#basically: yes the bow was manipulated
Hi! I was just wondering how your story “I’m better with a heart” is going? I’m dying to know if the bow breaking was an accident or not! It all felt very suspicious to me the moment I read it lol I also really want Aemonds reaction to this as well. I can just picture everybody flipping out in the stands and then there’s our boy Aemond, just sitting there, staring off into space having a mother of an existential crisis! Would you be willing to share any snippets of future chapters with us? 😁
(Ask is referring to i'm better with a heart (than a bow and arrow), a Lucemond archer!Luke Loses An Eye In An "Accident" AU.)
Hi anon! Thank you for the question, I'm glad you're excited for the fic! I'll put a spoilery snippet under the Read More!
(The following snippet is obviously set some hours after the first chapter. And yes Aemond was DEFINITELY having a whole existential crisis in the span of a few seconds in the stands....)
Daemon is gone for most of the day and comes back with blood on his cloak and sword, which is even more worrying. "A dead end," he whispers into Mother's hair and then frowns at Lucerys. "Should you be awake?"
Lucerys raises an eyebrow and realises too late it doesn't have the usual effect since half his face is covered in bandages. "…Would you prefer me to be unconscious?"
Daemon sighs, but the corners of his mouth are twitching. "You're being very calm about this."
Lucerys sighs, too. "I figured I screamed enough earlier." Then he looks down at his lap. "And maybe… I did owe a debt, after all—"
"What? No. Luke," Mother interrupts him sharply. "Who told you that? Did she… No, Luke, put that out of your mind; this was a vile, unprompted attack." She grabs his hand again. "One that will be answered."
He frowns at that, wincing when that pulls at the stitches. "I think it would be very hard to sabotage a bow to specifically make it take out my eye," he says quietly. "Impossible, even."
Mother is scowling, but Daemon nods. "I thought the same. We learned that your bow was tampered with, and that the attendant must have been paid to do it. Beside that…" He shrugs. "Your friend Ser Leo shot the fleeing man right through the heart, so we can't say yet."
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bones4thecats · 1 month
Whoops! I forgot to add an emoji, sorry!
I'm the anon who made the Record of Ragnarok request regarding a goddess of fortune and luck s/o. I'd like to be called 🐢 anon, please.
RoR w/ Goddess of Fortune + Luck! S/O
Characters: Poseidon, Qin Shi Huang, and Hades Requester: 🐢Anon A/N: This was a nice thing to write, each of them have their own story, which basically never happens anymore, lol. Anyways, hope you like this! And have a sparkling rest of your days/nights! ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Mentions of death, insinuated assault, SWEARING in Poseidon's part, murder, blood, and slight description of death (tiny gore warning) ⚠️
Disclaimer: The Reader is a FEMALE and based on Yaoshi (HSR)
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╚═════ Poseidon ══════════════════════════════╝
🔱 You were his beauty to his beast. While that might not be physical on his behalf, his emotionless and cold demeanor made everyone, including his own family, believe him to be a devil in an angel's skin
🔱 On average, you would visit your believers in your temple, waving each ahead before gifting them with luck and a small fortune every time. But, as your reputation grew, so did your follower's egos
🔱 Poseidon was pissed when he found out one of your long-time followers had a son whom was trying to get into your pants so you would gift him with an unbelievable fortune and unbelieving amounts of luck just for being 'yours'
🔱 He decided to visit your temple one day, stabbing his trident into the stone flooring as he walked, alerting all that surrounded the area, and making them bow in respect to the God of the Sea. Poseidon just scoffed and kept walking, not giving any human any glance, they, in his eyes, did not deserve a perfect being like himself's attention
🔱 As he strode through, he found Aphrodite and Heracles outside of your temple, watching over the many children in the surrounding garden. They smiled as they caught Poseidon walking, as he just asked for your location
"Y/N went to her chambers with this guy... I think he said his name was... Dolion?"
"Yes, that was his name Heracles. They've been gone for about 10 minutes, I was about to send Heracles to check on them, but since you're here!"
🔱 Poseidon nodded and walked to your chambers, his trident making the same clack noise as he heard a man yelling at someone, which made your husband furrow his brows slightly as he listened in
"Get out of here, Dolion."
"Oh go fuck yourself, you whore! Just manipulating my emotions like that?! Making me feel such a strong connection just for you to take it away because you're married to that bastard, Poseidon?! How could you?!"
"Dolion. I will not tell you again. Get the fuck out."
"Don't tell me you never felt the connection with me, Goddess of Fortune and Luck? Come on, Y/N."
"You have no right to call me by that name. Do not make me kill you where you stand."
🔱 The sound of you screaming made Poseidon burst in the room, his trident pushing against the male's neck as you fell to the ground, your long hair pooling around your small frame on the ground
"You have five second to apologize, worm."
"Who the fuck are you?!"
"Seriously, man! Who are you?!"
"Oh for the love of Olympus. Answer me!"
🔱 You closed your eyes as Poseidon stabbed the man's neck, plunging his trident's three tips into the stone wall and causing blood to begin drip down the body of the now-deceased young male
🔱 Standing up and listening to your chain-wrapped foot hit the ground as you hugged Poseidon from behind, your grip tightening around his stomach, making him look back at you and breath out, providing your ears with the familiar echo of his breathing. He then grabbed your arm and wrapped his own around your midsection, keeping you in a protective grasp
"Thank you, 'Seidon."
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╚═════ Qin Shi Huang ═══════════════════════════╝
👑 Qin Shi Huang knew that you and him being in a relationship was bound to start some kind of controversy within the Einherjar, as they distrusted pretty much any God they came across. Yep, that means they distrusted Buddha for quite a while
👑 You merely sat up with the rest of the fighters as Qin fought, and you smiled gently as Hades walked in, causing Leonidas to look at you with narrowed eyes
"What are you smiling at, Goddess?"
👑 Chuckling at his animosity, you reached outwards, pointing towards the tall, white-haired God of the Dead before speaking up again
"That man caused many issues between me and my old human friend, Tamaki. Honestly, seeing such an enemy fight against my husband is a fight I cannot tear my eyes from for a second."
👑 Kojiro smiled as you spoke, looking back down at the Emperor. He then looked at you and asked you how you had met the royal and gotten into a relationship, after all, being a Goddess of such a high-caliber in the Shinto Pantheon must have been hard to deal with a human
"It's quite the detailed story. But if you wish to know so badly, Sasaki, I shall tell you the shortened version."
👑 The others adjusted their positions to listen to you, curiosity spread through their tough and chiseled forms as you began to speak, recanting your love story with your husband
"One night, I had decided to take a walk through a garden, but this garden was owned by the Emperor's family. It was there that I noticed a young man walking around, a blindfold over his eyes, much to my confusion at the time. I walked to the man and asked him if he could see and needed assistance, the man, whom I later learned to be Qin Shi Huang, had merely waved me off with a smile before asking if I needed help since he never saw me around the building."
"Wait- he can see through that thing?" Buddha asked.
"Correct, Buddha. But, after I left, I had given him a peony and a orchid. The peony, in Chinese culture, stands for good fortune, while the orchid stands for wealth and fortune. I began to come by nearly weekly, which allowed us to grow closely before he proposed and we married. I revealed my identity as a divine being a mere few days before he proposed, so imagine my shock when he asked for my hand in marriage!"
👑 The others chuckled as you finished your story, allowing you to look back down as your husband readied his form for the fight. You allowed a single tear to fall down from your eye, but before it hit the ground, you picked it up and tossed it onto the ground, making a four-leaf clover pop up from the flooring. Grabbing it, you blew it to your husband, in your own, silent way to wish him luck in the battle for Humanity's safety
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╚═════ Hades ════════════════════════════════╝
💀 As you pat the young deity's head, your husband watched from a distance. You had been bonding with Zeus' family a lot more after the birth of Ares, his youngest brother's oldest son, and after Hermes' birth, you had just doubled down on your Auntie-responsibilities, even as the two aged
💀 Hades smiled as you looked at the middle of Zeus' boys, using your magic to tie tiny golden fabric-strands onto his body, around the arm like a bow for Hermes, he lightly adjusted it to his style while you smiled and pat his head lightly
💀 Laughing as you saw Ares began to mess around with his father, Zeus, as he tried making a speech as if he was going to lead another army to battle, you gave one of the most beautiful smiles in Olympus
💀 Hermes then told you he needed to go visit with his mother, you nodded and allowed him to go speak to Hera. You then clasped your hands in front of your hips and walked towards your husband, stopping by his side and laying your head on his shoulder
"Good afternoon, my love."
"Good afternoon, my King of the Netherworld."
💀 Chuckling and laying his head on your own, Hades smiled gently. He could feel your welcoming and warm aura pulse through his own cold and noble one, and it was a feeling he didn't want to let go of anytime soon
"Aunt Y/N, Uncle Hades! It's good to see you both!" A voice rung out, snapping both you and Hades out of your peaceful moment.
💀 Looking back up, you saw two of your three nephews. Heracles and Ares walked up and shook their Uncle's hand while they hugged you delicately, making sure they didn't accidentally damage any of the golden accessories that dawned your figure
"It's good to see you both as well. How has training been?" Hades asked.
"Alright. Dad almost destroyed the arena last week, though." Ares answered while Heracles nodded with a tired expression.
"Well that sounds like fun, calming your father down and all." You teased, making the three guys smile and chuckle at the thought of Zeus acting like a child in need of discipline from his parents.
"Y/N!" Aphrodite yelled out, waving you over to her and her nymphs.
💀 You peered back at your husband, who just nodded and kissed your forehead, allowing you to walk over to your old friend. Aphrodite was excited about something, and he knew you were naturally a curious being
"You really love her, don't you, Uncle?" Heracles asked.
"That I do. That I do..."
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tealvenetianmask · 11 days
Hell's royalty has a culture that enables Stella's abusive behavior.
Point 1: Keeping up appearances is valued above all else. And I specifically mean the appearance of things being the way they're supposed to be. Conformity basically.
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Conformity in this culture seems to include a kind of stoic dignity ("you know excitement is unbecoming of a goetia"), an air of superiority ("don't bow to that one- he bows to us!"), and, of course, some good old fashioned toxic masculinity ("cease this bitch crying").
Individuals at the very top are not immune. Even though he gets past it, Asmodeus seems to spend a lot of time and effort on keeping his relationship with Fizz quiet in order to keep up the appearance of fulfilling his "lust" role.
Point 2: The members of the aristocracy who don't conform are seen as the problem, not the members who are being cruel.
Speaking of Ozzie, there's a chance he'll face real consequences for getting out of line . . . Mammon seems pretty confident about getting revenge. Also, if Ozzie had decided that his reputation was important enough to avoid stepping in to help his partner, well . . . I'm just saying. Cultures of conformity create bystanders who stand by and let abuse happen. So it's good that this guy has the courage (and a good heap of privilege and power) to enable him to step out. Yes, I realize that the crowd at Mammon's celebrated Ozzie and Fizz, but the crowd was distinctly NOT aristocratic.
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Now look at Stella's party- this woman is not subtle about being cruel to her husband.
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She calls the party a "Not Divorced" party. She openly talks negatively about Stolas in a blatant attempt to humiliate him. She's not trying to hide that she hates the man.
Because he's . . . an oddball. Gentle, not as polished as others in his social sphere, awkward and mostly friendless, probably autistic. And importantly, I think, not traditionally masculine.
So Stella has no need to hide that she treats him poorly. She's proud of it. And her social circle seems to support her in it, or at least, they don't push back. Because based on the aristocracy's unspoken (or if we look at Paimon, very much spoken) value system, Stolas's failure to fulfill all of his expected roles gracefully is worse than Stella's cruelty.
Point 3: Stolas's parenting, while much better than his own father's, still reflects this value system in some ways, and that's . . . complicated.
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In some ways, Octavia is doing great. She has her own interests (music! gothy fashion!) that don't seem to be based on any role prescribed to her by others. She has a genuine bond with her dad that's based on care and not on molding her into some ideal princess.
But Stolas still puts on an facade in front of Via. We know that he pretended things were fine when they distinctly weren't for most of her childhood. We could argue endlessly about whether Stolas was right (as Georgia Dow explained in her video) or wrong to stop himself from explaining the situation with Stella to Via in Loo Loo Land, but honestly, the man could let his nearly grown up daughter know that abuse was happening without all out trauma dumping. It would enable her to make more informed decisions, and I think she would want to be able to do that.
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Instead, Stolas keeps it to himself. Because he feels like Via SHOULD have this picture perfect childhood. Look at the pictures that are up in his palace. Look at his attempt to gloss over the fighting in the household by taking Via to an idealized childhood destination.
A part of him still thinks that good parenting is keeping up appearances, and that the ugly things are best kept hidden. Look at how hard he still tries to avoid crying in front of people. The values he was taught as a child are part of him.
And while it's not his fault (it's Stella's fault, obviously- these are HER actions), his inability to be open allows Stella and Andrealphus to scheme and (we'll see . . .) probably manipulate Via because of her lack of knowledge.
We're meant to see the moments where Stolas breaks expectations and behaves raw and even a little unhinged as triumphant. Sleeping with Blitz. That is the sound of a fucking divorce. Actually going through with the fucking divorce. Insisting on it. Appearances be damned.
And yeah, more of that please. Because if the people around Stella stop caring about aristocratic social trappings, all she'll have going for her is her shitty personality.
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Thanks @akirathedramaqueen for inspiring this post with a conversation.
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bloop-bl00p · 2 months
When you forget there’s sin in Seven Deadly Sins
[I guess this could be treated as part two of my rant about Hell’s ruling class.]
The Seven Sins are the embodiment of their vice, in a modern setting, they will probably be seeking to indulge in harmful activities themselves since they are immortal and can’t face consequences and influence others into falling into dangerous lifestyles. I can even see a scenario when each of them tries to make propaganda through the internet with platforms like Instagram or TikTok, like Beelzebub promoting Bezzle Juice except that it’s purposely made to be extremely addictive and one shot of it gets you hooked forever.
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We’re gonna start with Lucifer, the only angel of the Seven. He’s a dreamer quirky cutie patootie with dePwezIOn that just wanted to give humanity Fwee Wil🥺.
What were Lucifer’s plans/dreams for humankind in the first place? He was dismissed as a troublemaker, okay…? What portrayed him as such? He’s a socially awkward silly guy but honestly, that’s all there is to his character. But I won’t get too deep with these questions maybe we’ll get more answers in Hazbin. However, what I can ask is…
How did Lucifer manage to find himself so close to The Garden of Eden? If I’m making something important I ain’t letting the petulant kid get close to it because… you know he might ruin it.
Elder or not Lucifer is still a Seraphim, did he not know that giving Free Will to humans would mess up everything? Even if HE didn't know what about the others? Were the angels even aware of Evil as a whole? If yes, why didn't they warn Lucifer before giving him access to Eden? Like “Hey dude the glowing red Tree in the middle of the Garden is bad news don’t let the mortals near it.” was it that hard?
Can someone explain to me how is this the embodiment of Pride? I personally don't see anything prideful in his attitude at all. Pride is the belief that you don’t need God in your spiritual journey, in a worst-case scenario, you think yourself above him. In the Bible, Lucifer was too Proud to bow before mankind and tried to overthrow God which led to his banishment. But since Viv totally changed the story and forgot to add the Pride elements, there’s nothing justifying Lucifer’s title as Pride incarnate.
TW: Mention of sexual assault/rape and a brief mention of other sexual practices.
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Following with Asmodeus, why is he like this? Don't get me wrong, I can understand why he isn't a fan of rape as a whole, rape is rarely, dare I say never, about sexual craving, it’s about control. Val doesn't rape Angel Dust, and his employees because he feels needy, he assaults them because he knows that’ll break them psychologically and physically which makes them vulnerable to manipulation. Sexual assault as a whole is never about lust.
It makes sense if we drop out of the fact that Lust isn’t just physical but religiously speaking just an intense craving for something, like power or control. Viv took the easy way and reduced it to a physical craving so Asmodeus could be anti-rape I can’t blame her for that, it’s her ✨interpretation.✨
So Asmodeus is Pro Concent and it kinda makes sense. Since he’s the Prince of Lust, he technically should have influence over the culture in the Lust Ring and other species like Succubus should at least be weirded out by innuendo of non-consensual sex.
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Well, shit.
“OooOoooOOH But Tiz is Not Rape!”
Compare the succubus’ abilities to aphrodisiacs and it all makes sense. Increasing someone’s libido without their consent alone is sexual misconduct proceeding to have sex with them later is rape. And it’s not the only instance of succubus assaulting people.
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[Context: Ep3 S1, Verosika’s crew basically made condescending comments on how Moxie was cute and how they wanted to kiss him despite his discomfort and the fact that he mentioned being married. They still eventually kissed him by force and it was treated as a joke. “I care about male victims.” Sure we believe you.]
So Asmodeus is a hypocrite for giving succubus and incubus a way to get to Earth while knowing they are raping as many humans as possible.
“D3mOn @re BAAAAAAD Pweple So |t makse sense.☝️🤓”
I know, I wouldn’t complain that much if Asmodeus wasn’t painted as this cutie patootie lovely doe who is so in love with his lovely cute good boy partner.
Talking about partners, why does the Prince, no… why does LUST INCARNATE have ONE partner? The dude’s sex drive should be higher than the Olympus Mons and you’re telling me he doesn’t have a harem at disposition and he’s FAITHFUL?!! No free relationship, no hookups, no polyamorous relationship, and no mention of orgies he organizes to test the efficiency of his toys! Hell, we’re talking about Lust shouldn’t he be more inclined to have exhibitionist behavior (In recent episodes Lust’s citizens were desensitized about voyeurism so showing a bit of skin shouldn't be a problem)? Or, I don’t know, the ability to change his appearance and sex to appeal to a larger audience. Maybe the smoke secreted by his fire can serve as an aphrodisiac he only uses to put his partners in the mood (With their consent if she’s so attached to that idea.)
Viv, with two shows whose humor is mostly based on sex you certainly lack representations in terms of positive sexual activities, every time sex is mentioned in both of her projects it’s either a joke or diabolized. I’ve seen teens on Wattpad and AO3 writing foul smut with sexual practice so taboo it’ll make you gasp out loud! Take an example! (This was obliviously a joke but seriously, smut’s writers scare me with their tags.)
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This leads us to Beelzebub, she’s supposed to be…. an animal tamer? She did not give off this vibe at all, she’s a party girl at best, stop saying things on Twitter Viv, and show it in your shows!
Is there a reason for her to be so nice? What do you mean you don’t want Bliztø to lose himself in alcohol and sex, you’re all about overindulgence. If anything she should actively invite people who are mentally distressed as they’ll be more willing to drink excessively in a “forget my life’s issues” type of way. This could also explain why so many people in her parties are minorities, Hellhounds and Imps are treated like shit by Hell’s society so being invited to one of Queen Bee’s parties will be a great honor and a way for them to forget how difficult their life is.
“E3RmS Actoualli, Bee ite the Viiiibe! S0 ze kant let Peple b3 s@d or ze will be sad too. ☝️🤓”
Ah… okay, still don't explain why she can’t be a bitch about it. Since she “eats the vibe” and feels for her people she could be affected by Blizt's destructive behavior and be absolutely furious someone is ruining her parties for her! Then she could have gotten to Loona and been like “Look your dad doesn't have the vibe I’m looking for so get him out unless you wanna learn what happen to party pooper.” implying that she will most likely kill him (or eat him) and that this isn't the first time she offed someone for that. But I guess we can make another EMBODIMENT OF SINS a decent girl, it’s Viv ✨interpretation.✨
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Going forward with Mammon, Viv humanized the Sins mentioned up there, so you would think Mammon would also get the humanization treatment?
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“T3re Is NOO g0od s|de to GrEed!!!!! 😡”
What’s Greed, it’s a selfish desire for more than what you already have (money, fame, etc...) The mention of selfishness doesn’t give Greed a positive connotation but you forgot…. This is Viv ✨interpretation✨ she reduced Lust to craving sexual intimacy just so she could make Asmodeus Pro Concent. Beelzebub doesn't need food she eats the Viiiiibe so she can’t let people self-destruct! Here she’ll politely ask you to go away because she caaaaaares. And Lucifer isn’t Prideful at all.
She removed part of the definition of each Sins so she could make them good people and you’re telling me that she couldn't do the same for Mammon?!
“But H0w can ze posibli m@ke Greed Pozitif?”
If you remove the selfish aspect, Greed is wanting something more. There’s nothing wrong with that, like wanting more recognition, and more money when you’re poor. Mammon could have been this guy who worked himself at the top and his money could have been the fruit of his hard work.
So why, of all the Sins that got turned down was Greed the only one who got the “I’m pure Evil” treatment?
The Seven Deadly Sins aren't supposed to be decent beings. They represent the worst of what humanity can do and they are embodied by equally bad entities. With a setup as shitty as the Hellaverse, where there are little to no rules, slavery, classism, and drugs available everywhere I was expecting them to be a tad bit vicious, purposely making the life of everyone worse for their benefit. Mammon could have been the reason for this capitalist society as it’s the perfect environment to develop other sins and his. Yet, Beelzebub is friendly to the Hellhounds while letting them be treated like lesser than how we treat dogs. There’s even rehabs in Hell, Verosika and Barbie were in the same one.
Asmodeus will sue you if you rape someone unless you’re a succubus. Ironically he said that he’s against love potions when that’s literally what the succubus do with their abilities, get you in the mood without you knowing.
Lucifer is the number one silly guy and he even has an attraction parc for others to have fun.
I know it’s Viv ✨ interpretation✨ but you have to make it make sense. You can’t have demons this high-ranked being nice portray them as good people in the narrative when they are responsible for Hell being so unfair to the lower class.
As for the other sins…
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Traditionally speaking Wrath isn't just unjustified violence but hatred and a desire for revenge. I think that’s one of the main reasons Satan and Lucifer are treated as the same person as Lucifer is both prideful, hates God, and seeks revenge. I don't see how Viv’s Satan could be vengeful as they were no war with Heaven to begin with.
Envy isn’t wanting something that someone else has (it’s jealousy), it’s hating someone because they have something that you don’t. Which often results in trying to make the life of this person worse but that’s another thing. I didn't see anything about Sloth and judging by the Sloth Ring, Beelphagor is going to be medical-themed, we know he makes drugs and has a brand of anti-depressant named “Happy Pills.” (Nothing to do with the circus aesthetic she was going for.)
I don’t know if Viv really has a good grasp of what these Sin are traditionally as she claims but we have to see in future episodes. My guess is no.
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specialagentlokitty · 7 months
Arthur(Merlin) x reader - in the snow
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Hi! If you still write for BBC Merlin would you be able to write an Arthur x Merlin sister Reader? With the dialogue “Can you use magic?” “I feel unsafe answering that.” (from your 2024 prompt list). Thank you if you do write it! <3 - Anon💜
A/N: I realised I had spelled Gaius wrong after finishing this, but I’m really lazy and don’t wanna correct it 😂😭
You had no real interest in following your brothers footsteps to work for the royal family, you didn’t want to work for anybody else.
You were happy living on your own, away from the world with your house and your dog, your horse, your flowers.
You loved the way you lived.
And yes, every so often the knights would come to pick up your money you had to pay for your land, but since you grew your own food and sold your crafts in towns and villages it didn’t matter all that much to you.
Today was the day that they came to collect your payment, so you made sure to stay home.
Kneeling down in your garden, you were working on your flowers, carefully tidying them up and trimming them down.
You heard a bark, and you looked up.
Standing up, you brushed your hands on the cloth and looked to the dirt path where a few horses were coming down.
You grinned brightly when you saw a familiar face.
You quickly set everything down and made your way over, the moment your brother got down from his horse your crushed him into a hug.
“Hi!” You beamed.
Merlin laughed quietly, hugging you back.
“Hey, this place looks amazing.”
You pulled away, grinning proudly at him.
“I take pride in my work.”
You turned around to the knights and the prince that was with him, offering him a bow.
It was swift, elegant, you held a hand behind your back and one over your stomach as you leant down, lowering your head.
“Sire, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m (Y/N), I do hope my brother doesn’t give you too much trouble.”
“Nothing I can’t handle, thank you. It’s nice to meet you.”
You stood up, gesturing to the home.
“Rufus is no harm, I’m sure Sir Lancelot knows that.”
The knight smiled softly at you.
“It’s good to see you again.”
“You as well, I’ve got that tea you asked me for, would you like me to make you some?”
“Yes please, honestly you could open a tea shop because you make the best tea.”
You laughed a little bit, leading them all inside.
Only those three came inside, the other knights waited outside for them.
You sat them at a table, bringing over some bread you had made, and you made them all some tea, setting their cups down in front of them.
“Make yourselves at home, I’ll be right back.”
You went into your room, bringing up a floorboard to gather the money you owed before returning and handing it over.
Then you turned to Arthur.
“May I ask what brings you by sire? Normally this is not a matter for a Prince.”
“Merlin had been begging me for weeks to come, i guess it was curiosity to finally meet his sister. You’ve done wonderful things with this land. It was rundown the last I saw.”
“Thank you, the home itself was in good shape, it was a simple matter of getting some men from the village nearby to help clear it then set everything else up.”
Arthur nodded his head.
“How is it going? Have you been selling those crafts?” Merlin asked.
“Oh yes! People love them! They’re very helpful as well, especially for the farmers and the bakers, plant based baskets are easier to replace rather wood, and harder to break.”
Merlin nodded his head.
“You make things out of plants?”
“Yes sire, it is easier to get ahold of around here, they’re easier to work with as well. Especially Ivy. It is easy to manipulate the way it grows, and you can cut some away with the rest coming back.”
That was what caught his attention first, how compared to Merlin you were calmer, you were respectful to everybody even though you didn’t know them, and your craft.
Then there was your house, minimum decorations, just basic things you would need.
But outside was covered in flowers of all colours, the great wolfhound you rescued wondering in and out, and the horse outside just happily grazing in her paddock.
Arthur found himself coming back when he could, pretending to buy things that they needed in Camelot.
It was an excuse to see you, and he could try get there at least once a week since it was only a few hours there and back.
Arthur had to admit he was concerned when it drew to winter, because winter was harsh, and he couldn’t see how you would be able to survive there during the brutal winter.
“She’ll be fine, she always is. She knows how to get survive.” Merlin said.
“Merlin we are looking at the worst winter we’ve seen in years. It’s not even winter and we’re already getting snow. Your sister will be isolated out there for months if this carried on.”
Merlin paused what he was doing for a moment before he carried on.
“She won’t come here.”
“Excuse me?”
“(Y/N), if you ask her to come she won’t come.”
“Because she likes her own space, she doesn’t like crowded places like this and wouldn’t be able to live here for that long, a week or so would be fine.”
Arthur didn’t say anything, he carried on reading the book that was sat on the table in front of him.
“She’s also coming next week, to visit Guis.”
Arthur snapped his head up.
Merlin smirked a little, lowering his head as he carried on working.
“Yes sire.”
Arthur threw the book at Merlin who just barely dodged it and he left the room.
You arrived a few days later, staying mostly with Guis or Merlin if you could.
Arthur finally managed to find you while he was heading back inside the castle, you were stood outside with Rufus catching snowballs you threw.
He made his way outside, standing next to you.
“It’s far too cold to be outside.”
You turned around, offering him a smile.
“It’s nothing I’m not sure to this time of year, I was actually thinking about taking a walk. Do you know any good trails?”
“There is one, it’s possibly the safest. I’ll accompany you if you don’t mind? If anything happens to you I won’t hear the end of it from Merlin.”
You laughed softly at him.
“Yes fine by me sire.”
“Right, come wait inside.”
You followed him, and waited in the hallway.
It took a short while for him to come back, and he held out a thicker more elegant cloak out for you.
“Wear this.”
“Sire I can’t, that’s much to rich for somebody like me.”
“(Y/N) put the cloak on, and call me Arthur.”
You didn’t want to disobey him, so you put it on and he led you outside.
You could see that a few people walked the trail, but not many, and you two held light conversation as you walked.
It was nice for him to not have to act so important, and you were talking to him just like a normal person, as if you two were from the same town or village.
You enjoyed stopping to look at simple things, animals in the snow, the way the sunlight gleamed on the snow making it sparkle.
Arthur was just entranced by you, and how you just seemed so happy.
“You’re always so happy when I see you, why?”
“What is there to not be happy about? I have a home, a brother, a mother, I have friends, food. There is always something to be happy about.”
Arthur hummed a little, nodding his head.
“You wouldn’t want more in life?”
“Not when I already have everything. You don’t need to be rich to be happy, as long as you find something or someone that makes you happy it’s alright.”
Arthur glanced at you, and he smiled a little.
“That’s a very different take in the world.”
You beamed brightly at him, kneeling down to make another snowball for Rufus.
“Hey, look out!”
Arthur went to grab you but it was too late, you slipped down the hill, and he was rushing as fast as he could behind you.
When he reached the bottom he knelt down.
“Hey, hey (Y/N)?”
You grumbled a little, lifting your head to look at him.
“Hey, are you okay? Are you hurt?”
“My leg.”
Arthur nodded, looking down at your leg, gently touching it and you winced in pain.
“Here, come on, let’s move you up.”
Arthur helped you up, and you guys slowly walked along the bottom of the hill to try and find a way back up.
After a while you had to stop, so he took his cloak off and laid it on the snow and sat you down.
Rufus laid next to you letting out a whine.
“I’ll try find a way, I’ll be right back.”
You nodded your head, watching him leave.
You knew there wasn’t going to be one, a hill like that there wasn’t going to be a way back up that wasn’t covered in snow.
Making sure it was safe, you held out your hand, whispering something under your breath, and a small trail in the snow fell away, creating a path up.
You ran a hand over your dogs head, scratching behind his ears.
Arthur wasn’t gone long, and he came back, shaking his head.
“I couldn’t find one, I’m sorry.”
He knelt next to you, looking at your leg again.
“I did find some sticks though, do you have anything in that bag to help me make a splint?”
“Oh, of course.”
Opening it, you pulled out your scarf, handing it over to him.
“It’s not the best, but it should help. We’ll sit here and rest, then keep going. I think there’s a storm coming in.”
“I think I saw a path just over there, could you look?”
Arthur looked at where you were pointing.
“Yeah, of course.”
He got up, checking.
He made sure it was stable before grabbing you, helping you up it, then he crouched down.
“Get on.”
“I can’t do that, a Prince can’t be seen carrying someone like me.”
“I don’t care, you’re hurt, get on.”
You sighed, climbing on his back and he stood up, making his way back where you guys had come from.
“I’ll take you to Guis, hopefully you leg isn’t that bad.”
You nodded, resting your chin on his shoulder.
“How did you see the path, I didn’t see it.”
“Maybe in the panic you missed it? Or it blended in the with snow?”
“No, no it definitely wasn’t there.”
Arthur went quiet for a few moment.
“There’s only one thing I can think off.”
“What’s that Arthur?”
He paused walking, crouching down to set you on the ground before turning around to look at you.
“Can you use magic?”
You tried not to react.
“I feel unsafe answering that.”
“(Y/N), can you use magic?
“If I say yes you’ll have me killed, if I say no you’re not going to believe me, and have me killed. I’m sorry but I can’t answer.”
Arthur narrowed his eyes a little bit, and he spun around to a noise behind him but there was nothing.
Turning back around his cloak and yours were on the ground, and you and Rufus were both gone, leaving not even a footprint in the snow
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cbts004 · 1 month
haii!! i love all the art of your ocs and your world is soso awesome!! is it possible to get some short info on some of your ocs? any lore or even just simple explanations of their personality and stuff? if you have any fave ocs hehe
Yes ofc!
The basic premise of the story of girlworld is this: The world is suddenly being struck by a mysterious disease caused by the moon's rays; zombifying the girls of the world. Along with this disease, strange creatures not of their world that resemble the current princess (Anastasia) are appearing, sapping girls of their powers. Bow and Ribbon, two best friends from a human village, are going on a journey across the lands to get to the princess in search of answers, and maybe a cure.
Ribbon and Bow:
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Ribbon is mysterious, quiet, and sarcastic. She keeps her distance from people, but Bow-- being her childhood friend-- seems to always be an exception to that rule. She can get a little irritated at her sometimes, but their bond is unbreakable. Her power is more Mind based, manipulating 'ribbons' (the concept of ribbons can get pretty abstract, but that requires using a lot of mental energy the more abstract the concept). You can see it exemplified in the long ribbon she always has tied to her index finger.
Bow is a bubbly girly-girl, very friendly and airheaded. Truly a shining example of a dog girl. She tends to get herself into trouble, but Ribbon is always there to bail her out. Bow's magical abilities are not as strong as Ribbon's, so she relies on befriending various creatures and beasts in order to summon them.
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Some of her beasts: A Chimera (Sonya) A Cerberus (Carebear) and a Manticore (currently unnamed... any suggestions would acutally be appreciated. Something cute for his old man face.) All her friends that she can summon are adorned with little pink bows!
Then there's Anastasia... the antagonist (?). A lonely girl locked away on a castle located in the center of the world, on a mountain. She's very melancholic and shy, whiling most of her days away yearning and writing emo poetry. Has a fondness for roses. She's attended to by her maids. Anastasia is also a Demihuman (I will maybe explain more on demihumans later)
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This is an older design-- I still haven't quite settled on a dress idea for her yet. I was thinking her dresses will be extravagant and change design frequently, based on phases of the moon.
Oh. She also has an evil glowing eye because that's cool.
Her maids are Tatiana and Maliana, two sisters. Tatiana is the younger and closer to (obsessed with) Anastasia. She uses bladed weapons to fight, using Matter based magic to use them like an extension of her own body, making herself into a weapon for her Lady.
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Her older sister, the other maid, is much more mysterious and distant. She concerns herself mostly with the maintaining of the castle. She uses a very regal wheelchair. Most of her physical energy is sapped due to maintaining multiple dolls that she has loaned her power to. She is capable of being ambulatory without it, but it's quite a strain on her body.
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These are the two dolls she has put her power into: Lunette and Solana. They're very advanced as far as dolls go. They cannot speak or emote, but they can commune telepathically with others if they so choose. They tend to creep people out.
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I'm super happy to receive any more questions about them! So if this sparks anything else you'd like to know, please do ask <3
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lizzydizzyyo · 5 months
I think what's really compelling about House's absolute unwillingness to bow down to anything or anyone (the ethical board, the law, extra rich CEO, vindictive police officer, and even the patients themselves) regardless of how absolutely batshit and downright illegal his actions are, is because it's coming from a chronically disabled person, in more ways than one.
He cannot walk without agony or his cane. His chronic and severe pain led him down the path of deep Vicodin addiction until he also becomes psychologically dependent on it too (once, Dr Cuddy gives him saline placebo and it "works", in that he is not feeling his leg pain anymore for a few hours).
He understands it deeply just how desperate people can be when they're in pain and nobody can (or are willing to) help them—at least, so far, until they land on his doorstep. Which is canonically the most extreme step patients take when everything else fails—you don't just go straight to Plainsborough Teaching Hospital and to Dr Gregory House MD's office; you have to go through dozens of other doctors in various specialties and failed treatments too.
(Although that's a separate discussion about how doctors, particularly resident ones, are overworked and underpaid and redtaped by shithead insurance companies even if they do know how to treat a patient and want to).
He knows, from the bottom of his heart, that having such a painful and life-limitting debilitating condition is comparable to hell on earth, because he has one. He knows, that despite his disability being visible to everyone, yet no one wants to put an effort to help him deal with it—is also hell on earth.
Cuddy simply throws money at him and turns the other way to his Vicodin abuse, like she is saying, "I don't care if he takes 10 Vicodin pills a day or more, and I have to pay at least $1M every year for lawsuits, as long as he gets the job done," (and when they decide to go into relationship, she immediately drops him when he relapses, even if the reason for his relapse is her—although, yes, there is another discussion to be had about keeping yourself and your child(ren) safe being a priority compared to helping an addict, recovering or not). Wilson, as loyal as he is to House, simply either enables him or lectures him without going into the root of the issue and thoroughly help House that way. His subordinates, especially after the original trio, are simply too scared, too ignorant, or too ambitious to even approach the issue and choose to keep their job than help House (also another discussion to be had about how you can't help people who don't want to help themselves and so on).
So when he sees a patient who has gone through hell trying to get a correct diagnosis and treatment, he becomes laser-focused on doing everything under the sun to get to the bottom of it and cure the patient. He doesn't care if he has to break into countless of houses (haha pun) and collect insane and probably biohazard samples to do it—he absolutely will, no question.
Yes, hate-criming and being a bigot is his favorite hobby (still livid at the asexual ep and the production's choice for the resolution, let's just say I still have beef with Hugh Laurie and the entire production team for it), and so is insulting patients in so many ways that Shakespeare would personally fly to New Jersey and shake his hands if someone manage to successfully perform necromancy on ol' Billy boy. But House is no one if not dedicated. "Yes, my patient is an idiot, everyone is an idiot too, but I WILL cure their condition like my life depends on it," is basically his middle name.
Besides, you can make the argument that he is more compassionate than all the other doctors around him, because despite his absolute disdain towards some of his patients' beliefs and stupidity, he still works his ass off to treat them. He will call your god an idiot in 7 different languages while putting you in a diagnostic machine he manipulated the whole hospital into letting him use so that you could get a test which weren't available to you before. He will tell you that your currently-happy marriage will end in a bloody divorce and your ex will leave you penniless so love is not real while injecting you with a medication he had to hack the CDC's database for.
There are even episodes that show him being truly earnest, like the clinic duty scene where he is snarky as usual to a girl who seemingly stupidly had unprotected sex until she lashes out, and House is like, "Oh shit, this is above my paygrade", and immediately goes to Cuddy with a very serious expression and no sarcastic dilly-daliying, demanding her to transfer the patient to someone else because he is not good with "curing" rape case (interesting choice on the writers' part to make the patient insist to have therapy with House, though).
There is an episode about a very workaholic woman executive in a fashion company who has tremor and partial paralysis, and later on it's shown that she seems to tie her worth as a person to her corporate success while band-aiding her deep psychological issue like her suicidal ideation, and House genuinely asks her, "Do you want to live? I cannot help you unless you want me to," or something along the line.
There is also the cursed 9-year-old terminal brain cancer episode where Chase kissed the patient (ew), where at first it shows House being a usual misanthophe to Wilson and saying, "She is not brave, it's the brain tumor clot talking because it must be near the amygdala." Later in the episode, House sits near the patient alone, and compassionately asks her if she even wants to live, going through the rest of her short-lived but horrible agony, even if they catch the clot. The surgery to find and get rid of the clot is risky and can debilitate her even more, and this is why House is laying the decision to her hands. That she gets to choose. This is what truly reveals to him that she is genuinely brave (aside from the scan showing the clot to be so far away from her amygdala), but for the wrong reason. She is brave for her mom, willing to go through horrible surgery and drag out her already painful cancer-ridden life because, "My mom needs me". When everyone is congratulating her in the end, you can tell House has a bittersweet expression of both awe towards her bravery, and sadness that this 9-year-old sick girl has to bear the brunt of her horrible pain just so that her mother is not sad. That he couldn't convince her to be a child until the nearing end of her life.
The most interesting evidence of his compassion to me is the gunman hostage episode. It might sound weird because in the whole episode, he is depicted to first want to outsmart the gunman patient, then becomes laser-focused but only because he sees it as a puzzle, then absolutely selfish and dangerous because he volunteers himself as the last hostage and gives the gun back to the guy after the MRI. I do think it's true that his dedication to solving patients-are-just-puzzle-to-me conditions shines through in the episode, especially the scene of him returning his gun, but there is something else I catch when I rewatched it before.
When the gunman patient is put in the MRI because Cameron tells him a theory through the hostage call, the remaining doctors in the room including House are wary at the gunman but also hopeful. Yet, when the result shows up on the screen, he realizes that the theory is wrong and the guy let go his only bargaining chip for nothing. If you watch this part carefully, you'll notice that House actually looks pitying and sad at the gunman's disappointed demeanor and expression. He realizes he is going to be another notch in the guy's failed doctors list, and at this point (with the gun given away and even the best, most talented doctor also not finding out what's wrong with him), the guy has given up hope that he will ever see the day he will be cured, certainly not behind the bars.
Yes, his thirst for puzzle is House's big driving force in giving back the gun, but you'll be lying to yourself if you don't notice House's compassion for the guy because he doesn't want the guy to go out empty-handed, with absolutely no more hope because House knows once they step out of the door, this guy will never, ever be allowed to be in the vicinity of any hospital or doctor ever again in his life, aside from jail's bare-minimum exams and medications. House can't handle the thought of putting someone else through his own disappointment—that nothing works to help his leg pain. He especially doesn't want to be the cause for this gunman guy's case either. Even in the end when House realizes the guy is a fucking moron because he doesn't know that Florida is, in fact, in earthwide-horizontal tropical zone and this is what stumps most of the guy's previous doctors—House still gives him a subtle salute to the guy while being handcuffed and led away, almost to say, "Enjoy your healing and the defeat of your arch nemesis The Sickness™, glad to be part of it."
Majority of his drive to stop at nothing until his patient is cured is definitely thanks to his own fucked-up leg, even if there are some dialogues with Cuddy and Stacy Warner (House's ex wife) that seem to imply he has always been a misanthrophe whose hobby is getting into malpractice (or general) lawsuits. I wholeheartedly believe that after his leg clot rendered him disabled and with chronic pain, he became much more dedicated and obsessed with getting to the bottom of a patient's medical information, even for info that seems innocuous or irrelevant that always turn out to be important (probably more like a plot armor than established characterization, to be honest), almost like this is his method of relating to the patients in his own weirdly human way, and maybe a little bit (actually, a lot) of projecting.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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hitomisuzuya · 2 years
🌸🌷hi! I was wondering if you could to an nsfw with a soft dom! Yandere! Kazuha? Where basically we, the reader, somehow accidentally took an aphrodisiac somehow (idk how you can come up with that part) and kazuha notices and decides to take care of that for us? Also pls fem! Reader pls, thank you
Btw I put the flowers there so that I can tell that it's my request and not another persons, anyways thank you bye :D!!
Yandere!Soft!dom!Kazuha x fem!reader. Smut. Use of an aphrodisiac. I made it more of an intentional "accident" since it fits more with the Yandere theme. Kazuha is gonna to sound really obsessive in this. I hope it doesn't freak anyone out😭
a/n: Here is the wind up, and the pitch. I hope you enjoy. You are my first answer to a Yandere character request. I hope I don't disappoint 💜
Truthfully, Kazuha felt like he manipulated you a little, even if you did come willingly when he asked you to join the Crux's crew. He'd been stalking you around Liyue for months. He was pretty sure you knew. With how clueless you seemed to act, it was almost like you were inviting him to act that way.
Most nights before he established a relationship with you, Kazuha would sit high up in the crow's nest and watch you. When he first saw you, there was just something about you that made him feel obsessive. He needed to have you, constantly leaving you flowers, and poetry from a secret admirer.
Kazuha loved pulling you against his chest as often as he could, asking you to repeat yourself when you said he was only one for you.
You'd practically set yourself up for this, wrapping yourself in a neat little bow like a gift for him.
It's not that Kazuha didn't trust what you said. He just wanted to test you, so he could watch you fall apart in front of him. To see what you would look like when you ask him for help, your eyes cloudy with lust.
It's not like you would care if he did this, but you'd left one of your drinks unattended while you discussed navigation with Captain Beidou. He made sure no one noticed him slipping the aphrodisiac into your water.
Now it was time to wait. He grinned at you, waving before he turned to go wait in your cabin. His normally calm and gentle demeanor may have reflected on the outside, but on the inside, he could barely contain his excitement.
Kazuha decided to act clueless and concerned when you finally stumbled into your cabin. This was supposed to look like an accident. He still wanted to play his part accordingly in the beginning. "What's wrong, my love. Are you sick? Come here, you look like you are running a fever."
He'd even scape goat someone on the crew and throw them under the bus instantly if he had to. He just might anyways.
Stumbling a little, you pressed yourself against his chest as much as you could. Did you have any idea how breathtaking you looked, your sense of morality pliable to his will. It was getting hard for him to carry on his charade.
"No.." you slurred, gazing up at him, panting quietly. You sounded as divine as you looked when you spoke next. It made Kazuha shiver with anticipation and lust. Now for the words he'd been waiting to hear. "Order me to sleep with you, Kazuha, please. It's something I want more than anything right now. I feel a little dizzy, I don't know why."
Your response was better than he ever imagined. Yes, perfect. You were so gullible right now. You would never have any idea!
"As you wish, my love," Kazuha replied. There was something dark reflecting in his eyes now. You didn't see it though. Or maybe you did. He didn't care either way. This was his moment, his triumph. He was going to enjoy it to the fullest.
He pointed at your bed. "You know your orders." He couldn't crawl on top of you fast enough. Tearing at your clothes, kissing you deeply as he adjusted you while took your clothes off.
Kazuha couldn't resist ordering you prepare yourself while he took his clothes off. You wanted to be ordered around by him and he wasn't to deny you. Besides, this was an extra gift for himself. He finally got to watch you do this in the same room now.
He licked his lips while he watched you. You were already so wet for him thanks to the aphrodisiac. Your fingers squelched wetly in and out of your cunt as you desperately fingered yourself.
"You are not to look away from me once, do you understand?" He said when he was back on top of you. You blinked slowly, looking dazed while you nodded weakly.
His thumb stroked your cheek. "Good girl. Be nice and loud for me. In fact," he said, thrusting his cock inside of you, making you gasp, your back arching with pleasure. "I'd prefer it if you screamed a little," he added, kissing the tip of your nose.
Every single moan and mewl that poured from your mouth was like honey in his ears. He didn't even want to kiss you much as he fucked you, he couldn't get enough of how you sounded right now.
Kazuha constantly pulled out of you, leaving only the tip inside. He loved how soaked his cock was with your slick. And how swollen your lips looked from his kisses.
"Don't worry, my love. I'll make you cum soon. I always take good care of my precious princess," he murmured, leaning down to allow himself just one gentle kiss.
Every thrust of his cock rubbed slowly against the most sensitive parts of you, stretching your walls apart, making your body feel cooler but hotter at the same time. It blew your mind actually.
You weren't sure how it was even possible. You didn't have time to think much about and you didn't want to. You could feel your orgasm ready to burst like a dam. You clawed at Kazuha's back. "Harder, Kazu, please. I can barely stand it right now." You pleaded.
You always sounded so perfect.
Kazuha gave you what you wanted. He always will. He would never deny you anything. And he was a pro at perfectly controlling your pleasure.
You cummed, screaming his name exactly when he told you to. He took great care to always admire the way his cum stuck sticky to your thighs as he filled you as many times as he wanted. It was going to a long night for you and him.
It was going take several hours for you come down from the aphrodisiac. He should do this more often, really. Kazuha could fuck you as much he wanted for as long as he wanted.
Every single time, you would be so needy and so fucked out when he was finished with you that you would never consider (or care) that he had given you an aphrodisiac.
There too many benefits for him that he couldn't resist doing it again.
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starillusion13 · 11 months
FRIENDS!? Chapter 4
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M.Masterlist Series ML
Pairing: poly!ateez × f!reader (An ATEEZ Office AU)
Genre: Mature, Angst, Yandere, SMUT
Warning: The upcoming events in the story will contain themes like stalking, violence, obsession, manipulation, possessive behaviour and restraining acts. Do not kill me for not warning you. This is an Yandere story so you are well aware of what to expect more. For SMUT I WILL GIVE THE WARNING IN THE BEGINNING. (In this chapter, two Ateez members being harsh(?) to mc.)
W.C: 3.4K+
For my beloved: @oreharuuu
Network: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
[Reblogs and Reviews are always appreciated. Thank you you for reading and have a nice day ahead. Please always take care of yourself everyone.]
Hello, Can we be friends please?
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*under the cue*
“Welcome on the first day as an intern to BBO, The great Blue Bird Organization. “
You chuckle on the dramatic greetings from your supposed to be one of the bosses. He is standing in the middle of the pathway leading to the main entrance of the building from where the view of the building is perfect and the sun rays hitting the glass walls, reflecting luxury and high status of the environment. Your eyes shine when you see the logo of the company of a blue bird sitting on top of the pirate ship and the name displayed underneath it with black and orange mixtures of colour. You wonder for a while what does that blue bird even refer to. Your focus averted to the flower bouquet offered in front of you.
“This is for you, cupcake.”
“Thanks, Wooyoung. Well, you know I want to know why do you keep calling me this name. Is this the nickname you gave me when we were friends?”
“…yes...Do you not like it?”
“Of course, I like it. Also, we should head inside. I have to learn a lot about my work on my first day so it’s better not to be late.”
Nodding to your words, he leads your way inside the building. The guard doesn’t block your way today rather bows and greet you with a soft ‘Good morning’ to which you reply back with a smile. Wooyoung still holding your hand introduces you to some employees who were gathered in a group, faces all focused on the ongoing discussion. When he approached them, they quickly turn to him and greeted him and also, they welcome you on your first day. You are feeling so comfortable and welcomed to this new place as if you are meant to be in this office in the first place. As some people are giving you smiles and greetings and then there some with curious eyes and whispers. Honestly, you don’t mind all these because you would have done the same if the boss of a huge company treated a new intern so nicely in front of you. You are already familiar with the different desks and rooms in the first floor and you don’t have any works here unless any boss tells you for a particular stuff from there. This floor has the wide area with the reception place for queries and a waiting area two stairs above platform with sofas and different indoor plants with a great outside view through the grand glass windows and you can see people already waiting for their personal reasons. To the end of that corner is a room for employees to discuss over some private meetings with the customers and beside that room is a public washroom. And while on the other side of the reception, at the very end corner of the area is the different rooms for the grade D employees and to exact side of the reception desk is the elevator and the escalator. The escalators are basically used by employees and the lift is for bosses.
Just like the first day, you are going go to the eighth floor with him and when the elevator ‘ding’ announcing you the arrival to the desired floor, your heart picks up the race. You get remind of all the intense gazes from the bosses all together flashing back to you. Shaking of your thoughts, you try to keep your formal and cool composure even though your mind screaming to hide somewhere, ‘you are not yet prepared to meet all of them again.’ but here you are standing in front of that very familiar door from the first day. Similarly, like Yeosang, Wooyoung types out some passcode and scans the ID.
As soon as you stepped inside, Wooyoung clears his throat and your eyes land on the men spread all across the room. Seonghwa and Hongjoong at their usual desk with Jongho sitting at opposite to them, maybe they were in some discussions but now all three have their eyes on you with welcoming smiles. Hongjoong looks the happiest one on your arrival and he also stands on his feet to walk towards you. Reaching near you, he pats your head, “Did you make it here alright?”
You nodded on his words, “Thank you for asking, Hongjoong.”
He feels satisfied with you finally calling him by his name and not using those ‘sir’ with a bestfriend, well blame it on Jongho who insisted to call them like that in the first place. You can feel stares on you and when you look towards the other direction, you can find the others are already looking back at you but somehow the atmosphere is different in this corner.
‘Are they not happy with you being here?’
San as like the previous day is leaning against the bookshelf with glasses on and staring darkly and you can’t decipher the expression, well it’s not a major concern for you because the next two persons who are just a few feet away from him are the reason for why you suddenly gulp a lump. ‘What have I done to these two?’
“Yeosang and Yunho. Come on, don’t scare our precious girl. Be nice to her on the first day.”
Thanks to Mingi to divert your attention from them. You don’t even know why you were looking at them so long when they just look like are about to launch at you. Anyways, you return back the smile to him to which Mingi nods his head and turns back his focus on the papers laid in front of him. Your curious eyes precisely scan the papers but a soft hand on your shoulder breaks your trance. Looking towards the person, Wooyoung just greets you with a soft look on his face.
“Come Y/n. Sit here.”
Seonghwa gestures you to sit in front of him beside Jongho and you with a gentle smile, step forward to the chair. The rest of them return to their previous action. They want to just leave their work aside and sit with you to spend time talking with you but their works need to be done and they atleast need to be professional on your first day. Atleast for now. They can’t just let their beast out and scare you. They are trying their best to fight their inner self and be a gentle self of them in front of you.
“So, have you got the schedule?”
“Yes, Wooyoung has given me earlier and some of you have meeting in two hours. Let me check it again.”
You turn on the I-pad and select the desired schedule tab and go through it quickly. You know Hongjoong and Seonghwa are eagerly waiting for your response. After scanning the list twice, you nod to yourself and look back at them.
“So, Seonghwa you are having a meeting along with Mingi at 12:30 with The Dune Enterprise and also you will have the lunch time with them as you are going to discuss about the upcoming field project.”
Seonghwa nods and stands up to go towards the mirror situated in the corner. You haven’t noticed that mirror before but it’s okay as you were so tensed last time when you were being here. Hongjoong who is leaning to the desk beside you gestures you to keep going.
“Jongho has a conference to attend after the lunch and before that you need to have the employees altogether to discuss about the topic that will be presented.”
You watch how he glances to his watch and puts out his phone to dial someone. The next name makes you a bit sad because you don’t want to lose his company so soon on the very first day but you cant be like this now, so shaking your thoughts away, you start speaking.
“Woo, you need to be in the fifteenth-floor cabin as you will be attending the interviews of the selected candidates.”
“You called him Woo? Or am I just hearing things?”
Hongjoong’s words click in your mind that your tongue slips with his nickname you started calling since earlier because the comfort and friendliness you are getting from him. To your confused and scared face, he laughs at you and pats your head.
“Don’t worry! I’m not scolding you. It’s just nice to hear you calling him in such a friendly way and getting along with each other.” You smile at him and again he adds, “Wooyoung, let me go along with you as I need to have some overview for some details.”
You cast a glance towards the fancy digital clock in the room and notice how almost two hours have been passed with your arrival and greetings and discussions about their schedules. You notice that the names you have called earlier are beginning to move out of the room and then when your panic starts picking up. Why not? If those five are going to leave then you are being left alone with the three devils. The ones about whom you have complained to Beomgyu so much and he had just laughed it off with calling you a ‘scaredy cat’.
‘If only he was here to face them then only, he could know my feelings.’
“Are you all leaving now?”
“As per the schedule, we have been told to be in our designated places by now. Why, do you need something?”
Everybody stops on their tracks on hearing him. Mingi just innocently blinks and recalling if he asked you something wrong. But when he follows their eyes, they are trailing on you and asking silently for your needs. They can bring anything to your foot at the time and can do anything even cancelling their schedules just to listen to you. Feeling so much attention on you, you feel overwhelmed. Somehow, you feel their gazes to have the comfort of a home, a safe place and as if those are screaming some missing pieces of your life from past but you are trying to ignore them. It can’t be. Even if they are your friends, they were nothing more than that, you guys were nothing except maybe classmates or used to hang out together after classes.
Your main question is ‘why don’t you remember then?’
Now they are complete strangers to you but somehow in the corner of your mind, you still feel something you are missing out with them. You look towards Wooyoung, who calls you with the nickname and you are not complaining to it, these three days talking to him and also during the text messages, you feel so comfortable with him. Then your eyes move towards Mingi who is eagerly waiting for you to voice out your problem.
“No. Um…have a great day ahead all of you.”
They smile to your little attempt to cheer them up for the day and step out of the room. Well, God should show you some mercy or let the ground engulf you. Wait, I’m on eighth floor so no ground but you are going to fall on the next floor. How unfortunate for you to be left alone with them even on the first day! Atleast you should have got some days to adjust to this new place and then maybe you could have expected a day like this.
“Are you going to daydream about your boyfriend standing there?”
Your lost eyes which were still staring at the closed metal door move towards the voice. The tall man with folded hands above his chest standing few feet away staring straight at you with an annoyed expression.
“I don’t have a boyfriend.”
“Lies. Are you just going to lie on your first day here?”
“What? I’m not lying, honestly.”
“Well, that’s not the information I got from your university. I heard how you were in relationship with a guy named ‘Mark’ in freshman year and Beomgyu made you break up with him because he was toxic for you. So, this second guy is your present boyfriend, I presume.”
“No. He is my bestfriend.”
He makes ‘tsch’ sound to which a frown appears on your face as why there is so much problem for him to believe your words. Also, it’s not his concern if you are being in relation with your friend or not. You are his past bestfriend and present employee at his office.
“Always sticking to each other like a glue and him being all possessive over you doesn’t suit the bestfriend term.”
“Well, a true bestfriend suit him the most then.”
“What do you mean?”
His glaring eyes and stomping of his feet come closer to you but you didn’t flinch on his sudden action but confidently looking up into his eyes to reply him back.
“A true bestfriend will always look after their friend in every matter and not letting them to disappear from their eyes as far as possible. Who will always stay beside you to say that ‘It’s okay, I’m here for you.’ I’m glad to get him during my highschool.”
You take a deep breath before continuing. He opens his mouth to speak but your hand gestures him to be quiet and surprisingly, your daring eyes and stern gestures made him silent and he didn’t even try to fight it back.
“Also, you are just my boss here so it’s not your concern to know about your employee’s certain personal life matters. I’m your secretary here and even if we were friends doesn’t mean I will let you to invade in my personal information.”
“Well well well. You have become so feisty after growing up. Even last day, you were so shy and scared little Y/N same as from those days.”
Yeosang approaches with clapping his hands and that heavy voice spreading goosebumps on your skin as you can suddenly recall about the day how he shouted on you.
Yunho is still staring at you but his eyes are soft, not having that rage from before but somehow those are still stinging with the rising fire behind the soft façade. Somehow, you praising another male in front of him is not setting right and he won’t be letting this slide easily. He wants to be the reason for the praises you are showering on someone else, he wants to be the one on whom you can rely during your problems but never in a while he wants to be the one to be considered by you as just a boss. He cant be just a boss to you.
“Don’t bring up that past everytime when you are going to be like this, Yeosang.”
“Like what?”
“Oh, so don’t you remember how you shouted on me the last day you were here? I just wanted to have some time to take a proper decision but your impatience just kicked out. Look, I know you all are happy to get your lost friend back and am happy as well knowing that there were some friends out here waiting for me but it doesn’t mean you will treat me as your doll under your control.”
“Yes, that’s how you want me to be.”
“Doll…...” he pauses for a second, “you remember this name?”
“Starting from today, you cant have any relationship with anyone. This is the first rule for you being our secretary.”
Since the first day you met this guy, his tendency is not to complete any sentence and keep you in confusion.
“Are you serious?”
“Very much.”
“What nonsense is this?”
“I can arrange for an official printed rules and regulation for you if you want, Miss Y/N.” You peek to San over Yeosang’s shoulder, who is standing beside you similarly the way Yunho is towering you in front. You are feeling cornered and under some sort of interrogation. San is sitting on the sofa with a laptop on his lap but he is smirking at you after offering you a not-so-lovely arrangement.
Yunho got a call and without glancing anywhere else but you, fishes out the phone and presses to his ears. “Hello.” His tone is harsh as if the person on other side of the call is interrupting some important business of his or he is least interested to have a talk with them, either way, you just have to face his burning self.
“I don’t care about his fucking offer.”
Now Why do I feel like he is talking to me? You try to avert your eyes everywhere but him and this is not to his accord. He is not liking the loss of your focus on him so suddenly he grabs your chin and moves you face facing him. Your eyes go wide and mouth forms an ‘o’ shape.
“What are you doing?” you merely whisper but Yeosang from your side shush you and leans forward to whisper in your ears.
“You don’t want to disturb his call and make him mad. Right?”
You deny quickly with moving your head sideways to which he gives you a satisfactory smile and pats your head before resting his hand on your lower back. Your eyes again found Yunho’s and you can see the tensed jaws and veins popping on his forehead. He must be really angry.
Your already shaking eyes go wide when he mouths the next thing to you, ‘If this person don’t cut the call in next five seconds, then I’m going to kiss you.’
And again he goes back to the call.
His fingers brush your lips softly and lingering over there.
He leans forward.
“I said, I don’t want.” he replies to the phone but still maintaining the eye contact with you.
You can feel his breathe fanning over your lips and you close your eyes and lean backward but Yeosang’s hand keeps you in place.
“Yunho. Step back.”
One. ‘phew’
A great thanks to Hongjoong who suddenly entered the scene with the two of them cornering you near the main desk and San enjoying the drama unfolding in front of him, abandoning his work. The eldest has the annoyed expression on his face and harshly pulled Yunho back and he cuts the call.
“Who was on the call Yunho and what were you trying to do?”
“That bullshit company.” He replies and looks at you smirkingly.
“Y/N. Are you okay?” Hongjoong asks you.
“Hm. I just need to use the washroom.”
He nods and without wasting a second, you excuse yourself but before leaving, Yeosang grabs your hand and the way he is looking at you, you can tell that he is trying to say something to you. But what? I want to listen to you but you are scaring me everytime. You shake your hand off from his hold and left the room.
As soon as you made into the hallway, you let out a deep breathe and tug your hairs behind your ears. Quickly, fishing out the phone from your pocket, you dial the last number and hoping the person to pick up while making your way towards the washroom. On your way, you bump into someone but formally, you with a politeness let the person go. The person must be in hurry like you. The call is not answered and mentally, you made a note.
‘The first two persons whom I’m going to add to my friends list is Wooyoung and Hongjoong and I have to know everything about them. How were we before?’
You smile to your own thoughts and go inside the washroom.
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“What was that, Yunho?”
“What? You just interrupted an interesting part.”
Hongjoong just glared back, not liking the reply from him.
“You both were letting him do that to her?”
They laughed on his words and San proudly nodded.
“Yeah. It was a nice show to be honest. If I were you, I would have waited for one more second.”
Hongjoong banged his fist on the desk catching all of three attention. The atmosphere of the room died down and covered with a thick silence.
“ let’s not forget, she is a different person now since the high school. We are not same as before. And you three are going to behave before we find out what happened in that past.”
Their smile disappeared and their heads uncontrollably nodded on his words. Afterall, he is the leader of the company and they are bound to listen to his orders.
Why are they so eager to know about her? Who are you to them? Friends right? Or something more than that? Who are they actually?
They are not lying to you. Right?
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xodite · 6 months
Introducing my Yandere oc’s!
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Irademia!cult leader! Modern! Poly!
Occupation: cult leader
Age: 27
‘Goddess of Luxury, life, witchcraft and sex’
“I am your goddess, and you shall bow to me as I am in my mortal form.”
Irademia started this cult after she discovered the basics of witchcraft and learned the power of suggestion and psychology. After getting her masters in psychology she started fear mongering that the end was near and she was the cure to immortal life. She found Iradita and fed her lies of her being the mother of the cult and she would bring them to safety. Irademia is extremely cunning and power hungry.
Manipulative, cunning, power hungry.
~ • ~
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Iradita! Cult leader! Modern! Poly!
Occupation: cult leader
‘Goddess of rebirth, birth, death and retribution’
“I am Irademia’s partner. For I am a god.”
Iradita regardless of her status in the cult is extremely insecure and easy to manipulate. Although she is not a victim she definitely enjoys the role of power and serving her partner. She’s extremely naive unfortunately yet temperamental and explosive.
Naive, loyal, hot headed.
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Estelle! Hitwoman! Modern!
Occupation: Hit Woman
Age: 23
‘Deaths right hand’
“Oh baby you owe some very bad people a lot of money”
Estelle often works for people on the dark web even going as far as to torture people sexually and non sexually on the dark web for high paying clients. Although most of her work is for loan sharks collecting outstanding debts. Estelle is very closed off yet a very obsessive toxic lover.
Obsessive, Sadistic, Toxic.
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Verena, Yandere Queen! Medieval!
‘The Queen of heads’
“Oh the title? I collect the heads of those who wrong me. Oh no darling why are you crying? I would take your heart not your head!”
Verena was named after her mother who was pronounced queen of power. Her name means power and she actively flaunts it even more then her crown. Verena never married or had a heir and refused to do so, claiming she would rather die then belong to a man.
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Aesira! Assassin! Medieval!
‘Assassin of desire’
“I am a god.”
(Yes she’s inspired off Celeana from throne of glass what about it)
Aesira grew up in the queen of heads kingdom. At a very young age the queen massacred her parents infront of her and from then on she swore to be the queens demise. She’s known for killing her victims with her appearance to lead them to their death. They say if you look into her eyes long enough you’ll light on fire from desire.
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Iphissyss! Genderfluid! Succubus/Shapeshifter! Mediveal!
Temptress for hire is apparently her occupation (glorified bait and distraction)
169 (20 in human years)
‘Hells prized curse’
“Oh darling I’m anything and everything you want me to be. Oh but I am definitely your worse sexy nightmare.”
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This demon grew up being tutored as soon as she hit 18 how to be the best temptation around. Once she finished her training she wrecked havoc on the kingdoms around started offering her services for sexual energy and teaching forbidden crafts and stalking unsuspecting victims.
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msbrownwithacrown · 10 days
I really hope acofs Rhys and his actions don't just get washed away and under rug swept like all of his other previous actions.
Because poor Feyre is giving me domestically abused woman vibes. One who is so thoroughly manipulated that she laughs and justifies the abuse away, with an excuse.
"Lol. That's just how Fae Males are during pregnancy."
"Lol yes he just overreacted a little with almost killing my sister for sharing vitally important health news to me."
"Lol yes he basically imprisoned my sister."
& then Rhysand gives me toxic narcissistic abuser vibes. Classically, comes in after the abuse (and only after the victim did something that directly benefited the abuser) and bombards the victim (Nesta) with tokens of lovebombing and extravagant gifts. Miraculously now having enough wealth to endlessly gift her with things. Dramatically bowing before her (equivalent in our world to a dramatic display of affection), which yes she deserves, but when coming from an abuser master manipulator, it must be taken with a grain of salt.
Especially, considering that by hofas we're seeing the continual mistreatment of Nesta.
But this doesn't get explained as Rhys is "just a fae male", this doesn't even get acknowledged by the ic as not ok behavior.
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gaybae1021 · 1 year
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Hey, what if Nana was really scary when she wanted to be?
So yeah, I’ve been reworking how witches work in mcd, and yes I have Owl House brain rot. So based on that I’ve been giving each of our magic characters (Lucinda, KC, Hyria, and Zoey (in my headcanons)) different magical specialties. I imagine they can still do other types of magic but a specific branch comes easiest to them. Luci has illusions, Zoey has healing, Hyria has nature, and Nana…well she’s interesting.
Her powers are rare, so she never met anyone who knew what they were called. While they were friends, Lucinda named her ability animation. Her power is controlling objects, bringing them to life.
With low levels of concentration, it’s something like the Socerer’s Apprentice, animating brooms and such to clean for her. If she puts more focus into it, she can make more independent creations, like her dolls from the original series that can express basic emotions and act with autonomy. She also makes and then animates Bigglesworth as a gift for Lucinda. For visuals, I imagine her magic appears as red strings (inspired by all the red string=life/soulmate stuff) that weave around in the air. These strings guide the objects she controls, and in cases of granting permanent life, tie around the object in a bow before infusing them with her magic
But there’s a dark side to her magic, a side she rarely uses because it’s scares her. If so forced, she can animate people.
Here it takes on more puppet-on-a-string imagery, her strings wrap around the person’s wrists, ankles, and neck, and she can manipulate the strings to control the person, a bit like blood bending in the way they move and the fact that’s it’s terrifying and extremely painful. It takes so much concentration that her face goes completely blank, a sharp contrast to her usual expressiveness.
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Where Do I Go
bodyguard!jongho x reader (royal?au)
genre and warnings: angst, fluff, suggestive, violence warning
word count: 23k
synopsis: you're the owner of hotel crescent in mist island, where secrets are traded. you're infamously known as the gossip-dealer and known for manipulating people, which means you're not safe. however, the last thing you expect is your power-hungry father to send jongho to be your bodyguard, but you suspect it's not because he fears for your safety but because he wants to keep tabs on you as he joins prince woobin's side while you join prince hongjoong's side. as your father comes from eden to mist island to become the minister of foreign affairs, the political situation between the two nations worsen and you fear for war, but you risk your life for your homeland, and find jongho joining hands with you as you both uncover secrets and betrayals from your father.
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You clicked the necklace into place as you stood in front of the mirror, admiring how the ruby provided a starking contrast with your midnight blue gown, the square neckline making a display of your collarbones, the sleeves full and fitted just like the bodice after which it fell in an elegant flair down to your ankles. You clicked your fingers and the maid arrived behind you, fixing the tied curls in your hair upon your indication. Everything about you screamed mystery and power, and you both loved and hated that. 
“I’ll be back soon after midnight- have a warm bath prepared for me.”
“Yes, ma’am,” the maid bowed before leaving and you stepped into your matching flats. For the past half an hour your maid had basically polished you- styling your hair into an elegant but messy bun, doing your routine makeup, dressing you up. It was time to get to the counter and deal with your ‘customers’. You took a deep breath, glancing at the sword that was hanging as a decoration in the living room. Smiling, you left the room and walked downstairs, greeting the maids and waitresses that bowed to you before settling behind the counter, your usual spot where you managed the guests- of course, that was also a pretence among the other things about your personality.
“Good morning, Sakura. I hope everything is in order today.”
“Madame Lee,” the receptionist bowed, motioning you to take her seat- she would now be moving to the other desk until you leave. “Everything is well. I hope you’re doing well.”
“Absolutely,” you smiled, waiting until she was out of sight before you sat and pulled out the register, sitting on your seat and glancing at the few customers you had- some of them were residing temporarily here, while the others dropped by for breakfast- either to meet a resident or to mingle. You sighed, feeling a little bored- you always did, in the mornings it always got interesting around evening, when the people present would exchange gossip and secrets, make decisions that could change the course of this little island that was home to many- Mist Island. 
Of course, no matter whether you were busy or not, time flew. You had quite a few interesting guests in your hotel today, and right now, almost 10 in the night, you were dealing with a… difficult client who was testing your patience with every passing minute.
“Look, Madame,” he began, his eyes travelling all over you as he smirked. “All I’m saying is it’s dangerous business to get involved in places you aren’t meant to be.”
“I hope you haven’t forgotten, Officer,” you sipped tea, glad there was a table between you two- you wanted nothing more than to kick him in the shins. “Money buys everything. You, of all people, should know.”
He raised his brow, wondering just what you were implying. It didn’t help that you wore your statement smile that revealed nothing but at the same time, made men shiver with worry. “Yes… money buys everything.”
You tilted your head, pleased to see he was confused. “If you can afford a secret, we’ll have a deal. You know I only give out freebies if I feel generous, or… if it could provide for some entertainment in this boring town. And frankly… I’m not feeling very generous right now, I’m afraid.”
The Officer made a face, nodding his head slowly in denial more than agreement, his black uniform almost blending with the leather chair in the dim lights. “And what pleases you, Madame? I’ve heard it’s not always money that you demand.”
“A secret in exchange for an even better secret, or… something valuable to you would do,” you grinned and the Officer thought you looked like a magpie at that moment, ready to snatch whatever caught your eye. “So?”
The Officer bit his lips nervously, leaning forward once again. “I’m desperate, Madame. I need to know what the Prince’s Right Hand and the envoy from Eden talked about. Don’t you care about the future of Mist Island? I think that should be enough to tell me the secret- I report to the Prince and I think the Prince’s Right Hand is betraying him-”
“You’re wrong about that, I’ll give you that, at least,” you relaxed back. “The Prince’s Right Hand is very loyal to the Prince- all of Mist Island knows that. You have nothing to worry about- you don’t need to know what they talked about now, do you?”
He almost pulled out his hair and you smiled- he was definitely reporting to someone else other than the Prince. You leaned forward, pretending that you were about to share some scandalous thoughts- and perhaps, you were. “Officer.. If you tell me who you really report to, I’ll give you the secret for free. I promise. And your secret will, of course, stay safe with me.”
The Officer paused, thinking about it. He had clearly not expected the owner of the hotel to be so clever and curious like a cat- it could be your besetting sin, he thought. “Hotel Crescent is an interesting place, I must admit.”
“And you’re welcome here anytime. I don’t forget a face,” you smirked. 
“Well…” the Officer threw his hands in the air before surrendering. “I report to the Minister of Defence. He’s keeping tabs on everyone around the Prince in case someone betrays him- you know how the situation is between Mist Island and Eden these days. He’s preparing us for the worst, he says.”
You only nodded, giving him no reaction. “We should always be prepared for the worst, in any situation. Well, thank you for the information. One of my maids happened to overhear the Prince’s Right Hand and the envoy talk about changing the Minister of Foreign Affairs- perhaps, someone well known in both Eden and Mist. They would prefer someone from Eden, which would be quite… strange, if I have to admit.”
“Ah,” the officer shook his head in disbelief. “That’s a shame. Someone from Eden as the Minister of Foreign Affairs? Way to make it obvious that Eden wants to take over our land.”
“Well, a secret for a secret. Our deal is sealed,” you winked before getting up. “Enjoy the rest of your tea, Officer.”
You smiled to yourself- you had played this one well. Of course, the Prince’s Right Hand was loyal to the Prince. No lies there- but it really was the Prince himself that this ‘concerned’ officer should be worried about. It still looked like most of the court was unaware of the schemes cooking in the palace. And then there was the matter of the head post of the department of Foreign Affairs-
Oh, how you had resisted the urge to tell the officer that it was your own father who wanted that post. You couldn’t help but think about ways to mess up your father and his little mission to become the Minister of Foreign Affairs here- the audacity-
The bell at the door indicated the arrival of a person and you shook your head, ridding it off the schemes, looking ahead at the man who had a rather big suitcase with him. You smiled at him as you opened the register. “It looks like you’ll be staying here for a long time, Mr…”
“Choi. Choi Jongho,” his voice was low and he looked around. 
“Choi Jongho,” you repeated, writing his name. “Room no. 1117 is free. May I ask the duration of your stay?”
“Might be a day, might be… longer,” he smiled politely and you nodded, almost narrowing your eyes- you had definitely seen this face before. “Can I have dinner before I settle in my room?”
“Of course, I’ll get you a table in the corner, if you prefer,” you sighed at the loud group of people that were occupying the centre of the hall to your right. “You must be tired after all the travelling.”
He only nodded in response and you called for a maid, muttering your orders and asking one of the porters to transport Mr. Choi’s bags to his room. The maid accompanied the man to the corner and you finished writing his entry, pausing when you realised just where you had seen him-
In Eden. With your father.
Had he sent this man on business? If he had, he would never have stayed here- you and your father were worse than enemies when it came to business. Perhaps he had sent him to spy on you.
A devilish smile creeped up your cheeks as you shut the register and took a peek at Choi Jongho, who was ordering his food. As soon as he was done, he met eyes with you and you were surprised that he didn’t immediately look away like any other man would have. 
You didn’t exactly know who he was- you had only seen him once, perhaps twice, in your father’s office in Eden. Perhaps he didn’t know you as well and this was a huge coincidence on his part, but you couldn’t sleep tonight without knowing the truth. So you waited until he was done with his dinner and before he could get up without tea, you took the liberty of sitting down across from him with a cryptic smile. 
“Tea is on the house- unless you’d prefer another drink.”
“That’s very kind of you,” he raised a brow, shaking his dark bangs away from his face. “Madame… Lee, is it?”
“The one and only,” you scoffed. “How’s Mr. Lee doing? I hope Eden has worn him down more than he’d like.” 
The way Mr. Choi paused and shook his head, told you that your suspicions were right. You scoffed in disappointment. “What are you, his spy? He must be growing anxious back there since my business is booming.”
“Not a spy,” he told you and waited as the waitress arrived with tea. Once she was gone and you had taken a sip and he was done scanning you, he began. “How did you know it was me?”
“I don’t forget a face, Mr. Choi,” you said and he whistled. “Especially one I’ve seen near my father.”
“He has some… other plans.” When you only raised your brows as an indication that you were waiting, he sighed. “I understand that you had an… accident recently in one of your dealings? I don’t know exactly what you do, but your father thinks it’s best that you hire yourself a bodyguard- nothing too fancy, just a shadow.”
“Interesting that he would suggest so, since he’s the one who cares the least for me,” you narrowed your eyes at him. “Mr. Choi Jongho, I’ll deal with any ‘accidents’ I have myself. You can return and inform my father of that- I don’t require a bodyguard.”
“Maybe we should talk privately,” Jongho noticed the maids at the other corner. “You have a lot of eyes on you.”
You took a deep breath, willing the anger roiling in your stomach to calm down and nodded. “You can come to my room at the strike of midnight. When you go to your room, make sure you don’t unpack- I have a feeling you’ll be taking the next train back home.”
Before hearing what Jongho had to say, you were back to your desk and Jongho scoffed to himself- you were a handful, just like your father had described. Haughty, spoiled, and more- you were proving your father correct. He noticed the permanent smile you wore even as you worked and he wondered if you never got tired- but then again, people like you lived off the gossip that travelled around here.
A gossip dealer, Mr. Lee had explained to Jongho, not going into the details. Gossip, he explained, was a two-edged sword. It could cut the wielder if dealt with unprofessionally. But as Jongho looked around at the hotel that even your father admitted was a pretty successful venture, Jongho had to admit perhaps you did have the brains after all. This place couldn’t run without a good head.
Jongho never went to his room, opting to wait right where he had been sitting, reading the paper and catching up to the news. At the strike of the clock, he found you staring at him and with a tug of your head, he was up and following you to the room on the first floor, at the very end- a suite. He watched you turn the keys and open the room, allowing him to enter first before you shut it behind you and turned the lights on. 
“Please, take a seat,” you said and Jongho understood what you meant- stop stalking around. Jongho passed a nearly devilish smirk before he settled down, noticing the sword. “How long have you practised?”
You were surprised that he didn’t dismiss the sword as a mere decoration- or perhaps, your father had told him. What you didn’t realise was that he noticed the blade looked like it had been sharpened and the hilt wasn’t in top condition. “I’ve practised long enough. Now… shall we get back to business?”
“Look, Madame,” Jongho turned his full attention to you. “Things between Eden and Mist Island are going to get rough- this is me speaking, not your father. You need a bodyguard, especially with the job you do-”
“And what, exactly, is my job?” You crossed your legs, smirking. “I’m interested in hearing what Mr. Lee told you about my job.”
Jongho licked his lips, finding it difficult not to groan at your displeasing behaviour. “Gossip-dealer?”
You couldn’t help but scoff at that. “I understand why I should hire a bodyguard- I’ve had this thought for a while now. But tell me why it has to be you, who’ll most definitely be reporting my every move to my father.”
“Obviously your father knew that you’d be against the idea, but I’m patient and he must have thought I’d do a good job,” he relaxed back and you frowned in confusion. “He trusts me, and you can use it to your advantage if you wish. I have to find a few answers on this island as well. Maybe we can make a deal, think how it’s going to work for the both of us.”
You stared at him- he could pass as a local here. He didn’t look strange- plain dark hair, no unusual fashion sense. Everything about him screamed ‘normal’ which was going to be beneficial to you- this was probably a disguise and you could use someone who could pass away almost unnoticed in the crowd. Yet… there was this unmistakable air of mystery to him. Just what answers was he searching for that he was risking his life to become your bodyguard? He had to know just how many people targeted your head on a daily basis, didn’t he? You asked him that and he let you know that he was fully aware of the risk.
“Let’s hear what you have to offer then,” you studied him. “If I don’t agree, we can part ways right here.”
Jongho smiled as he nodded. “I’ll let you choose what exactly I report to your father- you have to give me something so he doesn’t get suspicious. He has other spies here anyway so we should act cautiously.”
“Other spies, huh?” You scoffed- you knew you weren’t paranoid when you felt like someone was watching you at the most random times. “What makes you think he won’t find out about our little deal? He’ll make you regret ever betraying him because you sound like someone he trusts enough, yet here you are, relaxed as you plan to betray him.”
“I think you’re a good actor,” he smirked and you snorted. “And so am I. I don’t see the problem if we’re agreeing on these conditions. I won’t betray you if you don’t interfere in whatever I’ve come here to do- nothing political unlike your field of work, I promise.”
“I think we can work with that. You’re right- he’s going to find out sooner or later anyway. He’s more sensitive now that he’s planning to return here on an official post, isn’t he?”
“You’re quick,” he clapped. “In return… I might need your help a little- not now, maybe later, but there is some digging I have to do and I’d like to keep it a secret- especially from Mr. Lee.”
“I hope it’s something that brings him down- then I can help you with that,” you smiled innocently and he chuckled at that. 
“You two really don’t get along, do you?” He shook his head. “So? Do we have a deal?”
“I have a few… conditions. You’ll refer to me as Madame and you will stay a respectable distance from me- especially when I’m ‘dealing’ with someone,” you began and he nodded. “The minute I learn that you’re betraying me in any way, you’re done for. I may not have a bodyguard but I have enough protection to save me from attempts like these.”
“Understood,” he shrugged- it wasn’t much you were asking for. 
“Then we have a deal. And make no mistake- I do not trust you. I still think you’re going to be reporting my every move to Mr. Lee. However, I won’t interfere in whatever you’ve come here to do… for now.” 
Jongho gaped at you as you got up and went for your room, dismissing him with a rather casual wave of hand. He sighed- just when he thought he had you. “You’re going to be so difficult to deal with.”
“I aim to please,” you said before shutting the door to your room and taking off your accessories, letting your hair loose before walking to the bath.
The bath had long gone cold.
Having Jongho as a bodyguard was proving to be… difficult, to put it simply. 
He wasn’t being a bother, not at all. He wanted eyes on you at all times when you were not in your room, and since you were mostly behind the counter or with the customers, all you needed to do was let Jongho go unnoticed as he seated himself in the corner on a chair with newspaper and an endless refill of coffee or tea- whatever he’d feel like. 
However, you did not like being watched even though it was necessary. It was just him making you aware of his presence time and time again that irked you. Stealing ‘casual’ glances whenever someone official he recognised entered, smirking when he’d catch you making a deal… a mere bodyguard should remain invisible to you. That’s what you told him in your evening break.
“Well, I’m not a ‘mere’ bodyguard, it seems,” Jongho shifted. “What exactly did I do?”
“You couldn’t have made it less obvious that you’re keeping an eye on me,” your face was emotionless so that anyone else watching wouldn’t catch on. “I get that it’s new for you but can you wipe that permanent smirk off your face whenever I’m dealing?”
Jongho laughed heartily at that. “Is that how it seemed? I’m pretty sure I had no such expressions on my face.”
“You don’t even realise it, do you?” You tsk-ed at him, fixing your midnight-blue sleeves before pointing at the left corner of your lip. “This gets lifted up like this, ever so slightly. It’s annoying.”
It lifted up again as a smirk creeped up his face. “Does it now? I’ll hide my face behind the newspaper then-”
“That’s worse,” you shook your head. “If you don’t improve by tonight I’m sending you back home, with a message to my dear old father that he can do better than this.”
“Go ahead,” Jongho, unfazed, went back to reading his newspaper that you were sure he had memorised by now. “I’m his best.”
“So arrogant,” you muttered, scanning him as you pondered your decision. “Just try to make it less obvious. We’ll deal with this later.”
Jongho, however, didn’t improve even slightly. You were just glad your customers weren’t noticing, and by the end of the night, you thought that perhaps, he did blend in. Since your staff was aware of him now and he could go inside and outside as he pleased, you supposed no outsider noticed him… for now.
And tonight, you needed to see just how good he was as a ‘bodyguard’. You were meeting with someone whose identity was better left hidden, though you were sure at least your father was aware of your dealings with the younger prince’s little gang of misfits. Even if he wasn’t, it was a little test for your bodyguard- if after this meeting, your father finds out whose side you are actually on, he would take swift action. 
Before every meeting, it was your strategy to think of every possible outcome and plan according to it. Tonight, you were meeting Park Seonghwa- Prince Hongjoong’s Right Hand, had he been allowed to have one officially. It was sad how the king and the elder prince had pushed the wiser one of their family out of the picture. What made you giddy with satisfaction, though, was that the younger prince was no fool at all. He was one of the smartest individuals you had ever had the chance to encounter, and you were sure he would one day take his position at the very throne he deserved to rule. Not his elder brother Prince Woobin, but him.
People suspected that you were in cohorts with the younger prince, but only to the extent that you provided him with the ‘gossip’. Thankfully, the reputation you had built for yourself preceded you. As it was a public fact that the younger prince had negligible power in the matter of the courts, no one cared. The only person who would care was your father, who had learned the hard way that everything you did had a purpose. 
“How am I supposed to protect you if I don’t even know who we’re meeting?” Jongho muttered, casually walking by your side even when you had instructed him to act like a bodyguard and stay a few steps behind you. 
“Who I meet is none of your concern, and you won’t be reporting this to Mr. Lee,” you gave him half a smile, observing your surroundings as the two of you walked through the very empty night streets. “We’re almost there- stay hidden while I talk. This man is not the threat tonight, so keep your eyes and ears open.”
With that, you stood at the corner of the street and tapped in a rhythmic beat thrice- a signal to him that you were not alone but safe. Out of the shadows, the tall figure of Seonghwa appeared, face masked and hidden further with the hat tilted all the way down. 
“One would think you’d walk right into a trap if all you can see in front of you is your goddamned hat,” you said and he let out a low chuckle as he slid his mask down and tilted his hat up. 
“My apologies, though I must ask who exactly that man is,” he pointed at Jongho who waved at him with a rather innocent smile.
“My ‘guard’, if you can believe that. Long story, perhaps for another time. How does the captain fare?”
The captain- what you called Prince Hongjoong in public. Seonghwa nodded, and that was enough of an answer. You continued, “My earlier suspicions were right. The Prince’s Right Hand is very loyal to the Prince, but now there’s another group we ought to worry about. The Minister of Defence is keeping tabs on everyone, and possibly you as well. Also, it is in discussion whether the new Minister of Foreign Affairs should be someone from Eden. I’m pretty sure Mr. Lee is on board for that position.”
Seonghwa raised his brow at that last piece of information. He knew Mr. Lee was your father, and the fact that you were telling him this… “And would Mr. Lee make a good minister?”
“If you wish to make Mist Island and Eden one again through bloody means, then yes. He would make a very good minister.”
“And how should we stop this from happening?”
“Find out who is actually behind this, and what Mr. Lee holds that grants him immunity as he tramples all over Mist Island.”
“On it.” Seonghwa tipped his hat and disappeared back into the shadows, and you clicked your fingers and resumed walking as if you had never stopped in the first place. 
“That was quick. Where are we going now?”
“To the place that I once called home,” you scoffed and Jongho raised his brows. 
Taking a few turns, you finally reached the house that you had grown up in. As you unlocked the main door and entered what was an average house, much like the other on the street, the damp smell and dust greeted you, making you take a step back. You would never get used to the house smelling like a memory long forgotten. Perhaps, you too were scared of opening the treasure box of memories and letting out the warmth of your mother’s arms. The house was not home after your mother left and never came back, presumed dead.
The truth was that you wished your mother was still out there somewhere, far away even, but safe. Alive. Living the life she wished she had, the one she always sketched in the bedtime stories she told you. 
“Looks like you haven’t been here in a long time,” Jongho’s voice brought you back from your reminiscing and you turned to look at him swat at a spiderweb. “Is this Mr. Lee’s residence?”
“He doesn’t use it much, but I assume he’ll be needing it soon- until and unless he arranges for something better. And me being the docile daughter, I thought I’d surprise him by letting him know that I was aware he would be arriving here,” you smirked, putting your hands on your hips as you surveyed the area. “Better get this place cleaned out tomorrow, don’t you think?”
Jongho looked confused- often, the lines of sarcasm and blunt truth were mixed with you. “Why don’t the two of you don’t get along, if I dare ask?”
“A number of reasons, each worse than the other,” you went for your father’s study, unlocking the room with the set of keys you had one of your men steal and make a copy of without his knowledge. “None that should entertain you much. Would you like to make a survey of your boss’ study? I’m sure you’ll find something of interest there.”
You didn’t miss how Jongho’s eyes flashed- so you were right. Jongho must be trying to look into Mr. Lee’s private life, which meant he must be trying to find out something about his close circle or whatever people he had been dealing with in the past. Jongho narrowed his eyes. “And what should I be looking for?”
“Whatever answers you were wishing you would find on this island. Perhaps you will find something if you’re lucky. I’ll be in the room upstairs when you’re done.”
With that, you left him in your father’s study- an act of faith in him so he could feel that you trusted him to some extent. You wanted him to loosen his guard so you could find out just what ‘answers’ he was desperate enough to look for- desperate enough to be a bodyguard for someone like you. You knew one thing about your father and it was that he wouldn’t force anyone to protect you, which meant Jongho had to have accepted rather willingly. Maybe to your father, that was an act of loyalty, but you suspected otherwise- and you had to, to remain safe.
You entered what had once been your room, now barely a fragment of who you used to be as a child. You did what you had to first- check the floor for that one odd sound and lifted that plank, taking out a box and unlocking it with the key only you and your mother possessed- no one else knew this box existed. It was a little secret communication device between you two while she was alive, and you hoped one day she would communicate with you through this as well. It has been almost a decade now since she went missing, but you used to come monthly here until you started coming less as you started losing hope (or hoping she wasn’t going to use this to communicate with you but another means). 
The letter you found was the same one you had left around six months ago. You replaced it with a new letter and shut the box back, making sure nothing seemed out of place before going to the window and looking out at the half moon. 
With every passing day, your suspicions that your own father had something to do with your mother not coming back without a word grew. Your hatred for your father grew along, especially when he morphed into an ambitious, selfish and wealth-greedy man. You just wished you’d get news if your mother was dead- even that would be a relief than not being aware what state she was in. at least you could mourn her then. 
Jongho hadn’t intended to sneak up the stairs but somehow, despite your good ears, you didn’t sense him with his hand raised to knock at the door- he paused, realising this was the first time in the past three days he saw you with your guard down. Candid. Your shoulders weren’t straight anymore, instead looked burdened. Your head was down with some worry that loomed over you, your mouth breathing sighs. Before you could turn, Jongho knocked on the door, startling you a bit.
“We can go now if you’re done,” he scanned you, feeling a little awkward.
“And? Did you find what you were looking for?” You asked as you followed him downstairs.
“Not exactly,” he sighed. “It’s going to be hard to find what would be a well-hidden secret if it exists in the first place, wouldn’t it?”
You paused- you hadn’t expected that. Jongho raised a brow and you smiled. “It looks like we’re in the same boat, even though our quests must be different.” He made a funny face at that and you locked the main door behind you as you exited. “Did you at least find something of interest?”
“Maybe I did.”The glint in his eyes confirmed that and you smiled in satisfaction. It looked like tonight wasn’t a waste afterall. 
Whether you would like to admit it or not, you were gradually getting used to the idea of having Jongho as your shadow. Especially when he was proving to be useful in several ways. As a bodyguard, he was doing an exceptional job. Since the relations between Mist Island and Eden were getting rockier with each passing day, making the citizens feel on edge, many of your customers who came to trade secrets with you tried to get aggressive. Earlier, you would handle the situation by either breaking a plate over their head or splashing whatever was in front of you on their face- whether it be hot tea or cool water. But now? As soon as someone so much as raised their voice over you, Jongho, who was preferring to seat himself as close to you as possible whenever you did your job, would casually start cleaning his gun or cracking his knuckles with a glare in their direction.
At first, you were pissed. You thought he was interfering, but when one of them ignored Jongho’s not-so-subtle warning and tried to twist your wrist when you annoyed him, Jongho ended up twisting the offender’s wrist so hard you were positive you heard the snap of bones. After that, word must have gotten out. Everyone who met with you was more careful.
Apart from his bodyguard duties, Jongho was also quite an entertainer, you were finding. He was good at making you smile, and your staff was the first to notice, since they could differentiate between your trademark smile and real smile. Jongho probably did not, and you were glad that was the case. You didn’t want him to think his dad jokes were funny- it could get in his head. Not that he would care- you found out it was his lifelong habit. But since Jongho was good at talking and also good at annoying people, you decided to teach him a trick or two about your job.
“We don’t know how long we are doing this,” you told him, fixing the collar of your periwinkle gown before you looked at him, peeking behind him to see that the customer/target was already seated in the hall. “So maybe you should join me. Maybe you could do some work in my stead when I ask you too.”
“I don’t know if I’ll be good at this though,” Jongho sighed, running a hand through his dark hair. “You’re an expert. I’ll make a fool of myself.”
“You won’t,” you insisted, almost glaring at him. “You already know too much, don’t you? When you have too much information, you need to let it out through different channels.”
“And what’s that channel today?” Jongho looked towards the hall where all sorts of people were present- nobles, soldiers, foreigners, gangsters. 
“It’s a test. You have to figure out who he is,” you winked at him and he groaned. You only fixed the collar of his black shirt, ignoring how he tensed under your touch, before beckoning him to follow you, seating yourselves in front of the middle aged man who wore such plain clothes that it was impossible to tell if he was a noble or a peasant. But peasants didn’t come here, and he didn’t look from a noble family, Jongho thought.
“I hope you’ve been well,” you said as you poured tea for him, sliding the tray of cookies as well and he thanked you awkwardly. “How’s your family?”
“The same, but the youngest almost caught a cold,” he replied and you raised your brows.
“I hope he’s okay now?”
“He’s still at the… hospital. Not here, though.”
“Is someone with him?” You continued pouring tea for Jongho who had a sympathetic look on his face as he listened to the man’s story.
“He’s all alone, we couldn’t join him. But we wish to, when the time is right, when the matters are solved,” the man sipped his tea, rubbing a hand over his hairy face as he sighed. “It’s hard to travel these days, and we don’t have enough money to pay the doctor.”
“And you came here for my help?” You asked and he nodded. You took a moment to think.
“Maybe I ought to look at my connections or acquaintances for a reference?” You asked.
“I was thinking about the Minister of Defence. He seems to be an acquaintance of the doctors there.”
“Ah,” you nodded, glancing at Jongho to see how he was following the cryptic conversation. “I’ll ask someone to give my message to him then. Maybe he could put in a good word with your doctor after all.”
“Thank you, Madame Lee,” the man got up and bowed and you followed. “Even if he doesn’t help… thank you.”
You only nodded, watching the man leave with another bow in your direction after which you slumped down, munching on a chocolate cookie as you went over your conversation again. You noticed Jongho staring at you and you cleared your throat. “Well? Who do you suppose he was?”
“I would say an acquaintance, but I have never seen him around Mr. Lee or you, for that matter,” he began. “He doesn’t look like he’s from a noble family, and he doesn’t look very rich either, and frankly, your hotel is expensive. What was he really doing here, huh?”
“What was he really doing here?” You repeated, stifling your smirk. 
“I’m just guessing you talked in code words. There’s no patient, no doctor,” he took another cookie as he waited for your response.
“You’re both wrong and right. There is, in fact, a patient, and a doctor, though not quite in the literal sense. He’s a spy, one of his men has been caught by the enemy, and he wants me to do something about it- like either make a deal or force the Minister of Defence to release him.”
“Ah…” Jongho nodded enthusiastically. “It makes sense. But… who’s the enemy here?”
“Who’s the enemy?” You asked him. “I thought by now, you would have realised there’s no such thing as a single enemy. There are several sides. Whichever you choose to stick with, the rest you call your enemy.”
“And which side is yours, Madame Lee?” He asked in a playful tone.
“Not the one Mr. Lee chooses,” you said with a grin and found him grinning back. “You know, something tells me you don’t like Mr. Lee much either.”
“Don’t get me wrong, that man practically raised me,” Jongho brushed his clothes, having finished snacking. “It’s just… he’s a bit difficult, and he keeps a lot of secrets. He’s cryptic. Even as one of his closest personnel, he’s kept me at quite a distance.”
“When do you think he’s arriving?” You remembered discussing with Jongho a few days ago about the possibility of your father arriving on the island quite soon. “It’s going to get noisy here.”
“Should I casually ask? Or would he know it’s not really me who’s asking?” He scoffed at the thought.
“I have my sources, and they say he’s begun packing,” you teased.
“Well then,” Jongho straightened. “If you’re on the side against your father, and you’re both getting involved politically… do you think he would ever hurt you?”
“Do you think he’s never hurt me?” You asked, failing to keep the edge from your tone. Jongho noticed that. With a sigh, you said, “He’ll do anything to get what he wants. He’ll trample on anyone. It doesn’t matter who that is. But Jongho… once he arrives, you’re either my bodyguard or his man. Would you be able to protect me if it’s my father who decides to hurt me?”
Jongho’s mouth fell open as he considered this possibility and you left for the reception counter, leaving him wondering just why he had agreed to become your bodyguard when you were your father’s worst enemy.
Your father came earlier than you expected, but that was both good and bad, although the bad seemed to be outweighing the good for now. 
The island had been in a frenzy for the past three days, ever since your father proudly marched to the island, making a clear and loud statement- that Eden was not fooling around. Arriving on ships that included battalions, the man marched with an army to his hometown, and to everyone’s surprise, he and his soldiers were welcomed by the palace.
However, that day, you had an appointment with Prince Hongjoong himself, and he had specifically instructed you to make a public entrance to the palace. You had dressed in your finest gown of deep ruby, your hair tied back in an elegant bun, a black hat that complemented your dress well on top of your head. The ruby necklace was the only jewellery you wore apart from its matching ring for such occasions. You had instructed Jongho to dress his finest as well, and you weren’t surprised when he arrived at your door in a three piece suit, his hair swept back, though your heart sank suspiciously.
However, he had to pause and take a good look at you, drinking in everything he could see. He couldn’t figure out just what it was about you that made you awfully attractive to him- perhaps the way you carried yourself, strong and unwavering. Or perhaps the playful smile you always had on your face, the teasing eyes-
Or maybe because he thought you were simply beautiful.
“Good,” you nodded, taking a deep breath. “You look good.”
“You look good,” he simply said. “Shall we?”
You took his arm that he offered and together, you rode in the carriage sent by Seonghwa. On the way, you briefed Jongho about the actual plan.
“We’re making a statement, dear old guard,” you took off your hat before you rested your head. “We go through the main gate, encounter my father- a total ‘coincidence’, exchange greetings- you exchange greetings, I’ll piss him off. And then, we walk to Prince Hongjoong’s chambers while they watch.”
“Wow, okay, could have let me know earlier,” Jongho mumbled. “Wait- I’m meeting Prince Hongjoong too?” 
When your smirk was the only response he got, he groaned loudly, shaking his head in what appeared to be mild annoyance and amusement. “What will I be doing there? I’m sure you don’t need a bodyguard in the Prince’s chambers unless you think he’s a threat.”
“Maybe I just wanted you to tag along,” you challenged and he raised his brow, making your heart lurch again. What was wrong with you? “You’re right, I don’t need a bodyguard today. If you don’t wish to tag along… you are free to go back. I won’t mind.”
Jongho thought for a moment before he shook his head. “I’d like to tag along, actually.”
The two of you shared a smile before you looked out of the window. Something about him today was different. Or maybe you were just feeling strange as you got to know the different sides of him. But you didn’t mind his presence at all now, and coming from you in such a short period of time, in mere weeks? That was new and a little insane, especially considering he might still be reporting other things to your father. 
It was a little suspicious that he actually wasn’t. Not so far anyway, since everything was calm. Or maybe this was the calm before the storm- maybe he was waiting to gain your trust fully before he would pull such a stunt. But you were also cautious- you only showed him what wouldn’t hurt you if it got out. And perhaps he knew that, perhaps he didn’t, but you couldn’t be more careful. As you thought about all of this, playing with your necklace, Jongho cleared his throat and you glanced at him.
“Should I… I don’t know, act surprised when I see Mr. Lee in the palace?”
You considered him for a moment. “You know… you don’t have to keep putting an act in front of him anymore.”
Jongho bit his lip- you were very quick and perhaps this was your instinct now. “I think I need to. For now.”
You made an impressed face. “If it would help you for now, go ahead. It’s up to you, really.”
“I don’t think he would like it very much if he learns we’re a team now,” Jongho was grinning guiltily.
You shifted, appearing interested. “Are we then? A team?”
“Aren’t we?” He challenged with a raise of his brow. 
“I don’t know,” you shrugged, a teasing glint in your eyes. “All you’ve done is help me so far. I haven’t really helped you back, have I?”
Maybe Jongho wasn’t expecting that, which was why he gaped at you. You waved a hand in dismissal. “If you need some help, I can give it to you for free, in return for all you’ve done.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he promised and you reached the palace. Setting your hat back on your head, you exited the carriage, looking around at the vast expanse that led to the residence of the King, the cherry blossoms in full bloom bordering the path. You noticed Seonghwa, dressed in formal palace clothing, marching towards you and you passed him a subtle nod. Jongho narrowed his eyes.
“Is that…?”
“Shh,” you playfully put a finger on your lips. “What gave?”
“His arrogant walk?” Jongho suggested and you almost snorted as you turned back to Seonghwa, who bowed once. 
“Madame Lee. It’s been a while,” he said, looking at Jongho then, passing an acknowledging nod.
“Mr. Park,” you said. “I hope you’ve met with Mr. Lee?”
“He’ll be leaving Prince Woobin’s chambers in a moment. We might encounter him on our way to Prince Hongjoong’s chambers.”
“We better,” you whispered with a wink and Seonghwa nudged at you to follow him. You made Jongho walk beside you and as you took the turn to the direction of the princes chambers, you noticed a few men bowing as the exit the chamber, and noticed the man in the front-
Your father. You weren’t expecting the shudder that passed through you at the sight of that man who seemed to look the same ever since you were a teen- the same wrinkles on his face, the same arrogance around his mouth and eyes, the same stiffness in his shoulders. You continued walking, pausing only when your father met your eyes and almost dismissed you as a stranger until he saw another familiar face beside you and looked back at you.
And when he roared with laughter at the ‘coincidence’, you didn’t hide your wince at the annoying sound. “The person I last expected to see!” He shook his head, looking at his fellows. “You’d call it a coincidence, but I would call it fate.”
You smiled at that as you bowed to him, Jongho following suit as he greeted your father as well. “Have you been well?”
“In front of you, alive and healthy,” he boasted. “I hope you’re not giving my Jongho a hard time.”
“Should I not?” You glanced towards Jongho who wore no expression on his face. 
“Didn’t he tell you who he was?” Mr. Lee looked confused. 
“He just told me he was your ‘best’,” you rolled your eyes and he chuckled at that and Jongho finally gave in, groaning.
“He wasn’t wrong,” Mr. Lee nodded at Jongho. “I guess you don’t remember the Choi family. After all, you were too young when they passed away, unfortunately.”
You glanced at Jongho again and noticed that he was clearly not comfortable with your father mentioning the incident. “I’m not sure I remember, yes. Anyways, I must leave now- I have an appointment with the Prince here. Don’t expect me to catch up with you later, and I’d prefer if you stay away from my business, unless you have news worthy of my attention.”
Without hearing his answer, you nudged Seonghwa to lead the way again, and the sound of your father laughing sarcastically gradually faded. You entered the chambers and then the office, where the Prince sat behind his desk in a fancy hanbok.
With a deep bow and greetings exchanged, the four of you sat casually and the Prince served tea as he inquired of your health and business. 
“And who is this acquaintance of yours?”
“Choi Jongho,” Jongho answered, “I work for Madame Lee.”
“Do you?” the Prince asked and you and Seonghwa looked at each other in amusement. “I heard he worked for Mr. Lee. And anyone who works for Mr. Lee… I don’t think I’d like to interact with them very much.”
Jongho looked at you, confused before the Prince laughed, shaking his head, his dark hair messy. “I only jest, relax. I didn’t lie though.”
Jongho did relax then. “It’s true, I worked for Mr. Lee before I came here to work for Madame Lee. I’m not sure where I stand right now.”
“And do you trust him?” Prince Hongjoong looked at you.
“Respectfully, I trust nobody- not even you, Your Highness,” you gave him a subtle bow of apology and Seonghwa and the Prince both shared a grin at that. “You can’t ask me if I trust him.”
“Fair enough. Shall we get to business?”
You nodded and Seonghwa cleared his throat. “Mr. Lee just met with Prince Woobin- since he’s making clear whose side he is on, I think we don’t need to hide anymore. It’s going to get bloody here pretty soon anyway. And now Mr. Lee must know whose side you are on, Madame Lee.”
“It’s necessary that he knows,” you nodded and the Prince agreed. “And when he stays on his toes, that’s when it’s the easiest to catch him in my trap. You see… My father has a habit of being a bit too careful. I intend to exploit that weakness of his.”
“Would you like to give him a heads-up that you’re catching on?” The Prince rested his head on his hand, elbow propped lazily on the table. “I don’t think he’s the type of person to stop after becoming the Minister of Foreign Affairs, which he surely will- he just secured his position with Prince Woobin.”
“You’re right about that,” you nodded. “He’s after something- I’m not sure what yet, but something that will give him a reason to annex Mist Island- Eden’s prince is funding this operation, I’m sure.”
“Something that will be big enough to provide a reason…” Seonghwa pondered. “Whatever it is, who could possess such a thing? Prince Woobin would never keep it in his residence.”
“Anyone the Prince trusts?”
“Maybe you should look out of the picture too,” Jongho said and everyone turned to look at him. He shrugged. “Isn’t the Minister of Defence very suspicious too? He’s keeping tabs on you all, he must have a reason to do so other than simply being too interested in your lives.”
You nodded, feeling a little proud for a moment. “He’s right. I think we should start there- he’s been out catching your spies too, Seonghwa.”
“I took care of that,” he assured and Jongho sighed in realisation. “What do you think we’re looking for here? Physical evidence of some illegal movement occuring in the court?”
“That’s our best bet,” you nodded. 
“Thanks for making time today. We’ll let you know how to proceed forward- keep your eyes and ears open… both of you,” the Prince looked at Jongho and he nodded.
As Seonghwa accompanied you both to the palace gates, you paused before you could exit. “Have you heard any news about my mother?”
“Not yet,” Seonghwa shook his head in disappointment. “I can’t seem to find a lead, and that’s more suspicious.”
You nodded, thanking him. The carriage ride back to the hotel was rather quiet as the two of you sorted your thoughts out. However, that night, after you clocked out, a knock sounded on your door and you found none other than Jongho at your doorstep. You let him in and resumed cleaning your swords. “What’s keeping you up tonight?”
“Many things,” Jongho admitted. “But first of all, why are you obsessed with your swords?”
“Maybe I just like the idea of a neat and clean blade slicing through someone’s throat?” You suggested.
“I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that you actually know how to use them,” Jongho snorted. “I thought you were a spoiled brat who only cared about her business and how she looked.”
“You weren’t wrong, but has your presumption about me changed yet?” You scoffed.
“I now think that you are a spoiled brat who only cares about her business and how she looks- and her swords.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at that, and Jongho felt pleased- that was the first time he heard you genuinely laugh. “You can’t blame me for being obsessed with these beauties.”
“Anyways… What should I tell your father about today’s meeting if he asks? Because I’m sure I’ll get cornered by one of his men pretty soon.”
“What would you say?” You asked, waiting for his response and he nervously fidgeted.
“That you’re obviously on Prince Hongjoong’s side, and are planning to find out why he wants to become the Minister of Foreign Affairs, but you have no idea what to look for?”
“You’re getting good at this,” you smirked. “My influence is clearly rubbing off on you, I see.”
“Bound to happen when I’m with you basically all hours of the day,” Jongho rolled his eyes.
You finished cleaning the last sword and started packing them in their cases. “Do you think I’m doing the right thing, Jongho?”
“I… actually don’t really know what exactly you are doing,” Jongho sighed. “You seem to be doing the right thing but there’s a lot of mystery still surrounding you, and honestly I cannot make a judgement right now.”
You nodded, finally meeting eyes with him. “Why did my father raise you?”
Jongho pursed his lips. “My father was apparently close to your father.”
“When did they pass away?” You asked.
“I don’t recall many moments of them… I think I was four,” Jongho answered. 
“But why would my father raise you?” You tilted your head. “He couldn’t even raise me right. He’s no philanthropist.”
“I don’t know,” Jongho was being honest, and you heard what he didn’t say out loud- I intend to find out. “Where is your mother?”
“I don’t know,” you replied, and Jongho could hear the honesty in that statement too. “I don’t even know if she’s alive or dead. Last I saw of her was when she left for Eden almost a decade ago.”
“Was that before or after your father had his shoulder surgery?” Jongho asked and you frowned. “Because she was there before that, in the house. I was there too. I heard that she left for Mist Island- I remember because your father said he wished his wife was there to take care of him when he was ill.”
You felt blood rush to your head- why did your father conceal this fact for you? All the decades spent sending people to find your mother in Eden, when she was supposed to be right here? Jongho noticed your clenched jaw and paling face. “Did you… think she was in Eden?”
“Are you sure?” Your voice was steel and gaze fiery. When Jongho nodded, you took a deep breath. 
What other secrets about your mother was your father keeping from you? How would you confront him about this- or rather, would you ever?
“Thank you for telling me that, Jongho,” your voice was still the same- unwavering. “You can leave now- it’s late.”
Jongho nodded, getting up and about to go to the food but then he paused. “If you want… I could help you look for your mother-”
“You will do no such thing,” you almost spat it out and Jongho frowned. “Did my father order you to tell me that?”
Jongho scanned you in confusion for a moment and then scoffed loudly. “I can’t believe this. I just thought I could help and you think it’s not me but your father speaking? I’m disappointed in you… y/n.”
You bit the inside of your cheek as the two of you glared at each other. “How can I trust you when I don’t even know who you are?”
“I don’t know who you are either,” Jongho challenged. “Yet here I am, betraying my boss for you. I should have thought twice,” he said and left the room, leaving your cheeks burning with shame at what you had actually done.
You supposed Jongho was right- he was actively betraying the man who had raised him for you. Maybe more because of whatever he had come here to find but perhaps because one day, he could use your help too. And what had you given him in return? Disappointment. 
You decided to reconsider whether you really needed Jongho as a bodyguard… or as a person you could keep close and confide in. A partner. 
It didn’t sound so bad. 
You found out Jongho could be pretty sulky too when he got angry with someone- or maybe with you, he was being dramatic. 
As you went to sit at the counter with Sakura, you noticed Jongho was already having tea in his usual spot while he read the newspaper. He only glanced at you once and didn’t meet eyes with you for the rest of the day. You were a bit amused, if you had to admit. Of course, you were going to apologise- you had been in the wrong- but you wanted to see the lengths to which Jongho could go consumed with his anger.
And the fact that he was usually somewhat rational, or maybe unaffected, by whatever you did? Or whatever stunt anyone else pulled, for that matter? You didn’t know whether to be worried or be amused, so you were feeling both. And the fact that you were worried was something you didn’t want to think about right now. 
You weren’t expecting any special guests at your hotel today- usually, whoever wanted to trade secrets sent a message in advance unless it was urgent. But the last thing you were expecting were a bunch of soldiers from Eden advancing into your hotel like they owned the damned place. They looked around as if expecting to see someone suspicious but upon finding no one and having alarmed everyone present, they settled at the bar corner. You sighed- you feared they might get drunk and create a mess. Soldiers from Eden generally had no morals- especially when it came to Mist Island.
Jongho also noticed how arrogant those men were but they recognised Jongho and the man who seemed to be their leader- a rather young soldier with an eyebrow slit- greeted Jongho with a bow and perhaps, asked what he was doing here. You couldn’t hear them but you saw Jongho dismiss him with a polite smile- he probably told him to mind his own business.
“Make sure they don’t create a scene,” you told Sakura and she nodded, pushing her glasses up her nose bridge before she went to whisper the orders to the rest of the staff. You had to take a little break to freshen up.
But while you were gone and the men had a few drinks, it got louder. By the time you returned, you noticed how most of the customers were annoyed and were trying to leave without attracting attention. You groaned, making a mental note to ask your father to keep his minions under control, but then you heard one of the men bark some orders to none other than Sakura who was passing by.
“Hey, you with the glasses! Where are my drinks? Why is your service so damned slow?”
“I apologise,” Sakura bowed. “I’ll check what’s taking so long.”
With a desperate glance at you, she went towards the kitchen and you met eyes with Jongho, noticing even he was annoyed. Still at the counter, you watched one of the maids set the tray on their table while they snickered and whispered things- probably commenting on her and trying to rile her up. Thankfully, she was a patient one, and after doing her job, she was about to leave when the supposed leader asked her where the woman with glasses was.
You watched Sakura frown as she made her way to the men and he started complaining about how she should have done better. You’d had enough- you started making your way towards the group but a loud shatter of glass breaking made everyone, including you, gasp.
“Why are you being like this?” The man was smirking devilishly as he grabbed Sakura’s wrist- the glass having fallen from the table as a result of her struggle. Before Jongho could get up, you raised a hand, indicating to him that you would handle it. Without waiting for his answer, you walked to the group and locked eyes with the leader.
“Is there a problem here?”
The man scanned you rather slowly with a smirk plastered on his face. “And who might you be?”
“The owner of this hotel. If you have a problem, you better discuss with me.”
“You? The owner?” The man scoffed and looked at his gang and everyone started roaring with laughter as if you had made a joke. “I guess you’re better than this one here. I was just looking for someone to… entertain us.”
One of the men on your left tried to grab your wrist. With your right hand, you snatched a plate from the table and smacked it across his head, shattering it in the process, and with your left hand, you produced a dagger from your pocket and swiped it across the leader’s hand that had been holding Sakura’s wrist. They roared with pain while you pointed the dagger at the leader’s neck, Sakura hiding behind you. Still, the leader managed to slice your arm with a table knife but you didn’t let the burning pain take over you, instead, you almost tried snatching the knife from his hand when Jongho interrupted and pointed the gun at the man’s head.
“Are you all fools, parading into the hotel of Mr. Lee’s daughter, creating a scene and hurting her?” Jongho roared with anger at the soldiers and saw the colour drain from their face when they made the connection- Jongho worked for Mr. Lee after all. The leader scoffed in disbelief, earning a smack from Jongho across his face. “Wait till Mr. Lee hears about this- I’ll make sure none of you can ever step foot on this island.”
“We didn’t know!” One of the men yelled at him. You glared at him.
“You’re a guest on this land, sir. You should have acted like one.”
“Get lost before I lose it,” Jongho told them and they all grabbed their things before skittering away, glaring at Jongho this time instead of you. You rolled your eyes, turning to Sakura.
“Are you alright?”
“I’m sorry, Madame,” she bowed her head in shame. “I should have done better. I should have cooperated-”
“I didn’t train you to be weak. I trained you to stand up to whoever dares to oppress you. You should have done what I did- that’s my only disappointment from you,” you smiled at her, touching her face. “You did well.”
Sakura smiled warmly. “Let me clean this mess up, at least.”
You chuckled at that. “You do that.”
Jongho heard that conversation and sighed internally- he hadn’t expected you to be so stupidly brave. “You know… the situation could have been handled in many other ways.”
“Ah, yes,” you turned to him. “I could have slit his throat. I didn’t. Kind of regretting it right now.”
Jongho shook his head. “You should have let me handle it. I’m your bodyguard, and yet… you took the lead. And now you’re hurt,” he pointed at the bleeding arm, the blood trickling down your hand.
“I’ll take care of it- it’s no big deal-”
“Let me,” he said with a tone of finality and didn’t wait for your response as he made his way upstairs, pausing to make sure you were following. The two of you entered your room and he asked you where your first aid kit was.
“I can take care of it,” you said as he brought the kit to the table, making you sit at a chair and he dragged his chair in front of you. You tried rolling your sleeve, flinching- your favourite plum gown was beyond repair as blood had spread all over.
“Just shut up and let me do something,” he fiddled with the kit and you gaped at him.
“Dropping all formalities, are we?” You scoffed. You didn’t get an answer in return- he dipped cotton into alcohol and glanced at you once before rolling your sleeve upwards gently, examining the cut. You pouted- it wouldn’t need stitches but it was deeper than you thought.
Jongho cleaned your wound patiently, rubbed an ointment with a swab and even covered it in gauze and bandaged your arm neatly. After he was done, he was still holding your hand in his and he sighed. “I wish you hadn’t done anything and let me handle it.”
His voice was low and barely a whisper. You frowned, trying to figure out how to respond. “I… handled it alright, didn’t I?”
“You could have been more hurt,” he insisted, finally looking at you. “How many times have you encountered people like these? Do you realise what you do is so dangerous as well? How could you not have someone to protect you before I came?”
“I can protect myself,” you insisted. “I really can. I have, all my life. Now is no different.”
“Do you have to be so stubborn?” Jongho sighed. “Let’s forget about the past, but today… You should have let me handle it.”
You shrugged, aware of how he was still holding your hand- so unlike him. “I know- I just… old habits, I guess. And you weren’t in the best mood either, so…”
“You really think I would have let you get hurt just because we had an argument?” Jongho gaped at you.
“Well… that would have made you a lousy bodyguard then.”
Jongho smiled at that and you wondered why it relaxed you so much- that the tension in his shoulders was gone. “Does it hurt too much?”
“Uh,” you took your hand from him, bending it at different angles. “I’ll take something for the pain.”
Jongho relaxed back, watching you. You stared back, mustering your courage before you took a deep breath. “I’msorryforlastnightIwasrude.”
“What was that?” Jongho scoffed loud enough to annoy you.
“I said,” you enunciated each word perfectly this time. “I’m sorry for last night. I said some things and made some assumptions I shouldn’t have. I know it was wrong of me to do so.”
“That’s okay,” he replied. “I should have… I shouldn’t have suggested helping you. I’m only your bodyguard.”
“No,” you shook your head at that. “You’re much more than that. I took you for granted, it’s just… you have to understand how it is with my father. He’ll do anything to ruin me, which has made it so hard for me to trust anyone. To trust you. I’m trying to, but honestly, you haven’t given me anything.”
“I realise that,” Jongho nodded. “I also understand where you’re coming from. I trusted Mr. Lee for my whole life until I heard something I shouldn’t have and when the opportunity to come here arose, I had to take it. And I might need your help too.”
“Well,” you smiled at that. “I guess we can both help each other.”
“I guess,” he smiled back before sighing. “I don’t remember my parents much. I think you don’t either- our families were close, though. I have a picture- perhaps you recognise them,” he said and fished in his pocket for his wallet, where he had a picture of his parents with Mr. Lee. You nodded.
“I’ve heard my father talk about them when he reminisces about the old times.”
Jongho nodded. “This isn’t public information, but my parents were spies for the King. He used them to obtain information on Eden and other nations. I don’t know what the nature of their job was exactly, but from what Mr. Lee had told me they passed away during a mission- my father was caught by soldiers from Eden and my mother escaped with me. She handed me to your mother before going back for my father- the two never returned, and they were found dead a few days later.”
“That’s… unfortunate,” you frowned. “How old were you?”
“Four,” he said, leaning forward. “Which is why I don’t remember much. But a few years ago, I accidentally heard him talk to one of his closest men- a spy as well. I heard him asking whether he really had taken care of all the people who had witnessed my parents' death. That’s… suspicious, isn’t it?”
“It is,” you admitted. “Do you think he’s hiding something from you regarding the incident?”
“It’s just the way he talked… it felt like he, too, had witnessed it. And if he really has… that means he lied to me. What would he lie for? Were my parents traitors to their homeland, Mist Island? Did they really die because they got caught during a mission? It doesn’t make sense anymore, and I came here, hoping I’d find some answers without Mr. Lee’s knowledge.”
“I think your best bet is asking Mr. Lee himself or the person he talked to,” you pointed out. “My father doesn’t really keep physical evidence of things he’d like to hide.”
“That’s true,” he nodded slowly. “The man he talked to- he’s Mr. Ahn. You know him, right?”
“Mr. Ahn?” You frowned. “He’s his secretary, but… do you know what his real job is?”
“I don’t?” Jongho frowned in confusion as well.
“He’s an assassin. The best of the best. There’s a reason my father is still alive after all he dares to do,” you told him and Jongho groaned in disbelief. “Also… what happened after you were given to my mother? I don’t remember seeing you- I do have faint memories of playing with a kid that could have been you.”
“When your mother came the last time I saw her in Eden, she told me something. She said she wished she could have raised me. She also told me not to trust Mr. Lee and that everything that I thought was the truth was not. She told me I was being used- and then Mr. Lee interrupted and I never got to ask her what exactly she meant. I thought that wasn’t something new- all of us know we’re being used by Mr. Lee one way or another. We know not to trust him with our life. But the way she phrased it… I could never get it out of my head, though it started making sense later when I heard Mr. Lee’s conversation with Mr. Ahn.”
You let that sink in. “Did my father take you with him when he left for Eden? When you were… around six?”
“Yeah,” Jongho nodded. “I was raised in his house.”
“I’m still wondering why he would bother with you- he’s not the type to raise his friend’s kid out of love. If not out of love, perhaps out of guilt? But that man rarely ever feels guilt, so… I don’t know. Maybe he wanted to make a loyal servant out of you.”
Jongho laughed at that. “I was, in fact, that, until a few years ago when I overheard that conversation. I thought I misinterpreted that but then your mother said some things, and I was lost.”
“Well, I hope you can find your answers,” you said. “I’ll look back at the house again- there must be something rather than nothing there, if you found that picture as well.”
“Thank you,” Jongho looked at you. “Why do you think your mother disappeared out of the blue? Do you really think she did?”
“She started to hate my father with an intensity that was unimaginable. She never told me why. But… I don’t think she would have left me alone if she ran away from my father. He says she might have died in Eden since Eden wasn’t in the best shape at that time- a lot of women met unfortunate fates. But you say she left for Mist Island, which changes everything as well. The fact that he keeps insisting that she’s dead…”
“Well, I guess we can establish that Mr. Lee is a liar and we can’t believe a word that comes out from his mouth,” Jongho said.
“True,” you nodded. “I still have my sources looking for her in Eden, and now here too. Keeping an eye and ear out for any news, any sighting of her. I’ve found nothing all these years. I just want to know if she’s alive.”
“What should we do?”
“We plan,” you smirked. “He will become a minister soon- we can’t stop that. But once we find something that shows evidence of his corruption, it’ll be more satisfying when he has to step down. We become aggressive with that approach so he focuses only on that while we look into the past in hopes that we find our answers. Are you in?”
“I am,” he nodded- the plan made sense. “So we really are a team now, huh? Am I still your bodyguard?”
“If you love protecting me so much,” you said and he laughed at that, making you smile as well. You liked the way his eyes curved and his lips stretched into a wide smile. “I’d prefer the term partners, but that’s only for our ears.”
“I like that,” he was looking at you with a gaze that made you uneasy. “I’d also like it if we don’t hide from each other as we find those answers.”
“You’re very cryptic,” you commented. He only smiled at that, taking your hurt hand again and caressing it once before looking at you and almost smirking before he pulled you closer, making your eyes go wide in surprise.
“I’m not protecting you because of Mr. Lee anymore. I hope you realise that,” his voice was barely a whisper and your heart swooped at that. Before you could say or do anything, he hesitated before he brought his other hand to your face and touched it once, ever so lightly, before drawing back and leaving the room.
Leaving you in a flurry of unrecognisable emotions as you sat in the remnants of his touch.
As soon as your father was appointed the Minister of Foreign Affairs, it seemed like all hell broke loose. The uproar in the palace as the subjects of the king expressed their disappointment in the decision could be heard for miles. The citizens started protesting especially when the soldiers from Eden started terrorising the locals, which led to innocent spilling of blood and unfair punishments- it was obvious even to a fool that the locals were at a disadvantage and were being treated unfairly.
However, your father continued to parade shamelessly through town, head arrogantly high and that permanent smug across his face. You had just been gazing out of the window, admiring the clear sky after a spell of cloudy days, when you spotted the person you least wanted to see and groaned audibly, making Jongho, who was sitting across you reading a book, look up at you, laughing to himself when he saw your incredibly annoyed face.
“I’m guessing Mr. Lee is making his way here,” he went back to reading his book.
You folded your arms as you glared at him. “I didn’t think you were actually serious when you said he would come visit any day now.”
“It was about time anyway,” Jongho flipped a page. “He’s really the kind to boast about his achievements, and you being on the side that’s against him… he’s going to rub it in your face. I suppose I’ll enjoy the sight-”
He blocked the spoon you threw at him with his book, chuckling. Before you could pick something else to attack him with, the ominous bell of the hotel door rang and you heard a good amount of people entering. With a glare at Jongho’s direction, you made your way to the reception.
“I don’t believe you have a reservation,” you said coolly, not bothering with greetings. “We’re quite full today, so-”
“Hotel Crescent,” your father looked around, pausing when he spotted Jongho who was pretending he was too busy to notice what the ruckus was about. “Business must be booming these days.”
“More foreigners than locals is not a good sign,” you raised your brow at him. He looked back at his gang of five- all from Eden- and laughed. 
“Good thing I’m a local then!”
“Are you?” You scoffed. “You haven’t called Mist Island your home in more than two decades.”
“Well,” Mr. Lee ignored that. “Can we have some coffee then? I’m here to discuss business with you, Madame. Let’s keep it professional, shall we?”
You motioned at Sakura to lead the guests to the empty table, but your father made his way to Jongho who finally looked up and pretended to be pleasantly surprised as he got up and bowed. As they seated, you watched your father have what looked like a serious conversation with Jongho. He was probably interrogating him and hearing what Jongho had to report. You made your way to that table after a few minutes, seating yourself before folding your arms and glaring pointedly at your father.
“I take it you’re getting along with Jongho here,” he smirked.
“Quite well, actually,” you narrowed your eyes at him. “Let’s talk business.”
Your father took a deep breath before shifting a bit in his seat to turn towards you. “I’ve heard you trade a secret for a secret. Any kind.”
“That’s true, but I measure the worth of your secret before I give something back,” you said.
“Well, I have something for you-”
“And with people like you,” you continued, “I don’t really believe a word that comes out of your mouth, so don’t expect me to give you something back.”
He chuckled loudly at that, shaking his head and looking at Jongho as if they could share that sentiment. Jongho, to your relief, didn’t respond. Mr. Lee shook his head. “How about this? You give me a secret about your dear Prince Hongjoong, and I’ll give you something you can’t resist.”
“First of all, I don’t have a very personal relationship with Prince Hongjoong,” you began. “I could have been working for Prince Woobin had he not resorted to ugly means instead of asking first like any respectable man should. Secondly… no thanks.”
“Ah, I’ll let Prince Woobin know that,” your father said as if he was quite friendly with the prince. “He thinks we lost what could have been a wonderful ally in this… game we’re playing.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “I don’t think he thinks that. He has people everywhere. He doesn’t need me.”
“And yet…” he locked eyes with you. “He fears Prince Hongjoong is growing stronger with each passing day, and he only has his own little group of spies and… you.”
You didn’t hide your smirk. “What do you have to offer?”
“I could tell you about your mother,” your father said and your heart sank. “I hear you’re looking for her in Mist Island too now. I could help you look for her.”
“What makes you think I need your help now, after all this time?” You replied, not letting him detect the agitation in your tone. “I’ll manage on my own, thank you very much.”
“I could tell you whether she is alive or dead, whether she’s here or in Eden or in another country as well. Are you sure you don’t want this?”
Unconsciously, you glanced at Jongho who was already looking at you. Somehow, his gaze alone made you gather your nerves of steel back and you looked back at your father. “If you don’t have anything better to offer me, then we’re done.”
You saw your father’s jaw clench and you smiled in satisfaction. If he had offered you the same thing a few years ago, you would have given him anything he wanted. You were not that person anymore. With a sigh, he got up and his men followed. He looked pointedly at you. “You’ll regret this.”
“Will I, now?” You scoffed, getting up and standing in front of him. “You’ll regret stepping foot back at Mist Island soon, Mr. Lee. Brace yourself.”
Your father left with disdain in his eyes and you waited until he was gone before you practically rushed upstairs to your room, shutting the door behind you as you began to process everything.
Your father knows where your mother is. He even knows if she’s alive or dead. He just didn’t bother letting you know, all these years. Why? Was there a reason behind it or was he just a sadistic bastard who loved seeing you suffer?
A knock sounded on your door and you heard Jongho call your name. “Can you let me in?”
“Now’s not a good time,” you hesitated before you replied, hoping your voice wouldn’t crack.
“All the more reason to let me in,” he said. You contemplated for a moment before wiping your eyes and opening the door for him, not looking at him as you went to stand near the window. 
“Are you… okay? I know it’s a stupid question but… talk to me instead of keeping it in. I can see that it’s killing you.”
For a moment, you wanted to ask Jongho who he thought he was to make assumptions like these (even if he was right). You wanted to fire him for crossing the formal boundary between you two- even though you two had established that he was not working under anybody now. You wanted to tell him to go back to being Mr. Lee’s loyal servant. But as you glanced at Jongho… you realised he was pretty much in the same position as you- it looked like your father knew what really happened to his parents as well, and he couldn’t ask him. And he wasn’t just your bodyguard anymore- you two were way past that. From eating your meals together, plotting schemes, trading secrets- you were partners now. 
“It’s funny, Jongho,” you sighed. “If he had made this offer a while ago, I would have accepted. It’s making me wonder where I stand now. I never pledged my loyalty to Mist Island and to Prince Hongjoong. I’m still searching for my mother. Yet here I am, protecting him and his land, throwing away the chance to end this quest once and for all.”
“You made the right decision,” he insisted. “At least about not letting your father hold that power over you. And I can see why you like Prince Hongjoong- he’s helping you look for your mother even in the midst of all this, even when you never asked.”
Your heart swelled- Jongho understood. “Does it make me a bad daughter, Jongho?”
“It doesn’t,” he moved from the fireplace and walked towards you, standing by your side as you both gazed at the sun setting over the busy streets of the town. “You’ve never stopped looking for her- you’re doing everything in your power. How could you think it makes you a bad daughter?”
“I’m just… tired of looking,” you sighed, putting a hand over your quivering lips. “It’s been years and it’s like she never existed. She disappeared without a trace. Did she abandon me on purpose? I keep thinking that, and then I remember how she promised me that she would never, and then I think I’m a bad person for thinking that-”
“Hey,” Jongho watched you hide your face away from him as your shoulders shook. Hesitantly, he put a hand on your shoulder, caressing it. “It’s okay to have these thoughts. But you know what? You won today. You don’t need that man to help you. You have so many people with you- Prince Hongjoong and Seonghwa have been helping you all this time because they care, because you help them in return. I am helping you- because I care about you too.”
“I just don’t know what to do anymore, why I’m doing this anymore,” you stopped crying, wiping your eyes. “Why am I running this business, putting myself in danger, when I could have lived a quiet life? Why am I doing all this?”
Jongho turned you towards him and he put his hands on your arms, rubbing them as he locked eyes with you and smiled. “You know… I thought you were some spoiled person with too much money and power but you’ve surprised me everyday. You’re nothing like your father. You trade secrets, manipulate, but I’ve never seen it bring harm to the place you live in. Whether unconsciously or consciously, you’ve been helping Mist Island itself- not the king, not the princes, but the land, your home. My home,” he tucked some stray hair behind your ear and your breath caught as he wiped a tear from your eye as well, proceeding to cup your face. “You’re so brave for doing that. Braver than any soldier. And you never gave up on your mother- that makes you the strongest person I know. And I know you’re looking into my parents, even when I never asked for it. You’re loyal to those who you choose, and I’m glad you chose me. I’m right about the last part, aren’t I? Or am I delusional?”
You laughed at that, nodding. “I think I am, unless I learn you’re still working for my father in which case, I’ll kill you in your sleep-”
Jongho shook his head as he put a finger on your lips to shut you up and your heart lurched- the air felt so thick right now, especially with his gaze on your lips. “I do think I should do something about this mouth of yours.”
He looked in your eyes and it was as if he finally realised the position you two were in- mere inches away, his hand on your face and the other on your lips. He cleared his throat as he put his hands back to your arms and you couldn’t believe that you felt anything but relief at that. You wanted his hands back-
“You can lean on me, y/n,” his voice was low. “Let’s not lean on anybody else but each other, shall we?”
You didn’t need to contemplate that anymore. As your answer, you stepped forward and put your head against his chest, almost at the crook of his neck. You felt Jongho tense and for a moment, you feared he never meant for any of this to happen, but then he wrapped his arms around you and you felt… strange, almost like you were safe. You had never felt safe in anyone’s arms before. You could feel the warmth and strength in his arms as he hugged you and you let your hands hold his jacket as you stayed like this for a few moments before you muttered a thank you.
“You don’t need to thank me,” he broke the hug and patted your cheek once. “I’ll be downstairs- you shouldn’t keep your business waiting for too long.”
You smiled at that and watched him leave, putting your hands on your cheeks in disbelief and finding them warm. What was happening?
A few days later, you found yourself back at the palace- but this time, in the middle of the night. You spotted Jongho trying to fight his yawn as the two of you waited for the prince to arrive and you scoffed.
“Just yawn, big and large, and get it over with,” you told him and he sighed, grinning. You didn’t realise you were grinning back until he paused and looked at you.
“What?” He asked.
“You have a… cute smile.”
You immediately realised a few things- Jongho never expected to hear something like this from you, you never expected to say something like this to anyone for that matter, and the fact that you actually thought about this-
“It’s the lack of sleep talking, isn’t it?” He laughed this time, all gummy smiles and curved eyes and you resisted the urge to pinch the cheek of the man who was sitting in front of you. In the royal chambers. You ought to get a grip-
“Yes, but it’s also the truth,” you tilted your head as you watched him in a teasing manner. “Has nobody ever told you that?”
“Okay, stop flirting with me,” Jongho clapped as he straightened. “The prince will be arriving any second now.”
“But he’s not here right now,” you teased and Jongho scoffed at you and shook his head in disbelief.
“I’ll let the Prince know he ought to think twice before disturbing your sleeping schedule because clearly it’s messing with your brain- it’s like you’re a whole new person when you’re sleepy-”
“Or maybe I’m just too wide awake for my own good-”
“What’s happening? I wanna join- it looks like something interesting is going on,” Hongjoong arrived with Seonghwa right behind and the two of you got up, stifling your giggles- giggles- as you bowed. 
You really should have taken a nap today.
“Nothing, Prince Hongjoong,” you smiled sweetly at him and he pouted.
“You’re no fun,” the prince shook his head and Seonghwa scoffed.
“You’re one to say,” he muttered as he sat and Prince Hongjoong looked pointedly at him.
“This lad is practically asking for an execution order now,” he pointed at Seonghwa who dramatically bowed in apology. “Anyways, I have information that I need to share urgently. I know what exactly it is that Woobin has been trying so hard to hide. It’s a ledger which proves that the King and Prince Woobin have been illegally depositing funds to… make a guess where exactly.”
“Eden?” You shrugged, “But then… I think there’s a third nation involved?”
“Utopia is funding Eden’s mission to annex Mist Island- it’s nothing new if we think about it. Eden’s government has always been somewhat controlled by Utopia. Eden’s prince is one fool if he thinks Utopia will just sit and watch as Mist Island and Eden become one- they’ll take over Eden right after. I don’t know what they’re blinded by, but clearly a large amount of black money makes do.”
“So the physical copy is here?” You asked and they nodded. “And it gives proof of your brother and father’s involvement?”
“Sadly, yes,” Prince Hongjoong confirmed and you scoffed in disbelief. “As well as your father’s involvement.”
“Of course,” you nodded. “How do you want to proceed?”
“We were thinking,” Seonghwa began, “We obtain the ledgers and either resort to blackmailing or make it public.”
“Wouldn’t blackmailing put your life at more risk?” Jongho pointed out. “They won’t just sit back and let you control them even if you could make the ledgers public.”
“To hold the King and Prince accountable and stop this madness, I need more power- not just the empty title of Prince by my name,” Hongjoong said. “And there’s one way the King would have to renounce the throne- if the senior scholars in the palace, all eight of them agree that the King is not fit to rule anymore. Prince Woobin’s involvement will automatically make him unfit as well, which would leave me.”
“How do you plan to convince the scholars?” You asked. “They’d believe you right away but that doesn’t mean they would agree to stand against the King himself.”
“Have you ever kept… something from all of your years in this business, all of our years working together? Something we could use now? It’s okay if you don’t want to lend us if you have something,” Seonghwa glanced at Prince Hongjoong who nodded. “But I think it’ll be helpful if we have a detailed list or something like that.”
You looked at the Prince and his loyal friend- you wouldn’t call Seonghwa anything but a friend to Prince Hongjoong. A smile creeped up your face and the Prince mirrored it.
“You have. I knew you would have.”
“I have,” you confirmed and Jongho clapped at that. “And I’ll gladly lend it to you.”
“Let us know what you want in return,” the Prince was smiling warmly, but you shook your head.
“I want nothing from you, Prince Hongjoong. I’ve never wanted anything from you. In fact… I don't know why I chose to help you, but you haven’t betrayed me like anyone else would have. You didn’t simply use me. That’s enough.”
“I told you she’s our friend,” Seonghwa grinned at the Prince and you gaped at them while Jongho stifled his laugh. 
“I guess you could call it that, though I never imagined I would have such a friend circle,” you laughed as you looked around at the three men.
“I’d like it if you could talk to me informally, Madame Lee,” Prince Hongjoong grinned. “Just call me Hongjoong. Both of you.”
“Only if you stop calling me Madame Lee as well,” you said and everyone laughed at that. “So… I do have a record of all the events that took place because of my business. Would that be enough?”
“We’d like it if you could come with us when we talk to the scholars,” Seonghwa pushed his dark hair out of his eyes. “It would make a better impression- that the Minister’s daughter doesn’t approve of whatever’s happening.”
“I suppose it would be a slap on my father’s face as well,” you pondered. “I’m not sure they would like me much, though. I don’t exactly have the best reputation.”
“That doesn’t matter,” Hongjoong assured you. “So? Will you?”
“I will,” you promised.
“If I may,” Jongho began and everyone nodded. “Has anyone heard of the Twilight Society?”
“The Twilight Society?” You frowned, glancing at Seonghwa and Hongjoong who were looking at each other suspiciously. “It looks like someone has.”
“Where did you hear that?” Hongjoong’s voice was grim. Jongho straightened a bit, glancing at you.
“I imagine it exists then?”
“It existed,” Seonghwa corrected. “Long ago. No one has called its name out loud in two decades.”
“Who were they?” Jongho asked and Seonghwa shook his head.
“Where did you hear it?”
“I once heard Mr. Lee talk to his right hand man about some Twilight Society- it sounded like a name of a place or a group. I forgot all about it, but some recent digging into the past made me wonder if I shouldn’t have forgotten about it after all.”
You were confused- what was he getting at? Seonghwa was looking at Hongjoong, waiting for his sign to either proceed with the chat or shut everyone up. But then Hongjoong took a deep breath.
“Who is involved? Why are you digging into the past? The Twilight Society was dissolved two decades ago”
“My parents were spies for the King- your father,” Jongho began. “I’m imagining that the Twilight Society was some special mission group which my parents were a part of- they passed away during that mission.”
Hongjoong nodded slowly. “I’m not aware of the members of that society, but I’ll look into it. How does this help us, though?”
“I don’t think my parents passed away because of the enemy- I think something happened. I’m sure Mr. Lee wasn’t a member, but he knows all about what happened to the Twilight Society. If it really was a top secret mission, why does he know about it? Especially when he wasn’t an important figure back then? I’m sure none of the members would have told any outsider of what their mission was, or who they were, for that matter.”
“That’s awfully suspicious,” Seonghwa glanced at you and realised you weren’t aware of this either. “I think I should look into who the members were, and see if your parents really were members of that group. I should look into what exactly their mission was, and why no one dares speak of it.”
“Thank you,” Jongho nodded. “I’m sure the scholars wouldn’t be pleased to hear that someone like Mr. Lee knows of the King’s private matters since so long ago.”
After concluding the discussion, you and Jongho decided to walk back to the Hotel unescorted- there was this unexplainable rush of adrenaline you were feeling after finding out everything. You glanced at Jongho. “I really think we should look at my father’s old house again- there must be something back there.”
“I think so too- at first, I thought I was overthinking, but since they confirmed it…” 
You nodded. “How about we make a little detour?”
Jongho narrowed his eyes at you. “Isn’t it way past your bedtime?”
“I’m not some old cranky woman who cares too much about her ‘bedtime’,” you pouted. “Plus, I’m wide awake after that conversation back in the palace. The house is near as well- only a two minutes walk from here.”
“Well, I suppose we could-”
Jongho’s eyes caught a flash in the dark and you almost screamed when he grabbed your arms and turned around, hiding you two behind a tree as an arrow whooshed past you and hit right where you would have been. Jongho scanned you once to make sure you were okay. “Do you have any weapons on you?”
You nodded and he dared to take a peek, resulting in another arrow mere inches away from the tree you were hiding behind. You took a deep breath. “You have your gun?”
Jongho nodded. You told him your plan and he agreed. Jongho slid to his left, shooting at the direction from where the two arrows had come from and running to the other tree for cover right as you went to your right, separating from him, hoping there was only one or two persons attacking you instead of a whole group. You were right next to another street and you took advantage of the shadows and your black cloak to disappear into the street while Jongho, being a bait, made your attackers follow him away from you. But what you hadn’t told Jongho of your plan was that you were going to take a detour yourself.
You could hear the attacks- the gun wasn’t too loud thanks to the silencer but you could hear the scuffle. You went for the street across where Jongho was, spotting the men. They were two, to your relief. You produced a dagger from your boot and aimed for the closest person, hitting him square in the back.
If there was one thing you were proud of, it was your aim. 
The other man noticed his partner and aimed his arrow for you. You rolled to the side and waited for the arrow to miss you before throwing a dagger, practically blind, and missing him as well. You knew now that he was going to come for you, and you hid and waited until he did. You knocked the arrow out of his grip and almost hit him with the dagger but he gripped your wrist and twisted it painfully. You took off your hairpin, unravelling your hair from the bun, and hit his shoulder. He screamed in pain but unfortunately, his grip on your wrist didn't loosen and he twisted you until your back was flush against him, with the very dagger you had planted in his shoulder now painfully digging in your neck.
"I've waited so long to kill you," his raspy voice made you shiver. You rolled your eyes, about to hit his side with your elbow in an attempt to get free but then the man tensed.
"You move one inch and I shoot you right here." 
It was Jongho, right behind the man, and though you couldn't see him, you figured he had creeped up behind you and was pointing the gun at the man's head. The man scoffed, purposely dragging the dagger along your neck just enough to cut you before raising his hands in the air, dropping the dagger. Now free, you immediately turned and went behind Jongho.
"Who sent you?"
"You can kill me. I won't answer."
"You don't need to," you said, voice steel. "Do whatever you please with him, Jongho."
Jongho shot at the man's thigh, his scream ringing through the air before he stifled it. "Come prepared next time… if you can even manage to walk."
Jongho grabbed your hand and you both made a run for the house- someone was bound to come and check what the screaming was about, especially since this was a residential area. Once inside your old house, you shut the door and Jongho immediately grabbed your shoulder, examining the wound on your neck.
"Are you hurt anywhere else?" He asked and you shook your head. Jongho sighed. "Do you have any idea how dangerous this was?"
"This isn't the first time," you simply said. 
"Why did you come back? I had it under control-”
“I couldn’t just leave you there-”
“You could have been hurt!” Jongho sounded exasperated but then he shook his head, touching the skin right behind the cut, wiping the trickling blood in process. “You could have been killed, and I-”
“You could have been killed as well,” you locked eyes with him. “You think I would have liked that? I came back for you. That’s it- I don’t care if it was dangerous.”
Jongho almost glared at you but soon he was smiling, brushing your hair away from your shoulders as he tucked your hair behind. The mere action was so intimate, nothing like you had ever experienced before, that you suddenly felt conscious of the distance between you two, the sound of his breath, and his gaze- he played with your hair. “I like you better with your hair down.”
You rolled your eyes at that, trying to push him away but he grabbed your wrists, making you look up at him. “Don’t you ever scare me like that again, okay?”
You pursed your lips, feeling overwhelmed- he actually cared. You nodded, and he left your wrists only to wrap his arms securely around you, and this time, you hugged him back properly, wrapping your arms around his waist and sighing in relief because you had been wanting to do that for a long time now. With a kiss to your temple, he broke the hug, making you raise your brows at him. 
“You make me so confused, y/n,” he almost whispered, cupping your face and caressing your cheeks as he looked at you. “I don’t know how I went from strongly disliking you to… this.”
“This?” You asked. “Are you saying you actually like me now?”
“See?” He laughed. “You’re such a tease. I didn’t like that at first, but I’m not going to complain now.”
“I’m as confused as you right now,” you put your hands on his that were still holding your face. “What do you intend to do with me, Choi Jongho?”
He almost smirked at that, leaning forward and planting a lingering kiss on your forehead first, surprising you. His hands went further down your neck, tilting your face as he kissed your cheek, almost trailing his lips down to yours-
Before you could grab him and do the deed, the sound of something crashing in the living room made you both jump and Jongho once again put himself in front of you as you both went for the living room. The window was open, however, the cardboard boxes that had been right under it were almost smashed, as if someone had stepped over them. Whoever had intruded had probably knocked something over and was either hiding or ran away. You went for the window, spotting movement at the end of the street before it disappeared entirely. 
“I don’t think we’re safe yet,” you announced. “Let’s get this over with quickly. You search the office, I’ll search the rooms.”
“Okay,” Jongho’s gaze was indecipherable and he went to the office while you went to your room first, checking the box under the floor to see if whoever intruded had something to do with this. However, your previous letter was still there. Sighing, you went to your parents’ room, searching for something you didn’t know the nature of. But anything suspicious, anything that resembled a journal or an entry book, you grabbed that and met Jongho in the hallway, who had done the same.
“Should we wait before we go back? Someone might be outside.”
“That someone could very well come inside too, so let’s just go back- I feel safer in my own room,” you referred to your hotel and he nodded, putting everything in a bag that he wore before and grabbing more weapons before you left. Your walk was swift and silent, and you relaxed once you reached the hotel. 
“Someone must have known we were going out tonight- I told no one, though. Did you?” You asked Jongho as you went inside your room and he dumped the bag on the table.
“I didn’t,” Jongho shook his head. “Did anyone see you?”
“I don’t think so, but I think there might be a rat here, in my staff,” you felt bitter at the thought alone. “I’ll think about it tomorrow, I have the worst headache right now.”
“Just sleep,” Jongho nodded. “Let’s talk tomorrow?”
You nodded, and walked Jongho to the door. You called his name and when he turned, you tiptoed to kiss him on his cheek, catching him by surprise. 
“Thank you for… everything.”
Jongho made a funny face as if he couldn’t believe it but then he smiled, waving as he left, and when you shut the door, you sank to the floor grinning like an idiot.
“I don’t think we’re finding anything at this rate. It’s all so cryptic anyway- what are you doing?”
You were glaring at one of your father’s journals, the entries very cryptic, just like Jongho had said. You found out that your father usually noted when exactly he met someone and at what place, and you wondered if noting it down helped him with his memory- he didn’t have a bad memory at all. That must be the reason. 
“You know, glaring holes into these isn’t going to make something pop up,” Jongho tossed a candy near you and you glared at him once before unwrapping it and putting it into your mouth, going back to what you were doing. “You’ll have better luck looking at these albums- let’s switch.”
You sighed, smacking the diary shut and slumping back. “I think we’re only wasting our time. He’s not one to leave behind any trace.” You exchanged your diaries with the albums and started flipping through them. “And even if we find something, we can’t really link anything to what’s currently happening. It’s a long shot.”
“No harm looking,” Jongho said, flipping through the pages. “Besides, isn’t it fun just sitting here and doing basically nothing? A day off from your duties?”
“I don’t remember the last time I took a day off,” you smiled, but then it faltered. “However, this is the last thing I would want to do on my day off.”
Jongho looked at you then, suddenly curious. “What would you rather do instead?”
“I don’t know,” you stretched your arms, thinking. “Visit the beach? It’s been a while, but now there are soldiers everywhere. I could go to the beach in the south though. That area has been secluded for a while and I have acquaintances who live there. It would be nice to visit them.”
“Well,” Jongho threw the diary back into the bag. “Get up then. We’re going to the beach. I’ll be back in a few minutes, and you better be ready by then.”
“Wait, you’re serious?” You scoffed. “I can’t just leave like this-”
“You can,” Jongho grinned. “You’re the boss here. This place can run itself. Come on, get up.”
“Jongho,” you groaned, looking up at the roof as if that would help. Jongho only crawled behind you and flicked your forehead, making you mutter a curse at which he snickered before pushing you up. 
“Don’t be such a brat. Dress casually for once- and don’t tie your hair.”
“Why are you so obsessed with my hair-” you faltered when you recalled how you two had almost kissed last night. You glanced at him and were surprised to see a light flush across his cheeks.
“It just makes you look good. I like it, okay?” He fidgeted awkwardly and then shoo-ed you again, making you laugh as he practically pushed you inside your room. “Fifteen minutes!”
Jongho liked you, you were sure. You liked him too, there was no denying it, but you two were still figuring it out, it seemed. And you planned to get to know him today- not the Jongho who worked under Mr. Lee, but Choi Jongho, the person that he was. You shuffled through your clothes and wore a beige casual gown with ruffled sleeves, leaving your hair half tied with a straw hat, and finally pulling over your black cloak. As you stood in front of the mirror with a racing heart, you realised you were excited. You hadn’t felt like this in years.
Jongho was changing you and your life, and though you hated sudden change, you liked this. And you were realising that he was breaking your walls down. You would never let anyone get as close to you as Jongho had gotten in such a short period of time. You never trusted someone, never asked someone to trust you, yet…
You heard a knock on the door and took a deep breath before taking your bag and opening the door, both of you surprised as you scanned each other- Jongho because you really had let your hair down, and you because he was dressed in a white button up shirt under a brown coat and he looked really, really good.
“Who are you?” You asked, making him grin. “Remember to take your weapons- it’s not safe anywhere these days.”
“I’d remind you too, but I’m afraid to ask just how many daggers you keep on you.”
“Don’t ask,” you nodded, “Shall we?”
The two of you decided to take public transport until you reached the town that bordered the beach in the south. You pointed out a few spots to Jongho and he tried to recall what he remembered of Mist Island. You told him you should have shown him around earlier, but he insisted that now was okay. He also asked why you preferred the beach in the south as opposed to the one closer, when you both took horses for the rest of the path.
“It’s the one spot my mother took me whenever she felt overwhelmed,” you told him. “As you know, my father was absent for the most part of my life. Maybe she missed him. Maybe she just needed someone by her side- someone who was not a child.”
“And the people who live here, the ones you mentioned?” Jongho asked. “Who are they?”
“That’s where they live,” you pointed at a hut at the top of the hill, not very far from where you were now. “They were her friends- I don’t exactly know how. It’s been a decade since I last came here so I guess I will have to reintroduce myself. Maybe they’ll remember me.”
You tied your horses to the trees near the hut and decided to go around the beach first before visiting the hut. The beach was empty, only the sound of the waves crashing and the seagulls in the air. You took off your sandals and Jongho followed, grinning at the feeling of the wet sand in your feet. 
“This beach is a lot cleaner, I’ll give you that,” Jongho laughed.
“And there’s no one,” you smiled. “We’ve got this place all to ourselves- that’s my favourite part.”
Jongho watched you- something in you had shifted the moment you took off your shoes and started walking along the shore, occasionally bending to pick a seashell. He followed closely behind, loving the way the wind was blowing your hair away. You turned and caught him staring at you and you raised a brow. He only came beside you to walk with you.
“If we prevent this war and peace comes one day, what do you want to do? After everything is over?”
Jongho thought about it before answering. “I want to move back here. I feel like I’m home.”
“It is your home,” you nodded. “I’m glad you’re finally ditching Eden.”
“I never liked it much if I’m being honest,” Jongho laughed, looking at you. “What would you like to do?”
You took a deep breath, pausing and gazing at the setting sun, the pastels in the sky and the sea. “I want to sell my hotel and find lodging somewhere away from the city- preferably here. I could train the girls here in a variety of things- business, self defence, or even knitting. I just… want to live a quiet life…” you looked at him. “Would you like to join me? You could teach them whatever tricks you’ve learned from my father.”
Jongho threw his head back as he laughed, making you laugh as well. “Yeah? I could teach them how to deal with spoiled brats like you too.”
“Definitely,” you grinned. “What do you say? You and me in this town, away from all the drama. Living in a nice little cottage, growing our own vegetables-”
“Together?” Jongho asked, and something told you that he was talking about a lot of ‘togethers’. You looked at him, watching the wind blowing away his dark hair, his eyes glinting with a hint of amusement, a faint smile on his lips. Would you like to spend the rest of your life with him? Would he like to stay your friend at the very least?
“Together,” you nodded, promising. “If you’d like-”
You didn’t expect him to cup your face and bring you in for a kiss but after recovering from the initial shock, you immediately melted into it, kissing him back, your hands fisting his shirt. The moment couldn’t have been more perfect, and when Jongho broke apart, he joined his forehead with yours. 
“I’m only staying in Mist Island if it’s with you,” he admitted, looking in your eyes for an answer and you gave him a nod, kissing him again. The waves washed your feet as you kissed, making you shiver into it, and you both broke apart, giggling slightly. You put an arm at his back, leaning into him as you both watched the sun set, overwhelmed by the emotions so opting to let the moment talk for itself.
As soon as it got dark, you both headed for the hut and you spotted a woman. “Aunt Nari?”
The woman turned and you gasped at how much she had aged- her hair had lost its colour and there were wrinkles on her face, but somehow, she was still graceful, especially in the way she walked to you and touched your face as if she couldn’t believe her eyes.
“Y/n?” She asked and you nodded which resulted in her immediately enveloping you in a hug as she expressed how surprised she was to see you here and how much she had missed you. “Where’s your mother?”
You glanced at Jongho and then back at the woman. Thankfully, her attention diverted as well and she asked who the ‘young handsome man’ was. 
“My friend, Jongho,” you introduced and Jongho raised a brow at you before greeting the woman. She made you two sit on one of the benches, lighting the rest of the lamps before going inside for refreshments and to call her husband. Jongho tapped your shoulder.
“Just your friend?”
“What else do you suppose you are?” You teased.
“Well, I don’t know,” Jongho leaned forward, making you lean back as well but he leaned to whisper in your ear, “Do friends kiss like that?”
He was so pleased to see you blush like that, and felt victorious when you had no retort. You were relieved to be interrupted by Aunt Nari’s husband coming to greet you both.
“You’ve grown up so much!” He laughed as the couple sat down in front of you. The man looked at Jongho. “Last I saw her, she was still this much-”
“I was not that small!” You scoffed and the rest of them laughed. 
“How’s your mother? I thought she would be with you- did she forget us? She hasn’t visited us in forever.”
“Actually, I’m sorry I didn’t come earlier,” you told them, sipping on the tea before continuing. “My mother kind of went missing a few years ago. I’ve been searching for her but to no avail.”
“Oh, goodness,” Aunt Nari set her cup down. “When did that happen? Where could she be?”
“I don’t know how or why it happened,” you sighed. “Last I know is she went to Eden to visit my father- about eight years ago- and then she never came back. I tried contacting you back then but you weren’t here.”
“That must have been when we thought we’d settle in Utopia,” Uncle Jung said. “We only came back to Mist Island three years ago.”
“Ah,” you nodded. “Well, Aunt Nari, you knew my mother better than me. Do you think she ever wanted to run away? Simply leave everything behind and escape? You know she didn’t have the best relationship with my father.”
“One thing I know for sure is that even if she wanted to, she could never leave you,” she said and you almost slumped in relief. Jongho put a hand on yours. “Did you not find a clue or something?”
“I searched all these years in Eden, but Jongho told me she had left- presumably for Mist Island. I suspect my father had a hand in this- he clearly knows whether she’s alive or dead but sometimes he feigns innocence. Sometimes he slips and says something which makes me think if he’s behind this. I don’t know what to believe anymore.”
“Oh dear, that’s unfortunate,” Aunt Nari looked at her husband and you noticed their cryptic gaze. 
“If there's anything you can tell me that might help… please tell me.”
“I suppose you’re grown enough to know this,” Aunt Nari looked guilty. “Your father isn’t the best man, I suppose you know that already.” You nodded at that and she continued, “Your father always wanted to involve himself in dangerous politics. Your mother opposed that strongly at first but then she gave in. The last time she met me, which must have been right before she went to visit him in Eden, she told me she was so close to discovering something about your father- something she could use to finally separate from him. He was always lying to her, that man. She knew he was a liar, a murderer, but he always denied it. She didn’t want to be with a man who she didn’t feel safe with.”
You nodded at that. You could understand that about her. “Did she tell you what she was about to find?”
“Something about this secret mission from the King- I suppose there are a lot of those, but this one somehow involved your father. She didn’t exactly tell me how or why, but she was convinced that your father had a hand in the mission going horribly wrong, which also caused the death of someone she was close with.”
You felt Jongho’s grip on your hand tighten a bit. “Is that it?” You asked and she nodded. “Thank you so much, Aunt. I’ll visit you again. I’m searching for answers myself, so this was very helpful.”
“Just stay safe, kid,” she patted your cheek as you got up. “Stay safe.”
You hugged them both, promising again to visit them when you’ll finally find the answers, and when you were about to ride back, you looked at Jongho. “This has to be connected to the Twilight Society, right? My father messed up something with that mission, it seems.”
“Let’s wait until Seonghwa confirms this,” he patted your shoulder before you two got up on your horses. “And let’s pray it’s not worse than we think.”
Now that you had taken a step further into your relationship with Jongho, you were finding just how much everything had changed but strangely enough, nothing had changed at all. 
It was kind of funny- you both still teased each other to the point the other would be annoyed, you both still spent most of your time together. He hovered over you a lot while you were working, and when you had free time you two would talk. Yet… the way you looked at each other now was different. Every glance and every touch was more meaningful. You two didn’t have much experience in that field so you two were navigating your way together, at a calm pace. 
However, sometimes all you wanted was for him to hold you. Sometimes, at night after wrapping up, if you both were up for one last cup of tea or coffee, you two would sit by the fire in each other’s arms. He would massage your shoulders or you would play with his hair. Such simple gestures filled your heart with an overwhelmingly good feeling. And sometimes, when he would tuck your hair back before he kissed you, you would want to live in that moment forever. 
You both were still trying to figure out just what Mr. Lee’s role was in the disappearance of your mother, in the Twilight Society’s mission that had failed. With each passing day, there was this undeniable tension growing around you two. Mr. Lee was your father, and he was the man who raised Jongho. Though you two badmouthed the man all you wanted with each other, things were different now as the suspicions grew. 
As you closed the register and instructed Sakura to take the files to the storage, you glanced at Jongho who was sitting in a corner, going through some of his own work. He wanted to buy some land here since he had a lot of money from his time in Eden, and he was also trying to acquire the land that had once been his- his father’s home. You put your face in your hands as you watched him dreamily, your attention diverting when the bell rang and the customers entered-
Prince Hongjoong. Seonghwa. And a few guards. For a moment, your heart sank and an eerie silence fell in the hotel, prompting Jongho to look up as well. But when the Prince smiled after spotting you, you relaxed. 
“I’m just here to grab coffee with you, can you tell everyone to relax?” Hongjoong laughed as you greeted him.
“They can’t help it,” you grinned. 
“I’ll ask the guards to stay outside,” Seonghwa said and you led Hongjoong to the sitting area, who decided to sit with Jongho when he spotted him. Seonghwa joined and you had a maid take their order.
“Are you free right now?” Hongjoong asked. 
“I am,” you confirmed. “What prompted you to get coffee this late at night? Shouldn’t you be getting your royal sleep or something?”
Hongjoong chuckled. “I thought I’d visit here and boom your business. It’s been a while since I last came here.”
You nodded- it had been years. The only time he had visited was when he wanted to personally scout you. Hongjoong grinned. “I’ll visit more now, now that we’re… friends.”
“After all of this is over, this place might be no more,” you surprised him with that. “So visit more often, preferably months apart instead of years.”
“Alright,” Hongjoong nodded, glancing at Seonghwa and Jongho who were engaged in some discussion. “We’ve found out everything, y/n. About the Twilight Society. We have gathered proof, and I would like it if you could visit the day after tomorrow so we can talk to the scholars.”
Your heart sank. “Of course. Are you going to tell me what you learned?”
“After coffee,” Hongjoong sighed. “And alone. More because Jongho would need to be alone when he hears it.”
You glanced at him, your heart breaking. “How bad is it?”
“Worse than we thought,” Hongjoong sipped on his coffee. “I’m guessing you have a vague idea of what might have occurred as well.”
“I’ll let you tell me- I really don’t want to assume,” you took a big sip of your coffee, a million thoughts in your head, nothing making sense. Hongjoong talked a bit about the scholars and how they would like to hear whatever information you all would bring forward, but you could only pay him half the attention.
“I’ll brief him,” Seonghwa was the first to get up along with Jongho, who looked like he had no clue what he was going to hear. Seonghwa passed a subtle nod to Hongjoong and he got up as well. That was when Jongho got confused, when all of you made your way up the stairs. Jongho brushed his hand with yours, asking if everything was alright. You only squeezed it with a sad smile. “I’ll see you after we get briefed.”
Jongho nodded, confused when you parted ways in the hallway, Hongjoong following you to your room. He hadn’t missed the exchange between you two. “Is there something going on between you and Jongho?”
When you looked at him, your sad eyes were all the confirmation he needed. “Oh goodness. I didn’t realise how close you two were. Should I ask Seonghwa to stop-”
“That’s okay,” you urged him to take a seat. “Let’s hear it and get it over with.”
Hongjoong told you then. The only survivor of Twilight Society was the man who was now your father’s right hand man, who had actually faked his death on the documents to escape to Eden under the protection of your father. “Jongho’s parents were initially spies for the King before they met and fell in love. After their marriage, when Jongho was about two years old, the King gave them a mission which came to be their last.
“My father cherished his team, but this mission was risky. His spies were loyal to him so they wanted to take on this mission- they had to infiltrate Eden’s palace to retrieve some stolen documents. The mission was a success, actually. They came back unharmed, but Mr. Ahn- your father’s right hand man- he teamed up with your father to take all the glory for themselves. They stole the documents, and your father… he killed all the spies except him. After having a look at the documents, he made a copy and gave that to the King, but kept the original for himself, which is why he holds so much power.”
“Oh, goodness,” your hands were trembling when you brought them to your face. “My father killed his friends? Jongho’s parents?”
“We captured Mr. Ahn a few days ago, and he finally gave us some information but it was ugly,” he grimaced and you understood. “I’m sorry about this. I don’t know how Jongho will take it.”
“He raised him, Hongjoong,” you took a deep breath, willing your anger to subside but to no avail. “That man, that filth- he killed his parents and then raised him himself. What sort of a person does that? Jongho would have been loyal to him still had he not accidentally heard his conversation with Mr. Ahn and my mother’s warning-”
You paused. Your mother had gone to Eden. She had warned Jongho about a truth that she had discovered. Your father had heard her, and then she never came back. 
“What’s wrong?” Hongjoong frowned when he watched your face go pale. 
“I think he might have killed my mother too- she found out about the Twilight Society, Hongjoong,” you looked at him, fists clenching. “He would not have let her live, would he?”
Hongjoong sighed. “I think Seonghwa has something he would want to tell you about that matter.”
You waited, furious at everything and everyone, Hongjoong patting your back and then Seonghwa knocked and entered. One look at you and he felt like you had already connected the dots. He walked to you and sat beside you. “I’m sorry, y/n. Mr. Ahn told me your father… killed your mother. I don’t know if it’s true though- I can’t be sure if he’s lying or not.”
“I know he did,” you wiped your eyes. “He’s always hinted at that. And I’m going to kill him for that-”
“You will do no such thing,” Hongjoong’s voice was serious. “I get that you would want revenge. Jongho would too. But let us, let me handle it. People like Mr. Lee, their crimes should be made public. They need to fall from all that glory, and they need to feel the shame. I’m sorry, but he doesn’t deserve the swift death that you or Jongho would give him.”
You took a deep breath- somehow, Hongjoong was right. And somehow… you felt like you had known all this for a while. What kind of a man your father was. You nodded. “We can go to the scholars tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow then,” Hongjoong said. “I promise we’ll wrap up your father’s case quickly. This bloody mess shouldn’t turn into a war. Enough lives have been lost. Prince Woobin will be held accountable for possessing this knowledge and keeping it to himself as well.”
You were surprised to hear that- but then again, the relation between Prince Woobin and Prince Hongjoong was much like that of the one between your father and you. You thanked him for coming to tell you both in person, and when you shut the door, you thought of Jongho. 
Mustering your courage, you walked to Jongho’s suite, finding the door unlocked and you went inside, where you could hear Jongho’s soft sobs inside his room, the door shut. You wondered if you should back off and let him have some time to himself. He probably hated you and didn’t want to see you. After all, you were the daughter of the man who had killed his parents. With a wet face, you took a few steps until you were right in front of the door and then slid down, your back to the door. You could hear him- he was probably in the same position as you, with his back to the door too.
“Jongho,” you called and he fell silent, having heard you. “I’m so, so sorry Jongho. I- I don’t know what to say. I just want you to know that I’m sorry-”
He heard you break into sobs and he wiped his face. He heard you continue, “You can hate me. You’re allowed to hate me. Just let me see you once, please.”
Jongho couldn’t hate you- how could he ever? That man who was your father had also killed your mother. He had stolen as much from you as he had from him. You both were victims. Yes, you were your father’s daughter, but…
You were nothing like him, he thought. Your kindness, your dedication, your loyalty… you had basically freed him from the man who had held his clutches all those long, miserable years. You hadn’t caged him like your father had caged him. You were your mother’s daughter, the woman who had raised Jongho with enough love to last him a lifetime, the woman who had warned him and in the process, lost her life. Jongho couldn’t hate you. He felt sorry towards you- your mother had died because of him.
For a few minutes, the two of you sat like that until you heard Jongho get up and you moved away from the door, opting to rest your back against the wall. A few more minutes passed before Jongho finally opened the door and saw you with a black but wet face, knees drawn to your chest. He sat down beside you and some silent moments passed before he spoke.
“I hate Mr. Lee. Probably as much as you hate him, probably more.”
“I know,” you sniffed. 
“But y/n, what makes you think I would hate you?” he asked softly and you glanced at him. “I want to apologise too. Your father must have killed your mother after he heard her talk to me. She risked herself for me, and ended up dying. I’m sorry, y/n.”
“No, no,” you shook your head, turning to face him. “That’s not your fault at all.”
“Then you can stop crying, because being your father’s daughter is not your fault as well,” he simply said, facing you and taking your hands in his lap, caressing them as he continued. “We both lost so much because of that man. I think we should stop blaming ourselves now. I know that my parents have been dead for years now, but you only just found out about your mother. I’m so sorry for that.”
You nodded, looking down at your joined hands. “I’d understand if you don’t want to be together anymore, though-”
“And why would I leave you?” He tugged at your hands, making you look at him and your heart softened at the way he was looking at you. “You’re just y/n to me. The daughter who looked for her mother all those years. The woman who was strong enough to stand on her own feet when she was alone. The person who saved her home, Mist Island, by choosing the right side. The person who risks her life for the people she loves, for the people she chooses. The person I fell in love with- it’s not Mr. Lee’s daughter. It’s simply you.”
You smiled at that, tears rolling down your face again. “That was cheesy.”
“Yeah?” Jongho laughed, cupping your face as he wiped your tears, his gaze suddenly dark. “Tell me you love me too, y/n.”
You took his hands away from your face only to let him hold your waist as you crawled near him, sitting in his lap, running a hand through his hair, cupping his surprised face and kissing his lips once. “You made me realise there’s more to life than just chasing after something I can’t see. You’ve made me feel safe, and you made me feel loved. I wouldn’t trade it for anything else- I love you, and you only.”
Jongho sighed at that, resting his head on your shoulder as you held him, as if he was trying to let this sink in. His hands caressed your waist softly, and you played with the hair on the nape of his neck. When he finally shifted, he brought one hand to cup your neck as he kissed it, right at your weak point and you stifled a sigh. He felt that, and you could feel his smirk through his lips as he continued to kiss you along your neck, attacking your sweet spot way too many times until you moaned. You slapped the back of his neck. “Jongho!”
“I love the sounds that you make,” he muttered, cupping your face and swallowing any response you had as he kissed you with a feverish desperation- showing you that he loved you, that he didn’t want to lose you, that he didn’t care who your father was because you were the one that he wanted. You tried matching his pace but you let him have his way as he kissed all his worries and anxieties away, leaning into you with a force that had your back arching until you held onto him as he laid you down on the floor.
“You’re so beautiful,” he said as the two of you tried to catch your breaths, as he caressed your hair. “You’re… so beautiful.”
You couldn’t hide the flush that creeped up your cheeks- you wouldn’t have believed it had he not been looking at you with such an intense gaze. You let your hands travel down his chest, stopping at his waist, earning a sharp intake of breath from him, and he waited no further to start peppering kisses down your face, down your neck, and then you were making out again without any signs of stopping.
“Shall we take this to bed?” You suggested when you two broke apart to catch your breath. He smiled as he lazily kissed your lips again and again. 
“If you’d like, Madame,” he whispered into your ear, tugging at your earlobe with his teeth and you laughed, smacking his chest. 
“You’re naughtier than I thought.”
“Oh, you haven’t seen the best of me yet,” he said, picking you up effortlessly, earning a little scream from you, and you knew Jongho was strong but the way he had picked you up? Without flinching? It was hot, and it sent heat rushing through your body, especially when he put you down on the bed ever so gently.
“It’s a challenge,” you grinned, and he didn’t disappoint you for the rest of the night.
Mist Island had changed a lot in the past few weeks, ever since Prince Hongjoong was officially appointed as the person in charge of the palace, Prince Woobin having been exiled for his crimes, and the King having stepped down from the throne. Hongjoong wasn’t king yet, but already the people were absolutely pleased with him- all the traitors to the safety of this land were behind bars.
That included your father- with the heaviest sentence. His involvement was not made public simply because it would have caused the people to lose faith in their government and their officials, even though all of you would have loved to see his walk of shame. He had committed every crime that he possibly could, and the world was better off knowing such a monster never existed in the first place. 
You also found out just who the rat in your staff had been, who had been reporting to your father and the reason you were almost killed that night when you visited the palace. It was none other than Sakura- the person you worked closely with, the manager when you were absent. However, surprisingly enough, she had come clean to you herself, claiming to not know the extent your father was willing to go (after all, what father would do that to his own child?) and claiming that she was threatened with her own life too. 
You let her off the hook, only because you were closing down Hotel Crescent. A friend of yours from Eden was visiting and offered to buy the place, and you were glad for the timing. It couldn’t have been more perfect. You wrapped up everything in a matter of days before handing him the keys and taking what little you owned to your house.
You were going to keep the house, but you weren’t going to live there. You still wanted to move to the south, and you had even bought land near the beach, where currently your house was being constructed. Your and Jongho’s house, with wide gardens so you two could train people as well, just as planned. 
You looked at Jongho, laughing over something with Seonghwa and Hongjoong, who were currently in your house. You smiled to yourself, picking up the tray and setting the tea and snacks in front of them before sitting beside Jongho. “What’s so funny?”
“I have a job offer for you,” Hongjoong was grinning and you raised a brow in amusement. “I will be crowned king soon. Seonghwa would of course be my Right Hand, but I could use both of you too. I’d like you as my advisor, and Jongho as the head of security. If you’d like.”
You poured tea for him and laughed a bit as you looked at Seonghwa and Hongjoong’s faces, anxiously waiting for your answer. “I… would love that-”
“See, I told you she’d agree!” Hongjoong began-
“But,” you interrupted, “Not now. I don’t think I’d make a good advisor right now. I would like to live peacefully for a while, without a threat on my head as it has always been. You, of all people, would understand that.”
Hongjoong smiled warmly. “Of course. What do you plan to do?”
“Live with Jongho at the beach in the south,” you picked his hand and showed off your engagement rings to the two of them who clapped enthusiastically. “Just take a breather. Maybe train the women there in various skills. Jongho would like to do something similar as well.”
“You two could train our future spies while you’re there,” Seonghwa looked at Hongjoong who nodded and then at Jongho. “Would you like that?”
“Training your spies for you, but they would be answering to me,” you sipped on your tea and everyone laughed. You shook your head. “I would… like that, actually. And maybe once I’ve had enough of the seaside and once we’re sick of the beach, we’d come back. What do you say?”
Jongho squeezed your hand. “Sounds like a plan.”
“Well then, do come visit often. Don’t just forget us,” Hongjoong said.
“Don’t pretend not to recognise us when we come to visit,” Jongho said and everyone laughed at that. 
“You’ll make a very good king, Prince Hongjoong,” you told him and his eyes gleamed at that. “Don’t disappoint us. Remember- we can always kill you in your sleep.”
“Maybe I shouldn’t have made friends with you,” Hongjoong looked at Seonghwa who was grinning. 
The four of you talked and joked and teased each other for a good while until it was time for the Prince to leave. You told them you were leaving for the south tomorrow as well. They shook hands with you and thanked you for your service. Hongjoong said, “I owe a lot of my success to you. I hope you know that, and I hope you appreciate that my doors are open for you, whenever you’d like.”
“And I owe the fact that I’m taking a breather to you too,” you nodded. “Come visit me for a vacation sometime.”
The two left and Jongho put an arm around your shoulder. “I’ll kind of miss them, even though I haven’t known them for long.”
“I know,” you smiled. “They really grew up on me.”
“You looked pleased when you showed off our rings,” Jongho teased and you laughed. “Are you that happy?”
“Of course I am,” you turned to him, straightening his shirt before putting your hands on his shoulders. “I’ll show it off to everyone I meet. I’m proud of us.”
Jongho smiled at that, and as you hugged each other, you knew that you’ll be at home with him wherever you go- whether it be the palace or this house or the south, or even another place, faraway.
He was your home.
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innerchorus · 3 months
Arslan Senki Chapter 130 (Part 2)
Here we go, the second half!
Sam's little bow of gratitude as Team Hilmes walk away!
And up the tower we go, to get a better view of what's happening in the streets. Innocentis has been taken into custody on Arslan's orders (he specifies 'alive'; no doubt thinking of Estelle's request)
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Innocentis getting snaked for the second time.
The doorway getting darkened by the distinctive silhouette of none other than Andragoras (this party has now been crashed twice lmao). I was in a good mood by this point because things are lining up and I know where this is going!
Andragoras cuts a fearsome figure, cloak and armour bloodstained from the fighting he's had to do on the way here. He's such an imposing figure whose presence seems capable of cowing others, yet ARSLAN STANDS UP TO HIM and refuses to hand over Rukhnabad. Being reinstated as Crown Prince isn't enough.
"I did not come back here to become Crown Prince. I am here to become Shah!" FUCK YES.
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[insert soft "holy fuck" here]
That line... That admission of Arslan's calibre... Just whoah.
And then of course Andragoras tries to fucking kill him and take the sword (and at first I thought an earthquake was taking place but actually it's the effects of Andragoras's voice causing everyone to shake)
Azrael (whose name is misspelled as 'Asrael' though at least he got to PWEE and not PEE this time) soars past the window and causes a momentary distraction and as Andragoras notes this must mean Kishward has reached the palace, he also misses detecting the approach of a very possessed-looking Innocentis behind him
Given that Azrael bears the name of the angel of death that PWEEE was probably him saying "You're going to fucking die" and that's exactly what happens, with Innocentis wrestling Andragoras towards the window and out of the tower. There's no way either of them could survive that fall. The last panel of the chapter is their bodies in space, hurtling towards the ground together.
So you all know of my theory that Team Zahhak intended for Hilmes to be the replacement for Zahhak's crumbling body. But if it's not him, it could be Andragoras instead. I'm going to get into some novel spoilers for a moment so please look away if that bothers you!
In the novels, Zahhak doesn't return fully until late in the second half, after a timeskip. Andragoras dies in basically the same way, but the novels don't mention Team Zahhak being involved in Innocentis's actions. Later, Andragoras's body, stolen from its mausoleum, becomes Zahhak's vessel. The fact that Arakawa has Team Zahhak manipulating Innocentis here might be nothing more than giving them more of an active role at this moment to keep them in the forefront of our minds, but it could also hint at them deliberately engineering this moment so they'd have an easy body to appropriate. Maybe that's also why they previously convinced Innocentis to duel Andragoras, hoping that the poisoned sword would give them the royal corpse they desire.
Personally, for many reasons I'd still prefer for it to be Hilmes (though obviously I don't want any harm to come to him, I just think it'd be good for his character) but I'm going to trust whatever direction Arakawa is going in because so far she's pulling off the final stages of the story very well.
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scummynami · 2 years
Can you write some fem reader hc with Cale from trash of count’s family? He’s just so good 🫣
pairing: yan!cale henituse × fem!reader
tw: stalking and manipulation.
note: took me a while, BUT IT'S FINE. Thanks for this ask btw, tbh I didn't have a clue as to what "Trash of the Count's Family" was until this ask ヽ⁠(⁠(⁠◎⁠д⁠◎⁠)⁠)⁠ゝ I also have to give thanks to you cus you gave me a new genre to explore (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
You were a side character who didn't even get to appear in the official comic. Well, Kim Rok Soo hadn't read the latest chapter, as he died the same day before he could even get a glimpse. So, basically you were a character that was unknown and very new to him.
You and Cale Henituse didn't cross paths at all in the original work. In fact, you were destined to meet Choi Han instead of the young master, in a secret garden at a "cold solstice gathering", and was written to fall in love with said man- starting the "Star-Crossed Lovers Arc".
But Cale... Cale wasn't aware of that, as he trekked down the woodsy path, not knowing that he was about to delve into a path that wasn't originally his, with consequences that are much terrible than death.
The stars were alight, twinkling joyously as it sets the mood. Cale was weirded out by the romantic aura surrounding the woodsy backyard of the palace. The annoying crown prince tried picking a fight with him in front of Choi Han, making him flee the scene before things escalate.
He has to admit, it was a wise decision to do so, as him slipping away from the scene resulted in him achieving the impossible- being alone.
Ever since the story started, things have been annoyingly chaotic, so it was a nice change of pace, to achieve silence, that is.
However, that does not mean his problems were over. A new entity is threatening the specific area he wants to settle in, if there was a new threat arising in manhwas, usually, this means there's another power that was left untouched still.
His pensive state didn't continue for much longer, as he senses another presence near him. And it wasn't familiar. Immediately, he tenses up and creeps around until he sees walls of grass- hedges — he assumes — hidden behind the thick trunks of the forest.
He peers through the unkept hedge and is surprised to see a lady sitting on the fountain, leaning closer and closer towards the water as if mesmerised by something. He took note of this as he walks towards her, not bothering to conceal his footsteps, confirming that she is indeed under a spell.
If it weren't for the imminent danger that was to happen, he would've stayed awestruck by her enchanting features.
Wrapping an arm around her waist, he easily carried her away from the fountain, effectively breaking the enchantment.
"... Whu... what?" She mumbled as she stared ahead in a daze, before realising her situation.
"I apologise... for this. But this was the only thing I had in mind that would save the lady without hurting you," he said as calmly as he could, peering into her eyes that were as clear as the night sky above. He could feel the back of his neck getting warmer and warmer.
He sets her down, but couldn't find it in himself to fully let her go, as he keeps an arm around her waist.
"Yes... thank you, sir...?" She replies, still in a surprised state. She felt as if his face was familiar, but couldn't quite put a finger to it.
"Cale Henituse, my lady. The eldest son of Count Henituse," he said, parting with her for a bit to give her a curt bow.
"Ah," her eyes widened with familiarity as the surprise on her face remains. "I see.... you are that sir Henituse."
He was expecting judgement from the ethereal lady. But he only got a curtsy and an introduction.
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I'm Name Arlischen. The youngest of Marquis Arlischen," she says softly. "I would like to give my gratitude to you, my lord."
Oh, Arlischen. Now he knew he was definitely way past the chapter he last read. This was the arc titled "Star-Crossed Lovers" and was one of the recent chapters published on the day he died.
The first few days in the capital were spent.... wastefully. He tried to gather information about the Arlischen Marquisate but only got unconfirmed rumours back.
This was where the stalking began. Well, he didn't necessarily called it stalking, as he dubbed it "gathering research material" shamelessly.
This was also the time when he began "befriending" the young lady and his possessive behaviour towards her.
The people around him began to question his actions and deemed it as him falling in love with the Arlischen's pearl. These claims were of course, denied at first, but that was until he began to take note of his behaviour around her, and how she acts around him.
Well, that may be due to the fact that he manipulated her into thinking that she's in love with him, not the other way around.
However, he didn't really care, as he began to drink in her affections, and found himself intoxicated by her.
It was around this period that he began to unconsciously include her in all of his future plans.
It also around this time that he began to slowly isolate her until he was certain that he was the only person she needed.
Her family had long approved of their relationship, so these things weren't seen as a bad thing, especially in this society of which they belong to, where women were to become their husband's property.
Meaning, everything he had or was about to do, were seen as romantic instead of toxic.
The grass swayed left and right carelessly. Caressing the cheeks of his beloved lady.
"When we marry, you must stop these adventures of yours and stay next to me as much as you can..." she mumbles as she buries her face into his stomach, feeling shy of her words just as she spoke them.
He chuckled, finding her behaviour cute. He held onto her arms and guided her until they were both at eye level. His arms embracing her form cautiously and lovingly as if she were a piece of art, saying: "When we marry, I promise you you'll never breath a day without me by your side."
It would be joke to assume things end here.
The night he saved her from being swallowed by the magic fountain's water, Choi Han had been following her, and had unknowingly fallen in love with Cale Henituse's beloved.
Choi Han had never been selfish, nor was he the type to disobey his master. But it all changed once he saw her.
Memories that weren't created flooded into the man's mind, letting him know of his destiny. Of how everything was supposed to be his, including her.
tbh I wanna write about dark cale henituse. But didn't know how it should go, what direction it would take. Would rlly appreciate it if you guys write down recommendations in the comments below 🫶🏻
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blimbo-buddy · 1 year
Princess and Oliver headcanons
So I much prefer "Oliver is CloudTail's dad" over Smudge being CloudTail's dad. And I also don't care for versions of Oliver that make him the typical "kind and sweet and understanding father". So I thought I'd share some of the headcanons I have for Princess and Oliver's relationship. CW FOR: Unhealthy relationships, Cheating
To start off with Oliver's background really fast:
He was born to an ex-show cat who became a stray. He wasn't born in Chelford
Oliver was a massive momma's boy
He remembers his mom very well and also knows her name, he just never mentions it, possibly for pity
He eventually became apart of a group of vagabond cats and sets out to live a life of wandering
The vagabond cats realized they needed to find a place to rest until the autumn rain storms had calmed down enough. So their attention was immediately brought onto a certain city not too far from them
Alright, now let's get into the meat and potatoes of these two, finally.
The Vagabonds (will be calling them this from now on) head on into Chelford for food, shelter, and warmth
Oliver, being adventurous, strayed away from the group to do some exploring of Chelford. Resulting in him accidentally getting into a scuffle with a couple of cats
He was clearly cornered and outnumbered, but thankfully a larger, orange tabby cat with a green bow tie managed to easily shoo them off
The cat and Oliver talked for a minute and the orange cat offered to take Oliver to one of the shelters for strays so that he could stay for a while and Oliver accepted this help. They talked for a bit on the walk there and went their separate ways after reaching their destination.
Later on, Oliver decided to go out and find the orange cat again and found her lounging about her Twoleg's front garden where she introduced herself as Princess
Oliver would tell Princess lots of stories about his life, a lot of them being crafted to make the Kittypet pity him, and it worked.
See, Princess was a lot more gullible around that time and more trusting, so hearing these sob stories from Oliver made her begin to feel bad for him
Oliver wasn't much of a truthful cat, he craved attention and pity from everybody around him, quickly getting bored and tossing things and cats away when he felt they weren't as perfect as they were before
The two's relationship slowly grew, but it was obvious that Oliver was trying to mold Princess into being something he wanted her to be. He told her she should be happier often, that her voice bugged him because of how flat it was, picking out things that she did and telling her to get rid of those habits
Princess listened to these things, Oliver was one of the only cats in recent times that actually made her feel loved in some way. She had her family, yes, but Oliver was different. And she was worried that if she broke up with him, he'd be put into danger, she didn't want to do that to a cat who seemingly went through "so much". Basically, they have an extremely shitty, unhealthy relationship
Eventually, Princess found out that she was pregnant
Princess would notice that Oliver acted certain ways around other she-cats, nuzzling against them, being extra friendly. But to her that was normal, cats of Chelford were always very friendly towards each other!
Until Princess found Oliver laying with another cat, lovingly grooming their fur, just like what he did with her. Turns out some cats aren't as loyal as they say they are
She confronted Oliver about this spitting and hissing that she thought he loved her. Oliver, being a cat who is quick with his mind, tried to make it seem like Princess was "targetting him when he's alone to argue on purpose"
They both went back and forth and Oliver suddenly tried apologizing to Princess and telling her that he loved her so much and that the cat he was with had been at fault. In a last minute effort, he put his paw up to her cheek to try and reason with her, no- manipulate her
Princess snapped and shoved Oliver to the ground, screaming at him to never think about coming by her Twoleg's home again. And she ran off, that encounter being the last she ever saw of him
Nowadays, Princess absolutely hates Oliver's guts. She grew a lot of self confidence issues from him that is still healing to this day
She never really wanted kittens, and she knew that Oliver didn't want them either but it just happened. She doesn't hate her kids, she can't bring herself to hate five cats who had nothing to do with her relationship with Oliver
Thankfully though she's in a better, much healthier relationship with Hattie and Smudge
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