#ayurveda diet
ayurvedaawareness · 1 month
Top 11 Benefits of Mint Leaf in our Daily Lives 
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Mint, also known as Mentha cordifolia, is celebrated for its manifold health benefits, serving as a staple in Ayurvedic practice. Its versatility extends from breath freshening to stress alleviation, making it a vital addition to any household. Let's explore its medicinal advantages in detail:
Digestive Aid: Rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients, mint supports digestive processes by stimulating salivary glands and digestive enzymes. Menthol in mint aids smooth muscle function in the stomach, promoting better digestion. Drinking warm water infused with fresh mint leaves can ease stomach discomfort and indigestion.
Relief from Headaches and Nausea: The soothing scent of mint can alleviate nausea, while topical application can help relieve headaches.
Respiratory Support: Mint's aromatic properties can clear airways and act as an expectorant, facilitating easier breathing and aiding in the expulsion of phlegm. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities contribute to relieving respiratory inflammation and cough. Inhalation of mint extract in warm water vapor can provide relief for respiratory issues like asthma.
Skin Health: Mint's anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and pitta-calming properties make it beneficial for soothing irritated skin, combating acne, and promoting a healthy glow. Its high salicylic acid content aids in preventing blemishes and blackheads, while antioxidants rejuvenate dull skin.
Oral Hygiene: Mint's antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties make it effective in combating oral bacteria, preventing tooth decay, and freshening breath. Chewing mint leaves regularly promotes oral health.
Morning Sickness Relief: Mint's stomach-soothing effects make it a valuable remedy for morning sickness in pregnant women. However, it's advised to avoid postpartum consumption due to its potential impact on lactation.
Immune System Support: Mint is rich in essential nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins C, D, and E, bolstering the immune system and guarding against infections and inflammation.
Stress and Depression Relief: Mint's aroma is utilized in aromatherapy to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression by inducing relaxation and releasing serotonin in the brain.
Potential Cancer Prevention: Mint contains phytochemicals with potential cancer-preventive properties, though further research is needed in this area.
Weight Management: Mint aids in healthy weight loss by stimulating digestion, increasing metabolism, and promoting the breakdown of fats for energy.
Blood Pressure Regulation: Mint's potassium content contributes to lowering blood pressure and regulating pulse rate, promoting cardiovascular health.
In Ayurveda, mint is recognized as a cooling and calming herb, offering holistic wellness benefits in a stress-ridden world. Embracing Ayurvedic principles in diet and lifestyle can lead to profound health improvements. Consider joining our "Three Types of Foods and How They Influence the Mind - Eating Foods for Peace" course to delve deeper into the transformative power of mindful eating and balanced living. Start your journey towards a harmonious mind and body with us at the Ayurveda Awareness Centre.
Know More:
What are some of the top ways to relieve stress according to Ayurveda?
How can Ayurveda nurture mental well-being?
What are some Ayurvedic tips for improving digestion?
Can Ayurveda effectively integrate into modern lifestyles to prevent lifestyle diseases?
What are the key benefits and techniques of Pranayama in enhancing overall well-being, particularly in regards to breath, mind, and spirit?
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michelleberrybliss · 5 months
Ayurvedic Diet for Holistic Well-Being
Ayurveda, an ancient Indian science, promotes holistic well-being by emphasizing balance in diet and lifestyle. Understanding your dosha—Vata, Pitta, or Kapha—is integral to tailoring an optimal diet.
In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to neglect our bodies’ needs. We often prioritize work and responsibilities over self-care and end up feeling drained, anxious, and disconnected. However, we cannot function at our best if we don’t attend to our physical, mental, and emotional health. Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of life, offers a holistic approach to well-being. It emphasizes the…
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htlifestyle · 1 year
Modern Ayurveda: A Necessity | Culture Curry | HT Lifestyle
Today, people have started adopting the basics of the ayurvedic ways of eating and lifestyle choices. This includes morning meditations to daily routines, personalized yoga practices, etc. This practice is termed Modern Ayurveda and is getting quite popular. Let’s see how Modern Ayurveda has become a necessity today.
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maayogaashram-blog · 2 years
Ayurvedic Nutritional Diet & Medicine For Healthy Lifestyle
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Ayurvedic medicine and nutritional diet fulfill your all daily needs of body and give you a healthy lifestyle. A balanced diet improves your immunity system and strengthen your body to do daily activities.
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manjitkaur · 5 months
The best diet for people with High Blood Pressure
Here, we've compiled a list of good-health, natural foods that are low in salt that you can easily include in your diet. Fruits, drinks, and healthy breakfast foods are all part of this food plan that might help you manage high blood pressure (BP).
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1. Bananas: Due to their high potassium level, bananas can help control 
hypertension. The effects of sodium and stress decrease when we consume potassium in our diet.
2. Beet juice: A high inorganic nitrate content found in beets aids in lowering blood pressure, or hypertension.
3. Berries: Strawberries and blueberries contain compounds that are antioxidant in nature, known as anthocyanins, which lead to an 8 percent reduction in their blood pressure level.
4. Dark Chocolate: Rich in cocoa, dark chocolate helps people lower their blood pressure, which in turn helps them manage hypertension.
5. Watermelon: Watermelon contains citrulline, an amino acid that lowers blood pressure.
6. Oats: Oats include a kind of fiber called beta-glucose, which lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
7. Garlic: Allicin, which is found in garlic, helps the body produce more nitric oxide, which in turn reduces blood vessels.
8. Kiwi: Those with moderately high blood pressure problems may find that consuming kiwis daily helps lower their blood pressure.
9. Pomegranates: Those with high blood pressure can lower their blood pressure in the short term by consuming one cup of pomegranate juice every day for 28 days.
10. Cinnamon: Including cinnamon in your diet can lower blood pressure by
 2.6 mm Hg in the diastolic and 5.39 mm Hg in the systolic ranges.
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svasthvida · 9 months
Rediscover Vitality and Joy at Svasthvida Detox Treatment. Our Happy Patients Share Stories of Renewed Health, Balance, and Well-being. Join Us on the Path to Wellness and Experience the Transformation!
Connect with us for a free consultation: ➡️ WhatsApp: +91 99143 21828 ➡️ Email: [email protected]
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dharas-posts · 1 year
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shuddhihiims · 1 year
Ayurvedic Diet Plans | Get the Best with ShuddhiHiims
Achieve your wellness goals with personal diet plans from ShuddhiHiims. Our experienced Doctors provide guidance and support for transformative health.
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blessed1neha · 1 year
What Is Sattvic Food And The Science Behind It?
What Is Sattvic Food And The Science Behind It?
It is said, “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” Food, has much more importance in our lives than we know. The benefits of a balanced and nutritious meal go many layers down to affect our body, mental health, and mood. And Sattvic foods are best-known to do this.
What exactly is Sattvic food?
According to Ayurveda, food that has a high proportion of the "Sattva" characteristic is Sattvic and helps one maintain a healthy, happy body and mind. Simple, low-fat, and spice-free cooking methods are used to prepare sattvic cuisine. Fresh fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, milk, whole grains, and a variety of other foods are key components of the diet (apart from garlic and onions).
Importance of time and quantity
A Sattvic diet also emphasises how important it is to eat regularly and in moderation. Fixing and maintaining a mealtime is a fantastic place to start. To avoid becoming distracted while eating, refrain from talking, reading, watching TV, or scrolling through your phone. This will encourage thoughtful eating, make you feel full, and help you unwind.
Additionally, it's a good idea to avoid mindless nibbling during the day in between meals. Only eat when you are truly hungry.
What is the science behind the Sattvic diet?
As per Ayurveda, our diet is divided into three categories: Sattvic, Tamasic and Rajasic. Rajasic foods keep the body very active which causes restlessness, problems of sleeping, anger, irritability. Tamasic foods make the body and mind sluggish and lazy. It contains more oil, spicy and fatty foods, stale foods, and even non-vegetarian foods.
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ayurvedaawareness · 2 months
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Cholesterol: Ayurvedic Diet and Lifestyle Tips and Herbal Remedies Discover practical tips for incorporating Ayurvedic practices into your daily routine, and explore herbal remedies and supplements to support your cholesterol health. To know more read: https://www.ayurveda-awareness.com.au/cholesterol-ayurvedic-diet-lifestyle-herbal-remedies/
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sattvicmethod · 9 days
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nikhalgupta · 14 days
Is Upma Good For Weight Loss?
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When you are trying to lose weight, choosing the right foods becomes quite challenging. In such a situation, we will talk about a South Indian dish that we know as upma. When it comes to healthy recipes, it would not be fair if we did not talk about Upma. But the question is that Upma helps you with weight loss.
What is Upma?
Upma is a traditional Indian dish. Upma is made from semolina (also called Rava or Sooji). It is usually cooked with vegetables, spices, and nuts. Upma is popular because it is extremely easy to make, versatile, and nutritious.
Nutritional Benefits of Upma
Low Calories: One of the main reasons why Upma is considered good for weight loss is that it is relatively low in calories. A typical serving of upma contains around 200–250 calories, depending on the ingredients used. This makes it a light but satisfying meal that helps you stay within your daily calorie limit.
Rich in Dietary Fiber: Whole wheat semolina, which contains a lot of fiber, is used to make upma. Because fiber keeps you full for a longer period of time, it curbs hunger and reduces the chances of overeating, which makes Upma good for weight loss.
Rich in Nutrients: Upma is not only low in calories but also packed with essential nutrients. Iron, magnesium, and B vitamins are among the vitamins and minerals it provides that support healthy aging and energy maintenance.  Adding vegetables to upma can further enhance its nutritional value, providing additional vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Low in Fat: Upma is usually low in fat, especially if you make it with less oil or ghee. Reducing fat intake is important for weight loss, and Upma offers a way to enjoy a delicious meal without consuming excessive fat.
How Can UPMA Help With Weight Loss?
Portion Control: One of the key aspects of successful weight loss is portion control. Upma is a dish that can be easily portioned, allowing you to properly manage your calorie intake. You can enjoy eating without being concerned about gaining weight by limiting the number of calories in your meals.
Balanced Meal: Upma can be a balanced meal if the right ingredients are chosen. By adding vegetables like carrots, peas, capsicum, and tomatoes while making upma, you can increase both its taste and its fiber and nutrient content.
Versatile and Adaptable: If we talk about the benefits of Upma, the best part about it is that it is versatile. You can customize it according to your taste and dietary requirements. Whether you like it spicy or mild, with lots of vegetables or just a few, you can make it to your own liking. This will help you stick to your weight loss plan for a long time, thereby increasing your chances of achieving your weight loss goals.
Limit the Use of Oil. If you want to lose weight, use as little oil or ghee as possible while making upma. Additionally, you can utilize healthier techniques that are more helpful to you, such as cooking spray or roasting veggies in a non-stick pan.
Use Lots of Vegetables & Add Protein: Add a variety of vegetables to your diet to increase its fiber, vitamin, and mineral content. Vegetables like carrots, peas, and capsicum are great choices. You can also include a source of protein in your meal to make it more satisfying. If you are a non-vegetarian, you can also use boiled eggs. Sprinkling cheese also increases the protein content. These will add flavor to your upma and make it healthier too.
Conclusion: Is Upma good for weight loss? Yes! Upma is one of the best low-calorie, high-nutrient dishes for weight loss. Use whole wheat semolina, add plenty of veggies, limit oil, incorporate protein, and watch your portions to enjoy upma as a tasty and efficient way to reach your weight loss goals. Making lasting changes to your diet and lifestyle is key to weight loss success. Incorporate healthy, satisfying meals like Upma to help you stay on track and achieve your weight loss goals. Add Upma to your diet and enjoy a healthier, happier life!
Q: Are there any variations of UPMA that are particularly good for weight loss? A: Yes, variations like vegetable upma, oats upma, or quinoa upma are particularly good for weight loss. These versions increase the fiber and nutrient content, making them more filling and nutritious. Q: How Does the Fiber Content in UPMA Help With Weight Loss? A: The fiber in upma, especially when made with added vegetables, helps in promoting a feeling of fullness, reducing overall calorie intake, and supporting healthy digestion. Q: Is Upma Heavy to Digest?
A: Upma, made from semolina and vegetables, digests easily and can soothe gut inflammation. Additionally, the fiber in Upma regulates bowel movements and prevents constipation, a common symptom of many digestive disorders. Q: What is the origin of UPMA/Uppuma?  A: The exact origin of upma is not definitively documented, but it is believed to have originated in South India, particularly in the states of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Andhra Pradesh. Upma is a traditional dish in South Indian cuisine and has been enjoyed for generations. Q: Is Upma Rava made of maida?
A: Maida, Rava, and Suji are all made from wheat. 
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gblnews · 16 days
The Ageing Secrets of Indian Celebrities: Everything from Ayurveda to Botox - Times of India
Growing old gracefully is an art, and Indian celebrities have perfected it. Known for their glowing complexion, timeless charm and vibrant well-being these stars frequently emerge as symbols of youth and vigour. Exploring the ageing techniques of Indian celebrities reveals a blend of ancient Ayurvedic rituals and state of the art contemporary therapies. Ayurveda: The ancient elixir Ayurveda or…
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rogshaktiayurveda · 1 month
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"Achieve your weight management goals with Rog Shakti Ayurveda's star product – our Fat Loss Capsules! 🌿✨ These capsules are designed to help you lose weight, improve metabolism, and much more. Ready to transform your health journey?
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healthmonastery · 1 month
Shed the Pounds, Not the Joy: 12 Habits to Ditch for Lasting Weight Loss!
Hey there, weight loss warriors! We’ve all been there – staring at the scale with a sigh, feeling frustrated by those stubborn pounds. But before you embark on another restrictive fad diet, let’s talk about what might actually be holding you back. Here are 12 surprising habits that could be sabotaging your weight loss journey, all sprinkled with a touch of Ayurvedic wisdom to guide you towards a…
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