#because the attention would be x3
paprikamahomes · 6 months
I would be the BEST nfl wife like ppl already hate nfl wives by default because of the whole being a woman thing so I would literally be able to do anything. The power I would have. I want to walk around on all fours get super fucking high on rich ppl drugs and cannibalize his teammate on live TV like a wild dog ❤️
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himezoro · 3 months
In your last comment ( in love wins all part2) you meant that I could ask you for a story at any time.
My idea would be a story about Zoro in which he first has to admit to himself that he loves the female reader and asks his crew how he can confess his feelings to her and then does it in his usual shy but direct way ^^
We both know he is a big softie at heart x3
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tysm for your request and undefeating support, it’s the reason i went back to writing and found the strength to write today. i really hope you’ll enjoy it, and tysm for your patience. i love the introspection your idea offers, it was so fun to write that i added the strawhats as a tool for Zoro to realize his feelings! some parts are before timeskip, and the parts after the timeskip will be mentioned, i hope you’ll enjoy it <3
tw! mention of gender (female) + fluff + sfw!!
wc : 4,31k (i went crazy sorry....)
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It was a cool and breezy spring day when Luffy asked you to join the crew. You were a talented strategist during battles and tough times, gifted with a brilliant vision of finding a positive issue to win, while exulting warmth and tenderness, so much that it could tame the devil itself.
And by that, it meant Roronoa Zoro.
The tall swordsman perfectly remembers this day where you officially climbed onto the ship after the events of Enies Lobby, after helping the crew with astute tactics to get Robin back. He was impressed with you back then, by your phlegm and knowledge of the field, your calm, your determination to grant them victory, like you knew them all along, like you loved them all along. It was the love you gave people that allowed your brain to come up with the best solutions. And as a warrior and a solution giver, Zoro was admirative.
Or in trance. Mesmerized. In awe. Struck by an angel. If he were to be honest with himself.
And because Zoro imagined himself talking to you and getting to know what your brain hid, asking about your whereabouts, your culture, your likings and the drinks you drink, he really thought he did.
Yet, other than the casual “Hi”, “Thanks”, “Food’s ready” and “Good night”, the swordsman never uttered a word of what he wished to really share. Was it laziness? Cowardice? Fear? Indeed, he was not the most talkative of the crew, but he knew he could talk to anyone if he wanted to. Hell, he could even talk to the cook.
But when it came to you, he found himself out of breath, and looking at you seemed enough. Seeing you beam at the dinner table while savoring the shitty cook Sanji’s delights, hearing your chatty and bubbly voice when gossiping with Nami and Robin, your laughs when in company of Usopp and Luffy and the soft hums escaping your lips when Brook would play a song. Looking at your plush thighs where Chopper’s head was resting, and the pearl of cola dripping from your pink lips when drinking under the hot weather with Franky.
He both felt like you were a sight bestowed by the Gods for him and forbidden, like the Apple of Eden.
And in magnificent Zoro fashion, he decided to not pay attention and focus on his training.
But even with the best of will, it was hard to pretend you did not exist and that the fluttering in his stomach were not butterflies, especially, on the Thousands Sunny.
One night, before reaching the Sabaody Archipelago, Zoro was standing quietly by the ocean. His mind was clear from troubles and aches, and he simply stood by the quietness of the sea. You’ve been apart of the crew for what has not been so long, yet, you were fitting beautifully. The way the breeze would caress your hair, the way you would sometimes trip on the ship because of the waves, the way the lemonade you would make tasted so much better than the cook’s. The first time you offered him the said refreshment was the only time he managed to stay close to you. Because you were not leaving, he thought. Or maybe because he was frozen on the spot when you bent down to his sitting/close to napping form and could smell your floral scent.
He was so lost in his thoughts he failed to hear his captain coming.
“Isn’t (Y/N) cool? Like, super cool?” the captain beamed at his first mate and best friend, clapping his feet together as he sat on the rail of the ship. The swordsman did not mind looking his way as he stood by the railing, watching the moon glistening on the ocean.
“I guess, I barely talk to the girl so I wouldn’t know.” He shrugged, hearing your soft giggles from afar as you enjoyed your time with the rest of the crew.
“Well I know she’s cool. And she was so cool when she made all of these plans on her notebook with that fancy swooshing pen thing.” He said, mimicking writing (ndlr : like that light yagami meme lol). “Sanji says she’s pretty. Do you think she’s pretty?”
At that question, Zoro almost chocked on his own air.
“Why would you ask me that? And since when do you Luffy know when people are... pretty?” he said, hoping the moonlit night would hide the pink hue on his cheeks.
“I know when people are pretty! You are pretty! You’re my friend so you’re pretty.” Zoro scoffed at his words, letting his captain talk.
“Well, I’m sure you’ll get along super well. Like super buddies. She’s so cool. You should listen to her. Nami said we must listen to her advices during combat or else we EXPLODE!! BOOM!!” he enthusiastically said before jumping off the railing and shaking Zoro’s shoulders before running to pest on someone else.
Zoro stole a glance towards your way and sighed. You did not look pretty. Hell no you didn’t. And to that extent, he disagreed with the cook again. Because you were gorgeous, ethereal. It was beyond being “pretty”, it was beyond being pleasant to look at. You were a gift. And he knew he could keep on looking at you for days if allowed.
And because you caught him looking, you offered him a gentle smile and a wave, which he forgot to reciprocate as he simply nodded and turned back to gazing at the ocean.
I know we would get along well… he sighed, silently wishing he had Luffy’s or Usopp’s social skills to stay by your side.
Before docking on the Sabaody Archipelago, Nami said it would be nice to dock on a small island to enjoy a day of fun at the beach, which led to having everyone in their bathing suit enjoying the scenery.
Zoro sat on the sand and did not realize his eyes landed on you. You were in the water with chopper on your shoulders, trying to keep steady as you feared for him to fall in the water. Usopp was in front of you with Luffy on his shoulders, trying to make Chopper fall in the water. Zoro claims to not pay attention to the way your (favorite color) bathing suit was perfectly suiting your form. He claims to not pay attention to your wet hair nor to the drops on your eyelids.
“You need a tissue to stop the drooling?” Nami said, standing in front of her crewmate as she put her sunglasses on top of her head.
Zoro glared at her without saying a word, clearly annoyed by the navigator.
“Well if I hadn’t known you were enjoying the view before I would certainly know it now. Would you stop staring at her, you look like Sanji.” she smirked, moving the way as she sat next to him, looking at you as well and smiling.
“Really Zoro you should stop staring, that’s creepy.”
“Did she say anything?” he surprised himself asking. Now at least she stopped blocking the view, and he could go back to “not” pay attention to the way your hand would hold Chopper’s pawn, or the way Usopp would splash water all over your chest.
“Well well well, what do we have here? A request for insights on my girl (Y/N)? By Roronoa Zoro? Is it going to snow in hell? Let me check…” she mischievously snarked, earning a grunt from Zoro in return.
“It’s so funny because I’m sure she talked about you in our quarters a few times ago… or maybe it was in my dream? Maybe your errand money would jog my memory.” she proudly stated, earning another annoyed grunt from Zoro. She looked at him and waited for him to nod his head and wave his hand as a sign for her to continue.
“Thanks for your generosity. And the only thing she said is that you don’t seem to like her because you never talk to her, so she doesn’t want to bother you.”
When he heard what appeared to be your words, he swore his heart broke. How could you reasonably think he doesn’t like you? While you were the only thing on his mind beside training?
“And what did you say… I mean, what did you tell her.” Zoro shyly asked, wondering if his friend Nami did any help.
“Well I did say you hated her, but I’m sure I could tell her you love staring at her like a perv.”
“For fuck sake why would you say stuff like this?!”
“I did not tell her that you idiot!” she said, laughing wholeheartedly. “In fact, I said you were like a bear : terrifying on the outside but kind of nice if you think about it.”
Zoro sighed, instantly feeling sick in the stomach at the idea of you thinking he hated you… or was a perv.
“Why don’t you try talking to her? She’s such a sweet and smart girl, I feel like she was the missing part of this crew. I mean, it’s clear you-
“Do not say that word. I don’t.”
Zoro cut her right off, but that did not stop Nami from stating her piece.
“Fine I’ll use the word fancy. It’s clear you FANCY her. Just because you never had a girlfriend or thought you could like anyone other than your swords or MIHAWKE doesn’t mean you should not act on your feelings right now. Be a normal guy and get her flowers, or I don’t know, you could also just talk.?You know Sanji likes her too right?” she added that last part only to shake Zoro off before leaving with her new found cash.
Zoro kept on looking at you with longing, thinking about what Nami said.
Sanji cannot like her. And how did she know I never had a girlfriend?
Later that night, Zoro decided to sit next to you for dinner. He was set on proving Nami wrong and showing the cook that he did not stand a chance (the poor guy did not get Nami’s joke).
But because Nami is the lively and vibrant human being she is, she, of course, told Usopp and Chopper about her little talk with Zoro.
Which of course, led Usopp to do some teasing, with the help of little
“Hey (Y/N)! What does it feel like finally sitting next to Zoro after weeks of sailing together?” he pried, wiggling his eyebrows at the sight of the two of you sitting together. You smiled and let out a small laugh as you responded.
“Well I have to say, I’m quite flattered. Surprised, but flattered. Zoro is nice to stay with.”
Your voice felt like the greatest of songs, and it only made Zoro’s heart beat faster.
“Wooo wooo!” Usopp cooed, pounding on the table as he did so. “Do I hear a confession in here? Zoro what do you have to say? Isn’t she nice to stay with? Come on just say the magic L word!”
He was so engulfed in his thoughts and the desire to slash Usopp in half, that he did not feel Chopper creep on his lap.
“Your heart is beating really fast right now!” the reindeer said in Zoro’s ear, trying not to embarrass him too much as Usopp was already talking about planning a future wedding.
“Because you guys are giving me a headache”, he angrily uttered, suddenly getting up and leaving the table, not noticing the sad look in your eyes as he turned his back, not looking at you.
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After these milestones only a fool would try to deny the blatant truth.
And after the Sabaody incident, only a masochist would refrain and hide these feelings away.
But with Roronoa Zoro, nothing is easier than sweeping his feelings under the rug of Mihawke’s manor.
Nervertheless, being separated from you for those two years only left him with thoughts of you mingling with the ones he felt of guilt. Were you alive? Did you get Luffy’s message? Where were you training? Who were you with? Will you come back to him?
In his quest of longing to be the strongest, he got even more confident, if that could happen. Not only would he never let anything happen to the crew again thanks to his new found abilities, but he swore he won’t let you in any form of danger. Yet, he claims it to himself that protecting you is only his “swordsman way”. Nothing more.
He waited for the day of the reunion with a lot of excitement. Seeing Luffy and Chopper again, sailing the seas to prove himself to the world. He would not say it aloud, but he missed everyone. Yet, his heart led to an unusual feeling. His chest felt knotted. Was it fear? Anxiety? Regret? He caught himself thinking about many scenarios that did not make sense, nonsense he would have smacked someone’s head for. What if you decided to leave the crew and stay where you were? What if you forgot about him, since his past relationship with you failed to be the most intimate one? What if you hated him and thought of him as weak? What if he never saw you again?
Why does it matter, anyway.
The D-Day was approaching, and Zoro’s questions only grew more and more.
And as the Day finally arrived, he looked at the Sabaody scenery and let out a deep sigh, but the small smile on his lips never left. Each step he took were different from those he took two years ago: he was determined, stronger.
He would not admit it to himself, but he was worried you won’t show up to the ship. He also was worried he won’t be able to talk to you like he wished to.
During his walk to find the Sunny, he stumbled across the last person he wanted to see first.
Even though Zoro disliked the cook, he had to admit he was reassured to see his fellow comrade in good shape. But that feeling quickly faded the second the Cook started speaking.
“And here I thought a musclehead like you couldn’t understand nor form a sentence.”
“And here I thought you might have learnt to use twizzlers in those two years but well. Nothing’s new here.”
The pair had no choice but to walk together, which surprisingly led to somewhat of a conversation, even though neither looked at the other. Zoro was walking with his bag over his shoulder while Sanji smoked his cigarette.
“So you trained with Ivankov?”
“I tried to escape everytime which turned out well. I can fly now with my technique, which I’m sure (Y/N)-chwan would love! Think about it, this could be really useful in defense combat. I will be useful for (Y/N)-chwaaan, and Nami-chwaaan and Robin-chwaaan.” The cook chanted, only to earn Zoro’s deep and usual silence, which lasted for what seemed to be a while.
In spite of being used to Zoro’s quietness and awkward silence, the cook noticed the sudden shift in his behavior once your name was mentioned. Call him curious or accuse him of having a death wish, but he decided to break the ice.
“Hey, mosshead.”
The swordsman did not bother to answer and kept on walking.
“Did you miss anyone in particular during those two years?”
“Yes, my hammock.” he quickly answered, his usual sass coming back as a defense mechanism Sanji swore not to fall for this time.
“See?” Sanji said, pointing his cigarette towards his crewmate, still walking. “That’s exactly why no one wants to approach you. You’re brute. How do you expect people to let you in if you don’t let them in in the first place?”
“Who said I wanted to let any people in? I don’t care about people.”
“You know who I’m talking about here. I have eyes. We all have eyes.”
“Technically Brook doesn’t and I only have one left.” he corrected, looking at the cook’s annoyed face with his good eye. “And for the reminder, I can understand sentences just fine, you talked about people, not (Y/N).”
Sanji smirked: the cook had won.
“Indeed. I never talked about beautiful (Y/N). You just did, though." he cockily pointed. "If I were you, which I’m not thank God, I would take her hand, squeeze it and tell her a poem. That’s it if you can read.”
Sanji lit himself another cigarette to savor his small victory. Zoro bit the inside of his cheek and averted his gaze to the scenery around him again.
Did he just tell the cook about you? When he was talking about “letting people in”? He would lie if he said he did not want you to let him in. He thought you were a strong woman with admirative skills. He thought you were kind and caring, with a high sense of ethics and fairness. He thought you were beautiful. You were his ideal, the sole reason why he never bothered looking at women before.
But why would someone like you let someone like him, in? Sanji was right: he was a brute. And spending time with his swords medidating for two years did not make him a social animal. He lacked Usopp’s ease or Luffy’s communicative smile. He lacked Sanji’s ability to compliment women or make them feel beautiful. Hell, he remembers his conversation with Nami like it was yesterday: you thought he hated you.
Would it be unfair for a brute like him to long for someone like you? Does he have the right to hold these feelings? Is he allowed to share them to you?
The poor boy did not have time to find his answer that Luffy had found them.
He would soon see you. He felt it. And by that time, he better come up with something other than “Hi”.
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When they arrived to the ship alongside their Captain, everyone was already here waiting for them.
Including you.
Before fully looking at you, Chopper jumped on him, crying his heart out from having missing him too much. Unfortunately for him, the swordsman did not pay attention to all his ranting as you approached to enthusiastically hug Luffy, Sanji, and him.
Because of the awkward position he was in with Chopper, you gently wrapped your arms around the small reindeer and told them both how happy you were to see them. And because of his cute comrade, he did not have the chance to say “Hi”.
He missed his opportunity, the chance to finally let you in.
Perhaps it is better this way.
Everyone climbed onto the ship, ready to celebrate the reunion, and even though the best sake was provided, Zoro quickly walked to a small and intimate area: his crow nest.
Two years without seeing your friends were long to pass, without hearing their laughters and benters, their antics and adventures. Even though you joined the crew at later times before being teleported by Kuma, you dearly loved each crewmate and felt apart of a big family.
During those two years, you sometimes caught yourself thinking about the swordsman. To say the green-haired figure rarely talked to you would be an understatement, and you never understood why. You never were mean to him, you let him nap during night watch, you poured him lemonade, smiled at him each time he would look at you.
You admired his strength, his determination, his oath to become the best in his craft. You were honored to conceive combat strategies that would enhance his abilities and show them to the world.
He was the legend to the story you were writing. The hero.
It would be lying to say you did not fancy the swordsman. He was handsome, peaceful, intelligent when in need, and reassuring. He was confident, opinionated and reliable.
Your heartbeat grew faster as you saw him walking towards the ship with Sanji and the captain. He looked even taller than in your memories, and even more built. His hair seemed softer, and his voice much huskier. Your heart ached when you noticed he had lost an eye.
But because everyone was around, you could not possibly go to him and cry your eyes out as you talked about his injury. Instead, and because you were so happy to see everyone, you decided to go for a small hug, hopping it would offer you both a fresh start.
After the feast following your reunion, you noticed Zoro walking out to his favorite spot. Pretending to be in need of the ladies room, you decided to follow the swordsman to the crows nest, set on trying to finally, communicate with the future best swordsman on the Planet.
When Zoro heard someone going up the crows nest, he did not pay attention. For this once, would he allow someone to go up unannounced.
“Pardon me Zoro!” you said while climbing, breaking his composure. Out of everyone he thought would come up tonight, he never thought it would be you. He could not even figure out what to come up with first as he saw the top of your head from the top of the ladder and your adorable eyes peeking up to him.
You waited to have fully climbed the ladder before talking.
“Hi, I hope I’m not bothering.” You gently said with a radiant smile on your face, standing in front of him in your newest outfit. He felt ashamed for not taking in all the details of your new attire earlier under the sunlight, from the way it hugged your form to the way the color compliments your eyes.
“Actually, I’ve never been up here before.. it looks.. nice?” you said, your eyes going from the surroundings of his room to his good eye.
He looks handsome.
She looks gorgeous.
“Then what are you doing here now?” Zoro responded, harsher than what he intended. He instantly regretted his sentence and his tone. These were so distant from what he felt.
His words sent shivers down your spine and made you gasp a little, slowly looking down to your feet in embarrassment.
He looked down at you with his good eye and quickly shook his hands.
“N-No (Y/N) this is so not what I meant. Gosh now I understand why Sanji said I was a brute and Nami said you hated me.”
“What? Nami said I hated you?” you asked, your head going back up and looking at him with concern. “I could never hate you Zoro! Why would she say something like this?”
“N-No!” he said, trying to correct his wording, again, but it seemed harder after hearing what you felt about him.
You could never hate him.
“I mean, she said you thought I hated you. No wonder why you think that, I’m a brute.”
In spite of his awkward phrases, you let out a small giggle. His tan face was tainted with shades of a dusty shy pink, and his good eye was desperately trying to connect with yours. Maybe if you would look at him for just long enough, he would not have to say a thing.
You walked closer to him, trying to pierce what his eye was begging to tell you. You could feel the shift in the air, the tension building high. Your voice, soft as silk and sweet as honey, asked.
“So, Zoro, do you hate me?”
The question sent him in a trance. In his mind, he told you a hundred times about how beautiful you looked and how admirative he was of your work on the ship. In his mind, he told the world and the stars a hundred times about his will to protect you and be the strongest.
His body ached to be closer to yours. It was only the two of you, and it seemed so natural. So real. He slowly inched closer to you, his overpowering frame letting yours aware of his presence and scent. Wood and peppermint.
Crossing his arms and closing his eyes, faking tiredness, hoping his demeanor would hide the shyness away, he bluntly stated:
“I could never hate you, (Y/N).”
Five words. These five words alone lifted a whole weight off your shoulders. Slightly blushing from his statement and the proximity you two were in, in what seemed like a forbidden whisper, you said, gently touching his hand.
“I… I should probably go downstairs. The others are going to wonder why I’m taking so long to get you to drink sake with us. They’ll think you got sober.”
Zoro slightly scoffed and nodded, his eyes never leaving the tenderness of your touch on his large hand.
“Promise me you’ll come back later. Just you.”
His wish was spoken with such adoration and secrecy, you won’t ever refuse. But teasing the swordsman seemed a little more fun.
“By later, do you mean in two years? Who knows maybe by that time you’d have lost your other eye.”
Zoro laughed a little, gently squeezing your hand like an oath spoken just for the two of you.
“Like I would ever let you go again for so long, idiot.”
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athycore · 2 months
Hello!!! :3 I wish to make a request! I really love your writing style and the way you carry out your fics, theyre so awesome X3!!!☆
Could I make a req of Mob (/Shigeo Kageyama) with a gn!gyaru!reader :3c? Extra points if they do really good in school!
I see that you havent posted in a while on this blog, so you dont have to respond to my req! Please take care of yourself first out of anything else ^^<3
Thank youuuuuu!!!!! X3
OMG HAIIII!!! Thank you so much, about me not posting in a while, i completely forget im a writer so i never end up checking requests, but now i did!!
Anyways heres ur food :3
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Mob w a Gyaru!reader…(gn reader)
To say mob was obsessed is an understatement. He simply fawns over your fashion and loves the idea of going against the beauty standard. Although because of his fashionable s/o, he has a hard time blending in. At times he doesnt want the attention but his albsolute cutie of his lover being the center of attention, mob wouldnt mind just this once.
You both go to clothing shops together! Mob believes and trusts your fashion taste to be able to pick a few for him. He wants to hang out and uses the idea of shopping together to get you talking. He enjoys it. Afterall he somewhat helps with some of the clothes for you to pick out, while you help him look his best. He adores your keen eye on managing to find the good clothes that are usually hidden..(gatekeepers😒😒)
When you go on dates he swears he can pay, but his pay isnt enough..afterall regien isnt too reliable. Instead you pay, hope you dont mind. After you both end up going to the park or going to each others houses to hang out later. Mob gaslights(begs) reigen to let him off early for these dates too. He wants to show his respect by simply making time for you like any wonderful lover.
Mob and his family aprove of you so much! You are just the sweetest and the cutest girls to ever approach mob. Ritsu thinks its rad that his older brother managed to get a parnther in general, but thinks even more highly of you when he knows and sees your genuine care for his brother. Plus when you go to mobs house to hangout, ritsu joins whenever he feels lonely. You and mob welcome him with open arms, especially when watching a horror movie.
Mob uses his psychic powers to try to find out what you like in order for him to get the RIGHT gift. Hes just whipped and his friends and brother tease him for it. Simple middle schoolers am i right? He doesnt mind it though.
He introduces you to reigen and reigen approves. Reigen sees you as fit, and an adorable girl who would help mob by the long mile. Mob also introduced you to teru and sho, as well as the other psychics. They all like you and think you are so cool with your makeup and fashion. Heck, teru asked for some advice too.
Mob gets you both matching keychains..guaranteed. Like those cute sanrio ones or the cute little characters. He finds them absolutely adorable. The idea that his s/o has the other half, he ends up staring at his keychain on end till his club snaps him outta it.
In school you might as well be a prodigy! He finds the fact that you do so well extremely admirable. He wants to be tutored by you and you only. Only you can be patient with him. He thinks of you as top of his class, grade, school even!( next to ritsu ) He just gets so happy seeing you not having to worry about grades and what not.
There are times when you are doing makeup, he just watches. No conversation, nothing. Soly because he thinks its skillful, he feels as tho its art and that she shouldn’t interfere. But there are times he asks questions about the products your using. Hes just curious about all that stuff.
Hes your #1 supporter! He believes that you should and will do what YOU want. That no one should tell you anything about how to look, act, or present yourself!
Hope you liked it!!! Thanks so much for the request!!!
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redwineandtarot · 11 months
your first impressions of your future spouse
hi! today i am back with a topic that i love to read about a lot. we will take a look at your first impressions of your fs. because this your first impressions, they may not reflect the truth wholly. take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. i would love to hear your feedbacks <3
🥀paid readings🥀
Disclaimer: My readings do NOT replace any professional advice. Use your own judgment while making decisions. You have your own free will. Take everything I say light-heartedly. All of my readings are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES.
pick a pile
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piles 1-2-3
i do not own these pictures
pile 1
You will see them as relationship-material right off the bat. You will think that they are charming. However I'm not seeing that this is love at first sight. They may be your type or just a generally attractive person. A person who most people find attractive.
You will think of them as a loyal person. Maybe when you first meet them a situation has occurred and they showed their loyalty to a loved one (i'm seeing especially friends). 
You will think that they are a team player. Again im seeing they value their friends a lot. 
You will see them as a well-accomplished person. Maybe they are in the peak of their career or approaching it when you meet them. You will think that they are an ambitious person. 
Some of you may meet them at 23 or 32 years old.
You will somewhat be confused about this person. Like you see parts of them but they don't show all of their complex personality. 
You will see them as a generous and empathic  person. Maybe you will hear someone talk about their donations to some charity or good deeds in general.
Possibly around the time that you meet they will be going through something fated/karmic. To be more specific, they will leave or have left a situation that ended a cycle in their life. And this will be a huge change for them. This probably saddens them. But this is for them to reach their purpose in life. Sometimes we need to leave behind some things that are dear to heart to move forward. This is what they are doing.
They have broad shoulders. You somehow think that they can run fast? lol. For some they may have longish hair. Their hands may be bony. 
There may be flowers where you first meet.
They will come off as a balanced individual.
Your meeting is fated.
the prominent energies in their birth chart: moon x3, 3rd house, 2nd house, 4th house, taurus, leo, scorpio
the song i got for you: moonlight - agust d
thank you for reading <3
pile 2
You may meet them at university or somewhere people seek knowledge. Or you may meet somewhere people seek for rights or justice. They may be a professor for some of you. Or just someone people go to seek knowledge.
You will see them as an open minded person. In your eyes they will be wise but they will think like “All I know for sure is that I know nothing”. 
Deep down you will feel that this is your soulmate. However you may not realize that feeling or disregard it because it's irrational to you. 
They have a really airy vibe to them. You will think that they like change and value their freedom a lot. You will think that they are not afraid of change. They are not afraid to leave something if that thing does not serve them anymore or if something harms their freedom. You will also think that they are an ambitious and rational person. And that they are not afraid to chase after what they want.
You will see them as a person who can offer great things and you can lay a great foundation with. They seem really reliable to you. However you may see them as hard to gain. Like hard to get their attention because their head is always somewhere.
You will see them as a hard working person. And that they believe in themselves and their dreams. 
Off topic but their love language may be gift giving. Again off topic but the book “Alchemist” by Paulo Chelo came to my mind.
Their skin may be on the darker side. If they are a woman they may be small and a little chubby. If they are a man, they may be buff. They may come from a hot country.
the prominent energies in their birth chart: venus, mercury, sun, 10th house x2, 4th house, libra x3
the song i got for you: greedy - ariana grande
thank you for reading <3
pile 3
At first you may hear gossip about them like them being someone unreliable. People probably like to gossip about them a lot.  They may be struggling to let go of something when you meet them. They may have a hard time forgiving someone and moving on. 
You will think of them as intoxicating and addicting. Like their energy does not leave you. You will feel a great pull for them physically and emotionally. (Especially physically). They probably feel this too. However you both will ignore this. Especially the more masculine one. The more masculine one will be puzzled by this attraction almost. But really the pull between you two is INSANE. Pile 3, oh my god. 
You may think that they are holding back something or hiding something, either from you or from themselves. (Do not worry they are not a cheater and this is not a person that they are hiding.) It is more like an aspect of them. Like their shadow self that they were taught was something to be ashamed of. 
You will think that they are a successful individual. 
You will think that they find the most peace at home. For some of you you may go to their home the first time you meet and love their home. I was talking about this physical attraction and for SOME of you, you may sleep with them.
This is the type of love that changes people.
They may have very prominent eyebrows and a sharp nose. Their eyes are most likely on the smaller side. For most of you they have pale skin, however for some of you I still see darker skin tones. Their back muscles may gain your attention. 
the prominent energies in their birth chart: sun, mars, moon, 7th house, 10th house, 8th house, taurus, pisces, aries
the song i got for you: bang bang bang bang - sohodolls
thank you for reading <3
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svt-rosalie · 2 months
. . . ♡ ROSIE ! ? 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏻 TRIVIA ★ ゚๑
ׁ ׅ ୨ ❪ profile! ❫ ୧ ⊹ ࣪
© 2024 , svt-rosalie rosalie masterlist!
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𝜗𝜚. Rosalie always wanted to become a ballet dancer since she was a child, being an idol was a spure of the moment decision when she saw a video of SNSD performing once.
𝜗𝜚. Her aunt is well known in the kpop community seeing as how she owns the company ‘UTOPIA ENTERTAINMENT’ that manages the groups New Jeans, IVE, and ITGIRLZ.
𝜗𝜚. In 2021 Rosalie did resign a contract with Pledis Entertainment for her career with SEVENTEEN but the company has no power over her solo career, her Aunt’s company controls her solo career.
𝜗𝜚. Jihye does not drink alcohol often, whenever she does she basically has to have a babysitter because of everything she gets into.
𝜗𝜚. Rosalie is one of the youngest musicians and first ever female kpop artist to win a Grammy and an Oscar.
𝜗𝜚. Rosalie was invited to headline Coachella 2 years in a row but she declined each time.
𝜗𝜚. She likes to play video games so she can collect all the skins. For example, she’s amazing at playing Fortnite and Call Of Duty but mostly just plays for the skins and weapons. (Of course of her skins are pink)
𝜗𝜚. Rosalie featured on Taylor Swift’s album ‘Midnights’ on the song Snow On The Beach. This caused her to get a lot more recognition and attention towards her group once it released. She was even a surprise guest during the Eras Tour to perform the song on stage with Taylor. Rosie said it was one the most surreal moments of her career.
𝜗𝜚. Rosalie is Korea’s best friend. She earned this title from bringing friends with almost of the idol/acting industry. She loves making new friends and likes to speak to anyone that will listen.
𝜗𝜚. Rosalie likes to speak up often about mental health. In many live videos she’s spoken up about her struggles after her sister’s passing and how she’s been going to therapy since she started training as an idol.
𝜗𝜚. Rosie was a straight a student through her whole career. She carried a 4.0 GPA until she graduated high school and got accepted into a prestigious university where she takes online business classes.
𝜗𝜚. Rosalie broke her hip after falling during a ballet performance. She was lifted into the air by her fellow male dancer and his grip slipped causing her to fall on her left hip. She has a some issues with her hip to this day, swelling and pain.
𝜗𝜚. Rosalie had a slight school girl crush on Joshua when she was younger and just joined the company. She admitted it once in a live with him and it’s been a running joke in the fandom since.
𝜗𝜚. Rosalie wrote her song ‘Good night My Princess’ whilst she was visiting her family. She was having an emotional night and even though she’s an adult she crawled into bed with her parents and they sang a lullaby to calm her down.
𝜗𝜚. Rosie loves sweets. Anything candy she will eat, she has a candy basket in her’s and woozi’s bedroom on her bedside table.
𝜗𝜚. Rosalie wants to be a mom someday but unfortunately she is infertile due to some issues with her developmental when she was a fetus. She plans to adopt in the future.
𝜗𝜚. Rosalie was born prematurely. She was born 2 months early, doctors were worried she wasn’t going to make it but she pulled through after being on oxygen for 3 months. She would go to the doctor every month for a year or so to make sure she was doing okay.
𝜗𝜚. Rosie is engaged to fellow band member Woozi/Jihoon. Wedding plans are still the works.
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taglist — @angie-x3 @alixnsuperstxr @allthings-fandoms @peachyaeger @sakufilms @aysxldea @swagcandyfun @wonwooz1 @s4nsmoon @seolarzone @miyx-amour @novwonia @marissa-11 @magicsoyeon @skzfairies
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kaixserzz · 11 months
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this one is very self indulgent. i go on a TANGENT talking about my favorite character's lore and i thought about dottore... gamer!reader x dottore set on me and my friend's modern!au :3
dottore rabble x3 - "favorites"
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oftentimes, you find yourself gushing about the video games you always play whenever dottore was around. you can't help it—it just feels so natural, to let your mouth run until you're out of words in his presence.
he never tells you to stop or make you feel like you are unheard, he asks questions and pays utmost attention to you. you knew dottore isn't one to play video games, so he doesn't know much, but he genuinely enjoys it whenever you talked about it.
you feel so safe and not weird when you rant to him, and he's been watching you play video games to understand more of your interests. the words just escape your lips before you could think. your heart always feels like it's about to burst whenever he gives you an adoring smile, staring at your cute, scrunched-up face, completely focused on your video game.
but there was one thing that bothers dottore.
why do you keep talking about this certain character? recently, every time you talk about video games, he hears their name. and what irks him more is the fact you get so giddy when you speak about their lore, and the way your face flushes in excitement sours his worsening mood even more.
he wasn't jealous. of course not! he scoffs at the idea. why would he be jealous of a video game character that isn't even real?
but can you blame him though? you've made that character your desktop wallpaper, and the majority of your accounts are themed after them. just how obsessed are you with this character?
that isn't fair. he's your lover! it should be him that—
hmm... perhaps he is a tiny bit jealous. just a small fraction of the horrid feeling. nothing more.
and though dottore doesn't want you to know anything about his growing jealousy, he asks you anyways,
"if you were to choose between us, who would you pick?"
the question caught you off guard, taking your eyes off the screen to look at him incredulously. it was hard to discern what he felt at the moment, only staring back at you intensely as he awaited your answer. you glance at your screen, seeing your favorite character standing idly, then bit your bottom lip to hold back a snort.
"between you and my favorite character?" you asked back, tilting your head towards him, forcing yourself to be as serious as he was.
dottore nodded, his eyes now glaring at the screen of your computer, showing absolute disdain towards your favorite character. you hummed as you rubbed your chin, pretending to be deep in thought, and you see how utterly offended dottore was at the fact you had to think about whom to choose.
"well, i'll pick my favorite, of course," you answer innocently, with a mischievous smile on your lips. and just as you suspected, his eyes narrowed, red eyes darkening as he leaned towards you, as if his ears deceived him.
then you burst into a fit of giggles, cupping dottore's cheeks into your hands and pressing your nose against his. he was so cute getting jealous over someone fictional. maybe you should've been paying more attention to him anyway.
"that's you, silly!" you reveal, and you feel him lean against your touch, his skin tingling in delight at how close you were to him. "you're my favorite. i'd never replace you over a bunch of pixels."
his tensed shoulders relaxed at that, a satisfied smile emerging on his lips as he press his forehead against yours, his hand caressing your cheek. "good," he mutters, "because you're my favorite too."
your heart felt like it was about to soar at his genuine confession, biting your bottom lip to prevent you from squealing. on the inside, you were screaming at how sweet dottore was being at the moment. but of course, you just had to ruin it.
"... well, if they become real though, it'd be a different story!" you joked, and you feel his smile shift into a scowl.
dottore pulls away from you and simply said. "you're not getting any kisses tonight." and turned around to walk out of your room.
"wait, no!" you called out for him, "baby please, it was a joke!"
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- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛❛ If you like this a lot, consider reblogging! I'll appreciate it very very much! Don't repost and/or translate my work anywhere. ❜❜ ┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌
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elitadream · 7 months
your post about Luigi being more asexual is unique; even if you don't draw alot of Luaisy art, it still sets up a unique journey for Luigi and Daisy's relationship, and to eventually falling in love.
It's a nice coincidence that you've mentioned Daisy, because I've recently been toying with the idea that she and Lou would basically become ace besties in my version! 😁✨️
Hear me out: what if both Daisy and Peach had felt the same sense of social pressure when it comes to romance and courting growing up, and it had impacted them differently? For that specific concept, I've imagined that it would make Peach long for a sweet and genuine man as opposed to some vain and self-centered royal, whereas Daisy would eventually come to the realization that she's just- not feeling it. That she's completely indifferent to all that mushy stuff and would actually much prefer to rule alone like the confident and self-assured badass that she is. x3 💪
Like Peach, she would have no care nor interest towards a man seeking to woo her for clearly political reasons (or even trying to gain her attention at all 😝), so when she would meet this meek and unassuming man who's minding his own business and is just trying to exist in peace, she would take a sudden and amused interest in him. Feeling instantly at ease in his presence, with Luigi being SO very unlike those flirty and nauseatingly smug bachelors who would always send her ridiculous gifts and portraits of themselves. When they would end up talking about it at some point and he would timidly admit to her that he isn't feeling inclined to pursue a romantic relationship with anyone, Daisy would be absolutely delighted and very relieved by this, feeling an even stronger affinity towards the man than before. 😊🧡
If I were to draw them again in my art, it would be as platonic friends, but very close and affectionate ones. 😌💫 But of course, you're entirely free to ship them if that's what you prefer! A lot of people view them as a romantic pairing, and I can definitely see why: on some level, they are indeed quite compatible. 🤭
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merakiui · 11 months
If you can I need you to explain that list and your reasonings for their placements 😭
It’s honestly so silly, but I do have reasons for why everyone was placed where they were.
Trey -> you can’t tell me he wouldn’t want to try it at least once, just to see how many can be stacked. He even provides you with the donuts and they’re guaranteed to be delicious because they’re from the Clovers’ bakery!
Cater -> I like to think Cater’s willing to try anything fun, trendy, or interesting at least once just to gauge what he thinks, and the idea of stacking pretty donuts on his dick makes for such a good opportunity to snap photos (only for your and his eyes of course).
Ace -> he just wants to be able to fit more donuts so that he can brag about it to his friends. If anything, it’s Ace who comes to you asking if you’ll stack donuts on it lol.
Deuce -> he loves you so much, so he will gladly allow you to stack donuts on it. He thinks you’re so cute when you’re so focused on his dick, and it’s a little flustering to be under your intense attention. Deuce isn’t complaining, though. <3
Ruggie -> as long as he can still eat the donuts afterwards, he doesn’t mind. Donuts are his absolute favorite! And he sort of wants to know how many will fit………. orz
Jade -> he’s a freak, a curious one at that.
Floyd -> he’s a freak, a curious one at that x2.
Kalim -> it sounds fun and he’s genuinely curious. This is probably a question that has crossed Kalim’s mind before, and now he absolutely must know! He’s sure you won’t mind helping him. :)
Rook -> it’s Rook. But also he’s a freak, a curious one at that x3.
Lilia -> it’s Lilia. He is absolutely wanting you to stack pink frosted donuts on his dick! If this is how young people have their fun in bed, count him in. He wants to try it.
Silver -> he’s too nice, so if you ask him he has to think about it for a minute because he doesn’t quite get the meaning at first. But then you explain it and Silver’s nodding as if it’s the most sensible question ever. He doesn’t mind it because you seemed really curious about the answer and he doesn’t want to be stuck with all-consuming curiosity all day.
Neige -> he just wants you to be happy, and if that comes at the cost of stacking donuts on it he will pay it without hesitation!
Che’nya -> also another one who has considered this question before, so he’d like to find out the answer with you. If you see a floating box of donuts in your room and hear a far-off giggle, just know you’re about to find out. Che’nya has too much fun with this.
Leona -> he thinks it’s stupid, so he doesn’t let you stack donuts on it. :( in his mind, you could do so many other (and better) things with your time than asking silly questions. Although he does tease you, smirking and asking, “If you want to stack donuts on it, it’s only fair I should get to see how many toys you can fit in there.” You’re either so embarrassed or intrigued at that prospect that now you’re considering a new question.
Jack -> he doesn’t understand why you’d ever want to do something like that. Also, why ruin perfectly good donuts trying to stack them on his dick? It’s not that he’s bragging about being big; he’s genuinely concerned for the donuts. >_< why ruin them when you can eat them as a tasty treat?
Vil -> absolutely not. Maybe in your wildest dreams, but Vil will never allow you to stack donuts on it. First, they’re donuts and he’s not one for unhealthy foods and snacks. Second, won’t it make such a mess? Third, if you wanted to know how big he is just measure it using actually units of measurement and not donuts.
Sebek -> he’s secretly flustered that you’d ask such a question, and he yells at you to “quell your insufferable human curiosity!!!!!!!” You take that as a no. T-T
Rollo -> now why would you ask him this? He stares at you for a long minute, processing the words that just came out of your mouth. His answer is simple and devoid of reason: “I’d rather you not.” There’s no swaying Rollo once he’s made up his mind.
Riddle -> Riddle’s the type who dwells on stuff, so if you leave him with that question it’s a guarantee he’s going to be putting some thought into it after he’s initially said no. And wooooo what a question it is. On one hand, it’s embarrassing and foolish. On the other, it’s you asking and donuts! An opportunity (and excuse) to have sweets with you (and also learn how many will fit on his dick). You don’t really have to do much persuading. It’s actually Riddle who either talks himself into it or out of it.
Azul -> he’ll do anything (within certain parameters) if you sign a contract. But who would be silly enough to sign a contract like that? Oh, you’re already signing. Wow. Huh. Okay. Maybe it’s his lucky day, or your curiosity is that bad. Whatever the case is, he’s more than happy to help you out with this and in return… we’ll see. :)
Jamil -> he thinks it’s foolish to waste food like that, but then, without intending to, he lets the question haunt him for a few days. How do you even think of questions like this? Just what goes on in that head of yours? Maybe he shouldn’t know, but now he’s somewhat curious and he wants you to at least explain it to him. Your explanation is either so good or so bad that he’s compelled to try it, if only because you actually managed to make him laugh outright.
Epel -> at first he doesn’t get the appeal, but then he realizes if he can fit lots of donuts on it he’ll certainly be considered big and manly, right? He’s so excited that he talks himself into it because now he’s too curious.
Idia -> no way! That’s weird and gross. Why should he sacrifice his snacks just so you can use them for something like that? >:( oh, but then I guess Idia isn’t going to see you cosplay his favorite characters or get to dress you in skimpy hentai-esque outfits… :( oh well. In the end, he caves and lets you stack donuts.
Malleus -> you’ll just need to explain it a little more thoroughly so he can understand you’re coming from a place of curiosity. He’d feel cruel to not indulge his favorite Child of Man, so he might as well allow it. And you seem so excited and eager; how can resist? You’re too cute. Malleus offhandedly mentions that he “hopes a dozen will be enough” and it has your eyebrows raising so fast. Just how big is he??????
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insomniac-shado · 1 month
Ok I love the sibling dynamic Nina and Sally have.
Nina would be the first to volunteer to babysit her when the others went out. They’d paint each other’s nails, watch movies, play hide and seek, and Sally’s supposed to go to bed at 9:30 but Nina would let her stay up till like 10.
Nina’s also very protective of Sally. Idk if I mentioned this before, but she reminds her a lot of Chris, and it makes Nina all the more nervous something will happen to her. Sally reminds Nina all the time that she’s already dead and can’t get hurt, but Nina isn’t so sure of that.
Sally on the other hand looks up to Nina more than anyone else. She spends more time with Clockwork but Nina is her true role model. She wants to dress like her, talk like her, act like her- when the two are together it’s like they’re the same person because Sally will imitate Nina’s every move. She’ll dress up in striped shirts and begs to dye her hair (even though everyone tells her that’s not happening because she’s too little). She’ll do her nails on her own the same way Nina does, thanks to Nina teaching her how.
If Sally is mad at someone, Nina is the first she’ll tell. Sitting on her bed as Nina works on stuff, rambling about how mean or annoying whoever she has a grudge against is. And Nina will nod her head and listen, even if she isn’t fully paying attention she still lets Sally rant.
All in all, my new fav sibling dynamic with the creeps X3
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justmochi · 9 months
past lover
pairing :: eden x seokmin
word count :: 1.6k
synopsis :: seokmin tells eden about his dating history
time :: october, 2020
a/n :: so i wanted to be a bit imaginative and try out something new. you know how i write my ocs talking about their dating past but never from her endgames pov so i wanted to test it out. OFC I HAVE NOOOO IDEA about dk's dating history so this is purely fiction!!! have fun reading and lmk what you think c':
taglist :: @cafemilk-tea @cixrosie @moonlight-additions @cosmicwintr @astraw-astro @ateezjuliet @fromfreesia @succulentmom @kimhyejin3108 @enhacolor @multiplums @alixnsuperstxr @meginthebuilding27 @kang-ulzzang @hybesunstone @allthings-fandoms @itzy-eve @choihaneul @strmiu @angie-x3 @Kaitieskidmore1 @evaalopezzzz
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“You’ve never told me.” Eden decided to press on. They were a year into their relationship now and there have only been brief mentions about Seokmin’s dating history. He knew so much about her past heartbreak, even tagged along for most of it, but she knew almost nothing of his.
“What?” He turned his head, looking up at her. He lay between her legs, his jacket covering her from touching the grass.
After having dinner, they decided to just walk wherever their feet would take them. They ended up at Han River, having their own patch of grass to themselves and taking in the beauty of the evening. The bridge was so bright and how it shone onto the water was breathtaking. If they had known they would’ve ended up here, they would have packed a basket fit for a picnic.
She squeezed her arms tighter around him, removing her attention from the people passing by to him. A curve tugged on her lips, leaning down to press her forehead to his. “You’ve never told me about her. The special girl.”
He scoffed, looking forward again and folding his hands over his stomach. She could feel him tense under her touch.
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. I’m just curious is all. You’ve seen me at my ugliest moments and I wouldn’t mind knowing about the lucky girl who brought you to me.” She stops for a moment, rearranging her words. “Well actually, that would make her unlucky because she’s missing out on a wonder of a boy.”
He chuckled nervously, bringing one of his hands up to tap along her wrist. “I don’t think she really sees herself as lucky.”
“That’s impossible. Anyone would be so lucky to be loved by you.” She couldn’t see his face, but she knew he mustered up even the slightest smile. “Tell me. I’d love to know.”
He took in a deep breath, shifting underneath her as his butt grew numb after being in contact with the hard ground for too long. Not even the jacket was a good enough cushion for them. “I met her in 2017. We were having a company dinner and she was one of the waitresses. I could tell she was from my hometown from her dialect, so that made her all the more interesting to me.”
“Ooh, so she was from your hometown.” Eden showed she was interested. However, knowing that another girl had his heart before her made her a bit jealous. She tried not to harbor too many bad feelings toward the girl because she was fortunate enough to have scored Seokmin. It didn’t matter though because he was hers now.
“Yep. That was enough to draw me in.”
“Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt, Continue.” She patted his chest, rocking them back and forth gently.
He cleared his throat, smiling. “I decided to shoot my shot. Live on the edge for once. God, I humiliated myself just by asking for her number. She was three years older than me. She was about to become a teacher too. After a week of talking, I was really naive and fell hard. And a month later I decided to open my heart to her. I wanted to give her my love, my support, my patience. I wanted to give her my heart. I really would’ve handed my heart to anyone during that time. I didn’t care about the consequences as long as I had someone to call mine.”
She gripped him tighter, resting her chin on top of his head as she listened. By the way he was talking, he was going to suffer a heartbreak like hers. And that thought killed her.
“She was just getting out of a relationship that broke her heart. That should have been my first sign. But I wanted to help her heal by showing her that I had so much more to offer. So we started dating. I was patient throughout our whole relationship but it felt weird. She was always emotionally unavailable and I felt like I was walking on eggshells around her. She wasn’t mean or jealous or whatever normal couples go through these days. It wasn’t loveless because I did love her, but it wasn’t mutual. And I could feel her try to reciprocate my feelings at times but she wasn’t a good liar.
“She got busy. I had assumed it was because she just started teaching. I was right in some sense. We had schedules so I got busy too. I didn’t know how to tell her that I wanted to take a break. I thought I was a coward for wanting to take a break, but I didn’t want us to drift apart like everyone else. But then she beat me to it and said her ex wanted to get back together with her and she was going to do it. And she did it all over text.”
Eden didn’t even realize she was crying. Not until the tears fell off her face and onto his hair. He looked up to make sure it wasn’t raining. When he saw her glassy eyes, he quickly broke free of her arms and onto his knees.
“Hey, don’t cry!” His features softened as he cupped her cheeks, wiping the tears away. “This is my heartbreak. Not yours.”
“I’m sorry,” She blinked away the tears, bringing her hands up and resting them over his. “I just- I wasn’t expecting this.”
It was hard to imagine him loving anyone before her. But he did and she didn’t feel the same way about him. The thought of someone like Seokmin having so much love in him that he wanted to share it with another person. And they took advantage of it. He wanted it to so desperately work out but she betrayed his love.
“It’s okay, E. Really. I’m fine now.” He kissed her forehead. “I was sad and heartbroken. It hurt a lot after we broke up but I know my worth and heart now. The right person would come around eventually.” He found her gaze, smiling as their eyes met. “And you did.”
Eden smiled, shaking her head as she sniffled. “I did.”
“Yes, you did.” He sat flat on his bottom again, letting go of her face and finding her hands. He squeezed them firmly. “We had been broken up for a few months when I met you. And that night when you had told me your name and we both knew who each other was, I felt whole again. I fell for you in no time but you were unavailable and so I dealt with it. I kept everything to myself because I didn’t want to mess up what we had. It was the most precious thing I’ve had in my life. I wasn’t going to overwhelm you when everything was still so fresh for you. I wouldn’t make the same mistake. Keeping you close as a friend was better than not having you at all.”
She leaned forward, her head pressing into his chest. “I just- I can’t wrap my head around someone hurting you. The thought of you being hurt like that, I hate it.” She groaned, getting over her tears and only feeling anger towards the girl. “You’re the sweetest person I know. How could anyone stand to live with themselves if they hurt you?”
He let out a soft, quiet laugh as he placed his hands on her arms, rubbing up and down. “I can't hate her for breaking my heart. It could have been much worse. It taught me a lot of things.”
She raised her head, wiping her tears and grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. “Well, I do. She’s gonna find out everything she’s missing out on and it’s gonna be too late for her.”
The wind picked up, blowing against their cheeks as Seokmin snorted. He brushed her hair out of her face, closing in to give her a kiss on the nose. “You’re cute, you know that?”
She rolled her eyes, leaning in to give him a long kiss on the lips. When she pulled away, she caressed his cheeks with her hands, making sure his gaze was on her. “Whoever she is, I hate her but I also thank her. No one loves like you do and that is her loss. She will get her heart broken again and realize just how lucky she was to have been with you.”
The blood rushed to his cheeks, trying not to stray away from her eyes but he couldn’t help it without how flustered he became.
She smiled but gained her serious expression again, pressing her thumb to his mole. “But now you’re mine. And I am never going to let you go.”
He rested his palms on her neck, eyes falling to her lips as the corners of his curved upwards. “Good. Because you’re stuck with me.” He tips his head forward, capturing her lips and tasting the faint saltiness of her past tears.
She kisses him back, hands falling down and pressing against his chest. Their surroundings were blurred out. There were few people around them but they couldn't care about whoever saw them. All that mattered was them. 
When they finally pulled away to catch their breaths, Eden pressed her forehead to his, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I’m sorry you had to go through that. But now you’re with me and I’m gonna love you like you deserve. You’re never getting rid of me, Lee Seokmin.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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explosionshark · 11 months
Abt to pass back out but I need everyone to know how my brain has expanded.
Amberpricefield. Max Caulfield service top giving Chloe strap while Rachel tells her exactly what to do & what Chloe likes
there is no universe where Max’s brain does not explode at the prospect of getting to do smth for her girlfriends AND she doesn’t have to worry abt if she’s doing The Right Thing or w/e because Rachel is walking her thru it. Rachel is lowkey going insane bc she knows how Max Is & how much pressure Max puts on herself to just Know Things/be Good At Things & she’s being saurrr trusting that Rach will walk her thru this, plus omg how vulnerable Chloe is being letting literally both of them take control of everything. Chloe is feral bc a.) Max strap? Max strap? Max strap? b.) Rachel literally knows things abt her in that moment that Chloe has never CONSIDERED which has to mean that Rachel has committed to memory exactly what Chloe likes.
I feel like such a scholar. I feel so snart right now. They are so in love
Stag what's it like to have not only the biggest brain in the universe but also objectively the most correct understanding of the amberpricefield dynamic?
But yeah one of the best things about amberfield is how Rachel can hack Max's anxiety by just being hot and bossy. Also rip to Chloe in this scenario, I can't imagine anything that would melt her brain more than being at the nexus of both a Sexy Rachel Mind Game and a Max Character Development Moment while ALSO becoming the focal point of both of their attention. It's What She Deserves (x3)
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ticklish-n-stuff · 11 months
How Obey me! characters react to you telling them you like being tickled
My ever growing love for Barbatos has slowly pulled me back to the om! obsession so uhh take these hcs x3
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Wouldn't say much about it in the moment
But later on, he'll casually drag you to his room, plop you down on his bed, and just go to town on you
You're so confused and yet so giddy??
He also has a visible smile while wrecking you lol
You have unleashed an actual beast
My dude gets so cocky
Bro he'd say the word 'tickle' in whatever context just to fuck with you
And then when you're all flustered he acts all clueless
He will make you ask him for tickles, unless he's really feeling the ler mood, then you better run-
Levi finds himself faced with the biggest decision ever in his life: tickle you or keep being a silly otaku?
It takes him a while to decide, but eventually settles for the first~
My man would get more flustered than you, give him a moment
But once he gets more confident, you are so dead. Like where does all this teasing come from??? How rude-
Definitely will tickle you to make you lose at games, or will lazily tickle you while watching anime and then get playfully annoyed "Keep it down will you"
"Shh I'm reading"
That bitch-
Just kidding, he can multitask
While he's reading his nerdy lil books, he pulls you onto his lap. One hand tickling you and the other holding his book.
It's hard to notice with you laughing and wriggling hysterically (just one hand is enough to hold you down) but there's a faint smile plastered on his face, even though his eyes seemed glued to his book
"Really? Me too!"
Bro Asmo would just bombard you with questions about your preference and such, to him it's not that flustering talking about it but you're slowly dying on the inside hehe~
He's also just very open about his own experiences with tickling and tells you about them like it's the most casual thing ever
You two would have frequent tickle fights and he just knows *exactly* how to drive you up a wall
You can practically see the 'lil hearts form in his eyes. How did this precious human get even more adorable?!
He's very big on cheer up tickles. Whenever you're down, he'll ask if he can do the thing and if you give him the okay he'll pick you up and gently tickle you until you forget why you were upset to begin with
Very caring ler, although can sometimes get a bit carried away
He's also great at aftercare, quickly getting you some water and a snack cause why not?~
Too sleepy to even pay attention to whatever you just said
It makes you pout, until he forcefully pulls you down with him and spoons you, giving you some lazy tickles
Will say that your laughter helps him sleep better, but he'll make up whatever lame excuse he can to cuddle and tickle chu uwu
He seems way too excited about it, but that's because he can be quite the softie and just finds that absolutely adorable
He is a gentleman and always asks for permission to tickle you, which makes it even more flustering having to outright admit it
He'd probably call you over just to tickle you because he finds it fun and relaxing (and you're not complaining)
"Hm? Oh, I already know. Still, it was cute watching you muster up the courage to tell me~"
Your brain just breaks at that point. Damn him and his powers!
This man can read you like a book, he just KNOWS whenever you get a lee mood
He's suddenly behind you and you're like "Where did you come from?!" And he just smiles all innocently as you crumble under his wiggling fingers-
"Really? Can I try?~"
Very sweet ler, which makes him very flustering-
He'll usually scoop you onto his lap and give you the softest of tickles
Will constantly ask if you're okay and if you're enjoying it, which always makes you all akdhakdhakdhsjdh
Please, this is the one time he feels that he holds a sense of power over someone, let him have his fun
At first he probably wouldn't get it, until he tried it and got addicted to seeing the happy and giddy expression on your face
Loves to sneak up on you, but will usually ask beforehand
Will tease you to no end about it (as if he's one to talk, smh)
Becomes very cocky with this new information and will use it against you whenever and wherever, but is also discrete about it??
Like if he passes by he'll give you a quick poke or squeeze and keep going like nothing happened. But deep down you can just feel the *smug* energy radiating from him
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shelbystales · 2 years
Best Aid - Part One
Modern Tommy Shelby x Reader - Masterlist
Summary:you are a young doctor in Birmingham. After a crazy incident, Thomas Shelby shows up at your hospital. You don't know much about the man everyone seems to fear, but you definitely will.
Warning: Swearing, surgery, mention of blood, violence
A/N: i don't know if i will continue this... comment and interact, tell me what you think! it means a looot thank you very much
English is my second language so I apologize in advance for the grammar mistakes.
It was already mid-morning. You looked at your watch for the tenth time in less than a minute. Your shift seemed to last forever. Which was very strange since it was a full moon night, and it was common for doctors and nurses to joke that on a full moon things got so crazy that a werewolf could easily walk through the door.
"coffee?" Jeremy, one of the nurses on duty with you asked.
"Yes, please! Things are so slow," you complained, and he laughed
"You're the only one who complains about that," he said, handing you the horribly strong coffee
"Jesus, are you trying to kill me?" you asked, giving the coffee back to him while making a face "this is poison, not coffee," he laughed
"The stronger, the better," he said, and you shook your head in disapproval.
"He definitely doesn't know how to make coffee. haven't you learned yet, y/n?" Lauren, a nurse for years at this hospital, spoke, leaning on the counter in front of you.
"yeah, lack of sleep makes you forget stuff," you said
"Go rest. we hold the ends here," she suggested, and you smiled considering her proposal.
You were new to the hospital, new to medicine in general. you had just finished your residency program in London and because of your mother's failing health, you decided to return to Birmingham and help your brothers and sisters to take care of her.
It had been less than two months since you had been accepted as an emergency and surgery doctor. being a rookie, all the night shifts on weekends were yours. at the end of that shift, it will be 36 hours since you haven't entered your house and you would still have to do the day shift before you go.
Looking around you saw how empty the emergency room was. two people arrived earlier, a teenager with an alcoholic coma and a child with rotavirus. two classics.
"Well, I think I'll accept this proposal and I'll take a nap. Call me as soon as someone walks through that door" you said getting up.
"Sure thing," they said.
Jeremy propped his feet up on the counter and grabbed his cell phone to watch something and Lauren rolled her eyes sitting next to him and opening her book.
You've decided to get the patient's parameters before going to bed. Make sure they were stable.
both of them seemed fine, while you wrote down the parameters in your tablet's system the doors to the emergency center opened
"I need some bloody fucking help here!" a man with a mustache and a strong accent yelled.
You left your tablet on an empty bed and ran outside. Jeremy ran after you pushing a stretcher.
Outside you came face to face with a black BMW X3 and inside it, in the back seat, a man was unconscious. You got partially into the car trying to have the best access to analyze the man
"What happened?" you asked one of the two men who were with him.
"Just bloody fix him, alright?" the other man spoke nervously
from the quick analysis, you assumed he had taken a beating, but you didn't know the extent of the damage. on the stethoscope, the lung and heart appeared clean and functioning normally. His heart rate was a little faster than normal, perhaps because of the bleeding
"Hey, can you hear me?" you asked the man in an attempt to get attention, trying to gauge where he was on the Glasglow coma scale.
With your flashlight, you quickly assessed his neurological status and noticed that the pupils were not reactive. He was a 3, with no eye response, no motor response, and no verbal response.
"Okay, let's get him inside and straight to CT," you said getting out of the car and hanging your stethoscope around your neck again. Jeremy moved to put him on the stretcher "the pupils are not responsive. lungs clear. heart beating fast, but it could be due to the bleeding" you were talking to Lauren, who had the tablet in her hand filling out his form "what is your name?" you asked the two men.
"Arthur, this is John," the man who came through the door shouting said "that's our brother Tommy" you nodded.
"I need you to pass your social data to her," you said indicating to Lauren, and walked into the hospital, Jeremy already in front of you.
In CT you saw intense bleeding caused by trauma, causing compression of the third cranial nerve and the upper brain stem. hence the pupils and the loss of consciousness. Now you were worried, the bleeding was extensive and looked bad.
"Ok, we need to act fast. Prep an OR. We don't know how long he's been like this" you said leaving the cabin and going to get ready for surgery.
you are not a neurosurgeon, but intracranial pressure reduction is a simple procedure and necessary until a real evaluation by the neurologist.
The surgery went well. the blood inside the skull was drained, relieving the pressure and you directed him to the ICU, for better follow-up.
After him, cases didn't stop coming in and you didn't stop for a minute.
you looked at the clock on your wrist as you bandaged a man who had been stabbed in the arm, you were glad that it was already eight o'clock and the number of staff was returning to normal so you could take thirty minutes just to lie down and put your legs up.
"We survived another apocalypse," Jeremy said stopping beside you and you smiled
"yeah, lucky us," you said tiredly
"Weeell, good luck in here. I'm going home to my husband!" he said
"thank you, I've never been so jealous of you," you said jokingly and he walked away with a huge smile.
The residents arrived and you gave them the night's cases. you encouraged them to think logically and critically. dividing them into groups so that each one stayed with a patient, studying the case and what could have been done differently while new cases did not emerge.
Few residents were interested in trauma, and they gradually dispersed to other areas throughout the day, but when they arrived they always looked for trauma because it was the only busy place in the hospital.
Two residents stuck with you all day, shadowing you. Their names are Davi and Megan. Both are desperate for knowledge.
"I have a special case for you," you said handing the tablet to them "A beaten man arrives without much information about what happened. What do you do?" you asked, as you walked down the hall
"the Glasgow thing," Davi said and you smiled and nodded
"Score 3 on the Glasgow thing," you said imitating him
"Shit... hm" he stopped thoughtfully "how long was he unconscious?"
"Don't know, he arrived unconscious" you replied "his brothers did not give much information"
"CT scan or X-ray" Megan added and he nodded supporting her answer
"Good. You see extensive intracranial bleeding" you said
"Surgery," the two said together and you nodded opening the door in front of you
"Look who's awake," you said smiling.
The blacked out man from the night before was now looking and talking to his brothers who were sitting on the small sofa next to the bed.
"How are you feeling?" You asked, standing at the foot of his bed while Megan and David prowled around him and examined him.
"Well... better than I look" he replied looking strangely at his residents.
"They're just checking your parameters" you explained
"Can I smoke?" he asked
"No you can't. Not here" you replied
"Can he drink?" one of the brothers asked
"John, right?" he nodded "no, he can't" you replied
"You just as good as dead, brother," Arthur said and you frowned.
Megan handed over the tablet to you with all the information. everything was normal.
"Do you have any questions?" you asked your residents
"When can I get out of here?" Thomas asked
"When will he get out?" you asked the two next to you
"Depends on your response to post-surgery," Davi said sounding a little unsure, and you nodded "could be in a day or two, or a week"
"I'll stay a day," he said
"hm, we recomment you follow our order and stay for as long as it’s necessary, but you do have your choices" you exhaled "ok, so... No questions to the patient kids?" they were silent, which you thought was strange, but you continued "did you feel any dizziness, shortness of breath, or sudden tiredness?" he shook his head "nausea?" same response "did you try to stand up?" he denied again "good, don't try yet. pee in the potty" you took the potty and put it on the bed "Need anything you press the button. If you feel anything different, press the button. Okay?" he nodded and you left the room
"Is that really Thomas Shelby?" Davi asked, surprising you
"Who?" you asked confused
"You don't know him?" Megan asked "working-class man, now one of the richest around? been on the media before being suspected of multiple crimes" she said as she was telling you a dirty secret
"Shit. You serious?" you asked and she nodded "well, we have to treat everyone the same. despite, all that... we made a vow, right?" they nodded
"I won't go in there alone," Davi said and you smiled "he scares the shit out of me"
"But he's hot," Megan said and you rolled your eyes
"Why don't you guys go scrub in some surgery, hm? we are done here" you said and they walked away.
Lying on the bed in the staff room, you felt exhausted. 
Picking up your cell phone you did what anyone would do, googled Thomas Shelby. being surprised and intrigued by what you saw.
After sleeping for a few hours, you went on with your rounds. Lunch was being served and as you passed by Shelby's room you noticed the food was still outside.
"Why is this here?" you asked the nurse passing by
"No one wants to get in there. He's rude," she answered honestly and walked away.
You rolled your eyes and took a deep breath. picking up the platter with the food and walking into the room. He was alone now and his eyes opened when you walked in.
"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you," you said
"Wasn't sleeping" he replied
"Good, here is some delicious food for you. Try not to puke" you said putting it in front of him and he smiled
"Looks good," he said "why are you bringing me this? Don't you have nurses for this?"
"We do, but people don't seem to want to get in here. For some reason you scare them" you said, looking at the monitor.
"But not you?" he asked
"Well, I just opened your head. What color was your urine?" you asked and he smiled
"Yellow?" he replied uncomfortably
"Too yellow?" you asked enjoying seeing him cringe
"I guess" he replied
"Was it a lot to urine or a little?"
"No" he replied embarrassed taking the food in front of him
"Am I making you uncomfortable?" you joked and he didn't answer "Good" you smiled "The neurologist was here earlier to test you right?"
"he was" he replied "Am I in trouble?"
"No, all looks good. We acted fast so you won’t have any long lasting symptoms. Maybe you will feel some signs of a light concussion for a few days" you replied "no nausea right?"
"No, I feel good. ready for another one" he said
"Yeah...don't," you said and he smiled
"Hey, can you take me outside for a smoke?" he asked
"You shouldn't smoke, but yes I can. Let me just grab the wheelchair" you said leaving the room.
When you came back he had only eaten the jello and the apple
"Not hungry?" you asked stopping with the chair next to him
"Chicken is disgusting," he said and you smiled
"Okay, let's go?"
He nodded and you helped him up. as he stood up his body softened and he looked like he was going to faint, but he leaned on the bed and with your help he sat down in the chair. You took your flashlight and looked into his eyes, both reacted normally.
"What are you feeling?" you asked crouching in front of him
"The things you’ve been insisting on. Nausea and dizziness" he replied and took a deep breath "fuck" he muttered as he rubbed his face
You got some water and a sickness pill and handed it to him. When he said he was better you pushed him out of the room and into the area outside the hospital.
The hospital had a very pleasant green area for patients and visitors. You sat on a concrete bench in front of him and took a deep breath enjoying the outside air as he lit his cigarette.
"Aren't you supposed to be doing what doctors do?" he asked and you smiled
"Well, my pager has been quiet. I think they're taking it easy on me today since its my fourth shift in a row" you replied "and if you were nicer to the nurses they would have brought you here sooner"
"If I was nicer to people I would be here more often" he replied
"Maybe, maybe not... who knows" you shrugged
"You're new here aren't you?" he asked and you nodded "yeah...last time I was here a hairy man took care of me" you laughed
"Well I don't know any hairy man," you said amused
"yeah... He was fired," he said
"Why?" you asked confused
"He... I don't know" he said as if he had changed his mind mid-sentence.
"You do, you just don't want to tell me," you said and he shook his head "ok..." Your pager beeped and you looked at it "oh no. I have to go" looking around you took the first nurse that passed in front of you "he won't do you any harm, just take him to his room when he's done" you said taking her to him "be nice" you warned him and ran away
As your final act, you only had to pass the shift to the next doctor, telling him about the new patients and everything that had happened. Once that was done you changed into your normal clothes.
Walking out of the hospital you passed in front of Thomas' room and saw that there was a man inside with him. Looking at your watch, it was almost eight and visiting hours were over.
Opening the door you entered "ey, Visiting hours are over. I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave"
"Who the fuck are you?" the man standing asked rudely
"I'm his doctor," you said not liking the man’s tone
"It's ok, y/n. Just go" Thomas said but you frowned
"The hospital have rules. You can come see him in the morning. If you don't leave now I'll call security," you said and the man laughed
"Don't bother" he said and left the room staring at you as he walked through the door
"Shouldn't have done that" Thomas said
"It's my job. You can't have people here after visiting hours for a reason" you said
"He is not my visitor," he said
"What is he then?" you asked and he looked at the window ignoring your question "fine. just don't do it again" you turned to leave
"Does your house have security?" he asked
"what?" you asked confused looking at him
"That man did this" he pointed at himself "Do your house have security?" he asked and you frowned
"I guess" you replied and he smirked
"You guess?" he asked "My brothers are outside. Ask them to drive you to your home and tell them to check it"
"Is it necessary?" you asked nervously
"Look at me and tell me what you think" he said
"But I did nothing!" you spoke
"Maybe...better safe than sorrow right?" he said and you looked confused at him "just do it"
You left the hospital, deciding to ignore the Shelby request. You did nothing wrong. You had no relation with them. There was no reason for you to be afraid.
To your surprise, Arthur was waiting for you by your car. he smiled as you approached.
"Thomas called," he said, "should we go in our car or yours?"
"How do you know that's my car?" You asked
"It's easy to find out anything about people these days," he said "if you want we can meet you at your house?"
"Do you know where I live?" you asked worried and he nodded "I don't like this. How can I be sure that at the moment I get inside my car you won't kill me?" he laughed
"Listen ey, our brother is worried you will pay for something you had nothing to do with. you just got in the middle of a big dog's fight" he said "he doesn't want you dead, you saved him" you continued in silence, thinking "we will just go there and see if there are cameras and things in your apartment. If you say no we will go anyways... we will only have more trouble getting in"
"Ok," you said feeling without much option "I'll go in my car and you will go in yours"
"Sounds good," he said and walked away
In your apartment building, you let him in. he walked around and broke into the security room
"I'll get evicted after this," you said and he laughed
"No you won't" he replied "Cameras are working," he said after being inside for a few minutes "you should be fine"
"Thanks?" you said "can I ask why? What did I do?"
"Well you saved his life and you told the man who tried to take it that you saved his life... Did you also threaten him with security? how cute" He said
"That doesn't soud so bad" you spoke
"Yeah… but like I said you got in the middle of a big dog fight. Things are heated up right now. Anything can become a motive" he said, and said goodbye to you.
He left and you went up to your apartment, feeling very confused. Could it be the lack of sleep making you hallucinate? before you could take a shower you were sleeping.
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loupy-mongoose · 1 year
I sent this ask before, but because I've suspected it might've been eaten by Tumblr and we've had new information since then, I'm sending it again (but this time with an updated theory)! Also ooop this got long. I guess that you're getting the Phlurrii treatment, an essay no one asked for, citing my sources, and colored links lol
A while ago, before or right as the arc with Mo-becoming-Randy and more specifics about the events after Lav's birth happened, I was figuring out the ask that gave Randy his Lunar Wing, and the scenes from his nightmares. The first one looks like it was just after the burning ceiling fell on Randy and Mo had protected himself from other debris. Okay, straight forward scene. The second one looks like it might be Akoya just after Lav is born. Again, straight forward. The last one, since we haven't seen it happen in a comic, really caught my attention, as you seed things out little by little. Lav is obviously a few years old at this point, and that looks like Akoya. Everything else seems to be directly from Randy's POV, which is fair, since they are his memories, and his nightmares.
So why is Akoya so angry at Randy, and standing between him and Lav?
Well, at the finale of the lab arc, I suspect something happened that we aren't specifically told.
What wakes up Akoya? The house she, Randy, and Lav have been living in could be close to the facility, and maybe she heard the explosion, but I'm going to suspect that she sensed Randy's body die, or maybe the transfer from Randy's memories to Mo had some kind of significant psychic signature to wake her up (though I'm personally choosing to believe that she felt Randy's body die, since her first words when waking up are "...Randy?" and, to Lav, "Something's... something's not right... We need to find Mr. Randy..." At least, I'll believe it until we get information to confirm/deny that).
So why is she mad when she sees Randy in Sinnoh?
She saw Mo leave the facility. She recognized him as Mo, not Randy, and if there was some odd mixture of them in Mo's body, there was something more important than Mo's psychic signature (if you use those). She had to find Randy. That was her first and foremost thought. And, in her POV text follow up, she can't sense him at all. Her face before she shoves Lav into Mo's arms in the finale tells us she is thinking that he died. And Mo left her, and took her child with him (we know he didn't really have a choice with the facility coming down), while she is grieving, with no way to know where they went.
(I was going to suspect that Akoya actually found Randy's body until I read her POV at the facility and was reminded that she did not in fact find anything)
So! She thinks Randy is dead, and could have been bitter toward Mo for the better part of the four years it took for her to find them again. But! For those same four years, Randy didn't know that he was a Mew transformed into his human self. I think that might make his reunion with Akoya when he finds out about that, and Akoya's yelling at him might have to do with Mo impersonating Randy. Randy's soul or not, I'd think that a Mew would have a very different signature than a human would.
I hope that made sense!
Oh gosh I got theory blasted! X3
First off, I want to say it's probably best to not assume Tumblr ate asks with me. I do have a strong tendency to either not answer, or start a draft preparing to answer and then get it buried in other drafts. I'm, uh... not the best at answering... ^^; (Although I don't believe I got anything of this magnitude from you.)
I remember you or someone else (probably you) asking about the dreams. I think I answered it, but I can't remember for sure.
It is correct that the first dream comes directly from the memory of the lab fire.
But the other two dreams come from fears that Randy had at the time of receiving the Lunar Wing, and aren't based on events that actually happened.
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This, the second dream, is because Akoya was pregnant at the time. Randy feared the possibility of losing her, the child, or both.
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And this, the third dream, is from a fear that Akoya and/or Lav would decide that he's not truly Randy and hate him for it. (His own perception of his identity isn't the only one he thinks about.)
As for what woke Akoya... You are correct. She sensed him die. But she was in denial about it until the POV you mentioned.
I won't confirm or deny anything regarding Sinnoh, but I like your thinking. :3
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candycryptids · 1 month
Quick! Your OCs are being dragged to the dancefloor by a friend - how do they react? Does the amount of people around influence that reaction? Or the kind of music played maybe?
GHFNFJDJFHB!? What a fun question omfg
Chuu has a vice grip on the sofa she’s sitting on if there’s more than 5 people at a party lmao. She’s not gettin up. N o p e. (Can sometimes be lured out onto the dance floor with a Waltzing number, but will rarely stay for longer than 2 songs before she’s found a way to slither out of being an active party participant. She’d rather chill and eat snacks and watch OTHER people look silly on the dance floor.)
Tuesday is ecstatic to be invited to the dance floor- but he only really knows how to do the stuffy Ishgardian Ball Dance when he first gets invited out to a party lmfao. The amount of people present doesn’t really impact his willingness to come out to the dance floor, but once he learns more ways to dance or even how to just, ‘feel it’ and make it up as he goes he gets much more excited about dancing to upbeat or quicker songs. He is Very good at not stepping on Toes :) (almost as if somebody didn’t want to deal with smushed toes…. 🤔)
Tangy is so zazzed to dance. She is…. Not the best at ballroom dancing or like, whatever you wanna call a couples dance, so. Watch your toes! It doesn’t matter how many people are there but being the center of attention can be kinda daunting :’> she’d rather dance to more upbeat music than slow dances so she’ll probs bow out for drinks and a snack during those to take a breather sjfjdkfs … pls also imagine her doing classic ‘dad’ dance moves or something from the Peanuts x3 [cut cos it’s Long 🫢]
….. 🤔 Ishi will gladly dance with a friend (or friends!) at smaller gatherings- and even invite others out to the floor x3 but at bigger more official events? She’s probably grateful for the excuse to step away from whatever Politically Charged Chat she’s been roped into regarding allied tribes or intercity relations. (She isn’t trained in dance, but will readily learn and follow somebody else’s lead •v•)
Mochiie is someone who’s reluctant to take an invite to the dance floor no matter how many people are present if there’s already people dancing and there’s not much space. He’s uh… conscious of his tail. (Poor guy sent a lalafellin couple sprawling once when he got tangled up in his feet, so he tries to be Overly Cautious now)
😂 Colette will indulge a friend in a dance, and relies more on being able to lift/twirl/dip her dance partner for flair - it’s an All-Eyes-On-Them situation. If Eorzean weapons didn’t have a habit of cracking under the pressure she’d probably be a tank. She prefers music with dramatic flair, to match her flashy dancing style. She laughs a lot more when it’s a Smaller group, there’s less performance pressures 🤧 (I should REALLY pose her dancing with Setsuna at some point… I’ll have to bug my partner for some files x3)
🤔🤔🤔 Levraut was the hardest for me to figure out. He’s classically trained in Ishgardian Dance? But he hates it. He thinks the whole thing looks silly, and he’s not so into huge parties (since they’re usually hosted by The Rich And Influential And Expect A Certain Class Of People yk) … he’d be a hilarious ‘sexy lamp’ for someone to dance with though… I think it would take him some time to feel comfortable dancing in the center of everything but he wouldn’t mind kinda grooving in place around the edges.
Until he’s 5 cups in. And then you have to haul him off the dance floor before he makes more of a fool of himself than he currently is, and tries to start a fight with the Violinist, because it quote ‘sounds like you’re killing the cat what made the strings all over again’ (regardless of if that’s true or not; a drunken Lev craves Rowdy Brawling and will Incite It)
… 🤨 I think that’s everyone if only because I don’t have a solid idea what the Trio would be like in a Party situation
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the-nysh · 1 year
Yes hello, I would deary love to hear your thoughts on Vash grappling E. G. the Mine, please? 👀 I loved your thoughts on his shooting skills and other grappling skills.
Also, any thoughts on Wolfwood? That big cross is so ridiculously big and heavy, but the way he just swings it around is impressive. (Also hnnng, that scene where he uses the laser beam to cut the Grand Worm in half was so cool.)
Omg, mkay lemme try to hunt for a gif of that choke hold real quick...
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Because what gets my attention is the way Vash repositions and flexes his arm even tighter, from securely holding him there in a warning, to oh O.O;;; that looks real and he means business. 👀
Because there are 2 basic ways to choke someone out--in a fight!! Or err, a grappling/wrestling situation. The obvious way most people think of is the air tract--the trachea, which is a little awkward and takes longer, so the much faster and efficient (but less obvious) way is a blood choke--where you restrict the neck's artery circulation to the brain, and the person can easily/cleanly lose coordination and black out within moments, regardless of how well they can still breathe.
To do that, you get someone's head in the crook of your arm like Vash here, and flex your bicep and forearm tight around the inner sides of their neck--pressing in where both their pulse points would be (not the air!) at the same time and...yeah. Struggling around makes it harder to get into position (compared to practicing on a consenting still partner, which you can safely try! just remember to either tap out the moment you start feeling light-headed with a headache and/or see black spots in your vision, or better yet, sit while holding both hands raised up and the choker partner should release you the moment your hands start to drop), but once you get it, it happens pretty quick, and beefier guys can easily achieve this type of choke by simply flexing their muscles around a neck--heck they can probably crush the trachea too while they're at it for both chokes at once!
In Vash's case though, he doesn't want to render the guy unconscious just yet cause he still needs information from him, but I'm just saying...from this choke hold position he's in, he can easily do all that (and more) by flexing his real arm strength if he wanted to! 👀👀
Now for Wolfwood, ahaha gosh--in contrast to Vash, his ginormous Punisher Cross is so ridiculous (I think it's like 200-300lbs of mercy or something, also the skull design for the grip area is pretty rad, once I recognized what the shape was in the manga I was like oh neat!) that it's basically full on fantasy territory over much realism. :'D In before Vash shows us his over the top fantasy 'guns' too. No like actual person could lug that thing around, let alone effortlessly spin it around with the flair he does. That it's also really funny when he just -bonk- swings it like a heavy battering ram too. He also doesn't really need to dodge or utilize many defensive techs/maneuvers (that I've seen from him yet), beyond using the whole weapon as a body shield sometimes, since he can heal himself.
What his character and fighting style actually remind me of is the Desperado movie (with Antonio Banderas) in fact, one of the manga chapters was named after that too. Where the gunslinging mc comes waltzing out with his buddies who all carry around large guitar cases...that are actually hidden machine guns and fucking rocket launchers. x'D It's as hilarious as it is awesome to see them all just go ham in a wild west shootout with literal guitar-guns. So when Stampede Wolfwood brings out his updated cross-gun to flex a fucking laser beam canon out of it, now that's just lmaoooooooo, going stupid crazy on the 'rule of cool' factor, ohoho. x3
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