#big tw
softcals · 1 year
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random sketch ☁️
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juszt-a-liddol-guy · 1 year
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never making a music video animatic but wow it’s fun imagining one in my head lmao
i have a small analysis for why i drew things the way they’ve been depicted in certain panels :) have fun deciphering
song is oh ana by mother mother btw
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the-ramblings-of · 5 months
i'll be like...ok here is my 11 month plan to drop 25 pounds including a detailed outline of how i'm going to prevent myself from b/ping 10,00+ calories every other day. and then be like. but starting monday obviously *proceeds to spend the next 6 hours in a b/p cycle* :)))))
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duckymcdoorknob · 1 year
I’m trying so hard to be calmer about what people post and let them do shit in their own way.
I’m trying to do better about people posting stuff I don’t agree with and not saying anything
But AO3 is just so awful sometimes.
SA triggers below. Please don’t continue if this is something sensitive for you.
I won’t post a screenshot because of triggers, but I can’t believe that stories about 3rd graders graphically SAing each other is allowed. And being openly happy about it??? I don’t want to see the word rap3 and :D in the same sentence in my life EVER.
Maybe I’m old fashioned, but literally what the fuck.
Maybe we do need a little bit of censoring.
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prince-mercury · 8 months
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Combined days 4 and 5, self influenced cannibalism !!!!
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snonkerdoodledreams · 11 months
i feel so sad right now. i want to go to my bathroom and...yk. i am scared of telling my dad bc he will just wonder why i am being sad like this...i am scared. a whole big part of me really wants to do it. like is telling me to go get up and do it.
cuz if i don't tell anybody they'll know. and brain says I've tried before and it wasn't that bad. rationally i know this is the wrong voice to listen to. it's the voice of a budding addiction and if i let it control me i'll be screwed.
i want to. so bad. even tho all the ppl i've told about it said not to do it again. after writing this the urge has disappeared, ig i'll just listen to music now.
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rusty-rotz · 2 years
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conflicted-phoenix · 2 years
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maplesyrizzup · 2 years
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infernal-collective · 3 months
Serious concern-
TW: SA + Abuse + coercion medical professional possibly gaslighting us or at very least dismissing a bad situation .
Hey so if there’s any systems on this site/app left and are active we would like advice.
So since we are a traumagenic system we experience some blackouts and General Dissociative amnesia which god really bad when the body was 18. But I switched in last night when the host was triggered by realizing their ex was not as good of a person the host thought they are and were.
We were told the following situation with the host’s ex was actually sa.:
During the intimate act the host expressed and openly verbalized distress by saying that their head felt fuzzy in a bad way, they were becoming scared, and was heavily dissociated ( to the point that all of us in the system were concerned they could no longer consent.) His (the ex) only response was a brief chuckle as he continued anyway. He by no means asked if they needed to stop or if they were okay.
From then on when the one time the host blatantly said no from the start he seemed to get upset and ignore them entirely even when they cried. So scared he would ignore or be upset with them they would just let him do what we wanted even when they dissociated completely to the point either one or both of our sexual protector alters fronted covertly just to soften the mental blow.
So while I (Tate) was fronting today at our psychiatrist appointment I verbally expressed my concern and told him what happened between the host and their ex partner.
The psychiatrist told me: That the only one of us that was real was the host, that we were all the same person, requested I referred to the host in first person (so I had to pretend to be the host).
When he eventually got around to the point of the matter he essentially insinuated that we were over exaggerating a made up scenario. (Even though we are known to experience amnesia) His words were “It is nearly impossible to forget that kind of thing, it’s the kind of thing that sticks with you for your whole life in which causes flashbacks and nightmares.”
My response was “We have had almost daily nightmares of sa, we have had flashbacks and that even if we didn’t forget until now, we only then realized yesterday that that could be considered sa.”
He sort of rolled his eyes and said “Did you say yes at all?”
My response was “Yes at the beginning because we felt threatened.”
He then brushed over the topic to talk about meds.
Shouldnt we or atleast me the main protector be upset by his insinuation and dismissive behavior, or is my anger unjustified?
Please and thank you!
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suiheisen · 4 months
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women………….. | DOROHEDORO
(by the way. this is noi.)
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3-lavender · 6 months
Tw a lot of stuff like a lot. Sui ideation, anxiety, depression, illness anxiety, ed, and probably more idk
If I were to actually go through with it, who would care and how would people react? I remember when my sister was in high school, a kid who she sat next to but never talked to went through with it. She was sad. She never talked to him but it still affected her. I never saw him and I don’t think I ever knew his name but it made me feel so so sad. Will people I never even talked to care? I’ve thought about it a lot. Nobody knows the extent. How will it affect my family? I know it would change things, a lot. Whenever I think about it, I compare my life to George baileys in its a wonderful life. Looking at the difference he made is amazing. I know I didn’t make nearly anything close to the difference he made but I know I’ve had an effect on people. I have friends and people who I love and who love me. I have family, family who’s already been through losing someone because of it. I have friends who they themselves struggle or have struggled with thoughts of it. My best friend. When we were in middle school, she showed me her journal. In it said, “if I had a gun right now I would kill myself”. I don’t remember the exact words but I remember the feeling. I felt sick and scared for her. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want to betray her by telling my mom. So I just told her that I love her and that it’s brave of her to keep living because she said she only hasn’t done it because she’s a coward. She’s still alive and I know she’s still sad in the way she has been, but I love her. I make sure to let her know how much I love her, to let all my friends know.
I smile a lot. And laugh. I am so myself so that others feel comfortable being themselves. I don’t understand. I smile and laugh and get excited and feel so in love with music or my friends but I still want to go through with it. I still think about it daily. I don’t understand how I can genuinely be happy but still want to die. I think it’s because I’m not happy with myself. I’ve hated myself for as long as I can remember. Everything. I’ve hated everything about myself. I remember feeling responsible for everyone’s feelings my entire life. I would think about my dad all alone and I’d cry and I’d spend more time with him. I remember never feeling comfortable talking about my feelings. I don’t know why. I never told my family about my elementary school crushes because I felt ashamed having them and vulnerable. I never cried in front of anyone. Ever. When I was around 3rd grade, I remember being in church and seeing my friend crying out of joy and the strong feeling of jealousy I felt. The jealousy that she was brave enough to express her emotions. I remember 6ish years ago, when I was 11, my dad got a lady pregnant. Adults are bad at hiding things because I found out the gender and that they were giving her up for adoption before he even told me. He told me and my little sister at the same time. I thought, “I can’t make him sad”, so I acted happy, even though in reality, I felt nothing.
Something that weighed down on me my entire life is intrusive thoughts. I’ve had them my whole life I think. I’d scream and run from knives and my brother thought it was bc I was scared of him but it was really because I thought one day I’d grab it and stab somebody. I had awful awful thoughts. I thought it was who I really was. I remember not being able to sleep because of how crowded my mind was with everything. I was terrified of dying in my sleep, I’d becoming evil and hurting someone. So, I’d play sleep music and lay on the couch and make up stories in my head until I fell asleep. Eventually, I learned what intrusive thoughts and learned how to ignore them. I still struggle occasionally but not nearly to the extent I struggled when I was too young to understand. I also thought I had cancer from literally the ages of like 8 to 15. I’m lowkey a hypochondriac. That was a big reason I couldn’t sleep as well.
So, I hated myself because I thought I was evil and responsible for everyone’s feelings, but I also hated how I looked. I saw my third grade yearbook photo and cried bc I thought I was fat. I refused to Look at pictures of myself bc they just made me blank out and cry. As I got older I just hated myself more and more.
Looking back, it suprises me how suicidal I am when back when I was a kid, the pain was so much sharper. Now, I just feel tired.
I’m so so tired. I sleep constantly. I don’t really like doing anything anymore. At work, if I make a single mistake, I tear myself down and I try to stop the spiraling but it goes out of my control very quickly. When I’m home, I have no motivation, when I’m anywhere even. I feel numb and confused. I think about death a lot
I have ways I’d do it. I know I’d play a certain song and drive out in the country roads. I’d go at night. I’d write letters. I’d call the cops so that nobody unsuspecting could find me and my family wouldn’t think I was missing. I don’t have a specific way of actually doing it.
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tacticalprincess · 2 months
Um… König who thinks every woman with large breasts lactates. And you find out when he’s sucking too hard.
getting so many titty related requests y’all know him a lil too well…
this with inexperienced!könig !! you’re riding his thick fingers, trying to get them to hit the spongy spot at the front of your cunt because he keeps forgetting to curl them. he started making out with your tits as soon as you gave him the okay, noticing the way his eyes honed in on them since you lifted your shirt and taking pity on him. it’s not until he starts nipping at your sensitive nipples, the suction of his mouth borderline painful, that you try to pull away.
“ow! what are you doing?”
his eyes are almost completely black when he looks up, mouth shiny with his own spit. it matches the glossy sheen on your breasts, all swollen and red from his efforts. “trying to… get the milk…” he heaves, ready to dive back in.
you hold him back to inform him that lactation usually only happens when a woman is pregnant, and he gets all pouty and confused, reaching up with his free hand to inspect your boobs. “but they’re so heavy… and fat?” he tries to squeeze your nipple to make sure.
he’ll genuinely think the solution is to just get you pregnant so he can taste your milk. all you can do is sigh. you’re not sure what you got yourself into…
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pawified · 4 months
thinkin abt how you just cling to your stepbrother!satoru. it doesn’t matter if his girlfriend is around or that his peers find your infatuation with him strange. — you love him.
satoru knows he should tell you off about how it’s not okay for you to kiss him on the lips or prance around the house in just a t-shirt that barely covers your ass, but he doesn’t.
When his girlfriend told him how you shouldn’t act that way towards him, he shrugs it off and tells her that you grew up without a brother so you think its normal; thats a lie and he knows it.
satoru is the reason why, you act like this now. he is just as twisted as you are. he won’t admit it because well, he doesn’t care too.
how is it his fault that his sweet little sister relies on him for love? something she should be finding in a romantic lover, not him. he tried, he really did. but fuck, how could he not corrupt you, especially when you would look at him with those sweet puppy dog eyes.
fast forward to 2 months later after the conversation with his girlfriend, he should feel guilty about how he lied to his partner, but he doesn’t not when he has you drooling on his cock like this; spit smeared all over your pretty little face, your eyes are wide and glossed over and hair all over the place.
the sight before him is enough evidence for satan himself to sentence satoru too hell. he shouldn’t be in your room let alone seated on your baby pink bed sheet fucking your throat like this. no, not at all.
“fuck me, you are one dirty little girl.” he groans out as he taps the tip of his dick on your cheek. you say nothing, pulling at his leg signaling him to hurry up.
he lets out a laugh, “such a greedy little thing.” he picks you up off the floor and seats you on his lap, his cock slotted in between your folds; your hands fall against his shoulders, gripping his tshirt. “toru , p-please”
“be patient puppy, can you do that for me?” he asks, you nod your head in agreement. he positions his self perfectly against your slit, he begins rocking your hips back and forth so that the head of his cock catches your clit. you try to silence your cries, but you can’t not when it feels this good.
“oh my-my god.” you fall forward, chest pressed up against his panting in his ear. “yeah? it feels good, doesn’t it?” his hand comes down leaving a harsh smack against your ass.
you say nothing, arms wrapped tightly around your brothers shoulders with your eyes shut tight, trying to focus on your release. “gonna, m’ gonna cum toru” just as you tell him, he is slowing down your hips and pulling away “th-that is’nt fair” you whine, you try grinding against him again but he has a iron grip on your hips making you unable to move.
“play nice doll, i will give you what you want. i promise” he has a whicked grin plastered on his face, he tlits his head and brushes a strand of hair behind your shoulder, leaning down and sucking a big deep red hickey on your shoulder blade, you gasp as he is pulling away “but you have to let me stick the tip in.”
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factual-fantasy · 1 month
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I started this comic back at the start of April, back when I made this other comic! It took an unfortunate amount of time to complete thanks to my condition.. but that's ok! All the lovely responses from the last comic kept me motivated! XDD (Thank you everyone!!🥰💞💞)
This time around I went with a more serious tone and put a bit more story in there! :00 With this comic I wanted to experiment with Bonnie and Gloria's relationship. And more importantly, Gloria as a character.
I've thought of her as the groups leader, some may even say she's a mother of sorts. She is always so calm in the face of danger.. She always knows exactly what to do and she does it perfectly. How is she so strong? How does she deal with the stress of it all?? Does she even feel stressed to begin with?? Well as its turns out.. she kind'a doesn't feel anything at all.. and she wishes she was stronger..
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hayden-christensen · 1 month
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What if I told you that the Republic was now under the control of the dark lord of the Sith?
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