#back in uni my mom WAS actually worried at one point if I might be bipolar
pearl-kite · 1 year
psych wants to check if it's not actually your bog-standard Clinical Depression™ and is in fact potentially a different mood disorder, like BPD II, in case I need something like a mood stabilizer or antipsychotic instead of SSRIs
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lake-archive · 4 months
Chapter 45 - The Best For You
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Fandom: Ensemble Stars
Series: Alte Liebe Rostet Nicht
Characters: Izumi Sena, Anja-Sophia 'Ann' Wolff (OC) (mentioned), Kimiko Sena (Izumi's Mother) (OC)
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There was not much doubt at first when Izumi had accepted his mother’s invitation for lunch. Any worry before had been brushed aside and he didn’t really have a reason to refuse his mother of all people. And he had the time too. A part of him had even looked forward to it, especially considering she made space for her very own son.  Despite being most likely so busy these days she went all out here and it was something he could appreciate. Denying her to go out to lunch with her? He couldn’t in hindsight, it would be terrible to not do that.
So, just as his mother announced, she returned a little bit later to pick Izumi up. It only took a little while yet long enough that Ann had been long gone for uni and she wouldn’t be back until evening due to her shift at work. So mother and son had some time to catch up with whatever they felt the need to. It should be relaxing, or so he told himself in the back of his head. He didn’t know though why he had to remind himself of that but he didn’t question it either, at least not at the time. Maybe because it was all so sudden, not to mention that one thing after the other kept happening recently. Maybe he was still a little on the edge ever since. Yeah, it might be that, all of this. So the best was to just sit back and enjoy the time with his Mom before she has to go yet again. He was determined to do just that actually!
The both of them were already holding a conversation on the way there as well as once getting seated and having made their orders for lunch. And needless to say, it went rather smoothly, nothing seemed to have been out of the ordinary. In fact, Mama seemed to be in good spirits overall, her smiling and laughing constantly while talking about her recent photoshoots. She sure had a lot to talk about and he was more than happy to see that she was doing more than fine. Even now her business as a model was booming and people from all over the world were more than eager to have her advertise their products, primarily clothes of course. Sure, she complained here and there about some other models who were a pain in the ass, yet according to her own words it was ‘a part of being talented and blessed at the same time’. She sure had some confidence and if Izumi had to be honest, it was something he might look up to his mother for. Though only recently he might have noticed that her words are a little overbearing but one can get used to it. And yet, he did point it out, he felt like he had to. Especially since he had not said anything earlier. He just had to bring it up eventually…
“Mama, can I please ask you to watch your tone a little?” He began, though slowly. Of course she looked at him, somewhat confused.
“Watch my tone? What could you mean, Sweetie?” She asked, sounding so innocent and clueless. Yet was she? It was hard to say sometimes.
“I know it’s the way you are and I’m not asking you to change anything. Honest!” He responded, somewhat feeling the need to so Mama wouldn’t get the wrong idea either. He didn’t mean any disrespect towards her after all! “But… Uhm… Could you select your words more carefully when Ann is around?”
“Ann?” She repeated, as if not knowing who he meant. But she caught on fairly quickly. “Oh, the girl in those rags she calls clothes~ Haha, just say so earlier. Or did she just get out of bed when she opened that door?”
Izumi tried not to glare at his own mother. These words didn’t exactly sit right with him but… Mama has a very hard judgment of people. It can’t be helped. “Stuff like that! Try not to insult her when she’s around… Please?”
“Insult? Aww, I would never~” She responded, her smile not even cracking for a second. “It was just an observation. She needs a makeover because she looks like a caveman.”
It didn’t sit exactly right with Izumi either, one of his eyelids slightly twitching. “I’m being serious Mama! Don’t say stuff like that around her! It’s… Uncalled for!” Was he seriously trying to reason with his own mother here? Everything has a first it seems…
“Huh, you seem to insist.” Suddenly when she spoke the brightness of her smile faded, yet she was still plastering some type of smile on her face. “Isn’t she just some lousy roommate?”
“That—” He had to think for a moment here, because what he would say next could be a little crushing. Sure, he was on a hiatus now, but his mother had ties in the industry. If her mouth slips and she mentions his relationship with Ann in any type of way, it might be over for his idol career. Sure, who knows how long he would keep up with that, but for now he was still an idol. Hell, he didn’t even tell the rest of Knights about this… Yet something told Izumi that these guys already knew. Especially Arashi, this woman had a sixth sense for these types of things after all. Yet he knew they could keep a secret.
On the other hand, he was talking to his mother. Shouldn’t he trust her? And besides, she would have to find out sooner or later. In the end, if he kept his mouth shut, he would just delay the inevitable. So… No use, he has to say it. There is no way around it. Mama will figure it out anyway after all…
“No, Ann is not just a roommate.” He finally responded, trying to keep calm. He didn’t want to snap at his own mother after all, and especially not in public. “We’re… A thing… If you know what I mean.” Despite him being determined to tell Mama, he would still dance around the direct wording. Not because of Mama, but because of the public space. You never knew who could hear it after all so he had to watch it. He just prayed that she caught on. 
And she did, rather quickly even, her face suddenly just staring at her own son. It wasn’t a smile, a frown nor was it filled with rage. No, nothing like that. Anything would have been less unsettling than this. Because this was a face he had rarely seen his mother make. Yet when she made it, it was never a good sign. She had looked at him like this as a child and it was always unsettling. Though now it was more so than ever before. Her face, Mama’s pretty face, was devoid of any emotion. It was empty, her eyes not shining in any type of light. She was just sitting there, as if pretending to be a doll having been seated on this very chair. She didn’t seem like a human being. It was a sight scarier than her being furious. 
She even tilted her head, though slowly, as if it had been a mechanism. One may have been afraid that she was at the brink of snapping her neck and yet she seemed perfectly fine. There was no pain in her expression, no hint of anything. And even her voice was devoid of any emotion at that very moment.
“Ah, really? I’m so happy for you. Really.” She said, the sweet voice gone, replaced by a machine only spitting out words pre–programmed into its system. “If she can make you happy, I see why not.”
He gulped, not sure what to say. Mama became unpredictable when turning like this. But he had to play along, pretending as if he noticed nothing wrong with her at this very moment. “Ah— Th… Thank you.”
“But even then… Are you sure?”
Huh? “Sure of what Mama?” What was she—
“You see… Papa and Mama are worried sick about you Izumi. The last thing we expected from you was to go on a hiatus and disappear from the public eye.”
“Ah— I… I’m sorry for not telling you in advance! You two seem busy lately so—”
“No, it’s fine. Thank you for being so considerate. However, do you really want to stay with her?”
He only looked at his mother, shocked yet irritated. What is she—
“You can always come home, you know, even if only for a short while. After all, we will help you sort things out.”
“After all… Mama and Papa know you better than some random, little, barbaric girl. We know what’s best for you. ”
He couldn’t say anything, the voice unable to leave his throat. What Mama just said… He didn’t know what it was but something about it felt… Weird. And yet it should make sense, shouldn’t it? He couldn’t talk, he was just staring, not understanding why. What’s going on? Why does Mama seem so… Weird?
“Think it over, alright? We only want the best for you Izumi. Remember that.”
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airenyah · 2 years
hi!! i'm the struggling with trying to get my point across in english anon!
SO i just woke up and read your answer on gillian's blog thank you so much???? i feel SEEN you totally get what i mean, "because how do i say "anspielen" in english?" that's exactly it!!! my first language is actually spanish but that's literally how i feel when i try to write anything
there's always that one thing i really want to say but i struggle with because even though i'm writing in english and thinking in english this very specific word or this very specific feeling is in spanish for me, the very core of it, and so the whole sentence in my head doesn't make sense, there's actually not a sentence anymore. it can be really overwhelming because thoughts keep piling up but there's nowhere/no way to put them out there!
what you said about trying to describe it feels like a good idea honestly, it can be chaotic but at the same time maybe it ends up making even more sense than i originally planned
(you talking about all this with your mom is the cutest thing! actually TALKING about this, not just writing about it has to be so cool!)
you have no idea how much your words and advice helped me and just how much sense they make to me, you seem like such an articulate person, if those were your thoughts spilling out as they came to you well you are really good at this! would love to read more about them and all the interesting things you have to say about acting!
i'll try to share my thoughts for it to become a habit, baby steps, short sentences in the tags feels like a good place to start
thank you again <3
heyyyy anon!! sorry i'm replying only now, i was out with a friend all day yesterday and when i came back in the evening i had no energy for any more socializing...
aaaaanyway, glad to hear my thoughts helped!! i was a little worried no one would read my addition since it's so long, but i'm really happy to hear that this was exactly what you needed <3
(this is getting long again, so read more it is hahaha)
re: english is hard
yes, expressing oneself is really difficult, isn't it? in my experience, i've learned that sometimes i just have to accept that i simply can't say this one thing in that exact moment or at least i can't say it exactly in the way i want to...
it's really sad, depressing, and frustrating but!! as i said, sometimes you can get around it by simply explaining what you mean and giving examples. it takes much more effort that way, of course, but at least you'll get your point across!! you can make people understand this way!!
and sometimes there are words that are similar enough so you can use those instead. a little bit of what you REALLY want to say is likely to get lost this way, but again, at least you're communicating something
this is actually done in translation sometimes. when there is a word or a concept where there is no equivalent in the target language then translators might go either with the closest one there is (for example, in german there is no word that has the exact same vibe as the word "awkward". so depending on the context a tranlsator might go with the word "unangenehm" instead which actually means "uncomfortable", or the word "peinlich" which means "embarrassing"). or if that doesn't work then a translator might simply just explain the word/the concept (i know this bc i study translation at uni and my profs have talked about this hahaha)
and as i said in the other post, i promise it will get easier over time! it's just important that you actively keep trying
and yeah, i think the tags are a great place to start! you can reblog a gifset and you can start with saying specific things like "i like [insert aspect] of this scene because [insert reason]" or "this line is making me feel [insert emotion]" or "[character]'s expression in the 3rd gif looks like they're thinking [insert thought]" or "this scene reminds me of [parallel scene] because [insert reasons]"
and another thing that is important: keep your eyes and ears open! pay attention to the words/concepts that you struggle to express in english and keep a look-out for how other people would talk about this thing in english. this is why it's also important to also keep reading other people's things, because some day you might stumble across a word or a phrase that will make you go ohhhhh so THIS is how i can express this thought
as i also mentioned in the other posts, sometimes you can take a shortcut 😆 but that only works if it's a specific topic that you don't know how to talk about in a different language... then you can go look for "parallel texts": at my uni that means if i have to write an article about the topic of car-free cities for an exam but i don't know how to talk about car-free cities in italian then i'll go read articles on car-free cities in italian so i can see exactly what words and phrases they use and i make a list (yes i had an exam about this topic last month and yes i ended up with a six a4-page word list for italian hahaha), "parallel text" basically means you look for the exact text type that you want to write/say (can be an oral text as well) but in your target language so you can compare and find out what the most common words/phrases are to express specific thoughts and concepts of this topic. which is the exact thing i need to do in order to solve my problem of not being able to talk about acting in english, actually.... (someone get me off my lazy butt and make me go read about acting in english 😩)
plus if all comes to worse: your native language is spanish, right? many people speak spanish in the world, not just as native speakers but also as a 2nd language! so why not simply make the post in spanish? sure, it might reach less people but there will definitely be a few that will understand what you're saying (and you might end up making good friends and some of them might be able to help you figure out how to express certain topics in english)
re: talking about bl with my mom
yeees, it's a thing we do! sometimes i'll make my mom sit down and make her watch a drama with me and then sometimes she'll sit me down and make me watch a drama with her
it actually started in like 2018 or so? i happened to watch a japanese drama i stumbled across on netflix and i happened to watch it in the living room via our projector and my mom came home and walked past and was like "what are you watching?" and i was like "wanna join?" bc i was only about 4 eps or so in and my mom did join and was really intrigued bc the japanese had a different acting style from what she was used to in western media
and so a while later netflix recced a chinese drama to her and so she got curious and that's how my mom got into chinese drama 😆 at some point i also managed to get her into kpop (despite not listening to kpop myself -- this is a whole other long story hahaha) and so she also got into kdramas and then lockdown happened and i got super obsessed with why r u (my very first thai drama rip) and my mom was like "i want to watch this show you're obsessed with, i want to know how the thais do it in comparison to the other asian countries" and so in the end i did watch it with her and since then thai drama has been on that list too 😂
and since i had started drama school about half a year before the pandemic happened i was starting to really understand how acting works and so it's been super interesting taking apart dramas with her. my mom has an insane eye for things and i've learned incredibly much, in fact i'm STILL learning from her, it's amazing
and yes, it's fantastic being able to actually talk about it!! it's so much fun (and hilarious sometimes, because we'll be sitting on the couch, completely tearing apart a drama and my brother will walk past and he'll be all confused and go "why are you even watching it if you hate it so much????" and we'll be like "cause it's GOOD!!!!".... it happened with the eclipse, for example. there were many things that just weren't working out in the show, especially the longer it went on and so we'd thoroughly discussed these things and my brother happened to only ever walk past when we were talking about the bad things and was never around when we talked about the good things, like for example anything that first kanaphan does😆😆😆)
re: me talking about acting
okkkk yes, i understand that you would love to hear my thoughts on acting! i think a lot of people would like to hear them! but to be honest, i wasn't telling the entire truth when i said that not having the words in english was the reason why i don't talk about it
yes, not being able to properly express my thoughts is a big part of it but there are other reasons too why i avoid talking about acting publicly in fandom spaces...
1. insulting fandom faves is like opening a can of worms
i don't like conflict and i like the thoughts of arguing with strangers on the internet even less. however, while there are many positive things to say about the acting in dramas (whether it's bl or not, whether it's the main cast or not) there are also many, many negative things to say about it. and you know, sharing anything negative about someone's faves in fandom spaces..... that's not gonna go well 😅 so i'm a little scared of getting murdered if i dare saying one negative thing about some of the most popular actors. plus, i don't want to ruin other's enjoyment of the dramas and so i think especially on a platform like tumblr where people come to have fun my criticism on acting may not be the right place for it (no one likes negativity in the tags of their fave show, do they...). (yes, i have considered making a youtube channel hahaha)
2. for some concepts you need experience and a trained eye
ok the 2nd reason why else i don't talk about acting is just... it's a whole thing that you actively need to study! where you need to make your own experiences! and if you don't have experience then it can be really difficult to understand what the hell i'm going on about. which is why it's so fantastic that i have my mom, because i can just go up to her and show her a scene and say a single sentence like "this scene isn't working out because [actor] is always doing the same thing, nothing changes". or i can say "did you see all the pictures [actor] has managed to create in the span of two seconds, isn't that amazing????". or i can say "this moment was bad bc the actor is missing the thought that inspired this line". and my mom will understand, you know? (in fact, i don't even have to say that something is bad or good, i can just say things like "nothing changes here" or "look at the pictures" or "the thought is missing" and my mom will immediately understand whether it's a good or bad thing just from that 😆)
and yes, i can try to explain these concepts to a non-experienced person! but this is just really hard to do via a simple tumblr post....
i can explain when i can sit you down next to me and i can talk to you and i can pull up different scenes on my laptop and discuss them in detail, when i can show you different examples to really showcase what i mean. i could pull up good examples and bad examples of a specific concept to make you understand what it means (what "having a thought" means for example)
i actually currently have an analysis project going on with a friend where i'm showing her a sequence of scenes of a korean drama and then that very same sequence of scenes of its taiwanese remake. one has good acting and one has bad acting and so i've been making her look at both sequences and think about how they make her feel and why they make her feel like that and what she can take away from those sequences. my friend has already realized that one version is less fun to watch than the other version and exactly why that is and what the one actors are doing better than the others is what i'll be telling her next time we hang out 😆
but yes, i have an easier time giving her that crash course on acting because we can actually hang out and i can show her so many things. last time i was explaining the concept of "Dringlichkeit" (in english i would call this something like "urgency") to her and she didn't understand and so i was able to show her myself, in person, what it looks like when someone talks with low urgency and what it looks like when someone talks with a lot of urgency and how that has different effects
or when one of my acting teachers explained the concept of "sending" to us he did it by going to the far end of the room, standing in front of the wall with his back turned to us and talking to us, his face turned towards the wall. and at one point he talked to us while sending and at one point talked to us without sending and it was an eye-opening experience
but yeah, i just can't do that on a tumblr post, unfortunately
in conclusion:
so yeah, not having the right words in english, struggling with explainig the concepts to non-experienced people, and not wanting to insult anyone's fave and getting angry anons about it are the three reasons why i don't talk about acting publicly (or at least only rarely)
i have considered making a reaction youtube channel where i talk about these things together with my mom, but the big problem is just our lack of the right vocabulary (and my mom doesn't have much practice in speaking english, so she would struggle even more) and of course, copyright laws. i'd have to figure out how to deal with those first, as well...
if you're still curious about my opinions on acting, if there's anything specific you want to know you can of course come ask me about it, though!! however, i would prefer you do that off anon and come directly into my dms
i don't really mind talking about acting in general, in fact, it's one of my favorite things to do! and i certainly wouldn't mind trying, you know! but as i said, i just don't want to do it publicly. i don't want just anyone being able to see my opinions and get offended. i prefer doing it in the privacy of a private chat with selected people where i know they won't immediately get offended and can take my negative criticism about their faves
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yakumtsaki · 2 years
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So one thing I hate in movies and shows is when they don’t bother conveying the passage of time in a creative way and just go for a card that reads like ‘1 year later’ or whatever. Now that I have acknowledged my hypocrisy, which everyone knows once you do no one can criticize you for it, it’s one semester later! I straight up took one semester off from taking pics to make sure these flops don’t get kicked out of college, that’s how shit everyone’s grades, skills, and aspiration meters were and how close we were to financial collapse thanks to the lack of scholarship money + Lakshmi’s 5k dates. If I ever have the brilliant idea to bring this many sims to college again please remind me of this post.
The only sim unaffected by our gap semester was brainchad June who already had good grades and I wish I could ignore all rules and just crown her as the heir. Alas, I’m cursed with Sugar and Sophito. Two notable things happened during this time: June and I took advantage of the extra time I had to focus on her to finally win over Erik Swain’s flaky little heart, and Stacy moved in, you can see her hot new pop-star look in the background with Julian.
Now, for the moment of truth.. did my hard work bear fruit??
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YES IT DID. I even managed to get Sugar an A+, which is probably my hardest ts2 achievement ever. With our financial and academic worries behind us, it’s time to get back to the normal rhythm of things:
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Eliza this might not be a great time but someone needs to paint those Uni portraits and you’re the one with the highest creativity skill so..
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-Ya, not my problem, Reggie.
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-Dramatic sigh.. Stupid sexy Sophito..
Did you just say ‘dramatic sigh’?
-Oh, I don’t really do actual emotional expression, just the representation of it. Other than rage, of course.
Ya you definitely don’t have trouble with that one, the butler is still returning Sophito’s teeth to us.
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At least someone is perma happy around here, and it’s Stacy and Julian! CUTE
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-Not if I have anything to do with it!
-That doesn’t sound right! My mom said I can have anything I want!
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-Sooo, cuz, everything ok with you and Stacy? Everything solid? No exploitable cracks in the ol’ relationship foundation?
-Oh, Soph, everything’s amazing! I love her so much, I can barely believe how happy I am! I can’t wait till we graduate and get a place-
-Oh, I’m sorry :( Look at me going on when you’ve just had your heart broken :(
-What?! I didn’t have anything broken, except multiple teeth.
-Ok :( I’m here if you ever wanna talk :(
Ya whatever helps you sleep at night, Soph. I’ll tell you who’s actually never been better:
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SUGAR. Bro what can I say, Claire is ALL OVER OUR BOY. We of course immediately asked her to pledge and move in because I don’t see this ever happening for Sugar again.
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AN INCEL NO MORE!!! Sugar, truly, I’m impressed. I don’t know what kind of dark sorcery you’re using on Claire, but clearly it is working and then some. 
-Oh Sug this was great, I’ll be right back!  -Alright beloved, I’ll be right here!
Umm where you going, Claire?
-I just have something I need to do real quick!
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B R O. 
I was so shook by this that I forgot switch out of live mode to take the pic and you can still see her action panel, the next action on which, btw, is to woohoo Sugar again. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN THIS RUN
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I’d also like to point out that Wilfred and Claire are STILL FURIOUS WITH EACH OTHER
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SMH IRL. Wilfred you debased flop, in how many relationships do you need to be the third wheel until you’re satisfied??
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You know what might help, Wil? Throwing yourself out of this window.
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Claire seriously, I have NO WORDS. I’ve been trying to get you with Wilfred this entire time and you PICKED SUGAR ALL ON YOUR OWN. Like why the fuck wouldn’t you just get with Wilfred to begin with and save us all this bullshit??
-I needed to take both of them on a test drive before I decided!
Thanks for that gross metaphor and I hope you did decide because I’ve officially hit the limit on the amount of degenerate affairs I can handle under one roof- 
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-so it’s time to pull the ol’ Gunther-Brittany-Melody on this shit and have you pick for real. Whoever you autonomously interact with is who you’re dating and you’re done with the other one!!!1
-Oh, this is difficult!  -Pick me, Claire, let’s beat each other up forever! -No, pick me, look at my beautiful creepy smile!
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-I pick Sugar!
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blackenedwhite97 · 4 years
Coming Out [Poly! Erasermic x {Fem}Reader]
Hello! this was a requested fic from like before Christmas. I'M A MESS I KNOW I'M SORRY! I’ll be catching up at some point, I'm in my final sem at uni and have MAJOR senioritis. Me no do unless me have to. Instead, now I just spend my time staring at the existential abyss the threatens to swallow my ceiling and think about everything I'm procrastinating. But I digress...
Content Warning: This story is of a negative experience coming out as poly to your family, this deals with rejection from the reader's mother, father, and a grandparent. This story demonstrates Homophobia, xenophobia, traditionalist and conservative values and attitudes and may be triggering to some folks.
This story includes a Polyamorous relationship
Polyamory: the practice of engaging in multiple sexual relationships with the consent of all the people involved.
Word Count: 3.7 K (A baby story)
Y/N --- 4:06pm
Hey can my roomates come to dinner?
DAD --- 4:06
You mean the gays?
Y/M --- 4:08
Please don’t call them that. Neither of them are gay anyways, there’s more than just gay or straight.
DAD --- 4:10
Yeah whatever. Let your mom decide.
MOM --- 5:12
Sure, they can come.
Mom --- 5:23
Gma might be coming dinner tho. Maybe talk to them?
That conversation should have been enough of a warning for how the evening was going to transpire. At news of your grandmother attending dinner, you panicked and tried to back out of your plans. You had been growing steadily farther apart from your parents anyways, barely seeing them more that once a year if that. It’s not like they didn’t have their suspicions anyways, to them you were a single woman living in the big city sharing an apartment with two gay men. Not that they’d ever been to the apartment. If they had they might have notice that one of the two “bedrooms” was being used as an office. Earlier on in the relationship you were so deeply uncomfortable being around your parents alone, that you had Shouta come with you every visit because you were so paranoid you were just going to come out on the spot.
At first your parents were sure that you and Shouta were together. He had subconsciously cleaned up quite nice the first few times he met your parents anyways, wanting to make a good impression on them if you finally did tell them about your polyamorous relationship. Then as time went on you got busier and started to see them less. Shouta’s parents lived in the suburbs and you saw them on holidays, plus Shouta had come out to them as being bisexual a long time ago and hadn’t felt much pressure to hide the polyamorous nature of your relationship to begin with. Hizashi’s mom was still a city dweller in her 60’s and on top of doing the cute mom things like baking fantastic cookies and handing down family jewelry to the daughter in law, she’d also taken Hizashi and Shouta to their first pride in Tokyo and had an in-home recording studio where she recorded for local punk bands. She was, quite literally, a cool mom.
You gnawed vigorously at your thumbnail, not quiet biting the whole way through, instead riddling it with dents and cracks. Chewing your nails wasn’t a habit you’d always had, it became a sort of silent worry thing you started to do when you got to your agency and had to remain still and quiet during briefings, no matter how terrible the news was. Your ruined nail beds were an atrocity to Hizashi, who had paid several times for you to get a manicure to get your nails short and evenly trimmed so you could manage them on your own. You still somehow found a way to gnaw on the short squared off nubs of your nails though, and it drove him nuts. Shouta cared less, his hands were in ridiculous shape, he was callused and bruised, cracked and flaking all over the place and Hizashi would regularly force moisturizer on them. Shouta cared more about figure out the root stress, it’s not that Hizashi didn’t, he just didn’t know how to, so he settled for pampering you.
“It’s dead.” Hizashi huffed from the bedroom door. “Obliterated, actually.”
“Hmm?” You looked up from your phone, you hadn’t been reading any of the messages in the chat for a good few minutes and just let your eyes unfocus instead. You yanked your thumb from your mouth and hid it below the table like a child caught with a sweet they’d snuck from the kitchen before dinner, you knew he saw.
“Your nail.” Hizashi gently patted the end of his hair with his special fluffy towel that he’d convinced you and Shouta he needed to control his frizz (which he didn’t have) and padded towards the kitchen table where you sat. He placed a kiss on the top of your head as he strode around you.
“What’s up, love?” he murmured softly, leaning against the table next you. One of his legs propped up on the chair to your right and leaned down to look at your phone screen.
“This is going to go horribly.” You breathed, panicked as you set your phone down on the table.
“You don’t know that.” Hizashi looked back up at you and smiled sweetly.
“Not everyone’s mom is a cool rocker lady in her 60’s who lives in the heart of downtown still and is fully supportive of her child’s bisexual polyamorous relationship with their childhood best friend and an ex-small-town girl with an ultra-conservative family.” You huffed out in one long breath.
“That was oddly specific.” He chuckled softly. “What about Sho’s parents, they’re conservative?”
“Yeah, but his parents are at least polite and send us both Christmas gifts every year and keep any and all of their shittier opinions to themselves because they want their son to be happy.” You groaned dramatically, dropping your head onto his thigh, using the extra meat to muffle the noise.
“Y-your-” Hizashi’s leg twitched from the vibrations of your groan. “Your parents want you to be happy too, Y/n.”
You groaned into his thigh, trying to explain the difference between your parent’s and Shouta’s. Hizashi laughed and gently grabbed the side of your face, lifting it so you were no longer muffled by his leg.
“Try again.” He instructed.
“They only want me to be happy if it fits into their rigid frame of what acceptable happiness looks like.” You explained again.
“Hey,” Hizashi ran his thumb back and forth across your cheek, “have faith, baby. They’re your family, they love you.”
If only he’d been right.
Shouta was the know it all, the one that way always right. Hizashi on the other hand was quiet used to being the one that was not always right, he had no hubris about his intelligence what-so-ever. So much so that sometimes you and Shouta had to remind him that he was intelligent and offered a lot of knowledge and wisdom in many many ways: public speaking, social relationships, radio scripting, he spoke two languages fluently as well. However, this one-time Hizashi wished dearly that he had been right, that he was an insufferable know it all who never got it wrong. It was a different twisted feeling in his gut, sitting the back seat watching you try to keep it together in the front seat, than the usual mild embarrassment that faded after a couple of minutes when he was wrong about something. That was damn near luxurious compared to the painful knot tearing into his stomach.
The silence in the car was so dense and absolute that it almost physically gagged Hizashi and Shouta, the two of them were too afraid to say anything and break it. It felt as though the heavy silence was keeping you from breaking, as if it were applying enough pressure at all sides to keep the thin veneer of composure you were managing together. You felt it too, along with the heavy weight that was nearly crushing your chest, the thick doughy lump clogging your throat and the tremble in your lips. You took a deep breath, it getting caught halfway and freezing in to an unrealized sob that you pushed down.
Shouta huffed and pulled off to the side of the dark country road, slowing into the gravelly shoulder. He turned in his seat to face you, undoing his seat belt so he could fully turn his body. You kept your eyes out the window, trying with all your might not to let the tears that clouded your eyes to fall. You knew you’d need to cry about this, about your parents and their conditional love. You knew that this was something you would need to deal with, but you didn’t want to at this moment. You wanted to go home, take some sleeping medication and go to sleep, you wanted to wait until the open wound in your chest had stopped bleeding to begin treating it.
Your father was being facetious about your living arrangement as usual, whenever he was faced with Shouta and Hizashi his first reaction was to constantly point out that fact that you were a woman living with two men and that if they weren’t gay that one of them should have married you by now. Shouta and Hizashi had taken these comments like water rolling off of a duck’s back, Hizashi even grinned and mumbled something about your father tempting him. You could have kept your mouth shut, you could have kept your cool but Shouta’s hand was brushing against your thigh and you felt it tense into an annoyed fist. Something about Shouta’s minimal reaction lit a fire in you, more like an explosion. It was a surge of very sudden and very ferocious courage that lasted a split second and no longer. You’d practically shouted it, the ringing in your ears drowning whatever words you’d used out.
You were met with complete and utter silence, shock and fear thick in the air. You’d almost believed for a moment that you hadn’t done it, that you’d just shouted randomly and just scared everyone. But then your dad stood up, his shocked open mouth flattening out into a hard straight line, this jaw swelling as he clenched it.
“W-what?” he growled, stepping back from the table as if you were a threat.
You were ready to backtrack, you were so ready to just laugh and pretend you were fucking with him. But you spared a glance to Shouta and Hizashi, their faces pale and guilty. They, regardless of what you could say in an attempt to cover up what you’d just said, were basically admitting to it already. You instinctively shrunk back into your chair like you’d do when you were younger at the dinner table whenever something uncomfortable would come up. You could tell everyone was at a loss for words, the difference was that you were scared and at a loss for words, Shouta and Hizashi were shocked and at a loss for words and your father was steaming angry and at a loss for words.
Your mother, who had always been the least confrontational of the two turned away from you and almost in a show of disgust immediately went to comfort your grandmother. It was as if you were an afront to goodness, an act of moral atrocity being committed in front of them. Your father began to barrage you with passive aggressive questions and accusations towards Shouta and Hizashi. He was trying to understand while at the same time refusing to give you a chance to explain. You stopped listening after the first few sentences that came out of his mouth, falling back into an internal monologue filled with regret. He must have said something exceptionally terrible because in an instant Shouta was standing, his arm reaching out to separate you from him and he was shouting. Shouta never shouted, he barely voiced any form of annoyance or frustration in general when it wasn’t a learning moment for his students, but here he was on his feet volleying harsh word with your father.
Hizashi, you realized was attempting damage control, his hands raised and his voice lower than either of the other two men’s. You blinked back into the present, as noise filled your ears, you mother was crying, your father and Shouta were shouting and Hizashi was rambling panicked. You took a couple of deep breaths and stood up on shaky legs, gripping Shouta’s protective arm for support, and looked your father in the eyes. He faltered at the direct eye contact and you saw an opening where there was less shouting to contend with.
“Stop,” you hissed through gritted teeth. “this is why I never wanted to tell you! Why I was perfectly okay with living away from you guys for the rest- This is why I haven’t been home.”
Your mother gasped a ragged, tear-filled breath. She’d expressed before that she’d wished she could see you more often, that she’s noticed you’d been coming home less and less. You’d been good at covering it up, saying you were busy with work and simply couldn’t get the time off. You knew that what you’d just said hurt her, not in the way it should have. It hurt her because you’d just told them it was their fault that you felt unwelcomed here and not because you were afraid of your own parents.
“How long?” she breathed.
“Three years.” You sniffed, hand tightening around Shouta’s wrist.
“THREE?! THR-” your father bellowed in disbelief. “For three years they’ve been brainwashing and forcing themselves on you?!”
Suddenly you understood why Shouta had leapt up, you had just now caught up with the conversation. Red hot anger flared up in your chest, the mere insinuation that you were being forced in anyway to be with your partners filled you with utter rage.
“No!” You growled, for the first time in your life matching your father’s volume. “For three years they’ve been by my side, showing up at the hospital when I got hurt at work, celebrating my promotions at the agency, helping me make a home that I feel safe in and actually fucking caring about me!”
There was silence again, this one was thin but not light in anyway, like it was a delicate thread barely holding a great weight from falling and crushing you.
“We care for you.” You mother said darkly.
“No,” you swallowed hard, “you haven’t for a long time.”
“Get out.” You father growled.
Hizashi was already moving, grabbing your coats from the back of the chairs and pulling Shouta by the arm away from the table. It took you a good long second to move, even then it was because Shouta latched onto your shoulders and Hizashi tugged him along.
“I’m sorry.” Shouta whispered, his hand finding yours in your lap. You kept your eyes focused out the window at the pitch-black fields with barely visible for off golden dots of light. You couldn’t talk.
You heard Hizashi shuffling around in the back seat, scooting closer to you and his hand joined Shouta’s, pulling up onto the storage compartment between the seats. It was cracking, that veneer.
“It’s not your fault.” Hizashi murmured.
You sniffed hard, biting int you bottom lip. Of course, it wasn’t your fault that your parents didn’t accept you, that you weren’t good enough or right for them, that you weren’t on par with the apparent morality of the rest of the family. It wasn’t your fault that they were backwards people with terrible ideas of how a person should be. It still didn’t hurt any less that you couldn’t meet those backwards ideals, that you couldn’t be the right kind of person for them.
“Y/n,” Shouta whispered, gently grabbing your chin and turning your face towards them.
They were looking at you the way a mother looks at her crying baby in the first few months, the desperate need to connect and nurture glowing in their eyes. They were filled with worry, with pity, with understanding but also, with fear. No doubt, what had just happened had been traumatic for them too. Looking into their emotion filled eyes you felt that veneer shatter, falling away and unleashing that mournful sobbing that had been trapped inside.
Shouta pulled you towards him, holding you firmly to his chest placing his head atop yours. You vaguely felt Hizashi disappear from you for a moment, but you were too preoccupied with the trembling muscles seizing violently in your chest. Then you felt him sliding in behind you, only now realizing he’d stepped out of the car and slide in through your door as he shut it behind him. He draped himself over you rubbing circles into your back.
“It’s not your fault.” He murmured into your hair over and over again.
At first you didn’t really focus on it, thinking it idle words of comfort but the more he said the more it sunk in. The more your realized that you were holding onto the hope that there was something about this, about you, that you could fix. With every repetition of those four words that false hope chipped away and that heavy weight in your chest began to fall away. It was still painful, it still felt like you had a pen festering wound that you’d never fully heal from, but it also felt lighter. It felt as though a burden you’d believed was yours to bear was suddenly the responsibility of the many.
“You don’t have to change,” Shouta whispered softly as your sobs ebbed into weak beaths, “they do.”
That reignited some tears, to hear what you needed to said so plainly. Shouta was good at that, putting those intangible thoughts and feelings into plain words. You cried until the tears and the worry and the late hour caught up with you, until your head felt heavy and waterlogged and you slumped backwards into Hizashi sniffing. You cried until your wavering breaths evened out and your tired mind fell to silence. Hizashi pulled you into his lap and cradled you against him like a parent holding and oversized child, running his hand slowly through your hair.
When you awoke you were swaddled thoroughly with the fuzzy blanket from the couch Shouta hated because it shed and sandwiched between the two men who snored away. As you blinked in the early morning light that just barely peaked through the blinds you noticed the red rims around Hizashi’s eyes and deep-set circles under Shouta’s as if they both been awake all night. Shouta was still in his dress shirt and Hizashi had stripped down to his boxers and pulled his hair back into a sloppy bun. Neither were properly snoring which told they hadn’t been asleep for very long.
You tried to ignore what had happened last night, what had led to the heavy feeling in your head and crusty dry eyes and tight cheeks. You tried to pretend that they had stayed up for work, that they you had swaddled yourself up in the blanket nor because you were sad but because you just wanted to be cozy. Then you heard a phone vibrate on the nightstand and any and all work towards denial washed away as you dreaded checking it. It could just be a work thing, it could be Hizashi’s phone even though he’d never had it on silent even once since you’ve known him. It could have been Shouta’s vibrating against the wooden table even though you could see his slightly peeking out of his back pocket.
You sighed and sat up, daring the smallest of glances at the nightstand. It was your phone screen that was lit up, several notifications on the screen. You groaned and laid back down, scrunching your eyes shut begging for sleep to suddenly and miraculously take you. It buzzed again and you huffed. Fine. You’ll check it. I guess someone could be dying. I do stop that from happening for a living.
You very cautiously crawled over Hizashi and reached to get your phone, electing not to look at it until you settled back between your boys. You scrolled though your notifications, weather, news, a work email, a second email from a contact that made your blood run cold and three missed calls and two answering machine messages from the same contact. Grandma. Your hands trembled at you unlocked your phone and typed int your voicemail password. You held the phone up to you ear and listen to the first message which was more or less just some frustrated grandma noises and mumbles about the inconvenience of technology, followed briefly by a set of hellos. If you hadn’t been ready to shit yourself, you’d have laughed. Then the second played and you had to take a deep breath to hold yourself together enough to keep listening.
“Hello? Hello? Y/n? Oh shi- well this is just ridiculous. Y/n, I don’t know if you can hear me, or maybe this is your answering machine, I don’t know I can’t hear too well but-” her soft worn voice said into the phone, “I want you to know that I love you. Your parents love you too, even if they did not act like it tonight.”
She paused and your eyes welled up with tears, a lump forming in your throat. It was this strange feeling of pure sadness but also happiness and relief.
“Those boys,” she continued, “probably would have killed your father last night if they had the chance. I’m not saying I get it, but they sure do love you, sweetheart. I quite like the blond one he is very-”
The message cut off and the automated voice asked you what you wanted to do with the message. All you could do was laugh, laugh and cry. You were still sad, still in pain, but it was already starting to feel less life-ending.
“Hey,” Shouta mumbled blearily, “S’okay. I’m here.”
He wrapped an arm around you and pulled you close, trying to pull himself from sleep. You hugged him back and massaged the back of his scalp gently.
“Listen to this.” You sniffed.
He nodded and you pressed repeat, listening to the whole second message through again. You watched as a smile spread across his sleepy lips and he laughed softly. He pouted suddenly when it ended, his eyebrows pulling together as much as his drowsy state would let them.
“What?” you asked, worried he’d heard something you‘d missed.
“Why does she like Zash more?” he grumbled, barely awake now.
You smiled and curled into him, electing not to answer knowing that he wouldn’t like being told that Hizashi is more sociable than him. Besides, you smiled to yourself, he’d be asleep in a matter of seconds.
You were still hurt; you still had that big open wound in your chest. But with Shouta and Hizashi at your side you knew you’d heal; you knew they’d give you anything you needed. You knew that your grandmother was right, that these two boys loved you very much.
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liaromancewriter · 3 years
Hello, my dear! We're changing things up this week. Let's play:
Not Yet Wed Questions
Note: Great Scott! This week, we are going back in time to MC’s intern year. Think of Ethan’s relationship with them at this point and answer the following questions accordingly. It is entirely up to you when in year 1 this takes place (pre/post Miami, pre/post CH 15, etc). Feel free to answer with dialogue or pictures or both :) Have fun!
No worries. All of this is off the record and HR will never know!
The setting for this answers is:
For Both
When I first saw them, I thought__________
What is your coworker's most used swear word?
Quick: What color are their eyes?
Three people at work your coworker hates?
What is your coworker’s strangest or most endearing quirk?
If they had a crush on anyone at work, who would that be?
(Bonus round! Feel free to skip.)
Never have I Ever:
come into work hungover
had a fistfight
been kicked out of a bar
gotten a tattoo
broken someone’s heart
been in love
For MC (Ethan is not there)
Where do you see him in five years (both professionally and in his personal life?)
What do you find the most impressive about him?
Last thing he texted you?
If he asked you out on a date, what would you say?
For Ethan (MC is not there)
Where do you see him in five years (both professionally and in his personal life?)
What specifically do you find attractive about her?
Last thing she texted you?
If she asked you out on a date, how would you respond?
A/N: This is set before ch15. Ethan has resigned and Cassie is now under investigation but not suspended…yet. Needless to say, she’s a bit bitter and angry at the way Ethan just walked out despite her begging him not to. Landry’s duplicity has also been exposed.
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Cassie: First off, I’d like to apologize for being late. Someone decided to skip town after throwing away their career.
Ethan: (warning tone) Rookie. (sighs) I came back because you asked, didn’t I?
Cassie: What’s that expression? A day late and a dollar short.
Ethan: (looks grim) Cassie…I told you. I just need some time alone.
Cassie: Whatever. Let’s get this over with so you can go back to being “alone”.
For Both
When I first saw them, I thought__________
Cassie: Handsome. He looked at me with those blue eyes of his and I was mesmerized.
Ethan: Seriously?
Cassie: Of course. Why do you think it took me a few minutes to collect myself before you barked, “You, Rookie. Get in here.”
Ethan: Huh. I thought she was naïve with stars in her eyes about what being a doctor truly meant.
Cassie: I know the cost now. Happy?
Ethan: That’s not what I mea…
(But Cassie’s turned away)
What is your coworker's most used swear word?
Cassie: He says Christ, Godammit and Fuck. Sometimes he’ll even say them all at once, on repeat.
Ethan: Except for that one time you called me an asshole, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you swear.
Cassie: That’s because I don’t. I had a real gutter mouth when I was about 7 or 8. And then my mom found out and I was grounded for two months. Never swore again. Well, maybe in uni but very sparingly and only if I knew my mom would never find out.
Quick: What color are their eyes?
Cassie: Blue
Ethan: Green, but like a bluish green, depending on the light.
Cassie: I didn’t think you noticed.
Ethan: You do know what I do for a living, don’t you?
Cassie: You mean, what you did before you decided you’d had enough of it, and of me?
Ethan: It’s not like that…
Cassie: (puts up her hand) I don’t want to hear it.
Three people at work your coworker hates
Cassie: Only three? Don’t you mean three people he actually likes? Even that might be pushing it.
Ethan: (warning tone) Careful, Rookie.
Cassie: I bet you don’t know what the answer is for me.
Ethan: You’re wrong because I think you’re incapable of hating anyone.
Cassie: That’s just one more thing that you’re wrong about, Dr. Ramsey.
What is your coworker’s strangest or most endearing quirk?
Ethan: She eats, a lot. There’s first breakfast and then second breakfast. I didn’t know that you could break your fast twice. And she never seems to gain an ounce.
Cassie: I just have an active metabolism. Plus, I like food. (shrugs before turning back to Bree) Ethan likes to pinch the bridge of his nose when he would rather be strangling unruly interns. It’s actually kinda cute.
Ethan: It’s not meant to be cute.
Cassie: Well, it is.
If they had a crush on anyone at work, who would that be?
(Both look at each other and then away.)
Ethan: (gruffly)Next question.
Never have I Ever:
Ethan: Seriously. We’re playing juvenile games now. What are we, in high school? I thought this was a serious interview.
Cassie: Just play the game. It wouldn’t kill you to have fun.
Ethan: Fine.
Come into work hungover
(Neither take a drink)
Had a fistfight
Cassie takes a drink
Ethan: Really?
Cassie: I don’t see you taking a drink. Didn’t you punch Declan Nash?
Ethan: It was a sucker punch, not a fist fight. Let’s get back to you.
Cassie: I’d rather not. It was embarrassing enough the first time.
Been kicked out of a bar
Cassie takes a drink
Ethan: I’m starting to think I don’t know you at all.
Cassie: The fistfight happened just before my brother and I got kicked of the bar. So, it’s really just one incident, not two.
Gotten a tattoo
(Neither take a drink)
Ethan: At least you were sensible there.
Cassie: Don’t push me, Ramsey.
Broken someone’s heart
(Both take a drink)
Ethan: Who was he?
Cassie: Just someone who didn’t deserve it. You?
Ethan: I’m starting to realize why she called me an asshole.
Cassie: (scoffs) You didn’t break my heart, just bruised it. I wouldn’t give you that much credit.
Been in love
Cassie takes a drink.
Ethan waits, almost reaching for his glass before letting go. Cassie notices and her face shows her disappointment.
For Cassie (Ethan is not there)
Where do you see him in five years (both professionally and in his personal life?)
Professionally, if he continues on this path he’s started, a bitter middle-aged man who threw his gifts away. But I hope this is temporary and he’ll come back. Then, he’ll be even more famous than he is now for his ability to solve medical mysteries and care for his patients.
Personally, I hope he’s with me in five years because when I look at him, I see my entire world. But I don’t know if he’ll ever let me inside the walls he’s built around his heart. I don’t know what or who made him this way, but if I ever met them, they’ll know exactly how powerful my left hook is.
What do you find the most impressive about him?
His compassion and kindness towards his patients, and even the interns. Even when he’s being gruff, and a bit mean, you can’t help but notice that he only wants the best for everyone.
Last thing he texted you?
“I’ll be there.”
I sent him a text this morning reminding him about the interview.
If he asked you out on a date, what would you say?
I’ve imagined that scenario in my mind so many times, but I don’t know if it will ever happen. After everything that has happened this year, he might never ask me out. He’s not my boss anymore, but I don’t think he’s ready. I’m willing to wait though, and maybe, just maybe, he might come around. (shrugs)
For Ethan (MC is not there)
Where do you see him in five years (both professionally and in his personal life?)
I think she’ll surpass me for sure, maybe even Naveen. I’ve never met anyone with such a gift for medicine, for understanding that patients need someone that cares about them, not just about their ailment. Personally, I can only hope that she’s happy and loved. She deserves that and so much more.
What specifically do you find attractive about her?
Everything. The way she smiles, her laugh, the way she looks at me and knows exactly who I am. I’ve never had anyone who sees me for me, flaws and all. But she does and she still wants me in her life.
(Pauses) You’re sure she’ll never see this, right?
Last thing she texted you?
“Don’t let me down.”
She was just reminding me about today.
If she asked you out on a date, how would you respond?
I…I don’t know. I will admit that I’ve thought about asking her out and seeing where this…this attraction between us could go. But I don’t think I realized how angry she is with me until today.
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winryofresembool · 3 years
Things We Lost in the Fire, ch 42
aka Caleo uni au
Fic summary: Calypso starts studying at a new university, but to her annoyance her new flatmate is a loud mouthed mechanic who also likes to sneak his dog in whenever. But as she learns to know him better, she realizes they might have more in common than what she first thought. Eventually, even the darkest secrets come out…
Chapter summary: A road trip to Chicago, pt 3/3
A/N: And we're back! This is a relatively fillery (and short) chapter but well, sometimes those are necessary too. We're heading towards the 'bigger' stuff soon, though! (Or that is at least what I hope xD)
Hope you guys enjoy, and remember that feedback is the only way for me to know that someone is still reading this! So please let me know what you think. (I hate saying this every time but it means a lot to me)
Words: 1629
Genre: romance & hurt/comfort
Warnings: none
previous chapter / AO3
“So, what you’re telling us is that you’ve been crushing on each other pretty much ever since you met and finally decided to do something about it during the holidays?” Piper repeated what she had gotten out of Leo and Calypso’s story while the friend group was waiting for Percy at the restaurant.
“I wouldn’t say it was love at first sight,” Calypso denied. “I was quite prejudiced towards Leo when we first met, but hey, he let his dog break my beloved desk! What would you do in that situation?”
“Probably the same thing you did,” Annabeth admitted.
“You could have cut me some slack there,” Leo objected. “Festus is a big, excited dog and he doesn’t know the limits of his strength.”
“Yeah, yeah. You know I love Festus these days. But if someone had obeyed the rules, there wouldn’t have been any incidents in the first place,” Calypso reminded him.
“But I very kindly fixed the desk, the nice person that I am,” Leo pointed out. That caused the others to burst into laughter.
Calypso cleared her throat. “Either way, at some point we realized that hey, maybe my flatmate isn’t quite so bad after all. We noticed we have more in common than what we had first thought, and somehow, I genuinely ended up enjoying spending time with him. Don’t ask me how he did it, but he did.” Then she lowered her voice slightly. “And here’s a secret: on special occasions, he is capable of telling decent jokes.”
“That’s a huge compliment from Cal of all people,” Leo told the others with a twinkle in his eye.
“Yeah, I’m a little worried that I’m making his ego grow too big.” She ruffled his hair fondly. “I’m trying to be careful, though.”
Leo snorted. “Just so you know, she doesn’t actually talk like this when we’re alone. She just wants you to think that she’s all cold but that ain’t the truth.”
“I’m still not nearly as sappy as he is, no matter what he claims,” Calypso teased
“Alright, I’m not taking part in that debate,” Piper intervened. “But one thing I want to know is who initiated your relationship? For some reason I just can’t picture Leo asking Cal out. Maybe the other way around, though.”
“Actually, I was the one who initiated it,” Leo noted.
Calypso cocked her eyebrow. “But I told you I liked you first! After the Halloween party, remember?”
“Yeah, but that same morning you told me you didn’t want a relationship.You had totally valid reasons for that, yes! But I made it clear I wouldn’t have minded more.”
“Alright, fair enough,” Calypso finally complied, continuing the story: “After that talk it was a bit of a cat and mouse game until the holidays, which was when it kind of just reached the point that we needed to do something about it. Otherwise we would have exploded. So, we had a few bigger arguments – not like our everyday bickering - and eventually Leo’s moms got so done with us that they told us to deal with it. I know, very romantic. It was a good thing they did that, though, because it finally forced us to talk through the things that we had been avoiding. I finally admitted to myself that I was fighting a losing battle and decided to go for it.”
“And then she kissed me. It was a pretty good kiss, even if I say so myself,” Leo grinned, getting amused reactions from his friends.
“Aww, Calypso, he looks like it was the best thing that has ever happened to him,” Piper chuckled.
“I told you, he is sappy like that,” she replied, playfully squishing his cheeks.
“Well, I’m just happy that you guys managed to sort it out. You’re happy now, right?” Piper wanted to know.
Calypso exchanged looks with Leo and nodded. “Yep. Happy.”
Maybe 15 minutes after the group of five had arrived at the Italian restaurant, Percy joined them.
“I know it wasn’t exactly what you wanted but the second place is a great achievement,” Calypso addressed him once he had greeted everyone and gotten seated next to Annabeth. “Sorry we left a bit early, we had a bit of a situation going on at the arena.”
“Yeah, that’s what they say but we found them smooching in the car when they thought we wouldn’t be seeing.” Piper rolled her eyes.
“Wait, what? You two?” Percy asked Leo and Calypso, looking more surprised than any of their other friends had looked so far that day after hearing the news.
“Yep,” Leo confirmed.
“Woah, way to go man!” Percy high fived Leo. “That’s great news.” The best part to Leo was that he really did seem happy for them.
“Thanks. I hardly believe it myself,” he admitted. “Uh, hope it isn’t too weird to you? You know, with your past?”
“Nah, it isn’t.” Percy shook his head, a smile on his face. “I’m with Annabeth now and wouldn’t want to have it any other way. I don’t mean any offense to you, Calypso, I just mean maybe things were meant to go this way.” He reached for Annabeth’s hand, giving her what Leo could only describe as a grossly sugary look. But then he realized that he could probably say the same about himself when he looked at Calypso.
“Don’t worry, I get what you mean,” Calypso replied, not having any bitterness in her voice.
“Jason, I hope we weren’t this full of syrup when we were together. It’s kind of gross, if you ask me,” Piper sighed at her ex boyfriend.
“You two were about the grossest couple I’ve ever seen,” Leo pointed out. “Sometimes I doubted you even noticed me leaving the room when you got a little enthusiastic.”
The others laughed at his comment while Piper glared at him.
“Ewww, Leo, that’s not true! We didn’t do that.”
“You did, though,” he claimed.
That debate might have lasted longer, but Leo’s focus went to Calypso who was showing something to Percy from her phone. Leo also glanced at it and saw a picture of the strange men from the swimming arena on some company’s website.
“This might be a weird question, but do these men say anything to you? I mean, do you know who they are?” she asked.
Percy looked at the screen for a moment, frowning a bit before answering. “Yeah. I think they are sponsoring Luke Castellan and Ethan Nakamura but I haven’t really paid that much attention to them. I just know that I’ve seen them at our competitions sometimes.”
“Is it normal for the sponsors to be watching your competitions?” Calypso asked.
Percy considered his answer for a moment. “I mean, it’s not that strange. They do want to know what kind of people are showing off their logos. But mine are not there as often as these guys are, I can say that.”
“I see,” Calypso said, putting her phone away.
Leo wasn’t sure if Percy’s answer was good news or not. Sure, it did prove that the men had an actual reason to be in the audience but Calypso still seemed a bit concerned. Ethan Nakamura had cheated in that day’s competition and if these people were happy to team up with someone like him, what else were they willing to do? Did they have something against Percy and if so, why?
Calypso seemed to have a similar track of thoughts: “I’m only asking because I happen to know these people. They are working with my dad so he knows them pretty well… They used to visit the mansion sometimes when I was still stuck there. I can’t help but wonder…”
“Wonder what?” Percy questioned.
“This is going to sound really paranoid,” Calypso started slowly, “but I wonder if my father has some connection to this whole situation. Could there be a possibility that these people are teaming up with your rivals because they know you had – and still have – a connection to me?”
“But… I never met your father? Did you ever mention me to him back when we used to chat a lot?”
“No, not even once,” Calypso said. “But somehow, even so… he’s a mastermind at getting the information he wants. Maybe he forced our maid to tell him about my trip with you, or something like that.”
“That’s really messed up. What kind of person would do that?” Percy narrowed his eyes.
Calypso sighed. “I thought we had already established that he is not exactly a normal person. But what I’m really trying to say is: be careful. If those people know who you are and if they know about your connection to me, who knows what they might be planning.”
“Alright. I will keep that in my mind.”
“Well, this just got cheerful,” Leo broke the silence that had fallen among the friends after Percy’s words. “Babe, remember that we are all on your side. If something was to happen, we’d be prepared. But now I need to confess something: all this worrying is making me pretty hungry. So how about we order?” He pushed the menus in front of everyone before turning to Percy. “Hey, world championships, man? That’s pretty awesome. It’s not exactly every day you get to do something like that.”
A grin returned on Percy’s face. “Oh, yeah. You’re absolutely right there. Do you think they have blue drinks to celebrate that?”
“Hope they do,” Annabeth said and started reading through the menu. Everyone followed her example and focused on their meals, leaving the topic of Calypso’s father behind. Leo could sense from her downcast eyes, though, that it was still bothering her even as they left the restaurant a couple of hours later.
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laventae · 4 years
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Summary: You accidentally bump into Suna once, then a second time, then a third time.... before it starts seeming like fate has already decided its course for the both of you.
Pairings: Suna Rintaro x F!reader
Genre: Mostly fluff, College/Uni au
Word count: 3.4k words
Part: 1 , (2) , (3) , (TBC)
(A/N: I suck at writing summaries but anyways. This is/was supposed to be part of my [HQ Boys - Pretending to be your boyfriend] series, but I really wanted to make this slightly longer than my usual one-shots. Also, this story will probably have every cheesy trope you know, so, proceed with caution and I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself.)
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‘Okay, what the fuck is going on?’ you think as you slowly try to open your eyes. 
Looking at your bedside table, you reach for your phone and check the time
7:35 A.M
‘Ugh... it’s too early for this shit...’ you think as you yawn.
You remember your shift at work starts at about 9 a.m., so you decide to sleep for a bit longer.
You place your phone back down on your bedside table, and turn in bed, covering your face with a pillow.
“Goddammit, what’s going on outside?!” you exclaim, getting out of your bed and heading for the front door.
You open the door hastily, and find your landlord standing in the hallway of your apartment building, then notice multiple moving boxes scattered around, and movers talking some of the boxes into the apartment opposite yours.
You’re both startled when you open the door, but she softens as soon as she notices it was you.
“Good morning, Mrs. Saito. What’s going on?” you ask her sleepily.
“Goodness, I’m sorry they woke you up as well, sweetheart. The new tenant told me they were moving in today but I didn’t know the movers were coming this early and causing this much of a ruckus!” she exclaims, looking like she was just as annoyed by the noise as you were.
“Well, the new tenant certainly didn’t make a good first impression, huh?” you say, trying to lighten the mood.
She chuckles softly, “I guess not. They’re not even here yet, so I’m just going to have to stay here until the movers are done” she sighs.
“Want me to make you a cup of coffee?”
“Oh, that’s alright, sweetheart, you should go back in and try to get some more sleep” she says, waving you back into your apartment.
You try to insist, but you feel too tired. Instead, you just nod and go back in, closing the door behind you.
Sighing, you head to your bedroom again; you figure you should try to get a bit more sleep in before you actually start getting ready for work.
After tossing and turning in bed for a couple of minutes, the noise wouldn’t get any quieter, so you thought you might as well get out of bed and head to your part-time job a bit earlier than usual.
You start getting ready, and make a quick cup of coffee to give Mrs. Saito on your way out. She thanks you and you go on your way.
When you first moved into your apartment about 2 years ago, you were able to find a pretty decent part-time job working as a barista at coffee shop nearby. It was only about two blocks away from where you lived, so it was super convenient; and a plus point, you were never late.
Checking your phone again, you notice the time
8:35 A.M
“It’s still so early...” you yawn as you take out your headphones and play some music to listen to while you walk to the coffee shop, talking your time.
After about 15 minutes of enjoying your morning walk, and window shopping on the stores along the way, you reach your destination and open the front door.
“Goodmorning, y/n!” you hear your boss call out to you as soon as you enter, “Early as usual, I see”
You chuckle as you head in his direction, “Oh, you know me, always excited to get to work!” you joke.
He laughs, “Yesterday was your last day of your second Uni semester, wasn’t it?” he asks you.
“Yeah, made it out in one piece thankfully”
He laughs again, “I’m sure you did well, I've seen how stressed out you’ve been about it but I also know how hard you’ve been studying, don’t worry” he assures you as he points to the chairs in the shop, silently asking you to help him out with setting them up.
“How do you know that?” you sigh, grabbing a few chairs and setting them down.
He stops what he’s doing and looks at you, “You think I didn’t notice the dark circles you kept coming in with, during every shift, for the past couple of weeks?”
“Was it that obvious?” your eyes widen.
“Definitely” he answers and you both laugh.
After setting up the last few chairs, your boss speaks up again, “Alright, why don’t you head in and get ready, I’ll just be out here setting up the register before we open in a couple of minutes”.
You nod and walk back to the staff locker area.
The day goes by slowly, as usual, and after a few hours, you take your break and head to the staff room locker area to relax and have a (late) breakfast.
‘I really need this right now’ you sigh as you take a sip of your coffee, feeling more tired than usual, and blame it on having to wake up super early that morning.
You check your phone and notice a text message.
You open it.
FROM ‘Wifeyy <3’: “Heyy! Call me when you're on your break!”
You smile and shake your head, dialing up her number.
It rings a couple of times before your best friend picks up.
“Hey y/n!!” she yells excitedly
“Hey Hina,” you laugh, “What’s up?”
“Just wanted to remind you that we are going out tonight to celebrate my birthday, you still remember, right?”
“Oh, was that today?” you joke
“I’m kidding, I'm kidding, you know I'll be there” you shake your head
“Good! I'll also be inviting some of my friends from Uni, but I want us to hangout still. It’s been a while since we’ve actually caught up. And I'm finally gonna be able to come to your city!”
The both of you actually met during your first year in University through mutual friends. Even though you both were in different majors, you hit it off right away. And after that, the both of you always tried to make time to hang out, whether it was between classes, during lunch breaks, or whenever the both of you had the time.
However, it was sometimes hard to meet up during weekends, since she lived in the city next to yours, so whenever she had the chance to come to your city, or you were able to go to hers, you guys would always spend it together.
“Yeah, I guess with exams and all it was hard for us to actually see each other”
“Exactly, anyways I’m excited for tonight!”
“Yeah, me too..!”
“Hey, do you sound more tired than usual, or is it just me?” she asks you, sounding worried.
“Oh, it’s nothing, I just woke up super early today, not willingly though” you sigh, “don't even ask, I'll tell you about it later”
“Alright... if you say so”
“Anyways, I gotta get back to work now, so, I’ll see you tonight, okay?”
“Alright! Dress sexy, okay? You promised we would dress up!”
“Yeah, yeah, I'll try my best” you both laugh before hanging up.
It was about 5 p.m when you finally reach your house, after leaving your part-time job, and finishing up some outdoor chores you had for the day.
You sigh as you get off the elevator to your floor.
You notice the empty hallway as you walk to your apartment; you suppose that the movers were already done and have left at this point.
You glance over to the door opposite yours at the end of the floor’s hallway.
‘I wonder if they're home yet...’ you think before you unlock the door of your apartment and go in.
You sigh as you place your groceries and bag on your kitchen island and start putting everything away.
You were supposed to meet Hina later tonight, at around 7 p.m, to celebrate her birthday. That meant you had a couple more hours to spend at home, so you decide to make some lunch/dinner and watch a movie on Netflix.
“Hey Hina, I’ll just go outside and answer this call real quick alright?” you try to call out to your friend as you get out of your chair, but she looks at you confused, the music playing loudly in the pub and the bustling of the people inside made it hard for her to hear your voice from across the table.
You point to your phone, and as realization hits her, she nods.
You attempt to make your way out of the pub, trying to worm between the people inside and make your way to the door. However, you suddenly run into someone before you reach the door, and accidentally drop their drink.
“I’m so sorry!” you tell them, looking up and noticing it was an old man, long white hair settling over his shoulders.
He looks annoyed at first but then his face relaxes when he sees you.
“I can pay for the drink!” you tell him apologetically.
“Oh, that’s alright, gorgeous, it was just a mistake” he answers you, smiling.
‘Okay...’ you think as you get a weird feeling in your gut.
“Would you like me to buy you-”
“Okay, Bye” you cut him off, smiling awkwardly, feeling uncomfortable with the way he was looking at you; you reach for the door and leave the pub.
It suddenly gets much quieter, and you feel yourself relax, finally being able to breathe.  
Honestly, you didn’t really get a call from anyone, you were just feeling tired, and wanted to take a break from all the noise.
You check the time on your phone,
11:54 P.M
You sigh, ‘I wanna go back home...’
It’s not that you weren’t having fun with Hina and her friends, but you were frankly not that close with them, and even though they are all very nice, having to be social for a long time takes a toll on your mental and physical strength sometimes.
Startled, you turn around when you hear the door of the pub open again behind you.
“Hey,” you hear Hina say as she approaches you, “is everything okay?”
“Yeah sorry, that was just my mom checking up on me” you lie to her, putting your phone back in your bag.
She nods, but you know she's slightly suspicious of your answer as she eyes you carefully
“You tired?” she asks you.
You chuckle nervously, ‘well, that didn’t take long’.
“Yeah, I'm really sorry, it’s getting late and it’s kind of been a long day”
She chuckles, “It’s okay, I thought your battery might have run out by now”
You couldn’t help but chuckle as well. Then you look at her apologetically.
“Yeah, I think I might head home for the night, is that alright with you?” you ask her, feeling bad you couldn’t stay longer.
She laughs and goes in to hug you goodbye, “You know it’s fine, I’m just glad I got to see you today! But, promise me we would hangout together again soon?”
You sigh, relieved, “you know I'd cancel any plans I have, just to see you” you shake your head as you hug her back.
“And promise me you’ll think about that date I wanna set you up on” she giggles as you both let go.
“Yeah, yeah, I'll think about it” you reply, used to her trying to set you up on these blind dates that you don’t necessarily really want to go to.
“Alright. You want me to call you a cab or walk you home?” she asks as you turn around and start leaving.
“No! It’s fine, my house is literally a couple of blocks away, go back! Have fun!” you say assuring her, and waving her to go back and hangout with her friends.
“Are you sure, y/n?”
“Yess! Go!” you tell her, and turn back around, walking away again.
After walking for a few minutes, you notice how quiet it was outside, except for the few open pubs you passed by earlier. I mean, it wasn’t really a huge surprise, it was getting pretty late, and almost all stores in the area were closed at that point. But, because you weren’t usually out that late at night all alone, it somehow made it feel even emptier and quieter.
You look up at the sky as you walk on the sidewalk and notice a few stars scattered along the night sky. It makes you smile and you close your eyes and take a deep breath.
‘I wonder how many of those are actually just satellites...’ you think to yourself as you open your eyes, and you can’t help but let out a small chuckle.
You feel your phone vibrate and notice you got a text message.
You open it.
FROM ‘Wifeyy <3’: “Heyy! Text me when you get home safe!”
You smile as you read the message, but then feel a sudden chill down your spine.
You put your phone down and suddenly start hearing faint footsteps behind you.
‘Alright, that’s fine... it’s just someone walking home as well’ you try to assure yourself but can’t help but still feel anxious.
After a few minutes, you still hear the foot steps behind you, slowly getting closer. That, somehow, making you feel more anxious.
‘I’m just overthinking this right?’
You try to increase your pace, to check if they really were following you. Even if they weren’t, you hope to try and lose them all together. It didn’t help that the way to your apartment would be to keep walking straight, and the alleys around the buildings on the way were blocked off at the ends, not making it any safer for you to try and find a way around.
But then you hear the person behind you increase their pace as well.
‘Fuck’ you think, feeling scared and panicked, ‘they're definitely following me, aren’t they?’
You panic as you think of what to do next, then decide to take out your phone and call someone.
‘Who the fuck do I call? Hina? The police? I-’
Your thoughts are interrupted when you hear someone yell something from the sidewalk on the other side of the street you were walking on.
Your head snaps to where the voice came from and you notice a guy running up to you, “Babe?”
You try to back away before the boy reaches you, but, “I’ve been waiting for you, what took you so long?” he asks, pulling you in for a hug.
“I don’t know yo-!”
“Someone’s following you” he whispers in your ear before letting you complete your sentence.
Your heart stops when you hear him say that and you begin to feel your eyes tear up.
He pulls away, looking at you, and you suddenly notice you stopped hearing the footsteps coming from behind you.
You look back and see a man standing in the middle of the street, your eyes widen when you notice his long white hair.
‘That’s the fucking creepy old guy from the pub, I knew he seemed off!’
“My name is Suna. I was just in that supermarket over there, on the other side of the street, when I noticed him following you” he tells you quietly, as he subtly points at a store behind him. You look over his shoulder and notice a small, old looking supermarket, with an ‘Open 24/7′ neon light flickering over it. “Do you want me to walk you back home?” the boy asks you, and your eyes snap back to him.
You’re then able to see him much clearer, his pale, yellow eyes looking into yours. He had a blank expression on his face but you could hear a hint of worry in his voice.
You feel a tear roll down your cheek and you hesitantly nod at him.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, I'm here” you hear him say as he puts an arm around you, pulling you closer, and walks with you in the direction you were originally going in.
After a few moments, you hear the footsteps behind you, again, but this time they started to sound more distant, as if the creepy, old guy was walking away.
Your heart starts calming down a bit as you both walk silently for a few minutes.
You then feel the boy remove his arm from around you and you slightly stumble.
‘Was he supporting me this whole time..?’ you think to yourself as you try to steady yourself back on your own feet.
He turns around, “I’m sure he’s gone by now” he tells you, looking back at you.
You turn around to check as well, and feel yourself finally be able to breathe again when you don’t see anyone behind you. You look back at the boy and nod.
“You live around here?” he asks you and you finally notice where you were.  
Realizing you were only about a block away from your house, you stop.
“What?” the boy asks as he turns around to face you, when he realizes you weren't walking next to him anymore.
“This is me” you answer quickly, pointing to a random building you were standing in front of.
He was nice enough to help you back there, so, it's not that you weren’t thankful, but you were still feeling a bit anxious, and you didn’t want to take any chances.
“Oh,” the boy says, looking up at the building you pointed to, then looks back to you, “I'll watch you go in” he continues, putting his hands in his pockets.
“Oh, uhm, okay..” you nervously say, turning to the building.
‘Shit... I hope the entrance door isn’t locked...’
You reach for the door and push it.
‘Oh, thank god...’ you sigh, relieved.
You quickly turn back to look at him again, and notice his eyes following you.
“Thank you”
He just nods at you, a blank expression still on his face.
You get inside the building and the door closes behind you. You weren’t sure if he was looking so you make your way to the elevators. You pretend you pressed a button, hoping he stopped looking at you through the glass door at that point.
You look behind you and notice he wasn’t there anymore, so you run slowly towards the door and see him walking away.
You place a hand on your heart, and sigh again. You close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
‘Why does it feel like it’s been a really long night...?’
You decide to wait for a few minutes, making sure he wouldn’t still be around the area when you try to run to where you actually lived. It was probably a couple of buildings away so, if you make a quick run for it, you think, you would definitely make it.
You open the glass door slowly and take a quick peak around the street.
‘Nobody’s here...’
You take a quick breath before you make a run for it.
As you thought, it easily took you a minute or two to get to your building. You quickly push the entrance door and run to elevators.  
As soon as it arrives, you get in and press the floor you lived on.
A few moments pass before the elevator doors open and you can't help but breathe a sigh of relief as you’re welcomed with your usual empty, but now comforting hallway.
You step out and head for your apartment when you notice someone standing at the door opposite yours at the end of that hallway, trying to unlock it.
‘Oh, it’s probably the new tenant...’ you think as you walk to your door.
It was pretty silent so you decide to at least welcome them, hoping it would make the awkward silence less... awkward.
“Hey,” you say turning to face them when you get to your door, “You’re the new tenant, righ-” but you quickly stop and your eyes widen when the person turns around to face you.
‘Wait, isn’t he the guy that just walked me back ‘home’??’
He still carried a blank expression on his face, but you notice his eyes slightly widen when he notices who you were as well.
‘Fuck, Fuck, Fuck... What do I say?’ you panic as you both stand there, looking at each other.
“Oh, you live here?” he breaks the silence, sounding pretty calm.
“Oh, yeah,” you say turning around and quickly unlock your door and go in, “Goodnight!” you yell, panicked. 
You accidentally make eye contact with him one last time before you swiftly close the front door, leaving him there, looking blankly at your apartment door instead.
‘He’s my new neighbor??’
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(HQ Masterlist)
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
haikyuu!! team christmas parties
a/n: this is a suuuuper late christmas-themed post because it was kinda crazy here but i hope you guys enjoy these headcanons of how christmas parties are like with the teams
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a very chaotic yet very festive christmas party
nishinoya and hinata especially are very excited for it you could tell by the way they hum christmas songs in the locker room
naturally sugawara suggests holding a christmas party in his house but the only one he sends invitations to is tsukishima because he's the likeliest one to back out
in fact, sugawara probably sends an invitation to tsukishima's house every single day and at this point both akiteru and his mom are anticipating 'kei's first christmas party with friends'
hinata was too excited that he was there at sugawara's house two hours early but they spent a lot of time decorating the entire place
yamaguchi was there just as early because he thought it would be polite and he even brought a box of chocolates for sugawara's family
all of them also decided to do a secret santa gift exchange to make things fun and so they wouldn't have to give everyone gifts
the only ones who gave everyone gifts though were asahi (HE MADE UGLY CHRISTMAS SWEATERS FOR EVERYONE) and yachi who gave everyone some cookies that she baked
everyone mentally thanked kiyoko for getting yachi as assistant manager
ennoshita's secret santa was tanaka and because he knew that ennoshita has been wanting a starbuck's planner, he enlisted noya's help in getting one
did this mean they both chugged 12 starbucks drinks all by themselves in one day? yeah pretty much
when ennoshita got his gift everyone understood why tanaka and noya were extra hyper that day
kageyama also got tsukishima as his secret santa
tsukki actually tried to exchange with yamaguchi but daichi caught him and said that there were no exchanges
he was also planning to get kageyama a plastic tiara as a gift but daichi also caught him (is2g he's everywhere)
eventually tsukishima settled on giving kageyama a volleyball cause he couldn't go wrong with that
kageyama was actually really happy with the gift but kinda pissed that it came from tsukishima of all people so he was just kinda squinting at tsukishima wondering what to say
anyway they didn't fight that's a christmas miracle
yamaguchi got daichi's name for the secret santa and gifted him a coupon for a free spa visit
daichi has a new favorite child
jk yamaguchi has always been his favorite child
hinata actually got KIYOKO to give a gift too and he was anxious for an entire week worrying about what to give her
he ended up asking natsu for advice and then gifting kiyoko a cute little phone charm
she thought it was sweet and still keeps it to this day
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oikawa already had a group chat for a christmas party when december started hanamaki and matsukawa spammed it with memes and santa emojis for the first two weeks
finally when they got around to planning, iwaizumi offered to hold the party at his house 
surprisingly, the earliest one there was kyoutani because ofc he's helping his senpai set up
imagine the both of them trimming the christmas tree i'm jlgkjalg 
kyoutani even brought his own christmas decorations (they're little dogs with santa hats on them) 
kindaichi and kunimi were next to come in and they brought a little gingerbread house that they made themselves
y'all oikawa came in last because of 'traffic' but iwaizumi's like 'bullshit, you live next door'
he was late because he was watching the doctor who christmas special 
matsukawa and hanamaki are of course in charge of all the party games that last throughout the night
they have a newspaper dance game and they intentionally paired up oikawa and kyoutani 
they were the first ones to lose the game because kyoutani wouldn't come a foot near oikawa and that's about how wide their newspaper was
iwaizumi and kindaichi easily won but kindaichi was flustered that iwaizumi carried him bridal-style
you can bet they also brought karaoke and yahaba surprised everyone with his rendition of 'all i want for christmas is you'
also matsukawa and hanamaki did a really good duet of 'baby it's cold outside'
oikawa wanted to make a speech about his friends being his family and them being his best christmas gift ever but hanamaki stopped him
oikawa ended up giving one anyway when the party ended up going on until much later and everyone cried
everyone except kyoutani who was wondering why everyone was crying until he realized that iwaizumi was going abroad for uni
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these guys are so close that they just had to have a christmas party together 
goshiki ofc volunteered his own house and was deadset on making it the best christmas ever for his senpais
except tendou may have told him that ushijima's favorite decorations were mistletoe so ofc goshiki hung mistletoe ever
the funny thing is ushijima DOES like mistletoe. he thinks its classy and simple but he doesn't know about the kissing thing
meanwhile shirabu and tendou are on the side wondering if they should tell either of them
semi lost some kind of bet (probs with shirabu and kawanishi) and now he has to dress up as santa claus for some reason
lmao angry santa semi i love it already
tendou made some handmade chocolate truffles and half of them are delicious but the other half have a piece of onion in the middle
but the delicious ones are like REALLY delicious so everyone plays this sort of russian roulette game with tendou's chocolate truffles
semi kept on getting the onion truffles until reon felt bad for him and gave him his chocolate truffle
it ended up becoming a christmas tradition
ushijima actually gave everyone a gift and it's matching knee pads
shirabu actually loves them except he doesn't want to wear them out so he never wears them
also he gets cold really easily so even though the christmas party is indoors, he's wearing a sweater and a coat and a quilt on top of that
he honestly looks so cozy that by the end of the night everyone is cuddled up next to shirabu
ushijima: he's our coach and therefore a part of our team so of course i invited him
no one can argue with him there
coach washijo was surprisingly a nice guest but everyone was extra courteous around him
semi served him some hot tea and shirabu even gave his quilt
goshiki was hiding in his bathroom because he might get lectured on his serves
they didn't know what activities to do with coach washijo around so tendou suggested watching their volleyball games (yes, goshiki has them all on tape) and coach washijo was all like 'i watch you play all the time why would i want to do that now?'
eventually they settled on watching Polar Express and it was nice
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their christmas party is also a costume party because kuroo said so all of them came in christmas-themed costumes
the third years roped in shibayama and they all dressed up as the characters from 'A Christmas Carol'
shibayama was christmas past, kai was christmas present, kuroo was christmas future, and yaku was scrooge
kuroo: it's perfect because you're short and mean
it's funny because they all end up capitalists
okay but tbh the second years plus lev also went all out for their costumes because they come in as HOME ALONE
i'm clearly biased when it comes to my favorite christmas movies
fukunaga and taketora are the two robbers, kenma's kevin, and lev comes in as the house
it's basically a cardboard cut-out of a house that he and alisa made
the first twenty minutes of their christmas party is basically just them arguing about which group had the better costume
eventually they decide to actually enjoy the party
they end up playing a lot of parlor games and even though kenma hates how loud everyone is, he's still determined to win all of them
i swear, he ended up pushing lev out of the way during musical chairs, also grabbing the chair before sitting on it
but then after that kenma decides to play games for the rest of the night except kuroo confiscated his game console (again)
you can bet yaku and fukunaga cooked the christmas dinner for everyone
kai takes a million pictures for the memories but he's really a perfectionist about it and go crazy whenever lev moves two millimeteres too far to the left
when the pictures are developed kuroo has them developed on matching t-shirts and forces everyone to wear them during practice matches
tsukishima: nice shirt
kuroo: why THANK you
kenma: thanks, i fucking hate it
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ngl they're not SUPER into christmas but they're just mildly curious about the celebration
it's mostly the miya twins who initiate it as a way for all of them to have a get-together during the winter break
kita thinks it's a good idea and invites them all to his house
he's actually quite curious about christmas as a religious celebration so he reads up on it a lot and even starts to up his own nativity scene as decoration
he ends up asking his teammates if they want to bring anything to add to the nativity scene
suna brings his gundam figurines and atsumu has an acrylic standee of momo from twice
and now those are joseph and mary
aran and kita take one look at the nativity scene and go 'this doesn't look right' but atsumu looks so happy to have momo there that they just leave it be
osamu is in charge of food ofc but he can't make up his mind on what to cook so he ends up cooking a little bit of everything
ofc atsumu has to be the one to help him but he ends up tasting and eating a good portion while osamu's cooking
*insert fighting in the kitchen*
suna's just walking around taking pictures of everything and uploading them to his snapchat (which has a lot of followers)
"our chaotic team christmas party part 1 of ???"
aran and kita just want some chill time and drink hot chocolate while watching christmas specials
kita also hung up stockings for everyone and suna was expecting it to have candy but its full of fruit and healthy snacks
they still taste good though
suna’s also the first one to fall asleep right smack on kita’s couch 
atsumu’s just about to draw on his face with permanent marker but kita has a disappointed look so he stops instantly
in fact, ALL of them end up falling asleep in the middle of kita’s living room 
they look so cute aran is in the middle with each of the miya twins on his side. suna is sprawled all over the couch with his face buried in the cushions. kita is sleeping right next to the coffee table with his arms crossed over his chest
kita’s grandmother walks in on them in the living room and knows FOR SURE that she doesn’t have four grandchildren but she’s making them breakfast anyway 
taglist (still open to anyone who wants in!): @montys-chaos​ @miyumtwins​ @strawberriimilkshake​ @pocubo​ @sugawara-sweetheart @akaashisbabydoll @laure-chan​ @therainroguefanfiction​ @atetiffdoesart @stephdaninja @oikaw-ugh​ @charliefredb​ @dramaqueenweeb1469 @tremblinghearts @applepienation @doodleniella @haikyuu-my-love @waitforitillwritemywayout @kattykurr @tpwkatsumu
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ellewritesathing · 4 years
Infernal    IX
Summary: In your sleepy little town of Greendale, nothing ever slept for long. And ever since October, everything felt like it was waking up. Everything except for you, that is. One teensy trip to Hell (and an infuriatingly cute guy) later and suddenly you felt wide awake.
Word-count: 2k+
Masterlist Prev. | Part 9
A/N: sorry for dropping of the face of the earth!! i’ve been super overwhelmed with uni but here we are 💕 enjoy the angst
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When you went to her for help to face the Absolute Dark, Lilith had told you that you could feed on the dark and absorb its power. Even after unbinding your powers, you were left with more power than ever before. You were warned about the dangers of power, but no one told you how consuming it would be. There wasn't a moment that went by that you didn't draw on the Darkness, and almost all you could think about was testing the limits of your power. Every day was a new attempt at mastery, sometimes in the form of controlling a jerk who went too far and other times by tearing through the pages of a grimoire. You'd missed school. You hadn’t talked to your friends in days. For the first time in your life, you were selfish.
You thought Caliban would have liked the new, rebellious version of you better - Lilith certainly did - but he’d been acting strangely ever since the incident at the Paramount. He was more closed-off with you than before, more hesitant with what he said or did to you. At first, his concern for your safety was amusing, but now it just infuriated you. You felt watched and alone even when you were with him.
If he didn’t trust you anymore, then Caliban should just leave. 
The flame on the wick exploded, and you cursed as you shook out your burnt palm and scowled at the ruined ritual in front of you. Exploring the Celestial Realm would have to wait.
“Thou art a soul in bliss, but I am bound upon a wheel of fire.” 
“That mine own tears do scald like molten lead.” With a sigh, you lowered your palm to your side and turned to face the familiar voice in the corner of your room. “King Lear.” 
Caliban’s mouth turned up into a smile. “You’ve been reading.” He leaned easily against your doorframe, seemingly forgetting how your last interaction had blown up. 
“I’ve had time,” you said. You crossed your arms over your chest as you walked closer. “What are you doing here?” 
Caliban shrugged and stepped closer. “Quiet day in Hell. I thought we could talk.” 
“And what do you want to talk about today?” 
Caliban reached a hand out to the side of your neck, but you didn’t move. His touch was frosty. “Theo says you haven’t been at school. He was worried about you.” 
Your voice caught in your throat. The Darkness stirred at the idea of your friends talking about you behind your back. “I didn’t know you two were so close.”
“Well, since Rosalind is dating Huckleberry Finn, so Theo is my favorite…” Caliban sucked in a breath when you didn’t respond to his joke. He dropped his hand and looked down for a moment. “Have you given any more thought to my offer?” 
“Your offer to fix me?” 
“That isn't what I said.” 
“But it’s what you meant.” You poked his chest angrily. “Because you think there’s something wrong with me.” 
“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with you.” Caliban’s easy sense of calm faltered as he reached for your hand. He wasn't used to being vulnerable or trying so hard. “Please, will you just listen to me for a moment? This much Darkness is dangerous. It’s changing you.” 
“Have you ever thought this is how I’m supposed to be?” You stepped closer and lowered your voice. “I’m Lilith's heir. I’m made of darkness.”
“This isn’t who you are.” 
“Yes, it is!” 
The candles behind you reignited, their flames exploding to touch your ceiling. You ripped your hands away and stumbled back. Even with all the arguing you'd done and all Darkness in your veins, you’d never yelled at Caliban before then. You breathed heavy, unsteady breaths, trying to get your heart to stop racing and your hands to stop shaking. 
Despite his furrowed brow and stormy eyes, Caliban was rooted to the spot just in front of your door. His hand twitched to help you, but he didn’t make any other movements. 
“There is nothing wrong with me, do you understand? I’m not broken.” 
Caliban’s lips parted, but lightning cracked in your room before he got the chance to speak. The candles were snuffed out in the blinding light, and for a moment, the room was deathly still. The hair on your arms stood on end. 
Lilith’s cry brought you back to reality. She clutched her ginormous belly in one hand and clung to one of the minions with her other. When she opened her eyes, instead of explaining, she zeroed in on Caliban. “What is he doing here?” 
“He was just leaving,” you said before he could answer. As angry as you were with him, you weren’t going to let your mother hurt him. 
Caliban smiled, but it wasn’t as warm as before; his smile was something rueful and tight-lipped. He bowed, twirling his hand as he did, and said, “As you wish,” before disappearing in Hellfire.
It would have hurt less if he stuck a dagger in your chest and twisted. 
Lilith screamed again as she crumpled to her knees. Glaring up at you, she forced out, “Something’s wrong with my baby. Take me to Zelda Spellman.”
Growing up, it had always been you and your dad. He taught you how to tie your shoes, tried an awfully intricate hairstyle for your first day of school, and read you a story every night before bed. As much as you loved him, it always felt as though your family was missing something. Having long given up on your mom ever coming home, you asked him if you could have a little brother. He promised that one day, when you’d probably forgotten that you asked in the first place, you’d get a little brother. 
It was an easy lie to get you to stop asking about having a family - except, as you held the sleeping lump in your arms, you realized that your dad never lied to you. This perfect, troublesome little lump was all you’d ever wanted. 
“What do you want to name him?” Lilith asked. You turned away from the window to face her as she pulled herself into a sitting position. She winced slightly as she did, more out of annoyance than pain. 
Rolling her eyes, she repeated, “What do you want to name him?” 
“I don’t know,” you said quietly. Looking down at his face, it was hard to believe he came into this world without a name. It was hard to believe that you’d only had him a few hours at most. “Michael?” 
“Less angelic,” Lilith critiqued, taking a long sip from the healing elixir Hilda had given her. Her disdain for herbalism was clear on the look of her face.
You huffed, rocking slightly on your heel to keep him sleeping. “His name is Adam.”
The words tumbled out of your mouth before you thought about it, sounding offhand but packing a punch. Lilith’s grip on the glass turned her fingers bone white. After an icy second, she repeated the name to herself. A wicked smile covered her features. “Adam,” she hummed. “I could agree to that, on the condition that-”
A knock sounded at the door and Lilith froze. Whoever was outside knocked again and you heard Zelda mumbling as the door handle turned and Lilith told them to come inside. She pulled you and Adam closer to her side. Uncharacteristically patient for her, Lilith waited for the witches to shuffle inside and explain that the Lords of Hell were asking to pay tribute to Adam. 
The Uninvited had been the Darkness' family. When they were trapped in the alternate reality of Sabrina's dollhouse, the Darkness had lashed out with a white-hot fury, pushing angrily at your ribs and trying to break out. The thought of Adam being taken away from made the Darkness just as angry, but the scary thing was that it made you even angrier. 
“Pay tribute?” Lilith scoffed, reaching to take Adam from your arms. Reluctantly, you let her take him. “They are here for one reason and one reason only: to kill my baby.” Before either of the Spellmans could respond, she added, “The baby you just delivered, Zelda Spellman.”
Zelda knotted her hands together. “Very well. Let’s give them the welcome they deserve.” Turning to the witches, “Ladies, if you’ll follow me.” 
“Actually…” you stepped forward and tilted your chin up. “I’d like to have a word with them.”
Zelda faltered for the first time in all the years you’d known her. She might have known about your powers, but it must have been difficult for her to process that the child that brought her dandelions each spring was a demon. “Alright,” she said with a nod. “We will be right beside you.” 
With a nod of your own, you led the way to the Academy gates. Your chest buzzed at the idea of being one of these witches, butterflies fluttering through the Darkness with all the excitement. Standing in front of the Lords, you clenched your tingling fingertips. They were as unpleasant to look at as the day you met them. 
“What do you want?”
They looked at each other for a moment before one of them nodded and the other said, “Word has reached the Infernal Palace that a babe was born of Lucifer’s concubine, Lilith. We come bearing gifts?”
“Aren’t there supposed to be three of you?” With each word, you took a step down the gates. Pointing a finger at the gifts in their hands, you asked, “With gold, frankincense, and myrrh instead of these … trinkets?” 
The other one pulled the box close to himself. Asmodeus, if you remembered right. “Bite your tongue, you insolent child. We come at the Dark Lord’s behest.” 
You tilted your head to the side. Letting the Darkness seep into your veins, you told him. “Bite your tongue.” He frowned, blinking slowly. “I said: Bite your tongue, and because you didn’t do it right the first time, now I want you to bite it off.”
His voice rose, but all that came out were a few strangled noises before Asmodeus’ eyes glazed over, the box fell to the ground, and blood oozed out of his mouth. He spat his tongue into his hands, coughing and trying to speak, as Beelzebub cursed you. 
He didn't get very far before Darkness tinged your vision as you turned to him. You didn’t have to speak this time to control him, just wave a hand and watch him fall to his knees. 
“We will not leave-” he grit his teeth as he struggled against the weight of your will “-without the babe.”
Bending down, you grabbed one of the horns on the top of his head to pull his face up to meet your own. “No.” You smiled. “No, I don’t think you’ll be leaving here at all.” 
You threw his head to the side and took a step back, watching Asmodeus choke on his own blood and Beelzebub writhe. The Darkness filled your body, and the world grew so still that your heart didn’t dare disturb it by beating. In a cold, distant voice, you recited your most familiar spell. 
“Ater ignus, fusce fume.” Beelzebub yelled. You clenched a fist to force his mouth shut. “Te evoco ut potentium tuam monstres.” A spark ignited, right between each of their shoulder blades. “Cupidibus flammis hic veni.” The flames licked their backs, growing taller and darker by the second. “Caelo sub isto, harc arborem consumo.” The puddle of Asmodeus’ blood caught alight, illuminating his wretched face as it burned. “Lucem tenebrasque tuas monstra. Impetuum tuum evoco ad devorandum.” Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes and let the Darkness consume all three of you. “Hanc arborem ac omnes hospitas devora.” 
The flames erupted in front of you, blinding your eyes and knocking you off your feet. You were dimly aware of the witches screaming your name and the rush of heels against cobblestones as something sticky and cold dripped down your face. Not tears. Or blood. 
Only Darkness. 
Tagged:  @caliban-is-my-girl  @t-a-i-l-o-r-m-a-d-e  @music-movies  @miss--moose  @marrypuffsstuff  @harryscarolinaa  @igorsbby  @foji2000  @hxlalokidottir    @artaxerxesthegreat  @thxmagic  @luquincy  @strawberriesandknives  @xealia  @hotmessindisguise  @acciomaximoff  @reheated-coffee  @olivia-west-allen  @sweetrogers  @shelby-x  @perseny-blog  @millie-753  @luneerius  @shizzybarnaclee  @lettherebelovex  @drrramaaaqweeen  @throughparisallthroughrome  @ietss  @thebookwormlife  @mechanicalanimalz  @mariamermaid  @nqbmf @roxytheimmortal  @shephard17895  @andie-kathleen  @clockworks-world-to-fandoms  @blondeeee-e  @piensa-bonito  @supportstudies  @bookishaficionado  @perfectlysane24​  @sophia-of-sass-gard​  @insomniac-nerd-posts-things (struck through wouldn’t tag)
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Another One?!, Part 3
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Marinette took one long, deep breath.
“What the fuck, Adrien?”
Adrien gave an awkward smile that made her want to forgive him… but, no, she must stay strong.
“It’s a cool car!”
She clicked her tongue. “Yes. Yes it is. But none of us can drive.”
“We have to learn at some point, though. Dick is going to uni soon, and it’s not like we can homeschool him for that. And there is no way I’m going to let him take the bus.”
Marinette winced. Okay, fair point.
Adrien must have realized that he was convincing her, because he chose that moment to bring out the pout.
She clicked her tongue once to show she was still irritated but nodded that he could have it.
He grinned and turned to look over his shoulder. “Told you I could convince her.”
Dick popped out of the bushes with a whoop.
Marinette glared at the three new driver’s licenses they had all somehow scammed their way into getting, then turned her gaze on Dick.
“I love you but if you flunk out first semester I will stab you.”
He smiled and wrapped his mom in a hug. “No, you wouldn’t.”
“Bitch, try me.”
Dick wasn’t fazed, squeezing her tighter.
She huffed and reluctantly hugged back. “Okay, fine, maybe not, but I will not be happy.”
“I love youuuuuu.”
“Love you too, sweetie.”
Adrien sighed as he looked at his kid’s grades so far. He’d been scared of this. College was a lot of adjustments already, and to add to that he was going straight from homeschool to normal classes and the school wasn’t giving him nearly as much help as it should.
Dick was stealing anxious looks at him out of the corner of his eyes, his legs drawn  to his chest on the couch.
Adrien reached out and ruffled his hair gently. “It’s fine. We’ll get you a tutor, okay?”
He didn’t suggest changing majors. Dick wouldn’t do it if he did, though he wished he would. It’s law school. Everyone knows that you can’t have a life and still go to law school, jobs and stuff are supposed to be put on hold when you go and there was no way Dick was going to stop vigilantism anytime soon. But…
“Also, try playing a game on your computer or doodling while you’re listening to the lecture. That might help you stay focused.”
Dick nodded with a tired smile.
“And you’re going to have to cut down on vigilantism so you can do homework and go to classes. You don’t get to choose your own schedule anymore.”
Marinette yawned, rubbing her eyes. It had been a long day for her. She’d done patrols for a good fourteen hours, and then Nygma had decided to use that exact moment to pull a death trap out of nowhere.
So, when she’d finally finished everything for the day she was tired and soaking wet (because, for some reason, he thought it would be cool to see if she preferred death by electrocution or drowning). She’d called for her husband to come get her because it was winter and she wasn’t all that interested in walking through the snow in damp clothes.
Now she curled up in the car, getting the front seat and both her and Adrien’s jackets wet. She didn’t care as she pressed as close to the heater as she possibly could.
Adrien brought the car to a stop and looked over, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “Do you want to wait in the car while I get him?”
She nodded, closing her eyes.
She felt a set of keys drop in her lap and pressed the lock button, sinking into the chair.
And then, a few minutes later, she heard something outside.
She peeked an eye open blearily and looked around, expecting to see Adrien and Dick drumming their fingers on the windows to be let in. A frown made its way across her face when she realized that they weren’t there.
She sat back up slowly and her eyes landed on a flash of red on the side opposite her.
She unlocked her door and poked her head out, carefully making her way around the car to investigate…
A person was trying to steal their hubcap.
She groaned softly and rubbed her eyes, then got into a fighting position.
The person looked up at the sound and she winced mentally when she saw they had a crowbar.
They shot to their feet and raised the weapon.
“Marinette?” Called Adrien.
She looked up on instinct, a bad idea when you’re fighting someone.
She took a crowbar to the stomach and groaned, doubling over. They leaned down to grab the hubcap and then attempted to make a break for it.
It didn’t work, obviously. Dick caught the person by their hoodie when they tried to rush past him.
They twisted in his grip and hit Dick in the side with their hubcap and, when he stumbled a bit in surprise, swept his legs out from under him.
Adrien scowled as he tackled the person to the ground. Then he stopped suddenly, his eyes going wide. “This is --!”
He never got to say what the person was, though, because they had socked him. The person had been wearing a lot of rings, so that hurt even more than it usually would. It was a wonder that Adrien didn’t black out or, at the very least, fall back to cradle his jaw.
The person must have been counting on this because they cursed and reached out to shove Adrien off of themself, but he caught their arms.
With a bit of awkward shuffling he had managed to pin them to the ground, arms tucked beneath him and legs swinging wildly in an attempt to keep Dick and Marinette back.
He needn’t have worried, both of them were pretty incapacitated. Getting hit with a metal instrument tends to do that to people.
Dick recovered first because his blow had been softer and to a less vulnerable part, and he crawled over to Marinette… who was currently listing off every swear that she could think of from her spot on the ground.
They leaned against each other for support and then lifted their shirts a little bit to check for blood. Thankfully, the things the person had used were blunt, so they would only have to worry about bruising...
Still hurt, though.
“— fucking asshole of a person I will fucking stab their cul stupide —!”
“Mari, stop cursing, it’s a kid,” hissed Adrien, who was now covering the kid in question’s ears.
“Oh really? Let’s see you get hit by a goddamn whatever-the-fuck-that’s-called --!”
The kid, who could apparently still hear despite her husband’s best efforts, supplied the name of the object he’d used: “Crowbar.”
“Oh, you absolute --!”
Dick covered her mouth so she could curse without the kid hearing it too clearly.
Eventually, she ran out of curses. Her shoulders slumped.
Adrien and Dick nodded to each other and removed their hands.
Adrien carefully clambered off the kid, though he made sure to hold onto their hands to make sure they wouldn’t a) attack again or b) just run off.
They looked him over and Marinette cringed. Definitely a street kid, if the ragged clothes and bruised skin was any indication.
“It wasn’t personal,” the kid said, looking between the three of them anxiously. He must have realized he wasn’t getting away, because he had stopped subtly struggling against Adrien’s grip. “I just needed money.”
Marinette nodded. “Sure. What foster or adoption system are you in? We can up donations.”
(She was still annoyed about the whole ‘hitting her with a crowbar’ thing, obviously, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to help out a bunch of kids in need.)
The kid’s eyes widened and then he gave a bitter laugh. “I’m not really in one, it’s safer on the streets.”
Adrien frowned. “Sorry? Why? Don’t you want a roof and food?”
They rolled their eyes. “Sure, I’d love that, but it doesn’t exactly happen.”
The three frowned at each other.
Adrien thought for a minute, then shrugged. “How about you stay with us?”
“Huh?” Said both Marinette and the kid.
“We have room and money, and Dick is probably going to leave soon anyways because of college. Why not stay with us?”
Dick hesitated. “I’m probably not leaving, actually, but you can stay if you want.”
Marinette and the kid looked met each other’s eyes and deemed themselves the only sane ones present, because honestly what the fuck?
But then the kid’s eyes strayed to the pearl necklace Adrien had gotten her the year before, to the car, to the designer bag Dick was carrying…
“I wouldn’t mind. What about you, mom?” He said, giving Marinette a cheeky grin.
She closed her eyes so she wouldn’t get puppy-dog-eyed from all sides.
Could Adrien, just once, ask her before randomly adopting kids?
Well, she guessed she should just be glad he didn’t try and adopt the entire foster system. She should probably say yes before he actually tried...
“Fine. Fine. We’ll adopt another one.” She pursed her lips together and then gave her husband a pointed look. “No more after this, though, got it? We’re too old for this stuff.”
“We’re not that old!” Complained Adrien.
She clicked her tongue.
“Fine. I’m not that old.”
Marinette scoffed and threw the keys at him. He caught them without even blinking.
Dick smiled and opened the car door for the kid, who seemed more than a little hesitant to get in the car with strangers. Apparently curiosity won over self-preservation, though, because the kid did end up getting in the car.
“Right, what’s your name?”
“Cool! I’m Dick, and these are my adoptive parents, Marinette and Adrien.”
“... is no one going to talk about why your mom is soaking wet?”
“Why our mom is soaking wet, you mean.”
Jason frowned. “Sure… why?”
“She fell in a well.”
Adrien nodded as he started to drive. Marinette groaned and sunk into the front seat again.
Jason, poor kid, just looked confused.
“How the fuck…?”
Adrien was well aware that Jason didn’t trust them.
Fair enough. How many other people see a random kid stealing their hubcaps and then say ‘yeah, screw it, I’ll adopt them’? He figured they must be the only ones.
The kid seemed genuinely surprised when they pulled up to their house. Adrien wasn’t sure he wanted to know where Jason thought they were taking him.
Marinette had taken a quick shower, changed into some warm clothes, grabbed a cup of coffee, and then took Jason out shopping. Dick rearranged his room to accommodate another person.
And Adrien…
Adrien glared down the kwamis.
“Alrighty. We made the mistake last time of not telling you not to show yourselves to Dick, because we thought that was implied. We’re not doing that again. You are not allowed to in any way help Jason find out that you exist or that we are Chat Noir, Ladybug, and Robin. Got it?”
He made sure to see every kwami nod that they understood and then gave them some leftover macaroons to eat.
Good. So that disaster would be averted.
He heard a loud “Oh! My word!” from the next room and sighed.
New disaster.
He ushered the kwamis back under the floorboards and then rushed over to Dick’s room.
He walked in to find him frantically scraping a part of the wall that had been previously hidden by his bed.
Adrien crossed his arms. “Hey, buddy, whatcha got there?”
Dick turned around slowly, eyes wide and full of panic. “Uh…” He leaned back as casually as he could (it did not look like a comfortable position at all but that’s not the point here) and flashed a brilliant smile. “Adrien… Dad… Dadrien... have I ever told you how much I love you?”
“Not nearly enough. What did you do?”
“I…” He looked away. “... should probably get ahead of this. Don’t get mad, please?”
“We’ll see.”
Dick slowly scooted away from the spot and Adrien sighed deeply.
Because on the wall, in crayon, was a bunch of doodles.
But, upon closer inspection, he realized they were doodles of Chat Noir and Ladybug and a tiny little person with black hair.
Do not think it’s cute do not think it’s cute do not think it’s cute --.
He took a few deep breaths before turning to Dick. “Go get some cleaning stuff. We have a few hours before Mari gets back.”
He mumbled a thanks and then rushed out to go find cleaning supplies.
Adrien snapped a photo while he was gone.
Marinette and Jason were struggling.
It was hard to get this kid to buy anything at all, she had tried to get him just another hoodie and he had taken one look at the price tag before flinging it as far away from him as he possibly could.
Man, how was she supposed to get him a mattress if this was how he was going to react to a bunch of ten dollar hoodies?
She would have thrown her hands up in frustration if that wouldn’t have disturbed her coffee. “Fine. We won’t buy anything. Do you have anything we can bring?”
Jason hesitated, then shook his head.
Okay, an obvious lie but she wasn’t going to call him out on it. He was probably still wary of them and their kindness and wanted to keep that backup open. She understood.
Well, she didn’t understand because she’d never been in that kind of situation, but she would respect it.
“Fine. You’ll have to live with hand-me-downs. Are you alright with that?”
Jason relaxed a little, nodding.
She gave a tired smile.
She’d have to do something about Dick’s sleeping arrangements, she’d probably create a hammock or just let him sleep in their bed (it hardly ever got any use, anyways) for the time being. Eventually, Jason might warm up to them enough to let her buy him stuff, and she’d wait for that…
Or he’d run away. But, hopefully not that.
Jason ducked his head and pulled his hoodie up to hide his face and Marinette glanced around. People were staring at them. Fair enough, she doubted that the scruffy hoodie and weathered jeans were making people trust the kid. Still, she stepped towards him and gently grabbed the sleeve of his hoodie to say he was hers.
He cringed almost imperceptibly at her touch. She frowned a little bit, she knew all too well what that meant, but didn’t say anything.
She opted to just glare at the people giving them odd looks, daring any of them to say anything.
They didn’t. Good.
She looked down at the kid and tipped her head to the side.
“I’m going to just shop for the family and you can eat that stuff, okay?”
Jason still looked like he wasn’t happy with it but he nodded.
And, so, she took him to the grocery part of the store. She did what she said she would, shopping for things they would need over the week, but she also watched Jason carefully to see if he liked anything.
The kid clearly knew what she was doing, because he spent most of his time watching her with a neutral expression, but occasionally she’d catch his gaze lingering on a specific product for just a second too long and she’d drop it into the cart.
He couldn’t say anything. He had no proof that they never ate… whatever the hell a Chef Boyardee was.
She found he was mostly looking at cheap, instant meals but that was okay. He’d learn.
She was a baker’s daughter, after all. Everyone in her house would learn what good food was eventually or die by her hand.
Adrien fell back on the couch and groaned. “I have to homeschool another kid!”
“Sucks,” said Dick, who was applying a princess bandaid to a shallow cut on his cheek that he’d gotten that night (the goon who had missed had been pissed that their aim was off... but then pissed themself when the two older vigilantes advancing on him made him realize he had bigger problems).
“It does! I get one kid into college and then I suddenly get another kid to teach!”
Marinette sat on his stomach and he wheezed a little. She didn’t pay this any mind, though. “Maybe you should have thought about that before you adopted another one.”
“He said he felt safer on the streets than in a home! I couldn’t just not adopt him!”
She gave a noncommittal hum.
“Dick! Agree with me!”
The person in question just turned on the TV and started flipping through channels.
Adrien sighed. He was now talking to what may as well have been an empty room. He looked around for the kwamis but they were very determinedly avoiding eye contact while chowing down on their foods of choice. Still, he at least had one person-god-whatever that had to listen to him:
The cat kwami gave a long sigh before looking at him. “Adrien, please don’t make me give you my opinion on this. You’re not going to like it.”
He pouted. “Honestly, though, it’s messed up. Is the system really that bad?”
“Yep,” said Marinette.
“Mhmm,” said Dick.
“And aren’t either of you, I don’t know, concerned about it?”
“You guys already donate a bunch of money, what else can you do?”
Adrien frowned, reaching out and pulling his wife down to lay next to him so they both could be comfortable.
Marinette lifted her arms slightly so he could wrap his arms around her and nuzzled into him a little bit (Dick made a gagging noise in the background). “This isn’t really our type of thing, Chaton.”
He nodded reluctantly…
And then gasped.
“But what if it is!”
“What?” She said warily.
“I mean, we’re in Gotham. Everything is connected to crime here! What if the foster and adoption systems are messed up because the mob or something has something to do with it!”
“Did you stretch before that reach?” Asked Dick as he changed the channel.
Adrien huffed. “M’lady, c’mon, I make sense, right?”
She thought for a minute, and then closed her eyes. “Alright, Chaton, if you really want you can go investigate it. If it’s our kind of thing, then we fix it. Okay?”
He beamed.
Marinette was… tired.
So, when she walked into the kitchen and found Jason flinging cabinets open at random and Dick swinging from a ceiling light, she just continued on to the coffee machine.
“Language,” Dick murmured absently. He hooked his legs over the light fixture and lowered himself down to open the cabinet beside Marinette, revealing... the trash can.
Jason stared at the cabinet in shock. “But… I opened that one… I know I did…”
“You have to be upside down to access it,” said Dick seriously.
She started up the machine. “Sweetie, don’t tell him that. He’ll break his neck.”
Jason slowly discarded his plate in the trash can, eyes locked on it as if it would disappear if he didn’t keep it in his sight at all times. “Why don’t you just have the trash can out…?”
Dick grinned. “Rich people thing. Can’t let people know you live here.”
All he got was two shrugs. They didn’t really understand it either, they just didn’t care enough to do anything about it.
“I hate rich people,” Jason decided eventually.
“Including you.”
Adrien had chosen that exact minute to walk in and was now looking on in horror as Marinette brought an entire coffee pot to her lips and Jason dragged the trash can out into a reasonable place and Dick attempted a trapeze act on the ceiling light.
“Morning,” said Marinette, sending a wave.
Adrien looked at the three of them for a few moments before sighing and sitting on the counter.
Listen, if nothing else, Adrien had faith (... in humanity, religious faith is kinda weird when you have a god living in your jewelry).
This faith had never done him any good but it was there.
So, he had to hope that the problems with the system were things that he could fix as Chat Noir. Otherwise, he’d have to just accept the fact that the system didn’t care about its kids. He couldn’t do that.
The world was evil... but surely it couldn’t be that evil.
Unfortunately for his dreams of fixing everything, he found out that he needed to go to university for at least four years in order to get in. He couldn’t wait that long! People were suffering now!
Good thing he was rich.
Listen, Gotham is messed up. He’s been doing his best to fix it but, dang it, if everyone else can exploit it then he can, too!
(But only to help people. His moral compass was a roulette wheel and using his money to benefit solely himself was one of the lines he wouldn’t cross.)
Dick gave him a jealous look as he held up his new, definitely legitimately earned degree.
And then Jason had stepped into the room and frowned confusedly.
“You’re a social worker?”
“Am now!” He chirped.
“Yep! I’m hoping to make it better, if I can.”
Jason gave a tiny laugh. “Oh, so you’re NEW new.”
Well, that wasn’t encouraging.
That night, he managed to catch Marinette before she could head off for patrols. “Do you think what I’m doing is useless?”
“A little bit but…” She leaned up and pressed a kiss to his lips. “I knew what I was getting into when I married you. I love you, Chaton.”
He frowned a little bit but returned the kiss and whispered his “I love you, too, M’lady.”
“Would you like me to drive you to work?”
He smiled and let her lead him along. That would be good. If he was driven to work then he could get someone to pick him up ‘late’ and give him time to snoop around.
Well, not today. The staff would know if it was his first day. He’d have to give it a month or so before he snooped. But it was good to start that kind of routine early.
When they pulled up to the orphanage, Marinette locked the doors before he could get out.
He gave his wife a careful smile. “M’lady?”
“Listen to me: you are not allowed to adopt any of the kids.”
“But --.”
“Nope. No kids. We already have two when we said we were going to have zero. It has to stop.”
He sighed, leaning back in his seat. “What if… what if they’re about to age out?”
Marinette paused. He could see the gears turning in her head as she bit her lip, considering it.
Then she shook her head. “If they’re about to age out you can give them money and support to start out. That’s. All.”
He pouted a little but accepted this answer. It would have to do.
He heard the doors unlock and stepped out. He looked up at the building and suppressed a cringe. It looked like the kind of orphanage that you see in movies that always have an evil director. This was a good thing for him as Chat Noir but a bad thing when you consider that there are actual kids living there.
Adrien stepped inside, all too aware of his nerves.
After all, he was technically unprepared. Did he know basic medicine? Was he good with kids? Did he know how to teach even kids with challenges? Yes to all of that. Still, he couldn’t help but worry that maybe the four years of college that were asked of him could have taught him something that he would need.
Relax, he told himself.
This did nothing, and really only served to make him more anxious, but hush.
He was given the day to tour the place, and he was originally disappointed. Surely, this couldn’t be it. All the beds were crammed in one room! Some of the beds didn’t even have fitted sheets!
But then his mind wandered to Jason. They never found him asleep in any of the beds, instead finding him passed out with a thin blanket in the corner or, at best, in an armchair. He hardly ever slept alone, either, usually opting to choose whatever room had two or more people in it to sleep.
He had to remind himself that these kids were likely on the streets for at least a few months of their lives, and likely would have adapted to that.
It didn’t make him feel any better, though.
Adrien didn't let any of this show on his face, instead smiling as he introduced himself to the kids he passed. A few gave wary looks, others gave awkward smiles, and some didn’t even seem to notice him.
He didn’t know what he was expecting. He was their new teacher, people usually aren’t all that eager to meet those.
He hoped he could help, though.
Marinette clicked her tongue when she found Jason reading in his current favorite hiding space: under Dick’s bed.
“Sweetie, you’re going to get squished under there.”
He didn’t answer, probably because there was a flashlight in his mouth.
She leaned down to see if she could figure out a way that he could stay down there without getting hurt and scrunched up her nose at a smell.
“Is there… are you keeping food down there?”
Jason finally looked at her, his eyes wide. He quickly moved in front of the stash so she couldn’t get to it and pulled the flashlight from his mouth to speak: “It’s mine.”
“It’s spoiled,” she said, shaking her head. “You can hoard food if that makes you happy but at least make sure it’s something that won’t go bad, please. How about cereal -- no, actually, the kid would kill me if I gave you that… what about nutrition bars?”
“Those aren’t actually that healthy, you know.”
She gave a tiny shrug. “You’re right, they’re not, but they don’t spoil quickly and they have at least some kind of nutritional value.”
He hesitated, then reluctantly pushed the stash of food in her direction. She sifted through it to pull out any food that was still good, and then handed that over.
He looked at the tinier pile and then gave her a tiny smile.
“Thank you.”
She nodded. “I’ll go out and get some nutrition bars.”
His eyes widened. “You don’t have --.”
“Don’t worry about it. I was already going to start buying them to try and wean your brother off of cereal. This is just an added bonus,” she lied so he wouldn’t feel guilty about using her money.
He looked reluctant but still nodded.
She beamed and stood again, the spoiled food in her arms.
She yelled to Dick that Jason was under his bed again so he needed to be careful, then put a sticky note on his bed and door so he’d remember, then tossed the food.
And then she started towards the store.
Teaching all day and then coming home to teach another kid was… something.
Good thing Adrien had the patience of a saint from years of schooling Dick.
Jason groaned and fell back on the couch, covering his face with the textbook. “This is soooooo boring. I already know this stuff!”
“The test you took says differently,” said Adrien as he closed his copy.
All he got was another groan.
He sighed and closed his eyes. Whatever. He was exhausted. He’d take the night off. “Alright, fine, you’re bored. What do you want to do?”
Jason lifted the book from his face so he could send his dad a confused look.
“You have to enjoy something. Y’know, a hobby or something?”
Jason’s face reddened a little and he nodded, toying with some of the rings on his fingers. “I have one... but you can’t laugh if I tell you.”
“I wouldn’t.”
He mumbled something that she couldn’t make out, and Adrien frowned. “Sorry?”
He took a deep breath and then whispered his answer: “Iliketoread.”
It took a moment for his brain to catch up, and then he felt a wide smile stretch across his face. A kid? That reads?
He pushed himself up to his feet.
“I have a library card that’s been gathering dust for the past few years. C’mon.”
Jason raised his eyebrows. “It’s been gathering dust? Why?”
“Uh… let’s just say I’ve been kind of busy with other things.”
“That sucks.”
He considered this, his head tipping to the side, then he nodded. “It does. I should read more.”
“You should.”
Adrien laughed a little. “Have any suggestions?”
Jason’s eyes lit up.
Marinette hummed absently as she stepped into the kitchen and then frowned as her eyes flicked between Dick and Jason, who were looking very intensely at a plate.
She stepped closer and rolled her eyes. It seemed they were dividing up the last cookie from her baking session last night.
Was she concerned that they had managed to eat all the cookies in the few hours since she had finished them? A little. But not that concerned. At least she knew they were getting calories.
But now she was just amused. Because they were using a ruler and a pencil and paper to figure out what exactly half was.
Dick seemed to finish his math first, because he picked up a knife and positioned it over the cookie.
“Careful!” Said Jason.
Marinette snickered. “Boys, I may have a solution for you.”
They looked up with confused expressions.
“I can… you know I can just make more, right?”
Jason looked like he was going to protest... but then Dick swiped the cookie and stuffed it into his mouth. He watched on in horror for a few moments before his face hardened.
“You live up to your name, Dickwad.”
Dick gasped. “Rude!”
“Oh, so I’m rude? You want to know what’s actually rude? It’s --.”
Marinette grinned as she sipped at her coffee. She’d intervene if things went too far but, for the time being, she was perfectly fine just watching.
Jason’s eyes found her and he brought a cheeky grin to his face. “Hey, mom, if you’re going to make cookies then Dickwad can’t have any, right?”
“What? No! Mari -- Mom -- Mominette!”
She tried not to laugh at the chorus of ‘Mom’s as she started pulling down ingredients.
After a month and a half of gaining the trust of the orphanage staff and kids, he managed to sneak into the director’s room and look through the financial records.
He snapped pictures of every page and then slipped out through the window.
When he got home he pulled the pictures up on a bigger monitor and started looking over them with Dick and Marinette at his side.
The longer he looked the more he frowned.
“It’s not an evil plot. I don’t know what to do when it’s not an evil plot,” he said eventually.
Marinette rested her head on his shoulder. “Of course it’s not. Even if criminals benefit from the system being broken, they don’t need to do anything to keep it that way. Even good cities have terrible adoption and foster systems.”
“There has to be something we can do!”
She and Dick exchanged exhausted looks.
“There has to be something we can do.” He repeated, frowning. “We’re rich!”
“We don’t have enough to beat out a mob boss in political donations, Chaton, much less a bunch of them.”
He sighed.
Marinette slipped her hand into his and was silent for a while, trying to think of a way to cheer him up. She squeezed a little tighter and he looked over with a raised eyebrow.
“Hey, speaking of mob bosses, the kid and I have been closing in on one’s location. You want in? You always like beating them up...”
“I guess it has been a while since we’ve done that…”
They had been about two seconds away from just pushing the emotions down like they usually did, but then Dick had gasped and pushed himself to his feet.
“We can’t fix homes, but we can always make things easier when they leave.”
“We already agreed to give them money when they age out, sweetie.”
“Nonononono not like that!” Dick was pacing, now. “You guys know a lot of people, right?”
“I do…” said Adrien carefully.
“Then use that! Help them get into the fields they want to get into.”
“That’s…” Adrien pulled out his phone to translate the word to English. “... nepotism.”
Marinette shrugged absently. “We kill people, Chaton, this is hardly the place to draw the line. I can probably get them into the designing world if I wanted.”
“I could do circuses or law.”
Adrien sighed and closed his eyes. He figured he should just be glad that they were trying to help.
“... I can get modelling and any other field that I know someone in… I’d need to make some calls...”
The happiness that came along with finding a solution, weak as it was, lasted about a month.
Marinette smiled and wiped some blood from her husband’s cheek so she could give him a kiss.
“Feel better?”
“A little,” he admitted.
She smiled and tipped her head back to look at Dick, who was tying up the last of the henchmen. “You’ve had faster times, sweetie.”
“I would’ve gone faster if you were helping instead of ‘french kissing’ over here.”
“We weren’t --!” She clicked her tongue when both of the guys started laughing. “You’re hilarious. C’mon, we need to get out before the cops get here.”
They slipped out into the streets as sirens blared in the distance and detransformed.
Marinette hummed lightly as they made their way through back alleys. After all, their detransformations only got rid of the suits, not the blood… it would look a little weird if three people covered in blood were just walking through the streets.
Adrien opened the door for them, and she stepped inside…
Only to go pale.
Because Jason was up, watching a show. He had probably woken up and decided to wait until people were back to sleep. The three vigilantes went completely still, save for the quiet squeak of surprise that left Dick’s lips.
Jason looked over and his eyes widened.
“Uh… we can explain?” Said Marinette.
He screamed and scrambled off the couch as quickly as possible and made a mad dash for the kitchen.
The three vigilantes looked at each other, then followed after him.
Her eyes searched the kitchen and found him hidden under a table...
Oh. He had a knife. Fun.
Adrien pushed Dick behind them.
She held up her hands placatingly. “Sweetie…”
Adrien sighed. “I… we aren’t… well… we kind of are… but...”
“Not helping,” Dick muttered.
Marinette bit her lip as she considered what to do to make Jason relax, then groaned. “Tikki. Spots on.”
Somehow, Jason’s eyes went wider when she transformed.
Adrien sighed.
The other two transformed as well.
Jason had gone into shock…
They detransformed now that they had shown him the truth.
“Now that you know that we won’t hurt you, can you… put the knife down? Please? That’s the good knife and --?” She felt the glares of the other two vigilantes on the back of her head and winced. “Okay, maybe not the most important reason why... knives are sharp. We don’t like sharp things. They hurt.”
The kid did, in fact, put down the knife. This was probably just because he was stunned and on autopilot but at least he was no longer armed.
Marinette carefully walked over and picked it up off the ground. A pout made its way onto her face as she looked at the blade. It had scratches on it…
She saw Adrien’s disapproving look and huffed, tossing it into the sink a few feet away and then turning to the kid next to her.
“This wasn’t how we wanted you to find out…”
The boys made their way over as well and they all sat in a wide circle around the kid. They didn’t want him to feel alone but they also didn’t want to crowd him.
“We didn’t really want you to know at all, we just wanted to be a stable family for you,” explained Adrien.
Jason was emerging from his shock slowly, his breathing was picking up.
Marinette peeled her jacket off and draped it over his shoulders gently.
“We promise we won't force you to be a vigilante. In fact, we’d probably feel better if you weren’t one. You’re a kid,” said Adrien.
“But,” added Dick. His parents glared at him but he continued anyways: “If you want, then we won’t stop you. You’re old enough by our family standards, so we can’t really stop you if you want to. Just tell us and we’ll get you a miraculous that suits you and some training.”
She clicked her tongue disapprovingly.
Dick gave her a bit of side-eye. “What? It’s not like we would be able to stop him if he wanted to be a vigilante. I’d prefer that he at least be safe… -ish.”
Jason curled up in the jacket and closed his eyes. “Can I have some time to think about it? About… everything?”
“Of course, sweetie.” Marinette scooted away a little so he could get past her and he rushed out.
The three watched him go in silence. They heard the front door slam behind him.
She closed her eyes. “Sweetie, go after him? Make sure he doesn’t get hurt.”
Dick gave a quiet “Okay” and transformed. With a shrill note, he was gone.
Adrien and Marinette were left alone.
She felt him crawl over to her and pull her into him.
“He’ll be okay,” said Adrien softly.
She bit her lip and then buried her face in his shoulder.
Over the next few weeks they heard people in the house.
He made sure to never acknowledge it. It could be Dick coming back for food or to grab some homework to do while watching over his brother, or it could be Jason.
He always hoped it would be Jason… but now that it actually was he felt a surge of anxiety.
Firstly, Marinette wasn’t home. Nygma had just announced his most recent death trap to the city and she’d had to rush out to deal with it.
Secondly, Dick had a class at the moment.
Thirdly, Adrien was just really tired. He’d spent the entire day teaching, of course he was tired. He wouldn’t be at the top of his game.
This was probably an intentional move on Jason’s part. It was a good idea to take precautions, Adrien would have been proud if he wasn’t so nervous.
He looked up from his spot on the couch and gave a careful smile. “Hey, Jay.”
Jason hesitated and then disappeared to the kitchen. He came back with a knife.
Ah. Great.
Adrien knew he could beat a child with a knife, that didn’t mean he wanted to.
Jason sat on the couch opposite Adrien and pointed his knife at him. “I want to ask some questions.”
“Of course. Anything.”
He nodded and lowered his knife ever so slightly. “Okay… why did you adopt me?”
Adrien frowned a little bit. “You were a kid that was so desperate for money that you were stealing a bunch of rich people’s hubcaps. I couldn’t not adopt you.”
“There’s a lot of people like that. Why me? I attacked you. There had to be better, safer options.”
“I…” His frown deepened. This was true. Why had he felt so drawn to Jason in particular? “I guess it could have been Marinette’s luck? One of her side-effects is that she has really good luck. I wouldn’t be surprised if we adopted the exact kid that was perfect for our family.”
Jason nodded a little bit, though he looked skeptical.
Fair enough. Adrien was also a little skeptical of his answer. He had a theory about what was going on but it wasn’t like he’d ever be able to prove it.
“Next question: what did Dick mean when he said that I was old enough to be a vigilante ‘by your standards’?”
Adrien winced a little bit. “You said you’re about thirteen, right? Well, Dick and I started at twelve and Mari started at thirteen.”
Jason gave him an incredulous look, then apparently got over it. “Oh. Okay. And… why did you start doing this?”
“Uh… odd question…” He pursed his lips. “It’s hard to explain. I… had an image to keep up and Chat Noir was -- still is, actually -- my outlet for me to be myself in public. Mari, I think, was more or less thrown into the life and then, when she finally had an out, couldn’t imagine herself without it. Dick wanted to get revenge on the person who got his parents killed and then decided to keep going.”
He frowned. “You make it sound addictive.”
“Oh, yeah, it definitely is.” Adrien sighed. “There’s a lot of reasons why we didn’t tell you but that was one of them. When you start you don’t stop. We made that mistake with Dick, we’re hoping that you’ll not do it.”
Jason set the knife down, finally. “But you wouldn’t stop me if I still wanted to?”
He winced. “No. If you wanted to then we’d give you a miraculous -- powers -- and you’d get to go out and fight crime.”
“You trust me?” He said with a laugh.
“Should I not?”
He rolled his eyes. “I grew up on the streets. Most people don’t.”
“Jay, no offense but I’m not scared of you. You could have stolen from us or attempted to hurt us at any point over the last few months and you didn’t.”
“You’re vigilantes! It’s not like I could have done any of that!”
He shrugged and stretched out lazily. “You’re right, you wouldn't have succeeded. But you didn’t know that. You thought we were just some really trusting rich people.”
Jason considered this with a frown, and then he looked at Adrien. “I want to be a vigilante.”
He groaned a little bit but nodded. “Fine. Take off your -- Mari’s -- whatever -- THE jacket and the hoodie for a minute so I can see who should train you?”
The kid looked a little uncomfortable but he did comply.
Adrien frowned at all the tiny scars but didn’t say anything as he carefully examined his build. Definitely closer to him than Marinette or Dick.
He would take up the physical aspect of training, then.
“Right, how much do you know about self-defense?”
The four of them sat on the floor, sifting through the different miraculi for ones that could protect Jason in battle.
Marinette hummed to herself as she sifted through her pile.
After a minute, Dick held up the turtle miraculous. “This one can keep him safe -- wait a minute, why didn’t I get this one?”
“Didn’t match your fighting style or personality,” said Adrien absently, his head tipping from side to side as he considered the miraculous.
“If we want to give him that one then he’s going to need a different weapon. What would you like, sweetie?”
Jason thought for a minute, staring at Wayzz.
Then his eyes lit up. “Can I have a gun?”
“I…” Began Marinette, then she shrugged. “Actually, we could probably use another long-distance fighter on the team.”
“And it keeps him a pretty safe distance away from the fighting…” Agreed Adrien.
Dick hesitated. “But guns are pretty lethal. He isn’t an adult.”
“Damn, that really is going to come back to bite me, huh?”
Jason frowned. “What? What’s going on?”
“Basically, we have a rule that says kids aren’t allowed to kill,” said Adrien, sending his wife a tired glare.
She gave him a tense smile in return. “Killing people messes you up, so we’re trying to keep you guys away from it.”
Jason hesitated a little bit. “I’ve kinda… already…”
The three others’ eyes widened and they gave each other nervous glances. Jason couldn’t seem to finish, and they didn’t ask him to. They could guess what he was trying to get at.
And they didn’t know how to respond. Their problem had been with introducing kids to murder, because they knew that it was something you never really came back from… but he’d already done it...
They figured that, from the way he said it, he had probably had no choice in the matter and was regretting doing it…
“I guess… we let him kill if he wants?” Said Adrien slowly.
Dick scratched his head. “I guess?”
The three of them shrugged at each other. It was probably -- no, definitely -- not the right decision but they really didn’t know what to do.
“I think he’d look cute with pistols,” said Marinette after a few minutes of silence.
Adrien, who was the only other person who had seen the turtle miraculous’s suit, nodded his agreement.
Jason transformed for the first time.
Dick nodded as well. “Pistols would be cute.”
Adrien smiled as he watched Jason mess around with his new powers.
There wasn’t much to them. They created a force field around an item or person of your choosing that held for as long as you stayed awake…
Still, he was proud of him. Baby’s first powers and all.
The three older vigilantes were casually throwing things and hitting the forcefield in an attempt to break it, and Jason was holding up surprisingly well.
“So, what’re you going to call yourself?” Adrien asked as he drummed his staff on it.
Jason thought for a minute and then smiled. “How about… Green Helmet?”
Marinette hit the force field too hard and the cane came back to hit her in the head, which could not be helping her growing headache.
She pursed her lips tightly as she lowered herself down into a chair. “You… you have a hood.”
“I disagree.”
“You can’t -- I’m literally a designer! My word is law! That’s a hood!”
“Chaton! Tell him that’s a hood!”
Adrien sighed. “It’s a hood,” he agreed.
Everyone looked at Dick, who was beginning to look like he’d rather be anywhere else. He eyed the door out of the corner of his eyes as if wondering whether he could get away before they caught him.
He must have come to the conclusion that he couldn’t get there in time, because he gave his answer:
“It… could be a helmet if he wants it to be…”
Adrien rolled his eyes as the family erupted into an argument over what constitutes a hood versus what constitutes a helmet.
Marinette hummed lightly as she made brownies (she had faith, okay? No one was helping this time so it should work). Jason was sitting in a chair nearby, head resting on the back of it as he watched her.
“What’s wrong, sweetie?” She asked. It was normal for Jason to watch her cook, he liked to keep his eye on food when he could, but he seemed almost… anxious. She could hear the gentle clinking of his rings as he messed with them.
“I… I want to buy something,” he said.
She dropped her bag of sugar into the bowl and hissed a string of curses as she looked at the now definitely ruined batter. Sure, she could technically go through and try to fix the ratios by adding more of everything else, but that would make enough brownies to feed a whole army --.
Wait a minute, what had he said?
Her eyes flicked to Jason. “Sorry? You want to buy something?”
He nodded with a tiny smile. “It’s a little expensive, I’m sorry, but… could we?”
Marinette was willing to buy a car if this kid asked, because he was ASKING HER TO BUY SOMETHING OH MY GOD, but she played it cool with a tiny nod.
“Sure, sweetie, let me just see how much it costs.”
He pulled up a picture on his phone and showed it to her.
It was a hardcover copy of an illustrated version of a book he liked. For forty dollars.
Okay, so he wasn’t asking for much, but it was still something! An improvement!
She smiled. “Sure, sweetie, I’ll get it next time I head out, okay?”
Jason beamed.
Adrien rolled his eyes when Dick flung himself across the couch dramatically.
“This isn’t faaaaiiiiir,” he whined.
He looked at his wife pleadingly and she clicked her tongue before lifting Dick’s head so she could sit down. She ran her fingers through her kid’s hair in an attempt to soothe him.
“He already knew a bit of self-defense when we met him so that was fine and we even gave extra time on training in his powers and with guns. We literally have no excuses for bringing him on at this point.”
“But I had to train for three years! He only had to do one!”
Jason grinned. “Maybe I’m just better.”
“Jay,” said Adrien exhaustedly.
“Or the favorite,” he added, his grin somehow growing.
It was a good thing that Marinette had had a hold on Dick, because if she hadn’t he probably would have launched himself at his brother.
“You weren’t of age, he is,” she reminded him. “If you’d been old enough a year in then we would have let you do crime fighting, too.”
This was a lie, Dick had not been at all prepared after a year of training, but it made the kid smile so at least that was good.
Adrien stretched out from his spot in the window. “Right, we let Dick choose his first mission, what do you want to do first?”
Jason broke into a wide grin.
“There were some people who gave all the homeless kids trouble…”
They’d tracked the gang’s activities to a warehouse and had filed inside.
Adrien had helped Marinette carry their kids to the trusses above them (neither of their weapons had an easy way up, though they made mental notes to get them some kind of… grappling hook, maybe? It was a work in progress idea).
Dick shrouded them in shadows and muted the squeaking of their boots on the metal as they slowly made their way to the gang.
Adrien stretched his shoulders a little bit and then dangled his legs over to prepare himself for the jump down. Marinette and Dick copied his stance.
They looked at Jason, who gulped a little before copying the stance.
They hopped down as a family…
Because nothing says family bonding like murdering a bunch of gang members.
Adrien looked up and frowned, alarm bells ringing in his ears. Jason was shuffling from foot to foot anxiously from his spot in the doorway. An anxious kid? This couldn’t be good...
“Yes, Jay?”
Jason messed with his rings.
“Since I’m going to be… here for a while, can we take the car to pick up my stuff?”
Adrien would have pinched himself to check if this was a dream if any of his dreams were ever this nice.
He dropped the book he was reading onto the bed and pushed himself up. “I -- wow! Okay! Of course!”
Jason gave an awkward smile.
Adrien tried not to smile too much as he followed the kid’s directions.
Mainly because this might dredge up bad memories for Jason, and he didn’t want to be too caught up in his euphoria of the kid genuinely accepting being part of the family to notice that he was shutting down.
But, to his surprise, Jason actually seemed just as excited.
They pulled up to a mostly abandoned looking greenhouse and Adrien raised his eyebrows slightly.
“What? I could grow myself food! It was good,” Jason defended himself.
He gave a smile, rolling his eyes. “Sorry, I was just trying to imagine you eating vegetables.”
Jason huffed a little bit and then held up a hand for Adrien to wait. He crouched down and then, after a bit of pushing, popped a pane of glass out of place. He set it down and then crawled through.
There was a bit of rustling inside and then the door swung open.
“Behold! My humble abode!”
Adrien raised his eyebrows as he stepped inside. ‘Humble’ was definitely the word for it…
His eyes scanned around and he had to hold back a frown at how little Jason had. There were a few plants. A bunch of vines and leaves had been piled together to make a makeshift ‘bed’ with a few blankets thrown overtop. A few random clothes were strewn about, all in varying states of shabbiness.
(There was also a bucket in the corner. Adrien was deciding to believe that it was for washing clothes.)
The only thing that Jason had really ‘had’ was the entire nook dedicated to books.
Adrien and Jason grabbed everything of importance to him and put it in the back of the car.
And then they started on their way home.
@i-am-ironic @nathleigh @mialuvscats @golden-promises @sassakitty @deathwishy @toodaloo-kangaroo @ladythugs @moonlightstar64
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storytime-with-moth · 3 years
Writing modern teen Dad Sokka (zukka uni)
I wrote this a few months ago, but I ran out of steam and inspiration, so anyone is welcome to take this on and finish it as their own or take it as a prompt and try there own story.
Summer of grade 11, Sokka and Yue spend the whole summer as lifeguards, soaking up the sun, making each other laugh and dreaming of the future.
One night it’s just the two of them in the pool after it’s closed, you can see the full moon through the windows above, Sokka and Yue lay on floaties driving around the pool.
“Hey Sokka?”
“What do you want to be when you grow up?”
Sokka laughs “Haven’t heard that since I was a kid and I wanted to be and otter penguin - and no I have no idea where that came from.”
Yue turns over so she can look Sokka in the eyes. “Seriously though, what do you want to do when you can leave this small town and its small ideas.
Sokka could tell that there was more behind the question but tired answering it honestly “I dunno exactly “What” I want to be, but I think I would like to build things, useful things too. And I’m not really a car guy or a building guy.”
Yue snorts “Ya not a car guy, says the guy who failed to get his license twice!”
“Hey!” Sokka splashes yue playfully. “Okay okay, I have been looking the some of the research into mixing prosthetics with robotics and focusing more on make prosthetics one with the body, I don’t know much about it yet. But I guess I started reading all about them and I kinda became obsessed.”
“what about hockey?”
“I love hockey, and the coaches at school think I’m good enough to get scholarships, so if hockey helps support an actual career for me I’m all for it, but I know I want to do more than catch pucks my whole life, I want to really use my brain and solve puzzles.”
“hmm” Yue turned over and looked back at the moon thoughtful.
“What about you?”
“What about me?”
“Well as you so gracefully put it, what do you want to do when you can leave this place that’s too small for you and your big ideas and dreams?”
“Well when you put it like that… I want to travel, see places, important places. I want to fall in love, out of love, I want to have enough friends that my house is always filled with good food and loud laughter. I want to be a Mom someday, I think maybe I want to go to school and study philosophy, not sure what kind of job that leads to but I want to ask questions, the big questions like why are we here, what is a life well spent?”
“Ya… Whoa”
“and have you talked to your dad about that?
“Sort of, and it sort of didn’t go well.”
“he’s still set on you making the Canadian swim team? Duty to country and family stuff?”
“YeP” she said as she popped the P
“That sucks”
“indeed it does”
They floated around in silence for a bit longer.
“Hey Sokka?”
“Do you want to have sex?”
Sokka promptly fell into the water, Yue’s laugh echoing around the empty pool.
They did indeed tumble into bed together that night, an awkward interaction for both of them that ended with the laughing covered in sweat. That morning when Sokka woke up Yue was already sitting on his bed looking at his doodles on the walls.
“Sokka I love you, I do, and I honestly thought maybe I loved you like a girl loves a guy, but I think I just love you because you're my best friend.”
“Ookaaay. I think I should add in you’re my best friend too? Because you’re being weird”
Yue looked to her hands in her lap and a tear fell to her hand. “Sokka, think I might like girls.”
She said it so quietly that it took a second for Sokka to understand what she had just told him.
“Whoa, no I mean, Cool! That’s fine. I support you, wait was I really bad last night?”
Yue’s tears quickly turn into laughs “No you idiot! You ere great, it just wasn’t right”
“Okay well cool then…..”
“Cool then”
“promise you won’t tell?”
“Yue, I promise I won’t tell! I can even pretend to be your boyfriend so your dad can’t freak out, and we can totally go to the girls soccer games this year if you want?”
“Sokka I love you, you big dummy”
“Well I love you to, to the moon and back dreamer”
So Sokka and Yue were still best friends and they spent the fall attached at the hip, and when Yue found out she was expecting a baby and her parents kicked her out, Sokka just grabbed her hand and her backpack and walked into his house stating that Yue lived here now.
Hakoda and Bato nodded and welcomed her home, Katara squealed and fawned over becoming an auntie.
And for a while things were good, they were complicated as they prepared to become teen parents, co parenting as best friends, both of them aiming for scholarships and working part-time gigs whenever they could to save up. But life was happy, they were going to have a baby.
But then things went wrong, Yue went into labour 6 weeks early, her pressure dropped, the baby’s dropped, there was blood, there were doctors everywhere, then there was a small shrill cry, more moving and running and yelling. Then there was a lot of quiet.
Yue died in labour, their baby was in the NICU for three weeks to improve her lungs and even then doctors were worried about how premature she was. Finally after weeks camped out in a hospital next to his baby in a box or in his bed in the dark or the shower staring at the wall, he could bring his daughter home. She was going to be okay.
Her name was Juno Kya Last name, and she was perfect, wide hazel eyes like her Mom, and the sharp cupids bow like Kya, it looked like she would have Sokka’s dark hair and complexion. She watched everything with curious eyes, and didn’t cry unless she was hungry or tired which was often the first few months. But Bato and Hakkoda loved their granddaughter to bits and helped with everything. The diapers, the late feedings, the tummy time, the grieving.
The grieving was the hardest. Mostly because he was to busy trying to be there as a Dad and as a student and as a team player. He spent so long being there for everyone else that one night once hockey season was over and Katara took Juno to a girls sleepover he was all alone, for the first time since he was a little boy after his Mom died.
The dam burst and he sat on the floor and cried, he cried until his Dads came home and they wrapped him up in a hug and he cried some more. Then they made hot chocolate and sat on the couch in thick chewy blankets. They talked and talked, Hakkoda speaking about loosing the love of his life with two young children, being a dad by himself, Bato spoke about loosing his best friend Kya so unfairly and traumatically. The spoke about the unfairness of life and the peace in death, and how he will never move on but he will move forward, with one hand holding his daughter and the other pointing him forward to his own future.
When Katara came home the next day, Sokka was already awake and making blueberry pancakes poorly singing ice ice baby. When he saw his sister holding Juno he scooped her up and gave her a million kisses.
They were going to be okay, because they were loved, because Sokka was smart, because Sokka was going to be driven just like his best friend was, he was going to ask the big questions whenever he could, and love and laugh, so much his home was filled with it.
For Juno and for Yue, and for himself too.
So Sokka worked his ass off, he won a full ride scholarship to university for hockey to study bio engineering, he was even able to work on family residence on campus, which took a load off his shoulders of trying to figure out travel to and from school with a baby, now he skates, lives and attends school on campus (which even had a daycare)
During the summer leading up leaving for school Bato revealed that ever since Sokka got into school he has been trying to transfer his job to the same city so they could be closer and he had not only done that but he had gotten a promotion out of it too. So Katara was starting at a new high school for senior year and Bato and Hakkoda were moving to be 20 minutes away from Sokka’s school.
He knew he would have to get used to being more independent, as he knew his dads thought he would be annoyed by them following him, or his sister would be upset about changing schools. But no, katara had high hopes for her new adventure and sokka was just relived to not be alone, and that Juno had more than one badly an adult person in her life.
Little hands grabbed at Sokka’s hair as he hoisted 9 month old Juno up on his hip. “Well June-Bug this is it our home for the next four or so years”
Juno looked up at her dad with wide hazel eyes and replied in noisy baby babble.
From behind Sokka Bato came up and rested a hand on on his shoulder “Deep breaths kid, you’re going to be great.”
Sokka smiled ruefully at Bato as Katara ran up with a stroller full of baby things and his dad struggled with his hockey bags as he tried to lock the car with one hand.
Sokka looked at Juno again and whispered to her and himself “Deep breaths kid”
Later after they had gotten the crib set up in the attached office to Sokka’s room Bato and Katara took Juno for a walk in her stroller to grab some food. While Sokka and his dad finished unpacking.
“Son are you sure you want to stay on campus, are you sure you want Juno to stay with you? We could take her for the weeks mostly and you could come stay with us at the new place on weekends. I know you expected to do this more by yourself, but Bato would move oceans for you kid and got the new position in town, so we’re here, we can help.”
“Dad… Ya I’m going to need help, so thank you, I will take you up on looking after Juno when I need it, but you and Bato are going to be looking after her as her grandparents and not as her guardians. I promised Yue - Juno and I are family, and I’m not going to pass her off whenever I feel like not being a Dad anymore, she’s my kid and I want to be here for all the stuff, the walking the talking everything, and that’s not going to happen if she’s only my kid on weekends.
“Sokka you’re doing just fine son, more than fine really. Okay okay well when Juno wants to see her Great Papa and GB (Grand Bato) you give us a call, or if you need to pull an all nighter for an assignment you call, anything you call and we can be here. And when you get your game schedule, email us so we can make sure one of us can take her to the games, Bato is very excited about the baby headphones he bought her.”
“Okay Dad Okay, Now get out of here ya old man, and Dad Thanks for being here.”
“Of course Sokka”
Sokka was pretty pleased with his new place, sure it was small, but it was clean and had more room than he expected to get so he was grateful. The suite was in the family/accessible living accommodations which was a small building with elevators to every floor. This suite had two rooms on opposite sides of the small common area which had a worn in couch and a coffee table. There was also a small kitchen and an even smaller dinner table. Sokka’s room had a small attached office space that he turned into Juno’s room, even though she still co-slept with him most nights, it was good to have a crib for naps and a place to put her never ending supply of diapers, blankets and clothes.
Sokka's roommate was a paraplegic kid named Teo who happened to have basically the same schedule as Sokka so they quickly bonded over advancements in the medical and mechanical fields. Teo also seemed pretty chill and took a liking to Juno right away. Which made Sokka endlessly happy because, well they were now living together and babies cry and poop so he was worried about tiptoeing around his new home.
Day care still didn’t open for the next two weeks while sokka would be attending training camp so his Dad would be taking most of the days with Juno, but it happened to shake out where the first day of meet and greet and skate Hakkoda was attending a support group meeting for retired field medics in a new city and Sokka didn’t want his Dad to miss it, plus it gave Sokka an opportunity to introduce everyone to his best girl.
Katara came to hold Juno while he was on the ice excited to get a sneak peek at university life before her high school year started.
“Da da da” Juno babbled as she mushed her fist into Sokka’s mouth, sokka smiled and pretended to gobble up her hand, the baby shrieked and laughed and Sokka adjusted her baby sweater around her neck.
“Sokka she’s fine, I have diapers, formula, and the big blanket you packet in the stroller, if she gets fussy I can take her for a walk to see the birds, and she won’t get cold because you packed a million layers and she will be held by every limbo there so again, she will be fine.”
Sokka checked the stroller again nodding to what his sister was saying. She was right, he was prepared, he had already emailed with the coaches so they knew what was up and he had coffee with the captain yesterday, who looked like a giant holding his baby, but overall seemed like a good guy. Eric “Wooly Mammoth/ Wooly” Woolner seemed like a solid guy, like physically solid and also like the type of guy Sokka could lean on as a leader while figuring out classes, fatherhood and being on a university level hockey team.
Everyone met in a blank sort of room with lots of chairs facing a projector, Sokka thought it was probably to review game footage and make new plays. He settled in with Juno on his lap as the other guys in the room took notice that there was a baby in their midst.
“Sokka you brilliant man!” Shouted a familiar face from across the room as he stood up and ran over.
Haru was taller and broader than Sokka, much bigger at least than when they last saw each other when they played on the same club team when they were 15.
“Haru, dude! You’re here! Awesome!”
Haru took a look at Juno and sized her up, then he stuck out his tongue and did a silly dance, Juno hid her face in Sokka’s shoulder and Haru ran around so she could see him and did it again. This time he managed to get a small smile before she hid her face again, grabbing Sokka’s collar with her hands.
“She’s cute Socks, she yours?”
“Yep, this is Juno.”
“Nice, is she gonna be at the games and shit?”
“Easy up on the potty mouth there dude, and ya I hope so, my dads moved into town so they hope to be there and bring her to them and stuff.”
“Wicked, is the uh - mom in the picture?”
“Nah, she passed when Juno was born so it’s just us.”
“Sorry bro”
“Thanks, anyways we should totally catch up properly later. Let’s introduce the team to our new good luck charm shall we?”
Katara was right, Juno has passed from bro to dude to himbo, once she realized that everyone one here was as big and cuddly as her dad she seemed to warm up and enjoy the attention. Then it was time for everyone to get on the ice to pass around the puck and do some laps getting a feel for the other players on the ice.
Juno sat with Katara smearing her messy hands all over the glass looking at the people on the rink until she fell asleep in her stroller tucked under a whole blanket.
Sokka enjoyed the team, Haru was a great comfort of home, Wooly was a level headed captain that set a tone for the rest of the guys, then there was Lucas “Longshot” Cho, Dennis “The Duke” Cunningham, Sam “Rooke” Chesterfield, Finn “Pipsqueak” Biggs, and the team manager Suki and the assistant captain Zuko.
All of the guys were loud and boisterous, including Suki, but Zuko seemed reserved and maybe a little prickly.
Then there were coaches Piandao and Bumi. Piandao seemed more serious, the man with a plan. He had coached a lot of different teams and was sought after for his reputation of the coach who turns coal into diamonds, Bumi on the other hand had coached here forever it seemed. He gave Sokka Manic genius vibes that had him thinking that maybe he should let Piandao hold Juno for the occasional practise instead of the ripped crazy old guy who ran around the ice in uggs.
Later when Sokka was packing up and talking to the coaches about potentially bringing Juno with him in case he couldn’t find a sitter last minute working out how that would work, Katara pulled up with a fussy Juno in her stroller.
“Sorry Sokka I have to run, Dad is outside waiting for me and I have to finish unpacking my room tonight”
“All good Kat, thanks again for coming tonight!”
Katara leaned down and kissed her fingers and pressed them to Juno’s head “Love you little bug”
The coaches bid their farewells shortly after and Sokka packed his stuff into the stroller before taking Juno out to settle her and give her a bottle.
Just as he tucked her into his arms and pulled the bottle from the bag someone walked briskly into the locker room where he was sitting.
Zuko and Assistant Captain huffed in and sat down hanging up his phone and tossing it on the bench.
“Uh hi?”
Zuko whirled around looking ready for a fight before spotting Sokka and said baby sucking on a bottle. “Hi Baby.” Zuko said shyly.
Sokka laughed “ Take me on a date before you call me that.” And winked at Zuko.
Zuko looked like a startled deer so Sokka took pity on him.
“Just kidding dude, I mean sort of I am Bi - what a discovery that was and anyways - sorry I wasn’t coming on to you - I don’t know you - I just thought I should make it clear that I COULD come on to you because I like guys, and girls…. Whelp I would start running away in shame now for oversharing but I’m currently a food spruce for this nugget sooo, yep just going to sit here and wish I could time travel to punch myself in the face.”
Throughout the vomit of words coming out of sokka’s mouth Zuko seemed to relax and then smirk at the other man.
“You do know I was talking to your kid right?”
“Yep, yes I did”
“Well see you around Sokka.”
And Zuko grabbed his bag and left the locker room. First impressions for today might be bit all over the place Sokka thought to himself.
Sokka talked to Juno all of the time. What can he say, he is a guy with a lot of words and they can’t all stay in his head.
So Juno has an interesting and advanced vocal for a 9 month old baby.
Of course she can address the people in her life, Dada, Kat, Great Papa, and GB (Great Bato)
She can also ask for milk, to go up, and uh oh.
She loves to say no but can infect say yes (sokka swears he’s heard that one)
But it also means she tries to say things that Sokka often says to varying degrees of baby success
“Stupid gravity!”
"Monkey balls”
“I love you to the moon and back”
“hockey time.
And her favourite word of all time
It stopped making Sokka freeze after the first 2o times he thought he heard his baby say fuck. Now its just a cute funny thing his kid has figured out, Dada has to find the puck, and it is her job to hide them.
She hides pucks everywhere, he swears sometimes she is multiplying them on her own because he always finds at least two in the diaper bag and one hidden in her crib.
So very quickly into the season the team dubs the hockey baby with her very own nickname
“Little puck”
Sokka quietly thinks that Yue would have liked that one because her favourite Shakespeare play was midsummer night's dream.
The team gets Juno and Sokka a fancy running stroller for her birthday/christmas
It was Zuko’s idea
Zuko sometimes comes by to offer to take her for a run when Sokka has exams.
Zuko seemed to always be the last to leave the locker rooms, Sokka would usually rush out to pick up Juno from whoever had her unless she had stayed with Couch Dao during practise which she had today.
On days like today Sokka takes his time, cleans and folds his gear, re-tapes his stick for next practise and actually has a real shower. So today he was tucking Juno back in her stroller after changing her as Zuko put the tape away. They were casually talking about the hilarious origins of Pipsqueaks nickname when sokka realized Zuko had a funny look on his face.
“What? Do I have poop on me or something?”
Now Zuko looked even more confused as Sokka looked at his shirt, twisting around to make sure he was free of baby droppings.
“No, you just never look at it, is all. I was trying to figure out what was so -weird about you other than being a crazy goalie, and you don’t look at it.”
“I don’t look at what?”
Zuko gestures to the scared half of his face glumly. “You don’t look at it, you look me in the eyes, always have. It’s weird I guess. You pretending it’s not there.”
“Forget it, sorry.”
“No! It’s just of course I know it’s ther, I’m not pretending its not there, it just seems like whatever happen was probably truamitic, ya know? And - well - okay so tragic backstory time. My Mom was killed in a targeted home invasion by some racists, super fucked up... “
“Holy shit.”
“Yep, anyways everyone knew about it, in the town we lived in, in the next town we lived in, So it was like everyone could see my big truma all the time, it wasn’t up to me to trust people enough to share something that was hard for me and that hurt. It was out of my hands and everyone knew including people I didn’t feel safe with or I didn’t know at all. So I get it, in a way. I see your scar I do, but I get that it maybe comes with a pretty sucky story that’s not mine to make assumptions and judgments on. If I’m worthy of knowing then I will, but I will always look you in the eyes, I’m not going to look at your trauma first because you’re Zuko first.”
Zuko stared at Sokka with his mouth open. Sokka looked away and finished strapping Juno into her stoller before looking back up at the other player. When he did Zuko was looking at the wall, his shoulders turned away from the young father.
“Thank you, and I’m sorry about your Mom… I promise I won’t tell anyone, that scar can stay between us for however long you need.”
And before Sokka could stay anything Zuko turned on his heel and walked quickly from the room.
Sokka wasn’t sure what was up with this Zuko guy, everyone else on the team except Haru and Sokka had played with Zuko last year, so they all seemed to have an unspoken understanding of the reserve alt captain. But Sokka couldn’t even get him to smile. Sokka knew he was funny, he was full of 100% organic grass fed dad jokes for goodness sakes! But no, Zuko would not smile, he would not laugh, actually most of the time he seemed to be trying to not talk to Sokka in general. Which was hard considering Zuko was one of the defensemen and it was his job to protect Sokka, you’d think there would be an effort to become friends.
“Maybe he’s uncomfortable with the whole baby thing?” Suggested Teo from the table where he was copying data to a new chart.
“Nahh, I don’t think so, he even said hi to Juno at the first prac - ohhhhhhh” Sokka fell to the floor from where he was sitting with Juno, she took the opportunity of her opponent on the ground and began to climb on her dad.
“What ohhhhhh?”
“I totally flirted with him after that and told him I was queer and he like panic walked out of the locker room.”
“Ugh so do you think he’s homophobic or something?”
“Maybe or something? I don’t get bully vibes from him more like “I act scary so people won’t pretend to like me and then stab me in the back” vibes from this guy. So maybe it’s just a little internalized stuff and he’s not going to beat me up just might not want to talk about it.”
“Well it sucks either way!”
Juno continued to climb around her Dad trying to stuff toys down his shirt and then take them out again. Sokka kept a hand two inches from her back whenever she got close to standing just incase she decided that gravity no longer applied to her and she tumbled over.
“Hey Sokka, do you think he told anyone? Would your spot be in danger if you were outed?”
A cold feeling settled in his stomach “oh shit, I uh, I didn’t think about that… I don’t think I would be kicked off the team. There are policies like that for the school, but I don’t know about how safe I would be from the boys.”
“Oh,” Teo finally looked up from his laptop and set down his highlighter. “You know if you need someone to back you up, I know I can’t take them in a fight but I am friends with some freelance hackers and I could make their lives living hell.”
“Teo, you my man are one scary dude, and the wheels only add intimidation with that tricked out chair. You’re also a really great friend.”
Teo blushed and shrugged “Eh it’s whatever, us queers in engineering trying to change the way people use bionic tech gotta stick together right?”
“Totally, isn’t Uncle Teo awesome June-Bug?” Sokka picked up his daughter and flew her over his head as she wiggled her legs.
“Too too!”
“Uncle Teo?” teo said quietly from the table.
“Oh, well ya, if you want? Juno needs a village right? And one day you and I are going to start a bionics company together, so ya you’re going to be around for a while right?”
“Right.” Teo smiled.
“Toto!” Juno screamed again.
Both of the boys laughed and the night went on.
Juno was still asleep and Teo was in the house studying so Sokka took the opportunity to go for a run around his building with the baby monitor clipped on his waist band.
It was rare nowadays that Sokka could get a good run in outside, his feet pounding the pavement, a chance to clear his mind.
He was surprised to see that Zuko apparently had the same idea because soon they were matching each other stride for stride around the complex. It was surprising even after weeks of Zuko evading Sokka at any chance they seemed to be in sync.
They were still going strong when Sokka heard Juno fuss from the monitor and slowed to a stop. Zuko halted a few paces ahead and looked confused.
“Are you tired? We can stop-” Zuko started but Sokka quickly waved him off.
“No it’s Juno, I just want to see if she’s going to go back to sleep herself or whether I have to call Teo to pick her up, or if I should go get her. Come on J-Bug settle down,”
Zuko looking curious came to hover over Sokka’s shoulder looking down at the tiny screen which showed Juno in her crib tossing and turning.
“Come on J look your penguin is right there- YES!” Sokka pumped his fist and did a little dance. “My baby went back to sleep, ah I love you!” He continued speaking to the machine and the sky and skipped around before remembering he had an audience.
It looked like Zuko was thinking about smiling and Sokka thought that that might be worth celebrating too.
“Hehe whoops, sorry man. I just haven't been able to run in forever, it's like she knows when I grab my runners and demands to see me.”
“No worries, Sokka.”
So the two hockey players started up a soft pace again around the building. It came to Sokka's mind that he shouldn’t poke the bear but he also had poor impulse control so as he thought it the words came tumbling out of his mouth.
“So have you outed me to all the guys and should I watch my back?”
Now it was Zuko’s turn to stop, he looked like Sokka slapped him.
“Ugh! You know, like I can not talk about it and we can just play the game but - should I be making sure that Juno is safe? If she comes to a practise and I’m leaving will I get roughed up by the guys? Because I can take a hit, but my daughter is off limits. Nothing has happened yet so, my guess is you haven't told anyone, but are you going to?”
“No!” Zuko still looked scared “ Never - do I come off as someone who would do that?” He followed up quietly.
“I don’t know what to say dude, you looked scared out of your mind when I flirted with you and practically ran out when I told you I was Bi and ever since you have avoided me, I just assumed you were uncomfortable.”
Zuko looked around as if to check for monsters around them, then he looked at Sokka. “I won’t tell anyone, I haven't, I swear to you that I have your back if you ever want to say anything about it. Juno is safe, I swear it.”
“Whoa that’s a serious tone shift, Um thank you then.”
There was an awkward pause as the two men regarded each other for a moment.
“Just out of curiosity why did you avoid me after? Was it the baby thing?”
“No, it wasn't the baby thing.” zuko mumbled and toed the dirt with his shoe.
“Okay… but were good now right?”
Sokka turned and started to jog again, and soon enough Zuko caught up and they continued for a few more laps. As they were cooling down Zuko still looked amped up, Sokka was surprised, running usually calmed him down but Zuko seemed jumpy.
“Well this was fun! If I can ever join again it would be nice to have company, even company as quiet as you along.”
“Why don’t you bring Juno in her stroller or something?”
Sokka rubbed a hand behind his neck “ Well her stroller is a second hand one we got when she was born, it’s not the kind I can take running without it falling apart or bouncing my babies brains out. And her Mom and I both had much to offer in genetic smarts so I would like my babies brain to be perfect so she can run the world or something.”
“Oh and I guess running strollers are expensive?”
“Ya a bit, and I already spend so much on her clothes, she just won’t stop growing!”
“Too bad, it was also nice running with you.”
“Wow a real Zuko compliment, be still my beating heart!”
Sokka grabbed his chest and fell back and rolled in the grass. Zuko’s lips tilted up just a fraction and butterflies fluttered in sokka’s stomach.
Just then Juno started to cry in earnest and Teo’s voice came over the monitor. “Uh Sokka is her bottle the one in the door of the fridge or do I make a new one?”
Sokka sighed a little then pressed the intercom button on the monitor “Don’t worry about it Teo I will be up in two. Just start telling her the periodic table or something.”
“See you later Zuko”
“Bye Sokka.”
Sokka’s head was pounding and his vision was blurry, as he stumbled in the dark to the toilet and heaved.
At some piont after the sweating and throwing up he dragged himself back to his room to fetch his phone. Juno was fast asleep in her crib because he had a headache last night and homework took forever, so he had put her down early.
Back in the bathroom he rested his head on the cool tile and dialed up his dad with shaky fingers.
After three rings Hakkoda picked up in a panic “Sokka, are you okay? Is Juno okay? Where are you?”
Sokka squinted his eyes at the loud voice of his Dad ringing around his skull. “Dad? I think I have the flu.”
“Oh bud, okay. What’s going on, how can I help?”
“I had a headache last night so I put J down for bed early then I woke up with a fever, I keep throwing up, Dad I -” Sokka felt a lump in his throat and tears sting his eyes. “Dad I don’t want to her her, she was just so small, and I don’t want her to get sick. I know I have to do this, but i love her so much and I dont want to fuck up - “
The tears fall down his cheeks to the floor.
“Oh son, okay. One you love that kid more than anything you would die before hurting her this I know. Two people get sick, people also get better with rest and the I think I can help with that.”
“Dad I know I’m grown up ish, but can you tell me what to do?”
Hakkoda chuckled on the other end of the line. “Sokka, Bato and I will come pick up Juno in 30 minutes, we will drop off some crackers and gatorade too.”
“Dad- “
“Nope Sokka, you asked so I am telling you what we are going to do. We will come and get our baby girl and take her for a few days, You will email your profs and get your homework sent to you, you can only go to class when you don’t have a fever and if you do you’re going to wear a mask, okay?”
“Good you will email your coaches tell them whats what, when you feel better you can go watch practise, the cool might even be good for the fever, but you will not push yourself. This week will not make or break the rest of your life. So you will sleep, rest, do your work form home, and Juno will play at GB and great Papa’s house. And everything will be okay.”
“Okay. Thank you dad”
“We will be there soon buddy”
So Juno went with his Dad’s and he sent his emails and face planted in his bed and passed out for 6 hours.
Later an hour before practise Sokka’s phone pinged, he groaned and grasped around for his phone.
A text from Fire Prince Zuko
Coaches just said you won’t be at practise tonight. Is everything okay? Is Puck good?
Flu bug, don’t want to mess up that pretty ice with my vomit. Juno seems fine she’s at my Dads house until I’m not dying of the plague
A few minutes went by after that and sokka’s eyes started to fall again. “Ping”
I can drop off soup and tea on my way to practise, which suite is yours in family huas?
Dude its fine I can feed myself
Dude. I’m helping at my uncle’s tea shop today. They have soup and tea, it’s no problem. In fact my uncle insists.
14a second floor
And thank you Z
What are Alt Capts for?
Hakkoda was right, everything was indeed okay in the end. Juno had a blast at her grandparents house and sokka managed to get all of his homework done and even managed to watch a few lectures online courtesy of Teo. Zuko was the anomaly he could’t account for but was grateful for none the less. Whenever he could he stopped by with snacks, soup, tea and even weirder sent cute cat and baby videos at random points during the days.
Within 4 days Sokka felt good enough to go to classes and do some dryland training uring practise and after one more day he was back catching pucks on the rink with his daughter sleeping in the bed next to him one hand fisted on his shirt to make sure her dad didn’t leave.
After that week sometimes Zuko would still stop by with a tea, which Sokka had begun to like even when he wasn’t dying. Except now he would occasionally stay and drink his own tea while they watched juno play on the floor.
Sokka was starting to think he might have a new friend after all…
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sunshinejins · 4 years
if i was dying on my knees (you’d be the one to rescue me)
(title from brother by kodaline)
so, hi!  jatp has reignited my desire to write again and this time i think i might actually finish a whole fic.  so uh, here it is :) please let me know if you like it, I’ll hopefully update asap, but i’m in uni so asap may be in like two weeks.  unless people really like it.  then, probably sooner lmao.
pairing: julie molina x luke patterson
fandom: julie and the phantoms
warnings: death bc rose, and i swear once but other than that i think nothing else?
Julie didn’t want to be frustrated, she really didn’t.  In fact, she wanted to be sad, mourning, depressed, or literally anything other than slightly pissed off all the time.  It’s incredibly exhausting to be angry all the time, and she felt like being sad would at least give her blood a break from simmering.
But her mom died.  And apparently her body only knows how to process grief by developing a rather annoying tendency to be irritated constantly.
She tries to forget it though.  Instead of wallowing in the negative feelings that cloud her family in the months following Rose Molina’s death, she throws herself into distractions.  She gets a job at a coffee shop near the USC campus and puts almost all her effort into becoming a top employee.  Her grades don’t drop because thankfully her professors seemed to all inherently understand that she just couldn’t sing anymore.  Like at all.
The world kept spinning.  Julie could only hope to hold on.
That’s how she ended up, six months later, complaining over a milk frother about her very well-intentioned best friend to the only person she knew would listen.
“Flynn just doesn’t understand,” Julie moans, shutting off the machine and dumping the contents unceremoniously into a to-go cup.  Her coworker, Allison, raises an eyebrow and swipes a rag at the milk spill that pools under the cup.
“Did she try to get you to sing again?”
“Surprise karaoke night with her girlfriend and a couple kids from class.  Her intentions were pure though so I don’t even know why I’m upset.” Julie shoves a lid onto the cup and slides it across the counter to a pre-occupied businessman who doesn’t notice the extra milk soaked into the bottom.  Allison nods thoughtfully and starts dumping coffee beans into the espresso machine.  Julie watches her with slight awe.  Allison was one of those people that terrified Julie when she met her; everything about her felt polished and put together down to the blunt cut of her pale blonde hair and the curve of her smirk when she smiled.  Soon enough, Julie discovered that she was as warm as any of her other friends, but it had taken a lot of closing shifts and smoothie runs to come to that conclusion.
Allison sets down the bag of coffee beans and gives Julie one of her solemn looks; it’s the sort of look where Julie thinks Allison could probably read her mind if she tried hard enough.
“Maybe they’re going about it wrong.  You haven’t been around music properly in what?  A year?  What if you just need to sit and listen to music again to just get you used to the environment?” Julie thinks for a moment.  Allison raises a fair point, and it’s the complete opposite tactic that everyone else has been trying, which has been to shove music in front of her to sing and give her expectant and hopeful looks. It’s a trial run.  Something casual.
“Where would I go?” Allison smiles a bit and passes Julie a container of oat milk to put away.
“There’s a bar off Sunset that’s hosting an open mic tonight.  Very relaxed and casual vibes.  I could pick you up from your apartment and take you.  We haven’t hung out since that movie night a while ago.”  Julie hesitates.  It’s not that she’s opposed to spending a night with Allison, but a small part of her feels like she’s cheating on her current circle of emotional support humans by agreeing to go. Not that her dad or Carlos or Tia would mind, but Flynn would possibly take offence and that alone stalled Julie for longer than she realized. Allison clocks the look on her face and amends the statement.
“Flynn is obviously welcome too.”
A mind reader, Julie swears. 
“Hell yeah. Let’s do this.”
Julie’s feeling significantly less optimistic when Allison’s car has been driven away by the valet and herself, Flynn, and Allison are all standing in line outside the club. Julie can feel the bass of the songs playing more than she can hear them, but the proximity of music is enough to make her palms sweat. Other than the music the coffee shop plays and the strains of country she hears through Carlos’ wall, Julie hasn’t heard proper music since Tia Victoria sang “Amazing Grace” for her mother’s funeral. Flynn notices her nervous look. 
“Chill, Jules. It’s all very chill. We’re just gonna listen to a couple bands.” 
“Flynn’s right. And if at any point you want to bail, we can go get soft pretzels.” 
“But we should try and stay for the whole thing!”
“However, we’re also going to respect you if you can’t do that,” Allison punctuates this sentence with a meaningful eyebrow raise and Flynn nods vigorously. Julie swallows and tries to mimic the courage she had a few hours ago.  The bartender scrutinizes their IDs for a moment before allowing them to sweep into the bar and Julie’s jaw nearly drops at the volume of people contained inside.  Nearly every seat is filled, and the standing areas are packed with people all jamming to the band onstage that’s currently playing what Julie has to admit is a pretty kick ass cover of “Somebody Told Me” by The Killers.  
Allison somehow discovers a table near the edge of the bar, and disappears off to get them drinks.  Flynn’s rocking out already, and Julie feels a few of the nerves in her stomach even out as the realization that she doesn’t have to sing sinks into her bones.  Allison was right, unsurprisingly.  If she focuses hard enough, she can even push out the memories of coming to these sorts of open nights with her mom.  Flynn shoots her a large and grateful grin and Julie lets herself smile back.  She’s taking a step.  She’s doing it.
Allison returns as the band switches and a new band begins to play a hyped up cover of “Africa” by Toto.  The three girls lapse into quiet appreciation of the music, with Flynn singing along to every song played, Allison bobbing her head to herself and occasionally letting out a few notes in her vocal range, and Julie just quietly appreciating the fact that she doesn’t feel like throwing up.
It’s all very casual, just like her friends said.
Until it’s not.
As the third band of the night begins their last song, Julie retreats to find the bathroom.  It’s hidden nearly backstage, and she’s just about to make it to the door when she hears the panicked shouts of someone from near the curtain which separates the small backstage from the actual performing area.
“Dude, I cannot believe he bailed on us.”
“Are you really surprised?  Bobby was a piece of shit.”
“Hey, he didn’t use to be!”
“Calm down, Reg.  You know he’s been treating us like garbage ever since that record label thought he had a ‘marketable voice’ or whatever they said.”
“Guys he bailed on us, what are we supposed to do?”
Julie, despite all the “stranger danger” lessons running through her brain, backed up far enough to see into the backstage area.  Three guys stood there, two with a guitar and a bass each and one with drumsticks he was nervously twirling.  The one with the guitar had his face buried in his hands and kept swearing heavily under his breath.  The other two seemed frozen in their own panic as well.  Guitar Player removed his hands from his face and Julie caught a glimpse of worried hazel eyes and dark curls.  Bass Player opened his arms and Guitar Player tumbled into them for a hug while Drum Player rubbed his back.  The three guys looked absolutely wrecked.
Here’s the thing: Julie had an uncontrollable urge to help people.  It’s how she got roped into half of Flynn’s schemes, how she ended up teaching Carlos all of his second grade science curriculum herself, and how she somehow became the unofficial backbone of her family after her mom died.  Seeing three guys utterly wrecked because, presumably, their fourth bandmate had bailed on them?  It activated that uncontrollable urge deep in her stomach.
Here’s another thing: Julie hasn’t played music or sang in six months.  She’s had no desire to, and every time she’s tried, the distinct urge to throw up overtook her.  Tonight was supposed to be the baby step that showed her whether or not music was something she could seriously consider again; whether or not she could feel that itch to perform anymore.
“Hey, do you guys need a fourth?”
She felt the itch.  
The three guys looked up in varying levels of shock.  Drum Player recovered first, and stepped towards her hesitantly, wringing his pink hoodie as he did.
“Um, what?”
“It sounded like someone bailed on you.  I can play.  If you need it.”  Guitar Player recovers next and nearly bounds over to her in barely contained excitement.
“You can play rhythm guitar?”
“No,” the three boys deflate, “I can play piano though.”  Guitar Player tilts his head to the side as though playing a melody through in his head.  He turns back to the other two.
“Bright could fit piano.”
“We never wrote the music for a piano component,” Drum Player wrinkles his nose.
“I did,” Guitar Player admits.  The other two don’t look phased, though Bass Player does raise an eyebrow.  “I was bored!”
“Okay, but we don’t want to put you out,” Drum Player turns back to Julie and she swallows.  
“No, I offered.  Let me see the music.”
“Okay, but you have like ten minutes!” Bass Player finally chips in with a surprisingly cheerful tone.  Guitar Player hands Julie what looks like a piece of notebook paper and her eyes skim the words and notes.  It’s feasible for sure, but she can feel the nerves prickling at her stomach.  Guitar Player leans into her space and she clocks how ridiculously attractive he is up close.  He gives her a smile.
“We alternative verses like this, see?  And I don’t know your range, but we can figure that out on the go.”  Julie gives him a small smile.
“Somewhere between mezzo-soprano and soprano.”
“We can work with that.” Guitar Player seems to vibrate with energy.  “Are you sure you wanna do this?”
“No pressure,” Bass Player adds.
“Like seriously, none.  We can just go home and cry,” Drum Player says.  Julie isn’t sure.  She really isn’t.  In fact, she’s pretty sure she should just run away and hope she never sees these guys again.
“I’m sure.”
Well, that’s that.
Guitar Player sends her a smile that looks genuinely like someone has funnelled sunlight into his body and Julie feels the nerves lift for half a second.  Then, they’re called to the stage and all of a sudden she feels like she could puke all over again.  Guitar Player grabs her hand and squeezes it.
“You got this.”
Julie files out with the rest of the band and she’s extremely grateful her friends aren’t sitting in her direct line of sight.  The piano is definitely worn out from use, but her fingers settle naturally on the keys and Julie tries to focus on the budding itch to perform in her stomach rather than the urge to throw up.  She’s supposed to start this song.  This song that she became aware of ten minutes earlier.  She catches Guitar Player’s eye and he nods encouragingly.
She presses down on the keys and opens her mouth. 
Sometimes I think I'm falling down
I wanna cry, I'm calling out
For one more try to feel alive
And when I feel lost and alone
I know that I can make it home
Fight through the dark and find the spark
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shoutosteakettle · 4 years
Tumblr media
⤷ pairing: natsuo todoroki x fem!rreader
⤷ genre: slight angst, fluff
⤷ word count: 2418
⤷ warnings: maybe ooc natsuo 
⤷ a/n: i am so fucking excited to post this fic because it is my first fic for a server collab!! check out the rest of the fics for the collab here, everyone on the list is such a talented writer and i know that they put a lot of effort into their fics. and as always, thank you @ererokii for the beautiful banner for this fic,, i love you aims 
You have memories from one year ago today!
You looked at the notification on your phone, trying your best not to let the tears biting at the corner of your eyes spill out onto your cheeks. Even though you know you shouldn’t have, you opened the app; your eyes immediately darted towards the face of your ex. It had only been a couple weeks since he parted ways with you, but you had already forgotten just how handsome he was, and just how happy you used to be.
Your pained yelp was loud enough to startle the elderly couple sitting on the bench in front of you. You got up, brushed the dirt off your skirt, and sent a bow to them as a quick sorry for your vulgar language. When you straightened your back to stand up, your shoulders still slightly hunched, you looked in front of you, losing sight of why you had come here in the first place – not sure you ever really had a reason.
It was hard to keep track of your thoughts when you were overwhelmed by the amazingly beautiful scenery in front of you. The warm colors of the wilting leaves on the autumn trees paired almost perfectly with the fairy lights strung from them, lighting the path of food stands, game booths, and street performers as if it was art taken from the pages of a fairytale book.
As you trailed the path you had many times before, though you were usually accompanied by the person you thought you would love you forever, you let the nostalgia wash over you, almost completely forgetting about the stabbing pain in your right ankle for a minute or two. But you were brought back to your less than desirable reality when you found your face buried in the broad chest of a stranger. You limped backward, fully ready to apologize profusely to the stranger, but your breath hitched, and you couldn’t find the words to do so when you caught sight of his face.
The first thing you noticed was the definition in his jaw, the bones shaped as if was done by the gods themselves. Your eyes took note of just how clear his skin was, absent of even the slightest imperfections (despite being a full-time college student). In all your awe, you hadn’t noticed that his eyes were tracing your face in the exact same way. Taking in everything from the volume of your hair to the shape of your nose. It wasn’t until your eyes met his did you finally say something, “I- I’m so sorry, I must not have been paying attention.” You sent him a curt bow before standing back up and continuing on your limped journey for the infirmary.
But you stopped your steps once again when the white-haired male that you had run into placed a hand on your shoulder. “Are you okay,” he asked, gently turning you around, noticing the way you were trying to avoid putting pressure on your right foot.
“Yeah, I just- I think I sprained my ankle,” you told him, not even bothering to hold back the pained expression on your face anymore.
“Oh? That’s perfect- this is the nurses’ booth,” he said, pointing to the sign hanging from the hem of the tent.
“So, what happened,” he asked, rummaging behind his desk, most likely looking for what he would need to get you patched up.
You cringed at the memory as it replayed in your head in response to his question. “I was, uh, distracted on my phone and ended up missing a step going down the stairs, I took a little tumble, and here we are,” you explained, still mortified by the whole ordeal, but smiling to yourself about the way he chuckled at your last comment.
You watched him rise from his squatted position, ice and bandages in hand, before striding over to the cot you had situated yourself on. He sat down his supplies on the table next to you, making small talk as he rolled over the stool from his desk to the foot of your cot. “May I,” he asked his hands hovering above your right foot. Understanding he needed to take off your pump to help you out, you gave him a shy nod. 
You felt your cheeks heat up at the sight of the chipped nail polish on your toes. You meant to get them done; you just hadn’t gotten around to it yet, what with all the self-loathing. You jumped at the feeling of his hands on your skin. 
“Cold right,” he laughed, looking up to send you a quick smile, “I get it from my mom.” His smile looked sad, like there was a lot more emotion behind it then he was letting on. 
“So why are you here instead of enjoying the festival,” you asked him. He looked pretty young, around your age, so it was hard to believe he was actually a nurse.
“I’m actually in Uni, my first year. I’m majoring in health and welfare; extra credit for one of my classes was tending to the booth,” he explained, not looking at you, but rather focused on examining your ankle. You didn’t mind though; he had the most beautiful side profile and was truly a joy to look at. Everything from the lack of color in his hair and how it framed his face perfectly, to the length of his eyelashes and how they [make blinking sexy]. He went to ask you a question in return but was cut off when you let out a sharp hiss in return to his fingers pressing a little too hard on your ankle.
“Yeah, it’s definitely sprained,” he confirmed, looking up to see your face completely drained of little positivity it had before. “Don’t worry babes, this is what we’re gonna do.” You watched with glossy eyes as he rolled over to pick up the ice pack sitting on the table next to you before rolling back over to take another look at your ankle.
“We’ll use ice to help with the swelling and hopefully some of the pain, yeah,” he said very matter of factly despite the questioning tone of his voice. He looked up to you once again, waiting for a sign of confirmation that you were following him, so you sent him another shy nod. “We’ll do this for around 15 minutes. What time is now?”
You grabbed your phone from on top of the table next to you, tapping the screen and seeing the numbers 8:53 shine across the top. “It’s 8:53,” you repeated, reading the numbers off of your home screen.
“It’s already that late,” he questioned more to himself than anyone else. “So 9:03, go ahead and set a timer, so we don’t lose track of time.” You did as he asked, ignoring the smile of your ex as you swiped out of that app and onto the clock app, putting in fifteen minutes into the timer and pressing start.
“So what are you doing here at the festival,” he asked, finally taking a good look at you for the first time since you ran into him outside.
“Um,” you started, looking for an answer you could give him. “I come here every year to celebrate my anniversary.”
“Oh, you’re married,” he asked, taking a second look at your hand, dreading that he might see a ring he missed at first glance.
You feel your cheek heat up at the thought of marriage, how nice that would be. “No, actually, I’m recently single,” you clarified for him, shifting uncomfortably in the awkward silence following.
After a minute or two, perhaps the longest in your life, you found it in you to look him in the eyes again, only to find his were already looking back at you. “It’s probably for the best. Everything happens for a reason, and all of that, right?”
“Right,” you chuckled in response. Of all the ways you looked at your breakup trying to put reason behind your ex’s sudden, I think we’d be better off apart, never had you once looked at it as it was just fate. Your relationship being simply not meant to be, but maybe that was the best way to see it.
“What about you, are you in a relationship,” you asked, not meaning to come off as desperate as you're sure you sounded.
“Unless you're asking about the intense love-hate relationship that I have with my textbooks, then no,” he said, laughing with you at his own joke. “Why do you ask?”
You felt your cheeks heat up once again at his sudden inquiry, and for what felt like the thousandth time today, you found yourself without an answer to his question. “Just curious,” were the two words you were miraculously able to get out without stuttering.
“You said you were majoring in health and welfare, right,” you asked, desperately trying to detour the conversation from the topic of relationship status.
“So you want to be a doctor,” you asked, tilting your head to the side just a bit so you could get a better view of his face.
“That’s the plan,” he answered, keeping in line with his usual jokey tone.
“Why is-”
“I think it’s my turn to ask a question or two,” he suggested, cutting you off with the most teasing voice.
“Are you in Uni,” he asked. Your face, while beautiful, was an unfamiliar one.
“Yeah, but I go to school in Tokyo,” you said, a little embarrassed at the fact that you drove so far just to reminisce a little.
“That’s pretty cool! The city life over there is pretty exciting, right,” he asked, sounding almost awestruck.
“Yeah! I don’t go out much, but when I do, I always have a lot of fun,” you gushed, unable to keep the smile off your face as the memories came rushing back to you.
“Maybe I’ll have to come up there and take you out sometime,” he laughed, playing it off as a joke, but you didn’t miss the wink that he sent your way. 
“I think I would really enjoy that,” you smiled, watching as a soft pink tinted his cheeks at your sudden bluntness.
Just as he was about to say something in return, the timer you had set went off, the sound of the phone’s default ringtone blaring throughout the room.
“Alrighty,” he groaned, taking the ice off of your ankle and rolling over to the bedside table one last time. He put down the ice and picked up the bandages before rolling over the foot of your cot once again. You winced at the feeling of pain when he reached for your ankle. You could see it in his face that he was hurting for you as he wrapped up your foot. You're sure he said something doctorly about how compression was supposed to help with the swelling but you were too focused between the delicate work of his hands and the look on his face as he concentrated to pay attention.
It wasn’t until the feeling of your pump being placed back on your foot did you finally realize that he was finished. You set yourself down on two feet, listening to his advice about not putting too much pressure on your right foot. But even without walking on it, your right foot still hurt like a bitch.
“I can help you out,” he offered, already sweeping you off your feet before you had a chance to politely decline, sure that he had better things to do than helping you for any longer.
You couldn’t stop the soft giggle that left you as relaxed in his arms, feeling like you were right at home. Like this is where you were supposed to be there. Like he was made for you and you, him.
“It’s really pretty out here in the moonlight, huh,” you questioned rhetorically, the lights that shone in the streets reflecting in your eyes just like stars twinkled in the night sky.
“Yeah, it really is,” he agreed, but his eyes weren’t on the scenery. They were focused on you. Taking in your face all over again in fear that he might forget just how beautiful you were in the time between now and whenever the next time you see him is, that is, if he ever sees you again.
As he carried you bridal style through the festivities that was the fall festival and through the parking lot to your car, silence overcame the two of you, but unlike before, this silence was comfortable, nothing but the murmurs of people indulging in conversations and the crunch of leaves under your savior’s feet every now and then. No words were needed; if anything, they would probably ruin this moment between you and him. You couldn’t remember the last time you felt this at home with someone, but you certainly wouldn’t say that you minded the feeling. Despite his cold hands on your skin, your heart was overflowing with warmth, and it was all because of him.
“Which is yours,” he asked, nodding his head towards the cars. When you pointed out yours, he took his last couple of steps with you in his arms before carefully setting you down in front of your car. You weren’t ready to say goodbye yet. You wanted a little more time with him.
“Oh my god, I never got your name,” you confessed, mentally kicking yourself for forgetting something so important.
“Don’t sweat it. I’m Natsuo, Natsuo Todoroki.” 
“Well, Natsuo, Natsuo Todoroki,” you began, playfully mocking his cliche answer to your previous question, “would you mind giving me your number,” you asked, offering him your phone.
“Of course not,” in return for your he handed you his phone already opened to the contact app, and ready for you to input your information. 
“I don’t give that out to just anyone, so make sure you put it to good use,” he winked, taking his phone from you and turning around to walk back to his booth, but not without stealing one last glance from you as you climbed inside your car.
As you suffered the pain that was driving with a sprained ankle, there was only one thing running through your mind that distracted you from it all; Natsuo Todoroki was starting to look like a person you could make new memories with.
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Arsenal Military Academy (First Impressions - Eps 1-13)
I’m about a quarter of the way through, but I’m really enjoying it so far. The premise is simple: a 19-year old young woman disguises herself as her deceased brother and enrolls in the military academy. Like most dramas that take place during the pre-modern republican era, the main conflict and antagonist is usually about the threat of Japanese occupation. 
But this drama is more light-hearted than serious. The Japanese plot line looms in the background, but the main focus (so far) is about the FL’s training at the academy and the missions that the students go on and their interactions with each other. There are some really good comedic moments, and the drama has good pacing. 
The Female Lead - Xie Xiang (played by Bai Lu)
I’m going to be making comparisons to The Legends because the reason why I started this drama was to see Bai Lu and Xu Kai again. I know these two dramas are completely difference so it’s not fair to compare them, but I’m going to be talking about these differences. 
Xie Xiang is a watchable FL, but I think she’s missing that spark that would make her a memorable FL. She’s not as physically capable as her male counterparts, but she has the perseverance, wits, and martial arts skills that many of her peers lack. It’s a really standard character profile for a cross-dressing FL in a military academy, and tbh, it’s kind of boring. I’m not sure what would help elevate her character more, but it just feels like something’s missing. 
In comparison, the second FL has that spark. She’s more layered. She comes from a middle-class, well-to-do family, but chooses to be an entertainer. She’s arrogant, demanding, high maintenance, but she’s also protective of her friends and doesn’t hesitate to stand up to things she thinks is wrong. She’s a haughty firecracker, but what makes her admirable is how she isn’t afraid to be herself. I think it’s an interesting balance for a character to be obnoxiously full of themselves, but to also care about others. She’s probably the first SFL that I actually enjoy watching (even if she might be a potential love rival to the FL). 
The Male Lead - Gu Yanzhen (played by Xu Kai)
Speaking of someone who is obnoxiously full of themselves but still has the capacity to care for others, the ML is exactly this. In this drama, Xu Kai plays a character who is nearly the opposite of the character he played in The Legends. Here, Gu Yanzhen is a cheeky, mischievous, spoiled rich kid who loves flirting with women and causing trouble. He’s like an overgrown child (like when he’s jealous and purposely gets himself sick so that Xie Xiang would take care of him), but when he wants to do, he’s also able to show high levels of competence, maturity, and bravery. 
Xu Kai really stands out in this drama. He’s quite charming and adorable because he’s allowed to be more expressive. He mopes, teases, complains, smirks, worries, and yearns. Despite playing a noble, self-sacrificing, and devoted ML in The Legends, Xu Kai didn’t completely win me over then. Mostly because his character was a bit flat and so overdone in the xianxia genre. But seeing a different side of his acting in AMA has made him grow on me. 
It’s almost as if Xu Kai and Bai Lu switched personalities in this drama where he’s more outgoing, while she’s more reserved. He’s now the loud and impulsive one, while she’s the more conscientious one who wants to do something meaningful. 
The Chemistry
So far it’s been very one-sided. Gu Yanzhen figures out that she’s a girl early on and falls for her, while she still finds him intolerably annoying and is instead crushing on the second male lead. Because she doesn’t want to have anything to do with him, the chemistry is kind of lacking. If I hadn’t watched The Legends beforehand, I’m not sure if I would be onboard with this ship. 
The story is currently purposely set up so that we see that the ML and SFL are more compatible, and the FL and SFL are more compatible. Gu Yanzhen and the SFL are practically the same person, and they have a lot of playful bantering, so it’s kind of hard not to ship them. But I’m curious to see when the switch happens. We see that Xie Xiang is starting to slightly warm up to Gu Yanzhen, but Gu Yanzhen needs to mature a bit more before she changes her opinion of him. 
I’m also living for these stories where he figures out her true identity before everyone else and tries to help her protect her secret, but she’s completely clueless to it. The same things happened in The Legends, and the dynamic repeats itself here. 
The second ML is portrayed as being a perfect character. Mature, clever, kind, caring, righteous. It’s hard not to like him. I’m wondering if he already knows that Xie Xiang is a girl because of his glances, or if that’s because the director was purposely trying to make it ambiguous. At least at this point, he seems to be the best match for the FL, even though he currently likes his former classmate, who is actually working for the Japanese. 
The Plot
I like how there are a lot of intersecting characters, which helps expands the fictional world. The peripheral characters all somehow relate back to the main leads, so you can’t really skip their scenes because their stories connect somehow. 
The colour-grading, costuming, sets, and OST also help immerse you into the era. 
Despite being have a simple and stereotypical premise, it’s not easy to predict the endgame of the drama. You know that at some point, Xie Xiang’s identity will be revealed, but then what? After that point, the plot is going to take a turn because it’ll need a new conflict, which will be probably related to the Japanese, but you’re not sure what yet. The drama feels refreshing so far, but I also haven’t watched too many republican era dramas, so it’s not hard to impress me. 
Other anachronistic observations
In episode 1, when Xie Xiang uses the women’s restroom while dressed as a man and runs into the second FL (Qu Manting), Manting accuses her of trying to take pictures of her and demands that Xie Xiang take out her camera and delete/destroy the photos. It’s a minor point, but cameras in those days were huge and thus hard to hide, so it should have been obvious that Xie Xiang didn’t have a camera on her. 
In a later episode, Xie Xiang struggles to complete the obstacle course because she’s unwell, and while it’s not explicitly stated, I think we’re supposed to assume that it’s because of period cramps, and I applaud the drama for implying this (but it would have been even better if they made the implication more explicit). But ever since the drama started, I wondered about this. Even if someone didn’t have period cramps, how would you hide menstruation while living in the same room with someone? TMI, but when I was living with 4 other girls during uni, the garbage can in our bathroom would be filled with sanitary products during the same week every month. Women back then didn’t have the same sanitary products as we do now, but they still had to scrub and change cloths, like my mom did when she was younger. So realistically, Xie Xiang would have had to spend long periods of time (no pun intended) in the washroom to scrub her cloths. And after she did so, where did she dry them? 
Anyway, those are minor points. Overall, this drama is a fun watch, and I’m thankful that Xu Kai and Bai Lu got to collaborate again before the fandoms made things awkward as they do with any rumoured CP (*cough cough* Deng Lun and Yang Zi, and Cheng Yi and Yuan Bingyan). It’s as though the more chemistry two people have together in a drama, the less likely they’ll collaborate again because the fandoms will start to hate each other due to some misunderstanding and/or company management. The irony. So I guess the goal is to have low, platonic chemistry so that you don’t become enemies so as to leave the door open for future collaboration opportunities. Sorry, so that was bitter and a bit off tangent. I just have a lot of thoughts about the toxicity of fandom culture. 
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ginnyweasleywannabe · 3 years
Treasure Hunt
Please enjoy the first chapter of my new fic "Treasure Hunt"
I will reblog with some authors notes. You can also read on AO3 under the username "inthemiddle2" (If I link it doesn't show up on tags, sorry) Final Word count:4499!!!!
“And you came to me for help because……?”
“Because you’re a greedy asshole.”
Two weeks prior….
“Marc, I don’t understand why I can’t just come with you!”
“Because Marlene, you’re about to finish up Uni, there’s still a lot of stuff for you to wrap up here… and you have the ceremony in two weeks”
Marlene let out a huff throwing her arms to the side, “Why do I even have to walk in that stupid ceremony, I’ve already done it once before. Besides what’s the point if you’re not going to be there, you’re the only one who cares about it.”
Marc stopped his packing with a quick roll of the eyes before turning around to face her, “Marley, I’ll be back in time for the ceremony, which is a big deal because you’re becoming a master!” He tried to get her excited, throwing his hands up and punctuating every following word, “Marlene McKinnon, Masters of Cryptology and Ancient History’, becoming an curse- breaker, like your ol’ bro.”
Marlene had to fight the sides of her mouth from twitching upward, “You’re the only one who calls themselves a ‘curse-breaker.”
Marc zipped up his duffle, “Marley, I’ll be back for the ceremony and then you’ll be done and you can join me on my next adventure.” He walked to the front door and gave her once last glance “I promise, finish up with your studies and then you can come with me.” He tried to give her a look of hope and understanding.
Marlene muttered a quick “fine” under her breathe and then lunged into his arms. She wouldn’t tell him but she was really going to miss him these up coming weeks. Curse-Breaking, as her brother liked to call it, was a bit of family tradition. Both her parents were in the field, which meant they were constantly traveling during her childhood. Gone for long periods of time of trying to chase down one ‘treasure’ or another. Marc was 12 years older than her which meant as soon as she was born her parents felt he was old enough to care for her while they were away.
“Stay out of trouble okay, kiddo?”
Marlene rolled her eyes, “I’m 23 years old you know, I can handle myself for two weeks.” She gave him a light shove out the door. She quickly checked her watch and saw she was running late to meet James. James was Marlene’s best friend, when Marlene was 11 Marc was getting to the age where he was having to travel more for work so Marlene was enrolled in a boarding school. Her mom’s best friend, Mia, had a son Marlene’s age who had been going to a boarding school since he was eight so off Marley was shipped away to Scotland. It was like no time had passed for her and James, they were instantly inseparable again. They spent the next seven years getting into all kinds of trouble but when it came time for Uni James went back home to London, to Hogwarts and Marlene went to a school in Glasgow. She had finished up her history and exploration degree there but had returned to London to attend Hogwarts for her yearlong master’s program. She was glad she had Marc and James to return home to, she need people to hang out with in the city and so began their tradition of getting a pint every Friday.
Marlene scanned the pub for James, she quickly found him because of the unmistakable red head with him. James had met Lily at Uni orientation and had been pining over her ever since, they had finally gotten together the winter holiday before Marlene had come back. You wouldn’t know it had only been a year in half though, they were perfect for each other. Marlene happened to know that James was hoping to pop the question this coming Christmas, Marlene however didn’t think he’d be able to wait the 7 months. She felt a sudden rush of nerves as she approached the group, doing a quick scan to see if he had shown up. She hadn’t expected him to, he never did if she was going to be there but still any time it was more than just her and James, she wondered if he would finally buck up the courage.
“Marley!!” Well, James had definitely spotted her, and had already had a couple pints it seemed. He was out of his seat and arms around her lighting fast. James was a professional football player for Chelsea.
Marlene let out a giggle, only Marc and James called her Marley, “Hiya Jamie! Had a few, have ya?”
James just gave her that dazzling lopsided grin, “Yeah well you’re late,” Marlene was always late places, “Marc left today, yeah?”
James could tell she was a little down about the whole thing, even after all this time, she always was when he left.
“We’ll lets grab you one and you can tell me all about what treasure he’s chasing this time.” Marlene said a quick hello to the rest of the group; Lily, Remus, Mary, and Peter. She hadn’t know them before moving back to the city, they were all James’ friends from uni but they quickly accepted her into the group. With the promise of bring back some for everyone she and James made their way to the bar.
“Another round please Tom, and an extra for Marley here,” With a nod from Tom, James turned to Marlene, “So? What’s the gold this time? And how long will he be gone?” James and Marlene used to love hearing the stories her parents and Marc would tell them when they were little, usually a little embellished with Pirates, witches and wizards. James had idolized Marc growing up, he believed everything that came out of his mouth as fact.
Marlene turned to James with a big grin and said “Oh Jamie, you’re going to love this one! Its real, like really real! The Hogwarts treasure, Marcs figured it out- well mostly, but he sure of it. The sword, diadem, cup and even the locket! And with it gold, lots of it!” Marlene had rushed it all out almost in one big breathe. She was staring at him wide grin and big eyes waiting for him to react.
James just stared at her, “Marley, what are you talking about? That’s an old ghost story, and even if it was true its rumored that some Riddle guy stole it all like a couple hundred years ago. No one alive, heck most people dead, haven’t seen that treasure.” He gave a little laugh, “There’s no way it’s real or could even be found.”
“Come on James, its Marc, you know how he is, he doesn’t actually leave the office himself unless he’s sure!” Marlene pleaded with him. Marc had mostly done code translating desk work. Marc claims that’s just what he’s best at and gets more done if he hops from translation to translation rather than solving one and chasing down a lead for weeks that might go nowhere, Marlene knows it’s because of her though, he always needed to be close by to care for her.
James glanced at her hopeful eyes, he had always been bad with telling her no, taking a drink from one of the pints Tom had brought, “Alright let’s say it’s not some old witch tale, what’s he got that makes him so sure?” He said it with just a hint of a smile that let Marlene know he hadn’t truly grown out of their pirates and treasure hunting days.
Marlene was giddy, “Last week they were cleaning out old archives down in the ‘dungeon’ and I guess no one’s really cleared it out in a while but you know how it used to be an old dorm? Well between boxes and things, there was still stuff past students had left behind. So they sent all that stuff to the archives office to see if any could be displayed for ‘Hogwarts History’, kind of an invasion of past students privacy and property if you ask me-“
“Marley, focus.”
“Right, sorry, anyway I guess Marc was sorting through the stuff and he came about an old diary, like really old. And it belonged to….” She took a dramatic pause, really wanting to build it up for James “Tom. Riddle.” She waited for his reaction eyebrows raised in anticipation.
James loved seeing her getting excited about this kind of thing, she had had a rough spring semester, “You’re serious?” She gave a quick glare but for another reason, he was quick to apologize, “Sorry, but I mean Tom Riddle, you mean the guy who supposedly stole all of the treasure. I didn’t even think he was a real person..”
“Well, believe it Jamie. He’s real and his diary gave some clues as to where he hid all the treasure!” She squealed, James wasn’t sure when it happened but he had just realized she had already drained her pint, and Marley was a light weight. After finishing her excited squeal she went to start on another pint, taking big sips.
“Oi! What’s taking so long, some of us are trying to get a nice buzz before the long weekend!”
Remus was shuffling through the crowd, he always worked the graveyard shift at the library on full moons for extra cash because it was said to be haunted and nobody wanted to work it. The full moon was tomorrow night.
Marlene turned, after downing half her second pint, “Lupe!!” Throwing her arms around him.
“Hello again, Marlene, what’s taking you two so long?” he was ever so slightly holding her up, she seem just a tad off balance.
“Just talking ghosts and long lost treasure.” She stated matter of fact. At this Remus quirked an eyebrow over her shoulder to James who just gave a smile and a shrug. Grabbing the pints they could, not letting her carry any, they made their way back over to the group.
“Oh finally, you’re back, Pete passionately telling us about how they switched the detergent for the towels at Stamford” Mary said with a roll of her eyes, James had gotten Peter a job at the stadium.
The group let out a collective laugh while Peter had a blush creeping up his face, “Well I just worry the change in scent with mess with guys head, that’s all. Don’t you agree James?”
James turned at the sound of his name, previously whispering something Lily’s ear. He gave a quick shrug, “Yeah, sure I guess, really its whatever Petey”
The night continued on in much of the same fashion, by the time it was winding down James had just returned from walking Lily out, her and Mary sharing a flat just a block away. He could tell from across the bar he was going to need to walk Marley home, he would walk her anyway but she was talking wildly with her hands and leaning very close to poor Peter, who looked a little afraid of her.
“-And then I want to use it to go to Peru for a few month you know, live off the grid, no electricity, even no pluming!” She looked so excited for the prospect of having to go into a hole in the ground but Peter just stared right back at her.
“Alright Marley, let me walk you home” James said with a sigh
“Oh Jamie really, I’m fine,” She stood from her chair and rocked nearly tripping and falling flat on her face but his quick reflexes caught her.
“Oh I know but Marc would kill me if he knew a let you walk home alone besides, I basically pass it on the way to my place” Marlene knew she needed the help but she was glad he just blamed it on the Marc thing. Bidding Peter a goodbye, she wrapped an arm around James and they strolled home.
As they walked the few block home, they talked about this and that and had somehow landed on the stars. As Marlene looked up she let out a deep sigh, “I’m sorry if I ruined things. But I tried to be civil.”
James still had an arm wrapped around her shoulder and he just pulled her closer, with a quick kiss to the top of her head, he began to reassure her, “Marley, you didn’t ruin anything. He’s been a real asshole lately. And a coward, I love the guy but I’m proud of you for what you said.”
He was one Sirius Black. James’ best friend from Uni, they had been random roommates freshman year and continued to live together until the graduated, then James moved in with Remus and Sirius got his own place. Marley had met him briefly over the years when she would come home for the holidays but really didn’t know him. When she moved back a year ago and James brought her into their group she got to know him better. He was funny, and careless but she liked that about him. Marlene, working on her masters, was often stressed and uptight so it was nice that he was carefree. Nothing had ever happened between them besides a little flirting until after the past winter hols.
Marlene would go out with James early on Fridays but would often skip the later, wilder group hangs because of school. One night James had gotten her to stay out and well one thing led to another and pretty quickly her and Sirius were seeing each other. Marlene didn’t want to think too much about it with trying to finish school so she figured it would just be this fun thing to help ease stress until she finished uni but honestly things started to move fast and not because of her. Sirius was pursuing her, constantly talking about how much he liked her, talking about all the fun things they would do during summer once she finished school, he was the one who brought up being exclusive. Marlene had started to let her guard down, and then one day out of the blue, he calls her up and tells her ‘he doesn’t have time for a serious relationship right now but he hopes they can still be friends because of the group.’ Right. He wouldn’t want things to be weird for the group, he’s worried about their feelings.
Marlene was hurt by the conversation but she wasn’t going to let carefree playboy know that, she quickly told him it was no big deal they had only been going out for like a month and a half. He wouldn’t need to worry about things being weird on her end. It was a 3 minute conversation and that was it.
Honestly Marlene was more mad than sad about the situation. She decided to call him the next day, all she wanted was a simple apology for being tossed aside like nothing. So She called explained how she felt she deserved at least an apology when he was the one pursuing the relationship, he didn’t apologize. He just said “sorry for the mixed signals”. Sorry for the mixed signals? It wasn’t mixed, it was one signal and then dramatically the opposite signal. Marlene was so infuriated that that was all he had to say but she also didn’t want to cause drama in a friend group that she joined late. When he clearly wasn’t going to give her more, she said that now that was out in the open and she (kind of) said what she needed to say they could be cool, there wouldn’t be any weirdness and hung up. That whole conversation lasted 5 minutes and Marlene is pretty sure she rambled for the first 3. They hadn’t spoken since, he hadn’t gone out with group once when Marlene was there.
“Mar? Earth to Marley?” James had pulled her from her thoughts, she hadn’t even realized they had made it back to her doorstep.
“Huh, sorry I just got zoned, you were right I might have had one too many” She said with a small smile, hoping he would believe that was all it really was.
“Alright beautiful, I was just asking are you sure you don’t want me to stay the night?” James said it with a teasing smile, when Marlene was younger she was terrified of staying home alone so anytime Marc had to travel she would go stay at James’ house (she did this well into her 20’s).
Marlene rolled her eyes and gave him a shove, “Yes, you dolt. I haven’t been scared of staying home alone in like two years.”
With a ruffle of her hair and a quick hug, she was up the stairs in bed.
The next week passed by rather unceremoniously, she finished up her final studies and worked on the last of her paper. She was going to skip Friday night drinks this week because she wanted to focus on getting her paper done, besides James and Marc were planning quite the pub crawl for the Saturday following her graduation ceremony.
She hadn’t heard much from Marc, which wasn’t unusual on his trips. He had sent her a quick text letting her know that he made it to his first stop last Friday night and this morning she received a letter. Marc loved to write letters and Marlene loved to tease him about it, telling him it made him old. The letter didn’t say much, just that he thought he was on to something and the diary seemed to be leading him in the right direction. He was looking forward to her ceremony and he had talked to mom and dad, they wouldn’t be able to make it, shocker. With that small but expected disappointment she refocused on her work.
Before she knew it, it was Saturday morning. She ran down the stairs, on special occasions Marc would always bake her blueberry pancakes but when she rounded the hall into the kitchen it was empty. That’s odd. She had assumed Marc had gotten in after she went to bed.
“Marc?” She gave a quick shout but no response. Maybe he was still asleep, he did just have a two week trip so she padded up the stairs to his room but no it was also completely untouched.
Marlene had a frown on her face and pulled out her phone. It rang like it was on and charged but still went to voicemail.
“This is Marc, sorry I missed your call, I honestly don’t know how to work this thing but leave a message and Marley will show me how to listen and call back”
“Hey Marc, its Marley and its Saturday. I just wanted to touch base before the ceremony but I’m just going to assume you’ll meet me there. Remember 10 o’clock sharp. You still owe me pancakes, see you soon.” She ended the voicemail and checked the time, if she got ready now she would have time to stop at the diner on the way in and grab a muffin.
Marlene peaked around the curtain hoping to spot Marc. She was bundle of nerves, she hated this kind of thing. The only reason she was walking in this dumb ceremony was for him. As she scanned the crowd she was beginning to think that no one had shown. I mean sure, she hadn’t invited anyone because again, dumb ceremony but still felt a twinge of disappointment that she was alone.
“Samantha Mathis”
Oh shit, she was next.
“Marlene McKinnon”
Straightening her shoulders she walked out on stage. As soon as she stepped out from behind the curtain there was a loud cheer from the back left corner. She took the diploma shook hands and turned out to the crowd for her picture. Rather than looking at the camera man she zoned in on the cheering group in the back. There was James, jumping up being the loudest as usual, and the rest of their group. She smiled for the first time that day and continued of the stage. The rest of the ceremony seemed to pass quick.
Marlene was bidding Samantha goodbye when arms scooped her up from behind and twirled.
“James stop, you’re going to make her sick” Lily admonished lovingly
“Yeah besides you have to share her with the rest of us!” Mary said before lunging for hug. The whole group had come, minus two of the usual boys. Marlene hadn’t expected him to show but maybe a congratulations text at least would have been nice. James had also mentioned that Peter had some family thing come up but he said ‘congratulations’.
Marlene just laughed and said her thank you to the group. She was looking around with a frown on her face.
With a huff she turned to James, “Have you seen Marc?”
James gave her a confused look, Marc would never miss this, “No? you haven’t seen him today?”
“No, you think I should be worried?” She was biting her lip into bits.
“I’m sure he just got held up and forgot to charge his phone. You know how he is” James was doing his best to reassure her, “Look we made a reservation for lunch and maybe he’s just planning on meeting us there. If we don’t hear from him after lunch, then we’ll worry ok?”
Marlene still felt hurt that he would miss this after he made it a big deal but she gave a shrug and headed to lunch anyway. Everyone tried their best to help get Marlene’s mind on other things and she did her best to let them. About halfway through lunch she felt a buzz, she quick grabbed her phone from her bag. It was a text from Marc!
“Hey Marly, got held up. Gonna b longer than I thought. Not sure when I’ll b home. See u soon XX”
Marlene read the text again, he didn’t even mention the ceremony. Sure she hadn’t wanted them to make a big deal about it but still she worked really hard for this. She really wasn’t in the mood anymore. James had just paid the bill and the group was gathering up to go to the next place, He glanced over to see what Marley was staring at. He felt a wave of relief when he saw it was a text from Marc.
“See Marley, he’s just chasing down a treasure for you. I know it sucks he wasn’t here but he knows how excited you were about the Hogwarts treasure I bet he didn’t want to come back empty handed.” He was giving her the best encouraging face he could.
“Yeah, you’re probably right, he can be so hyper-focused sometimes. He probably doesn’t even realize what day it is.” She was trying not to show how let down she was feeling, “listen Jamie, I’m really thankful for lunch and all but I was up early this morning and the ceremony really took it out of me. I think I’m just going to head home.”
“Oh Marley are you sure? I could come with you? We could build a fort and watch a movie.” He could tell she was trying to hold it together.
“Yeah I’m sure but you go and have fun, honestly I’m probably going to go home and take a long nap.” Marlene gave James a sad smile.
Marlene really was exhausted by the time she got home. She took a quick shower and changed into her favorite lounge clothes, as soon as she hit the bed she was out like nox. When Marlene woke she glanced at the clock on her nightstand to see it read 6pm. She could believe she had slept for that long, but then her stomach growled and she knew sleeping through dinner had been a mistake. Pulling out some left over take out from the week before she sat down and decided to give Marc a call. It went straight to voicemail again. She flipped over to the text he had sent her.
“Hey Marly, got held up. Gonna b longer than I thought. Not sure when I’ll b home. See u soon XX”
It was odd but it the more she read it, the more paranoid she got. I mean “Marly” that’s not how Marc usually spelt it. And the “b” “U”, she was constantly teasing Marc about how he texted like an old man, always full sentences and proper grammar. AND he hadn’t even mentioned the ceremony. She knew she was being paranoid but she just couldn’t get it out of her head that something was wrong. Maybe it was that she was alone in this big house or the talks of ghost and pirates but by the time she had finished her orange chicken, Marlene was sure that this was not a text from Marc.
Ok, so somebody had taken Marcs phone and texted her. Now what? She was pacing around the kitchen island, her lip beginning to bleed from biting. She needed to confirm her suspicion, she decided when he didn’t answer yet another call she would try a text.
“Hey Marc! No worries on getting home, Mom happened to be passing through and decided to stay a few days. See you soon X”
Alright that would work, Marc knows him mom would never stay a few days, also she was in the Andes for the summer. Now we wait.
Her phone buzzed almost instantly, odd she thought, if he was near the phone why couldn’t he just answer her call?
“Great! Glad she can keep u company!”
Definitely not Marc. Happy she hadn’t been going crazy and making theories in her head, but also NOT Marc. Marlene quickly grabbed her things and went down to the station.
“So you’re telling me, that your brother was off to find the long lost treasures and gold of some old university and he’s been kidnapped. And you know this because he texted you the letter ‘b’ instead of the word ‘be’?”
The officer was looking at her with a unimpressed face.
Marlene gave him a sheepish smile, “Well, yes.”
“Right. Ok, do you know where your brother was going?” His voice was full of disinterest.
“Well no, not exactly. He didn’t say, just that he had a lead he wanted to check out, and he would be gone for a couple weeks” Marlene at least had the decency to look like she knew it was far-fetched.
“Ok Ma’am, he was only supposed to return yesterday so it’s likely he just got held up. If you don’t hear from him in a week, come back and I’ll see what I can do.” With that he got up and ushered her to the door.
Marlene stepped out into the rain with a disappointed frown. Fine. If he wasn’t going to take her seriously, she would just find Marc herself.
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