#because kai on the other hand very much enjoys physical contact
vialae · 1 month
Really feel like Gortash wouldn’t care much for physical contact.
Even in a fond and romantic way, he just doesn’t care whether or not he is cuddling his partner or combing his fingers through their hair.
He does, however, understand how powerful of a tool it can be on others, though. A small brush of the arm can say so much more than words can if paired with the right look, or a simple hand hold to calm an irate partner, while also whispering just the right things in their ear to redirect all that energy to his own benefit.
If everything was done his way, everything would be through words and the occasional gift. He enjoys that so much more.
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thoughtsforsoob · 6 months
txt - how they show their love
A/n: I know I’m not the only one who thinks about how sweet these boys would be to their s/o :( I need my own heuning kai please. (Ugh I hate myself bc I know guys can be sweet and my last relationship was so terrible :/ I forgot I have standards. If a boy/girl puts you down, you leave them immediately!) anyways, please enjoy okay? Make sure to drink some water and have a yummy snack. Please send requests as well! Requests are open for texts and writing for nct dream, txt, and a few more.
{this one is quite long bc of the bullet point format so I added the "keep reading"on this post!}
He shows his love in such sweet and subtle ways.
One of these affectionate things he does (that I personally love) is him gaining interest in your hobbies.
He will sit there and watch you do whatever you do with literal heats in his eyes.
Please help, his pupils are actually changing shape. Jkjk.
Anyways, he always asks you questions about your hobbies and will even try them.
also, he likes to be taken care of in a relationship so he shows his love by looking at you with the upmost adoration when you're leading him somewhere, for example
he gives you this lovestruck eyes when you're pulling on his arm through the mall
he loves when you order for him when you go out to eat
you and him are literally the meme where the girl goes up the counter and says "he said no pickles >:(" and he's just standing behind you with a little smirk on his face
He shows his love through providing for you.
He's overall is the embodiment of the word ‘gentleman’.
He always opens the door for you when entering the car.
He holds your hand tight when you two are rushing through the train stations during rush hour.
He also always pays for EVERYTHING.
He gets irked when you try to pull out your card/cash to play for anything. He frowns and gently moves you to the side and he pays.
Afterwards, he sits you down and tells you that he wants to pay and that you should let him because he loves you so so much.
Let him because he will literally cry if you don’t let him pay.   
he's just a little silly guy so he show his affection through lots of physical contact and time together.
I say this later on for huening kai but he looooves hanging on you!
he’s like a little monkey
he just likes when you pretend to be annoyed because it makes him feel accomplished (he’s so annoying but I love it 😬)
Also like, calls you at 2 am
“baby I’m outside your apartment please come down”
“Beomgyu where are we going? It’s 2 am?”
“First of all, WHO is Beomgyu? Second of all, we’re going on a walk and there will possibly be snacks if you cooperate”
He shows his love by looking after you very closely.
He leaves you daily reminders to take your vitamins, charge your phone/laptop, eat or drink something, etc… he wants to make sure you’re healthy and prepared for the day ahead of you.
He also always makes sure you’re not missing things.
One particular thing he does is restocking your pantry and fridge and also other personal care items.
If he notices you’re running out of your favorite drink, favorite snack, pads/tampons, etc, he will stop at the store to get them for you before heading to your apartment.
He also likes to have sit downs with you at least once a week and talking to you about your week.
He buys fancy masks and your favorite drinks so you two have spend a few hours de-stressing with each other.
heuning kai
He is very into physical affection so he shows his love by hanging on you in public.
Once he get the green light from you, he practically begs his company to let you both go public with your relationship so he can hug you and kiss you in public.
He loves coming up from behind you while you’re waiting for your coffee orders and wrapping his arms around your shoulders. He presses a kiss to the top of your head and tells you he love you sooooo so much.
He also shows his affection through gifts.
Surprise gifts at that.
He loves catching you off guard with anything from stationary to a new designer bag.
He’s a great gift giver because he pays close attention to the things you love.
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spiceofvy · 5 months
hi I sent the octopus ask! 🐙🐙🐙
(i just discovered the octopus emoji and it's adorable)
Anyway I mean octopus/sticky as very physically clingy, like arms and legs most be around object of affection at all times (bordering on cartoon logic but might as well have fun with it no?)
Like I think being a human octopus "clingy as fuck" would be sometimes adorable and intimate but also come with a lot of challenges because sometimes it's hot, things get sweaty very fast, it would be hard to escape the bed in the morning, thank fuck for seatbelt laws because a human octopus reader would be all over the drivers lap sort of thing, basically taking physical touch is a love language and dailing it to twelve you know.
Personally I really don't care for being touched these days, (though I wished people could pet me more) so I guess I wanted to see someone work with the concept of super physical contact.
Sorry if my original ask was confusing tho. I learned the use of the word "stickiness" from a an English translation of a chinese web novel (as in clingy as sin) and had visited the aquarium recently so that muddled my use of language by a lot.
TXT - Reader is super clingy
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a/n: hiii! thank you for sending an ask again! i totally get your struggle, i also muddle my words a lot especially in english ._. in your original ask you said that any group is okay, so i went with txt because i thought that this prompt would fit them super well. i hope you enjoy 🐙
cws: gender neutral reader, sfw, pure fluff
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Yeonjun: The one to enjoy it the least. He just needs a lot of room to move around, he really enjoys being independent. But he will always be very kind about it, holding your hand for half an hour before letting go so you can at least get your fill on physical contact. He still returns to your koala hugs every night, because if he is honest about it, he can't sleep without your hugs anymore…
Soobin: So much teasing from his members. They love joking about how their tough leader was turned into a plushie by his significant other. But he also enjoys it, especially in a more private setting. Finally he can let go and trust that someone holds him anyway. Literally.
Beomgyu: My poor boy overheats really easily, so too much physical contact would kill him especially in the summer. So he really can't stand cuddling for too long. He loves it though in the winter and probably turns into the octopus himself and uses your body warmth
Taehyun: A bit flustered, especially in front of his bandmates. But in private he loves it. Likes to cuddle you all day and definitely clings to your back when you cook and the other way around. Sometimes just carries you around on his back when you don't feel like leaving the bed.
Kai: So happy. Such a happy boy. He is super clingy and cuddly himself, If he likes someone and so he is just over the moon to be with you. Hold his hand all day, sleep on him, sit on his lap during group activities. He doesn't care if he gets sweaty or there are weird looks. He just wants to get all the physical contact that he can.
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midnight-black2 · 17 days
prompt #8 with kai please 🙏 u can choose whether they're playing spin the bottle or seven minutes in heaven
mwah thank you 😚
pairing : kai (voyagers) x reader
synopsis : uhh what the req says
disclaimers : kissing, mentions of sex, pretty mild since it's just spin the bottle lol
note : sorry this took me like three days to post ! i finished it, and lowkey forgot to schedule it for posting like a dumbass bro. anyways, enjoy !
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everyone had gathered in a circle, wearing excited grins and cheeky smirks. zach had told you all about a game named "spin the bottle," which was apparently common back on earth. it was a game that involved kissing, which was enough to persuade the entire crew to play. ever since everyone stopped taking the blue, the idea of any physical contact seemed heavenly.
zach placed an empty glass bottle in the middle, that he managed to snag from the cafeteria. everybody watched the boy move, awaiting his next action.
"the rules of this game are simple. you spin the bottle, and whoever it lands on, you have to kiss," zach explained, wearing a smirk as all eyes were on him. it was forbidden, and almost felt sinful to kiss another person, and that's exactly why everyone was so eager to play. it was now their chance to revolt. you, on the other hand, were simply in it for the ride. i mean, you'd be lying if you said the idea of kissing someone turned you off, because it certainly didn't. however, you weren't actively seeking for someone to make out with.
"now who's going first?" asked zach, looking around the circle. eyes flitted around the group, and only one was willing to volunteer.
"i will," kai stated confidently, as his mouth contorted into the same smirk zach wore. everyone turned to him, and he seemed to like the attention. without another word, he got up, and gave the bottle a forceful spin.
it was awhile until the bottle came to a stop, and you weren't paying much attention. you were picking at your nails, oh so confident that the bottle wouldn't land on you. but, when you felt many eyes burning into you, you had finally looked up.
and there everyone was, staring at you.
and there the bottle was, also staring at you. the tip was directly in front of you. there was no mistaking that it landed on you. when you had met eyes with kai, he had this complacent look. you sighed, because you were secretly praying that you wouldn't have to actually end up kissing anyone. unfortunately, your prayers were not heard.
although...there was a fortunate side to this. kai was an attractive man, it was just his attitude that made you want to slap the absolute shit out of him. and now, with everyone staring at you intently, you had finally gotten up. kai followed suit, and you two met in the middle of the circle. everyone was whispering amongst themselves, waiting for one of you to actually do something.
kai was unmoving, there was something holding him back, but his eyes flickered between yours and your lips. so that left you, and without another thought, you attached your lips to his. he kissed you back with a sort of fervor you couldn't miss. he let out a very very small noise, that nobody else but you heard. it was a high-pitched hum, which made you kiss him even harder.
your hand flew to the back of his head, forcing him closer to you, as his hands rested at either side of your face. almost subconsciously, you had slipped your tongue into his mouth, and he invited it. you could feel his smirk against your lips, but at that point you didn't even care. it was insatiable, and you hadn't noticed just how long you two had been at it until someone had cleared their throat in the circle.
you pulled away, and the both of you were breathless. it was awkward, but i suppose all things after everyone stopped taking the blue were. there was kissing, and hickeys, and even sex. it was so animalistic, and at the end of the day, you were all just teenagers. no one knew what they were really doing.
"surprised you guys didn't just fuck then and there," zach said, and everybody erupted into chuckles and soft laughter. you felt a twinge of embarrassment pool in the pit of your stomach, but you didn't let it show. as you went to sit back down, kai did the same. eventually, the night progressed, and it became less and less weird. the game was almost...entertaining.
the entire rest of the game, kai couldn't take his eyes off of you. he was checking you out, and not so subtly. god, this was exactly what you didn't need.
and it was then that you knew, your relations with kai would not end at just kissing...
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𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 © 𝐤𝐲𝐚-𝐢𝐬-𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐥
𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐲? 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
𝐩𝐭.𝟐 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭? 🌚
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pastriibunz · 7 months
I wanna infodump Kai lore so enjoy my headcannons (that are actually cannon)!
Kai is canonically autistic (undiagnosed) and ADD (diagnosed)!
Kai is canonically panromantic and asexual!
Kai is an atheist despite being a god herself
Kai is a natural brunette, and she’s been getting gray hairs since she was 14!
Kai has a slight accent/twang (you’ll hear it in TKWDLM:V)! I’m not too sure how to describe it, but to me it most sounds like a mix of a 1920’s Brooklyn/Boston accent!
Kai’s special interest is mechanics! Before that, she was really into birds.
Whenever Kai kisses someone, she leaves lipstick stains, despite never wearing lipstick.
Kai’s favorite food is grilled cheese sandwiches!
Kai smells like strawberry lemonade!
Kai has TERRIBLE eyesight! She wears contacts in cannon (and in most AUs, the exception being NTK).
Kai is 4’11 due to the fact she didn’t sleep much when she was younger. If she had gotten the proper amount of sleep, she would’ve been 5’5!
Kai has a wattpad account, a character.ai account, and let’s be honest, she probably has tumblr too.
Kai had an emo phase when she was 12!
Kai sucks at typing (see ATUTH screenshots and Kai Drewniverse Twitter).
Kai has an undercut!
Kai’s head can pop off at will!
Her hair is so soft that its a viewed as a form of therapy!
Kai chews on things/people she likes!
Kai will steal clothes from her friends and family and claim they are hers, even if it is obvious they aren’t.
Kai’s hair is very expressive! It will spike up when she’s afraid and deflate when sad. Plus, her little ahoge will form different shapes depending on her mood.
Kai has separation anxiety!
Kai’s favorite love languages to receive are physical touch and words of affirmation!
Kai’s favorite love languages to give are acts of service and gifts!
Despite loving to work on cars, Kai is deathly afraid of driving them! She instead uses a motorcycle as her mode of transportation.
The reason Kai’s hair is the vibrant teal color it is today is because when she was younger, she wanted to dye her hair all pink. She bought the dye, but there was a labeling mishap at the manufacturer, and the dye was actually teal. She wasn’t too mad about it, and in her words, “I look like me more than I ever have before.”
Kai’s sneakers actually have metal under the sole so she can use them as tap shoes!
Kai’s hair is filled to the brim with a bunch of stuff! It’s like a mystery box.
Kai’s favorite show is Psych, and her favorite musical is Ride The Cyclone! (just like me fr)
Out of her friend group, Kai is closest with Mitsuba!
Kai’s really good at sleight of hand magic tricks!
Kai listens to Will Wood and Lemon Demon! Granted, she doesn’t have a favorite artist and will only listen to their music sporadically, as in her words, “I just listen to anything that makes my brain itch!”
Kai will keep anything you give her, no matter how good it is. She has an entire room dedicated to things she’s been given! She calls it “The Trinket Room”.
Kai says words like “documentary” and “supposedly” incorrectly. She refuses to admit she’s wrong, and insists she’s saying them correctly.
On the flip side, however, Kai uses words like raggabrash and zounderkite
Kai knows how to speak French! She learned it for no reason other than “I was bored.” (this one was made so I could help motivate myself to learn French!) (it did not work)
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Let me know if you want more Kai headcannons! This lil goober has invaded my brain for 5 years straight, I got a lot more where that came from!
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tyunni · 3 years
txt when they have a crush on you !
pairing: all members x gn!reader.
warnings: none other than maybe some slip ups, english isn't my first language.
genre: fluff, comedy, angst if u squint.
a/n: YAYY my first post on the new blog!! hope you enjoy :D
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yeonjun (연준)
isn't very subtle about it,
the second you step into the room he's thinking about which pick-up line to use today <3
in reality, he's actually extremely nervous around you but tries to cover it up by being a flirt.
thinks about you all the time and sometimes has a hard time focusing on important work because of you,
you live in his mind rent-free, let's be honest here.
gets jealous easily, so if he sees you hanging out with another person, being a lil' too touchy and friendly for his liking,
he's going to come up to you right then and there & just go "damn y/n, thought we had something special!?!??!?" faking a pout and clutching his heart dramatically, waiting to hear your angelic laugh pierce through his ears so he can feel the relief of knowing that you're still oblivious to his feelings.
he isn't joking though, his ego is a tiny bit bruised, but he knows he's overreacting and has no right to feel that way because you aren't even dating (yet ;D)
shows his skills off to you a lot, whether it's dancing, rapping or vocals.
sends you a bunch of selcas, saying that he wants you to help him choose which one he should post for moas to see, but in all honesty he just does it so you call him handsome !!
soobin (수빈)
soobin thinks you have absolutely no right to look that adorable,
at first he thought that he was endeared by you because you were simply cute,
but later on, he realized that he was head over heels for you.
even someone mentioning your name gets him all giggly and bubbly
you're his serotonin boost <3
if you compliment him in any way he's going to get shy, quick to cover his blushing face,
but whenever he's feeling down the compliment just floats up from the back of his mind and makes his day 10x better.
can't sleep because all he can think about is you and your pretty smile, cuddles a plushie he stole from huening kai wishing it was you :(
very hesitant to hug you or just have any sort of physical contact with you
like he really wants to, but the closest he gets to holding your hand is accidentally brushing his knuckles against yours
and even that small action has his mind racing, heart beating out of his chest as his awkward giggles fill the room.
if you hold his hand or hug him tho, he's going to melt in your arms :(
just whipped from the start.
rest of the members are under the cut ...
beomgyu (범규)
my guy already knew he liked you the second he laid his eyes on you.
but it was all platonic at first,
the more he got to know you, though, the more attached he became.
tries to spend as much time as he can with you, just wants you to notice him :(
teases you to no end, poking your sides, tickling you, getting all up in your face,
constantly asking you to play video games with him.
just craves your attention !!
very clingy <3
leans on your shoulder, holds your hand, slings his arm around you, puts his hand on your waist, etc.
is quite quick to realize that he had developed a crush,
and is also quick to catch on to the fact that you also have feelings for him.
honestly how could you not...
he takes it slow though, doesn't want to rush into a relationship.
literally treats you like his girlfriend from the get-go, everyone and their mom knows that you two are a thing.
taehyun (태현)
quick to realize that he has feelings for you, just like beomgyu
but also the quickest to try and push them away before he falls even harder,
yeah... that didn't work.
tries to impress you with his intellect and amazing vocals,
if you compliment him he's going to break into a grin, complimenting you back with no hesitation.
never stutters or feels too nervous around you, but it's all in the body language.
like the way he listens to you so attentively when you speak, paying attention to every word you say so he doesn't miss anything,
or the way he always stays close to you! choosing the seat next to yours in public transport, walking next to you when going out with the others
the way he straightens his posture the moment he sees you walking into the room, the way he never breaks eye contact with you, his stare lingering on your figure every now and then, scanning your every move.
the members caught on sooner or later, which is what taehyun feared the most !!
sure soobin and yeonjun can keep a secret, but god forbid beomgyu and huening kai from even speaking to you </3
huening kai (휴닝카이)
huening kai has had lots of small crushes before, so he thought that this one would perish just like the others,
oh how wrong he was...
a few months passed and the feelings only grew stronger, his chest tingling at the thought of you being his.
the other members know he likes you, but don't really tease him about it that much. except beomgyu
welcome to... how to know if huening kai likes you 101
he lets you touch, grab, play, even borrow his plushies,
he trusts you and only you with his precious stuffed animals :(
absolute heart eyes whenever he sees you playing with tobin, hugging it and protecting it from the members !!
even bigger heart eyes when you awkwardly shuffle over to him and ask him if you can hold his new plush,
eyes sparkling when he agrees with a bright smile as his blush impossibly deepens, handing you the stuffed animal in question.
you're also the only person he texts back immediately (besides his family members and managers)
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divinerulerluvr · 3 years
Not Allowed
Where Kai gets mad at you for disobeying him and regrets being so rude.
Pairings - Kai Anderson x fem!reader
Words - 2.0k
Warnings - toxic relationship, manipulation, murder mention, blood mention, choking, finger (fem. receiving), honestly Kai is his own warning, edging, teasing
A/N - I was gonna finish and post this last night but i had a breakdown so here i am. This was also supposed to be angsty smut but it started as angst and turned into hurt/comfort smut. So... yeah :/
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Walking into Kai’s house, you immediately headed for the bathroom. You had just killed someone all by yourself and Kai was the last person you would want to catch you with blood splatterings on your skin and clothes.
Reaching the stairs, you heard someone clearing their throat from behind you.
You freeze, only having made it up two steps. You were too afraid to turn around and face Kai with the blood on your face and clothes. You eventually do, worry coating your face as your eyes meet with his disapproving stare.
He quickly notes the blood on your skin, his jaw clenching and a glare crossing his face. “Did you take care of the body?” he asks dryly, his voice monotone.
“Yes,” you groan, hating how he coddled you. He never ever treated any of his other members like this. Just you and it got fucking boring after a while. “And did you get rid of the weapon?” he questions.
“Yes, Kai,” you huff. “I’m tired of you babying me. I’ve killed more people than any person in your cult and yet you treat me like I’m stupid. When I am not,”
He stares at you, sucking his teeth as he crosses his arms. You mock his position, crossing your arms over your chest as you remain standing on the stairs. “I baby you because you need to be babied. You’re sloppy and don’t think,” he says.
You scoff, dropping your arms to your sides as you shake your head. “Just the last mission, you dropped the damn knife and got the guy's blood everywhere. You’re a fucking liability, Y/n,” he criticizes.
“Don’t talk to me like that,” you bite back, offended by his words. “I am not a liability. You’re just an ass,”
“An ass who fucking saved you. Be more respectful,” he says, walking away from you and into the living room. You follow him, walking to where he sits down on the couch. “You did not save me,” you argue.
“Mhm. I did,” he hums, not looking up at you from his phone that he mindlessly scrolls on. You snatch the phone from his hand, tossing it onto the floor beside you. He looks up at you, a grin daring to show on his lips at your rage.
“I want out of this fucking cult, Kai. I’m done,” you demand.
He shakes his head, clicking his tongue. “It’s not that easy. How do I know you won’t narc?”
“Because I could care less about you,”
“Couldn’t care less,” he corrects, looking up at you from his seat on the couch. “What?” you ask, confused by his correction. “Saying you could care less means you do care. Saying you couldn’t care less means you physically can not care less than you already do,” he explains.
“Fuck you and you’re grammar correction,” you huff, turning on your heel to walk out of the living room. Storming up the stairs, you reach the bathroom and slam the door loudly behind you, twisting the lock on the doorknob though you knew it didn’t work. No lock in the whole house worked except on one room and Kai’s bedroom.
You start to pull off your tee shirt, tossing it aside to clean since it had blood on it. Looking in the mirror, you saw the blood seeped through the thin material and got onto the skin on your stomach. Muttering curses, you run the water and try to get the blood off.
The red liquid just smears around, causing you to groan. You walk over to the shower, going to turn it on when the bathroom door flew open, hitting the wall loudly.
You jump, turning to face Kai who stood angrily in the doorway. His eyes scan your body, taking in how you wore only a bra and jeans. “You don’t walk away from me. Learn your place here,”
Glaring at him, you reach back down to turn the shower on only to be pushed up against the wall roughly. You groan, the impact hurting just slightly. Kai holds you by your neck, his grip choking you and keeping you at his mercy.
“Fucking let go of me, Kai,” you choke out, your words pitiful given the state you’re in. He keeps you pressed against the wall despite your weak command, his dark eyes burning you as he stares at you.
You’re quickly cut off by him letting go of you. He threw you to the side, his aggression making him stronger than usual.
Panting, you catch your balance and return to a standing position. You adjust your bra, the silence in the small room deafening as Kai calms himself using some technique his anger management counselor taught him.
“I’m leaving,” you say, going to walk by Kai and leave the room, no longer caring about showering. Kai stops you by grabbing your wrist, pulling you back to him. He pulls you so that your chest is pressed against his, the two of you dangerously close.
“You need me, Y/n. What type of man would i be to let the weak roam free?” you feel your eyes water, this conflict overwhelming you.
You swallow thickly, the tone of his voice guilt-tripping you into complying. “Don’t you love me?” he adds, making you feel bad about wanting to leave him.
Sighing, you nod sheepishly. Kai smiles softly before kissing you, his lips familiar and kind. He was good at that. You know, the entire making you forget he was a shit person by kissing you and manipulating you.
He moves you so that your thighs were pushing into the sink, his lips still moving tenderly with yours. A stray tear falls from your eye, rolling mockingly down your cheek as Kai kisses you. He pulls back from you, noticing the tear painting your cheek.
Placing his hand on your cheek, he wipes the tear away with his thumb as he looks into your eyes. “Let me make it better,” he whispers.
You nod softly, feeling his free hand glide up your thigh. You pull yourself up so you’re sitting on the sink, more leveled with Kai now. His hand rests on your clothed thigh while the other holds your face in a faux caring way.
His lips meet yours again, not any hint of his previous anger in the way he kissed you. It was his fucked up way of apologizing.
You melt into his touch though, somehow comforted by his hand no matter how many times you had been afraid of it. The hand that rested on your thigh slowly makes its way between your legs. You shudder as his fingers graze over your clothed clit to tease you.
With no need to take off your pants, he stimulates you through the fabric of your jeans. You buck your hips into his hand, your moans silenced by his lips on yours.
He starts moving his fingers a little faster, helping to relieve any tension built by his brief teasing. You moan into his lips, your brows furrowed as you push your hips down into his fingers for more pressure to be applied.
You feel him smile into the kiss, enjoying your fervor for pleasure. Giving in to your adorable attempts, he applies more pressure. You gasp into his lips, the feeling making you soaked.
He pulls from the kiss, his eyes meeting yours as his fingers work at your clit. He pushes your hair from your face, getting himself hard just by seeing your expression. “Does it feel good?” he derides.
You nod quickly, barely being able to keep eye contact as you rock your hips against his hand. “Y-Yes, Kai,” you stammer out, knowing he’d want a verbal response as well.
He grins, pulling you into his chest. Your head rests in the crook of his neck, your body close to his. You find an odd comfort in the warmth of his body as he touches you. Kai relishes in the weak moans that fall so freely from your lips; the cute noises encouraging him to continue.
“Kai... I’m close,” you barely manage to say, your lips grazing his neck. “Not yet,” he warns, wanting to see how long you could last. “I’ll say when you can cum,” A disappointed sigh leaves your lips as you focus on not cumming.
It was harder than it seems.
His fingers rub skilled circles over your clit, changing the pace in intervals to keep you on edge. His hand lands on your hip, stopping you from grinding against his hand.
You wrap your arms around the back of Kai’s neck, suppressing your moans by biting his neck. The pleasure started to become too much and you try to close your legs as an instinctual response.
Kai rips your legs back apart, the rough movement eliciting a gasp from you. He continues rubbing you through your jeans, your wetness soaking your panties.
You were right on the edge of an orgasm when Kai removed his hand from you completely. You were about to complain but Kai cut you off when he started to remove your pants and underwear. You smile excitedly, raising your hips from the sink to help him remove them.
He steps back between your legs, letting you resume your position laying against his chest as his fingers find your wet pussy.
A sharp gasp falls from your lips as he pushes two fingers into your pussy, the sensation making your body quiver. Your body tenses as he starts moving his fingers in a delicious “come here” motion that had you reaching your orgasm insanely quickly.
Your wetness soaks his fingers, making Kai smile proudly. He loved the effect he had on you.
You push your hips against his hand, his palm grazing your sensitive clit. You moan weakly, your moans being more of a breathy pant at this point.
Pushing off your orgasm had become increasingly difficult especially now that his fingers were inside of you. Kai being someone who games and types a lot, he’s very good with his fingers. Really good.
“God…” you trail off, screwing your eyes shut as you push your lips tight together. His spare hand rests on your thigh, stroking your soft skin.
“Good girl, holding out this long,” he praises, his words sending a rush of arousal down to your pussy. “When I get to zero, you can cum,”
You smile, nodding at his instruction. “Five…” he starts, purposely rubbing his palm against your clit as he fingers you. “Four…” he continues his slow counting. Your orgasm was building up and you could tell it’d be blinding.
He pauses longer than before. Your entire body tenses up as you await the beloved final number. He grins, feeling how desperately you were trying to obey his task.
You immediately let go, a moan of relief leaving your mouth as your orgasm crashes over you. You tighten your hands into fists, your breathing picking up even more as you shook from where you sat on the sink.
Kai continues fingering you slowly, pushing you through to the end of your orgasm. You relax, his hand that was on your thigh now wrapped around your back and holding you close to him. His fingers remain in you, allowing you to feel the comforting sensation of being filled up.
“See? Good girls get good rewards,” he whispers, his hand traveling up your back and playing with your hair. You stay silent, still recovering.
“I love you,” you say softly, your voice weak. Kai smiles, a soft chuckle leaving his lips.
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ginanosakka · 3 years
The Mind of a Monster
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I’m Sorry | Next
“Daddy, why does everyone look like that?” Your young and bright eyes stared up at your father’s, his own having no light or warmth in them, not even as he looked at you.
The smile that crept onto his face scared you, but you smiled back nonetheless like the naive little girl you were, just wanting to return your father’s love. In truth, you had been scared the moment you entered his company office, the automatic shift in energy when he walked in the room from all his employees had you fiddling with your fingers and doing your best to avoid eye contact. It was confusing to you why he wanted you to come with him today to introduce you to his work, but he never greeted anyone or even acknowledged their existence.
You wished you had paid closer attention and broken from his leash sooner.
“My dear, you’ll learn soon enough that these are inferior beings, and how they feel mean nothing when it comes to success.”
Sitting in a conference room filled with heroes was one thing, but sitting in a conference room full of heroes being debriefed on your secret criminal business father was another. Seeing all of these familiar faces made your palms sweaty and an anxious shiver go down your spine. They were all the former class 1-A students who met your father —whether that was by coincidence of scheduling, or these were the ones who couldn’t believe the case at hand, you didn’t know. None of them were as close as Mina and Katsuki so this truthfully had nothing to do with the past, but everything to do with the present news that came out not too long ago.
They were helping to protect their old friend’s child, and his now speculated ‘wife’.
“. . . I can’t give you any more information than that, the old bastard has all of his dirty work under security, but there’s someone who can.” Katsuki said, and you looked up at him from your spot next to Ashido and Kirishima, vacating your thoughts to meet his eyes that had landed on you. “Y/N.” He called, and you stood up from your seat.
You glanced at them all again, taking note of their very clear interest while finding the words to help them understand what you knew. It wasn’t just the ones who you had just seen again for the first time in years, this was also information and a plan that you had not run through with Katsuki, Mina, or Eijirou who had discussed this meeting with you beforehand. Whether it was because all three of them looked so concerned with your safety that your plan would positively not be received well, or simply because you yourself weren’t prepared to put everything at stake wasn’t abundantly clear.
A warm and soft hand grabbed hold of yours from where you stood, and you glanced at Mina to see her smiling with encouragement. “Don’t worry, I’ll have your back, ‘kay?” She said, and you squeezed her hand.
“Okay then. First things first, I want you all to know that I haven’t had contact with him since the last year you have all seen me, not even money related. When I was in close contact with him, I was unaware of any illegal actions he’d done until I was kicked out. Are there any questions on that?” You began, doing your best to get the most obvious questions out of the way first.
The eight heroes in the room — Tokoyami, Sero, Kaminari, Todoroki, Uraraka, Ashido, Kirishima, and Bakugou — all glanced at each other for a moment, and two hands went up: Todoroki, Kaminari. You looked to Todoroki first, his dual colored eyes piercing into yours like he knew you. From what you remembered from all that hero news Ryu loved, he had his own personal family issues that ended up public information. Honestly, you didn’t know if he was looking at you like that because he related to you, or was greatly suspicious of you. Either way, you nodded at him to voice his questions first.
“Did your father use you to fulfill his own goals?”
“Todoroki, let’s stick to questions that have something to do with the crimes and just her father.” Kirishima sweatdropped, and you could see Katsuki’s expression from the corner of your eye that looked like he wanted to send an AP shot right through his left side.
‘Never let him ask me anything, good to know.’
“Kami- Chargebolt, you had a question.” You redirected the attention to Denki who looked as done with Todoroki as the rest of the group, but once you called on him he refocused on you.
“If you knew he was doing illegal stuff at some point, why didn’t you say anything to the police before?” He asked.
The air became thick in the room, and all of them looked at you with their full attention once again, and that’s how you needed it to answer that. What they were about to take on may not be physically exhausting as a villain, but the mental toll this could take would be something they’d never forget. Their images will forever be changed in the media, and they’ll never look at those who run this world the same when you expose to them the man that they’d only met as a hopeful teenager. This was a man who would stop at nothing to stay on top, even going as far as to threaten his own blood’s life to ensure silence.
“When I got kicked out of my home, pregnant and a disgrace to him, he realized that I may not have known much about how the underground business he did, but I could easily stain his image by telling my story. About a month after I was kicked out, when I was two months pregnant, a man showed up at the hotel I was staying at and attempted to kill my baby. I survived with bruises and a stab wound that entered just between my rib cage instead of directly into my stomach. That man was hired by my father to kill me. . my mother had come to the hospital to break that news to me. She is the reason another attempt hadn’t been made on my life, but it was at the cost of me disappearing and never returning again.” You laid out the full story, sparing gruesome details but not leaving any room for confusion or continued suspicion.
Denki looked horrified as he tried to apologize, “I didn’t think he did something like that to you. I’m-“
You cut him off with a raised hand, “that’s why you’re here now. No one knows how evil Eito L/N is, because he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing to the public. This isn’t your routine evidence and arrest case, and if you think there’s a low that my dear old father won’t reach to make me disappear, you’re going to end up dead, or so far in the gutter of negative media attention that your career will be over in days. You’re going to find out information that will destroy the relationship between you and the men that have made you heroes. As we speak, he is most likely ten steps ahead of us all and expecting us to move as quietly as we can for the sake of your licenses and my business.” You explained, and Uraraka stood up in distress.
“Then we should be looking for evidence! Doesn’t this mean you could be being followed right now? Why are we sitting here discussing it?” She asked, and you nodded in agreement at her words.
“You’re right, but there’s a quick end to this that only I can do at the risk of my own life. . I didn’t go over this with any of you, and I deeply apologize for the trouble I will soon be causing, but I can’t let all of you save my life while I lay down and cower with my son.”
You whipped out your phone and searched up the first news outlet that came to mind, and just as you expected, your video was being played as you spoke. You laid it out on the table after turning the sound up, watching the video you had recorded last night played to the public.
“I am Y/N L/N, the daughter of a very well known man, Eito L/N. Six years ago, he told the public that I went overseas in search of a different life, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. In actuality, six years ago, Eito kicked me out of his home after finding out I was pregnant and used that story to cover up my disappearance. I have since been living on my own with no help or contact from my father, and I urge all of you to look closer at those in power and wealth. You have no idea what they could be doing behind closed doors. Thank you.” You turned your phone off and slipped in back in your pocket as they all took in what you had done, and it was of course Katsuki who spoke up first.
“What the hell did you do?!” He growled, and you met his concerned and angry eyes with frightening intent.
“I’m making this a media circus, Dyanmight,” you smiled.
“You’re drawing him out, but why? Won’t that make this worst?” Tokoyami asked, but you weren’t the one to answer.
“He doesn’t know what she’s going to do. . she’s making it impossible to keep his tracks covered.” Todoroki looked at you, and you both nodded at each other in complete understanding. “Y/N just made this a lot easier for us.”
A/N: I was gonna keep dad’s name neutral, but it just didn’t make sense that they all would constantly refer to him as her father. So evil dad’s name is Eito! This is pretty much a small filler before we reach our real drama and end. I can’t promise a soon update and the hiatus is still very much in motion, but I wanted to get this out to you. I hope you enjoy!
Taglist (Closed) <3 : @fandomgirllover @cloudsgathering @that-bipolar-renegade-romantic @jazzylove @that-chick212 @bonbonthedragon @misssugarless @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @bakugous-bakahoe @pinkykookie17 @animexholic @arielting @samkysnks @simpforeveryone @damnirina @deneuves @tsumuuumiyaaaa @vintage-teddyxo @regalmigraine @samvmgh @iamagalaxy @officialtrashbusiness @xwackk @videogameboiwhowins @marajillana @ellasdilemma @plutoneu @saucey-kneecapzz42020 @thestarsanctuary @dewdropwifu @star-light-imagines @kritiiiii @bakugosbottombitch @the2ndl @candybabey @simply-not-the-same @sam-i-am-1025 @mes-bisous @eternallyvenus @peppytine @chaelysian @definitely-yours @oikawarc @suneaterofthebig3 @m0na-l0ver @nkb0048 @losertsukki @notyourfavorlte @caramelsquares @hikaru-mikazuki
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whet-ones-write · 3 years
Fixing Kai -  a Overhaul x Fem!Reader
First posted on my AO3 and forgot to post here- lmao Whoops! Anyway Enjoy! Warnings: 18+ NSFW / Surgery mention / Binding - Being Tied down.
Word Count: 3446
“You know that’s not very nice.” You said as you looked up at the masked villain above you. “I fix your arms time and time again, and this is how you treat me?” You sigh, shaking your head. “Glad to know i’m appreciated around here.” Rolling your eyes up at the figure above you as he got up with a grunt. 
 “Now Kai, you need to sit and get your rest. I know that’s something you don’t want to do but you tore yourself up pretty badly.” And as much as you knew it, he probably would not listen to you again, which is why you used your quirk to make sure he stayed in the bed he had already stained crimson with blood. “If you keep moving you could re-open the wounds I've stitched up and don’t even get me started on your bones.” You growled quietly as you shifted your stance. “Still, there’s no need for these bindings eh Angel?”
 “You could be a good boy and stay put.”  Even with the scolding it did not change the fact that you did not budge or remove the bindings. “I know you better than that.” He smirked as you took a seat at your desk, hunching over and looking over his charts. “The moment I let go, you’ll go for your knives and try and hurt me for tying you up like this, even if I am your precious Angel.” You mused, clearly unimpressed with his attempts of flattery. 
 “And such a special Angel you are.” He sighed happily as he lay back watching you. “You don’t break like anyone else and you’re oh so useful to me. You take care of me like no one else does.” He offered charmingly.
 “Yeah and no one fixes your messes like I do eh?” Rolling your eyes you leaned back in your chair. “If it weren’t for me you could be bleeding out right now. Not only that, getting you out was hard enough; having you imprisoned like you were. Still, you need to take at least a week's rest rather than getting into fights.” You started to explain much to his dismay. 
 “Your arms are rather fucked up, but I'm getting close to making a break though.” You informed him. Glacing to you, it was clear you had his interest. This meant you could let the bindings go and like the good boy was going to be, he could remain as you explained. 
“I’m close to getting your new arms compatible with your quirk. We know that you had to touch someone for you to use it, so naturally even though mentally you wanted to use them you couldn’t, something was missing.. With your blood samples I have been able to determine that not only mentally do you need to be willing to activate it but it also lies within your nervous system. Although you have robotic arms which you can use, we know from practice that you can’t use your quirk just yet and because of the lack of connections.” Scratching your head you flipped the page as he continued to listen to you clearly excited for the possibility to be back to normal. 
 “So I’m going to need you to be in top physical condition so I can perform the surgery needed to make sure you can use your arms and quirk to its fullest again. I can’t give you any anesthetic at the time of the surgery because if I did, I can’t be sure if your arms will be connected to your nervous system as well as your brain realising you have your limbs back. They’re just a few days away so when your bones are healed we can give it a go, you should be able to help cure the world again should it all go according to my plan.” 
 “I knew I could count on you, my Angel. I thought I had lost all hope when I was trapped in that God forsaken prison.” He stated as he glanced over at you. “It was so bright and so lonely there by myself. I couldn’t even feed myself at the time. They forced me to have a pump to my stomach for it to be filled with food, I had almost missed chewing and tasting food.” He admitted thinking back on the several months he spent there. “Then again I suppose it was also my own fault over the fact that I trusted the bastard Shigraki but still, he will get what’s coming to him for double crossing me.” He smiled at the thought shutting his eyes as he relaxed back. “He will be one of the first ones I cure. He’s such a sick little boy isn’t it? Always scratching, so dry and flaky. Yes, he shall be the first to be cured once I am able to. Give him some moisturizer at that.” He mused as he opened his eyes to you.
 He wasn’t one for feelings too much, he didn’t have time for them unless he was trying to get others to help him, he could pull at other’s feelings but rather not show that particular weakness himself but there was something about you that just made him sick.  Love sick that is, and he knew there was no cure of this illness but he did not mind. Sometimes you have to be sick in order to get stronger, and that’s how he viewed this situation. It was not often you were in trouble but when you were he would always be there to help. His sickness made it so your protection and safety was more important than his own. On top of that you believed in him which is why you gathered other’s to help him break free. 
 Even though all that though you never gave up on him, and what was his dream soon became the both of yours. You were the one that built his very first arms, and something that he would always treasure before he was able to get into contact with some people that could really make a difference for him. After all in this day and age, a loss of a limb should not keep a sick human down, so why should someone like him that doesn’t suffer, be handicapped.
 “Well it still won’t be for some time yet.” You explained as you rubbed your temple. “You still have to heal as much as you can while we wait for your arms to come in. I will have to make some adjustments to your shoulders, neck and head and it will be risky but the pay off? It’ll be life changing that’s for sure.” You mused before leaning back and looking at him. “You’ll have cybernetic arms, that has your blood flowing through them and on top of that you’ll be able to use your power to cure again.” Smiling at that statement, you got up to turn off the lights. “So rest well sir, the sooner you heal up, the sooner we can get you all better.” Smiling as you left him alone in the room so he could think it over.
 Yes you were so beautiful in your working uniform. A plague mask much like his own but pure in white, to symbolise your cleanliness, the light in the darkness of his goal, as well as matching your white lab coat, announcing to others you were his own private doctor and he’ll be damned if the black trousers you wore got him all hot and bothered. Still a temporary cure will come to him soon enough for his love sickness. He can and will show you just how much you mean to him and how damn sexy you look in your uniform. 
 ~ ~
 When the time came for the surgery you were more nervous than anything. What if something went wrong?. What if you were not quick enough and ended up having him bleed out? You did not have anyone to assist you if something went wrong, because anyone else would just get in the way of what you were trying to do. It seemed simple on paper what you had to do but working on an actual body was different. On top of that you had done some test runs on some animals to try and help them get back to what society saw as normal and after a few attempts, things looked up for the better but the failures still weighed heavy on you and even Chisaki could see that.
 You were stuck scrubbing your arms as you mutter to yourself about the process, what you had to do to an obsessive extent before your trance was snapped, bringing you back down to earth and looking at him. 
 Having placed a kiss on your cheek gently, he looked over you with a small sigh. “Do not fret. I do not die so easily.” He smiled at that, leaning in and kissing your forehead. “I am all healed and ready for this. I know the risks. I know what might happen but Angel, I trust you like no one else.” He explained as he took a seat on the operating table “You’ve been there with me right from the start. Through thick and thin and you have been there healing those in need. The children I've brought to you as well as my fellow colleagues that needed treatment. You are the best that I trust and you have the best equipment we can afford. You’ve looked over your plans obsessively to the point I'm sure you’re speaking them in your sleep. You’ve got plans for every eventuality, there’s no one I love and trust more to do this then you. You have this, just stay calm, relaxed and I’ll be happy to talk the entire time. After, if I stop talking I might just be brain dead, and I’m sure you don’t want that now hmm?” Teasing, you sighed in response, shaking your head. He was always like this in tense situations between you both, just trying to find the light side of life with smiles and laughs. 
 “Even so, if you’re ready I am, and we can begin.” You stated, waiting for his go ahead. Letting him remain sat up, it meant you could work around his back and shoulder completely so you can get to exactly where you need to be. 
 “Of course Angel, lets begin.” He smiled, keeping his eyes open as he watched the door behind you as you began your long and painful work.
“Okay Kai, I’m going to go collect the shopping that we need but I want you to remain in bed.” You tell him as you step around the room; laid on the soft and clean bed, Kai was still resting post-op some time ago.
 “I ain’t going anywhere any time soon.” He replied, letting out a low sigh as he shifted in the bed. Even though no anaesthetic could be used during the operation, you had given him some after; he needed time to recover and relax after all.
 However you knew what he was like, you knew what would happen if you left him alone for more than a handful of minutes. With a slight tap of your chin with your gloved finger, you made your way over and gently placed his new wrists into the restrains.
 You had all of them fastened before Kai realised what was going on, quickly fastening the last restraint over his chest and tightening it enough that he could not move more than he needed to.
 “Hey! What’s the problem! Unfasten me! I said I won’t move okay!”
 “I know that Kai and I trust you but, you know what you’re like. Plus if you move more than you need to it could cause damage to your new limbs; irreparable damage. I would be negligent if I let that happen. I’ll only be gone for about half an hour at most. Just… Sit tight okay?”
 With a soft sigh, Kai looked away; pouting like a child as he grumbled a “Fine” under his breath.
 “Don’t worry. I won’t be long. I tell you what, I’ll bring you something nice.” Winking your grinned as you shut the door behind you letting him get the rest he would need still. 
 ~ ~
 You ran back as fast as you could, how could today have been so… so… He was going to kill you! You knew it!
 You just could not get away, every time you were due to get away from someone you were once again dragged away; you couldn’t exactly tell them that you had one of the biggest criminals tied down in one of your off the books surgeries could you?
 Busting in through the door and dropping the bags you were carrying, your eyes landed on the empty bed and the removed restrains. “Oh no…”
 “Oh no indeed.” A voice spoke from behind you and quickly spinning on your heel you were face to face with Kai.
 “Oh thank goodness Kai, I am so sorry, I don’t know what happened and-” Your words were quickly cut off when you were pushed back onto the bed.
 “Oh yes, you will be sorry. Five hours, FIVE FUCKING HOURS I was left on the bed!” He turned his head slightly and gritted his teeth under his mask.
 “Please Kai, I’m sorry. I tried to get away and they kept…” You began but could not finish as you were pushed back again. As you fell back on the bed, Kai gripped your wrist and began to strap the restraint over it.
 “Oh you’ll be sorry. We’ll see what you can do to make it up to me for this.” He grinned under his mask and walked around the other side of the bed, quickly grabbing your other wrist. In a panic you kicked and yelled but he was much stronger than you, even with his new arms and post op recovery.
 “Kai… Kai… What are you doing? Untie me. Please.” You begged but he just towered over you at the foot of the bed.
 “Don’t worry. I’m not going to hurt you Doc, I’m just going to make you regret keeping me tied up for five hours.” He leaned forward and tapped your foot. “Just sit tight okay?”
 The breath in your chest hung as you thought what he could do, the punishments a villain like him could put upon someone; you had seen him seriously hurt many people. He wouldn’t do that to you would he?
 Closing your eyes tight as he leaned over, you were surprised by what he did first.
 Laughter burst out of your lungs as he began to tickle your feet, under arms and under your kneecaps. Why did he know exactly where to tickle you! Stretching up and pulling at the restraints you laughed hard, coughing and choking as you tried to breath. Finally begging to stop worked as he stepped back. Circling the bed like a vulture in the desert with its prey in sight, Kai stopped behind your head, leaning over he looked at you and pulled his mask away slightly before removing your own for you.
 “Don’t worry Angel, I’m not going to kill you, or hurt you. Why would I? I’m just going to make you wish you’d never locked me up.” He grinned and gave your forehead a soft peck.
 Staring up at Kai, you were speechless, a hot flush running along your cheeks at the kiss off your forehead.
 “Look at you, all red and flustered, you’d think that you had a crush on me.” Kai grinned as he towered over you. Your eyes quickly turned away as he mentioned it.
 “Yeah… that would be silly.” You mumble and Kai let out a loud laugh.
 “I’m not stupid you know Angel, I know you like me; I mean…” He reached out and flicked his finger; a loud gasp left your lips and you looked down at your body to see you flushes stained cheeks. “You really like being tied up don’t you Angel? Have you ever tried it?”
 Nervously you nod. “A few times… but…”
 “But what? You’ve never been with anyone for long?”
 You nod slowly and bite your lip.
 “Me too.” Kai replied and sighed. “Look Angel… I… I might be a bit of an arsehole but… I appreciate everything you do… and… I… I kinda… like you too.”
 The two of you were silent as you stared up at him and he stared down at you. “Well… you… You have me here…” You mumble and then could not believe you said it. With a surprised smile Kai looked down at you.
 “Oh really now? For such an innocent doctor you really are needy aren't you?.” He laughed and grinned, slowly one hand went out of view and your vision went dark as something slapped you on the face. Warm, musky and… and… Wide eyed you stared up at Kai as you realised what was on your face.
 “So… if I was to put my dick here, what would you do?” Kai asked and you breathed slowly, nervously, you turned your head and opened your mind. The grin on Kai’s face as he stepped back slightly and thumbed his tip to your lips.
 “Good doc…” He purred and slowly began to slide inside your own lips. You’d never done this before in this position but already you wanted more. You were pretty skilled at this without your gag reflex and as Kai grunted, he reached out and put his hand on your bulging throat. With several slaps of your face with his balls, you could feel him tensing and getting faster.
 The warmth and suddenness of the act left you coughing and for once; gagging as your airways were filled. Stepping back and accidental slapping and dribbling over your face, Kai panted as he held himself up by the nearby wall.
 “Damn Angel… you… you’re…” He panted and after managing to cough and swallow as much as you can, you whimpered the words quietly. “Please… fuck me…”
 Kai stared over at you as the grin on his face began to grow. “As you prescribe doctor~.”
 Now laying on your front, the slap against your rear stung but… felt so good. You had dreamt of this in the dark nights and late work hours when you were alone, now it was going to happen and here you were; tied to a medical bed. This was not exactly the romantic night you expected; no dinner and no dancing, no long cuddling and foreplay; unless you classed the teasing as foreplay.
 ‘Oh god, that had been foreplay.’ You thought as you tried to look back at Kai, the way you were restrained meant you couldn’t turn your head very far. You saw his shoulder and his arms moving, grabbing something from the cupboard before turning back to you. A soft splurge noise and then a cold feeling down the crack of your rear. A soft gasp left your lips as you shuddered at the feeling.
 “Oh don’t be such a wuss Doctor, it’s only a bit of lubrication; unless you want me to go without?” Kai asked with a teasing tone to his voice.
 In a soft squeak you found your voice whimpering out. “N… no…”
 “Alright then.” Kai whispered and let his hand drop his cock down onto your waiting hole. You felt the heavy weight on your cheeks, the warmth passing through the cold lube and to your now chilled rear. The air in your lungs hung deep and you had to think hard to remember to breathe.
 “Ready Angel?” He asked in a soft tone and you nodded, letting out a soft whimper as you did so.
 The first bit of pressure began and you closed your eyes, soft breaths and relaxing thoughts as you tried to loosen your body. The only issue was it did not stop, you tried to relax but the pressure built and built; when would that damn head pass!
 When it did, the feeling of the pop through your body and the sudden half-thrust brought a loud gasp from your lips.
 “You sound so cute there Angel, you enjoying it?”
 “Hmm hmm.” You manage to reply.
 “Well let's let you relax and get used to this, because I’m going to give you this and then I’m going to wreck you. You want that?”
 “Hmm hmm.” You manage to reply again. Kai let out a soft chuckle and began to buck his hips.
 The night could not last long enough.
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solalunar-eclipse · 3 years
Scars You Can’t See - Chapter 12
Chapter title: Beliefs
Word count: about 4100 words
Author’s Note: How did I write over four thousand words?? Mostly I’m just grateful this chapter got out in time, but still. Wow.
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Over the next few days, Team Sonic dedicated their time to helping their counterparts recover from the exhausting ordeal of the past couple weeks. Tails worked to replace some of Omega’s burnt-out wiring (from his attack on G.U.N.), while Knuckles and Sonic...well, they wanted to take care of Rouge and Shadow, but it was very difficult when both Mobians kept insisting that they were “fine really, don’t worry about us so much” despite looking like they could collapse at any second.
The general stress level on the island was only raised upon a second call from the president, since she requested that a few of them come see her to discuss what should be done with G.U.N. at her office. Shadow and Rouge obviously weren’t going. Neither of them were ready to deal with the president, let alone the press (even if the latter continued to insist otherwise). The sheer idea of being in the same city as G.U.N. had especially shaken Shadow, even if he refused to say so.
Sonic had seen how he cringed at the mere idea.
Since Knuckles absolutely refused to leave his island, it was decided that Sonic, Tails, and Omega would travel together to see the president and hear what she had to say. She seemed pretty trustworthy, and if any of her staff wasn’t...they’d be able to handle themselves just fine.
While Tails helped haul Omega into the back seat of the Tornado (an impressive feat considering that he’d used to struggle with lifting Sonic in his early years) and prepared for takeoff, the hedgehog in question was zipping all around the island, trying to make sure everything would be okay while he was away and unable to defend his friends.
“You guys are sure you’re gonna be alright?” he asked for what was probably the fifth time, after Shadow had needed to physically stop him from starting a mini-whirlwind.
“Yes, Blue, we’ll be fine. Now go! You don’t want to keep the president waiting!” Rouge insisted, pushing the worried hero towards the Tornado.
He twisted around, trying to make eye contact with both of them. “You’re really, really-”
“Sonic.” Shadow said calmly. “It’s going to be alright. I promise.” 
The hero could practically feel his body untense, finally willing to jump onto the top wing of the biplane and prepare for takeoff. Before Tails fired up the engine, he took one last look at his friends.
Knuckles had walked up beside Rouge and looked like he wanted to put his arm around her waist without being awkward...which just made him look awkward anyway. The bat took the initiative herself, leaning against him comfortably. Her eyes were back to teal again, since she and Shadow had both taken out their contacts pretty quickly. 
Rouge had taken off her leather jacket by now, and Sonic could see it lying on the altar next to Omega’s generator- Angel Island was pretty warm, after all. Shadow was still wearing his hoodie, though he’d taken off the glasses. Omega had tried them on once out of curiosity and nearly broken them in the process...so the hybrid simply hadn’t bothered with it after that. His quills were still in a ponytail, which Sonic wasn’t complaining about in the slightest. (It was a good look on him, that was all!)
He switched on his earpiece and settled into his ‘flight’ position once again. “You guys read me?”
“Loud and clear, hon.” Rouge said. “Now go!”
The Tornado’s engine kicked up a roar as the plane wheeled down the clearing and began to lift off the ground. Knuckles and Shadow both waved, while Rouge opted for a mock-salute, which Sonic returned cheerfully as the plane pulled up above the altar.
He crouched low on the top wing as Tails pulled into a turn, angling the plane so that their course was set for Central City yet again. The fox switched on the turbo engine, too, but it would still take them about an hour and a half to reach the city at this rate.
To pass the time, Tails and Omega started talking almost immediately about how they needed to take some time in the workshop to fix up the latter’s various dents and scratches. Both of them seemed pretty excited about this- the former because he’d get to return to his workshop, the latter for style reasons, and both because they’d get to spend time together. Somewhere along the way, Omega insisted loudly that Tails “must return me to my original color as soon as it is possible to do so.”, clearly less than happy about his current paint job.
Sonic sighed as the conversation turned to advanced technical terminology, feeling a little bored. It was a little funny for him to say so, considering that he was blasting through the sky on a biplane going at speeds rivaling advanced jets...but here he was. Bored.
He tapped his feet, trying to look for shapes in the clouds or enjoy the feeling of the wind on his face, anything to avoid checking how long they’d been up in the air….
Too late.
The hero sighed loudly upon discovering that it had only been ten minutes since takeoff. How could something that was usually so cool be so...just...not?
Sonic quickly decided that he had to call up Angel Island right now so that he could find somebody to talk to. As the earpiece patched through to the other end, he heard a sudden “Ngh-” followed by a loud sigh. 
“Hey, everything okay there?” he asked, resulting in a startlingly high shriek from the other end.
“Sonic! Don’t do that!” Shadow hissed at him. “Give me a little warning next time!”
“There’s, like, actually no way for me to do that without talking.” Sonic shot back cheerfully, feeling more upbeat already.
“Ugh.” the hybrid groaned, before some sort of thud came through the mike.
“Seriously, though, you okay?”
Shadow sighed. “I’ve spent the past four minutes walking through a tangled, vine-filled forest in any direction that is away from the altar. It could be worse, but it could be better too.”
Sonic frowned, worried. “And why were you walking away from the altar? Are Rouge and Knuckles with you?”
“No.” the hybrid muttered. “They’re kind of busy making out. At the altar. Which is why I’m not there, obviously.”
“Aw, man...they probably just missed each other a lot.”
Shadow sighed. “I know they did, and I’m not judging them. But they deserve some privacy, and I really deserve to not have to watch that.”
Sonic grinned. “Hah! That’s fair. So whatcha doing now?”
“Lying on the ground next to a lake and watching some Flickies on a tree. You?”
“Sitting on the plane. And bored. Or, at least I was. Bored, I mean.” Sonic amended quickly.
The hybrid snickered. “I’d hope you’re still sitting on the plane.”
His smile only grew. Talking with Shadow was always fun- he didn’t know why he hadn’t called sooner!
“Soooo...you feelin’ any better after those power naps of yours?” he asked curiously.
“Actually, yes. Mostly it helps to not be looking over my shoulder all the time.” Shadow sighed again. “It’s…” he trailed off, clearly embarrassed.
“Hey, you can tell me!” Sonic said encouragingly.
“It's difficult to adjust. I...still catch myself looking over my shoulder only to see it’s a fly buzzing, not a plane, or something like that. I shouldn’t be, but I am.”
Sonic wished he was back at the island already so that he could give Shadow all the comfort he deserved. “There won’t be any planes there, Shadow. I mean it. And none of that ‘shouldn’t’ talk, either, ‘kay? It’s alright to be a little stressed, just remember everything’s gonna turn out fine.”
“That means a lot...thank you. Again.”
Sonic could feel a grin spreading across his whole face. “No problem! Now, what I really need to tell ya about is……”
He spent the rest of the flight chatting with the hybrid, catching him up on all the jokes, memes and random news he’d missed over the past couple of weeks. Shadow was eager to listen, and Sonic was so glad to finally be able to tell him everything that he swore he’d never take his friend’s presence for granted again.
Eventually, though, he was pulled back to reality in the middle of a particularly passionate explanation of why exactly it was so cool that the Tomatopotamus 2 movie’s release date was finally out when Tails tapped on his shoulder. “Uh, Sonic? We’re here now.”
“What?” The hero glanced down, only to discover that yes, Central City was in fact right beneath them. “No way, that was like twenty minutes!”
Omega shook his head. “Correction: it has been an hour and twenty minutes.” He sounded smug for some reason, and Sonic glowered at the robot irritably.
“I guess I gotta go for now, sorry.” he sighed into the earpiece. 
“Good luck to all three of you.” Shadow said. “I’ll be listening in, and I’ll go break up Knuckles and Rouge now.”
“Good luck to you.” Sonic snickered. He could practically hear Shadow roll his eyes at that one.
They coasted to a stop on the back lawn of the president’s home, the hedgehog pointedly ignoring Tails and Omega’s conversation about the theory of relativity, or something along those lines. Even though he didn’t know what exactly they were talking about, he could guess, and he didn’t approve. At all.
Sonic hopped off the wing of the plane before it had even finished landing the moment he spotted someone on the grass, waving hello as the president herself walked over to greet them. He rushed over to her, taking her hand and shaking it happily. 
He and the president had spoken a few times before- being a hero meant he ended up talking with quite a few famous people, but she was one of his favorites. She was relatively young compared to most of the others who had held that title, but she handled herself with the confidence and strength she deserved (and needed) for this station.
“Hey there! How’s the job?” he asked with an understanding grin, knowing all too well how it felt to be responsible for large groups of people at a time.
She dropped his hand (and the remaining air of formality) in favor of running copper fingers tiredly through her hair, letting out a long sigh. “These last few days have been tough, but I know it’s probably not as much stress as you guys have been dealing with. Still sorry about that, by the way.”
Sonic looked up at her, still sympathetic. “It’s not your fault. I bet you’ve probably got a lot on your plate too- dealing with this fallout ain’t gonna be easy.”
“I know, but it’s what I have to do. For your friends, and for everyone.” she said, squaring her shoulders determinedly.
Tails rushed over not long after, having parked and shut down the plane by now. “Hi, Ms. President! How are you?”
“Hello, Tails,” she said. Impressively, she was one of the few adults who refused to talk down to the young fox, instead treating him like the mature person he was. (This definitely earned her a few extra points in Sonic’s book.) “I’m perfectly alright...I hope you all aren’t doing too badly.”
The president had the thoughtfulness to at least look a little awkward at that, clearly embarrassed by the fact that some of the United Federation’s most famed heroes were now essentially unable to live in the country without being in serious danger. 
Omega greeted her as well as he made his way over, clearly alright with being at least somewhat decent to the woman who had helped shut down G.U.N.
“Would you like to come inside?” she asked politely. “I promise, there’s nothing inside but some Secret Service...and hopefully cake, if I requested it early enough.” she added with a warmer smile.
“What are we here for?” the robot asked bluntly, unprepared to trust as easily as the two Mobians were.
“Right!” she said, taking his question in stride. “I’m working on a new set of rules with the congressional branch that deal with some of the problems within G.U.N. so that they don’t crop up in the future, as well as trying to figure out what to do with them in general- so I wanted your opinion on both of those subjects! As long as that’s alright with you?”
Shadow spoke up in Sonic’s ear. “Rouge is interested and so am I.”
“Totally!” Sonic chirped, following her inside. Omega agreed with Rouge and Shadow (somewhat reluctantly), having tapped into the hero’s communications as they were landing.
Halfway up the stairs to the president’s office, the first lady came rushing in the opposite direction, apologizing all the while for getting in their way. “Hi, Sonic! Hi Tails! Hello, Omega! So nice to see you! Sorry, the cat’s gotten loose again…” she sighed, sagging against the railing briefly.
“We really need to get him a tracking collar, don’t we?” The president shook her head, her soft Afro bouncing as she pinched the bridge of her nose briefly. “Good luck finding him, anyway.”
“Have fun in your meeting!” the first lady chirped, winking overdramatically at her wife for emphasis before rushing off in search of their cat.
Tails grinned up at the president. “I know how you feel...sometimes I want to get a tracker chip for Sonic when he stays out too long on a run.”
“Hey!” the hero protested, but nobody seemed to be terribly worried about his pride. He could hear Knuckles, Shadow and Rouge laughing in his ear, too, and he pouted, wishing more than anything that he could offer a snappy comeback- but he couldn’t give away the fact that he had an earpiece in.
The president invited them into her office and began to lay out her plans for how to improve the country. The legislative body was working with her on some sort of complete shutdown and restructuring of G.U.N.- it seemed like there were going to be new leaders, new hiring processes, review systems, a different set of priorities…and that was just the start.
It was a lot, but Sonic was glad that she’d at least given them the opportunity to hear about these plans. Shadow and Rouge got to provide their input as well, which was great, but only through Omega, not Sonic. They would’ve trusted the president with that information, for sure, but the two members of the Secret Service behind her desk?
No way.
Especially not when Rouge recognized one of them from G.U.N.’s special training programs. They might not be close enough with the organization for it to really mean anything, but the group definitely didn’t want to take chances.
Partway through the meeting (not long after the cake arrived), the main phone on the president’s desk rang, startling everyone out of their conversation. She picked it up with a calm “Hello?”, but her eyes quickly widened as the person on the other end began to speak.
“Thank you.” she said quickly, before putting the phone down. Her eyes met Sonic’s, and he felt his stomach drop. The hero suddenly wished he hadn’t eaten just yet…
 “Three representatives of G.U.N. are at the front gate.” the president said quietly.
The hero heard a gasp in his ear. He wasn’t sure who had done so, but the sound made his surprise morph quickly into defensiveness. “Omega. Tails. Do you guys want to meet with them?” he asked coolly, his face losing most of its expression. 
“I would...like to do so.” the robot said.
Tails met Sonic’s gaze. “Yeah, same here.”
They moved to the main conference room, and the three heroes stood at one end of a long table, waiting for the members of G.U.N. to appear. It didn’t take long before they were buzzed in, and Sonic could feel himself shifting into a more confrontational stance, prepared to fight if necessary. 
The commander was the first one to enter the room. His presence immediately raised everyone’s tension levels- at the very least, he seemed to be aware of it. He almost looked...a little embarrassed? 
The silence on the other end of the communicator was near-deafening.
He was followed almost immediately by an agent that Sonic didn’t recognize, a wolf who seemed more than a little bit awkward and apologetic. She sat down to his left, sneaking glances at each of the three heroes in the room.
After that, a skinny, pale sort of guy entered the room, looking incredibly full of himself. Sonic wasn’t usually one to get bad first impressions of people, but this person irritated him almost immediately. Omega obviously recognized him- and not in a good way- as he began to make several loud clicking noises not unlike those of guns loading. On purpose, of course.
The commander sat down last (still seeming less than comfortable), cleared his throat, and looked up at the other three. “Before I speak, is there anything you would like to say?”
Sonic, Tails and Omega regarded him in stony silence.
He shuffled some of the papers in front of him and sighed quietly. “I would like to begin by apologizing for the distress I and the organization I serve have caused to you and your friends. All of you. I wish...no, I should have handled this in a different manner- requested a meeting, spoken with you first, done something to ensure that my intentions did not appear malicious. But instead…
“...instead I have distanced myself from three of the most skilled people ever to serve under my command, as well as further tarnished G.U.N.’s already ruined reputation. I…” The commander sighed here. This speech was already taking a lot out of him, Sonic could tell.
“I fear that my father’s views have heavily influenced my own, to say the absolute least, especially regarding my job and what needed to be done to serve this organization. ‘Shoot first and ask questions later’ was a favorite motto of his, and one that I accepted for a long, long time...my family has discussed with me lately (and quite gently, perhaps more so than I deserve) about how that ideology is problematic, to say the least.
“I liked to think I was not a bad person. That I was being more open-minded. But now I see that I was foolish to believe as much. I chose to try and salvage G.U.N., to cover up the mistakes as others have done before me because it was ‘for the good of the country’, because ‘other people wouldn’t understand what needs to be done’, and more. My guilty conscience wishes I would blame my father for my mistakes, but at some point, one must take responsibility for one’s own failures.
“Particularly…” and here he looked directly at the three of them, though he almost seemed to be searching for someone else instead, “...having alienated the last person on this planet who truly can comprehend the life I have led.”
Sonic realized with a start that he was talking about Shadow.
“All I can say now is that as of tomorrow, I am resigning as commander of G.U.N. I clearly have not succeeded in improving this organization at all, so I believe a new, younger face...someone without prior biases or contacts...would be better for us now.”
The hero heard gasps in both his ears- one from Rouge and Shadow, the other from the wiry man in front of him. Said human immediately started stammering at the commander, asking him why in the world he thought this was a good idea. The older man in turn merely waved him off with a stern word or two, forcing the other human to sink back into his seat with an obviously displeased expression.
The lavender wolf, the president, Omega, and Tails, on the other hand, all seemed to approve of the commander’s decision, as did Sonic. The hero felt nothing but relief now, hoping that finally, the big things could start to change for the better.
They spoke a little longer, the tensions mostly eased now (with the exception of the skinny guy, of course, who Rouge irritably identified as the less-than-respectful PR officer that the team had spoken to way back in the beginning). The conversation wasn’t very important, just polite nonsense about how change should be made soon and all that. 
Things weren’t comfortable by any means, and they shouldn’t have been, but...Sonic felt a little lighter at the thought that someone important in G.U.N. at least accepted what was going on.
As the three heroes left, the commander asked them for one favor. “Could you please tell Shadow and Rouge that I apologize for the way G.U.N. has behaved? The way in which I have commanded this organization is wrong...I can see that now.”
Sonic offered him a quick flash of a grin, realizing that the commander truly didn’t know about his earpiece, nor Omega’s connection. “Hey, being able to apologize says a lot, too. I’ll be sure to let them know, don’t worry.”
“Thank you, and safe travels.”
“You too, alright?” he replied politely, before hopping onto the Tornado with a wave.
The flight back seemed to take forever (really, this time), partly because Sonic was dying to get back and partly because his friends seemed too busy talking seriously to chat. He tried his best to bask in the feeling of hope, but it was difficult to focus when his excitement was rising with each passing second.
As soon as they landed, he jumped off and ran over to his friends. “It’s gonna be alright now, guys!” he said, grinning at them. “You’re gonna go home soon!”
Rouge gave him a big smile back, before rushing over to Omega to celebrate. “Did you hear that, Omega? We’ll be home in a couple of weeks, max! Shadow-”
She trailed off, watching him carefully. The hybrid was staring down at the ground, his hands trembling slightly. “It’s...done? Then what now? What should we do?” he asked, trying to keep his voice calm and failing miserably. Sonic’s ears drooped a little as he heard the shake in his friend’s voice.
“Now you get to rest. You’ve earned it, you know that? I know it’s tough to just...go back and chill after everything, but you gotta know when to let other people carry on the work ya started, alright?” Sonic said carefully, stepping closer and closer to Shadow. His hands hovered slightly over his friend’s arms, unwilling to touch the hybrid unless he was alright with it first.
Suddenly, Shadow leaned into Sonic’s chest, his eyes shut tightly, clearly fighting back some sort of emotion. The hero held his friend tightly, sinking to his knees in an attempt to comfort Shadow better. Rouge and Omega rushed over, holding him tight as well. “Hey…” the bat said gently, “Shadow, we’re all going to be okay, I promise. We can stop now.”
“How do we know? What if something happens and it all goes wrong-”
Sonic stopped him right there. “We can set up whatever you need to feel comfortable, but trust me, we’ll all make sure nothing goes wrong. I’ll hold the president to her word, and so will everyone else here.”
“But...nobody’s ever really been able to stop G.U.N. before...not even me.” Shadow said quietly.
“There are more people on your side now, Shadow.” Omega replied, looking down at him. “You are not alone in this fight- so many others want this too.”
“I’ll have to wait and see before I can believe that.” he muttered, sighing.
Tails and Knuckles walked over too, the former offering him a hopeful smile and the latter clapping a hand on his shoulder. “You guys can stay here a while longer, I guess, until everything’s sorted out.” the echidna said, trying his best to help.
“Yeah!” Sonic cheered. “We’ll make sure this all gets fixed up properly, alright?”
Shadow smiled faintly at him. “I’ll hold you to that, Sonic.”
The hero couldn’t help but grin back, all his hope for his friend bursting through. And when Shadow’s smile grew just that little bit more real, he was determined to do absolutely whatever it took to make the hybrid smile properly again and again, without any fear holding him back.
He knew, without a doubt, that Shadow was more than deserving of all the happiness in the world.
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mychemicalimagines · 4 years
You’re My Forever-Jasper Hale-Chapter 9
Summary: After the Battle of the Newborns, Bella reveals she’s getting married to Edward. After the wedding, Alexia’s life has been nothing but up. She gets to be with the love of her life forever. One little thing chances that. Will she actually get her forever…or will it end before it begins?
Warnings: Cussing, Angst, Supernatural, Paranormal, Love, Bella-Bashing, Smut, Blood
Words: 3556
Tag List:  @jayrart @elskinner45 @nocturnalherb16 @buckysforeverprincess @diyunho @negans-womam @deepobservationcherryblossom @fangirl1029 @thelostallycat @dreamslove92 @scarletmeii @thecaptainsgingersnap @jai-lynne-unknown @0-r-1-0-n @stephbass28 @magnificentzombiebasement @arseofrivia @vampiregirl1797 @millie-753 @fandom-imagines1 @aylamlc @celyndavies @geekysimmerthings @krazykatkay456 @marvelofwitch @frozenhuntress67 @sooophie19 @xcharlottemikaelsonx @azure23x @luna-thedarkwolf @treestarrrrrrrr @hi-my-name-is-riley @salsameter @jasperschillvibe @mikariell95 @whattheheckisevengoingon @starcatcher-kay @awesomebooklover17 @strangerthanfanfiction713 @nj01 @vxidnik @oi-itsemily @i-love-you-green @bubblyanis @emma-is-a-nerd @amethyst-atf @thegirlwhowishedeveryonelived @whyisgmora @kawaiikpoplover268 @booksalwaysandforever @fandomsstolemylife00 @rororo06 @jgtfvhsg @unadulteredscreams @justfangirliing @bitchy-witchy-post-mortem @kyky9103 @it-is-rebel-owl-ma-dudes @hiisay @aknerdchick @sana-li​
A/N: i have some news! Chapter 10 is probably gonna be the ending to this series! Oh my god, I never thought it would get this far! I love you guys!! (no it’s not a puppy XD!!!!) Comment some things you wanna see in the last chapter!!
Ask box is always open to ask Jasper and Ally some things about their relationship that you have ALWAYS wondered! 
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That night, I’m laying on Charlotte’s bed, reading her a bedtime story. Well it’s not really a bedtime story, but rather it’s a book that’s filled with poems. Edward bought her the book so that she can get into poetry. It’ll give them something in common. He bought it before she got into piano but Charlotte loves it when we read this book to her anyway. This specific poem is called The Lotos-eaters  which is by Alfred-Lord Tennyson.
“There is sweet music that softer falls, than petals from blown roses on the grass.” I read aloud. “Or night-dews on still waters between walls, of shadowy granite, in a gleaming pass. Music that brings sweet sleep down from the blissful skies.”
I glance down at Charlotte who’s laying in my arms. Her eyes are closed and I smile. I gently move her and put the book on the side table after marking the spot we managed to get to tonight.
“Mommy?” Her sweet, precious and oh-so-innocent voice whispers.
“Yes, baby?” I look back down at her.
“Did Aunt Alice and Uncle Kevin run away because we’re gonna die?” She opens her eyes. “Because of me?”
“No, sweetie. I think they left to keep us safer.” I admit. “That’s what all these other people are here for too. I’ll never let anybody hurt you.” 
I kiss her head and cover her up more. She snuggles to her stuffed bunny that Emmett bought for her.
“Go to sleep baby.” I whisper before standing up.
I turn off her lights before walking into the living room. I sigh and pick up the note that Alice left with Sam. Why would they just leave? I sit down on the couch while reading the note over and over. I glance up after a few minutes when I hear quiet footsteps. 
“It’s strange. Physically, I feel like I could demolish a tank...Mentally? I just feel drained.” I look away from Jasper as he sits down next to me.
“How about a bath?” He asks, leaning over to me. 
He starts kissing on my shoulder making me bite my lip softly. He reaches over and unbuttons my shirt...technically his shirt because I stole it from his part of the closet. I giggle slightly.
“I do remember how to undress myself, you know?” I smirk at him.
“Yeah, I just do it so much better.” He kisses my shoulder again. “For you, it’s just another mundane task. For me? It’s fun!”
I giggle slightly before looking back at Alice’s note and sigh. 
“Ally, I’ve had a bad habit of underestimating you.” Jasper admits, looking at the note, keeping his chin on my shoulder. “Every obstacle you’ve faced, I’d think you couldn’t overcome it...and you did. You’re the reason I have something to fight for...My family.”
I look up at him and smile before kissing his lips, softly and yet still passionate enough to express all my love for him that I could never express in words alone. He smiles into the kiss before slowly leaning back, breaking the brief skin to skin contact.
“I’m gonna get the water running.” He stands up and kisses my forehead.
He walks into another part of the house and I stare down at the note. I flip it over to read the name of the book she ripped it from for the fifth time. Raising an eyebrow, I glance over to the bookcase that Jasper made sure to put in the house. The book is in the middle of the second row. I quickly stand up and speed over to it. Taking the book into my hands before taking a deep unneeded breath.
I open it before flipping, page by page until I see a familiar handwriting. Right before the first chapter, there’s another note from Alice. 
‘J. Jenks, Seattle - destroy this.’
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I raise an eyebrow once again. Alice made sure only I would get the message. She must have had a vision that I was a shield just like Bella and that my mind would be safe from Aro. I glance up when I hear Jasper’s footsteps again and I quickly throw the book into the fireplace. 
The fire welcomes the book and starts burning it quickly. 
The next day, I call and make an appointment with this J. Jenks. I decide to take Charlotte to my dad’s house to decorate the Christmas tree since Christmas is just around the corner. Seth wants to come with since his mom would be there as well as his imprint.
“You said your dad knows about you?” Seth asks, glancing at me from the passenger seat.
I nod. “Yep. He just doesn’t know about you guys. All he does know is that you and your mom know about me and the Cullens. I also don’t want him to come around the house with the 27 vampires. All of them around one human? That wouldn’t be so great. I don’t think that any of them have as good self control as I do.”
He chuckles before nodding. “I’m glad to get away from them. Their eyes kinda scare me. And their smell makes my wolf super mad.” 
I glance over at him with a raised eyebrow.
“I know they’re the good guys but my wolf wants to attack. You’re different. You’re the mother of my imprint. My wolf likes you.” He chuckles again.
I nod in understanding before parking in front of my dad’s house. My dad and Sue walk out of the house just as Charlotte unbuckles her seat and jumps out. 
“There she is!”
I get out at the same time as Seth. My dad catches Charlotte in his arms and swings her around for a second.
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“Wow! Look at you! You’ve grown half a foot!” Dad says, wrapping an arm around her. “Seriously! Like six inches!”
She laughs and hugs him. 
“Come on inside. Lunch is on the table.” Sue smiles and waves us toward the door.
“We got a tree to decorate, huh?” Dad smiles widely at Charlotte who nods fast.
“I’ve actually got a few errands to run. I’ll be back soon, okay?” I call out.
My dad looks at me and nods. “Is it a...Family thing?”
I get what he means. Is it a Vampire thing?
“Yep. Don’t worry. I’ll be back in time for the star on the top.” I smile widely.
“You see, Charlie, mommy over there ALWAYS puts the star on top.” Dad tells Charlotte.
“Really?” She giggles. 
“Yep! It’s been her job since she was your age!” Dad kisses her head before waving at me. “Maybe even younger!”
I giggle and wave.
“Love you, guys!” I call out before getting into my car.
I hear them yell it back before I pull away from the house. I drive all the way to Seattle with one thing on my mind. ‘Alice’s note gave me a sense of hope. Maybe she had a plan for us after all and maybe J. Jenks was the key.’  I pull into the restaurant that we agreed to meet at this morning and I park my car. I walk inside at a human speed before being directed to his table.
I see an African American man sitting down with a briefcase in his lap. I stop by the table causing him to look up.
“Miss Swan.” He stands up and puts his hand out.
“Hi.” I smile and shake his hand.
“I am so happy you called.” He admits before we both sit down. “I always meet my private clients here, it’s more….comfortable than the office.”
“And it’s more public.” I nod.
He smiles before nodding. “Yes.”
“So what type of work do you do, J?” I ask, putting my hands in my lap.
“You know, this and that. It’s always different which keeps it interesting.” He reveals.
“Have you known Alice and Kevin long?” I ask.
“I’ve been working with them for more than 20 years. And my late partner knew Kevin 15 years before that. He’s...uh...unusually well preserved.” He whispers.
“Yes, he is.” I nod.
“I trust that Mr. Kevin is enjoying his vacation?” J raises an eyebrow.
“He didn’t tell you where he was going, did he?”
“No, no, no. He just mentioned that he was leaving when he came by to place his order.” J moves his briefcase.
“I assume his order is ready?” I bite my lip.
“Of course. I’ve never been late with a delivery.”
He opens his briefcase and hands me an envelope. I open it up to find forged passports and documentation for Charlotte and Seth. I bite my lip. Only they will be getting away if something happens. Jasper and I might lose our lives in this battle, but at least our child will be safe. That’s what matters to him and I at this point.
“Is there a problem?” J speaks up.
“No, my fiance and I thought we’d all be traveling together.” I lie easily.
“Kevin said only two were traveling. His instructions were very clear.” J says.
“It’s my mistake. Apparently that’s not going to happen.” I sigh.
J and I quickly end our meeting and I drive back to my dad's house. Alice’s vision was clear. Charlotte would have a future but...Jasper and I wouldn’t be a part of it. That night, I watch as Jasper quickly picks up Charlotte who squeals in delight before hugging him close. I smile and bite my lip, trying to get all the memories in now. If something happens...I want to know that we’ve done everything we could for her.
I walk into her room and quickly pack a bag. Packing in some clothes she’d need and money that I'd stashed away for a while, I make sure to get whatever I think might make her happy for her new life...one without her parents in it, if it comes to it. I grab one of her notebooks and write her a note.
‘My beautiful and wonderful Charlotte, I thought we would have forever together. But Forever isn’t as long as I’d hoped. I know now why Alice left me clues...It’s to keep you safe. Everything you and Seth will need is in this bag. Seth will protect you and he’ll help you learn about the Quileute Legends. Know that your father and I love you more than anything in this world. You are the best thing to ever happen to me. Hopefully one day you will be able to have your own children and know exactly what I feel everytime I look at you. 
Love Always and Forever,
Mommy <3’
I jump when I hear a small knock on the door. Alistair is smirking down at me. 
“It’s a romantic notion, isn’t it? That a righteous few can defy a great evil. But I must admit you...uh..even had me believing for a moment. Well, good luck.” He says before walking away. “You’re gonna need it. Cheers.”
I jump out of my seat and grab onto his arm. His head snaps toward me.
“Alistair, it’s a precaution. Alice…” I sigh. “Alice thinks that Charlotte and Seth will be able to get away if the fight does start. I want my child safe. You have to understand that.”
“I do…” He starts.
“Please. Don’t leave.” I whisper. “We need you.”
He sighs and nods. “If a fight starts...I’m out just like your family.”
“I understand that.” I nod. “But please...witness with them as well...”
He nods before I gently remove his arm.
“Thank you.” I whisper again. “I owe you. Anything you need.”
“I’ll hold you to that...forever.” He smirks.
I giggle and nod. “Forever.” 
He quickly speeds out of the room. 
Dad has been asking about Bella. I finally had to reveal the truth...like I have done for everything. I told him that Bella was mad that I had gotten pregnant so she left. She wanted Edward to be angry as well but he was excited. He wanted to get to know his niece so Bella left him. 
Dad was upset. Said, ‘How could she do this? It’s not like it’s the end of the world that you got pregnant.’ I told him how she wanted to be a vampire and because I got pregnant it ruined her plans. He just rolled his eyes and shook his head before I put the star on the tree yesterday. But today is Christmas and we’re, of course, spending it with my dad, Sue, and Leah. 
I sit on the arm of the couch watching Charlotte and Seth play a game on the floor. I giggle as Charlotte wins for the 2nd time in a row.
“How are you doing that?” Seth asks, staring at the board.
She giggles. “Uncle Emmett loves this game!”
“Again!” Seth resets the board.
I shake my head and look up when I feel a hand on my back. Jasper smiles down at me.
“Hi, sweetie.” I whisper softly.
He winks before kissing the top of my head.
“The snow is sticking.” I sigh.
“We still have today, baby.” He rubs my back.
I nod just as my dad walks out of the kitchen.
“Alright! Present time! Leah, stop eating. Seth, you start. Get it going.” Dad sits down in his favorite chair.
Seth hands a small package to Charlotte when I stand up.
“Here, dad. We didn’t have time to wrap yours.” I hold out an envelope.
He raises an eyebrow before taking it. He opens it and his eyes widen.
“A five day fishing trip to Fraser River?” He looks at us.
“It's for you and Sue.” I smile widely.
Jasper wraps an arm around my waist. “You leave tomorrow.”
“Wow, that’s really nice. Thank you!” He starts to read the tickets before his head snaps up. “Tomorrow? I can’t...I can’t leave tomorrow.”
“I made arrangements for you at work.” Sue walks in with two cups. 
He nods. “Sneaky and extravagant.”
“And non-refundable, I’m afraid.” Jasper speaks up with a smile. 
“You two trying to get rid of me?” Dad asks, watching us. Jasper and I glance at each other before looking at him again. “‘Cause it’s working.”
Dad laughs and looks back at the tickets. I relax and smile. He doesn’t know about this meeting we’re going to have. He just knows that the Cullens, Jasper, Seth, Leah, Charlotte and I are going on a small vacation so we won’t be home. 
“Fraser River...that means we’ll be chasing cutthroat.” Dad looks up to Sue who sits on the arm of his chair.
“We might even hook a rainbow or some bulls.” She smiles.
“Woman knows her trout.” Dad smiles at me.
I’m happy he found Sue. Someone he’s known his whole life and knows about my… condition and isn’t gonna ask why his granddaughter was looking 6 years old yesterday and now she’s looking like she’s going to be 12 next week. Charlotte stands up and holds up her present from Seth. I kneel down to her level.
“Hey, sweetie. That’s beautiful. Let me see.” I take the bracelet from her hand.
My eyes light up when I realize what it is. It’s a Quileute Promise Bracelet. It’s their version of a promise ring. I glance at Seth with a smile.
“Seth made this for you?” I ask, causing her to nod fast. “Wanna put it on?”
I put it on her wrist before kissing her head. She giggles.
“It’s so pretty.” She looks up at me.
“It is pretty. Just like you.” I poke her nose which makes her giggle. “Don’t forget to thank Seth.”
She turns to him and hugs him around his neck. I look up at Jasper who is smiling down at me. Best Christmas ever. 
I finish putting up Charlotte’s tent. We only left my dad’s house a few hours ago and now we’re having a small bonfire before we have the…meeting tomorrow. I make sure she’s covered up before I read her a little more of her poem book. Right before she falls asleep, I give her a locket that Jasper got me for our first Christmas together a long time ago. 
She opens it to reveal the photo of Jasper and I from our first date. The one where we’re dating and I’m laughing at him making fun of the instructor. Next to it the words ‘Plus Que Ma Propre Vie’ are engraved.
I kiss her head before whispering. “This means ‘more than my own life’, and that’s how much your father and I love you. Tomorrow I’m going to need you to stay with Seth, no matter what. Even if I tell him that…” I sigh. “That he has to take you somewhere.”
Charlotte looks up at me with a few tears running down her cheeks. 
“I love you, mommy.” 
“I love you, sweetie. Never ever forget that, okay?” I kiss her head again.
She nods against me. It doesn’t take long for her to fall asleep. I quietly slip out from under her when Seth crawls in. I pat his back and crawl out before standing beside Paul who’s hanging out at our bonfire tonight. He smiles and looks back at his small pile of wood. Benjamin walks over with a smile. He holds up one finger and fire appears. 
I shake my head with a giggle. He holds up three more fingers, fire at all the tips. He then throws the fire at the logs creating our bonfire.
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“That’s what I’m talking about. A little pre-battle bonfire, telling war stories.” Paul cheers a little before grabbing my arm, gently.
He pulls me down to the log where he’s now sitting causing me to sit on the edge. I bump my hips into his and he scoots over. Benjamin sits down next to him with a smile. Paul looks up at the rest of our witnesses with a raised eyebrow.
“What are you doing, standing there like a fucking statue?” He scuffs.
I playfully, and gently, smack his leg before pointing toward Charlotte’s tent.
“She’s asleep.” He rolls his eyes before smiling at me.
Garrett speeds over and sits down on a log next to ours. 
“Name any American Battle, I was there.” He smirks.
“Little Big Horn.” Paul immediately says.
“I came this close…” He holds up two fingers. “...to biting Custer but the Indians caught him first.”
Kate speeds over and sits to Garrett.
“Try Oleg’s assault on Constantinople, he didn’t win that one on his own.” She smirks at him.
“If you’re talking about battles, you’re talking about the Eleven Years War. No one does rebellion like the Irish.” Liam speaks up from where his family’s sitting.
“You lost the Eleven Years War.” Garrett points out.
“Aye.” Liam nods. “But it was one hell of a rebellion.”
Everyone laughs and agrees with him. I try to listen to the rest of the battles and war stories but my ears pick up Jasper, Edward and Carlisle’s conversation.
“I can’t help thinking, all these people are putting themselves in danger because we fell in love with humans.” Edward mumbles.
“You guys found your mates. You deserve to be happy.” Carlisle pats his shoulder.
“But at what cost?” Jasper glances at his adoptive, vampire father.
“Everyone here has something to fight for. I certainly do. I have a granddaughter that I never thought I would have. I have a wife...my children. I would fight every day for them if I had too.” Carlisle reveals. 
I feel eyes on the back of my head before someone else speaks.
“I never thanked you for bringing Alice, Kevin and I in. If you never did, I wouldn’t have the life I do now.” Jasper whispers but not low enough.
“Don’t thank me.” Carlisle chuckles. “Thank that wonderful woman you’ve got.”
A few seconds later I feel Jasper speed over to me. I look up just as he kneels and wraps his arms around my neck from behind.
“I love you.” He whispers in my ear.
I put my hands on his forearms and smile widely. “I love you, Mr. Whitlock-Hale.”
He kisses the back of my head before letting me go. I watch him bump into Paul’s back. Paul looks up, briefly, before asking Benjamin to scoot down. He does and Paul scoots down, following him. I scoot down the log as well. Jasper takes his place next to me, gently taking my hand, and weaving our fingers together as looks at everyone. Paul smirks and leans down. 
“Finally found some people older than you, Mr. Steak Sauce.” 
Jasper laughs and nods. “You’re right about that, kid.”
“I’m not a kid!” Paul playfully glares at him.
“Besides Charlotte and Seth, you are literally the youngest!” Jasper laughs.
“Least I’m not hard as a rock.” Paul crosses his arms. 
I snort softly, hiding my face against Jasper’s neck, whispering. “I like it when you’re hard as a rock.”
“At least I’m not hairy.” Jasper retorts, gently squeezing my hand, before whispering, low enough for just me to hear. “I know you do, baby.”
Everyone laughs and Paul grumbles to himself. Garrett smirks before bringing up another battle he was in...but Kate reveals he needed help there as well.
176 notes · View notes
gisachi · 4 years
12 Games: Shinichi and Ran Game #6 - Poker Face Rating: T Summary: Ran was trying to prove a point.
(Read here or in FFN / AO3! Link provided.)
Ran was trying to prove a point.
She didn’t know what wracked her typically levelheaded self all of a sudden, but for the first time she was dead motivated to prove Sonoko wrong. On most days, Ran wouldn’t contradict her for anything, but right now she wanted to - really, really wanted to - because her friend wasn’t making any sense.
What did she mean she ‘wanted Shinichi to kiss her’? ‘So badly’?
“Excuse me. I am not desperate for a kiss, Sonoko,” huffed Ran, half lidded eyes directed at her friend who had then snatched the apple from her hand while she was busy processing the latter’s earlier statement.
“I didn’t say you are,” Sonoko replied wryly, “You’re not desperate. I know. But you want it. That kiss. There’s a difference.” She paused, taking a bite of the apple. “Ya woodr’t flail yourshelf in fron’o’ him for that shmack o’ the lipsh, but ya hope he wood.”
Shifting from her sitting position, Ran grimaced, hoping she didn’t understand what she just said, but she did. ‘You wouldn’t flail yourself in front of him for that smack on the lips, but you hope he would.’
Still, it didn’t make sense.
“And why would I want a kiss from him?”
Swallowing the food in her mouth, the light ginger-haired lady limply pointed her index finger at her with the hand that was holding the apple. “Because he’s your boyfriend and knowing him, he probably hasn’t made a move to kiss you yet. That’s why.”
Damn it! ...She’s right.
“...So?” She crossed her arms and pointed her chin up, doing a bad job at appearing snarky.
“Hah! So I’m right.”
“Sonoko!” She jabbed her lightly on the shoulder, though not denying what she’d said. “Don’t you know that not all people in a relationship desire physical intimacy?”
“Sure. But not you, Ran.” Back leaving the metal rails from where they sat on the school rooftop, Sonoko faced her with a piercing stare, the kind that made Ran swallow the piece of meat from her bento down with a big gulp. “Look me in the eye and tell me there’s no reason why you always look at Shinichi’s lips whenever he recites in class or whenever he takes a sip from your orange juice.”
A healthy shade of red was quick to spread on her cheeks. “H-Hey! I’m-...! That’s—”
Sonoko raised a smug eyebrow at her, confident that Ran wouldn’t have a believable counterargument to that. What other reason would she have if not because she’d been thinking about Shinichi’s lips? It’s annoying that she noticed. Even more annoying that she couldn’t deny it. Most annoying that shemight probably be right.
“—something I can do.” But she wouldn’t accept that so easily, would she?
“There’s no reason why I look at his lips whenever he speaks in class or drinks from my juice. Or a water bottle. Or when he eats. Or anything that involves his lips,” Ran recited, as if reading a script.
Sonoko stifled her snort, looking at her with visible skepticism. Ran met her stare with defiant eyes because no, she wouldn’t let her pesky friend get the upper hand this time. She would prove her wrong!
“You want to make a deal out of this?” taunted Sonoko.
Ran matched her arched eyebrow. “Hit me up.”
“Last the whole day without looking at Shinichi and thinking of wanting to kiss him,” Sonoko challenged. “I trust your honesty, Ran. If you fail, you treat me lunch tomorrow up ‘til next week. If you don’t, then the other way around. How’s that sound?”
Ran flared her nostrils, incredibly pumped from the very easy challenge the lady had imposed. “Better prepare your bills because I want my lunch at Ginza, Sonoko.”
They shook hands. “Same, missus, but I want mine home cooked on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday like your beloved husband. Deal?”
“You’re going to thank me for this, O-ku-sa-ma ,” Sonoko fluttered her lashes menacingly just in time the rooftop door swung open, revealing a Shinichi holding three packets of melon bread on his left hand and a half finished one on the other.
“Yo! I got us some bread,” Shinichi enthused, slightly out of breath. “Sorry I took a while, I... had to take a call from Hattori on the way here.”
The first thing Ran noticed when he sat next to her were the glistening remnants of sugar on his lips from the bread he was eating.
“Can I have a drink Ran?” Before she could answer, Shinichi had already taken a swig from her tumbler, and Ran gawked owlishly at the movement of his throat as he gulped, and the press of the metal container on his thirsty mouth that was...thirsty...for...water.
Her mind blanked, thoughts almost bordering to the forbidden. Mentally slapping her sane self, Ran shifted her eyes from Shinichi’s lips to Sonoko’s face, narrowing them threateningly when she caught her haughty little snigger. Oh, the woman. The daggers Ran threw her could send her flying off the roof.
Calming her nerves, Ran inhaled a deep breath and blew out, slowly. ‘Half a day. Half a day is nothing. I can do this.’
It significantly helped that for the rest of class, Shinichi looked at her direction less frequently than usual. Normally when he finished a great answer, Ran would give him a thumbs up from the seat diagonally behind him and he’d reciprocate with an accomplished grin but this time, he didn’t even spare her a look, head diving immediately to his notes when he sat down. Which was good honestly, because she didn’t want to share eye contact with him, not while the deal was in effect, but at the back of her mind she couldn’t help but wonder.
When the day ended, Ran was correct in thinking that Sonoko would rather not join them on their walk home, because. Flashing Ran a mischievous grin, Sonoko excused herself from the two, saying she’d go drop by the dojo for Makoto as promised. Ran wasn’t sure how true that statement was, but she couldn’t bring herself to stop her either because she remembered— she wanted to prove Sonoko wrong. She could do it. She could stick around Shinichi without obsessing on the strange, horrible, mostlikelytruebutnotreally thought of wanting to kiss him. Refusing to let her go would only cast doubts on her credibility. That she solemnly believed.
“Is there some secret running between you and Sonoko that I am not aware of?” Shinichi closed his shoe locker and fitted his sneakers with an alternate nudge of both tips to the floor.
“Hn?” Ran tried to sound nonchalant, to sound as if the deal hadn’t been wearing her off. When he didn’t say anything, she gave him a cute half smile - with eyes that crinkled close because she wanted little eye contact with Shinichi - and then linked her arm around his. “Nah. She’s just being her usual self, that’s all.”
Shinichi merely scrunched his eyebrows, not anymore pressing for further details. She didn’t pay much attention to his forearm that stiffened when she grabbed hold of it.
“‘Kay. Let’s go.” They passed by the gate and began their walk home.
There was a particular route in their walk that Ran always enjoyed passing. It was along the straight, sun-drenched pavement that overlooked Sumida River. Freelance artists by the riverbank would leisurely capture the scenic view from their sketchpads complete with the boats and bridges, and from a fair distance on the grassier portion children would often play tag or soccer. Further unseen were the echoes of sometimes obnoxious, sometimes friendly barks of dogs being walked by their owners. For Ran, the whole scenery felt so alive and natural, so peaceful, like a breath of fresh air from the typical urban Tokyo landscape.
They crossed paths with a middle-aged jogger, his energetic Shiba Inu trailing behind. Tail wagging excitedly, the dog pounced on Shinichi in the friendliest manner. Shinichi knelt, hugged the fluffy ball of sunshine in his arms, and it barked and licked his cheeks with so much joy. Both its owner and Ran couldn’t help but laugh at the cute sight of their immediate bond.
For a brief second, Ran had forgotten about her fetters for the day, relaxing as she admired an ever innocent, childlike Shinichi. When the man and his dog finally jogged away, a soccer ball flew to their direction and Shinichi, as figured, let the ball bounce around and on his knees before kicking it back to the waiting and amused children at the foot of the path by the riverbank. “Nii-chan, thank you!” They shouted in unison and he could only but salute with a satisfied grin on his face.
Stripped out of murders and mysteries, Shinichi remained a kid at heart.
Ran wanted to pinch his cheeks for being so adorable.
She softened her eyes and released a silent, mincing giggle. ‘See that, Sonoko? I can look at him without urging myself to kiss him! Pinch his cheeks maybe, but not kiss him!’
Ran was proud of herself. So far, so good. Lady Luck was on her side.
They continued their walk until they reached the streets with many food trucks and stalls that opened late afternoon onwards.
Nakamise Shopping Street was where Shinichi often bought food for dinner and tomorrow’s breakfast. Stopping in front of a dango stall, they were cordially greeted by the concessionaire and were presented with different flavors to choose from. Shinichi requested a stick of Anko dango.
“You’re going to have dango for dinner?” Ran asked, surprised.
“Bread for lunch got me hungry. I only need a little fill before my next meal.” Shinichi handed his payment and received the stick in exchange.
“ Mou, I told you to buy a decent meal for lunch, didn’t I? Just because it’s Thursday today, doesn’t mean you have to wait for tomorrow just so I can make you your bento. That’s simply lazy thinking, Shini...ch...”
Words mired down her throat as her eyes fixated on the way he languidly nibbled on one sticky ball of dumpling. Warm steam emerged from where he bit, teeth stretching the gooey texture of mochi before he cut it with a light tug of head. She watched the movement of his mandibles grinding the dumpling in his mouth, blowing occasionally to exhaust heat.
“Shtill hot,” he commented, munching, then he swallowed, preparing himself for another mouthful, “but very savory.”
Very savory. Yes.
In her mind palace, Ran desperately clung to the seam of Lady Luck’s gown, the Queen dragging the former along the floor whilst making her way out the front door.
“Oh, how rude of me.” Pausing midway his next bite, he tipped the half consumed stick in front of her mouth, coaxing her to try. “Want a taste?”
Ran momentarily forgot how to speak, eyes still glued to his upper lip that had been partly coated with red bean paste. Worse was he had to swipe it with his tongue after offering her a taste . As if the damned guy knew about the deal and was doing that for the win.
“N-no I uh, want...um—” she scanned around in panic, desperate to lock herself with Lady Luck away from the intruding thought that had threatened to hold her mind hostage to her ultimate defeat, “—takoyaki! I’ll buy takoyaki instead!”
She marched to the direction of the adjacent stall, arms swinging unnaturally to the wonderment of the detective who had remained cool the entire time before she stormed away. He must be thinking how weird she was, Ran thought. But she couldn’t blame him. There’s no way he’d know. If she were to blame anyone, it had to be Sonoko for drilling that ridiculous idea in her head.
“One order of takoyaki please!” she squeaked. From the corner of her eyes, she saw Shinichi pull an expression - indiscernible from where she stood - before he made do with the remaining mochi dumplings. Her brain was in shambles, unable to make out what’s happening around and in her, and her extending a hand to receive the tray of fresh takoyaki had been purely mechanical.
Only when she popped one whole ball in her mouth did her mind resume operating the way it must.
“ Ack! ” Eyes glossing with tears, she coughed and spew air like a hysterical dragon, frantically fanning her mouth with a free hand. “H-Hot!!”
Seeing her chagrin, Shinichi rushed to her side and promptly brought out the tumbler from her bag. “What the hell Ran, here, drink.” Though voice urgent, Shinichi remained as calm as rock like he wasn’t forcibly downing the tumbler on Ran’s tongue to neutralize the heat.
The woman gagged.
Not because of the cool water zipping down her throat, but more of the careful fingers craning her neck, lacing her hair as the man guided the container to her parted lips.
“There, there," he crooned lightly, "I suppose that’s hotter than the dango.”
Shinichi was so close to her face, soothing her like a five year old child in view of the moderately few curious passers by, and Ran had never wanted to combust in absolute embarrassment as much as she did that instant.
She broke away from Shinichi, eyes blown wide, pulse drumming loud. A little water spilt on her school vest and to the ground. The burn in her mouth was forgotten ever so quickly, outdone by the tingling feeling in her stomach that crept up her neck onto her cheeks and ears. Ten degrees more and she’d be about ready to burst into flames.
“Ice cream. I need ice cream.” She blathered, unthinking.
Shinichi’s eyebrows furrowed. “But you haven’t finished half of your takoyaki ye—”
“Ice cream. Please?” God she really did sound like a kid. She swore she saw in his face the mix of surprise and incredulity and exasperation in relation to her strange behavior he probably chose not to address to his better judgment.
“Okay,” Shinichi shrugged, trying to sound patient. He resealed the tumbler and put it in her bag, then returned to the bag he had dropped earlier when he tendered to Ran’s burning mouth. “...If you feel like it, maybe you can tell me what’s going on?”
Facing away from the busy streets, the two leaned on the back of the food truck from where they bought soft-serve vanilla sundaes. The typically levelheaded Ran had been reduced to a quiet mush of blush and blunder, melting her ice cream with her quiet gaze and quiet exhale, while Shinichi, still as calm and composed as ever, alternated his attention between his sundae and his girlfriend, patiently waiting for the woman to make sense out of the whole situation.
Ran huffed a breath, a deep and slow one, before taking a bite of the serving. If there’s something more embarrassing than her earlier takoyaki mishap, it was this.
Goodness, was she really going to tell the subject of the deal about her deal with Sonoko?
Her mind recalled her rooftop conversation with the lady. What compelled her to agree to this stupid deal? She knew she was trying to prove something, yes, but was the thought so despicable that only the fact of losing could convince her to accept it? Why couldn’t she accept it? What was so wrong with looking at her boyfriend and then imagining said boyfriend kissing her? Did that make her less dignified? A pervert? If she looked at him right now would she do exactly that? She’d been tempering herself for the past hour, trying, and trying… What if she tested herself by stealing a glance—
Wait, she shouldn’t go there. A dangerous test. The dango and takoyaki situation had proven that. Had she lost yet? She hadn’t right? The almost two weeks Ginza lunch deal sounded truly tempting. How could she let that pass? Of course she’d win this deal. She hadn’t lost yet. She only had to look at his nose or the middle of his brows if she must talk to him, to copy the poker face he’d been wielding since after lunch and simply go with the flow. She wouldn’t tell him what’s up, tell him instead she was having cramps. He’d understand. She’d win.
“That’s not the proper way to eat ice cream, barou.”
Rocked from her own thoughts, the first thing Ran’s brain processed was the teeth mark on her ice cream. It took another five seconds to register Shinichi’s comment.
She looked at him questioningly, unsure of what was wrong when she’d been eating her ice cream like that since little. “Then how?”
“You lick, duh.”
Ran eyed him mockingly.
“But you’re licking, and look at your chin and nose, you got some of your ice cream there! It’s messy!” she said as she pointed at the white blotches dotting the mentioned parts.
“That’s why they serve ice cream with tissue, Ran.” He proceeded to wipe the dirtied areas with the tissue he unwrapped from the cone.
“Whatever. At least when you bite you only get a little around your lips—” Ran demonstrated by taking another bite of the tip of her ice cream in a manner that made Shinichi wince, “—see?”
“Stup— Stop that, that’s really bad,” Shinichi grimaced like she’d inflicted him physical pain. “And you’ll get a toothache. It’s soft-serve ice cream for a reason. You’re supposed to lick it, not eat it like a pocky stick.”
“Oh, c’mon Shinichi, as if you haven’t seen me eat ice cream like this yet.”
“No, really, I’m quite surprised I haven’t. If I did I would’ve already corrected your wrong ways long ago.”
Puffing her cheeks, she exhaled deeply and shifted with a stomp to face him. “Okay then, if you think that’s the right way of eating ice cream, then let me change my ‘wrong ways’ and do what it is you deem proper, Mr. Always Right.”
Locking eyes with him as she pouted, Ran brought the ice cream to her mouth, flattened her tongue on the edge of the cone and, as slowly as she could, swooped right up the tip, vanilla coating her cavity and a little of her bottom lip and chin with gluey white.
Shinichi went horribly quiet.
“ Euh—see? It’s so messy! It’s everywhere on my face! I don’t like it,” she complained.
The teenage detective didn’t budge.
Out of curiosity, Ran spared him a glance as she wiped the sticky vanilla sundae off of her chin. Though he wasn’t saying anything, his dilated eyes spoke volumes. Shinichi couldn’t tear them away from her lips. He was in deep, observing and nothing more, yet observing way too hard . Too hard it made her so conscious she felt her cheeks heat up and her pulse thrum tormentingly.
“Ran.” He took one uncertain step forward. “...Damn. Goddamn it.”
Her mouth ran dry.
Was he going to kiss her?
He was still staring, eyebrows wired in a manner that made it difficult for her to decipher the thoughts running in his head. But she’s certain he wasn’t expressionless anymore like he was prior.
Oh no, did she feel her legs take a step forward too?
She didn’t know what incited him, but from the way his attention locked on her lips and the way his eyes hooded at the sight, she took it that he’s ready to take and mark her to his preference.
Oh no, she kinda wanted that, didn’t she?
She swallowed the saliva that had accumulated at the back of her tongue, letting the thought of kissing him run loose in her brain entirely.
Oh no. Sonoko was right now, wasn’t she?
After ten long seconds of them just staring at each other with vanilla stuck on her lips and breath stuck in his lungs, Shinichi, in the end, turned his back to Ran.
Tips of ears red, he mumbled. “...Curse you, Hattori.”
Ran tilted her head, uncertain if she heard him correctly. “What?”
Shinichi ruffled his hair as if annoyed, but Ran felt that the annoyance wasn’t directed at her but more at himself. “Have your way. Bite your friggin’ ice cream.”
She blinked. “...That’s it?”
“That’s it.”
Ran felt her chest deflate, releasing the breath she hadn’t known she’d been holding for the past minute.
Not only did she expect something, but she also did not get it, and she even lost her chance at Ginza lunches.
“Hey, that’s rude, face me and speak more kindly,” she demanded, curt, mood already dampened by her lose-lose situation.
“Finish your ice cream first before I face you.”
Ran rolled her eyes. “What, disturbed that I’d rather bite the sundae than lick it?”
“...Yes,” he said, humorlessly. “More than you’ll ever know.”
“But licking—”
“But do whatever you want.” He cut her short. “Bite or lick, I’m not... uh, just finish it quick. Please.”
She did, very quick unlike the takoyaki, and they went home with her noting how the tips of his ears remained red and how he hadn’t glanced again at her face, confirming her lost chances of truly getting a kiss.
“And what did I tell you?”
“I get it… no need to rub it in my face.”
Sonoko chortled, taking a mouthful of yasai itame from the customized bento Ran ever so diligently prepared. The dejected woman sat across her friend on the floor, legs and arms crossed, blankly staring at the rough cement of the rooftop.
“What are you going to do about it now?”
“I don’t know.”
Ran felt her friend’s eyes scan her from head to toe, having no idea if it was a look of judgment or pity she was giving or all of the above. She’s way too embarrassed to even bother knowing.
“You don’t have to wait for him, Ran. You can just, you know, go for it yourself,” said the woman.
“I—�� she blushed. “But that’s…”
“What? It’s not the 19th century anymore. If you want something, go for it! All’s fair in love and war, o-ku-sa-ma ,” Sonoko lectured. “Though really, your boyfriend is an idiot, I can’t believe he didn’t go for it! What a wuss.”
“Maybe he didn’t want to—”
“Oh, please. There’s drought on those lips and they’re dying to be baptized by yours.” Sonoko winked at her knowingly. Ran’s eyes blew wide, blush intensifying like the afternoon sun.
“Sonoko! You don’t have to say it like—”
“Want to make a different bet this time? Who will kiss the other first, you or Shinichi?”
“N-no, no more deals please!” Ran implored, utterly defeated. “Instead of deals, I’ll...I’ll try and...see... what I can do.”
“Atta girl. That’s the spirit.”
“And what did I tell ya, Kudo?”
“Shut up. I know.”
Heiji chuckled on the other line. “No ya don’t. If ya did then this bet wouldn’t have happened. Congratulations to me for winning that Koshien ticket premium seat and congratulations to ya for proving ya cannot stand a day without wanting nee-chan’s—“
“Hey, I said I know okay,” Shinichi’s voice raised a notch louder. Afraid that he might have caught the girls’ attention, he peeked on the other side of the rooftop door where he reclined and saw that they were still talking.
Closing the door gently behind him, he sat himself on the first tread of stairs. “For the record, I was doing so well until the ice cream thing happened.”
Heiji laughed some more.
“And? How did nee-chan react?”
“She...stepped forward too.”
A faint whistle echoed from the receiver. “ That seals it. Now ya really have ta kiss her.”
He ruffled his hair, visibly nervous. “But what if she doesn’t—“
“It’s not the 19th century anymore, Kudo. Betcha your girl’s like Kazuha. They know what they want. And they aren’t afraid to show it. Nee-chan stepped forward. Like that ahou when she… Yea that’s your cue.”
The East Detective groaned inwardly.
“What? Don’t tell me we havta make a deal out of this too?”
“No need. I can do this.” He puffed his chest. “I’ll see what I can do. Give me...uh, until tomorrow.”
“Ya better, Kudo. I’m telling ya, nee-chan’s waiting.”
(Fortunately for Heiji, he didn’t have to wait until tomorrow.)
A/N: In another universe, it’s veteran bro Heiji assisting his fellow bro Shinichi with his love problem. In whatever universe, Ran always pays attention to Shinichi’s lips because the Scarlet School Trip Arc says so and the Scarlet School Trip Arc is law.
(Tumblr Side Note: This whole fic was born from @detectivegeekshin ’s comment on Kiss Prompt#23 - what if it’s the other way around, with Shinichi doing the food ‘teasing’? Thank you for the wonderful idea, now we have a thirsting Ran (っ˘ڡ˘ς) )
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ihopethisendswell · 3 years
How do you deal with it?
Summary: Leon asks Alexis a personal question.
Notes: inspired by this post. Felt that these two would have this talk, given similar but still different situations. Aka: fluffy sunrise with a pinch of angst ft. Oblivious Alexis.
Postwick is nice. It reminds him of home really. Back in Unova. The grassy fields, the open area, the fresh southern air; yeah it reminds him of home all right. So much so that he couldn't help but watch the sunrise from the roof top. Totally not because he had another nightmare.....
Okay maybe, but it's better than just wallowing in himself, yeah? Besides, it wasn't too bad this time. It was just....not great.
But enough about that. He's gotta sunrise to enjoy, and nothing is gonna stop that. Nothing at all-
" Psst! Alex!" Leon's hushed voice calls from below. Looking down, Alexis see's a pajama ridden Leon, with Charizard slippers to boot. Because of course Leon would have Charizard slippers.
" Lee? What are you doing up?" Alexis asks, as Leon climbs his way up on the roof( was that later always there? That would save him so much time-)
" I would ask you the same thing," Leon questions back. He's deflecting.
" Just felt like it,"But he is no better.
Once he's on the roof, Leon plops right down next to him, enjoying the sunrise along side him. Alexis hopes Aunt Cheyenne doesn't think that they're burglars or something. That would be awkward.
So now the two are just sitting there. On the roof. Enjoying the sunrise before them. Well, trying to. Alexis can't help but notice how fidgety Leon is. Awkward even. Though he can't blame him. The bare roof isn't the most comfortable of places to sit. And his face. The man looks like he just woke up, and terribly at that. His eyes didn't shine the way the usually do, which, yeah, could be because he just woke up, but this seems more....troubled. Like something is on his mind. Something bad. Something tormenting him, taunting even. Almost like-
" You had a nightmare," the words come out before he can even think. Dumbass.
" Huh?!"
"W-well, I mean-" shit, he really messed up, " The look on your face! I- I don't know, it's just reminds me of how I feel?" Alexis stutters, not really sure if he's salvaging the moment. Leon's expression says no.
" How did you- I mean, no I just-"
"Hey, it's fine! You don't have to explain anything! I'm sorry I caught you off guard..." Leon is silent for a moment, before giving a short nod.
Things are silent again between them. It's the same as before, but the tension is heavy. He should say something. Should he say something? He opened his mouth once and it lead to shit. But he knows that it's no good bottling things up. Arcues, he knows. So maybe just....keep things small.
" Okay, this is gonna be very hypocritical of me, but,um....do you wanna talk about it?"
For another moment, Leon is silent, his facial expression looks as if he's debating with himself.
" I-" he pauses, " I just- I've been-" he stumbles around, looking for the correct use of words, before letting out a frustrated sigh.
"I'm sorry,"
" No, no it's fine. One step at a time, yeah?" Leon nods, and takes a deep breath-
" I don't think I'm allowed to," he says shyly, not reaching Alexis gaze.
That's familiar.
" Okay. That's fine," Alexis hums, " No need to rush things out,hm?"
Alexis shifts a little, properly facing Leon, his arms stretched out to indicate a hug.
" Do you need a hug? O-or someone to hold your hand?" Leon looks at him as if he grown three heads
"What?" Ah. Okay. He never really had to explain this to anyone. Usually it's him that's is asked the question, not the other way around.
" Well,uh, whenever I have nightmares, or just feeling like I'm loosing myself, physical contact tends to help me keep calm and grounded, mostly with Kai, since she's always with me," He shifts awkwardly, " I-I thought that you would like one as well, unless your not comfortable with that-"
"Yes," Leon interjects, " Yes, please, I- I would love that," his voice sound so strained. A bit like at the hospital. Oh Lee...
In one swift movement, Leon was in Alexis arms, hugging him like his life depended on it. He was warm, Alexis realizes. Hm. It's nice.
Once again, silence envelopes the two. Well, not total silence. Alexis is humming now, humming whatever calming melody that pops up in his mind. He hopes it helps.
" How do you deal with it?" Leon asks suddenly.
" The nightmares?"
" Everything," Alexis ponders for a bit, though he knows he has no reason to be. He already knows the answer.
" I didn't at first. I did things that I thought would help, like run away, but that honestly made things worse," he begins to run circles around Leon's back, " When I came home so much has changed that I thought I could never fit in. But then I did. My family and friends helped a lot, and I started to talk to them about stuff. That really helped...."
Maybe playing with his hair can help too? It is easier to comb through....
" Coming here was a big help too. Made me realize the difference between traveling bro escape and traveling for your enjoyment.... and I meet you all. You guys really made me feel a lot better than I was before,"
" Really," Leon mumbles
"Really," Alexis hums, feeling the steady heartbeat of Leon's heart.
Honestly, not the way he thought he'd start his morning, but it's still pretty nice compared to the others-
" Alex, I'm so sorry." Eh?
Leon gently pushes himself away from Alexis, looking at him with guilty eyes.
" I put Naomi and Hop in danger. I put Galar in danger, I should have known better, I'm so sorry-"
" Hey, hey! You know it's not your fault right? You did everything you could-"
" Alex, I'm the- I was Champion of Galar! I had a duty to protect everyone there and I failed! I," he chuckles darkly, " I used a pokeball. A pokeball!"
" You told me you panicked-"
" It doesn't matter if I panicked or not, I should have known better! I should have listened to Raihan's suspicions! I'm just-" Tears begin to fall, and Leon slumps over, defeated.
" I don't want to hate it. Eternatus, I mean. It was as much as a victim as I was, I know that, I just- I can't get it out of my head,"
" Yeah I get that too," Alexis nods, feeling the scar on his right eye, " I felt the same about Hydreigons for a while. I got the scar when I was battling Ghetsis. Ordered the beast to kill me, bascically."
" Arcues,"
" Yeah, it hurt me bad, the reason I had to go to the hospital right after N's farewell. Kai saved my life, then. I never seen her so angry in my entire journey," he smiled to himself, the vivid memory of a rage induced Kai, slamming her horn into the side of an equally angry and hateful Hydreigon. The others where busy fighting for their life's, so N, of all people, helped him get patched up. But that's a story for a different day.
" I didn't need to be a pokemon whisperer to know that that Hydreigon hated it's trainer, to know it was suffering.....but I just couldn't bring myself to see it like that, y'know? Which is ashame because Iris' Hydreigon is as sweet as a button! I also have a young Zweilous back at home. She's been showing interest in evolving, but I was always to scared to do so. But I trust her. So I think I might evolve her once I get home." The sun was long since up,he realize, the greenery of the fields almost glowing in the sun.
" Your feelings are completely valid Leon. It's okay for you to feel this way, it's not selfish," Alexis places a hand on Leon's shoulder, giving it a squeeze, " Though I know just me saying that won't change much. Just know to take it one step at a time, yeah?" Leon nods, sniffling, trying to wipe away stray tears.
" Yeah...yeah okay. Thank you Alexis. You- your amazing, you know that," His eyes seem much more clearer than they were before. Good.
" I've been told that a lot, so I guess I have to believe it, huh?" He chuckles. Naomi and Elliot are the main contributes to that.
"Well yeah! Your kind, and smart, and an amazing battler-"
" Lee, please, it's to early in the morning for compliments," he can feel the embarrassment grow on his face.
"But it's true! And your all those things and more! Your just...just amazing Alex!" Alexis couldn't help but laugh now. Partly because he's embarrassed. Being thrown compliments left and right without stop always gets him flustered.
" Oh. Okay. Um. Thanks, I guess? Sorry, I'm not used to so many compliments at once," he chuckles.
" Well you should. But I'll stop....for now," Leon smirks, which earned a playful nudge from Alexis.
The sun is in its full glory now, and that means that everyone is starting to get up. And by everyone, he means Aunt Cheyenne. He really hopes that she doesn't think that they're burglars.
"Well, the sun's high in the sky! You feeling a little better?" Leon smiles, gold eyes shine like the sun.
" Yeah, I do actually," He smile back.
" Good,"
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kaiwritess · 4 years
Hi! Can I request a scenario where Oikawa’s ex which he left for volleyball then became a volleyball prodigy (Top one of the aces of Japan for Women’s volleyball) also who which he still loves, came to Seijoh for a practice match against their girls volleyball team whose ace is Oikawa’s current “fling” and won. During the game, Toru didn’t realize that his attention wasn’t on his “fling” but it’s on his ex making his “fling” jealous. Sorry if its random and weird, I LOVE YOUR WRITING BTW!
hi nonnie!! this is an awesome request. hopefully you dont mind, but i changed it up a bit. like instead of it being a practice match, it’s the finals of the spring tournament. thought it would give some more tension, ykwim? also, let’s pretend that y/n is a member of fukurodani. also, i wrote this so that oikawa BELIEVED y/n was trying to make him jealous, but in reality, y/n was only doing it for herself and her teammates. Y/n moved on from oikawa, and she learned her worth. She became a QUEEN (not that she wasn’t before)
Your Loss || Oikawa Tooru x Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Summary: You’re versing Aoba Johsai’s team for the finals. But. did you really get over your ex?
Warnings: none; just a sprinkle of angst in the end
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“Volleyball is my priority. You’re not.”
That was the last thing Oikawa said to you months ago before he left. You remember those words as if it happened yesterday. In the beginning, you were obviously heartbroken. Was the time you spent with him only one-sided? Did he ever love me?
All of those questions used to cloud your mind. It had even distracted you from the sport you love. Fortunately, you had a strong support system. Your friends were there for you. They got you through a difficult time.
Albert Einstein once said, “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” Who knew that the pent up anger and frustration led you to become the second-best ace in Japan? Not only that, but you were the team captain. Now here you are, standing on the volleyball court, waiting to verse your ex’s school. This was the first time since your breakup that you were going to compete against Aoba Johsai. 
“Hey, Y/N,” a familiar voice snapped you out of your train of thought.
You smile after seeing who the voice belonged to. “Oh hey, Akaashi. Glad you could cheer us on. We all really appreciate the school spirit,” you said, motioning to the crowded bleachers.
“It’s nothing, really. Bokuto is already riling up the crowd,” he chuckled. “You know how he can be.”
Laughing alongside him, you heard your coach yell for a team huddle.
“Guess I have to go now. Wish me luck.”
Before you could walk away, you felt Akaashi’s hand grab your arm. You turned to him with wide eyes. “Oh?”
Akaashi took a deep breath. “I feel like you should know this. You know #4 on the opposite team? I think she’s their ace and captain. Anyways, Oikawa’s having a fling with her, so I think he might be coming to cheer her on. Don’t let him and #4 get to you. Good luck, Y/N.”
You stood there frozen in shock. A wave of emotions came crashing down on you. Questions like How long have they been together? Does Oikawa really like her?, and What happened to volleyball being his priority? clouded your mine. Great. Now your nerves got ten times worse.
“Thanks for telling me, “ you almost sounded sarcastic. “I have to go now. Enjoy the game.” Akaashi watched you walk towards your team. He gulped. This was either the best or worst mistake he ever made.
You didn’t listen to what the coaches were saying in the team huddle. The only thing on your mind was your goal to defeat Aoba Johsai. Demolish them to the point where the audience pities them. The team noticed your odd silence but were too nervous to say anything about it. Usually, you were the one who got the team hyped. So when they saw how quiet their captain was, it made them concerned. Ignoring all the stares, you walked up to the referee, ready to see who serves first. Most importantly, you were ready to face #4.
A brunette was walking towards you with the jersey saying #4. 
“Let’s have a good game,” you heard the ref say.
You clenched your jaw as you shook her hand. #4 leaned closer to you, only to whisper, 
“Heard you were Oikawa’s ex. He’s up on the left side of the stands cheering for me. Sucks that you're missing out on all the cute cheers he made for Aoba Johsai.”
By now, veins were popping out of your neck. Your face was bright red and you shook her hand as tight as you could.
“Let’s have a good game,” you said, dropping her hand while smiling passive-aggressively.
Set 1: Aoba Johsai- 20, Fukurodani- 25.
Set 2: 25 || 23
Set 3: 27 || 25
Set 4: 17 || 25
Set 5: 23 || 24
It was the match point of the last set. Your coach had called a time out as a way to let the team regain some of their energy. Everyone reached their physical limits. Now, it was only a battle of mental strength. You looked back to your teammates and saw them panting and crouching down. Sweat dropped from your forehead and trickled down to your neck. Surprisingly, you didn’t hear or see Oikawa even once during the match. Though, you never got the chance to even look at the crowd. There were far too many people. Perhaps #4 was lying about him showing up? No, that couldn’t be. It was the finals. Oikawa would never miss this. Your eyes trailed up to the stands, scanning for a face that was remotely similar to his. 
“No, no, no, no.” you shook your head. “We are not doing this. Come on. We have a game to win,” you scolded yourself. With one last, desperate look at the crowd, your jaw dropped. 
There he was, talking to who it seems to be Iwaizumi. 
He was staring directly at you.
“Oh my gosh,” the whistle blew, signaling the end of time out. “Curiosity did kill the cat.”
It was your turn to serve. The ball was thrown towards you, and you almost let it slip out of your hands. Your palms felt more sweaty than usual.
“Nice serve!” a teammate called out.
Taking a deep breath, you began to do your pre-serving routine. Once the whistle blew again, you got ready to serve. Right when you were about to hit the ball, a voice was heard.
“LET’S GO Y/N!!”
It threw you off so much, to the point where the ball hit the net. You turned your head around, trying to find the source of the cheer.
It was him.
It was Oikawa Tooru.
Turning back, you looked to see who was serving next.
Oh boy. It was #4.
To be honest, you were quite impressed by her serves. Although they weren’t as exact and deadly as Oikawa’s, it was still very good. It was almost as if he taught her.
If it weren’t for your teammate calling #4’s serve out, you surely would have tried to receive it. Thank goodness you didn’t. The score was now 24 || 25. Fukurodani was at match point again. 
“Nice serve! Let’s make it count!!” you yelled back at the teammate who was serving.
The serve was so strong, that even though Seijou received it, it went over to Fukurodani’s side, making it a free ball. This was your chance.
“Chance ball!” the libero announced.
“GIVE IT TO ME!” you called out as loud as you could.
It was as if time began to slow down. The loud cheers were muted. The pass was perfect. The set was perfect. Everything was perfect.
The next few moments went by faster than the speed of sound. Was it because you were in the ‘zone’? The impact of the ball left a red mark on your hand. You found yourself being hugged and jumped on by your teammates.
We won.
After packing all your gear, you began to walk out of the gym. A gold medal hung proudly from your neck. But before you could walk out, you saw #4 and Oikawa arguing with each other. You couldn’t tell what the conversation was about, but it surely wasn’t good. #4 turned to you and made dead eye contact. She walked towards you, and Oikawa was still standing there with his arms crossed.
“Good game. I underestimated you,” she held her hand out for you to shake.
“I guess you learned a lesson to never underestimate your opponents,” you shook her hand.
“I will beat you next time,” a small grin could be seen on both of your faces. “Oh, and by the way, you see Oikawa over there? Trust me when I say this, but he is not over you.”
The grin disappeared from your face. #4 walked away, leaving him and you standing awkwardly close to each other. 
You were going to walk away from him, but before you could do so, he called out for you.
“Y/N,” he looked more nervous than usual.
“If I were you, I would be going back to #4.”
He sighed. “She and I are done.”
“Can’t say I’m surprised,” you raised an eyebrow.
Oikawa’s face turned red. “Look. I just wanted to tell you something.”
“I’m all ears.”
“You played great. You surely got my attention towards you,” he smirked.
“Excuse me?”
“You played this hard to get me jealous… right?”
“You’re joking,” you scoffed.
Realizing the mistake Oikawa made, he tried to recover.
“Anyways, that’s beside the point. The point is, I was wondering if you would want to go to the local cafe together? Maybe catch up on some stuff,”
You looked at him, appalled by the words he said.
“You’re joking, right?”
“You don’t know how much you hurt me, Oikawa. If you did, then you wouldn’t be approaching me like this. Maybe uh, I don’t know, give me an apology?”
“I’m sorry Oikawa. I really am. But volleyball is my priority. You’re not.”
After finishing your sentence, you pushed past him, walking towards the exit. You weren’t going to let someone who hurt you try to get with you again. You learned from your past mistakes.
Oikawa watched you walk away in shock.
You’re the one that got away.
Thanks for reading!
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actress4him · 4 years
Whumptober 2020 - Day 17
Hunk gets another turn in the spotlight today! I think I enjoy writing him more than any of the other paladins (besides Keith, of course). I love the way the interaction between the two of them in this fic turned out. I didn’t originally think I would use any of the alternate prompts, but the original prompt for this day just wasn’t speaking to me. I actually ended up using alternates on a couple of other days coming up, too!
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Day 17 (Alt. Prompt 4) - Stitches
Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Warnings: stitches (obviously), lots of blood, references to vomiting
“Oh man. This is bad. This is really, really bad.”
“Hunk.” Keith tightened his jaw, drew in a breath through his nose. “Look at me. Not my leg, stop looking at my leg, look at my face.”
With obvious effort Hunk dragged his eyes away from all the blood - and there was a lot, Keith was well aware, it was his blood, after all, and it was everywhere - and to Keith’s face.
“It’s gonna be okay. I can fix this, and it’ll be fine. But I need your help, okay? I need you to not freak or pass out or puke on me.”
The Yellow Paladin nodded minutely, his eyes wide and lips pressed together. “Okay. Yeah, okay. I can do that. I can help. I mean, I’m not the one bleeding, after all, right? You’re the one who should be freaking out right now, why aren’t you freaking out right now?”
“Because I can’t afford to,” Keith snapped, slightly regretting it when Hunk flinched back, but shoving that aside because he couldn’t afford regrets right then, either. “I need you to go back inside Yellow and get your med kit for me. Can you do that?”
“Yeah!” He was on his feet in an instant, but held his hands out in front of him. “Just...just don’t die or anything while I’m gone, okay? I’ll be right back.”
Keith watched him retreat up the ramp of the Lion, then squeezed his eyes shut and focused on his breathing. Tried to think of anything else but the giant gash in his thigh, and what he was about to have to do to fix it.
“Okay I got it!” 
Opening his eyes, he saw Hunk crouching beside him to set down the kit, and wondered how he hadn’t heard him approach. That wasn’t good. He knew he had already lost way too much blood, that was obvious from the way it coated his entire leg and both hands and the dirt around him, but he hadn’t realized he was at the skipping time stage already.
“Alright. I need you to open it up and see if you can find some antiseptic, and a needle and thread.”
“A needle an-” Hunk’s face paled again. “What? Are you…? You don’t expect me to…? I wanna help you, Keith, I really do, but I...I don’t think I can -”
“I’m not gonna make you do it.”
He heaved a sigh of relief. “Oh. Good. But wait, that means…”
“Hunk. I need you to focus.” Because he was having a harder and harder time doing so himself.
“Right. Focusing.” Hunk set to digging through the box, and soon produced the things Keith had asked for. 
Keith blinked hard a couple of times, trying to get his vision to clear. “Do you know how to thread a needle?” 
He didn’t hear the answer, but suddenly a threaded needle was being held in front of his face. Another time skip. Fantastic. “I need...I need one more thing. Something to bite down on.”
Hunk’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down visibly. “Right. Your belt?”
Oh. He probably should have thought of that himself. Releasing his leg with one hand, he reached for the buckle, but Hunk caught his arm before he could get to it. 
“I got it, bud.” He quickly unbuckled the belt and slid it off, and Keith was in too much pain to be bothered by the close contact. “Okay, here you go.”
Before he took it in his teeth, Keith nodded toward the bottle sitting by Hunk’s knee. “Antiseptic first. Can you pour it for me?”
Nodding, Hunk uncapped the bottle while Keith clenched his jaw around the well-worn leather. “Ready?”
Keith gave a curt nod, even though he knew he would never actually be ready. The next thing he knew was fire, even worse pain than had been consuming his leg before, and he screamed hoarsely around the gag. His hearing and vision went out for an untold amount of time. He came back to awareness to the sound of Hunk apologizing over and over again. 
Without letting go of the belt, he waved his hand in the direction that he was pretty sure Hunk and the needle were. Thankfully Hunk seemed to read his mind, and placed the threaded needle into his hand.
“I looked to see if there was any kind of numbing stuff in here, but I don’t see anything,” he offered woefully.
“It’ll be fine.” 
The first puncture was always the worst. Or at least, that’s what he told himself, even though it really wasn’t true. The first was bad, and so was the second, because you had just experienced it once so you knew how bad it was gonna be the second time. The next few weren’t usually as bad, but toward the end it would always all start to become too much, the pain overwhelming. Of course that was on a much smaller cut. He had never had to stitch one quite as long as the one he was currently looking at.
It’ll be fine. Just do it. His hand was trembling, but he got the needle in, hissing in a breath as he did. 
Hunk moaned slightly. “I don’t think I can watch this, man. I’m gonna just...I’m gonna look at your face. That way I’ll still know if you need my help with anything.”
Keith ignored him, not because he didn’t understand his queasiness or appreciate his willingness to still help despite it, but because he didn’t have the physical or mental energy to do anything but make stitches. They were wobbly, crooked, too big in some places and almost too small in others. They looked almost as bad as his first attempt at this, but they were doing the job. The two sides of the gash were pulling together, little by little.
The problem was that his stamina was running out, his vision going spottier by the minute. Every time he had to pull the thread through, his arm felt like it weighed two tons. About halfway through, he fumbled the needle, dropping it into his lap, and his chin fell to his chest. 
“I can’t do it,” he whispered, spitting the belt out. “I...I can’t…”
“What is it, buddy?” Hunk’s hand clamped down on his shoulder, and he dragged his head back up with great effort. “Talk to me. What can’t you do? Can I help?”
“I can’t...the thread...can’t...keep pulling…”
“Can I pull?” he asked without hesitation. Keith blinked at him blearily, unable to reconcile the Hunk who couldn’t look at the stitches with the one who was now offering to help with the stitches. “I can’t do the actual, you know...poking.” Hunk shuddered at the mere thought. “But I could pull the thread through? Give your arm a break?”
Keith stared at him, then stared back down at his half-done leg. “Yeah. Okay. If...you think you...can.”
Hunk nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, bud. I told you I’d help. I’d do the whole thing for you if I could, but I’m just afraid I’d, you know, throw up, and you don’t really need that right now. I don’t get how you’re even doing this all on your own. Who knows how to do this, especially to themselves? Keith does, apparently.”
“Didn’t ‘xactly have a doctor in the desert. Or money. To go to a doctor.”
Hunk sighed. “I’m gonna put a pin in that and come back to how terribly sad it is later. Right now let’s get this leg taken care of.”
Working together, the job went three times as fast. Keith was barely managing to get each stitch in place with his shaking hands, but Hunk was doing superbly well steeling his stomach to quickly pull the thread through and hand it back again. And when the pain became overwhelming, when Keith didn’t think he could stick a needle into his skin one more time, he was right there with an encouraging word and squeeze of the arm.
When they finally reached the very end, Keith tried and failed to tie off the thread, and Hunk took over without a word. “There. We did it.” He snipped off the loose end with a small pair of scissors, and rapidly put everything away in the med kit. “Now, if you’ll give me just a second, I need to throw up.”
“‘kay. Don’t take too long. Think I’m ‘bout to pass out.”
Hunk’s eyes went wide. “Okay. Yeah. I’ll do that.”
True to his word, less than a minute passed before he was back by Keith’s side. “I’m here, bud. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you. You just rest.”
“Th’ks. An’...th’ks for helpin’.”
“Of course, bud.” 
Keith let his eyes fall shut and the pain slip away.
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evesbeve · 4 years
The Art of Remembering (Lavashipping)
Hello Ninjago fandom, I am alive! *gasp*
This is Day One (out of Seven) for @ninjagoprideweek. This year I’m co-hosting the challenge with the amazing @nightlybirdie, so of course I had to write some lavashipping for her!
Today’s prompt was: Comfort
Hope you enjoy!
Title: The Art of Remembering
Summary: After a bad day, Cole finds himself drawing to distract himself. Turns out, Kai is a much better distraction—as well as an annoying one.
(Read on AO3 + FFN)
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you look like shit.”
In retrospect, Cole really shouldn’t have been surprised that Kai caught on to his mood swing. While he considered himself a fairly good actor—he used to be in a Performing Arts school, for spinjitzu’s sake—he knew he could never fool any of his friends.
He could certainly try though.
“It’s fine,” Cole said, not bothering to look up from his sketch.
“Is it?” Kai asked, taking a seat across from Cole on the table. As tempting as it was to look up at him, to come face to face with that pair of dark brown eyes and get lost in them like he always did—no—yes—no. Yes, it was tempting. No, he didn’t, couldn’t, do it.
“Whatcha drawing?” Kai asked with a playfulness in his voice that made Cole’s heart drop. Pull yourself together, you have to pull yourself together, you have to— “Is it a dragon?”
Cole nodded, trying to ignore the warm feeling rising up to his cheeks. He was fine. It was all fine. At least for a little while. He spent the next few moments drawing in silence, occasionally reaching for his eraser—it was way too close to Kai’s side of the table—but of course, with the master of fire right there, the silence didn’t last too long.
“You know, they that the artist tends to copy their own expression on paper when they draw.”
“And?” Cole asked, and why did he ask that? It was as if he was begging for Kai to make fun of the, quite possibly, dumbfounded expression on his face. He tightened his grip around the pencil, awaiting for Kai’s dismissive comment to—
“Well, you’re about to draw a very sad dragon.”
Cole physically felt a burden slip off his shoulders. At the same time, another one arrived, though not as heavy as before.
Of course that was what Kai picked up on; yet another shitty day amongst countless others. It was only then that Cole allowed himself to look at Kai, and for the second time since the start of the conversation, something tightened in his chest.
Kai was leaning on his hand, cheek pressed on his palm, fingers reaching all the way back to his ear. He must have had a shower earlier that day, because although his hair was dry, no product had been put on it. Instead of spikes, a few strands of hair fell lazily on his forehead. His eyes were mostly hidden by them, but Cole could still see them clearly, glimmering right back at his, and that was all he ever wanted, to stay there forever and look at Kai and—
Cole turned the page on his sketchbook.
Not a second later, Kai placed his hand down, eyes widening, and no, no, no, that wasn’t what was supposed to happen, no— “Cole, hey, I’m sorry, I didn’t—”
“Stay still!”
“I’m trying to draw you, just—” Cole made a reverse motion with his hand. “Go back to how you were before.”
Cole couldn’t believe he’d managed to say that out loud. For a moment, he thought he’d messed up, and considered apologising and walking away, to continue drawing his dumbfounded dragon in peace, but Kai’s expression softened again. “Okay.”
So Cole went right to it.
He clumsily scribbled his head, then started adding the details in no order in particular. He didn’t let himself spend more than a few minutes on each body part, because he found himself getting too caught up on the details, getting too distracted. He did spend more than enough time on the eyes though, and yet he never quite manage to capture their liveliness on paper.
“You know, I—”
“Shut up,” Cole said, raising up a warning finger.
“I just wanted—”
“No talking,” Cole said again. “You’re sabotaging the drawing. Stay still.”
“I’m starting to think this whole scheme is just a trick to get me to shut up,” Kai said, and Cole let him.
“Probably,” Cole said, a smile finding its way on his lips. He had no idea where this new-found confidence came from, but he sure as hell was grateful for it.
“Probably?” Kai said. “You’re supposed to—”
And Kai did shut up.
Cole decided to leave the eyes alone for a bit and go back to Kai’s mouth. He added some shadows, but something didn’t look right. Cole looked up at Kai, then back at the drawing, and so on… the right curve wasn’t quite right. Neither was the left. None of the curves looked the same as—
“Something the matter?” Kai asked.
Cole considered not answering, but he supposed it was too late for that. “Yes, actually,” he said, looking back and forth again. “You moved.”
“No, I didn’t.”
“You did,” Cole insisted, but couldn’t find it in him to remain serious. “You weren’t smiling when I sketched this.”
“Wasn’t I?” Kai said, and shit, Cole could even hear the smile in his voice.
Cole turned the drawing around so that Kai could see for himself. Of course he knew that Kai was just teasing him, but he was pretty proud of his drawing.
“Hmm…” Kai said, taking a closer look. “You’re right, this does look pretty serious.”
“Told you—”
“You sure you weren’t just copying your own expression, artist?” Kai asked, shifting his hand so he was leaning on his fist. “You still haven’t told me what’s up, by the way.”
Cole sighed, placing his pencil down. “I’m starting to think that this scheme was a trick to get me to tell you what’s wrong,” he mumbled.
“Is it working?”
Cole really didn’t want it to work.
He tried to shake it off by rolling his eyes, if only to avoid Kai’s gaze, but couldn’t help the gasp that escaped him when he felt something warm covering the back of his hand. He threw it a quick glance, only to see that Kai had placed his hand on his.
“Seriously, are you feeling okay?”
He supposed there was no point in hiding it anymore.
“I’m fine,” Cole said, and he could almost feel Kai raise his eyebrows, but he was more occupied with savoring his touch. “I’m fine, it’s just… My Dad.”
“Everything okay?” Kai asked.
Cole nodded. “Yeah. We were on a call before and it’s been a long day for both of us, so we just… took it out on each other, I guess.”
“Cole, it’s okay.”
“I know,” Cole said quickly. “That’s why I didn’t want to bring it up. But you’re stubborn.” He paused for a second, then added, “As always.”
Kai huffed. “And that’s news to you, how?”
“Who said it was news to me?” Cole asked, suddenly too aware of Kai’s hand on his.
“I don’t know what to expect from you these days,” he said.
Cole’s throat was so dry that for a second, he didn’t think he could bring himself to speak. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Kai shrugged. “You’ve been drawing a lot more.”
“Maybe you just haven’t been paying enough attention.”
“We live together.”
“You don’t know everything about me,” Cole said, preparing himself for Kai’s comeback, but was surprised when it never came.
The ninja of fire let go of a deep chuckle, his eyes meeting Cole’s again. “I guess I don’t.”
Cole felt as if he’d been slapped across the face.
The long stares, the smiles, the giggles, the physical contact… He’d always brushed them off as part of Kai’s personality, but the more he thought about it, the more he realised that these moments were saved just for him and—
“You okay?” Kai asked, a hint of worry hanging from the tip of his tongue.
And Cole took a leap of faith.
Without breaking eye contact, he turned his hand around so Kai’s hand could slip into his—rough and calloused from his work as a blacksmith—and squeezed. “More than okay,” he said.
Kai’s features relaxed and he smiled kindly again. A few seconds later, he squeezed back, and Cole couldn’t hold himself back from grinning, nor did he want to.
He wouldn’t need to put this moment on paper to remember it.
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