#because they're close and they talk about those things
willowser · 3 days
i keep thinking about touya going to the same spot he and his ex do drop off, every two weeks. it's outside some little bakery that he thinks is too expensive—and he has a sneaking suspicion that's why his baby mama chose the place—but he always buys his little bug something regardless. a pink pastry with lots of sprinkles and frosting, in the shape of a unicorn or something or other.
and you always come with him. have been for a few years now and you make friendly small talk with his ex and when his daughter jumps into your arms, you swing her around and you both giggle to each other, foreheads pressed together, eyelashes blinking close enough to make his heart swell.
and the first time you're not there, his daughter doesn't wait a minute after jumping out of her mom's car to frown up at him and ask, "where's bub?"
and truthfully, touya's been dreading this moment since he'd pissed you off enough to have you storming out of his apartment, a few days ago. still doesn't know what to tell her, how to explain that he's never loved someone the way he loves you and yet he's sabotaging everything anyway.
"bub is at bub's house."
her light little eyebrows pull down ever further, until a crease forms between them, and then she even takes another look behind him in case he's joking. "why?"
touya grinds his gum between his teeth and tells himself it's better than a cigarette. "she just is."
his ex doesn't say anything, thank god, but he can feel the once over she gives him. he looks like shit and he knows it, because he's aggravated and disappointed in himself, and all the things he'd normally use to deal with those feelings would break his sobriety. so he's only got some spearmint gum.
his daughter doesn't say anything else until they're in their seats on the train, her by the window, drawing shapes in the fog her breath makes. they go through a tunnel and the light from the day disappears and she loses interest, turning to stare up at touya as he closes his eyes and leans his head back as far as it can go.
"are you and bub mad at each other?"
touya opens his eyes, but stares only at the ceiling of the train. all he can see is the hurt on your face when he'd yelled at you, the anger that he drew out, like a poison. "it's—" one thing he tries not to do to his kid, however, is lie. "somethin' like that."
she shuffles around in her seat until she's facing him fully, leaning her head against the back of it as she blinks her big, blue eyes up at him. "did she be mean to you?"
"did you be mean to her?"
it seems so complicated, when touya thinks about it. why he'd started a fight with you, where his insecurity comes from, why he wants you so bad but is too afraid to admit it out loud—but then his kid makes it seem so easy. so silly.
touya shuffles until he's facing her, too, and even scoots down in his chair so they're eye-level, almost like whispering school girls at a slumber party. "yeah," he admits. "i was kinda mean to her."
"but why?"
touya frowns and still doesn't know what to say. the city skyline opens up behind her, out in the distance, and he watches the setting sun over the buildings until it starts to make him sick. "you remember when you had that scooter, and you fell and scraped your knee?" she nods. "and then you didn't want to ride it anymore because you were afraid you'd do it again? it's...like that."
not a single look of understanding comes across her face.
touya sighs and scoots back upright, bending to dig his phone from his pocket. "you wanna talk to her?"
he pulls up your contact in his phone—just your name and all the hearts removed, because he's petty like that—but instead of staring at it like he has been for days—he finally calls. it wouldn't surprise him if you didn't answer, but he gnaws his lip as it rings, and it seems like he and his little girl both hold their breath.
when he hands off the phone to his daughter, she happily snatches it up, turning on her knees to look out the window as she grins. "hi bub!"
and touya still doesn't know what to say or how he'll fix it, but he finds some comfort—some of the words—when he hears the tone in your voice change, all sing-song and adoring. "hi, my angel!"
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A ramble on imposter syndrome and the accessibility of witchcraft
So, I’ve been thinking. I think a lot in case you haven’t noticed. Specifically, I’ve been thinking about the major imposter syndrome I’ve been feeling lately in regards to this blog. TL;DR is at the bottom of this post.
People have been, occasionally, sending me asks requesting my opinion on things/how I do things/what I know about XYZ topic. If you are one of these people, I promise I’m not vagueposting about you in particular- in fact, I love these questions! They’re so fun to get and they actually make me sit and think sometimes, or even encourage me to write out something that I’ve been meaning to for my book of shadows. Genuinely, they're wonderful asks to receive. These questions have made me confront something, however; my blog is still small, but some people actually like what I write and value my opinion even if just a little. 
I feel like a mimic hiding in the witchcraft community. I feel like, were people to truly understand my experiences, they would want to “expose” me for knowing so little.
So I sat down with those feelings and turned it over in my head and I’ve come to a conclusion. The fact is, I don’t do research. At least- not what I think of when people talk about research. My "research" consists of the occasional rabbit hole I go down, one and two halves of different books I never finished under my belt, what I see scrolling through various social medias, and conversations I've had with other witches. I check to make sure I'm not stepping on the toes of any closed practices- in fact, that's what most of my energy goes to when it comes to research. This isn't a complaint; I'd much rather know that my craft isn't appropriative.
But I don’t know much about mythology, even that of the deities I work with. I don't even remember the holidays and what they're for. I thought Nyx was an Egyptian deity until like four months ago because I'd just heard her name in passing as a child and had never looked into the mythology... Even though I mainly work with the pantheon she belongs to. Y’all, I’ve done like three spells that I remember. My book of shadows is a messy disaster and I love it but it's got so little information in it, because I rarely write things down. Most resources (especially mythology resources) are academically worded or difficult to read for me personally, and all of these things feel like secrets I have to guard with my life because if I were to ever say them aloud, people would know I'm a fraud.
Today I've come to the conclusion that that is, in fact, absolute bullshit.
Maybe it's not, maybe this post will make some people really upset, but in my practice it's bullshit. All of the above is a result of my ADHD and the fact that I am nothing if not a hands-on learner. My craft is mostly my own experiences because that's how my whole life is; I learn by doing. My ideal learning style is sitting with another autistic person whose special interest is whatever I'm learning about and just talking for five hours, but if that's not something I can do, puzzling it out myself is the next best thing. That's what I've been doing ever since I felt had a basic foundation for my craft. Hell, even before I had a foundation I was putting my own experiences into my craft because "Well that rule just doesn't fucking vibe with me."
This post is mostly for me, but partially for anyone who feels similar. We are not broken or doing witchcraft/paganism wrong. We are simply what happens when the kid who could never do homework ends up practicing the "religion/spirituality that comes with homework." Witchcraft and paganism, in my experience, is far from accessible when it comes to the typical image of it. UPG is what makes it accessible. So yes, my practice is heavily UPG, and I don't do as much research as I think people have assumed. But I'm going to let go of the idea that I'm a fraud, because frankly I know enough about witchcraft to have supported my practice this whole time and my deities haven't smited me yet so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Fuck the rules, I don't do much research. I've researched the "basics" and what I need to so I'm not stepping on any toes of closed practices, but people seem to think I know way more than I actually do. I've felt like I was lying this whole time but frankly witchcraft just isn't accessible to someone with my flavor of auDHD, so my craft relies heavily on UPG and I've decided that I'm not broken or wrong for that and neither is anyone else. I'm tired of seeing myself as an imposter just because I make my practice doable for me.
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misty--nights · 3 days
This is not at all coherent, I don't think. I have a cold and woke up from a nap with a weird idea so I'm putting it out into the world in case anyone else finds it as entertaining as I did.
Do you know what I think would be a hilarious Dead Boy Detectives ship? Jenny/The Night Nurse. Now hear me out.
Imagine Jenny who goes to England with the ghosts and Crystal because her whole life has been turned upside down and she needs a new start. Imagine her trying to adapt to a new, completely different place, after spending her whole life in Port Townsend. Imagine her trying to cope with the fact that the supernatural exists and things are not how she believed for all of her life.
Imagine also the Night Nurse who has just been basically relocated from her job and forced to oversee these kids that have made her existence so incredibly hard lately. Imagine her having to live on Earth full-time for an indefinite period of time just because those pesky kids managed to charm her superior. Imagine her being incredibly frustrated about all of this, and not really having a way of venting about it because all of her power is meaningless in the face of her superiors.
Now imagine them meeting at the Agency office. Just a casual meeting once, when Jenny comes over to pick something up while Crystal and the boys are off on some case. Jenny remembers some of her first meeting with the Night Nurse. Not the specifics, of course, because the Night Nurse took that, but she does remember the fear and the weirdness afterwards. And to the Night Nurse Jenny is just some random human of no interest. So that first meeting again is kind of awkward.
But then, they keep crossing paths. They've both become this sort of reluctant parental figures to the Agency kids. Like the Night Nurse is obviously ordered to be Charles and Edwin's keeper, and Jenny has sort of taken it upon herself to look after Crystal (whose parents suck) and Niko (once she gets back to them, because I don't believe in a world where she doesn't make it back to her friends from whatever weird limbo state she is in.) And then because the four teens are now a package deal, Jenny and the Night Nurse start spending more and more time together.
Eventually, they get to talking. Still a little awkwardly at first, but they start finding common ground (complaining about the teens) and spending more time together with the only other adult figure in the group. Yes, Charles and Edwin have both been around for longer than Jenny has been alive, but they still at like teens most of the time. And yes, since Jenny's human the Night Nurse doubts their experiences can truly relate and they're not actually anywhere close in age, but it's not like she has many other options. So they talk sometimes. And slowly those talks become more and more frequent.
They start meeting like once a week. Jenny has opened a new shop down the street from the Agency and they meet there when the kids are off on a case. Maybe they share a bottle of wine or something and trade stories. Mostly complains about the teens, of course, but then also more personal things. Jenny's brain isn't quite able to grasp everything about the Night Nurse's lore, so she just drinks and listens.
The Night Nurse wouldn't admit it to anyone, but she enjoys having someone who will listen to her complains and not act like she's being unreasonable. Why wouldn't she be annoyed that this kids keep making messes for her to clean up and leaving her with mountains of paperwork to fill? (Some things never change, huh.) Jenny understands. She also finds the paperwork tedious. She also thinks the kids have an otherworldly ability to make stupid decisions and get on their nerves.
I think Jenny would be the first to catch feelings. Or at least she'd be the first to realize.
Once their meetings stop being a weekly thing and become almost daily, she starts noticing all these little things. Like how the Night Nurse is actually really soft for the kids, even if they annoy her. How she genuinely cares for her job in a way that goes beyond just being made for a job and preforming it for eternity. How she always does her best to keep the teens safe even when she knows they will try their best to get into as much trouble as possible. How she can be all dry humor and unexpected kindness underneath her business attitude. Eventually, she realizes that there's something about the Night Nurse that really calls to her, that draws her in despite her better judgement.
Jenny wouldn't do anything about those feelings, though. How do you go about romancing an eternal, trans-dymensional being? You don't. You sip your wine and listen to her as attentively as you can manage and you don't say anything.
The Night Nurse would take longer to realize she's falling for Jenny. It's not that she doesn't know how human relationships work or that she doesn't understand that she and Jenny are getting closer. It's just that she has many other, bigger, concerns.
It's not until much later, after a bad case, that she realizes. It's the kind of case that gets them all banged up and somehow, Jenny ends up involved in it too despite her insistence that she wants nothing to do with Agency business. I'm going cliche here, but I think her somehow getting cursed to be trapped inside her mind or something could work well. Because then the Night Nurse would have to go through her memories to get her back or something like that. And along the way, she would realize Jenny has a crush on her, of course, but also she'd realize she has a crush on Jenny too?
These past few months or however long it's been have been so much better knowing that Jenny understands at least some of her troubles. She can't begin to explain how much it means to her, knowing there's someone who will listen and commiserate and give the most human advice imaginable. It's a lot and she cannot ignore it now that she's realized it.
So, once things are back to normal and the kids have gone out to celebrate another case closed, the Night Nurse slips into Jenny's shop with a bottle of her favorite wine. Jenny still looks a little shaken, but she smiles and brings a couple of glasses to their usual corner and blushes prettily when their gazes meet for a second too long. Neither mentions it, but they're both aware of what has changed between them. And as the Night Nurse settles her hand on Jenny's she thinks of a man living inside of a sea monster and wonders if this is also an adventure worth talking about.
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Andreil headcanons?.cuz you've been posting about them
I have been! Thank you for asking Anon I'm flattered<3333
I've already made a post about Neil having a bunch of random marathon t-shirts and hoodies from just signing up for them cause he runs sm and Andrew stealing said marathon shirts but I really like that one so I'm going to put it again here
They do get married but they don't have a ceremony but they do all the legal things because ofc one of them gets injured and one tries to see the other at the hospital and they're like "Sorry family only" and they're like "time to sign paperwork I guess" and like a few weeks later Andrew shows up with two rings with their initials inscribed in each other's rings (because he's a SAP at heart) and his excuse is he's tired of getting flirted with and people asking Neil put so if they wear the rings it might put a stop to it. Neil only takes it off for games.
Andrew gets cavities frequently and will go to the dentist but he hates it and every time he has to go Neil drives, he always stays in the room, and if Andrew is having a bad day he'll call and reschedule his appointment because he's simply not going to subject him to a dentist on a day he's hesitant to even let Neil touch him let alone a doctor. Before every filling he puts milkshakes in the freezer without Andrew knowing so that when the numbness goes away later he can give one to him.
Neil has a super low alcohol tolerance and normally he doesn't drink, especially if Andrew does, that way he can drive, but he can be convinced by the other foxes if he's in a good enough mood. Andrew has observed Neil's five stages of drinking. 1. At first he's fine, he's just a little more talkative than usual. 2. As he gets tipsy he can be convinced to dance (typically Nicky's fault) 3. He's suddenly very friendly but overly paranoid. He wants to talk to Matt but he also won't stop glancing at the nearest exit every 5 seconds. 4. He gets competitive but it seems like he's just joking around so on the rare occasion Neil is drunk enough and around an equally drunk Kevin, Andrew is kind of in hell 5. Passed out. Low alcohol tolerance, Neil is out.
Neil actually wears a lot of Andrew's old stuff and they fit pretty well because even though he's shorter than him, three inches isn't that much of a difference for their clothing length, and Andrew has a broader shoulder build and is generally pretty muscular (person HC) so like, Andrew's stuff fits him. Neil wears his old jerseys, mostly, especially when they become long distance. Those two aren't face timing if Neil isn't wearing Andrew's clothes that he kept when Andrew left.
Controversial headcanon, Neil gets an honest to god tattoo that he wants. He gets a sleeve on his forearm that really nicely covers up the burns, anyone looking at first glance and not knowing they were there would mostly just see the design. When Neil tells Andrew he's thinking about doing this, Andrew comes very close to death by choking on coffee. They spend the next like, week sending each other tattoo designs and Andrew starts thinking about getting some over his scars, but decides not to since he wears his arm bands all the time anyways and he's not a big fan of the idea of a stranger putting a needle in his arm for several hours.
Andrew cuts Neil's hair. He trusts no one else.
Andrew is in fact a sucker for Neil so should Neil ever get injured or sick in the slightest Andrew does have a small tendency to hover. Neil's just trying to make some breakfast and Andrew is standing behind with cough medicine like "You should rest" and Neil swears he wasn't there three seconds ago.
Actually they didn't get the cats at the same time they got them individually (agreed to) and they picked them out together when they were visiting each other. However, when they moved in together they had to introduce Sir and King and it was a bit of a painful process and Andrew eventually just sprayed catnip all over the apartment while Neil was out and waited for those two to lose their shit and fall asleep together. This was a repeated process until they stopped fighting each other and started sleeping together and getting along. Andrew refuses to tell Neil how he did it and says that he just told them to do it
Thank you Anon!! Enjoy 🤗
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trashytoastboi · 1 day
Day of Loyalty - Barbatos
~NSFW Alphabet~
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A = Aftercare (What are they like after sex?) 
🫖 Dotes on you a little bit too much. Sometimes he prefers certain scenes that he knows can take a toll if the aftercare is inadequate but overbearing is a little much. You definitely can’t complain of a lack of aftercare because if you need anything just say the word and he’s on it. Barb is good at reading you and sometimes he’ll know what you want before you’ve even asked him. 
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partners.) 
🫖 Personally loves your neck and how sensitive it is to touch, kisses, it’s always got you letting out a little sigh and he loves that. He does enjoy every part of you, your sides when he’s holding you in place and watches how your body tries to follow in time with him. Always gets him looking down at you with a smirk but he loves it. 
🫖 On himself, he likes his hands. He likes how his hands look ON you. He’s made a point to never wear gloves (unless you want him to) because he wants to touch your skin and feel the warmth with his. You’ll admit that Barb has some really pretty hands, they look delicate in comparison to all the work he does on a daily basis. Barb usually makes you suck on his fingers because he likes the visual. 
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum, basically) 
🫖 This one was a pleasant little surprise, you’d playfully tease about Barb always wanting to finish inside because it’s less to clean up… You were very wrong. Barb likes making it messy, he’ll clean up afterwards anyway so he’s going to make a mess in the present. He likes cumming on you, your face, chest, thighs. Honestly the messier you get the better. He cums a lot too so it doesn’t take much to achieve the level of mess he wants. Don’t misunderstand, he does get a thrill of satisfaction when you’re trying to swallow the cum but the amount has it running down your chin and onto your chest. 
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs.)
🫖 Constantly has the filthiest fantasies about you with the sweetest and most unsuspecting smile. When he pours you tea, imagining how he instructs you to hold the cup straight and steady while his face is between your thighs. Teasing you to yet another orgasm. Or how he personally polishes the throne and imagines having you ride him. Near treasonous thoughts about sitting upon the throne and defiling you. Whenever he sees his perfectly made bed, it is regrettable. He'd rather have you staining the sheets and tousling the blankets. Better yet, his kept uniform that he'd rather have you rip and stain. A man of his position has to keep his image immaculate. But he can dream.
E = Experienced (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)
🫖 He is experienced, you don’t know how (Well the how is obvious) Barbatos never talks about any of his past relationships, if there were any or if they were casual. You don’t know and Barbatos always tells you to rather focus on the him of now, if anything he’s the one always teaching you things and he’s an expert at finding every sensitive spot on your body. 
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)
🫖 Face sitting - Honestly does it just to see how flustered you get every time he asks, then loves the steady descent into you losing your mind and actively gripping his hair while you’re losing yourself to the pleasure and riding his face.
🫖 Lifted Missionary - He’s not just showing off his balance and back muscles- he actually loves this because it just so happens to hit that spot you like without fail. Plus it still allows him to be close to you and see all your cute expressions. 
🫖 Lap dance - One of those positions where you can feel in control but Barb is still controlling everything himself, you pace, how you’re moving. The whole time you’re thinking that you’re in control and it’s cute to watch you try to seize control with all your little tricks. 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? Etc)
🫖 Serious, he’s not humorous and not cracking jokes right now. He might tease but he’s more intent on keeping you in the moment and doesn’t want to break that. He sets a certain mode, one that’s vulnerable and loving. Jokes don’t seem to suit the atmosphere. If you try to crack a joke Barb will just smile at you and try to keep your attention on him. 
H =  Hair (How well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? Etc) 
🫖 Clean shaven - Seriously he’s smooth and not just in his charm. You were expecting a trim or the like but surprise, completely bare. You’ve asked out of curiosity about the colour and he playfully tells you to guess and let him know what you think. He’s never told you if you’re right or not so you genuinely don’t know. Yet another mystery. 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect) 
🫖 He keeps it intimate, even when he’s acting otherwise. Even if he degrades you and acts really mean. He’ll make it up to you during aftercare. Kissing you and telling you that you did so well and how much he loves you. Yeah he can be a little mean (you like it though) but he’s sure to correct it so you know that he really does love you. He dishes out the praise and comfort afterwards. 
J = Jack Off (Masturbation Headcanon)
🫖 He doesn’t do it. Not until he met you- which seems a little ironic. If it were left to him he would just ignore it and go about his day until it’s gone and forgotten. It was because you got creative with wanting to do things over video call, and didn’t want to feel weird by being the only one doing it. Barbatos did find a new taste if you can call it that. He likes using your underwear, rubbing his cock and stroking it steadily until he’s covered your underwear in cum. You suggested it to him once and the rest is history. 
K = Kink (One or more of the kinks)
🫖  Orgasm control (Edging) - One of his favourite punishments to dish out. Sure there’s spanking, caning, degrading but he finds this to be the most effective with you. You only listen when you can’t get what you want. He’ll drill the point into you so good, you'd be so close and then denied. Over and over again until you’ve learned your lesson properly. 
🫖 Rigging/Ropework - He’s a master at rigging. You’d swear some of the intricate ways he’s bound you is literal art, the knots, the placement and just how it’s done. You like seeing his intense concentration when he’s busy, he always takes time to admire the end product. 
🫖 Food play - Didn’t expect this from him, but again, returning to the point of making a mess. He’ll choose the worst time to ask you to sample a new thing he baked, he’d be deep inside, asking you to taste test and get back to him on it. Sometimes you can’t stay steady and drop it on yourself. Well it’s okay, he’ll just feed you, maybe have a little bit himself. No one ever questions what all those stains are on Barbatos’ dirty sheets whenever it’s time for laundry day. 
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
🫖 His room - Mainly his room, it’s the most familiar spot and it’s truly just for the two of you. It’s a calming place for him and he can let himself go to fully enjoy things. There’s no real chance of anyone else coming to find him there and so all his attention can be on you. Plus all of his little toys and things are there so easy access to everything he could possibly need. 
🫖 Your room - You laugh because he’s sneaking in like a rebellious teen with his first love. He doesn’t come in through the front door and rather opts to sneak into your room and you just never expected that from him. 
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going?)
🫖 Lingering touches, secretive glances, sometimes you leave him a suggestive message. You don’t say what it is you want, but it’s obvious. When you're together it’s those urgent kisses that feel hungry that gets him fired up. He’s intentionally acting like he doesn’t understand and he’d wait until you ask him, sweetly telling him you want him. It just gets him going when you plead for him. 
N = No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
🫖 Extreme humiliation/degradation - Yes he degrades you but it’s never harsh to the point that it’s going to sit and make you feel bad about yourself. Barb very much keeps it light and in line with your scene. He’s never made you feel awful about yourself over the degradation either, he makes up for it during aftercare and has never let it dwell in your mind. He won’t hurt you beyond what you can handle, yes he spanks you, occasionally a bit of caning or flogging but it’s never seriously hurt. When he brought up things like impact play to begin with he discussed all your limitations and you found what is the most you can handle. Barbatos respects that and has never pressed your hard limits. 
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
🫖 He loves giving, however he likes making you do a task for him while he’s busy. Maybe he’s asking you to read him a new recipe, listening to your voice shake while he’s making you cum is the best. He’d politely ask you to repeat because he didn’t catch what you were trying to say. He’s all in too, tongue, fingers, sucking, slurping, spitting. Barbatos gives you oral like it’s the last time he’ll ever do it. 
🫖 As for receiving he quite enjoys it when you give him a sloppy, messy head. The neat stuff is cute for teasing but he wants you to get messy about it. It’s satisfying, it feels good and god he just loves the way you look while you’re doing it, and not to mention the sounds. 
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? Etc) 
🫖 It's very dependent on his mood, sometimes he wants to take you nice and slow. Other times he wants something rougher. He’s also willing to listen to whatever you want. (Granted you weren’t a brat about it) If you want him to go fast he’ll do so and if you ask him to slow down then he’ll do that too. He likes intimate and sensual contact, so even if he’s going hard he’ll still kiss you sweetly and lovingly. 
Q = Quickie (They opinions on quickies, how often etc)
🫖 The only time you’d ever see him being freakishly neat during sex is when the two of you have a quickie. I mean at the end of it, your legs may be shaking, you’re trying to catch your breath and you’ve got a dazed look on your face. But your hair, clothes and everything would probably be neater than before your quickie. No one would ever guess that you and Barb were going at it a few minutes prior. And yes, he loves quickies. Whenever he has a chance, if you’re acting a little too needy then he might convince you to have a quickie. 
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? Etc)
🫖 He’s definitely willing to find new things, and even more willing with you. He never decides on his own though and it takes deliberation for the things and mutual amount of research before you decide whether it’s worth your curiosity or not. Barbatos appreciates the open communication the two of you share for such things. If it’s something on the rougher side there’s more discussions for limitations.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
🫖 He can last long and go for a few rounds. Never really gets past one because you’re already tapping out, but he can on the rare occasion when you want more. You’re not sure what his maximum is since you’ve never been able to test it. He thinks it’s adorable whenever you try to test your stamina against his and tap out before he’s even broken a sweat but he admires your tenacity.  
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or on themselves?)
🫖 He’s got a whole personal treasure trove, everything with the goal of being used on you of course. He loves teasing you with toys or having you tease yourself. Never really used them on himself because he’s never been all that interested in using them on himself. You’ve changed that when you surprise him with something and tease him with a toy, it’s a new feeling and for once he’s the one being teased. He lets you, but best believe you’re probably going to be punished for your little stunt. 
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease?)
🫖 Big ol meanie when it comes to teasing. He draws it out so long and knows exactly how to keep you right on the edge. If you try to rush him he’ll ruin your orgasm to prove his point and make sure that you’re patient. Sometimes he just wants to take things painfully slow and he encourages you to enjoy the moment with him. Before politely rearranging your insides. 
V = Volume (How loud they are? What sounds they make? Etc)
🫖 Groans, whispers, talking. Barbatos doesn’t make much sound in the way of moaning and you’ve never heard him whining. (A crime really, you can only imagine how pretty his desperate voice would sound.) He has these almost quiet grunts, he always does it so close to your ear so you can just hear them. Barb has never had to quiet himself down and he’s very talkative at the moment. Loves talking dirty to you.
W = Wild Card (A random headcanon for the character?)
🫖 Loves using his tail on you - And he knows how much you love it too. He loves teasing you about it and calling you a little pervert because you like it when he uses his tail to pull you close or even choke you a little. You’ve tried to deny him and pretend that you don’t know what he’s talking about and of course he just had to go and prove you wrong (subsequently giving you exactly what you wanted) 
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes?)
🫖 Human form: Long, and slim. He’s not girthy but he reaches real deep, can’t even get all the way inside before you’re whining telling you can’t take anymore. Well that’s alright he knows you’re trying your best. You’re good and always try your best. He has an upward curve, honestly just perfect for grazing that spot. 
🫖 Demon form: Thankfully he doesn’t change in the ways of length, he gets girthy towards the base and a tad thicker overall, his tip gets more prominent and has a few veins that become more pronounced. 
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
🫖 Not very high. He can easily ignore sexual urges and it wouldn’t affect him all that much. You’re usually the one initiating because otherwise Barbatos honestly doesn’t have the urge himself all that often. It’s rare when Barbatos is the one initiating because he’s the one who’s in the mood first. Once you get him going then it’s a sealed deal. 
Z = Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards?)
🫖 Focuses a lot on aftercare and in the process of doing it finds it’s calming him down too. When you shuffle a little closer wanting the comfort of his arms and you nestle all close together it’s the best. It could have Barbatos falling asleep in a few minutes and staying asleep without concern for anything else. 
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Taglist: @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf @roninfromtheops
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mishwanders · 1 day
LU Time | Fluffy Romantic Alphabet Headcanons
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Warnings: n/a, safe for everyone.
Authors Notes: no brain fog today which means writing is getting done! Written by Mishwanders, pls do not repost. Reblogs, nice comments, and likes are appreciated!
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
His forms of affection have changed over the years. Before he would have assumed that affection had to be given out in grandiose gestures, like the kind they always describe in a knight's tale, which even he did feel 100% certain on. It took him a few years to finally find his niche, but once he got there, he showed affection as often as he could when he found a moment with you.
I’m talking about those simple back hugs, where he can wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you into his chest. Light kisses on your cheek or dancing in the kitchen as he hums a simple tune to a song that he made, just for you.
B = Babe (What would they use as pet names? Do they use them a lot?)
Sweetheart, my love, honey - the basic sweet ones.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?
Yes, he does, but he only feels comfortable to do so when you both are alone and he knows no one will interrupt you two. He’s the type to do front-facing cuddles, where either your head is on his chest and tucked under his chin or his face in your chest with a grip around your waist.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He craves to have a family so badly, it’s PAINFUL! Marry that man and make him a house husband/hj. He’ll keep the place clean, take care of things while you work, but do not ask him to cook. Something will get set on fire or broken if he tries that one.
E = Emotion (How are they with showing emotion in public versus private?)
Emotions can be difficult for him. He tries to hide the difficult ones for the most part, especially when leading the Chain, but has a tendency to fail because he is such an open and honest person. He does have a soft spot with you though and tends to open up more when you’re in private together. Those are the moments he definitely needs a shoulder to lean on, so to speak, so give him a listening ear, it’ll help out a lot.
F = Flirt (How do they flirt? Are they smooth or awkward?)
Mischievous flirt is what he is (that goes for all of them if we’re being honest). He will say and do anything to catch you off guard because he likes to see you blush. He can be a sweet flirt too though, when he wants to be and he’s very smooth with it, practically sweeping you off your feet with his charm.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He can be very gentle, but firm. He doesn’t want you to take his words or physical advances too lightly. He wants you to know how much he cares with every fiber of his being.
However, if you do like it a little bit rough, he’s not one to completely shy away from it. He may hesitate at first, but once he sees that excited look in your eyes, he’s done for and going all in.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He loves them and he wishes he could give you more of them, but even he knows the armor he’s can be a bit of an issue at times, so he tends to settle with holding your hand or keeping a protective arm around you.
For what types of hugs though - all kinds, because he just likes to keep you in his arms, but his favorites are where he can rest his head on you shoulder and hold you longer. Those are the ones where he can shut his eyes and just enjoy the moment of holding you close.
| = I love you (How fast do they say the L- word?)
Fairly quickly. He wants you to know how he feels about you and won’t beat around the bush about it. Besides, the quicker he rips off that bandaid, the sooner he knows your feelings towards him too and you both can move on from dancing around the subject.
J= Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
Surprisingly tame, honestly. If he trust you completely, he doesn’t see the reason for jealousy.
But if you start to show signs of infidelity, he’s quick to break things off, knowing it’s better to do so than to continue to be hurt further.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Oh he’s got a good handful he likes. He enjoys those secret ones he gets to sneak in, like a kiss on your cheek when he gives you a back hug or one on your forehead for front facing, the soft ones he gets to give on top of your head when you’re leaning against him. It’s so simple, but very effective.
For where he likes to be kissed - he enjoys it when you’re holding him and kiss the soft space on his neck or his shoulder. He becomes absolute jelly in your arms when you gently kiss the shell of his ear.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He’s good with children, having been raised around the kokiri and taking care of animals later in his life. He’s still got a lot to learn though with infants and teenagers, but don’t worry, he’ll learn quickly.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Slowly, seeing the sunrise whether through the window or on the porch with a cup of something hot in a mug when he’s home.
Out on the road it’s similar, getting up earlier than the others because he needs a moment of peace and quiet to gather his thoughts, but he doesn’t mind spending it with you if you’re up.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
When he’s home He likes to wind the night down by having you in his arms, in bed, talking about whatever crosses your minds.
On the road it’s different, considering your both surrounded with the others, but if you’re seated close to him he’s definitely going to keep and arm lazily around you, with his thumb softly stroking your hip/back/shoulder.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He’s quite open to questions in general that he can answer, even more so to a romantic partner. All you have to do is ask and he’ll answer.
P = Propose (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He is very committed from the get go and he will tell/express it to you when the moment feels right. He won’t push too hard though if you have a fear of commitment. He can be patient and help you work through it with tender care.
On the marriage side of things, he wouldn’t mind getting married, but it’s also not the end of the world to him if you don’t. What matters more to him is the relationship between you two, not ticking an imaginary box on a list of “things to do”.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He tends to remember most things you tell him about yourself and your interest, especially if it’s said in passing. He just has a harder time remembering dates, considering how much the passage of time is just a concept to him. He may need a little help there in that department, so make sure you mark the kitchen calendar for important things.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The first exchange of “I love you” was a big one for him and still causes his heart to flutter when he thinks about that adoring look he saw in your eyes, the way you said it in return with such adoring sincerity.
His other favorite moments he likes to remember though are the small ones. Like, I mean the kind where he’s washing dishes and sees the triforce on his hand and remembers the times when you’ve placed a gentle kiss on the triforce of courage, sending his heart a flutter on the spot. It’s those types that get him the most and make him want to go searching for you so he holds you and pepper you in kisses.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He can be very protective before even being provoked by anyone. It’s why on the road he prefers to keep you at his side or close to the middle of the group, just in case there’s an ambush so he can throw himself between you and whose every coming for you or you’d be surrounded by the rest of the group, who also want to make sure you’re safe.
If you do know how to wield a weapon, he’s less guarded, knowing that you can take care of yourself, helping ease his mind a bit. However if you do find yourself getting hurt, he becomes very protective again as your injuries heal.
How he likes to be protected - he’s definitely thankful on the physical aspect if you intercept an arrow or a sword that would have taken him by surprise, but the way he needs to be protected is more on the emotional side of things. He tries his best not to lose his temper, but sometimes he finds it difficult to elaborate on what he’s trying to get across without a display and he’s afraid he’ll mess things up. Let him know you understand and it’ll help ease his temper and help him open up more because he feels safe to confide in you.
T = Try (How much effort would they put
He was definitely the type to try too hard to please in his younger years, but finally found the right groove for him. Now he tends to surprise you with spontaneous dates at home or a picnic in the woods or at the lake. He’ll surprise you with occasional gifts, leaving a flower at your bedside table or with something he’s picked up in castle town thst he knows you’ll like. He more often tries by pitching in to help you
U = Unique (What makes them unique as a partner?)
Well the most obvious one is his experience with time travel and being raised by a tree and the kokiri. That definitely gave him a completely different outlook on the world than most others would get. He sees it for the many layers that it has and tries to respond accordingly to it.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He’s not the most concerned about it, outside of making sure he looks clean (no blood or dirt on the armor) and his hair is parted in the right direction. He will however indulge you if you wish to braid his hair.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He knows the feeling all too well of being alone and feeling incomplete after making friends and losing them, becoming a lost memory to them. When he has you he feels like that empty space in his chest has filled in, having someone that he can confide in and who won’t leave his side.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Fierce Deity can speak to him in his mind and see clearly through Time's scared eye. The deity tends to stay silent, which Time finds it for the better. Time prefers to keep that eye closed for his own sake of privacy unless you address both of them.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
Cowardice for one, but that goes for all of them. The thing he wouldn’t like though is someone who isn’t willing to see the world in a different lense and someone who doesn’t take his story seriously. He can typically shrug it off if it’s from a random stranger, but if it’s a romantic partner, it’ll cut deeper than you expect.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
I’ve played OOT and that man still sleeps on his belly even as an adult. It’s the one habit that hasn’t gone away. He’s also definitely the type to need to keep his touch on you while falling asleep, whether that means he’s got his hand on you or is touching your leg with his foot. It eases him, just knowing that you’re there.
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r4d1c4lw31rd0 · 2 days
𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 (≧▽≦) [𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐎𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬!𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞]
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Experimenting with this banner thingy- Anyways this is something I decided to finish up 💪🏼💪🏼 I totally did not get this idea while listening to sad romance songs 💀 Won't be writing for a little while because I'm going through some things right now but I hope this is good enough for my fellow Venture enjoyers!
Summary: Reader has been pining for our oblivious little archaeologist for months now, and close to when they're supposed to leave they finally decide to be upfront and confess with a song!
Warnings: Nothing! It's Fluff with just a tad bit of angst! Also no use of Y/N
You watched on in silence, not really enjoying this party. You were supposed to be performing tonight, a celebration for the Wayfinders and their success in discovering a new artifact today. You'd been briefed about it, but you hadn't been paying much attention. Your thoughts had drifted to that stupid archaeologist you'd been pining for for months now. Sloane Cameron, though commonly referred to as Venture, had captured your heart quicker than you had wanted.
Sweet, funny, energetic, passionate . . . what more could you want from a person? You didn't realize it at first, dismissing it as admiration, but when the two of you kept seeing each other, it was far to late. They'd wormed their way into your brain, and they weren't going away anytime soon. You had been invited to the dig site by a relative of yours who worked at the Petra site, and it was Sloane themself who made you feel the most welcomed.
The time you two had spent together had been . . . wonderful. They talked, quite a bit, but you didn't mind, considering yourself someone who preferred to listen instead. They didn't quite realize how sexy they looked talking so in depth about their profession and findings. It warmed your heart, and you had been caught staring quite a few times.
They showed you their favorite spots to frequent when they needed alone time, taught you about different artifacts and the history of Petra, and on more than one occasion you had fallen asleep in their tent listening to them ramble and woken up covered by their coat while they were sleeping awkwardly in their chair. For a moment, you were convinced they liked you, but you were well aware that they did nice things for everyone. It was difficult to tell if you were special or if they just treated everyone this way.
Too shy to completely come clean about your blossoming feelings, you began to drop hints. You went out of your way to hang out with them whenever they were free, always offered to take important documents to them, hell you were even extra touchy and flirtatious with them. To your disappointment, it all went over their head. Every. Single. Time.
"Thanks! You're such a great friend" was the most common response you got whenever you brought them things. Your compliments were slightly more successful, but the ones they gave were all so plainly platonic it hurt. Any innuendos you gave were taken so seriously that you had made an indent in the wall of your own tent from banging your head against it so frequently.
Your pining was so obvious to everyone else but them. Most people felt pity, and even tried to help you out. Sloane's response?
"What? No no no! They're just being friendly! Trust me, I'd be able to tell if they liked me like that!"
You thought about shaking them violently and yelling how you felt to them but even then they had a skull so thick you were pretty sure they'd find some kind of excuse not to believe you. No matter what you tried, they just didn't get it.
To cope, you turned to writing your feelings down in the form of song lyrics. Pages upon pages filled with your feelings. You practically spilled your guts on those pages, and yet nothing ever truly felt like it'd get the point across. Not until tonight. You had the perfect song to sing for them, but you weren't sure it'd smooth over well. You were due to leave the site tomorrow, and with some urging from your friend you decided tonight was the night. You'd be leaving tomorrow anyway, so if they did reject you you wouldn't have to face the embarrassment for long.
You were watching them from across room, observing them from afar. They never looked so dashing before, hair slightly more cared for compered to how messy it usually was. They wore a very clean white button up, sleeves rolled up just to their elbows. Various tattoos littered both arms, and the muscle they hid beneath all those layers was on full display. The black slacks they wore hugged their figure comfortably, suspenders with funky little designs on them attached and giving them that familiar nerdy vibe they naturally gave off. To top it all off, they had a bright yellow bow-tie on, adding to their charm.
Currently, you were watching them speak with another co-worker of theirs. She was so pretty, and certainly looked much better than you did. You thought so at least. Your arm tightened around your waist as a flush came across your cheeks. Your brows furrowed as you looked away from the two giggling lilies, downing the rest of the alcohol in your cup. This was stupid. You couldn't do this. God, what if they looked embarrassed? What if they looked at you with disgust? Hell what if they flat out rejected you in front of everyone here!? This was such a stupid plan, you didn't completely think things out.
"You're up next." You snapped out of your thoughts, looking over to your friend. He smiled at you, nudging you with his elbow. "Loosen up, you look constipated with all that frowning your doing."
You smacked his arm as the two of you chuckled, and he leaned against the wall beside you.
"Seriously though, what's got you wound up so tight?" He looked down at you, sympathy written all over him. He probably already knew, but you still wanted to confide in him anyway.
"I'm just super fucking nervous." You sighed, throwing the cup into the trashcan next to you. "What if they don't get it? Or they reject me? I don't want to embarrass them in front of all their coworkers, they'd hate me for the rest of forever and I don't think I can live with myself if that happens."
A hand rested itself on your shoulder, followed by a couple of pats. "You're overthinking for one, but you make some valid points. Whatever happens, happens. It won't be the end of the world, I can promise you that much."
"Certainly feels like it."
That got a good laugh out of him as he shook his head at your dramatics. "Whatever. It's too late to back out now. We're finna go on and you better be ready. If they don't get it now, they probably never will in all honesty."
As he walked to the back of the stage, you began to follow, casting one more glance at your crush. They were still chatting it up with their co-worker, but they were looking at you. You flushed immediately. Did they know?
Raising a cup to you, Sloane mouthed the words 'Good Luck!' and you felt the familiar sting of disappointment, Of course. They were just being a good friend. You gave them a thumbs up in response, shuffling backstage with the rest of your band mates. Taking a deep breath, you prepared yourself mentally for just about any outcome.
You heard the announcer begin your introduction as you stepped up onto the stage, curtains still drawn shut. Your heart pounded in your chest, and you could physically feel the anxiety coursing through your veins. No going back now. It was now or never.
There was applause as the curtains began to draw back, stage light on you as you held onto the mic, looking out at the crowd. You'd performed in front of people before, but it felt so much more intense now than ever.
"GOOOOOOOOOOD EVENING LADIES, GENTS, AND PARTY PEOPLE OF ALL GENDERS!" Your voice boomed over the speakers as you announced yourself, taking the mic from the stand. There was more applause and whistles as you raised your hand to calm the crowd.
"Thank you all for allowing me to be your entertainment for tonight, it is an honor to be celebrating this accomplishment with you all. The song you're about to hear will get your body movin' and groovin', but is also directed at a special someone who has yet to catch on the vibes I'm shootin', so here's to hoping it finally penetrates their thick skull."
There was a unanimous amount of "ooos" and "aaahs", and as you gave the crowd one last glance, you could see Venture's sweet confused face.
You took a deep before you signaled for your band to start. As the guitarist started up, you faced the crowd, ready to face anything.
"Don't you notice how, I get quiet when there's no one else around?~ Me and you in awkward silence!"
Your voice rang out clear over the crowd, making direct eye contact with Sloane as you pointed at them.
"Don't you dare, look at me that way!~ I don't need reminders of how you don't feel the same!" You did your own little spin as you placed your hand on your chest, keeping your gaze locked on them.
"Oh the burning, pain~ Listening to you harp on 'bout some new soulmate. 'She's so perfect' blah blah BLAH! Oh how I wish, you'd wake up one day! Run to me, confess your love at least just let me say-"
Your face flushed at the way their eyes widened as you stepped towards the edge of the stage with each word sung, watching as they were pushed as close to the front as they could be. There was no doubt this was for them.
"That when I talk to you, oh cupid walks right through and shoots an arrow through my heart~ And I sound like a loon but don't you feel it too!? Confess, I loved you from the start~"
You couldn't tell what they were feeling, only that their cheeks were just as flushed as yours and their mouth was agape. You stepped back, continuing through with the rest of the song, occasionally making eye contact with Venture who had yet to run off with embarrassment. As you reached the end of the song, you walked towards the edge of the stage, crouching down slightly, pouring the rest of your heart out as you looked at them.
Most of the people were dancing, but Sloane continued to stare up at you, watching as you poured your heart out to them, conveying everything you've been trying to for the past months the best way you knew how.
"Confess I've loved you, just thinking of you~" you paused, letting your band mates play their short solo before finishing off the lyrics. "You know I've loved you from the start~"
You let out a shaky breath as people applauded, bowing as the curtains began to close. You immediately ran over to your friend, panicking and whispering to them.
"Did you see them!? They totally hated it oh my god this was such a bad idea. I can't face them after this!" You buried your face into your hands, trembling with anxiety as he gently rubbed your back.
"Hey now, at least give them a chance to respond yeah?" He chuckled, though continued to comfort you and hype you up.
Your stomach fluttered with anxiety as you walked off the stage, and low and behold there they were, looking around like a lost puppy, thinking they might've missed you. When they caught sight of you, you both seemed to freeze, and you weren't sure you could talk to them alone.
"We'll let the two of ya talk, yeah?" Your friend patted your back encouragingly as he and the rest of the band walked off, giving you a thumbs up.
You approached Sloane, who had yet to say anything. Both of you were flush on the face, neither one saying a word.
"So . . . Did you mean that stuff? On stage I mean . . ." Their voice was quiet, breaking the painful silence.
"Yes-" You paused, feeling like you replied a bit too fast, a bit too enthusiastically. "I mean- Yes, I did. I meant every word of it." You looked down at your feet fiddling with you hands. "I've felt that way for a while now actually . . ."
They chuckled, and for a moment you prepared yourself for rejection, tensing up.
"Sorry! I don't mean to laugh it's just-" They let out a sigh, rubbing the back of their neck. "I feel really stupid, not seeing it before."
You looked up, hope sparking up in your gaze. They smiled, hands hesitantly coming up to take you own into theirs, stopping you from wringing them anymore.
"I'm sorry if I made you feel like I didn't . . . like you too." They started of, casting their gaze to the side. "Because I do. You're really special and I enjoy hanging out with you, I just didn't want to get my hopes up-"
"Just kiss me already-" You blurted out, slapping a hand over your mouth.
Sloane laughed, looking at you with adoration. "I've made you wait long enough." They whispered, taking your hand from your face and pressing a soft, warm kiss to your lips.
You were all too eager to reciprocate, hand holding onto theirs as butterflies fluttered in your stomach, this time not from anxiety. God, this was so worth the wait. As you two parted, you felt breathless, grinning like an idiot.
"Was it how you imagned?" They joked.
"Better." You pulled them in for another kiss, wrapping your arms around their neck as you felt their hands glue themselves to your waist, pulling you right up against their body.
Kissing someone had never felt so good. All too soon it ended, and they looked at you, now with a slight frown.
"You're leaving tomorrow aren't you? Why'd you wait so long to tell me?" They sounded upset and frustrated.
Slightly embarrassed, you looked down at the floor, pulling away from them. "I tried, but you just . . ." Sighing, you paused. Blaming them was not what you wanted to do. "I . . . I was afraid you'd reject me. I mean I thought maybe there was a chance you liked me too but you were just so nice with everyone, and if you didn't like me back I didn't want to be here and have to face you everyday so today was the perfect day to do it. But, now that I know you do like me back I really wished I'd said something earlier, I feel really stupid for-"
Their hands cupped your face, stopping your anxious rambling. They made you face them, smiling softly and sympathetically.
"I get it. I do wish you had said something sooner, but we can't change that now. What matters to me is that you told me, and if you'll have me, I'd be glad to work things out with you . . ." Sloane's voice was soft, caring, everything you knew it to be. Their thumb rubbed slow, soft circles on you cheek and your own hands came up to cup the back of theirs.
"Y-Yeah . . . I'd like that."
(Requests currently closed!)
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wonton4rang · 16 hours
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bnd legal line opinions about porn + what type of porn they like (if any) from my perspective.
warnings; +18, explicit explanations of sexual actions (porn, lol) mentions of their real name i think in taesan's.
note; woonhak for sure watches porn, i can just feel it, but i won't include him here because i don't feel very comfortable talking about him in this subject, please understand!!
sungho; i truly don't see him very into porn, i feel like he is the type to be into romantic stuff so porn would not be his thing tbh. but he does find himself watching some home-made videos, but not those glitchy ones, he would seek quality but not the highly acted and illuminated ones. organic yet visible.
riwoo; humping porn. that's it, that's the thought. he would get so turned on by some nice clothed humping, he would actually even love to try it sometime and he will definitely have a thing for dancing so close to someone it actually feels like they're humping them.
jaehyun; i think it's pretty obvious but myungjae + fem!dom porn? a perfect match. he would have two sides tbh, fem!dom and riding povs. he would just love to be handled like that and also to be fucked by a good cunt while he just lays back and cries out about how good he feels.
taesan; i am so sorry to anyone who thought otherwise but dongmin is for the lesbians, he definitely has a list of good users that have great content. he doesn't really watch much porn tbh, it's on an exceptional day when he's too stressed or just horny, but lesbian porn is his way to go 100%
leehan; prone bone fuck porn, definitely made for leehan. there's no way you can't tell me that this man would not love to be in top of the back of your tights watching how his dick gets loose in between your ass cheeks and your soaked pussy. he just loves the control he has and the view. other thing I think he may like is shower sex, idk, it just feels right for him to watch that.
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jewreallythinkthat · 5 hours
I really think you’re misinterpreting things. No one is saying you can’t experience joy while bad things like with what’s happening in Gaza is going on. You can still have fun and do your normal everyday activities, but it’s important to be informed and keep up to date with what’s going on. Yes, many people have known for months what’s going on, but there are still many people out there who have not kept up with what continues to go on (such as the Rafah invasion). It’s very important that we keep up with the information coming from Gaza, we don’t have to stop our everyday activities, but we NEED to be informed on what’s happening RIGHT NOW.
Hi Nonnie,
I completely disagree with you (as I'll outline below) but I appreciate the civility of the this ask.
Question: why do people NEED to be informed on what's happening RIGHT NOW? (More on this later).
I have seen multiple people post, in fandom spaces, that they don't trust anyone who isn't posting about Gaza - and these include people highly active in fandoms who I have followed for a long time. This is spam. This is designed to disrupt people's enjoyment of something to force them to think about what is going on in the middle east.
People need a break. I appreciate for those in Gaza, doe those diving to bomb shelters in Israel, for the hostages, there is no let up. Me being able to distance myself to catch my breath is a privilege they do not have, however it is not the right of a single person on this website, or frankly in the world, to force me or anyone else who wants to enjoy something to engage with a different topic - especially one which is as horrific as what's going on.
People are allowed to enjoy themselves and have fun without being forced to feel guilty that others are not as fortunate. Compassion burnout is a huge issue and forcing people who might actually be able to do some good to be exposed against their will to awful videos and photos benefits literally no one, and shaming them for not engaging is just as bad.
Have you seen that the IDF have managed to evacuated almost 1 million people from Rafah? I don't like that they're going in there. It hurts to know how much more death and destruction will come of this but the evacuation is a stunningly remarkable feat.
What do you want Israel to do? Do you believe taking hostages is a reasonable way to get what you want? That kidnapping teenage girls and parading them through the streets at trophies will help anything? I believe they are going back to the truce talks despite Egypt scuttling them last time.
Genuine question. Why do you, and other need to be informed? Have you ever thought that people must be aware of atrocities all over the globe before the current war in the middle east? Are you aware that on the DRC and Rwandan boarder, there are multiple slaughters, slave taking and continued genocide between the Hutu and Tutsi populations? Do you think the world should be aware of this? It's been going in far longer than the current war but the world is silent because it's not the cool and sexy war to be an activist about. How about what's happening in China? The oppression of women in Iran for allowing a single strand of hair on display? The fucking catastrophe in Sudan?
This war isn't special, it's not even close to the worst thing happening in the world (objectively) and I hate that I have to say things like this because all war is awful, all suffering is horrendous. There are, numbers wise, timeline wise, politically, far worse and more terrifying and more globally impactful things happening at the moment so why is there an obsessions with the Israel Hamas war above all else?
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc · 2 days
what would you say are some intresting differences between japanese and english speaking fandom spaces?
I find it interesting that the topic of gender and sexual orientation of characters is often discussed in English fandom. This is a topic that is rarely seen in Japanese fandom, so I was a bit surprised at first, but now I think it is an interesting topic. 🙂
I would like to add here that it is not that Japanese people do not talk much about gender and sexual orientation itself, but rather that we do not discuss the gender and sexual orientation of anime or game characters using general terms. For example, when we talk about a real-life person's sexual orientation, we use general terms like "he's gay," but we almost never use the word "gay" for a character unless that word appears in the story. Instead, for example, they say "ホモい(homoi)" to a gay-feeling boy character, or "百合百合しい(yuriyurishii)" to a lesbian-feeling girl character. * The word "ホモい(homoi)" was coined by adding the "い(i)" at the end of many adjectives in Japanese to the homo-sexual word "homo-". The word "homo" has a history of being used as a discriminatory term, so it is probably not used much these days.
There are many ways of saying this when Japanese otaku talks about such topics. For example, when boy characters seem to have a very close relationship with each other, they sometimes say "BLみを感じる (feeling BL-ish)" to refer to such a state. An anime with many scenes in which the girl characters are close and friendly to each other is sometimes referred to as "百合成分多め (full of yuri ingredient)". We do not say these things to real people. There is a possibility that we could talk about idols or other people in the entertainment industry using such words, but that is because we think those people are some kind of fantasy existence.
In this way, Japanese otaku are quite divided in the language they use for fictional characters and for real people, so I was surprised to see the English fandom discussing or expressing the gender and sexual orientation of characters using the same words and flag colors they use for real people. But I find it interesting that some of these discussions make sense and I think, "Oh, sure, I can see why this character would look like that".
I don't know why there's such a difference between Japanese fandom and English fandom, but I suspect it's simply because Japanese otaku tend to be as secretive as possible about their fan activities, not just on topics like this, so they use such special terms or wording so that non-otaku can't understand what they're talking about. (The way Japanese fans talk about their favorite characters is almost like it's a coded message. 😄)
In fact, I'm curious if people in the English fandom have ever been approached by someone they had no intention of talking to because they were using common terms to talk about their favorite characters. 🤔 To those who have read this post, I would love to hear your experiences or opinions in the comments or through an ask!
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birlwrites · 1 year
could you talk about maeve and emma's relationship? maeve is a favorite oc in ttdl for me, im very fond of her chaotic short & rich person energy, and i enjoy how regulus sees them rapidly slow burning in the background and goes ah. that bears no parallels to my life whatsoever.
maeve and emma are some of the. more mentally healthy sacred 28 scions in ttdl - they've both got generally good relationships with their families (maeve has some points of tension with her parents re: future life plans, but they're points of *tension* as opposed to points of *outright aggression*), and they're doing pretty well at things like having hobbies and a social life. which is to say they're doing so much better than regulus is afjlshgsjkghsjdf BUT ANYWAY.
maeve definitely fell first - i have in my notes 'emma is quidditchsexual' at the beginning point of their arc, but like, she was Aware™ that maeve was pretty. maeve also got called out on said feelings Very quickly by lucinda (whose particular method of calling out in this case amounted to cornering maeve in their room and going 'sooooooooooooo, is there anything you want to tell me :)')
lucinda also definitely winged for maeve in this situation by frequently dragging charlotte out of their room to go study in the library or smth (which is not difficult to do) and thus Conveniently leaving maeve and emma alone
but as i said. maeve fell first. so at first emma was just a little bit. confused? at how like. suddenly she seems to be spending a lot of time with maeve one-on-one now? huh when did that happen. anyway. -> and then that progressed to Feelings
the stalagmite violet was a big turning point for them in terms of the 'oh shit maybe she likes me too???' and i think that's what incited the actual confession of feelings a short while later, initiated by emma (maeve has lowkey gotten accustomed to her pining while also Subtly Attempting To Demonstrate Interest via gifts). like, that was not *immediate*, but the stalagmite violet was a pretty big push towards actually doing it
when emma is rambling to maeve about kicking gryffindor's collective ass in chapter 48, that's only a couple of days later, so they're still in this tentative zone of 'i'm picking up on signals but i don't want to assume i'm right', but i do think the confession comes not long after
will regulus notice? no. he is preoccupied. and maeve and emma's relationship also has a bit of a slow start, if that makes sense? like, there's not much difference between how they act around each other shortly before the confession and how they act around each other shortly after the confession, except for a certain subtle degree of giddiness that, as i said, regulus is not noticing aghslghsjdkfshgjdf (he has good reasons)
i may change my mind on this later if it feels more fitting, but as of right now i don't think there will be some sort of Explicit Relationship Reveal that they do, at least not for a while. it'll be more of a progression - there's the Noticing Of Mutual Feelings, which regulus has accomplished, and then there's the Noticing Of Increasing Mutual Comfort Around Each Other, which regulus has not accomplished but in fairness to him it's Quite early for that
lucinda and evan, of course, will simply be informed of the developments and not have to put the pieces together themselves
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krys-loves-otome · 1 month
Stolen from Scummy's reblog because I wanted to do it too!
Note that most half-filled squares are ones that are technically true, but it's under specific circumstances and rules, will explain below
So, for now, some Blorbos from me:
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-Intense in loves and passions (for Nobunaga, for MC once they get together, for trying to get Mitsuhide to take better care of himself, in his care for others, dude is just passionate for his loved ones!) -His love for Nobu and his interactions with Mitsuhide can get a little fruity, not gonna lie. -Technically orphan since we don't really hear much about his family aside from his poor upbringing and having to be a bum to get by until Nobu came into his life. Agas in discord has also told us about RL Hideyoshi and how much his mom loved Kennyo and I think that's funny to think about sometimes. -Frequently violent but only when it comes to protecting his loved ones. He thinks one of them is in trouble and the man will go feral trying to find a way to help them. Overall speaking, he's not particularly violent, I don't think though.
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-Nothing anyone says is gonna make me change my mind about this man being bisexual. Nope, not happening. -Technically a tragic backstory as he frequently does Team Oda's dirty work of spying and torture, but his tragic backstory is not quite to the extent that some other characters go through, like poverty, figure-headness, and killing a loved one.
-Technically frequently violent, but it's mostly in the pranks he pulls. Not ferally violent, in a sense. He's sneaky about his violent tendencies. You don't want to mess with his wife, after all. -Divorced? He's a double agent that always goes back to his ex (Team Oda).
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-Being an immortal vampire means you must have some complexities and that doesn't excuse you being fruity, monsieur. -Technically an orphan as I don't think we hear much about his birth family as we do Leonardo and Vlad. They're mentioned sometimes but no word on their current status as he tends to focus more on his found family. Until I get confirmed status, he's orphan status to me, thus why the creation of his found one. -Divorced from Vlad, duh.
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-Listen. Listen. Devon/batteryrose was onto something with shipping Nokto and Slivio. Plus, been thinking of finding ways of shipping my OC and him with Rio. Just something about Nokto and the Bentonite princes does something to my mind, okay?
-Technically an orphan after what happened to his and Licht's mom, plus the whole reason for the Belle procedure is because his dad died. Maybe it doesn't count because he was an adult when his dad died, but, technically speaking, both his parents are dead, so... -Murderer by technicality because of Blood-stained Roses Day (all the princes at the time were said to have participated, so, technically speaking). He also tried to poison some merchants for a business deal, so attempted murderer too, technically?
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-Have you seen this demon when his family is in danger (actual, perceived, or otherwise)? He will go absolutely bat-shit feral when his family is in danger! Once you're under his wings, nothing will stop him from going to the absolute limit and beyond for you.
-Technically divorced from the Celestial Realm because of Circumstances™️, not from a specific person.
-Also on a technicality, because of that... whole war with the Celestial Realm, so some angels were more than likely killed, right?
#krys talks#meme thingys#ikemen sengoku#ikemen vampire#ikemen prince#obey me#hideyoshi toyotomi#mitsuhide akechi#comte de saint germain (ikevamp)#nokto klein#lucifer (obey me)#some other things I didn't get around to talking about above#hideyoshi and mitsuhide are murderers by trade bc both are warlords so that's why that's colored in for both#hideyoshi may also be a frequent rule enforcer but he does soften up around some of them so technically a rule changer than a breaker#nokto having no friends is technically true as he has brothers and his faction isn't all buddy buddy like his twin's faction is#plus he does more business dealings while socializing but we don't really see anyone he really talks to about deep personal things until-#MC comes along#maybe to licht on occasion but they're more estranged currently so Nokto doesn't really have any close personal friends methinks#about Lucifer he is technically an enemy of god (who is his creator) and he went against him for his little sister#turning him back into his angel form and his dream back in NB 38 still sits wrong with me and I hope that gets addressed in future lessons#if it'd had just been bc of his ring reacting to him or something that would have been one thing but... still sits wrong with me#and thinking on it now still thinking if Lucifer is more of a rule breaker or a rule changer#his downfall was bc of rule breaking in the first place#and he's a rule enforcer bc of his brothers and their antics#but there are times he does soften up if he sees the rules are actually hurting his family#and change them because he knows first-hand what breaking hard rules does to a person#so as of nowadays#despite his rule-enforcer ways he does bend sometimes if the situation calls for it#those are my thoughts for this#feel free to discuss if you wanna
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tamagotchikgs · 1 month
been trying to figure out just how i am going to explain how wildly my brain has been altered since the last time i saw my therapist && it make me realize all of this has happened in 1 month,,,,,,,,,,, it feels like . eons. eternity . in the best way possible
#normally everything feels so short#my anxiety just speeds me through it before i can even take a second to enjoy or even experience anything. everything is a dusty blur#but ive been ok#i've actually had good times ive mayb even started 2 feel close to a person for the first time in my life#feel safe w them#anxiety cant get me when im in their shield bubble#listening 2 em talk n even just Exist like woag ur the best thing in this whole world#just bbzbzbzbzbbzz#of course there r also the Horrors that do come w it just due 2 my avpd but . it still feels so different#and i like to ignore those because they make me feel like a monster i am not jealous noo i am so normal i am very normal#i am beating my jealousy side with a stick and i Will win#i have never and Will never act on it#if i ignore it they cant b real#also i do know it's illogical whihc helps#honestly though im used 2 it because ill get jealous if like . a stranger is nice to me and then is nice to some1 else. like oh. oh it was#all a rouse u want me dead u hate me#and it's like. homie. pal. that is normal. they're not abandoning u theyre not trying to set u up for humiliation#theyre just living their life#it's kinda weird tho because i will get feelings like that simultaneously with knowing i am Nothing i am a Horrid beast no one deserves to#even have to see#and knwoing i am not allowed to care about people and there is no shot in hell they will be even nice to me#so it;s just . a lot of things swirling constant;ly#painful emotions all around there is no joy#(except for rn. with them. i can b free from my brain)
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EMBARRASSING: local fool didn't realize he lived within driving distance to a really cool epic cave system, now has to rectify the fact that they haven't visited in the half a decade that she has lived nearby posthaste
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butterflieswhisper · 18 days
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hhelp wait this is so funny. didnt you follow me forever ago after a scott themed october song analysis . sorry if you dont remember that and this ask doesnt make sense but this is still funny to me
hi!!!! yeah. it was the cherri crane lives art i think and also where you made your flower husbands tag! I have never really interacted with fh outside of you (and like, seeing pretty fanart) but i am nonetheless deeply invested in your interpretation specifically!!! I honestly haven't watched jimmy outside of rats and the beginning of empires2 either i genuinely have no clue what they get up to you just seem to have a lot of fun with it
#asks#<-omg i can make that a tag now#i also am a year behind on the life series. i think the most recent one i've seen is double#like from any pov. i am a year behind. however that goes for everything on youtube#my poor watch later playlist hit the 5000 video limit forever ago and so did the second one i made to replace it. i am on my third#but seriously i don't know what goes on in fh canon but i like their blue/yellow thing they have going on. idk if that's like? intentional?#but like scott blue and canary yellow are really pretty colors together#and they are also SO close to being complimentary colors and yet. they aren't. just a little bit off#they don't quite fit quite how they should. i made that up on the spot i mostly think yellow and blue are nice colors#i think my biggest exposure to scott before you was literally the deal with destiny song in empires1#and i don't even think i acknowledged him as like a real guy ykwim.#like oh yeah. scott smajor. he's like. in that song lizzie made or something. he can sing alright i guess (plays it on loop)(plays it on lo#whisp whispers#seeing u post about Discourse(tm) is always really funny to me because i didn't realize for a while that u did not have like#the 'normal' interpretation? like i didn't realize you had a different view than other people#i was like oh yeah the relationship held in the death games is toxic. that makes sense yeah and is not surprising#and then suddenly there would be a post where you mention discourse and i went. Ohhhhh wait they're supposed to be HAPPY!!!#but i feel like this is infinitely more enjoyable i love Flawed Characters#and especially now after watching his rats. i get it. i get it i get it i see what you are saying#he doesn't interact much with jimmy hes mostly with owen and. i mean#'i've never heard someone apologize so much while putting the blame on the other person'???? i see exactly what you mean#r!scott accidentally hurting r!owen and then apologizing profusely while insisting it's because owen stood in his way. and then immediately#isolating himself in a room for like 20 minutes and refusing to interact with anyone feels like. idk#it reminds me of ur rambles and i understand them more now i think. kind of#to be clear by 'with' i mean like. in proximity of. those rats are AROMANTIC!!!!! (to me)#i'm so sorry these tags are a mess. but alas#i also think it's really funny to follow Flower Husbands guy and know nothing abt them. invested by proxy. whenever i hear abt scott giving#jimmy a flower i get excited not because like i know what's going on but because omg! that's like that thing bree talks about sometimes!!#i hope that like. any of this makes sense shdbfjk
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starryserenade · 1 year
When I saw that the Topolino comics were making an adaptation of The Little Prince, I was soooo sure Minnie was going to make an appearance as Mickey's precious rose, and/or that we were going to get some whimsified version of that tragic ending.
The end result was still lovely--gorgeous gorgeous artwork and a really creative, beautiful story. But that doesn't mean I wasn't a little bummed that those other elements weren't at all present.
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