#born in chaos
fidjiefidjie · 2 years
Bonne soirée 🆕️ 🔥💙
Absurd Heroes 🎶 8h15
(Born in Chaos)
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critter-wizard · 4 months
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you are all I have, you are the eyes that see, the air that breathes, how can I worship anything else?
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xysidhequeen · 2 years
The King and his Red Knight
DPxDC crossover fic
Part 1
Really sorry to everyone who suffered through the fact that I didn't know about the existence of readmore. I can't fix the thread now but the individual posts are better? Sorry I have like a very rough idea of how this site works 😭
Check the: The King and his Red Knight tag to find all the parts
"Go here, Danny. Go then, Danny. Go to a random cemetery in the middle of the night for no reason, Danny." A voice grumbled, accompanied by the sound of sneakers rhythmically tapping stone.
Danny Fenton, currently Phantom, sat on a gravestone, his white hair a beacon in the dark night. There were no stars in the sky for him to gaze upon, their light hidden behind swaths of smog and neon lights playing off the gray clouds.
Clockwork had dumped him here, with no explanation for why. Not that he ever really explained much when he sent Danny off on his tasks. He supposed he should be grateful, at least he was in the same when rather than being transported a thousand years into the past.
"Wait here King Phantom. You will understand in time." Danny mimicked his mentor's voice as he let himself float off the grave he'd been dumped on after Clockwork shoved him out of a portal. His body floated higher until he could flip around, his legs crossing. He sat upside down, his chin in his palm as he glared petulantly at the assembled gravestones surrounding him, his toxic green eyes glowing.
"So far all I've seen is a concerning amount of ecotplasm for a city without a ghost portal and some blob ghosts! How long am I supposed to wait here?" Danny asked the air, and the aforementioned blob ghosts who were hanging off his body, soaking in the ambient ecotoplasm he radiated at all times now.
Neither provided him with an answer to his question and Danny let out a frustrated groan as he lowered his still flipped body to look once more on the gravestone he'd been tasked with waiting on.
Jason Todd, the name read. The dates, too close together, made something in Danny squeeze painfully. He'd been young, barely older than Danny when he stepped into the portal. Only for this teenager there had been no ectoplasm to bind to his dying body and repair the damage of death and force him back into a semblance of life.
"Who were you and why did Clockwork send me to you?" Danny asked the gravestone, one clawed finger tracing the words before he pulled back with a sigh when the gravestone gave him no explanation. The dead didn't always speak, not even to their king.
Turning his body Danny looked over the rest of the cemetery. It was empty, as most usually were this time of night, of the living. There were a few shades wandering around, circling closer to him, drawn by his presence. No full ghosts though, but oddly enough there rarely were in cemeteries. This was where the dead came to rest. To remember, if they wanted to. Cemeteries were sacred spaces to the dead, much as a temple or a church would be for the living who were religious. Ghosts who still clung to life, to their obsessions, did not frequent cemeteries, did not dare trespass and disturb those who had already found their peace.
Danny himself was an oddity. He had never shied from cemeteries, enjoying the peace he found in them, the guarantee of safety offered. And perhaps, he mourned that he himself would never have a gravestone for the living to place their flowers and their tears at. Who would make a grave for someone who was both alive and dead? There would never be a body to bury for him. His human half would continue to live on so long as his ghost core remained and could fuel it.
Maybe that was why he found peace in cemeteries, for all his whining that Clockwork had dumped him here. Cemeteries were for the living and the dead, one of the only places both existed in harmony naturally. For someone who was as much dead as he was alive such a place held a certain degree of belonging for him.
Danny straightened out in the air, letting his body lie above the grave as he folded his arms behind his head and looked up at the covered sky. He complained and whined about this task, but he was secretly glad that Clockwork had given him something to do. Even if it was just 'hang out in a random cemetary'.
Ever since he'd graduated high-school, revealed himself to his parents and discovered how deep prejudice and hate could run, and he'd run away to the Infinite Realms for sanctuary while his friends moved forward with their lives, he'd felt unmoored. A ghost with no haunt. Bored was too light a word for the gaping emptiness he felt in his chest, for the loneliness clawing at him. Clockwork, Wulf, Pandora they could help chip at the ache inside of him but not banish it. Not now that his family, his friends, were spread so far apart and so distant from him.
Not that he resented their choices, their distance, in fact he'd fought for them to do just that, to get out of Amity Park, to go to college, to become more than overworked teen superheroes. Still he missed them, even if he could visit them whenever he wanted. It was becoming clear as time moved forward that the world they belonged to and the one he did were two different things.
Danny Fenton couldn't go to college when his parents had declared him dead. Danny Fenton didn't exist as far as the government was concerned. Danny Phantom couldn't return to Amity when those same parents were waiting to capture him and tear him apart 'molecule by molecule'. Danny Phantom couldn't go back when the GIW were crawling over the town like ants.
So neither Danny Fenton or Danny Phantom returned to Amity after that day. And he made sure they couldnt follow him when he ensured the portal that took his life to function never opened again. He didn't need the portal any longer to get in and out of the Infinite Realms, and it was safer for the ghosts, his subjects, if the temptation of the Fenton portal was gone.
The world of the living was not yet ready to accept that the dead didn't always stay dead. And Danny would keep his people safe until they were.
Danny jolted from his lazing state of reverie when a pulse of emotion rocked through him, the strength of it stealing his breath if he had any to take.
Fear/Trapped/Dark/Fear/Help/HELP pounded into him and Danny frantically flipped around, head swiveling, poisonous green eyes wide as he triedf to locate the source. The emotions, the plea for help, burned his core, his Obsession screamed at him.
Help/SomeonePlease/Dark/Trapped/CANTBREATHE/HELP another wave of messages, of emotions pushed themselves at Danny and this time underneath the onslaught he could hear a rhythmic thudding. Danny looked down, horror filling him when he realized the thudding was coming from under the ground. From the grave he'd been hovering over for an hour now.
Danny flew down, sending back a wave of I'mHere/HelpIsComing/I'mComing to the boy trapped in his own coffin, feeling the intense wave of relief and hope sent back before he dived into the earth as if it wasn't there. Danny paused for a moment when he passed the thick wooden coffin, seeing a boy in the dark with wide, panicked blue eyes and fingers tipped with shredded nails and fresh blood.
"Hey, I'm going to get you out of here, okay?" Danny told the boy, keeping his voice gentle, soft. The boy jolted, fixating on the only source of light, Danny's growing green eyes. Danny hoped his smile came off as calming instead of 'freaky AF' as Tucker liked to call it. He grabbed the boy, Jason, as carefully as he could and then let his intangibility wash over the terrified teen as he lifted them both out of the coffin.
When they emerged from the coffin and the ground Danny set the teen down, leaning him against the gravestone, his own gravestone, and pulled back a bit. The boy was gasping in air as if the fetid, polluted air was the sweetest thing he'd ever tasted.
Danny tilted his head as he watched the boy ground himself. Now that the emotions were leveling out and his Obsession was purring in contentment rather than growling in a frenzy, Danny could feel something off about the boy.
Disregarding the fact that he'd just come back from the dead, of course. But that wasn't the oddest thing Danny had seen in his afterlife. No the boy felt... not like a normal, living human. Not even like an Amity Park resident, who all felt more than slightly liminal. No this boy, this Jason Todd, felt closer to liminal than even Jazz, Tucker or Sam, who were three of the most liminal humans Danny had ever been around.
Jason felt almost...like a ghost. But not. Danny could feel the tickle in his throat that proceeded his ghost sense but the tell-tale mist never emerged. It was as if Jason was...like him. But Danny couldn't sense a core either. Even halfas had cores.
"Who are you?" Jason spoke, breaking Danny from his thoughts and examination. Jason was looking at him with a mix of gratitude and suspicion. Which, fair. Danny had just pulled him from his own coffin and there were so many questions that could stem from all of this, disregarding all the weirdness that was just Danny himself.
"I'm Danny, Danny Phantom. Or just Phantom. I go by either. And you're Jason, right?" Danny asked, smiling at the teen and oops, yeah that was definitely his scary smile based on the slight flinch there. It wasn't his fault his teeth were too sharp now and his lips split a bit too wide.
"How did you know that?" Jason asked, blue eyes narrowing. Danny nodded at the gravestone the boy was leaning against with a raised brow. Jason turned and almost toppled over from the movement. Danny frowned as the boy caught himself on his gravestone. His skin was still pale, too pale, and as Danny watched Jason swayed again.
"Shit. You're fading. You didn't form a core and your body isn't stabilizing." Danny cursed, moving towards the boy who scrambled back, only to be stopped by his grave.
"What the hell are you doing?" Jason asked, hands fisting as he tried to rise only to fall back to the ground when his legs refused to hold his weight.
"Saving your life. The dead aren't supposed to come back. There's always a price to pay, a balance that is struck. Currently, as you are, if I don't get enough ectoplasm in you to form your core, you'll fade and turn into a brain-dead husk." Danny told Jason, tone stern and no nonsense as he grabbed him. Jason made an effort to break free, but it was weak, and even at full strength, he wouldn’t have been able to break Danny's hold. Few in this realm could.
If they had the time, Danny would've approached this situation in a far different manner, but this close he could hear Jason's heartbeat, a weak flutter in his chest, skipping beats as it tried to fuel a body that was past saving. Jason didn't have the time for Danny to approach this gently and kindly, to coax trust out of the teen like he would a feral cat.
Jason had minutes left before his ectoplasm starved body consumed itself trying to make a core and failed because while wherever they were had more ambient ectoplasm than most places, it was far from enough to sustain the birth of a halfa. Maybe if Jason had stayed dead for another year, he'd have naturally formed a core and risen as a proper ghost. But that wasn't what happened, somehow he'd gathered enough to fix his body of whatever wounds or illness had put him in that coffin to begin with and come back to 'life' but without a core to sustain his body he'd be dead, again, in minutes. And Danny was not about to watch while a teenager, another teenager, died.
"How do I know I can trust you?" Jason hissed as Danny pushed his arms down and laid his clawed hands on Jason's chest.
"You don't. But you don't have another choice." Danny said with a shrug. "Now are you going to let me save your life or not?" Danny asked, not moving his hands. He'd save Jason either way but this would be easier if Jason worked with him.
"Fine." Jason spat and Danny smirked as his hands began to glow a toxic green that matched his eyes.
Ectoplasm pooled out of his hands and rushed into Jason, filling him until the boy glowed bright enough to rival the neon lights of the city around them. The green light flared around him like an aura, slowly shrinking but getting impossibly brighter as the glow centralized around his chest until a small glowing ball of green, like a trapped star, blazed from his chest.
Jason gasped, back arching as Danny pulled his hands away and the light vanished under Jason's skin. For a moment Jason's blue eyes burned green and his hair flashed snow white before returning to black, with one single lock of unearthly white left above his forehead. Jason collapsed back against his grave, chest heaving. Danny watched, eyes full of a sad understanding.
"What the fuck was that?" Jason panted out.
"Welcome to the world of the half alive, half dead." Danny said with a smile. "Want to get a burger and talk about it?" He asked, standing up and dusting off his hands.
"Make it a chili dog and you've got a deal."
Fixed some typos added some lines
Maybe I'll continue this AU. Maybe not. This scene was in my head for days and I wanted to share
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From the Beauty, to the Creation
— to celebrate my beloved Argenti coming home after i first lost to Bronya (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
— C/W : trying a new fic format, extremely self indulgent, possibly ooc 😞, spoilers?, my first sahsr/sahsrau fic‼️
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Being the vessel of an Aeon that was thought to have long since passed was no easy feat, as it required other Aeons to set their sights on you first.
Some call Them the Aeon of Creation, others the Aeon of Fate; the IPC have yet to decipher their time of arrival, much less their motives. Though, most theorize that they materialized long before the first atom had started moving, only to stay dormant in a state akin to hibernation after setting the universe up for self replication and ever expansion.
(more utc‼️‼️)
Their presence felt like home, a warm embrace, maybe even a light in the dark, or perhaps a form of escapism. Everyone is sure of one thing: once you accept Their calling, and accept the Astral Express's conductor's invitation, there will never be a way to turn back.
To others' eyes, a faint string can be seen reaching the heavens itself, tracing down a vessel, caressing their whole beings like a forced blanket thrown at their face.
An almost addicting bliss could be felt after these possessions, before that moment of ethereal release comes crashing down. Though, those that are used to always moving around — those with more stamina — don't usually feel this drawback as much as the others.
More often than not, the feeling of being watched and dazed dissipates and a feeling of fatigue sets in — intense tiredness, and even a slight chance to feel dizziness, had been reported from these... events.
But most importantly, a voice could be heard. A voice that many described as one which contained a thousand choirs, perhaps millions.
Among those was Argenti, a man of excellent talents that walked on the Path of Erudition, though claims to walk that of Beauty. One of the most recent vessels, per say.
He first felt this presence after accidentally hitting the Astral Express with his own ship, the "One and Only", he called it, the faint strings caressing the being of three out of the six Trailblazers.
To exude such a warm, calming aura around one at all times is truly a magnificent display of beauty, he thought.
The second time, however, it was quite a sudden moment. A strange letter was penned to him, claiming that it could make his goal of spreading the Beauty, if he used the golden ticket provided inside, a dozen steps closer.
The weirdest aspect was that he kept hearing faint whispers around him. Was this how vessels gained an invitation?
Though, feeling hesitant about this strange letter, he chose to send it instead to the Commander of the Silvermane Guards, Lady Bronya Rand, so that someone else could experience such a wonderful event.
The letter warned him that he must accept this invitation, were he to receive such a letter once more.
Third time's the charm, as they say, as not only did Argenti get another letter not too long after, the voices were much louder this time. They were more persuasive, more hoping and, most importantly, more enticing.
The letter beforehand told him of the earlier warning, and this one did not hesitate to emphasize it in the second paragraph.
And, left with no other choice, he had to accept this invitation. He truly didn't expect getting treated with such warmth and excitement seeping through every vein in his body.
He briefly caught sight of the Aeon in all their glory — was this a sign that his fate towards meeting the Beauty was slowly coming into fruition?
Being blessed by two Aeons, even briefly catching their attention, was a feat unlike any other, but being chosen as an active vessel by one? What a truly great achievement.
Along with the Trailblazer that caught him, four others stood behind them. A master swordsman that went by Yanqing, the owner of Neverwinter Workshop, Lady Serval Landau, the Commander of the Silvermane Guards he'd given the invite to earlier, Lady Bronya Rand, and a child that waved at him who called herself Lynx Landau.
Quite an interesting group of people, but a beautiful bond of friendship swirled among them nonetheless.
Slowly, he could feel himself getting stronger, even more so than before. This mysterious Aeon had gifted him so many things already, yet it doesn't seem to be stopping any time soon.
From the creations of the acolytes of the Aeon of Remembrance, Lightcones, to relics which were created from anomalies caused by the Antimatter Legion, and more — all were given to him to make him more powerful.
It was as if meeting and becoming the puppet of this Aeon could make you undeniably better than your former self, even after you thought you were already at your peak.
The world doesn't revolve around you? The creator of the universe lovingly revolves around me 24/7, thank you very much.
In a place unknown, a black haired Stellaron Hunter sneezes, causing two others beside him to sneak a small glance.
He merely huffs, averting his own gaze away.
... Ignorance is often bliss.
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This is my first time writing my beloved so I'm sorry in advance if he's ooc 😞😞
I hope you all liked this cuz i def liked making it hehe
Next on the agenda? My thoughts on sahsr/sahsrau :DDD
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hasello · 6 months
TW: little injuries
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I don’t even have an excuse why this took so long, I had 3 pages of it ready since I posted the other ones 💀 my motivation just flew out of the window at some point, sorry
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ironarrow87 · 8 days
Hazbin Hotel Imagine: A Small Prompt
Summary: You were only trying to help. You swear.
Warnings: None
Me: Give me a small prompt to write a HH short fic. It can even be 1 word. Bestie: ummmmmmm a prompt Me: Lmao I hate you, BUT ILL DO IT Bestie: no no wait, a SMALL prompt Me: Lmao youre the worst
As always, please do not copy or post my work elsewhere.
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You didn’t mean for this to happen.
You swear.
It all started a few weeks ago, when you were eating your breakfast and couldn’t help but notice a certain someone pacing the lobby.
“You okay?” you asked tentatively, unsure of what mood the radio demon was in today.
His head snapped so forcefully toward you that you heard the bones in his neck crack. You wince.
“Why, of course!” Alastor’s voice was full of energy, but even you could hear the dangerous strained edge in them. Like he was holding himself back from absolutely destroying your damned soul. This would be a good time to make your exit.
But…you didn’t get into Hell because of your patience with dangerous men.
“What’s on your mind then?” You kept your voice light, your eyes following his movements back and forth across the floor. Even Alastor’s pacing felt threatening, like he was stalking prey rather than feeling stressed.
He looks at you, and for a moment, you think he will just deflect. He surprises you with the truth today, and you know he relishes the look of surprise that flits across your own face. Always one for entertainment. “I am just having some trouble coming up with a new story for my radio show, my dear. Nothing to worry about.”
Instantly, you’re interested. Alastor does not share much of his radio show aside from what is broadcast for all of Hell to listen to. “You write your own stories?”
He stills his pacing, staring at you. “Well, of course I do. In order to be irreplaceable, one must always come up with their own unique material.”
You both chat for a short while until you can see the subtle changes in your friend, signaling the release of at least some of the tension in his body. “What if, instead of a love drama this time…you do a friendship one?”
“Friendship?” he says doubtfully. “Would the listeners be able to enjoy the complexities and intricacies of friendship alone?” He hums, and you can hear a radio tune briefly mingling with his words. “Well, I suppose I’ve been catering to the more mundane for some time. Romance.” He moved his hands through the air, as if dismissing the thought. “Friendship. Betrayal. True passion! The greatest form of entertainment!”
You try hard to suppress a grin at the radio demon’s excitement. All he needed was a little push. A small prompt. That’s all.
“Maybe you could even write about a friendship gone wrong…you know..two driven individuals, working together to form their own little company…but something happens that drives them apart in the industry…and now it’s a battle between them to be the best in the field.”
Alastor processes your words. “Ah, ho! You seem to have a taste for the twistedly creative, my dear.” He pats your head. “Now! I must be off! Plenty of work to be done!”
You don’t hide your grin this time as he melts into the shadows.
It’s only a week or so later when you find yourself sitting in Vox’s office, waiting for him to get off work.
Yes, you were friends with both overlords, and it was no easy feat.
The constant squabbling and heckling often drove you insane. But, individually, you found that you enjoyed their company.
Most of the time, anyway. Not when you’re sitting here waiting for Vox to come out of his office. If he ever decided to grace you with his presence.
Finally, the door opens.
“Sorry, my dear, I got…wrapped up in something.” You look up. There are sparks flying out of his claws, and his screen glitches very briefly.
“Everything okay?” you ask, already knowing its not and bracing yourself for a rant.
And indeed it comes.
You listen as Vox complains about the ratings of several of his shows spiraling. How he needs to come up with some new ideas quickly before next week but every idea has already been done with the mass production at VoxTech. How the viewers are hungry for something new, something different.
There’s a feeling in your brain. An itch. You’ve solved this problem before, didn’t you?
“Well…the majority of your shows are romance based…why not do something on friendship?”
“Friendship?” Vox looks at you skeptically. You smirk and give him the same pitch you gave Alastor.
“I dunno…the majority of viewers are looking for the stories to end in sex.”
God, you really shouldn’t. But…it was just a prompt. A teenie nudge.
You look him square in the eye. “So can your new story.”
So, now you are running.
Shadows swirl across the alley ways, and you can see VoxTech security cameras swinging to face you as you run.
You really, really, didn’t mean to.
Both Alastor’s radio story and Vox’s new show were big hits. They glowed in the reviews as two entertainers tend to do. For weeks, they both tried to out shine the other with their complex stories. Both storylines were the talk of Hell. Everything was great.
Until Angel brought up to Alastor how similar the radio story was to Alastor’s and Vox’s relationship.
Until Val asked Vox if he was secretly dating the radio demon.
Both overlords fought constantly. Everyone knew that. But now, you’ve discovered something decidedly much worse.
You race into an alley, only to find yourself facing a brick wall.
“Now, my dear…let’s have a talk.” The voice was staticky and you almost didn’t understand it.
You turn slowly, mouth dry and heart pounding.
“Oh yes, a talk,” came a different the glitched out. The voice sounded like it was coming from all around you.
You face the long shadow with red eyes standing at the end of the alley beside pops of electricity and a burning bright screen. United as one front.
“I really didn’t mean to. I swear.”
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ssprouttz · 2 months
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Guess who my favorite character is guys
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acidicbarkbeast · 7 months
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sun god
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firerose18991 · 9 months
Special agent! Gojo x reader
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A/N: No this is not based on special agent Oso my friend pointed out the name and now I'm 😭.
Info: JKK AU, Omegaverse!, Alpha!Gojo,  gn!reader, omega!reader, reader is in a pack(so they share him👍🏾), NSFW/smut at the end
Minors DNI!!
wrdcnt: 1.22k
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Special agent! Gojo who's been working on a case tracking a crime lord through the deep mountains.  After chasing him around the world his team managed to corner him in the region.  The problem is he is hiding among the civilians.   
Special agent! Gojo and his teams have a rough idea of where he is.  But none of the locals are talking.  While walking through town he's noticed everyone avoiding him until he locks eyes with you.  You and your pack quickly scurry away, but not before he tells his team to track you down and bring you in.
Special agent! Gojo who has you all pulled from your cozy hut a few miles away from town into the team's makeshift camp for interrogation.  
“Sorry to treat you all so rough.  But everyones been ignoring us, you know how it is.” He entered the cold tent where they placed you all.
“You tryna get my pack killed?” you growled back.
“I'm trying to save this whole region sweetheart. And I bet you can help.  Seen him around?” He slid a picture toward you.
“Nope.” you kept you glare on him.
“It'd help if you looked at the photo.” But of course you didn't budge.
Special agent! Gojo could see he was getting nowhere and returned to his team for suggestions.  Nanami suggested a bribe, people in this region weren't known to give something for nothing.  And Gojo knew that well having been undercover in the area just last year.  Though normally if there was a threat to the community they'd give them up right away unless they knew them, meaning the target was one of their own.
“Bring them some rare sweets, I'm sure they'd appreciate it.  All omegas do.” Nanami suggested.
Special agent! Gojo shrugged, ambivalent to the suggestion.  He walked out of the hut wordlessly.  Which only served to piss Nanami off.  Why ask if he had his own idea?  Nevertheless they went through with it and presented you and your pack with a buffet of sweets.
The three of you sat at the silver interrogation table uninterested. Watching the Agents clumsily try to entice just one of you enough to get some info.  Your head turned when you smelled something heavenly from outside the tent.
Special agent! Gojo pushed through the tent opening holding a silver baking pan with a baking mit.  Whatever was in the pan was crackling and smelled like pure bliss.  He placed it down on the far corner of the table just close enough for you to peek over and see the giant roasted duck in the pan.  You and your pack's eyes glued to the bird, practically salivating.
Special agent! Gojo who took his original place across from you all smirking, waiting to see what all you were willing to give up in exchange for such a rare bird in your region.  
“Now can you tell me if you know this man?” The teasing lilt in his voice surfaced.
You got a nudge from one of your pack mates.
“Food is not worth our lives.” You composed yourself enough to speak.
“Well if he's a threat to you all, why are you protecting him.”
“The townspeople know him.  We're new to this area.  That's all I'll say.  Find someone else.” The waft of the duck had your mind muddled.
“Hmm I think you're exactly what I need.”  He leaned in close.  Enough to catch your sweet scent.  “You have my word, we'll keep you and your pack safe, or die trying.”
“Is that supposed to make me feel better?” you sneered.
“Well there's a reason this guy is runnin’ from us.” He winked.
Special agent! Gojo who finally gets the information he needs to bring this guy in and leaves you all in the protection of his team to enjoy your duck.  
Picking up the guy was no problem but it was a shame to break into his elderly parents home to do so.  It almost made him regret it, but the pay raise he was going to get from this take down may be worth it.  After all he's got the hopes of taking a small pack of omegas home with him.
Special agent! Gojo reports back to see you and your pack already at the bones of the bird.  He'd only been gone 30 minutes.
Special agent! Gojo escorts you back home through town.  Only to have your neighbors throwing stones at you as you passed by.  He of course blocked any before they could harm any of you.
Special agent! Gojo who acts clueless upon the three of you reaching home and panicking about having to find a new home, again!
Special agent! Gojo is happy to protect you all as long as need be and proposes a move down south with his team.  Of course your pack has no choice.  His agency comes and boxes your home up with efficiency and ships it to his high rise in the city. 
Special agent! Gojo watches as you and your pack wearily board the agency private plane, and take your first flight.  
Special agent! Gojo who brings you to his home and tells you all to make yourselves comfortable.  He couldn't wait for the place to reek of the three of you.
Special agent! Gojo who plans a special housewarming dinner with all the delicacies you could imagine (yes there was more duck!!!).  He watched you all happily gorge yourselves.  Occasionally one of you would shove a piece of food he “had to try” into his mouth, which he happily accepted.  
Special agent! Gojo who ends the night showing you all to a den he had prepared.  He let you all run around exploring the vast room while he sat in the corner of the Alaskan king bed waiting for you to tire out.
Special agent! Gojo sends you all to sleep bouncing on his cock.  Taking his time to make sure the whole pack is fully sated.  He'd have one of you waiting on his fingers, kissing the other and fucking the last into the sheets.  You were the last standing as your pack mates slept after a handful of orgasms.  
You were barely holding on as Special agent! Gojo folded you in a mating press onto the pillows.  
“Come on ‘mega. Know you wanna come for me.”  He could go all night but he can feel you holding out on him.
The way you'd force yourself to settle after squeezing him for a dangerously long time.
You shook your head, trying your best to match his thrusts.  “Wanna stay.  Feels good, wanna stay.”
“Nnnn I can get you here anytime you want, baby.  Let me make you feel real good now.” He purred in your ear.  Your skin felt like a wave of fire passed through.
You were so close, a few well placed thrusts was all it took to have you spilling over to which Gojo reciprocated.  After a few minutes of panting all over each other he began to pull out.  The two of you were connected by strings of your own release, painted all the way down Gojo's thighs, that fell as you came apart.
Special agent! Gojo laid next to his new pack already excited to tell his team what they'd all missed out on.
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cj-versary · 2 months
Happy 2nd Birthday to Be Born!!!!!!
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pokemon1oadvanced · 2 months
Lowkey???? Wouldn’t it be awesome if Ben goes to put himself in danger and Kenji’s just like ???? I already lost you once I can’t do that again ???? I can’t 🫣🥰😍
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sunnydayaoe · 5 months
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[when you succumb to the cold] -be born
w/out lyrics ver. under cut please don't tag as ship!
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tapakah0 · 11 months
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#I've read it.#**** you just read fluff chaos and little amount of angst and here BUM#It took me almost 2 hours to read just one chapter I don't know why but no regrets at all#With all these emotional ups and downs#I have one novel that I hold on the very top of the angst stories (I haven't read that many books#stories and fics and can judge only withing that little I have)#but if mnmc keep going like this this I need to widen my place on top...#I've cried over Mojo again#The same scene and here we go again. how.#And then this one SORRY I CAN'T PUT IT INTO WORDS#The way they triet each other#they both go through hell#All little details about their emotions#Their differences yet so many similarities#I don't like the angst is placed out of nowhere but this fic was BORN IN ANGST#I WANNA BITE BIG MAMA'S HEAD OFF#FOR THE GOD'S SAKE LEON KILL HER FRIEND#YOU WANTED LEO JUST TO BE SAFE BUT WHAT'S THE MEANING IF HE'S NOT#AND IT'S SO DARK IN THEIR CEILING THAT LEON COULDN'T EVEN SEE WHAT'S GOING ON WITH LEO#SO MANY THINGS HAPPENED AT ONE TIME#I DID COUNT WITHOUT JOKES HOW MANY TIMES I DID CRY DON'T JUDGE (I AM HARD TO CRY ON SOMETHING THAT DOESN'T CATCH MY ATTENTION I GUESS MY AT#ENTION IS CAUGHT WELL ENOUGH) 4 TIMES. 4 F***ING TIMES#FOR THE GOD'S SAKE I WANNA SEE CLICHE WHEN THEIR BROTHERS JUST BOOOM CRUSH EVERYTHING AROUND ON THIS AIRPLANE AND SAVE THEIR BROTHERS I WAN#A A CLICHE#I DON'T WANT IT TO BE THE END OF THE STORY WHEN LEON DIES HOW HE WANTED FROM THE VERY BEGINNING#I AM NOT OKAY OVER THE WAY HE TREATS THESE KIDS#OR LEO SUDDENLY A BOOST OF POWERS AND TELEPORTS THEM#ANYTHING#JUST NOT DEATH#AT LEAST NOT LIKE THIS
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candied-cae · 1 year
I know some folks have been saying “Ed wanted to die in the same place he laid next to Stede-“ WRONG! HE WANTED TO DIE WHERE STEDE LAID NEXT TO HIM!!!
The place Auntie points out as being where his head was crushed by the cannon ball is the exact spot where Stede’s head had been during the arrest and that’s even more insane than the first option. (Anyway, I wanted to correct that assumption. It’s only a matter of like 2 feet, but I still find it an important detail, and figured a visual might help!)
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born-of-erda-40k · 5 months
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Trying out the Blood for the Blood God paint.
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sneeb-canons · 4 months
mind acts all nonchalant and serious but you KNOW if he had tumblr or something his silly ass would be overhearing constantly. same with the other two because that's just how they are as a person but mind in particular seems like the type of guy to be 🧍😐 irl and ^_^ :3 :] online
Headcanon #581
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