#but I just loved loved loved the idea of someone you've convinced yourself hates you coming to your help for seemingly no reason
parvuls · 1 year
obsessed with that snippet (you're such a good writer!!) and also losing it because i cannot remember what show that scene mirrors but it is so achingly familiar help pls
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Childhood Bsf Soap! Who hates leaving you even before you start dating. He worries about you 24/7 while he's on a mission even if he knows you can take care of yourself.
Childhood Bsf Soap! Who can't help but feel like you're already family. You're at his parents house every holiday get together and you're friends with all his cousins and siblings. You're his plus one to every wedding. It'd be so easy for you to take his last name.
Childhood Bsf Soap! Who convinces you to move in with him. He says it's cost efficient but really it's because he can't stand being away from you more than he has to. He loves coming home to you just lounging or cooking bc it makes him feel like you're his little wife waiting for him to come home ☹️ he just wants someone to hold him when it's over. It also doesn't hurt that he gets to see you prance around with wet hair in just a t shirt (no bra 😏) and panties bc you hate the feelings of pants on your freshly moisturized legs.
This doesn't help the problem Childhood Bsf Soap! has of talking about you to his team like you've been married to him for years. Calls you his lass, the missus, his lady. "Can't make it to the bar tonight, the missus has been looking forward to this new movie so I'm gonna take my lass to see it." The first time he complained about your new partner his teammates were stunned bc this whole time they thought you were his gf/wife. Soap likes the idea of people assuming you 2 are a couple.
Childhood Bsf Soap! Who has never liked any of your past partners and always made it very well known bc this boy can't hide his emotions. If he has to be around the person you're talking to romantically he's constantly like this 😡 in the corner literally POUTING. He'll even go as far as trying to convince you to break up with them for something. "They didn't even know your favorite childhood cartoon! They obviously don't care about getting to know you on a deeper level maybe you should end it now 😁"
Childhood Bsf Soap! Who already knows your relationship preferences and love languages. When he finally decides he's had enough of the just friends thing he takes full advantage of the years he's spent listening to you rant about love and ramble about your dream partner. All of the sudden he's hitting you with all the aspects you want in a partner and it's not an opportunity any sane person could pass up.
Childhood Bsf Soap! Who traps you in the bedroom the night before a mission. He got the call just after lunch and you haven't left the bed since. Hours later, his head is on your chest and you're lazily stroking his mohawk and watching some cooking show on the tv. He stays buried in you all night even after he goes soft just to be as close to you as possible before he has to leave. He's praying he's allowed to come back to you again this time.
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Umh 2nd ever time doing something like this 😬not as proud of this one bc I don't read much about Soap personally but I figured I started with Gaz so I might as well do another underated one. Soap needs some love too fr 💕 I really don't know what I'm doing y'all 😔😭
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madamefeu · 23 days
Hi! Here’s what your favorite Hazbin Hotel ship says about you!
Radiodust: You're an old-timer who's been around since the pilot. One off-handed joke about Angel Dust wanting to suck Alastor's dick was all it took for you to start shipping them. You always ship the two most attractive male characters together in your fandoms, even if they have no real connection
Huskerdust: I’m not going to touch this one because I’ll probably get death threats if I don’t tell the Huskerdust fandom exactly what they want to hear
Radiorose: Hello, aro-ace community! You love this because they're the closet thing to a canon queerplatonic couple that currently exists in mainstream media, and as a fellow aro-ace, I’m in the exact same boat
Chaggie: You like the idea of forbidden love, but you're not interested in handling all of the social/political ramifications of it, and would prefer to conveniently gloss over both of those things just like in the show. This ship has the flavor profile of vanilla ice cream with chocolate chips, and so does your personality
Lucifer/Lilith: You only want one thing in this life, and that is for a powerful woman to step on your neck. You are a bottom to end all bottoms
Radioapple: Daddy kink, but in a voyeuristic way. You like watching two dads doing each other, but there is no way you’d ever let them touch you, no, all you want is to watch them go at it
Rosiemilla: Mommy kink, but in a voyeuristic way
Radiohusk: Oh, you would let a man do unspeakable things to you if he was hot enough. You read dark romances and you want a dark romance to happen to you in real life
Cherrisnake: You are absolutely terrible at handling your feelings for everyone you've ever crushed on, and will try to convince yourself that you hate the object of your affections because you lack the courage needed to make a move on them. It would take a life or death situation for you to tell your crush how you really feel about them, and even then you'd be more afraid of telling them than of dying
Guitarspear: Hello, Adam simps! You binge-read workplace romances and you fantasise about dating your boss even though he's a dick 90% of the time. Strangely, the fact that he's a dick makes you even more attracted to him
Staticmoth: Your ideal ship is two horrible people who deserve each other. You want what they have, but at the same time you don't
Zestmilla: Your preferred aesthetic is old married couple core, and I respect that. You binge-read found family fics on AO3, and your favorite tag is hurt/comfort
Radiostatic: You love the idea of someone being obsessed with you when you have no interest in them. You like to laugh at their, quite frankly, pathetic attempts to get you to notice them, and you're waiting for the day when the penny will drop and they'll realise that they are nothing to you, and never will be
Arackpentious: You have never cared about canon, and you don't intend to start now. You probably simp for Sir Pentious and use Arackniss as a self-insert. We know barely any canon information about him, so it's easy for you to project yourself onto him so that you can get doubly-dicked down by the Victorian snake man
Charlastor: You're all about the aesthetic. You got into this ship because there's an abundance of gorgeous fanart for it, even if there's no chance of them being together in canon. You don't care about that, however, because they look beautiful together and that's all that matters to you
Radiomimzy: You wish that the old canon of Mimzy being Alastor's girlfriend was still canon
Royalhalo: You hate Vaggie and you think that Charlie deserves better than her, and who better than the sugary sweet angel who was the first to hear Charlie out and argue in her favor when she found out the truth about the exterminations?
Cherridust: You are aggressively heterosexual and you believe that it is impossible for a man and a woman to be friends without one or both secretly harboring feelings for the other. You binge-read friends to lovers fics on Wattpad, and if a man so much as says hi to a woman, you will ship them
Cherrimoth: You like enemies to lovers, but in a bitch eating crackers kind of way. You either have a crush on someone that you love to hate from afar, or you want to fall in love with someone who hates you from afar
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n1ghtfurys · 4 months
I saw this idea on tiktok and I don't know where I found it but I had to do something with it so if anyone knows who posted the original idea please tell me so I can credit them :)
Second part
Keegan being flirty↓
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You hated parties, always have, always will but your roommate, and best friend, loves them. She has one almost every week, sometimes it's university friends, sometimes work friends but this time it's a party for all of the people in your building.
You hate it, it's loud and annoying and people keep trying your locked door. Probably so they can come and hook up on your bed, fucking animals. It's not even like you dislike the people in your building, you just hate parties.
It's moments like these that make you curse your minimum wage job, if only you could have a mini fridge. You wouldn't have to go out there to get the lemonade you so desperately wanted. You've been arguing with yourself over it for a good twenty minutes.
You tried texting your roommate, then calling but she's probably borderline dry humping some guy in the middle of your living room right now. You kind of respect her ability to do that, envy it sometimes. And anyway, you'll probably hear about this guy's sexual skills tomorrow over lunch.
When you finally come to the conclusion that you're doomed to have to leave the sanctuary of your bedroom, you reluctantly open the door. The noise is worse out here. It's shitty club music and the bass is so hard that the cups on the table near the speaker are shaking. Like you expected, your roommate has her tongue down someone's throat, the girl from the floor above actually. She has short brown hair and so far, in your three years of living here you haven't seen her not in a flannel. Upon a quick look around you find that most of your younger neighbours are here.
You almost drop your phone when your eyes land on Keegan. Not only is he so rarely home, because of deployment, you also never took him as a party goer. Equally you find him incredibly attractive and have made a consistent fool of yourself around him, he's always friendly but you assume that's because your best friend is hot and also a bit of a psycho. The last time you saw him, you walked into the door of the lift and your friend simply told him that she knew where he lived, he grinned but nodded and kept his laughter to a minimum or at least he tried to.
You turn so quickly that you walk straight into the boy who lives across the hall from you. He's sweet really, you apologise and hope that Keegan didn't see that because that would be yet another time you made a fool out of yourself, and in your own house. God all you wanted was lemonade.
You look down at the floor and try not to come off as embarrassed as you feel, you just want to get back to your room as fast as you can. When you finally make it to the fridge you grab the lemonade but notice that you've still got left over whipped cream. Your roommate convinced you to get some the last time you went shopping, you can't really remember why but it's there now.
You can't resist it, so you tilt your head back and squirt some into your mouth. As you go to replace the cream you're stopped by a voice, a voice you can place immediately. One that makes your knees weak.
“Got any left?” Keegan looks down at you, his mask concealing all but his steely blue eyes.
“Um what?” You heard what he said but you're frozen and it's like your brain has gone into low power mode.
“Whipped cream.” He clarifies, looking between you and the canister. You stare at him, you probably look like such an idiot.
“You want some?” You ask as if you don't know, as if it's not incredibly obvious.
“Yeah, just squirt some in my mouth.” You try to ignore how dirty that sounded and also try to stop your mind from drifting to how he would sound saying other things.
He pulls his mask up just over his nose. “Um okay?” You reach up but the angle is awkward, you haven't really processed how much taller than you he actually is. “Sorry you can just…um.” You hold the whipped cream out for him but he shakes his head.
You give him a confused look and he lowers himself onto his knees in front of you opening his mouth.
You stare down at him utterly bewildered, a smirk plays on his lips as he looks at your expression.
You stare, glued to the spot and completely frozen for a moment before you come back to reality and conscious thought.
“Um yeah..”
He opens his mouth again and you press down on the nozzle until the cream fills his mouth. You try desperately to keep your thoughts from wondering. You hope he doesn't know how much that affected you but the flush on your cheeks probably does nothing to hide it.
“Thanks princess.” He smirks as he gets up and rolls his mask back over his lips. You take a moment before putting the whipped cream back just to regain your motor control.
The image of him on the floor in front of you with a mouth full of whipped cream will be burned into your retinas for the rest of your life and did he just call you princess? Fuck, now you needed to go back to your room but for a whole different reason.
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cosmal · 2 years
“you can hold my hand, if you want” with remus?? love your writing so much i legit check ur blog everyday ❤️
little lies
summary — remus lets you hold his hand in a crowd.
content —remus lupin x reader
note —thank you so much i love you!!!! also this kinda sucks my laptop kinda started to glitch so I wanted to finish this up !!!
You’re not entirely sure why you agreed to come along tonight with your friends. Your head is pounding, and when you get shoved about, you get so dizzy you feel like you’ll fall over.
You'd made the mistake of pushing your way out of the crowd to go get some water. Remus had offered to go for you, but you really needed to escape the swarm you'd all found yourselves in before you couldn't breathe.
You walk slowly towards the edge of the crowd away from the bar and realise you have no idea where you came from. You don't know where you left your friends or if they've stayed in the same spot. The idea of blindly shoving your way through the crowd terrifies you but you don't want to be alone for however long it takes you to find one of them.
James is tall, so it shouldn't be hard.
Before you think you should start your search, Remus is emerging through a thick group of sweaty bodies. He's not broad but he towers over most of them and they part without him even asking them to. It's quite envious.
"There you are," he says firmly over the sound of the band. He looks as flustered as you feel but he holds his own.
"Sorry," you say not quite as loud as you should, though Remus frowns like he's heard what you said. "Just needed a drink."
"You're okay?" he leans in so his mouth can find your ear. Unlike you, he's almost louder than he needs to be. Your ear stings.
"Yeah," you say reassuringly. You won't ruin his night, because you know him. If you tell him your head is hurting he'll want to take you home. You want to, but you also want to spend time with him.
"Your head's not hurting?"
He can read you like an open book. It's a quality of his you have a love-hate relationship with. "No," you lie. He seems convinced.
You've become good at convincing him with your little lies. Like when he asks you if you're hungry and you tell him you're not because you hate it when he spends his money on you. Or when he asks if you're cold and you tell him you're okay because you won't have him give up his jacket for you.
Or how you hide your feelings for him every day because the idea of him rejecting you is terrifying. That might not be as little as the others but you like to pretend.
"Do you want to find the others?"
You look over his shoulder where the band is playing and then at the crowd where it's swarming near the front. You spot Sirius to the side and think it's not too far. You don't want to leave yet.
"Yeah," you tell him and mirror his pretty smile. Though, you're sure yours isn't as earth-shattering.
You're sure he can still sense your anxiety but you won't let him ask you anything when you start to move. He turns and you hide yourself in his side so you can dodge the people that seem to part around him. Mostly because it feels good to stick by him.
You wince when someone steps on your foot and Remus turns like he's about to say something to them but decides against it when he catches your eyes.
"Hey," he says and nudges your shoulder with his, "you can hold my hand if you want to."
You blink, startled that you've been caught, but then you're doubling down because it's always like this. He always knows how to make you feel better.
You mutter what you hope is a thank you and take his hand. His skin is soft under yours and the hem of his sweater tickles your wrist.
You feel overwhelmed, but not because of your surroundings, probably because you're holding Remus's hand. Still, you feel safe when he starts to guide you back to your friends and shields you from any damage from the drunk crowd.
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crownmemes · 6 months
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Sad Sentences, Vol. 7
(Sad sentences from various sources. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"I don't love you, so just accept it and move on with your life instead of making everyone miserable!"
"Battle scars are not always of the body."
"I don't think you're looking for somebody to prove you right. I think you're looking for somebody to prove you wrong - to give you hope."
"We're better off alone. We suffer alone. We die alone."
"All my life, I looked out and dreamed of being somewhere else. Now I realise how much I'll miss this view."
"I'm not as strong as you. I never was."
"You act like everybody's given up on you, but you've just given up on yourself."
"I love you. I wish I didn't, but I can't help it."
"Why is it so hard to do the right thing?"
"I want to be a good person, like you are."
"Why are you trying so hard to get rid of me?"
"Don't say that! You don't have to be alone!"
"Do you ever wish there was another way?"
"Why would you say something like that?"
"I'm obviously not okay."
"Haven't you ever done something in a relationship you wish you could take back?"
"Do you have any idea how painful it is to love you?"
"I know you're worried about me, and I also know that that kind of unselfishness doesn't come naturally to you, but I don't want your help."
"If everybody lies, then trust is not only unfounded and pointless, it's fictional."
"I like being alone - at least, I convince myself that I'm better off that way."
"Why do you value your failures more than your successes?"
"Why do you care if I'm happy?"
"You can't help me. No one can."
"Why don't you trust me anymore?"
"I've crossed a line, and I’m having trouble getting back to the other side."
"We're all going to die eventually."
"Every once in a while, I like to hear the voice of someone who's on my side."
"You don't need to depend on people who are going to let you down!"
"Does it ever get any different for people like us?"
"Don't deflect. You always deflect."
"So you have no expectation that any relationship you enter into will last?"
"I love you, I really do. It's just, somehow, it's hard for me to show that when you're here."
"People don't get what they deserve, they just get what they get. There's nothing any of us can do about it."
"I'm not a good man. Not anymore."
"They all hate me. You don't hate me, do you?"
"So many people think that when you're exposed to death and suffering every day, you become immune. It's quite the opposite."
"There's nothing worse than loving someone who's never going to stop disappointing you."
"This city makes people crazy."
"Any relationship that doesn't end in a breakup ends in death. Everything falls apart in the end."
"You must hate me..."
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luveline · 1 year
Can we get like a roan trying to make reader and Eddie make up after they have been visibly upset at each other (but like quiet arguments/none that roan heard)?????
thank you for your request my love! dad!eddie x fem!reader
You and Eddie don't fight a lot, so when you do it's always over something serious. 
You're sitting in the kitchen with tear stained cheeks trying to put pep back in your step before Roan wakes up, a huge cup of orange juice in front of you and a caffeine pill beside it. You argued pretty much all night, and now it's morning, and you're heartbroken. 
The good news is that the fight is for the most part solved. You're trying not to think about it, residual anger and annoyance and a third, awful something coiling in your gut —Eddie being against you is the worst feeling in the entire world, bar nothing. You can't stand it, and perhaps it's slightly codependent to function that way, but he's the person you love most (beside his dark-haired daughter). You're mad at him and you're also so fucking sorry you upset him, and you hate yourself, and you dislike him a little bit too. 
He's drinking a cup of coffee on the other side of the table. You've made up, but you certainly aren't friendly. If you don't tell each other everything it gets worse and festers into cracks you don't want in your relationship. You plan on dying with him, whenever it happens, he's gonna be by your side. If that means being honest to the point of extreme uncomfortableness, so be it. 
So he told you some things about yourself that had been weighing on him, and vice versa. Fights are fights are fights. They suck no matter what they're about, and they leave you feeling grubby, but Eddie always says sorry, and you say sorry too. 
Roan starts to wake up, the sound of her bed springs creaking from a floor away. You and Eddie both stand like you might go get her, which is foreign 'cos most of the time you sit at the table waiting for her. You pretend you'd been meaning to make her breakfast and Eddie curls his hand around the top of his chair as she descends the stairs and walks down the hall to the kitchen.
"Hello," Roan says, practically skipping up to the table. "Good morning! I'm missing one of my socks and um, think it fell down my bed." 
"Yeah?" Eddie asks. 
"We'll find it," you say. 
"Good. What's wrong?" 
She's deceptively smart. 
"Uh, nothing," Eddie says.
Roan climbs up onto her chair with the big cushion. She looks like she might fall. Eddie puts his hands around her waist to prevent any concussions, popping a kiss on her pale cheek. 
"It's too quiet," she insists. 
You flick on the radio and pass over a bowl of cereal for Roan. She likes something Eddie nicknamed 'rainbow cereal', which is all the cereals you buy mixed into one bowl. It doesn't need sugar, but you pretend to put some in there to keep her appeased. 
She stays standing. 
Eddie asks her to sit, and she grumbles and doesn't bother. Sometimes it's better to let her do whatever harmless thing she wants to do rather than start a fight, and you're both clearly much too tired to try. Eddie holds her waist and drops kisses into the top of her head intermittently. You sip your orange juice until it's empty, the radio chugging along in the background. 
"Did I do something?" Roan asks, four spoonfuls in, a frown on her little face. 
"No, baby, we're just tired. Why do you think you did something?" 
"Why are you tired?" she asks, ignoring Eddie's question. 
"We stayed up later than usual by accident. 'Cos we didn't have someone put us to bed." 
"Ask Wayne," she says. She takes another mouthful of cereal, milk sloshing all over the place. 
"Good idea. We'll ask Wayne," you say. 
She's convinced for a time, but breakfast ends, and neither of you know what to do after. It's a Saturday, which might explain the size of the argument. Friday is the most tiring day of the week, every week. Saturdays are empty. You might go see Wayne tonight, but beside that there's nothing planned. 
Roan senses a lack of enthusiasm in the living room.
"Did something bad happen?" she asks. 
"Baby, no," Eddie says, turning down her cartoons a touch. "Nothing happened, I promise. Everything is okay." 
"I don't feel well," she says, and collapses into his lap dramatically, instantaneous dead weight. 
She doesn't understand the anxiety she's feeling. You understand at the very least, so you meet Eddie's eyes and mouth, "Can I tell her? No details." 
He nods. "Sure," he says aloud. "If you want to, go for it." 
He speaks without attitude. You slide closer on the couch, arm pressed to Eddie's, and can't resist the urge to stroke an unruly strand of hair from his cheek. You pause, and then you kiss his cheek. He turns his face to yours and taps your noses together.
You smile, reassured, and squeeze his bicep. 
"Me and Dad had an argument," you confess. 
Roan looks up from his lap. "What?" 
"We had a fight. We didn't agree about something, so we were fighting, and now we're tired because it's hard when you love someone and you want to be on the same page." You blow out a big breath. "But we made up." 
"Doesn't feel like it," Roan says, pushing herself up using both arms. "You're not cuddling or anything." 
"Uh, well…" 
"We haven't had time," Eddie says. 
"Do it now," Roan advises, scrambling backward out of Eddie's lap. 
You're not a wimp, you put yourself under Eddie's arm, and he wraps you up by the shoulder, and you're both kind of stiff but at least Roan isn't worrying she did something wrong. In fact, she looks pleased. She lets Eddie take her hand and doesn't complain when he gives it three big squeezes in a row. 
"You didn't do anything wrong," you say, "you know? It's me that made the mistake, Ro." 
"Me too," Eddie says. 
"Well, mistakes are okay. I make mistakes all the time," Roan says. 
Eddie drops his cheek into the top of your head, defeated and tired and, maybe, maybe maybe maybe, he's happy too. He relaxes slowly, and you let yourself do the same, your arm held across his waist and your fingertips sliding underneath his t-shirt. You feel his skin mindlessly, cool and smooth under your touch, and figure that the fighting has been worth it if it means you get to do this again. 
"Sorry, Eds," you mumble. 
"I'm sorry too," he says back. "I was feeling like a dick yesterday."
"Me too," you say with a laugh. 
Eddie nudges your head with his nose until he can kiss your jaw, a series of chaste, quick pecks. His affection is a blessing. You tilt your head and he makes a disbelieving Yeah? kind of sound, snorting before he tracks kisses up to your cheek and down again. 
Roan jabs her arm with her toes as she stands on Eddie's thigh and hugs him. "See? That was easy." 
You both turn to her with similar motivation. "Super easy," you agree, as Eddie says, "You're right. Thanks, baby." 
"Welcome! Can we find my sock now? My toes are cold." 
You both laugh at her, sympathy and bemusement mixed together. "Oh, babe. We can find you some socks, I'm sorry." 
You stand up and swing her into your arms simultaneously, pleased when she wraps her legs around you and cheers in victory. You're not surprised when Eddie stands up behind you, resting his hand between your shoulders. 
"How about we get dressed? It's Saturday. We can go somewhere, maybe we can go into Indy and have All-American?" Eddie asks.
"Burgers?" Roan asks. 
You laugh into her hair. That's the plan for the day decided —Roan has a one track mind when it comes to cheeseburgers. And she should have what she wants. She saved your Saturday with time to spare.
more eddie, roan and reader
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Friendly Favor
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<< Request >> "If you take requests for one shots could I please give one ? Soo the good ol’ trope where Harry and you are best friends but he thinks he likes someone else so he asks you to fake date him to make the other person jealous but during the process he realises that he loves you and happy ending . I’d be thrilled if you do write something for this but it not that’s totally cool too thanks anyways and have a great day 😍" - ANON
Summary: When YN's best friend Harry asks for a favor, she knows it'll be difficult, but she loves him too much to say no. However, it's a dumb plan, and those usually don't end how you think they will.
A/N: This is my first fake dating trope fic. Hopefully it came out good.
Warnings: some explicit language, alcohol consumption, jealousy, arguments, fingering, hand/blow job
"I think this might literally be the dumbest idea you've ever had, H!" You laugh, grabbing a french fry from the plate sitting on the couch between you and Harry. You look over to find his arms crossed over his chest and a pout formed from his bottom lip. That adorable pout, with his pretty pink lips, that always seems to work on you despite your attempts to stand your ground.
"It's gonna work…" He grumbles, taking the plate of fries and moving them to the other side of him, just out of your reach.
"Seriously? You want me to pretend to be your date to a house party, so Chloe will get jealous and want to go out with you?" You laugh again in disbelief and lean over him in an attempt to reclaim your favorite comfort food. "That's seriously so dumb!"
"But it's a party. It'll be fun either way." He attempts to convince you.
"Full of people I don't know. I'd rather eat chalk." You respond, giving him a sarcastic glare, aware that your stubbornness will begin to crack any moment. Especially with his sultry dark scent currently floating around you.
"Come on… we're best friends… if you do me this favor, I'll… buy you something nice!"
"Harry, your idea of a nice gift is fuzzy socks. That's not really enticing." You giggle, reaching further across his lap, stretching your hand out as far as it will go but failing immensely.
"No, this'll be good. Promise. Plus you wear those socks all the time." He affirms, in that low, deep voice that causes a subtle shiver down your spine every time he uses it.
You and Harry have been best friends for years. Since right before 9th grade, in fact. You had moved in next door as the last school year ended, and quickly clicked with each other before it started up again. Since then, you two have been inseparable. At first, everyone thought you liked each other, but you both were quick to dispel those rumors. You didn't. You were just really good friends. But the older you got, and the more Harry denied it, the more bothered by it you became. He was everything to you. You trusted him, you felt safe with him, you had fun with him. You liked him. You loved him. Was it such a crazy idea that you two could be together? To you, the answer was always yes. He is very charming, and of course, very good looking. Every girl around swooned if he even looked their way, and melted away if he uttered the simplest "hello". He could be with any girl he wanted, and you were just you. Just his best friend. That's all you'd ever be to him, so that's what you'd settle for.
"Fine." You sigh, knowing that even if it hurts you, unfortunately you love him too much to say no. "I can do that. But I better get this gift even when this plan fails."
"If it fails. And it won't." He assures you, an annoying confidence beaming from his chest.
"Whatever." You reply, internally kicking yourself for being such a sap for him. He reaches around the back of your head and pulls it close to place a kiss on your temple.
"Thank you, babe." He replies, handing you back the plate you ended up forgetting about completely when his lips touched you. You love that nickname, but you hate it too, because you hate every girl who has heard it in the way you wish he meant it with you.
"Yeah, well, what are best friends for…"
Nerves suddenly flood your brain as you walk up to the front door with Harry. Not only do you have to put on this little "girlfriend" charade with the guy you wish was your own, but you are worried you won't really know anyone inside, making an already awkward situation even more uncomfortable. He only mentioned Chloe being in attendance, because of course she is the only one he cares about being there. You know who she is, you have mutual friends of friends, and have been at the same hangouts or parties a time or two. You always thought she was a bit vain, and a big flirt with every guy who gave her the time of day, but she has clearly made an impression on Harry due to the fact that you're walking through the front door with a plan to make her jealous for him.
Harry immediately wraps his arm around your waist and you swear your knees could go weak at the gesture. You look up to where he stands next to you, watching him give you a quick wink, thankful that the lights are dim and covering up the blush rushing to your cheeks.
"Harry! What's up?" You hear, turning your attention further inside the house.
"Hey, love." He responds, giving a quick hug to Layla, a friendly face you are grateful to see. The three of you met this year, your junior year of college, all bonding over moving from small towns to this big, state university. You don't know her well, but at least you know someone. "Hey, YN! Welcome! I'm so happy you're here!"
"This is your party? This house is… wow!" You exclaim, your eyes wide as you look around the giant living room that makes your off-campus studio apartment look like a small cardboard box.
"Thanks! It's my parents, but they're never home, so I make good use of it." She shrugs with a smile. "Now, the drinks are in the kitchen, and everyone seems to have congregated in the living room. It's where the music is! So, have fun!"
She giggles and swiftly twirls around, waving as she finds more people to greet.
"Alright, girlfriend… drinks first?" Harry asks, chuckling as his palm leaves your waist and grabs your hand. This would be the sweetest little gesture if it actually meant anything real to him.
"Definitely. I'm definitely going to need one." You respond, letting him lead the way through a small crowd of people.
"Is it that difficult to even just pretend to love me?" He laughs, and you roll your eyes. It's the best motion you can think of to counteract every muscle in your body that wants to show him the exact opposite.
"Easy there with the love stuff… boyfriend… this is supposed to be a new relationship, right?" You remind him, and yourself.
"Right." He replies, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek. He's easy to love, but this won't be easy to get through. He lets go of your hand and pours you a drink. "Let's mingle, really sell our story, yeah?"
You exhale heavily and nod, getting that firm reminder of the reason you two are really here, and that Chloe is actually the one he wants.
You take a gulp of your drink, grabbing his hand as he leads you to a small group of people you've met once or twice before.
"I didn't know you two were together." Someone politely states, causing Harry to squeeze your hand as a signal to really start up this charade.
"Yeah, s'kinda new." Harry shrugs and looks over to you with those sparkling green eyes you wish you could dive into. "But we've been best friends forever, so it was bound to happen."
Ouch. What a cruel thing to say, if he actually knew how true that could be for the two of you. If he actually felt the same as you.
But this is just a performance. For him. And since you genuinely feel the way he wants you to pretend that you do, you figure it will be easy to play along. So you will.
"Yep! He finally realized what he was missing out on." You smile as you turn your head to the group, your attention almost taken back by the way Harry clears his throat.
"I knew it would happen eventually! You're super cute together!" Layla exclaims, looking between the both of you with a tipsy smile. "And YN, you look fucking hot tonight, girl!"
You let out a laugh of disbelief. Your outfit is nothing special, even if you do feel good in it. Harry's hand wraps back around your waist and he squeezes your side.
"Yes she does." He agrees, looking over to you with a mischievous smirk. Those damn dimples could make any girl feel wanted. And, unfortunately, it does the same with you.
You shake your head and take another large sip of your drink, hoping the alcohol can kick in soon and get you out of your thoughts. You want to relax. You need to relax. You need to get through this night.
As the group disperses, you feel Harry pull you in tighter towards him, resting his forehead on your temple as he brings his mouth to your ear. Every hair in your body stands up immediately.
"You do look really good, babe." He states, causing your heart to flutter. As much as you know he doesn't mean it in the way you want him to, hearing those words causes your teeth to bite down on your bottom lip.
"Okay, hot shot, don't waste a compliment if people aren't around." You reply, trying to keep your composure and not completely melt at the whisper of words that just flowed out from him.
"M'serious." He sternly replies, causing you to turn towards him and be met with a frown. If he was truly yours, you'd run your thumb over to smooth it out and keep him calm.
Your eyes flicker down to his, then back up to the tension between his eyebrows. You're not truly his, but you're pretending to be, and this is your opportunity. You bring your thumb up to the line, slowly running it over and seeing him instantly relax under your touch.
"Thank you." You state, staring into his eyes for a moment before quickly bringing it down and patting his chest to push him back.
He gives you a wink and grabs your hand, pulling you to yet another small group of people, wrapping his arm around you in some way or another, and frequently placing sweet kisses on your cheeks, probably not wanting to do much more and cross the line. You weren't going to complain. You could enjoy this. You could definitely enjoy this.
"Hello ladies." You hear that sultry British accent state, as Harry sits down beside you at the campus cafe.
"Harry. Please tell YN that she should come to the club this weekend with me and Seth!" Your friend Eva exclaims, causing you to roll your eyes. You don't mind parties, especially if you know people, but clubs are something different. Most of the time you avoid those situations and hang out with Harry instead. You find that to be a much better way to spend your time.
"Ummm… I was actually hoping she'd go to a party with me…" He replies, turning his attention to you.
"Again?" Your brow furrows in confusion, and Harry's eyes dart between you and Eva. She begins to look between you and Harry, rolling her eyes as he keeps a tight lip around whatever it is he wants to say next.
"I'm not giving up." She points at you as she stands up, grabbing her stuff and walking away.
You chuckle as she heads out and then glance back at Harry.
"My plan didn't work." He states.
"I'm absolutely shocked!" You reply sarcastically and dramatically, throwing your palm against your chest.
"Shut up." He glares at you, returning his expression by sticking your tongue between your teeth. "But if we go to this party-"
"Seriously, H? Come on." You pinch the bridge of your nose, shaking your head slightly at his desperation. Why does he have to be longing for Chloe's attention? You'd give it all and then some, for real, if he wanted it.
"Please, babe! Pleeeease?" He scoots closer with a pout on his lips, and you hate that he knows that this tactic works well on you.
You sigh, in what is most likely defeat. You want to say no. You want to be selfish. You want him to give up on this plan and have him all to yourself.
"I'll give you a really, really nice gift…"
"I can't believe you're bribing me. And I can't believe it's working."
"Yeah? It's working?" He grins, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling himself closer for a hug. He looks up and you can see out of the corner of your eye that he is batting his lashes in fake innocence.
"Fine. I can do that. But no more help if this doesn't work out." You state, hoping that it won't. Really hoping that it won't. Even if he doesn't feel the same for you, at least you can keep your best friend around.
The days leading up to the next party were the same. Almost the same. Harry met you every day with a coffee, walked you to most of your classes, and hung out with you at lunch each day, as always. The thing that changed was all the little kisses on your hands, cheeks, and temple. The wrapping of his arm securely around your waist and the occasional squeeze on your hip when his hand dropped down slightly. The way he surprised you by grabbing your arms from behind, and mumbling "hey babe" into your ear. It was only a week, but it was the best week.
However, it was all just for show, and it was going to end tonight.
As you get out of Harry's car, you instinctively place your hand in his, intertwining your fingers as he leads you to the front door.
You're less nervous about this party, because it is once again at Layla's house, and at least you know the place, so maybe you'll also know some of the people this time. Plus you have Harry by your side. So as soon as you walk in, you both make your way to the kitchen for a drink, and he walks behind you, holding your hip, while you move over to where the rest of the crowd has gathered.
His palm rests on your shoulder and begins to stroke it back and forth. A warmth rushes over you at his touch. His now familiar, yet still exciting touch. You look up at him, being met by those deep, inviting dimples, and a seductive smirk. Your breath halts for a moment, and your teeth sink into your bottom lip.
He leans his head down and rests his chin on your shoulder, causing a subtle hitch of your breath. You squeeze your eyes shut, hoping he didn't hear your embarrassing reaction.
"We're pretty good at this boyfriend-girlfriend shit, yeah?" He asks in a low mumble, not helping the rumble of butterflies in your stomach.
If he only knew you weren't pretending. You could just tell him you aren't. But you actually can't. You'd ruin his plan, and most likely your friendship. You don't want to lose him, even if you can't fully have him.
"I'm a great actress!"
"Yeah." He replies, standing up straighter and releasing his hand from you. "M'gonna get another drink. Want one?"
"Sure." You reply, downing what is currently left in your cup.
"I'll be right back." He states, walking towards the kitchen and leaving you to stand alone in the corner of the living room. You pull out your phone, hoping to distract yourself from the awkwardness of being by yourself, waiting for Harry to soon return.
You don't realize, until you look at the time on your screen, that you have been standing there in the dim corner for twenty minutes.
You shake your head and make your way to the kitchen to retrieve the drink that Harry has clearly forgotten to bring you.
You turn the corner and glance around, stopping in your tracks when you find your best friend, leaning against the refrigerator, chatting with the woman sitting opposite him on top of the counter. Of course, it's none other than Chloe.
Your heart tightens. This was the plan. This is what he wanted. And he ended up being right, because clearly it worked out in his favor.
You slyly make your way to the other end of the kitchen and pour yourself a generous amount of tequila into a cup, finding the best thing available to mix it with before chugging half of the cup and refilling it to the top.
If he gets to have his fun now, you might as well try to do the same.
You put your head down and make your way back out into the living room, bumping into a tall presence before reaching your destination.
"Sorry! Shit! Sorry!" You exclaim, wiping the small bit of drink from your top, and looking up to find a wide smile and even wider eyes.
"I bumped into you, YN, it's all good." The guy replies, causing you to squint your eyes at the confusion of how he knows your name. He chuckles as he notices your expression. "Trevor. We had English 1A together last year."
"Oh my god. Yeah! Hey!" You blurt out, smacking your palm against your forehead in embarrassment. "Sorry."
"Like I said, it's all good." He chuckles, placing his palm on your shoulder. "Are you okay though? You seem a little… frazzled."
"Frazzled?" You giggle at the word, then sigh at the realization that his observation was probably pretty accurate. "I think I just need to sit down."
"Follow me, the comfiest couch is this way." He states, motioning for you to follow him as you both make your way to the other side of the large living room. You find the giant sofa and plop down on it next to him. There is a lot of space, but you don't shy away from sitting close.
"Better?" He asks, resting his arm on the back.
"Much! Thank you."
"So, would you like me to ask you what's going on, or distract you with my incredible array of celebrity impressions?"
You bring your legs up onto the seat, pulling your knees to your chest and taking another sip of the liquid concoction that now seems less intense than before.
"Ooh, impressions, please." You reply excitedly. This is something you can distract yourself with. He is somebody you can distract yourself with. At least for tonight.
"Okay, get ready. You're going to be amazed!"
The night moves on as you continue to talk to Trevor, feeling a lot lighter than you had at the beginning of the night, even if your body is full of tequila.
"Have you had the barbeque chicken at that place down the street from campus?"
"No, but now I think I definitely have to." You giggle, not for the first time with him. The more drink that enters your body, the more you relax, and apparently the flirtier you get.
"Maybe we can go someti-"
"YN! I've been looking all over for you!" Harry exclaims, doing his best to hide the frustration only you can tell that he is withholding.
"Clearly not hard enough." You mumble under your breath as you roll your eyes at him.
"Can you come with me, babe?" He asks through a forced smile, his hand subtly balling into a fist at his side.
"Actually… babe... Trevor and I were just talking about a barbeque place I want to try." You snarl, pointing to the man seated beside you, wishing you could manage to ease the intense confusion plastered all over Trevor's face.
"It's all good." Trevor states suddenly, standing up and giving you a small smile. "Maybe we can chat later."
He gives you a thumbs up, which you assume is to ask you if you're all good, and you nod. He turns to walk away and you watch Harry's eyes follow him until he is out of sight.
"Come on. Please." He utters as he reaches his hand out to you, reluctantly being met with yours as you glare up to him.
He pulls you hastily through the crowds of people, simply nodding as some of them attempt to get his attention, and finally stops at the end of the long downstairs hallway.
He spins you around, your back resting against the wall, and his palms on either side of your head.
"Harry, what the hell is your problem? What was all that?"
"Me?" He growls, his chest rising and falling quickly as he looks around, his eyes resting back on yours with a great deal of intensity. "You're just sitting there, flirting with that fucking guy, when we are supposed to be together…"
"Are you serious? Are you actually serious right now?" You question, feeling the breath being drawn out of you the longer he stares. "I served my purpose, and now I'm having fun."
"Served your what?"
"My purpose! I was only here to tell you to make Chloe jealous right?" You sigh when your chest tightens, hating every bit of your statement. Also angry that he can't seem to let you have any fun of your own. "And you seemed to have gotten what you wanted. You definitely had her attention in the kitchen."
"No. I mean, yeah, we were in there talking-"
Suddenly, you're interrupted by the bathroom door swinging open, seeing Trevor step out and glance in your direction. Harry immediately grabs the back of your neck, pushing his lips against yours with more pressure than you thought would be needed to sell the moment. You hear footsteps become more distant and you push on Harry's chest in an attempt to move him back.
"What's wrong with you? He's not the one we needed to make jealous, you idiot!"
Harry's breathing becomes shallow as his green eyes pierce into yours, flickering down to your lips before rejoining your gaze.
"Kiss me again." He whispers.
Your eyes widen in shock and your head quickly swivels back and forth to search for anyone nearby. There's no one around. There's not even anyone to make jealous anymore since he has the one he wants.
"Why do we-"
"Just… kiss me again."
You are about to give some sort of rebuttal when his warm palms meet your cheeks, coating them in a heat that could burn handprints into your skin. He steps closer, your back now completely flush against the wall as his body presses into you. His lips quickly find synchronicity with yours, and you begin to melt. Your palms grab onto his shirt, desperately wanting to claw at the tattoos on his chest. His tongue parts your lips and you move to bite his lower lip, causing him to reach one hand down and squeeze your hip. Your fingers intertwined with his hair. His palm slowly moves its way up to your waist. You subtly push your hips towards his and let out a small whimper.
Then everything stops.
"Harry, why-"
"Fuck. I shouldn't… m'sorry. I shouldn't have done that." He fumbles, taking a step back and running his ring-clad fingers through the curls that yours were just tangled in.
"It's…" You begin to state, completely stunned by what just happened. By the way he just touched you, and kissed you, and held you tight. By the way it seemed to have been about something more than a stupid plan about someone else. By the way he suddenly halted it all. "It's okay, H."
"I'm… you're… we're too drunk for this. I think I just got… caught up in the moment…" He mumbles, refusing to look into your eyes and fixating his down to the floor.
"Oh. Ummm, okay. It's okay." You reply, suddenly feeling so embarrassed and so vulnerable.
"You were right. This was a dumb idea. It… it was a mistake."
Your stomach turns into knots.
"We're friends. That shouldn't have happened."
The knot instantly grows tighter and your heart begins to sink.
"Like you said, I… I got Chloe's attention, so you're off the hook. You can go… be with that Trevor guy if you want."
Every muscle in your body is frozen from shock, and your mind can't seem to comprehend how the two of you went from what seemed like a passionate make out, to him basically waving you off.
"Right." You scoff in disbelief. You knew what the plan was, you knew the outcome he was hoping for. But you definitely didn't think you'd be hidden in the corner of a dark hallway, pressed against the wall by your best friend, practically feeling his heart pounding through his chest as he kissed you. You also didn't think he'd kiss you and then immediately dismiss you. You frown at yourself for momentarily believing that anything different was going to happen. Whatever the past week has been, and whatever that kiss was for you, clearly it wasn't the same for him. Just a drunken mishap while trying to convince others of this fake relationship, and you don't want to stick around to see him actually give someone else what you thought that moment was for you. "So, I'm just gonna head home."
"Wait, YN, you don't have to leave."
"You can consider this a breakup or whatever. Have fun with Chloe." You feel a pressure of tears beginning to build, and the breath in your body begins to escape you.
"Goodnight." You state, pushing past him and heading out to the living room, quickly thanking Layla for her hospitality.
Before you reach the front door, you feel a gentle grasp of your wrist and turn to find Trevor's concerned eyes turning downwards.
"YN, are you alright?"
Tears threaten to form as you cover up your sadness with a subtle nod.
"Do you need me to take you home?" He inquires, a softness in his eyes that could probably calm you in any other situation.
Your eyes shoot over to Harry, instantly finding him leaning against the wall on the opposite side of the room, arms crossed over his chest and a daggered glare shooting towards the both of you.
Sadness is suddenly accompanied by anger and you gaze back at Trevor.
"I'm actually meeting up with some friends. But… could you wait with me outside while I order an Uber?"
He smiles and nods, placing a hand on your back as you begin to twist the door handle. You shoot one last look back to your best friend, and see him standing up straight, eyes wide and fists clenched.
Well, one of you got what they wanted tonight.
You had surprised your friends by arriving at the club. And you shocked them by showing up without your usual companion, Harry.
As you wait for the bartender to hand you some shots, you explain everything to Eva and Seth.
"So, lemme get this straight…" Eva begins, resting her elbows on the countertop, an eyebrow raised from your recent story. "Your best friend, who you are clearly in love with, asked you to be his fake girlfriend to get another girl jealous enough to want to be with him."
"Yeah. Dumb idea right?"
"But… you said yes…" She adds with a still raised eyebrow… "YN, that was just as dumb!"
"Well, I didn't-"
"Didn't think it would work?" Seth adds, shaking his head.
"Still seems really dumb." Eva adds, causing you to glare in her direction and open your mouth to make your case.
Shot glasses are suddenly placed in front of you, and you are thankful for the interruption. You shoot yours down quickly, and look over to see Eva refuse the one she was handed, so you take it from her and shoot that one down too.
"Slow down sweetie." Eva suggests.
"I'm fine." You wave her comment off as you get the bartender's attention for another. You're not sure if your intention is to finally have some fun, or to drown out the events of earlier in the evening. But either way, you're going to drink enough until one of those things happens.
"Let's dance!" You shout, after downing your next shot.
"You never dance at clubs…" Eva replies, with what you assume is inquisitive concern.
"Come onnnn… let's dance!" You exclaim, grabbing the hand of each of your friends and dragging them to the dancefloor.
They follow you, seemingly reluctant, but begin to dance with each other as the next song plays. If they weren't your good friends, you'd be put off by their displays of affection for each other. But only because you'd be a little jealous. And now you're suddenly aware of the open space around your body.
You furrow your brow and explain to your friends that you'll be in the bathroom. Eva offers to go with you, but you insist that she continue to dance with her boyfriend. If Harry was there, it wouldn't be a problem. But now you're a third wheel and you're not about to ruin their night. You've already had enough of that for yourself.
You enter the bathroom and immediately pull out your phone, not hesitating to dial the first contact on your 'favorites' list. No one else could hold that space.
"YN?" You hear on the other end, a gentle tone coming through the speaker.
"Harry, your idea was fucking stupid!" You immediately exclaim, shouting to be heard over the music in the venue, even though the bathroom is only affected by a quiet thump of the bass. You'd take a moment to be more impressed if you weren't so drunk and angry.
"Yeah I know." He sighs, which begins to anger you even more.
"I fucking hated it. It was stupid. You're stupid." You begin to fumble, leaning against the bathroom wall as your knees begin to wobble the same amount as your words.
"Are you… drunk?"
"No!" You shout, grabbing onto the nearby sink to steady yourself. "Maybe."
"That's what you do when you break up with someone right?"
"Even though it was fake. Fucking fake. But still..."
"Where are you?" He asks sternly, and even in your intoxicated state, you can picture every detail that is most likely displayed on his face. The serious furrow of his brow, the inward pull of his lips, the shifting of his weight from one foot to the other. You know every part of it.
"Don't worry about it. I'm fine!" You snap back. "I've got Eva and Seth. And not you! And it's fine. I'm fine!"
You pull the phone away from your ear and press the button to end the call. The shots have not given you results for either of the options you were deciding between when you got to the club, so you choose to gather yourself and go to grab another.
You bring your other hand to rest on the sink and look up into the mirror. You're not too much of a mess, but you notice tiny lines of mascara running down your cheeks. You didn't even know you had been crying. Crying for Harry, who isn't even yours. Wasn't yours before, wasn't yours tonight, and won't be yours ever. At least, not in the way you really want him to be.
He really can have whoever he wants. And it's not you.
You scold yourself for letting any feelings for him form, and then grow. He's your best friend. And obviously that'll never change. Unless you aren't even friends anymore. He looked so embarrassed after kissing you. He agreed it was a dumb idea. He told you it was a mistake.
A mistake.
So, he can fuck off. You can do what you want, and right now, that's going to get another shot.
You walk out and back over to your friends, ignoring the mildly concerned looks on both of their faces.
"YN…" Seth begins, stopping his movements from behind Eva.
"Please don't. I'm fine." You respond, beginning to dance and twirl around with his girlfriend. Seth offers to grab some water for everyone and leaves the two of you on the dancefloor.
You glare at the back of his head, quickly following his footsteps towards the bar.
"Three waters please." You hear him state.
"And another shot!" You add, crossing your arms as he glares back at you, as if you're locked in some kind of parent-child standoff.
You grab the shot glass and instantly shoot it back, taping it on the countertop to ask for another. You turn back to Seth with a smug look on your face, at least you're hoping that's what you are portraying, but you notice his gaze is focusing just behind you.
Your shoulder becomes warm and weighted with a palm twisting you around, and you turn to be met with those glistening green eyes.
"Oh, what the fuck. What are you doing here?"
"What are you doing here, YN?" Harry asks, his hand still firmly, but somehow also tenderly, on your shoulder. You hate yourself that just this simple touch is getting your heart fluttering again.
"I'm having fun… with my friends… nothing new."
"Oh really? Since when do you go to clubs, and knock back shots like there's no tomorrow?" That familiar furrow of his brow appears and your instinct wants to smooth it out. But your anger quickly convinces you otherwise.
"Since tonight." You reply, crossing your arms again and doing your best to stand your ground. Physically and metaphorically.
"I think I should take you home." He suggests, moving his hand down your arm and gently holding your hand.
"I think you should fuck off!" You begin to shout, yanking your hand from his hold, letting the alcohol take over your judgment and your tongue.
Harry steps back and you can read the disbelief all over his face, as if it were an open book sitting right in front of you. If you're honest, you are a bit shocked by yourself too. You've never spoken to him like that before. Fought with him? Of course. You've known each other so long, that's only normal. But that? A statement like that isn't normal for you to make towards him. To be fair though, not much about this night has been normal.
"Come on, please. Let's get you home." He reaches out for your hand again, and once again, you pull it away.
"No!" You shout.
"Fine." He throws up his hands, never being one to push or force you to do anything you don't want to do. He turns around and begins to walk out of the club, but with the alcohol and the frustration mixing together, you huff and begin to follow him outside.
"Hey!" You yell from behind him, the cold air hitting your very heated face instantly, and causing a chill to spike all over your body.
He stops immediately, not turning around as you catch up to him, forcing you to move in front of him and stare into his eyes as if you were the one towering over the other.
"You…" You begin to pant from the exertion from following him, and the cold air penetrating your bones. "You don't just… you don't just get to come here and... and act all protective and shit!"
"Why wouldn't I?" He scowls, suddenly switching back to the one who towers over you. "You're my best friend, YN! And you're wasted. I talked to Eva and Seth, they were worried about you."
"Right, Eva and Seth. Who I'm here with. Not you." You growl, glaring into his eyes as if to actually pierce your frustration into them.
"YN, I was worried about you too."
"I'm fine!"
"Yeah, you keep saying that…"
"And I… I am! You don't have to worry… not about me. You shouldn't fucking be here. You should be with… Chloe. "
"Is that why you left the party all of a sudden?"
"I left because… you got what you wanted! You didn't need me anymore!" You yell, feeling a mild heat return to your body as the alcohol reignites the absolute flustering anger.
"I did." He replies softly, taking a step closer so that his warm breath steams over your face. You momentarily close your eyes and the sensation washes over you. "I wanted you there."
"Are you really that selfish, H?" You scoff, crossing your arms over your chest, partly because of the temperature, but mainly to protect yourself. To protect your heart. "I did it… what you asked me to do… and you got what you wanted… you got Chloe…"
"I don't-"
"I didn't need to stick around… I didn't want to stick around!" Your tongue becomes numb and you can't seem to control the words as they spill out. "I didn't want to just stand off to the side… and watch you with her!"
"Nevermind." You drop your gaze, hoping that you can get clear headed soon before you say something as dumb as the plan he had come up with. "I should've… I shouldn't have gone along with it. It was such a stupid idea!"
"You said it! It was a mistake!"
"Babe, please…"
"Don't call me that." You state sternly, lifting your gaze with the deepest furrow in your brow. Would he smooth it like you did for him earlier? No.
"Don't call me babe. I'm not your babe." You take two more steps back and pull out your phone to call for an Uber. "Babe is for someone you're with, actually with. We're not together. I'm not your babe. It was just pretend."
"I've called you that for forever…" He replies, softening his tone as he steps a little closer, causing your breath to exit and forget how to reenter. How does he always manage to take your breath away?
"Yeah, well, you shouldn't have."
"YN, come on, you're drunk. Please let me take you home." He pleads, wrapping his hand around yours and rubbing his thumb over your knuckles. You look down at the gesture, feeling your cold demeanor begin to melt at the touch you've become accustomed to over the past week.
"No. I have a ride. Just go back to the party. Go back to Chloe." You grimace as her name leaves your lips, and your hand leaves his. "I've done my part in all… this.
"You know what, YN? You agreed to do it! But you clearly didn't want to and you didn't have to either. So whatever it is you're angry about, you can't blame me."
"Fuck off." You take every last ounce of self-control that you have to stop yourself from explaining why you're so hurt and admitting to what you've been feeling for years. It could only make things worse at this point. You sigh and look down at your feet, wishing you could be swallowed up by the pavement.
"I wouldn't have asked you if I knew that this, all of this, was gonna happen." He steps back and puts even more distance between the two of you and your heart sinks. Now it feels awkward. Now it feels wrong. "It was definitely a mistake."
"Definitely a mistake." You whisper back.
A car pulls up right in front of the two of you, and you know it's your ride. You look between the vehicle and Harry, not knowing which one to step towards.
"So, this… this is it." He crosses his arms over his chest, beginning to tap the back of one foot with the toes of the other, and clears his throat.
You step backwards towards the car. You didn't think this night could've gotten any worse, yet here it is.
"Goodnight, H." You state quietly, turning to grab the door handle, opening it, and looking back one more time at your best friend. If you can still call him that.
The next day was painful for so many reasons, and the hurt just continued through that week. And then the next.
With how much you drank, you would think the night would be a blur, but the universe and your mind are cruel. You remember all of it. Feeling good with Harry, feeling hurt seeing him with Chloe, feeling distracted with Trevor, feeling ecstasy kissing your best friend, feeling embarrassed by his rejection, feeling way too drunk, feeling angry, and feeling hurt. Then, feeling nothing.
Nothing has been the same. Harry didn't walk you to any classes, or bring you coffee, or sit with you at lunch. He didn't come over every other night just to hang out, share food, and watch TV. He didn't call. He didn't text. Nothing. Nothing has been the same these past two weeks.
You had told your friends that you wanted to avoid any more parties, but with a bit of begging, Eva convinced you to go to Seth's birthday party. It was hard to say no to your second best friends, or maybe first now, especially when they mentioned that Harry never responded to their invite. It's not too surprising. He wouldn't want to be where you are.
So, you can be comforted by the fact that Harry won't be there. Although, 'comforted' feels like the wrong word. But Seth's parent's house is more modest, and you'll know a lot more people at this party, which should help you to relax even by a miniscule amount.
At least, you hoped it would. But whenever someone new walks through the door, your eyes dart over towards them. Your heart stops each time, until their name is spoken or you see their face.
You would grab a drink, but the anxiety building within is enough to fill you up, and you probably couldn't stomach it anyway. Plus you figure it'll be easier to leave the party early, since you are suspecting your ability and desire to hang out with everyone will be minimal.
Whether it's the size of the house, or the actual number of people in attendance, this party feels a lot bigger than the previous ones at Layla's house. You've only talked to maybe a handful of people in this large crowd, but are overwhelmed enough to need some space.
You walk up to Eva and lean in to be heard over the music.
"I'm gonna get some fresh air." You quickly state, hoping your volume is enough for her to hear, but quiet enough for others not to. You'd rather be alone.
"Oh. Okay. But-"
"I'm not leaving…" You chuckle, knowing she wants you to stay as long as she can manage to. "I'm just going to the backyard."
"Okay…" She replies, her tone causing a mild curiosity in you, but brushing it off as just her drunken state.
You turn around and squeeze your way through the crowds of friends that Seth and Eva seem to have accumulated over the years. You don't know if you have even half the amount of friends they have here. One person seems to have taken away the need for a large group of friends. With just him, and a couple of close others, you've felt fulfilled. Complete.
Maybe you shouldn't take too long of a break. Maybe you should recharge quickly and get back in there. Maybe you'll need to start finding some new friends to fill that empty void you now have in your life.
No one else seems to be outside, much to your delight, and you catch a quick glimpse of a patio swing out of the corner of your eye, which you immediately decide is the place you want to be.
You walk around the outside furniture and barbeque, but stop as you look up to the swing.
Harry is there. Right there.
You can't tell if the sudden inability to breathe is due to an excitement to see the person you've been missing for two weeks, or anxiety seeing the person you were completely embarrassed and rejected by two weeks ago.
"YN?" He whispers quietly, his eyes wide at the sight of you.
"Oh. Sorry. I didn't…" You begin to back up with very small steps. "I didn't know you were here."
He sighs, and it's potentially the saddest one you've heard, but that's the only thing that comes from him.
"I was just, umm, trying to get some air. But I'll… come back out later." You add. The reason to come outside was to relax, and clearly that won't happen for either of you if you stay. You turn around and head back inside, the emptiness in your friendship creating an emptiness in your heart.
Tears begin to cloud your vision. You do your best to guide yourself through the group of bodies to find a safe haven for yourself. The guest bathroom has a crowd forming outside of it, but you remember an office being close by. So through your blurry view, you fumble your way to the, thankfully, unlocked door and quickly close it as soon as you enter.
You take several steps forward, resting your palms on the wide, wood desk, and pull in some deep breaths. They don't last long as the door begins to creak open.
"Sorry, no one should be in-" Your words are halted as you turn around and are met with the most beautiful face. The face you're so familiar with, the face you've missed a lot, the face you love so much. "Oh."
"Can we talk, please?" He asks shyly, his head down and hand gripping the handle, only halfway through the doorway.
"I didn't think you'd-" You mumble back with a shaky breath, nodding and waving him into the room, watching as he hurriedly steps in, closes the door, and locks it.
He takes one step closer, still leaving an upsetting amount of distance between the two of you. But you understand. Last time you were close, too close, which didn't end well. Even though it was an incredible moment for those few seconds.
You shake your thoughts out as you are snapped back into the current moment by the clearing of his throat. You cross your arms around your body, a reflex to keep yourself together.
"What… happened?" He jumps right in, and you are so taken aback that you can't even decipher the context of his question.
"What do you mean?"
"That last party… it seemed to ruin everything. Things are so fucked up now."
Your eyes grow wide in shock. You figured he is just as embarrassed as you are, maybe a bit upset from your fight at the club, but you didn't think he'd feel like this. This intense. This harsh.
"I told you that plan was dumb." You respond, not completely meaning to make the statement aloud.
"Yeah, I get it." He frowns as he stares at the ground, clearly not even being able to look at you now. That hurts. "It was a huge mistake."
That hurts even more.
"You shouldn't have asked me."
"You shouldn't have said yes!"
"You shouldn't have kiss-"
You quickly shut your mouth, regretting those words, not meaning to bring it up and not wanting to admit that it means anything to you when it didn't mean anything to him.
"I shouldn't have kissed you." He finishes your thought with a shallow breath. You can see his regret, you assumed that was how he felt, but it still hurts. Not only because it meant something to you, and not to him, but because this is what it has caused. An awkwardness between you two. Between you and your best friend.
But anger begins to boil at the fact that this was all because of him and his stupid plan to win over some other girl. And that he only kissed you like that after seeing you hang out with another guy.
"So then why did you? Why did you kiss me?"
"You were with that other guy… you were supposed to… be with… me."
"Why did that matter? You were with Chloe! You got her! You got what you wanted!"
"I didn't get her. And I didn't get what I wanted."
"Oh my god, then I'm so fucking sorry if I messed things up for you with her!" You scoff, rolling your eyes at how pathetic this all is.
"I don't want to be with her!" He growls, running his hands down his face, then back up to run through his hair.
"Then what the hell is it, Harry? What the hell do you want that you didn't get?"
"You! For sucks sake! You! I want you, YN!" He growls.
"All I've wanted to do since that kiss… is kiss you again. And again." He moves towards you again, close enough now so that you can feel his warmth, and inhale his sultry dark scent, and feel that familiar tingle down your spine. "And again."
"But… we're friends…"
"Yeah. We are..."
Your body kicks into fight or flight mode, but is frozen in place. You have no idea where this is going and you're not sure if you want to know.
"Look, YN, I miss hanging out with you, and joking with you, and just talking with you. But now…" He sighs, stepping closer and closer until you can feel his breath on your face. "But now I also miss holding you, and making you blush, and kissing you."
Your breath hitches at his confession, your mind racing and your heart pounding.
"I… I thought we were just… pretending."
"I wasn't." He shakes his head, reaching his hands out to gently hold yours. "Maybe at first, because I was an idiot. But being with each other and doing all those couple-y things together made me realize I already had everything I wanted… with you."
"Harry, I-"
"I didn't even want to be with Chloe by that second party." He clears his throat and his admission causes your heart to flutter. "And she cornered me in the kitchen. I couldn't get away. All… all I wanted to do was be around you."
"And when I got free, and you were with that guy, I snapped." He closes his eyes and shakes his head. "I guess I kissed you because… I wanted… dunno. You pushed me away and I should've left it at that but I couldn't. I didn't want to stop. But after the second one, you gave me that look and I got scared that you didn't feel the same. That you didn't want more."
"But I-"
"If you don't, I can live with that. I don't wanna lose you. I need you in my life. You're my best friend."
"But I-"
"But I wanna be more." He admits, squeezing his eyes shut as he squeezes your hands. "I want more than that, and I just need to know-"
"Can you just stop talking?" You exclaim, taking your hands back and moving them up to his shoulders. His eyes grow wide, with an expression of mixed emotions. "Let me have a turn."
"I got jealous. So jealous. I hated the plan. I hated seeing you around another girl, and wanting another girl. Because I want more. With you. And… I have for a long time."
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"Why didn't you?"
"Fair enough." He answers quietly with a small smile. "S'pose I just didn't want to lose you."
"Me either." You reply, a rush of pink appearing on your cheeks as you dip your gaze. A silence falls in the room, despite all the loud noises just outside the door.
"Do you want to be together?" He asks shyly.
Your brow furrows with sudden concern when you look back up to him, and his expression instantly matches yours. "Being together will change everything, Harry…"
"I don't think that's true." He shakes his head, using his thumb to smooth out the crease in your forehead, just like you did with him before. "It feels natural between us. We are comfortable with each other, we know each other, and we already spend lots of time with each other. This would just add… extra… perks…"
"Oh really?" You smirk, a tingle running through your body. "Like what?"
"Answer me first." He whispers, closing the gap between the two of you and resting his forehead on yours. He places both palms on your cheeks, giving you every sense of comfort and excitement possible. "I need to know what you want."
"I want to be together."
You nod.
He pulls back while his eyes flicker down to your lips and he grazes them with his own. All the breath in your body leaves in that moment and your hands work their way up to the nape of his neck. Eyes locked on each other, you could swear that your heartbeats are the only noise that can be heard.
Your words are cut off by the feeling of his plush lips firmly on yours. Again. But this time, much better.
"Is this okay?" He asks as he pulls away, just enough to give you two some space to catch a breath.
"Yes." You giggle, twirling your fingers into his hair. You could get lost in his curls and not even mind. "Now, kiss me again."
His dimples pops in quickly before your face is pulled back to his with one hand, and your body pulled in with the other.
Your lips meet again, passionate and desperate, as if they've been starved since the last time they met. His hands waste no time and begin to roam your body wildly. Rubbing your back, moving down your waist, grabbing your hips, and gliding over your ass. If you thought any of the other times he touched you were exciting, this was absolutely overwhelming.
His body presses further into yours, causing you to slide up onto the desk behind you. Your lips are parted by his tongue and each movement raises in intensity. One hand moves to your knee, slowly making its way up your thigh and every ounce of heat in your body travels to your core.
His lips leave yours and move along your jaw, landing right under your ear.
"Is this okay?" He whispers, nibbling on your earlobe.
"Ye-... Yes." You utter, eyes closed as his breath hits your skin.
His hand slides further up and you've never been more grateful that you chose to wear a skirt, as you feel him squeeze his way to your core. He grazes two fingers over your drenched panties and lets out a pleased exhale.
"Bloody hell." He whispers, as you feel a smile against your skin in triumph. His fingers run up and down, teasing you, and creating an unbearable yearning within.
"You want it?" He asks, with the low, deep tone that makes your knees weak.
"Yes." You whine, opening your eyes to look at him and not only show your sincerity, but also your desire. "Please, yes."
He slips in your panties, running his fingers along you again, your bare skin excited by the touch. Your breath hitches as his fingers dip slightly into your folds.
"Harry, please…" You plead, letting out a soft moan as they enter you and you feel the coldness of his rings hit your entrance. "Oh my god!"
"You're so damn wet." He utters, slowly pumping his fingers in and out. The actual touch, and the knowledge that it's finally happening with Harry, quickly builds the pleasurable pressure that he's giving you.
Words escape you. The sensation is taking over. You don't even realize you've made any sort of movement until your eyes snap open at the feeling of his hard bulge trapped within his pants. He growls as you palm him, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
"Fuck… YN…"
Your fingers move to the button of his pants, surprisingly able to undo it without any trouble, and as you pull down his underwear, his cock springs out of its confines. Your eyes shoot down as you wrap your hand around it. He is big. Thick and long. You've only ever imagined what he was like. You knew it wouldn't be disappointing, there was no way. But the actual view of his cock within your grasp causes your breath to hitch, and with his fingers inside of you, you get even closer to reaching your peak.
He moans as you pump your hand. You moan as he thrusts his fingers. Your noises being drowned out to others by the thumping music throughout the rest of the house, and only being shared between the two of you.
Harry curls his fingers up, immediately hitting your most sensitive spot. Your body shudders and you throw your head back as an exuberant exhale leaves your lips. He thrusts faster, curling up each time, and your thighs squeeze together as your orgasm draws closer. He spreads your legs apart slightly and wraps his free hand around your back, pulling you as close to him as possible and getting deeper with the access.
"Oh my go-… Harry… I'm abou- t- cu-"
"Go on. I wanna feel it, babe."
With the nickname that you have so desperately wished meant something more to him, being uttered from him in exactly the way you've wanted it, your orgasm tips over and your walls squeeze Harry's fingers as if they're trapping them there forever. You moan out again, and again, as the ecstasy floods over you.
Your free hand grips onto the desk for leverage, keeping your body upright and stable, as you do your best to continue your motions around his cock.
"Harry! Oh my god!" You exclaim, still panting yet opening your eyes to see the widest grin on his face. "That was… so…"
"Good?" He chuckles, biting down on his lower lip.
"Amazing!" You reply with a breathy giggle.
His mouth falls open and his eyes close as both of your focus fully turns to your work on his cock.
"YN… fuck…"
He pulls into your body again, grabbing your hips as he kisses down your neck and across your shoulder.
"M'gonna… fuck… I dunno where to… to cum." He mumbles between moans.
You push on his body, sliding off the desk. He lifts his head up and you smile when you see his blown out pupils.
"Can I…?" You begin to ask, both looking down to where you hold and stroke him.
His eyes snap back up to yours, desire and concern written all over his face.
"Are you… sure? You don't have to."
"I want to."
"Fucks sake. Okay. Yes. Yes."
You lower yourself down to your knees, looking up through your lashes as you notice him swallow hard at the sight of you.
"Are you sure?"
He nods, exhaling strongly, his chest rising and falling faster as you stick out your tongue to lick his leaking tip. You lick up his base before taking him in, his cock filling your mouth so much that you try not to gag immediately.
"S'alright." He mutters, starting to pull away.
"Don't move." You state, grabbing his hip to keep him in place. "You're big, H. I just need to get used to it."
He growls at the compliment and grabs your hair. You move slowly back onto him, stroking in rhythm with your hand, and getting him deeper each time your mouth takes him in.
"Oh my-... god."
He begins to subtly pump himself in and out of your mouth, hitting the back of your throat, making you have to pull off quickly.
"Keep going."
"Keep doing it."
"Bloody hell."
You take him in again, adjusting to his soft thrusts, humming against him as he gets deeper.
"Fuck… m'gonna… m'gon-..."
You cup his balls, which sends him over the edge with a loud moan, feeling his warm release spill down your throat.
"Oh my god, YN." He whimpers, his eyes fixed down on you as he thrusts in deep, making sure you swallow every last drop.
You pull off once he's done, kissing his fern tattoos, and pushing yourself back up to kiss his cheek.
"M'sorry babe." He whispers, still attempting to catch his breath.
"Sorry for what?" You ask, suddenly worried that this may have been another mistake to him.
"M'sorry we didn't figure this out sooner." He smirks, running his thumb along your lips and placing his firmly against them.
"Better late than never." You smile, entangling your fingers back in his hair, deciding to make it their permanent home.
He tilts your chin up to look him straight in the eyes. "You are incredible. That… was incredible."
"What are best friends for?" You chuckle, sticking your tongue out between your teeth, but pulling it back in when you see him frown.
"It's what girlfriends are for."
"Yeah?" You ask and watch him nod, peppering kisses on your lips and cheeks, making you giggle. He pulls away and his gaze flickers between each of your eyes.
"I do have one more favor to ask, though." He states quietly.
"Oh god." You chuckle, not anxious in the least at what this request could be. "What is it?"
"Let me take you on a proper date."
You grin widely, matched by one from him, and you press your lips firmly together, now addicted to the feeling that you've been dreaming of for so long. Butterflies awaken in your stomach at his request, and you nod when you see the amount of anticipation splashed all over his face. You kiss his forehead and rest yours against it.
"I can do that."
Main Masterlist
If you like what I post, and want to just send some extra support, I have a ko-fi account. Even the smallest amount is greatly appreciated. There is no obligation or expectation to donate, because I am honestly just so grateful that you're here! 💗 Bee xx
Overall Taglist: @watermelonsugacry @tw1nflamebruis3 @hopefulwastelandcreation @tenaciousperfectionunknown @that-daydream-look @queenmadi2 @runway-to-my-aid @theekyliepage @be-yourss @harryistheonlyoneforme @b-reads-things @behindmygreyeyes @michellekstyles @a-strange-familiar @yousunshineyoutempter @buckybarnessimpp @little-freak-satellite @msolbesg @sleutherclaw @katiebaxterrrrrr @percysaidnever @thatbitch2828 @mrspeacem1nusone @thurhomish @sushiabby @woanderry @harrystylesrecs @vickiii17 @itsbebeyyy @divalovesyou @bxbyysstuff @jessitpwk @sunshinemoonsposts @theroosterswife24 @boybands-baseball @austynparksandpizza @missmielyhoran @harryspirate @qualitygiantshoepsychic @tiaamberxx @matildasatellite @fool4him @cherryshouse @yatebe-kohayu @perfectzinenerdperson @babyiamperfectforyou @daphnesutton
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onceuponapuffin · 5 months
Fanatic Intervention Part 2!
I'm so glad you all are as hyped about this idea as I am!! ^_^ So you know, I've been reading every Other Idea, every reblog, and I am going to use your input to inform my choices going forward. This is OUR fic, after all :)
//Edited to include title
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That FREAKING coffee. Your eyes narrow. Everyone is still in shock, no one has spoken yet. You use the hesitation to grab the coffee out of the Metatron's hands and chug it back all in one go. It's the perfect temperature for drinking. Because of course it is. You're vaguely aware of some sounds of protest from Metatron and Aziraphale, but they're monosyllabic, and don't need a response. That can wait till after you finish.
You pull the cup from your lips and exhale in an overly-dramatic fashion, and look at the Metatron. It tasted exactly like almond-flavoured coffee, and you still hate him. YUP. Good.
"I beg your pardon!" The Metatron gasps, his face glaring at you with fury behind his eyes. But, oh, you couldn't care less if you tried.
"Get. Out. Now," You say to him. Your eyes have figurative fire behind them, the rush of caffeine and adrenaline making you braver than you otherwise would be.
"Young person, have you any idea who you are ordering about? I think you'll find that you're of no authority to be making demands and that you would do best to see yourself out. Before you make any foolish mistakes," the Metatron's voice is cool like a spring creek, but you can hear the malice just below the surface; barely contained.
But here is the thing, my dear Reader, this is a self-insert fanfiction. And in this work of fiction you are brave and clever, and you have been grieving for everything this monster put our beloved Ineffable Husbands through for too long not to be very, very angry now that you have come face to face. And you are not about to let this go. Crowley and Aziraphale have spent so much time trying to defend the world, defend humans, defend those they don't even like! You'll be damned before you let them go undefended when you, yes you, with all your love for them and all your knowledge are standing right there. So defend them you shall. Someone has to. And right now no one else will.
"Do you," you begin after a moment, "have any idea who you are speaking to?"
For a moment, the Metatron looks taken aback. But only a moment, before his eyes grow cold again.
"I mean," you continue, "I just fell through the ceiling, and landed in front of you just as you were about to hand over that coffee. I don't know about you, but I can only think of one reason why that would have happened, and it has three letters."
In your peripheral vision you notice Muriel, counting on their fingers. Aziraphale chokes back a gasp. You can't see it right now, but you can FEEL Crowley's eyebrow from here. Metatron holds your gaze, not ready to give up just yet.
"If I were you, Metatron, I would pop on back to Heaven, and double-check a few things. Because, I mean, there must be a reason why I've been dropped here to interrupt you. Seems like your plan hasn't been...approved. Otherwise it would go forward as planned, yes?" Matching his arrogance is key here, and if you mess up, the consequences could be dire. You glance at your cuticles with an air of nonchalance. "Unless, of course, you presume to know better?" And to seal the deal, you raise your eyes in a sideways look that screams smug.
You've spent months reading meta analysis, character analysis, everything you can get your hands on about the final fifteen. You're pretty sure you have a solid enough grasp of the Metatron's character to pull this off. The main thing is to pretend you know what's actually going on, convince him that he doesn't, and buy some time.
Suddenly, your phone in your pocket buzzes four times, and your mouth tastes like salt. But, actually really pleasant salt. Like you just ate McDonald's french fries, or theatre popcorn. Something clicks into place in your mind.
"....Did you...just try to turn me into salt?"
Having spent months learning to read Michael Sheen's facial expressions, you see the Metatron's eyes shift through Surprise, then Curiosity, before landing on what you can only call Calculating.
So YUP for the salt. But apparently he can't touch you. Later, you tell yourself, we'll figure this out later. Get him out, and get him out now.
You take a step forward, herding him towards the door.
"It seems," you say to him, "That you have some things to clarify."
The Metatron huffs, and straightens his tie. "Indeed it does," he says, knives beneath the calm once again. "I shall return, Aziraphale, and when I do, I do hope we will have a chance to chat."
And so the Metatron leaves, as though it was his own idea. You follow him to the door. Oh, you shouldn't, but you just can't help yourself. And honestly, I don't think you should. You call to him as he walks away.
"And be careful with those questions, Metatron! We all know how THAT ONE goes, don't we?" And with that you slam the door.
While you're apologizing (very quietly and lovingly) to the bookshop door, you hear Crowley behind you.
"Nnnyeah, I have no idea what's going on, but I like this one."
You pull out your phone. There are five heart icons. Four that are full, and one that is just an outline. Oh. OH.
"FUCK," you say to yourself.
Now you look up. You're shaking like a leaf, but lucky for you, there's still a metric ton of adrenaline running through your system, allowing you to realize that you need to figure out what comes next.
Vote on This One too please (I'm only able to do one poll per post, so bear with me).
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🖤
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minustwofingers · 10 months
love is a laserquest p.1
pairing: rockstar!ellie williams x reader
request: @thatgiraffefromtlou so kindly included me on a post about writing something inspired by these beautiful edits :) thank you !
summary: after a serious of unfortunate events, columbia grad y/n y/l/n finds herself using her hard-earned journalism degree interviewing vapid stars and writing articles that she's convinced are rotting her mind. ellie williams has just dropped the album of the year and it's all anyone is talking about, but all she wants is to be off the press train. a certain interview with a certain interviewer might change this.
warnings: no cws, but i will say that i don't know anything about this career path so i apologize if i'm totally butchering it!
a/n: see ? see? i promise i haven't forgotten about you guys/this blog/this request. this is admittedly a short installment, but you've all been so good about waiting and i had a little itch to write tonight. hopefully more of this will be posted soon. i hope you enjoy!
tags :) @intrnetdoll @dazedshoon @lovecaraya @pctcr @sariyaflowr @loser-keiji @prettyplant0 @666findgod @sawaagyapong @rystarkov @buzzybuzzsposts @addisonnie @galacticstxrdust @elliesbabygirl​ @pinkazelma @ariianelle @lu002 @blairfox04 @sparkleswonderland @elliesflower @muthafuckingstargirl @elliewilliamsissubermommyoml @eviestevie-14 @quicksilversg1rl @guacala @crtcrp @overtrred28
wc: 1.8k
“Hi. I’m Y/N.” 
You sit and extend your hand, smiling as diplomatically as you can manage to the girl sitting across from you. 
She ignores you.
“I said hi,” you repeat.
One painted eyebrow arches the slightest, but she doesn’t look your way. 
You grit your teeth. A question list that you’ve meticulously prepared is memorized and tucked away in your mind, but now you’re just furious that you spent so much time preparing for an interview with someone who wouldn’t even look you in the eye. 
While you wait for the camera crew to get ready, you sit and observe the room—movie posters behind both you and Lina, bright lights that are already making you sweat shone down from above, and a homey oak wood coffee table between you two to give the air of casualness. 
God, you hate this. All you want to do is go home. 
“Ready?” a cameraman says from the side. 
You send a game smile his way. “Ready.”
“We’re rolling.”
“Hi!” said the girl across from you, suddenly laser-focusing her attention on you with so much bubbly energy that it made you feel like you’d gotten whiplash. “It’s so good to meet you. I’m so glad that we were able to do this.”
“Me too,” you respond, saccharine sweet. “You have no idea how excited we are to have you, Lina! It seems like all anyone wants to talk about nowadays is your role in Ontario.”
The interview’s length is oppressive and mind-numbing. By the time you ask your last question and Lina sends you her last dazzling smile, you’re already on the brink of offing yourself on the camera for all to see.
“And cut,” said someone over your shoulder.
You relax, letting out a long breath. That was the last one for the day. You got to go home now.
But since you were a normal human being, you give Lina one last try to redeem herself.
“It was great having you,” you say in a way that you hope reads as genuine. “Thank you for coming in.” 
Lina doesn’t respond—she’s already back on her phone, intent on ignoring you. 
The drive home is awful and long and full of LA traffic. It was something you’d never quite forgive your younger self for—not advocating for yourself sooner. If you had, maybe you would’ve already been taking the subway alongside all the other New Yorkers, surrounded by serious people wearing serious clothes and carrying serious things around in their briefcase.
Instead you got the quirkiness of Southern California, all arid air full of cigarette smoke and lost aspirations. When you first came to LA, naive and blithely optimistic about your prospects as a journalist, you thought that living near Hollywood would be exciting, all the energy and dreams like firecrackers to the social scene. 
Then you got off the plane and realized it’d all been a lie. There’s no hope in a place like Hollywood. It’s the most hopeless place in the world, knowing that all your servers and Uber drivers and retail employees are all working 3 other jobs to make up their rent as they chase a dream that will never happen. 
Because no one ever makes it big. Well—no one really. One year into your life at PopNow! has made you interact with more people who have, you suppose, “made it big”, and each interaction is dependably more absurd than the last. Like Lina. God, you hate Lina. 
You reach your apartment right when the sun is kissing the horizon, the royal purple of the night descending upon the sky. That was another thing you missed—the stars. You’d missed them when you were at Columbia, but that was when you knew you went back home to the midwestern countryside. Now you’re stuck in the light-polluted hell of California, and there’s no way to know when you’re going to get out. 
You should have turned the job down, you think to yourself as you get ready for bed. The face wash you rub into your skin obediently forms into silky little bubbles. You should have just done whatever you’d had to do to stay in New York, even if it meant being unemployed and living in a broom closet with 3 other people. 
But you’re a writer. And you’re getting published, and that’s all that matters.
Or at least that’s what you tell yourself.
The assignment is in your inbox when you wake up the next morning at a prompt 5:30am. As you go about your normal routine, you let the words in the message sink in.
Alyssa’s in the hospital. Emergency appendectomy. 
Alyssa’s the most senior writer at PopNow!, regularly netting the juiciest recorded interviews. 
…interview today that needs to be completed…
You angrily beat your legs back into scissor kicks as you run through the motions of your favorite apartment-friendly pilates routine. Today was supposed to be your day off.
…musician Ellie Williams…
…great opportunity…
You have no fucking clue who Ellie Williams is. She’s never been mentioned on NPR or the New York Times, the only two news sources you bother to follow, so she can’t be that relevant. Or at least not relevant enough to warrant you losing your one day off. But that’s what it’s like to be working in showbiz. Your days don’t belong to you anymore. 
By the time that you’re in the studio, hands folded and question list memorized, you feel like you know all you need to know about Ellie. 
She’s got everything you need to be a world-wide sensation. Humble, small-town beginnings? Check. Sympathetic backstory that makes even the most hardened viewer’s heart soften? Check. Conveniently conventionally attractive features, well-placed tattoos, and a certain swagger that seems so natural it has to be somehow hard-coded into her genes? Check, check, and check.
You’ve interviewed hundreds of Ellie Williams. You’re ready for this. 
Jan from production sets out glasses of water on the table in front of you, one for you and another poised in front of the empty chair.
“You ready?” she asks, not unkindly. “Don’t be nervous. I know that this might be a bigger one than you’re used to, but there’s a reason why Stephen asked you to fill in for Alyssa. You’ve got this, honey.”
“Thank you,” you say. The smile you send her back is tense, because as much as you hate to admit it, you are nervous. It’s ridiculous how something you don’t even care about for an industry you think is bullshit is capable of getting under your skin, but you’d done very few recorded interviews. When you imagined what kind of hard-hitting journalism you’d be doing back when you were at Columbia, it was nothing like this. 
You sit and wait, bouncing your leg and hoping the rest of you looks at ease. The set is as corny and soulless as always, one tall houseplant shoved half-heartedly between the two blue cushioned chairs like an afterthought. There’s a stack of magazines on the coffee table between you two, as if you’d crack open People mid-shot.
You hate your job so much. You always feel so bad thinking this way—there are people out there who would probably actually kill for the chance to be rubbing elbows with the celebrities you did on a regular basis—but whenever you start feeling too guilty, you think of how you ended up here, your dream internship getting whisked away by fucking nepo baby Becca, and then you let yourself be angry again. 
A door slams shut, and suddenly you’re all business again. 
The first thing you notice about Ellie Williams is that she’s actually very tiny, especially in comparison to the burly camera man that she squeezes by to make her way on set. She’s looking a little preppier than she does on stage, donning a pair of wide-legged black trousers, chunky black docs, and a haphazardly buttoned forest green shirt with the sleeves rolled up just enough for you to see the entirety of her arm tattoo. 
“Hi.” You rise from your chair to offer a hand, feel the pressure of her fingers gently gripping yours. “I’m Y/N.”
Ellie blinks. “Uh, hi. I’m Ellie.” 
“Is everything alright?” 
“I thought Alyssa was going to be interviewing me,” says Ellie. She drops into the chair opposite of you, crossing a leg over the other thigh.
“Emergency appendectomy,” you supply.
The way Ellie reacts makes you regret this immediately. 
“Oh,” she says, cringing. “Shit—oh, can I swear in here?”
“We’re not rolling yet,” you say gently. 
“That’s, uh, really too bad,” she says. Her tattooed hand reaches up to scrub the back of her neck. “I’m so sorry.”
Now it’s your turn to blink and stare at her blankly. “Um, thanks? I don’t really know her.”
“Right, right.” Ellie lets out a long sigh that you take as an offense. The interview hasn’t even started, and the languid way she reclines back in the chair reads as already bored with you. “So, do we just go ahead and…”
“Yes,” you say, feeling the heat rise in your cheeks. “Uh, yeah, we’re ready.”
Brilliant start.
The interview begins in earnest, and for once in your life, you’re actually rattled by this girl, by the way she tilts her head at your questions, tongue running over the flat of her front teeth. She has freckles sprinkled across her nose that didn’t show up in any of the photos you’ve seen of her on stage. The ones where she’s awash in blue light, guitar slung over her shoulder and hair sticking to her forehead. It’s disquieting, honestly, how she could just spring a surprise like that on you. 
By some miracle, you manage to get through your list of questions without forgetting anything, but sometimes you stutter on your delivery and have to fight to keep yourself from grimacing. Nothing that she tells you is ground-breaking, nothing you don’t already know. In other interviews, you’re normally able to slip into a sort of conspiratorial voice, prying out information and digging a little deeper than your interviewees intend. But with Ellie, you’re paralyzed, stuck straight to the script that had been sent over to Ellie’s publicist for approval. 
Not like you’d get away with anything when it came to Ellie, either. She has bags under her eyes that you can see concealer creasing in. It’ll wash out post-production under the bright studio lights, but up close it’s obvious that she’s not interested in entertaining any bullshit. 
When it’s over, you’re sure your face is on fire with how hot your cheeks feel. Ellie looks just as nonplussed as ever. 
“It was nice to meet you,” you squeak out. 
She takes her time answering you, busy with draining the glass of water Jan had set out in front of you both and, once it’s empty, fiddling with the buttons on her sleeves. 
“Likewise,” she says, and then before you can think to say anything else, she’s gone. 
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pyromegalomaniac · 1 year
You can not tell me Wally won’t be a real bro for his friends if he found out reader has a crush on a certain someone.
Like Wally catch reader staring at someone for a long time with a soft smile on their face and Wally like “you like them don’t you”
And right there Wally turning into reader’s and his friend’s wing man
“Hey that friend there , they love home baked goods”
“Oh yeah random fact reader loves this color “
Wally just trying to play matchmaker
Ooooh, anon! This idea!! So very!! I like wingman Wally very much... I hadn't even thought of this!! Just one of the perks of doing these requests, you get so many fan interpretations and headcanons and whatnot... here's your headcanons anon!! Enjoy!!
Welcome Home x Reader + Wingman/Matchmaker Wally Headcanons🏠☀️🛼🦴🍪🐛📨🦋🍎
Wally suggesting you be cast as the lead in her plays
Trying to subconsciously convince her to do a romantic play
Setting you up on a stargazing date
Suggesting you write poetry for her
"Hey Sally I think y/n would love to hear you recite what you've been working on"
One day while you three were all outside a sudden burst of rain came down and Wally kinda ran off (he hates getting wet) but he noticed you and Sally still having fun while he was cowering under a tree or something
Playing games together
Drawing with sidewalk chalk
Wally inviting you both over for a sleepover and rushing off to go do things like make popcorn to leave you alone
Probably brushing each others' hair at said sleepover
"I bet y/n can't beat you in this game"
"Y/n likes x hotdog toppings, don't you, y/n?"
"Y/n's favorite kind of joke is x type. You should tell them some of those!"
Lounging around together
Falling asleep in a nice warm pile
Waking up and wondering where Wally went
Oh well... sleeping with Barnaby is cozy and now you have him all to yourself
Baking together
Wally telling her how brave you are
"Y/n's favorite type of baked good is x, why don't we make them some?"
Making cookies in cute shapes
Poppy getting anxious about something and Wally suggesting she ask you for advice
Hanging out with Wally and he suddenly remembers he's out of something, so he asks to visit the bugdega
Wally asking you to pick something up for him at the bugdega
Howdy mentioning it getting tough to work all day by himself so Wally suggests he ask you for help next time you come in
Wally sending you mail so Eddie has an excuse to go to your house
Eddie eventually recognizing your handwriting and stamps
"Why don't you write a letter to Eddie"
"Oh, you said you've been to x place, haven't you? Y/n has been there too"
Doing crafts together and Wally purposefully holding back his art skills so Eddie will like yours
Wally suggesting the same books to you both
"Y/n's favorite bug is x"
Lowkey trying to be annoying so he'll think you're better to hang out with (this may or may not work)
"Y/n had a question about this... why don't you meet them to discuss it?"
Looking at the buggies together (Wally would probably disappear like the Barnaby hcs)
He'd be the last one to notice you having a crush on him
Thinking you need someone nice to be with and trying out each possibility in his head
Really wondering why no one seems to be a good match (everyone else can see the obvious crush you have)
Eventually you'd tell him or he'd figure it out and be like
"...Oohhhhhhhhh. I like you too y/n!"
Those are the headcanons I came up with! Hope you like them anon, thanks for requesting them!! They were fun to do!! I look forward to doing more in the future!! Much love!!
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oneatlatime · 1 year
The Blind Bandit
I had honestly forgotten that the Gaang were trying to find an earthbending teacher, so the 'previously on' segment was actually useful instead of spoilery.
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Nobody's face is having a good time.
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Look at this sweetheart. You go ahead and treat yourself honey. You've single-handedly escorted a pair of earth-shatteringly overpowered tweens around the world for months; the least you deserve is a shopping trip.
"You kids like earthbending?" Has the same energy as "wanna buy a sun dial?" from that animated Hercules movie.
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This guy is one of those strip mall karate types.
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I take back everything I ever said about Zuko's season 1 haircut. This guy has a dust bunny poop on his head.
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Momo's bag now.
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My absolute favourite girl power: incredible violence!
The acoustics at this earth rumble place must be great. I don't see any microphones.
"That's what I paid for." Sokka is a simple creature at heart. Likes food and violence.
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Something very strange about this guy's face. I think his mouth moves but his eyes don't.
So apparently earthbending gets you mad air.
Oh! I get it. This is a WWE parody. Somebody on the writing team did their homework too. Don't ask me how I know, but this is a very accurate parody.
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Sokka thinks listening to big muscles is a very good idea actually.
And here's the heel. Complete with russian accent. And oddly homoerotic anthem. And cowardice when challenged! Yep, total heel.
I LOLed at the zamboni badgermoles and hockey organ.
She's like two feet tall!
I'm. in love.
I could watch little girls beat up grown men all day.
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Earthbending sonar?
Omigod it predicts. She can see moves before they happen.
Well it's a good thing Bumi said to look for someone who Waited and Listened rather than Watched.
"I don't really want to fight you. I want to talk to you." Says the guy who just volunteered, in front of a full stadium, to FIGHT her. Time and place, Aang.
Get back on the ground you flighty airbender. She sees with that ground. No fair.
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This is about the face I made when Aang pulled that move. Does this boy think at all? I love him, but what part of stealing her well-earned title is supposed to convince her to talk to him?
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You messed up.
I love sartorially inclined Sokka. It's a tiny an innocuous little trait, but it rounds out his character so well.
I get to watch two different girls terrorise idiots this episode. I am blessed.
So I'm guessing the two idiots at the earthbending academy are doing that excercise where kung fu people stick their hands in sand (I've seen videos of it) but it really looked like they were in the 'beat back the dough' phase of making bread.
In this universe of plot-convenient clothing blindness, how do Dumb and Dumber recognise Aang as the one who beat the Blind Bandit?
I think the voice actor for the dumb kid with actual hair did a bunch of voices in season 1. The soldier who gives Aang Bato's map comes to mind.
Have I said recently how much I love Sokka and Katara?
These wrestling guys keep switching between first and third person. Too many rocks to the head.
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This could be a board for a murder mystery board game. Or a map for a DND dungeon.
It's her hair. I thought the Blind Bandit had a cap type thing with a little brim for her costume, but it's just a pile of her hair? Like a beehive?
A lesson in character writing: if you want to make someone look super dumb, have them earnestly believe in the credentials and authenticity of a guy you have previously set up as a borderline con artist. Lookin at you, Blind Bandit's dad.
"Basic forms and breathing exercises only." That line is just so funny. And they're all so stupid. She snapped like half a dozen spines last night and this guy is preaching breathing exercises.
Wow! I hate her dad!
I hate him more!
Sokka going ham on some rice rather than listen to the idiots. Good priorities.
This passive aggressive fight between the girl and Aang at the dinner table is so fun.
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Looking for somewhere to store your meal after you've face planted into it? Try the top of your head!
I need to get a hold of some of those magic napkins. Wiped up a whole multicourse meal in like 5 seconds.
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That is indeed the appropriate reaction to this pint sized badass. Glad Aang is learning. (Also this episode needs more Appa. The last couple have been sadly bereft.)
Called it. Earthdending sonar. Or is it more like echolocation? No! Whiskers!
How does this pint sized badass - who if I am understanding correctly, is not known to exist outside the walls of her house - have more emotional intelligence than the entirety of the Gaang put together?
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So much for the guards in the garden. They'd actually be useful now.
Sokka. Priorities. Although given how many times Aang has escaped custody/kidnapping he's probably ok to take a minute to fangirl over an autograph.
These idiot parents don't know their daughter at all. That chafes.
"I'm not smiling." I LOLed at that too. Perfect delivery.
Hippo man having a snack before he gets down to business. No wonder he's missing teeth.
All this blind and tiny and helpless and fragile talk is really making me hope someone smacks the crap out of the dad. What an awful thing to say, nevermind saying it where your daughter can hear.
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This is gonna be good.
If this girl does join the Gaang the writers are going to have to nerf her in every major conflict. She's too powerful. I bet she could take on the firelord now.
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And that's why you don't announce sneak attacks.
So remember how Sokka was absolutely losing his shit over the Boulder? That's me right now.
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She waits. All these idiots are losing because they're getting impatient and attacking first. Which means that, to her senses, they're telegraphing their moves. That is so cool. And so is this visual.
Here's your chance Dad. Are you going to mess it up?
"I love fighting. I love being an Earthbender. And I'm really really good at it." me:
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I don't have words for how much I LOVE when little girls STAND UP for THEMSELVES and THEIR INTERESTS. This would have had me HOLLERING if I'd seen it as a kid. It was a message I needed to hear too.
Wow I want to kill her parents.
You made my girl cry.
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Get wrecked belt stealer. I LOLed at this too.
Sokka just beaned a blind girl on the head. Not a good look. I laughed though.
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Fun fact: everyone in this picture is a piece of shit.
I haven't been this steamed since Zuko's dad burned half his face off.
Final Thoughts
IT WAS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously, this episode feels like it's movie quality. This show is usually excellent, but this feels like a cut above. I feel like I could sense the love the writers, animators, voice actors, everyone had for this episode. They had a good time making it and were enthusiastic about it. And there were lots of tiny background details in this episode too. I'm sure I missed quite a few. Oh No! I'll have to rewatch it!
New team member! That hasn't happened since Momo. Actually, no wonder the episode was so good. Introducing the first new team member in at least a season's worth of episodes is a delicate operation. I bet they were workshopping this episode since early in the first season.
And Toph! (thank you credits for how to spell that - I was really hoping it wasn't Toff). Be still my heart I love Toph. She may well take Sokka's spot as my favourite character. Strength of character, self-assurance, emotional intelligence, badassery, mastery of violence, what's not to love!!!
How did she get so emotionally intelligent and articulate if her parents have kept her caged her whole life? I don't know but I'm not complaining!
How did her parents get away with caging her for her whole life? I do know (money) and I am complaining. Very much so. And yet Toph can still find it within herself to have an honest conversation with them, including apologising for leaving said cage. I never would have had the maturity to do that in a similar situation. I would have gone the Katara explosive rage route.
A little girl who stands up for herself. Against HER PARENTS. I just. Do you know how amazing that is? Especially in a kids' show? I was ROBBED by not being able to see this show when I was Toph's age.
Does bending work like a muscle, in that you build up stamina? Because if so, then Toph is the strongest human earthbender in the world by default. If she's using it in place of seeing, then she's using it 100% of the time that she's awake, all day every day. By the time she was like 5 years old she'd probably used her bending more than the average earthbender does in their whole lifetime.
My one complaint is Toph's voice. Nothing wrong with it; this is a me thing. It fits her perfectly, but my ears do not play well with nasal voices, which hers is. I had to rewind quite a few times and resorted to subtitles by the end. Hopefully I'll get used to it like I did Zuko's.
Sokka! My soon to be demoted beloved! He shone in this episode. I love that he has fashion sense and is not afraid to show it. I'm thinking, what with how hung up he was on masculinity at the start of the show, that the water tribes have a different conception of masculinity: one that classes fashionability as a masculine or gender neutral trait. Even back in season one it didn't take much to get Sokka into the Kyoshi warrior uniform, and he's shockingly good at applying face paint symmetrically. Which I still cannot do with winged eyeliner.
Katara! Not headed for a career in diplomacy but so satisfying to watch. I would love to have a Katara in my pocket that I could unleash on people. And her and Sokka bouncing off each other this episode was great. Every one was at peak performance this episode, except Aang. Not at his brightest this episode.
Checking for typos before I post this and I realise I'd already forgotten that Toph is blind! Just like in the Northern Air Temple, this is how you do disability right: as just a part of who they are, rather than an entire personality. This show is so good.
In sum, Toph:
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rootsofdread · 1 year
Some angst comfort idea now cuz we love to hurt our feelings 😔 Killer!Reader whose ability causes them a lot of pain but they have to use it to satisfy the Entity cuz otherwise a greater punishment waits for them
3 romantic (Leon, Ghostface and Jake) to 3 platonic (Amanda, Legion [again any or all how you prefer] and Sadako) ratio
This is the last one for now sorry if it's to much, take your time and know no matter what you'll write i will love it (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ
this was a super cute one to do honestly 🥺
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Leon S. Kennedy:
Leon used to see this as a free opportunity to run, but when he realized you were really in pain, when other killers couldn’t really feel pain…He was shocked. He started to wonder why the Entity would do something like this, give someone powers that hurt them. It was more twisted to him than anything else when he realized it.
He encourages you to use your powers against him. He hates that it hurts you, but he knows how scared you are of the Entity. He assures you he’ll be able to get away and you won’t have to hurt him more than that, you can move on to someone else after. He’s tough and he can take it.
He gets all up in arms when he hears other survivors poking fun at your abilities hurting you. He stands up for you when you aren’t around, saying you don’t deserve bullying on top of painful powers. He may not be the most intimidating guy, but he’s convinced a few other survivors to shut their mouths about it.
He goes easy on you during trials together. It just makes him feel better to not give you a hard time, makes him feel like he’s helping you somehow.
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Jake Park:
Even though Jake was afraid of you for quite a while, always seeing you in pain slowly whittled him down. Seeing you flinch when you start using your powers, and nearly keel over when they run out. It was worrisome, even for someone as terrifying as you. He knew…This was something that definitely wasn’t normal. The pain, the fear. He hadn’t seen it before in other killers…
When he knows you better and is more comfortable, he’ll quietly tail you during trials, always hanging behind you to keep an eye out for you. He’s genuinely worried that you’ll end up passing out from pain one of these days.
He isn’t scared of you anymore, and will even run up or jump up to embrace you when your powers run out. He hates seeing you in so much pain like that, and wants to take it away from you. He knows he can’t, but he still tries.
He teaches you calming breathing exercises for when he’s not around to help you, to ease the pain yourself. If it helps you even the slightest bit…It gives him so much relief to know he’s helping you.
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Danny Johnson / The Ghostface:
Danny is furious with the Entity for doing such a thing to you. It’s personal with him, because he knows the Entity likes him. And to continue threatening you after cursing you with such awful power, at that…He’s angry. It’s rare to see such intense emotion from him, but you see it every time he comes to you after a trial.
After your trials, he grabs you and holds you tightly. You can feel the rage in his grip, but it's comforting at the same time, knowing he's so angry on your behalf. You try to tell him it's not his problem, but he won't hear it. It is his problem.
He never wants to let you out of his sight, because he knows that if he keeps you close, it means you're not out there hurting yourself for the Entity's sick satisfaction.
He actually attempts to tell the Entity off, since he knows her more personally than some of the other killers. It doesn't ever really work, but it makes him feel a little better doing it for you. He hopes it helps you feel a little better, too.
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Amanda Young / The Pig:
Like Danny, Amanda is pretty pissed off about it, too. You've done nothing wrong — at least, nothing that would warrant a punishment or threats like this. As a woman who doles out her own punishments, it makes her blood boil seeing an innocent caught up in it.
She's never…Quite sure what to do for you. She's not much of a hugger and comforting talks aren't really her forte. She tries for you, though. She holds your hand and tells you things will be alright, and that she’ll try to make everything better for you. Because making things better is her kind of thing.
She doesn’t know how she’ll make it better, though. But she will — she knows she will, for you. She’s always thinking of what she could do to make anything better for you. Usually it’s going out of her way to find and kill survivors that were previously in your trials, because she sees them as semi-responsible for what’s happening to you.
Ultimately, even if she's not the best at comforting, she wants you to know she's always there for you, and she'll always do her best to help you and solve your problems.
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Frank Morrison / The Legion:
Frank knows what it’s like, getting hurt by your powers. It’s a killer coming out of Feral Frenzy for every Legion member. Solidarity is the most valuable thing to him, being able to relate to his friends and knowing what they’re going through. So trust and believe, even if he didn’t know what you were going through, he’d damn well try.
He’s always willing to hold you if and when you need it. He normally isn’t much of a touchy-feely kind of guy, but he thinks something like this probably warrants it. He knows you feel bad enough already, there’s no sense in making you feel worse by denying you any comfort.
And he’s always willing to listen to you, too. He’ll listen to your venting about the powers you’ve been burdened with or your fears of the Entity. He may not really be able to do anything about it…But he can listen.
He tries to teach you ways to take your mind off of the pain, like he does. Focusing on the task at hand, or on something else that makes you happy. He knows it isn’t the best solution in the world, but he knows it’s better than doing nothing and suffering, too.
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Sadako Yamamura / The Onryō:
Sadako is always concerned for you. She sees the pain on your face when you’re punishing the survivors, you’re her friend and…There’s something wrong with you, your powers hurt you. They shouldn’t do that. Her nensha powers don’t hurt her. It upsets her sometimes, to see you hurt like that, to see you afraid of what would happen if you don’t hurt yourself.
She hates that the Entity makes you hurt yourself to satisfy herself. She’s an angry little girl, and this doesn’t help. You have to stop her from lashing out at other killers sometimes, and make sure she calms down. She also hates making you worry about her — but she can’t help it. She feels things strongly. She knows you don’t deserve this.
She always wants hugs after one of your trials to make sure you’re okay. She knows she likes hugs when she’s upset or hurt, she figures you must too. It’d be difficult to convince her otherwise, it’s difficult enough to get her off of you as it is. Not that you mind, really, it’s just…This girl has a death grip. How much she loves you is obvious.
She protects you when she can, like taking your place in trials. She doesn’t want you to get hurt, and she’ll do whatever she can to help that. She may be small, but she's fiercely protective of you.
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A/N ::: This is, uh, my take on an HC/Fic hybrid about Break-up sex with Baji. Initially, it was going to be HC's but then this damn sad ass song I'm listening to made me a sobbing mess and here we are now. I really don't dabble in angst but something about this felt so right (and heartbreakingly beautiful??) Hope you guys like it, too. Also, I would probably never ever ever never break up with this man.
C/W ::: Just MDNI under the cut. More painful than smutty but there's still some parts that are not for minors, says I. Thanks!
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Listen to me (on repeat if you can stand it)
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Knows why you came over today
Won't stop kissing you because when he does, he knows what you're going to say
Won't stop even when you tell him to because you "need to talk about something"
Doesn't care
Doesn't want to hear it
Finally takes his lips off of yours and tucks his face into your neck
Whispers how much he loves you against your ear because he knows how sensitive you are there and he’s hoping you’ll cave to his whims
Doesn't want to have to wake up in the morning and face the fact you're "not his anymore"
Pulls you over to where he's sitting on the bed and wraps his arms around your hips
Smashes his face into your belly
Soaks your shirt with his tears
Kisses his way up your chest to your lips again
His lips are wet from crying
"Please just ... why? Why is this happening right now?" he'll ask in vain
You don't really have an answer but you know that this is how it has to be
You will kiss him back against all of your better judgment
His hands slip under your shirt and he rubs circles into your warm skin with his rough fingertips
You can feel yourself falling back into that same comfortable routine with him despite fighting it with every ounce of your willpower
Things are so easy with him
But you just don't see it going anywhere
You're goal oriented
He's content with the way things are
His eyes tell you more than his words ever could
And you want to listen
You want to let him love you forever
But you have plans
Life plans
You've worked so hard to get to where you are and you didn't mean to fall in love with [someone like] Baji
And though you did, you've never loved anyone like him
Never been loved by anyone like he loves you
Your parents gave him the side-eye from the beginning
That didn't matter to you
You were just 19 and he was wild
He knows this is your mom's idea
He's trying to convince you to just give him another chance
But he's not promising to be better or change his ways (and why should he - you don't love him because he has potential - you love him for him - he's perfect the way he is)
You break down and fold into his chest letting the tears you'd been holding back fall without subtlety or aim
They stain the gray shirt he's wearing
He knew you were coming over today and he knows you love that shirt on him so that's why he wore it - the both of you will never look at that shirt again after today
Baji will burn it when you leave him to stand there and stare at you as you walk away
You kind of knew that, too
He brushes the hair that is glued to your cheeks and kisses the tear streaks running down your face
Does not ask for permission when he picks you up and lays you down on his bed
He will lower himself, slotting down between your thighs and rolls his body against yours with a desperation you've never felt from him
He can't stand to look at you but he forces himself because after this, he will never want to see you again
His ego will heal soon enough
But there will always be a blemish on his heart where he carved out a safe little niche for you to stay forever and ever
A part of him will hate you forever and ever for doing this to him
You feel his growing need for you against your own
This feels wrong
It feels too final
Because it is
This probably shouldn't happen
Though neither of you seem to be able to stop it
His hand snakes down between your bodies and he unbuttons your jeans
Pulling down the zipper like he has so many times in the past
"Baji-kun ..." you try to make it sound like you know better than to do this
It won't fix anything
No closure will be obtained through this final act
"Don't - please ... don't y/n." He chokes out
He leans back and gathers the denim of your jeans up in his hands to tug them down
Flashing back to the very first time the two of you gave yourself to the other
He coughed out a sob or a laugh
You couldn't tell
You didn't really want to know (if you were being honest with yourself)
Right now, the both of you were being anything but honest with yourselves
He got your bottoms off and began to undo his belt
The cool clink of the metal shook you out of the trance his unabashed affection had put you in
Drunk on him
He always fucked you up
Leaving the belt in his pants, he undid the button and zipper and just pulled them down a little
Enough for him to pull his shamelessly hard cock out
Baji was not patient with you
He slid himself into you without any warning
You gasped at the less than skilled intrusion and he hissed at the feeling
It felt familiar
It felt like coming home
He felt like home
But this wasn't home to you - now
It couldn't be
Not anymore
He pumped into you with a sense of urgency
As if he was racing against time to keep you here with him
To keep you his
He couldn't stop his hips from snapping into yours
He didn't want to stop
Didn't want you to stop
Didn't want to wake up from this dream and realize it was a nightmare
He was living a nightmare
And it was just beginning
"Baji-kun ... I can't do this." You moaned, though you didn't stop him
It felt too good
Too good to be true
He pulled out and you cried out at the loss
Effortlessly, he flipped you over onto your stomach and pulled your hips up
Gripping them with an iron fist, he entered you from behind
"Oh fuck, Baji-kun!" You screamed into the pillow
You sobbed through the pleasure racking your body and the pain strangling your heart
He was hitting you at a different angle and it was making your eyes roll back into your head
Your body was on fire
The kind of fire that only Keisuke could ignite
You will never feel this again with anyone
Not ever
You came hard and fast, soaking his sheets with your cum
He was close
You could feel his cock twitching inside of you
He pulled out and flipped you back over, entering you again
He grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him
Tears ran down his face like a tsunami after a violent earthquake shook the world's entire core
Baji was your world
You wondered how this happened
How it had come to this
How you would ever learn to live without his bright eyes and smile greeting you after any time apart
It didn't matter
He was always happy to see you
Always smiling at you with that devilish grin of his that made your heart beat a little faster
His lips found yours again and he kissed you with a restlessness you had never felt from him before
And a tenderness that terrified you
You had broken his heart
You had ripped it to shreds
You had eaten him whole and swallowed him up without any hesitation
That's what it means to love like this
It is overwhelming 
It will leave you an empty shell if you're not careful
It is fast
All encompassing and heavy against you when you’re not sure about anything but the person staring back at you
You will never know this again
And it hurts
So fucking much 
"I love you so much, y/n." He whimpered against your lips
He came with a moan and you felt his warmth fill you up
You let him lay on top of you for a few minutes
Just breathing in his scent
One last time
Knowing that you could never let yourself fall in love again
Because you knew, deep within your fucking shattered soul, nothing would ever, ever measure up to this.
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@katshimizuu @kazutora-kurokawa @southside-otaku @arlerts-angel @viburnt @darkstarlight82
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hyuuukais · 1 year
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pairing ☆ lee felix x fem reader
synopsis ☆ Y/N is a new streamer. after months of planning, and her best friend & now fellow streamer han jisung convincing her, she makes a twitch and youtube account. thanks to jisung giving her a shoutout to his own huge following, she gains some unexpected overnight fame. but what was more unexpected was waking up to see her long-time favourite comfort streamer _sunshine.bbokari_ following her.
warnings ☆ food mention, mention of stalking in an unserious way
☆ mostly written chapter, 3 screenshots ☆
The stream starts off smoothly, fans of both of you trickling in during the waiting screen. You had never played Overcooked 2, but watched the gameplay of it enough times to know what to expect. At least, from the game. You had no idea what to expect when it came to playing with Felix. Jisung had tried to help resssure you, saying to think of Felix as 'just some guy'.
Kinda hard when you've been looking up to him for years.
He started his YouTube channel young, around 14. It didn't start as asmr, but with gaming. You quickly found yourself addicted to his videos, loving the way he described things. It helped that he was someone your age, someone relatable. After starting to stream, you'd stay up most nights to watch with Kai or Jisung, sometimes falling asleep to his voice.
And now here you were, five minutes away from the most anticipated moment of your life.
Another concern of yours was what the chat would be like, especially considering the initial hesitation and hate you had recieved just from being friends with Jisung. It hurt to see, but you felt secure in your friendship. No amount of hate could make you doubt it.
The interruption made you look up, seeing Felix's icon light up as he spoke.
"Y/N? You there?"
"Yes!" You cringed at your loud response. "Sorry, yes, I'm here."
He laughed. "Before we start, I just want to say I'm happy you agreed to this! I know we barely know each other still."
That was true. You had no idea what made Felix so excited to get to know you. Had Jisung said more to him than you thought? Actually, you don't even know how close those two were if you thought about it.
"Well, I've only had the biggest crush on you since I was like 14," You blurted, silently cursing yourself. Why didn't you think before speaking?! "Oh my god, that's probably the weirdest thing I could have said to you! I'm so sorry!"
"Ehh, I'm used to weird people," His smile was obvious in his voice. "You'll fit right in with my other friends."
Before you could ask what he meant, it was time to begin.
About an hour and a half in, you decided it be best to take a break. Both of you did what you needed, coming back with a snack. You advised the chat to grab something before reading questions or comments.
"Y/N, you can start," Felix stood suddenly, holding up his phone. "Chan is calling, I gotta take this!"
"Oh, okay!" You watched as he disappeared, your nerves coming back to you.
Most questions were for Felix, which you obviously couldn't answer, but there were a lot of comments about you both.
"'Your dynamic is so fun to watch, I'm glad I stopped in'," You smiled. "Thank you so much, aw. There's a few people who've said similar things, so thank you too."
You kept reading positive comments, laughing and feeling more at ease after expecting the worst.
"'Y/N you must be feeling pretty good with'... oh," The smile on your face faded and you looked down.
The comment read, 'Y/N you must be feeling pretty good with your success, too bad it's only because of your... 'friends'. You're so boring on your own.'
There were a few people agreeing, saying you were too quiet, that people only liked you for who you associated with, that you'd never be so popular on your own.
It hurt.
When Felix came back, you tried not to show how you were feeling, easily falling back into laughing along with him.
"Okay, last question!" He announced. "Let's see here... 'hey Lix, did you know about Y/N's old fan account?'"
You nearly choked on your drink.
"Actually yes, I did."
You blush furiously, looking wide eyed at his face in the corner, mouth hanging open. Tears prickled at the corners of your eyes in embarrassment. Before you could say anything. Felix let out a big sigh and a chuckle, shaking his head.
"Fun fact about me... I love secretly interacting with my fans. I may or may not have a secret account..." It was his turn to blush with the confession. "I have a few favourite accounts and," His voice went quieter, "Y/N this is actually so embarrassing to admit to your face, but yours was one of them. When you suddenly stopped posting, I... I was honestly kinda heartbroken. Of course I didn't know it was you at the time!"
For a few moments, you were quiet. What he said came crashing down on you, and suddenly you couldn't stop laughing- no- cackling. He liked your fan account? No, you were one of his favourites?
The idea was so absurd.
"Stop laughing!" He scolded, but his face betrayed him with a wide grin. "It's not- it's not funny! I wanted the world to swallow me up when I found out you were friends with Han considering I'd been lowkey stalking you on the internet for like 3 years!"
Tears streamed freely down your cheeks, and the chat was blowing up. You could barely breathe, coughing to catch your breath.
"Is that why you were so eager to meet?" You asked once you finally calmed down.
"I wanted to put a face to the name," He shrugged, his own laughter calming down. "I mean, I already knew what you looked like I guess. But still! I never expected the chance to meet you."
The chat kept blowing up, but it was finally time to continue what you were here for -- gaming. After a few more frustrating hours, yelling at each other and attempting to be strategic on who does what (but failing horribly), the stream ended.
At the end of the night, your heart felt full. During your years of being a fan account, you worried Felix wasn't who he showed, but tonight and all the texts up until now proved he was even better.
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notes ☆ FIRST WRITTEN PART !! also i'm so so excited to get more into the rising stars plotline bc as much as this is a fun fluffy felix x y/n fic, it's also just as much abt y/n on her own! the actually relationship between y/n and felix may be a bit of a slow burn friends to lovers kinda thing bc personally i eat that shit up. but dw!! there are going to be so many cute parts with the two of them. also are we glad the stream was good ?!?! y/n already needed a break LMFAO
taglist ☆ @marcillfll @toplinelix @neri-ner @tfshouldidohere @imasimplol @samvagejkflxhrt @yennifersgeralt @aestheticsluut @cherryuqii @tenebrisirae @roseidol @veryjeongintxtkid @amara-mars @nobuttpics @bmnyy @sheeshhhhfelixsworld @ellelabelle @gini143 @mrsseals16 @veedoesntknaur
pink means it won't let me tag you
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nayatarot777 · 2 years
✨ what does your inner bad bitch have to say? ✨
your inner bad bitch is the aspect of you that other people could see before you could. as a result of this, people have most likely been threatened by that aspect of you and tried to project all types of shit onto you to suppress that part of yourself. this helps you to step into your power as long as you know how to overcome the bitter bitches who love to project. or the situations in life that have made an imprint on your mind. choose your pile and listen to what your inner bad b has to say to you.
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pile one ✨
how has your inner bad bitch been shamed?:
{7 of wands, 10 of coins, 7 of cups)
i feel like a lot of you in this pile have had people turn on you, resulting in you having to defend yourself and everything that you're worth. because of these betrayals, your boundaries are firmly rooted and you protect your abundance as much as you can. people have shamed you for your boundaries and they've shamed you for protecting + accumulating abundance too? some of you could have experienced people mistreating you out of jealousy, because they feel like you're wealthier than them or just because of what you own. your possessions. maybe even some family wealth that has been passed down to you for someone in particular. if not, then you could prioritise gaining wealth one day, and for some strange reason, people have made you feel bad about having that goal. people with poverty mindsets, i'm hearing. you may have grown up in poverty but you know that doesn't define your future. others around you who feel differently try to convince you otherwise. you might want to start your own business and you've been told (or you've picked up on the implications) that you're not capable of that. others of you have decided to not put so much focus on money because you understand that money isn't everything (i'm seeing that you'd much rather focus on self-improvement instead), and it's almost like people see you as 'dumb' or 'naive' because of this. you're not, you've just managed to detach yourself from materialism. now you don't know how you should feel about all of the different options that you have available to build either wealth or self confidence + a sense of self, and it's not hard to see why. anytime you feel good about yourself and you share your desires for the future, someone has to come through and put a dampener on your mood.
what does your inner bad bitch wanna say?:
{the star, queen of cups, the fool}
there's a very strong message of advice to have faith and be lead by faith and intuition. a lot of you are idealists, and your inner bad b is asking you to keep the idealism and protect it. the best way to protect this is to use discernment about who you share your dreams and goals with. i feel like a lot of you have such a pure energy that you get excited when you think of a new goal or idea and you just want to tell people. but obviously, some people will project their own insecurities onto you and others are just straight up evil witches who will put all types of evil eye and dark witchcraft onto your wishes. it's time to embark on a brand new journey of blind faith in your idealism though. whatever your biggest dreams are, you should know that they are possible. you could be feeling depleted and that's because you're disconnected from your faith. remember when you were a child and you dreamt without limitations? get a notebook and a pen and write down every desire that comes to mind. don't even think about whether or not it's "realistic", just get them down on paper. it's time to start dreaming again and understanding that the world is bigger and full of more possibilities than people have lead you to believe. 💛
pile two ✨
how has your inner bad bitch been shamed?:
{justice, 3 of wands, 6 of cups)
people really hate to hear you speak the truth. you could do this in the most caring, loving way possible in order to try to expand someone's mind and they'd still get triggered by your words. these people don't realise that you're trying to extend help. i'm hearing you guys speak to people about their shadow traits and toxic parts of their personality. it's almost like you've been shamed for being a guide for people when they literally put you in that role. and i'm seeing that you may be okay with this role - and so are others - until you say something that people don't expect to hear or don't like. you've been shamed for your want and need to self improve and heal. you're not someone who likes to stay stagnant in am situation that you could change in order to better your life. those who get triggered by you are the people with victim complexes. they don't actually want to improve themselves like you do but they'll keep themselves around you to look a certain way by association. that's until you become "too real" for them. then they want to behave like you're someone who was wrong for being fair and balanced in your judgement of someone that you care for. you're not someone who will support bs and fuckery just because that behaviour is coming from someone who you like or care about. the people who get triggered by you are people who secretly want you to kiss their ass and put them on a pedestal. why? because they put you on a pedestal. they might even aspire to be like you, speak like you, think like you, but they can't match up. you've been shamed for your honesty, your self improvement, and your self healing. also for standing your ground in your own truth.
what does your inner bad bitch wanna say?:
{the high priestess, temperance, 4 of wands}
your inner bad bitch would like to tell you that you find ultimate peace and tranquility in isolation. you're someone who's extremely receptive to energy and intuitive af, so when you're telling people about aspects of themselves that they can't even see from their own perspective, they get triggered. you scare people because you know how to read them. it's like you've shone a bright, white light into the darkest parts of themselves and they scare themselves tbh. but they'll get angry at you for that, instead of coming to terms with the fact that they have shadow traits that they don't want to admit to themselves. you guys will always be the scapegoat for people who don't want to take accountability for the shadow that they carry around. it's not your problem to expose themselves to them though. protect your peace and your energy by building a life that's primarily in solitude. i feel like you guys are naturally quite private people (you could have pisces/12th house placements) and you actually don't have a problem with being alone most of the time. it's other people's expectations who make you feel as though you should step out of your comfort zone and seek out others. now, there's nothing wrong with stepping out of your comfort zone, but i'm seeing that you're experiencing a pattern with the people who you meet. why? because they're not aligned with you. that's what happens when you force connections with people. it'll always be imbalanced with people like this. when you go into your shell and step out of your comfort zone in YOUR own time, you will meet people who can naturally meet you as deeply as you've met them. they may still get triggered by your truth speaking - and the same may apply to you with them - but you'll meet people who are connected to their higher perspective enough to still appreciate you despite being triggered by you. they won't scapegoat you. they won't victimise you. whatever you're searching for in others, you can give to yourself until these people on the same wavelength can come into your life. 💛
pile three ✨
how has your inner bad bitch been shamed?:
{death, 5 of wands, ace of coins}
most of you in this pile have prominent pluto/8th house/scorpio/lilith placements or aspects in your birth chart. you go down your own path in life. you transform drastically form year to year - whether that's physically or figuratively - but you've had to fight for your right to transform. when you were peeling back the mask that was placed onto you by other people and societal traditions, people attacked you for this. multiple people. and you had to defend your own right to live your life however tf you want to. you've been shamed for wanting to develop a life path of your own instead of sticking to what everyone else was doing. mainly by family i'm seeing. you may have also been shamed for exposing family secrets. you've even be shamed for defending yourself from these people's attacks. i'm hearing "whistleblower", so any group that you're in - whether it's a family, a friend group, a work group, doesn't matter - ends up having to face all of the shit that they sweep under the rug, thanks to you. and people don't like that. you disrupt corruption and cover-ups and force people to address the truth. even if that means you going up against a bunch of people by yourself. you've been shamed for finding value in areas of life that nobody would think to look into, and you've managed to go down your own route for the sake of your peace of mind. these people didn't like that you were able to find a way out of this toxic group and this unhealthy situation because they're too cowardly - or egotistical - to even find a way out for themselves. there are people who compete with you and your transformations in life. on some weird bitch behaviour. especially any seeds planted in the practical world (building a career, a home) and just how you use your creative energy to manifest certain things into the physical. i'm even seeing that some of you could have jobs/careers in the occult business (for example, a practitioner that people come to for spell-work services) and you've been attacked by non-believers or religious people. and you're deadass minding your damn business.
what does your inner bad bitch wanna say?:
{queen of swords, 8 of coins, the high priestess}
you've really perfected your craft, pile 3. you know exactly what you're doing on your life path because you're listening to your intuition more than anything else. these people's attacks have really done a number on how you view your abilities and maybe even your work ethic or talents. you need to differentiate between your thoughts and the residual words of others from the past. because i feel like you criticise yourself quite harshly but it's not actually coming from you. it's a voice or multiple voices from those who verbally berated you before. you might feel like your skills and abilities aren't as "perfected" as they were before (particularly when it comes to your intuition) but the pressure that these people added onto your shoulders is what's still currently weighing you down. it would benefit you to write down everything that you remember these people telling you in order to really observe the bs from a more detached perspective. this will allow you to really understand how illogical and vile these attacks and insults were, helping you to release them much easier. the path to success over these negative thoughts is listening to your intuition (how you truly feel at your core) over your fears and anxieties. and once you establish a clear viewpoint of yourself, set that as the standard mindset that you operate with. a mindset that encompasses acknowledgement towards your own hard work and skills/talent that doesn't easily budge at the opinions of others. 💛
pile four ✨
how has your inner bad bitch been shamed?:
{7 of swords, 6 of cups, 2 of cups}
i feel like you guys in this pile really don't fw anyone like that. you prefer to heal yourself behind closed doors in order to prioritise what you need to in order to give to yourself. the people who you do fw are very few in numbers and people may have implied that you were selfish because of this when you're not. this is self preservation in a healthy way. i feel like the people who have an issue with this are the people who are salty that they can't get into your energy too easily. and i'm seeing that they usually have negative intentions for you that would most likely lead to backstabbing. your instincts are on point though, and you know when you're being set up. unfortunately, this feeling is familiar to you so you're now hypersensitive to it. it's like people punish you for not falling for their shit??? they get mad that they tried to lure you into a situation, but you were too smart for them. you may have also been shamed for expecting reciprocity from people who you're in friendships or connections with, which is why i'm seeing that you guys give your energy to up to two main people in your life. you could have been shamed for trying to nurture people too which is some bs. people get triggered by your pure, genuine intentions because it makes them reflect on how grimy and sly they are with their own intentions. again, i'm feeling an energy of people shaming you for not folding under betrayal and pressure. you've been shamed for surviving, basically. you know how to juggle things in the way that you need to. i'm hearing someone ask "what do you even do all day?". "you can't be that busy". as if you're not amounting to shit and as if you're not doing shit when you reject spending time with people who you just don't connect with in the way that you'd like to. these people get offended almost and start to downplay what you have going on in your life. you're shamed for your exclusivity over your energy. some people could even think that you think that you're "too good" for people when that's not the case. that's them projecting their insecurities onto you.
what does your inner bad bitch wanna say?:
{7 of cups, 3 of cups, 2 of cups, ace of cups)
you may subconsciously feel like you'll forever have a lack of friendships and a lack of people who you can genuinely vibe with. there may be so many different scenarios that you think of when meeting people for the first time due to past experiences that you've accumulated in friendship groups in particular. your inner bad bitch is coming through to say that you shine best in one on one relationships. group friendships is something that overwhelms you and there are always too many energies clashing with each other in pre-made friendship groups. you might like one person but not like the other in a group, and now you feel stuck in a situation that you'd rather not be in, affecting the friendship that you have with the person who you genuinely get along well with. you're being told to stop forcing something unnatural to you, and accumulate one-on-one friendships to spend solo time with each person individually. it'll be a lot easier on your social battery and your energy field. you won't feel so drained and you'll be able to really dive deep into connections with people authentically and experience who they are in actuality - without being around others (because bitches be switching up around company sometimes 👀). individual friendships will make you feel much more emotionally fulfilled. this is a "two's a company, three's a crowd" type of deal. you can have a good time with only one other person. you don't need to surround yourself with a group that you're energetically not ready for. 💛
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