#best lily white song okay I said what I said
sumplys · 10 months
things i wish you said — c. leclerc
drowning in heartache, you decide to take your broken heart elsewhere
cw: alcohol, language switch (english to french), angst with a happy ending
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I think about these things at night, before I fall asleep
as you stepped into the bar, you were hit with a gust of hot air and the strong scent of liquor.
it was a sunday night, the abu dhabi grand prix finished, the season finally at an end. your mind had already been mellowed from the two shots you and your friends had taken before arriving.
seeing him on that podium called for a night where you could completely let loose and let your head go numb.
you weren’t a wag anymore. you and charles had broken up in mexico, following a bad crash and a family emergency, charles told you that you didn’t fit his schedule any longer, and it would be best if your relationship came to an end.
ending a three year relationship because of “unfortunate circumstances” felt like a stab to the heart. it felt less like his inconvenient schedule and more like… maybe he has just given up on trying to love you. of course it was hard, especially as all of your closest friends stayed wags, which meant charles was forever encapsulated in your circle. but, with due time, you could travel with them like you used to, attending races once more, but it wasn’t easy, i mean, it hurt seeing him. running into charles everywhere, all the time wasn’t at all ideal. your heart was surged with past memories when you would accidentally catch his eyes on the circuit, but he would break eye contact as soon as it began.
maybe it is best this way, is what you tried to tell yourself, but no matter how much you reassured yourself that this was fine, the tears still fell as soon as you could escape his presence.
it had been four months since the break up. he’d gone through two girls since then and you were still going on pathetic half dates with men who refused to pay the check.
“hey,” your friend lily murmured, putting a hand on your shoulder, “are you gonna be okay? i mean, i don’t think he’s here but my sources but my sources could be wrong.”
you looked over across the room at her “sources,” and alex waved at you guys, quickly excusing himself from the conversation he was previously having.
you smiled, “oh, yeah. i’ll be good, don’t worry about me.”
“silly girl, i’ll always worry about you,” she said with a half pitying smile.
alex beamed at you from behind lily and you gave him a smile in return, his presence still unbeknownst to his girlfriend.
“i’m gonna get a drink, okay?” you asked, less of a question and more of an excuse to leave alex and lily alone, without her being worried about you disappearing.
“okay…” she said begrudgingly, “keep your phone on though!”
you winked at her, already getting lost in the crowd.
you order your drink, starting a tab as you let your mind get lost in the noise and overwhelming warmth of the nightclub.
you used to hate the grand prix after parties more than anything, especially at the season finale, but at this point in your life, they were something you more or less looked forward to. being able to let go and be more or less stress free was a luxury, one that you could not easily afford. instead of a chore, it had begun to feel like a treat.
you took shots two at a time every few minutes for god knows how long, drinking until the room was hazy.
a song began blaring through the speakers, one that, even in your state, reminded you of him and you quickly spun to scan the room.
your eyes narrowed as you saw him.
he was in his godforsaken white linen shirt, looking great as ever, as he danced with a familiar brunette. she was probably a model or something.
you watched as all of his senses seemed to come alive at once as you stared at him, quickly straightening his back and scanning the room.
when your eyes met his, he didn’t break eye contact. instead, he kept his eyes on you, pulling from the embrace he had held with this mystery woman, whispering something in her ear as he disappeared into the crowd once more.
what a dick.
your mind was too scattered, with all of the alcohol in your system you couldn’t seem to form the thoughts you needed to in order to not cry. you were about to head to the bar to close your tab and head out for the night, hoping there was a taxi situation that wouldn’t take too long to arrange as a cool hand pressed against the small of your back.
you spin, getting bumped from behind and falling into the mystery person.
you look up, only to meet the most familiar haunting green eyes from this side of hell.
you pull back quickly, “sorry,” you whisper, stepping to the side as you try to let him past you, but he doesn’t move.
“did you see that?” he whispered.
you blinked, feeling especially dizzy all of a sudden, “the girl?”
he shook his head, “i’m sorry, that wasn’t fair. it’s not fair of me to be here.”
“no, it’s fine. you have every right. i mean, i should have expected you would be here. you made podium after all.”
“yeah,” he murmured, a little breathlessly, “i’m not… with her.”
“‘s fine,” you slurred, “i mean, i don’t care. ‘it’s not fair of me.’”
charles’ face went blank as you mocked his words, “i get you’re mad…”
you let out a shaky breath, “oh, you get it? sure, i’m sure you do,” you glared at him, all possibility of tears gone with the boiling rage in your stomach, “no, fuck that. and fuck you.”
“okay… i deserved that.”
“no, you didn’t. what you really deserve is for me to actually slap you right now, but lucky for you, i’m not the cruel one in this relationship.”
his hands slipped into his pockets, nodding and looking down, “you can go ahead, i can take it.”
you scoffed, “are you stupid?”
“yeah,” his eyes met yours, “maybe a little bit.”
your eyes sparkled with the remnants of tears and the memories of your past. maybe part of him wanted this as bad as you did.
he pulled you into a bathroom in a blur, turning to lock it, almost in one swift move.
“look…” he trailed off, pressing his hand to the back of your neck.
you seemingly pooled at his touch, immediately feeling the comfort of his warmth. you pressed yourself against his chest, arms wrapping around his waist as you looked up at him with pleading eyes.
“oh, ma douce… non… that’s not why i pulled you over here.”
you face flushed as your your arms went limp, returning back to your sides. you bit your lip, looking down, tears forming in the creases of your eyes once more.
how could he make you feel this much?
“non…” he pulled you to him in an embrace, “why?”
“no… it’s okay… i’m just stupid.”
“no, no… merde,” he swore, “i want to. you know i want to, don’t you? it’s just you’re so… ivre. we can’t. we shouldn’t. you’re mad at me remember? please get mad at me.”
your tears still fell, but you understood. charles was always serious about the right time, the correct circumstances. it was a quality you were grateful for in your relationship, but now it just felt like a slap in the face.
you shook your head, “it’s okay. i’m sorry.”
your hands reached behind him as you tried to swing the door open, but he quickly grabbed your wrists and brought them to his sides, wrapping your own hands around his torso.
the hug felt good. it didn’t feel right, but it felt amazing. you, in your far gone state, could not control yourself from getting lost in the comfort and warmth of it all.
he leaned back against the wall, letting you rest there, ready to wait as long as it took for you to regain control.
“i wanted to talk,” he whispered.
“i’m not sure what there is to talk about.”
he laced a hand through your hair, not holding your face to his chest with force, but with enough strength to make it clear he wanted it to stay there, “i wanted—i want—to stay with you forever. you must know that. it was just hard for me. the car was shit, life was bad, and i didn’t want to drag you back down. i didn’t know if we could take it another time.”
you blinked.
the ‘time’ he referred to was the first year of your relationship, one of the darkest ages of his career. in all honesty, it wasn’t a bad season in terms of his performance, it was just a bad year—family problems, and then the P6 in the championship was just the cherry on top of it all.
it was a hard year for him, and in turn you too. he shut you out a lot of the time, and it left you spiralling, grasping onto threads of him that took every ounce of your strength to keep hold of.
you nodded, this explanation made sense.
“but… you had to have known that i would do it again… i don’t care about all that.”
he cupped your face in his hands, the warmth of them coursing through your body in waves, “i know. but i didn’t want you to.”
“why did you just have to leave me? shut me out so entirely? i reached out to you when your sister told me you got in that accident, i—i was so worried,” you stared into his eyes, “and you wouldn’t even text me back.”
“but, god, i was watching everything you do. i tried so hard to forget it all, for your sake, but, i mean, i couldn’t even get your hair out of my room.”
you tried to wipe the emotion off your face as you looked up at him but he just shook his head and smiled, “i had so many people tell me so many things about where you were.”
you smiled, and he pressed his lips to yours once. you tried to grasp at more but he just grinned.
your face fell back against his chest and your eyes shut.
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aanoia · 1 year
Can I also have pancakes for dinner with James 🥺🥺
Ofc anything for u bae <3
Pancakes for Dinner
James Potter x reader words; 1,859 song; Pancakes for Dinner by Lizzy McAlpine warnings; heavy anxiety omg, plane crash-ish? yall let me tell you. i had such a scare, my mom had to call an ambulance and go to the hospital and i fr have watched too much greys anatomy bc my first thought was oh she's gonna die. like ik how simple freaking back procedures can result in becoming brain dead. is that crazy? doesn't matter bc shes okay now :) if you love a song, the marauders, and my writing, request a song fic and your wish shall be my command. bold is the letter, and yes the lyrics are the letter partly :) ENJOY
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Don't wanna be forward
Don't wanna cross a line
“I can’t believe you’re leaving!” Lily whined, wrapping her arms around my waist tightly. 
“I’ll be gone for two weeks, Lils.” I said with a soft smile. 
“Two weeks is a lot, I agree with Lily.” Sirius said, walking up to us and giving me a hug as well. “I’ll miss you, I guess.” He teased and I pinched his arm before locking eyes with my best friend, James Potter.
We said nothing as he threw his arms around me, “Only two weeks?”
I nodded, “Only two.”
But if I were to crash in this plane tonight
I'd want you to know this
“What happened?” I asked my mom as we were heading towards our gate in the airport.
“Apparently a plane going out malfunctioned and crashed to the ground. Thankfully they hadn’t gotten very high up in the air so everyone survived, but that’s still scary.” She explained and my breath hitched. 
“How much time do we have until we need to board?”
“Two hours, your dad wanted to be early.” 
I nodded as she sat down on the waiting chairs, “I’m gonna go to the desk over there, is that okay?” She nodded as she pulled out her book and began reading.
Don't wanna say too much
Intrude on your space
I pondered for a minute, an empty piece of paper in front of me and a muggle pen I stole from our hotel in my hand. I didn't want to be too forward about my feelings to James, but I didn’t want to get in a crash and not be able to say them at all. Better safe than sorry?
Don't wanna say too much
Intrude on your space
Dear James,
I’d like to start this letter off by saying a plane leaving the airport, not even two hours before mine, has gone down. As far as I know, there were no fatalities. The plane wasn’t high enough in the air to do any fatal damage to anyone once it went down. It does not, however, relieve the fear I feel boarding a plane, instead it only adds fuel to the fire.
Oh, and to tell you is too scary
So I'll just say something else
I need to confess my secrets to you, in case something happens and I can’t anymore. This scares me more than the chance of a plane crash does, but I can’t die without you knowing. I’ll be using a special method of getting this letter to you, so you receive it almost the moment I send it. That is, if Dumbledore taught it to me well.
And I wish that you could hear me
When I talk to myself
You’re my best friend, you’re the most important thing ever to me. You make all the bad feel okay, and the good feel even better. You’re always there for me, whether I’m being an absolute bitch to you or sobbing my eyes out, you’re right there with me. You mean the world to me, James. But I cannot stand the term best friend. Everytime you say it, it's like a punch in the gut.
But this plane might not land safely
So, what the hell do I have to lose
If I just tell you?
I need you to know, James, that-
I wanna eat pancakes for dinner
I wanna get stuck in your head
“James, a letter is on the table for you. I believe it’s from Y/n!” James’ mother called and he raced down the stairs.
“Y/n sent a letter?” He asked, his eyes flitting to the table and landing on a white envelope. He smiled excitedly and grabbed the letter, ripping it open and reading the words.
I wanna watch a T.V. show together
And when we're under the weather we can watch it in bed
His smile dropped as he read about the crash, immediate worry filling his body as a pit settled in his stomach. His throat closed up, as if he was about to cry and he shook his head.
“What is it, Jamie?” His mom asked, worry on her face as she gazed at her son.
James shook his head, “S’nothing.” He mumbled and walked back to his room, letter clutched tightly in his hand.
I wanna go out on the weekends
I wanna dress up just to get undressed
I took a nervous deep breath as we boarded the plane, praying to whoever is out there to keep me and my family safe. However, I wasn’t naive enough to not know that despite my prayers what is planned to happen, will happen. And there’s nothing anyone can do to stop it, no matter what they try. 
I think that I should probably tell you this
In case there is an accident
And I never see you again
James sat quietly on his bed, staring blankly at the picture on his shelf. The picture of him and his best friend, the girl he loved most. The only sign of life in the boy was his soft breathing and the erratic bouncing of his knee, a tell-tale sign that he was nervous. Anxiety filled his veins as he thought about every possibility, each one worse than the last, none of them seemed to have a happy ending.
So please save all your questions for the end
And maybe I'll be brave enough by then
A gasp left my lips as the plane shook and I grabbed tightly onto my seatbelt, praying for the plane to stay in the air. It leveled out quickly and I let out a sigh of relief, rubbing my eye gently. This is the dumbest thing ever.
Don't wanna say something wrong
Don't wanna be weird
James sat nervously at the airport, his leg once again bouncing up and down. So far there was no news of a plane crash or anything like that, so he still had faith. He re-read the letter at least two dozen times, the words not quite settling in. His best friend, of almost six years, the girl he was in love with, loves him. And she wants to spend the rest of her life with him. The idea was absolutely mind boggling to the poor boy.
But if you're still in love with her
I think that I'll leave it there
And I won't ever tell you this
“Sirius, shut up. You’re annoying and you smell like a wet dog.” I said with a smile as Sirius and I turned a corner our fourth year. 
“Woah.” Sirius breathed and I looked up, my heart shattering at the sight. James stood there, his hand on Lily’s cheek as he softly kissed her. I cleared my throat and turned around. “Y/n/n-”
“Not now, Sirius.”
Oh, 'cause to tell you is too scary
So I'll just say something else
Like how was fall semester?
And what was that song about?
I smiled happily as I left the plane, a weight lifting off my chest as I walked into the airport. I linked arms with my mom who held hands with my dad as we walked to the exit of the gate. I walked out and my eyes immediately met James’.
He widely smiled as he jumped out of the chair and ran over, almost tackling me to the ground with a big bear hug. He held on tightly as he swayed us side to side, switching from foot to foot. 
“I’m so glad you’re okay.” He mumbled, not letting go.
“Me too.”
I'll try to hide the way I feel
But I'll just wanna shout
What do I have to lose right now?
“Okay, you two, let’s not block the way, yeah?” My mom said with amusement laced in her voice. James let go and took the carry on bag from my hand, also reaching over to grab my moms.
“I got these for you, ladies.” He said with a smile and I blushed as my mom waved him off with a smile. 
“No special treatment for me, James?” My dad teased and James managed to grab his bad as well.
“So sorry, ma’am. I do have a very important question for you two adults though.” James said with a serious look on his face. I furrowed my eyebrows at him and he winked.
“Yes?” My dad prompted.
“May I steal your daughter for the night? Please?”
“Yes, of course you can.” My mom interrupted my dad and winked at me.
I wanna eat pancakes for dinner
I wanna get stuck in your head
“James, I love spending time with you but why tonight? I’m tire- wait.” I cut myself off as the door opened and a sweet aroma filled my nose. James smiled cheekily at me and ushered me in. I hesitantly walked to the kitchen island and gasped.
“Pancakes for dinner.” He said from behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. “And for the record, you’re always on my mind.”
I wanna watch a T.V. show together
And when we're under the weather we can watch it in bed
I wanna go out on the weekends
I wanna dress up just to get undressed
“Nope. You’ve already said your piece.” He said, letting go and stepping in front of me. He grabbed my hands and looked me in my eyes. “It’s my turn.”
I think that I should probably tell you this
In case there is an accident
And I never see you again
“From the moment I laid eyes on you, attacking Sirius with spells we didn’t learn in class until second year, I swore I was in love. You were all I talked about in letters back home, and to Sirius and Remus and Peter.”
“But Lily?”
So please save all your questions for the end
And maybe I'll be brave enough by then
“Lily was a coverup. She knows, by the way. In fact, I didn’t even realize it until she told me. Y/n, you are my best friend, and I love you more than the Earth itself. You are a magnificent witch, with such an intelligent mind and beautiful face. I love every part of you. So, sorry for the lack of originality, but-”
Well, maybe I won't ever say what's in my head
No, I won't have to say anything
“I’d love to have pancakes for dinner, and like I said, you’re already stuck in my head. I want to watch a TV show with you and rewatch it together when I get you sick, or you me. I want to go out on the weekends with you and obviously I want you to dress up so I can tear it off.  I want you, Y/n. I want you.” 
I pressed a kiss to his lips, removing one of my hands from his to cup his cheek. He used his free hand and gently rubbed up and down my waist, committing the curve to memory. We pulled away and rested our foreheads together with giddy smiles.
You'll say it instead
taglist (if u wanna be added comment :) I'd highly recommend, not to toot my own horn but my stories are pretty great);
@poetrypirate @1lellykins @loving-and-dreaming
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skzhocomments · 10 months
THE WHITE LILY (Mafia Book #1 - Bang Chan) - Chapter 4 - The party and the after party
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Story masterlist - please consult it for the summary of the story, trigger warnings etc.
General masterlist
Chapter 3 | Chapter 5
Let me know if you'd like to be on the taglist for this story!
Chapter 4 - The party and the after party
chapter word count: 2k words
"This will sting for a bit."
"So you're implanting the mic and a tracking device under my skin?" I asked Seungmin.
"That's right. We don't know what they'll do to you once you get kidnapped, so it's safer to do it like this instead of having a normal microphone. Now, can you take that off?" he replied, pointing at my blouse.
"Damn, Sky, I didn't know you were so straight forward. If you wanted me naked you could've said so!" I joked, making the younger roll his eyes.
The equipment SKZ Mafia had was pretty impressive. The devices Seungmin was going to implant were no bigger than 1cm, and he made such a subtle incision that I barely felt it.
"Hey, can I talk to you privately?" Chan entered the room and looked into my eyes.
"I'll leave you two, then." Seungmin nodded.
"I just wanted to talk for a bit before we head out... We don't know what is going to happen to you. They will probably spike your drink, which you have to drink. They could even rape-"
"It'll be okay. Just come in time, and nothing bad will happen." I replied confidently.
"... Just try and be safe. Cautious. Okay?"
I don't know what it was that made me trust Chan to come "rescue" me. Maybe it was the fact that he chose to spare my life, offering me a way out of my former Mafia.
But would it be wise to keep trusting him?
I made sure to wear the shortest leather skirt one could buy and a matching crop top, topped with a small leather jacket that would fit just right with Chan's outfit.
"Here comes the slut." Hyo said, rolling her eyes as soon as I walked into the kitchen.
"The best there is." I winked at her, making her more annoyed, if that was even possible.
"Don't listen to her. You look amazing, Emilia." Jeongin complimented me reassuringly, looking me up and down.
"Thanks Foxie." I smiled, noticing Chan entering the room out of the corner of my eye.
"Ready? Time to go, then. The sooner we finish this, the better." He gestured at me, and we left, riding a motorcycle together.
The wind was blowing through my hair, and Chan's speed made me hang on to his waist tightly.
I loved the way his body felt under my touch. Despite not wanting to, I felt these butterflies the first time I touched him as well, and frankly, I was scared of it.
The motorcycle came to a halt when we reached a red light.
"I don't understand why Hyo's such a bitch to me." I complained.
"Eh, she'll warm up to you in no time. She's a nice girl, you'll see."
"You keep saying that, but... I don't know, Chan, I just have this bad feeling when it comes to her..."
"Stop that. I know she's been mean to you, but she's very important to me and to the group. Even if she's younger, she's still a senior when it comes to our mafia, so please try to respect her, mkay?"
For some reason, Chan's words stung more than they should've, and the knot I had in my stomach about Hyo only became tighter.
Club 64 was very loud and crowded. The music was blasting, hurting my ears and reminding me of why I've never liked clubs.
As soon as we made our way inside, me and Chan started dancing, grinding on each other like there was no tomorrow.
The plan was to make it obvious to everyone that we are together, so that's how we spent our first 30 minutes: dancing, kissing, and sharing small intimate moments in between the sensual songs. I knew we were attracting all the right attention; we were quite literally a power couple.
Then, just as planned, Chan made his way towards the men's room, and I started flirting with random strangers.
I found a victim quite easily, and he gave into my advances quickly. Not to brag, but I am pretty damn good looking. The short skirt also helps, I'm sure.
Again, just as planned, Chan returned from the bathroom and noticed me grinding on another guy. With a furious expression, he stormed to us and grabbed my wrist, screaming obscenities at me. Things such as: how could I cheat on him, he was only gone for 10 minutes and I'm whoring around with a random guy etc. You name it. The classical.
He was a good actor.
And I was, too.
I started sobbing, begging him to forgive me, telling him it would never happen again, that I was just waiting for him to come back, but he was having none of it. He shoved me aside and left me behind.
Stage 1, completed.
Seemingly heartbroken, with tears in the corners of my eyes, I headed towards the bar and pouted.
"Such a pretty young lady shouldn't be so sad." A man said, sitting down next to me and caressing the small of my back.
I raised my head and looked at him. His hair was sleazy and brushed back, and the grin on his face looked way too forced.
Is this him? I wondered, and started feeding this stranger my sob break-up story. He was eating it up like a warm pancake on a rainy morning.
"It's just... I can't believe my boyfriend left me here. I can't help checking people out and wanting to play with them a little while at the club! I mean, that's why we came, you know?"
"He doesn't know what he's missing out on! Besides, you're right, a little fun can hurt nobody, right?"
"That's what I'm saying!" I exclaimed and sighed loudly.
"How about you let me get you a drink? I guarantee that you will definitely feel better afterwards." He winked.
"Cheers to that!" I grinned, and soon enough, a glass of some bitter liquid was placed in front of me.
We chatted for a bit while I drank it, but it was becoming more and more difficult to comprehend his words, his hand on my thigh getting heavier.
What the heck is this?
I opened my eyes slowly to a completely dark room, my head pounding with pain.
How long was I out for?
Without intending to, I let out a groan.
"Are... are you okay?" a small, trembling voice spoke behind me.
"Fuck... where are we?" I asked.
"I... We... don't know..." The girl started sobbing quietly.
"Shhhh." Another tried to silence her. "We should stop talking. He will come here again if he hears us." She continued, in a loud whisper.
"How many of you are here? And who is he?"
Just as I asked this, the light turned on, blinding me in the process. The door opened shortly after, revealing an unknown man wearing a three-piece suit.
"Here they are!" he smirked cunningly. "My baby dolls! How are you feeling today?" he said cheerfully, walking around the room and looking at us.
My eyes were quick to adjust to the new source of light in the ceiling that gave me the perfect chance to look around the room. I didn't realise how cramped up we were. The room wasn't big, it was completely white and had no furniture at all.
2, 4, 6, 8, 10
I started counting the tied-up girls in my head
12, 14, 16, 18
And, of course, me.
Stage 2, completed. Now I just have to let SKZ know.
"What the fuck is this?!" The man winced in disgust, looking down at one of the girls. "How dare you make this mess here, you fucking bitch?!" He shouted, making me turn my eyes to him.
I quickly identified the source of his repugnance: the girl's white gown was growing red from what I assumed was her period.
"I-I'm so sorry, sir! Please forgive me!" she cried but was soon silenced by a loud slap across the face.
She started sobbing louder after registering what had happened, and he continued kicking her with his foot until she could no longer make any sounds.
My vision got clouded with rage, but there was nothing I could do. My hands were tied, literally.
Observing the other girls carefully, I noticed how none of them seemed surprised by his sudden outburst. Not only that, but also most of them had some sort of mark, either around their eyes, a busted lip, or bruises on their arms and legs.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" the man walked slowly towards me between the girls on the floor when he was done throwing his tantrum.
"You must be the new addition I was told about. How cute." He grabbed on my clothes and forced me to stay on my knees. Bending down towards my face, he grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him, examining me attentively.
Up-close, I could notice a small tattoo of two crossed knives on his neck.
What an ugly tattoo, I thought and stifled in a laugh.
He was inspecting my whole face, until he brushed his thumb on my lips.
"You're a good one. Beautiful. I might just keep you for myself. But I bet you'd bring some good money in, don't you think, sweetheart?"
Who did this bastard think he is?
"Look at you, being all obedient and not saying anything. Acting better than the other bitches here, aren't you? They just kept crying and crying and crying! Blah, blah, blah! Annoying as fuck! But you? Damn, maybe I should really keep you. I would treat you so well, just like a princess." He smirked.
Me? Obedient? Tsch.
I let a smirk escape and then spit at his face.
His expression changed instantly to what could only be explained as pure rage. He stayed silent for a bit, probably contemplating on what he's going to do with me.
"Cat got your tongue?" I mocked him, feeling slightly amused by his sudden silence.
He was quick to react to that one though, as his right hand flew full force towards my left cheek in just a second.
I can't lie and say that the impact didn't hurt. It did. And it kept stinging as blood was forming inside of my mouth.
"Shut the fuck up, you bitch. What, you've seen I was nicer to you and decided to try your luck?!" he shouted, his anger rising by the minute.
But since I was such a bitch, I couldn't help it but play with his ego for a bit longer.
"Ooh, look at you! Such a respectable man!" I smirked. "Can't get no bitches unless you tie them up in your pretty playroom? All 19 of us, too."
Stage 3, completed. SKZ, please hurry.
The man hit me again, making me wince in pain. However, I kept my signature smirk and continued egging him on, hoping to at least divert his attention for good from the other girls in the room.
"You can keep hitting me all you want. Just imagine how sad this sight is. The only way for you to make anyone listen is when you beat them up. Especially an innocent girl such as myself. You're the man, really."
He wrapped his hands around my throat and pushed me on the floor, strangling me, but in response I let out a giggle, muffled up by coughing up some of the blood in my mouth.
This show seemed to last a bit too long, though, which got me impatient. Where was SKZ?
The feeling of dread started washing over me as a cruel thought crossed my mind: What if I would be betrayed again?
Were they going to come at all?
"You can't fucking shut that pretty mouth of yours up, can you? I'm gonna shut you up for good, slut."
"You're a sick bastard." I blurted out the first insult that crossed my mind. Pretty weak one, I know, but can you blame me in that situation?
His grip on my neck was getting tighter and as I was struggling to breathe, my head was starting to feel light.
Suddenly, the lights went out and the room became dark.
"Just so you know, I'm not done with you, bitch."
He let go of me for a brief second and shoved a flask in my mouth, forcing a bitter liquid down my throat, before getting off of me.
Chapter 3 | Chapter 5
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kittytl · 3 months
[HRH] Flower Fine Festival - Chapter 2
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1 week later
Junior: I see. So we're going to use this space.
Faith: Since the hotel owner said he wanted to attract attention, it would be better to do something that is popular nowadays.
Dino: Like I thought, wouldn't it be great to recreate a pizza in the flower beds? Experiencing both spring and pizza at the same time is the best ♪
Keith: Let's just focus on spring.
Junior: What about building a stage and doing a musical performance? I can make a song with flowers as an inspiration!
Faith: Do you plan on performing every day of the flower show?
Junior: Ugh...
Faith: I'm not sure about the pizza part but, I think making something that can become a symbol is a good idea.
Keith: Forget about the pizza...
Dino: Pizza...
Faith: What about a floral arch? It could become a photo spot, that would attract people.
Dino: An arch made of flowers... Sounds nice ♪ Maybe we could do something like a photo event with the Heroes!
Junior: Is that a good idea? I won't name anyone but, if his fans came rushing in, it could become a disaster.
Faith: I think if we made time slots and did a lottery, or something like it, it would be okay.
Dino: Alright, it's decided.
Faith: Now that it's decided, let's choose the main flowers that we will use.
Junior: Hmm...Flowers, flowers...
Dino: What about sunflowers? Anyone would lighten up seeing the way they grow little by little while facing the sun.
Junior: That answer is just like you.
Faith: But sunflowers grow in summer, no?
Dino: Right, it's spring now. Hmm...Spring flowers, spring flowers... Keith, do you have an idea?
Keith: Right now, I'm busy making cookies. Ah, crap... We're talking about flowers so I made them all flower shaped. Guess it's fine, no one will fight if they all look the same.
Faith: You're making them again, Keith ojisan's cookies*.
Keith: Marion asked me to. I'm doing it instead of him 'cause he's busy.
Junior: Marion asked you???
Faith: You didn't refuse?
Keith: I kept refusing again and again and I ended up with my back against the wall. Tch... He's so obstinate, like his old mentor.
Faith: If you said that to his face, he'd get angry for sure.
Dino: Tell us what you think while you're baking then.
Keith: Ugh... Didn't I tell you not to expect anything when it comes to flowers? No, wait. How about choosing flowers based on their symbolism?
Dino: Flower symbolism! That's a great idea ♪
Junior: It's a good idea. Kind of unexpected coming from you...
Keith: When I went drinking with Jay and the others, Lily talked about that. When she fought with her husband because he had broken a promise, he left white tulips in the living room.
Junior: White tulips?
Keith: I heard it means 'to ask for forgiveness'.
Faith: Ahaha, I see. But would that work with her?
Keith: Seems like she was taken aback and ended up forgiving him.
Dino: Eh? She was taken aback? I think it's a romantic way to apologise...
Junior: Me too. Isn't it the same as expressing your feelings with an original song?
Faith: So, you're the romantic type ochibi-chan.
Junior: I don't know what you mean but you're making fun of me, aren't you?
Faith: Not at all.
*Keith Ojisan's cookies: I kept ojisan because it looked like an 'official' name for Keith's cookies but it's an honorific used for middle-aged men or an uncle.
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theaviskullguy · 1 year
I need all of the above for wedding ask meme for aviskull pls n o w >:3
Which one proposed? Was it grand and public? Discreet and private? Was it expected?
Avi proposed! It was private, but sweet nonetheless- they were stargazing at Skull's moms' farm when Avi popped the question. It was expected, but a lovely surprise either way.
Show us their engagement and/or wedding rings!
Everything on google for "amethyst engagement ring" is too elaborate for these two- but it is a simple black band with an amethyst in it.
Did they plan the wedding by themselves, with help, or with a professional planner?
They planned it with the help of Skull's moms!
Was the planning and time up til the wedding stressful?
Actually, no! It wasn't too stressful! They had a pretty clear vision and Skull's extended family and the coro gang all offered to help! (Skull's moms, uncles, and Army helped with food, Metry helped with choosing the clothing for the grooms, and the aunts helped build the place)
Who were the first people to find out about the engagement? How did they react?
Skull's moms! Avi and Skull were called in for dinner, and Skull told them that they had something to tell them. Mama Rose stood up, walked to the fridge, got a bottle of champagne, and said "Okay, what is it?"
It's a story often laughed about in hindsight
Who are the maids of honor and/or best men? Why and how were they chosen?
Skull chose his sister Watersplat as his best woman- because yknow, they're siblings. Of course he would.
Avi chose Vintage as his best man. Team Purple-blood made up a while ago and Aviskull both agreed that they wanted Vin in the wedding party, so he was Avi's best man.
Was there any drama whatsoever regarding the guest list?
Not really! The only bit was if they should make Sky, the S4 pet cat, a part of the wedding party. Eventually Avi caved and Sky the cat was carried by Mask- one of the Bridesmaids (Skull always referred to himself as a bride due to reasons- so his half of the wedding party was bridesmaids, regardless of their gender)
Show us a mood/stimboard of their wedding's general aesthetic.
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Aviskull art by the lovely @lunartearrose here- everything else was a free picture on canva
Do they get married through court? Church? Third secret option?
Court married!! They signed the papers before leaving on their honeymoon. The actual location was a more woodsy spot of Skull's parents property
When do they get married? Night or day? Any specific reason for either?
Sunset! mainly for the fireflies during the nighttime celebration. Also it'd just look prettier
Do either of them play music while walking down the aisle (if they do at all)? If yes, show us their song.
So, they walk down the isle together instead of Avi waiting at the altar for Skull. Anyways I can't think of a good song- perhaps the instrumental of Bitter Water?
Show us their outfits!
Ooh! okay! i know for a fact I wont be able to find these online but. Avi wears a standard tux with a purple tie. Skull wears a white one with a blue tie- and a flower crown with a veil.
Do they follow any familiar, cultural, and/or religious traditions at any point of the wedding?
They have quite a few Viking traditions in their wedding- such as it being on a Friday (Sacred day of Frigg, goddess of marriage), exchanging of weapons, and also a GIANT feast at the reception- Skull's family loves to cook, so there were leftovers aplenty for people to take home.
Who was the ringbearer?
The ringbearer was Prince- Skull had no family members young enough, and Avi isn't in contact with his family beyond his dads. So, Prince and Regent were the closest in age to be flowerboys/ring bearers. So while Aviskull exchanged weapons, Prince gave them the rings and Regent was the flowerboy. It was a sight to behold, seeing this emo spreading flowers
Who married them?
Mother Lily. She also "initiated Avi into the Beryl clan" by giving him a second name. In this case, Orchid. (all of the beryl family has the name of a flower. Rose, Lily, Snapdragon (Skull), and now, well, Orchid)
Show us their vows. Did either of them tear up at them?
Tears were had on both sides. Here's the vows-
Avi- "Skull, since the moment we met, you've been one of my closest friends. You could've chosen anyone else to be your friend, and yet you chose me. You've made my life better, just by being there. Your smile, your voice... even your sweet tooth. Especially your sweet tooth, actually. Everything about you is as perfect as it can get. And I am happy, and proud, to have the honor to call you mine."
Skull- "Aviators, you've always been the best friend I could ask for. My shoulder to cry on, my anchor in times of strife. You've always been determined to put up with me, and for that, I couldn't thank you enough. Without you, I don't think I'd be half the man I am now. Whatever life and the gods may throw at us, we'll face it together. And no matter what happens, I'll have you."
Did anyone oppose the marriage? Did they speak then, or did they just forever hold their peace?
No one opposed the marriage- I mean cmon, who would?
What was the reception like? Any highlights?
So I'm assuming the list meant reception because I've been explaining the ceremony all the rest of the time so here.
It was essentially a traditional viking feast! Tons of food and drink- specifically honeyed mead. The wedding couple are required by tradition to get drunk but due to Skull being a sleepy drunk and Avi being an embarrassing dad while drunk, the two opted not to. When the sun went down, there was dancing in firelight and firefly light. Skull also rigged the bouquet toss- throwing it to Army (being an expert aim he was point-on) and letting Aloha propose (aviskull and Aloha planned it in advance. Army of course said yes after a few seconds of flustered stuttering)
Did anyone pass out from a food/alcohol coma?
Watersplat. Kinda. She can hold her alcohol pretty well. However, the mead her moms make made her incredibly sleepy after three drinks. Vintage took her home with well-wishes for his future in-laws (as vinsplat were engaged but wanted to wait until after Aviskull's wedding to start planning their own, mainly so there was less stress on their family)
Do they have a honeymoon? Where to? How soon after?
Aviskull's honeymoon is renting a cabin near a rocky beach and spending two weeks there. A rocky beach specifically because there's less people and also they get to bring back cool rocks and shells.
Do they renew their vows? Remarry, even?
Not in a grand dramatic fashion- they renew their vows to each other. Not as a grand declaration of love to everyone, but as a secret, sweet intimate affair to each other.
If the couple could describe their wedding in a sentence, how would they?
"The perfect next step to our lives together"
If you could describe their wedding in a sentence, how would you?
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gleesongtournament · 1 year
Round 3 Posting Schedule part 1
All polls will be posted at 12 am EST. This post will be updated with links when the polls publish, and the winners when the polls close xx
There Are Worse Things I Could Do vs You're My Best Friend
Push It vs Don't Stop Believin (Pilot)
Sing (Tike) vs Tik Tok
Fly/I Believe I Can Fly vs Being Alive
Movin Out vs Don’t Dream It’s Over
Here’s To Us vs Hit Me With Your Best Shot/One Way Or Another
Holding Out For A Hero vs At Last
Lucky vs American Boy
Hopelessly Devoted vs Run The World
Valerie (S2) vs It’s All Coming Back To Me Now
Make No Mistake (She's Mine) vs Don't Rain On My Parade (Rachel)
Hate On Me vs Take On Me
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For vs A Hard Day's Night
If I Die Young vs The Scientist
Love Song vs Raise Your Glass (S2)
Teenage Dream (S2) vs It's Time
Smooth Criminal vs Come See About Me
We Got The Beat vs Superstition
The Bitch Is Back/Dress You Up vs For Good
Landslide vs Don’t Stop Believin (Regionals)
I Lived vs Yesterday
L O V E vs Loser
As If We Never Said Goodbye vs Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend/Material Girl
Pumpin Blood vs Thriller/Heads Will Roll
Start Me Up/Livin On A Prayer vs Bohemian Rhapsody
Hey Soul Sister vs Express Yourself
Hello I Love You vs White Christmas
Misery vs Rolling In The Deep
Some Nights vs 3
I Will Always Love You vs Smile (Lily Allen)
Fighter vs Halo/Walking On Sunshine
It’s Not Right But It’s Okay vs I Love New York/New York New York
You Make Me Feel So Young vs All I Want For Christmas Is You
Beautiful vs Cough Syrup
Everybody Talks vs Take Me Or Leave Me
I Know Where I've Been vs I Feel Pretty/Unpretty
Old Time Rock & Roll/Danger Zone vs A Thousand Years
Dream On vs My Dark Side
Human Nature vs We Found Love
The Boy Is Mine vs Listen To Your Heart
I Believe In A Thing Called Love vs Not While I'm Around
Try A Little Tenderness vs Sweet Transvestite
I’ve Had The Time Of My Life vs Songbird
Rose’s Turn vs Take Me Home Tonight
Forget You vs Locked Out Of Heaven
Love Is A Battlefield vs And I Am Telling You
Pure Imagination vs Empire State Of Mind 
All You Need Is Love vs I’m Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You
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abbysprettygiiirl · 5 months
(previous nonnie) !! first off, i relate so much to how you feel. it sucks so much to feel this way, like you're not pretty, not worthy of being loved and stuff like that. :(( but know that u are loveable !! just because you think that way of yourself, doesn't mean others think the same. your brain is just bein' mean to you. and it sucks sm to feel this way but know that you're not alone !! and hey, ain't your username "abby's pretty girl?" :3 u r pretty !! <33 and you seem so sweet !!!
for artists you mentioned, i've only listened to montell fish once or twice but definitely will listen to some more! i love billie eilish as well !! and 'm so excited for her next album hehe. i also like salvia plath. lana, i do like her music but like – born to die era !! < 33 🍒 never heard of saint avengeline but will def check them out !! :3
and i'll listen to the songs you mentioned !! hehe. personally, been obsessed with rizha's last ep. mostly "bella swan" !! also looove "mutt" by sophie meiers. :3
i will watch the semmelsweis movie ! never heard of it, but why not !! and you said you're interested in medicine? do you wanna work in that field? if so, that's so cool !! and if not, it's cool too. i like movies that involve medical procedures tho i don't know shit about medicine stuff haha. and those movies are so good ?? white chicks is one of my favs as well. my favorite movie 4ever will always be la la land tho. :(( also i need to watch the new mean girls.
also um. don't judge me. but i never actually watched a twilight movie 😭 and no harry Potter either (cause i don't like the world, but thats my opinion.) never watched glimore girls either. i need to watch arcane tho !! also. you're the first person i met who watched feel good <33 mwaaah !!!
i need to read the twisted series but first, need to read the two books on my tbr !! (truthfully yours by caden armstrong is my next read.) and do you have a favorite poetry book? or favorite poem? :))
ALSO TULIPS. mwaaaah !!! tulips for u !! 🌷🌷🌷💌 they're my favs too !! love them sm. they're so prettyyyy. <33 and from your name, i would've thought lilies were also your favorites haha. ;3
anyway !! sorry this is so long but i want you to know that i'll gladly listen to you ramble about your day or books anytime !! (tho m anonymous, cause im actually shy to text haaa >_<) btw, can i be 🌷 anon? :3 mwaah !!!! bisouuuus
I'm gonna cry, u r so fckin sweet:(
did you read the rolling stones article in which billie gave an interview? I was like OH LORD.
aww, I listened to "mutt" by sophie meiers, cute music, but still sad, it is really from a dog's vision? :( (ANYWAY, ARE WE TALKING ABOUT THE SAME MUSIC? I HOPE SO, BC IF NOT.. THEN I'M A LITTLE EMBARRASSED)
I don't really know what I want to do, I'm really interested in medicine, but I'm too lazy to study (and too scared to fail).
if you watch the movie Semmelweis, I'd be interested in your opinion about it, so if you're interested, by all means write how you liked it!! <33
I've heard of la la land, but I've never seen it, but maybe I'll watch it!
everyone has their own opinion, it's totally fine if you don't like Harry Potter that much, everyone has different tastes <3
Arcane is so FCKIN AMAZING, I've watched it like four times, can't wait for season 2 omg I'm sooo excited!!! about feel good.. I loved it, Mae and George were so cute:(
omg let me know if you manage to read the book you want! <3 here are my favorite poetry books, and there are two more books that I forgot to mention, but they are about fashion:
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(I wanted to buy them in English, but unfortunately I didn't think of ordering online😭)
fashion books:
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I also like lilies, but their scent is too strong for me:/
thank you so much again, I'm glad that someone will listen to me ramble about some fandom stuff ^^ (don't worry, I'm also a shy people!)
Of coursee, you're my 🌷 anon from now on!
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lollypopsx · 3 years
Flatmate!Harry: I'll Make It Up To You - Part 2
Please like if it’s not too shabby, reblog for anyone who may enjoy this and follow if you want to see more! Any suggestions are happily taken for future writing! I love you all! be safe and be kind x
Warnings: Hints of depression and anxiety
Part 1 - Part 3
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Days had passed since the audition, and while you were sat on your laptop every hour searching for new jobs, new projects, more auditions and pure hope of some miracle, you couldn't help but starting to feel like you were failing slightly.
You liked to write happy songs and create stories using your music, but you were finding it harder to find the inspiration. Usually you and Harry would sit and talk ideas for hours, but since he made you miss your audition, you were distant from him, it was only the last day or two that you had been getting slowly back to normal.
Every day since the incident when Harry came home after working at the studio, he would open the curtains to make sure you had fresh air and daylight after cooping yourself up on the sofa all day, in the dimly lit living room. Not only that, he would check the cupboards, fridge and the sink to check that you were eating enough. He had seen you stressed and upset before. He had been there through some difficult moments in your life, and had always been your rock throughout the years, especially when your mental health was struggling during these times. But this time was worse. He couldn't help being concerned for someone he loved and cared for.
"Hey pumpkin..." He whispers softly, settling himself down beside you after completing his daily routine "Have you done much today?" he gently combs his fingers through your hair before dropping his arm round your shoulders.
You just sigh softly, looking ahead blankly at the quiet TV, simply shaking your head. If only he could see what was going on in that pretty mind of yours then maybe he could make everything better.
"I see you used the piano and the guitar today though..." he states, although it came out more like a question.
Minutes of silence filled the room until out of the blue, some words left your lips. "...Adam came to get the ring today" you whisper, feeling the tears brim your eyes once again, for what felt like the millionth time today.
"Oh darling" He frowns, pulling you into his chest tightly, just like he did the night you found out your (now ex-) boyfriend, Adam, was cheating on you. Unfortunately, you happened to find out minutes before he proposed to you, in front of all of your friends, including Harry. You didn't know what to do, so you took the ring, said you'd think about it and you left him standing alone. This all happened months ago, and you really thought that you was totally over it.
"Everything that's happened this week...I-I just...I feel like such a failure Haz. It just feels like I...I-I'm falling...falling apart and nothings going right! Why isn’t anything going right! I can’t even write one stupid song that makes sense" you let out hard sobs as your hands fisted his clean white t-shirt.
"No...no, no, no don't say that...please don't ever say that." He frowns, pulling away from you, but still staying close. His warm hands press against your cheeks as he lifts your face gently "hey, hey look at me" he whispers, begging you to look at him.
Your sad wide eyes flickered up into his, gentle tears falling down your face. "I know...I know it's hard at the moment. But everything happens for a reason. And everything will get better...I know it will. Do you trust me?" He whispers, his eyes gazing deep into yours, almost like if he looked hard enough, he could read your mind.
You give a hesitant nod as he pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead before wiping the tears dampening your cheeks. Being affectionate together wasn't anything unusual for the two of you, you really were the best of friends.
"I'll go make some dinner okay? Pasta sound good?" You just nod your head gently at him as he leaves your side. You let out a deep sigh and head over to the living room window, watching the sunrise beginning to set over the busy London town. "So...how's the studio going?" You ask him curiously, your gaze still at the window.
"I erm..." He clutters around in the kitchen. His job was a topic he had been avoiding for the last few days. He didn't want to rub it in that he was busy writing an album for millions of fans, who would be screaming his lyrics back to him all over the world in years to come. "It's...good. I mean, its tiring but I...yeah. It's good" He nods.
"H, you don't have to avoid it. I forgive you for what happened. I know you would never have done it out of spite...and you deserve your life style, you work hard!" You say as you head into the kitchen, re-filling the water in the vase on the table, your vibrant roses and lilies still looking as beautiful as the first day Harry bought them for you.
"You work hard too!" He frowns softly "Harry I don't think moping around on the sofa, drowning in my sorrows, is the definition of working hard" You let out a gentle chuckle.
"So...how's it really going?" You hop up onto the stool beside the kitchen counter.
"Well, we have 4 songs so far...and they are...different to the last album. I mean they reckon three of them will be on the pop charts...maybe even a number one slot there" He sighs softly.
"Oh wow, that does sound different to before...and you...don't want that?" You ask curiously, judging by the lack of excitement. "Well...it's not that. I just...it's hard to write another album when the last one did well, and you have to make sure it's better than the last one." He sighs softly as he cooks. "They want me to write some slower, more emotional songs. I just can't...well the words don't fit right. I'm just not feeling emotional about anything, so I don't know where to get the emotion from"
"Well you can't put a price on emotion Haz, you can't just go and buy it in Gucci. You have to really feel it. Even if you aren't thinking about something specific or direct to you. I used to find that sometimes when I was trying to write, I'd create these characters in my head, and I'd give them all these different stories and personalities. And I...I used that to really help me write music. It's not easy." You explain while getting two of the plates from the cupboard and pouring two drinks for the table.
"You used to? You mean you don't use that method anymore?" He asks curiously, while giving the pasta one final stir.
"I...I think I've decided that I'm not going to write music anymore" You shrug softly, your eyes unable to life to his. "I need a proper job. And things aren't going well with auditions lately and I make a total fool out of myself every time I go into a meeting. It's time I looked for a proper job. Besides, the price of bills in this house keeps going up and up."
"What?! Y/N you're so good at writing songs and music! You can't throw it all away now! That is your proper job. And I love hearing what you write, it inspires my own stuff!" He frowns, his brow furrowing, trying to understand you. "Think of all the songs no one will get to hear"
"No one hears them anyway...It's different now. The entertainment industry is changing more and more by the day. Maybe the stuff I write just isn't as trendy anymore." It was difficult for you to admit, but you knew you had to accept it.
"There's a fine line between us Styles, because the difference is, you're already there. You have the whole world in your hands Haz, you can go anywhere and do anything. You could sing a song to a fish and the whole world would be adored by you still! If I did something like that...I'd be laughed out of every interview, audition and meeting for the rest of my life. But we’ll be alright" You smile and shrug, your mood had certainly been hit and miss the last few days, but you knew you had to carry on with your life.
“Hey Y/N come here!” Harry calls from the living room. You were currently in your room, scrolling through your Instagram, while in a pasta coma after dinner. You rush over to the living room “What’s up?” You ask, seeing him sat at the gleaming white piano, which as always was sat under the window.
“What do you think?” He starts to play a few notes on the piano, looking between the scruffy paper notes cluttering the top of the piano and his hands. 
“Can’t put a price on emotion...it’s something that you just can’t buy...you...you’ve got my devotion...but....but” He sighs softly, playing around with the notes and the wording on his notes. 
You smile softly as you recognise his acknowledgment of your earlier conversation “...but man, I can hate you sometimes” you sing gently, testing to see how it could fit.
“Hey that’s mean! Why would you say that!” He fakes a pout up at you “I thought we- hey actually...you’re right! That really fits!” He chuckles, pulling you onto the stool beside him. “Can you try a G chord, B chord and....lets try a C...” You nod and smile as your fingers gloss over the keys effortlessly, while Harry fits the verse together and tries to find the right tempo.
“Wait...it doesn’t sound right. Maybe lets try a D instead of C?” You suggest as you re-try, playing those three chords over and over again.
“You...are...a genius!” He grins and wraps his arms around your waist. ”Keep going!” He smirks, pushing more lyrics in front of you. Sometimes having a fresh pair of eyes really helped...or perhaps he just wanted to prove that you had talent.
You peer down at the pages upon pages of words flooding your view. “...I don’t want to fight with you....and I...and I don’t like to sleep in the dark...we’ll get the drinks in...I...I can’t stop thinking of her...” 
Harrys fingers join yours at the piano “We’ll be a fine line....We’ll be a fine line...”He smiles softly as he taps on a few random keys. 
You pull your fingers away gently “It...your song sounds...really good H. It’s beautiful actually.”
 “You mean our song...” He whispers.
“Harry no, it’s your song, all the pieces, I just put your jigsaw together” You smile. “I know how it is writing songs and the first draft is never the same as the final version. You might decide to change it all completely” You whisper.
“Not with your lyrical genius ability and words of wisdom...your name will be all over this track” You felt a shock of electricity ripple through your veins as you felt his eyes burning into yours. His lips pressed gently against your forehead, lingering against your skin longer than usual. That sort of affection was normal from your best friend...so why did it just feel like something completely different? And what did he mean about my name being all over the track?
Tag List: @harryhoney-bee - @sunandherflores - @sad-capuccino
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quillsanddaydreams · 3 years
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⟶ character(s): James Potter, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, Regulus Black and Sirius Black.
⟶ author's note: okay so I wanted to write this so bad and I finally did! Please enjoy the wholesome fluff for the festive season and note that these experiences are what I relate to and may not be the same as yours. I have tried to make this as exclusive as I can for desi!reader who celebrates diwali!
⟶ warning(s): some sexual innuendoes, gender neutral!reader
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˗ˏˋ james potter ´ˎ˗
I personally headcanon James Potter as a desi!muslim and I think he would be all excited to celebrate diwali with you. Having had friends from all kinds of ethnicities as a child, he would know enough about the festival. He would don a kurta, help you with preparations— cleaning, helping you prepare sweets, lighting up diyas around the house, hanging up fairy lights… The only thing he doesn’t do is assist you make the rangoli. When you ask him about it he flushes hard, scratching the back of his head stuttering.
“Argh. Okay so when I was 17 I charmed the colours to glitter and things but they ended up splattering everyone in the 5 feet distance and no one could remove the charm.”
You laugh out loud as he stood there unsure, moving to kiss him on the nose and take his hand.
“Come on you dork, I’ll make sure you charm nothing except me today.”
˗ˏˋ sirius black ´ˎ˗
Now for Sirius, big events like Diwali often meant that he had to “be on his best behaviour”. As stressful as the festival was, you wanted him to enjoy and let loose a little. Telling him all backstories, going on shopping sprees, going a little crazy on sweets— by the time you were done, Sirius had decided his new favourite day. Lighting up diyas in the evening, you couldn’t help but admire his gorgeous face in the golden glow. He smirked as he noticed; moving to wrap his arms around your waist, you felt even more in love.
“I know I look good, but if I knew wearing a kurta would have this effect on you I’d done it so much sooner,” he said as you playfully slapped his arm.
“Shut up and kiss me,” you grinned, pulling him closer.
“Didn’t you say no pda in front of your family?” he commented cheekily.
“I don’t care,” you said and pressed your lips against his and he cupped your face. “Happy Diwali Sirius.”
˗ˏˋ remus lupin ´ˎ˗
Remus could see how hyped you were for the festival and couldn’t help but admire the view. He would spend hours making an elaborate rangoli with you— even you would be exhausted at one point.
“Remus I am so tired can we please not—” you whine as he picks up the white colour to add what you imagined were more details. “—it already looks so pretty!”
“Just 15 more minutes love,” he says and looks at you with a grin. “I thought you were excited!”
“Yeah I was! For making silly rangolis and eating and lighting up diyas and playing cards!” you huff getting up. “Tell you what— you continue on this design, while I go change.”
“No wait—” Remus says, trying to stop you by your leg making you slip and fall over the rangoli the two of you so daintly created. Your eyes widened as you took in the ruined scene, trying to stifle the sudden laugh that wrecked your throat but you couldn’t. Letting out a giggle you started laughing at the mess near you. Remus looked like he had seen a ghost, you took his face in your hands kissing his cheek.
“I want to cry,” he said softly and you laughed and hugged him.
“It’s okay love you tried.”
˗ˏˋ regulus black ´ˎ˗
Regulus preferred quiet evenings to loud events and you knew as well as he did that diwali would tend to be the latter. While you’re trying to come up with all sorts of ideas to make him happier, he’s researching all he can for a great diwali evening. You get busy buying lamps to light up in the evening and he is searching for all kinds of songs you could dance too. When the two of you finally find out what the other is upto, you couldn’t help the loopy smiles on your faces.
“Really?” you hush, as he grins widely.
“Well I gathered you would like this...”
“So did I…”
“What should we go with then?” he asks cheekily, tracing a finger along your face. “You are looking too beautiful to not go with the party I had in mind…”
“Well, I say— let’s go with your plan for half the day and then have a quiet evening to ourselves. We can cuddle and maybe more..?”
“Sounds like a hell of a day!”
˗ˏˋ lily evans ´ˎ˗
Lily and you had loads planned for the day. As active as she was, she helped you decorate the whole house with flowers, lamps, diyas and fairlights together. Making ladoos with her for the evening, she was the one who had to stop you from constantly eating them away.
“Hey Lily!” you looked towards her with a smirk. “Look, this looks just like your butt!”
Kissing the sweet loudly you watched her as she rolled her eyes before moving to sit on your lap. You flushed under the intensity of her gaze as she wrapped her arms around your neck, kissing you hard. Pulling back she smirked watching your darkened eyes before speaking.
“Now, you will stop shaping ladoos like asses and finish this quickly so you can see and feel what a real one looks like wouldn’t you?”
Heat rose to your cheek as you nodded slowly. She kissed you again moving back leaving you a mess.
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⟶ as for the taglist: I don’t make taglists, I have a blog @from-my-quill ​ which is updated whenever I post fanfiction. You could have the notifications on for it and it will work just like me tagging you
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madam carter baizen president, what about carter with the song traitor by olivia rodrigo?
pairing : carter baizen x reader
warnings : angst, carter is an asshole (sadly), reader is nate’s twin sister
inspired by traitor
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you betrayed me and i know that you'll never feel sorry for the way I hurt. you'd talk to her when we were together. loved you at your worst but that didn't matter, it took you two weeks to go off and date her. guess you didn't cheat but you're still a traitor
She stood in the middle of the high end designer shop, thousands of girls from Constance moving up and down, picking and fighting for different dresses for one of the biggest events before graduation - Cotillion. As a carrier of the Archibald family name, the twin sister of Nate Archibald, Y/N’s RSVP was sent in her behalf before she even understood what it actually was. She didn’t mind doing it, she didn’t mind keeping up the traditions that her family was so overprotective yet she couldn’t say she particularly enjoyed them. She had to be truthful to herself and admit that she did not enjoy the idea of being presented to society as merely a stereotype of what her social status expected her to become. Maybe that was the dream for some girls, but it definitely wasn’t hers. Nevertheless, she had convinced herself to go, after all Rory Gilmore had gone and she had had a blast so why shouldn’t Y/N give it a go? Besides, if she even thought about not going, she was sure her mother would come from the wood work with her dramatic reasons as to why going to Cotillion was important, when it reality there was only one reason why it mattered - reputation. 
      - So, which one is yours? - her brother joked, looking away from where Blair was trying on her own dress. Y/N rolled her eyes, raising her hand where a black hanger was with her dress. - White? You’re trying to present yourself as virginal?
       - One of us has to. - she bite back. - Besides, Rory wore white and I wanna wear white. 
       - You shouldn’t model your life after a sitcom, Y/N. It’s not gonna be nearly as fun as they portray it. 
       - I can always trip you while you’re dancing. That’ll be fun, huh? 
       - What’ll be fun will be seeing Carter Baizen escort you when mum and dad don’t even know you’re sneaking around with him. 
       - I’m not sneaking around and I told you I’m going alone. - she wasn’t lying. She’d become acquainted with Carter a few years ago and the two had become close friends, both sharing an ambition of travelling around the world, hiking high mountains and looking at the clearest seas but that’s where it ended. At least to him. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t have at least some sort of romantic interest in him. How could she not? He was a handsome man with the same ideals as her, who’d often flirt but she’d convinced herself it was just who he was. Yet, her hopes were always very high at whatever they had. He didn’t look at anyone else like he looked at her, he didn’t hug anyone else like he hugged her and after he left New York, she was the one who he’d still write to yet it never progressed to anything else. She’d rather have him as whatever they were so she could keep him. Of course, Nate was of a different opinion and believed the two were dating, just without the label. - Not everyone can take a Waldorf to Cotillion.
     - You’re not going alone, Y/N. C’mon, we know so many people, so many guys who’d die to take you to Cotillion.
     - It’s really not a big deal. 
     - You should just ask him. - Nate told her, before being dragged away by one of the tailors to fix his suit. She had to admit, she was rather keen on seeing her brother in a fitted grey suit. 
After deciding there was no point in keeping in that store, hoping to find something else, she stepped outside, dress bag over her shoulder. It was a pretty dress and after all, who does not enjoy to be in a pretty dress and get free food and drink? She continued to walk down the street, mindlessly going through a checklist in her head of things she had to get sorted before Cotillion tonight. As her mind checked out invisible tasks, she spotted Carter just a bit down the street. A smile playfully etched on her cherry stained lips as she walked down to meet him. 
     - Hello stranger. 
     - Oh, hi princess. - his eyes moved from whatever he had been looking at to look at her, yet something was off. - What you got there? Body bag?
     - Cotillion dress. Not as exciting. - his attention was scattered, eyes looking left and right as if he was looking out for something. - Are you ok, Carter?
     - ‘Course I am. - he wrapped an arm around her shoulder, turning her the opposite way. - Excited for Cotillion?
     -  They always have great stuffed mushrooms and I do intend to have at least a whole tray just for myself. 
     - Who’s the poor bastard who’s taking you? Vanderbilt?
     - He’s my cousin, Carter. Besides, I told you I am going by myself. 
     - And your mother allowed that?
     - She doesn’t need to know.
     - Sneaky. - he chuckled, stopping as her flat came into view. 
     - I wouldn’t have to be sneaky if you escorted me, Baizen. - she meant for it to sound as a joke, but as those words escaped her lips, she realised how oddly passive aggressive they sounded. 
     - You know it’s not my thing.
     - I know. - she sighed. - I’m just being silly.
     - I’ll take you for brunch tomorrow. We’ll discuss all the gossip that went on. You know the rules, the one with the best piece of gossip wins and the other one pays.
     - You better bring your wallet, Baizen. - she opened the door of her building, bidding her goodbyes before quickly climbing up the stairs to get ready.
Sure, part of her wished he would escort her and be her date but he despised the idea of Cotillion more than she did and she wouldn’t want him to be uncomfortable the whole night. Besides, if she went alone, she probably would get to change her own introduction speech and make a splash for the family. No publicity is bad publicity, after all. As the sun set down, she was being rushed into the car by her mother, hair set with pearl strings all around which matched the ones that hanged from her earrings. She felt pretty, she had to admit. However, as she stepped into the limo where Blair and Nate was, she couldn’t help but imagine how things would’ve been if Carter had taken her. He would’ve brought her favourite lilies as a corsage, just as when he came back from Florence on her birthday and surprised her with a whole bouquet of white lilies and roses. He’d probably have his tie a bit too loose, as he always did whenever he was inevitably forced to wear one. They would dance the whole night to classical pieces. Yet, all these past tenses were merely ghosts in her brain and as they pulled in front of the building hosting Cotillion, she realised she was alone. He wasn’t here, he didn’t make it a priority to escorting her. But it was okay, she’d never want him to do something which would make him uncomfortable. 
As per usual, they were fashionably late as Blair put it and were rushed to the big staircase. She’d seen it before with her cousins own cotillion ceremonies - two big staircases facing each other, one had all the girls and the other the boys. Normally, she’d be looking at whoever was escorting her but since she was about to be escorted by her own self, she merely looked at her own white shoes, contrasting with the gold gown Serena, who was in front of her, was wearing. As long as she didn’t trip or fall down the stairs, it would be fine. 
     - Escorting Serena van der Woodsen is Carter Baizen. - her eyes looked up as she wondered if her own tired brain was playing jokes on her. But it wasn’t.
They were there. He was here, in the centre, by Serena’s side, escorting her. The sound of the room all went quiet and all she could hear was the buzzing in her ears and her heart drop to her stomach. There were no thoughts in her brain and she didn’t seem to even acknowledge what was happening around her, all she felt was an overwhelming pain and her chest tightening.
    - Next is Y/N Archibald, daughter of Howard and Anne Archibald, escorted by ... - she went down the stairs, standing in the centre by her self as she felt the whole world staring at her. 
    - Me. - she looked to her left to see Chuck Bass run down the stairs to stand by her side. - Sorry, I’m late.
    - Thank you. - she mouthed to Chuck as they went down the stairs. 
    - He’s an ass. - Chuck said as they reached the floor. Immediately, Nate and Blair came over to her side. - I’ll stick around for when we have to dance.
    - Thank you, Chuck.   
    - I thought you said he didn’t like these things. - Nate was mad, everyone with a pair of eyes could see it. 
    - Not now.
    - Yes, now, Y/N. He humiliated you.
    - He didn’t ... he’s just a traitor.    
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rheawritessometimes · 3 years
In Bloom
{ Xiao x GN!Gardener!Reader }
{ Summary } Looking for flowers is more dangerous than it seems.
{ Warnings } Violence, Injury, Mention of Death, Not Even Proofread.
{ Notes } Reader runs on dumb luck and also is kind of like an ecologist or something. Reader is a bit of an airhead. This is probably the most serious fic I've written, with no jokes or additions stricken out. But yeah I just typed this out and didn't even read it over, so if it's bad... Just know this is just a little something while I work on longer garbage. Masterlist
{ Word Count } 2,112
Appealing to the Vigilant Yaksha was an easy, one could even say effortless, thing for you. You hadn't taken the almond tofu route as others before you had, instead, you left him some Qingxin flowers. These flowers did not come from the peaks of Huaguong Stone Forest nor the Mingyun Village, rather they were among the finest specimens you had grown in your garden. The translucent white petals were soft like velvet and entirely free from blemish.
Your small gift to the adeptus wasn't exactly intentional. In truth, you had left the flowers on the balcony of Wangshu Inn entirely by accident and when you returned to retrieve them they were nowhere to be seen. Instead, there was a pale man with dark hair leaning over the balcony. When you halted your approach, he turned his head towards you, indicating he had heard your footsteps.
Striking golden eyes seemed to gaze straight through you, sending a chill down your spine. His expression was entirely neutral, you couldn't get even a hint as to what he was thinking. Nothing about his outward appearance screamed danger, but the ominous aura you sensed made you take a step back.
"My apologies, I didn't mean to disturb you," you squeaked out, sounding a lot less confident than you had intended. You take a step backward, but couldn't bring yourself to tear your eyes from him.
"Don't apologize. You're welcome to stay," he replied after a few beats of silence, his tone sounding strained for a reason you couldn't discern.
"Um, okay, thank you," you replied politely, feeling it would be too awkward to leave now. It felt to you as though you were now trapped here for a little while out of social obligation. You stepped out towards the railing, deciding to at least enjoy the view if you had to stay.
The man didn't look at you, but you couldn't help but take in his appearance. He was objectively good-looking with bright amber eyes, dark hair with teal highlights, and his stoic expression. His clothing wasn't outlandish, but it's not the type you would commonly see on the streets of Liyue.
It took a while for the dark mask resting against the man's hip to catch your attention, but once it did you felt like a fool. It was not common knowledge, however, the fact an adeptus resided at the Wangshu Inn was not exactly a secret. One which you were privy to. The mask was the most obvious indication of his status as an adeptus. Not just any adeptus, not that any of them were anything to look down upon, but one of the Yakshas. The last of the five Yakshas.
"Alatus," the name escapes your lips as a whisper before you can think to stop it. Immediately your eyes widen, but before you could issue an apology the man just sighs softly. It doesn't sound particularly angered, but rather weary.
"Xiao. My name is Xiao," he says without turning to look at you. That's all he says before vanishing in a cloud of black mist and falling feathers of anemo energy. The mist and feathers are both quick to dissipate, leaving you standing with your mouth hanging open.
After that encounter, it had become a regular occurrence, at least once weekly, for you to pick one of the finest flowers from your garden and bring it to Wangshu Inn to leave on the balcony, or give directly to Xiao should he show himself. Most often you brought him a Qingxin, but occasionally you would substitute other flowers as not to end up plucking every Qingxin you had grown. You never picked the very best flower, either. Even for an adeptus you couldn't bring yourself to pick the best examples, rather letting them grow in peace for your prolonged enjoyment.
It wasn't until the third time you had come to the inn with a flower for Xiao that he was waiting for you on the balcony. Seeing the yaksha there made you pause, heart skipping a beat in surprise. He turned from his place looking out across the landscape to see you, certainly not as surprised to see you as you were him.
The way he looked expectantly at the flower in your hand has you realizing you had been standing there frozen. You moved, extending the flower out to him in offering. He took it delicately from your hand, looking it over for a moment.
"Thank you," he said softly, so quiet you almost didn't hear it at all. You could only nod stiffly in response. He scoffed at you before turning around again to lean against the balcony railing.
Just as it had the first time you met the yaksha, it felt wrong to just leave. So, you decided to survey the landscape of Liyue with him in silence. After the first few minutes, the atmosphere became rather comfortable between the two of you. Still, by the time he disappeared in a cloud of black mist and anemo feathers, neither of you had spoken a word.
This morning you were out early in the morning to explore the wilds of Liyue. You were no adventurer, though. Your purpose was to analyze the populations of certain flora and fauna. These were trips you made often to various parts of Liyue, wishing to preserve the life of endangered species, and always alone. Bringing people along to the locations of such rare organisms, be it plant or animal, was a dangerous thing. In many instances, rare means valuable and there are those who would do anything for some Mora.
Today you found yourself in Dihua Marsh to check up on the Glaze Lily population. Based on your counts, the number hadn't fluctuated greatly since your last visit, there were even a few new blooms. This brought you great relief, Glaze Lilies seemed to be somewhat of a symbol of Liyue and it would sadden you to see their wild population disappear, even if they remained in Qingce Village and at the Yujing Terrace. It wouldn't be the same.
Once you had sung a few songs to the flowers, not worried about anyone hearing you in this rather secluded area, you made your way back to one of the main roads. The long walks back to the harbor always ended up with you lost deep in thought, which wasn't always a good thing. Lost deep in your own mind, you didn't notice the slow advance of a small group of Treasure Hoarders until it was too late.
There was no time to run away as they surrounded you, it was unlikely you could have outrun them anyways. Fortunately, it didn't take very long for the Treasure Hoarders to discover you had absolutely nothing of value on you, and while they may be thieves it wasn't often a Treasure Hoarder was a murderer. Of course, they had roughed you up a bit before ultimately leaving you alone. There was a nasty scrape on your cheek and you were sure you would be bruised in the morning, but you weren't seriously injured.
By the next day, your muscles ached and bruises had appeared in various places on your body, but the scrapes had stopped bleeding and it was nothing that would stop you from bringing your usual offering to Xiao. You spent some time perusing your garden, looking for the perfect gift. You settled on a Silk Flower, there was some worry in your mind that Xiao would dislike it because they did grow right outside of the Wangshu Inn, but you hope the exceptional fragrance and color of this specimen would gain his appreciation.
Mindful not to fiddle with the flower as to preserve its pristine state, you worried the whole walk to the inn. Even if the adeptus wasn't present, if he rejected the offering you felt you would know. Maybe you would find the flower sitting where you left it on your next visit, or maybe Verr Goldet would tell you about the silk flower she found laying on the balcony. Your heart clenched at the thought and you couldn't help but wonder when you had started seeking the yaksha's approval.
You hadn't even realized you arrived at the inn until you were stepping off the elevator, lost in thought again. Shaking your head, you thought it would be good if you started paying more attention. Getting ambushed by again was the last thing you wanted, the next time it could be worse than petty thieves.
Pushing the negative thoughts from your mind, you climbed the stairs to the balcony you so often visited. Your muscles ached in quiet protest, but the pain was mild. Peeking over the stairs, you spotted Xiao.
For the first time, he was already facing you, leaning with his back against the railing. You wondered if he had spotted you on your way to the Inn, offering him a polite smile as a silent greeting. You extended the Silk Flower to him once you stepped out onto the balcony.
"What happened to you?" Xiao asked immediately, tone stern. He took the flower from you without even sparing a glance down at it. Did he not like Silk Flowers?
"Oh, um, I just bumped into some Treasure Hoarders yesterday. Nothing serious," you answered after finally processing his question, bringing your hand up to the scrape on your cheek without thinking. His frown deepened with your response and the adeptus crossed his arms over your chest.
"You were hurt," he pointed out bluntly. You felt small under his hard stare.
"Oh, it's nothing, um, serious," you assured him with a nervous laugh. He only furrowed his brows at your response.
"If ever again you find yourself in any danger, call my name. Adeptus Xiao. I will be there when you call."
At his words, your cheeks heated up. Was this some sort of special treatment, or did he offer this to anyone? It felt wrong to receive such kindness from an adeptus if it was only for you.
"Promise," he pressed when you didn't answer.
"Okay, I will. If I'm ever in danger, I'll call you," you agreed meekly, feeling a great weight put upon you under his amber gaze. He huffed before disappearing in his usual manner, and it was impossible for you to tell if he was upset with you.
The next time you visited the inn, Xiao hadn't appeared. This wasn't unusual, but the worry that you had displeased him seeped into your bones. You tried to ignore this feeling, going out often to check on wildlife populations and spending extra time tending to your garden. Keeping busy was the best way to take your mind off your worries and stay productive.
A week after your meeting with the Vigilant Yaksha, you were back at Dihua Marsh checking on the Glaze Lilies. You were sitting in the middle of the lilies, singing softly to the patch of flowers when the sound of shouting reached your ears. Looking up, you noticed two hilichurls accompanied by a mitachurl with a stone shield who was charging your way.
There would be no time for you to get up and out of the way, so you closed your eyes and braced for the impact. You could only pray it wouldn't kill you, but even if it didn't you would probably be unable to escape death by the hilichurls soon after.
The impact never came, instead, a gust of wind blew past you and you wondered if the mitachurl had somehow run past you. When you opened your eyes, you saw Glaze Lily petals swirl into the air, dancing around the familiar figure of the Vigilant Yaksha. The mitachurl was already crumbling to dust, returning to the Abyss with it's hilichurl companions.
Xiao turned to face you, mask dematerializing from his face and reappearing at his hip. When he extended his hand down to help you get up, you furrowed your brows wondering why he had been here. Was it incredible luck, or had he perhaps been following you?
Taking his hand, you let him pull you up onto shaky legs. He didn't let go, looking a little worried you'd fall. You finally looked up to his face, scanning golden eyes.
"Why are you here?" you finally asked, throat feeling a bit scratchy.
"I told you I would be there when you called."
His words only confused you further until it dawned on you, the scratchy feeling in your throat was awfully similar to that which came with yelling. Had you truly called his name without even thinking, without even realizing?
"Thank you, Xiao."
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Being Adopted by Johnny and Vanessa (Johnny Depp x daughter!reader)
for @kittenlittle24   @evelynrosestuff 
WARNINGS: mentions of racism, adoption, teen pregnancy
It’s not fair, not in the slightest, and you couldn’t figure out why. You’re part of a very talented and successful girl group that’s sold millions of records and you’re never involved in any kind of drama, you don’t even have screenshots of you floating around of you being homophobic, transphobic or anything like that. For the most part, you’re unproblematic, so why the hell are your comment and reply section always filled with hate messages? And the worst part, the people who sent them had pictures of your sister as their profile.
When you made a birthday post for your mom, people left unnecessary comments ranging from: lmaoo, she’s not ur mom to why are you posting someone else’s mom? Of course not every comment is like that but it still hurt. You threw your phone down on the couch and huffed, angrily biting into your sandwich. “What’s the matter Sugar Plum?” asked your dad, sitting next to you on the couch. “Everything!”
You proceeded to tell him, about the racist comments people make toward you, the slurs directed at you and it made you cry. Since your family is white, they couldn’t understand the racism you face in the music industry, your every day life, but they did their best to sympathize. “Lily gets to wear revealing clothes and she’s called a trendsetter and fashion forward. I wear a custom Louis Vuitton dress and I get called cheap looking!” of course, your anger isn’t directed towards Lily, it’s not her fault and she always looks amazing, but the double standards between the two of you are so clear, even Stevie Wonder can see it, and for you, the goal posts were always moving. Your dad pulled you into his lap like he did when you were little and just held you against his chest.
“And... and then they tell me I’m not your child the way Lily and Jack are.” Your dad gasped and stopped rocking you from side to side. “Y/N! You don’t believe that do you? Because you know that’s not true, not of it!” You really don’t believe it, but you would be lying if you said it didn’t get to you. “Y/N, listen to me. Your mother and I love you very much, and so do your brother and sister, and you ARE one hundred percent our child.”
A few months after your birth, you were adopted by Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis. They already had two kids but they wanted a third one badly, so they decided to adopt. You had spend your first few months of life in the foster care system; your bio mom was a teenager when she had you while dad was a high school drop-out working at an Italian restaurant and your mom was a ballerina for a major dance company, and in order to keep her spot, she had to give you up, and since your dad was pretty much absent during the pregnancy, it was a win-win. Everyone always said it was a possibility on why you were drawn to ballet, you trained for years professionally before deciding to pursue music, although you do train occasionally to keep up the skill, sometimes posting videos to social media. “I understand that using social media is part of your job and a way to connect with fans, but I want you stop reading the comments okay? Turn your accounts over to your manager if you have to.”
You nodded that you understood everything he was telling you. “Good. Now how about you finish eating and you can show me that song you were working on all last night?” “Sounds like a plan.”
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Hi! Can I request a part 2 to your Valkyrae imagine?
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GIF isn’t mine. Credits to the owner!
Title: Idol’s Inspiration Part 2 
Pairing: Valkyrae || Rae x Fem! Reader
Summary: A collection of moments involving an idol and a streamer
Warnings: Cursing?. Just pure fluffiness
Word Count: 3,043 words
I had way too much ideas on this one so this is going to be a collection of said ideas. Have fun!
Actually, I saw someone on my dashboard asking for Rae x Reader imagines, so hi to that person!
You can read Part 1 Here
You took a couple of days before you gathered the courage to actually message Rae, you also spent those couple of days staring at the paper containing her number and your phone, which also has her number punched in. 
“Okay. I just have to press send...” Your fingers hovered over the icon as you chewed your lips in nervousness.
“Oh damn it.” Luna groaned before snatching your phone and pressing send, barely giving you time to retaliate
“Hey!” You complained, staring at her in disbelief
“You were taking too long” She shrugged, sipping on her milkshake as she tossed your phone back to you
You only had time to roll your eyes before phone vibrated.
‘About time you texted me, I was beginning to think you forgot. Oh and totally, I could make a lobby for you rn’
‘Sounds good! I’m free this Friday!’
You smiled, well, looks like you’re playing with your favorite streamer group this Friday then.
Your bandmate Jace actually owns a gaming pc, to which you borrowed to play among us, which ended you up here, in his room, on a private discord call with Rae, her helping you set up for tomorrow.
“So is this your first time, ya know? Playing among us?” Rae asks as the download bar for the proximity chat
“Oh no. Uhm, My bandmates and I play all the time, sometimes on public lobbies and sometimes we drag our crew to play, especially while on the tour bus. Plus, I watch you scream and play all the time so you don’t have to worry about me Rachel” You explain, smiling softly at the memories, trying to ignore the feeling of content and satisfaction at how easy her name rolled out of your tongue
“That’s cool.” She replies, about to say something when a bark interrupts her
“Mika! Hi! Hi baby~” You hear her coo, your smile widening
“Raeeee! Tell Mika I said hi!” You chuckled
“Y/N says hi!” She says, running her hand through Mika’s fur, the white furball now sitting in her lap
“Awee~ You’re both so cute~” You coo, laughing when Rae hid herself behind Mika
You spent the night talking about random stuff, setting up for the game and running a test run with her, but then laughing when you realized you can’t play with just the both of you, ultimately deciding to start early tomorrow for a test run. Her also adding you to their discord before sleeping.
“My new favorite seafood!” You furrowed your brows when you heard Sykkuno’s voice fill your ears when you joined the discord call
“Shrimp.” Brooke giggled
“OOOOOHHH. So that’s why they were saying shrimp for Rae. I was like, what does that even mean?” Rae’s sentence caught you off guard, especially since you just tweeted that exact same phrase before logging in.
“shit.” You mumbled, having dropped the lid of the water jug you were drinking from.
“Y/N! HI HI HI HI” Rae greeted
“Hello.” You replied, a little overwhelmed at being the center of attention.
“Pfft- My chat is saying shrimp for Y/N now” Sykkuno announces
“Mine too” Brooke agrees, soon followed by the rest of the lobby, making you laugh
“I’m Sorry, Sorry! Actually, I may know why that’s happening. Fun fact! I actually gave people permission to shrimp for me on an interview, since I found it funny, especially since I’m also shrimping for someone.” You explained
“Oh yeah! I saw that clip.” Rae mumbles, trying to decide which color she should be in and what hat she should wear
“I wonder who Y/N is simping for. Hmmmm. Who could that be? Hmmmm.” Toast teases
“Yeaaah. I wonder who that could be.” Poki replies, her teasing tone much more evident
It had been a couple weeks now since you first played with Rae and her friends, her friends who are now also your friends. You were pressured to stream on YouTube by your fans and also Rae, who you now have late night talks with.
“Y/N! Hiiiiii!” You hear Rae as you rounded, soon followed my Corpse’s voice
“Choke me-” Corpse started
“LIKE U HEYT MEH BAT U LAB MEH-” Rae continued, mispronouncing words that made you chuckle
“Lowkey wanna date me when you hmm me.” You sang, connecting the wires
“NEW SONG! NEW SONG! Corpse and Coldify! C and C!” Rae exclaimed, her little red bean circling you and Corpse
“Oh yeah, definitely, Corpse? You up to it?” You ask, doing a little wiggle to show your excitement
“Hell yeah! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” he does that deep voice thing that made you flinch
“I can’t stand it. I can’t stand the sound of my voice.” Rae exclaims, talking to chat you assume.
You rolled your eyes, finding Rae’s voice beautiful. You jumped out of the vent, knowing that no one was around, making her scream
“Hi! Just wanted to pop in and let you know that your voice is actually beautiful and I would love to sing with you some time. That’s all, I’ll go back to killing now, Oh! you might want to check vitals, love.” You say, hopping back into the vent, laughing silently. Then abruptly stopping when you realized you called Rae “love”, glancing at the chat, who were now spamming your ship name with Rae
Seeing Lily alone, humming a tune, you quickly popped out of the vent, sliced him in half before a meeting was called, Ludwig finding Toast’s body.
“Before we start. I just want to say, to the person who called me “love”... You don’t get to call me that then run away!” She exclaims
“Sorry! I got embarrassed!” You pouted. You wiggled your eyebrows at your chat, smirking slightly
“Uh-huh. Oops, Sorry Lud. Carry On” Rae says, letting Lud explain his “Different Universe” theories about how Toast died.
“Heeeey...” Rae trailed out, her cornering you in storage
“Hiiii?” You smiled nervously. You don’t know what was happening in her mind
“Soooo... Babuska?” You immediately got what she was implying, nodding frantically, before realizing she couldn’t see you
“Yeah. Yeah let’s do this!” You both walked out, Rae on the lead while your white character trails after her
“OH LOOK! There’s Corpse! And Sykkuno! Hiiiiiii!” She greeted cheerily, somehow you could see the evil smile on her face
“oh- Oh. Hi Rae! We’re just shooting some space rocks here!” Sykkuno says, her green character circling Rae
“I see. I see... Babushka.” Rae states, you wait a couple of seconds letting Sykkuno and Corpse panic first, before slicing Corpse in half.
“OH JESUS! You killed Corpse! You killed him! You really kil-” He was cut off when Ash creeped behind him, biting his head off
“Thanks Ash.” You say, laughing as Rae gasped and laughed as well
“Rae~ Oh Rae~” You chuckled, looking for the brunette
“What?!” She exclaimed from her spot behind the seismic reactors
“Oh uhm, are you streaming right now?” You asked her, preparing yourself for what you are about to say.
“Uh yes? Duh?” 
“Ohkay... well, hypothetically, If I were to ask you out, is it okay if I do it on stream orrr?”
“Well, hypothetically, I would be fine with it either way, yes.”
“Oh okay!” You clear your throat
“Ms. Valkyrae, The Valkyrae, Rae, would you please grace me with your presence on this coming friday night and allow me to buy you dinner, m’lady?” You say in your best posh voice
“...Yes” She says in a small voice
“Great! I’ll pick you up at 7!” You say
“Great! Okay”
“Great. I’ll kill you now.” you say
“Wait what?!” she exclaims, her scream perfectly cut when the victory sign flashes on your screen.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” You apologized, laughing your ass off
“I’m on Y/N Protection Services! She’s been dying a lot lately!” Rae exclaims, you rolling your eyes at her dramatics, both of you were impostors.
“Well, thank you m’lady” You replied, faking gas
“Ooooooh! I have speci, come.” Rae says, her red character slicing toast nonchalantly when you passed him doing telescope
And suddenly, when the decontamination doors open, Poki emerged from it, panicking you killed her.
“Oh shit! No! Wait! I’m sorry! Pokiii!” You whined, following Rae into decontam
Finding Janet in Speci, You go to say hi, only to be interrupted by the body being found.
“OH NO! TOAST! He was just with me! OH JESUS!” Sykkuno exclaims, making you bite your lip to avoid laughing
“Where’s the body?” Jack asks
“Medbay, by the telescope” Brooke answers
“It has to be Y/N! She’s the only one who could’ve killed Toast!” Janet accused
“Hey! What?! Why me?!” you complained, 
“You came from upper decontam! Toast’s body is in medbay, That’s sus.” Janet says, you were about to defend yourself when Rae chimed in
“There is a possibility that Y/N is the impostor.” She states
“Wha?! RAE?! You- You were with me in speci!”
“What? No I wasn’t! You’re lying! I lost you when I was doing gas! I was looking for you everywhere!” Rae says making you look at chat with a pout
“I didn’t see her there either...” Janet backed her up
“Wha?! Guys?! Come on, let’s skip! There’s barely enough evidence!” You desperately say, trying to save yourself
In the end, 7 heads voted for you.
“...Y/N will remember this.” You state before being thrown off the ship, welcomed by Poki and Toast’s laughter
“Yeah. Yeah. Hmmpf.” you huffed at Poki and Toast
“My girlfriend just betrayed me. Rae betrayed me chat, she just, she pushed me off the plank. She just, watched as I burned in the lava. She kicks me out of her bed for Mika, and now she betrays me, then pushes me off the plank. Ohhh the pain” you dramatically say as you followed Rae, her returning to specimen
“Listen, chat, Y/N if you’re listening... That was payback for that one time you killed me behind reactor right after you asked me on a date! Okay!” You rolled your eyes and looked at your camera with an annoyed look in your face
But your smile slowly returns as Rae goes on a mass massacre making you both win without meetings, making you bounce in your seat, clapping
“Good Job Rae! That was so good! You successfully scared me, I might not sleep in your room now.” You teased her, making her gasp
“Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Hello everyone and welcome to the streeaam! Part 2. We are starting the playthrough of little nightmares 2- Hold on, Y/N’s calling.”
“Love?” Your voice rings out through Rae’s phone
“Hiii Baby! You’re on speaker” Rae states while looking at the game settings
“Oh. Well Hi chat! Anyways, Mcdonalds? I’m 5 minutes away, don’t start little nightmares yet, come on.” You whined
“Oh you big baby, I wasn’t starting without you.” Rae laughs
“Liar, I was watching your stream.” You deadpanned
“Pshh. Pshh! But yeah, Mcdonald’s fine. And hurry up! I wanna play!”
“Okay, okay sheesh, I’ll be there with your chimkin nuggies” 
“Baby?” You knocked on her door, even after all the months that you have been together, you always knocked on her door before entering, incase she was doing something.
“Come in love! Perfect timing.” You open the door to see your girlfriend playing with Mika, Little Nightmares 2 plastered on the screen. You approached her and kissed her forehead
“Hi Babe. Hi chat! How are you guys doing? Hold on, let me set this down.” You say, arranging the food on Rae’s desk, careful not to spill anything
“Are we ready? Baby, grab your chair. Are we ready? Are we ready? I’m so excited!” The excitement in her eyes is making you smile
“Oh she’s excited alright, she wouldn’t shut up about it chat. Trust me” You chuckled.
“Will there be a lot of screaming? Rae?” You read chat
“Uhm. Hopefully not, I don’t know dude. Can’t control my screams.”
“A Shoe!” Rae gasps
“Baby, there’s literally hanging kids dangling in a net and the first thing you notice is the shoe?” You looked at her in disbelief
“Oh. What happened to you guys? Stinkyy. Oooooh. Physics!” You bit your lip and shook your head at your girlfriend’s antics
“Y/N, I feel comfort when I hold this shoe.”
“Ouch. Are you saying I’m not comforting you? Rude.”
“Stop trolling!” She says, turning to you as you held up a fry
She raises her eyebrows before biting the whole fry, along with your finger.
“Ouch! Damn it Rae! You’re like a chihuahua”
“Owa Owa.” 
“RAE! RUN! RAE! RAE! RAE! HOOOOLY SHIT! RAE! RAE! RACHEL RUN! RACHEL! RUUUN!” You panic, gripping her thigh as the teacher neck elongated, following your little character into the vents
A moment of silence pass the both of you as the character Rae’s controlling gets to safety. Rae slowly turns to meet your eyes, and bursts out laughing.
“You should’ve seen your face!” You laugh at her
“OH OKAY? Like you weren’t screaming for me to run.” She says then proceeds to repeat what you said while in a panic, making you laugh harder
“Sorry for screaming, it’s just really gross and unexpected.” She says sheepishly to her chat, which was now spamming ‘HAHAHA’ and ‘Damn how long is that neck’
“So, this question is directed to Ms. Y/N.” The interviewer moves his body to face you.
“Yes?” You smiled, guessing that this must be about you and Rae
“How are you feeling about your pictures trending on Twitter worldwide?” he asks, a smile on his face as the pictures flashed on the large screen behind you
“Ahm, it’s really great. A lot of hard work was put into that photoshoot, mostly because my girlfriend, Rae refused to put on the dress and was attached to the suit she’s wearing right there. God, she looks so beautiful. Uhm, but anyways, it took a lot of effort to get her out of that suit. ” You grinned
“Ahh. I recognize that look, Makes me remember about my wife and I. You’re so smitten. Can I just say that I ship you guys so hard.” The interviewer says
“Ah- Thank you. Hehe.” You say, embarrassed but proud
“While were on this topic of trending pictures, Can you guys explain whatever these pictures are? I’m pretty sure your fans already know what these are. But an explanation would be nice” The interviewer now addressed your whole group
“Well, considering that Y/N is dating Rae, Luna is dating Sykkuno and Jace is dating Imane, or Poki,  Okay, so there’s this AU that’s around their community where they are mafia’s and we’re all members now. We all joked about being apart of their mafia, to which they agreed. So now Rae and Y/N are now the assassin duo, Poki and Jace are their supervisors and Luna, Sykkuno and Corpse are the deadly trio” Sebastian explains
“Their community is so creative I swear. And combined with our fandom, the fanarts and fanfictions are the best.” Luna says, a smile present on her face
“And yes, we all do read fanfiction, in multiple platforms.” You laughed, the live audience gasping in surprise
“None of you are safe.” Jace says in a playful intimidating voice
“Okay, I’m gonna get off. Thank you for watching. I’ll see you guys later, thanks for watching, I hope you guys enjoyed the stream. Uhmm. Appreciate you guys. Byeee!” you hear Rae end her stream from your spot in her bed.
“Hunter x Hunter? or AOT?” you ask her as you put your phone in silent and set it aside, opening your arms for her.
She crawls into your side, cuddling you while groaning lightly.
“Do you wanna take a bath first? Or do you wanna eat dinner? Maybe take a nap first? You’ve been streaming for 13 hours baby, your eyes are probably tired now.” You say, running your free hand through her hair
“Naps and cuddles please.” she mumbles, her head buried in the crook of your neck
“Okay baby, I’ll just put AOT on, oh wait. Hmm, Jujutsu Kaisen sounds great right now. No, wait even better, Ouran Highschool Host Club.” You go to turn your head to ask Rae, but you see her asleep. 
You chuckle quietly, knowing Rae, she can overwork herself, sit on a chair for 13 hours, playing various video games, while you really can’t see yourself play videogames for 13 hours straight, you admire that she has the patience and energy to do that.
Smiling, you lower the volume of the Anime that you’re watching, slowly pull the blankets up as Rae shifts closer to you, clinging like a koala. Mika jumps up and settles in between the two of you, Your smile widens at the feel of things, the calmness, the silence, the tranquility and the sense of home, something that only Rae can provide. Something that you have been looking for ever since your career took off. The constant trips to the studio, the paparazzi, the world tours, the concerts, the interviews, everything, everything was worth it when you know you’re coming home to her. 
You didn’t even know how you got to where you are now, cuddled into Rae, the comfort streamer you never thought you would meet, even when you mostly stayed where she stayed... Dating her was a dream, you didn’t believe it at first, she quickly proved that dream theory wrong when she kissed you, under the rain. As cliché as it seems, that was the day you both silently agreed to never let go of each other and take care of each other even if the other is half way across the world.
Even if dating her means also dating her room mates and her chat...
You would never trade it for anything. 
Even if you knew she would scream her ears off once she knows that you have a whole album that’s inspired and dedicated to her.
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I feel like twst Aurora would meet y/n by walking through the forest. Sorta like when Aurora meets Phillip in the original movie
(*Me, dancing like a duck*)
Twst Aurora/Sleeping Beauty Idea For Anybody To Read
(Song is from Hadestown, Flowers)
(Y/N) was given homework for Mr. Crewels class to find the native flowers of Twisted Wonderland. She would of gone to the botanical gardens for her research. If only it wasn't crowded with other students. So her best bet was either the mountains or the forest. The forest was the best option.
After finding a few flowers and writing them down on the note book she brought with her. Her mind wanders off to Yuu and Grim, hoping they were doing alright with finishing the assignment, if not, she could always share her notes with them.
"I wonder. I wonder... I wonder why each little bird has a someone. To sing to sweet things to. A gay little love melody."
A song starts travel through the air. Soft and sweet, gentle and wistful. It was quite simple and romantic song, the person who was singing was quite good. The song starts to end.
"I wonder, I wonder.. If my heart keeps singing. Will my song go winging. To someone who'll find me. And bring back a love song to me.."
(Y/N) sighs gently at the song, holding her book close to her chest. "Oh, that was beautiful.." She whispers, acting as if she was a maiden in love. Enchanted by the beautiful singing, (Y/N) applauds to the singer. Wherever they may be.
Carefully, (Y/N) gets up from her sitting position and pats down her casual clothes. Nothing too casual though, just a simple white ruffled off-the-shoulder smocked shirt and a (f/c) skirt that went to her ankles. The girl wanted to wear something else, but she didn't have much clothes. So this was her best bet. Hints of dirt smear at the bottom of her skirt, but she could care less.
Heading deeper into the woods. (Y/N) does her best not to trip on some trees roots and killing the urge to jump into piles of leaves. Finding the next flower was easy enough. It reminded her of a song back in her world. Humming the tune under her breath, she said a few peices of the song.
"Lily white and poppy red... Nothing gonna wake you now.."
Humming the instrumental bit, (Y/N) looks over her notes. Nodding at the small flower, she sees a patch of the last flower she needed to find. Poking at one of the small buds, she closes the book after. Placing it down on the grassy floor as she leaned against a old tree. Picking up a red flower from the ground and twirled into between her fingertips while the once crimson petals flutter to the ground, leaving only a stem.
"Dreams are sweet, until there not.. Flowers bloom until they rot and fall apart.. Is anybody listening? I open my mouth and nothing comes out. Nothing, nothing gonna wake me now!"
(Y/N) smiles, that one part of the song always made it harder for her to sing. If only she sang it right the last few times she tried. Maybe she wouldnt have her voice crack from all those failed attempts. 'Oh well,' she thought.
"Flowers, I remember fields. Of flowers, soft beneath my heels. Walking in the sun, I remember someone. Someone by my side. Turned his face to mine."
"And then I turned away, into the shade.." The female puts her hand out to feel the warmth of the sun light on her skin. "You, the one I left behind. If you ever walk this way. Come and find me lying in the bed I made." (Y/N) finished, a reminiscent look of longing in her eyes.
"Well, that should be the last of it." Picking up her book, she stands straight and re-reads through the notes as she walks back to campus. Until she bumps into a tree, not looking where she was going. "Ow." Rubbing her forehead, the dull throb ceases for a little bit.
"I thought I heard something?" A voice said not to far from her. (Y/N) turns around, only to be met with nothing? "I guess it was nothing." The person said sadly.
(Y/N) peeks behind the tree she bumped into. A young boy around her age sat underneath a tree. Wearing a simple white shirt with a black buttoned vest and light grey pants. His head covered in curly locks of golden sunshine hair and lips red as a rose. Little birdies and forest critters surround him as he talks with them about a dream he had.
He seemed to be caught up in his own little world. Reminding her of a certain someone back on her college grounds.
Not wanting to bother him with her presence. (Y/N) decided to find another route to get back to Night Raven. The young male starts to hum a familiar tone she heard earlier. 'So he was the singer! Dang, he's got range.'
"You have a nice voice!" (Y/N) said aloud, regret sinks into her gut once she heard him gasp. "Who, who are you? Where are you?" (Y/N) slaps her forehead because of her own stupidity.
The male winced at the sound and her voice. "A-are you alright?" "I'm fine! I'm fine! Just.."
"I'm dumb, really, really, dumb." Sighing, (Y/N) apologized for speaking to him and frightening him. Not moving from her spot. "It's, okay. I can tell from your voice that you didn't mean it."
"Oh, good.. But I meant what I said. Your voice is really amazing!" "O-oh? Thank you."
The little woodlan creatures watch the boy, his rosy cheeks reddening. Some of the birdies fly over to where the girl hid herself. Chirping at her in awe, certainly she was fit for him in their eyes. (Y/N) looks up to see the birds and gets the wrong message. "I guess I overstayed my welcome, I should get going anyway."
(Y/N) hums the song she sang before and starts to move her feet. "Wait! Please wait!" Freezes and questions him for why he didn't want her to leave. "You were singing too, right?"
"I heard your voice before. You sang about flowers, didn't you?"
"I.. I did. Why you askin'?"
[Twst Aurora] gulps back his shyness. "I think you have a beautiful voice too." [Twst Aurora] stated, standing in front of the tree (Y/N) hid behind. "..." The NRC student goes silent.
[Twst Aurora] heard a twig snap and looks down to see two pairs of shoes emerge from behind the tree. Slowly looking up, he sees a young girl around his age standing in front of him. A soft grin on her lips. "Thanks, as I said before, your pretty good yourself."
Blush coated the girls cheek as the two were face to face. Wanting to step closer to him, she takes a step back instead. Suddenly, out of nowhere. A few apple blossom petals fell on her hair and nose. Shocked giggles espaces her lips as more flower petals fell on her. Looking up, she sees little birds and squirrels squeezed together as they look down at them from a branch.
The male only stares at her smile and listens to her melodious laughter. A light hearted grin settled on his red lips. His heart fluttering like a birds wing.
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(Ask box is open! Dang this is very sappy, someone draw this romantic display! I'm joking lol! Also, the reason why (Y/N)'s words are in bold, and [Twst Aurora] aren't. Is because the songs are supposed to contrast with one another.)
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badfvith · 4 years
captivating | sirius black
request: aghh hiii can i get the “we’re not just friends and you know it” prompt with sirius black? mayne make it a bit love hate relationship . o love you if u wanna. kisses x
a/n: omg what’s this?? maria actually writing again finally?? a SHOCK. i am so sorry it’s been so long my loves! but anyways this is the first of my prompt requests, a lil steamy young sirius moment for you all 🤩 i hope you guys enjoy & im so happy to be back writing again <3
warnings: mentions of alcohol, light smut themes
word count: 966
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Friday nights in Gryffindor meant one thing: a night of loud music, a seemingly never ending supply of fire whiskey, and a good time with your best friends. Said best friends were the self-titled Marauders, made up of James Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, and Sirius Black. They were also often accompanied by Lily Evans, James’s longtime crush and even longer time resident girl to constantly friend zone him, as well as Marlene McKinnon and Dorcas Meadowes. 
You considered yourself friendly with all of them, even though you had originally become close with Remus first. There was just one slight bit of tension within the group and it had to do with you and Sirius. 
Sirius had been on you almost since the day he met you. He was always the one to take jokes slightly too far, pester you to go out with him one on one, or “help him study” in the back of the library. It was annoying. 
Okay, it wasn’t annoying because it made you mad, in fact it was the exact opposite. It was annoying because you enjoyed it. 
For the entire year you could never actually tell if he was being genuine in his words or not. Most people know him as a ladies man, so you weren’t sure if you were just going to be another random hookup or not. It frustrated the hell out of you. His advances always left you flustered and you could tell that he knew it too. 
And so far tonight was no different. You had arrived in the common room about half an hour ago, and even though the majority of the people surrounding you were tipsy, you could tell the night was just getting started. 
“(y/n)!” You heard from behind you. You turned around to see James and Peter walking up to you. James was holding two bottles, one of which he handed to you. 
“Thanks Potter.” You replied, taking a sip, and then another because you saw a third familiar face approaching you. 
“What are we doing in this corner then? Nothing fun is gonna come out of hiding out back here now is it?” 
You avoided making eye contact with him by hiding behind your drink for as long as you could without making it obvious. Once you did, you knew you were in trouble. He looked unfairly good in his black pants, white button down, and leather jacket, but you’d never admit that to him. You quickly took a breath to compose your thoughts. You hated the effect he had on you. 
“Oi relax (y/n) just got here. We’re just breaking her into the night.” James replied. 
“Ah of course (y/n). Looking captivating as always. That shirt does you well love.” He said with a smirk. 
“Oh shut it Black.” You replied. 
“Get a room will you?” James asked. 
“Never.” You replied quickly, with Sirius feigning hurt at your words. 
“Whatever. Who’s up for another drink?” James continued.
I laughed as Peter immediately started running in the direction of the table of fire whiskey. 
The night continued pretty smoothly, you met up with Remus and then some of the girls and began dancing all together. You were...a decent amount of alcohol in at this point. You couldn’t say you were fully drunk but you also definitely weren’t sober. The song that was currently playing was a slower one, with lots of bass so it still fit the party vibe, unlike the rock n roll edged ones that had been on previously. You informed the girls of your decision to go take a quick break from dancing. You made your way out of the circle of people towards a couch that had been pushing to the back of the room. 
“Not heading in are you?” You heard, and before you could protest or ignore him, a hand was grabbing yours and pulling you close. 
“I- will you let me go?” 
“Believe I asked you a question first love.” You harshly bit down on the inside of your lip to stop your stomach from fluttering at the pet name. 
“No.” You responded flatly, currently hyperaware of his hand that had moved from your hand to your waist. 
“Someone’s grumpy tonight.” He teased. You threw your head back and groaned. 
“No...I just-” You began, the alcohol in your veins prompting you to say someone you normally would never. “You’re distracting and it’s annoying.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Is that so?” You could tell he was trying to hide a smirk from forming. “Well what if I said I thought you were distracting too? And not just because of this outfit.” 
“W-what do you mean-” You stuttered out. 
“Well I haven’t exactly hid it well have I?” He chuckled. “I think you’re beautiful.” He said softly. 
You wanted so badly to give in, but you were scared so you didn’t. “Sirius...I can’t do this. How do I know you aren’t just saying this to get in my pants?”
“My (y/n). We’re not just friends and you know it. We’re also not ones to act on things that aren’t real. You think I would spend this much time on a girl if I just thought it was going to be a one time occurrence?” The mixture of his words and his other hand now tracing your bottom lip were making your insides do flips. You didn’t know what to concentrate on, but eventually met his gaze. 
Your breathing quickened when you saw him looking at your lips. “Sirius...” You said breathlessly. 
“Mmm?” He hummed, thumb moving from your lips to your jawline. 
“Promise me this is real.” 
“I promise on everything I am love.” 
You nodded and took another deep breath. “Okay.” 
That was all it took for him to–finally–crash his lips onto yours.
@tinylumpiaa @kashishwrites​ @lateautumn​ @brithedemonspawn​ @siriusly-padfoot @asksiriusblacvk @inkhearthes​ @minty-malfoy​ @draccpotter @yellowsuitcase​ @george-fabian-weasley​
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Floral Pistachio
“We have to go there, Papa. It's grandma and my favourite,” Scorpius cried excitedly, dragging Draco by the hand. “That’s the shop right there,” he squealed and made a dash for it.
Draco jogged the last few feet and entered the shop called L’etoile . He leaned against a counter to catch his breath but the sight in front of him stole it away once again.
There was Scorpius, seated on a table top chattering away with none other than Harry Potter himself.
“Scorpius! What have I told you about running on the streets!” Draco chided, finally finding his tongue.
“I’m sorry, Papa,” the five-year-old pouted before resuming munching on a chocolate éclair.
When did he get that? “What are you eating, Scorp?”
“Chocolate éclair,” he mumbled, cream and chocolate smeared around his little mouth. “Harry always lets me try the specials of the day.”
Harry laughed and gently wiped the boy’s face with a napkin as Draco gaped at them.
“That’s not polite, Scorp,” he sputtered.
“Grandma doesn't mind, and I always thank Harry,” he said indignantly and Harry hid a snort.
Draco huffed and made a mental note to have a word about all of this with his mother. But not today. Today was her birthday and they needed to get back on task, which was buying her favourite cake from her favourite bakery as per Scorpius.
“I’m sorry, Potter. Please allow me to pay for this.”
“Please, it’s on the house. I can’t charge my little taste tester and critic here!” Harry grinned. “So what can I get for y’all today?”
“We’re looking for the ‘Floral Pistachio?’” Draco fumbled glancing at Scorpius who nodded effusively.
“It’s grandma’s birthday and she likes pistachios.”
“Great choice!” Harry beamed at Scorpius. “I just baked one this morning!” he turned and smiled at Draco. “It's got pistachios – obviously – cardamom, rosewater, a hint of lemon, balsamic-soaked strawberries and refreshing rose buttercream.”
Harry brought out a beautiful cake frosted in baby pink and pistachio green, topped with beautiful piped roses. “I just finished piping these before you arrived,” he proudly displayed his creation as Draco looked at it in awe while Scorpius eyed it hungrily. He had evidently inherited his sweet tooth from his dad.
“It’s also known as the Persian Love Cake,” Harry continued, “The story behind the name is that once upon a time there was a Persian woman madly in love with a prince. To make him fall in love with her, she baked him this cake, filled with magical love powers,” Harry said wistfully before remembering his audience. “I’m so sorry, I get carried away sometimes,” he blushed. “So, ‘Floral Pistachio’… I’ll pack it up.”
While Harry packed up the cake, Scorpius dragged Draco to the display case and showed him all his favourite confections.
“Will that be all?” Harry asked.
Draco hesitated. “Could we also have a box of the éclairs Scorp was having? They looked delicious.”
“Of course! These are on the house for my favourite customer,” Harry said as he handed over the items.
“Oh, no, Potter, we can't –”
“I insist! And please wish Narcissa a happy birthday from me.”
Draco nodded as Scorpius piped up, “We’re having a party for Grandma tonight, you should come, Harry!”
“Oh, I wouldn't want to impose,” Harry mumbled.
Draco’s not sure what made him do this, but he added, “You should come. I’m sure Mother would like that. Andy and Teddy will be there, too.”
“Yesss, pleaseeee, Harry,” Scorpius pleaded.
“Okay,” he relented.
Scorpius cheered as Draco gave him the time and Floo details before leaving the store.
Draco spent the rest of the day in a daze. Harry Potter was coming over for dinner tonight.
Harry spent the rest of the day with a smile on his face and a skip in his step.
At 6 pm sharp, Harry stepped out of the Floo at Malfoy Manor. He had left the bakery early, requesting Luna to cover the last few hours for him. After a quick change of clothes, he’d nipped to Grimmauld Place’s wine cellar to select a bottle of wine and picked up a delicate bouquet of blue agapanthus, white oriental lilies and large white roses.
Teddy and Andy were already there and Narcissa greeted him warmly. They made small talk, drank, ate and laughed. Harry was seated next to Draco during dinner and they chatted about Scorpius and Teddy, Draco’s job, and Harry's bakery. It was an unsurprisingly comfortable evening.
After dinner, they all retired to the living room. Draco played a few songs on the piano before cutting Narcissa’s birthday cake.
“Oh, this is simply gorgeous, Harry!” Andromeda gasped when the cake was brought out.
“Absolutely divine as always!” Narcissa raved after taking a dainty bite.
Once Scorpius had finished his second slice of cake, Draco decided it was time for bed. “Come on darling, you’ve had a long day, it’s time for bed,” Draco cooed and gently lifted his son off the sofa.
“Oh sit, Draco, I’ll put him to bed, it's Teddy’s bedtime as well,” Andy said as she took Scorpius from Draco’s arms.
The teen looked like he was about to protest but a look from Andy had him shutting up.
“Can cousin Teddy read me a bedtime story? He does the best impressions!” Scorpius asked cheerfully.
“Oh yes, Nan, can I, please?” Teddy asked, his hair turning a shade of platinum blond to match Scorpius.
“Oh alright, but just one story and you must brush your teeth and change into your jammies first,” Andy relented. “Now say goodbye to everyone and head upstairs.”
After a series of goodbyes and goodnights and I love yous and hugs, the kids went upstairs.
“I should get going too,” Harry said.
“Oh,” Draco replied. Did he sound disappointed?
“Why don't you stay for a cup of tea, Harry dear. I’ll just put the kettle on,” Narcissa said and left the room.
After a few beats of awkward silence, Harry spoke. “Thanks for inviting me, Draco, I had a lovely time.”
“Thanks for coming, and for the lovely wine. Oh and that delicious cake!” he moaned.
Harry flushed. “I meant what I said, by the way. You can come by Grimmauld Place whenever and I can show you the wine cellar. I’m sure you’d appreciate it more than me!”
Draco smiled, then snarked, “Of course, I’m an oenophile. But only if you promise to feed me some sweets as well!”
“It’s a date,” Harry laughed and Draco had a pleased blush on his face.
And if they heard some squealing and shushing coming from behind the kitchen door, they chose to ignore it.
It was past 6 pm on Saturday when Draco stepped out of the Floo at Grimmauld Place as instructed by Harry in his letter.
The house looked cheerful and airy, with large windows, light walls and comfortable furniture. It looked homey and inviting, unlike the house he had visited as a child with his mother. Harry had definitely worked on it.
“Draco, is that you? I’m in the kitchen, come on through.”
Draco followed the sound of the voice and found Harry in the kitchen icing a cake while wearing an apron that said ‘I cook as good as I look.’
“Hey, nice apron,” Draco smirked as Harry broke into a grin.
“Hi, make yourself comfortable. I’m just finishing this up.”
“What is it? Looks sinful,” Draco said.
“Our conversation the other night gave me an idea and I began working on it this morning,” Harry said as he piped the cake with concentration. “It’s a champagne cream and fresh strawberry cake. Perfect for a sweet toothed oenophile!” he declared.
“Here, taste it,” he said, cutting a slice and feeding it to Draco, then popping the rest of the piece in his mouth.
“Mmmm,” they both moaned. “This is gooood! Potter, cut me another piece.”
Harry did as told and fed the piece to Draco then peered at his face for a reaction.
“Is the balance alright? Do you think the strawberries overpower the champagne? I obviously can’t give it to my regular taste tester, Scorp, so you’ll have to do,” he rambled, then saw Draco staring at him intently and blushed. “Sorry, I get carried away sometimes.”
Draco grinned. “It’s cute… You’re cute… I mean, uh, your enthusiasm...” he petered off.
Harry stared at him with an indecipherable expression, then raised his hand to wipe off a smear of cream from the corner of Draco’s lips.
Draco’s breath hitched.
Harry hoped he’d read the situation right and whispered, “I’d like to kiss you.”
Draco nodded and closed the distance between them.
“That was amazing,” Harry panted as they broke apart.
“Strawberries and champagne are my new favourite flavour,” Draco declared, drawing out a laugh from Harry, who pressed their foreheads together.
“Mine is ‘Floral Pistachio’, it most certainly is ‘the love cake’."
This is my Wheel of Drarry Exchange gift for the lovely @hbee. I hope you enjoy this ball of fluff!
A big thank you to @crazybutgood for all the valuable help! You're a star!
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