#but WHO CARES i just made that into wholesome stuff
sumicchin · 2 days
❃ a windbreaker (satori nii) reader insert.
Rumor has it that a violent ghost has been plaguing the streets of Makochi.
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content warnings: female reader, mentions of prostitution, let's pretend nothing bad happens after roppo ichiza arc, original characters, swearing, it gets wholesome i swear
"Are you ready to go now, dear?" I feel my caretaker's hands touch my shoulders, light and caring. In front of me was my reflection in the mirror, clad in a white kimono and flower pieces adorning my hair. In the 16 years I've lived, this is the first time I saw myself all dressed up.
It's unfortunate that it had to be for an undesirable occasion.
I let out a small hum, face somber. Hayami, my caretaker since being born into this world, snakes her arms around me while I remain quiet. "If you're worried about us, then there's no need to. We have everything under control," I hear her mutter on my ear. She grasps my shoulders, giving me an earnest smile, "I trust that, you look out for your own."
"You deserve to live an earnest and free life, child."
Footsteps soon pollute the room as men clad in black arrive to escort me. I was to wait in a room alone, soon to meet my 'husband'.
"I wish you all the best. Farewell, my dear."
My head hung low as I followed them to the banquet hall as was discussed to us a few days ago.
"He'll arrive in a few minutes, stay put."
Unbeknownst to them, we had no plans of actually going through the ceremony.
As soon as the footsteps disappeared, I immediately dashed towards the back exit of the room. Having lived in this shrine for all my life made me aware of the secret passages around, and I wouldn't dare want to know why those were around.
The passage leads to the nearby river where a boat near the docks was placed by Hayami. I rushed towards it, not looking back.
I paddled fast, my mind in a haze, thinking of what could have become of everyone after knowing I escaped.
I can't let their sacrifice go to waste...
Hours passed, my arms tired from paddling nonstop as I couldn't waste a single moment. I just know that they're hot on my trail, I couldn't risk stopping.
Clouds started forming, and soon waves started accumulating. Just my luck.
We didn't anticipate a huge storm today. All I could do is hold my breath as I see a huge wave coming towards my boat.
Images of Hayami's smile before I was escorted flooded my mind.
It was a rainy day in the neighborhood, but that didn't stop the boys of Bofurin to patrol the town.
The representative first years, except Sugishita who decided to help Umemiya with his saplings, all brought their umbrellas as they walk around town while talking about the most mundane things.
"Who in the hell would even go out in this weather," Sakura groans. As much as he wanted to do something exciting (street brawl, for example), the weather warrants a day for rest.
"We just need to do one more round and we can call it a day," Nirei says with a huff. "I really wanted to take notes about the stuff you guys said earlier, but I don't want to risk getting my notebook wet."
"That would cause great trouble for you, Nirei," Suo agrees. He himself has been quiet the whole trip, too absorbed in the rain's ambience. The five of them have been walking around town for a good hour now, with nothing out of the sort. The most exciting part of the endeavor was probably Kiryu almost breaking Tsugeura's neck after the tall lad sneezed in front of him, Suo thinks.
"If we aren't gonna do something fun, then let's at least talk about something interesting while we finish up!" Tsugeura exclaims. Kiryu on his phone doesn't bother to look up at said buff male, "At least talk about something other than your protein shakes and virtues."
"I agree with Kiryu," Suo says with a hint of distaste.
Tsugeoka laughs, "I'll save those for another day! Right now, I'm feeling pumped to hear scary stories! Doesn't the rainy weather feel gloomy and stuff? Perfect vibe!"
"But didn't you say you're scared shitless of ghosts? You're just gonna make yourself piss," Sakura scoffs.
Tsugeura moves past his group and blocks their path with a determined face, "You guys gotta hear me out for this one!!! My friends from the other street have been talking about this 'White Lady' recently, and apparently, they spotted it just earlier!" He shudders visibly.
Kiryu looks at him disinterested, "Wasn't there a similar incident at the rooftop? It was only a black cloth all along."
"You should stop scaring yourself, Tsugeura. It's bad for the heart," Suo laughs, however, the boy next to him is visibly bothered by the story.
"So it is real...!" Nirei, with bloodshot eyes, starts shaking uncontrollably.
"What's real? And why are you shaking?!" Sakura exclaims. The blonde looks at his peers, face pale as he recalls the rumors, "It's said that the ghost had long hair and was wearing a white kimono. Get close to it and it'll attack, they say!"
A manly scream erupts out of Tsugeura.
"And since it's a ghost, you can't fight back!!! Four men apparently were injured ever since the sightings started!"
Another scream erupts from Tsugeura.
Suo's eyes lit up upon hearing the four men mention, "Oh, you meant the wanted traffickers in the red light district? The Roppo Ichiza would be glad to hear about that."
"At least the women can be at ease now. This ghost might be of help to us," Kiryu adds.
The other three boys in the group all just stared at each other for a moment, but Sakura's interest was piqued as soon as he heard 'fight'. The ghost must be tough to beat up four grown men!
Suo hums with concern, "How did the men come across the ghost anyway?"
"Apparently, if you hear the clanks of wooden sandals—"
Clank. Clank.
"Exactly like that one, it's a telltale sign that the ghost is nearby."
Nirei's train of thoughts stop as he looks towards where his group is gazing at.
Long hair with a white kimono.
"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Nirei and Tsugeura cry as they hug each other.
"Well, if it isn't the star of the show," Suo says, eyes wide at what he's seeing.
Sakura and Kiryu look at the figure with curiosity, seemingly wanting to approach it.
"Can we be sure that this isn't a real person," Kiryu trails, "That looks awfully...real."
Sakura steps forward, "Only one way to find out."
Apparently, I survived that storm.
The weather remains gloomy like before, and I assume it's around midnight.
My body feels heavy, my mind is fuzzy, but I had to ignore these and get moving.
I walked until I saw signs of civilization. I was never allowed to go outside of the shrine other than the market, so all I could rely on right now was my intuition and fists.
All the shops were closed, but the street lamps were all lit—they looked beautiful. If I weren't running for my life, I would've basked in this moment for a bit longer.
I needed to get some sustenance and shelter soon, my body has been giving me signs of malfunction.
I walked around a corner and was greeted by four armed men, all huddled together smoking cigarettes.
"That new catch you got is pretty experienced. Exactly the boss' type," I hear one of them say with the rest of the men laughing, saying more vulgar and inappropriate acts.
The mainland has it worse than I thought.
The group of men drop their cigarettes upon looking at the glowing machine in their hands. Apparently, it's past midnight by 10 minutes. Hayami would get angry at me if she knew I stayed up this late.
"Break's over. Let's head back to the bar," a hooded figure says and soon the three other men follow. They walk in my direction and noticed my presence, immediately turning their attention towards me.
"Oh, you there, pretty lady. You tryna catch some guys around this time of the night?"
They laugh.
I just kept walking, ignoring their catcalling. As soon as our paths cross, one of the men grabs my arm and flings me towards them.
His other hand grabs my chin and lifts my face, almost as if inspecting it. A pleased hum erupts from his nicotine reeking face.
"You could make for a fine prostitute."
With all my remaining energy, I send a kick to his abdomen, the man falling to the ground as he clutched his stomach.
"What the—hey! Get this bitch tied up!" All three men charge at me, but they all crumble like a tower of cards.
Four piles of unconscious bodies around me.
I heard a woman scream as she runs away, dropping the bag she's carrying from panic.
The people back at the shrine would shun me for stealing, but I'm too starved to think straight. Rummaging through the bag, I come across some leftovers. I nabbed the food and went back to the unconscious bodies, searching for anything useful.
A few coins that can hopefully buy bread or water.
My kimono feels too heavy from all the moisture, but I'd rather endure it than wear clothing that smells like smoke and alcohol.
I ran away as soon as I looted whatever's useful, searching for a place to hide and rest.
Hopefully, tomorrow treats me better.
"Don't do it, Sakura!" Nirei frets, finger pointing at the white figure. "Who knows what that ghost will do to you!"
"I'm not buying the ghost crap, if I get a hold of that thing, then it ain't a ghost!" Sakura exclaims as he approached the finger, dropping his umbrella in the progress.
"Ah Sakura, didn't you just recover from a cold?" Suo says as he picks up the boy's forgotten umbrella.
"I won't be able to fight with one hand."
'That's cringe,' Kiryu grimaces.
Tsugeura, trembling profusely, can only bid his captain all the luck in the world. "I can't watch this!!!"
"So, you're the ghost everyone's been talking about."
He doesn't get a response.
"Those four men aren't part of our territory, but I can't let you running around our town free," Sakura clenches his fist and runs towards the figure. He strikes a fast punch, only for the figure to step aside and appear behind him. He goes for a kick, but the ghost avoided him once more. This goes on for a while, Sakura barraging the ghost with powerful punches and swift kicks, only for naught.
"Why aren't you fighting back?!"
"Maybe it's because it is a ghost!" Suo replies playfully.
Tsugeura, pale as paper, could only look through his fingers, "Tell me when it's all over!"
"Suo, Kiryu, don't you guys think you could help out Sakura? This is getting nowhere!" Nirei says.
"I want to but, I don't really want to get my clothes wet," Kiryu nonchalantly says, "Plus it's fun to watch from here."
"Same here." Suo chirps.
"Why are you guys so chill about this?! There's some paranormal activity going around and you guys are just treating this like it's some circus act—"
A loud thunk was heard, the boys turned their heads over to Sakura who was now on the floor. While the boys were engaging in playful banter, Sakura was suddenly hit by a powerful kick to the back of his head. The force of it almost resembles Togame's punch, he thinks.
The rest of the boys come to his aid, with Nirei acting as his clutch as he catches his breath.
Sakura heaves, "That's no ghost, it's human just like us."
"Fuck, I thought I could handle it myself, but I'll be needing your guy's help. The only objective right now is to capture that thing so it doesn't cause trouble for the town." He's not exactly sure if he's supposed to make a villain out of the mysterious person, but it's better safe than sorry. Before his face got plummeted to the ground, he swore to himself that he was able to clutch the figure's right ankle, cold to the touch.
Everyone nods in agreement, understanding the assignment. By this point, their umbrellas all dance on the floor as they prepare to catch their target.
"I'll overcome my fear for the townspeople's sake!" Tsugeura roars, taking his stance.
He charges towards the figure and tries to go in for a grab, but he ends up catching air.
Suo and Kiryu now taking the whole situation seriously follow suit and try to get near the figure with haste. Kiryu tries to corner the figure, but it starts to use the wall as leverage and makes a run to escape. Suo notices this and was able to predict the person's landing, only for his shoulder to be stepped on.
Their target soon makes its escape, not even allowing the boys to regain their composure.
Nirei, who was watching by the sidelines, was able to discern which direction the figure went and relayed this information to his Bofurin peers. They decided to assimilate it in their group chat as well to make the task easier.
Highschoolers hunting for a 'ghost' in the middle of a downpour made headlines that day.
The students of Bofurin all get word of the hunt. Needless to say, everyone was joining for the hell of it.
"So you're telling me, this ghost is not actually a ghost?" Umemiya says, slightly disappointed. His hope of meeting the occult, shattered. Everyone sweats a drop at their leader's statement, except Sugishita who reflected the same feeling of disappointment. Students who were available that day all gathered at Furin's rooftop, to which the crops and seedlings all glistened at having been watered by mother nature. All grade captains and the four kings were present, indicating the severity of the situation.
Or that they didn't really have anything going on for the day.
"Anything else we need to know about the target?" Hiragi asks the first year boys, to which Nirei perks up.
"U-uhm, I was watching the whole time so I think I got a good look at them. Other than the long hair and tattered white kimono, height-wise I think they're about my size," he nervously says, flipping pages of his notebook. "Sakura also said that the skin was cold as ice due to being exposed to the rain for days. I don't think the target could've gone far after our encounter with it since they might've been suffering from hypothermia by now!"
'So he was jotting down details the entire time...how diligent,' Suo thought to himself, acting like a proud father.
Everyone takes in the information and is about to head downstairs until Kiryuu's voice reaches everyone, halting their steps. "I don't want to get ahead of myself, but are we sure the target isn't a girl or something? I mean, I know a girl when I see one. Don't you agree, Suo?"
Leonardo DiCaprio nodded his head with a smile, "I thought so as well, but I was afraid Sakura would hold back once he heard about it."
Cueu steam coming out of said boy's ears.
"If that's the case, then let's proceed with caution everyone! Don't act like savages if you come across the girl," Tsubaki suggests with Umeyama agreeing. "Make sure to keep communication open once she's on sight so that everyone can close down the area."
Needless to say, Tsubaki was worried ever since Kiryuu and Suo suggested that they were to capture a girl.
"Are y'all done with the chitchat? If we don't move our asses then we can kiss goodbye to the whole thing," Kaji interrupts, already looking impatient and raring to go.
"Welp, you heard the man. Bofurin, roll out!"
winbre brainrot real ;-;
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unknownhomosapien · 8 months
im gonna kill for them.....they need a happy end goddamn
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falinscloaca · 4 months
brain. please.
#its 'sleep debt' i'm like 90% sure but i'm in such an easily uh. reactible? triggerable???? my brain sees stimulus and starts slamming#buttons.#i'm fully composed just like - i saw some furries that looks similar to character featured in NOT BAD but emotionally challenging (to my#personal foibles the art itself was quite wholesome) art that lives rent free in this one out-of-the-way but easily-seen-in-passing part of#my brain and my heart just sank like a fucking ROCK lmao#followed by the actually rather excited (because i don't actually bear the particular art i was reminded by ill will) going to figure out i#it was The Same Artist - wasn't! made sense the masc one was much better put together#for the record the other art was characters wholesomely discovering their sexualities to be Different than they previously knew.#of course my gender/sexuality ocd self hears that and feels like she's being boiled alive ha-ha~!#significantly more offended that a sicko from the *other* side of the fence saw it though and thought#'oh this will go great in the same pool as a load'a dykebreaking crap!!!' ITS CUTE AND SWEET AND THEYRE TEXTUALLY BI ASSHOLE#like one of the images is poorly worded who cares jump off a cliff#(found the art looking up 'insert normie term for gnc masc x gnc fem' stuff i wasn't even trying to gaze at THAT abyss)#....lowkey hate it that aesthetically a solid chunk of my preferences are trapped in 'femboy x tomboy' art like...#bro those aren't the genders i want/need sdhgdsklsgdhlk i can close my brain and pretend its not what the lore says but how fucking hard is#it to find decent sapphic art with trans women in it where they AREN'T big boobie breasted transitioning-like#(i literally have ocs that are t4t lesbians who are virtually indistinguishable not-being-furries-aside from some of the art i've found its#god it fucking kills me i need to get more comfortable drawing for PLEASUREEEEE AAAAAAAAAAA)#but those sorts of 'noone quite makes what i wanna see. i wanna draw it.' moods ALWAYS JUST FUCKING GO AWAY ONCE I GET MORE ENERGY IN ME TO#DO THINGS!!!!! I'M ONLY CREATIVELY ENERGIZED WHEN IM FUCKING NAPPING WHEN I'M AWAKE ITS EITHER HYPERFIXATION OR BIDEO GAMES#AND LIKE. I HAVE LONG TERM ART PROJECTS IN THE HYPERFIXATION ZONE. BUT THAT ISN'T THE FUN SHIT I COULD BE DOING IN THE MEANTIME#-WHICH'D ACTUALLY HELP PRACTICE FOR THE BIG LEAGUES!!!!!!!!#god i'm getting a headache. wanted to get to bed early today. its still early for me despite being 1:00 but like STILL phooey
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anyroads · 2 years
OK you know what, if we're gonna talk about Bake Off then fuck it, let's do this.
It used to be this wholesome, lovely show! We used to watch it for the bakers! And the learning! And the light banter and occasional bit of coy innuendo! What happened?
Channel 4 happened. When they bought the show they made a number of changes, most of them Not Good™️. Not just in the sense of them resulting in a lot of 😬 and 🫠 moments, but in the sense of how they changed the show's purpose, atmosphere, and brand.
Look, I know most people are just like, "whatever, it's just a baking show," and yeah, sure. But it's one of the UK's most successful TV exports, and where it once shifted the tone of reality competition to being wholesome and supportive of contestants, it's since moved towards creating tension at the contestants' cost. So aside from the fact that most people watching it signed up to watch a nice show, it has also shifted the goalposts of what that even means. And that, lovelies and gentlefolk, is some bullshit.
I decided to break my rant analysis into four main parts: theme weeks, the hosts, the judges, and the bakers. Let's get to it!
Theme Weeks:
If you watch Bake Off, you know the show's always had a specific theme for each week. The staples that come up in most seasons are:
Less common but consistent are things like caramel and chocolate week.
Then there are the fun episodes! When GBBO was on the BBC, this started out with things tea week, tarts, pies, tray bakes, basically little tangents still focused on emphasizing specific baking skills. In Series 6 (still on the BBC) they had their first nation-focused theme week with French week -- fairly innocuous given that a lot of patisserie is French, France and England share much more culture than either cares to admit [Norman Flag dot gif], and it was a nice change from watching Paul make the bakers do recipes that involved boiling things while talking about how wonderful boiled doughs are (are they, Paul? Are they?).
The show kept mixing it up with innocuous themes like advanced dough and alternative ingredients weeks, European cakes, Victorian week, batter week, and botanical week. And while it was frustrating to watch Paul Hollywood mispronounce things like the Hungarian Dobos Torta and lecture bakers on babka when he clearly knew nothing about it (or about Jewish baking in general, go off Past Me), the show's general attitude was that the judges had their own opinions, which were separate from the immutable facts around the chemistry of baking (more on this later) and shouldn't affect how bakers are judged.
After the show moved to Channel 4, the number of themed weeks increased and more of them focused on specific countries. In 6 seasons on the BBC, there were only two country-focused theme weeks, and in 5 seasons on Channel 4 there have been five. And while they've also had themes like vegan baking, roaring 20s, the 1980s, spice week, etc. the show has really started to go hard on exoticizing other cultures in outright disrespectful and racist ways. There's been Italian and Danish week, German, Japanese (it wasn't, it was East Asian week), and now Mexican week (which doesn't touch on interspersed Jewish bakes that didn't get a theme week, like versions of bagels and babka set as technical challenges that were borderline hate crimes and mansplained by a guy who has no idea how to make either and once wrote in a cookbook that challah was traditionally eaten during Passover). Each time the hosts played up the theme with racist bits and jokes that can be used as evidence in court if your case is "why should shows with scripted content have a professional writing staff."
Which touches on other issues the show has now...
The Hosts:
When GBBO was on the BBC, the show was hosted by ✨Mel Giedroyc✨ and ✨Sue Perkins✨. They encouraged the bakers! They'd hold stuff for them sometimes! They were interested in them! If a baker had a breakdown, they would start singing copyrighted material to render the footage unusable! When the show moved to Channel 4, they left, though I'm not unconvinced that Channel 4 offered them impossible to accept contracts to force them out so they could rebrand the show. They replaced them with Sandy Toksvig and Noel Fielding. Sandy was a lovely host in the vein of Mel and Sue, and she and Noel had a relatively sweet rapport, but she left a few seasons ago and was replaced by Matt Lucas.
Noel Fielding is mostly known for his quirky brand of comedy, a sort of British Zooey Deschanel who's goth from the neck up, an upperclass British gay divorcee from the neck down, and basically an early 60s Beatle re: trousers. Matt Lucas has almost definitely never watched a single episode of GBBO and his most redeeming quality is his thinly veiled contempt for Paul Hollywood.
The two treat the baking tent as their personal playground. Far from the supportive attitude of Mel and Sue, they tend to get in the bakers' way during the most stressful moments, especially when they try to do hilarious "comedy" bits (I can't not put that in quotes) like Noel's talking wooden spoon thing, or Matt talking over Noel to do time calls. During theme weeks like Japanese and Mexican week, they do culture-specific bits that are both racist ("just Juan joke" and "is Mexico a real place?") and unsurprising, given that both Matt and Noel did blackface on their respective sketch shows and absolutely could and should have known better because it was already the current fucking century.
All this to say, there's now a separation between the bakers and the hosts, as if they're on different shows. The hosts are doing their own thing and the bakers are doing GBBO. The show has gotten meaner to the bakers, and the hosts aren't there to support them anymore, they're just there to be comic relief. Because when you refocus your show on stressing the bakers the fuck out, you need a forced laugh I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
The Judges:
First of all, a sincere congratulations to Paul Hollywood who managed to squeeze I jUsT cAmE bAcK fRoM mExIcO aNd YeT sTiLL pRoNoUnCe PiCo De GaLLo As 'PiKa De KaLLa' and I aM aN eXpErT oN s'MoReS wHiCh aRe MaDe WiTh DiGeStiVe BiScUiTs AcCoRdiNg tO mE, aN eXpErT oN s'MoReS, just two in a giant pile of astoundingly wrong hot takes, into a short enough time span that they all aired within Liz Truss's term as Prime Minister. A true man of accomplishments.
In the interest of fairness, I need to preface this with a disclaimer that, due to the fact that I've been watching Bake Off for most of its run, I'm biased. Specifically, I can't stand Paul Hollywood's smarmy, classist, egomaniac ass because he's proven time and again he's more interested in looking smart than actually knowing what he's talking about. Since the show moved to Channel 4, they've changed the occasional handshake Paul would give bakers to the HoLlYwOoD hAnDsHaKe™️. It's gone from being an emphasis of someone's skill to a goal, a reward, and one that emphasizes the judges' place above the bakers.
The judges used to function as teachers, imparting their skills and insights to the bakers. When the show was on the BBC, the voiceover leading to a judging would focus on the bakers' work being finished, saying how it will now be evaluated based on their skill and how well they met the brief. The voiceovers now, on Channel 4, focus on the judging (literally saying something along the lines of, "the bakers will now be judged by Prue and Paul"). There is a clear distinction Channel 4's producers have made, to mark that the show is now about whether or not the judges approve, not whether the brief was understood and executed well. On the BBC, it was irrelevant whether the judges liked a particular flavor, as long as the bake was well-made. Now, the bakers are expected to know the judges tastes and cater to them, which is frankly bullshit. A judge doesn't have to like a flavor to know whether or not it was executed well, ie. is it carrying a bake and was it meant to etc.
The judges have been turned into a brand. Cynically, Channel 4 knows that by building them up and focusing the show more on them, they can exploit their image more for profit. In the process, they've become much more biased and their own biases have come out as well. Most recently in the flaming dumpster fire that was Mexican Week, Paul Hollywood tried to intimidate a baker by telling them he had just gotten back from Mexico (which must have been a fruitful learning trip if he couldn't even learn how to pronounce pico de gallo correctly). Where do I even start with this? Here's an amateur baker from England (the show specifically casts middle and lower middle class bakers for the most part??) who likely can't afford trips to Mexico, who lives in a country with incredibly limited access to Mexican cuisine, who is expected not only to understand the cooking and baking traditions of a completely different culture but to do so well enough to play with it and do something creative with it. On top of which, one of the judges is now using his privilege of traveling halfway around the world as some kind of leverage, as if this were a bar that any amateur British baker could clear.
Prue, meanwhile, has openly asserted her biases against cultural flavors and textures, prioritizing her own personal preferences over them, as if they were in any way relevant to the skills and knowledge necessary to execute the tasks she sets to the bakers. She has also been consistently elitist, criticizing bakers for choices they made that were clearly informed by their experiences within income brackets that are too low and foreign for Prue to comprehend. She once had a go at a baker on a Christmas special because his Christmas dinner themed bake didn't have a turkey, even though it was clear from the stories he shared of his own Christmases that his family likely couldn't afford one. "It's not really Christmas dinner without a turkey," Prue said into the camera angrily while sitting on a chair made of live orphans and telling the ghost of Christmas Future to come back when he had another museum gift shop necklace for her to round out her collection.
The show is no longer about which baker has the best skills. It's become about which mortal can appease the gods of Mount Olympus, ie. the judges.
The Bakers:
Remember when the show was about them? Channel 4 doesn't! Because this is a reality competition show, the bakers are chosen both based on their skills, as well as cast-ability. They're cast as characters, distinct from each other, from different areas, age groups, ethnicities. All of them are amateurs. All of them are middle or lower middle class. They've ranged from college students to supermarket cashiers to prison wardens to scientists.
Something I noticed when the show moved to Channel 4 is that the baker who goes home in the first week is always wildly behind the rest in skills. I have no proof of this other than my eyeballs and deductive reasoning skills, but I think that Channel 4 deliberately casts a ringer each season who they think will be an easy send-off in the first week, just to get the audience's feet wet.
Anyway, like I said, this show used to be about the bakers - about them building skills and learning, and having walked into the tent with a self-taught foundation and understanding of the processes and chemical reactions involved in baking. When the show was on the BBC, the end of each round had some (often brief) moments of tension - will they finish in time? Will they get their bakes on the plate before time is up? Did they forget to add sugar to their batter and only remember at the last minute? In the end, they usually managed to finish and we'd all breathe a sigh of relief and think, yeah! You go, Bakers Who I'm Rooting For!
Now, on Channel 4, the end of round drama has been stretched to be so much longer that they've composed extra music for it. The bakers often seem out of their depth, whether because the instructions for the technical challenge are too vague (bake a lemon meringue pie??? As if anyone in the UK under the age of 60 has had one in the last decade???), or because they were expected to bake something that required a more than a basic foundation they weren't told of. Often it seems like they just aren't given enough time, a tactic used by reality competition shows to manipulate contestants into giving the cameras more dramatic content. On top of all this, the hosts get in their way, instead of helping them plate their bakes. As has been pointed out before, when everyone fails the challenge, the real failure lies with whoever set it.
In conclusion:
The show no longer exists to teach the bakers - and the audience - skills or knowledge. It now manipulates contestants for dramatic effect and prioritizes showing conflict over wholesome content. Channel 4 sees the bakers as social media content they can churn out season after season, and don't care about them because in a few months there'll be a new batch to exploit. Meanwhile, the judges are also out of their depth, co-opting recipes from other cultures and butchering them horrendously, while the camera gives them nothing but status as they hold bakers to the expectation that they learn how to make things very much the wrong way. If you saw any of the tweets about Mexican or Japanese week, or read my post on how Paul Hollywood isn't allowed to go near babka ever again, you'll understand.
So what would fix all this? Scrap the current judges and the hosts altogether. Bring back Mel and Sue, and replace the judges with expert bakers who have a love of their craft and want to share it with others. The draw of GBBO used to be its warmth and comfort - if Channel 4 isn't going to start its own version of Master Chef For Bakers, then it needs to stop trying to find a balance of how it can insert that vibe into GBBO. It can't. That's not a thing. Stop trying.
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strongheartneteyam · 5 months
𖧷 Headcanons
Neteyam bringing you breakfast in bed ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
(human AU)
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Pairing: human!neteyam x female!reader
cw: wholesome fluff, neteyam treating reader so damn right, use of "baby" and "princess", kissing, oral sex (female receiving), brief dirty talk
This was an idea from this cute anon 💕 I hope you enjoy, angel 💌
Not proofread. Sorry but without my glasses I can't do much reading :’(
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♡ Neteyam is the kind of boyfriend who is always busy with the many activities he likes to do as he's a very active person (such as his studies, exercising, work, archery classes) + how he's incredibly often taking care of Tuk or just looking over Lo'ak and making sure he doesn't get into too much trouble at school (and also tutoring him because our boy Lo doesn't have big brains, you know?)
♡ Despite his busy schedule, he always makes an effort and ends up finding enough time to be with you and to pamper you with cute dates, gifts such as stuffies and your favorite foods and to have you sleep over at his home (he's got his own apartment now as he's in his early, almost mid twenties)
♡ Last night you two went out to eat pasta in one of your favorite restaurants, one that serves many kinds of pasta, from more traditional ones to ones with seafood on them. You two ate so much, your tummies got big and you both slept like babies once you got to his small but cozy apartment.
♡ You wake up with a tender kiss on your forehead and when you open your eyes, you see Neteyam standing in all his 6’1 glory, smiling and holding a huge tray in his big hands, full of delicious food. You can smell fresh made black coffee - he knows it is your favorite. “Morning, sleepyhead. I'd ask if you're hungry but you always are so…” He steals a joyful laughter from you with this sentence
♡ When you sit down and Neteyam sits next to you, your eyes see how many different foods he brought you. Besides coffee, there's froot loops with milk on a pink bowl (he keeps dishes and spoons etc just for you at his home <3), a croissant, another pink bowl with strawberries, kiwi and banana cut in pieces. There's also slices of cheese and some fried bacon. You smile widely “Baby, you didn't have to spoil me like this!” Neteyam answers “Of course I have to. You're my little princess and I love you.” He gives you a sweet kiss on the lips “I love you more. You're the best boyfriend I could ever ask for.” 
♡ Neteyam happily watches you eat and you two talk about trivial stuff and act like a cute couple in love. When you're finished eating all that food, you hear him say: “Now open these legs ‘cause it's my time to eat” You almost choke on the coffee you're drinking. Neteyam takes the tray away and puts it on the nightstand.
♡ You see Neteyam sneaking between your legs, kissing your inner thighs and looking up at you with pervy eyes. His kisses are so good and he looks so fucking sexy that you just can't say “no”.
♡ Neteyam starts taking your panties off while kissing your belly slowly (you slept in only panties and an old cotton t-shirt of his) and when your pussy is exposed to him, he helps you lay down on your back and opens your legs for him. Neteyam laps at your already wet folds with his warm tongue, tasting you. “God, how do you taste so good, baby? I'm addicted to eating you out.” He starts sucking your clit, making you moan in pleasure. You close your eyes and just enjoy the incredibly skilled oral Neteyam is giving you until you're crying in ecstasy and your legs are shaking.
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anonymousangstmonster · 5 months
Idea #39
The Fentons were a family of merciless mer hunters.
But when Jack Fenton found a barely-a-year-old, white haired, black scaled, green eyed guppy washed up on their private beach, he couldn’t just leave the little guy to probably get eaten alive by seagulls. He’d always had a soft spot for kids.
He somehow convinced Maddie to let him keep it, as long as he was responsible for it. Jack had to feed it, clean it and it’s tank, train it, make sure it didn’t try to eat people, entertain it, the normal things you have to do to take care of a pet. Sure Maddie was the one that made sure it was fed most of the time since Jack forgot, but he did all the other things! He even gave him a name, Danny.
They actually got to learn a lot about merfolk biology taking care of him.
Over time the pair of scientists grew more and more attached to the little baby mer in their lab. He was practically a son to them. He was so sweet and cute, who wouldn’t love him instantly!
They taught him how to talk(he had such an adorable voice!), they taught him about the outside world(his eyes always sparkled with curiosity and wonder when listening to their stories).
When an old mer hunting friend came over to visit, he told them to be careful, that the creature could be using its siren powers to make them love it. They assured him that Danny’s powers(if he had any) were disabled by the small and unobtrusive cuff around his wrist.
They arranged for a little boy Danny’s age to come for a playdate, since he always seemed so lonely by himself in his artificial habitat. That young boy was named Tucker Foley, and the two hit it off instantly. Playing in the shallow area of Danny’s ‘exhibit’ with beach balls and plastic boats.
More time passed and Danny grew, his aquarium growing along with him.
Sometimes other hunter and scientist friends of the Fentons would come see the lab, and they would see a teenage merman in a comfortable environment and not on an examination table.
The parents wanted to see their boy free and happy, so they released him into the ocean. It wasn’t until later that they realized they never prepared him for the outside world, they never taught him how to hunt for himself, to avoid fishing nets, he might get seriously hurt or even die out there because they were ‘so eager to get rid of him’.
One of their worst fears were confirmed when they found him washed up on their beach bleeding from his tail, abdomen, and arm, unconscious.
Mer au combined with “Danny has always been lab rat” au, and wholesome up until the plot.
“I also just want Jack to invent a ghost(mer) treat and make Danny do tricks for it.” -that applies to this as well. Also I had the idea for that when eating a soft peppermint for the first time in forever.
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melminli · 4 months
Vanilla Pudding II
pairing: young coriolanus snow x fem. reader
summery - of course, coriolanus had his principles. but before he had them, he had you. he didn't want to lose that no matter what. you were his only exception in this game, and you would remain to be that.
word count: 1.3k
contains: district reader living in the capitol, fluff, slightly dark themes, coryo being a simp, flashbacks, fluff, possessiv behavior
a/n: well, i didn't really expect this to turn kinda darkish since the first chapter was so wholesome... but here we are. part 2 to blueberry tartlet!
part I
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Not everything was easier back then, but most things were. As a child, he didn't have to worry about his family's reputation. He hardly cared about his own since he was more concerned about what he had for dessert after dinner. Coriolanus was fine with just about anything most of the time, except for this pastrie with jam his grandmother used to make. He hated the taste of that. Well, he ate it anyway, but he would have been happier if it had been bread pudding instead. Coriolanus loved that shit.
He remembered once when he was a little kid and played alone on one of the swings at the playground outside. He thought of kindergarten as okay because he didn't like most of the kids there, and that still hadn't changed today. Most of them grew up to be idiots just as expected.
"Ya wanna have some puddin'?" You asked him, and this was the first real encounter he had with you. Back then, you still had your district accent, which Coriolanus had found very strange, but for whatever reason, you were still quite popular among the others. They liked you a lot.
He thought you were weird. "Is it bread pudding?"
You didn't seem to know for sure yourself as you looked into the container and thought for a few seconds. "No, just normal vanilla puddin'...sorry." you said in a whisper. "Ya can still have it if ya want? The other like chocolate puddin' more..."
Coriolanus watched your figure for a few seconds, and you didn't really dare to meet his starting gaze at first, so you looked to the side, slightly embarrassed. "I don't want it, but I'll take it." He finally said and held out his hand. It was better than nothing.
His answer brought a smile to your face. "My ma made it, I'm sure ya gonna like it!" You replied and happily placed it in his hand.
He didn't have a spoon. How am I supposed to eat this? He looked at his hands and considered it for a few seconds before shaking his head. No, I can't do that. "Why don't you eat it?" He asked you, suddenly noticing out of the corner of his eye how your braided hair was held in place by a bow. He thought it looked kind of cute on you. It suited you.
"I also like chocolate more." You admitted a little shyly and then realized yourself that he didn't have the necessary cutlery to eat the dessert. "Oh, I don't have a spoon with me. We can ask someone in the cafeteria, I'm sure they'll help us out!" Your voice exclaimed as you grabbed his hand and pulled him along without a care in the world.
He wished he could still see you with the same eyes he did back then. When it didn't matter who was called what, what clothes you wore, or just the fact that you could say what you thought without worrying about how it might sound.
But you weren't kids anymore. He was no longer clueless and all that stuff was important now. The only thing that hadn't changed from back then was that you were still a District girl, and that was one thing you would remain forever, no matter how long you lived in the Capitol.
"Are you okay, Coriolanus?" Rang your sweet voice suddenly in his ears, leaving him stirring only to be greeted with your figure in front of his table. Your eyes looked down at him with concern, and he only now realized that class was over. Most of the students had even left the classroom already. It seemed like he had been caught up in his thoughts for quite a while. "...yes, everything is fine. Don't worry about it, it's nothing." He said and packed up his bag.
You weren't entirely convinced but decided to let it go. Maybe he just hadn't slept well. He seemed to walk around with dark circles under his eyes a lot. "Oh, okay." You just said. You've been making a bit more of an effort to get in touch with your childhood friend lately. You didn't really know why, but somehow, along the way, you just seemed to stop being friends. It was only the other day at the graduation party of your elders that you realized how much you had actually missed him.
"So, I heard you're taking part in this year's Hunger Games." You broached the subject and saw him raise an eyebrow. You suddenly noticed how that may have sounded. "As a mentor, of course! Yeah, sorry if the way I just put it sounded a bit weird..." You apologized to him and mentally smacked yourself on the head.
He shook his hand. It was cute how nervous you suddenly acted around him. He liked that, liked that it was him who made you feel that way. "It's okay. As I said, don't worry about it." He replied and walked down the stairs with you after he was finished with his bag. "I'm afraid I couldn't find your name on the list. It's a real shame that you have to miss out on such a great opportunity."
You disagreed. "Well, I'm actually a bit relieved about that, if I'm being honest." You admitted, looking a little worried at the thought that you could have been in his place. "Yeah, I'm not really a big fan of the games. I hate to admit it, but I'm kind of sensitive to this type of stuff. Like, just seeing blood freaks me out, so I can't really..."
Coriolanus watched you struggle a bit trying to skate around the actual goal of the games. You didn't even seem to be able to say the word kill or dead. He'd bet you'd be the first to fall if you were a tribute. His eyebrows furrowed slightly at the thought. It's better that she isn't. She's not like those other animals. "Don't be absurd. It's completely valid that you feel that way, trust me." He assured you, bringing a slight smile back to your lips.
He stopped you briefly so he could hold your hand comfortingly. "We don't even have to talk about the games if you don't want to. How about this, I know this good ice cream place near the academy." He suggested charmingly. "Do you still like chocolate? I've heard that's their specialty."
You couldn't stop the broad smile that spread across your face at his words. "It still is, actually. let's go! My treat!" You said and pulled him along by his hand without a care in the world, and like then, he just let you do it.
"No way, I'll pay and there's nothing you can do about it."
You shook your head stubbornly. "I don't want you to do that, and you can't stop me."
He had decided then and there that he wasn't going to let himself get in the way of the only good thing that had ever happened to him in his usually so miserable life. And what if you were a District girl? Even if he could never change that, it would make no difference in the future.
After all, no one would dare question the decisions of the President of Panem - especially when it came to choosing his first lady. Coriolanus was sure that something could easily be arranged with those who still couldn't hold their tongues.
Before you could take another step, Coriolanus suddenly stopped behind you and almost let you fall to the ground had he not caught you. "And that's where you're wrong." He said, smiling as sweetly as a poisoned apple. "Because I can."
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justkennadi · 23 days
hiii! i was wondering if you could do bunny!reader and Connie doing something maybe a bit wholesome like maybe grocery shopping? 😭😭
Hellooooooo! My first request 😭😭! Ok so, basically for this is had to do a bit of research because I never heard of the bunny!reader thing so idk y my mind went to like and actual half human, half bunny situation but hopefully I got it right let me knowwwww!
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You hopped right into my heart
Warnings: none
Content: just fluff 👍🏾
- People would describe you as a bunny a lot of the time
- You were shy, curious, easily startled…
- So how did someone like you, end up with some on like him?
- You went with your friend one day to the mall and that’s when he saw you
- You wore a whole white outfit that contrasted well with your darker skin. It was simple really, a white crop top and a short lacy skirt, white stockings and some white flats.
- He just had to have you
- Luckily for him your friend saw him and pointed him out to you as he walked over
- You were nervous at first and tried to hide behind her but she reassured you it was fine and stepped out the way
- He was fine enough so you did end up giving him your number and the rest was history
- Connie Springer was the town’s bad boy. He wore ripped jeans and buzz cut his hair a lot and messed around in school all the way up until graduation
- You however, while jumpy and sometimes silly when comfortable, was an exceptional student who was often quiet and to herself
- You went to college but he didn’t. He was wild and edgy and you were tame and soft
- So why did you chose him?
- Well it’s like they say, opposites attract!
- You calmed Connie down, he pulled you out your shell
- You guys first date was going on a picnic.
- Connie chose the perfect day, it was sunny but not too hot with a nice breeze. He knew you liked vegetables so he brought some ingredients to make a salad which you thought was sweet 🤍
- He loved your softness and almost purity
- After a while you guys would go grocery shopping
- He would take care of your stuff first so berries, lettuce and carrots and other healthy things would fill the basket
- Connie goes to the gym so he knows about being healthy but he would also get things like potion powder and eggs
- He would always pay and push the basket no matter what you said and he would put all the bags in the trunk too.
- Then you guys would drive around and listen to music. He listened to a lot of rap and a bit of rock even but you didn’t.
- “Some of these lyrics are so….violent..” You’d say and Connie would just laugh.
- You listened to softer music and pop and you even introduced him to Taylor Swift
- When the town saw you with the famous “bad boy” there were mixed reactions. Some people were worried you’d become like him and some were hoping he’d become more like you..
- Eventually everyone got used to it and now you guys were the walking definition of couple goals
- Connie would eventually nickname you his bunny because of how you reminded him of them so often with how you act
- You absolutely loved it, he really made your heart melt
- “Man, when I saw you at the mall that day, it’s like you hopped right into my heart..” He said on you guys one year anniversary of being together.
- You didn’t do much other than smile and peck him on his cheek :)
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I liked this idea a lot 😭👍🏾 I hope it’s what you wanted or that I got it right at least
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perseephoneee · 9 months
ask me to dance? [isaac lahey x f!reader]
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request: can you do some wholesome isaac content?
warnings: pure fluff. teenagers being awkward.
a/n: me? remembering to write? shocker. literally struggled with this lol but i'm here and i'm trying to write more in order to be a productive member of society. also i'm so in love with Isaac it's not funny *cries*
↳ masterlist ↳  want to be shipped with a fic character?
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It never really got cold in Beacon Hills, considering it was located in California. Still, when temperatures started to fall to a mild climate, it signaled to the teen population that winter was fast approaching. And with that came Winter Ball. Which is all you've been able to think about. 
To anyone who would ask, it wasn't that big of a deal– but you secretly thought about it. All the outfits, the decorations, the romanticism of it all. Maybe it was the hopeless romantic in you, especially as someone who has never had a date. It used to not bother you; you were happily involved in your studies or worrying about being murdered by a supernatural at any time. But then you started spending more time with a certain werewolf and thought it wouldn't be that bad to care about that stuff. 
"Do you think Scott is going to ask me?" Kira said, scaring you out of your thoughts as you closed your locker. You took in the dark-haired female beside you, her eyes questioning and fingers tapping her books. "Will I have to ask him?"
"He'll ask you," you sighed. "He trips over his shoelaces every time he walks down the hall."
"Maybe he didn't tie them well?" Kira looked down the hall as if the boy in question would show up. 
"He likes you," you sent a small smile. Kira relaxed slightly, loosening her shoulders before facing you with a questioning glance. 
"Do you have anyone to go to the dance with?" Kira inquired, plain curiosity in her eyes. You knew, though, that she wanted more info on if you liked anyone. Even with her as a good friend, you rarely discussed those feelings with anyone. Usually, you were the one everyone else confided in. 
"Might not even go," you averted your eyes as Kira slapped your arm lightly. 
"You have to go!" Kira begged. "I can't go alone if Scott asks me."
"Kira, you won't be alone if you go with Scott." She silenced you again with a sharp look. 
"You know what I mean," Kira sighed. "I just don't want you to shy away from something you might enjoy. Especially when I am certain some eligible young bachelor or bachelorette would be interested in going with you."
You pressed your back into your locker, looking down at your scuffed shoes rather than the girl beside you. You glanced up when you caught sight of Scott and Isaac in your peripheral vision. Kira grew still as she saw Scott shuffling closer to you to hide. You tried shoving her, but the kitsune was an immovable rock as Scott and Isaac got closer. You saw Scott's eyes light up as he caught sight of Kira, and you wanted to smile when Kira's cheeks deepened. You made it a point to not stare at Isaac next to him, even if you really liked the blue sweater he was wearing. It's purely observational, with no lurking feelings behind it. 
"Hey guys," Scott smiled, holding his backpack straps like a kindergartener on the first day of school. "Whatcha guys up to?"
"Talking about the dance," you answered right as Kira tried to pass your prior conversation off as nothing. She shot you an angry look, but you hid the smile on your face as Scott perked up. "Kira wants to go but worries about not having a date." The look Kira shot you could be akin to being burned in the seventh circle of Hell, but you knew that your fair-weathered friend would've spent the whole time pondering if Scott liked her rather than making a move. 
"I don't have a date either," Scott grimaced, trying to pass off as a smile. Kira visibly perked up, and you and Isaac barely hid smiles. "Maybe we can go together?" 
The glee that overtook Kira's eyes was radiant, and she nodded enthusiastically. "I would love that," Kira grinned. 
"Great," Scott beamed. "Can I walk you to class?"
Kira grabbed her books, sending you a look that said, "We'll talk later," while happily following the alpha wolf. You turned towards Isaac, feeling your heart start pitter-patter as he made eye contact with you. He gave you a shy smile, fidgeting with the books. 
"They seem happy," you sighed, trying to break whatever tension you imagined. 
"I'm glad it worked out," Isaac said, his steel blue eyes connecting to yours. "Scott was getting annoying."
"So was Kira," you slyly smiled. "What about you?" Isaac looked at you inquisitively. "Are you…going to the dance?"
"I don't think so," he mumbled, averting his eyes briefly. You felt your heart sink in disappointment. Luckily, you were spared a response with the bell ringing. 
"See you around, Lahey," you smiled jokingly, trying to brush off any lingering feelings you had. You turned on your heel and walked off towards the direction of US History. You barely paid attention in class, though, your thoughts consumed with the micro-interaction by your locker. You didn't like Isaac, right? You just were disappointed a good friend wouldn't be there at a dance you might not even be attending. Totally rational feelings. At least that was the mantra you kept repeating till the end of the school day. 
You managed to keep most Winter Ball-related thoughts at bay for the rest of the week while you helped the pack deal with whatever issue. Sometimes, it felt like you guys lived in a CW show with a villain of the week, but somehow, fighting and scheming became part of your routine. You would never admit it to anyone, but you did enjoy the research portion of your problems. Even if it was you and Stiles eating pizza in his room while staring at way too many red strings. It made you feel wanted in a way that you haven't before. By the end of the week, though, the only research you were doing was for a class project. You were already debating when you could (reasonably) quit for the night and curl up with some Netflix or Hulu. Your phone rang by the fifth academic journal, and you glanced to see Lydia's name lighting up the screen. 
"Hello," you said, setting your phone on speaker. 
"Dress shopping tomorrow. Are you in or out?" Lydia asked on the other line. 
"For what?"
"Winter Ball, obviously," Lydia scoffed, the sound of rustling clothes in the background telling you she was going through her closet. "The fact I've waited this long when it's two weeks out is actually ridiculous, but with our life, I guess it's not surprising."
"I might not even go, Lyds."
"Don't be like that," Lydia sighed on the other line. "What's holding you back?"
"Kind of lame to go to a dance without a date," you mumbled, shrinking back into your chair. Maybe if you curled up in a ball and became a turtle, no one would ever ask things of you again. 
"All of your friends will be there, and most girls will probably ditch their dates anyway," Lydia chimed. "And besides, who cares? I don't have a date either, and I'm still going."
"I thought you were going with Stiles."
"In a completely work-related situation," Lydia coughed, even as you rolled your eyes. "He knows that."
"I'm sure he'll figure it out by the tenth corsage he buys you," you snickered.
"Just come tomorrow; Kira is joining. We'll get dresses, lattes, and have a day where werewolves don't intrude." You bit the inside of your cheek, staring at your laptop screen as the words melted into mush in your brain. You could at least hang out, even if you didn't buy anything. 
"I will come," you amended, almost hearing Lydia's excitement from the phone. "I won't promise that I'll buy anything."
"Grab you at 11 a.m., be ready," Lydia chimed, hanging up the phone. You sighed and put your head in your arms, wondering what you got yourself into. 
It was a reminder that waking up by 10 a.m. was a struggle for you. You barely dragged yourself out the door as Lydia spammed your phone, pleading for your coffee as you slid into the car. Kira laughed at you as you curled up in a ball and muttered about sweet death taking you soon. Lydia drove up to the coffee place, an ivy-strewn brick building called Cafe Allegro, and you bolted out of the car and through the doors. The smell of roasting coffee beans and the whir of the espresso machines welcomed you like a blanket on a cold night, and you wondered if you could ask that when you die, it could be in a pile of coffee beans. You ordered your latte, not having to wait long to get your order as you stood off the side, inhaling the fresh scent. Having been absorbed in your calm, you didn't notice the boy standing next to you. 
"You are really into your coffee," Isaac remarked, scaring you out of your stupor. You made a pathetic yelp, grimacing as a chuckle escaped his lips. 
"It's too early."
"It's almost noon."
"Too early," you sighed, sipping the heavenly goodness in your hand. "Why are you here?" 
"Scott and Stiles dragged me to the suit rental place and told me they didn't want me left alone to wallow or something like that," Isaac laughed, shoving his hands in his pockets. He was wearing a heather gray henley today that you were enjoying and trying your hardest not to notice. "If it's so early, why are you here?"
"Similar reason. Lydia and Kira dragged me dress shopping," you glanced up at him before looking around the shop and realizing that your comrades were hiding on the opposite side. Annoyingly leaving you with the person who gives you immense jitters. 
"Do you think you'll get a dress?" Isaac inquired. 
"Not sure why, don't have a good reason to," you mumbled, staring at your cup. Gosh, your heart was beating fast, and your stomach hurt. Maybe you should've gotten something calming like herbal tea. 
"You should get one," Isaac coughed, looking visibly uncomfortable. For a second, you worried that you were annoying him. "You would look…pretty."
"Thanks," your cheeks burned. "Then, you should get a suit." You swallowed, feeling like your head was in a whirlpool. Isaac's eyes looked at you with something akin to interest, but you passed it off as your caffeine-filled hallucinations. 
"We should go to the dance together," Isaac said quickly, tensing slightly as he awaited your reaction. Your eyes widened, and you had to remember what solid ground felt like as his words sank in. 
"I would like that very much," you breathed. Isaac's demeanor softened, relief flooding his eyes. He bit his lip to stifle his grin, which was the worst mistake he could've made as now all you were focusing on was his lips. "Gotta go," you announced, bolting from him before he could say anything else or before you jumped him at a coffee shop. You made it to Lydia and Kira and dragged them out of the door, not bothering to look back for fear of embarrassment. Lydia had mild complaints, but mostly, Kira gave you a knowing look. 
"Is there a reason for this rush?" Kira asked, eyebrows lifted in question. 
"I need a dress," you said. Lydia and Kira shared a grin and you knew there was a specific reason they left you with Isaac in the cafe. You wanted to strangle them and kiss them for it. 
The ride to the dress shop was short, but the anxiety building like a knot in your stomach persisted long after. Isaac asked you to the dance. He asked you for some unknown reason. You guys were friends and occasionally worked together. Still, you struggled to have a conversation before that didn't end with you saying something weird and making it awkward. You used to chalk it up to just not having common interests. Still, if you admitted the truth to yourself, you would know it's because you had a giant raging crush on the werewolf. Words were not in your vocabulary around him. 
Entering the dress shop (a cute place called Laura Jane's Boutique), you were suddenly reminded why you didn't really want to go in the first place. You love pretty things, but the over-glitzy dresses and jumpsuits are not your style. At least Kira looked as out of place as you. Lydia led the charge, though, immediately saying "no" to many dresses on the rack and holding up some options for you and Kira. You did love it, though, Lydia caring enough to try and find the perfect dress for her friends. It made you feel wanted. 
You wandered into one of the back sections, skipping the colors you would never wear. What was Isaac's favorite color? Maybe that's the color of dress you should go with. Your inner voice told you it shouldn't matter what color you wear. Not just because you value your independence but because Isaac would love it either way. 
You pushed some dresses aside on one of the racks, stopping at a shorter-length dress. It had bell sleeves and a sweetheart neckline. It was simple but not understated, and you loved it. 
You went home that night feeling like you were on a cloud. Except, like all good things, your crippling insecurities had to rear its ugly head and make you start questioning everything. Laying in your bed, the dress still in its tissue-wrapped bag, you stared at the ceiling, debating what had happened. What if Isaac only asked you to the dance because it was convenient? Or worse, he was asked to by someone like Scott or Lydia? He probably didn't like you at all. Why would he? You were human. Unremarkable. 
Vibrations could be felt in your head as your phone rang, and you begrudgingly grabbed at it without checking the caller ID. "Hello?" you grumbled.
"Hey," the tenor voice said from over the phone. "Can I come over?" 
"Isaac?" you asked, sitting up in your bed. "Is everything okay?" Oh my gosh, was he hurt? Or rescinding his previous offer of the dance.
"I just want to see you," he breathed. "Is this a bad time?"
"Never," you answered quickly. "You can come over."
Ten minutes later, of anxious pacing in your room, you got a text from Isaac saying he had arrived. You ran downstairs to open the door, slightly winded from the rush. Isaac's face was illuminated by your porch lights, and all you could think about was how pretty he was. 
"Hi," you spoke, looking up at him.
"Hi," Isaac smiled, "can I come in?" Nodding, you opened the door further so the golden-haired werewolf could enter. You gestured for him to follow, leading him to your room for privacy. You started to regret that decision when you realized that you had invited someone you were interested in into your bedroom. This was the plot of a bad romance novel. 
"What brings you to my humble abode?" you inquire, twirling to face him.
"I came to check on you," Isaac glanced around your bedroom, smiling faintly at your posters on the wall. You watched his eyes catch on your corkboard, where a photo of the two of you at Derek's loft is in prime display. It was after saving the day, and Stiles had bought multiple tubs of ice cream to celebrate. Derek demanded why this "celebration" had to be at his place. However, Stiles had never once listened to Derek's complaints and hosted it anyway. You loved that picture and that memory. 
"Check on me? I'm not in danger again, am I?" you smile, sitting on your bed and subconsciously grabbing one of your stuffed animals. 
"Kira was over to see Scott and mentioned you might be 'spiraling into oblivion,'" Isaac turned to you, quoting Kira's words. Sometimes, you wondered if that girl was telepathic with how well she knew you. 
"Maybe a little," you mumbled, fidgeting with your fluffy friend. Isaac hesitantly sat next to you on the bed, his weight causing you to sink closer to him. 
"Can I ask why, or should I just infer?" he chimed, grabbing another stuffed friend you have and twirling it around. It was a blue chicken from a video game you play, with a cute pink gizzard and round body. "I like this one."
"Do tell," you chuckled, watching him squish the chicken plush. 
"It's squishy," he muttered, patting it on the head before setting it carefully beside him. Your heart wanted to burst at the small interaction. 
"I was worried about the dance," you responded, answering his previous question. He gave you a sidelong glance, asking you to elaborate. "I don't know why you asked me."
"I like you."
"Like me, or like me?" you whispered, barely able to get your voice heard. Unfortunately, Isaac is sitting next to you and has a werewolf hearing, so he didn't miss a thing. He hesitantly grabbed the stuffed animal from your fidgeting hands, putting it aside before carefully holding your hand in his own. 
"I think you're amazing," he smiled, looking at you with eyes the color of a lakeshore. "So yes, I like you."
"I like you too," you breathed, a smile gripping your lips. "When did you get good at socializing?"
Isaac laughed, still holding your hand as he absentmindedly traced shapes on your knuckles. "Had lots of time to practice conversations while trapped in a freezer."
"You need therapy."
"Probably," he laughed, grinning at you before tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. Your breath caught in your throat as he looked at you. "Can I kiss you?" 
You barely managed a nod, your heart thumping loudly in your chest as Isaac kissed your lips. It was soft and somewhat hesitant, like he didn't want you to run away afterward. You boldly deepened the kiss, as it felt like water filled your ears and a marching band played in your heart. The hand he wasn't holding you used to capture his face, his free hand lightly gripping the outside of your thigh. It wasn't fireworks but an ocean at high tide with waves crashing against the shore. And you didn't mind it one bit; you hated fireworks anyway. When Isaac did pull away, his breath was warm against your lips, and you had to remember to let out a shaky breath before you hyperventilate. Isaac kissed your cheek, pulling back to look at you with pure adoration on his face. 
Kissing him again was pure bliss, and you couldn't help but look at him with awe. You weren't sure how you were granted something this good when you've spent your whole life dreaming of something worth half of this. Still, you wouldn't exchange it for anything. It meant you got to spend Winter Ball with the most handsome boy on the dance floor. 
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dawndelion-winery · 2 years
Hear Me Out
They try hint at their crush on you
Ft. Arlecchino, Capitano, Childe, Dottore, Pantalone
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She does it from the moment she confirms that her feelings for you are genuine and not just some passing fancy
Which means she's very serious about it and does take slight offence that you're not responding accordingly
Do you not like her back? Are you ignoring her hints to avoid hurting her feelings?
The definition of "please reject me so I can move on"
Is it because you heard the orphans calling her "mum" and got the wrong idea?
Please she's dying to know, she's been bringing you flowers like every other day
Lends you her jacket and hopes you forget to return it so she has an excuse to see you again
Columbina awkwardly patting her back when she stares into empty space in agony when you brush off yet another of her flirting attempts as being friendly
At some point she does ask you to just outright reject her so she can move on
Lowkey wants to go apeshit when she finds out you actually like her too and were just too nervous to flirt back
He has a good rep, so he hopes that improves his dateability in your eyes
He'll bring you cute trinkets he comes across from wherever he goes!!
Would also keep a matching piece for himself so he can imagine that y'all are dating
Also has someone help him take pictures of him should he ever go anywhere scenic and have it made into a sort of postcard for you
He wonders if you ever end up looking at him instead of the view (he hopes you do)
He subtly sneaks glances at you, but not so subtle so that there's a chance you'll catch him and possibly tell him that you're into him too
Ok in all honesty his flirting game probably sucks ass and he'd probably tell you your eyes are like his dog's as a compliment
Please just give him a chance his colleagues are getting sick of his silent brooding when you don't notice how he polished his helmet extra shiny just for you
The most obvious of them all please he's clinging to you like he's obsessed
So many terrible jokes that aren't even jokes
"Wouldn't it be funny if we kissed- no? Not even once? Ok haha, no I'm not upset I was kidding."
Unlike Arlecchino, he knows rejection isn't going to make him move on
So he hovers like a dog off the streets that just picked you as its new master
Makes a point to tell you everything he succeeds at, even if it's mundane
Stuff like "hey I made really good waffles, I could cook for you y'know?" Or "Yeah I fixed that door all on my own I'm really handy around the house."
Like Capitano, he brings you trinkets
Unlike Capitano, they aren't always wholesome and may come from the people and monsters he beat up/killed
Brings them to you like a cat presenting their hunt
Makes synthetic human parts that are as identical to yours as possible and compliment them in front of you without telling you they're based on you
"What do you think about these eyes?"
"...yes, they're very...eye-like?"
"They're a lovely pair of eyes, wouldn't you agree? Look at how they-"
Yes, he absolutely will point out how they function to you. Yes, he thinks he's being romantic
So he doesn't get why you don't seem to catch on that he's into you
Did you not realise those were your organs he complimented?
In a way it gives him some weird satisfaction that he knows you more intimately than even you
But he does want you to realise eventually
So he'll walk up behind you under the guise of "monitoring your work" and inhale your scent like the lunatic he is (another trait of yours he'll make sure to remember)
Isn't it obvious? He spoils you
He lets you use his wallet like a subscription trial
Enjoy it? Consider dating him to extend the privilege duration
He makes it very clear cut to you: he's into you, and he'll take care of you for as long as you're his beloved
He also makes his interest in you very clear to everyone else, so chances are, there's no one else who's dare approach you unless it's another harbinger
And be very clear on this: once you say yes to him, there's no backing out
Even before you start dating, he acts as though you already are
He wouldn't pressure you into anything you're uncomfortable with, but expect an arm around your waist to hold you close to him
Like I said, very clear cut, there's no way you could mistake his affection
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Taglist[send an ask to be added/removed]: @myluvkeiji @pluvioseprince @aqui-soba @favonius-captain @tiredsleep @raincxtter @loverofthe-stars @gensimping-for-all @irethepotato @almond-adeptus @mx-kamisato @yuzuricebun @chaosinanutshell @heizours @codename-hiraeth @andreiling01 @callmemeelah @sadlonelybagel @plinkuro @thevictoriousmoon @mastering-procrastinating @ineshapanda
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crystallizsch · 11 days
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Trouble? You're only in trouble if you get caught. So don't let me catch you ~
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uhhhhh say hi to jamil and yuusha's kid jas(mine) pt 2 (also here and here are like my only two other posts of her)
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HFDDF OKAY SO - i actually had these unfinished sketches from months ago of jas as a nrc student and scarabia housewarden
this sneaky little bastard (affectionate) had never left my cranium she was just sitting idly by
im sobbing i hate jas so much (lie i love her)
jamil and yuusha still aren't supposed to have a kid so i just imagine this to be an alternate timeline for them 🤧🤧🤧
soooo info dump time ---
━━━━━━✦ scarabia housewarden nrc jas
jas has a vice-housewarden who is her childhood best friend (figuring out if i want them to be twst rajah or abu)
also thinking about if i want yuusha to be a staff member in nrc with grim or just dead during this time (why? just because)
no further info tbh, scarabia housewarden jas is just vibing
━━━━━━✦ child jas stuffs
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i'm SO indecisive about her design as a toddler/preteen lowkey 😭
she was very sweet as a toddler but somewhere along the line she just became more carefree and chaotic
jas is a mama's girl but is more alike with her father than she cares to admit
octavinelle trio and heartslabyul duo + grim are like the honorary uncles (jas's favorites are floyd, ace, and grim bc they sometimes enable her with shenanigans)
even though jas has favorite uncles, najma is the favorite favorite. i imagine she's just the cool aunt
if mama yuu is "shrimpy" then jas is a "tiger prawn" (bc rajah)
jas LOVES doing people's hair including her own; would rather do them by hand rather than by magic
jamil showed jas how to breakdance once and it became ingrained in her personality ever since
(there's probably still more about her that i'm forgetting but this is it for now)
━━━━━━✦ bonus future jamiyuu stuff because i miss them
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jamil took yuusha's last name surprise surprise (if they get married)
i imagine after nrc they'd be travelling together actually, not necessarily settling down
(i'm REALLY not 100% on them settling down and having a kid but i still love jas a lot so im so conflicted) (that's why aus exist 😔✨)
(and if hypothetically they do settle down i think yuusha being staff in nrc with grim + maybe jamil who travels for work (or being a house husband??? maybe they alternate roles) can be adorable ideas)
━━━━━━✦ (i also had this thing that i never posted about that one trope of a fankid finding themselves in nrc bc of portal/time/mirror shenanigans)
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(jamil found both of them asleep somewhere and refuses to wake them up)
also some bonus tidbits about this scenario with them:
💜: Is she a family member of yours? How'd she get here?
🐍: I have never seen that child in my life before now. And there's no way I could have missed news about a new relative of mine.
💜: You know how ridiculous it sounds if she's related to me. I'm not from here. She even looks more like you!
🐍: Jas has the same color of eyes as you. Didn't you tell me she mistook you for her mother?
💜: ...Yeah, but I don't like what you're implying.
🐍: Well, I'm not exactly happy with this either.
they're just both in denial of the implication of this child existing and neither of them is saying it out loud.
and the angst/wholesomeness(???) of jamil asking jas's full name and hearing that she has her mother's last name instead of his
eventually they grew attached (unfortunately) until somehow they send jas home to her original timeline
and then they finally have a real conversation about what all that was about
anyways thank you for reading if you've made it this far;;; end tweet
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nomizombie · 5 months
boyfriend!König headcanons that have been on my mind…
[SFW/Wholesome/Fluff] ; random stuff ive been thinking about, SO MUCH FLUFF YOUR HEART WILL HURT, established relationship, gender neutral, no usage of y/n, not proofread
[A/N] ; love love LOVE the idea of all these things happening!! Also off topic but i feel like this boy needs more wholesome fanfics. Theres just too much smut for this sweet anxious guy :((
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He doesnt move a muscle when you fall asleep on him. He just cant bare to wake you and your cute sleepy face! Hell sit there staring at you for hours until either he falls asleep or you wake up. You falling asleep on him just tells him that you feel so safe around him, especially when hes struggled with being so intimidating (the social anxiety and hood certainly dont help). Whether its at home on the couch, at a movie theatre, or just on the train back home, he just loves you so much he wish you would do it more often <3
You have a phobia and he comforts you. He immediately shields you or removes whatever thing youre scared of. He just cant handle seeing his liebling so terrified and vulnerable :(( he wants you to always feel safe around him, you would never have to worry about safety when hes around. Hes very loyal and is just as great a friend as he is a boyfriend :)
He would either have shoulder length hair or a super short fluffy buzzcut. No inbetween. If you ask him to grow/cut it, he wouldnt hesitate to find the nearest pair of scissors and whack it all off! (or vice versa…) he loves it when you play with his hair, and if its long, he doesnt mind you braiding or tying his hair in silly ways!!
Youre cold? Dont worry! König produces a lot of heat, let him share some of it with you! Hed give you his jacket, a thick padded one fit for surviving the Austrian winters and snug for you! Obviously his size means its huge on you but, he loves seeing you wearing his clothes. Its just another reminder of how small you are compared to him and he is absolutely obsessed with it.
You and him are having fun at a bar. He notices how drunk youre getting and pulls you away to go home before you hurt yourself or regret it in the morning. Unfortunately… the hangover hits hard and you are stuck on the bathroom floor, his hand gently rubbing circles on your back and holding your hair back as you vomit your insides into tje toilet bowl. He hates seeing yoi like this… sick and hungover. next time hes making you leave as soon as your words start slurring >:(
The movie is too scary!! Let him hold and cuddle you, jumpscare after jumpscare. You can shrink into his chest if youre scared. And dont worry about sleeping, nothing can hurt you if hes around. Of course hes just as scared as yuou, the movie was very well made afterall. But, he doesnt want you to be terrified, so hes here for you :) dont forget to give him cuddles too, he cant stop trembling as well!!!
Anniversary, valentines day, your birthday? Dont worry one bit! Hes already got it marked on his calendar, gift planned weeks in advance and the restaurant is already reserved. How could he ever disappoint an angel like you? This is the least he could do for all the love he receives for you!
Youre on your period? Dont even THINK about it. Hell be cuddling and snuggling you to warm you and calm your cramps. Cravings? Hes already on the way to the store :) you dont even have to tell him, hes already got your favourite snacks ready in a basket for you. Youre in pain all week! He hates seeing you like this… :(( who cares aboit the mood swings as long as youre nuzzled in his size, using his warm arms to stifle the chills running down your spine.
Its raining and you only have one umbrella. He would hold it for you, making sure that its his shoulder thats getting wet, not yours. Lest you fall sick and he has to stay home and take care of you for days :(( (not that hes complaining, he’ll take any opportunity to pamper and spoil you!)
Hes just gotten home from work after a bad day. As soon as he sees you, he feels just a little better, especially while resting his head on your chest and listening to your soft breaths on repeat. It could be on the couch, in bed or just while standing in the hallway, some physical touch from you always recharges his batteries :))
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dividers by @mmadeinheavenn !! :)
Tysm for reading!! :) my requests are always open, feel free to ask me anything or request a drabble/fic!
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faeriichaii · 5 months
Hello I have a request for thorin!!
Can you please write a Thorin x afab!human reader, in which her family line worked for the line of Durin for many many years, and during the meeting at bilbo’s, Gandalf brings her along with him and Thorin recognizes her immediately because of her similarities to her family & he gets a little emotional and happy? :) Or anything of that sort! thank you in advance <3
A Part from Home ~ Thorin x afab!Human!Reader
A/N: Omg I'm so happy to get a request for Thorin haha! Ngl I struggled a bit because I didn't really know in what kind of direction I was going with this but I still think it turned out quiet nice and wholesome (I also let my best friend read through it and she said she blushed and smiled so Ig it’s approved) :) If you want a pt. 2 I can always do that :) But I still hope you like it and enjoy reading it <33
⇢ ˗ˏˋ Warnings: Softness, wholesomeness ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Words: 933 ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Request: Yes (Thank you <33) ࿐ྂ
Summary: Tagging along for an adventure with Gandalf, you didn't expect to run into people that remind you of your lost home.
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The night was dark as you walked alongside Gandalf on a small path through a town called Hobbiton. A soft cold breeze accompanied you on your travels. The soft chirping sound of grasshoppers paired well with the gentle glow of the fireflies, giving the small village a comfortable and cozy atmosphere. “Gandalf, is there a reason why you chose to take me with you on this adventure?” You asked him, shifting your heavy bag on your shoulder. Inhaling the smoke from his pipe he looks down at you. “Well, of course there is a reason to that.” He blows out the smoke, forming rings on the way up into the dark sky.
“Care to explain them to me?” At your inquiry, the wizard just let out a chuckle and shook his head, indicating you that he will keep it a secret for now. “You will find your answers during your journey (Y/N).” With that, the wizard knocked on a little green wooden door, which was connected to a hole in the ground. “Why do you have to keep it a secret from me?” You continue to interrogate him. However, Gandalf’s attention was fully focused on the hobbit that just opened the door. “Bilbo Baggins, it is nice to see you again.” Walking through the door the both of you enter into the small but pleasant home. Boisterous laughter and cheers could be heard from the table further down.
“Why on earth are dwarves swarming my home Gandalf?” The hobbit seizes, while slowly turning towards you. “Oh- Hello, my name is (Y/N). It is nice to make your acquaintance” You quickly introduce yourself, smiling at the man whose house you just entered. “Bilbo Baggins, the pleasure is all mine.” He gives you a tight-lipped smile before gesturing you to set your baggage to the rest of the bags that are already perched by the door. Setting your stuff aside, you follow Gandalf into the room, filled with dwarves that are sitting around a table.
“Gandalf, I didn’t expect you to be the last one to join in on this important meeting.” A dark-haired dwarf mentioned. Two braids on either side of his head framed his bearded face perfectly. “My apologies, I had to make a detour and collect your 15th member for the company.” Thorins gaze drifted towards you, making you shuffle on the spot a little. Most of the dwarves stopped talking and focused their attention towards you and Gandalf, as well as Bilbo, who stood beside you. The dwarven kings’ eyes locked onto your own as something unrecognizable flickered in his gaze. “Gandalf, you invited a human into the company?” One dwarf muttered, making you raise your eyebrow in annoyance. “I might be a human, however, my family has served for the line of Durin for generations. I know exactly how to handle my weapons and I am more than capable to protect myself and I am pretty sure that I could even take you down in a fight.” You snap back, shutting him up immediately. A chuckle escapes Thorin, as he made some space for Gandalf and you to join around on the table to talk about the mission at hand.
After investigating the map and Bilbo refusing to sign the contract, that was handed to him, you all started to clean up the mess that has been created throughout the entire meeting. Thorin walked up to you while you were washing the dishes used earlier. “I knew you seemed familiar the second my eyes landed on you.” He murmurs, taking a towel to dry the wet dishes. “How come?” “Like you said, your family has been loyal to the Durin line for centuries. You share a lot of familiarities with your mother.” You smile softly at the remembrance of the time you spent with her in Erebor. “I remember I used to constantly beg her to take me to work with her.” “Can you remember anything from the time you were there?” He asked you tentatively. “Not much, I was very young back then. I think I always brought little flower crowns I made in the garden for the royal family.” At that statement he chuckled softly. “Yes, I always made sure to wear them, when you were around. Else you would just pout at me, hang on my leg and spend the entire day with me instead of your mother.” A blush dusted your cheeks at that statement. “Hmm seems very made up to me. I really don’t remember that ever happening so I think you must be lying.” The two of you laugh, finishing up the rest of your work.
“Care to join me for a walk?” Thorin gently asks, holding out his hand to take for you. Placing your own in his, a welcoming warmth spreads through your body. As you both step outside into the cold night, you walk towards the stream, flowing through the small town. “I always wondered if your family made it out alive of Erebor.” His gaze was cold at the remembrance of the day the dragon decided to use the kingdom as it’s new home. “I barely remember that day, I just know that we somehow got away.” Looking at the reflection of the stars in the water you thought about your family, that moved to Esgaroth after the attack of the beast.
“I am glad to have you here. It feels like I have a piece of my home with me.” He smiles softly at you. Returning his with a smile of your own you squeeze his hand, that was still holding yours. “We will get back our home. We will fight for what is rightfully ours.” You reassure him, looking into his bright blue eyes that glimmer with hope. You will get your home back. Even if it is the last thing you will do.
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
Hi! I love your writing! :D Ive never made a request before so i hope i am in the right place haha. I'm being completely self-indulgent here... but could I get Kaeya, Wanderer, Tighnari, or Diluc ( or anyone else you may want to write for) fluff with a reader who is sweet and kind? Like they dont have a mean bone in their body, constantly compliment their s/o, cook them cute breakfast pancakes in the shape of a heart, bunny or with a smiley face,,, wear clothes that match theirs/clothes in their favorite color. Just super pure wholesome relationship shenanigans. :3 Thank you!! I hope this all made sense. And if you'd rather not write this then that's totally okay!!
First of, thank you so much for saying that. It really means a lot to me<3
Second, you're fine, it made perfect sense. I don't usually write a lot of fluff, even though I adore it, so I don't know if I'm any good at it.
But I gave it my all, so I hope something good did come out of it.
Characters Included: Diluc, Tighnari, Wanderer, Kaeya
Content: just pure fluff, nothing to worry about
Word count: 2,1k words
Thank you so much for your request. Hope you enjoy<3
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Your sweet and caring personality is a stark contrast to Diluc's own rough and closed of one, so I feel like at first, it would be a bit too much for him
He definitely has to get used to it first
He can't remember the last time he was showered in compliments that didn't regard his strength or wealth
simply just you existing, complimenting his choice of clothes, his hair or anything else, has this man speechless and sometimes, even blushing
and if you ever were to give him a... riskier compliment.. hope you enjoy watching a malfunctioning Diluc right in front of you
his face would explode in all shades of red, stuttering like crazy, trying to process what you just said
Diluc can take a bit of teasing, but don't take it too far with him or he will combust on the spot
the relationship with you also greatly improved his communication skill. He is still rather reserved and quiet, but he is a good listener and great at remembering stuff
over time, it gets easier for him to communicate about his wants and needs, what he likes and doesn't like
he can now openly talk about it with you, without fearing to upset you of feeling guilty about it, because he felt like that would be too selfish of him
everyone around you can see what a great influence you are to Diluc's everyday life
He feels much more at peace and doesn't look like he's constantly on edge, like he's about to murder the next person that comes into his line of vision
I feel like Diluc's love language would be quality time. He likes to spend time together, just the two of you. And he doesn't really care how the time is spend
It could be on a long walk, baking or cooking together in his kitchen, cuddling on the couch or the bed, he really doesn't care as long as he gets to be alone with you, no one and nothing to distract you around
invites you to permanently live with him in his mansion after only a few months of dating. Would be understanding if you told him that this would be too fast for you, but if you agree? He's over the moon, because that means he can spend every single second of the day with you when he's also at home
really grew to enjoy cuddling over the course of the relationship. Didn't see the appeal of it at the start, but now he knows why everyone is such a big fan of it
Cuddling is a must when you lay in bed together at night, he can't really sleep right anymore without you hugged close to him. He needs you right by his side
Diluc becomes more vocal a bit later on, starting to also give you compliments
overall, he needs a lot of time to settle in and feel comfortable in a relationship, but if you are willing to give him the time he needs, the rewards you'll get will be so worth it
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Now, I may be a bit biased with him, because I love Tighnari, but I don't care
Tighnari would be a very attentive lover
he dates only with the intention of settling down and having a forever with you, so if you're not up for that, please tell him upfront so he doesn't waste his time
would take great pride if he is the sole provider for the both of you, since his instincts play a big part in that
he would take his time in a relationship, trying to ascertain if it works out between you two
feels very sure and secure in the relationship, but that doesn't mean that he never gets jealous
funnily enough, I headcanon Tighnari as one of the most jealous men ever. He knows you would never do anything to him behind his back, but he can't help his instincts. And when every little thought in his head just yells "MINE" he can't help but act on them. Don't blame him for it.
once he is sure that you are the right one for him and that he wants to spend his life with you, he would sit you down and talk to you about mating
he told you a few things about it and how he and his instincts work (because he is a hybrid and all), but he never went into too much detail
if you were to agree to becoming his life partner and mate, he would be so happy that he starts crying a bit
hugs you close to him and doesn't let you go for the entire night
He never thought that love and romance would be for him, nevertehless thought that he would ever find a mate in the first place. So excuse him for feeling overjoyed at the way his live is playing out right now
Tighnari's love language I think would be both physical touch and acts of service
he loves to pamper you and one of the best ways to do that would be to help you with household chores
every once in a while, when you decide to sleep in a bit, don't be too surprised when you wake up to the dishes from the night before being done and properly stored already.
The laundry that you washed and folded but didn't put away yet? Suddenly gone and neatly stocked in the closet.
When asking him about it, he just looks at you and goes "What? Am I not allowed to help my mate around the house a bit?"
Doesn't really expect a reward from you, but also won't complain if you give him kisses and cuddles for his help.
He really, REALLY, enjoys your cooking. Even when sometimes you make stuff he's not really into, he still eats it and every time finds something he does enjoy about the meal. But maybe that's just the effect you have on him as a whole..
Also, physical touch.. Tighnari can't go a day without touching you. It starts every morning, instisting to stay in bed for five more minutes for morning cuddles.
You're still cooking when he comes home from a long day? Hugs you from behind, kisses your neck and either helps you with the cooking, or just stays there and basks in your presence
He has to touch you in some way, shape or form every time he sees you, even if you just walk by him. He can't help it, just let him induldge, please
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Now this man..
Hope you brought some patience with you, because you're going to need it
Before even thinking of getting into a relationship with him, you first have to earn his trust. And that's not something easily achievable
But, if you manage to do it and make him fall in love with you while doing it? Congratulations, he will be your forever loyal and loving partner from now on
He's still very bad at communicating, so maybe learn to read between the lines with him
He always acts like he doesn't like stuff that you do, but if you look closely, you can see the way he turns his head so you don't notice his red cheeks or how his tone gets a bit softer when he's embarrassed about something
In reality, he loves and appreciates everything you do for him
Even though he never fails to tell you how ridiculous you are for making his breakfast pancake into a heart-shaped form, he still quietly sits down and eats it, head turned to escape your gaze. He just hopes you'll never see how red his face gets every time
He once saw a stall on a market he was walking through that sold necklaces. On a whim, he bought one that had a single, indigo coloured crystal dangling from the string
When he noticed you wearing it almost every day, he felt like he suddenly gained a heart, and it leaped and wanted to jump out of his chest again. He didn't say anything but just hugged you from behind, holding you a bit tighter than he usually did
I think Wanderer would appreciate you even more if your love language happened to be words of affirmation
He can't even begin to tell you how much it means to him to get that constant, verbal reassurance that you love him and want to be with him
It's something he still struggles a lot with, not thinking that he's worthy of all the time and effort you put into him. But your words really help him, it starts to sink in that you're with him because you want to, not because he manipulated you or anything
As for the Wanderer himself, I feel physical touch would most likely be his love language
Not only because he gets the physical reassurance that you're actually here with him and this whole thing is not just a delusion or dream his mind came up with. It's also because it reminds him that you're alive and well in his arms, and you're not planing on going anywhere
one of his favourite moments is when you two cuddle, either in bed or on the couch, with his head laid on your chest. He can clearly hear your heartbeat like that. He feels safe listening to it and it is a safe method for him to enter the dreamworld without much problem.
A very devoted lover, although difficult at first, but again, the pay-off is more than worth the effort
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There is one, very important rule in a relationship with Kaeya. One he will never, under no circumstances, ever break
Once a week, there will be a couple's night
During that time, the both of you stay at home together. No outings, no work, no going out with friends or family, nothing
Just the two of you, dressing up in cute little matching onesies, making dinner together (maybe have a little food war in the kitchen), cuddle up on the couch afterwards
Sometimes you play games together, other times it's a full on spa night with face masks, where you give each other massages and just pamper the other.
But the both of you are so grateful that you decided to implement this rule into your relationship
Kaeya's job as a knight can get rather busy from time to time, it happened on more than one occaison that he stayed at the headquarters for a few days uninterrupted. During that time period, you rarely got to see him.
Still, when it was time for date night, neither of you made exeptions. No matter how much work was waiting for him, Kaeya would put it on hold for this night. Because that's what you both agreed on and also, he really needs the break. He missed your presence and touch
Kaeya is another one who I think expresses his love for you through physical touch and quality time.
Precisely because he doesn't always have much time to spend with you, every second counts for him. To him, it does not matter how that time is spent, so long as it's with you
There could be thousands of other people around you, it could be on a night out with friends. As long as he gets to touch you, feel you close to him and have you there with him, he is happy.
Kaeya also trust you deeply. You're one of the only people he feels comfortable enough around to take his eye patch off.
Once you learned that his right eye is fine under that patch - except for a not so nice looking vertikal scar - and saw it for the first time, Kaeya also told you the story behind how he got that scar
Of course he is scared about your reaction to it, but when you lean close to him and softly kiss the scar, he realized that he never, not even for a second, had to worry about it. Because it's you. You are here with him, you make him feel loved and cared for. Of course there was no reason for him to ever doubt you
Wants to put a ring on your hand as soon as he can, but with how hectict his life can get, he would rather wait for it to calm down
But he knows, deep down, that you will be the only person he will ever love like that. And for nothing in this world would he ever let go of you..
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 11 days
A Personal Post
Hi guys, I'm finally making the post I kept telling myself and my best friends I'd make but wanted to put it off until I felt better. That hasn't happened and with how things are going I thought it was best to just post it now.
So for a while, since probably late 2023, I've felt less like my blog is for me, and more like it's some kind of fandom archive. Which, if you use it this way as-is, great! I'm glad my blog could make you happy like that! But that's not what I set out for it to be.
I'm the sort of neurodivergent person who likes to categorize things, including my interests. All my tumblr blogs are specific to one thing, and this one was no exception.
I began tagging things soon after I made the blog because I saw a lot of people were sad about the twins, and I thought "well since I love both sad and happy stuff, and I'm really good about categorizing things, maybe I can try and help!" And according to many, it did help!
But I think that also gave off the impression that I was making this blog for other folks, and that isn't the case. I'm sorry I never clarified. It's not an archive; I do not reblog shipping posts, posts from people I've blocked, AUs I don't click with, and sometimes just not everything I see.
I've gotten popular in the fandom, and for the most part I do, from the bottom of my heart, enjoy it. I have people who care about my hyperfixation! That's amazing! I have people who love my cosplay and want to meet up with me. I've made so many friends of all shapes and sizes and it's probably the most incredible thing I've ever experienced, truth be told.
But yeah my blog being mine has gotten away from me a bit, I think.
I want to keep tagging my submas tags, that isn't going to change. I will tag triggers when asked, unless it's kind of impossible due to the blog's subject (trains, for instance) or a name or really common word (like the word 'head' or something). Other than that please reach out and I'll do my best to remember. But other tags? Those will be up to me. I don't want to tag when OCs show up. I love OCs and like seeing them, and don't want to have to remember that one person who visits my blog doesn't.
I had anon off for a while because honestly ever since making this blog, there have been anons who really made me unhappy. (Also yes, non-anons but that's been fewer and far between). I've gotten misinformation, accusations, horrible and disgusting explicit asks, and criticisms and complaints, and I'm just... Not here for that. Keep the explicit things and misinfo out of my inbox, I am no arbiter of morality or personal decisions, and I am not here for you to share your negative opinions of submas or the fandom.
Anon is on for people who are too self conscious to chat face to face, for people to send fun headcanon ideas (remember when people did that back in 2022 when this blog started? I miss that, it was sweet and wholesome), to share song recommendations... That kind of stuff. If you have an actual problem, please, PLEASE talk to me off anon, whether that be DMs or a non-anon ask that I can answer privately. Especially if we're friends; please, please just talk to me about stuff. I don't bite! I swear!
But yeah the bottom line is I'm here to participate in fun (and sometimes heartbreaking!) fandom stuff. I'm here for FUN, not as my job. I know that we're all a bunch of neurodivergent folks and sometimes interactions can be a swing and a miss, but please try to be mindful. Please treat me like a person and not just like a museum curator for this blog.
Truth is, I haven't been okay for a while now. It's gotten worse this year for sure, and due to life stuff I cannot see things feeling better for me for some time. I need to go day by day for a lot of things, and I am trying to get better about needing to set boundaries and all that sort of thing. I suffer from intense paranoia too, and having so many eyes on me is genuinely terrifying at times. I'm trying to manage that as best I can, but I do ask that folks be kind.
NO I am not going anywhere, my blog is staying and will continue on as normal, but I really, really needed to get this posted.
Please continue to interact with me and chat and everything like that! But also please remember to treat this space, my blog, as my space. Thanks for reading!
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little-sleepy-owl · 3 months
ᴄʜᴀʀʟɪᴇ x ꜰᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
the reader is a sinner woman, who starts to act all motherly around the princess of Hell.
platonic, fluffy and wholesome.
originally I was going to publish this after Alastor x virgin!reader thingy. but holy hell, this weekend wasn't kind to me, and it seems this work week will not be kind either. so while it's still in progress, i offer you this little thing.
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she's very quick to pick up on what's going on. she's is in so much doubts and mixed feelings it drives her crazy.
yeah, her mother wasn't around for seven years, but still… how can she betray her? how can she let another woman fill this role just like that?
but you're so good to her. she can't help, but feel safe and secure and happy, when you ask about her day, care for her and fuss over her in this way.
you support her on every step she takes and it sometimes genuinely makes her cry of joy.
oh, how she missed that feeling. she missed being a little girl in her mother’s arms.
sooner or later she'll definitely have a talk about this with Lucifer. a heavy one.
he's not happy with the whole situation at first, but still supports her feelings and urges to let her heart guide her.
she doesn't have to give up on her real mother to accept the found one, right?
she thinks of how your hands are so warm and welcoming. and how your eyes are so gentle when you look at her.
maybe... maybe it's okay to allow herself this happiness.
deeply nervous, yet somewhat exited, she'll come to you and ask if it's okay if she calls you “mom” sometimes.
and the warmth that spreads in her chest the moment your face lights up tells her that she made the right choice.
ooh, she wants to do so much stuff together now!! all things she was scared to allow herself before with you. go shopping, have little silly sleepovers in her and Vaggie’s room (you basically get two daughters for the price of one), draw each other, read books by roles, and go to Lu Lu Land of course! yaay, rides with hell's horses!!
she loves engaging in the silliest things. you gotta get used to this.
at one point Lucifer will come to have a talk with you. he sees how much genuinely happier and relaxed Charlie has become, and mostly now approves of your new role. still, he has to be sure you understand that he won't tolerate it if you hurt her.
“you're taking care of my little girl? Ỳ̴̲͈̻̒͊o̷̬̗̙̦͒́̇̂ͅŮ̸͍̺͝ ̵̣͎̼̖̝̞̋̒̃̾͋͘B̷͔̹́̐̉͌̚E̶̼̺͗͋͛̌̕t̵̛̛̜̮́͛͆Ṯ̵̡̢͉͕͉͇̋̈̋̏͝͠e̸͍͖̅͐̐̂́̊̊̌́ͅR̷̰͚̩̜̲͖͍̈́̓̃͗̐͆̀͐͘̕ͅ ̸͚̌̀͒̈̃̉̈́̃̋̕b̵̯̥͓̦̺͈̫̑É̷̩̤͕͈̂̂͒̕͠͝ 👹” basically.
don't worry, if there's ever some little dispute between you and Charlie, he won't just kill you for it on the spot. probably.
(the man will develop some soft feelings for you, so really. it's fine. he can't help, but be fond of someone who Charlie adores so much.)
Charlie will want a new portrait with you and her together to hang inside the Hotel.
just choose the place and pose, and a painter will be ready to start! you two can also drag Vaggie with you for this one.
maybe even Lucifer, too? or you can have a separate one with all four of you.
ah, what a nice family.
congratulations, now you're practically a new Queen of Hell, but by adoption of the Princess, instead of a marriage with the King.
although it only serves as a matter of teasing by other staff/patrons of the Hotel, still, kinda cool.
long live the Queen and her adorable loving daughter!
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