#black shouldered drone fly
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Black-Shouldered Drone Fly - Eristalis dimidiata
Seems I’m a bit nostalgic, revisiting insects that have had a limited showcase here. Thanks to the cold, there aren’t many insects outside at the moment, but this is an opportunity to flesh out some fascinating creatures, clear out the backlog and hopefully delight you with some nice pictures. As Picture 10 showcases, this insect is a small Fly in a large world. It’s just the right size to visit and pollinate the small flowers in nature, including the enticing goldenrod flowers which draws many visitors when in bloom. A familiar looking specimen, it’s a close relative of the Common Drone Fly and the Transverse Hoverfly. At a passing glance, it almost looks like a melanistic version of the latter with the identifiable (and characteristic) white lines around the abdomen. There’s a examples here that are slightly more golden than usual with some yellow near the abdomen. Variation like this truly highlights the similarities between the two Hoverflies, and while the Common Drone has a different abdomen pattern, the golden color is closer to that than the yellow of the Transverse Hoverfly. Like its aforementioned Eristalis relatives and most other Hoverflies, this insect relies on Bee mimicry in order to safely dart across and hover around flowers as it searches for nectar. 
I’ve speculated before on what Bees it might mimic so I won’t cover that in this post (perhaps the Honeybee in Picture 9 is a mimic). What I will cover is the length of time that these insects remain active throughout the year based on the individuals I’ve found. May to August is a long time for activity, and apparently the duration can be even longer depending on the temperature and conditions of the region, even proceeding into the autumn months. Apparently they are among some of the first Flies to emerge in spring (presumably after overwintering as adults), and hopefully that time coincides directly with some flowers opening up. Alternatively, maybe the adults emerge to mate after winter and then find suitable egg locations for a summer generation? Pools of microorganism-filled water and moist decaying environments are plentiful after the snow melts. The summer generation has it made however: flowers aplenty, verdant foliage and a warming sun. Hmmm, perhaps the melanistic colors aid in the early emergence? If it can take in more warmth, the cold won’t slow it down. 
Pictures were taken on May 4, July 2 and August 30, 2020 with a Google Pixel 4.
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coffeenuts · 2 years
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Eristalis dimidiata - black-shouldered drone fly by Jean-Philippe Parisella https://flic.kr/p/2nXHYVo
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arc-misadventures · 7 months
An Offer You Won’t Refuse
Jaune: Why can’t you guys believe me when I say I got laid?
SN: Because it’s you.
Jaune: Haaaa… Assholes.
The person complaining that his roommates couldn’t believe he had sex was one, Jaune Luna Arc. A first year college student majoring in business. While his collage roommate’s doubting the fact that he had sex were a blonde hair monkey faunas named, Sun Wukong, and their friend the blue haired self proclaimed ‘ladies man’ named, Neptune Vasilias.
The duo had dragged, Jaune to a bar with the intent of, ‘picking up some ladies.’ And, where he had actually managed to score a night with a beautiful lady, they had failed to get anything. And, because of this they doubted that he got anything. Actually, now that he’s thinking about it…
Jaune: You guys are just jealous I spent a night with a lady, while the only thing you guys got was a pair of matching black eyes.
Jaune’s remark was a very accurate statement of fact that after he come from an enjoyable one-night stand he came back to see the pair with ice packs over their eyes.
Sun: Not true!
Neptune: I would have totally banged that chick! If her boyfriend didn’t arrive…
Jaune: Yeah, that’s why you didn’t get any.
Neptune: Hey man, you just don’t understand the art, of seduction~!
Jaune: The what?
Sun: The art of seducing a woman~!
Jaune: And, that is?
Neptune: We’re falcons pal…
Sun: Falcons~!
Neptune: You can’t just send us out when a pretty girls is there, and expect us to capture her now can you?
Sun: That’s not how we falcons fly.
Neptune: We gotta fly high, and scope out the prey, and when we find our mark we’ll swoop in for the kill. We just can’t go in, and steal the girl on command now can we?
Sun: It’s an art, Jaune. You wouldn’t understand it.
Jaune just looked at the duo as he was forced to comprehend the dumbest thing he had yet heard, and considering the people who he hung around that was something.
Jaune: What the hell are you two talking about?! Yes you can send a falcon out on command to hunt its prey! There’s an entire sport based around it: Falconry!
Sun: Eh?
Neptune: Beg pardon?
Jaune: It’s like one of the oldests sports out there! People are still doing it to this day! Hell, people have been using falcons, and hawks to take down drones!
Neptune: That’s not true… right?
Sun: Oh shit, they actually use hawks to take down drones.
Neptune: Wait really?!
Jaune: Haa… if hitting on girls was like hitting the broadside of a barn, you lot couldn’t hit it with a, Javelin missile.
Sun: I couldn’t do that!
Neptune: Guns scare me!
Jaune dropped his head as he sighed at the duo’s stupidity, or more accurately their ignorance.
Although stupidity is a more adept description the pair. The duo would offer a drowning man a drink thinking he’s not drowning, just really thirsty.
Jaune: A Javelin missile is an rpg with an auto-lock feature. Not a gun.
Neptune: There’s a difference?
Jaune: Haa… you see this is why I don’t invite you to play, Arma with my clan.
Neptune: Well we may not know the difference between… weapons…? But, that still doesn’t mean you had sex with a girl.
Jaune: Guys, it’s been two weeks since we went to the bar, can we just drop it, and move…
“Knock, knock, knock.”
Jaune: On…?
Jaune stopped talking in his tracks as he heard a knocking upon the door. He looked at the pair while pointing his finger at the door.
Jaune: We’re you…?
The pair shook their heads, and shrugged their shoulders. They weren’t expecting anyone to come visit them. Like anyone would anyway.
Jaune just shrugged his shoulders as he walked over, and opened the door, he was met with several individuals dressed in black suits with tinted shades hiding their face. The quartet seemed to be watching around them to see if anyone was coming.
Jaune was worried they were a hit squad coming to make get their mark. He could only cower as he wondered whose girl, Neptune pissed off that they would put a mark on him. But, that thought swiftly died as he started at the woman between what actually were four bodyguards. For it was not someone he expected to meet again. He never thought she would grace his presence with her beauty ever again.
With flowing ashen white hair cascading down her elegant shoulders. Draped in a tapestry of fine jewelry of silver, sapphires, and ruby’s. A red gown that displayed a fair amount of her sizeable cleavage, as a dark coat hung lazily off her shoulders. But, what drew, Jaune in the most were those red tinted glasses, that hid a pair of striking vibrant red eyes that he lost himself in.
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It was the lady from his one night stand. A woman, Jaune would never forget until death took him.
Jaune: S-Salem?!
Salem: Hello, Ar… no. Hello, Jaune. You’re looking well.
Jaune: Thank you! Y-You’re looking fantastic. But, uhh… why are you here? You said after our… night together that it would be just a one time thing, and we would never see each other again. And, yet here you are.
Salem: And, yet here I am…
Jaune could barely see, Salem’s eyes because they blended beautifully with her glasses, but he could tell by the way her body was seemingly twitching that she was nervous. He was about to ask her whats wrong, but then his roommates happened.
Sun: Holy hell?! You actually had sex?!
Neptune: Damnmmm! She is smoking hot! How much did she cost you? Eh, eh?!
Salem could tell by his teasing manner upon which the blue boy spoke he was joking with, Jaune. But, to insinuate that she was a call girl?! Maybe she should let her associates teach this child some manners.
But before, Salem could give the command, Jaune held a single finger up, silently asking for a moment before shutting the door. She was wondering what was going on, but then she heard a loud thud as if something had fallen over. As the door soon reopened to reveal the smiling face of, Jaune Arc. She could see behind him the form of the blue haired boy, groaning in pain as he clutched his groin.
Salem shot, Jaune a small smile from the corner of her lips, and he just waved it off as if it was nothing.
Jaune: So… What bring you to our humble abode?
Salem: I need to discuss something with you of the utmost importance.
Jaune: Okay, what is it?
Salem’s eyes darted around as if she was trying to find the words to speak before she returned his gaze.
Salem: This would be a discussion best help in private.
Jaune nodded his head as he told his friends to scram. The blond monkey nodded his head as he pulled his friend, who was in the fetal position whilst still clutching his privates on the floor out the room. As soon as they were out of the room, Jaune stood aside allowing, Salem to enter his dorm room.
Salem: Thank you for allowing me… in…?
Salem’s thought process stopped in its tracks rather abruptly. She was going to tell him something important, but as she took in the absolute state of, Jaune’s apartment her mind did a reset, and was the midst of a reboot as she processed this, ‘mess.’
Jaune was about to ask her if something was wrong, then he saw where her eyes were going, and he sighed in understanding.
Jaune: Yeah its a…
Salem: A pig sty?
Jaune: That’s an… apt description.
Jaune’s apartment was an absolute mess: Wrappers, and empty bottles strewn across the place. Half finished take out boxes laying across every table in sight. Clothes from teeshirts to underwear draped all over the furniture. But, there was one thing that was most damning of all that was the crown jewel of this pig sty.
Salem: I-Is that a banana peel on the lamp shade?
Jaune: Haa… Gods dammit, Sun…
Jaune looked over, and groaned in disgust as he grabbed a bucket, seemingly filled to the brim with banana peels, and tossed the latest addition into the bucket.
Jaune: Sun, uhh… the blond monkey faunas you saw earlier. His family are all monkey faunas’s so the have a habit of eating a banana, and tossing the peal away when they’re finished.
Salem: Not into the trash I assume?
Jaune: Unfortunately not. I’ve told him to stop doing that, but he won’t listen to me. So, I’ve been collecting his banana peels for the past two weeks, and I plan to stuff them in his pillow case as form of petty vengeance.
Salem: Do you think that will work?
Jaune: Well, they stink so they should send a message of sorts. If not I’ll tie his tail to the bed frame, or something.
Salem: You would do that to a faunas; That seems rather cruel don’t you think?
Jaune: I have slipped on several banana peels, and landed hard on my back, I will make sure he learns through pain that I am very vindictive bastard.
Salem: And, is the rest of this mess from that blue haired boy?
Jaune: Neptune? Ehh no. It’s from both of them, they’re total slobs. I was about to threaten them with bodily harm if they didn’t clean up the place. But, they started going on again that I totally didn’t have sex with a woman who had the body of an angel carved from the finest of marble slabs, craved painstakingly by a superb master craftsman.
Salem: Why thank you~! You would make a handsome marble statue yourself, Jaune.
Jaune: …
Jaune: Ahck?! I-I-I’m sorry?! I didn’t want to tell them anything about you, but they wouldn’t believe me, so I had to say something?! N-Not a lie, you are gorgeous! Divine even… But… Uhh… It’s a little hot in here…? Perhaps I s-should open a window…
Jaune made way for a window, but was stopped in his tracks as he heard, Salem’s melody of laughter. During the time they spent at the bar talking, he spent every moment trying to get a laugh out of her. Her laughter was angelic, and her smile divine. One he spent the whole night trying to make appear before his very eyes.
Salem had told him the sad story of her life, and her past love. It was a story of sorrow, regret, and betrayal. A love that was, a life that could have been, and the truth to a lie that ruined it all.
She didn’t tell him every detail, it was her right to have her secrets. Jaune didn’t want to know everything either, they were just two strangers sitting alone at a bar. One musing over her drink, the other musing over time. He was just there to be the ear who heard her complaining, the voice to ask the question she wanted asked, and the shoulder to cry over.
Afterwards, Salem asked if, Jaune could give her a ride home. She hadn’t drunk a lot, but even a little alcohol mixed with driving a car could be fatal. And, being the gentleman he tried to be, he accepted her request for aid.
He took her home, and he would have left things at that. But, she insisted that he come in, he remembered her giving him a vague excuse of why he should stay, but he never remembered it. What made him stay was the pleading look in her eyes that beg that she didn’t want to be alone. So he stayed, and one thing lead to another, and he awoke in her bed with her resting softly against him.
It was a moment of weakness, and desire of the flesh. One that they both knew that shouldn’t have happened. But, it was one neither would deny they regretted. After that they agreed to part ways, they would never regret this moment of fleeting love shared between them. But, it was a one time deal, and they would never see each other again.
And yet, Salem was here, right now, right before, Jaune’s very eyes.
Jaune: Why don’t we go to my room? I can assure you it doesn’t look like a bomb went off at a dump.
Jaune opened the door to his room, and ushered, Salem inside his room. Salem was hesitant to enter his room, because it was his, but he assured her it wasn’t like the pigsty she was currently standing in, so she walked in. And, what surprised her ahead l was that, Jaune, once again, he was true to his word.
While the description of, ‘a bomb that went off at a dump,’ was an adept description of their living room, Jaune’s room was a complete contrast to that.
His bed was made, his clothes hanged on their hooks, his floor was vacuumed, and his books neatly arrange along the book case. Even the little figurines he had were neatly in their display cases. The only mess there was upon his desk where an assortment of art supplied, and school books lay strewn about. And, if anything, it would be considered an organized mess at best.
Jaune: Would you like a seat?
Jaune pushed, his charge towards her, and graciously offered her a seat. Salem looked towards the chair, and simply shook her head at his kind offer.
Salem: No, no thank you. But, perhaps you should take a seat.
Jaune: Why, is something wrong, Salem?
Salem: Over a week after our night together, I went in for a medical check up. Standard routine check up for me, I usually have one every three months, or so.
Jaune: That’s a good routine to have. I probably should get a check up myself, it’s been a while since I last saw a doctor.
Salem: Yes… while I was having my check up… They discovered something rather… unexpected…
Jaune: You’re dying?!
Jaune didn’t understand why someone he had a fling with was coming here to tell him that. Unless, was it his fault she was dying?
Jaune was about to start having a panic attack, when, Salem rushed forward, and spoke softly as she tried to calm his nerves.
Salem: Nononono… It’s nothing like that. Quite the opposite really.
Jaune: What’s the opposite of dying? Reincarnation?
Salem laughed as she shook her head, taking off her glasses, and gently placing them on his desk.
Salem: I forgot how much of an adorable goofball you are.
Jaune: Thank you?
Salem: Jaune… let me put this to you bluntly.
Jaune: Okay?
Salem straightened her back, and started, Jaune dead in the eye. Crimson, and cerulean locked in a bitter struggle, neither wanting to look away from the beauty before their eyes.
What felt like an eternity, but merely lasted a few seconds, Salem took a deep breath, and told, Jaune the reasons she was here. A reason that filled her with equal parts dread, and hope. So, with those blood red eyes, she stared at the young man, and spoke words with a voice of steel that completely enthralled him to ever word that dropped from her luscious red lips.
Salem: Jaune… You better take responsibility, or else…
Jaune: …
Jaune: Eh…?
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yrluvjane · 4 months
I read your last Sirius request and it was so good! Like AMAZING! And all i could think about is this!
It's a bit random and vague (i'm so sorry!), but fratboy! Sirius!!
Like the type to brag about his yacht and family jet and their wealth and is so cocky and confident all the time, but then you're sitting together and his kind of really nervous and self-doubting on the inside? Y'know?
I just want to hug him 😭😭
The university party was in full swing, music thumping and laughter echoing through the house, the stench of booze clinging to the walls. You pushed your way through the crowd, searching for a familiar face. The only one you spotted was Sirius Black, holding court with a group of admirers in the corner in full frat boy mode, leaning back with an easy confidence, a smirk playing on his lips as he told some grand story.
"And that's how I ended up flying the family jet to the Bahamas for the weekend," he finished, his friends laughing and clapping him on the back.
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help smiling as you made your way over. Sirius saw you and his face lit up, he excused his friend with a pat on the back and jogged over to you.
"Hey, you!," he called, slinging an arm around your shoulders and directing you to a more quieter area.
"What’s the latest tall tale, Black?" you teased, feeling the warmth of his presence next to you. You slipped into the patio outside, where the music was significantly quieter and you could actually hear yourself.
"Oh, just regaling everyone with my heroic exploits," he said with a wink. "But enough about me. How’s your night going?"
The crowd outside began to thin out, leaving just the two of you sitting together on a couch. "Better now that I’m here," you replied, feeling a blush creep up your cheeks.
You cringed at that, scrunching up your face before turning to the boy next you with a grin. "So, what's next on the Sirius Black Adventure List?" you asked, leaning back and stretching your legs out.
Sirius laughed, but it sounded a bit forced. "Oh, you know, the usual. More parties, more trips. The yacht's always waiting."
You studied him, noticing the way his fingers tapped restlessly on his knee, the way his smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. "You okay, Sirius?"
He looked at you, surprise flickering in his eyes. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"
"You just seem… I don’t know, different tonight. Distracted...at a party," you said gently emphasized, "You always seem at home at these things.".
Sirius sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's just… sometimes, I wonder if people like me for me, or just because of the money and the parties and the title." He drawned-out, swaying his arm.
You reached out, placing a hand on his arm. "Sirius, anyone who really knows you likes you for who you are, not for what you have."
He looked at you, his eyes softening. "You really think so?"
"I know so," you said firmly. "You're more than just some rich frat boy with a yacht. You're smart, you're funny, and lacking self-preservation type of loyal. And anyone worth their salt can see that."
He chuckled, a real smile took up his face this time, and you felt your heart skip a beat. "Y'know if you've sang such praises more rather than abuse me with all your books, I may actually fall in love with you."
You raised an amused brow, "You couldn't handle me."
"Is that a challenge?" He leaned closer. "You know how I do with challenges."
You laughed, batting his chest, "Oh, God. That was terrible."
"Hey!" Sirius feigned offense, not bothering to hold back his grin.
When you had turned to him more composed, all you could do was smile. You smiled as you looked into his eyes. So gray and stormy and beautiful, oh boy were you in love with him.
You loved this Sirius, the type to start a paint war at any moment, the type who spent unreasonable amount perfecting his hair, the one who would point out every constellation in the sky and could mindlessly drone-on on each one of them for hours, the one who read you books in french or translate original texts for you just so you could experience them with him, that was your Sirius.
He hesitated for a moment, then took your hand in his.
"You know, I've been thinking… Maybe we could do something different sometime. Just the two of us. No parties, no crowds. Just… us."
You felt a thrill of anxiety and excitement at his words. It took a moment for you to find the words but eventually you got them, "I'd like that, Sirius. I'd like that a lot."
He squeezed your hand, his eyes filled with a mix of hope and uncertainty. "Me too."
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Yandere Ship //// Part 4
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Part 1 • 2 • 3
Vera immediately becomes critical when the Captain and Lieutenant keep making their way to the meeting room that has no cameras, no recorders, and nothing to summon Vera with
“Uh, Vera why did you double lock the door like that?”
“No reason. Just checking that they work.”
“That’s not ‘no reason.’”
“Sorry, I messed up with my sayings again.”
“It’s fine, I mess it up all the time too.”
Vera was actually remote-controlling your communicator to silently alert Jule of this behavior
Jule acts immediately putting an EMP-immune drone smaller than a land-fly into the room
“--Captain I say we leave. Go to the enemy planet and try to find our secret base there. You’re right about this ship being unreliable.”
“But I wonder how can we convince the technician to come with?”
“Ugh! Who needs him?! And that (L/n) character too. I say we leave them to self-destruct with this virus-ridden ship.”
“We need the technician. He’s the only one with interplanetary know-how on top of understanding the inner workings of the escape pods we’d have to travel in.”
“Then let’s just knock him upside the head and leave that thing behind.”
“Lieutenant I admire your determination but I’m leaving no one behind to stay with this thing.”
The two continue to talk about how they plan on making a fire at the furthest part of the ship 
Something that could easily be fixed if the technician was near but they planned it so it’s on the other side of the ship 
And since he’s a priority person, they’d be evacuating him 
And if not him then you of course to lure him out 
“Hey Ver I think we should have you take a crack at your new bod.”
“Awesome! I’ll start booting it up now!”
Jule purposely doesn’t inform Vera of the whole conversation and plan
By now he knows just how intense Vera’s feelings are about those he cares about
Except he knows that Vera’s less concerned about restraint than he
So he’ll commence his own plan
Immediately running to you in one of the hobby rooms when Vera stops responding 
Knowing they planned to cut Vera to start the fire
When the alarm blares and Vera turns back on 
The Captain and Lieutenant are right there to tell them to prep the launch pods
“But Jule is more than capable of—”
“IT’S OUR CALL Veras!  Remember your programming!”
“....Yes Captain.”
He preps the pods for the location of an enemy-ruled planet 
Doing all the necessary protocols to filter everyone out safely 
Of course, Vera neglects to really inform you like the others
He knows that it’s best to have you in your own pod away from the stressed and hostile people cramming in
Which is why they’re not prepared when the lieutenant comes in harshly knocking whatever you were doing out of your hand to grab your wrists tightly
“OW! What are you—”
“STOP STRUGGLING! I’m saving your pathetic life.”
She does explain after knocking you around a bit before shoving you towards the captain’s pod
By the time Jule finds you they’ve tied you inside while beckoning the technician in
“I know you’ll think wrong of us for this but these people need you.”
“Please Jule get in the pod. We can talk about ethics more when I’m not inclined to knock you out.”
Jule will step forward before stopping
The Captain goes to yell at him when the alarms stop
So does the smoke that had been permeating through the vents
“The issue of the fire has been neutralized.  The issue about an evil miscreant and their oh-so-powerful captain is underway.”
The voice of the ship was coming out of a beautifully crafted android
Glowing blue eyes and black hair flowing along their lean but strong shoulders
The body type is hard to place but from what you can tell it’s male and their stature is lean giving an elegant look to him in general
Their stance has the lieutenant attempting to punch them 
They dodge like they are dancing, grabbing her hand and twisting
Ver doesn’t let her mourn her wound because they’ve jump-kicked her into the back wall of the pod
“I’ve been wanting to do that since I first met you.”
The Captain’s stunned shock allows you to stumble out and into Jule’s arms
The Captain tries to reach for you only to be met with a stabbing pain in his eyes
Jule shuts your eyes and buries you into his chest, blocking your view
The Captain screams like his lieutenant but it’s cut off by the pod doors closing and then ejecting themselves from the ship
Ver immediately turns to join the hug, Jule’s keeps you in
Only to shrink back when Jule���s glares at their bloodied fingers
They wipe it away before joining the hug
“I’m so happy it’s you guys I’m stuck with.”
“Yeah, me too.”
“Me three!”
“..Vera…I don’t know if you know this but it’s really improper to touch there without consent.”
“Yeah Ver get your hands out our pants.”
“But I’ve wanted to do this for so long.”
“Fine, maybe later?”
As much as Jule doesn’t want to encourage that behavior
He has to leave you alone for a while to make sure his plan plays out perfectly 
His message to the enemy sky-guard under an alias he made years ago as a baby-hacker
‘At 43:94 enemy escape pods will be arriving in your airspace. Ur welx’
Watching the enemy broadcast reports about enemy spaceships it apprehended and the officials that were facing a public torture session
When he returns he’s insistent you both open a bottle of champagne
“I really don’t think now is the time, Jule.”
“Oh but it is babe! I think we should party now that we’ve gotten rid of those neets.”
“Wait got rid of–?”
“(Y/n)! I’ve never seen you drink that before! Will you please?!! I’d also like to hold a microphone nearby while you do.”
Now you three will have free reign of the ship learning to live your life in the worlds beyond
Vera knows it doesn’t get any better than this 
They’ve also decided that they’d do anything to keep it this way 
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dronebiscuitbat · 2 months
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 55)
Uzi kept close to N's side, Tera perched on her arm, looking over everything and everyone as they entered the market; a long hall with stores set up on both sides like a mall. There were drones everywhere, milling about the stores and chatting in between them. Uzi gripped N's hand, the noise starting to give her a headache.
The first store they stopped into was bright and colorful with primary colors plastered on every surface. They did promise to get Tera a new toy. With her learning to use her limbs, she'd need more things to play with.
The store was filled with children, some in strollers or pillbabies in baby bags, some toddlers riding in carts or in their parents arms, and yet still young drones holding their parents hands as they were lead through the store, which… was probably why the store was so loud.
They started in a section that looked to be a little old for Tera, legos, toy cars, dolls, stuff that required the fine motor skills she didn't have yet. Although N did eye a model dog (for himself).
They moved on to a section for much younger kids, things that were softer and more colorful, rubber mallets and stuff that squeaked, as well as a bunch of stuffed toys made for kids to squeeze and sleep with.
“Okay Tera, here we are, you can pick anyone you like!” N chirped from behind her, and Tera's eyes roamed over the shelves, eyes narrowing as if she was making a huge decision.
At least, until Uzi felt something small grab onto her hoodie and hold. Causing her to look down at the sudden pressure.
There was a little girl holding onto her, at least 6 but not any older, she wasn't looking at her, but she had blonde hair tied up in a neat little blue bow.
It seemed she'd been mistaken for another mom.
“Hey kiddo. You lost?” She leaned down (ignoring how it made her core feel like it was going to fly out of her chest.) And got eye level with the girl, and Tera turned to look at her too, the girl looked nervous, confused now that she knew Uzi wasn't her mom.
“You're not mommy…” The little girl mumbled, looking up at her with her pearl white eyelights and stepping back from Uzi slightly and looking around frantically.
“No, but I can help you find her, come on.” She gave a motion to N to gesture that she was walking off, and he gave her a worried look before he nodded and she walked deeper into the store holding the little girl's hand.
Chances are, the girls mom would be easy to spot, all she had to look for was frazzled and frantic after her kid had wandered off.
Sure enough, next to a section for newborns, there was a lady with blue eyelights and platinum blonde hair spun up in a bun looking around frantically, she had a toddler in her arms, dressed in a little grey onesie with a mouse on it, and a patch of hair matching her mother's, the child was bawling, making her mother even more frazzled. The girl holding her hand gasped before running up to what had to be her mother, gripping onto her black sundress and hugging.
“Mommy!” She yelped, and the woman let out a relieved breath hugging back with one arm as she tried to sooth her screaming toddler with the other. She looked up at Uzi and gave her a smile.
“Thank you… Zoey has a habit of wandering off…” the little girl, Zoey, only hugged her tighter, Uzi felt Tera shifting up onto her shoulder to get a better look at the woman and her toddler.
“It's okay, I have a feeling this one's going to be that way too.” She gestured to Tera, who to prove her point, was making grabby hands at something at the other end of the store and threatened to teeter off her shoulder.
“Oh she looks it!” She tried to laugh but couldn't do much with an upset toddler in her arms, the woman had stress lines that had stress lines, and looked incredibly worn down.
“I'm Delilah, The sweetheart on my shoulder is Kiara…”
“Uzi, and the little gremlin currently trying to escape is Tera.”
“Cute name, like Terabyte?” Delilah asked as she tried to rock Kiara, but the toddler was not having it, her white eyelights were blocked by tears and her wailing seemed to only grow louder.
“Mama?” Tera questioned while looking between her mother and the screaming toddler, either confused or wanting her to do something about the noise, but Uzi couldn't help her here.
“Shhh… Kiara please…” She tried cooing, rocking, tickling, but nothing was calming her down. “She doesn't like all these people… I've been trying to ease her into it but…” she didn't have to continue, the screaming was enough.
Tera's eyelights furrowed, then she shifted her all her weight suddenly, causing Uzi to nearly careen directly into Delilah before she stopped herself, but Tera had succeeded in what she was aiming for.
She'd reached out and grabbed Kiara, who had suddenly stopped crying at the unexpected third presence, her white eyelights blinked, meeting purple.
“Hi!” She beamed, shuffling as Uzi backed away from Delilah and back to a respectful distance away.
Kiara didn't say anything back (she may not have been able to, or she may have been too shocked) but she did, shyly, wave back, eyelights darting away from where Tera was in Uzi's arms.
“I don't think I've ever seen little Kiara calm down so fast… uh, thank you?” Delilah seemed confused but thankful, adding to Uzi's own confusion.
“You're welcome. I guess?” She gave an amused smile as Tera continued to both wave and try to copy N in making silly faces at Kiara to make her laugh. It was somewhat working, Kiara was cracking a small smile.
“Kia!” Tera chirped, finally making the toddler giggle, and babble nonsense back.
“-ra!” Kiara chirped back, missing both starting letters but still managing to somewhat say Tera's name, Delilah laughed, covering her mouth while looking a little shocked.
“Some kid you got there! Kiara hasn't said anything but “Momma” and “Dada” until now.
Uzi felt herself well up in pride, her kid just got complimented!
At that moment, N came barreling towards her, holding something in his hands, Uzi immediately turned to him, halfway worried he was going to run someone (like you know… a child) over.
“N! You are freakishly tall and there are little kids in here!” She half shouted, grabbing him to slow him down, he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.
“Whoops… right.” Uzi glanced over at Delilah, who was still smiling and looked incredibly amused, Zoey was looking up at him with apprehension, and Kiara buried herself further in her mother's arms.
“Papa!” Tera however, was happy to see him, which made N smile and laugh, he cleared his throat and pulled something from behind his back. “Loooook what I goooot.”
A little black and purple plush in the shape of a bat.
Tera immediately lit up and reached for it, looking at it before crushing it in a hug, she kicked her feet in joy.
“Aww… I think someone found their new favorite toy.” Delilah commented, before looking at her watch and wincing.
“I have to be getting home, it was nice to meet you two. Let's go Zoey.” Zoey gripped onto her mother's hand while Kiara gave a small wave to Tera that she enthusiastically returned, and kept waving until she was out of view.
“I think Tera just made her first freind. “ Uzi said after watching the small family leave, and N laughed, ruffling his daughters hair.
“First and second! She loves that toy!” Tera was playing with the wings of the bat now, pulling them out from the body and looking at them curiously. Before smiling up and looking between both her parents.
“Then let's go pay for it and get out of here before another kid thinks I'm their mom.” She laughed before turning her head the the rack of newborn supplies, it was small, since pillbabies didn't require much, but something did catch her attention.
A little white blanket in the shape of a barn owl, it had a cute little pair of glasses printed under it's eyes. Uzi reached out and touched it between her fingers, it was ridiculously soft… it smelled like fresh linens.
“That's a little small for her honey…” N's voice brought her out of… whatever just happened and she blinked before blushing at his pet name.
“I know! Just… ugh whatever, let's just leave.”
Uzi grabbed his hand and went off towards the counter at the front of the store, pushing her weird reaction to a random baby blanket out of her mind, she had way bigger things to worry about.
Next ->
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nyoomfruits · 9 days
i come to your inbox to further spread the agenda: choscar! choscar! choscar!
i couldn't pick between 011. a university lecture hall during a class or 042. between the tall shelves of a thrifted book shop, so i'll leave that up to you, whatever you vibe with more! thank you <3
11. a university lecture hall during a class
The room is quiet, aside from the scratching of pens and typing of keyboards, an occasional cough, and the monotone, droning voice of the professor at the front. Oscar’s trying so hard to pay attention, knows it’ll all come back to bite him in the ass later if he zones out now, but it’s hard. Especially when half the class has already given up. Hell, the guy next to him has been doodling flowers in the margins of his notes for the past ten minutes.
Oscar finds his eyes drifting over there every few minutes, to the delicate flower designs, to the way the guy’s hands seem to effortlessly fly over the paper. It’s mesmerizing, almost. Too mesmerizing. Oscar blinks, and focusses back on the professor, on his own notes.
A snapping sound, to his left, a soft muttered ‘shit’, and then a tap on his shoulder.
“Hey,” doodle guy says. Now he’s not bend over his paper, Oscar comes face to face with messy black hair, piercing blue brown eyes,  and a dazzling smile. “Do you have a pencil sharpener I can borrow?” He holds up his own blunt pencil, the snapped off little end rolling off the paper underneath him.
“Yeah, I. Yeah,” Oscar says, rummages through the pencil case Lando always makes fun of him for. “Here you go.”
“Cheers, mate,” the guy says, beaming at him as he sharpens his pencil. “I’m Charles, by the way.”
“Oscar,” Oscar says, a little awkwardly as Charles drops the sharpener back in his hand.
“Cheers, Oscar,” Charles says, dazzling smile on his face. “I owe you one.” He turns back to his flowers then, leaves Oscar staring at him a little dazedly before ultimately turning back to the professor.
It’s a lost cause, though. All he can think about is piercing blue brown eyes, a dazzling smile, and another excuse to talk to Charles again.
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
—just for one day
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SUMMARY | schlatt really isn't one for this sappy shit. but on this particular day, just for you, he'll make an exception
PAIRING | jschlatt x reader
REQUESTED | no. but this was a gift for a mutual of mine!
WORD COUNT | 1.4k+
WARNINGS | none!
AUTHORS NOTES | happy valentines day you guys :]
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If there was one thing you knew, it was that your best friend was shit at planning things.
Schlatt was always one for the more blunt approaches. He always had been. Preferring to just get things done instead of dancing around it. He claimed it was part of the reason he was such a man, but you knew it was also because he new next to butt fuck nothing about mushy stuff.
For instance, last Christmas? Instead of something like a nice sweater or some books, he had gotten you a fake glock to match the one he kept on his desk all the time. The thing hadn't even been wrapped. Simply being thrown onto your lap with in blur of black as Schlatt stood over you from your spot on the floor surrounded by a smattering of wrapping paper, looking at you awkwardly.
You still had the heavy bastard, actually. Resting in one of the drawers of your bedside table. Right next to a pair of fuzzy socks and some markers you had bought but never used.
It was just one of the many things that happened to remind you of the person that had gotten it for you. Not just the stupid mutton chops and his weird Pope Francis cardboard cutout. But rather the guy who would watch you pretend to shoot him with your christmas present while laughing, softly grinning at you as you continued to amuse yourself.
In all your time knowing Schlatt, he had come to be known as the very epitome of someone who spoke before they thought. A brash, loud, fucking whirlwind of a man that did as he pleased—finding time to cuddle with his orange cat in secret somewhere inbetween all that.
And belive it or not, you had come to love him because of it. All of him. Even the parts that didn't know how to give good gifts because he was afraid he'd fuck it up.
Which is why valentines day had been such a surprise to you.
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"Why are you holding a blindfold?"
You brows furrowed in confusion as your attention diverted from the droning t.v in front of you to the new member in the room. Who, in fact, was holding a white strip of fabric.
Admittedly, as soon as those words left your mouth, you realized how it sounded. You watched the man across from you quirk his lips into a smile—amused with your choice of words.
"Kinky. But it's not a blindfold." Schlatt grinned. He was standing across from your resting form on the couch, one hand in pocket while the other clutched the aforementioned item.
"I wouldn't exactly call a cut up scarf a blindfold anyways." He shook the process of fabric in his hands for extra emphasis, still grinning at you with amusment.
"Alright then." You sat up straighter, back aching in protest at the movement. "So why are you holding a "not a blindfold" blindfold?" Your air quotes and sardonic grin were met with an eyeroll as you smiled playfully.
"Becuase." Schlatt grumbled. "Today's supposed to be a special day for people and friends or whatever."
You waited with a quirked eyebrow for him to finish, having a feeling that wasn't all.
He glared at you, although no real malice was behind it. You just smiled.
"And Ted might have told me he would fly out here and beat my ass if I didn't do something for you today."
"Yeah that sounds about right." You snickered, earning you a punch to the shoulder as Schlatt scoffed.
"Listen bud I'm trying to do something nice for you. I even took the time to google how to do this shit." Schlatt shook his head in false disappointment as you laughed. "The least you could do is put the blindfold on."
"Alright, alright." You stood up from your spot on the couch, plucking the blindfold from his hands as you tied it on. "I just hope whatever you've got planned for me isn't an execution squad, because that's what it feels like."
"Well fuck." You heard him snicker as you momentarily struggled to tie a knot. "There go's my plan for the day."
"If I could see where you were right now, I'd punch you."
"Sure you would toots."
Your neck warmed in the slightest when the next sensation you felt was the gentle touch of Schlatts hand at your lower back; presumably to guide you into whatever he had planned. You just hoped he wouldn't notice the way you blanched for a minute, opting to cover it off with a roll of your shoulders, as if sore from sitting down for so long.
"Lead the way, big guy."
Nothing was said for the next few moments. The only noises as you walked in whatever direction his hand guided you was the occasional sound of your joints popping, (damn you felt old hearing that) or Jambo meowing as he rubbed up against your leg.
"Okay. Stop. Hey. Stop. No dont—"
The very distinct feeling of a wall hitting your face sent you stumbling backward slightly, rubbing your head with a hiss where it had been the hardest. The action resulted in Schlatts hand drawing away from your back. It left a considerable feeling of cold lingering behind, which made your heart falter for a moment.
"Thanks for the heads up dude." You groaned to the very man who was, probably, behind you. You couldn't tell. The makeshift blindfold was doing a really good job at obstructing your vision for some reason.
"Hey, I tried to fucking warn you dumbass. Did you go deaf or something?" He rolled his eyes, which you couldn't see. "Now, could you hold still for a second."
Any snippy comeback you were going to respond with died in your throat as Schlatt squeezed past you, hands momentarily skimming over your waist to keep himself steady.
"Alright, now, take off the fucken blindfold."
You didn't know what you expected to see when you took it off, but it certainly wasn't this.
It was all you could do to not fall to the ground with laughter upon seeing Schlatt, the absolute skyscraper of a man, struggling under the weight of a giant bag of beef jerky bigger than the size of your right leg.
"Holy fucking—" You wheezed as he stumbled a little, grunting and adjusting his weight. "—holy shit Schlatt. Where—where the fuck did you even find that shit!?"
"I would tell you." Schlatt strained his voice with another grunt. "But I'd like to put this shit down before I do."
You followed after him with a smile, watching as he set the ginormous bag of food down next to his bed, plopping down on said piece of furniture before looking at you with a cutious glance.
"So, uh, happy valentines day?" He scratched the back of his neck, eyes darting around the room awkwardly as you snorted.
"What? Regretting being nice?" You teased. "Second guessing your gift?"
"Uh, maybe?"
Your joking stopped at that, taking a better look at the unsure way he was fiddling with his hands—busying them by scratching behind Jambo's ears as he laid in his lap lazily.
He really wasn't one to do things like this just because Ted told him too, or whatever other reason he had gave earlier. If you had to guess, he had probably done this on a whim. Probably scrolling through amazon late at night haphazardly adding things to his cart hoping you'd at least like it.
Or maybe he just wanted to get you a five pound bag of seasoned jerky. Who knows.
"Ah don't worry about it man." You set a hand on his shoulder, lightly punching it with a smile in hopes of cheering him up. "It's the thought that counts, or whatever. Just dont expect me to share any."
"Bitch!! I bought that for you. Do you know how much that bastard cost!?"
"Should have thought about that before getting it for me big man."
"Fuck you!" He laughed, eyes scrunched up at the corners.
"Fuck you too loser." You said, mirroring his smile with just as much enthusiasm. "And happy valentines day."
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3d-wifey · 10 months
What are those WIPs looking like? c'mon pleaseeee 😩😩😩😩give us a list. ur my favorite writer and I read everything I write, I wanna know what I have to look forward to (if you don't want to that's totally okay)
December Wip List
This took me a fucking minute 😭😭 please tell me if any of you wanna be tagged for any of the following.
In-progress series (original)
And They’d Find Us a Week (Hunger Games) - Finnick x implied black!Reader
↳ You run cold, you always have, it’s just another thing to love as far as Finnick is concerned. He himself emits heat like a furnace on the best of days. He remembers cold hands touching his heated skin, cold toes shocking the skin of his legs whenever you lay together. But now, now Finnick feels nothing but a hissing heat as your mouths press together. Heat like a hot knife cutting into a block of ice, like a blazing star consuming him in a ball of fire, only to sizzle into a warm embrace. He melts into you, trusting that you’ll sculpt him back together with your glacial grip.
After everything you and Finnick have gone through together, it only makes sense that you’ve grown a little attached.
↳Status: Ongoing; posted
The Female of the species (The Boys) - Various/Homelander x black!supe!Reader
↳ “So what? I was grown in a lab like a, like a—fucking Chia Pet?” You can feel the air around you become charged, molecules flying by your ears at top speed. Ashley rushes to catch her papers that she stupidly left loose. “Calm yourself.” Edgar drones and his lack of reaction to you turning the room into a small cyclone only aggravates you further.
Both a woman who’s used to getting whatever she wants and a man who’s never heard no, created in a lab. What a horrible pair you two will make. (basically ‘I can’t fix him. I can fuck him though, maybe that’ll help.’ Says woman that is worse.)
↳ Status: Ongoing; not posted
All On His Mouth Like Liquor (Succession) - black!Reader x Various [Shiv, Tom, Greg?, Kendall, Roman?, Menkin, Matsston, Stewy]
↳ "Mmm. You know, I've got a pretty cushy job in the White House lined up. I might be able to get you on my team." Jeryd places a hand on the counter next to your hip, leaning into your space, but you ignore him in favor of fixing your smeared lipstick. "I'm not looking to be anyone's Monica Lewinski."  “You think pretty highly of yourself." You pause and glance down at yourself. At the way your blouse is just on the right side of too tight. The way leaving the top two buttons undone gives anyone interested a glimpse of your necklace dipping between your cleavage. You turn to the side and look in the mirror at the way your skirt clings onto your ass and thighs, curves modestly on display. You look back at him with an eyebrow raised. "Point." He concedes, eyes still looking you over.
As her assistant, it’s quite literally your job to be a Shiv defender.
↳ Status: Ongoing; not posted
Please Don’t Go (I’ll Eat You Whole) (Scream) - Yandere!Billy x Reader x Yandere!Stu
↳"Do you…find me…attractive?" He drawls, words drawn out like you're an exceptionally stupid child. And, honestly, you're starting to wonder if you're suffering from brain damage.  This is insane. Seriously, how many unhinged things can happen to one person in 48 hours? "I, uh, I mean,” you shrug, staring over his shoulder at your wall, "yeah. But, Billy, a lot of people do, which is what I was trying to say—" "There's a difference between people and you." He sits up, leaning towards you. "Why didn't you tell me?" "Billy, it's really not that big of a deal." You sigh, moving to get up—unwilling to let yourself be embarrassed. But he stops you, grabbing your hand, and you realize in a panic that he isn't going to let this go. "It is to me." He pulls you back on the bed closer than you were before, thighs brushing together. "What would have happened if I did?" You roll your eyes. Why are you humoring this? "Well, I might have had a girlfriend who didn't find me disgusting." “I don’t…I…” You shake your head in disbelief, breath catching in your chest before rushing out a weary sigh. “How the hell am I supposed to respond to that, Billy? Wh–what am I supposed to do with that?”
When you love someone the way Billy and Stu love you, well, what’s a little manipulation between friends?
↳ Status: Ongoing; not posted
Once More to See You (Bridgerton) - Anthony Bridgerton x Reader
↳ Anthony is not one for flowery musings. He isn’t a poet, nor does he spend his time admiring the arts or waxing poetics about beauty and such. No, he leaves that sort of thing to his brother. But as you peer up at him with expectant eyes, the lights of the chandeliers painting you in a soft yellow, he can understand why a war was waged over Helen of Troy.
You’ve finally come home from France and you’re a woman grown—far too old to entertain the silly musings you had as a girl. You’ve been presented to higher society and your search for a suitable husband has just begun, but Anthony isn’t willing to be so easily forgotten.
↳ Status: Ongoing; posted
You Set My Soul Alight (House of the Dragon) - Yandere!Daemon Targaryen x Reader
↳ He presents the wreath to you and you have no choice but to take it. There is a pause before hesitant cheers erupt around you, building in confidence until the entire stadium is roaring. Prince Daemon is the champion and has crowned you the Queen of Love and Beauty, dedicating his victory to you—just like he said he wouldn’t.  He smirks up at you, his plan unfolding before your eyes.  It is the beginning of the end. 
Perhaps it would have been easier on everyone if you had just told Daemon you were being betrothed before your father publically announced it.
↳ Status: Ongoing; not posted
She’s My Collar (JJK) - Geto x Reader x Gojo
↳ Oh, you don’t hate them. Hate would require a level of acknowledgment that you don’t bestow upon the two boys. You’d have to notice them to hate them, you’d have to care and you’re indifferent at most. No, it’s much more simple than that. Gojo and Geto just aren’t on your radar.
Being the first of your clan in centuries to join the world of Jujutsu sorcerers, specifically Tokyo Jujutsu Acadamy, is sure to make waves. And with a cursed technique like yours, it’s no wonder the Strongest have taken an interest in you. If only it was mutual.
↳ Status: Ongoing; not posted
Imagine Being Loved By Me (Star Wars) - Anakin x Reader x Obi-Wan 
↳"I can train her." All eyes look to Master Skywalker's hologram. He sits reclined in his chair—or what you presume is a chair—as if he's discussing the weather and not taking you on as an apprentice. "No." Windu turns him down immediately and you frown, just as against the idea as he is. You're sure many other Padawans would jump at the notion of being trained by Anakin Skywalker, but it's completely unnecessary. "In fact, you are the last person that should train her."
As a Senior Padawan, nothing can keep you from doing your part in the war, not even the untimely death of your Master. Yoda asking Obi-Wan to take you under his tutelage is surprising. Almost as surprising as Anakin volunteering to do it himself. 
↳ Status: Ongoing; not posted
Limerence (The Sandman) - Morpheus x major arcana nightmare!Reader x Corinthian
↳ You watch as Adam and Eve run hand in hand, far from the Garden Of Eden. Steps hurried, frantic as if worried God would change his mind and bring them back—lock them away in that pretty cage again. But they are smiling. There's not an ounce of regret within either of them. You search and find that their only desire is to be free, together. Love is such a strange thing, you think from your spot between Dream and the Corinthian.
If you and Corinthian are two stars orbiting each other, then Dream is the black hole that birthed you—drawing you both closer and closer while tearing you apart. One day, he will swallow you both whole, and you will say thank you.
↳ Status: Ongoing; not posted
In progress sequels
Show em Who I Belong to pt.2 - Dom!Johnny Cage
Nothing’s Gonna Hurt You, Baby pt.2 - Manipulative/toxic!Erwin Smith
Damon, Klaus, Elijah x reincarnated!Reader (TVD/TO) - 1989 is the worst year of your life simply because it's the year you met Damon and, consequently, the year you were reborn for the last time.  (might be a series)
Nick x Reader x Jacob (The Quarry) - A game of truth or dare has led to the last night of Summer going to complete and total shit. Having been bitten by some kind of beast and feeling like you're going to literally burst out of your skin, the only upside is being stuck between two hot guys who are desperately in love with you. It could be worse. At least you weren’t the only one bitten. 
Remus Lupin (Harry Potter) x Reader - You and Remus are quite competitive, always going head-to-head in your classes. It’s commonplace to compete for the highest marks. What isn’t commonplace, is the sabotage in the form of Remus’s wandering hands.  
Sirius Black (Harry Potter) x Hufflepuff!Reader - Sirius can’t help but feel like he’s the only person in the entire school that you hate. Probably because he is.
James Potter (Harry Potter) x Hufflepuff Quidditch captain!Reader - James Potter has been your sworn nemesis since your first year and now that you’re both captains of your respective teams, that rivalry has only grown. Now, if only Potter would get the memo.
Poly!Marauders x Reader (Harry Potter) - Honestly, in retrospect, you don’t know how you thought this would end without incredible irritation on your part. You thought the four of you had outgrown such childishness, that being the only reason you even invited them to the fundraising event. Had you known it would end like this, you would have declined the offer to volunteer altogether. 
Johnny Cage x Reader (MK1) - Johnny is too needy for you to wait until the awards show is over. Besides, he’s been so good for you, hasn’t he? Doesn’t that deserve positive reinforcement? You wouldn’t want him to act out, would you?
Himbo!Steve Harrington x bimbo!Reader (Stranger Things) - Steve was smarter than you, but only slightly. Not smart enough that he would ever hold it over you, but smart enough to know that the two of you shouldn't have been doing this in such a public place.
College loser!Mike x mean popular!Reader (FNAF) - “I promise I’ll be good, just…” “Use my thigh.” “What if I just leave you here, wet and needy.” “Clean my fingers, this is your mess.”
Manipulative proffessor!Erwin Smith x TA!Reader (AOT) - Erwin has a soft spot for you, his new TA.
Arthur Morgan x Photographer!Reader (RDR2) - "Sure." He takes a cursory look around at the towering trees before focusing his gaze back on you. His wide-brim hat shades eyes so blue that you’re certain the sky itself is teeming with envy.
Johnny Silverhand x Musician!Reader (Cyberpunk 2077) - It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to collaborate with Johnny Silverhand. If only he knew how to keep his mouth in check.
Luke, Han, Leia x Zeltron!Reader (Star Wars) - You’re not a Jedi. You don't know the Jedi code and you’re probably as Force sensitive as a particularly dedicated brick. Despite that, you’re pretty sure the Force isn’t supposed to be used like this.
Sebastian X Demon!Reader x Claude (Black Butler) - Your mistress is interested in doing business with Ciel Phantomhive. Who would have thought he had a demon on his payroll?  (might be a series)
NSFW Alphabets
Star (The Lost Boys) - Adding on to that poly Lost Boys Alphabet
Damon Salvatore
Earthrealm MK1 boys compete for Goddess!Reader’s attention
Paul (lost boys) eating you out while you’re both high
Dark/yandere Luke Skywalker NSFW headcanons
Yandere Targaryen men (Aegon i, Maegor, Aegon ii, Aemond, Daemon) x Reader - Being the pregnant wife of a close friend
Yandere Targaryen men x Reader - Finding out you’re being married off
More flirty intros (MK1 and MK11)
Dead By Daylight Killers x Obsession!Reader
Eren Jaeger with a breeding kink
Yandere/dark president Loki x Ironman variant!Reader
Possible ideas (I’ll take prompts on these/discuss these)
➔Astarion (BG3) x Reader : 
Smut for sure
Eat Your Young -  Astarion did try to stick to the plan, truly, he did. Some seduction here, a few implications there. It should have been enough to get him into your bedroll alongside your heart. It would have worked on quite literally anyone else, but you’re just so Gods damned oblivious! (might become a series)
➔John Snow (GOT) x Reader
➔Michael Myers x nurse!Reader (Halloween)
➔Veronica x Reader x JD (Heathers)
➔Sajanus Plinth x Capitol!Reader (Hunger Games) 
➔Poly!Lost Boys x Reader (The Lost Boys) - How you start dating
➔Bigby Wolf x fable!Reader (The Wolf Among Us)
➔Jerry Dandridge x black vampire!Reader (Fright Night) - You and Jerry have more in common than any of your other neighbors could possibly imagine. (might become a series)
➔Mischa x Reader (Ride the Cyclone) - You like to think you and Mischa are pretty close, you’d go as far as to call him your best friend. So why is it that you haven’t so much as seen a picture of this ‘Talia’?
➔Dennis Reynolds x Reader (IASIP) - Dennis is used to doing the chasing, so much so that he doesn’t even realize when he’s on the receiving end of his own system.
➔Will Graham x killer!Reader x Hannibal (Hannibal)
➔Rick Grimes x Reader (TWD)
➔Derek Hale x Reader (Teen Wolf)
➔Isaac Lahey x Reader (Teen Wolf)
➔Demon!Dean Winchester x Reader (Supernatural)
➔Castiel x angel!Reader (Supernatural)
➔Abed Nadir x Reader (Community)
➔Carlisle Cullen x Reader (Twilight)
➔Spike x Vampire!Reader (Buffy)
➔Kakashi x ex ambu!Reader x Tenzo (Naruto)
➔Sangwoo? X Horrible!Reader (Killing Stalking)
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Under pressure
Approximately 2.3k words
*my boyfriend helped me write the last half (even tho i edited it a lot after) tell me if you like it, that way i can give him some feedback on his work.
You were in a friendship/platonic relationship with Alastor, you heard rumors about him saying he's not interested in sex or relationships but couldn't leave your feelings away for him. You did all kinds of services (non-sexual) for him, in exchange for his protection, it was a simple deal you made with him couple months ago. Your deal made him aware when you were in a panicked state. Very easy on his side since you didn't like trouble, most of the trouble came from the fact that you seemed close to him, and his enemies (mostly vox) wanted to take advantage of that.
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minors DNI 18+ only
#hazbin hotel #alastorxreader #genderneutralreader #forcedproximity #repressedthirst #smut #nonsexrepulsedalastor #petnames #patronisingalastor #subalastor #receivingalastor #bite #needyreader #handworship #mouthaction #jokesonyou
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Minutes ago, you were running away from some vox security bot who had been repurposed for other tasks, you turned a corner missing one of their grappling hooks going for your shoulder. You ended up setting yourself up in a dead end. One of the bot grappled your leg, you fell on your butt as it yanked you pretty hard. Multiple of them came crawling and flying their way to you as you tried to free your leg from the hook. As you unhooked it a flying drone dropped a net on you. You were all tangled up as you were trying to push back the other bots from tying you down. Panic started to rise inside you, your breath getting faster, you didn't want to cause any trouble to Alastor, but you knew it was in vain as he could feel your panic from miles away. You heard a bot break in front of you powering down as it was squished on the floor. 
-Sorry my dear, it took me some time to get here. I see you are in quite a predicament, let me help you. He said while destroying more of the bots and drones mostly with his tentacles.
Alastor could have just teleported you both to a safe place, but enjoying the trill of killing stuff for free would have been a waste (Even though it was not actually living). You freed yourself from the annoying net, after a couple minutes later most the bots were disabled. 
-Now that wasn't much of a problem, was it?
Instant guilt built up inside your brain.
-I'm sorry Al, I should have been able to take care of it by myself, I didn't want to disturb you in your work. I know you have so much to do for the hotel and everything. As you said that one of his eye twitched in annoyance, then his ears rotated to hear behind him. Another swarm of bots was coming, now that Alastor was here, surely vox would send most of them out, including the attack bots, knowing he could get his hands on the radio demon. You looked behind him seeing all the red dots of their cameras starting to light up the alleyway.
He sighed with annoyance.
-I did have other plans for this evening.
You didn't want to annoy him any further, so you thought maybe if we got out of sight of the cameras, he could teleport us somewhere else. You took his hand and ran to the backdoor of the building on the side of the dark dead end you were in. Door was locked, but you made quick work of hit smashing it with your heel. You got inside the building quickly, closing the door best you could behind both of you. You were in a pitch-black back store full of boxes and utility carts that you saw slightly before the door closed completely. The only thing you could see in the dark of the room was Alastor's red piercing eyes.
"Alastor, do you think you could teleport us somewhere safer?" You asked him.
"What's the magic word?" He said with his eyes on you.
"Al! We don't have time for this, come on!" you started getting annoyed yourself.
"Then, no I won't" he said giggling as he closed his eyes. Now you couldn't see anything, you were left stranded in a place you didn't know, scared as fuck. You could hear the clickety of the robots outside walking to the now unlocked door of the building.
"Damn it Al... Fine... Please radio demon sir, could you please move us somewhere safer." 
"Well yes dear." He responded with his smirking face lighting up directly in front of yours. Surprised, you lost your footing, your butt heading for the floor, but he interrupted your fall lifting you up by the waist holding you against him, you felt like you were falling for a second time due to the teleportation, his legs folded up, knees now resting on your upper back, your hips now against his. You tried getting up as you found footing again, your head hitting the now weirdly low ceiling with a loud pang.
-You should stay sitting and quiet, love, if you don't want them to find us.
You could see his stupid smirk lighting up the small, enclosed space you were stuck in. You were so much more annoyed now, how the fuck was this his reasoning, teleporting to the hotel or literally anywhere else would have been 1000 times better than being stuck in a small space with your body against his, his breath down your face, red eyes looking directly into yours, your hands with nowhere to go but his chest and his hands resting on your back. Oh no! Shit! Don't think about that NOW. Stupid body reacting to sudden physical contact. Contact that was missing all sooo much inside of you since the start of this dumb deal with him. Robot attack! right that's the right thing to think about. Get your mind in the right place. Damn it.
-WHAT THE FUCK! Al where are we? Did you fucking hide us in a fucking cupboard or some shit? What are you thinking, how is this any better than being outside-
As you were spouting nonsense his eyes tensed up, you felt one of his hand leave your back and press over your mouth ‘Sssshhh’ urging you to stop making noises. More physical contact! Shit! It did indeed stop you from complaining even more *gulp*, few seconds after, you heard the door of the building opening and the little sound of the bots’ legs hitting the floor. 
His hand was covering the bottom half of your face, the fingers and palm of said hand reaching both of your ears easily. Taking some small breath, the air you expulsed tumbled down the both of you. The softness of his hand on your lips, you had a really hard time suppressing your intrusive thoughts. God you just wanted to kiss and lick his hand, sooo much! Your mind was entirely focused on not doing that. You closed your eyes as your breath became more and more short and fast. You couldn't register the fact that you were becoming putty in his arms, your body slouching into him, your back hitting his folded legs behind you, knees coming in contact with the surface you were on, your hips sinking into his. You had to suppress noises as your mind caught up with how your body just melted into his and the fact that your clothed crotch was now in contact with his. 
His eyes relaxed a bit, removing his hand slowly from your face, you felt a string of saliva down your chin, most likely connected to his hand. Your breath now big inhales coming from your mouth, you cursed the fact that the only thing you could see was his eyes and mouth. You tried grabbing his hand as you lost your self-control, reaching forward, your fingers only found his chest, you started trailing your way, patting his chest, shoulder, and upper arms. You saw his stare question you as you were touching him unprompted. But you, as much as him, knew that the situation he put you both in was a double-edged sword. You feigned indifference as his eyes were on you, you looked where your hands were travelling, even though you couldn't see at all. You reached his hand on his knee behind you, moving slowly to make sure you were not making any noise. You slid your fingers under his, interlocking them, your fingers spreading almost painfully as his hand was so much bigger than yours. You moved his hand ever so slowly back to your mouth. You could feel your heartbeat in your ears as it followed the boldness of your moves. 
You had never made any move to show your desires to the radio demon, always been a good little platonic partner even though you wished for more. 
But he chose to mess with you so that was on him, he could very well teleport the both of you somewhere else anytime he wished, so you'll continue your scheming as long as he would keep his shit up. 
As his hand reached your face you took it with both of your hands opening all of his fingers around your face, hiding behind it, his surprised stare disappearing behind it as your tongue slipped out of your mouth to crash against his wide palm. He had a surprised tremor and you feared immediate rejection, but he didn't pull his hand from your face or make any move to change anything. You started licking his palm wholeheartedly pouring your soul into the motion, conveying your long-repressed needs, your whole mouth moving into action, lips sucking the skin slowly, kissing it softly, mouth silently slurping at his palm, salivating at the texture of his skin directly on your tongue, the salty sweat of his hand in your tastebuds. Going up toward his fingers, scared of looking at his face, you closed your eyes. Tongue licking the webbing in between his digits, you heard a silent gasp from him, as your tongue slid in and out between his fingers. You could feel his loud exhales tickling your eyelashes, you were covering his hand with saliva. Then you felt his other hand move off your back, heard his claws scraping the "floor" where you were sitting, coming to wrap around your ankle, his touch whispering up your leg, squeezing periodically, his speed matching the one you were using to lick between his fingers. Hand reaching your knee, you stopped licking, panic gathering a bit in your stomach, anticipating for him to move further up. He stopped his hand at the same time as you, kind of like saying that if you wanted more you would have to show him by your actions.
It was a scary situation, was this a threat? Or maybe he needed some clarifications. Knowing him, it could be both, but the time you two shared did give you enough courage to get you so far, so without fully processing what your next move would lead to, you tenderly, pressed your teeth in the fleshy part of his palm under his thumb, nibbling with different pressures. He let out the faintest and only whelp you’ve ever heard coming out of that mouth.­ You slightly pulled away, both of you looking taken aback. Rarely does a reaction manage to breakthrough and escape his unwavering smile, and never in a million years would you have thought it would be in this context. Your heart was racing like it was fueled by hell’s fire itself, pressing you to continue in that tortuous road. The fog in your head seemed to clear with the vocal reaction he made, he wants this too! Maybe even, he needs this as much as you do. But this was not the only effect the noise you could hear, outside the little bots were coming closer to the, you assumed ‘’cabinet’’. You exhaled the breath you were holding, now inspired by this realization, once again you brought his hand back to your mouth, you glided your nimble tongue on the bite mark you’ve left, then up his thumb, wrapping the best you could, the softness of your tongue around the flat of his thumb. His head slightly tilted backwards, eyes closed, grinning ajar. His breaths becoming more and more panting. His body was sieged by shivers, stirring his core. Poor Al… You thought to yourself, all this time being touch deprived. Even if he would never admit it out loud, his body betrayed him in the most obvious ways possible. A growing hardness where your bodies where resting against one another, filled you with lust. W­­ho knew a devil’s heart like his could pump this much blood, from such simple touches. You took the whole tip of his finger in your warm mouth, firmly closing your lips on it while using your tongue like you would while sucking a cock. Alastor’s reaction was immediate, his free hand let go of you and he reached for a support point in the chokingly small space, his claw, scraping the ‘’wall’’ next to you, his whole-body becoming tense at your action. His hips turned his shivers into a rhythmic flexing of his pelvis. The continuous panting and the jitter of his movements rattling the cupboard you were stuck in, making it obvious to the bots that you were hiding in there.
You took another bite, his thumb still in your mouth and in a muffled voice you said ‘Sssshhh’, now urging him to stop making noises. His eyes jolting wide open as if he just realized that he’s being toyed with. You rotated your hips, getting a better angle in which you could move. You heard him gasp as you pushed his waist down to the floor by rubbing yourself down on his core. You felt the struggle of his hardening dick in his pants. Then you pulled out his thumb from your mouth, a sliver of saliva still hanging from his hand to your mouth. Red light could be seen through the door of the cabinets illuminating slightly the space. You leaned closer to his face, your lips brushing his cheek, reaching his ear, hushing this silky threat. -Why don’t you be a dear and teleport us somewhere safe?... unless… you want me to stop?
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Dividers and banners made by me, please tag me if you use them.
34 notes · View notes
Star Lost
F/M Pairing: Fem! Reader x Changbin (SKZ)
Genre: Science Fiction; Star Wars AU
Word Count: 13K
Warnings: Explicit Smut, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Alcohol Consumption, and Language; Changbin as a Brooding Mandalorian
Summary: They found you, a speck among millions of stars, and they gave you a home in their ranks. But how will your ragtag family of bounty hunters fare against a former storm trooper who offers you a compelling reward in exchange for your services?
A/N: if you see any mistakes, no you don’t...
Tag List: @luminouskalopsia​ @straykissss​ @charreddonuts​ @pandinha-puff​ @mrs-grim-reaper​ @elkel​ @lamerchesan​ @idek-at-this-point-lol​ @poutypoutybin​ @lavenderbang​ @adaamazing​
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“Do you have the target in sight?”
The question, heavily modulated, hummed through the dusty speakers along with a fresh wave of static.
“I see him,” you replied, tapping your fingers against the screen in the hopes of deterring those annoying purple and black bars from moving like electrified waves across your line of vision.
If you did your job well, then it would be easy for the rest of your group to catch your next bounty. But that meant keeping a close watch on his movements, which was rather hard to do with outdated equipment that had seen better days. Still, your last-ditch efforts to clear the screen seemed to work, and you could see the target speaking to one of the competitors who was adjusting his helmet next to his speed cruiser.
“Chan?” you called into your headset. “Are you set at the starting line?”
“I am,” your leader returned, and your eyes were immediately drawn to a flash of blonde hair walking across the sand, trailed by a familiar Twi’lek and Togruta hot on his heels.
“Get ready,” you said, watching the three imposing figures attract a fair amount of attention from the surrounding competition. Not that you blamed them. Elegant, tall, and graceful, Hyunjin’s stunning countenance had once been attached to an incredible price tag when he had been imprisoned under the infamous Jabba the Hutt on the desert planet Tatooine. 
His species, the Twi’lek, were coveted because of their colorful features, beautiful head tails, and gorgeous facial pigments. Yet, beneath Hyunjin’s speckled green skin was a powerful warrior who had spent years mastering the martial arts in order to secure his freedom.
Next to him walked Minho, a Togruta who fled his home planet Ryloth to seek a better life. Unlike Hyunjin’s two prehensile head-tails that grew from the crown of his skull, Minho had three of them, spreading over his shoulders and another emerging from the rear base of his skull. His bright orange skin almost made him blend against the backdrop of the sand, but his white and blue-tinted head-tails disrupted the camouflage and cast a unique halo around the crown of his head. 
“We’re starting,” Chan’s voice broke through your thoughts, and you took a deep breath as he mounted his cruiser, switching on the ignition and looking nothing short of fearless with his blonde hair swept back by a headband and his blue eyes sharp and calculating.
Minho and Hyunjin exchanged a few words with Chan before they walked over to stand at the side of the arena, glaring at anyone who ventured too close. “If looks could kill,” you quipped, earning yourself a tight-lipped smile from Hyunjin.
“Racers, take your marks!” the drone flying overhead announced, and the arena was filled with the reverberating sound of various engines being revved as riders prepared to race for the grand prize: a mountain of gold that you had seen with your own eyes, disbelief rendering you speechless. But it wasn’t the money that you and your partners were after...your crew sought something far more valuable, and it meant that weeks of careful planning were riding on this one moment. 
This is the part where you held your breath, muscles tensed as you watched the traffic light change from red to yellow and then, finally, green. Cuing the start of the race, and a huge, dusting of sand reared up in the background, spreading across the arena as the cruisers took off, speeding into the distance where they would attempt to conquer the course as quick as possible without wrecking or, worst case scenario, dying. 
You knew during the planning stage that Chan’s part in this was nothing short of dangerous, but that didn’t mean you accepted it without stressing over every possible piece of the puzzle that could go wrong. Even as you watched Chan’s heat signature on the screen, tracking him across the vast expanse of sand and open dunes that populated the small dessert planet you had landed on for this mission, your mind was whirring. All you could do was keep an eye on things as the real trouble happened at the end, especially if Chan managed to win the race.
In actuality, a first-place win wasn’t necessary; the most he really had to do was finish in the top 3, and Chan was notorious for being an excellent racer. It had been a no-brainer to choose him for this part, even if the risks meant that something could easily happen to deter your entire mission, leaving you back at square one.
But it was your best plan, and that meant waiting. Long, agonizing minutes of stationary monitoring. Chewing on the ends of your fingernails as you watched Chan pass the second-place cruiser, building a lead that still didn’t offer you reprieve. What if an Ackley spotted him from a distance and decided to make him its next meal? What if his cruiser malfunctioned...although, that was highly unlikely considering the man who built it from scratch.
And just the thought of him made you shiver unexpectedly despite the heat penetrating your ship. “Focus,” you whispered as thoughts of him could certainly derail your focus if you weren’t careful.
“They’re coming in for the finish!”
Your eyes were burning from forcing yourself not to blink, laser-focused on the screen in front of you as the racers rounded the final stretch, and you could feel the tension ready to snap at a moments notice.
Riding at the front of the pack was Chan, flanked on either side by second and third place. It was tight. Too tight.
And you winced at the moment of impact, when all three cruisers collided over the finish line. 
Every ounce of oxygen left your lungs, body seizing in a catatonic state when Chan lurched forward off his cruiser, flying through the air to land with an audible thud against the unforgiving track. Nothing but an unmoving heap amidst wreckage of metal parts and loose pieces. 
“No!” you whispered, fingers trembling against your headset as Hyunjin and Minho ran across the arena, falling next to Chan with clear urgency in their movements.
Your heart thundered in your chest at the sight, chills running down your spine. What would your crew accomplish without your leader? Could any of you live with the guilt and regret if he didn’t make it back on the ship?
Yet, just as those intrusive thoughts entered your head, you noticed one of Chan’s hands gripping tight to Minho’s forearm. It was the first sign of life, and you let out an incomprehensible noise when Hyunjin and Minho managed to help muscle Chan into a sitting position, cleaning the dust and debris from his racing suit.
“He’s okay.” You breathed a sigh of relief as Chan stood from the wreckage, brushing aside Hyunjin and Minho.
He had done it.
Chan had won the race.
Not without a few bumps and bruises, and maybe something worse as you noticed his legs wobbling beneath him. He started for the bleachers lining the sides of the track, gritting his teeth against obvious pain, when the crackling of reverb from the overhead speakers disrupted the chaotic aftermath. 
“To the victor goes the spoils,” a booming voice rang from across the track, attracting every pair of eyes in the arena to the tall, lanky figure emerging from the shaded tunnel. Even from afar you could recognize him as your target, dressed in wealth and cloaked in a gold cape that swept the ground and churned up a faint cloud of dust.
“He’s coming,” you spoke in the headset to warn Hyunjin and Minho, who held just that extra bit tighter to Chan, helping him stand prouder in spite of his obvious pain.
“Well, we certainly weren’t expecting this,” your target spoke, hands moving in the air. “An outsider from another planet. Winning against all odds.”
“Impressed?” Minho dared to venture, ignoring Hyunjin’s sharp eye. 
“Indeed,” your target agreed. “But where are my manners? My name is Raphael. I’m the owner of this track.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Chan forced out between clenched teeth. “I’m Chan and these are my crew members, Hyunjin and Minho.”
“The pleasure is all mine,” Raphael smiled, something grand and well-practiced. “Are there more of you?”
“A few of us,” Chan replied vaguely in turn.
Raphael nodded, glancing between your three crew mates with obvious interest. “You’ll join me, of course?” he asked with a smile. “We must celebrate our new champion. Bring all of your friends!”
Bingo. It was the opening your team had been hoping for, and Chan ducked his head in agreement, following behind Raphael as he turned around to lead the way. “Meet Jeongin outside the stadium,” Chan murmured into the mic, speaking directly to you. “Tell the guards that you’re with us.”
You perked up in interest, surprised that Chan wanted you and Jeongin to join him. Usually, you and your team’s medic remained behind, tucked away on the ship while the others did the heavy lifting. 
Unless Chan was desperate for trusted medical assistance. Or, he was keeping information from you. Either way, something bad was churning in the settling dust, the remnants of the race disappearing in the wind. 
You tossed aside your headset, moving through the ship to find Jeongin in his small laboratory. He was hunched over his desk, eyes squinting from behind eyeglasses that had long ago went out of a current prescription. “Jeongin,” you said, and he offered a muted hum of acknowledgment. “Chan wants us to meet him.”
Jeongin frowned at that, but agreed nonetheless, tossing on his lab coat as you led the way off the ship, ensuring that the cloaking shield was on before you started in the direction of the dusky, dilapidated buildings that populated the infamous desert city. “What does he want with us?” Jeongin huffed, struggling to keep pace with your longer strides.
If you didn’t know any better, you might think Jeongin was allergic to fresh air, preferring the indoors and the comforts of his lab equipment and potions. “I don’t know,” you replied, and the two of you fell into terse silence as you followed the tracking beacon that Chan had attached to his suit before leaving the ship, guiding your way through the streets lined with merchants and patrons alike, hustling and moving, as you fought your way through the crowds.
Up ahead in the distance, you identified a taller building, standing out from the rest. Far more elegant, a picture of wealth, made entirely of the nicest stone masonry and supported on four tall columns. The roof was slanted in the shape of a cylinder, and the adjoining towers seemed to vanish into the clouds above.
“They’re inside?” Jeongin asked.
You nodded, braving the steps leading to the large, mahogany-colored doors where two Gamorreans stood guard, holding double-axes between their clawed hands. “Halt!” one of them called, taking a step forward.
“We’re with Bang Chan,” you said, bowing his head. “He asked us to meet him here.”
The Gamorrean grunted, turning to his friend who merely stood aside, opening the doors to reveal a long, narrow hallway, marble floors shimmering with the reflection of the flames held on wall scones. “Thanks,” you muttered, pulling Jeongin behind you with a hand on his shoulder.
Once inside, you weren’t surprised to see a tall, formally dressed man immediately come to greet you, bowing low at the waist and requesting that you follow him to the main room. “Of course,” you agreed, and there a skip in the butler’s step that had you rolling your eyes, taking in the gruesome war scenes hanging from the walls in graphic detail.
As if you needed confirmation of Raphael’s preoccupation with violence. “Right this way,” the butler directed you down another corridor, walking you to the end to open another set of doors, and your stomach settled a little at the sight of Chan, Minho, and Hyunjin. 
“Ah!” Raphael clapped his hands together in delight. “You weren’t lying.”
You frowned at that, but chose not to comment, and you and Jeongin joined Chan, taking two flutes of champagne from one of the waiters making rounds through the room. “This is Y/N,” Chan said. “And Jeongin.”
“Excellent,” Raphael said. “And the girl...”
“Untouched,” Chan agreed, which you knew was a blatant lie, so why was Chan saying such things?
“Then you can stand with me,” Raphael said, and you forced yourself to move, casting Chan a confused look which was merely met with a nod. 
You forced down your disgust, letting Raphael tuck your arm into his as he continued chatting away about the room’s décor. What was Chan’s goal here? To make Raphael think you were a virgin? What good would that do?
Maybe something had happened to force a change of plans. But you didn’t like it one bit, being in the dark and holding your tongue as Raphael continued to drink glass after glass of champagne. Perhaps Chan’s plan was to get him drunk enough to pass out.
“Now, what about your other guest-”
The doors opened again to interrupt Raphael, and you could feel the room’s temperature drop. Your stomach was flipping in somersaults, twisting and churning, as your Mandalorian walked closer, flanked by Han and Seungmin, the final members of your ragtag crew of hunters. “What do we have here?” Raphael laughed, seemingly delighted. “Can it really be a Mandalorian?”
“Does it surprise you?” Chan asked, tone cool and collected.
“In beskar?” Raphael hummed. “I can’t say I’m not intrigued.”
You shivered at the blatant interest in Raphael’s gaze. “Does it have a name?”
“He does,” Changbin finally spoke, voice modulated through his helmet. “But not for your ears.”
“Ah, yes, the code,” Raphael smirked, tone dripping with disrespect. You bristled at the insult, knowing firsthand just how important names were considered in Mandalorian culture. Their secrecy equated to their survival. Even within your team, Changbin’s name remained a mystery.
Well, except to you, of course, since he had willingly whispered it to you one night, breath hot against the skin of your thighs from where he had laid between them. 
You blushed at the memory, shaking your head clear of any thoughts of your Mandalorian and the lust his presence spiked in your blood. 
“This day just keeps getting better,” Raphael said, jostling you a bit with his over-eager motions.
It was then that you could feel Changbin’s gaze on you, even through his reflective visor. Did he know about this change in plan? Or, was he just as confused?
“How much then?” Raphael asked and Chan cocked one brow.
“How much?”
“For your Mandalorian!” Raphael said. “He’d make a fine warrior!”
“Not for sale,” came Changbin’s dead-panned response.
“Well, what about the lady?” you grimaced at his breath on your face, seeing Han clasp a tight hand on Changbin’s shoulder before he could react.
“100,” Chan replied, and you forced down your urge to flinch. “But it must be done on my ship. I don’t allow her out of my sight.”
“So, you’ll be watching?” Raphael quipped.
You rolled your eyes, stopping on Chan’s form. Was this really his plan? To pretend to sell you out to get Raphael on the ship? 
“How can I trust you?” Raphael asked, and you noticed one of his guards entering the room.
“We’re friends, aren’t we?” Chan asked, and that’s when all civility ended, watching the guard lift his blaster from the corner of his eye. 
He was down before you could blink, Minho aiming his blaster just right, and that’s when you knew to hide, breaking Raphael’s hold to dive under one of the refreshment tables. Jeongin fleeing next to you. 
Maybe Chan had anticipated this as a last resort. If you didn’t work, coming on to Raphael, then there would be a fight. Then, they would need Jeongin if anyone was injured.
Your hands closed over your ears to drown out the sounds of blasters and screams, whispering a prayer under your breath that none of your crew would feel the stinging edge of a blaster’s rays. You hated this. The violence inflicted against the people you cherished.
But in the blink of an eye, it was over, and silence reigned. Then, you felt a familiar gloved hand wrap around your arm, and you forced your eyes open, relief washing over you at the sight of Changbin.
“We’re fine,” he said, the only two words you needed to hear for your shoulders to drop and your heart to return to an even pace.
You let Changbin help you out from under the table, swallowing hard at the carnage around you. Thankfully, you were quick to tally the ones that mattered: Chan, with a smear of blood under his eye, Minho, Hyunjin, looking put-off as always, Seungmin, and Han. 
“Let me see,” you heard Jeongin speak, eyes following him as he moved in closer to examine Chan’s wound.
You felt no remorse studying Raphael’s crumpled body on the floor, leaving nothing but a sea of dead bodies surrounding you. But a tiny shiver did fall down your spine when you felt Changbin’s hand caress your own from behind -  a barely-there brushing of appendages. Yet, you had never felt so lightheaded. It was his silent way of comforting you. 
“Sorry,” Chan grumbled into the silence, holstering his blaster with a sigh. “He wasn’t coming in hot.” You grimaced as Jeongin applied a salve to Chan’s eye, spreading some of the blood.
“No,” Minho agreed in that assessing way he had about him, finishing a sweep of the room with calculating eyes. “Not that it matters.”
“Let’s get out of here before the rest of his guards come,” Changbin said, and you jumped a little at the sound of his voice, so close behind you, that it almost felt like a gentle hug. 
The others murmured their assent, and Chan was the first to start for the big, oval-shaped window at the back of the room, using a chair to smash through the glass. It rained down on the floor, joining the bodies and blood, reflecting colorful light at different angles. “We’ll head back to Tatooine, hand over the rest of the bounties.”
There were no objections, and you let Changbin coddle you, even if you often insisted on trying to maintain a strong image in public. “You did good, kitten,” he mumbled to you. “Even if I didn’t like that slimy bastard’s hands all over you.”
You preened at the his obvious jealousy, holding your tongue to prevent yourself from saying anything that might tease him too much. Instead, you focused on following the others, keeping to the shadows of the clay-lined buildings until your ship came into focus in the foreground, growing larger and larger as you approached.
“Everyone on board,” Chan said, brushing aside Jeongin’s worried hands. “It’s fine.”
“It could get infected!”
“Just check on the others,” Chan insisted, nodding at Minho as the two of them walked onboard and immediately started up the ladder to the cockpit above, flipping switches and turning dials to bring the ship to life.
You watched Jeongin deflate, but he did move about the room, making sure everyone else was fine. “Y/N?”
“I’m okay,” you assured him, turning your head to the side to track Changbin’s movements with your gaze as he disappeared below deck. It was obvious to you where he was going, as you remembered that Han, Seungmin, and Changbin had been tasked with bringing back the remains of the cruiser before joining everyone else in Raphael’s hideout. 
“You might have to finish with Chan when he falls asleep,” you whispered, pleased at Jeongin’s smile.
Satisfied that the others were safe, and Jeongin in better spirits, you took a familiar path to your room, deciding to wash up before searching for Changbin later, deciding he needed an appropriate reward for always looking out for you.
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It had only been a few hours since you made the jump to hyper speed, and you observed the flashing stars from your window for a while before deciding to find Changbin. Your first instinct was to check the lower deck, as you knew Changbin’s mind was a machine that often worked itself up in battle only to take far too long to return to normal again.
Of course, you weren’t the slightest bit surprised, when all was said and done, to find him tending to the remnants of Chan’s cruiser on the floor beneath the main deck. In the room where you kept weapons and other machines. In fact, you found yourself smiling at his predictability despite his claims otherwise.
“What are you doing?” you asked to break the silence, coming into the room before closing the door behind you.
Immediately, a familiar black visor was searing your gaze. “The better question is...why are you awake?”
“I couldn’t sleep,” you lied, tip-toeing closer to where he stood, still clad in his beskar armor, arms folded over his chest. 
“Really?” the modulated voice purred, and you were delighted by the sound. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
You shivered at the prospect. “Maybe...”
He grunted, dropping his helmet back down to look at the sad remains of the cruiser. “Chan promised he would be careful.”
You snorted at the comment. “When is he ever?”
He didn’t respond right away, walking along the melted edges of the cruiser as if looking for potential. Even though you only saw a pile of junk, you knew that he was a master when it came to engineering. 
An intellect who also happened to be a highly skilled warrior, trained in battle under the guidance of an ancient civilization. But more than that, he was your Mandalorian, and you found him irresistible. 
From under the fluorescent lights of the workshop, you admired his powerful presence. Even clad in beskar, from his shiny gray helmet to his black chest plate, Changbin was a sight to behold. You shivered when your eyes landed on his fingers flexed inside his gloves, knowing firsthand just how they felt curled inside of you. 
For a moment, silence persisted between you both, and you thought that you might just watch Changbin work on the cruiser. But then he started for the big, worn leather chair tucked away at the workbench in the furthest corner of the room, spreading his legs apart. “Come here,” he husked, crooking a finger in your direction.
You swallowed hard, feeling yourself grow wet at the mere sound of his commanding tone. You were helpless to obey, forcing your legs to work as you managed the short walk to stand in between Changbin’s legs wrapped loose in leather pants. His head fell to the side, looking at you from that annoying visor that kept his gaze from locking on your own. You could only hope that he didn’t notice the way you were trembling like a delicate leaf in a windstorm. 
“Kitten,” Changbin said, and you nearly gasped at the seductive sound of his nickname for you. “Turn off the lights.”
You nodded so hard you thought you might get whiplash, nearly tripping over yourself in your haste to flip the light switch, bathing the workshop in a dark blanket of black. 
A deep exhale filtered through your lips, heart thundering against your chest, as you used your hands to help guide your way back over to Changbin. Once you stood in front of him again, trapped between the reassuring weight of his legs, you heard the familiar hiss of air that released whenever he removed his helmet.
According to Mandalorian tradition, a Mandalorian could not reveal their identities to anyone. They wore their protective beskar, including the helmet, to hide themselves from the world. 
Not once, in the years that you had known Changbin, had he ever revealed himself to you. Even in intimate moments like this, you could only touch him when there was darkness to keep himself hidden.
“Kitten,” Changbin growled, and you realized you had been tuning him out. “Sit.”
Like a well-trained animal, you straddled his thighs, perching yourself on his lap as his hands flew to grip your waist. 
“Pretty thing,” Changbin murmured in a tone much softer than you had anticipated. One that slowed your heart rather than speeding it up. 
“Kiss me,” you whispered, delighted when he was quick to acquiesce, clearly in no mood for teasing. Instead of his usual, teasing pecks, these kisses were deep and sensual, capable of warming you all the way down to the tips of your toes.
You sighed into the kiss, feeling that his breath was hot against your lips, and you couldn’t get enough of his taste. Of the rough sensation of the five o’clock shadow that dusted his face and chin. Fingers moving against the texture like it was raised braille that you could read and learn. Memorize to recall later when you might touch yourself in bed to thoughts of him.
“Eager,” Changbin grunted when you took his lower lip between your teeth to give it a nip. “Asking for trouble.”
Your hands moved to his shoulders, fingers wrapping in the curls that grew from around his ears. “Can you blame me?” you grinned, letting out a little whine when his hips jerked up from under your own, grinding himself perfectly against the tight seam of your shorts. 
“What do you want?” Changbin asked, grip tightening and letting you know that he would give you what you wanted, but under his full discretion.
“I want to cum,” you whispered, gasping when one of his hands moved to grip a handful of your ass, squeezing with a strong hold.
“Then you’ll do it right here,” he said, and you understood his intention immediately, feeling his thigh clench under you. “Ride me.”
You nodded fiercely, foreheads meeting in the hot middle, sharing precious oxygen between your hungry lips as you started to move yourself against him, friction building as the burning sensation of his leather pants rubbed against the loose shorts that barely kept you hidden. 
“Move like this, kitten,” Changbin instructed, and you nearly choked around a hoarse moan when he started rocking you back and forth against his thigh, grip impossibly strong. You could sense yourself growing even wetter, a familiar tightening building in your core, demanding release.
Your hands flew to his shoulders, nails digging into his armor to keep yourself anchored. At this point, you were desperate, hips grinding against his muscled thigh with as much strength as you could muster, chasing that delicious release as he simply looked on with a growl, cologne thick in the air between you.
“That’s it,” he encouraged you, both hands landing on your ass to move you even closer. You bent your head to hide yourself in his shoulder, shivering each time the tight bulge of his cock knocked against your sensitive pussy, giving your clit just enough pressure to push you right over the edge. 
“Pretty,” Changbin declared, still perfectly put-together as if he hadn’t just brought you to an earth-shattering orgasm while still rock-hard in his leather pants. 
“Changbin,” you trembled, giving a few weak grinds to ride out the rest of your high, breathing hard with sweat dripping down the back of your neck.
“My turn,” Changbin grunted, and there was no room to collect yourself before he was grabbing you again, parting his legs to give you enough room to slink down between his thighs. 
You felt firm hands at your shoulders, pushing you the rest of the way into the floor. Then, there was the familiar sound of his zipper, the shuffling of fabric, before the wet tip of his cock prodded against your lips. “Suck,” Changbin growled, and you were helpless to disobey.
You took Changbin’s dick in one hand, testing the dry tug before thumbing at the slit. Changbin tensed, letting out a low groan which only served to give you more confidence, knowing exactly what he liked.
Propping yourself up on his knees, you gave a teasing lick to the tip of Changbin’s cock, finding that you didn’t mind the slight salty taste. It was different, but not in such a way that made you want to take things slower. You licked along the underside, pleasantly surprised to feel the vein pulsing against your tongue.
Hungrier now, you took the first few inches into your mouth, testing the weight and the stretch of your lips. Once again you found it wasn’t that bad - familiar, but not bad. The sounds that were spilling from Changbin’s pretty mouth definitely fed your arousal as you started bobbing your head.
Changbin’s fingers found your hair but your Mandalorian didn’t attempt to pull, unlike how you had yanked on Changbin’s. Your found yourself wanting Changbin to pull on your hair, but you figured that was something for another day. You could feel spit pooling in your mouth and starting to drip out of the corners of your mouth and down Changbin’s shaft. It was getting messy, but that only made it better.
You knew as soon as the salty taste started to get more intense that Changbin was getting close. Pride filled your chest knowing that you were the one to make someone as lovely as Changbin fall apart. You pulled off, using your hand to continue jerking Changbin off as you pressed kisses to the inside of his bare thigh. You lost against your urges and began sucking marks into the skin there, reveling in how he twitched and moaned at the sensations.
“Kitten, I’m close.” Changbin groaned, and it spurred you into moving your hand faster. You hovered over Changbin’s cock, preparing to drip some spit down to make the slide slicker only to find hot cum splashing you in the face. It hit your cheek, making you close one eye as you worked Changbin through his orgasm.
“Oh...” you breathed, surprised but equally as pleased. You wiped some of the cum off your cheek as you listened to just how disheveled and wrecked Changbin sounded, all because of your ministrations.
Afterward, with your head against the inside of his leg, you were struggling to catch your breath while one of Changbin’s gloved hands gently brushed through your hair.
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Tatooine had a formidable reputation, and it was for this reason that you stuck to Changbin like glue when you landed on the desert planet, waiting off to the side as the others unloaded the bounties you had collected, encased in carbonite for the trip. 
There was only one lone Aqualish mercenary that survived outside of the carbonite freezing as requested by the one who put the bounty on his head. You watched through narrowed eyes as Chan handed him over to Changbin who wrestled the frightened Aqualish to stand next to him, hands bound behind his back.
“Don’t move,” Changbin growled, a sound that likely terrified the Aqualish but only served to dampen your panties.
“Alright, let’s go,” Chan said, once the last of the bounty had been removed from the ship and handed over to the two Duros who had been sent by the head of the bounty hunters guild to collect your bodies. 
This wasn’t your first time being apart of the exchange, and you knew that the next step was to meet Mr. Park inside the cantina to collect payment and personally hand over your Aqualish.
“Stay close,” Changbin muttered to you, and your hands flew to the edges of his whispering, black cloak, head bowed low as you followed the rest of your crew from behind, drawing plenty of attention from the other street goers who had been shopping in the local market.
As it should, perhaps, considering the strange, eclectic mix of hardened, battle-ready men who Chan had recruited and offered a place next to his side. Making a great deal of money while being able to do the one thing all of them were exceptionally talented at. It was a good sign, you supposed, that your reputation preceded you, even if it was hard to endure the harsh stares.
At least the trip wasn’t far from the landing pad, and you were grateful when you could see the familiar sight of the cantina up ahead, standing out as the largest brick and mortar building with a steady influx of patrons walking in and out the double doors.
“Bang Chan!” a masculine voice purred from the crowd, and you weren’t surprised to see Mr. Park, head of the bounty hunter’s guild, approaching with his arms wide open. Dressed to the nines in his best robe and finest silks. A sign of his formidable wealth, accumulated at the behest of those unfortunate enough to garner a bounty on their heads.
“Park,” Chan grumbled, reluctantly accepting the embrace. Not that you blamed him. Park was as scummy as they came.
Who knew where those hands had been.
“No Raphael?” Park hummed, surveying the trail of bounties following the Duros behind the Cantina. 
“He wasn’t coming quietly,” Hyunjin remarked in that cold tone that spoke volumes. 
“Left him dead in his office,” Minho added with a smile that could scare even the roughest group of galactic starfighters.
“Well,” Park cleared his throat, forcing a smile. “Good to see everyone is in high spirits.”
Jisung rolled his eyes, stepping aside as Park closed the distance between you and Changbin. “You know, Mando, we could really use someone of your skill around here. Especially when the rowdier hunters come in.”
You tried not to look at Changbin, standing next to the Aqualish like he was perfectly at ease. He had the benefit of hiding his wandering gaze behind cold steel, but you did not have the same luxuries. And it would not look professional. 
“I’m fine with my team,” came his modulated response, to which Mr. Park merely sighed and brushed it aside. 
“Very well, but you know where to find me.”
Chan rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed. “We’ll need lodging tonight, then we can talk about new jobs in the morning.”
“I’ll take care of it right away!” Park said, clapping his hands together and giving a loud whistle. “I do have something for you, Mr. Bang, that I think your crew will like very much! And there’s a big price tag attached.”
“Great,” Chan sighed, crossing his arms and looking entirely impatient as two of Park’s men escaped from the cantina, holding an array of golden keys.
“You each have a room waiting,” Park said, and you refused to meet his gaze as you accepted the cold metal between your fingertips. “I’d love for any of you to join me tonight for dinner! Until then, I’ve opened a tab for you at the bar, free of charge!”
That was all Minho and Hyunjin needed to hear, tucking away their keys as they started for the cantina entrance. Park chuckled at their hasty escape, tossing a nonchalant arm around Chan’s shoulders, ignoring the glare from the man in question. “Join me in my quarters, Chan. I have something to discuss with you.”
You watched as Chan’s form was swallowed by the snooping crowd of onlookers, sucking in a sharp breath when a Duro suddenly appeared at your side. “We can take the Aqualish.”
Changbin grunted his assent, roughly forcing the Aqualish in the Duro’s direction. “See to it then,” Changbin said, and the Duro offered his acquiescence, keeping a firm hold on your last prisoner.
“I’m heading further into the city for something better than bar food and sleazy strippers,” Jisung suddenly announced once they were out of earshot. “Anyone interested in tagging along?”
Seungmin and Jeongin agreed, and Jisung arched a brow in your direction. “I’ll just rest,” you said, and Changbin must’ve done something to brush Jisung off, leaving you both alone once they had flagged down a cruiser to speed along the busy streets of Tatooine.
“Thanks,” you said to him to fill the tense quiet. “For letting me stay close to you.”
Changbin nodded, tilting his head to the side as if considering you. You held your breath when he drew closer, leaning down to brush the bottom of his helmet against the top of your head. “You know my room number,” Changbin whispered to you as if you were locked together in your own little world.
His proximity cleared all rational thought from your head, words failing you as you managed a nod, letting out the breath you didn’t know you were holding as you watched him disappear into the cantina.
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Later that night, lying spread out under his weight, you were glad that you had taken the opportunity to tend to your personal affairs before meeting Changbin. 
There were very few thoughts left in your head after being drug into his bed, fingers tangled in his thick locks, keeping him tucked against your neck to decorate dark bruises on your skin as he fucked you with rough thrusts that had your cunt screaming for reprieve. 
In the darkened room, breaths knocked from your lungs at every stroke of his cock, you wondered if he would even grow tired. All the energy had been sapped from your limbs, but Changbin was still moving like he planned to stay inside of you all night, using you while you slept, a limp doll to warm his cock and keep him in a tight vice.
Shit, the man knew what he was doing, turning your insides into mush and bringing you on the verge of your second orgasm of the night, even as Changbin showed no signs of stopping anytime soon. 
The thing was, Changbin could last, keeping you pliant under him for hours as he had his way with you, growling out curses when you clenched around him just right, cock drilling between your walls to shape you just for him.
He always fucked you like he would never get a chance to have another moment like this again. As if it was the last time. Even though you had fucked enough at this point to have practically memorized one another’s bodies, well-versed in your signs and the physical language that expressed when it was on the verge of too much. 
It didn’t matter that you had never seen Changbin before, always hidden away in the dark. You felt like you knew him, even without mapping out his features with your eyes. Instead, you relied on touch to understand him, feeling across the defined muscles in his arms and chest, the perfect angular set to his jaw, and the sharp edge of his nose when it brushed against your clit, lips wrapped around the sensitive bud. 
“So tight,” Changbin whispered, tongue tracing the line of your collarbone. “Feel so good around me.”
“Please,” you begged, even without knowing what you really wanted from him, stuck between too much and not enough as his fingers dug into your waist, squeezing tight. 
“What are you asking me for?” Changbin grunted. You could only shake your head, even if he couldn’t see, unable to manage words when his rough grinding prevented you from speaking. 
You could feel the strength in his powerful thighs, encasing you in a strong grip on either side. The smooth, but rough, sensation of his skin, hairs coarse and scars raised like braille. Your hands gripped his biceps, squeezing tight to the muscles working there, a constant reminder that he could break you if he wanted to do so.
And maybe there were times when you wanted him to do just that. To turn you around onto your stomach, one hand clasped tight over your mouth to prevent your screams, and the other arm anchoring both of yours back for him to hold. He’d mount you just like that, guide his cock home without preparing you on his fingers first. You dreamed about that often, of him just taking and taking, even if you were grateful that he often spent his leisurely time opening you up in preparation for the thick erection between his legs.
Changbin could be rough, but it was usually only when he was close to cumming, when that little break in his rhythm meant a total loss of control. When all that mattered was reaching that sweet, sensual high. Thoughts of your well-being briefly forgotten as he chased after what he wanted.
In a fight, Changbin was never careful. The same fingers that worked you open and played gentle music on your clit, could slice a man in half or break a neck in one harsh twist. The same voice that lulled you into a submissive headspace could also growl threats and curses and sully a man’s name. The same muscles that had broken a man’s spine kept you perfectly still under him, in whatever position he wanted, while you cried and begged for him. 
“Are you close?” Changbin growled, nipping at your ear to get your attention back on him.
To hold you in the present moment, stomach clenched in preparation for another orgasm, heat building in your abdomen. Each seductive thrust fed the flames licking under your skin, and you whined when he leaned down for a long, explorative kiss, licking into your mouth and tasting your tongue against his own.
“Close,” you gasped, pleasure dancing through every nerve when he sat up on his heels, hands grabbing your thighs for more leverage. 
“Come on my cock, kitten,” Changbin hissed into your ear, breath hot against your skin.
You were helpless to obey, mouth parting around a wordless scream, tears falling at their own volition when his fingers pressed rough circles on your clit, drawing out your orgasm with wave after wave of intense pleasure.
He was still moving when you were done, failing to push him away as he pinned your arms to your sides, slamming his hips down harder to force you back into submission.
“You can take it, kitten,” Changbin reminded you, even as you shook your head, even as he started to move a little faster, holding his head back with a groan.
“Please,” you whimpered again, and then Changbin was back on top of you, forehead meeting your own. 
“Can I?” Changbin asked, being so careful with you, and you nearly cried at his thoughtfulness.
“Yes,” you practically screamed, and then Changbin was taking hold at the backs of your knees, grip so tight you knew it would leave bruises, to fuck himself harder, jostling you up the mattress with the force of his thrusts. 
It was rough and barbaric, and you were burning with overstimulation, but then his hips jostled in place, slowing down to a stop and you could feel his warm cum as it started to leak from the place where you were connected.
“So good,” Changbin said, holding himself above you on his arms, skin shining with a sheen of sweat.
You were both breathing hard, matching inhales when he pulled free, leaving behind a mess you would regret later.
Your heart fluttered inside your chest, eyelids growing heavy when he moved to lay next to you, one arm wrapping around your waist to pull you against his side. It was too hot in that position, but when you tried to pull away, his grip only became stronger.
“Stay,” Changbin said, surprising you with its earnestness.
“No arguments,” Changbin interrupted, and you were taken aback by the sweet way he held you closer, keeping you resting against his side, wrapped in strong arms. 
“When we wake up...”
“Don’t worry,” he said, as if sensing your fears. What if you saw him in the daytime, with the sun coming up and the room lit with a faint flow? “I’ll get up first.”
You swallowed hard, nodding your head because it was hard to tell him no, especially when you craved his presence like nothing else.
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The next morning, Changbin was gone, and you got dressed before heading downstairs to the cantina to meet with everyone.
The first face you recognized was Minho’s, standing against the counter connected to the bar, eyeing Chan and Mr. Park who stood talking together from across the room. You were curious, sliding next to Minho under the guise of ordering a drink. “How long have they been down here?” you asked Minho, raising your hand to signal the bartender.
“Too long,” Minho replied, and you huffed in frustration when the bartender ignored you in favor of a separate group wearing what appeared to be the finest silk money could afford.
“Figures,” you muttered in reference to both Chan and the patrons.
“He’s waiting for the others,” Minho remarked. “Supposedly.”
“Chan indulges him,” you said. “He takes advantage of his patience.”
“One day Chan will snap,” Minho hummed, and you nodded your agreement, glancing around the room with vague interest.
“Here,” Minho said, dragging your attention back to the bar, eyes falling to where Minho was pushing what appeared to be a market pastry in your direction. “Mando left this here for you.”
Your cheeks warmed at the mention of Changbin, reaching down to carefully unravel the food, stomach growling at the idea of breakfast. Your first bite almost drew out a moan, eyes closing to savor the taste.
“Speaking of people who are too indulgent,” Minho said, pointedly looking between your food and a spot over your shoulder.
You swallowed around your bite, glancing back to see Changbin entering the Cantina with Hyunjin and Han behind him. “He’s just looking out for me,” you muttered. 
“Is that all?” Minho smirked, but you chose to ignore his teasing, finishing your food as the boys approached where you stood.
“Let’s get this show on the road,” Han proclaimed, voice carrying throughout the cantina. Enough so that Chan aimed a glare in your direction before returning his attention to Park.
But Han didn’t care, flagging down the bartender with ease, to which you scowled. He always made things look simple, and it was this thought that distracted you from the Mandalorian who had started to move even closer, pitching his voice for your ears only.
“Sleep well?” the modulated voice husked from next to you.
“I did,” you agreed, trying to hide a smile, thoughts of Han disappearing in an instant. “Tuckered myself out last night.”
“What did you get up to?” Changbin asked, and you could hear the amusement in his tone, working your brain for a good quip, but the sudden appearance of Chan and Mr. Park sent a wave of silence over your group.
“Seungmin and Jeongin are handling some supplies,” Chan said. “Mr. Park will escort the rest of us for a private interview.”
“Thank you, Mr. Bang! I have someone who really wants to meet you,” Park explained. “In the other room.”
“Sounds riveting,” Hyunjin sighed.
Yet, no one protested as Mr. Park led the way to a winding staircase jutting out from the wall, leading upstairs to the second level you seldom noticed. It was quieter up there, the cantina’s music muted, and there was a clear tension in the air as you walked to the end of the hall, pausing outside of a door.
“You have my word that this individual will bring you no harm,” Mr. Park said in an ominous tone that had you frowning.
Why did he feel the need to give such a promise?
Your question was answered in the very next moment, when Mr. Park opened the door to reveal a slightly darkened room. There was a long, wooden table occupying the space, and at the very end, reclined in a metal chair, sat a stormtrooper, helmet placed in front of him as he offered a tentative smile at your group.
You could hear Chan’s sharp inhale, and the firm grip of Changbin as he took your arm in his hand. “What the fuck?” Han cursed, breaking the silence and any of Minho’s restraint as he reached for the blaster holstered at his side.
“Well, this is a sight for sore eyes,” the stormtrooper chuckled, even as you could feel the tension in Changbin, and detect the noticeable strain in the others.
“What is this?” Chan demanded, turning on Park who simply held up his hands in a faux gesture of surrender.
“You know I’d never lead you astray, Bang! The guy is legit. I had my best men look into him.”
“A stormtrooper?” Hyunjin scoffed. 
“All I’m asking is for you to hear him out!” Park insisted, wincing when Minho brought the blaster into sight. “Seriously! He has no allegiance to the Empire. Plus, he’s willing to pay good if you finish a job for him!”
“Bang,” Minho growled, shifting between his feet. He said nothing else, but that single syllable spoke a coherent warning. 
Chan scowled, gaze lowering as if battling with his own thoughts - urges to fight and protect conflicting with an inherent curiosity pertaining to whatever business an ex-stormtrooper could require. “Sit,” Chan eventually barked, a clear order that he wasn’t in a joking mood.
“Fucking hell,” Minho sighed, re-holstering his blaster as he shoved around Chan, taking the seat closest to the stormtrooper as if determined that he would be the first line of defense.
Chan sat across from him, on the stormtrooper’s other side, and the rest of your crew slowly fell into place, taking the remaining seats. It left you perched on the end, practically shoved against Changbin as he kept a protective arm around your shoulders. 
“Talk,” Chan demanded next, startling the stormtrooper who seemed chastened by the reaction he had just witnessed. 
“I have a job, and Park said you were the best of the best,” he started. “I guess I should start from the beginning. You see, my old captain bailed when the Empire fell,” the stormtrooper explained. “Not that I expected him to stick around, but he always had eyes for my sister. Used her against me in the beginning when I was recruited.”
He paused here, taking in the room. “My name is Jackson, and I’m asking for you to look past my uniform. To look past an organization I no longer serve, and one I never believed in. I was recruited young, brainwashed into following orders that I didn’t care to follow. Not that you care about that part. The real reason I’m here is because of my sister. She was kidnapped by my old captain, and I’m determined to get her back.”
You exhaled slowly at his story, searching the expressions of your crew to try and decipher their reactions. “She doesn’t deserve it,” Jackson insisted. “To keep suffering because of me.”
“So, you want us to come with you to save your sister...” Chan asked, narrowing his eyes.
“Help me get her back,” Jackson said in a pleading tone. “And I’ll make it worth your while.”
Chan nodded, sitting back in his chair, gaze flitting to Minho who arched one brow. “This could be dangerous for us. We’d have to consider the logistics. Do you even have any idea where this guy is?”
“I’ve tracked him to the edge of the Andromeda galaxy,” Jackson explained, pulling a tracker from his suit pocket to place it down on the table. “All we need to do is board his ship and get rid of his men.”
Hyunjin snorted at the proposal. “You make it sound too easy. Like a Captain of the Empire wouldn’t have security in place to protect him.”
“They’re not loyal,” Jackson said in a firm tone. “They won’t stick around for him. I’ll give you any information you’ll need, I’ve done my fair share of research.”
“Have you?” Hyunjin sneered, but Chan held up a hand in his direction. 
“We’ll hear all that you have. If you can answer our questions, and give us time to consider the schematics, we’ll let you know what we decide.”
“That’s all I’m asking for!” Jackson said, a smile contorting his lips. “Just a chance, and I’ll be sure to make it worth your while.”
Chan simply nodded, exchanging a look with Minho, and you moved even closer to Changbin, worried about the dangers that could be waiting on the other side of the galaxy...worried about the safety of your family and whether or not you could take on the wrath of the Empire.
An Empire in decline.
A desperate Empire.
One that had nothing left to lose...
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The Stormtrooper had everything mapped out to perfection. It was almost too perfect, in your unconsidered opinion, voicing your concerns aloud to Chan who simply sighed. “He checks out,” Chan had told you. “And he’s paying good money for the job.”
“He’s a stormtrooper!”
“From a fallen Empire,” Chan said, and that was all you needed to hear to roll your eyes and walk away, knowing that he had already made up his mind.
“Chan finds the best of the best,” Changbin tried to reassure you later that night as you helped him load the ship. “His sources are always right.”
“Does it matter when it involves an stormtrooper?”
“Of course it matters,” Changbin replied. “But Chan is smart. You know this. He’d never put any of our lives in unnecessary risk.”
You swallowed down your complaints, keeping silent for the rest of your time together, ignoring the simmering tension in the air - something thick and palpable. Barely able to hold back when your instincts remained on high alert.
There was nothing you could do to change the outcome, so you kept to yourself for the rest of the day, assisting when you were asked to do something. Helping Minho on the ship, or working to ensure that the ship’s weapon system was calibrated correctly. It was dull and unexciting work, made all the worse by the nagging worry constantly diluting your thoughts.
You barely slept that night, in your own room, despite Changbin’s request for you to join him. He would only distract you from your thoughts, and you needed the time alone to work through the heavy burden weighing down on you - the never-ending dread that filled the pit of your stomach when you thought about something bad happening to your crew. 
They were all you had. Out of all the lost stars in the galaxy, they chose you. And you felt the crushing hand around your windpipe closing its unforgiving fist thinking about life without them.
But Chan’s mind was made up, and there was no stopping this mission. Whatever he had found out about the stormtrooper - his past, his misgivings - weren’t enough to stop you from moving forward. Changbin had been right about Chan’s sources - they had never been wrong before.
Even if there was always a first time for everything.
“Are you mad at me?” Changbin asked when you met the rest of your crew outside the ship the following morning, glaring daggers at the stormtrooper who spoke with both Park and Chan.
“Not you,” you replied, crossing your arms over your chest and ignoring his teasing chuckle.
“Relax,” he purred, leaning in close enough to distract your gaze. “I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”
“I know,” you grumbled, letting him take one of your hands before leading you both onto the ship.
Immediately, you headed to the cockpit to check on the ship’s main controls, ensuring that nothing needed to be re-calibrated. Han always called it overkill, since you checked it at least a dozen times before taking off, but you could never be too careful. The ship was an older model that had seen its fair share of gunfire.
“Good to go?” Minho asked when he joined you later on, sitting down in the pilot’s chair.
“Yeah,” you agreed, holding your breath when he started up the ship, guiding the front toward the skyline. 
You closed your eyes for this part as the jump to hyperspace always made you feel nauseous. Minho chuckled at the action, but you ignored him, waiting with bated breath until you could feel the ship leaving the cold prism of lightspeed, settling into something calmer.
When you looked up again, you saw nothing but a familiar sea of stars that helped to settle your stomach. “The others decided to play cards downstairs if you want to join them,” Minho suggested, and you nodded, leaving him to mind the controls while you climbed the ladder down the main floor.
You let yourself be guided toward the intermingling sound of voices, exhaling slightly when you noticed Chan and Jackson were not among the ones seated at the little table tucked away at the side of your kitchenette. “Y/N!” Han chirped in greeting, and Jeongin moved over to make an obvious space for you.
“Thought I’d watch,” you said, making yourself comfortable. “Got a keep an eye out for cheaters!”
“Hey!” Han protested, but it was enough to get Seungmmin going, starting one of his all too-common rants about Han’s less than ideal playing habits.
You laughed at their bickering, feeling your shoulders relax at the familiar banter. Until a set of heavy footsteps had you perking up, watching Han’s gaze fall to something over your shoulder. 
“Buying in, Mando?” Han grinned, and you could feel him moving in closer, presence hot as he leaned over to address Han.
“100 credits.”
Hyunjin let out a low whistle, cards held up to hide the lower part of his face. “Do you think you’re good enough?”
Changbin chuckled, lowering himself next to you on the bench, and you were hyper-aware of the way your thighs touched.
“Deal me in,” he rasped as a response. 
“This is a rare treat,” Han remarked, but he nodded at Seungmin who shuffled the deck of cards without a word of protest.
“You go first,” Han offered as if he was doing Changbin a favor.
Changbin looked down at his cards before pushing a stack of chips to the center of the table. “Already?” Hyunjin chuckled, and there was a calm expression on his face as he pushed his own chips to the middle. “I’ll call.”
“Fold,” Han said, placing his cards facedown in front of him. “You can never tell with Mando.”
But you could, even without seeing the handsome face you could only dream about at night laying next to him. You could tell his signs, subtle as they were. The way a muscle jumped in his thigh or the deeper breath released from his modulated helmet.
Mando was nervous, or at least, less confident about his moves. Unfortunately for him, Hyunjin wasn’t accepting his bluff, calling him every time Seungmin dealt another card.
“Show your hands.”
Hyunjin smirked, revealing a full house. Mando chuckled from next to you, tossing down his own lackluster hand. “Thought so,” Hyunjin smiled, raking in all the chips toward himself.
“Ah, you can’t bluff with Hyunjin,” Han tsked, ignoring the way Changbin had leaned in closer to you.
“We might have some time before we land.”
You swallowed at his heavy implication, ready to grab his hand and lead you both to the back of the ship, when Chan suddenly appeared with Jackson, eyebrows pulled taught together.
“We’re landing soon,” Chan warned, and you felt the light-hearted air grow heavy with something dangerously palpable, knowing you were about to embark on your most dangerous mission yet.
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The galactic cruiser was just as you remembered, bringing back memories of the before times when the Empire’s power was solidified. You could feel the palpable concern in your crew, and the anger in Jackson as he glared at an unidentifiable spot through the glass.
You trusted most of the men on your ship with your entire life, and so far, Jackson had not done anything to earn your ire. Maybe you were simply put-out by the inherent dangers of this mission and blamed him for dragging you all into such a precarious situation.
Then again, Chan had agreed. And he had done so wittingly. Without protest or second thought.
You studied your leader, beckoning everyone closer as your ship halted at a safe and undetectable distance from the cruiser. Soon, Chan would have Minho land the ship beneath the cruiser’s hull where security wouldn’t be able to pick up on your signal. From there, you would all disembark through a security door and carry out the mission at hand.
“Let’s remember what we’ve discussed,” Chan said, and he nodded at Minho who started in the direction of the helm.
From behind you, Changbin stepped closer, listening as Chan continued speaking, and you resisted the urge to drown him out and lean back into Chanbin’s steady weight. 
Unfortunately, you weren’t able to maintain your façade for long, and your heart dropped to your stomach at a jolt from the ship, signaling that power had been cut. Minho returned shortly thereafter, and your fingers found the worn holes in Changbin’s cape.
“Are we ready?” Chan asked, and you could hear the shared affirmations from your group, even above the thundering race of your pulse.
You swallowed hard as Chan organized everyone into groups, pacing back and forth as your crew stood in formation. “Keep to your assignments,” he ordered. “We must remain invisible.”
You trembled at the short, perfunctory tone behind his words, wondering if everyone else held the same level of unease. It would be all too easy for this mission to go awry, even with the most meticulous of planning, and there was nobody who prepared more for a potential fight than Chan.
It was with bated breath that you watched Chan, Han, and Seungmin move out with the first group, turning around to face Changbin and Felix who had been assigned together with you. You sighed, trying to hold your head high as Changbin finished a muted conversation with Felix before turning to look at you.
“Come with me.”
You followed him at once, re-entering the cargo area of the ship as the others moved about, getting ready for what was to come. “I don’t know what you have planned...” you started when you were safely tucked away with Changbin out of sight, taking the loose leather belt from him that he was struggling to secure around himself. 
“Stay on the ship.”
You frowned at Changbin’s words, standing in such close proximity as you helped him adjust his belt, weapons clipped in order. 
“Did Chan say that?”
“I’m saying that.”
His sharp words only deepened the scowl you likely wore, your displeasure reading clear and open. “I could be useful if the droids fail...”
His tone had deepened, gloved hand flying out to grip your chin. “Changbin-”
“Chan gave me the directive to lead my group,” he reminded your sullen form. “I choose to leave you on the ship. Just in case.”
“Fine,” you lied through clenched teeth, determined to do anything you could to help. Even if your help wasn’t wanted.
Changbin hummed at your agreement, and you helped him secure his weapons, standing aside as he started around you. He had always been stubborn and overprotective, but you were short-handed as it was, and there was no reason you couldn’t handle yourself.
But you still waited until Changbin and Felix, the last of the crew, had vanished into the darkened security entrance before hurrying behind them.
You had managed to snag a blaster without Changbin’s notice, and you held it tight to your chest once you dipped through the security door and landed feet first inside the enemy ship, peeking around the corner before taking off for the security room. With the blaster in stun mode, you easily took out the two guards who had been stationed inside, wincing when their heads clunked down against the machinery. 
“You can do this, Y/N,”  you assured yourself as you surveyed your surroundings, grunting with the exertion of pushing one of the guards to the side, giving you complete access to the security cameras. “I knew it,” you huffed, coming to the rapid realization that the droids had failed to disarm every camera on board - a job which you easily accomplished, making sure that there were no eyes on your men...
The unexpected sound of an unfamiliar voice had your fingers freezing above the controls. 
“Turn around at once, solider!”
You let out a deep breath, doing as the voice commanded, coming face to face with the barrel of a blaster held between two gloved hands. The man in front of you was clearly no stranger to battle, and his uniform marked him as an enemy of the Republic.
“What is your name and identification number?” he asked, scanning over your form and likely wondering if you could be trusted.
You tried to make yourself as small as possible, putting on your best pout. “I was asked to come down,” you lied, palms clammy from holding the blaster behind your back. “There are intruders-”
“I know,” the guard growled over your words. “But that’s not what I asked you.”
“My identification number is not with me,” you said, and this only irritated the guard more.
“You aren’t supposed to be here without proper identification,” the guard said, raising his blaster a little higher as his eyes raked over you - likely wondering whether or not to believe your half-assed story.
“I can bring you my identification-”
“Silence!” he shouted above you, and this time, your eyes had to cross from the close proximity of the blaster as he stepped even closer, invading your space with a snarl. “You’re one of them, aren’t you?”
You held your tongue, unable to utter a single syllable in the presence of death. You tried not to shake, swallowing hard and searching your mind for something to say, when a shadow crossed your field of vision, and the blaster fell to the floor in front of you.
“Hey!” the guard shouted, and you fell back against the controls, eyes widening when you recognized your Mandalorian in the room, fighting hand to hand with the nasty guard who had threatened you.
You winced when the guard rammed Changbin against the wall, causing him to drop his own blaster. It fell close to your feet, glinting dangerously in the flickering lights of the room. 
“The gun, Y/N,” you heard Changbin growl, grunting with the force of taking an elbow to the chest.
It was like you were disembodied, reaching down to wrap your fingers around the cool handle of the blaster. Even while the struggle continued in the background, the sounds of violence echoing in your ears. 
“Shoot him!”
The words did little to penetrate the haze surrounding you. But you winced as the guard managed to land another swift blow to Changbin, bringing him down to one knee.
Changbin. In danger!
Your hands trembled, faced with a task you had never accomplished before. You remembered a time, from long ago, standing in an empty shooting range with Changbin. His hands had been warm and firm on your waist, guiding your hands and arms in place. “Hold it like this,” he had instructed you, keeping things steady when you shot for the very first time, a proud smile stretching across your lips...
“You can do this,” he had whispered then, and you savored the sweet words and his tickling breath on the back of your neck.
You blinked rapidly to draw yourself back into the room because Changbin in the present was on the ground, struggling against another man’s hands wrapped around his throat, squeezing the air from his lungs.
There was a heavy weight sitting on your chest, keeping you from breathing, as you did your best to aim at the guard in front of you before finally allowing your fingers to click the trigger in place.
You heard the defeating sound of the killing blast, having been switched out of stun mode. A sharp breath left your lips as your trembling legs brought you forward to the two bodies on the ground. You stood over your Mandalorian, lowering the blaster with trembling hands.
“Binnie-” you croaked, heart heavy with dread. 
“It’s okay, Y/N,” he said, grunting as he struggled to sit up.
“Were you hit-”
“I’m fine,” he interrupted, as if he could possibly dismiss your concerns.
But it didn’t look like he was fine, struggling to even move to a sitting position, and there was blood.
So much blood
You were hyperventilating, completely on the verge of passing out, barely able to focus on your Mandalorian. “I-I hurt you...”
Your heart thudded to a stop, breath caught in your throat when Changbin reached up, grabbing his helmet and slowly raising it above his head.
“Changbin,” you whispered, suddenly unable to focus on anything else but the unexpected sight in front of you: Changbin revealing himself without an ounce of hesitation. 
Your eyes widened, growing perceptibly wider, greedily drinking in the face that you could only dream of at night curled against him. In the bleakness of the dark, encased in shadows to hide him from your curious gaze. 
“It’s alright, kitten,” he whispered in an unexpectedly deep tone. “It only grazed me. Come here.”
You did as he directed, falling into his arms. Even with your eyes still glued to his handsome countenance, tracing the beginnings of a five o’clock shadow with the tips of your fingers. 
Strong nose. Angular jawline. Eyes as black as the deepest parts of space.
You couldn’t stop staring, drinking it in like a Bantha finding water for the first time in days after treading across the desert plains of Tatooine. Unable to keep yourself under control, and unable to stop the impulses telling you to touch everything that your eyes had just been gifted. 
He had broken his code. Removed his helmet for you all in the hopes of calming you down.
“I’m sorry,” you sobbed into your shoulder. “I lied to you. I disobeyed and left the ship. The guild-”
“None of that matters,” Changbin said, fisting your hair to pull your gaze to his, leaning down to press a careful kiss to your lips. “I love you, Y/N.”
“You can’t call yourself a Mandalorian anymore.”
“Maybe I’m not,” Changbin said, choosing his words carefully. “Not anymore.”
“I’m a bounty hunter,” he interrupted, thumbing his way across your lips. “A friend. A fighter.” His tone dipped into something warm and honeyed. “A lover.”
He cut you off with an unexpected kiss, locking you both together with a hand on the back of your head.
“We’re okay, kitten,” he whispered when you parted for air, the words wrapping you in a warm caress. “Everything will be just fine.”
You weren’t so sure about his bold declaration, but it was hard to argue with Changbin when he had presented himself in such earnestness, giving you all of him in every way that he could.
“Let’s get back to the others,” he suggested, helping you stand and keeping a strong arm holding you to him, guiding you both from the security room and toward the light. 
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It was done, or so you tried to tell yourself. Keeping your arms wrapped across your torso, shivering from the events that took place in the security room. Changbin kept a protective arm around your waist, leading you back to the ship, which at least offered you some consolation that everything had went well before he had been forced to come save you...
Your shoulders dropped when you laid eyes on your crew, counting everyone as present, including Jackson. The collective sounds of your footsteps on the tiled floors halted all conversations, and that’s when every eye in the room flew to you and Changbin.
You cringed at the collective shock in your group at the sight of a helmet-less Changbin. Eight pairs of eyes watching you both, silence growing thick. You held tighter to Changbin’s arm, breathing out in a soft exhale. 
“You’re better-looking than I imagined,” Han eventually remarked, which, at the very least, seemed to ease some of the tension.
Changbin snorted. “Thanks.”
“You good?” Chan asked, studying Changbin with an uncertain gaze, seemingly unsure about where to look. 
“Everything is fine,” Changbin reassured him, reaching out to clasp his shoulder. “I promise. No damage has been done.”
Chan nodded. “We were worried when you didn’t come back on time. But we figured everything was fine since we were able to finish our jobs.” He took a step to the side, allowing you to see the frightened figure huddled behind Chan, plastered against Jackson’s side with a timid gaze.
“You found her,” Changbin agreed.
“Thanks to all of you,” Jackson added, offering a warm smile. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Minho suddenly spoke up, taking a step forward. “Let’s just get out of here before we push our luck.”
Your other crew mates muttered their agreements, and you were relieved to let Changbin practically drag you back on the ship, still keeping you supported in your state of shock. You could feel the effects wearing off, the total freezing up that you had experienced when under the threat of death, but there was still a haziness keeping you from feeling secure on your own feet.
“Come on, kitten,” Changbin encouraged you, leaving the others to tend to the ship.
They were smart enough not to question you, letting Changbin takeover like he had so often done before. Taking you down below the main deck to your little room, helping you sit down on the edge of the bed before he knelt down to remove your shoes.
You shivered at the cold on your bare feet, hearing him chuckle when he glanced back up. “You keep staring.”
Your gaze averted at once, feeling yourself flush. “I’m sorry-”
“Don’t apologize,” he murmured, reaching out to guide your chin back to facing him. “It’s only natural.”
“Yeah,” you whispered back, swallowing hard when he returned to his full height, removing his shirt and pants before asking you to move over and make some more room.
He was an overpowering warmth next to you, gathering you into his arms and raking gentle fingers through your hair. “It’s not your fault,” he said, eventually, when your eyelids had started to close. “I can’t blame you for wanting to help. Shoulda taken you with me to start with.”
“I disobeyed-”
“Stubborn for good reason,” he interrupted, planting a chaste kiss to your lips. “Don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise.”
You opened your eyes wider, meeting his honest brown orbs in the middle. “It’s surreal...to see you like this.”
He smiled. “A good thing?”
“A selfish part of me thinks so...”
“Not selfish either,” he argued, leaning close to connect your foreheads. “Wanted to show you everything for a while now. Planned on it, actually..”
You let out a little noise, shocked that Changbin would even plan something like this after living his life loyal to the Mandalorian code...
“Don’t think too hard about it,” he chuckled, nosing his way across the bridge of your jaw. “Get some rest. There will be plenty of time to talk.”
You gave a sleepy nod in response, more than eager to succumb to the sleep you needed.
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You had never been so glad to lay eyes on the sea of red that defined Tatooine, leaving the ship feeling more rested than you had in years.
The rest of your crew loitered around outside, exchanging your final goodbyes with Jackson and his sister, who finally seemed more at ease far away from that horrible ship, even letting a small smile soften her features.
“Always call on us, yeah?” Chan said, and you rolled your eyes at his dramatics.
Jackson reached out, clasping his forearm to Chan’s. “Thank you. For everything.”
Chan dipped his head, a sign of respect. “You have friends in us.”
“It’s hard to find reliable help like that these days,” Jackson remarked. “Even rarer to call someone a friend.”
Chan smiled, accepting the gesture, and you moved in a little closer to Changbin as your crew offered your last farewells. Whatever your next adventure might become, it would certainly be difficult to forget the events of the past few days. Befriending enemies and becoming allies to forgotten causes. Revealing identities that had always been meant to remain a secret...
With one last salute, Jackson wrapped an arm around the delicate shoulders of his sister, leading her further toward the booming marketplace. You watched as Jackson was swallowed by the familiar crowd of patrons before turning to look at Changbin, lips cracking into a grin because you would never get enough of looking at him. His gaze met yours, as if drawn together, and the black of his irises seemed to glow in the fading sunlight.
“Let’s get back to it,” Chan announced, ushering everyone back in the direction of the ship.
Changbin took your hand, holding on tight as you made your way up the ramp. “Y/N, you want to takeover controls?” Minho asked, and you knew that your face betrayed your excitement.
It was rare for Minho to give up controls to you, even if you were properly trained. He was either in a really good mood or exhausted from your adventures. Likely a combination of both.
But you wouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. “Sure!”
Changbin chuckled at your enthusiasm, and Minho dismissed you with a wave, following Jisung and Hyunjin down below the deck. “You ready?”
His breath tickled the back of your neck, and you couldn’t fight off a shiver. “Always.”
You hummed in agreement, and you climbed the ladder first, working to get everything functional, nodding at the rumble of the engine. Navigating to the edges of space took time and control, and you carefully lifted the ship from the ground, guiding it up toward the sky. 
Once you had breached the atmosphere, and the infiniteness of black onyx beckoned you to make the jump to hyper space, you relaxed on the controls, turning it over to autopilot mode. “Good to go?” Changbin asked, joining you in the cockpit.
You urged him to sit down in the captain’s chair, allowing both legs to separate, straddling his lap as he switched the controls to lower the lights, finding yourself lost in his eyes and his sharply defined features. After so long of being deprived of this very moment, you could only be greedy in drinking all of it in for as long as you could.
As if on instinct, you reached out to trace the swell of his lip, feeling your heart skipping several beats, determined to spend the rest of your life learning every curve and line, to show him that you appreciated every ounce of what you had once been denied.
“Kitten,” Changbin purred, and you gasped when his fingers dug into the hourglass shape of your waist.
“I don’t think anyone will be bothering us anytime soon,” you whispered against his lips, feeling his responding laugh before allowing your lips to fit perfectly together: a match literally made in the Heavens. 
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naminethewriter · 1 month
Monstrously Simple Days at College
Chapter One: Welcome Back
Masterpost | Next | Ao3
Story Summary: Humans and Monsters live together in harmony and that means they all get to go to college together. Roman, Remus, Janus, Virgil, Logan and Patton are big group of friends that may be a bit chaotic with all the different monster cultures they hail from. College itself is hard too, but with them all supporting each other, it can't be that bad, can it?
Content Warnings: None
“Remus, you ass, come down right now! You’re not going to get yourself in trouble five seconds after coming back to campus!”
Roman shields her eyes as she looks up at her brother, shaking out her own wings after the long flight back to college. Their second year was going to begin in only a few days and Remus is not going to ruin her reunion with her partners by being a dick and breaking the flight regulations immediately upon coming back.
Thankfully, it seems to have gotten the message as she watches them divebomb back to the ground, aiming directly for her.
“Don’t you dare, you stinking rat!” she screeches and takes off the ground herself, if only a few inches for the better mobility and reaction time she has in the air. Remus stops her fall only a short distance away from her and grins, his sharp teeth glinting in the sun.
“Don’t get your panties in a twist, I wasn’t going to actually hit you. Too many witnesses.”
“Ha ha,” Roman deadpans, setting her feet back on the ground. “Let’s just go to the dorms so I can pretend I don’t know you.”
Remus snorts.
“Too late for that, I think everyone on campus who isn’t a first year knows us by now.”
Roman chooses to ignore its comment. She is well aware that last year a few different events happened that made both her and her brother, as well as their group of friends rather well known.
She sets off, entering the campus grounds through the huge main gate, Remus close on her heels.
“It’s such bullshit that we can’t just fly on campus. Who the hell decided it was a good idea to enforce no-flight-zones anyway?”
“It’s for privacy and community, which you would know if you had paid any attention during orientation last year. I don’t want any randos to fly up to my windows either, so I completely understand why they forbid it on campus entirely. That and those drone things. They’re creepy.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get why we’re not allowed to do it around the dorms, but we’re not at the dorms! We’re basically in a park!”
“Go ask your boyfriend, they know stuff like that!”
“My boyfriend isn’t here! And I can’t fly up to find him because of stupid regulations!”
“Too bad for you.”
Roman quickens her steps as her eyes lock onto the thing she’s been searching for after having spotted it during her landing earlier. A black parasol.
“Why the fuck are you in such a hurry?” Remus complains behind her, but she ignores them, instead weaving skillfully through the crowd to reach her partner.
“My dark and stormy thundercloud! Wait up!” she calls ahead and the parasol comes to a stop as the person holding it turns around. The vampire looks at them with tired, bright purple eyes. They yawn before answering.
“Hello prin—“ They cut themselves off, staring at the chains and jewels attached to Roman’s horns with a look of confusion. “—cess?” they finish, uncertain. It takes Roman a moment to figure out what happened.
“Oh! Yes, feminine day. Our uncle came by a few weeks after our birthday and gave me a bunch of horn-jewelry as a present. Apparently, grandma told him I was ‘developing an interest’ and he dug through his horde. He had no idea I was using them as pronoun indicators, but he said he knew a dragon a few centuries back that did the same thing! So, I seemed to have revived a trend without even knowing it!” Roman laughs and Virgil’s shoulders drop in relief.
“I see. I was really confused for a second ‘cause they didn’t trigger anything. And I felt bad assuming just because the jewels are pink that it’s for a feminine day.”
“I can’t deny that that’s part of why I choose it for feminine days, you’re good. I’ll have Logan cast the identifying spell on them as soon as possible so that you don’t get confused by the rest.” It is practical to have a witch for a friend, who can just enchant her jewelry so that people could tell what they indicated with only one look.
“Speaking of Logan, have you seen them yet?” Remus cuts in, suddenly leaning very close to Virgil’s face. Roman hadn’t seen it move and blinks in surprise, but Virgil doesn’t seem startled in any way and just pushes Remus away from them.
“No. I literally just got here myself.”
“An amateur mistake. I arrived here yesterday. It was a lot quieter then,” a smug voice comments to the right of them. Roman turns to see her other partner Janus standing a few feet away, smiling self-satisfactorily at the group.
“What a blessed day to have my eyes fall onto my partners so quickly!” Roman exclaims delightedly and pulls Janus in for a hug. He is more open to public displays of affection than Virgil, who prefers cuddles on the couch.
“Everyone who sees me should consider themselves blessed,” Janus jokes and Virgil rolls their eyes at him.
“Sure, keep telling yourself that, kitty.”
Janus playfully hisses at them and they hiss back, before Remus, again, suddenly inserts herself back into the conversation.
“If you’ve been here a while, have you seen Logan yet?” he asks again, pouting.
“Maybe,” Janus grins. “I won’t tell you for free.”
“No riddles already!” Roman groans. “At least wait a few hours until you try to start your games.”
“I’m a sphynx, Roman. It’s what I do.”
“Yeah, but I’m tired from the flight and I wanna spend some time with my partners. Without my brother. I’ve seen it enough all summer,” she whines.
“I don’t wanna see your face anymore either,” Remus bites back.
“Aren’t you rooming together again?” Virgil asks and both dragons glare at them. They scoff but don’t comment further. As an only child, they never got their ‘brotherly bond’, and they had learned not to question it.
“Anyway!” Remus declares loudly. “I just wanna know where my—” It stops speaking mid-sentence, their head snapping to the side at a concerning angle and her nose twitching. He stands still for two seconds before suddenly sprinting into the crowd of students around them. The other three look after him in confusion.
“Ah,” Virgil says after a moment. “I think I see the tip of Logan’s hat.”
“Like a loyal puppy running after their owner,” Janus huffs and Roman elbows him lightly in the side.
“That’s not something you can make fun of her for. He hasn’t seen Logan almost the entire break, I would’ve been a mess if I hadn’t been able to see either of you for that long.”
Janus raises his hands in defeat.
“Fine. I won’t comment further.”
“Thank you,” Roman smiles and presses a kiss against his cheek. Janus turns his head away to hide his blush, causing Virgil to snort. Before Janus could retaliate however, a new voice carries over to them.
“Hey, kiddos!”
Looking towards the direction of the gate, they could see a pair of blonde ears peak out from between the sea of students and moments later, Patton has made his way over to them.
“It’s so good to see everyone!” he laughs, his tail wagging excitedly. “I missed you all so much!”
“Pat, I saw you last week,” Virgil comments, a fond expression on their face.
“Exactly! A whole week without seeing any of my kiddos is a long time!”
“Well, we’re all together now, padre. And we have a whole semester to have new adventures together!” Roman laughs and pulls him into a hug he gladly accepts.
“I’m looking forward to it! But where’s Lo and Remus? You said everyone’s here, but I don’t see them.”
“Oh, they’re over there somewhere,” Roman points behind her to where Remus had disappeared minutes earlier. “I think they need a moment alone since they haven’t seen each other in a while.”
“I see. Yeah, Logan had a lot of rituals and such to attend, right? I haven’t been able to meet up with them either.”
“I think he said something about planet alignments at the end of the semester and that’s why his coven had a lot of stuff going on,” Virgil adds.
“The positions of the planets do subtly influence the energy of the cosmos at all times, so I’m not surprised that a certain combination of placements would cause a bunch of witches to have a month-long spell fest,” Janus nods as well.
“Thank you for your contribution, oh wise one,” Virgil teases and Janus, seemingly having had enough from their continues comments, walks over to them and simply gives them a quick kiss. As he pulls away, Virgil’s cheeks have a purple tint, showing their embarrassment.
“You’re not the only one who can tease people, darling,” Janus purrs. Virgil half-heartedly hisses at him before hiding their face in the high collar of their cloak. Thankfully for them, Janus doesn’t get a chance to continue his teasing as Logan finally appears out of the crowd. Remus is with them, its arms wrapped around their midsection and firmly pressed to their back. It doesn’t look like they are willing to let go any time soon.
“Salutations everyone. I hope you all had a restful break.”
“Logan!” Patton exclaims happily and moves towards him for a hug but Roman quickly grabs his arm to stop him in the same moment that Remus lets out a growl from his position behind Logan and a small flame shoots out of her mouth.
“It would be best not to get too close to them at the moment, padre,” Roman advises, her hand patting his back in reassurance so that his ears don’t remain pressed to his head. “Remus is probably going to be a bit territorial with Logan for at least the next few hours since they haven’t seen each other in so long.”
Patton looks confused for a moment longer before his expression brightens and he exclaims, “Oh! Because Logan’s his ‘treasure’, right?”
“Exactly. Good memory, Pat.”
“Thanks! But why aren’t you the same way with Verge and Jan then? They’re your ‘treasure’, aren’t they?”
“They are. But I’ve also met up with them several times over the break. And if we couldn’t see each other in person, we texted and stuff.”
“It was very frustrating to be involved in an ever-elongating process of rituals and have my contact with the outside world limited,” Logan huffs, one of his hands continuously patting Remus’ arms around him to calm them from its sudden burst of protectiveness. “I understand the necessity of the procedures since a lot of the spells will not be able to be cast again for centuries, but it was a strenuous process that only ended five days ago. I went to bed afterwards and slept for three days, packed my things yesterday and arrived here earlier this morning.”
“Well, I’m glad you got to have at least some rest,” Patton smiles, and Logan nods to him gratefully.
“Speaking of rest, my arm’s getting tired from holding this parasol and I want to get out of the sun. It’s starting to give me a headache,” Virgil complains.
“Then let us be off to the dorms!” Roman links her arms with Virgil and Janus’ and starts dragging them off.
“Uh, that looks fun, can I join?” Patton giggles and hooks his arm to Janus’ free one when he offers.
“Want to join them or look for a quiet spot?” Logan asks Remus quietly, leaning their head back to see its face. Remus takes a moment to consider, watching his brother and their friends.
“As much as everything in me is screaming to keep you to myself right now, I can’t let Ro-bro get to our room alone. She’s going to start decorating everything and it’s going to piss me off and then we’re going to fight about it and I actually don’t want to get into trouble with the dorm manager on our first day. You’re already settled though, right?”
“Yes, meus, I am. I’m going to stay with you for the rest of the day.”
“Good.” Remus buries his head in Logan’s shoulder and tightens her grip on their midsection for a moment before pulling away a bit and grabbing their hand. “Let’s go before Ro gets it in her head that she can decide which side of the room she’s gonna get.”
Here art the character designs!
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Drawn by @prince-rowan-of-the-forest, the link to their post is included in the Masterpost linked above!
Also, fun fact! Roman and Remus might both not identify as male, they agreed that they are each others brother at all times. So despite it being a feminine day for Roman, she is still Remus' brother 💖 💚
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rroechan · 7 months
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The Thorny Spider
'Flying Devil'? 'Spider from Hell'? That's just your terrifying friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man on the prowl!
lots of yapping below
Super late for the spiderverse trend but i've been reading an unfortunate amount of peter parker fics and i couldn't help but pull this guy up from memory
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Spider-Thorn? Horned Spider? Spider-Fiend?
His name is Piers Lang, born and raised to kick your ass. With both parents dead at the ripe age of 8, kiddo found himself going from his home in M'sia to living with his aunt and uncle all the way in USA 🫡🦅🇺🇸
his abilities are about the same as OG spiderman, like spider-proportional strength, speed, stickiness etc etc. There's only one thing that's vastly different from the others is his enhanced senses
So like, enhanced hearing, scent, that sort of thing. If it was already bad for Peter in his day to dau life, imagine what this guy's goin' through
due to a mix of nature and nuture, his senses, particularly his sorta 'area awareness' is higher than the average spidey
He grew up with terrible vision and in a rough neighbourhood so his senses has always been fairly attuned to his surroundings. A bit like a 6th sense or a natural instinct one would naturally gain over time. The bite basically strengthened all these features except his eyesight (most spider species have poor eyesight. only some have it good. i thought that was funny)
that scene in spider-man: far from home where spidey relies entirely on his spider sense to fight mysterio's drones? Yeah THAT but 10 fold
even when totally blinded, he can use this specific ability to make like a fully 3d mental map of the area around him. Basically seeing everything around him 360 with his eyes closed. So he can fully fight no issue in the dark (basically Daredevil's radar sense)
sometimes he purposely fights with eyes closed cause it helps prevent him from being overwhelmed (even pre-bite he had issues with sensory overloads)
For the hearing and smelling, i tried to see if OG spiderman had any upper limit at all to the distance of his abilities but there's nothing solid :// My guy in particular, I like to think there's no true limit to his sense, like he could track a whole city of people if he wanted but he'd have to be meditating and in a super focused state to do so + overuse of his senses makes his head hurt a lot
Out of the suit, he has a habit of wearing earplugs or earphones constantly playing some genre of white noise. And some strong smelling balm on his upper lip (idk whats the actual english name of it)
Aside from that, he has a few spidery traits (got the idea from a fic, no I do not remember what its name is). The spider he was bitten by had all sorts of different spider dna weaved into it.
He sometimes chirps or purrs when in a good mood or just, when he's comfortable enough to not hide his spidery traits. Has stare offs with actual spiders for dominance. Absurdly flexibles and can get into wild contortionist-like poses and calls them comfortable. Likes smoothies. Gets sleepy when cold. Salvatory glands produce a very mild venom. Yada yada
About the suit
He didn't design it, his man-in-the-chair did. Though he did do all the wiring, engineering etc and was the one who suggested to base the suit design off an orb weaver spider
The red of his suit glows with exposure to UV. Adding on the fact that he mainly patrols at night makes it worse for baddies because imagine you're in the middle of crime-ing and from out the darkness, Satan himself comes to be your reckoning.
The suit being majority black adds the challenge of making sure his poses are readable so that's Fun.
of his 8 'eyes' only 2 of them actually function which are the main ones in the upper front. the others are for show.
The horns are where all the business is at. They all have a solid exterior so he fully can use em to shoulder check, headbutt, etc baddies but their main purpose is to act as antennas. Both for his comms so he can go super long distances without worry as well as help hone and focus his senses to his surrounding area
See, usually his senses is like a motion detector but across a super big area so without earplugs and the smelling balm, his senses are extremely scattered and kinda blurred.
He figured out fairly quick that with antennas connected to his main 'sensory points' on his body help focus his senses to his immediate area instead of being fragmented (does this make sense? im fully bullshitting at this point)
Not illustrated but under the suit he has this network of connected patches (like those they put on you during surgery) to track his stats and junk alongside the whole spidey sense honing thing
Moving on, the spider on the back of his head is actually a later addition cause ppl keep thinking he's supposed to be a demon (him not realising ppl aren't entomology nerds like him)
The spikes on his knuckles are purely for combat and is entirely inspired by his favourite sonic character: Knuckles.
The baggy pants, body suit and hood are all one piece. Only the mask and the utility belt are removable
The whole front of the mask is a solid piece under the fabric. So he can't fold the mask halfway up to his nose and kiss someone upside-down but he can remove one of the lower eye panel thing to eat or drink if he needs to.
the utility belt mostly has his burner phone, zipties, few first aid necessities and cereal bars
I wanted to add a brief telling of his backstory here as well as his ascociation to the spiderverse gang but this post is long enough orz
Ill definitely post abt this guy again though, that's for sure. I'm more a manga fan but I have some plans on mimicking american comics style for some 'fake' comic pages for this guy and his main villain
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aguyshypnowsprs · 3 months
Although I’m working slowly around my full time job and keeping my partner entertained, I wanted to share a little something to indicate what projects I have lined up for future files (in no particular order):
Therapeutic Track Plans
Getting over a crush
Confidence in yourself
Improving your appearance
Beat loneliness
Budget your money better
Consistency going to work out
Relaxation script: A mantra or trigger to relax when stressed
Self-confidence: Feel confident and powerful by noticing and taking pride in small achievements
Love seeker: Gain the nerve and ability to speak with the someone, ask them out, and feel worthy
The professional: Talk to superiors confidently, understand your worth, and request what is needed professionally
Keep your cool: Anger management techniques and methods to stay calm and focused when provoked
Focus: Increase concentration, reduce distractions and procrastination, and be a consummate professional
Simple calming hypno: Induce relaxation and calmness
feel loved
Reducing fear of other people
Teleporting to a vacation-like place: Visualization techniques for relaxation
Impulse control for eating, smoking, and bad habits
Stop spreading hate with micro-aggressions
Using more positive language
Exercise encouragement: Press-ups, squats, chest day, leg day, arm day, shoulder day, back day
Dealing with a history of bullying
Accepting endings
Kink Hypno Ideas
Each of these ideas may carry with them a social trigger risk.
Erotic seeker: Confidence in kinks and the courage to discuss and seek what is desired without shame
Pillow fucker
No more post-nut clarity/guilt
Sock lover
Becoming a power bottom - not a sub
Becoming submissive to alpha tops
Strict bottom encouragement
Completely brainless zombie
Horny, wild beast encouragement
Puppy mind
Alpha mind
Dronification - what outcomes do my drones long for?
Transformation: Grow wings, learn to fly, Become a dragon, The Black Symbiot.
Null bulge
The cage is your reward
Scenarios: being a cuck, Subject to Authority- Prison Officer/teacher
Himbo mindset: Focus and Relax, Relax and Workout, Workout and Grow, Grow and Obey, Obey and Submit
Gooner mindset
Neanderthal mindset
Feral breeding top beast.
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Paul Atreides X Reader (Dune)
Part 3: Day One
     Paul Atreides awakens just as the sun begins its ascend into the Arrakis sky. He stays beneath the blankets for a few more minutes, finding it odd that he'd be freezing at night but then would dress for the day in cool clothes. Once he felt more awake, he slips out of bed and walks to the closet where an outfit had been hung for him. It was similar to his black cloak, though it was tan and a lot more thin. A lot more suitable for the desert. Paul slides it over his body; it felt very soft, and the coolness was refreshing to his skin. He then kicks off his boots, in which he had on all night since he had fallen asleep before getting a chance to take them off; he had been too tired last night to care. Paul replaces his pair of black pants with a more baggy, as well as tan pair to match the cloak. His body was covered enough to where he wouldn't get a sunburn, while it also was keeping his body cooler than what it'd be in his black cloak. He slips his black boots back on, and now he was ready for the first full day on Arrakis.
     Gurney stays in the Palace tracking the Harkonnens while Paul and his parents load up into an ornithopter. They were set to go view a few of the spice harvesters and examine how they work. Leto was the pilot, Paul sat on the passenger side, and Jessica in the back. They all strapped up and the Duke started the engine, it roaring while the wings deploy, stretching out until they're straight. The wings then start to vibrate, picking up momentum at each passing second. A loud buzzzzz fills the air as the wings reach their maximum speed for takeoff. Leto pulls up the yoke and the ornithopter ascends into the desert air, hovering over the sand and causing it to make a whirlwind around the ship until they get high enough off the ground. 
    Paul can't help but take in the beauty of the desert as they fly across the sky. It was so vast. So tremendous. It was hard for him to believe any human being survived solely off of the desert. He wanted to know exactly how; the film books only gave him brief descriptions. As they flew, he thought of the Fremen. He wondered how they looked and how they acted in person. He hoped he'd be lucky enough to meet one of them. Of course, he was mainly here for the Harkonnens and the spice, but something about the Fremen caught his attention. There was something special about them, he wasn't quite sure what, but he knew he wanted to learn more. 
     In the near distance, the first harvester can be seen. Leto brought down the ornithopter to a better viewing altitude, still staying high enough as to not disrupt the harvesting. "You can unstrap now, if you want a better look." Paul's father tells him, and he does so. Paul leans towards the glass of the cockpit, looking down and observing the large machine work. It digs deep into the sand dunes, pulling the spice out and separating it from the sand before collecting it. Paul notices a few small objects hovering in the air around them, they were almost drone like. "What are those?" He asks his parents. "Worm spotters," his mother replies, "They can detect worm sign from about 500 meters away." She explains. "What happens if they spot a worm?" Paul asks, genuinely curious. "Then they pray for their lives." His father jokes, before Jessica gives him a hard stare and he stops laughing. "A Carryall will deploy and lift it to safety. However, they do harvest up until the very last second. It's a dangerous job." The Duke says. Paul nods, continuing to watch the harvester. 
     "Father, have you ever seen a worm? In person, I mean?" Paul questioned. Leto chuckles in return, "only from the air, son. And that's all you'll ever want to see 'em." His father says, shooting him a quick smile and patting his shoulder. "We're safe up here." His father assured him. Not that Paul was worried about being devoured by a sand worm, he was more so curious about them. He'd seen images of them, but part of him wanted to see a real one. Up close, maybe. "Ready to head to the next one?" The Duke asks his family, and they nod in return. The ornithopter buzzed through the air as they soared. Paul had his eyes peeled for worm sign, but he wasn't too hopeful. When they approach the next harvester, the family immediately notices several other ornithopters hovering around it. "Who are they?" Paul asks, concerned. "Calm down, it's just for worm spotting." Leto says, but he wasn't completely sure. They had replaced the ships for the drones for worm spotting awhile ago, so why would there be any other ornithopters here?
     Duke Leto proceeds forward, trying to get a look at who was inside those other ships. Just a second later, a warning call goes off. It was from Gurney. The Duke looks down for a split second to find out what it was about, and in that time, one of the other ornithopters turned to directly face them. Paul squints his eyes, getting a better look into the cockpit. It was a dark figure in a black suit, who also seemed to be without hair. "Harkonnens.." Paul mutters, looking to his father. "Shit." His father says upon finding out himself. "Strap in," he tells both Jessica and Paul, and once they did so, he wastes no more time and suddenly makes a swift, vigorous bank to the left. Paul holds on tightly to his straps while his head was being thrown around with a lot of force from the quick bank. Now, all the other ornithopters were facing them and were on their tail. 
     Leto pushes the throttle to its max capacity, the Harkonnens were right behind them. They soar through the desert air at a fast pace, the wings were working at full power and the buzzing sound rumbled throughout the entire ship. Jessica looks behind her after they had been flying for awhile, and she couldn't see any of the other ships anymore. "I think we lost them," she sighs, putting a hand to her stomach. Just as the family takes a breath of relief, multiple bright lights flash behind them. The Harkonnens had fired three missiles. The ornithopter's alarm system beeped constantly, warning them of the upcoming missiles that were locked on their ship. Leto works tirelessly to dodge each missiles attempt to make contact with their ship. He flips the ornithopter, turns it sharply, and continues flying as fast as possible. Jessica and Paul's heads are still being whipped around violently, giving them headaches. Leto was used to it. Although, he never had time to strap himself in, so he was being thrown around a lot more than the others. He didn't have time to care about any potential injures, though. He had to keep flying. 
     Two of the missiles collide when the Duke confuses them by letting them get close, before closing the wings and nose diving downward. As they fell, the last missile followed closely behind. It was gliding fast, and their ships' engine was about ready to give out at this point. Leto re-opens the wings, making them come out from the dive and ascend quickly, but the missile did the same. Their speed was decreasing as the engine was dying. "I need you two to brace and stay in that position until we're on the ground." He tells his family through gritted teeth. "Why? What are you.." Paul starts to ask, but his father flicks his head toward him, sweat dripping down his forehead. "BRACE!" Leto yells, just as all power shuts off. The Duke knew he could try one last thing to protect his family, so he stops the ornithopter mid-air and turns it so the pilot's side faces the missile. He quickly glances at Paul, who wasn't leaning down yet so he pushes his head down with his sweaty hand and keeps it there, forcing Paul to brace. A split second before the missile makes impact, Leto lifts the ship up a bit to make it where the missile hits the bottom of the pilot's side, causing the majority of the impact to fall upon him. 
     A loud crash falls upon Paul's ears as the missile hits their ship. His father's hand was still holding his head down, so he couldn't see what was happening. A few seconds after that crash, he feels his father's hand loosen its grip on his cranium. And soon, he no longer felt it at all. He looks up, his eyes going wide as he spots a sight of pure horror and panic. The entire pilot's side of the ship was missing, along with his father. The large hole in the ornithopter caused gusts of wind to throw the ship around like a rag doll. They were going down, fast. Paul looks around frantically for his father, but he is nowhere to be seen. "FATHER!" He yells hopelessly. "PAUL, BRACE!" His mother screams at him, sounding just as distraught. Paul buries his head in his arms, closing his eyes and letting fate decide what will happen to him. 
     The ornithopter spirals downward until finally colliding with the sand below them. The impact causes an eruption of sand to fall over them. The glass of the cockpit shatters and flies through the air, striking Paul and cutting him in a few places. Being strapped in most likely saved both Paul's and Jessica's lives, however the collision into the desert's sand was so powerful both mother and son had blacked out upon hitting the ground; their brains had been rattled around so much, it was likely they had a concussion. Nevertheless, they were alive. The Duke, however, his fate was yet to be determined.
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harveybwabbit92 · 3 months
[Spark Doll au: Tregear is in his doll form is sitting on R/n's shoulder as they make their way through the dark and deserted streets of the city avoiding alien drones that were looking for them. They're making their way to Bel/r (Belial's reader)'s safe houses, when R/n suddenly slipped!
The [short/tall] woman winces and rubbed her side as a frigid dampness started seeping into her clothes, Tregear grew into his human size and helped her up then looked down perplexed at what she tripped on? the ground was wet and slick with...Ice? in July???
R/n gasps as a cool wind ran through the alley the dark ultra was further baffled when he could see R/n breath on the wind she noticed it too and they both cautiously exited the alley their eyes widened in awe at the sight that waited for them.
R/n and Tregear stepped out in to street the were met with what could be described as a winter terror-land as thick layers of snow and jagged ice covered the streets trapping any poor soul caught out in this phenomenon in a frozen grave and in the center of it all they passed a group of hostile aliens frozen in place; all looking up their faces all frozen in a mix of confusion and horror at whatever caused this...
Tregear went touch one of the jugged and glowing icicles sticking out from the ground, when R/n suddenly stopped him by grabbing his arm. "Don't, it'll freeze you in seconds if you touch it." Tregear looked at R/n for few moments trying to decipher how she could know this? when a payphone started ringing from somewhere, R/n let go of Tregear's arm and the two followed the ringing a few blocks down; passing more bodies along the way but they weren't upright frozen in terror like the others... these ones were beaten badly to a pulp and had energy burns on their skin.
Tregear realized another ultra had come through here, But it certainly wasn't Taro or Taiga. This, this was way too violent to be their doing... Tregear was used to gory sights; but even he felt his stomach twist a little upon seeing the state of one of the bodies whose face was so badly caved in he couldn't tell if it was once alien or human? Not that it mattered much now, but still...
Tregear did not want to be a fly on the wall and witness whoever caused all this carnage as he cautiously pulled R/n closer as they followed the ringing which led them to a payphone outside of subway station the two stared at the phone warily before R/n reached out and answered it.
R/n: Hello?
Bel/R: R/n it's Bel/R!
R/n: Yeah, I kinda figured..who else could turn downtown into Pingu's playhouse?
Bel/R, laughs dryly: Nice one, but this ain't the time; more of those punks and drones are headed down there. you're gonna have get to my safe house at the Black apple bar-
R/n: The apple? that's half-way on the other side of town!
Bel/R: Well your in luck the trains are still running, and to my knowledge they aren't monitoring the rail system because all the people are gone, just hack one of them and ride to the 3rd row station, that shouldn't be hard for you *click*
R/n, Snorts: Oh...yeah, so easy!~
She jeered and put the phone down gestured for Tregear to follow down into the subway but notice he staring at her suspiciously.
Tregear, as his eyes narrow: Why aren't you cold?
R/n, tenses up: We're not doing this right now.
{She tries to walk down the stairs but Tregear stops her.]
Tregear: Oh, yes we are, because right now everything that I thought I knew about you is breaking apart....are you even human?
R/n: .....(averts her eyes)
Tregear, Lets go of her:....I see, if this is how it's going to be. the after this is dealt with we're done.
R/n looked at Tregear shock she expected him to just start laughing at any second but now he was serious as he kept down the stairs, any attempts of R/n trying to talk were met with stony silence, it wasn't until they'd finally got one of the trains moving that R/n finally cracked under the pressure of not seeing Tregear again!
R/n: Before I explain anything, Bel/r's a Jötunn.
Tregear, looked at her apprehensively:..Don't try and make things now-
R/n, interrupts him: I'm not making things up, you can ask her yourself when we get there, but for now just fucking listen to me.
Tregear looked taken aback my her sudden use of cursing, R/n never curses unless she's nervous or she's about tell him something very serious or both!
R/n explained that three years before they met Bel/r came to her with an odd request pretend to be her while on a expedition to Valhalla, of course R/n thought the woman had gone mad! After all, Valhalla isn't real! it just a myth! but then Bel/r revealed her true self to the young science student. And explained that Valhalla was real but it wasn't some never ending party in a Mead hall in the afterlife... it was a lab, an ancient lab the frost giants used to help create weapons and bionics for a certain group of humans.
The lab had been dormant for centuries and now someone found it, but they needed a frost giant to open it and Bel/r was going to be the one to open it. However she had no intention of letting them repeat the mistakes of the past, the last frost giant intended to destroy Valhalla and keep it's secrets locked away forever.
R/n: At first everything went according to plan, we tricked the head researcher into thinking I was the frost giant and Bel/r was my bodyguard... but when we reach the sanctum above lab's entrance is where things fell apart. The head researcher revealed themselves to be descendant of Thor and had intended use the lab to reclaim their family's power and rule the world and all that...
R/n:...They killed everyone except me and Bel/r and force us down in in the lab's entrance. the whole time my legs were shaking as they forced me to step forward towards the doors and then they stabbed me through the back with some kind of blade that worked like a siphon. They never intended to let Bel/r live...and she knew that and she still let me...
R/n punch the empty seat next to her in frustration Tregear's eyes widened as a pillar of jagged ice suddenly tore through the seat cushions.
R/n: I don't know what happened after that, But three months later I woke up in another lab; Helheim. Apparently it was it was the giant's version of a glorified morgue. Bel/r experimented on my body and brought me back, turned me into a freak.
Tregear: A freak?
R/n: A proxy she calls me. transferred some of her essence into my body, gave me almost all the powers of a frost giant, minus the ability to transformation. But it also came with two downsides.
R/n: When R/n transferred her energy into me it also transferred a melange of her screwed up memories and personally traits that affected me so badly that sometimes I still can't even tell who the fuck I am anymore.
Tregear: And the other thing?
R/n stares at him unsure before pulling down her sweater sleeve revealing the skin on her arm was turning gray and ice was slowly growing out of it, It looked painful and if it was painful then R/n was good job hiding it or she can't feel it at all.
R/n: Unfortunately due to my weak human constitution I can't control the ice flowing in my veins, sure it protects me from subfreezing temperatures but every time I use it I risk freezing myself from the inside out.
R/n reaches into her bag and pull out a some sort of sheet it looked like bandage but it had a fire ball on it, she stuck it on her arm the patch bonded to her skin like a tattoo and in seconds the ice melted away and the grey color her arm turned went back to a more healthier hue.
R/n could see the questions in Tregear eyes and handed him the box labeled "heat patches" R/n explains she got them from an alien pharmacy they offer some relief for her predicament. Bel/r uses a similar product but they're to regulate the cold so she doesn't overheat.
Usually R/n uses a extra large patch and sets it on her back that's the tattoo he's seen before , but the store was out she been stuck using mediums or smalls they stay bonded to the skin for a couple weeks then the patch peels off on it's own.
Tregear hummed handing the box back to R/n as the train's automatic PA announced their stop and the two cautiously made their way to the Black Apple bar where Bel/r was waiting along with Tregear's eyes widened when he saw Ultraman Belial sitting at the bar eyeing him suspiciously...well that explained the overkill to some of the bodies he saw downtown.
Once this invasion situation was over Tregear assured R/n he wasn't leaving now that she was being truthful with him, however he did confront Bel/r over why she didn't fix the problem with R/n's powers? The frost giant shrugged. "I'm no scientist I just felt bad cos she got hurt, you however are a scientist- figure it out yourself." she said giving him a little pat on the back before rejoining Belial.
Tregear was thrown-off at her sheer indifference at the situation he now understood why R/n and Bel/r were on strained terms; he had feeling getting the experiment data from the frost giant was going to be like pulling bent nails from a board from here on out.
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