#because it's obvious to anyone who saw the first post who the guy in the cloak is
thebadjoe · 1 day
Hello! It's me again, the pretend-detective-that-will-prove-once-and-for-all-that-my-solution-is-the-closest-to-the-truth.
Oooo boy, we're getting very close to the end with chapter 2, eh? Man... episode 14... that was quite the episode!
I got a lot to talk about, so I'll try not to waste too much time this time around. And of course, this is MAJOR SPOILERS WARNING OF DANGANRONPA DESPAIR TIME CHAPTER 2.
Let's talk!
As you can see in the title, this is pretty much the last time I'll be talking about my theory for good. The reason as to why should be obvious. We're getting really close to the end of the chapter as well as getting close to having the truth revealed by the series itself.
So in other words, this is my very last attempt at solving the murder mystery. So since this is most likely my last time (until there's another murder mystery I want to solve), I better go out with a bang, right? :D
For those who read part 5, it's mostly similar as part 5, but I added a few more things to support my theory. The main difference will be things that I really have to fix.
Anyways... this latest episode revealed a lot of things. A lot of these things are affected by my theory too. I will split those in three categories : The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.
The Good
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Then MonoTV explains that broken and missing things take longer to replace and...
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So there you have it ladies and gentlemen. It is now confirmed 100% that the tape was truly missing since the murder attempt. We could even say that because of this on top of how the narrative is going with this episode, there is no other form of grippy tape inside this killing aside from the one that came from the pull up bar.
Phew! I'm so glad it's finally cleared up, even though it should've been so obvious! (Well, the clue of when the tape was missing was subtle, but you get what I mean, right?)
It was honestly blowing my mind when people were claiming crazy things about the tape... such as "Well, it's a design error by the dev! There's supposed to be a tape there, they just forgot about it!"
So, I'm actually glad and happy that I was absolutely right on that matter, especially since I was the first person who vocally pointed out the missing tape ever since... episode 9, I believe?
It's possible that there were a few people who noticed it before me or around the same time as me, but I don't recall seeing anyone else posting about it. Nonetheless, for those like me who discovered the moment of the missing tape a long time ago? Honestly, kudos to y'all! Amazing job!
Another thing that's also considered good for me is something regarding the attempted murder that I deduced correctly.
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"Ace had woken up and was struggling"
I deduced that at some point during the attempted murder, Ace woke up. The reason why I firmly believed that was the case is because of this picture!
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If you take a closer look, you can see that there's blood on Ace's fingers. Since those are not finger injuries nor would Nico have a reason to stain Ace's fingers with blood, then the only logical conclusions would be that he got blood on his fingers because he touched his neck wounds, therefore, he woke up at some point during the murder attempt.
Another W for me, let's go! Hurray! Speaking of W... another good thing for my theory happened. In regards to Eden being innocent because the BDA triggered when Teruko, Eden and Whit saw the body at the same time.
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You guys have no idea how much it heavily supports my theory thanks to what he just said. It was also something that I deduced for a very long time too! There's of course a lot to talk about on this matter, which I will discuss another time.
But for now, let me savor what I consider to be the biggest W of my crime solving theory of this murder case. Things are looking really good for me.
But of course, I have other problems that crossed my way in exchange, so let me show you what I mean.
The Bad
Let's start with the elephant in the room. Nico is sole person responsible for the attempted murder of Ace.
Before I forget, here's my theory post as reference so that you can have a fair idea of what's been debunked.
Anyways, this truth shatters a good chunk of my theory post, especially regarding the attempted murder itself. Because... according to my theory, I thought that the person responsible for the attempted murder was the same culprit as whoever killed Arei. Thinking it was Eden who did the attempted murder on Ace.
But this theory of mine on that matter has sadly been completely denied. Eden did not attempt murder on Ace, that much is a fact that I can't ignore.
But that's not all. It's practically confirmed that the wire found in the gym was indeed Hu's custom weapon.
This shut downs my idea that Eden must've gathered some kind of wire inside a grandfather clock.
I'm well aware that I was kinda pushing it with this idea (even though there were a conversation supporting this idea), but mannnnn.... IMAGINE HOW FRIGGIN SICK IT WOULD'VE BEEN IF THAT WAS ACTUALLY WHAT HAPPENED?! IT WOULD'VE BEEN SUCH A 1000 IQ MOVE ON MY END!!!
Haha! Sorry! I got the hype get the best of me there! I mean, to be fair... I was under the assumption that Eden's must've done the deed and that she must've gathered that wire some other way. You can't fault me for being this creative!
But at the very least, from this narrative, we can deduce that the DRDT Dev may not try to pull a move where we need to imagine something that could've existed somewhere, they probably never intend to make us go for something far-fetched unless there's enough clues to suggest it. I think that will be something very important to remember whenever we get to watch chapter 3 in a future time.
Moving on!
Nico is the person responsible for stealing the turpentine.
This may not seem much at first, but it's actually very bad for my theory. Reason why is that to have my Eden!Culprit theory work, I need a way for Eden to subdue Arei in some shape or form.
The best way to do it would be by knocking her out with the turpentine, but unfortunately for me, Eden initially didn't have access to the turpentine. Nico did. This means that I lost my prime way for Eden to subdue Arei.
Eden obviously can't overpower Arei for obvious reasons... on top of having no signs of struggle on Eden and Arei's body like bruises and such.
So because of it, I need to figure out a way for Eden to be able subdue Arei without having to steal the turpentine as it was Nico who stole it initially. I'll discuss more about it later.
There is also another problem with my theory, not something the episode directly showed, but it's still very noteworthy. Since Eden is not the culprit behind the attempted murder of Ace, my plan of having Arei locked up and hidden in the relaxation room no longer works anymore. Therefore, I currently don't have a way to explain the purpose of the ball of clothes since my whole murder attempt theory is crushed.
So these are the bads, one of them being a lot more problematic than the others. Anyways, I don't even think that's the worst of it all. The worst comes with...
The Ugly
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"It's you two, isn't it?"
I'm happy that we finally got Teruko to actually accuse someone... but NOT LIKE THIS!!!
God friggin dammit!
I get it though. I understand why the creator did that. It gives a lot more suspense and a much better reveal at the end of it all, but aaaaggghhh! This is literally the worst case scenario!
Instead of having people try to figure out why this one person is the culprit and how they did it, we now have the community practically split in two to decide which one between Ace or Eden is the culprit of the murder case.
Ugh.... what a pain in the ass! I can't believe you've done this, DRDT dev! Not giving us the final answer until the very end. I will admit though... that was very unexpected and a very cool twist. That makes it much different from what we're used to see in the dangans and fangans! So yeah... well played, dev! But you should know by now... you're not fooling me with this. I know very well what the heck happened behind this murder case! I remain undaunted.
So are you saying that...
Yes... I still believe that Eden is the culprit behind the murder case of Arei. Ace has nothing to do with the murder of Arei and there's absolutely no one else but these two suspects who could've possibly commited murder.
I'm sorry to say this to the people who believe that a third party is responsible for the murder, but that's just impossible. Only these two could've taken the tape and they had absolutely no reason to give it to someone else. Nor did they get it stolen.
Otherwise, why would they not reveal it at all? It wouldn't make sense no matter how you put it. Not only that, but it would be so unsatisfying of a plot twist especially considering that with all the clues we've been given so far, only the people in the gym at a specific time could've taken it, which still comes down to Ace and Eden.
It's also practically confirmed that there's no other source of grippy tape. I understand that you guys are trying to do this because there's a lot of issues with solving the case if eitheir Ace or Eden is the culprit, but instead of going for an unrealistic scenario of who else could've done it, you guys need to figure out how eitheir of these two suspects managed to pull it off despite these problems!
And that's exactly why I'm still dead set on accusing Eden. Because despite all these problems I've encountered since the beginning of it all, I figured out a lot of ways to solve these issues and it's going to be the same thing here. These new problems I have encountered... I will solve them... all of them!
Therefore, being open-minded is crucial in solving this murder case, a complex one at that!
Alright, with these news out of the way, it's finally time for me to solve this murder case! Although, unlike the giant recap that I did on part 5, I'm not going to do that. I will begin by discussing with you all the biggest mystery of this entire murder case.
The Biggest Mystery?!
What are you talking about? Are you referring to the fishes? The broken lights? The ball of clothes? Their murder motive?
Nope! There is something that's been brought up very few times at the very beginning of the trial and never again... even though there's something seriously strange about it.
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(I'm sure there's other moments where this was brought up, but I couldn't find them.)
But yeah... there are two suspiciously strange things about this (that people simply brushed it off as nothing wrong happened) and I seriously think we need to look into this.
During lunchtime of the day before the BDA, Arei was seen in the cafeteria, but didn't utter a single word.
Aside from the "conversation between Arei and David in the relaxation room", no one saw Arei from lunchtime up until the BDA.
Let's face it... Arei, who's usually a loudmouth, didn't say a single thing at lunch? That's just incredibly weird! It doesn't make sense! You guys know very well that she would, at the very least, say something mean or troll someone at least slightly.
But even weirder than that is the fact that no one else saw her since lunchtime! There is absolutely no way that Arei would've spent the rest of the day eitheir hiding herself in her dorm or just simply avoiding contact on anyone. That is just so out of character!
Well... maybe Arei was deeply concerned by David's actual secret and was being secluded up until it was the right time to visit David. I mean, David and Ace clearly saw her that evening, so it's fine, right?
Yeah, I don't think so. Let's say she was deeply concerned by David's secret since lunch, why didn't she try to contact David much sooner than that? Doesn't quite make sense now, doesn't it?
Oh! I know! She was spending time with Eden because they're friends now, right?
I'm sorry, but that's not gonna work eitheir. Let's say Eden was the culprit in that scenario... why would Eden lie about not seeing her since lunch?
Well... suspicions would've been thrown at her, that's why.
And why would that be the case? Remember that during that day, Eden spent time with Hu from the evening up until the night time. And since we're under the assumption that the murder occured in the morning of day 4 (the day of the BDA) and that she spent time with Hu as said earlier, her supposed time spent with Arei in the afternoon would be irrelevant to the murder case!
Besides, wouldn't someone at least have noticed that the two of them were spending time together in the afternoon?
And even if we were to presume that Ace is the killer there, it's the exact same thing! Eden would have absolutely no reason to lie about spending time with Arei if that were the case.
Well, maybe Ace intimidated Arei and stayed quiet this whole time because of it!
...really? We all know very well that there's no way Ace would be able to intimidate Arei, of all people!
Then maybe-
I'll stop you there! Let's face it, there's no normal reasons to explain why Arei didn't talk at lunch nor why she was missing for a considerable amount of time. Besides, if it was something irrevelant or completly mundane about what was happening with Arei, what would be the point of doing all of that? Why make it seem like it was a mystery if "nothing special" happened.
I'm sorry, but it just simply doesn't make sense. Especially if the fact that she was missing was brought up multiple times. There is no way that this is unimportant, no matter how you look at it!
This is also one of the reasons why I firmly believe that Ace is not the culprit. It is impossible to give a reasonable answer to this mystery if you go for the Ace!Culprit route.
It's unsolvable! You can't solve it even with Eden as the culprit!
No! That's wrong!
For those who read part 5, I'm sure you know already what the answer to that is. As for everyone else, there is a very interesting and logical way to solve this mystery.
But before I reveal it, let me first bring back a topic from earlier that I wanted to talk about.
David Chiem...
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Okay... so what? He's clearly lying about it, as stated by Nico and J!
And why would you assume that he's lying? Is it because he's a lying and manipulative asshole? Is it because you don't believe in anything he says? Is it because you don't understand him? Well... to be fair... he's rather complex and a bit hard to understand his gameplan, however...
Doesn't that statement feel too important to simply disregard it? I'm not just saying this because his quote is in gold and bolded text, but also because of the timing and what he said earlier.
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Also... shortly after that, after he asked Teruko, Whit and Eden if they saw the body at the same time and that Teruko answered with "What are you getting at?", here's how he behaves...
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Isn't it peculiar? Like... doesn't it feel like there's a sense of emergency behind his defense and reaction? It's almost like... he's been waiting for the right moment to reveal that piece of information. Whether he wants to help or just want to make Teruko despair for the sake of exposing Eden as the culprit, it doesn't matter. He wanted to reveal that information.
His statement that he saw the body first is clearly wrong because he couldn't have seen the body in the morning, he had an alibi at 7:30 AM and it's physically impossible for David to instantly search the playground, find the body, do nothing and go back without being seen by eitheir Teruko, Whit or Eden.
Well, of course, he's lying about seeing the body in the morning. It's literally impossible.
Huh? But why are you insisting that-
David is the first person to find the body, but he discovered it at an earlier time. It doesn't make sense for anyone else to have found the body first. Otherwise, they wouldn't have hidden this piece of information at all, there's no reason to. But if we're talking about David however... it's whole different story. I also have plenty ways to support the idea that he found the body much earlier.
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This is after Ace tells the group what he witnessed and after David gets his secret exposed and decides to reveal himself.
Ace claimed that he witnessed David and Arei having a conversation about David's secret during the evening, the day after the attempted murder.
David claims that he's a lying piece of shit and an unreliable witness.
Ace couldn't possibly have lied about the secret he heard from the conversation since that was indeed David's secret. So what else could David be referring to when he claimed that Ace is lying?
Lying about where he heard the conversation wouldn't make sense eitheir, it wouldn't really change much. And we already know for a fact that David visited the relaxation room that day.
Therefore, by process of elimination, the logical deduction would be that Ace lied about when he heard that conversation. Also, doesn't that weirdly coincide with the reveal that he found the body first?
So if you match his body discovery information with the logical possibility that Ace lied about when he heard the conversation with also David's confession that he did indeed meet with Arei that evening without revealing what the conversation was about, we get this amazing solution : David didn't have a conversation with Arei in the evening of the day 3. He had a conversation with her in the evening of day 2 instead, the day of the attempted murder on Ace. David found Arei's corpse in the relaxation room in the evening of day 3.
I know I had many people who used to believe that this can't be true and that David is lying about his claim that Ace's a liar and all that... but quite frankly... can you still make that claim after watching episode 13 AND 14?
In episode 13, we learn from David's memory flashback that there was more to David and Arei's conversation than what Ace let on, which already gives a sign that Ace is hiding something.
And in episode 14, there's of course the reveal that David was the first person to find the body. Let's be real here everyone. I seriously doubt that this is a mere coincidence after all this time.
Anyways, now that I've explained my point regarding David, it is time to connect the dots!
Connecting the dots...
Going back to the biggest mystery...
As I said before, I stated that there's a way to solve this mystery with Eden as the culprit. There's also a very good reason why I brought up the idea that David must've found the body at a much earlier time.
Let's think back on the mysteries regarding Arei.
She did not talk at lunch and she was never seen again since then.
We've already established that it wouldn't make sense for her to stay silent and not be seen again for a long period of time. So what would be the most logical way to explain that discrepancy?
Something wrong happened to Arei that day. If you think back on my idea regarding David, he found Arei's body in the evening of day 3. Then, if you combine that with the fact that Arei was mysteriously missing since lunchtime, we can then deduce that Arei was actually dead for quite some time. It would make sense to deduce that Arei must've been dead during the whole time she was missing.
But Ace witnessed the conversation betwee-
Nope! Remember, I made the deduction that Ace lied about when he witnessed the conversation. He most likely witnessed the conversation happening in the evening of day 2. Therefore, Arei was alive during the evening of day 2.
(FYI, by day 2, I mean the day of the attempted murder while day 3 refers to the day after the attempted murder. Day 4 is the day of the BDA)
Okay, but what does that have to do with Eden being the only culprit that can explain the mystery behind it all?
Don't worry, I'm getting there.
So with the idea that Arei was already at least dead after lunch, it changes a lot of things, but it still doesn't answer the other oddity regarding Arei... Why was she being silent during lunch time?
Before I propose the crazy (and repeated) idea, let me share a fact with you all. During lunch time, Eden was nowhere to be seen in the cafeteria.
Combine everything I've shown you and then we get this beautiful conclusion : Arei was silent during lunch time because that was not Arei. It was Eden disguised as Arei. Arei was already dead during lunch time.
I'm sure you have a lot of questions or things to object to this, but let me first state that it would perfectly explain a lot of things. Not only would it solve perfectly that big mystery I've just shown, but it would also explain why David claimed that he was the first person to find the body. It would also explain this little goofy event in the morning of day 3.
To give a small recap, Teruko wakes up at 8:00 AM, but still feels sleepy. So she's like "5 more minutes."
Then, we get a black screen saying "4 hours later", so she ends up waking up at around noon instead. Funny 5 more minutes turns into oversleeping for hours instead joke, that one! (Let's face it, it's relatable)
Anyways, this little scene right there could be an extremely subtle way to indicate that Arei actually died in the morning of day 3 and they made us unable to witness her death thanks to Teruko oversleeping. It also helps with camouflaging the possibility that Eden was taking the time to set up her disguise trick.
But if you have issues with the disguise trick, I've already explained it many times in part 5 with clues and hints found throughout the series on top of reminding everyone that this is a work of fiction, so as long as there's plenty evidence to suggest it, then it can be possible.
So for that to work, Eden needed to kill Arei in the morning of day 3. So first, she would need to sneakily knock her out with turpentine as it is the only way to-
Ah, right... the turpentine! Nico stole it from Rose...
That's no problem! Eden got her hands on the turpentine anyways!
Turpentine, where are you?!
You're not possibly suggesting that there was a second turpentine, RIGHT?!?!
Of course not! I'm not that crazy! Come on now! Do you really think I'd make such a claim even though I made the claim that there doesn't exist any other source of grippy tape aside from what we've seen thus far? The same applies with the turpentine.
It is true that the fact that Nico had their hands on the turpentine first is truly troublesome... but then I learned some more facts about the case and realised that there is indeed a way for Eden to get her hands on the turpentine.
That's impossible! Nico had their hands on it!
Nico may have gotten their hands on the turpentine first, but did they actually keep it forever?
Think about it. What else do we know about the attempted murder that we know is true and confirmed by Nico themselves? Nico stole Hu's custom weapon : the wires.
And what was the reason for stealing the wires? To pin the murder on Hu. They were trying to get away with murder, after all.
Now, if we follow that logic, there is also another way to further pin the blame on Hu. Nico could've dropped the turpentine in the dress room, close by Hu's old uniform. It's also possible that they used some of Hu's clothes to knock Ace unconscious with the turpentine.
That way, if the crime actually succeeded, then there would be much more than Hu's wires to pin her as the culprit. But alas, as we all know, Nico's murder attempt failed. So whatever happened to the turpentine in that scenario?
Nico most likely didn't run back to the dress room to grab it back, that's for sure. Which means that in that scenario, from the time Nico knocked Ace unconscious up until Teruko runs into Eden in the dressing room, Eden had an opportunity to grab the turpentine that Nico might've purposefully dropped in that room.
But how could she possibly know that there was turpentine in here?
That's the thing. I don't think she knew that she'd find the turpentine here... well... unless she saw Nico knocking Ace out and has been quietly sneaking since then.
Why would she even bother going there this late at night to somehow stumble on the turpentine if she didn't know that she'd find it here to begin with? That makes no sense.
You're right, it wouldn't make sense. If anything, that was simply an incredible coincidence that she managed to find turpentine, something that she would clearly need to succeed in her murder plan.
I don't get it! If finding the turpentine was mere coincidence, then what was the point of Eden visiting the dress room this late at night?
Initially, before episode 14 was released, I thought for sure that she was there because she orchestrated both crimes on top of locking Arei inside the relaxation room during nighttime. However, both of these ideas are denied.
So by eliminating the impossible, only one truth remains : Eden needed to place Hu's and Teruko's old clothes inside the relaxation room before 10 pm so that they can get covered in sticky starch next morning.
It is a known fact that the "ball of clothes" is covered in starch. We also know that the only source of information we have that could potentially have a source of starch is from the enriched formula of the water misting of that plants for the relaxation room. We also know for a fact that Eden was indeed in the dressing room past 10 pm on day 2.
I highly doubt that she went there late at night only for the sake of being nice and retrieving Teruko's spare uniforms. Therefore, the only way to explain her suspicious presence in that room is if we were to believe that she's the person responsible for the "ball of clothes".
There is no other logical or reasonable way to explain it. This is the only conclusion I could arrive at. Therefore, it has to be the truth!
Alright then... what was Eden trying to do with these starched clothes then? What was her plan?
At the time I'm currently typing this... I do not know.
That's right... I don't know yet. I have a few ideas, but I don't like them just yet. So by the time I keep working on this post, I'll figure out a proper solution, I promise.
What are you saying?! Are you seriously trying to solve this problem as you are writing your theory post?!
...That's right... I'm still working on it as I'm typing this. But pay no mind to it, the solution will come to me eventually, I'm pretty sure!
...You are out of your mind, you know that?
Yeah... I know. For now, let's just say that having the clothes in that room so that they get starched was very essential in her plan for unknown reasons. At the very least, I found a reasonable way to explain how she get her hands on the turpentine.
For that matter, I know there were people asking me why Eden would even bother grabbing the tape. The answer is fairly simple. It was very convenient for her to get her hands on the tape as it would be necessary in her murder scheme.
In fact, she probably wanted to get her hands on the tape earlier than that, but Nico was already occupying the gym. She must've heard the sounds of Nico setting up something inside the gym (since the walls aren't soundproof) and must've waited inside the dressing room for some time... until the gym was clear. But of course, instead of that, Teruko runs into Eden.
So with that, I believe that I explained every mysteries regarding the attempted murder. Eden was indeed on the second floor on the night of day 2 for a suspiciously specific reason that I've already explained.
So... while I'm trying to figure out the most logical purpose of this ball of clothes, I'd like to give more points that further supports the idea that Eden is indeed the culprit.
Take that, Eden!
Let's start with one of my favorite observations in episode 14.
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Ah... that scene was very touching, wasn't it? For a moment there, I almost believed Eden... up until someone in the youtube comments pointed out something really interesting about this scene. Doesn't this remind you of something? ....no? Let me help you out!
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Hmm? What does that have to do with anything?
A lot of things, actually. Like... the pictures I've shown you from episode 3, Eden claims that relationships aren't transactional, that she didn't do something good so that Teruko would return the favor. Eden also claims that she wants her to be her friend, but not because Teruko feels obligated to.
Then, in episode 14, Eden asks Teruko to help her, because friends help each other. She also says that Teruko is her friend.
I know most of you will say that Eden was being desperate and in big need of help, maybe there is a tiny bit of truth to it. However, I just find it rather strange because as far as I'm aware, from the beginning of chapter 2 up until the trial, Teruko never showed any signs of wanting to be friends with Eden. So why would she now claim that Teruko's her friend and then ask for help when initially, Eden didn't do something good simply just so that Teruko would do something good in return?
In a subtle way, they're kinda like opposites to each other, the scene between episode 3 and episode 14, I mean.
To further prove my point, I'd also like to point out that during these two scenes, they both played the exact same background music. Coincidence? I think not!
Another point I'd like to talk about is something I've already brought up in the past, but it's still very important to remember it...
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This happened in the morning of day 4, before the BDA was triggered. She said this a little bit after Whit made a silly comment about Arei hanging around the playground.
You could brush it off as simply Eden being not ready to seeing the corpse of Arei in here, since all the other rooms were explored on that floor, but of course, I don't believe that one bit.
Whit's comment made Eden panic considerably because for a few seconds there, she really thought that her murder plan was about to be ruined because she thought that Whit was the first person to find the body of Arei.
If Whit was the first person to find the body, then the BDA wouldn't trigger which would be dangerous for Eden. As I stated before, someone else discovered the body first and it was David Chiem.
Also, that reminds me. Timing wise, it was impossible for Eden to bring the fishes from relax room to the playground. It was also impossible for Eden to hang the body by the swing set, she's most likely too weak for that. Meaning that Eden never brought those fishes nor did she hang her by the playground. That was never in her plan to do that. She hid the body behind the curtains of the relaxation room.
Therefore, the only person who could've transported the fishes as well as hanging Arei's corpse is the first person who found the body. David is responsible for those two actions during the evening of day 3. He did it for his own selfish reasons, of course!
But wait... if David hung the body during the evening of day 3, how do you explain the body swinging during the morning of day 4?
Ah, that! It's something I've already brought up in part 6, but I'll explain it a little.
There was a reason why she put so much efforts into disguising the time of death by putting on a disguise and building a solid fake alibi from 7pm to 10pm. Eden's main goal was to have the BDA triggered during the evening of day 3, not the morning of day 4. She was hoping that someone would run into Arei's corpse that evening, which that person would go gather help to trigger the BDA.
If that actually went according to plan, Eden's alibi would've been perfect. !!! Come to think of it... the letter would make a lot more sense with this idea in mind.
Since she had nothing to do with the fishes, the initial plan was to bait the people into thinking that eitheir Arturo or someone who may have overheard the conversation would be the one who tried to lure Arei to the playground.
Except that compared to what we've seen in part 1 of chapter 2, the letter was actually supposed to properly display 7:30 PM rather than just 7:30. It was part of her grand scheme to further solidify her alibi.
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(There's a missing corner, as you can see, which is very convenient to where PM could be written)
Wait, hold on... if that was the case, then Arei wouldn't be having a meeting in the playground in the morning, but rather the evening! That doesn't work! You said it yourself that she was murdered in the morning of day 3!
Hah! That's not a problem! Eden didn't need to lure Arei with a letter. She simply needed to call her out vocally. Hell, she didn't even have to be calling her out in the morning of day 3 eitheir.
She could've knocked to Arei's door right after the exchange between Ace, Levi, Teruko and herself after the attempted murder. It could be something as simple as : "Um... Arei? There's something really important I need to tell you, but I don't wanna say it here because the others might hear it since the dorms are so close to each other. Besides, it's getting really late. Can we meet up in the playground early in the morning?"
But of course, since the BDA didn't trigger in the evening of day 3, there were a few change of plans. She needed to go back to the second floor in the morning of day 4 to find out what's going on.
While she's heading there that morning, she figured that she should bring back Arei's monopad. Arei's monopad was essential in pulling off the disguise trick as she needed to gain access to her dorm to wear her spare uniform. Initially, Eden arrived to the second floor possibly a little bit before 8:00 AM, thinking that the corpse would still be hidden inside the relaxation room.
But it turns out that Arei's body was actually hanging by the swingset, in the playground. And there's fishes for some reason? (Just saying this based on the culprit's perspective)
Eden figured that it would be way too risky to mess with the crime scene even more than what she was originally going to do.
And what was she doing here in the morning of day 4?
It's simple! Eden put the Arei's monopad back inside the victim's pockets and she retrieved the letter and tore the bottom right corner of it, removing the PM on that letter. She then tore the rest of the letter and threw it in the trash bin. It's also possible that the reason why she tore the rest of the letter is to disguise the fact that the killer purposefully removed a corner of the letter.
Wouldn't it be more beneficial for Eden to not tear up the pm part since she had an airtight alibi at the time?
Not really, no. Since everyone else would be discovering the corpse at around 8 am in the morning rather than last evening as intended, there's no telling how the group would actually attempt to solve the trial.
It's possible that if the PM part was still there, they might believe that the time might be fake, especially since the body would be found next morning. In fact, if they presume that the murder happened in the morning of day 4, they would suspect anyone who had an alibi last evening because of that part of the letter. That's also practically what happened earlier in episode 12.
Levi : Is it possible that the killer tried to confuse us all on the time of the murder to create a false alibi? In that case, we should be suspicious of the people who do have an alibi in the evening but not in the morning?
Teruko : That's another assumption that would lead us astray. Forget that thought.
Levi : Why?
Teruko : We're only guessing that the killer created a false alibi to their benefit. But it's still entirely possible that it was just coincidence that we mistook the murder as taking place at a different time. The killer might not have cared as much as we do. [...]
Charles : Are you not simply dismissing the idea that the killer intentionally falsified the time of the murder?
Teruko : I'm not dismissing it. But it's far more dangerous to dramatically narrow down our suspect pool based on speculative evidence, especially when we barely understand the murder at this moment in time. In other words, we can't consider Levi's idea as evidence unless we have proof.
And there you have it. If the PM part remained on that letter and they realised that the murder could've happened in the morning of day 4, then that whole letter would've been proof enough that the killer purposefully faked the time of the murder, even if the murder didn't happen in the morning of day 4.
Anyways, if touching Arei's pockets wasn't enough to keep the body swinging, it's also possible that Eden accidently ran into the hanging body on her way in or out because she was still in a little bit of a hurry as she didn't want anyone to catch her in the act.
Hmmm... interesting... how very interesting...
What now?
Well, the idea (that I recently came up with) that the letter always displayed "PM" and that she tore up that part of the letter because her plan didn't fully work as intended... it just gave me another amazing idea.
People have been wondering for quite some time what could be the decisive evidence to pinpoint that someone is truly the blackened... I think I finally figured out what the evidence is.
Well, out with it already! Show us what will prove once and for all that Eden is the culprit!
Gladly! I used to think for a long time that the roll of grippy tape would be the ever so decisive evidence for it, since it was practically a smoking gun type of evidence. But alas... you saw what happened in episode 14, so...
Think about it. We know for a fact that Arei's body was swinging in the morning of day 4 and according to my theory, only Eden could be the logical explanation behind this event happening.
Therefore, Eden most likely visited the second floor in the morning of day 4. Since her original plan was to have the BDA trigger in the evening of day 3 but it failed, she needed to remove the part of the letter that mentioned "PM".
Now, here's the fun part : what could Eden possibly have done with it afterwards? She couldn't really dispose it in the trash bin, that's where the rest of the letter was. Eden still needed that letter to build up her narrative to make her seem the least suspicious.
She couldn't hide it anywhere else on the second floor. She didn't want to risk having someone stumbling upon a piece of paper that just happens to perfectly match the rest of the letter.
She couldn't really dispose of it anywhere on the first floor eitheir. While it might've been a logical way to get rid of that evidence, it would've been incredibly risky. By the time Eden did her finishing touches on the second floor, it should've been 8:00 AM by then, if not really close to it.
Every participant was supposed to meet up in the movie screening room for the secrets reveal, Eden couldn't risk doing something slightly suspicious when she should be heading straight for the movie screening room. She couldn't have gotten rid of it during and after the investigation eitheir, there were witnesses close by.
So by process of elimination, there is only one remaining place that Eden could've make the corner of the letter disappear. She hid the torn up corner of the letter in one of her little bags on her belt!!! It's still there as we speak!
How's that for a decisive evidence, eh? :D Take that, Eden Tobisa!
Yeah, yeah, whatever! That's cool and all, but at the end of the day, all of it doesn't really matter if you can't manage to explain what was the point of the starchy ball of clothes! If you can't explain it, then your theory just crumbles!
...heh! :D
Y-you can't be serious... there's no way you managed to-
It took me roughly a day of thinking about it, but you BETCHA that I managed to solve the issue with the ball of clothes! I have a very good idea on what Eden might've done with this piece of evidence during the murder of Arei.
The sticky situation of the ball of clothes
As I mentioned before, I used to think that the clothes were used as a way to protect Arei from the water misting if Eden were to lock her up inside the relax room. But of course, that no longer works because of the actual truth behind the murder attempt.
Yet, Eden clearly placed those clothes for a night inside the relaxation room, so surely it must've been really important to do that, right?
The answer to that is YES. It was a very necessary step in the murder scheme. In fact, I'm willing to bet that without it, her plan wouldn't have worked.
It's just some starchy clothes. Why would it be that important?
Well, as we already know, there's no way Eden could pull off the murder mechanism as shown in episode 13 (aka the drop hanging murder idea) as it would require a good amount of strength that she doesn't seem to have.
So, for her be able to murder Arei, she would instead need to use a murder mechanism that doesn't require a lot of strength. And not too long ago, I finally realised that using the starchy clothes would be incredibly helpful in pulling off that kind of murder without much troubles. Let me elaborate.
Do you guys remember my murder mechanism in part 5? If not, that's alright, let me give you all a reminder.
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(Yeah, I recently added those pink lines as compared to my previous picture, just bear with me.)
Here's the order of how that murder went according to my theory
(The pink line is the longer rope and the green line is the shorter rope)
While waiting for the body to be available, she threw the longer rope above the rafters by using the roll of tape as anchor.
She then uses one end of the long rope by tying it to the filled water jugs, by the handles.
She tapes up the bars of the carousel and then keeps some remaining tape for later.
She then ties up the other end of the long rope to the carousel
She drags the victim's body out of the relax room and brings it close to the seesaw.
She places the victim's arms through the gap between the pillars of the seesaw and the tapes her wrists together.
She ties one end of the shorter rope to the victim's neck while placing the other end of that rope very close to the carousel.
She then spins the carousel on one side, let's say counterclock wise. By spinning it, the long rope would get pulled which would pull the water jugs upwards.
She keeps spinning up until the water jugs are high enough. Once it's high enough, she keeps the carousel from moving.
She ties the end of the shorter rope (the one that was close to her already) to the bars of the carousel.
She then spins the carousel clockwise, making the water jugs fall at a rapid while the shorter rope is quickly getting pulled.
The shorter rope keeps getting quickly pull up until it can no longer pull... up until it reaches the victim's neck, which would serve as a brute stopper.
SNAP! Her neck breaks and the handles of the water jugs also break from the sudden stop.
By using this method, it explains the purpose of the taped wrists as well as the scuffed marks on the ground, which happened to be in proximity of the victim's legs. Because of the sudden pull of the neck, the rest of the body would follow, the legs would be what would move the most since it's not restrained, thus creating those marks.
By keeping her arms locked up by the seesaw, it ensures that her whole body wouldn't follow along of the rope pull, which would instead result in a rather funny ragdoll moment, which would probably not kill the victim if her arms weren't restrained.
It sounded really good on paper. Like I seriously thought that I finally figured it out, I thought that it made so much sense. Unfortunately... there are some issues with it.
Ha ha! Your method is flawed! I'm looking forward to these issues!
...very well. For starters, this might cause bruises on Arei's body with this murder method, especially around the arms and shoulders. The only thing that was really restrained were her wrists, so anything else would be violently moving.
But the reason why it could bruise the arms and shoulders especially is because her head and the rope are in the way of her arms. Her head could potentially hit her shoulders and arms... or it could be the other way around too. This becomes a discrepancy since we know for a fact that apart from her broken neck, there is nothing else noticeable about her body.
Next up, the distance between the scuffed marks and the seesaw is fairly long... most likely longer than Arei's height as well. I was aware of this issue in the past, but I simply brushed it off as "it works because it's a work of fiction."
But the more I look into it, the more I feel like it would be incredibly difficult, if not impossible, to prove that the marks were caused by the movements of the legs. We also have to keep in mind that rest of the body would surely move, so why would nothing above her legs leave no scuffed marks? That doesn't quite make sense. If the marks were way closer to the seesaw, it'd be a whole different story, but alas... that's not what happened.
And finally, it is very doubtful that the legs' movements from the killing blow would be causing all these marks we've seen back in episode 8.
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As we can see from this picture, there's a lot of traces on the left side, a faint trace in the middle and a few traces on the right side. I don't think there's a valid reason I can come up that would explain why one leg would be leaving more marks than the other. On top of that, it wouldn't explain why there's a faint mark in the middle and gaps between the others.
Unless I were to presume that her legs did a few skips somehow, but I honestly think that's a stretch at this point. But that's not all, from the way the victim's body would be positioned according to my theory, it would actually be physically impossible for her legs to leave marks in such manner.
As you can see in the picture, the dragging of those marks are going up and down rather than left and right. If we follow the logic of how the victim's body would be positioned according to me, then the legs should be making those marks sideways, not what we're currently seeing.
Dang, those are pretty big flaws. Are you sure that your murder method is correct?
I used to think it was back then, but not anymore. At least very least, the idea of the pulley mechanism sounds right while the body setup and positioning is entirely wrong.
But honestly, my idea mainly didn't work because I forgot to factor in a really important element to this equation : the friction! That's right! To make sure my murder method works, I need to find some way to add friction so that the body wouldn't move as much. And how do you make that happen? With the help of starched clothes, of course!
Huh?! What do you mean by that?
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This line is very important because we also know for a fact that the turf in the playground uses the same exact materials as the one in the relaxation room. Meaning that a wet turf in the playground would get sticky too.
I can't believe I let this go unnoticed after such a long time, but the stickiness of both the wet turf and the starched clothes played a major role in all of this.
Here's what I believe the culprit did with the starched clothes : Eden placed the starched clothes under Arei's body and above the turf. Basically, the starched clothes in that scenario would serve as a double sided velcro of sorts.
Would the victim's body really stick to the clothes?
Hard to say, but based on my deductions, it has to, right? We don't quite know how sticky it is, but it must've been sticky enough so that it would add friction, at the very least. I don't think it'd make her completly restrained, but rather her movements would be drastically reduced, I'd imagine.
But hold on! Wouldn't only one side of the clothes have starch on it?
Most likely, yes, but the clothes would probably be wet still. So the double sided velcro idea could still work.
I don't think so! MonoTV clearly stated that at 8:00 AM, the turf in the relax room is completly dry so it's safe to walk on it. If the turf dries up by then, so does the clothes!
Hmm... maybe, maybe not. It's true that the ground would be dry, but it's hard to say that the same would happen with the clothes. But if it is truly how it was intended, then that's no problem! Eden just needed to dip one side of the clothes into the pond and they would be wet again.
Okay, but was there enough clothes to cover the whole body?
Hard to say, probably not, if I'm being honest. But I don't think the culprit intended to lay out these clothes so that it would cover the whole body. No, I think Eden mainly wanted to place the starched clothes under the victim's head and the victim's legs.
The head and legs are pretty much what would be moving the most from sudden violent pull of the short rope attached to the neck, so putting the velcro there would be most effective. They might still move somewhat, but definitly not as much as without the adhesive. In fact, I believe that having the velcro effect under Arei's head would make it even easier to ensure that the rope pull delivers a killing blow.
You forgot something : THE ARMS!!! What about the arms?! Wouldn't they just be flailing around everywhere?!
Oh, that? Well, the wrists were clearly taped up and then-
Then what, her arms are restrained under the seesaw again? You already said that it doesn't work!
Heh, of course not! That's not what the culprit did at all! Arei's body was not placed next to the seesaw for the murder. I've already established previously that there's major problems with it. It wouldn't make sense. Therefore, she must've been placed somewhere else.
There is only one specific place that would perfectly explain the scuffed marks on ground. The area where there's scuffed marks? That's exactly where the victim's body was positioned! Arei died on this specific spot!
W-whaaaaat?!?! That makes no sense! How does that even explain how her arms were restrained from moving anywhere?
Don't worry, I'm getting there! :)
So... when we take into consideration the position of the scuffed marks, there's really nothing close by that can be used to restrain her arms, right? And placing her arms above her head like I did in my year old theory wouldn't quite work eitheir. We'd still have the same issues as what I pointed out already.
So from there, we can deduce that the victim's arms must've been positioned somewhere differently than my previous idea in my older theory. And I believe I found the perfect position to place those arms of hers.
The culprit placed Arei's arms behind her back and then taped her wrists. That way, since her back would be facing the turf, it should keep her arms mostly steady. They might move, but her back should be moving along as well. Her wrists were bound because there was still a risk that her arms would free up from her back since their movements wouldn't be as restrained.
That's ridiculous! There's no way that can be right!
...heh! :D Are you sure about that? Let me give you a reminder of how I briefly described the scuffed marks on the ground. There's a lot of traces on the left side, a faint trace in the middle and a few traces on the right side. If we combine everything I've deduced so far, we get this!
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Be mindful that even though I just showed you how the victim's body would be positioned, the body part themselves isn't what fully caused those marks, it was mostly caused by the starched clothes' stickiness below the legs and head.
That would certainly help explain those odd shape and patterns on the ground. As for the wrists area, it could eitheir be caused by her hands or the taped up wrists.
But yeah, as shown in this picture, her head would be moving a bit, but not too much since that's where the culprit needed to make sure remained stable. Her wrists wouldn't be moving too much in this scenario since they would be stuck under her back. As for the legs, even though there would be adhesive below, there would still be a fair amount of movement since her legs have more freedom of movement than her head or wrists.
Just to remind everyone, by movement, I'm referring to the drag caused by the rope making a violent pull on Arei's neck.
And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen! This is my final solution to this complex, yet incredibly fun murder case! I don't know if you've noticed, but everything I've said in this post, it would match up perfectly with a heck load of clues and information that we've been provided in this fangan.
So with that said, I only have one more thing to say : The only one who could've commited this crime is you, Eden Tobisa, Ultimate Clockmaker!
Thank you everyone for reading this till the end! There's probably a few things I unintentionally left out, so I'll try to add up anything missing if that's the case. But otherwise, I think that was most of it. If there's anything you don't understand or feel like there's something that may not work, feel free to ask me anything!
And don't forget : because it's a work of fiction, as long as there's enough provided information, then it can be possible!
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sistertotheknowitall · 7 months
Danny is Some Guy with a not so secret admirer.
Part four? Post #four? I don’t know, none of these are exactly in order. Post one, post two, post three.
By the time Tim opened the door, Danny had his coffee made and handed to Mia at the register. He resolutely ignored her smug face and went back to making the other orders.
Tim had been a regular long before Danny had started at the coffee shop but it was three days into Danny’s third week when Tim had stumbled in at eight a.m. and did a double take upon seeing Danny. A very obvious double take followed by intense staring before Mia had cleared her throat. The blush that lit up Tim’s face was only rivaled by the one on Danny’s.
He had never had anyone openly stare at him before.
Mia had been insufferable ever since.
It also didn’t help that shortly after their first meeting Tim had started taking his breaks at the little coffee shop. It’s been three weeks, nearly a month and Wayne Enterprise’s CEO went from a bi-weekly regular to an everyday one. (Danny wondered if he should be concerned for the man’s caffeine intake but he only had the one cup every time so probably not.)
Originally, Danny had no plans to talk to Tim. It seemed obvious the guy had a crush on Danny if the constant looks over his laptop were anything to go by and Danny didn’t want to encourage it. Danny barely had time to make new friends let alone start a relationship.
There was also the added problem of what was quickly becoming his bat stalkers. How do you explain to someone that you were being watched by Gotham’s vigilante’s for no reason? (Or worse because he had made a poorly timed sleep-deprived comment.) Danny didn’t think you could without seeming suspicious.
Incidentally though, Danny’s plan went out the window when on a slow afternoon as he was cleaning tables and passed behind Tim. Once he saw the article the other man was reading he snorted.
Bruce Wayne and The Batman? Could This Be A New Romance For Gothams Most Beloved Billionaire?
It was one of those gossip rags that printed things like: Elvis: alive and well and Superman: a mild mannered farm boy? It was all nonsense.
Danny asked Tim why he bothered with the site and Tim responded that he found it amusing to read and that his family had a group chat where they sent the articles to each other.
“Okay. But Batman? Really? Your dad could do so much better.”
“You don’t like Batman?” Tim asked. Danny had slid into the chair next to him and shrugged. “I respect what he does but for as intimidating as he is, he also seems a little silly.”
Tim had given him an incredulous look and Danny hadn’t given him time to ask for an explanation, “and his kids can be just as rude. Like that flying monkey one.” Tim choked on air and Danny politely waited for him to calm down. “Kids? Wait - flying monkey one? Which one -?”
“The one always doing back flips with the blue bird symbol. He’s also a dick that gives hypocritical lectures about fighting.” Danny wouldn’t say he hated the guy but he wasn’t sure how many more lectures he could endure before going ghost and fighting him.
Tim had turned to Danny completely and was watching him with a look of disbelief, “you mean Nightwing?”
“Is that his name? Imma call him Dickwing.”
Tim had started choking again, this time Danny patted his back hoping to help. Yet it was all for not once he kept talking, “I think I’ve only had positive interactions with the one who looks like a walking red flag.”
“Red flag? Do you men hood-?”
“No, although he is definitely a red flag, I mean the other Red one. I’m sorry, I don’t know all these peoples names yet.”
“Danny!” Mia called.
Danny stood and patted Tim, who looked a little shell-shocked, on the shoulder. “Well work calls, see you later Mr. Drake-Wayne.” As he walked away he heard Tim mutter “it’s just Tim.”
(Tim for his part, placed his head in his hands and thought, well at least I have his name now.)
After that first interaction Tim stopped playing the lurker and started to actually talk to Danny and vise versa. Danny never asked if he still had a crush on him, he wasn’t sure he wanted to know.
Unfortunately, their growing friendship had only encoraged Mia as she happily sang “your boyfriend’s here!”
Danny, very maturely, did not stick his tongue out at her. He did however flip her off under the counter like an adult.
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matchingbatbites · 1 year
"What the fuck did you do?"
Eddie wasn't expecting hostility when he answered Jeff's phone call, his best friend's usual calm demeanor replaced with open annoyance. And yeah, okay, the annoyance itself wasn’t new, but Eddie doesn’t think he’s actually done anything recently to earn it.
"Actually, no. I'll tell you what you did. You retweeted photos of Steve Harrington - internationally beloved heartthrob actor Steve Harrington - along with the caption 'not to sound like a subby slut but GOD I would be his puppy baby boy in a heartbeat'. So I guess the better question is, what the fuck were you thinking, Eddie?"
Eddie's jaw clicks shut because- yeah, he had done that. Had seen those photos of Steve smoking circling the internet and spent god knows how long just staring at them, had curbed the desire to shove his hand down his pants by posting a single thirst tweet about it.
“I was thinking, Jeff, that I'm allowed to post whatever I want to my private fucking twitter, man. I mean it's a free country, isn't a guy allowed to make a horny tweet about a sexy man every now and then?”
“You are, when you actually post it to your private account and not our award winning band's main account.”
No. Oh no. There's no way Eddie actually-
He rips his phone away from his face to open twitter, and realizes two things simultaneously. One, Jeff is right, he had posted it to the band's account. Not on his private, locked, personal account, but on the account that's actually open and free for literally anyone on earth to look at.
The second thing he realizes is that their notifications are currently flooded with responses to Eddie's tweet, somehow racking up into the thousands in the few hours it's been since. 
Jesus Christ.
The metalhead jerks back into the moment and put Jeff on speaker so he can scroll through the horde of replies, says “Fuck, I fucked up. Are we gonna have to do damage control on this?”
In the mess is a reply from Gareth's own personal account: @ corrodededdie stop tweeting from the band account challenge 🙄🙄🙄
”Maybe. There hasn't been any type of response from Harrington or his people, but they might ask us to take it down if it blows up too much.“
Eddie hums, thinking they might be too little, too late about it blowing up too much, and flips over to his main account so he can reply to Gareth's little jab appropriately. He isn't surprised to see that he has a couple of new messages, probably from other people wondering just what the fuck Eddie was thinking, but when he goes to check them-
He's never been happier that he turned on messages from followers only, because then he would have missed this, missed Steve Harrington's little profile picture beaming up at him from the screen of his phone, along with a new message request.
”Jeff, I gotta go,” he says, not even realizing he's cut the other man off.
“Eddie, what-
”Harrington messaged me. I'll call you back.“
Eddie doesn't wait for a response as he hangs up on Jeff, and his hands definitely aren't shaking as he opens the message from Steve. And listen- Eddie is a fan of the guy, that much should be obvious. 
Steve had grown in popularity around the same time Corroded Coffin had; he’d gotten some part in a drama film that had skyrocketed him into stardom, and Eddie fell in love the moment he saw that gorgeous face on the silver screen for the first time. He's never had a chance to interact with the guy, has been in the same place a few times but always missed him, like ships passing in the night, but Eddie's been fine with pining from afar, just like every other person on the planet that's even remotely attracted to men.
Besides, even with how popular Corroded Coffin has gotten over the years - a couple of Grammy’s here, a dozen chart topping metal songs there - Eddie doesn’t expect Steve to just. Know who Eddie is.
With all of this in mind, Eddie is expecting some kind of semi-casual request to take the tweet down, that it's not a good look for his image-
Anything other than what Steve actually sent.
'If you're puppy baby boy, does that make me Master? Or Daddy?'
And Eddie- 
Eddie slides down, sinks into his couch cushion as all of the blood in his body suddenly shifts, rushing to fill his dick like it's a fucking race. The phone almost slips out of his hand and he fumbles it briefly before taking a deep breath. 
Is Steve serious? He wouldn't send that if he wasn't serious, right?
This could be it, could be Eddie's one chance to impress Steve, to get his foot in the door of Steve's interest. He bites his lip and types out a reply, something quick that he sends before he can change his mind.
‘I’m open to either, actually. Do you have a preference, sir?’
He doesn’t expect the typing indicator to come up immediately, and just knowing that Steve is somewhere right now, typing out a response to Eddie, is enough to have him nearly vibrating in his seat.
‘I’m partial to Daddy, myself.’
Fuck fuck fuck.
Eddie takes a breath, tries to think of a response that isn’t just ‘Please, Daddy, can I sit on your massive dick that I haven’t been able to stop thinking about since that one indie film you did that just had all of your junk out in the open?’
Steve saves him by sending another message.
‘But maybe we could start with Steve, and possibly dinner? Though I’d be happy to see where things go after that.’
He- What-
Eddie must have stopped breathing, because the next time he takes a breath his lungs burn, his mid races because there’s no way Eddie’s long term celebrity crush just asked him on a date. He sits there long enough that the screen goes dark and he scrambles to turn it back on, sees the message still there, real and unchanged.
There’s no way he can say no to this, to Steve, and his hands shake as he types out a response.
‘Dinner would be great. Just name the time and place, Daddy.’
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forest-hashira · 4 months
this absolutely would not leave me alone, in reference to this post. @fushigurro thank u for supporting/enabling me. divider by cafekitsune. this is omegaverse, mentions of heat cycles/sex but nothing explicit. minors dni.
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it had been a few days since your synced heat with satoru had ended, and though it hadn't actually lasted longer than normal, it had felt like it, neither of you able to get the kind of relief you really needed. you'd given yourselves a day to sober up and recover, and then you'd had a much dreaded conversation.
you'd been everything to each other since you'd gotten together straight out of school. in all that time, you'd never needed anyone else for anything, even able to get each other through your heats with a little help from some toys. but this had been a brutal wake up call, a reminder that there were some things you'd never be able to do for each other, no matter how hard you tried.
it was unsettling to realize, though, and the following realization that you would have to find someone else to trust in your most vulnerable moments was downright scary. a new partner couldn't be just anyone, especially not if they were going to help both of you when you needed it. in fact, there was only one person either of you could imagine trusting with that.
and so you set up a coffee date.
"you feelin' okay, baby?" satoru's gentle voice pulled you from your mental spiral, and you offered him a weak smile.
"what makes you ask?" you set your drink down on the table, unable to stomach anything because of your anxiety.
"your leg has been bouncing nonstop since we sat down." he peered at you over the tops of his sunglasses, leaning in to rest his forehead against your temple. "it's all gonna be fine, you know that, right?"
"unless he hates us for asking this of him and decides he never wants to speak to us again." you weren't expecting the laugh your words drew from him, and you pinched his side harshly. "don't laugh at me! it's not impossible..."
you could practically feel him roll his eyes at you. "he's not gonna hate us," he soothed, the faintest hint of a purr rumbling beneath his words, easing some of the tension in your shoulders. "i doubt he'll say no, either. he's had a thing for you for years."
"he has not!" you turned and looked up at him, wide-eyed.
satoru cocked his head slightly, seeming genuinely surprised. "he has too! he told me once when we were drunk, before we all graduated and you and i got together. you didn't know?"
"of course i didn't know! he never said anything to me. i knew he was in love with you, though."
it was satoru's turn to look shocked. "you're lying to me."
"i am not! we all saw the way he looked at you. it was obvious."
your boyfriend seemed to pale at your words, as impossible as it was. "for how long?"
"from the very first day i met you guys. he still looks at you like that, y'know."
"who looks at satoru like what?"
suguru's voice startled both of you, and you looked up at him with burning faces. the alpha's brows pinched with concern as he sat across the table from the two of you. satoru pushed a black coffee towards him, but it went untouched as he spoke again.
"are you guys okay? you said you needed to ask me something important. is something wrong?"
you and satoru exchanged a look, your omega offering you an encouraging nod.
"sort of," you sighed after a moment. "we, uh. well. our heats synced last week, and it sucked. like it was really bad."
suguru nodded, worry still painted across his features. "even with each other and..." he trailed off, glancing around as if remembering you were in a public place, and that it was probably not a great idea to talk openly about sex toys.
"yeah, even with that," you confirmed. "it was really, really miserable, and we really don't want to be caught off guard if our cycles ever sync like that again. which is why we asked you here."
now he really looked confused. "i don't think i understand."
"we need an alpha," satoru replied, his blunt nature a true blessing in that moment. "and you're the only one we trust to help us – to take care of us."
there was a beat of silence, then another. your heart began to pound, and you felt a bit sick all of a sudden. because this was it, wasn't it? your best friend outside of your partner was about to tell you both that you were disgusting simply for asking, and that he never wanted to hear from you ever again. he was—
"oh, uh... really?" there was no mistaking the flustered look on your friend's face, and that surprised you; he was usually so confident. "yeah, of course. i'm honored you trust me like that. anything you need, just let me know. i'll be there for you."
the relief that washed over you was so intense it nearly made you dizzy, and you were certain you would've collapsed if you weren't already sitting down. "you don't wanna take some time to think about it?"
he shook his head. "don't need to. if it means helping you guys, the answer's always going to be yes."
"whipped for us already, huh?" satoru teased, attempting to maintain his composure despite his face being the prettiest shade of pink.
the smile that tugged at suguru's lips was affectionate, his gaze warm as he took in the two of you across from him. "yeah," he agreed softly. "something like that."
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delzinrowe · 2 months
I saw your post, happy you're doing well!!!
Maybe something for Inumaki if you do him? Anything is fine 👉👈
Thank you thank you! <3
AN: I just started writing this without a real plan and just after a headcanon I had, and I didn't realise it would turn out this long... TT
Word count: ~600ish
Warnings: not beta read, pure fluff with some insecurities
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I am not quite sure why but Inumaki strikes me as the type of boyfriend who would be secretely extremely insecure.
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Even though he knows he's one of the most promising young sorcerers and that his cursed technique is among those few that are envied, he's still insecure, why? Because it's also a curse that forbids him from telling you all the things that other people so easily tell their loved ones.
No matter how many times you reassure him, it's something that's eating away inside of his heart that cannot be fully stopped.
It all started when you guys were on a date at the movies. Inumaki previously tried to ask you out multiple times, all of which failed because he couldn't just straight up say "Do you want to go out with me?" like others could.
Instead he decided to ask you via text if you wanted to go out, which you misunderstood and thought meant the entire group. Needless to say Yuta teased him about this for a while afterwards.
Inumaki eventually left a note in your backpack, asking whether you wanted to go on a date with him. You found the note later that day during class, yet to Toge's horror he realised he forgot to sign it. Another failed attempt.
When Maki got tired of watching him fail at asking you out she eventually blurted out that Toge had been crushing on you. First you didn't believe it, thinking she might just pull a prank on you, but when you saw the heat flush onto his face it became obvious that she was in deed serious and correct.
Afterwards you two finally went on your first date, which to you went simply amazing. Now for Toge it was great until the movie came to it's romantic climax with the lead male going on and on about his feelings in a cheesy speech. He would have almost laughed if he hadn't seen the glimpse of hearts in your eyes at the romantic words. Suddenly the popcorn you shared felt like pebbles in his stomach when he realised he'd never be able to say such things to you because of his cursed speech.
Sure, if he wrote down a speech and carefully choose the words he could make sure that there would be no accidents, but he promised himself never to risk anyone's safety.
When he walked you home he remained unusually quiet, not even his beloved onigiri ingredients were spoken. You shyly took his hand and squeezed it, thanking him for the beautiful date and kissed his cheek before hurrying into your home.
Simply holding your hand on its own had eased his worries, but the kiss on his cheek? It made him forget everything for a solid minute. The worries eventually returned but for the moment he was fully content and happy.
The dates kept going on, spending time with Toge was easy and felt natural and peaceful. It wasn't long until you two officially became a couple. At this moment he started to open up more about his worries, that he felt he lacked in terms of providing you with lovely words.
You couldn't blame him, being insecure is part of being human, even if you didn't see any reason for him having such doubts. Having been whipped for him since the very beginning you decided to come up with a new safe word for him, one that he would only utter in times of insecurities.
Whenever he said the word you'd take his hand, pull him closer and remind him how much you loved him with a kiss on his each of his cheeks and eventually his lips.
(Okay so maybe Inumaki started abusing the word to get free kisses whenever he wanted but you couldn't really be mad at him since you also enjoyed kissing him.)
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anylady-fics · 10 days
Radar | Lee Know x F Reader
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[...] “Me too. My roommate’s pretty chill and is out of the house most of the day.” “Are you sure it’s okay if I use his bed tonight?” “Unless you’d prefer using mine…” You smiled and tried to add a playful tone to what you said, secretly hoping he’d notice that you weren’t joking. Minho finished eating and set the cup and fork on the coffee table, then looked at you with a different smile—one filled with mischief, and something more. “Only if you'll be in it, too.” [...]
Or… you have a crush on your boxing tutor, and he likes you too. Hehe.
*** this work is for adult audiences. Minors DNI ***
TAGS: #smut fanfic #leeknow fanfic #straykids fanfic #porn with a bit plot #oneshot #minho is a boxing instructor
Warnings: smut, shameless smut, fingering, squirting, oral sex, rough sex, spanking (a little), crempie, unprotected sex (don't do it), a bit of cockwarming
6,405K words - cross posted on ao3
You have been taking boxing classes for a few months now, initially motivated by your interest in improving your fitness and health. However, what really kept you engaged in the classes was your instructor.
At the beginning, you tried hard not to stare, knowing that you were just another student among many who admired him. His class was full of women, which you noticed during your first week. Minho was very handsome, and it was impossible not to notice.
From the first class, you found yourself watching him a bit too much, captivated by his incredibly attractive lips and his sculpted face—delicate yet not too much so. The problem was that he didn’t seem to give anyone special attention; he appeared to be a very serious person, at least from your perspective. This only made your interest grow, as you relished the challenge.
You saw many women throwing themselves at him, but he didn’t seem to care in the slightest, at least not in front of others. You had no way of knowing if he met with any of them privately, as he seemed like a discreet type of guy, which only made you want him more.
You didn’t like to make a move without being fairly certain of success, so you were trying to understand him first—he wasn’t easy to read. You tried obvious things, like pretending you didn’t know something during training to see if he would turn the instruction into unnecessary physical contact, but it didn’t work. He didn’t touch anyone differently, even when women made advances.
Your last attempt was to switch to private lessons, and when you discussed it with him, the conversation was pleasant, though you struggled to hide your true intentions.
“So, do you still have any spots left for private lessons?”
“Yes, but only the late ones. Is it for you?”
“Yes, for me. That’s no problem. Could you please send me the price for three sessions a week?”
“Don’t you think that’s too much?”
“Oh no, I’m really focused.”
“No problem, then.” 
So there you were, getting ready for your first private session with him, feeling a bit nervous. The class was scheduled from 9 to 10 p.m., so you knew you’d wake up sore, but that didn’t bother you.The gym closed at 9 p.m., so it would be just the two of you there for the entire hour. You weren’t exactly sure how you’d make a move on him, or if you even had the nerve to do it, but having him all to yourself was a great start. Maybe you’d start by trying to get to know him a little better.
For a moment, the whole plan seemed really stupid in your head, you hadn’t even said it out loud. You didn’t even know if he was single, so you tried to convince yourself that you were doing this for the health benefits, not because of your lust.
You arrived a bit early, and he was finishing up a class with some random guy. You stood there and watched. The intensity level was much higher than you expected, and you even started to doubt if you could handle that three times a week, but you didn’t want to give up just yet.
When the class ended, they greeted each other, and the man left, leaving the room empty except for you and Minho.
“I’m gonna clean the tatami and grab some water. You can stretch if you want. I’ll be right back.”
You nodded and waited for him to clean it so you could use the tatami to do your stretching routine. You were still feeling a bit sore from the last training, but it was fine.
You were just wrapping your hands with the bandages when he came back and asked you to stop and wait. You didn’t quite understand, but you stopped anyway, trying hard not to stare as he got closer.
“Let me do that for you.”
“You don’t have to…”
“All of you do it wrong, and I’m kinda tired of trying to teach it, so I just do it myself when it’s only me and the person I’m training.” He smiled as he held your hand, and your heart skipped a beat—you had never seen him this close before. You followed his instructions, opening and closing your hands as he told you to.
“There we go, now you’ve learned, right?”
“I think so… let’s see if I can do it by myself.”
“Relax, I’ll do it for you again if you need it.”
Minho explained how the training would work: he’d be holding the pads while you threw punches, and occasionally he’d try to hit you so you could learn to dodge.
You started the first round and felt tired within the first two minutes. It was a lot to manage, dividing your attention between punching and defending. You were used to just repeating sequences, but switching to personal training was a thousand times harder—and much more fun.
You missed defending one of his strikes and took a hit to the ribs. The sound made Minho stop the round, and he looked really concerned.
“Did I hurt you? I’m really sorry…”
“It’s fine! I don’t mind the pain, I kinda like it…”
You realized what you’d said right after saying it and blushed a little, trying not to laugh. You noticed that he tried to hold back a smile too. He was totally different compared to how he acted during the group classes. He was much more talkative, relaxed, and kept giving you really useful tips.
You took a few more hits, but nothing that hurt too much. You had to assure him that you were fine, that something like this wouldn't knock you down.
"You did really well. Usually, someone from the group training can't handle the first full class."
"Thanks!" You felt a bit awkward with the compliment, since he never said anything like that during the group classes. "But now that I’ve done the first one, I’m really questioning if I’ll be able to handle it three times a week..."
"We can try. If it’s too much, we can cut back. But I think you’ve got it."
He winked at you. What was that? Normally, you would’ve taken it as flirting, but since it was him, you pretended it didn’t happen. He must have noticed you were a little thrown off. It was awful being so transparent.
“Do you live near here?”
“About a 5-minute walk, maybe…”
“Me too. Are you driving?”
“Not today…”
“Want a ride?”
There was probably nothing behind the offer, which was a shame, but you’d accept it anyway. You had every intention of hitting on him, but you started holding back because he seemed more approachable, and that felt strange to you. You weren’t ready for someone so different from what you were used to, though you were definitely enjoying it.
You closed up the gym together and got into his car. It was clean, smelled nice, like it had just been washed. You almost felt bad, sitting there being drenched in sweat.
“So, which way do you live?”
You briefly explained where you lived, and then found out Minho lived just two blocks away from you. You were pleased to realize you were geographically lucky too—you were practically neighbors.
“We could start running this route on the way back. What do you think? It’d be a good post-training routine.”
“I’m not sure I could handle running after class, Minho... but I’ll give it a try.”
“Alright then. See you in two days?”
“Yes! Good night, and thanks for the ride.”
You weren’t sure how to say goodbye. You felt too awkward to shake his hand, and a kiss on the cheek seemed a little too intimate. So, you just got out of the car without looking back, regretting not asking if he was single.
You trained together for almost three weeks, keeping up the crazy routine of running after class. You noticed how much your stamina had improved in such a short time—your reflexes, too, along with everything else. You could almost keep up with him in sparring, considering he was lowering his level for you, and you were even invited to advance to a higher belt level.
You two were getting closer. He was much easier to talk to during the one-on-one sessions, just the two of you.
“You’re different in personal training. I used to be a little scared to talk to you.”
“In the group, I have to divide my attention a lot. It’s more complicated. But scared, why?”
“I don’t know… you just seemed more serious.”
“Like I said, it’s a lot of people to focus on.”
“And a lot of people to turn down, too!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about…”
The tone he used made it clear he was being sarcastic, along with the teasing smile on his face.
“Seriously, the girls are torturing themselves trying to get your attention. Nobody even knows if you’re single or not!”
“And you’re asking because you wanna know?”
“Yes, I’m curious.”
“And why haven’t you asked me before?”
“Because I thought it would be too invasive… but since we’re on the topic, are you single?”
“It’s just a simple question, nothing to worry about. And yes, I’m single. And you?”
“Me too. If I had a boyfriend, he probably wouldn’t like me training this late and getting rides from my instructor…”
“The ride was just that one time!”
“Even so…”
Your conversations were becoming more relaxed, and you allowed yourself to flirt a bit, hoping maybe he’d make the first move. From where you were standing, it seemed like the only thing missing was for someone to take that first step. But yes, you were too much of a coward to do it yourself because you were having fun with him, and you didn’t want things to get weird if he ended up rejecting you.
Another week of training passed, and on Friday, when you were closing up the gym, you both heard the sound of thunder, announcing an incoming storm. Neither of you had a car that day, so you thought you might have time to get home without getting soaked. But as soon as you stepped onto the sidewalk, the rain started, and it wasn’t light.
Minho grabbed your arm, opting not to stop, and the two of you ran through the rain until you reached your house. The storm got worse, with lightning and the rain pouring down harder, so you thought maybe he should wait a bit before heading home.
“Come inside. You can wait out the storm and then go home.”
At that moment, he didn’t question you, just came into your garage. Both of you were drenched in your workout clothes, and the sight you got was well worth the trouble of the rain. His thighs were perfect and muscular, and the way his shirt clung to his chest and abs left you very satisfied. And a bit nervous, too. He was way too hot.
You were fully aware that he was looking at you too. Your tank top was thin, and you were cold, with your nipples clearly visible through the fabric, your thighs outlined by your shorts, which were also tightly hugging your ass.
“You can come upstairs with me, I’ll grab some towels… we got soaked.”
“Damn, yeah. I hope I don’t get sick after this.”
You both climbed the stairs, and you felt a little crazy because you could sense Minho’s eyes on you, especially since you were walking ahead, imagining what kind of view he was getting from below.
He stopped in your living room, took off his shoes before stepping in, and seemed a little uncomfortable about getting the floor wet. You quickly grabbed two sets of towels and handed him one, because a single towel wouldn’t be enough. Your hair was dripping wet.
“Don’t worry about the floor…” You used one towel to dry your hair, and with the other you started drying your arms first. Since your clothes were soaked, you took off your shirt and remained in just your sports bra. It wasn’t anything new for him, you’d trained in just a bra before. “If you want, I can throw your clothes in the dryer. It’s still raining pretty hard... who knows when it’ll stop.”
“But what am I going to wear? Are you trying to get me naked without even offering dinner first?!”
“You could wear nothing, but I have a roommate who works at night and could lend you some clothes, you know?”
“Well, if that’s the case…” Minho decided to take off his shirt, and you watched as the fabric peeled off his skin in what felt like slow motion, revealing a part of his body that had been a mystery to you. He wasn’t ripped, but he was athletic, with big arms and well-defined shoulders. “Are you just going to keep staring? You’re making me embarrassed.”
“I’ll go get the clothes…”
Chris’s clothes would probably fit Minho well, they were about the same size. Just to be sure, you grabbed the biggest ones you could find.
When you came back to the living room, you found your instructor wearing nothing but his underwear, his soaked clothes piled on the floor, and he was wrapping a towel around his waist. You barely realized you had frozen in place from what you were seeing and had to make a very conscious effort to keep moving, feeling your nipples harden again, this time not from the cold.
“Here they are… the bathroom is down the hall if you want a hot shower. I’m not sure how much hot water we still have, though…”
“No need for all that, I don’t want to inconvenience you. If anyone should shower, it’s you. It’s your house.” He reached out to take the clothes while still drying himself with the other towel.
“I just don’t want to risk the water going cold again…”
You almost had a heart attack when lightning struck somewhere nearby, and in the next moment, all the streetlights went out, including the power in your house. It took you a few seconds to recover from the shock, and then you used your phone’s flashlight to grab the candles you had stashed for a moment like this.
“This rain really isn’t going to stop,” he said, heading toward the window, the towel still wrapped around his waist, the image of the outline in his underwear still in your mind.
“You can stay here if you want, my roommate won’t be back until late… I can let him know I’m lending his bed.”
“I think I’ll take you up on that offer. Thanks for this.”
You lit several candles around the house, most on the floor, some on the kitchen counter, and others in the living room. Afterward, you realized you needed to change your clothes because you were starting to get really cold. You excused yourself and went to your room with your phone’s flashlight.
You stripped completely and dried off thoroughly with the towel before putting on anything. You had your really hot instructor in your living room, the man you’d been wanting for a while now, so you decided to dress in a way that would catch his attention. You picked out a pair of short workout shorts that you usually wore at home and decided not to wear any underwear, letting the fabric show off as much as it could. To balance it out, you grabbed an oversized T-shirt but skipped the bra. It was too dark for him to see much anyway.
When you came back to the living room, he had neatly piled his clothes near the door. You picked them up to put them in the dryer, and then you noticed that he had taken off his underwear.
Your hot instructor was sitting on your couch, wearing loose clothes, no underwear. It felt like an opportunity falling from the sky, along with the relentless rain.
“So… do you want something to eat?”
“I don’t usually eat dinner, but if you have any fruit, I’ll take some.”
You opened the fridge and found two cups of fruit salad that you’d bought for yourself and your roommate. You grabbed both and handed one to Minho.
“How long have you been living here?”
“About six months… and you?”
“Three years or so. But I live alone. No roommates, had to kick the last one out.”
“Why?” You laughed, noticing how the candlelit atmosphere was perfect for your not-so-innocent intentions.
“Too noisy.”
“Do you prefer quiet?”
“Depends… but usually, yes.”
“Me too. My roommate’s pretty chill and is out of the house most of the day.”
“Are you sure it’s okay if I use his bed tonight?”
“Unless you’d prefer using mine…” You smiled and tried to add a playful tone to what you said, secretly hoping he’d notice that you weren’t joking.
Minho finished eating and set the cup and fork on the coffee table, then looked at you with a different smile—one filled with mischief, and something more.
“Only if you'll be in it, too.”
There was a pause for a few seconds where you both stared at each other, almost like you needed to make sure you were both serious. You moved at the same time, leaning in to kiss, and Minho quickly grabbed the back of your neck, giving you a taste of the grip you imagined he’d have.
The kiss was aggressive, intense, just as you thought it would be, and wow, you’d fantasized about this moment a lot. You let him take control, setting the pace you would follow, and you surrendered to it more and more. It didn’t take long before you were sitting on his lap, feeling his erection through his shorts, the friction creating a hot sensation on your clit, making your pussy throb and you moan heavily between kisses.
His hands slipped under your oversized shirt, sliding up your abdomen until they grabbed your tits, squeezing them while he bit your lower lip, then teasing your nipples with his thumbs, making them hard.
“Be honest…” He pulled off your shirt, his hands now resting on your bare waist. “How long have you been wanting this?”
“Since I first saw you… kinda.” You pulled his shirt off too, tossing it along with yours somewhere on the floor.
“Why didn’t you say anything sooner?”
“I didn’t think I had a chance with you…” You rested your hands on his chest, feeling the muscles beneath your touch, savoring the warmth of his soft skin. “So, I waited to be sure. What about you? Are you just enjoying the opportunity, or was this something you wanted too?”
“I wanted it, but I also thought I didn’t stand a chance, since you never made a move.” His hands moved down to grab your ass, running his fingers over the fabric of your shorts, suddenly realizing something. “No underwear?”
“That’s a lie! I tried to get closer, but you’re so hard to read during class.” You ground against him, adjusting yourself better on his erection. “And yes, I’m not wearing any underwear.”
“It’s not quite like that… Fuck.” He pulled your hair again and kissed you. Your body pressed against his, and you wrapped your arms around his neck. You stayed like that for a while, kissing and touching each other until you opened your eyes and realized the power had come back on. Much sooner than expected.
Minho stood up from the couch, lifting you in his arms as he carried you down the hallway. You wrapped your legs around his waist and kissed his neck, holding him tighter and pressing your breasts against his chest.
“Which one is your room?”
“Last door.”
You entered your room, and he laid you down on the bed, climbing on top of you and kissing you. His weight on top of yours felt really good. You spread your legs to let him settle between them, pulling him closer, trapping him against you. The lights were on, and you wanted to keep them that way because it would be worth it.
You squeezed his ass with both hands, making him push his erection between your legs while he trailed kisses down your neck, leaving wet trails that made you shiver. He bit you a few times, softly at first and then harder to leave a mark, and you gradually melted beneath him, feeling your pussy getting wetter from the friction between you.
He propped himself up on his knees so he could use his hands on you, trailing one down your body while his kisses and bites made their way to your tits. His fingers went straight for your shorts, where the fabric was already soaked.
“Would you have stayed this wet all night if I hadn’t said anything?”
“I probably would’ve made a move on you… eventually.”
His laughter against your skin gave you goosebumps, and he pressed deeper between your legs, making your shorts stick to your folds with a wet sound. He rubbed your clit over the thin fabric, making you moan and spread your legs wider, feeling frustrated by the clothes you were still wearing.
“How do you like it?” He added more pressure with his fingers, pushing the fabric of your shorts against your entrance, soaking everything even more. “I have a guess, but I want to be sure.”
“Looks like you guessed it right… I like it rough.” You remembered how he had pulled your hair, still feeling the slight sting on your scalp, just like the love bites he’d left on your neck and breasts.
His response was to pull off your shorts, making a point of showing you just how soaked the fabric was with your arousal. Minho spread your legs, grabbing your thighs and kissing the insides, slowly working his way toward the center, until he reached your mound. He breathed in your scent, covered your skin with kisses, and descended to your clit, where he started teasing with the tip of his tongue, barely touching you.
You tangled a hand in his still-damp hair, pushing the strands away from his face so you could watch him. He held your thighs open and immobile as he began eating you out, his tongue and lips doing an amazing work, while occasionally his nose would rub against your clit. The stimulation was intense, so you grabbed your breasts, pinching your nipples to heighten the sensation even more, as your legs tried to close every time he brought you close to orgasm.
You began to pull his hair and grind against his face, desperate to cum, when he decided to tease your entrance, slipping a finger inside and taunting you by pulling it out and pushing it back in.
You couldn’t take it anymore, your moans turning into whiny complaints, and he seemed to love leaving you this desperate.
“Not yet. When you cum, you're gonna make a mess for me.”
Your body relaxed as he moved his mouth away from your clit, ruining the orgasm you had built up after all that stimulation. You were frustrated, but he kept kissing, licking, sucking, and fingering you. Except, it wasn’t like he was doing it to make you come, but more for his own entertainment. He toyed with your arousal, stretching the wet string between your pussy and his fingers before savoring them. You had half a mind to push his head away and finish yourself off, but then he added another finger, using his thumb on your clit while kissing your thighs. You started grinding against his hand, seeking more friction, feeling that familiar tightness building in your core.
“You’re too eager…” He slowed his movements, leaving you frustrated again.
“I can’t take it anymore… I wanna cum.”
“Hmm…” He curled his fingers inside you, searching for a different texture until he found it and pressed, making you moan loudly. “But I need to tease you more, it’ll be better that way…”
He kept pressing on your G-spot while his thumb made torturously slow circles on your clit, which was now swollen and sensitive, craving more friction.
You weren’t sure what exactly he was planning, but you had an idea based on all the pressure he was applying inside you, varying the rhythm, driving you crazy as your sensitivity kept increasing. The wet sounds were getting louder, and you felt like you were leaking even more onto his hand, the sensation was much different from the usual.
“You’re ready… now I’ll give you what you want.” His thumb on your clit applied more pressure, and soon he switched to the other hand for more precision. “Don’t hold back, darling.”
The fingers inside you suddenly started moving roughly, hitting your G-spot over and over, a frantic rhythm that made your eyes roll back from the sheer pleasure, your whole body becoming useless as you felt something building up inside.
“That’s it, don’t hold it back… I want you to cum.”
It felt like you were going to explode, all the stimulation in just the right spots was wrecking you, your body twisting under his touch, feeling the pressure your body was trying to release. Your orgasm was close, your clit too sensitive, and yet you ground against his fingers even more as he kept fucking your pussy with the other hand.
You closed your eyes and did as he said, no matter how weird the sensation felt. Minho kept up the same rhythm and made you cum really hard, and as soon as he noticed you pushing his fingers out of your pussy, he pulled them away, and you felt the liquid gush out, dripping down to your ass and forming a puddle on the bed.
You wanted to scream because it was so intense, your whole body was shaking and you were almost crying from the pleasure. It was so different from what you were used to, and you never thought squirting like that was possible. Your legs trembled violently as the waves of pleasure washed over you, completely out of control of your body. He kept touching your clit without stopping, slapping it a few times to make you notice the huge mess you had made, the bed soaked beneath you.
“Hmm…” He bent down, spreading your legs again to lick your thighs, kissing your mound and clit while you thought you might pass out after that. “Hope you’re not too tired.”
You ended up laughing because you were absolutely wrecked, and you were still in the foreplay stage. The wait had been worth it.
You propped yourself up on your elbows to lift your body and check the damage to the bed, truly impressed by how much you had soaked everything.
“I should grab a towel next time, apparently.”
“Next time?” He moved closer to kiss you on the mouth, making you taste yourself on his lips and tongue. “You already have plans?”
“Of course, I’ve had plans for the first time for a while! After that, I’m obviously going to want more.”
“Good to know. Next time, I’ll take you to dinner first.”
Your body was starting to function again, so you managed to push him over and reverse your positions, ending up on top of him.
“Dinner? How sweet.”
You leaned in to kiss him, grinding your hips over his, rubbing against the bulge in his shorts, eager to finally see him without any clothes. You trailed kisses down to his neck, then to his chest, making sure to bite hard enough to leave a mark before licking and teasing his nipples, prompting him to bring his hands to your head, gathering your hair up so he could watch you as you worked your way down to his stomach.
You pulled off his shorts, freeing his erection and discarding the fabric, tossing it to the side. You loved seeing him naked on your bed, and as you crawled back up, caressing his legs, you took extra time to squeeze his thighs. Minho’s thighs were perfect, and if you weren’t so thirsty for him, you probably would’ve come just from grinding on one of them. Maybe you’d save that for later, or for the next round. You settled between his legs, sitting on your heels and scratching him lightly, admiring the red marks that immediately appeared. You trailed your hands up to grasp his cock, hypnotized by the precum dripping from the tip, the flushed tip, and the veins that you couldn’t wait to feel with your lips. You stroked him slowly, using both hands, already imagining how it would feel when he was inside you, the thought making you clench and wanting to touch yourself, but you held back.
His hands were still keeping your hair out of the way, so you licked your lips and licked his entire length, watching as he furrowed his brow and bit his lip, eyes locked on you.
He closed his eyes as you sucked on the tip, slowly taking his cock into your mouth, resting him on your tongue, making him sigh louder. Minho became much more vocal when you sucked harder, pushing your head down as you took more of him in, almost making him come. You squeezed his thighs and stopped, unable to bear how your arousal was dripping, desperate for something inside.
You mounted him, using his cock to rub against your folds and clit, mixing your juices with his as you ground against him, making it even messier.
“Condom?” he asked, making you realize you were both out of breath. “I only have some in my car.”
“And I might have one in my roommate’s room. But…” You kept grinding, feeling him leaking against you. “I’m on the pill, I’m clean… you?”
“Fuck… me too. But if you want, I can go grab one…” The way his hands gripped your thighs said otherwise. You lifted your hips slightly, positioning him at your entrance, spreading your pussy lips to guide him in, and started slowly sitting down.
You closed your eyes, balancing yourself by resting your hands on his chest, feeling the delicious sensation of your pussy being filled and stretched, your insides still sensitive from how he had teased you before. You rocked your hips side to side, slowly sinking further. You bit your lip to stifle your moans, but it became impossible when his hands grabbed your breasts, pinching your nipples roughly.
You found an angle that gave you even more pleasure and started riding him slowly, this time resting your hands on your thighs. His hands roamed your body, touching you everywhere, until one hand gripped your waist while the other moved between your legs, teasing you first with his thumb on your clit before spreading your lips and watching how you slid down his cock.
You varied the pace, focused on trying to come again, still more sensitive from the magic he had worked with his fingers earlier. Your body was already sweating, and you had dug your nails into his chest hard enough to hurt him, though he didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he seemed to enjoy it.
He placed his hands on your waist and pushed you to the side, lifting you off him just as you were about to come. You opened your mouth to protest, even muttering something in frustration, but he threw you onto the bed, lifting your legs against his chest before thrusting deep and hard into you, bringing you to the edge once more. Your hand flew to your clit, and you started rubbing yourself, the intense sensitivity sending shockwaves through you as he pounded into you, wrapping his arms around your legs, the loud sound of his thighs slapping against your ass filling the room.
The moment your orgasm hit, he spread your legs and buried himself deep inside, leaning forward and halting his movements, feeling how your pussy clenched around him, groaning along with you as he watched. Minho collapsed on top of you, sucking on your neck before kissing his way up to your mouth, as you felt the last waves of pleasure leaving you, all your senses overwhelmed as your body relaxed.
You were dizzy for the second time. Having your orgasm interrupted made it even more intense, and your whole body was tingling from his kisses. You scratched your hands down his back, wanting to leave him marked the same way he was doing to you.
Barely catching your breath, he was already moving again, but this time slowly, just feeling you. He bit your bottom lip, stopping once more, and pulled out of you. You were almost satisfied, your body heavy, feeling like dead weight on the bed because of him.
Minho lay down beside you and pulled you close, turning your body so your back was pressed to his chest, and he could enter you from the side. You arched your back to press your ass against his pelvis and lifted your leg, guiding his cock back inside. No matter how exhausted you were, you still wanted more. Hearing him moan so close to your ear made you moan with him, his voice so sexy it made you push your hips back even further. Only then did he start thrusting lazily, his hands exploring your body.
You let one arm slide beneath you, his hand finding your breast, gripping it while pulling you even closer. You closed your eyes, focusing on each sensation: his breath on your neck, his voice vibrating against your already tingling skin, your nipple being teased, the delicious sting of each thrust. It all had you on edge, making you want to come again.
“You seem recovered…” He licked your neck up to your ear, biting the lobe. “Or do you need more time?”
“I thought you were going to fuck me rough…”
Minho laughed against your skin, using his hand to push your leg down, making you close them. He slid his hand along the back of your thigh, and everything happened at once the moment he slapped your ass hard enough to make you scream. With the slap, he pulled you even tighter, his hand that had been on your breast now gripping your neck, pressing the sides. His thrusts became more intense, grabbing your waist to hold you still so you wouldn’t move every time he slammed into you.
The next few minutes were insane, so much that you almost asked him to stop because it was too much. You were sure you’d be sore afterward, but you knew you’d beg for more if you had to.
You could tell he was close to cum, Minho was gripping you too tightly, both on your neck and your waist. He must have realized you were almost passing out when he loosened his fingers but didn’t let go, just easing the pressure. He fucked you hard, groaning and grunting near your ear, turning you on even more with every touch, every sound. You moved your hand to his ass, wanting him to come, wanting him to go harder and deeper, even though it seemed impossible.
“I’m gonna cum… fuuuuuck…”
“Don’t pull out!” It was all you could manage to say before you started moaning from the animalistic rhythm of his thrusts, unable to stay still even though he was holding you so tight.
You moaned along with him as his groans got longer when he came inside, feeling how much he filled you, some of it leaking out even though he didn’t pull out, and only then did you feel truly satisfied.
Minho released your neck and took a deep breath, kissing your nape and stroking the skin on your waist and ass, likely leaving a handprint behind.
“Should I leave now? The rain lightened up.”
You were almost falling asleep, the exhaustion from the workout, the run, and the hot sex hitting you hard. You glanced back with your eyes nearly shut, reaching out to turn off the light and then pulling the blanket over both of you.
“If you get out of this bed, I’ll kick your ass. Let’s see how well you taught me.”
“As if you could ever beat me.”
He settled behind you, holding you tighter while still inside. You drifted off in seconds, and you think he did too. You woke up to sounds of someone else in the apartment, eyes wide open, remembering you hadn’t closed the bedroom door.
“Hey, why’s one of my shirts in the living room?”
Chris had come home and was heading toward your room. You panicked. Even though you were totally covered, Minho and you were both naked and your thigh was coated in his cum. The room smelled like sex, and you didn’t want your roommate to witness this, but there was no way of avoiding it. You couldn’t even move when you saw him standing in the doorway.
“Sorry, I borrowed your shirt for my teacher…”
Minho sighed behind you, and you knew he was awake when he shifted his hips, rubbing his erection against your ass.
“Sorry, weren’t you in boxing class? What kind of class is this?”
“Get out, idiot. Close the door, please.”
“I hope you’ll wash the clothes later.”
You heard his footsteps fading down the hallway, took a deep breath, thoroughly embarrassed. You thought about going back to sleep, but apparently, Minho had other plans.
“I see you’re awake.”
“Sleeping with my dick inside you was great, I gotta say.”
“My roommate’s right next door, we can’t make noise…” You grinded against him, unsure if you could handle sex so soon because you were sore.
“Then we can wait until morning.”
“We can. But…” You reached for his cock, rubbing it against your folds and sliding it inside, the burn making you moan with discomfort. “Think you can sleep like this?”
“It’s cruel, but I can. It’ll keep me ready to fuck you later.”
“Better start thinking about that dinner.”
“Don’t worry, I’ve got plenty of plans for you.”
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hitomisuzuya · 2 years
Scaramouche x fem!reader. Smut. College AU. Praise. Degradation. Somnophilia. Obsessive behavior. Corruption. Mentions of smoking marijuana and cigarettes. Scara absolutely does not shut up in this. I think I covered it all.
This is a tribute and an expansion on the College AU Scaramouche smut @xxventiswindblumexx wrote. I was nervous to post this. Please treat yourself and read their stuff. It's worth it.
It has been more than a month since he had claimed you as his one day when you walked into his room on accident. He'd done that on a whim, you were a means to and end because he couldn't get himself off.
Or so he thought. While you were sleeping next to him, exhausted, he reflected on a few things, just like he would in your current situation.
After you both were finished with classes for the day and you had finished practicing with your team before a big horse show next week, you'd showered and came to his dorm room where you started sleeping at night.
It was the weekend and dorm advisors never cared what anyone did. It was their time to relax to. As long as no one got too loud or destructive or dangerous, boundaries could be pushed a little on the weekends
You were naked with him under his blanket smoking weed and cigarettes, watching a sitcom set in the 70's on the TV in his dorm. He didn't care for it but it was making you laugh. And your laugh was making his cheeks flush.
Taking a drag from a joint, he held the smoke in his lungs, and put a hand in your shoulder to roll you onto your back. Putting two fingers into your mouth, he pressed down on your tongue so you would open your mouth more. Scaramouche leaned down and kissed you, blowing his smoke into your lungs.
His fingers stroked your jaw soothingly when you coughed a little, but eventually you relaxed your lungs like a pro and exhaled when he pulled away. Who knew you were a total stoner too.
"What would those first year students who follow you around like a gaggle of geese at the equestrian facility, hanging pathetically on every word you say with complete and blind admiration. What would they think if they saw you right now?" Scaramouche asked, his lips hovering over yours.
"I dunno, I suppose I wouldn't really care. Like you said, admiration makes them blind," you replied, wishing he would just kiss you already.
He chuckled, his warm breath fanning across your lips. The sound took your breath away. "You even indulge them with head pats and praise then they do well."
Did he sound jealous? "Are those things you want?" You countered, more as a joke than anything else.
There it was, that sharp tongue of yours. It was the first thing he noticed about you when he saw you following him around like a puppy whenever you could, looking for excuses to talk to him.
"And your horse, I swear he fucking hates me. Everytime he saw me lingering in the background at horse shows, he would glare at me." He leaned down to kiss you before you could react to finding out that he started watching you as much as you were watching him. He just didn't make it as obvious as you had.
He'd started asking around about you, where your haunts were, and nicked a copy of the horse show schedule from one of your friends when they weren't looking.
And when you weren't looking, he was looking at you. He found that he searched visible places on your body for any signs of physical intimacy with someone, but he couldn't find any. He didn't even smell sex on you. Just the shame of pleasuring yourself. Scaramouche even saw you turn down a few guys and one girl saying you had someone you liked.
Scaramouche wasn't an idiot. He knew you were talking about him. He knew he could've walked right to you and made out with you right in front of everyone and you wouldn't care. And you kiss him back like it was supposed to happen from the beginning.
Spreading your legs apart, he thrust two fingers inside of you, pulling away just to hear you moan. You bucked your lips up into his fingers. "Your hole is favorite place to warm my fingers when they get cold." You whined when pulled them out of so he could lick his fingers, keeping his eyes on you.
He never thought he would want romantic commitment with someone. The thought disgusted him. Until he met you. Little did you know when he was finished with you, he was going to a put a purple leather cord around your wrist. Something he'd made himself. It would be like a collar on your wrist, binding you to him.
Scaramouche had started winding you up early during the last class you'd had of the day with him. After the party that night, he'd hacked into the faculty account of the college's website and changed your classes so that you had them all with him.
But you weren't ever going to know that.
You were going to hear a few things come out of his mouth tonight that he really wanted you to hear. Explained in his own way of course.
You and Scaramouche had chosen to sit way back in the corner of the classroom. The lights would be off the whole class from a Power Point presentation or something.
He'd texted you to rest your head on the desk the two of you occupied, telling you that if you made so much as one sound, he would tell everyone what he was up to.
It was idle threat into making you behave for him. He discreetly rubbed and teased his fingers between your legs, making a damp patch soak through your panties. How beneficial for him that you'd worn a skirt today. He enjoyed watching you struggle to be still and swallow moans. You were practically crying from how hard it was to make yourself not react to him.
You'd been wet the rest of the day, thoughts of him teasing you mercilessly like that right in the middle of a class never left your mind. You were always thinking of him. Like you always should.
"Hey, Scara, did you zone out cause you are too high? Please just fuck me already. I have been waiting all day." He squeezed the sides of your jaw in warning.
"You just shut up, and inhale smoke when I offer it to you and fall asleep while I play with your cunt as I please." Scaramouche snapped, blowing another puff of smoke into your lungs.
Rinse and repeat until you fell asleep, drooling slightly while he fingered and scissored your walls apart, whining pathetically with a glazed over look in your eyes, one of lust and adoration.
When he heard your breathing even out, Scaramouche brushed some hair away from your face and lit a cigarette, barely listening to the sitcom on TV.
When you rolled over on your side, clinging to him, moaning his name in your sleep, rubbing yourself against him like a cat in heat. Scaramouche laughed quietly, watching amused.
"You are still a needy slut for me, even in your sleep. Where did you even come from, anyways. Nobody knows anything about you before you started classes here. And I couldn't find out anything either."
Scaramouche couldn't find anything. Absolutely nothing except little bits of information like your birthday or what your parents did for a living, normally useless knowledge to anyone else. But very useful for him. He knew he would never have to meet your parents and that was fine. He didn't exactly get along with his parents. You'd just strolled in here one day with that hateful black creature and caught his attention.
How dare you.
Scaramouche's fingers itched to choke you a little, but he restrained himself. It was going to so fun further corrupting you, even while you slept. He continued fingering you, watching you in the dark.
"What is about you? I don't understand why I am feeling like there is no where in the world I would rather than be than here with you, enjoying your cunt while you sleep." The pace of his fingers was slow and rough, making you cry out for him."
And still he kept babbling while he watched you fall apart for him. "Every day since I first saw you, I now realize that I couldn't wait to get my hands on you and corrupt you. Mold you exactly to my tastes" he rubbed your clit, flicking you in the forehead.
"You are way too nice. You are always disgustingly considerate of other people even though you hate them like I do," Scaramouche was panting now, resting his forehead against yours, nuzzling it with this cheek occasionally. "I wanted to bath the campus in the blood of everyone that approached you romantic intent. You are already mine before I even talked to you. Didn't they know that?" His wrist was starting to feel sore, but he never stopped.
His fingers were squelching and out of your hole. He started biting your lips swollen when he heard your phone sound with a text notification. Growling, he pulled his fingers out of you and didn't even lick them clean as he typed in the password to unlock your phone. You would never know how he got it either.
It was a text from one of those pathetic first year kids, asking if you had finished the jump course diagrams yet. Rolling his eyes, Scaramouche put the blanket on you and put on some pants.
Rummaging through your bag, he found the diagrams. "Let's see what these look like first," he laughed when he saw you even calculated the number of steps their horses needed to take before they took off over the jump. "Like I thought, my good slut is way too nice."
Opening the door, he gave the papers to the first person he saw, told them to give it to what's her name and slammed the door shut.
Now he could hold you while you slept and fuck you awake when he wanted to.
He was falling in love with you. The purple leather cord he put around your wrist was proof of that.
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kodydrs · 1 year
The Vice-Admiral’s Daughter - Portgas D. Ace ( II )
➥ the first arguement
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a/n: I might have this done by next week (i’m jinxing myself rn). writing this all feels so repetitive 😭. but hope everyone is having a wonderful day, so why not reblog / leave a reply, or send in a request / ask?
warnings: ace x fem!reader, pirate!ace x marine!daughter!admiral, fxm, 17y/o!reader, 19y/o!ace, argument, tension, non-con (but not really), pet names, single used of “y/n”, not proofread (it’s never proofread), i’m bad at tagging
summary: a series of you and ace’s “first times” - you haven’t seen ace for almost 2 years, but suddenly the pirate pops up in a bar.
ib: i lied an forgot to mention it in the first post, but the pirate x marine idea came from this post by @tinfairies
request: yes / no
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The next time you met Ace was almost a year and a half later at a similar bar, but this one wasn’t in Loguetown. Instead, you were partaking in a Marine Training. Night had come and training had ended, so you had all decided to get drinks at the local bar (courtesy of the Vice-Admiral, of course). It was going to be a good night until you spotted a familiar orange cowboy hat.
‘Can you guys excuse me for a minute? I’ve gotta do something quickly.’ You told the other cadets. You got a response of “Oh come on, Y/n.” and “But we’re sitting down for the first time all day”, all of which you ignored. Not drawing attention to yourself from anyone in the bar, you walked up to the counter and took a seat beside the pirate.
Ace looked at you through the side of his eye, having to do a double take before realising who you were.
‘Hey. It’s the Vice-Admiral’s daughter!’ He shouted, resulting in a merciless jab to the ribs. He doubled over, wincing as he smiled up at you. ‘Long time, no-‘
‘You need to leave.’ You hissed as you ordered yourself a drink. He just chuckled.
‘We both know that isn’t going to happen, sweetheart.’ He says, taking a small sip of his drink.
‘Ace. There are other marines here. This whole town is swarmed with marines at the moment. You will get caught.’ You whisper-yell, chugging your own drink like it was a shot of water. Ace watched in amazement, a devilish smirk crossing his face as he leans in to whisper in your ear.
‘What happened to “I don’t drink”? Last time I saw you, I had to force you into having just one and now here you are, drinking like a sailor. What did I miss?’
‘I aged.’ You reply blatantly, like it’s the most obvious answer. ‘Last time I saw you, Ace, I was 16. It’s been almost 2 years.’
He laughs, ruffling your hair playfully and you can feel your cheeks heating up.
‘Well you certainly aged well.’ You were quick to brush his hand away, grabbing him by his hat's drawstrings and dragging him from the bar once again.
‘You’re an asshole. And an idiot.’ You curse loudly, turning heads as you cart him down the main street and into an empty alley. ‘What are you even doing here?’
‘I was bored.’
If he looked close enough, Ace might have seen the vein on your forehead pulsing and your patience snap.
‘I’m sorry. You’re in a highly marine populated area, on the busiest day of Marine training, because YOU’RE BORED?!’
He looks at you nonchalantly, shrugging.
‘That is what pirates do, sweetheart.. We get bored sometimes.’
You pinch the bridge of your nose and groan, enciting a smile from the older.
‘How is it that you always manage to be in the worst place at the worst time? It’s like that’s your devil fruit power instead of fire fist shit.’
His smirk widens and he leans back against the wall. ‘That’s because I'm not afraid to take risks.’ He winks mischievously, stepping forward towards you before stopping short when he notices your expression.
‘What's wrong, baby girl?’ He asks, tilting his head slightly.
‘I-uh.’ You’re struggling to find words, and you know that boosting Ace’s already large ego. ‘You’re a pervert.’
He bursts into laughter, making you flinch.
‘Oh ho! That’s quite rich coming from you, princess.’ There’s a glint of mischief in his eyes.
‘Rich coming from me?’ You fight, a surge of confidence flooding you. ‘You took advantage of a 16 year old girl while she was intoxicated.’
He steps closer, towering over you and you feel all the light around you disappear. It’s scary.
‘If I remember correctly, and let us both remember I was the sober one, you said something along the lines of “I want to kiss you so bad right now” and me, not being a “pervert” , told you to try saying it while you’re sober. so no, Y/n. I took advantage of no one.’
Your face flushes red, internal regret ringing in your ear as every alarm goes off. Your flight response, your “crawl into a ball and cry” response, and your fight response.
‘You’re lying.’
‘Oh yeah?’ His voice dropped down to that octave you remembered from your first drink. That animalistic tone as he slowly runs a finger down your covered stomach before hooking onto your belt. ‘Then why are you so nervous?’
You’re doing your best to not break eye contact with the man, but your breathing becomes deep and heavy as he leans in close enough for you to feel his breath on your neck as he whispers in your ear.
‘Tell me, babygirl. What exactly did I do wrong?’ He grips tighter onto your belt, pulling your forwards until your chests are pressed together closely. ‘Just answer me, please.’
You can’t form words, and all that comes out when you try to answer is a quiet whimper, like an animal caught in the hunters trap. Ace just laughs, placing a hand on your hip.
‘Now… that isn’t very convincing, princess.’ He pulls away and you gasp for air, your body finally registering that you were breathing. You can feel how hot your face is, and it only makes you more embarrassed which adds to the heat.
‘You’re trying to tell me I forced you?’ Ace says, grabbing your chin and forcing you to look at him. ‘I did no such thing, ok? What I’m doing now? This is forcing. But on that night, I took you back to the tavern because I didn’t know where you lived and you were too drunk to give me directions. From there, the bartender should’ve taken you home. So please don’t accuse me of taking advantage of you. We had a deal, remember?’
You nod weakly, breathing normally as he releases your jaw and brings his hand to the side of your hand, caressing your cheek gently.
‘I… I’m sorry. For accusing you, and- everything else.’
He looks at you with that dark expression for another second before his signature bright smile lights up.
‘It’s alright. I don’t hold a grudge. Especially not with my friends. And you were so drunk. You wouldn’t have remembered anything from that night, anyways.’
You laugh quietly, wiping your eyes of the few tears that had threatened to spill.
‘…yeah. But I wasn’t drunk.’
‘Oh my god.’ He shouts, laughing at the fact you’re still defending your case after a year and a half. Regardless of the actions prior, he pays your head and ruffles your hair. ‘Get back to your drinks. I’ll get out of here while you distract them, ok?’
You both laugh, but nonetheless split ways. You go back to the other cadets, forgetting you’d even seen Ace by the 5th drink.
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© kodydrs
all rights and reserves are copyright to kodydrs on tumblr. this material is not to be copied or translated.
⇦ part I
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sevensoulmates · 4 months
Hi I just wanted to say I was on twitter and saw someone discussing and sharing your meta posts and I was genuinely intrigued and curious because you guys are obviously so devoted to the buddie couple and it's really endearing. And I was just really interesed about this perception of the couple you guys seem to have because is so different to the other side of the fandom I'm actively interacting with. I'm obviously a B/T shipper and only got into the fandom because of them but I'm really loving the show (currently I'm on season 5). I'm just curious about how is it that you guys see buddie as romantic when I think their interactions are clearly platonic, they obviously have a deep relationship, an intimate friendship but no more that that.
Again, I'm not trying to hate I just wanted to ask because it looks like the buddie shippers are settling themselves for disappointment just waiting for them to go canon. You all are obviously loyal fans and I think that's lovely but I honestly just don't see the show writing Eddie as queer now and I really think Tommy is here to stay (I think there's too many signs pointing to this fact like the buck actually episode and the old guy named Thomas). Again I'm not here trying to hate because I think you guys love the ship genuinely but I just wonder how is it that after all the things the shows portrays you guys are still rooting for buddie. Please feel free to ignore my question if I'm annoying you, I really don't want to come off as rude I was just really interesed in the topic.
There are a boatload of reasons why I and many other people ship Buddie. Most of them are far too long to get to in one ask like this because Buddie have had 6 years worth of material to sort through and it would just take far too long.
Long story short: in the same way that Buck was confirmed bisexual over the course of a single episode after years of many people saying Buck could never be anything other than straight, Buddie could be made canon in one single episode and it would be accepted just as easily even though it's been years and a lot of people are still saying they could never be together.
It's TV. The writers can do whatever they want. The second they decide to start bringing in more explicitly romantic things, people will suddenly start "getting" it.
To be more precise: I think it's easy for people to see a ship like Bucktommy and latch onto it because it's very clearly, explicitly queer. It's a lot harder for people to believe in or "see" ships where a queer couple hasn't done anything explicitly romantic like kiss or hold hands, etc. It's unfortunately due to heternomativity and the sad death of the slow burn. I can't really do anything about either of those things.
For me, the primary reason I ship buddie is because of the deep special bond and obvious family they've built over the years that feels different from every single other relationship they've had with literally anyone else on the show. That includes Tommy, Shannon, Abby, etc. You can view it as platonic if you want, that's anyone's subjective opinion.
You seem like a sweet person, but you're also coming into the show with a bias towards Bucktommy, which is fine. They're what brought you to the show, they're the ones who initially intrigued you, and they're also the only ones currently explicitly queer. I get it.
I am going to be so honest with you: I think the show has been writing both Buck and Eddie as queer men for many many years. But just like how Buck was only allowed to confirm it this most recent season, they haven't been able to confirm it for Eddie just yet. I could write essays and essays about how Eddie is so obviously deep deep in compulsory heterosexuality and has been almost since the beginning, but it would take too long. There's plenty of posts I and others have made all over tumblr and on my blog.
Slow queer burns featuring characters that aren't introduced in the first 5 seconds as queer are almost non-existent, they very rarely happen in popular media, and because of that it's almost impossible to ship something without someone coming at you saying "they don't see it". Fact of the matter is that Buddie is one of the easiest ships to "see", if you were looking at a man and a woman, but they're not. I can't really convince people to see what they don't want to see.
If you're curious about the specifics, I'd encourage you to go through my blog/meta or other buddie-positive blogs on tumblr to find many talented and intelligent individuals who will have a lot to say on why they believe in buddie.
When it comes down to it, I don't think the fandom at large is ever gonna believe it until they see it. That's kinda just human nature and the state of how we all consume media right now.
But once the show does go there, they're gonna be like damn can't believe I didn't see that until now while the rest of us sit here like "we've been trying to tell you this whole time."
In the meantime, I'm enjoying Bucktommy for what it is, for however long it lasts, and I'm gonna enjoy buddie just the same, regardless of if they go canon or not, or how long it takes.
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ducktracy · 4 months
the first clip for "the day the earth blew up" was posted on twitter. can you spare us your thoughts?
@aadrawings: So uh how about that new Looney movie clip?
I MOST CERTAINLY CAN SPARE MY THOUGHTS! TWIST MY ARM! first, i'll link it here in case anyone hasn't seen it:
FIRST (and most obvious) THING'S FIRST: I'M SOOOOOOOOO EXCITED UUUUUUUUUUUUUGHHH!!! the film JUST started premiering in Annecy as we speak and my heart is literally pounding MY FINGERS LITERALLY SHAKING. so i apologize if this turns into a discombobulated mess i'm so so so excited and trying to keep an eagle eye out for any and all details. BUT ANYHOO
IT LOOKS GREAT!!! this is a fully rendered clip of the roughs that were uploaded back in September of 2022, so i'm already pretty familiar with this since i gushed over it to hell and back then, too. i had a few teeny tiny neurotic nitpicks that i would not take too seriously--honestly me nitpicking anything modern LT is a good sign because it means i'm ENGAGED and actively thinking and engaging with the material. there are a lot of modern LT adaptations i cannot say the same for. so it's all out of a labor of love and i also realize that most of these nitpicks are very.. you guys know my level of fanaticism. don't take it too seriously. my standards for this series AND THESE TWO KNUCKLEHEADS IN PARTICULAR who are my favorite characters of all time are so high that even the classics don't meet those expectations half the time. we all know i'm insane. BUT ENOUGH BLUFFING
my biggest critique is that it's going to take me quite a bit to get used to Eric Bauza's Porky. i LOVE Bauza, he is such a sweet guy (he sang me happy birthday as Daffy Duck and i almost exploded) and so talented and it's been really great seeing him rise up the ranks. i used to only know him as "the guy who voiced Stimpy in APC" and so i'm VERY glad to see he's gone on to greener pastures LOL.
but, with that said, the first time i saw these roughs i actually thought Porky's lines were scratch audio. there isn't enough stuttering--it's important for me to note that people give Porky's stutter WAY too much prevalence, in terms of how he sounds and just characterization as a whole. a stutter is not a personality. BUT, in the clips above, he doesn't really sound like Porky unless he's stuttering. it moreso sounds like Daffy talking to himself. Mel Blanc had Porky speak (and even sing!) in full sentences all the time, but it's never noticeable unless pointed out because Porky still sounded like Porky and Blanc knew how to make his personality come out in his voice beyond the vocal fluff of a stutter.
part of it is because i'm so used to Bob Bergen. and, even THEN, if i watch too much LTC or Duck Dodgers in one sitting, i need to "recalibrate" with the originals and hear Blanc. Bergen's Porky is much different than Mel's, more formal, the stutter more concrete in its formula (fun fact: Blanc's Porky has a southern twang in his voice if you listen for it depending on who's voice directing and i love it so much. biggest giveaway is how his "i"'s will often sound like an "ah" instead, not thinking of the stutter. I WARNED YOU we are getting into super pedantic territory here), but, much like how Joe Alaskey's Daffy is a much different interpretation than Blanc's Daffy, he was able to really make it his own. i think Bauza's Porky is still in a little bit of a limbo in finding its identity with that regard. but, also, keep in mind we've only heard him in this clip and Space Jam 2 and i have no plans of revisiting SJ2 to make a point here. sorry
THAT'S MY BIGGEST CRITIQUE i'd say! others are small, such as the design of the landlady is fun but reads like something out of the 2020 Animaniacs than anything based in the LT design philosophy, and you could argue that the fluidity is more Richard Williams-esque in its visual fluffiness and perhaps even excessiveness than, again, anything relating to LT. but i take less stock in that last one because the animation is STILL GORGEOOOOOOOOOOOOUS WHAT THE HECK!!!! so many fluid arcs and i really love that scene of Daffy talking to the landlady. the subtle twitching on Porky's cheek as a secondary action made me laugh.
other than that... you guys know that I. LOVE. LTC. i have been tracking it before it released, and there are posts on this blog (i think i saw one even dating back to its initial announcement in 2018, though it may have been a 2019 post of the 2018 upload. dunno.) dating back before i was even into LT at ALL. i've been keeping an eagle eye on every single development. the day they premiered i watched the entire batch 3 times in a row. i streamed it for you guys too! some people reading this may have been in that room.
ALL THIS TO SAY, i LOVE LTC SO MUCH and it's been the most excited i've been for anything in a very long time. i also have my fair share of nitpicks, but, as i've expressed above, they all come out of a place of love. some of the Porky and Daffy shorts in the LTCs i would have handled differently if i had my hands on them. Porky and Daffy are two characters who are deeply special to me, everyone knows me as The Porky And Daffy person including my coworkers and bosses, my friends who worked on the show and film have told me many times they're eager for my thoughts. the pig and duck are literally a part of my identity. so my critiques come more out of a place of fanaticism and love for the characters and wanting to do them justice and wanting people to see what i see in them, rather than an actual dig at the product
THAT ALL BEING SAID. there are some pitfalls and little traps the P+D (and a lot of LTC in general) shorts run into that i'm expecting to be in the movie as well. there's a little bit here with the screaming and some lines of dialogue that i probably would have shaved off (like "our roof?"). months ago i started typing up mini reviews of each LTC short that i may compile here someday--my Max subscription was about to run out and i wanted to watch all the LTCs one last time while i could. and then i renewed because i couldn't watch quickly enough and now need to return LOL--and it allowed me to lay out some of the nitpicks i have with the series more clearly, which i am fully expecting to also be in the movie. and that's okay!
ALLLL OF THIS RAMBLING IS TO SAY: I AM SO EXCITED. i've been tracking every single detail of this movie and this SERIES like a hawk since it was announced. i was even asked to work on the film back in 2021, but turned it down because i wasn't secure enough in my abilities and didn't know what job security would look like after i finished on the film. i'm glad i stuck with the decision as i did, because i figured i can draw those two any time i want, and the fact that i got asked meant that there are eyes on my work and i may get asked with other LT related offers (which turned out to be true!). needless to say, turning down the offer was genuinely one of the most excruciating things i've ever done and it seriously sent me into a pretty big funk for the next few days and weeks.
so, with all that said, it is ESPECIALLY important for me to see how this movie is and celebrate it and keep my fanatical obsessive eagle eye out. i'm so glad i get to live in a world where this is a movie that is happening and coming out. i've already got plans to see it with a best friend who i've shoved the agenda of the pig and duck down her throat many times. i am so excited to cheer on all my friends and colleagues who worked on this film. it's the most excited i think i have ever been for anything actively coming out in my life.
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softxsuki · 9 months
Hello, congratulations on your milestone!!! I am not sure if there are any spots left, but if there are, can you please do the trope enemies to lovers with a tokyo revengers character? Have a nice day and congratulations again!!!
1.5k Follower Event Trope #1 Tokyo Revengers
Trope 1: Enemies to Lovers
This event is now CLOSED. You can check out the masterlist for this event here.
| Pairing: Baji x Gn!Reader | Genre: mmm fluffish?? | Post-Type: Drabble | Word Count: 760 |
Warnings: Slight mention of violence and being killed (baji says it once, no one actually dies)
Note: Thank you so much! I had this one sitting in my google docs for while because I didn't like it, but I reread it today and I think it grew on me after letting it sit there for a while lol. Enjoy :D
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“Why are you here again?” Baji spits, not impressed at all.
You were another person Mikey had dragged in, finding you interesting and deeming you both friends, not that you minded. You hadn’t joined Toman, but Mikey always invited you over to their base, and you quickly became fond of many of them, including a certain black-haired man that couldn’t find it in him to accept you.
“Still suspicious of me? Seriously Kei, ever thought about loosening up?” You question, walking past him.
The nickname makes Baji’s heart flutter slighty, much to him mentally refusing to acknowledge it. “Oi, I told you about calling me that name. Stop acting like we’re so close to each other! I don’t want you here,” he grits, hating how unfazed you were by his  ‘hatred’ for you.
“Yeah yeah, I know you like it,” you tease, disappearing down the stairs to head back home for the day.
Since the first time Mikey introduced you to everyone, Baji had his suspicions about you. How could everyone just openly accept you to hang around them and listen in on their meetings? What if you were working for a rival gang, showing up to get intel for them? Why was he the only one suspicious of you? And why did you have such an affect on him? Your carefree attitude, your disregard for being surrounded by dangerous men. He felt so conflicted.
The longer you hung around, the more he let his walls fall, yet he kept that stubborn, rudeness whenever you were with him. He refused to show that he had somewhat trusted you, let alone that he may or may not have a thing for you–though he’d never admit that to anyone, he could barely admit it to himself. 
One day though, you had managed to gain all his trust. You had found a sneaky rat from a rival gang sneaking around Toman’s grounds, just looking for trouble. Could you fight? No. Were you still going to call him out and try and get him to leave? Yes.
You approach the man and begin to threaten him, talking big for someone who couldn’t defend themselves. Baji was watching the whole thing go down from afar. A tinge of suspicion grew as he watched you approach the man who was clearly up to no good and didn’t belong with Toman, but that all vanished as soon as he saw you try and make him leave.
“That idiot,” he grunts to himself, tying his hair up as he makes his way over to you, arriving just in time as the guy goes to throw a punch your way.
Baji quickly pushes you out of the way, and easily beats the guy up, mentally making a note of the gang attire he wore so he could inform Mikey of the situation later.
“Are you insane? It’s like you were just asking to get killed! You should have just shouted for one of us to help, we’d be able to hear you if you screamed loud enough. What kind of idiot who knows they’re weak, tries to fight someone off alone?” Baji went on and on, telling you off, yet all you could do was smile at him.
“Stop looking at me like that with that stupid grin, it isn’t funny”
“Heh, you care about me,” you smirk, egging him on.
“Of cour- What?! NO! No, I don't. What made you ever come to that conclusion?” He screamed, his face growing red at his almost confession. Why were you so irritatingly cute?
He could deny it all he wanted, but it was obvious how he felt for you. Now knowing that he could trust you, he started hanging around you more often. And after a few more months, he became the one who’d invite you over.
“You know…you could just ask me out instead of staring at me all the time. I’d say yes.” You say from beside him, feeling his eyes on you as you sit side by side on the shrine steps.
“What?! I-” He groans, feeling stupid that he was so obvious. With a sigh, he looks away from you. “Then let’s date.” 
You didn’t expect him to actually go along with it. Who knew the man who had hated you so much would be secretly admiring you and finally have the guts to ask you out.
“Sure,” you shrug, feeling your own face heat up.
It would take some time to fully warm up, but dating was the first step, a large step from where you’d been with each other before.
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Posted: 1/2/2024
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albabbgg · 1 year
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Hello everyone 🖤 my accounts were hacked while I was sleeping this last night (I’m in CET time zone). I woke up early to workout and saw my phone burning with notifications and couldn’t access Twitter. First of all I want to thank all the people who warned me or wrote kind words, you’re the best 🖤 On the other hand I want to remind other people to be more patient and kinder with others, I’ve received messages wishing my death because the post the hacker uploaded to my account was about crypto stuff (even tho it was pretty obvious it was a scam). I’m glad those people unfollowed me tbh (I got 1K unfollows btw) I don’t want anyone like that, with so much hate inside near me. Everything is now back to normal! 🙇🏼‍♀️ I could recover both accounts, but dude I started my day with a panic attack 😣 Again, eternally thankful for this community, love you guys! Alba 🐸
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cyxnidx · 1 year
Hello! How are you doing? :-) I saw your recent post and it was really good! good job btw I really liked it a lot ^_^ anyways, I wanted to request something since I saw that their open, so これを始めましょう!
Can I request Stolas, Angel Dust and Alastor with a Male! Human! S/O that looks very feminine (facial wise) and gets mistaken for a girl :,) (that’s the pain I go through 😔) and they always have to correct people and eventually get sick of it? How would they react?
Thank you! Have a good day :)
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heyy! im pretty good for the moment, thanks for asking :) 始めよう!sorry if its short :,)
warnings: ftm!reader, them being dramatic
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the first time the instance occurred out in public, it definitely sent him off balance a bit.
it would go something like this:
"nice girl, stolas!" a stranger called off, their friends whistling while they walk away. you watch stolas look around, confused. "girl..?" his eyes reach yours, who seems to be embarrassed and a bit ticked off. "did they just call you a girl?" he asks, almost secretively. you nod reluctantly.
it takes him a while to understand why they were talking to you - he felt it was obvious you were a boy.
you'd have to explain to him your feminine features and how they're commonly found in women.
after that though, he'd understand.
make an effort to inform everyone, whether or not they knew, that you're a boy and going by whatever your pronouns are.
definitely gets a bit irritated when somebody he made sure to inform still doesn't get it right.
will literally burn down a house because of it. (and has.)
Angel Dust
the day somebody called you a girl was the same day that person coincidentally went missing.
has brought up possibly getting you a shirt that says "i'm a guy" on it.
is literally the biggest ally. supports you in everything (from ur transition, to your presentation.)
anybody who complained could go and die on a field of landmines for all he cared
i feel typically angel isnt very emotional, but about this?? he'll take everything personal
literally almost started a war over somebody mistaking you for a girl???
he's stabbed random ass people because after you corrected them, they didn't listen.
"i'm actually a guy," you'd say softly after your at-work friend called you 'pretty'. it was still a compliment, but you were hoping for a more masculine compliment. seeing angel in your peripheral vision watching carefully, you watch the person shrug. "i just called you pretty?" "yes but i'd prefer more masculine compliments.." "just accept it."
yeahh ur work friend will no longer be attending their job.
at first, i feel that he humored it for a bit.
however, the more it happened? it somewhat irked him.
it probably irked him more than you?? somehow.
you might not notice it but he makes him so mad lmao
"is something the matter?" you'd ask, almost disregarding how someone just mis gendered you. "peachy." he'd respond, though, his eyes low and intimidating for anyone who'd look at him.
definitely rants - to anybody that'll listen.
constantly feels the need to apologize on society's behalf whenever someone decides to be outwardly dumb in his opinion
"i'm sorry." he'd tell you, eyes filled with fire and war - almost murderous. "these imbeciles can't help but make it obvious they're operating on half a brain cell."
alastor is mostly passive-aggressive with others and your gender
he almost feels guilty for teasing you about your features before when he sees you getting a bit timid or defensive about the whole thing.
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radplaidtacofan · 28 days
Idk if anyone will see this or care but this is my coming out post
I'm 33 and I think I'm finally done pretending I'm something I'm not. I've known since I can first remember that I was a guy. My first memories are of running around shirtless, being told I would have to cover up soon and not understanding why. I wondered why I didn't have a dick. I always wanted to prove how strong I was, how fast I was, how high I could climb, etc. I remember when I first learned about puberty and I was 100% certain that, when the time came, I could pick which one I'd be and I knew I'd pick male. I couldn't wait to start growing a beard and look like Riker.
The dysphoria has always been really fucking bad. The autism, ADHD and OCD made me miserable already but dysphoria made me so badly depressed by the time I was 10 I was constantly thinking about ... well, let's just say that I never thought I would see 33.
I found out being trans was A Thing and started binding, begging my parents and doctors to let me start hormones, etc. I had a really shitty person at CAMH tell me that I didn't meet the criteria? Lmao. He's probably retired now and I hope he's miserable tbh.
I did eventually take T in my early 20s for about a year, then I had a breakdown thinking I was making a huge mistake... because I didn't think I'd ever be happy. I feel wrong down to my fucking DNA. Even now I'm fighting with myself because I feel terrible that I can never be a cis man and it just... it kills me.
So yeah, I decided to chug copium for years thinking that if I tried really really hard I could accept being female and be Okay.
Hahahaha. Ha.
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The funny thing is, even when I was chugging copium I was still thinking things like, "If someone had a magic wand and could make me a cis male I'd say yes without hesitation," or, "I wish Star Trek was real cause they could fix me easily," or even, "Wearing a dress is drag."
I still felt like I was being weird by looking at bras, panties and swimsuits. (Not that there's anything wrong with that if you're into drag! And I'd fight anyone who tries to make trans women feel bad. It's just, personally, it doesn't feel Right for me.) I assumed people saw me as a man. I really played up being girly. I'd be giggling and acting flirty and barf. But I thought I was being very Gender and convincing people! And that's what I was trying to do: convince people. People who didn't need convincing because they saw me as a woman. It was just me who didn't.
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Fun fact: I quote this all the time and people keep looking at me weird.
Anyway, I've been in a bit of a mental breakdown over the past few days because my brain finally said, "You know what? Fuck this and fuck you. You know what you are, goddamn idiot bastard man." So now I'm trying to be less of a goddamn idiot bastard man and continue the process I started when I was like... 3. I'm gonna make little me so fucking proud when I grow that beard (god I hope I can grow a beard) and get this weight off my chest.
I haven't figured out what name to go by yet because I've been through several since I told my parents I hated my name when I was like 10 and none of them fit. But I am a man and I am starting the process of making that obvious to everyone around me.
I already know some people are gonna be challenging but fuck it, we ball!
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
So this is inspired by a reply to one of your asks but what do you think each pairs of BTS will be doing if you lock them up in a room for an hour and left unsupervised.
Hello anon. There is way too many pairs in BTS for me to cover them all. So allow me to only do Jikook duos.
I will start with the duos I as Shaz deem to be the weakest, to strongest.
Okay JK's weakest duo which is also his weakest ship; If you've been around for a while you already know who I'm about to say 😂😂😂
(The tiktok on the post Here is how I feel about JK's ships. But I swap tkk for ynkk) So Yoonkook alone. Here i talk more about them after the Suchwita episode. But I will now also bring back the IG photos from the concert
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Spot the difference? 🤭🤭🤭🤭 and i will be a nice blogger and not bring up the fact that on day 3 while we were busy watching Suga's concert JK was on tiktok liking videos.
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Sorry anon..I crack myself up when I talk about Yoonkook but umm... yeah so. We already know what happens when u put them in a room together. They run out of things to talk about. We saw on Suchwita and we saw on Bon voyage by JK's own admission. When I see Yoonkook fanfic on twitter I get very confused 🤭🤭😂😂 because they don't click. Not really. If asked they will choose other members first. Definitely not eo. Yoonkook content with just them 2, I doubt they'd be very entertaining. Not without buffers may it be human or machine 😂
Finding Jimin's weakest duo is actually really hard because like RM said; Jimin is the king of chemistry and put him in a room with anyone and it will be funny and quality entertainment. But I will try.
I'm sorry but these 2 alone, together? Nah... Jimin may be the king of chemistry but even he can't fix the Vmin chemistry anymore. There was a time everything used to flow great between them but in recent years Vmin just ain't it. If u think I'm making this up go back to this live before JK comes in
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They kept running out of things to talk about too. Jimin even pretended to leave at one point. They were super awkward to say the least and I feel like they were both grateful for JK's presence. @magicshop-pjm1 likes to go "Vmin is dead" every 2 to 4 business days which is absolutely hilarious 😂😂😂 but I think anyone not in denial can admit while yeah, I'm sure they still care about eo, something somewhere went wonky and they're not the same anymore.
This tweet is a joke and its hilarious 🤣😂😂 but unfortunately i find it accurate. Them 2 alone aint it
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This was kinda obvious. Some people would rate this duo lower than Yoonkook but I think that's not fair. If you compare them with an unbiased eye Tkk are stronger than ynkk. First they are closer in age which helps. Meaning they're gonna be closer, too. But put them in a room together and it's not even awkward its nothingness. I'm talking silence. By JK's own admission here it just wasn't working. And we all remember the joint IG live where they ran out of things to talk about and JK would play with Bam instead. Another duo where JK needs a buffer for sure. I mean, sure tkk have been out and about but notice how its always with the Wooga squad? Never just them two?
On the plus side, they look really good. So, I'll give them that. 💚
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Again this is so hard because Jimin has very strong duos. But yeah, I will put RM second last because RM as a person (bless him and his dimples) he's not the most entertaining and has to bounce off of someone. Them together, alone won't be boring but I'm not sure it would be that memorable or mind blowing. These are just my personal opinions guys so feel free to disagree or chime in. But yeah. I feel Minimoni is 2nd last for me.
I do find it interesting how comfortable RM is with skinship when it comes to Jimin considering he's not big on that in general (unless its Jin) He's even the one who initiates so he is quite comfortable around Jimin.
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Anyway, they're a nice duo with a dynamic that gives you UWUs but they're not the most interesting in my eyes. Sorry Minimonis 🤷🏽‍♀️
What's the most recent thing that we know about them? We know they hanged out after JK left Jennie's CK event. And we know before that JK said him and RM hadn't drunk together in years. Years. Not months. Now this dont mean they don't see eo. It just means they don't drink together often. I do find this to be significant however because both men love their liquor. But, they drink with other members just not eo so.... 😬😬 again, not making this up, its as per their own admissions
So Namkook in a room together 🤔 what do we got here guys? Have we ever had this? We had a Namkook live but the only memorable thing for me was them outing the fact that Jikook live together. I am blanking on Namkook which makes me feel confident about the position I've put RM.
Give it up for Jimin's type thou everybody 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
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I would actually have Jinmin and Jihope as a tie but since I'm choosing I will rate Jinmin lower. But man. These 2 together are the absolute best. They are such a comedic entertaining duo. Them together alone in a room is worth every penny if we were asked to pay for any such footage 😂😂 they are funny and they bounce off of eo so well. Never a dull or awkward moment between Jin and Jimin. Never.
These two are the ones you throw to a team that's drowning. They are the ones u assign to a team for better views. I love them together fr fr. Best duo. Such a good duo. Honestly. Throw JK in there and you are set for life with the best trio ever. Go search for any of their compilations and I dare you to be bored.
And we haven't even began to talk about their visuals
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First photo of them that pops up on Google and... as it should. Most beautiful man alive Vs world wide handsome =perfection 💯💯💯
(Off topic BTS main visual was always Jin and then V was added to the visual line then eventually JK. Now dont get me wrong all of them are drop dead gorgeous but is there a reason Jimin isn't part of the visual line?? Anyway...)
Hopekook in a room together alone, I'd say that's solid entertainment right there. They're good together, they're funny. It's Jhope we're talking about. He rivals Jimin on having chemistry with the members so him and JK alone i think that's a solid video right there. No awkwardness or nothing and Bonus skinship for the Hopekookers. Good times, really.
JK is extremely comfortable with Jhope so yeah... they're a good duo. No one is getting bored.
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Okay y'all. We know most Yoonmin supporters are rubbish vermin but don't let that make you forget that Yoonmin are extremely entertaining together. Put these 2 in a room alone together and come on... GOLD!! The Yoonmin Suchwita episode is hands down the funniest for me. I laughed from beginning to the end. Swear to God ✋🏽 that episode and the one with the drunk TXT members are great rewatches for me ngl. Also Jimin is Suga's favourite member so Suga is super comfortable with Jimin in everything. But my favorite part of them is the bickering of course.
They can't ever seem to stop fighting which is just so freaking entertaining. Remember ITS 1 when Jhope told Jimin he was being cocky so Jimin said he was going to look for Suga so that the guy could kill his cockiness? He said going to Suga would bring him back down to earth 😂🤣 Because this is who they are, its what they do. They insult eo and call eo out. So people who get mad at Suga need to watch a good old Yoonmin bickering compilation. They've called each other ugly, fat, stupid, skinny, and a bunch of other stuff some people seem to have forgotten.
Anywaaaaaay. Yoonmin alone together is quality content and that's why Suga is high on this list.
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Surely I don't need to explain why this duo is number 2 in terms of JK's most entertaining duos. Right? Like its self explanatory? I've stated many times; imo Jin is JK's favourite/closest after Jimin. Some of u disagree and say Jhope nah, its Jin. Imho.
Tom and Jerry, perfect title for them 2. Love it. Put them in a room together and you're set.
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chaotic thread here for those who need a refresher
Jihope aka Hopemin
We don't need to imagine. This duo have been alone together or engaged just them enough to know they are entertaining as shit. Its usually mostly Jhope laughing at Jimin's antics but this usually prompts Jimin into getting funnier with every laugh he gets from Jhope.
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Much like Jinmin they are the duo you shove into a dying group to give it spice. They are absolutely epic and I feel confident putting Hobi on the number 2 spot of Jimin's most entertaining duos.
They do have awkward moments when they're checking eo out to try and out compliment eo but that's just entertaining as well 😂😂
Last but not least Jikook/Kookmin/Minkook/Mingukk
Now hear me out. This isn't just my bias that made me put this duo at the top. Alright? There is this ongoing unfairness taking place in the fandom where people undermine Jimin and JK's funny n chaotic sides.
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Together they are hilarious and entertaining and this duo doesn't get enough credit for being as funny as they are.
The reason they are number one is because Jikook alone together is a complete programme. Humor, Check. Chaos, Check. Romance, Check. Sexual tension, Check.
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Hate or love this duo, they're a perfect recipe for entertainment.
Would love to hear your thoughts but this is how I'd rate them. Thanks for the ask anon, twas fun 💜
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h-harleybaby · 1 year
I would like to request a Elf King!Kyle x Human!Princess!Reader. Reader is Cartman's sister and forbids Kyle from liking her.
Thank you <33
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Those are super cute Tbh
I have so many Elf King Kyle x human princess reader requests I decided I’d do one post about it
It’s probably gonna take me a sec to write it but I will gladly <333
Elf King Kyle x Human Princess Reader
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• When Elf King Kyle saw you, mans was HEAD OVER HEELS, it was love at first sight and he doesn’t even really believe in that
• When you guys first met on business for a peace treaty between the elves and the humans y'all ended up getting distracted and becoming friends
• He really tried being intimidated but it didn't work at all considering his face was a shade of red and he was sweating the whole time. I mean you were in a similar state so it wasn't as bad for Kyle as it probably would've been
• After a while of talking he found out that honestly, you were only on Cartmans side because he was your brother. And even you had to admit, the man was an annoying shit that sometimes you couldn't deal with
• Y'all ended up bonding over your similar feelings towards your brother
• Ofc your meeting ended up being cut short when your brother kept sending messenger after messenger to come get you because he was bored of waiting for you
• When you got back and he heard from his messengers you best believe he started gagging and said that he'd handle the affairs with the elf kingdom now. He can't have his sister having a crush on Kyle!! That's soooooo gross
• He definitely told Kyle that he's forbidden to see the human princess (you) and that it's not allowed for anyone to have crushes on you because he has the stick of truth and its super weird for him. Why it's weird for him specifically no one will ever know
• Obviously that didn't stop Kyle, why would he listen to him?? It's Cartman after all
• This started secret meetings between you guys, it honestly wasn't that hard to sneak out considering your brother snores like a fucking leaf blower
• The elves caught wind of this because duh, it's their kingdom they should know what's happening in it
• So one night before you left the elf kingdom after one of you and Kyle's secret meetings, some elves kidnapped you
• They didn't hurt you in any way it was almost kinda funny because of how bad of a job they did. They tried blindfolding you... but used really really thin fabric you could see out of
• Anyways, for the most part they just questioned you a lot. They kept asking if you had a crush on the king and in general, were shipping you guys
• To be honest, the elves loved you and just wanted a chance to talk to you. At some point they untied you and took off the blindfold so you guys just had a normal conversation
• They really wanted to get to know the girl that their king was so smitten with, that he would talk about her any and EVERY chance he got
• Cartman was definitely pissed when you got home, how he knew you were gone was beyond you. He kept grumbling about how you "smelled of stupid elves" which was really weird
• Yeah no, turns out he just got one of the humans to spy on you and tell him what they saw. Gee, thanks man :rolling eyes:
• Anyways, the secret meetings continued because who the hell was gonna stop you? Definitely not your brother, and y'alls mom thought it was cute so she wasn't gonna try either
• Soon enough, the meetings started turning into unspoken dates before you guys eventually made it official
• Both of you were so obvious it was almost stupid how neither of y'all realized until your individual knights told you
• Stan is definitely Kyle's wing man, no doubt
• Butters and Kenny are probably yours, which is utter chaos but that's for another time
• Honestly, your brother wasn't happy about this but the elves would totally beat his ass for you so he wasn't gonna say anything about it for once
• Kyle (not so) jokingly calls you his elf queen and it's super sweet
My lil Cartman shimeji was staring at me as I wrote this, he's so dang cute <3333
anyways ignore spelling mistakes, shhhh they are not thereeee
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