#at the end of the day I was like: he is an ass. but Hel still loves him and wants to be like him
ripdragonbeans · 2 days
Not Him, I Swear // Modern!Aegon x Reader // Pt. 3
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Summary: You go on your second date with Aegon and it ends up being much more fun that you anticipated.
CW: afab reader, profanity, eventual smut, Aegon being an ass, oh but he has feelings??????
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
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The next few days were filled with cute texts and fluffy dates. Aegon respected your wishes and didn't push you to go any further than a make out session. It drove you crazy; you wanted him but you were scared. As much as you wanted to forget all the pain Jason caused you, it was something that stayed. It tainted your views of love, something that can be hard to make new. 
Aegon seemed too good to be true.
But you swallowed your fears and pushed on with your relationship with him. 
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“Hey, man!” Cregan strolled into the room. “How's our bet going? Is she begging for you yet?” He plopped himself down next to Aegon and put his feet on the table.
Aegon rolled his eyes. “Shut up,” he murmured. “No, she's not begging yet, but I'll get there.” He ran his hand through his hair and sighed. “Gods, I almost feel bad.”
Cregan’s eyebrow rose. “Bad? Don't tell me that my best friend is actually catching feelings for someone.”
“No, I'm not catching feelings for anyone.” Aegon got up to grab another beer; his third one already, and it was barely noon.
“The way you talk about her says differently.”
“I haven't talked about her.”
“Not obviously, of course. At any mention of the bet or anything, you tense up. Something’s going on in that head.”
“Whatever, Cregan,” Aegon muttered. “Since you're so focused on annoying me, I'm gonna go to my room.” He gave his friend a mocking wave before leaving the living room to his own.
He put his head in his hands and let out a groan. He couldn't be catching feelings, he shouldn't be falling for her. But he is. 
The way she smiles. The way her eyes light up. The way she tucks her hair behind her ear. It's like looking into a bright light and being engulfed in its warmth. 
But he had to do this. He needed to prove that he could have anyone he wanted. If not to himself, then to his friend. As shallow as it was, he wanted to follow through. He hoped she wouldn't hate him in the end. 
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“Hel, I really can't believe it,” you gushed. “I know you said not to get too involved with him but he's already so much better than Jason!” 
You plopped down on the couch, closed your eyes, and stretched. The wonderful feeling of being loved say well inside your heart. Despite the aching fears and the anxiety that comes along after being cheated on, the feeling of being loved triumphed ever just a tiny bit. 
“I wouldn't go ahead and say that, bestie. Please, be on your guard. You know all the stories, all the rumors, and I can even testify for some of them.” Helaena held your hands and looked you in the eye. “Be careful, please.”
A voice came from the hallway. “Yeah, what she said.” Jace walked over to the two of you sitting on the couch. He wore a grim expression on his face. “I don't mean to hurt you but I've heard that he's just trying to get you to sleep with him, all for some bet.”
Your heart sank at the thought but you pushed it aside.
“Very funny, Jace,” you said. “But I don't need that negativity in my life.”
“It's not negativity if it's true.” He looked at you with pity in his eyes. 
You shook off the expression and took a deep breath. “Why can't you two just be happy for me?” 
Helaena squeezed the hand she was holding. “We're happy for you, we just want you to be careful. We hate to see you hurt.”
“It's a risk, isn't it? All relationships are. I know Aegon and I will either end up together forever or eventually break up. It's up to us, not you two, but me and Aegon, how bad that ending will be.”
Helaena huffed. “Okay, I'll drop it. For now.”
You smiled at her. “Thank you.” You turned to address both Jace and Helaena. “Now, would you two like to know what's happening next?”
“As hesitant as I am, yes,” Helaena said. 
Jace nodded his head in agreement.
You pulled out your phone to read the text messages between you and Aegon.
“Our next date is a movie!” You announced.
There was a beat of silence before Jace broke it. “A movie? Isn't that a little cliche?”
You frowned at him. “Shut up, it's something.”
“What movie are you guys gonna catch?” Helaena cut in. 
“Oh! Um…” you bowed your head in embarrassment and mumbled your answer.
“I'm sorry? What was that?” Jace leaned in. A knowing smirk graced his lips.
You mumbled your answer again, but a little louder.
“Bestie, I still can't hear you!” 
“Shrek 2.” 
You look up in shame. The judgment you feel from them was too much.
“...I'm sorry, did you just say Shrek 2?” Clarified Jace.
“It's the best one!”
Helena laughed. “Considering it's you and Aegon, it makes sense. Weird choice, but yeah.” She clapped her hands together. “Okay, time to get you date ready!”
“‘Date ready?’ Hel, I’ve got five hours until I have to leave. I have time.”
“For what I have planned for you? Nope, five hours is just enough time for me and Jace to get you set.”
Jace froze hearing his name. “Me? What do I have to do?”
“Shut up, you're moral support,” Helaena rolled her eyes in amusement. “Now, let's go.”
Helaena offered you her hand but you hesitated slightly. What if this is just a plot to convince you to not go? But when you looked at your friends all you could see was the love they had for you.
“Alright, let's get this started,” you smiled.
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Four hours later had you sitting in a chair with your back straight and a mirror behind you. 
“Annnnnd done!” Helaena turned your chair around so you could see yourself.
You took in the image, your hair all done nicely, your facial features enhanced, all of it. You couldn't help the smile that made its way.
“Helaena,” you started, “my gods, you did an amazing job!” 
You turned toward Jace, who was sitting on the arm of the couch. 
“Yeah,” he said between handfuls of chips, “you look great. Aegon is gonna shit himself.” 
“I don't know about that,” you rolled your eyes. “He's been with a shit ton of other girls before me, I doubt I'm the prettiest.”
A hand smacked your head. 
“No. You're the hottest he's ever been with and will only be with for the rest of your lives.”
“Wow, and I thought you were dead set on me not being with him.”
“Only to protect you! But,” she sighed, “if this is how it goes then he better not break your heart. He does that. I'll chop up his dick in his sleep.”
“Yeah, and I'll fuck up his face,” Jace added.
You laughed at your friends, your heart full. “You two are so extra.”
“It's called being best friends,” Jace said as he joined you and Helaena at the mirror. 
Looking at the three of you, you thought of all the trials you've been through. All the heartbreak, the laughs, the highs and the lows. Without them who knows what you would be like. You interlocked your hands with both of them and leaned back.
“I don't know what I did to deserve you guys, but I'm grateful for you two and love you.”
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Beep beep!
The sound of the honking car was quickly followed by a text. You picked up your phone and couldn't stop the smile. Of course Aegon would do this. As you readied yourself to leave the apartment, you did one last look in the mirror. 
You were happy with how you looked; all dolled up for the date. Just enough to be enticing but not so much in your face. With a pep in your step, you made your way to the front door. 
Aegon’s eyes went wide when he saw you. “You look…”
You nodded for him to continue.
“Amazing. You look amazing.” Aegon flashed you a big smile.
“You don't look too bad yourself,” you replied as you got in the car.
Aegon’s car was messy but it could be a lot worse. Luckily the trash wasn't food trash but rather random papers and receipts that were strewn across the floor and the back seat. It also smelled vaguely of weed.
“You smoke?” You asked him.
Aegon pulled out of the driveway. “Yeah, and I vape every now and then if I want a flavor or something. You?” 
“I've been curious about it but no, I haven't done either.”
“Wanna try? We can pull over and I can roll you a joint.”
A smile crept onto your face. There were butterflies in your stomach but you were excited to take the plunge.
Once Aegon pulled over into an unmarked parking lot, he pulled out the weed, the paper, and lighter. He was careful to roll the joint nicely for you. Once he finished he looked at his work and gave you a smile. “Ta-da! One joint rolled for my kitten.”
“Okay, cool. I can do this.” You told yourself.
Aegon looked at you with concern. “You don't have to smoke if you don't want to.”
“No, but I really want to.”
“Okay.” He nodded his head. “I'll light it. Then all you have to do is inhale through your mouth, hold it for a bit then exhale through your mouth. Simple.”
“Simple. Right.”
“Okay, here we go.”
Aegon lit it then brought the joint up to your mouth. You gently wrapped your lips around the tip and you did as he said. 
You felt the smoke fill your mouth.
You let it sit and go down your throat.
A puff of smoke flew out of your mouth.
As a calming sensation sprinkled through your body you have Aegon a relaxed smile.
“You feeling okay?” Aegon asked you 
You laughed a bit. “Yeah, I feel good.”
Aegon took a drag from the joint himself. “Wanna get high before we watch the movie?”
“Hell yeah.”
Before heading off to the movie theater, you and Aegon shared the joint. It didn't take long for you to get high but Aegon finished it off. He was careful not to get higher than just having a buzz since he was driving. The rest of the ride was filled with you babbling about everything and nothing. Aegon smiled and let you go on. 
Arriving at the theater, you let out a little giggle. “I'm so excited for this, Aegon.” You slurred his name.
“Yeah.” He couldn't stop himself from smiling at you. Getting out of the car, he circled around to open the passenger door. “Time to get out, kitten.”
You giggled again. “I like that you call me kitten. It's cute and it kinda turns me on.”
Aegon gulped down a breath. “That's great; time to see the movie.”
Letting go of Aegon’s hand, you put both of yours on his chest. “I wanna be with you.”
He pushed your hands down and kept them firmly in his. Aegon looked you in the eye. “And we will but not like this. I want you to be sober when I take you.”
You huffed. “Okay.”
Finally getting you to step out of the car, Aegon went back to only holding one hand as he led you through the parking lot and into the theater.
“Mmm I want popcorn and an Icee,” you said as soon as you walked in. The smell of popcorn immediately surrounded you.
“I'll get you popcorn and a water,” Aegon said.
You stamped your foot. “But I want an Icee!”
He tugged on your hand to get you to look at him. “Kitten, you need water. Trust me, okay?”
“Okay.” Another giggle escaped you.
After buying popcorn and water, Aegon led the way to your numbered theater to watch Shrek 2. At first you wanted to sit up front but he pulled you away to the rows in the back.
“No one needs to know you're high,” he said as you made your way up the stairs. 
“But you know I'm high,” you observed.
“I'm the one that got you high, kitten.”
“Oh, yeah.”
As you sat down in your chair, all you could think about was getting as close to Aegon as possible. Thankfully, these were the newer, fancier theater chairs. You reclined your chair and moved the armrest out of the way so you could lean on Aegon.
“You and popcorn,” you said as you snuggled up to him. “The best combination ever.”
“Don't forget Shrek.”
“And Shrek.”
Aegon kissed the top of your head as the lights went down and the movie began.
While Shrek 2 was already one of the funniest moments of all time, watching it high made it even funnier.
“Prince Charming looks like Jason,” you whispered, eyes wide. “I bet his dick is small like Jason’s, too.”
Aegon choked on his water. He stole a look at you but all he saw was a girl high as fuck while watching Shrek 2. Gods, he wanted to kiss you then and there.
The movie continued with your constant one liners about how everything in Shrek related to something or someone in your life. Somehow you were Shrek, Fiona was Aegon (which he was happy about), Donkey was Helaena, and Puss in Boots was Jace. To you, it all made sense. To Aegon, it was simply blabbering that entertained him.
As the credits rolled on the screen, you lolled your head against Aegon’s shoulder once again. “I’m tired, Aeg.”
“You’re coming down from your high, kitten,” he assured you. “Time to get up and head home.”
“I don’t wanna move.” You slunk down in your seat.
Aegon laughed. “They’re gonna kick us out anyway if you don’t get up. What if I helped you?”
You held out both arms. “Yes, please.”
Aegon moved to stand in front of you to pull you up. Instead of letting go, however, he tucked you into his side. Together, you made your way out of the movie theater.
“Can we go to your place?” you asked him as he pulled out of the parking lot.
“No, I’m going to drop you off at my sister’s.”
All of a sudden you wanted to cry. “Why? Do you not like me?”
“That’s not it. You’re high and I’m going to take care of you.”
Your mood instantly switched. “I’d love for you to take care of me.” Heat began pooling in your belly while you placed a hand on his thigh.
Reluctantly, Aegon moved your hand off of him. “Not like that. I’m going to be responsible this one time and take you back to Helaena’s.”
“Come on, be irrisp, irrrrsp, irrisponble this one time.”
“If you want to be in my bed you’re going to have to be sober, kitten.”
You crossed your arms. “Boo, you’re no fun.”
“I know, what a bore.” He turned into the driveway. “Time to go.” He walked over to your side to open the door and walk you to the front. “I loved tonight.”
“I love you too, Aegon,” you yawned.
Aegon stopped, stunned. “I think you mean you loved tonight.”
You hummed. “No, I love you.”
He nodded his head, mouth slightly agape, as he took you Helaena’s room. When he knocked on the door Helaena popped out.
Her eyes instantly went to you, leaning all your weight on Aegon. “What did you do?!”
Aegon shrugged. “She wanted to get high so I let her. I only got buzzed but she is definitely high.”
“Yeah, I can see that.”
“It’s loud,” you moaned. “And bright.”
“Gods, get her in here.” Helaena motioned for Aegon to bring you into the room.
Immediately, you went for the bed and flopped down. Aegon was careful as he tucked you in. Helanea watched in awe of how sweet he was being to you. As soon as you drifted off to sleep, Helaena took Aegon into the hallway to talk.
“Have you been like this all night?” she questioned.
“You mean like the wonderful gentleman I am? Yes.”
“Why what?”
“Why are you being so kind to her?”
He shrugged. “What can I say, Hel. I like her.”
“No, when you like girls you just charm them and then fuck them. This is the second date you’ve gone on with her. Something is up.”
Aegon ran his hand down his face. “Let me do this, just once, let me be the good guy.”
Helaena looked at him warily. “Fine. But if you do anything to hurt her, I will personally destroy your life.”
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sohelish · 6 months
tfw you realise that Hel's father was basically doing eugenics stuff...
like idk why, but I think I never called it that? even though that's the thing. I guess I was just too focused on the family's interpersonal drama to label what her dad was doing lmao
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slafkovskys · 8 months
can we have a little sneak about each of the boys and jealousy with angel
warnings: language, jealousy, mentions of sex/sexual activities
“oh,” she says before she can stop herself, eyes scanning over the notification. she thinks maybe she had said it quietly enough where it had gone unnoticed by the boys that she was sandwiched between, but she was wrong.
jack moves his head from where it had been resting on her stomach for the better part of an hour as she had corralled them onto the sofa to watch the great gatsby, “what’s wrong?”
“nothing, jacky. look, you’re missing the good part,” she tries to turn his head back to face the tv, but he quickly moves and lifts himself up on his elbows, “i’m serious-”
“you’re being weird.”
“he’s right,” luke chimes from where he was propped on her behind, a pillow in between his head and her ass because she swore he’d have a sore neck in the morning from his position. with a sigh, he pauses the movie and pushes himself up to look at her, “what happened?”
“nothing happened, you two. i-” their gazes that silently told her ‘cut the bullshit’ causes her to close her mouth and look down at her lap. she finds a loose thread on the t-shirt she had stolen from jack’s clean laundry and tugs on it, muttering under her breath. there’s a pinch to her thigh, a warning from luke (and a reminder to curse quinn about teaching the youngest his ways) and she frowns, “um, one of- one of quinn’s teammates just sent me an instagram dm. it’s fine-”
“let me see it,” jack demands and she hesitates before grabbing her phone, pulling up the message and handing it off. he rests a hand on her crossed legs as he takes his time reading the message before scoffing, “oh, that’s hilarious.”
“my turn,” luke snatches the phone from his brother and she takes her lip between her teeth as she awaits his reaction, “‘i can’t remember if i told you, but you looked beautiful last week. we should hang out the next time you’re visiting if you’re down?’ the fuck? is this how people flirt?”
“you slid into my dms,” she points out and luke sends her a glance, “but yours was better than that.”
“obviously because here you are, but back to our current situation,” jack points a finger at the phone, “who is he and why is he messaging you?”
“kids these days,” luke mumbles like he wasn’t much older than the culprit.
“we were talking when i went with quinn to the canuck’s charity thing for like, five minutes max. i didn’t think it was that big of a deal,” she explains. she watches as jack stares, nods, then reaches for his phone. her eyes go wide, “what’re you-”
“i have to call quinn.”
“please don’t,” she pleads and the line starts to trill once, twice, and then,
“one of your rookies just slid in angel’s dms,” jack interrupts and she swears she hears quinn’s phone clatter to the ground.
“they did what in her where?” he asks after a moment of rustling on his end. “who? what did they say?”
“one of your call-ups thought she looked really beautiful at your little gala last week and wanted to know if she’d be willing to go out next time that she was in town,” luke has a smirk on his lips as he relays the message that they all had scanned over by this point, “because apparently the q around her wrist doesn’t mean much to you?”
“okay, fuck you,” quinn spits, “angel, can you hear me?”
“hi quinny,” she starts nervously playing with jack’s hair now that the oldest’s attention is on her.
quinn sighs, “did he say anything to you?”
“i mean, we were talking while you were doing your captain things, but i was friendly! i’m always friendly, you guys know that-”
“we’re not blaming you, angel-”
“just some people don’t know the difference between flirty and friendly. i introduced her as my date,” quinn defends himself, though he didn’t have to. jack and luke just liked to make their brother squirm whenever the opportunity presented itself. “i’m sorry that i can keep it in my pants and don’t parade her around public functions covered in hickies or with my cum running down her leg.”
“there was that one time-”
“please,” she pleads, clenching her legs at the thought. jack and luke share a smirk before jack gently pats her leg. she huffs, “just- block him, luke. i won’t even respond to him and that can be the end of it.”
“oh, i’ll be saying something, angel. then that can be the end of it,” quinn says and she can hear the annoyance in his tone at the mere prospect of the pending conversation.
“what are you all doing?”
and it wasn’t ten minutes after they hung up the phone and got back to their movie that she got another instagram notification. her stomach drops as she sees quinn had tagged her in a story and when she clicks it, she feels a small grin grace her lips. it was a picture brock’s girlfriend had taken of the two of them and while both of their heads were conveniently clipped off at the top, her back and dress were still very visible. just as visible as the hand quinn had on her ass, much too low to be considered friendly.
and that was that.
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princessbunnib · 2 years
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Our Tactical Princess
König |Cod/Mw2|
Summary: After previous events you find out what you truly want. Needing a bit of 'encouragement' to fully make up your mind.
Pairing: König & Simon 'GHOST' Riley X Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ Smut MDNI, Pleasure Dom König & Simon, Sub Reader, Heavy Praising, Slight Rough To Intimate Sex, Google Translated German Speach From König, Simon Being Heavily British, Ass Slapping Slight Face Slapping, Choking, Vaginal Sex, Penetration From Behind, Girl On Top, Begging, Double Penetration, Biting, Marking, Heavy Mentions Of König's Pubic Hair, Forced CreamPie, Heavy Breeding Kink, Talk Of Impregnation, Size Difference, Size Kink, Edging, Consensual, MM4F, Smut With Little To No Plot, Oral |M| Receiving, Consent Check, Overstimulation, Dumbification?, Insinuation Of Uniform Kink, Manhandling, Established Relationship, Penetration Encouragement, Sex In Livingroom, Sex On Table, Sex On Couch, Possesive/Obsessive Statements From Simon and König, König and Simon 'Competing' For Readers Attention.
Author's Note: Continuation of 'Tactical Princess'
The support on pt1 was literally shocking 6k notes!???? All the comments reblogs and feedback I received was amazing. Literally thank you so muchhhh.����💕
I'm not hyperfixiaited on COD anymore and had the worst time trying to get part two done. Writing smut for COD fandom isn't going to be as consistent as of right now. I need a break for a bit. I've said many times that this would drop sooner and ended up not doing it. Sorry to get everyone's hopes up like two times in a row.
PT1 Here:
The time was ten o'clock and you were spending your day off by making König dinner. You stood in the kitchen watching a YouTube video that explained how to make spaghetti. Even though to the average person a meal like that is the easiest thing to make considering it's just meat, sauce and pasta noodles. You had no idea how to cook because König is usually the one who does all the 'domestic' things like cooking and cleaning.
You wanted to be nice since deep down you felt like he was tired of doing all of that stuff but didn't say anything to keep the peace.
You weren't as confident in your skills but the nice women in the video made it seem easy enough. You weren't wearing anything special, just an oversized shirt and shorts. You knew König would be tired when he got home and made sure that all he had to do was shower, eat dinner, and most likely fall asleep while cuddling you in bed.
You were proud of yourself for making it this far in the video. You made sure the stove knobs had been on low setting and paused the small screen on your phone to start wiping the counters with a nearby rag. Everything was done except for the noodles. So you grabbed a pot from the cabinet and filled it with water, placing it on the stove top and digging through a new grocery bag from your trip to the store earlier in the day.
You waited in anticipation for a moment then heard the front door open with König stepping inside. He ducked his head in the doorway and sighed heavily while pulling his helmet and mask off. He was at ease now that he didn't have to socialize with people he could only take in small doses.
You smiled, unable to hide your excitement and walked up to him, greeting him with open arms and a pretty smile. He grabbed your hands with his and allowed you to hug him, he sighed taking in your fresh scent and kissed your forehead.
There was something oddly different about tonight. For one, you found yourself enjoying the smell of him coming straight out of work. A ballaneced mix of outside air, cologne, sweat, and musk. You took a deep breath and held it in your nostrils before blowing out. He couldn't figure out what he should take from this interaction but wrapped his left arm around your waist. Fighting the urge to not lift you up and bring you anywhere he pleased.
"Hello to you too Y/n, did someone miss me today?" He asked lifting your head up by your chin with his index finger. Lightly dragging his gloved thumb on your chin aswel to highten the small level of physical touch. "Sorry- You smell really good... I couldn't help myself." You explained feeling like he was intentionally calling you out.
"Well thanks even though I don't really think I do... did you clean up? It smells and looks great in here." He asked lifting a brow. You nodded and walked into the kitchen. He followed after you and let out a chuckle finding your get up quite entertaining. You were waiting for him to give you some kind of feedback. He stared at you and leaned down tilting his head to the side and put his hands on his hips.
"You did such a good job baby... I'm so proud of you~♡" He praised knowing exactly what those words would do to you.
"Are you really saying that or do you just want to turn me on?" You asked. "Both, could you show me what you made?" He asked receiving a nod from you.
You brought König to the stove and opened the lid to the spaghetti sauce. You began to break the pasta noodles and tossed them in the pot. Spilling some of them on the floor and getting down on your knees to pick up after yourself. König took a sample of the sauce and actually enjoyed it. While he popped a finger in his mouth, his eyes glanced over at you.
He couldn't keep a clear head while you were bent over, you were trying to reach a noodle that fell inbetwen the small crack of the counter and oven. Sure you were putting in too much effort when you could have swiped the broom through but König's intoxicating smell fogged your thought process.
He watched your back arch causing the shirt to fall down and expose your lower back. Your shorts rised exposing your thighs. He stepped back to stare at you from behind, the perfect angle giving him a view of your ass. He could tell you weren't wearing panties either, you truly were enjoying your day off. He smirked feeling like you were doing this on purpose.
A groan slipping out as he pulled at his belt so he could feel more comfortable in his pants, the sudden tightness in the front almost making him react 'out of character.'
You looked up at him to see why he was so quiet. He then held your face and kneeled down to you, holding a good balance and allowing you to drop the noodles in your hands to wrap your arms around his neck.
"Did you miss me? You still haven't said it." He questioned wanting you to say it without him having to tell himself something he already knew.
"Yes, I did... did you have a good day at work?" You asked.
He nodded and put you down for you to stand on your own. You stepped closer to him, pulling him by his vest to keep the connection going. "Work is work, you know I'd rather not tell you about that kind of stuff... how was your day?" He asked more concerned about what you had to say.
König stared down at you and wrapped his arm around your waist again. Bringing you close and keeping you put. You shrugged while speaking, not thinking you did anything really worth speaking about.
"I went to the store, cooked, cleaned..." He held your face in the middle of your sentence and kept your eyes on his. Staring intently and inched his face closer. Not responding with words, instead just listening and valuing having your attention.
"I made sure my uniform is washed for when I go back to work... usual stuff I guess." His face leaned in more, you caught the hint and wrapped up your words. He hummed again then tilted his head to the side.
You did the same allowing him to initiate a soft gentle kiss with you that could be laced with lust depending on who was watching.
Willingly melting into his hold with a whimper and made the kiss more demanding. He groaned as you pulled his bottom lip in your teeth, breaking it for a quick moment to examine how good he looked.
If only he knew how much more attracted you were to him when he'd have his uniform on. For one, his pants were clearly too tight for him which brought a lot of attention to how big he was. His thighs were nearly spilling out. The belt he wore around his waist that also worked as a garter to hold objects in the small pouch hugged him perfectly. You bit your lip staring at the exposed skin of his wrists. Maybe because you couldn't see majority of his body which left you craving to know what was under and have something to your fantasies.
You clung on the small amount of skin you could see and began to feel hot on the inside of your body. Not being able to stand in one spot while he lightly chuckled wanting the kiss to continue.
König wasn't aware on your opinions when it came to his uniform. Even if you told him, you knew it wouldn't make much sense to him. He yanked your arms in his direction and kissed your neck without warning. In a hurry to tower over you and lift you onto the counter further forcing you in one spot. You placed your hands on the vest of his uniform again, eyes staring up at him only able to focus on and smell him.
"What did you do at work today? Your smell is driving me crazy... it's not body oder or something but- I'll just be honest- it's really turning me on König..." You sighed trying to hold onto your composure.
His pants were annoyingly tight now. Your eyes dark with lust which gave him a raging erection. He groaned lowly and untied your apron from the back to take it off of you. You then yanked at his belt that still hugged his hips, staring into beautiful eyes. "C-can you fuck me? Please König... I know you just got off of work but I can't shake this feeling..." You desperately asked hoping he'd glady agree.
"I don't want to fuck you..." He declined having something even better in mind to not get himself worked up too quickly.
"What? Why not?" You asked thinking there was a deeper meaning behind his statement. He imidiently saw the worry in your eyes and held your face with one hand and brought his other under you to bring you up into his arms. You locked your arms around his neck to keep yourself secure and looked up at him with a disappointed expression.
"It's not you Y/n, it's never you... but if I do- I know we'll be here all night." He reassured you and brought you into the livingroom, laying you down on the couch and keeping his eyes from the neck up.
You sighed not caring about his reason. You pulled on his vest to bring him down onto you again, your lust taking over and solidifying how turned on you were. "I'll be here as long as it takes... I have to feel you inside me... König... I'm so wet right now- I can't just ignore it..." You desperately spoke which made him forget about what he said.
"Fuck- Y/n cut it out... you know I love it when you beg... I love when you say my name like that too." He laughed lightly to not focus on his erection.
"Then fuck me... ever since the threesome with Ghost I've been trying to get that same amount of pleasure back... I don't know what I need- but both you and him do..." You whimpered.
"So that's why you've been acting like this? You want us to take care of you again?" He asked with a smirk.
"Yes! But I don't want you to think that I like him more... we haven't even talked about it since that night, I felt bad for wanting another threesome since you barely acknowledged it."
König shook his head and got off of you to sit next to you and began to take his gloves and forearm armor off, sittingit on the coffee table. "Y/n you shouldn't feel bad. The whole point of that was so you could feel something from it. I enjoyed it too- you were all I could focus on the entire time. I didn't mention it at all because Ghost and I agreed to just be normal... I have to remember to check in on you when we do things outside of our relationship, you were and always will be the center of attention."
"You don't think I'm cheating on you? I feel so guilty for enjoying the connection Ghost and I might have... I really don't want this to mess up our bond as partners, I love you so much König."
He kissed your forehead and brought you onto his lap. Holding your face and kissing your cheeks then your lips. "Don't worry. I know you still love me, it's not cheating... Y/n my heart is filled with love for you so much that I can hardly call it my own. My heart is yours and your heart is mine."
How was König a romantic whenever he needed to be. You caught yourself becoming flustered at his words, averting your gaze from his and playing with your fingers. How embarrassing. This was reassuring to hear and did ease your guilt. You knew you still had love for König, even now it doesn't seem like you'd ever be able to get something like this out of Ghost, other than a good orgasm.
"I didn't think you'd actually like that- I practiced saying that many times in the mirror like two weeks ago..." He nervously laughed scratching the back of his head.
"You're so sweet König... I love you." You sighed in relief and hugged him, he hesitated for a moment then wrapped his arms around you. He tapped your thighs so you'd get up from his lap. Once you did he kissed your forehead and sighed heavily. "I'm going to shower, Ghost is already on his way because he forgot something... looks like it's your lucky day." He teased and gave you a firm slap on your ass when he walked by.
You made out with König while sitting on his lap with Ghost groping your body, his strong hands squeezing your breasts from behind. The two men fighting to have 4you closer to them individually. König pushed Ghost's hands away from you so he could have you all to himself to not let the Ghost get even an inch of your touch. Ghost groaned in annoyance and yanked you by your hips. Making you straddle his lap and feel his erection under you. He proceeded to grab your face and kissed your lips sloppily while König kissed your arm and held your hand in his.
Ghost moved his hips to feel you more intently. You moaned breaking the kiss for a moment to moan out, also trying to gain your breath but was pulled into König's lips before you could. You held onto his arms and was about to get onto his lap but felt Ghost's hands lift your hips and wrap an arm around your waist to align himself with your entrance.
"Fuck... you're such a god damn tease-" He grunted and gave you multiple slaps on your ass to make you whimper.
"Ah~ wait! Ghost! Ughh..." You moaned at the top of your lungs and felt him sink your hips down forcing you to take evey inch until meeting at the base. You clenched around him tightly, starting to enjoy the fulfiment of his cock for the first time.
You lifted your hands to place them on the back of the couch. Ghost's hands holding your hips and riding them up and down his shaft, forcing his cock deep inside you and messaging the sensitive areas of your vagina. You moaned with a nod, feeling like you were being rewarded. The tension from earlier made your body react quicker than you'd like.
He grunted watching a bulge form into your stomach and scooted down the couch to hang his hips off of his spot and use his lower body strength to bounce you up and down on him. You threw your head back, opening your mouth wide to moan and rolled your eyes into your skull. "Uhh uhh ahhhh~ Ghoossttt~ Yesss yess yes!" You lustfuly stated with a whoreish smile growing on your face.
"That's it... take every fucking inch- good girl... you're so wet... mhmm keep moaning so König knows who you truly belong to." He chuckled while yanking a handful of your hair to keep your head still.
König grabbed your neck gently and stared at you while your head was back. You made eye contact with him moaning softly and holding onto his thighs. "His cock feels so good... mmm~ ahh~" You whimpered clenching around Ghost multiple times. Smiling and lifting your hands to hold König's wrists.
"I know princess, your moans are so pretty baby~" He praised kissing your cheeks and tightening his grip slightly.
Their actions did nothing but rip another moan out of you. You closed your eyes tightly and focused on how deep Ghost managed to get. You couldn't stop your body from loving him more, your vagina sucking on him and desiring more of his cock to keep him inside forever. You moaned louder once he wrapped both arms around your torso and began to kiss your breast.
Dancing around your areolas and dragging his lips across your nipples but starting off with only that. He then nibbled on them slightly before bringing them into his mouth, his tongue swirling around and sucking them sloppily to make you moan again. "Haahh~ my nipples- are s-so sensitiiive~♡"
"Uhhuh you're so fucking greedy baby... look at our beautiful princess..." Ghost responded and slapped your ass, he then moved your hips off of him and allowed his erection to slip out. You whimpered as he turned you around for you to stare up at Konig and slid back inside with a pleased groan. Instead of thrusting into you voluntarily, he watched you as you whimpered and whined for him to do it. Then having the bright idea to ride him yourself.
You placed your hands on his knees and lifted your hips up then slamming down on him with loose slutty moans leaving your lips.
Leaning yourself forward to have a much better control over your body and arching your back, making all focus be on how much your ass jiggled in the process. Ghost threw his head back, deeply groaning and held onto your hips watching your juices trickle down his shaft and make a mess of him.
You didn't realise König was standing in front of you the whole time. He then took it apon himself to lift your head up and hold it in his hands, forcing your eyes onto him. Ghost letting out a moan once he felt pre-cum ooze out of his tip and into your walls. You cried out softly, lifting your hands to hold onto König's forearms and clenched around Ghost again. "Look at my pretty girl... how does it feel? Does my good girl love being stuffed with another man's cock?" He teased nodding to you and prying your lips open with his thumb to get you to speak.
"Yeethhh~ haaahh haah hahh~ ughh..." Your loose statement was followed by breathy moans which made König groan and stroke himself to the sight of your face while his left hand held onto your jaw, still keeping a finger on your lips before slipping in for you to suck it.
"Hmm mhhmm~♡" You nodded while swirling your tongue around his digit.
"What was that? Can't hear you when you're being fucked and sucking on my fingers..." He laughed slapping your face gently.
Ghost groaned and pulled onto your hair, not liking the distance between you two with your gaze more focused on König. You bucked your hips and sighed heavily once König took his finger out of your mouth and held your throat in his hands with a gentle squeeze to not hurt you. "My body feels so fucking good... I'm overwhelmed already but I love it..." You smiled using your soft hands to hold König's shaft and proceed to stroke it consistantly to earn groans of pleasure.
"Is that right? What does my beautiful girl have to say about that? I think you're forgetting something." He chuckled giving you gentle face slaps for a breif moment to 'rejog' your memory.
"Ughh- t-th-thank you König~ I love you so much... thank you for letting him fuck me~ I know I've been so greedy but I can't get enough of you guysss~ oh god- I'm gonna come!" You whined needing to let go of the knot in your stomach.
"You're welcome... anything for you- I love you so fucking much- aghh I just want my amazing girlfriend to be satisfied... you can get anything you want- no matter what it is..." He excessively praised feeling himself inching closer to orgasm aswel.
"Aghh shit- you're gonna come already baby? You just looove my cock now don't you? Stop looking at him and look at the man who's got your slutty tight cunt soaked." König let your face go and pushed your back down to Ghost. You nodded quickly and turned your head to look at him. Whines leaving your lips as he wrapped both arms around you to keep you in place. You moaned excessively and held his cheek in your hand, resting your head on his while staring into König's eyes.
"Yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes!! Ohh I love iittt- Ghost you're going to make come- ughh I'm gonna come all over your fat cock... ohh my god- I'm so clooooseeee!" You cried out as if you lost all self control.
König leaned down to you, holding your left leg and wrapping it around his waist to tap his shaft on your clit. You whimpered not knowing what he'd do next, you so desperately wanted to be double stuffed again. You were so close to orgasm, if he slid in now, you'd for sure come.
Ghost slapped your ass every second he got to produce more moans and whoreish whimpers from you.
He wouldn't stop penetrating your urethra which made it harder for you to keep hold and not make a mess. Your sudden silence told König you were going to come. He then glanced at Ghost, mentally agreeing with him to have some more fun.
"Are you close? Are you going to come?" He asked to force you to speak with a tight hold on your neck. You furrowed your eyebrows and again, nodded quickly. "Mhmhmmhm..." You whimpered clenching around Ghost multiple times before feeling his thrusts come to a stop.
"Good. Switch." König groaned and stepped back for Ghost to push you off of him and toss you to the side next to him. Giving him the opportunity to yank you from where you laid and scoop you up into his arms like you were his object. You sighed heavily trying not to get upset at the fact that they just encouraged your orgasm, got you all the way to the top, only to take you back down.
"What a shame... I dunno what to do with her, should we both stuff her full or does she not deserve it just yet?" He asked Ghost with a cocky tone. "Oh? I get a say in this again. I thought for sure you'd ignore me this time, but to be honest- I haven't been shown anything that would give me the idea that she deserves it..." He responded with a nonchalant shrug.
Were they fucking serious right now? What could you possibly not have done to come?
You rolled your eyes and whimpered looking up at them as they both stood in front of you. "That's not fair... I've been good all night!" You stated. König chuckled and grabbed your face, staring down at you with a displeased expression.
"Yeah- that was until you were basically drooling at the mouth for Ghost like a little slut..." He aggressively said mocking you.
"I'm not as slut-" You whimpered with a sighed trying to take his hands off of your face.
"You're not? Awe that's so cute of you to deny... you sure do suck cock like one, I mean come on... have some respect for yourself sweetheart." Ghost played right along with König. You didn't like this one bit, but you did know how quickly you wanted to give it up.
König rubbed your clit for a moment and slapped it to watch your body jolt. You moaned but acted like you were going to cry. "I'm not a slut! Don't call me that." You softly spoke hoping your tone would be enough for him to have pitty on you.
"And you think that you deserve to be called princess? Is that it baby?" Ghost teased with a smirk and squeezed your jaw tightly.
"Yes... please I've been a good girl this whole time... I'm so sorry." You begged for forgiveness which peaked their arousal for you.
"No no no, Being a good girl isn't going to cut it... get on the dining table and spread your legs, make sure you also hang your head off of it..."
You didn't move as quick as you should have. So to get you going, König yanked your arm and stood you up. Pushing you along hard enough to make you stumble on your feet. "Get a move on princess... I don't want to be rough with you but it's clear that you need a fucking lesson."
You spread your legs and opened your mouth wide. König was standing in front of you, while Ghost stood behind you but held his erection in his hand and slapped it on your face. Both men on opposite sides of the glass dining table giving you all of their attention in the process.
"She's so ready to suck my cock... aren't you baby?" He asked eager to slide in already. "Yeaahh~ I want you to come down my throat~♡" You agreed with a slutty tone.
König lifted your legs up and placed them on his shoulders. Keeping his hands on the table and sliding into you. Causing your back to arch and a moan to fall from your lips. Ghost held onto your throat with his left hand and penetrated your mouth, groaning lowly at the way you wrapped around him with no problem. Your hands on his hips waiting for both of them to thrust forward.
"Aghh... fuck... good girl- all the way to the base of my cock... that's it our pretty little porn star."
König began to thrust into you. Making you moan and slobber on Ghost. You rolled your eyes back before closing them, his balls hitting your face repeatedly as he was now using you like a personal fleshlight. You bucked your hips feeling König squeeze your thighs and thrust upwards into your g-spot. Making you clench around him and pull moans out of him.
Ghost let go of your neck and stared down at the bulge form in your throat, everytime he'd thrust in it would become bigger then shrink when he'd pull back. Your tongue played a hand in making this more pleasure. Messaging his veins and causing his hips to move faster. The table started to move faster than you were comfortable with. König's thrusts counteracting with Ghost's.
You placed your hands on König's chest and dug your nails into his skin. The pleasure overwhelming you again as your orgasm creeped around the corner again. You hoped to god that they would let you come this time. You were so close that it annoyed you just thinking about it. König held your hands in his and leaned down slightly to bring them up to his face. Showering them in kissed and mumbling sweet words into them. His tone doing a full one eighty compared to before.
Of course he wasn't really upset with you. But his possession and jealously didn't think he should just let you walk around doing whatever you wanted just because your vagina told you to. He let your hands go for a moment to bring you closer to him, grabbing at your waist to pull your body down the table. You panicked while grabbing for his arms, holding his muscles in your hands and gliding them up to feel every vein that protuded further from his skin. Just feeling his body turned you on more. With that, Ghost's hands squeezed your breasts and pinched your nippels in his index and thumbs.
You moaned but gagged when he thrusted forward again, inturrupting your sound of pleasure. Having them both again like this brought you back to the other night. Although both of them weren't inside of you at the same time. Just having König be this rough with you while Ghost relentlessly fucked your face is what really made this experience more erotic.
"Stop fucking gagging like you don't know how to take a deep fuck to the throat!" He stated while massaging the bulge in your neck again.
"He's right- you know exactly what to do so do it." König added.
Your feelings were yet again tied in. Last time you thought it was just lust and excitement that made you scream 'I Love You.' But now you're realizing that you do indeed love them. Clearly you've always felt that way for König, he's your boyfriend before anything... but you truly did love him even more. For him to allow you to be with another man even if you might have said it out of being drunk one night is honestly crazy to think about.
He saw it as making you happy. And as long as you were happy, he didn't care about anything else. The two of you have perfect communication aswel. If things were to change, a conversation would be had before drama could ever accure.
"Her throat feels amazing... God I would kill to experience this every second of the day..." Ghost groaned, rubbing your throat and closely listening to the sounds you'd make.
"Ghffhnmm! Hghhmm-"
You were slightly panicking because there was a lack of air circulating through your body. Your nails dug into his skin for his attention, he pulled his hips back with another loud groan and stared down at you. Watching you pant and raise your head, being met with König thrusting forward into you and continuously pulling your body off of the table to have you to himself.
"Ahh ahhh ahh- mmmahhughhh... N-not so hard-" You whimpered propping yourself up with your elbows. Ghost caressed your face and pulled your hair back for you to look up at him, thus making you ignore König for the time being. "Awe you can take it princess... you took two huge cocks on that couch a few nights ago, remember that? You preformed so perfectly for me baby..."
Well obviously if he says you can do it then clearly you can. His words made you tighten around König, signifying that you did like his words. You heard König moan which caused him to cross your legs over the other to make you feel even tighter to him. He threw his head back and groaned, simply enjoying how you felt rather than focus on his lack of attention.
Ghost began to stroke himself with one hand and hold your face with the other. His eyes still onto you while you whimpered his name softly. Your mind and body confused into thinking that you and him were the only ones in the room as of now, and that instead of being shared with him and König. He was the one making you feel good.
With your soft low whimpers and begs for more of his attention as if he wasnt already staring at you, his hand pumped up and down faster making a heavy groan leave his lips as he held onto your neck and nodded to you. König slipped out of you which brought him out of his fantasies. He stared at you, seeing how desperate you were for Ghost instead of him.
His hips gently thrusting to glide his erection inbetween your clenched thighs. You smiled softly while looking up Ghost and held his wrist in your hand. Your gaze becoming more soft and submissive as you spoke. "Choke me harder... you're hands are so strong... mhmmm~ and your arms... I want you to put me in headlock while you fuck me..." You said while bucking your hips to feel König's shaft cosntintaly rub against you.
"Fuck- like that? Does that feel good my sweet girl..." He asked with a smirk before kissing your cheeks and forehead. "Mhm... so good..." You nodded while biting your lip.
König couldn't believe his eyes. He could feel his jealousy flooding to the brim. Further annoying him and making him slip back inside of you, this time with force while squeezing your hips in his hands. You moaned sharply and glanced at him for a moment before Ghost snapped his fingers to gain your attention again.
"Don't focus on him... ignore him... you and me baby, unless you'd rather me just fuck your throat again?" He asked squeezing your throat tightly for a moment to get you to shake your head. "Ugh~ I'm sorry..." You said with desperation behind your words.
König's eye twitched as he began to steadily thrust into you with long strokes behind your urethra that was followed with loud throaty moans of praise and pleasure. Your body moving to follow his speed, breasts bouncing in a gentle motion which made you wrap your arm around yourself to bring them together. Allowing him to have something to stare at.
He was definitely trying to get you to bring your eyes onto him again. You were trying to take in as much of Ghost's attention as you could. You didn't know if this would be it, maybe this would be the last time you'll see him in this light. Yes getting him over here was easy since all you did was ask, but what if this is the last time? What if Ghost loses interest in being with you in this way? He made it hard for you to want to look away anyways. His tight hold on your jaw and thick british accent that was wrapped up in his praises with your name.
König grabbed both of your wrists and crossed them over eachother. Yanking your arms down for you to not be able to touch Ghost. You whimpered glancing at him for a moment but had your face squeezed and gently slapped as punishment.
"I said ignore him. He's just jealous princess, who gives a fuck either... what you should be focusing on is how fucking hard my cock is..." He stated, pressing his tip on your cheek and gliding it passed your lips. You moaned opening your mouth to take him in, only for him to slap your face gently again and shake his head. "Kiss it. Go on, put those pretty lips to use and kiss it..." He said tapping himself on your mouth. You placed soft but needy kisses on his shaft and tried to stick your tongue out, desiring to lap up your tongue on his urethra in order to collect pre-cum.
He rolled his eyes again. Having to be more aggressive towards you. He then tightly held your neck in his hand and applied pressure to make you whimper and stare up at him with pleading eyes. "Fucking kiss it and nothing else. You really get a rise out of not listening, huh? You were doing so well until now..."
König scoffed and slapped your thighs. Making you shake and react to the pain. Your eyes staying on Ghost though, knowing that if you didn't it would be a bad idea. He groaned, seeing how persistent you were in ignoring him. He then began to slam into you, shaking the table due to his emense amount of strength and brought your legs up onto his shoulders. Making his stance more solid so he could thrust into you the way he'd like. You tried to kiss Ghost's tip but whimpered loudly once König's heavy balls slapped against you, the pain mentally confusing you. It hurt just a little but the excitement and adrenaline that rushed through you with every hit made your walls clench around him.
"Du verdammte Schlampe… wage es nicht, so zu tun, als hättest du jetzt Schmerzen… du ärgerst mich so sehr– nutzt meine Freundlichkeit aus… du bist so eine gottverdammte Hure… aghh~ so eng und nass nur für mich... Scheiße.~" König choked out while slapping your ass and firmly squeezing it to ease the pain on your skin.
("You fuckin' slut... don't you dare act like you're in pain now... you piss me off so much- taking advantage of my kindness... you're such a god damn whore... aghh~ so t-tight and wet just for me... shit.~")
Oh god- anything but degrading you in German. Why did he have to always use his native language as an advantage over you. And why did you always like it when he did. His aggressive tone told you that he was annoyed with how you were continuously ignoring him. Your back arched as you felt a deep pit in your stomach once he'd thrust in and pull back. Your clit tingling, having zero desire to stop the need of being touched. You then moaned loudly and finally broke eye contact with Ghost. Staring up at König and clenching yourself around him with every forcful thrust into you.
"Uhhh~♡ please- slow down- ahhh... Koniiiiggg you're so deeeep~ i-in my stomach.~" You whimpered with a nod allowing your body to do all the talking. His cock reaching deeply inside you and kissing your cervix with everytime you'd buck your hips forward for more of him.
"Leg dich hin und nimm es– du bist so hübsch, wenn du es tust… aghh ughhh~ uhhh– Scheiße… ich möchte schon in dich hineinkommen–“ He demanded and slapped your thighs again making you moan.
("Lay there and take it- you're so pretty when you do... aghh ughhh~ uhhh- shit... I want to come inside of you already-")
Ghost then held your face and pushed your head back down to pry your lips open with his tip. You whimpered opening your mouth and allowing him to slide in. Your tongue being slippery enough to give him a proper and comfortable entry. Your eyes closed tightly and watered as you gagged on him, not expecting him to reach your uvula quicker than he did.
He threw his head back and held the back of your neck. Tightening his hold to make you feel like a suctioning oral toy. Thrusting his hips forward to gently fuck your throat, knowing that you may be overwhelmed already. Your eyes rolled back as you purposely gagged to make him feel bigger than he was. König's hands groped your breast holding them tightly while he moaned a cuss word and slapped your ass every now and then.
He lightly chuckled and slapped your ass hard before sliping out again to edge himself from coming too quickly and watched your juices trickle down his shaft. Collecting at the base of his cock and drip down from your enterence, all the way onto the table.
"Pgghfhm ighh haaackgh hiinngh-" You quickly begged with muffled whimpers. Ghost rolled his eyes and thrusted quicker to suffocate you with his cock. You rolled your eyes back and dug our nails into König's wrists. Heavily breathing out of your nose but knowing it wasn't enough for you. Saliva collecting in your throat and gushing out of the corners of your mouth further making a mess out of yourself.
"Hahh hahh~ aghh goddamn... such a perfect little cock sucker." Ghost grunted while staring down at the lump he repeatedly made in your throat.
"Because of me- aghh... she's used to deepthroating my cock... yours isn't much of a problem for her- ughh keep taking me in like that and I'll for sure come inside of you..."
"Hah- fuck you... you're just jealous... admit it König... she loves me more than you. Hear that?" He took himself out of your mouth again to prove a point. You were too busy enjoying being stuffed to care about their ego driven conversation. You whimpered taking your hands out of König's loose grip and held onto Ghost's hips, inching your face forward to take him back inside.
"Ghosst? More... I want more of your cock- please?" You begged showering him in kisses and swirling your tongue around his tip. König pressed your stomach down and throbbed inside of you. Loving how desperate you sounded for another while he got to use you.
"So? She loves sucking cock... doesn't matter who's it is- she'd do it as a fucking line of work..." He scoffed and wrapped his arms around your waist to completely hold you and rutted his hips into you like an animal in heat. You rolled your eyes back again and let Ghost go. Coughing slightly and breathing heavily that was followed by moans. "Ughhhh- König- yessyesyesyesyes~♡" You begged with a nod.
"Oh ja? Sag mir, wie gut sich mein Schwanz anfühlt– das ist mein braves Mädchen, sei ehrlich zu deinem Mann.“
("Oh yeah? tell me how much my cock feels good- that's my good girl be honest with your man.")
You shook your head not being able to take his hard thrusts. You tried to push your hands into his stomach to stop him but he groaned deeply and yanked your ankles, bending your body in half to make you more deeper. Locking your legs around his waist and penetrating deeper inside you to make your stomach cave in. Heat building up in your body which made you cry out loud and throw your head back. "Koniiiiggg!~ Stooop- ughhh... it feels too good- please I need to come..."
"Yeah baby? You need to come? Awe how fucking desperate of you... you're so fucking tight for me... how does it feel- hm? Don't you love having my cock buried deep inside you?"
You nodded while he held your jaw and showered your face in kisses. A whimper following your lips once you arched your back, feeling his chest on yours. Sensitive nipples grazing against the small hairs occupying his skin.
"Yeesssshh- I really love it... hmm I can't take it, my body is so warm on the inside... fuck~" You chocked out. Bringing your arms around his neck and gathering the hairs in your fingers. He buried his face into your neck and thrusted harder, the table moving quicker and his teeth grazing against your neck. Tracing over the hickeys he laid previously on you, making you whimper knowing the bruise wasn't healed all the way.
"Say it louder- I have a point to prove... you belong to me don't you, tell Ghost that you're mine... and that you love me more than anything else in the world."
König held your jaw and brought your head back for you to look at Ghost. He stood there stroking himself to the sight of you, your eyebrows furrowed and mouth opened to let out more moans. Your chest rising and caving due to your heavy breaths. You made eyes contact with him and shook your head in disagreement.
What point was König trying to prove? You weren't even listening all the way but you did know that you felt utterly embarrassed. Having switched sides so quickly and melted into putty towards König so fast. You held onto the table and whined, bucking your hips and moaning even louder. "Ahh ahh hahh~ St-stoopppp~ I caaan't!"
"Don't you have something to tell me sweetheart? Instead of moaning like the pathetic little slag you are, why not speak up and be honest already? He gave you a fucking order so fulfil it."
Pathetic? Well- he's not wrong... it's a shame on how quickly you let them take over your mind and body. You didn't want to think anymore. You hated having to think, you needed them to use you exactly like last time. You needed them both inside of you- you needed to be filed by them... you desired it more than your drive to go to work everyday.
"Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease-" You begged not clearly thinking.
"Ohhh fuck- please what sweetheart? Speak up and stop acting like a braindead whore." Ghost teased.
You cried out and felt your vavinal muscles sucking König up. Your mind was too blurry to even function. You shook your head and nodded. Eyes slowly closing until König pulled our of you. Which brought you back to reality.
"Oh wow... I think she's starting to be overstimulated... isn't that so fucking cute, Y/n what do you want from us? Begging aimlessly isn't going to do anything but keep your pretty pussy from coming all over our cocks..."
"Please... I want both of you inside me... I need more- please...pleasepleaseplease... I'm a cock hungry slut, I'm your slut..."
They both chuckled and yanked you off of the table, making sure you stood on your feet before walking you forward. "Good- that's all you had to say. My fuckin' hand isn't cutting it whatsoever."
"Which one of us should be in the bottom this time?" König asked once they brought you back over to the couch. "Dunno, probably try asking her?" Ghost scarcasticly spoke while crossing his arms.
König rolled his eyes and grabbed your head and turned your face to Ghost. Your face was covered in saliva, Heavy breaths escaping your lips as you stared up at them with a cock hungry expression. "Doesn't seem like she cares now does it? Whatever... this is a weird conversation to have while our dicks are out."
"Really? We're having sex with the same women and me asking which position to take is the weird part here? König read a room for a second..."
"KöNiG rEaD a RhOoM FhOwEhH hEh SeKhOnD... Gib mir eine Pause, du britisches Arschloch." He responded taking the immature route and mocking Ghost's thick accent.
("Give me a break you british asshole.")
You stared up at them with a dead expression. They were seriously having this kind of conversation right now? You sighed and wiped your mouth. Clearing your throat to bring attention to yourself. "You guys can wrap this up at any moment, I really would like to come now..."
Ghost scoffed and lifted you off of the couch again. Yanking your arm to bring you up and wrap his arms around your waist. You placed an arm around his neck and felt him align himself with your entrance again. "He started it..."
"I don't care... just stuff me with your cocks already..." You sighed allowing König to hold your hips and slightly pull onto your body to bring you closer to him. You smiled at the act of them pulling you in separate directions to have you to theirs themselves. You moaned once Ghost entered you, sliding in perfectly and caused you to arch your back. Ghost then plopped down onto the nearby couch with you now on his lap. You whimpered feeling his tip kiss your cervix and make you wince a how deep he was.
König then pushed you down to keep your back into an arch. He groaned while tapping himself on your right cheek to bring his erection back. You moaned and looked back at him, biting your lip and gently grabbing his inches to align it with yourself. Once you felt like you could take it. You took a deep breath and brought your hips back. Feeling your vaginal entrance stretch beyond your usual size. Your smooth breathing made your walls relax and be able to take the thicker penetration much easier. The two men groaned loudly and slapped your ass, feeling their cocks touch against eachother and also be engulfed by your slippery walls.
"That's my confident baby- look at you... you're amazing, so eager to take two cocks inside... I'm so proud of you sweet my girl. You feel much more tighter now that there's less space- ughnh... oh fuck~" Ghost moaned at the end of his praise and wrapped both of his arms around your waist. Planting his feet into the floor to have better lervage to thrust into you.
König leaned down to you and held your neck in his right hand. His other hand holding onto the back of the couch to support himself. You moaned at the distinctive feel of them inside and grinded your hips, earning small sultry moans from them and feeling Ghost's dark brown pubic hair brush against your clit.
"How do you feel? We're not hurting you right? Ugh you mean the world to me... you're so beautiful..." König softly spoke and kissed your cheeks earning small pleased giggles. "No I'm okay- you both make me so wet... I can't believe I'm able to take both of you... your cocks are so big- stretching me out so far that I'll be sore after this..." You responded in a flirtatious tone while biting onto your lip.
"How big are we princess? Your tight little cunt can barely keep us inside... I can feel that slutty pussy rejecting our cocks but sucking us back in... what do you think König?"
"Likewise... her pussy is so pretty but sooo indecisive..."
"Ahhh~ I'm sorry... my body loves you guys too much to let you go..." You innocently agreed. Just with those words they began to shower you in kisses. König placing small love marks on your shoulders, neck, and upper back. Ghost doing the same for your chest, breast, nipples, and collar bone. You moaned clenching around them and bringing your hips back and fourth to ride them both. König's cock penetrating upwards, giving you that feeling of needing to use the bathroom again while Ghost made you feel like you needed to pee.
As confusing as it was. You did love the feeling, you could feel them so deep in their own ways. You whimpered wrapped your right arm around König's neck and placed your left hand on Ghost's chest. Receiving kisses and mumbled praises from him that followed with König's large hands slapping your ass as encouragement.
"Mhm... fuck our cocks like you own them... you're ass is so perfect and sexy... I love DoggyStyle with you... you're body is amazing, I'd make art out of it and stare at you all day long..."
"You're skin Is so soft and you smell lovely baby... such a beautiful chest you have... they're so warm... I need to suck them."
This was just right. Being praised and physically worshipped by both of them made you move your hips faster your eyes closing as you fell into your mind and focused on the sounds they'd make. Your vagina clenching more consistantly and becoming much more slippery. Lewd sounds produced from your body which embarrassed you but made you feel confident in the same moment.
"Ahh~ yesss...yes... s'good... and so big- just for me... ughhhh your cocks are all mine- fuck..." You sharply moaned within your soft statements. They groaned and held onto your body in their own ways. Ghost now making out with your nipples, sucking and nibbling on them while König held your shoulders in his hands which pulled you back slightly to make your arch more deeper. He stared down at your ass and took in how flawless he saw your body.
Everything you deemed as an insecurity was always what he deemed as your best quality. He loved every inch of you, your stomach, thighs, back, arms, fingers- he could go on all day and gush about how much he loved you. Inside and out. Hearing your moans as you used them like personal sex toys turned him on even more. He tried to not thrust into you, but couldn't keep his hips still.
"Ahh ughhh... uhhhooofuck- I love you- I love you... I love you... I love you... I love you..." He spoke the same words over and over again. The pleasure taking his body over not allowing him to think about anything else. You were amazing, he was proud to have you as his. And he was even prouder to be yours.
You threw your head back. Letting out a moan that was followed by his name. You placed your hand on his stomach to feel closer to him and whimpered closing your eyes tightly, his deep thrust counteracting with your hips. Bringing more friction and pleasure for every party involved. You nodded, throwing your head back and being more vocal in how good you felt.
Ghost grunted. Resting his head on your chest and hearing how fast your heart was beating. He didn't like how intimate you and König were being even without staring into eachothers eyes. He was thrusting into you like Ghost wasn't there. And you were moaning like it was just him. He moaned your name loudly and started to thrust into you. Stroking your urethra deeply and slamming his hips into yours. Forcing you to take him all the way to the base, pull a whimper out of you, then retract his hips and start this process over again.
His hands trailing down your body to hold you more intimately. He tried holding onto your shoulders but König's hands were in the way. He swated them off of you out of jealousy and held onto you, bringing you down to him and moaning into your left ear. Whimpering your name and exaggerating his statements to verbally get you go understand that he felt the same way, perhaps even more.
König groaned a cuss word and held onto your waist. Thrusting harder into you and throwing his head back. They were trying to work against eachother but still ended up being keanient and becoming partners to make your arousal the main priority.
You didn't know what to feel. Your body was already connected with them, and now your mind was too. Your hips grinded up and down, still feeling his bush which made you whimper and relax your vaginal muscles. König slapped your ass multiple times and held onto you tightly. Knowing he was going to come but didn't want to do that too early.
"I love you princess... I love you baby... I love you sweetheart... I love you Y/n... I love you..."
Okaay- cut it out you two... they're going to make you say and do things you weren't sure if you fully agreed on or not. You whimpered and nodded, König groaning louder and speaking up to go against Ghost's statements that weren't even all that. The only thing he did to make them seem more important was tie those stupid pet names into them. What a fucking show off.
"I love you more... I love you so much... I love you way more than anyone else... you're mine- and I'm yours... fuck I love you~♡"
Alright no seriously- stop it. You could feel an emotional I love you festering up in your body. Of course you could simply let it out but you knew it would be to the extreme and come out extra loosely. They both began to thrust in sync which was for sure overkill. Your back arched again m, you leaned upwards and held onto your stomach and covered your mouth. Your eyes opening wide to roll back into your skull. "Ughh ughh hahh~ yessssnooo- n-no- y-yeesss~♡ Fuucckk~"
"Yess yes- you can take it, we're so proud of you..." König stated while grabbing your face and holding your jaw back so you could stare up at him. He slapped your right thigh and squeezed it. You whimpered again and clenched down on him. "Don't take your eyes off of me. They're so pretty..."
"Ahh~ K-König... I'm gonna- I'm... mfhhaah~" He cut you off intentionally by crashing his lips onto yours. Holding your face tightly with both hands. You whined into his mouth slightly panicking from the sudden cut off of air. Your mouth opening slightly which gave him the best moment to slide his tongue into your mouth. Ghost grunted and held your hip in his right hand, using his left to put his fingers to good use and began to rub your clit. Flicking it back and forth and pressing down.
"Hfmmhmm! Ahh~ ahhhuhhh..." You broke contact with König to let out a moan. He groaned again, saliva tracked from his lips to yours. You sighed heavily trying to gain composure once more but lost it quickly. "I'm not done... come here..." He demanded and brought your lips back intertwined with his.
Ghost slapped your clit and glared at König. Feeling left out and wanting a chance to have you by himself. "She's going to come soon, her clit is so needy for my touch..."
"Mhmm- don't say that- uhhh- I'm so fucking close I can't even think... I think I'm seeing stars? Please don't stop~♡" You begged feeling tears well up in your eyes. To muffle your sounds Ghost held your face with one hand while his other held your neck. He brought you into a makeot session that was followed with hard thrusts and loud groans from both of them. König grabbing your arms to pin them behind your back, leaving you unable to move.
You moaned and broke the kiss yet again. Now resting your head on his chest and shaking your head, knowing your orgasm was coming and was excited for it. That was until you remembered what happened last time and panicked, thinking they'd stop you from coming yet again. "Noo~ please- let me come! Please I'll be a good girl- I'm Sorryyy!!"
"Her begging is to die for isn't it? So submissive and slutty for us..."
"It sure is... baby you don't have to get so worked up, we'll let you come... you've been so good for us..."
"You've definitely redeemed yourself~♡"
Once you heard that you felt even more desperate for your orgasm. Your hips began to move without you even thinking about it. You wanted to come so badly and would do whatever to achieve it.
König groaned while watching you bounce your hips up and down and moan softly. Ghost moved his fingers faster on your clit and nodded syncing his moans with yours. Everytime you'd push your hips back and lift while arching your back and letting their cocks 'breathe' until their tips were collecfing your juices, they'd moan out your name and encourage your hips to sink back by forcing them to move.
"Mhm... good, that's our pretty princess..."
Ours ours ours- they know what their doing. Your body was such an enemy right now. Your vagina would clench and pull them inside forcing them to let their pre-cum spew out and into you. Nearly reaching your cervix. "Say it again- pleasee I'm almost there-" You cried softly and received a hold on your neck that followed with a tight squeeze.
"You're our princess... you're all ours baby- you mean so much to us... we love you more than anything in the world sweetheart... you're our good girl who can get whatever the hell she wants..."
"Mhm... we'll give you so many loads of our come... just keep letting out those pretty moans for us to keep thrusting into you... We love you and care about you so much- you're amazing..."
Their thrusts slowed down and was now in sync with eachother. It was like their cocks made it possible to reach deeper into you. König kissed your cervix first, then Ghost. You whimpered feeling your body relax which made you throw your head back again and hold onto the couch. "Ahhh~ yess yes! Fuck! Oh my god..."
Ghost wrapped his hand around your throat and crashed your lips onto his, intently making out with you not caring that your mouth was already riddled with the taste of their cocks. You moaned and hooked your arm around his neck, using your other hand to apply pressure to König's stomach.
König groaned but let out an emberessingly submissive moan that caused him to cover his face with his forearm and groan lowly. "Oh my god! Fuck... just like that Y/n..." He moaned with low whimpers.
"I love you~♡" You whimpered into Ghost's ear, hugging him tightly now letting your heart do all of the talking.
"I love you too baby... I love you so god damn much... you belong to me- whore." He groaned and made eye contact with König while you whimpered holding onto him.
Ghost pissed König off on a different level. He knew the rules when it came to you but chose to ignore them time and time again.
He stopped the kiss with you to hear how desperately you moaned for him to kiss you again. He slapped your ass and dragged his hands across your back, slightly pulling you from König's arms and sucking on your neck.
"Louder... keep moaning for me baby, you sound absolutely beautiful." He encouraged ands slapped your clit then thrusted harder. "Ahh ahh hmm uhhh~ Ghoossttt~♡"
König huffed and rolled his eyes. That smug bastard. There wasn't any words to describe how heated he became. He slapped your ass for your attention and watched your back arch more deeper. You whined his name and smiled enjoying the slight fear and pain rushing through your body. His slaps hurt of course, König sometimes wasn't aware of his strength and usually got carried away, feeding into his sadism kink and enjoying your reaction to the pain he inflicted onto you.
"Quite playing favorites, I'm your boyfriend so fucking act like it!" He demanded and pulled your hair to bring a whine out of you. You cried out and nodded rolling your eyes back and bitting down on your lip. "I'm soorrryyyyy~ don't stop fucking me please I'm so sorryyyy~" You moaned begging way louder than you ever begged.
Begging was yet again getting you nowhere. You were fed up with asking them to allow you to release. König then pulled out of you and yanked you by your arms, turning you around to face him and keep you still. Ghost held your throat and squeezed tightly while König tapped his tip on your clit. You nodded and whimpered with submissive eyes. Further intriguing König to slide back into you.
You moaned at the top of your lungs and cried out random sounds rather than fluent words. It was like you lost all function as a human being and could only focus on the flaming amount of pleasure internally and mentally. Your mind went blank then brought you back into focus. Your arms and legs fwailed around and extended then retracted once more.
The fact that you didn't know what to do with yourself was amusing to both men while they groaned, moaned, and cursed in the same breath. Heat radiated off of your face which made König smirk and lean down to you, making eye contact with you more intense which brought tears out of your eyes. Ghost squeezed your breasts and buried his face into your neck, speaking sweet lustful praises into your ears.
König kept his thrusts hard but made them stroke more deeper into you. Reaching your cervix and pressing into it, your back arched and arms flew out to hold onto his arms but instead you made many red scars on his stretch mark ridden muscular forearms.
Your eyes rolling back and vagina clenching much more consistently. Sucking and clenching around to keep them from moving. König pulled your mouth open and forced his thumb in so you could suck while staring at him. You cried out of pleasure feeling both of them stretch you out beyond capability. Your mouth wide open, tongue swirling around König's thumb and eyes covered with tears. He took your nails scratching his skin with a deep groan and nodded more. Placing his hands on the back of the couch and rutting into you.
Ghost rolled his eyes and did the same. His hips drilling into you figuratively bruising your insides and making the bulge in your stomach fluctuate in size. You cried louder not being able to speak and only moaning or whining. Ghost holding your neck and applying pressure to make you lightheaded, in desperate need of air.
You shook your head and buried your face into König's neck. Not being able to speak, breathe, think, or even comprehend what was happening right now. Your arms wrapped around his neck and held onto his back, feeling the subtle muscles flex as he competed against Ghost to have your orgasm in his hold. You scratched up his back and bit into his neck, tears covering the small hairs on his skin. Teeth bruising and marking him which gave him nothing but a more euphoric high.
"Aghh fuck- switch." He grunted and slipped out of you knowing that he needed atleast a few seconds to retract from coming when you have yet to release.
Ghost quickly pushed you off of him and waited for König to lay down. He brought you onto his lap making sure you faced him, Sliding into you first while Ghost stood behind you to hold your hips and press your back down onto König to keep you arched. You whimpered trying to lift your head and focus but your body was overworked.
König held you in his embrace and mumbled into your ear with a genuine tone to tell you how much he loved you. Your tears of joy stopped as their thrusts were now enough for you to deal with. A heavy breathy sigh leaving your lips once they met in separate areas of your vagina.
You held onto the couch breaking the leather with your finger nails, whimpering whining softly. Maybe begging to come or maybe begging for them to stop. You couldn't make up what you wanted. Ghost leaned down to you with the same method, speaking in your ear and watching König use his strong arms to put you into a gentle headlock. Your heart racing, skin covered in sweat, mind foggy to the brim with only one thing still in thought.
"Haafgghmmuaahh~ yeeghh~ Ihghh houghh oog whorghh~♡" You lustfuly managed to speak only sounding like your mouth was covered.
("Yess~ I'm your good little whore~♡")
Ghost held your jaw and kissed your face while König worked together with him by keeping your head still and holding a handful of your hair to keep it out of your face. "Awe baby you're okay- you've done enough tonight... you don't have to keep saying that- you're beautiful princess we love you so much..." He groaned into your ear.
"Mhmm... he's right princess- you made us so proud, you did even better than last time. You're amazing sweetheart... keep your eyes open so we know you're listening." Ghost chimed in.
"We'll take care of you after we promise... just hang in there and come for us, we've been edging ourselves all night just to make sure our good girl gets the princess treatment she deserves."
You couldn't keep yourself from crying, you felt so good but so bad at the same time. You needed two men in order to have this much pleasure? Maybe you really were a whore. You didn't care and nor did you take it negativity in a demeaning or insulting way. You truly did believe that you were their slut, whore, princess, good girl, and everything else in-between.
"I want to be filled up so bad... please? I'm literally dying to be bred- I want to have your babies~ impregnate me please??"
Okay they aren't that good get ahold of yourself. What the fuck were you saying by this point? You weren't thinking, there's no way you'd actually go through with something like that. Maybe it was the intensity of this session that made you say those things? You couldn't bare the thought of this coming to an end without something to constantly remind you of how good they treated you.
"Awe that's our braindead slut, say whatever comes to that little head of yours while we fuck you senseless... we love you so much... you're amazing- tell us how much you love to be shared by two men..." König growled in your ear kissing your cheek.
"Oh my gooooddd~ harder! Fuck me harder please... I love you too König- ahhh please come inside me~ I can take both of your loads again!- I can take it all- please?" You begged as König gently slapped your face and laughed at your vulnerable demands. "You're so ready to take our come that your pussy keeps dripping all over our massive cocks. How bad do you want it princess? Beg us to come inside you."
"Oh my god- please... make a mess out of my cunt and breed me! I can't fucking take it anymore, I'll still be a good girl just breed me already..." You whined pretending to cry just so they'd take pitty on you and shower you with attention.
Ghost wrapped an arm around your waist and brought you close to him while König kissed your neck and played with your breasts. You moaned at his touch and lifted your arm, hooking it around the back of his neck so he could have more access to you. You held Ghost's face with your free hand and hooked your legs around his waist. "Make love to me..."
You weren't talking to one of them specifically. The truth was that you were in love with both of them. Clearly König already had your heart before anything else, but you feel a much more intense love for him now. Your feelings for Ghost weren't as clear, you loved him. But you felt as if this love only laid in what high level of intimacy he can have during sex. He has a hold on you sexually and you'd rather not allow him to let it go.
You payed more attention to him just for that fact. You loved his ability to make your mind fuzzy with lust. You didn't want to break eye contact, you needed him more than you needed anything else.
While you were stuck in your train of thought. Ghost and Konig pulled out to switch spots for the last time. This time Ghost behind you and König in front of you. König placed your hips over his, guiding them back and forth so he could feel you against his dwindling erection. You eventually let out a moan and came back to reality.
You placed your hands on his chest, feeling nervous in anticipation wondering when they'd 'finish the job.' You didn't speak and instead waited. You felt their hands caressing your skin and heard low groans escape their lips. You sighed, which followed your words with a whimper.
Ghost held your face, bringing it back so you could look up at him. "We're going to take care of you. I promise." He reassured you and kissed your forehead, letting your face go so you could look down at König again.
"We'll do anything for you Y/n, you mean everything to us. We love you." He said, adding more fuel to the fire.
You closed your eyes and imagined that this wasn't happening. You couldn't believe it, with every word the spoke you found yourself falling deeper and deeper for them. Your heart was beating out of your chest. Feeling the love behind their statements and chose to hang onto them for as long as possible. "Do you both mean that? I don't mean to sound insecure but... my feelings for you guys is starting to become intense, I really don't want this to just be sex talk..."
"Yes we do sweetheart... I know I most certainly do... you're so important to me... I adore you Y/n."
You felt the need to cry but not out of pain or sadness... they were- tears of joy? Your heart soaked up their words like a sponge. You felt overwhelmed as it was, your arousal slowly slipping away making you thirst for more sexuall attention. Being so close to them in this way again brought you back to the same euphoric feeling you experienced the first time. Ghost pinned you down so you could be closer to König, making himself a bit more heavy onto you to keep you in place.
You wrapped your arms around König's neck, feeling safe and secure In their arms. König held onto your hips once you stopped grinding on him. You felt their erections poking you in different areas. Ghost's pressing into your back while König's pressed into your stomach.
You stared into his eyes for a moment. Feeling a wave of warthm engulf your body and rush to the center of your body. Making your clit tingle and vagina clench. Ghost mumbled into your neck, slowly grinding himself to keep his erection. He held onto the couch for support and groaned your name clearly.
With you being this close. You could smell their individual scents. They almost smelled the same but you knew there was something that made them different. You held König's face and bit your lip. Kissing his cheek softly before making your way to his lips. Sensually making out with him as he dug his fingernails into your skin.
You whimpered again. But this time for the last time as Ghost held your face, lifting your head up by your chin so you could look up at him. "We're going to slide in now alright? Slowly at first... you can tell us if we're hurting you okay..." He explained softly to you and laid many kisses on your face.
"At the same time? I don't think I'll be able to do that again. I'm already so sore... I want to come." You said slightly panicking. König shushed you and held your face, taking Ghost's hands off of you to have you to himself. "Shhh it's okay Y/n, look at me... we've got you, you can take us just like you did... we'll take care of you after this..."
"That's exactly why we're going to make love to you, hug you, kiss you, praise you, get you closer to orgasm so you come before we do, and of course breed you..." He encouraged with a soft tone. Ghost brought your eyes back to his and pulled your head back so you'd look at him. "Just do one thing for us okay? Be a good girl and take our cocks... I loved when you took us in the first time... your pretty pussy wouldn't stop clenching around us..."
Ughh... you couldn't keep yourself in a shell anymore. You felt exhausted from being in this for so long. You wanted to stop but what would the point be if you didn't come. Your confidence had withered away now that they both were taking time in penetrating your used up hole.
In the same breath though, you wanted them to ruin you twice as bad. You had nowhere to go considering they kept such a tight hold on you that made it impossible for you to move. Ghost's large frame pressed onto you, König's strong hands holding you tightly, digging his nails in whenever you'd make the slightest amount of movement.
Them taking their sweet time with talking you through what was going to happen made you more desperate for them. You bit your lip again and began to shift in place, the subtle friction making both men groan in pleasure and muffle their sounds by kissing your neck. König dragged his canines across your skin, aching to bite into you and further mark you next to the hickey he made on your neck.
He knew that you weren't a fan of hickeys but couldn't resist last time. He'd rather physically make a mark on you so when people would see it. They knew that you were already taken by someone. You weren't a fan of having to wear heavy makeup on your neck or wear extra clothing to cover up the markings. Deep down König could be a real feral animal when he's pushed to be one.
You moaned holding the couch cushion in your right hand while squeezing your grasp on König's arm. He buried his face into your neck, grunting deeply while making you sigh in relief. You took in a heafty amount of his scented shampoo and slightly smiled at the smell.
"Zeig uns, wie stolz du bist, unsere Prinzessin zu sein..." König stated, taking this moment to move your right leg to the side giving him a clear way to slide inside of you.
("Show us how proud you are to be our princess...")
Your legs were close together which would make it hard for you to take them. König and Ghost began to align themselves with your entrance, stroking their cocks in unison for a breif moment and begining to press their tips on the same hole. Your eyes grew wide, voice changed in pitch as you shook your head not having a sliver of delusion to get yourself to take them.
"No no wait!- I can't... I can't... I can't do it- I'm tired..." You whined.
"Ja, das kannst du... es tut mir leid, dass du Schmerzen hast, Schatz... du hast es verstanden, atme tief ein und halte es für einen Moment fest, okay?"
("Yes you can... I'm sorry that you're in pain honey... you got this, take a deep breath and hold onto it for a moment, okay?")
You shook your head again. Not wanting to believe his words and shifted in place once more. "Awe baby come on... this is the only hard part, we've got you. You have nothing to worry about. Just take a deep breath like he said... do you trust us?" Ghost asked.
Trust you? You let them come inside of you just because you like the feeling of a creampie. Wouldn't the average person consider that a dangerous amount of trust..
"Yes- I trust you... you both are just too big for me... I don't even know how I did it the first time... I'm not going to be able to fit you inside..." You simply denied.
Your words made them even harder which wasn't a bad thing, but certainly wasn't going to make this easier for you. They both had a few things in common and a size kink was definitely one of them. They lowly groaned a cuss word and buried their faces into your neck. König bit into your skin and pulled onto the edge of a couch cushion. You watched the veins protrude further out of his hand and pressed your lips together to suppress a moan he would have gotten from you if you didn't.
"D-don't say that... it's only making me harder..."
"For once I agree with him..." Ghost nodded.
"Why? I'm just explaining the reason... you're both too big, you guys will definitely stretch me out too much. I can't take you both in my tight cunt, even if I tried... I'd just chicken out and reject your cocks... only to be stuffed deeper and deeper- until it's all the way in... my vagina clenching and pulling both of you in... my walls sucking on you two like a piece of hard candy... making the most lewd and disgusting sounds you can think of..." You knew what you where doing by saying these things. It intrigued their interest in penetrating you no matter what you said.
Deep down that's what you wanted anyway but didn't want to say it out loud. They both let out a few moans into your neck once more and grew impaitent, desiring to be inside of you by any means.
You could tell they where on edge. You had to step up your game just another notch to really get what you wanted. "Ugh... I'm sorry that I'm too tight... my pussy can't manage to handle it... I guess you guys are going to have to force me to take it, huh?" Your voice rised in pitch while you whimpered, pouting your bottom lip and furrowing your eyebrows.
"Hold her still... if she wants us to force ourselves inside then let's do just that... is that really what you want? I know you're exhausted by now." König demanded still clinging onto what was left of his composure.
"Hmm... say it to me in German... I love when you speak to me that way..."
He turned your head and kissed your lips before speaking up again.
"Sag mir, dass du willst, dass wir unsere Schwänze in deine hübsche Muschi zwingen... egal wie laut du wimmerst und wimmerst."
("Tell me that you want us to force our cocks inside that pretty pussy of yours... no matter how loud you whine and whimper.")
You nodded and shifted yet again. Making them both groan. Gost leaned upwards, giving you free access to be held by König. You bit your lip and nodded, taking a deep breath like they asked prior and held onto it. You felt their tips press onto you again, you tried to not focus on the lack of air and the panicking feeling rushing through your body. You held onto König and Ghost's hands while they entered you. König holding your left and Ghost holding your right.
You whimpered and extended your legs. Fuck why did you say that? Now they really were forcing themselves inside- you tensed up and felt yourself become lightheaded, needing to breathe but haven't been ordered to do so. "Breathe out... slowly..." Ghost demanded, squeezing your hips tighter.
"Haah~ haahh... haah-" You did what he asked and listened to their intense groans of pleasure. You felt your stomach grow as it seemed like something was inside of it, forcing it open wider. Your walls were stretched beyond what you were used to.
Breathing did make it easier. With you relaxing and letting go of the deep breath, it made your vaginal muscles relax too and be able to be stretched wider. You swallowed the lump in your throat and nodded now becoming one with them completely.
"Mhmm you feel amazing around us... so warm and slippery... atta girl..." Ghost praised.
"We're so proud of you... who's our favorite girl? Hm? Who are we proud of Y/n?" König teased questioning you to see if you were listening.
You moaned as Ghost leaned down to you again, pressing his bodyweight onto you and speaking into your ear, sending chills down your spine. König scooted down the couch for better leverage which made you moan louder. He moved inside of you rubbing against Ghost's shaft and bringing moans out of all three of you.
Once he was comfortable he held onto your face and started to thrust upwards into you. This time he was the one penetrating behind your urethra while Ghost penetrated deeper and kissing your cervix. You cried out softly a random response and rolled your head back, bucking your hips at the same time. Feeling König's thick bush of pubic hair brush up against your clit, making you feel more pleasure.
"Come on~ aghh... wh-who are we proud- oh fuck... of?" König managed to choke out while holding your wrists together in his hand to keep you from having control.
"Haah- uhhh... me! Me! Me! Me! Mhee... meee~" You whimpered allowing your mind to go blank and leave you to fend for yourself. They chuckled and thrusted out of sync. Confusing you and making you unable to decide on which cock to focus on.
Should you focus on Konig who was practically in your stomach, making uncomfortable pressure behind your urethra that made you think you had to pee. Or Ghost who was confidently being vocal in your ear and nearly hurting your hips considering how tight he held onto you. König made eye contact with you again and nodded, humming in response to let you know he understood exactly how you felt.
He groaned watching tears build up in your eyes and began to make fake moans to imitate exactly how you sounded and smirked halfway through with a cocky chuckle.
"Sthoopp- stop- mocking me... oh my fucking god~♡" You yelled not caring about how loud you sounded.
"Mhm... let it out, keep grinding on me and using my pubic hair to get off... doesn't it feel so good princess? Now aren't you glad I don't shave it completely?" He groaned.
"Ughh.. yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyessss~" You moaned slightly begging but didn't know what exactly you were begging for.
Ghost leaned upwards again and held onto your shoulders thrusting into you while König brought your hips back and forth to please both of them. Guiding you in his desired tempo while forming your walls to hug their sizes and becoming more used to it. He slapped your left cheek and made room for Ghost to do the same. They laughed hearing you whimper but arch your back, signifying that you enjoyed the pain.
König laid a gentle kiss on your chest, kissing your breasts and ignoring your sensitive cold nipples. You whimpered wrapping your right arm under his head for support. He exaggerated the sounds and left every kiss with a wet 'muah' sound. You nodded, forcing more of your breast into his mouth and threw your head back once his tongue grazed your nipple. He hummed sending vibrations throughout your body and carresed your back with his left hand, using his other to hold your neck and keep your head back.
This gave Ghost the opportunity to lean down to you and hold your face by your cheeks, turning your face to force your eyes and atared intently into your eyes and nodding understanding your emotions. You didn't know what to do with your free arm as you couldn't find the ability to think or speak. They enjoyed asking you random things to see you ramble words together and respond.
König changed his temp and thrusted slowly into you, forcful deep thrusts that caused friction against Ghost's cock and made him drip with pre-cum. The few drops of white liquid getting lost in your walls and mixing with your arousal.
"Hah- ahh- fuck. Ahh-- take it-- aghhhffuck~♡" His statement was followed by a loose moan at the end. He looked down to watch your juices coat his shaft and grunted. Ghost squeezed on your neck to get you to speak up and be vocal. You shook your head not being able to do so.
"Mmmm...mm." Your eyes rolled back, nails digging into their forearms and scratching the first layer of skin. Ghost grabbed your left arm and put it around the back of his neck, drapping it on his shoulders and groaned thrusting enough to be the one causing all of your physical reactions. Your thighs shaking, shallow breaths leaving your lips, desperate hums of pleasure and most importantly. Your vagina clamping down on them and urethra allowing a small stream of diluted liquid to trickle out of you.
"What was that my sweet girl? Speak up and use your words... humming isn't going to let us know how you feel." Ghost demanded and loosened his grip on your neck, thinking that you'd speak up after.
Sweet girl? Oh god. Another name he was going to definitely call you rather than your actual name? As demeaning you felt that was, you enjoyed it coming from him rather than anyone else. You shook your head again and whimpered. Feeling tears well up in your eyes. They were too much for you to handle at once. Your ability to think slipped away from you and left you a dumb brain dead mess. Ghost brought you back down to him and wrapped his arms around your waist again. Thrusting father than König to one up him and pull more sounds from you. Your mouth opened wide as you let out small whimpers of pleasure and held onto his forearm with your right hand.
"Uhh hhhhh~ uhh mmm mmmmm mm--"
"Oh? You can't fucking talk can you? You're so overwhelmed because of my cock yeah? I know baby... I know... are you enjoying yourself? You love sitting on your new throne, yes? My cock is yours- especially because you're our good little princess... Oh Fuck!-"
A greedful smile planted on your face as you brought yourself to focus on his words. His German accent slightly coming in as he got loose with his composure bringing you back to reality and making you clench around them more than once. My? Ours? You couldn't decide which possessive statement caused your vagina to react.
Ghost quickly slapped your ass and couldn't control himself to stop. He pulled your hair too and groaned deeply into your ear, tossing words together to say. "You will be our personal come dumpster after this darlin'~♡"
Oh my god- why does every name he has for you have to be a praise.. Princess? Darlin'? Baby? And most of all- Sweetheart?
He can't possibly just be saying these things because they make you feel good. He has to love you back right? He just has to- you love him so much... you can't act like you don't, he makes you feel too good for you to not be convinced that he loves you.
Ohh~ but you love König aswel... what are you supposed to do? You felt like it was out of order to be in love with two different people. You've never had this type of experience before-
The tears that filled your eyes to the brim had finally fallen and made you seem like you where actually crying. They both slowed down their thrusts hearing and taking note of your whimpers. Ghost leaned down to you, placing both of his hands on the couch for support and kissing your right cheek. König did the same, wiping your eyes and kissing your left cheek. His lips slightly being covered by your salty tears.
"Awe it's okay... don't cry, we'll go slower now... you're okay, we've got you... you're safe, we're sorry for being so rough." They spoke in unison which was honestly weird on how they managed to do that. Without stuttering and crystal clear? You weren't crying because they hurt you, you were crying because of how overwhelming the amount of you being turned on was. The friction, tightening, twitching, thrusting, biting, kissing, pulling- everything about it had a hand in you going silent and focusing on how their cocks felt.
You sighed heavily and laid on Ghost's chest, covering your face and shaking your head in embaressment, their attention was called for but you couldn't fathom why you loved it so much. Ghost lifted your head up by your hair as König held your wrists. Soon intertwining your fingers with his and focused on your facial expression.
Once their hips came to an abrupt stop it gave you a second to gain yourself and think a bit more clearer. "Look at us, calm down... tell us if you're okay... should we stop for a moment and give you a chance to relax?"
König? Ghost? God dammit this shit again~♡ Fuck, which one is it!? You couldn't decide, again. Just like last time... and you were feeling emotinal. Just like last time. With your silence they couldn't figure out what was wrong with you. They ended up taking turns kissing your face, König's hands guiding your hips back and forth to grind you onto his bush again. You whimpered nodding and managed to speak.
"I love you guys- like a lot... I can't even think of anything else to say... I really love you... I want to stay like this forever... please... please..."
At this point you where talking out of your ass. You wanted to have some composure and get yourself together but you also didn't know what else to say, there wasn't any other emotion that you felt other than compassion and love for them. It was embarrassing for you to hear yourself speak about them like this and beg for this night to continue.
König and Ghost looked at eachother for a moment. Not expecting you to blurt out all of that with tears running down your eyes. Were you upset? Or enjoying yourself? Although it sounded like you were happy, the tears continuing to gush out of your eyes threw them for a loop. König snapped his fingers in your face to get you to opwn your watery eyes. He held your face and staring at your expression to read it. Hopefully seeing your honest feelings.
"Okay- take a deep breath again... you're so worked up Y/n are you alright?" He asked with a light chuckle to shed light on the conversation. You took two deep breaths like he asked and nodded, placing your hands on his and soon wrapping your arms around his neck to hug him. Sighing in relief while your walls clenched. "Yess- I'm okay- I just need to come- I'm tired but i want to finish so badly." You said before wiping your skin free of sweat that built up over time.
They both showered you in kisses understanding that they should wrap things up for you sake. You moaned once both of the men stroked your cervix at the same time, making sure to be deep and sensual with their hips. They both groaned and moaned. König held your neck gently, forcing your head back so Ghost could hold your face. He held your hip with his free hand and grinded you back and forth to feel both of them in certain hard to reach places.
You cried out more and nodded, opening your mouth into an 'o' shape and drooling on yourself unintentionally. It was like they reached an overly sensitive spot inside your body which produced instant dopamine. You held their wrists and hummed random responses.
"Uhhuhh~ huhhh~ haah~ Uhhh haaaffhnngghhh... Kgghhhhkkkniig~ c-c-close~♡" You blurted out the last words slightly loud which made them chuckle in unison and speed up their thrusts. König threw his head back and stared at you even if you couldn't keep your eyes on him.
He found himself rutting into you and moaning your name with no shame. Eyes glancing down to your bare chest watching and tracing every detail of your breasts as they bounced so close but so far to his face. Ghost put you in a headlock and grunted into your ear, speaking praises aswel with curses. You held onto his muscular forearms and nodded pressing your lips together, tightly closing your eyes and dropping your mouth open.
König held your waist finally and watched the bulge in your stomach. Your ears popped at the sound of their voices. You cried out louder and nodded feeling the knot throb inside you and soon burst.
"Finally! Yes yes! Fuck yes let me come! I love you- Ughhh Köniiiiig- Ghoosstt~ You guys are making me- COME!~♡" You screamed in pleasure and dug your nails into Ghost's arms, he winced but continued to thrust. The pulsating grip of your walls sucked his load right out which made him let go of your head and choke you with one hand, his other wrapping around your torso to apply pressure to your stomach.
"Ogghhfuckk there you go- that's it- you're so fucking greedy baby, take my thick hot come inside that pretty little cunt of yours..."
König took this opportunity to rub your clit and force you to moan more recklessly as if you didn't have any self control. Your body began to shake as you tried to get up from their cocks but neither of them let you go. You cried out again, attempting to cover your mouth but had your wrists snatched away. Ghost made your insides more sticky and warm due to his load. He moaned once he knew he was completely finished, his balls tingling once he pulled out of you leaving your cunt a sticky mess like you asked.
You jumped off of König's lap and whimpered feeling your heartbeat dwindle down to normal speed, König stored himself using your arousal and Ghost's creampie as lubricant. He stood up quickly, grabbing your arm and forcing you over the arm of the couch. You whined for him to give you a second to rest as he spread you apart with his thumbs, watching Ghost's load seep out of your entrance. He groaned sliding back into you and rutted his hips forward to penetrate your cervix.
You moaned shaking your head for him to stop but no words came out. Ghost then stood in front of you, kneeling down and holding your face. You received a hot fill from König which made your walls suck him dry and clench snugly. Your eyes rolling back which made Ghost give you gentle face slaps to bring you back to earth. "Mhm, good girl... does the pretty princess want to be bred?" He asked teasing you. You nodded and sighed heavily. Wondering if König was going to pull out of you but he instead stayed inside. He wrapped his arms around your waist, leaning down to you and kissed your neck with a heavy sigh.
"Fuck... my cock is too sensitive but Y/n you feel fucking amazing... so warm and slippery, your cunt keeps pulsating around me... shit... I'm staying inside for a while." He desperately stated and rubbed your stomach.
You moaned feeling his cock slightly twitch inside. "König... I'm so sore right now... please can you come out?" You asked looking back at him. He held the back of the couch and groaned, forcing his hips forward to ensure that some of their come reaches somewhere inside you. Then bringing his hips back to slip out of you teasingly slow. Your arousal covered him completely base to tip drenched in cream. He plopped down on the couch and slapped your ass hard to congratulate you. Ghost did the same thing as you whined at the pain.
"Who's our good girl?" They asked in unison.
"I am... I'm your good girl... fuck... I'm sleepy." You sighed feeling your eyes begin to close.
"Alright come here... let's get you cleaned up again yeah? You did such a good job baby, I'm so proud of you." König softly praised into your ear, kissing your forehead and dragged his thumb on your lip.
You dazily gigged and closed your thighs together, keeping their creampie inside you. Feeling the liquids slip and slide through every inch of your walls. You smiled to yourself feeling onethousand percent satisfied as König took it apon himself to lift you up from the couch and bring you upstairs. While Ghost began to get downstairs cleaned up.
You sighed into his chest and looked up at him with your sleepy gaze. "I love you König..." You said.
"Mhm... I love you too Y/n."
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thatstonedwriter · 1 month
˚₊‧🍄[ Pain in the Ass ]🍃˚₊‧
◉ Synopsis; Billy Butcher comforts(?) you as you deal with chronic pain
◉ CW; swearing, chronic pain, mentions of self-medication, references to ableism, Butcher might be a bit OOC (sorry), implied romantic attraction
◉ A/n- I’m still nervous about writing scenarios/short fics but i wanted to try it out since I really like this prompt. Hopefully it turned out alright- enjoy!
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You’d done your best- really you had. All morning, quotes from people who thought they knew better, your parents, your own fucking doctors- everybody saying it’s just “mind over matter”- echoing in your head. Classic platitudes you’ve heard since you were younger; people trying to relate, but instead, minimizing your pain.
“Oh yeah I get it- sometimes my stomach hurts, too.”
“Headaches suck but it could always be worse right?”
“You can’t let pain control you.”
“Fuck those stupid God damn- agh!”
Annoyed grumbles turn into a sharp gasp as another wave of pain shoots through your joints. This paired with the stomach/headache combo from this morning was really wearing you down.
And now you were reaching a point of desperation. The medicine you’d been prescribed proved itself useless against the pain today- and sure you could ask for some meds from Frenchie’s stash but… that option should be saved as a last resort. You could ask for help from Hughie, Kimiko or M.M. Surely one of them would be kind enough to pick up more of your prescription or grab you some heating pads- but then again, going out in public could put them at risk. You couldn’t ask them to put their lives in danger for something so trivial.
Never had it crossed your mind to ask Butcher for help. Worst case scenario, he kicks you out of the group for being weak- best case scenario? He says something ableist and leaves you to fend for yourself. No. You’re not dealing with that shit, especially not now.
A knock on the door to your little “bedroom” signaled that a higher power had other plans for you.
“Ya’alright in there, love?” Butcher’s voice, in any other scenario would have been a pleasant surprise- but in this moment of vulnerability? It was like hearing death bells toll.
“Yeah- yep- yep I’m good, thanks.” Your curt reply was not unusual to Butcher, but certainly not preferred. Slightly worrisome, even. You hadn’t come out all morning, and now you’re miffed with him? He hadn’t even done anything to piss you off! Today, at least.
He tries the doorknob, letting out a frustrated huff when it turns out to be locked.
"Trying to let yourself in? See, you're why God made locks."
"Come now, no need for the 'ostility-"
You rolled your eyes as Butcher began his usual spew of excuses, but one in particular caught your attention. It was near the end of his little monologue- softer, quieter, and spoken with a hint of uncertainty.
"and besides… can't have ya crappin' out on us, yeah?"
Even from in your room, you could hear the uncomfortable shuffling of a man unacquainted with emotional vulnerability.
"I'm not 'crapping out' on anyone," you scoff, wincing as more pain sears through your body. "But.. I could use some hel- hey!"
Before you could even finish your sentence, the door "magically" opened- and there Butcher stood, sly smirk on his face, lockpick in hand. He catches your gaze and shoves the pick back in his pocket.
"So then, what seems to be the problem, eh?"
God, it's going to sound so ridiculous when you say it out loud. Compared to what everyone's been through, saying "my tummy hurts" isn't really a matter of urgency.
But it's more than a stomach or headache on it's own. It's more than your joints occasionally aching and popping. It's been every goddamn day for as long as you could remember. Would it really be so wrong to ask for help?
“It’s just been.. pain. All day.”
“Is that all? A’right, where does it ‘urt?”
“…Everywhere. All the time.”
Your response caught Butcher off-guard. He’d been expecting some minor complaints, or even a sarcastic retort about what an ass he was being. The cocky, confident expression was replaced with one of concern as he caught a glimpse of the medications littering the nightstand. Surprisingly enough, they were all your own prescriptions. Probably not strong enough for whatever you were dealing with, Butcher reckons.
“You tried Frenchie’s stash?” he sighs, playful demeanor gone as he goes fishing in his pocket for cigarettes and a light.
“I’m.. saving that as a last resort.”
Butcher lets out a ‘hmph’ as he lights a cigarette, taking a long drag and blowing the smoke out the door.
“What d’ya need?”
He takes another drag, this time blowing the smoke out his nose. “Make me a list, I can grab what’cha need.”
It was hard to tell whether or not Butcher was annoyed with you. On one hand, you could appreciate the concern. On the other, it was almost certain Butcher was frustrated with this show of “weakness.” It took you a moment to find the right words- not necessarily wanting to decline the offer, but hesitant to voice your needs.
“You don’t need to grab anything. Meds aren’t helping today, and I can’t ask you to put yourself at risk. But if you’re offering… I wouldn’t mind some company…”
Uneasy silence smothered the room until Butcher finally sighed, dropping his cig on the floor and putting it out before walking into the room, taking long, slow steps. He grabs a nearby chair, loud scraping assaulting your ears as Butcher drags it to the side of your bed, plopping himself down and crossing his arms. More uncomfortable silence envelops the two of you until you decide to speak up.
"You don't have to be here if you don't want to, y'know."
"I know," Butcher mumbles. He glances at you out of the side of his eye, gaze softening as he watches you wince as yet another wave of pain rolls through your body.
Black spots invade your vision as the aching in your body worsens. You let out a low groan, hands gripping the sheets tightly as you wait for this wave to pass.
A larger, calloused hand covers one of yours, startling you enough to open your eyes. Through the black spots, you swore you could see Butcher's hand on yours, thumb rubbing your knuckles softly.
"You'll uh.. You'll be a'right."
You let out a weak laugh at the awkward, but sweet attempt at comfort.
With how little you'd expected from him, this gentle, caring side to Butcher was a welcome surprise. As the pain dissipates, your eyes begin to flutter closed.
"How about ya take it easy today. I'll tell the others not to bother ya, and I'll come back 'n keep ya company." Butcher's voice is soft- unexpectedly considerate.
Nodding weakly, you lean your head back, shifting against the pillows to get comfortable once again.
Butcher squeezes your hand, keeping a firm hold on you as you drift back to sleep.
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missmarveledsblog · 1 month
The one ( Bucky barnes x reader odindotter)
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summary : just the grumpy teddy bear bucky pinning after thor sister that's been there through everything  
warning: none , Bucky being a cutie , John walker being an ass , sam being the best wing man , mutual pining
One person , one singular person was all he wanted to see after it all . after the blip , the war against the mad tyrant and yet he was now staring at the face of a man he loathed , one who didn't deserve to hold the shield his best friend and brother had for a century. John walker stood an ego based attention hog who had the wrong morals and ideal that steve would generally cringe at . even with all this their was one person that occupied his mind , one that could truly make sense of all the craziness that he was now landed in. He walked as johns chest puffed out appearing to make himself so much bigger that he was , the words spilling from his mouth all bullshit and that thing he pass of as charm well a bag of rocks could do better and possibility even smarter . Bucky came to see her , knowing she was the only one that could truly understand what it is like to be in a place so alien and having those feeling of they didn't feel they belong in a sense. She could of been in new asgard with the rest of her people but she like this strange place. What made it funnier was he was actually of this planet and same time if someone told him it was mar or some shit he would actually believe them because still even after everything this didn't feel like earth . He watched her pretending to care , even the scowl of annoyance that grace her face that would of had loki proud. "So i think that why cardio is so important" john finished off the suggestable comment . " you know my brother would love to hear stuff like this" she smiled letting the poor mans hope rise. " although i find it all a bit boring more into the intellect of everything" her head tilted she had the man like a mouse on a string . " i mean yeah science of things but at the end of the day brawn defeat the brain" he chuckled . " i'm a goddess your brawn wouldn't tire me nor my brain" she rolled her eyes clearly done with the conversation scanning the room . " i bet i could tire you out" he winked . " the only way you could tire me out is too keep talking because it kinda putting me asleep" she fake a yawn before adding the stretching her arms to prove her point . " wow you really add to the bitchy princess stereotype" he scoffed. " oh little man i made it" she walked off eyes lighting up when she saw the man before her . " finally someone interesting" she called making the other man scoff.
It wasn't her intention to be bitchy maybe it was having loki as a big brother or the fact the man before her didn't know his ass from his elbow and yet he held something so important in his hands. She could of kept walking , ignored it and she was going to til his mouth opened once more. " really the killer" that sentence that made the fires of hel seem small to how it made her feel. " excuse me you back of the warehouse version of captain america , you wouldn't know the real downfall of earth or it's people . you hold that shield yet don't know one thing it represents nor the man that held it before you and yet you try cast you opinions on someone who went through so much and still stand before us today , if my father was alive he would agree that not one of us would have the same kind of heart and fight if we went through what that man has went through , all that pain and torture that would break you in a click of a finger" she snapped. " doll seriously it's ok" bucky said although someone should told his face with the smile having her defending him . " jame buchanan barnes and many other saved this whole universe and you dare try insult him , that shows you don't deserve that title you parade" she scoffed leaving john walker standing almost speechless . " hey little princess" sam called cutting bucky from speaking. " hello shall we leave or midgard will need a new captain" she smiled brightly . " actually we need your help" sam winked . " i feel like i should say no but lets go" she chuckled .
She sat on the ledge of helicopter watching the idiot well her favourite idiot fall to the ground and sam following after liking the new and improved wings. " you gonna jump out now?" torrez asked in awe and well slightly nervous giving who the woman is before him. " nah idiots forget i could of teleported us" she giggle before she was gone from his sight. Leaning over bucky as he lay out on the ground . " that was very stupid" she smiled holding her hand out. " well i mean i got down didn't i" he smirked back up at her. " your an old man it's quite dangerous" she laughed . " how old are you again" he shot back. " times different i mean in earth human years i'm only what twenty five" she tapped her chin . " wait so how old was loki when you know tried taking over earth " sam came to their side. " earth years sixteen" she walked off causing sam mouth to get louder at the new found knowledge . " your telling me grown ass loki , destroying new york with his alien ass army was 16 earth years old " . " yeah i mean time was something that many asgardians had to get use to being here" she shrugged. " i like it better when you where the thousand year old princess" bucky teased. " so you didn't feel like a creep my little pinning buck" sam whispered she heard it yet kept walking pretending to be oblivious to sam's constant teasing . " no but seriously loki was sixteen" sam asked making her roll her eyes . which led to her spending the rest of the time trying to explain the time differences and space and time which was probably a waste of her time as he began asking to convert their fellow avengers ages to asgardian . which then she used to tease him then turning it around. " so would it make you feel better after losing to parker" she smirked watching his face fall. " we didn't lose" bucky spoke up . " yeah redwing came in" sam added. " so redwing did, what you couldn't" she smiled. " no no now don't spin this" sam huffed. " well i mean you're so concerned with ages" she smiled. " here's me thinking you were sweet and soft like thor but your like loki" sam chuckled . " i mean me and loki did get to chat a lot , great teacher glad he left something behind " she smiled softly as sam realised his words . " shit i didn't , sorry really y/n" he began rambling . " it's ok really lets get going" she walked ahead only for bucky to slap sam at the back of the head. " bird brain, and stop with the remarks she finds out i love her well i'm screwed i love my best girl " he hissed.
Even after all this time it was so hard , so stressful and completely heartbreaking to even think of her brother . loki and thor was all she had after her parents life had perished and granted she still have thor but through everything knowing once and for all that loki was truly gone , well sometimes it can take longer for a heart to heal after so much loss especially when your not fully over the others before it. The rest of the trip it was like she was somewhere else from the taunts of zemo to the fake disguise of the winter soldier it seemed as though the whole thing was getting worse bringing back scars for them all to the surface. All mentally dealing with something that was bigger then themselves . all dealing with pressures or ghost of their own past . he could see in her eyes thinking of all they lost , close friends and family behind the eyes he could stare into all day . she been around through it all , from when steve found him the first and second time . the day he pulled him from the river when she promised to take care of steve , through the battle of the airport, on the run while he was in wakanda she stayed learning how they did it and being the friend he needed. To the war how she held them all up loss after loss , she lived through the blip trying to find a way to get them back , a way to stop the mad tyrant and he wonder in that time was he on her mind like she would of been on his if the role were reversed. She would give her all for those she loved and still felt like she needed to give more it was another reason to add to that ever growing list of why he loved her .
Then now here they were louisiana celebrating the new captain america , the right choice , the one he couldn't agreed more not that he would admit that out loud . although he wish sam would shut up about y/n odinsdottir . he didn't want to scare her off being his friend , the whole time when everything was wrapped up in a bow it's all the new cap could bring up . he watched her laugh and play with the children , how even thought the sun was shining her smile was even brighter . " you know instead of still doing the whole mean steamy stare you could actually do something about it" sam nudged him playfully as sarah looked to the two. " oh if you don't i will" she winked . then the laugh got louder as he watched her walking towards him eyes locked on his and that damn smile that made him melt like a puddle. Her hand coming to his face , cupping his cheeks before her lips on his . " you know i can hear you both no matter how much you whisper" she winked turning to walk off only to feel his hand to wrap in her pulling her flush to his chest . " and you left it til now cruel doll" he smirked leaning forward . " hey girl can only wait so long plus again it's not like i didn't give you chances all these years " batting her lashes leaning up to kiss him once more only for clash of thunder shot through the sky making them jump apart. " he got the girl , my man buck nasty got the girl" sam cheered . " he always had the girl" she kissed him once . the one he wanted to see the most was truly and finally his ,his peace and his girl. 
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eddiemadmunson · 2 years
Angel - part 4
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Summary: You are Heleana’s best friend and one day you catch Aemond’s eye and everything in your life will change upside down.
Paring: Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader
Word Count: 3, 000
Warnings: dirty talk, suggestive themes, fingering, oral (f receiving), cheating
A/N: English is not my first language.
Aemond is 20, Helaena, Aegon and Y/N are 22, Jason Lannister is 25
Tag: @the-phantom-of-arda @hamatoanne  @aemondsdoll @schniiipsel  @okfashionista @zillahvathek @teranya @tempo-rary-fix​ @reneki​  @moonmaiden1996​ @padfooteyes​ @nina2697​ @ryswritingrecord​ @iiamthehybrid​ 
You walked towards the Targaryen house with 2 bottles of wine, actually looking forward to spend the evening with Helaena and your other friends Rhaena and Baela. It’s been a while since you had a girls night. And you seriously needed to talk about the situation with Jason with someone. He just made a scene when you told him that you will spend your evening at your friend’s house. He was extremely jealous of Aegon, which was ridiculous. It was Aemond who he should be jealous about. You still felt mortified about what happened under the table last week. It was definitely cheating and another reason why you had to think about your relationship with your boyfriend. Because you hated to admit it but Aemond and his wandering hand made you cum more intense in 5 minutes than Jason in the last 5 months.
You were about to ring the bell when the door opened, revealing very good looking Aegon. He definitely had a date. “Going to make some desperate girl, happy?” you teased him and he grinned. “Jealous, kitten? I can cancel it and give all of my attention to you,” he winked at you and you rolled your eyes.  “I think I will pass this amazing opportunity, Aegon. I prefer the company of your sister,” you said sarcastically and his eyes grew wide. “That’s hot,” he grinned and you scrunched your nose in disgust. Is he really getting turn on by the idea of you making out with his own sister? “You are such a pig, Aegon,” said Helaena who heard the end of your conversation with her brother. She obviously had the same opinion as you. “I was joking, Hel,” he grinned at his twin. “Whatever, go away before Rhaena and Baela come down the stair and kick your ass for annoying Y/N,” she smirked when Aegon visibly paled. He was actually scared of Baela, that girl hated him and already kicked his ass when he tried to seduce her drunk sister couple months ago. “Enjoy your evening ladies,” he winked at you and hurried away. “He is such a clown sometimes,” Hel snorted and rushed you inside the house. You had really good time with the girls, you were laughing and drinking, gossiping about your classmates and professors. Baela was the first who addressed the main topic of the evening - your sex life, and you didn’t like it at all.  “Y/N! Hel told us that your boyfriend sucks,” she said out of nowhere and you almost choked on wine you were drinking. “What? That’s not true,” you tried to protest weakly. “Come on, Y/N. We love you and we want you to be happy in your life. And Jason isn’t the one who makes you happy. He acts like he is already the boss of his father’s company, he never has time for you and when he does he takes you to some fancy restaurant or to see opera or something”. “He likes opera,” you explained. “Yes, HE likes opera. Do you like opera, Y/N?” she asked. “No, you don’t, it bores you to death, you love going to concerts, fairs, football games, cinemas, bars... he never goes with you because it’s below him,” Hel answered her own question and you sighed knowing that she is right. You were always doing whatever Jason liked or wanted. He never asked you what you want to do to or where to go. He never spent time with your friends because he didn’t like them, especially Helaena and Baela. “Maybe he is very good in bed and that’s the reason why she is with him,” Rhaena suggested and all three girls looked at you curiously. “Ehm.. he is OK, I guess,” you shrugged and Baela snorted. “So he sucks even in bed, girl, dump him!” she shouted.  You had no idea that Aemond is in his room next to Helaena’s. He ignored your silly talk the whole time but he heard Baela shouting and he curiously walked out of his room and silently tiptoed to his sister’s ajar door.
“I didn’t say that he sucks, I said that he’s OK,” you tried to defend your boyfriend. “So you basically say that he is boring in sex as he is boring in everything else,” Baela smirked and folded her arms on her chest. “Is he fucking you in another position than missionary?” Baela continued firing questions at you. “Ehm... sometimes when he is tired he wants me to ride him,” you said and Hel snorted. “That lazy ass let you do all the work, how typical,” she added. “Does he at least eat your pussy well?” Baela asked and you blushed wildly. “He doesn’t do that,” you said quietly. “What?? He doesn’t eat your pussy?!!!” Baela shouted loudly and you quickly covered her mouth with your hand. “Jeez, Baela! Can you shout more loudly? I think that the old lady living across the street didn’t hear you,” you scolded her. Baela was fighting with you and Aemond smirked behind the door, this was very interesting conversation. “I am sure that a lot of guys don’t do it,” you said few moments later when you stopped wrestling with her.  “Good boyfriends don’t have problem with it, Y/N,” Rhaena said softly. “Jace does it, Cregan does it, Luke does it,” she listed and you stopped her. “How do you know about Lucerys?” you asked, shocked that she knows such a information. “Don't you know? They are dating,” Baela smirked. “Isn’t Luke much younger than you?” “He turned 18 few months ago, besides there is nothing bad about younger guys, they have more energy, you should find someone younger too, Y/N, someone who will left you breathless and pleasantly tired,” Rhaena winked and Aemond's face immediately came to your mind but you quickly abandoned that thought. “OK, so three guys you know eat pussy, that’s not a proof,” you said stubbornly. “Well, we all know that Aegon does it too,” Baela said with disgusted frown, reminding you all about the time when he was caught in principal’s office with his head between principal’s daughter's thighs who laid spread on his desk. “And I am sure that Aemond is also good at this, with that sharp tongue of his,” Rhaena added and Hel covered her ears. “Ewww, stop discussing my brothers and their bed activities, I don’t want to hear this,” she shouted and Aemond was having a good time behind the doors listening to the whole conversation, suddenly he heard his mother walking up the stairs and he quickly disappeared back into his room. The girls were teasing you about Jason for another 30 minutes. After that they said that it’s up to you, but you really should reconsider your relationship with him. After that you went back to the talking about anything that came to your minds. You finished all the bottles of wine you brought and Hel convinced you to stay overnight you were slightly tipsy and this wasn’t the first time you slept here, so you agreed. Unfortunately Hel fell asleep before she had a time to prepare a bed and something to sleep in for you.   You stood under the water, trying to wash away the bitter taste you had in your mouth after the chat with the girls. You hated that they were right. You probably should break up with Jason. There was no passion, no undying love. You were with him, because he treated you nicely and you felt safe with him but the girls were right, it wasn’t enough. You walked out of the shower feeling much more sober now. You realized that you don’t have any clean clothes with you. You didn’t want to go through Helaena’s wardrobe so you grabbed the folded T-shirt lying on the washing machine, it looked clean and smelled like fabric softener and something else you couldn’t identify. You pulled it over your head and hoped that whoever this T-shirt belonged to wouldn’t mind that you borrow it for the night. You tiptoed back to Helaena’s bedroom and quickly fell asleep on a sofa. You woke up 2 hours later feeling thirsty. You tried to ignore it and fall asleep again, but it was getting worse and worse. You cursed silently and rolled out of the bed and quietly opened and closed the door. Hel was a heavy sleeper, you could shot the gun next to her head and she doesn't move. But you didn’t want to wake up the rest of the house.  You thought you were quiet as a mouse, but at your slightly tipsy state you were actually making a lot of noise. Alicent and Viserys had their bedroom in the other end of the house so they didn’t hear a thing, Aegon was out and Daeron was at his friend’s house. Unfortunately for you the only awake member of the Targaryen family was Aemond who was working out in their home gym under the stairs. He heard your clumsy steps and smirked for himself. He slowly walked out of the gym, dressed in grey sweatpants and tight white T-shirt, his hair in messy bun so it’s not falling into his face while exercising. He quietly walked into the kitchen, silent and elegant like a cat. He leant against the door frame, watching you trying to grab a glass from the top shelf, you stood on your tiptoes but you were still missing few inches. You were dressed only in panties and oversized T-shirt. His T-shirt. He smirked and slowly approached your cursing figure. “Why the fuck is everyone in this family so tall?” you curse-whispered and desperately tried to reach one of the glasses, when you felt a presence behind you. You wanted to turn around when you felt familiar body pressed against yours. Aemond had a strange obsession with trapping you between his built body and other surfaces. He reached for the glass, taking it with ease from the top shelve, placing it next to you on the counter. “Are you thirsty, angel?” he whispered against your ear, his breath tickling your ear, sending shiver down your spine. “No, I just decided to rearrange your kitchen in the middle of the night, asshole!” you snapped at him quietly, trying to ignore the effect he had on you. “Always so feisty,” he chuckled.  “Tell me, Y/N. Is the water the only thing you are thirsty about?” he asked you mysteriously. “What the fuck are you talking about, Aemond?” you whispered, confused as hell. “I think that you are so bitchy, because you feel really unsatisfied, angel,” he said and you felt his lips making contact with your throat as he was talking while his hand played with the hem of your shirt. “What the fuck are you talking about!” you tried to move away from him but you were trapped. “I am saying that you need someone to fuck you properly, so you won’t be toxic like this to people,” he started kissing the side of your neck slowly while his hand slipped under your shirt. “I am only toxic to you, asshole!! Let me go!” you wanted to say firmly, but his lips felt amazing on your skin and your voice was shaking. “Hmmm, so you want me specifically to fuck you so hard that you won’t be able to walk straight the next day,” he continued, sucking on your throat and you had to bite your tongue to keep yourself from moaning. Your neck was a really sensitive place for you. Aemond's big hand covered most of your belly and you loved that, Jason had ridiculously small hands for a man and he never gripped you as possessively as Aemond. You shivered and Aemond smirked, the tips of his fingers reached the hem of your already soaked panties. “Stop it, you can't do this!” you tried to stop him from touching you again. “Why?” he smirked and grazed your neck with his teeth, his fingers brushing against your clit lightly. “I have a boyfriend!” you breathed out, desperately fighting with your own body which wanted to succum to his touches. “That’s not my problem, angel,” he ignored your protests and circled your clit. “I heard a very interesting conversation earlier. About your boyfriend’s sex abilities,” he smirked when he heard the tiny moan escaping your lips as he pressed your clit more firmly with his long fingers. “Eavesdropping is very rude, you asshole, oh fuck," you cursed as he slipped two of his long fingers inside you. You were shamelessly wet and of course he had to comment on it. "You were saying??" he smirked "Look at you, what a filthy little angel. Your cunt is dripping for me. One touch and you are wrapped around my fingers, Y/N. Soon you will be wrapped around my cock, like the needy little slut you are," he purred against your neck and you wanted to slap him and beg him to add another finger at the same time. He kept pushing his skilled fingers inside you in slow rhythm, getting you close to your orgasm shamefully quickly. Your pussy clenched around him and seconds before you cum he stopped. You whined desperately. "So needy, so fucking wet for me, for someone who you call asshole all the time," he teased you and sucked on your neck again. "Have you ever tasted yourself, angel?" he asked casually like it was normal conversation theme while his fingers slipped back inside you and he started building your orgasm once again. You shook your head no, moaning quietly as he curved his fingers and his palm brushed against your clit. "Aemond please," you begged him, all dignity left your body, you just wanted to cum. "When you beg so nicely," he chuckled and slipped his fingers out of you again, earning a frustrated groan from you. "Open!" he ordered. "That's not what I meant," you protested when you realized that he wants you to suck your juices from his slender fingers. "I said open, Y/N!" he repeated, ignoring your complains. His fingers brushed against your lips, spreading your wetness on them, he slipped them inside when you gasped at the taste. "How does it taste, angel?" he asked you, his lust filled voice dropped an octave. You didn't respond and only hummed in appreciation. "Suck," he ordered and you obeyed immediately, sucking his fingers deeper into your mouth. "Good girl," he purred against your ear and you rocked your ass against his hard cock straining his sweatpants. "So fucking needy, grinding against me, like a horny slut. You want your cunt filled with my thick cock, don't you, angel?" he mocked you and you were too horny and dizzy to care. He pulled his fingers out of your mouth, wrapping them around your throat and angling your head towards him, crashing his lips to yours. Kissing you slowly but possessively. His tongue exploring your mouth like it was a new land he wanted to conquer. The kiss was messy but full of passion. He tasted you on your lips and he needed more. He turned you around and crushed his lips to yours again. Devouring you like a starving man. You were afraid that your lips will be bruised the next day. He led you to the kitchen table and placed you on it. He spread your legs and stepped between them. His hand teased your nipples, twisting them painfully but you loved that intense feeling. You moaned into his mouth, feeling like your whole body was on fire. “Do you like to tease me, you little slut? Walking around my house dressed only in my shirt and your panties, hoping that you would run into me?” he groaned into your ear, groping your breasts over his shirt. “I didn’t know it’s yours,” you whimpered when he wrapped his hand around your neck, making you look into his intense eye. “I swear, I didn’t have anything to sleep in, so I grabbed the first piece of clothing I found,” you explained, feeling dizzy when his hand pressed against your throat. “Fine, I believe you, angel,” he kissed your lips slowly, almost lovingly, surprising you with this gentleness. He stopped kissing you and looked you in the eye, you could see something quickly changing in his blue eye, the gentleness was gone replaced with wicked glint.   "Time for new life experiences, angel," he smirked and before you could process his words he was kneeling between your legs, ripping off your panties. You squealed and gasped when you felt his tongue licking your soaked pussy for the first time. "Oh my God," you rasped. "Call me Aemond," he chuckled smugly and you wanted to suffocate him with your thighs. "Lay down," he pushed you on the table and all will to protest left your body as he started eating your pussy expertly. He licked from your dripping opening to your clit, sucking that little bud into his mouth, causing a loud moan slipping from your lips. "If you don't want my whole family to find you here spread on our eating table, I suggest you to keep your voice down," he said and went back to sucking and slurping at you. You were feeling like if your soul left your body. You have never felt such an intense pleasure in your life. He was good at this, really good. He read your body like an open book. Whenever he did something you liked he remembered that and came back to it moments later. You were a drooling mess, babbling nonsense, getting closer to your orgasm with each stroke of his tongue. You lifted yourself slightly, watching him eating your cunt like it's his favorite meal. He looked up at you and smirked. You were absolutely wrecked, under his spell, willing to do anything to find your release. "Fuck, Aemond, I am gonna cum, please let me cum," you whined desperately. He slipped his fingers inside you again, his tongue circled clit before he started sucking on it again as he watched your face, his eye shining in the dim moon light. He had you where he wanted you to be. On edge, crying, begging him to let you cum. You were so close. Few swipes of his tongue and you will be cumming with his name on your lips. And at that moment he stopped. "Why did you stop?" you whined desperately, trying to chase your orgasm. But without his fingers and tongue you felt empty. He smirked darkly and leaned into your ear. "Tell your boyfriend to finish you off when you come back home to him, angel," he laughed cruelly and walked away, leaving you sitting there absolutely humiliated and horny. 
Part 5
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nonndrawz · 11 months
Rating the GOW Odinsons on how well they would twerk
Thor: 9
I think everyone can agree that Thor has the most booty!!! Like??? He's double-cheeked up on a Thursday afternoon with hella ass!!! When the sun is still out!!! So he seems like a perfect 10/10 right??? Well unfortunately Thor needs to get tipsy first because there's no way in Hel he's gonna twerk sober!!! As a result of his drunkness, Thor wouldn't have have good tempo/wouldn't be perfectly on beat. However, his thunderous ass claps would hard carry.
Týr: 3
As much as I love Týr, there is no way he's getting a good rating. First of all, this man is built like a rectangle so there's barely any curves or ass. Secondly, I can't imagine him having any dancing skills because he's too shy to move his body and his long limbs make it difficult. Sure he traveled the world and saw new dances but out of respect, he wouldn't try any of it. Plus at the end of the day, he's a lanky white boy, so I don't think he has any rhythm. Tbh the only positive I can see is that he'll try his best.
Heimdall: -100
This man couldn't twerk to save his life.
Baldur: 8.5
Now why would I rate Baldur so high??? Well, firstly this man absolutely will twerk without question, so he doesn't need to be drunk to do any goofy shit. Secondly, he's crazy and skilled enough to try all sorts of twerking styles and methods (like twerking upside-down). Thirdly because of his (curse) immortality, he has unlimited stamina and can twerk for hours on end. Fourthly because he lacks physical sensation, his other senses are probably heightened and stronger. So it's likely that he can hear better and therefore be more on beat. Lastly, Baldur definitely has enough boredom and free time to master a dancing skill just for the fun of it. The only negative is that he has an average ass, so he can't get it clapping.
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anarchiii · 2 months
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Worlds Apart-3 —ACOTAR x TOG AU
Part three | warnings: mild language. | Azriel x Celaena Sardothien
Summary; Pain and suffering one after the other, Azriel decides that maybe he’s not meant for this world, but maybe he is meant for another…
Note: this is an AU it’s not in the books.
Masterlist / Series Masterlist
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Celaena’s POV
“Move and you’re dead,” the male growled from behind her, she felt a sharp blade at her throat, “I wouldn’t dream on it” she whispered—as not to slice her own neck, of course—“state your name and where the Hel I am.” He said. His mouth so close she could feel his breath against her neck, “I’d check your tone, mister, I’m the reason you aren’t dead—by drowning or execution” she moved her head slightly, meeting his eyes and smirking, she may not know this male well—or at all—but she knew the simple gesture would piss him off, he released the knife from her throat and turned around to face her slowly, he quirked an eyebrow, “what do you mean executed? As far as I’m concerned—you are the odd one here. With your rounded ears and your blunt teeth”
She snorted, who did he think he was? He had some nerve making her the one sounding like an idiot, “look…Male…I don’t know what kind of thing you are trying to pull off but it’s not working. You can’t just appear in Ardalan—of all places—and act like you own the place. Especially in the Capital of Ardalan in the castle. So I’d check your place and in Mala’s name not point my own dagger at me!” she hissed.
The male had the audacity to just act surprised, did he hit his head or something? If he did it was probably her doing and if he hadn’t then she would very soon.
Thankfully, he lowered her damn knife and sat down on the bed, that’s when she noticed Fleetfoot hiding under the bed, “stop hiding under my bed you scaredy-cat!” She yelled at her dog, some protector.
The dog whined, crawling out from under her bed and pawing at her feet in an attempt as to apologise, Celaena just grumbled and scratched her snout before glaring at the male again, sighing. She said. “Look. I know we haven’t made a great first impression…my name is Celaena Sardothien, what of yours?”
“Azriel,” he said simply, not a male of many words apparently, though, it was better for her. She could only deal with so much talking before she started stabbing.
“Okay, Azriel…” she started, “how about you tell me where the fuck you are from?” He just frowned, okay…, “are you from Doranelle or just Wendlyn? Or maybe even the Southern Continent? I heard there are Fae there, or are you from here? Terrasen perhaps?” He blinked. Celaena’s patience and hospitality were fraying.
Fine, if he wasn’t going to talk then she would try tomorrow, besides, she had a client to take care of, and she had a feeling his majesty wouldn’t appreciate being kept waiting, sighing, she grabbed spare clothes from off the nearby table and chucked them at him—simply saying; “the bathing chamber is to your right, those clothes should fit you but I don’t know your exact size and it’s not every day I see a male your…hight…please go for a bath, you smell horrendous and I’m not sleeping next to you if you don’t” before she walked out. Not waiting for his answer. She grabbed her cloak off the nearby rack and walked out—just remembering to grab her sword, Celaena had enough pains-in-the-asses to deal with, she didn’t need to deal with Azriel as well.
The End.
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theunexplainable · 6 months
In my modern world I think that Freya would run a summer camp kind of thing, the kids she watches over are Thrud, Angrboda, Atreus and Skjoldr.
When the parents arrive at the end of the day Freya shows them the chaos that is four teens and boredom. Aka Atreus and Angrboda are pretending to play out a divorce and Skjoldr has taken Atreus’ side, Thrud is dying of laughter in the background. 
All that I can imagine is Atreus yelling that he’s taking the kids while being carried off bridal style by Skjoldr lol  What’s the bet that Angrboda gets the house? I say carried off bc the kid, in my au, is in a wheelchair half the time bc he’s too weak stand or it wouldn’t be good for him too. Like when his lungs aren’t doing good so too much exercise and movement makes it worse.
All the parents be sitting in the background flabbergasted. Gryla is sitting there like “yes bitch, dump his ass!”    Kratos is just like “who the fuck is Hel??” Mimir is probably laughing with Thrud, although Sif would probably try to play lawyer, since that is her job in my silly modern au. 
If you don’t know, Hel is the daughter of Loki and Angrboda in Norse mythology. I think in the modern au I have, It would just be a cat they have when they live together as adults w/ Skjoldr and Thrud. Yes, I think they would live together, and I think it would be chaos. They probably find Hel when she’s just a kitten when they’re teens.
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tickling-giggles · 11 months
Hello! I was the one who sent that last ask (meant to say accounts not bliss idk why it autocorrected to that) and that’s so great! So if it’s not against your rules may I request ler illumi with a lee younger sister reader? Not too much younger, like only three years? So they’re both adults :D Thank you, I love your work!
You’re still the same
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Summary: Illumi is helping you move into your apartment and he brings up some of his your favorite memories together. You explain how you’re 22 now and not a little girl anymore but Illumi has ways to prove other wise.
Fem!reader (little sister) no weird stuff just sibling love. There also is a wee bit of swearing
A/n: first one of the day 🌟(this is probably so freaking terriblezzz) Gon x Killua are mentioned. I tried giving Illumi a little flavor
“Do you need any assistance?” Illumi asked as he saw you struggling with a huge mirror. “I got it Ill” you simply responded as you almost break the mirror. “You know I’m here to hel—“ he was about to remind you for the MILLIONTH time before you cut him off “yes yes Ill I know you’re here to help your sister whenever with whatever but I got it” you sighed, laughing to yourself as you looked around to see what else needs to be done. “You forgot the little infront of sister.” He said just to be an ass.
“I’m only three years younger shut up plus I am 22 years old now technically 23 sine my birthday is next month” you lightly hit his arm as you crossed arm side-eying him with a grin on your face. “Still little not only in age but in size too Kil may be taller than you” he raised a brow as he scoffed. “You’re still my little sister at the end of the day plus it’s not like I’m calling you my baby sister so you’re okay.”
“Okay but like it sounds like we’re 12 and 15” you looked at him. “You remember at school when you tripped that one kid and he fell down the stairs but only his arm broke from the fall” Illumi chuckled at bit bringing up old memories. “Oh my gosh yes he had it coming he was so annoying” you shrugged your shoulders smiling. “You remember when you dislocated the chimera ant’s shoulder” he brought up. “Can you believe I was only 4 when I did that” you smiled. “Not to brag but I taught you that when you were 3” he said as he brushed his fingers through his hair.
“No need to gloat there bucko” you chuckled. “See I taught my little sister so much” he patted your head before you swatted his hand and point at him. “I am 22! I’m not little I am an adult and how dare you pat my head.”you dramatically acted shocked.“Look at you trying so hard to be so proper that adorable I should tell mom.”Illumi teased. “Actually I am an adult adorable is not in my vocabulary and you should start acting your age too” you sassed him.
“Oh I’ll act my age like the annoying 15 year old brother I can be” he raised his eyebrows popping his knuckles. “You threatening me?… Wait! Illumi no don’t fucking do it” you point at him slowly backing away. “Do what y/n? Tickle you?” He asked in a sly tone as he inch towards you. “Yehes exactly that” you giggled as you tried to make a run for it. He swiftly grabbed your wrist pinning you onto the sofa. “I’ve been a big brother for how many years 22 I knew you were try to make a run for it” he scoffed.
“Would you like to change your mind? Hint hint this is your last chance” illumi asked. “Fuhuhuck off” you giggled anticipating. “No wonder we’re Kil gets it from learned from his bad mouth sister” he chuckled a bit as he poked at your sides.
“Yohohou’re such ahahan ass hahaha” you giggled. “So what you are too” he sassed pinching your sides. “Someone is quite squirmy today” he teased acting clueless. “Yohohou’re literally tihihickling me”
“Oh I am?! I didn’t even notice” he acted surprised.
“Wehehehehe are lihihihuterally aduhuhults and yohohou’re tickling mehehehehe like a frehehheheaking kid” you laugh as you weakly push at his hands as he gotten closer and closer to your armpits. “I wouldn’t care if we were 75 and 72 uh oh someone is getting a bit squeaky” he scoffed as he teased. “Ihihi am nohohohot”
“You are so stubborn you know none of this would be happening right now if you just accepted you’re my little sister” Illumi explained finally reaching your armpit. IHIHILLUMEHEHEHEHEHEE STAHAHAHAHAP IHIHIHUT”
“OHOHOHKAHAHAY ILLUMEHEHEHEHE IHIHIM STIHIHIHIHILL YOHOHOHOUR LITTLE SISTERAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” You squealed as you gave in slapping the floor. “And don’t forget it” he said as he stopped the tickles. “You’re still a teen ya’know you may legally be an adult doesn’t mean you have to immediately start acting like one” he told you.
“My god you’re acting like she’s going mars for the rest of eternity” Killua exaggerated rolling his eyes. “I can give you this treatment too Kil” Illumi said with a bit of mischief in his eyes. “Yohou’re one to tahahalk didn’t mom say you were bawling your eyes out when you first found out I was moving” you laughed as you teased him.
“Anywayssssss mom wants us all back for dinner” he side-eyed you with a faint blush, as he put his hands in his pockets. “Are you bringing your boyfriend?” Illumi teased as he smirked a tiny bit. “I—WH—HE— SHUT UP!!” Killua stuttered blushing even more as he slammed the door “HURRY UP!!”.
“Come on before he starts whining and pouting” you rolled your eyes as you got up.
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writingsofwesteros · 29 days
Aemond just knows that night when they go home, he's gonna top Aegon- he's still on a high from fucking Nora for Joffrey to see, putting that Lannister in his place. Aegon won't always admit it but he's such a deliciously subby bottom for his brother, taking him in his ass so well while their sisters watch.
Nora playfully slaps Aegon's bare ass, and says, "Had fun last night, baby?" Her brother groans, sticking himself between her and Hel. "I sure did, I-" He nuzzled into her tits as He giggled, and he turned to then nuzzle in sweet Helly's tits too. "Oh, that's good- that's like fucking coming home." No matter who, or what, his sisters are in fact the only thing that'll make Aegon sated.
Aegon is so cuddly with them, especially when he's coming down from a high. And now he's in no mood to escape from this thank you very much.
He had memories of Sienna and Robyn from the night before that had a smirk tugging on his lips as he wondered where those two girls had ended up.
Still, he was soon brought to present with his hand cupping Helaena's sweet breast as his eyes fluttered
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tempobrucera · 2 years
All this madness
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Description: If you could see yourself through Thomas’ eyes on a bad day, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. Pairing: Thomas x Reader Wordcount: 1.6k Warning(s): Mental Health A/N: Didn’t really want to post this, but here we go. Just a few words until I post my Valentines fics which will be happier, I promise.
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It has been a while since you’ve been feeling like this. Or since you’ve even felt off, not since that day Thomas banged on your door, stayed, kissed you and never really left again. 
Now the feeling is overbearing. The feeling of being too much, but not enough. Not worth anyone’s time or thought. Of not looking the right way, not being pretty enough. And nothing happening around you helps.
It’s a terrible day on top of it. Outside it’s raining, it’s cold and grey. Usually you would be okay with that, your head leaning against the window, watching the rain, with a warm cup of tea in your hands. On a particularly good day, Thomas would get you to go outside with him, maybe kiss you in the rain, and you would end up in giggles. But today isn’t usually. It’s gloomy, like the thoughts in your head. You felt like freezing to death when outside earlier, and maybe that wouldn’t be so bad after all, you think. Your socks are wet, the water of the rain seeping through your sneakers. Thomas’ leather jacket not keeping you the warmest but at least it gave you comfort. The umbrella - forgotten on the kitchen table. The train never came - you sob. 
“Hey,” Thomas lays his arms around your waist, “I’m here.”
You smile through the tears that somehow started falling. When you want to wipe them away Thomas stops you. You keep smiling, you don’t want him to worry, you don’t want to explain. You just want him to hold you a little longer - and Thomas loosens his grip on you. Another sob is escaping your throat, before he spins you a little and hugs you closer.
“Shhh, it’s okay.” His heartbeat is loud and goes faster than it normally does, you have your ear against his chest, then bury your face into his shirt before you’re erupting into more sobs. “Hey, it’s okay. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you shiver. The wet socks still on your feet are getting uncomfortable. And not only your tears but also the rain on the leather jacket are soaking through his dress shirt. “It’s stupid … I am stupid.”
“You are not and it’s not stupid, I promise. Let’s get you out of these wet clothes.” He puts his pointer finger on your forehead as if it’s a drill. “And then we’re going to talk about what this mean thing in here is doing to you.”
“Don’t you have somewhere to be? Somewhere more important?” You hide your face on his chest again. “With some more important people than me?”
Thomas scoffs: “I’m exactly where I want and have to be.”
When you look at him, his eyes betray him. He should be somewhere else, it probably is important as well, you can see the little bit of guilt for leaving the other’s hanging in his eyes. You know that Vic will call and will be vocal, you don’t want him to deal with it, just because you hate yourself. It’s not worth it. And as if you wouldn’t have known it, his phone starts ringing. 
“Get your ass here, Thomas.” It’s Vic, she’s loud. “Now!”
“Sorry, I won’t be attending.”
“What the fuck? You’re getting your ass here.” You can hear her saying through the phone.
“Sorry, something important came up,” he tries again. “Tho-”
“No.” Now he’s getting loud, “Fuck yourself, Victoria. I am the one who’s always there for shit, for fucking everything, even when some bitch thinks I don’t talk or cuts everything I say or whatever. Every goddamn time, I’m there. My turn to play this bloody card, I am not coming. I can spell it out for you or sent you a letter if that hel-”
“I’m sorry, Vic.” 
Thomas looks at you. You sniff, you don’t want them to fight. Not because of anything, but definitely not because of you. He’s still holding you.
“I … Are you okay?” Vic asks but you’re already sobbing into Thomas’ shirt again. “Fuck, sorry.”
“Bye, Vic. If you’re thinking about calling me again today, think about fucking yourself instead.” Then he hangs up before he talks to you again. “At least she would love to do that a great deal more than annoy me.”
“She loves to annoy you.” You almost giggle and Thomas smiles at you gently.
“Yes, but she loves the other thing even more.”
You aren’t quite sure how you got out of your socks after that, and in some cosy ones. How you got out of your jeans, or how you got out of Thomas’ jacket that you kept wrapped tightly around your body and into one of his warm hoodies, or how you ended up on the couch, Thomas' arms still wrapped around you. You don’t know, but you’re certain that he helped with all of it. There’s a steaming hot cup of tea waiting for you on the table.
“What’s wrong?” 
“It’s …,” you cuddle closer to him, “it’s stupid.”
“I guarantee you, it’s not.”
“Do you not want to be with anyone taller sometimes?” 
“What the f-” He catches himself, when he sees your face. “Sorry. It’s not stupid, it just caught me off guard. And the answer is no, no I don’t want that.”
“Are you not tired of leaning down all the time?”
“No, it’s excellent, because it happens to be that I love crouching down a bit.” He presses his lips against your forehead.
“I want to scratch my eyes out.” Thomas furrows his brows, but he isn’t interrupting you. “I hate them. I hate seeing myself through them. And why do they have to be this boring.”
“I happen to love them.” And then he carefully presses his lips to one of your eyelids. “I can’t see anything boring in them.”
“God, I hate myself.” You sob but Thomas isn’t letting go of you - calmly stroking your back. “Why are you even keeping up with me? I’m sure you could get something better instead of sticking around, someone prettier and not as fucked as me, you know?”
You can hear the deep inhale and exhale before he talks again: “I don’t want anything else. You’re more than enough for me and more. There’s nothing I would change that for. I wish you could see that or believe me when I say it. And … I’m sorry, I seem to have done a pretty shit job when you’re thinking that I think this.”
“No, it���s me, I-” 
He kisses you instead.
“I’m sorry, if I did anything to make you believe that,” he looks at you, “I know how it is.”
“But you’re actually pretty.” You kiss the corner of his lips. “So, so pretty.”
“Depends on who you ask,” he sighs, “But your pretty eyes luckily see me like this. Just as much my pretty eyes see you like this.”
“Who do I have to punch?”
He laughs: “I think that line is a bit too long to punch. And before the question comes up, I won’t punch you for thinking any of this. We can … we can do it a bit harder if that … helps. But no punching.”
There’s an adorable blush on his nose, and you blush as well.
Silence. It isn’t uncomfortable, no one of you has to fill the silence between you to feel comfortable.
“Is there anything else?”
“Don’t you think my hobbies are stupid?” 
“Okay, who’s hobbies aren’t actually stupid though?” He furrows his brows again. “And look at me, my stupid hobby became my job and otherwise my stupid hobbies are, and maybe not in this order, taking naps, eating, going out to dance silly and get kicked out of fancy venues because they can’t handle me. That’s what I call stupid hobbies. But you know the best of them, the best of my silly hobbies? Spending time with you.”
You have to sob again. 
He kisses your cheek, and you know instantly that you will not like what is about to follow.
“I haven’t seen you eating in a few days probably.” Before you can protest, Thomas keeps speaking. “That one salad and one piece of brownie doesn’t count.”
“I’m not hungry.”
“That might be the case,” his voice is soft, “but you still have to eat. Which is why we will order pizza now.”
“You only have to have one slice. I’m not gonna force it. But you need some food, okay? And you can have cake.”
“No, Tho. It’s nine o’clock in the morning. That’s not pizza time.”
“It’s the best time for a pizza.”
Later, when you’re still in his arms, nibbling on the one slice of pizza, watching a silly documentary on Youtube about the mystery of who wrote the Disney Channel theme music, the world is okay for a moment. Thomas isn’t judging when you nibble on your slice or tries to get you to eat more and you’re grateful for it. 
“Don’t you want to be anywhere else right now?”
Thomas looks at you, for a long time. Longer than before, before he answers: “No. I’m exactly where I want to be. You know, that’s the sort of magic all this madness is for. Just having pizza at nine in the morning, with you.”
You wish, you could see what his hazel eyes saw when he just looked at you for the longest time. But the thing is, you can’t. 
Read something recently that led me to want to scratch my eyes out. Cool how your brain can go not even in this fictional scenario someone would want me, right? So we ended up here. 
Add yourself to my taglist. / Masterlist
Taglist: @writingmaneskin, @oro-e-diamanti, @iamtashaquinn, @teenyweenynightghost, @findaqueenwithoutaking, @foreveryking-thatdied, @findoutwhoyougonnacall, @maneskinbrainrot, @little-moonbeam-666, @ethaneskin, @maneskin-dimensione, @l0standn0tf0und, @butkutee, @gr8rainbowpunk, @maneslut, @maneskintifoso, @weareoddlydrawn, @hiraetheral, @imjustanerdwholikestoread, @cuzimitaliano, @hopelessromantic727, @dating-villain, @maneskinsimp, @lauraosheaoh, @till-you-scream-and-cry, @wonderlandishell, @h1ppieth1ngs, @paralianeyes, @livvyysstuff, @que–sera–sera, @cheese-toastie-11, @roisinlove123, @romanoffswoman, @lovelyy-moonlight, @crwnnjules
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sweetdevil-sims · 1 year
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Get to Know Me - Sims Edition
I was tagged by several people (thank you!), so I decided to get off my ass for once and answer this 😆
What’s your favorite Sims death? I think the mummy's curse one! There's just something about that ominous vignette during the countdown days, only for the sim to dissolve into dust at the end 😩👌
Alpha CC or Maxis Match? Both! Maxis Match for clothing, Alpha for hair.
Do you cheat your sims weight? Nope! I leave them at whatever weight they happen to be, unless they want to learn/practice the Athletic skill. I do cheat to give them more muscle tone if they're super muscular already, though; EA really should've made that slider move along the muscle mass one :/
Do you move objects? Oh yes. I can't imagine decorating without it.
Favorite Mod? Nraas Master Controller my beloved 💖 Can't forget BrntWaffles's lighting mods, they make the game look so beautiful that sometimes I like to just leave it on 2x while watching the sunset over the sea.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack? The first EP I got was World Adventures and it's still my favorite. The first and only SP I have is HELS, along with bits and pieces from the others.
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing? The latter, though this question tripped me up the first time I saw it 😅
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? Ohh that's a tough one. Fergus Vane is definitely among my favorites, he was a Johnny Bravo knockoff who eventually got married and I swear that he and his wife could NOT keep their hands off each other 😆 First is him making friends at uni, second is him with his wife.
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Have you made a simself? Oh yeah, when I got the game and was trying to figure out how to play. Didn't last long until I started making serial black widows, lol.
Which is your favorite EA hair color? That platinum blonde looks so tacky that I can't help but love it.
Favorite EA hair? I think EA struck gold with: Loose Curl, Dramatic Ponytail, La Dolce Vita Updo, Chorus Girl Curl, Pin-up Pretty, Skinny Dreads, Wavy Bob, Elegance Style, and Wild Fire.
Favorite life stage? Young Adult, because it has the most things available.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? Ohh it depends. I go through phases when I'm not interested in gameplay at all, mostly when I set up a savefile for the first time. But now I've been more into gameplay for a few months.
Are you a CC creator? Yeah, mostly with CAS items and minor annoyance fixes.
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad? I have a lot of simblr mutuals where I feel like a nosy person sometimes poking their head above the neighbor's fence to see what's going on 😆
Do you have any sims merch? / A Youtube for sims? Nope.
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing? I give my concrete boxes a few more decorative elements now 😅 For once, I stopped playing serial killers (mostly to avoid the NPC pudding spam that ensues), and am making an effort to not micromanage sims as much and to fulfill their wishes instead of ending up with mostly level 10 chefs and gardeners all the time.
Who’s your favorite CC creator? Oh man do I have to name someone?? SimplexSims, @aroundthesims, Mutske, @simtanico, @simaddix, @twinsimming, @bioniczombie, @martassimsbookcc, @simbouquet, @plumdrops, @ifcasims, @sim-songs, @deniisu-sims, @bellakenobi, @brntwaffles, @omedapixel, @wanderingsimsfinds, @simlicious, TheSweetSimmer and on and on.
How long have you had Simblr? 2016! Sometimes I can't believe it's been so long.
How do you edit your pictures? I have a few customized Gshade presets, and only convert gameplay screenshots to JPG. For CC previews, I may change the background color and will combine several previews into one image (and I occasionally correct small issues like unsightly clipping due to the poses).
What expansion/ gamepack is your favorite? World Adventures is #1, followed by Seasons and prooobably Supernatural.
Oof we're at the end! Thank you for tagging me and for reading, and I tag ✨anyone who wants to do this✨!
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preyandhunter · 8 months
Flesh and Blood [The Masterlist]
Hey hi howdy.
here's a list of absolutely everyone ever that is going to be taking part in this story
[warning. looooong post ahead]
For reference:
Ghouls are ranked C - SS: C is the lowest, SS is borderline godlike.
Doves (not canon to tg) are ranked Tier's 1 - 4: 1 is the lowest, 4 is virtually unstoppable.
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Disclaimer: we will not be using the hermits'/others' irl names. decided if it was funnier to make fake names for all of them based on usernames.
(in the actual story we will be using the names in quotation marks lol)
Buford "Bdubs" O'Hunred [Dove] :: Tier 2 - Machete Quinque - Wears a ghillie suit and thinks it looks cool
Bos "Beef" Vintage [Ghoul :: B Class - "The Butcher" Kokaku: Horns + Six legged Bull Kakuja - Dude wash your apron
Ben "Bigb" Biggie [Ghoul] :: B Class - "The Frog" Triple orange rinkaku tails - Teenage Mutant Ninja . . . froggie grown man!
Cub Goodfan [Ghoul] :: C Class - "The Magician" Ukaku vex wings - Of the two of them, really you'd think this one would be the crazy one
Cleo Zombie [Ghoul] :: A Class - "The Gorgon" Tiny wings + six snake tails - Her name could have led to some good brand opportunities
Dr. Maddox Sevensven "Doc" [Ghoul] :: A Class - "The Goat" Bone kokaku + Goatskull kakuja - The career change really made things complicated
Ethos "Etho" Lab [Dove] :: Tier 3 - Sniper quinque with high caliber Q bullets. - y'know what they call me? call me ladders. cuz i go up real high...
Fals "False" Symmetria [Dove] :: Tier 2 - Sword quinque, morphs into winged broadsword. - Oh her and Wels go waaaay back!
Fhwip "Fwip" Taylor [Dove] :: Tier 3 - Sickle quinque - Y'know what they say about younger siblings growing up to replace you? Yeah. That.
Gemini "Gem" Taylor [Dove] :: Tier 3 - Whipsword quinque. - Youngins these days kick butt way harder than they used to
Grian Spurman [Human] :: S Class* - Red wings quinque backpack - Some would say that's cannibalism O-o
Haech "Hbomb" Bomber [Dove] :: Tier 2 - Yknow back in my day
Hels Gnitte [Dove] :: Tier 2 - Spiderman pointing meme
Hypnos "Hypno" Tizzede [Human] :: n/a - Going once, going twice, sold to the man with no front teeth!
I Jevin Aquamarine Gaimen "Jevin" [Ghoul] :: A Class - Two bright blue bikaku tails - They say surfing is a sport in California. Don't know where the couches came from.
Impulse Essve [Human] :: n/a - Occupational hazard or not, he's getting his goddamn coffee
Iskall Eigh Fivva [Dove] :: Tier 1 - Non Newtonian bikaku blade quinque - (floppy)HAMMERTIME
Joel Beans Smallish [Human] :: n/a - Cast iron pans work wonders
Joseph "Joe" Hills [Human] :: n/a - Journalism just got way more dangerous
Kera Liss "Keralis" [Human*] :: n/a - Hmm, how'd you get there?
Lizzie D Shadowlady [Ghoul] :: C class - "Housecat" 3 toed talons kokaku - No officer, there's no one here, just this very cat like cat...
Martyn LilWood [Dove] :: Tier 2 - Standard sword quinque. Possibly with a rocket on the end. - Not quite taking the lone wolf schtick to heart
Mumbo K. Jumbo [Ghoul] :: B Class - "The Suit" Double kokaku claws - Mondays amiright
Pearl Escentmoon [Human] :: n/a - Worst. Field trip. Ever.
Pix Elrif [Ghoul] :: C class - "Automaton" Single tail bikaku - The cat distribution system but he is the cat
Ren Thedog [Ghoul] :: S class - "The Red Wolf" Single tail Rinkaku + wolf head kakuja - oh hey how you doing nice to meet- SQUIRREL???
Saus "Sausage" J Mythica [Human] :: n/a - The world's best chewy stress toy
Scar Goodfan [Ghoul] :: SS class -"The Vex" Ukaku vex wings + 2 bikaku tails + Perfect Kakuja - no chill having, no leg having, no craps given, no fear having ass
Scott Dangtha Longie Major [Dove] :: Tier 1 - Spear quinque - Doing his best ;w;
Skizz LeMann [Ghoul] :: C class - "Lucifer" 4 feathered rinkaku tails - One beer away from getting in the maid outfit
Tress "Stress" Monstre [Dove] :: Tier 2 - Warhammer quinque - Holds all of the tea. And yeah, that's a lot.
Tango Tekk [Ghoul] :: C class - "Helios" Single wing, combustible, ukaku - Is absolutely not compensating for anything
Tin Foilchef "TFC" [Dove] :: Tier 4 - Double edged scythe, polymorph, quinque - Judge, Justice and Executioner
Timothy "Jimmy" Solidarity [Ghoul] :: C class - "Canary" Deformed wing Ukaku - The vibe is strong with this one. That vibe was wet cat.
Wels K. Nite [Ghoul] :: B Class - "The Knight" Reptilian wing Ukaku - huh, well that's awkward
Xb Crafheld [Ghoul] :: A Class - "Guardian" Fused double tail bikaku - If he had a nickel every time he was friends with a suspicious man, he would have two nickels.
Xisuma "X" Vhoide [Dove] :: Tier 3 - Multiple quinques - Has one and a half eyeballs
Amusix "eX" Vhoide* [Dove] :: Tier 2 - Crossbow quinque - There's a crime here about to be committed...
Zed Aphlays [Ghoul] :: C class - "The Ram" Bikaku Sheep's foot - One good day away from committing arson
Zloy Exphee [Human] :: n/a - These journalists seriously need to chill.
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rennorthernlights · 1 year
I need more angst in COD. Like that gut wrenching “Oh my god, why?” Type of angst. Makes you take a step back and go “Goddamn”
Maybe something happened on a mission. Maybe the mission was supposed to be easy and that caused the 141 to ease up a bit, made them less stiff and clear-cut. Or maybe they knew it was gonna be bad and they had to brace for an inevitable. Or they were forced into making hard choice between living and dying and there could only be one that made it out.
(Disclaimer; I’m not a writer but I do daydream a lot so this has been running in my head and I just need to write it.)
Ghost can’t even think, can’t even breath as Soap is desperately pressing his hands on Prices chest. Gaz was yelling in anger a second ago and now. Now Ghost can’t even hear Gaz. Price jumped in front of Soap faster than Soap could even blink. Shoving Soap to the ground and even though it took 2 seconds for Soaps back to hit the ground it felt like an eternity.
Soap rushed forward to Price as soon as he got back up nd Ghost? Ghost can’t even breath, can’t even think. He locked up so fast, never has place been so loud and yet quiet. His eyes wide as Soap is speaking. Is he even speaking? Ghost can’t hear, all he thinks about is the day he came home saw his family dead. His mind merging and blending as he panics because he’s seen Price get hurt but never like this. Never to the point where it might be the end.
Soaps yelling, yelling at Ghost, yelling at Gaz. Gaz is no where to be seen. Murder in his eyes and a gun in his hand. Gaz, who’s always calm, always collected just snapped. Seeing Price on the ground bleeding out, a pained groan in his voice. Even Price’s well groomed beard was coated in blood. Gaz even with all that murder in his eyes even as he kills with so much precision he remains deathly calm. Only his breathing is erratic.
Soap didn’t think he’d be the only sound thinking one. Never believed he’d have to be the one to pull everyone together. His heart is pounding, his hands are shaking, there’s so much blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. And it’s just not stoping as he does what he can to stop Price from dying. Yelling into the comms for an emergency evac to get Price out. Yelling for Gaz to get his ass back here because he’s never seen Gaz like this and it scares him. Scares Soap so goddamn much.
“Gaz! Gaz! Get your goddamn ass back here!” Soap yells into the comms, desperate to bring his friend, his brother back. Price winces and Soap’s momentarily distracted. “Fuck!” Soap knows, knows that Gaz is like this because he cares so deeply about Price. Price who took Gaz under his wing, Price who spends so much time with Gaz because Price sees so much potential in Gaz. Soap fucking knows and that’s why he’s scared that Gaz is going to get himself killed.
“Ghost! Ghost! I need your fucking hel-“ Soap freezes mid-sentence. Seeing Ghost look like he’s about to witness someone he loves die again, he can practically hear Ghost’s erratic breathing. And that’s when Soap sees it. Gaz isn’t the only one thinking he’s about to lose a father.
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