#but also in the sense of needing to meddle even though it's not your business technically
notetaeker · 8 months
Eldest daughter energy is feeling 100% confident you can solve everyone's problems and also feeling like everyone's problems are your responsibility to solve 💀
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aireia · 5 months
Oh universe! — What happens when you fall in love with the vice president of the student council?
tw/cw: gn! reader, fluff + crack(?). gojo's an idiot. not proofread + rushed. author is stupidly sick, fic makes zero sense.
note: don't expect too much from this fic D: —masterlist
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The universe has a love-hate relationship with Satoru. No, screw that, it’s against Satoru Gojo. It’s against his relationship between him and the person standing beside him in the student council room, because he can no longer count how many times he’s tried to confess to you, and gotten interrupted by another student pulling you or him away. 
Now, he knows both of you are busy as leaders in the student council, and he’s fairly popular too, but that doesn’t have any business to meddle with his love life! Especially because he’s also lost track of how much money he’s spent on these failed confessions – excluding the tubs of ice cream he buys after each one to comfort himself. (Suguru and Shoko have to take some away from him to prevent him from eating that much sugar.)
“How many is that?” Suguru asked his brunette friend as they both stared out the window at the scene of you being dragged away by students while Satoru sighed in defeat. “I dunno, sixth? Maybe seventh? We just need to make sure he doesn’t eat enough desserts to get himself sick. Y/n told me something about a meeting they would be having tomorrow about our graduation trip.” “Just bribe him with the fact that they’re going to be there. He’ll be sure to return back to whatever he’s on before all the confessions.”
“Really?!” Satoru’s eyes lit up right before he managed to grab the 2nd tub of strawberry ice cream. “...Are you really the president of the student council? How do you not know about this?” “I was only focusing on y/n when they said the news.” 
That caused both his friends’ faces to contort into disgust. Maybe they shouldn’t have told him and let him miss the meeting instead, but you’d probably be kind enough to find him before the meeting and drag him there.
“A trip to the mountains…” you mumbled to yourself as you scanned through the papers that were handed out during the meeting. You had been assigned to take care of accommodations. Satoru, on the other hand, was devastated . He had been assigned to take care of the food. No doubt all of you would be getting kikufuku for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for three days straight.
That would’ve been the case, if he didn’t drag you to multiple cafes to plan the trip. Granted, he did treat you to a lot of your favourite snacks and drinks, so going out with him wasn’t that bad. 
The both of you sat in silence most of the time, surprisingly. Sometimes the snowy haired male would sneak in some small talk, but the only time you spoke half the time would be for each other’s opinions. Satoru tried to get you to agree to the worst diets you’ve seen in your entire life. You rejected. 
You tried to propose a few spots to stay in. and Satoru agreed to most of them, though you scrapped your own ideas just moments after he agreed. 
You breathed out through your mouth, watching as puffs of smoke escaped your lips. You were standing on the balcony of your room. Staring at the city you call home from the mountains. 
“There you are.” Someone draped a blanket over your trembling body. It’s Satoru, you noted. You could recognise his voice even in a room full of people. “You made a good choice choosing this place. The view is pretty.” Satoru sang words of praise to you, joining you on the balcony. 
“Thank you,” you responded, not bothering to look at him. A long period of silence ensued between the both of you, and Satoru found it to be torture. You’re alone, right? That means he can confess. But how? He looks at your lips. They’re trembling from the cold. 
“Your lips look cold. Do you think I could warm them up for you?” his words spilled out before he processed it. You looked at him weirdly before laughing.
“Is that… How you confess to people?” you continued to laugh, and it reminded him of the first breeze of spring. Playful, calm, refreshing from the cold from winter. Once he realised what he had said, he choked on air and stuttered out, “It’s not! I swear it’s just–” Satoru tried to find the words to explain himself, his head now working overtime to search for the vocabulary that left his mind when these types of situations happened. 
You grinned and cupped his cheeks before pulling him down to gently kiss him, only pulling away once the both of you had relaxed. You couldn’t help but smile at the dust of pink on his face. You were sure there were some on your cheeks too.
“Yea, it is warmer now.”
Maybe the universe isn’t all that against him after all.
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by user @ aireia, do not plagiarize and/or translate.
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feelings {peter parker tasm}
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plot: you and peter have been friends since you were both knee height, now that you're both mid twenties you're busy navigating life and also the fact that you're both hopelessly in love with the other.
character: peter parker (tasm) x reader
requested by anon
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Aunt May had always had her hopes for the two of you. She could see it coming from a mile away, honestly. She had raised Peter and had practically helped to raise you too since you were always over at the Parkers' house from when you could talk. She watched as you and Peter's friendship blossomed, watched as you helped each other through school, dealing with bullies and crushes and exams. She watched as Peter got and lost his first girlfriend and watched as you supported him through the loss of Gwen. He was there after your first relationship ended in turmoil and tears. She watched as you both got jobs and got places in college, both busy and yet both still making the effort to see each other. She watched as neither of you realised but you both started to fall in love. She had always known that there was something there.
She had tried to tell Peter just to help guide him to you when he was seventeen but Uncle Ben had told her to stop meddling in their nephew's life. "He'll figure it out in his own time, May. They'll realise soon enough." So Aunt May dropped it and continued to watch from the side-lines with a secret smile every time she saw the two of you.
Peter's leg was tapping away as he worked, he could never sit still, "You good, Parker?" You asked him. You were both busy with essays for your separate college courses but you always liked to work together. Ever since you were little you liked doing homework and the likes together. There was something about his presence, it calmed you and helped you focus.
Peter rubbed at his eyes tiredly, the stubble from neglecting to shave for the last few days was a feature you quite liked about him. Hope he keeps that beard, grows it out a bit more maybe. You frowned when you caught yourself thinking it, okay weird. He was your friend - your best friend - nothing more, nothing less. "I'm fine," Peter sighed, breaking you out of your thoughts, "hungry though... Wanna go for lunch?"
You laughed, "Think you mean dinner?" You teased, showing him the time on your phone, "We've been at this for hours."
"Shit, really? Wow... I better give Aunt May a call, let her know I'm okay. You know how she worries."
"Can you ask if I can come for dinner-"
"You're coming." Peter said, deadpan, as he called her, "Hey Aunt May, it's me. Me and (y/n) have been studying and doing essays since 11am and now it's nearly 5pm!" Peter's face scrunched, "What? No. We were writing essays - just writing essays."
You packed your bag as he finished his conversation, "She must've had a drink of something strong," Peter said as he hung up the phone, "She was convinced that we weren't studying. She kept hinting that we were doing something else like making out or something like that! Insane, right?!" Peter's laughter was loud and you didn't know why that hurt so much. Is it so awful to even think? Am I that unappealing to you? You forced a laugh as these thoughts spun through your head, "I mean, that's insane, right?"
"Absolutely." You nodded, smile falling as you grabbed your bags. Why did you care so much? You had no idea. You didn't know why you were so hurt by his comments. Peter was your friend, that was all... right? Surely there wasn't anything else there, right? Right? You cleared your throat, "Uh, you know, I actually forgot I have plans to get dinner with my family today, Pete." It was a lie and Peter could tell. He always could tell, he didn't need enhanced senses to know when you were lying.
"Oh," he frowned, "Are you okay?"
You nodded quickly, "Fine, yeah. I gotta go though, I'll see you later. Give May a hug from me." Quickly you darted out of the library before he could ask you anything else. Peter watched you go, confused and a little hurt. You had lied to him and that upset him more than anything. Why were you lying to him? Had he hurt your feelings? Peter didn't know but he was going to figure it out.
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You had been avoiding Peter a little bit for the rest of the day. You were just trying to clear your head. You'd come to the realisation that you liked him... a lot. You didn't know when the feelings started or why today you were realising it but you realised as you couldn't stop thinking about him. You couldn't get Peter and his dumb laugh and stupid haircut out of your head.
Peter had been calling and texting you for the last few hours and was barely getting a response so he knew where you'd be. He knew that when you got upset and things got overwhelming, you'd be on your apartment buildings roof watching as the sun set. You knew that he'd find you, you didn't mind, you knew that sooner or later this conversation would have to happen.
He found you in your usual spot, sitting with a blanket and some coffee, "Hey," he said quietly, offering you a smile and extending his hand to show you his peace offering, "god you a donut from Sal's that you love..."
With a smile and a 'thanks', you took the donut from him and began to eat it. He sat beside you, stretching his legs out and dropping his bag to the side, "I think we need to talk," he said after a few moments.
You nodded as you finished your donut, "Yeah," you said, clearing your throat, "yeah we do."
"Look, I don't know what I did earlier but I'm sorry-"
You didn't know where the sudden burst of anger came from but the words were being yelled from your mouth before you could even realise, "Is the thought of being with me so repulsive?!"
Peter jumped back, taken aback, "Wh- What?!"
"Earlier!" You snapped, jumping up making him stand up too, "You thought it was hilarious and insane when May suggested we be together! Here I am realising that I care about you and you say shit like that- Shit." You slammed your hand over your mouth, whirling away from him as your heart hammered hard in your chest. You hadn't mean to explode like this but he'd really upset you earlier and you just couldn't keep it in.
"Are you saying that you've got feelings for me?" Peter asked, voice soft and gentle; calm despite his racing heart and despite your previous tone, "(y/n), speak to me."
"I-I-I don't know!" You wailed, head in your hands, "I don't know! I- I think so? I mean, I've just been feeling stuff that I never normally feel and I look at you and I get literal butterflies. I thought that shit was made up in Disney movies but I find myself smiling when you say my name, I feel excited when you smile at me... Yeah," you laughed incredulously, "I'm saying I've got feelings for you."
Peter was silent for a few seconds as he took in all of what you just said and then he said the most heart-breaking thing he could've said, "Oh."
And there it was. Peter's reaction. Oh. Your heart sank. Of course he didn't feel the same, of course he didn't. Why would he? The two of you were best friends so of course he didn't see you like that and now it was all fucked. You had just ruined your two decades long friendship over developing feelings for him. If you hadn't told him, if you'd have just shut up and kept quiet then you wouldn't have fucked everything up; things would be normal and you'd both be happy.
You pulled back immediately, putting your walls back up to save yourself any further embarrassment or upset, "I'm sorry, uh, never mind! Ignore everything I just said, it was a joke! Ha! Got you..." You gave a pathetic attempt laugh as tears burned at your eyes, "It was all just a joke!" Peter seemed to come back to reality as he saw you were getting upset. He said your name but you were shaking your head telling him to forget it, it was all a big joke, a laugh, it was fine. Peter knew that it wasn't a joke, he knew that what you'd said was real and he felt awful about upsetting you.
"(y/n), stop," he said loudly, cutting you off of your 'it was just a joke' ramblings, "I'm sorry for saying 'oh' I was surprised that's all! It wasn't a negative reaction or me rejecting you."
You looked at him, cheeks burning and tears slowly making their way down your cheeks, "Then what does it mean?"
"It means... holy shit, I can't believe you have feelings for me. I never thought you'd see me like that!" He grinned widely, "I've had a massive crush on you for forever."
Your jaw dropped. He had a crush on you? "Then why'd you say oh you stupid oaf!" You hissed but the corners of your lips twitched upwards.
"I-I was surprised! I never thought you'd ever like me back!"
"Of course I do," you said, "Pete, you've always been there for me. Always been so kind and you're so funny and... I'm sorry I didn't see it sooner."
He smiled at you, "I didn't think you'd ever feel the same... You're way outta my league, you always have been." He sat on the stone wall, patting it so you'd sit next to him, "We've been through a lot together, haven't we?"
You laughed, "You could say that again."
Silence fell and all of a sudden you were fifteen again crying into Peter's arms after your first boyfriend broke up with you for someone else. Then you were six and fake marrying Peter whilst Aunt May shook her head laughing. Then you were twenty getting into college and celebrating, ending up hungover and crashing at Peter's apartment for a night. Then you were eighteen finding out that he was Spider-Man and fainting from the shock of it.
He nudged you, breaking you out of your thoughts, "So what do we do now?" He asked quietly.
You shrugged, "I guess you take me out on a date," you suggested with a smile, "that little Italian place downtown. The one with the garlic twists."
"A date?" Peter smiled, "I can do that."
You looked at him, turning your body to face him, as his brown eyes caught the sun. You'd always known that he was handsome but my god, it was like you were seeing him in such a different light. The way his eyes looked like dark honey in the sunlight, the way his lips quirked upwards, the way the wind tousled his hair to perfection.
Peter couldn't take his eyes from your face. "God, you're so beautiful," he murmured quietly, eyes going between your eyes and your lips, "Can I-"
You cut him off by pulling him to meet your lips. It didn't feel weird. It didn't feel unnatural or anything like that... It felt... normal; right. It felt good. It was a simple kiss, only lasting a few seconds, but it was the best kiss you'd ever had. It was so full of emotion, so gentle and sweet and soft and you just melted into his embrace.
When you pulled away, neither of you could keep the stupid lovesick grins from your faces, "Aunt May is going to have a field day with this one," Peter laughed softly, "she's been trying to get us together for years."
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kevin-the-bruyne · 1 year
Boston giving Sand the Reality Check he needed Part 1 of 2: Boston's Reasoning
This is my thoughts on Boston and Ray's fallout, how and why it came about and how Sand did really need it - which I start talking about in this meta - even though despite Boston's insistence his purpose was never to help Sand. I didn't mean to make this two parts but I started writing the Boston portion of the meta and it turned into what it did kajsfhsdkjfh and I needed to approach Sand and Ray's portion a little more seriously. Without further ado, here goes:
[SCENE START] Imagine you are Boston, the son of a politician, loaded with money but not a lot of visibility or acceptance (I mean if you watch enough Thai dramas you know what politician is code for - corruption, deception, selfishness, entitlement). You are extremely entitled, extremely guarded and extremely unscrupulous and this is what you've been taught life is, what successful, powerful people are like and you are successful and powerful even though things have not quite been going your way recently. Even though earlier on in the day you had your first human emotion:
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(give the boy a break he is starting to figure out why people have boyfriends okay? much less that he also kind of wants one??? the emotional TOLL he is under oh boy)
and on top of all that suddenly you have been called for emotional support??? Mew is supposed to call Ray this is very much not your job!!! Can Mew's virgin ass please get over one stupid kiss already???
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So Mew has called you and he is THE LAST person you ever want to help with THE LAST problem you've ever wanted to help him with. But you squeeze down the sting of rejection, the inferiority you feel from it - are you perhaps?? not as successful and powerful as you thought??? - and you try to be a normal, human person for A SECOND TIME in ONE day (!!!!) and be a good friend
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And you did such a good job!!! You didn't play into his insecurities or try to ruin it for him - even though you wanted to!!! - because at the end of the day Mew is your friend and you know how important his virginity is to him. And now you are ready for some MUCH NEEDED REST from all that decent human being cosplay that you've been doing. And there is a cute guy who likes you and he has an apartment where you can go and fuck him and even though the day is ruined there is still chance for the night to recover but uh oh!!!! What's that???
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A Situation You Do Not Understand!!!!! Involving the man who fucked up being manipulated so badly that you had to do 5 seconds of emotional labor earlier that day. Now, you have a choice as an adult to mind your business and walk away into that promised room of fucking that cute guy you were going to fuck. But you are also The Son of a Politician and if there is one thing you know it's that information is power and the instinct to meddle like a 70 year old auntie is slowly overtaking your senses. And so you ask a seemingly innocent question with auntie-adjacent straightforwardness:
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And your hot mess of a best friend comes up with the shadiest, juiciest answer while his partner is looking at him like his soul is leaving his body:
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On top of that there is weed????? In the form of a delicious looking cookie?????? At this point you are on a missive FROM GOD to find out What The Fuck is Going On.
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And what the fuck IS going on?????
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An absolute bonkers situation is unfolding, Ray somehow in the mess of his life and his unrequited feelings for Mew is living some romcom with the cute bar singer! Ray!!! The alcoholic!!!!! the one friend you could always count on to make you feel better about the mess that is your life. The one friend you will always be superior to - THAT RAY???
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And to make matters worse!!! The cute guy you're with Knows Everything. You have been so busy squeezing out three drops of human emotions because you want to keep the Cute Guy You Kind Of Sort Of Might Like around that you forgot to get around to the 'so do you know any gossip' portion of the casual fucking programming.
Not only are you fucking up your duties to the Politicians' Son Upbringing but the dormant auntie inside you gets another whiff of that fat, juicy gossip as Ray pulls a second 'We Are Just Friends' after you JUST witnessed Sand feed him an edible WITH HIS MOUTH
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And you're not trying to stir shit - promise!!! - you just want to see your alcoholic friend stutter and get awkward, put in his place a little bit because Mew might have you beat but there's no way that this flaming hot mess has you beat.
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Except!!! UH OH!!!! Ray is an idiot! He is so in wanting of love and finding himself undeserving of it that he has genuinely Not Noticed that the man next to him is In Love With Him. He is not you!! - acutely aware of how his cute guy is in love with him - he is Discovering That Sand Likes Him and somehow you have been duped into helping????
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Sand's soul is back in his body and they are somehow Being Worse than before. But your Help A Friend Quota is OUT! You have spent IT ALL on Mew earlier and You. Are. Done. Only one person is allowed to cosplay a decent human being tonight and BY GOD it will not be Ray! The only thing left to do is To Bring Out The Gasoline.
And So? You Do.
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jewwyfeesh · 1 year
Vampire Siblings
Writer: 日日日 (Akira)
Character(s): Isara Mao, Sakuma Rei, Sakuma Ritsu, Anzu
Translated by: jewwyfeesh
Disclaimer: I translated this story from the CN version of the game, which means that it has been double translated (JP > CN > EN).
Rei: Oooh!! Ritsu!! GOOD~ MORNING~ ☆
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Season: Autumn Location: Track and Field
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Mao: Mmm~ The feeling of fulfillment after a good prac! It’s really amazing~ ☆
Oh, thankies. Is this isotonic drink for me, Anzu? You’re becoming more and more ‘Producer’-like with every passing day~
Seems like you’ve been running after lots of other units besides us Trickstar lately.
There there, you’ve worked really hard ♪
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But yeah… even though I’m one to talk, I still think you should take care of your body and your schedule. I’d feel really guilty if you pushed yourself too hard and something happened to you.
Never mind. Let’s go home, Anzu. Today’s my turn to ‘send you home’, so I’ll make sure that you get home safe and sound.
Though… lately, it seems like I’m always the one sending you home…? To the point where I’ve even gotten to know your family fairly well.
Sometimes I’d even stay for dinner…
But I’m not complaining. My family’s the kind to do whatever they want. As such, we don’t really spend a lot of time together. So… It’s nice being with your family.
I wonder if it’s because I can do things like household chores all by myself?
Everyone tends to think, “Oh it’s fine if we leave Isara Mao alone, nothing will happen to him”, but my younger sister has always been coddled and spoiled by our parents…
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Hmph, would it be better if I tried to act a little more spoiled? But the second I come back to my senses, I’m back to taking care of others again. I feel old.
You’re also someone like this, so please be careful. You can also lean on me sometimes, you know~?
Eh… I’m meddling in other people’s business again…
It’s about to become a bad habit of mine, forget it, forget it… It’s pretty good to be relied on by others, but I’ve been ‘like this’ since I was young.
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It’s because of Ritchan, my childhood friend~ If I leave him to his devices, that guy literally won’t lift a finger to do anything. When it got to a point where I couldn’t stand it anymore, I could only go and help… I’d help and help and help till I became ‘a meddler and a half’ ♪
You know Ritchan, right? Knights’…
Ahh, so you’ve also taken care of him before. He’s always so lazy, you literally can’t ignore him~
…Eh? You’re saying Ritchan’s over there?
Ah, call for the cat and he shall appear… where is he~?
Ah! Goodness! This guy, sleeping outside without a single shred of protection!
One day you’re gonna get pickpocketed, what are you gonna do then…? I reckon he fell asleep after lunch, and slept ‘all the way’ till now~
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HEEEEY— Ritchan!! Don’t go sleeping in places like these, you’ll catch a cold ya know~?
Ritsu: ……Mmhhghhh? Huh… Maa~kun…? Wh… don’t wake me up…
Mao: Of course I need to wake you up. The school gates are gonna close soon, and if we don’t get moving we’ll be locked in. Our school has always been particularly ‘strict’ about these kinds of things.
Ritsu: Eh~ …Well, whatever. I could just continue sleeping here and save myself the trouble of having to come to school tomorrow. The more I think about it, the better of an idea it seems~
I’m really sleepy, so just leave me be. No matter how much I sleep, it’s never enough…
Mao: You… you haven’t changed one bit…
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Hm? Eh? What are you hugging? It’s not a bolster… right? A tree stump? No, that seems to be a person…?
Ritsu: What?
Rei: Huu… snzz… ♪
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Kekeke… Little baby~ Be good~ ♪ Go sleep~ ♪ Uuuu ♪
Mao: Ahh~ Taking a closer look… isn’t this Ritchan’s older brother? Why are the both of you snoozing together? Seems like you have a really good relationship~
When I got to know Ritchan, this person was always overseas, so I didn’t get to know him very well.
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To be exact… I only found out he existed after I enrolled in Yumenosaki Academy. Ritchan doesn’t talk about his brother very often, so I got a little worried…
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Who knew that the both of them were actually so close ♪
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Ritsu: …Maa~kun, do you have anything sharp? I think staking him in the heart would definitely kill him.
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Mao: N-no, you can’t just go around killing people. Eh? Do both of you have bad blood? In that case, why are you sleeping next to each other?
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Ritsu: I don’t know what this thing was thinking, nor do I have any interest in finding out…
More than anything, I want to bury this thing six feet below and wipe my hands of it ‘as though nothing happened’. Now. Immediately. The faster the better.
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Rei: E-eh? What happened, is it already time to say “good morning”? Ah? Where am I?
Ritsu: Yo. Why are you sleeping next to me, huh? You reek of mould, so stay further away from me. What happened, how are you still alive?
Rei: Mmmhh… My mind’s all fuzzy just after waking up… don’t ask so many questions at one go…
What’s there to rush, hm…? Re-rest a little… yawwwwn… ♪
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Ritsu: No. No sleeping. I’ll kill you.
Rei: This tone… one that shows no mercy, even to one’s own blood brother…
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Oooh!! Ritsu!! GOOD~ MORNING~ ☆
Ritsu: Don’t hug me! You’re so annoying!
Okay but spit it out. Why were you sleeping by my side? Depending on your answer, you could be demoted from “someone who seemed to have been a brother previously” to “stupid bug”.
Rei: Even if you don’t demote me, it’s a bit much, don’t you think?
Nothing much… It’s just that when I was leaving for home, I happened to see Ritsu sleeping. I was worried that you’d catch a cold, so I used my body warmth to warm you up. This is a big brother’s love ♪
Ritsu: Is that so? I understand, you don’t need to say anymore. Complete waste of Earth’s oxygen.
Maa~kun, could you help me get some cement from the warehouse? I want to solidify this thing in there and let it sink to the bottom of the ocean.
Rei: We’ve just woken up, and yet Ritsu’s already trying to get rid of me!?
Mm~ Anywho! The elderly aren’t quite suited for outdoor camping… My whole body’s sore and stiff…
Ritsu~ could you help massage my shoulders please ♪
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Ritsu: Didn’t I tell you to shut up? You stupid bug.
Mao: Okay okay… as brothers, you guys should try to get along well. Though, let’s leave the fighting and the shoulder massage aside, yeah? We’re really about to be locked in school.
Rei: Oooh, you’re from Trickstar… It’s already this late… Thank you for waking me up. Ritsu~ it’s been a long time since we brothers walked home together hm~?
Ritsu: Brother? I don’t have a brother, though?
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Rei: Don’t deny your brother’s existence with such a deadpan expression… That’s a bit much, even for a younger brother, don’t you think? I’ll start crying…
Ahh, I can’t… My tear ducts are getting weaker as I age… Uuuuuu~
Mao: Ahaha, I think I kinda understand your relationship, Sakuma-senpai.
Ritchan, the more you talk, the more others are gonna think “oh he’s just in his rebellious phase”, so maybe it’s better to not talk altogether?
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Ritsu: Damn it… That isn’t the case at all. I had only wanted to throw this annoying ass thing into the trash bin. Whatever, it doesn’t matter anymore.
Maa~kun, you want to send them… send the Transfer Student home, right? Hurry up and go, don’t worry about us.
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Rei: Mhm, please be careful on your way back. Who knows what kind of demons will be roaming at this hour – for example, vampires… and the like… ♪
Mao: Yep. I’ll be careful. The both of you too; no more fighting, okay? Hurry up and go home~
Mm, I’ve always been praying that I’ll have a close relationship with Ritsu! We’re brothers after all ♪
…Ah, Ritsu? Where did you go? Hey— Ritsuuuu~
Ah, he dashed off at the speed of light. He really does hate me, huh? Hehehe ♪
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Wait a minute, I am also more active at night! Well, when it comes to hide and seek, I’m not about to lose to a ‘novice’ ♪
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Aaah… Running around like this under the night sky, it really reminds me of our childhood ♪
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Ritsu: D-don’t chase after me!! Didn’t I already say you’re annoying!? Did it completely fly over your head, you infuriating Anija!?
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Rei: Excellent, excellent… he’s finally willing to acknowledge me as his brother. Anyways, we take the same path back home, my super duper adorable little brother…
Translator's notes: [1] The original CN term here is 「菜鸡」, slang for "complete, total noob". I translated it to novice, a synonym. Personally don't think Rei would call Ritsu a "noob".
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shortpplfedup · 2 years
Chapter 2: The Temporary Chicken Rice
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Whew I'm ascending. Where do I even start with this episode? Wen pursuing Jim with everything he's got? Gaipa hearing he's got competition and IMMEDIATELY going over to stake his claim? The everything Heart and Li Ming are giving me? Praew eating every time she's onscreen like the queen she is? Saleng just Saleng-ing? This show is such a vibe, and also tugging at my heartstrings in very specific ways. I love a good slice-of-life family drama; I was devoted to shows like Friday Night Lights and Parenthood when they were on the air, and this is giving me such similar feelings.
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Look, it's only episode 2, but I would die for Heart and Li Ming. I would kill for them. I would do anything to keep them safe and happy. The way Heart's parents have isolated him, and how lonely he is, it makes me want to open-mouthed bawl. No wonder he was stealing his dad's liquor, he's 17/18 and he's not allowed to leave the house by himself AT ALL? FOR YEARS? I choose to think his parents are doing this out of some misguided sense of protection rather than hiding away their disabled son out of shame, but it's cruel either way. And his mum saying 'he understands simple hand gestures' ENRAGED me, like you can't learn sign to communicate fully and respectfully with your only son? Li Ming coming into his life and just hanging out with him and treating him like he's anybody else instead of like some kind of invalid must be so freeing. And for Li Ming, Heart just being happy to hang out and let him exist as he is, without pressures and expectations that he feels completely unable and unwilling to fulfil must also feel like freedom. Oh yes I understand exactly why these two gravitate towards each other.
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I loved Li Ming finding it easier to open up to Wen than to Jim or even Saleng, and Wen providing him encouragement and a listening ear, even as he gently admonishes Li Ming to talk to Jim about his future plans. Li Ming wants to escape so bad it's palpable. I can see Jim getting angry with Wen about this in the future, he will probably see it as Wen meddling in things that aren't his business, encouraging Li Ming away from the expectations Jim has for him, but somebody he can talk to about this stuff who can guide and encourage him instead of dismissing it outright is exactly what Li Ming needs.
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Saleng and Praew coming to Jim as though he's a parent when they find out Praew is pregnant really stood out for me. Saleng's parents are dead and Praew's seem to live far away, so I suppose for all intents and purposes Jim *is* their dad, which is reinforced by him going without car insurance to give Praew a dowry. I wonder how Jim ended up taking care of Saleng like this, were his parents the original owners of the diner? I'm so intrigued by their relationship.
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As for Jim and Wen, the chemistry continues to be absolutely insane. Wen is putting his whole pussy into trying to get Jim to be his man, because it's clear to everybody except Jim that Jim is totally that home he thinks he can't be for literally everybody around Moonlight Chicken. Wen feels Jim's warmth and presence in contrast to what he has with Alan (who remains absent this episode, and the longer he stays offscreen the more desperate I am to finally meet this character), and he is drawn into the orbit all the other characters inhabit around Jim. As for Jim, he says they can't be a thing, but literally EVERYBODY who knows him sees Wen isn't just anybody to him. Wen's mere presence galvanises Gaipa into a desperate attempt to lock it down, or at least look like he has it locked down to scare Wen off. And for somebody who insists that he's better off alone, he can't really leave Wen alone either. He could've walked away at the mall. He could've said no to lunch. He could have refused the fruit. He could have put up a firmer barrier when Wen asked to lean on his shoulder. But he ain't doing any of that, because Jim craves what Wen is offering him, which is somebody to talk to, somebody to share his burdens with, somebody to take care of him instead of needing him to take care of them all the time. Wen doesn't want or need anything from Jim beyond his heart and his presence, and it's why despite insisting they can't be anything Jim keeps inviting Wen in, allowing him to get closer and closer. In the end Wen makes a tactical retreat because he realises he needs a different approach, but he ain't giving up, not by a long shot.
Side Dishes
No but Li Ming, Saleng and Gaipa really clocked immediately that Jim is into Wen. It was especially funny how Jim tried to shoo Saleng away from the diner before Wen showed up, as though he wouldn't inevitably meet him anyway. And I loved Li Ming not accepting 'stay out of grown folks business' as an answer. Wen was in his house, stumbled into his room even, he has a right to know who this mans is.
Another person whose business is out in plain sight is Gaipa, whose heart eyes for Jim are being studiously but not unkindly ignored. Jim really doesn't want to hurt Gaipa's feelings, but Wen's gonna be the catalyst that forces him to.
So Li Ming doesn't appear to be in denial about his sexuality, but he doesn't broadcast it either. His crush on Heart is visible from space this episode, especially once Heart apologised, but I didn't expect him to ask him out!
Next week's previews are throwing up a few interesting tidbits, like Li Ming's mom not being supportive of Jim being gay.
Chin scritches are clearly a Gemini/Fourth thing, not just a Tinn/Gun thing.
Trying to make me believe Earth is in his late 30s is a stretch Aof, I'm just saying. I was expected to believe him as over 30 in ATOTS and almost 40 here...reaching. The suspension of disbelief on that one is hard.
I love how they're showing everybody's acne, sweat, stubble...it adds to the groundedness of the story that these people have believable imperfections on their bodies.
Next week it's Loy Krathong in-universe which puts them at the end of November 2022. I'm interested to see how all the relationships have developed with the passage of time. Also, if Alan is showing up next week that means that Wen will have been pursuing Jim for almost 3 months with Alan none the wiser, and I'm ready for the drama!
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sassenach082 · 2 years
Oh no, I decided! I'd like to know more about the whole scene in ch17 where Wolf and Wood come to help with Bradley!! Please
OKAY SO BUCKLE UP EVERYONE I'm finally answering these directors cut questions because it's helping me process the upcoming chapter scenes that I need to write.
Spoilers under the cut about this, it will touch on parts of upcoming chapters but not at length, so read at your own risk!
Basically Tom is on a carrier right and he's very cranky about it but he also still loves Pete (that man says what he means and means what he says, and he does love Pete even if he's currently irritated with him). So Tom swans onto the carrier cranky af (you'll see yourself in CH 18 just you wait) but Slider is a Meddling Meddler Who Meddles. He makes his usual phone calls and then and decides to call the boys, who tell him that Pete called about Bradley not talking, so then he goes hmm interesting and asks them what they're going to do it about it.
Wood: why do we have to do anything about it Wolf: not my circus not my monkeys Slider: i'm not there to knock some sense into him and neither is Tom so that leaves you idiots Wood: no seriously why is this my problem Slider: i'm making it your problem Wolf: this is because they're fucking isn't it Slider: so what if it is bradley's not talking so fucking do something about it or I will break your face
Fast forward to their week and then they just kind of blow it off, but then Slider calls again and tells them he'll break their legs if they don't go help his nephew (he gets attached easily okay what can I say) which of course leads to them going over there because Bradley is asking for them (after his week of Not Talking To Anyone) (he's more like Pete than he realizes but I digress).
Only Wood and Wolf only have half the information right?? They only really have Slider's intel, which is half-hearted from Ice because that man does not want people in his personal business and is busy being a cranky bastard instead of talking about his feelings (head knocking to follow) but anyways, essentially, they go over there thinking that Pete did something dumb.
To be fair to them, operating under what they know is that Mav can be impulsive and Tom is very much the opposite as a general rule (in fact in their friend group he's the one that thinks things to death and drives them all crazy). They saw the impulsiveness seat-of-your-pants'ness in Top Gun, they saw it in class, they saw it in the sky. They know Pete but they don't really know him all the way yet, they got to know him a little and then Goose died and they got the watered down version of him, and they've all heard stories (see: Ice's "yeah, I've heard that about you" in the bar about Mav working alone).
Naval Aviators are like any other profession and gossip like a bunch of old hens, is the thing, so they think they know what's wrong only they don't. And because they are young cocky men they're convinced they've got it figured out which is why they go in with the "Mitchell is being an idiot again" angle even though that's not it at all and Ice is going to be pissed at them for assuming so, but that's a whole other can of worms (and precisely why Tom prefers to handle his own problems and not get his idiot friends involved).
SO long story short, they show up at Pete's house (they weren't actually stonewalling him, Pete's anxiety is just at an all-time high and he's not sleeping which is making him irrational) and see that Pete is clearly and obviously Not Okay and proceed to freak out because a) they know Ice and Pete are fucking and b) they are freaking the fuck out because they should have been there days ago, and c) Bradley is obviously struggling and they were just too busy to notice/didn't realize how serious Slider was when he phoned them about it because haha sure kids don't talk right!! Only they actually realize oh they were serious when they said Bradley didn't talk for seven days and that's... a bit of a problem.
Then they feel guilty, especially Wood, because he ignored Pete just in the standard I'm busy (like when you see a friend called and mean to call them back and then it's Saturday and you don't know where the time went kind of thing). It definitely wasn't intentional, but he feels guilty because he does think of Pete as a friend, but he knows a bit about what Tex is doing and tries to apply his own life experiences of being not-straight to Pete's situation, and assumes he's freaking out about the gay thing, only that's not really it at all either.
Wolf then swans in with dick jokes because he's Wolf, and Wood doesn't really get to finish the conversation, but they'll talk more just the two of them and Wood will realize that it's a lot more complicated, and that Pete didn't actually fuck up and he would have done the same to save Wolf if it came down to it even if it meant Wolf never talked to him again because that's what you do when you love someone. And Wood is thinking about all of this during that scene, but he'd distracted by Wolf acting like a ten-year-old boy and then Mav brushes it off and he lets him because he can see he's uncomfortable, but it bothers him for days hence the park outing when he definitely discreetly pins him to a bench and makes him talk about it while Wolf howls and chases Bradley around the play structure and gets stuck in a slide because he's An Idiot but Wood loves him anyway.
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behindthesemasks · 1 year
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Back in New Orleans, something is going on....
There was a knock on the heavy wooden door to Etienne Gautier’s office in the Meir Enterprises office in the Central Business District of New Orleans.  He had just returned from a meeting in Baton Rouge, so it was no surprise when shortly afterwards Ambrose Meir opened the door and entered. Not only his boss and the CEO of the company, but his best friend’s grandfather, there were few days that he did not see Ambrose at one point or the other.
“And what do I owe the pleasure of today’s visit Ambrose?” Etienne asked as he slid off his suit jacket to drape it across the back of his leather desk chair.
“I assume your meeting with the trustees in Baton Rouge went well?  Financing for Melania’s affairs are all in order?” One of Ambrose’s brows rose as he shut the door behind him and walked to one of the two black leather wingback chairs opposite Etienne’s large mahogany desk.
“Of course, did you doubt me?  Nic left very explicit instructions before they left to make sure that there were no hiccups regarding this trip.  What is it over there they are looking for?” Etienne had been curious, but his friend had been evasive. Often when it came to Melania he was.  Of course he was, there was history there and Nic had to walk a fine line.  Ambrose walked fine lines like a frat boy during Mardi Gras. 
“There is an artifact there, a very powerful one.  Maybe more than one.  Beau Davenport is also after it, and Nic doesn’t want him to get to it first.  Of course if my granddaughter knew Beau was involved, she’d work with the bastard.  So, we may have used a little subterfuge to make her think it’s someone who would use it against her mother.” A devious smirk started to form on Ambrose’s debonair features.  “This could be just what I need to finally eliminate Davenport and his family from meddling in our affairs and from competition in the business arena for good.”
“Beau is certainly not the man his father is.” While this was true, it was not quite the statement that Ambrose might think it to be.  In some ways, Beau was more ruthless than his father, who did not have the loyalty to Ambrose that his father had due to a former friendship.  Beau would not do anything to harm Melania, who he considered a friend, but to Ambrose he had no such loyalty. It was one of the few things that Etienne could respect the other man for.  
“I doubt, dear Melania would be as fond of him as she is, if he were.” Ambrose scoffed. Truly he did not know that to be true.  Often times he wondered if his granddaughter did things just to spite him.  Why couldn’t she be more like Nic?
Etienne bit his tongue.  It was not for him to say what his ex would or would not like.  He had managed to fuck that up situation long ago on his own, or had it been all on his own?  The ghosts of that experience oft haunted him, taunting him that there was more than met the eye.  It had only been since her divorce from Preston in the last year that they had started to even develop a friendship again, the woman she was now was not the girl he had dated, but he loved her no less.
Ambrose sensed Etienne’s reticence to say more and understood it on some level.  The man was still like a lovelorn lost puppy around Melania, even if he was one of the best corporate attorney’s on the Gulf Coast, a man he was glad was in his pocket and not someone else’s.  “Enough on that.  Have you started the contracts I asked about?” Ambrose inquired, a brow raising.
“Of course.  I don’t understand what you’re wanting to do with these though, you know what will happen if you put these in place?” There was a touch of trepidation in Etienne’s voice as he looked up at the man he’d looked at like a father since he’d first become best friends with Nic as a small child.  There could be no way that Ambrose didn’t know what would happen if these contracts were executed.  War might be a nice way of putting it, there was no way around it.
“These are contingency, son.  Nothing more.  Hopefully they won’t be needed.  However, there was Peru…” Ambrose allowed the last word to draw out there, then the statement to hang in the air, swirling around like cigarette smoke without the dissipation.  He saw the stutter inhalation from Etienne and knew that his point had been made. “If war is what is required to maintain an empire, never has an emperor flinched in the face of it.  Nor will I.” There was something in Ambrose’s voice and countenance that sent a dagger of ice through Etienne’s heart.  These contracts were not contingencies; they were plans, just waiting for the perfect moment for execution.  He could only hope that the woman he had been in love with for over two and half decades was not in the crossfire when the war started.  If she was, he’d have to remind all of them that he was no less lethal than the rest of them.
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prvtocol · 2 years
❝What’s the best lie you’ve ever told?❞ // caesar for bri
“Of course, make me admit to something devious.” Nose scrunches, animating a knowing retort at the gang’s all too clever accountant — though her amusement with the whole conversation means it doesn’t last long. Coffee (and tea) and a conversation that turned into a short round of truth or dare with Caesar, Diego, and Emiliano (the latter two part of her Los Piratas security crew) is a benign way to pass the time. Benign in the sense of the upstanding caliber of each of them to not take it too far with her there. If Vaas was here to partake in the questioning and daring, it’d be a different story.
“Yeah Bri, a top-tier corpo like you, gotta have some preem dirty lies in your closet.” Extra coaxing comes from Diego who’s in the middle of grabbing two more cookies from the cooling racks on the counter behind her. For it, he gets thrown a defensive look and a curt, “My closet is rather clean, thank you.” But the retort is just more dawdling on her part. Good grief, she has to think hard about the last time she lied and didn’t feel the sting of self-disappointment and instead could declare victory for some reason or another. Oh but wait, Diego gave her a thought — work. Is fabricating the truth also considered lying she wonders? If so, she did it often enough. “Alright, I think I have one."
"This gonna be good, right?" With a mouth full of cookie, Diego again interjects, nudging her arm with his elbow after sitting back down at her side.
"Just let her speak, hermano." Emiliano, the youngest of the crew and who’s busy peeling a tangerine, shushes him. Meanwhile, Caesar throws him a more patient stare from across the table. It was his question after all.
"Well, I don’t know if it was my best lie, but I can say with certainty it helped me out later on." Oh dear, here comes the long-winded exposition needed to make sense. “When I first arrived in Night City, the department under my oversight was a mess. The prior director completely lost the plot. He started throwing uncalled for audits on his enemies, even got someone unduly fired because of it. It was as if he was asking for retaliation, which of course, he eventually got.” Death being the result of his meddling. “It quickly came to my realization as I was writing my report that his assistants more than aided his actions. And of course they did, they feared what would happen if they said no to their boss. Now, I should have reported them to HR, which would have resulted in demotion or worse, but I decided against it and let them know I understood their need for loyalty considering. So, I fabricated their role in the reports.” Hands lift from cradling her tea mug to aid her in saying, "Horrible, I know but helping those under me was how I played my cards because those same assistants would alert me later when another coworker was making plans for my position. Loyal to a madman and loyal to someone willing to help them.” 
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Judging by the discerning frown found on Diego's bearded face, this isn’t the sordid story he was looking for. At least, Caesar looks less displeased. It’s certainly not as interesting as any of their truths just told involving close calls and dangerous adversaries. “Too dull?” Out loud she queries, her brow knitting an unspoken apology. “Well, better than the dog ate my homework, right? Though," she sighs, "I never didn't do my homework to pretend I had a dog to eat it. But it is a lie by corp standards so I pass this round and now it's your turn to choose, Caesar.” And he gets a grin with it. Internally, she's sighing in relief. These little games can be surprisingly stressful.
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muggycuphead · 10 months
weird flex but ok i guess pt.31
War…Hold up, do we really need a warning for this one? Dunno, but however, watch out for slightly disturbing and kinda…disgusting imagery, trypophobic patterns, as well as ‘necrotic’ (and dark themed) designs I made while having funky fever bc o h m y g o d do I get a little crazier every new quarantine day (and at this point it’s coming to be an usual thing for me, big sad). However, most are made no other than for the sole sake of satire, so y’know, no need to get your underwear in a twist
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Friday Night Funkin’ BoyFriend’s Hood – AU fanconcept sketches [XXVI]
*Note: this occurs almost a year after BF moved in NG city and met up GF, alongside the nights out they go on
1. Not-so-discrete sneak-in
(GF and BF are just casually walking by the street, when suddenly…)
“…Yo, what’s going on there?”
(BF turns to where GF is looking at, and sees a strange rocky-humanoid guy sneaking in his family’s workshop after breaking the lock open)
“What the... oh, oh no. G, that guy is clearly looking for trouble, we gotta get him fast!”
“Wait, you sure? He seems tough, even for me…”
“That ain’t no excuse! I’m gonna defend my family’s place even if I gotta take a few blows for it!”
“…You know what? F it, let’s go get that rascal!”
Now that’s what I call having quite the guts
2. Track-down
(BF and GF walk over the shop, being as quietly as possible)
“{There he is…}”
“{What is he even doing…?}”
“{Looks like he’s meddling around with the gas supplies…Not much of a surprise considering who he is, honestly…}”
“{…Well, what’s the plan now?}”
(BF takes out his phone he brought along and takes a picture, then sends it to Broddy and pockets the phone back)
“{Hopefully it reaches soon. For now, we must keep him busy until they come over}”
“{You do realize you could’ve just called the cops with that, right?}”
“{We can’t risk having him run away}”
(The intruder finally notices the mumbling from afar, and turns around, slightly noticing BF and GF hiding through the dark)
“Looks like I got company here, huh?”
(GF gasps as softly as possible) “{Oh no!}”
“{It’s time, now or never}”
Y’all I tried make this one make sense without derailing to overboard nonsense; FNF might be funny hehe most of the time but bruh
Though y’know, we talking about kiddos here, so…y’know
3. Facing off the crook
“What’re ya pipsqueaks doin’ here, huh? Didn’t ya mommas ever told ya not to snoop into other people’s business?”
“Well, first and for most, you basically left the door open there so it’s not like you weren’t sort of ‘inviting’ us in anyway; also kinda dumb for a burglar that should know what he doing if you ask me”
“And talk about snooping into other’s business, that’s exactly what’cha doing here at mah family’s property, yo grease rat! But be sure I ain’t gonna let’cha get away with it, no siree nay!”
(During BF’s speech, GF cast a spell under her breath and emerges her wings out, catching flight soon after)
“And neither am I”
(Charcoil chuckles, leaving his stuff behind and getting slightly closer to the kids, cracking his knuckles with a smug glance)
“Well, would’cha look at that? Little kids tryna be thugs here, how cute. But if you two are down for a buffet of roasted knuckle sandwiches then I’m all for serving ‘em. C’mon, chump, show me how much can you take!”
Bro sure ain’t afraid of the fuzz
This is up to each’s imagination now, idm
4. His loss, yet her motivation
(Suddenly, in the middle of the racket, BF gets distracted and Charcoil, taking advantage, punches him on the face, dropping him aside and knocking him out in the process)
(GF pauses and looks at him with worry) “B!” (Yet, she’s interrupted by Charcoil trying to do the same to her, but failing as she flies away from him)
“Pft, what a joke; boy was so eager on getting my ass, yet didn’t last long enough to get through with it. You really should reconsider ya peer pickin’, girl”
(Wrong choice of words.txt)
(GF gradually goes from concern to anger…to straight up vindication, as she frowns towards ‘Coil)
“…You wanna go bro? YOU WANNA PIECE OF ME?!” (fires up) “I’LL SHOW YA!”
Mess with someone of your same element, you ass
5. Fuck ‘em up
“For a defective demon child, you got quite the blow!”
“Shut your trap, jerk!”
Again, up to interpretation for the most part
But still
(Suddenly, in between the whole mess-a-roo, Charcoil gets an idea, and quickly taking one of the gas supplies, throws it towards GF as she casts a fireball spell, which ends up hitting the gas tank)
 “OH NO!”
(The gas tank gets shoved towards the remaining gas supplies, as Charcoil jumps away, “taking cover”)
(Seeing the upcoming disaster, GF quickly drops herself onto BF, covering his body with hers and her wings, preparing for the worst to happen next)
Fuck you Charc u piece of shiitake
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clairecrive · 3 years
Hi could we please get a really angsty fic with nikolai (with a happy ending pls) where reader and he has had a fight so they maintain the facade on the outside bc they're royals but in private it's just ignoring each other/angst?
Young Royals
A/N: ahh, this is angsty alright but it seems I'm only capable of writing hurt/comfort lately. This took a life of its own and it's long af but I hope you like it anyway x
Warnings: miscommunication, angst, fighting, hurt/comfort, Nikolai is a bit absent, you're a bit jealous of his relationship with Zoya
Tags: @jupiterandbutterflies, @agentsofsheilds , @for-bebbanburg , @randomoutsiders , @pansysgirlfriend , @hannaxmaria , @vintagebitc , @story-scribbler , @crowssixof , @odetostep,@lizzie-he4rts, @korol-lantsov, @subjecta13-thefangirl, @gallysonegoodlung, @a-c-lee, @mriddlemethis, @carnationworld,@thanossexual, @luvxginger, @sanna2020,@partiesandblurrypolaroids, @edithsvoice, @wafflesandschemingfaces (tag list form)
"Do not put words into my mouth, Nikolai."
"Please, you already have so many, my love," he scoffed and the use of the term of endearment hurt the most.
"You're making me sound like a brat while I'm providing you with a viable solution," you insisted with a flare of your hands, frustrated by his unwillingness to listen to you.
"No, you're not. What you're doing is being childish."
"I'm your queen, Nikolai. I'm only asking to be more involved."
"You're my wife, y/n, and you know nothing about politics or running a country." He retired, putting emphasis on wife. This felt a lot like being put into place. And the fact that it was your husband doing so, hurt. It was also the most you had seen him this week.
"Neither did Zoya, nor Genya or anyone who's currently running the country."
"That's different and you know it."
"Only because you're making it so," you exclaimed finally exploding. His despondency got on your nerves and this conversation was going nowhere anyway.
Surprised by your raise of voice, Nikolai stood before you just blinking at you.
Sighing, you took a step toward him, holding your hands up, "look, you're right, I don't know about running a country but teach me. I'm not stupid, I'll pick it up."
"Why are you insisting so much? You've never shown any interest in politics before." He gave you a puzzled look like he didn't really believe your intentions.
"I've never wanted to be queen before." before meeting you.
"Ah, I see," he chuckled mirthlessly, "I put you in this situation and now you're taking your revenge."
To insinuate that your marriage with him was you "being put into a situation" rather than a consensual decision you had made out of love was absurd.
Nikolai was right. You had never cared about politics or diplomacy before meeting him. You were a soldier. There was no reason for you to meddle with something that didn't concern you.
But now you were queen and you felt a responsibility towards your people. You wanted to help but so far, Nikolai hadn't allowed you to take part in any meetings. He said that anyone who needed to be there was already involved. What he didn't tell you was that while Grisha made excellent soldiers and even good councillors, one of them being a royal was a very different matter.
He had indulged his love for you by marrying you. You were his vice and he simply couldn't accept the idea of being without you anymore. He had married you, consequently making you queen, going against what his advisors told him.
While he ignored his warnings he was painfully aware, however, how difficult it was going to be for a Grisha on the throne. It was the first time something liked this had ever happened and unfortunately, the country was filled with people who resented Grisha for their powers.
Nikolai feared that the people were never going to accept you. Hence why he'd been keeping you secluded in the palace.
To be fair, you were doing a wonderful job. Like he had pointed out, you were not accustomed to politics but you made up for that with empathy and kindness. You started to interest yourself with the problem of poverty and lack of provisions for some parts of the country.
And while no one was aware of it, Nikolai often turned to you for military strategy. You were an apt soldier and had fought bravely alongside him and everyone else in the battle of the Fold. You were the very reason why he was still alive, to be honest.
While this arrangement worked for the first months of your reign, it was starting to feel an inadequate effort. You needed to do more, you wanted to do more. You didn't expect Nikolai to oppose it so vehemently.
"If I didn't want to be here I wouldn't be, Nikolai, you'd do well to remember it," you pointed out coldly, straightening your spine.
"Since you seem so adverse at spending time with me or including me in important matters, I'll find someone else who will." And with that, chin held high, you walked out of the room.
You missed him. It felt absurd to say this but you missed your husband. He was always busy with meetings or official visits to some noble across the country. For most of them, he went alone or with Zoya.
You knew that she was his first in command but you couldn't help but be bothered by it. It was one thing to accept the fact that he hadn't given the role to you "because the queen cannot have that role as well", it was a whole other thing to accept the fact that another woman spent more time with your husband than you did.
Countless were the fights you had with him in this regard. But they were pointless. Nikolai was still set on not bringing you and he and Zoya were always found together.
You didn't know what hurt more. The blow at your pride for being denied a position you deserved because of who you loved, the jealousy or being punished for your identity.
One thing was sure though, it was getting too much. At first, you pulled thought for Nikolai but now that you didn't have him anymore, your efforts seemed to be in vain.
So, like you had told Nikolai, you looked for someone who was willing to teach you. You wanted to help and if Nikolai wasn't going to let you here at the palace, then you'd find somewhere else.
Count Kirigin had always been nice to you and he was a very generous host. You knew that he played a central role in Nikolai's plan so you thought that there was no one better than him.
You reached out to him, wrote him a letter in which you showed interest in his activity and asked him if he was willing to show you. Of course, anything that came from the queen or the king couldn't be denied but you knew that the Count truly enjoyed your company. If your position didn't put so much higher than everybody else, you'd even consider him a friend.
You waited for his reply before putting in motion the preparations for your departure.
In the meantime, you and Nikolai kept conducting your separate lives. Usually, you'd only see him at night when he returned to your chambers if you were still up. Now, you had decided to sleep in separate rooms too.
If he wanted a wife, then a wife he'd get. But kings and queens do not sleep together.
If the new arrangement was bothering him, you didn't know. He hadn't reached out to you nor made any move to rectify your decision.
Turns out that he wasn't even at the Palace. He had left for a mission near the border with Shu Han and wouldn't be back for at least a week. Well, then. Of course, he didn't even bother with telling you. Not even a small note.
Jokes on him though, you thought, since when he was going to come back, he'd finally get what he wanted. You weren't going to be there to bother him anymore.
Differently from him though, you did indeed left him a note. Nikolai found it a week after you had set it on his pillow. Its presence made him furrow his eyebrows since he had already been wondering where you were. You usually came out to meet him at the gates whenever he'd come back from a mission and even though you had fought before he went away, you weren't one for holding grudges. So e guessed there was something holding you.
Unfolding the paper he was met with your familiar chaotic writing.
"I don't know when you're going to find this letter but if I'm not there yet it means that I'm still at Count Kirigin's. Do not bother with writing or visiting, I'll come back when my business with him is done.
What in the name of every sweet loving saint???
The letter wasn't dated, no dear, no yours no nothing. Fuck. You were still mad or worse, hurt.
Asking one of the servants, he learned that you had been away for a week already. But what business could you possibly have with the Count??
Nikolai had nothing against him. Seeing Kirigin get all flustered as he tried to flirt with Zoya amused him to no end but the idea of him and you in the same house? Alone?? Unacceptable.
Not even bothering to change clothes after his long journey, Nikolai headed to the stables to ask for a well-rested horse. Luckily, Count Kirigin's estate was not too far away. A couple of hours ride.
Turns out that the Count had a lot to teach. Despite his aloof reputation and extravagant clothes, he was very observant. He lacked ambition, which was why Nikolai trusted him and had a curious way of behaving in social situations.
But Emil had been born and raised in high society. He knew how things were run even if he had no desire to be in charge of them.
So far, you'd be having a wonderful time. Emil was a wonderful host, as you remembered, but without Nikolai's presence, he was even more extravagant. He had an unexpectedly dry sense of humour and a never-ending list of jokes.
Being in the open and in the company of someone who saw y/n instead of the Queen of Ravka proved to be even more needed than you thought. You felt reinvigorated and much lighter than you'd ever been.
You had also been learning a lot. Emil had been teaching you about diplomacy. About the best ways of formulating a sentence so that you wouldn't offend anyone but still get what you wanted. He had also been talking to you about your husband's ministers. About their weaknesses and vices and what was the best way to approach them to get what you wanted.
So far, it was proving to be a wonderful decision to come here.
Whenever your mind strayed on Nikolai, you willed it to focus on something else. You didn't know if he had already come home or seen the letter. A part of you thought that if he had, he would at least write one back. But the thought felt a lot like hope and seeing as how little he saw you even before you left, you didn't think it safe to harbour it.
When Nikolai reached the estate, he was met with Kirigin's servants. They welcomed him inside and profusely apologised for the Count's absence. They told him that at this time of the day, Kirigin and his guest would usually go out on a ride but that they were also about to return.
So Nikolai waited, sitting in the most comfortable chair the Count owned, fuming at the thought that his wife had felt the need to go away and be in the company of another man.
"If I didn't want to be here, I wouldn't be Nikolai. You'd do well to remember it."
Your words haunted him. They were the last thing that you told him. How stupid had he been to let you walk away. How utterly careless of him to disregard you like that.
He had promised himself to truly talk to you about it once this pressing matter of state was taken care of. Apparently, he had waited too long.
But Nikolai knew that the problem was at the source. He noticed how hurt you had been when he made Zoya his first in command. Or how sad you seemed everywhere he went somewhere with her and didn't ask you to join.
He was doing so to protect you from the inevitable slander you'd be met with. He should have known though that putting you aside was going to be even worse. You were a fighter just as much as Zoya was, if not stronger.
She hid behind her veil of indifference and superiority while you had never lost that emphatic verve that made everyone love you so much. In his attempt to make you safe, he had only managed to hurt you.
You were a warrior. You had accepted the role of queen only because it was the only way for you to be with Nikolai. And instead of praising you by making you a warrior queen, he had decided to hide you away.
Well, no more.
If his mistakes had not ruined everything already, he was going to make everything better.
Lost in his musing, he didn't hear the sound of hooves approaching but he did indeed hear your laugh. It immediately brought him back to the present and a wave of ugly jealousy hit him.
He couldn't remember the last time he made you laugh.
"I shouldn't even laugh Emil, the joke was terrible," Nikolai hear you giggling from somewhere in the hall. So now he was Emil, huh.
"You know you can't resist my charm, your highness," Emil replied and Nikolai had to call on every bit of his self-control to not barge out of the room and punch him.
"Stop it, you know you can call me y/n."
Before Emil could reply, they had both made it to the sitting room where Nikolai was waiting for them. It looked like no one had warned them of his presence because Kirigin looked surprised then utterly mortified.
"Your majesty, I wasn't aware you were here. Please forgive me for making you wait."
"Don't fret Kirigin, it was an impromptu visit. I came to see how my lovely wife was doing." No matter how green he was feeling right now, he knew that Kirigin was loyal to him and the crown. Whatever was happening here wasn't one of his schemes.
"Of course! I'm going to send for some tea while you two get reunited." Kirigin quickly bowed before hurrying out of the room.
Nikolai met your eyes for the first time since you had arrived. If at first, you were surprised to see him, now you couldn't help but be a bit sceptical about this visit.
"What are you doing here?" you asked breaking the ice.
"You leave with only a few lines on where you're going and you expect me to just accept it?" He scoffed, his hands curling on the armrests of the chair.
"It's more than what you gave me," you quipped, crossing your arms on your chest.
Nikolai sighed while his gloved hands run through his hair. You were right and he knew it. He had been a horrible husband lately.
"I know you're mad at me, honey, but listen-"
"I'm not mad. You didn't want to give me what I wanted so I went looking for it somewhere else." Scrolling your shoulders, you interrupted him without meeting his eyes. A list of excuses was not what you wanted nor what you needed from him.
Nikolai didn't miss the innuendo. His jaw clenched, his hands closed in fists. But he willed himself to stay calm.
"You think Kirigin can give you something that I can't?" Nikolai was a master in diplomacy. Never did he get frustrated or angry or raised his voice, even with the most aggravating people. Here though, with you, he didn't have to keep a façade. He spoke through his teeth barely containing his anger.
"Well, so far, he's been giving me attention and interesting pointers that no, Nikolai, you refused to give me."
"So this is how you solve your problems? Running away in the countryside with Emil?" Nikolai sneered, his tone souring around Kirigin's name.
"Don't you do the same with your precious first in command?" Tired after your ride with Emil, you plopped down on the chair in front of Nikolai's. Completely ignoring his tone, you pointed out calmly. The perfect image of aloofness even when it was the last thing you were in this moment.
"That's different," he snapped trying to meet your eyes that were carefully analyzing your hands.
"Yes," you signed, "it seems that when I'm concerned everything is different."
"There's nothing between me and Zoya, y/n and you know it." Nikolai was getting more frustrated by the second. He came here to apologize, to make things right and so far, the conversation was going in the opposite directions.
"Maybe now, but you spend more time with her than you do with me. It's only a matter of time before it happens and you're sorely mistaken if you think I'll just stand by and watch."
"This is not about Zoya," he insisted but so far, he wasn't getting the reaction out of you he wanted. You seemed... resigned at the situation. And that worried Nikolai to no end.
"It never is."
"Why did you run away?" Opting for a more direct approach, he bit the bullet and went straight to the point.
"I did not run away," you scoffed in contempt at his choice of words, "I told you I wanted to do more and Emil is teaching me. Not everyone is so against spending time with me, you know." You shot him a glance.
It was the first time that you had looked at him since you had been left alone.
"I married you, y/n. How can you possibly believe I don't want to spend time with you?" As desperation slipped through his words, Nikolai leaned towards you in his seat. As if he couldn't bear the distance between you anymore. But you knew it wasn't that. You and he had been distant for months now.
"Because that's what's happening, Nikolai," you clipped back and Nikolai had to refrain from wincing at your tone.
"It's not intentional, my love, I've just been busy." His tone softened. It was a poor excuse of an apology but it was sadly the truth.
"But when I say that I want to join or help you with it you strongly oppose?" Again, there was that suspicious implication in your words that Nikolai just couldn't stand. To think that you believed he'd ever cheat on you with another woman when he had done so much, taken so many risks, to be with you.
"It's not what you think, y/n." He insisted again but immediately realized he had said the wrong thing when he saw you leaning back into your chair shaking your head.
"I don't think anything, anymore. Do whatever you want. You do your thing and I'll do mine. I won't be a bother to you anymore." Holding up your hands, you gestured as you spoke.
A beat. Nikolai froze in his seat at what you were suggesting.
"You're never a bother to me. Never." He leaned even forwards in his chair, basically only propping on it now. The desperation was now clear in his voice. He reached out to you to try and take hold of your hands but you were too distant.
"I love you more than anything in this world and if you think that I'm going to let you go without a fight, you're sorely mistaken." The steel determination of his words caught you off guard. Nikolai was strong-headed, you knew that better than anyone else, but it had been a long while since that determination had been directed to you.
"You already did." It was barely a whisper. The sad truth about your reality, the downfall of your relationship. The wavering of your voice, the pain in your eyes were enough to tip Nikolai off the edge.
"Milaya, please."He fell onto his knees in front of you. Leaning forward he reached for your hands that he could now hold. "I'm sorry. I put you in a difficult position when I married you and I tried my best to protect you."
"I don't need protecting, Nikolai, especially if it's by pushing me away."
"I was keeping you away from danger and I know that you're strong and capable but I hate to think of you as the object of public slander." His eyes darted between yours, frantic, desperate to make you understand.
"I'm Grisha, Nikolai. It's nothing new to me," you pointed out but then it hit you.
"By difficult position, you meant a Grisha Queen, didn't you?" Your eyes hardened at the implications, your hands going slack in his hold. You would have pulled them away if Nikolai didn't tighten his hold.
"Please, do not think I'm regretting my choice or I think you're not worthy of the title because that's not true." Pulling your hands, he tried to get you closer to him. "I fear that there will be repercussions among the people." And there it was, at last, the truth.
"And among your ministers," you added remembering Emil's lessons on the people at court and their role.
You scoffed when he stayed silent. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I thought I was doing the right thing, my love."
"So Zoya can handle it and I can't?"
"For the millionth time," he groaned, "I don't care about Zoya."
"I only care about you and I know you can handle it. I just didn't want you to. You deserve happiness and peaceful life and I know it's impossible to have in this saints' forsaken country but I can at least try." His eyes lowered in shame and his confession sent a pang through your heart. You took a moment to take in what he said.
Never had you thought about the possibility of Nikolai's distance was a form of protection. You were a soldier of the Second Army, after all. But being a queen, especially a Grisha one, was a delicate thing.
It was the first time in history that something like this happened. Nikolai's worries were not unfounded since even after the destruction of the Fold, anti-Grisha movements were spreading fast.
It was sad to see the General's attempt of assuring safety for Grisha, provoking exactly the opposite thing.
"Oh, Kolya," returning his grip, you leaned towards him, "I just want a life with you by my side."
"As do I. I want you always and forever but above all, I want you safe. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you, you know it right?"
"I just ask that you tell me the truth and let me play the role I've been given."
"It's not going to be easy. People at court-"
"I know. That's why I'm here. Emil's been teaching."
"Well, no more. I'm going to take care of it from now on."
"Is this a promise or a threat?"
"Rest assured my love, the difference between the two is almost nonexistent." He flashed you a smirk and you couldn't help but smile at him. Here it was, your beloved Nikolai.
"Things are going to change, aren't they?" you murmured softly as he gently rested his forehead against yours.
"We're going to show everyone what a "power couple" is." Here was his promise. Sealed with the gentlest nudging of his nose to yours. The action made you smile and your heart soar. You missed these little moments of intimacy with him.
One of his hands came to cradle your face as the other kept hold of your left hand. Your rings softly clicked as they touched. A form of reassurance.
"I love you, y/n."
"And I you, Kolya."
You were completely lost in your little bubble, even more so when Nikolai's lips finally met yours, that you had forgotten where you were. And that there was an embarrassed Kirigin outside the door waiting for the right moment to come in with tea.
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sherbet-shark · 2 years
The impulse that is me trying to get over my fear of acceptance and I'm doing it by requesting some delicious angst/lh ily sherbet-nee. May I request 💧 4. “Before you go. Was there something I could’ve said to make your heartbeat better?” with Azul :)
Storm to Weather
Author’s Note: RRAS BUNSO, MY CHOLD Ooooo! Angst! Hehehe. Time to pull out all the stops. I’ve wanted to write some reader x Azul angst, too but haven’t had a good idea for it, thus explaining it being so late. ( ; - ; ) also reader isn't Yuu/Mc
Trigger Warnings: no fluff, only Angst :)c
Word Count: 1.9k
Summary: It wasn’t a secret you and Azul hated each other. From differences in moral codes, mental processing, and overall demeanor. You were polar opposites, yet one day, Azul noticed the stoic expression you proudly wore breaks ever so slightly. He graciously takes notes of this and asks what plagues you so. After a bizarre, rare heart-to-heart, weeks later, word had it you left for your world. A flurry of emotions overcome him. Was it really hate that he felt for you?
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Azul Ashengrotto tiredly walks through the institution’s hallways, books in hand, walking to his last class of the day. The carpeted floors muffle the gentle click of his dress shoes. Azul straightened his posture and pushed up his glasses. Today was a long day, even though he had to admit that. Perhaps it’s because he had Professor Vargas’ class at the crack of dawn for his first period, or maybe the fact Floyd was in his ‘good moods.’ The taller eelmer pestered everyone he crossed paths with, making some of their peers complain to the Octavinelle leader.
One more class to get over, then time to open the Mostro Lounge for business. In the corner of his gaze, he saw a familiar figure sitting alone on a bench, looking rather odd if he did say so himself. It wasn’t a common occurrence to see you alone and in a somewhat melancholy manner too. What a rare instance this is undoubted, Azul thought to himself.
Despite how incredibly rocky your relationship was now, it wasn’t always like that before. Azul would constantly pester you with his underhanded methods of ‘kindly’ offering a way to lift your sorrows and grant you a wish; all you need to do is to tell him.
But that was until your fights over before the second year ensued. Your masks of poise and elegance immediately dropped when you got used to Twisted Wonderland and Night Raven College. You never grasped how he'd be so vindictive and calculating with his intelligence. You'd admit he was brilliant, to a scary degree, but the reasons and his lack of… well moral sense made it hard for you even to stand his discussions in class.
He never thought he’d hate you so much for meddling in his plans. You were just an annoyance jabbing into his snarky remarks in and out of classes. Azul never gave you much thought initially because who would? You weren't spectacular. You didn't have anything that Azul could use for his benefit. You had no form of identification, no unspeakable riches, or a royal lineage. No magic, only a pest that bothered and messed with his plans.
You didn’t see eye to eye, and honestly, in some way, you liked that you had people who didn’t care for you and vice versa. In your mind, it made you all the more humbled instead of an egotistical person, grounding you to reality. He made no effort to understand you personally and had no motive unless you had something, but today Ashengrotto made an exception. People merely suffering are the types he can easily manipulate to his will. He had no problem using his sharp tongue to bind you to his contracts. If he could say so himself, you did look like you needed some of his merciful benevolence.
The silver-haired man ignored the odd feeling that seemingly weighed on his heart. He deduces it to be a strange bundle of nerves alongside wanting to scout out what ailed you. He’d no doubt face cold-shoulder scolding on your part, but it was worth a shot to show and act the part of utter kindness. His legs carried him to the front of the wooden bench you sat on, his blue eyes glinted with faux compassion, his icy cold logic turning the wheels in his head, running through possible ways to reel in another poor soul.
Azul opened his mouth and spoke with his usual politeness, yet still, it had hints of backhandedness. His lips curl into his well-crafted smile. “Dear me, what seems to plague you? It's not normal seeing someone like you so mournful. What seems to be the problem, and if you need, I'd love to be a shoulder to lean on.”
A steady, deep breath through your nose as you don't spare him even a glance, only moving your unreadable gaze to the large pearl white clouds that crowded the blue sky. You ignore him, too, absorbed into your thoughts, and quite frankly, you didn’t want to deal with him right now. Azul felt a little vein pop up on his forehead. You blatantly ignored the questioning second year, but he didn’t let it show as he gently prodded the student. He knew it wouldn’t be easy to get one of the more wary students to reveal any of their secrets. The second year gently pressed onward but in a little sterner tone.
“May I sit beside you? Is there something on your mind that I can help you with? I'm delighted to help, you need only ask.” The logical man asked his rhetorical question as he scanned your face, trying to gauge any reaction to your forlorn visage. He was greeted with nothing, not a disgusting side-eyed glance toward him or a subtle note of compliance.
It unnerved him, with how hollow you acted towards him, not even a glance or a sign of acknowledgment. Perhaps you finally had enough of him and his antics to ignore him? He meant so little to you now that you work as if he's nothing to you? Why did that sting him so much? Ah. It must be his pride. Yes. It's definitely his pride that hurts. It can’t be anything else.
An irritated sigh leaves his lips, his exasperation covering Azul’s wary, pipped curiosity. You gently pat the lone bench for him to sit down, scooting further away. You still had that odd look on your face, and the Octopus merman sat down, albeit slowly. You felt Azul’s quizzical gaze, and another heavy sigh rolls from your lips. Why were you about to talk to him? Why did you even tell him to sit down? Was it because you felt that much at a loss to reveal a sliver of what Azul thrived on? It didn’t matter, actually, about what he’d do because this piece of cryptic information wouldn’t be deemed beneficial anymore after you take your leave of Twisted Wonderland.
It shocked you down to your very core when Crowley came bounding to you saying that he, after many trials and errors, finally! Finally, found a way to send you back home. How strange, that word lifted your anxiety and sorrow, yet, why did it fill you with a storm welling inside you? You asked the Dean to give you a few weeks, despite how you desired to return home; ironically, you loved this place too, its people, its lore, and you got used to calling Twisted Wonderland your temporary home. You never thought the enigmatic headmaster would find a spell or portal to transport you back. It tore at your heart, but you can’t help but bitterly laugh at your predicament, straight out of some piece of fiction.
You already knew your answer, but you wanted to savor this world for a few more weeks before you bid farewell to only your closest confidants. It would hurt them, yes, but they didn't realize how it hurt seeing your friends have a family, friends, a world they knew to live in; you allowed yourself to enact your first and final selfish wish.
You wanted to go home; you had people waiting for you; you had family and friends you wanted to grow up with and your way of life. But with a beautiful twist, as your stay got prolonged, you made friends, made memories, and had a lot of bumps in the road, but you treasured this place too. That’s why you’d write personalized letters to your friends and ask them to send you off.
Out of the shroud of your chaotic thoughts, you turn your body to the end of the bench’s handrail. You prop your arm on the cold metal to look at Azul last time. He was undoubtedly busy in the coming weeks, and to be quite honest. You weren’t sure how you felt about him. It was complicated. Perhaps it’s an odd mix of admiration for how he is now and hate for his glaring flaws. But looking at the well-dressed man now, a faint smile paints your lips.
“Say Azul? How do you deal with the aftermath of a storm at Sea?”
Your question and nonchalant yet melancholic posture threw him for a loop. His eyes widen, and his mouth is slightly agape. He shakes his surprise, gathering his thoughts as he presses his glasses further up his nose. Azul hastily answers the somewhat out-of-the-blue question. It felt like a red flag, as funny as it is. Were you planning something, or were you genuinely curious about life at sea? Perhaps you got spurred on by the large rain clouds that gathered in the distance? So many questions but so few answers popped into his mind.
“E-excuse me,” Azul utters out as he forms his words. He continues as you look on with interest. “Well, it depends on where the merpeople you’re asking live. Deep sea merfolk like myself don’t feel such a difference like the rain or thunder like surface dwellers. There are times when the currents are too strong, meaning food becomes scarce in certain parts. But others that reside closer to the surface may build shelters or swim to the depths. It all rather depends.”
A smooth knowledgable delivery as he glances towards your face again. What a fitting way for him to answer, you thought to yourself. Azul takes in that look is still plastered on your face as you thoughtfully nod at his answer. It still was unnerving, but perhaps that odd question was a gateway. He ignored the feeling bubbling in his chest the longer he felt he should ask more questions. Why did he care all of a sudden about your well-being? No matter, by some urge that before he could stop, he told you a story.
“There was a horrible storm where I was from when I was little; some of the people that lived further up north had to skip school for fear of the winds above carrying the frost and more dangerous waves. Many people had to stay in their homes for days, only rarely going out for food. The aftermath of that storm made people wary of the sea’s currents. On rare occasions, some got trapped in the depths and never escaped. I didn't go to school for a while after that storm, but that didn't mean I stopped my studies.”
While Azul was vague, it still dumbfounded him that he'd be this open to someone he hated, but perhaps that's what was needed to break through and wrap you around his finger. The clouds above you hung over the school, blanketing the atmosphere in dim light as some students could be heard in the distance.
“I'm sorry. I didn't know it was a,” You pause, gathering your thoughts as you find the words, “different world down there. Where I'm from, we did the same, for the school part, I mean. But flooding wasn't uncommon either. Depending on how bad the storm was, we’d have school canceled to help our families or something else. But thank you, Azul, for answering my questions, and I'm sorry for the rambles. I'll be going now.”
Rising from the bench, you gave him a bittersweet smile and left him still wondering if there was something it made you feel better; that look on your face was haunting in a sense.
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It's been about two weeks since you and he had that peculiar interaction, and he couldn’t get it out of his head. Everything felt strange like you were giving him a sign of something upcoming.
“Did you hear? Kelpy left.” Floyd sadly stated at lunch as he placed his tray on the table.
You left Twisted Wonderland. So that’s why your friends had less spark in them. They were heartbroken. But why did his heart ache even more knowing he didn't even say goodbye?
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nexility-sims · 2 years
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𝐍𝐎. 𝟏𝟑 (𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓.): 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐥   /   THE BRASS LAMP, NAKAWE, 1935
❧  𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠  /  𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬  /  𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭.
Rowena shares gossip about the overheard rumors during dinner. She regrets it as she speaks, seeing Alfonso’s familiar expression of concern take shape with each word. He always intends for the vast expanse of his patience to be a security blanket—warm, wide as the day is long, worn enough to be comfortable. Usually, she appreciates it. Who, in a world of judgement and revulsion, would not wish to be swaddled in gentle acceptance? Other times, Rowena fears she may lose herself in it—if, that is, she never resists the urge burrow herself to the point of suffocation. Alfonso claims that loving her is not enough, and she suspects he misunderstands what truth underlies that statement. “It’s everything,” she retorts each time. Sometimes, she suspects she also misunderstands the truth of her own words.
{Chatter, clinking dinnerware, music.}
[R] I wanted to mention something to you. It’s sensitive.
[R] I want honesty, not kid gloves.
[R] I overheard a couple of representatives discussing my family, out in the open, in a very disparaging manner, and— [A] Rowena...
[R] Let me finish. [A] Fine. Continue.
[R] My father is a big boy. He can handle himself. But, I need to know if there is something I can do about all of this. To help. [A] What does that mean?
[R] I have a responsibility to both of my families, Alfonso. I despise feeling like I have nothing to offer either but shame!
[A] How would meddling in your father’s business help people believe you are not, in fact, meddling in your father’s business? [R] That is unfair.
[A] Is it? We have had this conversation already, many times. Your trainer has had this conversation with you. Mama, even, has tried. It does no good for us to acknowledge chaos that is not happening—to add more fuel to a fire that must burn itself out, in a sense.
[R] And, if it doesn’t? If it rages? If others—say, old men in cheap ill-fitting suits—add fuel all by themselves while we stand idly by?
[R] Shouldn’t we douse it with water? Isn’t that what your mama would do? Suffocate it with something before it chokes her first?
[R] I know what she does. I may not be smart enough to do it myself, but I can follow instructions—and use metaphors.
[R] However, if it’s about trust, then that’s another matter. [A] It has nothing to do with that.
[R] I feel like a child, Alfonso. A baby who must be shielded, always. I feel so ignorant of everything that happens in this family. [A] There it is.
[R] Must I feel bad for feeling, too? [A] No one tells me about these things either, Rowena.
[R] Is that so? You say that, but how can I believe it? [A] {Sighs.} Yes, exactly: what would make you believe me? Your ... paranoia or anxiety about this—about these things—is not reality, dove.
[R] It lives under my skin, though. [A] I know.
[R] Well, that scratched the itch of it for now. {Chuckles.} I just feel like I have to remind you, sometimes, that I can handle things.
[A] Oh? [R] Anything. I can handle anything!
[A] That, I know well. Now our fellow patrons do, too.
[R] {Laughs.} So they do! A bit of misbehaving is alright.
[A] I love you. It is not enough, but it is something. [R] It’s everything. Shall we go have dessert?
[A] Do you recall who they were, those representatives? [R] That? Oh, let me put it aside now. I will, I promise.
[A] No, the gossip bothered you. I want to at least look into it. [R] Ask mama to? A scheme, to put our minds at ease? [A] We should learn to do it ourselves sometime, should we not?
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toast-is-ticklish · 3 years
Sweet Dreams
Ler Hypnos and Lee Zagreus tk fic
Hypnos sees something interesting in Zagreus's dream.
Oops Hades hyperfixation go brrr
Hypnos loved to watch other people's dreams.
Most anyone was capable of creating the most fantastical and creative worlds! As it was his domain, he got to see things most others could not. Magic, illusions, adventures, and impossibilities of all sorts. It was an amazing thing to be a part of! 
But he also knew that dreams could be deeply personal, and had gotten quite skilled at realizing when it was best for him to leave.
This was probably what he should be doing with Prince Zagreus right now.
The prince didnt sleep nearly as much as he needed to, and when he did Hypnos most likely had a hand in it. But Hypnos understood why the boy didnt want to sleep, considering that fact that all his dreams, well, sucked.
Hypnos couldnt remember a single good dream Zagreus had ever had. Most all that he witnessed were amalgamations of the princes father berating him for something or other, and Hypnos was trying desperately to stop himself from meddling.
'Nope! Nope! None of my business at all, I'll not be intervening in the slightest! I'm not even looking! Nope nope nope.'
But the memories were particularly insufferable tonight and Dream-Hades would not shut up calling Zagreus a failure and a disappointment and a burden or whatever else when he was actually possibly the best thing to happen to the House of Hades ever.
So even though he knew he wasnt supposed to Hypnos tried to make the dream a little better.
First off was a change of setting. The Administrative office was just Ew and definitely did not inspire any good feelings.
He thought about what Zagreus might like. He wanted to see his mother right? Persephone...Spring...Flowers and...stuff. He fashioned out a flower field. Added butterflies and fluffy clouds and a sunset! The whole nines!
Yes this would fix everything right up! Hypnos watched as the old oppressive atmosphere faded away and Zagreus's subconscious filled out the rest of the context for him.
Hmm..looks like he was having a picnic! And Zagreus looked happy! So Hypnos's job was done! Yay!
But it looked like someone else was appearing... wait was that him? Zagreus was dreaming about him? Once again he knew he shouldnt stay.. but his curiosity was thoroughly piqued. Hmmmm... well just staying for a little couldnt hurt right? Yeah, just a few more minutes!
"I've got to say, this is not how I expected the sun to look like. Its...quite beautiful."
Dream-Hypnos was dual wielding mini sandwiches.
"Mhm! It's pretty cool right?"
Zagreus laid back on the quilt they were situated on. A smile grew on his face.
"Yeah. It really is."
This genuine look of pure content was making Real-Hypnos's stomach fill with a feeling he didnt want to name. All he knew is that he really wanted to see Zagreus smile like that again.
The dream version of himself flounced down next to Zagreus. A moment of comfortable silence passed between the two of them. They soon started chatting about nostalgic memories. Real-Hypnos found his face heating up at the domesticity of the scene.
Something had changed while Hypnos was distracted and now there was a playful glint in alternate hims eyes. And-oh okay I guess Zagreus is getting tackled now?!
Hypnos jumped and almost left the dream immediately, scared that the two in the dream were about to do something... intimate
But he found himself even more confused when Zagreus started laughing? He watched himself talk.
"Oh, I almost forgot about your long fought battle with the tickle monster! Have you not gotten any less ticklish since when we were kids? Haha!"
Ohhhhhhh. That made more sense. Actually wait no nevermind no it didnt?? Why was Hypnos tickling Zag as a part of his ideal dream? Did Zag want Hypnos to tickle him?
"HAHahahahaAh! Nahahaha! Nohoho Hypnohohos StAAhaAap! Eek!"
"Hey! Dont act like you dont like this! You know it's bad to lie~ What if I made you admit it?"
The princes face flushed bright pink and he immediately covered it with his hands.
"Mmmhmhm! Pleheheahahes dohohont teheahahes mehehe I-I cahahnt!!" He giggled out through muffled hands.
Hypnos's stomach had apparently decided it wanted to be an acrobatic now, based on how it reacted to Zagreus.
Is this something he wanted Hypnos to do to him? Tease him? Thinking about that made Hypnos feel more emotions he didnt want to address.
He knew he definitely should have left by now. But seeing Zagreus happy and giggling like this, it was, it was, it was um, definitely something! He felt a little guilty for sticking around, but told himself he needed to make sure it didnt shift back into a nightmare even though he knew that definitely wasnt happening at this point.
Hypnos watched contentedly as the dream version of him started drilling into Zags hips, inducing loud, full, belly laughs from his friend. A strange feeling was blooming inside of him, seeing Zagreus so happy like this. He wanted more. He thought he wouldn't mind staying like this forever.
"HYPNOS!" a deep voice bellowed angrily.
Okay that definitely wasnt Zagreus.
Hypnos's eyes shot open, and he glanced at his hourglass next to his bed.
Shit shit shit shit shit shit hes late
Hypnos literally rolled out of bed and sprinted down the hall.
He was met face to face with a very angry god of death.
"W-well hello master! I hope you are having an absolutely swell morning, I-"
"You are two hours late."
"Yes, well, it's actually funny you mention that, you see, it seems that some foul fiend had taken it upon themselves to steal my trusty hourglass! However am I supposed to tell the time now? I positively overslept but you know once I find that awful, terrible, villain I will-"
Hades let put the most exasperated sigh Hypnos has ever heard.
"Just get to your post. I will situate your punishment at a later time."
Well that didnt go as bad as it could've.
As Hypnos settled into his usual spot, he thought back to Zagreus's dream. He couldnt stop thinking about his laughter, and the expression on his face, and, well, everything in that whole interaction.
He had...ideas.
But there was no way he could push boundaries like that!
He tried not to think about how it would feel to have a giggling Zagreus underneath his fingers. To not just be a bystander but to know he was the cause of the princes sweet laughter and flushed face.
And utterly failed.
Okay maybe he could push some boundaries.
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engie-ivy · 3 years
Minerva isn't sure she can protect Remus Lupin any longer now a student has been injured the night of the full moon. Especially when Walburga Black is demanding repercussions for her son, after what was clearly a Werewolf attack. Sirius Black, however, tells a very different story.
Lupine Lawlessness
“This is outrageous!” Walburga Black immediately rounds on Minerva the moment the woman strides into the Hospital Wing, her voluminous robes billowing behind her.
Minerva notices Mrs Black barely spares her injured son in the bed a glance. She also notices how the boy slightly shrinks in on himself as he hears her voice. Then, Mrs Black is standing in front of her, and all her attention is directed at being on the receiving end of Walburga Black’s fury.
“I knew you and that old fool would be the ruin of this school. It’s one thing that the place is infested with Halfbloods and Mudbloods, but harbouring a Dark Creature?”
“Mrs Black,” Minerva says politely. “I understand this must be very distressing for you as a mother, and I’m very sorry indeed, but we are yet to establish what happened.”
“Do you take me for a fool?” Mrs Black spits. “That type of claw marks, on which Healing Magic has no effect, while yesterday was a full moon? It’s very clear what has attacked him, and that thing had no business being on school grounds.”
Minerva herself has put two and two together as well. It was easier for her, as she’s aware there’s a student infected with Lycanthropy attending Hogwarts. A student who also happens to have been a close friend of Sirius Black.
Oh, she had really thought they were going to pull it off. They had come so far. She had been sceptical at first. A Lycanthrope attending seven years of Hogwarts without any incidents, without anyone finding out? It appeared unlikely, but she had agreed to try. And then she met Remus Lupin, and she had been very glad she did so. The boy was sweet, modest, hardworking and clever, and he deserved to have a proper education, but also to be around peers, make friends, and have fun. Now, when she had really started to believe it was going to be alright, the worst had happened. A student had been attacked.
It’s not difficult to reason out what must’ve happened. Sirius Black must’ve seen his friend disappear into the tunnel below the Whomping Willow, and had decided to go after him, only to end up face-to-face with a full-grown werewolf.
Minerva’s first reaction had been relief. Relief that Sirius Black was going to be okay. Some nasty injuries that would leave some nasty scars, but no permanent damage, which is quite a miracle. It could’ve been much, much worse.
But relief had quickly been replaced with worry. While the headmaster and herself can get in serious trouble for allowing a Lycanthrope in the vicinity of children, her worry was mostly for Remus Lupin. The world is unfairly cruel to Lycanthropes. Graduated from Hogwarts, with his formidable grades and excellent recommendations from his teachers, the boy would’ve at least had a chance, but being expelled from Hogwarts... His only option might be The Werewolf Camps in the mountains, where Lycanthropes go if they have nowhere else to go, which, regrettably, is often. Stories about those camps make your stomach churn, and it’s not a place for a boy like Remus Lupin to be.
Sirius Black must surely know it was Remus Lupin who did this, and he has every right to be angry. School is supposed to be a safe place, not a place where an unsuspecting student can suddenly be mauled by a Werewolf. Minerva doesn’t know if, or how, she can protect Remus Lupin from the consequences.
“The House of Black is a highly esteemed family,” Mrs Black goes on. “A Black being attacked by such an inferior creature without any repercussions would be an insult to our family name. It’s already a great show of disrespect that you even allowed this to happen, and we do not tolerate disrespect.”
“I truly regret the situation,” Minerva says, hoping to sooth the other woman. “At Hogwarts, any student should be safe from any kind of danger-”
“But this was not just any student or any kind of danger,” Mrs Black interrupts. “This was the Noble Blood of Black being spilled by a filthy monster that should be removed from society!”
“Really, Mrs Black, we are yet to determine-”
Once again, Minerva is interrupted, this time by the arrival of a man.
“Lady Black, my apologies for my tardiness, but I came as you requested,” he says, ignoring Minerva in favour of focusing all his attention on Mrs Black. The man is short, with sharp eyes and a pointy face, and he looks at Mrs Black with reverence.
Mrs Black scoffs. “Quit wasting time then and get to work.”
The man starts opening his briefcase, taking out a quill and parchment.
“What is the meaning of this?” Minerva demands. “Who are you? What business do you have here?”
“Mr Hesner is from the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures,” Mrs Black replies. “And he’s here at my request to make a report of the situation.”
The colour drains from Minerva’s face. Being expelled is bad, but nothing compared to an official Ministry report. If a Lycanthrope is reported to have somehow been involved in an attack on a witch or wizard, the Lycanthrope will get the annotation ‘Feral’ in the Registry. All hopes of ever finding a job or a place to live will be lost. The Lycanthrope will have to report at the Ministry at frequent and irregular times, and any failure to report will lead to the Lycanthrope immediately being locked away. The Lycanthrope will be out on the streets without any money or prospects, and even the smallest transgression will lead to being locked up. Almost every Lycanthrope with the ‘Feral’ annotation will be either locked up, or forced to flee to the mountains within a year. Remus Lupin certainly does not deserve such a fate.
“Is... is that really necessary?” Minerva asks.
“Very necessary indeed,” Mr Hesner replies. “If you had any sense of morality, you would’ve contacted us yourself, Ms McGonagall. Luckily, we could count on Mrs Black to do the right thing,” he says, with a grovelling smile in her direction.
“Can you imagine if that beast would’ve bitten him?” Mrs Black shudders. “What a stain on the family tree that would’ve been, to have a Lycanthrope in the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black!”
To make sure no one will make the mistake of confusing her fear for shame on the Black family name with fear for her son’s well-being, she doesn’t mention that her son might not have survived the bite, or that he would’ve had to live with an extremely painful, chronic condition for the rest of his life. She probably would’ve burnt the boy off the family tree herself, and sent him to go live in the mountains.
“That would’ve been such a waste,” Mr Hesner agrees, before turning to Sirius Black. “Well, young Mr Black, I need an official statement containing your description of the events.”
Sirius Black looks thoughtful for a moment. “I was... attacked. By some kind of creature.”
“Describe the attack please,” Mr Hesner instructs without looking up from his parchment, quill at the ready.
“Oh, the creature was... round.” Mr Hesner’s eyes snap up, but Sirius Black continues. “Like pumpkin-shaped. But huge. Like a huge pumpkin. Only covered in bright yellow feathers. With bulging eyes in between. And two glittering horns on top of its head.”
“You’re treating this like some kind of a joke!” Mr Hesner says accusingly, pointing his quill in Sirius Black’s direction.
“Why, sir,” Sirius Black says, pretending to be shocked. “I protest. I would never!”
“If you can’t be serious...” Mr Hesner says, gritting his teeth.
Sirius Black blinks innocently at him. “Ask anyone, Mr Hesner, and I’m sure they’ll all tell you that I’m always Sirius.”
“I’ve dealt with Magical Creatures for longer than you have lived, boy,” Mr Hesner spits. “And I know such a creature as you described does not exist.”
Sirius Black shrugs. “Who knows what creatures the Forbidden Forest hides?”
“Did the attack meddle with his brain?” Mrs Black demands.
Minerva shakes her head. “Madam Pomfrey has assured me that his mental state is unaltered.”
“So I have to believe he was attacked by a horned ball of yellow feathers?” Mrs Black snarls.
“Who knows what creatures the Forbidden Forrest hides?” Minerva repeats Sirius Black’s exact words. Sirius Black gives her a pleased smile, which she gladly returns.
Mrs Black, on the other hand, gives her a nasty glare, and then switches her attention to Mr Hesner, who shrinks in on himself. “His chest is covered in Werewolf marks the day after a full moon. It’s obvious what happened even without his statement.”
Mr Hesner gulps. “I... I’m sorry, lady Black. I’m not allowed to report an attack without an official statement from the victim. I mean, only if the victim had died I could’ve...” He trails off.
Mrs Black now directs her glare at her son, like she regrets the last isn’t the case. “I’ll make you pay for this.”
Sirius Black becomes even more pale, but he continues to defiantly meet his mother’s gaze.
“I do not tolerate anyone threatening my students,” Minerva speaks.
Mrs Black turns her head to her. “He’s my son. I can do whatever I want when it concerns him.”
Minerva takes a step forward. Her eyes are like stone and her voice is like ice. “Not in my school.”
To her great satisfaction, Mrs Black takes a step back and swallow. She quickly recovers though, and pulls her cloak tighter around herself. She gives Sirius Black a quick glance and hisses “I’ll see you this summer,” before walking out of the room in quick strides, Mr Hesner having to dribble to keep up, her robes billowing behind her in that way only purebloods ever seem to manage.
“Are you quite done?”
Minerva turns around to see Poppy standing behind her, her arms crossed over her chest. “Really, you don’t have to be a professional to know that a recovering patient needs rest, not all this uproar and noise. That goes for you too, Minerva. You might run this school after Albus, but I run the Hospital Wing. Now leave. My patient needs to sleep.”
A few days later, Minerva makes her way over to the Hospital Wing. Sirius Black has had some days to recover, and luckily, his recovery is going well. She hopes he has also been able to process everything that happened.
A difficult conversation still needs to be had.
She’s immensely glad Sirius Black hadn’t wanted to report Remus Lupin at the Ministry, but still, he could’ve been killed, and she can’t imagine he’ll be okay with there being no repercussions at all. She thinks she might be able to talk him out of demanding Remus Lupin to be expelled, and in the best case scenario, she can convince him to keep it quiet.
It’s not that she thinks Sirius Black is in any way cruel or anything like his family, not at all. She has a very high opinion of the boy. It’s just that Lycanthropy prejudice is very strong throughout the Wizarding World. Even the best person has some negative thoughts regarding Werewolves. The sentiment is especially strong among the pureblood community, and Sirius was raised with their norms and values. Regardless, she can’t imagine anyone would be okay with finding out a person they thought they knew is a Lycanthrope. Remus Lupin will definitely have to move out of the boys’ dormitory, maybe even to a private room. No one would be willing to keep sharing a dorm with someone that tried to kill them. Maybe she can-
Minerva stops in her tracks as she reaches the Hospital Wing, all thoughts of appeasing Sirius Black disappearing from her head.
Sirius Black isn’t alone. Remus Lupin is with him. Like actually with him on the bed. Remus Lupin is curled up at Sirius Black’s side, his hands gripping Sirius Black’s robes and his head resting on Sirius Black’s chest. Sirius Black has one arm firmly wrapped around Remus Lupin, and with his other hand he’s gently threading his fingers through Remus Lupin’s hair. The boys haven’t noticed her presence.
“I am so, so, so sorry,” Remus says, and probably not for the first time.
Sirius rolls his eyes. “It wasn’t your fault.”
“I did it.”
“You can’t control it.”
“I could’ve stayed away from you,” Remus argues. “I can control that. A filthy monster that should be removed from society.”
Sirius huffs. “That’s just a bunch of pureblood bollocks only stuck-up twats with half a brain still living in the Middle Ages actually believe.”
“Your mother thinks so.”
“I rest my case.”
Remus chuckles and presses his face closer to Sirius’ chest. “I can barely believe you’re real. I don’t deserve you.”
“Moony,” Sirius says with a sigh. “I told you, The Wolf wasn’t even trying to hurt The Dog. You weren’t feral! The Wolf wanted to play, and didn’t know his own strength, and kind of forgot dogs aren’t as strong as Werewolves. Even transformed, you never meant to hurt me.”
The Dog? An absurd thought enters Minerva’s mind, a thought that surely sheds a different light on what may have happened. Absurd for sure, but also... plausible? And if anyone can do it...
No. Minerva firmly pushes the thought away. It might be true, or it might not be. Either way, she doesn’t need to know. After all, what you don’t know, you can’t report to The Ministry.
“And even if The Wolf fancied himself some Padfoot for breakfast,” Sirius continues. “I still wouldn’t have blamed you. It’s not you.”
“You’re going to have a scars for the rest of your life,” Remus murmurs against Sirius’ chest.
Sirius gently tilts his head up. “Then it’s a good thing I think scars are sexy,” he says with a wink, making Minerva wonder whether it might be more than just close friendship she’s looking at.
A faint blush spreads across Remus’ cheeks, and he slightly shakes his head. “You can’t accept my apologies that easily.”
“Oh no, Moony. Don’t get ahead of yourself,” Sirius says, tapping his finger fondly against Remus’ nose, which again makes Minerva question their level of intimacy. “I have, in fact, not accepted your apologies, as I refuse to accept an apology for something someone could’ve done nothing about.”
Remus scrunches up his nose. “You’re stubborn as a mule.”
Sirius chuckles. “I could teach mules in stubbornness. But if you insist on making it up to me, I suppose you can help me win the bet.”
“The bet?”
“I’ve made a bet with Prongs that I can make at least half of the Gryffindors believe I was attacked by a pumpkin-shaped yellow feather ball, while Prongs says I won’t even make ten.”
Remus shakes his head. “You’re an idiot,” he says, though it sounds fond.
Sirius grins. “But you love me.”
Remus leans forward and presses a kiss against Sirius’ lips, making Minerva blink, but confirming her doubt. There must be something more between those boys for sure.
Remus pulls back, but gently rests his forehead against Sirius’. “Merlin, I do love you, Sirius Black.”
“I love you too, Remus Lupin.”
Minerva smiles to herself. There’s no need to worry after all. If one thing is stronger than prejudice, it’s love.
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youarejesting · 4 years
Sly like a... ? - Part 1
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[Master list] [Sly Master List] Beta: n/a (at the moment) Rating: All  Pairing: Hybrid!BTS x FailedHybrid!Reader Genre: Hybrid au, fluff, action, adventure, angst, drama, slice of life. Some marked chapters will contain mature/smut scenes, BUT they will not have plot in those scenes and are 100% skippable without losing your place in the story. Words: 1.6k
Summary: Human’s strive to be better, faster and stronger looking to animal DNA. Thus Hybrids are born. As the rise for designer and Pedigree Hybrids increase, so do the failed attempts. There is one species scientists are unsuccessful in creating, but, folklore says they have been here all along, hiding and blending in with the humans for many millennia. How clever they are.
[First] [Next]
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Humans always strived to be better, faster, and stronger. So it was only natural for them to turn to genetic manipulation. Splicing the human DNA with that of animals. Bringing about a new half-human, half-animal race called Hybrids. They were like most things humans deemed different, scary, and an abomination. They were not allowed to be independent in fear of rebellion against the elite pure humans. These Hybrids were soon seen as lesser compared to the pure humans and were quick to be sold as servants to the rich and shady, and pets to the common families. The only problem was when the families no longer wanted their designer pedigree hybrid they were either abandoned, sold, or worse.
Hybrids didn’t have a voice. They were not allowed to live on their own unless they were fully educated with a bachelor’s degree. Due to these standards, many were sent back to the adoption agencies to be rehomed again and again until they reached a certain age. Then they were put down to make room for more returned hybrids.
You were working with the government on a program that could fix the hybrid rehoming issue. Having presented your idea to the board they seemed interested and were willing to grant you a small fund if you could give them the results they needed. They gave you a handful of Hybrids, one being Jimin the poster boy for the government. He was genetically modified to create a male calico with the classic calico print which was only found on females.
They succeeded and though Jimin was a male his features were more on the feminine side making him seem too androgynous but not what the market wanted. He was left to be used as a model on new billboards and television advertisements for government services and legislations regarding Hybrids.
Another participant was your neighbor’s hybrid, Taehyung. He was a golden retriever and was volunteered by his owner, an older gentleman who recently lost his wife. He was worried for the young hybrid that one day when he shall pass he will be alone and scared. You were quick to guarantee him a place in the program to help him become more self-sufficient in case anything should happen.
You were currently packing your things, not that there was much, living in such a tiny apartment. However, you were preparing for a call within the week regarding moving into a larger government-funded home where you could comfortably house the number of new participants of your trial program. The place was fully furnished with everything a large family of hybrids would need, all you had to bring was your clothes. Everything else was paid for to create the perfect environment for the hybrids. Rent, utilities, food, and anything the hybrids needed were all reimbursed by the government.
Since it would be a few days before you would hear anything, you thought it was best to start thinking of activities for the hybrids to get to know one another. Whilst also basking in your last moments of freedom before devoting yourself to the program. 
On that note, you had finally finished packing and decided to spend your hybrid-free moments treating yourself to some food. Pulled from your thoughts of a delicious omelet by a loud ping from your jean pocket. A reminder on your phone in bold letters.
Today marked the first day of your heat, this explained the nagging twinge in your back you had been ignoring, you thought it was from hunching over to pack. Searching your top draw you saw the empty blister packet of heat suppressants, great another thing to add to your ever-growing to-do list. The pharmacy was a little further than the restaurant you wished to visit but not too far out of the way. So you set off hoping to get back in time before it gets too dark, your eyes did funny things at night.
See you weren’t exactly human yourself, you were an experiment. The world was creating new hybrids and well, you were genetically modified within the same year as Jimin. Supposed to be the new designer breed the ‘Fox-Hybrid’. The problem was it didn’t work, you were born entirely human. Sure you were a bit more agile, and your ability to hear and smell things was better than normal. You were still essentially human.
Once a month since you were thirteen, you would get a strange feeling in your lower abdomen. When you discussed it with the scientists for your check-up, they had explained it was a heat. Whilst foxes usually had a heat once a year lasting three days, yours would happen once a month lasting three days but a lot milder. 
Since that day you have taken a low dose heat suppressant to nullify any pheromones. You were grateful because it wasn’t as painful or as long as a human period, but it wasn’t as debilitating or humiliating as a real heat.
You had grown up seeing Jimin on occasion and were familiar with how debilitating hybrid heats and ruts were. Even so, the two of you became friends, both failed attempts at modification.
Though you never understood why they said fox hybrids didn’t exist, you had seen them. Sometimes in grocery stores, restaurants, or nightclubs. They would be there, they would wink at you or wave, give you a smirk with a twitch of their ears or a swish of their tail. Were they mocking you for being a defect?
The only good thing accompanying your long journey was the music humming softly in your headphones. Used to drown out the loud sounds of the city, as your ears were sensitive. It also helped you ignore the side-eyes from Hybrids who would not so subtly sniff the air as you passed. 
You caught a flash of orange and looked across the street. A simple fruit shop that had a colorful awning flapping in the gentle breeze.
Moving around the store was a shopkeeper in a green apron, shirt, with his bronze hair sticking out underneath a matching cap. He was putting down a tray of banana’s and as he stood, a pair of ears and a bottle brush-like tail were visible, he turned as if sensing your presence and locked eyes with you, tipping his cap. He dusted his hands on his apron, leaving you shocked. A Fox hybrid in public! No one else seemed amazed or even spared him a glance. How could no one see this?
It was like a scene from a movie, as a truck drove past leaving the man looking completely innocent and human talking to a few ladies. He was quite good-looking and charming, but there was no sign of a tail. The women were quick to fall for him, purchasing an oddly large selection of fruits and vegetables. You turned back to the path ahead of you shaking your head in disbelief, before continuing on your way to the pharmacy.
The pharmacy catered for humans and hybrids alike and was never too busy. Which made it your favorite store to collect your script from, as there was little to no waiting time. Handing over the script, you strolled around the store wondering what you would need for these Hybrids. Toothbrushes? Combs? If they had a lot of body hair would they need the silky coat shampoo formula or the soft fur body wash? Placing the hybrid shampoo and body wash back on the shelf you shook your head honestly this was overwhelming. 
Rubbing your aching stomach, you were too uncomfortable to really get into hybrid care right now. You wouldn’t have to worry about any other heats apart from your own as it was decided with the board they would all be male hybrid participants. This stemmed from Taehyung being already a willing participant from the start, they thought it best not to mix male and female hybrids.
You would however have to deal with their ruts, albeit once or twice a year. You chewed your lip in thought pausing in the makeup section of the store. You caught your reflection in the small mirror and preened thoughtfully, your eyes were expressive and angular, your hair due to the modification was a brilliant copper.
You were quite beautiful, eerily so, like the man at the fruit shop. Your features were so similar. Even though you were a defect and he was the real deal. “Ma’am your order is ready.”
Turning surprised you grew hot in embarrassment, stammering to make an excuse, “Sorry, I was just thinking about a really strange fox hybrid at the fruit shop.”
Many occupants in the store turned confused and you heard an old man say, “Fox hybrids don’t exist, they are sinister creatures and not to be meddled with”
“She must be a conspiracy theorist,” one woman whispered to her hybrid snake who was donating venom for anti-venom.
Paying for the medication you left quickly and took one of the small pills as you stepped out of the store. Why didn’t anyone else see them?
You headed back towards your home, not forgetting the reason for your trip. You were excited about an omelet at your favorite restaurant when two apples came rolling across the pavement. 
They rolled towards you, quickly picking them up you carried them inside the store, “excuse me, sir you dropped some of your apples,” You saw his shadow in the darkened store, two pointed ears, and the flick of a tail.
“Are you a fox hybrid?” You asked curiously and he laughed. It was strange like snickering but at a pitch that was not fit for a grown man, like a child’s giggle sharper with a few squeals, or like a bird chittering. You know the sound. He was Gekkering like a fox.
“Thank you,” he took the apples gesturing you over to the side, “let me get you some blueberries, they are my favorite.” 
“Oh thank you, sir, how much do I owe you?”
He shook his head, thrusting a black plastic bag into your hands, “It’s okay, we have to look out for one another.” 
What a strange man…
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