#bookworm ask game
starfall-spirit · 7 months
Name the best book you've read so far this year.
I honestly couldn't tell you. Outside of Fourth Wing and Iron Flame, I have been reading KU filth or been busy writing.
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shutupeiffel · 1 month
4, 8, 12 for the bookworm asks?
Thank you for these prompts!
4 - Favourite sci-fi books: This is going to be a very abbreviated list because otherwise i could go on for days but some of my favourites are:
The Wayfarers series by Becky Chambers - hopeful and character driven sci fi that weaves some amazing anthropological world building in and also convinced me after a reading slump that actually I didn't hate books, I just needed to read the right ones
The Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir - there's nothing I can say about these books that hasn't been said by twenty thousand other people. They're amazing, they're the perfect blend of sci-fi/fantasy, go read all three and then suffer with the rest of us in anticipation for book 4
Dreadnought by April Daniels - Trans girl inherits the powers of a superhero, including giving her the perfect body - aka transition speedrun, aka my personal dream. A really interesting look at superheroes and what it would actually be like to be thrust into that world - if you want to know more, The Hidden Bookcase did a great episode on it!
8 - Favourite Queer Fiction Books: Again, too many to count, but here are some highlights
The London Calling series by Alexis Hall - The gay rom com we all deserve. Starts off with fake dating, ends with a book dedicated to the complicated relationship queer people have with marriage and the experience of reaching that weird age where all your friends are getting married and you don't know what to do with yourself. Will make you laugh, sob, then laugh and sob simultaneously
Detransition, Baby by Torrey Peters - don't let the title put you off like it nearly did me, this book is not weird TERF stuff. Instead it's an incredibly powerful look at trans experiences, motherhood, loneliness and, yes, detransition. Every character is messy and flawed in a way that trans people - especially trans women - are very rarely allowed to be, and honestly its so refreshing. 10/10, would not recommend to cis people unless they're really chill with trans people.
Infamous by Lex Croucher - Found this in a bookshop for £2.50, took a chance on it since I recognised Croucher from their YouTube days, instantly fell in love. Croucher has an absolute gift for writing complicated female protagonists, deconstructing the 'not like other girls' mindset from within and exploring the dangers of being caught up in that idea of yourself and the kind of superiority complex you get. Also it's Regency and it's lesbians, which are two things almost guaranteed to get me into a book.
12 - Favourite Horror Books:
How To Sell A Haunted House by Grady Hendrix - Absolutely gripping horror - I spent the entire book trying to work out if I was enjoying myself or genuinely terrified, but my god did I finish it. All the best horror is secretly a metaphor for something else, and this one is no difference. There's some amazing explorations of generational trauma and the impact of keeping secrets, even when you don't even know you're keeping said secrets because you've just repressed the memories so incredibly hard. Also - terrifying murder puppets.
A House With Good Bones by T Kingfisher - Apparently I love a creepy house/tale of generational trauma? I found T Kingfisher through her fantasy book Nettle & Bone, so was apprehensive about horror, but this book was amazing. Also has some great Suburban America Horror and a really solid mystery running through, which is absolutely essential for me with horror - I am, at heart, a murder mystery boy who happens to also vibe with ghosts, especially rose based ones
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alabamasweettea · 2 months
6 for the bookworm ask game?
Love and Other Great Expectations or
With Love, Wherever You Are
I can't choose :')
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godzilla-reads · 3 months
Flowery Bookish Asks
💐 What book aesthetic color do you love most?
🌷 What is the oldest book you’ve read (whether that’s the oldest copy you have OR the oldest publication)
🌹 What live author would you invite over for tea?
🥀 What deceased author would you invite for tea?
🪻 Do you have less than or more than 200 books in your possession?
🪷 Have you ever pressed plants/flowers in your books? Would you ever try it?
🌺 What’s the prettiest book you own?
🌸 What season do you like reading in the most?
🌼 What is the next book on your TBR?
🌻 What’s the longest book you’ve read?
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bookworm-center · 4 months
kaz brekker for the character ask game?
Ahh sorry it took so long, but I gotchu!
Why I like them: Kaz is such an interesting character; I think he's really well written.
Why I don't: His ruthlessness sort of scares me, but it makes him rather interesting.
Favorite Episode: Hm... I'm gonna say the first episode, "A Searing Burst of Light's just because I actually love his entrance sooo much!
Favorite Line: probably the iconic "I would come for you" quote, but if I had to pick a not-so-popular quote, then "Suffering is like anything else. Live with it long enough, you learn to like the taste."
Favorite Outfit: I mean, he mostly wears the same outfit, but I love the vibes of the s1 outfit; especially with that coat.
OTP: Kanej all the way!
Brotp: Kaz and Jesper!
Headcannon: In the Silver Six, Kaz puts geraniums on some of the tables. It's not particularly noticeable with all the chaos, but it's there.
Unpopular Opinion: As much as I love Kaz, he was definitely in the wrong with how he treated Jesper most of the time (is this an unpopular opinion?)
A Wish: I wish that there was a spin-off to see the Crows pulling off the Ice Court Heist
An Oh-God-Please-Don't-Ever-Happen: Kaz Brekker Trauma Erasure! Please no! It's happened to Inej (most of the Crows to be honest), not Kaz too.
5 Words to Best Describe Them: ruthless, determined, calculating, traumatized, masterminded
My Nickname For Them: Kazzle Dazzle, Simp (for Inej of course)
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howlsmovinglibrary · 1 month
6 & 47 for the bookworm ask, please?
6. Favourite romance novel(s)
Roleplaying by Cathy Yardley (contemporary romance about two people in their 40s who meet via MMORPG, demisexual/bi male lead)
Beach Read by Emily Henry (romance novellist and litfic novellist live near each other for the summer and take each other on 'research' dates)
Swordheart by T Kingfisher (woman falls in love with sentient sword while trying to find a family lawyer)
Half A Soul by Olivia Atwater ('fey-cursed' woman teams up with the Royal Sorcier to try and cure the strange disposition that arises from her curse)
47. What are the last three books you read?
The View Was Exhausting by Mikaella Clements (4*)
Funny Story by Emily Henry (4.75*)
A Marvellous Light by Freya Marske (3*)
Bookworm ask!
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winwin17 · 2 months
For the ask game! 10: I've kinda been thinking about reading kotlc, so what's your favorite aspect of the books? just to persuade me yk 👀
also 4? :)
Oh, you should definitely read KOTLC! I will not deny that it has cons as well as pros, but I still think it's pretty captivating.
One of my favorite aspects is probably just the questions that unfold, how the characters figure out what to fight for, determine who's who and where they stand morally or on the spectrum of whether they're an antagonist or supportive of the main character and her goals.
Even if the plot does get a bit lost in the romance subplot about halfway through the series, you will never be at a loss for finding new complexities in various characters and where they fall on the moral scale.
And one more thing I like about the series is how it reimagines most fantasy creatures in ways that I don't think they are typically portrayed. It's quite endearing and amusing!
Okay, for question #4! Something quirky I do - probably 90% of the time I will announce whatever I'm smelling if I happen to smell something that stands out to me. So whether that's something normal like, "I smell cleaning products," or something more odd like, "I smell grass!" or "It smells like a trumpet case in here," or "It kinda smells like a combo of carrots and eggnog," - I will look around suspiciously and announce what I smell. 😄
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midnights-wish · 2 months
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— 26y/o; german-italian — languages: german (fluent); english (fluent in writing); italian (basis-level) — add me: storygraph; goodreads; pinterest; mal — ask for: genshin impact; honkai: star rail; wuthering waves in general:
— dm's & asks are open! please stick to the asks & my posts if you're under 21y/o; this is nothing personal & this is not a nsfw-blog, i just prefer to chat with adults. — both gif & image are from this episode of 'artiswitch' on youtube! tw! it's just implied, but please be on the safe side if you're a very sensitive soul.
tags/ organization:
— diary — book thoughts; book recs; book quotes — genshin impact — tag games (none created by me, obviously. but i love being tagged in them, so i'm hanging them on the fridge. feel free to do them too, they're fun!)
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toribookworm22 · 4 months
Happy aro week!!
6. do you own any arospec pride merch? if so, can we see?
10. what frustrates you the most about amatonormativity?
Hey, Feather! Thanks for the aro ask, love! 💚
6. Do you own any arospec pride merch?
Why, yes, I do!
Technically, half my stuff could be aro, because I love green so much, but here's what actually:
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Top image is a giant canvas with a design I made for a T-shirt (which I can't currently find 😂), that my mom actually ordered as the canvas for my b-day.
10. What frustrates you the most about amanormitivity?
Oof, okay, lot to choose from.
I think it really is the fact that amanormitivity is baked into everyday life and that, because of that, most people are so blind to it.
Amanormitivity hurts a lot of people-- allos too-- but it's incredibly toxic to young people who don't know they're aro. Being aromantic never hurt me or made me hate myself. Amanormativity, this nonstop idea that there was something wrong with me if I didn't fall in love? That's what's deadly.
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neuroticbookworm · 6 months
You don’t actually let your intimidating side show much so on tumblr I think you’re a 🐰 but once people become privy to your exceptionally detailed and vivid threats you shoot up to a 🐻. I just know I will never wrong you because I like having my skin stuck to my muscles.
Oh that's true, I guess I'm not as bloodlust-y on Tumblr as I am outside of it. Which makes me more curious about how my lovely Tumblr besties perceive me.
BTW, the having-skin stuck-to-the-muscles threat was directed at Non from Dark Blue Kiss. The exact context and phrasing was:
Non @ Kao: Please talk to me nicely Me: If it were me, I would've told him to be glad that he still has skin sticking to his muscles @bengiyo and Shan: *horrified*
I'm all talk though, my punches will hurt me more than it would ever hurt anyone receiving them. But I do watch true crime to relax and peruse Wikis of famous serial killers to pass time, so make of that what you will.
How intimidating am I?
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starfall-spirit · 7 months
Where and how do you find new books to read?
So, you know those ads for books on instagram that rope you in with dialogue…
Also, I scroll through my Libby app and KU recs/related to.
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shutupeiffel · 1 month
for the book ask meme, 1, 37, 43
1 - Best book I've read this year: I technically answered this in another ask but that was a re read so for the best new book I've read this year, I'm going to go with The Dangerous Kingdom of Love by Neil Blackmore. I found it completely by chance while working in a local library and by the end of my shift was already halfway through (it was a single staff library and only about seven people came in, sue me). The Dangerous Kingdom is a book about Francis Bacon, trying to survive in the cuthroat world of King James I's court. Bacon is such an interesting character, and the way the book explores his life as a queer man in a country where that is illegal, despite King James' open relationships, is genuinely fascinating and tragic without tipping over into being gratuitously depressing. Also if you watched the film Mary and George and want to read more about George Villers, this book is a Really interesting take on his rise to power and Bacon's role in it.
37 - My least favourite trope, written in a way I enjoyed it: I'm going to slightly cheat here and talk about fanfiction, but as a person who HATES misunderstanding tropes and characters falling into assumptions, I love how sabinelagrande writes them in their fics. They have a couple that both focus around a poly triad where one arm of the relationship doesn't know they're dating one or more of the others, but each time they do something fun with the trope and everyone comes out of it looking like a bit of an idiot but with all misunderstandings neatly cleared up :')
43 - The book I have that's in the worst physical condition: Not counting the copy of An Expert In Murder by Nicola Upson than I had to bin after getting caught with it in my rucksack during a thunderstorm, I would have to say it's my Penguin copy of Ovid's Metamorphoses, which travelled with me through four years of degree work and was used in so many essays there are different strata of post it note page markers. It's a chunky book so the spine has had to be cracked, but it's so full of annotations and has such sentimental value that I would never get rid of it (also I own two other copies of the same poem but shhh one is a fancy clothbound one and the other is a translation from the 15th century)
Thank you so much for the ask! If anyone else wants to take part in the game, the post is here and I'll send an ask to anyone who reblogs it from me :)
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pleasuremehere · 3 months
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godzilla-reads · 3 months
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El-ahrairah: How many followers do you have?
Rabscuttle: Who is your bookish bestie IRL?
Frith: Do you think audiobooks are real books?
Hazel: Who is your bookish bestie online?
Fiver: What makes you more nervous- running out of things to read or dying before you finish your TBR?
The Threarah: Have you ever changed your initial opinion about a book after writing a review?
Bigwig: Do you have a book you enjoy that not many people do?
Dandelion: Do you write at all? How do you share your stories?
Speedwell: How fast do you usually read?
Silver: How many books do you average a month?
Acorn: How many books did you read in 2023, 2022, 2021- if you remember or have records?
Blackberry: What book would you recommend to a child?
Captain Holly: What book are you avoiding reading at all costs?
Bluebell: Have you ever laughed out loud while reading?
Strawberry: Do you think trigger warnings are helpful in the book, even if it might spoil it?
Pipkin: Do you tend to read bigger or smaller books? Or are you averaging in the middle?
Keehar: What’s your opinion on translated books? Do you have a favorite country that you read a lot of books from?
Clover: What book has fundamentally changed you?
General Woundwort: What book do you hate that everyone seems to love?
Campion: What does it take for you to change your opinion on a book you’ve already read?
Hyzenthlay: Do you think reading is a rebellious act?
Thethuthinnang: What book do you want to recommend to everyone you meet?
The Black Rabbit of Inlé: How do you feel about Death of the Author?
Have fun!!
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kicktwine · 7 months
Ch'ari 13, 20, 24 :3
13. HMMM….. 🤙😈👍 i think he doesn’t text well and uses one emoji responses a lot. Also he is a demon gremlin
20. Ch’ari is forcefully pulled away from saying alphy is his friend and ME THE PLAYER thinks that despite how obvious it is. He would actually be really good friends with ardbert. Who else is going to get it more than he is aside from maybe himself, his esteem, who probably loves him more than is really good for healthy communication? no we are playing triple triad we are hanging out. That’s my ghost friend. I like— GFJJS i skip parts of let’s plays where they talk to him bc that’s my friend not hers
24. (RACKING MY BRAIN.) HES….. he’s most similar to one of my dnd characters. Maybe Sasha Waybright but that’s not quite it… he does have some very Sasha moments though.
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he’s such a pirate shirt man. I’m biased. He has his cleavage out all the time. Pirate fashion OR big flowing vacationwear Hawaiian shirts big open … what are those called silk thin robe things. he does like a little cozy comfy
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howlsmovinglibrary · 1 month
Hi! For the book asks: 12, 31, 33?
12. Favourite horror book(s)
House With Good Bones by T Kingfisher is my favourite horror novel, I think it balances humour and pragmatism with genuine "oh fuck that's fucked up" very well. I also loved Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno Garcia.
31. How do you mostly read?
I tend to read mostly via e-reader these days bc my living room and I are in a stand-off about me purchasing a new bookshelf lmao. I reserve physical purchases for my favourite authors, as a result I tend to get hardback bc I can afford to splurge.
33. How often do you read by listening to audiobooks?
...I have never listened to an audiobook, to my shame. When I want to listen to media I have a bunch of different podcasts to catch up on so I tend to listen to those instead!
Bookworm ask!
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