#big brother reggie
carebooks · 5 months
i’m sure someone talked about this when jatp first came out but i just rewatched it in years. (not because i forgot about it, not because i didn’t like it, but because it hurt so much to know this show wasn’t getting renewed and i had to avoid it in order to protect myself)
something i just love about the show is how they never bash on any other types of music. and each character has more than one genre of music to like.
yes, Sunset Curve was a rock band and Julie and the Phantoms are more rock indie/alternative rock band.
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but that doesn’t stop Reggie from liking country music, “I shred on the banjo,” and Jeremy Shada later on actually writing and performing “Home Is Where My Horse Is” (which I recommend heavily).
that doesn’t stop Alex from getting into Dirty Candi’s bubblegum pop music and dancing alongside Carrie on stage, (and how hard it must be for Carrie, who’s father is a rock musician, and how his fans must hate that his daughter is a fem bubblegum pop musician)
that doesn’t stop Luke from absolutely going insane over Caleb’s first performance, “The Other Side of Hollywood” with it’s 20’s era vibe and Broadway level intensity. (he was also into more classic rock as shown when he tried playing a song that Bobby/Trevor stole for Julie) (and lets not forget that he can also make the most emotional ballad of alternative rock)
and that doesn’t stop Julie from alternating between piano, rock music, pop verses, love ballads, and indie rock. and she and Flynn never once talk badly about Carrie’s music genre.
everyone can have more than one type of music they’re interested in or just show appreciation for instead of bashing it or disregarding it and i love that this show did this.
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in this house we stand for the national anthem (alex's stand tall solo) 🩷
luke | reggie | julie | the whole gang | stickers! | prints! | keychains!
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wiidoodles · 2 years
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Thinking of them 🥺 
Sorry Reggie you’re a space heater
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startledstoat · 1 year
Hc where Sirius signed every letter S.O.B. and he convinced little Reggie to start signing his stuff R.A.B. so that Sirius could deny that he was doing it just to be a little shit and then Reg never broke the habit
He did start signing stuff Regulus Black once he and Sirius no longer got along and the letter to voldy was not only the last thing he signed ever but also the first thing he'd signed R.A.B. in years
(I swear this was supposed to be fucking funny but I can never let myself stay happy when it comes to the Black brothers)
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matiisnottrash · 1 year
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"Feels like we had matching wounds, But mine's still black and bruised, And yours is perfectly fine now. . ."
I honestly cant find a happy song for them yet but ANYWAY, here Sirius and Reggie (i headcanon that is a black cat ok?) in his animagus form doing silly things
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dandelionflowery · 3 months
prompt #250 for the @marauderswithpalestineproject, anonymous, “Young Sirius and Regulus hiding under a blanket, quietly laughing together at night”
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innytoes · 2 years
Some jerk convinced the kid I’m a Big Brother/Big Sister for that Santa wasn’t real and they’re heartbroken so I need your help with an elaborate plan to make them believe again because they can’t deal with any more heartache this year for Reggie & Carlos obviously (but if you wanna throw in some side PeterPatterLina I wouldn't be mad)
I aged Carlos down, obviously, because 12 is perhaps a liiiittle old to believe in Santa.
Being a Big Brother was just about the best thing Reggie had ever done in his life. Like sure, he was part of a super awesome band, and sure, after three years of pining and Alex threatening to quit the band if they didn't get their shit together he finally asked Luke out. But that was all personal stuff. This was for like, the greater good.
Carlos was the coolest, funniest little dude, and Reggie loved him to death. His aunt had signed him up after his mother died, and he'd been paired with Reggie because they both liked music, pizza, and Ghost Files. Even if Reggie was a total Shaniac and Carlos was a Boogara.
He took Carlos out for ice cream, to the arcade, and helped with his homework (well, helped with his math homework, at least. Thank god Carlos' dad knew about the other stuff, but apparently math had Changed and Mister Molina was Big Mad about it). He dragged Carlos to band practice after getting permission from Mister Molina. He’d promised the other guys were all big giant nerds who happened to play music, not scary sex-drugs-rock-and-roll rock stars. Mister Molina had laughed at that. He seemed like a good dude.
They had long talks about all kinds of stuff, from the ridiculous (ghosts, not real. Bigfoot? Totally real!) to the serious (Chad Whitman is a racist little douchebag and you shouldn't listen to him, also please don't tell your dad or your aunt where you learned the word douchebag.) Carlos knew he could come to Reggie with anything, and he'd never ever laugh or blow him off.
So when he asked Reggie in tears if Santa was real, Reggie was a little flummoxed. They hadn't covered this in the Big Brother Handbook. He teased the story out of Carlos, about how Jaedynn McKenzie from the school bus had told him Santa wasn't real and that he probably wasn't going to get any presents this year anyway because his mom was dead and everyone knew moms did the presents.
He'd managed to calm Carlos down, saying of course Jaedynn McKenzie's mom had to buy his presents and pretend they were from Santa, because he was on the Naughty List for sure.
"She probably gets up suuuper early to hide all the coal he got, just so her spoiled precious baby aaaangel doesn't get hurt feeeeelings," he said, drawing out the words in a Karen™ voice, making Carlos laugh.
After he'd dropped Carlos off and gave Mister Molina a quick heads up, and Alex had talked him down from finding and punching a sixth grader, he sat down with Luke and concocted a Plan. Because this wasn't going to stand. Sure, Mister Molina was probably going to make sure Carlos got lots of cool presents from Santa, but that wouldn't take away the niggling doubt.
The plan was simple. They were going to go to Carlos' house on Christmas Eve, climb up on the roof, and give him something to believe in. Bobby helped them make something with broomsticks that would sound like reindeer hooves on the roof, and Alex swore he wouldn't help with their stupid plan but got them the Santa Costume from his attic anyway.
He and Luke met up at the studio at midnight, getting everything ready. They decided Luke would be the one to dangle from the roof in front of the window, since he had the Arm Muscles to do so. Reggie would hold on to the rope and make the reindeer noises.
Getting on the Molina roof was pretty easy. Of course, they both had a lot of experience with sneaking out. Reggie found what he was pretty sure was Carlos' window, and they got to work. Jingling some bells, clip-cloppy hooves on the roof, and big booted footsteps. Then, Reggie tied the rope to the chimney, and gently lowered Luke down.
"Ho ho OH MY GOD Reggie she has a knife!" Luke shrieked, which was not the line. Reggie dropped the rope in his fright, and Luke dropped down the extra foot and a half, rolling off the roof in front of the dormer and landing with an ‘oof!’ on the roof of the back porch.
"Luke!" Reggie whisper-shouted, leaning over the edge of the dormer window. Below him, Luke was thankfully getting up, and then a head popped out of the window which was decidedly not Carlos. Long curly black hair, a fierce glare and oh yep that was a knife.
"Reggie?" Julie, Carlos' older sister asked incredulously. "What the hell are you doing?"
"We were trying to give Carlos a visit from Santa," he said, thankful when she lowered the knife. "He's already been through so much this year, I wasn't going to let stupid Jaedynn McKenzie ruin this for him too."
Julie's face crumpled, and her eyes filled with tears. Oh no. He and Luke shared a look of panic. "That's so stupid," she said wetly, laughing through her tears. "And sweet." She pushed the window open a little further, leaning out as Reggie slid down to the edge next to it. He helped Luke clamber back up, and he pulled his itchy beard down to give her a sheepish smile.
"Um, Julie, this is my boyfriend, Luke," Reggie said. They'd only really talked once, at one of Carlos' baseball games. She seemed really cool, even though she was also obviously struggling with her mom's death. She was also very pretty when she wasn’t threatening people with a knife. "Luke, this is Carlos' sister, Julie."
"Um, hi. Thanks for not stabbing Santa," Luke said awkwardly.
Julie snorted. "Carlos' room is over there," she said, pointing to another set of windows. Also, he sleeps like the dead," she said. "Give me five minutes, I'll go wake him up and tell him I heard something."
She gave Reggie a firm but cute glare. "Don't drop Santa this time."
"Yes boss," they both said.
In the end, Carlos got The Magic Of Christmas back, and Luke and Reggie got to hang out on the roof and eat the cookies they'd left out for Santa, talking to Julie until the night sky started to lighten.
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ellecdc · 3 months
✋🏻 i have a request
so i’m a loudmouth, a D1 yapper if you will. could you maybe please write something with a yapper reader who just gets quiet and flustered in regulus’s presence?
like she’ll be going on about the randomest thing and regulus walks by and her mouth snaps shut and her face gets bright red.
hiiiii! I decided to pair this with two anonymous requests for our dear reggie too! prompt 2: I was thinking maybe a Potter! Reader who is in the same year as Regulus and has a huge crush on him, she just kind of watches him from a distance, here comes James and Sirius noticing and they try to set her up with Reggie prompt 3: I was wondering if I could get a regulus x reader where regulus is like close to the marauders and then Reggie gains like a crush on reader and the marauders find out and like kinda spy on them but like not well and maybe it ends in Reggie asking reader out
Regulus Black x Potter!reader who has a 'big fat crush' on Reggie
CW: sibling squabbles, this was hard for me to write for some reason so I'm sorry if it reads awkwardly!
“I’m just saying, if you didn’t want your essay to go up in flames, maybe you should have spent less time talking about which of your classmates were ‘filthy blood traitors’, and more time making sure I couldn’t point my wand at your parchment, you know?” You asked rhetorically as James and Sirius roared with laughter. 
“How far along was he in his essay?” Peter asked with a low chuckle before taking another bite of his lunch.
“Oh, he was done. He probably should have handed it in instead of running his mouth.” You said with a proud smirk as your brother roughly patted you on the back, letting out another bark of laughter. 
“I would have paid good money to see the look on his face.” Sirius said as he wiped fake tears away from under his eyes. 
“Find me a pensieve, Black, and I’ll show you.” You offered with a wink before remembering something.  “Oh! James, I meant to tell you; I heard from Janey who heard from Cromwell who heard from Collins whose sister works at Honeydukes that they’re having a sale on those caramel sugar quills that-”
“-Lily likes so much!” James finished for you. “My hero! Thank you!” He said as he pressed a sloppy kiss to the side of your head.
You feigned disgust and rubbed it off before continuing. “If you want, I can ask Janey to ask Cromwell to ask Collins to ask his sister to put some aside for you?”
“I’d owe you my life.” He responded solemnly. 
“Chocolate frogs will suffice.” 
“Consider it done.” 
“I’d like chocolate frogs too, Prongs.” Remus offered then.
“What have you done to help me win over the girl of my dreams, Moony?” James countered. 
“I’ve not told her about the time you screamed like an ickle little first year when you found Fenwick’s toad in your shoe.” Remus replied plainly.
“Why do they have to have warts!?” James groaned miserably as he remembered his toad assault. 
“The bumps aren’t actually warts, Jamie; they’re glands. They contain a toxin that they will secrete if they feel threatened.” You explained.
James blinked at you owlishly before shaking his head in disgust. “That doesn’t make me feel any better.” 
“Hello, Sirius.” Regulus’ voice interrupted then, standing stiffly behind Sirius as he looked around the group of you. “Lupin, Pettigrew…Potter’s.” 
“‘Sup, Reggie?” Sirius responded easily.
“‘Lo, baby Black! What brings you to the red side of the Great Hall?” James asked then, earning him a glare from the younger Black brother.
“Don’t call me that.”
“Well that just makes me want to call you that even more.” James admitted.
“What brings you to the Gryffindor table?” Remus repeated with a knowing smirk.
“Can’t I just come say hello to my brother?” He asked defensively. 
“You could, but would you?” Sirius asked sceptically then.
Sirius and Regulus stared at each other in silence before Regulus finally sighed. 
“Potter, erm… Y/N, I was wondering if you’ve finished Professor Sprout’s essay about the proper propagation of venomous tentacula’s?” 
At the following silence, James turned to notice you staring at Regulus in what appeared to be abject horror before you slowly nodded your head. 
“How, uhm… how many feet of parchment did it end up being?” Regulus continued awkwardly; his eyes flitting between you and his brother. 
The group watched as you opened your mouth a few times only to close it again - not unlike some socially awkward fish - before clearing your throat. 
“Erm…I think it’s about four feet.”
Regulus seemed relieved by your answer and nodded in understanding. “Good, mine is about that as well.”
James looked between his friends, his sister, and his best friend’s little brother after a few moments when it became clear that no one was going to say anything else.
“Was…was that all, Regulus?” Peter asked then, clearly agreeing with James that lunch had quickly become painfully awkward. 
Regulus seemed to look at you first, only responding when you kept your gaze down at the wood grain of the table. 
“I suppose so. I’ll see you lot around.” 
And with that, the Slytherin boy hurried back to his side of the Great Hall.
James’ eyes only left Regulus’ form when he heard a miserable groan escape your lips as you let your head fall to the table with a thunk.
“What the fuck was that?” Sirius and James questioned at the same time.
“I’ve gotta go.” You muttered miserably as you gathered your bag and stood from the Gryffindor bench.
“Where?!” James called after you. 
“To run away with the fucking centaurs at this point!” You called back before disappearing through the doors. 
“Since when does Regulus come to say hi to you, Pads?” Peter asked then, still watching Regulus from across the hall who now had his eyes glued to the door. 
Sirius, who up until that point looked just as bemused as Peter did, had a look of understanding dawn on his face. 
“Merlin’s beard.” He hissed as he smacked James in the arm from across the table.
“Ow! What? What? Why are you hitting me?” James called as he rubbed his arm protectively. 
“When was the last time you saw Y/N be reduced to awkward silence?” He asked then.
“At mum and dads fundraising gala when that wizard from Witch Weekly attended.” James answered quickly; knowing that one of his sister’s greatest strengths was her ability to talk (especially when it helped get them all out of trouble). “Though she’s been doing it an awful lot lately.”
“Like when you coerced Regulus into joining us at the Three Broomsticks last weekend.” Remus offered.
James nodded. “And when I made her come with me to scout the Ravenclaw vs. Slytherin game last Monday.” 
“And when Regulus just happened to be looking for a Herbology textbook when she was studying in the Herbology section of the library.” Remus continued.
“Godric’s balls.” Peter breathed out, looking towards Sirius incredulously. “You’re not suggesting-”
“-that our littlest Potter has a big fat crush on the littlest Black? I sure am.” Sirius said smugly. 
“I don’t think she’s the only one with a ‘big fat crush’.” Remus added, nodding towards Regulus who was chewing aggressively on his lip, still looking in the direction you just went.
“Oh my Godric.” James hissed as he turned towards Sirius excitedly. “Oh my Godric, Pads! We’d be real life actual brother’s-in-law!” 
“I’m going to walk Reggie down the aisle.” Sirius added wistfully as he clutched at his chest. 
“Merlin and Morgana. They can’t even make it through a sodding conversation; stop planning their wedding.” Remus muttered as he turned a page in his book. 
James let out an incredibly dramatic gasp as he looked at Remus. “You’re right. We have to do something!” 
“What do you say, boys? Up for some mischief for the greater good?” Sirius asked with a perfectly arched eyebrow. 
“Operation turn Potter Black!” James cheered to the group, causing the three boys to look at him in various levels of bemusement and discomfort.
“Erm, Prongs…” Peter started.
“Absolutely fucking not.” Remus added.
“We can’t call it that.” Sirius agreed. 
“We’ll circle back to it.” James said as he stood from the table.
Sirius shared a slightly panicked look with the other two Marauders before standing as well. “No…no James, we really can’t call it that.” 
“It’ll be a placeholder until you guys think of something better!”
“Anything would be better.” Peter whined as they all trailed out of the Great Hall in the name of mischief. 
。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+*゚
“Quick! You’ve got to see what we’ve planned.” James had said to you as he grabbed you roughly by your arm outside of Transfiguration and hauled you in the direction of the library.
You allowed him to nearly drag you through the courtyard and into the central haul; apologising to students that you nearly collided with in his haste. 
“But…what did McLaggen do? Why are you pranking him?” You asked breathlessly as the two of you made it to the library doors.
“The bloke’s a prick, Trouble, do keep up.” Sirius called as you met up with him. 
The two boys ushered you through stacks of books towards the end of the library that held private study rooms when Remus and Peter materialised from a row of shelves.
“He’s coming!” Peter squeaked as Remus quickly redirected the three of you. 
“That way, quickly.” 
Knowing better than to question Remus, you allowed James to guide you by the shoulder towards one of the private study rooms in order to hide from McLaggen as he walked into their trap. 
Except no sooner had Sirius opened the door did James bodily shove you into the room before they slammed the door behind you.
“Wha- James!” You shouted as you heard him cast a locking charm and a muffliato around the door. 
“What are they up to now?” A tired voice sounded from behind you.
You squeezed your eyes shut as you realised what they had done, praying to every deity that the voice didn’t belong who you thought it belonged to. 
But of course, the deities didn’t give a bowtruckles arse about you, so you turned on the spot to see Regulus Black sitting at the end of the table looking at you with a sceptical expression and one perfectly arched brow. 
Godric, he was beautiful.
“Making my life hell.” You answered despondently. 
Regulus offered you a tight lipped smile as he nodded in understanding. “Ah, so, regular brother stuff then?”
You breathed out a chuckle as you nodded, trying once more at the door before giving up in your efforts to escape. 
“What did you do to get yourself locked in a room with me?” He asked then, fiddling with the tomes and notes in front of him.
“Had the audacity to be born into the Potter family, I guess.” You muttered.
Regulus made a non-committal sound as he considered you. “I’m sure a lot of people would have loved the honour.”
Your face softened as you looked at the Slytherin boy. “I know they’ve asked you already, but you should come, you know? I know Sirius would love it if you did, and my parents would too.” 
Regulus nodded slowly at you, though he never moved his gaze from your eyes. “I wouldn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable.”
Regulus smiled ruefully then. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t get the impression that you like me very much.”
You stood there with your mouth agape like some mute opera singer. “Okay, I’ll correct you then; you’re very wrong Regulus Black.”
“Oh, I’m very wrong, am I?” 
“Horribly so, I’m afraid; I can’t believe you’d even say such a thing.” You continued haughtily; finally sitting down in a chair across from him. 
“Well, you see, everyone is always telling me how much of a chatterbox you are, yet you never seem too keen on chatting with me. In fact, I’m pretty sure you’ve exchanged more words with Mulciber at this point.” He teased.
“The most I ever talk to Mulciber is to tell him to go fuck himself!”
A divot formed between his brows as he tilted his head in confusion. “Is that not just your love language? I’ve heard you say the exact same thing to Potter and my brother.” 
You narrowed your eyes at him as you leaned back in your chair. “Touche” 
Regulus smirked at you then. “So, why don’t you talk to me?”
You let out a heaving sigh and looked to the ceiling. 
You were trapped, and you knew why you were trapped, and you figured there was no use in pretending that you didn’t. 
“I suppose I find you a little…nerve wracking.” You settled for, figuring that telling him you thought he was so handsome that even standing within his vicinity seemed to short circuit not only your brain but somehow your entire nervous system would perhaps be a little much. 
“Oh good.” He responded, sounding truly relieved by your answer. “I thought it was only me.”
What? You thought stupidly.
“What?” You asked stupidly. 
“I find you a little nerve wracking too.” He responded.
“Why?” You nearly shrilled before remembering yourself and feeling immediately embarrassed for your theatrics.
“Well, I suppose for the same reasons you find me nerve wracking?” Regulus offered. “You’re really quite pretty, Y/N.” 
You swear to all of the gods that your brain made an audible record scratch sound at that moment as you tried to compute what he had said to you. 
He called you pretty, that much went without interpretation. But did he just insinuate that he knew you thought he was pretty?
“You do know that, right?” He asked, shaking you from your internal spiralling. 
“Know what?”
Regulus smirked then. “That you’re pretty?”
You scoffed and crossed your arms petulantly. “Of course I knew that; I just wasn’t aware that you did, too.” 
“Ah,” He started with a smile. “My apologies, I’ll make it more obvious that I find you attractive going forward.”
“Thank you.” You huffed.
“You’re very welcome.”
The two of you allowed a semi-comfortable silence to lap as he continued watching you and you continued looking anywhere else but him.
“So,” He interrupted eventually. “What now?” 
You tapped your arms in thought. “Now I figure out how to get back at my meddlesome brother.” 
Regulus hummed as he nodded his head. “I’m sure you’ll think of something.”
“Yeah…hey, do you happen to know where I could find a toad or two?”
“Yes, actually. I’m quite certain Evan and Barty are breeding some in the dungeons.” He answered with a look of ill-hidden discomfort at the thought.
“Do you think they’d let me borrow some?”
“Well that depends; would they be used for chaos and/or destruction?”
“Yes.” You responded quickly.
“Oh, well then absolutely.” He quipped back.
He smiled and held your gaze before leaning on his arms against the table. “How about this? I’ll ask Barty and Evan for some of their toads, if you go to Hogsmeade with me next weekend.”
You narrowed your eyes as you pretended to think about it before extending your hand across the table. “Deal.”
He shook your hand as he offered you a crooked smile before leaning back into his seat.
The door popped open just enough for your brother to poke his traitorous head in. “Are you guys in love yet?”
He barely had time to pull his head out of the frame and shut the door as you hurled your book bag at him; the blunt force instrument you had hoped would at the very least incapacitate your brother simply thudding against the wall before falling to the ground in a sad heap.
“You know he’s just going to keep you locked in here longer for that, right?” Regulus asked you then.
You made a non-committal sound as you settled back into your chair. “Perhaps that isn't such a bad thing.”
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raphael-angele · 2 months
Growth Spurt
1st year Baby Reggie: *4'8 and struggling to put his bag on the overhead bin*
2nd year Big Brother Sirius: Here, let me. *5'6 and puts the bag on the bin no problem* There you go.
Baby Reggie: Thanks, Siri.
Sirius: Aww, anything for my baby Reggie *cuddles him*
5th year Sirius: *struggling to reach a book on the shelf*
4th year Regulus: Let me get that *gets the book no problem*
Sirius: *5'8* ...
Regulus: *5'10* Here.
Sirius: Prongs, what the fuck have you been feeding my baby brother?!?!
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moonstruckme · 2 months
hi author !!! if it is okay with you i wanna request a fic in the same universe as the Big Brother!Sirius one where in reader gets a (secret) boyfriend and then they break up or whatever u want i just want hurt/comfort 🥹
Thanks for requesting <3
big brother!Sirius + little sister!reader ♡ 996 words
When you hear the door to your dorm open, you assume it’s one of your roommates or Regulus coming to shame you for missing dinner, but then your mattress shifts with the weight of someone else sitting down and a familiar teasing voice says, “If you’re dead under there, everyone’s going to think it was me.” 
You peep your eyes out from under the covers. “How did you get in here?” 
Sirius isn’t even looking at you. He’s making himself comfortable at the end of your bed, both legs crossed under him and hair falling in his face as he unwraps dishes and utensils. 
“Reggie let me in. He seemed to think you might need some company.” 
“He’s such a narc,” you grumble. 
Your brother only snickers. “Sit up, I brought you dinner.” 
You’d much rather stay under the covers, but know Sirius would only wrestle you into an upright position anyway. He always gets his way. 
“Yikes.” He makes a face as you sit up, revealing your bedhead and swollen eyes. “You’re having a rough one, huh?” 
“Shut up.” You glower at him and take the plate. “It’s not that bad.” 
Despite your grumbling, a bit of vulnerability sneaks into your tone. Sirius softens.
“No, it’s not,” he agrees, reaching forward to brush a piece of hair away from your face. “We’re always pretty; it’s in the genes.” 
You can’t help the small smile that fights its way onto your face. This is exactly the sort of thing your older brother would say when Regulus was twelve and sulking over getting his first pimple or when you nearly broke down in tears trying to style your hair. Despite his tomfoolery and general ridiculousness, Sirius’ levity actually provided a voice of reason in your family, reminding his siblings and cousins that things weren’t always so dire. 
“Thanks for bringing dinner,” you say.
“No problem,” Sirius replies softly, as though worried his gentle tone will be overhead and his rapscallion’s repute thusly destroyed. “Is it good enough that you’ll tell me what’s gotten you so upset?”
You blink at him in surprise. “Reg didn’t say?” 
Sirius’ mouth twists, dissatisfied. “He didn’t. I guess I would’ve been more likely to find out if I’d just pretended I already knew, huh?” 
That makes you chuckle. “Probably, yeah.” 
“Well, come on. Now you’ve gotta tell me.” 
You feel your shoulders hunch inwards. “Do I really have to?”
“Yes.” Your brother’s voice is firm, but his eyes are hopeful. 
You want to tell him, you find. You don’t suppose any harm can come from it now. 
You eye him carefully. “I broke up with my boyfriend.” 
Sirius’ eyes pop. He nearly topples your plate leaning forward, like you’re back in your childhood beds trading secrets. “You were dating someone?” 
“I was.” You can’t quite look at him, focussing on cutting your meal into small bites. “Or I thought I was. It doesn’t matter. I’m definitely not now.” 
“Wha—how did I not know about this?” 
“Because obviously I’m not going to talk about my dating life with my brother,” you huff a laugh down into your lap, and you swear you can feel the force of Sirius’ eye roll burning into the top of your head. “No one really knew. He wanted to keep it private.” 
Sirius tilts his head, slotting a piece of his hair behind his ear. “Private in an avoid-the-gossip-mill way or private in a dirty-secret way?” 
You close your eyes, shame curdling in your gut. Even your idiot brother knows enough to be suspicious of something like that. Maybe if you’d told him all those weeks ago, you wouldn’t be where you are now.
“In the second way,” you admit in a whisper. “I, um, sort of assumed it was because of the first, and I liked the idea of keeping things private too, but it turned out he had other reasons.” 
You try to take another bite of food, but it feels soggy and unappetizing in your mouth. You set your plate aside. 
“What happened?” Sirius asks. 
Your face feels miserably hot. “He just didn’t like me as much as I liked him. He didn’t want his friends to know.” Tears burn in your eyes, and when you try to speak again they show up in your voice, too. “I feel really stupid.” 
“Oh, sweetheart.” Sirius sits up on his knees, bending over you to fold you into a hug. His hand presses reassuringly between your shoulder blades, and you let out a little sob. “That doesn’t make you stupid, it only makes him a prat.”
You hug him tightly. “I just feel so silly being upset when he probably doesn’t even care.” 
“You are being silly,” he chastises, but there’s fondness in your brother’s tone. “Of course he cares. He may not be regretting things right now, but I’d bet ten galleons he will be by the end of the month. Trust me, babe, boys are idiots. We don’t know how to act, we almost never know what we want, and we’re ten times more likely to fuck something up if it’s important to us. Just ask Remus.” 
Your laugh is a soggy thing. Sirius rubs your back encouragingly. 
“So, what’s the sod’s name?” 
“Oh, no way.” You laugh even harder, pulling out of the hug to wipe under your eyes. “I’m not telling you.” 
“What?” Sirius throws up his hands. “But we were doing so well!” 
“I’ve handled it, Sirius. I don’t want you to go and turn his skin green or make him sprout nose hairs down to his chin.” 
A giddy grin. “That’s actually not a bad idea. Does Regulus know who it is?” 
You fix him with your sternest stare. Most other people would soil their pants, but because he’s your older brother, Sirius only raises a brow. “If he did, he wouldn’t tell you.” 
“That’s alright.” He steals a roll off your plate, biting into it insouciantly. “I’ll find out.” 
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poetskings · 3 months
@jegulus-microfic | June 12: challenge | 1.8k
Regulus gets a date.
Regulus Black doesn’t date.
He’s notorious on campus for not taking anyone up on offers of dates, dismissing them without even really considering them. And it’s not like he doesn’t get offers; with his raven curls and storm-tinted eyes, he’s a certifiable catch.
There are rumours about it, as there always will be; that he’s secretly engaged, or that he’s sworn off dating, but no one can figure out exactly why it is that Regulus Black doesn’t date.
He’s been here three years and still hasn’t gone on a single date, to the point where it’s become a challenge for final years; the first person to take Regulus on a date wins.
It started with Barty Crouch in first year; they were sat next to each other in their Approaches to History course, mindlessly working their way through a ‘get to know your partner’ exercise when Barty blurted out the question that would come to define Regulus Black for the first time.
‘Do you want to go out sometime?’
Regulus let out a bark of laughter, only shaking his head before turning back to the sheet of paper and asking Barty for a fun fact about himself.
The two ended up attached at the hip, but they’ve both clarified that there’s nothing romantic between them; solidified when Barty started dating Evan Rosier at the start of their second year.
There were rumours about why Regulus rejected Barty; of course there were, but then it happened to Emmeline Vance, and again to Kingsley Shacklebolt, and twice is a coincidence but three times is a pattern and people started to catch onto the fact that Regulus Black didn’t date.
Once a pattern was established, people got more persistent – who would be the person to take Regulus on a date? – but the rejections persisted, all through second and third year.
There are only a handful of people left on campus who haven’t asked Regulus out, but chief among them is James Potter.
And look, it’s not like he doesn’t want to. He’s spent the past three years watching Regulus get prettier and smarter and more aloof and he wants, but there’s the small matter of Sirius Black, Regulus’ older brother and James’ best friend.
So he watches from afar as Regulus sits on the green with Evan and Dorcas, laughing at something Evan’s said, head thrown back and long line of his neck exposed. A second-year approaches the trio, twisting his hands nervously, and James knows what’s about to happen, but he watches anyway.
The second-year shuffles on his feet a bit, head down as he mumbles out what can only be a request for a date. Regulus only shakes his head, muttering yet another rejection and turning back to Dorcas, not even bothering to watch the second-year walk away.
James bites back a smile, the same way he always does when Regulus rejects someone. And it’s not like he has a chance, but it’s nice to be able to delude himself into thinking he does.
He’s drawn out of his daydreaming by a slap to the back of his head.
‘Ow, Pads, what the fuck was that for?!’ James exclaims, rubbing his head where Sirius struck.
‘You were stuck in your own world somewhere and I’m bored,’ he gripes, and James can only roll his eyes affectionately.
‘Fine, what do you want from me today?’ James asks, turning away from the younger Black to focus on his older brother instead.
‘You saw Regulus rejecting that second-year right?’ Sirius asks, shifting to sit cross-legged across from James.
‘I think we all saw that – what’s your point?’
‘Reggie still won’t tell me why he doesn’t date, so I want you to ask him out to figure out why it is that he rejects everyone,’ Sirius states, like it’s obvious, like it’s no big deal.
James freezes for a moment, trying to process the fact that Sirius has just asked James to ask Regulus out.
He’s wanted this for far too long and Sirius is just going to hand it to him, like it means nothing.
‘Shit, Pads, are you sure you don’t just want to watch me get rejected?’ James cocks an eyebrow, trying to bring some normalcy back to the situation.
‘Jaaaaaames,’ he drawls, ‘I just want to know why Reggie doesn’t date, and I’m sure he’d at least tell you his reasoning when he rejects you.’
James sighs, muttering out a hesitant ‘fine.’
‘So? When are you going to ask?’ Sirius is basically bouncing where he sits, and James knows that he’s not patient, and Sirius wants James to ask Regulus now, but shit, James has wanted to ask Regulus out for three years, and he’s never been one to half-ass things, so he’s going to do this right.
‘Give me a week, yeah?’ He turns back to his books, trying to re-focus on his essay preparation. He can feel Sirius’ eyes boring into him, but he refuses to look up.
‘Yeah, alright then, Prongs.’
And that’s the end of that.
James spends the next week planning out how best to ask Regulus on a date. He knows that Regulus doesn’t like a public spectacle, and that he spends most of his time in the library. He knows that Regulus is on the university archery team, and trains for that three days a week. He knows that Regulus likes old books and older music and loves the charity shop a ten-minute walk away from campus.
He knows all this but he doesn’t know how to ask Regulus Black out.
The days pass and James is nervous; his self-imposed deadline is fast approaching and he still doesn’t know what to do. He decides to go to From the Ground Up, figuring that caffeine will help clear his head. It’s a short walk; only ten minutes, and James needs the fresh air.
The coffee shop is a home away from home, ambient jazz playing in the background, accompanying the sounds of keyboards clacking as students work on seminar notes. James greets Pandora, the barista he’s become familiar with, before ordering his usual; a strawberry frappe with caramel syrup and whipped cream.
He zones out while Pandora makes his drink; the sounds of the machines a comforting background tune, taking his drink as she slides it across the counter and slurping shamelessly.
‘Got enough sugar there, Potter?’
And shit, there he is, and it’s too soon and James isn’t prepared. He chokes on his drink, strawberry frappe streaming out of his nose and it wasn’t supposed to go like this.
He struggles to clean himself while also holding his drink, and he’s sure there’s drool on his chin and frappe spilling out of the glass and this is a mess. He’s flustered and he can’t think straight and Regulus is right there and-
There’s a hand on his chin and James’ brain stops.
Regulus takes the frappe, placing it on the counter before moving to wipe James’ face off, his chin still held in Regulus’ hands as he runs the napkin over his mouth and James can’t stop staring.
Regulus is treating him like he’s something special, something breakable, and the words are out before James has fully registered them.
‘Willyougoonadatewithme?’ It comes out jumbled and far too fast and there’s a flush creeping up James’ neck and this wasn’t how he wanted to ask Regulus; he wanted it to be perfect but he’s covered in strawberry frappe and he’s making such a mess-
‘Okay James, I’ll go on a date with you.’ Regulus smiles softly, and James thinks his world shifts on its axis, realigning itself to orbit around Regulus Black.
‘Oh, that’s- I mean- um, that’s- thanks.’ James is malfunctioning, splitting apart at the seams, because Regulus Black said yes.
The boy in question chuckles softly, moving the napkin away from James’ face and taking his hand instead, despite the fact that it’s covered in frappe.
‘Let’s get you cleaned up, and then we can discuss this date,’ Regulus says, guiding James to the bathroom, and James is powerless to do anything other than follow him, nodding dumbly.
It’s soft and tender and James has never been looked at like this before. He’s half-convinced that this is a fever dream, that Regulus Black would never say yes to a date with him, let alone when he’s covered in strawberry frappe.
Regulus draws his hands over to the sink, running the tap and cleaning in between his fingers with so much care that doesn’t quite know how to process.
It feels like the start of something much bigger than James could have imagined; something that will consume him whole.
He thinks he’ll let it.
‘Why did you say yes to me? You’ve got a reputation, you know, and I didn’t think you’d say yes,’ He mumbles, because Regulus said yes to him, and he can’t quite wrap his head around that.
‘Oh, I was waiting for you to ask,’ Regulus says, like it’s obvious, like it’s no big deal.
James feels too big for his skin, feels like he’s going to explode, feels too much, but Regulus is still holding his hand and looking at him like he’s the only person in the universe and James has never wanted something so badly.
‘Can I kiss you,’ he blurts out, and Regulus blooms, a blush painting his cheeks a delicate pink as a smile draws itself across his face.
‘I was waiting for you to ask that, too.’ James is a goner, helpless to do anything other than press his lips to Regulus’.
It’s not what he had in mind; they’re in a coffee shop bathroom and James is still covered in strawberry frappe but Regulus’ lips are soft and he tastes like black coffee and his hands are winding into the hair at the nape of his neck, tugging softly, and James wants to stay here forever.
They break apart and it could have been seconds or minutes or hours or days but James can only think of Regulus; his entire universe narrowed down to a focal point in Regulus Black’s eyes.
They go on their first date later that day; James follows Regulus round his favourite charity shop, and he still smells of strawberry frappe but Regulus is talking to him about the importance of sustainable fashion and he thinks it’s perfect anyway.
They tell Sirius that evening, and he threatens James and threatens Regulus but he can’t hide the grin on his face, and they both know he loves them, and is happy for them.
They hold hands on campus the next week. The rumour mill responds accordingly, asking how James Potter of all people got lucky enough to secure a date with undateable Regulus Black.
Turns out that Regulus Black does date. He was just waiting for James Potter to ask him out.
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ecstarry · 4 months
@jegulus-microfic / rank / 705 words / game of truth or dare goes wrong, or not?
“Trust me Sirius, you will regret this,” Regulus whispered in his brother’s ears as everyone around them cheered for the next game. 
“I’m your big brother, I will never regret embarrassing you.” Sirius took Regulus by the shoulders and made him sit on a chair in the middle of the circle. It was the first party where both Sirius’ group of friends and Regulus’ were hanging out, it was Dorcas and Marlene’s idea now that they were dating. 
“The game is really easy, you take a drop of veritaserum, and someone gets to ask a question. Got it?” Everyone around the room hummed in confirmation as Regulus drank his dose of the potion. His eyes met James’ across the room, his boyfriend tried to conceal his nervousness with a smile. If their friends were smarter, Regulus was sure they would’ve picked up on their relationship by now, without the need of a veritaserum. 
First, they went through the normal round of questions just to make sure that the potion was working. No more than three questions in and Sirius decided it was time for the actual fun.
“Do I actually embarrass you, Reggie?” Sirius teased, but he was clearly eager for the answer. 
“No, you’re my favorite person and I love you.” A round of loud ‘awwws’ echoed in the room. “Oh shut up, and just ask another question,” Regulus blurted out. 
He immediately regretted it as he saw Barty’s mind clearly plotting something. 
“Okay, I have one. Dear Regulus, would you be so kind as to rank your best kisses?”
“Ew! NO!” Sirius quickly protested. 
From the corner of his eye, Regulus could tell how the question made James' heart race. This was not how they had planned to tell everyone they were dating. 
“Shhh! I want to know,” Remus insisted.
“I don’t! Knowing you two kissed when you did perfect rounds together is all the information I need about the matter!” Sirius was hysterical. 
“Just answer the question Reg, start with the third place,” Barty instructed. 
Regulus tried to fight the truth, this truly was the last way he wanted his brother and friends to know he had been dating Gryffindor’s golden boy. He once again searched for James’ eyes, and James was already looking at him, so lovingly. His boyfriend mouthed the words ‘it’s okay’, so Regulus took a deep breath and answered. 
“Fine. Third place would be Evan.”
“Quite the kisser you are too, love.” Evan blew him a kiss in response and everyone started laughing and commenting. 
“Shhh, I want to know who is in second place,” Dorcas intercepted. 
“Sirius, don’t hate me,” Regulus said as he closed his eyes and fought once more the words that were about to come out. “Second one is Rem-”
“I’M LEAVING!” Sirius announced loudly as he got up. 
“Sirius, don’t be dramatic, don’t you want to know who is actually first?” Remus said, trying to distract him. 
“Don’t worry, it’s me,” Barty said with an immense amount of confidence. 
“Ugh, it couldn’t get worse I guess,” Sirius mumbled as he sat on Remus’ lap. “If you say James I will fucking kill you, Regulus.”
Regulus' eyes widened and a violent blush crept from his neck towards his cheeks, without thinking he snapped his head towards James who was the same shade of crimson as him. Fuck. His reaction had been too noticeable. Everyone around had caught it, especially Sirius. 
“Regulus! Say right now that James does not have the first place in your fucking kissing list!”
“He does…”
The room erupted in a million loud voices laughing, screaming and questions aimed at both him and James. 
When did this happen!? 
How am I not on your list!?
Are you dating!?
Or are you fucking!?
Regulus began feeling dizzy and overwhelmed, he got up the chair to try to breathe but felt his legs falter. He felt familiar hands, calloused hands, warm hands steady him. James.
“It’s okay, baby,” James assured him as his arms wrapped around Regulus’ waist. 
James’ voice brought him back to reality, he saw Sirius approaching and couldn’t help the words that left his mouth with a laugh, “I told you so.”
They never played with veritaserum again.
more microfics here
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my-castles-crumbling · 6 months
Platonic Kissing (Jegulus's Version)
I got a request for a Jegulus version of this microfic so here you go!
She'd threatened to do it, but he hadn't believed her. He really should have known better than to underestimate Pandora Rosier. Because now, in the middle of a party, he was having a full-blown panic attack.
"Kiss Reggie," she'd dared James Potter, eyes wide and innocent.
And Regulus wanted to kill her.
Because now, Sirius was gagging and Barty and Evan were cat-calling, and James was shrugging like it was no-big-fucking-deal, and Regulus was seeing his entire life flash behind his eyes.
"They're friends! Friends kiss on dares!" Pandora threw at the still-gagging Sirius, rolling her eyes and winking at Regulus, but Regulus was far too distracted to care about his brother's antics.
Because how was he supposed to pretend he hated Potter while he was kissing him?
And Potter was so infuriatingly cool about it. He moved in front of Regulus slowly, like he did this every day, meanwhile Regulus felt like he was going to burst.
You can do this, he thought, trying to calm himself. Friends can kiss. This will be...friend-kissing. Nothing more.
So when James leaned forward and Regulus's breath caught in his throat, he tried desperately to stay collected. To not react at all when their lips touched. Even though the slight pressure of those soft, smooth, kissable lips on his was sending sparks through his brain and down his spine. Even though he wanted to groan with the contact.
He refused to move. Friends didn't react when they kissed, after all. They...just kissed and were done. Right?
So why was James still there? Why was he pulling Regulus closer? Why was he- he was- oh, fuck.
He was sure it was James who opened his mouth first, and yet he followed suit almost instantly, allowing their tongues to swirl together.
He wants to put on a show, Regulus thought to himself. Friends...friends can joke like this.
Meanwhile, his entire chest hurt with the effort of not snaking his arms around James's neck. His hands were clenched into fists at his sides and he was very proud of himself for staying so composed, if he did say so himself.
But then James's fingers tugged just slightly at Regulus's hair, fingers laced in dark locks, and his resolve cracked so quickly and completely it was like a bomb went off.
His arms found themselves around James's neck, pulling him closer, closer, closer, lips moving into hot, open-mouthed kisses that were distinctly not friendly and not appropriate for an audience. And James was half in his lap at this point, his other hand coming to rest at Regulus's waist, squeezing in a way that made his stomach flip-flip.
It was Sirius's throat-clearing that made them jump apart, of course. And Regulus's resolve reappeared quickly, his head reeling. Did James often kiss people like that? Did he kiss his friends like that? Did- oh, Merlin- did he kiss Sirius like that?
But as he looked up at James, who was pink-cheeked and grinning, he thought that maybe James didn't kiss his friends like that.
"S'my turn," James murmured, making Regulus raise his eyebrows in confusion. "Reg...I dare you to go on a date with me."
He rolled his eyes and shoved James playfully, but he couldn't hide his smile, no matter how hard he tried.
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lesbojournals · 4 months
Poly!Marauders x Slytherin!Reader
part two here three here four here five
“Tell me why I have to go to this godforsaken Gryffindor party again?” You bugged Regulus.
He sighed in annoyance as you two roamed the halls. “Because my godforsaken Gryffindor brother is forcing me to. And if I have to go you do too.”
You rolled your eyes. “Because that’s what best friends do. Torture each other.”
You were dressed casually, black sweater hanging off of your shoulder. You wore a green crystal necklace, as well as various rings and earrings. The walk to the Gryffindor commonroom was quiet, the halls empty as you and Regulus reluctantly made your way.
“Aren’t you worried we’re going to get caught?” You continued to pester Regulus.
“No.” He answered shortly. “Sirius has got Filch’s monitoring down to a perfect science. Well, maybe not perfect, but a science nonetheless.”
You arrived to the Fat Lady’s portrait, huffing as Regulus gave the password.
As you walked inside, your sensed were overwhelmed by the bright strobe lights, loud music, and lingering scent of weed.
“Reggie!” You heard a voice call out, and you looked around to spot no one else other than Sirius Black. 
He was dressed in tight black skinny jeans and a band shirt, eyeliner smudged with a wicked smile on his face. He had his arms around his boyfriends, Remus Lupin and James Potter. Remus was dressed in his Hogwarts uniform, his white button up unbuttoned a few at the top, revealing his chest. His tie hung loosely around his neck. James was dressed in ripped jeans and a Gryffindor Quidditch sweater. All three boys had smiles on their faces, each paying attention to different things. Sirius was beckoning Regulus over, James was chugging a drink, and Remus was in a heated conversation with Lily Evans.
You tried not to grimace. Egh, Gryffindors. 
Regulus grabbed your arm as he weaved the two of you through the crowd towards his brother.
Sirius flashed you a cheeky smile as you made eye contact. “Brought another snake with you?”
“Not willingly.” You retorted. 
Regulus sighed. “You’ll get over it.” 
“Hey!” James announced rather drunkenly. “You’re in my Transfiguration class.”
You nodded, crossing your arms. “And Potions.”
That perked up Remus’ attention. “You have Potions with us?”
Before you could answer, Sirius answered. “Yea, she sits next to Snivilus.”
You let out a chuckle at the nickname for your classmate. Remus also let out a small laugh as he got up from his seat.
“She laughs?” Sirius quipped.
“On occasion.” Regulus answered before you could snap back at him.
You glanced around the party, letting the brothers bicker between each other. 
You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned to find Remus Lupin. His hair wisped over his eyes as if just swept by the wind, and his honey eyes seemed to glow under the different lights the common room had shining. You blinked a few times. 
He smiled at you, holding up a cup. “Care for a drink?”
You took the cup from him, not letting yourself smile as big as you wanted to. “What is it?”
He seemed to be looking at you in adoration. Before he could tell you, Sirius interrupted. “Think we’re trying to poison you, darling?”
Regulus quipped back. “Don’t hit on my friend, Sirius!”
“You think that was hitting on her? Please, I-”
“I think that’s enough, honey.” Remus walked forward to put his hand on Sirius’ shoulder. He huffed and leaned into Remus’ touch. You felt fire light in your chest. Were you jealous?
You took a large swig of your drink, ignoring the harsh aftertaste it left in your throat. Remus looked at you in amusement, while James looked at you impressed.
He got up and grabbed your wrist, looking into your eyes. His eyes were brown like melted chocolate. He pushed up his glasses and spoke excitedly. “Wanna do shots?”
Before you could answer, he dragged you away from the group and towards a table that had an assortment of drinks on it. The drink Remus gave you must’ve been pretty strong, because your mind had no qualms with taking shots with Gryffindor Quidditch coach James Potter. Your body was starting to feel it after two or three shots, and you allowed James to put his arm around you as he guided you back to the group.
You felt heat in your face as James proudly announced, “Little snake took shots with me!”
Regulus looked at you in shock. “I am not dragging her drunk ass back to the dungeons.”
“I’m not,” You hiccuped. “I’m not drunk, Reggie.”
He sighed and pinched his nose, then glared at Sirius for introducing you to the nickname. 
“Don’t worry, she can stay with us.” Remus suggested, taking note of how you clung to James.
Regulus nodded. “I’m out of here.”
He looked at you, grabbing your head with both of his hands to force you to make eye contact with him. “Don’t drink anymore.”
James pssh’ed and held you tighter. “Dolly can do what she wants, even if that’s more shots.”
Regulus looked at Remus for help. Remus waved him off.
“I heard that Sirius is stashing some drinks up in the dorm,” He raised his eyebrows.
“I am?” Sirius asked, getting a nudge from Remus. “Right, yea, I may or may not be.”
“Upstairs!” You demanded. “The lion’s den!!”
James snorted as he stumbled with you. “This way little snake!!”
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empress-simps · 5 months
James Potter Dating Sirius’ Younger Sister (Head Canons)
Note: These are just random stuff, it has been sitting in my notes app for a month or so? Enjoyy
Oh boy, you are in for a wild ride; just imagine all the chaos this would bring. Best believe you always have a stupid prank to worry about around the corner when your brother and boyfriend are pranksters.
You were a year younger than Sirius, being the middle child, and Regulus the youngest, it wasn’t surprising that you were kind of shunned by Walburga and Orion. You’re a girl, you cannot pass the Black family name onto your children, you were also not the heir. Luckily, big brother Sirius quickly took you under his wing and became the parent figure in your life.
You were sorted into Slytherin, along with Regulus much to your older brother’s dismay.
He threw a fucking fit and practically felt his soul leave his body the first time you told him. Sirius even went as far as tearing up and looking out the window, defeated. (And quite dramatically)
“You should’ve been a Gryffindor, Y/n! I don’t even know why the sorting hat put you in that evil house!” Sirius huffed, pouting.
“Regulus is also in the same house as me, brother.”
“Well it was quite obvious that he was meant to be a Slytherin, Regulus has a stick up his a-“
Although the Marauders mainly pranks the Slytherin students, you were an exception. How could Sirius prank his adorable little sister? You don’t deserve it! (also because James is a tad bit overprotective when it comes to you, Sirius just chalks it up as James being respectful to his younger sibling.)
“Siri, please don’t make Reggie suffer too much.” You plead to your older brother, puppy eyes activating as you heard their plans to set a nasty prank to slytherin students earlier. Sirius’ features soften, “Alright, I’ll talk to James. He’ll be the one to decide.” He pats your head, already formulating an apology for the prank he’s sure will not be cancelled.
James has been harboring feelings ever since he saw you on the train ride to Hogwarts with Sirius in his second year, so it was quite obvious what his opinion is on the matter.
Sirius randomly starts later that evening, “Prongs, Y/n was asking if you could exempt Regulus in our prank-“
“Oh don’t worry I’ll cancel it.”
Peter sputters “You’ll what?”
James looked at them “What? Let’s give them a day off.” Remus did a double take and actually sets his book down after placing his book mark. Yeah, that's how you know it's serious.
“We’ve been planning this for months-“
“Did I stutter, Wormtail?”
The hold you had on James though, seriously.
James Potter is whipped for Y/n Black.
You want some food that the house elves didn't prepare for dinner? Don't worry, James is on the case! He will run to the kitchens and bribe the house elves to make you some of your favorite dishes and what you're craving.
“What’s with the long face, princess?” Sirius asks, seeing you slump down next to him, looking quite defeated.
“Just some housemates, I couldn’t study well because of them.” You grumbled, pulling out your Herbology textbook and trying to focus.
Prongs frowned, snapping him out of his daydreams (which were probably about you.)
James want names.
Who dared interrupt his sweet girl’s (still not his girl though but we don’t talk about that) study session?!
Remus, being the observant sod he is, looks at Prongs, amusement swimming in his eyes as he takes in James’ angry and protective form.
Remus and Peter already has a hunch that Prongs fancy Padfoot’s little sister like… about a few months or so?
James doesn’t really even try to hide it, although it was one of the greatest unsolved mysteries on how Sirius still hasn’t figured it out.
“You reckon Padfoot’s just playing dumb? Even an oaf could see Prongs making heart eyes at Y/n.” Peter stated, snacking on some chocolate frogs as he sat on his bed.
Remus rolled his eyes, also sitting in his bed at their dorm room. The boys in conversation were in their quidditch practice. “He’s quite thick, I bet he wouldn’t even know until they started dating.”
“But Y/n’s innocent- doesn’t even know how lovesick James is.”
Peter was utterly wrong about that part.
You know that James likes you, although you try to ignore it, you can’t.
Because you like him back.
“Go out with me?”
You felt yourself blanch, hearing the familiar cheeky voice behind you.
You nearly broke your neck as you spun around to see James holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers while sporting a nervous smile.
“Does my brother know this?”
“Do you think I’d still be here alive when I tell him I’m utterly in love with his younger sister?”
Sirius almost busted a blood vessel when he found out.
Remus had to physically restrain him from lunging at James.
Yea sure, Sirius views James as his brother from another mother BUT BROTHER-IN-LAW?
“Bloody hell, Pads! Calm your balls down!” Remus grunts, back hugging the boy as he desperately tries to wriggle out of his mate’s grasp.
“No! Let me go, Moony! I just want to have a chat with Prongs!”
“Chat my ass! You were about to bloody knock the living daylights out of him earlier!”
It took a while for Sirius to wrap his head around how one of his brother-from-another-mother fancies his younger sibling.
He won’t lie, he felt betrayed by James for a short amount of time. He distanced himself (for a day, lol) but of course, he couldn’t stay mad at James.
Realistically speaking? James and Remus are the ones who are good enough to date you for Sirius.
“Do you love him?”
Sirius approached you one time in a random hallway. Youwere caught off guard with his question. You never saw your brother serious like that before.
“Sirius, what are you talking about?” You tried to feign innocence, but Sirius saw through that.
“James. I know he fancies you. Have you been shagging-“
You quickly clamped Sirius’ mouth with your hand, looking at your surroundings to check if anyone heard what he said.
“Salazar’s balls, brother! I still have my virtue!” You hissed, “Besides, I’m saving it for marriage.” You told him, making his tense shoulders relax.
“Atleast there’s something good that came out of those boring lectures Walburga taught us.”
“I am not a whore like you, brother.” You snickered, a playful smirk present on your face as Sirius slowly processed what you said.
“Why you little-“
It would take some adjustments for Sirius as he slowly takes in the fact that you and James started dating.
It doesnt help the fact that James always proclaims his undying love for you every chance he gets, which is every time.
Although, before he even asks you to be his girl, he talked to Sirius first, asking for his blessing.
Who is Sirius to deny his little sister and Prong’s happiness?
“I just love her so much…” James sighs dreamily, watching you from the Gryffindor table as you ate in silence beside Regulus, who was uncomfortable and tries to shield you from James’ looks (which he finds creepy).
Sirius can feel his eye twitch.
“Can you stop that Prongs? Just say that to her when you’re alone in a room.”
James frowned, “But you don’t allow us to be alone-“
“Exactly, Prongs. I don’t care if she’s your girlfriend—wife even. She’s my younger sister.”
James perked up, “So you’re alright with her being my wife?!”
Hogsmeade dates with James always.
“Honey, you don’t have to get me that necklace.”
He would buy you anything and everything you land your eyes upon more than 1.5 seconds.
He frowns, looking like a kicked puppy. “But you were staring at it!”
“It just crossed my line of vision-“
James certainly went back and secretly bought it for you.
No one can stop him when it comes to spoiling you.
Effie and Fleamont absolutely adores you.
“So, when is the wedding?” Effie smiled, looking at you and James expectantly
Cue Sirius choking in the background.
You blushed as James cleared his throat awkardly, a beet red blush already dusting his cheeks. “Mum…”
Effie blinks, acting innocent. “What? You guys are about to graduate from Hogwarts in… three months or so!”
Your family found out about the relationship.
Walburga’s stinging slap was marked on your cheek. “Have we taught you nothing, girl?!”
Regulus watched worriedly from the side, feeling helpless as Walburga continued to shout and curse at you.
“You good for nothing brat! I should’ve married you off ages ago! To think you’d turn out to be your older brother… Leave! And never come back as you will be no longer welcomed in the house of black!”
Regulus begged to take him with you.
Having nowhere else to go, you knocked on the door of the Potter Manor tiredly, holding your suitcase and Regulus looking around nervously.
Sirius was the one who answered the door.
“she hit you…” James muttered lowly, softly placing his warm hands on your cheek.
“It’s nothing, James.” You shrugged.
“We’ve suffered worse. I’m sure you’ve known that by now.” Regulus told him quietly, not looking up from his cup of warm tea before his eyes flickered to Sirius.
From that moment on, everything seemed to be better.
You’re happy to get out of the abusive household. Bringing Regulus with you, being reunited with your older brother, and hanging out with your boyfriend anytime you want.
Finally graduated from Hogwarts, James decided to pop the question.
“Padfoot..? You in there?” James nervously knocked on Sirius’ bedroom door.
“In here, Prongs! Hold on.” James heard shuffling before the door opened to reveal Sirius rubbing his eyes, seemingly woken up from a nap. He opened the door to let James in his room.
Sirius eyes him, noticing how fidgety one of his best friends are, his mind assumed the worst.
“I swear to Merlin, Prongs. If you got her pregnant and don’t plan to be responsible for it I’ll-“
James sputters, “What?! No! No one’s having a baby!”
Sirius visibly relaxed, “Then what’s gotten you looking so troubled?”
James pulls out a velvet box from his pocket and opened it to reveal an engagement ring.
“Erm… I’m not Y/n, Prongs.”
Cue a face palm from James, “I’m planning to marry your sister, not you, Pads. I’m asking for your blessing.”
Sirius didn’t think twice before giving him his blessing.
Which was why he and Regulus were dragged alongside Remus and Peter to plan a prefect surprise proposal.
“No no, it’s a bit crooked on the right.” James told Regulus, who was setting up the picnic blanket.
“Sirius, remind me again why I have decided to help this stupidly nervous sod?” He deadpanned to his brother.
“It’s for Y/n, Reggie.”
Regulus frowns, scrunching up his nose as he watches James run around like a headless chicken who’s trying to oversee everything.
“Where’s the ring?!”
Regulus could only sigh as he watched James panicking and looking in every nook and cranny, searching for the velvet box with the ring inside— that was obvious in his back pocket, where he placed it five minutes ago.
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lonelywitchv2 · 1 year
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summary: it’s safe to say you didn’t expect company when you snuck out for a picnic with Regulus, your relationship more forbidden than the forest itself.
content: the marauders basically being your older brothers after you grew up next door to the Potters, protective and angry James and Sirius, Sirius and Regulus still being on bad terms, fluff turned slight angst, short, food, teasing, mentions of Sirius and Regulus’ parents 
wc: 587 (just a little blurb)
part ii part iii
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“So you’ve never read Pride and Prejudice?” You asked, almost offended by your discovery.
“No. Do you happen to remember that my parents are blood supremacists who forbade me from reading muggle literature?” Regulus responded.
“Okay, maybe I forgot. Either way, this is unacceptable. Reggie, it appears we have found our next book to read.” You announced, picking up a strawberry that Regulus had been reaching for.
“Oi! I was gonna grab that one!” He exclaimed, trying to reach for the red fruit, only to have you pull your arm away from him.
“You snooze, you lose,” You said with a shake of your head.
However, right as you went to bite into the sweet berry, Regulus tackled you, his body hovering over yours and your wrists pinned against the picnic blanket laid on the grass.
Throughout being tackled, you somehow managed to continue your hold on the strawberry, refusing to yield to him.
“You could’ve just asked to split it and I would’ve done it, love,” You pointed out, cocking your eyebrow.
“Well, this is much more fun. Isn’t it?” Regulus’s voice dropped to a whisper, his face lowering closer and closer to yours.
“It is…” You breathed out, lifting your head up until Regulus’s lips were pressed against yours, his hair brushing against your forehead.
The blissful silence was broken by a loud shout.
“What the hell is this?!” Sirius yelled, causing the two sixteen-year-olds to quickly break apart, scrambling to opposite sides of the blanket with their eyes wide in horror, the strawberry long forgotten.
You opened your mouth to respond but faltered at the rage burning in Sirius’s eyes.
“What is it Padfo- what in Merlin’s name is going on here?!” James’s eyes fell upon the sight of Regulus and you, his big brother mode immediately activating.
All words of defense and explanation quickly disappeared from your tongue, unsure of how to respond to the obvious rage emitting from the two boys.
“James, Sirius, I... I can explain- we can explain, please-” You stuttered out, struggling to get any words out of your mouth as your panic set in.
“No. No, c’mon Y/N, we’re leaving,” James said, his voice as firm as his grip on your arm as he pulled you off of the blanket, glaring at Regulus and dragging you away from the Black brothers- one of which was frozen in horror, the other seething with rage.
“Y/N-!” Regulus called out, going to stand before falling back from a shove from Sirius.
“What the fuck, Regulus?!” Sirius exclaimed, “Why her? Out of every girl in this school, you chose the one who’s like a little sister to me- is it to get back at me for leaving?”
“It’s not that, Sirius- I…” Regulus faltered.
“What? Spit it out!”
"Listen, I... I really like Y/N- really like her. Please, I'm not doing this out of vengeance, Sirius. I wouldn't even think about hurting Y/N! Siri… I’m not lying to you, I swear," Regulus stuttered out, the childhood nickname accidentally slipping off his tongue, "It's... real and I've never experienced anything like it before.”
“Godric… I just don’t…” Sirius paused, chewing on his lip, “I can’t do this right now.”
Sirius turned around for a moment, but turned to face his brother once more, “We aren’t done, Regulus. But this? This is.”
Regulus sat there speechless as his brother jogged to catch up to James and you, looking down to see the red strawberry sitting on the blanket, miraculously untouched.
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