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4 MINUTES (2024) I 1.04
Great & Tyme
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stuckinapril · 8 months
megan thee stallion is the perfect example of unbothered energy. nicki has repeatedly vagueposted about her, gone on unhinged rants about her, gone so far as to mention her dead mother (such a classless low blow), threatened her on live, and has now released the tackiest diss track in history. and what has megan done? literally nothing. she straight up ignored her, aside from that one ig story where she posted herself laughing (which was perfect btw). she is the epitome of “i will not dignify that w a response.” i love it.
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thatrandombystander · 5 months
"Chaos' Hades 2 design is better because it's hot and having the genderqueer character be less eldritch is better representation"
Well maybe some of us genderqueers like interesting and thematic designs and identify more with eldritch monstrosities over conventional attractiveness? What about the unsettling weirdo representation for freaks like me 😔
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Although holding the detached head and spine of your previous form does absolutely slap
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macdenlover · 2 months
we don’t acknowledge enough how dee used to be a pageant winner when she was a kid and how much damage it did to her. she worked her ass off and got recognition for being pretty and talented at a young age and it was the only source of self esteem she could garner in a family that constantly berated and talked down to her. she sought after that external approval because it was the only way she could prove everyone around her wrong. her dream of being a performer didn’t come from a self-aggrandizing delusion— she genuinely showed a lot of potential when she was younger. but she went through an unflattering puberty and her spinal condition got worse and that natural talent she had as a kid plateaued way too early. the “former gifted kid” dilemma. she slowly lost the thing that promised her that she was good, but she was so desperate to keep holding onto it that she tried anyway. again and again and again no matter how much people made fun of her because it was always about proving them wrong. but after a while she couldn’t jump anymore without anticipating the way it feels when she hits the ground face first. self-sabotage became her way out, choosing to rather live in the fantasy of her own unrealized potential and blaming those around her for her lack of success, than having tried and crashed again. she’d rather buy lottery tickets over and over and never scratch off the numbers than to see that she lost. that self-sabotaging behavior bled into other aspects of her life too, from friendships to relationships to therapy. her own short lived success is what made her grow into embodying the cycle of failure.
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lucreziagiovane · 8 months
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(If Cesare is dissatisfied that Micheletto isn't his brother instead of Juan) "Not exactly, because Cesare and Micheletto's relationship is more or less secret, hidden. They don't know too much about each other. Well, Micheletto has absolutely no grasp of what the rest of Cesare's life is, and Cesare is very respectful of Micheletto being so secretive about himself, and I don't think he really wants to know. It's not really a friendship, because there is an idea of hierarchy, but it's not master and slave, either. It's not boss and employee. It's something very complex. It's not equal, but there is a lot of trust. While with Juan, I think it all comes from a very deep place. His brother faces different struggles and is very naive, so Cesare pushes him by teaching him lessons. He also understands how hard it must be to do that, or at least he had good intentions towards him in the beginning, with some sort of really loving brotherly undertone under all of this hard teaching." — François Arnaud
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payasita · 2 years
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bro you got a little something on your-- no it's cool bro i got it
[deets under cut because Thanks Tumblr]
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despoticmouse · 10 months
If Spearmaster ripped off the flesh covering where it’s mouth would be, would there just be a hole, a normal mouth, or a deformed mouth under there? Would it be able to consume food through whatever is under there?
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Ehhh let’s agree not to worry about any of that 🫡
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indelicateink · 4 months
as an american, sam reid’s total inability to hide his contempt for overly fake-chipper american journalists, especially ones who Have Not Done The Assigned Reading know and care about the show, will never not be hilarious and iconic to me
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nelkcats · 1 year
After being pestered by Tim about not having any friends (Apparently: Bizarro, your brother's exes, family friends, your dad's friends/exes and your exes didn't count), Jason was determined to make a friend.
But it was extremely difficult since most of Gotham knew him as "Red Hood, the Crime lord" or "The reincarnation of Jason Todd" (Jason still didn't know how they came to the latter conclusion, idiots or geniuses?).
So he decided to look for someone who didn't know anything about Gotham or moved recently to the city but it was impossible to tell! Tired of his fruitless search, he ordered drinks at the new bar that opened recently.
And while he was drinking he met his first friend! (Or well, the first friend he had made on his own and without outside influences, fuck you Tim); Danny Nightingale was a strange boy, with a lot of resistance to alcohol and who had recently moved. Jason was 80% sure that he was a meta or another creature since he didn't show up in the photos.
But that didn't matter! It was time to show off to the family his new best friend! (And show them that he can make friends!) Not Steph, not Barbara, Danny. On the other hand, the halfa was quite confused but glad that the people of Gotham were so nice and friendly, Jason seemed like a nice person, and maybe it was time to widen his friendship circle beyond Sam & Tucker.
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frostluvrs · 1 year
raymew win funniest couple award because tell me why them finally getting together is the ep ray seems less in love with mew than usual, spent 80% of it chasing sand, mew will only kiss him when he knows top is looking and they’re high and/or drunk for 90% of their relationship. you just gotta laugh. good kiss tho!
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gummi-ships · 11 months
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Kingdom Hearts - Phantom
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redbean-nom · 5 months
love that nobody can function without echo in the empire era. the batch keeps losing the ship, barely manage to finish their missions, and entirely forgo strategy. and then on the other hand, rex pre-echo-joining-the-rebellion was living in an abandoned garage with one singular tiny ship. then shortly after echo joins they have a whole base with like twenty troopers and real doors and actual food and a ship actually designed for long distance travel.
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boombams · 6 months
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erm i watched bsd.... art dump upon ye..... or smth...............,,,
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bobosbillionsknives · 5 months
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Concept sketch for a Knives planet gunsmoke figure set because I'm completely fucking insane and I'm losing my mind
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naranjapetrificada · 8 months
In this weird wonderful AU Georg fandom that is OFMD we have so many beautiful options. I was never, ever an AU type until now, but I truly can't get enough. Just last night I stayed up entirely too late because I finally got into Wave Hello to the Void, which on its face should absolutely positively not be My Thing, but the AUs we're blessed with here seem to always break that rule (especially with mxmollusca involved because holy shit have you read In Favor With Their Stars yet???).
We're so incredibly lucky y'all. I've been in fandom spaces for a long time but I've never felt this lucky.
We get different takes on time travel. We get the multiverse (and in so many beautiful forms). We get thought-provoking fantastical allegories and devastating (but often hopeful?) prequels with fascinating studies of character and fascinating takes on soul mates. We get complete fantasy overhauls that are gem-like in the beauty and precision of their prose and world-building. We get darling modern AUs and heartwrenching (but still ultimately happily-ending) modern AUs and modern AUs in basically every possible permutation, including ghost stories.
We get dystopias and apocalypses and post-apocalypses, meditations on love and existence, metafictional experiments in Not-RPF that draw even the biggest RPF skeptics (*points to self*) in, leaving us to wrestle with fundamentally altered attitudes toward storytelling that we may never be able to reconcile. Hell, even the missing scenes, canon-divergence, and fix-its hit different. Not to mention westerns with outlaws and cowboys, an archetype which conveniently also manages to scratch the proverbial pirate itch.
Even though pretty much every fandom has these things, for me at least they've never felt quite so imaginative and well-executed. We're so lucky to be here, to be writing for each other and reading for each other and for many of us, feeling creative for the first time in years or even decades. The gay pirates did that for us, because good source material can be the key to great fan works. And whether or not we get a third season, as much as they can't take the show from us, they also can't take away the gift that getting to experience all these fanworks has been. That's something I'm going to keep reminding myself while we wait.
and idk maybe tell your cowboy fanart friends that Ed can also ride horses as a steppe warrior or whatever
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bilberry-jam · 2 months
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A little milva and cahir doodle I found and finished off or... redrew to a more presentable level.
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