#brother i am moving house lets bounce. right now
incorrect-hs-quotes · 11 months
TG: after i watched fnaf it was like ok. now im gonna go to sleep and get scared that freddy fagbear is in my closet
TG: guess who just made another horrific typo
GG: keep talking about him like that and hell never your closet!
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sunflower-lilac42 · 3 months
𝗳𝗶𝘁 𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗶𝗻 | 𝘭𝘩43 ❀
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➪ summary: where y/n helps dog sit for quinn's friend, fills in for jack's missing plus one, goes out on a night on the town, and gets into a fight with her family
➪ warnings: luke being sick, mentions of throwing, y/n and jack thinking their a horrible girlfriend/brother, parents fighting, reader has brother problems, crying
➪ word count: 5.8k
➪ file type: girlfriend series fic - part three (yay but sad)
➪ sunny's notes: i can't believe this is the last girlfriend series fic :( i did write two bonus scenes for you so... if you didn't see, i am wanting to do requests/blurbs based off of these! just let me know which girlfriend you want and want scenario or whatever you want them to react to (ex: 'how would quinn's girlfriend react to jack getting hurt' or 'how would quinn and luke react to jack's girlfriend buying them gifts') i really hope you guys are excited about this bc i am too! i am so in love with this series and you guys have no idea how happy i am that you guys like it.
quinn's version || jack's version || the girlfriend series || nhl masterlist
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⟹ quinn and the puppy-sitter
While he had initially agreed to dog sit his friend’s dog, he was now seriously regretting it. It wasn’t that he didn’t like dogs, because he did, but it was the fact that he would have spent hours upon hours alone in a house by himself. He watched the clock, dreading it as the seconds ticked by until he had to leave. That was until an idea sparked in his mind.
He always knew that his brother’s girlfriend loved puppies, it was the one thing that she made sure to tell everyone as soon as she met anyone. He was lucky enough that she lived just a few minutes away from his friend's house, wasting no time in calling her.
“Hey, Quinner. What’s up?”
“Nothing much. Are you busy?”
Y/n put away one of her shirts, moving around the bedroom, “No, why?”
“Well I have this friend, and he sort of asked me if I wanted to dog sit, and I-”
“Can I come?”
He chuckled, nodding, “That’s the reason I called. Didn’t want to go over there by myself and you’re like the biggest dog person I know.”
“Yay, okay! Text me the address and I’ll meet you there.”
Ten minutes later, y/n left her house and practically skipped down the street to where Quinn had said his friend lived. By the time she arrived, Quinn’s car was in the driveway and he was standing on the porch on his phone. She smiled and walked the rest of the way up the steps, pausing once he finally looked up.
“Okay, her name is Pepper and she’s a black lab, I don’t remember how old they said she was.”
“Awwww.” Y/n bounced on her feet, waiting for him to open the door. She could hear the faint scratching on the wood from inside the house and only melted even more.
As soon as Quinn opened the door, a dog ran out and straight into y/n’s arms, who smiled and picked the puppy up with no effort. She pet Pepper softly, speaking random words in a cooing manner. Meanwhile, Quinn walked inside the house to read the note his friends left, waiting for her to follow. She came in a few minutes later, the puppy trailing happily behind her.
“So what do we have to do?” Y/n took the seat next to him at the island, swinging her legs back and forth as much as she could. 
“Just feed her in an hour or two and then take her outside when she needs to. That’s it, they said we could watch TV if we wanted to.”
She nodded and looked down at the puppy in between the two chairs who was now looking up at Quinn with big eyes, “Aw Quinner, she wants you to hold her!”
He chuckled, “How do you know?”
“I just do, here.” She hopped off the chair and picked the dog up, handing it to her boyfriend’s brother. His eyes widened as he now held the puppy, running a finger on the top of his hand.
“Where’s the bathroom?”
“Oh down the hall and to the right.”
A few minutes later, y/n came back and saw Quinn now sitting on the ground in the living room, playing with Pepper. She sat down beside them, turning the TV on and shifting her focus between the puppy and the screen. Once she found something to watch, she reached into the bucket of dog toys and pulled one out, excited to play with her newfound friend.
“How long have you liked dogs?”
“My whole life, really. Actually, when I was one I apparently was so scared by a dog that I fell over.” He couldn’t help but laugh, “No way.”
“Oh yeah, baby me was terrified of dogs. That was until I turned three or four and we got a puppy of our own. His name was Dino, my brother named him.” She shook her head before continuing, “He was a husky. He died when I was a junior in high school, so five years ago?”
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. We got a dog right before I went to college which sucked, of course, but she’s fun. Her name’s Wolvie.”
He raised an eyebrow, “What I was going to Michigan, what did you expect?” 
He laughed and the two continued to play with Pepper before she spoke up again, “How’s Luke?”
“Good, won’t stop talking about you though.” She blushed and looked down quickly, “Really?”
“Yep. No offense but if I have to hear one more word come out of his mouth about you I might lose it. Which basically means, can you please come see him soon?”
“Is he home tonight?”
“I think so.”
“Alright, I’ll come back to your place. I just have to go home and grab my car.”
He shook his head, “I’ll drive you. I’m sure Luke would be okay taking you home too.” She looked hesitant at first but nodded once she saw the look on his face, a look that only an older brother could have. 
A few hours later, his friends came home and the two of them were able to leave soon after that. Driving home with Quinn was an experience, they had the radio low and the windows rolled down slightly, an experience that was completely different from her older brother.
“You know, I don’t think my brother ever let me roll the windows down in summer, it was always the AC cranked and windows shut, it was his one rule. And he didn’t allow me to pick the music.”
“Well, I couldn’t care less if you have the window down and play whatever you want. I only choose when I’m by myself or Jack and Luke are in the car with me.”
She nodded, “Plus, you’re a better driver than him. I always feel like we’re gonna crash when I’m with him.”
His eyes widened slightly in concern, “That bad?”
“Meh, he just likes getting from point A to point H as quickly as he can.” She shrugged, “I’ve gotten used to it.”
They pulled into his driveway and as they approached the door, Quinn told her to wait outside. She could hear his voice echo through the house, “Luke, I brought you a surprise!”
“Really? Is it food? Because if it’s not food, I don’t want it.”
Y/n rolled her eyes, of course, he was worried about food. She saw Quinn’s hand usher her into the house and she frowned slightly as she stepped through, “Not even me?”
Luke perked up and instantly ran over to her, hugging her tightly, “Just kidding. This is the only surprise I want.” 
He pulled away and smiled at her, kissing her head, “Hi baby.”
“Hi Lukey.” Quinn only smiled fondly at them, walking off to his bedroom. 
❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜
⟹ jack and the plus one
Jack was panicking, he had less than an hour to find a plus one to attend an event he had to go to. He hadn’t had one originally but he was just going to be hanging out with Luke the whole night so he didn’t have to worry about bringing someone. And then, Luke got sick. His head was hurting and he couldn’t even get up, he was miserable. 
Y/n had come over earlier, trying to take care of him, and it was only when she was talking about having nothing to do so she could take care of Luke was when it hit him. He immediately ran into his brother’s room to see him and his girlfriend sitting on the bed, watching something on TV, “Hey.”
The two of them looked over at the boy, Luke being the one to talk, “Hi? What do you want?”
“Can I borrow your girlfriend?”
“Borrow my what?”
“Your girlfriend.”
“Okay, hi hello! I’m right here and I have a name, Jackson.”
“That’s not my name.”
“At least I used one.”
“Okay okay, anyway. Why do you want to borrow my girlfriend?”
“For the event, I really don’t want to go alone.”
“I don’t really understand what that has to do with her.”
“I want her to go with me.” He looked at the girl, “Please.”
“I don’t know Jack…” She shifted uncomfortably in Luke’s arm, avoiding his gaze.
Luke looked down at her and then back up at his brother, “Up to her.”
“I don’t know anyone.”
Due to not being able to see Luke since he went to New Jersey, y/n hadn’t gotten a chance to meet any of the team. Now that she got the chance, she wasn’t so sure if she wanted to without her boyfriend. She wasn’t uncomfortable with Jack, it was more the idea of having to the team for the first time and being introduced as Luke’s girlfriend and he was nowhere to be found.
Jack immediately pouted and gave the two his best puppy dog eyes, “Please please please please.”
“Jack she said she didn’t want to-”
“It’s okay, I’ll go.”
“Really?” The two exclaimed in different tones, Jack’s happy and Luke’s incredulously. 
She nodded and looked over at Luke, “I’ll be okay, finally get to meet your team.”
Now it was Luke’s turn to pout, “But I won’t be there.”
“I’ll take care of her, Lukey. Now c’mon, we’ll leave in an hour.”
Jack ran out of the room, practically bouncing off the walls and the couple looked at each other, “I know you said you wanted to introduce me to the team, but I really couldn’t say no to his face. It was too cute.”
“Cuter than mine?”
“Never.” She gave him a kiss on the cheek before getting up, “If you need anything let me know and I’ll make Jack drive me home.”
After she got ready, she walked back out into his room and Luke let out a low whistle, “You’re going out like that? Without me?”
“Sorry, Lukey. But I’ve been waiting for this day forever and I wanted to look good.” He pouted again and reached his arms out for her.
She giggled as she made her way over to him, standing at the edge of the bed as he hugged her, “Make sure to tell them you’re mine.”
Y/n ran a hand through his hair, “Of course. Now-”
“Y/n! Come on, we’re going.”
“Need anything before I go?” He shook his head.
“Alright bye, Lukey. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Y/n walked out of the room and into the foyer where Jack was standing. He smiled at her and opened the door, “You look pretty.”
She blushed and looked down, “Thank you.”
The two made their way down to Jack’s car, riding in silence to the venue. She fidgeted with her fingers as Jack parked the car and he glanced over at her, “You’ll be fine.”
“I know, I know. It’s just hard without Luke here.”
He frowned, “You know, you didn’t have to come. I hope I didn’t seem like I forced you to.” 
Y/n shook her head, “No of course not, I wanted to come, believe me.”
Jack smiled and got out of the car, making his way over to her side to open the door. He helped her out and then offered her his arm, “Let’s do this, little sis.”
“Little sis?”
“C’mon, we all know it’s coming.” She threw her head back and laughed, “Not for a while I hope. I’m still in school and he still lives with you.”
The two walked into the venue, immediately greeted by the crowd of people. She took a deep breath before nodding up at Jack, allowing him to lead them further into the room. Jack scanned the crowd, looking for the easiest person to introduce her to, “I’ll let you meet Nico first, he is our captain.”
Her eyes widened, “Well I’m glad you're here then.”
“What why?”
“I once told Luke I thought Nico was cute, way before I started dating him, and he ignored me for almost the whole day.”
Jack laughed and urged her further, trailing slightly behind, “I am not surprised. But you’re not wrong, Nico does-”
“Have a great ass? I know.”
“Not what I was going to say, but that works too.”
The two approached the Swiss man, waiting patiently for him to finish the conversation he was in, “Jack!”
“Hey, man.” The two hugged and Nico’s eyes drifted to the girl beside him, “And who is this?” 
She blushed under his gaze and looked down, “This is Luke’s girlfriend.”
“Luke’s girlfriend, wow.” She looked back up and stuck her head out, “I’ve been referred to as his girlfriend this whole day, but my name is actually y/n.”
“Nice to meet you, y/n. So where is your boyfriend?”
“He’s sick and Jack begged me to come tonight so I gave in.”
“Puppy dog eyes?”
“Yes, how’d you know?”
“He uses them to get out of things way too often.”
Jack shrugged from beside them, “It works. I’m gonna go get a drink, do you want anything?”
“Just water, please.” He nodded and walked away, leaving her with his captain.
“C’mon, I’ll introduce you to the rest of the team.”
By the time Jack got the two drinks and walked back over to the two of them, she was now surrounded by Dawson, Nico, Jesper, Erik, Curtis, Timo, and Jonas, laughing at something someone said. He looked at them in amusement, coming to stand behind her, “Here’s your water.”
“Thanks, Jack.”
“So Jack, who is this? Nico wouldn’t tell us until you got back.” Jesper raised an eyebrow at his teammate.
“This is Luke’s girlfriend, y/n.”
Half of the group choked on their drinks, coughing a little as a result. Y/n looked around the group, confused, “What?”
“Lukey’s girlfriend? No way, man.”
“What?” She protested a little.
“Little Hughesy has some game.”
“Will someone please tell me what you all are talking about?”
Curtis finally looked at her, smiling, “You’re dating, Luke? The Luke who for the life of him cannot talk to a girl even if it would save his life?”
“Yeah, he was like that when I met him. I think that’s just a Hughes thing though.” She shrugged, risking a glance up at Jack who whined, “Hey.”
“Well you all are wrong, Luke has the most game out of all of them.”
“There’s no way in hell.”
“Oh trust me, when Luke wants to,” her eyes went wide with amusement, “He can.”
They all cringed a little, “I do not want to know.” She grinned, taking a sip of her water. 
Without even a glance at her phone, y/n was able to make it through the whole night of meeting her boyfriend’s phone. They were all super nice to her and Jack had been a great support whenever she had gotten nervous or uncomfortable with a topic of conversation. By the time the two of them had left, Luke had texted and called her over and over again. 
Getting back into his car, y/n looked at her phone and frowned when she saw the notifications, “What’s wrong?”
She looked at Jack, “I don’t know, Luke called me like ten times.”
“Ten? We were only there for a couple of hours, maybe three.”
“Yeah, I know. Let me call him back.
Jack had only heard her side of the conversation, “Hi Lukey.” “What’s wrong?” “I’m sorry.” “Yeah.” “We’ll be home soon. “I love you.”
He turned the car on and backed out of his parking spot, starting to drive towards the exit, “What was that about?”
“He threw up and was hoping I could come home.” She groaned in frustration, “I should’ve looked at my phone, I told him I would’ve made you drive me home if he needed anything.”
“Hey, it’s okay. He’s 21, he can handle himself.”
“Yeah, I know. I just feel horrible.” He frowned at her, this time no trace of playfulness hidden in it or his eyes.
“If you’re thinking you’re a bad girlfriend, you shouldn’t be. If anything I’m a bad brother, I took my little brother’s girlfriend away from him when he was sick just to go to an event because I was too nervous to go alone.”
She shook her head, “He adores you, trust me. He won’t be mad at you.”
“I don’t know, Luke has the ability to hold a grudge for a long time.”
“Trust me, I know. But you’re not a horrible brother.”
“And you’re not a horrible girlfriend.”
❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜
⟹ quinn, jack, and the night on the town
Jack had been begging Quinn to go out with him since he woke up that morning, complaining he needed some new clothes for whatever reason, Quinn hadn’t been bothered to listen to him. It was one thing Quinn detested the most, shopping with Jack. He could be out for hours and still be in the same two stores that they started in. 
Y/n walked out of Luke’s room, followed by him on his phone. They talked quietly, y/n watching as Luke threw on his shoes, “I’ll see you later.”
“Yeah, drive safe.” Luke kissed her head, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Wait wait wait, where are you going?” Luke eyed his older brother carefully, “With my friends, why?”
“No, I don’t care where you’re going.” Jack groaned, “Where’s y/n going?”
“Home, why?”
Luke stood slightly in front of her, crossing his arms over his chest as Jack looked back at Quinn, “If y/n goes with, will you?”
Quinn raised an eyebrow but nodded slowly, “Yeah.”
“Where am I going?”
She looked at her boyfriend and then at his brothers before nodding, “Okay. Only if you buy me food.”
“Deal.” Jack grinned at her and it was Luke’s turn to groan, “You’re hanging out with more than you hang out with me.”
“Tough shit, Lukey boy.”
Quinn, Jack, and y/n drove to the mall, all talking about random things. When they got there, Jack led them to the store he wanted to go to and Quinn looked at her, “Good luck.”
“We once spent three hours in one store. Three.”
She let out a low whistle, “Longer than me. Well let’s hope it doesn’t last that long, maybe I could help?”
“Jack is the pickiest person ever so no offense, but I highly doubt you would make a-”
“Hey, Jack, do you like this?” Y/n pulled out a shirt from one of the racks and Jack immediately nodded when he saw it, “Yeah, actually.”
They spent the next thirty minutes shopping for things, y/n’s picks hitting every time. Quinn had never been so relieved to go shopping with someone who helped Jack. They were able to get in and out within an hour and headed to two more stores afterward. When they got back to the car, she sighed and leaned against the seat, “You owe me food.”
“You deserve food, I’ve never been able to get Jack to shop that quickly.”
“What can I say? I have a talent.”
When they sat down at the restaurant, she immediately started a conversation, one she had been waiting to start forever, “So I need the scoop on Luke. All the embarrassing stuff. Like now.”
“It’s important. When he met my brother for the first time, he told them about the time I got locked in a bathroom.”
“You got locked in a bathroom?” Jack snorted, taking a drink.
“Shut up. He locked me in there, it’s not like I did it myself. But that is completely beside the point, I need everything you have on Luke, right now.”
And so they did, they spent an hour and a half going back and forth sharing the funniest and most embarrassing stories they could remember about their brother. Y/n had laughed and laughed at each new story, making a point to remember them so she could use them against her boyfriend later. If her brother could tell him stories, why couldn’t his brothers tell her stories?
However, her feeling of winning slowly faded away as Jack and Quinn asked for stories about her childhood, “No.”
“Oh come on, we just spent however long embarrassing Luke for you, the least you could do is tell us one story about your childhood.”
She blinked at them before nodding, “Fine. Let me think.”
It was hard coming up with stories from her childhood, there weren’t many that stuck out to her. The only one she could really think of was the time her brother locked her in the bathroom which they had already discussed. But eventually, she sighed, “I was a very gullible child. So I allowed my brother to convince me to go down a slide on a chair.”
“You what?”
“Yeah, I broke my arm.” She shrugged, taking a bite of the few remaining fires she had on her plate. Jack and Quinn shook their heads, not believing what she had said. 
“I’m sorry, there is no way you let him convince you to do that.”
“I told you, I was a very gullible kid. You barely had to do anything to convince me. He also convinced me that he was born in Canada, which is very stupid looking back on it.”
By the time they left all three of them felt satisfied with the stories they had told, and when they got back home, Jack and Quinn shared a shit-eating grin at their younger brother before going to their rooms. 
“What was that about?”
“Let’s just say, I have a lot on you now so you can’t use the bathroom story anymore.”
❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜
⟹ y/n and the family fight
It was never often that her family fought, at least this bad. She had been home for the summer and told them that she was going to go out with some friends due to them being in town for a couple of days. She assumed that they remembered and left after saying a brief goodbye to them, getting in her car, and driving to where she was going to meet her friends.
However, when she got back home, her parents were furious and her brother was standing off to the side, trying not to interfere with what was about to happen. She stood in front of them nervously, waiting for them to say something but quickly realized that they weren’t going to be the first ones to speak, “Hi.”
“You leave for four hours without telling us you’re leaving and all you have to say for yourself is ‘hi’?”
She mentally groaned in frustration, knowing that this was going to happen. Her brother couldn’t help but snicker and as soon as their parents heard it, he was sent to his room. She sat down after her parents instructed her to and listened to thirty minutes of her parents ‘talking loudly’ at her, accusing her of things she didn’t even do. 
Once they were done, they allowed her to go up to her room where she let silent tears fall. She would’ve been able to get over it, hell she was 21 and she was still getting yelled at by her parents for the most idiotic things. She sat in her bed, staring at the wall as she listened to the white noise around her. She was startled once she heard her parents' voices again, but this time they were yelling at each other. 
That was when she realized that no matter how old you get, listening to your parents fight with each other never gets easier. After twenty minutes of fighting, she grabbed her keys and walked downstairs, hesitantly standing at the bottom of the steps. Her mom noticed her first, her face softening no longer mad at her, “Yes honey?”
“Can I go over to Luke’s house?” She had never heard her voice so quiet and vulnerable before, at least not in a long time. 
Her mom sighed and spared a glance at her husband before nodding and smiling weakly, “Yeah, just text us once you’re on your way home, okay?”
Y/n nodded and quickly ran out of her house, resting her back against her front door. She could hear the fighting resume and she wasted no time in getting in her car and driving away, but this time to Luke’s house. 
She parked on the side of the road, walking slowly up to the house. She really should’ve thought this plan through before she did it. She was nervous about whether or not she should’ve texted him or if he was home or not. She reached the front steps and realized it was too late to turn back once her fist hit the wood of their door. 
Jack opened the door with his usual boyish grin, but it turned down to a frown once he realized the expression on her face, “Y/n?”
“Hey, um… Is Luke here?” He shook his head softly, “He went out with some of his friends about an hour ago. Did you need something?”
She bit her lip, “Uh, no. It’s okay actually. I’ll just text him to tell me when he gets home. Thanks though, Jack. I’ll see you later.” 
She walked back down the steps and was halfway to her car when she heard her voice being called, “Y/n?”
“Come inside.” Locking eyes with him, she nodded and walked back to the house and inside, taking her shoes off. 
He led her to the living room where he and Quinn had been sitting with a bucket of popcorn and a random movie on. Quinn smiled up at her and quickly blinked away the confusion in his eyes as he heard her voice, “Hi.”
He scooted over, allowing her to sit on the couch in between the two of them, “I’m sorry for coming over unexpectedly. I was just hoping Luke would be here.”
“It’s okay, you want to tell us what’s going on?” 
She looked between them hesitantly before speaking, “It’s really nothing, I’m just overreacting probably.”
“Trust me, I’m probably the most over-dramatic person on this planet. And I can tell by the look on your face that whatever has you like this is probably warranted.”
“I got yelled at.” The two furrowed their eyebrows and she sighed, “I know, I’m 21 and I’m crying because I got yelled at. That’s not the reason I’m like this though. Well partly.”
The two nodded, urging her to continue, “After they yelled at me they started fighting with each other, and I- I finally realized that as I get older, I think their fighting just hurts worse.”
She couldn’t help but sob at the realization, curling into a ball on the couch. Quinn and Jack shared a look before Quinn wrapped her into a hug, his older brother instincts kicking in. Hearing someone who was like his little sister cry hurt more than he could ever imagine and he just wanted to make her feel better. Jack felt the same and ran to grab one of Luke’s sweatshirts and some ice cream from the freezer, coincidentally her favorite flavor. 
As he reapproached the couch, y/n had slightly uncurled herself from Quinn’s grasp and was wiping her tears off with her hand a little harshly. She chuckled dryly, “This is so embarrassing.”
“No, it’s not, I’ve had fans cry in front of me before.” Quinn smacked him on the back of his hand from behind her causing her to giggle a little. 
The two smiled and Jack sat down next to her handing her her boyfriend’s sweatshirt, “I figured this would probably help.”
“Thank you, Jack.” She quickly threw the hoodie on, snuggling slightly into the fabric. 
He then handed her the bowl of ice cream, “I also found this in the freezer. I think Luke bought it just in case you came over one day.”
She smiled down at it, noticing the ice cream was her favorite, “He sure does know how to make me smile even when he’s not here.”
They sat in silence before she looked between the two, “Thank you, guys.”
“Of course, we’ll be here if you ever need us. What are big brothers for.”
“We’re not even related.” She laughed and sniffled, wiping her tears still. 
They shrugged, “We know, but like I said the night of that event we went to, it’ll happen eventually.”
Quinn handed her the remote, allowing her to scroll through the channels or go onto Disney or Netflix. She settled on one of her favorite movies to watch with Luke and leaned back on the couch. When she was done with the ice cream, she stood to put it up in the sink but Jack grabbed it from her grasp and placed it on the table, “We’ll do it later.”
She nodded softly, curling up in the blanket that rested on her lap. Quinn eyed her carefully, “Tired?”
“Just a little.”
“You can sleep if you want to, we’ll wake you up when Luke gets back.”
“Okay.” And within minutes, she was asleep. Her head fell to the side landing on Quinn’s shoulder who just smiled down at her. 
❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜
•❅ 《 𝘉𝘖𝘕𝘜𝘚 𝘚𝘊𝘌𝘕𝘌 》 ❅•
The two got home and without even waiting for Jack, y/n ran upstairs to their apartment as quickly as she could, immediately going into Luke’s room. It was dark and she could barely see the outline of Luke’s body in the bed. She walked over quietly, kicking her heels off delicately. She kneeled on the bed, reaching out to card through his curls, “Lukey.”
She received no response and murmured his name once more. This time he stirred a little, groaning and protesting at being woken up, “I’m sorry baby. We’re home.”
He blinked his eyes open and looked up at her, smiling softly, “Hi.”
“Hi, baby. How are you feeling?”
He shook his head and untangled one of his arms to wrap around her waist. He pulled her close to him, burying his head into her stomach as she continued to kneel on the bed. She sat there for a few moments, running her hand through his hair. Her dress started to become tight and uncomfortable and she whispered, “Can I go change, Luke? I’ll be right back, I promise.”
He shook his head and only tightened his hold on her as much as he could, “Stay.”
“I will after I go change. This dress is a little too uncomfortable to sleep in.”
She smiled when he loosened his grip and got off the bed to change as quickly as possible. She came back with a damp washcloth and sat down on the bed, letting Luke pull her back to him. He curled up into a ball in front of her, his head resting in her lap. She was thankful that she threw on one of his sweatshirts because she knew she wouldn’t be able to pull up the blankets all night with him in her lap. 
She ran the washcloth over his forehead, ignoring his slight moans of protest. She leaned over the bed to make sure there was a bucket on the side and she sighed in relief when there was one. Despite Luke wearing two sweatshirts and a pair of sweatpants, he was shivering and only curled up into her more. She frowned again, pulling the washcloth away, “Alright, Lukey. We gotta take these sweatshirts off, you’re burning up.”
“No.” He protested, “‘m cold.”
“I know baby, I do. But you’re not going to get better if we don’t get your temperature down.” He sighed but knew she was right, so he allowed her to pull both of his sweatshirts over his head before curling back into her.
“Alright, I’ll be here, you can go to sleep now.”
“Promise you aren’t leaving?”
“I promise, sweetheart.”
It took him a matter of seconds to go back to sleep and y/n sat there peacefully, staring at the wall lost in her thoughts. Jack opened the door and her gaze shifted over to where he was standing, “How’s he doing?” 
“Not good, I think his temperature has gotten worse. If it’s still bad tomorrow, we’re probably gonna have to take him to the doctor.”
He nodded, “You going to be okay?”
“My legs might go numb, but if he wants to sleep here, I’m not going to  say anything.”
❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜
•❅ 《 𝘉𝘖𝘕𝘜𝘚 𝘚𝘊𝘌𝘕𝘌 》 ❅•
The door clicked open and Luke walked into the house, still trying to figure out if he just imagined y/n’s car outside their house. He took off his shoes and walked into the living room finding his brothers and his girlfriend sleeping on the couch. He raised an eyebrow and went to go to his bedroom but stopped when he heard his name. He looked back and saw Quinn standing up, “She came over about an hour or two ago.”
“Oh, I wish she would’ve texted me, I would’ve come home.”
“She got into a fight with her parents.” Luke’s eyes softened and his lips turned downwards, “Oh.”
“She was pretty torn up, we got her one of your hoodies and some ice cream and then she crashed. I’ll wake Jack up and you guys can have the couch.”
“Thank you.”
Quinn lightly shook Jack awake, who jumped in response. He was immediately shushed and his eyes followed his older brother’s finger to where Luke was standing. He nodded and got up, the two of them making their way to their respective bedrooms. The younger one sat down on the couch, running a hand through his girlfriend’s hair. Y/n stirred slightly and blinked her eyes open slowly. Her eyes focused on her boyfriend, shifting closer to him, “Hi.”
“Hey, sweetheart. I heard you got into a fight again?”
She nodded and closed her eyes as Luke ran his fingers through her hair. He frowned but knew that she wouldn’t want to talk about it much not only because she was asleep, but mainly because he knew she would lose it and be embarrassed even more than she had been earlier. He let her sleep in her lap and y/n was grateful for it. 
They never needed to share any words when something was wrong, they just knew what it was or when it happened and were there for each other. Whether it was Luke when he was sick or y/n when she got into a fight with her family, the two were by each other’s side as soon as they needed to be. And that’s what made them fit together.
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⬂ 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗝𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗲𝘆 𝗗𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗹𝘀 𝗧𝗮𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 ⬂
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ficthots · 3 months
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A/N: Well, it's happened. I am out of hockey fic retirement to bring ya'll this wonderfully delicious Matty smut. I mean, he's now a Stanley Cup champion...it's only right! As always let me know what you guys think and enjoy!
Word Count: 1.4k+
Warnings: SMUT. 18+ content only. DNI if under 18
3:23 AM. 
The clock on the bedside table displayed what a whirlwind of a day it had been. A life changing day, really. The battle was over and the victors were celebrating. Your husband was celebrating. Now his legacy was permanently etched in NHL history. The biggest feat of his life. 
Matthew Tkachuk was a Stanley Cup champion. 
You were amazed that you had made it back to the house at all that night. Given that some of the team were still out and about celebrating their win. Matt had wandered into the ensuite just minutes before, giving you plenty of time to prepare. 
Prepare what exactly? Your celebratory activity for him. 
Wearing only a Panthers jersey, and only the jersey, you laid across the king mattress, waiting for your spouse to come and find you.
The feelings you had been experiencing all evening were practically indescribable. Truly, is there anything better than watching your favorite person in the world fulfill all of his lifelong dreams right before your very eyes?
Standing to the side as he embraced his brother, sister, mom, and dad, your eyes were rimmed with unshed happy tears. When his gaze finally set on you, you watched the pure unfiltered joy emanating from him. He had you wrapped up in his arms and placed the most knee weakening, heart pounding, clit throbbing kiss on you that you had ever experienced. 
He was gone in the blink of an eye, pulled away to celebrate this moment with his teammates. You watched on, cheering the entire time, feeling as though the wind had been knocked out of you.
Now, he was finally all yours once more. With the light turning off behind him, he halted in his tipsy steps to see you. His jaw flexed, eyes growing instantly darker. “So, what does a girl have to do around here to sleep with a Stanley Cup champ?” 
He slowly stalked towards the bed, shirt already discarded, only wearing his tight boxer briefs which did little to hide the raging hard on he was sporting. His movements were excruciating, simply burning to feel his touch on you, anywhere. 
Hovering over you, arms braced on either side of your body, the loose jersey sitting high on your thighs, his eyes raked over your figure. He hummed, a deep low rumble from deep within his chest. Your breathing was already growing ragged, short, anticipation building as his brows furrowed. 
Fingers grabbing the fabric on you, lifting it ever so slightly from your body, he let it fall back without exposing you. “What do you want, baby? Hmm?” Your lips darted out, moistening your lips quickly.
His deep blue eyes locked onto yours, lowering his head to seal himself to you. It was sweet, gentle, the exact opposite of what you were expecting. Parting your lips, your tongue slowly moved from your mouth to his, sweeping seductively over his own. The taste of beer and liquor still heavily covered him. 
A whimper escaped your throat as your slow makeout session slowly built in pressure. His roaming hands left your waist before tangling themselves in your hair. Sitting up to reach him further, your hands landed on his chiseled torso, rock hard beneath the warm embrace of you. 
Speaking through kisses, his voice was ragged and desperate. “Take it off for me, baby, please. I need to see you, mama.” His fingers gripped the hem, helping you deposit the discarded jersey to a heap on the floor. 
Laying flat on the bed below, his eyes bounced around, not sure where they needed to land. It took every ounce of strength he had to stand up and watch you. “Spread your legs,” you didn’t hesitate. Knees parting, your dripping core was on display for him.
Knowing what to do next, your fingers sat on your tongue for a few seconds, moving lower. You jumped in surprise at the electric shock that jolted through you when the pads of your fingers reached your clit. 
An unfiltered moan slipped from you, watching as Matty shook his head. “Be quiet. We have a house full of family that could hear every single little noise you make. Does that turn you on? You fucking slut,” his own hand dipped into his briefs, slowly starting to stroke himself. 
You bit your tongue, rubbing slow circles on your nub, slipping further down to plunge a finger into your soaking cunt. A gasp escaped, but you swallowed it down. Matthew had never seen such an angelic site before. 
There you were, on display for him, playing with yourself. Your hair splayed around you in a near perfect halo. His wife. His real prize. Although, he had to admit, bringing that Stanley Cup home was a damn close second. 
“Matty, honey, please.” He loved hearing your needy voice beg. Begging for him to fuck you senseless. He was holding off as much as he could. He had finally removed that last layer of his clothing, squeezing his dick to dribble out even more precum to assist with his jerking.
His teeth sank into his lip, finally pouncing on you. It was messy and disgusting, the exchange of saliva between you two. Dripping from your chin, clawing at his back to attempt to bring him as physically close as possible. 
Yet, the tip of his cock rubbed against you, refusing to enter where you needed him most. Panting together, his fingers tweaked your perked nipples, mouth enclosing around you, nearly taking your entire breast. Your head flew back, eyes squeezed shut, his hand clamped over your mouth to keep your noises at bay. 
Lips landed on your tits, sternum, the soft flesh of your stomach, before his mouth closed around your nub. “Baby, I want,” you were struggling to get your words out between the lapping at your slit and the harsh sucking of your clit. His meaty fingers sank into you, two at a time, and began pumping.
He kissed the inside of your thigh, your knee, speaking in a teasing way. “What’s that, mama? What do you want?” His shit eating smirk lit you up in flames, locking eyes as he ravished your cunt. “Use your words,” he nearly sang to you. 
“I wanna suck you off,” he continued for another minute or so, entirely ignoring your request. Finally, he removed himself from you, inching towards you, his swollen cock aching for attention.
You didn’t wait, enveloping him into your warm and welcoming mouth. His eyes instantly fluttered shut, hand grabbing a fist full of hair as he began face fucking you. “Take it, baby. Take it all for me,” you greedily accepted. You had him fully in you, the tip of your nose brushing against his well maintained hair. 
It went on like this for what felt like seconds only before he pulled back, gasping for air. “No, I can’t cum in your mouth. Need your pussy.” In the brief moment when you caught your breath and let your eyes slip shut, he had moved and was sinking deep into you. 
“God fucking dammit,” he hissed, knowing he wasn’t going to be able to last too long tonight. “Fuck me, Matty. Show me how a champion would pound this pussy.” It was like lighting a fire from within, he began fucking you senselessly. 
You had never cum so much in your life. It felt like the entire time was spent enveloped in the most wonderful orgasm you had ever experienced. Knowing the dirty words leaving his mouth was no aid to you. Being completely wrapped up in him was always the best thing in the world, Matty filling all of your senses.
There was nowhere else you would rather be. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Exclaiming as he emptied himself into you. He was shaky, arms no longer able to hold himself up, he collapsed onto you. Your hands traced lazy circles on his back, fingers dancing along his scalp. You peppered kisses all over him, wherever you could reach.
“I’m so proud of you, baby.” You whispered to him in the darkness, he snuggled closer to you, breathing you in. Grounding him back to reality, knowing that as of tonight his life was no longer the same. 
Matthew Tkacuck was a Stanley Cup champion. But he knew that he held his prize every night when he slept. He was only able to murmur out a I love you so fucking much before the snores echoed into the room.
Tomorrow held all sorts of promise and you couldn’t wait. 
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sashi-ya · 11 months
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𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟐𝟑 DAY 28: FLESHLIGHT adult! Ichigo x F! Reader x adult! Uryu
requested by: anon ➡ would you write a fic for day 28 with Uryu and Ichigo and a afab! reader? thanks! wc: mdni. ichigo and uryu are adults. threesome. using reader as "a fleshlight". DP. some homoerotic action, but very subtle (you can think what you want), oral, creampie implied. wc: 1,7k masterlist.
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Drunk, but not with alcohol. Lovers, haters… enemies, brothers.
The gathering had concluded. Their friends have taken their leaves. And the last one to abandon Ichigo’s house, was, of course, Uryu.
The tangerine haired young man plays on his bed, with some particular gaming console. He bounces his right foot, as he do… unaware of the blue haze that’s about to struck him.
“Kurosaki!” he screams, snatching his Switch from his hands. Ishida, a young soon to become doctor, forces Ichigo to stand up all of a sudden from his bed.
“What the fuck? Give it back, it’s not mine!” Ichigo protests, trying to reach for the console.
Uryu puts it down the desk as well as his glasses, and immediately after pounces on his friend.
“I told you once and a thousand times to stop flirting with (Name). I fucking hate you” Uryu grunts, trying to hit his friend but getting his fists stopped by Ichigo’s quick reaction.
As the ginger boy holds the onyx haired one’s wrists, he tries to understand what was exactly happening.
Uryu seems to have tears on his eyes. After all that happened, after the emotional spiral that they both had to face when younger, this felt to the Quincy like the worst of treacheries.
“Stop. STOP ISHIDA. I haven’t been flirting with her! I am not into (Name), why are you- STOP!” Ichigo tries to inject some reason into Uryu’s mind -even if he lies-. But the Quincy looks now more like a rabid cat than a man.
“I am tired of your shit… I am- why? Why would you… I saw you hugging her, I saw her sitting on your lap tonight…” Uryu mumbles, finally falling over his friend chest. He has ran out of strength, and the depression wins against confrontation.
Ichigo sighs. He, for sure, didn’t realize how bad his actions could hurt his friend. He proceeds to place his hand on Uryu’s not so wide back and lets him calm down with the safe embrace of someone he used to hate but loves as a brother.
“It wasn’t at all my intention. I’m sorry” Ichigo whispers.
Uryu clenching to his friend’s white shirt, stays carving his nose into Ichigo’s chest.
“I know…” he murmurs, almost like a little kid.
“Ichigo I think I forgot my – oh-“ you stop yourself right by the entrance of the substitute Shinigami’s door.
Truth is, you weren’t expecting to interrupt such an intimate moment. But it certainly startled you… while it was expected for them to love each other like brothers, sharing a bed in such conditions caught you by surprise.
Immediately after, they both separate and start stuttering to explain you something. You, on your side, don’t really need much explanation… though it was a little disappointing in a way that they were together; after all, you were actually struggling because you seem to like both.
“It’s ok guys! I am not telling anyone unless you say so! I am happy for you two. I think I forgot my Nintendo switch in here, but I will text you tomorrow!” you quickly say, trying to go away as soon as possible… as much as you liked both, and the scenario represented a pleasant homoerotic imagery, you weren’t invited to their “after party”
Ichigo pushes Ishida to the side, and fast enough stops you from walking. His strong hand around your wrist, makes you internally shiver.
“Listen, you are getting it all wrong! We weren’t doing that. We were just fighting!” he tries to explain, a little too desperate for you to believe in him.
You look at him, up and down. Ichigo looks visibly troubled, his breathing accelerated, and his hand clenching to you intensifies.
Soon, he is not the only one trying to stop you from leaving… and maybe, also trying to move Ichigo away.
“(Name)! I am not into men! Much less Kurosaki… I… In fact, I…”  Uryu stutters and closes his beautiful deep blue eyes for some seconds before continuing. “In fact, I am into you. I want you. We were having a discussion because of you!”
Ichigo and you widen your eyes; despite his friend knowing, it was still a big deal for Ishida to finally confess in such way.
You take some time to even react, however your eyes fix into his with shining stars.
“Uryu I… I…” you try to think for the right words; you like him, but you like Ichigo as well… and he hasn’t let you go, either.
All of a sudden, the sweet voice of Ichigo breaks the silence. While being pulled to your left by Ishida, you are being pulled by him to the right.
“(Name), I like you too!” he confesses. Leaving you all doubly perplexed. “Chose one of us, the other will back up”
Ishida, who instantly realizes he wasn’t wrong, decides to focus on you before attacking Ichigo for lying to him. While Ichigo, looks away with a slight blush on his cheeks you haven’t seen before.
A wild idea comes to your mind… why choosing, if you can have both?
“I won’t chose” you speak. They both look at you defeated. “Share me” you purr. They both let your wrists go. “I want to be used by both of you” you finish.
And with no mediation, you are surrounded by two needy creatures; both driven by desire. Apparently lust can help the differences set in between two men in a blink of an eye.
You receive kisses on each side of your neck, their playful noses inhaling the scent of your skin and sometimes their fingers even meeting as they slide on your belly.
Slowly, but surely, your clothes end up on the floor and in between kissing, biting, and moaning you fall into Ichigo’s bed.
The Quincy(ies) and Shinigami gloat to see your legs falling a little spread, your arms behind to help your back remain a little erect and the bouncing of your breasts.
“I am going first” Ichigo grunts. “No fucking way, I am going first” Uryu growls. “Didn’t I tell you I wanted for you to share me while you use me?” you moan, spreading your legs wide open to flash them with the very tempting entrance to heaven.
Ichigo and Uryu look each other, and run to you with no hesitation. Both jumped in the bed, with Ishida in between your legs and Ichigo kneeling right next to your face.
While the dark haired one fingers your entrance and uses his tongue to trace circles around your clit, you choke with the dripping merciless sex of Ichigo.
“Use her like a fleshlight” Ichigo claims in between panting, as his dick reached the back of your throat, and you gag.
Ishida stops, leaving his lips posed on your femineity as he looks at Ichigo with eyes on fire. He is probably questioning Ichigo for those words, that indeed don’t sound like him at all.
You stop the oral delight, and with lips still shiny from Ichigo’s precum you moan; “Please… let me be your fleshlight, Ishida-kun ~”
Uryu closes his eyes and sighs loudly; his breathe cools the juices of your cunt and you squirm. He then proceeds to stand up and opens his shirt, while his pants fall to the ground and are sent flying to the other side of Ichigo’s room.
The Quincy looks at you, with his dick in his hand. You are so glad to finally discover what’s beneath that particular clothes of his. His delicate hand lifts his shirt just above his belly, exposing soft marked abs over pale skin.
He then, as he kneels back in between your legs, wipes the little drops of sweat on his forehead moving his black bangs to the side.
“A fleshlight you said? Like a piece of silicone? Is that what you wanna be for me, (Name)?” he asks, serious than ever, with trembling lips of desire and want.
“Ye-yes, like your beautiful little doll to fuck, Ishida-kun” you purr, and feel how Ichigo’s fingers bury, pinching your cheeks.
“God, (Name)… how can you be that much of a slut?” he asks, pumping his dick, with the veins of his hand protruding visibly.
You smirk at him, with puppy eyes and sticking your tongue out. You are ready to receive his load on it, as well as Ishida’s sex penetrating you really good.
And it’s actually even better than what you were expecting; Ishida’s hands slide down your waist to the small of your back to lift your hips up. You can feel his hardness entering you, stretching your walls, going deeper the more he bucks your hips up… because he knows exactly how to make you moan.
“Ah… fuck…” you swear, as cumming has became an imminent happening. “Are you cuming, mh? Are Ishida’s thrusts that good, baby?” Ichigo asks, on the verge of bathing you with his seed. “Bet both dicks inside of you will feel amazing, mh?”
You turn your eyes white, imagining to be double penetrated by them had to be the last push for you to jump into the abyss of climax.
You feel the warmth blessing of the Strawberry Shinigami on your mouth, overflowing the limits of your lips and running through your cheeks, neck, chest, breasts.
You taste the salty product, and even choke with it. Uryu’s rams are violent, so improper, so out of character of what he might look like he could do… they are literally merciless; he is using your cunt as a real fleshlight.
You tremble, every muscle in your body spasms, and orgasm hits you like never before. You grip to the sheets, but regardless you cuming, Uryu keeps fucking you.
“Ishida, lay back, let’s fuck her together” Ichigo suggests -orders-; Uryu obeys, fighting on the verge of climax won’t do for him.
As his back hit the bed, Ichigo manages to crawl behind you and lifts you up from your arms. You, still cumming, almost losing conscious from overstimulation are now on top of Uryu -whose hips haven’t stopped fucking you yet-
“Now, bend a little over him (Name)” Ichigo helps you, while your arms have reached his nape from behind.
A single hand is enough for him to guide his dick inside you, shamelessly grazing his friend’s.
“Kurosaki…” Uryu grunts, staying still just enough for his shinigami friend to fit inside.
“Ishida- not now” he grunts, moving you back to the previous position. Both, inside of you, now feels like exploding your overstimulated womb. A womb asking to be blessed by more than one race…
“Guys… please, don’t stop ~” “No worries, (Name)… you are just like our favourite toy”
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taglist: @miabiaria @carmenthedreamer @stygianoir @electronicwitchcollection @aizenwifey @deputy-videogamer @efrodd17 @mizugami @uzxotic @cyberdazetragedy @bookandyarndragon @fushiguroshotwife💖
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all can we get a part 4 of all i wanted was you when they have a baby 😩😩 that would be so cute
Love - Chapter 1
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
Janelle is played by Justine Skye
Hopefully this is only 2 chapters but you know me lol it might be more.
Sequel to All I Need Is You: Read Here
Taglist: @christinabae @southerngirl41 @reci24 @jeyusos-girl @jeyusosgirl @melaninsugababy @baconeggndcheez @bemybabiibish @jstarr86 @nbanenefrmdao @purplehairgawdess @arination99 @alyyaanna @m3llowww @gomussy @jeysbae @hennyyybarb @babysyhsy @bebesobrielo
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“I think I'm pregnant.” Janelle said out of the blue, causing Trinity and Sefa’s wife Maya to choke on their drinks and look over at her. 
“Girl what! What do you mean you think?”  Janelle sighed and looked over to where Josh was playing football with his brothers and some of his cousins. Josh and Janelle had just moved into a new house and Josh had wanted to throw a housewarming party. 
“I mean we haven’t been able to keep our hands off each other lately and my period is late.”  Trinity sat up in her lawn chair and stared at Janelle. 
“Did you take a test?” Janelle shook her head. “Why not?” 
“Because..” She said trailing off and shrugging her shoulders. 
“I mean you and Josh moved into a bigger house for a reason right?” Maya asked, arching her eyebrow. Janelle rolled her eyes. 
“Yeah, better schools in this county for Xavi and more backyard space for stuff like this.” She said, nodding her head towards the backyard, where damn near all of Josh’s family had gathered. 
Trinity rolled her eyes. “Ok if the last part was true y’all could’ve gotten a house with 4 bedrooms like the old house, instead yall got 6 bedrooms. What y'all need 6 bedrooms for?” 
Janelle sighed and looked back over at Josh. “I bought the test. I’m just scared to take it.” Trinity jumped to her feet and grabbed Janelle pulling her into the house and Maya followed them. 
“Come on, take the test.” Janelle let Trinity lead her to the bedroom. 
“Lock the door behind you.” Janelle said to Maya as she walked over to her dresser and pulled the pregnancy test out. She looked over and Trinity who pointed to the bathroom door. Janelle ground as she made her way to the bathroom. 
What if she was pregnant? She wanted to have kids with Josh but what if she wasn’t a good mom? What if she actually turned out to be like her mom? 
She jumped when the timer on her phone went off. She wiped her palms on her tights before standing up off the toilet and grabbing the test. She let out a gasp when she seen the plus sign. 
She jumped again when Trinity called her name . “J? What's taking so long?” 
Janelle opened the door and handed Trinity the test. “I’m pregnant.”  Maya gasped and tried to contain her smile.  Maya looked between Trinity and Janelle. Trinity had a wide smile on her face and was bouncing on her toes. Janelle looked scared. Her eyes were wide and she was shaking a bit. 
“Janelle, calm down.” Maya said as she grabbed a hold of Janelle’s hands and let her over to the bed. “Here, sit down.” Janelle sat down and stared down at the test in her hands. Pregnant… She was pregnant. 
“What am I going to do?” She asked looking up at Maya and Trinity. 
“Well for now we’re going to go back outside and continue on with the party. Then you’ll tell Josh and you guys will decide from there.” Maya said rubbing Janelles shoulder comfortably. “Everything is going to be okay.” 
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Josh’s face was scrunched up in confusion as he looked around for Janelle. Maya and Trinity were missing too. 
“Hey, have you seen Janelle?” He asked one of his aunties who shook her head. Josh shrugged and made his way into the house, needing to use the bathroom. He decided to use the one in his bedroom. Before he could open the door he heard Trin, Maya and Janelle talking. 
He knew that It was wrong to listen in on their conversation but Janelle had been acting off all day. His eyebrows furrowed when he heard Janelle ask what she was going to do. He was about to walk away when the door opened and Janelle stood in front of him. 
“Josh. What are you doing?” She asked, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Me? I was coming to use the bathroom. What are you doing?” He asked, peeking into the room. 
“Talking.” She said as Maya and Trinity walked out of the room, giving them privacy. 
“About what?” He asked and she sighed. It was now or never. 
“I’m pregnant.” She blurted out. He froze mid stride. 
“Josh?” She said when he didn’t move. She got off the bed and walked towards his placing a hand on his shoulder, breaking him out of his trance. 
“I uh. I have to pee.” He said pointing towards the bathroom and walking in, shutting the door. Janelle stared at the closed door, she honestly didn’t know how to feel about his reaction. She sighed and plopped down on the bed, resting her head in her hands. She looked up when the bathroom door opened and Josh walked out the bathroom. 
“So” He said, coming and squatting down in front of her. “We’re having a baby.” She nodded. 
“Yeah I think.” She whispered. “Are you okay?” 
“Are you okay?” He countered with. Grabbing her hands and squeezing them. She nodded again. 
“Yeah I'm just..” She trailed off shrugging. “Scared I guess.” He placed a kiss on the back of her hand, 
“That's understandable J.” He stood up and pulled her to her feet. He placed his hands on her stomach and smiled at her. “I love you.” She smiled and placed her hands over his. 
“I love you too.” 
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“Are you okay?” She asked placing her hand on his knee so he would stop bouncing it. He nodded and shifted in his seat. 
“Yeah, I just wish they hurry up.”  She laughed and looked back at the magazine she was reading. 
“Josh, we only been here for 5 minutes, relax.” He huffed at her and shifted in his seat again. She let out a sigh of relief when she heard her name being called. She and Josh stood up and followed the worker into one of the exam rooms. 
“So I see you’re here because you took a pregnancy test ?” She asked typing on the computer. 
“Yes. We just wanted to make sure it’s not a false positive.” The nurse nodded her head and typed something else. 
“Completely understandable.” She turned in her chair and smiled at Janelle and Josh. “I’ll be right back.” She said getting up and walking out the door. 
Janelle nodded and let out a breath that she was holding. She looked over at Josh who smiled at her. “You good?” He asked her and she nodded. 
They both looked towards the door when it opened and the nurse walked in handing Janelle a urine cup. “The bathroom is this way, you can follow me.” 
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“How long does it normally take?” Josh asked once Janelle came back in the room. She shrugged and sat down on the chair next to him. 
“I don’t know.” She said chewing on her bottom lip. “It shouldn’t be that long.”  He grabbed her hand and squeezed it. 
“No matter what. I love you Janelle.” 
“I love you too Joshua.” She said as she leaned over to kiss him. They broke apart once the door opened and the nurse walked in. 
“Hi Ms Porter. So I have your results and you are indeed pregnant.” Janelle let out the breath that she had been holding. “I sent some prenatal vitamins over to the pharmacy we have on file just make sure you take one every morning, preferably in the morning and make sure you take it with food, never on an empty stomach.”  Janelle nodded and smiled at Josh when he placed a hand on her stomach. 
“Let's set you up for a follow up appointment.” Josh leaned over and kissed Janelle on her cheek. 
“We havin’ a baby Nelle.” 
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Hey guys. I've been working on this for a minute. Hopefully you all enjoy ❤️
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thatfanfictionchick · 2 years
Roommate Wanted
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[time skip]Kei Tsukishima x f!Reader
Rating: 18+; Explicit
Warnings: oh shit okay Tsukki being a charming ass; Reader gets carried; Brief cameo of a toxic ex boyfriend; Brief description of a toxic relationship; We have to cuddle to stay warm trope; oh shit I forgot Pet names like nobody's business (sweetheart, angel, princess); Vaginal fingering; Unprotected vaginal intercourse; Light choking; Spit kink if you squint and don't blink;
Word count: 10570
Notes: *yeets this bitch like I'm angry* MY GOD TAKE THIS FUCKER OFF MY HANDS HE HAS BEEN TAKING UP SPACE IN MY MIND AND MY DRAFTS FOR WAY TO FUCKING LONG. 10k words might be child's play to some but to me it is HOLY FUCK the longest thing I've ever written. Yes I made him unnecessarily slightly taller than in canon because I can. It's almost 3am just take it and go. There might be fuckups and plot holes but that's your problem now.
Kei Tsukishima hadn’t been your first choice of roommate. 
When you arrived on campus it was only to be told that due to a system glitch you had not been placed in the student housing like you’d anticipated, and every room was full. You had been approved for the part time job you wanted, but it definitely didn’t pay enough to afford a place off campus on your own.
You spent hours in the counselor's office to no avail. Stepping out into a glorious spring afternoon you decided to call your older sister, nearly bursting into tears when she answered the phone. “What am I gonna dooo?!” you wailed, leaning dramatically against a tree lining the walkway after having told her the whole terrible story.
“You know what?” You could hear her tapping thoughtfully on the other end. “If I remember right a friend of mine’s brother is attending there too, and he’s got a place off campus. His roommate moved over the summer so he might need a new one!” There was a brief pause and then “Would...that be okay with you?”
“YES!” you yelled. “As long as he’s not a creep I don’t mind! Just help meee!”
With a hurried goodbye your sister hung up and you wandered campus aimlessly, bouncing nervously on your toes as you walked. You’d never lived with a guy before. You’d stayed the night and long weekends with previous boyfriends, but never anything serious. And when you started to get nervous you tried to remind yourself that, if this were to work out, your sister was friends with his brother, so it wasn’t like just moving in with a total total stranger. You were contemplating lunch when your phone rang, an unfamiliar number popping up on the screen. You nearly dropped it in your haste to answer.
“Hey! This is Akiteru. Your sister tells me you’re in need of a place to stay?” His voice sounded familiar. You know you’ve seen this guy before, but you can’t quite remember his face.
“I am!”
“Cool.” he said. “My brother has a room at his place, it’s about a ten minute walk from the school. He’s home now, if you want to go check it out.”
You were nearly vibrating with anticipation as Akiteru promised to send the address and let his brother know you were coming. Everything was going fine until just before he hung up. “Don’t let Kei’s rudeness put you off, he’s actually got a heart of gold in there somewhere.” Akiteru said with a laugh. “Good luck!” You stared at your phone, the dial tone still ringing in your ears.
“I guess rude is better than creepy, right?” you muttered to yourself.
The walk was pleasant, taking you past a convenience store and a small coffee shop, through a vibrant neighborhood to a three story apartment building. The apartment was on the top floor and next to the street, so it was easy to find. You knew you were fidgeting as you knocked on the door and took a deep breath, letting it out in a forceful huff. A moment later the door swung open, and you were very sure your mouth briefly fell open before you managed to snap it shut.
Tall. Taaaalll. You forced yourself to look away from the long limbs, eyes flicking over the lean torso to land on the passive face looking down at you. “Hi,” you breathed rather stupidly. The goldenrod eyes narrowed ever so slightly behind the half rim glasses as he cocked one brow and you cleared your throat to try again. “Tsukishima, right? Your brother-”
“You’re here for the room.” He stepped back and gestured for you to come in, closing the door behind you while you took your shoes off. There was no emotion in his voice to indicate how he felt about your arrival. You’d be lying if you didn’t admit you thought he was intimidating right off the bat. He didn’t say anything as he led you through the living room and you took the opportunity to survey the neat simple furniture. The TV was on the large side, which was nice. The living room opened up into a small kitchen and dining area and from there was a single hallway. There were four doors; the farthest on the left and the one at the end of the hall were closed, the one on the right was a bathroom, the open one on the left was the bedroom. It was a little on the smaller side with a plain wooden dresser and a simple white bed frame with a bare mattress.
"If you want a new mattress you'll have to buy it yourself." He leaned against the door frame and folded his arms across his chest. His glasses glinted in the light and you were distinctly reminded of an anime villain.
"That's fine." You stepped into the room and opened the closet. It was tiny, but you weren't in the position to be picky. "How much?"
"32000¥ plus your share of utilities. You're responsible for your own food. The laundry is on the ground floor." He was talking like you'd already agreed to move in. Well he wasn't exactly wrong, it wasn't like you had any other choice at this point. Your eyes flickered over his face again. His blond curls could almost fool you into thinking he had an angelic nature. 
"Kay, I'm in." You threaded your fingers together behind your back and stepped closer to him. "What are the rules?"
"Easy." Hands in his pockets he stepped closer too, forcing you to look up at him. "Leave me alone, don't make a lot of noise, clean up after yourself, and don't fuck anyone on my couch."
You were so caught up in thinking about how rude rule #1 was it took you a moment to process rule #4. "Excuse me?!" you choked. "On your...has that been a regular problem for you?"
“Only if I make it one.” The words spoken in his deadpan tone nearly had you wheezing. Then you spotted the way his lips curled the smallest bit at the corner and your eyes narrowed. Was this lanky fucker really taking shots at you like this before you’d even moved in?
You returned his miniscule smirk with one of your own. “I don’t know that I like you, Kei Tsukishima.” 
“Good.” His smile broadened. “Where did you leave your stuff?”
It was as if a bolt of lightning had struck you and your eyes unfocused as you tried to wrestle with the blossoming realization of your inattentiveness. “I...left it at the school.” Tsukishima laughed and turned on his heel to walk away.
“You have fun with that.”
Rude didn’t begin to cover it. Tsukishima Kei was a certified Grade A asshole.
Between school, homework, work, and reconnecting with friends you didn’t see Tsukki again for several weeks. If it weren’t for the revolving food that you saw in the fridge and the occasional piece of mail he left on the table you wouldn’t even be sure he actually shared the same living space.
It was the first weekend in March when you finally decided to make actual use of the living room instead of going out with friends or losing yourself at the library. After a long bath you dressed in loose sweatpants and a tank top and turned on the TV. Tsukki was apparently subscribed to several streaming services, but what caught your eye was the name of the DVD currently inserted: Jurassic Park.
“Poggers,” you muttered excitedly as you pushed play. Hurrying to your room for a blanket you then ducked into the pantry to grab a white peach castella cake you’d picked up at the convenience store a few days ago and hadn’t had time to eat. It was your favorite and you were always on the lookout for them. However you were so quickly absorbed in the movie that you’d hardly touched it when, as the T-Rex savaged one unfortunate bloodsucking lawyer, the front door opened. You didn’t look away from the screen, instead catching sight of the tall frame of your roommate from your peripheral as he took off his shoes and hung up his jacket.
“Hi, Tsukki.” You were so focused on the carnage that you didn’t realize you had called him the name you reserved in your head. He paused, lips pressing together like he wasn’t sure whether to correct you or not before deciding to let it go, just this once.
Momentarily forgetting who you were living with you weren’t surprised when he joined you, sitting on the opposite end of the couch and resting one long leg on the coffee table. He eyed the cake in your hands, wondering if he should chastise you for eating on the couch. “What is that?”
“Peach castella.” Out of habit, as if he actually were your friend, you offered him the quarter eaten cake. “Want some?”
“No.” He didn’t even try to conceal the disgust in his tone.
"Rude!" But he noticed the way your lips curled as you lifted it to your mouth. "Girls don't actually have cooties, ya know." you chided playfully a minute later.
"With you I'd rather not take my chances."
"Dick!" You burst into laughter and the sneer on his face only widened when you snorted, nearly choking on your own saliva.
Tsukki was absolutely the meanest-for-no-reason person you'd ever met, and you'd only had all of two brief conversations with him. But he also radiated some kind of ridiculous charisma, and after you settled back down, making a vulgar gesture in the process which he pretended not to notice, the silence that fell between you was comfortable. Even after being insulted, something about his presence had a relaxing effect on you.
"I don't like peach cake." He said abruptly 20 minutes later. It took you a moment to realize he'd actually spoken. He was relaxed into the couch, his jaw propped on his fist as his gaze remained on the television. His profile looked soft in the afternoon light through the gauzy curtains.
"What kind do you like?" you asked.
Tsukki was chewing his tongue. He honestly wasn't sure why he'd suddenly volunteered that tidbit and he didn't want to offer you any more information about himself. He didn't need more people involved with his life. "None of your business." 
"Tsukishima!" He was caught off guard by your sharp tone, turning curious amber eyes on you. "C’mon, man." You looked half amused, half exasperated. "I've been a good, quiet, clean roommate. I haven't even fucked myself on your couch." His eyebrows lifted but you ignored it. "I don't think asking what kind of cake you like is overstepping."
He didn't say anything. Instead he stared at you, his eyes hard and searching. Like he was actually looking at you for the first time. He didn’t answer, just turned his attention back to the movie and you followed suit. You were curious but weren’t willing to pry. If he wanted to maintain a hard wall then you’d just get used to it. The silence remained until the end of the movie when you stretched widely as the end credits began to roll.
“Such a good movie!” you exclaimed. “We totally need the rest.”
“I have the rest.” Tsukki mumbled. Your head snapped in his direction, your eyes wide.
“Can we watch them?” There was such juvenile excitement in your voice and when he looked over the sparkle in your eyes made his ears feel hot.
“We?” he said haughtily.
“You got anything better to do today?”
He huffed and rolled his eyes, looking surprisingly elegant given his mile long limbs as he stood up and walked away without a backwards glance. You shook your head watching him go, assuming this was his way of dismissing you. With a sigh you sagged onto the couch, grabbing your phone to scroll through Twitter for a bit when suddenly Tsukki came back, a large dinosaur emblazoned box in his hand. It was one of those fancy box sets, the metal of the box glinting in the light. Your mouth formed a small ‘o’ before breaking into a grin as he knelt in front of the entertainment center, his long fingers carefully changing the discs in the blu-ray player. You fluffed the decorative pillow and snuggled into the corner of the couch as he rejoined you, your glee unrestrained as he started the second movie, this time kicking both legs over the coffee table.
But Tsukki had one more surprise in store for you. As the opening scene played out, the low tone of his voice caught your attention once more. “It’s strawberry shortcake.” You turned wide eyes on him but he refused to look away from the screen. “My favorite cake.” he clarified after a moment. A small smile softened your eyes.
“Was that so hard?” you cooed.
“Shut up.”
A few days later Tsukki, having picked up dinner after volleyball practice, went to put the leftovers in the fridge and was surprised to see a whole strawberry shortcake on his shelf. There was a small note taped to the lid:
For Saltyshima
(Don't get all bigheaded it was on sale)
A smile tugged at his lips. You were such a pain in the ass, he thought. Why you wanted to try so hard to be friendly he didn't understand. So bothersome, just like the others in his life.
Two days after that you came home in a terrible mood. You'd been late to your first class, you'd rolled your ankle when you slipped on some stairs, you'd forgotten your wallet so you hadn't been able to buy lunch, and to top it all off it had started to rain on your way home. All you wanted was to take a long hot bath and maybe cry, you weren’t quite set on that yet. Slouching into the pantry to grab a quick bite you were surprised to find a small stack of peach cakes in the basket that housed your assorted snacks. They definitely had not been there the day before. There was a post-it note stuck to the top, Tsukki’s small neat writing gracing the paper.
Who needs a sale when you’re this cheap.
You snorted and started giggling, which quickly turned to full on gut-busting laughter. Leave it to Tsukki to be salty as hell even when doing something nice.
You discovered Tsukki’s “secret” by accident. You decided to cut through the gym building one day on your way to meet a friend for a study date, the sharp squeal of rubber on the gleaming flooring and the occasional loud smack of something hitting the ground with force drawing you the opposite direction down the hall to see what was going on. You peeked around the door, head tilted at the chaotic scene of moving bodies. They all moved so fast, a sort of grace to the sheer force of their actions. Your eyes ping-ponged around the room, trying to get a good look at the blur of faces to see if you recognized any of them. And then a face wearing a pair of athletic goggles caught your attention, and you felt the momentary slack of your jaw.
“Tsukki?!” Those mile long arms and distractingly large hands were doing one hell of a job blocking the ball, and without a second thought you dashed down the hall to the door for the stairs leading up to the gym seating. Trying not to trip you pulled out your phone and texted your friend, telling her to come meet you a.s.a.p. There was a scattered crowd watching the practice and you picked a seat right at the front, leaning forward on your knees to watch intensely. So this is why Tsukki was almost never home, you realized. He was practicing. You barely noticed when your friend slid into the seat next to you.
“I didn’t know you like volleyball?” she said.
“I didn’t know Tsukki was on the team.” You looked over in time to see her brows pinch together.
“Tsukishima?” she asked, confused.
“Uh, yeah?” You tilted your head at her. “My roommate Tsukishima?”
Her eyes opened wide and she grabbed your knee. “Your roommate is the Kei Tsukishima?!”
You made a face and threw your hands in the air. “Girl how many Kei Tsukishima’s do you think are wandering around this school!”
A rise in yelling from the court had you looking back down just in time to see Tsukki spike the ball over the net, the force of it hitting the ground like a small explosion. Before you could stop yourself you’d jumped to your feet, throwing your arms in the air and yelling “Hell yeah Tsukishima!” His entire being physically convulsed as he reeled around, eyes swiping across the seats before landing on you.
“What the hell are you doing here?” he yelled, looking as ruffled as you’d ever seen him. His already curly hair was downright unruly, a bead of sweat dripping off his chin. He grabbed the bottom of his shirt and lifted it to wipe his face and against any measure of decorum your eyes went straight to the distinct lines of his abs. You immediately righted them to his face but it seemed the damage was done and he was smirking at you in an infuriatingly knowing way.
“That your girlfriend, Tsooks?” Another blond called. His bangs were a dark brown in comparison.
“Absolutely not.” Tsukki yelled back, his eyes still watching you intensely. You dramatically wilted and pressed your hand to your chest.
“Kei! I thought our love meant more to you than that!”
“Do not call me Kei.” His voice was flat but there was an unmistakable perk at the corner of his mouth. You rolled your eyes and made a shooing motion with your hand, causing laughter from his teammates as you plunked back in your seat. 
Unfortunately for Tsukki, you were so taken (by the sport, you insisted) that you started showing up several times a week to watch them practice, and it became increasingly bothersome for him to deal with his teammates heckling. Thankfully you always ducked out just before they finished though, and for the time being none of the other team members had figured out that you were his roommate. At the very least he was spared that teasing.
You didn’t show up to watch them practice and Tsukki was annoyed to find he wanted to know why. When he unlocked the door of the apartment, the first thing he heard was an annoyed growl and you cursing angrily. He took his time taking off his shoes and hanging his jacket on the hook by the door before looking around the corner. You were sitting at the small kitchen table, your laptop open in front of you. Your fingers were buried in your hair and your back curled dramatically over the top of the chair.
“What’s the matter?”
“I don’t know what I’m doing wrong!” you whined. “And if I fail this midterm there is a very real chance my teacher will throw a chair at my face!”
“Drama queen.” Tsukki sneered. You glared at him upside down before sitting up, stretching your arms over your head and resuming a furious search of the class materials. You were vaguely aware of his approach behind you. Suddenly, without warning, one long arm reached in front of you and you jerked back, your head hitting his abdomen. He didn’t even wait for you to move your hand, his fingers nearly tangling with yours as they moved lazily over the trackpad.
“You're using the wrong formula for these questions.” He bent down but leaned the opposite way, effectively caging you against the table in his arms. His voice was low and so close to your ear that goosebumps erupted down your neck and arm. He tapped on the trackpad several times. "See?"
"Uh huh." You weren't looking at the screen. You'd never seen his hands this close up before. His fingers were so long and graceful. His palms were wide and could easily fully cover your own. Even his nails were short, smooth, and carefully shaped. They were pretty.
"Come here." He pulled away and started down the hall. He’d never asked you to follow him before and you hurried behind him. You’d never seen inside the other two rooms before either so when Tsukki opened the door on the left your eyes opened wide as saucers.
It was a little study room. One wall was nothing but bookshelves, stuffed full. A few shelves had books stacked two deep. On the opposite side was a small desk with a laptop and a stack of notebooks and a high backed office chair. Three sleek curio cabinets stood against the wall, a seemingly random assortment of objects on the spotless shelves. There were slices of agate and broken geodes, flora pressed between thin pieces of plastic, various insects carefully pinned to small boards, what appeared to be rough gemstones and a hundred other things you would need a lot more time to properly recognize.
“This is so cool!” Hands pressed between your knees, you bent forward to look at the cabinets closer. What looked like a two headed rodent was suspended in yellowish fluid in a glass jar. “Do you just like collecting this kind of stuff?”
There was a momentary pause and since you were looking at the shelves you didn’t see the uncharacteristic way Tsukki’s eyes softened or the genuine smile that crossed his face. You looked absolutely precious surveying his humble collection with big eyes brimming with so much curiosity. “Next year, after graduation, I’m going to work at the Sendai City Museum.”
“That’s really cool, Tsukki.” You stood in time to see him grab a worn and faded notebook off his desk. He held it out to you, his face back to smooth and passive. Brows furrowed you took it and rifled through the pages, glancing over them before realization dawned as you looked over the same formulas that were confusing you easily broken down on the pages.
“You can borrow this.” Tsukki said. “Since you clearly need the help.”
You scowled but chose not to make a snarky comment since this was by far the nicest thing he’d done for you since you’d met him. “You’re so smart, why don’t you just help me with the homework?”
He smirked. “Not a chance. Figure it out yourself.”
You were supposed to be eating. But Tsukki was sitting across the table from you and you kept finding yourself staring at him instead. Finally he’d had enough, his spoon clattering against the bottom of his bowl. “What’s your problem?”
Without answering you reached across the table, taking his hands in your own and pulling them toward you. His eyebrows practically disappeared into his hairline but he didn’t pull away, mostly because he was too surprised to.
You turned his hands over, brow furrowed as you critically eyed his fingers. “Is your pinky crooked?”
“Ah.” He drew away and fanned his right hand out between the two of you. It was subtle but if you looked you could see that his right pinky was definitely crooked. “Noticed that huh?”
“What happened?”
“Spring high preliminary my first year of high school. It was dislocated so they taped it to my ring finger so I could keep playing.”
You hummed thoughtfully. “Aaand I take it it didn’t just stay ‘dislocated’.”
His smile was lopsided and adorable. “C’mon, you’ve seen us play. Not exactly gentle is it.”
“You’re crazy. That had to hurt like mad.” You shook your head and picked up your bowl, slurping at a coiled noodle. Tsukki shrugged and went back to fishing bits of carrot out of his soup.
“We won. That’s all that matters.” 
The fact that it was autumn and therefore colder at night was not going to stop you going out with your friends.
“Really?” Tsukki looked you over from his spot at the table as you emerged from your room, his brows drawn together in a look of dissatisfaction. Even if you caught him he’d never admit he watched you, in your tiny strapless dress and spiked high heels, as you crossed the living room to grab the purse you’d left on the couch. The way the fabric clung to your ass was...distracting. “You know it’s supposed to rain tonight.”
“Yes dad." you huffed. "But we'll be inside, that's the outside's problem." You were going to be in the club, what did it matter to you if there was a little bit of rain?
Annoyingly, predictably, that “little bit of rain” was a positive downpour. Which would have been fine, if not for you and your friends drunkenly deciding that embracing your inner child and playing in the rain, in the almost freezing temperatures in the middle of the night, would be a great idea. You were shivering and frozen to the bone by the time you got home, only taking the time to change into your pajamas before collapsing in bed, wet hair and all.
You spent the next day in bed and come nightfall you felt the very tell-tale settling of pain in your limbs that could only mean one thing.
The morning after you barely managed to get out of bed, shuffling into the kitchen and practically hanging off the fridge door, staring blankly at the food within. You didn’t even notice your roommate coming up next to you.
“You look like shit.” Ugh. The last thing you wanted was to deal with Tsukki being a smug mean asshole.
“Nobody asked-” the rest of your sentence trailed off as the world shifted dramatically. Tsukki caught you as your legs buckled. Your unfocused eyes fluttered and even through your feverish haze you couldn’t help but think about how pretty he was up close.
“I told you.” His voice was soft, equally concerned and exasperated. You only groaned in response, grabbing his shirt when he lifted you bridal style against his chest and carried you back to your bed. Okay, maybe he set you down a little firmer than necessary, but it was the thought that counted. You shivered and curled in on yourself as he set to untwisting your tangled bedspread. He spread it over you, tucking it gently around the edges and you mumbled something that may have been a ‘thank you’ but not even you were sure.
Your eyes drifted closed and you were ready to sleep for a fortnight but then something cool was poking your cheek. Tsukki’s finger dragged along the skin and he simply commanded: “Open.” Too tired to fuss you did as he said, opening your mouth trustingly. You grimaced as the bitter taste of medicine spread across your tongue. Swallowing felt like hell, all fiery pins and needles. He laughed softly at the way your nose scrunched.
By the time he came back with a wet washcloth in hand you were fast asleep. Shaking his head he adjusted your hair the best he could to lay it across your forehead. You grumbled, your head briefly turning to press your cheek against his palm.
It was finally winter break and you were looking forward to some much needed time to rest. You had driven Tsukki mad by putting up holiday decorations everywhere, including colored strands of lights over every window and doorway. A candy cane composed of bells hung on the knob of the front door and while you adored the jingling, Tsukki was about ready to throw the abomination down the stairs. 
By now Tsukki had taken to leaving the door to his study room open on account of how often you would pop your head in to ask him a question or just lie on the floor and scroll on your phone. You could hear the sound of his music floating down the hall from your prone position on the couch as you watched TV. An emergency alert came on and you watched intently before rolling off the couch and jogging down the hall calling “Tsukkiii!”
“Yeah?” He didn’t look up. He was building some kind of model, a long pair of tweezers manipulating a thin piece of string. You stepped closer to watch, momentarily forgetting why you’d come to him in the first place. It wasn’t until he paused and looked at you that you spoke.
“Right, sorry. There’s supposed to be a huge storm coming this weekend. They’re saying like a foot of snow. I’m gonna go to the store and get some things, do you want to come?”
“Sure.” He finished setting the string and got his work to a good stopping point. When he stood up he stretched and his fingers brushed the ceiling. You were very aware of the way you swallowed as your eyes followed the line of his arms down to shoulders, your gaze lingering on the exposed strip of stomach from where his shirt rode up. He was surprised when you suddenly turned on your heel and sped out of the room but shrugged it off and followed. You were strange enough without trying to make sense of it.
You were putting your boots on when he reached around you for his coat. You lost your balance and yelped in surprise and he grabbed you, his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his chest. You laughed, a little embarrassed, and quickly righted yourself stammering “thanks”.
Outside was cold and your breath rose in little clouds as the two of you walked to the bus stop. There had been a small storm the day before and the ground was still covered in icy patches. You hopped on them, laughing at the little slide you would get out of each one. Tsukki rolled his eyes, but a smile tugged at his lips all the same. You were nearly at the stop when you jumped on a long thin patch of ice and you would have been fine if your boot hadn’t caught on dry concrete. You pitched forward with a shriek and suddenly the whole world rolled around you as Tsukki grabbed you. Unfortunately you had too much momentum and the best he could do was slow your fall, putting you down as gently as possible while bracing himself to keep from squishing you. You looked at him with wide eyes, shocked to see how close he was. All you needed to do was lift your head an inch or so and you could be kissing him. You quickly banished the thought from your mind before dissolving into nervous giggles. “Uh, thanks.”
“Are you trying to kill me?” he grumped, picking himself up and dusting the grit off his gloves before offering you his hand and pulling you to your feet.
“Kill off the best roommate I’ve ever had? Perish the thought, dear one!” You dramatically tossed your hand in the air and he shook his head, laughing. “But no seriously thanks for saving my ass.”
“Guess it was the least I could do for the most tolerable roommate I’ve ever had,” he said. You shot him a look of disbelief that made him laugh again.
“Tolerable?!” you wailed. “I don’t get to be the cutest? Or the nicest? Or even the cleanest?!”
He didn’t reply, because as he looked down the street he saw that the bus was approaching and grabbed her hand to pull you along before it passed by. He kept hold of it even as you both tapped your phones to pay the fare and only let go once he’d slid into the seat after you.
“Okay,” he said after a minute. “Second cutest.”
“You know what?” you said. “With how difficult you are, I’ll take it.”
Fortunately the small market wasn't far and the bus stopped right out front. As you went to step off the bus Tsukki offered you his hand. "I don't have it in me to take another fall for you." You laughed and accepted, holding his hand all the way to the front door. You both removed your hats, gloves, and scarves, and while Tsukki only unzipped his coat you took yours off and draped it over the side of the cart. “So what are we getting?”
“This, definitely.” You grabbed a case of water from the stack by the door and hefted it into the cart. Tsukki groaned with disappointment; he knew he was going to be the one who had to carry it home. You stuck your tongue out and continued. “I don’t think we need a lot, okay? We’ve got a lot in the pantry. Water, maybe some of the self heating meals. Oh, we should grab some baby wipes too.”
“Ha?” Tsukki stopped mid step. You stopped too, looking up at him in confusion. His eyes flickered to your belly and back. “Uh, something you wanna share with the class?”
Your hands flew to your mouth to stifle your burst of laughter. “Oh my god, you idiot!” Your shoulders shook and your face was on fire. “No no noooo oh my god!” You wiped a tear from your eye and leaned into his side. “It’s just if we can’t take a shower, okay?! They’re way cheaper than those stupid shower wipes. And you get way more.”
Truth be told he felt stupid immediately after saying it. He wasn’t even quite sure why you saying ‘baby’ caught him so off guard. “As long as I’m not expected to take on any sort of parenting duties.”
You looked at him, your eyes narrowed with mischief. “Liar. I’ll bet you like being called Daddy.” He shoved you with his elbow and you burst into another round of maniacal laughter. “Okay, okay, you go get the food, I’ll get the wipes and meet you by the register.” He walked away shaking his head and you nearly skipped to the baby aisle while humming.
You made it to the front first. In your arms were two packages of wipes, a handful of candy bars, some canned coffees, and two warm sesame balls. Given that you had wandered to so many different places you were surprised you beat him. You turned your head, wondering where he could be, when an unwelcome face came into view.
Chikao was the last boyfriend you’d had, a few months before school started. He was attractive enough, and funny and charming at first. But the closer the start of the semester came the more sullen and aggressive his personality became. He didn’t understand why you’d want to leave him. He complained that obviously your relationship was just a fling because he certainly wouldn’t go so far away if you’d said no (these complaints were doubled because you’d not slept with him no matter how much he pushed). Eventually his little jabs led to an argument where he said it’s not like you needed to go to school anyway, you might get a degree but it wasn’t like you were actually smart enough to do anything with it. That was the last time you’d seen him, simultaneously telling you to accept the truth and begging you not to leave because he loved you. He was lucky you hadn’t broken his nose. His behavior was so despicable that it was largely the reason you had refused to date or entertain anyone since. Also, though you didn’t like admitting it, you were embarrassed. In retrospect it was easy to see how toxic the relationship had quickly become, but you had been so charmed by his handsome face and sweet love bombing that you’d blinded yourself to what kind of person he really was.
You hoped to walk away quickly before he noticed you, but no such luck. He spotted you immediately and made his way over, that fake smile on his face. “Well look who it is!”
You had to force the words out. “What are you doing here?”
He ignored the ice in your tone. “Oh, just here to meet a girl.” He watched you like a hawk, sizing up your reaction. You hummed vaguely and he continued. “Look, I know the last time we saw each other didn’t go well, but I really only have your best interest in mind, you know?” Mistaking your continued silence for interest he lowered his voice and continued. “I forgave you for leaving ages ago. I have a room downtown for the weekend, come over and we can talk things out.”
Making a scene or not, you were ready to tell him exactly where he could stick his room when an arm wrapped around you, pulling you into the warmth of a familiar lean body. “Everything okay, angel?” 
You positively melted with relief into Tsukki’s side. His coat had lifted your sweater and he had grabbed the exposed skin near your hip. Instead of fixing it he took advantage of the opening, letting his fingers slide further under the fabric to rub circles on your skin. Goosebumps raced down your leg and your entire back tingled from the contact. “Yeah,” you responded breathlessly. “Just fine.” 
Across from you Chikao’s face had twisted into something more befitting of his personality. You braced yourself but the diatribe you expected didn’t come; instead he seemed to chew on his bottom lip before uttering an angry “oh”, his eyes flickering from Tsukki’s face to the floor and back again. You turned your head, wondering what could be giving him such pause and - oh, indeed.
It wasn’t a smile, exactly. But it wasn’t really a scowl or glare. It was, most importantly, unnerving. It was easy to imagine that some great bird of prey might have a similar look on its face as it dropped from the sky onto some poor small stupid animal. And as if the murderous look on his face wasn’t enough, the fact that Tsukki stood at least a foot taller than both you and your ex-boyfriend only made him that much more frightening in the current situation. A shiver ran down your spine. Chikao muttered something about being late and turned sharply before fleeing the store. Clouds were gathering outside, darkening the sky. You let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding that trailed off into a suspiciously disappointed sounding sigh as Tsukki removed his arm from your waist while you dumped the contents in your arms into the cart. 
“Thank you.” You smiled up at him, your hand resting on his arm for a moment.
“Who was that?” Tsukki asked. When he’d come walking to the front of the store he’d seen you standing there, your entire body shrunk inward as someone with one of the most unpleasant faces he’d ever seen loomed over you. 
You gave him the spark notes version of your relationship with Chikao, your eyes on the floor the whole time. When you finished Tsukki didn’t say anything so you looked up only to find his face was turned away from you. After a minute he finally met your gaze and then abruptly put his hand on the top of your head, ruffling your hair. You squealed with laughter and tried to duck away but he caught you, pulling you into a one armed hug. You immediately gave up trying to escape. You told yourself it definitely wasn’t because you needed the sudden closeness. You were fine. His hand was on the back of your head and you felt the rumble in his chest when he spoke. “You’re okay.” 
You weren’t sure if he was saying you were okay in general, like as a person, or if he was offering you some kind of reassurance after what had just happened. Regardless, you were just as surprised as he was when you grabbed him around the waist, pressing your face into his chest to stifle your sudden sobbing.
The next night you woke with a start. You laid there in the dark, wondering what could have woken you so abruptly when you realized you were cold. Not just cold, freezing. Your fingers and toes and nose actually ached, your ears uncomfortably numb. Groping for your phone you flinched when you grabbed it, the cold of the case biting against your palm. It was 2am.
Locating your slippers you shuffled to the window, vigorously rubbing your arms. You blinked rapidly before realizing it wasn’t your vision that was blurry; snow was falling outside. Thick and heavy, it looked like it had already accumulated into several inches. There were no other lights on. Slipping your phone into your pocket to keep it from freezing you shambled down the hall to Tsukki’s room, knocking on the door. You heard him groan, then curse, then the sound of his feet on the floor before the door opened.
“Th-the power’s out,” you stuttered.
He rubbed his face. “Clearly.”
“Let me come sleep with you.”
Even in the gloom you could see his eyes widen. “What? No.”
“Oh come on,” you whined. “It’s f-freezing!”
“So get some more blankets.” His response lost all its bite when he shivered.
“You’re cold too!” you said. “Come on, for real, a person could freeze to death.”
He shivered again. “Pretty sure I’d be fine.”
You hissed and stomped your foot. “A frozen roommate can’t pay rent, Tsukishima!”
His head fell back with a long groan but he stepped aside and opened the door for you. “Fine, you win. Come on.”
You practically dove into his bed. Your doorway conversation had barely lasted a minute but that was all it took for the cold to sap whatever heat he’d left behind and you whimpered, bundling his blankets up to your nose. They smelled like he did, like rain water and grass, and you inhaled it deeply. Tsukki closed the door, rummaged in his closet for another blanket to throw over the bed, then crawled in behind you. You expected that he would just lie next to you so you were quite surprised when he grabbed you around the waist and dragged you against him as the little spoon. You shrieked when he buried his frozen nose in the back of your neck and he shushed you. “Be quiet or I’ll throw you out.”
“Monster!” you hissed, snuggling as close to him as you could anyways. 
“We tell no one about this,” he warned. You could feel his lips against your skin and it was distracting to say the least.
You snickered. “Not even Kanji?” you teased, thinking of his adorably loud and nosey teammate. He huffed and buried his face deeper into the curve of your neck and for just a second you thought he might bite you. Then suddenly his fingers dug into your ribs, tickling you, and you screeched with laughter.
“Especially Koganegawa.”
With another threat to keep quiet ("you were tickling me!") you fell quiet and tried to get back to sleep. Despite his stoicism Tsukki was shivering just as much as you and was pressed as close to you as possible. Even his lanky legs were folded up behind yours. It took a few minutes but eventually the two of you made enough body heat to warm the little pocket under the blanket and you stopped shivering. Eyelids too heavy to keep open, you felt along his arm for his hand muttering “thanks, Tsukki.” 
You must have been more tired than you thought because just before you fell back to sleep you could have sworn you heard him whisper “anything for you.” But that couldn’t be right, because there was no way he’d say something like that.
Come the next morning you’d forgotten. Hell, when you woke up it took you a minute just to remember where you were. The arm around your waist and the very present stiffness against your ass nearly had you hurtling out of bed. Then the cold hit you, and you realized that through the slivers in the blinds you could still see snow falling, and you relaxed with a small sigh. It was Tsukki, and that was okay.
Tsukki moved, his hips rolling against you.
Holy mother of - ! You swallowed the noise that tried to escape your throat and your face was on fire. Okay this is normal you told yourself. Don’t make it weird. But his morning wood was all you could think about. Should you get up before he did? Should you pretend to be asleep until he got up so that he didn’t know you had laid there in bed kinda sorta secretly enjoying the feel of his hard-NO STOP IT! Fortunately for both your heart and your mental health that’s when Tsukki chose to wake up, groaning as he rolled away and tried to stretch the cold-induced stiffness from his limbs. He got up and shuffled away to the bathroom (you presumed) and after a minute you groped around in your pants to get your phone out of the pocket. Your social media was filled with your friends freaking out about the power outages and news alerts on how to take care in such a dangerous situation. You kept glancing at the window, wondering how much snow was actually out there.
When Tsukki came back you were standing in front of the window with the blinds pulled open. You looked at him and simply said “that’s a lot.” He joined you, his mouth momentarily dropping open in surprise. Everything outside was smooth and white, still-falling snow sparkling against the backdrop of the gray sky. The snow drifts across the street were so deep that they completely covered the windows of the bottom floor apartments. Still, the scene was beautiful in its own way. Eyes roving the white hills you said “I don’t think we’re getting out for a while.”
Tsukki looked at you out of the corner of his eye. You were so enthralled with the winter wonderland outside. “Could be worse things.” 
You declared yourself a temporary-permanent member of his room and ran to grab your pillows and blankets, ignoring his protests. Just after 11am the power came back on and you seized the opportunity to charge your phone, take a hot shower, and make a hot meal, the two of you cradling steaming bowls side by side in his bed. Just before 2pm the power went out again and from the looks of the alerts you were getting it would be out until the next morning. The two of you spent most of the day in his bed having reached a silent truce as you cuddled and played on your phones.
You let Tsukki use the bathroom to get ready for bed first, unwilling to leave the cocoon you had made in his bed. He locked the door behind him but left the light off. Thumbs slipping into the elastic of the pajama pants he hadn’t bothered to change out of he slid them part of the way down his thighs, freeing the cock that had remained more or less erect for most of the day. He wrapped his hand around the base and stroked, lips pursed tightly to keep from making any noise. It really sucked being snowed in. Usually when he couldn’t stop thinking about what you’d look like with his cock buried inside you he could just leave, but that wasn’t an option now. The thought of what noises you’d make folded up beneath him were becoming entirely too intrusive.
As the sun had gone down the room had gotten progressively colder and even wrapped up with Tsukki under a small mountain of blankets could hardly warm you. “This sucks,” you whined. “How am I still this cold?!” You tried to scooch closer to Tsukki but there was simply no more contact that could possibly be made. He grunted as you tried to pull his arm tighter around yourself.
“We literally cannot be any closer,” he groused. “The only possible thing we could do at this point is get naked.” You froze in your attempts to cover yourself with him, pretty sure that he heard you audibly swallow at his words. That…was a thing, right? Like, it was legitimate advice offered to those in, uh, similar situations. You tried not to think about his erection pressing into that morning. No, it would be fine and totally not weird. It was survival, that was all. Imagine Tsukki’s surprise when you suddenly started squirming, grappling with your shirt. “What are you doing?!” He leaned away, momentarily thankful that without his glasses he couldn’t see clearly.
“Just shut up and take your shirt off,” you hissed, your face burning with embarrassment. 
“You’re not serious.”
“I don’t want to freeze all night, alright?” You shoved your shirt under the blankets to keep it warmish and folded your arms over your chest, facing firmly away from him. “Just…hurry up!” Speechless, Tsukishima did as bid, also shoving his shirt somewhere under the blankets behind him. But when he resumed his position behind you it was with an obvious gap between your torso and his. “Oh don’t be a chicken,” you said when you realized he intended to stay that way.
There was a long pause before he replied, his voice softer and somehow disarming. It was like he was measuring his words carefully before speaking them. Unbeknownst to you Tsukki was carefully laying the path to an end goal he had been eyeing for some time. “I’m the chicken?” he taunted. “I said the only thing left was to get naked, and here you are too scared to go all in. But I’m the chicken?”
“I’m not scared!” you blustered. “I’m - it’s just…” you trailed off and Tsukki waited for you to continue.
“A chicken,” he said decisively when you failed to do so.
Well. You weren’t about to take that lying down (actually you kind of were, since you were literally lying down, but that was beside the point). With an offended huff you shimmied out of your flannel pants, leaving them wadded up at your feet. “Fine.” You shivered. “There. Happy?”
He was. Delighted, actually. Lying on his back so as to not touch you until he was ready he slipped off his own pants, his cock already half hard. He was careful when he resumed his previous position, taking care that no part of him touched you. Then, before you could complain again, he slowly slid his hand along your back to rest at the curve of your waist.
You were shivering like mad. You had 100% let your pride take the reins and now here you were, naked, in Tsukki’s bed, with him, who was now also naked. Then he touched you, his hand resting heavily on your waist and it was all you could think about, the entirety of your existence focused on that point of contact. He laughed quietly. “I didn’t think you’d actually do it.”
“Excuse you!” You were definitely feeling warmer now for very different reasons. Unfortunately that’s where your brain stalled out, failing to come up with any kind of clever comeback. He snickered and it made you pout.
“Well you got me naked, princess,” he teased. “Now what?”
You squawked in a rather unbecoming way. “It - this was your idea!”
His hand was dragging most distractingly over your waist and down to your hip. “All I did was point out that we couldn’t get any closer.” His fingers traced the dip of your pelvic bone. “You’re the one who started taking clothes off.”
“That is such a lie, Tsukki!” It wasn’t, not entirely, but you didn’t want to admit he was right.
He shifted, his shoulder touching yours. His breath warmed your skin as he leaned close. “A little too eager to get me out of my pants weren’t you?” 
You made a small noise in the back of your throat. “You…” you faltered, struggling to find the words. “You are the worst kind of tease, Tsukishima.”
"You know that's not my name." His voice, suddenly low and rough, so unlike its usual smooth self, had you clenching desperately on nothing.
"You...never want me to use your name." Your voice shook. It was no surprise really, you were trembling like a dry leaf caught in a bitter autumn wind and for once not because of the pervasive cold. His hand was rubbing ever so slowly along your hip, the tickling sensation of his fingertips near overwhelming as he got so close to where you wanted them before pulling away.
Hot, open mouthed kisses decorated your shoulder and up your neck, your skin tingling as goosebumps textured your flesh. His tongue darted out to lick along the shell of your ear before he pressed closer. His cock, hard and hot, so, so hot, dug into the cleft of your ass and you moaned, nearly missing the words he hissed into your ear. "I do when I'm about to fuck you."
Oh. He definitely was not just teasing. That would be too cruel, even for him. "Kei…" you breathed, voice cracking. "Kei," you said again, louder, a whimper catching in your throat as you clawed at the sheets. "Kei, please…"
He groaned. The desperation in your tone, the way you choked back emotion when you said his name. "Good girl," he growled. His teeth sank into your neck and you cried out, shrinking against him only to jerk and arch away as long fingers finally pushed between your legs. You were so wet, slick squelching noises making his eyes close as he pushed two long fingers inside you. "I can't wait to break you, princess."
He might as well have been speaking in tongues as far as your brain's ability to decipher the words you heard. As his fingers filled you over and over again, curling and stretching and rubbing, you rolled on your back, glazed eyes fixing on his face as you wrapped trembling fingers around his neck. His lips were surprisingly soft, his tongue slipping smoothly between your lips to eagerly meet yours. Your legs fell open as you ground your pelvis up against his palm. He chuckled softly, his thumb swiping over your clit. “So needy,” he teased. But the way his cock throbbed against your thigh gave him away, though you could only manage a hiss before pulling him down to kiss you again. 
He certainly didn’t seem to be in a hurry. No matter how you whined or twisted he persisted like you were a new toy he wanted to methodically learn. His lips moved down your neck to your chest, sucking hard along the way, before taking a peaked nipple in his mouth, rolling his tongue around it slowly. His fingers moved inside you just as methodically, seeking the places that had you making the most noise and focusing his attention there.
“Tsu-Kei, please-!” you whined, gripping the pillow so tight your fingers hurt.
“Ah ah,” he chided softly. “You don’t want to be done already, do you?”
“N-no…” you panted. More you thought desperately. “Maybe…fuck!” The ghost of his laugh warmed your skin and you grabbed at his hair. The wet sounds that reverberated in your ears as he fucked you with his fingers was so lewd but you wanted more. “I need…I just - want you inside.”
His tongue dragged a wet path up your neck. He kissed you deeply, sucking on your tongue and groaning when you bit his lip. “But I am inside you,” he said, his fingers stirring your pussy for emphasis. Stars flashed through your vision and you shuddered. Clutching the quilt and the back of his neck you arched upwards.
“Do that again,” you begged. So he did, swirling his fingers in the same motion until you were free falling off the edge, panting into his mouth around his tongue. His fingers, drenched with your release, dug into your thigh roughly as he moved between your legs. His other hand wrapped around the back of your neck, pulling you into another feverish kiss. You clung to him, whining as the length of his shaft slid along your slit, dragging against your swollen clit. He rutted against you until his cock was drenched with your slick and you were brokenly begging for him to put it in.
“Can I have you?” he hissed against your lips. He shifted his hips and the velvety head of his cock caught just at the entrance of your throbbing cunt. You inhaled sharply and held your breath, a shocked ‘oh god’ gurgling from the back of your throat as he continued. “Like this?”
“Yes, please, God yes!” You clawed angry red lines down his back to grab at his hips, pulling him forward.
Tsukki had felt something akin to shame jerking off thinking about you in the bathroom before bed but that was long gone now, because he was sure that otherwise he would have come right then from the way your pussy sucked him in. He pushed you back onto the mattress, biting your neck and sucking hard to keep himself from getting lost in the sensation. His back was burning and you were pulling his hair and it felt so fucking good. Every hot, wet, tight inch was both bliss and torture. You were gasping, your body tensing the deeper he went and he quickly realized that was going to be a problem if you kept it up.
You couldn’t see. Your head was spinning and you couldn’t think and you were so full, too full, stretched so good around his cock; his hips rolling in small movements that were both too much and not enough and - suddenly he was gently tapping your cheek, his lips brushing against yours. “Relax, sweetheart,” he murmured. “I’m almost there.”
You swallowed thickly, blinking rapidly in the glow of the moonlight. 
Kei. All six feet eight inches of him was on top of you, asking you to relax because you were too tense to take all of his cock. You looked down, bracing your feet and tilting your hips to get a better view before you rolled against him. He groaned and his forehead touched yours as he watched the last inches of his cock disappear inside you. “Good girl,” he breathed. He grabbed the back of your neck and held you, the both of you watching as he moved. Out, out, out; your pussy clenching as he dragged his length out before slowly pushing back in. Again. And again. And again. “Look how good you take me, angel.” God he wanted to make you cry. He wanted to make it so good you’d cry. “I could fuck you like this all night.”
You would let him. You would let him do anything he wanted to you. You made a strangled noise of desperation, clawing at his shoulders, pressing your lips to his in a feverish kiss. When his hand cupped your cheek you grabbed his wrist and repositioned it on your throat. “You have the prettiest hands,” you muttered. “Wanted them to choke me for so long.”
In a flash he shoved your head back into the pillow, his fingers squeezing along the sides of your neck. Not as tightly as you might have wanted, but enough for the pressure to send another gush of arousal to soak the bed beneath you. He forced your head back and shifted his hips, fucking into you with deep strokes. The wet slaps of colliding bodies echoed in the room. You wondered if the neighbors beneath could hear it. Certainly they could hear you. You sounded like an animal, moaning and squealing, your ass bouncing off the mattress to meet his thrusts. Suddenly he stopped, his hips flush against yours, buried completely inside you. You could feel his length twitch and it made you moan. He kissed you slowly, his hand moving to your jaw, squeezing enough to make you keep your mouth open, pulling back to let your combined saliva drip back into your mouth. You pulsed around his cock, unexpectedly enjoying the crude action.
“Kei~!” you whined when even after all that he still wasn’t moving. 
“Quiet.” His chest was flush against you, your face in the curve of his neck. He started to move again, holding you down with his body so you couldn’t do anything but let him fuck you. “You feel so good,” he huffed. “So goddamn tight and wet.” You were flushed with embarrassment, and the fact that you could hear how wet you were as he moved wasn’t helping. Your nails dug into his back and you spread your legs wider, silently encouraging him to keep going.
It wasn’t long before your breath was coming in sharp bursts and you were twitching beneath him. “Kei,” you mumbled, a familiar heat coiling low in your belly. “I - oh fuck - Kei I’m gonna…” you managed to slide your hand between your bodies, your fingers caressing your clit in feathery circles. “If you keep…like this…” Your head was so fuzzy, your nerves drunk on pleasure. Tsukki hardly dared to breathe, maintaining the exact same speed and angle as you brought yourself to another orgasm. The noises you made were better than anything he could have imagined, your body arching, your silken walls clamping and throbbing around him.
“Shit,” he hissed, gripping your hip hard as he fucked you through your orgasm. He should have known the effect that would have. He needed to stop. He needed to pull out. He needed to reign in some kind of semblance of self control before he fucked you full of his cum. “So tight, sweetheart, got me way too close.” In a passing moment of clarity you thought fuck he’s going to come. Perhaps what you should have done was pushed him away. What instead happened was you growling like a depraved animal, scratching his back as you wrapped your legs around him and used the leverage to fuck yourself on his cock. 
“Don’t you dare pull out,” you growled. 
Even if he wanted to, which he didn’t, you held him so tightly he couldn’t. He groaned, his arm around your waist, holding you down on him as he came. You stayed like that for several minutes, bodies twisted together until he finally, slowly, pulled out. “Don’t move.” He brought you a towel and the two of you cleaned up and redressed in silence. When he climbed into bed you curled around him. Your face tucked into his neck, your legs tangled with his, and your fingers threaded in the back of his curly hair. He kissed the top of your head, his hand sliding under your shirt to caress your back.
“For the record,” he said suddenly a minute later. “You might be sleeping in here from now on but you still have to pay rent.”
You giggled, gently pulling his hair. “Only if you agree to rescind the ‘no fucking on the couch’ rule.”
“Keep pulling my hair and I guess we’ll find out.”
“It’s freezing don’t you dare!” You’d only just managed to warm up the bed. He laughed smugly and truth be told you were half tempted to test him. You told yourself that would be tomorrow’s goal.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
I'm so tired, shares replenish me.
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fieldofdaisiies · 1 year
Elucien AU | A Game of Dice
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type: fluff & smut warning(s): vulgar wording, drinking, mention of smoking, female oral receiving, male oral receiving, minors DNIword count: 6.2k words summary: Vassa brings her best friend Elain to a party hosted by no other than Lucien Vanserra, pro-athlete and college heartthrob. When they play a funny and very special game the night takes a turn, secret relationships are revealed and two people secretly drooling over each other finally get a chance to get to know each other better… thank you @autumndreaming7 for the idea, it was soooo amazing and I enjoyed writing it so much💛
-all rights reserved -
Elain is happy about the jumpsuit she is wearing as a cool breeze blows around her legs and lifts the edges. She would have had her very own Marilyn Monroe moment if she had put on the tiny dress Vassa suggested for her, but luckily she could convince her this option is better. Vassa only agreed because she said it accentuates Elain’s cleavage and will definitely catch a certain someones attention. Elain had only rolled her eyes at her best friend at the implication. 
She draws in a long breath, hoping it calms her nervously beating heart as she stands a little behind Vassa, her hands folded in front of her body. While Vassa is the epitome of cool nonchalance and relaxation, Elain is a ball of nerves behind her, bouncing on her toes and her fingers toying with the skin around her nails. And great…small parts of the red polish she put on earlier are already gone due to her nervous fingers. She is a little edge for two reasons. Reason number one: it is a college party. And a college party means a lot of people, alcohol, drinking games, sweaty bodies moving against one another, and all these things are somehow a little out of her comfort zone. And then there is reason number two: the host of the party. Mr Lucien Pro-Athlete-and-College-Heartthrob-And-Makes-Her-Knees-Feel-a-Little-Wobbly Vanserra. Lucien is just everything she can dream of in a man. He is tall, he is charming, he is funny, he is hot like Doritos, when he smiles he can compete with the sun, his shoulders are as broad as the doorframe in her small flat and he…he just exists and with his existence he does things to her she can’t quite understand. And now she is standing right in front of his house, the house he is sharing with his best mate, namely Vassa’ s boyfriend Jurian. Vassa is the only reason why she is here in the first place, her best friend invited her, but telling by the nosies coming from the inside of the place, Lucien has somehow invited everyone…like the whole college, or so. 
“I guess we can just walk in. After all my boyfriend lives here, right?” Obviously no one heard the doorbell over the loud chatter and music, it would have been a miracle if someone did and—
The door swings open and reveals no other than the owner of the house and the host of the wild party going on behind him. Lucien Vanserra grins from one ear to the other, dressed in some loose pants and an half-unbuttoned shirt. “Evening, ladies!” He looks at Vassa and opens is arms for her. She gets the memo and quickly closes the distance between them. “My fav Vanserra brother, come here.” Vassa slings her arms around him and hugs him tightly. 
Lucien chuckles a little. “Don’t say that too loudly, my brother’s here as well, Vass.” Lucien kisses her cheek and lets go off her only to step back and raise a brow. The beautiful grin stays on his face as his eyes dance over Elain. “And God in heaven above, you really brought her.” His eyes are swirling pits of wild fires when they narrow in on her face. “I am really glad you could make it, Elain.” He moves closer to Elain who is somehow rooted to the ground, still standing outside the door. 
He knows her name! 
Every fiber in Elain’s body is dancing, her heart doing one happy flip after the other. “I did,” she says and wants to face-palm herself. Out of everything she could have said, she opted for this. Lucien chuckles deeply as he moves closer to her, and reaches out his hand. Her own trembles as she lifts it to his and when there hands touch — his warm palm against her cold one— it feels like fireworks explode inside of her. She giggles a little nervously and lets him shake her hand. “Really glad you made it, your sisters are already here.” My sisters?! Elain thinks, wondering how in the world they got invited here. But then….Rhys is somehow invited to every party and Cassian is Lucien’s team mate, so it makes sense they bring their girlfriends as well. Just why didn’t they tell her? But then why would they? Elain has declined most invitations to parties in the past — referring back to reason number one. She is just not a party person, she is not a party pooper, but still not the biggest fan of them either. 
“Come on in then, both of you. Jurian is already highly anticipating you, Vass. And I was…highly anticipating your arrival.” Lucien winks at Elain with nothing but male smugness etched into his features. With a big grin on her face, Vassa spins around on her heels, claps her hands and sets out for the living room. She would never leave Elain alone at party, never in a hundred years. But maybe, just maybe, she asked Lucien the other day to keep an eye on Elain. Vassa knows about Lucien’s massive crush on Elain, asking her a ton of questions what things Elain liked and if she thinks he would ever have a chance with “the most beautiful girl on the whole campus.” And since Vassa also knows about Elain’s massive crush on Lucien, she decided to help them a little. Elain’s heart is skipping one happy beat after the other. “My arrival?” She looks dumbfounded, her lips parting a little as she stares at Lucien, her chin a little pushed forward. She has too look up at him, Lucien is just so very tall. The Vanserra brother dips his chin. “Yes, yours. Is that so difficult to believe?” In fact, it is. Elain has not really thought he likes her, in all honesty. They have only met a few times when she was with Vassa and they happened to run into Jurian and his best mate. But now… now he has been expecting her. She can’t stop the colour from filling her cheeks, as she blushes furiously and her face practically radiates heat. She steps up to Lucien who does not move a single bit. He waits until she is one step in front of him and only then closes the door behind her and falls in line with her, his hand landing on the small of her back. “Not going to many parties, right?”
Elain gives her head a little shake, his close proximity and the hand on her back doing odd things to her belly and heart. He moves even closer, leaning in until his mouth nearly touches her ear. “Stay with me, alright? I don’t want you to get lost or some idiot to get wrong ideas.”
Internally Elain cringes at what he has insinuated. She turns her head, and stops. Lucien bumps into her, but he doesn’t say anything. Elain is looking up at him with her big fawn eyes and he finds himself lost in them and also lost for words. Her lips part a little, as if she want to say something, but no words leave her mouth, either. Lucien gently strokes her back with his thumb, hoping to convey the necessary comfort. “You will be fine. I am not letting you out of my eyes. No one will try to make a move on you.” He smiles sincerely, his gaze moving over her face, to her lush lips that are still parted. No one but me, he thinks and wants to slap his brain for this thought. Elain presses her lips in a thin line, brows drawing together and Lucien has to admit she looks absolutely adorable. The corner of her mouth tips up, her eyes sparkling a little. “Am I so easy to read?” she asks with a light chuckle, the sound like music in Lucien’s ears. He grins a little. “You are. But don’t worry, it is quite…” “Elli, Elli, Elii!” Cassian claps his hands as he appears in the doorframe, beaming brightly. “You actually came, what a lovely surprise!” She smiles a sheepishly, when her probably soon-to-be brother-in-law wraps his arms around her and kisses the side of her head. “I am,” she says silently, but he hears her anyway and his grin only brightens. “Nes, will be happy to see you. I let her know when I find her again. I guess she is with Em and Gwyn somewhere.” He clasps Lucien’s shoulder, then pats it and hollers, “Wicked party, mate!” With that he pushes past him and heads for the restroom that is down the corridor. Loud music is playing inside the ginormous living room, and Elain catches a glimpse of the people dancing inside, drinking and chatting and is this—?
Oh Feyre! Elain thinks and shakes her head a little, giggling. Her sister is snogging her boyfriend in the middle of the bustling and crowded living room. Brilliant…not the thing a big sister really wants to see. Strobe lights pulse from inside of the room, and Elain can feel the vibrations of the music in her legs. Excitement hangs in the air, everyone so very ready to let loose and escape the the reality of university life for a night. The crowd somehow moves as one, swaying to the beat of pulsating music and Elain’s lips part again as she watches in silent curiosity. Lucien leads her into the room, but they don’t go to the centre of it, he guides her to the adjoint room. The kitchen. A makeshift bar is stationed in the kitchen and overflowed with all sort of of beverages, mostly beer and some fancy looking and colourful bottles of alcohol, served in plastic cups. “What do you want to drink?” He has to lean in again so she can hear him and Elain can’t avoid breathing in his delicious scent. She doesn’t really know what she wants to drink and so only shrugs her shoulders. “Beer?” Lucien raises a brow and points at a bottle. Elain purses her lips, but then nods eagerly. “Yes, thank you, I’ll take one.” He beams as he opens the bottle and hands it to her. “Well, then.” He grabs himself a beer and then guides her out into the living room again, his hand again on the small of her back, his chest touching her shoulder. “Are you alright? Tell me if you no longer feel comfortable. We can go outside, or I’ll call you a taxi. I would offered to drive you, but unfortunately not possible.” He lifts his hand and waves his bottle in front of her vision. Elain gets the sudden urge to wrap her arms around his neck and kiss his cheek. He is so kind, so thoughtful, so considerate. God! She wants to scream and…also kiss him. Just a little thank you peck. Oh Christ! Where do these thoughts come from? Elain has to giggle to herself, which somehow amuses Lucien, but still he flashes her a questioning look, not having received and answer yet. Elain notices and says, “Thank you, I will. But I am very alright. And you are here with me.” Was that sentence cringe? Weird? Embarrassing? Elain is a huge over-thinker, so obviously these questions bubble up inside of her. But Lucien comforts her with a big smile and the dip of his chin, which brings his face closer to hers. “Good. Let’s head over to others, shall we?”
As Elain nods, her heart not really slowing but a kernel of relief blooming it, and she lets him guide her through the wild crowd of dancing, chatting and singing people. Basically everyone says something to Lucien while he just smiles or tips his chin at them, his sole focus on Elain. He keeps his eyes on her, making sure no one bumps into her or says something to her that is spoken in a drunken state and could offend or scandalise her. 
They walk up to a cluster of students huddled together on a comfortable couch, engaged in deep conversations about only God knows what. Others are outside, enjoying the cool night air and smoking. He stays close to her when they join the group of people and Elain is relieved as she knows most of them. There is first of all Vassa and an empty seat next to her which Elain heads for immediately, feeling a sudden cold on her back where Lucien’s hand was earlier. She plops down next to Vassa, smiling and her chest heaving with a deep inhale. Her cheeks are definitely flushed as Vassa flashes her a knowing look. Elain greets Jurian who beams at her. Lucien lets himself fall onto the dark green armchair next to Elain, stretching his long legs in front of him. Next to him is his brother and then a guy she has only heard of and seen pictures of from Vassa. Azriel is his name. Also a team mate of Lucien and Cassian, and also one of the college heartthrobs from what Elain has heard about him. He dips his chin at her and it is all of a greeting she gets from him, but it is not impolite or unkind, it is just how he is apparently. Next to him is a blond woman who currently climbs over the back of the couch, one leg already on the other side. “Hi, Elli!” she greets and waves her hand at Elain, finally pulling her second leg over the back of the couch as well. Mor. Her sister’s best friend. “Need some more wine and anyways not in the mood to play a game, see you lot later. Have fun.” She grins as she turns and heads for the kitchen, swaying her hips to the music.
“A game?” Lucien asks and raises his brow before lifting his bottle to his lips. He takes a sip from his beer, leans back in the arm chair and places the bottle on the floor beside him. He raises his arm to rest his elbow on the armrest of the chair and glances at Elain, who lowers her own bottle from her lips, a little drop of beer still on her lower lip. God, what would he give to kiss it away. Or…lick it away. 
“Yes a game!” Vassa’s eyes flash with mischief and she glances at her friends in expectation. Out of her big bag she pulls a dark violet box. She shakes it a little before opening it and placing lid on the couch next to her. Elain glances at it and and at the label that says ‘18+’. She feels her palms turn a little damp at the thought of what is about to come and places her beer down on the couch table in front of her. Her experiences are not a lot — Graysen, her ex-boyfriend, has not been a generous lover, and already in simple games of Never Have I Ever, did Elain never really have to drink often. She simply hasn’t done most things, as Graysen was a guy who wasn’t that explorative and his range of positions went from missionary to well…missionary. 
“What kind of game?” Azriel asks out of the blue, his voice low and it draws Eris’ attention to him. Elain notices how Lucien’s brother watches him and a small smile appears on her face. Well, that is cute and jus proves the point of him being a heartthrob as well. 
“A fun game where we all,” — she wiggles her brows and grins wickedly— “can get to know each other so much better.” Jurian, who has probably already been informed about the game by his girlfriend, lays an empty bottle onto the table. “So, rules are…you spin the bottle and whoever it lands on you have to do the things to or on — the things the dice decide.” Vassa fumbles out a small piece of paper, opens it and places it in the middle of the table. There is a table on it and the moment Elain’s eyes scan the words she wants a hole to open in the floor, hoping it sucks her in. She can’t play this game…never in a million years. Not with these options…
1) Kiss 1) Lips 2) Lick 2) Ears 3) Stroke 3) Neck 4)Rub 4)Inside of thigh 5)Tickle 5)Chest 6)Bite 6) Toes 7) Massage 7) Private 8)Touch 8) Nose 9)Poke 9) Belly 10) Hold 10) Hand
What the hell is this game? And as it has two 10 sided dice and the options are awful…. Elain thinks to herself and lifts her eyes of the paper. Lucien is already looking at her, smiling sheepishly when she catches him looking. “Sounds like a fun little game,” he says, chuckling lowly. 
“Unless you have to suck someone’s toes,” Eris grumbles. “For example yours, Lu. Those smelly, rotten toes that are in your trainers the whole day.” The older Vanserra brother crinkles his nose in disgust, and shakes his head with a grimace on his face, laughing. 
“Bastard!” Lucien comments.
“You are, actually,” Eris jokes and his younger brother flips him off, but laughs nevertheless. His brother returns the gesture, grinning a little feistily. Elain can’t really focus on their little banter, she is internally planning her escape, but is unlucky. “And you will throw the dice. And let’s say they are 4 and 3….then you have rub someones neck. Now, if the bottle points onto Lucien for example and it is my turn, I have to rub his neck.” Everyone bows their head in understanding and anticipation and so the game begins. Vassa is kind and so she does not hand the dice to Elain, but to Jurian and it is then that Nesta and Cassian also join the game and Vassa does some little explanation for them as well. The game begins, Jurian spins the bottle and throws the dice: Lucien - Massage - Belly.
He huffs, but then hollers as Lucien leans further back in the chair, grins as he lifts his shirt and— God! Elain nearly drools at the sight of the six pack that is revealed to her — nothing but hard, solid muscles that ripple when he flexes them. Jurian makes a whole show out of his task, dancing his way over to his best friend and then starts rubbing his belly, his hips swaying to the music, almost like he is giving a lap dance. They both cackle loudly when Jurian is done and returns to his seat and next is actually Lucien. He spins and Elain’s breath halts. But it lands on Nesta. “Careful, Lucien,” Cassian warns, but silent amusement is etched into his features. The dice roll and…Kiss - Nose. 
“Don’t kill me, mate,” Lucien cautions as he slowly gets up and moves over to Nesta. “May I kiss your nose, Ms Archeron?” Nesta chuckles loudly, winks at Cassian and then tips her chin up. “You may, Mr Vanserra.” He slowly leans in and Elain, although this is her sister who has a boyfriend whom she loves so very much, looks away. She does not want to see it somehow although this is just a silly game and just a silly kiss on the nose. Still she does not want to see it. And so the game continues, Nesta has to poke Azriel’s belly. Azriel has to tickle Vassa’s ear, who has to bite Cassian’s hand. He then has to touch Eris’ lips, Eris has to stroke Elain’s nose and then it is her turn and an enormous wave of nervousness washes over her. She holds the dice tightly in her sweaty hand, her heart racing like a galloping stallion. She spins the bottle and as it turns she throws the dice.
The dice roll and the bottle comes to a halt and it feels like time stops…so does her heart. Azriel - Tickle - Neck. She wants to die. Or turn into nothing but thin air. If Azriel is also affected by it, or nervous, he does not show. His face stays emotion less. Even as Vassa urges Elain to get up and she finally waddles over to him. She stops in front of him, looking at him with big eyes. Azriel cranes his neck and it is then that a small smirk appears on his lips. “Do your worst, Elain.” 
Lucien really has to control himself. Right now he really, really, really wants to just punch Azriel in the face. Or dismiss him from this party. And when he looks at his older brother, he knows similar thoughts are coursing through Eris’ mind. Of course, Eris’ crush on Azriel is obvious, at least to his little brother’s eyes. He just knows him too well.
To say Elain feels awkward when she tickles Azriel’s neck would be an understatement. He does not show any reaction, other than still looking at her with the smug smile on his face. “Done,” Elain declares and quickly hurdles back to her seat, her cheeks hot and red. Lucien huffs and flashes Azriel a small glower before looking back at Elain. She is fumbling with her fingers…the fingers that have just touched Azriel and it makes him feel…jealous. Yes, he is jealous and annoyed that the bottle landed on Azriel…Idiot.
“Well, Azriel, you are next then.” Vassa announces and shoves the bottle as well as the dice over to him. He grabs the dice and spins the bottle which lands on…Eris. Cassian hollers, smacking his hand onto the backrest of the couch. “Hooh, hooh, that is going to be fun!” He flashes a Azriel a big, wicked grin and winks. Azriel notices this, but decides to ignore his best friend as his thoughts start going crazy just like Elain’s do whenever she thinks of Lucien. He rolls the dice and his heart halts for a moment. Stroke - Inner Thigh.
Well, this is, indeed, going to be fun. Lucien huffs a little, watching how Eris’ whole body stiffens and a muscle in his jaw ticks. Azriel glances at Eris for a moment, no conversation passing between them as he lowers his hand to Eris’ thigh, very high up actually and slowly starts stroking his in tight jeans clad leg. Eris’ body stays rigid, his focus on the table until Azriel lets his hand move further up, so very close to Eris’ private parts. 
“Fuck you!” A grin breaks out on Eris’ face, Azriel’s slender fingers drawing circles to his inner thigh. Eris grabs the pillow from beside him. Azriel shows him a mischievous grin in the exact moment that Eris places the pillow on his lap to cover up any indication of what Azriel’s touch does to him. “Just get a room you two,” Lucien grumbles and shakes his head at his brother, chuckling lowly. 
“Jealous?” Eris retorts, his voice tinged with amusement.
Lucien flips him off once again and shakes his head. 
“And don’t worry, little brother. We will do that anyway later.” He grins and glances at Azriel.
“I fucking knew that you two are banging. But hell, when were you going to make it official?” Cassian’s gaze ping-pongs between Eris and Azriel who both grin and laugh from the bottom of their hearts. They make a beautiful couple Elain has to admit, but now she feels a little silly for tickling his jaw. After all Azriel is Eris’ lover…But she decides not to think about it too much and rather listen in on the conversation again. 
“We thought you would figure out at some point. Had no idea it would take you so long. And we are not only banging, we are dating.” Azriel hums. He removes his hand from Eris’ thigh, only to wrap his arm around Eris’ shoulder and pull him in for a quick kiss on the cheek. God! They are cute! Elain thinks and her lips pout a little.
“Alright, stop the endless cheesiness. We have a game to play. Eris you are next!”
Eris has to hold Nesta’s hand, and she then has to lick Cassian lips. As if they are not doing this all the time anyway, Elain thinks but her inner chuckling dies down the moment, Cassian announces that he has to massage her toes. Elain cringes a little, but Cassian only laughs, the sound so loud it even drowns out the chatter in the background. He gets up and rubs his hands. “Well, Elli, let’s do this.” He grins as he crouches down in front of her. “But I have to warn you, your sister loves her foot massages, don’t melt into a puddle, Elli.” Elain has to chuckle as well, her head thrown back as she does so. Cassian helps her slip out of her sandals and then starts massaging her toes which makes her laugh uncontrollably. It just tickles so much and tears build up in her eyes. Everyone watching them, including Lucien, has to laugh as well — the whole image they create is just too funny and then there is Elain’s laugh. Lucien wants to bottle it up and listen to it whenever he feels sad. It is the most beautiful sound in the entire world and he knows he can never get enough of hearing it. Elain is clutching her belly, tears running down her cheeks when Cassian finally straightens up and returns to his place next to Nesta. “Whenever you need me again, you know where to find me, Elli. The best masseur in the entire world.” Cassian winks at Elain and then kisses Nesta’s cheek before sipping on his red cup filled with some sort of liquor. 
“And next up is Elain!” Vassa cheers and somehow Elain feels less nervous now, the laughing has calmed her and she happily grabs the dice and bottle, spins and a second later throws the dice onto the table. 
But then all nonchalance and bliss whooshes out of her the moment the bottle stops and the dice show the numbers. This time Elain really wants to be sucked into a hole in the ground because what is revealed to her is simply impossible. This has to be joke. A really bad one. With widened eyes, parted lips, and a dry mouth, she finds her breath catching, unable to tear her gaze away from the table. What is revealed to them must be a cruel joke, it can’t be anything else: Lucien - Lick - Private
“Oh God!” Elain expresses, her voice hushed and she flashes Vassa a look of pure shock. Nesta bites down on her lip, showing her little sister an apologetic look but also one that says ‘I really don’t want to see this.’ And Elain…really does not want to do this. But then…something about it intrigues her…somehow. But she does not want to stay here. She can never in a million years do this in front of everyone. And it is as if Lucien can read her mind. He releases a breathy laugh and leans a little forward. “Well, it says private,” he says, his tone amused and a smug smile on his lips. He wipes his hands down his thighs and gets up, extending his hand to Elain. “So, we will share whatever this refers to…in private.” Lucien winks at Elain who finds herself unable to move until Vassa nudges her ribs. Cassian makes some cheering noises which is accompanied by the shake of Eris’ head who flashes his little brother a look that says ‘Don’t hurt her. Don’t do anything she does not want. She is a good one.’ Lucien tips his chin at his brother, both in acknowledgment and assurance that he won’t do anything she does not want. Elain slowly gets up and almost tentatively surrounds the table. “Have fun,” Vassa giggles and bites down on her lower lip as she leans onto Jurian. She shows Elain thumbs up before said woman turns her attention fully to Lucien.
Her knees quiver with uncertainty, her heart races, and her breath quickens. She slides her palm into Lucien’s and looks up at him with big eyes. He flashes her a warm smile and gently guides her through the crowd. Everything until they arrive in what she gathers is his room becomes a blur — her mind is spiraling and she is mulling over every possible thing that could happen now. Lucien locks the door behind them and guides her to the bed where he sits down. Elain stands in front of him, her hands intertwined in front of her body, her breathing quick, chest heaving with every inhale. Lucien notices her unease and wants to comfort her. He does not expect anything from her. He just wanted to get her out. He did not want her to have to do anything she does not want or feel comfortable with. And he knows, the others might have pushed her to lick his abs or something like this in front of everyone and he really did not want that. Lucien’s hands are braced on the bed, the veins in his strong arms standing out. His head lolls back and he looks up at her with those damnably beautiful eyes, slowly assessing her. “You know you don’t have to do anything you don’t want.”
“But it says lick and private.” Elain’s brows are drawn together, her lips pursed. “Elain,” Lucien says, his voice tinged with empathy. He leans forward and braces his elbows on his thighs, never breaking eye-contact. “I am not expecting you to give me a blow job right now.” Elain’s eyes widen and she gapes at him. “Oh…” She swallows around the sudden lump in her throat, her mind going crazy with a million thoughts most of them going exactly to the topic of giving him a blow job. She sucks her lower lip between her lips, her eyes still locked with his, and waits for him to say something. 
“Have you ever…sucked someone off?” Lucien raises a brow and Elain startles a little, not at all having expected this question now. She wanted him to talk, but that question was not what she expected. Elain draws in a deep breath, her cheeks feeling hot and then she steps closer to Lucien. Leaning down, she is on eye level with him and grins. “Take a guess?”
Lucien’s gaze falls to her lips and lingers and then he grins as well. “Well, I think you have.” “And I think you are correct.” She is still grinning, internally calming herself down as every fiber in her body is pulsing and vibrating with a sudden desire and lust. The distant thump of music seeps through door and walls of the room, the melodies and chatters wafting through the air, but in the confines of his room it is just them. Only Lucien and Elain and she decides that she wants to be bold. It is a chance and she wants to take it. She wants it. And she wants him. She wants Lucien and why not be reckless for once? As if he could read her thoughts once again, Lucien tips his chin up a little, his lips nearly meeting hers and then he says in a whispered voice, “Tell me what you want, Elain.”
“I want what the game suggested.” She raises her own brow, a smirk on her lips and Lucien is gone. “It just said lick, Elain. And in private,” he taunts, and pokes his tongue out, softly brushing it over her lower lip. She shivers a little, a sigh catching in her throat. “It did,” she whispers and her breath tickles Lucien’s skin. “Tell me you want it, Elain. Tell me you want to lick me. Tell me you want to suck my cock.” His wording is terribly vulgar, but instead of turning her off, it makes something in her lower belly tighten and dampness pool between her thighs. She closes her eyes for a moment, and releases a trembling breath. “I want to suck your cock, Lucien.” Her lips split into a grin and then she leans in and kisses the corner of his mouth. “Would you like that?”
Lucien places his lips on hers, sending vibrations throughout her whole body when he says, “I would like nothing more than that. But only under one condition.” He pauses, loving how Elain shivers a little against him. “And that is?” she asks in a sultry tone.
“I want to taste your pretty cunt at the same time. I want you to ride my face, Elain, while you swallow my cock.” Oh God! Elain feels dizzy, her mind clouded with desire, her vision blurry at the sudden heat she feels all over her body. “Yes!” It is all she says before their lips meet in a frenzied kiss, full of passion and hunger. Their hands claw at the clothes of the other, ripping and peeling the pieces off their bodies as quickly as possible. The jumpsuit Elain is wearing is gone in a instant which makes it easier for Lucien to worship her soft skin with searing kisses and touches.
As their bodies come together they move onto the bed, and Lucien positions Elain just in the way he wants her. She has no time to feel insecure or nervous about her whole body being so on display for him. Not when Lucien eyes her like she is the first meal after having been starved for months. Elain’s knees press into the mattress as she hovers above his head, his heated gaze nearly turning her molten. He moves his arms back, his biceps flexing, the muscles in his solid chest rippling and he helps her move closer. “You are so fucking beautiful, Elain,” Lucien raps, his gaze touching every body part he can see from below her. He turns his head a little, kisses the inside of her thighs, strokes her legs gently, and then parts her wet folds with his thumbs. Elain’s body goes rigid, her walls clenching around nothing. But she he can’t lower herself. She can’t sit on his face as he requested it. She would suffocate him. But Lucien has none of that. He wants her to suffocate him, or maybe nearly suffocate him. 
“Elain!” Lucien’s voice is gentle, but stern and demanding. “Don’t hover, fucking sit on my face!” His large hands grab her ass and he pulls her down, his tongue gliding through her folds as he savours his first taste of her and groans somewhere deep in his throat. Everything coils and bliss erupts all over Elain’s body. She cries out in pleasure, her head lolling back, eyes closed and lips parted. Good God! She really has not expected this party to turn out like this…But now she can’t even put into words how happy she is that she came here.
Elain slides down his front, until she can take his rigid and proud length into her hands, stroking him gently. He is thick and long, soft and yet so very hard. Lucien latches at her entrance, lets his tongue circle her clit, his arms wrap around her middle and Elain takes him into her mouth, teasing the head with her tongue. She has only done that twice in her life, but telling by the purely male groan that leaves Lucien at her first taste of him, she knows what she is doing is quite alright. His noises are a sin — nothing human anymore. Almost primal sounds come from some deep part of his throat as he suckles, licks and teases hers. His arms are tightly curled around her while he feasts, while she sucks and swallows around him, teasing him with her tongue. She is savouring every part of his length, her hand stroking the part her mouth can’t reach and she even lets it slide down to his balls. Lucien hisses against her, lifts her hips a little for a second to release a low growl, his chest vibrating. “Fucking God, Elain! Don’t ever stop!” Pulling her back down, he returns to his business, devouring her, groaning and moaning in utter pleasure. It is a moment filled with nothing but heat and passion. Feasting and being feasted upon. His cock pulses and twitches between her delicate lips as release gathers in his spine. Elain holds him tightly, wiggles her hips to signal him that he can come in her mouth. Lucien curses lowly, making a mental note to never ever let her go again. This woman is his end, but also the one person he wants to spend every day of his life with. 
They come simultaneously, Elain’s screams and moans of pleasure and Lucien’s low growls and loud pants drowning out all the noises from the party below as they reach their climax and then sloppily ride out their heights together. 
Music is still reaching their room, when Lucien wraps his arms around Elain’s naked body and pulls her flush to his chest. “You are my end, Elain,” he says before kissing her ear. “My absolute fucking end and don’t think that after tonight I will ever let you go again.” Elain chuckles a little and turns in his hold, looking up at him through her lashes. “Good.” She grins. “Because I won’t ever let you go again, either.”
~~~~~~~ tags: @rippahwrites @shadowhunter2003 @my-inner-crisis @ladyelain @acourtofthought @itwasalwaysaboutthetea @multifictional  @moonlightazriel @brekkershadowsinger @sunshinebingo @gracie-rosee @a-frog-with-a-laptop
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slightlystupidhun · 1 month
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
A band AU I’m writing! Sorry if it’s bad! There is no magic in this universe, just music! @puffin-smoke did an amazing Redacted Band AU that you should check out too!
TW: mentions of grooming and substance use and abuse
Niente; To nothing; indicating a diminuendo which fades completely away…
David pulled into the driveway, grabbing the food before heading inside. The house was in pretty much the same state as he left it. Milo was still pacing around on the phone with his mom, Asher was sitting on the couch watching TV, and Next to him was Tanker still holding the arm of the couch.
“I’m back with food.” David announced, kicking off his shoes.
“Welcome back. What did ya get me, I'm starving.” Asher called from his spot on the couch. David walked over and dropped the food off on the coffee table, before sitting on the recliner. The boys grabbed at their food taking what was theirs, the only thing left being Tank's food. David's knee bounced as he looked at Tanker expectantly.
“Hey,” David said, he tried to come off in a soft tone but his voice came out gravelly and rough. “You gotta eat something.” He reached his hand over to the bag and Asher moved to the opposite end of the couch so David could move to sit right next to them. They turned and looked him in the eye before curling up into themself.
“I thought…” Their voices broke off and came out in a whisper. “I thought he was…I was different. I thought he actually liked me.” It seemed as if the strong fighter that David knew his whole life was breaking down in front of him. Tanker didn't like feeling this vulnerable, this weak. They needed to retreat back into what they knew. What they were comfortable with. They needed to fall back into that shell but they couldn't. It was as if they were trapped in a box and couldn't break down a wall on any side of them. “I wanted to be special…”
David could feel his heart shatter at their words. He quickly dropped to his knees in front of them and grabbed their hands. “Tank, You. Are. Special. You are special to me, to Asher, to Milo and I know that we aren't Quinn. I know that, but honestly fuck that stupid piece of shit. He doesn't know how to appreciate the good things in front of him” He hugged them tight, “I am so sorry I didn't make you feel special like I should have. You are irreplaceable Tanker.”
He could feel them shaking in his arms, trembling. Then his shoulder was wet. They were crying. They never cried like that in front of him before. He just held them. He held them like his world depended on it because right now, he was pretty sure it did.
Around an hour later all of their food was gone, and Marie had arrived to check out Tanker. She definitely gave Tank a stern talking to, one that was needed but hit pretty hard considering the timing. They laid in bed for quite some time. David went out with Asher and Milo to set up for the concert, and Tank chose to arrive on their motorcycle. They had missed about six concerts now, since what had occurred at their last one.
Quinn had been sending Tank messages non-stop. It was always the same, “Come back,” and “It wasn't that serious.” then “You need me.” Tank had ignored the texts, always thinking that Quinn was just a crazy bastard.
“Hey let's get pumped up!” Asher said backstage. He had been hopping around and full of energy as usual.
“Calm down Ash.” Milo laughed as Asher accidentally wacked him.
“Alright get ready everyone.” David said hopping from side to side getting ready to run on. Thats when it fell. A Sandbag fell down from the top of the stage heading directly for David. Luckily Tank saw and managed to push him out of the way but their nerves had skyrocketed.
“What the hell was that?” Tank yelled. “He could have been killed!”
The stage manager immediately went to see what happened but David, while the sandbag didn't hurt him the fall did. Tank felt sick, they just hurt their brother as they looked down at him holding his ankle.
As they packed up the van after opening for the band a stage hand ran out with a letter and handed it to Tank. They looked at it and it read…
“Enjoy my little gift. Keep ignoring me Precious, I just love that.”
They had hoped that things would be better and decided to return for this upcoming concert. They got to the venue dressed and ready and started setting up. They were headlining for a new group called D.A.M.N. they were like an indie rock group. Tank had heard a few of their songs and they loved their song “I Wanna Be Yours” The lead singer Gavin gave it a particularly interesting vibe and their keyboardist called Freelancer was just a star.
They unpacked their guitar and began setting everything up. They plugged in their amp and double checked everything. They were good to go, ready to start up the concert. They waited backstage with DxW for the concert to start. Fans were cheering and they started to pump themselves up. Then it started, they were announced and they ran onstage. The first song of their set was a song that they wrote shortly after gabes passing. “Don't Fear The Reaper.” They loved this song particularly because of the cowbell. David hated it but they loved that he hated it. The band went back and forth everyone exchanging different lines to sing and the crowd was going wild. They decided for their second song to play “Crocodile Rock” Asher had written this one and he was so proud of it. He loved the idea of having a fun dancing song in the middle to lift peoples spirits, and everyone loved his singing. He was such a charming lead singer. The final song they were going to perform was “Hotel California” This song was Tankers baby. Everything about this song was carefully decided by them and the lyrics told a story that had seemed to happen to them in a dream. Getting lost and then being trapped and escaping something that you thought you would be stuck in forever.
The fans went wild as soon as Tanks guitar solo came up. People started screaming and they absolutely loved the feeling, they were shining like a star. After they finished the band could hear fans screaming and asking for Tankers number. They all evacuated the stage and then stayed to listen to D.A.M.N. The two bands ended up talking to each other and sharing their dislike for The Vamps. One of the members named Lasko, ended up recommending Tanker go to this Jazz club. He said he learned a lot about music from a particular band their, even if Lasko was just their manager. Tank agreed to check the band out, apparently they were called The Fangs.
Songs used
I wanna be yours- Arctic Monkeys
Don’t Fear The Reaper- Blue Oyster Cult
Crocodile Rock- Elton John
Hotel California- Eagles
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panjakes · 2 years
Parings: Killer!NamjoonxBlackreader
Summary: There’s a killer on the loose. You housed him without knowing who he was
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You were awoken up by heavy pounding on your door. You groan going to the door ready to cuss who ever it was. How the hell was at your door at 2:28 in the morning?! You had to work in the morning
You swing the door open ready to let out a stream of cuss words but stopped when your eyes fell onto a bloody man
“Miss…p-please. Help me” he says before collapsing
“Sir? Sir?” You ask in confusion
When he didn’t reply you knew he was unconscious. You grab him from under his arms and drag him into your house. Closing the door you run to your medicine cabinet to get the first aid kit.
After cleaning his wounds you step back looking at him.
“What the hell happened to him?” You whisper. You were conflicted. You didn’t know if you should call the police or leave him be. You decided to leave him be. For now. While waiting for him to wake up you fell asleep
“Miss…Miss are you awake” the man asks tapping you causing you to jump out of your seat
“I am now” you say
“Did you patch me up?” He asks
“Well seeing as we’re the only people here and seeing as you were unconscious I would assume it was me” you said sarcastically
“My apologies, thank you” he says making you nod
“If you don’t mind me-“
“I do mind” he says quickly. Red flag
“Okay…are you hungry? Thirsty?” You ask
“Both actually” he says
“Okay follow me” you say leading him to the kitchen
You go into the fridge pulling out a Gatorade, a jug of water, and the left over chicken Alfredo and broccoli. You put some on a plate and into the microwave.
“Where are your cups?” He asks
“Up in this cabinet” you point above your head. You expected him to wait for you to move out the way before he got the cup but he didn’t
You jump and gasp when he placed his hand on your waist stands behind you reaching for a cup. He grabs the cup walking over to the other side of the counter to pour the water into the cup.
The beeping of the microwave shook you out of your thoughts. There was something…off about this man. His vibe was weird.
You take the plate out the microwave before handing it to him. He thanks you before digging in. He ate as if he hadn’t a home cook meal in months.
You figured he’d want to wash up at some point so you went into your brothers room grabbing clothes for him. Once you gathered the clothes and come out he was already done
“Finish?“ you ask
“Yes I am, thank you” he says drinking from the cup
“No problem” you say
“I know you just patched me up but Do you mind if I clean up?” He asks. You hand him the clothes with a small smile
“Already ahead of you, bathrooms down the hall to the left” you say. He looks down at the pile of clothes then you with a raised brow
“Boyfriend?” He asks
“No…little brother” you say
“Ah okay. I just…didn’t want to be disrespectful if yo were in a relationship
“Oh I appreciate it. No worries though” you say
“Thank you, again” he says walking down the hall.
You let out a sigh of relief. The air was tense. You sit down on the couch turning the tv on then you noticed you didn’t have your phone. You go into your bedroom grabbing it.
Going back to the couch you bounce between your socials barely listening to the news that played in the background. That’s when a message popped up on your phone
Serial killer, Kim Namjoon has escaped from jail. He’s 5’11, brown eyes, black hair. He is also injured. If he comes to your door do not open it or let him in. Call the police immediately.
You scroll down opening the picture. Your moth went dry. Kim Namjoon, the serial killer is in your home. Right now. You let a serial killer into your home.
You immediately call the police.
“911 what’s your emergency?”
“Yes. The serial killer Kim Namjoon is in my house” you whisper into the phone looking back to make sure he was still in the bathroom
“Okay what is your address?”
“92739 oakshire road” you mumble back
“Okay I’m sending police units now. how did he get in?”
“I-I let him in” you say feeling so stupid
“Why did you let him in?”
“I didn’t know who he was. I thought he was a random injured man. I didn’t know who he was until I saw the text message the department sent out”
“It’s okay ma’am you didn’t know. Where is he now?”
“The shower” you say
“Okay. I want you to continue to act as if you don’t know his identity. Continue to treat him with good hospitality okay ma’am can you do that?”
That’s when you heard the shower turn off
“He’s done.” You say with fear in your voice
“Okay, stay with me. I want you to put the phone face down on the table. Don’t interact with the phone okay?”
“Okay” you say before doing as the operator said. Soon enough Namjoon was walking back into the room
“thank you for allowing me to shower” he says
“Your welcome” you say nodding
“And feeding me. You didn’t have to do the things you did.” He says
“It’s okay. Really” you say standing from the couch
“If you don’t mind, could I sleep on your couch? I’ll leave in the morning” he says walking over to you
“Uh yeah of course” you say nodding
“How can I repay you?” He asks walking closer to you
“Uh no payment at all” you say ready to retreat from the room
“Please, allow me to” he says walking closer to you. He grabs your wrist pulling you closer to him, closing in on the space between you and him
“I-I” you say lost for words
“I don’t believe you when you say, you don’t have a man. A women as nice and beautiful as yourself should be spoken for” he says placing a hand under your chin tilting it up
“I-I Uh, thank you?” You say confusedly
“Please, what is your name?” He asks
“A-Aliyah” you say making him smirk
“It fits you. Aliyah can I kiss you?” He asks
Before you could accept or deny l, he leans in planting his lips on yours in a small cute peck.
Your lips start to quiver and tears start to well
“Serial killer, Kim Namjoon has escaped from prison. Police say he is injured but he is still dangerous.” The news reporter on the tv says 
Namjoon tilts his head over to the tv seeing his picture on the screen. He starts to side eye as he hears sirens.
“If you come across this man do not approach him or allow him into your home. Call the police immediately”
He looks over at you as your body shook in fear. His lips form into a smirk as he darkly chuckles
“Well, isn’t that something” he says still chuckling
You start backing up and away from him
“I wouldn’t do nothing anything if I were you” you say
“I had no intentions on doing anything to Aliyah. My plans were suppose to sleep off these injuries and be on my way in the morning, but you now know who I am.” He says
“You better leave Namjoon. The police aren’t far. Leave while you still can” you say
He chuckles before he attacks you. He grabs you by the neck pulling you into his chest.
“I liked you Aliyah, I really did. Sorry it ended like this” he says
You scream elbowing him in the stomach. When he double over you kicked him in the side. He falls to the ground and you took it as a chance to grab the vase and smash it on his head.
He groans falling back to the ground. You grab another vase smashing it on his head again. This time he falls unconscious. You sigh as the sirens got louder and louder
You back up towards the door. Keeping an eye on the man never turning your back to him. When you finally got to the door you quickly opened it and went outside
Soon after the police came.
“Hands up! Where Kim Namjoon?!”
“In the house”
“Are you the one who placed the call?”
“Are you hurt?”
“No. Im fine just please. Get him out my house” you say going to sit on the curb.
230 notes · View notes
dreamy625 · 6 months
Overture and beginners - chapter 6
< Chapter 5
Words: 2524
Content: Final chapter! I think we know where this is going now 🫣
Katie turned into Steve’s street just in time to see a younger boy come out of the house, banging the door behind him and bouncing down the steps before heading off in the opposite direction. She waited a minute or so for safety before ringing the doorbell. Steve answered almost instantly, like he was waiting in the hall.
“Hullo, love.” He stepped back, letting her move into the hall before kissing her softly on the cheek.
“Your cunning plan worked then?” She gestured back in the direction that Chris had walked.
“Yeah, I had to pay for tickets for him and his mate, cokes, and popcorn. Who knew having a love life would be so expensive.” He held out his hand, “Can I take your coat?”
Katie handed it to him and automatically slipped off her shoes - if Steve’s mam was anything like hers, outdoor shoes on the carpet was a crime second only to murder. 
Steve led the way into the livingroom - two smaller rooms knocked into one, with anaglypta wallpaper and stone-clad fireplaces. “So, umm, this is my house…”
“Looks a lot like mine. I guess they were all built around the same time? Nice and warm though; my dad will tell us to put on another jumper until we’re practically spherical before he’ll switch the heating on!”
“Mine’s the same; I turned it up the minute they left. Come through to the kitchen and I’ll find us some drinks.” He started rifling through cupboards, “Tea? Or we’ve got lemonade, or…” he turned the bottle around, “dandelion and burdock?”
Katie pulled a face.
“Yeah, disgusting stuff. Why do they even make it? Here’s some weeds we pulled out of a ditch, wanna drink it? We might have something else, orange squash maybe…”
“Lemonade’s fine.”
Steve poured two glasses. “Now lemons, much better idea… fruit… from a tree… and it smells nice…” Clamping his lips together to stop the babbling, he handed her a glass and leaned back against the counter, his head tilted down to the floor. He peeked out at her from under his fringe. “Why am I nervous?”
“No clue, because I am cool as a cucumber!” she laughed. She crossed the kitchen and ran her hand down his arm. “Maybe because you’re thinking about what might happen, and it’s new and a bit scary? Me too,” she confessed. 
He pulled her into a hug, resting his chin on the top of her head. “We’ve got hours and hours to hang out, with no parents, no annoying little brothers, no obnoxious bandmates. We can do whatever we like, right? It doesn’t have to be that.”
“Whatever we like,” she echoed, wrapping her arms around his slender waist, “no expectations.”
“So… d’you wanna see my room?”
“You’re the first girl that’s not related to me to come in here,” he noted as he led the way upstairs. “‘No girls in bedrooms’,” he added in a low, gravelly-voiced impression of his father. “Don’t know what they think is going to happen… actually, now I do…”
Katie had limited experience of boys’ bedrooms, but it looked pretty much like she would have imagined - standard department store furniture, brown carpet, blue curtains, band posters, Sheffield Wednesday scarf hanging on the wardrobe door. 
“Very neat. Did you clean up specially?”
“Maybe, what do you think?”
Katie looked around the small space.”I think… it’s normally pretty tidy, but you made it even more so because I was coming over? No one really has a desk where everything is exactly at right angles!”
“You got me. I don’t have much stuff, just clothes and records really, so it’s hard to make too much mess. I dusted,” he added proudly, “and look, clean sheets.” Katie raised her eyebrows, and a tinge of pink lit Steve’s cheeks. “So, err, shall I put some music on?”
He moved to the record player and dropped the needle onto the record already on the turntable - Queen, it turned out. They both stood rather awkwardly until Steve motioned for Katie to sit on the bed; the only chair in the room was the straight-backed wooden one that went with the desk. He continued to hover at the side of the room, picking pencils up off the desk and putting them down again.
“Come sit with me?” she asked, scooting back to the far corner of the bed. He sat down, pulled his legs up, and leant against the headboard. Katie cuddled up to him, resting her head on his shoulder. “Tell me about these bands you’ve stuck all over your walls.” 
She already understood him well enough to know that music was the topic that would always make him calm and happy, and she could feel the tension leave his body as he expounded on the talents of his favourites, Jimmy Page and Brian Robertson. 
After Steve hopped off the bed briefly to turn the record over, he returned and laid down facing Katie, but not touching. 
“Hello,” he said, smiling mischievously.
“Hi,” she answered cautiously, wondering what game this was.
“May I kiss you, m’lady?”
“I think that could be quite agreeable,” she allowed.
He leaned in and kissed her lightly on the lips, just once, and leaned back. “Thank you kindly, I am greatly in your debt.”
“Oh come here you ridiculous boy!” she laughed, grabbing the front of his t-shirt and pulling him close for a proper kiss. 
They were well-practised at this now and it didn’t take long before hands and mouths and whispered words brought them to the point of rubbing up on one another in sweet desperation. 
Steve rolled on top of her and paused, looking searchingly into her face. ‘Yes?’ was all he needed to ask.
“Yes,” she answered instantly.
“Completely.” She wriggled beneath him, opening her legs wider so he fitted neatly between her thighs. 
“D’you want me to… use something?”
She shook her head, “Let’s not add any complications. I’ve been taking my magic pills, so we’re all good.”
“Right.” He took a deep breath. “If it hurts, or there’s anything you don’t like, you tell me. Promise?”
With a look of intense concentration he moved to line himself up, but it felt like he wasn’t prodding in quite the right place. 
“Down a little bit…” 
She angled her hips up and all at once the pressure turned to yielding and Steve let out a ‘hah’ of surprise. As gently as possible, he pushed a bit further in but stopped immediately when Katie drew in a sharp breath. “Oh no, did I hurt you?”
“It’s just uncomfortable, because it’s new. Just go slow.” 
He still looked doubtful, “You’re sure?”
“I’m sure. Really, I’m fine, keep going.”
Monitoring Katie’s expression intently the whole time, Steve did as he was told until he was in as far as he could go. “Is that okay?”
“It feels a bit weird. Not bad, just different. Your… um, your dick is bigger than your fingers!” She experimented, angling her pelvis up and down and clenching and releasing her muscles, adjusting to the new sensations.
"Jesus! That's…"  He'd been focusing so hard on getting it right that he hadn’t really registered how it felt until now. 
The expression of open-mouthed astonishment on her boyfriend's face made Katie laugh, and he laughed back. "Hey, I felt that through your…" (they’d never managed to find a non-cringey word for it).
She reached up and stroked his cheek. "I'm so glad I'm doing this, the whole first time thing, with you."
"Me too." He leaned in for a kiss, at first tender and then passionate. "Can I move?" he murmured, and she mm-mm-ed in answer.
After the first few stuttering strokes, the angles and the motion just clicked and it was easy, smooth and slippery and tight and warm and better than hands, better than anything. Steve’s brain overloaded with ‘feels so good-am I doing it right-can’t believe we’re doing this-she’s so beautiful-oh my god-this is amazing’ and the only coherent thought he could push out was, “Good?”
“Really good.” 
She had wrapped her legs around his hips and started rocking to meet his thrusts and quickly he had to switch from thinking how incredible it felt to thinking unsexy thoughts about belt drives and tailstock adjustment. 
“Don't know how long I can…" he panted.
"That's okay."
"You could… use your fingers? You know…”
Katie hesitated for a moment, self-conscious, before reaching down between their entwined bodies. Not much room, and it was an awkward angle, but ah, there, that was… something. Maybe if she could match her movements to his… 
“Can you go slower?”
Steve switched to long, slow strokes, figuring out how to use his elbows for leverage, and discovered that was a whole new flavour of amazing, ‘oh my god’ and ‘please not yet’ battling it out in his head.
It felt so good, like when they used their hands on each other, but more intense, not just physically but mentally too, a full mind-body experience. Katie felt dizzying waves of both pleasure and emotion building, culminating not in a big explosion like you read about in those novels you have to hide under your mattress, but a warm rippling feeling that spread from her centre all the way down her thighs and made her moan, every breath becoming an ‘ohh’, and grip onto Steve’s bum to pull him in as deep as possible. Feeling and hearing that was Steve’s undoing as well. Some deeply ingrained natural instinct overtook any conscious control and his thrusts sped up, breath coming in grunts and jumbled words, “Oh god… I’m gonna… I… I love you… I love… you…” and a final groan that cracked into a sigh. 
Steve dropped his head down onto Katie’s shoulder, resisting the urge to just slump completely and squash the poor girl. ‘Wow’ was the only reaction he could manage. 
She giggled jubilantly, “We actually did it!” and when he lifted his head she ruffled his hair and observed, “Ah, and there’s that grin you’re going to be wearing all week.”
“All month maybe!” He leaned in and kissed her, “You are the most wonderful girl.”
“You’re not so bad yourself.”
With a shift of his hips he carefully extracted himself and eased over onto his side, curving his body around hers and nestling his head between her neck and shoulder. Katie wrapped one hand over his as it laid across her stomach, and trailed the other up and down his side, dancing her fingers from one rib to the next (he was unbelievably skinny for someone that she regularly saw eat a pie nearly the size of his head in the canteen at lunchtime!).
When they’d both got their breath back, she started to fidget. “I’m just going to… where’s your bathroom?”
“Opposite side of the landing. Do you need anything? Borrow my dressing gown, it’s on the back of the door.”
From the landing, Steve heard an exclamation of ‘urgh’. “You okay?” he called.
“It’s running down my leg! Yuck!”
“Typical,” she continued to the accompaniment of running water, “you guys make the mess and us women have to clear it up!”
The toilet flushed and Katie reappeared and climbed back into bed.
“Everything all right?”
“Yup, little bit sore, but no blood.”
“Does that really happen?”
“Apparently. Maybe if you’ve never put anything in there before?”
“Lucky we did all that practising then.”
“Preparation is everything.” She looked around the room, seeking out a clock. “What’s the time?”
Steve checked his watch. “Twenty to nine. We’ve probably got another hour before anyone comes back.”
“What do you want to do now?”
He stretched his arms over his head. “Total clichè, but I really want a cigarette.”
“So have one then.”
“I’m not allowed to smoke upstairs.”
“You’re also not allowed to have girls in your room, and yet…” she smiled.
“Good point.” 
He reached over to the nightstand and took out a pack of cigarettes, matches, and a coughdrop tin to serve as an ashtray. 
“Heh, this feels like more of a transgression than the other!”
He offered her the pack but she shook her head, snuggling back down with her arm across his stomach, watching as he attempted to blow smoke rings at the ceiling. 
“Do you feel different?”
“Different how?”
“I don’t know, like you’ve ‘become a man’ or something? It’s made out to be this big momentous thing, and I mean, it was, but I still just feel like me.”
“I don’t think I feel any different, but I do feel like there’s, I don’t know… a secret special thing between us, that’s just for us. Does that sound stupid?” 
“No, it does feel like that.” She tightened her hold. “You’re all mine how, Clarkie.”
He was silent for a moment or two, then, “I meant it y’know, it wasn’t just because of… I love you.”
Katie lifted her head to look into his face. Her eyes were soft and she was smiling a lopsided, considering kind of smile. “I wasn’t going to mention it, in case you didn’t remember saying it, in case it was just an in the moment thing. But I love you too.”
They kissed for a long moment, then Steve sighed. “I wish we could stay like this all night, but I suppose we should get up and get dressed. If Chris comes home and finds a naked woman in the house I will probably have to give him my whole wage packet not to tell Mam.” Reluctantly he sat up and moved to the edge of the bed, picking up their now-crumpled t-shirts from the floor.
Katie dug out her knickers from somewhere under the blankets and pulled them on. “It’s not exactly how I want to first meet your family either.”
“You’d certainly make an unforgettable impression! But yeah, clothed and a little less ruffled might be better.” He watched her pull her shirt on over her head, then reached out and combed his hand through her tangled hair. “You look beautiful though. Debauchery suits you!”
“Why thank you. I think.”
“Come on,” he said, standing up to put on his jeans, “I’ll walk you home, or at least to the end of your street.”
“You’re going to have to meet my dad eventually you know. As my boyfriend, I mean.”
“I suppose so, but can we make it not when I’ve just shagged his daughter!” He clapped his hand over his mouth - that’s not quite how he would have phrased it if he’d thought about it!
But Katie just laughed. “Scaredy-cat!”
“With good reason - I like my arms and legs the way they are!”
She ran her hand down from his shoulder to his hand, interlacing their fingers. “I like your arms and legs the way they are too, and I will protect you from the nasty man. We can say goodbye behind a bush if you like.”
“Thank you.” He lifted their clasped hands and pressed his lips to the back of her hand. “Best day ever,” he said, the Cheshire Cat grin returning.
“Best day ever,” she echoed.
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k-nayee · 1 year
Hybe High public school au
wc: 8.3k Heavily inspired by Blackmilkbangtan's post
Dreamer M.List
ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ
You take a peek at the clock only to let out a pained groan.
5:40 A.M.
'Why the hell is this woman waking me up so early?'
Letting out a yawn, you snuggle back into the bed, too tired to even move.
"____!" The sound of someone coming up the stairs echoes around your room until the door bursts open.
Despite wanting to ignore her and go back to sleep, you knew it would only end with an immediate ass-whooping if you did.
So like the good daughter you were, you obediently sat up and faced your mother.
Her eyebrows raise at your groggy answer, arms crossed with a spatula in hand. "Oh, so you don't hear me now?"
"Yes ma'am I heard you. But school don't start until 7:15."
"Okay and? What this gotta do with me? I don't care what time school starts. You still gotta get out this house before I leave for work."
With those final words, she turns and walks out the room.
Waiting until her footsteps go distant, you fall back to the bed with a groan and close your eyes.
'I'll get up in a few more minutes.'
"And you better get your ass up! Let this be the last time I have come up there to come get you."
You sit up with a glare. "Or not..."
════════════════*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═════════════════
The sound of the radio fills your head as you reach the bottom of the stairs.
Walking into the kitchen, you smile at the sight of your mom placing a plate of scrambled eggs in front of your little brother.
She gives your appearance a look before letting out a hum of approval. "Seems like you took heed of my words."
You lightly scoff at her playful words and kiss her on the cheek. "Yeah, either that or I'd end up six feet under. Hey Bubba!"
"Bubba!" [Brother Name] begins to bounce in his highchair at the call of his nickname, "Bubba! Bubba!"
"Yes it is Bubba! Yes it is!" Swiftly picking him up from the seat, you laugh when he squeals.
"Aight enough of that, let my baby eat his food. And we don't have a lot of time left so come eat." She shakes her head at the interaction with a giant smile.
"Yes ma'am," placing him back in his seat, you grab a plate only to freeze at the sudden ring of your phone.
____, Slow but Faithful Hoe🤷🏾: Aye can you pick me up for school in the morning? 9:42 PM ADORAble💝: No problem but you better hurry up or imma leave your ass 9:46 PM ____, Slow but Faithful Hoe🤷🏾: 🙄 Whateva. Night 9:47 PM ADORAble💝: See you in the mornin' 9:47 PM ADORAble💝: Hey I'm outside 6:20 AM
"____ get off that damn phone and come eat!"
"Sorry Ma, but I can't." You send her an apologetic smile as you pick up your backpack from the floor.
"And why the hell not?"
"Because my ride's outside waiting for me." Quickly grabbing a piece of toast, you stuff it in your mouth and walk towards the door. "See ya later! Love yo-ack!"
Your words are cut off by the yank of your collar, forcing you back into the kitchen.
Turning around, you're faced with your glaring mother as she forces a foam plate into your hands.
"Uh-uh. This ain't no movie-type shit where you get only one thing and bust out of here. Girl if you don't make a plate and eat it on the way there. I didn't raise you to be wasting food like that. And I sure as hell didn't slave over this hot ass stove just for nobody to eat it."
Head bowed in defeat, you pile up your plate with food.
"And put enough on there for your friend. I know they probably didn't eat since they came to pick up your wasteful ass."
"Yes ma'am," putting twice as much on there, you cover it with a bag before giving both her and [Brother Name] a kiss on the cheek.
"See y'all later, love you."
Halfway out the door, you stop at the sound of your mom's voice.
"And don't be having no damn attitude just because I'm trying to make sure you eating right either!"
"Ma ain't nobody having an attitude!"
"Who you raising your voice at?!"
You rub your forehead in exhaustion. "I only did it cause I'm almost outsid- nevermind. I'm heading out right now."
"Oh, so you mumbling under your breath now?!"
"I-bye Ma!"
Walking out of the house with a groan, you let out a sigh of relief at the sight of a familiar red car.
"Hey Adora!"
"Don't Hey Adora me! I been waiting outside for damn near twenty minutes." Your friend/neighbor sends you a glare as you slide into the passenger side.
You raise an eyebrow at her words. "Oh really? So I guess you don't want breakfast then. Tch, and to think my momma made me make you a plate."
"Breakfast?" Adora perks up with a smile before making grabby hands at the sight of food, "gimme gimme hoe! I'm starving."
"Nah-uh. You can eat once we make it to school."
"Now that shit's unfair! You know your mama's food is good as hell."
"I know. That's why I'd be damn if we crash cause your dumbass tryna fight over the last piece of bacon with me."
Smacking her lips in defeat, Adora rolls her eyes and started up the car. "Whatever...but I am getting that last piece tho."
"Bitch just shut up and drive!"
════════════════*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═════════════════
"So ____, you heard what happened with Kim Taehyung?"
You stop eating your pancakes with a sigh before turning towards the gossiping girl. "What happened?"
Adora quickly swallows the food in her mouth with wide eyes as she leans forward. "Aight, so it was brought to my attention that he got Suri pregnant."
Choking on your food in shock, you look at her. "Suri? You talking about that ugly bitch from second-floor Economics class?"
She nods her head. "Yeah! But you know it's all low-key and all since-"
"Kim Taehyung don't fuck ugly bitches, period." You roll your eyes at the phrase that's been around ever since his Freshmen year.
"Aw shit...there they go."
Following Adora's gaze out the car window, you catch sight of the black limousine pulling up to the school.
Usually, there'd be crowds of students gathering around the vehicle to see who's inside, but now, everyone knew.
Bangtan Sonyeondan, other known as the Bangtan Boys of Hybe High. They are considered the It group, everyone loved them...
'Dammit, them sons of bitches are here today?'
...well everyone except you.
Being the only one in the school who didn't fall for their good looks or charms, it seemed to make them gravitate towards you the most.
Some would say it was a blessing, but you said it was a curse.
"Hey ____, don't you have classes with all of them?"
Banging your head against the dashboard at her question, you prepare yourself for the day's encounters. "Yeah..."
Already dreading the next six periods of the day, you walk into the classroom with a sigh.
Your eyes skim over the class only to stop at the person in a black hoodie that you knew all too well:
Min Yoongi.
He was the only person in Bangtan that you never actually spoken to.
Instead of being the focus of attention, he took the role of that one quiet dude who sits in the back of the class.
No one- I mean no one has ever come close to holding a normal non-school-related conversation with him other than his small circle of friends.
In the school, Yoongi's considered the living, breathing form of intimidation: cat-like eyes staring at you as if anticipating your next move, face void of all emotion.
It's hard to even sit in a five-foot radius of him, but truth be told...the kigga was fine to not even try.
You'd hear of the countless attempts of girls trying to confess their love only to chicken out the moment his dark gaze landed on them.
Dude didn't even know people found him attractive until this one bold chick came up and told him so.
You will never forget the day he flushed pink as a look of confusion fell over his face.
"Alright class," you're forced from your thoughts at the voice of Ms. Johnson [English Arts teacher], "today I'm going to finally assign partners for this quarter's project."
As the whispers of who's going to be with who fills the class, you bow your head in prayer.
'Lord, I've been a good person right? Right. I do all...most of my work on time, I listen to my parents, and I even volunteer at the food shelter from time to time. Now I know you won't do me dirty with this project. All I ask is to not be assigned to no slow as- pardon, a person with a deficiency in common knowledge and book work. Oh, and please, please not Min Y-'
"Min Yoongi? You will be with ____ [Last Name]. Everyone's all partnered up? Good! Now please get to your assigned person."
Slowly turning around with pursed lips, you find him already staring at you in boredom.
His head nudges toward the empty seat next to him and you high-tail your ass over in avoidance of making him mad.
"H-hEllo" You wince at the crack in your voice as he pulls out some paper with a nod.
"Is everything good here? Need any more instructions?" You look up to find Ms. Johnson standing in front of the desk.
Yoongi pointedly looks at you causing your body to stiffen. "Nah we good Ms. Johnson. Thanks anyway."
"Aye yo Ms. Johnson! What was we supposed to do in the last part?"
Giving you one last smile, she turns and bends down to help another student.
"Goddamn! Ms. Johnson thicker than a bowl of oatmeal."
Eyes wide, you slowly turn towards Yoongi as he continues to look at her ass with an intense gaze before bursting with laughter.
"What?" He begins to laugh alongside you with a gummy smile.
"R-really dude?!" You wheeze out, arms wrapped around your stomach as tears filled your eyes, "S-she's damn near 40. Probably your momma's age."
"Shit, that don't mean nothing. With an ass like it's twenty, I'll gladly go for it."
Laughter grew louder than before, it was to a point where you didn't notice how the class went quiet and focused on the two of you.
"Ms. [Last Name], Mr. Min," you immediately stop laughing at the strict voice of Ms. Johnson and innocently look at her.
"Yes ma'am?"
"You want to tell me why you're causing such a disturbance in my class?"
Making eye contact with Yoongi, you bite your lip to keep from laughing more. "N-no ma'am. There's no reason."
"Uh-hm," she studies you for a few more seconds before finally dismissing it, "don't do it again or I'm putting you out...the both of you."
"Yes ma'am."
As she walks off, you share quiet laughs with Yoongi, ignoring the heavy gazes of nosey students around.
"You know ____, you kinda cool."
You scoff at his words. "You don't need to tell me that, I already know boo."
It was his turn to scoff. "Yeah, yeah."
Going back to the paper to start the project, a small grin adorned Yoongi's face the entire time.
Surprisingly, instead of doing the work, the rest of the class period was filled with both of you silently roasting other people.
Yeah, you're definitely gonna be sitting back there for the rest of the year.
'Maybe he's not as bad as I thought...'
"So...you just sat there and hanged out with him the whole time?" Adora raises her eyebrows as you walk down the hall to second period.
You shrug your shoulders. "Pretty much."
"I can't believe you bonded over Ms. Johnson's ass." She shakes her head in disbelief.
"I mean hey, have you seen it? Sis got a whole chariot back there."
Mumbling a you kinda right tho, she continues to walk forward as you stop at your classroom door.
"See you at lunch okay?"
You catch sight of Adora throwing a peace sign before disappearing into the sea of students.
"Good morning Ms. [Last Name]." You send a smile to Mr. Coleman [U.S and World History teacher] as he greets your fellow classmates.
"Morning Mr. Coleman! How have you been so far?"
The corner of his eyes crinkles up at the sincere question. "As great as always! Now, I want you all to get out your textbooks and open up to pages 2-"
His words are cut off by the sudden slam of the door, causing the class to slightly jump in surprise.
You turn towards the culprit only to let out a low groan of annoyance.
'Please, for the love of all things holy and pure...anyone but him.'
"Mr. Kim," Mr. Coleman's smile tightens into a grimace as the said student walks into the room with a cup of Starbucks in hand.
"Yeah? The fuck you calling my name for? Tell me whatchu want, I don't have all day."
Everyone holds their breath at Jin's words, body tense with worry as he saunters over to the desk next to you.
You look at your teacher only to find him rubbing his temples with deep breaths of air.
"Mr. Kim, please refrain from using such vulgar language in my class. Now what we were doing before you came in here was turning to pages 262-270 in the tex-"
Jin cuts him off with a squeaky laughter, hand slapping the desk as if he was told the funniest joke all of existence.
His eyes widen in shock once seeing no ounce of humor across the older man's face. "Oh, you serious? You must be out of your goddamn mind if you think Imma actually do this bullshit work."
"As you should know, I am nearly forty years your senior. So what you are saying to me is very disrespectful Mr. Kim."
"You right Mr. Coleman, you are nearly three times my age. But the question is: the fuck you gon do? Beat my ass? TUH, I think not."
The room goes quiet, the only sound being heard was of Jin sipping on his latte with raised brows.
Had someone from another school came and witnessed this, you're sure they would've had a heart attack.
But everyone here already knew what was happening and patiently waited until class started once more.
There was one golden rule that circulated throughout Hybe High: whatever Kim Seokjin does and says goes, no matter how wrong it is.
Being the son of two powerful people, it came with some very useful perks.
And one of them consisted of teachers being unable to kick him out in fear of being fired.
Another reason why he was untouchable was because of his looks.
Jin was fine as fuck, and he knew it.
There was never a day of him not wearing Gucci down to the socks like Big Poppa was his motto.
Saying homeboy was richer than Richie Rich wasn't an exaggeration.
Minutes passed before Mr. Coleman turns to the board and write down today's assignment.
"Okay class, I want all of this completed by the ring of the bell. Turn it in at my desk before you leave out."
Sitting down in his chair, he goes to his agenda to plan out future work as if he didn't just get his ass wrongfully handed to him.
"You so fucking wrong for that."
Jin frowns at the disapproving glare on your face. "The hell I do?"
"You really gonna ask me that?" You shake your head in disbelief and open the book to start on the work, "Bruh I swear...you rich people need to learn respect. Let you meet my momma and act that way. You'll be a brand new person messing with her."
Thankfully, it goes silent between you two which gives you enough time to finish everything.
Laying down on the desk for a nap, you peek through your arms when someone pokes your shoulder.
Jin sends you a bright smile. "Can you help me with my work?"
"The fuck? You damn near smarter than me. The hell you need my help for?!"
"I know but," His plump lips form into a pout, eyelashes fluttering as he gazes at you, "I don't like doing this boring ass work. So can yo-"
"No." You turn away from him and lay back down.
"But ____!"
"Don't call me! It ain't my fault you ain't doing your damn work. What this gotta do with me? Jack-squat."
"I'll buy you lunch."
Slowly turning back with narrowed eyes, you observe his face for any deceit. "Anything I want? And I don't want that cheap ass lunch-food either."
"Aight, say no more fam."
Scooting your desk closer to his, you open the book once more. "So the first thing you gotta do is..."
"Yeah, I want a triple hamburger with extra cheese and a medium vanilla milkshake."
"Oh! Tell him I want extra french fries. Wait, and make sure it's an extra-large." You giddily bounce on your feet as Jin walks down the hall.
He rolls his eyes at your excitement before turning back to the phone. "And make sure to add extra-large fries...yes that's all. I want it all here before 12:30. Bye"
Hanging up the phone with a sigh, Jin looks down at you with an eye roll. "Tch...you better be lucky I like you enough to go through all this trouble."
"Don't forget that I helped you with your classwork you ungrateful ass child."
"Pssh whatever, just get to class."
You turn and realize that he had walked you all the way to your third period.
"W-how the hell did you know what my next class is?"
"I'm Kim Seokjin, I know everything," He sends you a wink, walking down the hall along with the other students.
"Stop doing shit like that dude! That ain't cool, and we sure as hell ain't no couple."
Walking into class with a huff, you slow down when seeing your teacher collecting his things.
"Um...Mr. Clark? Where are you going? Aren't you supposed to be in front of the class?"
He looks at you with a shrug. "It seems that he already knows today's lesson. So I figured why not just say fuck it and let him teach."
"Good morning third period!" Just as Mr. Clark sprints out of the room, you turn to find exactly who your teacher was talking about:
Kim Namjoon.
He's one of the most-in fact the smartest person you've ever met during your time in high school.
Being in the top ten of Most Handsome of Hybe High along with a deadly set of dimples, Namjoon was for sure a long-time crush of yours.
You would think he'd be the most sought-after person, but frankly, he's not.
With the tendency of playing the role of the smartass teacher's pet, many would find him more on the he fine but don't wanna hit it side of the spectrum.
"Mane dude get outta here! Don't nobody wanna hear your shit today!" A voice calls out causing Namjoon's eyes to narrow.
"Oh? And please do tell me why not." He crosses his arms with a fake smile, "because I would gladly be happy to fix the lesson if it causes you unsatisfactory."
"Nah bruh you hearing me wrong. It's not the lesson, it's you. I don't know why you think we forgot about what yo ashy ass did. Just because these thirsty ass hoes say it's okay doesn't mean we do."
You look at the glaring faces of all the black dudes in the class in confusion.
"What the hell happened?"
Their gazes shift towards you before softening. "I forgot you came here in 10th grade and don't know. Why don't you tell her, homeboy."
Namjoon begins to fidget, a nervous smile appears as he pulls on the collar of his shirt. "C-can we not bring this up?"
"Well since he ain't telling, Imma go ahead and say it," the dude closest to you leans back with a sigh, dark eyes still on shifty male, "back in freshman year ya dude here thought he was black and got a perm."
"P-perm?" You sputter out in shock, wide eyes looking around to see that they were serious.
"Oh, it didn't stop there. Should've seen him at the time! Sagging, grills, jersey shirts; all of that mimicry shit. Football team had to beat his ass when he said Nigga."
"Really Namjoon?!"
"H-hey! In my defense, I was uneducated as fuck and learned most of my English from Living Single and Fresh Prince of Bel-Air."
"Yeah, but really Joon? You really went that far?"
Namjoon's face grows red from shame, his hands covering the skin to hide it from the class's view.
"Come on! I get it: what I did was wrong and I rightfully deserved that beat down. But it's been years since it happened. Can't we just let bygones be bygones now?"
"Oh we been forgave you, it's just funny to see you grow all shy 'n shit."
He visibly relaxes at the laughter and smiles filling the room. "So...we good now?"
"Yeah, we good."
"Okay guys! Homework's due tomorrow, I want it turned in the moment you stepped through that door." The voice of Mr. Clark fills the room as the bell rings.
Things already packed and ready for the next class, you wait at the door for Namjoon to finish talking to the teacher.
His dimples appear after seeing it was you. "Hey ____! You still down for me to tutor you for math after school right?"
"Ah, sorry I can't. I have to look after Bubba while my mom's at work."
"Oh," your eyes widen in realization, head lowering to avoid his curious gaze, "that's...my little brother's nickname."
You shiver at the way his deep chuckles fill your ears.
"Bubba...that's cute."
"Ha. Y-yeah, I try."
It becomes a comfortable silence between you two during the walk down the hall.
"So ____, I was wondering if you and Adora would like to hang out with u-"
You look behind you to the source of interruption with dread. 'Oh hell no.'
"Hey," Namjoon tilts his head as the figure gets closer to where you were, "is that-"
"Well that seems like my cue to leave. See ya later Joon!" Speeding down the hallway without hearing a reply, you dip out of his sight.
After minutes of staying camouflaged amongst the hormonal bodies, you finally make it to your fourth-period class.
"Hello Ms. Pain- um...who are you?" You stop your greeting once taking a look at the front desk.
Instead of your beloved Calculus teacher Ms. Paine, there in her place was a small old man.
"My...name is...Mr. Abdul. And...today I...will...be your...teacher." He wheezes out through his oxygen mask before pointing to the class, "please...have seat. And...write name...for attendance..."
Quickly writing your name down on the piece of paper, you sit down and pull out your phone.
____, Slow but Faithful Hoe🤷🏾: Bitch...Ms. Paine gone for today! 10:25 AM ADORAble💝: Foreal? Did she leave any work out for us to do? 10:27 AM ____, Slow but Faithful Hoe🤷🏾: Don't know, but there's this small sick-ass old dude for our substitute tho. I feel bad for him 10:28 AM ADORAble💝: Damn. What's his name 10:28 AM ____, Slow but Faithful Hoe🤷🏾: Mr. Abdul 10:29 AM ADORAble💝: Oh shit! You remember that prank I told you about the Soccer team pulling on that foreigner teacher I had a while back? 10:35 AM ____, Slow but Faithful Hoe🤷🏾: You talking about the one who was duct-taped to his chair? 10:37 AM No...that's him?! 10:37 AM ADORAble💝: Yup. 10:37 AM ____, Slow but Faithful Hoe🤷🏾: They going to hell for that one. 10:38 AM
"____~" you freeze once a familiar musky cologne fills your senses, head dropping to the desk with a thud.
'Calm down. Your reactions to his bullshit will only egg him on more.'
Turning around with a sigh, you give the fakest smile you could muster up. "Hello Taehyung."
"Hey bae, you been missin' me?"
"Hmm, let me think about that...hell no." With a glare, you pick up your things and move to the back of the class.
"Why you gotta treat me that way?" Taehyung gets up from his seat and begins to follow after you, "now you kn-"
"Oh Taehyung~"
Both of your attention shifts over to a group of girls seductively waving at him.
"See? They want you. Now stop..." Your sentence trails off once you turn to find him already gone and over there with them. "...bothering me."
Kim Taehyung.
Out of all of the dudes in school, he was the most desired one on all grade levels.
It really wasn't a surprise upon finding out that he fucked almost all of the girls here.
Like, the kigga got a serious body count under his name.
Hell, if it wasn't because of their young age, he would've probably already wormed his way through the Freshmen. [We stan a man who has boundaries here😤]
Somehow, you were able to brush past his panty-dropping charms and treated him as any other regular classmate.
Wrong fucking choice.
Ever since the day of you dismissing his advances, he's been dead set on making you his.
Now to be honest, with his low-key lightskin fuck boy tendencies flaring up more often, there were some close calls of where you almost fell for it.
And it seemed that today was gonna be one of them...
"So ____," he drawls out your name with his deep voice, hands pressed on the desk as he leans close to you, "about earlier."
You scoff at his words. "Boy if you don't get out my face with that buffoonery. Ain't nobody but yo hos got time for that."
"Oh so you jealous? I don't know why tho. Cuz when it comes down to it: they just for fun while you the real thing."
Taehyung looks at you through lidded eyes, hand coming up to lift your chin as he leans even closer.
'Don't fall for it...snap out of it!'
"Tae...if you don't back the fuck up."
He pulls back from you with raised hands, a smirk still resting on his face. "Aight Imma back up. Damn ____, why you gotta be so hard to get?"
You look at him as he sits down and observes the outfit he's wearing today with a hum.
How he makes a white t-shirt, grey sweatpants, and some white sneakers look like some Calvin Klein-type shit, you may never know.
'Hold up...' Your eyebrows furrow when noticing his pants more closely, '...is that-'
You choke on air, head looking straight ahead so he won't catch you in the act of peeking.
'Goddamn! Why the fuck he wearing grey sweats KNOWING his dick big? No wonder why all these girls chasing after him.'
"Aye ____"
The hair on your arms raises when Taehyung's breath fans the bottom of your neck.
"How 'bout you stop staring and finally hop on it like you should've been doin'. I know you want to."
"Oh God!" You let out a mortifying cry, head falling to your arms to hide your embarrassed face.
"____...____," he lightly grabs your neck, forcing you to meet his dark gaze, "we both know that's what you gonna be screaming out in a few minutes if you keep on-ah!"
His laughter fills the class when you begin to hit him in anger.
"Stop. Fucking. Playing. With. Me!"
"Aight I'll stop! Damn you hit hard as fuck." Taehyung sends you a boxy smile, the once fuck boy aura disappearing without a trace.
Taking a quick look at the board, you almost break down at the big bold letters of Turn in before the end of Class, worth a test grade decorating it.
With a quick glance at the wall clock, your eyes nearly bulge out. '11:05?! When? Where? How?'
"Shit shit shit!" You begin to panic, there's no way you could finish in the remaining ten minutes.
"Here," A paper is placed on top of the desk causing you to look over at a relaxed Taehyung.
Picking it up, the shock is evident on your face when seeing that it was the work...only this one was completed.
A lost look appears on his face as you stare at him in disbelief. "What?"
"The fuck you mean what? How the hell were you able to do all this?"
"Oh that? Yoongi goes to this class before us, so he sent me the directions ten minutes before we moved." He shrugs as if it wasn't that hard to do.
"You did all of this in just ten minutes?"
"Well yeah. Can't you?"
"Hell no! Shit like this takes me damn near the whole period." You look at Taehyung in awe, your perspective on him now changed, "and to think I thought you was dumb."
"Nah, I gotta act that way for the girls. You see how dry Namjoon be with his intellectual headass personality."
"Mmm, true true."
After ten minutes of speedily copying his work, you let out a sigh of victory of finishing just as the bell rings.
"Thanks Tae~" With your work in the bin, you send him a bright smile before walking out.
"Aye, now gonna give me a chance right?"
"Lemme see...that's still a hell no for me! Thanks for trying tho."
Taehyung smacks his lips with a shake of his head. "Damn bae you play too much, just let me fuck with you. I'll drop all my hoes no cap!"
"Bye Taehyung!"
You ignore his whines of protest when Jin appears with a bag of Dixie Queen. Quickly running up to him, you take it and whip out your phone with a smile.
"Adora you gotta meet me in the cafeteria girl. Look at all this free food I got hoe!"
"Aw shit...I think I ate too much." You let out a groan of discomfort, rubbing your bloating stomach as you walk from the cafeteria.
"See that's what your fatass get! I told you not to be eating all that food." Adora shakes her head at your whining.
"I know...but it was so good tho!"
She snorts at your words before turning you towards your designated class.
"Now go inside and digest all that food you selfishly ate by yourself. I'll see you in seventh-period."
"You really upset about that?! I worked hard for that food and you know it!" You call after her as she walks to her class, "Plus, how you gonna be mad when you didn't even ask? I don't read minds!"
Knowing how useless it was to continue to yell after her, you walk into the classroom with a sigh.
You look over to find an energetic male bouncing in his seat as he waves you over.
"Goddammit Hoseok! Calm down," Mr. Boyce's [your Biology teacher] voice booms out in annoyance causing the younger male to smile.
"Sorry teach! Will happen again though!"
Jung Hoseok.
There were only three words in the entire world to describe this dude: Loud. Ass. Clown
You don't know if his mother dropped him as a baby or accidentally took too much weed when she was pregnant with him.
But one thing for sure, the nigga is so out of pocket and he says the wildest shit. Ever.
"Hey Mr. Boyce," the fragile voice of Jimin brings your attention to the front of the room, "Ms. Johnson wanted to give you this week's schedule."
"Okay, you can just sit it on my desk."
Walking across the room, the soft-spoken boy quickly does what he's told before leaving.
"Damn Jimin! Whatchu doing out here with all that ass on a Monday? Double cheeked up in the afternoon, the sun still out and all."
The room goes quiet at Hoseok's words, everyone turning to focus on what he's talking about.
"U-um...bye!" Jimin speeds out in embarrassment once noticing the number of eyes beginning to zone in on his ass.
To make it worse, the poor boy's last class was Dance of the Arts and he had yet to change out the snug tights he was wearing.
"All. That. Ass. Hm-hm hmm," Hoseok shakes his head as his gaze follows after Jimin's trailing chariot.
Was it mentioned that everybody thought he was low-key gay? No?
Yeah, that too.
"Okaaaay? Anyways, since I don't have anything planned for today we just gonna watch a video."
Cheers filled the room when Mr. Boyce turns on the projector with some educational video on pause.
With all of the drapes covering the windows, the last thing to be done was to turn off the lights.
Mr. Boyce quickly turns on the lights at the sudden scream. "What happened?!"
"Bitch if you don't get your big-headed ass off me!" Heads turn toward you glaring at Hoseok as he buried his head in your chest.
"Hoseok, what's wrong?"
You push him off with a huff as he looks up to your teacher with a sheepish smile. "I just scream whenever the lights are turned off. That's all."
"Okay...okay!" Rubbing his forehead in exhaustion, Mr. Boyce throws his hands up in defeat, "no video. Just write a few notes from this short slideshow and it'll be the pass for this week's test. You fine with that?"
With reluctant mutters of agreement, the synchronized sound of notebooks opening echoes in your head.
There were moments where the whole class-even the teacher- would hold their breath and wait for some crazy shit to be shouted out.
But surprisingly, Hoseok was quiet throughout the whole thi-
"Aye! Where y'all get that pic of Jimin and Namjoon from?"
You look up to see a picture showing the difference between a circumcised and an uncircumcised dick.
"You know what? Y'all can have a free day for the remainder of the period."
Turning in what you've written, you turn at the sudden poke of your cheek. "What do you want?"
Hoseok smiles at your bored look, not once fazed by the Yoongi like personality.
"I was wondering how your weekend's been. That's all~"
You perk up at his words with a smile of your own, remembering why you love hanging out with him in the first place. "Okay so on Friday..."
Minutes passed of you venting out to Hoseok as he willingly listened. It was one of the most efficient ways for you to get rid of your stress.
"And then she gon tell me Oh so you mumbling under your breath now, can you believe it?! Goddamn! She be going off on the simplest things. Oh and don't get me started on this one time where I-"
You suddenly cut off your words with pursed lips causing Hoseok to lean closer.
"Oh shit! What happened?"
Letting out a nervous giggle, you quickly shake your head. "N-nothing too serious. It's not something to be worried about."
"Now I wanna know since you acting like that. What? Did you get caught fucking Taehyung? You pregnant? Don't worry, he'll own up to it since you ain't ugly like Suri. He probably happy that he got you cuffed. Always talking 'bout she better get as much dick as she can, cause the very moment I'm in ____ it's gonna be the last time she ever gonna get some from another nig-"
"Okay damn, I'll tell you!" You cut off the rambling male before leaning in close, "So what had happened was..."
Shrinking into your seat from the heavyweight of the gazes around, you send a withering glare to the still gossiping Hoseok.
"Goddamn bitch! This the exact reason why I don't tell your ass shit!"
"____ I said I'm sorry! You know I can't control how loud I speak sometimes. ____!"
You continue to ignore the whining male as he trails after you to your sixth period- other known as the free period of the day.
Walking into the class, you immediately go to the back and sit in an empty seat.
"____ please talk to m-oh hey Jungkook!"
You look over to find the said male focused on the device in his lap.
"Is that Mortal Kombat?"
Swiftly looking up at you, he gives a stiff nod before returning to his game.
Jeon Jungkook.
The up-most purified symbol of a game-ass virgin who lives in his parents' basement for independence.
From his wide doe eyes to the raven-colored locks on his head, Jungkook could probably pass Taehyung's count if he wanted to.
But there was just one slight problem...
The boy is weird as fuck.
It's 2020 and yet he still plays with his 2011 old ass 3Ds, all day every day.
If not that, he'd probably be cooped up in his room to play Overwatch or some shit.
Growing up with PlayStations and Xbox-360s in your family, it didn't bother you, so it was easy to befriend the introverted gamer.
Finish Her
Letting out a satisfied sigh, Jungkook places the game down with a stretch.
"Oh yeah!" You look over to see him pulling out a small red tupperwear before handing it to you.
"What's this?" Your mouth waters at the sweet smell once you open the top, eyes taking in the food's colorful designs in awe.
"O-oh," Jungkook rubs the back of his neck as he avoids your questioning gaze, "it's just that I missed lunch and never got a chance to give you this. It's called-"
"Mochi!" Hoseok bounces in his seat and looks at you with puppy dog eyes.
Rolling your eyes, you pop a treat into his mouth causing his face to brighten in happiness.
"So when are you gonna start opening up your social circle?" You study Jungkook's lean frame for a moment before reaching over to also feed him.
He looks over at you with a raised brow, head laid down to allow you to continue giving him bites of the treat. "Whatchu mean? I already have you, the guys, and games. What more do I need?"
"I mean other people. Human people. Guys and girls your age man! You don't see the number of girls flocking towards you these days?"
Hoseok scoffs at your words. "Who doesn't? Not only is he the youngest of the group, but the motherfucker is also the strongest? Plenty of coochies tryna be served on a silver platter to him."
It was Jungkook's turn to scoff. "I don't know what y'all talking about. I'm not even that strong."
"Dude, you bench-pressed a nigga and threw him on the ground for messing up your Mario Cart Go score." You deadpanned at him with a blank face, "And you got the nerve to say you not that strong?"
"Yeah, and since most of the dudes saw they now think he's scary as fuck while it just made girls want him even more. Cause you know, they like the strong ones who can pick 'em up and throw them against the wall."
"Well they can want me all they want," Jungkook rolls his eyes at Hoseok's words before picking up the 3Ds once more, "cause I ain't fucking with them when they leave-outs looking the way they do. Should be ashamed of those messed up ass things they called edges too."
As he goes back to playing the games, you turn to Hoseok with a sigh.
"He's forever gonna be a weirdo is he?"
"Yeah. Not to mention how he uses the restroom too. Cause whew chile."
"Use the restroom?"
He sits up at your question and frantically nods. "Yeah! Did I mention he pulls his pants all the way down to pee?"
'All the way down?' Your head tilts in thought as you observe Jungkook with a pout, 'he ain't worrying about the piss on the ground? A true one.'
"His dick big too-"
"This why people think you gay."
"Adora!" You call out your friend's name just before she goes inside.
Waiting until you reach her, you both enter the class and go sit near the windows.
"Goddamn Adora! So much shit happened in one day, I just can't!" You lean against her for support as she pats your back in comfort.
"There there, just hang in there a little longer. 'Cause the moment class ends, you can go home and watch a Spongebob marathon with Bubba. Don't that sound nice?"
"Yeah...it does."
"Ah! Did you get the papers I requested for today's assignment like I asked?" You turn towards Ms. Kim [History of Dance teacher] as she faces the doorway.
"Yes ma'am. I was able to print out a good amount before the printer machine stopped working." A soft voice that you knew all too well reached your ears.
"That's good enough! I guess we'll just have to get in groups of three until there's more made. Would you mind passing it out while I go see if there's any in my car Jimin?"
"Yes ma'am."
The moment Ms. Kim is out of the way, your eyes are immediately glued to one thing and one thing only: ass.
Specifically Park Jimin's ass.
It was no joke when Hoseok spoke of it during fifth period, cause when people say the dude's got ass...he got it.
No matter what he wears, it always ended up looking good because the JiBooty [your personal nickname for him] never fails at doing so.
So many girls envied him, and so many guys declared going gay if it meant being able to get a night with him [and DAT ass].
Like seriously, homeboy booty jiggles when he walks. Just like now as he goes through the aisles to pass out paper.
"____ if you don't stop looking at his ass and focus!"
You turn towards Adora with a pout. "You telling me all that cake ain't making you want to follow and spank it?"
"Spank what?"
Flinching at the sudden sound of Jimin's voice, you look up to find him staring at you with raised brows.
"She talking about how she wanna spank yo ass 'n shit."
You look at her in betrayal. "Bitch..."
"Then stop staring at his ass and do your work!"
He continues to look at your bantering before interrupting it by laughing.
You turn and nearly coo at the way his eyes form into crescents, a light blush filling his round cheeks in a reddish hue. [Sadly...not the ass cheeks]
Jimin sits down with a sigh and places the assigned paper in the middle. "I was gonna ask if I can work with y'all unless you only my ass to be on the team?"
'Hell yes! That's all I need, you and Adora can leave. I'll find a job to support the both of us...maybe even buy a little puppy.'
"No! Of course not," you scoff at his words and send him a smile, "we'd gladly let you join our group."
"Okay! So what are we doing now?"
"Write an informative essay based on the notes we had taken yesterday of the origins of Ballet," Adora flatly explains as she brings out a sheet of notes.
"Oh..." Jimin trails off his sentence, a lost look adorning his face at the girl's words.
Pulling out a duplicate of your notes, you slide it over to him causing a smile to appear.
"Thanks ____~"
Adora's mouth drops open once she sees Jimin take out his wallet and hand you a five-dollar bill.
"You know you don't have to keep on paying me every day just for some notes right? I usually just go to the machine and copy it." Despite saying those words, you still took the money and put it in your pocket.
"Oh I know, but I like doing it anyway."
"Well ain't this some bullshit!"
Both of you turn towards the girl as she shakes her head in disbelief.
"What? What? You seriously asking me that? You out here doing his notes for some measly five dollars while you see a bitch back here struggling?"
You look at your hands with a pout. "I mean...he still gives me money even when I don't do it."
"That don't mean shit!" Adora shifts her attention to Jimin as he rolls his eyes, "and you!"
"Tch, what I do now?"
She scoffs. "You need to stop dragging behind! How the hell are you one of the top leading dancers in this school but failing in dance history?"
"Because Adora, that shit's boring as fuck! Don't nobody wanna waste their time listening and reading about the past. I sure as hell don't."
"You will when you're unable to graduate and struggling to find a stable job."
"Pssh, I doubt it."
"Oh really?"
"Yes really. I fail? Oh well. If you hadn't noticed all the designer shit I've been wearing, my parents got money boo. And to add to the facts, I'm the heir to Park's Incorporated after my father steps down. Plus with this ass and flexibility, I can easily be working that pole at night. Set. For. Life."
You shift at the tension between the two people, sweat grazing your forehead from their heated glares. "C-can we please just work on the essay now?"
"I swear... it's always gotta be about money," Adora ignores you and gives Jimin a once over, "I'll admit about the stripper one, but that's all you got babes. Cause we both know that if it wasn't for your dad, you'll be homeless by now."
Jimin sits up in his chair with a dark look causing your skin to crawl.
Most of the time he's all sweet 'n cute, but when you piss him off...he can turn into a scary-ass bitch.
"You talking about mines, but didn't yo daddy sell weed to support you? Oh okay. Come for me when you ain't no longer wearing those triple generation hand-me-downs from World War I."
"T-that was only one fucking time! How the fuck do you know that?!" Her voice rises in pitch as a blush fills her cheeks.
"He told me himself. I knew from the start he didn't know a single thing about hustling the moment he started gushing about you when I said I attended here for school. Surprised he didn't get arrested from that shit."
"Guys!" Hands slammed against the table in anger, you finally grab their attention, "despite loving drama as the next person, now is not the time to be coming for each other."
"Did I ask for an explanation? No! So do that shit after school!"
Jimin kisses his teeth with a sigh which caused your gaze to shift to him. "You!"
"Wha- the fuck I do?!"
"For saying that triple generation hand-me-downs from World War I shit. Now I'll admit it was funny, but then again them my motherfucking clothes she borrowed from me!"
"Well how was I supposed to know that! It ain't my fault you pulling it off while she looking the way she looking..."
"...okay Imma let you off because of the compliment. But I outta still smack the shit out of you for dissing my style tho."
He sinks into his chair with a pout, too afraid to glare directly at you so he does so at the floor.
"Now I don't know why the fuck you laughing!" Hearing Adora's laughter you turn towards her with an even harder glare.
She stops and looks at her lap. "Bu-"
"I ain't hearing shit from you! Stop starting stuff you can't finish, cause we both know that Jimin can easily flame your ass a new one. The bitch is a fucking Libra! Probably know all the messed up shit this whole town did over the years."
"Oh I do. Got eyes and ears all over the place."
You clap at his words in agreement while she looks at him with a sneer.
"Didn't you just hear me?! Stop terrorizing him! He even went after the damn Mayor and forced him to make October 13th the official Jimin Day and that no one else can have the same birthday as him. If that was possible, what makes you think you safe?"
"The fuck?" Adora looks at you in disbelief. "What the hell happened to the babies born on that day?"
"They either had to get it changed or be kicked out."
"...please say you lying."
"Nah, she's serious. Cause Park Jimin ain't sharing his birthday with none of these hoes. Period." Jimin leans back, dark eyes greedily taking in the way your friend pales in fear.
"Alright!" You turn towards the door in time to see Ms. Kim walking into the class, "it seems that there are not any more papers. So instead of turning in the ones you've done for a project, it'll be just extra credit."
The bell goes off just as she finished those words.
Collecting your things, you shake your head at the way he continues to taunt Adora before flicking his forehead.
"Shit! Why'd you do that?"
"Stop staring at her with that menacing ass smirk! You even making me feel scared from it."
Jimin's whole demeanor flips at your words. Jumping up from his desk, he coddles you in his arms.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to frighten you ____. Can you please forgive me?" He looks down at you with big bright eyes, lips forced into an adorable pout.
"Uh-hm, I'll see. But first, apologize to Adora. Poor thing almost looks like she about to hide away."
Jimin turns toward the flabbergasted girl and gives her a bow. "I'm sorry if I frightened you! Please forgive me."
"O-oh um..." seeing your encouraging nod, her lost expression melts into a nervous smile, "...it's alright. No need for that. All is forgiven."
You snort at the gleam of hope shining in his eyes as he looks your way.
"Yeah, I forgive you. But look at how maturely you handled the situation though! I'm so proud of you Jiminie~"
If this dude had a tail right now, you're sure it would be wagging like crazy.
Reaching up to give him an affectionate pat on the head, you also place a small peck on his soft cheek.
"____?!" By the way Jimin lets out a big gasp as he holds his face, you instantly regret your actions.
"Now Jimin," you hold your hands up with a grimace, "before you start freaking out. That was just a friendly kiss, so please don't go all out about this. I don't have time to deal with-"
"EEK! I HAVE TO TELL THE GUYS ABOUT THIS!" With a girlish squeal, he sprints out of the room.
You stare at the now empty spot, body shaking once realizing what the dancer is about to do. "...shit!"
"Wha-the hell?!" Adora yells out in shock when you yank her out the classroom.
"Keys bitch! Give me the fucking keys!" Your heart races in fear, eyes quickly zoning in on the red car once you step out of the school.
"What's wrong?! Why are we running?!" Despite asking she puts her trust in you and hands over the keys.
"By my calculations, there's a good five minutes remaining. That's enough time to get in and zoom off. We just have to leave before-"
'Shitshitshit! I'm supposed to have five minutes!'
"Is...is that Taehyung?"
Refusing to look back, you tug on Adora's arm harder as you finally make it to the car. "Yes...and by the number of footsteps behind us, his after-school groupie is most likely following him."
"Tae what about us?!"
"Taehyung I love you!"
"Where are you going?"
"Taehyung I'm pregnant!
"Suri, how many times do I have to tell you? I don't fuck ugly bitches. Perio- ____ wait for me!"
You finally relax once you zoom off school campus, the crowd of people in the parking lot growing smaller as you drive away.
"Goddamn! You telling me you have to go through this shit every day?" Adora leans back with a sigh of disbelief.
Giving her a tired look, you purse your lips knowing there'll be hell to face tomorrow. "...yeah."
'Only at fucking Hybe High...'
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reigningqueenofwords · 3 months
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Word count: 1,478 Warnings: Talk of child death, talk of child abduction Request: @atcamillanorrman Dean and 78 ♥️ “Seven billion people in the world and I got put in a room with you. Either I’m cursed or God likes playing house with us.”
Read on AO3
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You’d grown up hunting, just like the Winchester boys. They had their father, you had your mother. You were a year older than Dean, but every time your parents teamed up over the years… he took it upon himself to put himself in charge. It was honestly one of the most irritating things about him. As the pair of you got older, the more the pair of you butted heads. The only thing you could agree on? Keeping Sammy safe. That’s it. You liked Sammy. He was nothing like his older brother. If you had a brother, you wished he would be like Sammy. 
Your mom was killed on a hunt when you were 17, and you went on hunting. Alone. Then Sammy went by Sam and took off for college. You couldn’t blame him one bit. While there had been a time in your life you wanted the same, it had passed quickly. 
Shockingly, you didn’t come across John and Dean in those years that Sam was gone. You’d heard whispers about them, of course. It was hard not to. Bobby would ask you to give them a call now and then when you were on the trail of something nasty, but you refused. Why would you ask for help from Dean? John, sure. But with John, came Dean. 
Then you heard the other whispers: Sam Winchester was back, and John was in the wind. It piqued your interest. What would cause John to leave Dean? What the hell would cause Sam to ditch school? You’d caved and called Dean. “I want to check on Sam.” You told him. “I’m in Maryland, where are you two?” 
“What, not gonna check in on me? Am I not important to you?” He asked. 
You rolled your eyes. “Dean, just because you’re John’s favorite, doesn’t mean you’re mine.” You countered. “Can I please meet you guys somewhere? Three hunters is better than one or two.” 
He let out a sigh. “We’re about to hit the road. Hunt in Mississippi. I’ll text you the info.” 
“Cool.” You figured one hunt wouldn’t hurt, and then you’d be on your way. 
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“Sammy! You got tall!” You grinned as you saw him. 
His face lit up, moving in for a hug, which you happily gave him. “It’s good to see you.” He lifted you slightly, making you laugh. “It’s been years.” 
You nodded. “What, like 8 or something?” You mused. “You were still tiny last time I saw you.” You reached up to ruffle his hair. “Talk about a growth spurt!” He was a good six or so inches taller than you, and the last time you’d seen him he’d been a good six inches shorter than you. Either that, or you remembering him as being way shorter than he actually was. 
“Do I get a hug?” Dean asked, smirk on his face. “I haven’t seen you in that long, either.” 
“No, I don’t know where you’ve been.” You shook his head, stepping into the room. “My room is right next door, so let’s get on with this hunt.” 
Dean huffed and nodded. “Fine.” He agreed, going to sit at the little table. “It’s looking like werewolves.” He started as you sat across from him. 
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“Fucking hell.” You shook your head. 
“We’re alive, does that count for nothing?” He sighed, trying to wiggle open a window. It wasn’t doing a damn thing. “Sammy will get us out of here in no time.” 
You rolled your eyes, slamming yourself into the door. The door didn’t budge, and you let out a groan when you hit the ground bouncing off of it. You were doing everything in your power not to let your pain show. Breathing deep, you slowly got up. 
“Shit, Y/N. You okay?” Dean abandoned the window to help you. 
“I’m fine.” You snapped, pulling away from him once you were standing. “Seven billion people in the world and I got put in a room with you. Either I’m cursed or God likes playing house with us.” You grumbled. 
He put his hands on his hips, a hard look on his face. “What the hell is your problem with me? I haven’t even seen you in like 8 years, and you’re acting like I’ve done something to personally warrant you hating me.” He glared. “What gives?” 
You shook your head. “Whenever our parents would team up and we’d get left alone, you suddenly had to be in charge. Despite the fact that I’m older, and was told to look out for you two! As soon as they left, you got a bug up your ass that you were top dog.” You snapped. “And believe me, the things I’ve heard about Dean Winchester himself over the years don’t help. Cocky, arrogant, and a womanizer.” You glared right back at him. 
“I put myself in charge because I didn’t think you should have to look after a kid that isn’t yours.” He defended himself. “Sammy was, and is, my responsibility. Not yours. I was used to looking after us, why the hell would I want you to come in and take over? I figured you’d like only looking after yourself!” He argued. “Or are you that bossy that you have to tell everyone what to do? And I don’t know who the hell you’re talking to, either. Just because I like woman doesn’t mean I’m a womanizer. They go to the bar for the same thing I do: a night to just forget and have a good time.” 
“I love Sammy, why wouldn’t I want to look after him? I lost my baby brother, so it was like for a moment I got to watch out for him again.” 
He furrowed his brows. “Wait, what? I didn’t know you had a brother.” He admitted, a pang in his heart. 
You sighed. “He was a year younger than me. It was right after my mom started hunting.” Licking your lips, you focused. He wasn’t someone you talked about. Ever. “We were playing at a park. Mom was with us, too.” Dean watched as the pain took over your eyes. “I was 5, Jessie was 4. There were a few kids there, and as kids do…we all started playing. We were playing hide and seek while mom was chatting with another mom.” The tears started to well in your eyes. “After a few minutes, I couldn’t find him. I looked everywhere, and called his name. I thought he was being a brat and ignoring me.” You sniffed, shaking your head. It felt like it was just yesterday. You could still feel the breeze in the air, hear the leaves crunching under your feet, and hear the other kids laughing. “Finally, I went to tell my mom Jessie wasn’t playing fair. He’d been taken. No one had seen or heard anything.” 
“Jesus.” He breathed, getting emotional himself. 
“They found his little body a week later.” Your voice cracked. “And Sammy kinda reminded me of him, ya know?” Wiping your cheeks, you just wanted out of this damn house. “I couldn’t keep Jessie safe, but I could keep an eye on Sammy. I figured you were old enough, but Sammy wasn’t.” 
Without thinking, Dean pulled you into a hug. “Jessie being killed wasn’t your fault.” He managed, knowing that he’d feel responsible if something happened to Sam, too. 
You found yourself hugging him back with one arm. “It feels like it was.” You buried your face in his neck. Crying over Jessie wasn’t something you let yourself do. You cried when he was taken, and when he was buried. That was it. After that you bottled it up, not letting those feelings come to the surface. You’d let it turn into anger over the years, channeling it into hunting and hating Dean.
He rubbed your back gently. “After this hunt I’ll buy you a beer and you can tell me all about him. How’s that?” He offered. 
“Okay.” You instantly caved. Maybe talking about him would help you somewhat. “First we need to get out of his dump.” You sighed, pulling out of his arms. “Any ideas? Since windows and doors are a bust?” 
“We’ll figure something out.” He said confidently. 
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Sam had busted you free a couple hours later. The pair of you had looked over every nook and cranny of that place, and had no luck. “Oh, good. You’re both still alive.” He breathed when he saw you both. “I was seriously afraid what I’d find behind that door.” 
You chuckled lightly. “Sorry, you’re not getting rid of one of us that easily.” You patted his arm. “I’m gonna be tagging along for a bit.” 
He looked surprised, his eyes going to Dean. “She serious?” He asked, making Dean nod. “Huh. I wish I thought of locking you guys in a room together.” He half joked. 
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whorekneecentral · 2 years
“there’s people here” and “don’t shake your leg”
i’m thinking going out for dinner with some of the team and their partners and you annoyed him before leaving the house or something and he teases you through out dinner
bestie i’m sooooo here for this // prompts: “there’s people here” + “don’t shake your leg”
The new training centre is set to open in a few weeks, the team decided to do a little bit of an opening dinner or a family night per se, so all of the team members and their families can get to know the new place and settle in.
You were sitting beside your boyfriend, he and Kylian were in a conversation about who knows what, but his hand rested on your thigh under the table. You shook your leg softly, bouncing it up and down a bit. 
Hakimi could feel your shake your leg, the man squeezing your thigh softly. He leans into you for a moment, “don’t shake your leg. I know what you’re doing.” 
“What am I doing?” You ask innocently, smiling at him. 
Your boyfriend rolls his eyes, “stop trying to get my hand to move.” 
“Don’t be weird,” you swat his hand away when Mateo, Leo’s son comes running over to you. “Come with me!” The little boy grabbed your hand, pulling you away from the table with him. 
You and Achraf had babysit the Messi boys once or twice if their parents needed a date night and Mateo had taken a liking to you. 
It was a warm night, the dinner was taking place outside right by the pitch where the kids were running around now. Mateo said he wanted to teach you to do kick ups last time you had babysat but you were indoors and it was raining that day so now seemed like the perfect time to do it. 
Truthfully, you already knew how to do them but you let the boy show you anyways, he keeps it up 5 times before passing the ball to you. You slip off your heels, the ball by your foot when you kick it up, doing it a few times before letting the ball drop again. 
Mateo was about to tell you something but his brothers were calling him to come join them for the game they were starting with Davi so you let him go, passing the ball over to them. 
You had bent down to get your heels when someone touches your lower back, you move away before you feel the touch again. 
“Let’s go,” your boyfriend says and you roll your eyes, “don’t do that, you nearly gave me a heart attack.” You tell him, the man grabs your hand and pulls you away before you can even get your heels on properly. 
Hakimi pulls you into one of the rooms in the back hallway. The door was empty, probably to be used for storage based on the shelving they had in there. 
“What do you want?” You asked, your boyfriend answers with a kiss. 
His hands are all over you, slipping down to rest on your ass and pulling you flush against him. “What’s gotten into you?” You ask him, “there’s people here.” 
“I want a baby,” he mumbles against your lips and your brows furrow. “What?” 
“You’re so good with kids, baby. Why not have one ?” 
You can’t help the giggle, “okay.” 
Hakimi pulls your shirt over your head, “we don’t have to have kids now but we can practice hm?” He chuckles, making you laugh. 
“You’re a pain in the ass,” you tell him, smiling before you kiss him. The two of you are all over each other, a mess of hands and pulls, trying to get the clothes off fast enough. 
He had you bent over the table in the room, holding your arms held behind your back with one of his hands. “You look so beautiful like this,” he tells you, his hips pressing into you with each thrust.
His name falls from your lips like a prayer, he could listen to you say it over and over again.
There was no hidden meaning behind it; no scolding, no need to hurry him up - you wanted him and that was it.
“Fuck, gonna let me fill you up? Hm?” He asks, his pace as filthy as his words.
You nod, trying to move your hands. “Please,” the word barely gets out.
“Yeah?” He hums, “want me to fuck you full, don't you? I know you can take it, can’t you?”
At this point, you can’t do much except lay there and take it; not that you don’t want to because you do, you really do.
“Please, fuc-” “I know.” He hums, leaning down to kiss the back of your shoulder. “In you?” He asks, making sure you were okay with it.
“Please, yes.”
“So good for me,” his chest pressed your back, “just like that.” His hand rubs along your side, slipping under you to rest on your stomach. “Just like that.”
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roguetargaryen · 2 years
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Piel Canela - Tommy Miller x F!Reader
Chapter 1 - A New Beginning
Author’s Note: Author’s Note: This is my first full fic that I am writing so I know there will be grammar errors. Also, this may be a slow start but the story will progress. This is an alternate universe where there is no outbreak, and it also takes place in the game timeline in 2013. Let me know what you guys think, and I hope you guys enjoy it.  
Word Count: 1980
Series Masterlist
Warmth. It's what Y/N felt as she drove down the almost quiet street to reach her final destination. After the almost 17 hour drive from Chicago, she was finally arriving at what she hoped would be her forever home. She sure would miss her time back in the city, but tranquility is what she needed now. The events of the past two years were enough for her to settle down in the quaint suburbs of Austin, Tx. One thing she would definitely need to get used to was the Texas heat. She thought summer days in Chicago were bad enough, but not like Texas. Even with the window rolled down, she still felt like it wasn't enough to cool down. Hopefully by sundown most of the heat would be gone. She recalled her conversation with her brother at their last rest stop, "You'll get used to the heat. The good thing is the house has central air for you but make sure to keep the windows and doors closed throughout the day. That can sometimes help. At night the cool breeze in front the window open is nice. But that's the least of your worries." And he was right, that was the least of her worries. Her move was pretty much a result of packing everything from her tiny apartment and starting fresh in a whole new city thanks to her ex-fiance that is. She had hoped that with this fresh start, she could leave that chapter and move on. The downside is she has to give up her job, her friends, and practically everything she knows and move for her own safety. No one knew where she had gone except her best friend, who she knew would not say anything. Y/n were born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago but moved to the city for university. It wasn't something her parents were fond of at first. Their goal was for her to become a doctor or lawyer to make good money, but over time they warmed up to the idea of her choice in career. She met her ex-fiance in university in her sophomore year. He won over her parents really quickly and soon after graduating, he proposed. Also right after graduating she was offered a position in a marketing company which allowed her to stay in the city. Y/n felt like her life was perfect. She had everything she possibly could have wanted and even till this day she questioned where it all went wrong. When things started to hit the fan. 
Her thoughts were interrupted by her little passenger getting excited about finally arriving at her destination. At the last rest stop her niece, Emily, begged her dad to let her ride with y/n. Y/n loved having her in the car and she kept her company during the last couple of hours to her new home. Her older brother, Manny, was the first to arrive with the moving van while y/n drove in her car with the remainder of her more personal items. Emily bounced in her seat and anticipated to get out. Once y/n pulled in her driveway Emily bolted from her seat and greeted her mother, Kelly, who was waiting to give y/n the keys to her new home. Once out of the car, y/n walked over to Kelly and gave her a big hug. "Hola Kelly!" She giggled and responded with a thick Texas accent, "Hola Y/N! Bienvenidos a Texas. You know I've been getting better at my Spanish. Now that you guys are here I can definitely practice more." "I don't see why it took Manny this long to teach you. You guys have been married for 13 years." "Hey! Stop talking about me and let's get this stuff out." Her brother retorted. They pulled apart and y/n took the keys from Kelly, who led them inside the home. It was a cute little two story bungalow that was perfect for you. The living room was connected with an open kitchen concept kitchen and a small dining area. The stairs led up to a two bedroom and one bathroom. Y/n stood in the middle of what would be the living room and let out a big sigh. Both Many and Kelly had done so much for her to help her get to Texas, and words could not express how grateful and appreciative she was. 
After the movers arrived, the process of unloading the truck and y/n’s car went a lot quicker, so much so that by almost mid afternoon they were practically done. The help was much needed after the long drive. Once everything was unloaded, Manny and Kelly left to return the moving truck and pick up something to eat while y/n stayed with Emily. They decided to take a break and sit on the front porch steps to take a look at her new neighborhood. Y/n’s thoughts were interrupted by Emily speaking up, "Oh Tia I forgot to tell you my best friend lives across the street at the house right there!" "Is this the one you play soccer with that you told me about in the car?" "Yes!" It was almost as if on cue, a car pulled into the driveway and a man came out with a young girl trailing behind him. "Sarah!" Y/n jumped, a bit startled by her niece's outburst as she waved at her friend. The young girl turned around and waved back. She spoke to her dad real quick, who then nodded and followed behind her as they walked over to them. "Hi Emily! When did you get back?" "This morning. We did a lot of driving but we got to see a lot! I got you something from Chicago. Let me go get it." With that she ran inside and left y/n alone to meet her new neighbors. "Hi I'm Y/N. I'm Emily's aunt." She extended her hand to the handsome man in front of her who took it with a small smile. "Joel. Joel Miller. And this is my daughter Sarah." "Hi." Sarah added with a soft smile. Before y/n could respond, Emily bolted out. "I got you a key charm from Chicago." "Chicago? That's a long way to Texas." Joel spoke. "My family made the move and I tagged along." Before Y/N could continue, her brother and Kelly pulled up. "Hey Joel!" They greeted each other and made small talk while the girls caught each other up. "Well neighbor..." "Y/N...you can call me y/n.." "Well y/n it was nice meeting you. We will let you guys have dinner. We will see you soon. Let us know if you need help with anything." "Thank you Joel. Bye Sarah." " Bye y/n. It was nice meeting you." Y/n watched as they walked towards their house and smiled. Maybe Texas won't be so bad after all, y/n spoke to herself as she walked inside herself. 
Once inside, they settled around the kitchen island and began to eat when Emily spoke up, "Tia I am gonna be over all, the time now that I know Sarah lives across the street." "I would love that but first you gotta ask your dad" y/n responded. "Mija you can't just invite yourself and you do have to ask for permission." "Okay papa. Is it ok that I come over to Tia y/n's house?" "If it's okay with her it's okay with me." He responded. "I don't see why not. Besides I do have a little free time to get settled in before I start working. So if you guys need help picking her up from school and watching her, I'm more than happy to help. It's the least I can do." "Y/N we told you that you don't owe us anything." Kelly responded. "We just want to make sure you're happy and safe. You're family and we take care of each other." "I know but.." "ah ah no buts." "Well at least accept my thank you." "We do. Now let's enjoy our lunch so we can wrap up today." Manny finished. With that, easy conversation flowed as they ate lunch. 
Later on that evening, y/n was wrapping up the kitchen and putting away most of her stuff. By now, Manny and his family had left with a promise from Kelly that she would be back tomorrow to help her with the rest of the house. A lot was done for the day, with mainly the first floor being done. Before calling it a night, she gathered all the trash she could and stepped out into the brisk night. Once done she let out a heavy sigh and stood with her arms crossed as she observed the quiet neighborhood. A soft strum caught her attention from across the street where she noticed her neighbor Joel sitting on his porch with a guitar in hands. He gave a soft wave, to which she returned and decided to walk over to his home. “Hey neighbor. I hope I’m not interrupting.” Y/n wondered. “Not at all. Usually when I can't sleep I come out here and just play anything that comes to mind.” Joel explained. “How’s the unpacking going?” “It’s going. I thought I didn’t have much when I was packing but that’s not the case. You never know how much crap you actually have.” Both let out a chuckle and then sat in a comfortable silence until he started strumming the guitar again. “Did you write that?” Y/n asked. “It’s not finished. I just let myself play. I wanted to be a musician when I was younger, but I had Sarah really young. I don’t regret it. I used to say the universe has its way of shaping your life when you least expect it, but she’s my life now. Her and my younger brother Tommy.” Y/n listened attentively but didn’t want to pry too soon. “That’s really sweet. What do you do now?” “I’m a carpenter. So you can say I’m really good with my hands if you need help anytime…uhh that kinda came out weird. I’m sorry.” “No, don’t be.” she giggled. It felt nice to feel like she was getting to know someone this soon in her move. “But I’ll keep that in mind..””What about you? What do you do?” “I was in marketing when I worked in the city. It was good for a time but now my brother and I are opening up a bakery. We are looking to open in about two weeks.” “Camilla’s right?” “Yes! How did you know?” y/n asked. “Well your brother kinda hired me to help get the place ready.” “Can’t wait to see it. I hope you guys can come to the opening.””Sarah will definitely want to go especially if Emily will be there. I swear if given the chance, those girls can be attached at the hip.” “Emily got really excited when she found out I would be living across the street. Pretty much told us she would be over all the time.” Both chuckled and then they fell into another comfortable silence before she spoke again. “I think I’m gonna head back home. I have a busy day tomorrow and I don’t want to keep you up too late either. Thanks for the good welcome to the neighborhood.” “Of course. I’ll see you around, neighbor.” “Goodnight Joel.” “Night y/n.” When she closed the door behind her, she leaned against the frame and smiled. For a long and tiring day, she was happy at how well it went. Tomorrow would be a new day, her new life was starting, and it would be something she would look forward to.
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bords4life · 1 year
Part 3
3 months later (June)
It will be Noah’s birthday next week, I can’t believe my little baby is about to be four. Quinn has called me a few times and we got caught up. Luke and I got back into the weekly facetimes so he and Noah could chat. Jack has been stopping by as much as he could, the second he got home from Jersey he was on my doorstep apologizing. We aren’t fully back to what we are but we’re getting there. Trevor however has reached out, he wants to make amends; he says he wants to find a way for him to be a part of Noah’s life. After talking to my parents, Kirby, and Quinn I realized I need to forget my feelings and give Noah a chance to let him know his dad. So after Noah’s little league baseball game I am having my mom watch him while I go meet Trevor. I want to take this all slow and make sure he knows how much responsibility this is.
“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON UP THERE” I hear my mom yelling as I am walking into the house. During the year I live with Kirby however I recently bought a small apartment in Michigan for myself, as Noah would be starting school soon and I don’t want to settle him down somewhere to only have to move for Kirby. Plus being close to home makes it easier to have help when I need it.
The entire Hughes household is coming to Noah’s game, it’s literally a bunch of three to five year olds just rolling around but some of us get very intense over it *cough* Luke *cough*.
“No! I am wearing it! Mommmmmmm!” I hear my younger brother whining, damn sometimes I think Noah is older. Luke comes barreling down the stairs launching himself into my mom's arms as if she would protect him. Not far behind him comes Jack, who is wearing a bigger version of Noah’s baseball jersey. He stops on the last step seeing me standing in the doorway with Noah on my hip. I walked over to Jack and even though I am standing right in front of him he isn’t looking at me, his eyes are on Noah who is currently twinning with him. Even though Jack apologized and we have been speaking again I wasn’t ready to let him around Noah. However it was finally time to stop torturing him plus I am pretty sure my mother would’ve found a way to ground me if I didn't let up eventually.
“Wuncle Wack!!” Noah yelled trying to reach for Jack, after that night at the rink I explained to Noah who the boys were. Except Trevor of course, which he didn’t question thankfully.
Jack’s eyes lit up with so much joy, he looked at me for permission to take him. I nodded and boy should I have made Jack sit down because next thing I know Jack is bouncing about the house.
“Jack, can you please be careful? Plus we need to get going or we will be late.” Our mother scolds him.
After the most annoying car ride ever we finally arrived at the field. I swear Luke and Jack are three years old at heart. If only I wasn’t meeting up with Trevor right after I could’ve gone with my parents and Quinn. I am surprised Noah still has energy to play after non-stop chattering with the two idiots.
I initially thought Luke was intense when it came to Noah playing, boy was I wrong. My dad has come to one or two games before but he just sits back and watches which is surprising. Now Quinn and Jack my god they nearly got us kicked out of the stands. Jack nearly started a fight with the other team's coach. Over what you may ask, well another kid accidentally tripped into Noah which cost him a home run.
In the end his team won, I think. I am still pretty new to this sport. My family was going to take him for ice cream and then home while I met with Trevor.
Pulling up to the coffee shop about twenty minutes early, it gave me time to breathe and have a mini freak out. Deep down I knew him and I would have to have this talk eventually. I felt my phone buzz in my hand and saw that Trevor had texted me that he was waiting at a table. I look up and can see the back of his head by one of the window tables. Well I guess I have no choice but to go.
It has been about five minutes of silence since I sat down. It is so awkward, neither of us know who should speak first. It’s not like we left off on a good note so we can’t just pick right up.
“Kirby said you got your dream job, which job did it end up being?” Trevor broke the silence first, making a little joke. Throughout the years he knew me I had changed my mind multiple times.
“I am actually the head power skating coach for the Detroit Red Wings, I coached for UMich for the last two years.” I proudly told him, he knew out of all the jobs I thought of this one was the one that kept coming back to me.
“I finished school in the criminology program but I just couldn’t fully commit to it due to raising Noah. So Thomas talked to his old coach and helped me get a job.” I tell Trevor, thinking back on the first time I coached the boys. I was so hard on the guys especially Luke because as his older sister I had too.
“Thomas was really there for you wasn’t he?” Trevor sadly says to me.
“Yes, the morning you woke up to me gone I was with him because I saw Emma texted you. He was the only person I told at the time about what really happened. He even helped me plan numerous ways to tell you, however I could never go through with it and he respected me.”
“I am sorry y/n. I am sorry for everything. Not just for hurting you but also for taking your brothers away. If I could go back and change things I would. But I can’t. I would like a second chance. I want to show you I can be there for you and Noah. I understand you are with Kirby and I am not asking for anything past the friendship of two parents-” Trevor softly tells me while holding eye contact with me, but is interrupted to the sound of my phone ringing.
“Hello?” I answer after seeing it’s just my dad calling.
“Sweetheart, you need to come to the hospital right away.” My dad says and every bad thing that could’ve happened starts swirling around in my mind. Trevor, noticing the panic in my eyes sits up even straighter then was.
“What do you mean? Is Noah okay?” I rush my words out as I start to find money to put down on the table.
“He collapsed at the ice cream shop as we were walking back to the car. The doctors won’t give us an update. He has no broken bones or any cuts, but the doctors say you need to get here now.” My brain just shuts down and I feel like I am floating. My ears are buzzing and my heart drops to my stomach. Millions thoughts are racing through my head. My hands are trembling and I can't get a word out to my dad, I am looking at Trevor like a deer in headlights.
"I-I-Trev?" Is all I can muster up to say, Trevor quickly takes my phone out of my hands. My brain isn't developing anything he is saying, but I can tell he looks concerned.
Trevor quickly stood up after ending the call, he threw some money on the table and grabbed my car keys. He helped me up and walked me to my truck, helping me into the passenger seat. Trevor drove stupidly fast and I remember I use to get mad at him for it, but I couldn't care less at this moment.
I haven’t felt this scared since the accident, waking up in a trauma room alone and worried for my baby. I had no one with me for hours. However this time I have Trevor.
We arrived at the hospital in record time, I nearly flung myself from the car the second we got into the parking lot but Trevor put his arm over me to keep me from jumping out. So here I am running to the 6th floor to get to the children’s ward with Trevor not too far behind. I see my dad pacing back and forth outside of a room while my mom is talking to a doctor. I slow down and walk right up to them. I peer inside the room and see Luke and Jack watching something on the tv with Noah.
“Mom? Dad? What's wrong?” I can see tears in my parents eyes.
“Miss Hughes I am Dr. Adams, I have been treating your son.” I look over towards the older woman.
“We ran some tests to see why Noah fainted, I am sorry to tell you but we have found a tumour in Noah”s brain.” The minute she said tumour I collapsed to the floor, quiet sobs screaming out. Even in my worst pain I don’t want Noah to hear me crying. I felt arms pick me up into his lap as he held me close to his body. I could feel him shaking and muttering “no, no, no”, I looked up at him through all the water in my eyes and he too had tears streaming down his face.
After what felt like forever holding each other, Trevor stood up still holding me. He sat down in the chair as I could feel him still shaking.
“How bad? Is there anything we can do?” Trevor somehow managed to form his word even though it took him a few tries to get it all out.
“Your son has a glioblastoma which has a very low survival rate. Surgery is an option, however at his age we are very careful with a risky surgery like this. In my opinion chemo is the path we should take. I will leave you all alone to discuss, if you have any questions ask a nurse to page me.” Dr. Adams' words started to echo in my head, I wasn’t fully understanding anything she said. My world felt like it was falling apart and there wasn’t anything I could do.
Tag list: @hockeyboysarehot @thg02 @jayrami3 @goldenbrokenheart @nhlbaby @lwstuff @juuuuuse @mack-samo @nolanmoylee
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siremasterlawrence · 1 year
Haunting Of The Endless
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The Endless is a house in the borough of Manhattan, New York a place of which no one speaks of yet except for the neighbors who live there.
Dean and Sam Winchester near the edge of driveway parking in the lot they sigh turning off the ignition Sam is in a deep sleep he has been frequent in it for weeks.
He is in a deeper slumber his body shifts in out of consciousness till his brother hits him in the head and he wakes up in shock of annoyance.
He sighs rolling up the window as they exit the car leaving the space they walk up into the house. Dean does not care locking the door.
The wind gushed past him closing the door in hush they both holt up taking the long lengthy staircase rail up to the top of the floor.
The doors are shut suddenly they open up together in a row repeating the same weird pattern non stop and their expression of confusion are gone.
Another gush of wind blows Sam into the wall with one hard shove shaking Dean from his cocky expression a loud thunderous hard core laugh erupts.
The house begins to lose its stability as it is wrecking havock flowing lights blast through the room and hit their eyes blinding them for a second.
A pair stomping feet could be heard running up the staircase the two spin about to face what is coming but they can’t fight it not at all.
“You see those footsteps approaching.”
“Only confirms our hit.”
“Mwahahahahaha “
“Show your face”
“Walk from the shadows “
“You are The Winchesters”
“How would you know that?”
“I know everything and everyone”
“I can see millions of years of time “
“Ok we get! You are brainiac”
“Brainiac! Haha”
“You assholes! Let’s play a game “
“We are not here for games”
“We will vanquish you “
“Fool! What is this an exorcism?”
“You are damn right it is”
“Hahahahahahahaha! My god”
“Are you amateurs?”
Suddenly the windows slide down very quick slamming hard on the window seal smash the glass as it spreads all over the floor the two turn.
A giant black shadows appears on the main floor in this glorious shade absorbing all of the rooms contents till nothing is left except for a white realm.
Dean brash as ever with over compensation macho behavior jumps grips the staircase rail and hops over it till he hits the ground and makes a run for it.
The room begins to spin as Sam slips falling onto his head, the floor boards erupt as they burst with green smoking filling the room up with green gas.
The green grass hits the top of the roof as it begins to collect over his crane lifting him up into the air forcing the gas into both of his nostrils.
The smoke forms a fist grabbing onto Dean by way his neck choking while holding him in place making sure to leave no trace of his ethereal gas.
The last of gas sinks into his body filling up his nose, mouth and lungs then proceeds to dropping into the floor boards in searing pain.
Sam comes to walking down the staircase to meet his brother, he hits the last stepon his way to him and knelt down next to him.
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Deans body lifts upward rising to his feet with a wicked smile he stares at his browith one that resembles a Cheshire Cat expression it’s hilarious.
“Are you ok Bro? Dean?”
“I’m not Dean”
“You are the house”
“I am so much more”
“Let me tell you a story “
“Take a seat pretty boi “
“Listen you piece of shit”
“I love it”
“I have power over you”
“The minute you stepped into my house “
“You can feel it already “
“Your body submits “
“You can’t resist me”
“You will obey “
“I won’t, I shall not “
“You twisted fuck”
The gas encircling him the magic in his eyes lift him up into the air as the smell hits him even harder. His eyes are spiral out of his control looking everywhere he starts to move throughout the room and he bounce back onto the wall. The gas seeps up cover his body his mouth, nose, throat and ass are filled up to the brim.
“Both you boys behave now “
“Yes Master!”
“You are the caretakers of this house”
“You live here”
“Your job is to protect this house”
“Bring me more slaves”
“Yes Master”
“Mwahahahahaha “
The end
More coming soon
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