#atkins meals
gordonsicedcoffee · 5 months
wait.........let him cook 👀💯🔥
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travelinglowcarb · 9 months
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Happy New Year! 🎉 I started the day off with bacon and eggs. 🍳 🥓
What are you eating today, and what are your goals for 2024? 👏😊
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missr3n3 · 25 days
(inspired off of a weird dream sequence I had earlier today)
Joshua : Yeah, you heard that right! My dads didn't let me have candy, TV OR Happy Meals! What kind of childhood was that?!
that could not only describe luceryx, but also is revolving door of related legal guardians uvycgvgvhhhhbhnb
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vamptastic · 6 months
I kinda vaguely think it may help with my wonky metabolic markers but I have no fucking clue how people sustain low carb diets on a budget. My mom has to follow a similar sort of diet because she has Hashimoto's disease and refined grains (and also some random stuff like green tea) will tank her white blood cell count, but she can still eat whole grains so once she saw a dietician we started to buy whole wheat pasta & brown rice and such for family dinners bc 100% carb-less dinner was untenable. And she still ends up eating stuff that she's not supposed to on accident when going out because we just don't live somewhere where you can buy a low-carb meal out (except a salad, even then she has to ask to have certain things removed). Ironically fast food chains tend to be the most reliable in having a gluten free substitute. On Passover we mostly end up eating fish and lunch is matza ball soup all week. Like how do you do this shit longterm without cracking because whole grains are fucking expensive and cooking without having an easy to prepare carb like rice or pasta is a nightmare.
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sillykittypirate · 11 months
How keto diet works 💪
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listonic · 3 days
Shed those extra pounds with our Atkins meal plan for weight loss. This plan is designed to help you lose weight effectively while enjoying tasty, low-carb meals. Stick to your goals without feeling deprived.
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wellextol · 7 months
Master Keto Meal Prep | Keto Diet Plans and Keto Recipes | Discover a Delicious Keto Diet Plan: From Keto Breakfast Ideas to Tasty Keto Dinners
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viridescent-din · 2 years
favorite food
you and joel discuss life before the outbreak, and he shares a bit more than you expected.
no warnings apply. just some very sweet (though melancholic) borderline domestic joel and reader bonding time <3
btw i am NOT sponsored by shipley’s do-nuts and shipley’s do-nuts: plz don’t sue me
“I think she’s finally out,” you quietly tell Joel. He turns in his sleeping bag, looking across the dying fire at Ellie’s sleeping form. He frowns, but not entirely in annoyance. You can see traces of affection etched into Joel’s face.
“First real meal in weeks. Makes sense she’d go right to sleep,” he says, then glances at you. “Good catch, by the way.” Warmth blooms in your chest at Joel’s approval. You shrug.
“I do feel kind of bad for that bunny, but...” you trail off, looking at Ellie once again.
“She’s more important,” Joel says, surprising you with the gentleness in his tone.
“Yeah,” you agree. The two of you are silent, the air suddenly seeming heavy. You know Joel feels this, too: the affection building in both of you for Ellie. You liked her from the start, but that fondness is becoming palpable. It’s the same for Joel, and you’re sure it’s harder for him to reconcile with. “Hey,” you say, trying to lighten the mood. “If you could have any meal in the world, what would it be? Like, what was your favorite food before all this?” Joel looks at you, brow set, and you realize how stupid you are for bringing up the world before it went to shit. But to your surprise, Joel doesn’t chastise you.
“C’mere,” he says, making room in his sleeping bag. You blink.
“What -”
“I’ll answer yer question,” Joel begins to exaggerate his drawl to get a smile out of you. You shake your head, looking at the ground. “But not from all the way over here. I don’t want to wake her up,” Joel glances one more time at Ellie. “She needs her sleep.” You nod, but still don’t move. Joel tilts his head back, gesturing for you to come closer. “I don’t bite.”
Before you can even stop the thought, it flashes through your mind. What if I want you to?
You shove the thought away, making your way to Joel. Your whole body is screaming at you as you slip into his sleeping bag, red alerts of this is it! It’s happening! sounding in your brain. You try to ignore them. You lay on your side, facing Joel, and he does the same. You blink.
“Warm enough?” He asks, practically whispering. You just nod. “Good.” Joel lets out a long sigh. “My favorite food... Well, I can’t remember the last time I ate it, because I was Atkins when this all happened -”
“Wait, what?” You ask, interrupting Joel. “You were on Atkins? You?”
“Now what’s so hard to believe about that?” Joel counters, borderline offended. You let out a short laugh.
“Nothing, I guess, I just... I can’t imagine you caring about that sort of thing.” You leave out the fact that you think Joel is the most handsome man you’ve seen.
“Diets could be for health you know.”
“From what I’ve heard, that one wasn’t.” Joel lets out a chuckle.
“No, I suppose it wasn’t.” He concedes. “Anyway,” he continues. “Texas was one of the states with Shipley’s Do-Nuts. If I remember correctly, the headquarters was somewhere out there.” You listen intently. Joel’s eyes aren’t focused on you, though you can barely tell. The only light is coming from the dying fire. “Every so often, I’d get a coffee, a kolache, and two donuts. See, I’d always hide the second donut from Sarah. She’d start to eat hers, then run away to watch her show, or grab her journal or something - and when she’d come back, I’d of eaten half of it. And she would grumble, saying I had my kolache, and it wasn’t fair for me to eat half of her donut because she didn’t like kolaches, so she couldn’t eat half mine. And every time, I’d pull the second donut out of the cupboard. She knew I’d do that. But she always grumbled anyway, because that was just... it was just...” Joel trails off. “It was just part of what we did.”
You don’t say anything. Joel looks distant, like he’s not entirely here with you. You take a breath.
“Sarah was your daughter, wasn’t she?” You ask carefully, not wanting to press him. Joel tenses.
“She - I always drank my coffee black. But I’d order it with cream from Shipley’s, because it came in these tiny little containers. Sarah loved to pour the cream in for me. So I’d always drink it with cream from there, just because she liked to do that for me.” Joel knits his eyebrows, snapping out of his memories. You watch as he hardens himself, slipping back into the guarded man you know better than the one who just told you about Sarah. You expect Joel to get upset, kick you out of his sleeping bag. But he doesn’t. 
“Was she - yes. Smart girl,” he tells you. You shiver at the praise. Joel frowns. “You cold?” You shake your head.
“No,” you say it like you’re telling him a secret. Joel softens.
“Alright,” he murmurs. You curl into yourself. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I -”
“It’s okay.” You don’t let Joel doubt himself anymore than he already does. “I don’t mind.” Joel seems uncomfortable, antsy with the fact he just revealed so much. You swallow. “I don’t remember much from before. I was on a plane when it all happened. And my mom was sort of a health nut, so she packed fruit. I was eating an orange instead of the pretzels the flight attendants handed out. That was how it happened, wasn’t it? The grains.” Joel nods. You continue, hoping hearing about your experience helps Joel with the fact you now know something about his. “My parents didn’t make it off the flight. I don’t know how they managed to keep me safe, but... they did.”
“Did you have any siblings?” Joel asks, a slight rasp to his voice. You meet his eyes.
“My mom had just had a baby,” you tell him. “I was... I was so excited to be an older sibling. I even asked to name it. If I recall correctly, I wanted Cinderella if it was a girl and Prince Charming if it was a boy.” Joel lets out chuckle. You smile at the memory too. The laughter dies down.
“Which was it?” You clench your fists.
“I, um, I don’t remember.” You bite your tongue, tasting blood. You let out a bitter laugh. “Isn’t that fucked up? I don’t remember.” You’re both silent.
“Your,” Joel clears his throat. “Your parents are lucky.” You look at him incredulously, almost glaring. “They are. They managed to save you. That’s all a parent wants: to protect their kid. And your folks did that.”
All a parent wants is to protect their kid. You poke your head out of the sleeping bag, looking at Ellie. The fire is gone now, but you can still make out her form. She’s still sleeping, and safe. You burrow back into Joel’s bag.
“Yeah,” you agree. “I guess so.” Joel’s hands slide over your waist, pulling your back to his chest. He’s so sturdy, emanating warmth. He moves his arm under your head, giving you a pillow of sorts.
“Go to sleep,” he says. “I’ll take first watch.”
“But -”
“I’ll take first watch,” Joel is firm. “I won’t be sleeping tonight, darlin.’”
If Joel wasn’t holding you so tight, you’d be afraid that he’s angry. But instead of shutting you out, he presses his lips to your temple, and tells you he’ll see you in the morning. When you close your eyes, you dream of coffee and donuts.
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jjsmaybank20 · 2 years
Watching You
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Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: your sons want to be just like you, so they copy your mannerisms as best they can.
Warnings: all fluffy family shit
Word Count: 1.4k
navigation  marvel masterlist
You had just picked Tommy up from school, McDonald’s Happy Meals in the car ready for him. Billy was home sick with Wanda, so you were in charge of picking Tommy up. You buckled him in and got back in the driver's seat, chatting idly about his day with him as you drove him home. 
You watched the 7-year-old scarf down his nuggets, knowing that he couldn’t have the toy till they were gone. You glance forward and a traffic light that had been green turned straight to red. You hit the brakes, making everything in the car pitch forward. You mumble curses under your breath, hoping that your son can’t hear you.
Tommy’s fries go flying towards the front, and his drink tips over into his lap. He looks down at his now soaking wet pants and says, “Shit!” You look at him, surprised and concerned, but he just grins right back at you. The light turns green again and you continue driving, still worried about where your son had learned that word.
“Hey, buddy. Where’d you learn to talk like that?” Tommy just smiles at you before saying, “I’ve been watching you, mama! I wanna be just like you. I’m gonna eat all my food, and grow as tall as you are. We both have Yankees baseball caps, and- and Lakers jerseys! We're just alike. I wanna do everything you do.” 
You tear up slightly as you pull into the driveway of your house. “Yeah, buddy. We’re just alike. Now run inside and go check on your brother.” He nods and runs towards the front door, leaving you standing by the car, thinking over your life choices.
Wanda comes out and sees you with a slightly pained expression on your face. “What's up, babe?” You shake your head and pull your wife into a hug. “It’s just… Tommy said he wants to be just like me in the car. He also said shit, which he apparently learned from me. I’ve done so many awful things in my life, and I don’t want him to turn out the same way I did. Please Wanda, help me help my stupid self.” 
She chuckles slightly, smiling up at you. “He said shit?” You groan and nod, looking up at the sky. “Yes! God, I need to stop cursing.” Wanda nods in agreement. Suddenly, your other son runs out the door and jumps into your arms. You let out a quiet ‘umph’, swinging him around as he giggles.
“Mama, mama! I feel so much better. Can we work on our project?” You hike him up in your arms, laughing at his enthusiasm. “Yeah, of course kiddo. Go grab the tools.” He drops from your hold and hits the ground running. You watch him take off before turning back to Wanda. She is looking at you with an indescribable look of love in her eyes. “You’re a wonderful influence on the boys, and the best mom and wife a woman could ask for. Now go build a treehouse with your son.”
You grin at her and you place a kiss on her lips before chasing after Billy. He had gone into the garage and brought out the toolbox that held all of the things you needed to put together the treehouse of his dreams. You make your way into the back yard, watching him get the drawing that he had made of what he wanted his fort to look like. You noticed that he had put on a baseball cap that you recognized, and as you came up behind him you asked, “Is that my hat?” 
You watch his eyes go wide and he practically rips it off and holds it out towards you, muttering apologies profusely. You watch him panic for a second before letting a smile spread across your face. You reach out and push the hat into his chest, saying, “Keep it. It suits you. Looks better on you anyway.” He frowns slightly, answering, “But I wanted to look like you.” You can’t help but think about how much he sounds like Tommy in the car, and you pull him into your arms.
“Have you and your brother been conspiring together again? Y’all are saying the same shi-,” Billy gives you a stern look, and you fix your language. “Stuff. Stuff. And yeah, we look exactly the same. Guess who you got your ruggedly handsome looks from?” Billy pretends to think about it for a second before answering, “Mommy.” You gasp in offense and Billy takes off running while you chase after him.
When you catch him, you tickle his sides until he relents and wheezes, “Okay, okay, fine, I got it from you, Mama!” You nod, feeling accomplished. “That’s what I thought. Now go clean up, your mom will come after me if you track dirt through the house.”
Later that night, you sat yourself down between the two boys beds and turned on their Scooby-Doo night light that they had insisted you buy for them. It took you a couple of tries to get them to settle down, but you eventually tucked them both in. Almost immediately after the covers went over him, Tommy hopped out of bed much to your annoyance. 
That annoyance quickly melted away as he shyly handed you a paper that he had just pulled from his backpack, murmuring, “I made this for you, Mama.” You glance down at it, not knowing what to expect. As you read further and further down the page, you couldn’t help the tears that formed in your eyes. Tommy looks at you worriedly, thinking that he had done something wrong to make you cry.
“It’s okay, Mama! Why are you sad?” You shake your head and wipe your eyes. “I’m not sad, buddy. These are happy tears. I love you both so much.” You glance at the paper, having to look at the sky so that you don’t start crying again. “God, you guys are both growing up so fast.” 
Tommy wraps his little arms around you, and they are quickly joined by Billy’s. “You know, Mama, even when we’re big we’ll still know what to do, cause you taught us.” Tommy nods enthusiastically, adding, “You taught us to eat all our food so that we can grow as tall as you are, and if we work hard we can be just like you. When we’re all grown up, we’ll be able to do everything that you do.”
You give them a watery smile before sighing and concluding, “You two are already so much stronger than I’ll ever be. Your mom and I are so proud of you, and we are so lucky to have you as our kids.” You look at them lovingly before sitting them down on their individual beds and pushing their heads towards the pillows by their faces.
They giggle at you and you place kisses on their foreheads before turning their light out and exiting the room. As you make your way downstairs, you think over what your sons had told you. You find your wife in the kitchen making the two of you dinner. 
You wrap your arms around her from behind, and almost instantly, she melts into them. You stick your face in her neck and place feather-light kisses on it. Wanda sighs shakily, trying to stay focused on the food so that it doesn’t burn. You pull away slightly, before randomly saying, “You know, both boys want to be like me. How much do you wanna bet Billy will turn out like you?” Wanda laughs, and the sound makes your heart flutter and creates a giddy feeling in your stomach. She turns around in your arms and wraps her arms around your neck. “I don’t doubt it. Tommy definitely shares your personality more.” You chuckle and lean in to press a kiss to her lips.
She chases after you when you pull away, and you almost let her suck you back in, but then you smell a burning scent. You look behind her, seeing the food is burnt to a crisp. You move quickly to turn off the burner, and Wanda looks at the stove apprehensively. 
You glance at her before asking, “Pizza?” She nods and smiles at you before going to order it. As you watch her go, it hits you that you finally have the family that you had always wanted, and you had it with a woman that you love more than anything in the world.
You couldn’t be more grateful for such a wonderful family, and you would love them until the day that you die.
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Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun (French, 1755-1842) Marie Gabrielle de Gramont, duchesse de Caderousse, 1784 Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City Madame la Comtesse was the daughter of the Marquis de Sinety and was betrothed to her husband, who was the eldest son of the Marquis de Vachères, in 1779 in a ceremony that took place at Versailles and was witnessed by several members of the royal family. Marie Gabrielle was formally presented at court after her wedding that summer and swiftly became one of Marie Antoinette’s closest friends. She escaped the revolution and became Duchesse de Caderousse when her husband inherited the title in June 1800. Although women of the Comtesse’s class usually wore their hair powdered, Vigée Le Brun persuaded her to be painted with her hair in its natural state, which caused a furore when she went to the theatre straight after one of her sittings. ‘I could not stand powdered hair,’ the artist later recalled in her memoirs. ‘I persuaded the beautiful Duchesse de Grammont-Caderousse not to use any for her portrait. Her hair was ebony black… arranged in irregular curls. After the sitting, which finished at the time of the midday meal, the Duchesse left her hair as it was and went to the theatre as she was. Such a lovely woman had to set the fashion, which gradually caught on and became widespread.’ -Madame Guillotine
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travelinglowcarb · 11 months
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My low carb dinner last night: chicken thighs, cauli-mash, mushrooms & green beans + sea salt. 😊❣️ Simple but delicious! What did you have?
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nostalgicamerica · 7 months
My Weight-Loss Journey
Over the last three decades, despite a relatively active lifestyle, my weight has steadily increased a pound or two per year. I could see it was becoming a problem every morning in my foggy bathroom mirror.
I finally realized that I had to do something about it last fall when I walked out onto my porch one morning. The neighbor's kitten came over to say good morning and got caught up in my gravitational field and went into orbit around my waistline.
It was then I started looking into different diets. Keto, Caveman, high fat, low carb, lima bean, Atkins. Holy crap! The number of different diet choices were staggering. Greater still were the numbers of dieticians and nutritionists shrieking that this diet is best and only a booger-eater would choose that diet.
After a bit of cogitation, I started researching the Carnivore diet.
It sounded right up my alley: eating nothing but meat, cheese, eggs, and dairy products, and drinking water. And I could eat bacon. Basically, I could eat anything that is animal-based.
The bacon thing sold it for me.
The week before Thanksgiving 2023 I started my new diet plan. You might think that dieting during the holidays wasn't a grand idea, and you'd be right. Eating nothing but meat while watching my family chowing down on traditional holiday meals (turkey and all the fixings for Thanksgiving, and ham and all the fixings for Christmas) and stuffing their faces with cookies and candy and pie and everything else associated with the holidays was as much fun as stuffing a cactus up my rectum.
But I stuck to it.
To this point in my life I had never been disciplined about anything related to food, but somewhere along the way I found the strength to keep anything not indicated by the diet out of my pie hole. (except coffee - I'll be cold, dead, and buried before I stop drinking coffee.)
And the weight came off. 3,4,5 pounds a week. It seemed to literally melting off me. My initial goal was 50 pounds by the end of February and then I'd transition to something more sustainable.
It wasn't easy, at times, especially during the first 2 or 3 weeks. I bought some bite-size sugar free candy to take the edge off for the times when I was jonesing for sugar. And I ate a ton of bacon.
By Christmas Eve I had lost 20.5 pounds. By January's close I had dropped 34 pounds. On January 8th, 2024 I got out of the shower and looked down and saw my penis without a mirror for the first time since about 2003. Also, I could see a six-pack peeking from behind what remains of my belly fat. As of this writing I'm down 39 Pounds. I have a few more days to go, but I don't think I will hit 50. But that's okay.
On March 1st I will start introducing fruits and veggies and whole grains to my diet. I intend to stay away from cane sugar and continue drinking only water.
There have been some negatives along the way. 1. I now abhor the sight of steak. 2. My dog won't stop licking my legs. 3. I have had to go out and buy essentially a new wardrobe.
What I've learned - coupled with portion control - is that 90% of weight loss happens in the kitchen, and the plain fact that bacon makes everything better.
Even though I didn't meet my first goal of 50, I intend to keep going until I've met my ultimate goal of 60. I know I can do it by the end of this year.
I don't know if this will work for everyone; I only relate what I did and what happened. Overall I feel great, I am sleeping great, and my spousal unit says I look better than I have since the beginning of the Clinton administration, although she wants to buy a new car so she may be playing me...
There is enough info about the carnivore diet on the interweb-thingee so I won't add anything else except to say if I can do it, anyone can.
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listonic · 3 days
Refresh your system with our Atkins meal plan for detox. This plan focuses on foods that help cleanse your body while staying true to the low-carb approach. Feel rejuvenated and ready to take on the day.
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Food log 9/12/24 💕
Atkins strawberry shortcake meal bar (190), whole milk (150)-340
Salmon burger (170), cabbage (25), Roma tomato (15)-210
Low carb bagel (150), vegetable cream cheese (80), cucumber (12), strawberries (35)-277
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Ideas for your KC trip from someone who grew up in that neck of the woods:
Powell gardens is southeast of the city. It’s a really cool place if you can swing the trip (it is outside city limits and idk what your transportation will look like.)
Science city in union station is also fun. Mind you the last time I went I was like. In middle school on a field trip. But also the train station is beautiful and they have all sorts of seasonal exhibits. (also bonus there’s a dive bar behind the train yard called Rythm & Booze. Idk if that’s your speed but if you do go I recommend the cheddar onion smash burger)
In that same vein, Missie B’s is nightclub that’s know for its drag performances. I’ve never been but have heard good things.
Prospero’s bookstore is like one of the coolest places I’ve been. It’s not very accessible but if you have a good spoon day I recommend it.
The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art is the home of many fond memories of mine and is free admission!
there is a sealife aquarium at crown center. I’ve never been but one of their aquarists did give a talk at my college ecology orientation class.
I hope you have a good time!!! KC holds a special place in my heart, it’s a hotbed for acceptance and organizing (shout out to the KC tenet Union!!!!!) in the area and it’s where I first started to really explore myself as a queer person. I wish you luck!!!
Oh heck yeah thank you for the recommendations! I have to use my own money for personal transport (if i want to go sightseeing or something) but my meals are paid for at least. I'd love to see the gardens or the aquarium! I might also check out the nightclub since I love drag. Do you know how good public transport is? I mostly plan on using uber or lyft but having the option to take a bus or train would be nice. I've heard that Kansas City is known for having really good "wet barbecue" and tex-mex if you have any recommendations regarding those. I'm glad to hear the city is queer friendly (or at least has a queer community), as I was worried about traveling to a red midwestern state. Hopefully I have enough time and spoons to see at least one place.
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lgg5989 · 2 years
Watching You - One Beer Universe pt 3
Thought this would be a cute part three to the One Beer Universe I have created! @callmemana I hope you like it and I am working on your request dear! 
Thanks to @barbiewritesstuff for betaing this for me! 
Based on the song Watching You by Rodney Atkins. Check out more songfics or the One Beer Universe on my Masterlist. 
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Bob was cruising through town in his old jeep, Eddie buckled in his booster seat in the back. He and Eddie were having a ‘boy’s day out’ as you called it, running errands to keep the mess making six year old out of the house while you cleaned. 
He knew that you didn’t like it, but he had stopped for lunch at McDonald’s. As much as he enjoyed spending time with Eddie, the little boy was a menace when he was hungry and Bob wasn’t risking a melt down in Home Depot. 
They had gone through the drive through to order, Bob carefully handing his look-a-like the happy meal after taking the toy from the top. 
“Daddy,” Eddie started, “I want to see what I got this time!” 
“You know the rules bud,” Bob said, glancing over his shoulder, “No toy until you eat those nuggets.” 
As Bob turned back to the road, he cussed under his breath, the light that had just been green was now red. He slammed on his breaks to get the old jeep to stop in time, and was surprised when he heard the little boy behind him exclaim, “Shit!” 
Bob turned to look at Eddie and he closed his eyes with a grimace when he saw his son's Fanta had been a victim of the hard stop. While he knew he had a sticky mess to clean up when he got home, he was more concerned about the cuss that had fallen from Eddie's mouth. 
"Where'd you learn to cuss like that?" Bob asked, surprise on his face but his voice stern. He tried not to cuss at home, the saying 'cuss like a sailor' wasn't misplaced though and the guys at work swore up and down. He tried hard to avoid joining them but on occasion something would slip out. At home he would only let them fly when he hurt himself in the garage. 
“I’ve been watching you dad,” Eddie said as if that offered enough explanation, “I’m your buckaroo, I wanna be just like you! I have to eat all my food and grow as tall as you are.”
The light turned green and the car behind them honked before Bob could formulate a response to Eddie’s explanation. Now that he was covered in pop, Bob decided to drive them home, not wanting to make the boy walk around all wet and sticky. 
When you saw your husband walk into the house, Eddie waddling behind him, his pants sticking to his little legs, your eyes widened comically. 
“What happened?” you asked, looking at your son confused. 
“Daddy took me to McDonald’s!” he said excitedly, “On the way home, my drink spilled.”
The look on Bob’s face caused you to do a double take. You directed Eddie before asking what happened, “Okay baby, let’s get you showered then,” you said, following him to the bathroom. 
Once he was in the shower and his sticky clothes were in your hands, you found Bob in the garage, his head in his hands. 
You could just barely make out what he was saying, “Lord please help me, help my stupid self.” 
Coming up behind him, you gave him a tight hug, “What happened?”
“Well we were on our way home,” he said, “I know you hate him having McDonald’s but I didn’t want to risk a melt down in Home Depot. I swear that light turned straight to red and when we got stopped he just said, ‘shit!’” Bob explained. 
You covered your mouth, a laugh threatening to escape. Bob looked at you worriedly, “When I asked him how he learned to cuss like that, he said he learned it from me.” 
This time you couldn’t hold the laugh back, “Bobby, I love you dearly, but have you heard yourself in this garage?” 
A blush covered his cheeks, “I guess not…” he answered. 
“It’ll be okay, hopefully that’s the only word he’s picked up,” you said, taking Bob’s hand and pulling him back into the house. A few minutes later, Eddie came out of the bathroom and ran to the kitchen. 
Bob smiled at him, “Are you ready to go to Home Depot buddy?”
“One minute daddy,” he said, rushing to the closet where you kept shoes and coats. After a minute of digging around, he emerged with a cowboy boot in each hand. With a proud smile on his face, he stomped his feet into them before presenting himself to the two of you, “Look daddy, we’re just alike!” 
You smiled wide, the two of them were just alike. Both dressed in t-shirts, camo pants, and cowboy boots. Pulling out your phone, you nudged Bob to pick Eddie up, “Come on honey, just one picture.” 
Your boys smiled at you and your heart soared, the photo was immediately set at your new lock screen. 
While you tucked Katie in, Bob tucked Eddie in. The two of you liked to enjoy a few quiet hours before going to bed so the kids went to sleep fairly early. 
Bob was bent over, his hand searching for the cable that would allow him to turn on Eddie’s Scooby Doo night light. When he found the button, he hit it. As he turned back to his son, who should be in bed, he found him kneeling down beside the bed itself. 
His little hands were folded together and Bob was astounded as he listened to Eddie talk to God like he was talking to a friend. 
“Lord, please watch over me and my family. Let us all have a good day tomorrow. In your name I pray, amen,” his small voice said. 
As Eddie climbed back into bed, Bob sat down on the edge, “Now where did you learn to pray like that?” he asked. 
“I’ve been watching you dad, ain’t that cool?” Eddie asked, “I wanna be like you, we like fixing things, and holdin’ mama’s hand, we’re just alike, ain’t we dad?”
Bob smiled wide at his explanation, “Of course we are buddy,” he pulled Eddie into a hug, wiping the tears that had formed out of his eyes, “My little bear is growing up.” 
Eddie hugged him back tightly, “But when I’m big, I’ll still know what to do.” 
“That you will,” Bob agreed, “You ready for bed Ed?”
Eddie laughed, the two of them did this every night, “Yes daddy.”
“Okay, momma will be in to say goodnight in one minute,” he said, pressing a kiss to Eddie’s hairline. 
When you joined Bob in your bedroom, he met you with a kiss on the lips and a wide smile. 
“What’s got you so happy?” you asked him. 
He shrugged, “Just our son, he is the best accident we ever made.”
You let out a laugh, “I guess that’s fair considering we planned Katie.” 
Bob laughed with you as the two of you got ready for bed. You smiled at your husband’s penchant for wearing graphic tees to bed, tonight was no exception, the superman logo was spread across his chest. You both spent some time reading together and as the two of you laid down to sleep, you heard a squeal before the sound of little feet pounded down the hall. 
Your door cracked open before a little voice asked, “Momma, daddy?” 
“Yes baby,” you called preemptively moving over towards Bob in bed so that Eddie could slide in next to you.
“Can I sleep with you?” he asked, his voice trembling. 
“Of course buddy,” Bob answered. 
You were surprised when instead of coming to your side of the bed, Eddie climbed up next to Bob, slipping into his father’s embrace. The two of you shared a look in the dark before the sound of little snores broke the silence of the night. With a smile on your face, you fell asleep, spooning your husband. 
Cause I've been watching you dad, ain't that cool
I'm your buckaroo, I wanna be like you
And eat all my food and grow as tall as you are
By then I'll be as strong as superman
We'll be just alike, hey won't we dad
When I can do everything you do
Cause I've been watching you
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