#but a certain select few stick to that story
gregoftom · 1 year
while i’m editing parts of the last episode they KEEP saying fire. fires. fire. greg there are fires. it’s getting a bit tiananmen [reference to a civil square massacre] out there. nero time?
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trulyhblue · 6 months
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leah williamson x arsenal! reader
warnings — tiny angst, annoyed! Leah, Emma Hayes, Chelsea, sorta fluff, coarse language, mention of injury scare.
A/N — in light of Lee’s birthday!!!! short one today, sorry! Thought I would add some spice to this. Emma Hayes needs to realize that pretty much all of woso have dated each other, including her own players lol. there is a mention of Bug, which is a character in one of my stories. Just for context, that is Caitlin Foord’s daughter.
After hearing Emma Hayes yap on about her opinion on footballers' relationships, you found yourself subjected to a pretty pissed-off Leah Williamson.
Today was the London derby, a long-awaited revenge for Chelsea, it seemed, as the Arsenal bus arrived outside the stadium. Seas of blue and red treaded the stands — you caught sight of a couple of jerseys with your number plastered on the back. Leah was holding your waist as you wandered through the mob of fans reaching for autographs and pictures, a cold facade planted across her face.
Leah was always solemn before games. She was a serious contender, North London bred, with a serious competitive nature that no one could break down.
When you moved to Arsenal from your childhood club, you instantly caught onto Leah’s prominent soberness. Every player knew that if they didn't show up for a game and give it their all, their position would falter. It wasn't like any player with a job as a professional ever thought to underperform, but Leah was an exemption from sincerity. You couldn't joke with her the same way you could during team bonding. You would be stupid to slack off during training or talk to an exaggerated extent when Leah was running beside you. The Lioness Captain copped none of it, and there was no exception for you, her girlfriend.
The woman had woken up with an eminent frown playing on her lips. This was arguably the most important game of the WSL season, and with Leah starting after a long time away, there was a newfound angst set in your shared apartment.
Not only that — the stress Leah had put on herself to perform exceptionally — but the media spotlight Chelsea’s Emma Hayes has put on herself after a certain interview regarding coach-player, and player-player relationships.
From your viewpoint, it didn't really affect you. Everyone had their own opinions based on who dated whom. There was no stopping someone for sharing what they thought, so you simply shook it off as soon as you watched the clip. You did feel bad for the select few of the Blue’s team that were dating players. To not have the personal backing of your coach wouldn't be the most relieving sensation. You knew that the fans were in upheaval regarding her comments, but to be honest, there was nothing anyone could do to stop her.
But, it seemed that Leah did not share the same insight as you.
“She can't just go ‘round saying that.” She barked, hiding the Emirates logo as she crossed her arms in disapproval. “It's barmy, that's what it is.”
You were side by side in the change rooms. Leah was already in her kit, the Chelsea socks sticking out like a sore thumb. You were tugging up your shorts, your shirt yet to cover your sports bra. You sighed, having been hearing Leah go on for the best part of the morning.
“You shouldn't let it worry you, Lee.” You muttered, sorting through your bag, ignoring your girlfriend’s huff. “I don't think she meant any harm—”
“Well she did, didn't she?” She retorted.
You pulled your jersey off the hanger, slipping it on. “Leah, c’mon.”
“Why does she feel the need to talk about us, huh? She should be more worried about the amount of injuries on her team, not about what they do in their free time.”
“Leah, that's enough.” You snapped, your hands planted firmly on your hips. The blonde in front of you looked subtly started by your sudden change of demeanour. “Don't worry about it. It's not worth your time.”
You were currently faced with the nerves of the game, on top of other things like international duties, and the Olympics. To have Leah in this mood, in such a critical time like this, was not only overwhelming but downright anxiety-inducing.
Leah didn't answer you. Instead, she tied her laces and crossed the room, exiting into the tunnel for kick-off. This gave you a few minutes to breathe, to centre yourself. You weren't starting, but your nerves were rising by the time you took your seat next to Alessia.
As soon as the game started, it was clear that Chelsea had it covered. Alessia joked that it was the socks, but you could see by the look on Lee’s face that she was fuming from something other than the odd black that covered her shin pads. You warmed up along the sideline, carrying Caitlin’s bug by your side when you saw her growing restless near Frida.
Unlike the rest of your teammates, you bit their nails at the painful game in front of them, you tried to hone your focus on keeping Bug’s hood down, making her giggle instead of wince at the tackles Caitlin was receiving.
You had been benched for the past few games, your hamstring giving you grief over training. But you were anticipating Jonas to call you over. You waited for the flick of his hand, wanting to make things right on the pitch.
The second-half whistle couldn't have come slower. The starting eleven were frustrated, angry, and quiet when entering the changing rooms, an eerie aura lingering inside. You held onto Bug all the way until Caitlin took over, trudging over to Viv, who happily took the girl up to the stands to watch. Jonas had told you and Emily that you’d be put on, so you were preparing yourself for what was to come.
You tried not to interact with Leah. It was an unspoken rule that unless it was personal, it was not to be said directly, especially when you were losing. But the blonde was leaning nearer to you the closer you were meant to be out on the pitch once more. She made the effort to tug at the hem of your shorts, and hold both your shoulders as she stood behind you, listening to the plan for the rest of the game. You pushed your back into her chest, letting her hug you from behind. She squeezed affectionately, and you noticed the subtle unravelling of her tense shoulders. Her features smoothed when she found out you were replacing Victoria in the midfield, and she made sure to hold your hand as you walked back into the stadium.
“You're doing great, Lee.” You managed to say, hoping that your substitution would be before the sixtieth minute. “Just be careful near the wing. It's very congested and you should wait for the midfield to sort it, alright?”
Leah cared deeply about her career and strived for greatness in all that she did. There was nothing that she couldn't achieve without perfection in her eyes. Many people said that you would bring her down to Earth, and remind her that mistakes are human. But there was only so much you could do, and you found that simply telling the girl that she was making the right decisions, treating her softly, was a tactic no game plan could ever beat.
You were about to find your way down the sidelines, getting ready to finish your warm-up before you were subbed on. Both teams had started filing out of their respected halftime seminars, Chelsea looking as confident as ever. Arsenal were sauntering out with much determination, the spite and inherent desire for justice spewing from the gunner’s crowd. Leah and you were near the entrance of the tunnel, standing on the edge of the field in what seemed like your own personal bubble.
Jonas had taken a seat near the rest of the officials, but Chelsea’s Emma Hayes was standing not far from where the two of you stood, skimming her surroundings vaguely without giving too much away. You could feel the irritation radiating off Leah as soon as the woman was in your sight. You both knew the coach was trying to look at you, without it being bitterly obvious, but it seemed to make the tension rise all the more. Your girlfriend found solace in kissing your forehead, running her hands down your sides painstakingly slow. You felt your cheeks go red, the blush filming over your face when Hayes’ eyes darted away.
“Leah.” You warned her wandering hands, squirming in the taller girl’s potent grip around your hips.
You pulled taunt against her, sighing when she loosened. She ignored your scolding look. A smirk was aligned on her lips, threatening to spill the cocky remarks relieving her lips. You watched her run over to the rest of the team, a meek smile matching hers.
God, you couldn't wait to go home.
A/N — again, sorry it's really short but I wanted to put something out xxxxxx
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thrill-seeker-vn · 3 months
Hello everyone. I have no idea how to start this post, but I want to start it as upfront as possible.
TLDR: My uncles shipped my sick grandmother to my home, and they called me to tell me only after she had already landed... when her visa was expiring very soon. And so obviously 1. My job was to keep her alive, and 2. I had to scrounge up money to send her to her home. It has been a very few stressful months. 
In between this, I hit a slump with writing, and felt very burnt out, as I had no time for it between work, trying to keep my grandmother alive, my own health, and my own business. I wish I could say I worked on Thrill Seeker in this time, but I simply couldn’t. I think a huge part of what was so daunting for me was only having myself to rely on and set the schedules, and in a way it came to be that there were lengths of time nothing could get done because there was simply no time in my life to do it. 
This is not meant to be an excuse as to why I was away from the blog for so long. It is simply what made me realize that I cannot continue alone on this project, as I would then be taunted by how much I would have to do that I would end up not being able to do anything at all. 
I was discussing this project with a friend of mine who has been beside me since I started this project, who I know shares my passion in making games, and who has rooted for me from the beginning. While I’m more interested in the storytelling, she’s incredibly fascinated with coding. During this time, we discussed perhaps making a game together-- but recently we got the opportunity to make that into a reality. 
Thrill Seeker is not ending, but rather, it will be changing format. I am so happy to say my incredible friend, Kismet (@kismet-dev), is going to be joining me to reform Thrill Seeker into a Visual Novel! She is one of my best friends and is the most organized person I know, so no more falling off the face of the Earth for me, because I’ve put a lot more planning into the game and now have someone to hold me to my schedules, too!
I understand that it could be disappointing to hear that I’m switching from an entirely text based format to a VN style. I apologize to anyone who is disappointed by this change. It’s been amazing the support I’ve gotten for this game and how many people have stuck to the project, even when I’ve been so flaky, and I want to thank you for sticking to the project when I haven’t been the most reliable developer. I am so grateful for your kindness to me, for all the people who have sent asks and been interested in my characters and story.
When I first created this project, it was just not a viable option for me to make a visual novel, as there would’ve been no chance I had the opportunity to create art, write, and code it. But creating the art for the game inspired me more than when I only had words to go off of, and many different concepts for the game that I had in mind were simply harder for me to make into reality on twine. Thanks to the absolute angel that is my friend Kismet, I will actually be able to create the vision for the game that I’ve seen in my head for the longest time. She’s an excellent programmer and such a wonderfully organized and hard worker, and I know that I wouldn’t have anyone else by my side as we begin to make games together. 
I will be making some changes to this blog as I make it more cohesive for the VN, but I will also use it as an opportunity to organize this blog for those who are interested in knowing more about the characters, settings, etc. It’s a little unorganized and hard to find certain questions, and I’ll do my best to fix that! Note that this will mean that changes are coming to the characters, and pretty major ones. I know that many of the asks I answered in the past will no longer apply to the story as I’ve changed it, so I will be reforming it quite a lot. However, what will not change is the characters themselves; they will still be gender selectable, and their personalities will still remain similar; but I feel like some of my characterization of them has been shallow, and I’m going to be fixing that. 
The launch of the game as a visual novel, with the first chapter, will be coming in August. Thank you so much for reading all this and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!
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ihavenothingtodo10220 · 9 months
Hwang Hyunjin ideal type & Relationships in general ꨄ
-Hyunjin's ideal type, relationship info, and anything else is based solely on his natal chart. His birth time is currently unknown, so I calculated this chart with that in mind. Some things may be slightly inaccurate based on that but I tried my best with what I have. Basically, I'm going to first do breakdowns of him in a relationship and his general type based on every aspect of his natal chart, then at the end an overview of all the things combined. The breakdowns will be more detailed, though, and contain more of my reasonings. The overview will combine everything together, and contain more info on his ideal type, as well as how he is in reationships. This is just for fun, please take this with a grain of salt! The breakdown of his side of things will be in normal text, while his type based on it will be in italics. I'm considering making an additional three posts: One more in-depth one going into Hyunjin's birth chart, another more in-depth one going into Hyunjin in a relationship, and the last more in-depth one going into Hyunjin's ideal type. Maybe even a more 18+ one we shall see. Let me know if you want that. This is definitely going to be more heavy on his Venus and Mars, as well as his Moon, Sun, and Rising signs. This will also begin with a few notes at the beginning, basically ratings based on the combination of all these traits.
F-Boy levels - 7.5/10 (I definitely think he would want a committed relationship, but it'd be hard for him to have one. It's a combination of so many things, with 1. Him being a star in his early twenties with millions of people thirsting after and worshipping him, 2. his placements implying HEAVY sexual desires, and just general high...Drive. 3. Some of his placements, when combined, point to him having a distinct inability to stick to one person, or commit to a relationship. Granted, when he does, he'd be the best boyfriend, but...Getting him to? One hell of a ride. Though this'll definitely be covered more in depth at the end.)
Boyfriend material - 7.5/10 (Honestly, if he wasn't so goddamn non-committal he'd be a 9. Hyunjin as a boyfriend would be amazing, all things considered, even if he can be a bit critical. Though, again, go into this in-depth at the end.)
Pisces Sun
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Trust Pisces tend to wear their hearts on their sleeves when it comes to love and romance, but it's still an earned privilege, as they don't generally open up to just anyone. They're extremely selective with their inner circle, and when it comes to first impressions and gut instincts they're unswayable. Either they trust you, or they don't. No in-betweens. As such, he'd naturally be attracted to extremely honest people, as well as attracted to trust in others, as well as people who are very upfront and open. Not the type who will tell their entire life story to him immediately, but the type who will be upfront with their feelings and desires, and will essentially let him know what exactly he's getting himself into. Essentially, he needs someone he knows for certain he can trust, and who trusts him in return.
Sensitivity Pisces are very very sensitive when it comes to both themselves and the world around them. They're extremely touched by suffering; at least in theory. They believe in people and have a hard time saying no. They are also deeply hurt by a lack of compassion. They avoid harsh realities by escapism or delusion, but every now and again when they are faced with the harshness of reality, they retreat into their own world. They're definitely self-pitying when they get like that and give themselves pep talks, though they're prone to very extreme solutions in their minds, such as thoughts like "I'll never trust again!" that's usually fleeting. Those periods are also useful because bouts of self-pity make Pisces come back with a pep in their step better than ever. They help Pisces grow. They also make them even more compassionate and trusting. Pisces is a creative with angst, although this is brought out more in Pisces moons. He can also be very self-destructive, and worry about betrayal, though those around him may find it more endearing than anything. He can also be very self-sacrificial at times, even if his Pisces Sun will make him yearn for kind of the white picket fence dream. Pisces look for people who can be there for them, and help care for them. Someone who is in-tuned with emotions, and can help ease them through these periods and listen to their troubles, as well as talk about the deeper things in life. They need someone who's warm and compassionate and caring, as well as ideally someone with a confidence and steadfastness that helps balance out their sensitivity and generally self-pitying nature. Pisces also love praise, albeit they're very perceptive, so they'll know if it's honest, real praise or not. They like honest praise that's not just surface-level like "I like your shirt!" but something deeper and genuinely from the heart. They also need someone with enough emotional maturity to help combat their general emotionalness.
Indecision With Hyunjin's particular Pisces positioning, albeit guesstimated, he has a lot of conflict with his wants and needs, often leading to indecision. He also has a tendency to stray in many aspects of life, definitely putting the 'stray' in 'Straykids'. His ability to be objective is both a strength and a weakness because when he decides on one thing he's pulled in another direction. Something will always make him question his stance, often forming "What if..."s. He's always aware of the opposing side of the coin. In addition to this, he's strong-willed and sensitive, which can most definitely create conflicts when all three things combine, though they'd subside with time. There's often conflict between his more internalized needs, and his goals and motivations. Because of this, his private and public personas are entirely different, mirroring his inner and outer goals being different. Hyunjin would probably find himself more drawn to someone decisive, know what they want, and voice those opinions. He'd also be drawn to someone who could help guide him, and offer advice and counsel when it comes to decision-making, without being entirely overbearing or controlling of his decisions. Someone who could help him out, and who he could talk to when trying to make important decisions he can't seem to decide on. He'd also need someone who wouldn't be distinctly bothered by the difference between his private and public personas and would know that he still loves them and he's always going to be Hyunjin.
Virgo Moon
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The Little Things Virgo moons find security in the little things. They feel content when all the little details are straightened out, and may even find genuine joy in running errands, balancing the books, and paying bills. Even if some won't let on, they still take care of those things happily. Though they can get very naggy. But as long as they're appreciated, they'll help take care of the lives of those they love as well. They're at their best when they feel useful and needed like they have a purpose and a role. If someone needs help they're usually the first to jump on the task. Many consider Virgo Moons to be underachievers, but in reality, most are simply content with living lives that are...Well, regular. They appreciate simplicity. Virgo moons definitely like to have someone they could care for, and look out for. They like being able to take care of their partners and feel needed by doing little things for them. Virgo moons are generally very domestic people, and they like taking care of chores and such. They definitely feel more in their element of caring for others and would prefer it to be that way. They're drawn to people who seem weak or even almost incapable, and who can't care for themselves on their own, so they can feel needed, and help out caring for that person.
Overwhelmed Virgo Moons are very easily overwhelmed by pressure and stress. They worry a lot, especially when there's so much to think about, and know their limits which is both a blessing and a curse. Virgos find solace in a steady routine, or a satisfying job. They need to feel useful. They need a place to call their own, and the space to do what they want to do. Virgos often gravitate more towards owning homes than renting because of it, as they want to be able to do their own thing in their own space without too many restrictions. He can sometimes even get fussy or complain-y if he's unhappy with something. They enjoy routine and freak out if the routine is not followed or deviated from. They are restless and nervous and fail to see the big picture in things sometimes. Often the best remedy for this is a job or hobby where they can express their deep need to analyze, micro-manage, and attend to details. Hyunjin would probably be drawn to someone with a calm, more laid-back, or relaxed demeanor to offset his being prone to getting very stressed and overwhelmed. He'd probably look for someone with a calm, balancing aura who can help calm him down when he freaks out about something. He'd look for someone who can help draw him out of his shell just enough, but still be able to follow a routine, and be a reliable constant. He'd want someone with whom he'd know what he's getting himself into and know he can rely on. He'd want someone reliable and would definitely find himself more drawn to the type who are also very routine people like himself.
Practicality Virgo moons show love in more non-showy and practical manners. When it comes to open, gushy displays of emotion they can be stiff or freeze up, or not even know what to do. Oftentimes they'd even be uncomfortable with it. Virgo moons are often shy with new people, though when they open up they're anything but. They're talkative, and interested, and even interesting themselves. Virgo moons are trustworthy and reliable and can be counted on. Others can go to them for help and advice. In relationships, they're self-effacing and kind. Some are shy and easily intimidated in love, and others aren't comfortable with their sexuality, but all are eager to please nonetheless. Virgos are very body-aware, and as such they can be very self-critical as they're too aware of the parts that make up their body as a whole. Once they learn to come out of their shells, they can be very earthy and have a lot to give. He's also very skeptical, and wouldn't respond well to the blind faith of others. He'd be very critical, to a maddening level, and insistent on seeing the practical and everything. It could be challenging, especially if you're on the dreamier side. Virgo moons can also come across as confusing. For example, they're very interested in the problems of others but can come across as cool and unsympathetic. Their advice can seem hard to more sensitive people, yet when faced with the criticism of others they're more delicate. Virgo moons are voices of reason. They're very busy, and happy when their lives are under control. Many are early risers who go about the day with enthusiasm. They keep busy and manage their lives quietly, and give good advice. Hyunjin would inherently be attracted to people who are definitely affectionate but can be more subdued in public settings. He'd be drawn to someone who could bring him out of his shell and someone who he could feel entirely comfortable with. He'd want someone who can talk, and who can listen, and just genuinely someone he can talk to and even have deeper conversations with. He's a very trustworthy and reliable person, and as such, he'd naturally expect his partner to be the same. He'd want someone who talks to him about their problems but can also listen to his own. He'd definitely want someone who can bring out the more hidden sides of him, whether it be his talkative nature or his sexuality. He'd also want someone who makes him feel good about himself and his appearance. Someone who makes him feel like he's actually worth something. He has a lot to give, and anyone he's with should have a lot to give as well. He'd need someone who's more thick-skinned, and could handle his criticism. He'd also need someone who trusts him, but doesn't trust him immediately or blindly. Ironically, an excess of trust would make him trust his partner less. He could do good with someone who's more whimsical or dreamy, as they'd broaden the horizons of his inherent practicality, but at the same time he'd be more drawn to like-mindedly practical people, and might even find someone too dreamy to be annoying.
Perceptive Again the rest of this is definitely delving more into exact positioning, granted very guesstimated. He's very perceptive and will tune into the emotions and feelings of others. Because of this, he'll often withdraw from others isolate himself, and get overwhelmed easily, because he's constantly drawing in the feelings, emotions, and energies of those around him. He may have strong and sudden feelings or hunches that can overcome him. Though, his intuition is almost always correct, though his imagination is strong and as such he can read too much into a situation. He also has a deep connection with music due to this placement, as it ties in with his understanding of compassion. Oftentimes music resonates with him, and can even hone into the more emotional sides of him. He can dissect music for its lyrics feelings meanings and emotions, and often does so. He uses music as an outlet for emotions, as well as to help relax and uplift him. Though he'd undoubtedly be quick to grow annoyed, even if he's generally calm, humble, gentle, and reserved. He also has a very good memory, especially when it comes to the little things about people. He's also very devoted by nature. Though he may be more passive, as he was probably branded as a "shy" child, and as such those around him jumped in to save him from more confrontational or aggressive situations, now he's much more passive and won't just go out and get what he wants. Hyunjin would definitely want someone who is emotionally intelligent and competent but isn't overly emotional, again circling back to his attraction to those on the calmer side. He would want someone who's very straightforward in all manners, including emotions, and who wouldn't overwhelm him and can genuinely relax around. But he'd also want someone who can give him space when he needs it and is fine with that. He'd want someone who's as into music as he is, and who he can talk about music with all the time, and can even sing songs with. They don't have to be good at singing, but they just have to be able to sing along with him and have fun and no judgment. He'd also want someone who understands emotions and music as much as he does, as that amount of perceptiveness is harder to come by. He'd definitely want someone who's more in-tuned with and in control of their emotions.
Pisces Mercury
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The 'Kid' in the Stray Kid. He sponges up the feelings and moods of those around him. He's moody, and sometimes he's withdrawn while other times he's quite the opposite. He's tactful and will go out of his way not to offend others, though that may cause him to let people walk all over him a little. He has a flexible mind, and mixed with his imagination it can make him very gullible, though he's open to possibilities. He's indirect, and it can be hard to pin down his beliefs and opinions. He looks on the bright side of life. He is happy, optimistic, agreeable, and sociable. He enjoys speaking and writing and is very charming and artistic. His intellectual pleasures are heavily influenced by feeling, like many other things in his life. Though don't get it twisted, he's definitely on the amorous and sensual side of things. He likes beauty, the arts, traveling, and a change in scenery. He also aims for diplomacy and is very charming. He is tolerant, intelligent, has big ideas, and has a strong sense of justice. His judgment and sense are good, and he generally has his feet on the ground. He fully enjoys literature and learning and will be very socially successful. He can also be quick to see the flaws in situations. He definitely would not be drawn to a more moody individual, instead being drawn to people who can be more objective when it comes down to it, and are more calm and stable. He would be drawn to someone who can put up with the changes from talkative to withdrawn and would be fine with them. He'd also be drawn more to someone he could be more open to, and someone who isn't overtly aggressive, as he'd desire more calm in a relationship and avoids arguing. He'd need someone who can definitely knock some sense into him and combat his overall gullibleness, and his desire to believe those around him. He'd also be drawn to someone who he could be comfortable enough with to be straightforward, and voice his thoughts, needs, and opinions. He'd want someone with similar interests, and who's a fellow intellectual who. he can speak to about deeper topics, or literature. He'd also be attracted more to people who are alluring and sensual, kind of like the seductive type. He'd be attracted to someone with innate charm and beauty, not necessarily someone who fits beauty standards, but who he finds to be drop-dead gorgeous.
Pisces Venus
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Love Pisces present themselves as very dreamy and soft-hearted partners. The way they flirt definitely promises a lovely time in more ways than one, and they can most definitely fulfill that promise. He has an elusive charm and is generally very playful, moody, and a tad irregular. He appreciates romance and poetry and prefers to feel out both his partner and the relationship, so there's not much planning ahead. (We'll conquer how that ties into his Virgo moon later.) His sensitivity can be a tad misleading. Yes, he's sensitive, but some lovers may find it maddening that his sensitivity isn't exclusive, but rather towards everyone. His love is unconditional, and he'll make it known. He's unimpressed by status and loves a person by who they are on the inside and that alone. He can be confusing and hard to pin down when it comes to his relationships. As much as he wants to, he'll find it hard to commit. Many do end up committing, though, at least on the surface. Pleasing Pisces Venus involves tender moments and romantic times. Do not expect honesty from them, if anything expect them to spin the truth a tad. But know they do it because they don't want to hurt you, and want to spare you any heartache. Try to know them, even if they don't often know themselves. Hell, most Pisces Venus have a love affair going with being misunderstood. Try to put up with their lack of direction in a relationship. Pisces Venus finds it hard to commit to any one thing, even people. You will be rewarded with accepting, unconditional love. He's attracted to an underdog or a wayward person in need of his help. He can easily get into saving someone or being saved, because he's attracted to martyrdom, or states of suffering. He is also attracted to being saved. He's actually into inequality, surprisingly. He'd definitely go better with someone who is entirely submissive, or entirely dominant, no in-betweens. Not only that, but he'd go better with someone who can go with the flow and feel the relationship out with him, instead of just planning everything out. He'd do best with someone who could put up with his occasional lies to spare their feelings. Someone who could bring the truth out of him, or someone who could read him well enough to figure out the truth on their own. He'd also do best with someone who can put up with his indecision, and even possibly help guide him in that aspect.
Generosity He is good-hearted and generous. He likes well-being, comfort, and a problem-free life of ease. He has good relations with those in his social circle, and is easy to approach. He also may fall in love easily. He has a successful partnership and professional life. People usually trust him. He definitely would want someone who's good-hearted like him, and definitely someone who's more calm and easygoing, and could fit into a life of ease and leisure. However, he could also go for someone who, for all their easygoing calmness, is a massive pessimist or realist, to balance him out and essentially take off his rose-tinted glasses. However, that may also create conflict. Definitely hit or miss. He'd do well with someone who's possibly an ambivert, someone who can be introverted or extroverted depending on the situation and give the best of both worlds. Someone who can keep up with him in social situations and also bring him out of his shell with new people.
Intensity In an attempt to control the outcome of a relationship or someone's feelings, he may resort to games or manipulation. Even if he succeeds at that, he never feels he loves someone for who he is, and this creates a cycle that should be avoided if and when possible. His feelings are intense, or even extreme. He might attract an intense love-hate relationship because of his intensity. He's passionate with love, but also with hate. He can easily put pressure on a partner with his expectations, namely expectations of absolute loyalty and honesty. Should avoid allowing relationships to get to a point where the partner is superfluous and he is working through his own inner demons through that person. He will learn about himself through relationships, and not always like what he sees. He meets himself (Most definitely a darker side, or "inner demons" but not in an emo way.) through his relationships, and it will be critical he will recognize it's himself and not project it onto his partner. Letting go of a relationship can be hard for him to do. Definitely "If I can't have you no one can." type of possessive...Definitely not a yandere but honestly I wouldn't be surprised if he has the potential. He'd undoubtedly need someone who can both give up control, but also put their foot down. Someone who can easily notice the beginnings of manipulation and snuff them out in a tactful way. Someone strong mentally, to not let them get to them. Essentially someone who can stop the cycle. He needs someone with strong feelings, but definitely not with the same intensity as his own, not in a way that they don't love as strongly, but rather that they're not intense and controlling and manipulating. He needs someone who can balance him out and is much more mellow in their love. Someone who can put up with possessiveness to an extent, but won't let it grow worse or become a habit, or even grow too extreme. Essentially he'd need someone who could put their foot down while still being mellow and being able to put up with it in small dosages and not often.
Aries Mars
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Impulsive This is an extremely impulsive placement. The first instinct of people with Aries Mars is to take action. Quick flare-ups are common, but they don't usually last long. In fact, these people don't live in the past and don't have lingering resentment or grudges. Generally, their anger comes quickly and they deal with it just as fast, so there's little room for festering. When Aries mars people listen to their instincts they get things done and make fast and usually decent decisions. They don't stop and smell the roses, or consider other's points of view when they are deliberating over what to do next. In fact, it can barely be called deliberation with Aries Mars because it's so quick. Spontaneity is one of their assets, along with simplicity, purity of action, and innovation. He'd definitely need someone with a temper not as quick as his. Someone who can put up with these flare-ups and think rationally, and help him cool down. But because he's prone to letting things go, he'd definitely end up finding himself with a partner who keeps his grudges FOR him. Kind of like that meme that's like "Okay, I hate him too now, because you're too nice and you don't know how to hate anyone right.". He'd also need someone who's more rational and takes time to think logically. Someone who can balance out his impulsiveness, and maybe even teach him to be more patient and to think things through more. Though additionally, he could also go well with someone who's just as impulsive, though I see that quickly spiraling out of control.
Thrill Aries Mars are often a step ahead. A life that grows predictable quickly makes them extremely antsy. Aries Mars people enjoy starting fresh. New ideas, pioneering action, and fresh projects make them happiest. They also enjoy challenges. Relationships with Mars Aries can be exciting, but difficult to keep up with. They aren't known to stick things through, and are generally given to impulsivity. Although their physical energy is great, they can lose their initial enthusiasm quickly. They're also irritated if others are indirect, they expect others to say things straight up without beating around the bush. They easily become impatient with convoluted plans, or with people they consider to be slow to action. Most people with this placement also happen to have a childlike quality to them. Sometimes they're downright rude and impatient, but you'll always know what they're after. Unless Mars is afflicted in the chart, you can also pretty much trust that they don't have hidden agendas. He'd need someone who's exciting, and can keep him interested. Someone who is straightforward and has many layers, so they're always bringing something new to the table. He'd also love a chase, so he'd want someone who plays hard to get, but not too hard to get to where he grows bored of them. He needs someone fun, who can always keep him interested in them.
Love Love affairs are passionate and intense, downright filthy even, and showcase the darker side of both his nature and passion. He has a good sense of organization and is frank and sincere. He is full of dynamism and energy, and he also loves life, so he takes all it has to offer. He's inclined towards sports and the outdoor life, and e is successful professionally and emotionally. He may have many children or projects and ventures. (If he can actually commit. My man was set up for failure by this birth chart oh me oh my...) He is honest and forthright in his relationships, however detached, whether they're romantic or platonic, and he tends to trust others readily. He can be a bit careless about spending money, however, and this is probably because he is so optimistic that there will always be plenty around. The possibility of failure does not enter his mind, although success itself is not as important to him as enjoyment and happiness are. He can be pleasantly competitive and good-humored. He'd need someone who can match his passion and intensity when it comes to love and can indulge his darker desires. He'd need someone who's not necessarily as sporty and outdoorsy as he is, but at least keep him company or try for the sake of him to indulge him sometimes. He'd definitely need someone who is as driven as he is and could help him with his success. He'd need someone as honest and trusting as he is and someone who can actually earn his honesty and trust even if he has a tendency to give it to the unworthy. He'd also need someone to help him with his money management, who's more frugal or at least conscious of their spending, and has a plan and nice savings for the both of them. Again, he needs a realist and/or pessimist by his side. He'd also need someone with humor as well, and I can see him with someone competitive in a more playful way, who wouldn't just let him win but would definitely not play as hard if he was having a bad day.
Taurus Jupiter
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Fortune He is patient, generous but discriminating, and charitable, so he receives good fortune from it. He should watch for over-indulgence, and he delights in sensual pleasures and wants the good life. He is serious, patient, honest, hard-working, and orderly. His judgment is good and he is inclined to think things over, and he also pursues his objectives to the bitter end, usually knowing when to choose the right moment. He is upright, usually law-abiding, and respects order. He is easily influenced, and he is a dreamer, perhaps allowing himself to be seduced by others' words which are not always sincere, or by a new imagined plan that may not happen. He does not see wickedness right away, preferring to give the benefit of the doubt, but can often be duped by others due to a philosophy that one should trust in people until they prove themselves untrustworthy. He could meet a partner much wealthier than himself. He also has good sexual understanding. Honestly, he'd need someone to keep him from over-indulging too much. He'd also need someone more pessimistic or realistic like I previously said, do balance out his over trusting and just generally way too optimistic nature. Someone who'd pull a "You're stupid, this is stupid, why are you being stupid." card, essentially.
Less relevant placements
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Aquarius Uranus & Neptune May get over-excited at the start of a task that interests him. At times, his debonair personality can give others a banal impression. Generous, especially enjoys resolving problems in order to satisfy everyone.
Sagittarius Pluto, Capricorn Black Moon Lilith, & Leo North Node Sexuality and love are idealized. He may have felt wrong for his desire to excel, succeed, or reach for worldly goals and ambitions, and he may feel uncomfortable around people who seem materialistic, status-conscious, or particularly business-minded and practical or ambitious. It can be hard to connect with his own ambitions and need for approval, but going there and allowing himself to feel these needs can be life-changing. He can be a friend to many but may stumble a little when things get too personal. His path is to embrace his individuality and to allow himself to be the center of attention or to strike out on a unique creative path. He is learning to be more personal and less intellectual when expressing his feelings. Qualities to develop: Intimacy, sharing, self-expression. He needs someone who can match or at least egg on his excitement and enthusiasm. He needs someone who isn't too materialistic, worried about their image, or business-minded. He also needs someone who can urge him on and support him to reach his goals and ambitions, and essentially assure him it's alright to be ambitious. He needs someone who can help him embrace his individuality and can help him prioritize himself and chase his dreams. He needs someone who can help him with his intimacy, sharing, and self-expression. He also needs a personal hypeman/hypewoman.
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Now, we've got the overview of how all these combine into one big thing. Hyunjin, with his Sun in Pisces, has a gentle and compassionate nature that is most definitely captivating. He is a dreamer, a romantic at heart, and finds solace in the depths of emotional connection. With his Moon in Virgo, he brings a sense of practicality and analytical thinking into his relationships, seeking stability and reliability in his chosen partner.
Mercury, also in Pisces, enhances his communication skills, imbuing his words with sensitivity and empathy. This allows him to effortlessly express his emotions and connect on a profound level. Venus, the planet of love, causes him to have a tender heart, overflowing with unconditional love and a deep desire to merge souls.
Mars in Aries infuses his relationships with passion and a fiery spirit. He approaches love with an enthusiastic and adventurous energy, always ready to take the lead and pursue his desires fearlessly. Jupiter in Taurus blesses him with a steadfast and loyal nature, fostering a deep sense of commitment and devotion in his romantic partnerships.
Saturn, also in Taurus, gives him a sense of responsibility and maturity when it comes to relationships. He values stability and long-term commitment and may take relationships seriously, sometimes even placing an emphasis on traditional values. Uranus in Aquarius adds an element of unpredictability and open-mindedness to his approach to love, encouraging him to embrace unconventional connections and explore new horizons.
Neptune, also in Aquarius, amplifies his intuitive and empathic abilities, allowing him to deeply understand the emotional needs of his partner. He possesses a unique ability to connect with the collective consciousness, bringing a sense of shared purpose and spiritual growth to his relationships. Pluto in Sagittarius (Retrograde) suggests that he may have experienced transformative lessons in previous relationships, leading to a profound evolution of his understanding of love and relationships.
Lilith in Capricorn reveals a strong sense of independence and a desire for success in his romantic endeavors. He may be drawn to ambitious partners, and he is not afraid to take charge and assert his needs and desires. The North Node in Leo guides him towards embracing his authentic self and expressing his creativity and passion within relationships.
However, with the Sun in Pisces, his dreamy and imaginative nature may sometimes lead him to be indecisive and hesitant when it comes to committing fully to a relationship. His idealistic nature can make it challenging for him to settle down, as he may have a tendency to seek the perfect partner or an idyllic romantic experience.
The influence of Virgo Moon brings forth his perfectionist traits, as he may have high standards and expectations for both himself and his partner. This meticulous nature can sometimes make it difficult for him to find satisfaction, as he may be overly critical or nitpicky. However, it also means that he appreciates attention to detail and values a partner who shares his desire for excellence.
Mercury and Venus in Pisces contribute to his sensitive and empathic nature, which can sometimes make him more susceptible to boredom. He craves deep emotional connections and may become disinterested if a relationship lacks depth or meaningful communication. However, his compassionate heart also makes him capable of understanding and adapting to the needs of his partner, bringing a sense of harmony and emotional connection.
Mars in Aries fuels his passionate and adventurous spirit, but it may also contribute to moments of restlessness and a desire for excitement. He may seek novelty and stimulation within relationships, which can sometimes manifest as a tendency to become easily bored. However, this energy also infuses his relationships with passion and a willingness to pursue his desires, adding a spark of adventure and intensity.
Pluto in Sagittarius (Retrograde) may bring forth occasional possessive or manipulative tendencies. He needs to recognize and transform these patterns, using the transformative energy of Pluto to evolve and grow in his relationships. Awareness and self-reflection can help him channel the energy of Pluto in a positive and empowering way.
Generally, Hyunjin's yearning for perfection, combined with him not even knowing what he finds to be perfect, his Aries Mars, and his tendency to come up with idealized versions of his partners in his head, plus all the non-committal energies of his placements, he may be prone to cheating. While he IS extremely loyal when he's genuinely committed, the opposite is true when he's not. And because he'll often lie to avoid heartbreak, he'd rather cheat than break the heart of the person he's with by dumping them.
Wwith his Sun in Pisces, he yearns for a partner who possesses a soul as deep and boundless as the ocean itself. His ideal type understands and appreciates the beauty of the unseen, the ethereal, and the mystical. A kindred spirit who has just as big of an imagination as him.
With his Moon in Virgo, he seeks a partner who embodies practicality and a grounded nature. Someone who can balance his dreamy tendencies with a touch of pragmatism, offering a stable and reliable presence in his life. An individual who can appreciate his attention to detail and share his quest for perfection, creating a sense of harmony in their shared endeavors.
Mercury and Venus in Pisces guide him towards a partner who possesses a gentle and compassionate heart, capable of understanding the depths of his emotions and communicating with empathy and sensitivity. He longs for someone who can engage in profound conversations, exchanging heartfelt thoughts and sharing in the wonders of the intangible.
Mars in Aries ignites his passion and adventurous spirit, leading him to seek a partner who can match his fiery energy. He desires someone who can stand by his side as an equal, inspiring him to pursue his dreams fearlessly. A partner who embraces spontaneity, encourages him to explore new horizons, and fuels the flames of his desires with their own zest for life.
Jupiter in Taurus blesses him with a longing for a partner who embodies stability and loyalty. He seeks someone who values commitment and is willing to build a solid foundation in their relationship. A partner who can appreciate the simple pleasures in life, enjoying shared moments of comfort, and relishing in the beauty of a love that grows stronger with time.
While his non-committal tendencies may surface at times, his ideal type can understand his need for freedom and independence. A partner who allows him the space to explore his individuality, while also being an unwavering presence of support and encouragement. His ideal partner would be one who can provide a safe and nurturing space for him to explore his depths, while also encouraging him to transform any possessive or manipulative patterns into healthier expressions of love and connection.
With his Sun in Pisces, craves a deep emotional connection that transcends the superficial aspects of life. He needs a partner who can understand and embrace the complexities of his sensitive and intuitive nature. A kindred spirit who can dive into the depths of his emotions with compassion and empathy, providing a safe haven for him to express his vulnerabilities without fear of judgment or rejection.
With his Moon in Virgo, he requires a partner who can offer stability and practicality in their relationship. Someone who can anchor him when his emotions become overwhelming, providing a grounded presence that helps him find balance. A partner who can support him in translating his dreams and aspirations into tangible realities, offering guidance and assistance in manifesting his visions into the material world.
Mercury and Venus in Pisces guide him towards a partner who can communicate with kindness and sensitivity. He needs someone who can listen attentively to his thoughts and feelings, offering a non-judgmental space where he can express himself freely. The ideal partner would possess the ability to intuitively understand his unspoken words, creating a deep sense of emotional connection through their shared understanding.
Mars in Aries fuels his desire for passion and adventure, and thus he needs a partner who can match his fiery spirit. He seeks someone who can join him on thrilling escapades and embrace the exhilaration of life's challenges. A partner who can encourage him to step out of his comfort zone and explore new horizons, igniting a spark of inspiration and keeping the flame of passion burning bright.
Jupiter in Taurus blesses him with a need for stability and loyalty in his relationships. He requires a partner who is committed and steadfast, someone he can rely on through thick and thin. A partner who can provide a sense of security and consistency, assuring him that they are in it for the long haul.
While his non-committal tendencies may arise from time to time, he needs a partner who can navigate the delicate balance between giving him the freedom he craves and providing a strong and unwavering presence. A partner who can understand his need for independence without feeling threatened, fostering an environment of trust and security.
As for the more intense aspects, it is essential to recognize that personal growth and self-awareness are pivotal in addressing any possessive or manipulative tendencies. He needs a partner who can support him on his journey of self-discovery, encouraging him to confront and transform these aspects of himself. A partner who can provide a safe space for open and honest communication, helping him navigate the depths of his own psyche with compassion and understanding.
With his Sun in Pisces, he seeks a partner who embodies a captivating beauty that transcends the boundaries of the tangible world. He is drawn to individuals with an ethereal allure, possessing a certain grace and enchantment that sets them apart from the ordinary. Their presence should evoke a sense of mystery and intrigue, leaving him captivated by their enigmatic charm.
His Moon in Virgo guides him towards a partner who exudes an understated elegance and natural beauty. He appreciates simplicity and prefers a partner who embraces a more modest and refined sense of style. Neatness and attention to personal grooming are qualities that catch his discerning eye, as he values a partner who takes pride in their appearance while maintaining a down-to-earth demeanor.
Mercury and Venus in Pisces fuel his attraction to partners who possess a delicate and dreamy aura. He is drawn to soft features, such as gentle eyes and a serene smile, which reflect their kind and compassionate nature. Their voice should carry a soothing cadence, like a melodic lullaby that resonates deep within his soul.
Mars in Aries ignites his passion and desire for partners who exude confidence and vitality. He is enchanted by individuals who possess a vibrant energy and a magnetic presence. Strength and athleticism may catch his attention, as he admires partners who are physically active and embrace a zest for life. Their physicality should complement his own, encouraging him to embark on thrilling adventures together.
Jupiter in Taurus blesses him with an appreciation for partners who radiate natural beauty and possess a touch of sensuality. He is drawn to individuals with earthy and harmonious features, like soft curves or strong, grounded physiques. Their touch should evoke a sense of comfort and pleasure, as he seeks a partner who can ignite his senses and create a deep physical connection.
While physical appearance may initially capture his attention, it is important to note that his desires extend beyond the surface. He values authenticity, kindness, and a genuine soul connection above all else. His ideal partner transcends physical aesthetics, as he seeks a deep emotional and spiritual bond that enriches their journey together.
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kujiua-kun · 6 months
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[ Stillness in Hell lineup]
me:: Hazbin is mid and I'm kinda tired of seeing it
also me:: What if I made an AU that combined elements of the old storylines with elements of the new one?
and thus this unholy au was made...I was gonna add more characters to the lineup but I wanted to stick with the "Main cast" for now.
Also just a note:: This AU is based heavily on the original characters' stories and concepts. Meaning certain character relationships, stories, and other elements may be heavily changed. Also, I'm not doing this to go "Haha I'm better than vivz." This is literally just a dumb idea that refuses to leave my head.
mini-bios, under the cut!
If there's anyone else you wanna see in this au feel free to let me know.
From left to right::
Name:: Clio
Gender:: Female (She/Her)
Allies:: Claudia (While in Heaven), Cherry Bomb (While in Hell)
Age:: 19
Sexuality:: Female leaning - Bisexual
Voice Claim:: Elizabeth Daily
A confident and loud-mouthed angel, Clio is heaven's youngest holy warrior. However, despite praise from her superiors and having a joyful life, Clio has suffered harsh visions for as long as she can remember. Believing that she has some form of connection to hell, she sets off on a personal journey, to get answers.
Name:: Anthony "Martin"
Gender:: Male (He/Him But doesn't really care)
Allies:: Angel Dust
Age:: 33 (Permanently)
Sexuality:: Bisexual (Doesn't really label himself tho)
Voice Claim:: Jeff Bennett
A chaotic and vulgar demon, Angel Dust is a demon who seemingly never takes anything seriously. From partying to drugs, and even murder, there's seemingly no end to his destructive behavior. However, even with all this, he has revealed his more sensitive side to a select few people in his circle.
Name:: Vagatha
Gender:: Female (She/Her . They/Them)
Allies:: Vagyna (Hostess Name), Vaggie (Preferred name)
Age:: 29 (Permanently)
Sexuality:: Bisexual
Voice Claim:: Lisa Ortiz
A mature, but easily annoyed moth demon, Vaggie is a hostess working under Mothella. She's known for her calm almost motherly demeanor and more serious attitude. She's one of the few to see through Angel's facade and actually tries to keep him out of trouble most of the time.
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dovithedarklord · 10 months
Age of Monsters
Pairing: OFC x Simon "Ghost" Riley, OFC x König
Tags: Slow Burn, Slow Build, Enemies to Lovers, Alternate Universe, Blood and Gore, Blood and Violence, Eventual Romance, Eventual Smut, POV First Person, Not Beta Read, Medical Inaccuracies, Military Inaccuracies, AFAB OC
Trigger Warning: The story will contain violance, blood and smut in detail. Please, keep that in mind!
50 years ago, the world was turned upside down by the appearance of a virus, and monsters destroyed most of the known civilization. For safety, humanity has retreated to colonies all around the world, where life is lived according to strict rules and in fear of monsters. Fortunately, the virus caused something other than just the emergence of mutant monsters, it also awakened the Hunters, who have been heroically protecting the colonies ever since. Leona Woods spends her days in Colony 17 hiding from her duties as a Healer, but her carefree life soon ends when one of her evenings doesn't go as planned. And when karma finally catches up, she is forced to join Liquidation Unit 141 to fulfill her duties.
Life in Unit 141 isn't nearly all sunshine and rainbows, especially when a certain masked Hunter tries to make it even harder. However, the excitement only increases when a new danger appears, which threatens not only the life of the unit but the safety of the entire world. And Leona must decide whether to choose her own interests or the survival of her new team and the world.
The world in the story is inspired by the Guideverse.
Authors note:
Leona ends up in a nice mess after eating her dinner too carelessly. She has no idea how quickly fate will catch up with her.
The story moves quite slowly, so please be patient! 141 boys won't appear in the first chapter just yet, but they will;) I have pretty much covered all the characters in the tags, but the list could expand in the future. (I proofread myself before posting, so sorry if there are mistakes! I write the story in my language first, and I translate it after. English is not my first language, so help is welcomed! Just be nice, please! )
I'll post more chapters, but if you're interested you can find the story on AO3: Chapter One
I lazily stir my cocktail with the small wooden stick in it, as an absentminded distraction, my eyes run through the room enveloped in a flood of colorful, flashing lights. The bass of the music vibrates through my every muscle and bone, and I can almost feel the rhythm in my stomach, sending pleasant shivers through me. This is the thrill of the hunt, to be exact.
The people crammed into the small hall are pressed together like herrings, and the air smells of sweat, cheap perfume, and alcohol. My gaze wanders through the blissfully ignorant dancers from the force of habit, since I've done this a thousand times, I know exactly what I'm looking for. I’m searching for an exact type, a fool who seems lively enough to have just enough energy for a busy weeknight fun, and just as easily swayed by a seductive smile. I'm lucky because it seems like everyone wants to celebrate today, and that might be the reason behind today’s unusual crowd in this club, which is located in a hidden corner of the city. Usually, I would have to choose from a much smaller selection, but today on The Day of the Great Escape, everyone felt the need to paint the town red. Even if someone doesn’t give a damn about the important holiday, this day is still one of the few occasions when even those doing the most menial jobs are given a day off to be able to honor the memory of the first great Hunters who appeared fifty years ago. What an idiotic habit. If they knew the easy lives of those publicly funded mercenaries and executioners… they wouldn't be so grateful that they occasionally venture outside the green zone to kill a mutant monster or two.
Raising my glass to my mouth, I take a generous sip of my sweet cocktail and enjoy the way the alcohol sold at the price of gold pleasantly burns my throat. Like any other luxury item, alcohol is also a treasure, of course, only if you don't want to go blind from the crap concocted at someone’s shady basement. I feel my frustration awaken in the back of my head when I think about the near fortune I spent on the cocktail, but I push the annoying thought away, thinking that in worst case scenario I will not only get my usual snack from tonight's victim, but also the content of their wallet. If I'm lucky, the unfortunate bastard will have a few credits on them. Almost on cue, I catch a glimpse of a guy on the edge of the dance floor who stands out from the ring of people around him like a scarecrow on a cornfield. Judging by his movements, he's not the least bit thirsty, and as I watch him almost tripping over his own feet during his clumsy dance moves, a satisfied grin crosses my lips. Got you.
I down the last remnants of my nauseating drink, and I jump off the bar stool with light movements and throw myself into the crowd of dancers. I make my way toward the cutie I've chosen, not taking my eyes off of him for even a moment, and I feel my heart beating excitedly as I get closer and closer. As the adrenaline spreads through my body, all my senses sharpen, like a wild animal waiting to pounce on its victim. Tonight I'm bubbling with anticipation and impatience more than usual because it's been a week and a half since I caught the last sweet little boy for some private fun… and my appetite is coming back fast. With dull, but steady force.
As I finally arrive behind the boy, my fingers twine on his arms with a butterfly-light touch and travel sensually up to his shoulders. Despite his apparent drunkenness, the guy visibly flinches in fright, and this one tiny movement makes my mouth dry with anticipation. He looks puzzled and surprised as he turns towards me, and as he glances down at me, all my nerves and senses are attuned to him. And as the inviting warmth of his body travels from his hot skin through my fingertips, I can already see the intricate network that weaves through his body in my mind's eye, with his pulsing heart in the middle beating to a fierce rhythm. I don't need to use my ability to know that I don’t have to try hard, because as soon as the first shock wears off in a fraction of a second, he arranges his features on his sweet boyish face and pulls his mouth into a lazy grin. Bingo.
"Hi. " I shout over the music blaring around us, and I conjure up the flirtatious smile that I have perfected over the years, which I know will immediately sweep such simple-minded fools off their feet. Obviously, it also helps a lot that even if the higher powers that supposedly exist have already cursed me with my fucking abilities, they at least put conventionally attractive features on me. It would be foolish to deny that I am charming, and I am neither modest nor delusional enough to try to lie to myself about it. It would certainly be a more attractive quality to blush and protest against such facts in order to score good points in the eyes of other people, but if there is one thing I have learned it is that in this new order, you won’t get far with modesty and goodness. That fair world has been gone since the first mutant monsters slaughtered an entire city, or maybe it never even existed.
"Hello... " The guy greets me too, and as he turns towards me welcomingly, ready to flirt, my hands clasp around his neck with a swift movement, and I snuggle up to him with my whole body, promising salacious adventures. It doesn't escape my attention how his pupils dilate almost on command, as my breasts press against his chest and my nails run through the back of his neck teasingly. I can almost feel it in my mouth how the heat of his desire starts to build and a tingle fueled by lust travels through him. It's ridiculously easy for me to turn him on, but he’s exactly the type of easy target I usually hunt for. He's just drunk enough to not be able to think clearly but be up for action when a pretty girl approaches him. He's just healthy enough to withstand my snacking but weak enough to not be able to resist. Not that he'd stand a chance against me.
I’m not wasting time on talking anymore, because I can tell from his heated gaze and his fast-beating heart that I could climb on him even here if I wanted to. But I was always shy when it came to my private life. I like it better when we enjoy these intimate moments together without any pesky interruptions.
I remove the presence of my naughty little body from the guy, and as his dark eyes fill with disappointment, I hold back the laughter that threatens to burst out of me with all my might. I grab him by the arm, and I just give him a teasing smile over my shoulder as I point towards to the exit with my head, and his quick to understand what I’m implying. He follows me without a question as I lead him out of the dance floor with purposeful steps towards the back entrance of the club. He stumbles along like the fool he is, with a distinct look of puppy-like longing spread on his face. And I send tiny sparks of my energy into his body through his skin, which boosts the already present alcoholic stupor in him even more, because I never leave anything up for luck. We should look like just a simple, carefree young couple who after finding each other in the heat of the night, are heading somewhere, anywhere, to relieve their needs. Which is true. But I suspect that this little cutie and I are not thinking about the same needs as we are galloping towards the exit.
And as the back door opens and the cool fresh air of the night hits me, the all too known impatience that usually comes at this time takes over me. I've been feeling that painful tension in my stomach for days now, which indicates that I can't wait any longer and I have to find someone to help my little problem. I hate the feeling when I squirm in bed with a heated body, trying to fall asleep, but every part of me aches and pleads for me to just finally satisfy my hunger.
As the guy finally exits the club behind me the door closes behind us with a loud bang. The dim light filtering in from the street only vaguely paints his features, but I can make out enough to know that by now my machinations got him ready for the finale. I don't like what I am, but I love my abilities. If the members of my species weren’t treated like objects or animals for slaughter, I wouldn't be frustrated by all of this shit.
I drag the now completely dazed guy towards one of the corners filled with cardboard boxes, forcing him to back up against the hard concrete, trapping him with my arms over his shoulders. The sight could look quite comical, a girl who is at least half a head shorter, pinning a grown man to the wall with a gesture taken from a romantic movie, but I know that out of the two of us, I am not the prey. But he is.
"I like girls who take initiative. " He says, his words smeared by alcohol and from my little tricks echo in the darkness of the alley. I pull a lazy little smile on my face as I kneel down in front of him, and I’m quick to unfasten his belt and unbutton his pants with my hands. I can almost hear how the air catches in his throat, and when I look up at him and see the stunned look that blooms on his face, I release my laughter. My God. It gets me every time.
"Then it's your lucky day. " I answer, and I feel my voice deepen and get filled with the longing caused by my hunger. He swallows his Adam's apple bobbing as my hands start to pull down the rough fabric of his pants from his narrow hips with excruciating slowness. Goosebumps rise on his skin when I grip the lean muscles of his thighs and I involuntarily lick my lips as the pulsating veins appear before my eyes. I nudge his legs apart and he obediently spreads them wider, and I lean forward to smooth my lips on his now-exposed skin. A shiver runs through him as I follow the line of blood vessels branching under his skin with my tongue, and I mark the place where I plan to eat my meal with a small seductive kiss. I give him another boost with my energy so that he gets even more stunned, and he tilts his head back with his eyes closed, his breathing speeds up desperately, and all the while he doesn't even notice how I make a small incision on his thigh with the small blade I dug out of my pocket. The first drops of blood emerge from under the pale skin, and I, like a thirsty pilgrim left in the desert, throw myself on the small pearls that surface. I press my mouth tightly to the wound, and my teeth tingle painfully as I swallow the first sips, but I know, that even if a stupid bastard like him would discover a bite mark, he could easily put the pieces together and get me caught. So I’m momentarily satisfied with the way the metallic taste of blood fills my taste buds, and my whole body trembles as the familiar heat sweeps along my spine. I sigh with relief, as the hunger gnawing at my insides begins to ease, and the torturous feeling that has been twisting my stomach for days is replaced by the euphoria, which is hard to put into words, that rears its head in my body with each meal. My energy begins to throb excitedly in my veins, and my head is taken over by a daze similar to alcoholic intoxication, which makes my limbs quite light and weightless. Despite this, my fingers grip the thighs of my victim even harder, who stiffens under my hands, groaning in confusion. It must not be a pleasant feeling, but none of them have died yet from the tiny little blood loss I caused. The next day, they are as good as new, and they easily mistake the minute sickness that I cause for the evil aftereffect of a hangover. After all, who doesn't feel like shit after drinking through the night before?
I get lost in my meal, and the intoxicating taste of blood obscures my senses and leads me to a fleeting state of ecstasy, and I know that it is almost time to stop because there is a level of blood loss that can’t be attributed to the fatigue of a hangover. However, before the thought can ripen in my foggy mind, searing pain shoots through my scalp, and I hiss as the unknown force grabs my hair and pulls me away from the subject of my feast. My brain can't get out of its stupor right away, so it is not particularly difficult for me to lose my balance. I arrive on the damp concrete of the alley with a loud thump, and I blink wide-eyed at my assailant from the sudden surprise. The unknown man walks over to the guy slumped on the floor with a worried look, who just as all my victims do, passed out after my little dinner.
"Roy! Roy!" Tries the stranger as he talks to the knocked-out guy, and I pull myself up to my feet. I wipe my mouth glistening with blood with the back of my hand as I watch the potential friend of my dinner trying to breathe some life into the poor kid. When he doesn't succeed, he turns towards me and steps in front of me menacingly, grabbing the collar of my sweater. "What the fuck did you do to him, you bitch?"
"We played a little." I declare easily, and as my eyes focus on the boy sprawled out on the dirty ground, an evil little grin curls on my lips. "And it seems I literally blew his mind with my professional technique."
"Don’t fuck with me! " The guy snarls at me dangerously and shakes me by my clothes, which makes my funny mood disappear almost immediately. Based on how his face gets contorted in anger, it becomes clear that my lip service won’t get me out of this situation, and I'm cursing to myself as I assess the possibilities. Although there are no cameras in this alley, I can guarantee that this bastard will be able to give an accurate description of me if I just let him slip out of here. If I don't do something now, he's going to call the enforcers, which is a literal death sentence for me. Because, even if I lie that I indulged in little more perverted pleasures than necessary, they will immediately suspect that something is wrong. And if they find out what I am... that can't happen.
But before I could create a concrete plan in my mind, the guy loses his patience and raises his hand, preparing to put some sense in me. However, before he could hit me, I target his knee with a firm kick causing it to dislocate with a loud crack, and as he loses his balance, his grip on my clothes loosens too. The roar that erupts from the guy is muffled by my hand fast on his mouth, and taking advantage of the situation, I throw myself at him and knock him off his feet. His head hits the ground with a sickening sound, but that’s not nearly enough to make him unable to attack. It seems that the adrenaline is starting to work in him too, because his hands suddenly slam down on my neck and wrap around it with a vise-like grip. A stifled cough breaks out of me as the pressure of his fingers slowly squeezes my trachea, and then it becomes completely clear what I have to do to get out of the hot water I got myself into.
I press my hands firmly on his head and, while struggling with shortness of breath, I concentrate the energy bubbling in me towards the man. Tears well up in my eyes from the effort, but I can still feel the blood vessels in his brain, and I clench my teeth as I begin to increase the pressure in them. I almost see the image of the tiny, spider web-like system swelling up and getting dangerously close to bursting like an overinflated balloon. The man's grip around my neck loosens, he grabs my wrists now and tries to pry my hands off of him, but he has no chance. Pure desperation takes over his features, his eyes widen and his body begins to jerk wildly underneath me, but that doesn't deter me from finishing what I started. Because if I show even an ounce of mercy, I'll get the short end of the stick. If I don't kill him, I'll be exposed and dragged off to be used like fucking battery for the rest of my life. I’ll lose everything I have, but most of all, my freedom. If I don't end it now, I'll suffer the same fate as the other Healers and I’ll be used by some Hunter until I die. I can't let that happen. I WON’T let it happen.
Rage and anger fill my consciousness, and suddenly a red mist swallows everything in my sight, which makes me focus only on the suffering of the man below me fighting for his life. My fingers claw into his skin, and for a moment the thought runs through my mind about how it would feel to crack his skull and see his bones break under my grip. A painful snoring sound leaves the man's mouth, his mouth fills with bloody foam, red liquid begins to flow from the corner of his eyes drawing vivid lines on his deathly pale skin, and I tensely observe his death throe. A few minutes stretch into an eternity as I watch the last sparks of life disappear from his eyes, and the vague emptiness of death takes their place. Suddenly the man freezes, his limbs going limp under me in surrender, and as a last soft gurgling moan leaves his lips, I know it's over. The frantic rush of his blood ceases under my fingers, and his heart, which until now was hammering restlessly under his ribs, is now silent.
I kneel over the dead body below me panting, and I pause for a moment to look at my "creation". I'm not surprised that I don't feel any remorse, because I left the guilt and shame behind me a long time ago, in that dark little corner of my mind, where there might still be a drop of tenderness left. I can still vaguely remember the panic that came over me the first time I accidentally killed someone. I will never forget the young guy’s face, the freckles dotting his nose, which shone almost sickeningly dark on his skin pale from blood loss. The frightened whimper that left those lips that slowly turned blue forever embedded itself in the tangled webs of my memory. But everyone else who stood in my way looms as vague, unrecognizable spots in the depths of my brain, and it doesn't bother me one bit. A normal person might be affected by so many lives lost in vain, but I learned a long time ago that these are all luxuries that the likes of me cannot afford. That's why I still feel nothing but pure frustration and anger for making such a simple mistake. I didn't pay attention to the friends. You should never target a victim with friends, because after a while they always show up worried. It's understandable, of course, but it's just an unnecessary problem for me.
A strained sigh leaves my lips as I stand up, dusting off my clothes, and I step over the body lying motionless on the ground. My night didn't turn out exactly as I wanted, and as a sharp, migraine-like pain rips through my head, I'm already sure that my dinner tonight was wasted. Small snacks like this are just enough to satiate my hunger, but not enough to pump me up enough to stop me from being cranky after using my powers to such an extent. I should have eaten a lot more for this. Fuck. In a few days, I'll be able to play this whole little charade again to find a fool to drink from. And I can throw away a bunch of credits again to go to one of the clubs and have an alibi drink.
I pull the corner of my mouth in distaste as I remember the poor state of my wallet, and if possible my mood becomes even more gloomy as I realize that unfortunately robbing my victims will not be an option tonight. That way, if I'm lucky, enforcers will see this as nothing more than a tragic consequence of a night out where one of the unfortunate dudes had fun with the wrong stuff, and the other drank just a little bit too much. But if I take their credits now, then robbery and murder will also enter the picture, which would be true, but I have no need for any unnecessary excitement.
So I take one last look at the two guys, straightening my sweater, and I head towards the exit of the alley to enter the street swimming in flickering lights, making my way home. Every muscle in my body screams for sleep, and as the knife-like pain in my head increases, I want nothing more than to rest and forget this miserable night.
My fingers drum nervously on the table, adding a fast and restless rhythm to the background noise of the machines humming softly in the lab, the whole thing resulting in a symphony that slowly drives me crazy. My eyes are fixed on the radio lying on the counter next to me, and although now the monotonous female voice from the other side is talking about general news affecting the entire colony, I still keep replaying a scrap of information that barely reached two minutes over and over again, as if an old and broke record player had stuck in my head, on which the needle keeps jumping on the same tune.
The previous night, I threw myself into bed with the firm belief that everything was fine and that I had no reason to worry about anyone paying enough attention to the deaths of two insignificant civilians in a party district. One would think that the enforcers have their hands full with monitoring smugglers and petty criminals selling illegal drugs, or supervising food distribution units, but no. Of course, in a city where it is common for someone to disappear or die, where the law-keeping organizations are struggling with a shortage of people, the biggest news is that two random young dudes were found in an alley under questionable circumstances. Out of thousands of similar cases, the wretched news providers just had to pick this one, which was described exactly as desperate and terrifying as it should be to get some clout. But it couldn’t be further from the truth. Similar atrocities happen daily, it's enough if someone doesn't buy from a good dealer and stuffs themself with goods made from all kinds of crap in a basement. Or it's enough if someone has more food stamps than the others, and if someone feels even a tad bit jealous of this, then the unlucky fool will be found on the street the next day knocked out because of those few pieces of paper. And I make one mistake and these hyenas immediately feel the need to overanalyze it under a magnifying glass.
A thousand thoughts run through my head, and in every one of them, I try to figure out why the officials believe that this case is different from the others they encountered until now. Why did the interviewed spokesman emphasize the fact that this case shows such an unusual pattern that they are forced to carry out a thorough investigation? I can theorize a thousand possible mistakes, and I could find a solution to all of them almost immediately, but the doubt that crawls into my brain just can’t seem to leave and I can’t help but feel that this time I really was careless.
There were no cameras in the alley, nor in that shithole of a club, so there was nothing that could have recorded my face. Due to the holiday, there were too many people in the club to give a good personal description of any of us. And my dinner last night was far too drunk and dazed to remember anything substantial about me. They won’t go far with the information that a pretty little girl dragged him away. There are thousands of cases like that in this cursed city. They could have found my DNA or my fingerprints on one of the bodies, and they can find me based on that, but I can bluff that I just wanted a nice little threesome with the guys, and when they offered me some weird substance, I walked away. There is no way to prove that this is the case, nor is there any evidence to the contrary. And they can't bring me in without solid proof. And anyway. Who would believe that a short, weak young woman could knock out two grown men?
Almost instinctively, my tongue wanders to the line of my teeth, and as it runs along the plastic, I clench my fists nervously. They can't possibly suspect anything about who I am. There's no way in hell they'll find out I'm an Extreme. They won't test DNA because it's an expensive procedure, and they won't do any further research for a simple murder case where NOTHING points to an Extreme. They won’t be able to reveal my identity, even if they end up linking me to the case somehow.
I have been hiding my identity since I was thirteen years old, and no one has a chance to see through my disguise, which I have perfected over the years. Although an Extreme would be easy to recognize, because who the hell wouldn't be able to see when a person has vertical pupils and razor-sharp canines? But I have this under control. Cheap contact lenses, and even cheaper removable veneers, and the problem is solved. And the scent of my energy could only be smelled by a professional, high-ranking Hunter, especially what is left of it now. Everything seems ideal, the realistic part of me knows that the chances of me being exposed are small, but the stress hormones working inside me plant the doubt that small enough is still not zero. It will never be zero.
The sudden window that pops up on the computer screen jolts me out of my thoughts, which were moving strongly towards gloomy suspicion and tense fixation, and for the first time in my life, I turn quickly toward a finished result. It's not like I'm careless in my work, after all, to maintain a normal life, you have to be thorough and a good worker bee. But suddenly anything seems like a good distraction, and I honestly thank the fact that I still have six hours of work left, because it may distract me from the chaos raging in my head.
I take one last anxious glance at the radio, which is already playing some melodious song by an unknown band, and then I turn to my computer instead. I don't have to worry. Like all sensations, this will pass in no time. Everything will be fine. Nothing will happen. NOTHING.
But when I get home a few days later, two strange men are waiting in front of the door of my small apartment, and I already know that nothing will be fine. I quickly assess the two figures, and it immediately becomes obvious that although they are not wearing uniforms, they are clearly enforcers. They turn their heads towards me in unison, and the neon light of the lamp on the ceiling paints the dark expression gliding across their faces in an eery glow. Only two words flash in my mind; They know.
Still, I force a mask of honest surprise on myself, and as I move towards them with slow and deliberate steps, I try to take on the role of a meek, defenseless, and more importantly naive young woman with every movement. It's ridiculously easy because I've been forced to play it all my life, but now I'm analyzing almost every fiber of myself with tense attention, as the two men silently size me up.
"Leona Woods?" Says one of the enforcers, and his hoarse voice echoes hauntingly off the dirty walls. "We hoped we were in the right place."
At first glance, it may seem like the situation about to unfold is completely harmless, but as the taller man pulls his hands out of his pockets, but it does not escape my attention how a metallic glint appears for a fleeting moment under his jacket. They came with weapons, and from that, I can immediately conclude that they did not show up for a simple chit-chat. They won’t be playing a pleasant game of question-and-answer with me as witnesses, but as a suspect, and the recognition creates an unpleasant pressure in my stomach. Calm down. Take it easy. They may be suspicious, but they don't have anything in their hands.
"What can I help you with?" I ask innocently, and I mix just enough incomprehension into my voice to make my little play look authentic. I arrive in front of them with a faint little smile on my lips, every cell radiating I am indeed just a simple civilian. Someone who may have been involved in a very sad misunderstanding, but is in no way capable of killing or even injuring someone.
"We’d like to ask you a few questions." Says one of the men, and as he flashes his official ID card, my eyebrows rise in feigned surprise. "If possible, we'd rather not talk to you here. Could you let us in?" My new guest points towards my front door with his head, and I fish out my keys from my bag accompanied by a cooperative nod. I concentrate on keeping my fingers from shaking with every fiber of my being, as I insert the key into the lock because nothing would give me away faster than them seeing me upset. And it's a difficult task, because with every second the tension raging inside me increases.
"After you." I open the door, and as soon as I turn on the light, the two men march into my small apartment after a quiet "thank you". I hesitate for a minute, but finally, the door closes behind me with a soft click, and after slowly kicking off my shoes, I follow the two enforcers into my modest little living room. The faces of the two strangers do not reveal anything, as they peer into the living room and take a quick, but rather detailed look at the room. And I follow their every movement, like a startled stray dog surrounded by dogcatchers. What an apt analogy.
"Take a seat." I gesture towards the thousand-year-old sofa in the middle of the room, and after giving one last look at the furniture of my modest apartment in search of some kind of clue, they silently take the seat offered to them. I follow their example with measured calmness, and I try to sit down in the armchair opposite them as carelessly as possible, smoothing out the creases in my pants with my hands, so that at least I can reduce the growing restlessness inside me. "What did you want to ask me about? " I ask with sincere curiosity, and I consciously try to banish any doubt, anger, or malice from my voice. It is quite obvious that these two men are not simple enforcement officers, because they behaved like two hounds on a hot scent just waiting for the opportunity to pounce from the get-go.
"Three days ago, two men were found in one of the nightclubs in sector H. Thankfully, one of them only lost consciousness, but unfortunately the other victim was already dead by the time they were found." Begins one of the enforcers, who seems to be the older of the two with his graying hair and crow's feet around his eyes. "We have reason to assume that you might be able to provide us with useful information." He states pointedly, and before I can even think about opening my mouth to speak, his companion pulls out a couple of black and white pictures from his jacket’s pocket.
My gaze lingers on the older man for a moment, so it doesn't become clear to them that I want to look at those pictures so much that every muscle in me goes rigid with desperation. And when I finally turn my eyes to the photos resting on the table, I feel my blood run cold. Until now, I was sure that there is no chance of them connecting me to the case, but even I don't have any ridiculous objections to the way I recognize myself in those goddamn pictures. While there may not have been a security camera in the alley, I must have forgotten that the fucking motel across the street must have one installed for the safety of its clients. And this camera isn't the kind that captures people as blurry, smudged blobs. No, this fucking camera recorded me pulling my pretty little ass out of that dark hole in such sharp detail that it occurs to me for a moment that this coincidence could only have happened in my honor.
"I was there on that night." I confirm the facts shown in the prints, it would be completely unnecessary to deny what is in the photos lying on the worn surface of the table because it's clear as day that I’m the one unlucky idiot on them. "But I'm afraid I can't help you with anything more." I smile faintly, just enough to not seem obviously unfriendly, despite the fact that a burning lump is forming in my throat and the gears in my head are immediately starting to turn, wondering what chances I have to get out of the shit in which I seem to be sinking up to my neck.
"I'm not so sure about that, unfortunately. " Answers the older enforcer, and fishes out his communicator from the pocket inside of his jacket, on which a very interesting hologram image appears after he presses a few buttons. I recognize almost immediately what is written on the investigation document, and I have to hold back the small disgusting smile that wishes to appear on my face with all my might. As I expected, they apparently found my DNA on one of the victims, and thanks to that the lab result which proves the sample found matches my DNA is staring at me in a faint blue light. Calm down, you expected this.
"I met a handsome boy that night, but flirting and having sex is hardly illegal." I remark innocently, and as my eyes fall on the two men, I allow a small, light superiority to creep onto my face. But as the man flicks the hologram lightly with his finger, all my joy disappears like a speck of dust in the wind and is replaced by shock, and I can no longer control my face where genuine terror settles in.
"It isn't, indeed. But hiding a Healer, or rather an Extreme Healer status, and killing people are." The enforcer gets to the point, and his eyebrows furrow grimly on his forehead, as his gaze wanders meaningfully from the hologram to me. A nerve-racking silence settles in the room for a moment, as I try to comprehend the data presented to me, and every brain cell fights against the denial of reality. Because the inscription "Status: EXTREME" appearing in all capital letters on the last page of the lab result cannot be a figment of the imagination. Because all of this would have to be a nightmare, and this situation is clearly real, because my pulse pounding in my ears, the gnawing, visceral dread creeping into my stomach can't just be the work of a dream. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to come with us to the headquarters."
This one sentence is enough to make the future immediately appear in my head. They’ll drag me, brand me, and put me on the market like a horse so that whoever is the fastest can take me. I will join some unit with Hunters, and every single day I will charge and heal a different stupid bastard each time until one day I inevitably become useless and they get rid of me. And then, if I'm lucky, I won't vegetate as a houseplant in a research institute, but maybe someone will take me in and turn me into a whore. This is the fate that awaits most Healers, and I am not so delusional as to believe that I will be lucky enough to be one of those rare cases where the Hunter will not treat me like an object. Especially as an Extreme. I'll be the real gourmet meal. They will be able to use me for a long time. If they don't take away my blood supply, like the opportunity to recharge from ordinary Healers, they will be able to leech off me for years and decades. No fucking way.
As if I had suddenly found enlightenment, the fear of death disappears from my face with disturbing speed, and I nod with a careful movement. Standing up, I obediently walk toward them, raising my hands in front of me, and it doesn't escape my attention as their eyes glide over my figure cautiously. It doesn't matter that they are suspicious, they are not prepared for what comes next.
The older man orders his companion with just a silent gesture, and I patiently wait for the guy to stand up and step in front of me with the handcuffs unfastened from his belt. But before my new trendy bracelet could snap on me, I grab the man's arm emerging from under his jacket and send a significant amount of energy into his body, causing him to suddenly sprawl on the carpet with widened eyes and a loud thump. It takes the other enforcer a moment to realize what's happening, but he reaches for his gun too late, because I'm already there in front of him, and my nails are digging into his skin with force as I press my palm into his face, causing his head to drop back, and his body to fall on the cream-colored fabric of the sofa unconsciously.
I don't waste any time, I tear open the door of my apartment and I bolt out almost immediately in desperation. I run along the corridor with the agility of a chased wild animal, and when I reach the staircase, I take the steps two at a time. There's only one thing in my head, that I don't care how, but I'm going to escape from here because there's no way I let myself get caught. I'll break out of this fucking city myself if I have to, and wind my way through the monster-infested red zone until I get to the nearest colony. They won't catch me. NEVER.
The small shards of glass scattered on the pavement sink painfully into my bare feet, as I throw myself onto the street and continue running without any consideration. The pain appears only as a distant, dull pang in the hidden corner of my brain, because now even I have bigger problems at hand than how much damage I'm doing to my leg. The biting night air burns my lungs as I sprint breathlessly through the unusually desolate neighborhood, but I don't waste precious energy trying to figure out why the street is so empty on a weekday evening.
And I don't even have time to think about this any longer, because before I can turn into the side street behind one of the blocks, a sharp, shooting pain rips through my back, and whatever hit me, the force of the impact is enough to make me stagger with a startled squeal, and I fall to the ground like a rag doll. My hands ache excruciatingly as they get stuck under me in an attempt to cushion my landing, and my nose is hit by the familiar smell of blood as the concrete scrapes the skin from my palms. Despite the burning sensation, the narrow object sticking out of my back worries me more as I touch it. It dawns on me that it might be some kind of tranquilizer dart, but by the time I can congratulate myself on my foresight, I can already feel my limbs turning heavy like stones. The image of the street swimming in colorful lights blurs in front of my eyes, and no matter how hard I struggle, I can only whimper softly, as I try to fight with my last strength against the temptation of the darkness that falls on me.
"Forgive me, sweetheart. But you're not goin’ anywhere from here." Someone speaks up not far from me, but I hear the voice muffled as if my head has been submerged under water, and it only travels to my ears as dull and distorted fragments. Halfway to losing consciousness, I catch the sight of booted feet swimming into my field of vision. I want to come up with some kind of witty remark, but before even a sound can leave my mouth, the darkness engulfs me. Fuck.
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hb-writes · 1 year
Best Case Scenario
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Summary: Harvey discovers a bit of pot in the backseat of Ray's car and is on a mission to figure out who it belongs to—his wayward sister or his wayward associate?
Characters: Harvey Specter, Mike Ross, Donna Paulsen, Jessica Pearson, and Charlie Specter.
Request (from 💜 anon): Hello! For June requests how about, “I swear it’s the truth!” & “You have no idea what this is?” For The Punisher or Suits, you choose, pretty please 💜
Content Warnings: Talk about marijuana.
Suits (Lines to Live By) Masterlist
Please take a moment to tell me what y'all think! Reviews and comments are always appreciated. 😌❤️
Charlie watched her brother’s hand and the discreet little baggie held out between his fingers. Harvey had said nothing, the baggie in itself a question, and he focused on watching Charlie’s reaction, cataloging every piece of evidence that might indicate his sister’s guilt. 
There was plenty of evidence already, and Harvey hadn’t even started questioning her. Though Charlie would swear it was the loudest thing she’d ever heard, Harvey couldn’t hear the nervous thumping of his sister’s heart. He couldn’t sense the heavy weight sinking in her stomach, but Harvey did note the lump that bobbed in her throat as she prepared herself to speak.
“Harvey, that’s not…I don’t know—”
Harvey let out a small laugh, swinging the baggie around once in his hand. “You have no idea what this is?”
“No…well…I…” Charlie stumbled over the words. Of course, she knew what it was. She had seen marijuana before. She had never tried it, but she had been around enough people who had. “I mean…yes, I know what it is, but it’s not mine.” 
“Alright.” Harvey nodded his head as if he was truly considering it. “Whose is it then?”
“How should I know?” She shot back. “You’re the one holding it. Why assume it’s mine?”
Harvey considered his answer, still not quite certain whether or not he believed her. It was the truth—He was the one holding the bag, but the weed certainly wasn’t Harvey’s.
Ray had given it to him after finding it wedged between cushions in the back seat. And Ray transported a very select group of passengers, so there were only so many viable options. He figured he’d start with his sister. Even if the drugs didn’t belong to Charlie, it was rather convenient that it showed up in the backseat of Ray’s car on the same day Charlie and her friends had used the car to go downtown after school. 
Harvey wasn’t stupid. He figured exploration of that sort of thing was likely inevitable at a certain point, but he hoped the conversation alone might scare her off that sort of thing for a bit longer. Worst case, the marijuana was hers. Best case, it wasn’t and they’d have a nice reinforcing conversation about his expectations.
“I’m holding it because Ray found it in the backseat of his car. You sticking with your story, Charlotte? You still don’t know where this came from?”
She cringed at her full name, taking a deep breath before answering. “Yes, Harvey. I swear it’s the truth.” Charlie willed herself to keep her composure as she delivered a set of words that were possibly, not exactly the full truth. “I don’t have a single clue where it came from.”
It wasn’t easy lying to Harvey, even when it was only a half-lie. The drugs weren’t hers—that much was true—but she may have possibly had a slight inkling of who they could have maybe, possibly belonged to and how they may have ended up in Ray’s car…but she wasn’t about to throw one of her friends under the proverbial bus Harvey was driving. 
“Right,” Harvey began, ready to pivot the conversation a bit, ready to push a bit harder, but Charlie pulled her eyes from her brother, the little baggie still in hand, as Mike entered the room, stopping a few steps away from them. 
“Bad time?” Mike asked, rocking on his back foot, part of him wondering why exactly Donna had allowed him to go in if Harvey was in the middle of a lecture. 
Harvey took a long moment to consider his associate, taking in his appearance—his clothes, his hair, his eyes. Charlie watched the look that passed between them, deciding it was best to keep quiet. 
“Not at all. Why don’t you take a seat, Michael?”
Mike snorted, but slipped into the seat beside Charlie. “Michael?” 
“Yeah,” Harvey confirmed. “Charlotte was just telling me she doesn’t know where this—” Harvey tossed the baggie at Mike, who caught it on top of the paperwork he’d come in with “—came from. What about you?”
“It’s not mine,” Mike said, reflexively, almost as if he’d been on the receiving end of this conversation many times before. He tossed the bag back on Harvey’s desk. “Look, Harvey…I swear, it’s not—” Mike glanced at Charlie as he fumbled for more words. “—I’m done with that stuff. I—”
“That’s what I thought,” Harvey interrupted. “I thought you told me you were done with all this stuff and we’d agreed that if you didn’t clean up, I’d fire your ass.”
Charlie took a deep breath. It went unnoticed as the tense moment between Harvey and Mike held, Harvey continuing to lecture his associate. Charlie cleared her throat and spoke out, but the declaration was barely audible over Harvey’s continued barrage of Mike. 
“What?” Harvey and Mike asked at the same time, both of them turning towards her. 
“It’s mine,” Charlie repeated, her gaze directed down at her lap as she straightened her hands out over her thighs. 
Charlie nodded, still keeping her head down. Some part of her knew that it was better for Harvey to think it was hers than Mike’s. Worst case scenario, she’d end up grounded, but Mike could lose his job over this. That was something Charlie wasn’t ready to have on her conscience…especially if there was a chance it had been one of her friends leaving it behind in Ray's car.
Mike needed this job more than Charlie needed freedom and her brother’s good graces. Mike had bills…his grandmother’s nursing home payments. It was not even a question in her mind.
“You’re telling me all the sudden not only do you know who it belongs to, but it’s yours?”
Charlie nodded again.
“Look at me, Charlotte,” Harvey said, and after a few seconds of delay he added, “Right now.” 
Charlie lifted her head. “Harvey, I swear. It’s—”
“No, it’s—” Mike interrupted, only to be cut off by Harvey.
“If you’re about to tell me she’s covering for and it’s yours, I—”
All three of them turned towards the door as Donna pushed it open, leaning inside. “Jessica’s on her way to speak with you,” she offered. “And in case you’ve forgotten, this wall is made of windows and you’re waving that baggie around like it’s Woodstock.”
Harvey rolled his eyes before pocketing the baggie. He turned to his sister and his associate. “Both of you, out,” Harvey said, pleased when they both stood up and moved towards the door. “Mike, get back to work. Donna, please take Charlotte’s phone and set her up with the most boring administrative—”
Charlie spun back towards her brother and opened her mouth to complain. If anything, she planned to follow Mike back to the bullpen and sort this out before they were called back in to finish the conversation. Harvey cut her short as he stood up, buttoning his jacket. 
“You really want to argue with me right now? You’re lucky admin work and a confiscated cell phone is all you’re getting.”
Charlie quickly shut her mouth, slipping out the door just as Jessica arrived. She muttered a quiet hello, avoiding eye contact as she took up her spot beside Mike just outside the door. 
Donna eyed the pair of them. They were trying to have some sort of communication, to gain some sort of clarity about everything that had just happened without actually speaking.
“I believe he said you can get back to work, Michael,” Donna said after a moment, nodding toward the bullpen. “And, little chick, you can follow me.” 
Mike and Charlie reluctantly separated as he headed back to his work. Donna smirked to herself as she led Charlie down the hall towards one of the file rooms. She almost felt a bit of pity for the little idiots. Mike and Charlie thought they were covering for each other—Harvey thought that, too…
Harvey was a great lawyer. He generally knew how to read people, but he wasn’t Donna. He had blindspots, so he would never suspect who the pot really belonged to, the only other person who had ridden in Ray’s car this afternoon. 
Harvey would never suspect that Jessica hadn’t actually shown up in his office to get an update on the case.
Jessica was managing partner.
Harvey’s mentor. 
Practically family.
So he would never suspect that Jessica wasn’t genuinely curious as to what trouble his sister was up to now either. After all, Jessica had always shown a special interest in his little sister and her progress, invested in her in a similar way that she’d been invested in Harvey and his future. 
He would never suspect anything was off when Jessica confiscated the baggie and suggested he let Jessica handle it. Charlie looked up to the woman. Her words held a different weight. 
It was the best case scenario—neither Harvey’s kid sister nor his associate were responsible, but Harvey would never suspect that it was Jessica Pearson, one of the city’s top managing partners, who had left a little pot in the back seat of Ray’s car.
And Donna wasn’t about to tell him.
Suits (Lines to Live By) Masterlist
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glareandgrowl · 9 months
you know what?! NO! I WON'T just stop there!
This has really frustrated me as a creator who puts pride and effort into the characters I create. I'm giving myself until the end of this 30 min playlist to put my thoughts together so forgive the mess it will inevitably cause.
I have seen the take many a times about Dangan games and it's characters that fans and enjoyers are upset their special guy didn't get the screentime they deserved due to whatever reason; It's understandable really. You see a character that has such potential in your eyes its a shame its all wasted away. But I have seen the idea thrown around that the lack of care for a majority of characters' deaths and roles in the story is based on the sheer number of bodies and stories to tell. With so many characters there would never be enough room to allow all of them to flourish before they die! That's just the curse of these types of stories.
I am here to tell you that is BULLSHIT! It's bullshit and I refuse to believe it!
I, for the longest time, have hated the writing of the dangan games. It has always seemed sloppy, rushed, and far too drawn out for its own good. And no, that's not because the trials can be a little funky and rough around the edges when it comes to details. Though, that does coorelate to the negativity I have towards them as a whole. No.
I full-heartedly believe what is to blame is the free-time events. In Dangan 1, it was a fun gimick. Theres a large cast of characters, it only makes sense that a select few would stick out to the player as an interesting one, with a desire to learn more about them.
Shoddy writing of THH aside, I do feel it was a bit of a bandaid on the issue of a too-large cast. If there were optional ways to spend more time with certain characters, they didn't need to spend all that valuable plot time giving them exposition and relevance! The players can find the relevance on their own!
Except... Instead of using the plot time they saved for making a better, more cohesive story, all they did was fill it with dead air, bloated trials and a clear favoritism for the few remaining survivors. (IE in THH Byakuya, Kyoko, Makoto (obv hes the mc I can't complain there.)) Instead of focusing on the group as a whole, its dynamics amongst the survivors at the time, the plot instead magnets to favorites in an attempt to make you like them more.
I know its been mentioned a million times, but the game makes it incredibly hard at times to imagine these characters as once being friends.
(I will say from what I have seen of the next two games they do remedy this at least a little bit, with the group dynamic at least being tolerable to borderline good in v3 (yes before you come for me goodbye despair was good too.))(it also does seem, imo, to be a problem specifically with THH, as the next two DO do a better job at characterization, aside from the rogue one or two "mystery" characters that are put WAY too much emphasis on. (cough cough Kokichi, Rantaro, Kyoko, Byakuya to an extent) Most of whom I don't really care for due to that specific emphasis put on them. Not that their characters are bad, the games just reaaaallly want the player to care about these guys. Which makes me not want to.
Back to individuality.
The argument of a too-large cast as the reasoning for characters being left behind in terms of narrative importance, i feel, would be easily remedied by removing free time events entirely. No more backstory exposition dumps and underwear gifts for friendship points. No more mono-mono machine. If the writers were instead FORCED to give each character their time in the limelight, if they were forced to actually give a shit about each individual personification as much as those freetime events lead you to believe, then the plot would grow to accommodate.
Half the shit in the trails is unnecessary. Half the shit in the plot is unnecessary. Half of it is pandering, or shipping bait or funny haha jokes! We're so quirky!
The plot needs to care about your characters as much as the writers do. Which should be as much as your audience does. And if it doesn't. if the plot only cares about giving the audience a reaction, or if it only cares about its surface level motivations and schemes, then all you're going to get is surface level, unmotivated, wasted potential characters.
Now. I've ragged on about dangan for a bit. Does that mean I hate the games, the stories and the characters? Hell no. Of course not. If I did, I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't spend my time making fanart and writing fanfiction. I like the games. They're interesting, funny at times. The writing has its moments of sincerity. It's made me cry once or twice. I LOVE the ending to goodbye despair. I think its the best in the series by far.
I guess what I mean to say in the ending of all this, the TLDR if you will, is that the dangan games COULD have made the characters work. It could have made you believe each one was special and important to the story. If it cared enough to. It's no excuse, though.
(Also yes this is about Taka and how he was robbed. You could say the same about a fair few characters. I just spend hours a day thinking about his character anways so this is it's natural conclusion.
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ask-a-thon · 11 months
Update / Return
Hello, everyone! Apologies for the silence since the last update. It seems that both Aster and I ended up taking some time for our mental health around the same time, so we fell a bit silent.
While I cannot speak for Aster at the moment, I plan to return and start making some of the previously mentioned changes, as promised!
What will that include, you may ask?
Prior to us taking a hiatus, we discussed a few things that may help us keep the direct engagement we hope to have with the community while also avoiding the ask ban issues. These new changes are:
We took your suggestions and will be further breaking down asks into the following categories:
Days of the week (still excluding Mondays for overflow / a break day)
Special days such as STS and/or WBW for those who want those
Story / Process / Characters
The reasoning for each breakdown is as follows:
Days - The original plan for this blog was to send out daily asks and, in order to keep some part of the original idea alive, we feel it's best to stick to this system. It also allows you, the community to select which day/days you're most available to answer or feel like receiving asks! You are not restricted to a certain amount of days and, if you choose, can receive questions all week!
Special Days - This one was due to the poll results from a while back! Both polls were pretty clear that special asks for these days were wanted, so we're happy to provide!
Themes - Similar to Inktober prompts, we thought it may be fun to have themed weeks! A post will be made to take theme suggestions and we'll put them into a list, then randomly select one each week to base this group of questions around! These can also be specific to holidays!
Story / Process / Characters - In order to further cater questions to user preferences, we will be breaking down the general questions into these three categories going forward
Genres - When using the previous system, we realized that some asks we were sending didn't apply to everyone and feel that by further breaking things down by genre, we'll be better able to cater to you and your story.
Tag Lists
Due to how long this process has taken, we will be redoing the tag lists in order to keep things current, as some people have asked to be removed and we haven't gotten through all the add/remove requests yet. We feel that doing this would be easier on us for the moment, as it's a bit less tedious.
In addition to this, tag lists for each category listed above will now be public and the lists will be available on the pinned post. This is to allow people to easily see what they have / haven't signed up for and adjust their tags as needed. It will also make it easier for us to manage the lists, as add/remove comments will be right below and easier to find.
The Questions
Moving forward, questions will be sent out in a format similar to that of the daily question collections we did previously with the people for that day / category tagged in the post to alert them. This change has been made for a few different reasons, which can be found below:
Avoids the ask ban issue
People can easily find all other questions for that day / category rather than only receiving one
People who were not tagged but enjoy the questions can also respond if they choose!
Another thing we have been discussing recently has been the inclusion of tag / ask games! We've seen several of these circulating around writeblr recently and thought that they may be a fun way to keep interaction and support growing within the community, even without our direct involvement. While we haven't sorted out the details of this addition yet and it may vary depending on our availability, we do plan to make our own for all of you, as well as reblog some that members of the community have made!
As usual, we would love to hear your thoughts on any and all of these changes and do take it into account! If there are any changes or suggestions that you would like to share with us, please feel free to comment or send us an ask and we'll see what we can do for you!
Apologies again for the unplanned hiatus. I look forward to seeing what you've all been up to in the meantime, as well as continuing to spread the love and support around writeblr!
~ Myth
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kxllerblond · 1 year
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Hey besties, as you have likely noticed-—I haven't really been active. Truth be told, I had a pretty bad depressive low followed by some really bad burn out that left me unable to do anything more than a few scattered short things here and there and even those took a lot of like energy to push myself to do. I've been in a very frustrated and restless place with my blog in the aftermath of this.
My drafts are stressing me out. Knowing that I owe shit and can't remember with who or where we were in the thread is stressing me out and kind of hindering any attempts at coming back and trying to be active again. Coupled with the typic Tumblr RPC thing of more or less having to rebuild your blog engagement from the ground up again after taking more than a few days off is very energy-consuming.
With that being said, I want to come back and be active and consistent again. I refuse to give up on this hobby and I love my little bastard man still. However, I think I'm going to have to make some significant changes going forward to make that happen.
Unless we have a multi-note and plotted thread going, assume they have been dropped. It's just too much to try and track everything down and remember where I was going with a lighter thread months ago or whatever when I was replying to it initially. It's making me freeze up and so nothing is getting done. Following this post, I'm going to be working on fully culling my drafts and likes of any threads I owe.
I am going to be leaning on these heavily. Not much is changing here as this is my usual. I just will likely not be posting any more starter calls or attempting plotting calls or liking them. I'm going to be 99.9% ask meme interaction orientated. Any plotted or long form shit is going to be naturally pursued when I'm interested or have ideas instead of trying to force myself for the sake of it or because I feel expected to as I have in the past.
Here is where I'm going to lose some of you. I'm going to be a burst RPer more than I have been in the past. That means I am going to be relying on shorter note interactions that may get dropped pretty quickly. I'm going to rely on no pressure threads that we can just mention and build off of in new interactions. A quick but gradual development through shorter lifespan threads, if you will. Sort of like climbing a lot of stairs to a certain point of development instead of trying to climb one giant mountain of a single heavy plotted thread at a time.
Does this mean I'm not going to do ANY plotted point A to point B threads? Nah. I'm just going to be very, very selective with them and I'm going to need both of us to be at the same level of passion, ig. Plotted shit and long term shit takes A LOT for me to keep going and so I need both of us to be 100% interested in the story and each other's characters, etc. I think, at this time, I only have 2-3 of those threads/storylines active.
I'm not going to close myself off completely to following new people or taking on new followers...but I am done more or less screaming at walls or low key begging people to stop being anxious or intimidated and interact with me. I'm mega anxious myself but I do the bare minimum of being the first to send a meme, to like interaction calls, etc. If I am doing this and being the one to make the first step and I still don't receive any sort of energy returned...I'm dipping. I don't have the time or patience anymore to play chicken with people or to coax them into threading with me and I've caused myself plenty of issues in the past by trying to stick it out in the hopes things change.
I know this portrays me as that dreaded flake RPer who starts shit and never finishes anything. I am hoping dearly that building off these unfinished threads will compensate for that lack of long form threading. I am aware this is going to not track with some of you as it's not an RPing format that is compatible with everyone and I accept that and I totally get it if some of you stop reaching out or unfollow or whatever. However, I'm going to be doing what I need to do in order to actually BE here. I'd rather be a tad bit of a flake but still get something done and enjoy this hobby somewhat instead of just sitting here frozen and getting nothing done because I don't want to be seen as a flake or dissuade people from interacting with me further.
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goldensadnessdolphin · 5 months
Back with another "completed" old game:
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This is one of two notoriously bad games within the same attempt to reimagine Sonic. Shattered Crystal being the 3DS version, not the much more heavily mocked Wii U version Rise of Lyric. RoL is incredibly glitchy, tanks in framerate, pissed off the Sonic fan base with the redesign, etc. Shattered Crystal kinda flew under the radar, aside from mostly being mentioned as a companion thing that unlocked stuff in RoL. There is also apparently a sequel(?) on 3DS that came out 2 years later (Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice), which is... brave.
Personal history/experiences, a rundown of my thoughts about SC and why I put completed in quotations under the cut
First off, I am not a Sonic fan. Never have been, and I've tried pretty much all the recommended games. I bought Sonic Mania on release, I played the first two games on multiple occasions, I have played the Sonic Adventure games through at least twice, as well as having Sonic Heroes and Sonic'06 under my belt. I have seen most facettes of the core Sonic experience and it's just not my cup of tea. I understand what people like and I'm glad they find things to enjoy. This is mostly so my position is more understandable I guess.
Now, for my time with Shattered Crystal:
It's a level based adventure platformer/collectathon, with the main gimmick that you can switch between 4 characters (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and... Sticks) at any time. Each of them has unique traits that mostly aid exploration. Sonic has a dash that can open new path ways, Tails can ride on air streams, Knuckles can burrow and Sticks can throw a boomerang that can it switches. Each of the characters can also fight enemies. Sonic and Sticks with their ability, Knuckles and Tails with an additional attack. Tails can also glide, as well as play a tiny U-Boat minigame for collectables.
There are up to five goals of interest per level. The ones that always appear are having completed a level, having beaten it under a certain amount of time and finishing with a minimum amount of rings. Most levels also add the two big collectables: Blueprints and Crystal Shards. The former unlocks new abilities (like seeing collectables on your mini map) and the latter is a story McGuffin. Finishing a level, finding all blueprints and crystal shards each give you one emblem, which lets you unlock other levels. Speed and ring goals only giving you tokens to redeem for a pretty rubbish gacha system.
Sadly, to actually finish the game, you need 30/34 emblems. Which means you need to find most blueprints and crystal shards anyways. I was already going to do that (because I'm that kind of player), but it didn't feel great having to repeat a level I didn't want to play again at that time.
The game has a few different types of levels: The most common are exploration based levels, temple run type levels and racing levels.
Going from least interesting to most:
Racing levels are most like traditional Sonic levels, where you try to reach the goal as fast as possible. You race against another character which is effectively the minimum time to beat. When you're head to head, you generally overtake them as they move slightly slower than you, which is good design imo.
Temple Run levels are pretty simple. You automatically run along a track, this time into the screen instead of left to right. You have to dodge obstacles, collect coins and break some things with your boost. I found those very chill for the most part. The lack of major collectibles, the simplicity of the levels and self selecting the level of difficulty was a good change of pace. The levels would only be challenging when you tried to go as fast as possible by constantly boosting wheny you can. So when you just want to collect all the rings, that's easy enough to do. Unless sometimes. The game sometimes has a problem with understanding when you want to switch tracks. You cannot change while boosting, but you also have a short window after boosting where that is the case as well. Which means, if you are a real maverick trying to boost until the very last opportunity and then change lane like the sick skate boarder you always wanted to be, you can die from mushy controls. I have tested those levels with 2 3DS', that is not a hardware problem. All in all, they are quite nice though.
Exploration levels make up the bulk of the content. They are mostly small branching levels, where you move between two compact environments. They are interspersed with enemies, major collectables and Sonic Level Parts™, i.e. the times where you it a booster and see your character zoom off to the other side of the level without you able to intervene. These are fine, the branching noticably drops off toward the later levels and the abilities aren't always integrated well. That is mostly true for Sticks, who just feels rough to play. I generally played those levels with Tails as much as possible, since his glide could get me out of a jam most of the time. Sonic's unique dash was helpful a few times, but too clunky for me to actually use him a lot. Knuckles was there too :)
I think, all in all, Shattered Crystal was a decent game. It's definitely not enough interesting content for the original price and it feels rushed towards the end. The high bar of completion to even access the last level feels like them trying to make it last longer than it normally would and there is a general tendency to padding going through the entire game. That being said, I do like the idea of a smaller adventure title. I think this would've been a good foundation for a more retro style level based platformer. Maybe with a metroidvania twist, as the different abilities kinda were (but without the progression). If I view it as the low budget, lower end development title that it is, it's okay and I enjoyed it in places more than I thought I would. Viewing it as a title of the Sonic franchise, however, makes it understandable why most people didn't like it. There is little emphasis on speed, the exploration levels are really unsuited for fast play with their branching and if you aren't a speedrunner who has practiced the levels a ton, you likely need 3 or more goes on any given level to fully complete it.
Which is a good segue to my use of "completed". I found all Crystal Shards, all Blueprints and finished all stages, getting tokens for ring amount in most of them. I did not really finish any speed challenges, which means that I'm missing a lot of the gacha items. That means I'm currently at 87% completion. That's where it's gonna stay, as I'm really not interested in getting it to 100% through the speed challenges. Luckily, it seems that the missing percentage is counted through gacha, not through level completion. There is a mechanic where you can get a token a day for next to no effort. The problem is that you can't just reset your date, so I would have to check in daily for a month to lazily 100% it. I don't think there will be anything special to get by getting it there, so that's fine.
So, thank you for reading (if you did) and here is to another one of these in [unspecified timeframe]!
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buthowboutno · 1 year
buthowboutno's Unsolicited Writing Advice
Howdy fam!!
This is a post that i’ve been wanting to make for a while so!!! Finally fucking sat down and did it lmao
Considering we’re past the halfway point of ATWLP and over 125k words written for the universe, I thought I would share some writing advice and tidbits I’ve picked up along the way!! (especially for you baby writers out there) (we’re ignoring the fact that I only broke my five year writing hiatus like seven months ago)
ANYWAYS, ramble under the cut <3
Don’t force yourself to write linearly
If you’re dragging your feet along writing sections just to get to a certain scene in your head and losing motivation, just… write the scene you wanna write. This might be specific adhd oriented advice, but you gotta use your juices when you have them. 
I’ve recently posted a chapter that I wrote all the way back in November. Did I have to edit some parts in light of changes I made to the outline and the way my blorbos have developed? Yes, but that’s way easier than starting it from scratch and losing all of my ideas when the scene was first bouncing around my head.
Outline outline outline… but don’t be a slave to it
Sometimes all I can manage the energy for is a long series of bullet points outlining a chapter, but it makes it SO much easier to sit down and type everything out properly later.
I also find that having a main outline for my entire story helps me from falling into plotlines that I don't know how to get out of or losing motivation for a fic because I haven't figured out the end goal for my characters. It's easy to sit down and work on a chapter because, for the most part, I already know how it's going to end up.
Having said that, sometimes your characters are stinkasses and decide to completely break away from what you had planned, and that’s okay! Understanding how you can and cannot shove your blorbos around for the sake of plot is a part of learning how to be a better writer.
Don’t delete your writing!
Chances are if you hate a section, it’ll read a million times better after you set it down for a few hours. Us writers can be so incredibly critical of ourselves, but resist the urge to select all and backspace!!! If anything, leaving a section you hate allows you to come back and edit it into something way better instead of starting from scratch again.
If you have to delete a section that just doesn’t fit in the story anymore, still save it!! I have a bits and pieces doc that houses all my deleted scenes that have been revived in later chapters. You never know how deleted scenes might help you pad out future parts of your story.
If you’re a literature snob (like me) and want to just flat out improve your craft… you gotta do your homework
You will always become a better writer the more you write and for those just looking to get out some emotions or have fun, that is perfectly fine! Ignore me! You’re already doing fantastic, look at you go!
But if you’re the type of person to read a fic and be like… “wow, that was better quality than most published books. how do i get to that level??” this is for you
When you’re reading, regardless of what it is, make a mental (or physical!) note of the things you like and dislike.
 Ex: How does the author portray a certain emotion? How do they lay out the scene? What different aspects of characterization stick out to you? What’s the word choice like?
Never gonna bash on anyone who just wants to read for enjoyment, but when you start to exercise that muscle I /promise/ you that your writing will improve that much faster. (It really is annoying how the fucking rhetorical analysis skills they teach you in highschool help, but they do.)
Ages ago I went to this conference for young writers and in one of the seminars I went to, this pair of authors talked about this spreadsheet they set up to better lay out the aspects of writing they really loved or wanted to avoid in their genre. I think this is vv important when you’re planning out longer pieces of writing; you don’t want to get stuck in a trope you hate!
Watch critiques of books!
Booktube is super fucking great for this. I’m personally a video essay bitch, so I’ll sit and watch a three hour long video of someone dissecting a novel and giving a review. That shit will help you with everything from learning how to construct longer and cohesive plots to avoiding certain pitfalls that may turn an audience away from your work. 
Rachel Oates is one of my forever faves and Alizee is a youtuber that I’ve just recently stumbled upon but love all the same.
They have really excellent videos that go into the different tropes and all the ways they can present in stories, whether it be good or bad. This helps you get familiar with the building blocks of a narrative and decide things like wanting to subvert a trope, build upon the popular ones, or even reject them all together. Fic is basically built on fandom-wide tropes, so I think it’s good to be familiar with them.
Just like artists, we gotta do our studies, too
Back when I was a infant writer (i.e. in eighth grade) me and my friends would find different writing prompts on pinterest and spend a few hours working on them before sharing what we wrote. Even if it's not for a larger work, it is /really/ good practice to describe scenery in a picture or come up with a character on the fly and explore how they interact in a situation.
It’s is the literary equivalent of drawing a hand instead of putting it in a pocket so you didn’t have to deal with it
Write messy! Write fast! Write garbage that you’re going to delete in five minutes! You’ll be surprised about the gems that come out of doing this. Literally some of my favourite lines have come out of a frenzied 10 minute keyboard mashing session.
Don’t be afraid of critique but know the difference between that and simply being hard on yourself.
 I think this is probably the biggest thing I’ve struggled with as I’ve gotten back into writing. Before I started posting, I had about five chapters saved up ‘cause I was agonising over making everything perfect. Do I see, six months later, things I know I could have done better? Yes, but! I wouldn’t have been able to grow or develop as an author if I didn’t take that first step of posting and moving on to other parts of the story.
There is a time and place for critiquing and editing your own work and seeing where you can improve, but you also gotta meet yourself where you’re at. We’re not going to be Shakespeare overnight. Getting better is a process, baby! Embrace the fact that if you’re embarrassed about your work years or even months down the line, that means you’re growing as a writer.
And remember stinkies, any creation is good creation. Don’t go comparing hits or kudos or likes and being down on yourself, the act of creation is an important part of the human experience!!! Even if the only thing you ever put out is a 100 word drabble about lightning mcqueen making love to bowser, i’ll be proud of you. 
Happy writing and get yourself some water <3<3
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miloscat · 11 months
[Review] Grabbed by the Ghoulies: Challenge 21 (XB)
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Justice for Amber.
A couple of years ago I caught up on this Xbox Zero cult classic for the first time. In the Rare fan circles I’m part of it has an outsized and beloved reputation, and I have some appreciation for it despite finding the gameplay a bit clunky. Now it’s been picked in my retro game club, so I revisited it to complete the notorious challenge mode.
A quick refresher: GbtG is a twin-stick beat-em-up by the Banjo-Kazooie team. It has a very recognisably Kirkhopian score, a cheesy spook-tastic tone, and a charmingly crooked art style. You bash your way through all manner of beasties and monsters going room by room through a dilapidated haunted mansion, each new chamber presenting you with a unique challenge along with an assortment of makeshift weapons and powerups.
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Aside from the main mode, there are a small selection of side challenges, more difficult room scenarios that rank you afterwards. Get gold on all 20 and you’ll gain access to challenge 21, which asks you to play through the entire game with some new modifiers (and most cutscenes removed). It’s more lenient than it sounds as you’re still allowed to die and your progress within the challenge is saved.
In 21, each room gives you ten health to complete it: pretty harsh except for the rare rooms which in the base game stick you with just 1. You also have no powerup soups at all; I did miss the chaos, the cheese strats, and the crutch that these soups represent, but on the other hand there’s no malus soups, and I was forced to engage more deeply with the combat engine, getting better at the fighting fundamentals in the process (though I still think they’re ultimately a bit jank).
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The other modifier in challenge 21 is that the player character Cooper is swapped out for Amber, who mainly serves as damsel in distress in the story mode. She plays identically to Cooper and has her own vocalisations. This is a win—well, it’s something at least—and a glimpse at what could have been had the development plans to include her as an equal playable partner made it to release.
Having gone through this final wringer, I find myself with a new respect for Ghoulies. It’s positively oozing with trademark Rare charm and loaded with fun Easter eggs, mostly to BK but also to itself with concept art of unused monsters in portraits all over Ghoulhaven Hall. I did get stuck in certain scenes for a while but it was interesting to work out specific tactics, and I must acknowledge Rare Gamer’s guides and walkthrough video that helped me out of a few sticky spots. Oh and in case anyone wants to compare, I cleared the challenge in 6 hours and 5 minutes. Crunch my carrots!
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“Spread love, it’s the Brooklyn way.”
House Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries clearly won the day on Tuesday. He made history as the first Black House caucus leader; it was also the first time (to the best of my fact-checking ability) Brooklyn’s Biggie Smalls was quoted on the House floor. While Republicans savaged one another, Democrats spread love. Jubilant, they looked like they were in the majority, not (narrowly) outnumbered by Republicans. While it’s still extremely unlikely, Jeffries went to bed closer to being House Speaker than he was Tuesday morning. Let it be said that in all three roll calls, Jeffries got 212 votes, at least nine more than McCarthy, and only a few shy of what the next Speaker will need.
Debased House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy is still not speaker, after three roll call votes in which he actually lost support. What happens when a man tries to sell his soul but finds no buyer? (A question for House Conference Chair Elise Stefanik, too.) McCarthy gave the wing nuts virtually everything they asked for—the ability for only five members to force a vote to oust him as leader, key committee appointments, other rules changes, a gutted ethics committee, the ability to defund federal departments they don’t like. But they didn’t budge, and in fact their numbers climbed from an estimated five in the morning to 20 at 5 PM.
That’s when Representative Tom Cole moved to adjourn until noon on Wednesday. There had been talk that McCarthy and Co. wanted at least one more roll call vote, to “wear down” the opposition. But since the opposite was happening—the opposition was emboldened—most of the House did McCarthy a solid by voting to end his grueling day of trial by procedural combat.
Let it not be said, however, that the divided House GOP majority changed nothing. Shortly after noon on Tuesday, House security officials took down the weapon-detecting magnetometers, installed after January 6, that were intended to make sure no one entered the House chamber with a weapon. So there’s that.
There will be plenty of assessments of McCarthy’s plight after Tuesday, but I want to focus on Jeffries’s victory, even if it only lasts a day. It was also Nancy Pelosi’s: As she turned over her leadership post to Jeffries, she also bequeathed him a caucus schooled in sticking together, left, liberal, and center, when it matters most. I don’t think Beltway reporters addicted to a “Dems in disarray” story line ever understood what Pelosi accomplished, whether it was delivering her whole caucus for the Affordable Care Act in 2010, when the left was itching to bolt, to all the times she kept her members united under Donald Trump, to the selective defections she allowed—by the so-called Squad as well as centrists—as she pushed President Biden’s agenda in the past two years, knowing that certain members might need to go their own way given the proclivities of their districts.
So far, Jeffries hasn’t needed to grant any dispensation to Democrats to vote for someone else as Speaker. He won all Democratic votes, in a Speaker battle, for the first time since Pelosi did in 2007. That makes sense: Even though he is a liberal not unanimously beloved on the left, he won his caucus leader post by unanimous acclamation. Any reservations members had about him, whether from the left or the center, got subsumed by learned behavior: Being united has paid dividends for Democrats. Why stop now?
Midafternoon Tuesday, several reporters with GOP sources began floating the idea that Democrats might leave the floor, reducing the overall number of votes McCarthy would need to become Speaker. (The victor needs a majority of those present and voting for a named candidate, not of the entire House). I called bullshit at the time. It made no sense, given how Republicans were self-immolating. If there were a vital House Democratic center, maybe there would be people trying to cut deals with Republicans. (And while there isn’t, it’s still possible some incompetents are trying.)
Actually, a vital House Democratic center might be approaching Republicans in districts Joe Biden won to get them to vote for Jeffries. There are at least five: in Southern California, central New York, and southeastern Pennsylvania. Maybe Problem Solver Josh Gottheimer can work his magic? I doubt it. In fact, a much-gossipped-about photo capturing Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez chatting amiably with GOP psycho dentist Paul Gosar, who once produced a cartoon of himself killing the Bronx-Queens leader, turned out to show AOC gently disabusing Gosar of the notion that Democrats were ready to walk out and make it easier for McCarthy to win. “Dems in disarray,” d’oh! That message is strong.
It must be said that despite ideological fractures within the Democratic caucus, Jeffries had the unanimous support of the Congressional Black Caucus, and his historic leadership role, by most accounts, trumped policy differences. Progressives bristled last cycle when he joined with Gottheimer to thwart progressive Democratic challengers and refused “to bend the knee to democratic socialism,” as he put it. (As if anyone asked him to.) But when I heard Cori Bush cast her vote for Jeffries the first time, I knew he’d get all 212 Democrats. And he did. Three times.
After a brutal House GOP caucus meeting Tuesday morning, implacable McCarthy foe Matt Gaetz of Florida, who seems to have survived sex trafficking accusations, allegedly said, “I don’t care if we…elect Hakeem Jeffries.” I don’t believe that any more than I believe anything Gaetz says, but it’s still out there. Not counting on it, not betting on it, but whatever happens, Jeffries is in a hugely stronger position after this GOP multiple-vote shit show than he was even when Tuesday began. No matter who becomes Speaker, he’s going to be the most important House leader.
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jjtheresidentbaby · 11 months
hii omg i just saw your heartbreak high/euphoria post and both of those shows are so bomb i love themm!! i was wondering if you'd do cassie or lexi flip headcanons though? you're legit one of my fav writers cs you're j the best!! havr an amazing day/night ♡
Flip Lexi Howard headcanons
♡ i made a moodboard to go with this cause I couldn’t resist
warnings: mentions of mental health struggles/lexis bad childhood, non-verbal lexi (just a personal hc of mine ik it’s not canon)
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when caring:
such a sweetheart!!
so gentle and careful with how she cares for someone — she never yells or gets outwardly angry, she makes sure to use good communication and patience to work through issues rather than gut jump reactions
extremely understanding when it comes to triggers or mental health issues a little might have
an absolute god at coming up with stories on the spot to entertain her little — she always asks for their opinion on plot lines & characters too
she’s not very extroverted so chances are she’ll have something to do at home planned for when she’s caring for someone but she does like to walk to the corner store with her little — she always lets them pick out a few treats and occasionally they’ll run into someone else from the group and talk for a bit
prefers to have Jules babysit her little when Lexi can’t be there — of course she’d leave any of her trusted friends in charge but Jules always gives the most updates and sticks to rules better which Lexi appreciates
isn’t huge on rules or punishments but she likes to set a few basic ones that are easy to follow and are only there to keep her little safe & healthy
will drop everything to take care of a little that needs it
she keeps her bag/locker filled with things that any little could need — water, snacks, extra clothes, toys, first aid supplies, etc
she says she’d rather be over-prepared then under-prepared
when little:
she doesn’t regress to a certain age range but leans a bit to the baby side of things
she’s a lot more secretive about her little side than she is her caregiving side
she doesn’t tell Cassie about it, only letting very select people know
Rue, Jules & Maddy know — she originally only told Rue and then Jules when she was around more but then Maddy found out and Lexi panicked a bit because she didn’t want Cassie to find out — Maddy ofc assured her it’d be fine and she wouldn’t tell Cassie
Lexi struggles a lot with being insecure about her regression, it’s one of the main reasons she hasn’t told Cassie & why she keeps it so secret
her little gear can all fit in one box — she has a few pacifiers, some soft sweaters reserved for when she’s small, a couple of miscellaneous toys and a collection of Calico Critters — they’re small and adorable and she likes to fiddle with them when she’s little
most times she regresses without a caregiver around but if she is being looked after it’s usually Rue or Maddy
Maddy always does her makeup and gives her cute makeovers — Lexi beams anytime she’s small and Maddy’s around
her and Rue tend to lay on her bed watching movies or rereading old books that they read when they were kids
she’s definitely more comfortable being physically clingy to Rue than anyone else — she likes to lay in Rue’s lap or curl into her side while they lounge on the couch/on either of their beds
Lexi’s still as creative as ever so she comes up with a ton of random stories and likes to scribble them down in a notebook dedicated to when she’s regressed
stuffed animal lover!! she doesn’t count them as just little gear so she keeps them on her bed at all times — absolutely loves to tie ribbons on them to match the ones she wears in her hair
anything soft is her go-to — between the blankets she buys herself and the ones Rue gets her, she could cover every inch of her room in them and still have extra
sometimes her regression is used as a way to cope with her childhood and/or any stress she may have going on — lots of crying and clinging to anyone who may be around (usually rue)
she makes sure to keep her comfort movies/shows queued on her laptop so they’re easy to access once she’s calmed down — she also keeps lots of comfort food stocked in the kitchen at all times
if she does vent regress there’s a chance she’ll go completely non-verbal, whether it only be while she’s upset or continues afterwards really depends on what she was upset over/how long she was upset
most times she’ll be able to text one of the people that know she regresses that she’s non-verbal and they can step in to help however she needs to — occasionally she can’t find the words even to type it out and that can stress her out a lot
her & Rue have a text code for this where all Lexi has to do is send a certain emoji and Rue will know what she means and can come over to take care of her
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radley-writes · 1 year
hiya! just wondering if u can talk a bit about your process of drafting -> beta reading etc? I'm almost ready to have people read my draft (revised from cp feedback) and idk where to start or what the best process might be! thanks in advance
First off: congrats on having a completed manuscript. It sounds like you're off to a good start, having received cp feedback!
Of course, every writer will have a different method of prepping for a Beta round. I hope this is useful, and gives you some ideas for how to proceed.
Once I have a solid manuscript that's ready for readers, my next step is to ask myself a couple of questions...
What's your deadline?
I like to establish this before I start. I usually do quite long Beta rounds, around four/five months a pop - though some people prefer to work under pressure and might prefer an 8 week Beta round!
You need to pick a realistic date and stick to it. I wouldn't go any shorter than 4 weeks for a 70K novel - and personally, I think that is too tight.
What platform will you use to share your draft?
I use Googledocs just for convenience. But given The Current Nonsense (AI training) you might be more comfortable picking a different method.
I then split my doc into manageable chunks - typically 10K ish each, one part on each doc.
What do you want from your Betas while they read?
I usually make several forms, one for each part, that ask very basic questions - I've found that people respond best to this, plus a few prompts. So, 'what do you like about the story so far? (characters, style, worldbuilding, plot, pacing, etc.)' and 'what could be improved on? (any parts you felt didn't quite 'work'? Go into as much or as little detail as you like!)'
But you can ask specific questions about certain plot points you're unsure about, or whatever else you like!
I then link each 'part' of my novel to the next part and the corresponding form.
How do you want to communicate with your Betas?
I use Discord, because it's easy to set up a simple little server for Betas to join! This server is typically comprised of a few rooms for people to chat about their own projects/my manuscript, plus a couple of fun rooms full of pet pictures and memes - it's mostly just a way to socialise and get to know your Betas a bit better.
Which you should do! The friends I've made from Beta rounds have been with me for years! You'll meet amazing people, and I'd encourage you to show their projects the same enthusiasm that they have for yours!
Then we're onto selecting the Betas themselves.
What do you want to know about your Betas?
I give the Betas one chapter to read, linked to an application form. I want to know their preferred name/pronouns, a vague idea of their age (so: <18 or >18 - for YA projects I like having a mix of adults and kids as my Betas, and for Adult projects I prefer not to have kids). I also want to know their Discord handle and a confirmation that they can read and comment on the whole manuscript before the deadline.
Then I put in a free box for them to write their feedback on the first chapter.
I also list all the content warnings for my manuscript that I can think of, and ask them to confirm that they are okay with reading this novel.
Which Betas do you want?
You've had a dozen replies - so, it's time to select Betas!
How do you pick? How many should you choose? I've discovered through trial and error that I, personally, cannot handle a large Beta round. It's too much stress! Some people have 20+ Betas on every book, but I perish at the thought - so my rounds tend to be pretty exclusive, between 5-10 Betas. I usually aim to have 5, but inevitably add an extra or ...several, just because people are lovely!
I usually choose one or two 'cheerleaders' who give loads of compliments, because I'm a baby who needs ego boosts. Then I choose the rest based on who gives the most insightful critique!
You interpretation of 'insightful critique' will vary. I like critique that is clear and honest, even if that means saying 'I don't know what is wrong here, but something about this section made me lose interest'. I like people who try to suggest what might be wrong, and ways to fix it - but I wouldn't pick anyone who was obviously basing all their assumptions off of Tumblr Writing Advice For What Makes A Good Novel.
Or what they want their own novel to be.
Of course, writers can be incredibly awesome Betas - I've got a squad who I trust with my manuscripts, my life, and my entire ass. But writing and editorial reading are different skills. Some folks are good writers, but aren't good commentators. Their crit will basically be them trying to turn your story into theirs. You get a feel for this sort of critique after a while, and it'll set off red flags!
I also tend not to pick people who don't vibe with anything about the 'style' or 'voice' of the first chapter - those are big factors that affect the whole novel and aren't going to change. They'd be the sort of people who would put my book down after the first page, so they're not really my audience!
Once you've made your selection, you just have to whoosh out Discord invites, give your Betas access to the first part of the manuscript (with links to the next part and the relevant questionnaire embedded) and away you go.
I hope this helps! May your Beta-round journey go smoothly! Again, all advice is built entirely from my own preferences and experiences - if anyone else likes to do things in a completely different and radical way, please let me know! I'd love some new ideas of how to run a Beta round! :D
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