#because adulting and life happens and maybe they're not as close anymore as they used to be
not-5-rats · 2 days
bodie, marco and/or timmy headcannons? maybe?
Hmmm okay, a please would be nice though /j, you didn't specify what kind of hcs sooooo you're getting silly ones :3
!!!Nonsense Gator Boys HCs ^^!!!
He is the only one that can navigate the swamps, nobody else has any clue where they're going
His posture is...not amazing, he's so used to bending down slightly when around Timmy...his posture has never been the same
He enjoys cooking with people, it's a nice way to spend time together
Dude would love Paddington, I feel no need to elaborate
An issue he has is his willingness to put others' needs above his own, it came out slightly when Bug arrived with their injured leg but it becomes very obvious when somebody he cares for is ill. He won't sleep, or look after himself properly because he needs to ensure they're doing alright.
He's fully prepared to die in the arena, he couldn't stand losing anybody else atp...he's ready to throw himself in dangers way at a seconds notice if it means everyone else will be alright
I don't think he could live with himself if he let anybody else die in the arena...if he lost the only people he had left, he'd probably lose himself as well
He has a vast knowledge on which fungi are edible and which aren't
Lost. He's constantly loosing his path, but he always finds his way back in the end
He spends most of his time climbing, whether it be trees, vines, piles of rocks, anything
Adding on to my last point, if you & him were together he would randomly drop from the trees and give you a lil kiss on the forehead/ cheek
Floor time - y'know when you're super burnt out and lie on your back, on the floor, just lie there for a few hours? Yeah that's Timmy
He doesn't always properly analyse the risks of certain activities, luckily he's nimble enough to often get out of these tight situations but he's received a couple injuries due to his impulsiveness
He's so overwhelmed right now, what the fuck is going on with his life. His parents are alive, his mother's a dragon, he's part dragon, Bodie's his uncle...everything is suddenly so different...he feels...lost
At points he wishes the Hunters had just went through with killing him when they found him...things would've been so much simpler then
He makes friendship bracelets, like the bead ones, he puts people's names on them
Enjoys the rain, idc what you say, they're a rain lover
Why is Marco fruity? I can't quite put my finger on what type of fruit, but like...undeniably some sort of queer (I love them)
They would have had such an intense emo phase (which then evolved into kinda gothic adult)
They have like a mini museum in their bag, so many random things from such odd places, it's admirable
They could have stopped this from happening. Well maybe they could have, if they were around more maybe there was something they could have done that would've stopped Timmy from being taken...stopped this whole mess from happening
The guilt. It's fucking unbearable. Why did they constantly have to be gone, why couldn't they just stick around for 5 bloody minutes!
They want to change, they want to be there for their friends...but at this point, they feel like it's too late. Bodie and Timmy are so close and now it's revealed they're actually related!...is there even space for Marco anymore...are they even wanted at this point?
They like frogs
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hi so thanks to tmrss i'm in my maze runner feels again and have you ever thought about brenda and teresa being at a bar or a party and then wonderwalls comes up and brenda sings it at teresa """""""""""""""""""""""ironically""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" but the feelings HIT her when she sings 'cause maybeeee, you're gonna be the one that saaaves meeee' because what IF teresa is the one that's going to save her what IF and now hear me out, what if brenda realizes in that moment teresa is the one who already saved her by being her friend and by making her feel so entirely and utterly herself that there's nothing to be afraid of anymore, what if teresa is the one who sees beyond brenda's though and bubbly exterior, what if she sees the insecure, the melancholic in brenda, too, and what if she loves every bit of it, the right and the wrong and what if the ugly in her is beautiful to teresa too what then what thenwhatthen
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dyns33 · 7 months
Most of the time I see him as the cool silly big bro, but I love Deadpool, so here's a long Deadpool x female reader.
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Normally nothing destined Y/N to meet Wade Wilson.
A normal life, without enemies, without superpowers, without contracts on her head. She didn't fight, respected the law (at least for the most serious and important things) and she considered herself to be a good person.
The first time she had passed Saint Agnes Orphanage, she hadn't really paid it much attention. The second time, she found it a little strange that an orphanage was in this part of the city, which was not really made for children.
Then one evening, when she had had a bad day, she realized that it was a bar and she decided to go in for a drink.
Since she thought an orphanage was strange in that place, she might have thought it was odd for a bar to have such a name. She could also have been scared when she saw the other customers, who all turned towards her, indicating that she might not be welcome.
But Y/N was tired, and she just wanted a drink before going home, so she smiled politely as she sat down at the counter.
The waiter frowned, but he agreed to serve her with a shrug, muttering that as long as she was an adult, it wasn't his problem.
A tall, bald, tattooed guy then approached her, putting a hand on her arm without worrying about her private space, asking her if she wanted to follow him home.
"… No thanks."
“Come on, don’t be a slut.”
“Come with me, you stupid bitch.”
"Now, that's really not very nice. The lady said no, a gentleman should know it's time to leave. But no Hector, not only are you insisting, but you're being rude."
"Fuck you, Wade, don't get involved in this !"
The waiter continued to mumble about cleaning, while this Wade guy smashed Hector's head against the counter. A tooth even flew close to Y/N’s face.
That might have been enough to scare her completely. In addition to the surge of violence that was happening right next to her, there was the red suit, the katanas and other guns, which could make you want to flee as quickly as possible.
But when he finished kicking Hector's ass, Wade turned to her, and despite the mask, it was obvious that he was smiling, extending a hand towards her.
"Miss, my apologies for that boor. He knows nothing of good manners."
"… Thank you."
"You're very welcome, lovely angel ! Wade Wilson, Deadpool, Merc with a mouth, at your service ! Oh, he spilled your drink… Bad Hector ! Or was it me ? Maybe it was me. Weasel, the same for the little lady, on my note !”
“You already owe me a fortune.”
“I will kill whoever you want for free !”
“I thought you didn’t kill anymore.”
"Ah yes… I'll suck you for free !"
“Here you go, two drinks, just shup up Wade.”
In the end, Wade was a bit special, but not evil. He stayed with her, partly because he loved having someone to talk to, but also to make sure no one else was going to bother her again.
And he talked a lot. Everything he said didn't always make sense, he even seemed to be talking to himself sometimes, but he was funny. It seemed to please him that Y/N laughed at his jokes. Behind the counter, Weasel was still muttering that she was doing something silly.
Among the long tirade he delivered that evening, she understood that Wade had not had an easy life. That he had done some things that could make him a criminal, but he had been trying to improve for some time.
"Colossus already wanted me to become an X-men but it wasn't for me. Wait, there are X-men in this universe ? I do not know anymore. Anyway, there's Spidey and Devy. No, he's right, this nickname isn't great, Devil. Like Daredevil. They want us to be Team Red, but only if I stop unliving people. It's not fair because they're friends with Frank, and Frank keeps unliving people, but he lost his wife and his kids, so I guess he has more sympathy points than me."
"I don't understand everything, but I guess Spidey is Spiderman ?"
"Yes ! He's super cool ! And his ass ! People confuse us sometimes, it annoys me, but it's a bit of a compliment. He's my role model."
Like a true superhero, Deadpool insisted on taking her home. He was terribly honest, saying that he could leave her a few blocks away, but that was useless, because as a former mercenary, he was very good at stalking people and he could find her address without difficulty, even if he only had her name.
"Which I wouldn't do ! Normally. I might want to see you again, and ask Weasel to find your number, but I know myself, I'll put it in my phone, and I'll hesitate for weeks, then I'll send a lousy message, you'll be scared, you'll block me, I'll be ashamed and I'll shoot myself in the head because I'm a moron."
“I can give you my number.”
"And I… Huh ? Huh ?! For real ?!" exclaimed Wade, jumping like a child on Christmas Day.
Wade called her right away, specifying that it was not to verify that she was giving him a false number but a little. Despite the mask, his face showed surprise when he saw that she hadn't lied.
"I should put a bullet in my head to make sure I'm not dreaming."
“You wouldn’t wake up.”
“Baby girl, we only just met, there are a lot of things you don’t know about me.”
When Deadpool talked about shooting himself, he meant it literally. It often happened that he died, either because of an enemy, an accident, or by his own hand. But he always came back. A gift like a curse.
They became friends. It was obvious, and quite sad, that Wade didn't have many friends.
Most people around him couldn't stand him or were afraid of him. It was true that he could be quite unpredictable, especially when he got lost in his discussions with the boxes, or an imaginary audience. But he was never mean.
Weasel was more of a collaborator, Al was forced to accommodate him, and the other heroes, unable to get rid of him, tried to make him a nice guy.
And he was really nice. Crazy but adorable, funny and wanting to do well.
Very quickly, Y/N started to have a crush, and even more. Even after seeing him without a mask. He never took it off completely to eat, repeating that he didn't want her to lose her appetite or feel like throwing up.
But after landing in a trash can after a fight, and forgetting that he had invited her to watch Princess Bride, Y/N had seen him. Yes, his scars were a bit impressive, but they weren't that bad.
With an embarrassed smile, he waved his hand while remaining frozen near the entrance.
"… I can move if you want to run away. I won't follow you. I may look like Frankenstein's monster, but I only pursue young girls who ask me to. Or who deserve it. Because criminals have no gender, I don't discriminate."
“I brought popcorn.” was her only reaction.
"... Oh. Sweet ? Salty ? Caramel ? Al must have beer somewhere, hidden with the cocaine."
After that, he was a little less afraid to show his face, even though it was obvious he wasn't comfortable. It wasn't easy to reassure him, repeating that she didn't care about his appearance.
Y/N didn’t remember how they ended up having this conversation. The only thing she knew was that she was pressed against him, laughing, when she had innocently said it would be fun if they went out together.
This made Wade laugh, but a very serious laugh, leaving no chance and hitting where it hurt.
"You and me ? Ah ! No chance."
"Why ?"
"It's obvious."
A simple little sentence could sometimes do a lot of damage. Too busy making fun of the characters on the screen, Wade didn't see Y/N's look of sadness, just as he didn't feel her body stiffen.
Still, she should have expected this response. Of course it was obvious that they had nothing to do together. Deadpool was a super hero (in training), he was tall, muscular, funny, rich.
She had seen photos of his deceased ex, Vanessa. She had observed him flirting with beautiful women and men before. It was already fortunate that she was only friends with him.
So Y/N swallowed her pride, accepting the obvious, and not talking about the subject again.
But it was hard, because the more time passed, the stronger the feelings became.
It was even harder when Wade entered his depressive phases. He kept putting himself down, insulting himself and accepting insults from the boxes in his head. It took a lot of patience and perseverance to get him to put down his gun.
"Anyway, I'll come back later. Bad luck for the world. People would be happier if I wasn't here anymore. Maybe they'll miss me a little, for a few minutes."
“I would miss you, Wade.”
"Yeah… You say that because you're adorable, baby girl. But you'd be better off without me too. I'm a real drag."
“You saved me the first time we met.”
"And since then you think you owe me a debt. You know, every time we're in the street, the others look at me and they're afraid. If I wasn't there, you could be with them. You could have lots of friends.”
"I don't want lots of friends, Wade." Y/N sighed, taking him into her arms. “I’m glad we’re friends.”
“Oh, sweetie pie, me too !”
It was rarer for them to find themselves in the opposite situation. Not because Deadpool wasn't capable of empathy, but because she didn't like talking about her problems, preferring to keep everything to herself and cry out of sight.
Unfortunately, she had made the decision to become friends with a former mercenary who loved to jump from roof to roof, only to come visit without warning by tapping on the window.
Y/N had no time to hide her tears, holding back a sob as her eyes met those of Wade, who had stopped mid-movement, fist raised against his window.
He didn't hesitate before entering, terribly serious.
"Who ? Who did this ?"
"Who made my baby girl cry ? I want a name. Spidey and Dev will understand. Yellow wants decapitation, White wants emasculation. Tell me who."
"It's really not necessary. It's not important."
“It’s important if you cry.” Deadpool growled as he looked around the apartment for clues.
Once he had an idea in his head, it was almost impossible to divert his attention. If it wasn't so important, it was possible with food or talking about Spiderman's butt. But this time he considered it very important.
Tired, Y/N thought that all she had to do was say that it was just a ridiculous heartbreak for him to calm down. He had no reason to kill someone just because they didn't love her back.
This actually seemed to calm him down a bit, as he patted his cheeks with his hands in a dramatic gesture.
"What ?! Someone doesn't love you ?! Someone doesn't like my sweet little angel ? Are they crazy or stupid. You deserve the best !"
"Actually… He's the one who's too good for me."
"Bullshit ! The important thing is love ! If a woman can marry a space duck, then everyone can be together, as long as it's legal and consensual !"
"… What ? No, wait, it doesn't matter. Wade, please forget it."
"A name. Let me prove to you that this fool doesn't deserve you, and not the other way around !"
"A name !"
"You ! It's you !"
For the first time since they met, Wade was silent for more than a minute, staring at her like he wasn't sure she was real. He often had hallucinations, so this happened to him.
Then he muttered incomprehensible things, probably speaking with his boxes to check that he had heard what she had just said.
"… Me ? As in, me ?"
“I know what you’re going to say.” Y/N sighed, wanting to disappear. "You've already said it, it's obvious that we're not meant to be together. You're charismatic, and strong, and funny, with powers. You save people, you have an extraordinary life, while I… I am me."
"… Baby girl. Do you have a fever ? Did you lose a bet ? Because… You saw me without a mask. You know I'm crazy and dangerous. There are several bounties on my head, I've unlived more people than the population of New York, and my favorite movie is Zoolander 2. When I said it was obvious… I meant that you were too good for me."
There had been a misunderstanding, each being convinced that the other could never want the other, because they were too different. But even though he was special, with skin problems and an inability to concentrate for more than ten minutes, Wade was much better than a space duck.
However, while she was sure of what she wanted, he hadn't clearly said what he expected next.
"I mean, if you just want to be friends, I'll understand."
"You can't tease me like that and then break my heart. Don't play with me, woman !"
“Wade…” Y/N sneered, as he gesticulated like a degenerate, declaiming his great love for her and her smile, the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
Taking advantage of his inattention, she approached him, until he froze when he felt her hands on his mask.
With a look, she asked him if she could take it off, and as he didn't move to stop her, she took it off first up to his nose, before hesitating.
Y/N didn’t want to make him uncomfortable, but she also didn’t want him to think that she didn’t want to see him if she didn’t go further. So she took out the whole mask, she observed Wade, smiling before kissing him.
"… Don't take what comes next as a bad thing." he whispered as their lips parted.
"What ?"
"I'm going to have a heart attack…"
As always, Y/N thought he was joking at first, until he collapsed in front of her, looking delighted even though his heart had stopped beating. Fortunately she was used to seeing him die, even if it was still a little traumatic.
It took almost an hour for him to wake up. Y/N had time to take a shower and make herself some tea, sitting on the couch to wait.
"Shit !" he shouted as he opened his eyes, looking around the apartment before looking at her. “Did we kiss ?”
“Yes and you died.”
"It's weird. Normally you go to heaven after you die, not before. But I probably don't have enough superhero points for heaven yet, so the other option is that I became totally crazy."
"I know, White and Yellow would have told me. They're already saying that all the time, but they would have insisted, especially for me to escape from the asylum. It's no fun fighting with fake people and hippos. Was I dead long ?"
“No, a little over half an hour.”
"And you stayed with me, it's so cute. Nurse Y/N. No, Doctor Y/N, and I'll be Nurse Wilson. Oh, Doctor Y/N, I made a mistake in the dosage of a patient, I'm a bad nurse, punish me."
"… Let's see Nurse Wilson, we're in the middle of an intervention, calm down."
"Uh oh ! You're playing along !" Wade exclaimed, pouting from the ground. "I didn't expect that ! Wait, I need a blonde wig, and a white dress. You'll see, I look super sexy in a dress. Wait, we do this now or it's quick and we should have a date first ?'
“I wouldn’t say no to a date.”
"I see the genre, like in novellas. Doctor Y/N takes me to the restaurant to talk about my future promotion, but in fact, you are going to admit to me that I am pregnant with you, before I even enter your bed !"
“As long as you’re in my bed before the hundredth episode.”
“UH !”
The small, high-pitched cry of pleasure preceded a second cardiac arrest, Deadpool's mind imagining Y/N and him in a bed, with a stetoscope.
When she asked him if he was going to have a heart attack every time, he told her that he would probably die for good the day he saw her naked, or that they made love for the first time.
But Wade was a gentleman, he ate lots of vegetables, exercised, and begged Daredevil to teach him meditation techniques.
So he had the courtesy of having the next heart attack only after they were finished, and in the toilet. And every time after that they were together, Wade would go out of his way to just get a nosebleed.
Especially on Weasel's counter, telling him everything they had done or almost everything, which annoyed the poor waiter a lot, even if he knew that it would happened from the start, the moment he saw Deadpool with Y/N.
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thebestsetter · 18 days
Thinking about Bachira Meguru assuming he's unlovable.
Being called a monster for their whole childhood really makes a mark on a person's life and self-esteem. But for Bachira, they were unavoidable.
At first, he tried to ignore the mean comments and pretend he didn't hear them. Maybe that would make the loneliness go away. Maybe it would make the problems disappear.
"He's a freak!"
"Eww, don't get too close to Bachira! You'll get lice!!"
"He's stinky"
He heard the whispers. He just used to pretend he didn't. For both his and the children's sake. So he could pretend he was normal. At least for a while.
And, sometimes, even parents, grown-ass adults, called him weird. Shouldn't they set an example for their kids? They tell them: "Don't judge other people! You never know what they're going through!", but are always the first to talk shit about someone, even if said someone is a little kid.
"Poor kid. It's probably the parents fault."
"He says sees a 'monster'! He's probably schizophrenic."
"My son is afraid of him. Specially when he's playing soccer. He said he's very scary"
He tried to ignore them. He really did. He tried to smile through it all and treat people the same way he always had nevertheless: with respect. Because crying would make his problems real. He didn't want them to be real. And he was doing a good job at it! But one faithful day, he snapped. The final nail in the coffin.
"When I grow up, I want to be a football player, just like Zico!" 11 year old Bachira said, showing the whole class a drawing of him, Zico and his monster playing soccer together. His smile was as bright and blinding as ever, specially because he was talking about his passion: soccer. He loved it so much. It helped him escape the harsh reality for a while.
The class went silent. They used to think Bachira was weird, to put it slightly, but this? It just made him even more weird! They all knew that he could never be a football player. He was an outcast. A freak. He was a monster. And monsters couldn't live with humans. Nobody wanted a monster on their team.
And so, instead of clapping like they did with the other kids' drawings, the class started to laugh. It started out quiet, but later it turned into a full, loud laugh. All of them. And Bachira always dreamed of making everyone there laugh, but not like this. They weren't laughing with him or because of him, they were laughing at him.
"Uh? What's happening, miss?" He asked the teacher, confused and on the verge of crying. He couldn't cry here. Not in front of them, please. That would be another thing for them to laugh at.
He swears on his life that he heard the teacher laugh a little, before the adult crouched down to match his size, grabbed his drawing and put it on his desk, while the other kids' drawings were being stuck to the board with tape. And then, he heard one of the worst sentences he ever heard in his life. One that he knew would definitely keep him awake at night:
"Meguru, being a football player is too hard for you. Why don't you settle for something more real and reachable? Like a doctor or a lawyer?"
He didn't understand. Some kids here wanted to be astronauts, others wanted to be models. Hell, one wanted to be a dinosaur babysitter. And their drawings were hanging on the wall, like they were going to be achieved. Bachira felt like no one believed in him. Like he was being put aside.
He then realized the problem wasn't what he wanted to do. It was him. Anyone could be a football player, but he couldn't. Because he was a monster. He was different from others.
And so, the tears began to fall. One by one, first from his left away and then from his right eye. His vision began to blurry. Left eye, right eye. Left, right, left right. Kids laughing, teacher laughing. His drawing on the desk. Left, right. Left right. He couldn't even see his own hands anymore from how blurred his vision was. He looked to his side. Left, right. The door. His escape. He needed to leave.
So, without second thought, Bachira ran towards the door. He couldn't care less for the teacher calling his name. He wouldn't come looking for him anyway. Nobody would. Nobody cared enough to do it.
He sat behind a tree, protected by it's shadow. He continued to cry. Hard. He put his hands in his eyes to try and stop the tears from falling, but he couldn't. He needed to let it all out. He just wished he had someone by his side during his breakdown. He really wanted a shoulder to rely on.
Maybe he was, indeed, schizophrenic. Because, the moment he looked up, he saw a girl he swore was too pretty to be real. The sunset made her have an angelic glow, and the wind made her hair flow just the right way. Her face was like a greek statuate, and he swore he could hear a soothing symphony playing in the background when he met her eyes: they were the most beautiful color he had ever seen, and he could imagine himself being lost and found in them. She was just too pretty. Too pretty to be here for him. And so, he managed to stop crying for a while and said, between sniffs:
"Did you lose a bet?"
The way your face contorted was almost comic.
"Did someone pay you to come here? Where are the cameras? And how much was it?"
"I didn't lose any bet" you said, frowning. "I came here to check on you because I wanted to. I don't get why everyone laughed at you. Your dream is not stupid. Nobody's dream is."
"Even Richard's? He said he wants to be a dinossaur nanny" he said before he even thought about it. He then widened his eyes, because what if you were Richard's friend? What if you hated him now because he said something bad about your friend? What if he already screwed everything up? What if...
"Okay, you win. That one's actually stupid." You laughed. He made you laugh. This time, someone was laughing because of him. He felt like he was capable of everything at that moment. Your laugh was a sweet, infecting, honey-like melody. It made him wanna laugh too. He didn't realize it, but he had already stopped crying, and was now just staring at you with big, blown and unwavering eyes. His mouth slightly parted, like he was studying you and comitting everything about you to memory. Almost as if you were indeed an ilusion, and would disappear the second he blinked. He couldn't believe you were real. You were real, and you were talking to him.
After a while, you stopped laughing and finally noticed his intense staring. Suddenly bashful, your cheeks turned a bright red.
"I-I just want you to know that you shouldn't be ashamed of your dream. I think- no, I'm sure you can achieve it. You just have to work hard for it. I-I've seen you playing sometimes, and it's honestly amazing how focused you are. Bachira, I want to be your friend. That's it, if you'll let me-"
He hugged you. Hard. If it was any other time, he would have been afraid of scaring you off with the sudden hug, but he couldn't care less right now. He needed this. He needed a friend. You were just what he needed. You were perfect.
He started to cry again. This time, the first tear came out of his right eye. Right, left. His vision was getting blurred from how hard he was smiling. Right, left. Right, left. Your arms hugging him back. Right, left. The sound of the school bell, signalizing the end of the school day. People would see you and him hugging and you would probably be called weird by them for being next to him, but you still didn't break the hug. Right, left.
He didn't want to escape like he did during the class incident. No. He wanted this moment to last forever. He wanted time to stop, to be in your arms for eternity. He didn't want to pull away. He finally made a friend. You were his first friend.
Bachira Meguru used to think he was unlovable, but you proved him wrong. You proved he could, in fact, be loved. He wasn't a monster. He wasn't a freak. He was Bachira Meguru. Your best friend. And he wore that title with pride. Later on, he had the honour to be called your boyfriend, and he was even prouder of that one.
He used to think he would never find happiness. That's why, the moment the ref blew the whistle signalizing the end of Japan U-20 against Blue Lock eleven match and securing Blue Lock's victory, he couldn't think of anything else besides his girl. He ran across the field to you. Because you were like a magnet. He couldn't be apart from you, or else it felt like the whole earth would explode. He was yours and you were his. You both were meant to be.
"You did it! I love you, Meguru!"
He laughed. A pretty, genuine laugh followed by a couple of tears, beginning from his right eye, of course. His mother was recording behind you both, the blue lock team was smirking and whistling at the sight of you two and the television was streaming the moment for the whole world to see. But neither of you cared about the extra eyes. You were the only ones on the world. You always made him feel like that, and he hopes he makes you feel that way, too.
"I love you so much. Thank you."
Thank you for being with me. Thank you for being there. Thank you for not leaving me. Thank you for accepting the title of being my girlfriend proudly. Thank you for being you. Thank you for everything. Thank you.
He then lifted you and spun you in the air, smiling hard. He brought your lips closer and then kissed you. A kiss full of emotion and love. So much love: raw and pure.
You proved he wasn't just lovable. He was also capable of loving. And there's nothing prettier than loving someone.
Bachira Meguru was lovable, and you made sure to show him that. You loved him, and he would do everything to keep it that way forever.
~A/N: there's a "saying" that says that if you're crying and the first tear is from the left eye, you're crying from sadness. If the first tear comes out of the right eye, they're happy tears!!
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cuubism · 5 months
HURT/COMFORT PROMPTS YOU SAY *pulls out giant scroll* okay what about (probably human) trans chronically ill dream dealing with a health crisis and hob is trying to support him through it? bonus points: maybe dream's parents are being shitheads so dream and hob have to get _married_ to make sure dream's wishes in hospital or wherever are respected?
(from meadow. i am not having feelings about anything in particular, Why would you Ask.)
@meadowziplines this was supposed to be angsty but it just ended up kind of wholesome tbh. that's the opposite of what usually happens to me
you've seen married for tax purposes before, now see married for next of kin legal rights
Hob knew he wanted to marry Dream within two weeks of their first date, but he tried to be reasonable about it. Dream was shy and guarded his hard-won independence closely, and Hob felt that just declaring his eternal love too quickly was a sure way to scare him off. So he didn't.
Now he's regretting it, because hell, it would have made this so much easier. That's not how he wants to think about marrying Dream, about it making being in a hospital easier, but here they are. And he is.
And it's why he's hiding around a corner as Dream's parents are "visiting"--more like being complete assholes--his hospital room. God, Hob hates them. This whole situation is the only reason he's even met them--Dream doesn't talk to them anymore, and for good reason, but the moment they caught wind of vulnerability they pounced on the chance to regain control.
Dream is an adult and can make his own decisions, but Mr. and Mrs. Cunt have proven very slippery and manipulative and have played the 'Hob's not family, we're family' card at every possible turn to get him kicked out of the room. Hob's gotten a couple of the nurses on his side on account of not being a complete asshole but he still doesn't like his chances duking it out in front of hospital administration over who gets to make Dream's medical decisions if he's incapacitated.
Dream's fought so hard to have control over his own life. Hob won't let him lose it.
Which is why he's currently hiding behind the vending machines until they leave, rather than going in there and telling them where to shove it.
He waits with bated breath until they're gone, then scrambles out, rushing down the hall with his paperwork and slipping into Dream's room. He feels like a criminal. Which is exactly why he's doing all this.
"Hob," Dream breathes, as Hob closes the door behind him. He looks exhausted. Terrible parents who insist on disrespecting you are not good for fragile health. "I thought you left."
Hob flashes him a grin, but feels how it wobbles. "Never. Just had to go get something."
He's so nervous about how Dream will react to this. It feels so likely to go wrong.
He sits in the chair by the bed so he's on Dream's level, takes his hand. "Listen, baby. This-- this really isn't how I wanted to do this. But I just-- I really don't want things to go wrong, you know? And if they do go wrong, I want us to be able to do something about it. I want to be in your corner."
His anxious rambling makes Dream's face start to fall. "Hob..."
Hob thrusts the paperwork at him. "Will you marry me?"
He had something so much more romantic in his head for the moment he finally asked Dream to marry him. He would have swept him off his feet and made him feel special. If only it could have been different.
Dream picks up the papers, seemingly in shock. "This is..."
"I did all the paperwork already, it just needs signatures," Hob tells him. "And I bribed one of the nurses to let us out for an hour to go to the registrar's office. If. If you want."
Dream keeps staring at the papers in silence. Hob doesn't want him to think this was just some act of desperation, even if it kind of was, at least timing-wise. God, this isn't what he wanted at all.
"I wanted to marry you anyway," he says, shifting nervously in his chair. "But now it's just-- I don't want you to be scared that something will go wrong with the surgery but I want you to know that someone will have your back and do what you want. Not--"
"--my terrible, terrible parents?" Dream finishes, lips finally quirking up in a half-smile.
"...Yeah." He swallows hard to calm himself. It's a lot, what he's asking, in a sense. All the legal rights it creates. But. "If you can trust me with this, then I'll protect you. I promise."
"You have already," Dream says. "As you did with the hospital admin. I think they hate you now." He seems quietly delighted about it.
Hob's always known he can be a bit annoying at times but this experience has taught him how truly annoying it is possible to be. When they got there, none of Dream's chart info was under the right name or gender, and nobody seemed particularly inclined to update it. At least not until Hob pestered them, and pestered them, and pestered them.
So yeah, they kind of hate him, but he got to be Dream's hero so it was all worth it in the end.
It's another reason he needs to get this legal shield in place now. Between Dream's slick parents and their money, and Hob who's being a continual nuisance, he thinks he knows who'll come out on top with the administration.
"...So?" he says. "Will you marry me?"
Dream starts tearing up, and Hob thinks, oh god, oh god, I've ruined it-- then Dream pulls him close and throws his arms around him. "Yes," he breathes. "I will. I-- I wanted to for so long."
That makes idiots of the both of them, then.
But Hob doesn't dwell on it for long. He hugs Dream back, then kisses him, pressing his face between his hands. Now that the stress of asking is over, the real feeling bubbles up inside him. Joy. Elation. He's marrying Dream.
"I love you," he says, and Dream smiles. "Now let's get out of here."
Their makeshift ceremony at the registrar's office is very emotional despite being completely spontaneous. It's just them, plus Death who Hob got to come along as their witness, and they don't yet have rings to exchange--but at the end of it, Dream is his husband.
Truthfully, Dream deserves better, he deserves a lavish romantic ceremony with flowers and fine clothes and desserts and anything he could possibly want. But... Hob is his husband now. He can give him better, later. And what a joy is that.
Dream is exhausted by the time Hob gets him back to his room, but seems happy nevertheless. He takes a nap while Hob goes to show a copy of the marriage license to hospital admin and gets them to update their records. The next time someone tries to kick him out of Dream's room it's fucking on.
And he doesn't have to wait long. He gets one peaceful day of being able to sit in Dream's room unimpeded, reading to him and just generally being able to enjoy his company without hiding behind the vending machines, before Dream's parents come back.
Dream tenses at the knock on the door, and Hob's never felt more powerful than when he stands up and says, "Don't worry, I'll tell them to leave."
"You needn't--" Dream starts, but Hob shakes his head.
"Oh, no, I'm looking forward to this."
He opens the door with a grin to find Dream's mother on the other side, and stands conveniently in the doorway, blocking her view of Dream. "Hey."
Hob can practically see her blood pressure rise at the sight of him. "You. I thought we had dealt with you."
"I'm hard to deal with," Hob says. "Sorry." He's not sorry.
She tries to push forward. "Out of my way."
Hob blocks her, and can't help a rather vicious smile. "Dream wants you to leave."
"You have no right to even be in here, never mind to tell me to leave," snaps Dream's mother.
Hob hands her a copy of the marriage certificate. He's got several. "On the contrary."
She stares at it, and is, for a moment, completely speechless.
"As Dream's husband," he says, and oh the words are delicious, "I'm telling you to leave. And I think you should do it before I call security on you." An echo of what she and Dream's father had said to him in the past.
Her jaw clenches and she shoves the paper back at him. "That they even let people like you marry in this country is an abomination. You are perverting the sanctity of marriage."
"That's my absolute favorite thing to do," Hob says, and shuts the door in her face.
"I think you enjoyed that far too much, Hob," Dream says as Hob turns back to him. Then he starts giggling. "Did you notice?"
"Mother finally agreed that I am a man so she could be homophobic about it," Dream says, and dissolves into giggles once again. "She always said I needed to find a husband; I can't imagine why she isn't happy that I have."
"'Apologies, Mother,'" Hob says, doing his best imitation of Dream's posh accent as he sits down beside him again, "'I know you would have preferred that I marry a respectable young heir from the polo club but I'm afraid I'm shacking up with the guy running the local tavern. In lieu of a gift please just don't attend the wedding.'"
Dream laughs again, then says, "Will there be a proper wedding?"
"You want there to be?"
Hesitantly, Dream nods.
"Then there will be."
Dream smiles, and Hob takes his hand, squeezes it. "And think on what sort of ring you want," Hob says. "By the time you get out of surgery next week, I'll have it for you."
"I do love you," Dream sighs.
"Not regretting not marrying Lord Whoever from polo club?"
"There was no polo club," Dream says. "There was croquet, however--"
"Oh my God--"
"--however, you are the one I want to be married to."
Hob smiles. "Good." He kisses Dream's hand. "And you know, right? You know I wanted to marry you anyway? This was just a-- a timing thing."
"I know. But, I admit, I've found this all far more entertaining than I'd have thought." He smiles up at Hob. There's nothing better in the world than that clever smile. "You are a gallant husband."
If Hob can get Dream to keep looking at him like that, he thinks he'll be happy for the rest of his life.
"Promised to protect you, didn't I?" he says. "And so I will."
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icypopz · 10 months
caught in 4k ♡
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↬ request from anon ; I love your writing for blue lock and i was wondering if you could write a Rin x actress reader when they're adults and they get caught by the media somehow. ↬ notes ; itoshi rin x gn reader ↬ from ice ; pretends like i haven't been gone for months... anyways here's my grand comeback that literally no one asked for but this req was so cute i rlly wanted to write it 🥹 hope u enjoy ! ↬ warning(s) ; none
please reblog w comments ! it helps a lot :)
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itoshi rin has always been a private person. he rarely shares anecdotes from his life with his friends, let alone the paparazzi. his fans constantly complain that they're starved for content, because despite the fact that he's one of the most famous football players in the world, he somehow manages to keep his schedule entirely under wraps and often downright refuses to do interviews. (the only way to get him on camera is to invite him for a joint interview with sae.)
his tendency to keep his personal life a secret is exactly why it comes as such a shock when it's revealed that he's dating you.
actually, 'revealed' is the wrong word to use when in reality, the both of you were spotted leaving a popular restaurant together by a pesky journalist. he snapped pictures of rin holding your hand, offering you his jacket, opening the car door for you... and the next morning they were all over the internet, splashed across the front page of all the major news websites. #itoshi rin is in a relationship?! was the number one trending topic for days.
the amount of attention showered upon the two of you is actually unsurprising, considering how you've been at the peak of fame ever since you recently took on a role that went viral. pair that with the fact that you're dating the most mysterious football player? it's a miracle they didn't hear about it in space! both your fanbases were gushing about how adorable you are together and they're always eager for crumbs of interaction between you two in public.
in private, rin groans and grumbles about how annoying it is to have a spotlight shining on your dating life, but he's secretly happy that you both don't have to hide your relationship anymore now that it's out in the open. he likes the idea that everyone knows he's yours, and you're his.
in public, he's as aloof and cold as ever to every enthusiastic interviewer that dares cross his path. the only time he visibly softens is when they mention you, and a hint of a smile will curve his lips. rin gets angry if they even imply that you're leeching off his fame, or you're a gold-digger, or you're trying to get close to his brother through him - he never fails to set the record straight immediately. the two of you love each other, and maybe these journalists' time would be better spent trying to find someone to love them instead of trying to ruin someone else's relationship. (his pr manager is at her wits' end).
overall, rin is not too bothered by the fact that your relationship ended up becoming public knowledge. of course he would have preferred it to be on both of your terms, but now that it's happened he just rolls with it. as long as you're happy, he's happy.
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help i swear i'll be active now HAHAHA i won't disappear for a year again ,,, and btw i cannot believe my last post was over a year ago tf
✧ thank you for reading ! if you have a request, feel free to send it in 🌠 © icypopz 2023. do not repost or modify in any way.
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mawofmeraxes · 2 years
Breaking Point
request: Omg loved your fic Sneaking Out! Could you please write something for Eddie x fem!reader having an argument (angst, with fluff at the end)? Like maybe they're adults & married and it's more serious?
summary: Over five years after you had escaped from the upside down once and for all, you and Eddie discuss moving out of Hawkins, Indiana and going somewhere where Eddie wouldn't have to be scared for his life every day.
characters: eddie munson x fem!reader
word count: 3.1k
warnings: fighting, angst, fluff, happy ending, married life, marital fighting, arguments, mean eddie, angry Eddie, sad Eddie, yelling, angry reader, crying, cursing
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Eddie had been out all day.
The job he had taken over at Jimmy's Mechanic Shop seemed to take up so much more of his time recently, not that you were opposed or anything.
Living with your fiancé meant that you got to spend much more time together than when you were young high schoolers running around town causing a ruckus everywhere.
So having some more free time just to yourself wasn't something you were entirely upset about, although you were starting to miss seeing him for such a large part of your day.
It was just something that you would have to grow used to.
  Something you didn't want to get used to, however, was the amount of times you had to scrub off spray paint from your front door.
It had been five years. Five years since the deaths of Chrissy and many others.
Five fucking years and people still tried to blame Eddie even though he had been proclaimed innocent for all to hear, with the good ol' chief of police Jim Hopper (who had surprised everyone with his return after his so called death) backing him up as much as he could.
Hopper had even arrested a few of the previous vandals when you had called him upon arriving home and catching them in the middle of the act.
Yet there still seemed to be some people in this close-minded god-forsaken town who still thought that Eddie, your sweet goofball Eddie, was capable of cold blooded murder.
It made you sick to your stomach.
You had spent some hours today running your usual errands before coming home, which meant that your house was empty with no cars in front.
Meaning that the usual assholes who would spray-paint "freak", "murderer" and "killer's whore" (among many others) had the perfect opportunity to do their usual crime, just like usual.
When you got home and saw the words sprayed onto your door again, you just couldn't take it anymore.
You were like a tornado as you rushed through the house, gathering all of the correct cleaning materials that had you learned worked best after much trial and error.
You had to get it off before Eddie came home.
Luckily he had only known about it happening a few times. But other times that it had happened you had managed to clean it up before he came home, where you proceeded to act like nothing had happened and all was well.
All while you festered in your anger and your desperation to leave this town.
This town which had done nothing good for either of you. Branding him a freak and a killer when he was anything but. And calling you a slut and a whore for being with him.
Eddie was the most generous and caring man you had ever met. He was like a golden retriever with curly dark hair. Happy all the time, ready to cuddle and always licking your face. The man wasn’t capable of even harming a fly.
He was the epitome of a gentleman. Always ensuring that you were okay, cooking dinner for you when you felt unwell, massaging you when you were achy and sore.
He was perfect. Yet the people in this town hated him.
Treated him like shit all because he dressed differently, acted differently, and wasn't a sporty jock.
In the end you would usually cheer each other up by saying that they were all just stuck up assholes who were jealous of him. They were jealous that they weren't able to act as freely as him. That they had secluded themselves in a bubble of conformity that they were too scared to leave.
You quickly pulled the front door back open and slammed it before setting all of your cleaning supplies down. You sprayed the door with the one spray that you had found that worked and began scrubbing.
Eddie could be home at any second and you needed this stupid paint to be gone before he pulled in.
He had been having a little bit of a rough week due to the 5 year anniversary of Chrissy's death coming up. The five year anniversary of when you almost lost him forever.
It was hard on both of you, considering you were there with him for almost all of it. But you knew he struggled with it much more than you; both his body and his mind had been littered with scars ever since.
When he had sent you and Dustin back into the rightside up and cut the sheets before he could follow, you had felt your heart shatter in two. You had watched as he told you he loved you before sprinting outside of the trailer and into the cacophony of bats.
You had almost broken down then and there, had it not been for Dustin grabbing you by the arms and dragging your ass back in with him.
When you had managed to get back in through the portal and found Eddie, you knew that the chances of him surviving were slim.
But he was your Eds. And that boy would pull through if it meant that you would be there with him the entire time.
And after all of that. After all of the suffering that you and he had endured, these assholes just had to vandalize your home as a reminder again and again and again.
You were scrubbing like a madman now, watching as the paint smudged off and the color further smeared on the door.
You didn't even hear the car pull up, but you did hear when the car door slammed.
You turned and there he was. Eds. Greasy from the cars he had worked on throughout the day, staring at you and the paint stained door with an unreadable look in his eyes.
Your shoulder slumped, disappointed that you had been unable to get it off in time. Disappointed that he had to see it when he had been having a terrible week already.
He walked up the driveway and to the door, simply grabbing your shoulder and giving it a squeeze before passing you, opening the vandalized front door and going inside, leaving it open.
You sighed, feeling guilty for something that you hadn't even done. Feeling like you were the one that had brought that look into his eyes.
You knew you weren't, you really did, but that didn't stop you from feeling like shit about it.
You looked at the door again, wide open and showing the interior of your home and sighed once more before grabbing the door and pulling it closed so you could finish scrubbing the paint from it.
It didn't take long before all of the evidence of the vandalism was removed. The door was as clean as it had been when you left earlier, and now it was like the incident had never happened.
Now you had to face the turmoil that was sure to be raging in your home.
The house was quiet inside, no sounds that would allude to anyone being home to be heard.
You set the supplies down in the kitchen before taking your shoes off and making your way upstairs to your bedroom where you knew he would be taking his usual after-work shower.
When you entered the room, the ensuite door was closed and you could hear the faint sound of the shower running.
You assumed he was almost done, so you sat on the side of your bed and decided to wait until he was done.
You had to talk about it.
The look on his face when he came home broke your heart.
Neither of you deserved this.
Neither of you deserved to face the wrath of a town that didn't want to face the facts. A town that didn't want to accept that Eddie had done no wrong and is an innocent man.
You wanted to leave.
You had been thinking about it for a while now.
Contemplating the both of you moving out somewhere that would be welcoming. Somewhere where there would be no worry about dirty looks, vandalized doors or death threats.
Somewhere where all you had to worry about was what you were having for dinner and when the two of you could go out safely again, like you used to.
As you sat on the bed and let your thoughts run rampant, the shower in the bathroom turned off and not long later Eddie walked out. Hair dripping down his shirtless torso as he toweled it dry.
Your focus turned outward towards him, and he stopped at the look you gave him.
"I don't want to talk about it today, baby." He muttered, turning back to the bathroom to hang his towel as you stood up and crossed your arms.
You sighed, "I know, Eds, but I don't want to do this anymore." He turned to look at you, a scared look on his face. "I can't stand seeing the look on your face every time someone gives us a dirty look. It breaks my heart knowing that this town will always hate you for something you didn't even do." You breathe in before continuing, "and I try so hard to get the words off our door every time it happens because I know seeing them makes it worse but I can't keep doing it. They keep getting away with it Eddie!"
He stands there as you say this to him. A blank but sad look on his face. When you stop talking he walks over to where you stand by the bed and takes a seat, rubbing his hands across his face and releasing a sigh of his own. He looks up to you, his soft doe eyes full of sadness.
"What happens when their threats aren't just threats anymore Eddie?" You whisper, dropping to your knees grasping his hands in yours. "I'm in this home alone for hours after I'm done working baby, what if they come to hurt you and I'm the only one here? What happens when you're not here and we can't protect each other?" You begin to gasp for breath, tears welling up in your eyes as your breathing becomes more and more erratic. "What happens if I'm here one day and you're out there and they hurt you? I can't stop them, Eds." The tears start falling, and Eddie's hands grip yours tightly as they start to stream down your cheeks.
"I know, baby. But there's nothing we can do about it." He says, eyes looking into yours while his hands move to wipe away your tears.
But there is something you could do about it. You could leave.
Your eyes widen in earnest, and you sit up straighter on your knees. "But there is something," you say, "Eddie, baby we don't have to stay here. We can leave." He freezes completely, but you don't notice. "We can find a nice little town or a city! We can get jobs anywhere, and we can find a nice little home or even an apartment to move into!" A smile starts to widen on your face at the idea, but Eddie is anything but happy. There is a frown starting to mar his face, and in his eyes there is complete devastation.
"Baby, we can't just leave."
And then it's your turn to freeze. You can feel your heart breaking into two and your blood turning ice cold.
"Why not?" And the tears are back, pooling in your eyes as Eddie stares at you. Your hands start to loosen their grip on his own. "Why stay here? There's nothing for us here but pain." You give his hands a squeeze, but it's him who loosens his grip now until your hands fall from his. He continues to stare at you and starts shaking his head.
"You know why we have to stay here!" His voice is louder than before, and it makes you jump a little bit. "Everyone is here!" You lean back on your heels before starting to stand up so you can back away from him as he continues to break your heart. "All of our friends are here! My uncle is here!"
Now you stand a few feet away, backed up from the bed as he continues to sit on it, tears streaming down your face as your lips tremble and your hands shake. "I know that! Obviously I know that!" You say, and you have to look away from his face as he stares at you, a disbelieving look on his face. As though your suggestion is simply something crazy. "But Eds they'd understand!" You say, raising your voice a little. "They would understand because they know what we're going through. And it's not like we'd have to go far! We can go somewhere else in Indiana, or maybe Ohio! That way we wouldn't be that far and we can visit them and they can visit us!"
He just sits there and stares at you. His head begins shaking, and he stands up to start walking towards you.
You stand still, allowing him to come up to you where he puts his hands on your shoulders. "We have to stay here." He mutters, bending down slightly so his face is directly in front of yours. His own eyes are tearing up now. "After everything with the upside down we have to stay here. What if something happens again? We have to be here to help everyone!”
Your eyes widen in disbelief, "Eddie, it's been years!" You can't help but yell at this point. He flinches back in shock at the sudden raise in your voice.
It feels like he can't hear what you're saying. Why does the upside down matter right now? El finally closed the last gate years ago! And everyone was keeping a close eye on things now that they were all adults and Hopper was back. There was nothing to worry about.
“Just because it’s been years doesn’t mean that something couldn’t happen again!” He says, “Everytime they thought they closed the gates for good he came back stronger than before! What if he comes back again and this time we can’t do anything?” He’s looking at you with disbelief again. Like you have no idea exactly what happened and exactly how strong Vecna was.
"Eds, the gates aren’t going to just open up again! Vecna is dead!" You pull yourself away from him. Your hands going up to your head where you run them through your hair, slightly pulling in stress. "I just want to be able to go through our days with no stress! Nobody on our backs, looking at us like we've done something wrong, thinking the worst of us. One day they might kill you Eddie, just because they can!" You turn back to face him. "What happens when they decide that enough is enough?"
He goes to say something but you cut him off, "The gates don't matter! Hawkins doesn't matter! None of that matters if these god damn fucking people kill you first!" You finish your sentence with a hoarse yell.
At this point Eddie is standing directly in front of you, his eyes wide in shock from the loudness of your voice, the tears streaming down your blotchy red face while you heave in air. His own eyes start to well with tears. Your voice croaks out a whisper, "We could be happier somewhere else..." You let out a sob. “Safer somewhere else…”
The tears that have been forming in his eyes are now falling down his face, matching yours. "Baby..." He murmurs. “I know. I know, trust me I really do.” 
You collapse onto your knees as a sob wracks through your whole body, Eddie quickly walking towards you and falling onto his own knees as you both start crying together.
"I'm sorry," he murmurs, "I'm so sorry, baby." And he murmurs it over and over and over again. “I just feel like we can’t leave. We need to stay here to help keep everyone safe.” He has you cradled into his chest now, his hands wrapped around your head and holding you to him. You pull back a little and look at his face. It’s red now, to match your own. His eyes are bloodshot and his cheeks covered in tears. He gives you a sad smile. “But I know that if we stay here it’ll only make us more miserable than we already are.” You continue to watch him. He moves one of his hands to the back of your head to cup your cheek, wiping the tears that lie there away with his thumb. “I’m sorry, baby.”
The slam of the car's trunk signifies that the last box has been loaded up. You stand there, hands on your hips, breathing in large lungfuls of air as the sweat drips down your forehead.
It was so hot that day. Sun blistering down onto you, skin sweaty.
Of course this just had to be the day that you and Eddie were moving to your new home.
The two of you had decided that enough was enough. After seeing your reaction to everything and talking to all of your friends about how he felt, Eddie had realized that the both of you moving out of Hawkins was for the best.
You had both contacted real-estate agents, checking out homes for sale and apartments in cities, and had found a quaint little place in another town more north of Indiana. It was a few hours away, but it was enough that no one in town recognized either of you, and the stories of what occurred in Hawkins had been swept away as much as possible.
Your eyes glanced over to the house as Eddie walked out with the last of your bags, keys in his hands as he locked it up for the final time.
A smile spread across your face, eyes filled with love as he walked towards you and the car.
He had his own smile on his face, his eyes squinted in happiness while he looked at you.
He opened up the backseat door, throwing both bags in before leaning over it, his arms coming to rest atop of it with his head following. He makes a pouty face up at you and purses his lips so you'll give him a kiss.
You laugh at him before leaning forward to meet his lips with yours.
You have never been happier. And you were so excited to start your new lives together.
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tora-the-cat · 17 days
That's some real shit you just said about Hinata in Boruto!! It'd make so much more sense for her to be very indulgent with her children, and it'd better explain why Boruto acts the way that he does.
Instead of being afraid OF her, the more in-character reason should've been because he hates the idea of DISAPPOINTING her. Like god damn, Hinata and Temari are two entirely different characters with veeeeeeeeeery different temperaments; Shikadai fearing Temari MAKES SENSE. She can be scary as hell and she's got no qualms with using corporal punishment!! WHY WOULD HINATA DO THE SAME AWFUL SHIT SHE GOT PUT THROUGH to her own kids?????? It doesn't make sense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah yeah, I get that narratively, it ties back into Naruto thinking "Moms are scary" and continues the idea that the more things change, the more they stay the same. BUT. Boruto and Himawari should've thought that AFTER Hinata popped a can of whoop ass on someone who threatened her family; NOT by unleashing her wrath on her fucking kids!!!!!!!!!!
And I'm not too sure if you're reading the Boruto manga too or if it's just the anime, but there's a scene in the manga that's HIGHLY out of character as well. When I saw it I was just like, "Wtf????" So unfortunately it's not just an anime specific problem... :(
Right??? Hinata and Naruto are both the kinds of parents that would spoil their kids fucking rotten, cause they just don't know any better. poor auntie Sakura had to teach Boruto table manners because Hinata is scared of being too assertive and Naruto never learned them. Hinata and Naruto would NOT be perfect parents, but they'd be bad parents in a very specific way. They'd be overindulgent. Naruto would treat them like adults WAY too young without realizing it's bad. Hinata would never believe a bad thing a teacher said about her kid if the teacher was not LITERALLY Shino Aburame (this is, in fact, why Shino is Boruto's teacher. I will be taking no further questions). And we almost see this in the show!! Boruto IS arrogant! He IS selfish! He has never been denied a thing in his life! His mommy says he's a miracle!!!
But then. Boruto talks about Hinata. and it's just like....'haha, moms, am I right? moms? all moms are exactly the same? annoying and scary but only COMEDICALLY scary. because they're women' and like. sigh. so close Ikemoto now try again without the sexism. And maybe. Read Naruto?
Yes!! You see, Boruto being afraid of disappointing Hinata makes a lot of sense!!! Honestly, another point on Hinata and Naruto being flawed parents is that Boruto....probably has to do a fair amount of emotional labor at home. Not gonna get into it cause that would be its own post, but Boruto is probably VERY aware of his mom's emotional state and REALLY hesitant to upset her, just cause it sucks when his mom is upset and it always feels at least a little like his fault. #eldestkidproblems or whatever ykyk. Being afraid of disappointing her would just make so much sense given the characters and their dynamics, while still filling the purpose of showing how light Boruto gets off for domestic terrorism lmao
As far as the 'moms are scary' throughline....We've got plenty of scary moms. Naruto thought moms were scary because he grew up a pariah that was probably threatened by MANY moms to not talk to their kids, he's not familiar with 'protective anger' because no one has ever gotten angry on his behalf, and Kishimoto thinks its funny to pretend women pose any threat to his cool male characters #feminism. It just so HAPPENS that if he DID have a living mom she would've been scary as shit, but. in canon it's just not a perspective it really makes sense for Boruto to have picked up because it was cultivated by very specific rearing factors.
Much as I would LOVE for Hinata to have a badass protective moment, I sadly doubt it's gonna happen, given that post shippuden Hinata seems to just....not be a shinobi anymore. which, and I say this with full scincerity, good for her! But like. the fact that she can't even stick to a wall to LITERALLY save her life in The Last is. blood boiling lmao. And! even if she did get a little protective moment, it'd be cool for her kids to realize how cool she is, but even then they wouldn't really be scared of her, you know? Like event trying to give Boruto the benefit of the doubt, there's no angle I can come at this where it makes sense for Boruto to be SCARED of Hinata Uzumaki.
I have watched an entire six episodes of the Boruto anime, and all due respect I have less then zero intention of reading the manga. As you can see, I'm clearly having a great time. SO I have NOT read that scene, but I'm more then happy to take your word for it lmao. thanks for the ask <3
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buwheal · 9 months
what are personally your favorite spamton headcanons?
OOooooh this was the wrong thing to ask me if you hate lots of letters on your screen. Get ready!!!!!! Here's my list :-) Its not organized by least to most btw im just typing everything i like lol :
puppetification theory.. AAUUUGHHH!!!!! this one is so much fun for so many reasons.
he's got a BJD (ball jointed doll) body
He's kinda an asshole
While a good chunk of his glitching is from puppetification, way more of it is from malware he's collected over like 20 years on the streets of cyber city
He absolutely feels and is aware of his glitches but he's so used to them it doesnt really bother him anymore. scratch that, it 100% does bother him that his body is actively defying him. but what can you do? :shrug:
he's like 5'1. I HATE HATE HATE seeing him the size of a toddler both because you can literally see his world sprite is the same height as kris, which is a teenager (His proportions just are unbelievably fucked up because of puppetification) and because thats just kinda weird. Something about making him so so small feels weird to me but im not sure, really. take it with a grain of salt.
He was an Email Addison. You see it everywhere. He was like a mailman or something.
He wasnt like four foot or something throuhghout his whole life, but i do imagine he was only slightly smaller than an Addison, which doesnt sound that bad except when you realize everyone else is normal height except him. Maybe it was a manufacutring bug, or maybe it was intentional for his job.
Addisons are like weird organic robots kinda. Cause everything in cyber city is made of code i imagine they are like basically sentient AI.
They (addisons) physically do not age unless their code is damaged. (Guess who's code is fucked up) They were "born" physically and half-mentally adults, and count their age based on their manufacturing date. I say mentally half because it quickly develops soon after while they do things like advertise. Their personality develops a time after.
HE IS OLD!!!!!!! HE'S AN OLD GUY!! HES GOT LITTLE WRINKLES N SHIT!!! HES GOT A GREY STRIPE!!!!!! Not really because of physical aging but its more of like a glitch tbh lol. Like a chunk glitch in minecraft. Whatever happened as his code got progressively more beat up caused a patch of his hair to register incorrectly and show up slightly wrong.
His hair is natrually white. He dyed it in his big shot era ofc, but it faded out. He keeps it colored currently with car oil and shit. Whatever he can find that will color it. It will and does wash out partially when he's drenched in the rain.
He completely refuses to acknowledge his physical changes. Glimpses he sees he ignores or passes it off as he's seeing things.
He prayed to the Neo robot because he saw the beginning of puppetification. He was praying for forgiveness or another chance. He believed it was a divine punishment because he had no other explination. He doesnt believe he changed much more than the very very early stages, and he thinks he's forgiven in his delusion. Which is why he wants the robot so bad.
When he gets mad he turns kinda red and steam comes out the side of his head in short bursts, train whistle sound effects and all. looney tunes type junk.
He has lips... but they're stretched so far because of his huge fucking brick ass teeth that it doesnt really matter at that point.
He's got a scraggly ass mullet.
he has little bitty dot eyes. Every other addison does too but they keep them closed for visual appeal. Theyre robots and shit they dont really need them to get around, even though they help a lot.
Thats about all i can think of rn!!!! ^_^ hope you enjoy that brick of text lol.
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selcouth-angel · 2 months
Okay I wrote this like.... a month ago and since IT JUST FITS WITH THE ENDING OF MHA I'LL JUST POST IT
HEAR ME OUTTTT SCOTT STREET BY PHEOBE BRIDGERS FITS SM WITH IZUKU AND KATSUKI IF EVER IZUKU WONT BE A HERO!!! This could be romantic or platonic either is okay. I haven't posted anything I've written in years BUT PLS SEE MY VISION I CAN SEE ITS POTENTIALLLLL!!!!!!
"Walking Scott Street, feeling like a stranger. With an open heart, open container" is as he walks in the familiar streets of when HE used to patrol as a hero in training in UA.
"I've got a stack of mail and a tall can. It's a shower beer, it's a payment plan" for plot purposes, he's out for a drink and meeting his friend, I think we know who it is.
"There's helicopters over my head. Every night when I go to bed" THIS COULD be literal like he could be living in the city and crimes happen with heroes saving the day hence the helicopters for media or rescue, he sees it everyday. OR it could be a metaphor of some sorts like thoughts of WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN IF HE STILL HAD A QUIRK and it keeps him awake at night.
"Spending money and I earned it. When I'm lonely, that's when I'll burn it." It's a fanfic, SO LETS SAY HE GOT MONEY FOR LITERALLY SAVING JAPAN AND HE'S ONLY A TEEN HELLO??? He deserves it of course, set for life or let's just say he has money for whatever reason I can think of (maybe he pursued in the support/educational department like Aizawa and still helps heroes except in his heart he really wants to go pro). And that's when he's lonely, he misses the past OFA users always there behind his back and he never forget how that felt, and just the feeling, the thrilling ways of how his body moves whenever he is out and fighting to do what he loves, to save and protect. And then finally, he meets up with his rival, childhood friend and the closest person he could ever confide or ever think of. They're drinking (adults & aged up ofc), just talking about their lives, I imagine they would do this every once in a while. After the war, trauma and other shit they had to deal with IN THEIR FIRST YEAR OF UA (They all deserve the best I love Class 1-A) and with Midoriya leaving behind the hero life, the two felt like they couldn't just let it go just like that. So they meet up and keep that bond they strengthened after everything they've been through, even ALMOST DYING for each other. They do this regularly, Bakugou is still catching up to him just in different ways. And they talk about the past, it's nostalgic. He doesn't expect it as the memory of their... not so pleasant relationship before has resurfaced. Sometimes it randomly just comes up and he can't help but think of it.
"Do you feel ashamed, when you hear my name?" And he knows Bakugou wouldn't, they are far past that and consider the other the closest person they could attach themselves to. But he also knows Bakugou is not proud of how he treated him before and the fact he had to leave the hero life so early on, when he just got a taste of it only for it to be taken from him and that was the longest and simultaneously the fastest year of his life.
"I asked you, "How is your sister? I heard she got her degree" I know, Bakugou doesn't have a sister. BUT LETS IMAGINE MAHORO AND KATSUMA IS CLOSE TO BAKUGOU AFTER THE MOVIE AND THEY KEPT IN TOUCH SKDBKDBDKE (I've considered Eri and Kota but I think these two are just closer to Midoriya). Of course, Midoriya could also be close to them, but for the fanfics sake let's say he hasn't checked on them in a while, and that our babygirl graduated or something!!
"And I said, "That makes me feel old" You said, "What does that make me?" Then they share a laugh, because they realize that both of them are old. Older than high school. They aren't young anymore, and they have lives to live. His friends are all pros and living their dreams, high up in the hero ranks. He could've been there.
"I asked you, "How is playing drums?" You said, "It's too much shit to carry"..."And what about the band?"...You said, "They're all getting married"" OKAY THIS??? THIS COULD BE 1A OR THE BAKUSQUAD UEJEHFJSHJDD BECAUSE TECHNICALLY THEY WERE IN A BAND (Sports Festival) and they both know who he's talking about, or maybe it's an inside joke among their batch to call them a band, or they really did have a band and kept playing every sports festival once they became upperclassmen, it's up to you. And then they just reminisce about their highschool days, the good ones. And Midoriya, he feels emotional, choked up and longing.
"Do you feel ashamed, when you hear my name?" And Bakugou knows even if he doesn't glance at the green haired man beside him, he knows what he's thinking even if he doesn't say it as he takes a sip of his drink, knowing each other like the back of their hand, reading like an open book. He literally died for him. Bakugou pats his back, or maybe a hand on his shoulder. Just something, and Midoriya immediately knows he shouldn't worry.
"Anyway, don't be a stranger. Don't be a stranger." And they won't, they never were. They were always there, from childhood to present, they could never be a stranger to the other.
I jinxed myself bcs this was literally sitting in my drafts for a month... SHOULD I REWRITE IT TO FIT THE ACTUAL SPOILERS? Or nah
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theshippirate22 · 3 months
"Hey." Hunter sidled up next to Lyn at the counter.
"Hey," She echoed, smirking fondly at his closeness, his silent affection.
"Do you want some raspberries? Lee left like, a million and she's expecting me to eat them all."
Lyn pretended to be busy counting, but she was really just sliding random groupings of the tablets to the other side of the tray. Hunter knew this too, watching the spatula instead of her. She slid the tablets that had slipped into the vial side back up onto the tray and twirled the spatula in her fingertips.
"'m not really hungry," she mumbled finally.
He popped a handful of the berries into his mouth. "'Did you get yelled at?"
"I'll tell Rich you're done on register for the night, anyway. Christian can cover you until he leaves and then you're back here, so."
She sighed with soft exasperation. "It's not that."
"You gonna tell me what it is, or do I have to keep guessing and bribing you with food?"
She laughed once. Rubbed her nose with the back of her hand like she did when she was trying not to cry. "They're painting the walls blue," she said simply.
He scoffed. "Yeah, it's a pretty standard corporate bullshit thing."
"It won't look the same."
"The paint job is what you're spiraling over? I don't think I understand."
Lyn set the spatula down. "You're leaving, Missy's leaving, Rich is hardly here anymore, Taylor's getting married, Christian's a dad now, they moved the Dramamine, and the walls are fucking blue, Hunter!"
Maybe it was the obvious understanding in his voice because Lyn burst into tears. She pushed the tray back farther on the counter and instantly whipped around to go hide behind the Unit of Use.
Hunter thought about letting her have a minute to get from actual cries to just sniffles, but decided against it and followed her.
She kept her face turned away from him, meltdown style, so he turned his back to her and started to reorganize the Testosterone boxes that had tipped over.
"Everything's changing!" She gasped quietly, before burying her face in her hands and trying to stifle another wave of sobs.
"You know, kid," Hunter murmured after a moment. "When we met, you could barely breathe without apologizing. Thank God, Christian got you out of that. You wouldn't say no to Missy, and you'd get all sniffly if Lee corrected you. You used to say you didn't have any friends, and that no one liked you, and you didn't know what you were gonna do with your life. You'd get mad at me when I helped you for whatever pathetic self-deprecating reasons. It's not fair of me to call you "kid," because that's all her. You're different now. You changed too." He looked over his shoulder. "You survived that just fine. You're pretty damn cool now."
She laughed wetly, pawing the streaks off her cheeks. "It's different."
"It's literally not at all different."
"I don't notice me changing, but I notice everyone else doing it." She straightened her bow and faced him.
He turned too, resting his shoulders against the shelves. "What did you think was gonna happen? All of us would stay here as one big, miserable, Willablues family forever?"
She shrugged. "No. Well, yes, but... no. That's what I want to happen, even though I know it won't. I don't know, it's silly."
Hunter had a couple thoughts about some of her adults' behaviors, but he kept them to himself.
"I just... ugh," She pulled on the back of her hair in frustration. "Are you just never gonna talk to me again because you don't have to be friends with me anymore?"
This was met with the Bullshit Face. "I never had to be friends with you. If I didn't want to, I wouldn't have."
"I was pretty insistent."
"Yeah, and I wanted to be friends with someone who so clearly didn't immediately hate me. Come on, you're not getting rid of me."
She sniffed. "Really?"
"Lyn, nothing's gonna change between us. Okay? Except maybe we'll start doing stuff together that we actually like and not whatever this shit is."
Lyn smiled, the way she did for Hunter, and mumbled, "Okay."
"Okay." He echoed. "Now will you eat some damn raspberries?"
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capcavan · 1 year
I want your theories - when did Kevin and Riko get together? Had they fooled around in the nest? Or was it only after? Bc I think Ravens are banned from romantic/sexual relationships bc it takes up too much time and takes their mind off the game. Or maybe they're encouraged to build team cohesion (although I doubt it).
Maybe there was some shower time mutual stuff? Or maybe things happened in that shared dorm? But when would it turn from just sex to actual feelings?
On an unrelated note - I love that drawing of Riko & Wymack ❤️❤️
Tl;dr: Yes
Bonus headcanon with Riko, Kevin and Dadmac
After Riko gets closer to foxes he forms relationships and bonds with many people, both on and off team. Kevin struggles. He has no idea how to navigate any of this and solicit some alone time with Riko.
Wymack is an amazing wing dad and often takes them for small silly trips to the zoo or to have dinner with Abby (it's also part of Riko’s therapy since the boy needs to get used to more normal living environments as he was never part of it. They used to domesticate Kevin that way too) 
This way Kevin gets some no pressure exclusive Riko time where they can just talk and be together without anyone else interfering
I take inspiration from Nora's extra materials mostly!
She mentioned there that Kevin and Riko would never get together in canon because it could fuck up their future careers, but then again she also wrote there that
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So you know, I will only pick things I like!!! 
She also wrote that they have very unhealthy dependant relationship and that Kevin used to love Riko (Not phrasing it 100%, but I love myself enough to not open extra content file more often than once a month if I can help it)
Riko and Kevin grew up together. They went through hell together. The portrayal of their relationship in the canon/extra content is very fluid because they seemingly go through phases that go from one extreme to another. They can be close friends, trusted brothers or on the flip of switch, Riko becomes Kevins worst nightmare/abuser.
I think in one way or another, they were always together. They survived too much pain not to occidentally grow into each other as their wounds healed.
I see Riko as a person who is bad because he was never given a choice, was it a horrible environment or lack of therapy or medication, and I see Kevin as someone aware of it but in the end enjoying the distance the 1 year long break gave him. Yet he is still looking back because he understands that Riko is the way he is because of the people around him. They are not healthy for each other or together but at this point letting go or amputating the other is impossible. 
In all of my au's, no matter the ships, I always see them together. They aren't always romantically involved, but they share a platonic connection? Call them soulmates if you like. They are very pretentious and often refuse to define their love for each other in simple terms.
In the nest they were the only other kids their age, thrown in a world of adults and impossible training.
They were teammates in a pair system, always together. They shared quick, painful sex that was not allowed comfort of preparation and tender aftercare, but they loved it and craved it when allowed to have it. Their love language was tending to each other's wounds - often wounds Riko caused Kevin as disciplinary action - often on Tetsuji’s demand because Tetsuji saw them close and Tetsuji needed them apart to keep them easy to control.
Kevin was aware a lot of it was master’s doing. He was afraid of Riko because he knew Riko was too cowardly to go against master's words.
But now Riko is not in the nest anymore. Riko is going to therapy. Riko is allowed to be a person for the first time in his life.
And Kevin is afraid that when Riko is done picking broken pieces to build himself there won't be a spot for him.
Kevin is trying to retrigger him and halt this growth, scared of Riko moving past him the way Andrew and Neil moved past him, because Kevin stubbornly clings to his pain.
Kevin's inability to heal is Riko’s motivation to recover and get better - he needs to make sure they can do things right this time around.
Kevin and Riko bonded over all the small things like escaping from the training hall into rain and getting sick after laying on wet grass just to then spend the whole next day cuddling because they were too ill to train.
The days they spend locked in the training hall when there is nobody to oversee them playing pretend to pass the time. For a child who never held anything else than an exy stick and ball, Riko had imagination. He was a king of the kingdom and Kevin loved to play his little games
And big things
Like exy 
Nora said in the extra content that Riko was happy in his life because he truly knew nothing else. He was unaware how bad the life they had truly was (Kevin at least got few short years with his mom)
I think Riko struggles to see value in his life now that he knows how much of it was wasted, but he would never see time he got to spend with Kevin as wasted time so it's not all bad Also this is my fave trope:
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dullard · 5 months
1, 3, 8, 11, 13, 15, 22, 28, 29, 34, 44, 49 for Siamont pleeeease 👉👈
1. What motivates your character?
The pressing need for a safe and warm environment for children, especially in the face of disaster and tragedy.
3. Is your character an optimist or pessimist?
I think he's a realist, but he's a bit optimistic in general, because he sees the real ways things can turn out okay, and when he doesn't, he at least sees the ways he can make it not as bad as possible.
8. What are some internal obstacles that your character has to overcome?
He knows he really, really needs to talk more. Really badly. But its habitual that he doesn't, his tongue doesn't feel used to it anymore, it's not in his nature anymore... Plus, when other adults talk to him and expect a response, he shuts down. The only times he manages to talk a little is to the children, and he knows its not as much as it should be.
When he needs to talk to adults, he often writes, but it still makes him extremely anxious. He learned to write for this reason, actually.
11. What events in their past helped shape and influence them into who they are today?
Oh You Know ;)
If you asked him this question (and we ignore that he isn't a very talkative guy), his opinion is that one person shaped him almost entirely, and it's his younger brother.
His younger brother was why he learned to care for children, his younger brother was what drove him to take fishing seriously as a career and make money, the memory of his younger brother is what he sees in children that makes him care about them right away before he even knows them for themselves.
The loss of his brother had him not doing anything, and when he saw a child all alone he remembered his younger brother when he'd sit off to the side, and he knew it was like he was speaking to him, in a way, and telling him to do the thing he's best at. So he thinks his brother helped him decide to start the orphanage, too (But really, his own force of will is what helped him overcome his grief, and it was his own kindness that gave him purpose)
Also, obviously, he hates to admit the influence its had on him, but the encounter with pirates as a child where he lost his tail (and his voice, in a way) had a huge influence on who he is. He still fights against that trauma today every time he speaks.
13. Who is the closest person to your character?
His brother, for his whole life. Now that he's gone, I'm not sure. I assume someone else must work at the orphanage as an adult, and he's probably at least a little close with them, but he's very close with all the kids, and his inability to talk to other adults At All (He just can't make himself do it - He will want to, he will open his mouth, he will move his tongue, no sound will come out, and its very frustrating for him. It's driven him to tears before.) means he doesn't have very many close friendships emotionally.
15. What habits does your character have?
He watches around the floor and his feet when hes walking anywhere because he doesn't want to step on children, lol. He's not even that tall (although he's on the tall side for an ecaflip).
When he holds anything, he does the little bouncing with his body (I don't know how to describe it. It's the same motion you do to soothe a baby.)
Also, he likes to quietly watch the sunset. Usually the kids don't let it stay quiet though.
22. What regrets do they have, if any? (From any part of the story, not just exposition.)
He has plenty about where he was when the wave happened, but he knows that they're not reasonable (He survived because he was on a fishing boat, and his brother just would not have been there under any circumstances, no matter how much he thinks about "well maybe I could have..."
He sometimes has regrets about how he handles things the children need. He can always do better. He tries to apologize by doing something nice for them if he thinks he did the wrong thing, but he's never been mean to any of them, so they usually just think he's trying to cheer them up because they were sad earlier.
He regrets when he and his brother were kids and he said he wished he was an only child (I don't think his brother even remembered this as an adult, but it haunts Siamont), and he regrets a time he left a younger child for an hour when he was 11 years old and came back to the child crying because they thought he wasn't coming back. Lots of little things like that.
28. What emotion is the most unfamiliar to your character and how do they deal with it?
Anger doesn't come easily to him, but it takes him over. When it's at an adult, he usually just lets himself react with that anger and show it with his body. When it's at a child, he notices it and leaves the situation, then comes back when he's calmed down (so the children are most afraid of when he Looks A Little Angry, Then Leaves, even though he never does anything with it. They get the right response to fix what they did every time. It's just how the kids know they really messed up)
29. What are the three things that your character values most?
The children's safety, their emotional wellbeing, and his memories of his brother.
34. What are three negative traits that your character has?
Silence, letting his anger take hold of him when he thinks its justified (He has killed. many pirates in this state, when he probably didn't need to kill every single one of them on the ship and could have let them flee), and thinking he can take on everything on his own
44. What does your character fear?
Losing anyone else. Also, in general, rogues trigger bad memories for him, and he's way more likely to fight someone if they're a rogue.
49. In the end, what is your character grateful for?
The children, their safety, their joy, their play, their creativity, their...
Well, a lot of things about his kids.
His memories of his brother, and his memories of Sufokia as it was and the people he's lost. They hurt, but he holds them tight to his chest.
The luck of the sea (The sea is where luck comes from, in his eyes - Fish, driftwood, seaweed, he's even grateful, sometimes, after he's handled the rogues on board, for the pirate ships, because he takes what they need from it (including, usually, a lot of the clothes from the pirates that he fixes to fit the kids, and their sails and some of the wood from their ship and their food and... everything.) before setting it ablaze and sending it off. )
I'm insane thank you so much for my life laura i had so much fun doing this thank you thank you thank you thank you
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myshredda · 2 years
ok all this angst abt red leaving duck and duck knowing it's bound to happen eventually has made me think
(this got much angstier than i thought it would so tw for panic attacks and thoughts abt sh)
it's different now than it was in the healthy episode or even in the transport episode bc now they've grown comfortable w each other. They have a relationship, kids, a life together. Red wouldn't leave all that, would he? Normally duck is pretty confident that he wouldn't but sometimes doubt and horrible memories get the better of him.
Maybe he's up late one night, tossing and turning, head filled with anxiety so he decides to go downstairs and cook. (bc it's a relaxing thing he knows how to do and definitely not bc maybe if he proves he can be useful, Red won't leave him this time.) Turns out cooking just makes everything worse bc of all the horrible memories that he has in that kitchen and now it's dark and he's alone and his mind is a mess. the knives are looking a little too sharp and he's cutting a little too quickly and a little too close to his fingers. It would be so easy to miss and cut the wrong thing...The stove is hot and it would be so easy to just reach out... He's ripping stray feathers out inbetween throwing random things into a bowl and attempting to stir them. He can't fucking breathe, and Red's going to leave him and now he has to protect two small ones instead of one but who's going to protect him??? And he's alone in the kitchen and it's too dark and why can't he fucking breathe??????
Red hears someone mucking around in the kitchen at 3am and assumes it's one of the small ones but they're both there. Duck's bed is empty tho which sends a shiver of fear through him. he's goes downstairs and walks in on duck crying into a bowl of potatoes, gripping the peeler a little too tightly. He doesn't entirely know what to do but he knows the first thing is to take the peeler away and the second is to get him out of the kitchen. So he scoops him up and sits in his armchair while asking him what's wrong. Duck takes a big gasp of air like he was drowning as soon as they get out of the kitchen doorway and is a lot more present. Red just holds him for a while, while he cries, absolutely terrified bc none of them have had anything as bad as this since the teachers were still here.
Eventually duck explains that he doesn't want red to leave anymore. it starts as him begging him not to go, not to leave them alone anymore, but as he gets it out of his system, it turns into him saying he would prefer if red didn't go but understands if he needs to. they would be ok on their own, duck can handle whatever would happen wo him. He's strong, he's resigned himself to it, no more blubbering like a baby, it was very cowardly and unrespectful.
Red's in tears at this point bc even tho he doesnt know the specifics of what happened when he left the first time, he knows it was bad and both yellow and duck still have nightmares about it from time to time. And it was all his fault for leaving. He apologizes over and over and assures him he's never going to leave like that again, never ever. no matter how many times duck says he believes him and is feeling much better now actually, red still feels like he's not doing enough and needs to make up for it somehow. So then it's his turn to cry like a baby while duck holds him, which secretly makes him feel worse bc duck shouldn't be comforting him, but he just pushes his head deeper into his feathers.
eventually they tire themselves out and fall asleep in the chair. the kids make fun of them in the morning for being old and falling asleep as soon as they sit down somewhere, and it seems like everything's gone back to normal. except now there's less underlaying anxiety between the adults and they seem to be a bit more in love.
May I just start out by saying your fucking asks always send me into a state of hysterics just because of how GOOD they always are like. Your input literally is the backbone of this blog at this point, so thank you for pouring your brain into my askbox and giving me the privilege of vamping off it because it's SO FUN.
that being said this one is deeply evil and you'll be hearing from my therapist. I WISH I COULD WRITE A DUCK BREAKDOWN SO REAL AND SO IN CHARACTER UOGHH
Duck trying to find comfort in the familiar motions of cooking and instead throwing himself head-first into a panic attack over trauma he barely remembers, and now he's starting to spiral, and he's starting to get a bald patch on his hand from the feathers he's missing and he CAN'T THINK and everything is too sharp, too much, and what if Red really leaves him again. It's so different now. Between him and Yellow, and the other one, and the other other one. He loves them now, just as much as he loves Red. He really doesn't know if he'd be strong enough to protect all three now, after all, he couldn't even protect himself. Before, without Red, he was powerless, and it nearly cost him everything. And this time, if he's gone too, whose going to take care of his already traumatized kids?
But this time, thank god- thank fuck, Red stays. Red's here, and he can't really tell whats going on, his mind is fuzzy and black spots are dancing in his eyes, but the next thing he knows is his peeler is gone and he's in Red's chair and Red's there too and Red's face is so close and he sounds so concerned when he's asking him what's wrong and Duck just cries. Cries and cries and cries, the first time he's done it in front of Red, the hardest he's ever done it in his life, and all he can do is tell Red he'd prefer if he stayed now, and he feels so fucking pathetic and weak but it's like he'll die if he doesn't get the words out, it's not exactly the broken-hearted begging he wanted to do, but it's still so unrespectable of him it almost makes him feel worse. Weak, he's too weak to save himself, save his kids, to even say what he means. He's so fucking weak.
And now Red's crying too and it makes Duck feel worse because he's not supposed to make Red feel bad, he's supposed to be the rock, unmoved by fickle emotions, and here he is spilling his guts and making his- his...Making Red cry. But Red just keeps saying he's sorry and he'll never leave again, and it makes Duck's stomach feel weird, and the air in his lungs gets all fluttery, and his head draws itself back up out of his stomach, and its almost too good to be true, but Red just keeps saying it and saying it so it must be true. So he calms down, and Red gets worse, and now he's the one doing the comforting, which is what he's more familiar with, so he does so, and cradles Red's big head in his hands, pulling is forward, hiding it in the curve of his shoulder, and it feels like something that was broken inside him heals a little bit, there, with Red, again, in the dark.
The kids make fun of them in the morning because their kids make fun of everything, it's like its their job or something. Them sleeping in the chair is funny, apparently. But Duck can't find it in him to be too mad at them, he's just glad they feel safe enough to be little buggers. Red just tells them to go kick rocks or some other asinine thing, and it makes them all giggle and then Green's asking about breakfast and Pink wants fun cereal even though it's not the weekend, and Yellow ALSO wants fun cereal and maybe a grapefruit and maybe they could have some potatoes? Yellow likes potatoes, and Duck makes them the best 'cause they have the crispy crunchy bits. So Duck heaves a very long-suffering sigh and agrees to the potatoes but not the fun cereal (Shreddies or nothing, you little hellions) but before he can get up Red grips his hand tight, and Duck looks at him like 'wtf are u doing' and Red stares into his eyes in a Very Meaningful Way and deliberately squeezes his hand once, twice, three times
I. Love. You.
Duck squeezes back, of course he does, and it's so much sweeter now that his soul is light. He can barely feel the scar on his stomach, and his kids are moaning about potatoes and grapefruits and how yogurt isn't a breakfast food unless it's flavored to be, and did you know that plain yogurt is like sour cream's cousin? No it isn't. Yes it is! That's stupid! You're Stupid! Duck sighs again, and adds one more squeeze.
I. Love. You. Too.
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List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the Last 10 people Who reblogged something from you. Learn about your mutuals and followers. 🎠 But only if you want to, just have fun! 💖💖
Awe thank you!~ I love this sm! Answers are gonna get long-winded though T_T
5 Things That Make Me Happy:
Positive Feedback - has to be on the top of my list because this absolutely does breathe life into me. I started writing in the first place to make people happy. I do it because I love it and I want to share that love with others. I want to be the writer that makes people look forward to getting off work to read that new chapter or the reason they stayed up a little too late because they just had to know what happened next. I want my stories to be someone else's escape. And maybe one day, I'll be on their bookshelves, too. ♥
Genuine Friendships - they're so important to me. I'm someone who has very few friends and even fewer family, so if you're close to me, it means something. I'm all about chosen family, and it often reflects in my writing (one of my fav main characters has a tendency to adopt lonely misfits). With my friends, we're either just acquaintances or you're my goddamn sibling, there's really no in between, which is both a good and a bad quality trait.
Fucking Fallout - because it's the most immersive game I've ever played. I know a lot of the games get some hate throughout the fandom, but I genuinely love every installment that they come up with, because it continues the story. Even with all its flaws, I love all of 1, 2, 3, 4, NV, and 76. I'm more partial to 4 because I relate more to their characters, but NV had the superior storyline. ♥ I literally cannot get this game or these characters out of my head.
BTS - Okay hear me out on this one: I know BTS is a stereotypical K-Pop band, but I seriously love them as people. I don't like K-Pop normally, as a genre. I listened to "emo music" growing up (I was born in 1993 so the 2000s was where my favorite music really lied). I was also a troubled kid and I brought a lot of those insecurities and trauma to my adulthood, and my old bands just wasn't doing it anymore. The memories of teen angst mostly stressed me out. But then I found BTS, and their music and messages helped me SO MUCH as a young adult, well into later adulthood (I'm 29 now). I absolutely love them, and they make me happy with their genuine care and messages. Those 7 boys are some of my biggest inspirations in life, reminding me that I can do anything if I try hard enough. But you will NEVER catch me mixing my love for BTS with the Fallout stuff on this blog. I've noticed that liking K-Pop is a quick way to catch hate, so I keep my obsession with them to myself. I'm okay with that; I've done it for the last six years.
My Husband - as cheesy as it is to say, I have the best husband I could have asked for. STORY TIME: I met him in Kindergarten, and he was always getting me in trouble by making me laugh and the teacher kept telling us to be quiet. She had to separate us. I had a crush on him in 2nd grade. Then we didn't see each other again until middle school. We had gym class together in 6th grade. In 8th grade, we became best friends. He dated a friend of ours in 9th, and I thought that would help me get rid of the feelings I had for him because I was terrified I'd ruin our friendship if I made a move. It didn't work out between him and our friend, but he told me in 10th grade that he liked me a lot, and we really understood each other. (Honestly it "helped" that we both came from troubled/broken families and were both below poverty level.) When we got together, we were each other's first EVERYTHING. We were together all throughout high school with no complications, and our peers deemed us worthy of being prom king and queen in 12th grade even though we were the nerds who oftentimes got bullied. It was so surreal. We moved in together after high school. We went through a loooooot of bullshit. Being kicked out of houses, losing jobs, losing family members (deaths and otherwise) and we're pretty much inseparable now. We've been together for 14 years. He's supportive in everything I do, even if he doesn't always understand my obsessions. He believes in me. He knows I'm not going to thank him for doing the bare minimum (respecting me, listening to me, helping me, not expecting me to mother him, etc). He genuinely fucking loves me. And he's pretty damn handsome and funny, too. Icing on the cake. And after losing all the people that we have over the years, we're pretty much all that we've got left. But I wouldn't choose to live this life with anyone else.
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allamericansbitch · 1 year
Hey Sarah, how's you doing today? Please tell moi about your day and isokei you rest, laundry can wait for sometime.
I'm going thru a very transitional phase rn and i wanted to ask how has friendships changed for you as you've gone from school to college to work. Do people really do trust they'll have this friend for life and is that something you feel as well with people in your life? How did you deal with friendship breakups? Do you still have a good amount of close friends fr school and college?
Anyone who reads this and wants to share please do too, I really wanna know how it's been like for everyone, I hope it's okei with you Sarah for asking a vast question in your blog but I'm too tired to make reddit question and plus i love this space here, I've been here for a few months regularly reading your blog stuff like newspaper jskskwjw. Thank you so much :D
i'm doing okay, i'm pretty tired and didnt do much which makes me a little sad but it's probably the concerts i went to this week catching up to me.
i'm still friends with 2 people i was friends with in high school, we knew each other since middle school but didnt get close till about freshmen year and got closer every year. i fully think we'll be friends forever because our friendship group was a lot bigger- i think they're were about 6 of us maybe. but a lot of them fizzled away after high school, which is sad but at the end of the day you can't force anything and when i look back those friendships were amazing at the time but i can't imagine they'd service me now.
a friend breakup is weird, it obviously depends on what kind of breakup (like a natural growing apart vs a fight that ends everything and leaves bad feelings towards one another), but at the end of the day everything happens for a reason. if a friendship doesnt add anything to your life anymore there's no reason to keep putting in effort to something that isnt there, a friendship shouldn't feel like a job you have to keep up with. friendships and relationships are similar to me in a way, like you'd never stay in a relationship that doesnt service you so why bother a friendship. you and your friend(s) were there for each other when it was needed and now it's not, them leaving might hurt but them being there to begin with is what matters.
like i said- my best friends are two people i've known since middle school and the reason i think we'll be friends is because we actively put in the work to be friends, they live an hour away from me and we make plans to see each other whenever we can. we're going to a bunch of concerts together, spending July 4th together, my friend randomly texted that they wanted to go to a renaissance faire so we're doing that now lol. whenever we wanna do something we run to one another. we put in the effort it takes to be an adult with friends but we are fine with not seeing each other for a few months if it happens. we still text everyday and i feel 100% like myself when im with them, i always have. all of these things are important in what makes a friendship last to me- comfortability, dependability, excitement, etc.
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