#book guaranteed 2 make me cri
plutonicbees · 2 years
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aled last, my sweet summer child, top 10 genders of my existence
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invisibleperiwinkle · 2 months
i haven’t seen may people talk about this but it’s one of my main gripes with the percy jackson show so here we go.
annabeths character is so poorly written.
and before we begin, leah is an AMAZING actress and i’m PUMPED for her and black girls everywhere who can see themselves represented in such a badass character.
that being said, the folks in the writers room are FAILING annabeth. her character in the show is incredibly one dimensional, and again it’s not at the fault of the actress, the writers simply aren’t writing the character well. which breaks my heart for two reasons
1) there’s representation for a strong independent black character but if you take away all the things that makes annabeth such a cool and interesting character it feels so tacked on and not cared for. if you want to have representation do the character justice so the moment is important. not just lack luster and anti climactic
2) the writer of the books is writing the show. and rick has forgotten his own characters. which isn’t new information but it never stops pissing me off.
annabeth is a character i see myself in a lot, so having her not be written well for the show is so upsetting. the fact being she isn’t a hard character to write. she’s smart (of course), calculated, but also very reserved. these are the parts of her we see, but even then not much of it.
the moments i feel took so much character development away from her were
a) not having the spiders in the tunnel o’ love
b) not having her play fetch with cerberus
c) the zoo truck scene not being focused on percy and annabeth getting to know each others backstories and more making it “oooo guys did you know they fall in love with each other in four books?!?!?!??”
d) the aunty em scene being changed and not getting to see annabeth just be a kid for five minutes and want to eat burgers and fries
e) annabeth not being giddy over the gateway arch/not playing the architecture game in the lotus hotel
f) ZERO trace of her crush on luke
annabeth is a very closed off character but those moments in particular showcase her being more human and also the trust she has in percy to let him see that side of her.
A) while yes, we do get to see annabeth scared in the tunnel o’ love scene thinking she’s going to lose percy, there’s a difference in the fear of thinking you lost your best friend vs seeing something you’re genuinely scared of.
the mechanical spiders are so huge to annabeths development because she lets percy see her scared and not just this strong wall of calculations she’s been portrayed as this whole time.
it makes her seem more human. we remember she’s still just a 12 year old girl who’s spent most of her development years at camp because she didn’t have anyone
B) this scene in the books is hands down one of my favorites. annabeth plays fetch with this dog and teaches him tricks and then she cries
we get a wonderful exchange of percy saying that everyone needs a little love and attention sometimes which is something annabeth never got
also she cries!! AND AND AND!!! we get more backstory, that she had a doberman before she ran away
i guarantee, and in fact we KNOW annabeth doesn’t like reminiscing on her past at home. but she did here. even for a second. we see her breaking down her walls yet again. slowly but surely.
also i want to showcase the significance of her crying, i’m gonna infer here from how i am as a person, but i hate crying in front of people to the point that i simply can’t. and i’ve only cried in front of like four people? two over a facetime call, and twice in person (my parents). and they are all people i trust with my life, i don’t cry to people often. so if i do cry in front of you it is a HUGE sign of trust for me. and i feel like from all i know about annabeth, she is the exact same way. crying in front of someone is a huge sign of trust. so there lol.
C) again, with reminiscing on her home life, we get the zoo truck
the show is WAYYY overdoing percabeth. and for someone who that’s their favorite ship of all time to say that, you know it’s an issue. i said it. there’s too much percabeth. specifically, coupley percabeth. THEY ARE STILL TWELVE.
and the zoo truck scene in the show was changed from percy and annabeth getting to know the more personal and intricate “this is what i hide from the world that whittles away my soul, but here i trust you, we’re friends. you deserve to hear this” side of each other, to “when did you two become an old married couple”
excuse me while i roll my eyes into next century.
taking away them getting to know each other pissed me off so much. because again. we don’t get to see annabeth be vulnerable and human.
percy existing and breaking down her walls is HUGE to her character development throughout the books and they are just taking it away from her
D) these last three are all gonna be shorter because it’s all more or less the same point, it all showcases how annabeth is still just a kid at heart
this is the first time we see annabeth not care about the next step or if there’s something else going on. when they’re at the garden gnome emporium and auntie em offers them food annabeth jumps at the chance to just hang out and eat food
she is still a kid. the show provides none of this. the show doesn’t make annabeth seem like a kid at all. just a very calculated human trapped in the body of a preteen.
E) annabeths whole schtick for the entire series is her loving architecture and it being that one thing (in the first book) that brings out that sense of childlike wonder and whimsy in her
in the book she gets all giddy about the arch and makes them pause the quest so she can go to the top of it. also talking about how it’s held up by math and having her sparkle and wonder and awe that comes when talking about your passion.
do we see this in the show? no. why would we!
also the architecture game is just cute. of course the one game she’d gravitate towards is about building things. LIKE CMON NOW. ugh
let my girl be a kid and have whimsy. PLEASE.
F) now i HATE luke but this is a character thing for annabeth. seeing her have a crush on luke cause ofc she would. he’s the one guy to show her any love and care and he’s handsome i suppose.
she’s still just a girl. so naturally she would have a crush on him. and it’s something that again just makes her a human.
and there isn’t enough of that.
annabeth is a really special character to me and to see her be failed by the writers is heartbreaking. especially when you have an amazing of an actress as leah playing her. you cannot sit there and write an underdeveloped version of one of the best female protagonists of modern YA literature. be serious with me for a sec
to quickly state my point. annabeth isn’t a difficult character to write, the writers just don’t seem to want to put in the time of reserching and developing already developed characters. literally ALL you have to do is go back and read and comprehend the books. THATS IT.
annabeth is a smart, independent, calculated character. but that’s not THE ONLY SIDE OF HER. as the show would have you believe. she has emotions and she is human, behind her walls she’s just a twelve year old girl figuring out life and wanting to be loved and appreciated and taken seriously like all of us do. and it’s killing me that they aren’t doing justice to her character, especially when because of the show, she gets to be a role model for black girls everywhere. they deserve better than that.
rick, i’m asking you kindly, just give me the pen and let me in that writers room so annabeth can be done right. 🩷
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delusional1sworld · 1 year
Study “Date”
A study session with Nagi turns into a sleepover.
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“No can do f/n. As much as I love karaoke, I can’t. I have a tutor coming over to help me study for my exams. Next time though for sure,” you laughed into your phone.
With the school year approaching its end, you’ve been studying nonstop for all your finals. One class in particular was giving you a huge headache, calculus. Luckily for you, Reo offered to help.
(3 hours before)
“Yes please Reo. I’m dying in the class. I need as much help as I can get,” you cried dramatically onto his shoulder.
“Yes of course y/n. As one of the top scorers in well…every subject…” Reo bragged, “I guarantee I’ll help you get at least a B or above.”
“Okay okay let’s not show off now,” you grumbled, immediately lifting your head off his shoulder and shoving him away.
The sound of the doorbell jolts you out of the earlier events playing in your head. Rushing to the door, you immediately open it-
“Hi Y/n,” the tall, white haired teen yawned.
“What are you doing here? Where’s Reo?” You asked, peering behind him.
“An urgent family matter came up so he asked me to sub in for him.”
“Oh I see, come on in then,” you said, pushing the door open to let the giant man through.
As you closed the door, you silently cursed at Reo for not even sending a quick text to let you know that he wasn’t coming.
“Would you like some tea Nagi?”
“No thanks, tea’s gonna make me sleepier.”
“Oh okay, then where would you like to start?”
“Wherever’s fine,” Nagi replied, yawning again.
“Okay then we can start with this.” You held up the folder filled with calculus practice assignments.
“…so you plug in the variable u for 2x and just take the derivative of it,” Nagi continues, pointing at the problem. Surprisingly, the man could be very focused when need be. It’s been 3 hours since you guys started, and he hasn’t slacked off once…well not that much anyways. There were a couple times where Nagi had almost dozed off while explaining a problem and you had to wake him back up.
“Done that was the last one!” You cried happily. “I’ll go make some ramen for us!”
“Finally, such a hassle.” Nagi grabbed his phone and laid himself on your carpet. You stopped.
“If it was an hassle then why did you agree to help me?” You questioned, unable to control the sliver of hope rising in your chest.
Nagi paused. “Mm no reason, just to help out Reo I guess,” the white haired man answered brushing it off.
Oh, yeah obviously.
Ignoring the stinging of disappoint in your chest, you packed up your books and walked off the kitchen. Unbeknownst to you however, Reo had planned this session long before today. He saw the way Nagi watched you in the halls as you laughed with you friends. His eyes full of wonder and adoration as he questioned how you managed to light up every room with just a smile. The way your eyes twinkled when you talked about your passions. The way your laughter filled him with joy. Or the way his heart would speed up so much whenever he’d see you and he couldn’t understand why…
“Okay Nagi they’re almost done. Just give it like 1-2 more minutes,” you told his laying figure as you carried the ramen to the living room coffee table.
“Nagi?” You nudged his shoulder slightly. No response. You nudged him again. No response.
He’s asleep…
You sighed. Of course he is. He just spent the last 3 hours helping you with your homework. He rarely ever puts that much energy into anything.
You opened your cup of ramen and pondered whether or not you should call Reo to take Nagi home. However you recalled Nagi’s earlier comment about Reo’s family problems and it would be very unlikely he’d be able to pick Nagi up. Sighing once more you decided to just leave the sleeping man on the carpet.
Maybe he’ll wake up in a hour or two.
You stared at the man lying at your feet. It’s been almost 3 hours. Nagi’s still sleeping. Deciding there’s no other choice but to let him stay the night, you grabbed an extra pillow and blanket. As you leaned down to tuck the pillow behind his messy hair, you couldn’t help but to caress his hair for a little while longer than necessary. It was soft, like silk, but scattered messily across his face. Your heart pounded in your chest as you moved from his hair to his face. Your fingers gently traced his delicate skin down to his chin. Nagi shuffles. Surprised, you back away, but Nagi’s hand suddenly reaches out to grab your wrist, pulling you towards him.
“Nagi…?” You face was burning up from the close proximity of his chest. Still twisting in his sleep, he slithers one arm around your waist pulling you in. You couldn’t break out of his grasp without waking him. The logical decision was to wake him but your heart was telling you another thing. The warmth radiating from his body was more than convincing enough for you to stay in this position.
One night wouldn’t hurt…I’ll get up before he wakes up.
Yawning, you carefully pulled some of the blanket around your body and relaxed yourself against him.
“Goodnight Nagi,” you whispered as you closed your eyes. Within minutes, you were asleep.
Nagi opens his eyes when he felt your heartbeat falling into a steady rhythm. Smiling sleepily, he stares at your figure curled up beside him.
“Goodnight Y/n.”
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sanicsmut · 4 months
Words of the Fallen
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Technically Darien Gautier x Vestige!Reader, but all I can say is play Summerset's main quest in ESO before reading this.
part 2
Warnings : Use of Y/N once. Angst because it is. Spoilers for the end of Summerset. Language. The letter is taken directly from the game, which is why it’s written way better than what I’ve actually written.
Words: 1000 (I can't believe I got such a perfect count)
Robin’s comment: Cried making this, bon appétit. More seriously, this chapter (the game's DLC I mean) made me hate Meridia. She was one of my favorite daedric princes, but now it's over. All hail Azura. Anyway this is basically me telling Meridia what she deserves to hear. There's also a hint of a part two at the end ;). I'll try to write it, but I can't guarantee anything.
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"Never trust a Daedric Prince. If there's anything I learned from all this, that's it in a nutshell. I used to think I had a purpose, a part to play in the grand scheme of things. I suppose I did, sort of, but the way things turned out, it wasn't at all the way I imagined. Meridia said I was her vessel. I guess my fate was sealed from the moment she brought me into existence.
Now, here I am, back in the Colored Rooms. I thought that when I gave my energy to restore the sword—and I did that for my friend, not for Meridia—I thought that was the end of me. I'm back, though, but this time is different. My light, it's fading. I can feel the darkness getting closer, pressing in. I expect that once the light goes out, that will be the end.
I need to tell you something about Meridia. She's a deceiver. She promised that if I served her faithfully, I'd earn my freedom. She never told me that freedom was just another word for the void. Don't trust her. Don't trust any of the Daedric Princes. Not ever.
I've found peace though. Meridia gave me a chance to see the world, and those I care about, one last time. To save those I loved. I'm grateful for that, at least.
I wish I had a chance to say goodbye to everyone. To Skordo. To Gabrielle. Gods, I'll miss them. But most of all, (Y/N). I don't know if she will understand how much she truly meant to me. Perhaps we'll see each other again, in another place, another time. I probably won't be the version of myself that's writing these words, though. That me will be gone. I can live with that.
I only wish I could have spent more time with everybody. Had a few more adventures. Ordered those drinks like we always talked about.
I hope my friends find peace, happiness, and love. They deserve what I could never have. If anyone ever finds this book, know that I will never forget those I named herein. And, if you find them, and I pray that you do, tell them this.
Protect the ones you love. Hold them close. Cherish their every moment. Make them laugh, and laugh with them. Smile together and never, ever, forget that the moments you have are so very precious.
Oh, and tell them not to forget me, either. I mean, I am a legend, as far as I know.
The polite, handsome, and humble knight,
Darien Gautier”
You let the book fall back on the bench where you found it.
No… No…
You were breathing heavily. And a few minutes later, surrounded by those trees, you let out your anguish.
Dawnbreaker gripped tight in your hand, you screamed.
“Take it back! Take your goddamn sword back!”
“It seems my vessel isn’t the only one who ended up having feelings when he shouldn’t.”
A bright light. There it was, this patronizing voice. This voice you had respected, after giving you back your soul and helping you in Coldharbour. This voice you grew to hate.
“You bitch, he was my friend!”
“Where is your respect, Vestige?”
Vestige. You hadn't been called that since that time you helped Abnur Tharn in Elsweyr. Only the companions called you that. The companions and Meridia. But even the Daedric Prince hasn’t called you that during this whole mission. It was like you were back in Coldharbour all over again. Back fighting for what you thought was right, back, fighting against and with forces you couldn’t comprehend.
“My respect for you died when Darien got condemned. By your fault.”
“He was my vessel, an empty shell, a weapon to do my bidding. He served his purpose.”
“He was my friend!” You yelled again.
“And a traitor.”
“How the f-”
“He sacrificed he life for you. He purified my sword, not to serve me, but to help you.”
“Oh, so this is it? You’re throwing a tantrum because your tool wasn’t devoted to you only?”
“Careful with your words, Vestige.”
“You owe me! I’m the one who fought Molag Bal, I’m the one who assembled all those allies to stop the coalition! I’m the one who just stopped Nocturnal! And you owe him too! He may have purified Dawnbreaker for me, but everything else he did was for you, to serve you, because he was your champion! Because he truly thought he could trust you!”
“And you owe me for your soul. And he owes me for the purpose I gave him.”
“You wouldn’t have been able to take my soul if I hadn’t fought in Coldharbour! It’s all thanks to me! And his purpose? He could’ve been a hero without disappearing for your fucking sake! Hell, he just wanted to help his friends!”
“Friends he shouldn’t have had in the first place.”
“I swear, I defeated Molag Bal and Nocturnal, I can defeat you too. Take back your fucking sword and give me back my friend.”
You could feel Meridia’s rising anger, the air feeling tense around you despite the Daedric prince not being here physically.
“You want your ‘friend’ back?” The prince of light asked, her voice filling you with a bad feeling.
“Yes!” You answered. “Free him from your realm!”
You swore you almost heard Meridia growling, even if that sounded out of character. But that being was strict and cold, full of authority, like a severe and cruel mother. But nothing about her was motherly. She might have been less ‘evil’ than other princes, but she still served her own interests, mortals were just tools for her, or obstacles she had to get rid of. And you were sure that she was now in the second category.
“You will have to free him yourself.” Meridia declared. “That is, if you can get out of my realm.”
Her voice was tainted in cruelty, and a blinding light burnt your eyes before everything went black.
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yukina-otome · 1 year
Pregnancy scare headcannons
Hello everyone! Here is part 1 of my pregnancy scare headcannons this time with Chevalier and Clavis. Feel free to request the other princes in the comments!
It was during a time MC and her prince were not even engaged.
MC was pacing around in her room, her period was late, very late. Almost 3 weeks late to be precise. 
This had happened before, but it was never more than a week or so. This time, she could really be pregnant.
Well, she had been pretty stressed lately and she knew that her period often responded to stress by being late.
But they have been going at it like bunnies this past month so it wasn’t impossible for her to be pregnant.
The worst is that she had no way to know for sure until around 2 months of pregnancy and right now she could be 1 month pregnant so she’d have to wait one whole month for the midwife to be able to diagnose her.
All she could hope for is for her period to come.
She felt panic submerge her more every second that passed, until she heard the door to her room open.
Chevalier Michel
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Chevalier knew all of MC’s little habits by heart. He knew she was late, very late. But he did not worry at all.
This has happened before, never that much but even if she was pregnant, it would not be a big deal.
He was nothing like his father who could not protect his belle. He knew he could guarantee her safety and the safety of their child.
He expected her to be worried about this, so when he did not find her in their usual meeting spot, his library, he knew she would be in her room.
He opened the door to find her in the middle of a panic attack.
She barely noticed him coming in, and he quickly walked to her and grabbed her arm in a gesture that he wanted to be reassuring but came out a bit aggressive and awkward.
“What’s wrong?” he asked her even though he knew very well what was happening. He wanted to give her a chance for her to tell him herself.
She looked away. She didn’t know how he would react to this news.
“Even if you were pregnant, it would not be a problem.”
She looked up at him in surprise. As always, he was able to read her like a book.
“How would it not be a problem! Do you not remember what happened to the previous belle. I have no status to protect me or the hypothetical baby! What if-”
He quickly cut her off before she went deeper in her hypothesis.
“Do you compare me to that pathetic excuse of a father? Are you underestimating my abilities to protect you and our child?”
‘Our child’ saying it felt strangely good, he did not dislike the idea, it’s just that the timing wasn’t ideal.
And he saw it in her eyes, she did not dislike the thought of it either.
She started calming down and he wrapped his arms around her.
She never felt as safe as she did when he hugged her. She closed her eyes, feeling all the stress melt.
And indeed, few days later her period arrived. She was relieved and he simply smiled at her when she told him the news.
He knew he would want a child between them someday, but it was not the time yet.
For now, all he needed was her.
Clavis Lelouch
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NB: We know that canonically this scenario is not possible for Clavis but let’s pretend it is.
Clavis knew he wanted as many children with his lover as possible, he did not care for the when and where.
As long as MC wanted this, he did not care.
As he did almost every day now, Clavis barged into his lover’s room without much of a knock.
She usually scolded him for that but today she looked at him in both surprise and panic.
His usual shady smile quickly disappeared as he rushed to her.
“What’s wrong?”
She felt tears coming to her eyes and he hugged her tightly.
He had no idea what or who did this to her but whoever it was, he would make them pay.
She cried for a while, and he just hugged her until she finally calmed down enough to be able to tell him what’s wrong.
“Wait, that’s it? That’s what made you into this state? haha!”
He laughed more in relief than anything else.
“Clavis! This is a big problem! What if I really am pregnant!”
“Then me and you would become parents! I can already see myself with an army of little clavis playing pranks on the whoooole caste!”
MC was relieved to see him so enthusiastic and she couldn't help but smile weakly.
“Or….Is that not something you want?” clavis had a serious expression on his face. If she never wanted to have babies he would not mind at all. The most important thing for him was her happiness.
“I want it too! But not now! It’s too early! Right now whatever kid we have would be illegitimate. I don’t have the power nor the status to protect it and-”
“So that’s the problem!? If so then let's hold our engagement tomorrow and our wedding after tomorrow! With that, you’ll be officially my princess! I’ll talk to Cyran right away and-”
“Wait! No! That’s not what I want! I want you to marry me cause you want it not because I’m pregnant! Plus right now I might not be pregnant at all so let’s wait for confirmation!”
She tried to calm down her lover, knowing very well that he could go through with the idea.
“But I do want to marry you! The baby is just the perfect excuse!”
“That’s not the point and you know it! Let’s just wait, please.” She gave him her best puppy eyes and he could never say no to her anyways.
Regardless, few days later, MC’s period came, much to her relief and when she told Clavis, he felt disappointed but also a bit relieved.
The truth is that he was worried that he would not be good enough to be a father. He was not the strongest, or the smartest. But this whole situation gave him a new insight on his future with MC.
He needed to become stronger and better and more confident in himself, in order to be the best father and husband ever!
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bojanus · 3 months
Mid-Year Book Freak Out
Thank you for the tag @falliblefabrial, since my new years resolution this year was to read more, it's exciting to lay out some of my reading so far mid way through the year :D
Number of books you’ve read so far: 29
Best book you’ve read so far in 2024:
Though I've read several fantastic books, I'm gonna highlight Sex Bunker Apocalypse by Adam Brink here. It was among the first handful of books I picked up this year to start reading more, and its fast pace and pure commitment to its premise made it an engaging read. The setup is uniquely zany (three people bunker down in a sex shop during an apocalypse, and when they leave it the world has changed in fantastical ways), and it's executed with such heart and sincerity that I was invested from the first page to the final one.
Best sequel you’ve read so far in 2024: 
I have a terrible habit of reading like, the mid-series or even final books of romance series without reading the first books, but thankfully they're usually designed for each book to stand on its own.
So far my favorite has been An Island Princess Starts a Scandal by Adriana Herrera, which is technically #2 in the Las Leonas trilogy. I discovered this year that I'm a sucker for historical romance, but was struggling to find a good execution of a sapphic historical romance until THIS book. The pairing is great, there's a delicious push and pull of the power dynamic since each have something the other wants, but it's also grounded in some real historical context of the lesbian scene in Paris. Lovable characters, real stakes, and tension that culminates in some decadent sex scenes!
New release you haven’t read yet but want to: 
I have Don't Want You Like a Best Friend by Emma R. Alban and A Blustocking's Guide to Decadence by Jess Everlee on some of my libby lists. I may or may not read them depending on library availability. Can you tell I'm trawling the "sapphic historical romance" tags? XD.
Most anticipated release for the second half of the year:
I'm not super plugged in to release schedules and such, so currently don't have anything in particular anticipated!
Biggest surprise favorite new author (debut or new to you): 
If you can believe it, I never read any Jane Austen until this year and I am now HOOKED. Pride & Prejudice, Emma, and Persuasion are the ones I've read so far, and each one continually delights me. Despite being written over 200 years ago, her characterizations, emotions, and social foibles are timeless. I remember in Emma there's a section towards the end where a woman excitedly reads a letter her crush sent her to a friend and I was like "!!!! That's literally just like today, like sending screenshots of texts in the groupchat!!!!" So even though I am no expert in some of the historical nuances, I find the characters and their interactions SO relatable they feel like something I could find today.
Newest fictional crush:
In The Salvation Gambit by Emily Skrutskie, there's a super hot lady who works in a forge carved out of a spaceship making weapons, and she's described SO cool and hot and competent and sweaty... Ahaha I drooled (honestly all the women in that book are hot)
Book that made you cry: 
Okay well let's be real I'll cry at almost any book, but I'll specify that I cried while reading Satisfaction Guaranteed by Karelia Stetz-Waters. It's an adult romance that felt very grounded, and there were some particular scenes about following your dreams and such that touched my heart (plus the beginning is a funeral! There are funny bits but there is also some sincere grief that got to me).
Most beautiful book you’ve bought so far this year (or received): 
The Stars too Fondly by Emily Hamilton has a beautiful cover that matches the book very well.
Book that made you happy: 
The Gentleman's Gambit by Evie Dunmore was the first modern-written historical romance I read this year (I had read some Jane Austen prior, which is of course slightly different vibe), and revealed to me just how fun and engaging historical romance can be. I remember literally kicking my feet and giggling because I was so invested and delighted in how things played out.
What books do you need to read by the end of the year?: 
Well currently A Psalm for the Wild Built by Becky Chambers just arrived on my libby, so I need to read that soon before the loan runs out. I also just ordered Endurance by Elaine Burns since I'm in a bit of a sapphic sci-fi mood, so once that's here I hope to read it. I also am pretty sure I need to finally read Murderbot at some point (it's the kind of thing where I've heard so many good things about it that I'm pretty sure I'll love it, but then once I've read it it'll be over ahaha so I keep "saving" it for later).
No pressure tags (if you want to ignore, I will not be offended): @lifeofmysteries, @3eggy5me, @meiioh, @avatar-masterofallfandoms, @musicallynerdy
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myplace2fangirl · 1 year
15 years of Quogan 🥂
I think for now I’m more “Pre-Quogan Zoey 102” content on here! I absolutely LOVED the movie and heck even enjoyed watching Chase and Zo reconnect! But I can’t help but predict and wonder all of the incredible things Quinn and Logan have endured leading up to their big day as husband and wife.
15 years of life in a long term relationship. The possibilities are endless. ❤️
Here are some of my top thoughts:
• Logan and Quinn definitely swiped their senior year. There’s been a lot of debate on here regarding that but I mean cmon! They’re 17, they’re in love, my guess is between 6 months and a year of being together (including secretly). They definitely talked about. It happened semi planned but not over the top (as much as Logan probably wanted it to, he was still in a more meaningful phase).
• Lola despite being the most annoyed with her best friend dating her worst friend was the most supportive and protective! I guarantee Lola had a sit down with Logan and gave her every expectation of treating Quinn with respect and dignity…or else bad things will happen 🤨 Lola also was Quinn’s go-to post dates, post swipe and just about everything else.
• Let’s just face it! Quinn and Logan were prom queen and king. Quinn rocked her senior year not just academically but socially! I mean the girl was great at sand volleyball! She probably kept that going! Logan, well he was a very changed man since dating Quinn. He brought up his grades, took academics more seriously and each time he succeeded his gf had rewards he couldn’t resist. Logan continued to kill it in basketball, and having his worst friend (lol) and girlfriend there to cheer him on was all he needed! (Maybe not so much Lola, but remember; she has Quinn’s back no matter what!)
• Every month anniversary was spent at Vaccaros. Reservation for 2 ONLY!
• CoCo always cried and wined about Carl while Quinn and Logan would just make out and forget she’s there. Dean Rivers probably walked in and slammed a book behind them! Following CoCo getting a write up for violating code of conduct/unprofessional work behavior. After she walks away sobbing like a whale, Quinn and Logan look at each other and laugh and are all: “so…where were we?” 😙😙
• Logan supported Quinn through just about everything. Quinn did the same for Logan. And they called eachother “babe” or “baby” a good hundred times a day.
What are your thoughts? Let me know in the comments section or like if you maybe agree! Until then, 😘
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burninlovebutler · 1 year
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1,000 Follower Party 🥹
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when i came back to tumblr, i never expected to have the experience i’ve had or make the connections & friend’s i’ve made - friends that i consider some of my best friends now.
i also didn’t expect the love i’ve received for my writing, it has been truly overwhelming (in a good way obv) - my numbers aren’t the highest but i am so grateful for my time here & the people i’ve met - thank you for all the laughs, cries, screams lol they make me so happy. you all have shown me a kindness that is such a bold reflection of elvis 🥺 it’s so beautiful & it just makes me wanna pay it forward
and thank you for accepting me & letting me take up some space here 💗
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**since i do get quite overwhelmed easily with asks (bc my adhd) i can’t guarantee that i’ll be able to do all of them or that they’ll be done quickly but i will try my best to do most!**
(this is long bc i’ve never done a follower celebration before so i’m making up for lost time lol prob nobody cares & this is prob lame but 😭 idk)
anyway send me an ask w one of these if u want ☺️💘
🍉 - About me / Commentary / Opinion
-tell me about yourself / introduce yourself to me if you haven’t already or ask me anything about myself that you’re curious about or just rant about anything!
-idk people come to me for advice often about random stuff ? could be anything you want or writing related! or ask my opinion on anything fandom related or not
👻 - Title Game
-send in a made up fic title and I'lI tell you what I'd write for it 💓
🤗 - Thoughts on you!
- self explanatory - if you wanna hear my thoughts about you💕
📝 - Quotes (specify which you’d prefer)
- random quotes from WIPs
- or fav quote from existing works
💿 - Playlists
2 options for this one:
Send me A or B & i’ll make/write a short 3-6 song playlist for you 💗
A - send me either austin or elvis + a fav trope / vibe / mini fic idea OR any of my fics regarding a certain scene or dynamic
B - send me either austin or elvis + your personal typa vibe/aesthetic/etc
(perhaps also include like what kinda music u listen to / any specific artist you like so i can include some if they overlap w my library ?)
ALSO - specify if you have spotify or not!
🦋 - Moodboards
similar to ^ playlists
send me A or B [+ the respective details] & i’ll make a 3-6 pic mini moodboard for you 💓
👀 - My fics
-ask me about any of my fics! send me one of my fics & talk/ask me anything about them like how i got the idea / ideas for certain plots or scenes or my writing process or my fav lines/plots/scenes or anything really idk
- or hints out of context 🤭 i love doing those
👽 - Head Cannons
-ask me about a specific fic of mine OR elvis/austin under a certain setting / trope / plot / pairing & i’ll share/make some head cannons for it
🌸 - Recommendations
-recommend some things for me! movies, shows, music, makeup!!/skincare!, tarot decks, books, anything & i’ll answer w some of my own 💓
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since my writing process is rather lengthy & intricate i don’t like to write blurbs or take requests etc. so unfortunately i can’t be like y’all that can write/post a million lil stories effortlessly ☹️ i so wish i could, i’m just not built like that 😭
HOWEVER it seems just wrong for me to not include some sort of fic component in my celebration since i am mainly a fic blog SO
i decided i wanted to do a lil contest ??? idk lol
🦋winner will receive a imagine/one shot with the plot request of their choosing🦋
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- make sure you are following me lol
- like & reblog this post
- comment 🍉🥀 on this post
- comment something that made you happy today 💓
- bonus entry: reblog this w proof that you took a drink of water when you read this 💗 (empty water bottle/cup or something!)
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that’s it!
💗whenever the winner is chosen i will convene with them directly on what sort of fic they want & i will write one for them (tho it may take some time lol) 💗
✨contest will be open for the next 2 weeks & the winner will be chosen at random around then! [04.07.23]✨
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tagging some of my fav people i’ve met through this blog/fandom 🥰
@cryingabtab @lllsaslll @presleysdarling @loving-elvis @samfangirls @bisexualwvtson @troubleinapinksuit @karamelcoveredolicity @lindszeppelin @succsessions @steph-speaks @luluthesandgoose @ab4eva @softsatnin @elvisfatass @homerow99 @michellelv @flwrs4aust @powerofelvis @elvisabutler @sournatromanoff @jelliedonut @sagesolsticewrites @fangirlwithasweettooth @thatbanditqueen @purejasmine @slowsweetlove @areacodefan @generoustreemystic @golden-kiwis
and so many more 😭 anyone whom i’ve inevitably missed due to my overly medicated rotting brain 😭
again i love you all so much 🥺 thank you for letting me be a part of this beautiful little family 🥺💗
-mel xx
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hikennosabo · 1 year
now that i've marinated in trimax's ending, i wanted to reflect a bit. i definitely don't have it in me to write a full review or anything lmao, but... it was a really incredible story, and i had a great time. i don't think i've ever cried this much over a manga, lol... usually i cry over audiovisual media. even all my crying about one piece has mostly been over the anime. other manga i've cried over off the top of my head have been different types of crying, if that makes sense (like crying over shimanami tasogare because the queer themes hit home, not because i was overly invested in & emotional about the character arcs). other manga like devilman and csm hit me emotionally but i didn't necessarily shed tears over them, and if i did certainly not as much as i did trimax lol.
i (predictably, if you know me, i love characters with complicated sibling relationships) latched onto knives when i watched tristamp... he is definitely hard to like in the manga sometimes, but his character arc is fantastic, so i ended up starting and ending this journey crying over him LMAO. i really really love all the characters in this story, except for like... the cartoonishly evil one-off bad guys and, as we all know, chapel. lmao. most of the characters are likable in one way or another, by some combination of being cool, strong, charismatic, funny, etc... just being complex and fantastically human, which is only natural in a story about human nature.
and of course i need to give a huge thank you to @trigunbookclub, @revenantghost for organizing, @trigun-manga-overhaul for the incredible scans & translation, and everyone in the tag for making this such a fun experience!
i loved reading everyone's posts, it really helped fuel the brainrot, and writing my own posts ended up being A Task but also fun. even though i feel my posts were mostly an exercise in inventing new ways to portray crying and screaming over text as opposed to everyone else's thoughtful observations and analysis LOL. and participating in book club kept me reading at a good pace, otherwise i either would have binged the whole thing in like 2 weeks or gotten distracted and not finished, so thanks for keeping me on schedule lol.
this is not the last you'll see of me in the tag, i still have art (memes) i want to make, there are a LOT of things i want to draw, a potentially (relatively) big project in my brain which i have no guarantee i'll get to lmao, plus character/ship playlists if i finish them, and maybe some other posts as i rewatch tristamp and 98 again. and i've still got to read multiple bullets ofc.
also i was holding back on following people because i was trying to avoid spoilers (which i failed at anyway because i have no self-control), but now i can follow people in the tag sooooo hello and sorry if you see me going through your trigun tags
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wisteria-empress · 1 year
My dear living adventure to escape (THIRD CHAPTER)
my dear-maybe this life is not for me
Author note
Hello everyone author here so in trying to update everyday I did write a lot more but it don't save so I'm trying to rewrite this on a school night wish me luck 🥲
"GIYU WAIT UP DONT LEAVE ME HERE WITH HER😢" was what sabito said before giyu left him
"Think this as pay back sabito" Giyu said looking back at Sabito with a grin Giyu was really leaving him well nothing we can do now
A few minutes later
"GIYU WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME"sabito was on the brink of tears how pitiful of Sabito always telling Giyu to act like a man yet not acting one himself what a fucking hypocrite Sabito is I hope Giyu finds a better man
Giyu was sitting on one of the garden benches when he respond back to Sabito 
"i told you one and I'll tell you again think of this as pay back" Giyu responded Giyu had no regrets for what he had just done
"Why are you like this Giyu?" Sabito cried out he went beside Giyu and joined him on the bench
Kizana watched in anger she was hiding behind one of the flower covered bush careful in to not making any sounds 
It was about 3 at the time and Giyu started to lay on Sabito shoulder that's when Sabito heard breathing where his shoulder was Giyu was asleep and Sabito had gotten flustered when he realized it he would've pushed Giyu off but he looked so peaceful and well beautiful his beauty was nothing compare to the garden he was far much more even compare to roses, daffodils,daisys,wisteria,Sakura,lotus,lilies,  
Kizana could only watch in jealousy
It was about 5 when they were called once again Giyu had stayed with Sabito until he got called for dinner since Tsutako thought Giyu had left a few hours ago and didn't realize that Sabito was still here
"Giyu"a voice said it also came with a knock and that person was Sabito he had brought Giyu some food and some spare food for the trip they were bout to take a trip with no guarantee of making it out alive well maybe not that but you get the gist 
By the time the lights went out it was 10 pm as well it was fall so it wasn't cold but it want warm either Sabito climb out from one of the windows in his bed room somehow he ended up with the smallest bedroom out of the 4 that was spilt amount his siblings and family it was still bigger than the servants quarter but smaller than either of his sisters or his parents
Giyu followed Sabito from the window Sabito jump down mid way as he slip against the walls it was hard enough to go down a wall but "a wall with no vines like in the books was even harder how does every book about how a royale escapes there's always some vine they use to escape" Giyu thought to himself Giyu was definitely the smarter one amount the duo he went to school with Sabito for as long as he remembered there wasn't a single moment in their lives that they were separated Giyu was also the one with a more feminine build Sabito was a lot more strong than Giyu only physically though physiologically Giyu was ,and there they were always there for each other no mater what 
It only took a few more seconds till Sabito hit the ground with a thump ..... he fell how fucking stupid of him even inosuke would do that, Sabito looked at Giyu when he gracefully landed on the ground unlike him but that's when the escape really started Sabito looked around to see if there was any guards in sight when there wasn't they made their move they ran faster and faster to the point Giyu legs were trembling they were out of the palace's property out of its range it was to a point there's chance no one would find them till early morning 
Both kids ran though the city by the time they were out of the kingdom it was about 12 if they kept at this pace they would be at the wisteria house by maybe 2 am 
Giyu was tired but they have to keep running or they'll get caught and who would want that they ran into the enchanted forest ,the enchanted forest was a a clear flower path with blossoms as well as wisteria surrounding it the forest lit up the fire flys flew and the gems in the ground shined Sabito picked up one of the flowers it was a peony he took the flower and put in in Giyu hair, Giyu face turned a bright red after that
(Yk how in Sao they level up their skills it's kinda like that but more sword play and elemental it's kinda a sao Genshin mix also Genshin vision names cause I like how it sounds)
The gems color only become more vibrant as they walked the trail till they came to an open area a grassy flowery meadow no more trees only clear ground from here to where as far as his vision could see Sabito jumped into to soft grass and laid there for a moment 
"Giyu come join me" Sabito said with a smile
"Look Sabito we're gonna have to hurry before that wisteria house thinks we made a sick joke of our reservation" Giyu looked at Sabito his eyes wandered of to some flowers in the distance as well as dragging Sabito to look at them 
"Take a Break Giyu really we've been running for like an hour so chill out"Sabito responded to Giyus attempt to try getting him to move as well as dragging him
"Oh well then I'm leaving you" Giyu said walking away from Sabito,Sabito was laying in the meadow until Giyu tried to drag him
Sabito looked at Giyu when he he started to walk away from him after some time of Giyu leaving the meadow and Sabito behind,Sabito heard something or maybe someone...........
loud ones stomping so loud it trembled the whole forest the birds started to fly away and the tiny critters began to hide while others ran what he saw left him speechless............. 
.........A demon...... 
he thought to himself 'I thought these didn't exist anymore' anymore he said from he heard of demons when his father was a demon slayer, demons were man eating monsters that prey on humans, although Sabito has had training as a swordsman and was More than capable of taking down one himself he didn't have enough courage to do it himself
The Demon was a monstrously large, veiny, hulking monster with olive green skin, blood red fingernails, and beady yellow eyes with cross-hatch shaped pupils , all that training would do nothing against it he though when the demon turned its head to Sabito it stared at him with cold eyes 
"What do we have here?" The demon questioned Sabito never responded 
The demon reaches several of his arms at him with high speeds before he could react someone had pushed him before he could get hit 
it was ✨Giyu✨ and yet with Sabito not getting thrown by the demon , Giyu was knocked to a tree his arm hit the tree first it started to bleed gushes of blood coming out but before Sabito could react to the blood coming out of Giyu' s arm the demon again again took another swing to him again yet this time the arm fell off
"HUH HOW DID MY ARM FALL OFF?"the demon questioned as he took another swing at Sabito that same arm also fell beneath him, a elderly man with a tenth mask stepped in 
"EH WHO ARE YOU?"the demon questioned the man 
The man said nothing as he Took out his katana once again before he attempted to slicing its head off yet the demon dodge the attack as trying to form one himself  before one of his arms shot up from the ground the floor trembled once again
The took a swing at the demons neck with its sword and with it the demon was now dead his head and body started to fade into ash
"Are you boys okay?" The man questioned concerned of what just happened it was a lot to take in
"Im fine I think-" Sabito was cut off after remembering that Giyu still had blood coming out of him like a bloody tampon 
Sabito ran toward Giyu checking to see if he was okay the pulse was fast his heart rate definitely increase as well as there still blood from when he took a hit from the demon his arm would be okay and he would live but he did pass out, the man help bandage Giyu
Author note:
Ending word count :1556
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dhaaruni · 2 years
Dhaaruni, I hope it's ok if I vent for a moment in your askbox but it just keeps angering me and like, given the various circumstances of my life, the thing that gets me about young women and girls these days wanting to be wives so their husband pays for everything and they magically hold zero cares in the world is like.... Have you ever even Been There? [1]
No extra money of your own because it's in a joint account so it's for Everyone or No One? Cleaning the house, doing the laundry, cooking meals, etc.--something you will be expected to do as the Unemployed Person! Even if "hubby" never says so explicitly I guarantee you he's been raised to anticipate some woman always being there to fulfill his needs and keep house--can only fill up so much of your time. For example, I can sweep and mop up half of a house and wash up a load of laundry in 2 hours. Wow! How efficient. Except gee, what to do next? The other half? Bake a loaf of bread or a batch of cookies? (I do enjoy baking and cooking but it's still work!) Another odd load of laundry? Oh wait. There's so many things to watch on streaming services! Books to read! Maybe I'll finish up my painting!! Except when do you feel justified to take time like that when a full time job is from 8 to 5, and you can get so much done is so little time? [2] [Wow, finally tumblr is cooperating with me! Last one!] Oh but wait! Childcare. Childcare is a whole new ballpark. Have fun communicating with a wee screeching thing for anything from hunger and thirst, to outside playtime, oh no the favorite blanket is missing, and so on. It's not frustrating or maddening at all! Bonus points if you find yourself hit in the head by any object the baby/toddler can throw at you, and no amount of, "No, we don't throw. That's not nice. That hurts." will stop it! You just have to take it and hope that someday it'll finally click before you're the one screaming and throwing things in the backyard. And that's one little piece of childcare! You have to factor in meal planning for picky tastes but also ensure a balanced diet lest you constipate or give them diarrhea to kingdom come! Blowouts and diapers so sodden with urine they explode just by removing clothes! Tantrums and when they realize they can't throw something at you, they will scream right in your ear! Etc.! (I know it's Controversial ig but David Lynch nailed it with Eraserhead. Parenthood is that messy and messed up, This Be the Verse, etc.) Like this is well and truly what makes me wonder about girls and women wanting this. It gets old. I'm not saying a job as a cashier or barista is gonna fulfill my life or wouldn't be as mind-numbingly soul crushing. But it would actually pay bills! It would be more than the paltry change I'm granted as a full time nanny right now! Yes, I work 10.5-12 hours a day and I'm way below the poverty line! But ig I ought to be happy bc childcare isn't real work somehow? Or that it's solely my money? Except I can't afford much of anything without risking overdraft hmm. Which ig is why minimum wage looks better where I'm at! Terrible, right? Because even that tiny sum is an improvement for me. Like I'm part of a long, long line of unemployed, unmarried, childless women being made into cheap and convenient childcare! So the return to tradwife bimbo whatever bullshit makes me livid constantly. I cried so many times reading The Feminine Mystique bc while Betty Friedan didn't write it with someone like me in mind--I got my degree! I've never wanted kids! Sure I never planned out future education or found employment in my field, but this wasn't my choice!--, I can relate all too well! And all these girls and women wanting to go back?? Please please please READ The Feminine Mystique! I don't know a single woman that would take my place much less choose to be a stay at home mom even if money wasn't an issue! Because shockingly if women are human beings, our lives don't end at motherhood and homemaking! Crazy concept, right?
You're completely right, and I think you'll appreciate this post from @mini-wrants with @sprinkledsalt's addition.
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bts-ify · 2 years
get to know me 💫 - thank you Rid @taegularities for tagging me 🧡, ah i'm doing them both at once so it's veeeery long i'm sorry
Name: C (anonymity is fun isn’t it)
Sign: gemini sun and moon, scorpio rising
Height: 169 cm so 5'6"- 5'7" i think
Birthday: june 5th
Fav Band/Artist: bts obviously but i listen to a looooot of different music, so also harry styles, bon iver, kortez and many more
Last Movie: jung_e
Last Show: full one - alice in borderland
When I Created this Blog: november 2021
What I Post: almost nothing now 😂 i reblog mostly from various creators bc they're talented af
Other Blogs: a main/personal, it's over 11 years old, my baby 🥹
Do I get asks: not really, i'm not that active and not a creator
Followers: a small handfull 🧡
Avg hours of sleep: around 8
Instrument: i've got an ukulele but i only know how to play the moon song :')
Dream job: barista and caffe owner, i'm a dietitian but i'm dropping it to learn and become a barista 🥹 used to dream about being a writer as a side job tho
Dream trip: to a bts concert 🥲
Fav songs: right now it's wab the eternal, formula by labrinth, starboy by the weeknd and the way i are by timbaland
3 Ships: i don't have them anymore... but i loved Rid's caroline forbes x klaus mikaelson too so i'll stick to it
First Ship Ever: okayyy this goes way back and it's adam lambert x tommy joe ratliff
Last Song: change pt.2 RM 🧡
Currently Reading: @taegularities for fanfics (i'm planning to sit down with candles&flames) but for books it's the housekeeper and the professor by yoko ogawa
Currently Watching: the last of us
Currently Consuming: anything that keeps me calm, i'm stressed af
Currently Craving: peace and routine 😭
Are you named after anyone? yess it's funny, both my names are after 2 girls from my sister's group in kindergarten, the prettiest one and the smartest one 😂
When was the last time you cried? just before this post, watching ep3 of the last of us, tears guaranteed
Do you have kids? nope and i'm not sure if i want them for a lot of reasons 
Do you use sarcasm? of course not, why would i, why would anyone
What’s the first thing you notice about people? in their appearance - eyes and smile, hair too; in character - if they listen to you and ask you questions, if they're calm or aggressive and if they're open-minded
What’s your eye colour? steely blue, like blue but with darker gray
Scary movies or happy endings? happy endings for sure, too traumatized to scare myself for fun
Any special talents? i'm good at making places feel like home? idk... i'm one of those that become easily good at most of the things they try, but it's probably my neurodivergence 
What are your hobbies? i started sewing and i rlly enjoy it, writing and creating stories and everything coffee-related
Where were you born? 🇵🇱 
Do you have any pets? cats living with my parents (Nala, the love of my life 😿) and now one completely black cat that's my sister's
What sports do you play/have played? used to do swimming, voleyball, martial arts but now.. i just enjoy walking
Favourite subject in school? none? but i miss maths, IT and english tbh
THAT'S IT, the most i've shared on the internet 💀 i deleted the ones that doubled
and i'm tagging jans @parkjiminxfloorpt2 because it's been sooo long and i miss her and doing this 🧡😭
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cybernightart · 1 year
15 Questions and 15 Mutuals Tagged by @nitewrighter Were you named after anyone? funny story actually! I got my name because years before my dad met my mum, he had a dream about having a child with my name, and he was dead set on naming me that to the point he made sure none of my cousins were called the same name! When was the last time you cried? Like 2 days ago, I stumbled across one of those sad grim reaper comics with the animal spirits and those make me sob every time istg Do you have kids? Nope Do you use sarcasm a lot? Yes, but I'm very obvious about it. I struggle when other people are sarcastic, I'm very bad at picking it up, so I try and make it easy for others when I do it What’s the first thing you notice about people? In person, it depends. Maybe what they are wearing or their hair if it dyed a funky colour. But usually I get a vibe about a person, like a gut instinct whether I think they are going to be a good person or not, and I'm right a majority of the time, but I give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Online though, same sorta thing. Except i get the gut feeling about the way they type or in general talk with people, and how they have their profiles/blogs decorated (if i look, which isn't guaranteed) What’s your eye colour? Dark brown! Scary movies or happy endings? I wish I could watch scary movies, but I can't handle them, though I love gore art and horror stuff. I just can't do scary games or movies. I love happy endings though, a sure fire way to make me hate a book or movie is to have a sad or otherwise bad ending. Even if I love the rest, if the ending is bad, I hate it all. I watch movies to feel good. I don't wanna finish a movie feeling worse then when i started it! Any special talents? I can do the clover thing with my tongue, I can roll my stomach, other than that I don't really know? Most of the things I can do are “special talents” I didn't know they weren't normal until someone told me. Where were you born? Scotland! Though unfortunately i lost my accent, as i moved somewhere else a few years back What are your hobbies? Apart from playing games and drawing, it really depends on my current hyper fixation. But I have done things like knitting, crochet, painting (water/acrylic), sculpting, collecting things, baking, jewelry making and more (wish I was better at writing though, I'm 90% sure I'm dyslexic and have a really hard time reading/writing, and it's very hard for me to get my thoughts into text. My brain goes 500x faster than I can type and I have the bad habit of jumping around when I'm telling a story or writing something out, on top of the hard time with attention/ regulating focus part of my Adhd) Have any pets? I have 1 fluff ball of a dog called Maisy, she's a shih tzu bichon frise! What sports do you play/have you played? The only time I decided to sign up for a sports team, was in March of 2020, for a badminton team. The day try-outs were going to happen was the day we shut down for the pandemic. I now semi jokingly say that was a sign from the gods to never play sports XD How tall are you? I am an absolute giant, a towering giant behemoth of a human being at my incredible height of 5’4 ( 162.56 cm) XD Favourite subject in school?
Art all the way! But that was followed up by science and la depending on the unit/assignment Dream job? Video game character concept artist! Or concept artist in general but i love character design sm more then designing objects or scenery Tagging (i don't have 15 moots so cant do 15, but i do have these wonderful people!) @reaphantom @fr00tzcat @cyberbirb-arts @genjishimada @cloud-amiibo and anyone else who’d like to participate :D 
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elizmanderson · 2 years
15 mutuals*, 15 questions
*if I can come up with that many mutuals' handles when my brain is doing like. dial-up noises rn. can I even answer the questions? let's find out!
thanks to @vcaudley for the tag!
there are (as you have probably noticed) more than 15 questions, so feel free to pick and choose (or just not play, because a tag is not an obligation)
I did 15 plus a bonus question about whales
Are you named after anyone?
my maternal great-grandmother on my grandma's side, who lived to be a hundred
2. When was the last time you cried?
oops, at the end of my yoga class this morning, for no discernible reason :,) just suddenly got the Big Sad and had to go stand in the bathroom for a couple minutes until I calmed down
3. What’s your eye color?
4. Scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings, we are too soft for scary things in this household
5. Any special talents?
6. Where were you born?
7. What are your hobbies?
8. Have you any pets?
halloween the cat, who enjoys a basket of warm laundry fresh from the dryer and wants to know why you're looking at him all funny when he is simply making use of what is currently the coziest place in the house
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9. What sports do you play/have played?
lol under duress, basketball and track. under my own steam, archery.
10. How tall are you?
shorter than the internet thinks I am, apparently
11. Favourite subject in school?
12. Dream job?
gonna echo @vcaudley's "the honest dream is to have enough money to not need to work"
like I don't have a dream job really? obviously I want to have a career as a writer, but...I would rather not depend on it for my income, given how fickle the industry is even IF you manage to sell multiple books, which at this point in my career is no guarantee
so for a day job I'm doing admin work. after a decade of working in grocery stores, I'm happy just to have a full-time job that pays sort of halfway decently, actually has benefits, and doesn't leave me exhausted or keep me constantly working outside my scheduled hours. the millennial dream lolsob
13. Do you prefer owls, capybaras, or flamingos?
(d) all of the above
14. What is your favourite soup?
a tomato-basil soup that in the family we just call winter soup. it's like an extra-hearty tomato-basil soup with carrots and onions and a roux, and you eat it with croutons and sour cream and parmesan
15. What is your favourite…rock (idfk)?
16. Choose a familiar: 1) very dumb, very loving disobedient dog. He loves you but will never listen to you ever 2) a raven that speaks but it only ever shrieks the name of various fast food restaurants 3) a toad that screams like a teenage boy instead of croaks
I will take the dog and simply always tell him to do bad things so he never does bad things because he disobeys my every word. if he loves me I will get cuddles and also I will not have to deal with shrieking.
17. Which planet do you feel like would be kind of an asshole if you met them?
uranus, obviously
actually that was mean
sorry, uranus
18. if you were a worm would you love me? this worm question courtesy of ✨ @/legiomiam✨
no bc I don't know you but I'm sure you're a lovely person
19. Least favourite type of clothing?
20. You are now in a horror movie—so sorry. Chance of survival?
probably zero since I'm very soft and also have to investigate every noise bc it's better to get up and find out what's making it than lie in bed being scared of an unknown noise 😅
21. Would you rather: the ability to instantly grow a perfect mustache, or ability to talk to vegetables?
22. What do you think of whales?
I think they're neat
tagging for optional gameplay: @victoriacbooks, @mslanna, @erinfulmerwrites, @avery-ames-personal, @amarajlynn, @wordsofrablack, @chatterboxprotocol, @danaiwrites, @doom-inique-writes, @gryffindorkswin, @luv3horse, @lucymason217, I think this is less than 15 but oops I'm also tagging you, if you're reading this and waiting for someone to tag you so you can play
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theharrowing · 2 years
Oooh, so many interesting questions! 4, 13, 14, 25, 32, 38, 43, 44, 51 please. (oops kind of a lot lol. you can do less if you want!) what does 38 mean huh?? 43, my fav is koya despite being yoongi biased :/ i like sleepy/tired characters. i feel guilty for "betraying" my bias though lol
hello, anon!!! sorry for keeping you waiting, my dear! i am not shy so let's answer all of these hehe.
4. Current Bias?
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but also namjoon has been like.........sharing the throne??? so to speak????? i don't know. i just cry over men, that's all i know.
13. Any concert experience? 
yes! thanks to some generous friends, i got to go to PTD LA nights 1, 3 & 4! for 3 & 4, a gaggle of gals slept in my home (i even gave them my bed) so them scoring me a ticket definitely came with the guarantee of somewhere for them to sleep. 🥰🥰🥰 here are two of the first pics i found in my camera roll that looked cute enough to share:
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14. Funny moments that always make you laugh?
i answered this questions here too, but after some thought, the first thing that really made me laugh like i was dying was the run bts episode where jungkook made the sweet potatoes that stuck to the plate. he was my bias at the time too, and i was smitten by how fucking cute and silly he was. still makes me laugh all these (2 lol) years later. when jin got hit in the nuts with the air hockey puck. when suga unplugged the tv while jin was playing. they're pure chaos without even trying and i love them very much.
25. Do you read fanfics? If yes can you recommend one? 
i read a lot of fanfics! i just finished reading Stars Lost in the Sea by smiles and WOW THE ANGST i cried so much lmao, like so, so much. really great story. yoonjin, time travel, yearning. it was so good!
32. ______ (member) dream you had?
thinking about this makes me realize that recently jungkook was in a dream, but the plot is completely lost to me, and honestly, i'm a bit sad. i dream about them often. once i had a dream a very naked namjoon was beneath me (i was straddling his waist, p sure i clothes on lmao) and he was saying "show me how you fuck yoongi oppa" and then i woke up and had A LOT OF REGRETS!!!! (and if i put a similar scene in collateral 11 that's my own business.) (also, i'm older than yoongi and wouldn't call him oppa, but...my subconsciousness went for it.) my dreams aren't always sexual, though! sometimes we're just in come chaotic dream world doing chaotic things. but they are sexy occassionally. 😈
38. Your BTS guilty pleasure?
no, i am unabashedly am army lol. although many armys are embarrassing as hell and i steer clear of the drama and don't associate with them lmao. i think a guilty pleasure is something you like despite it not being popular, or despite people thinking it's not a good thing to like? and i don't think bts can even fit into that classification bc their fanbase is fucking huge. and they seem to genuinely be good people. but ig haters will say it's photoshop idk.
43. Favorite BT21 character?
honestly, shooky. I KNOW YOONGI IS MY BIAS but i don't like them bc of that lol i like them bc they're super cute and a vibe. they're a grumpy cookie and like............gosh, big fucking mood. i love them all tho, 10/10 very cute cuties. i dont even really collect plushies and i have 7 shookys lmao. and 1 rj.
44. BTS Merch you own or some you want to own?
i own a fair share. i have most cds, some dvds, some seasons greetings/winter packages. enamel pins, the coveted whale plushie, yoongi's necklace, joon's windchime, tae's enamel pins...a lot of washi tapes lol. the me, myself & i photobooks (thanks to one very generous beta reader.) 🥺
there's nothing i really want right now, tbh. i wasn't a collector before, so it's still kinda weird to me to want material possessions; i have been trying, more recently, to only get things i can wear or actually use bc i am a very broke college student, once again lol. i finally got the recipe book, and i'm really excited to use it!
51. If BTS were not Idols what job YOU believe they will choose?
hmm, this is a tough question. i could really see namjoon and yoongi as professors of some sort, or as therapists. jungkook would probably be a veterinarian. taehyung would own a very prestigious daycare center. hoseok and jimin would still be in the dance scene, somehow. seokjin would be a retired actor.
i could also see all 7 of them being twitch streamers or youtubers. seokjin and jungkook would play games. namjoon and yoongi would be philosophical. taehyung's channel would be chaotic with no theme. hoseok would model his latest clothing hauls and jimin would be a self-taught makeup artist.
ask me some BTS questions!!!!
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Guess who finally got the 5th Lady Sherlock? I swear it felt like the site was saying "2 weeks" forever lol. I was on the verge of sending an ask just to complain about it 😂. I'm excited to finally start it.
Before I got it though, I finished The Shadow of the Wind and loved it. Like really loved it. It's one of my new favourite books now for sure. I'm so glad it lived up to my expectations, unlike Notes on an Execution. Still kinda salty about that lol.
Also since I was still waiting for the 5th Lady Sherlock, I read a different audiobook in the meantime. The Invisible Life of Addie Larue by V.E. Schwab. I think I saw it on your shelf but I could be mistaken for someone else's.
Unfortunately, unlike a lot of people, I didn't like that one either. I loved the narrator. Her voice was so smooth and elegant. It's just a shame that I didn't like the book itself because I know so many others love it. I was hoping I'd get emotional like others did but tbh, I didn't feel much at all. I was at least expecting to choke up or something near the end because that's apparently where everyone cries, but not even that happened.
So now I'm curious: did you read this and did you like it? If you did, first of all, that's awesome! I'm glad one of us liked it. Second of all, what are some of the things you liked about it? I'd love to know your thoughts on it.
-Book Anon
Ohhhh man... The Invisible Life of Addie Larue. *sigh* I'm sure you did see it on my bookshelf because I do own it. I guarantee though I did not recommend it to you.
Lemme tell ya, Book Anon, I couldn't even finish the book. I tried, and maybe someday I will try again.
But for the life of me, I got so bored with it. I wanted to like it. Seriously. The premise is incredible and very clever and thought provoking. And there are things about the story from what I can remember that I liked.
But good grief, I hated that it bored me, and I'm disappointed I couldn't even make myself finish it. Because I like other work from the author, and I've heard good things about this book. But I think they read a different book than I did. So I don't know... it could be better.
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