#because obviously he's the only one being there because i'd bet the clothes on my back
ragnarssons · 5 months
so... i wanted to be done with this watcher stuff. but then i saw on reddit that one of their eXCluSivE nEw CoNtEnT got leaked, you know "road files" which is basically a behind the scenes video for ghost files. which is a nice idea. ...................... but the video lasts 8 minutes. you pay, 6 dollars a month, the first video you get is an 8 minutes video. opening with ryan saying "well this could be the only time we do that". so. huh, not new exclusive content, then? - since they want to be compared to tv, let's compare that to a behind the scenes video/film some tv shows make, for example the star wars ones, on disney+, that are minimum at least 20 minutes long if not more, way more, like 45+ minutes. and then you have the bts elements of a ghost files. so now, i can truly say: i do not get how their ghost files' seasons cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars. like there's nothing in the video that warrants this video not costing them... like 20k at most. (and i mean that without counting paying the employees/crew, because i'd argue they do that with their general revenues, and not just their revenues out of the ghost files seasons). and that's without even delving into everything that's weird about how much money they're spending by making dumb shit like sending a "scouting crew" (of no less than 5 or 6 people, I don't remember, cuz that ain't too much at all) before them... you're ghost hunting, like what's the point of that?? and as i suspected when they switched to watcher, this video just proved how scripted, over-prepared the whole concept of "ghost hunting" became when they switched from buzzfeed unsolved to watcher. so you gotta tell me that the "unscripted, 100% natural" episode of ghost files, is actually made with like 10 other people in the room, behind the camera, the guys having entered and toured the "haunted building" like 10 times before the cameras start rolling, producers, crews and all and all having scouted the building (here, a small house) dozens of times already. legit. h u h ????? then they went to see dune 2, hung around in their hotel rooms, ate burgers, and the whole thing lasted two days out of their schedule... and then credits roll with no less than like 20 people credited for a behind the scenes video, where most of the footage is from ryan's phone. huh??? and that costs y'all hundreds of thousands of dollars??? and this is the "tv quality" exclusive new content we get if we pay the 6 dollars a month?? 🙃
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You're one of my favorite fallout blogs right now. Are there any more Cooper headcanons you have rattling around?
Firstly, you deeply flatter me. 🩷 I really enjoy writing stuff for you guys. To answer your question: yes, I have about a million more Cooper headcanons, and I'm more than happy to share, so here's a little random grab-bag. Since you didn't specify NSFW headcanons, I'll put some SFW ones here and do the NSFWs in a follow-up.
I'm currently traveling to visit family and have a hard time writing or editing in the car, but I'm hoping to have at least one longer smut submission done some time tonight or tomorrow. Thank you all for reading!
General SFW Cooper Howard Headcanons
Prewar! Cooper Howard
- I feel like he and Barb met and married a little older than would've been traditional at the time, maybe late 30's? Their relationship has a maturity to it that I think really only comes from meeting when you're both more established and confident in yourselves. I feel like it may have taken them a while to have Janey, as well. I imagine they probably wanted more kids but ultimately struggled to have them (that man absolutely ADORES being a dad, so in my mind he'd want like four or five kids). People seem to generally see Coop as late 40's-50ish, and Janey is like 7, right? 43(ish), with Barb maybe around 40, is pretty old for a first child.
- This man also 100% had pretty boy tendencies (and I bet they're still in there somewhere, just buried real deep). I don't see him as necessarily fussy about it, but after so many years of appearance being a big part of how he makes his living, I imagine you'd catch him in the mirror about any time one appeared, "just to check real quick". Very particular about his clothes fitting right. Meticulous dental hygiene. Always smells amazing.
- He's a big "acts of service" person; his favorite way to show love, whether it be to his family and friends, Janey, or you, is to learn what your interests and hobbies are and to engage with them, to remember things about you and what you like. And, like most people who are big on acts of service, he prefers to be loved that way, in turn. As such, he's a big sucker for inside jokes.
The Ghoul
- His sassy little duster is 110% used to make him look big and scary. Walton Goggins is only 5'10, and it's not like he's beefy in build. He's obviously not unmuscular, by any means, but he's lean. I'd call him "trailer park wiry". You'd definitely be surprised at how much smaller he looks the first time you see him without the coat; he still cuts an imposing figure after cultivating it for so long, but he looks so much more svelte without it. The boots and hat also probably make him seem bigger.
- The man still remembers how to dance, like, really well. Line dancing, ballroom, even a little swing...he's quite eclectic. You will 100% have to nag about this a little if you want to actually see it in action, because he thinks you just wanna make fun of him for it, but if you can convince him you really do just wanna share this with him, he'll teach you. Finds he still really enjoys it if you can convince him to try.
- Doesn't have much by way of a sense of taste anymore, like most old men, and, like most old men, he has a penchant for sweets of any kind (that also isn't totally partially a remnant of how much junk he used to eat with Janey). Sweet and spicy he can still taste.
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7nessasaryevils · 4 months
I'm back with things that made me clutch my chest, snap my neck, scream into the void etc etc... from ep 6 of Wandee Goodday.
Settle in my loves, we're in for one heck of a ride!
- starting us off strong with Yak waking up Dee, pouting about them not being able to see each other for a week because of the training camp, THE HEAD RUFFLE AND FOREHEAD KISS.... HELP ME IM GOING TO KILL THEM
- we're also back to the elephant pants and I cannot describe my happiness at seeing Yak wearing something that makes him comfortable while being with Dee
- that whole fucking montage... look at these domestic "we're just fuck buddies" assholes. Gentlemen, you wouldn't know "fuck buddies" if they were sucking your dick....
- I had to physically stop myself from smacking my head into a wall at Yak's "I see you (Dee) more than I see her (Taem)" .... insert Scar's imsurroundedbyidiots.gif
- I love the way Dee thinks that Yoryak has no weakness? He genuinely seems surprised that Yak needs to go get trained 🥹🥹 also how worried he is when Yak explains his first loss...
- here's me toasting you Khun Yak for that sex joke 🤣👍🏽
-Patpran would be so proud... BET ERA MY BELOVED (if they fist bump I'll scream... oh phooey they didn't)
- them texting each other about their day... gwenchana gwenchana 😭😭😭
- I guess Oishi GreenTea is not sponsoring them 😅🤣
- Yak and Yei... just that scene...
- dee on the couch... quite obviously missing Yak... you dumbass ♥️🥺
- that change in perspective... Golf... I see you and your masterful brain 👀👀👀
- Dee making a mess on the mirror on purpose (I'm not crying I'm NOT)
- sweetheart... you're in love with Yoryak... 🥹🥺♥️
- Cher? My darling? Give Yei a really good blowjob when he comes back because your hubby is fucking SMART (also yak and yei sleeping on a bed together... adorable sibling behaviour)
- me when Yak walks outside: ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh wandee is gonna show up he's gonna show up he lost the bet he's gon- OHHHHH YAK CLOSED HIS EYES AND WHEN HE OPENS THEM DEE WILL BE THERE!!!!
- me when i turned out to be right:
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- "the atmosphere here is nice." "It got even better with you here." SOMEBODY SEDATE ME!
- hey pot? I believe the kettle is calling you black.
- give me a kiss... look at these two idi-
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- you know when you have to put your phone down because you cannot believe the audacity? Yeah... that's me when Yak points right to his lips. Sir. You dumbass.
- my knees just gave out
- nobody hold me back im about my plant my foot into Ter's face
- oh no. Oh no no no no. This is one time I do NOT WANT a whole "oh there's only one bed"!!!!
- side note: is this what happened with Billy and Babe when they went to Japan? 🤔🤔 thank you Kao 🤣♥️
- forget my foot. I'm dropping a fucking ANVIL on this asshole's face- where does Ter get off making decisions for Dee???
- DONT KISS HIM BACK OFF STRANGER DANGER STRANGER DANGER YAK HELP!!! (edit: two mins later I was even more pissed off because Ter knows that Dee has a boyfriend, "fake" as it is, and he still tried to kiss Dee! This dickhead!!!)
- well done P'Golf!! HPV knowledge my beloved ♥️♥️
- Dee no!!! Don't think about that horse-faced dick doctor (if I had a quarter every time I said that, I'd have two quarters only... but weird for it to happen twice - fuck you Dr. Charlatan!!!)
- YAK! Come get your man!!
- I'm all for you two seeing each other again but NOT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET THATS HOW WE DIE!!! MOVE YOU DUMB GAYS! (Edit: Kay but now think of the fact that Dee is terrified of crossing the street and how easily he does it when it's Yak he's walking to...this is okay I'm okay I'm so okay)
- love and the city... p'golf you fucking genius
- kisses in the stairwell... gods they really want me to choke don't they?
- second time I had to put my phone down... Yoryak... I'm this close to drop-kicking you across the country
- my body is yours... and so is your heart you idiot get to that realization faster!!! Pat would be so disappointed!
- Kao coming in with those truths... my utmost respect for you sir 🫡🫡
- oh shit...
- hats off to Cher and Yei being adorable and happy in their sex lives which includes phone sex!!! We approve!!!
- the side by side!!!! Interesting to think of it as a couple making love vs. a couple fucking but it's actually two couples in love... awww
- Kao. Sir. I'm erecting temples in your honour. Making merit. Fasting. Praying for you to find someone who loves you the way you want to be loved. I'm doing it all for you because you fucking deserve it.
- the pink on Dee's face... sweetheart you're so in love with him 🥺🥺
- GROUP DATE!!!! And our resident idiot gays are in matching pants.... lord gimme strength
- feeding each oth- breathe Nessie breathe. The idiots know not how they hurt you.
- Yak recognizing that something's going on between Yei and Cher is such a lovely thing. Now if only he could realize stuff about himself and Dee!
- third time I put down my phone... but to cry because Yak remembers Dee's fear and holds his hand I'm fucking fine don't touch me
- oh no... Yei you got yourself mixed up with loan sharks! honey no!
- yak comparing the pics of him, Cher, Yei and Dee to the family picture... this epsiode really said we're going to stomp on your heart Nessie...
- they're still holding hands... fuck
- I'm begging whatever deity is listening to me: please don't let there be a scene where Dee tells the public about yak's secret place
- one more word and I'll kiss you... on the lips. (Okay but the fact that he says this and still thinks he might be in love with Taem makes me feel like this 👇🏽
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- Yei you utter romantic sap 🥹🥹🥹🥹🫡
- the story of how Yei and Cher met... fucking fuck 😭😭😭
- and then ending it off with Dee knowing that no matter what his feelings, the fact that Yak is the only person who makes him feel at ease... FUCKING FUCKITY FUCK
this epsiode came for my whole existence and the next one... the next one is gonna have me on the floor THANKS!
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wrongcaitlyn · 4 months
hello there, i come here on very important, very SERIOUS business. do you have any specific ideas on what nico and will look like in your fic? ive been wanting to draw fanart (at a later date im busier than ever this week) but i dont want to get how they look wrong c:
okay so. my issue is that like i have a vague blur of them in my head that's kinda a mix of a bunch of fanart. i'm gonna tag a few artists that i think just capture the exact idea i have of them perfectly (in talk your talk, but also just like, in general, because i do picture them both pretty similarly in any au/fic):
@delicate-sketch is the first one and i think the most accurate (in my opinion and my brain because obviously there are a million ways to picture these charactersjsdf) of them all, i just- THEY ARE NICO AND WILL. LIKE. IT'S LITERALLY. PERFECTION. so i'd say that's the closest to the blurry images of people i have in my head, and also just the style of nico, i absolutely am obsessed with their art style!! most specifically nico. like. that. IS. nico.
@/aqua.en.llamas on insta also has the most incrediblee solangelo art, but even more specifically will. ive been the hugest fan of her for ages, have edited her fanart a few times - i think she was one of the first pjo artists that i followed back when i was getting into the fandom, so that may have definitely influenced my vision of will in my head!!
@svetalmeow 's will and nico is also. just. heart eyes. in an appreciating the art and the literally perfectly accurate depiction of the character way. I LITERALLY LOVE IT LIKSEJSDAF i would repost specific pieces of art but don't wanna do that without permission and also don't want to just choose one piece of art so like scroll through their entire page for wonderful wonderful solangelo
and then here's my brief and sort of bad description of how they look because honestly the only things i know how to describe are hair and clothes (and even the clothes bit is questionable)
will has curly short blond hair, but i imagine that it gets very frizzy a lot of the time and turns out looking more fluffy some of the time - but yeah okay here are some pics i just downloaded off pinterestSLKJDF
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i'd say this is pretty close to how i imagine will's hair but again it's literally all blurry and also i suck at picturing faces in my head so like just go on vibes i trust that you'll do it well (and also, if it doesn't match my picture of them, that LITERALLY doesn't matter this is your art and feel free to draw them however you like!!)
then onto nico, i think the best way to describe it is just
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conan gray-
KSDFJSDFS YEAH SORRY THAT'S IT. THAT'S REALLY IT I JUST. I PICTURE CONAN GRAYSLKDF but like maybe slightlyyyy shorter hair. his hair got super long during superache era (which was absolutely GORGEOUS AND ICONIC AND I LOVED IT) but yeah i think nico's was a bit shorter. just above the shoulder and lots of layers i'd say
as for clothing style, i think they're both pretty lazy dressers. like will's go-to is just any kind of tee-shirt (he has a lot of tour merch and that's like a good majority of his closet) or college merch like an nyu hoodie and baggy jeans or cargo pants, and nico is either wearing his own merch (literally just because there are, i imagine, a lot of messed up ones or like misprints and stuff and so he just takes whatever is messed up and shoves it in his own closet-) and lots of will's clothes. and then black jeans or sweatpans). the other portion of nico is if you're doing smth that he was styled for, in which it could be either smth super fancy (again, your best bet is prob looking up conan gray red carpet looksDSFLKJ) or like a leather jacket and a tee-shirt with some sort of skull or skeleton
as for features, i have absolutely zero clue, so there's no way to mess that up. there's no way to mess up at all, actually, and im SO EXCITED TO SEE WHAT YOU MAKE AHHGSDKF ILY <33
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Promised I'd do Victoria Byng for @axxloe too so.
I don't have any specific thoughts about her in the way that I did General Byng and Reg Cutty because I feel she's actually pretty well explored in the game and mostly understood by the fandom. Nonetheless, here's a laundry list of Victoria miscellanea.
Though her strikebreaking activities are treated neutrally by the narrative as a necessary action, it does make her a tool. Which, if you're on the ball, you know this because her entire DLC is about realizing she's a fkn tool.
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I don't think anyone questions that Verloc is a psychopath who takes delight in drowning people for fun, but again, the people telling us that he's a psychopath are Sally and General Byng. So if we are eyeing that notion suspiciously, it may then be possible that - at least from Verloc's perspective - he actually has a valid reason to hate Victoria as much as he seems to. What is it? There's nothing in the lore that specifically points to anything large enough to merit that. She does call him Tony and we know from other places he not only hates being called by his first name but insists upon his honorific being used... but you can't really tell Victoria Byng how to address you, can you?
Being called Tony would be annoying, but probably not enough to be delighted that the Joy supply saboteur turns out to be her. Moreso I think this points to something that a lot of people miss when being told about who has the power in Wellington Wells. Verloc is said to be a law unto himself on the Holm of Uskglass, but whatever power he holds only extends to that one island. He still has to answer to General Byng and Victoria. And they do put the screws to him about showing progress whether it's viable or not. Maybe to the detriment of Verloc's other interests.
While you can bet Verloc hates being called Tony and I implied in my stories that doing so was a deliberate subordination tactic on Victoria's part, I actually think Victoria only did it because she thought it made her more approachable and that it was the culture of Haworth Labs to be so familiar. She recalls Haworth as "never one for ceremony" and she calls him Harry in her quest notes, suggesting she probably called him that in person too. It would have been awkward to be so formal as to call Verloc by his title when his boss was fine being on a first name basis. Tony is obviously a step further than Anton would have been, but maybe that was supposed to be a nudge. That is, if Verloc had actually called her Vicky back, even spitefully, she wouldn't have minded. She calls herself Vicky in her own thoughts. (Interestingly, when she calls herself that it's spelled "Vicky" in the subtitles, but when she's imagining her mother calling her that, it's spelled "Vickie".)
While her father strives to be on top of the pyramid and to wield his power over his subordinates, Victoria goes to great lengths to make herself seem very Of the People. She lives in the Village rather than the Parade. She isn't exactly hiding from the rest of society the way a lot of the other notable characters in the game seem to be (Nick Lightbearer, Dr. Faraday, Dr. Verloc, Jack Worthing, General Byng to an extent). Indeed, she organizes public activities quite frequently. Victoria's motivation in all things is to appear as much a common Wellie as anyone else, fancy clothes and mansion notwithstanding. That Wellies in her DLC feel comfortable approaching her on the street to make idle conversation (even though she probably looks like hell) is something she's worked to imbue in them. Obviously this is informed greatly by her being visibly Other and her desire to negate that, but it's also part of what she's come to think of as her duty and her power in the town. The people of Wellington Wells do listen to and follow her (as they have since she was quite young) and she uses this - she believes - to their benefit. Indeed, she's more a post-war English ideal in that way than practically all the Actually English people in town. She's had her shoulder to the wheel the entire time.
One of the few personal items General Byng keeps in his safehouse is a drawing Victoria did as a child. He's quick to cut her loose when called out for having been looking out for himself, but it may not be as easy a decision as it seems to Victoria in that moment.
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Indira had one too. And we see it right as Victoria realizes that she had to make a choice about how Victoria should feel about her moving forward. Parallels! And perpendiculars!
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And lastly...
Christian Louboutin has only just been born the previous year (to say nothing of Wellington Wells' policy of isolation) and yet she's got the red bottom shoes. But if she had a favorite designer and the ability to shop them, it'd be Hermès all the way.
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sunflowergem · 1 month
9 (Could you be roommates with this character?) for all the BG3 companions >:3c
So my first thought was a giant house with everybody in it which would be just absolute chaos. But obviously it's more meant to be one-on-one so let's go through them.
Astarion: Hmmmmm, I think I would be able to live with him but it wouldn't be ideal. He would probably be a little too mean too often, not even like a truly mean way. But like you know, he's a sassy guy and I am unfortunately rather sensitive. With a good amount of communication, I feel like we could become friends perhaps, but there's definitely going to be some rough patches in the first like year or so. Although we could get along pretty well as far as fashion and sewing goes, which would be fun. I make clothes and he embroiders them, sounds like a delightful hobby to have a bond over.
Gale: Solid roommate material for sure! Comes with furry friend, cooking skills, and a library, hell yeah! Also info dumping is my love language, biggest risk here is that I'd probably end up with a crush or eventually dating him. I'd treat him better than his ex for sure.
Halsin: Would we get along? Yes! Would there be a constant battle within my mind of him reminding me a little too much of my father but also being ridiculously attractive and that leading me to confront some deep-seated issues that I need to address someday with a professional? Also, yes! And I'm not sure if I'm ready to confront that part of myself. We probably have some kick-ass house plants though and I bet he makes the best cup of tea.
Jaheira: I feel like she wouldn't be home often and like would be kind of keeping to herself when she is. So I'd say yeah I could easily be her roommate. We both stay in our own lanes but were responsible. Probably be very healthy situation.
Karlach: Ignoring the fire hazard, I think she'd make a solid roommate. I feel like we'd have chore chart kind of synergy going on. Also opportunities to cuddle (I feel like there is possibility of that leading to some feelings as well, but that would not being negative) and like late night baking sessions randomly I could see popping up real easy. Kind of reminds me when I lived with my bestie for a while. In that context, it was only one room and we shared it which was a little tricky, but I have a lot of fond memories from those times<3
Lae'zel: Mmmmaybe? This is probably going to go one of three ways. One she ignores me and we just kind of cohabitate. Two she takes an interest in me and starts training me as a way to bond. I do like swords and would love to learn how to use one so this is not the worst but she would definitely be a harsh trainer. Or three she straight up kills me at some point. I don't know if I'd be able to sleep well for a while living under the same roof TBH
Minsc: This is actually the last one I wrote. Despite where it is in the list, I put them in alphabetical order because I couldn't decide how to order them. It is really hard to decide whether or not he would be a compatible roommate. Like I want to say yes cuz I like the guy. Plus he comes with a friendly hamster! But he is also kind of a wild guy I think. And I'm not sure what would be like cleanliness levels with him, which is a little bit of a thing with me. We're going to give this one a solid maybe.
Minthara: No. I would die. Even if she gets attached she's going to try toughen me up and I would die.
Shadowheart: Yeah I think we could chill as roommates. She doesn't try and push religion down anyone's throat and in the beginning for sure keeps to herself. As she becomes more friendly with you. She becomes a really chill lady overall. We'd probably be able to have some interesting deep philosophical conversations after she resolves some personal issues. This one would also probably evolve into either dating or everyone thinks we're dating, once again, very similar to my real life bestie.
Wyll: He would probably be a fantastic roommate, too bad about his overbearing boss who constantly comes over unannounced. But seriously, he's kind. He's respectful. He's thoughtful. This one very much probably evolve into some form of romance as well because I'm a bit of a flirt when I become comfortable with people and honestly kind of he gives that same vibe. This would definitely not be a negative cuz he is definitely husband material. Still got to find him a better job though and possibly resolve a few issues with his dad. But hey, we can bond over father trauma!
I don't know if it's just personal bias or if this would actually be some chemistry, but so many of these I think would turn into rom-com situations. It also could just be the source material being unrelentlessly horny. Which considering I'm asexual will be very funny. Not impossible cuz demisexual but definitely would be a slow burn kind of situation.
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cutiedwaekki · 1 year
PuppyM Detective
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Chapter 2 : Examination
I was on my way home after the call Jisung had just made, he could be dramatic at times but I knew the last few days had been tough. As an assistant to city councillor Jung Wooyoung, he found himself being around in an in-between position where either he was offered another job or he was unemployed. I guess if he's ordered so much food it's probably one of the two.
As I walked to the front, I thought about the potential guilty and, above all, the potential suspects in this case. In this case, anyone could be guilty; anyone Councilman Jung had met 24 hours before his death was a suspect! I'd ask Jisung about his schedule that days
Well, obviously Jisung wasn't one of the suspects, since on the evening of Mr Jung's death he was with me watching The Howls Moving Castle for the umpteenth time. I let him choose this film, although I must have seen it enough times to know the lines by heart, and so does he.
But the more I thought about it, the more suspicious Minho and Jeongin seemed. After all, they were the only ones we knew nothing about, and even the rumors didn't make sense. Some said they were brothers, others married or friends. Sons of Chaebol or fugitives on the run. Jeongin was always well-dressed in a three-piece suit, while Minho preferred more comfy clothes.
But that scene just now really disturbed me, I wonder what they're hiding from. I bet if I find that out, everything will be clearer.
-Finally you're here Minnie, I thought I was going to have to eat everything without you!
-Pff, don't say that, idiot, you'd be able to eat an entire buffet without giving me so much as a crumb!
-Then consider it an act of generosity," he said, before shoving a doughnut into my mouth as soon as I'd set foot in the house.
Jisung was my one and only friend here. We've known each other since at least elementary school. I know him as well as he knows me, and we've always been able to count on each other. If tomorrow the world becomes chaotic, he's the only one I'll trust
And then it's almost cute the way he introduces me to others, I'd heard how he praised my achievements in finding the reason for Mr Lee and Ms Yang's divorce when in reality if Jisung hadn't had that stupid song in his head, Ms Yang wouldn't have mentioned her idol lover to us.
-You think too much Minnie, come and relax!
-You're probably right, but this murder story is really ... fasinating"
-Do you have any leads? he asked as he continued to eat.
-Sure but not necessarily reliable ... and how are you doing at work at the moment?
-Oh, if you only knew! Don't ask me how, I don't know myself, but as I was the only one to know Mr Jung's schedule in detail, the mayor's office decided to appoint me as an interim councillor until another election could be helds
My jaw dropped at this news, while Jisung acted as if he had just uttered a banality
-So you're the city councillor?!
- "In a way, but Wooyoung didn't do anything interesting, I spent the day sitting in his office, filling out papers and eating.
-Do you remember what he did the day he died, or where he went?
-Good question ... I think he went to a few meetings in the village next door and as he had no time he ordered something from LeeBit cock because and I quote "he loves his cinnamon doughnuts".
I chuckled softly. If there's one thing typical of Jisung, it's his humility and ability to remember nothing except when it involves food.
- "He didn't do anything else?"
-Afterwards he went out a few times without saying anything, I think he spoke to the Mayor Mr Bahng and maybe he went to Dwaekki & BbokAri Bakery. By the way, it was Changbin hyung who gave me all those pastries!" He said, referring to the box showing their logo: a mix of a pig and a pink rabbit holding hands with a smiling chick .... it was cute
- "Do you know if he was preoccupied or something like that lately?"
-No more than that, Mr. Jung and I weren't very close to him.
-I see, thank you Hannie, you're a great help!
"You're welcome! But don't you dare go investigating now" he began, grabbing my arm with force and holding me down on the sofa "I told you I'd share and I've had enough to eat for today, so at least enjoy these Minnie pastries" he begged, looking at me with love on his face.
-But hyung... I have to... well ok you win"
Jisung mimed a victory sign before angling the box towards me.
-Eat what you want, you've got plenty of time ... well, you've got to eat it all before tomorrow, so you've got no choice".
These words made me laugh, and I quickly grabbed one of the cookies and tasted it. The taste was exquisite, and the caramelizing aspect of the cookie mixed with the three-chocolate chip made it even more perfect than it already was.
-You see, it's delicious! Tomorrow we'll go and see Changbin hyung and Felix, they've promised me lots of free pastries if I bring you back!"
- "I didn't know you were close to them!
- "Since Mr Jung often went to see them, I sometimes took orders for him, so I got to know them better.
I see ... maybe he could tell me something about Minho then!
- "What about Lee Minho?"
- "Oh him? There's so much to tell! And I can assure you that everything you're about to hear is true!"
I looked at him slightly skeptical, but put my ear to the ground to listen, savouring the sweets in the box
-Basically, he and Jeongin are half-brothers, they have the same father, but Minho was born out of wedlock, and that's pretty bad form for a chaebol".
- "Wait, so they really are rich kids?"
-Don't cut me off! So I was saying, from what I remember, he said he'd moved to the city with his brother to cut ties with his family, who only saw him as a source of disappointment, even though he was a good heir to his business empire after studying commerce. Afterwards, I don't remember everything, it was several months ago and I was probably drunk".
-You drunk? Can I at least have the context of how you got all this information?"
- "There's some things you just don't get!"
That was already too much I couldn't help but gasp loudly
-You slept with Lee Minho?!
- "Yah my sex life is none of your business," he said, tossing me a pillow, which I evitas before tossing him another.
A pillow fight ensued, as we bickered, insulted each other and said meaningless things until, after a sudden movement, I found myself right on top of him... our bodies inches apart... I blushed as old memories came back to me. I stammered a few excuses before sitting down again and for eating another cookie.
Well ... there's nothing left ... did I really eat it all? wow i hope this doesn't became an habit.
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-"Tell me again why do i have to help you hyung?"
- "Because you have to be discreet, Jeongin, I told you! Since the other pseudo-detective has been trying to investigate the death of the former town councillor".
- "But we didn't do anything wrong, why should we care about him?"
- "Dare you tell me we really have nothing to complain about?"
- "It's okay, it's not like we killed him"
The oldest pauses for a moment before sighing heavily and continuing to clean the coffee with Jeongin's help.
- "Then I don't trust him, his father's a cop and his friend's taken the place of the former town councillor, here he's the one leading the dance".
- "Hyung, you're hiding something, aren't you?"
Minho chuckled before kissing his younger brother's forehead thoughtfully.
-Don't ask questions you already know the answer to.
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-Channie ~ I missed you, you know? What can I do for our beloved Mayor?"
The aforementioned mayor greeted Hyunjin shyly before settling down at a table in a corner where no one would notice him and Hyunjin.
-A-As usual, please" he mumbled timidly, trying to put on a straight face.
- "Don't worry, I'll be right there" he said with a wink as he walked provocatively into the kitchen.
You see, Chan had been under a lot of stress lately with the whole murder thing, even though no further investigation had been carried out. And let's not talk about the villagers and policemen who demanded that Kim Seungmin stop trying to investigate, as he had a great talent for disrupting the whole town!
So that's what he did, he asked Jisung to summon Seungmin to his office and as he asked him to stop all activity, the latter refused and claimed that Chan was doing it to cover up for someone or to protect himself.
-It's not that... I'm only thinking of the welfare of the village-"
- "Nonsense! You're silencing a citizen who's trying to punish a criminal!"
- "Mr. Kim, calm down!
- "Of course you powerful people have nothing to worry about! Sitting behind a desk getting fat and ready to accept the slightest bribe!"
Offended, he got up to face him, not even noticing how his belly was starting to hang out of his shirt.
-Get out of my office! If I have to call the police, I will!
Seungmin turned and walked towards the door with an air of disinterested of his speech before adding "look at the file on your right, if you try to intervene against me again I'll have these photos published" before leaving the mayor's office.
Curious , Chan looked at the file and his jaw droppep when he saw that it was photos of him and Hyunjin kissing or about to go upstairs to one of Hyunjin's bed'n breakfast rooms. Enough to destabilize the oldest
-Is everything all right, Channie? Do you seem out of it?" Hyunjin asked, placing his order on the table "Do you need me to destress you?" He said with a look full of dirty thought
-N-No! Well, I wouldn't mind, but ... well ... argh it exhausts me".
Although the relationship between Hyunjin and Chan had so far been limited to sex, they were still good friends and could confide in each other without any problems. So as soon as Hyunjin realized that his state of mind wasn't just stress, he sat down beside him to reassure him: "Do you want to talk about it?
-That's it.
He handed the file to hyunjin, who took it in his hands to analyze its contents. He was quickly surprised to find that someone had been spying on them over the last few weeks. Now he understood better why Chan was so stressed! This kind of scandal could cost him his position as mayor and bring him down in his role.
-Whos the son of a bitch who dared to send you this?
- "It's... Kim Seungmin ... I told him I didn't want him to continue his investigation into Jung Wooyoung's death, but he insulted me for no reason and threatened me with this.
Hyunjin's blood boiled inside him. At that moment, he wanted with all his soul for Seungmin to pay for having caused so much harm to Chan, a good man with an unspeakable fantasy.
-You'll see, I'll take care of him.
-Jinnie ... I don't want anything bad to happen to you too".
- "Don't worry Channie, you know I wasn't just a model in the past, I know a few ways to make a busybody like Kim Seungmin swallow his tongue".
- "You're starting to scare me Hyunjin..."
- "Stay out of it Channie and eat, I've doubled your portions allrs porfite"
Hyunjin winked at him for the umpteenth time before moving off to other customers
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-You know, Lixie, I feel bad doing this.
- "Don't say that Binnie, you know we had no choice."
- "I know, but... he didn't ask for it"
- "Listen, you know who asked us to do this and we owe him a great debt"
Changbin sighed deeply, realizing that Felix was right. Given their fantasies and fetish, which they openly share, they had been contacted to fatten someone up. Let's just say that things had gone well so far, despite a few circumstances.
-Jisung is going to come with Seungmin today?
-I don't think so, you know how he likes to keep it to himself, he's a real magnet with him".
- "I've never seen them together in the street but I guess you're right."
- "But of course we're cuter than them" added the youngest making Changbin giggle.
The couple took advantage of a brief moment when no customers were present to kiss chastely, while Felix let his hands wander along his husband's body.
-Do you need a chair, sweetheart? It must be so heavy to carry so much weight".
- "Please, Lixie, I feel my legs are going to give out at any moment"
The brunette giggled before slumping into the first chair Felix gave him, breathing heavily. Lately he'd become so fat that he needed a pair of pins to fasten his apron, even though it was useless as he spent most of his day eating or kissing his husband.
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Outside, opposite the three stores, Seungmin was standing there, calpin in hand, Jisung at his side.
-Where do we start? asks Jisung
The youngest thinks for a few moments before coming to a decision.
- "We could go for Leebit's bite first, as they seem really suspicious, then Jinrinet bowl, as I bet Mr Bahng has spoken to him, and finish with Dwaekki and BbokAri's bakery.
Or start with Jinrinet bowl and finish with Leebit's bite".
-A difficult choice" commented Jisung.
As Seungmin prepared to choose. He decided to list all the potential suspects, from the most to the least suspicious, to make it easier to know where to start.
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sepyana · 1 year
Jjba Stardust Crusaders Ep. 30-33 Thoughts
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Iggy goes to do fuck all while the rest of the crew splits in two.
Before I actually talk about the episodes, I wanna briefly give my opinion on the OVA. I haven't watched past part 10 obviously but I think it's important I'll mention it in a later post.
I vastly prefer 2010 anime over the OVA. The production value of the anime is just way higher. The dark tone of the OVA doesn't fit JJBA tbh.
BUT. I actually kinda love them? They have their charm. The darker alternative take is fun, if it was the only animated JJBA option I wouldn't be satisfied with it but as an alternative it's nice. Polnareff and Kakyoin's expressions in the N'Doul episodes are just so funny.
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^ Joseph and Kakyoin's reaction to Iggy just. destroyed me
There is a thing or two it does better than the current anime and the manga I think. I really like Kakyoin's portrayal in some of the episodes. There is awkwardness to his mannerisms that you would expect from a teenager, that is not present in the anime OR the manga. His build is also a lot more closer to your average teenager too. That being said, OVA Jotaro runs in the opposite direction by looking 40 in some of the episodes. I don't wanna talk about that tho since everyone has talked about it death.
Also the long haired Star Platinum is pretty sick ngl. Looks even more like Bruford.
Ep. 30-31 (Mariah)
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Oohh boy. I don't do well with second hand embarrasment. There are a lot of embarrasing moments in part 2 and 3 but these two episodes are filled to the brim with them. From the walking stairs to entering ladies restrooms to the y'know what. Managed to push thru tho!!
I've noticed a trend with the second half of SC of putting more attention the the stand users. With more iconic designs an all. I wouldn't call Mariah's design original, it just gets the job done (The job being looking conventionally hot).
Advol being really proud about digging a hole to avoid the train is kind of endearing :)
I thought the back and forth between Mariah and Joseph at the end was nice. Joseph's va was especially good in it (R.I.P. Unshō Ishizuka). Mariah saying she'd be down to be with him despite their ages being far apart is really funny considering Dio is tecnically 130+ years old.
Mariah's motivation is a bit of a downgrade compared to N'Doul before her. I mean, being down bad was only part of the reason why he was following Dio, c'mon.
Yeah I don't wanna talk more about this episode. Sorry to all (both) people reading this for reminding you about Ep 31.
Ep. 32-33 (Alessi)
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Look at baby Chariot. No don't look away,, you will look at him and you will appreciate him.
Let's also take a moment to appreciate Set not being given to any other person, because the only thing keeping Pol and Jotaro from dying is Alessi being one of the stupidest mfers in the show.
I bet everyone has mentioned this before but I don't care, this was such a good opportunity to bring back part 2 Joseph that it hurts. If you are can do all that fanservice the episode before you can certainly do a part 2 Joseph cameo. I can't complain too much, I do love these episodes as is.
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^ Tiny man omg. So tiny and brave...
I would say Jotaro not recognizing the earings and the clothes of kid Polnareff is stupid but he thought Joseph's story was bs while having an evil spirit following him, like, in the first episode. So. Not out of character really.
I like the detail of Kid Chariot being more like a sentient companion since kid Polnareff is not fully attuned to his stand yet. It even reaches for Pol when he is drowning :(
If I had a nickel every time Jotaro casually walked into Polnareff dealing with one of Dio's goons without fully knowing what's going on, then beating the shit out of the goon; I'd have two nickels. It isn't a lot but it's pretty funny that it happened twice.
Kid Jotaro kicking ass and then rolling up his sleeve just so he can point and say a cool one liner is killing me. Jotaro is secretly the funniest character in the show.
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^ Link
You can tell Chariot's sadistically smiling under that mask. Amazing.
I love that story goes out of it's way to tell us Alessi is 38 and single.
And the episode ends basically the same way as ep 1.
Overall, I do like these episodes a lot. It's silly and fanservicey in a completely different way from the last episodes. The "your favourite glup shitto has a cameo in the new movie" kind. Seeing baby versions of our favourite characters is something most of us would like. I'm over here not shutting up about baby Chariot. It's like baby yoda. Clearly it worked on me.
Jotaro and Polnareff's interactions this episode really helped to show their friendship. It's hard to remember that fact sometimes with how Jotaro especially is but they really do care about eachother.
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I wanna do 34-39 next, then 40-44, lastly 45-48. Seems like the most logical way of going about it.
I know in my heart that the confrontation with Dio is NOT gonna go well. No one has died yet and considering JJBA's track record, yeah, I don't think they'll all make it alive. I did say Kakyoin was my favourite early on but I do love all of them, it's gonna hurt real bad no matter what.
This post only covers 2 goons so uhhh, here is a shot from the OVA I merged into one picture as extra,
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casspurrjoybell-27 · 1 year
Claimed by the Beast - Chapter 13b
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*Warning Adult Content*
Possession - Part 2
After they head back to Knox's bedroom and shower, separately, they get dressed in fresh clothes, grab a bite to eat in the kitchen and then Knox finally takes Everett outside to show him his favorite spot by the river.
They walk and talk about everything and nothing, time passing by quickly as they get lost in one another.
Something that's been happening frequently.
"Wow. It's crazy beautiful out here during this time of the evening," Everett remarks. "I bet it's terrifying at night, though. All these big freaking trees everywhere. Hell no. I'm glad I never tried to run away because my dumbass would've immediately gotten lost out here."
Knox chuckles, glancing out at the river coming into view.
"I know this place like the back of my hand. I'd have found you and dragged you back to where you belong."
"And where might that be?" Everett asks, teasingly.
"Wherever I'm at, obviously," Knox smirks.
"Come on. We aren't that far away now."
The clubhouse sits at the front of the fifty-acre property owned by Gavin.
Massive trees cover most of it, including the perimeter and near the south end is where the river passes through.
The path that Everett and Knox walk hasn't always been around but Knox has since kept maintenance up on the area to prevent it from being taken over by weeds and other debris.
Contrary to what Everett believes, Knox finds that it's most peaceful out here at night.
"This is it."
Knox leads them into a small, secluded section where the grass fades into dirt and rocks.
A perfect spot to settle into if one enjoyed fishing.
"This is where I come to clear my head when the demons start to get too loud," he speaks quietly, so low that Everett almost misses it. "It ain't much but it's mine. Brings me peace, if only temporarily."
"I love it. I think it's absolutely gorgeous."
Everett sits next to Knox on the ground, his eyes scanning and memorizing the area.
Across the river are more trees, presumably the ending of somebody else's property.
"The sound of the river and all the insects chirping around us..."
Everett closes his eyes for a few seconds, soaking up the sun's warmth.
"God, I bet I could take a killer nap out here."
Knox laughs.
"I have once or twice before. Wouldn't recommend it unless you bring along a can of bug spray."
"Yikes. I can imagine how bad the mosquitoes get all the way out here. No fucking thanks," Everett says, opening his eyes.
He glances at Knox's profile, secretly admiring him.
All sharp features until you get to his stormy grey eyes.
Right now, they're the softest they've ever looked.
"Do you ever wish that all this could be yours? The clubhouse, the property..."
"No," Knox says without even thinking about it. "Can I afford to purchase something like this for myself? Yes. Do I want to have it all right now? No. There's still too much work left to be done."
"What do you mean by that?" Everett asks.
"When you join a MC, you're in that shit for life. At least I am," Knox says. "Something drastic will have to happen to me before I willingly step down from my position and leave the club and my brothers behind. I'm not ready to settle down. It ain't my time yet."
Everett nods in understanding.
"You said you could afford all this, which is honestly blowing my mind because you definitely don't look or act..."
"Like I have money?" Knox questions, smirking.
Everett nods again, blushing.
"Yeah, well, you should know by now that I'm not exactly the flashy type. I don't wear my wealth to prove that I have it. I think that shit is corny. I don't give a damn about what people think of me. If I did, I'd never get any sleep at night."
"I feel that," Everett says.
"Let me know when a job opens up around here because I have student loans to pay off and your Pres seems to give out pretty generous salaries," he jokes.
"You have options. Strip club, motel or funeral home?" Knox asks.
"We dabble in a little bit of everything, but there's always an opening at the strip club. We don't discriminate when it comes to hiring dancers."
Everett gasps, confused.
"You're serious?"
"Hell no. I'm just fucking with you." Knox laughs, shaking his head.
"I mean, yes, we do own a strip club, motel and a funeral home because they're extremely profitable businesses but someone like you wouldn't last a day at either of our establishments. No offense."
"None taken," Everett mutters. "I remember you told me once that MCs primarily make money through illegal means. Is that what you guys use the businesses for? A cover for whatever illegal activity you've got going on?"
Knox meets Everett's gaze, briefly flashing a smile filled with sadness and something else the latter can't quite decipher.
"I talk too much around you."
"So what? I like you better when you're talking versus being all broody and mute," Everett replies.
He scoots closer to Knox and grabs his hand like it's something they do all the time, carefully interlocking their fingers together.
Anything to get rid of that wounded look in Knox's eyes.
"Don't worry. All your little incriminating club secrets are perfectly safe with me."
Knox laughs again.
"I know they are."
As they watch the river, silence falls upon them but it isn't loud or awkward.
Quite the opposite.
And that's precisely why Everett ignores the alarm bells ringing in the distance, trying to warn him that what he's doing right now isn't right.
Getting closer to Knox on a deeper level, having easy conversations with him, kissing and touching him when what he should be doing is doubling the distance between them and closing off his heart completely.
The bastard's already done it, hasn't he?
Knox has somehow managed to climb over the walls that have kept Everett's heart intact.
He's practically moved in and made himself at home.
One he'll eventually have to be evicted from because none of what they have going on right now will ever become a permanent thing.
The Fallen Angels' war with The Jackals will end one day.
Everett will have to go back to his mundane way of living, return to school, get his degree and then step into the next chapter of his life.
One where Knox doesn't exist.
"I'm curious," Knox says moments later. "What does your future look like? Where do you see yourself in the next five years?"
Somewhere, anywhere, with you…
"I don't know," Everett mumbles instead, resting his head on Knox's shoulder.
"What about you?"
"I guess you better start living each one to the fullest, then."
Everett produces a half smile, squeezing Knox's hand.
"I'll help you."
Until it's time for me to go.
"I'd like that."
Knox squeezes his hand back, the rational part of him knowing he can't take any of this to heart.
"You've got yourself a deal, kitten."
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fairestwriting · 3 years
Uhhh hello there! It's my first time requesting from your blog and can I have some Twst HCs for the Land of Pyroxene trio (Jack, Vil, and Cater) with a fem MC (their s/o or maybe mutual crush? Up to you dear 💕) who (of course) is very easily cold, like used to migraines when there's a strong wind because of sinus problems? I'd imagine lots of layers of clothing when coming with them to their hometown 😘💕 Thank you in advance! It's okay if you don't want to do it, just ignore this! 🔥
going with s/o for this one! i relate to this mc so much jgkflkd
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Jack Howl
Your best bet for a boyfriend if you struggle with the cold, really. Jack won’t get your issues at all, he’s like a human (Wolf?) furnace who’s just built for withstanding low temperatures, but that’s part of why he’s so ideal for that situation.
In the name of his caring and protective streak, Jack will be the one keeping you warm through those awful winters you once suffered with so much. The second your health issues start acting up, he’s already at your door with good jackets and blankets to keep you warm, and a willingness to care for you if you get sick that he’s very open about.
And, of course, whenever you complain about being cold despite all the layering, he’ll be there to put his arms around you and share his own warmth too! Especially when you’re in Pyroxene, you’ll be walking around really close to each other, and it makes him blush thinking about how lovey dovey you look, but he can’t lie and say he hates it.
Vil Schoenheit
You know how fussy Vil gets, and you know he’s gonna act like that about this too, especially if you haven’t told him you can’t handle the cold too well. You’ll be halfway through the word migraine and he’s already scolding you as he tends to, going on about how you should have warned him about cold wind doing that to you, about how you should have layered up more before leaving your dorm.
He can deal with the cold decently well, so if the situation calls for it, he’ll lend you whatever jacket he’s wearing, though that may not be as helpful as both of you wish it was, his winter outfits are very much the ones of a person who’s used to the cold.
And obviously, he’ll be getting you some nice and warm winter clothes. He’d be doing that even if you didn’t have issues with the cold, but since you do, it becomes even more important in his mind. Before it even starts getting chilly, Vil decides you absolutely needed to go shopping for some jackets, and he’ll make sure you only have the best ones, that not only actually protect you from the weather but also look good while doing it.
Cater Diamond
At first, Cater’s a little oblivious to how bad it can be. Out of the trio, he’s the one who deals with cold the least well, but he’s still got some resistence to it, so in his mind he’s like, how bad can it be? Well, pretty bad, he comes to find out when you come into his room to hang out in a winter afternoon, but your head hurts so much you end up just laying down the whole time.
So he feels bad and tries to make up for it, of course! He’s still not very serious about it, but that’s just because his disposition is like that, he’ll be gladly lending you his jackets whenever you need them, even if it means he’ll be shivering for a bit.
He buys you whatever warm drinks you like best often! Especially when it’s cold. He still asks to take pictures with them, but the intention behind them is good. Takes you out to cafés with good heating and holds your hands to warm them up, smiling at you as you toast with your drinks.
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if you wanna support my work, you can buy me a ko-fi or commission me!
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helloalycia · 3 years
secret relationship // wanda maximoff
summary: you're the daughter of the famous Black Widow, which comes with its own set of hurdles such as revealing to her that you're dating the newest Avenger that she also happens to be mentoring – Wanda Maximoff. What could go wrong?
warning/s: minor (implied) violence and injury
author's note: okay so the request was the reader is Natasha's daughter and is struggling to tell Natasha that she's dating Wanda. All I know is I got excited (as usual) and this happened so yeah, enjoy! Also, Wanda’s age is always a mystery to me since it’s interpreted differently with everyone, so I tried my best to explain the age gap between you and natasha so things made sense.
masterlist | wattpad
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"Did you know red onion and red cabbage is called 'red' instead of 'purple' because back in the old days, they didn't have enough words for colours so anything purple was defined as red?"
"The mission, Y/N," my mum, Natasha Romanoff, AKA Black Widow, scolded.
I sighed, my attention still focused on my surroundings and my gun directed ahead. "I know, I know. But did you know that the most common internet password is '123456'?"
"Y/N," Wanda, my girlfriend and teammate said with a laugh. "Stop it."
"Yeah, please, quit it," my mum added with an eye roll.
I smiled at Wanda, admiring how beautiful she looked when she hid her laugh. My mum wasn't aware we were dating, so I settled for sending her a playful wink before looking ahead.
I knew I had to focus on the mission – scouting out this abandoned HYDRA den – but it was boring. And it was obviously empty of any threats, so talking was my only pastime.
"Did you know the inventor of Pringles is buried in a Pringles can?" I said after a moment of silence, making my mum stop walking abruptly.
"Okay, you know what? New plan," she said, looking between Wanda and I. "Everyone split up. Take a look around. Stay alert. Keep in contact. Sound good?"
I quirked a brow. "You trying to get rid of me?"
She narrowed her eyes my way. "Yes."
I frowned, making Wanda crack a smile and nudge me in the shoulder.
"You need to learn to have an off button sometimes," she joked, her Sokovian accent shining through despite the voice lessons my mum was giving her. Honestly, I preferred her Sokovian accent to her American one.
"You love it," I teased, giving her a knowing smile, my mother completely unaware of the double meaning.
"Just do as I said," my mum said, already shooing me away. "Wanda, you know what to do. If you see or hear anything suspicious, use your comms."
"Yes, Miss Romanoff," Wanda said obediently, and I tried so hard to hold in laughter at her seriousness. I mean, it was great that she was respectful of my mother and her mentor, but God it was funny to witness.
"Once again, Wanda, you can just call me Nat," my mum said with a wince, trying to be polite. "Go on."
Wanda nodded and walked off, her gun raised as she'd practiced. I grinned at my mum, noticing the way she massaged her temple with mild agitation before her gaze fell to mine.
"Go. Now." She pointed behind me, and I stifled a laugh.
"Bet you love babysitting duty," I joked.
"It's not babysitting if I'm your mother," she pointed out. "Though sometimes, you make me regret not picking the baby instead of you."
"That baby would have been six years old now," I informed her. "If anything, I spared you the whole diaper thing and the outgrowing clothes thing and the– oh yeah! Not being able to speak thing!"
"At least they wouldn't be annoying me with stupid facts," she retorted, hand on her hip. "Now be a good agent and do your job."
I rolled my eyes playfully, knowing she was kidding. Whenever I annoyed her, she'd bring up the story of how it was between twelve year old me and a six-month old baby at the adoption centre. She was worried I'd view her as an older sister or something, hence her choice of adopting the baby instead. But I never did, as she was always way more mature than any twenty-seven year old I'd met or seen at the time. And maybe, I guess, I was really desperate to have a motherly figure, and she just happened to fit the bill.
"Aye, aye, Miss Romanoff," I saluted, making her raise an eyebrow threateningly. "Okay, geez, I'm going."
I wandered off, exploring the dishevelled HYDRA den with full focus. The brief clearly stated it was an abandoned site, but I stayed on alert anyway in case there were stragglers. As usual, I only got given half the facts because of my clearance level, so I knew we were looking for a hard drive, but I had no idea what was on it.
Being a seventeen year old working in S.H.I.E.L.D. wasn't exactly how I saw my life going when I grew up in an orphanage. I honestly never thought I'd get adopted, as rumours spread quite quickly through the orphanage that once you hit double digits, nobody wanted you. So, when the beautiful, red-headed Natasha Romanoff came in, looking for an addition to her family, I felt like the luckiest kid in the world because she chose me of all the kids there.
I definitely didn't expect her to be the Black Widow, nor to teach me everything she knew about espionage, stealth, hand-to-hand combat and much more. She ensured I was multi-lingual like her, preparing me for the many S.H.I.E.L.D. missions I would have to go on. There were times when I absolutely despised her, particularly when she overtrained me or stopped me from seeing my friends. And there were times when I wished she'd never adopted me, hating that I couldn't have a normal teenage experience.
But when it came down to it, I knew I couldn't have asked for a more caring, considerate and compassionate mother. I learnt early on into our relationship that she was unable to have kids of her own, hence her interest in adoption. And honestly speaking? That was probably the worst thing in the world because if anybody deserved a child of their own, it was Natasha Romanoff. I guess, in that sense, I was lucky to have all of her love to myself.
Now that I was older, I came to appreciate how awesome she was, especially when we got to go on missions together and I saw her awesomeness upfront. The only thing was, she was extremely overprotective, so it was difficult to get sent on the dangerous missions. Though, I guess, whenever I did, she was always there to have my back and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
Her overprotectiveness was also a reason why she didn't know about Wanda and I's relationship. Wanda had joined the Avengers a year ago after losing her brother in the battle against Ultron. She was a year older than me, so naturally we were drawn to each other, and before I knew it, our friendship became more. But of course, my mother could never know that. At least not yet.
"Empty here," I mumbled, rounding a corner into an empty room. As I looked through the rubbish on the desk, I continued, "Empty here... and here... and oh, look, here, too. What a surprise!"
"Y/N, I love you, but God help me I will kill you if you don't turn your damn mic off," my mother's voice came through my comms piece in my ear.
For once, I wasn't trying to piss her off, so I smiled sheepishly to myself and replied, "Sorry. Love you."
I could imagine the eye roll she was giving me in response, so continued to look around for the hard drive I saw on the brief. Still, there was nothing here.
My searching was interrupted when I heard a loud crash from a nearby room, like the sound of bricks tumbling against one another. I spun around, eyes widening with concern.
"Y/N? Wanda? What happened?" my mum's voice came through my ear, slightly reassuring me as it wasn't her who was caught up in anything. But then that meant–
"Wanda! What happened?" I replied worriedly, already rushing out of the room and to the source of the sound.
"I'm okay," Wanda's shaky voice came through my ear, which did nothing to ease my concern.
I found the room Wanda was in quite quickly, seeing her sat on the floor as if she'd been pushed. She had a deep cut on her forehead and looked visibly distressed. Running to her side, I kneeled down beside her and cupped her face, studying her head.
"Oh my God, are you okay?" The words tumbled from my mouth so quickly I wasn't sure if it was understandable.
She nodded slowly, accepting my hand and holding it for reassurance. I followed her gaze, seeing a hole in the wall ahead, bricks crumbling and dust beginning to settle. Laying on the floor through the hole and into the next room was a HYDRA soldier, clearly dead from the impact of hitting the bricks.
Wanda's power was magnificent, but hard to control. A year later and she was still learning its limits, but sometimes slip-ups like this happened. I was, admittedly, in awe of her actions.
"I'm sorry, I should have kept him alive like Miss Ro– Nat said," Wanda apologised suddenly, and I looked back at her to see her shaking her head. "He just– he startled me and I didn't know what I was doing until it happened. I thought–"
"Don't apologise," I cut her off, squeezing her hand gently, before looking back to the cut on her forehead. "I'm just glad you're okay. You did good."
Despite my words, I bit my lower lip to contain a frown, worried about her cut.
Wanda and I both turned to the doorway to see my mum, who stopped and took in the sight of the hole in the wall with partial surprise and partial amazement.
"Mum, we need to get her back to the quinjet," I said, pulling her attention away from the wall. She approached me as I said, "She needs medical assistance."
I didn't let go of Wanda's hand as I moved to the side for my mum to take a look. Gently guiding Wanda's chin to the side, she took a closer look at the gash on her forehead, expression showing nothing as usual.
"You'll be okay, honey," she reassured, letting go. Her eyes drifted to our connected hands briefly, but I figured she wouldn't piece anything together, so I didn't let go. She continued, "Let's get out of here. There's no hard drive anyway."
Wanda nodded and my mum and I helped her to stand up, me still not letting go of her hand.
"The hard drive is on him," Wanda spoke suddenly, nodding to the dead HYDRA agent. "I heard his thoughts before I– yeah."
My mum raised her brows with surprise. "Oh. Perfect. Y/N get the drive and let's go."
I pursed my lips, glancing at Wanda with concerned eyes. She gave me a small, reassuring smile, squeezing my hand subtly before letting go.
"Right, yeah," I said, swallowing hard.
I looked back to my mum, who seemed to be studying my expression, so I cleared my throat and left to get the drive. When I retrieved it, I jogged after Wanda and my mum, checking in on her with a small smile, before leading the way to the quinjet.
When we boarded the plane, I hung around Wanda and my mum as she helped the brunette to take a seat in the back. I noticed Wanda's momentary dizziness as she sat down and felt my chest tighten.
"Hey, you okay?" I asked, kneeling before her as my mum got the first aid kit.
Wanda gave me an endearing smile as I swiped at the blood dripping down her forehead.
"I'll be alright," she said, holding my gaze with comforting green eyes before they flickered to behind me.
"Okay, Y/N, stop hanging about and start the plane whilst I stitch Wanda up," my mum said, appearing from behind me and kneeling beside me.
I nodded, glancing between the needle, thread and disinfectant in her hands and Wanda's head. Reluctantly, I got up and left them both to it as I started up the plane and got us in the air. Once we were in the clear, I flicked on autopilot before heading back to Wanda and my mum to see how things were going.
"We'll have someone look at it properly when we get back to the tower," my mum was saying to Wanda, who was now stitched up and wearing a small bandage, "but it'll hold up for now." With a playful smile, she added, "You're not dying on me just yet."
Wanda cracked a smile and whilst I appreciated how lovely it was to see their closeness in a way I never usually saw, I was still troubled by her injury. Logically, I knew she'd be okay, but it never felt good to see her injured.
"Plane is on autopilot," I announced, making my presence known. My eyes never left Wanda's bandage as I asked, "Everything okay here?"
"You need to calm down," my mum joked, making me look her way. "It's not that serious. Just some stitches."
I smiled awkwardly, but I knew it was much more than that.
"Yeah, relax, it's not a big deal," Wanda added playfully.
Her eyes met mine and I knew she was communicating the same thing through her gaze, holding a seriousness that wasn't able to be shared verbally because of my mum's presence. I tilted my head, giving her a knowing look; she knew I was aware of how big a deal it was. All I wanted to do was give her a hug and kiss and not leave her side until she felt better. And she knew that.
"I'm gonna go fly the plane," my mum said suddenly, and I almost forgot she was standing there until she spoke up. "We'll get back to base quicker..."
I glanced at her, mildly confused at her sudden change of expression. She headed to the front of the quinjet, leaving Wanda and I alone.
"Seriously though, you should relax," Wanda said, sounding like she did when it was just her and I and nobody else. She had an amused smile on her lips as she watched me worry. "I'm fine. All stitched up."
I licked my lips, sulking, as I dragged myself over to the seat beside her. She laced our fingers together, pressing a kiss to the top of my hand before facing me with an easygoing smile.
"I'm fine," she repeated gently, lovingly, sweetly.
I offered her a small smile, before leaning forward to press a kiss to her bandage. "I know. Just don't worry me like that. Especially in front of my mum. I can't take it."
"It's cute," she noted, amusement returning. "It means a lot to know someone cares."
My shoulders relaxed. "I care too much. So, please don't test that."
She laughed and I felt my heart flutter in my chest, never getting used to the sound.
"I promise not to," she said, looking up at me through her lashes.
I leaned my head on her shoulder and kept ahold of her hand, staying with her until we arrived back at base. My mum flew us the whole way back, only coming to get us once we landed. I knew I should have left Wanda's side as to not raise suspicion with my mum, but I couldn't find it in myself to do so. I just hoped she would interpret it as two concerned friends rather than her daughter having a secret girlfriend.
"You should head to the medical wing to get checked out properly," my mum said once we were back at the tower, looking to Wanda.
"Yeah," I agreed a little too eagerly. "I'll go with you."
My mum gave me a curious look. "I mean, that's not necessary."
Wanda must have sensed my eagerness, as she said, "I'd appreciate the company, actually. I don't mind."
She shot me a subtle smile, eyes bright with reassurance.
"I'm happy to accompany you, Wanda," my mum offered, and I felt my mouth go dry.
"It's okay, mum," I said suddenly, making her look to me with pursed lips. "You can go debrief and I'll make sure Wanda is cool with everything."
Glancing between us, my mum finally nodded. "I see. I guess I'll see you both later then." She paused, looking between us once more, before adding, "You did good today. Both of you."
I looked down to my shoes as Wanda shot her a grateful smile. She walked away, leaving us be, and I immediately intertwined my fingers with Wanda's as the two of us headed to the medical wing.
"You may as well write desperate on your forehead," she teased with a beautiful smile.
"So funny," I said sarcastically, though a smile of my own was present. "Let's just get you checked out."
"If it means you'll stop pouting, then sure."
"Real jokester you are. Hilarious, honestly."
Her laughter surrounded me like a warm hug and I could have listened to it forever.
Since our mission together, I noticed the distance my mum was putting between her and I, and I had no idea why. I thought I was overthinking it and seeing things that weren't there, so I didn't follow up with it until one evening.
It was a rare occurrence for all of the Avengers to be at the tower at once, so when they were, we'd all have a 'family' dinner for some normalcy. Only, this time, I noticed how strange my mum was acting whenever I spoke to her. She'd either act super dismissive or give one word answers to my questions – once again, I wasn't sure if I was seeing things.
After dinner, everyone went their separate ways and Wanda and I stayed in the living-area to watch some TV. Though it was playing, the volume was lowered and neither of us were watching it. We were just talking about random stuff and enjoying each other's company.
"Okay, how about this one?" I said to Wanda, turning so I was facing her, a grin on my lips. "What did the clock do when it was hungry?"
As with all of my other attempts at making Wanda laugh, she stared at me with an amused smile and a quirked brow.
"Say it...," I encouraged, motioning for her to speak with my hand.
She sighed. "Okay, what did the clock do when it was hungry?" Mumbling, she added, "Even though clocks don't eat..."
I slapped her leg playfully. "Sshhh, you'll ruin the joke. And the answer is, they go back four seconds!"
Wanda didn't laugh, but she seemed entertained as she hid a smile. "Seriously?"
"Because of the number 'four' and the word 'for'," I explained. "C'mon, that's a good one!"
"D'you think you're funny?" she asked, eyeing me playfully. "Because you're not."
I shrugged, playing it off like I wasn't fussed. "I mean, I don't know about that... how about now?"
Before she could question me, I moved forward and began to tickle her sides, watching as she squirmed with laughter.
"Stop it!" she shouted, but her smile was as wide as ever as she was unable to stifle her laughter. "P-please! Y/N!"
"But you said I wasn't funny!" I retorted with a grin, practically straddling her as she attempted to push me off her. "I'm just checking if you still think that!"
Wanda was crying now, tears escaping the corners of her eyes as she continued to laugh. "I'm s-sorry! Y/N, stop!"
Before I could think how to respond, the doors to the living-area opened and in walked Steve Rogers AKA Captain America, a confused expression on his face as he saw me sat on Wanda.
"Hey, ladies," he greeted, raising an eyebrow. "You both good?"
I pulled my hands away from Wanda and breathed out, still smiling as I glanced down at her. She blew a strand of hair from her eyes and glared at me playfully.
"Yeah, just talking," I answered Steve, before being thrown off Wanda and to the floor with a thud.
"Just Y/N harassing me as usual," Wanda corrected, and I sat up to see her sitting up, too, fixing her hair.
Steve chuckled as he headed to the fridge in the connected kitchen. Wanda helped me back onto the couch, nudging me in the side as a response to the tickle fest, before leaning on me and stretching her legs across the couch.
"So, hey, what's up with you and your mum?" Steve asked as I continued to annoy Wanda by flicking her face.
"What do you mean?" I asked, not looking up as I grinned down at Wanda, watching as her eyes glowed red threateningly.
"Don't make me hurt you," she said teasingly, lifting a hand and summoning her powers, red wisps of energy becoming present.
I stopped flicking her and intertwined her hand in mine, watching as her eyes faded to its usual colour.
"She just seemed distant at dinner," Steve continued.
I looked up and saw he was leaning against the counter with a water bottle in his hand. Wanda continued to stretch, practically on top of me, probably to annoy me as I had been doing with her. I moved her hands out of my face as I nodded to Steve.
"So, you saw it too? She was being off, right?" I asked him, glad I wasn't just imagining things.
He nodded, gulping his water, before saying casually, "Definitely. What did you do? Finally tell her about you and Wanda?"
It took me a second to realise what he'd said, but when I did, my eyes widened and I spluttered out a terrible response. "What– what about Wanda and I?"
I glanced at Wanda as she began to sit up properly. She looked more confused than panicked.
"You know, that you're together," Steve said like it was obvious.
I cleared my throat. "What? Why would you think that?"
Steve smiled with confusion. "Wait, so you're not? But I thought–" He paused, pulling a face. "No, you are! Everybody thinks you are!"
I shrugged it off, though inside I was panicking. "I mean, even if that was the case, why do you think my mum knows?"
Steve nodded knowingly. "She's been off with you all night. And then I caught up with her after dinner and she wasn't in a very talkative mood. Just mumbled something like 'new girl, her age, pretty, nice, should have seen it coming'. I assumed she was talking about Wanda."
Heat crept up my neck with embarrassment and when I looked to Wanda, I saw her cheeks dusting a red colour, similar to the energy she could summon. She looked as flustered as I felt.
"Has your mum been okay with you before today?" Steve asked, trying to be helpful.
I chewed on my lower lip and shook my head. "Not since we got back from our last mission..."
Steve scrunched his face with sympathy. "Oof. You should probably talk to her then. You know how much she hates secrets."
I groaned internally. "Thanks for the reminder."
He saluted playfully, his stupid smile on his stupid face, before leaving Wanda and I alone again.
"Well, looks like she knows," I said to Wanda, sinking into the couch with hopes it would swallow me forever.
"She might not," Wanda tried to make me feel better, resting a hand on my leg. "It could be something else."
I gave her a knowing look. "She has to know. It's the only thing that makes sense. You heard Steve."
Wanda sighed, sinking into the couch beside me. "Yeah..." She glanced at me and I looked at her as she said, "I did tell you to tell her."
I forced a smile. "Gee, Wanda, that was helpful. Thanks."
Wanda rolled her eyes before leaning her head on my shoulder. "Sorry..."
I rested my hand on hers. "It's okay, sorry. I just– she's gonna be really mad that I kept this from her."
"Yeah, why did you do that again?" Wanda asked questioningly.
I massaged the tension between my eyebrows. "Because she's too overprotective. It gets too much to handle sometimes... Take my last boyfriend for example. He was some tool that cheated on me and, oh boy, my mum wanted to kill him. I had to physically restrain her from doing so."
"I don't blame her," Wanda quipped, a hint of bitterness in her voice.
I smiled a little, squeezing her hand. "I know... she ended up slashing his tyres and egging his car without telling me. But instead of egging the outside, she broke into it and egged the inside. A thoughtful take on a classic, I must admit."
Wanda laughed, her whole body shaking with pure amusement as she listened to the story. I couldn't help but smile myself, remembering it like it was yesterday. Definitely a fun time.
"I appreciated it, don't get me wrong," I added, smile fading. "I just didn't want that to happen again. I wanted to enjoy our relationship without anyone spying on us, y'know? But now she's gonna be super angry."
Wanda let go of my hand and rolled on top of me, leaning down on my chest so she could look me in the eyes. I wrapped my arms loosely around her to keep her steady.
"She only wants the best for you," Wanda told me gently. "You have to tell her you're sorry. Explain why you did what you did, but hear her out, too. She's your mum. Caring too much isn't a bad thing."
I groaned, knowing she was right. She smiled reassuringly, patting my chest.
"You get the caring too much thing from her by the way," she added, before leaning forward and pressing a haste kiss to my lips. "It's okay though because I love it."
I smiled, never really seeing it like that. Raising my hand, I brushed my thumb over the small bandage on her head; her injury was still healing, but she didn't let it bother her. Very Wanda-like.
"Thanks," I mumbled, meeting her gaze. "You always say the right thing."
"Which is why I'm going to tell you to get up and go to your mum," she ordered playfully, pushing herself off me and holding out her hand.
I let her pull me up before straightening up and taking a deep breath. Wanda was right. I just needed to be open and explain my piece. It would be fine.
So, it wasn't fine.
When I entered my mum's living quarters, she wasn't the happiest to see me. In fact, she actively turned her body to face her TV when I came through the door.
"Hey," I started with a small smile, fighting the nerves in my stomach. "Can we, er, can we talk?"
She grabbed the cushion on the couch next to her, hugging it to her chest. Her eyes didn't leave the TV, but the space next to her was free, so I took that as an opportunity to close the door and sit beside her.
The news was playing on the TV – headlines, I think – and they were talking about a new elected congressman in New York.
"Seriously? The news? Even in your free time?" I asked playfully, hoping it would lighten the mood.
She didn't even glance my way as she muttered, "I like to know what's happening in the world."
Losing my smile, I straightened up and cleared my throat. "Right, right..."
It went quiet as the TV played in the background and my mum said absolutely nothing. I grabbed the other cushion on the couch and hugged it to my chest, similar to her. It was a nervous habit that I picked up from, well, from her.
"You said you wanted to talk?" she reminded me. "So, talk."
Having the Black Widow as your mother wasn't something anyone could get used to. She could be the most caring, loving, protective person in the world, but she could also appear quiet, intimidating and ruthless like the trained assassin she was. Not the greatest combination when trying to open up to her.
"I think I know what you're thinking," I started, pinching my hand to distract from my growing anxiety.
Without hesitation, she bent forward to grab the TV remote and turned it off before turning to me with sad eyes.
"That's where you're wrong," she said calmly, and it was way worse than her yelling. I would have preferred her yelling to be honest. The disappointment in her voice was much worse. "You always assume you know what I'm thinking. What I'm going to say or do."
I avoided her eyes guiltily. "Mum, look, I know that I should have told you the truth. And I know how angry you are, but–"
"I'm not angry, Y/N!" she shouted, finally, standing up off the couch and creating space between us.
I winced. "You sound angry."
She put her hands on her hips, looking down to her feet and taking a breath. Her voice at normal volume, she said, "I'm upset. You– you didn't trust me enough to tell me the truth. Instead, I had to put it together when you acted how you did with Wanda after that mission and..." She paused, sighing. "Forget it."
"No, keep going," I pleaded, the guilt piercing through me sharply. "You're right."
She swallowed hard, glancing at me with glassy eyes. "I wouldn't have done anything. I know I have in the past, but this is Wanda we're talking about. I've been her mentor for a year. I care about her and– and– she's good. And she's good for you."
Okay, I definitely misread this whole thing because now my mum was upset, on the verge of tears, and I was the arsehole responsible for it.
"I'm so sorry," I said, standing up and moving forward to hold her arms. "I should have trusted you. I mean, it wasn't even about trust. I was just scared you'd react badly. But it wrong of me to assume that."
She frowned, looking down to her shoes. "I know I can be tough sometimes, but it's only because I care."
I thought back to Wanda's words and gave her a small smile. "I know. I get it from you."
"I am happy for you, you know," she said, glancing at me petulantly.
My expression softened. "Thank you. That means a lot coming from you."
Without another word, she pulled me in for a motherly hug, making me close my eyes and relax in her arms. I still felt horrible for making her feel like I couldn't trust her when it was anything but that.
"I'm sorry," I repeated quietly into her shoulder.
"I forgive you," she said, before pulling away and giving me a small smile. "Now tell me. You're happy?"
The thought of being with Wanda gave me butterflies and I couldn't help but smile in response. With a nod, I said, "I am."
She nodded, squeezing my shoulders gently before fully letting go. "Good. I'm glad you've got her... I know you can take care of yourself, but she's strong, too. She can look out for you when I'm not around anymore."
I shoved her in the shoulder. "Don't joke about that. She isn't replacing you and you're not going anywhere, you hear me?"
She laughed, nodding. "Not yet anyway. But sure, okay."
I relaxed and gave her a nervous smile. "So, you wanna meet Wanda? Like, as my girlfriend and not your student?"
She rolled her eyes playfully. "If I must."
I smiled widely, grabbing her hand and leading her to the door. "She loves you a lot, y'know. She wanted me to tell you about us as soon as we got together. She hated lying to you."
"Yeah because she knows that lying is wrong," she teased me, making me groan loudly. With a chuckle, she added, "I love her, too. She's definitely something."
"Hell yeah she is," I said in agreement, grinning to my mum as I dragged her to the living-area where I last left Wanda.
On the way, we passed Steve in the hall, who took notice of the smiles on our faces and nodded knowingly.
"Glad to see you worked it out," he said supportively.
"Thanks for the heads up," I told him gratefully as we passed him.
When we reached the living-area, I saw Wanda sat on the couch watching TV. When she saw who entered, she straightened up instantly, moving to stand and unsure what else to say or do. It was cute, the respect she had for my mum.
"Did you– I– She told you?" she stumbled over her words, starting to speak to me but eventually looking to my mum.
My mum glanced at me before meeting Wanda's nervous eyes. "She did."
Wanda licked her lips anxiously. "And you're okay with it...? Angry...? Wanna kill me...?"
I watched my mum, nodding encouragingly to her. She sighed before giving Wanda a small smile.
"No killing will be necessary," she reassured my girlfriend. "Unless, of course, you break my daughter's heart. Then in which case, I may have to find you when you're sleeping."
"Mum!" I complained, face falling into my hands with embarrassment.
"I'm just being truthful," my mum said with seriousness, before looking to Wanda expectantly.
Wanda surprisingly took it well, probably used to my mum's personality after training with her for a year. "I understand completely, Nat and I'll hold you to that. I have no intention of breaking Y/N's heart."
A rare, genuine smile appeared on my mother's lips. "I know you don't. Just–" She paused, glancing at me. "Keep her safe, yeah? She's a bit stupid sometimes."
Wanda laughed as my mum smiled with amusement, like it was an inside joke.
"Right here, you know," I reminded them with a wave of my hand.
They only rolled their eyes.
"I will," Wanda promised my mum. "Thank you for being okay with this."
My mum nodded, giving us both a final smile and once over, before saying, "I'll leave you to it. Goodnight."
Wanda and I bid our goodnights, watching her leave before a giant sigh of relief escaped our lips.
"You feel better?" Wanda asked me, grabbing my hand and tugging me to the couch.
She let me fall on her chest easily, snuggling up to her as she wrapped an arm around me and held me close. I inhaled her perfume, a familiar and comforting scent, as my head rested in the crook of her neck.
"I feel better," I answered, closing my eyes and letting her intertwine our fingers.
"I believe this is the part where you say I was right," she prompted, a hint of amusement in her words.
"Don't make me hurt you," I mumbled, making her laugh quietly beneath me.
"You're lucky I love you," she said, kissing the top of my head. "I guess opposites do attract. You're the stupid one and I'm the clever one."
"Fuck off."
She laughed again, and even though it was at me, I couldn't help the content smile from spreading on my lips.
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bonnymori · 3 years
𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐤𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
Word count: 1200+
Contents/Warnings: (1) Fushiguro Megumi x gn!Reader (2) Classic training but no fighting scene I apologise (3) A... dirty humor joke? (4) Idiot in love cough cough (5) Laidback romance, this may become a pattern on my fanfiction :3
A/N: Hello, I introduce myself as Hara! This is my very first written piece! I would like to apologise for any typos, english is not my first language; that being said, I hope this works out alright! :)
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It's around mid afternoon, the sky painted in a vibrant blue with multiple clouds scattered around, Fushiguro recalls having started training right after lunch; he politely declined Maki's suggestion of training together, it wasn't about strength or fighting hand to hand today, the struggle was his shikigami. Lately, he's been having problems over teamwork - before, he thought such a thing was impossible, since all of the shikigami were under one will alone, being his. Yet the amount of times the divine dogs have bumped into eachothers, sometimes Nue would simply skip past the target, not paying attention to it at all.
Or perhaps, he himself was to blame. Fushiguro likes thinking about you, more than he'd admit, but now it's starting to distract for real. That's what he need, to think of you- I mean, concentration! And maybe, new group attacks, that would do nicely, too.
He's been beating a tedious dummy for a hour and half now, maybe more. After managing to make up a combo or two, he sits down on the grass, just to breathe for a moment. Breathing is nice, he observes as the divine dogs go slack like their owner, now playing around with one another rather than chewing the dummies stuffing. His black and white snake is watching the banter between the canine shikigamis, tongue coming in and out just like a real snake. Nue settles upon the dummies ragged body, eyes closed- peacefully enjoying sunbathing. Fushiguro had no idea they were so lively until now, now he knew why people constantly asked if they could pet his shikigami.
He glances down at the frog supporting his arm, it's like they enjoy just laying on grass, just breathing like him.
"How many buddies out! Are you training today, Fushiguro?"
At the sound of your voice, you bet his lips casually turn upwars in a casual yet small smile. Kugisaki saw it from distance once, says she it's almost a robotic response.
"Yes, I'm training their cooperation." Fushiguro replies, swiftly getting up. He notices the frog from earlier making a beeline to you, as if to say hello.
So you crouch down and pets it briefly, smiling at the small creature.
"That ought to be hard, specially with a innefective dummy." You approach its remains, chuckling at all the stuffing and cloth scattered around. "Make me your target instead!"
Say what?
"I uh, come again?"
"I'll do the running and dodging, it's much practical this way!"
He has trouble accepting that, even if it's true. You mean more than an ally on his heart, and besides, that's some Itadori-level-recklessy. So he groans, slightly irritated and obviously, worried for your safety. "You'll get hurt."
"Don't we get hurt everyday? Even if there is an accident, I know you'll call them out and help me quickly, you notice things fast."
He does, Fushiguro would help you in a heartbeat- probably faster.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, lash out on me!"
Putting 'lash' and 'me' in the same phrase got heat rising on his ears, but he complied nonetheless. "Just letting you know, I'll stand here and the shikigami attacks."
You protest. "Wouldn't it be better if you fought among them?"
"For today, I'd like to focus on their compatibility only."
"Oh, got it! Next time we can work on the latter option then!" Next time. He wants there to be a next time.
Even though you're the one troubling his mind in battles, he's head over heels. He remembers when it all started, your relationship is basically pools worth of quality time. You came along with Itadori, tangled into the mess back in Sendai. Strangely, Fushiguro clicked with you even faster than Itadori- your collected personality was a great factor, even though you are just as cheerful as the cherry boy.
"You're spacing out, what's up?"
Fushiguro's gaze snapped up to meet yours, realizing his mistake. "Ah, nothing, let's start." His hands folded as your guard rose, so it begun. If you noticed his lame excuse, you didn't comment about it.
The ravenette was pleasantly relieved how easily you could deceive and dodge his attacks, his shikigami may leave a tear or two on your clothes, that he didn't have to worry about, because they're easily fixable. Naturally, the toughest for you to dodge was mostly his snake, sometimes Nue would surprise you from above, nothing you couldn't handle. He started intensing up using the combined attacks, and immediately noticed your faltering steps, earning a bruise on your calf. Although neither he or you stopped, adrenaline rushing through veins nonstop.
You somehow finished training with a bite mark over your forehead, not deep enough to be worth worry. The instant your bodies came to slack, his shikigami ran to you like little children lost in a supermarket. At this point, it was pratically multitasking, to pet both demon dogs while trying not to run out of breath having Orochi wrapped around your midsection. Megumi flushed over the affectionate antics, knowing they were a manifestation of feelings within himself.
Now, you and Fushiguro are spawled on the training field, neither showered, coated with sweat sticking to your clothes, but it didn't matter much.
"I never realized, just how many cursed energy do you have? It's surprising how many shikigami you kept our for this long time." Fushiguro heard you shifting to sit up, and followed you up.
"A bunch." It was not a creative nor informative answer, but you took it in with a smile on your face anyway.
He watched you get up to fetch a drink, careful to not trip over the shikigami also scattered around -- Fushiguro always 'forgot' to put them away next to you.
You handed him a strawberry yogurt box, the same drink also sat in your hands. "Well then, why are you spacing out so much these days? You can be honest with me."
'She's oblivious enough, I'm in need of advice, it's convenient.' So he thought, figuring if he disguised it enough, you wouldn't be able to tell. It's not a big deal if you did, though, saves time actually.
"Something's on my mind, and it troubles me during fights."
"Simple, you can just come in terms with it."
He glanced down, "Why?"
"The sooner the better, when you accept something, it comes at ease on your mind. I'm a hundred percent sure it works!" You gave him a thumbsup, slurping on the pink drink.
"Such faithful source."
"I'm sure it does! The thought keeps coming back because you're denying it, am I wrong?"
Not really, no. Fushiguro wants to keep it as friendship for the sake of your both careers within the jujutsu world; he knows it's dangerous, yet a part of him just wants to say 'fuck it', like if he had the guts to. The ravenette thinks it's a way too much generic way to describe what he feels, but it's the easiest, so he goes with it anyway. The back of his brain fears rejection, part of the reason why he hasn't made a move yet.
"I'll try it out."
"Good!" And you're always supportive no matter what, to the point it charms him more and more everyday.
For now, he's okay keeping it platonic. But, when the day after tomorrow comes, he just might confess.
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mintelepathy · 3 years
"From now on, you won't be alone anymore"
idol!jungkook x reader/oc
word count: +2.0k
genre: fluff¿
warnings: swear words¿
summary: jungkook can't stop thinking about the girl he met at a convenience store in the middle of the night and he can't help but return to see her again.
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Jungkook can't sleep today, he's been sitting on the floor of his living room for almost three hours now, a piece of paper placed on his coffee table and a pen in his right hand.
Writing lyrics was easy when he felt inspired, but today it wasn't the case, he really wanted to make some progress with his mixtape but it seems that it wasn't the right time now.
He gave up. He knew that his attempts to write some lyrics were in vain for the moment, he needed to do something else, maybe something that could inspire him.
He often goes for a walk at night around his neighborhood, the later it is the better for him, it's the only time of the day where he doesn't feel like being spied, he understands what fame brings but sometimes people really step out of the line, and he wasn't happy with that, let's not misunderstand, he loves when fans approached him respectfully and talked to him, he just doesn't like when people follow him around with bad intentions.
He didn't even waste his time changing his clothes, he grabbed a coat because it was chilly outside and headed to the streets.
The night was quite peaceful, mostly because it was 3 in the morning, but it was a different kind of peace, and he enjoyed it. Trees filled the area where he lived creating a gentle wind, feeling the night breeze was something he loved, he stopped walking for a moment and took a big breath with his eyes closed. The air felt clean compared to other days.
When he opened his eyes the first thing he spotted was a convenience store crossing the street. He usually doesn't have any late snack, even more now that he is on a diet, but today he'll make an exception.
He made his way to the store with no rush and opened the door, it was his first time there, it wasn't like he didn't visit convenience stores often but that he had never seen that place before the times he went for a walk.
He greeted the girl who was working there and headed straight to the shelves looking for kombucha tea and ramen, he had the intention of eating the ramen there since those kind of stores had microwaves, so people were able to prepare their instant food and eat it right away.
But there was a problem, the kombucha tea was nowhere to be found.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the counter, you found yourself watching the boy who just entered the store looking around the shelves for something unsuccessfully, you decided to make your way towards him to see if he needed any help.
"Excuse me, do you need help with anything?" The boy was wearing a big black bucket hat and a black face mask so it was quite difficult to see how his face looked.
"Uhm yeah, do you sell kombucha tea?" It was crazy how kombucha tea was being sold lately.
"Yes we do, but it's sold out at the moment, I heard somewhere that a singer recommend it and people got really interested and bought it until stores ran out of it" a giggle escaped his lips.
"I think I know who you are talking about" he took off his bucket hat to fix his hair, and put it back quickly. You could see his eyes for a split second and you felt like you have seen those eyes before, they were so big and pretty, like bambi eyes.
"Oh really, who is this famous singer then?" You knew you have read or heard about this guy but you couldn't remember his name.
"Jungkook" there it was when you realized.
"You are Jungkook" he just nodded. "I knew you seemed familiar" you confessed. "Anyway, is there anything else I can help you with?" You asked politely.
"Can I use the microwave?" He was the first person who asked you if they could use the microwave, people often just used it without asking.
"Yeah, of course" you made your way to the counter again and sat in your chair.
You couldn't help but watched him as he prepared the ramen, working there, and at night, was boring as hell so you never missed the opportunity to talk to customers when you had the chance, but you weren't quite sure if you should go and try to have a conversation with him. You didn't want him to think that you were approaching him just because he was famous.
Seeing him preparing ramen made you feel hungry, you also wanted to eat some so you didn't think twice and went to grab a cup of ramen.
He was sited just right besides the microwave so it was impossible to ignore his presence. You saw that he forgot to grab chopsticks so you picked two pairs from a shelve.
"Here" you said as you handed him the chopsticks.
"Thank you" he gently grabbed them, he had taken his bucket hat off so you were able to see him more properly now. "I see you are hungry" he said and you smiled.
"Yeah, I've been staring all night at those cups of ramen and I couldn't hold myself when I saw you preparing it" you said calmly trying to make him feel comfortable around you.
"Should we eat together then?" His question took you by surprise, he was being so sweet considering you were a completely stranger to him.
"I don't think I'm allowed to do this, but yes" you sat on the only chair left, which was besides him, and waited until your ramen was done.
"Would you get in trouble for eating with me?" He sounded concerned.
"Just if my boss finds out, but he is never around and almost no one buys things at this hour, so I don't think he'll know" fuck your boss, you didn't really like him, he was really rude to everyone.
"Well, in case your boss finds out, I can come and tell him that it was all my fault" it was the second time he made you smile.
You were ready to get up when you heard the microwave was done getting the ramen cooked, but Jungkook got up faster and brought it for you.
"Thank you" you said as he sat again, you both opened the chopsticks and started eating, even though he could start eating his ramen sooner he waited until yours was ready.
He obviously wasn't wearing his face mask anymore so you could see his features clearly. He was stunning. "What brought you here so late?" You asked him to start a conversation.
"I was trying to write some lyrics on my apartment but it didn't turn out how I wanted, I also couldn't sleep so I decided to take some fresh air, then when I was walking I saw this store and well, now I'm here" he took another bite of ramen. "Do you work here all night?" He asked you.
"Yeah, until 6am, it's kinda scary going back home alone after work because I have to walk and it's still dark outside when I leave, but anyways i'm here just during the weekend tought, I'm studying at collage so actually this is a part time job for me, I don't spend too much time in here" you could noticed he was really paying attention to you, he stopped eating everytime you talked.
"Can I know what are you studying?" You didn't know if he was really interested or if he was just being nice, but you were so happy now that you could spend some time talking with someone.
"I want to major in audio visuals, my parents weren't happy when I told them what I was going to study, they wanted me to be a lawyer or a doctor, but I didn't listen to them, is that a bad thing?" You asked him, you barely knew him and you were already asking him for advice, considering you didn't have close friends maybe you really needed a therapist to talk this things after all.
"I think you did the right thing, it's your life, you should do things that makes you happy" he made emphasis in the you part. "And you will learn from the decisions you make, not from other's" wise words.
"What about you? Are you happy with the life you have right now?" Both of you had already finished eating, so you were ready to listen to him closely.
"I am, I'm not happy everyday but I'm happy with my life so I can't complain, I just sometimes wish I could do things that are normal for most of the people" you completely understood his point, and you felt sad for him, everyone deserved that kind of freedom and you can see he couldn't have it.
"You know, when I saw you preparing the ramen I really wanted to talk to you because that's what I do with most of the people who comes here, but I was afraid you might think I only approached you because you were famous or something like that. So I just want you to know that even though I know your name or your face, it doesn't mean I know who you are, and for me you are just like everyone else, I won't treat you any different just because you are famous, I won't go and tell everyone that you were here or anything like that, I also know I can't take you to do all the things you'd like to do, but one thing I can offer you is an honest friendship, I bet Jungkook from bts is great, but if I'm honest I don't really care about him, I care about the real you and I'd love to get to know you more, I met you just a moment ago but I can see you are a really good person" everything you said was the truth, and he had to know that there was someone out there who cared about him. That's how you were, you cared about others.
"It's the first time someone tells me something like that, I really appreciate it" you would love to say that his words surprise you but they don't, and that's sad.
"I think I should go back to work right now" he nodded. "Oh and you don't have to pay, I invite" and with that you went back to the counter.
He stayed on the chair for a few more seconds doing something but you didn't know what because you could only see his back from there.
He got up later and made his way to the door. "Thank you for make me some company, see you soon" you didn't have time to say goodbye to him because he had already left. Have you done something wrong? You asked yourself.
Time passed and it was time to go back home, your coworker came in time so by 6am you were already out of the store, you didn't start walking though, you couldn't believe who was in front of you.
"Jungkook? What are you doing here?" Was he waiting for you?
"You said it was scary going back home alone, so from now on, you won't be alone anymore" it seems that you actually didn't do anything wrong after all. "I left a note on the table we shared" oh shit, you didn't see it.
"I didn't see it, sorry" you were about to go and look for it but he stopped you.
"It's okay, don't worry. It just said that I'd love to have you as a friend, and since you invite the ramen I hope you can accept my invitation to drink something some day" he seemed shy now, maybe that's why he didn't tell you this in person.
"Yeah, we can definitely go to drink something together, and as friends now" you smiled at him as he bite his lip cutely.
"Should I take you home now? You must be tired"
Yes you definitely were.
"Let's go" you said as you both started to walk next and close to each other.
There was no way you would forget this night.
I hope you enjoyed reading this one
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callisto-rants · 4 years
Starting a new ✨series✨ that no one asked for! ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Callisto-Rants presents...
Here's my Two Cents
Where we just throw down our two cents on how we would change a series to make it better, in our own personal opinion.
[You can Block this tag if you're not interested in this series: #Here's Our Two Cents]
Here's my Two Cents
Yarichin Bitch Club.
Ever since I had the misfortune of having that opening theme song stuck in my head because of countless memes and tiktok edits. . . I have wished for days to have the ability to create a time machine to prevent myself from saying. . .
"okay, fine I'll bite the bullet and check out the source material."
Now if you're reading this and thinking, "huh. I never heard of this series..." let me just tell you, GOD I WISH I WAS YOU RIGHT NOW.
No one was going to tell me this BL Manga about a "pHoTogRaPhY cLuB" wasn't completely INSANE? I was just supposed to find out Three Volumes Later??
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Now some of y'all who have read the source material might be thinking. . .
"Okay Callisto, get over it it's obviously supposed to be a comedy it's not meant to be taken seriously 🙄"
And to that I say... I mean I guess??? But do we really need all of THAT to make it a comedy?? I feel like you could still have an entertaining comedy BL Manga without 90% of the shit that goes on in that series..... But that's just ✨my two cents✨ take it or leave it.
FIRST THINGS FIRST, here's all the stuff I'd automatically remove from this series off the bat.
💀 The Gang Bangs.
💀 Teacher x Student Relationships.
💀 In fact all instances of unconsensual acts & sexual assault committed in this manga. Throw all of that away.
💀 the fact that the term Bisexual was used as a replacement for the term switch, and had nothing to do with the sexual orientation itself whatsoever.
💀 The High School Setting.
💀 Whatever the fuck Yuri was on.
💀 90% of the hyper sexualized traits these characters had.
Now here's what I'd change to make it better... Basically here's an AU of what if it was actually a normal photography club....
Actually make it a fucking Photography Club. Not a sex club that's in a fuckin HIGH SCHOOL. Hell, you could just throw this in a college setting too, for more mature themes.
Main character, Takashi Toono a college student that's trying to get out of his comfort zone more. So he decides to join the photography club, because he thinks it's not demanding to require anything of him compared to any other club on campus. He knows completely NOTHING about photography, and doesn't have any passion for the art media. His Character growth would be learning to appreciate the art media While learning what it means to him, as well as who he wants to be as he enters the adult world as a young adult.
Yuu Kashima, can stay as Takashi's love interest. Also, I feel like all the members should have a specific style of taking photos that correlates with their personality in some way. Yuu's photography style would be something the lines of Candid photography which is a type of photography style that's main focus is to take photos in the moment or in surprise. Something he has already done when he took that photo of Takashi. I also feel like Yuu would be the one to keep pushing Takashi to love photography, and understand it's more than snapping a photo.
Kyousuke Yaguchi, can stay as the Love Rival for Yuu Kashima and overall keep his personality? It was actually pretty interesting and I liked his Character dynamics with everyone else. Kyousuke Yaguchi can also stay as the outsider that directly / indirectly influences Everyone else in the club. Causing Takashi to explore his feelings and expand his social group, and make him think about what he wants to capture in his photos. Overall the same interaction between Kyousuke & Yuu Kashima with their rivalry and brotherly relationship at it's breaking point. As well as, Kyousuke and Yui's relationship being tense with miscommunication.
Yui Tamura, I imagine Yui's photography style would be more of Adventure (capturing shots in the great outdoors, usually involving extreme sports; mountain-climbing, skiing, kayaking, sky diving, etc) & Sports Photography. Which could create interesting interactions between Kyousuke and Yui. Cue Yui trying to cover up the fact that, every time the soccer club commissions Yui to take some photos of their club activity to promote their club, all of Yui's photos are of Kyousuke playing soccer. Causing Yui to complain to Kyousuke to get out of his shots and that he's ruining them by being in all of them. So, Kyousuke just shouts back "then stop following me around with your camera, DUMBASS". Just imagine Them bickering, because Yui 100% did not delete the photo he captured of Kyousuke getting knocked out by a soccer ball to the face.
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Itsuki Shikatani would definitely be in the club, but only because he prefers to have his photos be taken, more than he likes taking photos himself. He would probably be a cross dresser, who enjoys dressing up in feminine articles of clothing and posing for photos. Everyone on campus who doesn't know Itsuki personally, always asks who the beautiful woman in these photos are, the club president and vice President always just says it's one of their cousins that happen to be in town. If Itsuki had to have a style of photography, it would probably be fashion.
Toru Fujisaki. . . This one is difficult only because his Character is purely centered around Yuki's Character. . . So I'm going to take some creative liberties here. . . Probably really insecure about himself, because he feels like he's a wall flower that's really forgettable, that no one cares about. Although, it's mostly because he's shooting himself in the foot by not letting one have the opportunity to get to know him to give him a chance, in the first place. Until, he meets Yuki who makes him realize that not everyone sees him as a wall flower and someone can notice his nicer qualities about himself that he's hiding away. Toru's Character development in this AU, would be for for him to learn to love himself more and try to trust people to accept him. As well as to expand his social circle with the support of not only Yuki, but the Photography Club as well. At first I bet, he would only feel comfortable with Yuki taking his photos and modeling only for him, but over time he'd let the other club members take his photo when he gets more confident in himself. While also, developing his own style of photography, that isn't just "cute photos of Yuri", it would probably be Still Life or Portrait.
Ayato Yuri, okay first. . . I'm still not over the fact that this boy was written like a deranged feral child, that was given access to a pornhub account way too early in life. While being dropped on his head several times, before and after his first words. Anyhow. . . I feel like Yuri would fit the trope of the genius, that no one understands in any capacity. His mind is 10 steps ahead of everyone else and he forgets to slow down and explain what the fuck he's talking about, when he goes into a passionate rant about photography. With endless rambles about golden ratio, gold lighting and blue lighting, and how he needs these specific props, that don't seem to fit the theme of the photo at all to make it perfect. But despite that, his photos always come out beautifully. No one can deny that his methods might be extremely weird, but they always work out way too well to give anyone the opportunity to chastise him. Anyone trying to work with Yuri often leaves the experience with a beautiful photo in hand, but an enormous headache. Even members within the photography club can't keep up with Yuri most of the time either, he's often in his own little world that just makes sense to only him. He can be a eccentric and passionate about his hobby and goofy to not make people feel too uncomfortable with the huge distance he unintentionally places between himself and others when he doesn't bother to slow down for anyone. But, he still has a good heart to make sure everyone gets a piece of art that'll always be memorable to them. Additionally, with that being said I feel like Toru would be the few people that would consistently attempt to keep up with Yuri, when he's a light year away from everyone else in his rambles. Toru wouldn't shut down and show disinterest in what Yuri says when he can no longer keep up, he's always being supportive and encouraging Yuri to continue because he knows it makes him happy to be able to express his passion. And sometimes, Yuri will pause and explain a bit to let Toru keep up with him, because he just truly appreciates someone trying to get closer to him, without making him feel bad. I would say Yuri is a jack of all trades when it comes to Photography styles. There isn't a single style he is terrible at, but he truly excels at Abstract Photography.
Koshiro Itome I think Koshiro would fit the silent type trope, but with a lot on his mind. Always over thinking things, and although he looks calm his mind is always buzzing with 500 things at once. Because, of this the only way he can find some semblance of peace is by going out for a nature walk and letting the environment take his mind off things. He's always worries about deadlines for projects, meeting up with clients face to face for the first time, whether or not a company will like his photos he submitted, if his boyfriend Akemi is okay, what if he doesn't find anything to take a picture of or if he's missing the perfect shot right now, will the club be okay after they all graduate, what else can be learn to improve his skills etc etc. Akemi can always tell when he's actually calm and when he's just zoned out and drowning in his own worries behind his calm demeanor. Luckily for Akemi, he knows exactly what to do to make him feel better, like a life boat to his pleas for help in the vast ocean of his thoughts. Koshiro is 100% the mom friend in the club, always helping newbies out on how to properly take care of their equipment, and the general basics, stopping people from bickering and carrying around a Mary Poppins bag of useful items. "Damn I forgot to bring my infrared lens with me!" "It's okay I brought a spare, here you go." Koshiro's photography style would be Nature & Wild life, cue everyone wondering how the hell he managed to capture a photo of baby bear and it's mother so close up with such clarity with the equipment he has on him. It should be impossible there's no way he could it's just unlikely, but all Koshiro does in response is just shrugging calmly "I just slowly walked up to them, and took some photos and went my way after I was done, they weren't bothered at all." At first no one believes him, until they see the next photo of him petting the mother bear, and within the next photo of him holding the baby bears paw. I like to think Akemi is always bragging at how his boyfriend is basically a Disney Prince, with the way animals just trust him enough to let Koshiro approach to take the photos. Of course Akemi has the proof that his Boyfriend is not making any of these up. With photo evidence he had taken from a incredibly safe distance away, of Koshiro just interacting with wildlife at such a close distance. Because, Akemi was not in fact gifted the ability of a Disney prince, to be doing that shit that Koshiro pulls on a daily basis. I feel like because of this Akemi can be a bit over protective of Koshiro, always telling him to text him before he goes to work and he gets back home, so he knows a feral bear didn't devour his boyfriend in the woods. He tries his best to join Koshiro while he works so he can be at peace of mind that Koshiro is in fact safe, but they both know it's very difficult for Koshiro to focus. When his boyfriend is being incredibly cute how could he remember he's here to take photos of the wild life and not his boyfriend? That and Akemi always accidentally scares away the wildlife, when he accidentally reads the animals body language wrong as any attempt to devour his boyfriend. Akemi will lose 25 years of his life with amount of false alarms, he has encountered in those damn woods.
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Keiichi Akemi, Akemi is definitely one of those smug bastards, that has an ulterative motive or an ace up his sleeve. Appearing sweet and kind until you realize it was a facade. But one way or another you find yourself wrapped up in his convoluted plans, where you're either in his photoshoot as a model or you're carrying all his equipment, while he goes from one job to the next. Akemi's photography style would be Wedding Photography & Landscape something he definitely would've picked up from the countless outings he had with Koshiro in the outdoors. Akemi's friends are almost always married or paired up together, and that's no coincidence. This man is a match-making demon, a hopeless romantic who loves to see a budding romance finally bloom. So, he can snag a fat check when they thank him for brining them together and hire him as the official wedding photographer. His intuition is never wrong about the perfect pairings and how to push the right buttons to move things along, without getting directly involved until the right time comes. Something, that will be a pain in Toono's ass down the line as he stays in the Photography Club.
Overall, I feel like this could've been a really nice BL Manga which was a love letter to the art media of Photography. As Toono figures out what Photography means to him and how he wants to use it to express his feelings. "Why do you take photos? What do you want to say in these photos and tell people without the ability of using your words?" I feel like at first Toono, would just be confused "it's just a photo what's so special about it? You take it as a cool momento for something."
But, as time goes on, and he learns why everyone in the club enjoys photography and why they're here, he learns it's more than that. Whether it be to vent something you're unable to express in words, express your love for something or someone, to tell a story, to inspire others, to feel free, to share something with someone. All these different forms of expression, will let Toono figure out what he wants from photography and how he plans on expressing it.
Also instead of the whole "have sex with someone in one month or we gang bang you against your will" dilemma. . . I feel like another suspenseful situation could have been, "Create a photo album, that will impress all of us in one month, or you have to help us all out with our next projects." Which at first doesn't sound terrible, until you remember...
Yui is a thrill seeker, and would probably push you off a cliff to snag a cool photo. Or force you to be his pack mule as you climb up serval mountains.
Itsuki would force you to cross dress and model different fashion styles to make you look like a clown for his own amusement. All the while he revels in your shame, and points out how these colors don't suit you at all, but ignores the fact he's the one who put you in that outfit in the first place.
Yuri is such a wild card that you honest to God don't know what the fuck will happen to you, it'll be like being on an acid trip the whole time. And not knowing what will happen brings you more fear than knowing what will.
Koshiro would probably bring you to a wolf den full of hungry ravenous wolves, and let you accidentally get eaten alive by a pack of wolves. While he takes pictures of puppies, without a care in the world.
Akemi... Akemi just scares Toono, he seems like the safest bet out of everyone else. But Toono knows better to trust that sweet smile. Toono would be safer walking into Satan's house than spend a day with Akemi at work. Whatever he would have planned for them if he were to lose this challenge would not be good for his sanity. He hates how he knows Akemi wants just that for Toono to know he's not going to be safe either. Akemi would probably make him cry with prying questions about his romance life. While hitting too close to home with all his assumptions about him that he can't argue back. It's losing battle from there on out.
The only problem for Toono is Everyone in this club is so different, that it's almost impossible to be able to impress them all. None of them agree, which style is better or having almost anything in common photography style wise. Toono can't just half-heartedly replicate anyone's style either, he's going to actually try and fail miserably to understand this art media better, like everyone else. I think after losing the challenge and spending time with everyone, Toono would come to really like the club and everyone else in it.
And that's my ✨two cents✨ on how this story could've been better if it didn't focus too much on the whole pwp aspect.
Take it or leave it.
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mevekagvain · 3 years
Chapter 54- Once again, Marie's clothes are atrocious.
Chapter 55 - 'The wounds are healing like a normal person's would'. Uh no?? For a normal person you'd need to treat and stitch up that shit, not leave them wide open as you poke at them.
Chapter 58 - Honestly you don't get to say that others take away lives so easily when you and everyone under you is also murder happy Rai. Like yeah there's nuance but it's still not as clear cut as you'd think.
Chapter 65 - It's hilarious how both Rai and Frankenstein suck at all sorts of games. Maybe that's the real reason they're bffs.
- Yuna,,, cutie,,,
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- You did your best M-24. It wasn't very good because you should have been distracting the infected not Jake, but you did your best.
- Never understood the whole being in pain thing from being flicked in the forehead like, how hard are they doing it?? I've been foing it to my sister my whole life and vice versa and neither of us have ever been in any pain.
Chapter 66 - They're posing while blocking the way of the kids sjksksks. Also you can obviously see that M-21 is turned away because he doesn't want to do this on a deeper note. Not that it matters because they're posing.
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- Marie is so smart I love her.
Chapter 76 - The kids are honestly so sweet.
- I do not like that Jake is taller than Rai. He himself is already too tall, and Jake's supposed to be taller??
Chapter 77 - They really had to get Marie's boobs into her death silhouette huh... ew.
Chapter 78 - Wow even Cloud wasn't strong enough to handle the experimentation. The Union is real hardcore.
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Chapter 79 - Tbh calling Marie and Jake the best of the best still makes sense even with all the stronger opponents considering that said stronger opponents are all in higher positions than them. Exception would be Cerberus who I'd say are more at an equal position and that's easily excused by saying they have more experience. Plus it was said by M-21 who knows jack shit and only got info from loudmouth Jake so obviously none of it is going to be accurate anyway.
Chapter 81 - Cutie 🥺
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Chapter 82 - Huh, so vampires are category B in the Union for experimentation records. I'd say nobles but that's doubtful since they've only been able to replicate mind control and mutation through drinking blood. The latter only occurs in vampires since their blood bonds are corrupted.
Chapter 85 - This just reads like a creepypasta or scp lmao.
Chapter 87 - Rip Simon, I always liked him.
Chapter 88 - If Rai heard how much I mocked him he'd be shocked. Ofc he wouldn't hurt me since I haven't committed crimes but I bet he'd be hurt inside.
Chapter 89 - Even Crombel appears to think vampires and nobles are one and the same which is interesting. Maybe that means vampires, even though severely mutated through weakened blood bonds, have the same basic dna make up as nobles? Or I suppose they could have managed to get nobles to experiment on. Wouldn't be too hard to snatch a dead one from the Loyard massacre.
Chapter 90 - It wouldn't be strange if Raizel was under the impression that M-21 was actually a werewolf who was experimented on and this had his power trapped within him initially. After all, he has a werewolf heart and likely an aura somewhat similar to one in Raizel's eyes. Thus he could have easily thought that since he would never have met an actual werewolf who had been prevented from using their power and wouldn't know what their aura would be like. So human aura with faint werewolf traces? Must be a werewolf. It would be disproven quickly enough for the audience not to notice either too since Frankenstein does a checkup on him.
Chapter 91 - Raizel and Frankenstein going 'tf are you talking about' @ M-21,,, that's me at noblesse characters always.
- Idk where Frankenstein gets so much trust in Raizel's choices. The last group of people he hung out with was the traitors and as the name suggests, that didn't go well. But then again... the whole thing happened precisely because he didn't trust them enough to be their friends so I guess he's kinda right? In that if he doesn't trust ppl they'll definitely betray him compared to if he does trust them where even if he gets betrayed he'll know it's not his fault. Anyway that's irrelevant and the point is that Frankenstein has no reason to be so confident when Raizel's previous stray pets were the traitor nobles.
Chapter 92 - I guess Shinwoo doesn't like bananas if he keeps pawning his off to Rai.
- 5 hours to get to a place he's been before and should know the way to... Yeah no wonder mvp lord was always so fucking worried about him.
- Queen I know you think he's hot but you're gonna get brain damage. Also looking at the girl on the right there are definitely other foreigners in Ye Ran.
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- By my hcs this would be said by Urokai because think most human experimentation in the Union is stupid. Like experimentation to cure idk, cancer? Good. This shit? He hates it.
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Sidenotes - Tbh I've never really had the same complaints about the kids not being the main characters along with Rai and Frankenstein the way other people do. Like sure it would have been cool and I would have loved Shinwoo to be Union or werewolf related somehow but I always just found it hilarious how all expectations were subverted and it turned out they really just some normal kids TM. And it make sense! Sure they're special, for completely normal teenagers. Just let them chill and be teens instead of getting the trauma the rest of the household carries around like designer handbags. I say that but Shinwoo being Urokai's son is my canon lmao
- Good thing that the abandoned building didn't have automatic or rotating doors or else the kids would be super dead.
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deadlyweapon10 · 4 years
Paring: Mina Ashido x reader
Synopsis: Where Y/n secretly crushes on her fellow classmate, Mina Ashido.
Words: 3.5k
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Earthy warm, rich, with a hint of sour components along with heaviness of a cocoa.
The aroma of a simple yet delectable coffee wafted into the nose of the (hair color) as she inhaled its exotic scent. A warm feeling growing in her stomach region as she sipped said drink from her favorite one-of-a-kind mug.
She snuggled into her jacket as she sat outside on the chair that was placed on the deck. With the sun barely rising, the air was perfectly warm and gentle, flowers beginning to bloom and birds chirping, typical for spring weather.
As she sat there with a smile on her face daydreaming away the sound of a door opening brought her back to reality.
"Jeez it's barley 6:30 and you're already up? You're the opposite of Aizawa-sensei I swear, always up while everyone is asleep! Have you even eaten yet?" Said the red-head as he walked into the view line of the coffee-filled (hair color) as a chuckle escaped past her lips. "We've lived in the dorms for a month and a half and every single time you catch me out here it's always the same questions Kiri."
The gentle blow of a breeze passed by as the sound of a busy buzzing bee was faintly heard.
Kirishima smiled. "Do you have any plans for today? I'm trying to see if Bakubro, Sero and Denki are down to go to the arcade. If you're not doing anything then would you like to go with us?" He asked while sitting on the chair next to her. The girl thought for a few seconds before opening her mouth. "I would but I feel like reading today. Besides I'd rather let "the boys" have their fun and do whatever it is that you do."
The sound of an apple being bitten into broke the silence, crispy yet sweet. The second Kirishima swallowed he started talking yet again. "You know, "
"Mina is also coming. You should take the chance to confess-"
"EH?! I have no idea what you're talking about Kiri! Where did you get that idea that I like her. No wait more importantly how did you find out? Ahhhh I practically just told you I do-" Having out her mug down minutes ago, the girl who was in the middle of freaking out continued talking in a fast speed as images of said female flashed in her mind, making her stumble around with her words.
The poor girl could feel her heart thump in her chest and felt all warm inside. If there's anything that could get her to react in such a way then it was simply by mentioning her crushes name. Oh how easy it was to get her all worked up.
"Woah woah calm down! Forget I said that alright. But seriously hang out with us, you need to get out more often. I mean how is it that you have such good fashion sense yet you never leave your room unless it's for food or classes?" He spoke while rubbing the back of his neck, a smile plastered on his face. The both of them stood up at the same time with him grabbing the apples core in one hand and the girls mug in the other before handing it to her. She nodded.
As they walked into the building, now dubbed as their home, they walked through the lounge past the dining room and into the kitchen. Clearing his voice while walking to the blue sofa he looked back at her, "We're gonna be leaving at around 12 to get lunch and then to the arcade that's in the mall. See ya." "Alrighty! See you in a bit."
•°¯'•• 🎀 𝒯𝒾𝓂𝑒-𝓈𝓀𝒾𝓅 🎀 ••'¯°•
Having been back in her room for just around two hours gaming on her counsel, she got up and looked at the clock on her pastel (favorite color) wall. 'Mm it's only 9:15. I should go shower now so that I have enough time to dress on my very own existence and to choose an outfit.' That means I have two hours and forty-five minutes, which means at least a good hour and thirty minutes to shower and that leaves me with an hour and fifteen minutes which then means I have a good thirty minutes to think about my life while sitting on the corner of my bed in a robe and forty-five minutes to get ready. Perfect.'
And with that she grabbed her towel, bathrobe, shampoo and conditioner, razor (only if you shave, if not then forget that), body soap, deodorant and comb. Taking a quirk look to see if she has everything, she walked to the bathrooms that she shared with the other girls and instantly began her shower. (If you're african american/any other person I didn't include and you wear a wig then instead of shampoo and conditioner you grabbed a shower cap to protect it. I heard it's not supposed to get wet but correct me if I'm wrong.)
•°¯'••   🎀  𝒯𝒾𝓂𝑒-𝓈𝓀𝒾𝓅  🎀   ••'¯°•
After her shower she made sure to brush her hair to untangle it before it went back to being straight/wavy/curly. (If you're like me and you have curly hair then obviously you have to put curl smoothies, protection sprays, etc.) and young-life crisis thinking, she began to look through her closet. Before picking out two different options.
(Option 1)
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(Option 2)
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After a minute on deciding what to wear, Y/n choose the (1/2) option and quickly slipped on the clothes before putting on her shoes. Glancing at the clock and seeing that she only had ten minutes before they were gonna meet up she grabbing her phone along with earbuds/airpods and closed her bedroom door before soon heading towards the elevator.
Scrolling through her phone she clicked a song and began humming along to the lyrics.
By the time she arrived in the lounge, a new song started playing. Looking up she soon spotted the group and started to walk to them when she realized a certain person was missing. "Hey guys where's MinaAAA!" She shrieked as a pair of slim arms wrapped around her body and a head full of pink hair and yellow beady eyes peaked freon behind her. "Hey silly. I'm right here and ready too rumble!"
'Thump.. Thump.. Thump..'
Y/n's heart started to beat like crazy again once her brain processed what just happened. Before she could even talk someone started talking. "Let's get going you extras. I'm hungry and I don't wanna wait around all day." Ah yes, Bakugou. "On it bro." Denki replied as Mina stepped from behind me and walked up to Sero and striked a conversation with him. Speeding up a bit Y/n walked next to Kirishima just in time for Denki to start cracking jokes.
"Hey L/n why do bees have sticky hair?" He asked as Bakugou and Kirishima were listening. "I don't know, why?"  "B-because they use honeycombs!" He shouted as he busted out laughing while Y/n giggled. "How do you idiots find that funny? Is your humor that broken." Bakugou muttered as he turned his attention to Sero's and Mina's conversation.
Feeling sorta left out from the group due to the fact that she doesn't exactly hang out with them as much (except for Mina and Kirishima), she took out her earbuds/airpods and turned on her music again. This time 'it's not u it's me' by Bea Miller and 6lack started playing.
Smiling to herself she began to sway a bit to the music as they neared the mall. As cliche as it sounds, music was always there to comfort Y/n. No matter what would trouble her, she'd always turn to her favorite playlist. Once they all entered the mall and headed straight to the food court she turned off her music and tuned in the the groups conversation.
"Hey L/n," Sero began as the girl turned her head to gaze at him and hummed quickly to show that she was paying attention. "What are you gonna get to eat?" "The only place I ever go to grab my food. I'm gonna head to (restaurant) to grab my usual." Nodding, he soon turned to Mina and quickly talked. "Mina since you said you wanted to try something new to eat you should totally go with L/n." "Holy cow dude! You're totally right." She said as she pumped her fist in the air and walked towards me. "Let's go L/n, I'm super starving." Grabbing my hand she started dragging me. "H-hey broski you're going the wrong way." She chuckled as the Pinkette stopped in her tracks, said a loud "Oops." And took the girl in the right direction. (Is Pinkette a word? Probably not.)
Once both girls ordered their desired meal and sat down, they began to eat in peace for a good few minutes before Mina's phone rang. Smashing the accept call, she out it on speaker. "Whafs uf-" She managed to say as her mouth was filled with food. "Hey Pinky, tell L/n that me and the guys decided to skip the arcade and headed to Game Stop and grabbed the new Cyberpunk game. We're currently on our way to the fast-food place near the school and then we're heading back to the dorms." A loud Denki said, as we heard grunts and insults from Bakugou from their side of the call.
'Wait wouldn't that mean that Mina and I are now alone... Is this considered a date? Of course not. As if she'd even like you.' She thought as she then asked Mina why they suddenly decided to switch their plans so suddenly without saying a word in the first place until now. Without a word the girl hung up the call and continued eating.
"N/n you know that American movie where the princess and prince turn into a frog for the whole movie and then they fall in love and miss then poof, they're human again?" Mina asked breaking the silence that once stood there. "Hm? Oh yeah! 'Princess and the Frog'. I watched it before. Sucks how African Americans finally got recognition from Disney and instead they get bullshit since the two main characters are frogs for three/fourths of the movie!" The (hair color) shouted angrily as she stabbed her food. Laughing at the girls reply, Mina leaned forward in her seat. "You know that dessert they show in the movie a lot? Beignets? I wanna try one so bad." Both girls sat in silence as they got lost in each other's eyes.
'Thump.. Thump.. Thump..'
Feeling her heart flutter, her gaze shifted back to her food. "How about we buy the ingredients and make it? I made it once for a school fair and everyone seemed to like it. Only if you're down of course!" "Wait for real? Like for real real? Big bet let's hurry up and eat!" And with that the Pink haired girl began scarfing down her food, cho.king a few times.
Once they were both done and cleaned up after themselves, both girls left the area and walked to the supermarket. The duo sparking a conversation about their hobbies and interests, soon made it into the supermarket. Walking down aisle after aisle grabbing ingredients left and right, Mina suddenly grabbed Y/n's hand. "Since it's Saturday me and you should totally have a sleepover in my room. Let's go grab more snacks!" And just like before, she dragged you out of the aisle and into the candy and chips one. 'My poor wallet.' Y/n thought as she silently cried. 'Then again if it means I get to hang out with her more ... Ahh! I need to be more social with her. I mean we do talk a lot but I get so freaking flustered and it messes me up. Then again at least I can talk to females unlike Midoriya. Ha in your face!' Feeling pumped the girl grabbed the snacks that were occupying her friends arms, shoved them in the basket and speed walked to the check out line, payed for everything and with both girls holding two bags in each hand they soon began their journey back to the campus dorms.
•°¯'••   🎀  𝒯𝒾𝓂𝑒-𝓈𝓀𝒾𝓅  🎀   ••'¯°•
Entering the dorms, both females headed straight to their rooms and quickly changed. Mina wearing blue shirts with a yellow shirt while Y/n wore (f/c) satin shorts along with its matching tank top.
Both now in the kitchen with aprons on, they took out the items they brought for the beignets and placed it on the counter. 'MISS YOU!' by CORPSE was blaring from Y/n's phone as she bopped her head and hummed along to the lyrics while she added the warm water, sugar and active yeast in a bowl and whisked it while Mina measured the other ingredients, which Y/n soon regrets for the face that a mess of flour was all over the counter.
After mixing the rest of the ingredients in the watery liquid and letting it set on a lined baking sheet, Mina took out the fryer and added oil so that it could be ready for later. "Hey n/n can I play a song?" "Of course silly. I wanted to change the song anyways." Laughing like a maniac, Mina grabbed the phone and quickly typed away before placing the phone back on the counter.
"Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb
In the shape of an "L" on her forehead"
The voice of both Smash Mouth and Mina's rang out in the air as the girl started singing the lyrics. "Heyyy you should sing with me! Come on." She said as she twirled around the kitchen floor. Giggling as she put the bowl filled with the dough in the fridge, she began shouting the lyrics right along with Mina.
"Well the years start coming and they don't stop coming
Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running
Didn't make sense not to live for fun
Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb
So much to do, so much to see
So what's wrong with taking the back streets?
You'll never know if you don't go
You'll never shine if you don't glow"
Now moving her head to the beat, both girls grabbed each other's hands and began dancing like crazy with not a care to the world, swaying their hips side to side as they sang the next verse with all their heart.
"Hey now, you're an all-star, get your game on, go play
Hey now, you're a rock star, get the show on, get paid
And all that glitters is gold
Only shooting stars break the mold"
As they continued singing, they began to clean the dishes and put most of the ingredients they wouldn't be using anymore away and took out a pair of tongs, paper towels, powdered sugar and honey from the cabinets. After a good 30 minutes past Mina turned on the fryer, the familiar 'click' of the knob sounding. Taking out the bowl from the fridge, Y/n placed the soft, glutinous dough on the now flour dusted counter and began following it out with the rolling pin until it was a good quarter inch thick and began to slit the doughy flesh making two inch squares just as Mina grabbed a few pieces and dropped it into the hot oil.
As time went by, they were finally finished frying. All they had left was to dust powdered sugar and drizzle honey to it. The second they did so, they took half the batch with them along with a few drinks and the snacks they brought and went to Mina's room. Closing the door on their way in the brightly pink room, they sat down on the bed and hopped on Mina's laptop to watch 'A Slap On Titan'.
"Armin had broken the silence as the video zoomed to the top of the wall, the starry night sky coming into view. "Do you ever with that humans could photosynthesis?"
Eren surprised with the sudden question, instantly replied. "What? No."
"I do... I think it'd be cool to be a plant." The scene then changed to show the Survey Corps coming back from a mission."
Liquid shooting out of her nose, Mina laughed as she grabbed a tissue and wiped her face, watching as Y/n pressed a pillow against her face to muffle her loud laughter. The now chuckling girl took the pillow from her face and noticed Mina's smile that was directed at her direction. Shooting back a toothy grin, she got lost in her eyes yet again.
'Ah jeez she saw me laugh... She looks so cute.'
"You know the beignets were really good." Mina said as she scooted next to her and leaned her fuzzy head on the girls shoulder. "You think so? I hope the others enjoyed the ones we left for them. I'm so happy we got to spend today together! I would have never expected this to happen ya know?" 'Play it cool Y/n. This is no big deal at all, she's probably just a bit exhausted from all the walking and baking we did earlier. Yeah, that's right-'
"You know, I'm the one who told the boys to leave us alone and to head back to the dorms."
That caught her off guard.
"Excuse me?"
Humming to herself, Mina life's her head slightly to look at the (eye color) girl. "Listen silly, I know when it comes to academics I'm not exactly smart, but when it came to you it was easy to figure you out." Furrowing her eyebrows in confusion, she urged the girl to continue talking. "I know you like me." Y/n's breathing stopped for a second, her heart beating rashly against her chest. How was it possible that the girl she's secretly liked from a distance knew? "Listen I-" She was cut off as a pair of soft pink hands covered her mouth.
"Hold up! Hear me out before you start talking. I sorta found out a few weeks back when I overheard you tell Iida about your feelings. Ever since then I confronted him and I made up this plan for both you and I to hang out alone. Like a date but it's not a date since you wouldn't know? Ahh anyways after I came up with the plan I began noticing how you'd act completely normal around the other girls, but when it came to me you'd barley mutter a word, despite you being super-duper confident." Y/n felt herself breathe again as she stared at the girl, her eyes now filled with curiosity and her head amused at the girls statement. She took the words to heart and found it to be true when she said she'd act differently around her. I mean how could she not when her heart would beat fast, her stomach flutter in nervousness and her brain would completely shut down on her.
"So wait... You like me?" She spoke slowly to make sure her voice wouldn't just randomly give up on her. Now sitting up straight, the pink haired girl nodded as she shyly smiled and rubbed the back of her neck. "I do."
'She likes me..'
The second her brain processed the two words, she locked eyes with her and then shut them down before slowly leaning forward. The feeling of her plump, powdered sugar dusted lips faintly against hers before both girls lips soon meshed into one and began harmonizing as if creating a symphony. It felt passionate and intense, yet delicate and sweet.
Sweet like the honey from the beignets they had moments ago. The floral yet earthy taste now onto her very own lips. Deliciously golden and wild. The strong fragrance drifting slowly to her nose, similar to a white dandelion falling slowly to the ground after being blown by the wind on a vibrant, sun-filled day.
They both soon pulled away, gasping a bit for air. Y/n felt her body get warm as she realized what just happened. "I like you, Mina. A lot. And I'm glad you like me too." She finally confessed. "Finally n/n, I've been dying to hear you say that. Now then let me ask you this, will you be my girlfriend?" Mina asked, her eyes shining as bright as a star in the dark. Y/n leaned forward and kissed the girls nose before speaking. "I'll be happy to be called yours," Both girls soon in each other's arms, held one another until she spoke again.
"Out of all the pretty girls in this world, I'm glad to share this space with you."
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