#but I still come up with hypothetical situations in my mind
heartshattering · 6 months
Me: idk, maybe I'm not stable enough for grad school, my life feels like too much of a mess and I know it's probably only for people who have their lives in order and know how to cope well enough to handle it...
Me after looking at "grad school memes" where everyone talks about using substances, never sleeping, and constantly feeling a sense of imposter syndrome: Oh wow, maybe I actually will fit in after all
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weirdmageddon · 11 months
i posted this on twitter also but it’s still eating at me. i’m so fucking embarrassed to be jewish rn. i dont want to be associated with this ongoing bullshit from israel. why do we need our own state. theyre just making every jew across the globe look bad in general even though many of us are conflicted about zionism and the legitimacy of israel as a state
people have hated jews throughout history for no fuckin reason but now israel exists but now its like. GIVING people reasons to hate us as a group. note that i DON’T conflate zionism with jewishness, but a lot of people in the world don’t know the difference because theyre uninformed and been dripfed cultural antisemitic tropes their whole life and that’s the scary part is them falsely putting two and two together. like what the fuck israel stop youre just putting fuel on the fire for people around the world to hate an entire group of historically persecuted people if youre being this shitty with your insane colonialism and apartheid like……I Want No Fuckin Part Of This. you’re spelling our own doom. you cant just swoop in and go “mine now” and then oppress the people you took land from under a regime without my blood boiling at the injustice no matter WHO you are. even if my lineage is tied to you. so when news outlets support israel it doesn’t feel like they have the best interest of jews as a people in mind. it’s in the interest of a zionist ethnostate and whatever that christian zionism belief is about the jewish people returning to the holy land as prerequisite for the second coming of jesus. its not like they care about us as a dispersed ethnocultural group, it’s all for that religious narrative that a bunch of people in the US are backing.
saying you want all jews to die is antisemitic. beating someone up because they’re jewish and no other reason without knowing their views is antisemitic. criticizing human rights violations perpetrated by israel and the belief that one group deserves more rights another is not antisemitic. and the fact that israel has the ability to pull that antisemitism card in response to criticisms of the violations they commit because their state is the “jewish homeland” drives me fucking insane. take fucking accountability for your actions. and yes, there do exist full-on anti-jewish groups in the middle east that go beyond hatred of israel’s policies and existence as a state and i’m tired of people pretending there aren’t in fear of appearing to seem like they support the state of israel. on the other side of things many people overestimate this by fearmongering and saying EVERY arab is out to get jews worldwide, telling people like me “they want YOU dead”. this is not the belief every person in the middle east and it really rubs me the wrong way that people group millions of individuals into all-encompassing lumps like this. many people there do understand nuance of this political situation.
even if i have that “right of return” by israeli law or whatever, i don’t feel obliged to it; it does not register as fair. why do i have a “right of return” when i’ve never even been there in the first place while palestinians who have homes there can’t return to them? what’s the basis for that? substituting objective reality with an imaginary reality? i don’t think like that. i can hypothetically come and go whenever i please but palestinians are severely limited in mobility? what makes me more entitled to that land than the people who lived there for centuries? nothing that comes from natural law thats for sure. it’s all artificial and inflated.
but at the same time i also dont want to be the target of antisemitism and caught in the fray just for being ethnically jewish. once people start calling for the genocide of entire groups we’ve got issues (and you better believe this absolutely applies to the palestinian victims in gaza too), because people who dissent to the violence perpetrated by the loudest are caught in there with the people who are perpetrating the violence. lack of nuance. people conflating israel and its zionist apartheid policies with jewish ethnicity and culture worldwide. other people conflating being terrorist anti-jew with muslims worldwide (like that 6-year old palestinian-american boy that was just stabbed to death in chicago). scary times man. but as a jew i can’t just opt out of this if it’s how i was born as. i don’t have control over that. but i can control what i think and what my beliefs are
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fae-morrigan · 2 months
Superfam and Found Family: What it Means to Choose
I have seen a lot of my beloved mutuals talk about adoption as a theme in the superfam, and thats true, thats very much a thing, but thats more a subsection of the larger idea with the superfamily: You get to choose your family, and define your relationship to them.
Clark and Kon come to mind. They've been discussed a lot lately, huh? Namely people saying Clark does not treat Kon well. This is false, by the way, they get along great.
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But let's sort of dig into the actual story told by their relationship here: Kon was created by Lex without Clark's consent. Clark had no say in how part of his DNA would be used to create a new life.
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(This is coincidentally why it irks me that certain fans will act like Clark is a monster for even HYPOTHETICALLY not wanting a relationship with Kon. Guys, you sound like pro-lifers. Lets watch it!)
Despite this, Clark accepts Kon with open arms. Now, as myself and others have pointed out, Kon's technically... he's not a clone, he's a test tube baby. Technically, biologically, he's Clark & Lex's son. D.. diversity win...?
But thats not how Clark and Kon choose to define their relationship. They instead decide, hey, we were raised by the same people, we're brothers.
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Kon is not an outsider to the Superfam, even as he is an outsider to this world- He is welcomed with open arms once it is clear he needs a home. And with Clark and Kon, they get to choose how they define their relationship, not Lex, not anyone else.
Then, John Henry and Nat. John Henry is not Natasha's father, but their relationship is very complex and often veers into that territory, for the simple reason that he shows up for her in that capacity when Natasha's own father fails her.
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Even while their relationship has its ups and downs (read 52 guys for THEM), they manage to forge a relationship based on mutual respect, enough to the point where during Steelworks, she is not just his niece, but his partner in building a better tomorrow. It is a fatherly/daughterly relationship built on mutual respect largely independent of their blood relation, built on the security that Clay failed to provide Natasha with.
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Of course, to talk about adoption, Clois adopting the twins. I think Phillip Kennedy Johnson handles the topic of adoption EXPERTLY with Otho-Ra and Osul-Ra, specifically as a metaphor for transracial/transethnic adoption.
Clark's relationship with the twins is built throughout the Warworld saga, and does not start... great (they discuss looting his corpse lol), and often they. But Clark understands that the kids are traumatized, and seeks to guide them to a better situation.
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Now I would be irresponsible to not mention that, during this time, Clark is still struggling with Jon's age up. He mumbles, disoriented during their first meeting, that the kids are the same age as his son (no they are not). In a less tightly written book by a worse writer, it'd be a thing where Clark completely uncritically finds 'replacement kids' in the twins... Which is NOT what happens here, because PKJ is the GOAT.
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In the end, his relationship with the twins is built not only independently of his struggles with Jon, but the way he connects with them helps Clark realize that whats done is done. They need him to be Clark, not a man hanging onto the past he will never get back. To move forward, they must do it together, it won't work if the twins remain on Warworld and he remains mentally in Hamilton. Its why it is SUPER important, also, that in the end, Clark doesn't ask them to come with him- rather, they ask to go with Clark.
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(Sidenote: The twins lost not only their parents on warworld, but an older brother, too. Clark isn't the only one who finds a healing way forward via the Ra-El relationships, but that's gonna be another post!) And their hero names, Red Son and Starchild, are from their original culture (the Phaelosians), a culture that was systematically robbed from them when Warworld trafficked them into service. Rather than forcing them to conform to the house of El and their legacy, they help the kids reconnect.
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These are his children. They found each other in the scariest place in the universe, and together, they find a way past the things they've both suffered through.
I'm afraid I don't know much about Kara (kara mutuals, reading recs appreciated! i've only ever read WOT and a few issues of the most recent Supergirl run) but I do know that her relationship to Clark is inherently different than it was supposed to be, and she has to roll with it and redefine it accordingly. She was supposed to be older than him, be able to take care of him, but by the time she actually finds him, he's the one doing that for her.
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(I dont really have a panel here I fear, so look at the pretty art from Woman of Tomorrow. If someone wants to say more on Kara, you're welcome to hijack my post for a bit!)
Kenan is an example of this theme going kind of sideways and being examined from another angle- He's forced to choose between his two found families, and with either choice, he stands to lose something. Either his connection to Superman, or his connection to home:
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Kenan already has a messy relationship with family, considering the soap opera level drama his parents inflict on him in his solo. Now, separated from his culture by circumstances he can't control, Kenan's relationship with the Superfam is forced by circumstance, even as it isn't unwanted. He's forced to make the most of what he has.
Then you have Clark and Jon, where the 'and define your relationship to them' part of my thematic statement REALLY becomes important.
I've seen it argued many times that giving Jon the Superman mantle weakens the theme of found family, but I'd argue it strengthens it, because Jon not having a choice in becoming Superman is EXPLICITLY framed as a bad thing.
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Jon's not ready to be Superman. He doesn't even really WANT to be superman. But because of the circumstances of his birth, the world, and his father, push him into it. Clark never asked Jon to be Superman, during the Son-of-kal-el + Warworld era. He assumed he would be.
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It tarnishes Clark & Jon's relationship, actively preventing Jon from connecting with his father and the WORLD fully in the way they both want. This is a key theme of Superman: Son of Kal El, from the very moment of Jon's actual birth:
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All throughout post-age up Jon is the idea that Jon is just as burdened by the expectations placed upon him by his blood as he is comforted by what the mantle represents.
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(I know I use this panel like every analysis but its a GOOD PANEL, SHUT UP) And there's of course the fact that... y'know. Well. Y'know.
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I think there's a potentially strong story in either Jon walking away from the mantle entirely, or redefining it to be his own. But first, he's going to have to suffer for the fact he wasn't ready for what many people call his DESTINY, including his abuser.
And where does this leave Jon and Clark?
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The last note before Absolute Power of these two is this bittersweet moment where Jon still isn't fully heard. Where he still doesn't get a full say in what he and Clark's relationship will be. And judging by THIS interview from Mark Waid, this particular idea is about to finally come home to roost:
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Lastly, there's of course the Most Found Family Thing Of All that i basically see NO one talk about: The fact that the Irons and the Kents just. Share all their big life events with each other. They're literally not related to each other by blood at all, but throughout PKJ's Action Comics, they ARE family!
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Teamwork makes the dreamwork guys!
The superfamily is a wonderfully diverse cluster of relationships and examinations of the way family finds each other. Even moreso than the Batfam, which is often defined by their father-son relationship with Bruce in fanon, the Superfam displays a wide array of the various ways non-nuclear families can build each other.
This is all to say you guys should read PKJ's action comics run. It rules.
(This is also to say Superman 2016 sucks ass.)
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koheletgirl · 10 months
Would love to hear about how you became an anti Zionist!
before i get into this, i'd like to direct you to some of @jewishvitya's posts: [x] [x] [x]. i think their perspective is more relevant to the current situation than mine, and they address issues that i won't get into here because they had no personal relevance to me and you asked about me.
so my family is considered left-wing in israel. my parents voted for ha'avoda (israeli labor) in most elections i can remember, my mom even went "as far" as voting for meretz (as far as jewish parties go, they're the furthest to the left. still zionist though. didnt get enough votes to get into the knesset in the last elections). i grew up mourning rabin, hating bibi before i even knew who he was, believing that the settlements are the source of all israeli wrongdoings. in 2005 people would put ribbons on their cars – green if you support dismantling the settlements in gaza, orange if you're against it. we had a green ribbon. my family talks about the two states solution, about going back to the '67 borders. my grandmother jokingly calls herself a "leftist traitor", because that's how the right labels them.
i grew up with these values. i was taught to value human life, i was taught that all people were equal, i was taught that nationalism and imperialism were wrong. we weren't afraid of talking about the occupation. we weren't afraid of calling israeli fascism what it was. you might have heard about the democracy protests that have been happening in israel in the past year; my parents went every week.
i think this is why it took me so long to break out of my zionist worldview. people talk about zionism as if it's explicitly genocidal and built on racial supremacy, and i understand why (and agree with this to an extent), but you have to understand how absurd this idea sounds to people like my parents. they don't think zionism is the issue, they think the israeli right is. they acknowledge the evils of the settlers in the west bank, but they would never consider themselves settlers. it's very easy to see the wrongness of a person going to someone's house and violently kicking a family out of there because they believe it should belong to them (not a hypothetical, this is happening in the west bank as we speak); it's a lot harder to think that maybe everything you were taught to believe about your own right to be here was a lie from the beginning.
and that's the problem, that it is a lie. we are literally taught there was nothing here. swamps and malaria and sand and sand. the zionists built a civilization out of nothing. that's the story, that's the myth.
another aspect of this that's essential to acknowledge is the dehumanization of palestinians in israel, which is still prevalent in leftist circles, despite taking a different form. the israeli left Loves to make the distinction between palestinians and "israeli arabs" - a term that some people that i have met have used for themselves, and i am not the right person to speak on (i'm sure there's nuance here i'm unaware of). these people don't think of themselves as racists. they don't mind arabs in general, they only mind "the arabs who want to harm us". and it's so easy for them to pat themselves on the back because they have plenty of arab friends and they actively oppose the goverment's racism; but they all draw the line when it comes to palestinians. to them, once a person calls themselves a palestinian, it means they believe jews have no right to exist here. it means their existence is at odds with their own. they don't see palestinians as people, they see them as an agenda.
i was going to add a bit about how the israeli left's aversion to religion (which stems from the influence orthodox jews currently have on israeli law) plays into this, but this is getting really long.
anyway. for me, it wasn't a revelation as much as it was a willingness to open my eyes to the fact that everything i had been taught was a lie. it was always there, this doubt, this uneasiness. i knew that there were a lot of people over the world whose opinions i generally agreed with – except when it came to israel. it just took me a really long time to be able to doubt Everything.
because that required tearing down everything my worldview was based on, everything i had believed in, and it was scary. it's a very, very difficult thing to do. not knowing what to believe is horrifying. realizing you have believed in lies your whole life is horrifying.
but at some point i had to ask myself: how can i hate everything this country stands for, and not doubt what it's taught me? how can i know what i know about the idf, and still believe it's acting humanely? and the thing is, i still don't know what to believe a lot of the time. i still doubt everything, all the time. i'm critical of all of my beliefs, and i think it's good to be. but i listen, and i look, and i feel, and above all i try to be compassionate. and there's only one stance you can take here if you value human life above all else.
here are some israel-based organizations that influenced my political views and i recommend checking out (even though i have my disagreements with them): b'tselem, standing together, breaking the silence, mesarvot
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starbabyg · 1 year
pleaseeeeeee jack and trevor share her
Picture Perfect pt. 3 | Jack Hughes x reader x Trevor Zegras
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part one and part two right hereeee
warnings; smut duh, the words cock and other funky words that make me squirm, jealous Jack , also a bit shitty writing lol
Trevor couldn’t get you off his mind ever since that day. It’s all he could think of, the way your pussy gripped around Jack’s dick. The sound of your angelic moans. It was sick the way all of his thoughts were revolving around you. Trevor couldn’t even face Jack any more. He had been avoiding him at all costs, too scared he’d blurt out how he needed to fuck you to get you out of his head.
You walked out of your room and into the living room, seeing Jack playing a video game with his feet up on the coffee table. “Hey, isn’t it guy’s night shouldn’t you be at the lake house?”
“Yeah, but Trev said he couldn’t make it again. I think he’s doing that shit on purpose cause Cole told me he saw him the other day,” Jack responded, not looking up at you. He had a rough demeanor about it, but inside Jack was just a bit hurt that it seemed like his best friend was avoiding him.
“Is he mad at you or something?” You made your way to the kitchen island, grabbing a mandarin and peeling it to snack on.
“Can’t be, I didn’t do shit to him. And I mean it this time.”
“Well when was the last time you even saw him?”
“That one weekend he came over and watched us fuck. Told me he’d call me to chill afterwards, never did,” he shrugged.
“You don’t think he was weirded out by the situation? Like at least a little bit? I mean he did watch us have sex,” you concluded.
Jack recollected the event, he knew Trevor was nervous about it but he didn’t think that he would be weirded out by it, “I don’t fucken know, I thought we were close enough for that. We’ve joked about it before, banging groupies together— all before I met you of course.”
“Mmhmm,” you nodded. “Still, it was a hypothetical situation. And I’m your girlfriend, Jack. Not a groupie you’re never going to see again. It adds a certain nuance to the situation don’t you think?”
Your words made Jack think deeply, and one thing about Jack is he hates getting deep in his thoughts. He furrowed his brows, what you said confusing him just a bit. “Yeah I guess that’s true. But whatever, I’m just gonna confront him and ask him why he’s being like this.” Jack got up from his spot, putting his slides on and grabbing his keys. If Trevor was going to avoid him the only thing he could do was be right there where he had no choice but to see Jack.
“Stupid Trevor avoiding me like a weirdo. Making me drive to his house cause he wants to be lame. Funky ass missing guys night again,” Jack grumbled the whole drive to Trevor’s place.
When Jack arrived to Trevor’s place he was less upset and more hurt by the fact his best friend hadn’t responded to his texts or calls. That it had really got to the point where he had to actually drive to his house to see him face to face. Nevertheless he knocked, picking his posture up and preparing himself for the confrontation.
“Yo–” Trevor opened the door with a smile on his face, which faded with the sight of a less than happy Jack on the other side of the door. “Oh, what’s up Jack,” he now monotonously greeted.
“What’s up? That’s all you gotta say bro?” Jack started off, his hurt feelings getting to him, “You’ve been flaking on me. Not answering my calls or texts. Just straight up dodging me. What’s up with you?” At that moment he sounded like a heartbroken girlfriend, but at that moment he was.
Trevor was taken a back just a bit, but fully understood where Jack was coming from. “It’s just that I um, I’ve just been—“ he stuttered and stammered, not being able to form a cohesive sentence.
“You’ve what? Whatever it is, it just sucks you’re not able to communicate it with me. Being as we’re like best friends and all,” Jack spoke vulnerably, something he had taken up from you.
Trevor sighed, the words resonating with him. He realized he just had to face the problem head on, and tell Jack what was going on in his head. “Listen,” Trevor looked down, not being able to look Jack in the eyes, “It’s hard for me to tell you this. I never in a million years thought I’d be in this situation. Ever. Like ever. It makes me sick just thinking about it. But, watching you fuck y/n was a huge mistake.”
“Was it too much for you? She told me you probably thought I was weird, god I’m embarrassed—“
Trevor cut him off, “No, no. It’s not that. Like at all. It’s just that you were right about everything you said. About y/n,” Trev took a deep breath to muster up courage and to finish, “So right to the point that I can’t get her out of my head. Just seeing the way she fucked you and shit. It’s been stuck on my mind. I’ve never seen no one fuck like that ever in my life. And you know how many girls I’ve fucked.”
Jack didn’t know how to react or respond. Yeah, he was proud of you because he knew you were the top of the top, cream of the crop. But also, his best friend was lusting after you, his girlfriend.
“So you gotta crush on y/n?”
“I don’t know if you can say crush, she’s a great girl and all but I know you two are meant for each other. It’s just, she has that sexual prowess. If anything it’s like a fuck crush.”
“A fuck crush,” Jack raised an eyebrow, trying to comprehend what Trevor just said. The entire situation was difficult for him to comprehend.
“Yeah. Not to objectify her or anything. But she just looked so fucking amazing fucking you.”
Jack pursed his lips, “So if I let you fuck her can you stop being weird?”
“Wait, what did you just say?” Trevor had to double take, cause after everything, he knows Jack didn’t say what he just said.
“If I let you fuck her, can you stop being weird,” Jack drew out his words.
“No way. I’m not going to fuck your girlfriend and no way you’re actually going to let me fuck her just like that.”
“If it’ll make you get over whatever the hell a fuck crush is, then yeah. Get her out of your system so we can be cool again. I don’t wanna lose my best friend over some petty shit like this, cmon Trev.”
“Jack, listen to what you’re saying. Are you really going to let me fuck your girlfriend.”
“I’m not all too keen about you taking her all by yourself. Not no cuck shit. But remember when we always talked about tag teaming a girl?”
“Yeah, I kinda remember,” he recalled all the conversations from when they both first got into the league, bragging about all the pussy they were gonna get.
“Well, how about a threesome with my girlfriend,” Jack proposed, “God it makes me sick just thinking about it. But if there’s anyone I would have a threesome with it’d be you.”
“Jesus Jack, you’ve put me in a sick situation. A sick sick situation. I wanna say yes but I wanna say no.”
“Like I said, if this is what it takes for shit to go back to normal I’m all for it,” Jack sighed.
“You sure that you’re sure?”
“As sure as I can be, In this moment. I might come to regret it but you know my dumb ass just lives in the moment,” shaking his head, Jack tried to push all negative thoughts away.
Trevor contemplated, because the first time he said yes to one of Jack’s asinine ideas he got put in this situation. But still, he just couldn’t get you out of his mind. His body was feening to feel yours against his. To feel you ride him the way you rode Jack. It was driving him borderline insane. The whole situation was a catch 22 for him.
“Are you sure y/n even wants this? I mean look at the position we put her in,” classic Trevor, always worried about you where Jack had always been mindless.
“You saw the way she was about to go down on you. Seems like we’re all consenting in this situation.” He recalled the way you so easily crawled over to Trevor without a second thought, about to take him inside your mouth just as you would with him. It sparked a tinge of jealousy in him, but at the same time also turned him on seeing you from another point of view.
“I just don’t want this to make shit even more weird than it already is. I know how much you love her and you know how much I love you.”
“Yeah, I know. That’s why I trust both of you to even do any of this shit. We’ve been best friends since like forever, and to be honest I’ve never been in love with someone as much as I’m in love with y/n. And I’m the one who put us all in this place, being the show off I am. Can’t bitch out now.”
“Jack, if this goes south I’m literally gonna kill myself. I’m already dead inside from shame and embarrassment,” Trev spoke with his eyes squeezed shut. It was still difficult for him to look Jack in his eyes.
“Jesus Zegras, don’t be so morbid.”
So right then and there Jack and Trevor set a day for the threesome. With Trevor freaking out the whole time, and Jack trying to calm him down, you were clueless to the whole ordeal.
It was a Friday evening, Jack running errands and you taking the day off from the hectic week. You laid in the king sized bed the two of you shared, only in one of Jack’s oversized graphic tee shirts and a pair of lace panties that you so loved to adorn.
“Hey princess,” you felt Jack’s hand run up your bare leg. Your eyes fluttered open, still adjusting to your surroundings. Everything was always hazy when you first woke up.
“Hi my love,” you sleepily smiled at him. You turned so you were no longer on your side, but leaning your back against the headboard. Still blinking to adjust, you could now make out another person in the room.
“How was your little nap? You still look sleepy my little love bug,” Jack smiled at you. He loved how you looked when you first woke up, always with a look of clueless confusion, brows upturned and bottom lip stuck out just a bit.
“It was fine, hadda nice dream. Probably coulda slept through the whole night I was so comfortable,” you rubbed your eye and stretched as you finally started to actually wake up.
“Yeah? I got someone here who wants to see you though,” he told you, his thumb still rubbing that spot on your leg.
“Huh? Who?” You turned, seeing Trevor stand idly by the door, “Oh hey Trevor, long time no see. How you been?” You softly smiled up at him.
“Hey y/n,” he timidly waved. Seeing you in person sucked every ounce of courage that was inside of him. If he was nervous before, now he was a complete wreck. He tried to mask it by mustering up a half smile.
“Trevor’s been feeling some type of way,” Jack started.
“Hm? What d’ya mean?” You questioned confused.
Jack looked towards him, not being able to tell you himself, from lack of words to say it or refusal, no one knows.
“Jack, I can’t say it,” Trev shook his head. Between you and Jack, it was just too much to be put on the spot and confess how you had him feeling.
Jack stood up, “Well, I’m gonna get a drink. I’ll be right back. Give you some space.” This wasn’t just for Trevor to finally relay how he feels about you. Jack himself just couldn’t stand to be in the room while it happened. He knew what was about to go down, yet his possessive instincts kicked in. He had to at least be a little tipsy before consciously going through with another one of his crazy ideas.
“Are you like, grossed out by me or something? That I could actually go through with fucking Jack in front of you? Do you look at me differently now?”
“Yes, I look at you differently.”
“Oh,” was all you could say.
“But not in that way. Y/n, I just can’t seem to get you out of my head. Ever since I saw you fuck Jack, I just can’t. I’ve had this sick craving, I needed to feel what Jack felt. It makes me sick that I can’t feel you bounce on my cock, that I can’t just flip you over and fuck you how Jack did. I just can’t stand not being able to experience you like that,” finally all the words spilled from his brain and out for you to hear. “And I know I shouldn’t feel this way because you’re my best friends girlfriend, that’s why I’ve been avoiding Jack. Because of you. Because I can’t have you the way I want to. The way I need to.”
“Trevor, I–”
“It’s fine y/n. You don’t have to try and let me down easy. Jack wanted to bring me here to get you out of my system but this is another insane idea I just can’t go through with and put you through.” Trevor turned hastily to get out of there as quickly as possible.
You shot up as fast as you could and grabbed Trev by his arm, pulling him back into the room. “No Trevor, I was gonna say I can help you get over me. Guys always get over it once they get what they want right?” You softly chuckled.
Trevor sighed, “Y/n I don’t want you to think of it like that. I really like you, you’re perfect for Jack. I– just don’t know where this sudden infatuation came from.”
“I know Trev, it doesn’t have to be that way. Let’s just get this over with and forget it all happened mm?” You tilted your head, your hand that grabbed him now making its way up his tricep. The way Trevor talked about this situation, how he viewed you now, sparked something tantalizing inside of you.
“W-what about Jack?”
“Well we’ll just have to get his blessing, right?” You pulled Trevor out of the room, to where Jack was seated on the kitchen island, beer in hand. “Jacky baby, is it alright if I get to play with Trev tonight? That is what you brought him over for right?”
Jack took a deep gulp, he hated the words that came out of your mouth but he loved the sultry way that you spoke him, he couldn’t stop himself from breathlessly staring and nodding. Just like Trevor, he too was trapped under your siren spell. You could never do anything without Jack, so you gripped him by his wrist and yanked him up from his solitude. You’d need the space of the big California king bed for the three of you.
“I think it’s only fair that Trevor gets to undress me,” grabbing his hands, you set them at the hem of the large tee shirt you wore. There really wasn’t much for him to strip your body off. Trevor’s breath hitched, this really was the moment, he’s finally getting what he wanted. Slowly he lifted the shirt up, your arms raised. Jack sat there with anticipation, palming himself through his sweatpants. So this is what it looks like to the neighbors huh. He was loving this point of view, seeing you in another light.
Now just standing in your bra, panties, and knee high socks, Trevor’s brain had flipped a switch. It’s as if his brain went feral, urging him to grab your supple breasts. He cupped them, feeling the fullness of them in his palms, squeezing them, the flesh filling in the gaps between his fingers.
“Screw this bra, it needs to go now,” he mumbled under his breath. Trevor reached around to your backside, feeling for the hooks. Trevor fumbled with it, trying to use one hand to unhook it was proving difficult. Jack saw this, and he himself started to get impatient.
“You’re taking too long, let me do it,” he smacked his lips together, slightly shoving Trevor out of the way. Swiftly, with one hand Jack had unlatched your bra, with the straps falling off your dainty shoulders. Jack smirked at Trevor, who only looked back with his mouth agape. “Perfect titties.”
“Mhmm,” Trevor agreed with Jack, bending down and taking one in his mouth. Trevor started sucking it softly, the feather like sensation causing you to gasp. Seeing that Trevor could get that kind of reaction out of you made Jack grow a tinge jealous. Although it was all turning him on, he was feeling that bit possessive feeling over you. Jack planted himself onto your other boob, suctioning to it with pressure.
“Oh my god,” you moaned as Jack gently rolled your nipple in between his teeth. The slight pain mixed with the intense pleasure sent shocks through your body. Where Jack was going rough, Trevor went soft. With the slightest touch of his tongue he flicked it in all the right places around your areola. Starting with the bottom, swinging around the top, then making a full circle around the whole nipple. The two differing pressures started to make your vision hazy, your legs starting to buckle and give out. Sensing this, and knowing your body, Jack went behind you, now supporting your weight as your naked body pressed against him. Jack moved your hair to one side out of the way and pressed kisses from the nape of your neck upwards. One hand held your waist, the other gripping the bare flesh of your boob, rolling the nipple between his index and middle finger.
Seeing Jack supporting the upper portion of your body, Trevor kneeled down, planting a kiss to your clit as he placed himself in between your legs, putting both knees on his shoulders and hoisting you up. With your body now in the air, lifted up by the two boys, Trevor began to lap his tongue on your pussy, licking up your labia and up to the crown of your clit. You squirmed, your legs locking around his neck. The feather like kitten licks so slight and so gentle, although it wasn’t a lot of pressure it stimulated your bundle of nerves in all the right ways. With Trev’s hands on your backside he started to grip and grab at the flesh of your bottom before taking his right hand to insert two fingers inside your vulva. He curled his fingers down, caving into the floor of your silky walls.
All Jack could hear was the slurps of Trevor’s mouth and the squelching sound of your pussy, and quite frankly he was becoming a bit bratty that he didn’t get to be in any of the action. Jack pulled your body back, the two of you falling on the bed before he elevated your body to fit right between his legs, your back reclining on his chest. Jack padded his fingers along your stomach just before going to touch your lower lips. The temperature change from Trevor’s warm mouth to Jack’s cold fingers contrasting greatly. Starting off at a normal pace but quickly picking it up, Jack was determined to make you feel better than Trevor could.
“C’mon princess, I know you feel it, let it out,” he smirked. Knowing last time Trevor didn’t truly get the full Y/n experience. Trevor just quizzically looked, what the hell did Jack mean? Anyways, Trevor was focused on you, watching how your body reacted to the brash touch. Your toes curling up, your legs twitching. Trevor made his way up your legs, planting kisses from the tops of your feet all the way up to your thighs.
At this time Jack had both hands playing with your princess parts, his dominant hand gliding in and out of you as his other toyed with your clit. With all of this touch you were getting overstimulated, and fully well knew what Jack meant from that statement. You felt the buildup in your lower stomach, and it was getting to the point where you couldn’t contain yourself.
“Oh my fuck, I’m gonna– I’m gonna,” you breathlessly tried to get out before you squirted, Jack pulling his fingers out at the right time as you ejaculated juices that covered the bed sheets, and subsequently got a bit on Trevor as well.
“No fucking way, did you just-,” Trevor gaped in awe. Throughout his multitude of bodies he had never once met a girl who could squirt, only seeing it in videos.
“Mmhmm, just gotta play with her in all the right ways and she’s your own little waterfall,” Jack smugly boasted, proud of himself that at least he was the only one who could get you like that.
You turned around, now on your knees as you kissed Jack intensely, “I think baby deserves a treat for himself now huh,” you lowered yourself down his body, peppering kisses as you made your way to his dick. Swirling your tongue around the tip and head, you then took his full member in your mouth and started to bob up and down.
Your ass stuck out in the air vulnerably, Trevor smacked it, surely leaving a hand print, before diving in and eating it from the back. This took you by surprise, making you lurch forward and causing you to take more of Jack in your mouth.
“I think she needs to be stuffed from both ends, huh Jack,” Trevor grunted, now wanting—no, needing– to bury himself deep inside your walls. Too preoccupied with getting deepthroated, Jack just nodded and groaned out what sounded like a grumble of a yes.
Trevor pulled down his shorts, his dick now throbbing from how hard it had been this whole time. He rubbed the head from the fore and aft of your vagina before easily sliding it in.
“Is’so slick and wet. Just slid right in,” Trevor softly murmured, starting off with slow measured strokes. His hand laid on your ass as he watched his dick glide in and out of you. In this moment he was awestruck, he finally was able to feel what he was only able to daydream about. He relished in the moment, knowing this would be his only chance to feel your insides.
Wanting more pressure, you backed yourself up against his cock, your plump ass bouncing as you rocked forward and backwards. Every time you moved up, your throat taking more of Jack’s dick. Trevor bit his lip, he loved the way you took initiative, but in the moment he was much more hungrier for more friction. Trevor grabbed your hips, ramming his cock in you as deep as he could. You squealed, surprised at the tempo Trevor had now started to go. Your ass was now clapping loudly against his front side. He then grabbed you by your neck, pulling you up so your back was pressed against him and your head tilted in the crook of his neck.
Trevor’s hands roamed all over your body, a squeeze to your tit, soft touches on your belly, all before his hands made their way down to your punani. He played with your folds, just embracing the slick wetness you were secreting.
“Oh my god, oh my god,” your eyes were rolling back, hands gripped to Trevor’s arms. Jack glared at the two of you, he felt like Trevor was being pretty selfish by not sharing you.
“It’s my turn,” Jack snarled, roughly pulling you down, Trevor slipping right out of you. Jack spread your legs out, aligned himself with you, and jammed himself inside. All regards were out there window, he had to make you feel just as good as Trevor did, maybe even better.
A few strokes in he brought your legs together, straightening them up and having them rest on him, making you feel tighter for him. Jack rhythmically pounded you, on arm securing your legs to its position rested on his chest, his other hand holding you by your waist. Trevor stood over you, stroking himself as he watched you scream in pleasure.
“Hey pretty girl, stroke this for me why don’t you,” Trevor lowered his bottom half to you, letting you grab his member. You pulled him closer to you, rubbing his cock as you started to lick his under shaft and balls. Trevor’s head fell back, a nice deep grunt leaving his mouth. To you it was simple things, but to him he had never had a girl do these kind of things to him. “Fuuuuuuck y/n that feels amazing.”
At that point Trev needed to feel the inside of your whatever, almost to the point of climaxing. Your mouth, your pussy, hell if he could fuck your bellybutton he would.
“Bend her over the bed, I gotta feel her I’m bouta finish,” his breaths were hitched. Jack listened, knowing after this was over he’d finally get you all to himself again and this would all be behind you three. Never have to share you again as greedy as he is.
Jack stuck your taut ass out, your elbows rested on the edge of the bed as he pushed you faced down. He smacked your ass, leaving his imprint before looking at Trevor, “Go for it brother.”
Trevor positioned himself behind you, jiggling your ass a bit before inserting himself inside you once again. Jack got in front, about to face fuck you into oblivion. With his hands planted to your hips, Trevor began to snap himself into you, a nice pace so he can ride this dream out as long as he physically could. You looked back at him, mouth agape moaning as you started to fuck him back, grinding yourself against him.
Jack didn’t appreciate himself being left out, and grabbed your face just a biiiit too forcefully, opening your jaw and jamming himself inside your moist mouth. He held your hair back, one hand under your chin as he shoved as much of himself between your lips as you can take. You started to gag, and with this your walls tightening as well. With your walls tightening with every time you choked, Trevor got closer and closer to his orgasm.
“Oh shit– I’m gonna fucken,” Trevor couldn’t even finish his statement before he swiftly pulled himself out of you and finished right on your ass. “Fuck.” Trevor looked at the mess he made on your backside, he spent all that time backed up that it coated most of your ass, dripping down the sides. Jack himself was close as well, having restrained himself not wanting to finish before Trevor, and only took a few more strokes inside your mouth before he warned you.
“Get ready baby I’m gonna cum,” he brushed your hair a bit, relief in his voice. Soon you felt his warm seed coat the inside of your mouth, with you sucking his tip to drain him. Jack pulled himself out of you, your mouth closing with a ‘pop’ as you licked your lips. You swallowed, cause Jack did not train a spitter, and opened your mouth to show Jack you swallowed every drop. “That’s my good girl.” He smiled with approval.
Trevor got himself dressed as Jack got a baby wipe to clean you up. “Well, that settles it. Y/n thank you for the great fuck, Hughes, I’m never being nosy again, see you at the lake house this weekend?” Trevor laughed, dapping Jack up.
“Of course bro, I knew this would fix you being weird. Back to normal, and I know no more crazy ass ideas from me either,” Jack brought him in for a hug.
“Yeah, for real. Imma get goin tho, practice tomorrow and let you two love birds sit in that after sex bliss, see y’all,” he pointed to you both, before exiting out of the room.
“Bye Trev!” You shouted tiredly, worn out. He waved back at you one last time before he was finally out of Jack and yours sight.
Trevor closed your front door, making sure to lock it behind him. He rested his back on the door, letting out a big sigh. That had sealed it, and had turned out just how he expected it to. Fucking you had only made his crush worse, and now he had to hide it for the rest of his life.
“What the hell am I going to do now?”
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hey-kae · 2 years
In love with all you fics! Ugh I’ve read them multiple times bcs I can’t get enough of them. I was wondering if you could do one where Max is with Kelly (or just a random OC with a kid) but has a baby girl with the reader. The readers daughter is doubting Max’s love for her since she sees how much time he spends with his girlfriend child. And the reader and Max don’t exactly have the best relationship since it was only supposed to be a one night stand but they are now bonded for life. Can the reader be very shy, understanding of Max’s situation and caring but when it comes to her baby she takes out her claws. Idk I just love me some f1!Dad lol The reader can either end up with Max or another driver I just want some good angst with a fluff ending 🥲
Seamless Transition
Pairing: dad!max verstappen x female reader
Warnings: Language, mentions and implication of sex, mention of pregnancy.
a/n: in a hypothetical, unrealistic world where i have a child with Max, my only request would be for jos to stay tf away from my kid💀 i switched kelly with an oc cause i don’t feel comfortable writing about irl partners in situations like these. anyway, i hope you enjoy this! Feedback is appreciated… (i’m happy u enjoy my writing, anon!!💕)
“Pa” is dutch for “dad” apparently…
All throughout your life, there's always been one sentence that felt provocative and almost stupid, one that was widely known, widely repeated and reused, ringing in your ear as it rolled off different tongues, with different tones and accents but the same challenging certainty crippling behind its words.
"Your whole life can change in a day." People would insist and you would absolutely refuse to believe in such saying, until you found yourself staring at a positive pregnancy test that was definitely supposed to come out negative; at least you were hoping and praying that it would.
Instead, the plus sign felt like a mocking nemesis, pointing a ridiculing finger at you and laughing its heart out as the memories from over a week ago played, replayed, and rewinded in your mind like a broken record you couldn't stop the spin of. The only thing left for you to see was the hazy, blurry image of Max on top of you as the two of you engaged in a drunken mistake that left its permanent mark on your lives in the form of a child.
Was it exactly the right time for a baby to show up in your life? No, far from it, but that mistake ended up giving you the most precious gift of your lifetime, a baby girl that quickly became the one person in this wicked world that you'd be more than ready to defend with your blood and life.
Fast forward four years, it was safe to say that little Lilly Verstappen was the center of your world and the most important person in your life by a long shot. She was a ball of sunshine that lit up your days with the smallest of smiles and a tiny glimpse of her sparkling blue eyes.
Her features were a mix of you and Max. It was like she chose the best out of each of her parents and adopted it as her own.
At the time, telling Max that you were pregnant was the most nerve wracking thing you'd ever done, rightfully so since the two of you were merely friends that hooked up, acquaintances that didn't exactly get along smoothly but shared a night together as more of an accurate description. There is no denying that the both of you freaked out about the outcome but Max was supportive nonetheless. Sure, everything between you and him was tense but he was still just as understanding as you were. Eventually, you had come to the conclusion that parenting a child together wouldn't be the worst thing. You'd be able to manage it.
He gets to see her on his free days where he's home and you get to keep her when he's away, bar a few weekends where he invited you to watch the grand prix so his daughter could watch him race, as per her own request a few months after after she started talking.
However, it should've been obvious that things were too smooth sailing for the peace to last. You, Max and Lilly often dined together from time to time to give her the best out of a not so ideal situation, a taste of having both her parents by her side at the same time. Many afternoons were spent with you over at Max's apartment or his at yours with toys spread out on the floor and the three of you entertaining Lilly as best as you could, sometimes even putting her to sleep together only to fall into a tense and awkward silence that threatened to explode within seconds when her eyes would fall shut. Despite everything, things had went as far as taking road-trips together and enjoying your daughter's sweet moments and giggles on the way to whatever destination Max planned to surprise her with.
To put it briefly, besides the bond Max shared with his daughter, you were now somewhat used to his presence. To a certain degree, the lines of just co-parenting that you agreed on had blurred.
All was perfectly well until Max sat you down and told you he was dating someone and that she had a kid as well, both of you questioning how his time with Lilly would be affected by the presence of another woman, Valerie and another child around. He told you that maybe they can be friends, the other kid also being a girl, Ella and just a few months older than Lilly.
That conversation happened around a year ago and while there never was any bad blood between you and Max's girlfriend, it seemed like things weren't as smooth sailing on Lilly's side.
One day, as Max dropped off Lilly at your place, you noticed a frown on your daughter's face, her hand up to her mouth as she bit her nails with her head slightly bowed. It was an unmistakable expression.
"Is everything okay?" You asked Max as you picked Lilly up, her arms wrapping around your neck immediately.
"She seems a little upset but she wouldn't tell me why." He explained, reaching over and fluffing Lilly's hair.
"You don't wanna say goodbye to pa, angel?" He asked her softly.
She twisted in your arms and wrapped him in a hug, giving him a kiss on the cheek while he smiled and rubbed her back.
"Bye-bye, pa." Her small voice spoke.
"I will see you in a week, princess. Okay?"
With that and a small nod from Lilly, Max left, closing the door behind him as you carried your daughter inside, into the living room where she got preoccupied with a coloring book and some pencils while you eyed her attentively as she began scribbling onto the already messy pages.
"Hey, Lilly." You called to catch her attention, "How was your time with pa, sweetie?"
Moving to sit by her side, you pulled her onto your lap, brushing her soft blonde hair behind her ears. She carried the coloring book over and kept coloring as you kissed her head.
"It was okay." She replied with a small shrug.
"What did you do? Did you have fun with him?"
She smiled and nodded, "He got us ice-cream and i helped him to train then we we played with Poot and small cars." She gushed, tossing one coloring pencil on the floor and hopping off to grab her purple teddy bear at the mention of his name.
"That's good, princess." You watched her dig through her bag for the bear, in your mind a million different thoughts because she still wasn't acting normally.
Usually, she'd be gushing about her time with Max when he dropped her off, talking, telling and retelling you every detail until she fell asleep but it seemed like you had to pull the information out of her this time, and coupled with the upset face she had on earlier, it left you suspicious.
Figuring you'd have to find out about what went wrong in a different way, you decided to change the subject.
"What do you want for dinner?"
Following that and her answer to the question, the two of you headed for the kitchen where she sat by the table in the corner, drawing on loose papers while you cooked for the two of you, then you told Lilly to put away her pens and papers in her room and you set the table to eat when she came back.
The night went smoothly after dinner. You got Lilly to shower then dried her hair before putting her to bed early for school tomorrow then left her room to retrieve the laundry from the dryer, folding each item neatly and separating the clothes into two stacks, yours and Lilly's.
On your way to your room, you stopped by your daughter's room to drop off her clothes.
Not wanting to disturb her slumber, you placed the stack on her desk and figured you'd just put them away tomorrow morning. However, as you picked the laundry basket back up, you noticed some interesting drawings on some of the papers on the desk.
With a deep set frown twisting your expression, you picked up the papers, tossed them in the basket and rushed to your room.
Laundry was long forgotten as you launched yourself onto your bed with Lilly's drawings in your hand.
Paper after paper, you scanned her various drawings of stick figures. Each one was drawn in a different color and you knew your daughter enough to know who each color symbolized.
A purple stick figure with blonde, or rather yellow hair was always drawn at a distance from everyone else, often times at the bottom corner of the page, with a sad expression drawn onto its face.
Your heart shattered because purple was her favorite color. Purple was her.
The other people portrayed were often holding hands, two tall figures on the sides with a smaller one in the middle.
The only other time someone was drawn alongside the purple stick figure on the bottom was in one drawing and the person symbolized was taller than the one in purple and was scribbled in dark green, a color you often chose to buy your things in.
You were bewildered as you stared at the papers, dropped them on the mattress then picking them up again to stare some more.
Was Lilly feeling neglected when she spent time with Max?
Every additional detail you noticed in the drawings angered you more, especially her attempt the draw a tongue poking out of the smaller stick figure between the two tall ones, Ella presumably.
While the little girl always seemed polite and harmless, it wasn't a secret how mean children could be.
You'd have to talk to Max about this.
Within seconds, your phone was in your clutch, ready to call Lilly's father but something stopped you. You needed to ask Lilly about her drawings first, about how things were between her and Max and how things were between her and Ella.
The plush mattress welcomed you with open arms as you fell back onto it, sighing heavily as the thought of your daughter feeling left out. Needless to say, it was a sleepless night for you. You sat in bed, pondering the possible situations and conversations you'd have to have in the morning.
You just hoped it would all work out at the end, that everything you were assuming would be just that, assumptions, because you might be completely understanding of Max's relationship and job, but nothing would be stopping you from defending your daughter and making sure she's getting the treatment and care she deserves.
Max was so insistent that he wanted to be in her life, wanted to be her dad, so he better be acting like it.
At sunrise, you were up and so was Lilly, tired eyes watching you as she ate her breakfast at the kitchen table and you prepared her school lunchbox. Despite complaints and grumblings, she had gotten dressed and sat in front of you for you to do her hair.
However, as you rushed through the different morning chores and rituals, only one thing was on your mind. How the hell we you supposed to bring up last night's subject to Lilly in a way that wouldn't cause her to repress whatever was happening?
Max usually called before school to chat with her a bit and say good morning. After the phone call would be a perfect opportunity.
A few minutes later, you grabbed your car keys and your daughter bag and just like always, as you headed for the front door, your phone rang and Max's name flashed on the screen.
You handed Lilly the phone and she immediately answered, pressing the device to her ear while the two of you walked to the car, your hand holding onto her free one.
In the silence of the vehicle, you listened in on the conversationsr as you started driving.
"Choco corn flakes and milk." Lilly's small voice replied to Max who was probably asking her about her breakfast.
"No, pa. I didn't have homework. I was with you yesterday, silly." A small giggle echoed in the car.
The conversation went on for a few minutes, leaving you about 10 other to interrogate Lilly.
"Daddy says hi to you." She smiled at you and handed you the phone when she hung up.
"Oh. Daddy is the best, isn't he?" You tested with a false grin.
"Yeah." Lilly hummed half heartedly and you gripped onto that loose thread as you took a left turn.
"You have fun with him and Ella when you're at his place?"
"Yes, mommy. But pa and Ella have more fun together." She shrugged her shoulders, "They laugh so much, sometimes i don't know why. Maybe he loves her more, because he wants to marry her mommy."
Your heart broke at the way her voice shifted from cheery to dull and tinged with disappointment. From what you saw, Max was a good father, but obviously you couldn't be there for all the time he spends with Lilly so you clearly can't be sure of how well he's fulfilling the role of a dad.
You slowed the car down a little. Some delay from school wouldn't be much of a deal, especially in this case.
"You don't like being at pa's place? Does he not play with you?" You asked cautiously, not wanting to feed into the idea that Max doesn't love her as much as he loves Ella, because despite that statement being the main thought claiming your mind, you wouldn't want to lead Lilly to believe in that further.
"I just get bored sometimes, when pa is with Ella or Valerie. But it's okay. I'm a big girl and big girls sit alone like grown ups sometimes."
You hummed to show her you were listening and miraculously, she carried on talking, "I know pa loves Valerie but she's a meanie. She shouts all the time."
Your heart was beating increasingly fast, "She does, baby? Has she ever shouted at you?"
"No." She replied too fast.
"Lilly, don't lie to mommy. No one is allowed to scream at you, princess so if anyone does, you need to tell me." You said with a gentle voice.
"Sometimes she shouts at me... but it's okay, because she shouts at Ella too."
Just as she spit that out, you pulled up in front of her school, your heart heavy with Lilly's thoughts now and your mind turbulent with worry over your daughter's feelings. You were already planning Max's murder... and maybe Valerie's.
You dropped her off and drove back home like a mad woman. Before even making your way up to your apartment, your phone was against your ear, ringing as you waited for Max to pick up.
"What's up?" His chill voice asked.
"We need to talk. Come over." You hung up and stormed upstairs.
The half hour it took Max to arrive and knock at you door seemed to last forever and ever but when the doorbell finally rang and echoed through the apartment, you swung it open harshly and was met with confused blue eyes and furrowed brows.
"What's happening? Is Lilly okay?"
"Get in, Max." You gestured inside and moved out of the way.
Max was clueless and confused as he walked inside the familiar, calm apartment and sat down on the couch centering the living room, looking behind him to watch as you walked over and sat in a loveseat on his side, a troubled, unsettling look on your face.
"Look, i don't wanna come off as rude but you out of all people know that i will always go out of my way and try my hardest to protect Lilly and make sure she's happy." You started lightly, making Max slightly nervous. He leaned forward so his arms were resting on his knees, his expression showing hints of worry now as he gaped at you.
"What? Protect her from what exactly? I don't understand." He asked.
"Are Lilly and Ella on good terms?" A blunt question left your mouth.
Max's eyes widened for a mere second as he absorbed the shock of such interrogation. In his head, he searched through all the memories he had of the two young girls together, no red flags making themselves known. He was wondering where all of this was coming from too.
"I don't think i've seen them disagree or fight. Why?" He answered but you didn't acknowledge his question.
"What exactly do you guys do when Lilly's staying at your place? How do you pass time?" You felt like a detective and you hated it but you needed to know everything, needed Max to know how his daughter felt and see his reaction to it, see if he was taking his role as her dad seriously.
"Like normally, really. Breakfast, playing, training, lunch, a drive around or a walk, maybe going to a park, then dinner and just some sitting around before going to bed. You need to tell me if something is wrong." He explained then returned back to wondering why did it seem so urgent that he comes over if this is what you wanted to talk about.
"Max, do you pay attention to Lilly's mood when she's with you?" Desperation and frustration were starting to lace your voice and slip out between words as you watched Max frown.
"Why do i feel like you're hiding something and throwing accusations? I'm Lilly's dad. I need to know if something is going on." He started getting angry.
"Are you acting like it? You practically begged to be in her life. You repeated it a thousand fucking times that you can be the dad she deserves. Are you actually doing that?" You got up and found yourself pacing behind the couch where Max was sat.
"What the hell? What the fuck makes you think i'm not properly taking care of her? Fucking tell me." He turned in his seat to look at your constantly moving figure, his eyebrows raised and his mouth agape in a mix of anger and confusion.
"She did, Max! She made me think that." You shouted, "She was saying things like how it's okay that she sits alone and gets bored and, fuck- just feeling left out."
"What?" He was shocked, the words you said making him stand to his feet, properly turning around to look at you.
"Look, i've always been understanding of your job, of your relationship, of the presence of another child in your life but never, never will i ever tolerate knowing my daughter is feeling left out and alone when she's with you. I grew up feeling that way, lonely and i sure as fuck won't allow that to happen to Lilly." You were furious with how calm he was about this while your blood was a mere celsius away from boiling. Not once in your life were you ever this angry but when Lilly was on the line, you were a different person.
"I promise you, i never leave her alone." He defended.
"Then why did she say you love Ella more than her? Tell me why?" You shouted, "You want to be her dad, act like it!" You were teetering close on the edge of loosing all composure and control.
"I'm trying!" He shouted back, "You gotta keep it in mind that this is new to me. This is my first time having a kid of my own! Just because you so naturally adjusted to it, it doesn't mean that it's gonna come so effortlessly for me too. I'm trying to make the best out an unconventional and weird situation, I'm really trying to be a good dad for Lilly."
You fell silent and leaned against the back of the couch, rubbing at your forehead out of stress, the wrinkles of a frown creasing your skin as your thoughts raced.
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see a fidgety Max.
He cared. You didn't know him that much but you definitely knew him enough to realize and see that. He was clearly trying but was also failing at some part of the whole parenting role without even realizing.
Like he said, having a child was something that both of you were continuously getting used to so, to some degree, you couldn't blame him.
"We should stop screaming at each other. It wouldn't be good to go back to fighting." He referred to the earlier days before the hookup and the pregnancy, where you and Max in the same room inevitably meant an incoming explosion.
"Yeah." You muttered, "Yeah, you're right."
You eyed him cautiously, not knowing where to go from here.
Luckily, he gave you a small smile and patted the space beside him on the couch, "Come here. We need to figure out a solution. I really want the best for Lilly."
You sighed and allowed your shoulders to drop, ignoring the little tingling in your heart at the way Max was smiling at you. You just took a seat at a comfortable distance from him, slacking against the back cushions of the sofa and pulling a pillow into your lap for comfort, all while Max watched your moves attentively.
"Tell me what she said first. We need to figure out where things went to shit first, right?"
"Yeah, that's a good call." You confirmed as you picked at the skin by your nails, "She said that you and Ella have more fun together, that you laugh more and she doesn't know why..."
"That you love Ella more because you're in love with her mother. I think that's the thing that i hated hearing, because i understand not being able to give her your undivided attention all the time but i just don't want her to feel like her dad is favoring someone else over her, you know?" You teared up at the thought of Lilly not having the assurance that both her parents love her.
Taking notice of your glistening eyes, Max patted your shoulder, taking you by surprise. It had you thinking how weird it, two people who have literally seen and touched almost all of each other's bodies at some point, being so awkward about a touch to the shoulder that lasted maybe a total of 3 seconds.
"We'll figure it out. Lilly will always be my priority. I will make up for everything, i promise." He reassured, breaking you out of your thoughts, "One more question, because i need to know this to figure out a plan."
You sighed, "Okay... Shoot."
"Is she fighting with Ella? Like... Do they get along okay? Did she mention anything about their relationship?"
You cringed at that. You were gonna have to tell him about the way Valerie plays into this.
"What?" He questioned once he noticed your expression, "What is it? They don't get along, do they?" He asked and watched you struggle to put words together.
"She didn't mention Ella much." You started.
"Okay..." He frowned, "I've never heard or seen them fight so i kind of knew that."
"Yeah..." You hesitated, "Max, do you remember how we agreed to never shout at Lilly? And to never let anyone shout at her either?"
He nodded.
"Valerie kinda... screamed at her, but she thinks it's okay because Ella gets screamed at too." You said with a low voice.
"What?" Max was surprised, "I talked to her many times about our rules that we follow with Lilly and she told me she respects that."
You sat in silence for a while, not knowing what to say while Max's head raced with how much he hadn't been noticing about the time his daughter spent at his place.
He wanted his house to feel comfortable for Lilly, for her to feel just as at home as she did in your apartment, so he couldn't really help thinking that he failed at that, failed at reserving enough attention to his daughter.
"Do you think i'm a bad father?" He asked.
"I never said that, Max." You felt a hint of guilt at the thought of making him feel that way.
"No, be honest, because i feel like i shouldn't take care of Lilly alone anymore if i don't notice all this shit." He blurted with his eyebrows raised then he pursed him lips.
"Please, don't say that. It's not what i meant. I don't expect you to be perfect." You sighed, "I'm not a perfect mother either but that's because we're humans, because we're still figuring out this whole parenting thing, and honestly, i feel like figuring it out isn't something that ever ends."
Subconsciously, your hand landed comfortingly on his shoulder, "You try your hardest to be a good presence in your daughter's life, i can see that, it's just that she's growing up. She can understand and speculate about everything around her now, so we just need to be better at regarding her feelings and making sure not to give her wrong impressions."
He rubbed at his eyes with frustration seizing his muscles and finally allowed his back to meet the cushions behind him as he nodded.
"I'm gonna need your help for a while, though. Just to understand what to change." Max mumbled.
You smiled, "Don't worry, I'm always happy to help."
"Thank you."
A quiet few minutes of silence followed then Max got up to leave.
"I need to talk to Val." He groaned as he grabbed his phone and keys.
"I hope everything goes well." You wished.
"Yeah." He replied nonchalantly, "How about i pick you up later and we go get her from school together? We can go eat somewhere, just the three of us."
Smiling, you nodded and walked with him to the door.
"See you later, then." He said just as he starting walking down the stairs.
You shut the door while trying to figure out the feeling in you chest and why something was telling you today would be the start of major changes in your life and Lilly's.
Following that day, everything seemed to work itself out.
Max picked you up as planned and everything went really well. On the way to get Lilly from school, he told you he talked extensively with Valerie and that lead to a fight, and a breakup.
Worried that he would be thinking that was what you wanted, you were quick to show support.
"Is everything okay?" You asked and he quickly nodded, giving you a quick glance and smile as he drove.
"I really didn't mean for the two of you to break up. I know you love her and Ella and want-" You couldn't help rushing.
"Hey, hey," he interrupted, "i told you. Everything's okay. It was a long time coming kinda thing. Don't blame yourself, please."
As days went on, Max made it a point to come up with plans for the three of you and the first time he had Lilly staying with him afterwards, he got her to invite you for dinner, something that became a repeated pattern and for some reason, your heart was starting to beat faster at every invite and every smile Max would give you.
It wasn't much later when you realized you were catching feelings for the father of your child and you weren't quite sure what to do about that.
A month later, on an afternoon when you were meant to pick up Lilly from Max's place, he opened the door for you and instead of letting you in, he stepped out and closed the front door behind him.
"Can we talk?" He asked with his hands stuffed in his jeans' pockets.
"But... Lilly..." you pointed to the door.
"Mom is there with her." Max reassured that your daughter wasn't on her own and proceeded to guide you away.
With your eyes narrowed in suspicion, you followed him, your nerves getting worse by the second.
"So, car ride or a walk?" He asked once you were out of the building.
Frowning, you tilted your head to the side and responded, "Walking's fine."
Max nodded and so the two of you began taking small steps along the sidewalk.
Silence reigned for a while. You couldn't really figure out anything to say and it was rather obvious that Max was planning the approach to whatever he wanted to talk about in his head.
By the time he spoke up, the two of you were a few buildings away.
"I've been really enjoying our time with Lilly." He awkwardly said and if anything, that confused you more.
"Yeah, it's been good." You agreed with a nod.
"I like it when it's just the three of us." Max continued.
"I like it too. I want Lilly to have as many normal experiences as possible."
For some reason, the silence returned after that. Meanwhile, your heart had begun racing out of control as you laid out the various paths that this conversation would take, the one outcome you wished you'd end up with being repressed and avoided. Instead, you found yourself considering other options.
What is something happened with Lilly?
Are they not getting along?
Does he want to change anything about their relationship? Or about the way the two of you parent her?
What if he was dating someone new?
Sure, it has barely been a month since his breakup but according to the pieces of information you'd pick during your time with him, and Lilly of course, you'd concluded that he wasn't actually in love with Valerie.
Interrupting your thoughts, Max sighed heavily by your side.
"You know, I'm trying hard to be smooth with this but-" he chuckled, "I'm clearly shit at that."
"How about you tell me what this is about as a head-start..." you suggested.
Max nodded and seemed to calculate his words for a mere second, "The nature of our... relationship?" He hesitated.
"Oh..." You let your confusion show, "What about it?"
He fiddled with his hands for a while before finally speaking, "I wanna try- No. I wanna ask you if you would agree to trying something new."
The determination in his voice confused you even further.
"New... Like, how?"
"Would you be open to the idea of a date? No Lilly, just me and you going somewhere nice together."
You stopped dead in your tracks and stared at Max like you were speculating if he was serious, all while your heart was dancing to an unknown tune that had slowly been becoming its favorite.
"I know this can be potentially risky, because what if we actually date and - i don't want it to seem like I'm getting ahead of myself - get in a relationship? It could complicate things with Lilly and shit but we've been co-parenting for four years now even though we hated each other's guts so, really, we're capable of working through anything." He took a breath, "I just want something more with you. I really like you, so much more than as just Lilly's mom. Just consider it 'cause i just think we would have something good, that we'd be worth a shot, you know? I've been thinki-"
"Max!" You interrupted his rant with a chuckle of his name and a wide smile, "Breathe, please."
"So?" He seemed nervous as he asked and you found it adorable.
"I'll go on a date with you." You nodded with a big smile, making Max grin so wide.
From that point on, everything is just history.
The first date went so amazingly well that the second followed so soon after it, then a third, and on the fourth, Max asked you to be his girlfriend and you instantly agreed.
The transition was practically seamless.
Lilly was over the moon once she noticed the nature of your interactions with Max shift. The first night she got to spend the night with both her mom and dad under the same roof as her, she was absolutely beaming.
Things between you and Max were going so well, it almost seemed surreal, but both of you, and Lilly of course, couldn't be happier that it was in fact your reality.
A few months into the relationship, you and Lilly fully moved in with him and the first free weekend morning spent there, you woke up to them making breakfast together.
It was a moment you truly cherished, when you walked into the kitchen to find Max holding his daughter on his shoulders so she'd be able to grab plates from the high cupboards, both of them displaying big and genuine smiles.
"I feel left out, I'm not gonna lie." You walked in joking, effectively grabbing both their attentions.
The three of you had a delicious and peaceful breakfast together and when Lilly finished eating and ran off to her room, Max moved you off your chair and onto his lap, his eyes locking with yours. Your legs were dangling off of one side, your arms hooking behind his neck as you kissed his lips lightly.
He smiled at you and pulled you back in, keeping the curve of his lips throughout the short peck.
When he pulled away, his grin grew and he brushed his hand through the front strands of your hair, securing it behind your ear.
"I love you." He spoke softly and, like always, it made your heart pound.
"I love you too, Max."
Just like that, the two people from five years ago who couldn’t be in the same room for over three minutes without fighting were long gone.
And just like that, everything worked out in a way that no one expected it to but in the idealist of ways possible.
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kth1fics · 1 year
Inconspicuous (M) | KTH (TEASER)
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⟶ Pairing: Incubus!Taehyung x Female Reader ⟶ Genre: Horror, Smut, Rated R | 18+ ⟶ Tropes: Jennifer’s Body Au, Friends to Lovers?, College Au ⟶ Teaser WC: 600+ ⟶ Warnings: talk of d**th, etc (not much since it's a teaser) ⟶ Beta: n/a (but my beauty jo @daechwitatamic looked through here for me) ⟶ Summary: A demonic force possesses college boy Taehyung, causing him to feverishly lust over unfortunate females who are completely out of his league. As his appetite for human flesh keeps Taehyung alive, you – his best friend since childhood – try everything to stop the savage butchery he leaves in his trail. ⟶ Author’s Note: Completely based off from the 2009 movie Jennifer’s Body, I have twisted a little tale of my own. I truly hope my readers enjoy this dip in horrific evil, and please leave any feedback or comments on a reblog, post, or even my ask box! Be mindful: The fic is still currently being written and is subject to change at any given time!
Masterlist ◈ Mail Box ◈ AO3 ◈ Ko-Fi
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You hear the professor mention the debate with his students. He, Professor Greenburg, rests himself atop the corner of his desk as he peels his glasses from his face. The class is divided into a semicircle of chairs, each attached with a small wooden plank which acts as a desk for each student. Taehyung always fancies scooting his chair inches closer to you so he can mumble his remarks and to steal some of your notes or snacks you stuff your bag with.
“Yes, you can!” Your classmate raises their voice to interject another. “Some people are inspired by the movies or shows. Haven’t you seen any news or documentaries?”
“No, it’s not. Movies are not responsible for our actions or pursuit.” Another classmate bounces back.
Taehyung sighs softly, leaning his head against his hand as he shifts his weight. He’s counting down the minutes until your class time is up and for the two of you to leave. At this point it’s routine for the class to continue their arguments and discuss their cases. He just blends into the background and pretends he is invisible.
Dawn, a strong personality sorority sister, sits tall in her seat. Her purple pom-pom pen taps angrily when another student references film and real life being art references and imitation.
“Absolutely not,” she musters her voice up. Her sharp eyebrows stand high on her forehead with shock, “This isn’t a hypothetical situation. It’s not about ‘art’.” Dawn clarifies, “these are real people you’re mentioning. Actual life. This is reality, not a movie.”
“It inspires people and gives people ideas,” you hear someone chirp back. “Think about it, the writers of said movie or show already thought and came up with the scenario. It’s present in at least one person’s mind if you’re being technical about it.”
“And sure, making it into a movie is what? Promoting the idea?” Dawn mocks back.
The class continues to bicker and prod another’s ideas. You attempt to ration a few yourself, listening in and observing the thoughts that come out of your fellow peers. However, Taehyung remains silent. Hushed slightly adjacent to your seat. 
A resounded alert chimes from everyone’s phones, loud and startling. A few of you jump, quickly grabbing at your phones to see what all the noise is about. From your device, you see a campus-wide notification. Seems that everyone else received the same one.
You scan the words as someone else verbalizes it for the class.
“Campus curfew?”
The buzzing begins small but grows loud fast.
“All classes after 4:30 PM are canceled and will be merged online for the time being.”
You can hear the groans and moans coming from the other classes down the hall. Maybe some students are happy about the sudden transition.
“What’s this about?” You question out loud, turning your head around to see if you can find the answer from someone. Even when you turn to Taehyung, you see the disappointment of him being clueless.
“Beats me,” he shrugs.
“Is this about what happened from the town over?” You hear a curious classmate ask Professor Greenburg. “From last weekend?”
“It’s tough to say something like that is related to this,” he honestly replies. Professor Greenburg is still rereading the notification from his cellular device. “It wasn’t directly affiliated with the campus or student body, but if it were the case, it’s a precaution to keep things safe.”
“Maybe the police recommended it,” Dawn comments. “I just heard from a friend at a nearby university that they also were given a curfew at their school earlier in the week.”
You tune back to Taehyung, whispering, “What happened?”
“Didn’t someone die?”
“Killed,” Taehyung boldly refines. “Murdered.”
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⟶ Estimated Posting Date : Halloween 2023
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© 2023 All rights reserved under @kth1​ - do not copy, repost, modify, edit, or translate any of my work without my direct consent. This TUMBLR and AO3 are the ONLY places my fics are posted.
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vickyvicarious · 11 months
To one thing I have made up my mind: if we find out that Mina must be a vampire in the end, then she shall not go into that unknown and terrible land alone. I suppose it is thus that in old times one vampire meant many; just as their hideous bodies could only rest in sacred earth, so the holiest love was the recruiting sergeant for their ghastly ranks.
Jonathan, 3 October
She lay in her Vampire sleep, so full of life and voluptuous beauty that I shudder as though I have come to do murder. Ah, I doubt not that in old time, when such things were, many a man who set forth to do such a task as mine, found at the last his heart fail him, and then his nerve. So he delay, and delay, and delay, till the mere beauty and the fascination of the wanton Un-Dead have hypnotise him; and he remain on and on, till sunset come, and the Vampire sleep be over. Then the beautiful eyes of the fair woman open and look love, and the voluptuous mouth present to a kiss—and man is weak. And there remain one more victim in the Vampire fold; one more to swell the grim and grisly ranks of the Un-Dead!…
Van Helsing, 5 November
One thing I noticed this year was the way Van Helsing echoed Jonathan's declaration about lovers joining the ranks of the undead. They both use very similar language, but with a couple huge differences. This makes these quotes almost a reverse of one another in a really interesting way.
Van Helsing's theoretical men who become vampires out of love are very clearly victims. They are foolish, fascinated by a vampire woman's beauty, and don't need to have known her beforehand to be mesmerized. Their hearts fail them, when they allow beauty to stay their hand which had previously been poised to kill the undead they've been hunting.
Jonathan's very real man willing to become a vampire (and his presumed others before him) is making a deliberate choice. He is not being tricked into anything. He knows exactly how horrible a choice he is making, and is in fact doing so well away from the sight of any supernatural beauty or mesmeric power. His heart feels the holiest love, which guides it into darkness rather than ever even consider harming the undead he loves.
Van Helsing's assumption is that the men who falter didn't already know the vampire who eventually turned them, and thus no deeper love is really possible. This is very much not the case for Jonathan's quote. But I think even in that situation, the Professor would still consider Jonathan himself much closer to the foolish, mistaken victims of his own quote - rather than recognizing the agency and deliberate nature of Jonathan's choice. That's the main difference for me - even more than the depth of the connection/length of association (though of course that hugely informs the situation and is a necessary distinction), it's the knowing/unknowing nature of each one.
In both (hypothetical) situations the men are guided by their hearts, but Jonathan knows the truth even as he declares he would join his love to be a vampire. In Van Helsing's scenario, the men act against what they know by feeling pity and affection for what they intended to treat as a monster. They forget that the ranks of the undead are "grim and grisly" just long enough to fall prey. But Jonathan never does. He knows Mina would become a monster, knows that in this scenario he'd be joining the "ghastly ranks" of the undead. He doesn't forget that fact. He just considers his love to be more important, enough that he is willing to subject himself to such a terrible fate rather than harm or be separated from her. It's the opposite of someone mesmerized into delaying and being enticed into putting down their weapon. Instead he resists entreaties to pick it up in the first place. (At least to point towards Mina.)
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bookofmirth · 8 months
Can I ask who's side you were on from the Ember bonus chapter? Or are you kind of neutral on it?
Oof this is so complex, anon. This is going to be so long. And I doubt that this conversation will be settled any time soon.
I wouldn't say that I am neutral because I have Thoughts and Feelings, but I think Rhys and Nesta both had good points and did dumb things. I know this post leans in Nesta's favor, but it's not anti anyone. It's more my thoughts about how complex the situation was, and why I think people did the things they did, what was motivating them. Let me explain:
Should Nesta have consulted someone about giving the mask to Bryce, even just to borrow it? Yeah, I think she should have. I knew that she had done that prior to having read the bonus chapter, and in the back of my head I thought it was so... weird for her to have given this important object of power to Bryce without asking for anyone else's opinion? I felt like I was missing some context, like why does Nesta just hold onto these objects all the time and do with them what she wills? Guess my unease was right, because other characters do NOT like how she handles the trove.
The stakes from Nesta being wrong about this were insanely, astronomically high. And "astronomical" isn't even a metaphor in this case, it's literal. She wasn't wrong, but that is a huge, gigantic, ridiculous risk to have taken. Everyone in acotar knows that the Daglan/Asteri are the beings who oppressed them thousands of years ago, and now they have proof in Bryce's arrival that the Daglan are still up to their old tricks. For the Daglan to then have these objects of immense power, potentially?? OOF. And Nesta is newer to the fae world, she may not fully grasp the gravity of the situation, so she probably wasn't working with complete understanding of the implications.
I mentioned that the group chat has been ACTIVE on this topic, and @areyoudreaminof (I think it was Kelsey, if not correct me) said that perhaps Nesta was thinking that by doing this, she could help humans in some way. Maybe not the humans she grew up with, but somewhere, Nesta thought, maybe she could do something good for other people who are effectively powerless. So I understand why Nesta did it. This was also after she had spent a bunch of time with Bryce, they learned about each other's worlds, and I think they had attained a sort of understanding.
Also side note, but people didn't trust Nesta with Made objects in acosf either and that was condescending as fuck - maybe she didn't want to be just as shitty to Bryce as everyone had been towards her. I get why people don't trust them with these objects, but in a way it comes down to underestimating them and not understanding their intentions.
Was Rhys right to have lost his mind about the mask going to another world? Absolutely. The Night Court is his responsibility, which means that everything that happens there ultimately falls to him. His fears about the Daglan invading again have been real since he saw Aelin falling through the sky. He's been thinking about these very real threats for a while. Merrill is researching other worlds and although this hasn't been confirmed, I feel like she was brought there for that reason? To give him answers? Whether or not that's true, Rhys is the High Lord and the fact that some of the most powerful objects in their possession were off galavanting in another world without his knowledge, in a way that could literally lead to the destruction of their world - Rhys being understanding and nice about it in this situation would be totally unrealistic.
Rhys has also Been Through It in terms of war, court politics, fae bullshit. He has a much better grasp of what the consequences could be if Made objects get into the wrong hands. His fears aren't hypothetical, they are very real.
HOWEVER - was Rhys right to have treated Nesta the way that he did? Absolutely fucking not. I am honestly so sick of him being a dick to Nesta just because of shit she's done to other people. Not to him. It was so hard to read descriptions of Nesta's body language when they came back into the scene, after their fight. "Nesta's shoulders tensing, her head bowing". For Nesta to have been so thoroughly chastised by someone who already has a history of treating her like shit, it made me so mad. For Nesta, who has gone through so much growth and made so many strides to not hate herself, to regain confidence and better awareness of herself, to have been made to feel small - it makes me so, so mad honestly.
The thing is, we don't actually know the content of their argument, what Rhys, Cassian, and Azriel said to Nesta. All we have gotten thus far is the aftermath. Maybe Rhys tried to be tactful and then Nesta pushed his buttons, as she's done in the past. All we know is how Nesta acts afterwards, which doesn't make me feel charitable in terms of how Rhys handled it.
I think - and again I'll need to read more of the context of this fight which I assume we will see in acotar5 - but I think that one of the main reasons Rhys was pissed off and reacted the way he did was because of his ego (and fear, even if it's justifiable). He's so used to calling all the shots, to having everything under control, that I think he's not used to anyone else having power on the same level as him. Power in this sense refers to authority, the ability for other people to make these kinds of decisions without consulting him. He's used to being the Big Man in Charge and Nesta is clearly a threat to that. This is all my headcanon/assumptions about how he's feeling, but... I'd be surprised if I'm off the mark, based on his past behaviors and the way he makes executive decisions without consulting the IC, who ostensibly exist in order to support him.
Basically, I think that Nesta was on shaky ground in letting Bryce borrow the mask even though it did turn out okay in the end, but Rhys was wrong for acting out the way that he did.
This is only somewhat related to your actual question, but I think that this is one of the scenes that we will see in acotar5, made possible by having Azriel's POV, him as the main character.
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Everyone’s forgotten about Lizzie.
She’s sure of it. They must think she’s dead, and if they didn’t, they wouldn’t help her anyway, because they hate her.
That’s what she tells herself. That it’s deliberate ill intent, and not that any memory of her has just completely slipped from everybody’s mind.
It’s less painful that way.
And Lizzie’s been left on her own, falling through the void, darkness all around her.
She isn’t even sure if she’s falling. She might just be floating, untethered. There’s no wind here, and everything is just black.
The worst part are the whispers.
Lizzie didn’t know who they are. She’d tried asking them, but when she opens her mouth no voice comes out, which terrifies her. She might be deaf, she doesn’t know. She can’t see or hear or feel anything.
It means that if she cries for help no one would hear it. The whispers seemed to have been behind that.
The whispers.
A soft, steady pattering into her head 24/7 (if she could know the date) that would probably drive her insane if she hadn’t already and is just hallucinating.
She wants it to stop, so bad.
The communicator pings over and over. She watches the other players going on with their lives and deaths, the playful bickering, the serious reports, and so many, so many deaths.
She keeps wondering. Imagining scenarios whenever she sees a message. Etho dying to Scar’s hands. The Heart Foundation rambling about gifts and favours. Life continues, without her.
It’s as if she was never there at all. When Jimmy dies she hears the whispers discussing the players’ grief, of their shouts of anguish.
When she died there was just silence.
It’s no use. She’ll never know the circumstances, never know about the world going on above her while she falls.
She can’t send messages, blocked by solid code, only receive them. She concludes that it’s a cruel joke on the part of the whispers.
One day the whispers stop.
Lizzie is hopeful that this means a change in her situation, in which she’s completely helpless.
But then she checks the chat, and realises there’s no one else left on the server but Scar. The whispers have grown bored.
The ghosts leave the game, one by one.
Days pass. Could be months, or hours. Lizzie sees the last sign of life leaving the server when Scar’s death message pops up in chat, and she instinctively yells, “No!” and instead of the silence that would come before when she tried to speak, her voice emerges instead, hoarse from days of neglect.
She can only speak when there’s no one to hear her.
She knows Scar will happily respawn in Hermitcraft, congratulated on a stunning win. If it was stunning. She hasn’t seen anything but black for who knows how long, and she can’t even tell if her eyes are open.
She doesn’t say anything again, left in complete silence as she falls through the void, wiped from history.
people trying to justify canary curse with the “lizzie is still alive” theory are focusing on the wrong person in that hypothetical
i’ll write a happy ending if at least one person tells me to, which i don’t think will happen so i get to kick up my feet in the meantime
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frangipanilove · 5 months
Señor Dixon Goes To Spain?
Let’s indulge in some wild speculating, based exclusively on hypotheticals and wishful thinking.
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Well well well! Daryl might be going to Spain! Excellent choice, it’s a beautiful country, I highly recommend, 10/10. And while it seems to have been officially confirmed just now, it’s not entirely surprising for people who’ve been paying attention.
We heard a reference to Spain already back in TWDDD 1x1 L’âme Perdue, when Isabel showed Daryl around the convent, and they came across a radio. Isabel mentioned that the last person she’d been in contact with was a Spaniard a few months ago:
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When seemingly random stuff like this gets brought up, it’s normally fair to assume it’s symbolism or foreshadowing, and I felt pretty certain Spain would come up again sooner or later.
Then later, we meet Losang. He’s the leader of the Nest, and he first came in contact with the nuns and Laurent on his way back from a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. "Compostela" refers to "the field of stars" under which the pilgrims traveled, a reference to the Milky Way.
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That certainly tickles my TD brain, concidering how many astronomical references we have had around Beth, such as Sirius and Venus, satellites and eclipses to name a few.
Camino de Santiago to Santiago de Compostela is one of the world's most famous pilgrimages, and can be reached through a number of different routes. Isabel's convent was situated relatively close to the starting point of the French Way:
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I have a whole theory in my drafts on potential references to El Camino de Santiago from years ago, which I might have to revisit now. Also, keep in mind that the working title of TWDDD was "Pilgrim":
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But the most compelling thing about filming in Spain is an absolutely brilliant discovery made by @galadrieljones back when the final season of FTWD aired. We see Dwight, Morgan and Sherry share a scene, and a series of coordinates were given, supposedly to a P.A.D.R.E repeater station.
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In reality, the coordinates corresponded with an area of the Atlantic Ocean near an archipelago called the Canary Islands. The islands, though situated off the coast of west Africa, are Spanish territory, and are famous (and slightly infamous, to be honest) for hordes of pale, vitamin D-deficient, sun-deprived north Europeans like myself as a holiday destination.
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The part of it that’s particularly interesting for TD is that the etymology of the word Canary/Canarias shows it is derived from Latin “Canis”, meaning dog.
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And as we know, that’s Sirius symbolism. Sirius means return/rebirth/resurrection. It refers to Sirius the Dog Star, who returns to the sky one morning right before dawn, after having been “just gone” for some time. I've written many posts on that, here's one.
There’s even a particular type of dog breed that’s associated with the Canary Islands, Presa Canario:
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As a fun fact, in TWDDD season 1, Daryl’s original plan to get home involved getting on a boat that would eventually take him to Newfoundland, Canada. That’s also a dog reference, it refers to Newfoundland dogs:
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As I’ve been saying, dog symbolism is Sirius symbolism, we learned that from 4x13 Alone. It means return/rebirth/resurrection. Daryl’s plans to return via Newfoundland fell through when he had to save Laurent from walkers, but the symbolism of it is still valid.
And as an extra fun fact, there’s even a location on Newfoundland, Canada, with the name Canary Islands…
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…do with that what you will...
Another really interesting thing about the Canary Islands is that they provide an excellent starting point for transatlantic crossings. This is due to the consistent trade winds that blow from east to west, and sailors have taken advantage of this phenomenon for centuries.
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Of course, we don’t know if Daryl will make it to the Canary Islands, and even if he doesn’t, I’m still exited about Spain, for the reasons laid out above. But the potential reference to the Canary Islands through the coordinates from FTWD is a super interesting clue, and it involves dog/Sirius symbolism, which makes me very happy.
Also, the coordinates from FTWD supposedly led to a repeater station, which is a radio reference. That means, the repeater station is a Sirius symbol both as a radio reference, as well as a dog reference, in that the coordinates in reality points to a stretch of ocean near the Canary Islands.
Whatever the coordinates were meant to signify, they sure as hell didn’t point to no repeater station in Georgia.
So yeah. Might be nothing, but could be something. The off-season is for speculating.
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Being a little indulgent with this little request if you don’t mind, as it’s admittedly in regards to a farmer oc of my own- ^^”
What would be the SDV (+SDVE) Bachelors responses towards a farmer that seems to just have an extreme aura of bad luck that follows them? They’re almost always minimally harmed from whatever misfortunes happen, but really it’s to the level of even *omens* of bad luck happen often and naturally around this poor farmer.
- 🐇
Hello again, bunny anon 👋 Thank you again for your ask and have a good day 🫰❤️
SDV bachelors:
"Once again, two failures meet," thought Shane as the Farmer approached him again in the Saloon and promptly fell from their bar stool to the floor. Shane actually had thought he was the number one loser in this town, but the walking problem that owned the huge farm had clearly managed to overwhelm him. Not to say that Shane is a good shoulder to cry on, but at least he'll offer them a mug of beer. They don't have to drink it, just put a cold one on the bruise on head from a bad fall.
Honestly, Alex felt guilty after all the times he had laughed at the constant troubles that followed Farmer around. Most of the time they were not serious mishaps, but when the sportsman caught Farmer with bigger wounds, that's when he stop laughing. Even the fact that Farmer did not resent him and was used to misfortunes did not help Alex to forgive himself that easily. But now he could correct his past mistakes and help them in some way. At least cheer them up, plus there's always a first aid kit at the ice cream stand.
Sebastian can't understand how the Farmers can be so positive and joyful after the continuous setbacks that haunt them. They have literally fallen face first into the mud several times, but always get up, shake it off, and move on with a smile. The fact that the Farmer was haunted by bad luck all the time confused Sebby even more. Maybe he should look at his life from a different angle too..... But he should also take plasters and disinfectant with him. At least Sebastian would be able to offer that to Farmer.
You know, Farmer... Elliott thought about this: is their bad luck, purely hypothetically, really a bad luck? After all, Farmer always comes out of the worst situation almost unscathed. In fact, it could be considered good luck! Although, Elliott will stop advancing this theory if Farmer is saddened by the string of constant failures. The writer will comfort Farmer as best he can, and the doors of his little beach house are always open to them if they're feeling down.
Their constant bad luck is one of the main reasons why Harvey strongly recommended that Farmer carry a first aid kit and taught them how to give themselves first aid. Even though the local doctor won't stop worrying about the most frequent visitor to his clinic (who even just standing still can get injured), at least he'll be sure he's done everything he can for Farmer. Unfortunately, he can't do anything about their bad luck, but Harvey will always heal them and support them with a kind word if needed.
"Bruh, same." Sammy himself is covered in small scratches or barely noticeable bruises, because he is often distracted by something and can either fall off his skateboard or accidentally cut himself with a knife or something else. So he genuinely understands Farmer, who is also constantly in abrasions and scratches. Even though Sam has a completely different case, he understands them. Usually a hot delicious pizza or other snack lifts his spirits, so if Farmer is feeling despondent after another run of bad luck, let them go with the guitarist to the Saloon. Delicious pizza - and no bad luck!
SVE bachelors:
"Oh, I guess it's just a bad day, tomorrow will definitely be better!" Victor remembered his words to Farmer six months ago, but nothing had changed since that day. It was like someone had really cursed them. That's weird. Not to say that Victor understands anything about curses and magic as such, but he doesn't deny its existence. Maybe someone the Farmer knows that does magic or adventuring could help? And Victor could revisit something in his library, see if he finds anything useful. It pained him to see his friend constantly in bandages and scratches...
Magnus wondered if the Farmer or one of their ancestors had been cursed in the past. Of course, most of the time they come out of all their misfortunes unscathed, but the fact that the Farmer often got into trouble was a cause for concern for Magnus. The old wizard will revisit all his books, treatises and scrolls to find a similar case like Farmer's. It is not certain that his search will be successful, but Magnus would not like to see his friend and pupil maimed and suffering.
Lance never liked to hear insults or rumours about his colleagues and friends, but even he sadly had to admit that there was some truth in their words - the Farmer was indeed haunted by misfortune. Even though the Farmers themselves were used to it and just laugh at all the wounds they got from a bad fall or a fight with a monster, Lance wished he could help them somehow. Maybe the noble adventurer could purchase some amulet for the Farmer from the merchants in Castle Village that could bring them some luck? That would be good start.
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Hello! I was wondering if I could request a little something about the Doctor. I was thinking something along the lines of the Doctors first kiss with the reader, their first ‘I love you’s, first hugs and maybe like first time opening up to each other to have that bond? Obviously not in that order lol just regular fluff and happiness with the Doctor! Thanks!
🫀REQUESTS ARE OPEN🫀 || Doctor Who-inspired playlist
"Milestones" - The Doctor x Reader
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A/N: written with 11 in mind bc he's my favourite but honestly picture whoever you want
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First hug
"Hey, you doing alright?" you asked quietly. Honestly, you knew the question was more than ridiculous - it was just an inelegant, slightly awkward icebreaker after what you've been through. Although it hasn't been long, barely a few hours, you've quickly learned that he was a prodigy at putting on a brave face. Someone so adamant about making sure everyone lives couldn't just brush off the abrupt end of innocent life. It simply didn't make sense.
"Yeah, sure, I'm doing fine," he answered in a reassuring and lighthearted tone. "Are you okay?"
Despite his best efforts at appearing completely unmoved, you could easily tell he was being dishonest - there was that haunted look in his eyes as if the moment he remembers he was an intelligent entity cursed with compassion and melancholy his tears would melt away his corporeal form. It was like capturing a storm in a plastic bag.
His eyes met yours in a questioning manner: he really was more interested in your well-being rather than the albatross hanging from his neck. It was a strange moment to choose selflessness. After a moment of silence, his stare went back to the console and the buttons he was pushing. You continued to watch him, thinking about the hypothetical sorrow gnawing at his thoughts. Maybe you didn't know him for long, it was difficult to claim you'd known him at all but he definitely didn't seem like someone heartless; the Doctor was many things but cold-hearted was not one of them.
The Doctor looked at you again but for a significantly shorter period as if he could tell by your expression that you weren't buying his facade. Consciously or not, his expression fell, revealing the somberness he tried to hide away.
"Come here."
Pulling him by his arm, you engulfed the Doctor in an embrace. Immediately, he tightly held you close to him, his hands fisting the material of your sweatshirt. It was a strange thing that people let go when they're holding on to someone.
"It's not easy, so don't pretend like it is," you quietly said against his shoulder. The tweed jacket was slightly coarse against your skin, pleasantly keeping you aware of the present moment. "You might not be human but you sure are humane. I know that."
He didn't answer but truthfully, he didn't have to - you knew exactly what was going on when his arms shifted around you, still holding you as close as one holds a fleeting dream of a love long gone.
Opening up
The Doctor was fixing something under the main console. Cables dangled around him, sparks of electricity revealed that the current was still on and any unwise move could have catastrophic consequences. He, however, seemed to be unfazed. It was an impression of him you were still getting used to - a man both hot and cold, simultaneously emotional and rid of all passions.
"Do you ever get scared?"
Momentarily, the Doctor stopped whatever it was he was doing. He looked at you with a grimace of confusion. "I beg your pardon?"
"You know, running around dangerous places, getting stuck at the end of the world in hopeless situations. Do you ever get scared?"
"Sometimes, yeah. Why do you ask?"
"It's just..." For a moment you considered dropping the subject. Would your worries be a little too human, a little too mundane, for him to understand? "I know I get scared, don't even need aliens for that to be honest. Don't get me wrong, I love travelling with you but so many times I find myself in situations where I don't know what to do, I just want to close my eyes and wish the danger away. If you too get scared then maybe I'm not as wimpy as I thought I was."
"Wimpy?" he asked. You gently nodded your head. "Wimpy?" he repeated louder and with more confusion resounding in his voice. You furrowed your eyebrows not understanding what he was getting at. "You're not wimpy, why would you think that?"
"Because I get scared?"
Something about your statement must have struck a significant string in his heart as the Doctor got out from under the console and stood up. His eyebrows were furrowed and you knew that he was adamant to get to the bottom of whatever snake what biting at your heels.
"Scared is good. Scared means you care. You have something to lose. It's very human of you actually."
"When you're scared you never... look scared, at least I can't tell. You just do what you have to do and save the day as if it was just a walk in the park. How do you do that?"
"Because I have something to lose," he answered with a shrug before examining something on the top part of the console. The clicking of buttons echoed throughout the room.
"Which is?"
For a moment he didn't answer and just tapped away on the various controls and keyboards only he could understand. Slowly, his actions came to a halt. The Doctor turned his head to look at you, brave enough only to say one word before going back to fixing some failure in the machinery:
"You." He had that melancholic look in his eyes that he so often wore when he revealed some of his hearts' content. The Doctor's answer surprised you. It seemed so... simple. Mundane to the point of being strange.
Maybe you too had a good reason to both be scared and brave.
First kiss
"You're not actually considering going down there," you said as you looked down the maintenance shaft. It was so dark one could only wonder how far the bottom was. A low groan echoed throughout that seemingly endless metal pit.
"We're kind of out of options. Come on, it's an adventure! I'll be fine."
You weren't sure if his lighthearted mood was a sign of confidence or stupidity - a certain lack of realization of his chances of survival.
"Looks more lik a one way ticket to me."
"Nonsense," he dismissed your worries. "It's just a dead-end road. Have to make a U-turn at the end and you're on your way home. Easy-peasy!"
It was quite clear he wasn't going to negotiate his own plan filled with insanity and a ridiculous amount of sheer luck.
"Just..." you began but promptly stopped, momentarily overwhelmed by the very real possibility of him not coming back. And what were you to do then? A deep sigh left your lips before you finished your thought. "Just come back to me."
Without thinking much, realizing that this could very well be the last time you see that madman, you grabbed his clothes and pulled him in. His lips crashed against yours and the joy this passion brought was very much like fireworks: intense and burning but over a little too soon for the desperate heart to satisfy its yearning. You feel the same longing in his own movements, although it's significantly more reserved as if he was holding back, not yet ready to let the addictive feeling consume him.
"Well, now I have to," he murmured under his breath.
First "I love you"
"Alright, so what do you need?" you asked in a hurried tone. You were running out of time and the alarm siren did not make it any easier to focus on the task at hand. In fact, the longer you were inside the engineering deck, among red emergency lights and deafening sirens, the more you began to panic. The water flooding the ship made you aware of your own mortality with each wave brushing against your legs.
"I'd need another one of those gem things, the internal structure of the crystal makes it an excellent electricity conductor."
"Like... graphite?"
"Yes! Like graphite!"
Suddenly, you became aware of the rumbled sudoku notebook in the back pocket of your jeans. You shoved it in there along with a pencil when the Doctor flew right by you yelling at you to start running. It was fascinating what kind of pastimes travelling with the Doctor made you pick up.
"You're not going to believe this," you told him between chuckles. As if you were pulling a rabbit out of a magician's hat, you showed the pencil to the Doctor.
His face immediately lit up. He grabbed your face before kissing your forehead. "I love you!" the Doctor exclaimed excitedly.
Then he snatched the pencil from your hand and turned around to run in the direction of the engines. The Doctor ran maybe a few meters before making a sudden turn - for some reason, he had to return to you. There was something strange about how he looked at you as if he saw something more than you; like he had life-changing knowledge he never dared to share with you.
"I mean it," he said in a serious tone while vaguely pointing his finger at you.
Before you could answer him or even ask for clarification, he was already back on track with his near-miraculous plan of saving the day.
"Right back at you, you crazy old man," you said under your breath.
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bestangelofall · 3 months
Batjokes only doesn't make sense if you are obsessed with the idea that Batman is a selfless and good person and "father" despite all the evidence to the contrary.
Would Batjokes work with "Batfam" stuff? No. Because Bruce just made an enemy of Duke, Babs and Jason minimum. Plus, almost 100% chance Gordon's out, so there goes his police ties.
Jason would 100% reveal the throat slice incident as bare minimum if he didn't choose violence immediately.
(On the bright side, if this was in a Babsgirl situation she would 99.99% go back to Oracle and never want to wear a Bat again <3 and I think the Birds of Prey would take her side.)
Yeah... I think that the "Bruce would never sleep with his son's murderer" thing (just saying what i saw in the comments of that ship poll) doesn't actually come from Jason's fans (or at least not mostly), because there's a lot of Bruce critical stuff going on in those spaces. It probably comes more from the "it's a good family and Jason, the murderer, is intruding there" side of the fandom.
In fact, I saw someone saying that they don't care about tough guy adult Jason having his throat sliced in UTH, but Jaybin being murdered is bad and complicates BatJokes... so, yeah. Those people only care about Jason's death inasmuch as it is fuel for Bruce's manpain... and if you disregard THE WEIGHT that the ending of UTH has (in showing that Bruce doesn't really care that much about Jason's death if it's not for self-flagellation), it's easier to say "he wouldn't fuck his son's murderer".
But I digress.
Like, WFA Bruce would never and the hypothetical trying but still mostly failing Bruce I made up in my mind wouldn't either, but there is no heterosexual (and non-roguesexual lmao) explanation for a lot of what's seen between Bruce and the Joker lol. I don't even exactly ship them (mostly because I find the Joker kind of boring), but it's undeniable that they are two freaks for each other!
Also! I'd thought about the implications for Babs and Duke, but I hadn't considered Jim's side on it all lol. And yeah, you make a great point in that Batman would probably lose his (and GCPD's) support in the Batjokes reveal scenario.
thanks for the ask!
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soap143 · 9 months
would you mind making a mini fic of the photo booth incident with minchan with prompts #2 8 12 & 19???
Of course! I was actually thinking about writing it. I think Minho might have PTSD from all these photo booth incidents… Enjoy! (A little angst at the end I guess)
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2 “wait! wait! i didn’t have enough time to prepare!”
8 “can you stop laughing? i’m trying to talk to you. how rude!”
12 “come on, let me see that smile!”
19 “i’ll never talk to you ever again.”
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“Yah, why are you being like this” the leader scoffed, shoving Minho off his shoulder.
No matter how surprising this might sound, but the second oldest had forced Chan out of his dorm to hang out with him. Who could’ve though that the Lee Know would be the one begging to go out? Wonder why he would do that…
To say the truth, the mischevious bunny had woken up in a massive lee mood. And he felt like only Channie could satisfy it. Hypothetically, he could have asked Han to wreck him, but Minho just felt like Jisung’s tickles would not do the job. He was just stubborn like that.
Thanks to his mood, the dancer could not help but be all cute and clingy toward the older “Let’s go get ice cream, Channie-hyung~” Minho whined straight into the kangaroos ear for the hundredth time.
“Alright, Minnie, that is enough. What is up with you?” the aussie finally ran out of patience “Huh? Nothing, hyung. What could be wrong?” the cat lover naively answered, his boba eyes big and mouth slighly open in confusion.
Even though the leader, eventually, agreed to eat the bunny’s desired desert, he still remained suspicious of his bandmate’s strange behaviour.
Soon, Minchan were walking out of the shop with a an ice cream cone in each one’s hand “Is it good?” Chan asked, looking at Lee Know’s cone “No. Channie-hyung, you have your own ice cream. Don’t even try to bite mine.” Minho angrily rambled “Where’s the cute, clingy Minnie that was here just 20 minutes ago?” The leader of danceracha turned red at the comment “Shut up!”
They kept on walking until something cought the wolf’s attention “Is that a photo booth? I haven’t been in one ever since I was a teenager!” Chan childlishly giggled, dragging his grumpy companion by his arm “9000 won(thats’s 6.3eur)… Hyung, that’s like, expensive.” the bunny mumbled, looking at the price table “What? That’s pretty average, Minho” the older furrowed his eyebrows, digging thru his wallet.
Once the kangaroo took out the neccesary amount, he agressively showed the cat man into the tight space “Yah! Calm down, what’s wrong with you…” Lee Know whined, rubbing his shoulder which had been smashed into the thin metal wall “Ugh, this we’re going to be so cramped in here. Finish up your ice cream, quick!” Chan said, sitting down himself and getting the bills and coins out of the jacket pocket.
Like Channie had mentioned, there was not enought space for two grown men. So, he did the only thing he could think of “Come on, sit on my lap.” the leader instructed “WHAT?! No! That’s so weird…” Minho dramatically yelled. Can you blame him? He was afraid to trigger his mood even more. One arm around his sensitive waist would make his jump so high that he would bump his head on the ceiling of the photo booth.
“Why are you making such a fuss? We can’t fit in any other way. Just put one leg on my thigh. You know, partially sit on me. This doesn’t have to be strange if we don’t make it like that.” the mischevious bunny gave in, situating himself on his hyungs lap.
“See? Not that bad, is it? Why were you so dramatic anyway~” the aussie teased, lighly poking the taller’s sides. Like I mentioned earlier, that did end up eliciting quite a reaction…
The younger violently flinched, pushing the older’s hands away “What was thahat…? I didn’t think you were that ticklish…~” Oh, Channie was going to take advantage of their current position so badly “D-Don’t please. Let’s just tahahake the pictures and goho, Channie-hyung.” said man just smirked, only pulling his victim deeper into his hold.
“You know, I don’t understand how you were being so silly and adorable all day long, just to chicken out now. Why don’t you annoy me now? Huh? Are you, perhaps, afraid of the tickle monster?~” Lee Know could feel his ears reddening up at the wolf’s skilfull teasing “No, I’m n-not.” this was his last chance to avoid what this situation could, pottentialy turn into “Come on, let me see that smile!” In a desperate act, he covered his hot ears with his hands. Unfortunately, he handn’t though about the vulnerable position he would put himself in after doing that…
Not even a second after the dancer accidentally exposed most of his torso, the kangaroo harshly dug into Minho’s sides“Wait! Wait! I didn’t have enough time to prepare!” Chan just snickered, switching to the younger’s ribs “Come on, you’re gonna have to try harder to hide the fact that you like this than that~” the tickler pointed out. He was right though, the cat lover handn’t really moved his hands from the spot he was covering.
“IHIHIHIHI DOHOHOHOHON’T LIHIHIHIKE THIHIHIS, STOHOHOHOP!” Chan stopped tormenting his ribs and instead opted for quickly spidering and switching between the younger’s side, ribs and armpits “YOUHU’RE CRAHAHAHAZY!” it all soon became a bit too unbearable for the poor lee, as he had to bring down his arms to protect his sensitive torso.
“Oh, so now you’re trying to stop me? And you’re calling me crazy? Let’s see how like this then~” the aussie gripped the rabbit’s thighs, squeezing so quickly that Lee Know honestly thought he was about to ascend “NOHOHOHOHOHO PLEHEHEHEHEASE CHAHAHAHAHANIE! MIHIHSTED BAHAHANG! CHRIHIHIHSTOPHER!” the poor boy called out every single name to make he could.
“That’s my name, don’t wear it out! Wow, I don’t remeber your legs being that ticklish… What do you think about your knees? Would those be bad?” the elder teased, never letting go of the sensitive body part “ANYWHEHEHEHERE BUHUHT MY KNHEHEHES PLEHEHEHEHEASE!” the bratty cat lover tried to maneuver his way out of the situation.
“Nah, I think I’ll go just for your knees!” the older’s crazy fingers latched on firmly on to the mentioned spot, which was crazy ticklish “ANOTHEHEHEHER SPOHOHOHOT, ANO-ANOTHEHEHEHER SOHOHOT PLEHEHEASE” the dancer begged, leaning back all the way onto Chan “I didn’t hear a stop~” the leader mumbled into his dongsaeng’s back, only making the whole situation even more ticklish.
The wolf kept on switching tactics. Sometimes he would tickle the soft bottom of the knee, then he would claw at the equally as sensitive top. The worst was when he would use both hands on one knee “BAHAHAHAHAHAHA CHAHAHAN, I-I CAHAHAHAHAHAN’T” Lee Know shined through his hysteric laughter “Can you stop laughing? I’m trying to talk to you. how rude!”
The way that the aussie’s fingers stuck to Lee Know’s kneecaps made the victim crazy. He was sweaty, giggly, had messy hair, tears running down his neck. Did I mention his wine-red ears and face? Every single vein in his body was popping due to the uncontrollable cackles that kept on leaving his throat.
“Alright, I don’t want you to actually die. Yet.” the kangaroo lifted his torturous fingers, switching from mercilessly squeezing the taller’s knees with them to massaging Minho’s back with them “Wait, c-cahan you not stop here? I-I was liking this…” Minho shyly admitted.
“Oh? You want me to continue?” Chan dug into the muscle of Lee Know’s back, which wasn’t as ticklish as anywhere else, but was enough to elicit some cute giggles and squirms “Yehehehes, juhuhuhuhst lihihke thahahaht…!”
“Wow, your ears are soooo red, mister Lee. You should cover them up and keep your arms there before the tickle monster get them!” the childish teases were making the rabbit’s stomach do flips. He did listen though.
However, obeying Chan’s orders was a pretty rookie move. Once his arms were ocupied with protecting his sensitive ears, the aussie dug into the dancer’s hips, making him mive and twitch like a tube man “CHAHAHANIE PLEHEHEHEHEASE! NOHOHOHOHO” his pleads were totally ignored. I mean, why would Chan stop? His victim’s hands were not even trying to disturb him. They were still stuck on Lee Know’s ears.
“I think that’s enough now, Minho. You’re gonna pee yourself…” the wolf giggled “Yah! I’m not six years old!” the dancer protested, slapping his only hyung’s chest “Nof a six year old? You’re the one that enjoyed every second of this!” the leader pointed out.
Apparently the older’s joke wasn’t so funny to the cat lover “You think it’s weird, do you?” Minho sighed, starting to get off the kangaroo’s lap, thinking he migh be uncomfortable now that he knows the truth “Wait, wait, wait! It’s nor weird! It’s sooo very cute. Like, Minho. That is the most adorable thing I’ve heard ever. I’m so glad that you like this!” the leader reassured, forcing Lee Know back onto his lap.
“I was scared for a second… Although I don’t think I’m gonna be safe from your tickles ever again” the mischevious bunny commented “Now that I know that you enjoy this, prepare yourself for at least 3 or 4 tickle sessions daily.” the second oldest’s eyes quickly filled up with fear, as he scrambled away as fast he could out of the vulnerable position he was in. “I’ll never talk to you again”
Or will he…?
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This one is shorter, but I think it’s pretty good! I live, laugh, love for lee!know. It’s even in his name! Happy holidays❤️���
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in1-nutshell · 11 months
Human Buddy with Spidey powers spending time with the minibots aka Pipes, Swerve, Rewind, and Tailgate
SFW, platonic, Human reader
He is conflicted. He loves how strange and cool Buddy’s powers are. Being stuck on Cybertron and in several space stations, one doesn’t see many exciting things like Buddy.
That being said, he is a bit grossed out by the web fluids. Its nothing personal, he just doesn’t prefer it.
“Hey Buddy, you mind not getting the webbing in my face? I’d rather not touch it when I have to clean it out of my gears.”--Pipes
Has paid Buddy to climb up the walls and scare someone at least once. It only happened once because Buddy got paid to do the same thing to Pipes. It was quite a view seeing Buddy caring an unconscious Pipes to the medbay and having to tell the story.
“You want to explain to me what happened with him? This has nothing to do with the incident with Trailcutter a couple days ago, right?”—Ratchet
“In the hypothetical situation that it was but it was also the way I could buy you the next round of engex at Swerve’s?”—Buddy
“… fine. But no more scaring. The next crewmate could lose their remaining logic circuits left.”—Ratchet
Has tried to arm wrestle Buddy in the past but couldn’t exactly bring himself to go through it. He knows humans aren’t strong, at least by Cybertronian standards, he doesn’t want to accidentally hurt Buddy. Even if they do have extra strength, he isn’t risking that.
Tries to test their Spidey Senses from time to time, trying to catch them off guard. This never works though.
Pipes hiding behind the booth.
Buddy walking by and jumping up to the top of the booth looking at Pipes.
“Nice try Pipes. Maybe someday you’ll get it.”—Buddy
He was in awe the first time Buddy showed him how they use their webs to move from place to place in the ship. He loves it when Buddy does little flips through the air or stunts and actively encourages it.
Buddy on the top of a high shelf
“Do a flip!” --Pipes
“Don’t do a flip! Where in Primus’s name is your self-preservation!?”—Ratchet
“Bold of you to assume I had any to begin with.”--Buddy
Is fanboying so hard! He has a real-life superhero living in the same space as he is!
Definitely has read every Spiderman comic and seen the latest Spiderman movies to try and understand Buddy more.
Buddy has to hold a mini Q and A with Swerve to go over what they can and cannot do. Swerve does cool it with the questions after a bit, but that doesn’t stop the fan behavior. He considers himself lucky to even have him as a friend.
“So can you climb up walls?”--Swerve
“Can you shoot webs from your arm or is there a machine that does it?”--Swerve
“All organic webbing.”--Buddy
“Can your bite paralyze someone?”--Swerve
“…You know I haven’t tried that one yet. Let’s find out!”--Buddy
He finds the webbing a bit icky at first but gets used to it fast.
“Hey Buddy! Oh, upside down greeting today.”—Swerve
Buddy offers to bring some drinks to patrons in the bar area. Swerve humors them and lets them deliver some of the drinks. But only on the bar area, not in the tables farther from the bar, only to avoid any accidents. Still marveled at Buddy’s strength as they casually bring cups of engex, 5 times their size.
“Buddy Trailcutter wants another round, mind passing it over?”--Swerve
“Do you need to ask? Heads up Trailcutter! The Engex express is fast approaching!”--Buddy
“There’s an engex train?”—Trailcutter
Swerve uses Buddy’s Spidey Sense to his advantage at the bar. Buddy is quick to catch any flying cups and projectiles that come close to patrons heads.
“Heads up Trailcutter!”—Buddy
“Who’s head?”—Trailcutter right before a cup nearly smashes into his face
“You okay there Trailcutter?”—Swerve
“…I think I’m going to my habsuite now…”--Trailcutter
Prides himself in his knowledge of Earth superheroes and knowledge on the Webslinger Warriors. That being said it is not the same as seeing them in action.
Swerve was excited and so anxious when Buddy showed him how they sling from their webs. The fan part of him is telling him to stay put and enjoy the view of Buddy swinging and doing their tricks. The friend part of him wants him to dive to catch Buddy when they leap off from high places and keep them on the ground where it is relatively safe.
“Buddy as much as I love the whole swinging and all—OH PRIMUS WATCH OUT! —okay you’re fine. What was I saying again? Oh yeah, please get down—GENTLEY AND SLOWLY!”
He is having a field day. Thanks to hosting many of Swerve’s movie nights, Rewind has a good amount of footage of Earth heroes.
Was surprised to see Buddy in action with their powers. Personally, he thinks that their webbing is fascinating.
“Its so thin, yet you can do so many things with it and it doesn’t break!”—Rewind
Since then, Rewind has made it his personal mission to film every cool moment Buddy has using their powers. Along with some where they’re goofing off with their powers.
Buddy minding their own business deciding to randomly walk on the wall.
Rewind behind them, filming them crawl like a spider.
Rewind likes The Spidey Sense, it’s like an alarm for any kind of danger. Not only that, but it is trustworthy and reliable. He has seen Buddy get out of trouble from Ratchet using it.
“Rewind have you seen Buddy?”—Ratchet
Rewind remembering seeing Buddy escape through the vents a few seconds before Ratchet coming in.
“Nope can’t say that I have.”—Rewind
The first time Rewind was introduced to their super strength wasn’t under the best circumstances. A rather rowdy bar fight had broken out outside of Swerve’s and the crowd was moving harshly. Buddy was perched on Rewind shoulder to avoid getting stepped on, Rewind was doing his best to get them both out of the fray. He was looking around for Chromedome for help when he was suddenly jostled upwards. Buddy had webbed them both away above the fight and now semi dangling from the ceiling. Rewind wouldn’t have mind being up so high if he hadn’t realized that Buddy and their webs were the only thing between them and the ground.
“Its called ‘practice’ and ‘please-stop-moving-so much.’”—Buddy
Has that moment archived and had sent it to Buddy after the fight as a thank you.
Rewind, like Swerve, has mixed feelings about them swinging around so freely. He loves filming their stunts and tricks, but he is also painfully aware that a drop from that height will me terrible consequences.
“Wow! That flip was awesome—MAGNUS! WATCH IT!—okay your safe no—THE DOOR! WATCH THE DOOR ITS OPENING!”—Rewind
Thinks that Buddy is the coolest human he has ever met. Sure, they are the only one they’ve met, but that’s not the point.
Absolutely believes that humans have powers on Earth. Has teamed up with Buddy as the Power Duo.
“Let’s go kick some can!”--Tailgate
“Right behind you Tailgate!”—Buddy
Is a bit icked by the webbing but tries not to say anything about it because he doesn’t want to indirectly offend Buddy.
“Buddy, do you mind keeping the web fluids on me as minimal as possible, please?”—Tailgate
Has been itching to arm wrestle Buddy, but they never complete the game. Mainly on the count that he will start to panic when he sees Buddy struggle. He thinks that he is hurting them and it usually ends up with him panicking a lot and Buddy stopping to console their friend.
“Tailgate everything is fine! It was an itch! It was an itch!”—Buddy
Likes to play around with them when it comes to their Spidey Sense. Sometimes he tries to hide and surprise them, it becomes a running gag between the two of them.
“Finger in the head- dang it!”—Tailgate
“Nice try Tailgate. Maybe next time.”—Buddy
Tailgate does not like it when Buddy swings around. He doesn’t mind it too much if they are closer to the ground and the hallways aren’t packed. But if anything is different, he is actively trying to persuade them to get down.
“Buddy, Buddy, Buddy can you maybe try swinging a bit lower to the ground? Yeah? That’s good—ALPHA TRIONS BEARD DON’T DROP LIKE THAT! BUDDY STOP, IM SERIOUS, PLEASE!”--Tailgate
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