#because this man's voice is jon's whole aesthetic
nat-20s · 3 years
hello I see u have theories about ace jonbinary (GREAT pun btw) would u care to elucidate on that bc I’ve been side-eyeing my own gender but ultimately ignoring it (currently it’s at “I’m probably cis. probably”) and. idk seeing someone’s thots on the weirdness that is both asexuality and gender and where they meet might help i dunno bdbdbdkd
okay so this is less about jonbinary in specific than it is about generalization/projection and take it all with an “experiences are not universal, and this is for figuring out sexuality b4 gender” grain of salt BUT basically:
1. figuring out that you’re ace (or aro) is weird and often difficult because at least for personal stuff trying to find out you have a lack of attraction is harder than trying to find the presence of attraction and trying to categorize attraction into “is this sexual? is this romantic? is this platonic? is this aesthetic?is this even really present at all?” requires a fair amount of self evaluation
2. at least in western culture (I’m coming from a US American perspective, but I’m decently sure this is also true in England), a not insignificant part of gender and gender identity ( and a fair amount of the harshest, strictest, most cisheteronormative divisions of male and female ) is tied up with the act of sex and sexual attraction.
3. so you’ve done some internal evaluation and you’ve come to the conclusion that yeah, actually, you’re ace, and your relationship with sex is going to be different from the “average” whether you’re sex favorable, neutral, or averse. Cool!
4. Except now, by default, if you were raised in a western cisheteronormative society, you’re going to be disconnected from some aspects of your assigned gender at birth, and it’s likely that you don’t necessarily connect with another gender for similar reasons
5. at some point you realize that you’re not necessarily experiencing being male or female in a typical manner
6. This leaves you with some options: do you identity strongly with other aspects of one gender, do you identify strongly with other aspects of multiple genders, or do you kind of go ‘meh to the whole rest of the gender thing?
7. For me, I’ve realized in the past year (but have had a suspicion for awhile) that I: don’t identify at all with being male, though I do sometimes like feeling masculine, sometimes identify with being female (mostly when it’s funny), but overall feel pretty ‘meh’ about the whole gender thing, and would be happy if I either wasn’t seen as either, or was seen as Confusing tm. I also started with being like “im pretty much cis” to being like “nonbinary is more correct but i don’t necessarily feel misgendered by being seen as a woman”
How this ties in with Jonbinary:
 My personal reading of nonbinary Jon is he/they Jon and I get this because like? maybe even more so for men a LOT of gender stuff is tied into sex so he would already experience that disconnect but also to me he’s not a particularly “masculine” character? Like I would argue he’s at his most masculine in season 1- not necessarily like jock masculine but DEFINITELY (not all that great) academia masculine- the false arrogance, the hyper skepticism, the attempt to be unemotional and professional, yeah I’ve had to work with that kind of dude before again and again
however, we know that how he presents in season 1 is absolutely a performance. he deepens his voice, he goes more Arch, and puts on the Air of Highly Professional Qualified Man who Knows What He Is Doing and Is Not Scared At All
considering how far removed that is from actual Jon, who is terrified and emotional and soft and impulsive and Trying His Best but does NOT know what’s going on, the masculinity seems like a part of the farce, and thus it wouldn’t surprise me if Jon looked at the whole “being a man” thing and kind of went “eh”
TLDR: figuring out you’re ace often necessitates exploring you relationship to gender, and some us of find out our relationship to gender is either “it’s complicated” or “me and gender have officially gotten divorced” and I think jon archivist is somewhere in the middle of those two sentiments. Jonbinary rights
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom season 2, episode 17-20 thoughts! finishing up season two! the finale is the THIRD 2-PARTER OF SEASON 2. that's so many! I wonder how many season 3 will have?
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-UERGH WHY DOES VLAD HAVE AN AI WITH MADDIE'S FACE ON IT. SOOO CREEPY. AND MORE 'CREATIONS' waiiiit. vlad is Dr. Frankenstein! (despite his ghost design obviously referencing vampires) HE HAS 'CREATIONS' HE MAKES THEN WONT TAKE REAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR!!! this bitch.
-danny was late and his friends immediately start going off about how hes inconsiderate, and has been treating them like sidekicks??? he just overslept, my god. chill. even if he has, be nicer about talking about it with him?? he really can't help that he sometimes has to chase the ghosts, or has a secret identity to protect...
-'what kind of ghost haunts a miniature golf course' umm. me as a ghost. next question
-imagine going home and theres a tiny child on your bed claiming to be your cousin. with as many cousins I have, I would probably believe her. but the 'ran away from home' BIT....SHES 12?? SHES SO TINY. I hate that they have her belly out in her ghost form, but I like how her colors are asymmetrical. something about her design...maybe the proportions?? are weird to me...anyway danny was good to feed her, but he shouldve taken her to his parents FIRST. or, tbh, probably jazz. (JAZZ DIDNT EVEN GET TO MEET HER!!! NOOO. I mean she said she'll be BACK BUT STILL)
-ANYWAY. shes voiced by AnnaSophia Robb, the girl who was in because of winn dixie, played as violet from charlie and the chocolate factory, and was the girl from bridge to terrabithia. (the movie that made me cry hysterically when I was 12 and I never watched it again because it Broke Me!) thats super cool.
-vlad sucks: the episode, basically. what's new!! I love how he's like, I'm Not A Villain. *immediately cuts to him torturing danny to make him transform, to get mid-transformation DNA, to perfect a Clone.* *immediately shows that he doesnt give a shit about his new daughter Dani and just wants a ''more perfect clone'' and will put her in danger to get that. will let her DIE to get that*
-Dani is danny's clone and is a girl? transgenderism....one of them has to be trans. or they both are.
-the next ep opens with skulker chasing a ghost down. ...does skulker count as a ghost hunter in the way valerie and danny do? I mean, sure, he hunts the good guys too, but he. he hunts ghosts...also, we haven't seen his Real Form since his debut episode! tiny...
-the guys in white are back! ngl, I assumed they were a gag for that one episode. you're telling me they might actually be a threat? ok.
-valerie in her lil nasty burger uniform looks so cute!! glad shes not in that mascot uniform this time. I guess she stopped hiding that she's working there now?
-gregor having white hair, dressed in black and white...and green eyes...sam has a Type, I guess.
-danny being unnecessarily hostile about gregor. danny!!! hes been nice so far. he looks a little...tall to be 14, but. danny doesnt know anything about him! (he does Suspect, but...you cant just spy on people and be rude to them from a hunch.) also, gregor kissed her, and when she freaked out, he was like 'oh no!! sorry, we can take it slow! I understand!' which was NICE. I hate jealousy plots still tho.
-altho. umm. tucker, being concerned about danny spying on them??? SAM AND YOU WERE SPYING ON DANNY AND VALERIE A FEW EPISODES AGO!!!!! im not saying its RIGHT, but dont be a hypocrite!!! AND THEN SAM BEING MAD ABOUT IT, TOO.
-DANNY IS A 7 ON THE SCALE OF ECTOPLASMIC POWER!!! out of 10? so I want to know where the other ghosts rank...I mean it's a list from the guys in white, so, it may not even be accurate, like, they havent seen ALL of his powers, have they?
-Lancer being like 'im not cooperating with the FEDS' until they said they could access his tax records. they already did that joke with jack, but like, its still funny. kings of tax evasion.
-tucker's aggressive third-wheeling. but gregor being super into it. gregor/tucker is the real ship here. then gregor kissing danny on both cheeks after hugging him. bi poly king gregor. (he does turn out to be a liar with a phoney accent. unsurprising, BUT THE CONCEPT OF HIM BEING GENUINE AND THEM ALL DATING IS FUN)
-sam saying tucker is part of the package because theyre friends was super sweet <3 but also 'part of the package'...polyships are obviously the solution to these dumb jealousy/love triangle plots.
-danny crashed a whole plane. the collateral damage...
-is he....
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-you know....
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.... (ITS NOT GAY IF YOU'RE DOING IT TO PRETEND TO BE SOMEONE YOU'RE NOT, AND LIE TO A GIRL. RIGHT? he was getting a little too into pretending to enjoy tucker's company, and the above...c'mon, guy.)
-lmao, freakshow is in actual prison. I didn't expect a follow up, or for him to show back up! in the finale of this season, too!
-THE SICK TATTOO GHOST IS NAMED LYDIA!!! more Lore On her. freakshow seemed genuinely concerned about her. also, is she mute? I don't think she talked the first time we saw her, either. and we didn't know freakshow 'envied' ghosts, either, the first time, we just knew he was controlling them. interesting!
-...they literally stole the infinity gauntlet from marvel and called it the reality gauntlet. is that legal. what the fuck. even with the gems in the lil slots, having different powers...they had freakshow in jail, but didnt check his pockets??! hes just still in his lil outfit??? what kind of ...oh, its in amity park. yeah, all of the adults are idiots, okay, sure.
-'freakshow!' 'in the anemic flesh!' dude take some iron pills then. also, sure, the red eyes could be contacts for his aesthetic, but the whites of his eyes are yellow! does he have jaundice?! he severely needs more...like, every kind of vitamin. (this is what im worried about as freakshow attacks danny with giant robots)
-again, goth circus is a sick theme, and I love his goth train.
-oh FUCK every single person saw danny transform. on a stage. including his parents via TV. oh god. the guys in white and immediately like 'youre coming in for experiments!' SCARY. at least the crowd is willing to help him to escape...perks of now being a local celeb! even the kids at school are accepting :) this is what, the third time his family has found out? its always been an alt timeline tho. and danny fully intending to just rewrite things again instead of...I dunno, trying to roll with it this time? hes really worried his family won't accept him, huh...
-'maybe our son IS THE GHOST BOY, but its not as if our family's ghostly activities have EVER PUT YOUR FAMILIES IN DANGER' maddie. mmmmmmmmmmmm. okay.
-danny 100% prepared to run away from home because of this :( oh :( and saying his parents are 'looking for him, or a scalpel to dissect him with' ouch...
-side note (another one about voice actors...) freakshow's voice actor, Jon Cryer, was lex luthor in pretty much every DC tv show, which is why I recognized his voice, because my dad loves those shows so I've seen a good bit of them without seeking them out...)
-the old man saying 'hey, i still had minutes left!' and danny saying 'you gotta watch those roaming charges!' about danny destroying the people in the diner's phones so no one could report seeing him...would kids today understand these things. can you even BUY minutes anymore...I remember my first phone being a flip phone, and the fact I always had minutes when my sister ran out super fast, because I didnt have friends calling or texting me like she did...:/
-the fentons being genuinely like 'why didnt danny trust us and tell us this, we love him :(' and JAZZ LAYING INTO THEM WITH THE 'DISSECTION/MOLECULE BY MOLECULE' LINES. LITERALLLLY. they need to apologize
-technically, lydias stronger than you! -jazz lesbianism moments! when did you even learn her name!!! but also get freakshows ass. lydia is also cooler looking. looove her design sm still.
-jazz psychoanalyzing freakshow... (also, her also having ghost envy? au where jazz is a ghost!! id like to see it)
-im glad the kids still got to go to their respective vacation things, even if they cant really stick around and enjoy them much...
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-furry: confirmed. (also tucker calling her hot. tucker is a furry confirmed)
-danny being mad someone at the comic con is selling comics of him without permission, lmfao. give him his royalties!
-freakshow > thanos because hes a drama clown and does use his gauntlet to be FLASHY AND DRAMATIC.
-jazz's 'USE PYSCOLOGY' to danny about freakshow LMAOO. AND THEN IT WORKING. but, oh, freakshow's ghost form sucks. I like him as a clown better tbh. good thing danny took away his ghost powers!
-his parents hugging him and saying theyre proud :"( and saying 'of course you lied to us, we never gave you a reason not to!' and saying they were in the wrong basically for always talking about hurting ghosts aaaa :""(
-then he WIPED THEIR MEMORIES AGAIN!!! FUCK. I can understand him wiping the goverments/student bodies' memories, but why his parents?? they were being accepting!! ARGHHH. season 3 couldve been them all trying to adjust to them knowing!
-I know, on a meta level the showrunners probably wanted to just reset things to the status quo of him having a secret identity. But. We've been doing that for (2) seasons, I'd love if season 3 could be like, his parents adjusting to this and trying way harder to learn more and accept it (and the shenanigans that could come from that) and for fun, if he didn't wipe the students memories, it could be him being popular for a while, then everyone slowly realizing, oh, he's still Danny. Like. he might have ghost powers but hes Just The Same Guy instead of putting him on a pedestal (and seeing them all try and help him hide it from the giw/people who don't know!!)
-fuck they didn't even explain WHY he wiped everyone except sam, tucker and jazz's memories. he just Did It right when his parents were saying they loved/accepted him!! and sam and tucker didnt question it at all!!! HELLO??? very annoyed about this turn of events.
-anyway. onto season 3! I know its shorter than the first two seasons, and is the last season... I might just do it in 2 bursts if I can... :3c depends on the episodes' content and how much I want to say about each!
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bluejayblueskies · 4 years
n. a love based on deep connection to one’s well-being and built upon a love for one’s self; a centered wholeness
Words: 2.3k
Fandom: The Magnus Archives
Relationship: Sasha James & Tim Stoker & Martin Blackwood & Jonathan Sims, Past Tim Stoker/Sasha James, Minor Jonathan Sims/Martin Blackwood
Characters: Tim Stoker, Martin Blackwood, Jonathan Sims, Sasha James
Additional Tags: AU - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Fluff and Humor, Statement Fic (but not in the way you expect!), Aromantic and Asexual Characters, Implied/Referenced Homophobia (very minor), Implied/Referenced Arophobia (also very minor)
So, according to Tim, I’m supposed to be recording a statement on, quote, my “most swashbucklingest experience as an esteemed member of the LGBT community.” He left this recorder on my desk and stole my scone. Timothy Stoker, I will not forget that.
Statements of members of the archival staff at the Magnus Institute, London, regarding certain facets of their aspec identities. Statements compiled by Timothy Stoker on 10th June, 2016. For personal use only.
Ao3 link in reblogs
Or read below:
 —really don’t think this is necessary—
 Aaaaand we’re recording!
 (exasperated) Tim.
 Oh, come on Martin, it’s more fun this way!
 You cannot look me in the eye and tell me that this doesn’t appeal to your, and I quote, “retro aesthetic.”
 (reluctantly) It… might.
 See! So it’s perfect!
 Obviously you don’t have to if you don’t want to, Martin. I just thought it might be nice—to have something to look back on when we’re all old and sick of each other, you know? Here, I can go first.
 Tim, you don’t have to—
 (overlapping, adopting the ‘Archivist’ voice) Statement of Timothy Stoker, regarding the first time he went to Pride with his brother, Danny. June 10th, 2016.
 (cheekily) Statement begins.
 (in his normal voice) I realized I was into blokes too when I was 15, you know. Think it took me a while because of the whole ace thing, though that took me until I was in uni to really figure out. I was still fine with sex, you know, always enjoyed it when it came up, just… never really wanted it with anyone in particular. So I suppose I’d assumed for a while that the things I was feeling toward other guys weren’t romantic because I never had the sexual parts to go along with them. (with wry humor) Almost ruined a few relationships that way, actually.
 But I’m getting a bit off-topic. Can’t be one of those rambling statement givers Jon hates. God, I can see his face now, that thing he does with his nose—Martin, you know the one, the- the way it looks like he’s just smelled something really, really rank.
 I thought you said you weren’t going to ramble.
 Cheeky, cheeky. Okay, where was I. Right.
 Mom and Dad weren’t real big on the whole bi thing, so the first time I got the chance to go to Pride was in uni. The first time I got the chance to go with Danny was after he turned 18 and got his first modeling gig. At least, I think he was already modeling back then. Point is, we were both out of the house, and Danny had been dying to go to Pride with me ever since I sent him pictures of me and Sasha eating an entire box of rainbow-colored donuts that first year. I’d figured out I was ace by then, but it had been pretty recent, so when we got there, I found one of the vendors selling those big flags you drape over your shoulders and got an ace one. Felt a bit weird having the ace flag instead of the bi one like the other years, but I had worn that pink, blue, and purple button-down Sasha got me for Christmas once, so overall, it felt all right.
 And Danny—god, he loved it. Pretty sure he ate his weight in fried food that day.
 Almost got the aro flag he’d borrowed from Sasha dirty, actually, when he—
 (quickly changes course) Ah, nothing! Sasha, if you’re listening to this, absolutely nothing happened to your flag, and I definitely did not have it laundered before I returned it to you.
 Aaaaand that’s it! Statement ends, I guess.
 See—easy! (a bit more seriously) But really—you don’t have to record one if you don’t want to, Martin.
 No, I- I want to.
 Are you sure? I don’t want you to do that thing where you just do something because you think someone else wants you to.
 I do not—!
 Okay, okay, fine. Point taken. But yeah, I- I’m sure.
 (with an audible smile) Statement of, er, Martin Blackwood. Regarding… a crush. No, no, wait—god, that sounds so juvenile. Regarding himself, and a person who- er, someone whom he—
 Fine. Regarding a crush. Statement given June 10th, 2016.
 Statement begins.
 I’m always a little embarrassed to tell people that I’ve never dated anyone before? Okay, a- a lot embarrassed, actually. I try not to bring it up, but people will say things like, oh, you know how it is to shop for a partner or meeting her parents is definitely nerve-wracking—which is wrong on, er, two accounts, actually—and then I feel more awkward not telling them that I don’t know, actually, because I’ve never been in a relationship longer than a week or so. Then, they’ll get all sympathetic, like it’s some- some tragedy that I’m not involved with someone, and that’s worse, because then they’ll offer to set me up with people, or say that they don’t understand why I’m single because I’m a catch or whatever, and I have to give them some excuse about not interested at the moment.
 It’s not that, not really. Dates with strangers, they- they just never work out for me.
 I think I fall somewhere on the aromantic spectrum? I didn’t think about it much until Sasha mentioned it once over drinks—I think you were there, Tim, although you were (laughs) very drunk by that point. I told her I hadn’t had a crush on anyone since sixth form, and she threw around a bunch of terms. I- I honestly don’t really remember, it was kind of overwhelming and (laughs) I was also pretty drunk as well. But yeah, it… it sounds about right.
 (hesitantly, as if bracing himself for impact) So… this person. Who I, er. Recently, that is, who I…
 It’s really strange, that’s all. And a- a lot. I—heh—I don’t really know what to do about it.
 Uh, statement ends? I guess? I, uh, don’t really have anything else to say. (jokingly) It’s not like there’s any, er, follow-up or whatever. (to Tim) Was- was that okay?
 (audibly smiling) Yup! Most excellent, Marto. (more seriously) You felt okay, right?
 (huh) Yeah. Yeah, I- I did. A bit nice, actually. (quickly) As- as long as this stays in the archives, though. It… it is staying in the archives, right?
 Oh, definitely. Right next to the section on love potions, I think.
 (laughs) Yes, Martin, it’s staying in the archives. Pinkie promise. Just you, me, Sasha, and Jon. (in the tone of a man who knows a great secret and wants nothing more than to share it) Speaking of Jon—
 (quickly) Uh, recording ends!
 (undeterred) —is he the—?
 Right. So, according to Tim, I’m supposed to be recording a statement on, quote, my “most swashbucklingest experience as an esteemed member of the LGBT community.” He left this recorder on my desk and stole my scone. Timothy Stoker, I will not forget that. It was white chocolate raspberry, and I’m stealing the money it cost out of your wallet.
 Statement of Sasha James, given 10th June 2016. Subject of statement is… hmm. Let’s say… (laughs) A brief relationship with one Timothy Stoker.
 Statement begins.
 Tim, I know you’re listening to this, and I just want to preface this by saying that yes, it was Italian that we had for dinner that night, not Greek. You’re thinking of a different friendship-turned-hookup-turned-awkward-aftermath-turned-friendship.
 Anyway, I guess the best place to begin with this whole thing is by saying that I’ve known I was aro since I was 16 and that I’ve never been very good at talking about it. I’ve ended plenty of tried and failed relationships with the it’s-not-you-it’s-me talk because I didn’t know how to explain that I just… wasn’t interested in romance.
 I wanted to explain it to you beforehand, Tim, I really, really did. We’ve had this conversation, I know I know—I won’t rehash it over tape.
 But the important thing is that I like you so, so much, and—god, this is stupid—I guess maybe I thought that it wouldn’t matter with you? That you could like me romantically and I could like you platonically and it would be fine. Like I said, stupid, but you asked me out to that Italian place—yes, Italian, for god’s sake, I had the chicken parm and you had some sort of lasagna abomination—and I just… couldn’t say no. And it was nice, really. I had a lot of fun.
 And then we slept together. And… that was really nice. But then, the next morning, the… the guilt set in. Because I felt the same as I always had about you—which is to say that I loved you, just not in the same way you loved me—and I became convinced that I’d gone and ruined the whole thing.
 Ignoring you for a week was probably not the correct response. (quieter) Yeah, definitely not my finest moment. But I’d gotten it in my head that the moment I told you that I didn’t feel that way about you and that I would never feel that way about you—or about anyone—you’d hate me. And you don’t have to say that you’d never hate me—I know you wouldn’t. I think I knew it then, too. But fear is a powerful thing.
 Anyway, you know how it all turned out. You finally dragged me out to coffee and I finally told you why I’d been avoiding you and it was really, really awkward for about a month after that and then it just… wasn’t anymore. (audibly smiling) And you’re still my best friend, Tim. Even if you did steal my scone.
 Recording ends.
 Statement of Kyle Henning, regarding a strange mushroom he found growing in his garden. Original statement given April 15th, 2011. Audio recording by Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London.
 Statement begi—
 Hey boss! Got a moment?
 (irritated) Tim, please at least knock when the door to my office is closed. I was just about to record a statement.
 (unbothered) So if you were about to, that means you’re not recording one right now, which means you do have a moment.
 (flatly) Shut the door on your way out, Tim.
 (brightly) Right you are, boss! Juuuust going to leave this here on your desk. Bring it back whenever you’re done!
 (dryly) I’m fairly certain that I’m the one who assigns you tasks to complete, Tim.
 That you do! I guess I better get back to them then. Have fun!
 (firmly) Tim—
 Right. Well, given that this recording is essentially useless now and I hadn’t even gotten to the statement, I may as well start over. (mutters under his breath) Bloody waste of tape and my time—
 Before I begin, I would like to make it very clear that this is not an appropriate use of working hours or the tape recorders, which should be used for statements that won’t record digitally as per Elias’s request.
 That being said, I am… not entirely opposed to this project. So, I suppose…
 Statement of Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London, regarding… regarding a black ring worn on the middle finger of his right hand. Statement recorded by subject, June 10th, 2016.
 Statement begins.
 I’ve often been told that I am not a very open person. I don’t necessarily intend to be closed-off, but I’ve also never found the need to disclose every aspect of my personal life to everyone I come into contact with. And yes, Tim—because I trust that you and you alone will be listening to this tape—that is a perfectly respectable way to live one’s life. Not everyone needs to know what I ate for breakfast that morning or who my favorite primary school teacher was.
 I… will admit, though, that in certain circumstances, I… could probably stand to be more transparent regarding aspects of my personal life. Perhaps that’s why Georgie bought me the ring.
 It wasn’t a special occasion. She just brought it back from the shop one day, a few weeks after a… particularly illuminating conversation about certain sexual identities, and dropped it atop my copy of Wuthering Heights. Honestly, I had no idea what it was at first. I- (heh) I tried to make a joke about unorthodox proposals, but I- I don’t really think it landed. Georgie just looked at me and said that she’d seen it on one of the online forums, that it was called an ace ring, and that she thought I might like it. I think I was more surprised about the fact that the ring fit perfectly than at the fact that she’d bought me the ring in the first place.
 So I wore it. And it felt… nice. Understand, I don’t keep quiet about my romantic and sexual identities out of shame or embarrassment or indecision; I simply don’t feel the need to announce them at any given moment. So I’ve always been fond of small things—pins and stickers and such—that I can incorporate into my life, insignificant enough that they aren’t readily apparent to anyone but me, as they’re for me more than for anyone else. My ring is one such thing.
 Statement ends.
 (with something that might be a smile) As for your other request, I do have a prior engagement with Georgie and Melanie this weekend. Though if you’re willing to accommodate two more, I’m sure they wouldn’t be opposed to coming along. Georgie’s always telling me that Pride is more fun when you’re with a group, after all.
 End recording.
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soulmate-game · 4 years
Part 1 … Part 2
“So, How was your first day of school in America?” Lois asked as her small family all sat around the table eating dinner. It was almost painfully ordinary, traditional. A married couple and two kids eating a normal dinner and talking about their day.
All of them appreciated that one piece of normalcy in their worlds of superheroes and villains and PTSD.
Marinette snorted, almost choking on her forkful of food. After managing to somehow swallow without causing herself discomfort, she smiled at her mother figure.
“Honestly? I know Jon could fly and I could teleport to school in practically no time at all, but somehow Damian still manages to seem more impressive.”
“Right?!” Jon agreed emphatically, leaning over the table towards her and almost getting his whole plate of food smashed against his chest. “Probably because helicopters are huge and look awesome, but we’re still just us when we use our powers.”
Marinette nodded sagely at that reasoning as if it was something actually serious. Tikki, who was sitting next to her plate with a half-eaten cookie, giggled.
“That makes sense. But be careful Kaalki doesn’t hear you referring to them as ‘not impressive—‘“ Marinette was cut off before she could even finish her sentence.
“Too late, I already heard that blasphemy,” the other Kwami’s voice carried down from upstairs, making Lois and Clark’s lips twitch up in amusement. “I’m a god, dear, I have even better hearing than Kal-El,” for some reason the little horse god always referred to the boys by their kryptonian names, but they didn’t seem to mind much. “Not as impressive as a helicopter, hah! See if I let you use my fabulous powers anytime soon, Guardian or no Guardian.”
Marinette just rolled her eyes. Technically she could just command Kaalki, but that was against her morals and the horse god would never keep her from responding to an Akuma attack anyway. This was just harmless teasing.
And it was really nice in contrast to everything they were used to dealing with.
“Okay, but besides the helicopter,” Clark pressed gently after everyone’s chuckles quieted down. His face was open with genuine curiosity, and a little bit of worry that Marinette caught onto instantly. “I know Damian isn’t always the easiest person to get along with or understand. Did the rest of the day go by alright?”
Marinette actually set her fork down on her plate, her smile turning a little gentle. “Actually? Yeah. When we first spoke I thought he was a stuck-up jerk like some of my ex-friends and a bully of mine from Paris. But he’s just not good with people,” Marinette’s smile turned even softer as she gazed down at the table, at some memory nobody else could see. “It reminds me of my friend Kagami, from Paris. She acts pretty similar. Really impersonal and prickly on the outside, but once you get to know her she’s the most loyal friend you’ll have. Her mom is really strict though, and Kagami never got to interact with a lot of kids her own age, so she still has issues figuring out how to behave around others sometimes,” Marinette actually ended up laughing a little, rubbing the back of her neck. “We uh, we actually had a crush on the same person back when we first met and it sparked a pretty rough rivalry for a while. Once we got past that though, we ended up being best friends.”
Jon snickered, trading knowing glances with their parents. They had already agreed that, unless Damian or Bruce told her themselves, Marinette would have to figure out the Bat’s identities on her own.
“That sounds very familiar,” Jon stated with a little nod. “Me and Damian fought when we first met, too. Legend has it that Dad and Bruce, Damian’s dad, didn’t get along right away either.”
It was Clark’s turn to snort. “I think it’s just a Wayne thing,” the man agreed, amused. “They don’t like getting close to anyone right off the bat,” Lois kicked his leg under the table for that pun, but Clark cheerfully ignored it. “It is pretty funny that you have a similar experience with someone completely unrelated, though. Maybe we should invite her over sometime? Do you know when her school’s next break is?”
Marinette sat up straight in her chair, her smirk wide and almost blinding at the prospect of seeing one of her closest friends in person again. They video chatted and called often enough, but it wasn’t the same. “Actually! Kagami told me that she’s going to Gotham next month for a fencing competition. She’s an Olympic hopeful, you know. She has to make a good enough impression in different national and international competitions to be selected,” Marinette was almost bouncing in her seat, looking like a female version of Jon for a moment with her vibrant blue eyes shining with rare unhindered excitement and her body unable to stay still from the energy.
“I heard that Gotham was holding the World fencing finals this year,” Lois remarked, but kept eye contact with Clark for a moment as the two communicated silently in a way even telepaths couldn’t copy. Marinette recognized the hesitance in their faces, and her bouncing stopped immediately. She knew why they would be reluctant to let her go.
“I know Gotham is dangerous and I still have attacks pretty often,” Marinette’s voice was suddenly soft, but firm in a way that the rest of their little family hadn’t heard from her much at all. It made Clark and Lois look at her, waiting for her to finish making her point patiently. “But self defense isn’t really an issue. Even without any powers, without transforming, I…” Marinette took a breath to steel herself before continuing. “I learned martial arts from Maman. And I’ve used the Miraculous so long that all the combat experience of the previous Ladybugs is mostly muscle memory by now. And Kagami is more than just a fencer, her mom’s trained her in all sorts of sword fighting her whole life. Trust me, nobody messes with Kagami and gets away with it easily,” Marinette actually looked down at her hands, watching as she essentially had a thumb war with herself to avoid meeting anyone’s eyes.
“I don’t think physical attacks are what we’re worried about,” Lois admitted slowly, frowning. “I mean, yes, it’s a concern. But if I remember the dates for the competition correctly, I’ll be out of town for my first long distance job since you came to live with us. Clark will be at work during the day on the weekend, though maybe he can get a day or two off,” Lois gently worried her bottom lip with her teeth for a second. “I suppose, if Jon wants to go with you, it wouldn’t be as much of a problem if something happens…”
Oh. They weren’t worried about people attacking her. They were worried about her own mind. Which, after the last few months? Was perfectly fair.
“I don’t mind if—“
But, as life usually ended up, they were interrupted from their peace. Everyone jolted in their seats as the door was unceremoniously kicked down, and a man in his early twenties walked in carrying a mountain of boxes in his arms. Marinette blinked, no longer on guard since the rest of her new family immediately relaxed. But still, she was confused. Nobody said anything about having a visitor today.
“I know, I know. I haven’t been in touch for way too long, give us a little forewarning, blah blah blah. I brought presents this time though,” the man said, cheerful and casual and blasé. With the boxes on the center of the dining table, Marinette could finally get a good look at him.
He was probably about twenty four or twenty five, if Marinette’s ever-sharp eyes were correct (they hardly ever weren’t), and his hair was spiked up with a bit of gel, but not too much. Just enough to give it kind of a tousled-rebel look, and it was cropped close to his head on the sides. He had on a black leather jacket with spikes on the shoulders and slightly down the arms, with slightly baggy black jeans and a plain, worn red shirt. Dark black sunglasses rested on the top of his head, even though the sun had been down for a while.
He did not meet the usual Kent aesthetic of a charming, traditional nuclear family. He was more of an… oddly joyful punk. It actually gave her slight Luka and Jagged vibes, and made her relax a bit into her chair. Contrary to what most might think, Marinette had a bit of a soft spot for the punk rocker look. Most people, that she had met at least, who wore it on a regular basis were amazing people with great senses of humor and large personalities.
“Old man, I got you socks,” he called out with a lazy smirk, chucking the first small box over at Clark. The man caught it with a fond eye roll.
“You always get me socks.”
“Maybe if you stopped being boring, I’d get you something better,” the stranger mocked with good humor. “Lois, jewelry that you’ll never wear,” he handed the box over to the woman with significantly more care, before sliding over one of the bigger boxes to her as well. “And a new camera that you will actually use.”
“Hey, Wait a second, you know you don’t have to—“
“And for the squirt,” the man interrupted without letting Lois finish saying that there was no need to spend so much money. He tossed the last big boxes over to Jon one at a time carelessly, smirking the whole time that Jon playfully scrambled for them. “Video games, geeky shirts, and inside jokes,” he stated happily.
With the table now clear of boxes, he finally noticed the extra body. He blinked, making silent eye contact with Marinette for a tense moment.
“Okay, she’s too old to be a secret child. Did someone make another clone? Did Jon get a girlfriend that looks freakishly like a long lost Asian family member? What did I miss?” He asked, never taking his eyes off Marinette. Clark grimaced.
“If you didn’t break your phone so often, maybe we would have been able to tell you sooner,” the man said slowly, cautiously, with his eyes never straying from the stranger. “This is Marinette. Marinette, this is Connor. He’s… Jon’s brother,” the pause there was a bit odd, and Marinette frowned at the look on Clark’s face. It was like he didn’t know what to say at all, or how to say it. “Marinette is living with us for the foreseeable future. If we get the chance we might officially adopt her, so she isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.”
“Woah woah woah, what?” Marinette’s voice came out a lot squeakier than intended, the girl thoroughly whiplashed by this situation. It was hard to think straight. “I— we never talked about adoption.” Clark’s eyebrows furrowed.
“Well, not in as many words,” he conceded slowly. “It would be incredibly hard, and we wanted to give you time to settle in before asking. But… well, you’re officially an American citizen and we all feel like you’re family already. So…”
“You wouldn’t have to change your name,” Lois was quick to interject, watching Marinette’s face worriedly. “And you can say no. You’re already a Kent. We would just like to make it official legally, if and when you’re ready.”
“Okay, stop making the poor girl freak out,” Connor interrupted, eyes also on Marinette and gentle in their concern. He gave her a lopsided smile. “Ignore them. Clark never had great timing that wasn’t related to legitimate danger. So, sorry I didn’t get you anything,” he leaned back casually, thumbs hooked on his jacket pockets lazily. “Didn’t expect I’d have a new sister when I came back to visit.”
Marinette calmed down a little, but emotions still overflowed in her head, her chest still tight and the air feeling too thin. She offered Connor a shaky smile before standing up, looking over to Clark and Lois. “Um, I— can I— I’m tired.”
Clark sighed, nodding even as his face fell at Marinette’s state. “Yeah. We’ll talk about the competition some more in the morning, get some rest.”
The girl only nodded before making a hasty retreat up to her room, even forgetting to take care of her only half-empty plate. Tikki did her best to calm her bolder down from her place hidden in the girl’s hair, but it wasn’t doing much good. She just needed space, and time to try and process everything.
“Aren’t you cold?” Connor’s voice made Marinette jolt, looking over at him with wide eyes. Nobody had ever followed her on her post-nightmare trips before. She wasn’t even transformed. She just sat, in her pajamas, on the empty terrace of her old home. It hadn’t been sold yet so she wasn’t worried about scaring anybody.
“I… should have expected you to be the other Superboy, honestly,” Marinette deflected with a weak smile before turning to look over the city again. She licked her lips, trying to calm herself down. “And yeah, I’m a little cold, but it’s no big deal. I’ll just go back home before it gets too bad.”
“You’re trembling,” he pointed out casually. And she was, her whole body was practically vibrating against the terrace railing. Marinette only gave out a pitiful laugh.
“That’s not from the cold.”
Connor only sighed, crossing his arms and leaning back against the wall behind them. Gave the girl a little space.
“What did… What did Clark and Lois tell you? About me?” Marinette decided to ask tentatively. Connor raised one brow, honestly a little surprised that she didn’t also have super hearing to go with her powers. It was slowly becoming more and more obvious that Marinette was not exactly like the other Kents, and Connor only liked the jumpy little girl more for it.
“As much as they could without feeling like they were crossing a line,” Connor admitted. “That they took you in after an accident during a metropolis attack a few months ago, when you had nobody else reliable enough to take care of you. That you’re not Kryptonian, but still special and knew about all of our identities already. But strangely enough they didn’t mention teleportation or the fact that you were a Parisian superhero, not that I’m really all that surprised.”
Marinette smiled, snickering a bit at that last part before sobering again. “Is it… weird?”
Connor silently examined the girl for a moment, she probably expected him to ask what she meant. And maybe if he was anybody else, he would have.
“To suddenly come home to a new person that I’m suddenly supposed to accept as a part of the family? Not really. In fact, you’re probably the most normal surprise I’ve dealt with in years.”
“But,” Marinette looked back at him, eyebrows furrowed and blue eyes swimming with uncertainty. “But I just show up out of nowhere, and you really just accept me? Just like that? I mean, you’ve known me less than a day and you just saw me teleport to Paris in the middle of the night— you aren’t worried at all? Or suspicious, or— you really just accept me just like that?”
Connor couldn’t help but chuckle, pushing himself off the wall to lean over the terrace railing with her. “You know, technically I’m only eight years old.”
Marinette flinched with surprise at the subject change, eyes wide. “Huh?”
Connor laughed at her confusion, rustling her hair a bit. “I’m a clone. I was made with Superman’s DNA, and that of another asshole we won’t mention. Don’t tell Lois I swore. Anyway, I was ‘born’ as a teenager,” he used finger quotations to show that he wasn’t exactly born normally. “With all the mental development and knowledge of a sixteen year old. Pretty much, anyway, but I was still a newborn,” he shrugged. “Clark wasn’t exactly thrilled. Jon was eight at the time, which is why Clark can never decide if I’m the older or younger brother, and he wasn’t exactly planning on another kid back then. Not to mention the whole ‘created in order to kill Superman if he ever went bad,’ and ‘might be a spy because I was made by his arch nemesis’ thing,” Connor waved his hand as if this blasé info dump didn’t actually matter. Marinette just gaped at him, which made it hard for the guy not to smirk. “Point is, Clark was suspicious. Didn’t exactly want anything to do with me. Can’t say I completely forgive him, but it’s mostly water under the bridge nowadays. Especially when we found out that I did have trigger words, and I was unknowingly dangerous. Don’t worry, those trigger words were erased ages ago. Anyway, Clark eventually got his act together. Gave me the Kryptonian name Kon-el, had me live with him for a little bit. We worked it all out,” Connor turned back to Marinette, taking his sunglasses off so he could look her in the eye properly. “I really don’t think a Ladybug is exactly threatening in comparison.”
Marinette was silent for a moment.
“You know I could throw you off this balcony, right?”
“Eh, I can fly.”
Another moment passed before Marinette couldn’t help it, and started giggling. Those giggles turned to laughs, which quickly turned into joyful bellows. Connor joined in, smiling as he laughed alongside her.
“But… you like it with them, right?” Connor suddenly asked, looking over at her. “I know Jon can be a bit overexcitable, and Clark is an annoying boy scout.”
Marinette just shrugged. “Well, it’s not too bad,” she said softly. “I mean, at least neither of them can die by getting crushed by falling debris. So that’s an improvement at least.” Marinette instantly went pale at her own words, slapping a hand over her mouth. Connor snorted, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
“Yeah, that’s the exhaustion talking. C’mon, let’s get you back in bed before Clark accuses me of corrupting you.”
Marinette just nodded, doing the world’s quietest transformation before opening a portal back to her room. She was already detransformed, Connor having one hand on her doorknob, when she spoke up again.
“Uh, Kon?” She fidgeted, not able to look up at him. “Thanks.”
The man just smirked, shrugging his leather-clad shoulders. “That’s what family’s for, right?”
Marinette smiled, huffing out a tired laugh. “By the way? I’m glad at least one of you Supers has a sense of fashion.”
“We heard that!”
Connor and Marinette broke back out into guffaws, and the girl couldn’t help but think that she was really grateful for her new family. Maybe she wouldn’t call Clark dad or Lois mom anytime soon, those wounds were still too raw, but maybe eventually. And she’d never had brothers before.
Yeah. This was nice.
Part 4
I don’t think this ended up as good as the others..? But this is the best way I could write this part. Why is this story turning out longer than expected? Geez I need to learn self control. At least this one was actually kinda fluffy.
@fantasiame @thestressmademedoit @amayakans @resignedcatservant @too0bsessedformyowngood @chocolatecatstheron @mooshoon @jeminiikrystal @bigpicklebananatree @thezestywalru @bugaboosandbees @ironspiderstark @mikantsume @marinettepotterandplagg
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weirwoodking · 3 years
how likely do you think it is that Euron Greyjoy will blow a magic horn on top of an enchanted tower to summon a kraken god and/or make the wall go boom? like i always kind of assumed he was just stoned and didnt really know what he's talking about with any of that, but i know there are also a lot of takes about him actually being a real sorcerer-king that can threaten the world. where do you stand on him, i was wondering?
I mean that’s... that’s a very specific scenario you got there. I don’t have an exact sequence of events predicted for this, but I do believe that Euron will be the one to blow the Horn of Winter and bring down the Wall. It will be a human’s actions that let the monsters in. I don’t think Euron himself is this great magical being, just that he believes he is. Especially because what makes Euron terrifying is not the Eldritch pirate aesthetic he’s got going on, what makes Euron terrifying is the iron hinge.
Even a priest may doubt. Even a prophet may know terror. Aeron Damphair reached within himself for his god and discovered only silence. As a thousand voices shouted out his brother's name, all he could hear was the scream of a rusted iron hinge. (The Drowned Man, AFFC)
Euron is horrifying because of his human actions.
Now, it does make perfect sense that the Horn of Winter will be what brings down the Wall, and I do think that it will happen at the end of TWOW. Because 1) damn what a cliffhanger, 2) the Horn of Winter has been built up since book 2 and it’s pretty obvious that it’s the horn that Jon and Ghost found, 3) the horn is with Sam in the city that Euron is planning to attack, 4) Euron wants to become the god of the “new world”, 5) the Horn of Winter is on the cover of TWOW, and 6) the “winds” that the horn will blow will bring about winter (by bringing down the Wall). I’m not predicting that the horn will summon anything to bring down the Wall, but that the Horn itself being blown is what brings it down, just like in the legends. It does have to be fixed first (or how to use it has to be discovered still) though, as right now it makes no sound.
So, while I believe that Euron will be the one to cause the apocalypse, I do not believe that he is the apocalypse. I don’t think he knows what he’s talking about either. I even made this meme while ago about that. Think of how sorcery and the danger of using the Horn of Winter are discussed in this scene:
Jon faced him. "If you've had the Horn of Joramun all along, why haven't you used it? Why bother building turtles and sending Thenns to kill us in our beds? If this horn is all the songs say, why not just sound it and be done?"
It was Dalla who answered him, Dalla great with child, lying on her pile of furs beside the brazier. "We free folk know things you kneelers have forgotten. Sometimes the short road is not the safest, Jon Snow. The Horned Lord once said that sorcery is a sword without a hilt. There is no safe way to grasp it."
He touched the horn again. "If I sound the Horn of Winter, the Wall will fall. Or so the songs would have me believe. There are those among my people who want nothing more..."
"But once the Wall is fallen," Dalla said, "what will stop the Others?" (Jon X, ASOS)
Euron is not the god he sees himself as, he is trying to grasp a sword without a hilt, which will end cutting him and the whole realm. He is the human who will let in the otherworldly horror.
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Iron Man
A joint review...
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We finished watching the film last night and then had a quick phone call debrief. For a film we both agreed was three and a half stars there was some raised voices...
@becksxoxo : Do we need to include some sort of trigger warning for the heated discourse that will inevitably happen at some point? Because I'm still a bit traumatised. #whenthesharedbraindisagrees
@cassandrafey : I think it was a civilised argument. A constructive and respectful disagreement. Which was a miracle because we both have a lot of feelings and it could have become firey and in many respects we are airing our difference nicely in the way I said they should have done in Civil War.
We should also mention that we were 18 when this film came out, and so some of the aesthetic properly hits different. That camera, the mention of MySpace. Tony is deffo in bootcut jeans at some point (as were other people today as it turns out.)
Cass: Look Becks don’t come for me like this, my other jeans were more hole than jean (why did I keep them? The leg almost wasn’t attached!) so we work with what we’ve got and what we had got was a forgotten pair of bootcuts just like style icon Tony Stark.
We can all agree the opening to this film is brilliant, and unexpectedly violent. We also whole heartedly agreed that Tony looks better roughed up and bloodied a bit. But it would be awful to wake up and find you had a big hole and a magnet now in your chest.
@cassandrafey : I would like to add that I think the opening to this film is brilliant. It opens with Back In Black for a start, which is just such a banger, it’s like ‘yes announcing we are here!’ In the space of five minutes it shows you so much about Tony’s character, he’s kind of a dandy, you can tell from his look and his drink he has money, he’s kind of a smart mouth but he’s also very personable and gets along with people easily. You don’t exactly like him but you want to watch him anyway. And then BOOM! Explosion! Instant peril! Ready for character development! Great stuff.
Tony Stark: Visionary. Genius. American Patriot.
Arms dealer...
@becksxoxo does not find the charming in Tony Stark, but is trying very hard to be nicer to him as a character. Very hard. And I understand that this opening is setting us all up to be like, oh that Tony Stark, what a horrible man, so he can be redeemed or whatever, but I don't get why the women are throwing them selves at it. Vanity Fair, have some self respect. Also, air steward ladies, just chill out. why is there a pole on a plane? Its all so tonally different from the rest of the films in the MCU. And again, I KNOW, its showing him growing at what not, but as my good friend Chris Evans would say, I don't wike it.
@cassandrafey Does see the charm in Tony, but still in this instance found it wild that the Vanity Fair lady went from slightly aggressive dislike to sleeping with him when the chat up line was relatively bad.
It was startling to see not our Howard Stark in the photos, and Terrence Howard instead of ol Don Cheadle, but a delight to see our Jon Favreau, and hear dear dear Jarvis.
We have a couple of Interior Design based questions.
There was a lot of fireplaces in the LA houses, and being from the North of England we questioned the necessity of fireplaces in California. We went to LA in February and it was bloody boiling, is an open fire really necessary?
The other one was, is a big statement water feature wall something you would actually want, or would it be quite annoying and make you need the toilet?
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I do anything and everything Mr Stark requires. Including occasionally taking out the trash.
Pepper Potts. Really enjoy the character, really don't enjoy the actress.
@cassandrafey I agree. Feelings on Gwyneth and the fact that Pepper Potts is a very silly name aside, I like the relationship between her and Tony because she does give him good sass, and thankfully is very practical and organised. It’s a shame she didn’t get her dry martini with all the olives.
Q1. What would you buy yourself with Tony Stark's money for your birthday?
@becksxoxo Disney Golden Pass. Between his money and himself I would wrangle myself that lifetime disney parks pass.
@cassandrafey when Becks asked me this in our debrief all I could think was chocolate. A massive chocolate fountain. However, in hindsight maybe I would like to hire a party venue and a DJ (although I will very much have heavy sway on the playlist) and invite a lot of people to a good party where Tony buys all the drinks.
I could really go for some Sake cocktails right about now Cass. And maybe an entire pickled cucumber...
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@becksxoxo It was really good to find out what that thing in him was. I just presumed it was his heart, so a magnet was a shock. The more you know. What I would like to know is does that mean he is magnetic now? Could I stick fridge magnets to him? Because I think a very fun drunk game could be made, in the style of buckeroo, sneak up on a sleeping Tony Stark, see how many fridge magnets you could stick to him before he woke up and blew you to kingdom come with his little iron man hand blaster. Eh, sounds good right?
@cassandrafey I propose the little letter ones be used. You could see how much of a word you could form. Play scrabble. Maybe even hangman!
Is this war propaganda?
I appreciate the ray of hats the gang have, nice to see. Also it was nice to see a flat cap. You don't think of them as a desert hat traditionally.
Q2. Who would win in a fight, Din Djarin or Tony Stark?
@becksxoxo I'll preface this by saying, the question came up because I likened his first suit to beskar. Din Djarin, hands down. He'd do a little head tilt, and be all broad. My husband refused to answer this. He says its a mute question because there wouldn't be a situation where it would happen. He did however happily answer the others so clearly thinks he will get the opportunity to spend Mr Stark's pennies at some point...
@cassandrafey I think the cross over is more likely than you might think because they are both under the Disney umbrella. Also I don’t know who would win, but I will say that Tony is tenacious and resourceful. But I think it would be funny to witness because Tony would be talking a mile a minute and Din would just be silent and occasionally sigh or make a grumpy humpf noise.
@becksxoxo I fucking love his grumpy humpf noise. It financially ruins me...
It was very sad to see that fella die, but I have no idea what his name was. I will refer to him as Jimmeny Cricket, as he was clearly Tony's blossoming conscience.
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Q3. What food would you want after being trapped in the desert for three months?
@becksxoxo Pumpkin Spice Latte and an almond or a chocolate croissant.
@cassandrafey probably a sausage sandwich. Hard to go wrong with that.
I've never been to a Burger King, so I can't comment on their food offering. But in Burger King News, the one near Cass' mum and dad's has just burnt down. So.
Surprise Phil Coulson. Nice.
We both noted Coulson and whilst the above was Becks’ thought my notes read; Ah Coulson. Get’s in everywhere.
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It was here that @becksxoxo began to question if Stane was going to be the bad guy. Was it his mannerisms, or was it his choice to wear that blue shirt, with the white cuffs and collar, with that yellow tie?
@cassandrafey Look, you know nothing good will come of Jeff Bridges playing a character with the name Stane.
@becksxoxo This was also the first moment I've ever had any respect for Tony Stark, dare I say even liked him?
Pepper getting that copper wire out of Tony's chest was very stressful. Did not enjoy it. At all. I'd like it to be know @cassandrafey that I would do it for you, but I would bitch about it, big time. Internal goop? Werp.
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We love Tony's relationship with his robot pals. We especially love the little bot who keeps trying to hose him down, and how when he fucks up his test flight landing it sees it’s chance and take it. We also love the helpful bot who took the arc reactor to him at the end.
If I was Tony I would not have done my testing so close to my collection of expensive sports cars. But again, this is probs just a case of Stark and I being very different people.
@cassandrafey my notes when he was racing with Happy just read ‘Faaaaaaast cars baby yehaw’ and I don’t know the person I was when I wrote that. Some sort of road cowboy.
Also, I saw a post recently saying that looking back on Iron Man all the holographic stuff is so lame, and I would like to take the moment here to disagree wholeheartedly. Yes, interactive holographic bits are so stereotypical sci-fi futuristic but I really enjoy them because let’s face it it would be cool. You can’t tell me you wouldn’t love to have a go on that.
Q4. What colour would you make your super suit?
@becksxoxo Green and gold.
@cassandrafey Green and silver. We were almost perfectly aligned and I think its because we're Slytherins.
hiss hiss motherfucker.
I'd like it to be know that I, @becksxoxo, sniggered far too much over the request to 'deploy flaps'. heh heh heh
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The audacity of sneaking Steve Rogers onto the Iron Man post. Thought I wouldn’t notice it, but I did.
Stan Lee Spotting - smoking jacket chic
Q5. Which big event would you make a statement at, uninvited?
@becksxoxo all i could think if in the moment were ComiCon or a prize giving assembly at school. Obvs, the two biggest events in my life. I think my statement at comicon would be something so endearing that some older actors would either fall madly in love with me, or head over heels in friendship, and off we'd trot into the sunset. The assembly statement, I dunno, perhaps just to screech that none of this matters, but I'm torn between wanting to approval of teenagers or teachers. Ha, so sad.
@cassandrafey I think you would give the equivalent of a flyting in the assembly Becks. You'd announce everyone who has ever wronged you and then you'd shout 'fuck!' as you run off the stage.
When Becks asked me this question last night I instantly said her wedding, which ignored the facts that a). that's already happened, and b). I was invited. Then I thought that it's more likely I'll stand up at Wimbledon one year, make my way onto centre court and give an emotional speech about how Rafa Nadal deserves the world and y'all don't know lucky we are to have him. This tends to happen at the drop of a hat at all seasons of the year, usually if I've had a drink, but regretfully, not always.
[Becks here - she did this a few weeks ago. She pulled me to one side on our drunken stagger round the lake, and cried whilst telling me all about Rafa's knees. So, be prepared...]
But what I'd really like to do is dress up very posh and femme fatale-y, put on some big sunglasses and then turn up to a funeral of someone I don't know (possibly a rich person), stand at the back in silence, and then quietly slip away. Leave people with the element of 'who was she' mystery.
Becks: Speaking of fancy things that dress of Pepper's is beautiful next to her red hair.
Cass: speaking of beautiful things, RDJ’s eyes really are lovely.
TW: things are getting heated in the Tony Stark moral character debates...
@becksxoxo Tony Stark has bad friends. I think this is another reason that he is the way he is. he doesn't trust other people, he doesn't trust his Avenger friends and that's what leads him to make shitty decisions, al la Civil War. I know you're traumatised Tony, but there's no need to be a dickhead.
@cassandrafey I agree that Tony has some really shitty friends. But his relationship with Rhodey at least is nice, and Pepper. I suppose there is a certain amount of loneliness that comes with having a lot of money.
Tony, as he says himself, has a laundry list of flaws but I like him despite them, and possibly because of them. He is reckless and a thrill seeker and that does cause him to make bad choices at times. He is impulsive and that can cause problems but his heart is in the right place. His impulsiveness also means that he is able to build and escape in a crazy metal suit when he is captured, and when he clocks into the fact that maybe blindly following his father's footsteps isn't the way he wants to live his life, well, he doesn't waste a moment trying to fix it. He is genuinely upset about the loss of Yinsen and he takes his words to heart, he won't waste the life that's been given back to him. He wants to help people, to undo the wrong he's done, and it is sad in a way because his recklessness is quite self destructive, but now he isn't going to destroy himself for no reason. Now he's been given this chance of life he isn't going to waste it away drinking and gambling, but that destructiveness still lingers - this is a man who would make the ultimate sacrifice when the stakes are highest. I love him for it, and thinking about it too much hurts a bit.
@becksxoxo Tony Stark weaponises his emotions. I hate that. He's not alone in wanting all that, he keeps a hold of all that weight and then lashes out.
I don't want to recreate last night Cassandra, for reasons, so we'll leave it here. I love you and I hate you're eloquent with your wordages. KISSY FACE.
@cassandrafey See? Expressing our opinions with love and respect babe 😘
Do the 10 rings gang here have anything to do with the 10 rings in the new film Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings? Answers on a stamped address envelope.
@becksxoxo I love me a good dog fight, as in like an airplane fight not actual dogs I'm very against that. I thought it was a pity that, when that man's parachute didn't work, that Tony didn't swoop down and grab him bridal style and land him safely to the ground. I woulda loved that.
And there is another instance of Tony and his bad friends. I knew Stane was a wrong un, but I hadn't expected him to be in cahoots with the other bad guy. What a bad friend. Baldies together.
I think he plays a really good villain though, he gets very sinister especially in the scene with Pepper in the office, and he's so hateful how he's been lying to Tony and yes, as Becks says being a really bad friend.
Imagine if your work computer worked that quickly. It makes me mourn the minutes I have sat watching watching the little spinny thing moving at a snail's pace as SITS loads. I'm not getting of that time back.
Tony Stark was able to build this in a cave... with a box of scraps!
Or, Tony Stark built all this shit in a cave or whatever...
We really liked this quote from Stane but I also liked Becks' paraphrasing of it and wish we had the opportunity to hear Jeff deliver the line as Becks wrote it.
In terms of the suit, I'd like to say that I had made a note that said, quite gushingly, 'gosh RDJ has lovely eyes' and I stand by the fact that he does have great eyes for those close up shots in the suit.
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My (@becksxoxo) notes on Stane as Iron Monger: Ooof big boy. Ewww he's like the mole man creeping out the ground.
The Ending:
@cassandrafey I love the ending of this film. I think it’s hard now to remember how game changing that ending was at the time, for a character to reveal his alter ego like that to the press when traditionally the exposure of their identity is one thing superheroes fear the most. Brilliant. The truth is... I am Iron Man. Boom. End film. As our dear friend Anthony would say, CUT THE CHEQUE!
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Tony Stark: Genius. Billionaire Playboy. Philanthropist.
Nick Fury, you old softy. The Avengers Initative, named after his old pal Carol. Nice.
Nick Fury getting in everywhere as well. Making friends, basically forcing people he likes the look of to join his gang. Fair play to you Nick.
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rosy-cheekx · 4 years
Or, if you're more in the mood for something fluffier, “It’s too cold for you to come out here without a jacket on” from the protective sentence starters!
Combined this prompt with your “ for the holiday fluff prompts, how about any combination of one or more of these: ❄️ ☃️ ☕️ 🥘 🧩 ~ “ and went with flurries + holiday coffee date. hope you don’t mind it being a little derivative!
It had been a few years since there had been a white Christmas. Snow in London didn’t last long anyway; it would be snowplowed off the streets and turn gray and slushy or melt under the trampling boots of passerby on their way to work or school. This meant that even when it did snow, no one held out much hope for it to last longer than a day, two at most.
All this to say that Jon didn’t think much of the snow when he saw the flurries drifting outside his bedroom window. It had clearly just started snowing– didn’t even seem like it was sticking. He really didn’t think he’d need a coat. His bus route took him less than a block away from the institute and he resented the way his puffy winter coat made him feel: bulky and heavy, restricted at his joints. His thick white woolen sweater, made with oversized yarn and thrown over his collared shirt, would work fine. He thought he looked rather fit like this, hair half-knotted and curling over his shoulders. Tim would give him shit for having an “academia” aesthetic but, he “worked in academics, Tim. Every aesthetic I have is an academia aesthetic.”
Jon was, as usual, the first person to arrive at the archives. Diligently, he began his workday ritual, cranking up the thermostat and pulling the day calendar on his office wall to reveal the 23 December and chuckling to himself at today’s cat: all grey and massive, green eyes staring at the observer innocently. Sasha was next, blustering in her red peacoat, calling a greeting, and shaking it off before hanging it on the coat hook in the bullpen. Then came Martin and Tim, who had begun carpooling after realizing they lived less than two blocks away from each other. Greetings from the pair, “Happy Early Christmas”es. Now, the quiet, empty archives hummed with life and warmth. Jon, now seated his desk in his small office, could hear the chatter taking place in the main office space, the electric kettle humming in the breakroom, the Christmas music being argued over from the small speakers. All felt right. The Archivist smiled to himself and settled into work.
“What the hell? Tim!”
“That wasn’t me, Sash! I’m right here!”
“Calm down, you two. It was just the lights.”
The commotion outside his office confirmed to Jon that he wasn’t the only one whose office lights had suddenly blinked once and cut out. For just a moment he was reminded of Julia Montauk’s story about Mr. Pitch, but shook his head. They were fine. He stood and made his way to the breakroom, eyeing the also dark room, now lit by three phone torches. Being the underground section of the Institute meant they didn’t have much by way of windows, save for the single squat one high up in the breakroom, and Jon could see from here something was blocking the light that usually streamed through.
“I think it’s the whole Institute,” Jon offered unhelpfully. “Can one of you ring Rosie and check?” He turned and wandered absently into the breakroom to investigate the window. It was covered with snow. Frowning, Jon grabbed a chair and dragged it beneath the pane, climbing and pushing on the window.
“I think you need to unlatch it.”
“Jesus Christ, Martin!” Jon swayed and recovered his balance. How could he not hear such a large man come up behind him? He did try the latch though and pushed again. Once, twice, th-
“Fuck! Cold, cold, cold!” The snow that had piled up against the window had shifted and fallen through the gap Jon had so helpfully created; his face, glasses, and sweater generously dusted with cold and white. He sputtered and brushed it off himself, feeling dot of cold seep into his skin. The pane had been cleared though, and Jon could see, as he shoved the window closed again, blustering snow sweeping through the alleyway the window looked out on to. Jon turned back, seeing Martin’s face red with the effort of suppressing a laugh. “It’s snowing. Hard.”
“Yeah,” his voice wavered, lips parting in a warm smile. “I-I guessed that.” Even so, Martin offered Jon a hand and he took it, stepping off the now-wet chair with little grace. “Let’s see if there’s word from Rosie. Sasha was calling her when I came in.” Jon nodded wordlessly, holding Martin’s a little too long (it was so warm! And he was so cold) before letting go and leading Martin into the bullpen.
Sasha was lounging in her office chair, a finger curled in her thick hair, with her legs on her desk and her free hand holding her mobile to her ear. She was nodding, brow furrowed, and kicking Tim idly, who was perched on her desk, feet perched on the handles of one of her desk drawers and shining his torchlight in her eyes while she scowled at him. “Alright, brilliant Rosie. Tell Elias we send our warmest, fondest regards. Especially Tim. Oh—What’s that, Tim?” She eyed her perched friend mischievously; his eyes were wide, and he shook his head vigorously. “Oh. Tim says to tell Elias that he’s deeply in love with him and has been since the day he started.” She listened for a moment and nodded gravely. “Mmhmm. Thank you Rosie. I’ll let him know. Happy Christmas!”
“You little-”
Jon cleared his throat and Tim snapped his head up, eyes alight with mirth. “Bossman, I’m being slandered! You can’t expect me not to defend myself.” Jon chose to ignore his comment, though his expression was soft.
“Sasha, any word from Rosie?”
“Mhmm. Two things. Firstly, power’s out in the whole building. Apparently there’s a bit of a blizzard. Elias said we can have the day off. Secondly, Elias said he’s promoting Tim to his personal ass-isstant.” Tim howled and lunged at Sasha, who was giggling madly. Martin had lost it now too and was chuckling behind his hand at the scene of the taller woman scooting away on her rolling office chair from her dear friend. Even Jon scoffed, eyes following the pair affectionately. Jon didn’t notice he was shivering until he felt a warm hand on his shoulder. Looking up, he saw the silhouette of Martin.
“Are you cold? I’m feeling it too. I think the heat’s off with the power.”
Jon shrugged noncommittally, turning his eyes back to the vague forms of Sasha and Tim, who had given up on their wrestling and were sharing the office chair, Tim lounging across Sasha’s lap and scrolling on his phone. At this, Sasha perked up, nudging Tim. “If it’s gonna get cold in here and we have the day off, we should go get coffee! There’s a cute new place across the street from the park. Steamed Beans or something.”
“Beaned Steams,” Tim mumbled under his breath, extricating himself from Sasha’s lap and getting to his feet, smoothing back his hair before refluffing it expertly. “I’m game. But Sasha’s buying my drink because she’s being a bully.”
Martin nodded, rocking on his toes behind Jon. “I’m in. But the snow is intense. Bundle up if you don’t want frostbite.”
Silence stretched in front of Jon. Of course he hadn’t thought to bring a coat today. There was no way his sweater could weather the snowstorm going on outside. He’d have to say no and wait it out, hope the snow dies down. Or he could just embrace it. The park wasn’t that far away…Four or five blocks. Not far enough to call a cab and too far to walk unprotected. Shit.
He’d been quiet for too long. The other three were poised, waiting for his response. “I don’t think you would let me say no if I tried,” he relented. Tim whooped and clapped Jon on the shoulder as he passed him, grabbing his coat and winding a scarf around his neck.
“That’s the spirit, Sims! C’mon, get your coats and we’ll leave before the weather gets worse.” Jon meandered into his office, the chill hanging in the air, and searched the room for any abandoned coats he may have left behind. He was a bit forgetful (and a bit of a packrat) but he was pretty sure he’d taken home his forgotten clothes before Halloween, when Tim was threatening to dress up as him for the archive party Sasha had hosted. The only thing he found was a pair of fingerless gloves, abandoned in his desk drawer. He slipped them on, flexing his hands against the knit fabric, and shrugged inwardly. It would have to do.
Jon closed the door to his office, locking it as he did so, before turning to see his assistants standing in the hallway, wincing at the lights they shone at him. “Jon? Where’s your coat?” Sasha’s voice was equal parts accusing and patient, like reminding a child to wash their hands.
“I-well, I didn’t bring one today,” Jon flushed like he had been caught in a lie. “The snow wasn’t that bad when I left the house. And I, I don’t like the way it feels to wear one.” He held up hands helplessly. “I have these.”
Martin crossed his arms over his vested chest and the tails of his scarf. “It’s too cold for you to go out there without a jacket on. Too windy. You’ll catch pneumonia and die or something.”
“You can’t catch pneumonia like that, Martin. It’s a wives’ tale.” “You get what I mean! You can’t just wear a sweater and button up and fingerless gloves of all things and call it winter gear.”
Tim was stroking his chin thoughtfully, head cocked. “Would the old married couple shut up? I think I have something.” He took off his coat and unzipped the inside, extricating a fleece lining from the waterproof shell. “Here,” he draped it over Jon’s shoulder when he refused to take it. “If you don’t wear it, Martin has to buy all our coffees. You wouldn’t want to do that to sweet ol’ Marto, would you?”
Jon shrugged on the coat, grateful for the dark to hide his scowl and blush.
Sasha let out a noise of realization. “Oh! I have something too.” She disappeared and returned in less than a minute, holding out a knitted cap of some kind. “I keep a spare for when it’s too cold down here.” The inside was soft, lined with silk or satin or something, and Jon could feel some sort of applique on the side. Realizing there was no way he was going to win this fight, he tugged on the hat, frowning at the way it squished down the knot of hair he had so carefully arranged to be just the right amount of messy and structured.
Martin was stepping forward now as well, stooping slightly to wind a scarf around Jon’s neck and gently tucking the ends into the neck of the fleece. “Uh, here.”
“I-hm,” Jon struggled for words, feeling warm from more than just the new apparel. “Thank you, all of you, I suppose. I’ll-ah, I’ll give them back to you after.”
“No rush!” Tim nudged Jon with his shoulder as he grabbed Sasha’s hand, pulling her through the hallway to the stairwell. “Come on, I need the most expensive drink they sell in my belly, pronto!”
As the Archival staff left the Institute, they waved goodbye and wished a Happy Christmas to Rosie, who was packing up her own desk. They pushed themselves through the rotating door, immediately bowing their heads against the blinding white snow and the buffeting wind.
“Shit,” Martin said, pocketing his glasses. “No point in having these out. The one day I don’t bother with contacts. Are we sure we shouldn’t cab?” Jon glanced at the road, somewhere between slush and ice.
“I don’t trust lorry drivers on a good day.” Martin hummed an agreement.
Sasha led the way, the four keeping tight together against the wind and cold, the whirling of the snow drowning out all conversation, save for Tim’s occasional directions via his smartphone. Jon removed his own wire-rimmed glasses eventually, tired of them fogging up and of the snow melting into blurred spots, obscuring his vision even more. Martin held out his hand and Jon passed them over for Martin to put in his pocket. There was no one else out on the streets, no cars, no people. Jon imagined as they walked that they were the only four left in London, cursed to wander alone forever. His theory was proven wrong, however, when eventually the warm orange lighting of the coffee shop beckoned, the name Bean Village painted on the window.
“I think Sash’s name was better,” Tim declares in a low voice as they stamp their feet against the welcome mat and shake off snow from their hair and clothes. Jon removes the knitted cap to see the faux leather flower applique and the embroidered “S” he hadn’t been able to see in the dark, chuckling to himself and stuffing the mauve hat in his pocket. Their faces were all various toned shades of pink and the heavy heat of the air of the café, smelling strongly like coffee beans, vanilla, and cinnamon, made Jon’s once-numb nose and cheeks tingle as they were brought back to life.
Jon squinted at the chalk-written menu, moving to push up his glasses only to feel his hand falter when he found the nosepiece not there. “Oh-uh, Martin. Can I have my glasses?”
Martin frowned. “Ah, huh? Oh! Yes-yes, of course, sorry!” He fumbled for Jon’s glasses, drying the remaining melted snow on the hem of his shirt before handing them back.
The Magnus Institute’s archival staff were the only four customers in the store at present and made a point to order probably more than necessary, scones and muffins (blueberry for Martin and Sasha, cinnamon for Martin, a pumpkin muffin for Jon) in addition to the teas and coffees (chai lattes for Jon and Martin, a caramel latte for Sasha, and some sort of ridiculously sweet mocha for Tim), despite it being barely eleven in the morning. Jon saw Martin make a point to slip some extra money into the tip jar as well, feeling warmth bloom in his chest as he decided to do the same.
Honestly, this, squeezed into a booth, leaning into Martin’s side, with Tim and Sasha across from him, chatting, swapping stories, and sharing some institute-related memes Tim had drawn up on his phone, was the best Christmas gift Jon could have imagined.
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erchommai-a · 4 years
demon blood.
trigger warning: abuse mention, gross, scars, etc.
Lilith, Mother of Demons, was not an easy creature to summon, even with Valentine Morgenstern’s talents and determination. His earlier experimentation had attracted the demon’s attention. And had manipulated certain events to inspire the man to consider her blood for his experiments, hoping that through him, she may finally bear that son that she could never have.
With it came an agreement ─ an alliance that while Valentine had no plans or means to keep, he made regardless. Should his Uprising ( or any others in the future  prove victorious ) it would not only be his Nephilim that should benefit but her included. And the added clause that she would get to watch over Jonathan while Valentine ensured that it could and cannot happen without his direct permission.
Contracts after all are binding intricate dances. Especially when done with the mother of all demons.
His birth, for the most part, was normal. He only cried once, on that very night, and then never again. He never smiled. And often, had this knowing expression in his eyes as if he could comprehend the whole world around him, as if he could see the disgust written all over his mother’s eyes everytime she held him. It was the pregnancy with him that was difficult. Jocelyn suffered nightmares ; she suffered deep and unsettling exhaustion mixed with depression. An anxiety that wouldn’t leave her until that night Jonathan was born. A feeling that would only be replaced by disgust and almost fear for the first half of her first born’s life.
Jonathan for the most part was privy to these little things. Memories deeply ingrained in him but never really had full comprehension for it. More like vague nonsensical sequences, no matter how vivid the scenario is inside his head. Jocelyn crying. Green eyes looking down into his. Fingers in his hair. His fingers in her clasped hand. Valentine proudly called him his son. Stories of a grandmother and grandfather. Grand tales of a future to come.
Except for his eyes, by all appearance he looked normal. A quiet boy with advanced motor skills and seemingly quick and adaptive cognitive abilities. But he didn’t speak until he was around two and it was only one word, “Mom.” And he wouldn’t speak again until that fateful night his Father scoops him out of his bed and takes him away.
In his youth he wasn’t as volatile or violent towards new people. He found them fascinating and could just stare at them for hours. It was for that very reason that people tend to react to him differently. This child with deep empty soulless eyes just looking up at you, trying to understand what you’re thinking, could be unnerving with his almost complete silence and obvious lack of affect. But generally it was the adults that could pick up on his almost other-worldliness.
Children paid no mind to it. Alec, among the few children of the circle, was considerably his most constant friend due to how close Jocelyn and Maryse had been then. And they often had no issue playing around with each other. So long as Alec doesn't push Jonathan when he doesn’t want to do anything or doesn’t take anything Joanthan considers to be his. Oftentimes, Jon would just sit there and play with his own toys right next to the other kids.
Quiet and contnet with his own company.
Of course, this changed as he grew older. Restricted and practically trapped in solitude, save for the company of his dismissive father ─ his idea of people was easily twisted by Valentine’s Dogma. And his lack of opportunity for actual social practice or basic social understanding forged instead into weaponry and spycraft. Because for the most part, he can be very intuitive in the nature of people. But his childhood has made him very much a cynic towards people. Or humanity as a whole. He doesn’t think anyone or anything is worth saving. He finds chaos to be more fascinating. Morality is muddled whether you lean towards good or bad.
Chaos, to him, could almost be his religion.
physical traits.
The most obvious and significant effect of the demon blood in his system was the black eyes. And by that I literally just mean black pupils. He does not do the whole black eyes thing in my canon verses. It is just deep soulless black eyes that are quite freakishly inhuman but also human. He’s a cryptid.
There’s also a  general sharpness to his whole countenance that he wouldn’t have if the demon blood wasn’t there. Although it’s not really something completely noticeable, or something that ruins the aesthetic of his features, in fact it enhances his looks a lot more. Accentuating the beauty to his features that almost make it unnatural. Cause again, he’s kind of a cryptid.
The best way to picture it is how it's such a direct and obvious contrast to Jace’s beauty. Jace is golden, the sun, absolutely angelic. Jon is raw, sharp, ethereal like the night, absolutely hellish.
nature of the demon blood.
Please take note of this, cause this is such a crucial part to how I play him.
The general philosophy regarding demon blood is plain and simple, it’s a cancer to his soul. It’s not something that had any serious instantaneous effect on him so much that he is inhuman ─ or that he was born demonic or anything like that. He is different. But he isn’t entirely all demon or entirely all human because he has angel blood. He is still Nephilim.
So with it came this effect of diminishing humanity ─ the hell fire inside of him was burning it up in a waythat it wasn’t just purely dependent on how he was raised but the demon blood itself was isolating him from his human traits. The good emotions, empathy, compassion, etc. And influencing him in a way that his aggression and general affinity for violence is louder. So it just amplifies deep dark baser urges that are already within him ─ like his impulse control and fascination with violence and blood lust. They were all only heightened. And you match that with Valentine Morgenstern’s school of learning ─ it builds inside of him a clashing.
Demon versus Human.
A conflict of demon and angel fighting within himself in such a profound way that him, being the one with it, can not tell the difference of how abnormal his physical constitution is. He neither feels it, nor comprehends it. To him it’s a natural state of being. That feeling of conflict inside of him that never goes away. That unbearable loneliness. That insufferable hunger or feeling of emptiness. That absolute soul sucking encompassing black hole that is never sated, never satisfied, never content. It never goes away. It just is. It’s just him.
He has been burning ─ rotting ─ from the inside out since he was born.
With that said ─ at no point does it take away his agency ( because please stop doing that ) to the point that it’s easy to assume that he would be different without demon blood. No, it won’t. The anger in him is something he was born with. That loneliness, he was born with it. He was given as much choice as anyone ─ he could have killed his Father but he didn’t. He could have killed Jace first, without hesitation or second judgement in City of Glass, he didn’t. He didn’t have to kill Max, but he did.
One could argue that he didn’t make the choices with the best capacity or capability to make those decisions, yes, But it doesn’t take away the fact that he made those choices of his own volition. He chose to follow the path that leads to his death.
The demon blood or his demonic nature is not the sole instigator.
But he has done and will do evil things.
This is just a quick thing because I stand by the notion that he isn’t evil. Not inherently. He has done despicable, heinous, evil things. He has nearly accomplished more devious and horrible crimes. And had he won ─ he could have continued to try to raise the stakes until that deep hole inside of him was filled and satisfied.
Which cruelly would never be sated.
But his intent had never been directly for absolutely malicious intent.
He was built and cultivated towards this prospect because after his first death. It is the only clear and obvious direction for him. Because without his Father’s purpose, he has nothing. Without that legacy to latch onto ─ he has nothing. That and Family has only been the two things Valentine had allowed him to strive for. So in truth, he wouldn’t really know any better.
And if you let him loose, absolutely and purely, on his own whim and want. Things would have ended differently. He would have thrived more beautifully in chaos.
It could have still led to a war. But a fun war. For him anyway.
Quick summary, he isn’t evil for evil sake. Kind of in the same vein, Valentine isn’t inherently evil. He was a villain who thought he was doing what was right, if a little bit over-zealously and like a megalomaniac. But I guess, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. There’s a method to both their madness.
effects and abilities.
infertile. This isn’t really something he knows or directly thinks about. Children, to him, for the most part aren’t like a big deal. But no, he can’t have kids. None of his own anyway.  The demon blood has taken that away. demon connection. Although his connection to Lilith is both in part because it’s her blood specifically that flows through him, it does extend quite a bit to others within the demonic hierarchy. With Lilith, it’s a very specific sort of connection. She can contact him, although with limitations, but she can make her presence very well known to him. In his childhood, she could only maintain it in short instances. Soft reassuring voices in his ears. Little visions. Little dreams. Nothing that could alert Valentine to her presence because of their contract that she is not allowed to see Jon without his permission / supervision. But this connection extends to all other demonic creatures specifically. It doesn’t only offer itself up as a sort of dowsing rod that works both ways ( he can sense them and they can sense him like he’s a beacon ). With that, also comes this understanding. He can speak in demon tongue that is also not just exclusively phonetically but emphatically or telepathically as well in the most natural sense. It was never something he had to study. demon manipulation. This is just an extension of the effects of Lilith’s blood in him. He can influence, to some degree lower tier demons. Order them around based on his blood connection to Lilith. Something that works almost similarly like light hypnotism. But is not overly powerful or overt that he can use it for very long or very often. And only works on the unintelligent breed of demons. blood magic / blood sorcery. There is, inherently, a lot of use for his blood in terms of magic and rituals. His blood being a unique combination of demon and nephilim make it a very powerful conduit or power source for dark magic.  And not only that, his blood is a good supplement to other things like summoning rituals and binding rituals. Summoning circles lined with his blood has a stronger binding energy against demons and may not be exclusive to just demons. ( He has yet to find out, although theoretically can be applied to anyone that falls within the confines of summoning circles. ) It also has  corrosive properties when interacting with objects heavenly by nature. Or some enchanted objects. ( e.g. deactivating the wards. ) demonic blood empowerment. Physically, this technically makes him stronger than jace to a certain degree. Partnered with his training, this makes him absolutely lethal. And both fast and stronger than the majority of shadowhunters. Along with it, is a sense of physical self reliance. The more the influence of the demon blood becomes stronger, the less he has a need for human things. It destroys him spiritually and mentally but it builds him up physically to the point that a lot of what is essential to another person may not be as essential to him. Like physical sustenance is less of a necessity to him which in turn makes him eat less, sleep less, basically do so little of the human things that most people absolutely need. ( e.g. dreaming art, little enjoyments, those sort of things. ) This is also where the advanced nature of his progress in childhood also comes in effect. It helped him adapt to the physicallity of growing up or maturity much faster than a normal child would have. pain supression / resistance. Mostly before LIlith's resurrection, pain to him was a normal affliction. He felt as much as anyone physically could. But again through Valentine Morgenstern school of how to be a monster, he was taught to make himself numb to it through training and with physical abuse, he did. Post Lilith’s resurrection, he was gifted with almost unnatural invincibility. He is more likely to feel the pain now unless it was directly imbued with heavenly fire. This also meant there was no scarring and that he could get stabbed as many times as he liked. Cutting his head off could also work though. If you were fast enough. limitations. For the most part, there are only three things that can effectively hurt / bruise him in a sense. First and foremost is Demon metal, weapons made from these are rare but can leave significant scars on his skin after. And nothing that any known magic or angelic rune had been able to remove. Electrum, can also have similar effects but not as aggravating or as long lasting as demon metal. In pain level, electrum is a lot more tolerable for him than demon metal. And the scars, no matter how deep, are not as permanent as weapons infused with demon metal. Sanctified objects or holy ground can make him feel kind of an allergic reaction. There’s definitely a different energy around them that makes him uncomfortable. Not to the point that it weakens and not even to any significant degree that it hurts him. But they do make him feel weird and kind of aggravate the hell fire in his veins so it’s almost like a fever that’s just there. Or an itch that he cannot scratch. Anything imbued with heavenly fire directly however can be excruciating to him.  magic. To some degree, he has an affinity for it. He can be very talented with magic. It’s something innate and he can be very  intuitive with. More so than his own father, from whom he learned nearly all the spells that are within his arsenal. However, he isn’t as in tune with it so to speak, spiritually, as he is with his weapons. It’s why even when he has the ability for most things like basic healing spells, tracking spells, etc, he still prefers to use his shadowhunter training and weapons. But he does have a working understanding of how to use and conjure magic for himself. He just doesn’t. edom magic. I thought I should separate this just to emphasize that edom was gifted to him by lilith. Edom is his and hers domain. There is nothing he or she can not build or unravel or undo or make or destroy within the confines of that universe. He is, within its world, by all means a god. It does not however mean he is omniscient or omnipotent within it. It just means every grain of sand and every single atom within the confine of said universe is his to control. wings. This is absolutely just me indulging myself because I live for the aesthetic. This comes about after the bond between him and Jace is broken in COLS. A part of Lilith’s gift. To expound on the image or her goal for her son too to be hell’s knight so to speak. An absolute bastardization of angels with his demon blood and angel blood, so voila, wings. They are dark and sharp, the wings fade from white to gray to black, right at his shoulder blades, where they connect to his skin. Blood red vains stretch from his skin to the arch of his wings.  They are retractable and can be easily hidden within his skin or just through plain glamour magic. ( Cause you know, still kind of a cryptid. Just a pretty cryptid. ) Outside of some ability for flight, they don’t offer him much protection. They work more like an extra appendage. And something that stays with him in post-cohf verses although they appear more withered then and scarred. They also appear as fresh new scars, that cover over a small part of his shoulder blade as well as over the lines of scars from his whipping across his back.
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nox-scrie · 5 years
The Burning Devil
TMA5 Countdown- Day 1, The Corruption and The Vast
So... the trailer dropped yesterday and this fanfic is NOT really true to the canon universe but I don't really care (as Jonny doesn't care about me or my feelings). Also it's not corrected so I'm sowwy for this @pilesofnonsense . Hope y'all like it though!!
Content Warnings: Burning, Loneliness, Cancer and some kind of Madness
Characters: Jon "Jarchivist" Sims, Martin "Too Pure 4 This" Blackwood, Jude Perry and some OCs
Fears: The Corruption, The Vast and some mentions of The Eye
Rating: Teen and Up Audience
Setting: ~a month after the ending of Season 4
Word Count: 3585
The Burning Devil
The train almost reached London when the weird things started happening. Most of the passengers were asleep, the train having been going non-stop for the last 15 hours. Nobody even cared to look at the two men sitting in a bed together in a sleep  car, one of the two shaking so badly you couldn't focus on his shape and the other franatically searching for something in a backpack.
The first light bulb went out as easily as if you blew a candle. One of the men started nervously bitting his lip, before abandonind the bag and craddling the trembling man in his arms. A girl on a few beds away from them, headphones in her years and a book opened in her lap, sent a nasty look towards the non-functioning light, and then looked at the two men as if she knew they were looking at her. She didn't say anything though, other than smiling in an approving way.
Then, the whole train shook, as if it was passed by an electric wave. Now most of the passangers were awake, some screaming in distress, others just mumbling about the poor quality of transportation in England.  Nobody looked at the men that were hugging on the bed, and how something started... moving on one of their skin. A sigh escaped the trembling person as they started clinging to their lover's sweater.
"Martin." was all he said, and then the eyes that have appeared on his skin started blinking rapidly, chaotically, and Martin started feeling sick.
"I... I think I can find it, Jon. I really do. Just..."
"No. The girl. She has something to tell me."
Jon was looking down at the dirty bedsheets, rows of sweat covering his forehead, but the eyes kept staring at the girl with the headphones, who was now half out of her bed and walking the short distance towards them. Martin covered Jon's forearms with a blanket, but he could do anything about the eyes that appeared on his lovers' face and neck. He was hungry, and there was no other meal than information, trauma, pain and sorrow he needed right now.
"Hey... is your partner okay? It looks like-" and then she saw the eyes. The moment was imprinted on her face, which turned a ghostly white, her black eyes wide and mouth started opening to let out a scream.
"No." was all Jon said, looking at her with his own eyes, and the scream was stuck in the girl's throat. The eyes on Jon's skin started to shine, as if blazing from within. "Tell me... tell me your story."
A tape recorder appeared on his hand out of thin air, and Martin closed his eyes for a few seconds and signaled for the girl to have a seat on their bed. She did that, but Martin wasn't sure how much of that was her own will and how much The Eye's. He extended a hand though, and she looked at it, panicked, before looking at Martin once again and seeing.. something on his face that made her take his hand.
Nobody was paying attention to the two men and the girl that were sitting in a bed, prefering to watch the windows that were now cracked in shapes that perfectly resembled some eyes. Martin started feeling his heart pumping, fatigue overtaking his body, and he didn't look st Jon, he couldn't. Instead, he focused on the girl's face and clasped her hand with both of his.
Jon pressed play, and the eyes were rolling around and around on his skin, all kinds of colors and shapes, from white to blue to purple and yellow, from small to wide and enlongated. His voice was calm, collected, and it sent a chill down Martin's spine as he tightened his grip on the girl's hand. He hated the this, the fact that The Eye had so much control, the way it turned his lover into a puppet. Even though anger was building up inside his chest, he took a deep breath and focused on the story. There was nothing either of them could do now.
"Statement of... Alicia Jesper... regarding the last car race she ever took part in. Statement recorded directly from subject, the first of November, 2018. Statement begins."
There was a moment of silence, and the eyes focused on Alicia at once, burning on her. She let out a sigh, one of distress or fear or both, and she opened her mouth and started talking. The words were heavy, and being dragged out like this was like seeing someone be placed in a chair and given a handgun, so they can kill themselves before it gets worse for them. Martin felt his hands crushed by her, and he realized that maybe she was angry too. He hoped she was; anger is not hopelessness, he would know.
"I've always been interested in cars. Either in an aesthetic sort of way, or driving them, cars are a constant in my life more than anything else... or, they used to be, at least.
My first memory is me in the front seat, being held by my father. I remember how small my hands were on the steering wheel, and how he laughed, or caughed, because I was shaking and I thought that's what it felt like to drive on a bumpy road. I must have been around three or four years old then, and my father died when I was ten. Mom never recovered, and by the time I turned fourteen, sha has changed half a dozen of jobs and has given up entirely on at least trying to get better.
When she told me we had to sell the car to pay our rent, I revolted. It was not my fault that she couldn't get herself into psychiatric help, and neither was the car's. I told her, begged her, to try to get into therapy and finding a job, but she was hellbent. And that's how I got my first fake ID.
One of the upperclassmen, some person named Morgan Doe, was into this shady, movie-like, kind of bussines. They had a reputation for faking IDs and other documents, and getting their hands on everything you wanted for the right price. I took all of our economies, which were really not that many now that I think of it, and asked for a Graduation Certificate and a fake ID. They haven't even looked at me for more than three seconds, and nodded. In two weeks, I was a new person, Allison Jay, an 18 year old who was taking a gap year before going to the University of Manchester. I got a job of delivering pizza without even trying too hard.
Now I just had to learn how to drive. There are many... many Youtube tutorials and Wikihow articles that really do help, but I had to learn it on my own, my short body barely reaching the pedals. It was a long process, but luckily I haven't destroyed anything in the time I was learning, and the police never stopped my car, even as I knew I was not driving under the speed limit.
From then on, it was the time for jobs related to driving: I delivered pizza, drove people around, even signed up for Uber for a while. The tips were good, but I had to clean the backseat so often that the material started wearing off. All in all, throught high school my mom and I did great money wise. She was still a nasty thing, angry and... in pain all the time, but at least we had something to put on the table every day. And then she died too, and I was left with a three-room apartment and crappy car. I was finishing high school then, and after the graduation ceremony, I packed my things, burned up any remains of the name Alicia Jesper I could find, sold the apartment and the car and left.
My first sports car was won in a race. It was a lucky strike; I was with one of my friends, Mirabella Ashton, who's place I was crashing, and we thought it could be fun. We were both into driving, and my friend even participated in a few races, but I was a newbie. Still, when this drunk guy came to us and said that he will race for his car, my fingers started trembling and my brain was on fire, and before I knew what was happening, I said yes. My friend was pretty tipsy too, and they let me borrow their car as long as I get it back in one piece. I joked that they didn't even know me, but I was nervous anyway. I placed a few grans on the bet, almost all of the money I had left, got into my friends' car and tried to calm my heart. I looked at the other drivers, all of them young and overrexcited that they will compete against a drunk guy and a girl, and the anger that started in my heart was more powerful than any fuel you can lay your eyes on.
So I drove. And I won. I shared the profit after the first race with my friend, and with the rest of the money and the car, I left the city. And so my life of car racing started. It was not always illegal, but it was hard to make a name for yourself in a men's world, without college or relations to send you to the top. I lived the next decade in abandoned train stations and open fields, drank so much booze my blood turned to beer, and had the time of my life. It was last year, when the incident happened.
I was good at what I was doing. I was so good, people were started to call me The Burning Devil, and got out of my way when I came to the races. It's not a popular activity, with only a few true sponsors, and after I settled down I started to get to know most of the people that came to these events. It would have been surprising to not notice the new person who came in that awful day, all dressed in red leather and with ginger hair.
She said her name was Jude, not giving a last name too. She said she was a newbie, as if you couldn't see that from how she was too-casually leaned on her car. She said she wanted to race, and that she wanted to race me.
I laughed, a bitter sound, and told her I don't want to crush her dreams when they're still so young. She in retutn extended a hand towards me, a wide smile on her face, and told me that if I give her a chance I might just change my mind. I didn't laugh this time; there was something in her voice... it made me jump slightly, as if there was a small flame under my feet. She was the one who laughed, and got inside her car without wating for me to shake her hand.
I looked at my friends, at my family basically, the only people who have cared for me and helped me improve, and smiled an already winning smile. They cheered me, and Mirabella, who was staying at my place for the time being, gave me a kiss on the lips. We were kind of in a relationship at the time, but that didn't continue after the race.
It was an easy win. I had a decade of experience and a good car, way better than the one I won when I was eighteen. I looked over to the girl in red leather, and she was staring right back at me. As the signal that warned us to get ready was heard, she smiled at me, again. This time I felt the flame cover my arms, and I hissed. I remember thinking that I should not let her get in my head.
This race was held on a hill, as were most of the races sponsored by Simon Fairchild. We were supposed to ride from the bottom of it to the top and make an U-turn to get back to where we started. It was more complicated than one might think, having to control the car both as you drive on a diagonal line, and and as you turn on a small area of space. Yet, I've made this circuit for more than a dozen of times so I wasn't worrying.
It took me only three minutes to get ahead by a good few hundred of metres. I could barely see har car, as red as her clothes, in the rear view mirror, and laughed out loud, feeling one with the car, feeling so free and so present in the world... The top of the hill was right ahead, and I was already feeling the taste of the rum the others' were going to give me and the smell of Mirabella's skin when she hugged me. It will be amazing to see the girl in red red with anger.
I reached the top of the hill witht he right speed limit to make the turn. My hand was on the break, at ready, and just as I turned it it... wasn't moving. It was stuck. I frantically started moving the handle, the end of the cliff top approaching me hurriedly, and I just couldn't. I started unbuckling my seat belt, ready to jump out of the car, and then I saw the red car, right next to my window. With half a mind I thought about how could she have gotten there so fast, and then I started to notice the fire. Her whole car was ablaze. She was laughing, but I couldn't hear her, just watch the wicked way her lips moved, and then she waved at me and I noticed that.. her skin was dripping. Just like the wax of a candle. The last thing I remember before plumetting off the hill was that her eyes and hair have caught fire too, and that it was beautiful in it's horror.
And then the car plummeted off the cliff. My seat belt was off, and I frantically tried to open the door, but it was stuck too. I think I screamed, I must have screamed, waiting for my awful end. But I.. I didn't die. The car was falling at a constant speed, like a paper airplane, almost floating in the air. The sky above me was too bright, and the green of the hill was barely noticeable in my fall. I didn't move, out of terror that changing my position might cause the lose of balance the car has. So I just waited for my inevitable death.
It's a weird thing, knowing that you'll die in only a few minutes, and knowing how it will happen, but being useless as in making a change. I watched the sky above me, that burning blue, and thought of my father. He has died of lung cancer from working long hourse in a mine around my hometown. Mom passed away in a similar way, lung cancer, but it was a weird thing... she has never smoked, or been around so heavily polluted air as my father did.
As the car kept crashing, falling, floating, I felt it. I felt the air being stuck in my chest, and I started coughing. I couldn't breath. I couldn't open my mouth enough to get in some air, any air, I couldn't make my nose inhale, or my chest stop hurting, and my head started feeling heavy as I was coughing and falling and floating towards my own death. I felt blood vessels explode across my skin with ugly pops, my eyes glued shut, I felt hopeless and wished so, so, hard to just die already.
And then it stopped. The car was still floating at a constant speed, but the pain in my chest was no longer there. I could breath, and I did that for at least ten minutes before allowing myself to open my eyes. The sky was brighter than ever, and I hated it.
That's how I lived for what must have been three days. It was coughing fits and the impossibility to breath, it was me crying softly in the driver's seat, not caring about any kind of balance as I tried with all my might to open the door, any door, and kill myself to escape from that hell. The sky turned black when night begun, such as it did everyday, but even that was too bright, ablaze, mocking me in its freedom. I couldn't sleep. I didn't feel hunger, or thirst, either, I just sat there, watching, wishing to die, wishing for the coughing fits to stop, but none of my wishes came true.
When I felt something of that floating shift, I was just getting out of a coughing fit. This one was different than the others, blood having painted my hands now. That was the moment the car started falling.
It took only a few seconds. It took only a few seconds for it to get stuck in a tree around the other end of the hill, and for me to open the driver's door as if it was nothing. I fell on the ground and started running, expecting to be sore or hungry or in pain, at least, but I was feeling nothing. I ran and left my crashed car behind, as far away as I could. I needed to get on the road, to hitchhike to the city, and to make sure everyone knew I'm okay.
That's when I saw all the people gathered right where the race started, cheering for the girl in red so loudly I could hear it from almost a mile away. I stopped in my tracks; there was no way they could have been sitting there for three days, in exactly the same clothes. Uncertain, I walked towards them and saw the girl, Jude, with her arm around Mirabella's shoulder, saying something in her ear. She was not burned up. She was fine, her car was fine, her clothes were fine. I was not fine.
When Jude saw me, she smiled that wide, awful grin. I felt like I could cry, but I cried so much in the air that I don't think I'll be able to do it again. Jude thanked me for the race, and kissed Mirabella on the head. Her eyes were slightly unfocused, but she looked at me with an indescribable expression, before turning in Jude's embrace, away from me.
"And thanks for my prize, too." said Jude, barely above a whisper, as she turned towards the crowd with Mirabella. I could see that Mirabella's shirt had a hole on the shoulder where Jude's hand has been, a hole that looked as if it was burned in the material. It was the shape of the girl in red's hand.
I hitchhiked the way home. None of my friends offered me a ride."
Martin's hands were sore, and Allison's eyes were red, as if she has been crying. Jon no longer had the eyes covering his skin and he looked tired, not sick, as he looked before. The trembling stopped, and the windows were back in their original shape. Most of the passangers thought they must have imagined them breaking, or saw the branches of the trees in the pale moonlight hitting across the windows and thought they were cracks.
"Statement ends. Thank you... Alicia. "
"Do. Not. Call me. That." she extracted her hands from Martin's grip and formed a fist towards Jon, clutching her jaw. "I don't know what you just did, how you made me talk, but what I've been through has been hard enough without some creppy guy digging in my past and making me throw up all my trauma to be recorded on that stupid tape. Do you and your boyfriend get off on that?"
"It's really not like that Allison, we-" Martin started, but she extended her hand and made a fist of his sweater, threatening him now.
"Stop it. Stop it. This has been.. a very weird night. I will go back to sleep and when I wake up you two will not say a word to me ever again, not if you don't want me to call the cops. This night, this discussion, has not happened."
Jon let out a soft, unamused laugh, and nodded. Allison got up from the bed, clutching her hands around her neck, and started coughing. She returned to her bed with her back turned towards them, headphones in her ears, and did not move from that position.
"I hate when that you have to do that." Martin said, failing to hide the edge of his voice.
"I know. Me too. But it will be over soon, okay? It will be over soon."
They looked at each other and Jon sighed, placing a small kiss on Martin's forehead. He has been getting hungrier and hungrier in the past few days, but at noleast now they had a plan. Jon clutched the tape recorder in his hand and looked at the sky, the sky that was looking back at him, and hoped that their plan will work.
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b0x · 5 years
i hate that post that's like “we would've gotten a better trilogy if they'd just let rian johnson write all three films than playing hot potato with jj” like i get the point it's trying to make but you're forgetting that rj was fighting tooth and nail for the tlj r*ylo narrative since day 1 so you do realise we would've just gotten the same trilogy as we got now.......
further Thoughts on the trilogy as a whole and a few troc spoilers under the cut
also you KNOW that even if jj COULD have had a hand in saving it... there’s no saving a screenplay written by the guy who did the justice league films
No Comment. No Thoughts. Head Empty. everything post tfa was doomed from the start
have you SEEN the screenwriters for tfa? THAT’S why that one was so good, THAT’S why tfa succeeded as an excellent reboot of a long-dormant franchise. kasdan and arndt and jj should've been on for ALL THREE, and if they couldn’t, then a hiatus was the way to fucking go. rian never should have Touched it, never should have even Looked in its direction.
tfa had the essence of sw BECAUSE the essence of sw wrote it! tlj and tros isn’t sw!!!! 
they rly just tried to make Anakin..... 2! with kylo... but somehow... even Worse. you can’t make an anakin story Without showing kylo’s motives and morals - oh, except, you Did show his motives and morals, and they were in no way redeeming whatsoever! anakin had a whole ARC of complexity that allows for endless discussion on morality and justifiability that led him to earn his redemption. all kylo had was a blood tie to han and leia, which!!!! if anything!!!!!! made his motives and morals WORSE, knowing that he had the most IDEAL most loving and perfect upbringing and he still chose the dark side. that makes any love received from han or leia or luka or even fucking rey completely insignificant because we ALREADY KNOW what it means to him. all of this shit was so worthless!!!!!!!! fuck!
and i have a lot to say about rian johnson because i Cannot for the life of me believe the guy behind BRICK (2005) was taken on for tlj, WHILE TFA WASN’T EVEN FINISHED YET. i really didn’t think this had to be said but that is just NOT how you make a Trilogy. that is how you make Three Separate Films and guess what! that is exactly what we got! and it honestly saddens me to think that the guy behind the beautiful 6 minute music video ‘oh baby’ by lcd sound system, inspired by some of his greatest work in looper (and even brick!), would then take the absolute worst of his worst and apply that to a star wars franchise that desperately needed his best. and there’s something hilarious about that too, that you have this huge sandbox FULL of belief-suspending ridiculousness and STILL somehow make it fail? make it atrocious? that takes skill. it’s like that one post that was like “you have to ACTUALLY put EFFORT into making something this bad” like it’s no longer silly mistakes or lacklustre energy, this was ACTIVE sabotage.
the fact rian Had the Understanding of the core concepts of star wars right in his hands, but somehow completely missed the entire point of them? if you look at the films he screened to his story group during the development of tlj... this handful of culturally and historically significant war films that just seem like he screened for aesthetic and reference purposes only instead of actually exploring and analysing the importance and criticism of the exonerating war propaganda and racist source materials and using these films to inspire the actual groundwork of some of the root themes of current climates and today’s culture in a sw universe... i bet big bucks on the fact that twelve o clock high was only screened to inspire the air battle on crait (red salt planet) and because of ‘VIII Bomber Command’ because ha ha hee hee tlj is episode VIII and hoo hoo hoo *you’ve been gnomed.mp4* 
the general rule is this: when reading ANY report on tlj and tros and something like “the characters came first” is mentioned, just exit out the window, it’s already a botched article/thinkpiece.
i’m also thinking a lot about how arndt translated his first draft for tfa into a script for eight months and said he needed 18 more, which disney and jj said no to, so he left, and IMMEDIATELY after jj kept saying how relieved he was that the release date was delayed and gave him more time that he also needed. like.. you had your lesson then and there. did they learn from it? *disney forcing rian to write tlj at the same time as tfa was still being made* No!
i am ALSO thinking about how they had considered fincher, brad bird, jon favreau, del toro, even getting development suggestions by spielberg.......... and rian johnson is who they called up for tlj.... my head is... empty.
just give the fucking thing to taika waititi he understands the nuances of the socio-political climates of sw’s narratives built around a guise of a fun sci-fi fantasy adventure-drama. he understands. that’s literally the very definition of his style of writing and directing. Makes You Think Why The Mandalorian Is A Hit.... they already gave him 2 mandalorian episodes just give him the whole franchise i cant take it anymore. 
AND NOW THEY’RE GIVING RIAN JOHNSON A WHOLE NEW TRILOGY? RIAN? RIAN JOHNSON? THEY’RE GIVING HIM A WHOLE NEW TRILOGY AFTER WHAT HAPPENED... HERE. SURE.. OKAY . ALRIGHT. IT’S HONESTLY MIND-BLOWING. THE THOUGHT PROCESS THAT GOES INTO CONSECUTIVE DECISIONS SUCH AS THIS. like i would LOVE to see footage of the board meeting for this. no sarcasm i am GENUINELY curious to hear what was said to greenlight this. i have GOT to know what post tros board meetings about this will be like. 
anyway! op of that post! i will be thinking about you when the new rj trilogy drops!
what’s worse about this whole trilogy is that.. they Had it. they had it in the bag with tfa. they HAD the original idea they HAD the power to make a sw trilogy set to current climates JUST LIKE THE PREVIOUS TRILOGIES DID, cos that’s what sw is all about! what it was ALWAYS about! a space opera reflective of current times and climates. but disney turned it into a Keeping Up With The Skywalkers reality tv show that’s nothing more than a sci-fi fantasy light show and vfx flex to keep the brand alive, and personally, i think that’s ultimately one of the reasons it’s so hated and why it failed (of course rampant misogyny/sexism, racism, homophobia under the guise of geek culture within the sw community and in the production itself is a whole other discussion and is another humongous part of why it’s hated and why it failed)
and it’s why hamill had every right to criticise tlj the way he did with rotj, why boyega and isaac and ridley had Every right to their commentary on their distaste of the second and third instalments. how the only reason they’d rescind what they said was due to their contracts. how their silence was necessary to squeeze every last dollar out of consumers because god forbid a potential boycott due to their own star’s “controversial” (Correct) judgements and disapprovals
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they really had it in the bag..
a female protagonist who could be a chosen one regardless of her blood and family ties, a protagonist that reflected the importance and validity of found family, and the idea that Anyone can be a “Skywalker”, a symbol of hope and a fighter for justice and goodness and love in the world, especially in the darkest of times... a young woman being just as powerful, as Chosen, as essential as Luke and Anakin were... a narrative that couldve been commentary on the necessity of women needing to do double the work, make double the effort, to earn the same spot of her counterparts. and with the second and third instalments, especially NOW, with the growth and vocalisation of the MeToo movement, the narrative of strength to speak out against abusers, to fight back and to thrive, a symbol of justice, to teach that men such as kylo who refuse consequence, who actively and soberly choose violence and manipulation for the strengthening of the self, who will ignore and deny all opportunities to better the self, to know their guilt, to make up for their actions, are the ones who are irredeemable. that people like him are not owed any time or understanding or belief in, when that belief perpetuates the violent and oppressive nature they are indefinitely attracted to and make themselves defined by.
a black hero raised by violence and refusing to be defined by it and unlocking the force within as a symbol of that strength within over encompassing goodness, to have a hero that breaks that harmful narrative stereotype that black characters have had for decades and still continue to do so, to have a voice and a hero that fights with love and kindness, that is able to find family and support in a place beyond what he believes he is allowed to have, the significance of a hero being deemed a “traitor”, a term that holds weight in the shame of seeking your own independence and identity, versus the cathartic empowerment of thriving in the independence you make for yourself in the end. a black hero that defeats his oppressors, oppressors that belong to a policing fascist regime, a faction that has always from the very beginning been a depiction of nazis, of authoritarian nationalism. 
a canonical gay latino man freedom fighter, being the best in his career as a literal symbol of hope for the resistance, a literal symbol of the climates for lgbt folk in regards to resisting those same fascist nazi regimes, resisting laws against lgbt existence, lgbt employability, lgbt success. a man who grew into a legacy of heroism, surrounded by it, something that could have been powerful poignant commentary on the necessity to sacrifice lives so others like his didn’t have to, the very narrative to fight for a world that the innocents and the ones he loves could have peace in, could have a future in, could Exist in. poe fights in the skies because he knew damn well the effect of believing in someone that is human, like you, instead of a force that is bigger than anything you could ever know or believe in. poe brings humanity and realism to an otherwise fanatical universe of magic and religion and chaos of endless war that means nothing, that is based on nothing. poe is commentary on fighting a fight that you have no choice but to fight, that you are forced to fight from birth just for the very act of Existing. his humanity and realism is a significant grounding necessity for our two protagonist heroes and it is appalling that he’d just be discarded the way he was, shallowly played off as sideline comic relief, much like lgbt narratives and characters are expressed in pretty much ANY media today, so it comes as no surprise. 
the three most vital narratives that should have been told in this trilogy but no of course not (disney voice) gimme my Fackin MANEY. it’s the silence of marginalised voices cleverly disguised under hollow face-value representation.
honestly, even rey being blood-related to palpatine as his granddaughter was such a strong and perfect set-up for The Narrative That Could’ve Been TM, but instead they had palpatine make it a whole weird pseudo-marriage thing that was just so. backwards and unbelievably shocking that it was in a 2019 era star wars film.
wow marriage story and the rise of skywalker really is the same movie huh
yes we wanted a grey jedi protagonist hero that gets tempted by the dark side but this was the absolute worst way that could’ve been explored. like if they were just gonna recycle old characters and old storylines and make them worse they could’ve at least looked at darth maul or asajj ventress and the nightsisters
and NO WONDER oscar looked so DEFEATED every time finnpoe was mentioned cos he fought for that shit tooth and nail and they? ? ? they gave him a funny ha ha hee hee hoo hoo straight flirt scene? ? with like his ex or something, where they imply they get back together? COMPLETELY destroying the ENTIRE narrative of his character that was so lovingly built and developed in the Official Canon Comic Series About Him ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
NO WORDS. there are NO WORDS. head EMPTY. no not even empty there's NO HEAD at all i am BEHEADED
finn had NOTHING in this film. Nothing. how are you gonna make him a joint-protag with rey and give him Nothing? 
anyone with brain cells knows that what finn truly was trying to tell rey the entire film was that he was force sensitive, i will take this to my grave, and that should’ve built up to this grand reveal where they empower each other and take down palpatine and kylo as one, as the joint-protagonists they were Literally Fucking Written And Built Up To Be. they gave EVERY antagonist to REY. what was the POINT. rey had her significant clash with kylo across two films, hell, even in this one (before the Final one), tros was the penultimate film about her family, her bloodline, so her significant final battle should have been with palpatine a la rotj. the person who DESERVED to clash with and take down kylo once and for all was FINN, even a TODDLER would understand WHY. 
but considering everything, i would take the thing finn was trying to tell her the entire film being that he loves her ANY DAY if it meant whatever the fuck we got instead Never Happened.
finn got made general and not only was it a blink-and-you-miss bit but it adds NOTHING, yes it’s something to celebrate and of Course he deserves it, but it holds zero significance to him as a character. like i mentioned earlier, when han was made general, that never defined him. he was still han solo and it took a Dozen other significant scenarios and twists to make him a significant and vital memorable character. han solo isn’t known for “being a general”. he’s known for being han fucking solo, a critical puzzle piece in the taking down of the empire, a scamp-turned-deeply-loyal friend and lover, a man who not only got his own personal storyline concluded to the level it deserved to be (the repercussions of his bounty hunter life, the importance of the falcon, his relationships with lando, luke, and leia, his triumph over his captors even when it was luke and leia who freed him). 
side note, this was maybe the one thing that tfa screwed up, the entire point and development of the original trilogy, it sort of felt a bit moot with how they put a “twist” on han, leia and luke’s relationship, especially when it came to kylo. but i think there are some forgivable aspects to it for the sake of the new trio, and that’s why those executive decisions kind of Worked! this is, of course, for another discussion bc this is about the new trilogy.
leia IS known for being a general because part of her entire storyline revolves around it and the significance of it!!! which is why finn being made general just feels so... i don’t know! just completely disrespectful, to both him as a character, and to generals who are defined by this position (such as, hello!!!!! poe!!! poe fucking dameron!!!! a man raised by the resistance!!! a man who’s entire life and prior legacy was entirely dedicated to the resistance!!!! him being made general MEANT something). it’s like rubbing salt in the wound of the fact that finn has been discarded as the protagonist he was meant to be, the story, development and conclusion he never got, just to slap general on him and call it a day and then write about his actual development in a novel that 3/4ths of the ppl who watch the films will never read. 
and that's just the core story stuff!!! do NOT get me started on the general lore proposed in this shit. i’m talking about the force ghost nonsense and the convenience of some of the timing choices (rewriting the way death works in sw, claiming that rey “didn’t really die/wasn’t really dead” since she didn’t fade which in itself completely destroys the entire plot they were going for with the resurrection scene, the timing of the fades themselves bullshitted for “dramatic cinematic purposes”), the entire palpatine storyline, the bullshit with snoke and the lack of explanation, all these one-off characters that have the lore capacity of an overwatch character when instead they could have developed the ones that already existed and had the opportunity to be fleshed out and CARED about
the FACT that HUX (hux!!!!!!!!!) had a more interesting storyline in all three films with a total screentime of maybe 10 minutes than these one-offs whose only purpose is to stroke the cock of sw nostalgia seekers and lore aficionados. to make these characters so inaccessible that to fully appreciate them, fans have to dive into hundreds of different novels and comics and games and whatnot. like if you make it so that the Only way someone can experience a character’s full essence is by reading their wiki page then you’ve failed in creating them, in writing them, in including them, in using them, in whatever them. you’ve just failed as a creator.
and the ONLY reason hux got a reaction (a barebones reaction but a reaction nonetheless) out of me was because they essentially just turned him into phasma 2 which is SO telling of the climate of this trilogy.
it’s a recycled trilogy. that’s all it is. it’s a recycled series of films where tfa’s originality was completely entirely scrapped and ignored because rian wanted to write his personal fanfiction more than he wanted to continue the story he was given, and did everything he could to insert that whenever he could, and kennedy, of course, let him, because she realised giving herself indulging content other than fifty shades and radfem articles that she could jerk off to was more important than telling a critical story where its wonder and valuable, influential morals could’ve stayed in this generation’s minds for years to come.
if you want to watch tros just watch the prequel trilogy instead you'll get the same story except actually good.
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lady-griffin · 6 years
Crypt Teaser
I’ve been wanting to talk about promo since I first saw it, but work has been overwhelming and I needed time to write my thoughts down. So sorry, if no one cares about this promo anymore.
I’m going to be talking about what I think the Crypt promo is hinting or foreshadowing at. But first…
It is very interesting Sansa is made to be in the center at the end, especially since Jon is at first in the center - standing between both Arya and Sansa as the three meet up.
But then as they walk to their statues, he moves around Sansa to be on her side, which puts her in the center. This is a 100% deliberate choice, they could’ve easily had them all walk straight towards their own statues with no rearrangements.
They literally have Jon stay behind Arya and Sansa and then move around Sansa, so he wouldn’t be in the center.
So why?
One reasoning, is that it might actually be to avoid certain Targaryen imagery -- specifically Aegon the Conqueror who in official art (?) and fan art is often flanked on both sides by his two-sister-wives.
The second, I imagined Jon being in the center, flanked on either side by his sisters, my mind went to Aegon and his sister-wives… so perhaps, it’s best to avoid that idea altogether. Especially if you don’t want your audience to be weirded out by Jon and Sansa (if I think what is happening is happening).
It could also be that visually Sansa is the tallest one, so it creates more of a symmetrical aesthetic.
Especially, when both Jon and Arya draw their swords to face the upcoming danger.
If Sansa was on the side as both Jon and Arya pull out their swords, that would’ve sideline her from the action – keeping her in the center, keeps her in the scene.
It could also just be to cement the idea that Sansa is a major player to this season and to the end of the story.
Basically, from just a promo standpoint, it makes sense to put Sansa in the center, though this promo is all about Jon. Either just to avoid certain Targaryen visuals or to reinforce already existing ideas.
Now let’s go into some of the story/plot-driven reasons for this promo and its choices (foreshadowing).
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One idea (and I’ve seen this a lot) is that this promo is hinting at the Winterfell Crypts residents waking up and attacking. Now there are many theories about this, so I’m not going to go into all that much. But that seems like a possibility…
Winterfell’s Crypts are mentioned a great deal and the Big Bad is a being who can raise the dead and we know Winterfell will be a major setting so it  all adds up. But in all honestly, I think this a more of red herring idea than actual foreshadowing.
One of the main reasons is that “realistically” most of the bodies in the crypts are just ashes and pieces of bone, so what exactly is going to be reanimated?
Really, I think this season is all about the politics and the Walking Dead is a red herring/false start, so that’s what this promo is potentially foreshadowing for us, not the old kings literally coming back and attacking, but more who will become the next “Stark Kings" or those remembered by history (more about that later).
But reanimated old Kings would be fun to see. 
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Jon, Arya and Sansa's meeting or their walk coverging is very nice. It gives the impression of the Starks being a united front and it’s also a nice homage to when Sansa and Arya were first reunited in front of Ned Stark’s statue.
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But really, the meet-up/convergence of these three, is reflecting the past tension between Sansa and Arya in the past season(s) (and when they were young).
Their past fights and “stand-offs” are no longer important or relevant when the three walks converge as the two sisters have a new mission when Jon enters the scene. They can’t find amongst themselves, when they have Jon to protect.
But yet, the promo doesn’t end indicating that Sansa and Arya will protect Jon. But instead, that Jon and Arya will protect Sansa.
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The idea of Sansa potentially being kidnapped is a possibility and Arya and Jon drawing their swords to protect her, could be hinting at this. But this moment could also just be showing that Sansa is more vulnerable to outside threats, but nonetheless is protected by the Stark family.
The two Starks that might be viewed by outsiders as “wild-cards,” the King who bent the knee and the girl who grew up to be a “Faceless assassin,” have no hesitation in standing against the upcoming threat and protecting their own.
The Starks are a unit or pack.
Also, while I’ve brought it up, it is important to note that Jon was in the center, but moved to Sansa’s side. This might be a stretch, but this might indicate that Jon is not the key to get the Stark Alliance.
Daenerys and her camp (as well as Cersei) both focused on Jon being the key to getting the North (which makes sense, he was the King). But Jon moving to the side, putting Sansa center and front, shows the audience who the central figure to the Stark Family is.
Which leads into the idea, that Sansa is central to the Starks’ Future.
Multiple times she has been referred to as the Key to the North and has been viewed as the legitimate heir to Winterfell. And both Tywin Lannister and Roose Bolton (and Littlefinger) believed whoever sired a child with Sansa, would be in control of Winterfell as that child would be the future Lord.
So, Sansa is definitely a key to the future of House Starks in several ways.
The real interesting thing though, is this promo isn’t about Sansa or even House Stark as a whole.
It’s all about Jon.
All the lines pertain to him and it’s about who he really is and his story, and yet Sansa still gets a lot of attention. More so than Arya, as the time between them isn’t split evenly. Hinting that Sansa plays an important part to who Jon currently is, but also where his story and future are going.
And I know I keep repeating this, but it’s odd to make Sansa the central character in the end – as
A. The Promo isn’t about her B. Jon is a more central character to the story
But really a main idea that I think some people are overlooking, is that Jon is heavily connected to the Starks and their present and future. He is an integral part to the Stark Pack.
The Intro Walks of Jon, Sansa and Arya.
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Jon’s 1st walk is 17/18 seconds long Jon’s 2nd walk is 9 seconds long 
26/27 seconds altogether
He gets the most time and two separate walks to boot.
This makes sense, as he is the focus of this promo and is one of the biggest focuses of the show’s overall story.
Jon walks right past Lyanna’s statue. This is a reflection of Jon always wanting to know who his mother was, but was blind (lied to) about the truth. He walks right past the truth and his real mother and later pauses and stares directly at the man (Ned) he based so much on who he is now.
It is telling that Lyanna’s line is spoken before Ned’s though.
Indicating, that Jon will learn of his true parentage, falter in his identity, only to be reminded (by Ned’s line) that he’s never been a Stark in name and yet, has always been a Stark in blood.  
When Ned’s Line is spoken and Jon is looking at Ned’s Statue, it really does come across that Ned is directly talking to Jon in that moment. While Sansa also looks at Catelyn’s statue, it’s different as we don’t get the impression she can hear Catelyn’s words.
Jon can hear Ned’s words.
Also Lyanna’s line, while I think is reminding us of who “Jon really is” isn’t the one where she told Ned that Jon was Aegon Targaryen, instead it’s her begging Ned to protect Jon.
Though Robert, who Lyanna afraid would hurt her child, is now gone. So who is this past plead about now? The Starks? Maybe. Or perhaps, another Targaryen who might see Jon as a threat.
Lyanna’s line is also interesting, because her pleading is connected to Jon being taken in by Ned and Ned claiming him as his son, which caused a rift in Ned’s marriage and in the Stark family.
Finally, I think both Lyanna and Ned are indicators of who Jon will choose in the end. Jon is a Stark through Lyanna, but also chooses to be a Stark through the father he chooses.
This is further emphasized by the statue of Jon in the end. As in the books, the statues are really only reserved for the former Kings and Lords of Winterfell, but will get to that in a bit.
Jon’s parentage reveal will have a big impact on Jon, as it should.
A big portion of Jon’s identity is constructed around him thinking Ned is his father and he himself is a bastard. Learning that he’s not Ned’s son is going to shake Jon’s world, no matter what, but also learning that he is a Targaryen and has a claim to the Iron Throne is a whole other thing on top of that.
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Before Jon’s first walk ends, he looks back and pauses, almost as though he heard the feather fall, only to turn back to continue forward.
This could be interpreted as many different things, but for me it really comes down to Jon “hearing” Lyanna. Everyone is so focused on Rhaegar being Jon’s father, that they forget Lyanna is the mother Jon never knew he had and has wanted from the very beginning.
I think there will be a moment where Jon is in front of Lyanna’s statue, perhaps finding a connection to a woman he never noticed all the times he was in the Crypts of Winterfell as a child. Always so focus on the Old Kings of Winterfell and how he would never be one.
Jon turning back to continue walking leads into Sansa’s walk beginning – at first this makes it seem as though she is just following him down the same corridor, but she is not.
But nonetheless, the feather falling ends Jon’s walk and begins Sansa’s. 
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Sansa’s Solo Walk is 6/7 seconds long
Her walk is less “dynamic” than Jon’s, less overall shots and plot info being laid out, but she looks back onto her mother’s statue as we begin to hear Catelyn’s voice and the beginning of her quote --
“All this horror that has come to my family…”
Catelyn’s full quote is about how all the tragedies that have fallen upon the Starks was because she couldn’t love Jon.
What has happened to the Starks has nothing to do with the fact that Catelyn ostracized Jon, but it is still an important character moment for Catelyn and one of the few lines she has about Jon.
It also puts a certain idea into the audience’s head –
The salvation for the Stark family, the future where they won’t be the victims of countless tragedies, is contingent on them embracing and loving Jon.
However, unlike Cat, who couldn’t love Jon because she thought he was Ned’s son, the Stark children (Arya and Sansa), might have the opposite problem.
Finding it difficult to accept Jon when they find out “he’s not one of them.” Though that might be more Arya and less Sansa, but will get into that in a bit.
I would like to point out that both this teaser and the Tapestry one, bring to the forefront the pain Catelyn felt for Ned bringing Jon home and the rift it caused in their relationship.
You could easily bring up Jon’s parentage without that aspect, so it’s interesting that idea keeps being mentioned. But back to the walk -
Jon’s walk ends with him looking back as the feather (Lyanna) fell to the ground.
Sansa in the show has been associated with both the feather and Lyanna’s statue as well as sporting if not the same hairstyle in the promo, one very similar to Lyanna’s when she was married to Rhaegar. Possibly indicating a bridal future for Sansa, but also -
That Jon’s connection to the Starks are through his mother and Sansa (possibly his future wife).
Overall the emphasis on the feather is quite interesting.
Though it makes sense, since it’s the only iconic item to Lyanna Stark within the active narrative of show, the blue rose is hinted at in the promos, backgrounds, and extra featurettes of the show, but it’s not as prevalent in the show as it is in the books.
When I first watched the promo, I really thought Sansa was going to pick the feather up from the ground –
Showing the connection between Lyanna, Jon, and Sansa, as while as telling us that Sansa will carry on Lyanna’s dying wish of protecting Jon. And connecting aunt and niece as connections for Jon to his Stark family.
The first part of Catelyn’s quote is the end of Sansa’s walk, but the second part is the beginning of Arya’s quote.
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Arya’s Solo Walk is about 4 seconds –
Arya’s walk is shorter than both Jon and Sansa’s and she doesn’t look at any statues (past figures). So, you might think there’s less to discuss.
However, the second part of Catelyn’s voiceover is over Arya’s walk.
“…it’s all because I couldn’t love a motherless child.”
Catelyn line being over both Arya and Sansa, connects the two sisters to not only Catelyn, but also Jon and put forth the challenge of them being better than their mother in how they treat him.
However, the part of how Catelyn couldn’t love Jon, could be hinting at a future struggle for Arya.
Arya has certainly changed from the girl she used to be.
In many ways, her world view has become more than a bit severe. And Arya has grown a strong sense of place with her identity as a Stark and seeking revenge for those who’ve wrong the Starks in the past.
She slaughtered the Freys for the Starks and was more than willing to behead the Northern Lords in order to protect Jon.
While that last one might indicate Arya would never “turn” on Jon, it also shows that Arya’s loyalty might not be exactly to who Jon is now, but to her memory of him. To her family.
If she feels he doesn’t have the same loyalty, then….
Arya is also not exactly the most open person anymore, nor understanding – especially when it comes to political games or shows.
Sansa might be willing to give Dany Winterfell or at least be willing to say as much and bear and grin it, but Arya might have a harder time swallowing her tongue.
While Jon and Sansa take after who Ned really was, someone who was quite capable of deceiving those he loved and doing dishonorable things for a greater purpose. Arya (and Robb) seem to take after the image of who their father was, the honorable man who never strayed from the path of what he believed was right (though Arya is a much darker and twisted take on that idea)
And Arya also has gained some of Catelyn’s less than admirable traits, so...
Plus, Catelyn’s struggle was that she couldn’t love Jon, because she believed he was Ned’s bastard. So, it would be interesting that Arya might struggle with her relationship with Jon, because he’s not Ned’s bastard.
Perhaps not that literally, but --
Arya and Jon always got along, as the two outsider children and Arya found comfort in Jon being different in how she thought she was different (though arguably young Arya was likely projecting onto Jon).
But Jon being revealed to not being her brother and him possibly playing the political game and showing more loyalty to Dany, even just for show, might not go over well with Arya.
I’m not saying Arya is going to hurt Jon, but there might be some tense moments. Especially since…
Jon and Arya’s reunion has been built up so much by the fans and the characters within the show as being this wonderful and sweet reunion to happen - so there being tension between these two wouldn’t surprise me.
But while I think this might a struggle for Arya and the seed for some tense moments, Arya will protect her family, no matter what.
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The Statues in the crypt are great in my opinion. Doing the wonderful surface-level job of hinting at their deaths (like many of the season promos have done). Especially since, Jon and Sansa, walked past fallen characters who now have their own statues.
Perhaps this is telling us these three will die in the upcoming battle, or perhaps the statues are telling us who will be remembered in history.
You can’t have a legacy until your dead (and you will die in the end).
Jon, Sansa and Arya will be remembered. The Statues to me don’t really signify their upcoming deaths, but that they are immortalized by their actions and the present for future generations. 
Bran being absent is very telling. Showing us what role, he might play in this story.
Bran and his story are strongly tied to magic and the Night King, his own absence from the trailer and his lack of statue, indicates that while he might be integral to defeating the Others (him, not dragons), he won’t have a role to play afterwards.
He might not be remembered as an important figure in history or at least not in the political history. While Jon, Sansa and Arya will be remembered just as Arya remembered Aegon, Visenya and Rhaenys.
Its also possible, Bran might get his own promo highlighting his importance to the story, but separating him from the Stark narrative.
Basically, I believe, the statues are telling us who will be important in the history books. Those three will be the ones who future generations remember when they’re playing with each other as kids and who the future songs will be about.
The Torches Going Out
This is far from new. The candles, torches or fireplaces going out representing the Others and Winter coming has been a stable to GOT promos, since pretty much the beginning. But it’s also starting to take on a different meaning, or not different, but clearer.
Fire may destroy the wights, but we’ve seen within the show itself that even dragon fire is nothing to the Night King. Fire (the dragons) aren’t effective when it comes to White Walkers.
Actually, and this is random, but when I saw this and when I was thinking about it, I thought of the matching phone game – Empires & Puzzles. In the game,
Fire is effective against Nature and Nature is effective Ice and Ice is effective against Fire.
Fire (dragons) can destroy the Weirwood Trees (Winterfell)
The Weirwood Trees (Bran) can destroy the White Walkers
The White Walkers can destroy the Dragons
Similar to the Tapestry Promo, this may be less of a war between two opposing force, but three forces.
Either way I think promo worked really well and I’m excited to seeing the Starks once more (which is the true goal of a promo). Sorry for the messy writing and analysis. 
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The Easiest Difficulty - fic
Characters: Damian Wayne, Jon Kent Pairing: jondami Summary: It was a simple choice, for both of them. The simplest choice. Or really, it should have been. A/N: In the same AU as Long Time, No See (where Damian left vigilantism completely). This takes place over a few years, though is not every instance they share on the topic/life stresses (ie Jon’s doubts on being a hero etc) and by the end, Damian is 27/28 and Jon is 24/25. Sorry if this is weird/has plotholes. I just wanted some jondami fluff and shit. They both date other people but obviously not seriously. This is one of those 5x1 fics, but I’m bad at that format so not really haha.
There were signs. Signs he chose to ignore but, in hindsight, probably should have used to escape instead. The girls at the front desk squealing with delight and chattering loudly. The office animals barking and meowing in greeting. Even Zooki, the cat he brought to the office with him every day, sat up, sniffed the air, and started purring.
Yeah, he shouldn’t have ignored those signs.
“Uh, D?” He glanced up towards the receptionist sticking her head in the door. Her smile was too bright, too excited. “You have a visitor.”
“Let them in, I suppose.” He sighed, dropping his pen and leaning back in his chair. His family knows better than to bother him at work. And if they absolutely feel the need to, to call first. No surprise visits.
The receptionist nodded and disappeared, only to be replaced a moment later by a dark-haired man in dirty jeans and an ugly flannel shirt.
Damian’s frown deepened. And he couldn’t help but feel betrayed when his beloved Zooki rose from her perch to go greet their guest.
“…Jonathan.” He grumbled as he fixed his glasses, standing anyway.
“Hi.” Jon grinned, and suddenly produced a bouquet from behind his back. Roses of all different colors. “Happy Valentines Day.”
Ah. Now he understood why the front office was so giddy.
Still, Damian couldn’t help but smirk as he approached, and accepted the flowers. Zooki purred from between their feet.
“Cheater.” Damian mumbled, his nose dipped in the petals. “You can’t box me in with a romantic holiday.”
“I’m not trying to box you in.” Jon denied. “I’m just trying to ask you on a date.”
“And I gave you my stipulations.” Damian glanced up, keeping his face in the flowers. “Have you met them?”
Jon glanced down.
“Can’t you just like, put those off for now? For one date?” Jon mumbled, shuffling his foot. “Just so I can treat you for a few hours, for once?”
Damian sighed, and opened his mouth to respond, but Jon kept rambling.
“I mean, what if it goes horribly? What if it turns out our clearly mutual crushing was all for naught because we’re both terrible people and so we’ll never go out again? Then your stipulations won’t even be necessary!”
“Or, we could fall head over heels in love and be unable to live without each other. Then my stipulations would be very important.” Damian countered. “Trust me – I don’t like saying no to you like this. But it’s important to me, so I’d hope it’d mean something to you too.”
A pause.
“No.” Jon exhaled. “I haven’t met your stipulations.”
Damian clicked his tongue, and finally removed his face from the flowers. “Thank you for the gift, Jon. I truly do appreciate it.”
“…Can we at least get lunch while I’m here?”
Damian shook his head, turning away and returning to his chair. “I’m swamped with paperwork. Not to mention I need to start preparations for this weekend’s adoption event.”
“…Okay, no problem.” Jon gave him a smile, but Damian didn’t look at it, knowing it would be sad. “Call me when you’re free?”
“Only if you promise to call me if you are.” Damian returned. Jon gave a bitter laugh and turned away.
Damian pulled at his bowtie. He hated these things. Hated the monkey suits, hated the guests. Hated how fake it made his family, and even himself.
He also hated the inevitable kerfuffle when a bad guy tried to crash the party.
And this night was no different. The only thing that was maybe a little strange was that he’d had enough champagne not to care all that much when a gun was shoved in his face, or when he was shoved into a chair next to Tim and threatened.
Hell, he and Tim even toasted, clinking their glasses together and gulping their drinks down as the criminals screamed for Bruce to pay for their lives.
It’d been a crummy week at Wayne Enterprises. A crummy week at the animal shelter. They were allowed to have this.
The plus side of getting out of the hero life – he could sit back and relax, not waste much energy attempting to save himself. And his brother was probably too tired at this point to even try. Finishing the booze in his hand was much more important than his life at this point.
Besides – they knew they didn’t have to try tonight anyway. Their Super counterparts were watching for this exact moment, and it wasn’t long before the ballroom was being invaded by red capes, and various poorly designed uniforms.
Honestly, a leather jacket? A hoodie? A skirt? And Clark’s was just ugly, no matter how many times he tweaked it.
Regardless of their aesthetics, they were good at their jobs, and quick. There was still champagne in Damian’s own glass when he felt Jon’s arms wrap protectively around him, and whisk him away to safety on a nearby roof.
“You’re safe now, Mr. Wayne.” Jon drawled, watching as his family landed around the city with the rest of Damian’s family.
“Oh, gee.” Damian returned, just as sarcastically, downing the rest of his drink. He saw one of his would-be captors try to escape through a balcony door, and threw the empty glass at him with a well-aimed shot, shattering it along his temple. “How could I ever repay you?”
Jon laughed. “Well, you know, a kiss would be nice. That’s what a lot of the middle-aged women we rescue offer. Even to Kara.” He smirked, stepping closer. “And that’s a payment I’ll gladly accept from you.”
Damian stared incredulously up at him. “Sorry, I’m not a middle-aged woman.” He drawled, then gave a smirk of his own. “And I’m more into farmers’ sons anyway.”
“Oh, come on-”
“And only farmers’ sons.” He backed up a step, holding his arms wide while looking around. “And unfortunately, all I see around here are superheroes, so. Guess I’ll keep my kisses to myself.”
“You’re the worst.” Jon whined with an annoyed chuckle.
“From where I’m standing?” Damian said softly. He glanced over the building, watched the cop cars start to arrive. He turned back just to watch Jon take to the sky. “That title is yours.”
“I can’t believe it.” The old man said. One Mr. Sanchez, a twenty-four-year veteran of the Wayne Enterprises board of trustees. Damian was here with him because of the almost-kidnapping event at the gala a few months prior – his father was having a press conference today to talk about security, his family’s safety and how they’re coping, blah blah blah. The usual. Anyway, in Damian’s completely objective opinion - Sanchez’s mind was starting to go. “I can’t believe I know someone who has a superhero interested in him.”
Tim snorted into his water down the table.
“Trust me.” Damian sighed, keeping his voice even. He glanced fiercely at his brother. “It’s not all that uncommon.”
“I suppose.” Sanchez said. “But still! It must be exciting! Especially because it was a Super, no less!”
“There is nothing between the youngest Super-whatever and myself.” Damian droned boredly. “Regardless of what you and the idiot public think you see in that picture.”
“I don’t know, Mr. Wayne. This kind of chemistry is impossible to fake.” Sanchez said, holding up the newspaper in question. Above the fold, splashed across the page – Jon and Damian talking on the roof after Jon had rescued him from that party. Because, of course there weren’t any better or more relevant photographs of the event, right? “And in any case, it’s quite clear that Superboy is very smitten with you, regardless of what you claim. There are rumours about him, and even his heroics. The biggest one being he is only ever seen in Gotham on the rare occasion you are in town.”
“For one, he doesn’t go by Boy anymore, the whole world knows that. For two, I will tell you the same thing I told the reporter who emailed me about this drivel of an article.” Damian sighed, watching Dick come over to Tim, who was having a silent laughing fit behind his hand. He clearly asked Tim what was so funny, and Tim openly told him. Dick’s eyes shone in amusement as he looked up at Damian himself. Damian hated him. “I have no interest in my rescuer whatsoever, nor any superhero otherwise. Whom I’m romantically interested in is none of the public’s business, and I’d appreciate the courtesy of privacy.”
“Fair enough. You are a private citizen and wish to remain so. That’s why you left the limelight of Wayne Enterprises, I know, I know.” Sanchez waved off. “But, may I ask?”
Damian glanced at him.
“Why no superheroes?” Sanchez asked. “What turns you off to them? Even my mother said she’d leave her husband of fifty-seven years for the likes of Batman or Black Canary.”
“Because that’s not a world I want to be a part of. I had enough of all that Batman and Robin stuff growing up here. That’s part of why I left Gotham. Superheroes are nothing but trouble.” Damian explained. Then quieter, mumbled, “And what if they go out and don’t come home? What if they die in the field? Just because they’re heroes doesn’t mean they’re immortal. Doesn’t mean they can’t come back hurt and broken. And would you like to see that happen to someone you claim to love on a potentially daily basis?”
Sanchez didn’t answer that. He quickly dropped his gaze to the floor.
“And I, for one, have had enough loss and trauma in my life. So I’ll take a hard pass on a traumatic love life too, thank you.” Damian concluded. He let there be a pause of silence, then hummed, shaking his head as turned to the door to leave. “No, I’ll take the likes of…I don’t know, a poor farmer from Kansas over a superhero any day.”
The only warning he got was all of his animals twitching their ears and turning towards the front door at the same time.
He glanced up from his papers as he came out of his office. “Wha-”
And that was all he could say before the door flew open, practically knocked off its hinges, and he was thrown back against the stairs by the weight of a body stumbling forward and falling on top of him.
“What…” Damian blinked, watching the papers he’d been holding float around them like giant snowflakes. His focus was slow in his surprise, but eventually his vision evened out, and he recognized the body on top of him as none other than: “Jon?!”
Jon grinned, sloppy and giddy. His eyes were blurry and his cheeks were red. He was in his farm work clothes – an old t-shirt, holey jeans and muddy boots.
“…Hi.” Jon hummed, making no move to get off of him. In fact, he did the complete opposite. Seemed to settle his weight against Damian as he reached up and gently ran his fingers over Damian’s face, along the arm of his blue glasses, glossy eyes darting across his features. “…You know, you look way better in glasses than I ever did.”
“…Jon?” Damian whispered, feeling his own face heat up, just a little. “Are you okay?”
“Peachy.” Jon nodded awkwardly. “You know, Pop won’t let me grow peaches. I think it’s ‘cause we don’t live in Georgia.”
“What? What are you talking about?” And no sooner was the question out of his mouth, the stench hit his nose. The smell of smoke, of greasy food, of too much beer. “Jon, are you-”
Jon’s eyelids fluttered, and he sighed happily as he pulled Damian’s glasses away from his face, in what he probably thought was a seductive move.
…Oh god, he was drunk.
“Jonathan.” Damian scolded.
“You’re pretty.” Jon countered, closing his eyes as he swayed back and forth a little bit. “Did you know that?”
“Jon, how much did you have to drink tonight?” Damian demanded. He put his hands on Jon’s chest, not so much to push him off, just to steady them both against the sharp corners of the steps. He glanced out the destroyed front door, and frowned. “Oh my god, Jon, did you fly here?!”
“I’ll fly to the moon.” Jon slurred, leaning in to brush his nose against Damian’s skin. And as much as he didn’t want it to, Damian felt his heart hammer in his chest, as Jon fell into a ridiculous rendition of Frank Sinatra. “Come fly with me, come fly, oh, let’s fly away…”
“Jon.” Damian tried. “Come on, you need to sleep this off.”
Jon didn’t break his song, just pressed his lips to Damian’s jaw, fingers curling into his hair.
“Who were you out drinking with? Do they know you’re here?” Damian pushed, but even he knew in his soul it was half-hearted. “I’ll need to call your parents…”
Jon stopped singing then, and just turned the tune into a hum as he brought his other hand up to hold Damian’s cheek. He opened his eyes now, and stared at him in a hazy bliss.
Damian gulped, and hated himself when he felt his fingers twitch tighter into Jon’s shirt.
And Jon kissed him.
And Damian should have pushed him off. Jon was drunk, his stairs were digging into his back, the animals were making a racket and probably escaping, and his stipulations –
But god, Jon tasted so good.
So he indulged. Felt guilt and shame running all through his system, but goddamn, he indulged. Just for a second. For a few seconds.
Because of course, this was all he wanted. All he’d ever wanted. All Jon ever wanted too. And it’d be so easy…
But no. Because he was out. He was out and he refused to be dragged back in, or involved in any way past what his family forced him to be.
Even for his potential – total, absolute – soul mate.
So, sadly, when Jon pulled back for air, Damian turned his face away before Jon could dive back in. Put his hand against Jon’s mouth, and pushed him back as gently as he could.
“You’re drunk.” He sighed. Jon gave a little whine behind his fingers, but moved back as Damian sat up. “Come on, Jon. Let’s get you into the guest room.”
Jon outright groaned as Damian stood and pulled him to his feet by his hands, grabbed his glasses from where Jon had tossed them, and dragged him carefully up the stairs, into – what he believed was – the wrong bedroom.
“Just like old times.” Jon smirked, throwing blankets towards the bed. Damian snatched them out of the air, rolling his eyes. “All those old sleepovers we had, like when our dads were working cases and stuff.”
He grabbed a few pillows from the shelf, then stepped over to Damian, very obviously standing purposefully in his personal space. Damian kept his scowl.
“I won’t make you sleep on the floor this time, though.”
“I’m not taking your bed, Jon. We’re adults, I can survive a few nights on the floor.” Damian mumbled. “Though frankly, the sooner this case of Grayson’s is over, the happier I’ll be.”
“Well, of course I agree. The sooner Dick and Dad find whoever’s threatening you and your dad, the happier I’ll be too.” Jon snorted. “And no, you’re not taking my bed. We’re sharing.”
Damian felt heat in his face. “Jon…”
“The bed’s big enough.” Jon grinned. “And like you just said – we’re adults, Damian. It’ll be fine.”
“I don’t know what you’re implying, but I won’t have a problem.” Damian spun away from him, unfolding the blankets and laying them out. “If there’s anything to worry about, it’s you and your…your crush.”
It was mean, borderline cruel. But it was the only way he could protect himself too.
Jon just laughed, though, and as soon as Damian had the blankets settled, flopped onto the bed.
“You wish it was just a crush.” He giggled. Damian let his frown deepen.
“No, I wish you would move on.” Damian scolded. He began to set up the pillows, began debating putting one between them as a barrier – just in case. “I wish you’d let yourself be happy instead of chasing lost causes.”
“I am happy. And I’m not chasing a lost cause.” Jon countered. “Even if we’re not together-together like we – I – may want to be, you’re still my best friend. You still make me happy.”
Damian pursed his lips, and kept his gaze on his task.
“Hey.” Jon suddenly took hold of his wrist, squeezing gently. “Don’t feel guilty about it, okay? I get it. I totally get it. You’re not being selfish, or greedy or anything. You got out, Damian. You got out of the mask, you have a life, you’re happy and safe and stable. You’re taking care of yourself. And you deserve that.”
“…I’m sorry I can’t be like your mother.” Damian murmured, still refusing to look. “I’m sorry I can’t…toe that line like she does. Or be able to have two completely separate lives like Grayson or Drake do.”
“Don’t apologize.” Jon repeated. “I’m glad you don’t. That means I don’t have to worry about you being out there getting hurt. Times like right now excluded, anyway.”
Damian closed his eyes. Jon gave his wrist another squeeze.
“And you’re not hurting me with your choice either.” He whispered. “I understand the ultimatum, I do. And I respect that.” He paused, and Damian felt him look out the window. “You don’t owe me anything, Damian. You don’t owe anyone anything. Not me, not your family, not the world. You always tell me to take care of myself; maybe you should listen to your own advice.”
“Love is about compromise.” Damian countered softly. “And I haven’t made any.”
“Neither have I.” Jon agreed. “In fact, if anything I should be apologizing to you. You gave me a simple choice, and I keep making the wrong one every day.”
“No you don’t.” Damian shook his head, opened his eyes, glanced at the other. “The world needs a Superman.”
“Yeah, and it has like four or five, even without me.” Jon laughed. “Honestly, I’m totally expendable. Which probably makes what I’m doing to you even worse.”
“You are not…!” Damian almost shouted. He stopped himself, though, and instead just pulled his hand from Jon’s. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore. I’m tired.”
“Same.” Jon allowed. He patted the bed next to him. Damian silently crawled in next to him, lying as close to the wall as he could. He waited a moment, knew Jon was watching him, then decided to put that pillow between them.
Jon snorted when he did so, and immediately tossed it to the floor. He scooted closer, hooking his chin over Damian’s head as he flopped his arm loosely around his waist.
“You’re here so I can protect you, remember.” He mumbled, like it was actually a valid explanation. Damian sighed, but didn’t shove him off. Didn’t make any move to return any affections, either. They laid in the silence for a moment, listening to the bugs chirp into the Kansas night. “…You’re always going to wait for me, aren’t you.”
“Always.” Damian promised quietly. “Unfortunately.” He added bitterly after. Another second, then: “And I guess I don’t have to ask you the same.”
Jon didn’t answer. Damian fell asleep.
He was just finishing watering the plants on his back porch when the sun began to rise over the tree line. He’d found he enjoyed gardening in his new life, specifically early morning or late night gardening. When the neighborhood children were asleep or inside, and cars weren’t coming and going. When there was utter silence and peacefulness. Just him and his thoughts, and sometimes, if they were awake themselves, his animals.
The water in the can ran out, and he placed it on the porch railing next to his pot of blooming zinnias. He gave a contented sigh as he reached for his mug of steaming coffee, holding it in both hands as he took a long sip, and paused to watch the sky light up in deep oranges and pinks.
Then – his house gave a slight shake, and he could hear things inside falling off shelves.
He turned back towards the house, setting his coffee back on the table as the animals inside began to stir and bark in alarm. When he got in, he watched his pets all rush to the front window, staring anxiously at something in the front yard. Damian frowned and followed the mob, but instead of looking out the window, he moved to the front door and opened it, facing whatever threat it might have been head on, like he always had.
But it was no threat.
Standing in the center of a small crater localized to his front yard, stood a man in a red and blue hooded sweatshirt, torn, dirty and open, exposing a bloody and disgusting white shirt underneath. His ripped jeans had even more holes in it, and he was missing his shoes.
Next to him was a duffle bag.
“…Jon?” Damian called carefully, stepping outside and closing the door before any of the dogs could follow. Jon glanced up at him with tired, sad, hollow eyes. “Jon, are you alright?”
“You were right.” Jon croaked as Damian approached him. “You were always right.”
“About what?” Damian reached up, and gently ran his thumb over the giant bruise on Jon’s face. “God, Jon – what happened?!”
“I should have listened to you years ago. I should have agreed to your stipulations. Then we could have been happy and safe and a family and…”
“Jonathan.” Damian tried again, dropping his hand to Jon’s chest. He could feel the blood still seeping, feeling injuries that Jon absolutely should not have. “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t want it.” Tears welled up in Jon’s eyes. Overflowed immediately. “Damian, I don’t want to be Superman.”
Damian’s eyes widened, and he felt his heart maybe stop.
“I lost. Again. People died today, and it was my fault, Damian. I wasn’t good enough. My powers shorted out. I was…I was only a fucking human.” Jon wailed. “I don’t want it to happen again. I…I can’t let it happen again. But it was…I…” His shoulders slumped. “I’m so tired, Damian. I don’t know how Dad does it. I…”
He swayed on his feet a little bit, and Damian immediately reached out for his arms. His tears twinkled in the rising sun.
“I can’t be Superman. I don’t want to be. You were right. You were always right. I should have gotten out when you did. I should have given up this stupid symbol and helped people on the ground, like you do.” Jon repeated. His lip trembled. “I don’t want to be Superman, Damian.”
“Then don’t be.” Damian whispered.
“I just…I want…” He let out a tiny sob. “I don’t even want to be the Son of Superman anymore. I just…” Another louder cry. “I just want to be Jon.”
And Damian couldn’t help but smile, as he gently began to push that sweatshirt from Jon’s shoulders. “You are.”
“I just…” Jon repeated. He suddenly glanced down at his bag. Damian did too, saw the zipper wasn’t completely closed. Inside, he could see clothes and books and pictures. Jon’s whole life, more or less. He looked back up at Jon, and Jon was staring desperately at him. He was serious about this. “I just want to be yours.”
Damian couldn’t help but grin even wider. There was no more Superboy. There was no more budding Superman. There were no more nights laying up in worry that he would die, that they’d be separated forever. No more days feeling guilty or selfish, because he was making him choose. No more ultimatum between him and the cape.
There was just his love. There was just his soul mate, Jonathan Samuel Kent.
“Beloved, you always have been.” Damian breathed, bringing his hands up to carefully hold Jon’s face, and kiss him as sweetly as he could. As sweetly as he’d always wanted to.
Jon all but collapsed into his arms, clinging as tightly as he could, and Damian relished in the feeling. Even when their lips broke apart, Damian didn’t let him go. Kept a protective arm around his waist as he leaned down and picked up his bag for him.
He kicked the ruined hoodie into the dirt of his front garden, making a mental note to gleefully burn the thing later. (With Jon’s permission, of course.)
“I’ll need to find a job.” Jon murmured. “And I…I don’t know how to cook. Or understand banking accounts. And I’ll pay rent, and I’ll…”
“Shhh.” Damian breathed. “Later, Jonathan. One thing at a time.”
When they attempted to step forward, Jon immediately stumbled, and half collapsed further into Damian’s side. Jon couldn’t walk, his leg was clearly too injured. And that was fine. Damian merely flipped Jon’s bag over his shoulder, and slip his arm under Jon’s knees. Jon immediately curled into his chest, arms around his neck.
“May I show you to our bedroom?” Damian asked gently, as Jon desperately dug his nails in Damian’s back. “You look like you could use a nice long nap.”
And finally, he caught a smile on Jon’s lips, and relief in his voice. “Yes, please.”
Damian carried him to the door, balancing on one leg to kick open the knob, then walked across the threshold with him. The animals all began sniffing at the new arrival, but Damian paid them no mind, immediately moving towards the stairs, towards the bedroom.
Their bedroom.
“Welcome home, Jon.” Damian whispered into his hair.
Jon, still crying, let out a tiny laugh. “I’m so happy to finally be here, Damian.”
79 notes · View notes
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
You are enough by sleeping at last, Good old days by macklemore and kesha, Blood//Water by Grandson, Eyes to the sky by Jon Bellion, High hopes by panic! at the disco, and Cowboy casanova by Carrie Underwood (I know its alot of genres)
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
“We looked carefully, but saw no apparitions”
4: What do you think about most?
This is going to sound full of myself, but i think about myself alot. I just like to self reflect and try to improve whatever i think can be improved upon.
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
“No problem, I can try to make it work”
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
with. I live with too many people to be sleeping nude.
7: What’s your strangest talent?
I can scream EXACTLY like a horror movie. I had to pretend to be a murdered scream for this real life clue thing once and it was awesome
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
Girls…. are absolutely goddesses and I fall in love with every one.
Boys…. are devilish jokers I wish I could stop falling for.
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
I think so? There’s a guy who likes me and would send me poems about “some mystery girl” who I’m like 98% sure is me
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
probs like last week
11: Do you have any strange phobias?
I have zoophobia actually, I love animals but they give me a huge amount of anxiety so I’ve been trying to get over it
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
I- I don’t know
13: What’s your religion?
I’m a christian, I actually got saved last year around this time!
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
behind. always.
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
Lately it’s been Sleeping at Last. They’re so calm but meaningful I love it
17: What was the last lie you told?
“Nooooooooooo, hahahahahaha, why would I like you???? No offense I mean you’re really… uhm. nevermind. no, I don’t” 
18: Do you believe in karma?
19: What does your URL mean?
nothing really
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
I’ve been told they’re the same thing: I’m a really caring and sympathetic person which makes me good with people but also too trusting and gullible
21: Who is your celebrity crush?
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
no, but I lowkey really want to??? when I was little I read about it in nancy drew without even fully realizing what it was and I always wanted to try it
23: How do you vent your anger?
Usually by working out? I always joke that I don’t work out alot, but I bike/swim/walk/dance/do a ton of random muscle workouts pretty daily
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
I have a collection of lipsticks if that counts
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
it depends on the person, but I personally prefer video chatting just cause it’s easier to read body language
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
I feel like there’s ALOT of room to improve tbh
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
nails on a chalkboard ; dude anyone with a deep voice (no matter what they identify as) has my heart in a second of speaking
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
probably the usual “what if this had worked out” with a previous crush
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
yes. also yes. (don’t judge me)
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
my pillow and my bed
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
stale air. it is summer and hot. please send help.
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
this is gonna sound terrible, but probably in our car? I have so many bad memories and I hate driving it with a passion
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
west coast
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
Shawn mendes, no doubt
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
Helping other people
36: Define Art.
An expression of emotion so strong it makes the viewer also feel emotion
37: Do you believe in luck?
38: What’s the weather like right now?
39: What time is it?
early evening
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
yes, not yet cause I barely ever drive
41: What was the last book you read?
the Odesseye
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
43: Do you have any nicknames?
Way too many. My latest was “miracle” given to me by a ton of adorable middle schoolers who couldn’t remember anything but the first three letters of my name
44: What was the last film you saw?
the greatest showman
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
A sprained ankle
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?
Yeah, it’s a long story but this one I think tried to have sex with my finger
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
dude I always do. Jane the Virgin is television gOLD
48: What’s your sexual orientation?
Right now I identify as either bisexual or pansexual 
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
just small ones about who I like (that weren’t true and complicated friendships)
50: Do you believe in magic?
I don’t know
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
yeah, I’ve been trying to get better at it
52: What is your astrological sign?
53: Do you save money or spend it?
I spend money way too easily, I’ve been trying to learn how to save more
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
A pretzel 
55: Love or lust?
56: In a relationship?
I wish
57: How many relationships have you had?
None that I’d like to count
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
59: Where were you yesterday?
At a bonfire
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
ohhhhh yeah
61: Are you wearing socks right now?
62: What’s your favourite animal?
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
Friendship wise it’s just asking how their day is and asking if their doing okay. Romantic wise, I am soooo mean to people I like so usually just teasing them and buying them food
64: Where is your best friend?
right now at her home hopefully
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
@sophietheadventurer @s1n-am0n @darhwolf @undead-aesthetic @xqueenofpunsx
66: What is your heritage?
Mostly irish but my dad’s side has a heck of a lot of russian cause my great grandma is from Ukraine
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
sleeping like a wimp
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
I don’t know actually, I try to be the type of person I think a person NEEDS, so I would probs be pretty different if i was my friend
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
drown with the dog cause I can’t swim for crap but I’ll die trying
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
a) I would only tell a couple people at first, the rest I’d tell farther in b) spend time with my family and friends and travel a whole lot/probs write ALOT c) I’d be more sad I didn’t have more time with the people I care about
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
love, I already don’t have trust let’s be real
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
Good old days by macklemore just cause it’s amazing 
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
I’d give them out but like I already have way too many unknown numbers calling me
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
Two people who connect on a mental/emotional/spiritual level who can be completely themselves with each other and don’t have to spend all their time together, but cherish every single minute
77: How can I win your heart?
food and musicals
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
I think in a lot of ways it can, but that’s a whole debate in and of itself
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
coming back to the same summer camp every year
80: What size shoes do you wear?
7 and ½
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
“Now the only extra she is is dead”
82: What is your favourite word?
chimney (long story)
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
falling in love
84: What is a saying you say a lot?
“It’s not a look” or “oH honEy nO”
85: What’s the last song you listened to?
“God made girls” It’s been stuck in my head for ages
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?
it changes almost daily but right now it’s a bright pink
87: What is your current desktop picture?
subtle gay art
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
That’s a hard question, too many horrible people alive
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
Someone irl asking my sexuality (i am very very deep in the closet)
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
Probs go back to bed I’m a tired chick man
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
this one specific car ride I had with my sister when I was younger
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
my entire life as a thirteen year old
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
tie between Kesha and Shawn Mendes
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
not that I know of but most likely yeah
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
wayyyyy too many times
98: Ever been on a plane?
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
I would probably freeze up and say nothing
3 notes · View notes
elizas-writing · 6 years
Animated August, Day 22: Open Season
Sony Pictures Animation is another oddball of a studio which churned out a few moderate successes doing its own thing. Much like Illumination, their aim is to create simple and fun family films, even if it’s not going to break any ground like Disney or Dreamworks. And for the most part, it’s been faring them well with distinct animation reminiscent of the Looney Tunes with zany slapstick, a super fast pace, and an excellent use of squash and stretch.
So, how would their first film, Open Season, turn out?
.... Eh....
It’s not a god awful movie as there’s still effort and an interesting premise to work off of, but it still managed to be so underwhelming and a bore (And there were no GIFs of better quality).
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Boog is a domesticated grizzly bear enjoying a life of luxury with a park ranger and performing in shows. He saves a buck named Elliot from a blood thirsty hunter, and Elliot decides to return the favor and show Boog life on the wild side, including roaming the town and raiding a convenience store. Boog’s owner becomes worried that he’s reverting to his animal instincts, and after some more antics with Elliot, Boog is dropped off in the middle of the forest to fend for himself. With no survival skills and three days until open season, Boog sets off to find home with Elliot as his guide. As the two form an unlikely friendship and Boog sees the daily forest life, they realize they can’t leave these animals defenseless and concoct a crazed plan to scare off hunters for good.
So we got another man vs. nature story with a not so subtle message of wildlife preservation, but Open Season primarily sticks to the comedy of Boog’s complete unpreparedness to survive in the wild. It’s quite hilarious to see this 900 pound predator just be helpless against animals a fraction of his size and try to play tough only to be kicked in the ass and humiliated. He can’t even imagine going to the bathroom without a physical toilet, which is one of the best bathroom humor jokes I saw in a family movie. And it’s enjoyable to see how much of the human world delights the animals, right down to the tools they use at the climax to scare away the hunters. Hell, the convenience store scene with Boog and Elliot is so dumb, but it just embraces the silliness of these two animals scarfing down candy and snacks.
Despite a great setup with potential for social commentary, it just leaves no impact. They really could’ve gone the extra mile to have you laughing your ass off, but it seems to hold back in comparison to some of studio’s later films. And it doesn’t have enough room to flesh out the characters before throwing them into these situations, so I don’t really care if Boog gets back home or how his friendship with Elliot goes. It just wants to get from point A to point B with some cliches and some jokes, and that’s it. And it really sucks when you have a good voice cast who are trying to bring as much energy as they can; Martin Lawrence, Ashton Kutcher, Jon Favreau, Billy Connolly, and Patrick Warburton to name a few. I know these are funny actors, and they still have some good moments here and there, but I can barely remember most of the jokes.
The one thing Open Season does have going for it is the animation. Some of the animals look... off, but the fur textures are very well done, the exaggerated features and movements are mesmerizing to see how silly the animation can go in CGI, and the climax is just pure chaos the whole time with so much bizarre creativity into their plan. It’s neat to see Sony Pictures figure out what style and aesthetics they’d maintain through the rest of their movies.
But aside from that, it goes in one ear and out the other. I know some critics harp on it more than necessary over the dumbest shit, but it’s otherwise harmless. I just can’t get into it, because I know they’re holding back on what could’ve been a great comedy. It’s fine and silly enough to keep you mildly entertained for an hour and a half. To each their own.
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SHE DON’T CARE ABOUT TIME The Byrds: An Appreciation
by David
For the past several months I have been listening to The Byrds obsessively, which is, I believe, the best way to listen to them.  Though they have produced a number of amazing songs – “Mr. Tambourine Man,” ” Eight Miles High,” “So You Want to be a Rock and Roll Star” – they are much more about a sound than a song.  Their greatest hits package does not do them justice and allows only a vague approximation of their true greatness.  
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They were the first major US Rock and Roll band to emerge post British Invasion (you know – Beatles, Stones, Dave Clark 5, Zombies, Gerry and the Pacemakers, The Animals, etc..) I am, of course, excluding the soul and Motown stuff which was also dominant on US charts before, during and after all those English hits.  And, no, Gary Lewis and the Playboys don’t count as “major,” though they beat The Byrds on to the pop charts with their own teeny-bopper sound.   Sam the Sham and the Pharoahs also conquered the charts earlier with their superbly frenetic, “Wooly Bully.”  Other American bands, like The Beau Brummels and The Sir Douglas Quintet, had hits prior to The Byrds.  They were really good bands who tried to cash in on the British Invasion, with deceptively British names despite their distinctly American sounds.  They did not sustain their pop successes but each had noteworthy careers as cult acts in the years following.  Also remember that those contemporary charting behemoths The Beach Boys with their sunny West Coast sound, and The Four Seasons with their East Coast doo-wop predated all that cross-the-ocean stuff.  All in all, the top 40 charts of 1965 were a wild and wonderful place to be.  
And so went the Byrds with their name alluding to The Beatles, and their sound reminiscent of The Searchers – sweet, high harmony over jangly guitar.  Play “Needles and Pins” after a listen to “Feel a Whole Lot Better” for convincing.   Listening to both terrific songs, you will also hear that The Byrds did a fuller, more rocking version of that sound.  
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Released on April 12, 1965, “Mr. Tambourine Man” was a revelation.  Anyone who heard it on the radio was challenged to stop, look and listen. That opening is still magic: a few seconds of ringing 12 string, followed by a sonorous, melodic bass, and then the wispy, barely heard harmonies emerge. You are hooked whether you hear it on a tinny car radio or a state of the art hi-fi set . It was a huge hit, and announced the beginning of Folk-Rock, paving the way for Bob Dylan’s own entrée to top 40 radio.  For a few blessed weeks, starting July 3, 1965 the best selling singles in the US were “Can’t Help Myself,” “Satisfaction,” “Mr. Tambourine Man,” eventually joined over the weeks by “Like a Rolling Stone,” “I Got You Babe,” “ Do You Believe in Magic,” “ Help” and “California Girls” -- The Greatest Summer of the Greatest Year in Rock Music!  That summer, pop music had expanded its reach, both musically and lyrically, and grew up (or, at least, reached later adolescence.)    
Starting with their first album, The Byrds begot hypen rock, moving from folk-rock on to pioneer psychedelic-rock (“Eight Miles High”), electronic-rock (“2-4-2 Foxtrot” with its sole lyric of “Come ride a Learjet baby”) and country-rock (“Time Between,” etc.)  Their harmony laden, folky strum sound laid the foundation (for better or worse) for Buffalo Springfield, CSNY, The Eagles and the whole LA mellow sound. Their guitar sound was crucial to REM who spawned College-Rock, and in their Sweetheart of the Rodeo phase they were a cornerstone of the Americana and Alt-Country genres.  Though their shape-shifting, and their willingness to incorporate diverse sounds in their music was emblematic of the time and represented a generally held restlessness and exploratory impetus, they were, I have to say, frequently first.  The Byrds were, in short, an astonishingly important and influential band with myriad pleasures to be gotten beyond their singles.  
What’s significant about the Byrds is not their musical diversity but their core sound which remained essentially identifiable through all the innovations.  Jon Landau wrote that “what makes their eclecticism so interesting is that the style they have concocted out of all these musical sources is very uneclectic and is, in fact, a style of incredible consistency.”  Jim (Roger) McGuinn’s distinctive voice was a constant, but other better singers contributed – Gene Clark, David Crosby, Gram Parsons.  The harmonies remained largely singular, their instrumental sound, anchored by McGuinn’s 12 string and Chris Hillman’s bass, was easily identifiable, and the way their voices were mixed under the instruments remained constant. Their music seems to have a consistent density. The liner notes for their first album quotes Jim McGuinn reflecting that they wanted to create a modern sound which mimicked the whoosh of a jet plane.  And that sound is what makes immersion both necessary and pleasurable.  
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They couldn’t do funk or hard rock – compare their “Hey Joe” to Hendrix’ for a laugh – and they vie with The Beach Boys for the whitest sound of all time.  They really could not jam.  I once heard a live version of “ Jesus is Alright With Me” that went on for an entire album side that was a monstrous snore.  But they were all about lyricism and beauty and enveloping sonic transcendence.  Their signature and central irony is that they took songs important for their lyrics – Dylan and Pete Seeger for example – and drained them of their meaning and emotions to create pure loveliness.  I’m not sure how many listens it took me to realize that the mining disaster ballad “The Bells of Rhymney” was supposed to be sad and accusatory. You sure could not tell it from the sound.  In the Byrds’ version it is a startlingly lovely song, angelic and shimmering.  Andrea debated a high school teacher about this very idea.  This approach worked perfectly most of the time -- “Mr. Tambourine Man,” “My Back Pages,” “ Turn, Turn, Turn,” etc – and sometimes it failed – the jolly sounding “The Times They are A’ Changing.”  The best way to listen to them is to submerge yourself in their sound, preferably alone, at length and at high volumes.   Yes, The Byrds can be background music, but that’s not them.  
When I talk about the Byrds, I am talking about their first six albums, and the song, “The Ballad of Easy Rider” which I love.  And I’ll recognize The Notorious Byrd Brothers here, one of the most gorgeous, unheralded albums of all time, a gem of psychedelia.  Even their sixth album, Sweetheart of the Rodeo, seemed to signal a decisive change in aesthetics:  beautiful, yes, but more country then rock, and more Parsons then McGuinn.   They were hi-jacked by the immensely talented Gram Parsons, who left the group after four months and went on to make the brilliant, first Flying Burrito Brothers album, The Gilded Palace of Sin with Byrd’s bass player Gene Hillman.  During and after this transition, The Byrds as we know them were no more.  
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Though they wore those goofy Beatle bowl cuts, The Byrds had a rough hewn quality in photos.  They seemed like men rather than teenagers, and though I can’t prove it, I think they were the first act to pose in blue jeans and denim jackets, like brawny cowboys rather than fey Brits.  Just look at the beautiful cover of “Turn, Turn, Turn.”
McGuinn was the group’s leader, but the real most valuable player of the first two albums is Gene Clark, their first songwriter.  He was thrown out/left the group after their second album. (I heard fear of flying, I suspect alcoholism.)  His songs were knotty little minor key ditties about love’s complexity that took a while to sink in and when they did, attached themselves to your brain for days. His songs are the exception to the disjuncture between lyrics and sound.
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Which brings me to “She Don’t Care About Time,” a B-side (to Turn Turn Turn) non-album obscurity that I discovered for myself a few years ago.  With cryptic, mysterious lyrics and joyous music (“Ticket to Ride” riff) this song is about an idealized romantic space where time is of no consequence: “time stands still” is the cliché. But this song extends that stale sentiment in unusual ways.  The female in this song  is beyond extending judgment (cf Dylan “she knows too much to argue or to judge”) and time stands still not only when she is with him, but when she is not there because she stands outside of rationality and temporality.  Because of this the narrator is able to psychologically incorporate her into his being (introject a psychoanalyst might say) and keep her with him continually.  This song alludes to religious space, to mindfulness, to cosmic consciousness, and to the psychoanalytic unconscious.  
 She Don't Care About Time
The Byrds
Hallways and staircases everyday to climb To go up to my white walled room out on the end of time Where I can be with my love for she is all that is mine And she'll always be there, my love don't care about time
I laugh with her, cry with her, hold her close she is mine The way she tells me of her love and never is she trying She don't have to be assured of many good things to find And she'll always be there, my love don't care about time
Her eyes are dark and deep with love, her hair hangs long and fine She walks with ease and all she sees is never wrong or right And with her arms around me tight I see her all in my mind And she'll always be there my love don't care about time
Songwriters: Gene Clark
She Don't Care About Time lyrics © BMG Rights Management US, LLC
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#mrtambourineman #geneclark #byrds #jimmcguinn #shedon’tcareabouttime
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dork-with-a-uke · 7 years
okay so @whenvesselruled and ? ? (someone else but i can’t find the email for the life of me please forgive me) tagged me to do this nine favourite albums tag
now, i thought it’d be a good idea to also share why i love those albums and my recommendations/favourite tracks from them instead of just naming them! (they’re also linked cause im a nerd)
so, i give you: my favourite albums
Favourite Worst Nightmare - Arctic Monkeys (2007)
great lyrics and beats, alex’s voice is always a big 10/10. good slow tracks, great guitar & bass too. it’s very powerful and even angry at times, which i support A Lot. first album from the arctic monkeys i fell in love with. fluorescent adolescent might even have been the first song i heard from them!
favourite tracks:
d is for dangerous
teddy picker
Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die! - Panic! At The Disco (2013)
most underrated panic! album, also badly rated by the press which hurts me because I think it has great melodies and lyrics. fucking amazing vocals - have you fucking heard the end of all things?? Also, I’m a dallon weekes fucker & honestly don’t mind the more hip-hop/pop vibe
favourite tracks:
far too young to die
casual affair
vegas lights
Infinity On High - Fall Out Boy (2007)
one of the few albums I like to listen to following the tracklist. pete’s lyrics really hit home & I love the whole aesthetic of the record so much - it was the first album that really made me fall in love with fob. one of the tracks on it just grounds me, and i played this record on repeat for a month straight. listened to it to fall asleep.
favourite tracks:
the take over, the break’s over
bang the doldrums
Twenty One Pilots - twenty one pilots (2009)
my comfort album. some of the lyrics one there make me sob, some give me strength. tyler’s words are always priceless to me. i love this album so much. this album is home to me.
favourite tracks:
fall away
taxi cab
Last Young Renegade - All Time Low (2017)
this album is… really satisfying as a whole? I feel like it’s a really complete & well finished record; it has the nostalgic vibe, the heavier vibe, the softer one, too. It’s the album I put on when I don’t know what to listen to - the melodies are all great, from the harmonies in ground control to the melody of drugs & candy which, in my opinion, has a slight tinge of nostalgia. and obviously the nostalgia in good times. anyway good album
favourite tracks:
drugs & candy
good times
ground control
Happiest Nuclear Winter - The Brobecks (2005)
dallon’s lyrics always have this dark vibe which i love so very much and happiest nuclear winter is no exception tbh. this album makes me really happy for some reason? i really love the twisted lyrics and the whole melody thread that’s going on in the whole thing
favourite tracks:
and shoot the sun
you stole my head
a letter
hopeless fountain kingdom - Halsey (2017)
concept album. i love concept albums. and this record both has a story and very strong messages in each song. devil in me is important as fuck to me, as well as don’t play - they both hold a lot of meaning, imo. halsey really outdid herself on this album, lyrically, melodically, and with a lot more obvious bisexuality which is fuckin great
favourite tracks:
heaven in hiding
bad at love
don’t play
Take A Vacation! - The Young Veins (2011)
this whole album just screams nostalgia to me, honestly. there are words and times where ryan’s voice just cut right through me - the very first line of lie to the truth, for example - and parallels with panic’s post-split stuff that i just can’t fuckin let go.. and jon’s work on this record is also worth so much recognition that man is a Talent — also first discovered this album while reading throam so i associate it A Lot and it hurts me
favourite tracks:
lie to the truth
dangerous blues
young veins (die tonight)
Overexposed - Maroon 5 (2012)
as much as this one may come as a surprise, it’s an album from my childhood (well, as childhood as middle school can be) but there are a lot of tracks on this record that i rediscovered recently and that i’m still very much in love with. yeah, it’s pop. so what? pop is great. pop is pop for a reason, and i feel like this album is one of the reasons.
favourite tracks:
the man who never lied
lucky strike
beautiful goodbye
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