#black jack johnson
robotpussy · 1 year
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Zack De La Rocha, Mos Def and Chino Moreno. Photoshoot for SPIN Magazine, New York, NY, January 2001
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danu2203 · 1 month
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zeruch · 1 year
Take Bernie Worrell (P-Funk, Talking Heads), Will Calhoun (Living Colour, Wayne Shorter), Doug Wimbish (Sugar Hill Rap house band, Living Colour), Dr. Know (Bad Brains) and Mos Def, and you have one helluva heavyweight ensemble. Black Jack Johnson. A band that had impeccable pedigree and so much potential never got to do their own thing beyond a handful of live shows (and ostensibly they all…
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scottstiles · 11 months
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We have to finish the game.
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magswrite · 2 months
prompt: traitor (april 10th). 189 words. @jegulus-microfic
With the flip of another pancake, a low sizzle sounds through the room, familiar and comforting to Regulus as he relaxes against the countertop. James is flipping the next batch of pancakes, and the two of them have managed to find an easy silence in their morning haze.
Regulus cradles a cup of coffee in his hands while he waits, cautiously eyeing the stove, and James’ movements. He flips the pancakes lazily, a Sunday morning practice that the two of them have fallen into easily. It’s the only time there’s a bit of silence in the house, and they’ve learned to enjoy it while it lasts.
When the next batch is ready, James turns around with the pan and flips them onto a serving platter (one of Effie’s). As if on instinct, Regulus reaches a hand out, only to be pushed away by James.
“Save them for when Harry’s up,” he says, and then turns to pour more.
Regulus, of course, has never taken to listening to James’ orders.
When James turns back around, still-silent, his mouth turns into a scowl at the five-turned-four pancakes on the plate.
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marcelllyn · 15 days
"He is very much my husband!" (He's fictional and I read ten fanfics about him in one night.)
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mimi-0007 · 10 months
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Jack Johnson and Joe Louis
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medusamagic · 2 months
So you want to know more about Big Barda
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As Tumblr's resident expert on all things Barda, and as Kelly Thompson's Birds of Prey run brings far more attention to the character, I figured it was high time someone stepped in and gave the tumblr world a primer on DC's biggest and boldest heroine.
The Basics:
Introduced in Mister Miracle #4 by Jack Kirby, Big Barda was once the leader of Apokolips' premier death squad, the Female Furies. Trained from birth for a life of violence by Granny Goodness, Barda spent the first 250 years of her life as a living weapon. This all changed when she met Scott Free, a gentle Parademon-in-training with a mysterious past and a knack for escapes. Eventually, she and Scott both escaped to Earth, where they fell in love with both the Earth and each other. She's a lover, she's a fighter, she's a Pokémon card expert, but most of all, SHE BIG.
Barda's signature defining attribute is her raw strength. Her raw muscle allows her to keep up with heavy hitters like Wonder Woman. This isn't to suggest that she's a simple-minded brute, however-- Barda has centuries of military experience under her belt as leader of the Female Furies. She's mastered multiple weapons, including spears, swords, and her signature Mega-Rod.
Below are some reading recommendations for anyone interested in Big Barda:
Essential Runs:
Mister Miracle Vol. 1 #4-18 by Jack Kirby (1971-1974)
This was the run that introduced the world to Big Barda, as well as the Female Furies. If you want to know the basics of Barda, there's no better place to start. This run is collected in a trade, as well as a part in The Fourth World Omnibus Vol. 1.
(NOTE: Even though Barda doesn't appear until issue #4, I suggest you start with Issue #1. It'll help you get acquainted with the rest of the mythos.)
Justice League International #14-24 by Keith Giffen and J.M. DeMatteis (1988-1989)
Big Barda was on the JLI! She plays off the other characters as well as ever, and a lot of what's great about her in Jack Kirby's original run is still here! Definitely check this one out if you want to see her in another team setting. This has been collected in this omnibus.
(NOTE: Once again, I recommend you start from issue #1.)
Popular Runs:
Mister Miracle Vol. 4 #1-12 by Tom King and Mitch Gerads (2017-2018)
Yeah, I know.
Listen, Tom King is a writer with... idiosyncrasies to put it nicely. The characters in the periphery of his stories tend to act really out of character, and his dialogue can be clunky at times. That being said, The Scott/Barda dynamic in this book is excellent, and this book has some of the best art that the Fourth World has seen since the 80s. The series has been collected in a trade.
(NOTE: Did you know that the CIA has over 2003 files on Tom King? Look up "Tom King CIA 2003" for more info!)
Mister Miracle: The Great Escape by Varian Johnson and Daniel Isles (2022)
If you're at all interested in the idea of a Young Adult reimagining of Mister Miracle and Big Barda's origin story with an all-black cast, this book was made for you. It's a bit heavy on the YA tropes, but the Scott/Barda dynamic is really solid. It was released as a standalone graphic novel.
Birds of Prey Vol. 5 #1-??? by Kelly Thompson and Leonardo Romero (2023-)
Admit it, this is the reason you're here. The Cassandra Cain & Big Barda is so instantly iconic, I'm surprised no writer has paired them up sooner. It also helps that this book has the single best Barda look since Jack Kirby's original run. Plus, she gets to throw down with Wonder Woman! What's not to love? This run is still ongoing, but the first 6 issues should be getting a trade pretty soon.
(NOTE: I started writing this before BOP #8 dropped, I had no idea about that thing that happens in the newest issue.)
Stories to Avoid:
Action Comics #592-593 by John Byrne (1987)
This is not a comic book-- it's an infohazard designed to cause pain and suffering to anyone who knows of its existence. Its premise is vile and disrespectful on the surface, and it becomes more insidious when you learn the context of its creation. This pair of issues is profoundly evil, rivaling even Avengers #200 in terms of loathsomeness.
For those who dare to investigate this, Content Warnings for rape, mind control, and human trafficking.
Anyway, let's end on something a bit lighter, shall we?
Remember that Mister Miracle YA graphic novel I mentioned earlier? Barda is getting a graphic novel of her own this summer! It's not out at the time of writing, but the preview pages look promising!
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed that introduction to one of my favorite superheroes ever. Please get back to me on this, I have no one else to talk to about Fourth World stuff.
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readyforevolution · 10 months
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The first Black world heavyweight champion Jack Johnson with the second Black world heavyweight champion of the world Joe Louis. 💕
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maskedinfinate · 2 years
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so that new poster
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blastofsports · 10 months
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robotpussy · 1 year
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Zack De La Rocha, Mos Def and Chino Moreno. Photoshoot for SPIN Magazine, New York, NY, January 2001 + Behind-The-Scenes candids (under the cut)
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bluereference · 21 days
Me waiting for some sort of request because I couldn't be assed to use my actual imagination:
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raywhite28 · 8 days
Forget about Dwayne the rock Johnson what if Shadow was voiced by Jack Black.
either that or some lesser known actor who sounds exactly like shadow
those are the only two options
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sorry-its-sam · 6 months
inspired by an article i read where “twilight” director catherine hardwicke talks about who she would cast as our beloved bella and edward if she were to choose today, i asked my husband, who has never seen or read twilight and basically knows nothing about it except from memes, who he would cast, based on only their names and some light backstory. please enjoy…
As cast by someone who knows nothing about twilight.
🩸Bella🩸: Jenna Ortega
🥀Edward🥀: Timothee Chalamet
🐺Jacob🐺: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
🧔‍♂️Charlie Swan🧔‍♂️: Tom Hanks
💙Carlisle💙: Tom Holland
👩🏻Esme👩🏻: Jennifer Lawrence
🐻Emmett🐻: Jack Black
🔪Rosalie🔪: Aubrey Plaza
👁️Jasper👁️: Pete Davidson
🔮Alice🔮: Elizabeth Olsen
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lovecatnip · 6 months
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Jumanji: The Next Level
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