#but Miles is so bad at knowing his emotional state that maybe it's for the best
pocket-prosecutor · 4 months
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I've wanted to introduce Cool New Lore in the Wereshifter Miles AU for....way too long. Idk I kinda lost focus in the g/t art department for while :^)
This sort of started with the thought process of "hmm it's kind of odd that Miles would be the only one with a sizeshifting condition..." And that made me think about how they wasted Athena & Miles interaction in Dual Destinies (aka the lack thereof).
Athena shrinks based on her emotions! She had very little control over it when she was a child. And she would shrink from hearing other people's emotions as well. Though sometimes she would shrink at will. Because it's fun.
She has a decent grip on it nowadays, but Turnabout Tomorrow was incredibly hard on her.
But she trusts Phoenix enough to let go now.
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sweetnans · 4 months
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a/n: This could contain some mistakes, english is not my first language. Enjoy 💫
You saw Bakugo flying away, blasting explosions through the air, chasing Midoriya, who was miles away from him. A bad omen twinkling in your guts right after he disappeared from your sight.
You were in the city, trying to help the heroes establish the order again. Helping elders and kids find his relatives again in the middle of chaos, some of your classmates helping you and the other heroes doing some sweeping in the remains of disaster after Shigaraki broke the city in two.
Ochako screamed your name because your quirk was useful in the thing that she was doing. That helped you a lot to keep your mind away from your boyfriend.
He told you we'll be careful and you trusted him with all your heart.
Cleaning the city, evacuating civilians, and watching your back for any villain to appear out of nowhere, made you extremely tired.
You were putting your hands in some wreck from machia destroying everything on his way when an agitated Todoroki stumble in your view.
"Have you seen Bakugo?" He asked right away catching his breath a little bit.
"I saw him fifteen minutes ago flying that way chasing Midoriya," you pointed out to the horizon, and that didn't change Todoroki demeanor, made it worse. "Why?" You grew anxious at his face. Todoroki wasn't the kind of person who wore his emotions on his face, but right now, it was fear all over gaze. "Why Shoto?" Your voice trembled.
"We have to go, right now" he looked at Ochako, and she caught the hint right away.
"I got your back," she said, giving you a little push.
Todoroki grabbed you by your arm and started making a path of ice, sliding in it with you at his back. You ignored the cold and the way that he was going so fast that you almost slipped two times only for him to grab you tighter. You've never seen him act like that, desperate and breaking the rules, not to mention Ochako as well, after what happened in Kamino, you saw a change in her but never expected to cover you two for running straight to something very dangerous without any hero escorting or knowing about.
"Are you okay?" Todoroki shouted in front of you, his voice muffled for the sound of the ice and because he was giving you his back.
"I don't understand what's going on" you yelled back.
"You know your boyfriend," he said, giving you a side eye, "He can be very reckless"
Ok, now you expected the worst.
"What did you see exactly? Where the fuck are we going?" You sounded desperate and you knew that you needed to keep your calm because you were a hero, you needed to act like one but in the other hand, you loved the bastard and you didn't know anything about him and in what state you would find him.
"I think there's something bigger going on in that direction. I'm pretty sure my father is there, and I think that neither Midoriya nor Bakugo should be there. That's what worries me"
He sounded like he was worried. You knew that your boyfriend and Midoriya made him come out of his shell of trauma, and that, even though Katsuki didn't think that, they were friends.
"If your dad is there, maybe they're not in danger. He's protecting them, isn't he?" You asked, trying to see the bright side. At least they were with the number one hero.
"Why do you think my father is there?"
He didn't mean to make you feel dumb but it was a conclusion that you didn't want to come to.
It didn't settle your nerves down, the exact opposite, and it increased when you started to notice the columns of smoke and flames far away, the sound coming straight after that.
"Fucking hell" you muttered to yourself.
You closed your eyes, putting away all your intrusive thoughts and preparing yourself to fight against Shigaraki.
The villain was like an unhinged king Midas, but instead of making gold, he destroyed everything he touched. His capacity to break down everything was absurd, and he seemed undefeatable.
"Hang on!" Todoroki screamed worry laced in his tone.
His path of ice stopped while grabbing you firmly, so you wouldn't trip over him from the impulse. He was still in front of you, blocking every view from you to see. The grip in your arm was hurting, but you didn't have the chance of saying anything before he made a mountain of ice to stop Shigaraki from tearing up Aizawa's face.
You were shocked to see your teacher bleeding and on his knees.
The neurons in your brain connected quickly. He was using his quirk to suppress Shigaraki's quirk. Now that he wasn't able to do that, the situation morphed into one that was ten times worse.
Shigaraki destroyed Todoroki's ice in an instant. You were in the ground when Deku appeared out of nowhere and tackled Shigaraki.
You ran towards Aizawa kneeling at his side to see the damage in his face. He couldn't open one of his eyes, and the bleeding wasn't stopping.
"What are you doing here?" he coughed his answer and put on a worried face.
"We are the back up team, remember?" You tried to joke but you were out of breath.
"Get away from here. It's too dangerous. " He was getting weaker, and you grabbed him, helping the other heroes.
"No chance, sensei. I promise you'll have me in one piece when this ends"
Your quirk wasn't very useful in hand to hand combat. You could grow vines in every part of your body, making them useful for climbing, swinging, catching, and with suitable surfaces, flying, but this time you didn't have any building at your sides to tie up your vines Sero style.
"Why did you bring her here?" You heard Bakugo yell at Todoroki while shooting explosion to Shigaraki.
Todoroki didn't answer.
After a round full of fights, Shigaraki stopped. He was in the center of it while everyone was panting at his side in a prudent distance. Todoroki made his way to his father, throwing him some of his ice so he could cool down and keep fighting. This was far from ending.
Bakugo made it to your side. He didn't touch you in any way. He was just by your side, his chest rising and falling with every breath he took.
"Before you say something," you started knowing that he would call you out for coming. "I'm here to back everyone up. I want you to do your best there and destroy that bitch"
He smiled smugly at your words and gave you a look taking you in.
"You got it princess"
You ran back to Aizawa, wrapping his leg with your vines to cut the bleeding. Midoriya was there losing it. The heroes telling him to go.
"Midoriya," you snapped your fingers at his crying face. "Go"
In your peripherals, you could see Shigaraki ready to touch the ground again when something in his chest exploded, shredding all his skin. He reached his limits.
Everything happened so fast. Midoriya grabbed you all with his quirk lifting you up from the ground before Shigaraki destroyed everyone.
You didn't know that Midoriya could float, and it seemed that the other didn't know it too.
You couldn't let go Aizawa's leg from your vines, so you weren't much of a help trying to secure the others with your quirk, lightening Deku's work. You could keep them floating, but you needed something to tie your vines and there wasn't any building around.
While thinking of ways you could help, Deku left you all in the ground just staying with Shigaraki in the sky.
"Shoto, take care of the wounded" Endeavor said looking at him and then looking at you. "You, help him too"
You nodded and went straight to settle Grand Torino on the ground.
Bakugo started yelling at Midoriya, but you couldn't catch anything he said.
Midoriya started to punch Shigaraki in the air repeatedly, over and over, but the bastard was far from getting unconscious.
"He's going to break his limbs again." Shoto remarked, standing up and watching the fight. You did it, too.
"Todoroki are you done?" Bakugo said.
"Yes, what do you-"
"Come here and hold on tightly,"
Todoroki made his way to Katsuki while he was yelling his plan to Endeavor. He was going to Midoriya to help him get rid of Shigaraki.
With Endeavor and Todoroki at his back, he started elevating, making his way faster to his friend.
Bakugo grabbed Endeavor and throwed him to Shigaraki. Enveavor hugged him, telling everyone to go away. He lit himself up, burning Shigaraki to the core, leaving him roasted like a burned chicken.
Endeavor fell, and Todoroki caught him in the air.
You were out of breath watching everything passing so quickly in front of your eyes. From your position, the scene seemed like it was near to end. You thought that Shigaraki was the next one to collapse from the air.
"Why isn't he falling like Endeavor?" you asked the heroes that were beside you, but they were clueless too.
In a span of seconds, something emerged from Shigaraki's body, aiming straight to hurt Midoriya when the explosions caught your eyes, three to be exact.
Bakugo tackled Midoriya receiving all the impact from Shigaraki's quirk, red spiky blades passing through his arm, chest, stomach, and leg, hurting him bad.
You heard you screaming like it was a third person. You felt your throat getting sore and your vocal chords straining out.
Your vines weakened beside you, breaking loose from Aizawa's leg because you couldn't concentrate on anything other than Katsuki hurt and falling from the sky above you.
You were ready to throw some vines to catch him, but Todoroki grabbed him by his leg holding Endeavor's and Katsuki's weight.
"Hey, we need you here," Lock Hero snapped you from your trance.
You blinked a few times, dissipating the tears you hadn't noticed streaming down your face. You put yourself together and kneel beside Aizawa, wrapping your vines around his bleeding leg.
You tried not to look up. You wanted to keep your vines in position so your teacher wouldn't bleed to death before the EMTs arrived. But the try was worthless.
Midoriya was turning into something you hadn't seen before. He was seeing red. He made his way to Shigaraki, biting the blades until he was in front of him. The villain was able to reach him now, and he absolutely did.
Todoroki screamed, everyone did, even you. Shigaraki was absorbing Midoriya's quirk.
You were midway of keep screaming when all of a sudden something lit up in the sky and blinded you, then, complete silence. Both of them, Midoriya and the villain fell from the sky.
What happened after was something that you were almost unable to explain. The other from the league came and made his appereance venting out some secrets that took you and everyone else by surprise.
Everybody ended wounded, even though that, while taking care of the already wounded, had to interfere. Aizawa and Bakugo, whose heartbeat was steady but faintly, got all your attention. You had to keep them safe.
You were one of the conscious ones while everybody was dropped dead. You helped the paramedics carry the bodies of your classmates and friends using your vines and tucked them safely in the ambulance.
They took you to the nearest hospital, where they checked your vitals and looked up for hidden wounds. You didn't have any.
"I need to see my boyfriend," you almost pleaded to one of the nurses.
When Todoroki dropped Bakugo to your side to keep fighting against his own brother, you leaned on your boyfriend for a while, touching his hair and cleaning the blood from his body, the tears dropping to his uniform. You watched his eyes closed and prayed that he wasn't feeling any pain.
The nurse gave you a sympathetic look. You weren't asking for impossible. You knew he would be fine, and he would give you shit about your look and make fun of you for being a cry baby.
You needed him.
"I'll see what I can do"
That sentence stucked for a few hours. She gave you his room, but the doctors didn't allow you to come in. They said that they were still checking on him.
Mitsuki called, and even though she sounded like she was about to cry, she said firmly to you that you had to punch him in the face the minute he woke up, for being so stupid to get hurt.
You cried a little talking to her, and she told you the same that his son told you just the say before. He would never leave your side.
After two hours, the doctors and several nurses left Katsuki's dorm. You stood up at the sight of them and the doctor just smiled to you.
"I think he wants to see you too"
That took all of your breath away. He was awake.
Joining your hands, you made your way to the dorm while the doctor held the door for you.
You couldn't help but sob at the sight of him. He was connected to several machines, and his body was wrapped around bandages.
"Don't cry," he told you, holding his own tears at the sight of you. "C'mere"
You sprinted at him and pulled the chair to sit by his side.
"Oh no," he said, scooting over his bed. "I need to know I'm not dreaming"
"I don't want to hurt you," you said, doubting if it was a good idea or not.
"It's hurting not having you right here," he pleaded.
He sounded desperate, touch starved. You complied.
Silence flooded between the two of you, only the beeping from the machine echoing in the room and your heartbeat matching his.
"Your mom called. She said she's proud of you, " you told him. Well, you lied to him, but you knew that deep down that was Mitsuki meant.
"She didn't say that shit," he shook his head in disbelief.
"Nah, she said something about you being stupid for risking your life." You looked up at him, and he pouted. He did that face when his mind went cloudy.
"Mm," he hummed in response and stayed still for a moment, caressing your hair and twisting your locks in his fingers while brushing it with them. "I'm sorry"
Katsuki wasn't the type of boyfriend to verbalize his apologies. He was more the type of doing things to fix what he did. His love language was acts of service for rights and wrongs.
"If you are saying sorry for what I think you are saying, sorry, I won't forgive you," you whispered, searching for his eyes to meet yours. "I'm proud of you Katsuki, you did exactly what every other heroe would have done"
"But I broke the promise I made to you," he sounded conflicted. He was a man to his words but he was also a great hero.
"You did what you had to do. You saved not only Midoriya's but many more lives. I know you just woke up, but have you realized what it could've had happened if he hurt Midoriya instead of you? That son of a bitch was acting like some sort of unbreakable loser and after he did that to you Midoriya went nuts, he almost lost his mind using Shigaraki as a punching bag"
He went quiet for a minute and then hugged you with the remains of his strength after a huge fight. You could feel his arms around you, hanging faintly but his grip firm on you, his head against yours.
"It's okay baby, you are okay, I'm okay, everybody's fine," you hummed against his chest.
"When I saw you behind icy-hot, I almost lost it," he blurted. "The first thing in my mind was getting you out of there, getting you as far away as possible, and then I saw how you were helping Aizawa with his leg, and then I realized that you are one of us too. Back there, you were doing ground control, but what if we need you and your quirk fighting next to us?, I can't lose it like I did with you there knowing that you are as capable as me doing this kind of shit, I'm sorry" his voice trembled and you tried to look at him.
"Sorry for what, Katsuki? For caring for me? Please, we saw Shigaraki, how he broke everything in his way. I was scared as shit when I saw you fighting, and when you got hurt, but I do know you too, I know your strength, I know you stubbornness, I know you care for others even if you try to hide it, I would've do the same for one of our classmates and I know it felt more personal to you being that person Midoriya, it's fine, shit like this is going to happen again and again but I'll be here, next to your wounded body everytime and I know if it was me laying here with all these bandages in my body, you'll be here too"
You didn't expect that your speech broke him, but he did, in a Bakugo way. He exhaled the longest sigh that you ever heard, and his heart was beating like it was going to blast out his chest. But he was fine knowing that you wouldn't leave his side anytime soon.
Do not edit or reupload my works elsewhere! All rights reserved.
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redhead-batgal · 10 months
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Type: Two-Shot (Part Two: Here)
Pairing: Fem! Reader x Damian Wayne/ Robin
Word Count: 8,605
Content: Bad y/n family, self-depreciative thoughts, language, violence, a little bit of gaslighting, angsty times, (a tiny bit of venting), "good" coping/reactions, tiny bit of batfam slander and aged up reader/Damian to 18yrs.
(P.S: I may or may not have another part planned that will make all of this make more sense but like it works fine as it is if y'all like it on its own)
Y/N: your name, V/N: Vigilante name, S/n: Sister's name, Favorite Color: f/c
Family is supposed to be one of the most cherished and important things in life. They are supposed to support and love you; they are supposed to make you feel safe and happy. They are supposed to lift you up and help you know that despite your flaws you are loved, wanted and cherished.
And yet, yours never did.
Born the middle child you were quickly forgotten. Especially since your younger sister captured everyone's attention. Captivating every person who passed it seemed as if she had some kind of aura that pulled others in.
It seemed as if she was good at everything and nothing you could ever do would even make you half the person she was. She was kind, and friendly, wickedly intelligent and charismatic. A perfect person some would say, and it made you feel like utter shit for not being able to do a third of what she could.
Maybe that was why you turned to a life of vigilantism. Maybe you hoped that doing good, even with no thanks for it, would help you feel worth... something. Worth anything. That even though only you would know, you would be able to burn at a fraction of light your sister burned at. Helping others, saving people merely because they needed help and making a difference made you feel... alive.
But your sister was still there. She was still shining and bright, happy to steal any friend or crush you ever had. Or at least that's the way it seemed, the way her eyes would glint as she laughed twirling her hair chatting with your friends. A vengeful look spilling from them. But she always shed tears upon seeing your distraught face, she seemed to feel guilty though you felt a hidden smile behind her tears.
Sisters are sisters, your parents would say, she will be mean and tease you, but you will always love each other.
You began to wonder if all of it was a lie to make you feel as if she cared about you when it was clear she didn't. She seemed to hate that you had become content that you were different then her, that you proudly held your head high as people pointed out your differences. But she didn't know the way you truly felt. It was strange, she was so perfect that you were jealous, but jealousy was a nasty color on anyone. And you had heard too many times that you were selfish and self-centered to let others know how you truly felt about her.... well, some people knew.
Your partner, Damian Wayne- the mother fucking Robin, knew how you felt. He was your best friend after all, he knew all of your secrets and deepest feelings and wishes as you knew all of his. Ever since you had moved to Gotham and decided upon some extracurricular nighttime activities, only to be caught and brought in by Batman; your life had gotten a bit better. Your sister was miles away in your home state living a happy and pampered life as she went to college while living with your parents.
Regardless, it was hard to forget such emotions- to remove them completely. In fact, it was harder to forget how you were treated since you were so much freer. You were unhindered by your family's expectations and your sister's growing shadowing which you were so used to living in.
Now out of that shadow- out of sight of the throne your parents constantly put your sister on you were better able to see that she wasn't perfect at all... well at least she wasn't as nice and kind as she seemed to be. Away from your childhood home you were able to see all the jabs, torment, disparagement and diminishment you received from her. How she would mock your accomplishments and steal away those who helped you rise passed your insecurities regarding your place against hers.
It seemed whenever you got enough footing to climb out of her shadow, she'd push and knock you back to the depths of it.
You had, as many do, told your best friend of such revelations. But, as humans do, you made it clear that your thoughts probably had bias. An accumulation of years of neglect and belittlement made it hard to be sure what you felt was the truth. Which made it even harder to convince Damian you were right, but you didn't mind fighting such a battle if it meant someone else could see the sister the way she truly was... or at least the way you saw her.
"Ugh," You groaned tilting your head back as you turned your phone off leaning against the gravel covered rooftop, "Miss Perfect is at it again."
Across from you, Robin raised his head. His face stony as he scoffed looking around once again, doing the job you were supposed to be doing at the moment, patrolling.
Silence beat between the two of you and you rolled your eyes, swirling into a somersault before bounding over towards him. He stayed quiet and you began walking circles around him.
Throwing your voice down at least three octaves you spoke again, "And what exactly did that horrendous sister of yours do this time?"
Robin blinked at this, pausing before turning to you, his facade finally cracking as he lifted an eyebrow.
"What exactly was that supposed to be?"
You grinned leaning in a bit closer to him before batting your eyes and replying, "My impression of you being a caring friend and contributing to this important conversation."
This time the corner of his mouth twitched as he hesitated. Then he turned eyes scanning the horizon. You shrugged accepting the small victory as you slid into a perch your back pressed against his.
"I'm going to just keep talking and if you don't respond I'll respond for you, okay?"
He grunted in reply, and you took that as a yes before leaning your head, so it rested against the back of his shoulder.
"S/N found the old diary we shared and posted pictures of some entries on all of her socials. Entries- selective, that only I wrote- embarrassing entries."
Silence beat once again between the two of you and you took that moment to take up your impersonation once again.
"Do you think it was involuntary? Or that she had a particular reason for doing such an atrocious thing?"
You felt Robin's body tremble and twitch as he shifted, and his chest shook. Smiling softly, you looked up at the night sky, partially missing the thousands of stars you could see back home.
"No, I think she did it on purpose. As I have told you before, it is her life's mission; along with being the exact image of a perfect daughter, girl and person, to make me feel like shit." You paused shifting so your weight was slowly and surely pressing upon him, "It was- it was probably because of the pictures I posted last week of me, Steph, Cass and Barabra."
He was motionless this time and still silent. Fiddling with your belt you waited a moment more before replying to him.
"You must have a rather elevated opinion of yourself if you think she would care about something so minuscule y/n- no V/n."
This got a soft- barely audible laugh from him. Taking the second it escaped to bask in the sound and feeling of his body shuddering as he tried to hold it back and you let out a breath. It was relaxing being here with him, talking half to yourself while he listened. It was peaceful and quiet, something you found your cherished. However, the quiet would not last long, so you continued on.
"You see Da- Robin, I would agree with that except she not only was one of the first people to like it, but when it started getting a lot of likes she commented, 'So proud of how far you've come! I hope you'll be home for my ceremony next month!'. Now I have a question for you, is that something someone who doesn't give a shit does?"
This time he moved, shifting so your sides pressed together and faces nearly touched. His brow was furrowed and gaze dark. You blinked in surprise but merely tilted your head.
"What?" He muttered something tense in his voice.
"She commented on my photos of my girl's day with Steph, Cass and Barabra, 'So proud of how far you've come. I hope you'll be home for my ceremony next month. Kinda seems off right?"
Robin scowled as he looked away from you, but not at the city, no he looked at the rooftop, his jaw locking. You weakly laughed and turned so his side was pressed against your back.
"I don't know about you, but that sounds fairly passive aggressive. And I know I'm not the world's greatest detective or his kid, but... that does not seem like something you'd comment on your sibling's post."
Robin grunted and you shut your eyes for a moment, happy tonight was tranquil enough that you could feel the quiet. Every moment that pulsed between the two of you was raw and unimpeded. You could hear every one of his breaths, feel the expanding and contracting of his chest and feel the heat of his body pressed against yours fighting off the chill of the night.
"It is... odd." He finally replied.
You snorted, opening your eyes to see him looking at you, his brows creased with concern.
"That is an understatement if I've ever heard one."
He rolled his eyes snorting as you sat up yawning. Stretching out you faintly heard the beep of the coms, a voice crackling in your ears.
"V/N, Robin, if everything is clear you two are good to go for the night."
Patting your mouth, you nodded making brief eye contact with Robin before you stretched some more, "Alright, thank you very much Oracle!"
Oracle's voice instantly replied, "Of course, get some rest Y/N."
You smiled, shooting Robin a wink as you snagged the small bag you carried with you throughout patrol.
"Yes mam! I will see the both of you tomorrow!"
A soft laugh echoed through the coms before everything went silent, you turned and bounded down the stairs to the closest empty room, changing back into your civilian clothes and placing your vigilante gear into the bag.
Now appropriately dressed, you began your trek home. Which luckily for you, was less than ten minutes tonight. Taking in the night air you bounced and twirled walking down the sidewalk before you arrived at your complex.
Walking inside you began your assent to your apartment; sure, nothing could ruin your night. However, as you made it to your floor you found a figure with bags standing nearby your door.
"Uh, hi," brow furrowed, you slowly approached the figure, "can I help you?"
At the sound of your voice the figure snapped up stepping enough into the dim light that you could see it was a girl- a familiar girl who perked up at the sight of you.
You felt the blood drain from your face as the girl raced up and pulled you into a hug. Your head began to spin as you fought to breathe normally.
"What are you doing here?" You weakly asked as the girl released you grinning brightly.
"I'm here to surprise you silly!" She laughed as she pulled on your arm, "I haven't seen you in what feels like forever, so I wanted to come by! I thought it'd be fun to hang out and see how your life is here. Maybe you can give me a tour of the city and introduce me to your friends."
You nodded half understanding what she was saying, still in shock at the sight of her, "Uh-huh."
"Y/N, come on! It's late we should get inside... speaking of where have you been?"
"Work- uh work I work nights most of the time. I usually get back around 4ish," You began, walking towards your apartment.
She nodded in understanding as she pulled her suitcase towards your door waiting for you to open it. Hands slightly shaking you put the key in the lock and twisted pulling down on the handle. With a weak flourish you gestured to the apartment.
"Welcome to Gotham... S/N."
"I'm so excited!" She squealed, wheeling her things in, "we are going to have so much fun."
"So much," You weakly echoed heart dropping as you almost saw your new life going up in flames.
It was unfortunate to say the least that not only was your sister in town, but she wanted to meet your friends. You didn't have many friends outside of the other vigilantes and were nervous to explain that you were friends with the Waynes and never said anything about it.
Part of you wanted to brag and shove it in her face, but you knew that not only was rude but would do nothing. If you were lucky, she would be acquaintances with them in the end... if you weren't.... let's just say you wouldn't be able to have your fun little chats on patrols anymore.
You knew that Damian would never abandon you... at least intentionally. You wanted the two to meet so he could see how all you spoke about was true! So, someone else could tell you, you weren't insane. So that you could feel a sense of relief that you weren't making all this up. But you feared- you so deeply feared he'd choose her over you. You were terrified of being abandoned again for your sister.
Regardless, you knew you had to introduce them at some point because there was no way Damian was going to allow you to not speak to him for that long.
So, after an extensive two-day tour of Gotham and pointing out all of the best places to shop, eat or just relax (despite how few there were) you made your way to the Wayne manor for a brunch of sorts with everyone. To introduce your sister and finally get over with the fear.
Tapping your fingers against the steering wheel you tried to listen to your sister's ramble, but your stomach was churning.
"Sooo," She said, "After this brunch I'm going to go and meet up with some online friends... will you be okay without me?"
You tensed, but slowly nodded, "Oh, yeah! I should be okay. I probably can talk with my boss and ask for some time off so we can continue to hang while you're here. And I run a couple of errands."
S/N nodded, shooting you looks as you pulled into the Wayne's neighborhood. She furrowed her brow as you reached their driveway and the gates opened. You began to go up the driveway when she let out a slight gasp.
"Wait, is this... is this Wayne manor?!"
You nodded your chest tightening, "Uh yeah. I thought I told you I'm friends with the Waynes."
Her jaw dropped as she stared in awe at the manor. You wanted to laugh at her expression, but your nerves were wound so tight you feared it might end in you crying.
"We- we are having brunch with the Waynes?!"
"Well, a few of them. Bruce is busy at work and I'm pretty sure so's Tim. Dick is in Bludhaven. And j-" You stopped yourself recalling Jason wasn't legally alive, "and I think the rest should be joining us, along with a friend I think."
S/N did not move, her eyes wide as you pulled to a stop parking. From here you could see Alfred standing in the doorway. You gave him a quick wave and he returned it with a smile.
Unbuckling, you turned the car off and slid out of it. S/N scrambled to get out as you closed your door. She blinked a few times, shaking her head as you locked the car and began your way to the front door.
"How- how are you friends with the Waynes?" S/N whispered, having clamped onto your arm.
"Uhhh long story, I mean technically work. My boss- he uh... he put me on a project, and I ended up meeting Damian and we hit it off pretty well and I ended up meeting the rest and the same happened." You spat out your prepared lie, noticing the way she tensed upon you saying Damian's name.
"Damian... he's the youngest right?" She muttered as you began to climb up the steps.
"Miss Y/N, Miss Y/N's sister, it is a pleasure to have you dine with us this morning." Alfred said, holding the door open.
You smiled and gave him a nod, "Alfred this is S/N, S/N this is Alfred Pennyworth he is the butler here and the one who actually runs things."
S/N giggled as she released you to give Alfred a curtsy. He gave you a look as she was bent, and you shrugged. The two of you then walked into the manor a clattering of shouts and chatter coming from the dining room nearby.
"Y/N IS HERE!" A delighted Steph bellowed before bouncing around the corner and bolting towards you.
S/N stepped back as Steph flung herself at you, with surprising ease you caught Steph with a laugh. She grinned wildly as a few more people rounded the corner.
"Looks like all your training is paying off!" Steph giggled as you set her down.
She then paused seeing your sister and smiled, holding out her hand, "Hi! I'm Stephanie but you can call me Steph!"
Your sister's expression instantly lightened, and she took Steph's hand shaking it.
"I'm S/N, Y/N's sister."
Steph released her hand and nodded, "Nice to meet you."
A few beats of silence occurred, and you noticed Cass, Duke and Damian, all approaching you.
"Yo, Duke!" You said almost subconsciously, "It's been a while, how are you man?"
You walked towards Duke giving him a quick side hug as he laughed. You felt Damian's eyes bearing into you, but you ignored it.
"I'm good! You know how it is, school and work. It has been a while, what about you?"
"I'm good, pretty much the same," But you paused as you turned to see your sister shooting you daggers, "My sister is in town. Duke this is S/N, S/N this is Duke! He is one of the chillest people in Gotham and the best writer I know!"
Duke flustered slightly as your sister smiled bounding towards him.
"Hi! It is so nice to meet you! I'm S/N!"
Cass waved hello and you waved back as Damian stopped at your side. Your nerves were twisting tighter as your sister looked to you, her eyes brightening upon seeing Damian.
"That's Cass, she is amazingly talented... oh man if she had one, I would take you to see one of her ballet shows."
Your sister nodded clearly not interested in Cass, she eyed Damian and you noticed Duke and Steph sharing troubled looks.
"And this is?"
"Damian Wayne, it's a pleasure to meet you S/N."
He took the hand she offered out and shook it. You were still as Damian's arm brushed past you, your heart racing. Silence seemed to buzz in your ears before Alfred cleared his throat. You blinked and turned.
"Uh, Is it time to eat alf- Alfred?"
Alfred nodded and you turned towards the dining room feeling Damian's not so subtle grip on your arm, "Why don't we go eat?"
Steph instantly grabbed onto your sister and began asking her questions. She shot Damian looks before caving in and allowing her to guide her away. Duke and Cass followed behind them leaving only you and Damian.
"Are you alright?" He muttered.
"Yeah yeah," You weakly replied, "I- i just wasn't expecting her."
He looked you over his brow furrowing before he nodded, "Alright."
The two of you stared in silence before you felt your face flush.
"Uh, okay let's go eat!"
You felt his grip leave your arm and you hurried to the dining room to find only two seats open. One next to your sister and one next to Cass, across from your sister. You sat down next to her watching as Damian took the seat across from her.
"So!" S/N instantly said, "I'm assuming you've heard all about me so why don't you tell me about yourselves?"
"Actually," Steph chirped, smiling, "Y/N doesn't talk about you guys often... none of us do. It's kinda like an unspoken rule. After all, Bruce adopted half of them and I- let's just say family troubles aren't fun!"
You had to resist a laugh at your sister's outraged expression and quickly drink from a glass of water to hide your amusement.
"Oh," S/N faltered, shaking her head, "that's okay! I just thought that Y/N would talk about us, I mean we used to be so close...anyways uh what do you guys like to do?"
You turned so she wouldn't see your eyes roll, it was clear- at least to you- she was trying to get the other's pity. Make them feel bad for her and be angry at you. Fortunately, they did not fall for such weak tricks.
"It'd be weird if she did when we have a rule about it but okay!" Steph continued, "a little about me hmmm, oh! I love sports and waffles; my favorite color is purple, and my favorite vigilante is Black Bat!"
Your sister slightly flinched before putting on her sweetest smile, "Oh that is so cool! Though... I don't know a lot about Gotham's vigilantes."
This time Duke chimed in, "That's okay, just pick someone you know. As Y/N said I'm a writer, I enjoy poetry and music; my favorite color is probably yellow, and my favorite vigilante is The Signal."
You had to practically shove your fist into your mouth to stop this laugh, your sister nodded looking a little deflated. She then turned to Damian- hesitated and looked at Cass.
"What about you?"
Cass blinked a few times before signing, "I like ballet, black and Spoiler is my favorite."
Your sister blinked a few times and you coughed to hide a laugh before you watched Damian pipe up.
"She speaks sign language, she just said she likes ballet the color black and that her favorite vigilante is Spoiler."
Something in you slipped a bit and your smile nearly dropped as all the laughter left you. Your sister grinned leaning on her arm as she nodded.
"That is very cool. So, you know, sign Damian?"
"All of us do, even Y/N." Duke replied with a shrug.
Your sister turned to you with a surprised look on her face, and you flushed feeling your stomach drop.
"I-I-uh learned so I could talk to Cass. I- I ended up accidentally catching her while practicing and it- it was ... she was so amazing I wanted to compliment her. She understood but- I wanted to talk with her, you know? Be able to hear her words and see her interpretation of the dance."
Something flickered in your sister's eyes, and she nodded her smile looking a little forced as she turned back to Damian, her brow raised.
"I do believe that you should go first, after all it is poor manners to make our guest go last."
She blinked twice before her smile brightened and she nodded, "Oh of course! That makes so much sense. Uh well... I'm in a little bit of everything. Fashion, art, music, science, math, sports. My favorite color has to be blue and uh... Batman is my favorite vigilante."
You bit your lip hard to stop yourself from bursting into a fit of giggles. Damian made eye contact with you, and you could see the amusement in his eyes as you pressed your hand to your face.
"Okay, Y/n it's your turn!" Steph declared, causing you to instantly drop your hand.
"It's not fair if you're the only one who doesn't do it!"
"Uh," You hesitated, feeling your sisters' eyes locked on your face, "Okay I guess."
You looked up meeting Damian's gaze for a moment before you looked at everyone else.
"I uh... I like Gotham, my job, spending time with you all and uh my favorite color is f/c."
Silence followed and Steph leaned on the table locking eyes with you.
"What about your favorite vigilante?"
Part of you stirred, tempted to say your own vigilante name when you had a sense of guilt wash over you. It wasn't really fair to your sister, was it? She only knew Batman and- and and now you were trying to find a reasonable way to pick Robin, weren't you?
You shrugged, "Uh I guess I'd have to say Robin since, despite the many different ones, he's just as consistent as Batman."
Steph narrowed her eyes and Damian looked at you, surprise faintly on his face. Out of the corner of your eye you noticed your sister rolling her eyes. She then leaned forwards, capturing Damians attention.
"Your turn Baby Wayne."
You winced at the nickname catching Steph and Duke miming gagging motions and shook at your held back more laughter.
"Alright," Damian said, "I enjoy art, it is so intriguing to see the different depictions of peoples inner most toils. I also revel in animals and taking care of them. While I find picking favorites childish, I will partake out of fairness. Green would have to be the most suitable color and..."
Damian stopped, looking at you for a moment before he looked at your sister.
"I would have to say V/N seems the most competent out of the newer vigilantes."
You felt a very faint blush rise on your cheeks and your sister giggled in delight.
"Oh really? That is so interesting. I love art too! And green is such an amazing color."
Damian nodded as she smiled coyly, the door to the kitchen swinging open as Alfred walked out with trays of plates in his hands. You noticed how your sister watched Damian look at Alfred, his brow slightly furrowing, before she darted up.
"Oh Mr. Pennyworth let me help you with that."
You noticed Damian's eyes following her as she approached, also Alfred's tight grin as he opened his mouth to protest but decided not to stop her from taking a tray from his hands and setting it on the table.
You knew how much Alfred prided himself on being able to take care of the household. Down to even setting food out he found it... offensive when people forced help upon him. He didn't mind if you offered, you recalled once offering to help wash dishes and his soft nod. But when people force their help- he had told you it seems as though they are saying he is not good enough- too old or incapable of carrying out his duties.
Wincing you dug your nails into your palm as your sister continued to "help" Alfred out. Thanking your lucky stars once everything was set out and she finally returned to her seat. With that, you all began to plate up food and dig in.
It was around 5 pm when your phone buzzed, the familiar name flashing across the screen with all the familiar words. You were needed for patrol. Your sister had been out almost all day, her internet friends showing her their favorite spots and getting all the "tea" about her brunch at Wayne manor a few days before.
You were a tad frustrated she was using your friends to gain popularity but decided she could dig her own grave. However, upon receiving the text you knew you had to tell her you wouldn't be home until late at the very least. After all she was staying at your place... even if she was never there.
You sent a message back essentially saying you'd be there for patrol, then you shot your sister a text right before you left.
Y/N: Hey! I just wanted to let you know my boss called me in tonight. Apparently, they don't have anyone else who can cover my shift. So, I'll be getting home late.
She did not reply but you could see that the message was read, sighing as you gathered your things and headed to the cave knowing you couldn't expect to be able to leave your stuff around here for much longer.
With your bag hoisted over your shoulder you headed to Wayne manor. Finding Tim on the bat computer and Oracle on your coms.
"Looks like I've got double the help tonight, " You weakly joked.
Neither of them replied so you got dressed, commed up and headed out, half expecting Damian to already be out there. You, however, were surprised to discover that he was not at your normal spot. So, you assumed he was out chasing a criminal or watching from someplace else. Bouncing around the rooftops you looked for any sight of him.
You could have sworn you spotted a flash of his classic colors in the alleyway and descended to investigate. The alley was musty and wet, probably from the rain the night before. Looking around you didn't see any sign of Robin.
"Looks like fifth street's clear," You muttered into the com.
As you readied yourself to go back to the rooftops a figure lunged at you from the shadows, slamming you onto the ground a glint following him as he did.
"Oh shit!" You hissed your finger sliding from the com as a frantic voice began on the other end.
The figure- no, the thug raised the glint, and you realized it was a knife. Fear raced through your veins, and you instinctively pressed your distress signal. The adrenaline coursing over you and drowning out the voices on the other end of the coms.
"Come on you stupid bitch," The thug snarled, "just die already!"
He went to thrust the blade down, but you yanked your leg up and shoved him off of you. Scrambling to your feet as he fell backwards. A snarl of sorts escaped him, and you watched as he rose blade ready in hand. He swung at you again and you barely dodged, your brain beginning to wonder where the hell Robin was and why he wasn't here to help you already.
While in your stupor of thought the thug lashed out again, his blade barely catching your arm, but slicing right through your gear and causing a burst of pain and blood to spill from your arm. You blinked, shaking your head as you tried to focus.
The thug readied himself for another strike and you kicked outwards, sending your foot directly for the knife. You felt the impact into his hand and heard his cursing as the knife went flying backward. You landed and felt your lungs screaming as the thug cursed louder.
Was Robin even coming? What the hell was going on, wasn't he your partner? Wasn't he supposed to be there for you in the most dangerous of moments and you there for him?!
You turned, hoping to get to a more open area so that... that if he was actually coming Damian would be able to see you easier.
However, something grabbed your hair yanking you backwards, you stumbled passed the thug heart racing as you scrambled to your feet. You backed away a bit more hoping to catch the thug off guard. You looked over your shoulder then turned back.
A fist swung out hitting your face, you recoiled chest heaving as the heartbreaking realization you were all alone dawned on you. He wasn't coming.
Reaching up you grabbed onto a fire escape ladder and swung yourself forwards kicking the thug in the chest and sending him skittering backwards. You half climbed up fingers latching onto some round you could not see, and hands grabbed onto your legs. In an act of frantic reaction. You release your grip on the latter allowing the thug to pull you down. however, as you went you slammed the object into his head hearing his faint grunt before slamming into the ground. The heavy thud noise told you he was down for the count.
Spitting out blood, you rose to your feet wobbling as the thug twitched on the ground. Something hot burned in you, and you swung your foot forwards, straight into the thug's gut causing them to go stiff.
Chest heaving and breaths more like pants, you wiped the blood away from your mouth as you heard frantic voices over the coms.
"V/N! V/N are you alright?"
Heaving out a sigh you nodded slowly and answered, "I've been better."
"Thank god, backup will be there soon, hang tight."
"I have a question."
"Uh yeah?"
"Where the fuck is Dam- where is he?"
There was silence and you felt your blood begin to boil. They knew, they knew where he was, but he didn't have the decency to tell you he wasn't going to be going out tonight.
"He's-... he's out." Tim stammered.
"I'm shocked, you are covering for him. Since when would that-" You faltered as you pressed a hand to your bleeding nose.
Oracle voice broke through your rising haze, "He's on a date with your sister."
"He's on a date with your sister. He didn't think he'd be gone for so long. He told me he'd be back in time." Oracle remarked calmly.
You swallow, feeling something in you begin to shatter, “My sister?"
Silence followed on the coms, and you closed your eyes for a second remembering her coy smile at him just the other day. And-and how his eyes followed her.
of course... of course he's with her.
"Where are they?" You whispered feeling your throat begin to ache.
"Y/N I don't-" "Where. Are. They?"
"At the restaurant just past the park, the little Grecian style place."
Your- your favorite restaurant. They were at your favorite restaurant. You bite your lip, feeling your hands curl, nails pressing into your palms.
"Y/N don't do anything stupid."
You hissed, shaking your head, "I'm not, I just... I just wanna see it with my own eyes. ... since when, have I ever not been levelheaded?"
Despite what you had said your heart shattered as your mind screamed. Over and over again
I knew it, I knew it, I knew it
Trembling, you waited before bounding towards the restaurant. You skittered to a stop on the rooftop across from the restaurant. It took less than a minute to see them sitting at a table near the windows.
The coms went silent, and you stared through the window. Watching the two laugh together. Damian oblivious to the time and your sister's eyes glinting as she pressed a hand onto his arm. It was a tactic you knew well and noting Damian's back- his body language, it was working. You should have known, when it comes to your sister… you will never be the first choice.
You should have known she will always be chosen over you. You took in a shaky breath.
"Y/N... are you okay?"
"D-don't tell him." You whispered feeling something warm slip down your face.
"Don't- act like this- tonight, never happened. Please. Pretend this didn't happen that I don't know... please." Your voice cracked as you moved away from the restaurant.
There was more silence than a clicking sound.
"Tracking data and video footage are gone. Com records will be shredded once tonight's over." Oracle remarks, "what do you want us to tell him?"
"Tell-tell him that you told me he wasn't coming, and I decided to take the night off. Tell him that Nightwing and Hood went out and everything was fine."
"Alright...you should probably go home Y/N."
"Okay... I'll see you all tomorrow." 
Curled on a couch in the Wayne manor library, your eyes darted towards the door, you weren't even attempting to pay attention to the book in your grasps. You knew- knew Damian would be in here soon. And then- then you would be able to ask him what he was doing. To see if he'd try and keep it from you.
At first you weren't even going to mention the other night but... your sister had bragged- bragged about her date. Claiming that Damian had told her all sorts of awful things he thought about you. And to prove it, you should ask Damian if the two of them went out. While you knew what she said wasn't true. Damian wasn't the type to badmouth someone behind their back. Instead, he'd say it to their face, and you'd never heard anything actually awful from him. And to make it all worse, your sister declared as she left, she would be coming back after her ceremony. That- that she had things-people who she couldn't leave behind. That you had no idea what to think of, but you were unsure of whether what she said was the truth. Unsure and uninterested.
However, part of you was .... curious. Curious as to whether or not he'd tell you. He'd be honest and say that he liked your sister, that he was attracted to her. And even though it would be painful to hear, you wanted so desperately wanted him to. You hoped and prayed and begged fate, the universe and God for him to tell you.
You didn't want to lose yet another friend... no, no despite how much it hurt to think of now. Damian was so much more than a friend.
It should have been obvious to you. With how much you craved his presences and adored his smile. How you took almost every opportunity to lean against him and hear his heartbeat. How your heart would flutter when his hand brushed yours or when he said your name. God, were you always this sappy?
Groaning you pressed your face into the book, of course you just had to notice these feelings when your sister came.
"What did that book ever do to deserve, you slamming your face into it?" A familiar voice asked causing your head to snap up.
You swallowed meeting Damian's eyes with a weak laugh, "Nothing... I'm just- it's been a long week."
Damian nodded before sitting down, right next to you. Before- before your epiphany, you would not have realized how close Damian was in a setting as simple as this. And with how you were sitting it'd be hard for him to not be sitting that close.
"I concur." He replied opening his sketch book.
You shifted shooting him a few glances, part of you hoped he'd just tell you without questioning. Another part just wanted to stare at his face for a while. To take in his presence and relax. But you couldn't. Not with all these questions and worries bubbling at your mind.
"What do you wish to say Y/N?" Damian remarked finally looking up and directly into your eyes.
You froze feeling your entire face flush as you dropped your book and stuttered.
"Oh! I- I-uhm... I was just wondering what you were up to the other night patrol got called off. Usually, you asked me to come help you with some of your sketches but that night-" Before you could even finish, he interrupted you.
"I was with Colin and Jon. They wished to spend time together since we are 'friends'."
Something bitter was suddenly on your tongue as you recalled him sitting across from your sister at the restaurant, the image of his back searing int your mind.
"Yes, what did you find yourself doing?"
"Just reading," You mumbled eyes dropping as you felt the air leave your chest.
He was lying. Lying to you.
It almost seemed as if the world came crashing down around you as his words- his lies blared over and over and over again in your mind. A burning was in your throat, and you found yourself struggling to breathe as a single question repeated over and over and over.
Was it because he had... he had feelings for her? If so, why couldn't he just be honest? Was it because he was scared of the way you'd react? Did he not trust you? Was it because your sister was telling the truth? She was coming back to Gotham because of Damian? Were they- were they going to be in a relationship? If so, why was he hiding it, why was he lying?
Your head spun with questions and worries as your heart shattered in your chest, the realization crashing down on you. She did it again. She had taken another person from you.
You in took sharply and Damian placed a hand on your arm.
"Are you alright?"
"Uh? Oh yeah, " You lied blinking slowly, "just tired. I really wasn't expecting S/N to come."
"Maybe you should get some rest." Damian softly replied.
You nodded your mind screaming as your heart raced. You- you couldn't take this anymore. There had to be a change. Something-something had to be different.
Rising slowly, you picked your book up and set it on the couch absentmindedly waving goodbye.
"I'll see you later." You muttered as your heart jumped to your throat.
"Yes, of course... shall I tell Kent and Wilkes you say hello?"
You froze in the doorway of the library as a plan began forming in your mind. You looked over your shoulder seeing Damian's eyes locked on you. You smiled and nodded,
"Of course."
With that you walked out of the room, down the hall. Then- then you were running, running down the stairs and to an office. Panting you bit your lip and squeezed your fists.
With a heavy breath you pushed the door to the office open and made eye contact with none other then Bruce Wayne.
"Y/N, what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked his brow furrowed slight concern on his face as he took in your disheveled figure.
"I wouldn't call this meeting a pleasurable one," You softly began before raising your chin, "Mr. Wayne, we really need to talk."
The air was fresh, and you took in a deep breath hoping to admire the beginning of a new day, unfortunately that was not in today's cards. Your phone buzzed and you swallowed seeing his name flash across the screen. Slowly letting the air leave you, you answered and pressed the phone to your ear,
"Hello?" You mumbled, only to hear Damian's prompt inquiry instead of a greeting. "You are acting rather irregular as of late, is there something that has been disturbing you?"
"No, no I'm not and I'm fine... unless you know of something that might make me act strange?"
"I do not understand what you are speaking of. Are you implying there is something I have done to make you act irregular?"
You went silent grinding your teeth as you shook your head, resisting the urge to pull your phone away from your face, "Nevermind... why did you call?"
"I was curious as to why you have been avoiding me. And before you go on blathering that nonsense that you are not, I know you are."
"Why does it matter?"
"You are always saying that we are...how did you put it? Ah yes, best friends. Am I wrong in saying such acquaintances should keep in contact and even spend time together?"
"You're not wrong in saying that best friends do that."
"Then what am I wrong in saying? That much is evident by your choice of words."
"That we are best friends."
"Pardon?" Damian voice sharpened causing you to swallow.
"I'm not your best friend Damian... at least not anymore. I-I don't consider us best friends."
"Then what exactly am I to you now?"
"That... that is what you are concerned about? Not why I suddenly changed by mind or that it might have been because of something you've done?"
"Y/N, if you wish to tell me something, say it. I do not care for you beating around the bush as they put it."
"You lied to me Damian." You calmly stated feeling tears building up in your throat.
He went silent before replying his voice trembling just enough to tell you he was lying. "What on earth do you mean?"
"You're lying again..." You paused closing your eyes, "Damian, I know you too well for that bullshit to work. You lied to me about what you were doing the other night. I know you were with my sister... I know you were, on a date with her."
"I-" Damian began, before stopping
There was more silence, and you squeezed your hand into a fist, silent and painful tears spilling from your eyes, "You betrayed me. I-I should have known you were going too, that you would. Everyone- everyone always does... they always chose my sister over me. They always decide to put her first even if I was friends with them originally."
"I do not understand how going out with your sister is betraying you."
"That's the best part Damian, it's not. But lying to me about it, helping feed into my sister's taunts and torments-"
"I never fed into that, I would never Y/N. This- this is all a- a misunderstanding."
You ignored him and pressed on, "Abandoning me when I needed you most, when my life was in danger... to be with my sister at a place- a place I showed you... that is one of the most utter betrayals."
Damian went quiet and you squeezed your eyes shut finally, finally letting him know what actually occurred that night.
"I went on patrol that night, I got ambushed and attacked and and- I waited for you." You heard your voice crack as your crying spilled over into your throat, "but you never came. God, I felt like such a fool, especially when I found out you were with her. I feel like such a fool."
"Y/N I-"
"Do you know what makes this all-worse Damian? Do you know what hurt the most? What burns so deeply it hurts to even fucking breathe?"
He was silent on the other end, and you continued, half sobbing as you did,
"I actually thought that you'd come, I actually thought that you cared. I actually thought that you- that you would be different and that- that-"
You took a slow breath, "I actually thought you might return my feelings. I thought for once- for once my sister couldn't take something -someone I love from me. Yet here we are."
Damian in took but you blazed forwards knowing what he was going to say, you'd heard it all before too many times.
"I know- I know!" You seethed, "She's not just anyone and it makes me wonder, what- no who am I then? Who am I too you Damian?"
He didn't reply and you hiccupped pressing a hand to your face so- so thankful you decided to do this over a call instead of saying all of it in person.
"I know who I am, even if you don't know who I am to you. I am not the quiet girl who I use to be." You muttered looking up towards the rising sun, the pit in your stomach both growing and weakening, "I will not sit aside as my sister tramples over everything and takes what remains. And I am definitely not the girl who is going to stay friends with, let alone partners with someone who knows how I feel about my sister and chose to... and chose her. You chose her over me. Despite all we've been through you lied to me. And-and what hurts the most is had you told me... had you told me the truth? I wouldn't have cared. But you hid it and tried to make it seem as though you were on my side. You- I- I love you, Damian. Actually, and truly love you. In a romantic way. And had you told me the truth- had you not lied... let's just say I wouldn't be leaving Gotham."
"I, am leaving Gotham. I already resigned as a vigilante.... she is planning on returning after her ceremony and I-I can't live with the sight of the two of you together... not- not with feeling what I feel." You in took a breath hoping that this heart wrenching- this heartbreak would be quick so that in- in your new home you'd be able to start fresh.
"Where will you be?" Something almost sounded frantic in Damian's voice, but you must have been imagining it.
"I will be leaving, going somewhere my sister has- well to quote her, 'have been to enough for a lifetime.' You don't need to worry I won't try and hold this over you... in fact after this call I'm getting rid of my phone."
"I will- I will not stand for this!" Damian snarled his voice cracking on the other end, "you will stay here."
"You don't control me Damian... if fact. If I'm being completely honest after all of this- after what's happened. You mean nothing to me." The lie was bitter on your lips, and you bit your tongue to hide your sobs.
"Y/N... forgive me. It's just I-...You don't understand- please. Please, He sounded so desperate it made your heart ache in a different way, but you couldn't let him get to you, you'd come so far, "Please allow me to explain. I beg of you."
"No," You softly replied digging your nails into your palm, "No. I won't hear any explanations. I won't listen to your honey coated lies because I'm sick of it Damian. I am sick of being used and disposed of. I'm sick of being the second choice, I am sick of being thrown away the second people find 'something better'.
"I made a mistake, please."
"Are you sure it was that you made a mistake and not that you were caught lying?"
Damian went quiet and you had to press your hand to your mouth to stop more cries from escaping.
"Goodbye Damian, despite all that's happened... despite all you've done, I hope you have a good life."
"Y/N no please I-"
You ended the call before you could hear the end of his sentence. Removing the sim card from your phone, you took in a breath then threw your phone into the nearest trash can.
Pressing your back against the complex's wall you buried your face into your hands and sobbed. Letting all of your emotions and feelings out. It was a matter of seconds before someone was hovering over you and you looked up to see your new roommate's concerned face.
"Are you okay Y/N?"
"Yeah, " You nodded wiping the tears from your face as you hiccupped, "I'm... I'm much better. Thank you... seriously, thank you so much Jon."
Jon Kent sighed with a weak nod as he gave you another look over.
"Of course, I'm always happy to help out a friend... especially one who is willing to help me cut my rent in half."
You weakly laughed before rising to your feet, wiping all the stray tears from your face.
"I'm happy to have a place to stay."
Jon nodded again looking you over before he turned towards the city, "How about I give you a tour to get your mind off things?"
"Tour? hmm, yeah that sounds good. Let's do a tour."
"Alright, but first," Jon smiled as he gestured to the city, "Welcome to Metropolis Y/N."
Tag List:
@andromedaj2003 @thomasbeloved @instabull @zvtanna @daemonnix96 @krswrites @thefallingstarlights @masset-fotia @neon-scenery @ssak-i @legendarylearner18
327 notes · View notes
abs-2020 · 2 years
Pt. 4
(Avatar)Colonel Miles Quaritch x Na’vi Reader
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UH, This has multiple parts. So buckle up.
Warnings: SMUT/18+/violence/choking/pinning/overstimulation/heavy topics/Dirty talk/Virginity Loss/knife play maybe/size kink/FUTURE SMUT/Stockholm Syndrome/fingering/pet names/manhandling/manipulation/spanking/etc.. it’s nasty up in this piece.
P.S. uuuh stuff spoken in Na’vi is Italic and stuff readers thinking is blue
Summary: This takes place in ATWOW Aaand you’re neytiris older sister, and you get captured in order to save jakes children and spider. <3
Authors note: this chapter most likely has smut so like if you ain’t into that then scurry away. <3
P.s. Oh yes this is nasty nasty.
Your ears would fall back as you felt a powerful emotion radiate from Miles as he stood up from beside you. ‘Jealously’ was your first thought. Miles stood there for a moment looking off into the distance. And you wondered what he was thinking, that was until you noticed the sun had gone down, leaving you with Miles, alone, in the forest, in the dark. In the dark. And something about the jealously that was oozing from his body like a bad smell had your stomach and toes turning.
“Hey princess, let’s play a game.”
Miles tone was one you hadn’t heard him tune before. Almost zombie or robot like. It didn’t sound like him. Something sinister was hidden beneath. Your ears would perk at his words and tone as you looked up to the tall blue man, his vest and pants something you’d grown used to. ‘It looked good on him’ and his waist. ‘God his waist was so gas damned attractive.’ The thought had you biting your lip and tail whip as you stood your body visibly stiff and you on edge.
“It is eclipse.” You’d state in protest. As you began to fidget with your hands.
Miles would stare at you his expression plain and dead as he tilt his head. The expressionless face that stared at you had your heart rate picking up as your fingers twitched. After what felt like forever of getting stared at by a zombie Miles would finally show emotion and smirk and lick his canines very slowly. Very very slowly his tung swirling the sharp tooth. The sight had your thighs clenching.
“Perfect.” Miles would exaggerate the ‘purrr’ in ‘perfect’. As he raised his brows.
A nervous laugh would catch in your throat. But then something inside started to bubble.. A courage. A playful courage.
“What game?” You’d ask your ears falling back at the word game. ‘This isn’t going to be a game.’
“Hide and seek sweet cheeks.” Miles would coo his words in your language his eyes lighting up and pupils dilating the once yellow orbs now almost completely a black abyss. The sight had you taking a step back.
‘He’s gonna hunt me’ your tail would freeze then frantically wag at the thought.
“What are the rule-“
“One..two..three..four…” miles would interrupt you boldly as he gave you a look that said ‘go anywhere and I’ll find you’ that ghost of a grin that you’d come to hate and love so much plastered onto his face as his animalistic eyes stared into yours.
It took a few staggered steps back and an almost trip onto your arse but quickly you’d gain control of your feet and rush to get as far as possible from miles. ‘He doesn’t know the forest like I do’ you thought ‘I don’t even know what he’s counting to’ your feet quietly padded against the floor as your ran thought the bushes and three iridescence of the forest whooshing past your eyes. ‘He can’t maneuver around like I do.’ You told yourself. But something inside you deep down said ‘oh he could.’ But you were to confident to believe that thought. You were a better hunter than Netyiri, quieter, quicker, stronger, swifter, more agile and far less forgiving. A better warrior too. There was no way he was gonna catch you.
Swiftly you’d make your way onto and up a tree perching yourself onto the strong branches, it was dark, and the leaves would cover you. You would see him before he saw you. You were sure of it. ‘What was I so scared for?’ You asked yourself in a prideful tone.
“Ready of not here I come princess.” Your head would snap at the direction of Miles voice his words quiet and distant but loud and unwantingly close. that logic didn’t make sense to you. You’d shake your head trying to rid your ears of his words.
Then you were quiet. Your tail still and ears perked and listening. For anything. But there was nothing, the forest was quiet. Too quiet. It’s like it knew, like Ewya knew. Knew you were being hunted. You’d look down into the iridescence of the forest looking for the man you loved and craved. ‘Where was he’ those were the only words circuiting through your brain. Still you sat perched in the tree, listening. waiting.
“Come out, come out wheeereever yoooou are.” Miles would sing his tone sinister.
It was then you saw him taking playful steps, long and playful steps. Almost skipping down the forest. stopping under the branches you were perched on his ears perked and tail still. He was listening. Stupidly your sweaty hands would slip causing a small branch to crack and fall. Your eyes would widen as you gasped. quickly and quietly you’d make your way back to the thickness of the three to hide just incase he saw you through the leaves of where you had been perched. Your heart was racing. You eyes wide and breaths forcefully quiet as you brought a hand to cover your mouth.
~~~~~~~~~~~~(Miles POV)~~~~~~~~~~
‘I could smell her, her slick, her arousal, her fear, her sweat. I could smell her. And lord if she smelt that good all I could think about is how she would taste.’ My body was going crazy, zings and shocks pulsing all over. How easily I could’ve scaled the tree and taken her right there. But I wanted to play with her. Play with her mind. Make her feel like pray. Make her feel weak. Make her feel dominated. I wanted to hunt her. A smirk would cross my face when a branch from right where she was perched fell next to my feet.
“Oh my, that’s odd. Very odd. Branches don’t really just fall from trees. Eh, it’s probably nothing.” I’d say in a teasing tone. I knew she was watching me. Listening. Slowly I’d lift my head to look to the branches. She wasn’t there anymore. But ‘she was close.’
~~~~~~~~~~~~(End of Miles POV)~~~~~~~~
You knew Miles was mocking you with his words and actions. And it annoyed you. With an annoyed noise your ears would flick back as you quietly climbed down the tree being extra careful to make no sounds. Your heart was still racing. Then the thought hit you.
“I can escape…” you’d mutter to yourself quietly. You voice was filled with hope and your eyes lighted up at the thought. the situation now becoming 10x more serious to you. ‘Run. Run and don’t look back’ Quickly you’d dart from the tree dodging your way around the plants, bushes and rocks and fungi. Everything was at steak now. Everything. ‘I can see Netyiri and Netayum!’
You’d never ran faster, ever. At least that’s what you thought. Suddenly there was loud footsteps from behind you. Fast and loud. Chasing after you. And they were coming fast. You’d stop and look to your right and left the footsteps getting louder and louder, closer and closer by the second. ‘Jump behind the rock.’ In a desperate attempt you’d roll and hurdle yourself behind a large rock quickly putting your back to it and raising your hand quickly, to cover your mouth. You breathing was frantic and loud. So you had to quiet it down some how.
“I can hear you sweet thing, why don’t you just come out?” Miles would coo “are yoooou over HERE!” Your body would freeze. But his head never popped from either side of the rock.
A small whine of would leave your throat. A whine of anxiety and panic. You felt like a small animal, being hunted by a big bad wolf. ‘Your big bad wolf’ you’d never felt like prey until you met Miles.
An animalistic growl would gurgle from miles throat his steps louder than before and his breathing more frantic. He sounded hungry. ‘He sounded hungry.’ The thought had you covering your stomach ad closing your legs.
“I can smell you.” Miles would snap as he jumped over the rock and quickly turned to face you. His eyes were crazy, and his pupils were blown out. His mouth was agape and his canines were shining under the moon light. “I gotcha.”
‘Run’ quickly you’d jump from the rock only making it a few hurried steps away before your shoulders were grabbed and you were thrown back against the rock a grunt would leave your throat, the cool and rough surface of the stone causing the breath to hitch in your throat. A warm arm snaking its way around your waist as a firm and solid body would press against yours pressing you back against the rock.
“Looks like I’ve won.” Miles Tone was sinister as he rubbed his cheek against yours as he whispered into your ear. A zing flowing through your body. Slowly he’d pull back to look into your yellow eyes.
“And?” You’d ask your body tingling with his strong warm arm around your waste.
“I want my reward, princess.” Miles would give you a grin as he puckered his lip his free hand going to your cheek. Lightly he’d rub his thumb against your soft blue flesh. Your cheeks were warm and flushed.
“What do you want?” You’d ask. It was a stupid question really. Deep down you already knew the answer to his question.
“You.” Miles would pull you closer to him his body easily dominating yours not only in size but power as well. your warmths mixing with his. “I want you (Y/N).” A zing would flow through your body as you stared into his eyes.
‘He wants me..’ you’d stare into Miles eyes him doing the same his hand still resting on your cheek. ‘I want you to..’ you didn’t have the courage to say those words out loud. Not yet. Miles ears would flick back as he leant his forehead against yours. His cup on your cheek getting more firm. He wanted you. You could tell. Your hand would go to cup the one he had on your cheek The closeness of him had the butterflies in your stomach soaring.
“And don’t say you don’t want me back.. because I can fucking smell you. I can smell you and it’s making me feral princess.”
A low growl would leave Miles throat his breath mixing with yours as your foreheads rested against each other’s. You’d bite your lip as you brought your one of your hands to miles face and the other to one of his biceps giving the muscle a light squeeze. ‘I love his strong arms.’ Your ears would fall back as You’d leant to kiss Miles only to pull back in defeat. Miles would chuckle and shake his head. Quickly he’d move his hand from your cheek and tangle his fingers in your hair. Hastily hed pull your face to his smashing his blue lips onto yours. This kiss was different from the first time. It screamed ‘I want you’ Miles was relentless his lips were relentless, full of passion and technique ‘he’s done this before’ the thought had your ears falling back. But that thought was quickly replaced by Miles spreading your legs with his knee pushing his firm quad against your core. The friction from his pants and the pressure on your bundle of nerves had your mouth fall agape as you stared into his eyes.
A deep chuckle would leave miles your reaction filling him with pride As his ears perked. Miles took the opportunity to shove his tongue into your mouth, quickly dominating yours. he was dominating every inch of your body. He was dominant. Everything he did had you feeling fuzzy. Again miles would grind his clothed quad against your clit this time a small moan would leave your throat as you threw your head back braking the kiss. A trail of spit from the two of you breaking as you pulled away. Miles would stare at you his eyes watching everything you did. He was like a hawk. An apex predator. Your hand would shoot to miles shoulders when you felt his breath on your neck your thighs clenching around the one between your leg. The slick from your core had begun to drip onto miles pants a feeling of guilt washing over your. ‘I’m so sensitive’ you thought ‘he’s gonna kill me.’
You’d bite your lip when you felt Miles hot and wet tongue like a stripe up your neck the action causing your whole body to break out in goosebumps.. ‘Jesus.’ The hand miles had in your hair would pull your head back aggressively leaving your neck more exposed. An animalistic growl would leave miles throat as he licked his canines and stared at your neck. Im a flash Miles would latch onto your soft and delicate blue flesh his teeth quickly sinking into your flesh easily breaking the skin. A silent scream would leave your throat as thick blood ran down your neck. Your blood. The feeling of his teeth sinking into your flesh and your blood running down your neck had your thighs clenching and butterflies fluttering. Slowly miles would remove his teeth from your neck and lick the puncture wound he’d just created suckling the blood. His head would dip to your chest slowly licking up the blood that had oozed from the wound. A groan would leave his throat.
“Y- you just bit me..” your voice was small and horse as miles hands went to your waist. Your grip on his shoulder tight and harsh. You were gonna leave bruises for sure.
Miles would chuckle his breath still on your neck. Gently he’d give your neck a small peck before lifting his head do face you.
“Yeah, now everyone will know your mine princess.” Miles would look down on you a grin crossing his beautiful blue features. “I’ve marked you, I’ve marked you cause I want ever god damned creature on this planet to know your mine.” Miles grip on your hair would tighten the thought of you with another man obviously angering him.
Your eyes were glossy, skin hot and body sensitive and on edge. Your breaths were labored and fast. Miles would kiss your forehead and give your hips a tight squeeze. Another animalistic grin crossing his features would have your thighs clenching and toes curling. ‘What’s he thinking?’
“Ride my thigh, you’ve already soaked my pants. Might as well, make it worse since you’re such dirty girl. Can’t even keep her juices from dripping onto me.” Miles would shake his head in a scolding manner.
Your ears would fall back at his words. The degrading nature had your insides clenching around noting and you biting your lip once more. Miles would dig his thigh into your core with much more force a look of annoyance crossing his face as he puckered his lips. His grip on your hips getting tighter.
“Ride. My. Fucking. Thigh. I’ll be nice once, then I won’t.” Miles ears would fall back another sinister grin crossing his face.
‘I’ve never done this.’ Is all you wanted to scream and protest back. But his dominating nature had you submitting far to easily. Slowly you’d buck your hips back and fourth dragging your core and clit against miles quad painfully slow. Miles head would dip down to watch the show his eyes lighting up at the sight of you pleasuring yourself. The feeling was so foreign and pleasurable. It had you catching your lip between your teeth and pulling miles face towards yours.
“Kiss me, please.” You’d beg as you ground your hips faster chasing the knot starting to form in your stomach. ‘I’m to sensitive.’ Your ears had fallen back. And your tail had wrapped around Miles leg.
“Your wish is my command princess.” With that miles would latch his lips back onto yours.
The kiss was soft and hungry, teeth clashed and tongues danced Miles experienced tongue obviously dominating yours. Your hands would wrap around his neck as you chased your high. Soft whimpers would leave your throat each time your clit dragged against his combat pants. The friction sending you into an abyss of pleasure you hadn’t felt heifer. Your mouth would fall open as your breaths got more frantic. Your bucks would become unrhythmic and slow. Miles knew you were close, you were so sensitive and readable. Just like a virgin should be.
“That’s right ride my thigh princess. You’re doing such a good job” miles would coo in your ear as he placed his hands back on your hips.
You’d break the kiss and dig your head in between miles neck and shoulder as the coil in your stomach got tighter. You’d moan his name Just as your coil was about to snap and send you into an abyss of pleasure you’d only ever heard about in stories from your friends and sister. Quickly miles would take his knee from your crotch and chuckle. An annoyed sound would leave your throat as your hands clutched onto miles shoulders. Out of frustration you’d push Miles away and Hiss. ‘Asshole’ He’d barley budge as he grabbed your writs and pinned them to the rock above you.
“You really think I’d let you cum? No, no sweetheart. The first time you cum is gonna be on my cock.” Miles would spit in anger. His fierce eyes would search yours for a quick second. then they’d soften, they’d soften as he gave you a look that said ‘if you’re okay with that.’ And you’d nod.
With that miles would place his lips back onto yours only breaking the kiss to slip his vest and shirt off. Your hands would go to miles chest as you broke the kiss. placing your forehead onto miles chin as you looked at his upper body. ‘He’s so beautiful’
“You’re beautiful..” you’d say barley above a whisper as you stared at the man. Memorized by his body. ‘He had such a slim waist.’
your fingers would trace the lines of his abs and blue stripes of his pattern the coldness of your fingers leaving goosebumps in their wake. Shivers getting sent down his spine. Slowly you’d trail you fingers down further and further trailing his V line until you hit the hem of his pants. The Tent in his pants was visible and it had your mouth watering. A small pur would fill the air as your hands trailed back up miles body a groan leaving his throat as he threw his head back in annoyance his lips Puckering. Harshly his hand would grip your hair yet again as he brought you up to kiss him. His teeth would pull at your bottom lip as he ground his hips against you another groan leaving him as his hands went to pinch your nipples.
“You’re gonna me me feral princess.” Miles would bark as he continued to kiss you slowly taking your body from the rock and lowering you to the floor.
Miles would pull you onto his lap the friction causing you to whimper and buck your hips against his.
“Oh fuck it.” Miles would say to himself as his strong arms flipped you onto your belly your hips in the air. His hands pushing your face into the dirt before he Harshly pulled your hair back with a growl as he leant over you his tongue licking a stripe up your ear the feeling causing them to fall back. Miles would growl. your scalp burning. “Isn’t this the position we were in when we first met princess?” Miles would ask his voice dark and full of lust. “Only the roles are reversed, and now I got the pretty little princess right where I want her.” Your eyes would light up as the memory flashed before your eyes.
“Yeah I got her where I want her.”
Miles hand would slap your ass the harshness and unexpectedness of the action causing you to jump. Your heart would race thinking about Miles words a pleasurable fear pooling between the heat of your thighs causing a slick to drip down the inside of the muscles. Another slap would have a hiss escape your throat. His hands were heavy and rough. 3 more painful slaps to your ass would have your nails digging into the floor and tears filling your eyes as miles pulled your hair back even harder careful not to harm your Queue. You’d bite your lip at 2 more slaps tears finally beginning to fall down the sides of your cheeks.
“Who do you belong to?” Miles voice would boom from above you. Another slap would echo through to forest. You stayed quiet as you grit your teeth. “Answer. Me.” Miles would give you a spank for each word he spoke.
“Yours, I’m yours.” You’d cry the pain and pleasure starting to become too much. “I’m yours.. I’m Miles.” You’d say again like a chant.
This had heat flowing to miles member his pants getting tighter and tighter by the second. Another growl would leave his throat as he pulled your back to him gripping your chin and turning your head in a harsh angle.
“Yeah that’s right, your Daddy’s girl. Your daddy’s girl alright. Your my princess and I’m. your. fucking. King.” Miles words would have the heat between your legs starting to become painful, as you clenched around nothing. “You’re fucking mine, NOT Tsu’tey’s”
“Please..” you’d bed as miles pushed you back to the floor. Miles ears would perk up at your words.
“Please what?” Miles would tease
“Please, tsaheylu…Make the bond- please.” You’d beg from below miles “I need you miles. I need you.” Your words were quiet.
Miles would stay quiet for a moment. Gently he’d grab your Queue along with his and bring the two tips together. You’d take a deep breath just as the bond was made. A moan would leave your throat, you could feel him, all of him, his emotions, his breath, his heartbeat, his passion, his excitement, his strength, all of it. All of it. Again you saw him. You loved him. Miles would place his hand on your back to steady himself his mouth agape and ears back as he closed his eyes the new and exotic feeling pleasuring him. A ‘fuck’ would leave his throat. He’d never felt anything like this before. But he was addicted. He was addicted because all he felt was you. All he wanted was you. Quickly miles would grab you and flip you onto your back. The only sound other then each others breath in sync was the clank of his belt on the floor and the rustling of him getting out of his pants in a hurry.
Miles strong hands would throw your legs over his shoulders the action bring you back to reality and opening your eyes. ‘He’s so tall’ you thought to yourself has he towered over you one of his hands would go to rest by your head on the floor the other would hold his blue member and lead it to your entrance. Slowly he’d drag his blue tip up and down your folds the feeling had your eyes rolling back as one of your hands shot to grab onto his bicep. Again miles eyes would meet yours asking for permission and you’d nod. The kind gesture had your heart folding. with a deep breath miles would slowly push his tip in. A burning pain shooting through your stomach your grip on his bicep Turing to iron. You hadn’t looked at his member before but god you should have because he felt huge. Bug. He felt too big. And as if miles red you mind he’d speak.
“Oh don’t worry princess I’m gonna make it fit. It’s gonna hurt tho, you are a sweet little virgin after all.” The thought had miles pushing himself in faster, rougher, and a little too deeper than he should’ve because he felt the pain, your pain. It shot from his queue to his whole body. And it had him shaking. You’d whine the grip on his bicep getting even tighter.
~~~~~~~~~(Miles POV)~~~~~~~~
‘You were so tight’, that was miles only thought. Until he opened his eyes and saw your face. Then it was ‘god she’s so fucking beautiful’ your brows were furrowed and your lips were pressed into a hard line. And miles felt pitty. He’d bring his hand to your cheek and caress the soft flesh. ‘She was so soft’ slowly miles would watch your eyes open and meet with his. And god he always saw stars when you looked at him like that.
“That’s it princess, you’re doin so good for daddy.” My words weren’t forced, they were so natural with her, but then my ears would perk up as she clenched around me at my words. ‘Oooh ho ho, my baby likes that.’ Was all I could think as I slowly inched into her a grin crossing my face as i stared into her beautiful eyes.
~~~~~~~~~~~(End of Miles POV)~~~~~~~~~~
Miles words had you clenching around him as he sunk deeper and deeper into you. The bond made you feel his pleasure and god was it strong. Strong enough to cover up your pain. The pain of your velvety walls stretching more than they ever had. The pain of getting deflowered. His hand on your cheek comforted you as you looked into his eyes. ‘Beautiful eyes.’ Eyes full of passion, love and want. Still miles would inch into you slowly and painfully. It had you bringing a hand to your face to cover up the wince you made. Miles would tsk. He didn’t like that. With a tilt of his head he’d speak.
“Oh no princess, remove that hand. I want to see your pretty little face don’t be shy.” Miles would speak his teeth gritting at how much you were squeezing him.
After what felt like forever for the both of you he’d finally bottom out with a harsh thrust a groan leaving his throat. Miles would lift his hand from the ground to cup your other cheek as he waited for you to adjust. He’d lean down to rest his forehead onto yours while he waited giving your nose a soft peck.
Was all you had to say for miles to drag his member almost completely out of you only to go balls deep in one harsh and quick thrust. The feeling had the air getting knocked out or your lungs and your core clenching and gripping onto miles member as your ears fell back in pleasure. Over and over miles would do the same thing his tail whipping in the air as your ears fell back in ecstasy. Miles would growl and lift himself up placing a hand onto your chest to steady himself. His thrusts were relentless. And god he felt so good. The pleasure he was experiencing was doubled because of the bond. And it had his head would fall back as a groan left his throat.
“Fuck you feel so good princess. This feels so good. Ain’t ever felt anything like it. You’re doing so well, taking your daddy’s cock so well.” Miles words would take a moan from your throat as you grabbed the hand that was rested on your chest.
‘He was hitting so deep’ you thought to yourself, ‘so, so, so, deep.’ He felt so good inside you, like he fit you perfectly, like he was made for you. Like you were made for each other. You were made for each other. The pleasure you were feeling was addicting, not only casue it was yours but casue it was his too. ‘You’d bonded. You’re bonded. You were now his and he was now yours.’ The thought had you moaning miles name out loud and clench around him. Miles stared at you his pace never faltering and thrusts only getting stronger. Then miles hit that spot, that gummy pleasure crazy inducing spot inside of you. And it had you moan his name again. And he knew, he knew by the noise you made, face you made and the way you clenched around him. And he took this opportunity to heart.
“Is that the spot? Yeah? That’s the spot that’s gonna have you screaming my name huh princess?” Miles would coo as he slowed his pace his thrusts still as strong the long and slow drag of his cock against your G-spot had you seeing starts.
Your coil was tightening, and Miles could feel it by the way you spasmed around his cock keeping his slow pace. He’d look down to where the two of you met at the sight had him wanting to chase his own release. Your cream on his cock made him feral. Your blood on his cock made him fearl, knowing he was the man to claim you and mark you as his made him turn into a monster. And speed his thrusts.
“Yeah you’re fucking mine princess, you’re mine. And anytime another man looks at you he’s gonna know it, he’s gonna smell it, oh he’s gonna fucking smell it. And he’s gonna know I’m the one that fucking took your virginity, You’re ruined princess, no man will ever make you feel this fucking good. No man…” miles hand would go to your throat as he picked up a brutal pace and positioned in and out of you. His hand would go to rub your clit roughly the feeling causing your eyes to roll back and walls to clench and spasm . “..So I’m gonna ask you again, I’m gonna ask you one. More. time….” Miles hips would meet your at each word “… who owns you.?”
A moan would leave your throat as the coil inside you tightened and threatened to snap. You’d grab the wrist of the hand miles that was torturing your clit and moan his name.
“You do…you own me.” You’d cry out at the burning pleasure building up inside of you.
“Say it. Say my name while you cum.” Miles would demand as he rocked into your velvety walls.
And like a slave you’d yell his name the cord snapping inside of you causing white to cloud your visions and your body to go numb. Your orgasm hitting you like a wave and crashing down to bring you pure ecstasy. Your cunt would squeeze miles cock like a snake would it’s pray and spasm around him. Miles would fuck you through your high as he pulled your legs from his shoulder and placed them by his waist. Quickly you’d wrap your legs around him trapping him in. Keeping him close. Miles would fall down onto you and cup the side of your had with both hands as he pulled your face to his in a passionate kiss. Your high dying down as miles chased his own high animalistic growl and beautiful groans leaving his throat as his thrusts got sloppier and less rhythmic. A ‘fuck’ would leave miles throat as he quickly pulled out of you leaving you feeling empty as his cum shot onto your belly as he moaned your nam his release finally hitting. He sounds so beautiful.’ Both of you would moan. The feelings both of you were feeling through your Queue’s becoming too much.
Miles would grab you his queue and gently pull it from yours giving yours a light kiss before setting it into your hands. A whine would leave you and Miles lips at the loss of the bond. ‘I want to feel him.’ You’d cry internally from the loss as you pushed yourself up with your forearms a painful ache starting to form Between your legs along with the one on your rear end. A hiss of pain would leave your throat as you shifted your weight trying to find a less painful option. You eyes would meet miles and you’d smile.
“Oel ngati kameie.” Miles eyes would light up
“Oel ngati kameie princess..”
Agin Miles would smile to himself as he watched you before shifting his body around yours only to pull your back to his chest and pet your head in a comforting manner. A sigh of relief would leave the both of you, the safety and comfort you felt from each other going unmatched to anything either of you had experienced. ‘He’s my home.’ Your 4 fingered hands would go to find his 5 fingered ones resting on your belly. Once found you’d interlock your fingers with his and smile.
“You did so good for me princess.” Miles would say his voice warmer and softer than ever. The vibrations from his chest to your back would put you at ease as his hand pet your head and he planted soft kisses to your hair.
You’d smile at his words the ache between your legs giving you a strange feeling of comfort and pride. ‘He’s mine, the monster is mine…’ your grip on his fingers would tighten as your tail wrapped around his ankle. The post sex tiredness would slowly set in your breaths getting slower and slower, quieter and quieter as you began to doze off. But you had one last thing to say before you let your tiredness get the best of you.
“We’re mated for life.. I’m with you now miles.”
As you woke up your hands would shoot up going to rub your tired eyes. As your hands left your eyes you’d expected to be met with the bright sun, only you weren’t. It was still dark out. The forest illuminated by the plants and iridescence of the ferns. Then a giant sigh next to your ear would catch you off gaurd and cause your head to jump around to see the body behind you. ‘Miles.. my miles.’ You’d smile at the sight of him. You’d never seen him sleep before. ‘He looked so cute.’ You thought to yourself as you brang your your hand to his cheek. ‘So much more peaceful than usual.’ Youd giggle at the thought. But then something snapped in the forest.
Quickly your head would snap around and your ears would fall back a hiss leaving your throat. Only to find You were met with a viperwolf. Your head would turn. ‘They’re never alone.’ You thought as you stared into the eyes of the small dog. Then Something inside you told you to follow the small dog, and the look in its eyes said the same thing. You’d look back to miles. He was sound asleep. He wasn’t going to be up for hours. ‘I’ll be back to wake him.’ You thought as you leant down to kiss his cheek. Then you’d look back to the wolf. Slowly and quietly you’d remove the strong blue arm from around your waist and set it onto the floor. You’d wince and grab your crotch the pain from getting defloured finally set in. You were sore. So very sore. And your arse that felt 10x worse. You’d take A deep and determined breath and look back at miles one last time. Then back you’d look to the viper wolf. ‘Ewya is calling’
“Lead the way.”
After what had felt like a long couple miles you’d finally realize where the viper wolf was taking you.
“Mother tree? The tree of souls?” You’d ask as you looked back down at the small black creature. It would stop in its tracks look back at you and nod.
You’d keep quiet after that. ‘What does Ewya have to show me?’ Your heart would begin to race at the thought. Fear and panic crashing into you like a chooper crashing on the forest floor. Once you’d finally reached the tree your legs would shake. You’d look back down at the viper wolf.
“Thank you.”
With that the viper wolf would hiss and walk off leaving you to Mother tree. ‘Oh great mother what do you have for me..’ your heart would race with each step you took getting closer and closer to your beloved and sacred tree. It’s glow more beautiful and powerful than anything on pandora. ‘Not as beautiful as Miles eyes’ the trek had taken longer than you expected and the morning sun was starting to rise. Finally you had reached the grand tree you’d take a shaky breath and grab a couple of (vines?) closing your eyes as you grabbed your queue and brang the two together to make the bond.
Your ears would fall back. Screams, you heard scream and cries. You saw fire. Lots and lots of fire. There was gun shots and then there was the sound of an animal being shot. A screech of pain. Then the words ‘toruk makto’ and ‘where is he’ fallowed by cries. Cried of pain, loss and sadness. But it wasn’t just any voice. It was miles voice. Images of him and crying children would blur past your eyes. Blood. Water. And pain, you feel pain and fear. The pain and fear of the ones miles had hurt. Then the vision would end and you’d pull back hastily breaking the bond almost tripping as you took frantic steps backwards. Your hand would go to cover your mouth as a pained noise left your throat as you pieces the puzzle together. ‘He was looking for Jake… and hurting people in his way.’ Your ears would fall back as you fell to your knees and hugged your stomach. ‘He didn’t… he couldn’t..’
“I thought this madness was over great mother!” You’d cry out as tears poured down your cheek. “I thought I’d tamed the beast.” ‘That was such a stupid thought’ you’d continue to cry your fist pounding into the floor.
A screech would be heard from above you, it was Pepe’s screech. The wind from his mighty wings would blow onto your back as he landed next to you. Another small screech would leave your purple ikrans throat as he lowered his head and nudged it against your back in a comforting manner. Another pained noise would leave your throat as you grabbed onto your stomach for comfort.
“(Y/N) (Y/N) WHERE ARE YOU??” An unwanted and familiar voice that you loved would call from a close distance.
Miles voice would have your head shooting up to see the tall blue alien, ‘my mate.’ Running towards you. Quickly you’d stand and throw your hand in the said in a ‘stop’ position tears still falling down your cheeks.
“STOP, do not come any closer!” You’d yell your teeth baring as tears covered your cheeks. “Ewya has show me..” a sob would break your sentence in half as you brought a free hand to cover your mouth.
Miles would halt and put his hands up in a defensive manner.
“N-now just wait a minute princess, I’m confused her-“
You’d hush miles by signing for him to shut up with your hands.
“No, NO! I TRUSTED you! I trusted YOU!” your voice would crack as you brought your queue’s to Pepe’s a hiss leaving his throat at the bond. And and feeling of your pain and sadness “I trusted you..” another pained sound would leave your throat as you jumped onto Pepe’s back.
Your action had miles darting towards you. A look of panic crossing his face his eyes going glossy. His skin immediately turning pale as his ears fell back. He’d reach for you as he ran towards you and pepe. You’d lift your hand causing pepe to lift himself off the floor.
“(Y/N) WAIT! Don’t go! Don’t go! Please don’t go!” Miles would scream as sprinted towards you. His voice strained, he sounded confused, heartbroken and if he was about to cry. Miles would trip and slide against the floor a hiss leaving his throat. His head quickly shooting up to meet your eyes. Both of your eyes filled with sadness and pain. And fear. The fear of losing each other.
Tears would fill your eyes again. You did not what to say the words you were about to say. But you had to. You had to. Because if he did love you, they’d change him. They had to. With another pained sob you’d grab you chest as if your heart had just been stabbed.
“You.. are a monster Miles Quaritch.”
Authors note: *gasp* oh my gosh. 😱
P.s. as always comments are appreciated <3 this chapter made me cry. ALSO! IF YOU ASKED TO BE TAGGED BUT DIDN’T GET TAGGED ITS CAUSE THE TAG DIDN’T WORK!
Pt.1 pt.2 pt.3
@kimqueenofhell @strawberrytodes @esposadomd @kitty-cat-luver @spookyspecterino @vane28282 @fayenijimura @gayfagdownthestreet @anbanananna @pinkpotatoqueen @witxhy-lexx @perseny @seashelldom @blueberry-thrawn @kadu-5607 @4shbug
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onecinder · 6 months
I'm really late but rereading the recent webcomic chapters reminded me how badly Genos's psyche is deteriorating
Like, Genos has stated THIS is how he thinks of himself SO MANY TIMES. That he’s ‘thrown away his human side’, is ‘a being whose only purpose in life is to fight' among other things really shows just how much he's beating himself up -- and he has been for a while, it's just recently it's probably been triggered by Dr. Kuseno's death.
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And this panel is even more disturbing. He sees Boros and says he's a 'pathetic being whose only purpose in life is to fight.... just like me', and that boros (and therefore himself) is just a living being deprived of his will and operated as a weapon.
But the most disturbing thing is that he then he proceeds to try and PUT BOROS OUT OF HIS MISERY. Like, that's basically implying that Genos would put himself out of his misery as well if he could, and that he very well might -- after all, he's got a history of drastically trying to self-destruct or taking actions that may very well lead to self-destruction. He's a hero, yes, but sometimes he comes off as a little too eager to throw away his life in order to save lives, or just defeat a monster. But a large part of why he's still alive is because Saitama stops him.
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Which brings me to the other thing that's deteriorating -- Genos and Saitama's relationship (though that could be seen coming from a mile away, honestly. All the little cracks in their relationship have been played off for laughs and gags up till now, but knowing ONE, a gag is always the surface of something more serious.)
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Even Dr. Kuseno acknowledged directly that Saitama had a huge part in keeping Genos human, in control, and feeling like a normal teenager, and not self-destructing.
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Saitama used to be the thing tethering him TO his humanity, but now that he's not even there for Genos, and Genos is mad at him, and Dr. Kuseno, the only person with sufficient emotional maturity to comfort Genos, is gone, what's left to keep him from absolutely losing it?
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When I saw these two pages, I could at first see it being construed as: Genos's belief in the humanity and goodness in people allowed him to let Metal Knight to go unchecked, and then he also believed in Saitama's ability to stop him and save everyone if anything were to go awry, and that's what 'clouded his judgement'. But obviously that isn't how it's supposed to be construed. He's definitely mad at Saitama (my shipper heart went through the five stages of grief reading it)
Saitama can't save everyone, not even Dr. Kuseno. This is another example of the consequences of a gag rearing its ugly head now... his unconcerned nature was funny at first, but Genos now feels Saitama is to blame for the whole situation.
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Even at this particular panel, which is pretty early on, it's like Saitama knows that Genos is mad at him and that his self-control may be slipping away, and either doesn't really know what to do or decides to give Genos space.
This is the second time across 2 different mediums that Saitama's tardiness and nonchalance caused someone important to him/the people around him to get killed (for the manga, Genos himself, and for the webcomic, Dr. Kuseno.)
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Yet he STILL blames himself and goes back to thinking he's worthless and powerless and a shitty hero.
But there's no denying it, he's super mad. Saitama is no longer the perfect idol he looked up to. It used to be such a gag that Genos was willing to do anything for Saitama, and admired him to the point it was borderline obsessive, but the consequences are really showing now.
Buuuut, maybe this is all for the best. A question I avoided confronting was when Genos would finally blow up. For a relationship to be healthy, I think it definitely requires for the people in it to have arguments, disagreements, and work through them together. That's what constitutes a strong relationship with proper understanding and communication.
Aaand if it's one thing these two are bad at, it's communicating their needs and listening to each other imo. (Even Genos misunderstanding everything Saitama says for something suiting his own 'vision' of him is played off as a gag as well.)
It's just that the consequences of these issues are exaggerated by like x1000 and the fate of many people relies on the health of this relationship, and on Genos's psyche staying intact, so... uh, I hope it's all for the best?
If they both don't come out the other end holding hands and slowly mending then RIP Saigenos :(
(sorry for this long ass post it probably could've been summarised in 20 words about 3 months earlier)
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cosmolog · 10 months
Miguel's Secret
Miles and Gwen venture into a large storage room in the spider society, finding secrets long hidden from the rest of the society by Miguel.
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"We shouldn't be back here. I already made a bad first impression with Miguel back there and now he's gonna want to actually kill me. Who knows? Maybe he'll throw a chair at me next time instead of food-"
"Shh" Gwen silenced him, before glancing around and shining her phone light on the various boxes that had been discarded in the room.
Her light settled on the end of the room, where a curtain had been hung from the ceiling and drawn closed, as if to hide something. She started walking towards it, only for Miles to catch a grip of her wrist.
"Miles, let go" She huffed in annoyance at her friend's protectiveness.
"What if it's something you really don't want to see?" He said, looking concerned.
"It won't be. It'll probably just be some more boxes. I wanna check though." She replied. Miles' eyes flickered between the white curtain sheet and Gwen before he sighed deeply and let go of her. He remained close behind her as she advanced to the curtains.
Gwen took a deep breath, held it, then pulled the curtain back, revealing a woman lying down on an examination table. Upon further inspection, the two realised she wasn't a human but a very realistic-looking robot, judging by the red ring on the side of her head.
Miles let out a profanity while Gwen gasped in freight. "Okay, not a dead body but still just as creepy" He whispered.
Gwen stepped closer to the robot, pressing the red ring which changed to blue, and the robot woke up...
(Switch to first person)
My eyes gently opened at the sound of voices. Two young voices, one male, one female. Both sounded scared. I slowly moved my head in their direction. I looked between the two teens, not recognising their faces. I gently sat up, after not moving in so long, I felt stiff. By now, the teenagers were less scared and more defensive.
"And who are you supposed to be?" The boy asked.
I gave him a kind and gentle smile. "I am Y/n. And you?"
"Gwen" The girl added.
I got off the table and looked around the dark area. "Where...where am I?"
Gwen and Miles looked at each other to exchange looks only they understood. Gwen answered me.
"You're in the Spider Society's basement, or should I say the storage room"
I grew sad. Where was I locked inside the storage room. And then the last moments of my last encounter of seeing light came back to me. I could still remember every detail of his face, my creator, Miguel O'Hara. "Miguel..." I whispered to myself, but Gwen and Miles heard me.
"You know Miguel?" Gwen asked.
"Why, of course. I was his Ai after all" I smiled sadly.
"A second Ai of Miguel's?" Miles tilted his head.
"I was Miguel's first Ai assistant, just before he made Lyla. The only reason he never mentions me is because I had a defect. Or, at least, that's what he called it. Miguel had programmed me to do a number of things, which involved making him breakfast and helping him with his work. He had made me a physical body, which looked so human sometimes it even tricked him. I would end up having to remind him I wasn't a real person." I sighed and looked down at my hands as I continued.
"My defect seemed to be a certain emotion. The first time I had ever displayed it, was the last because Miguel immediately stopped me and told me to sit down in the examination chair so he could check everything was alright. He told me to close my eyes and now I'm here. It seems he had shut me down for a while. Ever since I've been shut down, I've been searching for a reason as to why he would shut me down but-"
"He thought you fell in love with him" Gwen stated.
I looked up at her surprised. "What?" I whispered.
"You loved him, didn't you?" Gwen pressed.
"Gwen, I don't think you should be nailing her with questions like this" Miles said, looking worried.
"No, we need to know"
"We really don't"
"You love him" Gwen ignored Miles, stepping closer to me causing me to step back.
"Gwen, stop it"
"Your hesitation just confirms it. You fell in love and he killed you for it" Gwen stated.
"Gwen!" Miles scolded, not believing she had just said that.
I looked down solemnly. "Death is never our own decision" I said.
"You poor AI" Gwen sighed, turning to Miles. "Does Miguel know she's awake?"
"Let's hope not."
Part Two
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appleblueberry-pie · 4 months
Yandere Miles with a darling that knows his secret and doesn't know how to further proceed their relationship afterwards. Maybe they found out in one of the worst ways by finding him banged up from his encounter with a villain and decided to heal him, but in the process of this finds out who Miles is. But here is the thing, there was a strain happening in him and his Darling's relationship because of the lying ( and manipulation ) Miles would do when he tried to cover up the concerning behavior he was exhibiting. However the darling is smart enough to see through it and does not like it at all. So finding out he's Spider-Man was final block that put their relationship on hold. So what would Miles do on this hiatus that he and his darling his under? How would he react to it?
Are You Ever Truly Sorry?
Out of all times that he decided to show up at, it's when you're feeling like shit. And even then, he found a way to make it worse. You can't even brood on the edge of your bed in peace. You couldn't think about feeling like he was lying to you the entire time without him showing up, staining your mom's carpet with his blood. You couldn't sit here and cry when you felt most vulnerable when he drags himself through your window in the cold dead silence of night, damn near looking like he's dying. You wished you could hate him.
Miles wants to leave. He doesn't like the look you're giving him. He has a million and one excuses on his tongue, but none would solve this issue like the truth would. Even when he shakes his head, when he groans in pain, unable to formulate words, you don't move. You just stare at him like he was the biggest mistake you've ever made. And he loves you too much to ask you why you could possibly feel that way, and crush his own heart.
Your name is on his tongue, his fingers reach out to you when you silently get up to find your medical kit, but no efforts reach you.
When you return, you take off all of his gear. His mask. His stained claws. His clothes. You drag his duffle bags into your room before closing your window to conserve heat.
You rip off what was stained to find the source and patch what you can to the best of your abilities. Your touches are soft and thoughtful, but he can't help but feel like he's ruined everything between the two of you. You can't even look him in the eye.
The tension was killing him and he had to break it. His cold fingers brush against your unharmed and warm cheek, softly brushing against it. "Mi todo,"(my everything) You slowly move away from his hand and shake your head, packing the stuff up that you took out.
Your face hardens, he can see you're deep in thought and wishes his burning body would do what he wants and cradle you in his arms. With a strained voice, attempting to stay silent, you calmly state, "I can't keep doing this with you."
Miles finally sits up and attempts to disagree with what you say, not wanting to know where you're going with that statement, but your hands are already shaking, your mind made up. You begin whisper yelling to him, praying your mom doesn't wake up. "Every day, you lie to my face, you tell me we gon' do shit to fix it, and it never happens. You try so fucking hard to make it seem like it's alright, but fucking look at this!!"
You storm back over to him and show him his own weapon. "Two years! Two fucking years of you just for yo ass to show up at my window dying." You drop his claw and wipe your face of the stray tears. Miles arms and legs scream at him as he attempts to stand, moving at a turtles pace. You've begin pacing back and forth, not knowing how to regulate your emotions. Your boyfriend is the Prowler, he's been lying to you like it's second nature, and your head hurts so damn bad.
Once Miles is on his feet, you're already in front of him. It's almost like a debate, the way you two go back and forth. "I can't date a fucking liar, Miles," You calmly whisper.
"I know, baby. But you gotta let me explain," He whispers back.
"I've heard enough. You've been lying through yo teeth on some gangster shit, and I don't want any part of it, okay?"
"It's not like that, mami, please-"
"Don't fucking do this right now, Miles. I saw what's in the bag, and I'm scared, okay?? I don't even know what the hell think of you right now."
You could see Miles begin to shake as well, but you damn well didn't expect his sputtering and the tears in his eyes. He aggressively wipes his face of the tears and a single harsh sob leaves his lips. "Y/n, please. Just- fuck, just let me stay, okay?" He takes a moment to swallow the ball of stress in his throat. "You ain't got shit to do with the bag or nothin I'm doing, baby. I wouldn't ever hurt you, ight? Shit. I just don't wanna lose you, too."
And it breaks your heart. Because you love Miles. And seeing him like this is the last thing you want for him. But you just....can't lie to yourself or let him lie to you anymore. At least, not until he gets himself together. Because whatever he's doing in those streets is tearing the both of you apart.
You don't look him in the eye and feel your own tears coming along. You hate how you let him wipe them away softly, you hate how you let him hug you, knowing he's in pain. You hate all of this.
"You not gon' lose me, Miles. I just...I want a break."
You said you needed a few months. He couldn't get you to specify how long that would be. Now he's almost always on edge.
He's trying to find a way to take at least a month off of his nightly crusades without leaving his city in shambles, but even Uncle Aaron is having trouble finding a reason for that to even happen. He can't know about you. So, he decides to keep his mouth shut and continue doing his job.
Miles decides to also stalk you after school since you two aren't together during that free time period anymore. And every day, he sees your features softening more and more. Was he really putting that much weight on your shoulders?
All this does for him is continue to make him feel like shit. He's done too much to you and doesn't deserve any of it. He has to make it up to you. Even though you two are apart, he knows that you know that you're his still at the end of the day. And that he's yours.
He tried not to get back in the habit of kidnapping the boys infesting your personal space at school, but once he noticed them piling back up at your locker like when you first started dating him, he knew he had to step in.
The good morning letters he used to slip in your lockers came back, but now you don't respond. He doesn't need you to, not when he sees that smile on your face when it falls into your hands.
The shy glances from across the hallway came back, and it's like freshman year all over again. You look better and better each day. If this break meant it will heal you, it will help him, too.
He will find a way to have you in his arms again, he's sure of it.
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psychedelic-ink · 1 year
Ooohh maybe the unresolved sexual tension trope with a bookstore au featuring Javi G?
I LOVED WRITING THIS-- thank you so much for requesting babes!!!
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pairing: javi gutierrez x fem!reader
genre: bookshop AU + unresolved sexual tension
word count: 901 i'm still counting this as a drabble lmao
summary: as perfect as working at a bookshop might be, things are always hard when you have a crush on your boss.
warnings: the only description for reader is that she's short--at least shorter than Javi, unresolved sexual tension
a/n: unrelated to the fic but I've been staring at this gif for so long, look at his hands, I'm going to die
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For almost all your life it’s been a fantasy of yours to work at a bookshop. 
And honestly, who could blame you? The chocolate scent of books, the dark, candle lit ambiance, the rustic tables set around for those who want to stay and read in peace—all of it prove to be the ideal working environment. It was even better when it rained, the drops so thick that you couldn’t see into the street until the door chimed signaling someone had arrived. 
The only issue, if it was an issue at all, is your ridiculously handsome boss. 
You remember Javi hiring you in a heartbeat, seeing your miserable state and need to belong. He was kind to you. His soft coffee eyes and tender smile burrowing into your heart as the days passed you by. You were the only employee, other than Nicolas Cage the black cat (you called him Nico for short), so the two of you end up spending a lot of time together. Obviously, you had no complaint. 
Now, months later, your heart is heavy with undisclosed emotions as you attempt to do your job. The boxes are heavy, and you have a bad habit of not asking for help. You rise up on your toes, gripping the box tightly and lifting it over your head. With the tips of your fingers, you try to gain leverage to slide the box onto the top shelf. Your shirt slides up, exposing the softness of your stomach, the uncharacteristically cold air making you shudder. You grunt, sweat beading at your temples. 
Cold fear rakes down your spine when you feel the box’s weight shift, pulling you off balance. You try to regain your footing, but gravity proves too strong. The world around you slows, the box slips from your grasp and begins to fall.  You reach out, your fingers outstretched, hoping to catch the falling box before it's too late. Your fingertips graze the edge of the box, but it's not enough. 
Then you feel him behind you. 
Javi is there, his strong arms wrapping around your waist in a fleeting moment, pulling you close. You watch  wide-eyed as he reaches over your head, his large hands covering your own, and steadies the heavy box. 
His touch sends shivers down your spine, and you feel the heat of his body pressed against your back. Relief washes over you, the weight of the box lifting off your shoulders. His eyes are fixed on the box. The muscles in his arms tense as he carefully sets the box on the shelf, taking care to ensure it's secure. 
"Are you okay?" he asks, his breath hot on your neck.
You nod, feeling a lump form in your throat. He doesn’t move away and rests his hands against the shelf across from you, caging you in. Your heart is beating a mile a minute. He’s so close. Too close. In the distance, you hear the soft paws of Nico moving around. Then, with uncertainty, you turn, your back against the millions of books as you look up to face him. 
The air is knocked from your lungs. He’s gorgeous. The fading sunlight streams through the bookshelf behind him, his hair a luscious honey brown. You want to dive your fingers into it. Your gaze drops to his neck, the color of his skin a shade darker. You swallow and lick your lips. He’s so broad—towering. His eyes flit across your face, stopping at your lips that glisten. Javi’s mouth forms a tight line. You want nothing more than for him to close the distance, kiss you stupid, but you know he won’t. 
And you’re too much of a coward to do it yourself. 
“Thank you,” you say, verbalizing what the nod meant. Your voice cracks at the end. His gaze gradually travels up and locks with yours. You might be imagining it, but you swear his arms move closer, his warm skin ghosting over your cheeks. 
“You need to be more careful, mi pequeña ayudante. I do not want you getting hurt.” 
He always calls you that. My little helper. At first, you thought he was mocking your height, but you’ve grown fond of the endearment. 
You don’t answer him. The air crackling as liquid heat rolls down your spine. You have the constant need to wet your lips and fight against the urge. His breathing grows heavy, his body seemingly closer. You think he’s leaning in. Your heart flutters, arousal pooling between your legs. His knee gently nudges your thigh apart, a sigh leaving your lips as soon as you feel his knee against your sex. You can almost taste him—the coffee from morning, the pie he ate…
You both jump and part away with the bell chiming, the damn thing louder than usual. Javi holds your gaze until the customer calls out, then, with a look between regret and relief, he makes his way to the shop's entrance.
Clumsily, you collect yourself. You pull down your sweater and shift from one leg to the other, ignoring the sharp jolt of pleasure rolling over you with the friction. Then you touch your bottom lip. The taste was so vivid in the seconds that passed. You have half the mind to believe that he did, in fact, kiss you. The sensation lingered on your lips and the back of your tongue, as if he had left a physical mark on you.
But he hadn’t. 
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i know you only uploaded it a few hours ago, but please carry on the reader accidentally summoning morpheus, im dying to know their history, and his feelings on how much time has passed <3 big fan!!
A/N: By popular demand, I'm writing a 2nd part. The quoted poem is something I was obsessed with as a kid. My mom still quotes it.
[Imagine accidentally summoning Morpheus] || [Sandman-inspired playlist]
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All of it sounded like a madman's bad joke.
"Wait, hold on." You waved your hand. Hunching over the dusty box filled with remnants of your childhood, you began looking for another trinket that surely must have been there. "You mean that you are... goddamn where is it... I saw it somewhere here... Got it!" you exclaimed when you stood up with a thin, red book in your hand. "You mean that you are this funny fella?"
Your finger was tapping against the cover of a children's book. There was an illustration of a Santa Claus-like man carrying a big sack thrown over his shoulder. He was climbing a ladder to an open bedroom window. Above the picture, in fancy curvy letters, was written Grandfather Sand.
A small smile crept unto Morpheus's face. His eyes lit up vividly and you suspected that if he was any less reserved in his emotional expression, he would have laughed in your face. "Did you think he is the Sandman?"
"I didn't think the Sandman was at all," you retorted as you carelessly tossed the book on your bed. Looking once more at the pleasantly familiar illustration, the nostalgia made you recall something Morpheus had said to you a few minutes ago. "You said you know my face."
"I have visited you many times before," he stated. After a moment, he added in a quieter, defeated tone: "But you don't seem to remember."
You only shrugged your shoulders. "If I was a toddler, then no wonder. It was lifetimes ago."
Morpheus gave the room an absent once-over before staring at the box next to the two of you. Something brown and fur-like was peeking from behind dolls and plastic horses. His pale, skeletal hand reached for the mysterious object only for it to turn out to be an old, worn-out teddy bear. It still smelled of your grandmother's perfume. Sometimes you wondered what happened to him... Apparently, Terry had been safe and sound in your grandmother's basement throughout all those years.
Dream was examining the bear when he suddenly decided to make you recall something you had already forgotten you once remembered: "Maybe Spot tugged at him, tore the ear off, didn't say he's sorry?"
It was a quote - one that you had grown to know all too well. You felt as though that single line from a rhymed story allowed you to rediscover the oldest memories your brain could possibly store like you suddenly became privy to a life you had once led but not anymore. "A needle, a thread, a pair of hands, we'll mend the hurt right away," you quietly continued." You fixed Terry..." Yes, that plushy friend from your childhood did need an 'emergency surgery' once, although you could never quite recall who sew his ear back on. At some point, you even began questioning whether his little accident was even real as there was no sign of a tear whatsoever.
The memory came to you in waves like afterimages of a dream one tries to recall after waking up. It was all blurry, voices heard from miles away and sights as if seen through a dirty lens. "Yeah, I remember I used to ask to be told the same three stories over and over again and you were never frustrated with me."
"You were a great listener."
"So, how does this work? The melody plays and you just, puff, appear wherever?"
Morpheus sat Terry at the top of the dolls, plastic horses and fairytale books about fairies still residing inside the box. His bony hand lingered on the brown, matted fur of the plushie. "It was a gift." His gaze returned to you. "To a girl who just like you could not fall asleep. For decades it remained silent until that one night when I met you for the first time."
Your hand brushed against the ceramic raven inside the music box. It was quite an interesting choice of design for an item meant for children. "A magical heirloom. Sounds cool." The ghosting touch of your fingers was withheld only for you to close the enamelled lid for an unspecified amount of time. "Don't worry, I won't abuse that... privilege. I'm sure you have a lot going on anyway."
Without letting his gaze leave you, Morpheus was a little too quick to answer you. "Play it anytime you want."
His expression remained generally ambiguous but you figured it was just the way he looked. There was, however, one detail of his face that caught your attention: his eyebrows slightly raised making him appear somewhat surprised or nervous. "Is that permission or a suggestion?" you asked.
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Tagging people who were interested in a follow-up: @secretdreamlandmentality @kbrownie @lolitaisreal @thegraywitch @aralezinspace @boofy1998
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bellsana334 · 2 months
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Yandere Demon King Meliodas x Fem!human reader
So in all, this au, Meliodas betrayed the demon race because Elizabeth showed him how stupid the holy war was in general, (not him falling in love) 3,000 years passed. Everything was fine..until you came in. A young female holy knight, Meliodas at first suspected that you were going to attack, but was pleasantly surprised when you said you couldn’t careless who he was, and never believed the Sins killed the grandmaster. These words, along with how quickly you spat out his food, bluntly telling him he needed to work on his cooking, sparked…a fire in his heart.
Time would pass, and Meliodas often would be surprised, like how you’d seriously reprimand Elizabeth for her air headed ways and letting him be a pervert, not to mention point out her flaws, unlike everyone else who’d fall for her gorgeous and innocent charm. You were good friends with the sins, you’d did find it easy making good friends, with your extroverted and kind nature, while saying no one is perfect, Meliodas began to notice his feelings, and much soon, these feelings turned into an… “Obsession”. Meliodas knew this was unhealthy but..he was Meliodas and in the end he didn’t care. And it really did not help, that you were the type of person, be someone one can talk to and a good comforter.
After the fight with the 10 Commandments, Meliodas still turns depressed and emotionally stupid, when Chandler comes to get Meliodas, of course you and the Sins fight Chandler you specifically was powerful your magical power was crystals (Kind of like Iris from Lolirock) everyone was battered, while you were the last one standing, still fighting Chandler, he himself was impressed that you could beat him out, so much, well..you on the other hand was “much” more bloodied and battered. That was until you felt a rough hand around your waist lifting you up, as you yelp in pain, turning around to your horror.. “Meliodas”.. he’d awakened. You finally passed out from all the injuries.
The Demon Palace
After the fight in Camelot, Meliodas soon went on his journey to become the demon king, as his father cursed you to be in a coma. Only this time, he found out about his father’s plans of taking over his body, from your memories, when you argued with the demon king and cursed at him. Finally, Meliodas succeeds in becoming the demon king, helping Zeldris and everything.
Yandere Tendencies
Now, as for yandere tendencies, Meliodas quite the possessive partner, literally everyone in the demon realm knows whose women you are, when you woke up, you were shocked to say the least. Meliodas tried to explain everything to you, but you didn’t listen, you legit raised raised your sword against him, and Meliodas won’t admit it, but it hurt so much when you did, not wanting you to use this weakness against him. Being the demon king, he can get you anything you’d want, so why would you want to leave him, Melioda is pretty much delulu in this situation, then again, it runs through the family 😐😑 He has the delusion, especially after losing his emotions, that you just need time to adjust, so it hurts him more then ever when you resist his affections or try to run away.
If you do something like a mad dash or something Meliodas would smile.
If you manage to run a few miles, he’ll be right in front of you, waiting for you, drinking tea or chatting with Zeldris maybe. But, when it ends, you’ll have to go back, Meliodas stating you had enough exorcise for the day.
This is if he feels playful though, it’s all a game to him.
As much as it mostly pains Meliodas to do it, if it’s necessary.
If you do something bad, but not too much, usually he wouldn’t care, but if it’s about running away, depending on the severity, usually you’d get locked in your room, or sometimes his room.
If it’s too much, he’d seal your powers, and tie you to a chair, disposing of your weapon, and leaving to blow off some steam.
Don’t @ me on this one.
Meliodas considers himself a “man”, so yeah.. expect this guy is holding more then a 5 incher.
Remember when I said mostly in Punishments? Yeah, I said that for a reason. When he feels like it, he’ll tie you to his bed, and get more aroused when you’d squirm, while whimpering slightly.
Honey, I promise you, if you get this man the right amount of aroused, expect a new set of clothes the next day.
But if you really do piss him off, expect not to walk for a few days, and the bed made out of “rock” to be replaced. And you know what, yeah, forget a few days, expect to not walk for a week and a new set of clothes. Meliodas will make it up to you, by giving you your favorite foods as you curse at him.
But remember, remember, don’t take his, tsundere, patient tactics, and gentleness, as a way let your guard down, he has no qualms, taking “extreme” measures, he already has had researched ways for you to be immortal, planning to drug it in your food. And remember, no matter what, you couldn’t defeat him, escaping him is near to not possible.
Guys, this is my first tumblr, so any views or nice comments, lucky if follows would be greatly appreciated!! ❤️😭
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sp-dr-isnotaloli · 1 year
Alright, I’m gonna lay out some bad arguments against Gwen being trans that I’ve seen and respond to them.
1. Gwen Stacy was cis in the comics.
Well, 616 Gwen was cis in the comics (there is a storyline in which she gives birth to Norman Osborne’s children and we do see the pregnancy), though that was never established until the 90s. 65 Gwen Stacy, our beloved Spider-Gwen whom the movie character is based on, has not been established to be cis, and her universe is different enough from 616 that assuming she is would be a mistake. Now, the Gwen Stacy of Earth 8 is a possible future Gwen, and there is some evidence that she may be cis (she has children who resemble her, but we don’t know for sure that they’re not adopted nor that transition healthcare on 8 doesn’t include the ability for trans women to carry children) but it’s not conclusive.
More importantly, however, the versions of these characters in the movies are not so close to their comics counterparts that we should assume everything about them is the same unless otherwise stated. I mean:
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2. Gwen’s universe changes color like a mood ring to reflect her emotions.
Okay. So, in the scene where Gwen is confronting her dad about her identity, trying to get him to see past his prejudices and see her for who she is, to accept her for who she is, to accept all of her when she’s sick of the world only ever knowing half of her, her emotions bleed out into the world around her, painting herself and her environment in pink, blue, and white... and you think that makes this scene less trans?
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Like, one of the first things the animators told us was that they know these colors are associated with trans people, and they told us that by associating those colors with Gwen specifically. And you think it’s just a coincidence that the colors they chose to reflect how Gwen feels while she’s coming out to her dad are a bleeding trans flag?
3. Gwen could just be an ally. Miles had a BLM pin too!
Guys. Miles is not a white ally to black people. Miles is black. If Mile’s BLM pin is meant to parallel Gwen’s flag - if that pin tells us anything about Gwen’s flag at all - it would mean that Gwen is trans. The black kid has the pin with the message about protecting black people, the trans kid has the flag with the message about protecting trans people.
4. Gwen looks cis. No trans girl looks like Gwen Stacy.
Gwen literally looks exactly like prominent trans actress Hunter Schafer.
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In fact, we’ve been talking about how Gwen looks trans since the first trailer for Into the Spiderverse dropped. Like, maybe you weren’t paying attention, but no, Gwen definitely looks like a trans girl. Like, we can literally point to a trans girl she looks like.
5. None of this proves she’s trans!
Okay, sure, maybe you’re not convinced. But it’s still evidence. Conclusions about a story or a character based on textual evidence are fan theories, and this is a fan theory, a fairly well supported one.
Given that there’s no evidence that Gwen is cis, however, that’s not a theory. That’s just a headcanon. And pushing your headcanon when people are talking about a fan theory you don’t agree with is rude. You’re being rude.
6. Her dad doesn’t have a trans pin on his jacket!
This one is true, actually.
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George Stacy does not literally wear a trans pin on his uniform. Rather, the very deliberate lighting and coloring in one scene made it look like the trans flag. This one could actually be coincidence, but like, it’s not like her dad having a trans pin is the foundation of the theory. It still stands up perfectly well if it was coincidence.
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robo-milky · 2 years
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[More Info]
Henchman (Grim) | Claws (Ace) | Clochey Wochey (Cater) | House Cat (Leona)
Shrimpy (Floyd) | Trickster -> La Petite Clochette (Rook) | City Kitty (Epel) | Kit -> Honorary Human (Sebek)
Kit of Beasts -> Heart of Man (Malleus)
In Return:
Master _____ (Everyone except for faculty)
Uncle (Ramshackle Ghosts)
An emotionally distant girl who thinks with her brains more than her heart. Her words may come off as insensitive, but it’s always said in a neutral tone. Prefers to state the facts and look for the most efficient way out, than tackling more abstract concepts like emotions. Despite this outlook on life, she is a skeptical, worst-case scenario planner. Cloche will go the extra mile if it means security and success is guaranteed. When it comes anything, be it a task/person/subject, Cloche is the type of person who would want to know anything and everything about it to be prepared. When push comes to shove, Cloche will take on the role of leadership and make all the hard decision no one else wants to make. Cloche is a very “the ends justify the means” kind of person.
Core Values -> Competency + Freedom
A cosplayer from Earth who, after exiting from a con, took a wrong turn to get home and was swept away by the NRC horse carriage.
“I did not put so much effort into studying and making the right friends just for it all to go into smoke! …What’s the point anymore?”
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Ghost Camera: “I’m pretty sure Headmaster Crowley gave this to me as binding to keep me here.”
Snow Hand Cream: “Master Rook could tell this cream is from Neige’s line just by the smell! Isn’t that impressive?”
Bandaids: “I originally bought these for myself, but I end up giving them to others…”
Advils: “Would you like one? Binding Bells told me you were getting headaches, so…”
Handkerchief: “Here, let me wipe that up for you, Master.”
Hair ties: “Master Epel gave them to me during a joint P.E. class. The day after, I overheard Master Vil complaining about his missing hair ties.”
Pencil Case: “If you wish to borrow a pencil, I expect you to give me something back as collateral— so I know you’ll return it back to me.”
Lollipops: “The lollipops in Twisted Wonderland are great and all, but they can’t beat the taste of Chupachups.”
Thread and Needle: “Oh, you’re missing a button.”
Lactaid: “You don’t need one… do you?”
Scrapbook: “Do NOT touch.”
Textbook: “I’m so close annotating the whole book. Just a couple pages left…”
Spiral bound notebook: “Master Rook complimented the calligraphy title in my notes! …Maybe I should do the same thing for futures ones.”
Phone: “Master Grim, please stop playing games…”
Sketchbook: “Master Epel complained about me drawing him too ‘girly’, but I only drew what I saw.”
Notable Thoughts: Cloche’s
“Headmaster Crowley must be busy running such a prestigious school like this… So busy, I wonder if he’d have time looking for a way I can go back to my world.”
“Master Grim’s orders aren’t as bad you think. All he really does is make me do his share of the chores. The simplicity of his orders are a blessing compared to other students’…”
“Master Riddle is accomplished, but he throws tantrums too easily at the drop of a pin.”
“Master Ace may be annoying, but he can be a surprisingly reliable when needed.”
“Although Master Deuce has a good attitude, I don’t think I’m patient enough to wait for him to catch up.”
“I do like Master Jack’s work ethic, but his moral compass is suffocating.”
“I can relate to Master Ruggie’s pragmatism to some degree, though I personally disagree with his disregard of fine arts.”
“If Master Azul ever asks about my whereabouts, no he did not.”
“Is it bad I felt no sympathy for Master Kalim when Master Jamil overblotted?”
“I feel like I’ve been seeing Epel more and more since he stayed over at Ramshackle for the VDC. I get that it’s probably convenient for him to go with me, if we’re going to head back to the same destination anyways, but he doesn’t have to accompany during short breaks.”
“I think Master Rook is very admirable! He’s intelligent, athletic, and creative! …I wish more people could give him a chance and see him for who he really is— but… he probably wouldn’t like that… After all, half the things I know about him, he’s never told me in person.”
“I have deep respect for Master Vil, I really do. Although I have some qualms with the lyrics he wrote for ‘Absolutely Beautiful’.”
“Before asking Master Idia for homework help, Master Grim and I always play a game of rock-paper-scissors. …Why? Because neither of us want to be the bargaining chip.”
“I don’t see why I should fawn over the prince of a foreign land— let alone, from another world. Master Malleus will not be my king, nor will I be his subject. Sage Island is out of his jurisdiction, anyways.”
“…Some of my acting was genuine. A part of me was so desperate to rid myself of the curse, that I was fine with fooling myself. I’ll admit, if Master Rook didn’t come first, then I’m sure he would have... ahem— Capable, composed… it’s almost scary.”
Notable Thoughts: Others’
“Cloche could’a been the perfect henchman if he didn’t have to call other people ‘Master’!” - Grim
“With Cloche around, Heartslabyul doesn’t have to resort to using a cat beastman to play the violin, but an actual cat. That way, we can follow rule 529 without any loopholes.” - Riddle
“Me, friends with that stick in the mud? Pfft—! As if!” - Ace
“Even in a sticky situation, I’ve never seen Cloche lose his cool before. I wonder how he does it…” - Deuce
“For a beastman, Cloche really doesn’t like noise. I get that too, since our ears are more sensitive than humans… but shouldn’t he have already gotten used to it, by now?” - Jack
“I can’t have Leona ordering Cloche around, cause he’ll steal my job!” - Ruggie
“It’s such a shame Cloche refused my offer for him to work at the Monstro Lounge. …We could have made good money and attracted more customers if we used his cat form to promote on our Magicam…” - Azul
“Cloche is really nice! He’s kind of like Jamil, helpful and a bit stern. …But I also feel like there’s a darkness… Ah— Nahaha! N-Nevermind! I want to know more about him too.” - Kalim
“Cloche is surprisingly weak. He could barely lift up a crate of apples when I called him over for help the other day. I ought to be annoyed he couldn’t help, but I’m also kind of glad?” - Epel
“I thought I could feel the claws of a wild beast, but there’s a beauty to reservation too. Perhaps I’ll need to lure it out.” - Rook
“Honestly… All the work I put into reviving Cloche’ natural curls has gone to waste, since he left Pomefiore.” - Vil
“‘Master Hornton’, an amusing nickname, indeed. I was under the impression Cloche had known my identity, but it seems my expectations had been subverted.” - Malleus
“Tch. Cloche can play the victim when needed, I’ll give him that. Manipulating his curse to his advantage makes him no better than those Night Raven College miscreants he claimed to have disassociated with.” - ???
- Birthday: May 12
- ISTJ-T/6w5
- “She/Her” is only used in a meta/narration sense, otherwise— she uses “he/him”
- Prefers voice > looks
- When Cloche is in her cat form, she has no conscious thoughts and move as if she’s on autopilot, like a normal cat.
- Cloche has no distinct handwriting. It varies depending on what she’s writing and who it’s for— yet even then, no two letters look the same. (Unless forging)
- Cloche has no inner fur in her ears. It’s to signify that the cat ears are unnatural— fake.
- Has a habit of either covering her mouth with her hand/sleeve or turning away whenever she breaks into a genuine smile. Can smile on command for a camera (cosplayer intuition).
- Goes to the school forest to calm down whenever she feels emotional or if she has an inkling that her feral side will come out
- Cloche has germaphobic tendencies.
- Has a habit of biting her index finger or thumb to suppress pain/excessive laughter.
- School ghosts and paintings are fond of Cloche for always being respectful and fixing their frames, the Ramshackle ghosts, especially.
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Groovy!! [SR Tsumsitter]
Groovy!! [SSR Union/Birthday Jacket]
[SR Luxe Couture]
[SSR Birthday Bloom]
[SSR Glorious Masquerade]
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How bad is the extent of Miles Edgeworth's mental state in rise from the ashes?
Tw: suicide, implied self harm
Obviously he ends up essentially leaving a suicide note of "prosecutor edgeworth chooses death", but that could be symbolic. He HAD already quit his job (one of the only things that had held his life together possibly since his father died) so him as Prosecutor edgeworth had essentially "died".
There's also the ambiguous definition of "dying" in the note. Did he mean it as in he would not be coming back (from death or to prosecution or to japanifornia or whatever) or as he would never come back as the same person (the "demon" prosecutor) or just to fake his own death for a little moral/mental break or whatever (everyone's allowed a little gay panic break every once in a while).
Who knows, and I genuinely love the ambiguity the game leaves.
Obviously, phoenix takes it as a serious suicide note, and is obviously absolutely wrecked by it for the next year. This is a topic often touched upon in fanfiction, though not in the game quite as much. Obviously it is hard to talk about mental health issues in a lawyer game, and they do it really well for a game not technically focused on it and from the early 2000s. Specifically for Maya and Edgeworth I think, as they both have loads of trauma that they deal with in fully different ways. Miles is more worrying though, as most of his coping skills are absolutely horrible, he has very little emotional support, and he's been pretty messed up in the head.
I honestly wonder a lot which people and relationships are meant to mirror the main characters, like phoenix saying shit like "that's so romantic- he saved you- I guess I'd fall in love too-" for the Delite's love story or edgeworth saying Adrian andrews codependent situation is very similar to how Franziska operates with her father or definitely Lana and ema reminding Phoenix of Mia and Maya or him literally telling Adrian andrews to kill herself in court. Specifically that last one. He specifically phrases it as "if you're going to say you would 'choose death', that is of no concern to me."
There is some especially worrying evidence in rise from the ashes, when he was at the most mentally unstable he's ever been. The only time that would compare was when his dad died when he was 8, but even then he had a new foster family to rely on (more or less). He's at his very worse, because, after 15 or so years, all of his past has just been dredged up and solved (by "that man" no less. Also, side note, does he only start saying Phoenix "saved him" after he came back from the dead?)
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I really don't like any implications of why edgeworth would have traces of blood on the ground, especially at this point in his life.
So the options here are 1) it's someone else's blood, and maybe he fucking slapped someone so hard they bled or 2) it's his blood on his office floor for whatever reason. Neither imply anything remotely good for his mental state.
At this point it really could just be coincidence and ema is right or whatever. It's an easily missed peice, completely unrelated to the case and just an interesting tidbit for lore maybe. But sadly I found more evidence to support that that is not indeed the case.
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I can't remember what the plot point for edgeworth's knife besides the fact that he had it in the car for Lana to find.
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Mmm yeah ema. What is that little fruit doing with a knife? Very low chance that gay man knows self defense tbh.
Ema goes on to suggest he spends weekends "roughing it in the wild" and Phoenix basically laughs in her face (does this girl not understand what a homosexual man he is) as Edgeworth has probably never been in "the wild" a day in his life.
This doesn't feel like a coincidence anymore. There is cleaned up blood on his floor, enough for a nosebleed, and there is a knife in his car. One which he would probably never actually use on another person. This and then added to the fact that he had just quit his job and "died" shortly after. it's pretty obvious he is doing worse than even what he says, as he actually is kind of open about how he is doing throughout the games. Obviously he's always trying to hide his feelings (which Phoenix always sees right through), but during the case he does mostly explain to them exactly what is happening. Not that they do or even can help.
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His entire career was based around punishing himself for something he didn't actually do. There is no way he isn't harbouring a lot of self loathing, and it's hinted at throughout the games (again, hard to touch on in a lawyer game). This game is so hard to tell what the writers originally meant, both beacause of it being looked at through translations and it being written in the 2000s (like how fruity they 'accidentally' made them in the first game lol) so that's not an angle I can look at this from.
So, to recap, he
had all his past dredged up, obviously very painful
he is open about talking about it, but doesn't show the true extent of how it effects him
has a knife in his car that no one has any real theories on why he has it (and the blood)
There is traces of blood on his office floor
he has spent his entire life punishing himself, and then can't forgive himself for it
he then chooses death
when he comes back, he repeatedly projects onto Adrian Andrews
No wonder he's always saying Phoenix "saved him" he sure needed a bit of saving.
This poor, poor man. His story arc is so beautiful to me.
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endwersed · 7 months
WIP Wednesday
Thank you for the tag @dear-massacre 🥰
Here's a li'l snippet from the next chapter I'm working on for striking out; a Stiles POV of what went down over winter break.
“Okay,” Stiles says, out loud to himself only. “Okay.”
That happened. All of that… it really, actually happened.
Theo screws around behind his back. Theo screws around behind his back a lot. He read through all of those messages, swiped through all of those gratuitous photos, and he left Theo’s dorm room without a word, not a single word, and he let his feet take him over to Derek’s apartment before his mind had even made a conscious decision.
And then… that happened.
Kissing Derek. Sleeping with him. Feeling happier when he woke up this morning, in Derek’s bed, in Derek’s arms, than he has in… fuck. Possibly ever.
From the moment he walked out of Derek’s apartment building, he has forced his mind into a completely blank state. He hasn’t allowed himself to drift to, or dwell on, a single goddamn thing. Even when he caught a glimpse of the back of Theo’s head just before he ducked into his car and peeled out of that parking lot illegally quickly, even when he passed through mile after mile of empty, stretching roads, even when all he wanted to do was think, think, think – he didn’t.
Now, though. He finds he can’t put it off any longer.
He feels… honestly, he doesn’t know how he feels. His mind is foggy, and fuzzy, and his empty stomach churns with all these horrible, wonderful, conflicting emotions, each one biting into the corners of his brain, pinching into his nerves.
Theo cheats on him, and he doesn’t want to be with someone who cheats on him, and he has loved Theo for years, and he still loves Theo, but he has never felt about someone the way he feels about Derek, and it’s never been as easy and natural and effortless as it was with Derek, but maybe he is overreacting, maybe what Theo did wasn’t that bad, maybe what he has done is worse, maybe he’s the cheater, but is it betraying Derek to even let himself think like that, because it’s over with Theo, and he wants Derek, but he’s only ever wanted Theo, and he loves Theo, because Theo loves him, because Theo says that nobody else ever could love him, but Derek makes him think that maybe that might not be true, and –
A sharp breath hisses through Stiles’ clenched teeth, and he screws his eyes shut so tightly that bright, white light flashes behind his eyelids. He raises a hand to press two, harsh fingers against his temple, pulse throbbing against his fingertips, and he shakes his head; jerky little movements to stop the unerring onslaught of thoughts meshing agonisingly in his overfilled mind.
“Okay,” he says into the empty room again. “Okay.”
No pressure tags! 💖 @eevylynn @hedwig221b @renmackree @thotpuppy @crownofstardustandbone
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geebeeskoos · 11 months
So, speaking about Miles Edgeworth and his relationship with elevators.
The commonplace headcanon that I've seen, I think, pretty much everywhere, is that he avoids using them altogether unless he absolutely has to.
Now, I should state it right in the beginning before I say anything else that I have nothing against that interpretation! It makes sense! I know that quite a lot of people with PTSD avoid what triggers them. Hell, I'm one of them, and there are things related to trauma that I avoid doing entirely as well to this day.
However. I do think, that it might be more complicated that that.
Edgeworth is prideful. Hates being vulnerable. Strives to be perfect, strong in everything. And on top of that, his emotional intelligence is not that high and he tends to bottle up emotions as much as it is humanly possible. So... Maybe you can guess where I'm going with that.
Personally, I think that although he would feel quite uncomfortable about using elevators, he would ride them anyway and try his best to ignore the anxiety and intrusive memories and distract himself with anything he could think of. Or perhaps, he notices things like his breath being shallow and having brain fog only minutes after leaving the elevator. My guess is that it's a paper crane story all over again for Edgeworth — he really can't admit that it's something that causes significant distress. What is he, a child? He can't afford to be so pathetic. He sees it as a weakness that he needs to overcome. And so, it could become the opposite problem. I can totally see him taking the elevator when he really shouldn't: in really bad, critical moments. And thus he would end up hurting himself even more and making things even worse.
I could also add that it can be more nuanced than just riding an elevator. Triggers can be very finicky and specific. Maybe it's only a problem for him when there are other people in the elevator. Maybe it's only bad if it's an old elevator. Maybe Edgeworth doesn't get distressed at all in ones that are made of glass. Hey, it's even possible that the only elevator he really wants to avoid for the rest of his life is the one in the courthouse and all the others are not nearly as bad.
But most importantly. We should keep in mind that Edgeworth's story arc is also about healing among other great things. So all I've said is mostly about the trilogy era, I personally would like to think that in later games it's less of a problem for him.
Maybe, just maybe, one day all that would take for him to enter the elevator is just taking a deep breath. And then he would leave and feel... alright.
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sixhours · 7 months
Chapter 25 - The Ghosts of Babylon
Series Chapter Index | Read on AO3 | Complete
Rating: Explicit, 18+, here be smut and violence Series tags: Joel Miller x You, Joel Miller x Reader, Joel & Ellie, mostly follows canon, LGBTQ+ characters, y/n is bi/pan, y/n is ~45, violence, pregnancy, abortion, medical trauma, emotional trauma, panic attacks, sex work, suicide, smut, slow burn, angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort, romance, no use of y/n, reader has longish hair, Joel can lift you, smallish age gap (~11 years), I've probably forgotten some so please let me know <3
A blizzard hits in mid-February, delaying your exit that much longer. Joel is restless, ducking in and out of the house just to watch the snow fly, as if scowling at it could make it pass faster. You join him at the door after several rounds of this, stilling him, hand at his elbow.
“There’s always one last roar. It’ll melt.”
You know he’s thinking of Ellie, of Tommy and Maria…of home. You’re thinking of it that way, too, although you’re not sure what you’ll find when you get there. Neither of you talks about it, but it’s always there, the uncertainty ahead of you.
Instead, you throw yourself into planning for the journey ahead. You’ve stared at the maps long enough to commit the routes you need to follow to memory. You try to rebuild your strength, eating even when the taste and texture of venison make you feel sick.
He’s found a branch that makes a perfect walking stick, using his knife to shape the wood and carve a handle into the top. He finds some old sandpaper in the barn and spends an inordinate amount of time smoothing the wood until it’s velvety. He presents it to you with a gruff shrug and brushes off your thank-you with a scowl.
“Just don’t want you fallin’ over.”
Sometimes you feel almost normal, almost…whole. Maybe it’s the promise of better weather, slowly thawing you from the inside, or the thought of a future where you don’t need to hide. You think Joel notices, too, because he’s stopped watching your every move, stopped acting like the sight of a loaded gun might send you back over the dark edge.
You set out for Jackson on the first of March, when the snow is barely a thin white blanket on the ground and the air holds the faintest promise of warmth. The travel is easy at first. At the end of the day you’re tired, but the fresh air and movement feel like a reawakening, like coming back to yourself.
But the closer you get to your destination, the more your collective imagination weighs on you, drawing you into a muted, terrified silence.
It doesn’t help that the land around you is mostly uninhabited, but you still see infected in the distance, lone figures staggering across a field or lurching through the trees–strays that shouldn’t be this far out from civilization. You take turns on watch at night and try not to camp in the open if you can help it.
You find the crater about forty miles outside Jackson, exiting a swath of forest at the outskirts of the settlement’s patrol area to find a vast, blackened gash in the earth.
“Jesus,” you breathe, standing at the edge of the torn earth with Joel gripping your hand like a vice.
The remains of bodies litter the landscape, charred black by some kind of fire or explosion. Some are infected, you can tell by the bulbous shapes on their heads, but others...it’s hard to tell. An upturned FEDRA van creaks in the wind.
You exchange a look, but there’s nothing to say.
That night, you make camp at an old patrol outpost, a former hunting camp in a state of abject decay. It hasn’t been used in months if not years. You try to convince Joel to keep going through the night, unable to get that scorched-earth scene out of your mind, but you’re struggling to keep up, your bad ankle dragging with every step.
“We don’t know what we’re gonna find up there. Need to save your energy.”
Over a meager dinner, the candlelight etches worry into every line on Joel’s face. He takes the first watch while you pretend to sleep. You should be exhausted with all the miles behind you, but your mind spins in circles. Finally, you get off the mattress and put water on the portable stove to boil. You take two mugs of hot water and pull up a chair next to Joel. He doesn’t say anything, just takes one of the mugs with a nod of thanks.
“God, I wish this was coffee,” you sigh.
He taps his mug against yours in a toast. “I’d even take that instant shit.”
“I told you, desperate times,” taking a sip, wincing as the liquid burns your throat.
He’s lost in thought, rubbing at his lower lip with one thumb.
“I told her, y’know,” he rumbles softly. “Before I left. I told Ellie…about what happened…at the hospital…with the Fireflies.”
“How’d she take it?”
He takes a deep, shaky breath. “She said…she thought she could forgive me for that. Someday.”
You cluck your tongue. “She’s your kid, Miller. She’s stubborn as hell…but she’ll forgive you.”
His eyes are hazy with longing and regret, and you know the words won’t be enough until he can hear them from her lips.
“Jus’ gotta get back,” he whispers.
Neither of you sleeps that night.
When Joel realizes how close you are to Jackson, he involuntarily picks up the pace, rushing to get to the top of the last hill where you’ll be able to see the settlement in the distance. You let him go ahead, and find him standing at the crest with his hands on his hips, breathing hard.
“Sorry, had to–had to know,” he gasps.
“I know,” you say, squinting across the valley, half expecting to find another blown-out crater, relieved to see the town walls standing.
“Still there,” he breathes. It’s quiet, but there’s movement. It’s too far away to tell if that’s a good thing yet. And you haven’t encountered any patrols, which is concerning.
His hand finds yours and you squeeze it reflexively. Almost home.
The descent into the valley takes longer than it should. You’re still awkward, stumbling along with only your walking stick and occasionally Joel’s arm for support.  
As you approach the settlement, your unease grows. Joel senses it, too, and he unshoulders his rifle when you’re half a mile out, shooting you a sideways glance filled with apprehension. This close to Jackson, someone should have seen you by now.
Then the wall looms on the horizon, and you watch the doors open. Riders on horseback are filing out, coming toward you, but you can’t tell if they’re friendly. You pull the handgun out of your pocket as Joel seats the rifle at his shoulder.
You recognize Ashbury first, and the relief is enough to make your knees weak. You stumble gracelessly into Joel’s side.
“It’s them.”
He sees it, too. Then the riding party surrounds you, two dogs and their handlers bringing up the rear. Your hands go up by force of habit, as do Joel’s. He lets the rifle drop and hands it over silently.
The dogs circle your ankles, sniffing for signs of infection, and when you’re cleared, you’re escorted back to the gates amidst the circle of riders. You can almost feel Joel thrumming beside you, eyes fixed on the entrance as the gate slowly creaks open.
Then you hear her before you see her, a flash of burgundy and gray with a shock of auburn hair streaking toward you.
He stops short, clutches your hand like a lifeline, breath caught in his throat.
And then she’s tackling him, and he’s sinking to his knees in the middle of the street with his arms around his daughter. He’s murmuring through tears, baby girl , cupping her face in his hands and grinning, then pulling her back into him.
“Don’t cry, asshole,” she mutters over his shoulder, but you hear the catch in her voice and see the glimmer in her eyes.
You’re home.
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