#because of you bb
perotovar · 8 months
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I can only say that, as we were talking about Almodóvar, the idea of being on one of Ridley Scott's sets, three of his movies being in my top ten, and this is coming from a movie nerd. [It's like] stepping into territory that feels like… "exciting" is such a pedestrian way of putting it. I don't know if I'll ever be able to shed the identity of someone that was under the influence of these people for as long as I was. In terms of my brain being a sponge, and wanting to be on the screen or on the stage. It is a little bit of an awkward experience sometimes, because "yeah, I'm invited to the table, and I 'deserve' to be here", but the other part of me is like, glitching out on—
Imposter syndrome?
Imposter syndrome and just sort of, like, under the blanket of admiration. I think that that's something worth coming into acceptance of, because I wouldn't be here if it weren't for those influences. And therefore, if that takes up the space of like, where I'm supposed to feel entitled to be there, then fine.
In October 2020, you were on the cover of Variety, and in that story you said you were offered the role in Wonder Woman 1984 and that "that will never happen again". Fast forward to May 2023 and you lied to us, because you've been offered many roles. In a streamlined sense, you're riding a wave of star power, admiration. What you say Pedro Almodóvar and Ridley Scott meant to you— You're meaning a lot to a lot of other people, and I don't know if you've taken that part in quite yet.
Alright, I'm not gonna argue with you…
What does it feel like to have that statement be so wrong?
— PEDRO PASCAL for Variety
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rendevok · 1 year
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“Take my hand” a comic for NaruMitsu Week 2023
day 1 - lies & secrets - 2 - 3 - 4
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sonofcelluloid · 3 months
can’t wait for the “rest” motif to come back with a vengeance when it’s time for Armand to turn Daniel like, “it’s okay, I’ve lived a good life, I’m ready to rest now,” and Armand losing his mind like, “ABSOLUTELY NO YOU ARE FUCKING NOT
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rhythmmortis · 1 year
flood rotation post
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catgrandpa · 1 month
I started this post with the intention of asking for fic recs where Bruce gets his kids early, but then I ended up just writing some ficlets
_(:3 」∠)_
I still really just want recs I swear but I wrote these anyway and am incapable of doing more with them so here
Dick Grayson is 8 years old when he watches his parents die. Bruce is 24 years old when he sees a young boy’s life fall to pieces. He’s far too young to be a single father. But he sees too much of himself in the child, and he knows in his heart that he won’t be able to walk away from him.
He talks to Alfred about his fears of only furthering Dick’s trauma by failing him as a guardian. It takes some time, but Alfred is able to convince Bruce to find a therapist and take some discreet parenting classes. He’s still Batman, and I don’t think he’s capable of Gentle Parenting™ but he does do better. Plus, Dick is young enough to learn to read Bruce before the teenage hormones kick in so they manage to communicate much more effectively with each other.
Bruce meets Catherine Todd by chance because there was a cool park Dick wanted to stop at. She’s trying to deal with her hungry and fussy 3 year old step son, but she’s young and stressed out and hungry herself and she just doesn’t know what to do. Bruce offers to take them out for lunch. He asks Dick to take Jason to the play area in the corner while they talk.
She breaks down and tells him of her struggles with addiction. She does her best to keep Jason fed, but it’s so hard. Feeding him means she goes hungry most of the time because she can’t quit using. Jason wouldn’t survive if she had to go through withdrawals with him.
He’s not even her kid! Not really. Her husband is just an abusive deadbeat so she doesn’t have a choice. She does love him, but she never wanted kids, and she can’t just let a child die when she can do something.
Bruce fills their fridge and cabinets to the brim (he offers to do much more for them but that’s all she will budge on. She has too much pride to accept outright charity, but she will do what she can to keep her kid safe) and he makes it clear to her that he is willing to take care of Jason for however long is necessary when she decides to take the first step to get clean.
Two months later, Willis gets arrested and Catherine shows up at Wayne Manor and tells Bruce she signed up for inpatient, but she thinks it would be best for Jason and for herself if Bruce would be willing to take permanent custody. She stays in Jason’s life, just not as a mother figure.
A year or so later, Bruce gifts Alfred with a vacation as an early birthday present. Things have been hectic with the sudden acquisition of two sons, and Alfred has done so much, he deserves a break. Bruce promises he’ll be able to handle two kids on his own.
Turns out, he was mostly right, but only just barely. The kids are fine, the manor not so much. He ends up hiring a few services to help out with general housekeeping. A couple of those workers also happen to be regular hires for the Drakes.
Bruce overhears them talking about how sad it is that those awful people treat their toddler more like a doll than a child. He learns that not only do they leave for long periods at a time while not hiring a proper nanny to watch over their son, just expecting the help to take care of him, but they also lock him away on his own whenever it’s ’not fashionable’ to have a 2 year old around.
Alfred comes back to the manor on August 15th, just in time to celebrate his and Master Jason’s birthdays together. He opens the door and dodged around a very excited 4 year old jumping up and down in the entry hall.
Alfred leans over to peak behind the boy, and sees a very quiet, very small child standing behind him.
“Oh, dear.”
The day Bruce got the call from Talia telling him she was pregnant with his child was one of the best days of Bruce’s life. The day she called to tell him she miscarried was one of the worst.
The only blessing was that he didn’t need to explain it to his kids. Talia was going to move in once she was in her second trimester, and they planned to reveal her pregnancy together.
He got the call two weeks before her flight out. He begged her to come anyway, he loved her, they could still be a family. She refused.
Six and a half months later, he walks into his bedroom to find Talia standing by the window with a squirming bundle in her arms. With equal measures steel and sorrow in her eyes she tells Bruce she is sorry for what she put him through, but it was the only way to keep their son safe. He gathers them both in his arms and holds them tight as she explains.
Her father had planned to raise an heir to be the Demon Head. He would be kept a secret from Batman until the very end. But when Talia gave the final push to birth their son, he came out quiet. She panicked for a moment until her midwife quietly leaned down to listen to the baby’s breathing and then looked up with a soft smile, she bundled up the small thing and handed Talia her baby. Big beautiful green eyes blinked up at her. The midwife leaned closer to Talia and whispered, “Sadly, your son was stillborn. I’m deeply sorry for your loss, but surely The Great Head of the Demon would be willing to allow you some time away from your duties while you recover.” Talia allowed the woman to cover her beautiful cooing baby gently with soft linen and silk and carry him from the room. Later that night she left her home with her son and boarded the first flight to Gotham.
Tears gather on Bruce’s lashes and he tells her everything will be alright because now they can finally be together as a family. Once more, she refuses. She tells him Damian and his boys are far too precious for her to bring the danger of the league of assassins to their door. Bruce closes his eyes in sorrow, but nods his acceptance. He asks her to at least stay the night together. They fall asleep wrapped in each other’s arms with their baby boy safely bundled between them. Talia is gone when he wakes.
It’s been one week since Talia left and, while still beyond upset, Bruce feels like he’s starting to have a decent handle on things. He is sitting with his boys at the breakfast table, Dick and Jason to his left, Tim to his right, Damian in his arms, and Alfred across from him. They’re finally able to have a relaxing breakfast. No babies crying, no food fights, no arguing, just the sounds of eating and gentle chatter.
He feels a small hand grab his right sleeve and give a gentle tug.
“Boo?” Tim asks, quietly. Bruce feels his heart warm at his son finally feeling like he can speak up without permission.
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“Why isn’t Big Sister sitting with us?”
Alfred is the only person in the room other than Tim to not startle at the sudden appearance of a 5 year old girl standing next to Bruce at the dining table. He simply sighs, stands up, and grabs another place setting for her at the table.
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gummi-ships · 20 days
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Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep - Commands - Confetti
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alicenpai · 2 years
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kuroshitsuji rewired my 14 yr old brain fr 🎩🕷🍬 buttons here !
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persephoneed · 9 days
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Fresh out the slammer, I know who my first call will be to
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xinyuehui · 4 months
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The song captures the grand ambitions and serene spirit of a scholar. ⸺
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mayhasopinions · 1 year
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what in the lgbt even was this scene (see tags for discussion)
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sandushengshou · 1 year
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happy birthday, @yibo-wang! please enjoy barbie from your shows <3
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sualne · 7 months
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gear 5 & sunbath
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So uh fgo fandom... And those who are studying Mahabharata... How does it feel when you search Duryodhana right now on Twitter, you will see him wearing BB's Dubai Dress.
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Pako started the madness.
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queerdiazs · 8 months
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buddie and bathena + parallels 1/?
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gummi-ships · 8 months
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Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep - A Fragmentary Passage - Depths of Darkness
#kingdom hearts 0.2 birth by sleep a fragmentary passage#kh0.2#depths of darkness#realm of darkness#my gif#they did a good job making the realm of darkness look distinct from the realm of light#because this place really does feel like nowhere we've ever been before#the rocky pathways with no sign of organic life make me feel like i'm on the moon or an alien planet#it's interesting how fallen worlds feel like they're all stitched together between areas like this#aqua can simply walk from place to place without needing a ship or keyblade glider to fly her to a new world#though who's to say how long it takes her to do all of that#as if the realm of darkness is one big ever growing expanse of land without any known boundaries between worlds#we know that all worlds used to be connected in the realm of light long ago and i'm guessing that's the case in the realm of darkness#it's never been split or fractured by keyblade wielders so it still follows its own rules and laws of nature#that'd be pretty interesting#we see this area start as a rocky wasteland that transitions into flat sandy terrain from the destiny islands#but you have to walk through a huge blinding light to get there first which is really unusual#it makes me think of how terra and aqua were guided to destiny islands by a bright light#and how destiny islands appears as a ball of light on the world select menu in bbs#but why portray it that way? we've been shown before what the world of destiny islands looks like from afar with the CoM world cards#and it's not like they even needed to include it on the world select screen in bbs because it's not a world you can even visit on your own#i don't know what it's all supposed to mean yet but#i believe the islands are more significant than we know at this time and this game continues to raise a lot of questions#it's certainly called 'destiny' islands for a reason
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dykedvonte · 3 months
Piper and Danse friendship is like the platonic version of that married couple where the husband says nothing and the wife is the chattiest most extroverted person and you cannot imagine how they found each other let alone end up as a pair.
But like he knows her favorites and the one joke, the one time you heard him speak mind you, he made had her dying with laughter cause it was specifically for her. Or she can tell exactly how he’s feeling despite the same expression for every emotion and you swear she made a comment and try corners of his mouth lifted.
Like they are those two that bonded not because they were alike but because they were so different what they did like together made them grow much closer.
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