About To Commit Arson? - Violet (I can imagine her getting roped into stuff like this LMAO 💀💀💀)
Does This Taste Expired To You Too? - Aurora, Wyn, Zoya, Mia, Elio
Only One Thing In This Room Is Edible And Good Luck Figuring Out Which One It Is  - Aurora (Let the death games begin)
Your House Has No Anomalies But I’m Reporting You For Bad Taste In Art - Iris (Iris as a house inspector lmao)
Who Put Strawberries In The Bathtub 
Who Put Strawberries In The Bathtub Again 
This Is The Third Time Someone Put Strawberries In The Bathtub Who Keeps Doing This Please Stop - Violet, Luka (*Wheeze*)
Soda Cans Are Great I Love Accidentally Spilling Liquid On Myself  - Zoya, Mia, Fleda
It’s Not A Good Cake But It’s Not A Bad Cake Either (As Still It Is Cake) - Mia
Wish We Could Go Out For Coffee But You Hate Me And I Hate Coffee - Aurora @ Silas lmao
This Will Hurt You More Than It’ll Hurt Me - And That’s Okay! - iris, Mahira, Zoya, Duran, Elio
Father I Do Not Wish To Consume The Cough Syrup - Wyn
I’m Always At Least A Little Bit Scared Hopeless And Frustrated - Violet, Alma, Fleda
The Annoying Whisper In The Back Of Your Head - Aurora, Xenon, Emile, Luka, Alma
The Shadow Out The Corner Of Your Eye - Xenon, Emile, Fleda
Can You Help Me Find What’s Wrong With Me - Aurora, Xenon, Fleda
Wasting Your Life Feeling Like An Underperforming Tool In Someone Else’s Hands - Violet, Emile, Luka
An Unhealthy Relationship With One’s Own Identity - Aurora, Violet, Xenon, Luka, Fleda
Men Like Us Aren’t Supposed To Feel These Things - Emile, Luka
My Lungs Are Full Of Ink - Violet (Overblot)
I’m Just A Normal Functioning Member Of The Human Race And There Is No Way Anyone Can Prove Otherwise - Emile, all of the seven brothers eep
How To Completely Disapp8ar Be Found And Never - Fleda
When I Was A Small Child I Held An Iguana Once - Duran
A Classmate Of Mine Once Borrowed One Of My Pens And Then Decided It Was Such A Good Pen He’s Just Gonna Keep It - Violet (salty to this day)
Sconce Doesn’t Sound Like A Word To Me But It Is One - Alma
Sorry That Your Rant About How The Game I Like Ruined The Whole Series Forever Didn’t Make Me Like It Any Less - Fleda
Wishing To Rant About Fanfiction But Not Wanting To Show How Much Of A Nerd You Secretely Are - Alma
The Eye Lips Eye Emoji Face Fills Me With Unbridled Rage - Luka
Doctors Say You Need A Consistent Amount Of Sleep To Be Healthy So I Consistently Sleep For 4 Hours A Night - Fleda
What Will It Take For You To Give Up Your Humanity And Become One With The Night - Xenon
The Price Of Wisdom Is Bad Grammar - Aurora, Alma
The Eternal Dance Set To The Sweet Melody Of My Out-Of-Tune Guitar - Aurora, Wyn
Don’t Aspire To Be Average You Can Go So Much Lower - Duran
The Privilege Of Being Born Somebody Else - Aurora, Emile
My Favourite Ride In The Theme Park Is A Bench - Luka, Duran
I Apologize If You Found Finding This Place Difficult But You Must Understand I Am Currently Evading Detection And Arrest For Crimes Undisclosed - Iris, Mahira, Emile
So Good At Sleeping I Could Do It With My Eyes Closed - Duran
Your Teeth (Hand Them Over) - Aurora (I can imagine them saying this for funsies)
Why Are You Sleeping In The Algae Pond - Irene @ her merfolk friends (Why can I imagine Mia, Chandani, and Xue Mei sleeping in an algae pond in their merforms?)
Write Your Love In The Blood Coursing Through My Veins - Violet, Emile, Gaius
Please Relieve Me Of The Dreams Plaguing My Every Waking Moment - Aurora, Alma (Daydreaming!)
And If You Thought It Was A Threat It Might Have Been - Mahira
Find Yourself In The Patterns On The Wall - Xenon
Putting On A Show To Seem Alive / When I Don’t Feel Alive - Aurora, Iris, Emile, Luka, Elio
Time Has Stopped Passing A Long Time Ago - Xenon
Once Again A Cold Rainy Winter Gives Way To A Cold Rainy Spring - Aurora, Xenon, Luka
You Made Me The Villain Of Your Story Darling Now Own Up To It Won’t You - Violet, Mahira, Emile
It’s Past My Bedtime And I’m Thinking Of You - Aurora, Violet
Oh Baby Don’t You Know Our Sort Is Locked Out Of Heaven - Mahira, Emile
There’s No ‘You’ In 'My Cup Of Tea' - Violet @ Joules lmao
You Have To Stop Making So Many Enemies - Luka, exasperated (This actually applies to Aurora, Iris, and Elio)
You Have This Power Inside And It’s Frightening - Slyvan, Mahira, Irene, Gaius
All The Things You Did Before You Did Them - Xenon
My Overconfidence Is Astounding And It’s A Surprise I’ve Never Been Killed - Aurora
Too Cool To Sleep At A Reasonable Hour - Aurora, Alma, Fleda
You Smell Like Nonsense With A Hint Of Melancholy - Aurora, Xenon
Crying Because Cats Are Cute And Deserve The World - Mia
I’m Sick But The Bags Under My Eyes Are Sicker - Aurora
Forever Dizzy In This Lonely World - Xenon, Fleda
Remember When We Would Stay Up All Night Reading Fanfic On Our Phones - Aurora, Alma
I Don’t Check My Email In Fear Someone Tried To Contact Me Via Email - Fleda
Feelings Of An Almost Human Nature - Xenon
Can’t Let It Slip That There’s More To Me Than Little Old I - Emile
A Sense Of Failure Wasting Away And Never Living Up To Your Full Potential Unable To Get Things Done And Putting Everything Off Because You Are Scared Of Progress - Aurora, Iris, Duran, Alma
Seeing The Future In The Tear Stains On Your Cheeks - Xenon
You Are A Dream In A Crowd Of Nightmares - Slyvan, Wyn
Do Not Invite Me To Your DnD Party Unless You Are Ready To Accept The Consequences - Aurora, Iris, Zoya, Alma
When It Comes To Near Death Experiences I’m An Expert - Aurora, Xenon, Emile
You Know How Sometimes An Unwanted Guest Comes Over And You Do All You Can To Make Them Leave While Remaining Polite - Slyvan, Iris, Mahira, Irene, Emlyn
You’re The First Descendant In A Line Of Workaholics Utterly Convinced Your Willingness To Sacrifice Your Own Health Determines Your Worth As A Human Being And Promptly Working Yourself To Death To Provide Unto Others What You Never Had A Chance To Understand You Deserved Yourself - Violet, Emile, Luka
So Far Throughout My Life I Got Mildly Electrocuted On Three Separate Occasions - Aurora, Xenon, Fleda
Leaving The Fridge At 3 In The Morning - Aurora, Alma, Fleda, Elio
Peach Yoghurt Tastes Better With Whipped Cream - Wyn
Thinking About Him (The Enlightened Prophet) - Xenon
My Brain Operates On Frequencies You’ve Never Even Heard Of - Aurora, Xenon
My Computer Chair Broke So Now I’m Stuck Here Leaning To The Right - Fleda
People Ask Me How I Manage To Think Of You Everyday And To Be Completely Honest I Never Know What To Say Because It Feels So Natural - Slyvan @ Pollux, Zoya @ Noah
What Flavour Is Your Mind - Aurora, Xenon
Being Told I’m Allowed To Make My Final Class Project About Any Topic I Want Awakens A Demon Inside Me That Makes Me Subject My Classmates To Only The Finest Of My Obscure Interests - Aurora, Xenon, Irene, Alma, Fleda
Standing In Front Of Me She Quickly Undressed Confessing Her Desire To Cause Me Physical Harm And Needless To Say I Was Baffled But Nonetheless Intrigued - Mahira, Emile
The Only Thing Greater Than My Ego Is My Impostor Syndrome - Aurora, Iris, Emlyn
The Cons Of Being My Friend Greatly Outweigh The Pros - Aurora, Xenon, Luka, Duran, Fleda
You Can Stay At My Place But You’ll Never Find Me There - Aurora, Xenon, Emile, Alma, Emlyn
Murder And Other Expressions Of Love - Mahira, Emile
You Locked Me In A Cage And Threw Away The Key And When You Found Someone Better I Was Left To Gnaw On The Bars For My Freedom - Emile, Luka
What Do You MEAN There Was A Fire - Irene, Luka
Go To Sleep In The Morning And Wake Up At Noon Only To Go Back To Sleep Till Evening And Wake Up Full Of Regret And With A Headache - Fleda
This Man Shoved His Face In a Tub Of Soap Bubbles - What Happened Next May Surprise You - Wyn
The Little People At The Bottom Of The Ocean - Iris, Violet
Go Ahead And Floor It Luv - Iris, Emile
A Toast To Our Special Little Brand Of Sin - Mahira, Emile, Emlyn
Even The Mushrooms Mourn Losing You - Xenon
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