#boy tips
casuallycrushing · 11 months
Confidence is key when trying to find a potential boyfriend (or girlfriend). You have to be comfortable with yourself and confident in who you are and it shows when you aren’t. if you don’t love yourself you cannot love another person in the way they should be loved. <3
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r1cecakelov3r · 1 month
I’m back 🤡
I have eaten a lot the last couple of weeks. Apparently I can’t eat normally bc I’ve been regularly over eating. I’ve gained 7 pounds
I ate whatever I wanted. It was not worth it. No food was worth me gaining weight. I can see it in my face and my stomach. I feel absolutely disgusting.
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oumarexic · 26 days
hunger is the proof of you actively moving towards your goals. endure it and the scale will reflect your progress
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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Introvert adoption
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puppys-tiny-space · 6 months
🖍️Tips for tinies that struggle with hypersexuality🖍️
First of all it is completely valid and fine to struggle with hypersexuality while regressed or before regressing. This can be for any number of reasons and all of them are okay! It does not make you any less valid or precious. You deserve healing, love and gentleness. I will also be making a post for affirmations to deal with impure regression and hypersexuality.
🧮stop regressing if you need to, if intrusive thoughts or feelings get too much stop regressing, take a break from it, clear your head and calm down🧮
🧃do affirmations, remind yourself that you are precious, your regression is healing, you are clean and deserving of love🧃
🖍️avoid triggers, if you know what triggers hypersexuality try to avoid them extra hard while small, if it is not having close skin contact, not wearing tight close or whatever🖍️
🧮don't be shy to cope, cope however you need to, let out your painful feelings, scream, break things, run or write whatever helps you let it out do it🧮
🧃do not act on it, do not act on intrusive thoughts or feelings no matter how much you think it might help it won't, it won't make them go away it will make it worse🧃
🖍️journal, journal about your feelings, about what hurts and what helps, build skills that work for you, they don't have to be what other people do, it is your healing and nobody else's🖍️
🧃talk it trough, talk about your feelings with somebody, be it a therapist or somebody you trust, you deserve a safe space🧃
🧮teach yourself, teach yourself you do not need to do sexual things to deserve love and kindness, you have a right to gentleness and to being fragile, you don't have to be pure to be loved🧮
🖍️don't compare yourself, comparing yourself with others is never a good idea especially not with this, it might feel like you are alone with this issue but you are not, others struggle with it but most regressors don't talk about it as it's a very personal thing🖍️
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Fun fact of the day: you can tell the difference between rocks and fossils by licking them
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fernsnailz · 29 days
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hello everypony it’s time for my yearly oc redesigns/reboot yaaaay :] and by reboot i mean like. FULL fuckin reboot. basically forget anything i've ever said about these guys in the past because just about everything has changed in some way LMAO
these three are part of a story i’m currently calling Junkyard Phantoms! they're a trio of mechanics (well. two mechanics and one robot who isn't particularly good at anything) trying to rebuild their lives and explore the solar system after living as outcasts on the moon Callisto. ok cool bye (explodes)
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skycowboys · 1 year
Hey!!! You made a "how to draw wings" sheet, but— how on Earth do you draw horse!?!? The bane of every artists existence
Yeahhh horses are hard. They have lots of little nuances on top of complex anatomy and weird ass shapes (literally and figuratively). Drawing them requires lots and lots of practice. And this is like...entire art book levels of subject matter but here are a few tricks that I've picked up over time -
Key body shapes - shoulder, barrel, hip
I won't go too far into this one because Ken Hultgren does a much better job in his book The Art of Animal Drawing. But TL;DR - a horse's body has three main masses - the shoulder, the barrel, and the hip. Each one is tricky to draw on it's own since they're all weird shapes, but it's helpful to me to break a horse body down into simpler terms.
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Key muscle masses
When I draw horses, I like to emphasis curves vs straights. Horses have that built in naturally as their body is often either "pure muscle" or "pure bone". There's some really nice details at the intersections of body parts, like at the front elbow and behind the ears along the neck (aka the "poll") where there's highly definable muscle groups that can help with visual clarity.
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Fun fact, young horses grow hip-first. The horse in the photo above is 8 years old. That same horse at 4 years is below. Cracks me up how much taller his hip was at the time.
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Ok so the muscles on the front legs combined with the shoulder mass is a fave combo of mine. The shoulder mass itself is something that I've found that is particularly horse-ish. For me, it's a pretty big visual signifier - almost more important than the neck. You can show a lot of tension/action in the body with the shoulder depending how you simplify it. Horses use their shoulders A LOT (too much if you ask any dressage rider or reiner), so emphasizing the shoulder can make a horse more expressive.
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Legs. Oh heavens, the legs.
Yeah ok so again, Hultgren goes into fantastic detail on legs and hooves (I still follow how he simplifies hooves to this day my gosh that guy is a genius), but I often break them down like this for quick sketching. Are horse's legs realistically this emphasized? No, but I like the visual language; believable but expressive. This can apply to any size/shape from arabians to drafts.
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And finally...
A few head details -
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Overall horses have SO many variables. The fun part about that is that they're highly customizable and able to be endlessly stylized. The tough part is that they're hard to draw strictly because of all of the little things to keep track of to make sure the horse reads as "horse".
And so because third time's the charm, Ken Hultgren's Art of Animal Drawing really is one of the best I've seen for breaking down, simplifying, and applying horse anatomy to active drawings.
But most of all, the more you draw horses the easier they'll be.
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r1cecakelov3r · 29 days
I feel like a failure
It used to be so easy for me to not eat. I used to think it was fun and treated it like a game. How little could I eat without anyone noticing?
But now, I restrict and then eat later on when I get too hungry
I’m literally failing at 4n4
That’s embarrassing
I’ve had this d1sorder for 4 years!!! And I have nothing to show for it. Just tons of f@t
I’m weak
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antimony-medusa · 7 months
“We want more morally grey characters” you guys can’t even handle badboyhalo.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 days
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Shout out to all artists who had to work without any strong direction or instruction.
I wish you a merry “the client likes it anyways”
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ohheyitsjustbear · 5 months
Hand, hip and thigh
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♡ Treats ♡ Bear's Travel Fund ♡
Reblogs appreciated, keep comments in the tags unless we're mutuals 🩷 (he/they)
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puppys-tiny-space · 5 months
👑Tips for littles on a budget👑
This is some tips for tinies (or carers looking for gifts for kiddos) on a budget! Of course you don't need any gear to be a good regressor but a lot of us like toys etc. and it's okay to want them!
🧸thrift stores, a lot of thrift stores have toys and plushies, sometimes they are a bit broken or dirty but there are lots of tutorials on YouTube for cleaning and restoring plushies and toys🧸
🐾e-books, you can find kids books online as e-books which are often pretty cheap or you can watch tiktoks of people reading those books🐾
🩷diy onesies, a lot of regressors like onesies but the prices are pretty steep, if you can't afford them don't fret! Its super easy and affordable to make one yourself all you need is an old t-shirt and snap buttons plus a way to attach them, just get a big t-shirt, sweatshirt or even hoodie and add 2-4 snap buttons in the crotch, boom you have a super cute and discreet onesie!🩷
🧸diy toys, there are lots of toys you can make yourself either by sewing or crafting and there's lot soft videos on YouTube for it, or get creative🧸
🐾mobile games, I love to play video games when im regressed but game consoles are expensive so free mobile games are a great alternative🐾
🩷dollar store etc, while you shouldn't rely on stores or websites that use cheap labor for everything it's okay to make exceptions every now and then, especially for toys, pacis, sippy cups and similar🩷
🧸pull ups, instead of cute printed diapers get big kid pull-ups in the baby-section or medical diapers from a drugstore, they are less then half the price of a pack of adult diapers from brands like tears etc.🧸
🐾learn to diy, making things yourself is often the most affordable thing to do, not with everything obviously but with a lot of things, learn as much stuff as you can so you can make lots of gear yourself🐾
🩷look for affordable stores, lots of paci stores on Instagram are very affordable and the ones that aren't often have sales so keep an eye out for that, lots of shops also have promoter codes they are happy for you to use, for example with my code 'bunnybab' you get a small discount at pacisbybunnie and cozypacicorner🩷
🧸buy second hand, thrift stores are a great place but if you want little specific stuff looking on vinted, swoop or even insta is a great idea! Lots of people sell gear they no longer connect with🧸
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Fun fact of the day: Bluey's pilot was only a minute long and never actually aired
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zabreus · 1 year
one thing i see a bit with disco elysium fan script is a conflation between a failed skill check and bad advice from a skill. one of the beautiful things about DE is the skills are not arbiters of truth; successful checks won’t always lead to the correct outcomes, and a skill level being too high can impair you. in that sense, a failed passive (“anti-passive” according to wiki) wouldn’t be a skill giving bad advice, but a skill failing to fulfill its duty.
(bad example ahead) so it wouldn’t be:
LOGIC [Trivial - Failure]: Stick a fork in the toaster.
but more like:
BREAD-TOASTER: You peek into the narrow opening at the top of the electric bread-toaster.
PERCEPTION: You find a slice of bread wedged between the filaments. Smoke wafts into your nostrils. It’s burning, and you seemingly have no way of retrieving it.
INTERFACING [Challenging - Success]: The metal fork you found in the cupboard. It should be both long and sturdy enough for the job.
You: Grab the fork.
INLAND EMPIRE [Medium - Success]: The tips of your fingers tingle. This seems like a very bad idea.
LOGIC [Easy - Failure]: You are uncertain of the outcome here.
1. Use the fork to fish out the toast.
2. “This is beneath me.”
3. [Half-Light - Godly 16] Establish dominance. Fuck the toaster.
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thehalfbloodfreak · 1 year
Cal will be like: “We both know what happens when I stay in one place too long” Gotta keep that low profile so the Empire doesn’t find us—
Also Cal to every stranger he sees: Hi I’m Cal Kestis. Oh and this is BD-1
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What is Edwin Payne reading? : a closer look.
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From the flashback scene in the show, we get this very short shot of Edwin walking down the halls. Now, what he is reading tells you all about the Dead Boy Detectives’ love for detective and adventure stories. He is carrying a penny novel! (also known as dime novel in the US- and the names are due to their cheap prices of, you guessed it! One penny or one dime each) Precisely no. 87 of the “Aldine Tip-Top Tales”.
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But, what were the Aldine Tip-Top Tales you might ask yourself. Well, originally the name was:
Tip Top Detective Tales and it was one of the Aldine Publishing Company's many library series produced to capture the fancy of the youth of Great Britain. This particular one ran from 1910 through 1912 when it morphed into just Tip Top Tales, produced to include stories of adventure, as well as those of criminal content. With one exception, all of the novels included in the series were published anonymously. (The exception: Glittering Gold! by Emile Gaboriau -Tip Top Detective Tales #4).
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The Aldine Publishing Company was founded by Charles Perry Brown (1834-1916).
Some other titles included:
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But, we see Edwin reading something else:
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Which happens to be The Strand Magazine! And this very one for this shot.
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The Strand Magazine was a British monthly magazine published from january 1891 to march 1950 (711 issues) in its original version (a new version of the magazine has been edited from 1998). George Newnes Ltd. was the publisher of the magazine and it was edited by Herbert Greenhough Smith from 1891 to 1930, then by Douglas Edward Macdonald Hastings.
Arthur Conan Doyle was a huge contributor with novels, short stories, poems and articles.
The Strand Magazine was also published in the United States from february 1891 through february 1916 but with sometimes different content.
Between 1891 and 1930, The Strand Magazine published no less than
• 121 short stories
• 70 articles
• 9 novels
• 2 interviews and 1 poem written by Arthur Conan Doyle.
And just in case you did not know who Arthur Conan Doyle was, well, let me just leave some of his works here as well, originally published in the Strand:
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And these are just two of the infinite variety of novels Edwin Payne owns. :)
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lakemojave · 2 months
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Another new jacket I forgot to show off. And also my thighs. And happy trail. And ass
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