#best friend quotes
"...He doesn't know that you're an idiot! Once he gets to know you and KNOW that you're an idiot, he'll love you...!" "What if he say no?" "Then HE'S an idiot."
- Buck and Eddie, ("911", 7x05)
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itsnice2haveafriend · 10 months
Friends who make your head go quiet and your laughter loud >>>>
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I don't know a whole lot about friendship, but I know that you don't widen the space between each other without letting the other person know. You are broken and you need some time alone to heal, you let them know. You are insecure and you don't know if you mean anything to them, you let them know. Something about them hurts you, but they are unaware, you let them know. You are guilty for what you have done, and you want to mend what you have broken, you let them know. Something they say and it feels like it's about you, you ask them. There's no one person behind a long lasting relationship. It always takes two.
Sabina Yesmin
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long-distance-love · 1 year
Honestly, being married to my best friend is brilliant. I always feel so comfortable around my husband, and we have so much in common even aside from our love.
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I don’t sleep
I don’t eat
I don’t dream
At least anymore
I look in the mirror and see a stranger
Losing myself piece by piece
Becoming more difficult to fix
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yourgfsgirl · 1 year
I can’t stand when there’s representation of a healthy friendship in media & fans can’t just accept that. They literally go to the point of attacking the writer bc they won’t put the 2 characters together. I love seeing non-toxic friendships represented. The type where the characters are so open with each other & would do anything for each other to the point where they consider the other a sibling. & ppl will get so mad that they’re not forced to date.
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zebfox123 · 1 year
A best friend is like a four-leaf clover- hard to get, and luck to have.
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oldschoolaaisha · 2 years
Friendship means understanding, not agreement. It means forgiveness, not forgetting. It means the memories last, even if contact is lost.
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drunk-on-writing · 2 years
every time i call you, the phone never rings more than twice before you answer - even if it's just to say you'll call me back (and you always do) you never make me wait, even when you make me wait, but it's more than that; you never make me feel like i'm not important enough to pick up the phone there have been countless ignored calls over the years, times when i've been sent straight to voicemail after the first ring, text bubbles collecting dust, moments where i'm sitting with my phone in my hand wondering if i should even bother, if they even want to talk to me but i never have to worry about that with you i never feel that way with you for the first time in my life, i've never been made to feel like i have to beg for someone's time, like i have to be penciled in only to be erased for the first time in my life, i feel like i'm worth someone's time
(cc, 2022)
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uniquetempo · 10 years
As a child, you never really know whom your true friend is…. until we grow up and notice that they are the ones whom always have their bathroom door open and ready for your use, no matter the weather.
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I thought best friends are those who are always present in your life, but then I met her and I came to realize that they are the ones whose presence remains in you even when they aren't around. Sometimes, they may not know what's hurting you, but they don't miss a chance to remind you that you are worthy too. They may not know everything about you, but they know enough to accept your flaws and cherish your virtues. They may not be there for you every time you need them, but when they come back, they make sure you remember you aren't alone. Best friends are people, equally flawed and messed up like you, making conscious choice to stay by your side every day regardless of who you are. They stay beside you when the time slowly passes, watching you grow, learn and evolve into your best version. And for me, best friend is a girl named NIDA.
Sabina Yesmin
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therandomvibez · 1 year
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statustan · 2 years
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travelersmile · 17 hours
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thinkingtidbits · 3 months
Dive into a heartwarming collection of love quotes about mothers with Thinking Tidbits! Our video is packed with motivational and amazing quotes celebrating the incredible bond between a mother and child. Whether you're a mother yourself or simply want to honor the maternal figures in your life, these quotes will inspire and uplift you. Join us in celebrating the love and strength of mothers everywhere! #MotherQuotes #LoveForMom #MomMotivation #AmazingMoms #InspiringQuotes #MotherhoodJourney #ThinkingTidbits #FamilyLove #mother #explore #quotes #trending #quotesvideo #viral
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susanhorak · 4 months
#spoken_english #تعلم #learn_english #تعلم_الانجليزية دورات اللغة الانجليزية - تعبير عن الاسرة - الاهل يعتبر درس تعبير عن الاسرة من أهم الدروس اللغوية عند للمبتدئين او من يريد التحدث بطلاقة عن الأسرة والاصدقاء. ويعتبر درس تعبير عن الاسرةمن الدروس السهلة لأن جميع الكلمات يمكن تداولها فى البيت مع بقية أفراد العائلة و الاهل من باب الممارسة. المطلوب منك هو حفظ هذه المفردات عن ظهر قلب نطقا وكتابة ويستحسن استخدامها بشكل مستمر مع الاهل لغرض سرعة الحفظ.
لو عجبك الفيديو اعمل مشاركة من اللينك ده دورات اللغة الانجليزية - تعبير عن الاسرة - الاهل https://youtu.be/A0spa90P5Tc
ليصلك كل جديد اشترك بالقناه http://bit.ly/2HQGd4q
المزيد من الدروس المتميزة دورات اللغة الانجليزية - تعبير عن الاسرة - الاهل https://youtu.be/A0spa90P5Tc
كيف اتعلم انجليزي - اسئلة الانترفيو - مهارات المقابلة الشخصية https://youtu.be/kFWQACcN3qU
كيف اتعلم انجليزي - انواع الجرائم - الجرائم https://youtu.be/Ir37srWpHiQ
تدريب اللغة الانجليزية - التعبير عن الالم - كلام عن الالم والجرح https://youtu.be/xfhlQ4zc-EM
تدريب اللغة الانجليزية - كلمات اساسية داخل الصف - الحوار https://youtu.be/kMbYTOsUUw8
تعليم انجليزى - وصف شكل الأشخاص - وصف شخصية https://youtu.be/jCY8pcy7Ov4 #مواقع_تعليم_انجليزي
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