#big fat hurt in this one queens
bunnis-monsters · 1 month
Ahh your bee hybrids are making me think of the dynamics of the bulls and cows ♡♡ So doting and loving~ Soft and fuzzy!
I keep thinking about a nearby wasp or hornet colony getting a little jealous hearing about such a pretty queen - they're so big and scary..
Just rambly thoughts hehe, enjoy your day/night~
Let’s just say that you had a good relationship with the wasp hybrids before becoming the queen of the bee hybrids. You may have even had a fling with one or two, and they told the others.
For a while they watched on in jealousy, wanting you for themselves, until some got brave.
A few wasps get in and mate with the queen, filling you with their own eggs. It’s different than mating with the bees, they fuck and stuff you, leaving you with bite marks and hickeys… it feels so good…
The bee hybrids are devastated when they find out and aren’t sure what to do… while they hate the idea of sharing you, they’d also prefer to not go to war with the wasp hybrids. Hive vs Hive won’t end well, and your safety is their top priority.
So they find the wasps responsible and execute them… but you don’t really like that. Now the bees have made their beloved queen sad, and their next suggestion only angers you further.
They want to just kill the eggs, but that upsets you! They’re your eggs, and you get to decide if you carry them or not! The bees are at a loss. While killing them isn’t allowed by you, they can’t stay in the bee hive, that’s dangerous. Wasps are aggressive and they’re afraid they’ll hurt your bee hybrid babies.
The wasps send an ambassador, who says the other hive will go to war with them for the queen… but they offer a compromise.
Since both hives love you and neither of them wants to suffer through a war, they suggest sharing you.
So they hesitantly accept the offer to share their queen, the only stipulation being that they have more access to her and their eggs are the priority. The wasps don’t really plan on obeying that rule, but they agree because god they want you so bad.
Now imagine being surrounded by the aggressive and rough wasp hybrids that are deliciously rough on your fat cunt while you’re also being worshipped and adored by the bee hybrids who mate with you however you please…
You’d spend your days going from one hive to another, being given more and more love and affection as both hives try to stay in your favor and possibly convince you to stay with them forever.
They’re both very possessive species, and aggressive when it comes to their hive and queen. Who knows how long this treaty will last.
This scenario could be explored more if anyone’s interested.
I think the bees would usually not do this, but with the added lore that the queen was once friendly with the wasps and they are more desperate to have her means the bees would rather share than potentially lose to war. In their minds they can’t comprehend that the wasps would never hurt you, they think that they will take out the entire hive along with you.
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ponderingmoonlight · 9 months
How JJK men react to different insecurities part 3
Pairings: Nanami x overweight fem! reader (requested by @deegausserr) Choso x fem!reader with big breasts (requested by anon)
Yuji/Todo x tall/curvy fem!reader (requested by @sitarawrites, @hitori979, @sophyr05 and anon, I see y'all my tall queens)
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: not 100% proofread, as usual don't read if you feel triggered by those topics, listen I literally have no boobs so I'm beyond sorry if Choso's part is shit, overweight and big breast parts contain insults (please note that this is definetely not the way I feel about it!) but also so much comfort from your favorite characters, you are beautiful just the way you are 🤍
Part 1: Nanami x reader with facial scars; Megumi x reader with small breasts; Sukuna x reader with acne (click here to read)
Part 2: Nanami x reader who doesn't want kids; Gojo x reader who gained weight; Megumi x reader with hooked nose (click here to read)
Nanami with an overweight reader
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(Imaging him grabbing those ass bully girls like this okay)
You cover yourself up the minute he enters the room. He, the man who caught your eye since the beginning. He, who looks so effortlessly good in that suit. He, a well-trained man with a body like the statues in ancient Greek.
“Hey, the same as usual?”
“Thank you, (y/n).”
Just him, Kento Nanami. And you? Well, you have nothing in common with all those things. To be exact, you aren’t even sure if he ever noticed you. Why would he? You are nothing but a worker in a coffee shop, average-looking and…
You swallow. You are overweight. Not that it would bother you this much. After all, you work hard for your money each and every day, you do your best to keep your head above the water. You never really felt the urge to lose weight until reality, or rather other people, hit you.
“Oh, look who’s working again!”
“Did you already eat all those muffins? How is it possible that when you’re working, all the food is gone around this time?”
There they are again. Breathe in, breathe out. Everything is alright. Just suffering a few minutes, just letting their words hit you a little longer and they’ll be gone again. You just have to get through this. It’s not like you haven’t heard those group of actual grown-ups say those nasty things to you over a hundred times already.
But no. Today, it isn’t that easy. Because on the table in front of you sits none other than Kento Nanami who reads his paper and sips on his cup of coffee like he always does. Why do you suddenly feel the urge to defend yourself, to make them stop talking to you like that?
“Can you guys just leave me alone? I’m doing my job here, okay? Would you like to drink or eat something-“
“Fat pig”, one of the blonde girls suddenly spits at you.
This is nothing new. You should be used to it by know, all the countless insults especially that group of four girls always spits at you are too much to even count. Then why…Why do your eyes roam to his perfectly trimmed blonde undercut, why do you ball your fist in an instant?
What a dumb mistake. One of the girls follows the direction of your sight, breaking out in hysterical laughing when realizing that you were looking at Kento Nanami. No, please don’t make a stupid comment, please just grab a coffee and leave this place. Even though it hurts to get reminded of the stinging fact that you are overweight almost every single day, what hurts even most is…
“I can’t believe you! Why would a fatass like you even look in his direction? Can’t you see that he’s out of your league? God, you are so pathetic it makes my wanna cry. I mean, don’t you have a mirror at home, can’t you see that you are nothing but a fat fuck? Nobody will ever want you, (y/n). Especially not a handsome man like him.”
It’s hard for Nanami to contain his temper, hand already trembling threatful. Who do these girls think they are to talk to you in such a nasty way? You are breathtakingly stunning with eyes that radiate nothing but kindness, you work so hard each and every day. You…
You don’t deserve this.
“Leave me alone”, you mumble again.
And for the first time in forever, your throat starts to burn as well as your eyes. At this point you were so used to getting picked on that you didn’t even cry about it anymore after some time. But this…this isn’t about your weight anymore. This hits you right where it hurts.
Kento Nanami.
You don’t even dare to look his direction, eyes pierced to the ground while their venomous laughs fill the room with hatred. The urge to just get out of here, to leave this place and never return becomes almost unbearable. Maybe…maybe you should really lose some weight. Your eyes dart towards the counter in whose glass your figure is reflected.
You feel absolutely horrible and disgusting. A silent sob escapes your lips. Yes, why would someone like Kento Nanami ever want someone like you?
“Awww look at her, now she’s crying!”
You can’t take the shame anymore. Without thinking twice, you storm out of the coffee shop, ignoring your co-worker calling out your name behind. It began to rain in waterfalls, your tears now mixing with the drops from above.
There was probably never a moment in your life where you hated yourself as much as now. What where you even thinking, getting all excited every morning because of that force of a man? Were you really too dumb to realize that Kento Nanami would never fall for a girl like you?
A fat pig, a person so undisciplined that it shows, a girl that could never wear his t-shirts as a dress. You are a nobody, an ugly figure in a world full of skinny models-
That voice makes your guts turn in an instinct, heart pounding against your chest. You pick up your pace immediately, almost running down the rainy streets of Tokyo into an alley. Of course, he followed you. After all, Kento Nanami is a gentleman out of romance books, the perfect man. But you’d rather die that let him comfort you. No, you don’t want to hear that he’s sorry about their cruel words, you don’t want him to look down at you with his pity-filled eyes.
You simply can’t take it.
“Hey, (y/n). Please look at me.”
With a swift motion, he grabs your wrist and turns you around. You feel like dying right here and now, his chocolate brown eyes seem to pierce right through your soul.
But then…
He pushes you against the wall and just kisses you. His lips collapse onto yours with so much passion that it simply takes your breath away, his eyes roaming around your body hungrily. You stare at him in sheer disbelief. Is this really happening? Are you dreaming? Countless lonely night, you imagined what it would feel like to have him this close, to feel his body against yours. And now…And now that gorgeous man pinned you against a wall.
“Don’t you dare to believe a single word they said. I promise you that they’ll never speak to you like this again. I made sure of that.”
It feels so surreal, almost too good to be true. Is he only doing this out of pity, because he doesn’t want you to feel bad? Your heart sinks painfully. Is that what this is about?
“You don’t have to do that so I’m feeling better”, you mumble against his lips.
Instinctively, you cross your arms in front of your chest, hiding you like you always do around him.
“I’m not saying this to make you feel better”, he replies in an instant, hands gently untucking your arms to place his own around your waist.
“I’m saying this because I can’t take my eyes off you since I saw you the first time I stepped into this café. You have to be the most beautiful person I have ever seen, (y/n). I adore your delicate curves, your inviting smile, your unshakable character. I love the way your hair falls and how you prepare my coffee. I adore you just the way you are. Did you really think I’m there because of the coffee? It’s not that good if you’re asking me.”
His comment makes you giggle your tears away and shaking your head at the same time.
“Yeah, the coffee isn’t that great to be honest”, you comment.
“But you are.”
He looks down at you all serious again, his intense gaze making your knees go weak in an instant.
“And I want nothing more than to take you out to a nice restaurant.”
Choso with a reader who has big breasts
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You were never keen to meet new people, especially men. Not because you aren’t talkative or enjoy others company. No, it’s because you never know how they’ll react when seeing you for the first time.
Even though especially other women are jealous of you because of how big your breasts are, you truly hate them. It seems like the second you meet someone, all they have eyes for is your cleavage. No matter if you wear a baggy shirt, your uniform or one of the dresses you normally adore so much, your boobs come first. And you fucking hate it.
“Hey, why are you so nervous, (y/n)? I’m sure you and Choso will get along just fine!”, Yuji tries to cheer you up with a kind smile.
“And probably your-“
“Shut up right now, moron”, Megumi mumbles instinctively.
You sign to yourself. It’s clear that he’s just trying to be nice and funny, but to be honest you want to cry. Since puberty hit you, no one ever saw you like an individual anymore. No, you are either sexualized or body-shamed.
“Would you crush me with your melons for some money? C’mon (y/n).”
“There she is again. Look at her tits!”
“She’s just showing off. What a slut.”
“I bet those would be a good ass pillow.”
You are so damn tired of it. Tired of all the people talking about you behind your back, tired of being nothing but a sex object, tired of having no character. Even though here at Jujutsu High, people seem to finally get that you are indeed a human being all by yourself and would never talk badly about you, you can feel their looks.
“Oh, there he is! Come on, (y/n)!”
No, no, no. Is it too late to just turn around and leave this place? Maybe Maki is still free, you should go and grab a drink with her. Or even better, barricade yourself into your dorm and return when this man is gone.
“You must be (y/n). My little brother told me a lot about you”, a dark voice introduces itself.
Your eyes dart up in panic. Oh, you just know how this goes. First of all, he’ll look down at your breasts. If he’s having at least a spark of decency, his eyes will dart back to your face and roam around when he thinks you’re not paying any attention. And maybe, just maybe, he won’t mention your cleavage for quite some time.
“Nice to meet you”, you mumble annoyed already.
Huh, his eyes rest right on your face, a small smile forming itself on his lips. You tilt your head to the side, squint your eyes in confusion. Well, this is definitely new. He didn’t even look at them, not a single glimpse onto your body.
“Is it true that you have a thing for blood manipulation? Yuji told me you are interested in learning more about that technique.”
“Well, yeah…”
You have to blink a few times. He is so…different from everyone else. Not even Megumi resisted the urge to look down at you, you even heard him talking about it with Yuji someday. But this man…what was his name again? Choso? He seems to be curious about…
You. Nothing but you.
“I am quite skilled when it comes to blood manipulation. If you want, I will gladly show you a few things.”
“Y-yeah…I mean…That would be nice. Like, today?”, you stutter awkwardly, completely caught off guard by this unexpected change of scenery.
“If you have time, of course.”
“Okay, then…I’ll change now.”
“I’ll meet you at the training field.”
“Yeah…”, you mutter.
As soon as you leave the room, Yuji seems to finally regain your voice.
“And? What do you think about her?”
“I think she seems quite nice for a human being.”
“And what else?”
A big pause that makes your heart shatter for a brief moment. Maybe he isn’t as different as you thought. Maybe he’s just thinking about your cleavage like everybody else does, maybe-
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“Haven’t you seen her,…y’know…Megumi?”
“He means her breasts”, Megumi clarifies.
“Why would I look at her breasts when she seems to have an interesting character?”
Your heart almost beats out of your chest, ears literally unable to comprehend what you’ve just heard. It really shouldn’t touch you like that. But oh, the second you begin to realize what that stranger just said your eyes get glossy. It might only be a little statement for him, but it surely means the world to you.
In a world that shames on you for something you can’t change, in a world in which men only took you on dates or talked to you because of your breasts and not because of your personality.
Choso seems to be the first person who genuinely doesn’t give a fuck about the way you look. And oh does it feel nice.
“Maybe you’re not as bad as I thought”, you mumble to yourself.
Yuji and Todo with a cury/tall girl
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Just one look at him seems to sweep you off your feet. The way he walks, the way he talks, simply the way he carries himself. It wasn’t hard to fall for Yuji, but it was definitely rough to find out he isn’t interested in you.
“What kind of woman is Yuji actually into?”
Nobara looked at you up and down, visibly bamboozled about what you’ve just asked. There aren’t many things she doesn’t think about, but Yuji Itadori’s type is definitely one of them.
“I don’t know girl…But I guess he’s the type for rather short girls, don’t ya think?”
You hated the way your heart instantly began to ache in your ribcage. Of course he does. Aren’t all boys nowadays into petite girls with a bubbly personality? And to be honest, you are none of that.
Taller than all the other girls and even some boys around Jujutsu High, curvier than anyone else, probably uglier than the rest. You never put much thought into all of these things, but right. Why would Yuji be any different from all the guys you’ve met before?
“Who the hell is this woman, Itadori?”
Todo can’t help but shamelessly stare at you. This is too good to be true, a sight straight out of his dreams. You…You are even better than Takada-chan.
“Huh? Oh, that’s (y/n)”, he replies with a small grin, just one look at you making his heart stumble all over again.
He hasn’t seen you in quite some time now that he thinks of it.
“What kind of woman is your type, Itadori Yuji?”
The pink-haired boy has to blink a few times, eyes still set on your delicious curves and gorgeous long legs.
“I like tall woman with a big ass.”
“Is that your final answer?”, he huge boy next to him urges, grabbing him by his uniform so roughly that his eyes yank away from you.
“Yes!”, he replies immediately.
“Then get going, we need to talk to this beauty over there”, he announces, dragging Yuji behind him before he is even able to reply.
You tilt your head to the side. What the hell is going on over there? Who is that shirtless guy and…is that Yuji he drags behind him as if he’s taking out trash?
“You!”, he shouts into your direction, eyes seem to pierce right through your soul.
What the hell is this about? Should you run away, cry for help? He definitely looks pretty dangerous to you with the way his muscles seem to grow with every step he takes towards you.
“Hey, let me go! I can walk by myself!”, Yuji protests.
“Now talk to her”, Todo hisses, almost pushing him into you.
“Oh, hi (y/n)!”
“Well, hi Yuji…”, you answer rather confused.
You look even better from over here, your body lingering over his own by a few centimetres. Yes, you have to be the biggest woman Yuji has ever seen with a character so badass that no one can hold a candle to you. And those curves, those oh so delicious curves…
“Tell her what kind of woman is your type”, the guy next to him demands harshly.
“Stop being so damn loud, she hears you!”
“Oh, I definitely do. What is all of this bullshit about and what kind of freak are you exactly?”
“Itadori loves tall woman with a big ass.”
Well, that’s rather unexpected. Yuji turns as red as a tomato, not daring to shoot a single glimpse your way. But Nobara said that he likes petite girls and somehow, this always made sense to you. Still, his body doesn’t lie. And the fact that he doesn’t say anything against it tells you…
“You like tall woman with a big ass”, you repeat.
“Well, to be honest, I just like you, (y/n)”, he mutters along with scratching the back of his head awkwardly.
“I like you too. You have to be the hottest girl I’ve ever seen. Let me cherish you for the rest of our lives”, the guy named Todo purrs.
“Hey, I thought you were my wingman and now you’re trying to steal my girl away from me!”, Yuji protests.
“When did I ever say that, moron? We might be brothers, but this right here is my girl-“
“I’ve been crazy about you for so long. I can’t believe you actually find me attractive, Yuji”, you interrupt their little chitchat.
Your heart feels light as a feather, so good that you are almost think about giggling out in sheer joy.
“Are you kidding? You are what dreams are made of, (y/n)! I was just too shy to admit…”
“I’d never be too shy to show my love. Pick me, (y/n)!”
"That's enough, I'm leaving. See you around guys", you announce with a sly grin.
Tags: @arehzhera @ploylulla @tzubaki @beatrexworld @kenstarsworld @hellkaiserinphoenix  @lauv4chuuya @shadowfoxey @starlightanyaaa @sindela @kayleegomez @sunshine7queen @magalimachete @mokoartpost @gatitam @idontknow1123 @creative1writings @sanicsmut  @mynahx3 @sad-darksoul @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix @chuyasthighs0 @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @wxwieeee @lovelyluna1 @froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso @gojosrealwife  @coffeeluvr96 @mahi-tamashi @weebotaku21 @chaoticwinnercupcake @lees-chaotic-brain  @risuola  @sugurulefttesticle @wordskeeper @baku2345 @polarbvnny @ruixrei @bam-bam-bam-bame-blog @lavenderdrxp @localhehecat @alicerhr @kayleegomez @belovedvamp @wifenanami @chilichopsticks @dlwlrmas-world @oikawarz
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pedge-page · 7 months
Joel Dealing with Preggo Wife # 8- Drama Queen
Joel Miller x F!Reader
Can be read with others in series or alone
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Warnings: allusions to sex, mostly fluff and comedy
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Its been a pretty quiet evening, and with you home, thats saying something. Joel's minding his business watching Tv when you come plopping down next to him on the couch. He doesn't acknowledge you.
So you scoot over and sigh heavily. Still No reaction from the male.
You feint a yawn and snuggle your head on his shoulder. He smiles a little, but doesn't look at you. You rub affectionately like a kitten.
Take the hint, you stupid hunk.
Your pretty manicured hand creeps on his thigh, stroking up and down senually with delicate fingertips.
He knows where this is going, but he won't entertain you. He coughs a little, bored, and continues scrolling channels. Wants to see how far you'll go to get what you want.
As if on cue, you persist. Wrapping your arm over his broad shoulders, hitching your knee awkwardly on his thigh despite the baby in your belly squirming at the uncomfortable angle. You playfully boop his nose, giggling like a flirt. He purses his lips, but nothing else.
You stare at his profile, that unique Joel Miller look of concentration. Handsome and stoic—that little shithead.
You're teasingly rubbing your fingers through his scruff, twisting gently as a massage.
You bring your lips and kiss him kindly on the cheek. Something sweet. Innocent. Then again, but a little longer. Then some more, peppered down his jaw, along his pulse. Heated and wetter. Growing more needy and nipping his ear, making little happy moans as your hand continues to wander over his legs, tip toeing to his crotch.
Joel sighs, finally looking at you. "There a reason you're trying to get me turned on, ma'am?"
"Mmm," you hum, biting your lip and staring his plump ones. You crawl closer, breasts smashed against his bicep as you lick your lips, tongue peaking out with lusty eyes trying to put him under your best charm. Yesyesyes give it to me, Fucker!
"I want a Big—" you kiss his nose "—Messy—" teeth nip at his lower lip "—Hot—" you peck him teasingly, sucking his flesh in your mouth so he knows you mean business. Then you stare down at him with your serious eyes, foreheads pressing,
"—Fudge Cookie Dough Chocolate Gooey Fantasy Milkshake with extra Rainbow Sprinkles from Clyde's Creamery."
Yeah. He knew exactly this is where this was going.
He cracks a warm smile, cupping your jaw and parting your lips with his thumb. You suck it into your mouth, hoping to please him. Just as hes about to kiss you, he leans in and says, "No. Its 11pm. Bedtime."
You get off his lap with a cold shoulder and a scoff, proceeding to ignore him for the rest of the night.
Hes evens surprised when you go to bed still silent, facing away from him without a kiss goodnight when you turn off your lamp.
Until it's 2am when he's startled awake by the sound of the the front door opening. He's storming downstairs trying not to trip, and haphazardly throwing a shirt on backwards while in his boxers, only to see you with a packed bag, hand dramatically caressing  your bump with fake ass tears down your cheek going outside to the car.
"Where the FUCK are you going??" He asks, rubbing his eyes. Aggravation and rough exhaustion evident in his tone.
"You said you didn't love me, so I'm leaving," you huff. There's no hint of a joke in your words. Genuine pain. Hurt. Quiet and walking away. You dont wait to see his reaction and without another word, you turn to leave.
Hes so whiplashed, wracking his brain trying to remember any time he even remotely could have said something like that and you interpret it—
"I SAID YOU COULDN'T HAVE A HOT FUDGE COOKIE DOUGH CHOCOLATE GOOEY FANTASY MILKSHAKE because it was FUCKING 11PM AND CLOSED! Now get your fat beautiful ass and our baby back in here and dont ever pull this stupid stunt again!"
You scowl at him, preventing any physical reaction of your internal swooning he thinks my ass is pretty. You hold your ground and refuse to move from your position, defiant, in flip flops and a long nightgown on the front porch at 2am.
Joel furrows his brows and closes his eyes, soothing over the wrinkles you've caused to grow on his forehead.  "Fuck. I'll get you one tomorrow morning for breakfast. Okay?"
You smile giddily and skip back inside "Okie!" You step past him drop your shit on the couch, kissing him on the cheek. "Dont forget the extra rainbow sprinkles."
He grunts, glad that it's dark enough in the house you can't see how exhausted and annoyed he is.
"Oh and close the door, Joel! You'll wake the neighbors with your unnecessary shouting bit. Dramatic much?" You scoff, and waddle up the stairs and right to bed like nothing happened.
Tommy also has access to your ring camera notifications and sees Joel and you out there and the whole conversation, and he's laughing so hard when he watches the playback. He teases grumpy exhausted Joel the next morning, conveniently with a to-go milkshake in his hand at 8am.
"Softy for your girl?"
"Shut up."
"And when you have the baby, then there's gonna be two of her!" Tommy wheezes.
Joel's saggy and wrinkled eyes manage to open wider than ever as that particular horror sets over him.
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camlovesjace · 3 months
SINFUL THOUGHTS ! Jacaerys Velaryon
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SUMMARY: it's been a moon and half since you´d been betrothed to Jacaerys, the perfect and responsible prince, He was everything you weren't. The rumors of your great ability to enjoy yourself were as strong as the rumors about his bastardy, and none of them were wrong. WARNING: everything you could think of
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THE CASTLE WAS quiet since so long, you always thought that living on Dragonstone would´ve been boring as hell, and you were right. You missed the laugh, the noise and the spirit of the big city, but most you missed your big brother. Aegon.
You and him had been close since you were teens, at least close enough to everyone to think you two were sleeping together. It was gross but you couldn't blame them, your family had always had a long and peculiar story with their blood. Let's say you Targaryen´s keep it in the family.
But that was not what was happening between him and you, no. He had opened your mind with knowledge not many princess or ladies had, dark and valuable knowledge. Pleasure. He had said "No man shall lay your hand on you, unless you want to" and after those words he take you to a brothel.
Your desire had never been to marry and be wedded like a piece of meat, to squeeze out heirs like some child machine to a stupid fat lord twenty years older than you. Aegon gave you the choice to live your body freely with people of your liking, male and female, it didn't mattered on his eyes...and soon it didn´t mattered on yours neither.
Of course people talked about that, a lot. But you never cared, at least never enough to stop it. Not until two moons ago, when you mother the queen said you were going to marry Jacaerys Velaryon.
And you hated it.
You hated it cause it meant you freedom was about to crash down, that your life and choices were going to be under the palm of his hands.
You yelled at your mother, at your rotting father and at the whole red keep. You broke your dresses, your jewelry, everything. You were like a child doing a tantrum and you knew it. You even insulted Jacaerys, looking at him up and down and calling him kiddo, even when he was one name day older than you.
But nothing could stopped what was happening now, your inevitable marriage with your soon to be husband...
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You were sitting on the couch in front of the hearth, the island was cold but all your dresses were made for show off, you mother had sent a few ones with long neck but they were all green and you hated them.
Then, in the middle of the silence, the door opened. Your betrothed walked in, eyeing the entire room looking for something or someone, he had black and red clothes, but it was more a maroon red you did noticed, the same color of the dress you were wearing too.
He looked at your and you wave on his path, almost mocking him, his jaw clenched instantly. He hates the effect you have on him. You get up and he walked towards you.
"my princess, was my mother here with you?" he asked, yet his blood was boiling on his veins.
"you're always clinging to your mother's skirt, my prince?" she mocked, Jace clenched his jaw so hard that his teeth started to hurt, he raised a hand on the air and the guards of the door leave the room.
"you know what they said? they said i was marrying a cunt" he spoke and she only smirked.
"they also said i was marrying a bastard"
those words were enough to make him storm at you, his movements were rough and swift, he pressed you against the couch you were sitting on and opened your legs, adjusting himself between your thighs. It was not a lie you had been trying to provoke him since a some days ago, desperate to feel the touch of another over your body, your own hands weren't enough.
"You had been kicking my mind with your goddamn sinful thoughts" he whispered, his mouth found your neck and it made you shiver when his tongue licked your skin, smiling you touched his neck. He had been fighting against the urge of taking what he knew was his but this had reached a point he can´t ignore anymore.
He hates those dress you use, the red dresses mostly, they were tight around your waist and chest, pressing your breast almost like you were showing off yourself, and god´s he absolutely hates your dresses that has no shoulders, exposing your collarbone and your thin long neck, almost asking him to press his lips all over your pale skin, it was driving him mad.
He moved his hands under your dress, pressing you down against the couch and making you gasp, his head entered into the fabric and you smiled, knowing what he will do. Then his tongue moved around your cunt, making you moan loudly at the feeling, you´d missed this.
He sucked on your womanhood almost with a hunger of a hundred men, soon you felt his slender fingers pushing inside, his fingertip caressing your walls and making you whimper and curse. You have felt many wonderful hands but you never expected Jacaerys to have a pair of those, suddenly the idea of being his wife didn't sounded so fatal. Then he pressed two fingers into your core.
Your moaning became louder, your breathing started to fail as you became closer to your release, his goddamn tongue assaulting your clit, moving in circles and up and down, you were already seeing stars but then three of his fingers fucked you, his fingers curving and his thumb rolling your swollen pearl.
His mouth moved to yours, kissing you desperately while his right hand keep working on your pleasure, he made you taste yourself on his tongue, the sweetness of your cunt on his lips made you shiver, your hips moved up and down, riding his fingers with a blind need.
"Yeah, like that...come on, baby, fuck my fingers" he whispers and it made you smile, moving more quickly, he also pressed his fingers in and out, finding your movements in a delicious way that made you come undone around his fingers almost instantly. Your cheeks were pink and hot, his free hand held you by the throat while his fingers moved slowly, making you cry out his name in soft whispers as you swim in the waves of the pleasure.
His face fell on the crook of your neck but you already wanted another round, this time riding his cock and not just his fingers.
"Maybe being your lady wife will be more fun that what i thought" you said, and he chuckle.
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dt: @nebulamorada
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xazse · 8 months
Heyyy, I'm absolutely in love with all your writing! I read it all in one night😭 Do you think you could for more foxgirl fem reader stuff? The prompt is completely up to you, I don't want to take away from your creativity, but some smut would be greatly appreciated. . .💖
Notes: I wasn’t sure which character you wanted so i decided to go with Nanami since that’s where the prompt came from. Btw don’t be afraid to tell me a specific prompt you have in mind, I’m not that creative when it comes to these things so I rely a lot on my followers, so don’t be afraid! Im so happy you read my stuff in one night! It makes me feel good abt writing for you guys <333
Pairings: NANAMI x foxgirl!Reader
Tags: Smut, NASTY!!, hybrid!reader, mating press, mean but soft Kento (kinda), NOT PROOFREAD!
It’s hot, too hot in fact, Kento’s body feels like it’s rising in temperature every few minutes, his dreams feel so vivid and real, a wet hot something is mouthing at his cock, but the fuzz is in his brain won’t allow him to think rationally and clearly. Kento stills before he’s sitting up quickly and ripping the cover off his lower body.
He sees your ears before anything, laid back and relaxed, you don’t even seem to care that you’ve woken him up, not when your tongue is licking him through his underwear, you’ve woken him up and now you’re attempting to tease him? You do look content, eyes fluttered shut and humming around him lowly.
Nanami grabs you by your neck and lifts you up to prop you on his lap, of course you whine and attempt to pry his hand away: it really doesn’t even hurt you’re just so over dramatic: a drama queen as Satoru puts it.
Kento grabs the bridge of his nose in irritation before speaking up, “Can I ask what you’re doing at-“ he looks at the clock on the bedside table, 4:00.
You don’t say anything but of course you pick up the hint when his head turns to the time. Being the mischievous thing you are, you begin licking at his neck, cute white tipped tail swaying back and forth behind you. A deep exhale leaves his lips whilst making no attempt to move or stop you.
You fix your body on top of him, pressing your greedy cunt over his half hard cock, hissing at the good pressure your clit received. He’s already declared when he had been woken up that he won’t help you get off at all, no matter how much you release those cute yelps in desperation.
Your hips begin to move forward and back, his clothed cock slipping in between your folds, your panties are quite bothersome but he won’t tell you to remove them either.
“Mmm..” “Ken-“ you whimpered, coaxing him to help you: it’s started now, you’ll call his name over and over until you get your way, but he’s having none of it.
“Keep going” he attempts to sound void of emotions but the grunt he lets out almost gives him away, you don’t stop grinding your pussy against him. He leans you back a bit to lift up your shirt, your nipples begging him to attend to their needs.
A hot mouth wraps around one of them and sucks, sucks so hard it has you gripping his hair, it doesn’t bother him it just adds on to the stimulation, the combo of you still bouncing against his cock.
You finally get the memo to tug your panties to the side with your free hand, and in the process pulls his cock and balls free, he hissed behind clenched teeth at the rush of cold air against it.
Kento is too big for you to take in all the way, your poor cunt just can’t handle all of him: the first time he attempted it, you could both barely breathe with the amount of times you came just from slipping in a inch every so often.
You line up his fat tip with your pussy, making sure to rub his cock against your clit a few times.
“Ngh…” the sounds coming from your throat as you slowly lower yourself down become louder with each push past his tip.
Finally are you halfway do you stop fully.
“F..uck.. mmmnn..” Nanami groans around your nipple.
His cock fills you up so good, already pressing on that sweet spot, your thighs ache from the position but that doesn’t stop your naughty body from slowly fucking yourself on him, it’s not long till he’s had enough and breaks his vow by flipping you on your back and placing your legs on his shoulders, inching closer to you he has you in a mean, mating press. He wastes no time in pulling all the way and slamming right back into you. Your mewls fill the room rather quickly, the way his cock drags against your walls has you clenching around him nonstop.
“Mhnn, Kent- Kento” you gasp out, he doesn’t acknowledge the desperate look on your face, already so close to cumming, the sounds of his grunting makes you so much more wetter. A thick hand moves itself to your tail and pinches it over and over, and the noise you let out is pornographic, straight out of a film, you’re so sensitive there.
Your clit is throbbing so bad, needy bud needing to be rubbed, you shakily move your fingers to said clit and begin moving side to side, your fingers glide across so easy due to just how wet you are, Nanami hasn’t stopped pinching the end of your nail, everything feels so good: a cock slamming into you nonstop, your fingers on your clit, and added stimulation on your tail. Your body convulses while Kento holds you still: still fucking into you, electric pulses are sent throughout your whole body, you tighten around him and finally cum, cumming with a loud scream that it’s sure to disturb the neighbors.
That doesn’t mean Kento is done when you slump and attempt to catch your breath, he sits himself up on his knees giving you a moment, not that it can be called that, pushing one of your legs towards you, he begins his pace again, you can hear better now, the room is filled with your annoying babbling and the sounds of his pelvis meeting your ass. His balls are so heavy, needing immediately to fill you up, maybe even push you over the edge one more time but he wants to extend this as long as possible, you being able to do nothing but take your impending orgasms nonstop.
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lcdrarry · 3 months
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LCDrarry 2024 Master List Part 1: Podfic & Art & Fic
Dear lovely Participants, Creators, Alpha and Beta Readers, Cheerleaders, Readers and Fans of this fest,
The 6th installment of LCDrarry has come to an end, and we'd like to thank you all for taking part in this fest, for creating so many amazing new Drarry works for us all to enjoy, for commenting on your favourite creations, for sharing and recommending the LCDrarry gems with and to your friends and blog followers, and for making this fest another amazing experience for everybody!
Fests would not exist without their participants or readers! You're all amazing! And we're so happy that you chose this fest in the vast and wonderful offerings of HP and Drarry events.
You can find out under the cut who created what ;D
~Your LCDrarry Mods Tami (@celilasart) and Suzi (@erin-riwen)
PS: Please have a look at the author notes and tags on AO3 for additional information and more detailed warnings. Thank you! PPS: You can find a link to Part 2 of this Master List under the cut. Enjoy!
Part 2 of this Master List with more lovely fics can be found here.
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A Mist That Appears (For a Little Time)
Prompt: “Sweet November,” 2001, Pat O’Connor Written by: dodgerkedavra Narrated by: reveriepi Podfic Length: 02:25:58 Rating: Explicit Warnings: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Vomiting, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse
Summary: “Give me November, and I’ll teach you to be happy. There’s only one condition. You must swear on your magic that you won’t fall in love with me.” Harry’s so tired. His whole body hurts. If Malfoy can teach him how to be happy, then... “Okay.” Harry is working himself to death. Draco only has November to help him. Falling in love is strictly against the rules.
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As You Wish
Prompt: "The Princess Bride", 1987, Rob Reiner Written by: Pineau_noir Narrated by: Cailynwrites Podfic Length: 02:31:28 Rating: Teen and up Warnings: None
Summary: Draco was raised on a farm in the small country of Witshire; his favourite pastimes were flying on his broom and tormenting the hired farm boy. Though his name was Harry, Draco never called him that. On Harry's forehead there was a scar shaped like a lightning bolt, so Draco called him Scarhead.
Nothing gave Draco as much pleasure as ordering Harry around.
Or a story about fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, True Love, and miracles.
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The Pirc Defence
Prompt: "The Queen’s Gambit", 2019, Scott Frank Written by: sleepstxtic Narrated by: sweaters_in_the_summer Podfic Length: 01:05:00 Rating: Explicit Warnings: None
Summary: They were rivals, and they were lovers, and they were the greatest chess players of their generation. Exactly in that order.
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My Big Fat Weasley Wedding
Prompt: “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”, 2002, Joel Zwick Written by: slyth_princess Narrated by: Melcarrianna Podfic Length: 07:17:21 Rating: Mature Warnings: None
Summary: A decade after the war, Harry Potter is lost. There was a time when he knew exactly who he was, where he was going, and what he wanted. He is not that man anymore. Until one day he decides he is done. No more wearing clothes that don't fit, stuck in a job that was meant to be temporary, and simply coasting through his life. He has a plan. And, unsurpisingly, every single Weasley and honourary Weasley seems to have an opinion about it. But it's fine. Harry knows he is doing the right thing.
What he didn't plan for, however, was to find love in the most unexpected place. And with the most unexpected person. Still, it's going to be fine. Like he said, he has a plan. Weasley opinions be damned. He's got it all under control. Doesn't he?
Featuring a million Weasleys, a daft labrador, and a whole bunch of people just trying to figure out their lives.
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Draco's Moving Castle
Prompt: "Howl's Moving Castle", 2004, Hayao Miyazaki Artist: Averily Art Medium: Digital Rating: General Audiences Warnings: None
Summary: Art for LCDrarry2024 fest. Prompt was Howl's Moving Castle.
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Go the Whole Wide World
Prompt: "Stranger than Fiction", 2006, Marc Forster Artists: julchen_in_red and m4g0rtz Medium: Digital Art Rating: General Audiences Warnings: None
Summary: When government employee Draco Crick was assigned to audit baker Harry Pascal, neither anticipated falling in love, but sometimes the person right next to you is the most welcome surprise.
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[Art] A Game of Horcruxes
Prompt: "Game of Thrones", 2011, David Benioff Artist: fantalf Art Medium: Digital Art Rating: Teen and Up Warnings: Duelling, Horcruxes, Blood and Injury
Summary: Art Post for "A Game of Horcruxes" written by sleepstxtic.
Illustrated Fic
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[Fic & Art] A Game of Horcruxes
Prompt: "Game of Thrones", 2011, David Benioff Author: sleepstxtic Word Count: 118,635 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: Brief Descriptions of Injury, Racism, Classism
Summary: It has been centuries since an attack on the castle of a royal scion. Centuries, until now.
The Realm of Hogwarts is ruled by eight noble Slytherin families, aided by their Gryffindor armies. Each kingdom possesses a Horcrux—the most precious source of magic to the throne. But when the Kingdom of Malfoy finds their Horcrux stolen, Prince Draco must break all protocol and enlist the help of a commoner, Harry, to find what's missing. All the while, an evil beyond the horizon stirs, Dementor attacks are increasing, and civil unrest is burning across the land. Can Draco and Harry recover the Horcrux and save the realm? And will they be able to resist their growing attraction to each other in the meantime?
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A Ferret, a ScarHead, a Weasel, and a Baby
Prompt: "Three Men and a Baby", 1987, Leonard Nimoy & "Taken", 2008, Pierre Morel Author: trishjames Word Count: 91,420 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: Angst, Anxiety, Epic Fight Scene(s), Canon-Typical Violence, Hand-to-Hand Combat, Blood, Muggle Weapons, References to Past Child Abuse, Abduction, Injuries
Summary: They say becoming a parent is an unparalleled, priceless joy. Draco Malfoy finds himself putting that theory to the test when the star witness in his dangerous illegal potions case entrusts him with a powerful wish: protect her newborn baby at all costs. Now, it's up to Draco to fulfill that wish despite the looming threat of criminals hunting for the child. To think, just the day before, he was fretting over his inappropriate feelings for his annoying, bespectacled git of a housemate—not the mechanics of changing nappies!
Thank Merlin it takes a village to raise a sack of flour, ah, child.
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White, Blonde & British
Prompt: “Red, White & Royal Blue”, 2023, Matthew Lopez Author: SortofShea Word Count: 40,058 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: Mentions of death, drug and alcohol use and abuse, homophobia, racism, discrimination
Summary: Prince Draco Malfoy is known all over the world as “The Modern Day Prince Charming”, ask anyone - well, anyone except for Harry Potter, first son of the Indian president and (self) sworn rival of said stuck-up, snobbish prince.
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drag the past out into the light
Prompt: "Se7en", 1995, David Fincher Author: ChaosBitch Word Count: 20,796 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Summary: There's a serial killer stalking magical London. The murders are gruesome, bizarre, and somehow connected to the Voldemort wars. Auror Harry Potter is paired up with an analyst from the Department of Mysteries to piece together the clues in the killer's unsettling game before they kill again.
The good news? This analyst is the best one on offer. The bad news? It's Draco Malfoy.
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the beating of our hearts (is the only sound)
Prompt: "Pacific Rim", 2013, Guillermo del Toro Author: Pineau_noir Word Count: 12,675 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: canon (Pacific Rim) creature grossness
Summary: Do you want awesome, kickass fights between giant robots and aliens??!?!?
Go watch Pacific Rim.
This is a story about two flawed men who fall in love during an apocalypse.
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Draco Malfoy's New Guide to Old-Fashioned Dating
Prompt: "How to Lose a Guy in 10 days", 2003, Donald Petrie Author: caliowl Word Count: 52,377 words Rating: Teen and up Warnings: Non-Consensual Drug Use
Summary: When Harry's job as an auror is threatened by his perceived negative attitude towards Death Eaters, he makes a desperate gamble with his boss to save it. Bring a Death Eater as his plus-one to the company holiday party. Unfortunately for him, there's only one person he can think of to ask...
Meanwhile, in order to save his best friend Pansy Parkinson from a terrible social fate, Draco Malfoy makes a bet with Pansy's mother. He believes that old-fashioned, traditional courting methods are the best way to repel, not attract, a potential suitor. Now, if only he can find a wizard who has no clue about those methods...
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Black Sheep
Prompt: "Shaun the Sheep", 2007-2020 Author: shushu_yaoi_lj Word Count: 10,808 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: smut, dirty talk, praise kink, soft d/s dynamics, begging
Summary: “You know, Potter, maybe all you need to win is a little—incentive, let’s say.” “An incentive?” Harry asks, his interest piqued. He takes a step closer to the fence, and then another one, until he’s standing so close that he can smell the intoxicating scent of Malfoy’s expensive cologne. “Shall we say that if you win, you can have whatever your heart desires?” Malfoy replies with a smile. “Anything.”
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Jackknife To The Heart
Prompt: "Mad Max: Furiosa", 2024, George Miller Author: sleepstxtic Word Count: 11,723 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: Gunfights
Summary: Draco licked his lips, slow and sensual. He climbed over Harry’s lap and slid down onto his knees. “Keep making love to me, darling,” he said, gazing up at Harry, something starry in his eyes; and then he pulled down Harry’s pants and took his cock in his mouth.
Harry sucked in a breath, threw the shifter into gear, and drove.
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First Impressions
Prompt: "Pride and Prejudice", 2005, Joe Wright Author: ActuallyMoon Word Count: 87,934 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: Period-typical racism and colourism (only present in one chapter), A/B/O dynamics, Dubious Consent, Classism, Smut, Mpreg
Summary: At the Shacklebolts' ball, Ginny found herself irrevocably smitten at first sight with Ms Pansy Parkinson. Meanwhile, her brother, Harry Potter, became the unfortunate target of biting remarks from Parkinson's haughty and aloof best friend, Mr Draco Malfoy. Harry's disdain for Mr Malfoy grew, fuelled by the latter's evident arrogance. Amidst this burgeoning animosity, Ms Romilda Vane began to spread malicious rumours regarding Malfoy, further tarnishing his reputation. Yet, the true nature of his character was far from what these tales suggested. Could Draco overcome his pride and Harry his prejudice, allowing love to blossom between them despite the odds?
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Prompt: "Love is Blind", 2020 Author: stratigraphy Word Count: 35,227 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: None
Summary: Draco is grieving. His conversation partner is here against his will. It's a shameless rip-off of an insipid Muggle reality dating show. Hardly the occasion for true love, if you ask Draco. feat. a cat named Marmalade, a bird named Mumble, Lee Jordan's answer to Love is Blind, and two best friends who only want their dads to be happy.
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Eternalism is a Never Ending Day
Prompt: "Russian Doll", 2019 Author: JK_Terfling_Can_Suck_My_Silicone_Dick Word Count: 25,970 words Rating: Teen and up Warnings: Temporary Suicide, Temporary MCD, implied/referenced Depression
Summary: Malfoy has been reliving the same day for longer than he can keep track of now, and has just assumed that he was dead in the real world, which was fine to him. It isn't until the time loop stops doing what he expects that it occurs to him that maybe there's something else going on.
Part 2 of this Master List with more lovely fics can be found here.
As always, reblogs here on tumblr are very much appreciated to share all the wonderful works of LCDrarry with more people. But of course, please also shower our creators with comments and kudos on AO3 ;D Thank you! Read you next year ;)
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witchthewriter · 11 months
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𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐢𝐟 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞.
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
Warnings: swearing, some fighting - all in your honour though!
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
After a long day, your s/o decides to take you to a nearby tavern and have a drink. It had been a while since either of you had gotten out without a duty to do. However, your evening was cut short when a drunken asshole insulted you.
・Merlin would never be able to keep such a big secret from his spouse; he'd want to give every part of himself to you. And so he had. You welcomed the secret with open arms.
・So when you made your way down to the tavern after a particularly challenging day, you were not expecting to be outright insulted.
・The bald fat (toothless) man let the words escape his drunken mouth without the hint of a thought of consequence.
・Big motherfucking mistake.
・A bewildered laugh came from Merlin. His mind already sifting through the many spells he was about to use.
・You looked at him, and simply nodded. This day had been too heavy, and the insult, no matter how untrue, was still hurtful.
・'Out of nowhere' (as some patrons would later explain it), the man flew from his chair and landed in the lap of the burliest man there.
・Strong man was furious and as he looked down, anger rose within him (you could physically see it ... he turned red...)
・Without even lifting a finger, your hater had been punched, and kicked straight out of the tavern. Not before Merlin made him land in a pile of dung.
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・When your honour is in question Lancelot does not play around.
・As he hears the insult, automatically, his head moves to the left, and he blinks once.
・Without a word he unsheaths his sword and waits for the low life to do the same.
・When the low life doesn't, Lancelot makes someone give him a sword, and drags him outside.
"I'm going to make you think twice before saying such filth."
・And the high pitch ring of steel on steel rang out in the air.
・The whole time your head was in your hands, because truly, you had heard worse. You were tough, and all you wanted to do was get a bit sloshed with your hot ass husband.
・But no, he insisted on fighting for your honour ... like he always does.
・And low and behold, the Knight of Camelot won.
"Are you alright, my love?" Lancelot's lips were pressed against your ear, and you nodded.
"You know you don't have to do that for me-"
"Oh I know," he replies quickly, giving you a half smile. "But you are my spouse. And I will always protect you."
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・Scoffs, a smirk on his lips as his eyes narrow on the idiot who insulted you.
"Do you know who I am? Well... I guess not. Someone with a brain would never insult the King nor his Queen/Consort"
・Gasps were heard around the tavern
And the man went as pale as Gaius' hair
"Ah, I see you've figured it out. Thought I might have to spell it for you."
"Oh Arthur," you scolded, bumping his shoulder.
・You had heard it all in your lifetime, and one day you decided that the words of sheep do not affect a tiger.
"What would you like me to do with him, my love? The dungeons? The stocks?"
・You watched as the man quivered. He would have been in his mid-twenties, barely a whisker on his chin.
"Hmmmm," you pretended to think. Your mind already made up. It was a silly little comment, from a silly little boy.
・Arthur knew you too well, his gaze turned stern on the young man. A rusted sword hanging on his hilt. He had begun to shake.
"I think we should leave him be. Maybe he won't let his tongue wag so freely."
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"Excuse me? What was that?"
・Percival instantly shot up from his seat at the table. The candle flickered as he did so, and you reached out to steady it.
"Perci, it's fine, really." You mumbled, not wanting to draw more attention to yourself. But one of the positives of having such a huge husband is that he will win against nearly anyone in a fight.
・Well, most of the time, men are too scared to even fight him.
・As was your insulter.
・Whose bravado slowly diminished as he watched the large Knight loom over him.
"What I- what I meant was-"
"Sorry, I'm terribly sorry. I didn't mean it!"
"Now leave."
"Yes, yes of course!"
・You were actually impressed by the cowardice of this man. He didn't put up one ounce of a fight. Just followed exactly what Percival said.
"Thank you," you whispered, a smile appearing on your face.
"No. Never thank me. I will always stand up for you."
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・A raise of his eyebrow, and a turn of the head. A cold, intimidating demeanour washing over him. Elyan noticed the clean face, shining armour and coat of arms on the man's cloak.
"Say that again. I dare you." His voice was a growl; low and rumbling.
・The man, no, knight, did not shrink or apologise.
"Oh what a match. The marred and the deaf. A great pair-" the knight turned around and laughed with his men.
"Mmm." Elyan looked at the arse like a snake deciding on dinner.
・Your hand itched to grab the dagger at your waist, but Elyan knew you too well.
・Looking at you, he put a hand on your arm and slightly nodded his head. I want to handle this, his eyes said.
・Folding your arms, you took a step back, 'be my guest,' you answered with a smile.
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・Aggressive asf
・Doesn't even ask who said it first, he just throws himself at anyone and everyone who laughs
・Absolutely punching and kicking, grabbing heads and banging them together.
・You shake your head but join in, because that's part of the reason Gwaine loves you. You never let him have all the fun.
・And you would never let anyone talk crap about you. Especially to your face. That's not the reputation you wanted to hold.
・But who knew brawls could be romantic? With Gwaine somehow they are...
・Especially when he holds a man down so you can give him a few punches, Gwaine smiling at you.
"That's my girl/that's my guy"
・But it's not like you're allowed into many taverns anymore
・Only when Arthur, the King is there, that you're allowed to enter.
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・Instantly his nose flares, invisible steam streaming from them.
"Apologise. This instant."
"Ooohooo," was the only reply he got. Along with the awful sound of drunk men's laughter. Well, more like coughing and wheezing.
"I'll ask one more time. After that, you'll be on the ground."
・The men barely looked in your husbands direction. Big mistake...
・Leon moved to block your view of what he was about to do.
・Because his word was truth.
・Within a second, the man who insulted you was on the floor, nose broken and bleeding.
・Once he's sorted it out, Leon turns to you and holds out his arm for you to take.
"Are you alright my love?" His concern falls on you and doesn't leave until you're feeling better.
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k4shixe · 9 months
Barou, Karasu and rin (seperate) with an insecure chubby reader?
(if you don't take multiple characters, you can just pick👍)
Take care💗
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Blue Lock Men with a Cubby Insecure Reader
Staring; Shoei Barou, Tabito Karasu & Rin Itoshi
Pairings; fem!reader x Shoei Barou, fem!reader x Tabito Karasu, fem!reader x Rin Itoshi - fluff/comfort
Word count; 550+ - headcanonns/hc
CW; insecurities, reader is chubby, not proof read, mentions of not eating (kinda ed), physical touching, kisses, mentions of hurting others, characters might not be portrayed right (personality wise) :,|
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Shoei Barou
* He loved the way you were. Kind, caring and confident
* He absolutely adores you
* So when you started looking into the mirror more he knew what he had to do
* Next time you were looking at yourself again he automatically picked himself up and warped his arms around you
* He began saying the sweetest words that ever came out of his mouth just for you
* Made sure you knew how beautiful you are even if you couldn't see it
* Showed you off to everyone and kept a close on anyone who looks even towards your direction
* He just wants you to know he loves you more then anything in the world
Tabito Karasu
* When he notices you wearing more baggy clothes then usual, he couldn't lie he did feel concerned.
* He understood that 'they were much comfier' then the dresses you always lived to wear but you just suddenly stopped
* You always asked if you "looked good" or "look fat" and thats when everything clicked in his mind.
* Karasu would give you lots of small pecks on your neck and cheeks and he'd find that ticklish spot just to see you smile
* Giving you a big smirk as he wraps his arms around your shoulders from the back
* "Babe you always look amazing" he always reassures making sure you know your his queen
* And if you want to wear makeup this man will ruin it and say something like "guess you'll have to show your beautiful face to everyone now"
* If you get the slightest bit uncomfortable and insecure because "he's out of your league" which is complete nonsense to him, he will not hesitate to hold hands with you or put his arm around you and pull you closer to him.
* He absolutely loves how shy you get and that just makes him love you so much more
* If you want to exercise more he will give up whatever he's doing to be with you and help you but will always make sure you know he loves you no matter how you look.
* If you get tired he'll carry you anywhere and if you say something dumb like "im too heavy" he will just shush you
* "Babe you are the amazing, wait no. Your perfect. Actually more then perfect. Now lets go get some food, im starving."
* And when you giggle, he knows he won.
Rin Itoshi
* Rin would always complement you, on your looks, personality, everything.
* You were so perfect in his eyes
* So you must understand how confused he was when you 'didnt feel hungry' for a few days
* He sat you down and asked you what's wrong and you immediately told him because why wouldn't you?
* He already knew but it hurt more when you told him you feel insecure
* So the first thing he done was promise you that you are the most perfect person ever and gave you a kiss
* The second thing he done was take you out to your favourite restaurant and he let you buy as much as everything and everything
* Basically whatever you heart desired
* On the way home he had his arm around your waist and pulled you so very close to him so you know he isn't joking
* If anyone comments on you they better count their days
* Rin will give you extra complements,kisses, affection so your 110% sure he is certain that your his everything
* He'll also plan some cooking dates just to make sure your still eating
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A/n; Super duper sorry if the characters personalities and what they would and wouldn't do dont match up or if they are the wrong ones or smth. I wanted to write a fic but it was just better in head cannons. Anyways I hope you enjoy it!
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megalony · 1 year
This is a Henry Cavill imagine that I'm thinking of making into a series, any feedback would be lovely.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez-blog @jonesyaddiction @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me  @hellsdragon @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh @onceuponadetectivedemigod @ceres27 @avyannadawn  @noonenuts @sleepylunarwolf @coverupps @justagirlthatlovedtoread
Summary: Henry and (Y/n) have their hands full looking after their kids, especially Toby who has a rare genetic condition where he can't feel or process pain.
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“Toby- be careful!” (Y/n) remarked as her lips pressed into a thin line and she folded her arms across her chest.
Her eyes focused on the twins who were out on the grass in the back garden, kicking a football between them. They knew the rules but when both sets of ocean blue eyes latched onto her, (Y/n) could feel herself weakening, just a little.
With big, round eyes, Toby looked over at his mum as his smile dropped and turned into a pleading frown. He was silently begging her to let him carry on playing with Levi. He only got to play a mild version of football when Henry was home and he hated being so careful. But Levi promised to go easy and not be so tactile, they were practically playing a toddler's version of football so they were still being safe.
Toby desired to be a normal child more than anything, he wanted to play in the garden and mess around with his twin without having to be watched in case he fell or tripped or something minor happened.
He had always been limited in sports while growing up, he loved to watch the games but when it came to taking part he was strictly told what games he could play and what he was advised to sit and watch. It was hard for Toby to see his friends playing games, especially at school when he couldn't join in in case he hurt himself. They couldn't take even a small risk when his life was already full of complications.
“Be careful.” (Y/n) repeated, a gentle tone to her words as she nodded her head. She didn't want to drag him inside and spoil the fun they seemed to be having. They were both twelve, after all, they had endured a lifetime of living by the rules and being careful, they knew what to do and what not to do.
And even Birdie was enjoying herself, sitting on the grass nearby watching like a mini cheerleader shouting her brothers on.
Toby had a rare genetic disorder, CIPA, something no one in (Y/n) or Henry's family had heard of and something that Levi didn't have. It affected the nerve signals in Toby's body and stopped him from processing or feeling any pain.
He couldn't feel even a tingling sensation if he fell and hit his head or his arm, he didn't know whether he had broken bones after a fall or internal injuries because he could feel nothing but numbess. He couldn't regulate his body temperature because he couldn't feel hot or cold. He couldn't cry, he couldn't sweat because he didn't react to heat, he didn't even get headaches.
It made life hard for all of them.
To have a bath or a shower, Toby had to check the temperature so he didn't scold himself, he had to probe any hot drink he had so he didn't burn his mouth. Every morning, (Y/n) or Henry helped him in his routine of checking his body for a rash or discolouration or sores. He had to take his temperature in case he had a fever, check his eyes in case he scratched them during the night and if they suspected he was ill, they checked his blood pressure too.
His life was made up of cautions because if he got a simple cold or a very bad infection, he would be none the wiser.
If he fell over at school he had to see the nurse because a simple collision could break a bone and he wouldn't know.
(Y/n) couldn't recall the amount of times she had gone to A&E over the years from Toby falling, having a rash, scratching his eyes until they bled or when he was little he would bite his lip and chew through them.
Every minute or so, (Y/n) glanced out the kitchen window to sneak glances on the three of them, just to make sure they were alright. Part of her knew that if something happened, they might come running to her, but the other part knew they also might try and hide it and pretend everything was fine. She didn't know which was worse.
A soft smile formed on (Y/n)'s lips when she heard approaching footsteps padding through the hallway and her eyes immediately landed on Henry.
"Hot flush?" She murmured quietly when her eyes raked in his appearance. He was wearing nothing but his briefs. His long curls were skewed all over his head like hed received an electric shock and his eyes were barely open but when he heard what she said, his teeth flashed in a charming smile.
"Something like that,"
Their house seemed to retain all the heat and soak it up from outside and Henry was like a radiator himself, he didn't need any extra heat or any more layers to trap the heat in.
When he turned his back towards her so he could grab a bottle of juice from the fridge, (Y/n) leaned over and hooked her finger in the waistband of his briefs. She pulled the elastic back before letting it snap back against his arse with a successful twang that resonated through the kitchen, along with his gasp of surprise.
(Y/n) pressed her lips together, trying in vain to supress a giggle when she watched his hands instantly reach for his briefs. He was so used to the twins running past him and shouting 'kegged' while they yanked his pants down and ran off. Any time Henry walked round in either his briefs or just his jogging bottoms, the twins went wild trying to shock him and keg him.
"Oi! Bloody minx." The wild shimmer in his eyes sent (Y/n)'s stomach jumping in delight and she grinned when his arm coiled around her waist. He tugged her back against his bare chest and tilted his head down to nuzzle his face in her hair.
"Did you get some sleep?" (Y/n) leaned her head back in his shoulder so she could smile lazily up at him, shivering when he kissed her. He looked tired. His schedule was messed up recently, evenings were taken up with fitness routines in the gym and nights were spent in rehearsal so he slept in the early hours and into the afternoon as of late.
"A bit, where are the rugrats?"
"All out in the garden."
A shiver rolled down (Y/n)'s spine when she felt Henry's lips trace down the side of her neck and his teeth grazed against her shoulder like he was preparing to take a bite. He set the juice down on the counter and moved both hands to (Y/n)'s hips, squeezing tightly as he turned her in his arms so she was facing him instead.
(Y/n) felt him jump and almost stumble forward into her when Birdie's scream rattled through the house from the garden. (Y/n) knew it was too good to be true, she had glanced at the three of them playing no more than ten minutes ago and they had been fine.
Henry pressed a chaste kiss against (Y/n)'s wet lips before he bypassed her and headed out the back door, feeling her behind him almost glued to his back. The concrete was hot and burning against the soles of his bare feet but he paid it no mind as he jogged out to see what they had all been doing while he had been asleep.
Henry took a moment to scan over the scene, trying to work out what had happened. Levi was standing on the grass, wide-eyed with panic written across his face when he noticed both parents out in the garden who clearly heard the scuffle. But Henry felt his heart jumping into his throat, briefly cutting off his breathing when he looked at Toby and Birdie.
Toby was laid on his side, half on the concrete and his lower half still on the grass and he had Birdie in his arms who was wailing very loudly, clearly having hurt herself somewhere.
Henry thought Toby may have been unconscious or knocked himself out for a moment before he breathed sharply, blinking rapidly to try and clear his vision. He bent down beside the pair of them along with (Y/n) who very carefully pulled Birdie away from Toby before she sat down on the grass to look over the four year old.
Birdie let out a violent sob as she held her hands out to her mother, showing how her palms were scratched and held bits of grit from the pavement.
Trying to be careful, Henry slipped his hands under Toby’s arms so he could slowly sit him up before he scanned him over. He had a sharp cut on his temple from colliding with the concrete with a bang, it didn't look deep enough for a hospital trip but it wasn't exactly a light graze either. Henry rubbed his palms up and down Toby's arms before he rolled his sleeves up to check he had no swelling or marks or scuffs.
He could have jarred his shoulder from the fall or landed on his arm hard enough to do some damage, but it didn't look bad; yet.
“What happened?” Henry asked gently, tilting Toby’s head to either side so he could make sure he had no other injuries.
“Birdie tripped… I grabbed her to stop her from falling but we both went down.”
Toby had reached out for his sister when she started to stumble forward but he couldn’t hold her weight or pull her up in time and he fell down with her. He managed to turn them around so Birdie grazed her hands going down but didn't fall flat on her face. She landed mostly on him causing him to hit his head and his side as he went down, trying to keep her against his chest to stop her from getting hurt.
“Alright, everybody inside. And you're alright?" Henry glanced over at Levi, needing a bit of reassurance that the other twin wasn't hurt and had only witnessed the scuffle.
"Yeah, I'm good."
"Up we go, bud." Henry carefully hoisted Toby up and set him down on his feet, keeping hold of him under his armpits when he wobbled unsteadily on his feet.
Toby couldn't get a headache, he'd never had one in his life and he certainly wouldn't feel anything but sick from a fall like that. But his head did feel like it was full of air and there were small dots in front of his eyes that he was used to after a fall.
Pressing his lips into a thin line, Henry leaned down and scooped Toby up in case he fell, he didn't look steady enough to walk and he didn't want anymore accidents. Toby was twelve and he was tall and lanky for his age, taking after Henry in that department, so it was awkward for Henry to carry him. He knew Toby wouldn't want to be carried on his dad's hip like Birdie, he was too old for that and it felt awkward to hold him up by his armpits.
Henry settled on looping one arm around Toby's upper chest and hoisting him off his feet that way and a small smile came onto his boy's face when he started to walk them back inside after (Y/n).
"Sit down, bud and we'll take a better look at you." He kicked one of the kitchen chairs out with his heel before he eased Toby down so he could sit and rest for a minute.
"Daddy!" Birdie reached her arms out the moment (Y/n) sat her down on the kitchen counter next to the sink.
Her little wail did wonders in gaining Henry's attention no matter where they were or what they were doing and with a soft smile, he walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her. He kissed her head multiple times before inspecting her hands and turning on the cold tap. She only had a few graze marks on her palms, once they were clean and had some cream on she would be fine.
She burrowed her head into Henry's chest, wriggling and letting out a few small wails when he took her tiny hands in his large ones and held them under the water to clean the grit off.
“Sshh, it’s okay sweetheart. Let me clean them up Birdie.” Henry hushed, brushing away the flecks of mud and grit from her hands and the small trickles of blood beginning to form from the scratch marks. He leaned down to kiss the top of her head again while (Y/n) leaned around him to grab a tea towel, running it under the water before moving to tend to Toby.
“Do you feel dizzy?” (Y/n) questioned, tilting Toby’s head up so she could start cleaning the blood slowly oozing from the cut.
It was always easier to tend to Toby’s cuts and scrapes because he didn’t flinch. No pain meant it was easier to patch him up, he could sit still whereas with Levi or Birdie they wriggled away in pain like Birdie was doing now with Henry. Toby slowly nodded his head as he watched his mum grab the box from the cupboard containing plasters, wipes, paracetamol and such.
(Y/n) opened an antiseptic wipe and started cleaning Toby’s cut, both of them noticing how Henry was having a hard time trying to do the same with Birdie who was wailing at the feeling of her cuts being cleaned.
When he was done, Henry picked Birdie up and sat her down on his hip, letting her curl up into his bare chest before he turned to look at the twins. Toby was still being patched up at the table and Levi was stood anxiously in the kitchen doorway, unsure what to do. But he knew by the look in his dad's face that they were about to get some sort of lecture.
“All done. Next time you all want to play football, wait for me or your mum to join or watch.” Henry instructed as he gently cradled Birdie to his chest whose cries were slowly dying down. Her head tucked into his neck as she sniffed, saying nothing as she tried to calm down.
Henry watched Toby’s head turn sharply to look at him, his eyes widening as his face fell. (Y/n) didn’t join in when playing football, it wasn’t one of the games she particularly liked to participate in and they couldn’t always wait around for Henry to come home. Nor could (Y/n) keep an eye on them playing all the time like today, it wasn’t going to work. Henry was practically telling them- or more specifically, Toby- that he couldn’t play unless someone watched him when they were only just beginning to let him do more things and play more on his own.
It was as if he needed a full-time watcher to make sure he was okay but the only person Toby accepted watching over him all the time was Henry. He didn't like anyone else trying to 'keep an eye on him' unless it was his dad.
“Dad it was an accident-”
“Yes, and I don’t want any more accidents happening Toby. You could have knocked yourself out.” Henry wasn’t saying this to be cruel or make Toby feel bad, he just didn’t want the risk of anything else happening. Toby needed to be watched because he may not realise when he was doing something that could hurt himself. He didn’t want them playing out and anything bad happen like this because Toby could have cut his head deeper or fell unconscious.
“I fell catching Birdie, not playing football.” Toby's tone gave away that he was growing angry and upset but his frown only deepened when Henry raised a brow at him.
He didn't like the tone his son was using with him, whether or not he has reason to be angry.
“You fell playing outside when no one was watching so next time someone’s going to watch. It's for your sake.” Henry wasn’t trying to bargain or make a deal, he was setting a rule because he didn’t want to come home and find Toby unconscious or with yet another broken bone. It was to keep him safe.
A deep frown set into Toby's forehead and his lips curved down before he slammed his palm down on the table, causing Birdie to jolt and whimper into Henry's chest.
(Y/n) gave him a certain look with pursed lips but she didn't have to turn around to see the stern look on her husband's face. She could practically feel Henry's emotions radiating through her and when Toby adverted his gaze to the floor, she knew Henry wasn't happy.
"Don't start with me."
"But I can't do anything! Levi gets to play football after school but I don't, I can't even do athletics club. I don't want to be wrapped in bubble wrap!"
Toby didn't have as big a fascination with football like Levi did, he leaned more towards rugby simply because he had watched Henry play rugby all his life and he admired his dad when he played. But he couldn't join in football at school because if he slipped or fell or collided with someone awkwardly, he could end up breaking a bone and going to A&E. And if he fell and didn't tell his parents he could be walking around on a damaged or broken leg and make it worse without realising it.
Athletics was something Toby wanted to try but again, if he fell and didn't land on a crash mat, they could have another problem. And if he played sports and got overheated, his body couldn't sweat to cool him down and he could get a fever or make himself sick so it wasn't worth the risk.
"You can't do school clubs but you come to the gym with me and train, don't you? You're not in bubble wrap, you have to be cautious and you know that. End of subject."
With that, Henry turned and headed towards the living room, ruffling Toby's hair as he passed to try and cool down the situation. He wasn't having this argument, he wasn't doing it anymore.
Toby wasn't wrapped in cotton wool, he had to be cautious. He had to be careful, more than others because if he wasn't he would become ill and no one wanted that. But just because he missed out at school didn't mean he always missed out at home either. Henry took him to the gym with him, just the two of them so they got one to one time. At the gym, Henry could check Toby's temperature, make sure he had appropriate rest so he didn't overheat and show him how to train and lift weights and do small but adequate exercises so he wasn't pushed too hard. It was a good substitute.
(Y/n) leaned over to rub her hand up and down Toby's arm, smiling gently at him. She was sure that if Toby could, he would have been crying by now. Leaning forward, she gently wrapped her arms around him, surprised when he held her back very tightly and burrowed his face into her shoulder.
“Sweetheart, you know you have to be careful… playing games or sports isn’t the best idea for you. Your dad doesn’t want you to get hurt, that’s all.” (Y/n) slowly carded her fingers through Toby’s hair as she heard him huff in response but she knew he understood.
This had been and would continue to be the way Toby’s life went. He would need watching and would have to be careful when he was older, that was just how life was going to be for him. To make it easier, they had to prevent him from doing activities that would cause more harm than good, the more cautious he was the better his life would be and the more he would learn how to take care of himself when he was older.
“I don’t want to be careful.” Toby whispered defiantly.
He wanted to be normal.
He wanted to feel hot and cold, he wanted to cry and scrape his knee or hit his head and feel the pain. He wanted a headache or tummy ache and to feel if food was hot or cold. He wanted to rub his eyes and feel that satisfied itching and know when to stop. His body desired and craved the burning sensation of pain when he fell or the drowsy headaches he saw his family get when they were sick. He could throw up and have a fever and still get up and play video games and dance because he didn't feel the pain or the toll it took on his body.
“That’s not how this works, baby. People have to be careful they don’t hurt themselves, you have to be just the same even if it's for different reasons. Even if you don’t feel yourself getting hurt it will cause damage, we’re just trying to keep you safe.”
It didn’t really matter if Toby didn’t want to be careful, no one really wanted to live a careful life but they did. Others made sure they weren’t reckless when driving a car or didn’t run on a slippery surface or took medication so they didn’t get ill. Toby was careful not to damage his body so he didn’t get internal damage or broken bones and cuts and scrapes.
"Your dad worries about you a lot baby, rules are there so he doesn't have to worry and you stay safe."
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bucknastysbabe · 2 years
thanks so much! that’s totally fine, it doesn’t even need to be a full blown imagine even just a small blurb will suffice. I just can’t get chubby Aegon out of my head, I feel like he’d be insecure but the reader would make him feel okay about the way he is. And he’d just be so needy for her, but when he sees people trying to steal her from him, another side shows of him & he plays the King card so well.
God just imagine sitting on his thick thighs while he sits the Iron Throne.
THE THOUGHT OF THE THIGHS N THRONE SLURP, sorry if this was super short but I have another one in the askbox for chubby Aegon too hehe
Also I accidentally spent on this adit app best 50 accident ever so I can make someome chonk lmfao
Big king, bigger thighs, biggest throne
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Rating: Mature
Tags: TW wg, fluffy, chats of sex, chubby jealous Aegon, hims wife is sweet, general awe, wife reader
Aegon pulled you from the visiting lord of Griffin’s Roost, plump lips frowning. He sternly chided Lord Connington, “Tis’ a bit rude to be openly ogling the King’s wife, hm? Some take it as a punishable offense.” You stared at him in shock, the red-haired man in front of you both apologizing profusely and darting away.
Aegon pulled you from the visiting lord of Griffin’s Roost, plump lips frowning. He sternly chided Lord Connington, “Tis’ a bit rude to be openly ogling the King’s wife, hm? Some take it as a punishable offense.” You stared at him in shock, the red-haired man in front of you both apologizing profusely and darting away.
Aegon pulled you from the visiting lord of Griffin’s Roost, plump lips frowning. He sternly chided Lord Connington, “Tis’ a bit rude to be openly ogling the King’s wife, hm? Some take it as a punishable offense.” You stared at him in shock, the red-haired man in front of you both apologizing profusely and darting away.
You looked at him in concern, asking gently, “He was being polite Aegon, what’s wrong?”
He was in excellent pouting form, muttering, “I don’t like the way they make you smile.”
You held yourself from scoffing in your husband’s soft, pretty face. His big violet eyes looked hurt. Poor thing was so sensitive and needy when it came to you. Running a hand down his chest you sighed, “Aegon dear, I’m merely doing my duty as queen. Obviously you’re my only love, I take our vows very seriously.”
Aegon frowned harder at your thinly veiled jab about the past, apologizing, “Fine, sorry, can we just go to bed? I’m not drunk enough for all these,” the king searched for a word, “Arses.” You laughed at his eloquent description, grabbing the blonde’s hand. You cooed, “Yes, lead the way.”
Your self-conscious husband’s fit of self pity had increased tenfold upon being alone in your shared quarters. He picked at his tight doublet, sighing dramatically. You toed off your shoes, waiting for the inevitable.
“Is it because I’ve grown fat?,” Aegon whined.
That was different than his usual criticisms of self. You raised your brows in surprise, unable
to come up with a planned response. Aegon’s lips trembled as he bemoaned, “Oh gods, it’s true, you think me a hog!” You held your hands up and yelped, “Stop it right there!”
He paused, face comically quizzical. You stood up to get a better look at him. You were around him all the time, you hadn’t noticed any changes. Aegon whined again, you shushing him, “Quit sniveling, I didn’t notice anything off!”
Your eyes roved his form.
Well he wasn’t fat by any means. But your husband had put on a few. Drinking like a Braavosi sea lord and eating like a king will do that to one’s figure. You slid a finger down his front, noticing his thicker torso. Aegon mumbled, “Say something at the least!”
You made a circle, eyeing his hips and ass. Indeed, he was thicker. Returning to face your husband you shrugged indifferently. He squawked, “What the bloody hells is that supposed to mean?” Stifling laughter your wrapped your arms around his midsection and hummed, “You’ve gotten a bit…podgy. But I quite like it.”
His eyes narrowed in suspicion, arms encircling your own slim waist. Aegon stated, “You jest.” Huffing in annoyance you retorted, “Obviously I don’t care that you’ve got a belly if I’m still riding your cock every night. If you want to lose it then start riding my cunt.” You pinched his fleshy hip and teased, “Lazy.”
He peered down at you, blonde brow raised. Quietly he asked, “Truly? You do not care?” You nodded and kissed his plump lips to seal your point. Aegon relaxed some, his hold tightening on you. He smiled softly, “My perfect queen.”
You pinched his fatty belly and teased, “Someone’s gotta do it, come on my king, take me to bed.” He laughed and drug you along.
After a thorough fucking, you really got to know Aegon’s softer frame and it was delicious. Then blonde was much more sensitive and blushy. Especially when you nipped at his sore pink marks from growth.
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alexendria-rose · 3 months
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Midnight Rain
Sherlock Holmes X Reader
warnings: NONE, well maybe like slight cussing?
A/n- I actually hate this one, I wanted to write something but my brain isn't working so enjoy my junk lol
Rain, he wanted it comfortable I wanted that pain He wanted a bride I was making my own name Chasing that fame He stayed the same All of me changed like midnight
Y/n sat on her couch thinking of her past, about the one love she let go. Sherlock Holmes. The now famous consulting detective, she didn't know him as the famous detective. She knew him as a teenage boy full of curiosity and life, before he even became a detective, before he became closed off and distant. She didn't know the Sherlock Holmes everyone else did, she knew the boy who loved her, who never wanted to let go. She thought about the first time she met Sherlock.
My town was a wasteland Full of cages, full of fences Pageant queens and big pretenders But for some, it was paradise
Y/n sat alone on the grass as she looked at the other teenagers walking around her hell of a school, now she didn't really miss America and the people, but she loathed more that she had to be the new girl. Especially in a whole new state. She looked next to her seeing girls walking towards her, she smiles widely excited to finally make some new friends.
"Is it true that all Americans are fat?" One of the girl says to her smacking her gum in a most disturbing manner, the other girl laughs.
"I mean look at her, of course its true." She wickedly grins. Y/n heart drops- looking down at the sandwich she was about to take another bite of.
"Wow Alice so original, isn't it true that your parents are divorcing?" A voice speaks up behind her. Y/n looks back seeing a tall boy with curly brown hair and blue eyes. She crinkles her eyebrows wondering why this boy was defending her.
"You freak! this is why nobody likes you." The girl huffs walking away from Y/n and the mysterious boy, the other girls following behind her looking back at the two with disgust on their faces. He looks down at Y/n giving her a small smile before sitting himself down next to her.
"Don't bother with them." He says before sticking his hand out. "Names Sherlock Holmes." Y/n laughs softly grabbing his hand and shaking it.
"Y/n, Y/n L/n." She grins. Sherlock chuckles looking down at her book that was by her side.
"So romance books?" He questions tilting his head with a sly smirk. "No taste for literature I see?" Y/n shakes her head rolling her eyes.
"Romance books are great, have you ever read one?" She questions holding her book tightly against her chest.
"No, I don't touch those books." He says slightly gagging at the way he says 'those books.'
"How about you actually try to read one and come back to me with that." She says grinning, mostly she just wanted an excuse to talk to him again.
"Fine, but I'm telling you. I'm not going to enjoy it." He says standing up from the ground. "I'll see you around Miss L/n."
Y/n sighs standing up from the couch walking towards her book shelf running her finger over the dusted books, she couldn't read books the same. Not after everything that happened between them.
My boy was a montage A slow-motion, love potion Jumping off things in the ocean I broke his heart 'cause he was nice
He was sunshine, I was midnight rain He wanted it comfortable I wanted that pain He wanted a bride I was making my own name Chasing that fame He stayed the same All of me changed like midnight
"What do you mean your going back to America? and just before we go off to college!" Sherlock shouted gripping onto the book he was holding. Y/n's lip wobbled.
"I'm going to college there..." Her voice said with a slight waver to it. She noticed her and sherlock were getting closer, her feelings were getting stronger and she couldn't let herself get hurt, so she picked the furthest college to run away, to never look back.
"And you've decided to not tell me until the week you're supposed to leave?" His eyes piercing into hers, he moves closer to her grabbing her hand with his. "Don't, don't go please."
"I have to Sherlock, I have to leave." She mumbled not daring to look into his eyes. Sherlock notices this placing his hand on her cheek making her look into his eyes.
"Please I love you, god damnit I love you Y/n." He confesses his breathing becoming uneven from the confession lifting off his shoulder. "Please you cannot leave me, you cannot possibly not love me back."
"I don't." She whispers, she did oh god she did, but she couldn't hold him back with all these goals he had in his life. She was going to drag him down, so she did what she had to do. Let him go. Sherlock's heart drops; his eyes widening as he stepped back away from her dropping his hand as he does.
"Your lying." He mutters shaking his head. "Have fun in college Y/n. Just know you're the only girl I will ever love." He throws the book at her feet looking at the cover 'pride and prejudice.' Y/n falls onto her knees picking up the book her tears clouding her eyes.
Y/n picks up the old book, somehow still smelling like him. It engulfed her nostrils, the smell of old books, the smell of Sherlock. She never loved a man like Sherlock Holmes, and now that she was back in London he was all around her. She opens the book for the first time looking at the little writings that Sherlock had made, all for her, her eyes caught the note that was on the first page.
My Dearest Y/n
If you got this book, it means I finally told you.
I've loved you since the first moment you walk through those doors.
Your eyes bright and unaware of your surroundings.
You were the first person I was able to be close to, the first person
that I let into my heart. I cannot wait to see what our life together
ends up to be.
all my love,
Sherlock Holmes.
Y/n hand trembled reading those words on the book, this was all dedicated for her. The boy who didn't love easily, let her in and she ruined it. She ruined it all because of her being scared of holding him back for what he wanted in life. Y/n shakes her head grabbing the coat that was beside her knowing she needed some air.
She walked out of her flat the wind of London hitting her face, the fresh air letting her breath out her thoughts. Y/n started walking keeping her eyes at her feet not letting anyone disrupt her thoughts.
So I peered through a window A deep portal, time travel All the love we unravel And the life I gave away
Sherlock looked out the window letting the violin consume his thoughts. John sat in his chair deep dived into his computer looking for cases for him and Sherlock.
"How about this case?" John pipes up, but Sherlock wasn't paying attention completely ignoring his friend, his mind elsewhere as he continued to stare at the window.
"I'm going out, don't wait for me." Sherlock says setting his violin down on his chair, grabbing his scarf and coat before slipping it on.
"While your out, would you please grab milk?" John says rolling his eyes knowing his friend never grabs anything for the flat.
"Sure sure." He mumbles not even listening to John as he dashed out of the flat.
Sherlock walks out of the main door the air hitting his face. He couldn't stop thinking about her. He thought of her every case he went to, every book he saw, every girl that looked like her. He thought about her. He told himself he would never care for someone like that again, he would shut himself out, he told himself love was a defect so he never fell for someone like that ever again. She was the first person he opened up to, she was the first person that saw Sherlock Holmes as Sherlock Holmes.
Sherlock kept his head down as he let his feet take him wherever he wanted, he knew this town from the back of his hand-
"Oh I'm sorry!" The girls voice perks up after bumping into her, Sherlock looks down at what she dropped his heart thumping against his chest 'pride and prejudice.' Sherlock clears his throat getting himself out of his daze, he picks up the book handing it to her. He locks eyes with her; eyes widening at the familiar eyes boring into his. He could never forgot those eyes, the eyes of innocence, the eyes he fell in love with. Y/n heart drops at the sight of him, she reaches for the book her hand shaking as she grabs the book.
"Y/n." Sherlock whispers under his breath, he eyes the book in her hands. Y/n looks at sherlock not knowing what to say, but instead she observed him. His hair was longer, curly and handsome just like it was in high school, his eyes were still bright but more dimmed. "So I see you have the book." Her brain snaps back in reality staring at him.
"Um Hi." Is all she managed to breath out, all the feelings she pushed to the side so long ago came back even harder almost knocking all the air out of her. Sherlock smiles softly.
"So hi is all you have after what happened?" He asks crossing his arms over his chest a smug smile on his face. "Wow I thought you were more intelligent then that." Y/n rolls her eyes pushing her way past Sherlock, but he stops her by grabbing her wrist. "No you don't get to leave me again." Y/n turns around looking at him.
"Why? I did you a favor Sherlock Holmes, look at you now." Her voice wavering slightly at the way the emotions started tugging at her heart. "You are a consulting detective, you are so smart and you became to be one of the greatest that people have ever seen." Sherlock furrowed his eyebrows.
"No, no that's not what I wanted." He pulls her off to the side getting away from the middle of the sidewalk. "Ever since I lost you I've been miserable, I told you that day I would never love someone like I will with you and I haven't. I push everyone away." He whispered. Her eyes lock with his.
"No, no you are not pushing away from me, not again. I know you think you are helping me, but you're not." He confesses. "You're hurting me, I know you love me, it hurts to know you love me but you wont tell me." Y/n looks down at her shoes before letting her gaze back on his eyes her throat getting tighter knowing she was about to confess everything she thought of for years.
"I love you Sherlock Holmes. I was scared, I knew how great you could be and I didn't want to hold you back. I'm just me, and your Sherlock." She confessed.
"Just you? Y/n L/n you've had my heart for 10 years, 10 bloody years. I've thought about you every single day." He mumbles before cupping her cheeks- eagerly but gently placing his lips on her, her lips were just how he imagined it to be soft and gentle warming his heart with just her lips against his. He pulls back placing his forehead on hers. "Don't ever leave me again please, I don't think I cannot bare it." Y/n giggles lightly placing a delicate hand on his cheek.
"I cannot bare the thought of leaving you again, you're stuck with me William Sherlock Holmes"~
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azfellandco · 1 year
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OOPS! All Goats!: azfellandco's Good Omens Mountain Goats Playlist (spotify link here)
This is a playlist that's all Mountain Goats songs that remind me of Good Omens, with explanations.
Rain In Soho (x): nothing sharper than a serpent's tooth / nothing harder than the gospel truth / though you repent and don sackcloth and try to make nice / you can't cross the same river twice
Soho, serpent's tooth, can't cross the same river... this song to me conjures up Crowley driving the Bentley through London at night.
Rat Queen (x): great warm throb of the undercity / at one with the purpose / i am a faceless nameless acolyte / here tonight at your service
Crowley & Crowley's Rat Army... Crowley is the rat queen. this song choice is so unserious but I love the use of the word "acolyte" in this song
Heretic Pride (x): well they come and pull me from my house / and they drag my body through the streets... transfiguration's gonna come for me at last / and i will burn hotter than the sun / i waited so long and now i taste jasmine on my tongue
I've been meaning to make a video or a gifset or something for Agnes Nutter using this song literally since before s1 came out. have i done it yet? no.
Heel Turn 2 (x): get stomped like a snake / lie down in the dirt / cling to my convictions / even when i get hurt... stay good under pressure / for years and years and years and years
Crowley song.
Stench of the Unburied (x): incoherent but functional / speeding like a dead comet... but when the blue lights flash / i know we're going to crash
A Crowley driving in the Bentley song.
Cry For Judas (x): some people crash two or three times / and then learn from their mistakes / but we are the ones who don't slow down at all / and there's nobody there to catch us when we fall
Also a Crowley driving in the Bentley song, with bonus biblical era trauma.
Insurance Fraud #2 (x): big plans, big plans, let me tell you something sister: you will never get away with it
This is on here because I will never get over how funny I find it that book!Aziraphale keeps getting investigated for possible tax fraud.
Mark On You (x): when this is over / when we leave it all behind us / deep in the moonless night / when the rescue team finds us / it's gonna get so dark for you / i'm gonna leave a mark on you
Crowley to Aziraphale.
Riches and Wonders (x): we live high, our loves gorges / on the alcohol we feed it / and it grows all fat and friendly / we have surplus if we need it
This is the Mountain Goats Good Omens song to me. Aziraphale and Crowley in the bookshop, their love for each other, and clinging to each other through the ages.
Mobile (x): and the plant grew but it withered / it shriveled up and turned brown / i'm on a balcony... waiting for the wind to throw me down / lord if you won't keep me safe and warm / then send down the storm, send down the storm
Loss of faith. Aziraphale song.
Elijah (x): set the table, those three extra places / one for me, one for your doubts, one for God
Aziraphale song.
Grendel's Mother (x): i look down on the world from the top of this lonesome hill / and you can run, run some more... but i will carry you home in my teeth
Aziraphale to Crowley.
Ending the Alphabet (x): we've got the brightest skylight / like a vision of heaven in the evening sky... and the late sunlight makes them all look like angels / what is there left in a city like this / when everyone you know is gone?
London, the bookshop, and the impossibility of permanence when you're a pair of immortals trying to make a home for each other.
Deuteronomy 2:10 (x): i have no fear of anyone, i'm dumb and wild and free / i am a flightless bird and they'll be no more after me
About extinct animals, titled after a biblical passage about an extinct race of people. This song has always resonated with that same impossibility of permanence and the contradiction between that and Aziraphale and Crowley's love for the world and being in it.
Never Quite Free (x): it's okay to find the faith to saunter forward / with no fear of shadows spreading where you stand
Saunter hehehe. But no this is about Crowley's trauma.
New Britain (x): i try to tell you secrets 'til my face turns blue / i am not getting through to you
Aziraphale and Crowley can't communicate openly.
So Desperate (x): we were parked in your car / in our neutral meeting place... i had things i'd been meaning to say
This goes with that passage in the book where, during the years they were observing Warlock, Aziraphale and Crowley met "on the tops of buses, in art galleries, and at concerts" to me. Them meeting covertly but this time they're parked in the Bentley somewhere and one of them just starts to cry. "Desperate" is an apt description of their reaching for each other after so many years of not being able to, to me.
In the Craters on the Moon (x): when the room fills with smoke / lie down on the floor / in the declining years / of the long war
The 6000 year long war, in fact. Crowley in the burning bookshop.
Have To Explode (x): the stage is set / someone's gonna do something someone else will regret / i speak in smoke signals and you answer in code / the fuse will have to run out sometime / something here will eventually have to explode, have to explode
Aziraphale and Crowley being unable to communicate openly, speaking in code, the anticipation of the apocalypse, and always, the knowledge that the coming end is inevitable. A song for those low moments when they feel it's pointless.
Training Montage (x): i'm doing this for revenge / i am doing this to try and stay true / i'm doing this for the ones they left to twist in the wind / i'm doing this for you
"twist in the wind" echoing back to "send down the storm" in the song Moblie. Aziraphale and Crowley wanting to save each other and save their shared world and the way that makes them brave.
Love, Love, Love (x): snakes in the grass beneath our feet / rain in the clouds above / some moments last forever / but some flare out with love, love, love
The other ultimate Mountain Goats Good Omens song. This is that first rain in Eden.
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via-rant · 1 year
Just a post to give appreciation to all the underappreciated characters in my fav medias rn! (And more opinions on HOO)
Hazel Levesque:
- Y'all need to stop saying how she's "harmless" like yes she's sweet and loves everyone, I agree, (I mean she literally gave up Elysium so her mom wouldn't go to the fields of punishment) but that doesn't mean she wouldn't hurt a fucking fly! She is VERY powerful! Like killed a Giant by herself at THIRTEEN powerful!!
Frank Zhang:
- Same thing for him actually!! And he's actually not as sweet! He definitely is but that's because he tries to be!! He is actually so angry all the time!! I mean your dad having his personality crisis inside your head 24/7??? Hell yeah I'd be mad too!!
- Also the amount of times he expressed how uncomfortable that transition was!! It was more uncomfortable than before!! Like fat Frank for the win please!!
- But you guys have the same problem with him as Hazel!! He WOULD hurt a fly!! He took down an entire army by his damn self!!!
Jason Grace:
- OH GOD MY MAN!! He's so.... sad!! And just doesn't know what's happening 24/7, why was he ever appointed leader after his memory got wiped???
- A little side note: Can you guys just STOP COMPARING HIM TO PERCY!!! Can you stop comparing ANY of them to Percy??? Like it'd be about any other character besides Annabeth and y'all will be like "But what about Percy?" MAKE YOUR OWN CONTENT ABOUT HIM!! Like I love him very much, don't get me wrong, but dear fucking GOD stop making EVERYTHING about him!!!
Grover Underwood:
- *Crying, sobbing, throwing up* He needs so much more loooove!!! I'm SO surprised how little Percy mentioned him in HOO and then literally EVERYONE forgot about him and was like "LOL Jasons his bff now." NO!! Him and GOVER are best friends!! They literally have an empathy link!!!
The other parents besides Sally:
. I cannot exress how little I see of the other parents! Like I barely see pictures of Esperanza, and Emily, and Maria, and Marie and when I do it's like from AGES ago and they're so innacurate it's insane!! Not to mention Tristan and Fredrick!!
- PLEASE I need more content of them, please!!!
- I love her, I love her, I lover her, I lover her!! My Aroace QUEEN!!! The best leader of ALL time!! She actually helped me through SO MUCH!!! Her entire character just helped me figure it out!! She just like me fr!!
- She understood everything I was going through when I was figuring it out and I love her so much!! She deserves all the love!!! I want to give her such a big hug, she deserves it!!!
- Literally one of my biggest childhood crushes!! And we got so LITTLE of her!!
- Can we talk about how she lost her brother TWICE??? Like I can't IMAGINE that!!! I know they barely had ANY time but jeez louise they very much still loved each other and it was so heartbreaking hearing her story only for her to lose him again!! I don't know my little siblings very well but I'd actually die if one of them did!! I love them SO much!!
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Can you do king charming X Goldy locks please
Call the police because I’m a big fat liar sooo yeah sorry for not posting I swear I was meant to post yesterday but here I am at 1:30 am because I’m an idiot
Anyway I always love writing the class of classics so this was really fun for me
Hope you enjoyed and have a great dayy!!
The sound of the orchestra rang about the room, the sound of chatter and clicking of heels filling the room.
King charming tended to really enjoy balls, but something about today seemed off to him. He didn’t know if it was his general mood or the fact he couldn’t be with the one he wanted.
Goldilocks had managed to weave herself through his mind and take root deep within where it made him think about her more than he should.
He didn’t know what it was about her. Maybe it was her laugh or the way she knew exactly what to say. In fact he thought that in an other life she would have been a perfect broadcaster.
But he did know he liked more than he should, liked her enough to make excuses to his destined and friends to go seek her out.
“Excuse me I have to… go see someone.” He winced at how awkward he sounded, queen charming must have thought the same as she raised her perfect brow at him.
“Old friend I know.” He added quickly hoping she’d just let him go. Luckily the good king distracted her with a question about something he didn’t care for.
He slipped away from the group, his eyes scanning the ballroom until he found the golden hair of the one girl he longed for.
She was standing with a few of her friends, laughing as the next little red riding hood recounted a story.
He found himself only a few feet away from her soon enough, with sweat building on his brow as he anxiously approached her.
Being near her felt as if all the struggles and expectations he faced faded into nothing. It was as if her aura just radiated a peace he longed for.
“- and I was not prepared at all because the next… oh! Hey what are you doing here?” King charming felt a blush creep up his neck as everyone turned to look at him.
He tried to get the words out but he found he was beyond flustered. Goldilocks seemed to sense his unease as she quickly jumped in.
“Will you excuse us? Just for a second.” Her friends gave her knowing smiles Red bumping her shoulder before leaving.
The pair made sure her friends were out of ear shot before speaking. “How come you’ve come to see me?” King charming felt a ping in his chest at her words.
He knew that he’d been neglecting his time with her but it still hurt to hear. A part of him liked to pretend that they were like any other people at ever after high.
“Well I made a promise to myself.”
“Oh? And what would that be?”
“That I’d dance with the most beautiful girl at ever after.”
Goldie’s heart pounded in her chest as he leaned down, his lips grazing the shell of her ear as the words rang out.
“Shouldn’t you be dancing with Snow White then?” King charming gave her an unimpressed look, his hand stretched out to her.
“How could I ask her when the most beautiful is standing right before me.” Before she could respond he had her hand in his while he led them to the dance floor.
Goldie should have been concerned with the vicious glare queen charming was throwing at her, of the gawking of nearly every student but she wasn’t.
Everything around her revolved around the prince before her, the picture perfect prince to match a picture perfect princess and tonight she was that princess.
King charming placed his hand on her waist, leading her into a waltz as the orchestra started to play.
The nerves inside him soon simmered down as he was engulfed in Goldilocks presence, with the smell of her honey oatmeal perfume, and her enchanting eyes.
He was so captivated in her that all thoughts and worries, disappeared into a mist of nothing as if all worries of ever after didn’t exist.
And as they waltzed around the ballroom, every pair of eyes on them, they wished that this moment could last forever.
Goldie felt as if her heart would implode with the sheer and raw emotion she felt, knowing that this was her just right.
So for tonight they both pretended as if this was destiny, as if they weren’t on two completely different story paths. And as if they belonged together.
Has anyone heard the Blondie is actually part of the charming siblings theory bc of king charming x Goldie romance in the class of classics books if sooo tell me what you think
Anyway tell me why I get an email from my teacher saying we have a very important part of my end of year grade test on the first week back of school like STOP
I don’t want to go back to that hell hole but what can I do
Hope you enjoyed and have a great dayy!!
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Dixon Dallas Lyrics RP Meme
Below is a list of assorted lyrics from Dixon Dallas songs (nsfw), ranging from explicitly sexual to hopelessly romantic lines. Various lyrics have been slightly edited from 3rd person to 2nd/or 1st to better fit the rp ask meme format.
"i don't know why, i can't think straight when i look into your eyes."
"your mustache tickles my nutsack, baby."
"you said you wanted to cover my face with love."
"throw it back, yeah, just like that."
"you know just how to do it, that ass is fat."
"spread my cheeks and make me scream."
"you're my number one daddy, i'm going to make you cream inside of me."
"when i'm slurping you down, it's my favorite sound."
"you look so sexy when your hands are wrapped around it."
"flip me over. beat my meat up while you pound it."
"you got a way with your words and a big fat cock."
"i don't care if it hurts, no, don't you stop."
"i know i've been a bad boy. tonight, you're top."
"i'll be your king or your queen. whatever you want me to be."
"let's make a movie. let's make it juicy."
"i think i like you just a little more than friends."
"i know i've been so nervous. when i'm with you it just feels so perfect."
"you build me up and then tear me down; you pull me under until i drown."
"i swear, you're kinda like a drug."
"you turn my rainy days to sunshine."
"my heart is beating way too fast, i really want to make this last, so--"
"can you come a little closer? love you even more when you're bending me over."
"don't be shy, look me in my eyes."
"i can't get this feeling with just any other guy."
"we can get sweaty, you can make me suffer."
"damn, i love it, but i hate it when you go."
"stay a little longer, make my curl my toes again."
"oh, you make it hard to breathe when you're deep inside of me."
"oops, i got way too damn horny. boy, we turning right into a slutty love story."
"wanna be suckin' you off until the sun comes up."
"the way you're gripping my cock, i think i'm about to nut."
"baby, beat it up just like i owe you."
"we can do it slow, we can do it fast. i don't really care, i just really want it in my ass."
"there's no safe words in this bed."
"i'm all yours and your all mine, so give me what's between your thighs."
"we've been moving fast, everyday a little closer."
"i don't want to lie, i'm getting scared."
"i hope that this'll last. never want it to be over, i don't think my heart could be repaired."
"i know that was cheesy, that's just how you make me feel."
"hold me when i'm sleeping, you know how to make me heal."
"hold my hand, i want something i can feel."
"so fuck me in the booty, til i pass out from the pain."
"we can make a movie. damn, i'd love to scream your name."
"don't you stop until you cum, i love it when you fill me up."
"press my head, face down, in between your legs."
"we can throw a party, nobody but me and you; just your body and my body, show you what my mouth do."
"i really like that you got a nice ass and that dick is real fat."
"i just want my face covered in your nut, i'm so obsessed with the things you do."
"now i'm head over heels, i think this is something real."
"that look in your blue eyes, it makes me lose my mind."
"you put your hands up on my body, and it made the room a little hotter."
"sipping you like whiskey, got me wetter than the water."
"boy, turn around, lemme suck it from the back."
"yeah, i know how you love it when i do it like that."
"even though i hate to see you go, i love to watch you leave."
"levi's on top, what a sight. i love them booty cheeks."
"you're grinding on my lap like it's the last night that we have."
"you got me catching feelings, i think it's too late to save me."
"there's something about the way you look in my eyes."
"like a starry night, you light up my sky."
"i heard you sigh, you know i love that sound."
"you're bouncing off my booty cheeks, i love the way you ride."
"i can hardly breathe when you're pumping deep inside."
"call you daddy while i holler, man, you're just so damn good looking."
"ever say we spend together i fall more into you."
"i can't find the words to say, so i wrote this little note, kissed it, sealed it so you'd know."
"i've got some time if you got some time too."
"you've been on my mind, baby, let me remind you while i lay you down."
"i can't get enough, i'm stuck in your love."
"no this ain't just a fling. i'm all in, baby, i'm falling. you can be my king."
"you got the kind of love i've only felt in my dreams."
"now take 'em off and let's get down to business."
"i saw you starin' at me from the corner of the bar we've been partyin' in."
"i got something on my mind that i bet will make you more than a friend."
"when we get to sippin' whiskey, and we get a little frisky..."
"i wanna climb up on and ride you like an F-150."
"got me hootin', and a'hollerin', and beggin' for more."
"nothing but my boots on, baby, let's get down on the floor."
"or out in the shed. or maybe by the lake and bring it back to your bed."
"i can be straightforward but i know just what i want."
"when I saw you i just couldn't help myself but get to know you in a way that we can skip all the talk."
"we ain't gotta say nothin', we can get to lovin'."
"maybe for a week or maybe just one night."
"i love the way you're grinnin."
"i'll turn around and you can crack open like a cold bud light."
"you know just how to make me weak in the knees."
"yeah, you got a little somethin'... come here, boy, let me make you see what i mean."
"maybe for a lifetime or just for the night."
"i need a man to lay me down and give me something to feel."
"come pull me closer, bend me over. i'm just here for the thrill."
"no strings attached, i'll arch my back and let you do what you want."
"use me as you please, i'm on my knees."
"i'll go and grab a couple candles, you can grab me by the throat."
"nothing i can't handle, it's just a little choke."
"don't be shy."
"i like it rough, it ain't enough until i'm screaming your name."
"don't make me beg, unless you want it."
"take off your boots and come and show me."
"we talk a lot but i don't think you really know me."
"it's getting hot, you really got me cocked and loaded."
"i'll clench my teeth and grab the sheets."
"we'll break the bedframe, baby."
"we'll do some bad things, let me wrap my hands around it."
"we'll take our time, i'll make you mine."
"baby, you can show me how to love again tonight."
"kiss me, i just want to feel alive."
"trace my body with your fingertips tonight."
"you know you're my favorite type of high, when you take me for a ride; get inside."
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likkolo · 1 year
here's a short chan/changbin drabble with autistic chan and fat changbin having a relaxing morning in bed <33 hope this isn't controversial but i love headcanoning chan as autistic and i just think there's so much potential for these two as feeder and feedee ✨
It’s almost seven on the dot when Changbin starts to stir, just like he does every morning. Chan smiles. He thrives off of consistency and routine. He likes for things to be predictable. So many aspects of his life are simply out of his hands, but Changbin is one of the few constants he can depend on.
A low, sleepy rumble starts in Changbin’s chest before turning into a growling sort of yawn. He punches his fists into the air as he arches his back in a big stretch, and then goes completely slack against Chan’s body. A high-pitched little whine of contentment follows, making Chan giggle softly at his adorable boyfriend.
They like to call Changbin their sweet little bunny, their fat little piglet. In reality, he’s more like a plump puma, a big affectionate cat who likes his belly rubbed so much that you forget all about his powerful muscles and sharp claws. 
“Channie,” Changbin murmurs. “Belly rubs?”
“You’re so predictable,” Chan laughs. He pulls Changbin closer, glad that Changbin is content for now to cuddle instead of running off to the gym or the studio. Not that Changbin is ever in much of a hurry to get to the gym these days. He still goes, of course, still enjoys lifting weights and keeping his muscles built, but his priorities are different now. He has another hobby that he and Chan enjoy doing together.
“Chan?” Changbin squirms in Chan’s arms, as if he’s trying to get even closer. “My belly.”
Chan reaches for the hem of Changbin’s shirt, pulls it out from beneath the hang of his lower belly. He draws the hem up over the curve of Changbin’s gut and watches as the soft fat spills out of the shirt and into a mound on top of Chan’s own flat stomach. 
“My big gorgeous boy,” Chan murmurs. He can only lie there for a moment, admiring the sight of Changbin’s bulk piled on top of him, the contrast between his smooth, muscled stomach and the hill of doughy fat spread over it. He takes a pinch of flab between his fingers and his thumb, shakes it to see the fat wobble and ripple. “Can’t believe I made you this big.”
Changbin grins, a beautiful smile that rounds the apples of his cheeks and shows off his adorable double chin. “Love getting bigger for Channie.”
Chan squeezes Changbin’s belly as a lick of arousal runs down his spine. 
Then Changbin is pouting in that adorable way that emphasizes his jowls and shifting so that more of his belly is pushed onto Chan. “I want rubs,” he whines. “You know too much jiggling and pinching starts to hurt me.”
“Drama queen,” Chan says, affectionately rolling his eyes. But he lays his palm over Changbin’s belly all the same, begins to rub in soothing circles that leave Changbin snuffling contentedly into the crook of his neck.
The motion starts to lull Chan into a more relaxed state as well, allows him to turn off his brain and focus entirely on the weight of Changbin’s belly pressing down on him. It’s comforting and solid and one of the most reassuring sensations Chan has felt in his adult life.
It didn’t take long for them to realize—once Changbin was heavy enough to have such a big belly—how much Chan enjoyed having it on him in whatever way he could get it. How much it helped in quieting his brain and calming him down. Changbin never questioned it. He simply accepted it in the same way that he accepted Chan’s shaking fists, the little sounds he sometimes made, and his aversion to certain sensations.
And Chan especially enjoys it when they’re lying skin-to-skin like this. He loves the shared body heat that would normally be too warm for him, the slide of their soft skin as if his and Changbin’s bodies are melting together. The sight of his defined abdominals being overtaken by the spread of Changbin’s soft, malleable fat.
More than anything else, Chan loves the sheer weight of it. He loves how heavy it is pressing down on him, the proof of how big Changbin has gotten for him. He loves to imagine what it must be like for Changbin to have to carry so much weight everywhere he goes, if it’s a constant reminder to him of how much Chan’s influence has changed his body. 
Chan keeps rubbing Changbin’s belly, and marvels at how perfect Changbin is for him. At how perfectly he wears the weight he’s gained, as if he was always meant to get this big. It feels so right to have his arms circled around an overweight Changbin, and Chan knows without a doubt that he couldn’t be happier.
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