#best free online meditation courses
wellbeingkrishnaa · 1 year
Seeking a transformative experience? Look no further than Well Being Krishna's meditation in Rishikesh program. Our experienced instructors utilize ancient techniques to promote mindfulness, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being. Explore the spiritual wonders of Rishikesh and tap into your inner potential with Well Being Krishna. Visit here: https://wellbeingkrishna.com/
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wellbeingkrishna0 · 1 year
Look no further than Well Being Krishna for the best meditation classes online! Our experienced teachers provide personalized guidance, helping you find your inner peace in the comfort of your own home. Join our community today and start your journey towards a more mindful, relaxed, and balanced life. Visit here: https://wellbeingkrishna.com/
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oftlunarialmoon · 6 months
Uncommon but Fun Age Regression Activities
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Ciao lovelies! Today I’d like to share with you all some Agere content! Today’s post is about uncommon but fun age regression activities. “Uncommon” in this case means not often mentioned on the lists of “agere things to do” that float around Tumblr, and other parts of the internet! Of course, I can’t prevent SOME overlap that may occur, but I have tried my best to include lots of age regression activities that I haven’t really seen mentioned elsewhere.
This list is designed specifically for Age Regressors in mind, but you could also find joy in this list even if you’re not an Age Regressor! If you’re here but don’t know what Age Regression is, check out our blog post on “What is Age Regression?” If you’re here because you don’t regress, but maybe just like fun things, you’re also in the right place! Like I said before, this list is not ONLY for age regressors, but it is designed for them. OK- so let’s get into the list! 😊
Uncommon and Fun Age Regression Activities!
Doing Meditation/Yoga:
Meditation can be a great way to center your mind and clear it out of negativity or bad thoughts. You can also find guided meditation podcasts on music streaming services like Spotify, but also on places like YouTube.
As for Yoga, there’s plenty of children’s Yoga that can provide some physical activity as well! Guided Children’s Yoga has become more popular over the years and I bet there’s YouTube videos for it.
Learning Dance Routines:
This activity can be good for all the K-Pop-loving kiddos out there, or for anyone who likes dancing. This is a great physical activity that can both count as exercise and creative expression.
Making Up Songs/Singing Karaoke:
Another activity great for creative expression, making up songs! Your songs can literally be about anything you want/can think of!
If making up songs is not your thing, try singing some Karaoke! You can sing along to any song that strikes your fancy.
Trying to Speak in another Language:
I love this activity, because learning new languages always makes me regress. Something about trying to learn something challenging and new really strikes that chord for me. Plus it can be fun to learn new alphabets! You can even find kid’s worksheets in whatever your target language is.
Taking a Free Online Course:
I adore learning when I’m small, so I love taking free online courses whenever I can find them. Sometimes your local library has access to sites that can provide you free online courses, so be sure to check their website!
Reading Kid’s Magazines Online:
Another service that might be provided by your local library is access to reading magazines online! My local library has access to kid’s magazines about animals, teen magazines, and more! I love reading through these when I’m small.
Browsing through the NASA online Image and Video Library:
The internet can sometimes provide great resources for regression, especially if you’re a space-loving kiddo like me! Maybe if the weather’s bad and you can’t stargaze outside, you could look at the NASA image library instead! https://www.nasa.gov/images/
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earthlightwitch · 2 years
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hey witches (or whatever term you prefer!)! the spookiest season is fast approaching, and so i wanted to put together a little list of something witchy you can do for each day of our favourite month! majority are low key, and feel free to do all, some or none of the activities - whatever suits you best, this is just a fun way to introduce witchcraft into your month.
do a tarot/oracle/rune/etc spread for the month of october (i’ll post a “new month spread” very soon!)
write out your goals for the month - witchy and not. maybe you want to try journaling more frequently, meditation, going for walks, drinking more water or cooking some meals at home!
write about a new topic in your grimoire/BoS - this could be a topic you’ve been interested in for a while or something totally left field. you never stop learning as a witch!
try learning about your ancestors. this can be hard for many (difficult family relations, not knowing biological families, the like), however if you can find a family name that’s always a great place to start!
spend time in nature/connecting to nature spirits. going and talking to the trees is so incredibly beneficial, especially if you need to talk about something you feel you can’t open up to a person about. the trees, the ocean, the forest and the mountains are always happy to listen to us
create a new candle - sounds hard, but it’s a lot easier than you think! i love making seasonal candles by taking a store bought, plain candle, then dressing it with oil and some herbs. bonus points for using herbs associated with fall/spring (depending on where you live!)
do a manifestation spell with the waxing moon! this can be as elaborate as a full ritual, or as simple as writing your manifestations on a bay leaf/piece of paper and burning it.
witch-ify your beverages! adding intention into your coffee, tea, water or any other drink you prefer is super effective witchcraft! you can also add things to your drink, such as honey for attraction, cinnamon for abundance, or sugar for sweetness (taste wise too)!
i’m really big on cooking seasonally, so if you can, try and cook or bake (even just throw together some things into a sandwich!) using some seasonal ingredients (i.e, pumpkins, root vegetables, stuff like that) in a meal today
happy full moon! don’t forget to cleanse and recharge your crystals, decks, and of course, yourself today. maybe put out some water to creat some moon water!
refresh your altar if you have one - maybe give it a good wipe down with some moon water (or just normal water!), cleanse it and redecorate it however you like
create a new sigil today, either creating one of your own design or using an online generator (like this one!) for prosperity, abundance, protection, whatever you like! use in your craft however it suits you
do some shadow work - i recently posted a 30 days of shadow work challenge, so you could try a prompt from that list or any you find!
try giving an offering to a deity, ancestor or spirit you work with or are wanting to connect to. this can be as simple as offering a portion of your food to them, or an entire ritual dedicated to them - whatever works best for you!
look into your astrology! if you’ve never looked at your chart before, there are lots of different websites that can do it such as this one, and they’ll give you a pretty in-depth dissection of your chart!
cleanse your space - either with a smoke method, sound, a spray, or visualisation!
try doing some mindful movement - this can also work as a meditative practice! this includes walking, yoga, running, or weight training. set your intention first, then see how you go!
find out some local lore of the town you live in! it’s often a lot more interesting than you think. i also love to learn about local native plants in my area that i can then use in my craft!
refresh any wards your have set up if you have them, or if you don’t, now is a great time to set one up! they can be very simple or complex depending on the method you choose, and there are several great posts on here about them!
as the moon wanes (gets smaller!), now is the perfect time to do some releasing. write anything you want to let go of - people, things, attachments, etc. - on a piece of paper and burn it or otherwise dispose of it
read a new witchy book - don’t sleep on your local libraries! there’s also plenty of pdf books about witchcraft topics online if you can’t get your hands on
make a spell jar! this kind of magick is super fun, relatively simple, and can be done quickly with items you already have. any jar is suitable, such as the jar from your pasta sauce, not just the aesthetic ones you see on tiktok! add your ingredients along with your intent, seal with wax from a candle and set it wherever suits the intention.
practice some grounding. place your bare feet on some soil or grass, or even hold some soil if you don’t have access to natural ground today. visualise roots growing from the centre of the earth towards you, and from the centre of you towards the earth. see them intertwine and let mother earth ease your physical, spiritual, and mental struggles, pain or heavy emotions
visit a cemetery if you have one close by. you don’t need to go to one holding someone you know, it’s still just as meaningful to visit a new one you’ve never been to (a post soon coming on what to do when visiting a graveyard!)
put together a witchy playlist! this can be for your walk or to start your day, to listen whilst you practice/divine, or just to play to help you feel a bit better. if you don’t want to make your own, you can always just listen to one someone else has curated!
make a cleansing scrub - all you really need is some salt (medium-ground works well for scrubs!), any oil of your choosing, and some herbs if you choose. make sure anything you add is body safe!!! set your intention whilst using and allow the scrub to cleanse away any spiritual “dirt” you’ve accumulated
enchant a piece of jewellery! can be a ring, a necklace, bracelet, a pair of earrings, or even bobby pins used in your hair
write a gratitude list. get specific and write as many individual things as you can!
reflect on the goals you wrote down at the start of the month. have you achieved them? why/why not? is there something you achieved that you didn’t write down that you’re proud of?
do some protection magick. the spirit/earthly worlds are growing closer now, so some extra protection can never hurt!
happy Samhain/Beltane/Halloween! the veil is thin today, so now is the perfect time to reach out to spirits (safely of course!) and try a (potentially new) form of divination!
i hope this gives you some ideas for witchy things to do this month! just as a reminder, your craft is so personal to you, please don’t let me or anyone else ever tell you what you should or shouldn’t be doing in your craft (unless you’re taking from closed practices - DONT DO THAT). never feel bad for not having the energy or not being able to partake in a certain activity. you are always a witch, no matter how you practice.
love always, taylah. 🤍
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broomsick · 1 year
Hi! It's me again, My question today actually relates to communicating with the gods. I talk to Njord daily, and talk to Freyr and Tyr sometimes as well. But I can't tell when they are responding back to me, or even if they are at all.
I know they exist, Njord actually responded in the world around me when I prayed to him on multiple occasions.
But I see others talking about having conversations with their gods and I feel like I'm missing out.
I do have fears like spiritual psychosis, where I trick myself into hallucinating the fact they are talking to me. But I'm also afraid of things like malicious spirits pretending to be those Gods.
I know I can cleanse my area and do things to protect myself but I do not understand what ways I can establish a connection through my protections.
I've been reading books and doing my best to understand but some books can range from it just happens to literally killing animals you've hunted to protect yourself while you talk to them.
And I wanted to know if there was something I was missing, or just hear your thoughts on it.
Thanks again!
Hi there!
I’ll start by saying that if you’re interested in my personal thoughts, I’ve actually written a post on this first topic before! Feel free to read it!
As you will see, my opinion on this matter is thus: pagans on social media do sometimes mention "talking" with deities, as if having a conversation with a human being. However, this is often a way to simplify more complex means of communication. For example, having prayed to a deity and later receiving a sign which seems to come from them can be seen a sort of "conversation" with the deity. In other cases, people will receive answers from their deities using divination methods such as tarot, rune-casting, pendulums, etc... It's also possible for some to somehow hear answers from their deities through a deep state of meditation, or through powerful spiritual experiences. Long story short, these "conversations" that people post on social media are generally a way to convey the spiritual exchange which happens when you pray, or ask a question, and you receive a sign, or blessing in return, with time. Unless of course, the poster has some sort of "clairsense" which allows them to hear clear answers. If it can be of some comfort however, I myself do not possess any kind of clairsense, and I haven't met a lot of people who do. The pagan friends whom I know have a clairsense will often tell me that the answers they get isn't nearly as clear as some internet content creators make it out to be. These answers will often be short, like simple words and muffled sentences.
But believe me, I understand why you would feel like you're missing out. I had been pagan for about four to years when I first became active in pagan circles on tumblr, and it took even longer for me to truly get involved with them (posting, commenting, discussing...). When I finally did so, I thought to myself "Am I supposed to be capable of communicating so easily with my deities? How is it that everyone else seems to find such ease in receiving answers from theirs?" And with time, I came to realize that just like me, most (if not all) pagans did not hold actual, two-sided conversations with deities. The reported conversations you see being spread online are oftentimes played up for clarity purpose, and the pagan spiritual life does consist mainly of praying to yourself, and having faith that there is someone on the other end, listening. A deity's answer can take the shape of signs, unexpected blessings and the like. As a wise friend of mine once said, "The skies don't open up for me the moment I put my hands together; that doesn't happen for anyone". In any case, there are lots of ways for you to connect with your deities— ways that don't require for you to be involved in your spirituality at all times and to master deep meditations techniques! Taking in the sight of a landscape, appreciating the beauty of a rainy night and breathing in the sea wind are moments where you may feel a deity, or deities' presence. But more on that later!
Now, I’m actually not much of a believer in the whole “spirit pretending to be your deities” concept. Of course, the belief in these sorts of instances is entirely up to each one of us individually. In my case, I have had long conversations about it with pagan friends, both online and in real life, and all seemed to think this concept being spread as much as it is on social media was an exaggeration that could easily frighten new pagans. This has never happened to anyone I'm acquainted with, at least not that I know of. For this reason, perhaps I'm not the best person to give my opinion on the topic, much less on how to protect yourself from such an occurence. If you're interested in a longer, more elaborate reflection on the matter, however, one of my friends has written this amazing post concerning the discernment of trauma (or negative personal experiences/thoughts) and the idea of spirits somehow impersonating deities.
I truly hope this has cleared up a few things for you, though I'm sorry I couldn't get into as much detail for your second question as for your first. My practice looks a lot like yours, as I mostly talk to my deities and give offerings, without receiving immediate answers. The answers I do get can take many forms, and sometimes I tell myself: "Alright. I believe that this or that sign comes from this or that deity. I can't know for sure, but believing that it does is enough". And oftentimes, I will feel a deep connection with a deity simply through devotional actions, or as I am making offerings and toasting in their honor. These are unexpected times when I somehow know that the Gods are watching over me, despite them not coming down from the heavens in a halo of light to sit and talk with me like flesh and blood human beings!
I'm flattered that you came to me with these questions, and I hope I have answered them well. May you have a fulfilling and joyful spiritual journey on this path!
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zillanovikov · 2 years
Cooking with the Big Sad
Most advice for dealing with depression makes depressed people feel worse.
Fish oil supplements, running, and meditation help some people. Maybe they even help you. But for the rest of us, they deliver a simple message. Your depression is your own damn fault because of your bad lifestyle. If you ate better, exercised more, and changed your negative attitude, you wouldn't have this problem. 
If you, like we did, look online for depression-friendly recipes, you will find almond-crusted barramundi and walnut-crusted maple salmon, promising Omega-3s to fight brain fog and B vitamins to boost mood. If you happen to be an inland-dwelling vegan, such personal lifestyle tweaks are inaccessible to the point of satire. This is a feature, not a bug. The thing these recipes have in common is that the cost of ingredients, difficulty of preparation, and incompatibility with numerous dietary restrictions mean they are inaccessible to most mentally ill people. If only you would do this, they promise, and then it becomes your fault because you do not, and so you must not really want to be well.
If capitalism is driving your employer to exploit you and the rich to destroy the planet, the solution is not to do Pilates about it. No amount of chia seeds are going to fix how you feel. You need some empathy and some survival strategies. Surviving means you have to eat, even if you don't want to, even if there's no food in the world worth the effort of lifting a spoon to your mouth. 
Many of us also have stigmas and taboos when it comes to food. Maybe someone has told you to avoid “bad” foods, or questioned if you really needed a second cookie. Maybe for you, the concept of eating is complicated by feelings of guilt or shame. But judgment doesn’t help. It’s better to eat than not, and we are not the sum of our worst days.
My depression is not my fault. My brain chemistry is fucked and I need medication to function. I tried lifestyle changes for years, delaying as long as I could before I acknowledged what felt like a moral failing. Before I accepted my inability to will myself cured. Diet advice gave me one more thing to try before taking that step. But crushed flax seeds weren't what I needed. What I needed was a hug, and guidance to get through day by day until I was ready to admit my truth.
Depression cooking for me is low-effort, cheap, easy foods, with minimal ingredients that I probably already have in the house. It’s carb- and spice-heavy. It’s eating popcorn out of a bag or boiling instant noodles. It’s food that’s tasty enough to be appealing even when the thought of eating seems exhausting.
Of course, this isn’t the same for everyone! Some people have to avoid carbs or gluten, others find high levels of spice challenging at the best of times. Contrary to the advice you’ll find online and in diet books, there's no silver bullet for our problems, individually or societally. But we can do our best to make things better for each other as a community. 
Collective change starts at a local level, and for us, dealing with the social problem of depression begins with acts of mutual aid. Whether it’s reminding folks that they’re not alone or sharing the coping strategies that have worked for us and our friends, we’re here with each other as we battle not just the Big Sad, but the environmental, political, and economic context that enables it at its worst.
I wrote a rant (see above) but I also—with my community—wrote a cookbook to share our coping strategies. The Sad Bastard Cookbook is funny, realistic, and kind. Also the e-book is free. We gotcha.
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longevityoga · 7 months
Longevity Yoga
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Website: https://www.longevityoga.co.uk/
Address: Twickenham
Longevity Yoga, rooted in traditional Yoga Therapy practices, offers a holistic approach to promote healthy living and improve various chronic conditions. The therapy encompasses lifestyle, diet, physical practice, meditation, and specific yogic breathing practices, notably Pranyama, which is especially effective for many chronic diseases and mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, and insomnia. Available in small group classes and individual private classes, Longevity Yoga Therapy is not only for elderly individuals but also for any person, including children, who have health conditions that are challenging to manage. With a focus on a 365 approach, it aims to strengthen health, prolong longevity, and improve chronic conditions, providing support through both online and in-person sessions.
Keyword: yoga for mental health yoga session online yoga benefits for mental health yoga mental health morning yoga for mental health yoga therapy training online yoga therapy classes yoga for wellbeing yoga for longevity yoga for healthy ageing yoga for autoimmune disease traditional hatha yoga traditional hatha yoga class traditional hatha yoga sequence private yoga session cost private yoga sessions private yoga sessions near me best online yoga therapy training yoga therapy course online yoga therapy online online yoga sessions free yoga sessions online best yoga for mental health mental health yoga training yoga for mental health near me holistic yoga therapy light holistics therapy & yoga yoga therapy classes near me yoga for health and wellbeing yoga for respiratory problems yoga for healthy aging baxter bell yoga for cardiovascular disease best yoga for autoimmune disease yoga asanas for autoimmune disease yoga private sessions near me best online yoga sessions live yoga sessions online kids yoga therapy classes dance and yoga for wellbeing yoga for mental wellbeing yoga for unity and wellbeing yoga for musculoskeletal disorders yoga poses for longevity yoga for healthy aging intensive yoga for healthy aging sequence yoga therapy for cardiovascular diseases yoga for autoimmune diseases yoga for curing autoimmune disease best book on traditional hatha yoga availble for private yoga sessions sample private yoga session virtual private yoga sessions yoga private session yoga private session rates online yoga therapy online yoga therapy training yoga therapy online training yoga therapy training uk online uk online free yoga sessions private yoga sessions online skype online yoga session classes yoga online session roots holistic yoga therapy yoga holistic therapy
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traumatizeddfox · 4 months
Hi! I hope you don´t mind this little vent but this has been on my mind a lot lately and I don´t knwo who to turn to. I have this debiliating fear of my loved ones and others thinking I´m a bad person. I know it´s all in my head, but I have no idea how to let go of this fear. It keeps ruining my days. My brain just won´t stop bombarding me with thoughts of ˝What if they think/know I´m a bad person?˝ Do you have any advice on how to quite my thought?
hi anon! just know you’re not a bad person but i know me saying that isn’t going to stop those thoughts :( Do you have ocd by any chance? I’m obviously not a psychiatrist or psychologist but i do have ocd and this one of the symptoms i do have (But not saying you have it but it’s always good to check it out if you can if you haven’t!!)
Some things i do suggest is:
1) sometimes i sit and acknowledge the thought, i don’t try to shove it away, but just let the thought pass. although this can be hard because sometimes my thoughts get bad where i need to act on them or like compulsions. but sometimes i try to think on the thought and try to ask myself why would i think i am bad? evil? etc. I try to go through all the things i have done that make me good and a good person and that can also help. you could always write little notes so you can remind yourself that you’re a good person.
2) if you feel safe enough you can always ask your friends and family for reassurance, it’s always good to talk to them about it if you can. maybe bring up how you feel like you’re a bad person, etc. Having another person reassure you that you’re not can always help you ground yourself.
3) CBT sometimes helps me, not always but i always try to ask myself why do i feel like i am bad / evil and work through that thought and fight it off. im not sure if you have done cbt but you can find free cbt work sheets online, but sometimes i find it doesn’t always help but its good to try!
4) Meditation is always good! trying to clear your mind and look at your thoughts without judging them first and just realizing they are thoughts is a good way to cope. i sometimes listen to whale sounds, the rain , etc on youtube, i find these make me feel better and sometimes the thought just goes away after sometime.
5) this might not be the best advice but i sometimes try to distract myself by either playing a video game, watching a movie or a youtube video, spending time with my cat, etc.
6) and of course i would always suggest a therapist if you can see one (If you’re not already)!
i hope these can help in some way, i know how hard it can be to have those thoughts but just remember your thoughts aren’t facts and intrusive thoughts can be really terrible, but you aren’t terrible!! 🫶
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wellbeingkrishna · 11 months
Discover inner tranquility and enhanced mindfulness with Well Being Krishna, offering some of the best meditation classes online. Drawing from teachings that have withstood the test of time, our classes cater to both beginners and experienced meditators alike. The classes are meticulously crafted by our experienced instructors to help you achieve balance and serenity. Choose Wellbeing Krishna.
Visit here: https://wellbeingkrishna.com/free-online-meditation-classes/
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What is Reiki Healing
History of Reiki
The shortest version is Dr. Mikao Usui from Japan developed Reiki in the 1920's, Reiki translates into Rei meaning Universal and Ki meaning Energy.
It is said that Dr.Mikao refers to Reiki as healing energy. It has been used for many years and has gained much popularity over the years.
What can Reiki help with
Reiki is considered a meditative practice that promotes
Reduces stress
Reduces anxiety
Reduces chronic pain and inflammation
Can speed up the healing process.
What happens during a session of Reiki
The treatment will be given in a peaceful and private setting or at your own home. The client will sit or lie on a comfortable chair, sofa or bed fully clothed.  There are two ways in which the therapy can be delivered.
1 -Hands off therapy
2- Hands on therapy
If you are suffering from pain in a particular area, the practitioner will hold their hands just above the area, while this takes place an energy transfer takes place,.  The client may feel tingling, heat, coldness are the main feelings reported.  The practitioner will hold their hands in a particular position until the energy subsides, they will move on to other areas of the body ,moving through the Chakra's.  Some practitioners use crystals to aide the Chakras and also for distance healing.
A session will last around 30-45 minutes, the number of sessions will vary from person to person depending on their client's needs and the outcomes they with to achieve. 
Reiki is a non invasive therapy and can be used as a complementary modality with your current treatment plan with your GP or health care practitioner.
No reports of using Reiki alongside other treatments including medications is extremely unlikely to encounter any negative effects or any side effects of any sort. Consult your GP before agreeing to engage in any complementary therapy and Reiki should not be used in replacement of current treatment.
Reiki has a gentle nature and can be help clients to be calmed, relaxed and soothed.
What to wear at a Reiki session
Clean, loose and comfortable clothing, bring a pair of socks as shoes are removed.
Removal of necklaces
After a session of Reiki
It is advised to keep hydrated as the energy being received by the client also helps the cells in the body to regenerate, water will help replenish them
Go for a walk
Avoid alcohol for 24 hours
Very many people experience relief and may cry for a few days, this is normal. Let it out and let it go.
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About Helen
Helen Monaghan B.A (hons) has an active interest in Holistic and Alternative Medicines since 2006, where she started making her own chemical free, natural, and organic skin care products for her friends and family.
Since then, she has studied hard to become the best in her field of natural health and self healing.
Helen has worked with many other professionals across the globe where she has helped them to complete books that has inspired thousands of people across the planet and today she brings with her new ways of living,  using her knowledge and expertise where she encompasses a variety of different healing techniques.
This year she has created her Online Store and the Academy of Self Mastery self help learning centre, so that many more people have access to her natural health and wellbeing products, whether it be skincare, mini course, e-books or other ways of being and staying healthy.
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msjarvis · 11 months
rules: bold the ones that are true and tag 15 other people to do it too!
thank you for the tag K!! @kteague 🥰😘❤️
i’m over 5’5” // i wear glasses/contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i typically wear make-up // i don’t often smile // i am pleased with how i look // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backwards
hobbies + talents:
i play a sport // i can play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to tv shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand
i am in a relationship // i have been single for over a year // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sun rise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colours // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least three dogs
I cannot tag 15 people.. too many.. 😅
And of course no pressure at all for the ones I tag.. If it's not your cup of tea, or if you've already done this tag, sorry to have bothered you and feel free to ignore it! I'm just curious to know some little things about you all.. 😊 @wheresarizona @mvtthewmurdvck @softlyspector @bageldaddy @the-ginger-hedge-witch @tieronecrush @fuckyeahdindjarin
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shamandrummer · 1 year
Your Guide to Shamanic Drumming
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I am pleased to announce the publication of my first online course, Your Guide to Shamanic Drumming, on Insight Timer. Insight Timer is a free smartphone app and online community with over seven million meditators, making it the most active meditation community on the planet. The meditation app made Women's Health and Time magazine's list of best apps. Three thousand meditation teachers publish free guided meditations, music and talks on the app. With 130,000 free guided meditations, including six of my shamanic drumming tracks to support your shamanic journeys, you can meditate on Insight Timer for as long as you want without ever paying a cent. Please note that courses are a premium offering and require either an individual purchase or an active subscription. You can purchase my course for $19.99 or start your 7 day free trial then subscribe to unlock all 1,871 Insight courses, playlists and premium features. Download the Insight Timer app here.
Course Description
In this four-part audio course, best-selling author Michael Drake teaches about the power of shamanic drumming to improve well-being, promote spiritual growth and deepen our understanding of the inner self. Shamanic drumming is a form of repetitive rhythmic drumming. Its purpose is to induce ecstatic trance states in order to access innate wisdom and guidance. The essence of shamanism is the experience of direct revelation from within. Shamanism is about remembering, exploring and developing the true self. Shamanic practice heightens the ability of perception and enables you to see into the deeper realms of the self. Once connected with your inner self, you can find help, healing and a continual source of guidance. To practice shamanism is to reconnect with your deepest core values and your highest vision of who you are and why you are here.
Drawing from 30 years of shamanic practice and teaching, Michael presents the first practical guide to applying this ancient healing art to our modern lives. Through a series of simple lessons and exercises, he teaches the basic shamanic methods of drumming, journeying, power practice and healing the earth. You will learn how to alter your state of consciousness to access higher wisdom, renewed power and untapped insight. There are no prerequisites to learning shamanic drumming. Whether you are an accomplished percussionist or a total beginner, this course will help you harness the power of drumming. You can listen to the introduction and read the course outline here.
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Online Teaching and Teacher Training
As the world continues to transition to more and more online connection and engagement, so does the teaching and practice of yoga. To meet the needs of the broader yoga community and evolution of the times, Yoga Alliance uses sound research, data, and proven methodologies to adapt its standards to the online environment.
Due to sweeping changes in the yoga industry, many classes and trainings are moving online. To support this transition, we have compiled a variety of online teaching best practices, tools, and resources for members to leverage. Members also have the option to display online offerings and closed-captioning capabilities to their YA profiles for directory users to easily find.
Yoga Alliance is a nonprofit 501(c)(6). Yoga Alliance Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3). This website refers to the two organizations as "Yoga Alliance." Copyright 2023 Yoga Alliance. Yoga Alliance, the Yoga Alliance logo, RYS, RYT, and YACEP are registered marks with the USPTO and other jurisdictions.
Syllabus :
Concept of Yoga
Yoga Asanas
Surya Namaskar
Concept of Chakras
Bandhas & Kriyas
Hatha Yoga
Ashtanga Yoga
Anatomy & Physiology
Diet & Nutrition
Yoga Methodology
Techniques for Teaching
Ethical Guidelines for Yoga Teacher
Hatha Yoga Advanced Asanas
Advanced Pranayama
Astanga Vinyasa Intermediate Series
Guided Advanced Meditation Sessions
Study of Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Study of Patanjali Yoga Sutras
Advanced Sequencing
Yoga Therapy
Yoga & Ayurveda
Advanced Yoga Anatomy & Physiology
Advanced Yoga Philosophy
Alignment & Adjustment Sessions
Teaching Methodology & Practice
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sunrisethoughts02 · 1 year
Inbox justkenz for mental health help 💜
Hi there, lovely human! I'm so glad you dropped by today :) this is a really great question, and I will do my absolute best to answer it! Please keep in mind I am not a licensed professional, and I'm also still on my mental health journey. These are just things that helped me, and I hope they help you!
Know Yourself. This is huge. I knew so little about who I was before I started an intentional process of trying to discover who I am, what my triggers and traumas are, etc. This is also really important because it directs your attention to the positive aspects of your personality and self, not just the parts you might struggle with. It's also important to understand that what worked for others - and is held up as this 'glorified self-care system' - might not look exactly the same for you. For example: I struggle with multiple autoimmune conditions, and the 'aesthetic' meals I copied off tiktok and youtube were actually hurting me, not helping. they might work for the creator, but self-care isn't copy and paste. it's a continuous, evolving process of attending to your individual needs. while therapy is of course great for assisting in this process, it can be really expensive. thankfully, many incredible resources are totally free. I would recommend journaling, yoga, and mindfulness as a great place to start. you can literally just search 'journal prompts for self-knowledge' on google, and there's lots of free meditations/podcasts/yoga classes. actually, i need to do a post specifically focusing on this really soon!
It might feel worse before it gets better, and that's okay. self-care is one of the most beneficial things for mental wellbeing. it can be extensive as taking a vacation, but for me it started with basic hygiene. it's hard for me to admit how hard basic hygiene was, and in depressive episodes, still is. I hated self-care at first because I always felt worse afterwards, and what's the point in taking aromatherapy baths if you feel more stressed afterwards?? I didn't know that it was actually my past trauma rising to the surface and releasing through my body and nervous system - traumas built on self-trust issues and fear. if this is the case for you, it's perfectly okay!! the media usually presents self-care rituals as these luxurious, stress-free, elaborate rituals. if yours, as mine did, end by crying on the bathroom floor, that's just fine. it's your body releasing old energy and trauma, which is usually negatively impacting your mental health. don't give up!! it will get better, and your brain and body will feel so much lighter after working through it.
What you eat matters. A lot. sugary/processed foods have a vast negative impact on depression and anxiety. unfortunately, that is exactly what my sad/scared brain craves. it's important to build healthy food habits into everyday life. I saw a huge impact on my mental health when I started paying attention to my food. this is not counting calories (in fact, please don't do that.) this is not restricting the amount of food you eat. it's eating as much as you want of foods that restore your energy and help clear your brain. lots of healthy fats and good proteins :) I eat keto/carnivore due to intense dietary restrictions, but I would recommend looking into Whole30, paleo, and keto lifestyles to see if it would work for you.
Spirituality. this was huge for me in my personal life, but these practices aren't confined to one specific belief system (and can still be beneficial without one at all.) for me, this looked like prayer, time in the Scriptures, and meditation. but meditation and gratitude practices can exist without any specific belief system and are helpful regardless of what you believe. any form of daily gratitude practice - whatever that looks like for you - is incredibly beneficial to mental health. again, there's tons of amazing resources online.
I tried to go through my biggest thoughts, but this was such an amazing question I could talk for hours!! I'll definitely do some mini-series posts on breaking down these topics and listing some specific resources. I wish you an amazing future, and don't hesitate to share any more questions/thoughts/comments! <333333
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bodyawarenyc · 2 years
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Here is an image of the Stomach meridian in a chakorasana variation. In my opinion, this is the best way to learn the meridians - by visualizing them in your Asana practice. I wanted to point out the Sternocleidomastoid muscle and it’s relationship to the Stomach meridian and digestive tract. You can often release stubborn neck tension by working directly on this muscle along with stretching the entire pathway. Images from The Pain Book🤚 We also practice visualizing all 12 meridians in a seated or supine meditation. This is called the Meridian Circuit Body Scan - which you can take online every Tuesday at 8pm @scienceofselfyoga with @oliviayohai 🌸 . Learn how to address pain and tension and other stress related problems using the science of meridian medicine and hands on techniques (yoga, acupressure, cupping, scraping, moxa) in the MYT Level 1 courses : September 23-26 in Woodstock NY📚⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ☀️ . Trainings @scienceofselfyoga ALL WELCOME 🌳 Advanced SOS Teacher Cert : July/Sept Woodstock 🌳 Yin Yoga Immersion August 19-23 Woodstock : Master Class 🌳 MYT Level 1 : September 23-26 Woodstock NY 💻 Yoga Sutras/Pradipika ONLINE : October weekends
🏙Yin Yoga Weekend Immersion : Dec 10-11 @spiritlabyoga NYC . VIDEO COURSES: (on the website) ✋🏻MYT 10hr Intro : self-paced Video version 🖐🏽 MYT Level 1: self-paced Video version . 📚 Books by Dr Vaughan are now on Amazon . 🆘 WEEKLY CLASSES : with Rose Erin 💎WED 10-11:30 Vinyasa+Yin In-Person @spiritlab_yoga NYC 💻WED 6pm EST :Extreme Yin Hips: Online FREE 💻THURS 11am EST :Master Class 2 hrs: Online FREE 💎Yin Hips Thursday 6-7pm @spiritlab_yoga 💻More classes @scienceofselfyoga 🎥 Youtube “Science of Self Yoga” . #yoga #meridians #emotions #acupressure #chakras #energy #fitness #health #divine https://www.instagram.com/p/CgHKljjOsCn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yogaforcourage12 · 1 month
The Dancing Flame’s Fire Meditation Brønshøj Wisdom
Fire meditation is an exceptional manifestation of meditation, within which one takes a fire element for observation, typically a burning candle, to have a meditation experience. It is emerging with increasing clarity as the outlet of the Brønshøj inhabitants for its healing and quieting powers. Fire meditation Brønshøj practice can help improve concentration and stimulate the mind.
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From scattered thoughts to Laser-sharp focus
Boosted Focus and Concentration: The flame’s flickering motion acts like a visual anchor which helps in concentration improvement as well as keeping the mind off wandering.
Enhanced Creativity: While fire can present a constant challenge to even the most capable firefighters, it can also provide art inspiration and ignite new thoughts.
Connection to Nature: One can not only connect with one of the four basic natural elements by means of fire meditation but get a sense of being in union as well.
 Performing it Safely
Choose a Safe Environment: Such practice should be undertaken in a space that lacks flammable materials and other distracting factors.
Use a Controlled Flame: On the other hand, the candle's flame is a source of fire that is both safe and controlled for fire meditation.
Monitor Your Meditation: Prepare your session by using a timer which will ensure good practice.
Obtain Peace From mindfulness meditation Brønshøj
Mindfulness meditation involves the cultivation of moment-to-moment, nonjudgmental awareness of one's present experience, whether narrowly or more broadly focused. The goal of these practices is to cultivate a stable and nonreactive awareness of one's internal (e.g., cognitive-affective-sensory) and external (social-environmental) experiences. Therefore, it can be argued that it is the development of stable attention and nonjudgmental awareness that mediates the much wider range of effects, including physical relaxation, emotional balance, behavioral regulation, and changes in self-judgment, self-awareness, and relationship with others. 
Improvements in each of these areas of functioning may then decrease the experience of stress. Although other mediating processes may also be involved, including direct effects on physiological aspects of stress and relaxation, meditation practice is better conceptualized as a way of changing the usual processes of attention, awareness, and cognition. These attentional skills enable ~ one to disengage from or limit usual emotional or analytical reactivity to the object of attention and to respond to life more mindfully. Suspending these habitual reactivity patterns may then facilitate the emergence of self-regulatory functions that are experienced as healthier, more balanced, or somehow "wiser" in an enduring way and reflective of sustained neurophysiological change. 
Meditation may not be unique in its ability to facilitate this type of processing. Still, evidence suggests that adapting these tools from their traditional roots to a therapeutic context is promising. Although concentrative techniques also cultivate attentional stability, with a wide range of documented effects, mindfulness practices may more quickly engage nonreactive awareness and growth within particular areas of functioning.
Where to Go for free guided meditation for anxiety
For those seeking in-person classes or online resources, here are some of the best places to turn:
Local studios/teachers: Nearly every city now has specialized meditation studios and qualified teachers providing group and one-on-one sessions for beginners.
Apps: Endlessly growing app options like Calm, Headspace, Insight Timer, and others offer guided meditations and reminders perfect for starting.
Online programs: Many meditation centers and teachers now offer virtual courses, retreats, and content exploring foundational practices and mindfulness.
YouTube: This platform hosts a treasure trove of meditation for beginners free along with guided lectures talks by renowned teachers like Jon Kabat-Zinn and Thich Nhat Hanh.
It's important to remember that both fire meditation and mindfulness meditation can offer numerous benefits, from improved concentration and creativity to a deeper connection with nature and enhanced mindfulness. When practicing fire meditation, it's crucial to ensure safety by choosing a suitable environment and using a controlled flame. On the other hand, mindfulness meditation can help cultivate nonjudgmental awareness and lead to improvements in various areas of functioning, potentially reducing the experience of stress. For those seeking guided meditation to manage anxiety, there are various options available, including local studios, meditation apps, online programs, and YouTube resources. By exploring these practices, individuals can find effective ways to incorporate meditation into their daily lives and experience its positive effects.
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